Colour PDF File with images


Colour PDF File with images
7th December 2012
Congratulations to the following pupils who were successful in the Associated Chief Scout Silver Awards
Board of the Royal Schools of Music Exams in the Autumn Term. Particular mention
to Daniel Lloyd-Jones for gaining a Distinction on the Oboe and to Alexander Kitchen
for gaining a Distinction on Jazz Piano.
Alice McVicar, Thomas Houghton-King, Daisy Topp, Calum Pinn, Freya Tyler, Mimi
LeCompte, Hugo Larkin, Christopher Gerontis, Ross Conquer, Alexander Kitchen, Tilly
Morris, Tabitha Hamilton, Patrick Doherty, Sascha Hamilton-Meikle, Emily Buckland,
Tia Hawkins, Archie Robinson, Millie Tyler and Daniel Lloyd-Jones
At our final meeting of the year in
December we awarded Finn Hallworth
and Oliver James the Chief Scout Silver
Award. This is the highest badge that a
Cub can achieve - it means that they have
gained all of their Challenge Awards. We
have only ever awarded these awards
once before during the last 8 years, so it
really is a huge achievement.
Both boys are now sadly too old for Cubs
- we will really miss them - they were
both Sixers and performed their duties
exceedingly well. Huge congratulations
to both!
Philip Pullicino from Year 5 was
busy throughout the Christmas period as
he was performing in Wind in the Willows
at the Brewhouse Arts Theatre. Well
done Philip, a great achievement.
Mrs Hornsby
More Congratulations!
This time to Tommy Wyatt and Toby
Squires who were both picked to play for
the South West Barbarians Rugby Team.
Both boys played in their first match
against Rosslyn Park which was held at
Millfield School. The boys were on the
winning side with Tommy scoring a try.
We wish them both the best of luck as a
national prep school team is picked following a regional festival.
Mr Bailey
Professional photograph taken by Silvia Cataudo
From the Headmaster
At the end of last term, I mentioned in my
letter that there were several events coming up to which you are very welcome.
Further detail is provided in my beginning
of term letter, but the important details
are as follows :
Meet the New Headmaster
When it gets cold!
As the weather turns colder we are more
than happy for children to wear additional layers under their tracksuit tops.
We ask if these could be dark in colour
and should be worn as an additional layer
not a substitute. If pupils warm up during
activity, they will be asked to remove the
additional layers and always have the
top layer as school kit. In addition plain
navy or black woolly hats and ‘grippy’
style gloves can be worn for lessons but
not matches. Hoodies that have been
acquired at tournaments are not to be
worn instead of tracksuit tops.
Mr Duncan Sinclair has been appointed as
the Headmaster of Taunton Prep School
for September. Mr Sinclair will visit the
School and will take the opportunity to
meet and chat with parents at 7.00pm on
Thursday 24th and at 3.00pm on Friday
Please note that all children should have
25th of January in the Pre-Prep Hall.
a full school tracksuit as a compulsory kit
item, and an under/ base layer which is
navy, which will be used, when necessary,
An Audience with Dr Newton
to play matches in.
Dr Newton will hold three events in the
second half of term, in which he will
Many thanks
discuss our current educational ethos and Mrs Gardner
direction. He will meet with parents of
children in Nursery and Pre- Prep (20th
February), Years 3 to 5 (11th March)
and Years 6 to 8 (12th March) in The Old
Library at Taunton School.
Scientific Society Lecture
January 16th
John Timpson – a talk for parents;
‘Upside Down Management’
John Timpson CBE, is coming to speak to
parents, and others who might be interested, about his unique business style,
which he calls ‘Upside-down Management.’ As Chairman of Timpson Ltd, he is
credited with transforming the fortunes
of the company; Timpson now has over
eight hundred branches nationwide with
a turnover of £150m and profits of over
£10m. Please book a place at this talk
though my secretary (nicola.mccoll@ – it is not limited to
parents and you are more than welcome
to bring along friends / colleagues from
the ‘outside world’. This event will take
place at 7.00pm on 21st February, in the
Old Library.
