term one - Western Springs College


term one - Western Springs College
Western Springs College
Nga Puna O Waiorea
MOTIONS RD  WESTERN SPRINGS  AUCKLAND PHONE (09) 815 6730  FAX (09) 815 6740
email: admin@wsc.school.nz
Newsletter No. 1 – 15 February 2016
Principal’s Messages
Week Three
15 February – 19 February
February 17 – Student ID photos taken.
Week Four
22 February – 26 February
February 22 – Swimming Sports @ West
Wave, 20 Alderman Drive, Henderson.
February 22 – PAG Meeting in the staffroom
@ 7.30pm. All parents welcome.
Week Five
29 February – 4 March
March 3 – Athletics Day @ Waitakere Trust
Stadium, 65-67 Central Park Drive, Henderson.
Week Six
7 March – 11 March
March 10 – New Parents BBQ @ 6pm.
Week Seven
14 March – 18 March
Week Eight
March 21 – March 24
March 25 – Good Friday
Week Nine
March 30 – April 01
Week Ten
April 4 – April 8
Week Eleven
April 11 – April 15
Teacher-Only-Day, Monday, 7 March
Note that our second and final teacher-only-day of the year will take
place in week six on Monday, 7 March, which means that the normal
teaching timetable will not operate on this day. Parents are invited to
contact the school office if they would like their son or daughter to
attend school for the day in order to study in a supervised facility.
The day represents a significant investment in WSC’s Strategic Plan
Goal of providing excellent teaching across all curriculum areas and is
an important event in our staff professional development programme
for 2016.
One session will be devoted to further developing our understanding of
and commitment to our school values as part of WSC’s Positive
Behaviour for Learning programme initiative. Expect regular updates on
this programme throughout the year as we further develop and
articulate for the school community the ways in which our values
influence our daily teaching practice at Springs.
A second session will involve teachers reviewing their progress towards
influencing the achievement of their personal student learning targets
which were set in term two last year as part of WSC’s teaching-asinquiry programme. A special feature of this programme is the peer
support provided by colleagues (or coaches) to help teachers design
changes or modifications to their classroom teaching which are likely to
make a difference for students whose learning is most at-risk.
School Rebuild Developments
The WSC representatives on the Project Design Group, including
trustees and senior staff, have been working with the architects,
project managers and Ministry of Education officials to develop a
location plan for the siting of the new facilities in relation to the
existing buildings which are to be retained. Progress has been
encouraging. We hope to have a largely finalised plan which we can
present to the school community during the late March – mid April
Scholarship and NCEA Results
Scholarship Examination
WSC students gained 22 Scholarships in 2015, again well in excess of
the national rate. A notable and very encouraging feature was the
achievement of five Outstanding Scholarships awards; these top
student awards were in the following subjects: Art Design (2); Calculus;
Biology; and History. The subjects in which the most Scholarships were
gained were History (6); Biology (3); and Dance (3) and Art Design (3).
Other subjects in which our students achieved Scholarships were Media
Studies (2); Music; Physics; Classical Studies; and English.
A reminder that WSC’s Accelerated Learning programme holds out the
A reminder that WSC’s Accelerated Learning programme holds out the prospect of a significant increase in the number
of our Year 13 students able to cope successfully with the demands of Scholarship study by 2018.
NCEA Results
Grade Quality: Excellence & Merit Certificate Endorsements
The latest results from NZQA have confirmed that WSC has achieved its Excellence-level learning targets for 2015:
 A Level 1 Excellence Certificate was attained by 34% of our Year 11 students, the highest level achieved since
inception in 2004 – our target was 30%.
 A Level 2 Excellence Certificate was attained by 26% of our Year 12 students, the second highest level achieved
since inception in 2004 – our target was 25%.
 A Level 3 Excellence Certificate was attained by 20% of our Year 13 students, again the second highest level to
be achieved – our target was 20%.
