June 2013


June 2013
Alexandria, VA
June 2013
Water in a storm drain does not
go to a treatment plant.
It drains directly
Board of Supervisors sets
Property Tax Rate
By Greg Crider
into our lake !!
On April 30, the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors
adopted the Fiscal Year 2014 Budget which begins on
July 1, 2013.
Storm Drainage Vs. Sanitary Sewer
Submitted by: Karen Mestemaker
The budget includes a real estate tax rate of $1.085 per
$100 of assessed value, a 1-cent increase. The total tax
rate is $1.1105 which includes 2-cents to maintain and
upgrade the County's aging storm water infrastructure.
While the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors portrays
this tax as "just a penny increase and a reduction from
the County Executive's proposed tax rate", what does
this mean to the average homeowner? With real estate
on the rebound, assessed property values are rising.
This year the average assessed value in Fairfax County
rose 3.5% to $456,713. In Pinewood Lake, average
assessed values rose 5.5% to around $250,000.
The storm drainage system is separate from the sanitary
sewer system. Storm drains convey storm water runoff
from the roads directly to local creeks and streams. It is not
treated before entering our waterways. The sanitary sewer
system carries wastewater from your home or business to
a treatment plant before it is cleaned and later released
into the environment.
Chapters 105-1-1 and 106-1-1 from the Fairfax County
Code make it unlawful for any person to discharge, deposit
(Continued on page 7 Storm Drainage)
(Continued on page 7 Taxes)
Cinema Nights at
Pinewood Lake Present:
MPAA Rating PG
When a criminal mastermind uses a trio of
orphan girls as pawns for a grand
scheme, he finds their love is
profoundly changing him for the better.
When: Saturday, June 22 at 8:30 PM
Where: Pool Parking Lot
The PWL Swim team will be selling
hot dogs, hamburgers,
drinks and candy.
Please support our swim team.
Building a safer community.
Join the Neighborhood Watch
ASK CSL - Scooping the poop
and Animal Control
By Chloe Colbert and
Jackson Cunningham
Vote for the new Playground
Editor’s Note
While watching the news about the damage caused by a
tornado in Moore Oklahoma, I got a lump in my throat
when I saw an American flag affixed to a shattered tree.
Other pictures came to mind when the flag has been
displayed at places where all seems lost: ground zero,
the pentagon, flags made by POW’s during their
imprisonment, and the one proudly displayed at the
makeshift “home” of an unknown person, located at the
end of a trail near the intersection of Backlick Rd. and
Richmond Highway. As if the flag were the symbol of our
“What the enemy fears most” my husband said to me,
“is an opponent that gets back up, every time
he gets knocked down.” I totally agree.
Amidst the dust and rubble, “Old
Glory” continues to wave.
All the Way!
You may submit items for publication at:
Please limit entries to 200 words
June 14, Flag Day
Little Known Fact
"Old Glory" was a pet name Captain
William Driver gave his personal flag.
While in Tennessee during the Civil War,
Driver hid his flag in between the seams of a bed
quilt. He only revealed "Old Glory" when Union soldiers
captured Nashville.
Source: http://www.civilwar.si.edu/soldiering_oldglory.html
Do you own a
Residents may park
commercial vehicles in their
parking pads as long as they don’t
overhang the sidewalk.
Please do not park them on private streets!
Non compliant vehicles will be towed at owner’s expense
PLHA Calendar for June
Meetings held at the PLHA office
Unless otherwise stated, meetings begin at 7:30 PM
June 4………..…….…..…………..…ACC - Full Business
June 5…………………….….………………...Garden Club
June 10……………….……….……..Neighborhood Watch
June 13, @ 7 PM...……..………....…...….Board Meeting
June 18………………...…ACC - Homeowner’s Requests
June 19, @ 7 PM..………………………..Pool Committee
June 20….…………….....……….Publications Committee
June 21....……...…………………….…...Needle Deadline
June 25……..……….…...………Maintenance Committee
June 27..……………...……...…....Marketing Committee
June 2013
By Community Manager
Pool Guest Passes: Heard a recommendation from the Pool
Committee that we maintain our current pool guest pass
rule that requires all guest patrons on the pool deck to
use a guest pool pass, regardless of age. The Board
accepted the Committee’s recommendation.
Compound Use Registration Form: Voted to refer the new
compound use registration form to the attorney for
approval prior to its use.