Mr Beale
The Scientific Society are welcoming
Professor David Nutt for a talk on ‘Science and Drug Politics’ on January 16th,
6.30pm (drinks reception 6pm) in the
Professor Nutt was the former government advisor in his position as chair of
the ‘Advisory Council on the Misuse of
Drugs’, and was famously fired following
his publishing of a paper stating that Ecstasy was less harmful than horse riding.
He is currently a lecturer in Neuropsychopharmacology at Imperial College
and founded the ‘Independent Scientific
Committee on Drugs’.
Parents are welcome to come along to
the lecture free of charge. For more information, please contact Caro Wedgwood
by emailing
February FAB
The programme of activities for the February half-term has now been finalised as
Monday: Science Fun Day
Tuesday: Hestercombe Gardens, Swimming and Fun Games
Wednesday: Cooking and a trip to the
Thursday: Dance (with Miss Huckle), “Clip
and Climb”, Exeter
Friday: Cooking, Swimming and Fun
Places for the “Clip and Climb” in Exeter
are limited so do please let me know if
you would like to reserve a place.
Charges are as usual: £35 for the day
(8am to 5.30pm), £20 for half a day (including lunch), £160 for the whole week.
Any questions? Contact Mrs Gaskell on
01823 703303 or fab@tauntonschool.
PTA Meeting
Tuesday 15th
January 2013
The next PTA meeting will be held at
8pm on Tuesday
15 January in the Gwyn Williams Room
(PLEASE NOTE CHANGE OF VENUE!). Everyone welcome - come along, meet other
parents and find out more about what is
going on throughout the school.
Don’t forget ... always look on
the school’s website for up to date
news including school arrangements
if Taunton and the local area suffers
from any adverse weather conditions.
Roberts House Captain this term is
Katy Roberts and Vice Captain is Sephora
Mondali. Congratulations to both girls.
A Word from Thone House ...
With this edition of the Courier, you will find a flyer giving information about two
exciting initiatives to help you celebrate the new year with Thone House.
The Year 7 and Year 8 film night includes a sleepover in the House but is booked on a
first come first served basis. With limited space available (only 7 boy beds and 7 girl
beds) you will need to book swiftly if you would like your child to attend. It is great
value for money at only £5.00!
Raffle tickets for the Years 3-6 Thone House raffle will be sent home with all day pupils
in those year groups shortly. If you would like your child to have a chance to win
a free night in Thone House, simply write their name on the back of the ticket and
return it to the School Office by the date stated on the ticket. Tickets will be drawn at
the end of an assembly and the lucky winners notified by the office. A time limit will
be set within which the free night must be claimed and it may not be possible to offer
everyone their first choice of boarding night.
Happy New year to you everyone, from all in Thone House.
Mr Harnett
Aikido is growing very fast at Taunton School and I am very proud of how all the pupils, including children from both Prep and
Pre-Prep, have taken to it and practice hard. We always have a lot of fun during the classes and we play “games” that help teach
movement and co-ordination.
There are numerous benefits of Aikido: the children gain a good posture and confidence grows. I’m pleased to say that we have a
thriving after school club in the Pre-Prep.
If anyone is interested in learning more, please contact me via e-mail:
Mr Gatford
The Pre-Prep Club
National Preparatory School Orchestras
Recent announcements in the press and by the IAPS have
already produced a healthy initial uptake for the two courses
being held this summer.
Visit the website where you will find
information about the two courses, downloadable handbills,
posters and application forms, and information regarding
bursaries provided by the IAPS Orchestra Trust. Specifically you
will find details of the Symphony Orchestra Course, conducted
by Adrian Lucas, and the Training Orchestra Course for the less
experienced, conducted by Peter Davis. With a team of expert
instrumental specialists they will create a vibrant and invigorating atmosphere of shared music-making. The two residential
courses will be held in the picturesque setting of Wellington
College, Berkshire from 14th - 20th July 2013. Both courses will
have a team of experienced, fully qualified and CRB checked
pastoral staff to ensure that children are properly cared for at
all times and to encourage them to take full advantage of the
wonderful recreational facilities.
