Faltblatt Hüttermann - GB.cdr


Faltblatt Hüttermann - GB.cdr
Meridian measuring in the dental practice: the Prognos®-System:
Empirical report after
one-year application
Odontology holistic
As soon as the dentist has a good look at the effect of his professional actions and he gets
involved in a "holistic" way of looking at the situation, various questions arise automatically,
which accompany the daily treatment.
Fundamental principles
The basic regulation system
according to Pischinger
( PISCHINGER 1990) serves as
a basis for a holistic way of
thinking. The awareness that
cells must not be regarded in
isolation but are connected with
the whole organism has
consequences for diagnosis and
therapy in the practice. From the
point of view of holistic medicine a
root treated tooth for example is
not dead and inactive, but is in
permanent mutual exchange with
the whole organism. This tooth
may act as a perturbation field and
may develop a focus. Other
possible perturbation fields are
e.g. radicular rests, displaced
teeth, scars, apical periodontitis,
juvenile periodontitis, restostitis,
amalgam fillings and dental
metals ( FISCHER 1998,
THOMSEN 1996).
Therapy-resistant cases
It does not rarely occur that
dentists have patients who show a
multitude of odontomas and tooth
foci after a careful examination
according to orthodox medicine
and especially a roentgenological
examination, which do not
themselves in local trouble or pain.
Such foci can possibly persist
undiscovered for decades. Due to
the work by Voll and Kramer
1996, VOLL 1987), among other
things, and the table with dental
relations to meridians and organs
resulting from their work it can be
derived which consequences an
undiscovered tooth focus might
have for the organism.
If such a focus is not treated, it can
cause trouble and organic
diseases elsewhere, which
distinguish themselves by
inexplicable therapy resistance
when being locally
(symptomatically) treated by the
respective medical specialist. The
neural therapy according to
Huneke describes classic
examples for the remote effect of
foci, especially the representation
Picture 1
of the second phenomenon, that
is the elimination of the symptom
after an injection with procaine at
the remote focus ( DOSCH
1997, 2FISCHER 1998,
HUNEKE 1986).
Quantum physics
Modern quantum physics offers
explanations for the origin of
diseases, which goes beyond a
"germ teaching". According to
Popp ( BISCHOF 1995, POPP
1987) all cells are connected via
biophotons and no cell reacts
without an effect on other cells.
Information is transmitted with
the speed of light and may have
an effect immediately. Scientific
indication gave, among other
things, the experiments of
Kasnachejev and Michailowa
(10POPP 1987), which have
proven that cultures - even
without having had any contact
to a virus - showed the same
symptoms like an infected
culture. The mere quantum
physical information is enough
for a disease. Smith and Monroe
proved that certain
electromagnetic vibration may
cause the same allergic
reactions as applied antigens
( F I S C H E R 1 9 9 8 ,
intensified as soon as it is about
artificial dentition, of which making
for the patient is not only
accompanied with the
consequence of insertion of
foreign material, but in most cases
also with a noticeable financial
Which problems are present?
In the case of complex trouble, an
orthodox-medical examination
only is often not enough to find out
all causes or even to carry out an
evaluation of the pathogenic
disturbances. In the case of
multifactorial foci, the therapist
wishes a method of examination
that offers information that he does
not receive through conventional
aids of diagnosis (see picture 1).
Communication is important
Here, it is referred to the
discussion "Quantum theory
Sheldrake`s morphic fields" by
Prof. Dürr in the previous issues
of this magazine for interested
readers only in passing.
As soon as the patients are asked if
something has changed in their
general condition, for example
after the extraction of a tooth with
chronic foci, they often give
astonishing answers. Indigestion,
backache or problems with the
ears or eyes that suddenly
disappeared. The patients rarely
connect the disappearance of
trouble with the renovation of the
teeth, if the therapist does not ask
and explains the correlations to the
patients. It would be desirable to
have a method, which makes
communication easier und makes
these correlations measurable and
representable in the run-up to the
Foreign material in the organism
Nobody in the medical
professions inserts roughly as
many foreign materials in the
human organism as a dentist.
