
Date Application
(For MaineDOT Use
Maine Department of Transportation
Existing FY08-09 Funding
Traffic Calming Project Application
• No local match is required; however, a project using other leveraged funds may
enhance the application’s importance during the selection process.
• Activities eligible for these traffic calming funds must be physical improvements that
focus on US Route 1 or federally eligible roads affected by US Route 1. Studies or other
planning projects are not eligible for these funds.
• Safety tools such as access management or lighting may be included as part of a
broader traffic calming application but cannot be submitted as a stand alone
• Application deadline is September 1, 2008.
• If you need assistance completing this application, please contact Darryl Belz at
MaineDOT at 624-3300.
Section 1: General Information
Applicant Name(s):Town of Waldoboro
Contact Person: William S. Post, Town Manager
Mailing Address: P.O. Box J
City: Waldoboro
Daytime Phone No.: 832-5369
State: Maine
Zip: 04572
NOTE: The following sections of this application request specific project related information. If warranted, pictures, maps,
exhibits, diagrams, survey summaries, etc., should be included with the application. Consultations with MaineDOT
Regional Office personnel may be necessary prior to completing this application. Please be concise. If additional space is
required, please attach supplemental sheets.
Section 2: Project Brief
Location of Project: Provide town/city, street name(s) and additional project location references. Attach maps showing
location of the proposed improvements. Indicate area affected or linked to the proposed improvement(s) especially noting
valued community resources, including neighborhoods, schools within two (2) miles, businesses, and village areas.
Town of Waldoboro: Intersection of Route 1 with Jefferson Street and Depot Street. See attached tax map (U-9) for
location and related areas of interest that are affected.
Project Summary: Provide a brief outline of the proposed project: The proposed plan would narrow the existing lanes
through the intersection, provide a crosswalk, median refuge area, and flashing warning lights for pedestrians, add left
turn lanes for Route 1 traffic, and potentially add stamped pavement shoulders to highlight this critical intersection. This
combination of measures should help to control speed and improved safety for drivers and pedestrians.
As another potential measure to aid in access, the timing and coordination of the traffic signals at Route 32 and at Route
220 would be addressed.
Section 3: Project Details
Section 3.1 - Detailed Description of Infrastructure Project and Cost (if applicable)
Provide a detailed description of project work items and/or construction costs: (Project description may be included
as an attachment. Note that all infrastructure improvements must comply with the requirements of the Americans with
Disabilities Act (ADA).)
See Attachment A.
Provide a description of ongoing year round maintenance issues that may result from the proposed project: (The
project must not unduly impede winter maintenance such as snow plowing.)
Is the town in which the proposed traffic calming measure is to be located willing to provide ongoing
maintenance? (If so, describe what year round maintenance activities will be necessary and how your town will pay for
ongoing maintenance costs.)
Will funds requested under this program leverage other funding or projects? (Does this project use funds from
other sources or can it be scheduled concurrently with another project in the area to enhance the scope and feasibility of
this project.)
Section 3.2 - Project Description and Demonstrated Needs
Project Description:
Describe the proposed project and scope: (Attach diagrams, maps and/or correspondence that will help provide a
clear description of the proposed scope.)
This project will provide Left Turn Lanes for the intersection of U.S. Route 1 (Corridor) and the crossing arterials of
Jefferson and Depot Streets (Arterials). In addition, the project will add a visual narrowing feature by using textured
pavement. Finally, this project will synchronize the traffic signals at Route 32 and Route 220 to create traffic gaps to
facilitate turning onto Depot or Jefferson Streets. See Attachment B. for a diagram of the proposed project, and
Attachment C. for a photographic overlay of the project on the existing intersection.
The cost of the project is estimated at $220,000 including preliminary and construction engineering and $9,000 in
contingency (5% of actual construction cost of $168,000). If desired by MDOT after review by engineers, additional
stamped shoulders could be added to the project at an estimated additional cost of $240,000.
Describe why this project is important to your community/region and worthy of funding:
The project intersection links our community East – West. The area to the West of the Corridor is a growing residential
neighborhood that depends on Depot Street for access to the Corridor and the business district to the East. This
intersection is a high crash location with frequent rear-end collisions due to turning traffic in the travel lane.
