Diapositiva 1 - BAASYS Biomecánica Aplicada.
Diapositiva 1 - BAASYS Biomecánica Aplicada.
The importance of biomechanical assessment in rehabilitation and return to work. Clinical case Esther Martín (1), Mónica Bonilla (1), Catalina Piqueras (2) 1. BAASYS Madrid, Spain; 2. BAASYS Barcelona, Spain CLINICAL CASE INTRODUCTION Knee´s biomechanical assessment in patients with knee pain without good clinical-radiological diagnostic, provide us good functional information and allows us to objectify the physiotherapy treatment. The study purpose is to register the improvement after the individualized physiotherapy treatment according the biomechanical assessment. MATERIALS AND METHODS One male patient, 27 years, police. Knee unspecific pain. Sick leave for 12 month. No abnormalities on NMR. The patient does not improve with physiotherapy and pharmaceutical treatment Biomechanical assessment before and after physiotherapy treatment with EMG for the muscle activity, dynamometric stage and implemented templates for the human gait analysis and isokinetic system for the muscle strength The patient makes individualized physiotherapy treatment once a week with PT by analytical strengthening and specific stretching of the affected muscles and manual therapy The patient makes every day specific exercises ruled by physiotherapist as objectified deficits in the biomechanical assessment RESULTS Before the treatment the patient has an irregularity human gait, with deficit at the heel crash and overpressure at footprint. The patient presents deficit and imbalance in the hamstring and he has knee muscle imbalance in agonist / antagonist that improves with physiotherapy treatment After the treatment the patient has an irregularity human gait with normal heel crash. Hamstring balance is normal. CONCLUSIÓN Knee stability is fundamental to the correct human gait. Biomechanical assessment promotes early and effective treatment of injuries, preventing the onset of chronicity and functional deficiencies Biomechanical studies support individualized physiotherapy, accelerating the return to work and reduce healthcare costs BIBLIOGRAFÍA Crespo A, Jorge FJ et al. Estudio electromiográfico de los fascículos superficiales del músculo cuádriceps en los movimientos de la articulación de la rodilla. Rehabilitación 1999; 33:150-5. Nordin M, Frankel VH. Biomecánica de la rodilla. En: Biomecánica básica del sistema musculoesquelético (3º edición). Mc Graw-Hill Interamericana. Madrid 2004. Neuman DA. Knee. En: Kinesiology of the Musculoskeletal System. Ed Mosby 2002: 434-76. Aagaard P, Simonse EB, Andersen JL, Magnusson SP, Bojsen-Moller F, Dyhre-Poulsen P. Antagonist muscle coactivation during isokinetic Knee extensión. Scand J Med Sci Sports 2000; 10: 58-67.
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