Chair Lift for Pool: Instructed the Pool Committee to budget
for an automatic ADA compliant lift for installation in
2014. Also asked that the committee investigate the
cost to bring the pool and bathhouse into ADA
4339 Cedarlake Court ACC Request Appeal: Approved the
ACC Request for 4339 Cedarlake Court to install a
powder coated aluminum railing around the rear
patio. The aluminum will approximate the style and
dimensions of the wrought iron fences but will use
aluminum posts instead of wooden posts. The Board
further instructed the ACC to revisit the wrought iron
fence standard to consider the use of powder coated
ACC Standards: Gates and Posts, Wrought Iron Fences:
Approved the proposed revisions to the Gates, Posts,
and Wrought Iron Fence Standards to allow unpainted
brick pillars in place of wooden posts for front wrought
iron fences in Fence Location C (separating the parking
pad and front yard).
ACC Standards: Ornaments: Approved the proposed
revisions to the Ornaments Standard to specify that
homeowners are permitted to fly or display an American
flag up to 3’x5’ assuming that it is displayed and
maintained properly; display flags or signs supporting
our troops; and display seasonal flags, holiday lighting,
and holiday decorations during any current holiday
season but the decorations must be removed within 30
days after said holiday.
ACC Standards: Yards: Approved the proposed revision to
the Yards Standard to remove a redundant statement.
ACC Standards: Chimneys and Firewood: Approved the
proposed revision to the Chimneys and Firewood
Standard to remove the requirement that rear prefab
chimneys be painted the same color as the rear
shingles of the townhouse.
ACC Standards: Fans/Air Conditioners/Attic Fans:
Approved the proposed revision to the Fans/Air
Conditioners/Attic Fans Standards to allow solar attic
ACC Standards: Large Play Toys: Did not approve the
proposed revision to the Large Play Toys Standard that
would have eliminated the “permanent nature”
specification from the definition of large play toys that
may not be erected on private property.
ACC Standards: Other DCCR Restrictions Applicable to
Pinewood Lake Needle
(Continued on page 3 Board)
(Continued from page 2 Board)
ACC: Approved the proposed revision to the Other
DCCR Restrictions Applicable to ACC Standards that
specifies that one political sign per office of not more
than 4 square feet may be displayed up to 60 days
prior to an election and shall be removed within 30
days after an election and the revision creating a
separate bullet point for a provision already in the
Determined that it did not appear prudent at this time to
implement a vehicle registration requirement for
Pinewood Lake residents’ vehicles.
Voted to order a PODS container to be used by the
Cinema Committee for on-site storage from May
through September. The container will be stored in the
lower pool parking lot and any extra space in the unit
may be used to store other Association items.
Approved the Master Plan Development procedure
submitted by the Marketing Committee. This is a plan
to create a Master Plan for Improvements in the
community as opposed to the Maintenance Master
Plan that just addresses maintaining and not improving
the community’s common areas. The Board voted to
spend up to $20,000 to hire professionals to help
develop a plan for improving the community’s over 40year-old common areas. There will be opportunities for
the community to provide suggestions to the
committee. Please watch for information about those
opportunities in the coming months.
Approved contracting with National Paving and Repair
Company to mill and repave Amblewood Road and
Fernlake Court for an amount not to exceed $80,000.
Approved publishing the two Scarborough Square
playground equipment options for community
input. This equipment is intended to replace the
equipment currently in the Scarborough Square
playground that is in poor condition. The options will
be sent out on the listserv, published in the Needle,
and available on our website at
www.pinewoodlake.net. Owners on Scarborough
Square will receive a postcard seeking their input on
the proposed equipment.
Approved the Maintenance Committee membership list
with the correction that Rich Hall and Jim Fetzner are
liaisons and not voting members of the committee.
Approved contracting with RCR Services for $10,100 to
remove 11 common area trees that are an immediate
hazard to the community.
Removed the item “Board Decisions” from the Board
Reviewed a homeowner’s concern about dead fish in the
lake and the possibility that car washing and other
hazardous materials runoff from the streets is killing
the fish. The Board asked that the Needle Editor
publish information about safe car washing in the
upcoming Needle to help educate residents.
Reviewed a homeowner’s suggestion that the Board set up
a sort of insurance program for homeowners’ water
and sewer lines. As Dominion Virginia Power already
June 2013
provides an option for homeowners to purchase
private insurance for their water and sewer line
replacement, the Board did not express an interest in
this idea at this time.
Voted to file a lien on a property.