In addition, traffic in this intersection routinely uses the “breakdown” lane for travel to avoid turning traffic. This presents a
hazard to vehicles on the arterials, and creates an uncontrolled traffic pattern affecting the businesses that adjoin the
Finally, the future development on the West side of the corridor will be enhanced by this project. A new medical facility is
planned on Depot Street, which will increase traffic in this intersection. Without this project, the potential for more
accidents is very real. In addition, the West side of the corridor is ideally suited for roads that parallel the Corridor and the
topography is well suited for neighborhood commercial development supported by the growing number of residents on the
West side of the Corridor. However, without an efficient and safe access point at Depot Street, these plans will be very
difficult to implement.
Describe the Transportation Values: (Each project should serve primarily transportation purposes rather than a project
whose emphasis is placed on improving aesthetics or enhancing nearby municipal, historical, recreational, or other
facilities. A project serves valid transportation purposes if it improves a connection between origins and destinations,
increases safety, or enhances the use of the transportation system and the transportation environment.)
This project will support MDOT’s goals of safety and smooth traffic flow at the three major intersections in Waldoboro.
First, by giving turning vehicles at the Jefferson-Depot Street intersection a refuge from the travel lane to await a turning
opportunity, we not only make the intersection safer but also keep through-traffic flowing in the established travel lanes.
Second, the project will improve the overall Corridor traffic flow by using signal synchronization to create traffic gaps to
enable vehicles to turn left at the Jefferson-Depot Street intersection, making this intersection a viable Corridor egress
intersection. This will reduce the pressure of left turn traffic at the Route 32 and Route 220 signaled intersections, again
improving safety and traffic flow during peak travel hours.
Describe the Positive Impacts on Community: (The project should have a measurable positive impact on the
The project will use traffic calming techniques to slow traffic at this intersection. This will enable travelers to use this
intersection for East-West egress/access to the Corridor. This, in turn, will lower the non-residential traffic on nearby
neighborhood streets as drivers seek to access the Corridor at the signaled-intersections of Routes 32 and 220.
Economically, this will enhance the accessibility of the four commercial businesses at the project intersection. In addition,
the potential for easier egress and access to the Corridor should enhance the opportunity for customers to enter the
businesses during peak travel hours.
In the future, this project will enhance the economic development potential of the West side of the Corridor, allowing the
community to plan service roads, and parallel streets to permit access to businesses and neighborhoods.
Describe Regional Impacts: (The project should have a measurable positive impact on the region.)
Synchronizing the signals as part of this project will keep Corridor traffic flowing in travel lanes, which will help move the
high volume of traffic that exists in this, one of Region 3’s busiest Corridor segments.
Demonstrated Needs: (A project should serve important functions, and accomplish stated purposes.)
Is the proposed project located in area that the Gateway 1 Spot Speed Study Summary Report has indicated
speeding is a recurring problem?
If so, what is the posted speed limit and the 85 percentile speeds at your proposed project location(s)?
Is the proposed project located in an area that MaineDOT has determined to be a high crash location (HCL)?
Please provide Annual Average Daily Traffic (AADT) volume for the proposed project area:
As of 2007: AADT of Route 1 is 12,770. AADT of Depot Street to Route 1 is 1,110. AADT of Jefferson Street to Route 1
is 2,370.
Describe How the Project Brings New Opportunities: (Will the project create new opportunities for public benefits such
as accommodating pedestrians and bicyclists and improving access to public facilities and local businesses.)
This project will provide the opportunity for a crosswalk between the East and West sides of our community. This is a
huge benefit not only for the “greening” of our Town for walking and biking, but also for safe access to the businesses
adjoining this intersection. This is important since three of the four businesses offer food services to the neighborhood.
Describe How Your Project Meets State Planning Goals/Economic/Tourism Benefits: (A project should enhance or
enable a livable, compact community that has the potential to improve quality of life, thereby enhancing the economic
vibrancy of a community or region.)
The project will enhance the ability of Southbound Corridor traffic to access the historic downtown section of Waldoboro,
with its water access point, historic buildings and businesses, and dramatic vistas of the Medomak River with waterfalls
and seabirds.
