For information about Delta/McKenzie targets contact our customer service department. Delta SportS proDuctS, llc 30151 160th Street Dike, Iowa 50624 phone: 800-708-0673 / Fax: 319-989-9207 email: For inquiries outside of the u.S.: Mike Sarnitz a 1190 Vienna pokornygasse 8 austria-europe cell: +4369919257302 / Fax: 004313682120 DELTA/McKENZIE TARGETS 2012 / PRODUCT CATALOG A LETTER fROM ThE PRESIDENT / JEN KRESSER–CAMPbELL ThE bEST Of bOTh wORLDS. We hear this phrase frequently in everyday life but at Delta Sports products this takes on greater meaning. under one roof we have the two longest existing target brands in the world. collectively Delta and McKenzie share almost 60 years of experience helping archers and bow hunters to have greater success afield. on one hand there is the Delta brand, best known for its commitment to the average bow hunter. our targets have been tested in more backyards, hunting camps, and ranges than any in the world. We’ve taken that experience and feedback and continued to develop targets that meet the practical, economic and aesthetic needs of our customers—people just like you and me. on the other hand there is the McKenzie brand, best known for its premium competition targets. It is found at top archery events around the world. tested under the most punishing conditions, by the best archers; McKenzie targets continue to live up to the challenge of durability and reliability. When we combined the two entities of Delta and McKenzie targets, we gained the collective expertise, product development and brand recognition that came along with them. once again, thank you for allowing Delta and McKenzie targets to be your targets of choice. It has been our privilege to create and produce products to give you the best shooting experience available in a target. contents SHOTBLOCKER TARGETS 3-4 RECREATION & EDUCATION TARGETS 27-28 BAG TARGETS 5-6 INDOOR SPOT TARGETS 29-30 SMACKDOWN SERIES 7 TRU-LIFE PAPER TARGETS 31-32 RIVERBOTTOM SERIES 8 H.S. DECOYS 33-34 COMPETITION & BACKYARD 3-D TARGETS 9-14 ARCHERY CLUB LOCATOR/MCKENZIE3D.COM 35 MCKENZIE PREMIUM COMPETITION 3-D TARGETS 15-24 ASA/IBO EVENTS SCHEDULE & INFO 36 CROSSBOW APPROVED TARGETS 25-26 TROPHY ROOM 37-38 Team Realtree Crossbow Shotblocker 20898 / 20899 20860 Crossbow Traveler 20862 pictured LEfT to RIGhT: TEAM REALTREE ShOTbLOCKER / 20898 / bOwhUNTER / 20850 Bowhunter Backyard 20850 Utility 20880 20870 Travel Pro 20890 ShotBlocker McKenzie ShotBlocker has changed layered target technology for the better. It’s more durable than other layered-foam targets, for countless shots on all four sides. Using our patented, welded-core technology, it’s made with hundreds of foam layers, permanently seared together. Shooters appreciate the easy arrow removal, with no bands, cables, plates, shifting, or falling apart, and the reduced foam slivering when used with broadheads. 3 D E LT A M c K E N Z I E 2 0 1 2 Black Magnum 20893 Wall Target/Backstop 21000 / 21020 21010 single replacement section for 21000 “tHe Wall” target. 21025 single replacement section for 21020 croSSBoW Wall target. TARGET backyard bowhunter croSSbow croSSbowtraVeLer teaMreaLtree teaMreaLtree utiLity traVeLpro newbLackMagnuM waLLtarget/backStop croSSbowwaLLtarget/backStop modEl 20880 20850 20860 20862 20898 20899 20870 20890 20893 21000 21020 dimEnsions 21”hx21”wx18”d 18”hx18”wx14”d 18”hx18”wx14”d 18”hx16”wx11”d 18”hx18”wx18”d 18”hx18”wx14”d 18”hx18”wx18”d 18”hx16”wx11”d 20”hx18”wx11”d 48”hx42”wx18”d 48”hx42”wx18”d REplAcEmEnTsEcTion(1EA.) — — — — — — — — 21010 21025 FpsRATinG 320 320 340front/back|400sides 320front/back|400sides 320 320 320 280 280 320 340 S h O T b L O C K E R TA R G E T S msRp $139.99 $79.99 $99.99 $69.99 $99.99 $79.99 $109.99 $39.99 $59.99 $799.99 $929.99 4 SPEED BAG® TARGETS Speed bag ag series targets are not recommended for broadheads or for bows faster than 350 fps. Speed Bag XL Speed Bag Speed Bag Quad 70664 70662 70287 Designed for crossbows Designed for