¸... ’... ’~ ¯ .. ~.’ L " ~;’, ’ .... ¯ .." .,, ...... . .L.’.’. ..~’.~::!=. ;., FRIDAY, JANUARY12, 1962 On January 19, Yosemite: National Park will bethe area visited by the California State Park Commission following a monthly m’eeting to be held in Fresnothe preceding day. According to Sterling Cramer, mcmberState Park Commission,who, with NPS and YPC Co.’ personnel, arrangedthe itinerary for the field trip, the first stop in the Parkwill be al Wawona.There, two approaches to the preservation’of historic sites will be observed:the collection and reconditioning of historic Buildings at lhe PioneerYosemiteHistory Center and the preservation of original exteriors with remodeledinteriors for modernuse as has been done at the Wawona Hotel. After lunching at BadgerPass the commissionerswill tour the entire area by snow tractor and have the opportunityto observethe oldest ski area irl California, one dedicatedio family recreation. The clpproach to recreational skiing here, says Mr. Cramer, is worthy of study by the group. Theremainderof the c.lcly is to be spent in the Valley discussin(i concessioner policies arid Mission66 wlth NPSand Company persorinel. GOLF Thenext local Go!f: Club hip will be to Turlock on Sunday, January 2]. ContactCharlie Eaglo, Yosernile Lodge Transportationdesk, {or the sign-up. SENTINEL.-JAN.9, 1942 Theannou:~cen~enlot: Vickie Ward’s engagen~er)t1o WendellOtter wc:~s no areal surprise to Ihelr friends. :...: ....~.:. .... ... ... :.;.:. ... Yosemite .. STATE. PARK COMMISSIONERSTO . VISIT YOSEMITE .:~",:.::.,-.:..-:!..:. : . ¯ .., NEW.TRIO FOR SKI SUPPERS, .AI Cava’s.Triois newat the Indian: Room "this ’season,. ’playing for Ski . Suppersaswell as.rHghtiy dancing (except Sunday) and Tea.Dances Saturday betweensix andsevenlp.m: AI Cava, bass, Walter Rueger,.drums, and Joseph Lukewitz at.. thepiano, with AI and Joe doingthe.vocalizing, are the three musicians, and their pel~formanceis e×citing, fa?orable comment. .Both AI Cava and Walter Rueger played in Yosemite with Jimmy relating to the Park durhig MS recent Smathers’bandin 1958. v~s~t here. Others, f~’om lest, are Keith The Ski Suppers, of which there Neilsml, Ha~’old Ozdmet, Ster[ing Cra: havebeenthree to date, are scheduled me~’. John C. Preston,, H~lme~: Oeh[mann, and’ William Sehnettler. for Monday and Thursday nights. ChefFredPierson’sfine foodis served ’HOUSING PLAN DISCUSSED from 7:30 until 8:30. Reservations A proposal, for construction Of are necessary,and the.privilege card housingfor YP&C Co..ernployeesat El rate is $3.00 includingtaxes. Portal, wherethe National Park Ser--o-vice is developingan adminstrative SKI SCHOOLSTAFF COMPLETED site, was"dicussedwithCongressman After two years absence, Max Good Harold (Bizz) .Johnson during his has relurned from Grizzly Peak, Mon- visit to the Park on Friday, December tana, where he has been teaching 29. " skiing, Io rejoin the YosemiteSki Details of the plan wherebYland School staff. He was an instructor for the houseswouldbe leased from here during the winters of 1958 and the National Park Service on a 10ng1959. termbasis to insure the availability of Ann Whiteside and Lynn Tocher, financing foi construction were out. both from Calgary, Canada, have lined. Mr. Oehlmannexplained that been added1o the staff, bringing the employees wouldbe assuredof assisto)al numberof instructorsto fifteen. tance in disposingof their equity in The two gh:ls will be teaching the ’ the houses when theiremployment children’s classes, says Ski School was terminated, and. that a reasonDiredor Nick Flare. able time would be given for the --oemployeeto negotiate a sale, after SLIPSIN THETYPE which the Companywould, purchase. Weregrel that in the last Sentinel the equity and assumepaymentsUntil the following nameswere omitted a successorownercould be found. from ihe Badger Varslty Football Followingthe discussion,Congress. Teamof 1961: RandyCrorner, Gordon man Johnsoncalled to arrange, a Howe, Jocly McEIligott and Keith meetingwith officials Of the SanFran- "rhomas. (COlllhllledonlllill.’ Ihl’¢l,) I’HESE iTEMS ARE FOR THE INTERESTOF PARKEMPLOYEES ANDARE NOT FOR PUBLICATION .. ". ::. ¯ .:.:: .: ,.. ),. .. :: !. ;.’. !. !" . ... -’ ... ".. ... ¯ ’. ¯ ¯ .... . - ~¯ :.. ’~ " ’ ’:; : " " ::: id:" i" VISITATION :.i:.":":i ::: YOSE*MI:T E SEN T i NEL: ’’ ESDAY’:’S "DAYS : : -: ::: ., ::- k ’~.i/;:.:) ~. " ~i:. :!-,": .... ." Fublished : " :The"chi"dren’ssk ~r0gram, Success-. : "Almost a m on"and"aciuariere:.’" ....¯ . . , . .’by":’ .. . /.. . . ~,:/. . .... , . , . .... .p ~ . , : ¯ . ¯ . ........ ..~.Yosemlte Park .andCurry Co., ~.: ful for So many.years, was .started sons entered YosemlteNahonal:;Pa’f i.::; .... ,::iii.il ./.~,... .:...r for the information of - for. another ,winter’. or1 Wedr~esday,. duringi1961 :tO esiabllslP’anew reco~ i:i,i’}::..;....:’i : .YosemiteValley.residents. ; .. January i0 under the. chairmanshipfoi: numberof visitors. in. a -sing v..:ii:ii ::,,..:./,-.::. EstherMorgenson’ ..... Editor" .of Eileen Berrey.: A modest charge Of yeai-, accorcling"io:Assisfant.Su L’.. i’;.;:..:.’.:’.:.;..!ii!..’!i:’" :.: i’: ../.H..Oehlman.n givesa..childti~ansportationto, intendent Keith:Neilson. The." total ~~of ,,±__.:::-:Adxisor.".... : $1.00 .; ’:".,i,i:.i).’.!. :: ;i .i!; .: ’i:..:i :H",K’:. Ouimet .--:-- : ~-. Advisor..: Badger Passona YTSbus,"provides.: i,227,1i 0 exceeded :. th:e ."previ0us:ii. ":."ii:i!...:i:i:;.~..!. ’...... H.. Berrey.:._. L.. ,__ .-~’ .Advisor"’ "a’sk ess0n andequipment if neededi .record. of.1,150;385 set.: ir~ 1960,11 b);!,":.ii.i’.;"i , , . ¯ . , ’ " ¯ ¯ ..: ¯ .. ¯ "::"" .....’.-.’ ’" ;i " ~¢,.o4,,e¢.e¢,.e,e,e,~@.e4,,ee,e~¢,~ee~eee, -.. .... : - . " Children are: divided into groups 76,725, Or 6.7 percent;:. :....;ii"i’.:~,{:" ...... " " STONEMAN HOUSE"accordingtotheir .... ....... !:".:i..:?~.:!:.: .. :. , .. . . . . ages ~ andabilities "’As .in. previous.:yearsi::.July .and:...":..;!:.’.i;:i "":~ ~ "".’Stoneman House’.’ is the name.. and’ itaught, the ¯ latest techniques AugustWere.the big months...."" :"::::.;.":":" . .... ¯ :. ,.-;-.:"i ¯ :..::""..... ’ g!ven to the i.newly reconstructed :.under the .direction of " Nick" Fi0re, " :’:I~I, . ,... "=.i ".,i. " Camp’ Curry. Pavilion.which..now.pro-:, keroy. Rust. and.instruct0rs from the"...v :Tioga Passshowed,the" greatest : ....i .:..i..i. vides] 8rooms with bath. TheattraC-. YosemiteSki. School.Chi dren "from increaseof any of the.four.enti-ances : .! ’~ :. i:::i ¯ " . ¯ t0.thePark."Thenew Tioga" Road "i’s fi."i" ’i:.i...:.:.: :five. new.. roomsiwere opened.for El. Portal and WawonaSchools .also ".": " occupancy, on December 22 and were participate. ¯ Chairman Eileen Berrey wishes to i..i. )’ ..both; well received.and Well filled :..... :. during the.H01idaYs." emphasize certain necessary rules /.~::... ..:.... . .Theyaredecorated in warm beige, which must be observed: ¯ :". ! brown and soft green tones, with a Children in first grade and kinder:""" .;.". " decorative wall panel of blossoms garten must be supervised by a .. . ,’. ,’, " .: ~ in each room. Fourteen of.the rooms parent. L’.V’:’"’ Any children going to Badger Pass ’i’" " are. double; the others have mezzo"’ nine sleeping areas and accommodate on "Ski Days"., either on the bus or ’ ! :- fourl total. Each room has a private by private transportation, who do not ;I’. .:i : ".entrance leading tO the covered attend class, must buy their own ski ,.:: .: ..porch, and planted areas which will lift tickets at the regular local rate. : provide pleasant outdoor relaxing ¯ JUNIOR SKI TEAM¯: ¯ space for summerdays. Closely connected with the Wednesdayclasses is the junior ski team THE POPULAR SNOWFLAKEROOM program explained as follows by ¯ ’, .Lunching in the Snowflake Room Charles Woessner, Chairman of the proved to be a popular pastime for Boys and Girls Committee, Yosemite Lions Club. The best skiers among . Badger Pass guests during the Holi.days. Ahwahnee food served at long the Wednesday pupils are invited and ,. tables in the blue and white Snow- encouragedto try out for the .Junior : -. flake .Roomattracted up to 80 percent Ski Team.This learn is sponsoredand of Ahwahneeguests as well as many supported principally by the Lions ¯ transients, .bringin~.] the numberof Club, wilh assistance from the Yosepeople served to as high as 225 on mite Winter Club and lhe Yosemite Park andCurry Co. I1’. hasno conrlec.. .... some ciays. The two-level outdoor deck"wilh huge umar~lla.~ for sunny tion with the =chad: likewise the days (of whid~ there were many) Wednesdayprogram has no car~nec. wasthe choice p!a.:e Io -,’.,at. From lion w;lh the L~ons Club. i’h:~, ski team meetseach Saturday the deck, the view of all ;}’e Badger Pass area i.~, wonderfully comprehen- andS~..’ncl~:~yandcertain other announced times under the direction of sive. C~;c~cl’, L~,roy Rus~for instruclion and For lhose Whornc:y be interested, in downhill racing and reservations are necessary and may praclicr., ’’ ~e,.~ . by calling TheAhwalInee .sl-~lom. These sessions are open to be obta~ . ¯ ’ ....... or;-Yo~_emileLodcje de.~,ks, or prefer- any lac~.l children who wish to try ablythe informc~lior~ desk a~ Badger o~i. 1"l:,.~se whoc~refelt to bequalified are d~osen o.s memberso~ the ~eam Pa-:s wheretickels are sold. The privilege card role on week by lhc, Boys and C-,irls Comrnitlee of ’ days.is $1.SOplu:" ~’ax, on weekends the Lions Club, a~:ting on the adviceof’. Coach Ru,:.l. "[he Basisaf the cl~oice is and ho!idays, $2.50 plus tax. : ::,::,;~i.-. ’ ...’ , L :.:.,:.....!i.ii~ ’.ii.:i.;. l l l l ’l ~l ’ J l : l i S ltlOl aSK DieDadRing. l " /..".. v ..... ¯ ¯ "l¯thank youkindly," says Ole Dad, l .’ .., -.""for the honor of solving the problem ’ . ¯ .-.~ ithat each year, instead of clearing up :" the confusion of this earth, we Seem . ....: . . to create more. Butlamhappyto see ... ... ’. that at last people are taking a real¯ .istic. step in trying to solve the ... ..: .."problems of the world, mainly by ¯.: ’ ask ng mefor advice. : . ’ l are they? Havesomeonepush up and downon the ¯foot ¯ ¯brake to see if your¯ brake-light .is functioning properly. This is particularly¯ important. . Then" the State law requires that rear license plate be illuminated, therefore check this lamp too. ~ I A car sticker will not be i’ssued if any wheels in use have bald tires. ’ "The way I see it is," says the old Appraise them. In the matter of fellow, "we all get started off on ¯ brakes, moveyour. car forward and " thewrong foot every New Year. In apply both foot and hand brakes. Are the first place the New Year isn’t they OK?Lastly, listen to your muffler. a new year. It’s actually older than If it is noisy and ineffective, you may : the Old year, mainly by one year. be asked to have it replaced because "Now every year we are given a here in Yosemiteas with other nationmental image of the NewYear being al parks, a major aim is to retain the : ¯ " ushered in and the old man out, the peace and quietude of the wilderness. new one being a young infant and the Your cooperation is requested and .: old one a beaten old man. Symbolical- appreciated. . ly nothing could be worse, becausethe ~O~ infant needs care and advice, and GUESTSMINSTERS .... the 01d man has had it. Now my Mary Alice and Bill Henning are : theory is that the newyear shouldn’t vacationing in Texas. During their be the NewYear at all. It should be ¯ absence, the pulpit of the Yosemite the old year, and when we usher it CommunityChurch will be filled on in, the younger by-gone year could January 14 by the Rev. Roland Earl turn the problems of the younger year Smith from Walnut Creek. Rev. Smith over to the older year whois naturally is the Baptist representative on the by¯age more r.ophisticated and wiser YosemiteNational Park Church Board. than the new year which has just OnJanuary 21, Rev. Bernard S. Davis, ended. In other words, ’Out with the ¯ new and on willl the old’ should be of Fresno, will preach as he has done frequently during the local minister’s ¯our¯m0tto. absence. "You know dc~rn well that the young whipper’~nc~pper they keep solution to all world problems. It running in on us every year just doesn’t seemto have the glamour of can’t handle the job. Youth is a won- some of The ideologies floating derful thing, bul it’s wasted on aroundthis ea’rth, but if it ever gets children. I say, ,,.let an older manthat into the han.ds of the right person knows somethir’! look out"! "Common se,’.::~:.,, of course is the HAPPY OLD YEAR, EVERYBODY! ~l ~l’ l’ l ~’ I .d’ ‘ . l ’CREDITUNION I MEETINGll . ,[ i!’.i ~:,, r~ ’,.::C" The annual meeting of membersof :;:,-: ,.,,,: the Yosemite Credit Union will con: iil i,.::i:i:i;: vene at 7:30 .p.m., Monday, January Jh:l I I ’ I ’ I I ’ ~’I I 15, in the.. Museum. . Membersare .i:..’ .i."i:.’~.’. Urged¯ to attend, asa quorum̄ (10% ~.../":". of the Voting membership)IS. required ,.: .... l l I l before ¯business may be transacted, i:i’ ~l’l’l II . ii". i: In addition to the reports of officers ,.,..-... :...";..i,: and committeemen, there will be a :: , ; .i. general dicussion of the 1961 oper- ¯ :: . !:"-":;’: ation and the nomination and election of officers and committeemen for the coming year. ~O~ HOUSINGPLAN DISCUSSED (Continuccl from page one) l cisco regional office of theI Federal Housing Adminstration. On Tuesday, January 2, Harold Ouimet and Assistant Superintendent Neilson met. with the Congressman at the FHA office and reviewed the plan for the benefit of that agency.¯ They were given assurance that the’. proposal¯ would be forwarded to the Washington office of the FHAimmediately, and that a report on the possibility of FHAfinancing would be forthcoming. Meanwhile, Park officials .are exploring facets of the land-leasing arrangement. Latest wordis that RegionalDirector J. Frank Pendergasi of the FHAand the agency’s cheif estimator was in the Park on Thursdayto inspect¯ the El Portalsite. ..,::::..,.,.’.:,,’.!: :j,:i~i ’,.’. ¯ ~.::-.-,"..~,":. , ~ ~,’."’..:L...",:: , .. , . ~..." ¯ . . . ~" :’." . /L~"~r:,~",’’~.’’,r~ . ’".,.,’’:,1.,.. ?:ii:"ii.ii:!!{ii.i::i:ii:::. I i. :-:......... :-..... ,..".- .i ¯ ... ’ ~" " :’:.’~d ;.. ’:. . "" .... M,~’’. ; .’:,’.., ". .,:. ’....,:;.": ,::.:,." :(i ~":" i:..’~ ." ... ’" " " .,... ¯ " .’ ’~ :) ",I~’-’: :., ...’,"..,L’~.’ ’. "...’~., ’-;, :):(f": YOSEMiTESENTINEL . "i . " ...... . .~r:.:;.~; , ." . .,... : .... .:. ... ;./: :i. .:)::-:ii..:.:.!:. ’ ,":.,-" ’ " " " ’:’r’ :’,:’’~ " "" : " LOCAL¯¯’ AUTHORS ;. ’,’:""."; ::: ’ :",; ¯¯TRUMANEMERso ¯ . :.. ,."::..’ .~r.:.:’,i." /’::":1;::"::,): ’.." ." :".. OFF TllEWIRE .. ’ ,.’Wawono’s ¯ Yesterdays.. :.,, ..........,......... Yosemite"friends :of Tr:U ’"-". ’ ’ HOT, ¯ i’ !:?:::~:":;":." . .... .. " ...’ . . .. , ¯ ; ,,written-,:-,:.. ..:,":;.... ,...;: : ’""The;man::... .: X . . . . " , ¯. .’i::-.> .:..("L’.’.:.. ¯ . :.z’~.:r:i. man Emerson.wilbe’ interested in.:. : : " .:~? f~’~]~,~.. ... by Shirley Sargent;. was .published " ..... v: (~0 reading the following ietterreCeived :i ’" ." :¯¯December 12 by.theYosemiteNatur61. ::. . ". : :i: .:....~: .- :-,. ....¯ . ......... .,, .~1|~~ ". ’ .... ’ -’...-"~:-,:[ " ~.:;::::::!";": :": fro.~ his ~aughter..onbehalfof ali " ,,;~ I/’,,:,[:, .. History Association. It. is a 104page.i.-:,. I ’ ,,.~ ~., ~~.~,4~T’1 . ,,_~..._~L~v.~.~r~"¢/ .... ........ -. ’, ’. i~:::::! illustrated booklet dealing : with -. ~,~.’ ....... ~, , ,...~’ ,,7/ .’, - :i.-~ :.( :(:(!>:y:: .. his friendswewish to extendWishes , ....- ....... for his speedy.recovery. . " ¯ . .’ (.Wawona’scolorfuI. Mstory between.:." ::::i : ’ . ’ ~~~.1 .2. ::::::".i- , ¯ ’.L’, ,’~: " ¯ .’ ¯ . "My father, iT. H. Emerson,is very. -)~~[..L ’ ’ 1856 and.1932. Bes des Covering 221". i"~i ¯ :,.¯¯¯¯,¯¯!¯~:¯:: ’i¯¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ~~~.[’J~~k,~l~l,~,~L ~ :subjects, the booklet has a source:’ ./i.. ¯ :. , ::; ill in the hospital. He is tohave a "~--.~_..~.k :..:.i’ :.::...i....:: ’ throat operation verysoon. He misses ["~~"" :-~L~;"~-Z-~k’--~list, chronology bibliography, and. in.~ . ... ¯ .. . .:,~:..;,: ¯ .... .. i(’i~;i.J :i! Y°semite and his. good friends Up Reunion-~.. ¯ ¯dex.". . ..,, .. . : : ... ;. : .’ ../: ,,i!.!:/.:::::!::, Yosemite area:auth0r Sargent. has... :, ::.:::i::::i:;.!:;:i:.. ’ ....,, . - .... there a lot. I felt that it would cheer ’ Nan~:y :and Russel CaraY made it .. :.:i’: ’: i him tohear from them. He enoys a family reunion f0r" Mary and in. the.Park off andonsince.:...;’.i: :.,:...:..: :,,, .... " :"¯ ¯ ,. ’ , i : ¯ , ’ . ?: . "." I ": .."" .’"..":"( ’ Cards and reads them over and over. 1936 and Is nowa permanent rest.. (: I. ~,:.:",’..Charley Proctor when they.came from .1 sawhim last night. His voice is just Colorado to visit her parents for a dent at F0resta whereshe has spent .:.: .: ¯-:: ..): ¯ .’ i , .-.. " ..... .".i-.i a whisper now but he still jokes a week after Christmas. Peggy was summersfrom1952on.. .’ . , . ¯ .::.. . A professionalwriter with a passion.’ ¯ i ,. , ...... ¯ little and reads the ’Yosemite Sentinel’ already homefrom the University of for Yosem teh story, Mss SargentihaS . : }:::,::~:~;.i::i~: which I brought to the hospital." Colorado. ’ " ¯ " .". . t’(. "~?.’?~’:::/,:; :’:. had four teenage novels published..... i~..’~/:~.;’.. Anymail should be sent to 211 S. Leave.i r’......,, 1! . ,.:~ :"’ :, Vernon, Azusa, Calif. Wesley Conner is on leave of ab- and recently sold a juvenile book,:. ¯ ~¯¯¯.¯¯~:¯¯~¯¯ ¯ . : "Stop the Typewriters!", :to the. i:<:..<. , --o-.. .., sence from YP&C Co. to work on .,.... : Abelard-Schuman firm in New York. i: .~ : ’ EVENTS AND HOURS landscaping plans for Vacation "~’"" =’";:’;r’~’: ~-:~ " . (.; / . ,. . ’" = =’" "" . AHWAHNEESKI SUPPERS -Monday and Thursday, food served from 7:30 until 8:30 p.m. PIZZA PARTIESIn the Mountain Room, Yosemite Lodge, each Friday from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. AHWAHNEETEA DANCES-Every Saturday evening from 6 to 7 p.m. NEW HOURSThe Village Beauty Shop is now open from 9 a.m. to 5:-45 p.m. Tuesdays through Saturdays, closed on Sundays and Mondays. The Village Coffee Shop is now open from 7 a.m. until 2 p.m. Village in San Diego, a new and exciting project, being developed by JohnSkirpall of Mission Bay. Mr. E. T. Spenceris the architect. Dorothy and Terry accompaniedWasto San Diego. They expect to be gone for about two .months. FarewellNPSfarewells are frequent. Ruth and Charlie Hill moved to Sequoia National Pork at Year’s end where Charlie will be Assislont Superintendent. Dan Nordgren has also been assigned to Sequoia. Sigismund Zachwieja will assumethe duties of Administrative Aid at Isle Royale, Michigan, in mid-February. NoteA nole from Lenora dePfyffer tells of her family’s life in San Clemente: "Hilda is working here in San Clernente and Paul and Sherry live in LagunaBeach. Sherry is going to Long BeachState to get her teacher’s credemials. Paul works in Santa Ana .for OrangeCounty, so they are very busy during the week. Usually they come down on the weekend, so we see them quile often. Ralph plays golf about lhree times a week and works in lhe garden once in a while." BOY SCOUTSIN YOSEMITe, EN MASSE Four i~unchv~.d.~tr¢.ng, almost twice as manyas k~st year, Monlerey Area Boy Scouts and their ~:dvi~ors invaded Yosemitelasl v,,eekenc~ for cm annual winter outing -vhi(h t’,ns been Ioking .~"~,for some 25 ye~rs. place ha, Heudctuc..r~erec.{(r) CutupCurry, the boys bunked ;n fl~eir o,,v~ sleeping bags on co:s se| up ;n tt~e cafeteria and in ~-~[)in:~ o, ~ Coml~ Curry and Yosemite Lodge. "~~-~" ~vt~:.~.,,., were served . [odqc: Cafeteria. at the Yot,,.:mile we, r(, llte chief recrea- VisitSnowsi,)orls Andy Scarbrough of the San Frantion for 1he weekencJ,, approxlmalely 200 boy s~:ou|s vk, i~i~g Badger Pass cisco Office nnd Ellen and Marshall Hall from lhe Los Angeles Office on Saturday. "Yosemite Yarns,, a collection of ~ folk tales compiledby DougHubbardi:--:.":-I:.::~:..~:"l and Laurence Degnan :with~art work ¯ "i.: "’"...: ¯ I,:....i by Ed Vella,¯ Dave Hubbard and . ,..~..’ :. Eddie Webb, has beenpubl!shed. [i ." :. .: ’.: :~ : " " ’ . ."t~...i: ’ recen tly . ¯. I; . : " i’l _. ~ , .’, t swAP TAK i’::: : For sale: New,1961 TVAirline. Call Eldon Dean, FR 2--4471 or 2"4611. 1955 Pontiac, automatic transmi ssion. Coil HomerLeach at FR 2-4342 or see car at Arch RockRangerStationl 1959 !.’-, ton pickup deluxecab Radio and heater - 3 speed trans. 6 _. cyL’ evcellentcondition one owner car. Phone FR 2-4308 see at Yosemite Parkline. 1957 Beacontrailer, 42 ft. Contact Personnel Office for further information. i::::.":,.... (. ’ : " ’ .!i .... ll ~. I i:ii " ¯ i!’ .. :...i: " ¯ ~.: ( . i. : "1 !’. - : i. . ¯ ,-..:-. ::.: :: !¯i !: were in Yosemite last weekend for a conference with George Oliver on sales promotion. Card- "." !. A christmas card from Phil and Evelyn Whitaker and Duncan Bradshaw: "Greetings to the staff and thank youfor the ’Sentinel’. Weread it, every article, and then sendit along to Edna Burkland, and she in turn passes it along to some of the Palm Spring contingent." , iL; ’ .... ,. ’,: ¯ . i" ,.., :, :,,.....: :’..i~ .’~. ’... , ~.... .. ,’. ,.. . , .. ¯ .... .... .."... ,, ..... ’i~’ ’ " ~ .... PARKCOMMISSIONERS VISIT ¯ ¯’: LIONS ROAR AGAIN " ’, State park commissioners who -i ’ i .. i ¯ ::-,.. " visited 20,;were Yosemite on Friday, January treated ta o Sn0mobile Tour ¯: ’ .... ¯¯ ....... ’ -.. ¯ ’". i,":,¯:; ;~ :: " ’..... ¯CHANGE ...." IN HIRING ¯PROCEDURE if:::~.:ii The District Fourof(California Employmentlofstudentsth~-oughthe i :;:; Nevada) convention, Lions infer; and Variouscollege pJacemenibureausis :i’ .i.i.’:~~i:;i;i,i. national, held at Disneyland Hotel to be the newpolicy of theYosemite¯ ." ii;":-" :"":: of the Badger Pass area during a real on January .19 and 20, was attended Park and Curry Co.. " ’ , ~. ,.;,’ :{ ,....,’.. , . ...y.. ,.- :. ¯ .".. i .snow. storm. Although they could not by International Counselor and Mrs. The Personnel office has prepared ~.... . ..,.: "view thehigh mountains of Yosemite’s Wendell Otterl local President and a form posta’l card ¯which will be ’ (:’:.,’.,’,,:.’:;.’;’,. ~,,...’. ~.,,,.’..,.. ~ .,.;~...,: "back country as they circled Badger, Mrs. Harold Breeding, Second Vice ..!. !. :’ .’..:: ;":-.,:.’.F,I;,, .. mailed to the thousands.of students .they did receive fine views of a func¯ ¯ ’I President Harold Morris, Secretary who write letters requesting.summer. ti0ning ski resort whichwasthe pur- walter Fitzpatrick, and Director Miles I ¯ .~ work in Yosemite. ’ . l poseof their visit. i,.- .r:: !,.:~’.. Cooper. There were approximately. , ’ i It states that, "Since it is nowour ¯’ At their ¯meeting "in Fresno the 4500 delegates at the convention, policy to employ students:mainly .,o. ,.. ! previous day, plans for proposed making it. the largest District Four through college placement.. services, ¯ land acquisition and development at convention ever held. ¯ : . ; "!.:,"." we suggest that. you makeapplication Millerton Lake, as well as additional ~ L -’. ...,’, Disneyland Park was turned over through your placementoffice.. If that .. developments in Kern County were to the Lions for one evening, and office does not have information coni’. ’ - ,. .’, ¯ ’ discussed. In line with their newpal- the local group reports that President ¯ ’., , ’, -..¯ . cerning job opportunities and em¯ i:, , .’..:. ’..::. " icy on recreational areas wherehunt- Harold Breeding ran the legs off. il " . .: ,-’ " , " pl0yment procedures for this Cam-. ing and other uses not permitted in ... . ’..¯ : .. everyone getting in as manyrides as pany, we will be glad.to send itto . state parks will be allowed, the them on their request." ¯ :, _; ...... ,~r commission designated some 4500 possible. It is also rumoredthatVickie In the future, applications will be acres along the Colorado River as Otter never worked so hard at saving, screened by the colleges according recreational area. moneyas she did there, trying to to proceduresset up .by the Company Sterling Cramer, rnember of the take advantage of all the free rides. ¯ :: PersonnelOffice. .;. ’ ~:.. ,.state park commission,states that the Last year at aboutthis time, . thou. i ¯ ." ~O~ aims of the comrnission are, in view sandsof letters arrived for the PerNEW OFFICERS FOR CREDIT UNION of the increasing population of the sonnel Office-over 6,000 actually, state, to reserve some beaches and GeneEwing has been elected suc- from students who wanted summer park areas for public use in future cessor to Charlie Hill as president of jobs in Yosemite.Thoseapplications ..:. . . . years. the Yosemite Credit Union. The other were from students who had not ¯ . .. . officers ore Bill Schnettler, Vice Pre- workedhere before. --o-sident, and GeneOttone!!c, Secretary. Since there aren’t that manysumLET IT SNOW! Treasurer. .m~r jobs in Yosemite, and in conWith 11" of powder snowfalling in Elected lo the Boardof Directors at sideration of the time involved in anYosemile Valley and 33" at Badger lhe annual meeting an January 15 swering that manyrequests, the PerPass last weekend, one could begin were Harold Schmidt, Bill Brecken- sonnel Office decided that a change ., ,. to believe we’re having that heavy kamp, and George Oliver. Holdover in procedu.rewasnecessary. winter we’ve been yearning for-all The experienceof last spring will members of tile Board are Chuck over sunny California. Whenit literWoessner, Elmer Fladrnark, and Fred show how few jobs are available ally and unbelievably snowed from to new ernployees. As in the past, t~ , . ~.:: Quist. The Supervisory Cornmittee is Yosemite to lhe sea, we must have invitations to return were sent to had it! The coasl ranges looked more Jim Taylor, Les Moe, Bob Lee, Kathy those who had been previously emKelley, Chuck Remy, and Olga Ossi; like the Sierra than the Sierra last ployedon a satisfactory basis. Seven Monday, and there were snowmen and the Credit Committee, Valerie hundredand fifty such invitations standing in yards all over Cenlral Eagle, Bill Breckenkamp,Agnes West- were rnailed. Five-hundred eighteen California. fall, and Walter Fitzpatrick. ¯ .. . (Continued on IX~ fo~H) . .:. THESEITEMS ARE FOR THE INTERESTOF PARKEMPLOYEES ANDARE NOT FOR PUBLICATION , . " ’. , .. , , . :L., i:i:i :r~’.’... .,.~.,,] ,.. ".- .’. " H. K. Ouimet__-i_~_-.~ Advisor .. "Hulda Rust: has always" been" so.. -.. H.Berrey " " " .... Advisor ’ kind .to us."and .helpe d :us pick out ’:. " i.." "’~ .... " ’.. ¯ published same "myths and truths" about our economicsystem: ’Myth " " .i : .. Wealthis dollars. . " TruthProsperity can’t be printed. The only .. " .... source of more wealth is more pro..... ’ ’ duction, not more money. ¯:’,. . MythThe government will give it to us . free. Truth Government cannot give the people ¯. °:’anything it has not first taken from them. Myth Capitalism exploits the workers. ¯ ¯ : ¯ i. ’ . .. Truth Workers receive 85% of the total national personal incomein the U.S.A. (Economic Ah-nanac, 1960) Myth An employee should be able to become an executive, but work only an 8 h.our day. Truth.... it ~.akes the 8 hours for the employee to earn his current salary. Any "gelring ahead" must be done by developmental work after hours. Myth-.Business makes-10 cents to 50 cenls profit on eachsales dollar. Truth -Business make~3 cenls profit on each sales dollars after taxes. (Internal revenuestatistics) The "Builefin" states ils belief that lack of economic understanding also visited Veta Mason; in Washington D.C., Ruth and Charlie .Young and family. Beautiful weather all the way, they say, as they went northern route. Returning via the southland, they drove through snow muchof the distance from Washington to Yosemite, including Phoenix and all of California. Just ahead of the snow came Mickey and John Curry. from three weeks in Southern California where they enjoyed shirt-sleeve weather at PalmSprings and did a lot of sailing at Balboa. In fact, so enamoredare they of the sport that they brought back a boat which they hope to launch on some not-too-distant lake next summer. ~0~ NEW LAUNDRYHOURS The Village Store Laundry Office is nowopenon the following schedule: Mondays, Wednesdaysand Saturdays 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tuesdays and Fridays 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. and 5 prin. to 6 p.m. Sundays- closed is the only possible explanation for TwoContradictory Facts: 1- Whenthe "man-on-the-street" is offered a choice between free enlerprise and socialism, he regularly choosesfree enterprise. 2- The public actively or, at least, passively supports legislative pro, posals which are socialistic in ten.. dencyif nol in actuality. northern California prep school foot-" ball team. As a result he is being considered for the north team which will competeagainst the south’s team some t:me next summer. ". ~..-., ¯ ; .%-:..:, ..:~.~.,~.... .... ’ i";:"; ~¸’ " ,..-i.’CL " . .... "~"=...~.:.._;2.~ ".. ".. ’.. .’% r ..... .. :’..’~=~,- ¯ . . ¯ .....- .....".’.’~" ¯ .... " . ’ . " ¸’ .... . , .. /" . .~’.’.. " ~" ": " "~": ....:/From :.:.:.: ¯ .:....’........in ~ ¯ ~ ,COMMUNICATIoNs ¯ . . . . stewart arid Evelyn mpbe Ca II Glend0ra,California’Stewartre-" ;".!... : ....",i:ii!!!.i .i. portsthatheis working for theFeder" " ..".i!:ii .alGovernmentas an audiforfor the ..... " .’."i ¯ . ::!" DefenseDepartment,wo’rkwhichcon: .’.; .:...:.."/.:.; ... sists ofauditingcontractsnegotiated. " " ": .::: between the government and.¯ private " .. " ’.’1%.. " .. . : :, ’companies, " ...-. ..:-i .He also reports that thefamily.is. .... "".I .. ¯ : ¯ ."!:" ..well.and enjoying the warmsunny ’:";.[. ¯ "days in Glendora. " ’. ’... " .:,,:’" .’ ’ A.newspaperstory erltitled "Mrs. .’ "..’ Sedergren mixes humor with civic . ... .. ..’.:L .’w°rk"with pictures of FIo Sedergren Eva. Murinhy, amazed at the results " :.:. has been received by one of her Yo- of feeding, rolls of.tickets in[o the that the year 1961 did not corner all the high statistics in the travel record. semite friends. Thestory was a profile .s. :. " : ’ ;I Shredmaster. ...:." ¯ written for the Port Angeles Evening Although. 1961 was. the biggest :..News on the occasion of FIo’s having travel year with 1,227,110 visits, the ECHO$FROMTHEPENCIL PUSHERS headed the United Good Neighbor’s " : ... by OlgaOssi biggest, single day was May30,1958, ~.... neighborhood drive in Port Angeles, Beenin the accountingoffice lately? with 28,212 visits; the biggest three Washington, for the second year. Well, comearound and let us demon- days, May 28, 29 and 30, 1960. .. . strate our new SHREDMASTER. You with 44,218 Visits; and the largest. .. FROMTHE SNOWFLAKE put in a $50 scripbook and out comes single month, July of 1956 with . " We learn from Clyde Lockwood confetti! Obsolete rolls of tickets 271,676recorded visits. : that for moreefficient transportation emerge as long, multi-colored Winter use at Badger Pass Ski Area " of.ski injury victims, BadgerPass has streamers! Just the thing MATSON increased greatly with 158,392visits . 9..new Austrain Akja rescue tobogLINEmight use. Or, if you’re planning during the 1960-61 season compared :" gans fully equipped with the latest to get married-speak up now! Con. to 149,993 during the 1959-60sea: innovations in first aid. The Akja is fetti available in your favorite pastel son. Built of aluminum and weighs less shades. Try o1’ DadRing for rice, and ~O~ than 50 pounds. With wheel and you’ve got it made! SNOWFLAKE EDITOR handle attachments, it can be used But, to illustrate further the func. Helen McGarry is 1962 editor of for summertrail rescues, It is easily tions of our department, let us tell ’The Snowflake’, that chatty news you obout our other gem, the MICROreduced to backpack size for .long sheet published weekly during the trips. FILM machine. It photographs checks ski season for the information of The winter-use toboggans are before we deposit them. Prior "to Badger Pass patrons. From Southern equipped wilh modern first aid delivery of this new-tangledshredderCalifornia, she has been hostess at. devices including traction splints, upper, the micro-film machine was I the del Coronadoand at Alisal, and the topic of endless discussion; now speed splints, sleeping bags for has worked with the Red Cross at it’s a has-been! warmth, water-proof covers and acChomonix. The other day Melba Smith, our cessorybagswith small first aid items. ~O’--. general cashier, brought in a huge ON THE MEND bundle of checks and handed them SWAP TALK Clare Duval, who has been conFor sale: Wardrobecloset, like new. to Mrs. Murphy to be photographed. Contact Dick McKechnie, Ahwahnee Mrs. Murphy, our happy and always valescing from throat surgery at the obliging file supervisor, took the homeof her sister, Mildred TuckerDining Room. man, in San Mateo, is expected to For sale: 1961 Fleetwood Trailer 50’ checks, put themin the shredder, pullreturn to Yosemite on Saturday. For ed switch and said: "Let’er roll!" by 10’- $4,600 See Barry Hutchings Melba gasped, her face paled and, ti~e past two weeks she has been in at Central Warehouse or Lot D6 El "Whoops!" said Mrs. Murphy. "Wrong. San Mateo, where the operation was Portal. performed. Vibram Brevettata ski boots, made pew!" in Austria, size 10, almost new-$40.00. Call FR 2- 4866. ~’O~ SKI MOVIE Watchfor another WarrenMiller ski rnovie 1o be shownFebruary 10. But don’t be alarmed, a few shreds won’t upset our photogenic disposition! -oShort on ski needs? The Yosemile Lcdge Ski thop has a complete line! Lelah Willson is on leave of absence in order to recover from surgery which was performed at Lewis Memorial Hospital. Also recent patients at the local hospital were Fran Hubbard, AgnesWestfall, and Pearl Ditton. .L ,’. .’ ’. .. ;i . /t .,.... ’:.." ,~’-";, ".~.,’"": living-in:that"darke"st;’ continent. AS. i Erma.and Walter. Fitzpatrick.i ,; ,L,,,,, .;, , , . ... ¯ . :. newlyweds, she. and her husband,̄ . .¯This number.wasslightly morein ":. ° .¯East .Africa ¯ Dick Kimball,. went .tUganda." both species., rind. individuals than. (Kenya, Tanganyika,. and’ werecounted lasf.year, but was be~:i..: ’":i:i.: . Zanzibar) to teach in the secondary¯¯, low the twelve.year~-averagein. both . :~[.!.i:"..,.i.r...~:i,~¢. schools there.. ..... ," ’ categories. ’ ’. ¯ ¯ .... Letters from Jane and:Dick desOutstandingbirds. observedwere .;.,..~ cribe, many. aspects’ of the lives of a Great. Horned Owland"apair of.. ...’.:,:;::; .:.~;.,.: :. ’ Mother is reported to be fine, and tll~amson s Sa GrandmotherErma, whohad been in African people as they live, work Psuckers.at B g Mee- . ¢:,. :/;:i’!i¢ dow .... "" ’Hawaii for more.than a weekawait- and travel amongthem. ""’i:iI!I.:!~.:.!...:I:.::L!,.:I; .... PLACE-ing the blessedevent, is goingto stay THE. MARKET Taken annually-in and.adjacent". ’i."!."i"}.i:’i::.i":i:’.;i:i:}{i)i!!~: ¯ a little longer in order to makethe "One of the most colorful and toYosem teNatona Park, the ¯ count ¯ . ..i; :..i...".:/::’...i.(i:i;’:.~.~i:i~:.:. . ¯ . . !;./ ’...:.: ./.::.:~;’::,.. acquaintanceof’Clifford Jeffry when interesting aspects of the African covered the area including Yosemite ",~:’.":;’.:::.""..!.:~ andwest to El"Portal,. and the¯ " i!".i:!.i:.:..i::.)i:!i;..iii’)/,: heandhis motherleave the hospital. communityis the market place, us- Valley ¯ .¯. ..,,...: ,.. :’. At this end of the line there wasa ually locatedin the center of town,as upper rims of the Valley south to " ’. .e.. ¯ ¯~....!.. ¯ . ,."..’..,~,-:..., ¯ . q .. : ..? . . ’... , It is a real gathering. TempoDome, east tO Peregoy Meareport circulated that "Fitz" wasabout it is in Kampala. ~... .-......: ". .’ ". "’ ’.’:i,, :.(: .-’," dow and north to Big Meadowan to give up the bachelorlife and spend place for the Africans, and for the d, his evenings "out on the town". Asians and Europeansit is a marvel- CraneFlat. Elevations¯ ranged.from.. Checking, we find that now he’s a ous and inexpensiv place to purchase 2,000 feet at El Portal to 8,200 feet e at TempoDome. Weather conditions grandfatherhe’s contentto stay home fresh vegetablesand fruits ...... were altogether favorable withclear. and watch TV. "The womenare gaily dressed in skies,.relatively mild temperatures mOrn their ’busuties’ - their native dress. and a complete lack of wind. Snow Theseare long dresses, partly fitted WOMEN’S GROUP and ice were encountered0nly above" The Yosemite Women’s Group and partly drapedwith a colorful sash 4,000 feet. attended a special luncheon in the around the middle. They choose"the ¯Otherparticipantson the bird count Indian Roomon Thursday, January brightest colors and prints. The ma25, after which they saw a film, jority of the African menwear plain were: Robert Barbee, Katharine Coakley, MichaelFitzpatrick, Carl Haglund, "LeonardBernstein Concert." shirts and bermudas. Most everyone Isabel Haglund, D. H. Hubbard,Hoppy is barefoot. The Asian womenwith ~O~ their fine silk prints addmuchcolor. Hubbard, Dorothy Johnson, James HIRING PROCEDURE As for the. Europeans (that’s us) any- Johnson,VergenaKoller, P.R.F. Mar(Coutinucd fromI):~ge oue) shall, Mary Curry Tresidder, Kehh. thing ar,J everythinggoes. individuals replied indicating a de"The actual shoppingis great fun, Trexler and Robert Upton. sire to return. Of the 518 whoreplied, only 53 were available for the 313 especially if you are the bargaining "Oneof the mostfascinating sights. jobs to be filled in May.Personnelfor type- like Dick! Thereare usuallya lot seenat the rnorket, in fact, through-.. of young boys who offer to carry the rest of the 313 jobs had to be out the area wherewe’vebeen, is the your basket (everyone carries large recruited from non-sludent sources. great loads carried by the African Three hundred and thirty-six of grass baskets madeby the natives) menand womenon their heads. Great and do your bargaining. However those responding would be free in Bundles of wood, huge bunches of we are youngand strong (!) and love Juneto fill 345 jobs openingthen. bananas or matoke, and large pots That left only nine jobs to offer the to try our hand at economies.We’ve are comrnonsights on the heads.of 6,000 new student applicants. With mentionedlaow inexpensivethe fresh Africans. In addition, the women most almostno jobs available in .June and produce is-perhaps we should give always have a.small child or baby with moststudentsnot c~vailableuntil you an idea .... 7 cents for a huge tied to their backs.(Incidentally, perJune, little encouragement could be pineapple, the samefor a cocoanut, haps more amazing are the loads offered, except that newapplicants 3 centsper poundfor potatoes,6 cents carried on bicycles by Africans-again could be pul on a wait-lisl Io replace wood, bananas, pots-then people, someonewho might nol be able 1o for string beans,14 centsfor tomatoes, great boxes, tubs and so forth. And comeor whomightnot finish lhe sea- etc. But the best thing about it is up someof these hills! Wedo well to ;"., . - .. ’ . SOn. that it is all so fresh andgood. get ourselvesup them.)" ¯~ ¯ . , ,, ,,’/ ’: ... ...:....j~ :" . ’’"’,’"!¯, :~..i i: i :. .: : :tl i.:: " ’ ’ : . .FRIDAY,FEBRUARY 9, 1962 .... . Yosemite’ NotionalPark,. ca f.. :....:.: ¯ ’,~.: ’ " . ’" ¯ ’.... ~i:.: ’." ’SILVERSKi ., ::. i.’ ~.::~ " .WARREN MILLER SKI MOVIE ’ WOMEN’S GROUP TO MEET RUST, !HLENFELDT, ., . ’ . , See WarrenMiller’s "Swingln’Skis", CHAMPIONS , ’ ¯ .. . . ~~ ’ ... . ’ On Thursday, February 15, James ." tomorrow, Saturdayat 8:30 p.m. in .Randy Rust and. Doris: ihlenfeldt..:..’..~,.. A. Gentry of Dean Witter and Comtui’nedin thefastesttimes..,of theday", . .... .:ii":". ..... the Village Pavilion. Tickets$1.00. panyInvestmentBankers,Fresno,will ~O~ in the sixth annualSilver Ski Races’~.i.."..::.. talkto the Yosemite Women’sGroup "THE ANDERSONVILLE TRIAL’~ at BadgerPasson Sunday,FebruaryI~..:,.: .... on investments. The meeting will be Casting is underway for "The An,.: 4, in which162 racerscompeted.. ..."i:!.i~’: . in the Indian Room at 2 p.m. dersonville Trial", a play by Saul LeOn"excellent snow,under sunny:I.L:{ ........ . , There will be a. luncheonin the .......... vitt which will be presented in Yosemii:::~);~i!~:’¢~::" " Dining Roomat 12:45 for which reskies, tWOslalom courses were set, te on March 22, 23, and 24, sponsored servations should be madeby calling one. for racers (GrouP 1 through .. i:}"..".: i’i"i:~::i:.;i: -. by the Lions Club. GroupIV) on the No. 3 hilll and one TheAhwahneecashier, FR 2-4421, A semi-documentarybased on the for beginnerson No. 2A. by Wednesdaynoon, Price is $1.50. i. ".. .,I ~~.’." . ’.".’ official record of the actual trial of ~...~: f.~ i~i.i.!;:~ ~ii. .., All women of the community are inin groupII (Class C)..for menand ’".".., ~\’.".’..’ ~:i,.e,: Henry Wirz, the play holds current as boys, Randy Rust ran the 36 gate .. ," ~.:i:~.,":;;:i..:, ’." vited. .. :,,i;,,".!,’i:¢i:. . ., well as historical interest as the coun~ .,.,:.~..’ .;. : ¯ ,~ slalom in 41 seconds flat. It was.a ~O~ ¯ L, . : ~:’,’ . ~I.:" ".’, ’ ¯ terpart of the Eichmann trial. red-letter day for Randy,the first i ’-’: ,:."i’. ".".....~., SKI SUPPERPREVIEW . ¯ ,., . .. ,’ v, .-. ".L. ¯. " i’ " ,, . .... ’ Henry Wirz, the officer in charge race he ever wonfrom his father .who :, ".7: : ’. .,~ , About seven o’clock on a Wednesof the Confederate Prison at Anderforeran the course in 41.3 seconds. ~ day evening at The Ahwahneethere . i:. ", ... ...’ .: , ..;: .. ’,. $’. ’ ¯ ,. ¯ sonville, Georgia, washeld respon;7".. ¯ ’.....’.::Brian Wilhite ran a Close-second will be a long table in the foyer that’s . .,’,.,. ~’~’ . . ,. ,: partially filled with trays of colorful sible for the deaths of 14,000 out of to Randyin 41.4 seconds.Third place i ’ i’"’:. "", i:. , arrangements, each looking like a 40,000 prisoners whodied from neg- was taken by Gregg Todd at 46.4 lect, exposure, or inhuman treatment. Dennis. Parrish provided the spec. . if. ’. :" :’.i.":.: flower centerpiece waiting to grace i’. .. ". ? ". The play had a successful run on tacular of the day by sliding through. somelarge dining table. !..., . ,. ’.’ ,:",~, ,,. . " 2.... , ., ¯ , . ,’:. ,.~ But they really aren’t centerpieces, Broadway, and is presently being the finish gate on his back. In spite of the spill, whichfailed to win him i.. !: :....:.i. ) beautiful as they are; they are platters madeinto a movie. There are 22 parts, all male, and a silver ski, his time wasgood. ’ " ’. " .:.’.". ..... of salads and relishes soonto be conanyone interested in participating In Group III through VII, Yosemite sumedby a crowd of hungry skiers shouldcontact Sterling Cramer. Junior Racers and Beginners gave a (and non-skiers) whoattend the Mon-ogoodaccount of themselves,, taking day, Wednesday and Friday night ski OSTRANDERTO OPEN five first placesout of a possibleeight. suppers.Bul until the hour appointed, OstranderLakeSki Hut will be open JUNOR RACERS they wail, splendidly. ed early next week,accordingto John Group III (12 to 16 yrs. incl.) Moretrays arrive, pusheddownthe Loncaric. Boys hall by white-coated waiters. This Helene and Clarence Miller are to Charles Baird 44.7 time riley bring platters oF cold meats, be the people in charge, so make Ken Melton 44.9 trays of breads, andmorerelishes. your reservations early. The Millers BradDitton 46.6 There is Executive Chef Fred Piermanaged Sunrise Camp last summer son supervising the arrangement,and Girls and established a fine reputation for 47.4 he is assisted by the carver AbeShepDorisIhlenfeldt themselves as warm, friendly hosts ard. Claudia Reynolds 47.7 and providers of excellent food. "Wouldyou like to go back to the Donna Ruminson 148.0 -okitchen and see whereit’s all coming GroupIV (11 yrs & under) from?" asks gracious Ahwahnee NEW CHURCHSERVICE SCHEDULED Boys There will be a Protestant worship Danny Armstrong 51.9 hostess, Kit Whitman. Going downthe back hall we meet Service in the Yosemite Chapel at Charles Woessner 53.1. 9:15 every Sunday morning, beginWilliam "Pore" Pomeroy who has DonaldBetts 56.1 (Continued on p:ll4e, fore"1 (C:,cmlint~’~l on I):~),~’ Ih,m’) nine February11, ¯".... THESEITEMS ARE FOR THE INTERESTOF PARKEMPLOYEES ANDARE NOT FOR PUBLICATION . .2.:. ~.~,. . ~-.’~!’:;:.: , .. ¯ . . ,, ¯ ¯ .- , ~, . ~ . . - .i..:i. ManagerBob Maynardfilled usin on ¯ " A~cidemy,whoworea’ Christmas-.red, :"":... ’. these facts as wevisited with him. ’ satin dress, similiar i.n pattern, to ’ ¯ .. ..... .From the kitchen tolhelndianRoom .Nancy’s. , . .’;... ’. seems a long way to tote a meal for ¯ ~.’:: .... .. Bob’s br0th.er , ChuckEckart, was ...., ..... . : .. 150 persons, but as we observed the best man..Maynard Moe. flew home ¯ .:.". calm, Unhurried organization of the from Wasatch Academy to usher at "’. kitchen crew, it becomes apparent ¯ his sister’s, weddingBill Cooperwas ¯ " .’ ."why the. job is done so smoothly. the second usher. Across the immaculate array of stainAfter a very short honeymoonin less steel counters and stoves, we see Monterey, the newlyweds took up Chef Pierson again, checking 0n every residence at 250 McAIlister St. in San detail Of preparation. " Francisco. Bob started his. second Here comecarts carrying big copper semester at Hastings Law School on " chafing dishes with the entrees. FolJanuary 27, and on the following lowing them back to the table, we find :. Monday Nancy began an IBM course that. the other end has beenfilled with at Healds Business College in San an array of delectable looking pastFrancisco. ¯ Hes, pies, cakesand fruits. ~O’-A line begins to form and we join ANOTHERWEDDING, SAME DATE , it, realizing we are hungry. Wepass As we go to press we learn that ’... the wine table observingseveral.different vintages available, give our Janet Lass and Bob Elder were mar" tickets to HelenPierson (Mrs Earl) and ried on the same day, January 27, and honeymoonedin the sameplace, pick up our plates. the Mark ThomasHotel in Monterey, ¯ you knowthe rest; you’ve all been there. The appearance of the salads that the Eckarts did. However, their .. was a bit less glorious since they had wedding was performed, not in Yosemite, but in Saratogaby Rev. Alfred been sampledseveral times, but still tempting. We sampled several. The Glass. .. ¯ .. .~ r~. ’ carver offered a choice of entrees: roast sirloin of beef, creamedpork i¯ .ienderloins, or fried chicken. Into the Indian Roomwe go to dine at tables, small or large, to the rhyth~’iical music of AI Cava’s Trio, and to dancea little, too, betweencourses. Andthe dancing! It’s different. Now and again everyone seems to lose ¯ his mind, and--.you ought’a see ’era TWIST!Tried it after we got homeand .. decided we were not ambi-ped-extrous. Bob works in the Indian Roomand the Ahwahneekitchen. Before her wedding, Janet was an Ahwahnee Waitress. They have a home in El Portal. --oWAWONAHOTEL OPENED ¯WawonaHotel opened an Saturday, February 3, again under the capable managementof Agnes and Cy Wright. Hazel and Chester Patterson, of White Wolf fame, are also there, she to do the cooking and he as major-domo. ’. , / . Leaving Yosemite February 22 to. be gone until.the first weekin April, Mary Curry Tresidder, accompanied by Lucy Butler, will.tour.South America. High points ofthetrip, geographically as well as interest-wise; will be several of"thei. Andean Lakes, and MachuPicchu, the last city of the"lncas and their last stronghold high in the Andeanjungles. Thereturn will be up the east coast of South America, including a.visit to the new Virgin Islands National Park on St. Johns Island. GIFT SHOWSCOUTING Attending the gift show. in Los Angeles during the last week. in January were Ruth Beckwith and Hal Morris, and Gertrude Stewart who was vacationing in the area. Theyreport seeing fascinating items. from many parts of the w0rld.a few of which will be displayed soon in The Ahwahnee Gift Shop: cowboy. and Indian chess sets, Indian-made silver jewelry with the Ahwahnee seal, and somevery’ novel handbags called "Colkins of Texas". Items rejected for local use as being too lethal .for sale in a National Park were boomerangs, made.in the Australian Bush. ’ ¯ ...!%1,.,..:,.......,~ and...Wes Conner and Pearl :.... ’..".’ .~ ... Dorotl~y .. ¯ i"i.i....: :;i ..- andBudHeller.... . .. ¯ . ." .:i:.i".../ii : ..I., ...:They report ther. Slijks happyin .." .il ."their new home and Neik very busy .i:.¯ ...:- "i.i" " with :Chamber of. Commercework. ’" ....?. ’ ’"" :. .wes Conner, who. is finding both ’ " ’ challenge and interest in his assign’~, i"i .~.i ...ment t0 landscape an island in Mis¯ . .:. ::".. ~. : ¯ ... ,. ... !.: .sion Bay, is presently involved in the .problem of making a natural looking pool and stocking .it with fish. For recreation the family now goes sailing instead of skiing. ....~. ~. . ,. . ’ .