Voted to approve a payment plan.
At its June meeting, the Board plans to discuss the
advisability of reimbursing volunteers and employees for
mileage and paying for seasonal flags to be flown on
Central Park Drive in addition to the Garden Club’s flags
that currently fly on Lawrence Street. The meeting will
begin at 7 PM on June 13. As always, all homeowners
are invited and encouraged to attend. If you have any
questions, please feel free to contact :
Kirsten Davis, Community Manager at:
(703) 360-6212 or plha@verizon.net.
President’s Note
I hope all the residents are enjoying the warmer weather.
The pool opened on May 25 and if the weather was good
there was also a showing of the first movie of the season
by the Cinema Committee. If you haven’t had a chance
to get your pool pass yet, please stop by the PLHA office
during open hours and the staff will assist you with either
getting a pass or a current year sticker. Remember to
purchase guests passes at the PLHA office as the
lifeguards cannot issue guest passes.
Check out the swim team schedule and join them at a
home meet at our pool. They are always lots of fun and
the swimmers enjoy being cheered for and supported.
Welcome any new residents to the community. Feel free
to contact the PLHA office for any information about the
community. We have lots of committees who could use
some helping hands. It is a very good way to get to meet
some of your neighbors and hear firsthand what is going
on in Pinewood.
The PLHA Board of Directors meets on the second
Thursday of the month and all residents are welcome to
attend. Hope to see some of you there.
Nancy Razzino
President, Board of Directors
Pinewood Lake Needle
Neighborhood Watch
Maintenance Committee
By Salvatore P. Simonetta
By Marshall Sutton
As the recent events in Cleveland were
brought to light, it was a neighbor who ultimately made the
difference in the lives of three women who are now free.
I would like to reach out to the community to re-launch our
neighborhood watch program. Please join us at our re
launch meeting, Monday June 10 at 7:30 PM in the
community center.
National Paving will be repaving Amblewood and
Fernlake Courts sometime in June or July. Stay tuned for
the exact dates. Be prepared to move cars off the
street. We will open the pool parking lot for extra
parking*. The committee is looking for sidewalks that
need repair. If the concrete is broken or cracked near
your home, please let the office know.
If you are curious what the neighborhood watch is all
about, jump on the computer and type in this address:
Don't forget to vote for the new playground equipment on
Scarborough Square. New equipment was installed on
Longworthe, and judging by the number of kids seen
using it, it is a great success.
Look forward to seeing you there!
We are also planning on replacing the pier that extends
into the lake. We are looking at making it larger and
possibly adding a gazebo.
By Kim McGavitt
The ACC is in need of volunteers to serve on the
committee. Our meetings are held on the first Tuesday of
the month at 7:30 PM. We have a second meeting on the
third Tuesday of the month from April thru September.
The meetings are held to 90 minutes or less because
we all are busy and our time is valuable. Please consider
volunteering for the ACC - your input and participation is
greatly appreciated!
*Pool lot will be open for cars that won’t need to be moved
during the paving.
Ways to stay “community connected”
Join the Pinewood Lake Email Group via Google:
email katyparente@yahoo.com.
Like us on Facebook!
Free Estimates!
Maintenance Work is Ongoing:
By Karen Mestemaker
The tax credit is back!
Local company since 1978.
Family owned and operated.
The 2013 paving and concrete repair
work is being planned. Streets to be
repaved are Amblewood and
Fernlake Ct. Streets projected to have
concrete repairs are Oaklake Ct. and
Pinelake Ct. Watch for important information sent to
affected residents stating specific repair dates and any
special instructions.
Lifetime warranty. No Subcontractors.
Moving Your Vehicles
During the scheduled repairs on your street, vehicles will
not be allowed on the street for up to a 48 hour period.
Please note that you will not have access to your parking
pads during that time. Parking is available on state streets.
Towing & Towing Fees
The owners of vehicles that require towing will be
responsible for paying the towing fee.
Expect Postcard reminders 2 Weeks in advance of work
We Manufacture, We Install, We Service.
From your first visit to our factory and showroom to
years after your windows have been installed, our
company is at your service every step of the way.
We ensure excellent quality products at low cost.
Check www.pinewoodlake.net for updates such as
weather-related changes to the paving schedules.