crossbows Super Deadstop Bag 70293 Designed for crossbows 70295 TARGET SpeedbagStout SpeedbagXL Speedbag SpeedbagQuad newSpeedbagknockout Designed for crossbows Economy Bag 70266 Not recommended for high-poundage bows Official ASA Practice Target *Super Deadstop Stand (70296) not included 70668 Designed for crossbows 70666 Designed for crossbows Speed Bag Stout Crossbow Discharge Bag Speed Bag Knockout Team Realtree Bag Target 20975 / 20977 Designed for crossbows iTEm# 70293 70664 70662 70287 70666 REplAcEmEnTBAG — 70665 70663 70289 — BAGsiZE — — — — — HEiGHT 33” 28” 24” 18” 32” WidTH 19” 28” 24” 18” 36” dEpTH — 12” 10” 18” 14” msRp $69.99 $69.99 $49.99 $49.99 $99.99 70668 20975 20977 70295 70296 70266 — 20976 20978 70297 — — — — — 32” — 23” 12” 20” 24” — — — 12” 20” 24” — — — 12” 8” 8” — — — $24.99 $29.99 $49.99 $84.99 $99.99 $24.99 pictured: SPEED bAG / 70662 5 D E LT A M c K E N Z I E 2 0 1 2 BAGTARGETs newcroSSbowdiSchargebag teaMreaLtreebagtarget teaMreaLtreebagtarget SuperdeadStop SuperdeadStopStand econoMybag b A G TA R G E T S 6 pictured LEfT to RIGhT: MACK DADDY / 20180 pictured LEfT to RIGhT: CROSSbUCK / 21130 INTRUDER / 50460 ChALLENGER / 50455 REAL-wORLD bUCK / 51500 SMACKDOWN SERIES RIVERBOTTOM SERIES In 2011, McKenZIe offered a new line of 3D deer targets. the Smackdown Series offered the archer/ bow hunter three great options, each with its own advantages. all three target models feature the durability and overall quality that you’ve come to expect from McKenzie targets with a model certain to fit anyone’s price range. For 2012, we have included e-Z Flex replaceable cores to the Mack Daddy and the new crossBuck model—specifically designed with high-density foam that will stand up to the fastest crossbows and compound bows available today! the Smackdown Series from McKenzie—putting the smack down on the competition! Designed by bow hunters, the rIVerBottoM SerIeS targets are built to last but won’t take a bite out of your paycheck! With three different models to choose from, there is an option for every budget. From the economical riverbottom Series IntruDer to the detailed vitals on the archer’s choice® real-World Buck, these targets are setting the standard for affordable and long-lasting backyard practice. and with increased easy arrow removal, these targets won’t leave you with a sore arm after an afternoon of shooting with your buddies! If you’re an average Joe Bowhunter, then Delta’s riverbottom Series targets are for you. TARGET LiLMackbuck newcroSSbuck Mackdaddybuck 7 LIL MACK / 20170 modEl 20170 51470 20180 D E LT A M c K E N Z I E 2 0 1 2 REp.coRE 20171 51471 20181 HEiGHT 40” 40” 42” lEnGTH 32” 43” 43” msRp $89.99 $129.99 $149.99 TARGET intruder chaLLenger archer’SchoicereaL-worLdbuck modEl 50460 50455 51500 REp.coRE 50461 50201 51501 HEiGHT 37” 41” 40” lEnGTH 41” 40” 43” msRp $89.99 $99.99 $129.99 SMACKDOwN & RIVERbOTTOM SERIES 8 Trophy Whitetail Buck 50780 Mule Deer Buck 50150 Alert Whitetail Buck 50100 Broadhead Buck Bedded Maxim 50350 Sneak Whitetail Buck 50140 Backyard Buck Legend 52200 50400 Antelope 50110 Javelina Wild Boar Wolverine 50600 50597 50230 Standing Black Bear 50550 Walking Brown Bear 50120 Timber Wolf 50570 Canadian Lynx 50595 TARGET trophywhitetaiLbuck MuLedeerbuck aLertwhitetaiLbuck SneakwhitetaiLbuck anteLope tiMberwoLF canadianLynX JaVeLina StandingbLackbear waLkingbrownbear wiLdboar broadheadbuck beddedMaXiM backyardbuckLegend woLVerine iTEm# 50780 50150 50100 50140 50110 50570 50595 50597 50550 50120 50600 50350 52200 50400 50230 REp.mid/viTAl 50418Vital 50422Vital 50418Vital 50418Vital 50118Vital 50571Vital 50596Vital 50599Vital 50552Vital 50128Vital 50602Midsection 50301Vital 50201Vital 50401Vital — HT. (TopoFHEAd) 45” 45” 45” 41” 41” 32” 25.5” 22.5” 59” 31” 33” 43” 22” 40” 36” dEpTH 12” 12” 12” 12” 11” 10” 10.5” 10” 15” 11” 10” 10” 10” 10” 9” lEnGTH 37” 37” 37” 43” 42.5” 45” 36” 35.5” 19.5” 48” 32” 44” 39” 43” 22” YEARonTARGET 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005+ - - - 2003 1998/1997 2003 - msRp $229.99 $233.99 $229.99 $229.99 $269.99 $339.99 $249.99 $139.99 $344.99 $319.99 $259.99 $169.99 $139.99 $119.99 $94.99 ComPETiTion TARGETS | Delta’s top-of-the line, full-sized targets featuring large replacement vitals or replacement midsections offering extreme durability. BACkyARD TARGETS | Delta’s legendary targets known for affordability and perfect for backyard realistic hunting practice. 