~ ... : Sandy"Bill was a Yosemite visitor on January 27." Stationed at Fort Ord since September,he is presently in the Army’s Advanced Infantry Training program. Pat Wallis left on February 3 to ski at Sun Valley and other resorts and to visit her family in Auburn. place. BEGINNERS GroupVI ( 12 to 16 yrs.) George Bailey of.San Gabriel, was Boys 31.3 a Yosemitevisitor for the lasl three Pat Bradley Mike Power 31.4 days in January. A Yosemite resident Bill Crossland 33.0 for over 18 years, secrelary-treasurer Girls of the Yosemite Credit Union for 10 41.0 years, he retired in 1952¯ Now he Bernie Casey Connie Lynch 41.3. gardens as a hobby and spends part. Wendy Buck 41.4 of his spare time traveling. Group VII (11 under) "Elite" and Byron Nishkian will atBoys tend the Alpine Ski Events in ChamTommyAIIcock 37.0 onix, France, February 18 to 11 and Robby Ringrose 37.1 the Nordic Events in Zakopane,Poland Louis Parker 37.4 February 18 to .25. The Nishkians are Girls more than average, ski enthusiasts, Jeannine Ditton 38¯0 participating in orangized skiing on Roberta Barnett 40.3 both local and nalional levels. Byron Lee Mosgrove 41.2 is president of the Yosemite winter .............................................................................. and tour passengers during the sumLarry Morgenson has been asClub, the Far WestSki Association, and mer, as is nowplanned, will certainly.. a Vice-President of the National Ski signed to duty with the Seventh Army give them a room with aview along Assiciation. Field Artillery in Dachau,Germany. the boardwalk. /. : ¯ . . . ,.. ¯ ~-.~.., , , : ¯ : ¯ :i.i}::.::.i , : :~i: ",. ’ :.. : .. ¯, : . ; ... . ’~ .. ¯ . .. :.i{.": i’ ....F.RIDAy,.FEBRUARY 23, 1.962:4 " ’ ,, ".:i.}.i y :...’ il " " ..i . ,. .., .:., /’...:. } ’...! ’ .... . ¯ . .. . ¯ ...: : .. . .. , ,¯ .. ,.. ... . . . ." :.. . . ¯ . . Yosemite .. . National.. Park,..Cali.f., . .’ ..¯ : ¯ : .... ¯. ..... ’ ¯ . ¯" , . ’.,..’.,...:,.... .. ,,’,. ¯’ *.i :"~’i i::. ;,.....[, ¯,.. *- ¯ ’:,..,:,:.:,:t~!~ VISIT HOUSING ¯ FHA .. . ..OFFICIALS INSURED, TO BESURE . ’ . . SITE: ,., ...... :."...i/.:~:/.;~:.{i~;.;!? ¯ . , ’ . . . , ¯d~_!..-.:..,,;... , , Fecleral. Housing AdminiStration. ’-Y}:!i{":}.:i~ .:;.:.....":.:’.. ..:"’.’¯ ’". Big Trees Lodge suffered a smashing officials whorecently visited the ".:"!’}~i"":i"::::~" ...... .:.¯ .El. :’,:~ .,: :{:q.;’ ,’:-: ’i:.". . : i". kilow from an 18 inch sequoia .limb .. ¯ " , ¯. , ¯ " .’.... ,~ .-,: c’:..:.:. Portal .s.te"for pr.oposed ¯ YPCCo.’.. ir,"}:}i~i/i . ’~:,.. ..~~;:.i (..:":.:.:(i " lastweek Which fell from over 100. ~ ’: employee housing:were reported to: be-." i/:,!:i:’..}!’.i:i. .... . :;.. feet above the Lodge breaking tl~e satisfied that.apr0gram for the:fin-...-.:. ~!...;.:::it!:.i:.. ( .:i..."..... }i . ridge and rafters of the roof. The ancing of homes byempl0yees could r’’’’’" :]:i:!’.’"::!"i{’;!i’:" : .;"..... " . .. " walls af the building have begunto be developed. They were enthusiastic . ...".)}’.i!!:ili:..ii.!:/’} " . ....i . spread, anct there is water damage :about.the site, which is Iocatedin..the .. i!.~i.i:ii}~"..:. ’ . " : ... i. from snowinside. The limb fell on the Wooded canyon.above..the " newly. ’ .ii":C/!i!."" . . .. " guest wing near the rest rooms. Oscar ¯ and . II . ,:.ii"}!.i:.:."i built Park service homes.Roads ¯ "’ " " Hedahl of Hedahl Construction Comutilities are. already.in place. ’.f :/ "".i!:~:":"::":~ - .;;,..’..,:.,: ¯ .. pony, has inspected the damageand This is the Linotype, shbwing ~he maga" ’:". ! ::: ..: FHArepresentatives¯. whoinspected .¯ "i/:" .....}.,’:.. madea tentative estimate ,that the zines, delivery, keySoai’d and operator, ¯ .. ! ¯ the site with Superintendent John cost of repairs will be over $5,0001 ii:.i::[i:iill ¯ ’ . " i. Preston,.H , Oehlmann, :’- "i’ . Keith Neilson, ¯ .... DEADLINE ¯; The YPCCo.’s insurance, which is a ’::’’’". and Harold o.aimei were Regional . ;... , ..., . . ’ .... general fire insbr.ance with an extenMakeready. Set. RuM .u..~.:. Director J.K. Pendergas Chief. of b This is no athletic contest nor freeded coverage endorsement for storm ".i:.:".:" Credit¯ Section Ralph.Colbertson, Chief . :’.. ¯ , ., falling trees, wind, snow damage for-all of any kind. It is not a .race, .:..",L:.. of Underwriters .Don L.. Ralya, and (almost anything but flood) is subject except to meet a deadline. Chief of Operations Arnold F. Runo. There is a printshop in the Valley, . to a $5,000 deduction per incident. :.~:::: . . L : ~O"-and these are terms you might hear The "incident," in this case is the PARENT. GROUPBAKE SALE ". ..... . ’.., ’ Hugh Parker or storm which began on February 6 and used by printer On. Saturday,Febr0ary24, .:home-... :::... caused considerable other damageto printer’s devil Jim, Hugh’sbrother, if " baked pies, cakes, cookies and other you were to visit them at work. As Compar,y property. "" One ~:~nd one half WOBcabins at most .Yosemiteites know, but a few delicacieswill be on sale in the Village .:".:.. do not, the print shop is operated by Storefrom9 a.m. until 5 p.m. (or until Yosemilc ~~.c,(~ae were J osl from fal]. .: ling lre,d.s. /’k tree "fe.ll ,::,n ~l~eNo.2 the Yosemite Park and Curry Co. and they are all gone). The sale .is spon!i . : ." sored by the Parent Group; the bulk lift a! Bod,’~urPc;,,,s, ,:.;nd snovv-lc~den is handily located in the northeast of proceeds will go toward support tree.., h..-ar, e:i so,:c~r .:,,’,.:, lift No.1 corner of the Central Warehouse. of the Children’sLibrary. ’.’... ". There, approximately 1900 differtr~c~f t!l~:~ir r~.,,~,.O,/~t \.w.~,_, ,~u:t.cessar’7 r"r,) !. "¯ Anyone caring to contributel.call ¯ ’ ant forms are printed for the Com:~c;tet;.,. A1~r~tt, ’ ,.v I] ,(., ;; I:- ~;ot krlov¢rl ’. ’ FR 2-4706, FR 2-4455, or FR 2-4257. ’,.,~,,_;~ ul, :~n,:’wlo ~h(,y,.-~ n:,:i: ~,,, ,:~t";lacier pany, as well as muchof the advertisl ing, convenlion material, tickets, Pu~".~ "’ "" YOSEMITE MUSIc GROUP ir~l L,:..,.t,..o .:;a!;i~.:c! k-~ :I~:.:- c cm~}’~clny menus, Snowflake, Sentinel, and any Several local people met last Wed’,-..’ill :,,.,: ~os~,:s,,p ’-" .::i ~ SO6,000, other of hundreds of jobs that are .. ::~,id i.,u F, Jid o~, ;i,c i,~::,~s ,:.,f oclual needed any time between right now nesday evening to form a music group. They plan to pursuea varied and "yesterday." It is handy, indeed, ::!;,t~ ~’~:tilF:i~; doe.;. to have a printer right here and not program of study, performance, or "I’/ ~.c~Uit,:n~’~:i ~,.d>; !r,~,r.:i ;o be ~nthis business by just plain enjoyment of music,andwill ., ¯ / ’ i.,..i,,g ~’., break be obliged to do all ,Ju~r,.~::u.,J, :i~. -..:J;li;L . ,~ .. welcomeanyone interested. For im"ill ’~h~.~J:’,.’ "’ ’L:t li, , ’ I’,, .:" iJ~ilon Point. phone or mail. formationcontact Polly Banias. Only a few jobs are sent out for ’-’ 0 .... ~O~ .¯ ~.~’~::i.’;~: e’.:ers, i.,.,-lv ;:~lorln theSen- printing. Theseinclude things too big , | CANCELLED for the press, snap-out forms (inter[*fl~,’,~l ,~})C)~’} i’]’i~.l ]~ ;~’.J!,: Occurr(.’I’~C[,’S ,, , ,. ,t,~ Phone FR ’ ~ The regular Ski Supperscheduled departrnentaltransfers, etc.) for which ~lt.t ~))ll~’, %.%}il:.tl’t’" t!~"t. .... ’ 2 ,~ J." orv.’~:te:.’ r,,’,tr-.~ h.:’ !heSentinel, there is no equipmenl, and an OC- for Friday, February23, hasbeencan(Cm~finurd ~m page four) celled. ,./r:, ’YPC Co. l . , ’ ~~ ¯ ’.~HFSE 1TE~’,f~S AREFOR[H~ INTERESTOF PARKEMPLOYEES ANDARENOTFORPUBLICATION .~ ;~ ;. . , , . ~ ’L ~." ~’’ ... . , ... .:~.. .. ¯l ...... .,~ .... ..’, ? ,"r.." : , .,...¯ - . .., ..,. ,... ..-...... .: ,..’ " . . .’:.’ , " "-:’, ..’1."’,’ ’, ...... . ’ .-’ , .,....’,. ..,. ,.. ’’ . ’..:..,. :., ’"..’ ,.,~ .... - ¯ ~.. ,...., . .... :,;. r ¸ ,, .’,. . .. ¯ . ...... : " .. , . .. . " .’".’., , r . "’~. ...’. ,, ’ ,’-.. . , : ’~ " <." (.", " .._:.’."., P. .:. ..... ...,.... ,’....: :.. .. ’..) .. . .." .... . ............ .’. "; ,.:.’ ..: :.. " ".......3 . ¯.’: ,:; ~ "’..: .... . ....... : ...... .. i.’.::,,:~;’::.":.".:. ¯ .7; ~~.:’.’.". ,;::":’,.:’...’"....v-.: . ...:z....:.. . ...-:.,". ’i’..! , . . . .’.’:’..:": , . .. :.,’."L". ....¯. :..., . .... ... . . . :.:~"..’" ,. . ..... :. ,.. .-...,, .... .., .... .~,...’ .’ ,.’ .." - ¯ ", .’-"’" . " ..)1’.’" .’. "’.’.; ,:- .. ":..-.,~, ." "." ." , ,:"t "i ’’.,~." : ¯ "’,:’.... . ’..~l~tts~. ’ , -.’:.". ~ i "-’.v’.’.! "~ " ,,’.’. .’":..,’. ,.’.. "" "’"" "";"’"’ ":’’ ’:z ’" ’ : ’ ~ ~..., ’.. . ¯ : ... ,; .... .’.......~. l.’. -" ¯ :..=" ".’ ..-.: ."..’ .." ’. ~.... .". ’" ’: .... .- ’ :.. .... " .... ’ ’ .... " " ’- .~07.~ ’ " :": ..... :..,. ".’.:v:...: .;- .".,.-.’:’; .’, i:.v " F::.:."~’," " ........... . ............... . l~&~}" ’. ......:;.:.~’,.... )."...".~ ’: ’ " "’ " " ’ ’ : :,"’ :; z ./:C;!~ ,:::: : -.-,:.:’/.~{.:!:’~..:::..i,!.: ! :<’.i::Z:.:.~"::.:,Z.~_.; .... ¯ . ... . ~’,:’ :’:. ¥OSEMITE.IISENTINEI~ :.:i.’ ~?:: ~,:’V:’f f :’: ~ i ’. ~-::: .i ;:::/,’ .......... . :.:..... ".. .. .i ’.. ’ :.- /’.. , ... v.., .": :’. ~ -:’ ’"i ..’ "...’.!.’~;~.:,"!’-’:’ :....:.k ~ E MI.T.E"".S"E !N"T"I.N:E.L"." ’::’..". ’-,/", :,:T:.::’.. by":Verge:naKoIler: :.:".-i"k:. : ..’-in~ ;~’2.. a:’ ’s0O~.rie::.u:n:im~e,’a"c’i~a~’ ~.:¢ : "-.":. Y."O"S .. - .... - .....|~ .... -.... ~’;’":{" " " "-"" ’ ’,’ . ’ ; "’ ’ .J " ’~’’ " ,: : . v.... ; . " ,! " ~;.’.." .. . ’, .’ .’. ...."..’’.~. .. ;".; . . ":,",".. ,3. ’’~’ ’. .... i :.:! :;,~ ::i~: . .:.. :: .Wehaveheardfrom’: 01vdepart-."i: ! ;’. ’:; . ? :~ ::k.i : ’.’ ’., ;:.’.!i:,, Published ;b~,: ,~’ ..... v ...i ¯ , : , r:’r , .......... A ..... ......... ’ .... the: Pai-k inder~ :i~i;i:i,),::::i! ments of Yosemite life but While the h0us" ’ "ServiCe’s ...... 7 Yosemite Park.and. Curt y Co.::;,. "slrugg : ’" es ’:’""d "labe’sn°’WPl6vvmen:were~;/13’us~i:::~ .... :" for:fhe 0f. " .... : . .. : , .,..q-’ ’-":. : ~.- informa:ton" ....... ", . ,.w te -:,s. "’/" ,.bne on~ heckle ,. ~ :, ..... ’ :::,.-....¯ ¯ ¯ .... , ,, ’", :-.’,LL..," ging thr6ugh:alrn’osf::12 feet, of:sn0~i Yosemite-: Va ev~ residenfs " .., : .... ¯ ’,. . ...-.. .’.. -. .... ’:~." :..: .~;’.. ’. . .. ’ ..’: " " namoererJ,":"ona" narrassea .WliilUU/ "..a .... word k... of...... ’aint, . .-. : " thanks, ’ ;. : ¯ :"in Order to keep the .Badgel~"Pass"road .... :/" :"’"i " " ...... " " ’" "Or Esther Morgenson.,-----.-.Ed!t , ’ -comp small ,’:(’.. . ;-::T.-’ ::.:"......:. ..... .. ...... ’ ¯ . ..... ¯ ,.... ......... ....::..., ......, ¯ ..,v... ......:....:...... ¯ ".. N-c~oh~,,~,~n 6pen; we, at t~e odge .iadl two":ot " ’ " . very. ’ ’,ittle¯ .Unaerstana~ng..n ’ . ..... " ..:.~"" " ’"Advisor’". ". ..... ’~’’’’. .:. ¯.-----.’~--i’ ¯ ’t ¯ " .’,.""and ~S " ¯ ..-’ " :. . _...-... " : ..j"....:?~.:.:: ¯ ""r":::’L".....,’.’:/.’ :",":":.i ¯ - ’" ..... ¯ .1. ~-’.-..;"::ui."~.!"... " ’." HK..Ouimet ..... ’ " -AdviSor .... ’.~- ,-- , ..... -"., ¯ ¯. our:topmen,.highon.a.small:tract0r, ,: . . . . ¯ .... . " .,:.. . .:.......-.... " .’ ." ¯ -7-.~.---" ’ " i. rne ,he Tl"ea. iler vo cu a~---~wti’~ ~u,~j ¯ .:-- ..... ."" ¯ . :"r.~..,’.,... ...... ¯ " " " ; " " " " :~vance dggingthrough6"nchesofsn’owi6nd::~’/ H Berre-, ¯ ’" ":""" Advisor:". ..... ~ ¯ ’ ’ ¯ .... . .. -".... --: ~ " " .. ":.... ¯ 7:.k,:.-i:’ ,.-.,,.".2 " .. . I " .. J .-.: .. . ¯ i Other societles devoi"eo To Tne. aa. ’ ...... : ............ I,~I~o~o-~-oe, o~,o~o~,~o’~¢~¢~~:...: ment. ~,,;man...;~, .e.:.an~ ,~, waterin order:t0 keep.the 10dge ~ ¯ ... I,,,, ¯ ¯ ., . ¯ ¯ . : ." . , . ,~ ;..!.’~. ~". ":;i’. "; ":’"’.’." . ".’ .. ., ¯ .. . ., .. . ..... ... ¯ ". . Of.¯ l’the ¯ - "made ¯ ’" LJ ;2,.".." .:,. ,,.’.,: ,:’: . ’ . ...:the :’; cig MAINTENANCE.. DEPARTMENT .... ";~o:rn : ..e . ¯ .............. Sort of ’dem0nstratibn ..... ¯ . ..... ¯ ¯ !,. ¯ fo0J So": i:-%L:k’,:u’..{ . . ":!i/’:."ii."i. .i . ".....,.... .. dangling ..openl ’_~.__ ..Thefr0m one : witl~.. - of::his.:m" a"c0rner, " ...... ¯ ..~.:.!...-...............:.......... :...¯ACTIVITIES .:., ’ :.. " " " " ’’ " " ’ " " " ’ ’ " ~" "... "’ ¯ ¯ ...... ’ ....... " ... ’ ’ h.re ’~ goe,’S .... ’ " .. many ¯ ........ . ...." P°mer°y’. ..:";’% " ’ ’ " " . and. : ....was,Earl L :. ’...’ ..... " ’. " ’ " " , ¯ ..... innocent . ..... SUm..m.e.r.~.t’m,e..:.:..,B!. ’ ¯ "];:i:..!:.:!!:..):.:’".: -i::.i.i. :."reported "byDick,Ditton ..", ..""." l.won~Aer h0w .ine other,"wi1.n " ..... . ’.i.::.".’i,’ unsuspechng e ..ben ¯ " .Irees . .. manager ’. ¯ v............... ¯ ":!iiii!i..!i: " . ’As"usuol.:.’ theMaintenanCe. Dept:. ’ ’housewives " ’ ’ " hove. -..~;;~...:i.":."....Z..:)..’..z...: . , ment.is busyat this t me.:0f, year.re." luredi./ito: trying.the,delectable and" sp0rtscarcap(jackingui~.aflat iire.:orf..i.!::!, ’ .. .. -..: , ’pairing,..pain~ting, and ’ making. fabulous dishes, pictured;so glori0uslY-. :the tkact°r" with his Mercedes""Be:~ . .. by th e {reed0m¯of’the press. It was " jack).was Lodge manager:; .changes in the 6per6iing units. . bnly after several broadeningexper:-~’ .-OtheP. . . I~eipers"(v,,ith the.:sh0velsvand.i:. Recently Completed are:.:- .. ,~,4 .t~e squeegees."’ancl tl~e. .Bli’st’ers)we’~e .... ,~ ,. ,.~ ....4:°;. .... . .. ...-..... . ’ ... .. YOSEMITE..LODGE--¯ " ences n in.s T ea 1.na|~ u~,,~,~,~, from Jim:HameKs be Imar~staffi"iThe:." ¯ "" v’ :;hat the-y take these ¯ ,. .’-".’ " ...." 1 New .flooring in all employee vla~negrape ~ne,~ ..., . .:-..... ...... ,...,. ¯ .....:. :...... i:. ,. .......... on ~ ,.ompla~mng about the 3 foot"..i.i:":":’" ." ". ~.: o ! i . ."...:........ piciure~, in belowfreezing roomsafter ..... ¯ Annex rooms. high wall of Snow left .by.:Pomelr0y:..:..!, in 39WOBs. having doneall sorts of sneaky things i " ,". , ..., .. ,:.. ...... 2. Newflooring .. at :the end.of his furr0ws"."on::fhe.:::i":’!..i.,i; ’" .... " ’ 3. Newtile floors in 20 bath cabins¯ to the cakes, pies, and puddings such i):-:.’.:i:.. 4. :Renovating of. 10 bathcabins - as glazing with sugar, .coating with cabinarea..fire-r0ad, ::washouseman’ Don Beam," stuck, in a. truck in the -mehed suet, and, I suspect, even plywood wainscoating, "new lights, -muck.But noneof.themchangedtO 7’::.:.~::". varnishing the peaches. I’d. be pernew paint, etc. dry clothing more .often that day than.. :: ::::. {:: (C.orttint~cd on pngc th,’cc) ¯ ’ 5;-Removal of the elevator part of , H. " " head-housekeeperEthei Bowne,:. and:’ -..... the conveyorbelt which carries dishes --=.................................................. 11. Replacement of old Aqualux hot her"out-do0r"’type:maids.At! 5.1301" !:i: !-.:~: :[,:~i ¯ .. . from the Coffee Shopto the dish room¯ water heoler with a new Ajax copper p.m.,theyoil stood¯in apoolof.wal:er,!,":’,.]"~::.:i"i!~,~::.!’:: " This has been .replaced with incline tube water heater. II is much more whichwasthe linen roomfloor, ond.’.:.:.i!../:.:.’. ’ " belt (no more broken dishes). Main¯¯ F or- ’,. ’:.i~i:’",,i efficient and should not need replace- shivered.After countngheads, .... ’ tenace of the system will be reduced ¯ ~, . ¯ . ¯ ..’:.. e’~ce Selt e screeched, L~I Bega s ¯ ’":"~.’,’ii%. fv, ¯ : to nearly nothing. .Y Y :-."V~i;:’" .. 6. Paint interior of 15 WOBs. 7. Paint interior of 8 with bafl~ cabins. ii !iri~’~i ? htSceii"(’/!! !~s’:’~: ~ i flit ii!?i ~ CAMP CURRY ...... ;. .. ..i~ .... after this she got married. She wont. .: .~ ’: 1.. Paint 14. room:-, with bath. ¯ say yes- or no.) Meanwhile,.back.at-... . ".:.",:.-. :. r....!~¯ . , 2. Painl cafe4eria, kitchen, ana ’ ’ dKh ¯ : .’.’i3r ", the warmfront office, the. Continue-""""~:: room. ¯ ¯ .¯ . . ....,’,%¯,. To-Be-Nice-To-Guests campaign :. ..!:;....,:,." , . 3. Pain.~ rnair; klk;}’.:,,~, . is in..!: ,.. ¯ ,/" .;, r .~ull swing. Marian Pierson is still..". .i~~.:".::’ 4, Pc~rtia~ -..roo}:i~.~."-~. a ;~,m,.i~,.’roi lhe nicest accommodator we have,....,":..~:’::"... ~. ~’..~c,~.," ti-,.,’.~u.r--:I’: .........~;~.,~:~ ~;..~ cabins,.’~~~’l .......... :’""/-.ii~:::"’;. but new clerks Danny Adams an~ roofs bee(, ~’~.....~’r ~~I~’’’¢t I" ’III’ :"I : ," ’ ’ I I ( .IIIlI’~I~J~ t "it" ’:; ~~ Dan Cox arenfl far behind. (Danny..,..:, c..:...,.::. andweo,,.,~ i¯h’-’ :.,.-.;,._.fi:~- - ~;f3 trc.ta :!’,!.;.;..’ smiles so rnuch that one Of his .glass.... ....:... . Merced .,~’(.: i,’~vc.,~ ~,;,,!i:~.(b!-{.::dh!ifu..:.y eye-balk keeps dropping out - -- and -.," ’.[.p , .:. besch,.:,J .,!-J !,, ;..,:,,n,: :..i;!y ",.o’h-~n ([,c~.l.. lhe guests help him find it every time.).:.:::, ~ii:, ger Pas,: .qcu’:(i:= r~;.’.-,,; .-.j,"~:.v:; ¯"¯ " " /’ V; : As one week-enderput it, ..YourII ..... . ...,:.i.. . : P.. people are all so friendly that...l . ..... .’ b~. " WO[?/s. ¯ . ( ’c~~-,:.b. can’t believe it’s 1962!" In oneday;..,":.!:.:.... a 16 year old girl wantedto kiss . (.. ’.’i.¯.!., i: it, 20,.~~.,’n!,ur,~:!¢::lov,. s :..::.i:i:.. Bob Stone (later) for services, .~,’ .,.. . ren-.. 7. [r~stdIIo[io,~ d,f .~.~w Ci~r,:m’,,!r~..: ¯ ’ : i:),: ~ ’ dered, and two boys salaamed ~n heole,’s ;,",-2(i-.:,.i~ c..,[:,!~’,’: ..! frontof ourdesk,,saying, "May .all .... ’::. }i... i:i{ :. :: lhe godsbless you!" .It!s things like ,~:..’]i.’ " Ja’’-’ 1 ....... these (and pay ) that rnake a job .....:..,,..’ ’.... ..’ worth-while ...... " ’ ":":f:.":" ’.. ~,.’:, ’"I~."eii L,~., ~’. o.ke.:.,.~ rc~)m:;, .:.~.~::.q.~!eh~ I~g~,,.":. t(.’ F.’.en:’~.d,ehr;fi o{: ~li.. Char.’" ¯ .." , ..... ... ’" . ’ . . . : .L .... : , . . ,’: , . .. . :. ,..,,v ¯ ..:". :.),.’>:..::/;k/ ;;:¯ ~. ".%: . .L" ’ ~.:!.? ,".. .. . . .j.. , . . , r.,... .... . . " " ., ",": .... -",ii:ki.{.!’,’:::~.i.’i::~i, "i " ’. .,. .5 ¯ . ,’>-..j . " ,’t ;, , . "" ".. :’.." . ". , .: ..,, ". ’;:’:"~ .’.’.::,’,-?.:I :i : i.ii: i! i/. i.,.~.;:~.....-" Y. .~. " ¯ .: ,. .’,. ¯ .¯ . ¯, .¯..¯...-¯ .... ’ ; :2._ ~ ’ ..’ :’ : ~.., . . ,’, .:¯ .¯ ..... ¯¯ : . ~. ’ ’-~ ¸ i:i :i. .~""i ~ .’- : ’":~."-..~... : . . ~ . .. .~ ... " ¯ ¯-.¯.¯¯.¯¯¯ .... ¯¯¯:,¯.¯ , .......;¯¯¯: ? yOSEMiTE SENTINELi ;:? ..’ ~ ",..~~. " - .~,’~ ~’".,;:" .~,, ’ ’~’~’i ;: " ’~’;’ ..... ’":’""""":":-::::;/’ . " ’ "" ".: CATTY CORNER, " .... ": " "’;" . ": ’"""’" i ’’" ’/, /. i".:i.. ,I ’.~.:, ; " .. ’ . ."."".: .:.:. i -". I:HEREIAND.:THERE " ..’.": :.".’ ’"""""" .i:..i .: ’ ........ WHOS NEWg:" :":; ’.....’...."i". .!:.-"; ..... :.’~ i":. .: ..... ’ "’: " ’ .’ " ¯ ¯ " " ; ’’ ...." " ’"’ . ’ " ’ " ¯ . ’ ’ ’..":"’. ". ........... . ’ (,bOlllnt~( [1"011 J)’,~’(: t~,~,O) ............. " .... ,- ...... ¯ ¯ O live: ’!i;!,’,:i: .’ " ’ : ¯ .r:.::.. , . ’ , :,.-’ :’ ,"-:" ~," :~ " ,, ,. ’ :~.;!~ :’,:’ ,.fecly wing to go- Cl one wth.ths"",bt’rome,,a",,,, ,;..:I.-::L.":-.::: :..: ~:~,..,., ¯ ¯ ¯ " ¯ ¯ ’ ¯ ¯ In ~oradlse, Jessie and. Bert,; " ..... ..,.... " . ¯ ’ re ear ng Tosemheon I:ea-. ;:;~‘~:~!i~‘.:!~:~!;~:~/.~:~?~:~.:.~technicue.exc~t~tha~t~my~r~ducts us-" ..... :..;., :,. ’ ..... . ..’ . ,. .E " ¯ .... To.Sh rey "" ’ ’ " ..... . ’ , .... . ....... and Fa 0nAdridge~ :(~f’"; " " ¯ , " . : . -. .... ’,i ¯Portal, was. born a . 5 . pound.12 ’ ..., ¯ :.;j ,:;"~i i:, ..:.". -’ ~!~ ...’ ::UU y la~te that, waya ready : ¯ ¯ ¯ . ¯ L:_ ; " .... , . " ..... .’ ,:-~ .... /.l s..n s ;-" " ¯ ,. ¯ " : ...: ~’. ¯ :..:;.: rgaTner.K Yer ~,anyonabout100.m es . ounce, body Day; february. ..:~:;i ,:.:;-: .i’ ,.. :.’~,, i -alrlnaay .-." ;. - ¯ r. "2 ..:, " ".: ....... ~ ¯ .... .. ’ . " ¯ .... and they ca n m uav a . ..... . .’, ’;";::";:""" "" ""’;" ""’" AId t"s not on " ihe :p hot0 g ;".apns " .".. Y .. ,Tram ~acramento.",’rhere~ on" a’ p C~ce ’ ¯ ¯ " "~;i-’/:::’.-.~....::: ,..,":.~.;. .. ...... , ¯ ’ . .... , ¯ ... ? :., " ’::.,";"~ ’, ¯ :,"i:.~<","!:i......:::)i".";":.:;;i"! .:" ,,,that: c~re deceptiveThed recti0ns ore wh ch k~erf haio ~-I--~ ~-: ¯ . ....:,.. . ¯. ,:". .:...~ ,"...... ",-":........": ’. .;, ,,... ~,’r" " ".’;’." ’.:’. .:,"’. .." "’?’:.:’" " . .. " ... . WH~U Tar some lime,. . ¯, ...: . . ,...--.o--, , . ’ ’ .’ "-. ~;; ’.:"::.....~.’:...... ’.":.. ¯ ~: ." ..,::..- ...’,,: ¯ ,.~::i.i:.,,i’,~,; ¯ .;.."i I: ::i’,.. ’ -"..:.~..:.’:: ’ :.i" downrghtrnisleading ¯ ¯ -.. . ¯ Lke¯ . thattme ¯. ,:; ..,.."’; . ., "~i~"; ’’ ¯ 1. Was . making hot".wa,terl, -,.... the,,:~an"tobu;.~. ¯ .... 1"or ¯ ~ i~...:.:-. u u new¯ name z..t ""NO SNOWV’’ " :"::~/ .: OLD PRO"SAYS, . ’ ".... : ¯ ¯ .’ ,, sponge themselveS. " , ~. " " ....’..". ,’ : .. :". i Attention"a anxious, go f-starVed r: ::’"..~,: :,i " ... Ca ~.e. You: coopbeat ng th s mixture ¯ ’.."i_~± ~. ’... .., Tosem .... les ..... nee... ’ .-"ao fers . ...." " Georr~e ~ .... Buzz;~ t~k~:p,~J ..... ....,;;?".;l:i:; ~-:.,.. . ...;..:.,;:.v. " .,~:’ , ... ~ ,. . , ..... . ¯ , ..a~’.’.l~ ..i~_.,rlaS worKea In ~ .been.:~c~rt.. of. Th:e. at Tu~:locR, haspr0mised.nof tO 6rcier.:.".i.. ’ii~::[i".;~(. ":i~./~..i::.: :."": .:’: :... or. eggY0H"S andsugar,as youadd.. "]95,~.. Bertl~as ¯ "’ ¯ ’ .... " ’ r" " """ " ¯ ; ’ ~" .~ ’ ....... ." .. small amoum:, of hot water The ’d " ’ ¯ ¯ . ¯ " . . ~ ea . Ahwahneek tchen sta . ¯ . ....... for Sunday, March4th, so the....-.. .:-’.:.. . .¯ ..:....... ....... ...., :,...:.. . .. ..... . ._ . . ..... . ff since .1946. snow ........................ .:...:. .~ .: ....~ .. ~s : ma~you ~eep.th~s up unhl the. ’ andbefore that" worked¯ Seasonaly Waw°na Golf... Club . members:are:::i"::"...."!!i’~:.... .... ¯ . :...i." ...i . ..:-:i: .:~i’;. ’.mixture .holdsa soft. peak.Wel!,. I.. at Camp Curry.’.i" ...i. i. " .,.-. .. g~ingt~,drive down to.r:: .a. gr0ibp... .. i"i.ii:.’i:ii.:.ii: .... ¯ ..~ ........: ...:...: ..want youTOknowthat I beat. those. After two andaha f " ears as um: "game..Contact. Charlie:Eagleab0ut..;.....ii~...i.i:.:.!. ,".i.;:..."..i... .eggsuntil. l.thoughl they would"hii k~in " p, "~.’makngthe:tripi."" "tar- ::,,Y~"-" " .:" :....’. :...;: :~i. ............ Tt’~ LO;, LIoya - ¯ . -i _ ’ ,,.,".. ’-": "....-:... :. i.. i-... meback, and the on y. th ng about ,.i g. foreman ¯ .... , , " . .;. -, " ’ ¯ " RememberMarch 18th--l-ort Wasnhawse, w~Tn his wire ~arge"ana ....... .:...: -. .... .. . ~.. ..ji:i~. " ’ "i" ’". " "" "’.~ .’ . that recipe that resembleda soft peak ..ingi°n in.Fresno’.. " .:. ~ daughter. ¯ Potty,: Will return :to. his ...ii..i. ..i.,,,i..:,i:i!i.. . was the point onthe head of the per,. ’ " "-. "..’" . ...;i.’~? . ,.:.’ ,, , . ¯ ’ .. . former home. in. Arcadia atthe.end .... ¯ . .. . son who:wrote it. ¯ ... of this month. Witty.. hi s .brother, he ..GLISTEN ~ . . .. ¯ . ..’ -.;l:i ¯ .. - L.-’. ’"’.", """"....i"". Christmasis usually the. time I get plans to open a plumbing"contracting Have.younoticedwhata beautiful ..:. ,~ .., .i;i:. ¯ . :...: .... ~’rapped intoone of these challenges , business in Pasadena. shinethereis to the floor¯ in the Village:. ... :. .I" . ¯ , . ., , .:...... : .. and this pasl Christmas I finished up ¯ : ..~..i On February. 15, Ruth Beckwith Store, even i n stormyweather?It is ... . ~.... ";i:"; the Holidays with one batch of " and joy.of Claude"Paquette ¯ i!.": talked to the El Portal GardenClub the pride ~. ¯ .. .... .... ¯ : .: . ’ . Cashew Crisps whichl had to chopout about Indian Crafts, showingsamples whoseduty it is to wax once a.lweek. ’:i: ’: " .... : . .of the pan with an. axe, three dozen ¯ :. . ..I,":’ and buff it each night. of the crafts and .telling of her trips ¯ . ’. .:. ;i..: .; soggy Heavenly Squares (no resem,. . to the Southwest. The club meeting ¯ ~O"¯" ’ . ¯i ~’~. ~.. . ¯, "blance to any living person), a pan. ... .¯,!i:::: was held at the homeOf Delta. Berry. GIRL SCOUTSiN. ¯ FASHION SHOW" .,, ¯.. fu]. of pulled taffy which pulled a .... ~( Carpenters were busy for. several The YosemiteGirl Scouts. will. pre’ . filling out of my tooth, and a sick ~": days in the Reservations Office sent a fashion show and tea for their ".. .~’. .. husband. Now, I don’t know that parents and all interested, friends on. ". ’i,.". .... . there is o connection here, though ¯ moving two walls, thereby adding , ,.!-:,.~ ¯ .. . 65 .square feet of spaceto the office. Wednesday, February 28 at 7 p.m’.. . :.Einstein said everything was related . i. Rearrangement at the other end in the school auditorium. Clothes "¯.:.. " (whether your husband likes to ad’,, of the Sales Department has provided appropriate for both winter and sum-’ : ¯ i’:. mit it or not.) I’m just giving you the a newoffice for the Advertising Dept. mer .sports will be modeled. Also facts. Amongmanyletters received by the shownwill be a party dress;.a scliool I’ve noticed two instructions that ..i " Reservations Office was one with a outfit,, girl scout uniform, pajamas, recipe writers just love to give you. requestfor "one of those tent affairs." and a few surprises for good measure. " .. Oneis: Use a lightly floured board. No firefall lately! With so much The costumes have been assembled ~ .. I,l.,"v::R use.rj li:-jhlly floured board! snow at Glacier, GeorgeMayer could by the .girls themselves, under the .... You have no id(~a where the condirection of their leader, Barbie Wignot see the point..There was a possequences cc, n h~.d you. The other sibility that if he tried, he mightbuild gins. This project fulfills onerequire- .is: Drop by-.,:.~oonzFul on to brown the fire on a snow cornice like the ment for the Girl Scout good grooming paper, l’he ;c:i~-:~:. here is that after one that fell from Half Dome- and badge. Girls participating will be: .. ,. a specified ,:~’:~,::,:nt of cooling you Leslie Rust, Roberta Barnett, Kathy fall with it. peel lhe paper u!f. Ha! I madea batch Cromer,Jeannine Ditton, Lauren WestWin Lewis, who was sales repreof cookies tha~ had no tendency what:: sentative at the Los Angeles; SanFran- moreland, Chrissie Johansen, Betty ’-.: ever to stick ~C,,.~lher, but adhered cisco, and Seattle gift showsfor Svend Cottrell, Virginia Parker, and Joan to that brownpor,.er with the tenacity Jensen of Demark,will return to work Hubbard. of an abalone, i ouess I cameout with ~O~ the only sand b-,,’ed., Venetian Temp.. in Yosemite next month. She will again manage the Alpine Shop at HELEN DANLEY, ters in the caun~r:,,. Glacier Point when it is opened in Helen Dorothy Danley diedrecently "-" 0"-" i. April: in Palm Springs. She is survived by ( DAF!"-,"!’,.il TI0NS " ~O~ her husband, John (Pop) Danley Mealtickel .... ~ !,clunch card. AN EPIGRAM the "Old Village Store" days in Yosemite. The Danleys had been desert Piecemeah A :0:<-r, ager’s repast, beA friend is one who knocks before residents for 11 years. entering but never after leaving, tweenphonec<,!i,.. ..,, fell.at BadgerPass. On.Febr’uary6.the snowdepth was: 38iiiches; on Febru; ary18it was 122 inches.:..." Two days, February 9 and. 10,. brought a.totalof 6.39 inches of rain to the Valley. Thirty-five inches" of :":":: ’..":’".phases of newspaperwork. snow fell at Badger on February 10. " :" " ¯ ’ In 1959 he came to Yosemite, work ................................................ ¯ i, ..: : .... ..... " in the print shop with Jack printing job begins. This particular ¯ " ¯ .: .... . ..... ’ .’ ¯ ¯ . .,’ ,: I. I." : .. /, . ,. ( , .... .... [\:. . ’.’...:,. ’: ,, . ’ : ::’"" ’ " " . ¯ - ,. . :¯ . .. ¯ . . .,. ’ ¯ ~, ,,,. .., .. ,, . . . ....... ~ / . ’ ...... *’ , .i..: , .. ~ ~..-", ".’=..’,, ., , , ,. ’, ~ . ~ :...’.. i.¯ ’ ’" " I . I : " ¯: .. ... i i~ [ . . " ---’,,., ..,. ¯ ......:., ----’---~’~- ..... ~,"-’~~~L-~..-=-====~ ~-:~ " .. ;. .::::’ " ; .. . ¯ , .. :... " ~,:~-,,..I " ;’ " ’ " " I Y 4 ..... ~.~..~,.~,,,w~~~~ ,~: .. .. " .... A~:,,,,..,, ......... .~-..,,~.,,~,*.,.~,,~.,=,~’,"¢,’;:"=,=..,..~,~.’~_ ,.. . .. , " ~.:.:..~,.~’;.~,,,.~. ~ . . " ..... :. .: ¯ ,. , ’ HEAVENLYVALLEY SKI TRiP Spider Sabich, of .Kyburg, was tlie outstanding junior skier at the Far West Ski Association point races at Heavenly Valley, March 2, 3, and 4, Winning both slalomraces. Of the Yosemitecontestants attending, Doris Ihlenfeldt placed third in the giant slalom, girls class No. 3 (12 and 13 year aids), and Frank Carter picked up three points, barely missing a place on the Far Westjunior national team which was selecled after the meet. CoachLeroy Rust says the competitionwasstiff and the hill muchlonger & steeper than Yosemite skiers are accustomedto. Instead of practicing before the Friday race, the 130 children who were contestants had to pack the three feet of snow which had fallen during the night. Hazardoussnow conditions, three to four feet of powder snowwhich could not be packed, caused cancellation of the mile long downhill race scheduled for Saturday. Junior skied from Yosemile included Leslie Rust, Chuckle and Ann Woessner, Johnnie Good, Mike and Greg Powers, Don Belts, and Frank Carter( all of whomwere accompanied by their parents), and Doris and Diana Ihlenfeldt, and Dennis Parrish. Dee and Dick Mc Laren from Sequoia joined the group wilh daughters Parn and Kathy. GUSSMITH WINS SPEAKERS CONTEST GusSmith, 14 year old son ofAgnes Smith NPSPayroll. Supervisor, and a senior student at Mariposa High School, was winner of the Yosemite Lions Club student .speakers contest held at the regular meeting on March 1. He will competein the zone contest March 16 in Madera. Other Contestants Speaking on the topic "My Responsibility in a ChangingWorld," were Kent Minter, a senior, and John Anderson, a sophomore, both from Mariposa. After the zone contest in Madera, winners will compete on three other levels before the final competition in June for a $1500 scholarship. Each of the other three finalists will receive a $500 scholarship. J.udges of the contest were Pauline Shorb, H: Oehlmann, and Cecil Stalvey. --o-NEWSELECTIONFOR LIONS PLAY "Romanoff Ustinov, has and been the "Andersonville Juliet," chosen Trail" by to Peter replace as the Lions play. Presentation will be on May 3, 4 and 5. Ed Sirianni, who has directed three previous plays for the club will again be the director. "Romanoffand Juliet" is a delightfully whimsical story set in the square of the capital of the "smallesl country in Eu,’ope." Casting is under way. --O ..... Anyone interested contact Sterling CLEANERSSPECIAL Crameror Ed Sirianni. ON THREE OF A KIND After two weeks of rehearsal, the Dodge Laundry will clean three garments for the price of two, be- cast of the "Andersonville Trial" tween March 12 and March 17, and decided that the play, although a again from April 9, through April 14. good one, was too grim and heavy Thereis one catch. "the garmenlsmust for a communityaudience and should be three of a kind: three pants, tt~ree be replaced by something in lighter vein. coats, three swea~ers,etc. Club spring ¯ ’’. ..... .’, ¯ ’". ,., . :... . .. .. ",:.r ...., ¯ .: ~, .... .. ¯ .... .....:,. ,... ’. ....... .. :.........:~. ¯,.............. -,,,.:.~:,-............ .... ’~:.’; . . " . ::~?:~:/:;’~’.;= ’ "::~:""":~:’~’~"i~ ’" " ..... . . ".... . ¯ ;:..::*....::.~- FRIDAY, MARCH9, 1 962 . ",." ~,,.,’, , *, ., .. ,.... : ,, : , ’’’ .. ¯ ¯ ¯" .. " " , .... ..::.i.-. " ’ " ’¯ ’...: .;f: .,, "" NationalPark, Calif.: . ::~,.,.:_,::.. ’~.T osemHe"" ¯ .. . .... : .,......... ":..,:..;i..::i.,~.::,::/::: .. . .. ... ¯ . ~i.:;,..:#.,;:%...~. ’ YOSEMITE SCHOOL ¯ " , ’ .. ~;,, ’-., , .’,,t:.’,’:,;: SCENCE FAIR". . ...".. " : ...... . !:..;-:::.>:i::.::/ ’ Yosemite’ school.. children : 0f.:the..i",I.::::::.),:;,,";:,:::i::~:. fifth through eighth grades parti(:i~:’ ,l:.i..i’,’:!:):’:i!". i::.::/;’i;:::)’ );. pated in a science fair in MerceddurJ. : i:..:i~:i;,~::!.!: ing the past week. Four eXhibits,-one’ i~.-:.........;:/" :: from each grade, were entered among" re’any others from Mariposa and .-._ -’:;,,~:--..,. MercedC0unties. The exhibits shown ’ :’, :, in Merced along With others made : ’:.:’::.,’:.:, i .....: by local students will be ondisplay"’¯ : .:: ~/,:,../.:: at the next Parent Group meeting, !.-".:,./... Monday, March i9. Teachers report .~ :: that Onemust see these projects ¯ in ~-.,: , ,..:. ! : ::. order tO appreciatethe work thatl ~, . i::..": has gone into them and the.learnir:~g ilil..,,!..:): ’: ’’ : " that has resulted. i’ .; .... ¯ ; . -.’-. CONSERVATION-" Conservatio~n To commemora’te i : ’:: .’~ ’~ , ¯ ¯..... .,-...;. Week,a film and discussion of Conser:: " .... vation were presentedto the ..... childr.en ., .: o" ¯ :., : -.:.:. by naturalist Coyt Hackett on Thursday....: .. " . :. " i .: ::: SPANISH,.... .. There is a movementafoot to ex. ~. ~ tend throughout the county a Spanish ’ :: : language program similiar to .... that ’: i~ i ~instituted in the local school by Prin¯ ,, *. . cipal Erik Brunn. ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. SydCarter of El Portal are announcing the engagement of their daughter, Ellice Louise, to James Hansen Parker of Yosemite. Miss Carter attended Mariposa schools, and graduatedin Puerto Rico. She attended one semester of Modesto Parker, a son of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh J. Parker of Midpines, is a graduate of Mariposa High School. He attended a semester at Fresno City College and a semester at Modesto J. C. He is presently employed by Yosernite Park and Curry Co. Printing Dept. Weddingplans are indefinite. ’ : : ...... ~ ’ . -.-::i.. ,. :: ! THESEITEMS ARE FOR THE INTERESTOF PARKEMPLOYEES AND ARE NOT FOR PUBLICATION ¯ . ’ , , ,:,..:. , . : :. ,, . ",: .. .~.. . . , ¯ , ~.! . ......... . continues, mentioningcold downto 21."-i; . " ’ " SAN FRANCISCO OFFICE TO MOVE " .... degrees below zero, and winds U tO:..:". .. ¯ ¯ . ¯ . : ¯ ¯ " . ’ . .... ... . .. _.. "~- ~ ¯’ "~^ "-- 35 -earsin the Pm~zter, Hugh Parker, operating, the ¯ ¯ ’ oh" ’ p " : . :it". "::l:’;i~:’":"::::::’:": y " make ~..:."~.?I~.~.!.::.I:.I~; . .. ’ .... : . " .... " ¯ ¯ 56 miles an .hour"’wh’ ¯ ’¯ ,,.,,n ~pr¯ i ~u, attar, . . , , : .... )::.,:,.:".. . " ~:.~ ivZiel~Ae v-~u automatic cy~maer press. ..... necessary to bring all-.the .children..:",..:::!:::’:-’~.:::".,~’::::.: sameIocatmn, the San Franc~scoo ...... ": ..... ¯ of Yosemite Park and Curry Co. will . HoToFF¯THEPRESS’ " ’ h~lowsl ’...::." :.. i":":i.:i.!i!i::i..:i:~.ii:::i:i./~: terminate its occupancy of 39 Geary ’ Printers must be different! They do . . ’ "" "’" , ". , ". " " , ." " ~’~’:}~"~’~’:~"’~"::~’~r~:~’,::~" haulnecessary during these,years. .. ... . .... :.i:~t::".:..:.-:’::.. ’. Street.¯ ¯ " " not use nches,but have a specia ¯ :. . ¯ :. F-~:.:...,.:.~ ",,. ¯ .. ¯ The ent,re secondfloor at" 55 Grant ~oint system of theirown for mea:."..i.... : ::i::.:!:i-i/:’.i..i.i.::. n . FromType Setting To Pri ntig " ¯ " .: ’ ,"~:"-:"::":’:: Avenue w] be -.ooen for bus~ness ¯ sur ng ength at ..... ~nes and columns. After type hasbeencast in meta: "~:.!"::’."::;":’ ., On May 1. The telephone number w .r~....... "~ "-eak of 12 ~o nts to a v"ica ,, slugs,,, l"nese-"slugs are .... " ~: : "f"~i’:’"(~’: arrangea in. -...:.;:’,:.:.:::...~:.’::. v ...... -,,=)’ ~’"’ .=k’ ¯ remain the same - YUkon 2-9912. It " " "a.."". """::."";~::" : :": ’ ¯ re and 6 p~cas to an ~nch. If you a ~oro~er order ~n what ~s called, .!.:~. ..:.:.’: .. ":’:I’ :’: :~ is expected that, in more pleasant ,,% " ,, ---"--’ ’ -"’: "; ":"i ’br s-ace n a news’a"er, ,lOCK-, ,..:.~).:.-.~.:,," vuy,,,u v v form , in ~reparanon-Tor:.ci .... . v " " " " . .i,.:.~:...::":. and efficient surroundings, the ottice you will normally pay by the agate up." Typein the form is evened.by... ..... ..I.L,,......-...:. staff will be able to serve the public line of which there are 14 to an inch. useof a "plane",or blockof-wood,:...:¯:./i.lii!!i:~"i~.:ii:". moreeffectively. Most of the tools and machines in An invitation is extended to emthe shop are less complicatedthan the ployees to comeup and see. the new Linotype. There is a paper cutter that office after May1.. will cut a stack of paper 4 inches ~O’--" thick, and a folding machinethat will JAPANESESTUDY AMERICA fold in any one of 40 combinations On a five weeks training program, at speeds of up to 10,000 pieces an a group of officials represnting the hour¯ transportation and sightseeing indusThere are four presses, each used try of Japan are touring the United for a special pt~rpose. A simple proof States from San Francisco to NewYork press is operated entirely by handand and Washington D.C. They spent Feb- enables the printer to makea quick ruary 20 and 21 at The Ahwahnee "proof" of any job without the use in Yosemite. of machinery. There is a duplicator, On February 21 the group held a which is a glorified mimeograph round table discussion concerning machine, used to makea reproduction the sightseeing and bus i.ransportalion of photographedmaterial. industry in the U.S., studying points A platten press is used to print of ink is fed by the press, and then of view of both private industry and posters, signs, business cards or any fits the chase into the bed of the governmenl. Participating in the disjob that cannot be run on the big printing press. The job has then been " cussion with the study group were press. It operates mechanically but "put to bed" and is ready for a "run." John Preston, William Schneltler, is fed by hand and will run from a Watching the big press pick ¯ up a George Oliver, Clare Dierksen, and few pieces io 1,000 an hour. piece of paper and roll it around the Wendell Otter. The press which handles mosi of cylinder as the chase movesover it " The group madea trip 1o the Big the jobs is an automaticcylinder press Trees in the afternoon and were hostmadeby ~iehle Printing Press Man- and push it - a printed page.- under ed at cocktails by YPC Co. in the ufacturing Co. of Chicago. It can run a red hot carbon rod to dry at the rate evening. as manyas 5,000 impressions an hour. of 5,000 an hour, seems something -o-" ’: .... This big press was installed in the old like magic. SKI SUPPERS print shop in 1947 and has rnade Hot off the press? No joke. Papers ¯. Ski suppers are now held at The Ahwahnee Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday each week. ¯..,.../, manymillions of impressions during its 15 years of service. There have been 11o new parts nor major over.- are frequently still warmafter being Folded and taken to the office .for dislribution. .... ¯".i;.i.... .... ;:.:, .John Glenn Again this week, for the association.with Lewis Memorial Hos-. ~: i.~i’, .i :umteenthtime, the openingof the .I ¯. : ’pital. this .week. . . ; . . . . ":i". ..f..i.i... Ski.Hut had to be delayed because ¯ Valerie Taylor is the new nurse on ī!i)!: ’ i.i..i/:: ~.II : ofl. stormyweather.TheMillers accept .::..... ::..... ’. delaysas calmlyas did the astronautl the scene. She recieved her troining at St.." ThomasHospital in London, : ’ :" ’.::" ’. ’.’."i,".. --O-¯ ... ..i~:-’.~, . . .’ ,.. England; came last year to.work in CATTY CORNER : ,.. ..,:: ¯ :.. ¯ . . ’. . ¯ .. ;!.. Buffalo, Wyoming~and just recently ¯’ ’:.. : (Continued from last issue) to Yosemite. -". ¯ ""~.~:. " Then .there was that ¯ time back in .--O-" " ": the.early days of my marriage when ATTENTION ALL DIVOT DIGGERS ¯ .... :..~ I planned to surprise my husband. The WawonaMen’s Golf Club will " " ."’ ~... He was always talking about the .wonderful Hungarian food his mother hold its first meeting of the 1962 ’ /. ’i. Used to make, so I got a Hungarian season at 8 p.m., Monday, March ¯ ...... .... . Cook book and prepared to make a 19th,in the Training Room of the .... ii.. .’. ,. couple of strudels. (One recipe makes General Offices. All members are ¯ i" urged to attend. Newofficers will be .. " two, unfortunately.) elected, tournaments scheduled and After spending several hours shell. " other important business matters ing and blanching nuts, peeling .... discussed. ... .... apples, and chopping raisins I began Pro Charlie Eagle reminds all club thedough. It seemsthat you’re supposed to keep rolling and patting and membersof the Fort Washington Home & Homematch in Fresno on Sunday, pushing this stuff around until it becomes paper thin, and when you March 18th. There should be a large ¯ hold it up to the light you can see turn-out from Yosemite for this outthrough it. After I had gone through standing event of the year; the Fresno this type of gymnastic until my elbows people are tremendous hosts and the course is a real challenge. Reservation werecreaking I held it up to the light and the only place you could see cards are being mailed to all local through it was where I had punched club membersand the return portion holes into it with my fingernails. At should be sent back to Charlie immediately. The Wawonaclub will that point I decided that this strudel ¯ was going to have a distinct American host Fort Washington in a return accent. Not that I object to rolling in match on June 10th. the dough, but I don’t care for the Europeanversion of it. .After a few more nerve shattering variations in the accepted methodof making strudels, I managedto get themout of the oven, and with a little camouflage here and there made a fairly attractive display of my day long activities. I could hardly wait for the dear boy to comehome. When he finally camestriding through the door I whisked out my lovely surprise and said, "Nov., who’s a good cook?" He look one look, paling a little around the noslrils and gasped, "Strudel! The only thing my mother madethat I really couldn’t stand." The Turlock pilgrimage last Sunday was successful weatherwise and attendancewise. Somethirty Yosemite golfers teed off in varying fashions and about 20 remained after the bout for dinner at the Tioga Hotel in Merced. In the men’s division, the par point tournament leader was Allen Dierksen with 37 points. Harold Ouimet and Harold Bondshu tied for second place with 35 and GeneEwing took third prize with a 32. The ladies were led by Madeline Hickok, net 83, followed by a tie for second place between Muriel Ouimet and Dete Oliver with nets 84. Anita Bondshu took third award with an 85. ~:~::~":’ ’""":":": ¯ ; , .li.",’~’... "~...... ’.i~;: :i "’": "’l’:r’.’: time for five years - last : ¯" " the past . . . , summer at The Ahwahnee. ’Accross . .. the court is Nancy .Swensen, Reser. vationsclerk, from TopangaCalifornia " She is an enthusiastic, skier, hiker and all-round booster, for Yosemite. ’ . ’ . . . ! : ..,’...~:/". i..~."..:.. . At Yosemite LQdge, .requests. for ’ commentsand .suggestions are. !eft " in .the guest rooms. Recently.a guest who was here when some tall-.trees were felled by storm reported every, thing satisfactory except that she .did wish "you would plant the trees a .. ¯ . . ’ . little deeper." Dorothy, Wes, and Terry Conner have returned to jobs and school in Yosemite. Wes, however, will be obliged to spend the next two months working one week in Yosemite and the next in San Diego in order, to finish his job there. ’/"" ¯". I!.’ .’" !. ":. In the Valley to spendthe first week. end of March in their Yosemite home were Virginia Adams, Anne and Chuck Mayhew with daughtersGinny and Alison, and Mike Adams with his fiancee JeanneFalk. " Judy and Lloyd Seasholtz, from the NPSregional office in San Francisco, have been frequenting the ski slopes during the past week. Lloyd has been working between ski runs, Judy just skiing. . : : Most recent NPStransfers include Keith Trexler who will soon go to Lehman Cave, Nevada, Chuck Remy to Olympic National Park, and Bob Brangesto Everglades. ’ The Yosemite News provides the information that 639 trees, considered dangerous, have been removed by the NPSthis year at a cost of $14,450. .. Another note of interest from that information packed paper concerns a patrol of the power line from Glacier Point to the Valley madeon the day that John Glen orbited the earth three times. Both trips took the sameamount of time. . . ~. .’... ..’ " ¯ ..":[ ’ .’.’. . " .:}i.. " " " " ..:..:.... ¯¯....... ..,......~,::; . .. ’ " STORM,:. ":..".: . : Total precipitation - . . ... ".i. in: the Valley f6r" : " " YOSEMITEMUSIC CLUB ’." .. ¯ . ; ¯ ......,, : ¯ . ...The FebruarymeetingOf the .newly "d .., , . ¯ ... :... ". ,"i’, : ...".,: ,,.., ¸. .; ~ ,,.....,~ ’. WOMEN..; {,7}.{7: ."}:"::::.:-, . ¯ . " FoR:ALL . .. . ". of Hiram.Walker,:}..:. ’ .:.." ’A representativeq " "" : " :" ::""": : :"": ’ formed-Yosemite Music..Club..wasa" Inc., . will give a "Cordial. , :Co0kery.}. ... . . ¯., - ., :.’:’., . ¯ ’!;i.:":i..:)..{.":::. i:;.i, inches, ;! the making month, an;exdeedingly. of .February.was17.03 wet great succes iwith".l..5.....members en~.. Presentation" ’ f o r ,..t . h e Yosemite s . . :...-.}:.: , .:;,..,~ ::" "."Y"~ "..February, the 40. year average pre- joying Hart, : music...;p.erfo.rmed, Lee Miller, Thelma"Warnock, by Esther ¯ Women’s Group.at.2 plm., wednes’-./.:.::: ’~>’:’ cipitation for the month being 6.33 day, March. 14 in. The Ahwah:nee:} ::. inches’according to NPSrecords. The and/the Women’sChorus..."...:. . ,: " i ::.:’ii~ Indian Room. : , ’ month ended wi.th tWO"unusual"(for ¯ Tl~e. group will meet one Friday Come.and learn some."new and /:;" now) sunnY days, and the Coldest evening each month at 8 p.m..There temperatures ofthe winter-lows of will be room for active membersand several degreesbelow, zero at. Badger for those who just want tO listen; Pass.. and.10 degrees above in the dues will be 50 cents a year. ’ ~’alley. such low temperatures, of ¯ Desiring to see ihe group grow, course, kept skiingconditions the very .the present membershipinvites anyfinest possible. one interested to contact Polly Banias ; Those sunny days also gave the (Chairman), Lee Miller, Helen Johanson, or Hal Johnson. Badger crew an opportunity to dig -oout from under many feet of snow, Over 12 feet having fallen during ¯ VOLLEYBALL FebrUaryleaving a pack of 8 feet 11" Sometwo to three dozen youngsters " Has anyboody seen my drag?" might have been the cry of ski patrolmen as they disappeare d into holes they dug deep down, looking for the , drag that had last been seen before the"sriow began to comeso steadily. Le;ar~ing and fallen trees that had stopped operation of lifts No. 1 and 2 had. been removedbut.a respite was needed.for making repairs, shoveling decks and dragging slopes. The snowmelting appqratus on the outdoor deck adjoining the Snowflake Roomproved very successful, and madeclearing mucheasier than the relay of shoveling necessaryto unload the unheated deck. Bill Meachamwas seen driving the Bombardier over the unpacked slopes as fast as possible in order to tamp down one layer of snow before the nexl might fall. Sure enough, on March 2 it came in such quantity fl~at no one could see anything, anywhere. --o-- and oldsters, feeling the needfor some muscle flexing, have organized a volleyball league. In several teams, they trek to the schoolhouseon Tuesday and Thursday evenings between to 4 times as great. 5:30 and 6:30 to beat out the represSnow depths and water content. sions of the day on a round, leather are also well above the average for ball. (Better than beating on each other years as shownby the following other.) figures: There’s the Firehouse Five, the Snowdepth, last yr. avg. Schoolhouse Gang, the Rangers, and Gin Flat 137.92" 27.5 75.7 a bunch of wheels from El Portal. The ’~ water content Schoolhouse Gang likes to be known 46.08 "" 11.0" 29.2 as the "Communicators." That’s be. Snow Flat cause they include two teachers, three 139.45" ’57.7 97.6 telephone men and a parson. (Who could get more communicative?) water content 43.45 17.1 32.1 Fearful of missing out on something Peregoy Meadow snow fine, GeneEwing has begunrecruiting 114.44" 44.0 68.2 o gang from the General Office (and water content other joints). So far he has signed 38.00 up Keith Whifield, Wendell Otter, Dana Morgenson, Ned English, Doug Ostrander Lake snow 116.44" Thomas, Chuck Woessner, and himwater content self. 39.00 14.0 "Jake" Metherell is reported to T. V. REPORT be the general organizer of this ~O~ Recenl cessat.ion of TV service was activity and suggests that anyone SWAPTALK ’ due to a break in the cable caused interested comeand see for himself Wanted - The Yosemite Children’s by heavysnow. Until there is improveor form a team and challenge someLibrary needs a typewriter. The comment in the weather the intenl is to body. mittee will pay up to $20 for a stango along with the three channels -o-, dard machine of any age in good presently available, according to FRENCH MOVIES condition. GeorgeOliver. He further states that Mr. Meyers, TV engineer from Los On Sunday evenings at Yosemite House for rent-completely furAngeles, will be in Yosemile next Lodge, Robert Faure will project nished-one bedroom--sealed porch. month Io carefully check ~he whole French movies covering subjects of See h’na Murphy, El Portal or phone system. general interest. Time, 7:45. FR 2-4372. f, { . .. .., ...# , :. . .... ¯- ,.’.,.’. :..’ .,,,.,, .. / ..: :: ~’, .:.,..’. : ,".:, ,. -.. .~ ’ ’ " "~ , i ¯ ’ ’" 1 ",.i..::’;, ’ ;’. ~.-- .4..,,i ¯ :: ’ ’. . " ¯ ¯ . . . ~ ¯ "¯ :. . ’ :’i:~- ¯ .... . ~’.. ~ ’ ...... " . ’::i,,’ <.; ] ’ - . :. ¯ ¯ .: . ¯ ’:~ .¯ -..J. ’ ’ ,, .. , . . ¯ .. " ’..’ ¯ ¯ _~. - , ,, . . . , :"i)i ’ :’.’i’":"."".i . . .... . ..... ¯ .,’ .i~ ., ’ ’ ... ¯ .. ..: ’ ..,, . .. . , j" . ¯ ¯ .... . ...,,. , . . - ¯ : - . .. :. . ~ " . .... .- .. . ¯ . ’. - ¯ : ¯¯ . , ¯ . ¯ , . ’ ’ .... . ... ¯ ¯ . ¯ . " . . . .. .. ¯.. . . . ’. As to the possible conditions leading to its formation the following lheories have been presented by Park Naturalist Douglass Hubbard: During the very cold weather which occurred at the end of February whenthe fall ran very slowly or not at all, considerable ice could have farmed in the stream above, filling the stream bed. With warmer weather, the water began to run under the ice which was solid enough to form the bridge which, ~t this writing, is still visible. A second, but less favored theory, is that frazil ice might have formed such a bridge. The museumstaff will be glad to hear from anyone wilh knowledge of or theories concerning this formation. DIG THAT SNOW Ostrander Ski Hut is now open. Originally scheduled to receive the first guests of the seasonon February 10, the Hut was finally made ready for a group of skiers on Saturday, March 17. The intervening five weeks had seen a succession of attempts to open a trail to the Hut, scheduled trips to prepare the cabin, and disappointed skiers whoseplans had to be changed, all due to the heavy snow storms and the need to use all hands ta keep Badger Pass from being buried. on p:t#,c [mir) -’, :: "/ ’: ::~-J~i "’"":------~-..... ,:-’--:’-,:~ ~ "~~ ’ , ’ 7 .