University Entrance & Level 3 Certificate Pass Rates
Our Level 3 students have maintained WSC’s recent outstanding achievement levels for University Entrance and Level 3
- U. E. – WSC: 87.1%, 24.5% above the average for decile 8-10 schools (62.6%)
- Level 3 – WSC: 93.3%, 20% above that for decile 8-10 schools (73.4%)
- Note that WSC male students at 86.3% for U.E. have a striking margin of 33.5% beyond that for boys from decile
8-10 schools (52.8%).
- Note that WSC Maori students at 87.2% for U.E. have a similarly striking margin of 33.8% beyond that for Maori
students from decile 8-10 schools (52.8%).
- Note that WSC Pasifika students at 90.5% for U.E. have an astonishing margin of 43.1% beyond that for Pasifika
students from decile 8-10 schools (47.4%).
The NZQA statistics referred to above are roll-based data. The higher participation rates of WSC students in NCEA
certificated courses, highlighted by Fairfax Media’s School Report News last July (See www.stuff.co.nz)*, are again
confirmed by the recently released 2015 results:
Gap between Roll-Based** and Entry-Based NCEA Data**
 Level 1: WSC – 2.2%; NZ Decile 8-10 schools - 10.5%
 Level 2: WSC – 4.1%; NZ Decile 8-10 schools – 12.2%
 Level 3: WSC – 2.6%; NZ Decile 8-10 schools – 13.7%
 U.E.: WSC – 1.6%; NZ Decile 8-10 schools – 11.5%
**Roll-based data is based on a school’s 1 July roll; participation- or entry-based data is based on the number of
students entered for the NCEA qualification course by the school.
Source: NZQA
The significantly smaller gap between WSC’s participation-based and roll-based results indicates that the already striking
margins referred to above are in reality even greater than stated.
*The Fairfax Media story invited readers to be wary of schools which sought to manipulate NCEA results by publishing
only participation- or entry-based data in isolation from roll-based data. This practice raises questions about the extent
to which weaker students in these schools are being denied entry to NCEA qualification courses. The 2015 NZQA
Managing National Assessment audit of WSC highlighted and commended the school for the small gap between WSC’s
participation-based and roll-based data.
New Families BBQ, Thursday, 10 March, 6pm on the library lawn
A reminder to all families new to the Western Springs College school community that you are warmly invited to attend a
barbeque on the campus on Thursday, 10 March from 6.00-8.00pm. This informal gathering, which is promoted by the
Parent Action Group, is an excellent opportunity to meet form teachers, subject teachers, house leaders, department
heads, academic directors and senior managers, along with parents from the WSC Board of Trustees and the Parent
Action Group, in addition to other parents like yourselves who are new to the school.
Student success is built on a close partnership between school and home. Do take this chance to begin building
relationships with key members of our school community.
We are delighted to welcome back Zoe Lindsay who was absent on university leave in 2015. Zoe will be
working with Year 11 and 12 students. We are equally delighted to welcome back Jess Sinclair who was away
from school in Terms 2,3 and 4 on maternity leave. Jess will teaching two Year 11 classes.
Exam results:
We are very happy to report on another great year of success for students in the history department.
Particular congratulations to the Year 11 cohort who succeeded in achieving a 75% Endorsement rate. This is
an exceptional endorsement rate as it means that 75% of students in history achieved 14 or more internal and
external credits at Merit/Excellence level.
Scholarship results:
The history department is proud to report that 6 students achieved scholarship. Another exceptional result.
Congratulations to:
Oliver Clifton
Xavier Del La Varis
Elias Fa’alogo Lilo
Zoe Madden Smith
Isaac Penlington (Outstanding)
Matt Woodall
The start of 2016 sees the department –its staff and students – in good heart and ready to meet the
challenges of the year.
Graeme Moran
HOD History
We are located downstairs in B Block.
We are open all day from Monday to Friday and after-school on Wednesdays until 4.30 pm.
We have 3 teachers available to provide support. Helen Thorpe can help with a range of subjects. Trina Sellers
specialises in English, Music and literacy-based subjects and Simon Henley specialises in Maths and Sciences.