9 D E LT A M c K E N Z I E 2 0 1 2 C O M P E T I T I O N & b A C K Y A R D 3 - D TA R G E T S 10 Rutting Buffalo 50520 Tuffbuck II Medium Deer pictured: TREESTAND bUCK / bT 50500 50560 Roe Deer Howling Coyote 53100 20115 TARGET ruttingbuFFaLo FuLLStrutturkey griZZLybear treeStandbuck tuFFbuckiiMed.deer roedeer howLingcoyote Grizzly Bear Full Strut Turkey 50540 iTEm# 50540 50520 50560 50500 20115 53100 50535 REp.mid/viTAl 50542Midsection — 50562Midsection 50501Midsection 20110Vital (2007 & 2008) — — HT. (TopoFHEAd) 50” 32” 60” 40” 33” 37” 35” 50535 dEpTH 17” 17” 22” 10” — 8.5” 9” lEnGTH 82.5” 25” 61” 46” 43” 37.5” 33” YEARonTARGET - - 2000 - msRp $1159.99 $269.99 $861.99 $129.99 $139.99 $119.99 $139.99 ComPETiTion TARGETS | Delta’s top-of-the line, full-sized targets featuring large replacement vitals or replacement midsections offering extreme durability. BACkyARD TARGETS | Delta’s legendary targets known for affordability and perfect for backyard realistic hunting practice. 11 D E LT A M c K E N Z I E 2 0 1 2 C O M P E T I T I O N & b A C K Y A R D 3 - D TA R G E T S 12 Aimrite Bear Alert Jake 20125 Raccoon 50505 50510 KillZone KillZone Turkey 52500 Carp 53200 50530 Triceratops Woodchuck Red Fox 50515 TARGET aiMritebear aLertJake raccoon porcupine carp rabbit woodchuck redFoX newbuLZeye REplAcEmEnTviTAl 20192 (2008model) n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a D E LT A M c K E N Z I E 2 0 1 2 Dragon 54100 54250 70146 HEiGHT 28” 23” 18” 26” 12” 19” 21” 23” 21”diameter BACkyARD TARGETS | Delta’s legendary targets known for affordability and perfect for backyard realistic hunting practice. 13 T-Rex 54150 Bulzeye Target 50525 iTEm# 20125 50505 50510 50530 50430 53200 50515 50525 70146 52510 Porcupine Rabbit 50430 KillZone Bear/Boar 52520 dEpTH — 11” 13” 10.5” 9” 8.5” 15” 8” 4” lEnGTH 45” 36” 15” 15” 30” 16.5” 13” 18” — msRp $169.99 $134.99 $84.99 $86.99 $76.99 $69.99 $76.99 $79.99 $89.99 TARGET kiLLZone newturkeykiLLZone newbear/boarkiLLZone TARGET triceratopS t-reX dragon iTEm# 52500 52520 52510 iTEm# 54150 54100 54250 HEiGHT 16” 17” 16” REplAcEmEnTBodY 54152 54102 54252 WidTH 15” 15.5” 15” HEiGHT 37” 47” 44” dEpTH 16” 72”(headtotaiL) 30” msRp $54.99 $59.99 $59.99 WidTH 73” 23” 30” msRp $449.99 $309.99 $324.99 BACkyARD TARGETS | Delta’s legendary targets known for affordability and perfect for backyard realistic hunting practice. C O M P E T I T I O N & b A C K Y A R D 3 - D TA R G E T S 14 Large Sneak Deer Medium Deer 20330 21330 Large Alert Deer TARGET LgaLertdeer LgSneakdeer MediuMdeer Med.graZingdeer beddeddeer Largedeer pronghornanteLope xT 21320 21330 21500 21310 21510 21520 21420 21310 Large Deer 20320 21320 Medium Grazing Deer 20500 21500 REp.coRE mid+coRE 21321 21322 21321 21322 21501 21502 21311 21312 21511 21512 21521 21522 21421 21422 Hd - - 20500 - 20510 20520 - Pronghorn Antelope 20520 21520 REp.mid - - 20501 - 20511 20521 - nl 20320 20330 - 20310 - - 20420 20310 20420 21420 REp.mid 20321 20321 - 20311 - - 20421 sHouldERHT. 