~’ " ;’~?~ ~ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ’ .. .. ... . - ~L , .., . ~" . ... , . ." " , " ¯ ’ ... .. . ¯ ’, ¯ .... . . . , , ,’q:~: ,:i’ i~ , :.. : ::: . - ." , ."... ;’ .. ¯ ¯ "..’ . .... ,- .. ., ::: ¯ ¯. .,.,. .... . ’ ¯ .... . . ~,.:;,..~... ’. ¯ .,’,-;’"’::d ’ r.:.iii!.’:, .’. i ¯ :.’. .’ . ¯ ¯ ’ , ¯~-.,.. /n-....:h ¯ " " ., . -~:,’!::>"..’.¯ ... .:,:.... ,,!i.,~.~.....,i~...:’.. .- .. : . ¯ ¯ ¯ .~ .:....i~/,i~i!ilr:ii ’-;’": : "" " ""-Yosemite National"Pack,-""~alit..." " ~ -¯:L7;~i.._~.~ . ¯ .. .. " ¯ ,.L , . : .. ¯ " ’ .... . ¯ . i’ ¯ . .: .i. . . ¯. ¯ ’. . " ’. . ",,,. , ,- ¯ :" /, ,. ,, ’ .. ¯ ....... { . ....’ . .’- DR. LIFSON ~ ,.~ , " : " . . . ~. .. ... ¯ . . ~.~ .. . .,,,,,,,,,:+:~,;.~,~,,.*.~ ~i’i;’~,$;~ " "¯ ¯ . ,, ’ . FRIDAY, MARCH23, 1962 ((]onllniled ¯ - ¯ " : ¯ I~I~~.’---~ ¯ , " : ..:.i;/:.i" . . . ; ’ . , , q ’ WINTERPHENOMENON , i ..... -.i rr,i/ " t ’ 7t A snow and ice bridge spanning " ../ . ..~ .", ¯ : .the .top of Upper Yosemite Fall has ’been observed during the Month of ~’ " " March,since March6, t0 this reporter’s knowledge.It is estimated to be about . ~. L .¯ I’ ten feet thick. To date, no one has . . ,: been found who has previously seen .-. or heard .of a similiar phenomenon in Yosemite. ... ’. ........ . . :: " . :. ’, " " ....... - . . ¯ ., . . " ... ¯, ., . .:., . ¯ . . . .., . ¯ ¯ .,~..¯:..,:c"=J.Y:". "~I".,,~’. . . . ’" SOUTHBEATS NORTH: : :" .. " : , ::! "(/i . .. ... Dr. WilliamLifsonwill loin !he Led . by Olympian. Tom.Corcoran,"i ’ the rebels wontheir third victory over. " ’~ ...... " ’~ theNorthintheseventhannual battle’,, i::i::<;;~7 between-.the .North andSou:th:, Ski.. :i ;. i i...;!i" :::: );; ,/: !... teamsheldat Badger~Passl March ~17... i!.~.::17.:..%-.~:: .... ~’..=.. , ,.’":~-.,.’, ’ ¯ . :, ¯ ~..,::,,’:.:,.i~ and 18. As he did when’he raced for the .. i..:.i/.i.~!:.). :~‘’:’.’:~’ North last year, Corcoran w0nboth "~~.‘r;’.:: JUNIOR SKI RACE ’~.’:"."."" The twelfth annual Junior Giant slalom and downhill events. .The team ’times; compiled from.the: i.’ ;".:.": ... Slalom ski race sponsored by the eight fastest men. and. three fastest ;:"’::i: Yosemite American Legion Post 258 . . ¯ C.~.,.: :~.;;. .. . , . ;./~. :~. . ~-..:."...:" will be held on Sunday,April 1, at 11 women on¯ each team were: South. ~: .,:" .<,...,,..~:...) a.m., instead of during Easter vaca- 25 minutes, 1.0 seconds; North - 25 ,.~,. ’ 7;.’..’’ :., :’r" minutes, 55.2 seconds. ..... tion week, as in previous years. There ..:.,i:.:.’.:;.;i:; , ..: . , -: ¯ .. In the slalom" held on No. 3. hill ¯ will be two runs - no age groupings. . d : ~:.: .ir’ ~ , ~’., The American Legion will award a Saturday, Northerner BeverlyAnder"::."..."""’..’ son Brockway, also an Olympicskier, perpetual trophy to the winning boy first for the women. Second . .~...’ . and winning girl, and pins for the placed .,. ¯ ...’.. and third places went to’the South’s . !..:;-i.:":.!.. first three places, boysand girls. Georgene Bihlmann and Birdie Cor.~:....::: All children 16 years of age and .i. under, whether they live in Yosemite coran. Second in the men’s slalom was .... i.... _: Dick Hunt; and Yosemite’s Frank ..... or elsewhere, are invited to enter. Carter nailed third place for the’i.North . ¯ Entry blanks may be obtained at ii". ::..i.. causing such comments as, "Who is Badger Pass or from Leroy Rust. " i..:.. ’ ¯ this Carter?" He’s a skier, gentlemen i:!, . . : . --o-and pride of the. Yosemite Junior i,... ... .. A MUSICALTREAT Ski Team! .... ! " .. -.. ¯ ¯ . . .. A musical review, "Soundof Music," In the women’s downhill, held "... will be presenled by Mollie Lob BeresSundayon Rail Creek run, the South’s :. : .. ford on Thursday evening, April 5, ,, .... . . . 15 year old Kathy Allen placed first; at 8 p.m. in the school house. Popular Sheilo Murray (South) second, and ::.’"’: : acclaim accorded her well known i .. Beverly Brockway (North) third. Secliterary book reviews prompted Mrs. places in the men’s Beresford to branch into the musical and third downhill were taken by Ed Arnold review field. She will be accompanied at the piano by her husband Howard. (South), and Jack Turturici (North). An interesting sidelight on this .... ... The Beresfords, from Denver, Coloannual contest is the variety of skiers : .. rado, are including Yosemitein their ! . .: it brings together: Olympic skiers, westerncircuit. juniors, seniors, husbands and wives, :. Preseniedunder the auspices of the and fathers and sons. : Yosemite Women’sGroup, this pro~0-.-gram is to be for the enjoyment of TWENTYYEARSAGO. the whole community; husbands and wives, work:inggirls, visiting relatives ’ ’ " from the Sentinel, March 20, 1942 and Park visitors are invited. It’s wedding bells for Bob Cromer ’.. Tickets will be sold during the pre- and Marge Miller, who were Reno. :" ceding weekand at the door-50 cents " mated last week. Lewis Memorial. Hospital. staff next.. week. Originally from Minnesota, he has just finished two years duty with the army in Honolulu, and has practiced medicinein Dallas Texas. , . ,. . ..., -". ,, ¯ .. ,.. .... , . ,... , ’i ¯ ’..,-,~’. ..’ ’<: ~,..i..¯ ,~ . . :.-~ ....: ..... .....,... ¯¯)¯¯¯i ¯¯¯¯¯ ¯ ¯¯¯¯ ¯¯ ¯¯i¯ i;¯ ¯~¯ ..... ¯ :¯ ....¯ ¯ ¯¯: ¯¯¯ ¯;:¯¯¯: ¯¯¯!i¯::¯!¯ ¯¯¯:¯¯¯i;I¯¯i¯i:¯ ¯:¯¯:¯:¯i¯¯:::¯¯:¯::¯¯i:¯¯¯ ¯¯¯:¯¯:/¯: ¯¯¯¯i¯ ¯¯¯ ~¯: ¯¯/:¯.:.¯i¯:¯¯¯:i,¯:¯,:::i¯. ¯¯¯i~. ¯¯¯1::;¯,¯"¯¯::¯¯i¯~::¯~ ~ :¯ ¯ ¯ : ¯,,~’~ :.¯ : ¯¯¯ ¯¯~¯: i ¯ ¯ ...... ¯/¯¯¯¯¯¯¯i¯¯¯ ¯ ::r¯¯¯¯¯_~¯¯¯ i ¯ ¯¯ ¯¯ ¯¯ ¯ ¯¯ ¯ ¯ .... ¯¯¯¯ ¯ ¯ -¯¯ ¯ ;; ¯¯ ¯ .... ¯¯:¯ " ’ " "" "" r’"’ " :" "’ ~ ’" "! " " - .. ~’= ’ ’ YOSEMITE’SEN1"INE[" ":" . . , :(~ :’/ , :’,::’"’. ::,’..!’..’i. :’ ’ . ~.: :::’~,:~’::: ’:’’:::/: ¯ . . , . . . . . .... ..... ,:.’-!:: :~.i*.’;: ....¯ " ...... ’ ":::;~!. ~;’,;~:,i:.,rl :¯’ ~l~-~.~-e,,.e~.ei.~H~, ’ "’: ....... ’ :I SURPRisE’));,,";:"" ’: i TROUNCED;IB ; UTsT iLL.; GHTiNG FI i" ¯ . :~YOSEMI.TEI S E.NTINEL ": ..i,. .’.. , ~.m’~i’i" %-" ~ "’~"~!"i!’;;’"~"!! . r~. . q. : : . : .’ ii’:i;;.;i;.);-.:i::.i::-:i :::;::~ .::! "i ., ........ ..¯. ’:¢d’::.!.: ; ):i;;~il;i!!iiiii ¯ :: ~... ,..,::.i...~..i ’:" ...., ’...: . .’./ ’: iiii; :: ~"" " :~ ~ . ~ : ¯.. ~ ". ! i.". : .... " ~ :’ "i ;. ; : :. .’. , : :"..: ; ¯ ¯ . ¯ ’ .. ¯’ ’ PUblished ¯. .... b " y ".. "..... " . ’. ¯ ~ " ,’ " " ¯ It . seems that¯ 10calsareenjoying .;... ¯ ¯ ’.". " Yosemite:,Parkcmd,;rry.Co. ’I i.. ,.. the ,use, ,,,.of,,, the message for ’.the: i:nformatJon of ,, system Installed in .theAdvertising .. , . . .. . .. - ¯ . . . golf,: repeater .. ’f T’he"Wowona;,:men;s:,and~::~V0me ...... ClU~’s . went. down.,",, Sunday, " March; i 8.at in,"; ¯¯ :defe:a’t the..FortiWosh~;.:i,:;ii; , ., ... . . . . . .... ~ . .. Office; This is an automatic recording ’ington Home~andH0rne~in i; Fresndi, :)i: i;. Yosemite Valleyresidentsl . . . First team point, r~esults sh0wlthai o~Jri:’i i "Esti~er Morgenson ¯;-Editor machinelthat repeats messagesab0ut .. , ’ ladies 10st .16 to 29 and.lthemeni:24:ili . :. ... . . . H. Oehimann --~-~J,,:Advisor ¯ road; snow andski c0nditionS toanY one dialing FR 2.4636. ¯During the,: to 321~.Thebalmy, rWeather a’n~;Fo ’ ¯ .’. , H. .. K... Ouimet ~-~-----L~dvisor ¯ . . .. . . . .. . ¯ h0spiia}ity took the .edge off:; peiio~ each morning when it is turned H. Berrey Advisor .off for dictation of a newmessage,it"~.defeat; and Wawona golfers.lar6iali::i. . . ¯ . . .. ¯ . . ¯ ¯ . . , ¯ functions as a conventional telephone, ready awaiting a:nxiously an i 0pp0’r~i!. i,.:i: ...., LENGTH OF.SERVICE .’ . .. . ¯ .. . ,. . . ~; . .. ~ ,’ At one suchm0ment recentiy it rang tunity:to recoup on local fc]irWaysi!i~i ’ ’There. are a few poop e.in ¯ Yosemite . . . .: , , i’ . " . -~i,:).i:~.:.:i.. ¯ comeJunel0th."i; . . who have lived and worked here for and was answered, . . "Hello." .’. . .. ...: .~ ...¯ ... . I , After a silence that must have been : Charlie Eagle g6t 152 Yosemite:.~;.; : a ..long timo. "’i’i!ili’iii~’i;.~%i;r-~;i:ii’:--’"i, . golfers .off the Fresno tee SUndl ,s..r..~ filled with confusion at the other The longest personal association :-.. ..... with Yosemite Park and Curry cO. is end of the line, a small, childish voice morning including several members~:i:/ :~ ~ whocamefrom considerable disiance: !~! :’i that of its president, Mary Curry hesitantly inquired,’: "Wh-hat time is for thebigevent. Charlie andRuthi.i:i¯.iil. !!ii¯i’,:i~.i:i:~!:~i.:.,:v ’ Tresidder, who lived in Yosemite as it"? .. : Hill came from Sequoia National Park ; ;i:’:i.i:lii’iil;!!.!!!:iil;iiiii~;il during the development of . . a child ¯. ’ the Curry Camping Companyby her father David Curry. She remains " ~ actively interested in all phasesof the Company. H. Oehlmann,Executive Vice President, holds the record for the longest period of continuous employment. He firstworked in Yosemite during his college days and began permanent employment in 1926 as head of the CommercialDivision. Privilege Cards are given on the basis of continuous service, and of the 25-year card holders ¯ (which is the longest length of time for which cards are given) there are three who have been continuously employed by the Companyfor close to, or more than 30 years. They are: Wendell Otter, whose35 continuous years run a close second to Mr. Oehlmann’s 36 years, Miles Cooper and Dick Connett. Otler and Connett worked their first summersat CampCurry, were hired by "Mother Curry" herself, and were among the group known as "Mother Curry’s boys." Cooperspent his first surnmer,~working al Yosemite Lodge. rant Sales Manager. Miles Cooper’s first summerwas in 1928. After the next season, he stayed on a year around basis. His first job was running the check room at Yosemite Lodge which, in those days, meant more than hats and coats. Manypeople traveled by bus or train, and the amount of baggage to be handled was considerable. Also, people stayed longer then, and many of those who came by car shipped ’their trunks. He subsequently worked at Camp Curry and The Ahwahnee, and was Fire and Police Chief before being drafted by the navy during WWII. After the war, he was Head Bellman and Transportation Agent at The Ahwahnee and is now the CompanyMail Clerk. Briefly, in his own words, Dick Connetl’sservice is as follaws: "1 reported for work on May 10, 1929 and my first job was Busboy in the Camp Curry Dining Room which was about to open. I always remember that I was first handed a handful of forks by Lou Terwilliger (now Mrs. E. T. Carpenter) and told Wendell Otter came in 1923 to be to put them around on the tables. a belh.’nan at CampCurry, and began The sametables and chairs are in use his permanent employment in 1927. t~day. I stayed in my first winter in He has since worked in most of ~he 1933 and worked at the Lodge Cotehotel units the Company operates, ancl teria. From 1937 to 1941, I was has had the longest tenure as man- Managerof Badger Pass in the winter ager of Yosenqile Lodge.-eight consecutive years. He is presenlly Assis- and the Keith Kaesers California. ¯ ~. ~0 . from ... ¯ , ¯ ..... ~r’,. ’C’-’ , "~’"::’,::-;" Southern¯: i .¯;" li~:.,,~;~..i~:’:,.z::; : : i ’i:i i: " ’ ’ . i"."~ . , .~ .... CONVENTION BUREAUS iNi, :’I:’. ;.ii~ i;~i.::’i:’i:.i.~::;..~i,. I ~Iili;:i;~.il; CONVENTION :-; .:-" /i .:: ):!iiii .;iiiii: TheCaliforniaAssociation of Con.,, l.(i;~ii.:;’:;i::~.:~’/-i: vention Bureaus heldits annuallmeet. :. i i:".i~.::’]:").~.]";.f.(:.i:i:. ing at TheAhwahnee. March 11to14.... :~.:i~-i ¯ :.i :.i.... i.: Elected tosucceed George. oliver."as:.: ..:.i.".:i~ili.:.:..,.:~;..".:i...:.:.i~: president of the association wasMrs":":i::..it~iii:::".:""..::i:i Kay Dillon, representative of the ’~~:~ ~:". "I;.~.~.. ""..:.~..: !";..,’ " SantaCruzConvention Bureau."".i."i.i!).i’ ""~/:...:..!i. Oliver will continue as .a member"i....!:::~: ."...:. : " of the Board of Directors for the:.. .’ .i’.L’’ ’-. .. ". ,¯ L~’ ’ ..’" ’ coming year. ’ i::!, ’,. ";’ .... .. i:;~ . ¯ ,.. ..’ County having drawn the lucky i’.)i number 58 in the National Lotteryl I:.:.. ~: ": and entered the service in MarCh1941. . ... [.. ... ¯ .., . :if ’. ~" " !:¯ : " ¯ ¯ ’Li, I returned in 1946 and worked ¯in the office in San Francisco for several .i !: iiii i ¯ . ¯i.:. ..:.¯, ..;. .. months, then re-opened Glacier : Point which had been closed durii~gi i: .:: ithe war. I managed The Ahwahnee i.. " ¯ ’. from 1946 Ils . ~ , . ;. ~-; .... ¯ re-opening Jl’l December ¯ ’. ’!..,:.. until 1955 when I moved to. :¯ I. , " my present " ,, :- ’. :~,." :- ’: assignment. Illustrative of the experience of ~ " ’ :. several "old-timers" is that of Amos i ~" ’i " .: . " ".. Neal who says he came to work in Yosemite for the first time May19, :.i~ .... 1928, on the samebus that brought : .... . : Miles ",-ooper. While others stayed, . : Amoswent to work in other places,. " ~:,... ’ ’ .. .. ,., ’ : ¯ among thorn far away Arabia, so ~.. ’i and Big Trees Lodge in the summer. i.r lha~ his years of employment have ~ ’.C . . : ... I was lhe firsl draftee from Mariposa t’~een broken. :. " ~ " ~ ’.L ¯-.. ¯ ’.i:’~ .... ’..’!i~ ’ ’ " ... ,’.’.’i. ’": ,:::’. :i . .... ¯ :i, ." !’",. ~"i"".-.’ . .,’’. ¯ .~ " I " ’, .’ ’ ,’. " ’., ,.. ¯ .’ ~,’ ,...’ . "";~’~ ’.’¯:’?..:~., ".....,’i’ ~.:~.’.’’. .¯ ¯, O! . , .. ¯ .....:.......,.!..;.:.~ ..;:experts. Winterstormssometimes. ’joyfully gi:eeted by.a host Of. "their ing Office on May24, 1934,.as a ..."’.;:.. ’..:ii~,’.....-.).;;.’,. " " ’":’: : necessitate " lrlps" ¯ .. comptometeroperator. Before the war .:;:.. on Snowshoesor skis; Yosemite:. friends .I os t weekend. ¯ . :, . . .:;i ..:....;?..to."d0 repair work{ in snowbound Having returned to California,. they. ¯ She ¯married Harry Dirtingi"and::ihey.:" ...... ~’-,’:" .....i.-:" : ¯ . ’.".;.//...’..~ .:;.~.;;..i: ..i":i:i:,’ ’ ’i::: ’.areas. ’lnis winter’s. heavy, " " " ’ " ’ ., snows are living .in San Jose .where Art is moved to Los A.ngeles..i. Returning .t0"i.". .... .:.. : .:;...... . . . . .; ].~i~ ’ ¯ ."i:.:" .: :...;"::. i..." re.centlly: .oroKe .’the.electric power,: employedby:tl~e Pioneer Savingsand. Yosemiteafter his death, she has,.with".-.:.." . :.". ’.::-".:i. teephone, ’and I’V ’conies between...L0-an Company.........Otherf0rmer _"several breaks"in"tenure,.:c0ntinuedi. ’... ... . . ’ :. ¯ ....,2 , .- . . .. ..;:.. .-.:. :Sentinel" Uome and Glacier Point . residents among the weekendskiers." ,. to work in the Accountingoffice;...". . :-..... , .... ~,;: . ,.. .. . ¯ _ ’~ have been Wayne Bryant ’ Agnes West.to, who gained"’much". ....r..’.i.:i’.. "’ and caused..repair menfrom the.., at. Badger ....... ¯ " i:ii.:~ ’ "l’.eiephone Company, the Government, .from Sequoiaand JaneandEd Vella ... exPerience...as.. Ailyne’s understudy,’" :~:."." : ..-. ..~{,.!. ann YPCCo. to converge., on .the trou- from SanFranciscoi . ".....:.. Kenhas. iassumed:,the. posi.ti0n.of ".Pay- " " ’~"" ": " ":’ ;i/ .. ’:. ’{ ¯ ..i...;. bleSpot. At such times manPowerand. Ashley, .John Mullady, and."Jhon master. EvelynLa Barge, new to the: " : !: ¯ ’ " " ~’r /’’: :~- " equipment from the three organ- Mah0neywere inthe’Valley during Paymaster’s office ¯ last OCtober, ¯will . ... . . ¯ ¯ ¯. i,":’.:; ..,:..:-~...~...:.:;, /... :,;........:.~...;:. ¯ ¯. . ¯ pooled for the ¯past weekfor .the .Park Service take over Agnes"former. Work at ’the ¯ Fire Control ¯Conference. Also in ¯" . ~,::-,.~.i.. ¯ w:indow;, becoming the person .’to ~’-.:-.... ... .- :. attendance ..was...Rick: ¯Anderson who brought wife Pattie.. along.. ’ .whom eVery terminating employee; ¯ ! ~:::;;!~,:.~;:. ¯ I:/"’" :¯..... will apply for his last check. " ¯ ............ ". Tony Tuasonhas been ¯missed-this .. . . ..., ¯ ’ "" i/i’..:;;:’,,:~/ winter by his manyYosemite friends ’ --0. ¯ ¯¯ ~;i.i::"i:.’.;".i::’.. cables from Sentinel .. ~.~,...... ¯ . . ,. ,.. ,.,,,., . ~ ;.,,, :.. and here’s the reason whY. With his ~alley .and El. Portal. ¯ . SWAP...’~ .... .’.: ’: ";, i’ .. cousins, he .will leave his homein the For sale: 1953 Chrysler 4-door V-8, never been a break .:..." ; :~’.;.:.....i Phi ippines on March 21 fora trip: good¯ condition, $395. WayneWhitestrong, submarine-type ¯ cable leading down from Turtleback ¯ One week in Hone Kong, then to man- FR 2-4221 ¯ . . :. " .. . .. .... ¯ . . .: . .. India, the Holy Land, Greece, Italy,¯ Dome. It is laid on the ground most For sale: Heilite camping trailer, Switzerland, France, Spain, Holland, of¯the way, and its strength and one wheel, fold-out canvas¯ top, com. London, and on to NewYork and the lexibility are so great that evenwhere West Coast by late summer.He hopes pletely equipped, nearly new. ¯$295. .. it;is;suspended above ground, it will Call FR 2-4328. to be in Yosemiteagain next Christ. ¯¯¯¯¯¯withstand the impact of a falling Wanted: ¯small tricycle. Andre Badmas. tree. Before lhe cable to El Portal Bill Cooperhas received wordof his eaux, Wawona... Call ES 5-6294 was buried underground, there were For sale: Powder Blue Ski Pants and acceptanceby the University of¯Calif. many breaks caused by rock slides, ornia Hasting College of the Law in Ski Jacket Size 10 - C0ntact Brenda .. falling trees, or heavy snow. These San Francisco. He graduated last term Hass at Tecoya Dorms or. Personnel ..... no longer occur. The Sentinel Dome from the University of California at Office. station serves .but one telephone Berkeley ......Wendell Otter has For sale: 10’ wide 47’ 10ng 2 bed::i .. during the winter - - the phone at been busy of recent weeksfulfilling room, 1958 Model Columbia House . the Glacier Point Mountain House. the Yosemite area commitments of trailer, Excellent Condition, Reason.. , When there is a power failure Lions District Governor Roy Owens able price. Can be seen at Camp6.. at the Turtleback Domestation, an whowascritically injured in an auto- Evenings Mondaythru Thurdays. ¯ .. ; , . .. .i ’ emergencyengine automatically cuts mobile accident on February 21 .... ~O~ ~.I~ in to generate the needed power. ¯ Homefor a short vacation from i:¯; ¯¯¯¯¯;~: ¯ Backing up this resource, at the Tele- Wasatch¯Academyare Sharon Conner, Torgerson is convalescing from a phone Companyheadquarters in the Susan Ottonello, and Wyatt Kowski - recent heart attack, hoping to be Valley, there are three generators for 45 minutes from Salt Lake City to strong again before the stables open. ¯’ .i . emergency use which can be towed San Francisco by jet ......... The ¯ . .. ’. In regard to "RomanaffandJuliet," to the spot needed. All Telephone Proctors are back from Europe glowEd Sirianni says he’s having casting Company trucks have four-wheel ing with enthusiasm over their month , .... ¯ trouble. Somewag suggests he condrive and can negotiate a road in as of skiing and sightseeing ........ ! :i". muchas a foot of snow if the grade Doug Whiteside has returned from a sult Dr. Sturm who ’ is i known to two-monthstrip to Mexico.... Helmar have very little casting troublel is not too steep. ,, .~ : ..’ ¯/ ,’.., . ’.: . ¯:i~¯¯~ i;¯:,;i;,;,: ":’ I" " .. ,~....,"’... ¯ ’ ¯ .;./.." : ¯ ¯ " ¯ . " ¯ " :. ’!. . !’" "" .’: , ,/.r ’~ " ;~.."~; ..:’.: . C"I" ~.’,;.. , .~. .." " ,.’ .~-.-.!-,:, -,,.,. ’." . i; ’. . :. ’ ":;"?" ...-..’,:.-.": .:’i’.{"."~’ . ’ ’;; !.: ..’.." ..;. ;...:~.:.’,",!.:.;.i;.:.~;~ " :¯.:...’., ..... .., ’"’;’: ’.~’’:..;’.’.’i".::.". J !i !:. ::: ¯:!i =iii ~ "" ~’" """ ""’r ~’i = "" "~’"’T ’. r"" ’ ""’’’’""’."’""’"’’-. . .,:..., ’! : :ii i: .... ~"~.~I~ it .ii".r’i!!’1%~’i"i ,.. i :: i: ~" "~’I’’~I I I’~" "~’~I YOSEMITE.sENTINEL :. ,~i."i.~’~r"i" !" "~’~ . ’.. .... .’.. i’’i’L:"i’2’ "’: .. ............... ¯ ~",i? ~- ... "’~=’"’~/~ ,r . "~-L .... i’"~’"’’~’~"i"~’!~’"~ ",i’.i~i ’L" "’~" fr°rn¯.¯p~ge¯ ~I~,O"~-!~/ea ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯i n̄ ¯ L6S .¯ astl¯¯ we¯ek; ’’ Ha:r~ :¯¯/¯ i¯i¯: ¯i:. .:.¯.:. ¯¯ . (C°ntint~cd". onei/¯.¯¯ ¯.:. i. : ¯¯: ¯. .i ¯..¯ Recer-ltl¯y;.¯0fte~ rs̄ . CmeJ. Over~ ¯. Angeles .. . .... .: , I ..." .... ’.ii:: ":..:. )iFrus"tration.. mounted for’:i a. shor’ti!. ¯400issues, the.! f i.n:a I.i numberi:of, " .....: i C)u,met, . . . .--:.... Gene .... Ewing,and.Ned E’ng i:...i..~,h!l.e . . ¯ ¯ " : : ~..’... . . :.. . . . whe the Hut was: ’,,Yosemite.Nature Notes,’!::was:publis-i.interviewed .oi~proximately:200:’ "~" n:on Monday opened :anti,closed the:sOme :dCyl hed:by theYosemite Naiural Hstory pecive’emp oyees:foi: S, ,e:r:w, ’::.:L::i:!.i’"/:’:"- ! . "..:.C!arenc After...the-long i..wait; :. Ool!ie.. .and’’ :As_~ocia:tion). in.:. Cooperaii0n " .lnierviews..scheduled fen::: minuteS’ d:S:.~!:.i::!: ...:’ ¯ :i!:,i:~i.i/.::.:/: .with:John Loncaric, Nafuralist.Di,;,ision, YNP:.TheW.ith: first the was.. pad’i keptthethreeexce:edinglyb"Usy"i::::iil. e M.!ler; :~bi":;".’.".:"::~.i.. ¯ ":!i::i’¢::i."."’..:.::/ii. :.’.ii:.i.!:~:!:.!.ii::. Keith Whitfie!d,..a ".-sno w shoveler, a . mimeographed, paper !published Applicants:~:.were’non,-c01legepeople:~ii-.: ’"... anda. driver set" out: for Ostrander in.Ju y.0f 1922:byAnsel Hall,: then..seekingjobs.in: all classifications i .!.:"~"~.".)ii.’: , i....in a. weasel:: Delayed in LOSAngelesi.../::.::"i"./ . in :starting .:. park. Natu’ralist..::..": ’ ...." i ..i Mr)0uimetlremain’ed ¯ ::"ii’.-i) :I:’~.I: ’ they.. fell.... beh~.nd.....t.h.e..:.lead..i wease! . ..: Speaking. of" thefinal issue,.. the.. for severaldaystO fulfill lan" engage:i.i~’,i~,;ii!:.!: .:::..:.i:".....’.. :. r~r~ ~Ya:I~’’Ma"’~’n’’expe’r’e’nced’’ Editor says,",Thepassing of.’Yosemite’ ..ment.as-thefeatured speaker.before::i:"i.::.":, .n....!~. mc ,~. S ana. a.a.nor marks the end:of.an era."Yosemte’, aseminar onirecruHng.arid hring:j::,.".:..i.. ...:.:.-.. :..,:.... " ¯ ...i:.-:-.... ::. arrive unt 2:30ntheafternoon-late .: - ¯ ’ ¯ " ~ ¯ " . .. . " " ¯ . :.": ¯ .. ...’ .. :.. was the last,, andthe first, of ~ts kind. conductedby the CalfformaPersonne,.: :!.’: """" :;: -"" " . . for Startin a da’s wo "" . .:.: . ¯ ’ . ..... ..~..’.. .... ¯ -..’... ... g .. y . rK. ... ...... .... ...,/ . -...../ ,.’ outlasting. ... . Similiar publicati0ns pro-.. . . Management. Association.:... .:. i..::..:i ."LI:.I:~:. ¯ . .. . ¯ . . .. ~i:.i..ii:....:*~ ¯.. ...And there wasworkto" be done! duced.in other National Parks.".. . ¯ ¯ .. . --o’ ., , . . .. . . . .."i/ .:r: .. . ¯ . ."i¯ , .... ¯ . , , . .. ¯ ... i.....i.i... ,.... Buckhad. Started thepumplwhich Hereafter, . occasional pu.blicati0n~ . : " ¯ .:../i water.-from the Iake. Happily "INEASTAFRICA ..:":.....: ".~......"’:....¯ brings i.:!.-..!.:"..). :...¯.!i. ¯ ,, . . . . ,. will be made by theMuseum on sub~. : .. . . ... .... ... .’..........~.,.:..,., , ,.:--....": .he had not Ltui’nedon ihe .faucet jects.ofgeneral interest to Yosemite Jane and.Dck: ¯ whowent ¯ Kimball,. . . : .i". .’ . t~*:;.%:i,.: .i ¯ ..:.’... : i.... I i ’. " " .which.letwaterintotheHut.Hadhe visitors. " to Africa to. teachsch0ol;, tell 0f.a/four:" ,. :"~ ’.:..". *.. ...: doneso, a good ipart of the lake ’ " " ’¯ ".... ~’L" . .~ ... .’ " " day, 650-mile trip madefrom:.Kam!;.":.i..: ¯" --0.. might have . been. in side the snowpala, wherethey live/, into western-.., r~..:....... ¯ ...’.."/’ .. I~. .. " bound house, for when the water THE AHWAHNEE ’..I:: Uganda¯ " , " .: ’ . .. ."i " ." : ..":.."iii!."iiii".ii’::J::ii~:~::!!! ¯ " .. was turned on, a split hose was ¯ :. . " . .... ..I.:.. .-..:.~:il.i.!..!~:..!/... The Ahwahneeattracts interesting ’ roads.were ¯ i , ¯ :. "The prettygood all the.". !i!~,:",i~::’ :.i:i".:i~.:.. ’ .discoveredthat allowed water to pour people, interested in Yosemite. A ¯., . .:.. wedidhita fewstret-ii. .? ’’!’!i!.!".’::"!.~::i.!i!.’:.i! all;over the floor instead of into the frequent visitor has been Mr. J. Goux way,ihough i... . ., ¯ ches of d.rtroadwhich .were : b.adly. I .ii. i.-ii"./:!)i:i’:.i:ii:iii::.:.i: .tank. of Santa Barbara who recently rutted if there had beenrain; and.very ...... .." :. .... But the first necessitywasto shovel. piloted his own plane as far as Maridusfy if there had been no rain.. :""...:" ¯ ... It was necessary to shovel downto pose, bringing with hirn his son, Tori, Mostcommon werethe. mudand"... "i;/.~i."".:i.::::..i:... ¯ ’.the front door, and to shovel snow and George F. Hammond, also of ~. waddle hutstoppedbythatched roofs..,..:..i~! ;~;?:j.’.’..i.i.~-. ¯ awayifrom the windows to relieve ¯ - ¯ ""., " .,’l~ -~’ .:"’, ’ Santa Barbara. Mr. Hammond,who is The Africans we passed along the ".F:"":z:i’-’.: ’ .... I the dungeon-like darkness which said to be one of only five ownersof roadwerever~yfriendly,especially..."::.i~::::!~;.~’::.::"~i...:. " " " greeted the crew as they first looked private jet planes in the United " " and .. ,’:..... ’...: . .... . .:.i"" .... . inside. There were many feet of snow States, is also his own pilot. Some- the little children who". ¯ "waved i ¯ ,.... .. ~,...:, .,.’:’-:,. called out ’Jambo, Jambo .... ...... ~. .,.:.-.. ..... .. " to be moved to gain access to the times he and his family jet to Van¯ . . . .... ,.. . "" ./, ~" ,:.. , "’ ..!--’. "The following day we spent ~n .~..i" :.....:... wood storage shed. couver tO spend the day returning ¯ ¯ L:... ~’:"",. . Queen Elizabeth Park which, borders .. i !!...:..~.:.... i.: ¯ So,,.with the only water in the to Santa Barbara in the evening. on Uganda and the Belgian Congo. It . . ~::. . .. ’ house on the floor and fast turning ¯ ,’ .. .. i " Recent guests were Mr. and Mrs. was very exciting to see the t~ig game " i’~:L" "" " to ice, no woodavailable, no tools to ,John Greville, ¯ J~ ... . ... from London, who roaming all about the park, and we !-: .i., ’~i., mendthebreak, and the hour growing were on their way to visit a son in ’ . ~.. ’ "i’.., had great fun trying to take close-up .¯:. : .... late, the party quickly decided they New Zealand. .. photographs, of them. we saw many would return to Badger and wait for i’..i~i: ..."L.’::"’. . Last SundayLucy Winkler, a world "another day to make an assault on elephants at no more than 20 yards:. . i-:. ."" traveler who frequently includes , . . ’/, and not behind bars. Other animals the problem. I...~" Yosemite in h~" illnerary, showed we saw werehippo, antelope, buffal0, "i. ¯ ... Early on Wednesday a new start someexcellenl color slides which she {i ! .." .. warthog and many tropical birds..." was madeand all arrived at the lake had taken on trips into. remote parts ~:- -. ": The highlight of the trip was the boat at 11:15 in the morning. Wi~h proper of New Zealand and Australia. trip up the Kazinga Channel which .tools, more hands to shovel, and .. i,.., ....... ., . plenty of lime, Ihe place was soon intervening days of sunshine seemed is between Lake Edward and. Lake George. This was an excellent way in madehabitable. to have settled the snowaround the 2 .Gelling at the buried wood was lodge about lwo feet, leaving an which to see the wild-life - animals i. " accomplished in novel fashion. As estimated 10 foot snow.pack. and birds safely , yet very close. We they deepeneda trench to the woodBoth trips wereexciting and the stayed .Safari the night at the Murya house door, one. man stood at the J ,,. very snowthat causedthe delays will Lodge on Lake Edward. we sat out on ~ . :. ¯. bottom and shoveled snow inlo a keep the 8600 feet high Ostrander ¯ the terrace after dinner and watched grabage pail willie another waited ¯ L " ’ ¯ ¯ ,. ~’ . , above to lift the bucket wilh a rope. area beautiful and provide fine skiing lhe animals comedown tO the water. The .r.jraua reported that the two for manyweeksthis spring. I" . .:"" to drink." .’ , . . .’¯ . . . i. ’., .." ’. ¯ . . . . ’/ . : . . ¯ . ", . ’ ’ .. ¯ . " . . ~ .. ’ " ’ ’ " ". ": ’. ¯ , " .. . . , . "i": ’ . ’ ’" " ~ ¯ ;I: ."~’".i, . ,. ,, ;. ,; ,., .I ~...*’-’ ’ . ". " ’.’~ " "~ .’" ....: ¯ . . ¯ ’ }" .., . ¯. , , ¯. . ,....~ . .-; ~ , .,". :: i" ’, ’.,, " ."’.’ .’" ~.. . ~:::I:.:.::’::: , -.......’ . . . ¯ , ,.~. :’.’".. "’2’ ".J ;." ¯ :." :!Li/ii .. ,.. "I. :. ,.. , ...:,: ., , , : .-.’: , ...: , .. .. : ’/ . . ~ ¯ ¯ ". ¯ . . .": : :. ¯ :.- . . , ! .. ] i ~" ’...’ ’"- :" .. . . . . , ’i. . ! . / ¯ ’., WHATTHEYDO by Ned English ’ ¯ The ¯seasonal nature of the Yosemite .... , Park and Curry Co’s. business requires ¯ that it fill roughly 1,000jobs between the middle of April and the middle of June. Sixty-five percent of these jobs . .. .... SPRING SKiING :. " .COMMUNITY COUNCIL DRIVE ~:i,.. ~ ... , ..,,.., The ]962Community;CounciI.Drive :At. last Spring sldincj: has arrived! ... i.V..i..! is now under way and willcontinue Skiers can now toke advantage~of : !::~i:(:.:!:~ ..... through ¯April ’ " ~ ~ ::~ ;: 30. Literature outlining ¯ the RailCreek ...... run which starts at the i::’..:.~..:..:-~:" ¯ " ’ ’ " ¯ ¯ ¯ " , ’ ’ ’. .... " " ,’:~.:""" .~":’ ": ¯top Of the No. 1 lift and has a drop theoblechvesoftheCommundyCoun. :~(/:::..:~!(::::~. ’. cil has been distributed t0 all era:: :!ii;"(:!.:ii.::!!:i)!:i:i:i. of 2200 feet. It Offers somefine skialongwitha self-addressed .’ i !i’::;:ii:’ii!:_::::):ili:i! ing and new views¯t0 tt~ose accus- pl0yees This corn: ’:[!).:i.i!i{:i:.:. tomed most of envelope their for ¯remittance.¯ skiing On .... ~,: ~ ,.,., ¯ tO doing of local ::’ .. i:,, ’.":’ .,,. ¯ ,.. the runs terminating in the Badger bined drive is the support . . , ~ . .,,...’, :...: -~,,., ¯ youth activities suchas the Boy¯Scouts, ~., .. ........... ’ ¯ " "2." ~’ ’.*","", Girl Scouts, and the. Badgerswhich̄ is ~ ...... i .... !.~’:’,. ¯ our local football ¯team, along with ¯National charitable¯organizations ~. "’:’::.: ¯ ¯ which include ¯Federal Service Joint :~ : . :’::. ~:~"°" " ¯ . .,...., , ¯: . . ¯ " ¯crusade. The charities Which derive :: ’ ’:":~’: benefit from the Federal Service Joint :i: :::i:: ~::::: / Crusadeare: RadioF~:ee Europe, Care, ::i’ , ,: :!..’: ’.’ ::. |-iii:!! !~ CommunityCouncil treasurer, Ag¯ ,’ ,, , , :i : i :: nes Westfall, reports that 100%co; ........ ~-:: . .~ operation is needed to insure success ~’::.:. " ::: !t’~ ~o~e[c~.~il~,g! ! : "/::’ of the program. YPC Co. employees ¯’ . ~ .... :’i ¯ ~ .. Pass Meadow. Upon arrangement, a mayeither makedirect contributions ." ¯ ~ ," YTS bus will pick up skiers at the or agree to have a specific amount ! ¯ : ¯ ., ¯ : " :are. filled normally by students among whomeighty-five percent are "returnees." Therefore, almost 500 new people must be contacted, processed, ¯ and secured during the first few monthsof each year. Every spring representatives of our Personnel Departmenttake to the road to interview new job applicants. So far this spring Mr. Ouimet and Mr. Ewing have visited Phoenix, Tucson, and Los Angeles. During April they will interview at U.C.L.A., Stanford, U.C., and San Jose State, and in San Francisco. For every person interviewed on trips, hours of pre-inlerview work bottom of the Rail Creek run for the deducted from their paychecks. have been required of the Personnel return trip to Badger. The fee is 50 Questions regarding the drive ma~’ Office staff. This work includes probe directed to: Hal Morris, Yosemite cents a person, cessing letters of application received Skiing conditions are usually at Park and Curry Co., Guy Lamoreaux from thousands of applicants from their best about 10:00 o’clock in the or Dick Hart of the Park Servicel all corners of the United Stales; send-oing out hundredsof application forms morning when the snow is neither ARE YOU REGISTERED? too hard nor too soft. For pupils, the to the persons who have beer able Registration of voters for the June to sell themselves in their letters; pro- Ski School usually organizes a trip 5 Primary Election will close on April cessing the application ’t:orms as they down Rail Creek each day. 12 at 5 p.m. Voters must have resided A short cross country venture is the are returned; and finally, notifying in the state one¯year, in the county 90 each promising applicant to appear |rip to Tempo Dome, a wonderful days, and in the precinct 54 days f’or an interview at the locatia n place to eat lunch while resting and before the June 5 election. Peoplewho contemplating the view of the high nearest his home. have moved from one precinct to Sierra peaks. The more hardy skier The "momentsof truth" in any reanother should re-register. Women maywish to makethe inspiring trip cruiting campaignare the interviews who have changed their names by themselves.Eachapplicant is allo~c-d to OstranderLake. For overnight stays, marriage should re-register. ten minutes wilh the inlerviewer, who, reservations are necessary, and for You may register at the County ’ during that time, mu:H make dozens both Ostrander and Rail Creek runs, Clerk’s ¯Office, Mariposa, or with any of juclgments and decisions about fi~e skiers are requestedto sign out att’he of the following deputies in Yosemite: BadgerPass ranger station. applicant while juggling a mental Agnes Westfall and Adele Laux in piclure af lhe jobs available for which Ski School Director Nick Flare will the YPC Co. General Office; Ruth the applicant is qualified. The interbe happy to provide any information Ewing at her home; Olive Kirk in El (C.(mlitm~’d nn I)~U.’e Itt,’~’~:) concerningthese trips. Portal; John Series in Wawono. ~: . ! :’ : : . :. .... i’ .~ ,~ : .-.: .. : ’ .... i .’ . . : ~ ., ~ ~ : .... : ’ : . ’ ’.. : ’ -’ i " ,.. .i~ ,, .. ¯ ! ~ ,,~....: ¯. ¯ ¯ , ",’ ". ..’ . ¯ . . . ~ . .. , . , , , ,,’ . , ¯ . ,, ,., ¯ .] ,: ’, . . ...’ ...:, , -::.: i:gj .,. . .. . O~¯¯¯¯ ¯,: .. ¯. ¯ ¯ ¯¯ ¯¯.¯ ¯¯ ¯ . .... . MONDAY¯ . ¯ APRIL . ¯¯ ¯ ~16...... .11:00 ¯ ...... a.mi!.!’~) . :-¯¯-.¯:.: "¯.¯¯¯: ..... Lions Junior Giant Slalom: (16"yrs~i! ’" : ’:" Advis0rl ........ -..." . :. ’" IT’S MORE ’: FUN.."I’.:".;)".. .i.i’.~’ii:.!::i.ii.i:ii:..:. ~:i ¯ H. K.. Ouimet ...... i i ’ " H. Berrey.~’r " . ": ¯Advisor ’r’’’" " " " " " :.:::: .:: ~~:.~:¯ ..,! i~l~eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee~.. Snow.plants (no Orchids!). t0 Pat andunder).-:. i............;: :’i"":.i:.’/:~":."i:.:i:;;.,. :::~ :".i" ";: " ..... TUESDAY - APRIL. 17-1"10.a.miia’nd::2i::: ¯ ¯ "i"....:.i;"::"i.:.:.. "i :: A:FEW FACTS ABouT YOUR SENTINEL"" Wallace¯for being,the" mos!faithful.., p,m."-Ski ProficienCy..TeStS..:.I.’."...: ..:’..’ii:i!::! " ..... ::""’"::::"’ " From"900 ’C0 es"bi Week d~Jr n patron¯ of Ostrander Lc~ke. Two of.the WEDNESDAY’ .APRIL 18-Cr0ss:coU"n!:i!. ¯ p . . y. . . ¯ ........ ......,.,:.:.......: g: ...... .. ,. three¯ weekends since ¯ ¯’¯D the ome...IP Ski¯Hut acki: "try 6 tripto¯Temp0 ¯ ;..-..:,, : .,. ¯., ,.~, . ,.. ... ..... ..... " ..... :.The montn.ol"l~loveml3eri printing ¯ or . . ¯ .... ." " . . ". ¯ ¯ .... .,..... been. there .On the " ..._ theSentinel increases to 1800"during opened, she has " d unch Regster for trpthe day: be.;)~ .:"..:’:.! ;.,:: ¯ ’ " " " ’ ....... ’ ¯ ".. . . . .. second trip," Maxine ’Rowland .an . .. ’,~..~ ,at / proat WnterCub . -.. ’ ¯ " .fore Desk " ¯ the summer months; These are distri: .. ¯ .i MarogaretHarrison went.along, and...~., ..... ~-,k,,, .... ,.,,4 ,,. ,’: ::.".’,.:’ ....i.ii._i:_ii.’.ii. i."iii ’.....bUted.:within. the .Park,. except ,for. .:. !nu~ou~..-~r~,jY-~ ~.a.m.:t~ope,’:: they. all. liked it so well ¯.they are Raceonskis. Open.to all:.2p.m:.i";i..".i::ji ’./"i ". .., " .. ". ." . ’ . " approxim’ately 330Whichare mailed going again this Very Weekendtaking Team Slalom. Team to.consistof o.ne.’~.:.!.i-i:ii.~:!.:.:. to people who have requested them, Joyce Richards and Nancy Swenson man, one woman. Easyslalom; RJn.:i. i......:.; people living in 24 different states With them - on the weasel. Those who 4 p.m. - FlyingFiftY race. (Limited:, from Hawaii to Vermont, and Washington D. C., Puerto Rico, and Mexico. care to will ski back. to 35 racers)i 9 tO 11:45p.m. :-.Sk Of her first trips Pat said, "BeautiSchool night in Indian Room2Sk ’ ’i Most of those on the "subscription" ful! So muchsnow, the lake frozen, Instructors in.. informalentertain-..;..;.;.~ list are former employeesor residents .. . ... . ., ¯ wonderful skiing on Horse Ridge! All ment. .. ’... . - ...... ’ ’ : " of Yosemite; a few are merely friends this and French apple pie which Dollie FRIDAY- APRiLI 20--:ii a.m..:-Ski"/!"::’i.: or interested persons. Amongthe Miller baked because she remembered Proficiency Tests. 4 p.m. I:: Flying Fifty. i !:;.!:!i:.ii!,"::i~::,)i latter are included the NPSRegional how much I enjoyed it at Sunrise Race (35 racers). Director in San Francisco,’ the NPS ":’. ’ ’ . " ’ :i’ Camplast summer." Yosemite Junior Trophy Races, .: ’ Concessions ManagemenlD vision in. two events.for those 16 yrs. and" ::,::!’~:~: Washington D. C., and NPSoffice of shot of Wally Reid- star of silent q under: 11 a.m.-Slalom. 3 p .... m ~ "i:::;"’: : .... Information, WashingtonD. C. pictures- takenl think in the late 20s." . . ...: ¯ .%., ~.. Giant Slalom. .: :..;~?i:’ .’: Recently, in an effort to update (The snapshot included, as well as EASTER SUNDAY APRIL 22-11 a.m. the mailing list, all persons on the Wally, a team of huskie dogs pulling a Easter Egg Slalom. 1 p.m. Annual. list were contacted. Manyresponded sled near CampCurry.) Easter Bonnet Parade, 3 p.m.-Yose-, -.i.!,ii’i:~:..:"’ with notes of thanks for the paper, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Ernmert ...... mite Winter Club Slalom Champion:........i .i:i~:;;.:;::.., ;.. :.’i :! : ~ith news about themselves and "Having spent twenty years in the ¯ ¯ F;~, : ... ship others; many spoke of sharing the .. Park, we value the information in .... {’.::...:. :..;. paper with other one.time Yosemite each issue and look forward to ils ’ i ".".,i!’:!i":;. -°¯ RUTH CAMPBELL. residents in their area. Printed here arrival." .. ". ..i,!!i,,,... . Ruth Compbell died April 3, in.. .i!:." ....i are a few of the messages. E. F. Cummings, Taylor M ich.Lewis Memorial Hospital after a long. : . J::.... From Marilynne Henderson, "rracy:.,i,.". ~’ ,.. ,.. "Loi~ is at present working on the illness. Ruth is fondly remembered¯ ’r,:.: ..... . "Red (Gerald Henderson) and I met . .. ¯ ..i.[" ..... ,..’. S. S. Atlantic, American Export Line as the manager of NawasaShop last. i.::i..: in Yosemite and were married by Rev. as a nurse and enjoying it very much." summer,manager of Phono and Yose-. ¯ r..i. . Glass on Sept. 15, 1951, and lived in Mrs. Mary Buck Farrow, San Diego- ~’ mite Lodge Studios in former years;: .... ’I"... Camp6 in a trailer for a year . . . We "Arn always interested in the Yosemite and the wife of Hugh Campbell"of have lived in Tracy 7 years now and " ,.:i. !:’: " Sr, nlinel as Mr. Farrow was General the YTSGarage. " ,.". i . own our own I~ome. I have worked Manager of Yosemite National Park ¯ i". ¯¯ ¯ i; ..... JOHN McCAULEY ...... for the Pacific Gas& Eleclric Co. for Co. till 1926, and am a stockholder ~ iiii: 5 years and Red works in Livermore Funeral services for JohnMcCauley, / of YPCCo." whodied Friday, March30, were held ~.. !: : at the Lawrence Radiation Lab. Our Fred Alexander, Tuolumne-"We in the Oddfellows Hall.at Big Oak ..i.!, son Charles is now 9),ears old and ¯ ,. /. i:’, , have read if since 1915." ~’.:.’’ Flat lasl Sunday. McCauleywas born daughterCarolis 5 .i:i Sherman Institule, Riverside-"lt in Yosemite in 1882, the.same year Tillie Sample, Monrovia-"t wonder ’~;:¯ !.:: ¯.: " . is shared by staff and Former em- the Glacier Point Roadwas built. His :: :i/ " if you know of the dealh of Sylvia Jarvis (long-time housekeeperat the ployees on campus." father was JamesMcCauleywho built. !i! ::i Carol Van Housen- Moved,Feb. 15, the Mountain Houseat Glacier Point ¯ Ahwahnee).She died lasl Aprill 4th , :: :.,’. . ’ . "t i .... and who financed the building of the¯ . ¯ ;¯:¯ < ~.’ . after a cquple of shokes .... Thought from Morro Bay to 405 Serrano Drive, ¯ !,: .j’..’,... you rniqhl be interested in this snap- Apt MCSan Francisco 27. Four-Mile Trail ..... ¯ ’ ¯ ~ ,.. ,": L’. " ’ .’~ ,’ . ¯ ¯ .. "~ ". : ¯ ¯-" ..... i" ~ .¯ .. I ,., .. .. !.,, . ";’.,.": ’. ! ,.’ i!ii:. . . . " " i. .:" " i ;i);. ..i/ ’: ..i I~’: "r’:i~i " . ’ . .... 1 ¯ ’:’~’’~’VI’: i:. ’ .. "’ ¯ .: ,’. , .".’ i-~.-’.’. .i".. :;:: :~,~ ’,~.’..~4~,~ ¯ , . ’"~... ’"!! ’-."ii ": :i!ii:- ..I ’, . : a.m..... Chapel’M°rning11:00 Worship-a.m.. ¯ . in. the... ""i sityof the Pacific, direction ~ "I‘’ ¯ " The ACapella Choirunder.the of.the.Univer~. i " " ’ ’’ .ROMANCATHOLIC .... ¯ . . ’.:.:..ii..April .i9 - Holy. Thursday - Massat ... 6 p.m. in the Chapel ¯ .. . . , ... . . ¯ ¯ April 20 - GoodFriday - Services at 6 p.m. - in the Chapel . ..Apr 1.22 Easter Sunday - Mass at 9 .... a.m. - in the Pavillion-Theater ": .. .i ¯CHRISTIANSCIENCE . ’. " " " April 22 - Easter Sunday Meeting in the Chapel 8 p.m. ’.:.. . , .. ¯ . :I . of . Dr. sing at . . J. Russell B0dly, will :’: : both of these services. ¯ " . ’ ~O~ sity of California, degree from Boalt Hall, U.C. in 1933, and ha’s been Judge in the Superior Court of Mariposa County since Januaryof 1953. He has been a member of the Board of Governors; State Bar of California; President, Bar Association of San Francisco; Deputy Attorney General, California; and practiced law in San Francisco from 1934 until 1953. .. Bob Maynard, who is chairman of the Coakley campaignin .this area, stated the purpose .of the group as being th reef old: 1- to build enthusiasm, 2- to raise campaign funds, and 3- to get out the vote. . YOSEMITE’SFIRST NATURALISTDIES ’ Ansel Hall, 67, president and general WHATTHEY DO manager of the Mesa Verde Company, (Continued from page one) MesaVerde National Park, died in Denver last week. He was a member viewer must ask himself, "How well will the applicant adjust to his enof the University of California’s first vihonment in Yosemie?"; " Howwell i class in forestry. As an employee of the NPS,he was stationed at Sequoia will this applicant’spersonality mesh National Park and, after the war, at with that of the supervisor to whom he will be assigned?"; "Why does he Yosemite. He becameYosemite’s first naturalist and established here the want to work in Yosemite?"; "What first National Park museum.In 1923, sort of impression will he makeon he’becamechief naturalist of the Na- visitors to Yosemite?;’. Theperception tional Park Service from which he and intuition of the interviewer deterretired in 1937 to organize the Mesa mine to a great extent how effective the new employee’s work and life Verde Company.His son, Roger Hall in Yosemitewill be. was employedin the Personnel Office Interviewing is tiring and exacting work. Fortunately, for PersonnelOffice representatives interviewing in Los THANKS Ellen Whitfield wishes to say thank Angeles and San Francisco, the pleayou to all her wonderful friends who sant companyand efficient cooperation of Marshall and Ellen Hall, and sent cards, gifts, and flowers while she was recently hospitalized with a Andy Scarborough contribute greatly broken ankle. She is now at home to the accomplishmentsof interviewing in thesecities. facing, a long convalescence. of YPCCo. during the past year. -o- !1 .. ¯ . ¯, ¯ . ,, ’.’ : ..-.’. , . ’ ,, " ,~ "~," ~ ,"r’ .’:’’; ’ ’.. ~" ¯ . , ¯~.... . . ,’. .... , .:. . ~ ......’ ’ ¯ ., , " ...... ’ ..,., . ~ ¯ ".: ,. ¯ ¯ ." " ¯ : : . .. .. - , ¯ " " .’ " , ..," ;’ ’ :.: . .:"-.:.1:, ~ I.".’.’ .:’::~ i :’:’".’/’.. ’-...’. ,~’...! .:~" ., ~ . ~.~.,’.:.I.A ...."- ~. "~ , .’ ".~-.~. ’ ".i". r " ’:-~-"",:.[:...~ .:’ ..~... ".. ’~’.~".~.’:- "~ :;!..,:: .’~’.~ ~’...::""" ’. ,- ~:.: :’.’ " ’:" ’.’.:~:~i ." ’~ :"..’ , ......’ ,:.i:..iGc".. ’.= " :, ..:i ~ ’.i..ii~ ~’ ’ ":" ".... i< ¯ ::::":. " i.. : ..-’: ’ ~.; . ,7 ’5". :: 7 L. :.’.. ’ ’ .. ." ..’. ’5 "/ ’ ’: ..: ~.. ,.’...: :" ",.’ ili,: :: ....~; .:.....~....i ..:~.....: .:..".i:: .. : .. ~..-.. : ,..!:~i~: :... ": ..:::. ;.SENTINEL-::"":. ".. :.: .": @;i : .!i)i’:i":7."::i:.:!i},i i."ii):i".:::i.::ii...i". ii.’i.:, ii~i;.:.i:ILII:I ’.~..¯YOSEMITE ¯ ........... ¯ ..................... . .. " ......... :. ’ ’ " ’ , ’. , .i . ’ .. ...,’:..- ¯ : .. .,.-:, .~!..:-i. .., ............ ,. . ~, ¯ . . ,.. . .. ,. .. .. , . . , ¯ . , .... , . . ...~ . . . ...... . , : .:::...::". i :.~....,.:.,. ~., ,,.,~...,A,., .... .., ............. . ..... " ’ANSEL.ADAMsPHoTOF0i~!""" " HEREANDTHERE ’ .... ili:,:i) I ..L.,~..:"!.-. :". Tran.;ition fiom.winter:::t0:.spiing iS..r. .: be":.i". i:..:":....i:., i . ’::)’:":NEW;’I YORK :"i i ..-".ii!ilr:i!::..:i:. iii!!~i’! 6 ’" ’. ¯ ., ..: . " : " ¯ ....... " " ¯ ..... , . . ... , ’ ¯ : . . .- .,. . ¯. " .’ .¯ ... .... . :.’ , ¯. : ¯, . ,.. , ¯ ... ’.. ¯ . . .. . ’ ¯ ....... ’... . ’ ,;’ .’, .’z ".,: . .., , ’ " " " " ’"’ "’" ’ ’ ’ ’ ’~ ’ to know " ’ " " ...... " " ’ ’’ " ~ ’ ’ " .:....-.....dramatc.atGacer.Pont ......" ’ ’’ ¯’ ¯ ’ peased has.bee ’ n .... _’........... . .......... .~",.,.,.:..",., .that:. she ¯ ’?.::;.~. ’........ ¯ . . " ... " ~ ::.. - ’.~-."."- .’ ¯ ::.. .. :: .... ;~ ..... " :....: :"~.. :"_: . .-:,,, ::. .l:astman:.Kodak :C omp:a:.n:y:’:has ’:: towork:atCapwel s ..... ’ ""’:-. "..".: ........ . ".:.--~..,... ...:;:. ’ . .Justpast satmeoffuti tywhen,"’" abe:toreturn, .... :.:;i" " : ." .. ’ ...... ¯ .. ¯ " "-.. . ¯ : ." ". :-." " ¯ -.i’ ’ , ’ ,:-." .accepted: for"its Col0rama disj~la’y~.in:~.: ’ ...". ... ...... -.:...-.-. ...... .,: ~-:::::: :),. as. George.Mayer "tr ed""to make", a : . Department:~tore. in : uaK~ana..~ne.. , .... ...,% ~ .....: ....... ¯ .... ~.. . " ¯ .. .... .; -..., ¯ ..,,. ¯ .. :...~. ,,."-,. . ....., . GrandCehtralStation,.New,Y0rk City~:.. ’¯ :.: . - " . ’firefal , the ’ ice.encrusted, snowat the;. nas..Deen.ill s nce eary oepmmoer. . . . ... ...:.. .... ’ ...... .......":.... ¯ ....... ..... :!~:.;:.:,...:.;..’.... .... . ¯.. ¯ ¯ .. -:. ... ... ..... ¯ : ........ . a picture taken.in Yosemite. by: " ,., . : Point swallowed:any... :ambers that .. The western . Union ’Office :was...Adams.. The pho~:ograph:.waslmade"ai.!!.i :" . ’ .could be .pushed. ope.r,, and .he .an-:.:.: opene d on March23by GraceGibson, Badgerpass at.a st615ping i~oihtalongii".: .! . ¯ choredh,mself, w~th: a... rope.t.o.lean.-:.who;shortly.. after..wastransferred:.to ...: ¯the Snomobile iTOUr"kouie.:~MOSels.i::.i:.! ¯ ... i.....:!.ii.!ii.""! ..... :. ..over... . and .."hammer.."away at.. the..,ice .."" ..Monterey.. She was. replace:d. . . by"J0e..were. Nancy Maynard;’ hir : daug ht.~i~i:[.!, ......:..~,:..~:..-.... with a metalpole.. Then,i.n place; of, " Maddux fromSanJose,-,wh0will be.:"Katie,.:andJim. wiggins..Thepictui~e......:i:...o.!i .-:.. ..(i :".. ":. ...clouds, came.sunshing".togive .him an¯ here.. :throughoutthei:sum.mer.:The."wili: bel. Used. s0metime: during. the,.::.’.. i,:i(i.i.!:". " .. assist. "The:sun shone"on the.many. offce S"now open Mondaythrough comi""c, ear ’": : ": :’"::: ’":::": " n~.y . .:.-, ¯ .. .." .,.. ’ :..... ., .~:: :i ¯ feet of snoWcovering ::’.’::..:i the.h0tel roof, ’Saturdayfr0mBa.m~ ¯ " " ’ to" 12" Noon : an ’.d " " ¯ ¯ " ". "’ITE,EPH~L,:"’II. o ’"":::.":¯ :"." ,""--.:. ’ ...i...:. i:.. causingits icy baseto. Crack,loosen,froroll }05. p.m.:".. ..." ’ .. :.... .....",] r,~,.i ,, ,~~i,, y,~u"~ ii’":::ii!:.:i".’~ ¯ .. " :- ¯ ,w~," ~o~u. ~ ~ ~ u,~- :.. ..,..:..::~ ¯ """ ¯ ."and.. One day.avalanchel. engulfing .’ " ¯ ... ¯ "i-r.’i.’.’." "’:.’’"."’i’’.’i’i." "".": ..... Helen and AlGlass were in the:... " : . :.: .... s.. ¯ :’ ’" ..... " Georgea " he Stood. putting "’:" ’, , ¯ ’ " , ’ ¯ Aside from. the.teephone in yo(~r:..,..:. . . on. snow¯ .... ’... : .. .; SK~ng ana .... . ....... :" : ." ¯ shoes. Dorothy, whowas on, the. roof .Valley briefly last weeK,. ".’’. ......... ’ ’ . ".’. home,thePacific. Teleph0rie .Core: ;.:".:";:i , , . Visiting. ,, ¯ . ..,’ , " .with her Shovel, rushed .to the rescue " ’ " ’ ... pany.furnishess0me, services".whiCh.. .iii:..~>....:.!:!i::" ’: ..i " affect us ali..more or lessldirectiy:i.:i..."..:i!:’. ’ At a recent meeting ofthe El Portal ¯ .... .."’ and dug him fre e, finding him not Garden Club held at the home. of " ’:" entirely .unharmed, but breathing. All snow pl0ws are .equ!pped.with " : "i: " .. ’ ’Helen Rennels, memberswere given That was an episode rerninescent mobile radios leased to the.:NPSand- .:ii:) "packages of wild flower seeds to be maintained, 0f. an experience these two isolatioby,.the Teleph0ne com[...:..ii... ~.~.r:, . .’ i,..."..’. . i..’:~::’::!:""::: nists had during another winter of ’planted .for the beautification of the pany. ¯ . .. . " ..:... :.:..:. .~ .. .. . community. .heavy .snow when Dorothy was the Onthe samebasis, rangerpatrol.’."..i:.’-: .0ne to be rescued. Traveling. to the Ruth Fuhrimanand her sister, Edna cars, trail, fire and.rescue:crews,and: ’.. Point. on snowshoes, George looked ’Dunca , both suffered broken knees helicopterSusedin" fire fighting".’ or:...i":.:.. n . over his shoulder for Dorothy who ’and other injuries when, on .the road rescueworkare providedwith,port:i ’ ’i!:~:~. i"" ..... was.following : he thought. She had Jto Badger Pass March 25, another car ableradios.Fortrail usethere,are:3!:.,:"i:~ii":":i:i~.i.:.!.:i:i;:. ¯’ .disappeared! He retraced his steps to skidded into .theirs. Hospitalized " ¯ ’ II ¯ .... ., .,.. . ;, . , , .., ¯ of the. light weight,.Walkie-talkie....:i!-!,!:.";.::i:;::::i"~... find her.standing helplessly on the ’since then, they are now reported rnodelslthatcanbecarried onaman’s."::. ,’.~ ::~ ";G"I:::) ¯ " ¯ . " ...,-.. ~~! "..,, ’. ,.’. ...",".I.L ’ i ’ ’. ground in a snow cave deeper than to be making progress toward back ready for service ~n anemerg.. ~.:....’,.r .:.-; -. ’ . " .’ "i. ¯ ,p.:i..~i" :"i::-~:. she is tall. The roof had given way recovery. ency.Oftheheavier models for mobile. ...i",i’.,..:....’.: :..:i:: . as she snowshoedover! Softly glowing ~O~ equipmentthere are 40 to 50 in use ’:~:.:..:..~:.’:~ ’ atthe bottom was an eletric lighti:i:~.i:.,.,!: duringthe summer ’andabout30 in. . iii~:..." ...~.i:"~:".. "i...d~....." ’ JOHN WARD one of those that illuminates the ¯ the winter. ¯ ....:: .. ,.." .. . i.i...... . .-.. , ¯ . ,..% John Ward, born in Yosemite Feb. footpath on summernights. Someone In daily usenowat BadgerPass"::i:".(,i."’".!,~.i,:’ 21, 1927, passed away March 17, ¯ , " ";’i" ¯ ’,’... " had. forgotten to pul out the lights! .. are several magneto systems,one for" ¯ i:~..::.4:~,:’. " ’1 962, at the U.C.L.A. Medical Cenler The break-up of winter brings the eachski lift. Theyare old fashioned¯..-:r... ’ ,.:..-,.. -. ,,, ,. . after brief illness due to melanoma. sight and sound of tremendous ....% crank telephones and enable watch- "i~i:":i"".,:-, ~: ’. ,, :..: ,, John was Sup’l. of Claims for State avalanches across the canyons, of . ’ . , , . ¯ ~ .-~.,. ".. menon the lifts to communicate.with... ..f:.~...:..’. increasing volume in waterfalls and Farm Insurance, and had been with Ihe lift operators. A wire circuit " ¯ ~:"~’"-"":"~ river and deepening green in 1he Ihat companyal~oul ten years. ’" L:-i: -. ’. :. enables the operator to stop the lift.. meadow,all viewed so clearly from His parents, Onasand Grace Ward, in any emergencysimply by pressing.. .i::::i..:.:....i:i. the. height. :" reside at 623 W. C-escenl Ave., Red- a button. A circuit also Connectseach ."i:(~: .f: ... .... . ...:. Seasons do differ; this year the cliff lands; his wife and little daughter engine house with the office in the ’"i), ’. ’ swallows failed ~o return on February at 1005 Buffalo, Santa Ana, ski lodge. ¯ .... i: ". .... " 26.as they havefor the past 14 year’s. i" :’,’"", " . Many thousands of dollars worth of ’""’" " " guests were a chickaree, the biggest Only two have lately arrlvecl. raccoon Geogre ever saw, and one equipment is kept in the radio shop " ] !".. The shy, graceful marten, gues! of at TelephoneCompany headquarters." ’ .ili... ’ ’,:. skunk wlmmthe Mayers didn’l many winters, .with her mate who little for use in maintaining the radio’and i: ’: : first appeared last year, and a new Bather and who never bothered telephoneservices furnished in theI ti. i ..:.:):.i.i, little marten were regular visitors to them. " ......... r,’:. As in otheryears, Dorothy has made Park. the feeding tray which the Mayers . .’ i:. ,’~’ ’ ’ ¯ ¯ "o" ¯ , ...... sketches and paintings of tl’m. animals {:.:............-, keep stocked for their animal friends. ¯ ;., , . , ¯ and of the breath-takir~g winter scenes But now the martens have gone to ANNOUNCEMENT ’. }.". ’:" ..,..., ¯¯ ,.~, ..... . , ,,. , ,,., .,. TheYosemite LodgeSki Shol~~s.;. !~!...i. "i," ",[..ii whatever place suits their fancy when with which she and Geogre have been isolaled. spring thaws come. Oll’mr winter closed for the season, i.. ¯ .." ,’ ..i:. :. !r .~i..’..- ... ¯ .. ’,,, ¯ ¯ ,’., :.;, .. ...., ¯ ..,,i...."71. ’ .’. : i:iiii I~" ,,~..,.. ! ..,/. , ’ ’ ," , " ¯ ¯ ’ ¯. , . . . i . . .... ¯ ’ .. ’ . . ...~17: ’....’.:.’.’ ’.:" ’"i¯ ’ ’ " ’ "" ": ~ , ’.?¢~.J~’~.’~ :"","’ " ¯ "i "" ’" ’ ;., , " " " ., ., ,, . .1’ .’’,"..~" ’ :’~ ’., ’ ¯ ..,,. , . ¯ ,. ,, ...,. ¯, ,,.,... ,..’: ,. . ......¯ , ..~.,. ¯. .~% ...,., -" , .... :, . ,’:., ,.. i ..: ",.~i’ ’. i: :¯.,~ .. : : ’ : ’ .’ ’"’ ~ ~. , -" ..". ¯ . ,. .’,:i .,:7..:...,,. .. ’ .7;., 3" :q’.’.,~i. . YOSEMITE FRIDAY, APRIL 20, 1962 .~ Yosemite National Park, Calif. ONCE A YEAR FUND DRIVE The amount set as the goal in the one annual appeal to the community for support of worthy national charities and local organizations is $2700. As of Tuesday, April 17, $1450 was collected. With only slightly morethan one weekto go in the drive, the Community Council makesan urgent appealto all whohavenot yet contributes to do so at their earliest convenience. Contributions are usedto (Continued on page three) ROAD OPENINGS The Big Oak Flat Road will be npencd to travel at noon on Friday, April 20. At this time, only estimates can be given by the NPSas to possible opening dates for the Glacier Point and Tioga Roads. Snowremoval was started on the Glacier Point Road on April 17, and it is expected that from two to three weeks will be necessary to complete the job. An interesting experiment is in progress on the Tioga Roadwith the hope that it maybe clearedby the latter I~ CF.ASrFP 51.jN~I~E SER ViCE AT MIRRORLAKE YOSEMtTE’SEASTER:,]U~PJSF: SERVICE the mile-high face of Half Domeat Easter’s dawn. In 1932, a choir of local hy Bill H,::~r~:n;} residents provided the music and the Ec:ster fa!h, laier ihi:, :,:-.~r lhr~n Reverend James Asa White, the resiusual ll~retc:r.;, w.::. ,_~:~,:,, ~,un vail dent minisler, conducted the services. riseec~rik::rtl-’~,.~I~~::,,,,:~l. ,r.-.v,.~., so,lh~:! Ten years later, on April 5, 1942, the sunri.q:,.vi!} nc~,::,,’:’:’...r ,_.,1~;I P:04c~.m. service was conducted by Reverend ,.:t Mirror;,~,! ..... !r.:*,:~iii,:.:,~,,’:,ilythe:ih:.’. of Ihelal,.~:.,~ f?.,:;,.~:~r";,.~q-’i,-,r~ Service in Ralph Franzen Doescher. The minister’s wife read the Scripture lesson; and lhe con,in~r~{:~l iJnii,.,.! ::il’.::h-,s. Forihiri.y ,.:me,:o~,,u,:ulk.,.’,.~ y ,~., u r s nov,,’, Cltri’,li,:~n:-, fromn-,,lnV l..;,h::ces howegctlherc,{:! for vvor.~)~i]:, k)er;ecdh lhe music was provided by the choir of the College of the Pacific, under the (C..filmcd .n l):~gc futn) part of May. On April 11, Herb Ewing and Doug Thomas traveled to Tioga Pass by snow cat. Beginning there with a blower of the type used for crop dusting, they sprayed the road with charcoal dusl all the way to Crane Flat. Since black absorbs rather thanreflectsthesun’srays,theexpected resull is that the rate of snow melting will be speeded.On April 30, inspectionwill be madeto determine the success of the experiment. According to Park Engineer Herky AIIcock, a preliminarycheckat Gin Flat showed that under the charcoal snowhad melted 14" within a few days comparedwith only 8" whereuntreated. ..j ¯ i,2:.¯’:.. :.~,.....,: ,~ : ,~.~.-,/.... ,, .., ...’., -. ,.., ,,., ..%, ’’" ~"’"" T~,..’,...~; .:, ,...,... ’¯ ’ ’ ... ¯Advisor H. Betray .: :’. ’. i. ’" i," l~eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee:" ’ VILLAGE STORE .’/ i’.~ > . ’.¯..! ’ ~ " "". ’"’. ", ¯ i¯’. "¯ ...:...:.. "’" ’... . ¯ -, . ! .: ~.. ;: " ..~ """" :"!" " . .... .... " ’ ’ ¯ DOIT YOURSE LF . .ResPondingwith ingenuity .beyond the normalcall of duty, theVillage ’ ’:" i": "": ". /St°re;.i crew,underthe directionof ’ Andy Koller, went 1o work and produced, at a m~mmum of expense, .".". space for display of twenty percent moremerchandisein the samefloor space. According to ManagerRing, ...... " completionof this project not only makesit possible to get more merchandiseout of the warehouseand on display in front of the customers,but " will makeeasier the job of keeping the shelvesre-stockedduring the busy season. MAINTENANCE DEPARTMENT READIES UNITS FOR SUMMER Getting ready for summeris the keynote of activity now. The maintenancemenare constructing a 110 foot manger in the mule corral in preparalion for the opening of the stables next month. Built on a concrete slab on which the animals will stand while feeding, it will be protected by a shingled roof. At Camp6, new canvas has been put on the housekeepincltents, and the old wood cook stoves have been replaced with apartmentsize, electric stoves. Tents at Yosemile I.odge are up and furnished. The naint crew, having finished painting Yosemile Lodge Cafeteria and Cof:fe Shop, has been busy brightening up ~he Village Store and Coffee Shop, inside and out. One third of the GeneralOil:ice has received a newcoat of paint. This i:~ part of a three year program Io refurbish the office. At CampCurry mare electric hand creative Craftsmen a sunken studio came intobeing, with steps leading to a large, Comfortable living room. But the first night after Bob moved into his new home he discovered he had a boarder. Nowlhe question was as to who had squatter’s rights - Bob or the skunk! A sympathetic Ranger instructed Bob how to build an absolutely foolproof contraption that would eliminate the skunk, whomBob namedElmer, to avoid mistaken identity. Anyway, this contraption turned out to be a sort of Minsky-like runway, leading from Elmer’s residence in the loft, downthe side of the houseinto a large barrel filled with water. Bul instead of floodlights this runway was lined with nails sticking up about an inch apart, to keep Elmer on the straight and narrow. However, the trick was how to lure Elmer on lhis runway. Bob lhinks Ihe old saying aboul love and a man’s stomach might also hold true for skunks and so he buill Ihis runwayin s~aggeredlevels - lst tier serving kosher sc~iami, 2nd tier leftover scraps, courlesy Yosemite LodgeCafeleria, 3rd tier crusted wellaged. limburger, and finally the coup de grace--the plunge into :~unken, wet eternity! Every evening Bob arlistically ardryers have Seeninstalled in the rest rooms to eliminate the problem of paper towels. Extensive preventative repairs have been madein lhe boiler room~. ranged the titbits to tempt even the most fastidious connoisseur and every night Elmer dutifully savored ¯this culinary diet. But strangely, Elmer seemedto have no eternal Iongings, far he always omitted the last. phase. Life becamemore complicated for Bob. He developed a hernia and had to be taken to Lewis Memorial Hospital. This movechanged everything in Elmer’s life suddenly there was no music, no heat, no hers d’ouvres and Elmer felt deserted, neglected and unloved. In fact, he felt like a sunk " skunk! At last Bob was released from the hospital and he thoughtfully took some left-over turkey from Thanksgiving to share with Elmer. But the house was silent. There was no thumping, no scratching and no familiar odor to welcomehim. "It’s unbearably lonely," complains Bob. Anyone seen Elmer? ..... :.-,..:;:;.:;...: .. i.i.,:..:."..!’::!i... ¯ " .:i:..:: :.i.."i:!. ¯ of.:the Yosemite:. .:..Ii:~:~;!: Alvin" Heyneon.March23;. ¯ ." ... :." A TelephoneConversation.. Pomeroy,Manager ¯ " " ..... , . " " ~ ".i. ~::.,...,.-.:. : on.-April. 15, Caro !, andRobert. .’.’You’d never: guess,"Came.the ex-. Lodge.Cafeteria.Dianeis hostessat... ,. :....:..... " .Main welcomed a. 6 pound.15 ounce’ cited voice of.GeorgeMayeroverthe Yosemite Lodge Coffee Sh0p.. N0date:../:..i ’~ .i.i~!iii~:ii:!."ii:.i ..: .ii.ii.!...".ii. .i~!! ¯ babygirl.... " .. .... teleph0ne,, whathappenedlast night! hasbeenset for the weddingl.. .:i/:::!.:.:....i.:.! .. onApril Threeo’clock this morningl it was. The ¯ :-.’. ....-..:i"..i. :.. Dr. RobertHill left Yosemite ¯ ,. ~ . ¯ , ¯ . .. ¯ ¯ ~:. ,i. ’:. ;.. ¯ i l....’:i:..i",...:. 19to join the NavalAir Force. snow slid off the end of the hotel "THIS ANDTHAT " .. ’:. ¯~,.".:,,....:’: :. ’..: .:i:-: " . NurseRosieNu.n’~ez;whowasmar- roof-there musthave-beer~50 tons Of The Village store.Coffee Shop"is ~:’:.’:’:.../r. ¯ ;": .. ::; . red to ski instructor. JohnGee,March it-smashedright through the barricade now open from 7 a.m. to 8. p.m. : . . ~.~¯ ?’:..; , :" 29.in Mariposa, will leave on Friday, I’d put up and:int0 theMountain Ostrander Lake.Ski Hut will.close " " ~"":":":: i’:~.:",::::. :,i/... " : ¯ ’, ¯ :’ :. April 20, to join him in Utah. . ¯ House, broke the windows,filled the on Easter Sunday’. Dollie and Clarence. i’:, ~, .’ :-" I" " ~O.m" end of the .cafeteria. !~".,,., ,.’:.: .r,’;’ ¯ ~.:’-’. Mille/" will return to the Valley on il. ’,.,,..,. ’! .... LIONS CLUBGIFT "Wesleep upstairs in the north end Mondayi April 23. , ...~. i, ’...:~..~ ¯. -: Lions.Club President Harold Breed- of the Mountain ¯ . , ..House. The doors TheValley Stables Will.be open for .. . i were.jammed; I went out the window ..~ ing has.announcedthat, at their last the summeron Saturday, May 12... to see what had happened. At that ¯ .. ;i meeting, the club’s directors allotted Approximately 75 people gathered " .. " ’.if $75 for the purchase of new uniforms momentthe rest of the snow came in the CampCurry CafeterialastSatdown and all but buried me. I was urdayevening to hearJudge C0akley. ¯ " "i .for the YosemiteSchool track team. ... . - ! standing up this time so it didn’t take ~O~ speak concerning his campaign for ¯" ’i long to dig OUt, because my hands : ONCEA YEAR FUND DRIVE the office of Attorney General. The ! were free. (Some weeks ago, while (Continued from page one) Judge and his daughter Jeannette and support local youth activities such as bending over to put on snow shoes son Peter greeted friends during a George was completely buried by a Yosemite Badgers, Boy Scouts, Cub coffee hour at the close of the evening massof snow sliding from the roof) i Scouts, Girl Scouts, and the Yosemite California State AutomobileAssoci: With the doors jammed, we had to .... Scholarship Funds. National organation representative in the Park for push the snowinto the middle of the the coming summerwill be Mr. Geof. ~ izations which are given support are floor and out the double doors. Could frey Scammel.He will report on June American Heart Assoc., American not get it out the wayit camein. ¯ thefirst. Cancer Society, American Red Cross, "It’s amazing, the water in this Sally Rathsack is packing her bags Salvation A r m y, and the Federal snow. It’s melting underneath where this weekto begin a tWOmonth leave Service Joint Crusade. the earth is warm, and running away of absence. Noneof the funds collected is used in streams." AI Heyne has been transferred to for overhead costs or expenses. All "Howis everything else up there, time and materials are donated by now that you’ve had the big snow Mount McKinley National Park in Alaska. Marilyn and the children will local community membersand organ- slide you were expecting?" join himlater. " izalions. "Oh, the animals are coming out. ~O~ Checks may be made payable to i saw two bears briefly over toward LETTERS YOSEMITE COMMUNITY COUNCIL, Sentinel Dome,one day. Hopeto get Through his daughter, Roberta E. AgnesWestfall, Treasurer. the end of the Mountain Houseclosed Reynolds,211 S. Vernon,Azusa, Calif., up before they get too friendly: they Truman Emerson has sent a message. The percentage of participation among various YPC Co. units is as like to comeright on in. OneDouglas to his friends: "He is in a rest h~me follows: squirrel comesto feed. The flickers now and returns to the hospital at The Ahwahnee217,’, CampCurry 17% have come..back; but there are only intervals for checkups. Heloved the four cliff swallows this year. The cards and letters and hopes everyone Yosemite Lodge 15%, Village Store baby skunk is still with us. 25%, Wawona27%, Badger Pass 18%, can drop him a line whenever there "The view of the falls from here is time." YTS and Garage 9,.o, ~/ Warehouse’14%, ¯ ’.. is fabulous; never.have seen such Maintenance 12%, Fire and Police A note from her daughter, Mrs. R. 8%, General Office 26%and Employee waterfalls. Wecan see that the buds G. (Millie) Turner and husband Hugh on the apple trees are swelling." Housing. 18’.:’:.. Campell, expresses their appreciation "How are you after being buried in to friends in the Valley for kindness Progress among the Government the snow twice in a season?" to Ruth Campbell during her long units to April 12: (reprinted from Yose"Bruised, but all right. We keep in °//o, illness followed by death. mite News)Administration 41 Forgood shapeup here, shoveling. Snow’s estry 10%, Engineer 40%, Buildings"We’ll be seeing you in the Valley w Unitilities 127"., Protection 22%,Inter- all gone from the roof, no , thank ’ goodness,andthe ice all off the Point. before long, no doubt." pretation 29’...,, MachineShop 30:o, °/ "Right-o" All our troubles are overl" and Roadsand Trails 22%, OEHLMANNSTRAVEL"TO. EUROPE" .YOSEMITE.CHILDREN’S LIBRARY ": : " " " i" " ’Mr. and Mis. HI Oehlmann left Yosemiteon Friday, April.l 3 for a tour of.Southern Europe and the Mediterranean area. They will Visit... Lisbon and Madrid, the islands of Crete and Rhodes,cruise among.the. islands of the Aegean Sea, and take a ten day ¯ automobile, tour of Greece. After several days in Athens, they will sail through the Gulf of Corinth for.an extended visit to Yugoslavia. Two days of the six weektrip will be allotted to Paris on their return, and they will be homeearly in June. CONGRATULATIONS It’s a granddaughter for Dete and GeorgeOliver. She was born on Saturday, April 14, to Pat. and Bill Binnewies in Death Valley, and they call her Deborah.Mother, father, baby and grandparents are all reported to be doing fine.. Pat and Deborahwill return to Yosemite with Dete who has been visiting them. OnApril 18,¯ Bill Binnewies left for ShadowMountain, Colorado to fulfill a permanent aPpointment with the National Park Service. -o-YOSEMITE’SEASTERSUNRISESERVICE (continuedfrn,n pageI) direction of Dr. J. Russell Bodley. Thus did Dr. Bodley and his A Cappella Choir becomec, Iong-standh~g part of the tradition. In 1956, the sunrise service was held in the absenceof a visible sunrise. The occasion was c, snowstorm on Easter morning. In olher years the waters of Mirror Lake have risen to the extent of submerging 1he peninsula upon which thn minister usually stands (as may welJ becomethe case this year). So it is that, comesnow or higt~ water, on this Easier Sundayat 9:00 a.m., the nale~ of a trumpeter’s "Salute to Dawr," wilt again be added to the ’sounds of rushing water Jr, the YosemiteValley. A:’~ these notes echo from the granite wcdls, lhey will be, " ’ about Mirror Lake, for those gatherea the call again 1o Chrisliqn Worship at Easter. ~AST’ERISUNDAY.CHURCHSERVICES.: :.; . ,-. . : .,’~( ¯ . . . . ~. ,..¯ .. The .children’s .library at. the Yo-. Romancatholic Masses " ....... ¯ . ...... .i r .... ""6:45: a.m.’, :,,..::.semite School has been termed, an ’. ..... and9:00a.m.:.- Pavilion).".:.::i..ii/.~71i,i. unqualified success"byprincipal. Erik. Sunri-~eservices,: Mirror ¯Lake¯’ 9:00..; ..,/..i Bruun, with volunteer librariansd0.ing...., a.m University of the.. Pacific"A. ’:¯I. ¯an ¯¯excellent¯. job( Thereare over 750 ’ Cappella Choir " " : " : ’""!." ¯ carefully selected volumes now..on ’ ’ ’ ’: .~,;...:7..!,./:~;~.’:;, ¯ Protestant. Service -. .11:00 a.m. -. ::.~.: ""-:.:.. ....::-.-_....~. the shelves and 100 additional ’.. :’,,~’%.,. ..Chapel. University. of the¯Pacific ¯ .. ... ~i:.:...:..:,<i:.,. ¯ volumeson order. Choir¯- ...... .iii::.:~ii,:.il....i"i:.i~)i: At the Tuesdayand Thursdayafter- ’ ."A.Cappella I~’. Chriqtian :Sc.ehce -. 8:00.p.m: ~ " ’. " ii!.i:."iii:,::i:i."~:~! noon sessions, between3:30 and 4:15, . . . : Chape .. , ’ ’:: """"’,"ii.i~r/’,iJi:7.~::, , r’ :’:’ " 5 to 45 books are checked¯ out to " " : "¯ . " ’. " "i, "¯ .’:¯.Qi’i’/’Z’:’[:.:. " . ,"~O--¯ .. ¯ !:c::r.’:.’":.: .. ’ . r, .7.:<" school pupils with the lower and THE AHWAHNEE GI,=T SHOP, ’ "~i:" -,:.!7...i,.:, middle grade children the heaviest ¯ " " "¯ , "¯ ~~:’":,’r’.~’~".’:’r’. ’i ¯ "aredifferentarealways Things that : :i)! : .:::):~ :ili. users, in addition, teachers use the :i: iii!i.I Gift. ’.ill .:ii.i~. library facilities in their classroom on display at TherAhwahnee Aninteresting recent additi0ri:’.!.. .’i.ilii~iiii"",~.:.:.i)~.:, work. Fiction is organized according Shop. "’ :i .".: ~’~"~"’7~’1’’:*’.’[1":’::: to grade levels, and non-fiction books to the stock is the Austrian Weinheber (Wine-siphon) colloquially called ..a. are arranged according to a rnodified . i:,.:,r.:..,.,:... ~-.,.: .’ ":.:’r’" Deweydecimal system. Children: thus "wine cow". Designed: for gracious-. . , .~{.".~"!’.:.’,. - . ... entertaining, ¯this "win:e cow" is a .. L~..:,. 7..)... have the opportunity to learn library crystal decanter held .upright .in a ¯ science. il,..:.:,i::...:i: wrought iron stand. An icer or Small ." ~,"."¯ .. ,.... Librarians meet with the library i’:..:..":..!...’¯ ¯ ..’., committeetwice monthly for ¯workshop container of ice is inserted at. the. top, cooling without diluting the bev: l:i ":ili:. sessions. The volunteer librarians are erage, which does not have to be {:"" "-. Alice Cramer and Merve Neilson, with i.i: . . !: it .. .;,. Mary Proctor, Pauline Shorb, and Ruth wine. It may be martinis,or, ¯ ’ 1’k’, ¯ . . . . Ewingas substitutes. Thelibrary com- maybe just plain fruit juice. Pressure i:". .:.: ¯ mittee consists of Ann Danz, Helen of a glass on a spring valve releases . ii.il....:....... the liquid. ., Johanson, and Erik Bruun, executive f:f" :’"":" At the other end of the scale is Sid secretary. ¯ ~O~ " EASTERMUSIC On Saturday, April 21, the University of the Pacific A Cappella Choir under the direction of Dr. J. Russell Bodley .will sing at The Ahwahneeat 5:15 p.m. in the Main Lounge, and in the Yosemite Lodge Main Lounge at 8:15 p.m. --o-SPRING BRINGS A ROBIN "Be sure to take care of ’Mamma Robin,’ " said Mrs. James as she moved out and Jean Webb and her husband movedinto quarlers 104 c.t Cascades. "She comes when called, and she likes raisins." Faithfully the Webbsfed ’Mamma Robin’ and her one off-spring unlil, one day last October, she disappeared. "Something has eaten her," thought Jean. But, on a recenl Sundayin April, a Robin cameto lheir yard, visited the same haunts and sunned herself on the samepiece of driftwood that the Snid - a lovable little creature -"a head with eyes and feet, no kidney a ball of fur a snid named " Sidney." In all colors! Iii". I. SWAPTALK : i:.! [i.".: ’~: " ¯ " . .. For sale: 1959Simca,23,000 miles, . excellent condition. $850. See AI at the hospital. .. ’.. " .., Powderblue ski pants and jacket; 47" poles and size 5!/- , boots. Very. good condition! Contact Brenda Haas at Tecoya Dorms or Personnel Office. (FR 2--4631). . .: " .: .. r i’, Dinette set; biege formica top, black metal legs, four chairs covered in yellow plastic, $30. Call Mrs. Roland V. Johnson, FR 2--4230. ¯ "/’" ~. i. i r:. !" was ’MammaRobin’s favorite perch. Called: "Mamma Robin," she.re.sponded with a familiar attitude of expectancy. "It must be shel where are the raisins?" Not one in the house. An immediate trip to the store becameimperative, and ’MammaRobin’ had her raisins. t . i. " I i. i ! . . !i ’ ! I !’. ~. ¯j . . "" " ...... ¯ ~" ¯ .’ "’r ., .¯ .’ ’i/’" ’ r "’" "’" ..’ ’,, . . . ¯., " , " " " , ’ .:.!’1 " ~’i: ’’i , "i;:’t YOSEMITETROUT.S~ASON OPENED APRIL28 . LIONS CLUBPRESENTS ROMANTIC¯FARCE ’ .. Beginning Thursday, May 10, at 8 p.m., the Yosemite Lions Club will present "Romanoff and Juliet," Peter Ustinov’s farcical version of the fam" ous Shakespearean lave-story, at :the Yosemite School. There will also be performances on May 11 and 12. "Literature," says Mr. Ustinov, "is full of heroes and heroines who wind up horizontal and dead. Whyshould that be? What’s the use of all that suffering of you can’t remain alive to enjoy the relief?" In this play, he demonstrates one way in which Mr. Shakespeare might have worked a happier ending for his "star-crossed lovers." There is an added element of fun in the play, through Mr. Ustinov’s adroit substitution of an American~’.’r:d a Russian ambassador for the contentious Montagus and Capuletsof the ori!:itinal. Producedfor the Lions by Sterling Cromer, and directed by Ed Sirianni, the play features such "old standby" performers as Thelma McGregor, Wes Conner, Carl Stephens, GeneHemple, and the producer and director - and /introduces the playing talents of Delores Morey, Alice Cramer, Zona Deckleman, Mike Spellman, Bill Henning, Bill Smith, and Lee Tomin. Valerie Taylor, England’s loan to the Lewis Memorialnursing staff, is ading as assistant director, and will also be seen in a surprise role. Tickets will be .$1.00 for adults and 50 cents for children. They may be purchased from any Lion or at the door. i. ¯¯.:¯ :PROPOSED 30-YEARCONTRACT " /.:i~i::i RecentlyH. Oehlmann,Stuart Cross; . -i :"".:" a hear-. :. ~i::./:-!i~::’-: : Yosemite’s trout becamelegal prey and Sterling Crame/attended ¯ ?."v".,’.~..’::’7 : ing before the National Parks Subi:~:_ ._-::/’!:::I~L:’ for the angler an hour before sunrise, Saturday, April 28. Becauseof heavy committee of’theHouse Interior and Insular Affairs Committeein Washingsnowfall during the past winter, :..:: accessible park fishing waters are ton D. C. concerning a prop0sed 30 ¯ ;i ~....’.., .,,.~:!. year concession contract for the Yoi l .’:.:ii:ii:;:i somewhatlimited. semite Park and Curry Co. To this !~., ..:’ Yosemite Park Biologist Del Arm;!,."...... committee Mr. Oehlmann outlined ¯ :~ ¯ ., : strong reports the MercedRiver will .. ~..-, ....... certain facts which determinethe need , ’ , ::,: probably offer the best possibilities, !. (i;i :’ for a 30-year contract: ¯ ~ ; despite high water. Thoughthe river . i"’" ~ , .". . ’ -.-’. . ¯ Our Companypresently holds a 20 ~.. : level is high, the water is not year contract which expires September i.i ’:i particularly roily. i. i : The South Fork of the MercedRiver, 30, 1972. The Park Service, thecon." : Big Creek, Bishop Creek and Alder cessioner-~, and the financial institu): ~: : ’~ ~ tions servng them recognize that 20 ’ ¯ . ;; . -.. ¯ ’..:. Creek, all in the Wawona area, will year contracts are too short to permit i’,i. ’.i/:.i .L. be accessible, as will Hetch Hetchy ,.. .. long term financing of improvements ~-.:: ~:. : Reservoir, Eleanor and SwampLakes ;~ in the parks. ; ::’i.. . .: ¯ in the Mather area. The South and ... . . . In accord with the Mission 66 proMiddle Forks of the Tuolumne River i ! :i gram outlined by the NPS in 1957 ’ present additional prospects. i :: the YP&CCo. has plans for the expIn all streams and lakes mentioned, penditure of $1,000,000 within five !: rainbow and brown trout are the years for 80 to 100 rooms with bath !. ’ ’" " mastplentiful species. and 100 new housekeeping camp : Becauseof the high water, the fly units and the expenditure within ten .. fisherman will have to take a back years of a second $1,000,000 accord: seat to anglers accustomedto using ing as the Secretary may determine artificial lures and natural bait. the priorities to exist for newconstruc’ In lhe El Portal area at the west tlon or major remodeling ..... boundary of the park, the State Fish There maybe a need for still more ’ ~ and GameDept. have planted 8,000 motel-type rooms at Yosemite Lodge catchable rainbow. and there Will still be 200 housekeepAll anglers 16 years and over must ing campunits to replace. The second have a California State license for rnillion maywell go toward these or ~, park angling. Neither live nor dead toward other facilities at Tuolumne minnows can be used for bait. Meadows,Wawona,Glacier Point, or elsewhere. We have just completed a -o-modernization program at Camp LAUNDRECAR SERVICE Curry, which has included new feedThe Laundrecar is again in oper- ing and lodging units at a cost of ....... ation. It is now open from 10 a.m. $520,000. Since the end of World War to 2 p.m. until such time as it is I1 our Cam pany has expended i rnoved from Yosemite Lodge Annex approximately $10,000,000 on capital (Condm,cd on pn,~c three) ’: to its summerlocation. THESEITEMS ARE FOR THE INTEREST OF PARKEMPLOYEES AND ARE NOT FOR PUBLICATION .I L. T"i. ¯ , . :’r, .: , ’i " ....... - EASTER WEEKBRIGHTSPOTIN YPCCo. ¯ PICTURE FINANCIAL . ¯ . .... ., ..:." ¯ At the ."end of .March, 1962, ’lhe businessilof the YPCCo. was, to say ¯ "i.". ."/".i... .."..’. ’ " ’ " the least, discouraging. The heavy :."" winter storms curtailed ski activities ’. .and cost a good deal of money in " Snow removal. Skiers wearied of ": ’ i fighting storms and customersdisap. . . . ’ . ,: peared early. Although our roads were almost always open, misleading " ’.publicity concerning roads further north impliedthat ours were also . closed. The shift of Easter week : business from March 1961 to April in 1962 made March appear to be even ¯ .... morecritical. .... . :.! .. Although late, Easter week, 1962 . with delightful weather and roaring waterfalls to attract visitors, showed gratifying housecounts at all Valley units. On Saturday night, April 21, the count was exceptionally large for this time of the year, 2,384 persons staying in Companyunits. There were 607 registered al CampCurry, 223 at The Ahwahnee, 117 at Wawona, and a record 1,401 at Yosrmite Lodge. Not until lasl summerhad the Yosemite Lodge house count ever exceeded 1,400. Revenues produced from the week and containmenl of operating expenses will help to a degree in improvinglheimpaired f i n a.n c i a I situation of our Company. worn GLACIER POINT MEALSERVlC~ ¯ Dueto extensive rernodeling of the Glacier Point I-tolel kitchen and cafeteria areas, there will be no regular mealservice at Glacier Poir.t until H~e completion of Ihis remode!ing, :q)proximately May 18. the summerand stayed 27 year~.. Claire Dierksen camefrom Modesto on October 1, .1932 and worked through the winter. His first jOb was ~4200seeBarryHutchings at Central’. "!..i!i~.:.:.":..:.. with the garden crew hauling dirt Wrehouse¯ or lot D-6. ¯ ¯ ’ . .... ¯ ,i.::’.~..;....:...: for The Ahwahnee golf course.Ho . .... .. ..’ .:.-..i...~i.~:,,..... worked in the cafeteria at Yosemite. FORSALE: ¯ Redhot (charcoa). 56 ........ .’ . .. . . ¯ ¯ . .. ~ ,.. ,....~h.; ...:.., .. .. Lodge, atCamp 16, for the MainChevrolet BelAir -- $900.Randy,Rust. " ,, .i,i~ i ;,,;,’.,,,i,. tenance Department, and as a bu.~ : driver. He has been with the Company Point and downthe Four MileTrail. .,: ’} i!::!::.i. :: steadily since 1936, .and has been He worked on what was called the ’ i:."i~!:"!. ¯ ¯ . .... " /;’. , i. " Superintendentof Transportation since ."Slave Gang"(concernedwith main-: :..T~"....-.-:.."i. tenance)until consolidation "of""the: :"::i~’:"."""." 1942. Curry CampingCompany with the" ’.i~i;.... .."-..i. From 16 years with the Harvey . . System, John Loncaric cameto Yose- Yosemite National Park Company: "!!ii"":"">!.:. He continued to work seasonally at ::!’:i ... mite April 6, 1937 as Manager of various jobs including porter and for. Yosemite Lodge Cafeteria. In 1945 .:.!i’~ . ~... :.i.-:. .! the YTS until the opening of Badger . ..ii:i. .:."’"he was made Assistant Superinten.. i.i.~¯ ¯ Pass in 1935. He is nowsupervisor of dent of the Hotel Division. In 1936 George Oliver came from ski lifts in the winter and labor fore--"."~ :; i~!.. man in the summer. Death Valley where he worked for ,: . . , . . Earl Pierson started in Sept e mber .~:’. the Pacific Coast Borax Companyat of 1936 as pantry worker in the YoFurnace Creek Ranch. He was first " "" ,.], " ." ..’.. Transportation Agent at Yosemite semite Lodge kitchen. He becamethe ,... . Chef there in 1942. ¯ ~ Lodge and then at Camp Curry. In .....;-~. , ,,. . 1938 he was transferred to the Los Fred Pierson arrived from Long i:"." Angeles Office and returned to ~he Beach where he had been a cookat ..... .. Valley in 1946 as Traffic Manager. the Breakers Hotel. He was a roast ’;" ¯ s" He is now "rraffic and Sales Manager. cook in the CampCurry kitchen, be~ ... Mildred Hickok started in 1928 at came Chef at Camp Curry in 1936 i the laundry and soon transferred to and at The Ahwahnee in 1942. !.... the laundry office. Those were in the Les Shorb left Fresnoon April.. 17, i[ ’ days when the Companyran its own 1927 to help build The Ahwahnee i laundry in the building that has since bungalows. He came for six weeks ! . becomeCedar Cottage. Mildred went and has worked here most of the time i. "i to work in the Accounting Office in since. He is now carpenter foreman. 1956 as a comptorneter operator. Floren Slaughter rode the Yosemite r., SydneyLedsonsays he first cameto Valley Railroad to El Portal one day Yosemite in 1918 to work for the :.. : in 1926. He worked in the Company ¯ .. ~,. Curry Camping Company. He rode operated lauhdry until it closed, and ! : . . horseback coming Ihrough Wawona has since been custodian of the ’t .:. " ,.~,. and Bridalveil Meadow to Glacier General Offices. .;), ¯ ’i ¯ . " f..~,!/ ,., . ’ ., .....i. ~ L ,; } ;! i i ,ii f ’ ,.. . ~ ,.:’,,~... ~ .~.:.~ .:.~,..;’,: .-. , ,. ;".:~;:, ., ¯....,,.; ,.. .. :-"i .i ... ".... -....... ~ .;~.~., . ,. .,..¯..,~:. ,...,.. ~.,.;.: "".".~..~,..,.,.:,.,., .L.;...~ .. ’ " " . ". . :".i!..~. ......."....~-:.~ available.. .. . ’ ’~-~: :: ’ ! :: ..... Achievement. of thesegoals expec¯ .. :,.. ~ . ~.:.. ’ Y0semite.Wamen’s Graupwillpresent".. ;". !:i:~ same, YUkon2:9912 .... ’ .. ’ ’ ’ ¯ Marie Kilpatrick .of~i’Kolb’s Nursery,.:: .. I:.i!’: The. Village Beauty Shop .is now ¯ ¯ .¯ ................ . ii. ’..!"".:"i.i. ted by the Park Serviceis beinglimited closed.~ on Saturdaysandsundays;.:Fresn°’ in ’a demonstrationof spring ;.."..:.~:::::"~:~.~:ii’. ¯ .’.’... :. ."...[-:.: " . only.by.the’difficulty of obtaining open Mondays ’ " through ..... time ’will": " I..~’.. Fridays from be 2 flower plm. atarrangements..:The The Ahwahnee.Luncheon"i".".::.. .i:.-ii.!i:"i.:!.. .: ..’ funds. .... ....I 9:00 a.m.to.5:45 p.m. ’ ’ " ... ~.-. ¯ .. :..: ¯ .. In .1959 the Secretaryof the Interwill beserved at 12:45 - $1.50. .". ::.. i:. ;:~:". TheGlacierPoint RoadwasopenedVatiansshouldbe made.by wednesi". .. Reser-." "i!i:’fii.iiii’ii.:.".. .: .... ¯ i."ii:. " ior.appointed a committeeconsisting at noon0n Tuesday, May. 1. " i . day, May 9. . " ¯ ...: of representatives of the financial .~...~ ¯ ¯ . .:, . . ¯11. Lewis" Memorial Hospital welcomes .., . . ¯ ~ ".’"" if,’ ,.~ ’/’" ¯ " ;" ’ ; ’ ". ". 7.’,.;’i,’.’."~" .... :" " Community, the Park Service, and the . . ¯ . . :, .. two new nurses, Mary Gourley and Therewill E~ean election Of officers .....i;.;.i~:i"...!’: " concessionersto makea study of this .". :..,.. ’ Marian Zettler..Both Canadians, they for the Comingyear, and there Will ~i~.l.~i.i!-: " .:".. .problem. Its report included these have worked in San Francisco prior to be door prizesl ’ ’ ~;’:~I:’’: :: " " ".:i. ., ~,.,....,,.... ¯ " ’ " " ’ .. ’ ’ " ’.observations: ’~i,’.,:..’:::~~’ .’... ¯ ’cominghere. ’ ,:’:L.i ’ ¯ ~O-’. ,.:~ ".. :~,,.~ .~.:. ¯ : That a lending agency might be . ¯ ~.’. - i. .’ Lynn Bjorkland is now on active :’ NEWOFFICERS " FORTHE. LIONS. .. ¯. ’ discouragedby the limiting concepts duty with the Naval Reserve.. "The Mountain-Ear,A Listening Post:. ¯contained in the standard franchise ;i.i:ii:.ii:".!i ;.i:.. Roger Briar and Bill Voorheeswill : ..;~i:.". ..... for Lions" lists the.:following ’officers ¯ contract, principally the discretion~s....,... ¯ i.. leave the country on June 8 to spend i.,’.:."/..,.. as soon to be installed to lead the :.. ¯ . ary powersreserved to the Secre- six months touring Europe. ’Yosemite Lions Club in the coming tory whereby he could conceivably Coletha and Paul Jones have rei". elect to terminate an operation and turned for the summer.Paul is back at year: President , Harold Morris; 1st .. :...: .. ’Vice President WayneLeedy; 2nd invoke the possessory interest his former job as second cook at The Vice President.-- Bob Upton; 3rd Vice Clause; that, the term of the loan Ahwahnee kitchen. President - Chuck Woessner; Secre- ¯ .. ii." .. ,:. ¯ ¯ should be as long. as possible; that The Valley Stables will be open On tory- Dick Klein; Treasurer--.Jim :....,.... a fifteen to twer,!y year mortgage Ma~, 12. Taylor; Lion Tamer-- Harold.Schmidt;. " , .. ... would require a thirty year fran~O~ ., . . . Tail Twisters- John Adamsand Dick chise; and that the principal source GOLF NEWS Hart; Board of Directors -.Miles ;~., , ;!. of financing must be debt rather The Wawonagolf course and golf Cooper, Bill Henning, Guy. Lamoreaux, .than equity. shop will be open for the summer ’Hugh Parker. .~. Prior to 1956 all improvements season on May 5. ..i ~O~ madeby YP&CCo. had been financed The Wawona’Women’s Golf Club, SHAH SHOWSENTHUSIASMFOR ~.... from current cash flow. Funds accumu. at a meeting on April 23, elected the ... ., " " YOSEMITE iated during the war and early post. following officers: President, Anita .,... ... . :. war years were soon expended on a Bondshu; Handicap Chairman, Mary Ending their three week Visit to i number of needed facilities such as Proctor; Secretary-treasurer, Vonnie the United States with an overnight buildings at Yosemite Lodge and in Lamoreaux; Tournament Chairman, stay in Yosemite,the shah of Iron and Yosemite Village. To obtain funds Isabel Dierksen, Assistant, H a ze 1 QueenFarah Caused a bit of a stir .... for construction of the new merchan- Warren. :. ~ .: . in this small Valley. dise center and central warehouse, Pro Charlie Eagle’s lesson book is While the Queen caught a beauty two five-year loans, totaling open every Tuesday, Wednesday,and ,ii!iiiii $1,450,000 were obtained, $600,000 Thursdayuntil further notice. of which has been repaid. The company raised over $500,000 by selling VOLLEYBALL CHAMPIONS 113,340 shares of unissued stock to The championship volleyball game its shareholders. played between the Ahwahnee and This financing fell far short of the Rangers Office teams, winners of supplementing current cash flow the first two flights, was won by the sufficiently to provide certain ad- Ahwhanee. Eight teams participated ditional major improvements desired in the first round of competition. Now by the Company and the Park Service i on a summerschedule, four teamswill under the Mission 66 program. be playing weekly on the school .Dependable sources of funds have basketball court. " been found and the Companyis concontract. fident that these will be available (to be continued) upon the approval of a thirty-year nap on Friday morning, the shah drove to Glacier Point alone (with ¯ .- . about 40 other people), hopped out of his car ahead of all escorts and ¯. ’.. surprised George Mayer on the porch with a friendly greeting and handshake. "He was surprisingly pleasant and casual." The party visited the .L: . . .... Point; the shah commented on the beautyof the firefall; all had coffee in the Mountain House;and on the return trip the shahtried his handat driving a snow plow. ¯ . ,,. ’. i. ¯ . .,~.: ’.,’ "" ’ ".i .’:’i ;’,! ,:’:.::, .. ; . . VanRozenboom, and. Steve Moss. Charlotte and ClydeLockwood looked out their. cabin door ’and recorded close, to five feet. of.snow. Tim Durbin and BillMea.cha m weaseled int00strander to bring out Clarence and Dollie Miller. Dave Downing stole a bit of time from. his job of closing the Ski House to examine a motor scooter he will use this summeron his busy rounds as supervisor of swimming pools, bike stands, and refreshment stands. Spencer Grams and Trudel Clark closed the Ski Shop with a record number of sales for the season. Bob R0hwederturned off his ranges and headed south to the warm weather and fast horses. He will return to be Chef at Tuolumne MeadowsLodge for the summer. Syd Ledson padlocked the lift buildings and made ready to return to his sumrnerjob as labor foreman for the Maintenance Department. served at high noon. Bob and Emily Barnett. and the Yosemite gang - Ade Harders, Hel. mar Torgerson, Earl and Fred Pierson, Sydney Ledson, Howard. Savage, Tim Durbin, Eddie Gordon, Everett Philp, andBud Shannon were hosts.for the occasion. An estimated 180 persons including children were present. Mrs. Tresidder, President of the YP&CCo., spoke a few words of welcome. Special recognition was given to the following: Mr. AI Kay, now of San Diego, long-time guide and colorful trick roper, wholater entertained with some expert roping; Kenneth Houville, of CarsonCity, Nevada,and Wilbur Bronner, Oakdale, "old-time cowboys"; "Skeet" Luvallen, Linden, and Corey Jackson, Fish Camp,former stables managers; Mrs. Hilda Rust, The new Snowflake Roomwas well widow of the late Jess Rust, also a received, thanks to the savory food former manager; Mr. Eddie Gordon, of Chef Fred Pierson and the hosformer Wawonastage coach driver pitality of Jim Wiggins. Jim will soon and long-time employee of the Combe greeting the crowds al CampCurry pany; and Mr. and Mrs. John Kane, as one of the food supervisors. "senior citizens" of the group. Nick Fiore left for Mammoth to help Elvin Rothell, former guide, and his \ with the examinations at the Far West wife, daughter and nephew, sang Ski Instructors Convention. He will western songs, furnishing their own return to his former position as Assoc- accompanimentwith guitar, accordion iate Manager of Yosemite Lodge for and mandolin. The Advertising Dethe summer. partment of YP&CCo. provided two movies: "YosemiteHigh Sierra Trails" Andre Badeaux has turned in all and "Yosemite Is My Home." his trophies and racing pins for golf The Wranglers were informally clubs. He will be working wi|h exorganized in 1959 and annual meetconstam operator Homer Armstrong ings have been held since that time. and ex-trackman Ralph Diefenderfer Mert Grunemon, Madera, out-going on the Wawona greens. Buck and Addle Martin will also be at Wawo,m president, turned the gavel over to GeorgeBarnett, Madera, for the next soon helping to prepare Ihe hotel for its opening on May17. As she blocks three years. Malcolm Fulmer, Rayher skis Martha Miller looks ahead mond,was elected vice president, and to another summeras chief clerk c~t Mrs. Malcolm Fulmer was reelected secretary-lreasurer. Tuolumne MeadowsLoctge. is examined.Firstl he mustpass a free skiing test in order to qualify for. the examination. The examining .board consists of three separate boards of five meneach. In order to discourage favoritism, the high and low scores from each board are discarded. The candidate is questioned on all pha~es of skiing - beginning, intermediate, and advanced. ": Observing the examinations this year were representatives : from the Foresl Service and the Far West Ski Association. -o-LISTENERSWANTED CRITICS WELCOME Listeners and critics as well as performers are invited to the next regular meeting of the Yosemite MusicGroup to be held at the El Portal Community Hall on Thursday, May 17 at 8 p.m. The program for the evening will include a repitition of some. of the successful numbers presented at earlier meetings. The previous four meetings have been highly successful, and the campaign for new memberscontinues. , . . . ., , /, .,. i.. . . . ." . ¯ . . ¯: . ¯ . .,. . , . :-. .. .,’ . ,. ’:i .:. ,%~... ".~ . ’ ’ i :" i * i i " ¯ YosemiteNatio’nal Park, Calif, : :’ ’i .: ’ :-:i’L ’r..::’~:.~-."’ ~"~ i i; II ..... " " ’ ...... "~ ..... ’ .... ’’’’¸" ~"" ’..~’ ....."ir’’.’’./ri,i..’,:/~’i "’’’~’’:~.:’L " ..... .... " ’~:~ ¯ SCHooL YOSEMITE TO PRESENT ’’i"’’" ""’:’JENNIE’FOSTER CURRY HOUSI:’ ’ "’.:IPROPOSED30"YEAR CONTRACT’:"..:’*’:" ...... ’ GENERAL:. CONSIDERATIONS.:,: ::":: ORIGINAL PLAY IN iSPANISH ’’ :: i Mrsl Mary Curry Tresidder has been i. .... : :’ . . ... . ..: :~,~r~:,:-:,, : ...... ’ .... Continued from last issue i: ’¯ ~"~:::’ i" .... " " i ~ .... " i"i;1..... "NO Puedo ComerLaSopa," a invited to assist in a NamingCere-. ’ :’: . ..... In itsrr’eport to the Presidentdated,i mony for the Jennie Foster Curry January 31,1962; the Outdoor Recrea-: Houseai Indiana Universityl Boih of tion Resources Review haS::’ ~ . . . . Commission . . . ....i/!:::~i~!-, her parents, David :Curry and :Jennie the following to say aboutifinancing i ’ . . . , Foster Curry, graduated from Indiana impr0vements in federal areas: ’ ""the .... recreation ndustry generally .... .... . ,’~::" : ¢.’-’2 University in the class of 1883, and ¯ .. . . , . , . . . :: .. .’..¯ . -. ’.. i: f:.’:’’ is a highly speculative one subject io Mrs. Curry madegifts for a scholarextreme fluctuation.Theseason of ;iiiii: :::’..: ¯ ii:::.::~il::) . . ¯ ~’¯~.:.¯ ship in classical studies at one time. many operations, ...... particularly . ;’! :.,’2. ~O~ innational parks, ¯ is quite Short. Con- ..... ::, .~:."."~. : .i~"i:’: ¯YOSEMITE WOMEN’SGROUP struction costs.....are often high because i:.,.:::.:::.: t-’:~’:.;..... ,’i(’., ~ The final ¯ meeting of the year, a of the remoteneSSof location. Operaii!:;::~:::. I’. by the necessityof ’ ]ii~ii:~,iS::’~:~. luncheon held in The Ahwahnee tion is complicated conforming tO government regula’Indian Room on May 10, was well The legal status of buildings and attended..Marie Kilpatrick’s demon- tions. :! ,: ,: ,.1.,.. ¯ . . stration of flower arrangements was facilities iS Complex.Since concessions ~’!i:i::)::’: ¯ enthusiastically received, as were’the ¯cannot own the land upon which they iiii::ii~ii:"i :i:/:/.: arrangements given to those women build, they do not ,have fee title to ,.., ~ . :. ¯, . , . :., ’ ~ .": ’., -:., their buildings. The contracts Under .... : /:~ lucky enoug h to hold winning numbers. which the concessionersoperate allow. ~.:: .... .i’..’,",: Important business of the day was a great deal of discretion to the administering agencies and little Seelection of new officers: president, Hazel Warren; vice president, Donna curity to the concessioner. "These factors Combineto makeit Armstrong; program chairman, Lenore extremely difficult for concessioners Cross; secretary, Zona Deckelman; treasurer, HelenLedson;hostess chair- to borrow large sums for capital expansion. Banks and institutional man, Mary Alice Henning; publicity lenders have not been willing toadchairman, Marilyn Adams. For any womeninterested in the vance long-term capital in the face group, two announcementsconcerning of these adversefactors. The majority of concessions have been financed the coming year are important: (1) from personal savings and from you have any ideas about the kind money generated by the I~usiness. of program you would like to see, contact the program chairman, Lenore This works well enough in small Cross; (2) If you havenot beenreceiv- operations, but it is often inadequate for the needs of large operations in ing announcements ofthe meetings, national parks." but would like to, call the publicity CONCLUSION chairman, Morilyn Adams. "Oneof the adverse factors affecting tricts, either nowhaveor are planning financing of recreational facilities is a foreign language program, and the inconsistency of governmentatti967.i: of the foreign languageclasses tudes toward concessionpolicies. It is ¯ ,. : ( Cm~inuedon page two). " -.presently taught are Spanish. i " ... :, ’. : . .. THESEITEMS ARE FORTHEINTERESTOF PARK EMPLOYEESAND ARE NOT FOR PUBLICATION ’ ,.. ] ¯ ". ,’/ ./ .. , ,’,’,~:, ’. : .., ,:/..: :.i). ¸ :. ¯ ¯¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ :L/: i¯¯L¯i:¯¯i ¯/i:i::~L i::i: .... . : " ............. :; .............. :.:i. " .- i: ":i"-:’-- .... ?:.;::’:~:::.:-:::Z":-=:-:::~ :~" --~’""""-"~’" H,e41~*,e~I~qHHMH~,~I .’: : " ’ ..... "" :" ; "" :; HERE". ’ .AN,DiTHERE ........ ".GLACIER "’ POIN’"T ’:....... ~’’ ’ ..... ’ ........ :". .... : ~’~.~ ........................." ..... :; ::........... " :I:YOSEMITE,;iSlENTIN :::iii~i’::. ’onMaY igi::i:9621,’Amo~iNea:ilW;ii:ii .EL: TheGiacierlPointAlpineSh0popen-i:i ":"":; !":"-": ":": ’V:-e/’;::’Pub:!’shedos m,e t’a - ,by :...::.~ ....:.... .:ed.: onMay..!2, aga!nmanaged . by. .c0mp-ete his:, ast day’s"!-work:.f0; .... ,vv.~.n uew~s:: ¯ i...ii:~:.:..:.!;.::.:/:" .:... . : .for :the in.formatonof " ¯ ..... :. " . ":-: . " ."/.: " .’.’ . .: .. YosemitePark:..and :"curry.:.Co;;.i: St".’.: - " .,..~..." -- ’:." .... .. " ’ . - .. Chat . Hubbard, whowi managethe .,~., ". ..... .":".:.:.:.:.:.,;" " . " " . . ..... ....~: "." " ¯~4 .years .attar tne -~ay ’19.-in:. 1 8":" ¯,,,’’:..~: ~~,,..~,,~o:~x~,o. .: ....’ ¯ " " . . ... -~ ~:."".." . " .., . . ¯-...; ¯ : ./Vose~.~:.uX IIII1~ " ¯ . ,, " " ’ " l~ll~ ,l~OJ~lllO I ....." .... . .... ~ summeroperat on. .of hote and Moun-.. ¯,..when , ¯ne. srartea..nls ,.,..~.... ,~rst .......nay.or, .... _ .-. .... H "::"::;: - ""’ .. ..... . ’ l~sther Morgenson. . . Editor" " . I’: tain He’use... expects.at least itwo . :for!fheC0mpany; ’On"June:,]:i:ihe".wiii.ii~’i: ¯. -~:.,.,..,...::,.~....,.., ..:~.i’i...i:.i:.~.......: i-.. H." Oehlmann...."". " .Advisor.:’. employees fromlast year’sstaff tO b’e begin.employment "witl~ :"..the....:.F:irsf:"::.:: .¢,clvisor._,: on. handforopeningday;, tentatively’ National Bank"of CloverclaJe,.i.WitJ~":’a". :,.I.L.-.I..~..:.i..:.i:: ..~ ’ ~,~,,,,, ’:.. \^" H.K. Ouimet.: ¯ l~l~l~r~,e~-~c,~,ee,~e. ~dv.js0r .i. set;f0rFr day the 18th TheyareJames ..great deal of-antiCipati0n,..Am0’si.is’..: .i.iii, ii. ’!~.-."-,. :". ¯ . ¢,¢~1~¢~1,,r. " . .. . . .. . ¯ . ¯ ... : ..... . andShiroKazito:i preparing,to "enj0);" homelife~:"in.!~’.iaii~.i:.i:~i~ " :."!i:’i.’...:,. ".:.~ ’ . :.. ’. "....: .:. " . ... . :’" ’Kelly as dinnercook ¯ .-::.:i’.".".i.!. :i .. . . ..: .30-YEAR CONTRACT . .. ."; o"n.the.housekeeping.staff..Completion’’beautiful h0useiwhich.heha-~purchaii..;:i!.i! ,."