Any student may come and refer themselves to us for help for any learning need, (small or large), and we will
endeavour to get them the help they need. The students who gain the most from working with us are those
who come early, (as soon as a problem arises), and those who genuinely want to learn. So don’t wait until a
teacher or a Head of House directs you to us. Make the choice to take charge of your own learning. Call in to
book a time to discuss your learning need and work with one of us.
Peer Assisted LearningTutors
We are soon to begin training year 13 students as Peer Tutors for 2016. Most of these students will go on to
work with and provide support for year 9 students focusing on Maths. Some may opt to work with other
students at other levels in other subjects. Each student will receive a training and participation certificate at
the end of 2016, in recognition of the work they have done.
We are calling for volunteers from year 13 students who would be willing to give up the equivalent of one
study period per week, for most of the year. This is a superb opportunity to show leadership and give back to
the school. If you would be interested, please call in to the Learning Centre at any time in the next couple of
weeks to add your name to our list. Training to be a PAL tutor will happen on Tuesday mornings, during period
one, starting around week four or five.
Homework Centre and NCEA Study Support
Learning Centre
After-School, until 4.30 p.m.
The Learning Centre is running a Homework Centre and Study Support Session starting on Wednesday 17th
Feb. Students who attend these sessions find them very helpful.
If you are a student who has difficulty getting your homework done at home, or could do with some help,
then you should be attending our Homework Centres.
If you are a senior student and you would like to get help with essay writing, reading logs, research, breaking
big assignments down into manageable pieces, subject content in Maths or Science etc, time management,
study skills and exam techniques, please either come to the after school sessions, or book a time with Helen,
Trina or Simon.
Welcome to all Geography students and parents.
The good news is that fieldtrips trips are planned for all levels, the bad news is that deposits are due:
Y12 TONGARIRO RESEARCH Internal 5 credits MONDAY 15th FEB $50 deposit.
Y13 GOLD COAST TOURISMDEVELOPMENT External 4 credits FRIDAY 19th FEB $200 deposit
Y11 WAIHEKE SUSTAINABILITY Internal 3 credits $50 before 25 th FEB.
Geography T Shirts now available from your Geography Teacher!
PAG (Parent Action Group)
The next PAG meeting (Mon Feb 22) is the one where we elect the people for key PAG positions for 2016.
Chair, Deputy, Treasurer and Secretary are the main ones, but it would also be great to find anyone/a group
interested in being part of a leadership team for our major fundraiser, Quiz Night.
All nominations gratefully received - just let me know - and if we have more than one nominee for a position,
we will vote at the meeting.
Just my thoughts as a departing secretary... I have found being an active PAG member a really good way to get
to meet fabulous people both within PAG and within the senior team at WSC. It's been great being involved.
So please think about whether you want to take on a role.
Anyway, we'd love to see anyone at the first meeting (7.30pm in the staffroom).
Nikki Mandow
Secretary, PAG
Talofa and welcome back to 2016!
This is to inform you that the Pacific Island Homework Centre begins again on Monday 22nd February
from 3.15-4.30.
Pacific families BBQ to welcome in the New Year and all our new students and their families as well as
reconnecting with the old. This will be on Wednesday 2nd March at 6pm in the staffroom/courtyard.
We look forward to seeing all soon! Soifua,
Tupe Tai – Pacific Island co-ordinator
Welcome to all families, students and staff!
Introducing the Arts Leaders for 2016 – Y13s Dione Tay, Ariane Lenihan and Sebastian RiceWalsh.
Dione, Ariane and Sebastian have been heavily involved in the Arts
community at Western Springs over the years and we’d like to
congratulate them on being selected for this exciting leadership role.
The school year is always jam-packed, full of exciting events and they
will lead the way sharing their own ideas and interests as they
promote the Arts at Springs.
First on the Leaders’ agenda will be the election of the Arts
Committee to assist with the running of key events over the year. All
senior students with an interest in the Arts, who have a passion for
leadership and who have excelled in the specialist subjects of Art,
Drama, Dance, Media and Music will be encouraged to apply.
Being a part of this team is a fantastic opportunity to extend learning
outside of the classroom. The committee meet regularly and this year
will support the musical production of Seussical and assist with events
such as the SGCNZ Sheilah Winn Shakespeare Festival, Talent Quest,
Music performances and more.