Already with the selection of the
filling material the questions
comes up - also against the
background of the more than 100
years old amalgam discussion in
the meantime - if the patient
tolerates the material. The
lacking certainty when selecting
the material is
Well-known and also tried and
tested methods of diagnosis are
e.g. electro acupuncture according
to Voll, cinesiology, the auricularmedical diagnostics of
perturbation fields, thermography
and more ( 4 KRAMER 1972,
MASTALIER 1996). These
methods have proven themselves
for experts, but often require
detailed and long training, are quite
time-consuming sometimes,
cannot be delegated and are
difficult to understand for the
The Prognos-System
The Prognos-System makes use of
the findings of modern quantum
physics. The measuring apparatus
of the system was developed with
immense government support by
the research council headed by
Prof. Zagriadskii and Dr. Poljakov at
the Russian Academy of Sciences
at the beginning of the 80s and was
used successfully in Russian space
travel for the first time. Similar to
other methods of diagnosis the
Prognos System measures the skin
resistance at the points of
acupuncture. The measuring
current was strongly reduced
compared with previous systems
(0,4µA for 200mSec for each
measuring process).
Here, the starting and ending point
of the 24 meridian points of fingers
and toes are measured.
software shows the results of
measurement clearly in a curve that
gives information about a lack / gain
of energy or blocks of energy
immediately. Meridians and
measuring quantities are clearly laid
out and the meridians are
subdivided in right and left. The
software of the Prognos-Systems
provides statements about the
energetic state of the meridian
system on the basis of 12 million
measurements for the description of
an "energetic average". The
reproducibility as well as reliability
was tested and proven in studies
( TREUGUT et al. 1998).
The measuring process
The measuring is easy to take and
can be delegated without any
problems due to the graphic help of
the software. A measuring lasts
about two minutes. The results do
not differ if different people take the
measuring (see picture 2).
Comparative measurements are
taken after a main measurement to
check the regulatory behaviour of
the body. Nosodes, drugs and
materials can be tested by giving
them into the hand of the patient.
Picture 2
measuring is taken. If a balancing
out of the energetic disturbance
occurs, it is regarded as identified
(see example).
Picture 4
The tooth module
Picture 3
According to the quantum
physical findings the information
of the tested materials and
nosodes have an immediate
effect. The reaction of the
organism and its meridian
system to the respective medium
becomes plain from the
measuring curve.
The software provides the
opportunity to follow defined
measuring processes and to
develop own programs e.g. for
the own series of material testing
where the materials are
examined which are mainly used
in the practice. With this method
the auxiliary who measures only
needs to change the nosodes or
the material and take the
measuring, the program runs
independently (see picture 3).
Verification of tooth foci
A tried and tested way of
verifying tooth foci is the injection
with procaine. With this method,
which is known from the neural
therapy, it is injected vestibularly
at the suspected tooth and a
The tooth module is an additional
program of the Prognos software
that enables a systematic
examination with standard
nosodes (for example pulpitis D6 or
ostitis of the jaw D6) and afterwards
makes an evaluation, which shows
the biggest energetic problem on a
graph. The measured differences in
energy can be presented to
average or also separately per
nosode. The meridians are
assigned automatically to the
appropriate dental relations in the
graph so that a quick and clear
energetic evaluation of the teeth
and/or the tooth foci becomes
possible. The therapist can select
between a "ranking list" of the teeth
according to determined greatest
deviations and a single
representation of the energetic
changes after testing each nosode
(see picture 4).
Picture 5
Picture 6
Female patient, 35 years old, with
multiple tooth foci. An examination
and the roentgenological
clarification showed: secondary
caries of the rest of a root,
horizontal and vertical bone
degradation, elongated superior
wisdom teeth as well as apical
periodontitis (see picture 1).
Furthermore, the artificial dentition
consists of a 75 per cent palladium
alloy and is in the neighbourhood of
insufficient amalgam fillings. The
patient suffers from various
allergies and skin diseases.