36” 36” 35” 31” 15” 37” 36” lEnGTH 56” 56” 43” 42” 48” 50” 46” msRp $441.99Xt$421.99nL $440.99Xt$412.99nL $451.99Xt$405.99hd $409.99Xt$389.99nL $475.99Xt$432.99hd $493.99Xt$439.99hd $439.99Xt$401.99nL pictured: bEDDED DEER / XT 21510 hD 20510 XTREmE SERiES | XT series targets feature replaceable EZ-flex cores & Mid-sections (Dura-flex). Core can be purchased with replaceable midsection or individually. HD™ SERiES | hD series targets feature replaceable Mid-sections (Dura-flex) only. nATRALook® | NatraLook targets feature replaceable Mid-sections (Dura-flex) only. 15 D E LT A M c K E N Z I E 2 0 1 2 M c K E N Z I E P R E M I U M C O M P E T I T I O N 3 - D TA R G E T S 16 Quartering Deer Medium Alert Deer 20300 Medium Brown Bear pictured: MEDIUM bLACK bEAR / XT 21350 NL 20350 TARGET MuLedeer bighornSheep MediuMbrownbear Standingbear MediuMbLackbear Quarteringdeer Med.aLertdeer xT 21450 21550 21600 21360 21350 - - Mule Deer 20360 21360 REp.coRE mid+coRE 21451 21452 21551 21552 21601 21602 21361 21362 21351 21352 - - - - Hd - 20550 20600 - - - - 20550 21550 Standing Bear 20600 21600 Bighorn Sheep 20470 REp.mid - 20551 20601 - - - - nl 20450 - - 20360 20350 20300 20470 20450 21450 REp.mid 20451 - - 20361 20351 20301 20471 sHouldERHT. 38” 34” 29” 35” 28.5” 34.5” 33.5” lEnGTH 52” 50” 50” 43” 45” 49” 44” msRp $484.99Xt/$444.99nL $630.99Xt/$586.99hd $515.99Xt/$459.99hd $531.99Xt/$498.99nL $435.99Xt/$406.99nL $399.99nL $379.99nL XTREmE SERiES | XT series targets feature replaceable EZ-flex cores & Mid-sections (Dura-flex). Core can be purchased with replaceable midsection or individually. HD™ SERiES | hD series targets feature replaceable Mid-sections (Dura-flex) only. nATRALook® | NatraLook targets feature replaceable Mid-sections (Dura-flex) only. 17 D E LT A M c K E N Z I E 2 0 1 2 M c K E N Z I E P R E M I U M C O M P E T I T I O N 3 - D TA R G E T S 18 Wild Boar Elk 20370 21370 Mountain Goat 20540 21570 20750 Legs are cut off for shipping; reassembly instructions included. CLIMBING BEAR Caribou 20340 Mountain Lion 20560 21440 20440 The McKenzie Advantage Proven time and again at archery clubs and 3-D events the world over—McKENZIE PREMIUM COMPETITION 3-d Targets are among the best all-around 3-d targets available today. Featuring two of the most advanced foams in the target industry—E-Z Flex & DuraFlex foams—McKENZIE PREMIUM COMPETITION targets offer easy arrow removal, maximum durabilty & long-lasting performance—while providing an economical option via replaceable cores and/or mid-sections. Add in a wide variety of target options—and the choices we offer for high-quality 3-D options are unmatched. Simply put, when nothing but the best will do, the choice is obvious—go with the best—McKENZIE PREMIUM COMPETITION 3-D TARGETS! 19 D E LT A M c K E N Z I E 2 0 1 2 TARGET cLiMbingbear wiLdboar eLk Mountaingoat caribou MountainLion xT - 21370 - 21570 - 21440 REp.coRE mid+coRE - - 21371 21372 - - 21571 21572 - - 21441 21442 Hd - - 20540 20570 20560 - REp.mid - - 20541 20571 20561 - nl 20340 20370 - - - 20440 REp.mid 20341 20371 - - - 20441 sHouldERHT. 54” 30” 54” 36” 40” 24” lEnGTH - 29” 80” 51” 72” 49” msRp $349.99nL $447.99Xt/$421.99nL $1,217.99hd $514.99Xt/$543.99hd $1,029.99hd $450.99Xt/$405.99nL XTREmE SERiES | XT series targets feature replaceable EZ-flex cores & Mid-sections (Dura-flex). Core can be purchased with replaceable midsection or individually. HD™ SERiES | hD series targets feature replaceable Mid-sections (Dura-flex) only. nATRALook® | NatraLook targets feature replaceable Mid-sections (Dura-flex) only. M c K E N Z I E P R E M I U M C O M P E T I T I O N 3 - D TA R G E T S 20 Bison Coyote 20590 Turkey Javelina TARGET Struttingturkey biSon coyote ruSSianboar JaVeLina turkey woLF gobbLingturkey xT - - 21430 21460 21380 - 21580 - REp.coRE mid+coRE - - - - 21431 21432 21461 21462 21381 21382 - - 21581 21582 - - 21580 Hd - 20590 - - - - 20580 - REp.mid - 20591 - - - - 20581 - nl 20400 - 20430 20460 20380 20390 - 20410 20460 21460 Gobbling Turkey Wolf 20390 20380 21380 Russian Boar 20430 21430 20410 20580 REp.mid - - 20431 20461 20381 - - - sHouldERHT. 