If you have any questions please call the office at:
(703) 360-6212 or email mca@pinewoodlake.net
June 2013
Pinewood Lake Needle
Virginia's Largest Factory and Showroom
8815 Telegraph Rd. Lorton VA 22079
Call today for details: 703-550-7766 or
visit our NEW website: www.vinyl-lite.com
The following information was derived from the data included in the
PLHA general ledger accounts and related accounting records and
In transit
APRIL 2013
The total cash balance at the end of the month was $ 2,440,871.
An analysis of this balance and comparisons with prior periods
April 2013 March 2013 Dec 2012
$ 2,954
2,286,189 2,259,880
2,476,779 2,438,541
April 2013
March 2013 Dec 2012
Delinquent Accounts
The balance for the delinquent accounts on April 31,
2013 was $85,685 The current balance and
90 Days or more
comparisons with prior periods follows.
# of accounts over $1,000
in 90 day or older category
Youth Scholarship Program
Fairfax County Sports Directory
Summer Camps
- Adults/Youth/Special Needs -
Rec Pac
Rec Quest
Pretty Awesome Children. Recreation program
for elementary school children.
Contact Person
Michael Bonneville
Park Authority
Recreation program for children in grades one
through six.
Patti McGrath
Neighborhood and
Community Services
Road DAWG Prevention Program. – Don’t Associate With
Jonathan Melendez
Gangs. Camps serve at-risk youth.
Neighborhood and
Community Services
School Age Summer Care
Kelvin Claytor DFS –
Recreational and educational care. Children in
Office for Children
kindergarten – sixth grade.
Teen Center
Recreation. Most programs are free.
Membership at the teen centers are for Fairfax
county residents in grade 6th through 12th
Recreation. Membership at teen centers are for
Islamic Saudi Fairfax County residents in grades 6th – 12th
Prevention program. Incorporates prevention
Value In
activities into social skills, team building,
community service projects and recreation.
Middle School Students.
Teen DROPAges 12 – 18 - Gym usage
Janet Young
Neighborhood and
Community Services
Janet Young
Neighborhood and
Community Services
Jonathan Melendez
Neighborhood and
Community Services
More information
(703) 324- 5273 or (703) 5514 or
(703) 324- 5719 or
(703) 324-5556 or
Administration (703) 449-1414
Registration (703) 449- 8989
(703) 704-6234, TTY 711
(703) 704-6224 or
(703) 704-6234, TTY 711
(703) 324-5556
Janet Young
(703) 704-6224
Neighborhood and
Community Services
21st Century Activities include: tutoring/homework support,
Whitman Middle School
remediation, life skills and prevention training,
Sandra Perry
college/career planning, and practical
703) 660-2432 or
experiences to support learning. Raising 9th
Mt. Vernon High School
graders will also receive a week long “Transition
Alicia Clarke alclarke@fcps.edu
to High School Jump Start” program.
June 2013
Pinewood Lake Needle
Doctors Express Mount Vernon
7609-B Richmond Highway
Alexandria, VA 22306
Open 8am-8pm M-F
Open 8am-6pm Sat/Sun
Physician always on duty
No Appointments Necessary
Lab results while you wait
X-ray and EKG
Workers Comp. Injuries
Pre –employment physicals
Drug Screens & BAT testing
Pre-Op Physicals
Most insurances accepted
We treat most illnesses including burns, lacerations, sprains and fractures.
Come visit Doctors Express for your health care needs
where you’ll always see a Physician
A Former Pinewood Lake Resident
I’d like to help you
sell your house
Buy that smaller or bigger home
you’re looking for! Give me a call
and let’s talk!
For every purchase or sale in/from Pinewood,
I will make a donation to the Garden Club in your name.
Jill Durante
Cell: 703.862.3029
June 2013
Pinewood Lake Needle
Ask the CSL
By Karen Mestemaker
Dear Community Support Liaison (CSL):
Question: I am concerned about residents allowing their
pets to be off leash in the parks and common grounds in
our community. A neighbor always allows their pet to be
off leash in the park across the street from our home they
never appear to clean up after their dog and the park is a
mess. Can you please remind residents what the
guidelines are in regards to pet control and pet clean up?
Response: Pinewood Lake's policy is for all residents to
adhere to all Fairfax County guidelines and ordinances in
regards to animal control and pet cleanup. Pet waste,
even if it’s on your own property, should be cleaned up
and disposed of on a regular basis.
Please be advised that any animal control issues as well
as reporting pet clean-up violators can be reported to the:
Fairfax County Animal Control
(703) 691-2131
Thank you for contacting the CSL with
your question!