Describe the Potential Safety Improvements:
This project will provide:
• A safe pedestrian crossing for the Corridor
• A refuge for left-turning vehicles to use while awaiting a turning opportunity
• Synchronization of the adjacent signals to create traffic gaps allowing more turning opportunities
• Traffic calming visual features to reduce speeds to enhance the safety of this heavy retail intersection
• The ability for through-traffic to remain in travel lanes reducing the accident risk to traffic and pedestrians on the
Describe previous measures your town has taken to reduce speeding in the project area such as increased law
enforcement or educating the public:
Our Police Department has stationed officers to monitor traffic and enforce speed limits and safe operation. However, the
safety issue is traffic flow and not primarily speeds. Therefore, the proposed project would reduce the speed of the
vehicles traveling through the intersection, but primarily provide travel lanes to enhance the safety of this intersection,
restoring it as a viable egress and access point for the Corridor.
If any portion of the project is located on an arterial highway that is also within a MaineDOT urban compact area,
describe how the proposed project is consistent with MaineDOT’s traffic calming policy (see attached):
Section 4: Community Support
Provide information on the consultation and support for the project by the community: ( Identify organizations that
pledged their support of the project and the roles they plan to play in project implementation. Possible project partners
may include school officials, local traffic engineers, municipal officials, law enforcement agencies, public health agencies
or organizations, local elected officials, and other not for profit community groups. Include as attachments letters of
support addressed to the applicant.)
The public responses during informal discussions with residents that live on Depot and Jefferson Street were very
positive. Most residents are tired of traveling the extra distance to access or egress the corridor at the signaledintersections. Specifically, they said that crossing or turning left was dangerous and they avoid it whenever possible,
planning their trips to ensure they do not have to make left turns at this intersection. Additionally, the Town of
Waldoboro’s Board of Selectmen approve of this application and concept, and the Waldoboro Police Department,
Emergency Medical Services and Fire Department also support this project.
Is the municipality where the project is located
certified to locally administer the project?
Is the municipality willing to become LAP Certified?
X No
X No
Note: Information on Locally Administered Project (LAP) requirements can be found at:
If your project is selected for funding, a municipal/state agreement with the Maine Department of Transportation will be
required for the development, design, and construction of the project in accordance with Federal, State, and Local
Section 5: Sensible Transportation Planning
Please Note: Your community may receive additional bonus points if it has met some of the criteria listed below. To be
eligible for these bonus points, please answer the following questions:
Does your community have an approved Comprehensive Plan that has been found consistent by the State
No If yes, please list the year it was found consistent: October 08, 1997.
Planning Office? X Yes
If applicable, please outline relevant ordinances and policies that have been enacted to support the
Comprehensive Plan by promoting and encouraging compact development patterns in growth areas.
Yes, the Town enacted a Land Use Ordinance in 2006 in line with the Comprehensive Plan.
If your municipality has an identified growth area, has your town made any capital investments such as water or
sewer to support development in that growth area?
Yes. Our new water supply and sewage treatment plants are located on the West side of the Corridor.
If applicable, please describe any regional efforts with surrounding municipalities that your community has
undertaken to promote and encourage compact development patterns in growth areas.
Section 6: Project Details
The applicant should request MaineDOT assistance with this section, if necessary. The estimated costs below were
contributed by Gorrill Palmer Engineering Consultants. See Attachment D for total cost breakdown including $9,000
contingency and possible additional cost of stamped shoulders.
Section 6.1 - Estimated Cost of Infrastructure Project
Design Engineering, Environmental Documentation
- Environmental Evaluation (if applicable):
1. $0
- Preliminary Design Engineering (if applicable):
2. $26,000
Right of Way/Land Acquisition (if applicable):
3. $0
Construction: (Includes Contingency)
4. $177,000
- Construction Engineering (if applicable):
5. $17,000
Total Value of Project (add lines 1 through 5):
6. $220,000
Local Match/Voluntary Contributions (Note: All match/voluntary contributions must be detailed. Bonus consideration may
be given to applications that offer additional match/voluntary contributions.)
- Cash:
7. $0
- In-kind, right of way, or other contributions:
8. $0
- Please describe local match in detail: N/A
Total Local Match/Voluntary Contributions:
9. $0
10. $220,000
Funds Requested from MaineDOT:
Note: The sum of lines 9 and 10 should equal Line 6 above.