25” 56” 23” 27” 21” 34” 31” 20” lEnGTH - 71” 36” 47” 30.5” - 45” - msRp $353.99nL $1,256.99hd $389.99Xt/$350.99nL $451.99Xt/$399.99nL $315.99Xt/$272.99nL $195.99nL $457.99Xt/$409.99hd $246.99nL pictured: STRUTTING TURKEY / NL 20400 XTREmE SERiES | XT series targets feature replaceable EZ-flex cores & Mid-sections (Dura-flex). Core can be purchased with replaceable midsection or individually. HD™ SERiES | hD series targets feature replaceable Mid-sections (Dura-flex) only. nATRALook® | NatraLook targets feature replaceable Mid-sections (Dura-flex) only. 21 D E LT A M c K E N Z I E 2 0 1 2 M c K E N Z I E P R E M I U M C O M P E T I T I O N 3 - D TA R G E T S 22 Alligator African Hyena 20820 African Blesbok 21750 Corsican Sheep 20750 Black Buck 21800 20830 21830 African Lion RoCk RASCALS Raccoon Bobcat Fox Woodchuck Wolverine 21215 21225 21220 21210 21235 African Warthog 20730 20800 21760 Fallow Deer 20810 21810 Ibex 20740 21740 21710 20710 SHOOTING STAKES 50999 / MSRP: $54.99 TARGET STAND Chamois 21840 23 TARGET aFricanbLeSbok corSicanShieep FaLLowdeer bLackbuck aFricanLion aFricanwarthog chaMoiS aFricaniMpaLa aFricanLeopard African Impala 20840 xT 21750 21810 21830 21800 - 21710 21840 21720 21700 21720 REp.coRE mid+coRE 21751 21752 21811 21812 21831 21832 21801 21802 - - 21711 21712 21841 21842 21721 21722 21701 21702 Ex - 20810 20830 20800 - - 20840 - - REp.mid - 20811 20831 20801 - - 20841 - - African Leopard 20720 sA 20750 - - - 20730 20710 - 20720 20700 21700 REp.mid 20751 - - - 20731 20711 - 20721 20701 sHouldERHT. 39” 31” 35” 30.5” 36” 25” 31” 32” 26” lEnGTH 49” 44” 50” 38.5” 63” 43” 52” 46” 49” 20700 msRp $461.99Xt/$445.99Sa $548.99Xt/$502.99eX $461.99Xt/$444.99eX $455.99Xt/$433.99eX $899.99Sa $474.99Xt/$430.99Sa $452.99Xt/$433.99eX $533.99Xt/$492.99Sa $454.99Xt/$410.99Sa Beaver Armadillo 21230 21245 TARGET aLLigator aFricanhyena newibeX xT - 21740 21760 20009 / MSRP: $39.99 Adjustable 15”-26” US Patent D624, 770 REp.coRE mid+coRE - - 21741 21742 21761 21762 Ex 20820 20740 – REp.mid 20821 20741 – ROCKRASCALS TARGET raccoon bobcat FoX woodchuck beaVer arMadiLLo woLVerine iTEm# 21215 21225 21220 21210 21230 21245 21235 HEiGHT 15” 20” 21” 19” 16” 8.5” 15” msRp $175.99 $170.99 $169.99 $159.99 $219.99 $146.99 $195.99 sA - - - REp.mid - - - Sold in sets of 10: please specify colors when ordering. 50999-w white 50999-Y Yellow 50999-O Orange 50999-G Green sHouldERHT. 10” 29” 31” lEnGTH msRp 9Ft. $450.99eX 39” $412.99Xt/$372.99eX 44” $548.99Xt TARGET TOUCH-UP PAINT 20080 - 50084 / MSrp: $12.99 16 oz. can 20080 20081 20082 50080 50081 50082 Elk Tan Dark brown Grey brown white black XTREmE SERiES | XT series targets feature replaceable EZ-flex cores & Mid-sections (Dura-flex). Core can be purchased with replaceable midsection or individually. XTREmE SERiES | XT series targets feature replaceable EZ-flex cores & Mid-sections (Dura-flex). Core can be purchased with replaceable midsection or individually. EXoTiC™ SERiES | Exotic series targets feature replaceable Mid-sections (Dura-flex) only. EXoTiC™ SERiES | Exotic series targets feature replaceable Mid-sections (Dura-flex) only. SAFARi SERiES™ | Safari series targets feature replaceable Mid-sections (Dura-flex) only. SAFARi SERiES™ | Safari series targets feature replaceable Mid-sections (Dura-flex) only. D E LTA M c K E N Z I E 2 0 1 2 M c K E N Z I E P R E M I U M C O M P E T I T I O N 3 - D TA R G E T S 24 Crossbow Shotblocker Crossbow Traveler 20860 Shotblocker Quad 20862 Team Realtree Bag Target Team Realtree Kickstart Target 20975 / 20977 21100 Speed Bag XL Speed Bag 70664 pictured: NEw PRODUCT / CROSSbUCK / 50500 25 D E LT A M c K E N Z I E 2 0 1 2 TARGET SpeedbagXL Speedbag SpeedbagQuad newSpeedbagknockout modEl 51470 20860 20862 21100 20975 20977 20885 70668 21200 iTEm# 70664 70662 70287 70666 51470 Crossbow Discharge Target 70287 dimEnsions 40”hx43”lx10”d 18”hx18”wx14”d 18”hx16”wx11”d 12”hx12”wx12”d 20”hx20”wx8”d 24”hx24”wx8”d 18”hx18”wx15”d 12”hx12”wx12”d 11.5”hx14.5”wx7.5”d REplAcEmEnTBAG 70665 70663 70289 — Crossbow Discharge Bag 21200 Speed Bag Quad 70662 TARGET newcroSSbuck croSSbowShotbLocker croSSbowtraVeLer teaMreaLtreekickStarttarget teaMreaLtreebagtarget teaMreaLtreebagtarget newShotbLockerQuad newcroSSbowdiSchargebag croSSbowdiSchargetarget CrossBuck 20885 BAGsiZE — — — — 70668 Speed Bag Knockout 70666 REplAcEmEnTcoRE/BAG 51471 — — — 20976 20978 — — — HEiGHT 