...i.ii-..: ."...ii....i. i .." ’ i. (C°ndnucd ~’0:mpag¢:onc). :..... .’.. of the. remodeling"job onthe kitcher) I: " ..’. sad::’. in. :I:;!’i!: Cloverdale; ’ ’!; .i. . ;.."..:i.i’i the "fact. that¯ over the years there has ’ will determine theexact openingd atei . " ...... "."i:.!." i:: .... ’ .... ....... " been hostility in certain quarters . .... NancyMessina’from."the ’Pul~lir..::~.’:’ """.. ..’ " ¯ ¯ OcCasionedsometimesby a continuing Maiher understood.tl~at" risk. capital :i HealthHospital.inSon:Francisco has":..:!~’i:i!.. ; ,. ¯ ~ ’... i. ¯ wou!dnot.flow into these Ventures .if " joined the. _.nursing .: staff ’ at . LeWis i:i:,.. " i.". .. , . preferencefor government ownership , , . :., .. ,. : ........ and sometimes by.afailure to recogthere were a possibility of later, com- Memorial Hospital., . ,.;: - ..... ":-’ "- ¯ ’ " the total needs of the existir~g ;.,..,"~:.!-";"/..L’, ’ .....": !~ :" raze petition which would jeopardize the Withthe opening 0fl the r0aci"ibn!":.!.!.., .i:........ . .’ -. ¯., ,;; .. , .. .. .... :system. At the sametime that banks investments madeby. the Original: , .- , . May 1, spring and visitors came-to .. .. . . - ,..~ .". .. ".. and insurance companies point to the concessioners. Hencehe established GlacierPoint.Thelimited.buffefStylei..:.":.,," principle ¯ .. ..... ’ ...record of poor earnings for private the general preferential meal service promised:forwee ;....... ’concessioners, there are charges that which gave the primary .concessioner only wasextendedito every day in" ..:.i , ’ .;" ’i ¯ " ’ iconcessioners are earning too much the first opportunity tO provide newor :~ " ~" " the week.. "’ . " . " " ’’.~ "i. ’"~ . .,’, I ’:" ’.. ’ andpaying too little for their priviadditional services authorized by his ". ¯ ’ . .~.. ...’...~!..i’l~ ’ ~ Asvisitors came in,. Dorothyand~.:.:... ¯ leges. Repeatedlyit becomes necessary contract which the government might .... ., ., ,. : GeorgeMayer.. wentout . (May.. 7). """" require. for the DePartmentto point out that ’ .House leaving.the ~Mountain in ’:’its".::..": ... ...... ..... ... "." ’ service tO the public is the chief These werethe polices established ’stateof beingremodeie’d under.the i":.::."i:i~il.;-i.i:~"i;:’::.i.i " by the government, and the invest.... desideratum, and revenue for the Potter.TheMayer ! government is of secondary importments of concessioners and loans of careof Mitchell" s, i::.i:::i’~i.!il..’. :i:.iii::i.:ii" ’after a dayof lookingup:at Valley"":.-~:.".!:i:;!~,!~ii"~il. once; that if the total earnings of all their banks were madein reliance of scenery insteadof down onit,headed :.: ":i ’II i!.!"i::i.:i"i:!.i conc:essioners were paid out in fran- their permanence.After an intensive ...".. for San Francisco where they hope i0". ...ii:!.’:’!?..i.,"’;.i!.i.!’i.:!’i " chise fees, the additional revenue to study of over 2 years, the President’s I arrangements torntrip on an.. "::.;i! -:.’." :,i : :’ the treasury would be relatively Outdoor Recreation Resources Review mc~ke Australian schooner which I~lys i itsi ’iii!i:"j..i..,".~,:/..". insignificant. Commission has found them not only " .:.i:~ ....... ~:b’¯ ..7.,: . ."The history of concessionpolicies valid, but in need of wider under- trading waythroughthe Marquises, i::"..:.:. ,..: , .. ,. ,’f: ¯ Tahiti, and other Pacificlslands. . ".. ¯.. ¯.I.:.:. stc~nding and acceptance. for the Na$ional Parks reveals that ’ i ¯’. ’ ¯ . ,. H neither the Yosemite Park and Curry "The Malher policies have by no means remained unchallenged. In Co. nor any other concessioner in1934 Secretary Ickes proclaimed vented the preferential principle. Its impetus camefrom Stephen T. Mother, government ownership and operation the first Director of the National Park of all facilities as the tong rangeobjeclive of the Deparh~ent and the Park Service, who recognized that investments in public facililies could not Service. Congressrefused to go along, be commanded; they had to be and ll~e sucessive bills of Mr. Ickes for" authorization and funds to aquire induced. With statutory limitations on the l eng th of contracts, Mr. these properties never got out of Mather knew that large investments comrnittee. In 1948 Secrelary Krug rescinded the Mother policies and required o presumplion of renewal. He realized also lhat substantial. slrove vigorously Io accomplish new investments would be required government ownership. AFter two at any time during the terrn of .con- year’s of hearings and exhaustive tract, and thus established the policy study the HouseInterior and Insular of negotiating new contracts for the Affairs Committeein 1950 reaffirmed full statutory term when the govern- the Mather policies and added the ment called for improvementsnot con- advlce that adequate financing retemplated when the original agree- quired grealer safeguards to the conmenl had been signed. Moreover, Mr. cessioner’ssecurity. EvelynandTornTucker andfamily ",’"."!:"~’’iiir .r" i:,!ii: movedto La Jolla on May15. Tom...i,.!, , ..¯- ..::’i ... -..;~. . will be chief ranger at Cabrill0.and " I:.." ’ ... ..... ~"’L’ ’ .,-.,-. ChanelIslands National Monuments. :"i.’i .i..iii .: ’ ¯ - ’ ¯ . r: "¯" ¯ Cabrillo wasset aside asahistorical .- .-:i ::..:.. monument; the Chanelislands contain " ¯ .’-’: a primitive tidal pool area and some.. ... ’ i,." of the last rookeriesof sea otter and ..... i". .... sea lions. : .. i .i : ~ ~ . .. . . ." ¯ . OnMay14 .Principal Erik BruunOf ’.. i".... -~ ::. ’ the YosemiteSchool was installed as ’. i!"i".. " " president of the Mariposa County ..":’~" ": " " TeachersAssociation, a division of the C. T.A. ~.: ¯ , . : ~. ,. .. ¯, ~ ... .. DuaneMurphywill be the speaker. ...i.:.. :". at the Yosemite School graduation ’;. " ¯ :~,i, ’ ." .... exercise on June6. The graduates are ~... i.. ¯. . . ,,". , ¯ , preparing a statement titled "Looking. ¯ i!:.....:. Toward the Future" to be presented¯ .. ; :"i.., , ..... , ¯ ’ ,. , :¯ t~ ... in choric speaking. -.:-. , I, .. ¯ ".’ . ~.,, ¯ , . " "i ’ , :’., ¯ " ’ . ";.: " ~i"" ’ ’ ’":21,i . ... 11..,i.’;, . ".’." ... :,; ..i ’-~Tt - .’ : ............. ~ ’ .’..,. ¯ . . ’ ,"-t~,,. :. ........ : .................. ...... ..:::-...~i:,:__ -’ i .’ ¯ ’,, ~’ :" "~, ii:, . : :.. ~. ~i ; ; .i"... ~;’ !1": ’ ~ . : ¯ . ’ " " ~-~ . ", ’- " ~ ’~’ ’ ’ ’., :’ ’; -’. ~ d "L.~=. " , ’ .:~ ’ " .... :,./--::.?i-:;’~:~,~. ’’ ’: ~’ ¯ .""~’~!: :..’.Z’..L... "~." "’~i,’~’~ . ’’".i’"~ii r. ..... ¯ . ., ....., , .. ¯ .... i! .~’, .i,i!i,~i. !~,* . i*" ’ ."i- ’~: .. ..., .,~.~"i" "¯., " ... ¯ ¯ . .’ ’ : : . ": - .... .¯ " ., ’.... .. . ... ... ¯ . . ~. . ... ~ ¯ ,.. . .i.:’..*~. ’i~ .... ..-. ? .. ... . ... : ~. ~ ’... ¯ . . ¯ . .. ¯ .- ....i .... . ... ’ ..... -...¯ .. ,. -’.. ¯ .... ,..’. " ,:..-..’... ,,;,..,".: {:’.".. ~ ..""...*:". " ,.:YOSEMITE .....,,.....~T*~~i" . :... ~.~,:..-. , ¯’ ; **~ . ."’ WHERE ¯ ¯HAVETHEY¯ GONE? i.~.......:,..... :i -: ’.::.: ". ":ii;:i’ :: ’; :.: Summer ac~’ivi.tie ¯ s oft.h e skischool ..%,. :.:...i..:.....:.~.~.~.i . stafF ’ not otherwise..accounted for in ¯ ¯ " . " ... :.c.:, ..’. ¯ ~ pages some"distan.t .,:";/" ,/i:.i:!."ii.. fhesinclude . :.. .-.:.";..S. "".:travels"as:well as some. nearby"pur" " ’. , " i .,r ¯~ ¯ ., ¯ . ii... ."..i’/i:.. ..’:.. suitS:SIGIKLEIN’will returnto Get../..."..~ .."id"....:~... many..TOM ADAMSgoes bat.2 .:lo ..: ’ ......." Banff.where he wo rks. atlan dsc api ng .’. ¯ "...:"..:..:!i! .. : ANN.WHITESIDE. andLYNN TOCHER ¯ ii""-.:.": ""i.i will visit in calgary,Canada, ’after.. .... ’... ".;.;: ."" which.Ann.will returnto work"at . :Tu01umne :..i:."."i:/i.... Meadows.L0dge and Lynn. "".:: ’:. to Wo:rk:in the ReservationOffice. . .. ,:..~ . ; : .i MARTHA MILLERis. filling.in the. in. -..~ :. terlude betweenthe Badger Pass and .... . ¯ .:" .... Tuolumne Meadows seasons as..a "~".KITWHITMAN "" " ". member of.the productionstaff for the ... ’... With splendidenfhusiasmand an ¯ ..¯ ¯ ".."" -. San Francisco Spring OperaCompany. ¯ :¯ . ’ goes to the Tent Room, abundanceof warmfriendliness, Kit ..~: GARYMcCULLY fulfills her duties as social ’ ’Yosemite Lodge; ROBERTFAUREex- Whitman director at The Ahwahnee.Full and ’ ’: .. pects to workin Yosemiteand hopes ¯ to do’ somepainting in the back active years have goneinto the makcoUntry~At last report MARCEL BAREL ing of. Kit’s personality, years of and MAXGOODwere uncertain about extremevariety. There has beenluxury and international travel, years their nextactivities.. : . The rest of the staff will workin of hard work as a promoter and ’. ~-’"0ther’ places: LEOMAIER will do car- organizer, and now- hostessing ... pentry, in Los Angeles; CURTTHOMP- which, as sheexpressesit, is secondary to her busy life as wife and ~. SONgoes to Fresno and into resort girl Fridayto her rancher-homebuild’ management;JOHNGEE returns "to ~Salt Lake City to completehis educa- ing husband64 mountain miles away Straight from the Frenchsocial whirl tion’at the University; ALAINBERT- on the Whitmanacres near Coarseshe went - notto Reno -but .to a RANDgoes to the LanguageSchool in gold. It’s here .they indulgein their primitive cattle ranchon ’ the .. Piute whimsical hobbyof burro raising. Monterey, then to China to perfect Indian Reservationnear the shoresof Bornin Victoria, British Columbia, his .study of the Chineselanguage; PyramidLake, Nevada.There followed ROBERT HARRIS will do electrical work of Welsh and English parents, she "oneglorious year of wildly exhileratin .Fresno; HERBPOTTER will go to lived the first twelve years of her ing westernlife," first as a "dude", Southern California for someunder life there. Whenshe wastwelve the later as a cowgirl for real! water diving and sailing,, and .then family traveled to Englandwherean After that year she returned.to. into business as a manufacturing English educationfor Kit, her older sister and two brothers followed as Carmeland took her first job, "knowrepresentative. planned. During this time in England ing nolhing" she says-a job as house Newsfrom the housing department while the childrenwerestill "teen-agers mother, music teacher, and riding includes JeanWebb’sreturn as housecompanion for the boys of the Carmel both parents died quite suddenly. keeper at Yosemite Lodge Annex on Valley RanchSchool, a progressive May 10. Evelyn Mooreis nowthe new Abouttwo yearslater, Kit returnedto schoolfor 16 easternchildren. housekeeper at Tecoya dorms, and their homein Victoria and finished In Januaryof 1934 Kit wasmarried Ambie Hendrix matron at the Ahwah- her education. Io Colden Whitman whomshe had nee Dorm. School days over, she married an met sometime earlier in Carmel.. The Residentsof lhe Indian CreekApart- Englishman whomshe had met in ments have cooperated in a communEngland.Duringthe fourteen years of ity endeavor and planted a lawn in the enclosureback of the apartments. ll~eir marriage they lived in Hone This is the same area in which~he Kong, traveled in England, Canada, ~oungstersbuill a skating rink for Tahiti, Carmel, California, and the themselves during one of last winter’s Southof France. After one final year prolongedcold snaps. of frivolity there, at St. Tropez(since next several years were again a complete changeof pace for her as she did nothingbut live andplay., g01f at PebbleBeachwhile Colden.toiled.at.. buying, improvingand selling neai’by " real estate. (morelater~ .. . .’. ’ , i ....... ¯ ... ., ..,.. .: ¯ ~.i. /, ,. ..i . "°~. ,¯ " ’ .... ii ilj serve high pra!se to! their:acc0mpiishments; .: .v .:i ¯ :>. .. .... ¯ ... ¯ , . ¯ ... , ¯ With finesse,iversatile director Ed i :i.,i:i ii ::" ..........::........ ,. .... . ."Overnight" guests. 0t Wawonaon . :.:-:. : ." Satui’daywill be a gr0up 0f Venezue¯ :. ! "...:....i.. ...".. lan.newsmen. Theywill come..from ¯ ": ’ ..... " : .i...:..i .....". .. Stanford UMversity where they have " been¯at¯tending seminars ona variety .i ."... . i .:."of subjects such as the fl0w of news i..... .... : . and relations in general between the ;i." ."""... ... ’US and Latin America, and education, " medicine, and economics in a devel...’ .., ..... ’ . " L ’: :... opingcountry. They will tour. Yosemite ¯ ". ... ..... ¯Valley before returning to Palo Alto ’ .... .the next day. Also on the itinerary during their ¯ ." .". .... 20-day stay in the US are San Fran." cisco, a visit to. a steel mill and to " .. a ranch in the San Joaquin Valley, ’ Chicago, New York, and Washington D.C. POHONO The PohonoStudio will open on May 26 with Gladys Golding as manager. She worked last summerin the Village Store curio deparlment. "" LETTERS From Donna Zinser in New York "1 happened Io be there (Grand Central Station)a few weeks ago and noticed the unforgeltable and unmistakeable photo of Losi’ Arrow (which is usually on display at Best’s Studio). I inquired of the office men if they knew v,,hat it was and one said, ’No, but it surely makes me dizzy.’ " RESERVATIONS PLEASE "Hello. Would you like American plan reservalions?" I/No It "Would you like European plan?" "No. I .Japanese!" great man als0 concerned hirflself with the affairs of his. country’s :private’citizens and. had. Shakespea/-e’_¢ "star-crossed" lovers had such. a general to play their Cupid, their fate surely would have been happier! Romanoff and Juliet, son and daughter of two ambassadorial families in this small¯ country, ’ were effectively played By Mike Spellman and Delores Morey. Producer Sterling Cromer also doubledas an actor, skillfully presenting the domineering American ambas.¯ sador, Hooper Moulsworth. The wife and mother (Juliet’s mother) in the American family was done with charm by Thelma McGregor. A convincing performanceby silverhaired and goateed Bill Henning showed a Russian ambassador both confused and enlightened by the customsoF this small nation’s citizens. Forceful, yet feminine was Alice Cramer’s Edvokia, mother to Igor (Romanoff) and wife of ambassador Romanoff. International intrigue involved a Russian spy, well done by William Smith, and a hard-boiled female sloop cc, ptain played with appropriate insolence by Zona Deckelman. Carl Stephens and WesConnergave their usual fine performances as soldiers in the General’s army. Cam_oetentcharacterizations were done by Gene Hempel as a wealthy American playboy, and Ken Daye as a befuddled Archbishor~ of the Wholly Unorthodox Church who, due to the . . . . i,, ¯ : . . . ,. .. ¯ ..,. .... . . ¯ ...... . . ... ." ¯ ~-’..". FR.DAY’,’.JUNE..1,.1962. .-. ." ’. .’ " .:."...~,. .".::.... " " ’. ’!’....". .... " ..... :. " " " ’~" ’," ’’ """ ." , - ’" " " "’. " ." "’. " :’’’" ". ’ ¯ " " ’ " "" " i’ ’ " ’ " """ ’ ..... ::" ,.. ’. ’ "" " " ":: ¯ "" ". ’." ¯."" ; ." "’ i" ’" " ’. .’." .’.... ¯ :- " ,.’ ..’ , ~,:. ... ,. , .... .. . , . .......... :. ": "...: ~... : ...... .... "’.-::- ’ .... ’ " :’ " " ’ " ’ " " .... X ¯ . ¯ :- ’.’" .. ,." "’ ,.’. . . . .~ ’ "’". .,[ ." "" :"" "." ¯ : ""-" :. ,~’.. ".. " " , . . .. ¯ ......... ...""..~! Y0semite.National,. Park,’: " ’ ’ ............ L ,. ’" .r ": ’ " ." """ ’" .,." " ." ." " ..-." " .... " ’’" .... ¯ .... ’~""’ ." -~. -. . ¯ i! ! :: . " ’, ". ":" ¯ " " "’ :": ," " :’. ~: "..,." " .;~.’’:" ".’,’;’’,"t.’~..,;" . .’’’:L .’: ," ".’ :" V.. "." " :." ¯ "~’: " " ":" ". "’.:"" . "- ’ .;’’:’’’:’’"’:" ~" .’: " ~’"’: ".’~ "~i ’. ’’" " ’i.i:;.. :i.i: ::,. i :.::.:.~".’::i:!..k!i,::!: i "" " .... ": ’, : TO" : ..... ’ii;... ALL.EMPLOYEE$ . (:..:= ’" ii ; :": YOSEMITE SCHOOL ".GRADUATION i ’;. ¯ . . HIGHSCHOOL GRADUATIONS . :. , : .. " ". . " ’. .. , . " ’. ’.’ . .,: . , . ". ’. .’ ’, .... :./ .: ’. ’ ’.: " -.. .. "..". ": ’, ’.’. .. ,.. ’" , " .. :’, ’. .":" ’: :.... :’..:".:".: : ¯ .. ’,.::! .... ’.’ ... ";.’.":’""~ .i"’:(’:’~.’il~ ’I :i-.. ¯ .....-.. ~.:. Thirteen.e ig h’.t:h graderswill be i. June’isthe.:rhonthf0r"graduator~s,’ . ALLEI]GIBLE’EMPLo?EEs:."ARi~ iuRGEl~".iiiii",i~:i.:i:i::i.ii: i .:": .i ¯ .. . i.. .i.:..:::i:...igiaduated..’fr0m:.the.:Y6Semite., School-. . bu"i:, at i.iWasatc i"n iMt. :.T0.. VOTE:.Ai:..IITI-JE.PRiMAR~i-ELECTiON:).;.:::.;I’i~Ii,::;~II.! -.. .... h : ,~cademy: ’ .. : i.~.i ." .:an.:Wednesday..eVening,.:]une..6,... at.-..Pleasan ...:.TUESDAY,.JUNEI5,.(1962i..:;I.~ ;..:.i.;ii..i.....i..~i.i.".::.;::.i:i~!,(.i! -. t, Utah,":.the..scho0!..yea.r:..was .. i.:: . 8;.o clock-:.TheRevi"Duane.Murphy; .: ended°n"May’28.atiwhich’time:Bil ;." The. polls Wil be.0pefi".fr6m:7..a.m"."..Ti.~-i;.!";.!!.!:~ . . ’ "’ ’ :te’ and nowa rs" ¯ ’ " ’ ’, former, v .... of.Yosem ’t0 7 mAn" : IO.:’. ern10y’. ee " D w’hod0’e-~ Y . "; ...... ......’.:-,"::.’~ . ~’.. e - . BreckenkampandMaynardMoewere . ii .’- ", ~ . .dent: n Atwater,~.:wi ’.’ac:dress the" graduated.. B~ll took first place n.the not have. suffic ent time to vote ,.at .... .. ’~. . I ¯ E". ’ " " ’ ’ :" ’: " " "qus~c" " annua F C Jensen" " hterar’" ’ ""contest, " ’ ""e"ther th "be ..r .. ...... "- .." "i ":" .... .t.., .""":".’."’""i’ " ’" :.... graduating class; There’will: be n ’ -..... ... " e " ginning.orending..0f hiS.i"...-:".ii ~ .. ’: . Y .. " and de ivered an-orat On before the ¯ ’work da ; sh0u d arran"e"W ih " his ’J ’: :::" ’ i".. by’..the .s~venthi and./eighth grade,’s; . -.. ¯ " . ’¯ " Y". ....... .; ..... g.:";. ¯ :: .. ’.:-:::... ,.i!" :..i. ¯ ¯ .... SuF~ervisor .before"..electiori".day’i.fbr...:...:.L’ .::.:ii ¯ . ’. ’,! .." Allen. Moe".will iniroduce the "class; studentb o d y "and. commencement.. ’. .. ~: . .. . , .’ ¯ . .. is ’ sufficienttimetod0 so.::ThenecesS’ar~; ..i::i.i:iii:~!ii....,:,",_..:... ’ ~ . ".andGordon Howe w~ll be the class guestsentitled’.’WhyVictory?’!..He . enrolled .for.the fall tern~ at Reed.::it toe"off may:.Be taken-/without:any::...i::~....: ’. i .".. prophet. " " ’. . . ." Portland,"Oregon. .:.i"..:i ’. ".. lossofpay." " ... ’.""... : i"i.i~i.: ’::.,.I,...I:.:. ,(.ii:: i!:::/...li..i .: ;(." .: . Graduates are:JuanitaAranguena, ..College, v ’::~ TI.I ii:.(....:t .. Maynard wonone..of two.. Honoris.( .". . . MarYCurrg"Tresi~idei .. ... i Randy Armstrong, Linda Bevington, ¯ [ Gratiaawards presentedby . 11ie. ¯ " - .Presi’dent :-:. :":. ’"-::".::":.:i .:..;::.:::.~ii:iii!." ’" ’ i. SusanBuzzini, DannyCottrell, Gordon faculty to. outstanding..students,,the ""... : ".. ¯ "" -o-.:".::.."".".:::~. :.:":.:i:.i.:i~.".:i . ’ :. i ¯ HOW i e, Ronnie James, TomenaKowski, Student L ea g U e".Award; an" art" ’~ " " ’"" ’""’":~ :: : ’:";’ " i .... ..~ Pamela Leedy, Bill McPhaul,.Dorothy .... . FLOWERS .."., .:...".:::i....-,,~ . ’WILD ’ ... .’. -.. ...i.: : (.:...:.......i ...":ill. achievement award, and was.0ne 0f ". " .Meiton, Allen. Moe, and Carol Dogwood is.past its prime on:the..... I; the student speakers at the graduati0n., " ¯ . ., , ¯ ... . ,.. .. ..-,,. .Otionello. floor oft.he Valley, but betweei~.the:. "; --i"r " ¯ exercises. Hewill attend Fresnostate.:. --o.-.TUnneland ’Souih; Entrance"the I~I0S- ’"i::. "-i’ " College in the fall. SHARPEN.THOSEPUTTERS sornsare:still comingout in"tl~e’.shady’.. ’": :i To be graduated from’ EI. Capitan canyon’sabove5,000fl], as:weli"as on:. "...’ti ~ June9 and 10 are the two biggest ’ High School in Mercedon June 7 are ., , , ,. : " . ’,. i ¯ the. Big Oak.Flat Road..Incliani:pink :.:......f : dates of the summerfacing all Wa- Cheryl Cottrell and IngridJohnson... makesgay .scarlet patchesion"the.".:i. ¯ .... ’ wonagolf club members.It is at that Cheryl’s plans are indefinite; Ingrid near.Wawona, andi: ... i. :..i:i time that they defend their honors will go to one of the FresnoC011eges. dark pineneedles on .the ".Lo0p’: . Road" ¯ around...the ..:".i.! . on the home course with the Fort On June 8 Mike Waldron.will grad-. " I. Washingtongolf group. This big home uate from Mariposa High School. He meadow;.larkspur,.a.few.brod.iaea,. paintbrush,.senecio, and woodland " ’~... ¯ . -and-home rnatch is scheduled to be expects to attend Modesto Junior .’ ¯ . , .i. star are.c0ming.into bloom;.. On: the ¯ ¯ : played two days this year because College. " eastside of the Loop are a few"bal~y ’" ;i of the tremendousresponse and large Tirnothy Berrey will graduate on sign-up of participants. The dinner June 9 from Bellarmine College Pre- blue eyes, and the pink and yellow: .ii harlequin lupine (L. Stiversi)is bloom.~. will be Sundayafter conclusion of all paratory School in San Jose. He will i matches. It is’ mosl importanl that altend the University of California at ~ng,.in manYplaces where there isloose; sandy, soil, both near Wawona i:".’i " Pro Charlie Eagle have an advance Berkeley. and along the Big Oak Flat Road. The ’ ’ : Sign--up of local golfers and th:~. -o-.very small blue and white lupine (L. .."... ’: ¯ dead-line for this is Sunday,June 3. ¯ ¯ ,. i" " YOSEMITEMUSIC GROUP. micranthus) is still out on the: flats ~. There are tentative plans for a 9.i The Yosemite Music Group will " ’ " : near Wawona. .. .. " hole mixed scolch to be played on sponsor a program by the Kiwanis Azaleabudsare. just beginningto : " "... Sunday afternoon June 24; all club Youth’ Orchestra, from Fresno, June 0penin many areas. .i ’ " i membersshould circle this fun-date .. [i 2nd at 8 p.m. in the school auditorium. A few snow plants maybe spotted i...: on the calendar. This talented group consists of about here and there (DON’T PICK). There" " ~O~ 45 students ranging in ages from 12 are. someat the Big Treesl ’. :..’ GRAPEVINE to 17. Admission free. The .Yosemite .Truth has only to change hands a musicians hope that everyone will .̄ALWAYSdrive as if your .family"... ~. mcske an effort to welcome this group. few times to becomefiction. ¯ " i’ were in the other car .... . ’ EMPLOYEES AND ARE NOT FOR .PUBLICATION ’ , ., ’. " ¯ :’.."’ . . ’ ’: L", .’ " ’ " ’ " " " ’ ’ ’ ¯ i’i ,, " " , i " ’ i" ¸¸ :" ....:~ :’ ;¸:" ’ ’ ’~ .., ",,.~.,¯::.¯.’:...: "i " ~,~i.!~:,¯.,..,: ¸¸¸ ": ...~.~.... ¸:¸ "i’:: r~:.,-... ¯’;;... "~.’:’ ’ " .,’ . ’ .~..’.:.!r -. ..... ’."’."’" .¯ ..;.; .. ..;:. .y~ q’~:’.~’’.’¯¯’..r:¯’’ /,.,¯:.’..:.. ’. ~/:":’.’~:’’.’.’’’ ~. ’:~::?,..: i~ i .’ "i’:~ " "’’.. ";":~" ’" .: ’:""’" ": ". ..... .’~. .::. ~...J¯ .b...., ¯ ::.;.’~ ’~ .’:: --.: ,.. ; ~..’;:~ ~.i,~,’/.: . .... ’ :¯¯:¯:¯. ~,::¯i¯’.:.¯:...i¯ .¯¯:.¯ ~.¯¯:¯: ~:::i’ i:i~::¯:".¯ :¯i~:::::¯:if/:i~{*¯:; i~;:,!~¯: ¯:"" !7 ¯.::¯.k :’:..., ,/.::,~. ::,~’: :;.¯;¯ ¯ ¯¯I:L::¯ C¯¯ ;I}:.¯:¯Y:¯:.~~ %:r ¯¯;.::ir~.::, !:¯~,,. ¯¯}~{:i ’::::{-:/;:/-i;~¯~/i¯/i:: ..’.¯~.,ii:¯:i¯;!}!.i :¯:~¯::"~¯!’¯:.’i~t’r¯’;:~’~¯i;’¯ii¯"-"¯!¯ :":i"¯’i,ii’.!"::¯¯¯;.¯’.:¯.:’!¯:’¯¯.’:¯i’:’i¯¯~!"~.:’¯’:’:’:’~"::: .;." .~¯’ ;... . ?.~*’¯,..i.’~.-.~,.’ . ~...’ ..’ .!L.’ ..,-,~’’r.’ ..... ~,.~ .... ’’’ ’.:’ ~"r’ .~’,:~ ,.’ .,. ::’:.’ "’" ’) "~’ :: "’";" ~’ "; i :: :i :i:;;i:/; i:’:/ii: ..... ¯. ¯ ’ .’":’¯-,¯;"’"".’~ :"~’:’;’:: q~",~¯’" ..",’-.’v ’~’~" .;i~.:~ H’.:¯/~’.’¯’¯".":".":,’~,:. 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".~’:......" .~...... ....".-" : .~,’,~"::~~.: .~ ’ .:"A NEW’ ~-:’,’fi"’i" ;,,:; ::::;! ’::’ ;::"::~"~" :~’;~: ’The :T~oga:,Road ,s::open;.i.~tri:~ : ./.:, : ;..: r’ :’ , .’:’~Pub ished: b),.’::’! ~:,.::~.:~::.". :. i-i: ’:;: :i.:i! i-i" :: .’:: ":"r. ~"’i r :" :’*:’BOOK. ’i:: ’r:~ ~:’~’’ ~’. :.-.:,,:-~.-;-.-,~.,,:~..,.: .,:.:...-~,.~ ......~ ¯ " .... ’ "/’’ :: Yosem te Pc~rk;cind Curf:y:C0t. ;..~*. : ~:A"recent ~ierra .~. uo.. puoca~on;;. ~: ....... ~,::,:;:~,~:’-,’ ~ ’ :: ...... . ............... ’,...~..-,:;...~ .... !!::: ~ ::’ ~ .fc~r::the’ nf0r~"ati0n of ".. Francos Matthesand.:the. Marksof.": : ........... -.-.. :.:"".::~: ~.. :.~’1;: ~.*, : ’~,.: ,~ : ;..... :, ,.~:i ~ : .~,~:.:’.! ce~-~an/l.g istenin’g"S0pesrltliati~c~ic~ ’ ’ ",i ../" -.¯ . ~L;.:-. ;:..::.’ .... ’ . . ..,..........’I,’..... r: ’"’:! ...... " ,:- Yose’rniteVaev..:res de’r~ts "r"" ’:: ":: ’ ..Hme,. -ealrea ~..... ......... ..,-;:.: . ,.. ...... ,...:..,.: ~..:..,........ ..... .or rr z aTr-ryxe.,.: r, as" .:. .... " , ¯ -" :...... ::. ~,,’,: : ,-,. .;.. ..,,...,,."" ¯ ’:,.. . ce .ratner.. l’nan snowpacks-are, to b "" .. ¯ ::’,.’ ...,".. : . ..... ..: ¯ ¯ ¯ . ~ . ¯ .......... ¯ by ur .~,ar"rKusse~,.; ..... ." ¯ ....... :-;-,.,.......:’....’.-.~.........,;....."’..... ¯ " " :"Esther ¯Mor~ens0n: ’"; Edtor ..... ’ beenariaraised I-I’": :: ": ...... ’ ..... : ........ ;;Adv .... ............... ’ ,: ’ , ¯.... . ..... . . -:., seen a one the Serra crest " :’ Froze -.. ¯ ’ :, ’.. . Yosemite park naturalist ¯-/..-..,. " .... :. r...;’~..;!’:;.’:":"t’.’r:’:",’,::’.’.~ .,.:. ~ :;TH. .~: :Oeh - ,mann:_--±£ ... . ------: . sor .....- . former ’. :: ,,,...ana:-’. .... .....akes.are-the~rue..above:,7,000.:a.nl : : ....... ..... i :...." ..... : ..~...:. ::* *:~"H ,-:’kdvi.40r ¯ supenntendent;.as.abookwhch: may :’..."-E ’:. ..... , ...... .’:..’.......~-..... . ’". ,:: ........ : ’ K.’ Ouimet .. :. ’:"~-7-.-r’--:’.. ’ ’:., .. , " .... 8,000feet:"rJpening .theVroa¢l"i.~a ...... ’ :~.’ .... ....... ;.: :.,’:.. :.::~-..... ;!.’’"..... ’ H Berrev ’ .’ - ’ ¯Advisor .... smna asa, moae .... among:~"popuar..: . ~snowpl0ws(three~i-~5’tai:y~ : ’-.... " .::--’--’------.. .. : :. ,:,: ; .. : ....., Y. :. : :.,,.: ". -.’ .. :.done ¯ ¯ ’ ... ;:::..:.. ~, ., w. th . .-: -_. ,.. ..: ..~.:. ..... , ..,... ..... , :,,, .. . :-. :. :. .,, *.’. . .... presenTaTons or:scence .. :.’ hna. communca~onslo~osem Te .... ..... t-~,’. . ....: .... "’":... . , abulldozer,anda u’~iantv=~~’~;41;’;’~’.,-,,--,, .:,/ .’,...,, ..:- . / %L,,~,.,," C " O’r .... " The book contains an account at ::. .... : .. ". ¯ ’- "-:--.’.:..~.’, :... !i:..-.: oenT~neb.. C ~,.T.r~.C*E. . O;,. .. - ,," ..-; ~ ,’- ,- ~ . . , ..... .; ,’ :: but it .wasnecessary;to dig-!a".ton~e ¸:! ¯ iii : ., ,- pnone _ ,-n. .r-~ ,~ ,n~,~ ._,_,...: ,,~aamonc, ’ ~atthesiJle Dv rryxell,"lourteen at ;-~ : ’, :. ’ ’ -: "’"...", ’-""..:::"v’ ¯ : . -: ;...:.:.. : z-,~oaz. ..... " . " : .’ ’ -’ throuah Sixtosevenfeet:0÷;;-"~k"~e " ! . .:. :.*.copies.may be obtair~ed’at.the ~v~ .i hse~’~g t.! r em~;~2’ ,~s;ays..c . . . rcing: ~l~UC~rr~;~ ~:"residence~nearii{the::!’:~he~kii’ : ..: :" " .’ : . " station."So.muchi¢emay..l~e :.. i:.: .v.":.?PersonneI.Office...~..... "." . gY. ........ " ".’~ . ": l,~¢~4,e¢,4,4,e,4,~,~e.,~,~,.e,~.~,~,~.e,~.e,, " with photographs; dra w i n g s and b :’- : ’ ; "’" : ’*., : ..;:., .. . ... .. ....... yme.excess’we waTer.’com’en ¯’ ~:":’ " " " ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ "’ "~ " ’ :dia g ¯rams"" ¯ ¯ . :.i:..: "TRAININGPROGRAM i:VALUATION " ’ 10wtempera:tui:e’s }¯: ::::¯ "" . " :";. - . .... . . ". ’snowand , .... : ..., .. . . ¯ .... . . . . . "... : ¯r ~ . ¯ . ¯ ]. .,.~, ,,~ ¯ . . ,¯ ,~. .¯., . , .:.. ."i ’~ Fo0r of: the hitherto Unpublished .imum:maximum. irecording ir~ !~::. ’ .. A con:tinui/ig evaluationof 0Ur’r ¯ ’ , ~". ’ ilii./." :.i training programis beingmade..by. essayswerei: Written by M.atthei f0~ me’ter left at the.Mea.dow~’:.~.’.cl"~rl -.:’. I.’ ’ .’;¯ ,. "... Park andCurry as....the ..winter. ..regisiered ."a":iowii.i.of.i:,. :....’..the Personnel Office during the sum- theYosemite ..Co; , .. : ¯ I’:/ , ¯ . " ..., .-’ . . ¯ : .... the :High. degreesbelow"ze~r6. Cool...... interpretive contributions-to i" ’ , :’:of..... ¯ ’.. . !.. "~ .. mer.Theobjective is to insure .quality weather:" Sierra Camp program: ’The St0ry’of the ’ last-.three¯ weekS.} has ¯ service foi" our guests by discovering i;. ~ways.and means of improving our Moraine Dome"; ."Tu01umne Meadows ~..... . .and Vicinity",. "The. Scenery Ab"out ’ :: employee training. Tenaya Lake",. ’.and. "Merced Lake ii¯ ....,.. :. Miss.iDavidson has been. given the . ... . responsibility for.makinḡ this evalua- and its Environment." " ... .." .". ¯ Concerningthe previousiypublished ... tion. She will make.frequent visits to essays Dr. Russell says, "i knowfrom ,.. all lunitsto Observe the effectiveness ;:. ’,:of our present training.program, and personal experience that they have ¯ .....t ° gather information upon which to served Y0semite park naturalists through manyyears as all-irnportant ¯ base recommendations for the improvement of our formal classroom guides to geological interpretation¯ ¯ Nowin their new handy (beautiful) ’. training .and on-the-job training. ¯ ¯ ... , ’ ’ .This Objective can only be accomp- format, they will go into the handsof : lished by the whole-hearted coopera- park visitors as well as into ownership tion of every member of our by interpret’ers." He further states: "As one who ...":. o¯rganizalion. --O-enjoyed the friendship of Francois Matthes for manyyears, I applaud the KEEP AMERICA BEAUTIFUL appraisal so well worded by Fryxelh Damagedone by litter: ’The place which Francois Matthes (1.) Close to 300 Americans are holds in American science is secure killed and nearly 75,000 seriously and, in certain respects, unique¯ He injured as a result of cars striking or stands alone in having attained swerving to avoid rubbish and litter. eminence first as topographer and (2.) Morethan $50 million are spent later as geologist, and he is one of annually to clean primary highways the relatively few whose writings alone - in addition to the countless rank as both science and literature’ " millions allocated for litter removal on city streets, public b u i I d i n g s, atlracting insects and rodents. In some recreational areas, littered walers beaches,parks, e’lc. (3.) Accumulation of rubbish and become dangerous for swimming or litter wereresponsible for over 57,000 fishing. (5¯) TheIJ¯S. Forest Serviceannually building t:ir~s - representinga loss of budgets $2 million for sanitation and more than $22 million --in just one removalaf litter from national forests. year. Quoted from the CaJifornia Road(4.) Litter is a health menace. creates a breeding ground for disease, side Council Bulletin, Spring Issue. thelto@n, for the streetsWere.literally Stephen;.Mi.chael,I~orn April 26 toMr. and Mrs. Ted Byers, of Port Angeles, ;:i }i.. "packedwith people. Wewereunable ’ ’ ’ Washington. "; ’.t0..istayfor the actual meeting,, but : . according to the papers there was LawrenceTaylor iS at homeConval, much enthusiasm and gaiety exp.resescing from a recent heart attack / :.:-i sed by the huge. crowd." and progressing satisfactorily. ... .’ . : ... ..... ... RECENTLY! At Glacier Point. the remodeled . . . . . .... ¯ ."March 1 markedthe attainment of kitchen and serving counter are in ¯ "". ’internal self-governmentfor Uganda. use and appreciated by the staff; :..k; ’Thisisa major step prior toindepen- Marguerite Radiganhas returned to , .. dehce which Britain is granting on her position as checker;the mainhotel ’ >.October9 of this year. building was opened on May25. ~’:;:..:.... ¯, ,’Historically the Uganda people On May 25, the Wawona Coffee .(". have been a very peaceful people.. Shop opened for business. House’ There have been inter-tribal conflicts keeping Campalso opened Friday, ¯ ’.from timeto time, but they have been May25. Evelyn Hibpshamhas return.. i"...reatively minor comparedto other ed for her .eighth summerto assist ¯ . conflicts in Africa. Also, in contrast to Hilda Rust in the housekeepingdepart. say. Kenya, there is negligible antag- ment. Ruth andJames Downing will onism between the Africans and be in charge of StonemanSection of : Europeanshere in Uganda(due mostly the camp when it opens on June 10. to the absenceof settlers) is the only topic 0f conversation. The " " "With independencecoming in Octleaders and more educated African : ober, there is much preparation, I." . excitement, and speculation. There are find it.easy to arousethe lessliterate, who are.reaily pretty, unawareof i ’ ¯ elaborate plans nowfor. celebration. ’what independencemeans. People are ¯ . ..The Africans are very excited and caught up in the political fervor." .. :,., keenpol!tically. In manycircles 1his. - ., , ;. " . :~ ., .. i.: ¯ . ...:.. ¯ . , . ,,. ’ ¯ : ,, .: . , , .., ~. ~ "./’ ~ .~:,’, .... ~ :. ~ ’, /.~....i..,’ ¯ ~,...{,4:,.:,~, ..~,.q .,: , ..,-~:..:,, ..,.’:,:.. ,. r,.,,;-.:.,. , . , , .. ’. ".’..:.~"" ~ ... :.,,:-:.:.".;:,.., , , - . ¯ , , , ¯ ,,. ¯ " ...-:~,"..."’. ~,,..~,’,’ , .!:..... , ,,. ¯ .., ~¯,;., ,, " i.. ’ ’ i’. L ~ ~.::..~\:". ~,..,~ ...,%/,,.:¯. .... -~, /.,~:,~. .,:....,.... .., ,. ¯ ,.... .,:; ’:". ’ . /,.:.,.,~ ~., . .’ . , .¯. . /’ ,..: .b ~’.. ’ ."~ ~ .., ,., ..:¯~.~,~ ?~,-::...;~.~..l~’.u!:>..~,L., ’’.;’"..’..";,,’,:.:m;’. ..:. ~’.,.:.,’,.’.~:’,;~ I!’,~4 ~:’ .......... ........ ’{L.’.’!I:I"::::.":.}-~’...:. ’.Y:’~:/"~" :".."’.~-¯~Y/..:.!;./’.!. ":..::/:"":. .}:.: ::. ,"’".?:".L:":}."" ; ./ ’./":." }:U ’.! .. i";i.!’..i.’~/:’.¯. ":...:,}:.i:.’;~,....:,:.:: :~...}:/,..!.~:.~.i.; ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ¯ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ¯ . ~ ¯~ ~ ¯ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ¯ ¯ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~: ¯ ....~...’~ r..: ~.,~ .... ¯ ’..!/:.... ., ". .... ’ ..... ¯ .... " " ¯ ’ ..~;.:’.::.;/...’."..{~ ;~.~:. {:~...:. ’<."..~,....,J:":";.’’:¯ ~/~ ~-{,~.,...r ,?:.. ,.,~::. ’""’V’,,’, ,,;~¯:":’.’;.,’:’’: 3"4’:. :".’~!:"’::./-~_q’. ’{w~C{},.?/!’-~"U,~’I’,::,~’~ .: 4. 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" ::i {’!:" }.’".:."’.""~Neve’;:::h:c~Vi"a" "."fe ti;"ia;~is’iied ’w h"-::sh°p!i’S:sche’d(~ied~"f0r":June 8:’thrbughY"mank/}f°rms’’Hei~eiare~:s°me"gxce~’P ¯ ::": , !..;, :.f’. ’:’...:;.;; ;}-:::.:,~.;.:ii-: 4,.. .’..:’"... :..:. -.. i.;’:.: .:".;" :~., .,.";" ..: ;Y’."",.:...I.::;I 7:"i:n:YoSemite.:,.i.. ..:,. :.’:.".: .:.:.",{" :;"; :fi’om: leiters/Of.. ::a pp(i~:ationi.::;...!;.}!:}’.i.i; ¯.’." ’i;; i’ i!i;?L;hen’dm:~eaPy!ri s!,!;9 3; :.: ¯ . , . .. i : :." ¯ ..’ tP:llc~:Ugee!;t~;: }, { :Virgi.niaand:AnSel:Ad amS a re:; n.c~w . .:aln~l: h av~’.dl°fegmaar~tY;’}h[;u:se h~!deLt~ ’~’.’¯~, ¯ .. . "~..., " i :: .pati;rh ::Co den".whiiman’/ brot~er.:..in re_~iaenae" nr.ihe r.newly. Completed. ’. . ...:P ..... ..,.: .. ...-..,........,..:......,...";:/..:. .. " . .....summer, h’avirig Red:CrossLife:Gua"rc .... .. .... ......: ...:...,.. ......,.:... ... ..... ¯ ... . , ... : ...."..: ¯ !.../.: ........ .-.’.. -. -: : .". :.¯ was Pou Whitman, Carme....: home inCarme ,""": ...".-:...": .. :. :..":....,:. :. :¯ "".: .’ Certificate,.l.come:from.a ’ ’.~ ....... .. ; . ............ a noted. . ¯ ..., ........ .............. ¯ .... .... lar ¯ .. .: ..; : :~,:".art St:. St muated;.. perhaps, .b~,:"; this ::. " ’ ’Gei-r,, Shar,’,ehasreceveda.Gug-: " ’ ". ’:. ’---!-.-.. L:: L.J.{..;-J.:;:~J.".~-,.r, :"" ’."i: . . . ¯{;... ¯ : ¯ ...-.... -.... . . .:.. ¯. . : ¯ ,... . ’ ¯ ..: . .. ,.. . : . ~. ~-. ¯ . . : ¯. ... as. my.paren~ru ~:.,,~.~,..,..,,u, :.v.... assocati0n; Kit started....what, wosto .:...,.,e.nheim Fe. owshi,-, to" ,-,hotograph " ,,,, ... .... : ,. ......:...:.. .........::.....:../.....w: ~. v .: ,.. ~., ....... ¯. ’. ..... .. .. "... . ¯.... , . ~ . ¯ . ~’ .. ... ~ . . ¯ - ..-’:, ~ight .you.. nave.empoyment~Tor.: i: ... v:.. . ¯ . . ... ".. . i.:;..i. :}.., . b{e."the pet.projectof he.~!ife:;::-.. thei..acfivities.0f"the:Peac bepreg’na:nt:.du:ri"ng".i:, :.} .. ’’; e corpS.; ,.... . }::my:wife":wh01wili :"" "" " " ’ " " " " " """":t ’ es ": " "":" :’" . :""’!"i :carmel.Art. nsttute.., n..Apr :of that.:. .... . -"." " ""::" : .........." i.."’ - . "~: .... nthe Studio is Caroine. summermonths.. .She :yp .-.."~:...;.::"~:i~ ¯ .. ...,.’ . ,. .... . :,,. " ...... " NewClerk .’,! " " , . : ...... ... ¯ . . ’ . . , . , .. ,’ ’ : " .’..: "’ ~ ,, " ", ’; " :": ~ : :" ." ¯ ,;....:..:, year" it..- aegan..With ..oneI l"e. ClaSS. ’. ¯¯ Judy W ts :. I am16.yearsod,.:62 tall,, !..;. ..... ¯ ¯ ...... :,. ... .., ¯ ’ rew, unt ...Wilits. She is Nurse hard:: ,..~ :_v.... .. .:’ ’ .’. n.o pant ng, ana soon g . " " ’" " " :" " ¯’ ’:" " "’"’. ’and concious,;.":}."": .{:./..::;.:.i,.!.i,.:.//.;;,}.; ¯-.....:-:..."... .............’." { .... .. :’"’ :." " ’ ¯ . .... ¯ " ¯ .. " . s ster " ..... . ...... WOrK ng :’~ .. " .... .". ¯ ." .. ’ ’. ¯ ..:.:","..;": ’::"!.:!:"~. ’ ¯ " :’. there were tenclasses coverng such... ! .... .; . . n.’.Yose’niite:":lhave~’.!.,:~:’i,’./:?i: "..’ ...’."." .. " .’-~. ,- or.-".art as :, arawlng, . :: water.. ’ ". ¯/"" /v~arlon .... ’~ "-son":.~0rmei r’alTer .,. 1 . cerk ,.iS"" ., . .wish/a;iob ¯ ¯ ...., .......: :., .....: .. i./!.:.;:~; :: ¯ . . .. var ea T e as . .... in ¯ a w~ortuary. ". been. working am.::.:,-’.’.::.~:.. ¯ ’.. ¯ - " ¯ ’ " ¯ .v .... " :: . .... ’" .... " : ’ " " " " " ’ ’ an" ..b~nd~ng;sculp-no ,.n MenloPark..worklng.:as..¯ ’,. ’i.., ,,;.:. : . ..,:".,’,-.::.."..:.Y.:.~:.’..:...,"~;..~G::... .:... .. i:" ...... color, paintmg,book w ’.:/ ... ture, f 0werarrangement; ¯¯color¯¯ and:assistantart director.{or Sunset.. Mag. .aaepra.t:n.ana~,,.. .. . .. . ..ng:pe°p!e’ :..:..... . :...:;..:. . "":":""":"’""".-.,:...,...:.....;:.:. .. . . . . . .My hfe began on. May.¯26,.:.19.46.;,/..::~:.:{..../!~: . . :.... ¯‘ :,:.. ..":. de¯sign: photography, ¯¯outdoor sketch-azine. .. Th!s. wasthe"beg,nn,ngof a newera":.:"!.i{:.::~{ Y ’. --o¯ i.:::", ng, and ciasses.foi" children-all con- , " . ’".. ’ -...for me." ’ ’, " .. : . : . ..¯ . .~i ¯ "... . i.!....::/.;:U;’:i SWAPTALK , , ¯ . . . ,. .., ;, ¯,,, . ,, ’ , ’ !/"..":::.!:duc:ted by. carmel,s.finest ’ :artists.-. ’ : . .. , " . . ... ..........-..:~.........:.......,:...-,,..;i...:,. .:.. lectures for:. the Art Institote ¯ "Age " 66. yearsyoung. Youth..is.:: .;-;::.~ .... "" . .. ...:..Obtaining For. sale: .11 cu. ft. refrigerator --’ ]. ., .. . "\ ¯ ., "’ .. ". " ,"i~ ", " .’ ;~,, . ¯ ...i led her to:becomean Outstanding ..with . freezer top - $50~ Also many not a tim’e"~of life..-.:noone..grows.:.i:".’.3.}.i ...¯ " " " ’ . ¯ " ’ -’¯ . " ’ ¯., : ’" ’ " ¯’H " ~ ".: :i "- impresario on the. Peninsulal and the Other household items such as wash- old by simplyhavinga certain number.~.i’.:,,::.}: i .... , ’, ’ :.: :.."varietY .and quality of theentertainL .s, ing machine,kitchen table and chair of years ""ageis a.stateofmind, and.ii:{::.}’:}}:!.’,,., .... i.; ..... , ,, , . ¯ . " ": ’;"~:<:"~:" :."..: .merit. she.securedwasgreat. ,-,~,::,, ’ " mattresses, to be sold before June 8. as long .as your gieen you’ll grow. ¯ ¯ ;}:. :. -In. her "spare"¯ time she worked Moving. ¯Marcel Barel, ES5’6290. ¯ , i :~>....:;" .~..-:!,’s:,,: , Yl: ...: :.}:"..::’, .’ ’ i "’ ,.." ¯-for:the Community Chest, the Red .’..... . .’;.: ,:"~]i .. :.1 FORWARD ANDUPWAR .~.: :, ~..-~).. For sale: Finest hi-fi made:, ’.i"Cr0ss, Polish relief,, and. did ground Bogen AM-FMtuner, Garrard record ’.. :.."/watching for planes during the war. changer, separate Altec speaker, two i.. ..¯This busy. life was exchangedfor matching mahoganycabinets - cost i... one ¯equally challenging when in $600. ¯ For quick sale, $195. Hugh ¯ ¯ " Septemberof 19.42 an urgent request Merritt, Tecoyadorms, room D28. ’ . came from the Army’s Ninth Service ¯the cedar from an old flume. . C.ommand Headquarters .or Ft. ¯ , Salt LakeCity, Utah, for her . .... Douglas Now they have 300 acres and an .:to work in their civilian personnel almost completed, beautiful new home branch. After muchdeliberation she overlooking the river. The beauty and acceded to the request and was soon peace of the natural wilderness have traveling over the eleven western been carefully preserved and one of their greatest delights is feeding states with responsibility for the personnel problems of wornen connected and watching the native birds and with the army in war times. animals. "1 like the simple life," Kit has . In 1945it seemedbest for personal reasons |hat she give up the work been heard to say; "I’ve tried all kinds." and return home. And Yosemite. Howdid it enter the ’ Sifting in the fag in Carmelone day, the Whitmanshad read on "ad" about picture? Kit cometo escape the sumland in the Sierra foothills and had mer heat, accepted a position she was offered as hostess at CampCurry, purchased some 160 acres on the and was soon assigned to The AhwahFresno River.. Now came anolher i. nee. That was fifteen years ago, and change in living pattern when they decided to take a weekendtrip and her charm and smiling graciousness are still an important part of The see what they had. They arrived, slept the first niaht in a beddinqroll, pitch- Ahwahnee atmosphere. "The interesting part of being a ;ed o tent the next night, lhen star~ed to clear the land. Their first home hostessis the variety," says Kil. "I’ve there was a primitive cabin buill of loved it." } .. j... ...ships...are provided .by Mrs. Mary I ’ "Curry Tresidder, while the. other is *i.... ::-. . supported:by the local Community " Council Fund Drive. Oneof the two necessary .ng the Winter months it.".isand..will construction 0f. approXimateJy:"..::~:i/ to have all when.. the doors 100 .berooms .with" Bath" at . Yosemite’.". i : " :. ~ sponsoredby Mrs. Tresidder maybe awardedto assist in the Sophomore windowsclosed. { ., " ’ ¯ LodgeandreplacementoflO0 units..:.:i-::.. :.’’, .: year in college, while the other two To Earl Hayes- $20 for the.sug- "at the H0usekeeping:Cam~b .:" ". "’.":.::., are for the Freshman year only. " " ¯ . " . ..... . "". "7 :’)." ’. .. ’. ’ : " :’-. "- ; ’’ .. gestion that a special stampbeput- . In anticipation..:offavorable action".’ ... "v[ ’ " The YosemiteScholarship Commischased or madeto mark."incoming..~onthec0ntractand " ’ "" ’" " .:’ "."-". " sion administers these funds, and flnanc)ng arrange-.:. .:.,. merchandisein the Studio warehouse,ments, theC0mpanyalready.has.-sub.’ .i".. application blanks maybe obtained :: To G. F, (Buck) Martin -- $20 for its plans.for. ...:i.!: [ from Leroy Rust .in the Main Post Suggestingthat zipbackkey chains be mitedto thePark:Service . . .. . . ¯ ::~ Lodge.buildings.an’cl;~vill. :. Office, phone FR 2--44751 or from purchased for Badger Pass so that the.Yosemite " ¯ , i. " , .." _ ..,, .. thedrawings, for the, .’ .::..i. Dana Morgenson in the YP&CCo. ticket punchescould be fastened tO soon" present . ..- , . . units. It.is hopedf: .I .¯ ’ .General Offices, phone FR 2-4671. themand be madereadily available newHousekeeping .. ~ that both projects.will move.forward :..! for punching customers’ tickets. to early Completion.... " ’ " ".i LtO:i"~!SCLUS ,~.,CT[VITIES To Emma Palter -- $20 for suggest. ’ " " ’" ’ .~’ " " ¯ ¯ ." .’ ""’ i ¯ ..,::. ! ., At a ~egional meetingin Mercedon ing lhat paper cup dispensers be ¯ AIR RECONNAISSANCE ".. ." : June 5; Harold Breeding was chosen placed in lhe washraomsof all dor= . by MaryCui’ry.Tresidder "’ . :... i breakZoneChairmanfor :he area including mitories to eliminate dangerous Ona clear afternoonat:th e begin- .. : .~i clubs in Yosemite, Mariposa, North age andsanitary problems. ning of June we "flew from the .. : To Gerlrude Clark - $20 for the Fork, Oakhurst, Madera,Chowchilla, MariposaAirp0rt.at Mr. Bullion aver ! suggestionthat a box rack be built at and Merced. Signal Peak.andWawona;thenupthe In line with club policy of lending the end of the cafeterib at Badger valley of the South Fork. and.toward , .i. assistance whereneededin the com- Passso that skiers couldput their per- the Chilnualna Lakes..Mt. Raymond I sonal effects in the boxesinstead of munity, the Boardof Directors at its ; ..... ;" " abovethe MariposaGrave (81:5~8 ¯ . Tt., last meeting voted two appropria- on the tables, elevation) still I~ad snowenoughfor[ i ~ tions to help individuals. Thesecon.-o-a goodski run on its. northeasternI .... I! sisted in a sumof moneyto purchase HIGH SIERRA CAMPS slope, thoughlicereckon theava- " : glassesfor an El Portal student, and High Sierra Campsare scheduled lanche-prone northwest was bare. " .... a $50 donalion to the sum being to openon the following dates: Across the south Fork, on Crescent : raised for Mr. andMrs. ChuckBradley Tuolumne MeadowsLodge June 15 Lake and the Iower.Chilnualna Lakes,. (StandardStations) whosetrailer and White Wolf I.odge June 16 the ice hadmeltedaroundthe. sunnier." personalpossessions werelost in a fire Glen Aulin Camp June 21 edgesand the surface wasstill scumin El Portal recently. TheBradleys, Merced Lake Camp June 22 rny with what remained frozen. bolh seriously burned,are still hos- Vogelsang Camp July 11 JohnsonLakewas’almostcovered.and’.. pb’alized, but reported on the way MayLake High Sierra Camp July 14 Royal .Arch completely. so, as .was . .. 1o recovery. Sunrise High Sierra Camp July 17 (Continued on page two) :. ... ...................... :i’i:iESE’iTE/~SARE J:OR’]"k]j~ iBI:rJ~J~ES:f-b-I~I~A-RIi--~-M PLOYEES AND ARE NOTFORPUBLICATION .. ..: ~..,.. ¯ .. i:"~".."q"..""iMai~l Communicati0nsto Yosemite""": brOther.andhis."~ifelfrom oak.Harbor;.purc:hased..after:.lengthY’. ifc . ’.: :,/i ~;I.. .... ::Sentinel; i C/OY.P.&C,Co., 0r .":’ WashingtonL...{:, ’ .. ...;".;.. .. . ¯ " ," : p~rsuanceiGf.eve~y-~6ssibie-leacl~.(C~Jd I showi.~usses!.:’: ¯ ~..i :,/."lohone"FR"2-4852..: Addifion¢,’~". ~ ". i.: The.newiyWeds.i will live ¯ in Fr~esno.’:pt~of0g~rapi~s ¯ . !:-.."/’ .: :" ¯¯cOpies maybe obtained..at ~]he’: : ..where: McCleland is.empl0yedby Scott des"ign"in- use.ove/.i...Ti0ga~,-. ..!:..:../ .. i .,PerSonnel " Officei....i"....:-. ........ :.... Bros...i.Construction . Co...The’¯bride,‘¯ ¯¯¯clue.to".the" 0riginali light.:gre !"./.. " . ~4,e~~wee~,~.~. ." formerly.. a Student. at . Sierra Joint ¯ was Obtai.ned ...{torn/Hazen!. H..:’ .."/.,.. ’I.IHouRs:ANDOPENING$...I::. .iUnion HighScho0J,.will continueher kin~,.iformer head"0f...the/I . "i ’ ’" "" The"Viiia-e ¯ Laundr, iS :n0w"0"en ¯:studies .in. Fresno.. ’ ’..i....:......... Transp0rtat OnSystem~.w~oi, " "" .... " ’ "’" :-" ." " .... ~" I-’ . ~ ¯ . , ’ " " ’- ."--o-- .’~ ’ it.as Niagara.green. Cliffl ¯ ,., ... ¯ ,~,.. .~,~, .... . ....’. " ¯ ’. , ’ , ,, , ,, ’ ,,,,, ¯ , ,,’ , .... ¯ , :: .... .,,:,:.,,,,~ ,,,,:....... i ,, , trom ya.m. ~o ~:4~ p.m., ~onaays ¯ : who did the restoration.~painting~! AIR RECONNAISSANCE ’ !" ’:through Saturdays; ¯closed for lunch" found an’old.head lighi which sl~owecJi (Continued from page one)"": 3. J " . .. ¯ ¯ ’ ..... :. ’ ~’i.’." :!’.: ."’ ’:’. . from¯1i30 to 2:30.. ’ " .. ’ color after about’i..12 icoats."{.~ ,?. :’ " - :The .Village.. Beauty Shop" is now BuenaVista Lake, over thecrest. Heart’ ¯ this .~ .: . . :... . ¯ ~ :.: ~¯i!i;:::~i,.~i;~:~ paintwere ;removed. Lake was.open, but Horse Ridgedrop- surface’ .. :. open ¯from 9.a.m. to 5:45 p.m. daily Thebusis’in eXcelleni r un:ningCon:: ’if:;: ! ..... !:i ::. and .Sundays: ped into the white surfaceof Ostran-. andWi be :" :.".. ¯ kept.in"¯ storacde:i~:::!::,:i~’.:,"i~iiiti. ¯ ¯ . , i."..i" The Village ¯ ¯ Barber¯ Shopis now der Lake, though its northern margin ¯ dit on, :. , .... ’., . .., ::.i’.: ::],;: ... , .’ . : . . !"""i ."°pen."fr°m 9.a.m.to 5:45 p.m. Mon- below the Ski HUt showed signs of ¯ until a: Safe:placecan..be’.provided:~’,.:"f-!:.L:i.. thawing. ¯ Weskirted¯Red¯ Peak Basin ¯ ¯ ’. ¯ days through’ Saturdays. -" . " ,¯ ’" ¯ " ’ " , ’ ," ,.". : "." "’, .’ ’, "’:,~,;’,~’1 " ’ : Hubbard finally had !o,~tOpii::!i!~i:!i~i!i Daug "¯ Taxi. and the Clark Rangewith snow every . . . service is available from 7:30 hauling residents ! "i ..a.m. to 11 p.m. daily and. Sundays. where, then dropped a bit into the aroundthe Valley,]n:i:.:."."~’.i!’] : . " ": . the historic.. bus ¯when the . Rangeii’-~=i~.;!;;i~i:ii~::!:. ,. .... ¯ The" Camp14 Store is now open. canyon of the Merced for a closer ¯ :’. " " ~ ¯ ..... ’,",.;.....,"",’~.’i " " .’ by v., sitors want-:.::~ ". ¯ ’, .’. ¯ .. i : . Hours are from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. and look at Merced and WashburnLakes, Office wasswamped , . . . ¯ .:, .,’.::,~.~. ’ ing to-knoww’heret~ey’:coud...::buy.:.:.,;7!~:.~; ~. ’~ .3 p.m. to 5:45 p.m. daily and Sundays. both fully open. toridein the0]dbus. ’ ".. ’’~"""¯ .-.; ." :’"":!":~’:~,: ¯’ . " There will be nightly Firefalls from Climbing up again, with a glance tickets ,. ,..,:’.::,, ;...{:} June16 Until September 3. TheFirefall ..... i e ;/:;:":; at the white slopes of Mt. Florence, . th :.i.’:i.,.:i;)~. will be Scheduledat 9:30 p.m. through we crossed to the Sunrise Camparea; waydownRaffer ty.Creekto, ..... . :..":r:!:’" i . Tuolumne. The Meadows were .open ~:.:/~:...!/i July 14 after which it will be at 9:15 Long Meadow,in spite of its sunny "andswampy in the sunnierparts}b"ut::::i;:i:::);i’!i~ each night. southerly exposure, was a sheet of ’ snow still lingered in. the treeson the:":i;:~,~’..~ Housekeeping CampStore is now snow except where the banks of ;he : ; ¯ " -:~ i’..". ’: ":;,’:.;"l’,;~’::r~ . southern side, sheltered from¯ the. ¯ . ..,suni: .....,:.:,~:.;,.;.,~. open. Hours are from 8 p.m. to 1 p.m. little stream droppedOff to showits bythemassif above. . .: ’...;".: ...,...i:"...."!.~i!{i!~ and from 3 p.m. to 5:45 p.m. daily course, with a probablefive or six feet I. A fewcloudswerefloating in:the,:,i):;::;::i:! and Sundays. ¯ of snow. Columbia’s Finger and . ’. ". ,’. "..i. : :i :/,!: :,:~. blue sky by now, not threaten~ng,~::.-,./ The CampCurry Bicycle Stand is Tresidder Peak were sheer rock emerg’ now operating from its new and per-. ing from snowy slopes, as were Echo storm,but pickingup:the d’azziing..,i!ii;’i~:.i manentlocation. I1 is Iocaled adiaand Cathe.dral Peaks, and the weird white of the snow with their softeri,,.;:,Ci cent to the main parking area east of papier-mache-like, cut.