Open Instrumental Afternoon
Thank you very much to the families that attended on Friday
4th January the Open Instrumental Afternoon. There was a
great atmosphere and it was wonderful to see the children
‘having a go’ on the instruments and parents being able to chat
with the Visiting Music Teachers.
Next term, we are hoping to run a similar afternoon but also
giving the parents of existing instrumental players an opportunity to discuss with VMT’s the progress of their children.
Mrs Hornsby, Head of Expressive Arts
To make music together in such large numbers and at a high
standard of preparation can be exhilarating, inspiring and just
plain good fun. This is an opportunity not only for our talented
instrumentalists, but also for the less experienced players.
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.
Mrs Hornsby
Cross Country!
Well done to Mary Sloman who competed for Taunton Athletics Club and
Somerset County at Inter Counties Cross
Country competition held at Bicton in
Devon last weekend. Taunton came 1st
in the event and Somerset 2nd. Competitors ran 3km through some lovely
hilly and muddy terrain and Mary came
approximately thirtieth from around fifty
entrants. Well done.
We look forward to hearing more from
our cross country runners over the next
Mrs Gardner
Sportshall Athletics
On Sunday 6th January a brave bunch of
Year 5 and 6 boys and girls braved the
cold Kings College Sports Hall, before
term even started, to compete in indoor
trials. The following have provisionally
made it through to the Somerset Indoor
Junior Team: Flora Collier, Emily Lawton,
Mimi LeCompte, Natasha Looker, Anna
Parkinson, Freya Tyler, Paddy Docherty,
Tom Gannon, Will Newton and George
They have further training on Saturday 19th January at Wells Blue School
(1.30pm to 3.30pm).
Congratulations to them all.
Mr Morgan
Match Report
U10A v Blundells
(5th December 2012)
It was a very cold and sunny afternoon
and the pitch was very muddy. Blundells
won the toss and chose to start going
uphill with the sun behind them. They
took an early lead and had 20 points by
half-time. After a motivating half-time
team talk by Mr Jolley, TPS played a lot
better. Alex G-T scored a try, nicely set
up by Charlie Frost and great driving by
Archie Prosser and Callum Pinn. Hugo
Larkin and Michael Bray ran well. Ben
Griffiths was good at picking up the ball
and running straight forward and Ben
Ashmore made several good passes to his
team. Everyone tackled well. Blundells
won 25-5.
Mr Jolley said, “I could not ask for any
more commitment from a team. A superb performance.”
Thone House
The experience of a
Visit The Thone House Microsite
Once more, Thone House is delighted to open its doors to day pupils who would like to board for a night or two. It is possible to stay for a single block of �me or to come in regularly one or two nights a week. Bookings are subject to suitable bed space being available and it is not possible to welcome guests every night due to pre-planned, booked ac�vi�es. Bookings can be made via the school office. Have you got the post Christmas blues? Calling Y7 and Y8! Introducing the Y3—Y6 Come to the inaugural Thone House Raffle! “Friday Film for a Fiver Night” Do you fancy a night away from home? Friday 18th January Includes lm, refreshments and a bed for the night! Spaces are limited to 7 boys and 7 girls Raffle �ckets will be sent home shortly to all day children in Years 3 to 6. Book via the office please If you would like the chance to win a free night in Thone House, write your name and form on the back of the �cket and place it in the special box in the school office. By Tuesday 15th! Please see this week’s courier for further details. So rst come rst served! Come and spend some �me in Thone House!
TPS Photographic Competition
The categories:
1. General photos
(ie anything)
2. Weather Photos
3. Photoshop images
The rules:
 All pictures must
be printed with name + form on the back.
 Photos no larger than A4.