28” 24” 18” 32” WidTH 28” 24” 18” 36” msRp $129.99 $99.99 $69.99 $76.99 $29.99 $49.99 $49.99 $24.99 $39.99 dEpTH 12” 10” 18” 14” C R O S S b O w TA R G E T S msRp $69.99 $49.99 $49.99 $99.99 26 RECREATION & EDUCATION TARGETS recreation and education targets from Delta targets are durable and economical, with an array of options for sportsmen and camps. archers of all ages and skill levels will appreciate the choices Delta targets provides. ARROWSTOP FOAM TARGETS Cardboard Turkey Pattern Target 70372 order in quantities of 6 Cardboard Deer Target Round Target with Replaceable Core 70371 70159 order in quantities of 6 an economical choice for recreation, this target’s replaceable core stands up to fast, higher-poundage bows. 80cm skirted target face included. Tuffblock® 20950 TuffBlock targets are recommended for genesis-type bows under 40 pounds. Stand (70165) sold separately. Keystone Wedge Cover pART keyStone52”wedgetarget keyStonewedge|10”core keyStonewedge|wedgepiece keyStonewedge|Stand keyStonewedge|Strap newkeyStonewedgecoVer iTEm# 40520 40522 40523 40524 40525 40527 siZE 52”deep,6”deepwedge,10”deepcore 10”deep 17.5”longx6”deepx23”wide — — — msRp $599.99 $94.99 $94.99 $145.99 $9.99 $9.99 roundtarget roundtarget|LayeredrepLaceMentcore roundtarget|repLaceMentSkirtedFace 70159 70161 70166 32”diameter — 80cm $154.99 $69.99 $13.99 econoMyrecreationaLtarget targetStand 70167 70165 32”hx32”wx4”d fits70159|70167 $94.99 $48.99 cardboardturkeypatterntarget cardboarddeertarget 70372 70371 35”hx21.5”w 22”hx47”wx.125”d $3.99 $4.99 tuFFbLockFoaMtarget 20950 28”hx24”lx12”d $19.99 newethaFoaMroundtarget newethaFoaMSQuaretarget newethaFoaMStand 70144 70154 70155 30”diameterx7”deep 36”hx36”lx7”d 12.5”hx24”lx2.5”d $169.99 $169.99 $14.99 40527 Keystone 52” Wedge Target 40520 Keystone Wedge Core 40522 Wedge Piece 40523 Economy Recreational Target 70167 Keystone Wedge Stand 40524 TARGET# Ethafoam Round Target 70144 Ethafoam Stand 70155 27 D E LT A M c K E N Z I E 2 0 1 2 Ethafoam Square Target 70154 **paper target not included Ethafoam Stand ARRoWsTopFoAmTARGETs 70102 70107 70112 70117 70132 70152 70172 70418 70412 TARGETnAmE siZE dEnsiTY mAxFps msRp Standard econoMy Standard Standard Standard econoMy croSSbow Standard econoMy 18”hx16”wx2”d 24”hx18”wx2”d 24”hx18”wx2”d 24”hx22”wx2”d 24”hx27”wx2”d 24”hx22”wx2”d 24”hx22”wx2”d 24”hx16”wx2”d 18”hx24”wx2”d 6lb. 4lb. 6lb. 6lb. 6lb. 4lb. 9lb. 6lb. 2lb. 240 180 240 240 240 180 280 240 120 $29.99 $25.99 $32.99 $38.99 $46.99 $29.99 $49.99 $19.99 $9.99 70155 R E C R E AT I O N & E D U C AT I O N TA R G E T S 28 NFAA TARGETS FITA & NAA TARGETS Single-color blue spot, NfAA standard, 300-round scoring system. four-color target face of fITA & NAA Single-Spot FITA Face Target Three-Spot Vegas Face Target Single-Spot NFAA Face Target Five-Spot NFAA Face Target ASA D.A.I.R. TARGET universal scoring paper face archery target used in conjunction with aSa’s exciting new indoor game format. the aSa Indoor tournament consists of multiple indoor individual and team archery competition events, using the D.a.I.r. target, which combines to create a unique tournament experience. ASA D.A.I.R. Target d.a.i.r.(deLtaaSaindoorround) TARGET# 29 D E LT A M c K E N Z I E 2 0 1 2 TARGETnAmE siZE qTY. msRp FiTA&nAATARGETs 70450 70449 70448 70454 70470 70471 70469 SingLe-SpotFitaFacetarget SingLe-SpotFitaFacetarget SingLe-SpotFitaFacetarget SingLe-SpotFitaFacetarget three-SpotVegaSFacetarget three-SpotVegaSFacetarget three-SpotVegaSFacetarget 16”X16” 16”X16” 16”X16” 16”X16” 16”X16” 16”X16” 16”X16” 100 25 3 1 100 25 1 $49.99 $16.99 $3.99 $0.69 $49.99 $16.99 $0.79 nFAATARGETs 70455 70457 70459 70465 70456 70458 SingLe-SpotnFaaFacetarget SingLe-SpotnFaaFacetarget SingLe-SpotnFaaFacetarget FiVe-SpotnFaaFacetarget FiVe-SpotnFaaFacetarget FiVe-SpotnFaaFacetarget 16”X16” 16”X16” 16”X16” 16”X16” 16”X16” 16”X16” 100 25 1 100 25 1 $49.99 $16.99 $0.79 $49.99 $16.99 $0.79 AsAd.A.i.R.TARGETs 70477 70476 70475 right-Facing right-Facing