-out of Matthes the Cafeteria and service road. Hours Crest. We looked down̄ the Tuoumne"::ii:,,i are from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. River towardGlenAulimThegreat¯..,.....":";. We headed for the Vogelsang area --o-the bendwasfreeof.ice;:.-,":;.:i..~)":i: to scout the situation there. Snow pool i ’ around .. and we did not follow from there,:::"j};~:.! SWAP TALK slanted dawnover. Flelcher Lake from the exfoliating granite above, show- though we had a far-off look at /:.::.:;ii: Wanted: Ladies used bicycle. Call Lake,whereI hadbeensnowe’d ;i".’. ;:i! ’ . ’ :’7 .: , Mrs. Daugherty, AhwahneeGift Shop. ing no trace oF the lake, and not a Mattie ’in last September for a dayor:so.i..i:i:;~,i. For sale. 1954 Mercury Monterey. sign was visible of the Vogelsang Lake,at the ¯headof...thei.:i:-i~.!i;.;!ili!.i. Cam[.,. buildings; only the clump of Tenaya $200 cash. PhoneFR 2-4852. Tenaya Canyonshowed a scumof ice"iii::i::ii:..:,il 1958 Chevrolet slation wagon; 6 white-bark pines near the corral stood mostof the wayacross,withtheroad"::"..i¯ .:ii{!i:,)i , ..,.,.,..: .-:i’...~.:~; cyi., slick shift, radio, heater, s~at out as a landmark. Wecircled to check open along a dark strip of water. The..,!=..,:.,! further, then flew pasl Rafferty and behs. $875. Doug HubbarcI-FR 2-4893 "] : ’7:=.: ~i’.:~ (C~mtinued on page three),".,.’;.",’ JohnsonPeaks, observing snowall the ¯ or 2-4611. masses. : ¯" ¯ . " ¯ ,..." ’:"i:,/~ . ., ,.....~ ;,-[,,;: ... , . . . . ,:... ,... ¯ . . ¯ .. .. . .,. .. . . . .. .... .. ¯ . .... - .. : , . ¯ ..~ . ... ¯ ,.. . .-. ........ , ¯ . . .. ¯ . . ’~ ..... , :.,,’..:’,~ ¯ ’: . "~" :;.~..~.:.;:" ...:. .; Ii’?.’ ¯ . ".~’;.i,;: ."",... ., . ..., .i;r’.~.. , . : ..,.:’;.~ .~ ~., ~....:. .:.~.I ...... i. ~ : < ..... ", .~. ::.i~....: !~.~"ii:::~: ~ .’/~:I i]’~I .~: ~iiI .iv....:.: I" I’:’" I~.’:.-". ,’,<..,,:, I~I ’.II..’,.., ..! ..... :; :II~]i :..:/"J "iII ,;V:,~.." ":..r,IiI /,’,.:~ ~. ~.~ ~I" .~:. ’II...::’~:’ I IIIi~’" ~II I~I.,IIi’i~II I~ ~’/ ItI III III I III II, " : ~.II I I .- r .~, i I I : II I,.’ " i I , I ¯ i "~ , .~II I iI II?I~’,..’:,~" ,r" i I ~ I~.Ii ~.II I I I:,i I ~ I I ~ ~ i iIF I i I I IIi iIIIII~I , I.Ii~II ~ I,,I~ i ~ " ’iI I Ii i , ,ii[ ] I"I Ii~I ~ I.’I i~’ i II~’ I i II~ .,. .. .......... .’.....i....,....,,. . ... , .....,..::.~..:;.. ,,..~ ,..i.,,,. ." ~’..’..;..., ’L.,.. ."..,:~.’~",’..’..:~’ -...’~"’ ,’..,ij,:.,’"...,~.,:......;:,’.,.’..: ’.:.~..:...,-.’,..,.,,,~ . " .. ..’ . ’ . ¯ ¯ .... i . ¯ .. . .. ~ . ¯ .. , . . . .. ¯ ., ¯ : , ,. .,..,...,....,,., , ....,... ~, :j ... :,.,~: ...- ¯ .’. " ’..’.... ~-:.’.’ ’.’... ..",.’. ~’,, ..’, ’ l ..~.. ..,.,~: ......... i .v.:.i.., -:., :..~/(..,~...,,.~:....,!..,....: ¯ ...,. :~..~".L:.;" :./,:~.. ,"~ : ..., .L , i.;~..-.~’ , ’ :~."..;."~,~. 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DU~! ~"l: ’:,W:’.. ’",- ";’ ’ ¯ , :. :..., ...,...::. , Realiz nga life-time’ aml~ tlon,’."rom ,::..:. c,,;~A,, ^ll,~6ck:.,41-~d~jOt~ .. . ...~.:,~:-; ,......:....~!:: .......:.:.....~.,..:,. .....: ....;.,.,.........:..!.:....v -?: lei.: . . ....:.,. . ’ ,.."..... ..... :-.-. . ,;... ....’: .... ...."-."~un~7..~’- .~.. .... ,......... .-..,... ¯ " " ’ ~’i" "’ ~’ ’. "- I-orsesare on fne move. n .Tosem . ’ ...; "xX ..,.:.u.. :~Swani accepte’d a.~Cai’eer=CSn’dit ona: .;’:" u"::":"t~emo’ria ":""H :=h"~:"iS:cI~5o i"":i~ ¯".::; "::’: .:.: ~.; :.: ..... ,., ~.., ..;, .::..... ,.. . .,::,.......:.these,..aays!:Inere..were..:~.u.:neaa-,:at.-..:.:.........:...:.,.:.....,..... ¯ :: ."....-.!.:. -....:, .,:L: :..r.;.:J°aq ~n;.:. .............. !..’,:..~. ::’.!:.........-...;i<"-/~ :-varI<: ¯ ... :;.:., .:. ,;.-., , . ..,.;" ’ ....° ,’..."-" ::L:.;."..’ appointment : W th":".the .National ,-;:.,;;,.~:’on june-~.:.!H.er":..nlans.:for/?~e : ....:..-; ... .H=o,, ..... ..... r,. . .... ...,..;... " ’ ..<.:..::..~..:’!.: .’ ,~....:the.::va ey. siaDles,asr.weeK,.sTaDes.... .... : .:........................ .... . : /i": .:: .... ’ ’ ;’ " ;" ’ ’ ’"’" ’; U" ’ ?^";"2’ Serviceandreported’. for : work-as . .:ear.: a re:" :indefiniie " ’." ~ ’~’’’’::: ’:;’~: ’";: . . ¯ . ’-.manager boomarneT1..Te s s/anazuu ’ . ¯ .. . ..,.. :.....-..-.:....-’.. .... .... :’:Y .: " . ... ~.::.’: ...:.".;:"/:."’:: :.:-,".;-; . .-L. :,"::’ "-. ..tour..:guide ’.at. :Car sbad :...Cave~:ns".:in.. :..-:.:or~itteC{.:-from: ast::issbe’S".:.li-~t"::?’~ ..... ".. ... ...... . "." , ".. ’,..;"k:.. .’...... ... ¯ . :’,: :;..’;." t.:..more were IorougnT...Trom:.wInTer~ .pas..’... ¯ .-.. ~ :.": :.., ~-.:.~" ~x~ .’:’. : ’."."v.i. ....:.. ........ : ..... ..... ,:......::..,..:. <-;,...,...,..~.?~ e, ".... . .i; :-;..:.. tu"i~e. io Waw0na. of these’;. :70 head.¯ ~ew.:Me.xico,:;JUne.."|u..’. :., 0m,.: wn0..:. Ma-iF~0saHigh"Scho’oli’grad(Jates’~iW ’.. ’. e "’ " ~ ’he: : ’ YP&C .......... .... ¯ ....... - .".:,"..’:....::-came oyer:Tnen,~,:To..me...va’,eY.m’S.seaso:r~ Co : "since""" :" .......... .... ; Patrlca:...Krk,..ar "’ :’:"" :’? .,":i’;!’ d ....,...,, ....~....grew.up.~n ~an:Franc~sco,:.has.worke a’ for ’ Bruce Fadmark, " .:’.i .". ...... ¯ ,.: ..... .,.’,. :" " ...... ’"""’" :;":""’ .... ..I. : . .i.i:~i.". ".week. inl preparation f0rtheiopening::. ,X,.,", Y;".......t.......:........-.i .:"!.~.~.........Gus~Sm~.!h~::.....:~.:..).....~.~.~.:..:..~:}~. ..i"..~:"!i : be I YOO M S I" rsT ass g "l’nen1"was n 1"ne:.’ Inthe. ’ " fa I~. Bruce :"-will : "’,’..’,"’ ~"":’""::;"" umne MeadOws ’ stab " " -’.es:: ¯ .... "’ " " ".’" ’ " ..... ’ " ........ . . :OT.In " :’-e :i:uo ’ " ’ .... :",""~-..i.’:. .... "’":: :~., : ~ ~ . ~-L_L0U,e of"tra~el’"from:" Commercial... ..Departmenh. :.Then he . mec{ical~.itud es at .the U.n ’"’.""’ yers !,,¯ ’.::.IV:.’.. . ...._. . " .... .: ..... . . ’ " " " on June. /~ ./no r 1 ;’/’i:. i "., .- ;.... - ". " _i’:.. ,..;L.. , . .,./ Worked at:.Housekeeping Camp/.first. .o.reAo.n in"Eunene,"Oregon;:P,atricia’s:wawona .isup lne :~laer.~reeK...Trau ¯ ... ¯ ’"""" "- "- ’"ie;c erk "and " - ~ ....... " = ...... " " ’:"": "";"":~"’"" . .’:.......; -"::".::: past>DeerCamp" to Bridal.Veil camp...as..a room..c,.erk,..then.cn,.. ~ "o’b ’from~:plansare ’ndefm!te;i"Ous::w":!l":a~!end"?"i;" ~’ ::~:".~ x" - "--::. ,o.Glacier Point.-:and " 1"inany :".me ’ : .. : .the Loyola"University.at..LoS Ange!esi.;.i:..:i..:i.~i; . ¯ -as..: : ’ "manager, ! .... ~rouna, m~n ~ ..... ..... ,: . :.:-:.:":.,~, ~t", : ’ S~nce " " Juneof" 1 -’~..!.": ::..: ....... " " whichhe res gned. ..960 . -. :. : " - :..- - .... ...... ~. .... :- ’ .: ¯ : . ...~.. ,:..-.:.:.......:..:...:~i.i~ .’.:..~i?:..:’:’.~.i.ii":Ii :... .:...... downthe Four Mle Tr.a I. Asthe horses. ,.. , ..... .. ,.., . ¯ ....:. .... ’ ¯ .... ’ ......... ¯ .:.i;. "arem0vedup to.Tuolumne Meadows, . he";t~.as,worKea,. ~:.UI! t,.me;~erna~gr~ng..... :. ’:.. SUMMER ;..CHURCH.’.".SCHEDU.,.,.I;Ei~." i:/.!;{:ii!i:!;; ;;.:... . .. ........ ..: . " --,"~:..::"...t :;~,;~.’..:-:::.~...’.:"...?.i,., .. .~...i_._ Vae" houseKeeping ~amp ~n. m . ’:". -. ’ ..., , .... .." ".more w ~ ,~e ~o me... Y..., . ’ ,. ’ ’. ,,. " .. ., _,_2. n"the Interdenominationa~ .rrotestan .’::..~.. ":~.! ::;.~~i " ¯ orougnT .¯ . .. . .......:. : ....... . .~ . ...~..~ :.-,’...,.~..-. . ’ ana work ng at TosemiTe Loage ¯ " "., .: " t~, ~ ’ .’¯ ’..i ¯ ’ : ’. ’" ’’... .": lea.. .. .. . . ’ .._ _.. . ..... .:-’..".:’ "i.~... neeas ¯ -q.... :.~,":unT . summer "are T ¯ ¯ ¯ .. . .......... ’" ¯ ...... ". .... ¯ .’.... . ¯ ¯ . .. ¯ ... . ’ ¯ w¯ nTer. . ¯ .... ¯ .. . :.- .... .... du~./ " . .¯’...: .... :.’ :.:... ¯ .....:::.::,...,.....:..~ .’.--O--’.’r’." " "’’ "" ’’" "’".,.. .... .’,,. ,"Y "¯ ’" ’ ".L" . --’"--:’--n" . :.... .’ ......... ,~: ". ’ i. ’’ 8 a"m"Hoy Communion," Chapel":~"::"..,." ...smu,m ’ ’ .. , J-"-~’;er¯Jen-¯ .’ .. " ¯ .... . -; ...... Li., . ...... /V~ICKe , WITh u~u,..j~H ..... ..: . . ... ... ..;..~!..::.::.;::" . , ::.I/: ...9a’m’-Early.W.°rsh!.p~ChaPe!.. .../:..-!..:,i!. .. .. ¯ ’":..’ " .:"~ AIRRECONNAISSANCE " .... nifer,."stayed. i to.pack their., household .... ¯.. . ’ ’,: .i.: !. :: " " ’ (C0n,in,i~d. f,’0mp:,~.tWo)"" ’: i ":’: ’.; . effectswhich.; with::he.r..father’s:help,...:...10a..m.-Y o s e m.;.,t .e ..Commun, ty.,.... :ii:..,..;..:.. .~... ... " ! ’: easterns apeof. CloUds Rest.was .sheexpected.t°. m°ve:th,s.,week ..,,,~:~.~....(~hu’rch: i i:’"ii~:Ii::"i ....... ¯ ... .. ..... v . ..... ’ C.!a:pe.! ~u~. -. "..’-..,~.. : :. ...... ;....~.Churc.h., ’ / I a.m..~nornln~ H, ": ’:,C’~I ’.... ~i Cbmnletelv r~ the w’alIsof the : ’ ;.. , ~ : .... : ’ :- 150W, ,..; i: : : .. .... I white,but I" ¯ ". ’ ’’ . . ¯ ¯ " " .... j ¯ ! .... " " . ¯ ’.": .... ¯ ’. . ’ . ¯ ’ ." .’ ".". /"’" can On had Y Snow ’ . . .... ’. ’.,~.i " P. atches,"and.be-.... " af : .... " .. . - 8 p.m.-Vesper.Serwce,Camp.14-.... 4".. : ¯ " yond Y the "monumental form.of.H ~~ .... .... ". : .....~4~..~ " ’!’~ ¯ " . . .,..,..:...... ’".." :." ".:.. !’:"~ .’ ’ : " .::. :. ....~:,.:.:....’ . ..... . ’ " ". . .... ... " i " ¯ :......... .. . ~mpnlmeater.. ...Dome the Valley seemed, hazy ..... . ..... ~"%-~~ .. ¯ . . ...... _ ., ,... . . . . . ........::.-.. ::.....t.l. ¯ ..’,.’, ¯ " .. " ...... ." ’ "" ...., . ’ " . _ I.!_. ’.. f3~. ", : ". RomanCamo.c .. . . , . ", ¯ .. .- . ’ .~’: " .... ’ " ..’ .,. =:. : ~" ~’r ~;: = ..... " ¯ May Lake was deep n snow upo ’n . ...", _~(/~L..~-,__.~-~-,~ " ’ " WHo’S~N-Ew . .. ........-..SundayMasses-6, 7; 8; 9,. 10,’ &11. ...’.,.~.~ : i. ice,:and we saw no signof the May"" .i ’ a.m.,Pav o~Theater :’’ :!,:"!iJ ! ! . .. ’’ Lake Campthere unhl Onour secon¯ wd,,L, ,4a,, ’IUsualv’there s [ Daily’ , ’:i" :i A third daughter; Kelly" Darlene, I " " . "d ", " ’ ~ ~ ~ m~ ~ sm / ~ : ¯ ’’ " "’. I I’ " , . ’ ¯ ¯ I+ ’ ....., when .we caught, o 7 bs ll ounces, was born to Mr. and ,,. .- .,: ¯ : ,.L"_,.. " ’ : -.~.. ..~ r -~ ~-:sw ~g-.over i!........ . . .. ~ass;/a.m.,~nape~. .-.. , .. .... .. ¯ .... . . . ..,~! . glimpse of the peak of its roof among ’Mrs. Bradley Zollars" of El P0rtal on ChristianScience:" . ... ¯ ...... .. . .-.: .:,.’I the dark hemlocks as we looked June 1. ’ .. . " ~ .Sunday-3p.m., Meetingin. . Church: "" ’~~’~ . . .... back heading westward. We made . . . . . . . , ...:’.i Bowl ~" .. .." ...." ¯ .... .. . ~t ¯ a brief detour toward Grant Lakes and DONNA PETERSON ¯ Wednesday-7:30.p.m.,/Meeting in..", ii ’ ¯ " ’ the.Ten LakesBasin, all solidly.frozen DonnaPetersonl a past employeeof ¯ Church Bowl .... : ¯ ~ : ~q ~ " ’.i"n, with a glimpse of the open blue YP&CCo.. who returned;to Yosemite a ..~! water of Hetch-Hetchy down the numberof times, as soloist for the SeventhDayAdventist Service, ".~i ~’~ ’ Tuolumne River Canyon, and Wapama Community church Christmas music Friday’8. p.m..Vesper ¯¯ .. ¯ :~ i " Chapel . : :Falls spangling the steep cliff as it program was a recent Yosemite . i’i ii Saturday’10 a.m. Sabbath School,.’. . fell to the reservoir. visitor. Donna is achieving growing ":. " " ..~i. " , ~i’. Church Bowl ....... ¯ Turning across the White Wolf success, in her chosen career as a ¯ . 11 a.m.ChurchService, Church.i: ....!~:.:. musician. A mezzo soprano, she has . region, whosesmall lakes were yield’: Bowl ¯ . appearedfor several seasonswith the . . . ¯ .. i. .ing to the summersun, we crossed the San Francisco and Cosmopolitan LutheranChurch’MissouriSynod.’’ .... il Tioga Road, saw the.meadows of Opera Companies; has soloed with Sunday’11 a.m.. Church Servir.e, .’::~il . ...Hardin Flat and the end of the Cherry ’ the Los Angeles, San Francisco, SacChapel . " " -- .... ¯ ..:. Lake Reservoir, and looked downinto fBig Meadowsand the lower canyon O ramento, and Stockton Symphonies; Latter DaySaints (Mormon). " ~! :i/ and has toured the nation with the sunday ~.’ the Merced River. We flew past the Sunday-1 to 2:30 p.m., San Francisco Operatic Quartet. " i! School, Sacrament, chapel ¯ zigzags of the "Burma Road" and ~.." Her friends.will not be surprised. /’ : ".!?i : the curvng Briceburg grade, and so 2:30 to 3 p.m.-Priesthood. . .’: at someof her press notices. " to Mt..Bullion again, losing altitude Protestant il "Miss Peterson. ¯ ¯ star of the evening El Portal ...... q,:. Sunday Church.. in a long looping turn, to land little Sunday-9 a.m. .. .. " "Pleased her audience with the School. ’: : -.......’.:.’: i. .:. more than an hour after we had loveliness of her voice and the warm¯ rhp ..~" i: taken off, with exciting memories of. 10 a.m. Morning Was i th of her personality . ." "She sings. Village" .:. i.i " . that snowy world of the Yosemite CommunityHall, El Portal beautifully and is a Superb artist.." ... Sierra Crest. ,. ’ . ¯ !i i!, . ,.::’,,"canicNatonal Parkas Dstri"cfRanger ’ ,. " . ;~’ ’ ¯ " ’ ’ ¯ " ¯ ’.. ’ ¯ . . " , ’ . RUBBER ¯ :"". :" DennisHaagreceivedaCareer-Com... .: ... " ... TRANSPORTATION, . ii.i", ditional appointment.,¯ as Eor.est.ry :’,......, . EQUIPMENT -. ¯ i ......W0rker.".f0r the. NPS"iastmonth..’:’ , ELECTRICAL,’ MACHINERY :! ." ..Bob stone, has been .transferred " "r ii......fr0m .Y0semite"L0clge where he"was PRINTING & PUBLISHING ¯ ’":. :.Assistant.Manager/tobethe Manager . FABRICATED ,:’. "i.0f... Housekeeping Camp..Replacing METALS .:: ...’ " him"onthe front deskis DonCox;.as ..: ¯.. .. ,.. , , ". .... . . Chief Clerk:~. " .. . . " ":. Formerresidents whohave recently. ". ¯ visited Yosemiteinclude Nels Murdock, ¯ Gordonand AI. Glass, and Louie (the . . .¯ . " ... ..... ., . ............... , . , ’ "~ ..; Lock)Morley.L0uiereports he is very ¯ . happy over having been given perAPPAREL ¯ ..."-. ."manent status as a memberof Fresno MISCELLANEOUS State College’sStaff of 625 persons. ,’::. . MANUFACTURING i" LauraLafferty has transferred from ~’ .th.eiAlpine Shopat Glacier Point to the Big Trees RedwoodShop as manager. She is new in Yosemite but experiencedin the retail business. . , .. . John and Martha Bingaman,winter residents of PalmSprings, last week Movieprojectors and small screens ’ " visited their "Old SlampingGrounds." with which custorners can view for John wasa Rangerin Yosemite34!.’ lhernselves homemoviesof Yosemite . i years. He is author of "Guardiansof are presently being installed in the Yosemite." They are on Iheir way to Company’sstudios and gift. shops. Bellevue, Ohio, back 1o the old farm Nowavailable for. purchaseare six where John wasborn. They will stay 8 mmfilms from four to sevenminutes with John’s45 relatives and help his in length and one short film on the . " Firefall. The subject matter ,ncludes sister pack Red Haven peaches for the eastern market, returning to their waterfalls, high country, big trees, of the Valley, aerial views, winter home in RamonPark, Palm landmarks and the four seasons.The moviesare Springs in October. professionally madeby Cate & Mc...... O~ Glone, of Hollywood,"by a newproFOR SALE :.Large, square, parakeet cage and cess which reproducesthe color and ¯’ definition of the original with restand. $3. Violet Fisher, Camp6 -.phone FR 2-4288. markablefidelity." i ’ .. " . ". ’.. "’.... i ’.’!. . ¯..1 The.clerks at The.Ahwahnee. Gift~i:. " Shop hada profitableas.wellas bUsyii..:i.;.-~:i ¯ , , :"’" " ; . ..;" t, 1 month, of May. Three ml pmnhngs .of ..... .. Yosemte c iffs and waterfalls done , by" ’. ~ ¯ . . , .. Thornas Hill, an.early-day Calif0mia..".".i~:-i::~.:}. landscapeartist of note, were, sold.... . ’:i. Shortlyafter a customer" pur.chase..d.:...:i...., the largest one, his’friend cameinto..’." i . ¯ . ¯ . . ..... , buythe twosmalle paintings"at $1.501:.’. ":.i r Ieach.Thesesaleshada bearing..0n...i.i./:.. the fact that the shop bro!<e"previous :,.: ~.i recordsfor Saleson four daysduring,...i.: . the month..June hadanauspici0us".:.~.:..’."l Beginning When, the first week, a..i’.’: ¯ ¯ , ’ ..... ::ff;i,~¯ customer bouglitan imported:.Breu-...:""~.:.. rneister;figure($i20)after...carefully...:.".:"ii : .yt examining, it with.arnagnifyinggl.ass;i:::..:".ii . .:,...,:.,.j...;! : ’" ", ".’~’,’:’.~ ’.}I "- .’~"; ;:~:’’.1 . " . . "!.. . . ...,~ following dates throughout) the summenJuly 8 at CampCurry, July 22 atThe Ahwahnee, August 5 at Yo; ¯ + semite Lodge, and August21 at the Harold̄ Sener, testing water samples ChurchBowl. combusiible or non-combustible macollected from the boiler Systems. GlennWillard organizedthe Valley lerial thatis not too large to be handSingers 13 years ago as a summer led. Far example, long boards or WATER CONTROL PROGRAM years pieces Of pipe would have to be cut "Pure" Yosemitewater is goodfor activity for employees.Some later he addedan orchestra and has intomanageablelengths. drinking but bad for plumbing. Uncontinuedto direct both groupswith due deleriov’ation of boilers and TheEl Portal Incinerator, whichwill help in the organizational and clerplumbingSystemshos been a problem incinerateall refuseproduced in Yoical work from his wife Ginny. semiteValieyby both the government over the years, and an expensiveone, Forthe first time this responsibility andthe concessioners, with approximately$150,000 invested is constructed whowill in two units, eachdesignedto burn in boilers alone th’roughout Volley will be divided. Leo Gusman, direct the Singers, is a graduate 3,000 poundsof miXedrefuse per units. student at WestminsterChoir College hour. It is expectedthat both units Thei problem was given emphasis in Princeton, NewJersey. Last summer will be operated during the summer by the discovery thai interior parts he directed the "Lake Chorus" in season.Onlyonefurnacewill be reof the newboilers at YosemiteLodge, Yellowstone. He is a memberof the quired the remainderof the year. which should have lasled 20 years, Yosemite staff of "A ChristianMinistry The systemof refuse collection and had becorne corrodedthrough iv’+ a in lhe National Parks." transportation will be as follows:For mere six years. The MainlencmceDe--o-government refuse 16 metal containers partment called on the Skc, sol ComLIFE SAVING CLASSES of 8 cubicyard capacitywill be placed¯ . pany, a California ongineerlng firm specializing in w¢~tercontrol, for an Registration for Junior and Senior at selected locations in campgrounds analysis of the problem, and instituted Life Saving Classes will be on July and utility areas. Refusecollection control ~neasures recommended by 11 at 6 p.m. at the CampCurry pool. crewswill collect refusein the manner thal firm. Thesehave bee~ in effecl Classes will convene every Wednes- that has beenfollowedin the past and For the past year. day, Thursday, and Friday evenings place collected material in the large I ’-.. from 6 to 8 p.m. for three weeks storagecontainers. The governmenthas secured two thereafter. Instructors will be Connie ’Contimicd on pagefour) Metherell ond Lynn Tocher. (C~mth~ued (m p:~c f,mt) K EMPLOYEESAND ARENOT. :OR PUBLICATION ................ Ti-i EsEiTF_V<S RF0RI:i ETERES Twoquali~ies of "’pure" mountain watercause[his ex[l’@t’fle coFros]on: .’,. , i. :,%~J ¯,~’ ~.~+~,’:~,¯ ¸ .,: ,’.:.. .:-, ".."i di:.,i i" .. , .+" .)’ .. ..,,,... : .’!.. ?.::’... :. "?.~: ... :,. .:,i:.., : .:........~. i:.;.. +/~ .,.~ 4L .""i :/./i’..i :i. 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I~y: ¯ >:.i!: ::;;i"; i’-..,~::, :".’...i: ! ..::o.:...:~.:;: : ..;..q.: ;:;-../:.!.:::~-:;...::. ’_T’:::. :..i’.:-..;. ...."::k.":..:.":.,’,, {.:;;./:, ’.,:.v;;;.::.:~..: .-~.::.~.: :y.i~(.:.:..i .O,...: ;£:iii::}:~S,: i, ii’i!i ,’:" ’.:i ... ...!:!,)i.’}"i/ .¯¯ :¯. ¯¯ ¯: }i)i.i;:i.~,,.,,,~’osem’Jte:~Par’l(k alncl"Curp/::IEo;!i.’’-’ :’~- ;,-)i,,:,/A:;fe~~sy~rin g a~bu Slles.;a:reblo6m J"ng,,;i~i:!,~iB~!.~f°ii h~!D’,’i2i~---___,.SL~!$!~I~n; ¯.¯-¯i¯’;;;..’ ¯;’:i ¯¯¯¯ .¯ .¯¯.¯-¯ ¯"¯’.:¯!¯ k¯.;¯-:! for ¯ ~::;"Na:shvi " Ill "’:tit’’it:rill ’’"....... r:’ "~ ’:":": :’""’"" "" ....................... :"q"";" "~~re:":of’t~em "as "0u"";o u:""fl~e;:Wa e,:~"Ter~hesseeii.Fai’ti~fu ’" l.J’l’.. -~".i.’:!.:.-p;’.."..:Yosem te Valley".:residents.:. ,:: .,. . .... . ..y g . P.. ’ . ".....,..... : ..,~.............:...-..~.. ¯ . ¯ ’.. . :..;,..i’""". ’......: ... ¯ ::......:..... : ... Edltor:’..:’:.wonaor.:B~g:Oak:Flat.Road.,Above.’v :.....: :.i;. ¯ :..,..":, -.: :.+.:." . :... ;:¯: ....;,:-." ..... ~. ¯¯" ’ofCamp ~urr~, tot.man .~:’ea’rsi ’: ¯ .-..--+.:..vEstherMorgenson"~2+--,_ ..:..... : ..... ............Y,.. ....... ...... , itunnel:.:6n:.:f~ei..fo~mer,.,are s .... .;.: . . ’!..:.+;:;.:.i....: .",. :~.!}:! H..:."Oehlmann.;::.2.~.L~:,_;L ~"Advisor.:..:...r.::T .tFie feather’y ."i hi :.-{r.iends i have:.:.:d~!SCg..,v, e,rle~!!~,t,h.. ’ of’L.rosy:.;;alu:m °semite. : ::/:.:;":: :i’ H.:;ki: i-:s+pikes :.ir0ot~.!..a ."; cousin~ ."new!Y L9dge:is.~.itoi.::the.!..r::i, ,’ ¯ . ’. !i.-ii:..:.".. .: ’Hi"::Berrey:?~"_~,L_,...:.,~c]visor... :..". of.the,.C0}:al’.Beils:of!gardens.:The.;i.".and"spei~d::sevei+a!:we~k.li.}i.t..:he[e.~..:. i. i!i.i-!ii i(i.i!!.ii ¯ ’ ....: i,~:..-:,./:...i i.:.. Ma i,i. CO mm Un cationsto;Yosem te.::" i. plu mySprays 6f.’!Ca I i"t~ornia. ii ia C’.’,: Ori : SrUm me~:-.: .’::. : ; , :~: .i!...i" :.i:::I: : .-):.):),:--~;;::i .... -,,.. ";,;. .: .../..’~ ¯ . ¯ ". " ..:):" +’.:;:i. sent ne:i::" c/0:YPi&(2.."/Co.; or:".: ’ deer-brush: (aceanothus)..bloom.from . Sw:i,~i:."" ..i :..~,’:. :.-"i..:/../.:i:i ii :):!.::::i:-;::)ii.!..":".ii.:i:.i:;i~.’,:,:.:,i.!i! n". ,, .. :._ ~.’.. ¯ . .. ....: i :," i"; ...... :~.-ih0ne. . .:,.’ to-:ChinctuaP ~i":.";.’..::?;...i ..~".,’::..-..i: "i..f’i:.fi:.,i!!.i.~: . . ...... :- . ........ .FR:::. .. .,.,2-4852" ... A,dditionc ."~.. .....;" ’¯ "il~ere"... . :’:...::.... ..... ni": : .as ... does’ .... .!the..: ..-., : ...~,:/"~., .... ... ~,:. ......~.... :.. ~t :-: ~u:,~u a.m’..on Friddy;:Ju~;..;:i " :.. . copies ’may". l~e obtained at the. " " "..,ower’-growing b ue...Ceanothus;:there .....J.~ ¯ ,, ..... " .......",:...~:.’~:.,.... ,....:.,:. "r!;~, "’ "" .. ¯ .... .. :.....; ... " .. ¯ ¯ ......... .. ..... . ...... . .... ’.. aT.Tne TosemlTe-Loage.poo,"Tlle!.K ¯ . . :: ’r : ’:’...".Personne ’ ’Office-.".: ’ .". . .:;. is moreof.:the" attei’, on the B g Oak ,,,..:. v.... .... ..:....... .............:.~-.,:.. -:-..;~.i~,.:..,. ;,. . ....¯ ..v: ....- ....... . .... ... ’ .... ..... ...-. ..... .... .-.. ¯ ¯ " .. ... Lross. sw mmng...c~asses’.~wi~.:.pres" . ...;.... ~HHHHHH~ee4HHHH~eeee~~+.. Flat,and I think:H’is, increasing each . ’ .~,- .. ":.,: :: .... " ......,.::.;...i.......;.. ¯" ¯ .’::."- ":. ¯ .,." .... ’ : .. . ¯ ’ ...... .. .. ¯ .¯ .. a+a.mnuteaemonsrrarlontor-pare .¯ ¯ -’.. ". ’... ’¯LOOKING¯AHEAD " . " ". ¯:year in..... bothplacesl or perhaps the : ,:.. ..... :,., ;-,.":,~; :,’ ’..’,.’ ¯ ’ . .... .,.: ..... :.... ..... . .’ ...... ¯ .... ’.. .. .. . .... ’ ... . ". ;,-~". . .on .~eacn ng,.; Tour k.nJld:to~wJm~ -~, ¯:has .. ¯ -’;".. ’to. precipitation. .winter ...~..: ...:::.-: ..v/’ .?..:i.v +...,..,.~ ¯ . .?,.. .: Look . .. n,~ u . ahead .m"~0veme I"’. ’";n" "" heavier ,’ ... " .last ’ .. . ’ ~, ¯ . -..- .,... . " L.IOSSeS . -~ nave ¯ been.-in ,’session nto ~i,:.:...k:".i.; the operation.0f i Badger.pass;.:the ..br°gght::,m°r.e. bus.hes.i fl°wer]ng’. "ti~e pas;twoWeekSund~r.tl~e"dire~i ’:’.ii:.:: .:. Y0semitePark".a’nd".Curry Co. haS:.".. Snowbush, an0ther.:Ceanothusi"ils of Conn e Meihereii/..~]+sisted: I~~.1"~ i..;....":: ~... "ordered fr0mthe Thiok01". ChemicalmoundsOf creamyblossomsbearing " .Tocher and-Mcirjoriesmi~h,;~.as.ir ’ " ,! !;".;..-Corp.. in Logan, Utah, a large over-- ’ outthe nameibloomsalongtheroad .t0rs, with helpi fr0m"/~a)m:ard". l,,: .:".;:. "::..fhe-snowmachine knownas"a’ Track- . betweenchinquapin, andBridalVeil ancl.several eighth’. gi-ade.igra~duci:ies .. . . ,. :.], ..... ..,.. : :..y..: .; master... ... Vehicle..Costing.$11,000,...the, Creek,and’thicketsof. Prunus (a wild....: i ..’ .-.-o--.. . ." ’."i..: .’::.ii.... (. , ¯ . . . ~/... ..Trackmaster has . .a:Ford-Six truck plum or bitter cherry. With scattered LOCAL. STUDENTS,. GRADUATE,’,:-.: i.’. .. , ./......eng ne and is. equipped"wiih., a bull- .. white flowers .Of stiff, spiky stems) ¯ ¯ ¯ . . ...’.. . ........ : ........~., :.,.~,!.;: ’~ :. i .... FROMCOLLEGE, ..... ¯ . %!.).:T.,:,""" /. ¯ .. ." :v..dozer that. can be attachedto its front. often line the banks. " " " . . ..... ¯ . .....: ... ¯ .;,,. . . .. .... :...,........, ...’~....~ ’ " ’In the type of snow in which it was ~ .Peggy:Proctor.has"i gid(duated .... : Fivehundred feet orso higher than ¯ . , . .,........~.,. .r,, . ¯ . . " tested before purchase, the vehicle ¯ .,.:~. the.Universitylof Colorado in elerfien’:, ~.-. Chinquapinthe: blue mountain.forget:..:.. outmaneuveredboth the weasels ¯ toryeducat, on... She . Ws..pend":"thiS;. .. ":"-’::::’{":.:..,,,.. ’.: ." me-not (Lappu!a, knownin its later" :.: .".and Bombardier already in useat ’: "..: .’ . . .. summer in the Valley" work ng.i.~Viih:~,i.:,:,;i{,ii:i+: fruiting incai’nation as "stick-seed") ’i~:Badger. comesto the fore between the matted , . .. ,. - .¯:,.-~..., . :.;.",.:’,’; ’,:’...?, ’ ~ ’,, : ’ .Over-the-snow vehicles fulfill three ¯ .. ¯ , clumps of snowbush and the dark There were " two:.local...graduate:s:;:,::.(:’.’i.:.i~."!i/i.. .¯ " , . ,..uses at Badger Pass, Bill Meacham +, " green ground cover of dwarf man- fromStanfOrd. Unive"rsity on:.~June’1 7:;:::i::+:+:.iiii/i " . says. They are used (1) to maintain .zanita. Occasionally there are sorne GinnieAnnSturmreceivecJ:a B;Si/::i:i::"i;:/i)! ’ " . !:..:+ " ’ slopes, (2) for tours (hourly ond of the salmon-pink-flowered forgetR.N.,anda degree, in. Public.Hedlth’!~.:i:..i/,.i:i!~i}. ...:.Ostrander), (3) and for transportation me-nots also, especially on the slope Beainning August1, shewill +.:work.:.!i!:;ii:!i:~iii!:.’ ¯ .... of workers and equipment. He states .. .¯ ... that runs from Washburn Point up in the PublicHealthDepar}meni in~ii:"/:i:i:’,:}:i ..no single piece .of. equipment will .’""’ "’" ’’ I ~=" "" ~" ::’ ":~’~’:~:;?’ toward Illilouette Ridge. The mea- San Mateo. :. "J;~:l’~ .. fulfill all lhese needs, therefore the dows, such as Badger andPeregoy, Walter Gammili; " ~Jr..! gradUaie’d]:./:"i?,:..".!],i:i; : ¯ ¯ Companyis making an efforl to have have carpets of shooting-stars flung framStonfordin.. civil engineering..:.!,.i!i::..i;., . as many different vehicles demonacross them already. There is more ! Heis nowworkingin GlacierNational"?. ,"::ii:~ strated as passible. blue camassia coming on at Badger ’ " .’ ~ :~ .; .".i Two weeks ago, a srnaller TrackPark as an engineer’s aid.and.w~ll...;.....v I ¯ . i .’: . .. ’. %.7/?-~ than in manyyears; it opensits starry :"... master (similar in size to the weasels) return to stanford in.thefa II.to ............ work.. ,,,,,, ~petals in late morning. AI the upper was demonstrated at Tioga Pass to for a Master’s Degree. . " ¯ ...: ..,.,".’".,i. . ..:.’ .’".I(:,:’LI: end of the loop road the manydeli""" , . ’~J~.LJ.’ both government and. Companyrecate blossoms of mountain bluebells lain, nestlingat the foot ofthe rocks".::,.,.i:i.i presentatives. These smaller machines . . , -. ". ~ ,,"4 (Mertensia), pale blue touched with onthe westbank.Several.turnouts{:.:::.:~:i"i:.i.~.; have 101 horse power Falcon engines, , . ; ..,:’.~:::. pink, droop on their nodding leafy will givecarsanopportunity to. pause:kiii.!~.-!:./. three very comfortable contour seats ,’" .~:~’.’"’.T stems. for a look at both. " "-.,-,’: ¯ .: ’ ... .. ¯ : . .,...,..q ~.;~ accommodating 10 people, and ¯ i’ ,./, r. i t {., ~.’ . proved Iheir maneuverability, on the ¯ snow covered meadowsand hills. They are under consideration for possible future use. A great advanlage of the Trackmaster Vehicle isthat repair parts are easily available from Logan, Ulah. At the wide curve above Mona Meadows, where lhe sharp, snow. mot|led peaks of the Clark Range stretch around to join the snuwycornices of BuenaVista Crest and Horse Ridge, the roadside has its ownintimate showing of Pride of the Moun- . . r ’. " " %’’.";i In PolholeMeadows, Where:thei:..!,.:.:i:i roadreachesthe. 8,000.f0ot .markeri!:.’"::..)"!ii " ¯ .’ " ..’. .:.: . ...’ :"L shooting-stars are just beginning."tO:::i,,;~:{{i.: " i edge out the earlier marshmarJgolds..."i)’..i:i:.i.’.]i whichcameon the heels ofthe snow;!.",i!:i: ! ¯ ¯ . .’- 4.’:’1 indeed, +herearestill a.fewpatchesi...il..;.::i ! of snow for youngsters to playin. }.. +! ’; .,.] ii,,’:’i:}’il]] . :. i. ¯ , " L ’.. : /,"..:’:’r::i. " :.. "’ ¯ ’:’i., :..;",)5 :., . ...,, -., ¯ . .,’ ~.;:.:..’V;,::’.!~ ’, .. ..i.:..,.. .,. :’;’,. ¯ ’.~...:_ "~". ....: "C.... ......,. ..... ’~"~: ¯ .-.: .% ¸’ " .’. . " ":. :. ...".: ¯ ...’¯ :-: ..:.....: ;-.:! "~,, ": " ¯ ; : .:.. ¯ ¯ " ’~ ~ ’.’..-’ ,.. " -. ¯ ¯ ¯ :. ,- ~.: :.¯.... .,’ .,,;.:. ~ ,.,. ..,:, ~ ,. ~ .... . . : ,r : ~’ ’~ .... ¯ ~ . .... ¯ "j’" ’:::~. ¯.~"." ,.... ".. 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"- ...... ¯ . ~ , " ..,.,..:"’¯ ,." .’,,’. ....... ::.:.,:. ~..,..: ,.,... ,-, ..,.,..,.,...,-: ............ ........ ..... .,..,...... ,:............. .. ,: ...:,: ..... ’~.~.’::~:’ ~i...-..’. ,’. ..... ..’;-". :,~.:",,. .,::..:. s ;WHERE’.; ’UP"THERE?-:": ’: ;::(!i!i’,’:!i(i ’,[’ ] :::i(:::: ’ WH.O i:/";~" ;. : i:"i/SWING:iyo, uR:pARTNER!: :,./:;~.;!. ::I;A ¢HR!STIAN!"M!N!STRY.IN~YOSEM!TEi::~;i~II!I:; " :;:."’;.:: :. ,. ,.’,::<.,::: .;.: :,..:....’,..,... ,,.;.,: ....’,..; .:. .",,’..’~..: . :.,’:.: .,;.~.. ~.:...’..’.:.-".::" .....--" [....~ ’..:i.!,. .... ’..,’ ............ ,....,.....’;.. ,:., ..!.,:.-.’..,.’::.: ’:’:..;;:.:....:~-..,’,-:,..,,,..:..... ’.:~’.’!.~....,...~ }.... ., : -:i:~;..:; ~;’ .;:.At :Tuolumne. Meadows Lodge there",., "There S:~u/’,,:~",Ll~’n,:i,~,:,~; ;.,i ~.,~, ..... ’:" .This’ Summer: there "are: twenty-two:~°.;":;;.: ’. ...:"-" ¯¯ ¯ ’ ..... ’ : ’ " ’ ....... ¯ .... ’ .~v ~-~ ~ ~ ivl ~ .~’’ ,.~ -. ¯ ¯ .-....’, ’~. ¯ " ..... ¯ ¯ ,. ,’-..: ......’,:.,, ,. , .,. .. ¯ , ". , ¯ -, .. ., , ..... ,I . .~ ¯ . ~. .... .... , ’ ¯ .,,..~,...~ , ’r ¯ : .... ’ .’..... .~ ¯ .. ’. ,, ’ ,L,.~".w~ ’. " :: ~~.!!’. ::.:,:. s .:a new.:, ma nager ~.:. Mel’.;. Naja ri a n,: :." ~0veer; ai-th-eLos’t.::~-rr:n~ n/;’~.’ -.’coe_qe""ii an’d ,"theoogica .::.,:" " ’sen inar;y:.-.;.;"~’-:,:~:..!# . ~.:::.: ’. .... "" "" ’ ’ ~ "’ ~ "" ¯ "’" " ’ "’" ’ " """ "" ’ ’’: " " " ¯ e" "" ’’ """ "1# """" ..... "’~’’ "’~’’~’" "; ’ " "" " "’" " "" ’’ "" "’" ~’" "~-;"~’ """ "" "" ""J ’;": J:" "’’’: " " " " ’ " "" " " "’" "r" """ " "’ - ’ ’: : "" " " " "" "" " :" " "’"’. "’" ’" """ "." ...... . ’" ’ ".’.’ "’" : : ’" " """ "" ’ ’: " " " ’ "’ " " ~’ ’" ’: ’" :i’’" " ’’ "" ’,"11 ’{," ;" [ " ’:} "" " " :it. ¯ ¯ ; ¯¯ "..>:.,;.’..-’o student.from .the. Umversty .of .dav"~v~n law nr,~-~....~..qrl: p,,~,~l,,n,:~,: ~,~. students, nvolved: n the work..of. A,.. ....;. ,. .;. : ...:.. ¯ .... .. .... , .,. . ,;, .. .... , :¯ ’ ¯ . - . ¯ :." ,: .... :,~ ." .... , .... . :’ .,. ’.,.,. ,". : ,. / ...... . .:, ~ . . . ¯ ¯ ., ,~...: .. ....... ,....,~,, ,;.,,,..~.,~ ¯ "" .:.!:.."lit."-t::.:.Ca fornia.i:Hewasa; cafeteriasuper:."we"a~: ~’~1~’1" ~’l~t-~]~: .’-’..:. ’~’t~n~¢’q ’’t’~ " Christ an;.Mini_4try :in’: Yosemi.te.::.:iNa:::’ (’.[ , I,. ~:..-’," ..,:2,z,; .,, ,, :,. ’. ’ , , ¯ .’ .’ . ’ , ’ .. , ¯ ’., ..... ¯ , ,., . , ’, ~’ ,: , , " .. , ’ ,. - , ¯ , .... ~ ....: ., . ,, .-- ,. ’.. -,:., ,’ ,,, .,.,~ ,,. ,7, , ~ , .... ’ .". .¯ desk..assistant:. " ¯ -." " ¯ : ’ .. ! .: :.. ".".: Visdr::: arid, front. ate, W~ ,-~m,~ ." ." "’ "... ."..’ ..:." :/..";:. ’ :. .’" . ..: .. ~"ti0’r~al;." Park/:..These : students..: have.i.::;/s:..".:ii ¯ .’," ’ "’, ’ ’ ’ .... .’ " ’ ¯ . ’" I’,’~’ -’" ,.." ¯ . ¯ ", . , : "’ , "., .’ , ’ ~’~’’’~.’ ’, .," ’. " ..... ". ’ . ’ ¯¯¯ ".:: .. , " ", " -., " . ¯" ", ". ’’:t’ .." ". ’: .¯~ ¯ ; "’ ",’, :~ ¯ ’ . ’:i:.’i ; ::’:Gacier Poinf last.summer.:..: ..:::: ..’ . ."~ ."....".i ..".", .:"!’. i ~o-...." . ..:":: ’ " . come i0Yosemite~ tl~"two.iol~S.to :~:.:/.!..:.. .... . ..... ’ " ...... . .... .¯ . . . ..... , . . .... ’. .’ "¯ . , ’ -, " .-’ .. ’ ’ . ..... .. ¯ ’ .’ " .. do..!:.. ’.; ¯ . ..:-:’: .: , ¯ . ... ..,.: . , ’. .. , ’... ,.-..,,~ .’.i..~ . , . , ¯ .... . ’. . ,. ¯ .. , . ¯.. , ~.. ¯ . . :.. . . ¯... , ¯ , :. ...... .. .. ,.......: :.. ..- ¯ er,¯ ¯ who saga n. "Chef ..... " ’ ,. ..... -~,,. .......... ’ .: Most by.,the .Yosem te-....~ ’,r’~ t ’ " - ¯ ....¯ ,.."". ~......-..:.~...Martha. .." are ... . ~ ...M .. .... .. ... ¯ ". . ¯ emD ¯ ¯ ’. oyed,. :....., .- . "-.:-: ....... :. ¯ .."-’~ "., ¯ . . "3U/’¢~/~I~K’ rlu:)/l:331=3..... " " ¯ :.~~!"i.".i . Clerk,. fells ’about.a:.number, of era-. :...: ..... .: ’ ...".~ . ":..: . . ." " ! ".: ,.’ Park:ond.,.Curry.;Co’i,::and .their:~:!’off,.i.:,::.i..:",’,~:i:i ...~ :: ,... ; ..: i..~’:i,,i:i.i"ployees...wh0.. have ..:re i u r n e d for: "..:. i,. yosemite. Lodge .h0"siess is Mary L0u"::" h0urs,~.. are.:dev0ted;:.;.io.; the:[iwork’:,!6f:,.iiri,:.i’:"i:.’l.:i ~ :".. :: . ¯ :!’:,;.~ i.:.an"other. SUmmer:...":.:.:. ..."::" ."....:".: . .:..!.Sturm;’-."h0me.":fr0m: theUniversity’...of ..the.-..ministry:.:.Servi,~es~.:.of ....w0rshipi:".i..:.i:!i!i::,.i.i I .:...’ .:. ’ O~-timer .. ¯ ¯ .: ::t::.~i."."./.. Bob Roh~;eder: is:’: cool<:¯Ariz°na at Tucson. ’." ., ,....: .".. :". Study arid,: disCUsSion:::gr6up"~":..:CiiOiis~:!;:’!i:!:;!!,i.’;:l. ¯ ., . ¯ . ., . ,.. : .’,. ; , ’ ,. ’ . ,, ,, . . ., ¯ , . ",..,’: , ¯ ..., ",, , ., , :,. : ., ,,, . . ’., ~., .. , :. ’~ [,[!..:,, , :..¯ . ." . , . .’," , ... . .’’ ,, ....:. " .:. ",-., ¯ I ated."act . V ties;.:":; ".’i ....; " ".~;’..:::’,..... n .boss~:~Gene Fie. d; ..-a "..,. i"":ar~d’, ~,..-i"tc ¯ h e A, so fr:om "the. of.., " ,.... :,~riz0na; I .i, .:.. ’,,. ,. ’., ’i...’.,.:~.::.’;,;.":.’i.:.~’ ¯ . . ¯ ...,, . . . state.: .... .., : ,. .. . : and: .~ ¯ bther .!. ’ ’ :.church ,. ~ : :."..:re .,. . ¯ . .. .. ’". -. .:;.:.:.’~.-:::biol0gy major..from:. Fresno:State :Col-". which:is herhome; came Pat Thorson " : These.Services’of.worship.-ands.other: ...-:. :::.:~: . ¯ ’. i.i.iiii:.:i.lege, .:iS..":"on.t.he.ldesk :f0r.i: his.: th.[rd:.)fb..behostess ai Wavvona: H0iel.:She..".:.acfiv’ities"areian..exten.s.i°n:.’.°fithe :mi.i~i21-.i-~ii)!i:ii:i.il ." . .. ’ " :i":.. :?summeriHeS"a very popu ar..hiking ’ workect at cameback. nn in PhoenX stry of .. the .Yosemite. C0mmunity:.-:;.~:.:~.-; 1. . : " ’.his i !i"i-’.’":i I! compa:nion beca:usei;of kn:owlege-¯"last :seasoni":pri0rtO. whichshehad.Church and:unde~.:.the:~ge~n"eral)"diiec’":"i.!i-i.:::,.".)~ "r " "" ’’." ’~two’ i..-.::,.., of ithings. to beseen :a ongthe"itra Is;... been years.in:"1;he" Or ent as a tion ’of the ch urcli,s. resident..minister;/ :"i..,~.,i . . .. ¯ ., . ,. ,.., .. :. ¯ : ¯ ...’ . . :... ~. . .. ¯ . J. ~ :: . ¯. ., ¯ .. ¯ , . . ... . .- . " . ¯ .. ¯ , . . ,. ¯ . ’ .... . ¯ ¯ ¯ . . ., ~. ¯ . . - , . :": ’: Cindy Merry is alsoback at the desk; Pan Americanstewardess’ She Says."the ReverendBill Henning... ’ ’,..:..I.::::...%...:.../L: . .. .. .i.’:’ : :.,..i. And"there’sJohn:Buckley,.Audrey.i.’ sh.eg0i tired: of "beingup in the air.’.’..’ . Working..with Mr."". Henningi’."this":..i".’:.: :} . . :" . i.;;"...:..:Jung, ..Garey.Crelland:and.".:Diana . and..wants: tokeep.her. feet 0.n.:..the. ; summer..as .di.rect0.r of :i:the.....Student..(..ili::. ’i...i. ¯ .. .i." ..StrLJCk;:wh0 shared resporMbilityr"f0r.".gr0und fora while. -....: ."..": Mnstrv’s John Basye, a StUdent"at.".""; " . , i.."i!’...i. the notablemusicalactivities Of last.: i! Hostessat campCulry isi.Mrs Rose!:. DrewT’heoi0gicalSchoolin NewJer-::::,:"-: .."!. :"~,. ’" ’ ’ ..... ’ ..... " " " " " ii.."."summer; Freda Haas, .Sue.Arbuckle; mary"Peterson.who......graduated from": sey,. whoi with his ~wife Joa.n and:. i "r-’~i.’."" "’E~lliott" Smith, Fred Rentschler;"Janet"AlamedaSfate College on June9and.. daughterRachael:(bomiin..Yosemite..:.,....:i ~ ... .:.... ’M6.rr~is, whois in charge~ofstUdiosin . will.teach eementary.schoolat :last¯ .:.summer)," has :returned for.his.:.:. ’I .. ¯ .. .. . ’’" . ’i’.."’ ’odge and store; Ann Whiteside, .ski Pleasant Hillsin. the:Mt. Diablo Distric:t third . sumrner.witl~.~the:mihistry staff,"""....~. ¯: ,. . : . . , . .... .. . . I ~ I I I &"I I f I " .... i’’ " instructor last winter, and SteveRonllr in Yosemite. : ’ .. .. : ¯. next year, " ¯¯ ¯ ’ ¯ " " " ’ " ’: . ¯ ¯" " "’ ’I ’ " i: ~ ; .feldt: from Sunrise"Camp. .. ¯ ¯ ¯. --o-¯ " :. ¯ MemJ~ers of the ministry staff in the " . ;’... .."... . . . " . Areturnee with three Summers to ¯ MARRIED Valley cOmefromas far :afield.as ~ I". her.credit is Carol Ruedy who missed " Hk~rvard Divinity School in Massachu" . ¯ . . . .... i : ....... . ¯ Dick.Easterbro0k,ayoung veteran i:.".iast summer because she was o setts, Columbia Theological Seminaiy in in.Georgia, and Pacific Sch001".of~ . " ." student at the University of Madrid. of .seve~’al summers’., employment ¯. ii : She went there on a program from Yosemite, returned this year with a Religion in Berkeley. At Big Treesl. the ... Middlebury College in Vermontto se- ¯ bride.:she is SuzannaTalbot Easter- Student ministry ¯is represented by ¯ ’ ’ ; :: .:. cure ’ a . Master’s Degreein Spanish. brook, and they were married on June. Richard Keeverfr0m.th e-. Universi!y .": .i i0. at McClellan Air Force Base in " .’.,. " .. One international-type group shares a .. .; Sacramento. Suzanna and Dick met of NorthCarolina.. Skip Smith, student ¯ ....tent:Carol, fresh from a year in ministerat Wawona,is"assisted~by ¯ as students at the University of 1he .. ’ . . . ..:""Spain; a. Mississippi girl; and Suki, Sandra DcuglaS, astudent at WellesPacific. Their home will be in Sacra~".. ’ anexchangestudent from Japan. mento where Dick is a teacher in El ley College..Glen Williamson is on the "". ’. i’ Barbara Whileman and tiny daugh¯. ’ CaminoSeniorHigh School. At present desk at the Glacier Point Hotel and i i... ter are living at the lodge while ~. he is chief clerk at Camp Curry and ...... conducts the Protestant worship there. " . Waynespends his time on the trails ~ Suzanna is a Village Store office clerk, " ’ : ’.Supervising ~he high camps¯ Grace and Donald Mitchell are the ... i return to their former position as ministry team atTu0umne.Meadows.. . At the stables, Bud Shannonis cor’ ral boss for the second summer. Ro- managing couple at May Lake when Donald is amemberof the PreSby, i bert"Deverick returned to managethe it opensin mid-July, ! terian Church of New ’Zealand and .. ’.’store.. Marilyn Cook, of Auberry, a Gladys and Stanley Smith began is nowstudying at Princeton. i student at San Jose State College, is ~. . their second .summer as managers ’ The staff of the ¯ministry in Yosemite. .: .,~upervisor of the RefreshmentStand. at Merced Lake Campwhen it opened .̄ She worked althe Stand last summer. June 22. this summer is representative of... eleven Protestant denominations and . Cordelia and Howard Layne opened I Chester and Hazel Patterson are Glen Aulin on June 21. As of last is peihaps indicative of the desire of again at White ,Wolf. i" ." " . Sundayit was reportedly necessary of the church"s.youngergeneration. Dollie and Clarence Miller expect " ..¯... to swim the river in order to reach to speak with one"voice in affirming. ~, ’~:. ¯ ’.. GlenAulinvia the regular,trail, unless to be here for the Sunrise opening,, the . Christian..faith, tentatively scheduled for July 17; i .one was on horseback. The Laynes will : . .., , ’ i:"’ i:’ .:: ’; .. ’ " .. ¯ !i I ¯ ¸. ’i ’ . ’ ,.."." Control methodsconsist .in .testing ¯ !":"."..;.."the Waterin eachboiler Systemap¯ i’:. . pr0ximately three times a week.and .i". ".. adding chemicals as indicated. The ¯ i"i... ’ .cl~emicalsusedare. premixedformulas :"." :"i.. ¯provided by the SkasolCompany. The ¯ }..:!".:.... condition of the water is tested by , : a method.of color comparison slides. ~... " In. addition to altering the character i...". ’ of the water, chemicals added lay :i. ¯ :. a.proteclive coaling on .the interior ~"" " of pipes and boilers. ¯" Waler in the swimming pools is ¯ "treated as is water in the boiler !.. . . systems, except thatl since it is cold, " " .silicate of soda may be added to ..control the pH factor making it possible to use less chlorine (for control ...".’..of algae). This has a two-fold adVantage because chlorine has a corr..’. i:..., rosive effect on plumbing as well as ~... " on swimmers!Weolher and use cause ¯ a. varialion in need far chemical additives. During busy, warm days, .. water in the pool is checked twice a .. day. During the past year it has nol " been necessary to replace any pipes in the pool systems, and there have been no cornplaints from guests about too muchchlorine in the water. : The long range objeclive of the water treatmenr program is lo stop .. all corrosive act;on within the boiler ¯. and plumbing systems. Recent tests made by the Skasol Companyafter million mark thiS.yearseem to have’ been .well founded. As ’ of..... June 12, . according to Superintendent .John C.: Preston, 352,690 visitorshad been recordedfor the ¯year to date.. This¯ is an ¯increase of nearly.50,000.0ver the same.peri0d in 1961, or more than 16 percent.. ’ " -o-Switchf0r:specialeffect; volume.con-i.i..":::.,:il~ DAVE SUTTON trois for . each": p ckup Ad Ustabe...:~(’."! , . . -. ,.".. .’ . . ’, . . . ¯ . Friends are saddenedto hear of the br dge Spruce top ¯ and black .....map.,e.:.::: .. |1 sudden death of Dave Sutton, former Assistant Park Engineer, at his home in Death Valley, June 17. He leaves his wife, Jean, and two young children. Ernie Byers and Rev. Bill Henning attended the funeral in Lone Pine. side; 38x13x2 inches. Three:months: -. !. i i old. Cordincluded.$¯75¯..Phone.:FR::.:.::: 7. 2-4335. Danny Grieve,.Ei Porta.!.~..:i. ".... .." " ::.1 Lost: Girl’s black¯¯¯ I’’’, Englishibicycle; ENGAGED (contlnue(l threegears,¯ baSket, horn,,headlic3ht.":;.:.:":~.ii-! ’:" :." :] Pat Wallis, FR2-4656.‘¯. : :. " N .-... REFUSECOLLECTIO " " Joyce. Westfall, daughter. of Agnes and Waine Westfall, is engaged to Robert Hollingshead of Sacramento. Joyce is a graduate of Fresno City College and Hollingshead is a student at Fresno State College where he expects.to continue studying next term. Both are presently employedin Fresno. The wedding date has been set for Augu.~.t 25. from pagc. 11 " ’ ’~ " ’" ’"’:" :i " " " " ¯ " " ". i’ Dumpmasterrefuse collection trucks.:...".’ The trucks are equipped to lift i.the..8...:.i... cubic yard containers¯ and dump the.. I collected refuse into a compaction..i ...i body that will handle 100 cubic ¯ yards .:: . .. .. ¯ [ of loose material and compact it to.". ’!. 24 cubic yards by meansof a corn-. .i . ~. i pression plate.¯ ’ " "’~ ’ "i ~. ¯ )i..". At schedued intervals the Dump-¯. i master truck will service the camp-...-i: .. . .’1 ¯ one year of treatment nave ’ " shown grounds, utility area, and concessioner.’ ~ ¯ con-":~’ . . ,.. :, that 75%control has been achieved. .storage containers. Concessioner I ta;ners.,will vary,in capacity from two ii.:.! With experimentation, mprovement cubic’ yards to 8 Cubic yards. ’ is expected. (~;.. ¯ ¯ ¯ ,,,:, ¯ . ¯¯" . ,~ : "-.| ’Lq-’ I . .., ,, .; ¯ ’. " ". :(.,.":",/d ........ ’~.....L. "- ’ ~" .."’r.~¯ ,,... .:. , . ¯ ¯ . ’. ’. ~,. ., .... .. ’ FRIDAY,JULY13, 1962 .. ¯ .. .’. ¯ . .. ¯ .: . ¯ . .... ..... ........ .. ’.. .. ¯ . .......-.. . . . ...... .:. " .. ..... Q . . .-: .:~ Yosemite. ......... National: Park," Cahf.~....":..;~ . ......:-. :..! ., ..’ ....... " ’ASSISTANT SUPERINTENDENT’. ’ ’ " ::":. . ,, . ’. . ’ ... . . . . . ...’ . , , APPOINTED FOR YOSEMITE . .,. , i ’ " :. .’. :: " .. ’ . . . , ¯ " ’ : ¯ . " .,.. ’ . " I " ¯ ,.. . ....Granv!lle B. L~le.s,.s.uper~ntenoent .o.f ;".. Death Valley National .M0nument .: SinceFebruary 1960, has been appoin. ’ " ted .by National Park Service Director ’ ConradL. Wirth to be assistantsuperintendent Of YosemiteNational Park.. He. will. report to his newassignment.. about July 16. Mr. Liles, a career government. .employee,. will succeedKeith P. Nellson, who was recently transferred to the National Park Service Regional Office in San Francisco as assistant regional director for administration. Mr. Lilesjoined the National Park Service as a landscape technician on lhe BIue Ridge Parkway, ’ Virginia: . ’ ".. ¯ :! ¯ .’ . .1... ’,. : . ’r .’ North Carolina, in 1938after six years "i ~,: :.’¯ ’. ’ " " ’’i ¯ ’" ’ - "’:-."". "’"" " .... " " " ..... ":" with the U. S. Forest Service, Bureau E~zile Ceres(t ~ the "Dooclle~Bt~g"fl~, of Public Roads,and Soil Conservation wh,icl~ h.e lmltls d~’ltgs:fo~"variot~stt~its, Service. He was successively a park Last year YP&CCo. entered into ranger, dislrict ranger, and assistant an agreement with McKesson & Robchief ranger on the parkway before moving to MammothCave National bins to buy outright from them all Park, Kentucky, as chief ranger in drugs used. Previously the drug racks 1947. Later assign~nents as chief had been serviced by several drug ranger were at ShenandoahNalional companies. Under the new arrangePark, Virginia, in 1949, and Great ment, two employees, Bob Jacobs Smoky Mountains Nat’l Park, North Carolina-Tennessee, in 1953. In 1957 assisted by Emile Ceresa, keep all he relurned to Mamrnoth Cave as drug racks stocked. Central Wareassistant superintendent, a po:;istion house managerBob Bevington reports held until he movedto Death Vaii~:y that the change has been very worth in 1960. while. Mr. and Mrs. Liles are th,~ parents --O-of four children. Their youngest son, L. M, HOSPITALNOTES Granville Liles, Jr., wlj’~ accompany Dr. William Lifson,. whojoined the themto Yosemite.Another son., Jerry, altends school at Andover,M~.~ss.They slaff at the end of March, has rnoved to Sausalito. also have a married daughter residBonnieBagley, a patient for several ing in Phoenix, Ariz., and a son Howard Layne will managethe camp aoain, leaving GlenAulin in charge of Margaret andMilton Overpeck. ¯ Mr. and Mrs. Overpeck ai’e from Tucson, Arizona, where he has been: an airplane mechanic ror National Metals Aircraft Assoc. Mrs. Overpeck has had considerable experienceas. a cook, her last job being at:Phi Delta .Theta Fraternity at the University of Airzona. " ’ i .. ’r ’ LIFE SAVINGCLASSES . Red Cross Junior and Senior Life saving classes were organized at the Camp Curry pool ¯ on wednesday eveni ng. Instructing are Connie Metherell, Marge Smith, Nancy Man’ ahan, and Maynard Moe. ~O~ . i !, " [ . COUNTY LIBRARY HOURS Summeremployees might be interested in knowingthat there is a branch of the MercedCounty Library located upstairs in the museum. Hours are ’ serving as a Navy lieutenant in Viet weeks, is makingsatisfactory progress Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Sunday s from 2:30 to 5 p.m. ¯ after recent surgery. Nan3. - I~/~i~l:.5’(~:ES ANDARENOTFORPUBLICATION ...................... THESE ITE/,3sAR-E FORTFiF~iNi’ERES;i:di=P,Z,RK . ~. ¯ ",- i.. ~!:~, i~.!-, i YOSEMITE!: SENTiNEL!Iii:~!::I:II’:.!:i~!~I!’i;,II i"~i ’ "+..,"t i’..’. ,’’- , P~..’:,":, ,: ",, ;,.. +; .... ,’.,~, ’ ::.: , ....." .;, ,’ ,"; ,’’,’, ,......;..’.’......;...~. + ~~,~, ~++~H,~H~,,C +.~. ~.~..:...:::; ’.,~.. .-":. HERE’.AND ..THERE+: !.....+.!I+ ?".’:,:. .......... .i~:"..:+.-: ‘ .+: FAREWELLS. FORiTHE!MAItSTON, " ’:"": .’’:""’-:’.:’’U+.’: : .?.+"C’+’r’ ’: .:’~:’"’:+: :’ +::++."’’:"+i’:"+"+:" !’"+"’~uests:’ha+e:’ be+n :.thHll+d ;to+-hea’r~-..-i;-/.: Zella ’a nd+;:.’’ ~’I ifflr"i"N~Orst0’rl+.r:"W+++l;-’+;; ’::.;Pub!!sh~’;by~)+ "+:.+:.: ;~;;.+":-."f:..:i: +;:’::tJ:1+(::m’elod+6-us:ivoi<~e. :!+f:i:C’}~ ~clc:+"Dfaz.+:..:+ pr+s6cr:: af’ j:a):.::f+"!:;W+ll.~:++~p++t’yj"::,’++"+~’:! :.,""+’: +::...... .... i ... :’:"’:.:!+::::;".::i~:+:: ’ ’ " " i:::s+.::::::!"i+’i ’:"-":Y°semite!:Park"ond:Cui;ry:!C°;iY:":’ "-"-:comi:ng/"flb~’: ih:e:’ hclian".R6om."c+urtng::+ ::tl~+ r:. ?I~ano:i:+by+-:the!:C:a~~;u~n i’::"~; .i " ........ .~ ....:. ¯ .-....s.:ngs.Ind~an ........ .." ;.... . ¯ ’’r" ":Portal. "": " ’ ";’ " "’:""~’"" ": ’."’:’": "..... ....":.’"’ ....... ~:’:"+’~;’ ’ . ’’:’’’:;’r-’~ ~ ’’+’’F refa.+ each.n ght. as.he :.. of:El.. on.-Fr da~a., evenn"::’:’" ..+. I ...:::...+.........~,.:....+ for the..... mformatlon, of.+.:.-.:... ¯ ......... ". +.’ ":" ".":’ ..+-.::.:’.:,.’ 11.~P~. :’ . +"~::. ¯ ’. i+!:.:i .’..iToseimite Vaeyi-, res dents~. ..::’:. :-.::"".,:.:.......:..:.+..;:.: . . .; ; ¯ ..":...:"..;’-":..... ¯ ::... -... .:+..,,,;~::.;:;.: "1~"’ ’:"111’1 J"1~:"’ : ::11:: ::~~1’:"’ ’ ~11:’:I: ";’:’’’:’rl’: ¯ " ’ "" " ’ ’ ",, ~" :r" :r 1++’:,’"11""1~’iI’ :’I’"" ,’~ 1~’:" ~":11111’’" "1" " . :.:~... : ....-. ’.-.:.:..:.:..;.. Love.". La~...~pprec]at~ve .+comments.. :-.z+,..meywerepresentea:.w.lth::a::mc . I-:::.:’.::++.!::/". ~:,S.t~,<e.r.(....,M, orgens°n :;~-u-.-.~..~a!t°r:i:.: .":;+ake.:variediform:.::.One..!:g,~;e"ning;. :as.:!....i t~ee"a:s a going a:way::gifii":i":;~.i:!::...;,’:!i: ¯ }::: . n+:~uennmann;,u_:U:_~__:Aavisor... i s~)ng and F .efg faded)"a ;fraveh~r: : Re iikemehtafte+r 35: + +a~::~:"~ i h " "L. ." " +::" . " ’ .r" 1. +:, H’’. " : , " . ’ ’ " " , ,: ’ 1" " , ’ " . , " ’..’1 ’ , " ’ ; ..... :. , " :: ¯ " "¯ .1": . ’ ....... ’ 1.. + + , . i ¯ +.Z ’ ": :y ¯ ’1 ". , " ":!’: ’I ......: .!/.:... :.: +;: :.:.. ,.:... K..0.u,me.t ,.._:_.___.:...::.~_~dvl.so i"c0r:~mentjng"..to:..i l~is: ’Starldaid.Oi ::Co:m~:a"ny;:: m";St )~.."in r .. :.:." :i w;as..-bverheard ¯ ... :~ :...:.+.,:~....H. : Berrey ...... ¯ : ......... Adv,sor... beatsI he ’hell:but" of :::’. a ieab:wc~, i:"n -~ :i;:a-~6:n::forth’e"Ma..... . , ~ . ... .. ’. ¯ -. o " . .. ¯ . . ., . . ,. ~ ..... ¯ . :wife; "That.sure +::.... :Ma communications to Y0sem te ". : . . .... " ’ / ’-,, ’ " . ""- ’ ’ .... . ’ : ¯ ..... ¯ . 4 - ". .i. ....... . . . ¯ ¯ . . i : :: _: : : : , ...... ...... ’ ...... the , Hawa~anWar Chant. ........ ,~ovetoAameda on ‘~;~c _u_. " ¯ ..’." .’ ’. " ! lie , ’ C/O "T;~,&L," L,O , or "" " ’." ¯ i~:.. ..’ .: ..- ~. :" .. -" . + .... . .... ...... . ;’:...::.:.....,....,~,~,~. "l:C) ",-,.4-~I o Am~:o.’ , , ~ii iVll~ ,.,ii~ , ^;4,~:+,~;.;.. .~ I UH~/ ¯ , , , . : :;:+.. . ,:L.; ......:... .,:.....:~’... :.’:.~:". ¯ . , ’~." . .;.. " I’ ¯ k ..... -:+ :. ’ ¯ ’~, ......................... ;’ .+ . ~ .~ ..... :The. outdoor d n ng...... area. at Yose’1 the..party+.There,.Chff w ........... ’ ......... ~:""’:+.:....... ..... " ’" . .... :... o ing expecfs..:,..;+,?.,:.+ ... , i ,, ¯ ,I . i ........... , p ’ ~r’ ’ fll .... . ,,,, , I , , ,,, ., , , , ¯ ,,,,~.:,... ¯ , ,. ,, ,., , -- , ., ~’..~.,,+~ 2,, , ,,:i, m~teLoagek+oTTee ~nops proving’ to - to enter: a cab:-’~’-;+’+~:L L. -,:, ...... ., +.++-:~:,+++. be v~,r "!’~’;~’U’~:~umness’w~m~:~!:i~:ii!~ii~°i~i~ : ; ~ y pdpu....ar a ga n....this Summer !:: :~:: ’ hisbr°ther:inLlaw,:HarryJe’ssen:.~::"!!i!!i:!:i~i.+:iiiii:iiii~!l :: with itS . d0zen. or:so. tables usualy" . About25 0f Marsto:":’: n s:co:worKers: ~:.: ,~::’:~i+~i:;:~::’~-~’ . : ::: ,:!i,~:.’!i ¯ :: ;. ~’~H~HMH~O’41~HI~¢,~¢~41,¢,<~I,4~+ : filled.: ~ : : :~, :.. : at Standa:rdOi honored::him::~i~t ~r~’~’’i:i’i’i~!i’~!ii!i: : : ’ ::~ flY :-:i : .". :,, M~i:’v’~(,~^,k,~,’,-^,~,~ ¯ ¯ ." t- " ¯ ."." ,’.....~I[;I,,I /Vl~’4~ll~llrl~llji,,kl~11,.,le" . " , .. ’" " ’ . . .. ’. " .’ . .. . ." " , . .. . . . .., , .. ,. . . .. . . I+ , , :.:;’!.’~-L:’;:i.’ . ’. ". " ’gathering on Juhe~27’+at~+:+’~!~:?~ :i: .... ,,: . ...... , ; . ~., .... A brthdaypartyfor MtchieS ver-farewell t~ t~epalrs ana Improvements are me ..... .... , :+:::~::’:. :’ ’+ :’ented+wltha,,i:~L~-: ; . ..... : .., ..... tvofthe ’ . .smith ab0uttwent Y wh ch time he wasr spe y .... -:,;~:"+::~:!~.~:~!i~!~: i. :i :: ........ ¯ ¯~ : contnu~ng res~onsb Man- was .... atte’nded:b , . . :,: : r. .: r: ’~¯:’:+,+.:,~+’+~+ ’: tenance ..... ............... of her..... fr ends, in her " P . tra nmstor radio.: ++;;::~+:~+~,+.... ..... .... : Department. At Stoneman : tent on the Cam Curry Terrace, July 6. Mitchie, a maid: ’.. water ,: nearer : , i : "~-amp a new not TheMarstons’ ::-i -’L *’: : :: :: : ~ :i :: i! ;,!:i~i:i .’:. ; and _ ,+ . ,., ,., y : ..... :wsn :~o :express:,~::! , , """ at r4amp Lurry, " I ¯ ..... ~:+ " ¯ ’ ¯ therdeenannreciat.~o s’ Ink’ has" oeen : installeaat . , . ¯ . .s . ~rom me onerman . . ¯ i’. :.": campneaar- r r . . . I ..n..for..the.:.i..:....~.:.:..:,~.+. ¯ . Inst tute n R vers de ’?. . ". "..".:.:. ! i’." quarters.;.. ". . ..... .... . .... ... . " ..... " ’ " . : . wonderfuJ ! farewelll pariy:’...giY, en.::;io.::,;i:lii.:ii~-iii!!i’.i . .... ..... ..... .... , : :: : Copies’ may be Obtained at: the i :;:Y:: Personne office ,: ::: !~: r:~,~,+~’. ~. " :’ :" !.. ,. ¯ As 0 result of the housing survey’ CaroI.McFerrln,. GrizzlyClubJeader,thembytheir.many;Iong.timefrJerlds..!i~i!.,.ili.;.i;:.:i.._i~(~i... ¯ ..: ... :!:: madelast year,: in mid-July several leftthe Valley lastSundaytO prepare GfY0semiteand El Portal,: ~ :!!~!:!:::;::: :+::"~:’::’J;t: for her¯approaching¯ marriage tO....:........: .......... -~-~,~:~.~:.:::~.:~.~.:!~.~::~:::~:i:!:i~.!~ii~ii~:.!i:~:~:~.~: :. maintenance and remodeling projects will be started in employeehousing, George Sheets of San Jos’e, who is DIVOT DIGGIN$. :: : !~ ::i,:!:/:,i’,::;i:?:!!,:~: r : .. " "¯ "" also a former YP&CCo. employee. Repair work will be done on the Mid:seas°n:°n the~Waw;na,:~;ol:f:i:,:ii!:!!ii!ili!i ": ii ’ foundations of several houses facing : .... ~semite.This wasCarol’s third summer in Yo- coursefinds both menand:women~i:’iii’!~.i’i:~i~ the Ahwahnee meadow. Six bathclubmembers practicingior their::~e~’::::i!~!i!!:i!~ii : : ,~ rooms in employee houses will be JohnPincini hasreturnedto resumespective championship matches.The:::!ii,:i~:ii!:ii!:l . his former position as chef at Camp remodeled, and extensive painting menwill qualifybetween Jul~,:i4il~:::’!:ii::::~ii!:i’ill : : ~ will be donein the interiorS of houses, Curry. and 22nd after which therewili be:i~ii::i!ii:i:i~: ¯ apartmenls, and in rooms at Yosemite El Portal real estate has beenchangfour weeksof intensive play~off.in:!i:ii::!.!!iiiii Lodge Annex. ing hands with alacrity. The Cliff After the erection of the high camps Marstons sold their home to YTS twoflights. The1961chc~mpi6~ii::~::~i:~i~iii~ii!l: ’Fred Vinson, ~s not expected:to be !::.::Si is completed, a carpenter will return driver, Jim Simpkins; Howard Say....... present to defend his title, .... ~::i:i::-::~:::-~ ~-! t0Glen Aulin to build a wood storage age bought the Tom Libbey home; ..... :+,.;~.: lans::’: :’i;::~: ::ii ’! bin, and plumbers will construct a Bradley Zollars and family have The w°men’sclubt°urnamentp ! water line there. Work at Vogelsang movedinto the former Savage horne. will be announcedin the near future:’ ::~!i:: l : ::’:’ Eclectic is nowunder-way:ii::~’~i Camp will include a wood storage Mildred Barrett, primary teacher Their July...... with competitionbasedon five cards~i!:~:ilili~i bin, a new hitch rack, a new roof on at the El Portal School, has been in - ....., I" " I ’ "" ’’ ":" ;+:r "’~~" I"" "" . " " the lantern shed, and extensive repairs Hollywood 1his week attending a per month. : ~::::,’:~’;I to the corral. The hot water storage Writer’s Seminar conducted by :~he Thefirst club mixed-scotch:t0urna-: ’~::~::", system will be remodeled in order ment of the season resulted :in Guy ! ::’::ill Palmer Inslitute of Authorship. Mrs. to insure hot showers for all weary Barrett is lhe mother of CampCurry Lamoreauxand Hazel Warren chalk .... ~:J~.:.! ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯¯ . , :¯ : ¯ %,¯~:,,; : travelers, including late arrivals. ing up 31~,~ points to win the event ::::~;.!i transportation agent, Steve Barrett, Although in summer, most of us So great was the demandforplaces whichwasfollowedbyap0tluckpic-~.::!::ii:!?i" ,.,:r put winter sports out of our minds at the first AhwahneeFirefall Bar- nic attended by 40 attic’ ants and-: ::~ii P P ¯¯ , ..... this is lhe time whetl inspecl;on and becue of the season on July 3, thal guests. A real sing-out as led by :i~;!~i repair of equipment are necessary at dinner was serve~J to 130 persons, Prexy Herky addedto the earful of::+ :: r.; :::!~: :;i;ii ¯ :¯¯ ¯¯¯;:T~ Badger Pass. To keep the machinery a few more than possible they say. the evening. .... in good running order and insure its The barbecuesare scheduledfor "rues. Th~ Annual WawonaMixed Sc0tch ::’+"~ ¯ ,:r ¯ ; ...~ safety in use an estirnated $12,000 day and Saturday evenings on The Openis to be held this year on:Sun-: ’;~ ,::I will be spent before the opening of Ahwahneegrounds. They consist of :’ilI day, I!II:I! AugustI26th, followed b)/the+ the ski facility next winter. This sum o smorgasbord and steak dinner .u.:.ual presentation-picnic ust:off the:i:::+.;iiiii~:i~ is str ictty for routine repairs ~ndwill followed by western entertainment fourthgreen.This "eventis thelarge’st:i:,:~i::iiii:ii!! provide no new equipmenl. an¢! songs by "Hank" Reynolds. fun~for-all affair of thebusysummer, :i:::::ii::’;i ¯ ,¯ ¯. ¯ ¯ . ,,::: -/ ¯~.:~ . ,’.::..’.+;’~ " .... ? . ~.. + .:i "!. ... ¯ ’ .. Daveand. Gail Wilson, of Hayward, , give manytests;, then you Iknow how. ¯ different accounts..’which they put. .:...i, you are. doing.. " :...was born on June 29. He Weighed chase,store anddistribute.. They : 7’pounds, 6 ounces. Proud grandpar. I havei ~... .. It is muchharder to get into col. a new Thermofax copying machine:. /.; f::.i...ents are Ruth and Sturg Culver, of lege. in Japan,but it is easier to stay with whichto do thejob. . "" . " .".:..."i ’’ . ¯ ’..: Yosemite. once you get there. You. have to study ¯ ... " Theten. accountswill be listed, in" ..; real hard to stay in college hereL ~ ::... :." SQUARES TO BARBECUE High school students work very the catalog as.follows: Food.wclre. .-~ :.-’: ; .... The Bootjack Stampers invite al hard in order to pass the entrance house; Soft drinks; Beer and wine; ~.. ". persons interested in eating or square examinations for college. Sometimes Hard Liquor warehouse; .Taxable " ¯ .: dancing (or both) to a beef barbecue they try two, three, and four times merchandise for resale; Film.and -. and danceon Saturday, July. 28 at the before they pass. the tests, and tests ;"" Mariposa Fairgrounds. The barbecue are given only oncea year:. photographic Supplies;Central butcher shop; Candyand gum; Tobacco, :. will"be. served in the cafeteria be- Whatif they don’t pass the tests? ~; ’tween 6:30 and 8:30 for $1.50 a percigars, Ronsonal; Operating Supplies. .There are special schools for tutor. "] . . ..,...’ son. Outdoor dancing will follow. ing studenls who do not pass the ... What do they do in the summer? ..... ... This is to be a thirteenth anniver- exams. They travel; In high, school .they .: ~. sary celebralion for the Mariposa Do most high school grads go on to have to stiJdy so hard they have alcollege? square dance group who meet regumost no time to do anythingf0r fun. " .... . ¯ . lar y every secondand fourth SaturNot all, but most try becauseit is In college, everything begins-datincj;. ’." ~, : , day,.in winter at the old Bootjack almost impossible to get a good job fun, travel. ’ Hall and in summer at the Fairwithout a college education. We think there should be manymore~- .’. . ~L...-grounds. Another difference is that here exchangestudents betweencountries. .... TomRennels of El Portal, a Y.P. & many students work in the summer Yes. Students do" more to. give a " : ~ " C. Co. employee, is the newly elected and pay their own way in School. good impression of your country than ’ ., . ’ ..president of the Stompers. Theydon’t do that in Japan. tourists do. .;. V.’ L,’.’ .L, . .... .~,. . ...... i.:.~/~ / ~ ..~ :: ::/~: , ’..-.". .... ’. . r/." :L~ ¯ ",’. ,. ", . -.....’-. ~1 .’ ~ ’:/" ’.. . : .’ .... ¯ .’,, ...~’:i’ ~. : ."~.~ .~ " " . " ’. ’ ...... "~ ’, " ’ :% .... " " :., , .,. ¯ , , ,. ¯ ,..~... . ’ = ........ ’. : . ¯ ..i’.. : ’:. ¯ ,i. ~i/..~....~ ~"...J . ~ ~ .: ::(::; ~j/ / ~. : L ,~,-- ’i~,’./ ’. " ,,. "/:. " ’. ¯ ,.- .... . :: , . ’ ’. ’’ " ’ ’. ¯ ~,-.." ’.’ ¯ ’* -’ - ’ . " ’ ¯ ,..’. ¸. ’2 ," " / , ~ <" ~:r~/- " ¯ ~ . " ’ ’ " ’ ~’: ,/~,’. :.::::,.: i:.: ~ .:-r: ¯ "~ .:,.’ ¯ "" . " . ] ..,..~:.:,’,.i. ,.,.’..: ",’~, ~,.,. .,I!C:~.~ ",.:~ .’ :’;-" .,’:’: "" ~. ’~’:’’: "~ "./’:" ".’~?’~’: ’. "’ : ". "~ ~..",/~,’;’l "-(.!’::"..’:" "’".."’:" ’,’" "".’""’l"/" i:’’ "J.’.’./"’ ~’. "’:" " :’:"~,......’" ’"~’";’".’L’; ’~,: ~’.’: ""’" >"?i" ’"i"’/i"~ . . ,.¯.::,;".:’~’";;"’.~:,’:.’::.~17"’." .,.l .. l . .. ¯ ¯ ",. ,L’,:’...,’,. :. ,l ;f’,."" ¯ . . , ",’" .... :, ¯ . .,: . . ..... ,,,.,..:...l ,....-..l’" ". . ,...... -.,.l .....’ ..t "r..l..l:"’J"’ii’:J":".’, ... ..... ¯ ... ........ ’ .. .ll~..,~.., :"’~:~L. ."’-:."::: .,.’:l’. ;.:;’. ...... ’,: ’.’’<l’..’. ...., ,’.:.~ .".l.." ".:’-’~C:~ ." "’l; ,,. . .:,.....:,..,,l ..~., . .. .,,.... ,.,.. .......,.l’, . .,...~. . ...... ¯.. . . - ,. . ¯ ........ ¯ ’...’L’:~ ’ .-"": (: :"!.?:-:::.i:’..i:j:~l~;: :..;;: ...":.iX2::~"2z:,’-~,,.X;2.:~,~Z’:.,:.i.::.,:".:ced;:’Lak:e"¯for!?the’..S;cbnC] seas0n.., wift~~::"( prlately:.edsd~gh:~,.:61}l~urel~ : ~ :. ’ " :" ij.i ". :J :"f(j:jj i;.~,’...~..~;/.~:i.~’r:~J.~!;.i~’~:j., a ::crew:"6f/:iod;;~:iiea:cl~::.~iih:::~a ;P:ejci6l".~,-i/,haili0g.fi~brfii.Biuibank;!/ela! fO~:~!:a]):.,i~i " . . ¯ ,’".:’ ":. ’. ~ ’"’ .’ :."’. 7 ,: " .: .’.. -,",’. ,. ¯ ’. ¯ ’,’ . . . " . ’ ".. , ," ’’"".." ". ".....,’. ".~:’. ’., . ’ ¯ ’- " " ,,’ ~.’: " ,.,’:’, ’..."-~ ", "." .’:-’," ,~,’’ " ~-’"¯ .’’~:. :.",. .¯ ..... .". " ."" .... ’ .. .J.~.-~ .-.::.~-=. years¯ of.exper ence...and’:serv ce.a - .. .. interest or: ta ent. to".contr bute.to .... ¯ ’ .... " .. i.::".J :... i...¯’....; ,.: ": i... : ......,., .....,. ;.:~.......: ...:... :..-._. .. ..<......camP. .... life,":, the~,.)a’re;.look]ng ?"forward :.Yosemite:.. ore";expectecl...".to,.i.g]ye:.::him’ i.:. ’.I :i .". ~:.ii~ i.:J~ ample"backgr0u"d:J,.a nd j.": i nsig i.!i.i . ¯ " i .:<.- :::. i ;.j.:..’::i.:": " ..:..by-. Pat::.Thors.on: ..-.,. .. ’;;;. .-.io ano;h:er:e/qoyai;le ¯ ¯ .’ ’~h ¯ " ." i Ii.":".~."...JUNE i .. .. ."i/!..."i:..ij":"...:::..:.i.i i- ai’leng: :...".: 2:i.::’! .:.!"..ii:~:~ ::.:. ’ .~."Kg,}.D’ekke’r,"studeht arthe":Uni~)"ei~/::...:directing’the.aiti~,iiies~gft~i~ ~ " ... ...i.::i". ". . .. Mr. FrankPa~-!~;.Associate Producer ..slty.of Calif0rn{a~ at.:Davis,."again-will." ingl..and .:ver~/: CoS:mdpolitan""crew."’.}h6i::. i.i.." "." : ’ ’ . ’:..~.:.""...O:f. /GUn.Smokei" spent.two.daysat ":blaze¯¯¯new :iiails :forth0s.el..ambiti00s..: :{:spresentlyplay{ng.hard.and .... " " ., ’ ...’." . " ’. : .;::,:~-.:~: - .’"." .... . ’ " ..... ’’ , " . . ’ .’. " .. . ,., " , ’,’. . ".’ ". " :,,’ :"i.:. . :. ’,: ....’..-, .~ : . ~"~’<": ... ..:.~:.. :. ,= .... Wawona,:enoy,ngpeace away¯from hikers. Ken Mi er, Un vers lyof Ca -’.. :hard way up at G. P .. ..... ".:....:.:..~.:...’...: " . ..... . i ’ . i." " ,.’-::’ ,",..:.’."-it’:"!: ~".".’:~.’;"]’.. .’ .’," , ." " . " ’ ¯ ¯ ’..- .... :’ .i... . ." ." . : ¯ - . ..’ . ¯ , .¯ ": ’. ,-’.. -.. ’ ... ., . . ¯ " ;...:-..Paramount.Sunset-Stud~o.. ~n. Holly-.".forna. at. Bei’keey, is. drone natural,st . . ’ ¯ .... .. ..--,IP-.~ ~..:..:...:"....’.:./.~..:,;.:-~L~.~-~..’ , " " ; ""’ ’ " ¯ ’ ’ ’ ¯ ’ . ~" ’ " ’," . ’ .. "- ¯ " ’ . ’" " ’ ’ " . " J ’ ’ " ’"’ " " . "’ " .... ’. "J.’:: ’.’:". ~ ~".::":",":)""l~ ’: and he co ectons for the Cahforn a.Academy ¯ .. OOLDI:N .WEDDING .:. ...... :.:.~;~: ::...:.;~..:.:. ... ~-: : wood¯The¯staff adopted, h,m: v.., ¯ . ,. " " . ....... ¯ ...’.. " ’. . " ... - ’-...J . " .. -.. " ¯ ..’.[. ... " -.., ~’ "...:, .r": .,;i."J,:j~j. . ; . .,~ ..:.,.... ¯ ¯ ;. .. .. :’. v,s,ted. F~sh.: Camp:and.. Bass: Lake. of Science.Katie Bonnell, also. of. the .... ’ Mr. andMrs: Charles-iWebber : " 0f?: .:.;::;~:~l: ’I., .: ... " ": i... !.. :.. ¯.university.. of Culiforniais" expert:’at" San"Leandro; ¯ i.i:. i dan:ces withthem. ’Who"reCen"i ,;Z"~ceelSraied"i::i:’.:;~:ii!!i! ..... . : ¯ i ¯ ’ . " , " , , ’ ’ . . ,. ": ¯ ¯ ¯ .. ’ ’ ’ ¯ " . " ’ .,. . ¯ . " .... ., ¯ .. , .- , ",.,;/"..:l, ’:’ " -. i. ’ . ’ Genera Dean, Of Korean Warfame, . .swimmingand. he pfu to guests who ¯ their gO den Wedding"a"n ~vefsarv"ai.:i;:’.’~"!~i l JJ:;):::J;~:llJ.:.. J . !........-"" Spentthe week.withhis wife .and.the. like a little.assist wth their backstroke."’ the.~iil~ome of their...daugfiterJa’n"d;s6n~:"j iof E "."i;;::J. i:,~’ii" .i . ’Ca if0rnia.House Party group--alumns. R0nEggers,"siudentatReedey co eye in-aw. He en and :TOm"Rennes ..... .. ¯ ¯ ¯ . ¯ " ¯ ’ ¯ .’ " " . ’ .. ..... " " ¯ . .: . " . ¯ ¯ .. . " ¯" ’~. : :.?’.’:<,.’.:1 " ¯. . at Ber-. . w ¯ be. n ~’.....-.:..::-:.":’:;:"{:’.:.~; ty of California ’""... :. ofthe.... Univers. . charge of the.......... vo leyba . " P0rial,.. . reca I. that ihe r ’hone: yrn~56n ,.... " " ’ " ! : : keley. " :.:. " " tournament. ., " .."" ’ " :" " ~. . . , ,., ... . " . . .. . .’ .was . spent. Jn ...Yosemite: They."..drave".:.i.i.:i".~).!),ii:iJl.:; :. ’" : The talenied staff members got to-. :fromthe SanJoaquin"Valley"!.to:the"::.":?i!:",~"!( GLAClER"POiNTBOASTS" ¯ :" "getherfor a.weenie roast at the river ¯ ¯ - COSMOPOLITAN CREW ~ . i Park in a: spring .wagon.. wi’th": "iWo~:i::i!’~i)":"~i}: " Saturday night, June 23. Lots of sing.horsesand. two saddles¯and.:.’spent..-’:..,.::~i. ¯ . .,, by Olive E. Bradshaw’ ,. in,,...stompin,, swingin’, and guitar Several weeks ridingith:e..mour~fain..J’j!il.j,.::.!...i:j. There are6 countries (France, Ja-.’ trails. During the.ensuing.fifty years ...:./i !. . plUckin’ accompaniedthe hot dogs. " pan, England, Canada, NorWay and they¯haverepeated I ¯ " ’ ¯JULY their Visit to."the’;::::;J-.:::i".ii.! . , ...’. . . ¯ .. .; .Mary Engram, of the "Four Prep’s Switzerland), 23 cities, 14 states¯ and. Parkmany times,,usingdifferenttypes....’j:.::iii.:..i. ¯ 16 different co{leges and universities ¯ . Singing¯ Group," spent part of his of transportation._-. .. . ..:.. ..........-::.:. ¯ . . : " " - ¯ " .t " ~ ":.’.>1 honeymoon at Wawona. He was very represented by way of background ..... ": -, "1 , .’j "L L/,, ., qq :i"... entertaining, andkept ¯manȳ of us by.this year’s staff up at GlacierPoint ", INTERESTING’coNTAcT -and these statistics are currently ad... laughing. ’ of: ...... ’ " " ’ ""Mr. and’ Mrsi.Edward J.. Dav.,s, Robin DePew, a Wawonaemployee, ding up tO plenty of variety and mat~y Hamilton,Ohio;. stopped0vernighi.’"at.i.- ’; .:".";i i. :.was elected president of the em- vlewpoints. The~hwahnee, onJ.uly 6, with a ver)>i.. :~.:. ’j..!.¯ ".’ L: pl0yees entertainment committee. Although it is not likely that many specialpurposei mind- tO viewfor ’.."J.. : ...: .’!.~. n Mr. Van Ravenstein, Consul Gen- of the several thousand guests exthe first timethe subjectof a pant.lng...i.. ..J::.: ""’ eral of the Netherlands, v~ith his wife pected to be served this summerwill ¯ ¯ which had been given them as a Wed-"...-ii .. and two sons, Mike and Adrian, be particularly aware of the varied dine gift in 1924..The subject .was.. .. :"! visited for a week. backgroundat work behind the scenes Yosemite Falls and the" artist was~"...i.i : C. Weed is leaving Wawonaand -the crew itself certainly is. Wehave Mrs. Davis’’ uncl,e, ¯noted Sc~lpto.,’i ’-:¯ . ,,’{; " ¯ a number William Zorach. his position as RoomClerk. Charles, amongus several artists, " ’ .... whose name we have always spelled of amateur musical impresarios, an Elizabeth Baughman,Whomet and" :..: "Seaweed,"will be missed, but he has accomplished twister, two ski intalked with the Davises, says that Mf."!.i".":"! decided to head toward the east coast structors, at least one barber, a former Zorachfound his earliest inspiration ’..J..i and Florida before returning to Yale WACofficer, two journalists, two diin Yosemite. "The Nelson Rockefeller,:..:i. .. . . .. ¯ from whence he came. vinity students, a coin collector, a collection has the Companion picture¯¯¯.".,.l .’.1 To everyone’s surprise-the dorm political exponent, a championswimto the one prized by the. Dav se.s.:... ":!. was shortsheeted. WHODONEIT???? mer (but where’s the water?) and Mr. Zorach gave up professional pa~n-..". ~ Har~py birthday, Ronald Urritia. whistling bird-watcher. ring in 1922 in favor of sculpture..-: .We all pass 30 sometimeor another. For recreation after working hours He is perhaps best known for h{s ..i PITY. The sands of time. Run plays lhe staff at Glacier participates in ’Spirit of the Dance,’ a.huge Sculpture¯ > :~ golf very well anyway. bridge games, chess, hikes to scenic in Radio City Music.Hall." . ... ’ ~ Hi. The 4lh of July was a BIG happy spots, spirited discussions on many ,.,, ,, ,, .,.,, ,., . .... occasion for the gang at Wawona. subjects and a very popular game Wetoo!< over the Rec,’eation Hall, with called "Going To The Valley." Church For rent: House~W~r’~{n El Portal. See ’ :i.~ Mr. Wright’s blessing, and had a very services are conductedregularly each Toney Freitas, Yosemite Lodgētrans- "" ’~:J i dancie, punch party to acknowledge week. A hay ride, a ping pang tourna- ~rt " ¯ . .:i ,._..abort desk. ’ . .t our "lndepen-dance." ment and a much-looked-forward-to For sale: 1954 Mercury Mon.terev. ¯ .: watermelon parly are scheduled. FR2-4852. " . .’’,. MERCEDLAKE Presiding over this lively bunch{s For sale: Car water cooler -- 6 volt;. : Stan and Glodys Smith have re"t. mar, age"r Chel Hubbard. He is, approlike new. Call FR 2-4279. $20. ¯ "": turned to be camp managers at Meri ¯ . ’ . ¯ . .. . . > i I ..:l i: i :, I.... EMPLOYEE ART EXHIBIT’ Another summer art exhibit by " .employeeswill open to the public at the Lost Arrow on the. evening¯ c.f August4 at 7:30. Any employee or resident of the Park is eligible to enter his work. Entries will be accepted on ¯ August 3, at lhe’Lost Arrow, between 2 and 5 and between7:30 and 8.3.’..’3 p.m. The planning committee announces the following rules: 1. Entries will be limited to three per exhibitor. 2. Entries mustbe rn.atted and ready to hang. Oils may!be. framed or unframed. 3. Entries are to remain during the entire show. 4. The exhibitor’s name must be on the back of each entry, Through the courtesy of the Lions Club, prizes will be awardedfor the three best enlries in the entire show. Judging will be done on August 4 before 5 p.m. ¯ . . . . The two 1~e~pi.old.~--"Ha.Mc"Retli~olds, u~e, stern singer, gives the "stage center" ~o "Rolly" 1~eynolcls, cowboy. After b.reedcfast they entertain w~th songs and guitar" (ts well (~<;.u~il.h a continuingba~i.ter tlic~t guests love, Thoughnot related, f:ht~lk $nl, rod uc(,’.~ Rollil rts "~ybZoodbv’ol:her,’" ’ "Wecen~’tbeve’r~,j closelyr,;h~.l, ed," s~.-ysRol.l.y. "Weget alongtoowel, l." Photo by D. Morgenson I-I~k’s ]ra~ Pl~.oenix; ]oII.y JrmnSa~~m Brn’ben’a. ¯....-. --: -:_;:._-...’ " "_’’.:-.: ¯ Y’::’.’.’:: --’-.:’.: ..... WHAT THEY DO Varied is the work done by Yosemite Park and Curry Co. employees in the summerto serve guests who come to vacation in this national park. Pulling on the popular breakfast rides (usually reserved to capacity) r~:quires a small but efficient staff recruited from several units. Among The commiltee in charge of the project ¢onsisls of MaynardMoe, Chair- Ihe tall trees on the banks of the MercedRiver, Nels Nelson, from The man; Troy Riley, Camp Curry life and Ron guard; Marvel Richmond, CampCurry Ahwahnee kilchen staff, Prestridge (Ahwahnee Dining Room) Souvenir Shop manager and curator al Palm Sprir~gs Art Museum; Bob arrive by 6 a.m. three mornings o Stone, Housekeeping Carnp manager; week 1o set up and cook a really deleclable breakfast over a bed of Roberi Jobe, Yosemite Lodge bicycle stanct; and Alice Ryan, Lost Arrow hot coals. Guests will be about 25 horsebackriders clue to arrive shortly hostess, !:.:~r an’/ r.:dditional information phone FR 2-,4631, YP&CCo. Personnel Office. Refreshments will be s,~rved on opening night. The show may be viewed between 2 and 5 p.m., or between 7:30 and 11 p.m., any day except Wednesday. ........................... TH sETEMS AR:6i-T-fii-i i:i:r EsY or- after eight o’clock, and sure:t0 be hungry, as they will have been " astride for almost an hour. Theset-up is simple but effective. Thecharcoal .in the big, flat firebox is lighted at once. The cook and his helper are not the only early risers on these mornings. Hostesses Kit Whitman(Ahwahnee) and Mary Lou Sturm (Yosemite Lodge) comewell before eight o’clock to spread the long table with a red checkeredclolh and set it with white enamel ware in real outdoor Western style, place pots of syrup and melted butter, and a half cantaloupe ateach place. Onenote of sophistication is the huge coffee urn, but coffee is EMPLOYEES ANDARE (C0niinucd onp.~g¢tour) FORPUBUCATiON "...... ¯ ." ,i,:/..,,.. ~....-"i: ¯ ~.:.,..i ¸¸, .~/:...-, .... ."." . , ..i/. :... - .. .i..~ ’ ’. ’ ’; ¸ /..:... ~~"~.:. ... " .- ’ ¯ ~,!’: "~ . ..i .... 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Jin~~ Landy.andcarolyn: Collier,;bf ..’.:: ..i.:,wl~itewolfl-is. enj6yingo n;unusua iiy.~/.: ...." Fo~:~.:Cla ren.ce....and .."Lo~ise.:.:Woeli~i~ji!.!!:i,ii~i.;:i:i~!~:i, ,. ..".."i. :.:....i ’ . ...i:~!i...iii,:i ~ !:resn0,..wer.e married;i 9n.July-:...1.4"at. : busyseas0n as.morean~.more..pe0ple...."i~,. ::w.asi..:i another. ..b0y,.!.;..ilChristcphe~.!~i.!..1,f!..~..i!ii!~..-i..:i. "..."..i.. : ~ ;:....i.;,..Our. Lady 0f..VictoryChape " i~ Fresho; :. d Scover .itS .oeacefu "be’autvandde:.. "k’;,’,,i~ ;"~,X~,~ "i,, ,~ 92¯:¯¯7¯ b’s;"-.i4-~:,~-i.~.",!’:~J;;-’.-:,’:.:i.., . .: :..:~ " -~ ’i:i+’ r:o’~ ":! :: i:~:;~!"~i ~:’"’:i~;~/.ii " .I~ , ¯ :.!’.::,Aftera honeymoon at¯ LakeTahoe/the: cous, .home-cooked meas":.~ ".’. .:.’:’ ........ .., . - . , -. ’ . , ¯ : :. .’ .. .... ... .... . . .. ; . .. ., ...... ’." . :. .’ . . " . . .’": ,’.., .:--.. ~.. ..... ,..., .. , . !: .: :-. :-’ . , ..:i. ¯ ..... .’~’l.-~. ’ .’~’ ,. . up residence .:in :’.: Backfor their:f fth year are Chester.,¯ .... " .. ... :CHANGES ..... ..... ¯ . !:~.~.iLi::.Landys"have; taken ’", ~.. ~.~,.’i . . . . . . ¯ " , ’,., " . ~ ; . , ." ", , , . .:’. ;.: ..’..,’:, "’, ’ " ..’" .’,’. ’ . ’" ," , "i.. "~’: , " ", ¯ . "..’ ;" , "’ . . . . ., - .r ,, , ’ . ’. : .... ’ -, ,." ’.3 ¯ , 2.~;.’-..." ,. ,’, .l~.’ ¯ ...- : il;,:.i ii.: :F;:,r.es n 0 w.hereJ,m,.sl. a ¯.studen Patterson.l!.s the :second .. ’ Torep ace-theGreenfields asCarn~p"i.~ .":i..:i’" .:! :i ...i t at. ;. andHazel. ’~ :~I~’ ii:;i"i .~."i.. ’~ . ¯ "~"//~i .Fresno¯city College."and.Carolyn’is../.summer for 3eannieMessenger,. Sotero;..mana~er:s .’.. Ruth"a~nd/.Jim’;":’Downina : . .:~ij’.i.’.iempio~ed. by the state.. Carol~,n,"."a "Martinezl .andEd,and ReaBurrus.:Ed .",2~2=.,~’.’,".~,~;,~n,i..:.+,.,. ~/;,,~.~.~.,.:.~/..;~;~....:"iii~.’~~’!. i " ../. ’ .. ¯ ’ " ’ ........ /~J~.J~ ’ iil~.Jl~’~.J~.,4br~ ./%,,~ ’ T~P~I~-1%.~iI~ "’I%’Agl’" "/" .’~.’.’~l " " ’ " ~. .iiii!’::ii"i:~ii graduate.’iiofFresn to-"-,.::.;~ii. ~...:.. . -~ o i StateCollege;:..’;iis in charge..:0fthe ..s!aBles,aided.by .week...TheDowningSarenot neW. .i. i:;~:."~.:"w6rked.lastsummer.in the. YP&C Co.-.. GeorgePearce.RonStrucke.is"assist-. "." : . " ": "".::" " ’"". .i !="" "-:i: ’ " . " .Yosemteor.!o working n Yosemte,;...~..,.’:.. .-....:-! .I ... ..’ i:!.."i.i;.ii.:.,~ccounting Office. ’i..:i..~ . .:,...i.. ...’ ..:ing"Mrs.",Pattei:son with meals.,New . a¯ l ...special, .. .. preferen:ce;.f~i’. . ..... ~,~..¯ -.,,".’’:’;":!I and. have " " .... ¯ ://..:~:.:...i..Mrs. Pauline"Landy (Village Store)". ’helpers’ areJanice.Copeland~"ca~olyn .’ Vogelsang. During~the."1.953~summer."!,’:"i,:;i.~.i ¯ , ".. i. " " ’-!:ii.L..:.,"isallsmileS overtl~e.acquisition ofa ¯ Prentiss andchuck" Riden...- . " they both workedaiGlacier..l~oini/.".-Li.:.-:./".~:/i";.t . " .¯ :!.:." ;;new"daughter-in-law. " ..".... ,i.. ’. ,...: : Rangers in. the WhiteWolfareā in- he:asbellman,houseman ancl..main:.:..i....i."..;..i " .... :. . :. !i....~...i .......i .. :.-.......-o.,.;": " i.,.. ":""cude: Lee:Verreti(Whte"W0f).’andtenance....... ’~ ’ ’’t;:.::- "; ’ " .... . :r ¯ " ’. ’ .= . ".’ ’ ... ’ ’. . . ¯. . .... , man;.She as.maid": ":and’"caf-.:.. .., ,. ... ¯ : ".. . . ". .; .’. . .’.. EXIST¯ :".Clyde :Quick (Harden. Lake .II’.".~...’r’HOUSEKE~:PING CAMP DOES Camp, eteriaserver..inJune of this.year, they ’ "i" -.i ..;~. . ¯ . . . ¯ ... , ... ¯ . . . . . .. , . . ¯. .." . :.. baker t¯ behind..that, ...i".i..i../......:.. byBob ¯stonē ..- ...grOUnd).. kl.oyd.Bru-..ireturned at. Glacier.~ Point. "::"... ’ ¯. ..-: .:." It. isthe ¯¯camp. jus has.a. busy.Ranger-naturalist ischedule,of daily. Their homeis.Cathedral..Cityi: ~ to -¯work". .".".’.:’/"..,i’:......i: i ""!: :wonclei’ful ¯employeebeachWhich’iS " nature: hikes;and..campfires T:. at the " ¯ ’ Dick ancl Calla.Bodden.have:trans-.~":..i: .,-.,~". .. ¯ . . ¯ ’ ¯ i ’" :"".~ Hght acr0ss from Camp. 6. . On . . the . 6, leaving Boys-Town ¯ .’ i ’..:. ’.White Wolf/campgr0und."....i" .. ferred to Camp ¯ .... ¯ . . ¯ ¯ .. .¯ ¯ :. :rivei’."River Tent".¯¯ is .an" expression . " The: WhiteWolf¯¯staff enjoyeda ¯under̄ the care :of iher br0therl.."Pl~’il."i"]"i~:: ¯ ’~-" that" every room" clerk hesitates.to surprise"birthcJay party f0r. RonStuckeFoster... Mr.~ Foster’s :wife, Gla~ys,’will ."..’ " .. . , . , . . ’.whowas’19 on July 19, andan0ther j0in:him on Augu,st:l.The~Fosters ::"": " ’i..,speak.out loud. He is attacked by " " " ’"’ ! " LI:I" ¯:every other customerwhodoesn’t get :for Jeannie Messenger on the 15th are from San Francisco’ where¯she ’has::: " ’ .... one.To get one of the fourwith .the ~,:~ of .JulY. ’. .. been employedby.the City. Of Parisl ."’~. platform in front..is.thelgreatest luxand he has beena cab driver for some~¯ .’ ¯ ., ,’ ..... I To show WAWONA .ury a guest can realize. years.Glad.to leave..city.traffic"&nd....i:.:../...~. ,’ ,.’- . . . :i"/-..fh’eir appreciation, their 10 year .old byPat Thorson ¯ confusion, the Fosters̄ expect to work . ¯ , .. " ::’~’"daughters bake tan. and white On the Fourtho{ July we had a the year aroundinYosemite. .: . ..’ :.:.i ¯ ¯ . . ,; . ’¯¯¯streaked cakes in their little wood beautiful buffet ¯ lunch .- a decorative ¯ "--’O"’" ’" ¯ "’" ’ . . ... ", .~ ._. i ’ stoves for. the staff to eat. (And the work of art, thank.s to our creative CONDOLENCE ,,,,,. !" :staff eats them because the¯re is no pantry staff Jake.Hwang and Robert Helen Ledson returned in mid-July food. unit here.) But, Rod Houston’s Bower. Attending were a full house from Denver, Colorado, where she ~ .... grocery store sells us ice creambars and Mrs. Tresidder, Mr. and Mrs. Cross had been called by the suddendeath .... ¯ " ¯ ’. for lunch, and ice cream bars for the and family. of her father. .He-passed away on... , ¯ ." .. afternoon break or a bottle of pop. Eleanor Hamilton visited for dinner July 4 at the age of 94. :.:." .Hilda Rust, our housekee p.er, ...q>... wTth guests. Hers is always a pleasant ,. : varies her menu ~n the linen room and welcome face. FIRE ¯ .by ¯eating sardines and crackers The Glacier Point crew joined WaFire alarm! , while her maids stare revolted, over wonaat the old Campgrounds July 14 ... It’s only 6:30 a.m. their midday popsicles. This is the for somecorn popping, song singing Early risers in D Dorm - Tilton,. .. !. .only unit where the room clerks and campfire fussin’. "Where’s the fire?" : the front office, The Zellerbach family have returnsweep and dust Corky,"Oh, Dusty’s probably burnin’ for their vacation. the accounts, the front porch, and ed to Wawona up the road." Happybirthdays for Ross Hallberg "i ’.each other. They police the grounds Well, almost. Smelling smoke,Dusty : away up 1o the main road with their and Jim Hall. stopped to investigate, threw off the . sticks ¯ during lulls in traffic at the Our annual, formal Christmas party ¯ smolderingload, savedthe truck (with desk, and they are convinced that and dance was held on July 25 in help from the Fire crew), got himself this is the place where the ORIGINAL the recreation hall. Appropriate to somepainful burns. .’ . ... litter~bug got his start. During the the season (the Christmas season, --o-:: month of June, we had 3800 more that is) there was an exchange of SOMEWANTTO BE ALONE! " ¯ litter-bugs than last year in our camp, gifts (50 cent limit) and a tree with Visitors: Is there any place we can our store sold 3800 more candy bars, all the trimmin’s. go to campall by ourselves? ". and our staff picked up 2600 more Obliging Ranger: Yes. (He carefully of our sticks in working order. Some": candy wrappers. (1200 blew over to -t" ¯ describes such a place.) ~. one keeps breaking all of our idiot ¯. the governrnenl’s idiot stick territory Visitors: Is there a movie there? sticks.! ...... : across the road.) All this with only . . . . i . d ,i:.". : locatiOnS.of 0ffiCes, Shops,:entertain-. :...."~ menis,a"ncl especially the location of . : i......,¯ guests!, quartersafter:.:fl~ey.:have. be: c0n:~econfused:i,:r the darkness/¯ . i .Questions Onrnar~y, subjects,.ques~ . ..lions-by the:"d0zens are asked,’ and are awhe,’e few ofand thewhen hun-mrous.ones:. ..... do they push . here"Just. . . . ¯ . .. :.... ,, ,’.:~, Lou,fromSt. Louis,Mo’;:: ’ . -..:.-i:.:.:::;.’..~, ~. " ¯ , ;" . " .;. ,,.. :" ’,’.:i" .~ "~’~ ::/. the hot ashes over .the cliff?" ReferBob.Moorehead andfamily.:from.~,i’.:.....i.:["-:. ’: ring to, guess what! just the right te~perature a~ jus~ the New Jersey(formerlyWith.Standaid..:.):i~;)::....(. .. " ~..:.i . . . "Whydidn’t the clerk give rne a key r~gh~ time. He.raises or lowers it above ~il)., Heis .Capfain ..of. u.s.steeco.:’.:i.."~;.:.i.i.::?’, . I. .".:"to my lent?" To which the watchman the bed o[ coals by settbzg ff on. bricl~.q . r.,ir f!eet; haslive .in Te.l..AvV:.:and::::.:. :’:!’ d ’:".explains that would be like locking up two or more deep. Note the h, orseshoe I.ondonsinceleavingYosemite. Loctge::?::..::-:-il ’ ’ . . .... : : .:.:.,,:r’..:.~ a paper bag. handZes o.n ~he gridclle. i . Coffee:~h p~’o-. :. i .~;i ::! ’ " ’ ’ ’" " .2"" . ~" "Where’s Yosemite Falls?" Ca!. Stuart McKelvy (standard Oil), ::~:~: ¯ .. : ’’ :Then there was the rnan who got ¯ ¯ . , . .. "i.¯:. ," . WHATTHEY DO v’ho is with the Air Force.Ordnance:.".¯" ’i!:: . .. ¯ .*. , , - ... ’. ~ ¯ : . : out of his car at ¢:ampCurry and said, (Gondnuod .Frompageone~ in Washington .. D. C., " brought’his~.::):.’i~.:’ "JL~st what causesall this geological i". .. ... servedat the tables frcrn granite pots, bride of eight month to. see. Yosem~te~.: .~:::::!. I. s formation, anyway?" He was referred lhe type that go onany camper’s fire. for the first time. ¯ ¯ " " ~ : .’ ’’ ,:.’:"~’ ¯ ". ’".’.i lo the museum. J. WinstonChurchill (NPS..Accoun..:."::::ii:!.: When the riders come through the ¯.. And, of course, lhere is always the tant) and family from Las "" " .~ liltle old lady. Onerushed into Camp forest, led by "Torgie" Torgerson,with ¯ Vegas..., ...,.~ Jirn Coleand family,, from the NPS.....:’: ’i .. Curry’s office and exclaimed to one "Rally" Reynolds riding tail guide, " " ’ " ¯ " ..-l’. Regional Office in San Francisco. Cole". :": ’~ ¯.. . . of the bellmen, "Hurry, do something, they are welcorned warmly by the ....,...~ Yosemite "" ’ the whole top of the mountain is on hostessesand all handshelp to secure was a member of the.. :.-ii lhe horses. There is a cup of hot coffee Museurn staff many years ago. ’. " ...."". .... fire!" Maybeshe couldn’t be blamed. ¯ " " ’ ’: " " " I" : . , .’...:":: .~ i This was during the fire season immedialely for those who wanl it.. . , .. and then the cantaloupes. ’" .: .., .,~"-". ~ SWAPTALK " and she had never heard of a firefall! . ..... : One day a chap drove into Camp MeantimeNels has prepared stacks For Sale: Larnbretta Scooter, i S0cc~!..""",; : Curry’s reservation parking lot, looked of hot, butlered toast, scrambledeggs, $145.00. Contact Yosemite Credit .. wonderingly at the cliffs and said to and bacon done lo crisp, brown per- ~,,,,~,,,. ¯ .. ,’ :’ ¯ .. .... lhe watchman,"You know, those cliffs fection. Ran, MaryLou, and Kit, hands For Sale: 1960 Falcon Ranchero" " .... :: look just as if they were made of swathed in protective lowels, serve $1450. Contact BillMeacheam at .. ’:: ’.. rock!" Whenassured lhat they were lhe hot food from plates too hot to FR 2-4494. ’ " i solid granite, he yelled to his wife who touch. However, the piece de resisFor Sole: 1960 Opel station wagon."" was by this thne well on her way to I:ance, for ’,vhicl~ those whoare know- for sale because owners are moving the office, "Look, Maw!Rocks! Those ing saw." plenly of room,is the stack of to Germany. Good condition. Blue "..’i. cliffs are real rocks!" golden hot cakes. Mm-m-m,lhey taste book price - $925. Call Mr..or Mrs: .: ." Henry Cool<, palriarch of Park like nothing you ever ate before, inSmith - FR 2-9924, watchmen, vows that more lhan once doors or in the woods. (We’re told For Sale. 1954 Mercury, hardtop ¯ .,..... he has been ~sked when and how Nel’s recipe is a secre;. A generous convertible -- FR 2-4852. ~ .. ...... they light the oil that comesover Yosereward to the one whocan t~erret out mite Falls at night to makethe Firefall. Most of this summer folks have had " .i Ihat secret!) Whenhe informs them there is no oil, to sit on the river bank. .. . . .. . "~ just burning embersand il comesfrom ~ Breakfa~staver, it’s lime for informal Then follows another hour or two Glacier Point, they are still skeptical - singin.q on the beach,if there is one. of riding for guests and cowboys.".-. until they seeit. Hostessesclear the tables; Nels an¯d : ’" And so it goes as the watchmenpur- sons and property, Ihev are afforcted Ron ~ack up their equipment and haul: sue their duties of protection of per- their share of an~usen~en:. it off until another breakfast ride. ’ ’; ’ .... . ¯ ,’.. ¯ ¯ . ¯ ,: , , ’)’ :..: ’ ’ ""i " :. ’,.?’~ ¯ "J -.": ". " .... " ..: " i h~’/.i:. :. :.......:.. p ,.,, ¯ ., ~ ’: . .... . ..,,,’,: ’,. * ~... ’. . .. . , ’ ’ . . ~. , : . ....... . .. ¯ . ¯..,. . ... ; . ¯ . .L’.-’ :: . ¯ " . .’, ................., ’..~ :" ,~...’. ’ ’ ": . ’ L’: ’,~, ’;’: :,: ’,::.L . ~ . ’’ . . ..... ¯ - " r..’., .. .;... ¯ ’ .. i . ...... ...: ~...:: :’. . ¯ ..... . . ~’ . . :: , . .. ..... ......S 1 ~" i ¯ " ’ :’" . :1 i¸ i ’, ’ " ’. .. ¯ ~ "~’ ,". . :,: . . . ,. .. .//~ ~ ..... .... .’. _ ~ m ........... ~ ~:~ z =:~/=~.,,,,.~J,.Q~,.., .,,~.,i~f,/,.~,l,,, . . " ~ ’, ,’ . ,, " . ’ .... ’ " ’ ". ’..’, .;.: ’~/’W~." ~;’ ’ :’./’~, :)" "’".’’ I"L~’-’/".’": . "’).’.’,L’.:’ . . .,.. ¯ ¯ ,r. . ’ . "1’. ,~ " .. ,. . ,, ........ . ,. ,...,..., , /... . ,,.. I S.’.,: .. ’ r m ’. ’ m . i’ m.... ¯ ’’mmI....... ..... :"..’ L~ m L ~,.~ ~ m., mmm" . F I m ~ .... - ~¯ ,[.~ 7,, ¯ .,’., ,. ./~ |\..,~,~’.. ,. . ,. ,.. . . , .,,,. " . ¯ , ,,,,- . . . ,,,, ,, ,,.,, ,- , ,i,,, ~.¯ ;, : ~:-~ . ....... :.,........... .....:,,,. ...,....... ....~ ~ .., .. ... . . ..,.,; . .. .,... .., .’ . L . ¯ . ., ." " ’ .,? ,’ ,, ., r ~ ,.... ...... .... . ": .... ¯ ,, ,,I ¯ ,.¯ . . ... .,. , , ¯ . ... .... ....- ,, .,.~:~,~ ..... ’’~";~:: .......... ?l i]L " " ". " ¯ i " , ’ " ~t" " ’ ~ " .. .. .. ¯ i. I..FRIDAY,AUGUST.10,1962 ... . . ’. ... ¯¯ : FORMALOPENINGOF S. F. OFFICE After several weeks’ experience in -’the Yosernite Park and Curry Co’s. new ! .. office at 55 Grant Avenue, San Francisco, manager Andy Scarbr0ugh ~. : and staff report being very pleased wiih the functional layout. ¯ The office serves a dual function, aS the spaciousness and decor lend themselves well to the exhibit of paintings which was hung for the formal opening on July 30, at which time the upstairs location was com’ pletely ready for visitors. The office is available by a wind? ing slaircase or an elevator. The reception room is carpeted in blue and r~cl, with working, space to the rear. There are two private offices, each handsomely paneled in oak. The marquee hanging over the Grant Avenue sidewalk contains planter boxes wilh evergreen trees and shrubs in them. A laced canvas awning on which large letters spell out Yosemiteis floodlighted at night. It is hoped that any employeewho maybe in San Francisco will stop to see the new office and the dozen paintir.gs by ThomasHill which will be on the walls until August 30. Thorn a s Hill - 1829 -- 1908 was a Fro!ific painter who early becameeslab!ished as the outstanding interpreter ot: Yosemileandd~e Sierra. He eventually established a permanent studio at Wawona,in the building now knownas the Recreation Hall. ::" :: : ii :.....::: ’ . . . .. " ¯ " " ¯ ..... " ¯ .... " " .... ’:"~ i ii " " . .. . ¯ . , .. ...! Yosemite Nat ona .Park, ¯ Calif. ~ . . iKEAOAMS WEO .. ’ . " TO V!S TYOSEMITE i::i ::i ’i::: ! ¯ .., Meetingand marrying in Yosemite . Yosemite citizens are. agog over¯. :: i " is a growing tradition in the Adamsthe expectedarrival in"’ the Park. of. ...:".. ¯ . ’ President Kennedy on August . 17;- : family. . SecretServicemen:have beeninspect- . .’.. When Jeanne Falk and Michael Adams recited ¯their vowsin the Old ing the Valley.~ncl, laying plans,b:ut " :! i. Village Chapel on July 28thl they at this writing, no part of the schedule ! .¯¯¯ is: known with Certaintyex:cept:that ...... he will¯arrive next’Friday afternoon " from¯Castle Air Fo’rce Base.: JFK’SWill be the firstpresidential visit¯ to Yo-.::.:. i senrite since FDR’s." " : .¯ ¯ .. , : EMPLOYEE.... ART. EXHIBIT ’ ": " " i ¯i ¸ , . - . Mr. and Mr.~. Michael Ada’ms (Jeanne l;’~dk, dctughtcr of Mr, clnd Mrs, Fredrick l,~c~l.l.~ of Orincla.) after th.eLr weddine in the Old Village Chapel,~’Brian f’¢dk, the brides nephewenid Vb’gi’tl.’~ct Ma?jhew,~:iece uf the g~’oo’m,, were .r.hlgbc(z.re’r(zl~dflowerg~’rL his becametl~e fourth c0u-pieih .......famiIy to have met in Yosemite and been CHECK CASHING wed here. On the samedate, July 28 On pay day, you may save time in 1901, Mike’s grandparents, paintby cashing your check at the unit er Harry Cassig Best and musician where you work: The AhwahneesideAnn Rippey, started the tradition with hall .... 10 to 1t a.m.; YosemiteLodge a weddingat the base of Bridal Veil linen room - 11 to 12 Noon; Carnp Currytirnekeeper’soffice .--2 to 3 p.m. (c,,nd,,u,.,I ,,n pagedm,cq ................ : :" ..... . . . . i ’ : !, : ::: : "k. "..’.’.’"J!~::’’" ’ ¸-~.’.’.’’-’!’’."’’’~" " ,V... " ,"’ "’.)?’. :ii: :: ::::: i ,~..-.. : ..... .. :..~, . ,’. . r’ : ’ ".’:" . /: . "’.’ . ,:::: ¯ : ’ : ’ . . , " :./’, . . . ............................... ~ ~ r ~m ~ -I TW~ .................. , ~ ~ -,,i,~ *:~’ ..... . ,z.~ ~ [ ’ -", ¯ .:. . ¯ ¯ ....... ~, ’.’i ¯ . F.~, :,~,,,. ~~ .,,,~.,~~-...,~--~ ...... ..¯ .... ~..~ ........ ~ . .. . ~_~ ,~:~/..-...~.~.~..::.~ .~.~.~.~.~. . , ~ . .:.:_..~ ~ ~.,~...~;:..~ ..~.~.~.~_....~.~.?~,~.~ .,. . . . IP/~ ~~~.~.~ ........ , .... - -,,’~-. ,. . ¯, . ., . ..... mL..............~ ~j~,~.,b.~-"~,~, ¯ :.. ,... . . ..... ¯ ~... ..... ¯ .. .. : , , . . ¯ , ~.¯ . ¯.. - :,..... ¯ ~ ., . ’ , . : ¯ " ¯ : . ,,,:,, ,,., ’ .. ~,,. . ", .", ¯ : : ..... ’.. i ....... ’:i ........ : . : " " . ¯ ’, , ...... :....... : . :. . . . . ,....;: An enthusiasticcrowdviewedthe employee art exhibit¯ on.0pening night at the Lost Arrow last Saturday evening. Spectators evinced keen interest in each of the Variedentries. There were 44 paintings hung in time to be judged and Prizes were awardedas follows: 1st place to Bob Stone for an oil portrait; 2nd, Robin Lawrence -- Landscape; 3rd, Tony Apilado -- "SampanHarbor". Two honorable mentions were awarded to Bob Williams, one for an abstract and one for a landscape. One honorable mention went to Maynard Moe for a black and white drawing titled "Desperation." The Yosemite Lions Club prov.ided the three prizes. Judging was done by Ernie Johanson, Zona Deckelman, and Lee Shackelton. The exhibit will hang through August 18. --o-HIGH COUNTRYFLOWERS by Mary Curry Tresidder I returned the first of August from a delightful trip around the southern part of the High Sierra circuit - Vogelsang, MercedLake, and Sunrise Camp. Yes, there were mosquitos, but in (Continued on page four) i(TI]-#-fjq-?~Es~j~#-#~RK i:H-E~SJ~ 11-~A,{Ai~EF5 EMPLOYEES ANDARENOTFORPUBLICATION " i ’ . ; " count from all, ’! : , units reportingdaily .. i . ¯ was. 4,688. This includes all .except ~ .: :. Wh.iie Wolf and the "High Sierra : ¯ ..Camps.¯ .. ¯ " Oneof the great contributing .factors ..... was Camp.Curry’s amazingc0un.t of ¯ 1464, which, is 400. higher than a ¯ year ago and :one of the highest house counts ever recorded there, ¯ .. Tuesdaynight was almost, as good ’ with 1450. ~. :.. . Advance reservations for the re... mainder of August seem to indicate ...’,’: ¯ , noslackening in the record breaking pace of visitation to Yosemite this ,. , summer. --o-SUGGESTIONAWARD JamesD. Cavin, kitchen helper at Camp.Curry Cafe kitchen, has been awarded $20 forsuggesting that in order to save time in the process of scraping food from the dirty dishes, the hanging dish sprayer in the dish room be connected to the hot water line instead of the cold. Healso sug¯ gested that an unnecessarybar across the cenlral drain of the racking.taMe be removedsince it inlerferred with the proper cleaning of the scrap screen. Ouimet vs Anita Bondshu; Armida Anderson: vs Ida Morgan; Isabelle Dierksen .vs Inky Peterson,. and Valerie Eagle vs Dete Oliver. The nine-hole divisi0n tournamenl for womenattracted the following ¯ competitors: Audrey Ewing, Clara French,Yvonne Lamoreaux anti Jane Rust. Twonine hole rounds constitute the requirementsin this special tournament and to. date Audrey Ewing has completed 18 holes with a net 74. The women’sJuly. Eclectic tournament winners are as follows: Anita Bondshu,Mary Proclor, Murie] OuTmet, Armida Anderson, Isabelle Dierksen and Valerie Eagle. The 9-hole division eclectic was won by Marge MacNamara. In ky Peterson was tournament medalist with a net 70. In the men’s division the following resulis are posted: CHAMPIONSHIPFLIGHT J. Greenwell def H. Ouh-net 2 up C. Proctor def E. Greenameyer4-3 N. English def S. Carter, 1 up on i9 G. Lamoreauxdef D. Findley 2 up PRESIDENT’SFLIGHT L. Brochini def G. Greenameyer 2-1 B. Martin def B. Cromer2-1 K. Coburn def G. Ewing 4 up LOST ¯. Found: in the General Offices near B. Schnettler def R. Blossom7-6 Personnel, set of six keys on chain The nexl Championship Flight . containing pocket penknife with med- matches schedule Jack Greenwell vs ical insignia and car license tab MPN Chas. Proctor and Ned English vs Guy 858 for 1956. Lamoreaux.In lhe President’s Flight ..:. . ¯..j. ,i i ¯ ~.:’::.":..0n:.for..six dayssawingoff. the re-. i.’..."...maining SeCtionof standing,tree. and field back ai."herpost in th e. Village ¯ ’..":" ..:/cutting. off the stumpabout Six inches , ’ , . Store after, such a long convalescence. !..... belowtheground.!evel.i. . It was March. 5 Whena slipin the Over 20 sand pockets, pockets ¯ i".:.". . .,, ¯ snow causedher¯ a not her broken ,-.. .where a tree grows around sand and ankle. :.!i .rocks, forced., the mento sharpentheir Robert Lamkin, Jr., of Bishop, for: " saw four times on the first day of merly of Yosemite, will be married on ~" cutting.. September 1 to Dorthiann Cook, of :... ..¯ :.. ’ According to one of the menhaulReno, Nevada, in Reno. .-. : ing the woodto the CampCurry wood Dorothy and George Mayer are :.. ’pile,.i "This tree would supply The now in Ullapool, Scotland - "youth’ Ahwahnee Hotel for three or four days hostelling" while they waif for a ship -.. by itself." which will take them .to Australia, ¯ .-,. Bomprezzi,one of the tree fellers Singapore, and back to San Francisco. -’ has been a wood contractor for YP&C --o-. ¯ .:. Co. for 26 years, supplying the Valley YOSEMITE LODGE floor, and all of the High Sierra Dining roomservice in the Redwood Camps. He spent 24 years hauling Room, just off the Coffee Shop at . red fir bark to Glacier Point for the YosemiteLodge, is rather special now. ’ famousFirefall. White tablecloths, Candle light, and a quiet, peaceful atmosphere add to picnic will be held on Sunday, August the pleasure of eating one of Earl ¯ 26. This is also the date.for the Annual Pierson’s steaks. Service is from 5:30 WawonaMixed .Scotch Open. to 9:30 p.m. .:. Pro Charlie Eagle urges that startRegular summervisitors from Pasaing times be reserved a week in ad~. dena are Mr. and Mrs. Rankin who vance for the remainder of the Club have been here relaxing and getting in shapefor a trip ta Hawaii. " matches. ,..,’~. ¯ ,, ., ., ;;, , orchid colored taffeta dressesand:tiny i .".. i. ": , ¯ , ,., .’ I , ’ " ..-..: .. f Purple hats." ".’" ’ ’’ " "’ I Charles Mayhew was best man; ! ushers were David Falk, brotherof the.. ’".!. ’ .... { bride,. Wayne Whiteman.and -Ned . ,, . i , ., : . ¯ Englis h. . ¯ ...., ’ .... ¯ Vii’ginia Mayhew Three year olds, : t and Brian Folk, niece and nephew of bride and groom, charmed guests " " as they preceded, the bride ’UP the church aisle carrying flowers and ring. After a reception on tile Ahwahnee lawn, Mr. and Mrs. Adamsleft on. a. honeymoon trip up the coast to Canada. . .. ’,, ¯ ’. ’ ... Jeanne and Mike, .graduates of . Fresno State College, have both workf : ed several seasonsfor YP&CCo. Jean- ’ ne received her secondary teaching i credential from Stanford University in .’ . . ! ¯ June. Mike is a pre-medicalstudent .... at FSCand a pilot in the California../ .i Air National Guard, With the rank of captain¯ ’ ¯ .:-i",.:."t:":) ." ~~):,~,..<,:t.~".’,;-~, .. ~." ’... . ’~..; ~. .%.it’ " ..~..:;~"" ." i. ~-i..’ -’~ .i/. . ~ .;...’: i’.:, /.’: ...~"!~i’ ~i" ~..; : "’." :.~.;.’ :t ~/,: ~, ,%-::.. ’L~, :’: . :;i.’ ~.:..:~: ".d.:.: /:.-.)::’::: ’ .’ .. -’ ~"¯ -~..~% ¯ . :~-~.’, ~ .., .....;. . ; ,.£ ?~.~il..i.~i:/.~:h:~.:,.; ~ ’~ .:~..:-:.. " . -- .~ ¯ ¯ , ..... , "-~.:~~ :’-- ~:.":.&Z-..~ ,, ~.. ,~.,:,~%,,.,.?:,,~ML~V~..~ ~,.~,.~-,’-i,.~:~;,:".!~.: ~!~:~y~r ~’~%%~:~"~t~:~ ".’.4.. ;~...r...’,~:, ¯ " " ¯ .:¯ :..q.-....~ :~ : .... ., ..,:.’,,,,..-:-~;i.. ..... ,.-.’..m,.r.,-~-L’"’~ ,’."’-.~ ........ ~:’~,’~’~.~"~ ...... ~".~ ’~----~’" ’ t’. .’ . -. , ..;..’..’. ’~ " -.",.’: ., ’’’: ...... ~ ~.,’{.. .’, ~ ’ .~, .~, . ¯ ’.~, ’’.. ~.’.:,:7,..’,%,’~.~.. f.,t*i% ~""k’;d!:£tlii~): ¯,::.../ ..L:t:. d".’, ’: :£.:’. :’:.L"/" :.."i" ".":!’:/ ~i""~:"i";./."" ":P’.~: ::i’ .’.’:7." ~:’"::’"’:’:%): ’i~::’:i:’i ~V"i’i"~ "i:’C. :’/":"-"?:.’:: ":~" "/:":’-.." .t:~":""":.’"’~’i. ii.";. ’..."’.i.: ’~"~’.: :".:’/;’:.!~.i"’: :"i"’}:i:"’:’. . "’~ ::/:/";,:i’i’."t - :?.vf.i:i!-.iii: ".;".:: . ",: ::.: :-: . :.’ : "".:"/’ .L.-/:" i::’: !.i: :" / iv/."..i : kl,:.i..:.t£/:&t.:/ i/.ii.,:i, ¯ .. t ¯ . . :~ ..7. ’,t v ;.. . ~. %i......:". :.."-%.::.r~"’ ~ ;~.’." i’~:"’~’~’’~’.Z~’.~ ¯ " . " ’ :,...¢:: .:.3:~. ,!.U:".,-~ ¯ : i. -." :.". ’ ..".,...."....... ..:~!. ! : :.... ’" YOSEMITE SENTINEL ~I".)i": ’ ’".:. i.. ::’.:i :.i AMUEE’s;s’[oRYI:.::-. ’~"..: " . ."ill." iF-"::".:!.;":’::"."HIGH.. C~ou NTR’~’~."FI.OWERS". i...::.’"::.": .’.: ! .).i.i~,":/:: ....iij".:.:~i DICK..: BOODEN.;. i::~:~.~.vii,{::::;.:~;i, ! .....i..":: . .’....:.:.’:":: . ib;~h’,~,;;i",a:f,:om,~ai,~ one?: " " .d ..’ .. ":..-:".as tolcl toBob .Barnetf. .., .:.:: ¯ .;. i: r ends We:re Sh"ock:ed"and::~a:dd~en:ec .....’... :...:.:...i) I:I.,. ..ii. ,.~’2"."’T".:-:,....’~ .~ i~. ’fi it::C~nld: :" i My"iname is~ Rick-N0. 