 No more than 6 entries per pupil.
 Entries to Miss Roper by Friday 18th January.
Good luck!!
Cod Fillet
Mashed Potatoes
Garden Peas
Tacos With Sour Cream
Chicken Fajitas
Texan Bbq Ribs
Bean Chilli
Leek and Potato Bake
Jacket Potatoes
Tortillas, Rice
Garden Peas
Sweet Corn
Beef Pie
Beef Burgers
Vegetable Burgers
Chicken and Pesto Pasta
Vegetable and Pesto
Pasta, Chilli Topped
With Cheesy Mash
Nachos and Sour Cream
Barbecued Beans
Spicy Wedge Fries
Spaghetti Bolognaise
Crusty Bread
Minced Beef and
Vegetable Stew and
Chicken In Crème
Pork Chow Mein
Vegetable Chow Mein
Fried Rice
A Selection Of Salads &
Fresh Meats With A
Vegetarian Option
Fresh Fruit
Cottage Pie
Baguettes With A Variety
of Fillings
Jacket Potatoes
Chicken Curry and Rice
Bean Chilli, Baked Beans
Mixed Vegetables
A Selection Of Salads
and Fresh Meats With A
Vegetarian Option
Fresh Fruit
Roast Pork
New Potatoes
Garden Peas
Meat Balls, Lentil Ragu
Cumberland Sausages
Hoi Sin Chicken Legs
Sweet and Sour
Rice, New Potatoes
Sweet Corn
Pre Prep
A Selection Of Salads &
Fresh Meats With A
Vegetarian Option
Fresh Fruit
Spaghetti Bolognaise
Smoked Haddock and
Leek Crumble
Goats Cheese Quiche
Chicken Fajitas
Cottage Pie
Creamy Salmon and Sugar
Snap Pasta
Vegetable Vol-Au-Vents
Gammon Steaks With
Beef In Blackbean Sauce
Quorn Stir Fry
A Selection Of Salads &
Fresh Meats With A
Vegetarian Option
Fresh Fruit
Toad In The Hole
Beef and Vegetable Pie
Seafood Risotto
Leek and Macaroni
A Selection Of Salads &
Fresh Meats With A
Vegetarian Option
Fresh Fruit
Chicken & Chorizo Stew
Cod Topped With
Roasted Peppers and
Vegetable Tagine On A
Bed of Cous Cous
Sausages, Baked Beans,
Tomatoes, Fried Bread,
Fried Eggs, Kedgeree,
Cereal, Toast,
Fresh Fruit.
Continental Breakfast
Fresh Bread Rolls,
Sliced Cheese and Ham,
Soft Boiled Eggs,
Toast, Fresh Fruit
Bacon, Sausages,
Fried Bread, Tomatoes,
Baked Beans,
Fried Eggs,
Cereal, Toast,
Fresh Fruit.
Continental Breakfast
Pain Au Chocolat,
Fresh Bread Rolls,
Sliced Ham and Cheese,
Soft Boiled Eggs,
Toast, Fresh Fruit.
Bacon, Sausages,
Tomatoes, Fried Bread,
Baked Beans,
Scrambled Eggs,
Cereal, Toast,
Fresh Fruit.
Chicken Korma
Fried Rice
Stuffed Pepper
Tomato Pasta With
Fish Fingers
Mashed Potatoes
Garden Peas, Carrots
A Selection Of Salads &
Fresh Meats With A
Vegetarian Option
Fresh Fruit
Bacon, Sausages,
Baked Beans,
Tomatoes, Fried Bread,
Soft Boiled Eggs,
Cereal, Toast,
Fresh Fruit.
Barbecued Chicken
Garlic Bread
Mushroom Stroganoff
Savoury Rice
Jacket Potatoes
Baked Beans,
Garden Peas
Bacon, Sausages,
Tomatoes, Baked
Beans, Hash Browns,
Scrambled Eggs,
Toast, Cereal,
Fresh Fruit.