Picture 7
Picture 8
The Prognos measuring was
started with a testing of metal in
order to find out intolerabilities
relating to it. The relevant nosodes
are given into the hand, afterwards
the measuring is taken. In the
diagram control of the meridians a
strain of metal becomes plain as a
clear energetic change, here
shown as
a fall of energy, red bar. In this
case a strain of amalgam and
palladium is present (see picture
5). In the overall representation, a
weakness of the lung meridian
and a strong lack of the 3H
meridian are especially
noticeable. It is desirable to find a
medicine or therapy during the
measuring, which balances such
discrepancies out (see picture 6).
The interpretation module
Experts know that the upper
wisdom teeth are closely
connected with the 3H meridian.
The "interpretation module" of the
software lists results, which often
occur with an energetic
disturbance of this meridian.
Here, it is quickly visible that the
teeth 18 and 28 are to examine
causally (see picture 7). The
procaine injection at wisdom
tooth 28 brought the decisive
improvement at the 3H meridian
and also other meridians
including the weakened lung
meridian make a profit of the
procaine injection (see picture 8).
The total gain of energy becomes
clear when looking at the therapy
control (see picture 5, green bar).
Here, the procaine injection at 28
brought about a gain of energy of
65 per cent compared to the
previous measurement.
Such clear results are not only
easy to understand for the
therapist but also for the patient.
The discussion of the
correlations from the measuring
curves makes an explanation,
the diagnosis and the beginning
of a causal therapy easier. The
combination of alternative
medicine and the opportunity of
putting modern quantum physical
findings into action show new
paths in diagnostics and therapy.
System is a method of a
bioenergetic measuring which is
easy to work with and helps with
finding out healing disorders and
therapy beginnings. This way,
consequences of drugs and
materials on the meridian system
can be measured before they are
integrated into the organism.
This report cannot and also does
not want to show all options that
the system offers the therapist.
The software provides a lot more
opportunities than it is possible to
integrate into the own practice.
Which of the possibilities the
therapist uses is left to the own
needs and the personal taste. For
the identification of foci and
perturbation fields as well as with
the selection of the material, the
Prognos system serves very well in
my practice and is a good addition
to the well-known orthodox-medical
Dr. med. dent. Thorsten Hüttermann
Teutoburger Str. 70a
46145 Oberhausen
Bibliographical references:
Pischinger A. Das System der Grundregulation. 8. Auflage. Heidelberg:
Haug-Verlag, 1990.
Fischer L. Neuraltherapie nach Huneke. Stuttgart: Hippokrates, 1998.
Thomsen J. Zahnärztliche Werkstoffe aus biokybernetischer Sicht. In
Mastalier O (Hrsg). Ganzheitliche Zahn-, Mund- und
Kieferheilkunde. München: Urban & Schwarzenberg 1996:156-159.
Kramer F. Einführung in die Elektroakupunktur nach Voll. Bd. 1. Uelzen:
MLV-Verlag, 1972.
Mastalier O. Ganzheitliche Zahn-, Mund- und Kieferheilkunde.
München: Urban & Schwarzenberg, 1996.
Voll R. Kopfherde. Uelzen: Medizinische Verlagsgesellschaft, 1987.
Dosch P. Wissenswertes zur Neuraltherapie. 23. Auflage. Heidelberg:
Haug-Verlag 1997.
Huneke F. Das Sekundenphänomen in der Neuraltherapie. 6. Auflage.
Heidelberg: Haug-Verlag, 1986.
Bischof M. Biophotonen. Frankfurt: Zweitausendeins-Verlag, 1995.
Popp F. A. Neue Horizonte in der Medizin. 2. Auflage. Heidelberg:
Haug-Verlag, 1987.
Strittmatter B. Das Störfeld in Diagnostik und Therapie. Stuttgart:
Hippokrates, 1998.
Treugut H, Gorner C, Lüdtke R, Burghardt V. Reliabilität der
energetischen Meridianmessung mit Porgnos A .
Bgm.-Pfauntsch-Str. 7
D - 96597 Nagel
Phone: 0049 - 9236 - 95 84
Fax: 0049 - 9236 - 95 86
In my experience, the Prognos
eMail: mail@medprevent.de