Coming up! The SGCNZ Sheilah Winn Shakespeare Festival takes off
with regional competitions and we’d like to encourage students to
take part. You can register interest via the Drama Department and
Arts Leaders who will support and mentor any new students wanting
to get involved. WSC has a history of producing and directing superb
scenes of Shakespeare at school and for the competition – achieving
great results!
Finally, a very warm welcome to Robert Pollock as HOD Drama.
It’s going to be a fantastic year!
arts@wsc.school.nz Kirsty Britton – Arts Coordinator
Hi, I’m Dione and I’ll be one of your Arts Leaders for 2016. I’m very privileged and
excited to be a part of this great group of leaders. This year I hope to encourage more
people to be involved in the Arts with events such as the school production, Street
Dance New Zealand and Talent Quest. As a team, we also help to promote events like
drama and music performances and dance showcases. The Arts have always been an
important part in my life, as I started dancing when I was very young. From year 9 up
to year 13, I have continued my studies in dance and art. With my experience, I hope
to offer new and current students skills and advice for the year to come. This year's
arts leaders are a great team, with each member sharing their own experience of what
they’ve learnt at Western Springs College. We all look forward to the year ahead and
events to come!
Hi, my name is Ariane and I am one of your Arts Leaders for 2016. I have been wanting
to be an Arts Leader since Year 9, so I was so happy and relieved last year when I found
out that I got the position. I love everything about the Arts. I love the way it can make
you feel things, how it can change the way you view the world and how passionate
people become about the different forms of art. I have lived in many different countries
and places growing up, and I love to see the different ways that art is involved in their
cultures. I knew that coming to Springs was a great decision, because our arts
department is so great! Mostly, I love acting and being on stage. That is my strength,
and hopefully I will end up going overseas to study acting and musical theatre when I
leave school. I have been in the school productions and some outside plays, but this
year I really want to work on getting some experience and am excited to see what this
year has in store - I have big plans to go out with a bang!
Hey, I’m Seb and I have seen almost all there is to see when it comes to Arts at WSC.
I'm personally very passionate about music and drama and I'm especially excited to
help my team in the organisation of this year's school musical. I'm also really excited to
help people understand the importance of the arts in our diverse community, as I’m an
avid believer that personal expression is something to be welcomed and celebrated!
Dione Tay, Ariane Lenihan and Sebastian Rice-Walsh – Arts Leaders
Welcome back to all our returning and new Dance students! Congratulations to 2015 Arts Leader Lucia
Hocking Whitehead, Kiriana Hohepa and Shota Kawakatsu who all gained Scholarship in Dance. We are
celebrating a 25% scholarship achievement rate in last year’s 13 Dance class – well done to all those students!
It will be interesting to see what this year’s 13 Dance students produce in their major choreography
assessment, which is the basis for Scholarship submissions.
11 Dance kick off the year with guest tutor Laurent Dunningham teaching a funky old school breakdance
sequence. Laurent is a judge for Hip Hop International in New Zealand and featured in the 2015 movie ‘Born
to Dance’ so we are really looking forward to learning from her again.
10 Dance are looking forward to a week of hip hop lessons with dancer Joash Fahitua Tuugamusu, who very
recently resigned from Black Grace dance company to guest tutor in schools. Lucky students!
This year WSC are entering a hip hop crew in the SDNZ Street Dance New Zealand competition in the April
holidays. The competition requires everything about the entry to be student-created and the dance will be
choreographed by an able team led by Georgia Menhennet and Eden Galo with support from Hannah
Langdon. We will watch their progress with keen anticipation! For information or to participate email Chloe
Davison davisonc@wsc.school.nz
Dates for your diary:
SDNZ Competition
Fri 29 April, Vodafone Events Centre
31 May – 1 June, Raye Freedman Arts Centre
13 Dance Choreography Show
Thur 25-26 August, TAPAC Theatre
WSC Dance Showcase
Wed 21-22 September, TAPAC Theatre
Melanie Turner – HOD Dance
Auditions for the WSC 2016 Musical will be held in week 4. Cherie Moore, our
Director, and Robyn Kelly, our Musical Director, are looking for a large cast of vibrant
actors, singers and dancers to stage Seussical in week 4 of term 2.