Note: Section 3.2 of this form also requires further details on construction costs. The amount shown for “Construction”
(Line 4) on the above estimate should match the total construction costs in Section 3.2, or an explanation must be given
for the discrepancy.
Section 7: Authorized Signatures
An authorized representative of the city/town and applicant/sponsor must sign the application.
Municipal Official: (check one)
X Applicant
Name: William S. Post
Title: Town Manager
Phone#: 832-5369
Applicant/Sponsor (if different)
These signatures indicate the willingness/ability to provide the designated level of matching funds and a willingness to
enter into a municipal/State agreement with the Department requiring the municipality/applicant/sponsor to administer the
development, design, and construction of the project abiding to federal, State, and local requirements. The applicant will
also be responsible for future maintenance of the completed project. Note that design should meet all applicable federal
and State Standards and ADA Guidelines.
Send all application information as follows: Seven complete hardcopy application packages (including all attachments and
all required documents) must be submitted to:
Bureau of Transportation Systems Planning
16 State House Station
Augusta, ME 04333-0016
Gateway 1 Traffic Calming and Safety Improvements
Eligibility Requirements and Definitions
Basic Eligibility:
Right-of-way: The applicant should provide a description of the right-of-way situation. Due to the limited size
of the budget, only projects that have already acquired R.O.W., or have shown that R.O.W. will not be acquired
will be considered for construction funding.
The ability to successfully build project in a timely manner: If there is strong doubt about the ability to
successfully move the project through completion by Fiscal 2011, construction funding should not be approved.
Environmental Benefit (Natural, Historic, Cultural, Social) The project applicant should have shown that there
are no identified obstacles that will keep the project from being approved. (e.g. environmental permitting)
Project is not going to take the majority of the available funding: If a project estimate would take up too much
of the total available funding under this traffic calming program, the proposed project will not be considered,
unless a portion of the project can be funded and still be considered a viable project.
Good Cost Estimate: It should be shown that the estimate, timeline and scope of work are practicable.
Community Support/Public Involvement: The project has been shown to have broad community support. As
required by state and federal transportation planning processes, public involvement is essential in the
development of transportation plans, projects and programs. Public involvement should include, to the extent
possible, input from individuals who will be affected by the transportation plan and programs.
Scoring Criteria Definitions:
Transportation Value: Each project should serve a primarily transportation purpose, as opposed to a
recreational purpose. A project serves a valid transportation purpose if it serves as a connection between
origins and destinations, increases safety, or enhances the use of the transportation system and the
transportation environment.
Positive Impact on Community:
The project will have a measurable and positive impact on the
Regional Impact The project will have a measurable positive impact on a region: The project should
serve users from beyond a single municipality.
Demonstrated Need: The project should demonstrate that it serve’s an important function, and will
accomplish the stated goal.
State Planning Goals/ Economic/ Tourism Benefit: The project will enhance or enable a livable, compact
community that has the potential to improve quality of life, thereby enhancing the economic vibrancy of a
community or region.
Potential Safety Improvement: A project that addresses existing or potential safety problems or issues.
New Opportunities: The project has been shown to provide a new opportunity for public benefit.
Sensible Transportation Bonus An applicant will receive bonus points if the community is on
MaineDOT’s approved list of communities that have successfully obtained the following:
Approved Adopted Community Transportation Plan, and
Adopted Ordinances that incorporate Land Use Development Strategies as outlined in Plan,
Adopted Plan and Ordinances have met objectives outlined in the Maine Sensible Transportation Policy
Act (STPA).
An applicant will receive collaboration bonus points if the community is partnered with one or more
communities, and all communities involved are on MaineDOT’s approved list of communities.
Attachment A
Waldoboro Traffic Calming Description:
The intersection of Route 1 with Jefferson and Depot Streets has historically been a high crash location
that has been evaluated for potential signalization. Route 1 bisects the Town in this area, with these
two, side streets being key corridors for access to other neighborhoods of the Town, including Town Hall
and public safety building on the northeast corner, and a nursing home on Depot Street. Although this is
a key intersection in the Town of Waldoboro, volumes are not sufficient to justify signalization,
according to the MDOT. Therefore, drivers have had to navigate this high-speed (40 mph) intersection,
and gain access to Route 1 unassisted, or take undesirable routes through Town to access that traffic
signal at Route 32. The Town's preference to for action at this location would be construction of a
modem roundabout that would address the speed, safety and access at this intersection.