Email: csl@pinewoodlake.net
or call (571) 213-5500
or allow to be discharged anything
into the storm drains or streams other
than rainwater. This includes chemicals, leaves, dirt and
Dirty water from vehicle and equipment cleaning should not
be allowed to run into storm drains. Water from washing
cars may contain oils, greases, solvents, detergents,
petroleum hydrocarbons and other pollutants that degrade
water quality and harm fish and animals that live in our
(Continued from page 1 Taxes)
Assessments follow the market and typically reflect last
year's values. Home sales in Pinewood Lake have
recently been going for more than $300,000, so next year
expect your property taxes to rise even more, unless the
Board reduces the tax rate.
One might ask, "What's the impact of the 1-cent tax
increase on me?" For the average Fairfax County
homeowner it was $216, a 4% increase. In Pinewood
Lake, the taxes on my home is going up over $200 to
$2,864, a 7.6% increase. You might want to check yours,
and if you want the Board of Supervisors to focus on
keeping tax increases reasonable for next year, I
recommend you let them know your desires.
Car Washing at Home
Limit the amount of soap you use and use mild detergents,
especially those that are phosphate-free.
Try a waterless car washing soap, many of which are
A great way to prevent dirty water from getting into storm
drains is to take your car to a commercial car wash.
County code requires that these facilities recycle or
reuse most of their water and that the rest is sent to the
sanitary sewer system for processing.
When planning a car wash fundraiser, try to partner with a
commercial car washing facility or take measures to
prevent wash water from entering storm drains.
It is also important to maintain your car to prevent any
liquids from dripping onto the ground that may be picked
up by storm water runoff.
Safe & Lock Company
For additional information or to request a paper copy of the
Car Washing the Right Way brochure
E-mail: The Stormwater Planning Division or
Call (703) 324-5500, TTY 711.
Joseph W. Smith
The Needle Advertising Policy:
703-768-2495 Fax
June 2013
(Continued from page 1 Storm Drainage)
7325 Richmond Hwy.
Alexandria, VA 22306
DCJS 11-1766
Free personal ads from Pinewood residents and
absentee owners that offer “one-time” sale of goods
or requests for goods/services;
Pinewood Lake Needle
Paid commercial ads from businesses
Pinewood Lake Homeowners Association
8159 Fernlake Court
Alexandria, VA 22309-1209
Phone: 703-360-6212
FAX: 703-360-6771
Email: plha@verizon.net
New superintendent arrives in Fairfax
with high spirits
By Chloe Colbert and Jackson Cunningham
There’s a new sheriff in Fairfax County.
New superintendent Doctor Karen Garza said in a phone
conference that she is eager to build upon the previous
superintendent Doctor Jack Dale’s work in order to
“initiate change and sustain it.”
Dr. Garza comes from Lubbock, Texas, where she was
superintendent for five years, before which she was the
Chief Academic Officer of the Houston Independent
School District (HISD). During her time as superintendent,
Dr. Garza focused on student achievement and
graduation rates.
Dr. Garza plans to target the needs of Fairfax County
based on the issues it is currently facing. “What works at
Lubbock might not work or be what’s best for Fairfax
County.” Dr. Garza discussed several issues that she
plans of addressing once she takes office. “I think there’s
a lot to be done to improve college readiness,” Dr. Garza
said. “Students must take as many opportunities as
possible to be ready for college.” This includes taking
college level classes in a high school setting.
When faced with the issue of the current standardized
testing, Dr. Garza said that she thinks it is very important
but it has to come to the point where “it takes all the joy
and love out of learning.”
Dr. Garza admits that she is still acquainting herself with
the area. “I think the first thing I have to do is learn about
the school system, learn about the community.” What she
has found thus far, however, has been very positive. She
says she is very excited, and has been watching FCPS
for years.
“The school system has a great reputation across the
nation” Dr. Garza said. “It’s a beautiful and community…
Everyone I met was so nice and warm and welcoming.”
Dr. Garza will start working on the first of July, and is
eager to get down to business. “I intend to work really
hard for our schools that are struggling.” Dr. Garza said.