Students interested in acting in or directing for the University of Otago, Sheilah Winn
Shakespeare Festival met on Thursday. Any who missed the meeting, but who are
interested should see Mr Pollock, HOD Drama as soon as possible. This year marks the 400th anniversary of
Shakespeare’s death and the National Festival in Wellington is moving from Wellington East Girls College to
the Michael Fowler Centre to host an even bigger event than normal. Don’t miss the opportunity!
Murdoch Keane and Ariane Lenihan will be performing at the Pop-up Globe Theatre on Sunday 21 February as
part of the cast of the Young Auckland Shakespeare Company’s production of Much Adoe about Nothing. This
is a fabulous ensemble production full of energy and laughs. Don’t miss some incredible young talent on
You can book online at:
Robert Pollock - HOD Drama
Extended Greetings for 2016
Welcome to another year of challenging your practical and critical thinking in the Visual Arts. The department
would like to acknowledge the outstanding external results from 2015, which reflect the tireless commitment
of the teaching staff and the highly motivated and engaged individual efforts of the seniors. Whilst last years
seniors outperformed on previous years, special mention must be made of our Scholarship student Ruby
Griffin, and congratulations also to our Outstanding Scholarship students Annabelle Bruce and Isabella Van
Der Leden – all from the field of Art Design.
The year has started with a hiss and a roar for all levels, in particular the year 13 painters who have been
participating in a progressive tape workshop with artists from Wellington. Watch this space for visual updates
as the final works will form part of a collaborative assemblage that will be exhibited at the Maritime museum
later in the term.
There will be a number of EOTC opportunites this term – with a select number of Y10 students taking part in a
Watercolour workshop at Artstation; the Y11 observational drawings at Nga Oho Wharenui and focal points of
the school; and the first of three Y13 Art History art gallery visits.
A reminder to parents and guardians about the course fees – most starter equipment has been handed out to
students however the fees also cover specialist resources and any subsequent trips/artist talks.
Ia Manuia,
Lily Laita - HOD Art
Y13 painters working with Tape Art NZ tutors Erica Duthie and Struan Ashby
Year 13 Careers Orientation
Year 13s were welcomed in house groups last week to help prepare students after leaving school. There are
many events on offer and there is a calendar of events to which students can subscribe (Year 13 parents can
view this too - see instructions below).
If you want to receive notifications about the Year 13 careers events please open your email, look in screen’s
lower left corner, open ‘other calendars’, then click ‘ADD’ & type ‘careers@wsc.school.nz’, enter.
Your son/daughter has been asked to add this calendar to their school email too. We really appreciate
when parents can assist by reminding students about events coming up.
Year 12 and 13 students at Western Springs College should be encouraged to visit the tertiary Open Days to
get a feel of the campus as well as the courses on offer. Year 13 were informed about entry requirements
using the ranked score model at Auckland University (other unis have similar systems for restricting entry to
some courses).
Student finances are always on top of everyone’s minds so we looked at ways of searching for financial
scholarships using GivMe (only accessible at school) which is part of the www. generosity.org.nz website.
Studylink student allowances and loans were explained too. There is a useful tool here for parents to explain
student allowance eligibility. Earn and learn apprenticeships are an attractive option for students to pursue
through ETCO, pre-apprenticeship courses at Unitec or through an employer.
Louis Esther, an ex-WSC student who has been working as a career assistant while studying for a BCom at
Auckland Uni, also talked to the year 13s. Louis spoke about the importance of students enjoying their course
because of the time and financial commitment required to complete a degree. He said it was common for
students to change their mind about their course after their first year but much less of a problem if their new
course was in the same faculty/department because papers could often still be counted toward the new
Careers Interviews for Year 13 students.