However, recognizing the significance of the undertaking for construction of a roundabout, the Town
would like to try less intrusive traffic calming measures as a first step to address concerns at this
location. The proposed plan would narrow the existing lanes through the intersection, provide a
crosswalk, median refuge area, and flashing warning lights for pedestrians, add left turn lanes Route 1
traffic, and potentially add stamped pavement shoulders to highlight this critical intersection. This
combination of measures should help to control speed and improved safety for drivers and pedestrians.
This pedestrian connection across Route 1 is an important step to help knit the Town back together
across this imposing barrier through Town.
This improvement will also help to facilitate circulation in the community as the Town considers
implementation of parallel service road along the northerly side of Route 1. For the service road
concept to be effective, access points to Route 1 must be safe and offer reasonable operations for
drivers. In the long term, the intersection improvement coupled with the service road would help to
alleviated traffic volumes on Route 1 that are associated with intra-community trips.
This plan would require five feet of widening on the north side of Route 1 east of the intersection and
minor widening on the northwest comer, and construction of the center median. The extent of
construction work would not be known until pavement cores are taken in the shoulders to determine if
they are capable of carrying traffic that would be shifted onto them.
As another potential measure to aid in access, the timing and coordination of the traffic signals at Route
32 and at Route 220 would be addressed. Currently, alternating platoon flows from these intersections
increase the difficulty of exiting Jefferson and Depot Streets. If these signals can be coordinated such
that the opposing Route 1 platoons arrive at the same time, should provide better gaps in traffic for
turning vehicles.
August 26, 2008
William S. Post, Town Manager
Town of Waldoboro
P.O. Box J
Waldoboro, Maine 04572
Dear Mr. Post,
The intent of this letter is to demonstrate my support for the Gateway 1 Traffic
Calming and Safety Improvements Grant application you are submitting on
behalf of the Town of Waldoboro. The proposed safety improvements at the
intersection of Route 1, Jefferson Street and Depot Street are desperately
needed. The intersection is a constant source of traffic issues, especially with
traffic turning left onto Jefferson Street, or Depot Street from Route 1. In
addition, there have been several accidents at the location, including accidents
involving pedestrians hit while attempting to cross Route 1 from the residential
neighborhood located on Depot Street.
Route 1 bisects the Town east to west, and this intersection sees a large amount
of traffic, as well as bicyclists and pedestrians attempting to cross Route 1. In
addition, the intersection’s four corners have busy businesses including food
establishments that serve a great deal of people. With the lack of turning lanes
presently at the intersection, the traffic on Route 1 veers into the breakdown
lanes and causes dangerous situations for those vehicles attempting to enter
Route 1 from Depot Street and Jefferson Street.
I fully support this grant application and wish you the best of luck.
John T. Blamey
Waldoboro, Maine
August 26, 2008
William S. Post, Town Manager
Town of Waldoboro
P.O. Box J
Waldoboro, Maine 04572
Dear Mr. Post,
The intent of this letter is to demonstrate my support for the Gateway 1 Traffic Calming and
Safety Improvements Grant application you are submitting on behalf of the Town of
Waldoboro. The proposed safety improvements at the intersection of Route 1, Jefferson Street
and Depot Street are desperately needed. The intersection is a constant source of traffic issues,
especially with traffic turning left onto Jefferson Street, or Depot Street from Route 1. In
addition, there have been several accidents at the location, including accidents involving
pedestrians hit while attempting to cross Route 1 from the residential neighborhood located on
Depot Street.
Route 1 bisects the Town east to west, and this intersection sees a large amount of traffic, as
well as bicyclists and pedestrians attempting to cross Route 1. In addition, the intersection’s
four corners have busy businesses including food establishments that serve a great deal of
people. With the lack of turning lanes presently at the intersection, the traffic on Route 1 veers
into the breakdown lanes and causes dangerous situations for those vehicles attempting to
enter Route 1 from Depot Street and Jefferson Street.
This intersection is adjacent to the Municipal Building and thus used many times a day by
emergency vehicles. I believe this project would also provide a more safe passage for these
emergency vehicles. I fully support this grant application and wish you the best of luck.