right-Facing 17”X17” 17”X17” 17”X17” 100 25 1 $38.99 $9.99 $0.49 I N D O O R / S P O T TA R G E T S 30 EASTERN GAME SERIES / SMALL GAME TARGETS : 21” x 28” | bIG GAME TARGETS : 28” x 42” EASTERN GAME SET / 70640 Includes one of each of the Eastern Game Series Tru-Life Paper targets (large and small game), except woodchuck & Rabbit Set. 10 targets. WIlD turKeY 70525 bulk 70527 Individual 70535 bulk 70537 Individual reD FoX WooDcHucK & raBBIt WHItetaIl Deer WHItetaIl Deer WHItetaIl Deer 70505 bulk 70507 Individual 71507 Rolled 70500 bulk 70502 Individual 71502 Rolled 70540 bulk 70542 Individual 70515 bulk 70517 Individual 71517 Rolled coYote 70490 bulk 70492 Individual carIBou 70495 bulk 70497 Individual raccoon 70530 bulk 70532 Individual BlacK Bear 70520 bulk 70522 Individual 71522 Rolled wILD bOAR 70615 bulk 70617 Individual WESTERN GAME SERIES / SMALL GAME TARGETS : 21” x 28” | bIG GAME TARGETS : 28” x 42” WESTERN GAME SET 70641 Includes one of each of the western Game Series Tru-Life Paper targets (large and small game), except woodchuck & Rabbit Set. 10 targets. Delta targets tru-lIFe paper targets feature a wide variety of game and are an excellent choice for indoor or outdoor ranges. printed full-colored on 75-lb. paper—all tru-life targets feature universal scoring outlines, clearly defining the heart, liver and lungs. BIG FOUR WHITETAIL TARGETS TRU-LIFE TARGET DISPLAY 71600 / 36”h x 18”w x 10”d / MSRP: $189.99 Display comes with the following targets: 71502—12 Rolls 71552—6 Rolls 71582—6 Rolls 71522—6 Rolls 71577—6 Rolls 71517—6 71567—6 71507—6 71557—6 Rolls Rolls Rolls Rolls Full-Strut turKeY 70485 bULK 70487 Individual pHeaSant & SQuIrrel 70590 bULK 70592 Individual SKunK & praIrIe DoG 70480 bulk 70482 Individual BoBcat 70585 bulk 70587 Individual elK 70555 bulk 70557 Individual 71557 Rolled To refill display, order rolled targets. / 36”h x 48”w BIG FOUR SET / 70695 Includes ThREE of each of the bIG fOUR Targets. 12 targets. BIGHorn SHeep couGar 70565 bulk 70567 Individual 71567 Rolled 70595 bULK 70599 Individual 31 D E LT A M c K E N Z I E 2 0 1 2 70596 bULK 70600 Individual 70597 bULK 70601 Individual 70598 bULK 70602 Individual 70570 bulk 70572 Individual Mule Deer 70550 bulk 70552 Individual 71552 Rolled antelope 70575 bulk 70577 Individual 71577 Rolled JaVelIna 70580 bulk 70582 Individual 71582 Rolled Targets may be purchased individually packed in clear plastic bags with full-color headers or in bulk (single targets with no packaging). Many TRU-LIfE TARGETS are available rolled, for use in the TRU-LIfE TARGET DISPLAY. Original photos by renowned nature photographer George barnett and Leonard Rue Enterprises. T R U - L I f E P A P E R TA R G E T S 32 HARD-BODy DECOyS Superbly sculpted decoy bodies made with a rigid polycarbonate that ensures perfect decoy shape every time. unimaginable paint detail, taxidermy eyes. Sneaky pete offers the undeniable power of the submissive jake posture that brings in the most decoy-shy gobblers into the kill zone. PREMIUM SOFT BODy DECOyS Super-realistic sculpting and taxidermy quality eyes. Hand painted detail on the head, wings, tail feathers. Flexible polyethylene body folds for easy carrying and maintains original shape. Includes HS Strut patented folding stake. SOFT BODy DECOyS Hand painted, realistic look. Folds for easy carrying and maintains original shape. Includes the HS Strut patented folding stake. Hard Body Decoys Woody Jezebel 80260 / MSRP: $59.99 80250 / MSRP: $49.99 Premium Soft Body Decoys HS Bully Buck Decoy The H.S. Bully Buck by Delta Decoys is a realistic, durable and easy to use decoy—designed to tip the odds in your favor. This premium decoy features quick and easy antler inserts and adjustable ears making the Bully Buck versatile for any hunting situation. Being made of light-weight polyurethane foam, having removable legs and coming with a blaze orange carrying bag allows for easy—and safe—packs into and out of the field. Hottie Hen Sneaky Pete 80220 / MSRP: $24.99 The Temptress 80240 / MSRP: $34.99 80230 / MSRP: $24.99 Soft Body Decoys Whether by simple curiosity—or an outright challenge to the top buck on his own turf—the Bully Buck is an ideal choice for any bowhunter looking for that final ingredient that will give him the ultimate advantage. iTEm h.S.priMetiMebuLLybuckdecoy modEl 80115 msRp $99.99 Jimmy Jake 80210 / MSRP: $17.99 33 D E LT A M c K E N Z I E 2 0 1 2 Sweet Sally 80200 / MSRP: $14.99 h . S . D E C OY S 34 McKENZIE ASA PRO/AM 2012 CALENDAR EASTON PRO /AM FEBRuARY3-5 nEWBERRY,Fl HOYT PRO/AM FEBRuARY24-26 WEsTmonRoE,lA DELTA TARGETS SW SHOOTOUT mARcH23-25 pARis,Tx TEAM REALTREE PRO/AM ApRil27-29 AuGusTA,GA LIMBSAvER KENTUCKY PRO/AM JunE1-3 london,kY MATHEWS SOLO-CAM PRO/AM JunE29-JulY1 mETRopolis,il MCKENZIE ASA CLASSIC AuGusT3-5 cullmAn,Al Aim for the Dream—over $500,000 in prize money will be awarded in 2012! McKENZIE3D.COM WEBSITE: WHERE CLUBS & SHOOTERS MEET now shooters across the country can find an archery club near them, with information about upcoming events, all at the new archery club locator at all clubs—whether they have their own website or not—can be included on the website. With the archery club locator, a club owner can add the club’s name and contact information, and upcoming club events. It’s easy, quick and free. the archery club locator even provides driving directions showing how to get to the club location. It’s all absolutely free for clubs and shooters, and it’s a great way to get the word out about archery clubs and events across the nation. is where shooters meet. 35 D E LT A M c K E N Z I E 2 0 1 2 McKenZIe targets and the archery Shooters association invite you to join us for the 2012 McKenZIe aSa pro/am tour. For more information contact the aSa office at 770-795-0232 or visit our website at INTERNATIONAL BOWHUNTING ORGANIZATION (I.B.O.) 2012 SHOOT SCHEDULE IBO INDOOR WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP JAnuARY20-22 clEvElAnd,oH hosted by Parma Archery KEYSTONE IBO INDOOR NATIONALS FEBRuARY4-11/EAsTERnspoRTs&ouTdooRsHoW HARRisBuRG,pA hosted by Keystone Country Store SOUTHERN TRIPLE CROWN / 1st LEG FEBRuARY17-19 WETumpkA,Al hosted by Bennett’s Archery SOUTHERN TRIPLE CROWN / 2nd LEG mARcH16-18 milTon,Fl SOUTHERN TRIPLE CROWN / 3rd LEG ApRil13-15 cEdARToWn,GA hosted by J.L. Lester Wildlife Management NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP TRIPLE CROWN / 1st LEG mAY18-20 BEdFoRd,in hosted by White River Bowhunters NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP TRIPLE CROWN / 2nd LEG JunE15-17 FAiRviEW,pA hosted by Gem City Outdoorsmen NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP TRIPLE CROWN / 3rd LEG JulY13-15 mAREnGo,oH hosted by Cardinal Shooting Center TRADITIONAL WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP CURRENT ASA TARGETS 21310XT Med. Grazing Deer 21330XT Large Sneak Deer 21370XT Wild Boar 21420XT Pronghorn Antelope 21460 XT Russian Boar 21510 XT Bedded Deer 21580XT Wolf 21700 XT African Leopard 21720XT African Impala 21810XT Corsican Sheep 21360XT Standing Bear 21440 XT Mountain Lion NEW 21760 XT Ibex 21320 XT Large Alert Deer 21350 XT Med. Black Bear 21380 XT Javelina 21450XT Mule Deer 21500 XT Medium Deer 21520 XT Large Deer 21600XT Med. Brown Bear 21710XT African Warthog 21740XT African Hyena 21830XT Fallow Deer 21430XT Coyote 21750 XT Blesbok NEW 21840 XT Chamois JulY20-22 cHApmAnsBoRo,Tn hosted by Twin Oaks Bowhunters IBO WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP & ARCHERY fESTIvAL AuGusT8-11 sEvEnspRinGs,pA hosted by Seven Springs Resort For more information: International Bowhunters organization p.o. Box 398 Vermillion, oH 44089 phone: 440-967-2137 A R C h E R Y C L U b L O C AT O R & A S A / I b O E V E N T S S C h E D U L E 36 RALPh CIANCIARULO / ARChER’S ChOICE MEDIA CRAIG McCULLOCK SCOTT wARE TIM SChUSTER JAKE STARK TIM hUffMAN CLINT wEST 37 D E LT A M c K E N Z I E 2 0 1 2 VICKI CIANCIARULO / ARChER’S ChOICE MEDIA TROPhY ROOM 38