We allocate 15- 20 minutes per student and discuss possibilities for 2017 and beyond. We remind them of
online tools to use on the careers website such as the ‘Jobs Database’ here and the “Getting to Know Yourself
Tools’ here. We take into account that every student is in a different stage and circumstance in their decision
making. Parents can be involved too, feel free to please ring or email me.
Kay Wallace HOD Careers
wallacek@wsc.school.nz 8156730 Ext 758
FOR Year 12 and 13 PARENTS- Calendar of Careers events,
ADD careers@wsc.school.nz
These include visits from universities, polytechnics, uni students, volunteer and exchange organisations and
defence forces.
Please click on the link here to access the WSC Careers Calendar
(mainly for year 12 and 13 students) AND / OR subscribe to careers@wsc.school.nz
In January of this year the Ministry of Youth Development ran a leadership week called the Prime Minister’s
Youth Programme. Only 100 students from throughout Auckland were chosen to participate. Western
Springs College had the honour of 5 of our students being chosen. They went white water rafting, blow
carting and had dance workshops with internationally renowned dancer Paris Goebel. They met with
outstanding youth leaders and sports people, just to name a few of the many activities they were invited to be
a part of. The week ended with a dinner hosted by the Prime Minister himself.
We congratulate the following students
Tyreece Fred
Paradise Faautaga
Eve Fuemana
Tahj Kaitamaki-Topia
Kane Barrett
Maths and Stats department page
We now have a website up and running for the Mathematics and Statistics department. This site will host
information that students and parents may need to get hold of. Students and teachers are still likely to be
working through their digital “classrooms”, but information that is applicable to more than one class will be
posted on this site. It is under construction, but at this stage you will find at least the course outlines of all our
courses. https://sites.google.com/a/wsc.school.nz/mathematics-statistics/
All Maths and Stats courses require students to have a calculator. Phones and other devices usually have the
ability to do the things a calculator can do, but because of restriction around assessments, students still need
a separate calculator. Students should have been informed by their teacher about which calculators are most
appropriate for their class. All courses require at least a “Scientific calculator”, an example of this is the Casio
fx-82. These are stocked at many retailers and the school office for around $20.
Most students in the senior school will require a calculator better than Scientific (check the course outline or
the student could ask his/her teacher). They should either be looking at having a Casio fx-570 (about $70 but
out of stock at many places right now. School office should have these in March) or a graphics calculator like
casio fx-9750 (currently on special at Warehouse Stationery for $95, not stocked at the front office).
Year 9 and 10 Homework
Junior students can expect to get 1 to 2 hours of homework for maths per week. This will take a variety of
usual forms (projects, finishing classwork, worksheets or research) but will also involve an online system.
Year 9 students will be using Mathletics.co.nz.
Year 10 students will be using Mathsbuddy.co.nz.
The $30 subject resource fee pays for these registrations. Student will have been given their login information
for these sites by their teacher and will do a mix of set tasks by the teacher and more self-directed learning
Jared Hockly - HOD Mathematics - hocklyj@wsc.school.nz
At the greater Auckland Sports’ Awards, Ken Havill and Peter McIntyre had the privilege to accompany Daisy
Cleverley. Daisy had been nominated for Auckland Female Footballer of the Year and was also entered into
the category of Sportswoman of the Year. We felt very proud when Daisy won Female Footballer of the Year.
Congratulations Daisy.
After another sizzling summer holiday, the Sports Department would like to welcome all our students back,
especially our new entrants. Term One and the month of February have the two biggest annual school sports
events. The ‘Springs’ Swimming and Athletics Sports Days. As they are within ten days of each other, it is a
very busy period for all our teachers and students. We encourage our students to keenly support each event
and to participate in as many events as possible.
Each team representing our college has a coach and/or team manager. We are always looking to recruit
parents, or students. If you are interested in supporting your son/daughter in a team, in either a coaching or
managing role, please contact Peter McIntyre in the sports centre. All coaches and managers will be
confirmed and placed on the website by February 18.
Date: Friday, February 22
9am – 3pm Venue : West Wave, Henderson
Funtastic day….. See your form teacher to register.