Richard W. Glidden
Fire Chief
Waldoboro, Maine
August 26, 2008
William S. Post, Town Manager
Town of Waldoboro
P.O. Box J
Waldoboro, Maine 04572
Dear Mr. Post,
The intent of this letter is to demonstrate my support for the Gateway 1 Traffic Calming and
Safety Improvements Grant application you are submitting on behalf of the Town of Waldoboro.
The proposed safety improvements at the intersection of Route 1, Jefferson Street and Depot
Street are desperately needed. The intersection is a constant source of traffic issues, especially
with traffic turning left onto Jefferson Street, or Depot Street from Route 1. In addition, there
have been several accidents at the location, including accidents involving pedestrians hit while
attempting to cross Route 1 from the residential neighborhood located on Depot Street.
Route 1 bisects the Town east to west, and this intersection sees a large amount of traffic, as well
as bicyclists and pedestrians attempting to cross Route 1. In addition, the intersection’s four
corners have busy businesses including food establishments that serve a great deal of people.
With the lack of turning lanes presently at the intersection, the traffic on Route 1 veers into the
breakdown lanes and causes dangerous situations for those vehicles attempting to enter Route 1
from Depot Street and Jefferson Street.
Please keep in mind the fact that there is a proposal on Depot Street for a healthcare/nursing
home facility in the near future thus putting the need for improvements paramount. The fact is a
traffic light will be necessary at some point in the not too distant future. It might be fiscally
responsible to put a traffic light in now rather than wasting grant money on improvements that
will not meet all of the future needs of this intersection.
I fully support this grant application and wish you the best of luck.
Michael M. Monck
Waldoboro EMS Director
August 26, 2008
William S. Post, Town Manager
Town of Waldoboro
P.O. Box J
Waldoboro, Maine 04572
Dear Mr. Post,
The intent of this letter is to demonstrate my support for the Gateway 1 Traffic Calming and
Safety Improvements Grant application you are submitting on behalf of the Town of
Waldoboro. The proposed safety improvements at the intersection of Route 1, Jefferson Street
and Depot Street are desperately needed. The intersection is a constant source of traffic issues,
especially with traffic turning left onto Jefferson Street, or Depot Street from Route 1. In
addition, there have been several accidents at the location, including accidents involving
pedestrians hit while attempting to cross Route 1 from the residential neighborhood located on
Depot Street.
Route 1 bisects the Town east to west, and this intersection sees a large amount of traffic, as
well as bicyclists and pedestrians attempting to cross Route 1. In addition, the intersection’s
four corners have busy businesses including food establishments that serve a great deal of
people. With the lack of turning lanes presently at the intersection, the traffic on Route 1 veers
into the breakdown lanes and causes dangerous situations for those vehicles attempting to
enter Route 1 from Depot Street and Jefferson Street.
The traffic on this stretch of Route One, which passes through the intersection in question,
flows above the posted safe speed limit. I believe this project would help to slow the traffic
flow to a safer speed. I fully support this grant application and wish you the best of luck.
William Labombarde
Police Chief
Waldoboro, Maine
Board of Selectmen Meeting Minutes 08/12/08
On the motion of Wooster / Maxwell, the Board voted 5-0 to create a Waldoboro
Conservation Commission and solicit for members.
Traffic Calming Grant Application - The Gateway One Project is looking to fund three
test projects along the Route One corridor using traffic calming techniques to control
speed without creating a bottle neck with traffic lights. The technique suggested to be
used in Waldoboro is a ‘round about’ which will divert and slow traffic while creating a
smooth flow for traffic entering and exiting Route One at the Jefferson Street/Depot
Street/Route One intersection. There is a meeting with Gorrill Palmer Engineers,
consultants for the project, to discuss the feasibility of the round about and other types
of treatment for the intersection. At a future Board meeting, the Selectmen will be
asked for their authorization to move forward with the grant application. See
attachment for more information.
Names for Recreation Fields and Road to Fields – The Town Manager stated that the
work on the Recreation complex project is about one-half complete. The Board should
discuss how the two playing fields and the road into the complex are going to be named.