Office Hours:
12 PM - 3 PM Monday-Friday
9 AM - 12 Noon Saturday
Community Manager: Kirsten Davis
Asst Community Mgr: Karen Mestemaker
ACC Administrator: Karen Jones (703) 203-4506
Community Support Liaison: Karen Mestemaker
(571) 213-5500 or csl@pinewoodlake.net
Admin Assistant: Vikki Silver
Board of Directors
Vice President:
Members at Large:
Vicki McLeod
Gary Woodlin
Nancy Razzino
Bill Gleason
Rich Hall
Warren Wesley
Evan Krauss
Jim Fetzner
Salvatore P. Simonetta
Maintenance Committee Administrator
Karen Mestemaker
(571) 213-5500
Board Liaison
Frank Holub
Pinewood Lake Needle Staff
Georgina Toro-Lugo
Vicki McLeod
Leonard P. Fleming
Donna M. Wright
Salvatore P. Simonetta
Pinewood Lake Publications Staff
Kirsten Davis
Advertising Manager
Lois Passman
Katy Parente
Phone: (703) 781-7626
The Needle is the official publication of the Pinewood Lake
Homeowners Association. Advertising in the Needle does
not imply approval or sanction of products or services by
PLHA. Noncommercial classified ads for goods are free to
residents; contact Kirsten Davis.
For commercial
classifieds contact Lois Passman.
Swim Team Hosting Poolside Cookouts!!
The swim team will be selling
hot dogs and hamburgers on
Fridays from 5-7 PM.
Come support our swim
team and watch for other
fundraisers throughout the summer!!
June 2013
Pinewood Lake Needle
Liam celebrated in
“Born to be wild” style,
chasing bubbles and balloons
in Central Park Circle
Happy Birthday Liam!
From surviving the first day of
kindergarten to stepping
out on your own.
Members of
the Cinema
Fil and Mary
Helen Martinez
hard at work
equipment for
Cinema Nights
Seniors TeddeShahara Simmons
and Tristan
Do you know any recent Pinewood
Lake Graduates?
Congratulate them in the Needle!
Deadline for submission June 21
We love you!! The
Simmons & Donchatz-Johnson
Mixed Use the New Style of
By Vicki McLeod
Mixed Use the two new words in
the development world. On May 1st
SFDC had a summit breakfast
where 3 developers who have built
in our area and across the United
States presented their versions of
Mixed Use Communities.
"For I know the plans I have for
you..." (Jeremiah 29:11)
Water Line Replacement Program
Submitted by: Karen Mestemaker
Did you know that the water line that runs
from the street to your home is your
responsibility? And that water line failures can cost a
homeowner thousands of dollars in unexpected repairs?
Fortunately, Dominion’s Water Line Replacement
Program can help you avoid these costly repair bills.
The Program Includes:
Convenience- Simply call our water line replacement
service hotline any time—day or night—and
we’ll respond within 24 hours.
Savings- We will pay for all water line parts and labor to
replace or repair your water line, and no service call
No long tem contract - Stay protected with our water
line replacement program as long as you like. You
can cancel at any time - at no cost.
For more information log in at:
June 2013
It has been determined that buyers
are looking for developments centered around shopping
centers, theaters and restaurants. Traffic has become
such an issue that when the working family arrives home
the last place they want to go is back in the car and travel
to shop, to eat or have fun.
Our Youth had rather stay at home and use their latest
tech equipment and communicate with their friends
through that tool, not get in a car and drive. Parents really
do not want to cut grass all weekend or make outdoor
repairs. They had rather the Managers of the units take
care of that and leave them with time to spend with their
In Fairfax County there are communities rising up
everywhere. Route One developers are certainly going in
that direction. There is one completed on Route One as
we speak, Beacon Hill. Huntington near the Huntington
Metro and Penn Daw shopping are to be re-done in that
model. It is the WAVE of the Future beginning now.
Pictured above is one of the Developers of the Company
Street Sense.
Pinewood Lake Needle
Vote for the new Scarborough Sq. Playground
Equipment does get old and the playground on Scarborough Sq. is due for replacement. The new playground will
approximately fit the foot print of the existing playground, however that will increase with the addition of the swings.
The Board is now soliciting community input on the selection of a new playground to be installed. Please vote for
proposal # 1 or # 2 and if you are opposed to the addition of the swings please indicate so in your comments.
You can vote by phone or drop off your selection at the office.
The input period will be open through June 12, 2013, comments will also be welcomed at the June 12, 2013 Board
Meeting at 7 PM. A complete set of the proposals are available for review online at www.pinewoodlake.net or please
stop by the office.
Send your comments or
questions to:
csl@pinewoodlake.net or
call (571) 213-5500
Option # 1 Cost $43,175
Option # 2 Cost $36,239
June 2013
Pinewood Lake Needle