Date : Monday, March 3
9am – 3pm Venue : Trusts Stadium, Henderson
This event is compulsory for all Year 9 students. See your form teacher to register.
For our sporty fanatics, we have a small number of sport codes in Term One. Last week, students started to
register their interest by signing the registration form/s in the Sports Centre (Te Whakamanu) at lunchtimes.
With most sports commencing over the next week, students have until Week 3 to confirm their sport.
Competition has already commenced for our Junior Boys & Senior Boys 1 st X1. Trainings are after school,
3pm – 5pm on Tuesdays at Victoria Park. Competition games are played on Saturdays at various venues.
The very popular Dragonboating programme is geared up for the big Auckland Secondary Schools’ Regatta
in mid March. The programme is open only to Year 13 students and final registrations close mid-February.
Individual entries for the Central Zone Sprint events close February 17 for all those students interested. Check
the daily notices for more information.
The Tennis competition runs for six weeks during Term One and concludes with the Annual School
Tournament in late March. This term, we envisage entering two or three intermediate and senior teams.
The Touch season is a six week Tuesday competition which commences in mid February, from 4pm – 5.30pm
and is held at Coxs Bay Reserve. Springs will enter a senior mixed team in the Central Zone Competition.
Trainings are normally after school on Mondays from 3.30pm – 4.30pm.
Springs Volleyball will be represented this term with a senior girls, entered in the term one Auckland
competition. Competition will commence mid-February. Trainings are to be confirmed once teams are
The waterpolo programme goes for two terms – Term One and Four. Trainings have commenced and it is
envisaged that Springs will field two or three teams each term.
Player registrations for our winter sports will be set up in the sports centre from Friday, February 19. Students
can register their interest at lunchtimes. As most winter codes commence their competition after Term 1
holidays, more relevant information will be available for each code throughout March.
RUGBY MUSTER …… coming soon ….
In mid-March, there will be a muster for all students interested in playing college rugby. Last year we had one
junior and one senior team. This winter, Springs will again be looking to field a junior and senior boys rugby
team. More information will be distributed to students at the muster.
We are in need of an assistant coach and a team manager. Please contact Richard (sports@wsc.school.nz) if
you are interested.
For the last few years many of our students have been feeding-back to us that the recreation areas in school
were too limited, and that break and interval times were made up of a list of ‘don’ts’. Over the course of last
year we decided that they may well be right, and after the seniors left for NCEA exams we trialed a more open
approach to recreation areas.
We have now decided to make these changes permanent. From the beginning of this term, outside of lesson
time but including before and after school, we have allowed ball and running games on all of the school fields,
and tennis-ball/beach-ball and running games on the library and front lawns.
We have also removed some car parking spaces and closed most of the internal driveways to motor vehicles
during interval and lunch, turning the space over for use by skateboarders and students using scooters. Before
and after school, and during lesson time however, cars and vans are still permitted, and at these times
students cannot use skateboards and scooters on the driveways. For safety reasons students must also avoid
playing and skating in the car park areas at all times, and skateboarders are encouraged to wear protective
The emphasis is less on a long list of rules and more on students sharing spaces with respect for others, and
being mindful of others’ needs and safety. Over the past week students have shown both maturity and
cooperation in living up to these expectations.
Last year we installed two new four-square courts, and the Parent Action Group (PAG) has just agreed to
purchase a Giant Chess Set which will sit on an existing patched board in the Technology Courtyard. We
would love to hear more student and parent suggestions, so please share them with us - someone has
recently suggested a beach volleyball court!
Finally, please help us keep our students safe by not using the internal driveways for any reason at all during
interval or lunch, and also noting that the school entrance is closed to all motor vehicles for the 15 minutes at
the end of each school day. At the end of the day we have had some issues with students crossing the
Motions Road in places other than the designated crossings, and some pick-up vehicles being parked on the
yellow lines outside the council car park, which has been hazardous. Please help us by asking your
son/daughter to cross at the crossings if you are picking them up from the far side of the road, and by
avoiding parking on the yellow lines so that cars have a clear view as they exit the car park.
Paul Alford
(Deputy Principal)
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