The Town Manager stated that the Board could solicit suggestions from the public or
decide on names themselves. The Board’s concensus was to solicit names from the
public. Bob Butler suggested contacting the schools, perhaps offering a naming contest.
On the motion of Blamey / Maxwell, the Board voted 5-0 to have the Town Manager
solicit for names for the recreation fields and the road leading to the fields and take the
widest dissemination including the schools and set a deadline of October 1, 2008 for
nominations to come in.
Action Items:
Act on Medomak River Bank Stabilization Project Bid Award – The Town Manager
stated that there was only one bid for this project which was from Harry C. Crooker &
Sons in the amount of $218,235.94. The Department of Environmental Protection has
issued a permit for the project, but the Army Corps of Engineers has not. The Army
Corps of Engineers has issued comments on the project, including asking for additional
and different types of vegetation to be planted along the base of the slope to assist with
erosion control. The cost of this is expected to be an additional $1,700, which is not
included in the bid price. The Manager recommended awarding the bid to Harry C.
Crooker & Sons and then addressing the additional vegetation when the permit is issued
by the Army Corps of Engineers.
On the motion of Maxwell / Wooster, the Board voted 5-0 to award the Medomak River
Bank Stabilization Project to Harry C. Crooker & Sons in the amount of $218,235.94 and
authorize the Town Manager to enter into a contract with the company.
Act on Approval of Volunteer Fire Chief Job Description – The Town Manager stated
that the job description has been finalized and reviewed by four fire chiefs, including
Waldoboro’s current chief. If approved, the Manager stated that the position would be
posted internally, with a copy of the announcement and job description mailed to each
member of the Fire Department so that they all had the opportunity to apply. An oral
board would then conduct interviews on August 25, 2008, so that the successful
candidate could be confirmed by the Board on August 26th. The Manager asked for one
Selectman to volunteer to serve on the oral board, and Clinton Collamore did so.
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Board of Selectmen Meeting Minutes 08/12/08
Gateway 1 is a MDOT project to that covers US Route 1 from Brunswick to Prospect
(100 miles)
Waldoboro is in Region 3 of the project corridor, along with Warren, Thomaston, and
The study seeks to:
o Explore new ways of formulating transportation and land use decisions
o Attempt to balance community growth with transportation needs
At a traffic Calming Workshop in Belfast on June 3, 2008, the Gateway 1 staff unveiled
their plan to test traffic calming as part of the Gateway 1 Project.
Maine DOT (MDOT) seeks to use Traffic Calming techniques on US Route 1 to control
speed while not “bottlenecking” the road with traffic lights understanding that only using
law enforcement is not a satisfactory long-term solution to speed control.
To test this theory, MDOT is seeking applications for grants to test various Traffic
Calming techniques.
o The parameters for these grants are:
Only horizontal techniques will be used on Route 1, no speed bumps!
Only three projects will be funded for the entire corridor, it is a
competitive process
Approved projects must show a benefit in speed reduction along with
other advantages for the traffic flow and safety
Grants will fully fund the test; no matching funds will be required, at this
The goal is to have submissions in early September
o MDOT has hired the engineering consultant firm of Gorrill-Palmer, Gray, Maine,
to help communities assess potential solutions for their applications
Traffic calming is a concept of slowing traffic through roadway design, rather than solely
speed limits and enforcement
The concept was developed in Germany, but has been used throughout Europe over the
last 20 years
The use of Traffic Calming techniques is not new to the United States; however, they are
not as widely used as in other countries. This trend is changing as planners seek to lower
speeds, and improve traffic flow, at a time when increasing traffic enforcement is
becoming cost prohibitive
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Board of Selectmen Meeting Minutes 08/12/08
In Traffic Calming, the goal is to lower the median speed at the point of installation by 5
to 9 miles per hour, while improving traffic flow, along with highway egress and entry
Traffic Calming Techniques basically fall into two categories vertical or horizontal
Vertical techniques are very familiar to most Americans: they include speed bumps,
speed tables (long, flat raised pavement sections), speed lumps (lower profile, raised
pavement areas, horizontally spaced across an entire roadway width), raised crosswalks,
etc. These techniques slow traffic through the force of gravity, by making the ride at high
speed less comfortable.
Horizontal techniques are less familiar to us and include traffic circles, roundabouts,
narrowing the roadway with curb protrusions, entry features, etc. Horizontal techniques
seek to slow traffic by altering the course of travel, or visually changing the path of
travel, which causes motorists to slow down. They were used in the redesign of Business
Route 1 in Damariscotta.
On Wednesday, August 13, the Town Manager, Public Works Director, and I will meet
with Gorrill-Palmer regarding our proposed application
Our target area is the intersection of Route 1 and Jefferson/Depot Streets
Our suggested solution is a roundabout. This is not an Augusta traffic circle, rather it is a
one-lane travel diversion
Our goal is slow traffic at the intersection for safety, to allow turning traffic the
opportunity to exit Route 1, and to allow merging traffic to enter or cross Route 1 more
easily and safely
In addition, the traffic sequencing (gap creation) that occurs with this type of installation
will also allow pedestrian and bicycle traffic to cross Route 1
If the engineering firm concurs that this is a feasible solution for our target intersection,
the Board must approve the grant application.
In addition, public support of this solution, or an alternative, is critical for MDOT
accepting the application. Therefore, we will need to obtain public comment and
document public support, perhaps at the scheduled September 11th public hearing on AD
Gray School.
I will report to the Board, at its next meeting, on the results of our meeting.
Respectfully submitted,
John Blamey
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Board of Selectmen Meeting Minutes 08/26/08
Public Works Director John Daigle explained that due to increased paving
material costs, many municipalities will not be paving this year. The State has
also cut back on their projects. He recommends holding the funds and re-bid
along with next year’s projects. The Town Manager feels the Reef Rd. Project
should be completed this year though the price will probably higher since all the
projects won’t be done. Currently he is waiting on a new quote and
recommends tabling the issue until that quote has been received for
consideration. Another option is to pave the Orffs Corner Rd and Reef Rd
projects as well as half of the N. Nobleboro Rd. project and still stay in budget.
On the motion of Blamey / Maxwell, the Board voted 5-0 to table action on this
item until the next scheduled meeting on September 11, 2008 in anticipation of
a recommendation from the Town Manager and the Public Works Director.
Act on Traffic Calming Grant Application - The consulting engineers from the
Maine Department of Transportation felt that a ‘round-about’ at the Atlantic
Hwy / Depot St / Jefferson St intersection would not be cost effective in regards
to the available funding. A new plan including left turn lanes, textured
pavement, and pedestrian crosswalk, along with the synchronization of the two
existing traffic lights does however fit into available funding. The Grant
Application would need to be turned in to the State by September 01, 2008. The
Federally funded project would cost approximately $220,000.00.
Butler feels if there is a pedestrian crosswalk it might imply that crossing Atlantic
Hwy is something that should be done and he feels this is an unsafe practice. He
was also wondering how the Project might affect vehicles exiting the four
businesses that are at the intersection (now they will have to cross two lanes of
traffic). The Town Manager replied there have been serious accidents there in
the past and some involving pedestrians who try to cross the road, marked or
not. The Project will allow for a marked crosswalk notifying drivers that
pedestrians may cross there. Blamey added vehicles exiting the businesses now
have to cross two lanes of traffic, but right now the second line of traffic is in the
break down lane.
On the motion of Wooster / Maxwell, the Board voted 5-0 to approve and
submit the Traffic Calming Grant Application.
Act on Acceptance of Dividend from MMA Risk Management and Creation of
Safety Reserve Account - Each year the Board of Directors of the Maine
Municipal Association’s Property and Casualty Pool vote on the allowance of a
dividend based on the loss ratio over the previous 12 months. To earn a
dividend must have a loss ratio of 50 % or less for the qualifying year. This year
the Town earned a $2,393 dividend check. Traditionally this dividend has been
accepted and placed into a miscellaneous revenue account. The Safety
Committee and Town Manager are recommending the creation of a Safety
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WELLHEAD PROTECTION MAP and excerpt from Land Use Ordinance
1. The purpose of this Ordinance is to protect the public water supply in Waldoboro from land uses that pose a threat to the quality and/or quantity of
ground water being extracted from the wells that serve the public water system.
2. This ordinance applies to all land uses located or proposed within the area delineated as Wellhead Protection Districts on the Land Use Map of the
Town of Waldoboro.