62..0n:.l-he ’bythecleath..0f."i :’D"i:~..J.:B0dden!:’:’io~:.:M):i-..!ii:([."i" .... :: . ..... ¯ .. . .- .. ’ -. . ., ¯ ¯. . ¯ ¯ ".".: "~...’ .-: ,:".,, ...’:.:’.’"::. ’ " ¯ . ’..’ .." a mlnlsn ng numoers ar .Tne :r r .~. ....... -; -, . ..,, .... ., .v. .--.. "YP&C.Co.¯ bookof horses,andmules.". Frida,,, Jul,, 27...Returning.:.fr0m":a;%~.,:::;l::t. ~.;.. ¯ .: . ; ... .. . ¯ . ,!hree.day:.tr, . z. ¯ Pt.0"-/. . Ren.o.w.,t.h::l?’l~:.~ff;e;...:..:;..’::..!:.l.i!.. ’ ....... .....-."--: ’,’.,-.. :"-t,.: . ¯ ¯ . .. . last Ol-.tnese;;/ne weamer..was plea- . . " ¯ ’. ...... ¯ " . ¯ . .: " °w "sant;.:.except. for-One .sligl~tly drizzly:;.’:::--M.Y,tP’iClu.i~.is..in Ssho ¯ g ~h.tfSen.i.’=ne~.nt;: .. ’-~- ~". ’.. . ..".. , ~..., ...... ., . .,-. ¯ " .... t . ". ..’ ’ Calla, Mr Bodden:became. "~ " .-,..".,.:-;~’... . . . ~. . .... ....-:.......- .-.,:..::.,.’,~:k.~,:..:::~.. -. ’ . . :. .:aay.. risning .wasgooa in..me main, ... ,. -. , ..... ... . . , ~ ’ ¯¯ :. " " ’ "¯ " ’ ann " " towers, " "were " "" superD.-..tn~s "": a" ooomsrnere " mu~e.:Minden;.was ¯ . ¯ takento theMono.~ea-".’:"’:’ ’ " .": ...... ,: ..:";i}iZ.u:i:l ....... I STis " st~.a ¯ . ¯ IOa"ror.a ....... " ’’: " ’ ’ ’ :" "icalCenfer in Brdgeo0r’t.:where":.he"tli:;:;:i:.~:i. ...... : ...... " . . . . , ’.." " ’.,. : tO do.": ’. ~ ~ ¯ ’ ’ : ., ":’;~’.~’.I-," ’. " ....... ’ " ..". ’ ~,~,,,,~¯ .. ...... one " of " the grent aavantages at as "~j~j]~’~- .... " ¯ .. ¯ ’ . "" " ¯ ’"~ " ~,., .... .. : ¯ ’ ¯" . " " . " "’ . " ....... ~~ ~7 .~,~_~’t~’~t’ .... ¯of .coranar .Y .. ,,,. .... " ........... " ¯ " .... ~ .... :’~:*" ..... ., ~ ¯ ’ ’ ’...... ,~:.,’~ .... ::-:’:~’die dwithin . a few hours, .,.,..1., ¯ .’.....: ’,.. .... ¯ " ..early.a round as tns . .~l[*~t~:.:::.:,~.~&~r::::.:..~lllm .... ¯ . ¯ " . " . " " " ¯ .~’d.:,, thrombosis..The. funeral was. held"in :.;:~.::’.’.:.(..:t ¯ - . ¯ ~lt~."i;:{:~,~J::~J:~-,l~J~ . . ’. .... ’ ¯ ,.., ¯ . " ... ’ ...." " . ¯ ¯ " ’4"L-?.. ¯ ’ : ¯ ¯ . ’ ¯ . ¯ ",:. ¯ ¯ " ’ " ¯ ~-..],~,.. ¯ ’. ¯. ¯ ’"."’"foWers along the.way,:.fr0m Cassiope. "agewas.57,:.He:.anclCalia"Boddefi"-:.::.i)ii?.ti..! _-M~e~ ’ had.. been" " ’ : : thes": " upervi i: sngcou"ie: p... :c~t,:.:.: .. ::..df..[.I; :"": :i .= " " and Bryanthus .(wh re": end Sierra . ..... . . .. . -. . . . , .,.., ~~’1~~ "...... Heather) and. Kalmia in .the high ~~11~1~ .Boys:’.’T0wn.sincethelsummer.0f ,’i95£,...~:i..:.:’,:;....:i;:. ...... :places, tothe swamp onionand lilies...~~ -~’~~~,1~ Theyhad recently transferred toCamp:. V...’:.].i .; " " ¯ .. ..... ¯ just., blooming, along thee..glades ~~~~ 6 . ¯ ~ /...... ....... .::::’..71.l.j’. ,""".. : v of Fletcher Creek andthe Eriophyllum . ~tl~,~ . ~0-..:.. . ’...):: . " ." " "".::-~:::;..:.::"iii:::.!i." .... ’ " ’k ’.. of.the open; rocky slopes as we drop: .~ " ."HELLo, HELLO FROM WAWONA.:../..:::~..I ii-). ¯ ~~]/~... ..... ’ . ..".: ’.::’ .-:.;.." i;. ¯ . : ..... loed, dOwn. to Lewis Creek, , Then" We ¯ " " by PatThorsen .. ...".. ":". ’. ¯ .... - ¯ .. . ’ ¯ ~~ , ..; ’ .". ~ . ,.~,;;,...i".:.".}" i climlg~ng, up ~~’~i ¯¯ . . reversed the process, ¯ ¯ ..... . ~~.~ " Last weekWawona ~ntroaucea.. ~1 . .-..":;"~.. ¯ . ’. .. . . . ¯ ¯ Echo V’a ey and Echo Creek. to the .-:~,’.’~:k~m~~. -.~, ~: INea ¯ " to ’" the" Tront " " , aesK. ( "e n and hs .. "¯ : . :". - ¯ ,[.. ,. ,,ci.,/.,,;:.-~,,::,r,.,-,: ;,,:,:..t ;.-:%’~};:-~..~;ti ;i~d~::f!: .’~?2,./~:;~-";::,~ ¯ . " ...... . " ... ...... ~;:~q..!:...‘.‘.;‘‘.~.:!4~;~!-.;?!:~..~t~.~:!!..v~y~.i~4i~...%;..~t~‘:d~t~t~".‘‘~.’~:~.;~:~Z*.:~:r.:‘~7.~,:~.~t~ " one stretch of meadows m dway, .................................................... : ................................... black TR-3 are welcome.:.....Happy """:.. ":";" where asters and larkspur and Queen P~clce’rBil, l~ Deescmcl1~iclc~’ea@l ~o birthday DonaldJol~nsonand. Hawk.... . ~....!. ¯ ...... ,. Ann’s Lace embroideredthe green take c~.].2 ;root bo~/; ~o ~¢e~’ce4 Lake. Carlson. Hawkis one of our charming .... .~ .... .. .... : ’ !~. grasses with paintbrushandPride......... - ......... -=:-:-:. ....... :-- ............... : south. gate rangersandmascot...to . : ."...¯ i.I of the Mountain decorating the hillI was born down in Merced on one Wawonaemployees. Donald is" . golf ..:v ~:.. ¯ . sides..In Long Meadowthe soft blue of the Crane ranches, and was broke shopclerk and bar, tenderi: " .All ’ .. ": :~: of the tall lupins, which had hardly to work. In 1948 1 was sold to the the gang attendeda surpriseparfy .:.i.: Curry Co., but, being shy and kind been out as we climbed up Rafferty given at "Silver Tip" in Fish Camp.i.:" Creek a weekearlier, had taken over of snooty, I was never broke to be for Terry Wier and Judy: Claugus," great patches of the meadowalong a saddle mule. I never cared to have another set of birthday., girls, both :i: ¯ ! the stream. too manypeople around me, so I’ve dining room waitresses. Cakeandpop ¯ . . :. always been a pack mule. " ’ t.. were devoured by one and all .that In and about Sunrise Campalone I have packed many a load into My word!! ... !. eveningof tl~e 29th. ..... within a half mile radius, there were the High Sierra Campsand have been Julian Hughes, our honorable night. ’!.¯ ’ 1" more than fifty species, from gay on manycampingtrips. I have packed auditor, shot a 39 on the golf course, .....! yellow buttercups and brilliant mathe motor from a fallen airplane back July 31. .Eeeee-gads. He has. been ’ !. genta Mountain Pride and Whorled to civilization. WhenSunrise Camp playing only two months.. ~ .Joe . : f. Penstemon to the flowers of the little was under construction,. I packed Martin spent his honeymoon at We- ".! " stream that trickles beside the campeverything from rocks for the base wona last week-not the "Speaker I Sierra Heather and Labrador Tea, and walls to galvanized iron for the of the House," but Vickie and Joe .~. i Columbine, and Meadow Rue and top. Martin of Los Angeles. ..Golf Shop....! even a little of the small flowered If there is anything to be packed, statistics-a hole in one on the" eighth ... i" high mountain Lappula. . -:--’ .. . " f I think I can pack it-if the packers with a seven iron at 150 yards was... ;. Our days there were very pleasant can load it so I can stay under it. made by Mr. William Cullen from ... ~. looking out from lhe bench across The day this picture was taken, I Anaheim. He and his wife vacationed ’ the meadowand over to MI. Florence was called upon to take this 12 foot !i at Wawonafor four days recentlyl. and Mt. Clark for gorgeous sunsets. aluminum boat to Merced Lake. They ~O~ " t One of our group even got up for sent another mule along in case I ’ ¯ SWAPTALK the 6 o’clock sunrise on our last got too tired, but I took it all the For Sale - Mercury Mo.nterey twoI morning. way without putting a hole, a dent, door. Priced subslantially under blue-... .. or evena scratch on it. Before we left the Sunrise Camp ¯! book. FR 2-4852. ~O-we had the first flag raising ceremony Ford station wagon, 6 cy!inderl 4-. :. i WANTA RIDE’?. door, overdrive, 1954 model, good .. there. Syd Ledson brought up a flag Need a ride to Chicago after condition. $300.. FR 2-4852. and prepared a pole and pulley for summer? Leaving day after Labor For Sale: Kelvinator refrigerator like. the ceremony - comp!ete with pho- Day, S’~pt. 3. Expect to be there Sept. new. Camp6,E 4. 6, Joan McAdams FR 2-9904 tographers. ¯’ ¯ .¯ ¯ . . .: We Saw-.over a hundreddifferent. ~j[~~~. Oak and onJu y,31. Dick .Bodden’s?.d":!. ~: ~ " i j ¯ against Armida Anderson of Los Angeles, and Mrs. Bondshu.emerged the.~;ictor, with a gross 89.. Another all-time low. score was posted by Inky Petersen when. she met Dete Oliver in a battle for the President’s Trophy and shot a gross 98. In addition to being the winner of this flight, Miss Petersen was medalist of the tournament with a net 70. Consolation matchesresulted in the following "family" winners: Championship Flights,Rex Hickok Madeline Hickok President’s Flights--Keitli Kaeser. Sophia Kaeser The 9-hole handicap division tournament for the women was won by YvonneLamoreauxwith a net 69, followed by Audrey Ewing with a 74. The requirement for this group was two 9-hole rounds. Amongthe several lighter incidents of these serious golf finals was the rollment farms can be. obtained from E. Bruun on Labor Day:or thereafter.: The first day of school ..iS to be September10, 1962] All children are to report on that day regardless" of .grade. fromthe landing area: So, probably.i" ." . "; .. ¯ " ’ " ’ " " " ’ " ’ ’. ;i] the individuals most affected were--:~..,~ MOBILE X-RAY UNIT IN YOSEMITE TheAhwahnee staff people.’. . ~i...’. ::......k. Bob: Maynard, designated togreet .;: :l The Mobile X-ray Unit will be in Yosemite, in front of the Museum,on the president, on. his arrival at the ...... .’} hotel, reportsthat he:had a terrible ’"" September 4, and will offer free .:J worry that he would either faint: or service. ¯ . .. . " I " . ; Last year 1234 X-rays were taken in welcome Mr. Kennedy with "Welcome ¯’ " .’1 to the Ahwahnee, President Eisen-: Mariposo and in Yosemite during this sameperiod. Of these, six were hower." Fred Pierson had a.complete,. .. pre-selected dinner ready to put.0n suspicious of T.B. and were followed i ! up through the co-operation of the T.B. the stove. A half hour before serving Association and County Health De- time, he received a field order chang- .q.": . : partmenl; four showedsuspicions of ing the whole thing. He rose to the task masterfully and, at dinner time, cardiac ailment and 15 of other . ¯, ... (Cenllnued ~mp,~c four) had caught-in-the-park rainbow and pathological ailments. ’ : The entire cost of bringing the golden trout broiled and boned. Mind: .:. . ..i JAN POPPERRETURNS Mobile X-ray unit to Mariposa County, ful of her guest’s fondnessfor rocking ¯ .i. Jan Popperwill be in Yasernile from operating it during the time it is here chairs, Housek.eeper.Valeria Bernadt August 27 until Seplember2 with 1he processing and reading the film is found one and had it re-done for .the same group of Japanese student op- borne by the local T.B. Association. suite.. .... Funds for this service, the followup presidential era singers who charmedlocal audi¯ . . . Mary Curry Tresidder and Hilmer .. and case detection throughout the ences with several performances last winter. Theywill sing at various hotel: year are supported by the Annual Oehh’nann were introduced .to the ¯ . .. , (Ccmfinuedon page fi,ur) .. Christmas Seal Campaign. units: ¯ THESEITEMS AREFORTHE INI"EREST OF PARK EMPLOYEESAND ARE NOT FOR PUBLICATION -o-- i::", dinary ’problems. .There is no line of I i.. : ’: Sight radio signal to Merced;.and there J..: :. .is no electric power available. Ser.. , .¯ !;:.. ,vice.is providedfrom the Turtle Dome ’ik " and.Sentinel DomeMicrowave stations ¯ by three radio circuits to.Tuolumne ! ’:. MeadOws and one circuit to Yosemite I. ¯ .Creek.; These terminate in radio i:i... Station in the area. Wire lines fan out I. :from each .station to the various :.... ’ ’ locations served.. ~, .. Wired into the Tuolumne radio i. i : ’ station are the phones in the Meadows,Tioga Pass Entrance Station, I. and two High Sierra Camps-Vogel’ sang and Glen Aulin. The Yosemite Creek radio station serves the area between Tenaya Lake and White Wolf, ¯ including May Lake. Thus, if from ¯ .Tuolumneone wishes to talk to someone at TenayaLake, only a few miles i away, the signal goes by. radio to - Merced and back to Tenaya; The radio stations generate their " .own power, each being supplied with ¯ two Fairbanks Morse diesel engine alternators or generators. One machine operates as the main unil, while the other serves as a standby. The olher two High Sierra campsare connectedby cable to the dial office in Yosemite. Wind and rain, snow and falling trees leave their marks, and all the . lines in the back country have to be rebuilt every spring. The cables servicing MercedL’.ske, .Sunrise Camp, Vogelsang, and Glen t j Si ncerely, . KennethO’Donnell Special Assistant io the President ¯ Enclosed. was a card for each girl saying "Best Wishes", and signed, " ":. "John F. Kennedy." mO~ MILLER--GLOVER There will be wedding bells for Sharon Miller, CampCurry maid who lives on The Terrace, and Gary Glover, YosemiteLodge, on Sept. 5.. After the weddingthey will both continue their schooling, she at Fresno City College and he at Fresno State College. "~ "4::.~.’." : "-4-.7.:~-~ --~-’.Y~-: "~’-:.’: ":: :".;’Yf 2"." .t’:":~.:~’-’-~-.--’-’---.~:-- -----7Z’--: ~..’T.T ~7":~’7 "7"-g’-" --_’3~ - Aulin necessarily must be serviced by horseback and take about two months to rebuild each spring. As soon as the roads are open the telephone mengo in, usually two or three men with a three mule pack train, to repair the lines. Frequentlythey’re the first into the back country. Sometimes, if the trail crews are working in the samearea, they camptogether. These men are experienced mountaineers and horsemen sent frorn Merced by the telephone company. There may alsobe frequent repair lrips during the summer, necessitated by damage from lightning storms. So, with snowshoe trips in winter (frequently required in the Sentinel Domearea) and pack trips in surnmer your telephone man has no trouble keeping up on..his mountaineering. .’...,’ ,, :/"’.~.-’1..:,’.,~:,:.i~:i ,:: ".. ,,!. ~,.. ~;,.’,. :~:."4.,..~..:.,,:, ’.~p. ii!i I :’.II FROM:AFEW/WH0:IWEREiTHERE:"!I: i i ~~- ~,~, : ! i ,!-i i i:TI:JoLU’MNE ME:AD0WSi ~ i:!:iiii:~:i:ii:: " : .... . ’: /, .. :, , . : ::NOT:OFF TNE’. .;.:; : ¯ . ¯ .’:ii.!:.:i~!~/::i",-":..:!:.j,:":.,":. .’. :.... ........ ::...’:,}".’.::"’."’ .i . ::.. .. ::.~..i ,:".. ’.:.. :" "-:...,".........:.:,:". ":.".~..:. ’:":.;.", .""}.~:.":.".:.".:.; fr m:.ih’::" " g~.:.:}=:ji::/:,! :": ’,:;:,..:;",:: ~ :. ’. :". l :: .’:~ ,.... ..:.:.: :1 :..j.:il ..i:i!i.:i’.:;:.::-:"Fr~m .H0Stess, Kif.Whiiman-".vl.. :..:: ;."...,"~.:.":’:"~:^:’";:.i: .~:",.:~~ . ~’:.~i.,~.. .::::.}"’ ".::.i~i::.:.’.’"..?i"". :.::::~:::",v:",":.:/...;.."}:.-..::ii.[:::}}i/ ...... ¯ ’’ " ’.... ouaenougn:::-::,,:.:; -.........:.... :, .~.-,-. :. ,.,,;:.. . . ..:... ¯ ¯ . .-..: ’ .:,..:. .... . ...,~,~g." . ~k.,...u’4~l.~lr~,.: ::.. ... ..... . .~nougn..nof"snoufing: ’ ..":. :.:..~.~~..-:. .: ’.wnen....’.,nt.oauced myself" to the:.’-;::,,. ~:....lli,-::... ~l~I~’~~:.....:... to beheai-dih the:Valey2TUoumne""-";~: .... .’ ¯ ’ " "- ": ¯ ’ .... :"::" ’~ -’/:’::;y’’;’ ..:: .i:.,... ’¯ ¯" . .:. " +.".. ; President/ he,COULDN’T have" bee:n """: ’.~:.~ -/’~~~"" " " ’ " ’ ~ .... .....-.::.,:::..:.}: : .. ~ .. ,.... ....,..,... ,........,: ....:... ;-.. ~~~,/:. " :: :-..:empI0yees..:.have.., been...k~eeping:.-ex-".:/..:i;..i,.:::.."!. :..: " i.... ’ ...: .i:.. ~ .(i:/"::.n. I c er:qsn°0K..:.m.Y.. n a na ¯ a na..Cos.[.h,s ..~~~\.;.. . " ./.... :........... treme ly a ctive.ih"the"me¢ca:ofthe’.hi g hii’;i ,i;~:ii",:’~ " ::.":.::"i; ./f.~.~ll~~ ~t-. " " ....... ¯ " ¯ spa upon me. :... " " ’ ". ......... " Hikingiisithe/m ’ ’ ..... ::t-..p ’ as :ou’ar""::" " " .-country. p I.....:::,!:i.:::.~i,.! i."-~:::" ¯ .". .... .....:.’:-....,... ..... .:::....};..-.". .... , :.:"."[,~~.~I;I~II, fE~- ."L : ¯:::::::../::. ’. : ’ ." .. ... Bill :Bracl~e6kg.m’p s :f..r i e n d s aPe.:!.i.. , :..’p.:. .... " ..... y,:..... ’:....g ,::".:.::::!:--.; .} :. :-.’... ¯ " :.. -:.::-!:. ....:...... " , .. ¯ !::.::.. for. me:’.’ ’ . ¯ ’ " ’:...": . " ."." ..::::. ....happytoi<noW’thafheemerged .ast : Camps andparts-of:the"Mur...Ti"ail.out.:.". ::.’"i,::}:... .... ": .... ’ . "" ¯ ,. ’: ,.. " . ’. ¯ ...... , .. . ¯ " . . . " ¯ " .’: ’::"; ’.:i:. " "’: i’ ,~ .... Meadows;..: " .. " ....".: ::...{ ...’;".: .::. " .. . ~.:!:.: .. ::My. day; I..felt,. was"complete....Heweekr from the: plaster castthat en- o1" Agnew ’ . .. " " " " " ¯ . .... ¯ . " " ’. " . " .. . . ’ .’ .. . ". ,’,r,.. ’. :5 . :"’"’r-’ ’ " . " " ’ "’ ’ " " ’ ’ ’ ’" " ’ " " :"". ." "¯ got.~n his car .and :drove off..What., " ’ ca sed. " h~s broken, back..Just, e~ght . . .Moonl t TenayaLake .waterm’e on..""."-! .":. : : ¯ ".. a esson n d p omacy! ". ¯ ’ ’" " :. weeksafter fa ng from that adder;,:. ’-art"es) as welas ocorn a’ncl cic]er:’ {::::’: " " art hme . .. work . "aga . Pn¯ on ¯ ..a : pariies:.springingup.for various, intek-. : :...:.. i:i. .. ... .. ’ .: ", O .--T’ i . .. . ’: he started . !/i .. ! .: :. : ~......i.As JFKsat alone on his balc0ny" basis..Wh0said.it"s bad luck tO" walk .. esting reasonsfil!..U p the.twent~,-f0uri "’.:-.:.:ir!!i ¯ :." ’’;.i" waiting for the Firefall, .eighi: Secret" UNDER a", ladder?....i r ’ . .’r/r"’’ ... i." .hours. Of ’the day.. Evenithe"absence....!i.i},::F ¯ . . ., ,..’, . . ¯ . ¯ .. -, ’.. ~ ¯ .... ¯ ¯ .". Service. men sto0d.shoulder to.should¯ ¯ " " theingen~ous. ’: "" .. :": ...... "" of electricitydid not stop . !’. .. .. LucilleCooper ¯. .. is again . at’ her post . . . , . . ¯ . ... , . ,.. ’.!: . . .. .. ’" " er on the lawn below. A trio of Singers in. the Village Store after" a ~long crew-they Welcomed the co"ming ...~ . ." ’and.a Violinist faced the Secret ser. a. :.~:"::i,; absence dueto¯ . a. lame ¯backi’ .... "... "autumn"with:the"Harvasf-"Blast"; . . . . . . . ’ . .".. ::..[ ¯ . , . , ¯ ¯ .vice and the relaxing President. :’: ¯. .... " Lois and Frank Kowski,. Wyatt. and. dancepar, ty with.records spunwith:,: :...:!.. theaid.of a-reloca~:ed generator. .. :: ~i"i " ¯ . Half" in awe, half in jest, Glenn will Canyon leave where on.August 27 will for ¯ Tomena the. Grand . Frank ’ " ’. , . ’ .L..I "’ : Willard .whispered, "Don’t anybody Thirty,nineyear01d ChefBobbirthday Ran--:" ....-:!. .... ..¯ ¯ reach for a cigaret or we’ll all be wederwas su.rprised..wiih.his .: :: ...,. . direct developmentOf .the "new.Park. ". .mowed down!" Service Training Center. party, especially .those "gifts desgned. ’:’ ". ;" :: ..As" the "Indian Love Call" and to please.,., On.the.., followingevening..".:..::!" " Travel to the Park .passed the ":" violin 0bligato faded with the Firefall,: .. .. million mark on August 11. If present was. the .annual..steak fry. thrown........".i.li a voice cameout of the. darkness... by Manager Mel. Najarian..The en-~..... :J. trend continues, it. is expected that ¯ ."it was unmistakable....." staff, ., includi...":....i:~i " v" ". ;~ more than the estimated million and tire Tuolumne. . .Meadows. : "That .was very nice. Thank you half visitors will .enter Yosemite’s ing Rangers..made the’ excitingdrive . .~ .... " . very much. Where do you play?" up to Gaylor Meadowstofeast.upon .....: . gates in 1962. ’." ¯ .A brief conversation-another page steak, corn-on-the-cobi:"french bread. .. i . Troy Riley, from NewYork, former for the memorybooks. and extras combinedwith enthusiastic ’ ’~ life guard at the CampCurry pool participation in .,volleyball by moon-’ " ! ’ and resident on the Terrace, has trans. .".: " Therewasa Latin-Americancouple . light" and songs accompaniedon our.¯-.." ferred to The Ahwahneeswitchboard. who came very early and stationed ~: recently returned Piano: ThanksSyd!. themselves where they would be sure She hopesto stay through the fall. Mona Inn. is again the popular .of seeing the President. She carried a The Camp Curry Barber Shop has palace of famous cowboy .ho~ted :: small American flag in her hand, the been closed for the season. steak dinners and juke box live, while. .... .... only flag visible. President Kennedy Mignon Augsberry, who makes her daylight hours are spent swimming ’ noticed-turned to greet them. They part-time summerhomein Yosemite, and sunning on the "rocks" under ’. were SO glad 1o be Americans, they will be returning to San Francisco on the warm August sun. However with i... told him. August 31. all this natural bounty,..".the. Crew AND COMMENTS ’Tm complelely amazedat the quiet II efficiency of lhe Secret Service men, -says night houseman Bob Turnbull, "unobtrusive, courteous, always there. Onefeels confidenl the President is in good hands." Nels Murdock, NPS,has been transferred from Chief of Visitor Protection, WashingtonD. C., to Deputy Chief of U. S. Park Police at National Capitol Parks, WashingtonD. C. - II "No trouble at all..""Very friendly.. ¯ RonnieWillard, after the President "As he left, extending a friendly handspoke to him personally, "lm going to shake to manyof the staff, he looked move to Washinglon where I can be like any tourist-rumpled hair, sunburned nose," frorn membersof the near him!" .... And--"A most gracious guest, ." Hotel Staff. regrets to announcethat. . President Kennedy was unable.to accept their "cordial and appealing invitation" to visit TuolumneMeadows. --"O~ ’ " ’ A THOUGHT Theysay that it is better to be poor and happy, than rich and miserablei . but couldn’t s0metl~ing, be worked.. out, such as being moderately rich. . .: and just moody? ’ .: ’.. ,J . ’ i . , I / - ¸’’" ’ " : ’." " ¯ . ..... ." ’:, "; ,’"" " , ’.~’’ : " .... ’" "H" " - ’’, " ~’: " - ", " ."’ " .,’ """;’. " .... "".... : ""’, "".. ":" :.V. . . . .. " :..:" .’i’ ’~’-I.:)~ . " ’",. r’"’" . : " . ""r -’ .... " "" ""...’. " " ’" ~’"": ¯ ’.,~:~.:~,:~: " ’ ’ : ... ’ " ’~:~. 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H~ )ATE~ " . .] :.. !.!.::..i::;]::....ilBiergstr.om..,rel~grted.i[.:,:f~or-.idUt)~ :,a"!":.t.he".:].] .’"’:).""c0n]iibuted BycarlJa COX:;]".::":.] ;¯:" .~..:"..::,.Coffee:..$h0p].i:~;~-:..~,~:~.::~:~::i]!A"0g.~i’!.!).2 ] ............. . :;..!)/.-.i .- 21~"2.~:;:"Se’Pi’ern}~ei~i:~.i;~";;ii ~...... .: ... i:...i :i:i.i;..,h0sp.ital......He..: c6m.es ...i here;, fr.om.? .San ....,i:j UNE "~.", H ghlight : of :"the.:."monih;::.i:.Cafeteria.;,~ 2 ’--.e:.2:2 ’if’i.’ i::ii.!.. <i..;.:ii:~i:;>.:.i.. , ilii’i " i..-..’..:".il.. ’..i,.~...:: F.rar~.cisc0."... i: :i".i:..’.:.:"...: ,.:...’",, ""’"’"r’,"’r’:’d,":’,’~ ,’: "~’":’ ~.i.was)a :.v:isitlfr0m a. young Indian from.i.Gift"iS!~op ’~2:2L:~".--~:2-b.:2"!".Sep.~tem.B’eki:.:i)?".51~ i )!ji:i. ~i!!):". !:I,:!:,:I.,’, a .St~op...~~2):~ i.".. july’.:.25th~ : MarY : J.ane’i and.Barry"/Bombay,. me..!:Na"WaS ~. ~..~:S.ep!e~m I~e~ii~.~i!!):~:}i: i,}:i}~."..’ , "-.ii.~ ’ jwho, .~said,.:"Just"cali"... ¯" i"" . . ::I ’.~..: iiil : .-: .... ..i.i ::.:/C.. ,Hutchings’became the proudparents:; Beri "I’(H s"n:arnewasBrut/"H~": s 23rSwimm "ng’ Po0L2_2ii±.se~tember3(i ¯ ...... ¯ * " ~ ., , . : ’ : ... . , ,. . .,: , " " ¯ ¯ .... ¯ " -- .. .. " - ¯ , . ., . - ,/ .. : ~.. .. . ¯ ~ . . -- .. , ., . ¯ , - . ,. ) ¯ . ,,.. .., . ..’,. : ." ~r,.... ¯ ¯ ",, " :. " ’ ,i". :.] ."°fa7 pound5 ..ounce b.abygir.!," and..:,years old,:ispresently ;nderi.aking iliS. ."HO[,~’°E.KEEP!N~3~" .)".’ .]]-I :-’.’.i":i:i.i:"ii]i’:i:i’i.:(":!i".i:?~i ’ :!i!;.iiii:~!i! I]i:"...:.,::. ’ . he.r-Janey. . i: i" i I .-. " ~"" i ~,. :I ~ir " i: :.:named. Doct0rate in...CiV!l Engineering: at. the......Stoneman .Sbction .. ~--.~Septe m..b.er./ii3.1.’.i.li.:~!~:.]::! !i;iiI~ .....i :.. :..:. Lynn. "’r,:~’’"’’ ’:" ¯ 1.7,.Jea.n a.nd...Garl.and: .:Un.iversityof Ohio,:is:a.me.mbe):.of-.tt~e". .Main.se!ti0n~..~.~-..-.(~-21~2Septem.B,e!Sg.:~:.:C~,:::i~:i:i~i. :, :.,)i ... . ... ).."....i.. .onAugust ¯ . -:. .::Moore..welcomeda 9:.Pound. 6 ou.nce..j.di.nine..sectl0flthe..HindUi’St Cull.who.."Store. .,~:i . "::".-_’~-i.September."~.;3:i..;..:i~;ii.i:!:iii.!...., :.)":’. :...... : . ..b elle " V e that ..all..a ¯ ~,~,~ .~ .-;,~,~.~ .: TUOLUMNE.MEA.DOWS-: -. ,. ...... .’ ’.,,.,~ ..... , ¯ ." ¯:.: .: ~ baby. boy . ....,.". ..- .... .......... .................... ..... ...>-"...~..... .....:~.-~r,’.¯......... ’ "i .:.:. " :.: AnoiherboyarriVedon.AugUst"li.i .ancl-nus~n0tbeki led Theyareveg-Lodge ..__2._,.-LL--2~.sep-tembei~.!..io.,;:i:.).i.i.:,,.i.:!i.i.....::..i .. ¯ . ’ i".. i.i... ¯ He.isMicl~ael Allen;: his" p.arenis. Sto!e--’-:-:-2--~2i"-~:~--: Seiq.temb~r:iii~iii~~iii:i::.21..,.. .,are,, "etar.an"s,0 b v.io, us yi.We.d.scussed. I’ : ..: .-. ’ ,....-. FredaandCha.resR0.essof. . Cascades,.. India’s fore!~npo ’yc ,. marr’.age as""’t ¯ CoffeeShoa...", ...." ." ." Seatember._ .9~i.;""’.’"..I.,:.,.., ... ...... .: ".. .. ~" ... andhe we’ghed.in at8 pounds4oz ’is arranged .in" ndia ,at the ~resent HIGHSIEI~RAC.~MPS~. ...,",~",-,.:-,~:;i..;:..:..,-’:,;’-..; ¯ . ’ ’ " ’ : ’...’ ’: ’ .. . ¯ "’ ’ ’ ’ , " . " ’.... " " ., - ."’. ¯ ° . " .’’" ’ . ’ : ."",~":",.’"Y::’.:~"’:!di,! ." ., "time and ...., .. . .... --o-- ....... . .... introduced the well. known.White Wolf 2____±__September..4..~:.;...:.:r:. : TALK. .. ¯ ¯ card gameofHeartsint0 his collecfion "." Glen Aulin ’ . " ’": " " "Septemb’er.61""!.)~."!l ) "’ :. ¯ i ... ¯ ¯ . .: , SWAP ’II,: i i . . . " ;.r’. . #r For sale: Babycrib:& misc. nur- of Americana ’ . .. " I .... I . ., MayLake~ i :-_!L,~-."September:o:)~~."!!~;i.~.]i"~.i , " ’ ¯ ’ " " ’. :" ’ " ¯ ¯ ¯ ’.’. : " i , " . - . , " ¯ i .... ’! ’:’-...i.’" .; ,"l: ." , ..... ’ . Sunrise __,- .... .~.~__.September....9.... :I:. ." : ’!. sery-equipmenf,. $15.. Auto-denl $5. JULY- Employees and guests.en- ./, .... ,, , . ".". ..... ,...: ."’’,’."’’’,4"’:.-’i’r::"::’"/.’ "" ’ . " ~ercea LaKe.~__-. ~_-_ .~epTemoer y ":.. .... ¯ .: FR .. . .2-4584. ¯ .. . ¯ .....". joyeda party sponsored bymanager ,, " . ¯ ..,.....,...,..-.:,. .".;-.’i..... ¯ . .... ... . .. voge~sang-_____ .... -.~epTem~er.-y.. .. :.} ’ ’ i. ¯ . For sale: 6-54" Curtains& drapes; Spencer . Grams¯A ¯ four course mea ¯’ . "... ¯. ¯ " ’ ...,..::. J. :::/ .... ’ " " ’ ’ ’~O~ .... ,, ".r ". "":’.!" ¯ " I 1.2 - 30!’ chests, natural finish; 1 - 24" featuring steaks was. served in. the... " i’:"" <’i:’:t" ’:. " NEW "GOLF’ CHAMP i.. ’bookcase; 1 - 12" bookcase¯ Faye cafeteria, followed by dancing. and " : IONS:":..":.’/"~:"";"~ ’ " ’’’][ .... " ..:..... . ’ ’,’.. . ’ " : ’ " from ’ " "/ " I )-.. T .....:.[.,..:" " ~(:.’ page. .".Bullock, FR 2-9909. Tecoya DormE. . (continued. merriment on the terrace. ¯ " For sale: 1959 Fiat Tudor, 4 cylinmoment, at thei7th. tee.when’;Dete: i~ :i’.-;"":;;",.,!.i . A vis ration from one of Yosernite’s der, 4 speed; 30 to 40 miles per Oliver" re-check’ed .. her. match .isc.°.re.--i:"ii.::.!:!l. notorious bears caused brave man’ ¯ .gallon, top speed60 miles per hour. ager Spencer Grams, "The Prince of with OpponentInky Petersen.andre-..::".:I:’. ..."..,.. .. :’..I~ ¯ alized she ..was not. yet defeated .... .... 18,000 actual miles, one owner, good but ....: .’... " the" Woods," to accost and subdue " . condition. $525. See George Shuck, the ferocious beast not ten yards "dormy"with"a chanceof recoverii, n .-...:,.:.i..... the excitementsheil~en att’empted."io i ":! i .Museum, 2-4611 or at Chinquapin, from the Lodge. The beast was mangstuff the flag. pole into.k~er’golfibag :c.,"!-":". 2-4818. ling several carrots. along with.the putter’! ~¯ ¯ " ": " ’~ ... ....-... For sale: ’55 Buick, HT, W/WR&H; " "" "’ I AUGUST- Saturday evening, the ¯ Sign-ups for theAnnual WaW6na~.",.:’~.’i.~ .. reasonable¯ Hern~an Adams,Tent 46, 4th, Ranger John Goodwin andMrs. MixedScotch. Open."to be played. i:..:.i.i.ii: . Camp6. Worksat Village Coffee Shop Goodwin, of the Redwood Shop, inSunday August 26th must be made:" .... &. Restaurant. ¯ ’,.. ’ i with pro Charlie Eagle on the..daY."ii:".::.. For Sale: As good as new bunk or vited the staff to an evening of ’ twin beds, consisting of maple book- singing and roasting hot dogs by lhe before. A pot-luck picnic will follow...")-! Redwood this and trophies the new.:::" ¯ .Ij case-headboards, wagonwheel-Foot- campfire. Laura Lafferty, club event champions will beforpresented. ’ . ’ .: ~ i Shop manager, enterlained us with ~. boards, siderails and ladder, $45.00. her harmonica. Celebrated that even- Mr. and Mrs. Cy Wrightl Managers......, FR 2-4458. ing was the birthday of Peter Gunter, of the WawonaHotel, have generousC.. ’ THE PRESIDENT dishwasher at the Lodge. He received ly donateda perpetual awardto show" i ... (Continued f’rom pa~’c onc~ as gifts one box of cornflakes, one the yearly winners of the Open¯ Thei. ,~ president by manager Maynard. A trout head, one frankfurter with "Wright Trophy" is an appropriate ’. :~ sauerkraut, and kisses frorn the girls. local photographer, wha si~ail remain recognition of ihis very popular and . ’" ’nameless, becameso flustered he forManyhappyretL.rns,. Pete. final fun-tournament of. the season.:. .. got to photograph the presidents Mrs. Dorthy Spring with her sister Last year’s firsl place winners featur- " "; ’ " ’t when they met. and two grandchildren arrived to ed two teams tied with net 29 ¼: Nita ’) The right hands on many Ahwah- spend one of their numerousYosemite Newland of Fresno and Dr, .Jack "~ nee peoplestill tingle from las) week’s vacations with us. Mrs. Spring was o’ Greenwell of Tulare, Alice Hansonof ."I presidenlial handshake. passenger in the sixth car to enter Firebaugh and Keith Koeser.of.Mon-"’ .¯ As inexperienced as we are in eval- Yosemite Valley. terey Park. ¯ ."..i uating presidential countenance, we Biggesl excitement of the month The Sundaypicnic will feature two . .! felt his conveyed such friendliness was lhe return of the bear who came distinguisl~ed sets: a "crying corner"....i and mognetismthat our political dif1o dinner and was literally hosedoff for .those whoalwaysget.lost,.in the .’ ’~I ferences seemed almost embarrass- by Spencer to discourage him from stretch and a "HarmonyCorner" with. " .-..i ’ "1 ing. helping himself from the guesls’ trays¯ ¯ Sing A-Long Herky. " ’, .. ¯ . ’......i~, , ! " . , - ’i , J .... " i.h°spitolized in the Morto Medical ... ..Center at Bridgepori this week.from ~nlunes incurred when the car.. in . which they wereriding .overturned ...on.Highway 395 near. the MonoInn, at.appr0ximately 1 a.m. on Tuesday. Most seriously injured .were Alan ; i ."’. ’ : . Dierksen and Bob Cordner. Alan suf! fered a.skull frature,"abr0ken arm and shoulder. Ahhough.serious, his injuries are believednot to be critical, and it is the hope of his family that he may be moved to the local hospital within the week. Bob.had a fractured vertebra andwas placed in a cast which he will wear from three to six months. Treated for minor ~~nlunes " " were Dennis Parrish who fell asleep while driving, and Nick Dancer. Frank Carter, the fifth passenger, had only minor cuts and bruises. The car was a total loss. --oARE YOUREGISTERED? Registration to vote in the November 6 general election will close on September 13. Registrars are Adele Laux, Agnes Westfall, and Sterling Cramer in the YP&C Co. General Office; Ruth Ewing, Helen Ledson, and Alice Crarner at lheir homes; and Olive Kirk in El Portal. Eligible voters are those who have lived one year in the stale, 90 days in the county, and 54 days. in the precinct. a¯young woman/’ Julia says, as she windsWillow around the .coiled fibers of Timothy bunch grass root: to form a basket and speaks of thevisitors ¯ whowatch her.work, "l. kri0w .they expecl.a basket weaver tO be an old .]u.lia Parker demcm.s~rates basket wc~ving to o’n, enthralled a~dien, ce. award of $100 to Leonard (Gus)Smith whowill attend Loyola of Los Angeles. The Scholarship Commission conTwice each day for three summers sists of nine memberswho Carefully Julia Parker has gone to the Indian Circle in the Museumgarden and examine the written application and school record of each of the. applying demonstrated how to makean Indian baskel exactly like the Ahwaneechees students. Awards are then made by secret ballot. Items taken into account of Yosemite used to makefor their in awarding the YosemiteScholarship ownpractical use. Julia herself is not a Yosemite are:(l)financial need, (2) scholarship, (3) leadership, (4) personality, Indian, but is frorn the Pomotribe heahh, (6) general aptitude. There who are said to have been the finest basket makers amongthe California no particular significance to this order ’ indians. Knowing little of her own nor does one qualification have any people, Julia has adopted her hus- special weight in making selections. band"s as her own. She met himThe two scholarships given by Mrs. Ralph Parker of Yosemite-at the Tresidder are awarded on a similar Carson Indian Boarding School in Nevada. tt was where she spent many basis with the exception that a basic of her childhood years. She is proud requirement is a B average in an of the AmericanIndians’ heritage and accredited school during the oreceding NEW BOOKSAVAILABLE The Yosemite Branch Library has a colleclion of 75 new books on display. These are all new titles now in demandby the reading public. Mary Tanner, lhe librarian invites you to come in and browse. (Cnntinm.cl on l~C rotor) year. " F6)~fkli~iiq?ERESt-BF:-PA .................. YH-ESi:-I~rEAs.4RE R EMPLOYEESAND ARE NOT FOR PUBLICATION ,:. CHUCK ~--’: .................... . .. CHURCH SERVICES , :i ’.?./:::.:: !.:’:"Y:0 ’SE’/~ ! T:E !:s ’E NT I.N E:I,:’::.. pRoTEST~,NT .... : : .:. ":: :: :. : ’...: :: : 0nei’:0i..ihe.:::nice;t:":gh:ings;hai’i!: ": :". .: :i:.:" . Publishecl .by:::.".-:..: ,;...:: .Sunaay Schoo];:kindergarten throughha pPened "in :. rnanY;:a;m0on:;::f6::on ! . :... .YosemJte . Park: and.. CurryCo.............: . sixth grade, will meet . at. 9.:30 q.m..’ of "the .rfi0st"deserv’incg peksons..:iS : ...... . ".:.. ~,,, . ... ’./. ¯ ... ¯ ~ .. i. i-/:. }. .".." for :the informationof " ./ ... :-’: . ."eachSundayin.the Schoolhouse; " " acceptance of Chui:ki!Diazatthei:Ul~l~A!:;!i :, . ’: ¯ .... i " ... .. . Yosemite.. Valley:. residents. .... ~’osemite C0mmunity Churchwi re-..Opera.~W’orkshoP"::in."[os.:"A.nqee~""..:,"."~::Lii~. ¯ :. .. :E.s.!he.r::Morgenson.--. ’ --.. Ed,tor . ~. " " ’ " " ’ ¯¯ " " " ¯ ~ , : ,.":’ ¯ ¯ .:. , ’’ " " . " ¯ ¯ . . ’ , ¯ , " " ’ " --... : : . . --" -":’ ;~:.:" ,’ ~,.: " ¯ ’ i . :.:sume:Sunday .worshipat. ]]. a..m... Chuck .left:"0n"September!..3. to.i.begin.:’:.::.i::!:!.!!:i.i:: .. :". . : .: .. :.. H. Oehlmann...,____..Advi.sor. .. ...I i".in theChape!.. :...::.....:.. ..:." .a yeads,stUdy.there:..TheW0rksh0~:;;.;:ii/~iiii!:~!..:i;~i}i: .. !...: ..... H. K:. Ou,met...:___ ...~;dv,sor " ...i. ¯ .... " .-o,.....:..... .. ..- "underthe .direction:: of.i JanP0ppe/.il;."i.’.:~:."i;!i~i!-=~.. " :.. " ~ asi sr~ri.n.a;.;i.;~:.<i..:..i.s< ¯ ..:. Mai:l commun]cations:to.Y0s~mit Mrs.Tresidder’sPopperauditi0nedChucl< e . ..:: . FromHawaiiComes ’" ". "!i.i ..".".i H. Berrey..-2;_4 . Advis0r- :.".." ¯ ... HERE ANDTHERE:¯ .iWilliams,who . " enrolls has .only 70:studentsi...:.Whe6"~:Mri:~:’~.:.:!}i;:::~/. : Sentinel,. c/o:.Y.P.&C....C0.,.or great.niece,.R0bin ’ termed .:,..::!I::’]/..III: ... hre his.voice:’.’a.remarka:blei:: . ; .... ~hone ...... FR.. 2 : 4852 ." .. Addmon,’; : .. ".’.. ... .been visiting here untilthe open"ng ~ of natural Voice, Unspoiledby:any-bad.’:";.i!:i~:i:: . copies may.be 0btained.at-. the "Stanford University for the fall term. habits." " " ".: . .:.."... . ; ::..-....""i...::i::<:::.:!~i.!i " ’ . Personnel. Office. ’. ’ " . " , " .. " ’ :’ ¯ " .":: ’::’,",’~i..:, " ..... .i Esther Hart<will be the new third .. .. ChuckDiaz hasworked " ¯ in.Yosemil;e"-:::..:.’.:i’ r ¯ ...’~ and fourth grade teacher:inthe Yo- during the. past.yea/and .’fOr:.three.’:!.::i:i::’:’:::!i::: ¯ .... ’" "’.. .PAINTERTHOMAS HILL’S DAUGHTER semite School, replacing.Thelma.Mc- ¯ previoussummers; Hewas..most .re:..i: :...:i<. ’.. .. ’:’ ’ :’-,-,’ ~:-: VISITS YOSEMITE Gregor who .resigned last spring. cently aba~; waiterat The Ahwahn-e.e: :....::..:::i:::iii: . .. Among his.feliow students aii}he:::::.~i.~i:i:i ’ :.i.;. ¯ ’:¯ . ...:".. . Mrs..FIora Hill "McCullough of .!’Miss Pat" Davidson finished her i:.. . Sonora, youngest daughter of painter summerassignment and left for her Opera Workshop..wil] be the ."~’Aka-:. ,¯¯¯ ’"" ¯ ¯, ’¯r. ¯¯ ¯ ThomasHill and sister-in-law of John Palo Alto homeon Thursday. :i .::.. tombaSingers," .the groupof Japa-..:..:..:.i.’/. .WashbUrn,. spent the lastweek¯of , - : . < :." :. "[! ". . Lyn and .Stanley Whitfield moved neseoperastudentsWhowith Mr.. and-.. .:..ji/ :. ’ August at Yosemite Lodgein celebrainto.a homein Fresno this week. Stan tion of her 84th birthday. .... , .... ~n the." a ¯ .::".::, [ ¯ will be employedby the Laura Scud- Mrs. Jan Popper,..were , ¯ .P r~: :¯.¯¯¯ ¯¯j¯ ¯ Questioned by her daughter, from der Company. last week. Performing at one. of the .::.< ¯¯ . ,¯: ¯...<¯¯ / ¯ whomthe trip was a birthday gift, Dan Mote, former six-day walking hotel units.each evening, they tllrilled ’: ¯ ¯..¯¯ i¯: as to where she wanted to go, her trip guide and CampCurry bellman, audiences ’ With. their ,beautiful singing.. i"i. i. ] reply was, "Back to.old Yosemite." was recently married to Patricia Lewis ’ andwith their charmand.grac:ious-:< :.. i:::! Although Yosemite had once been in San Mateo. The new Mrs. Mote is .,-. ..... ..., her home, she had not been here since a graduate of Mills College. Dan, ness. ¯ ¯¯ " --O-¯¯¯¯< -7¯ ¯; 1916. "There have been many won- son of Dr. and Mrs. Clayton Mote of derful changessince then," she said, Sausalito, graduated from the UniBACK TO SCHOOL :’ ’ ’ . > i: , "and somenot so wonderful. But that’s versity of California. The first contingent of last June’s /:. progress." --o-graduates to leave for school Wa’s: :i Mrs. McCullough was a pioneer SWAP TALK the group who elected to attend. I; amongthe mountaineering tribes who For sale: 1954 J’wo-door Ford, leather Wasatch Academy in Utah. They were ,,. traveled the Park’s trails on foot, seats, radio, heater, chains, good Linda Bevington, PamelaLeedy, Allen ’ ’ ¯ sometimes all alone, sometimes with motor-S225.V i r g i n i a Richardson, Moe, and Carol Ottonell0. ’ ¯ ,¯. ’ ’ ., pack animals. As a girl she had her Ahwahnee Dorm after 4 p.m. FR 2Juanita Aranguenawill attend San . .. own camp at Brldalveil Meadows 9945. .. ... where the stage to Glacier Point went For sale: Uprig’ht piano with bench, Joaquin Memorial High. School in .... . Fresno, and Bill McPhaul the Menlo ...: by every day. There were always $75. Adele Laux, FR 2-470"!. week- College Preparatory School .for boys.i i." i lots of "hangers on" at her camp, she days. at Menlo Park. ..... says, and’she and her girl friends had Wanted: A glrls b~cycle in good Randy Armstrong, Susan Buzzini; :: a "high old time and got into lots of condition. Lee Miller, FR 2-4838. Danny Cottrell, Gordon Howe; Ronnie mischief," Among herfriends ofthal-..-.::::.:-....... ..--..........=:..............¯ ...............--.::.-..:....... .::- ..... James, and .Dorothy Melton will .go time she lists manyof the namesasso- were. predecessors of today’s Calif. .. Ciated with the early history of Yo- school of painting and was, according to high school in Mariposa. to his daughter,the first artis! to have semite. Curry, Degnan, John Muir, High school graduates not mentionGalen Clark, Cozy Hutchings,. and a studio in the Valley. ed elsewhere in these pages include In 1885 he moved his studio to others. Sandy AIIcock who is enrolled at the The dozen paintings of Yosemite Wawona.During her visit here Mrs. College of the Sequoias in Visalia, that have been hung in the San McCullough spent one day at Wawona Timothy Berrey who will attend the Francisco Office and are to remain helping Doug Hubbard with plans to ~ University of California, Bruce Flad’//i through Oclober 31 are a few of the restore the studio to its original con- mark who goes to the University .of ¯ . . :i: ~ ¯ many works done by her father Tho- dition. It is that building near the hotel Oregon at Eugene, Ingrid Johnson ~.’; .¯¯~¯¯i masHill during his lifetime. He was which is now used as an employee to Fresno City College and Mike Wal. ..’.’ ., ..~ outstanding amongthe artis’~s who recreation room. £ron to Modesfo Junior College. ’. , ..:! ¯ . .: .::{! ,,’,.’ ¯; ’:,: ".Camp activities-have been numerous, from swimming, to roasting marshmallows at ihe nightly camp-.. .i: :.ed in for lunch one day. Although 26 " firel MercedLake has.again been a. i: " .is the:sleeping capacity, 47 sat down st0pping place for a Wide variety :. i for dinner last Thursday. . of guests’campers,scouts, hikers, arid : May. Lake Campoffers an unusual riders.. :.""and exciting surprise each evening ¯ ’,... FromJuly 11 to August20 the .camp. .. for un’knowing guests. A short five has accommodated1426 guests and ¯ minute walk takes you to the top of Gla.dys Smlith has prepalred 3971. " i. a small ridge where a splendid pandelicious meals. The busiest period .".orama is visible. But that’s not all. was from August 1 to August 10 when Just as the Venusstar begins to disthere was a total of 326 guests and .. appear behind Mr. Hoffmann, far in 1066 meals served. "-"the’ distance can be seen the vivid ¯ Crew memberswish to extend their ¯ ’ glow of Yosemite’s well knownFirebest wishes to the manyguests who fall. have made our summer enjoyable. ¯ .. The last few weeks have seen the Wehope to see them all again next . ¯ beginning of someimportant changes . " inthe camp. Packers Dennis Ebby and summerin the High Sierra. -o: Fritz Bowen, and maintenance man A FAREWELLPARTY Fred Dawsonhave been busily haul’ ing cementand gravel up the trail on MargueriteRadigan,c a f e t e r i a , muleback. Meanwhile we have been cashier and venerable "Queen" of Visited by Mrs. Mary Tresidder who Glacier Point is retiring from her ’brought her friend Mrs. Butler with summer job after many years with ¯ her, Stuart Cross and his son Bobby, YP&CCo. A combined birthday and " Wayne Whiteman, Zach Stewart, going-away party for Marguerite was Gordon Warren, and Dick Ditton who held on the evening of September1. :. have held deep discussions about It was quite a party, complete with plans for more tents, the platform hugecake, miniature eclairs, cookies, . . locations, and a new dining room. punch, presents and plenty of great wishes for a grand gal. Guests and WANT A RIDE? all of the personnel at Glacier Point If you would like a ride, going east participated, and it was agreed that contact Bert Platz at Degnan’s resMarguerite’s farewell was the best aurant c~s soon as possible. He will party of the year. : eave for Macon, Georgia on Sept. 11 O. Bradshaw and will share travel expenses. ":." Lake, manypeople, walkup¯ to visit. :; ii the Cam p for a day. Fifty.peop.le stro!!- : ; .. .. ,’Probably her companion saidl "You. know I . ..... . . . . .. ¯ ,.ii;.. :., was’ just. talking ’to.. JeanWebb,i:.. :.-.:;.. our counselor,: and.shetold meSome :.. i :’.:i.. pretty interesting things: about this. I . ¯ ’ " .... .... ~. place." ’ -. " . " ".... .. " " " ’ . ... "Like What?" . :: .’ .,! .. . . , ¯ . . ¯ has" " .:."..". . ""Well," shebegan,"the Annex been hei’esince 1951;"there.are 76 .. : womenliving hereithe piaceis always... .. i:". ..._. full .to capacity and.thewaiting list. is miles Iong.’(,,,.:i.. " " . .... " " :... "1 know of quite afew girls, who ;" ,i terminated early and pay.guestfees " ":i lust so they can continue living here." " :. ;. "It’s a tremendous location," her companionsaid. "1 meanwe’re right " in the center of. everything.’" She .,. ’ gestured directly.aheadof her. "There’s the Swinging Bridge Beach a few yards away, - l, "Someterrific parties there this. ¯ ......... summer--" she trailed off.. ’ "The Lodge and the ’falls and-" "It’s too bad the falls have. to. dry" up," the girl said, "kind of like a symbol of something." " "The end of summer, the middle of September, and the closing of the Annex," her companionsaid. "It opens again in May." "Yes," she said.. They were silent for a minute, contemplating the" jagged peaks in the distance. "Mrs. Webb told me," she began again, "that there are fourteen different states and .four foreign countries (Con|imbedon P=I~¢~o~r) . ,. .,:.. ¯ i ¸’,...: " :,". " . . ’"’.’ " . " ., ’.’ "" : ~.’: !~,I’~/,,:’:’-"~.!-¯/:’¯¯/; ¯:.;¯//¯i, ¯’~ ¯¯ : ’ ’ .:/. ’ :.¯¯/ ¯: ,¯r ¯¯¯ ¯./:¯¯’¯¯¯ ¯:¯ ;¯:/ii’¯¯ ¯. ,:. ~ "...,: %...., ¯ ;~ :,..’ ’ .. ’.’../ "’ /... ~. , ....:~’, ¯ : .4_. ¯ ~ , : .: .~ ¯ . . / . . ." . ’,~’. ~ .~/" ~" ..’.. ~ .’~" . ~ ." ’-. " ¯ . ; ¯¯. . ". ..:.. .¯~ ~... " ".’.’. ~" . , " ; . " " .]~. ..:’"’:.. :: .’:: ./ .. ,.’/: "’ "7- ," ". . ..:.. .! .. ::’-..’:.. ..~,:. ~i:, ¯ ~¯ "¯~’/.~¯!¯¯i"~!:i~].’:i.,,¯:¯’,/’ , ::i , :¯¯ ¯ L’¯ ¯i¯: ,’: :, ¯¯:: ~,:’ ¯.’-¯ ..... : ¯.’ ¯¯,i.¯: : ~::¯.¯,,,:¯ ¯¯:; ’)’i’;’ ’ ’’¯:.’¯"¯¯¯~)¯’¯ ¯ii ::. ¯¯:¯.¯/ ¯ ;¯¯¯..i¯ ¯/ .’.:: i ,’i.¯¯ :,:.¯¯:¯:’¯’~.%¯,;," ¯ . ’ - .’. ~ " ... . ,. ¯ ’... . , " "" ’. " ’ ." ..... : , ", i: .... ~ . . " ,:¯ ¯ .., " ~. . . . ¯ .. . ¯ ¯¯ i ¯’ ¯ " ¯¯ ¯/ ./ ; ¯- .... ¯ ¯¯ ~ ¯ ¯ ¯¯’. .... ...." ~: .’ ." ¯ ~.~,:v’t’~’~.l’/’~:~ "~"-"!" ,:" ~ -" "~"~" "’,’.’ "~" ::" ~ ’ -’ ~/’~.:" i". "’.":~, .". ...’." "’. ~:" "-.’~!’.’.’~".:, ,,,. ::r.’,’~. " :. . .’-, "~ " ~’ "~ " , ~.....’..." , " "’,q~ ’ ..", ¯ "" ¯ ’ - . ... ..... ’ . , . -’¯ ’ .T ..... . . ..... ." ’" " . ..... . .’. : .. " ’~ . . .’ :, ¯ ¯. ~¯ :¯ . ¯¯ ¯ . ..’ .... i.’...,,,/.q,..,~. ¯ A.C,~".’./~i~’:,, ~::.f’.:....~.:.....’ ~,..:, ~’.O. ". ,.~.:-....i/’i., "~ :. " .... . ~" ~. "- ¯ ’ , ~ ’ ’ " "~"." "L "."’. ¯ . " . . ¯ . . . ..¯ ~~ "’ ¯ , ’ ... ~ ¯ " , . .~ :. ~ " ,./. ,~’ , r ’~. ,’.’. ; ~ . :. ’~, :~- t ’. ,.’ r "j.~/..~. ,, .:.; " .,; ¯. , ,; ’..~ "" . "’~.’f .."’, .., ..’ "’, :’ "",~.:"" ~ h’ " ’"," :t’:,’~’~’.’,’~ . ~ , ~ ~ " .¯ .¯, . .. ~ . ~’,",,, " /," .:....~:../,./ ~’i~.:~ . .... .¯.i. ¯, i.¯¯¯.¯:-¯~: i....¯ ,~.~.-,::.’.---¯:¯¯d.¯-,: ,: :¯- ¯,’-’¯’-"¯:"-~:;~-":! ...... .’." "- ~.C’:~ :". ’.’:~ ’ ~.C.’~ . ...~/ ’ " :. .’ . ~"~’,". " :’, ...". ~ ’’..~" ,;’ ’ ~’" -.’ . ." ’.’~ ’ ..... ’.:-:. , I." ’.". ". ¯ " "’ ’" "¯ . ’ " r ..... " ¯ " .’:." ’ ". " ." . . ’ .... ,¯ .’:’. ’ "~ "~.- .-:’ 7::.:-:.-’/.~!’.:¯:¯!:¯.:".’-’/ ~.:-/i’~-.-..~¯~".::i!.’."!~.i~"~,: .: :~ ~"": ., ..~.;:~’’..’.".),i’i~,~’.: ’¯:¯¯¯YOS, EMITE:SENTINEL¯, ¯ ¯: ,¯¯¯¯¯ ’ " ’ ’ " ,~ . ¯ " - :., , " ’ , "r ". ¯ ’. i I . ~"’ "~’" ..... ~ "’" J "I I i F ’ " ", " ’ "’ ’ ;=~ ~’ L" " ~ , ’, ~" ~ ~; ~ ’ ~ "i ~ u L ,’. ’ .- . ’ ¯ .’ , ’ .,’ / ¯ ¯ ’ ¯ ¯. ,:..’. " ’ .., ¯ .’ ’ " r " r: ~-, ~ . .. ’.. " . :’. ~,¯¯¯: ¯r: .... ’¯. ,¯. " " ’ ’ ¯¯ "- ...... " ¯ ¯: ’,, -.:.:..")":. "I":SUMMER’S,END. .. ....::.b.:.:i:.’..::’".!..~:.ii:.~C0,;d,~u;cifrOi,i . . ;~ge ,i;;~.;)’.¯".:.’.¯. ’:¯;’";.;’ill¯:)!: ... ..;..."".". .. . . .... ’’ ",...... ."ii.i::i:’i..:.:.::’. ... .."/Fro~":i::/~:rs::.¯::Ha’i~i~i fc:::!;’!.(l(ii)’!.:i~i .}~:.:~!i ¯- . " "., . ":"¯-,’iepresented"this year.’: Mainly coege .:.:" ¯ .... ’. Peggy :PrOCtor~:will:: ieage:i.0n:’ Sept," /"A e:Xah,qrfai:-.Vai.i(: :i .:); :i :,. :::;:!:’: ~ ¯ .’.’..~, .’ , . ¯ ........... ¯ :’.. ,,. . ’ .’ :.’ " :..: ..~ -.:’’ .’ ’ . .~:’,.’.-’.’ .’i;’.". :";~.":". ; ;: ."/. ¯ : " ."- ¯ ." : .". ’ i " " .’.. ~ . ’ .":", " . ........ ember.:11 fora., ong"arit. c .... pated.::tr.....P ’" i" : ¯ /’: :""-~todents she added ’ . ~/: : ...... :’ . :.. : : , .~I .......,. ",: t . S fo"w~rkinz."i ,...J::-:;th ’ .-. i:: ... ..:.:". ",’ Have:you ever’n 0ticed"..the :Variety::.:ito.: Europe .wl4ich,". she.hlopes;i":will :ilast., :-, (Chiisiian’"Ed Ucafion:): }hafi: 1’.:.:"10 .:~.:.":.:i:;~. " :’ :: ¯ ,.... ;: . ¯ ’. ];i’ ’: i’~,~:wo~,e’n:’~: ..... ’ ..... . "...of. ¯ " " a ro’u malors nd ’here~there’s .........’ most"of.’ the¯ :w nter. ,,,. .. "" . ..... :With..a:"school:’"ii~,,~:;.,:4,~,.~, ..:... ...: ... ........ : ,,,-,, .... ,.,,,...,,=..,, i ~’ii :. : pharmacy,: musicS.:art/i pol iisci,, edu~.: friend fr0mDenver,she.wil! travel by i in: the!Diocess’. of V irginia:ha:ve:"gi; ::! i i:-. i ia:~ischoarsi~i~,:i:t0.s’,~ehd:,iii~e..6ex~::’.~ . .’~ cation; b0ogy’ande~’en NewYork :~.. ¯ to ’.. . " ¯ " . " ’.’The:" ¯ " me " ¯ .’ I" . ." .... ¯ ,4 ," ." 1’i ¯ .. ." " -........me dicne .boat from . .... Engand. . ...... I" .: ". : .’A C tua II v," the ~irl.said,:i’~the ’g~rls p!an’to tour.at w~ll. throug.h, muc~.two ..years. at. .Windham:.House,:"..the..:.. ;..ii:;!:, "~:".,: -. .... ¯’;; ":i Sent ne ought’ri0 do-some k nd of: of Europeincluding manyskiresorts. Episcopal Tr/~ining:.Center:f0ri.W0m’en’~i;i~i.i~:ii’::!!ii " : .{" ..,... . __ ¯ ¯., ... ¯ ....;...-. . ....,. : . -. ,. : ¯ .,...., .:. ",..,; ... i , -; ,,,........... ¯ , . . . ....... . ¯ ~ ’ ". ¯ : ¯ feature,stor ¯ East,"and:~to.study/af:.~uni6n".’"~iii"i:-’:~~ tl~e:different .i. .Her exciting trip .follows a/busy., n..’the abouta r. ’. ¯ . ¯. . " ¯ . " . . ¯ " ..’ " . ¯ " ", " ¯ " . " ¯ " ’ I ’.." :. ~’" " .. " " gi’s around . here-especa y.. the summer as.d~rector of the Gnzzy¯ Theolog~cal..:Sem~nary.for.:aMasters......"~..!....i¯ ..:. " " " " " ’ "’ "" " " ’ ": " " .... " ’ ’ " " %" ..... " " "’ ’ : " " " ’ ’ " ’ ’ " : ’" " " " " ’ ""’":"" "’":’t’":;"~’":’"’’""’::"’l’" " " " "’’’ l "" II onAugust.25¯ Each degt:eein ReigiousEducation:: : " :’~.:,,:~!~: ’ ¯ so daring ’ . Cub whch cased ndian girs’thevre " .. " " ¯ . . , . . . ¯ .’ - . . " ..... .. .. . ,.. ’ .... :. ~:.’.’::".:--,!’.’’i’;":’: . ’: :.: : i. " the day,. Peggyand assistant, Patty Mur-’: "It was:very.nice:..io:have:.Ralp[i,/i:!:.~(;-iii,i ~rl ’:’ -"ohthey did one article-0n ./...i: ¯ .Anderson andO; L:.iWalliS:Presen}i~;::..:.iii:ii:!:i:l . .Terrace Mrs. Webb wassayingthat man, chaperoned .12 to"15 ch.!dren n :iwhenthe Dept/0fInterior!SMerit’or!oUS’.":i:.:;ii.~;~:.:!".:. : ranging in agefrom 7. through 150 : i:" :she real’l)!: disagrees with N0rma swims;scavengerhunts, :and short ServiceAwardWas:"aiven;.toi’:Hairv’:.:::l’;:::/i:"!:i: : " ..i : Bailey’y0u know, about Mrs. Bailey’s I ¯ hikesaboutthe Valley,andtaught:".: ~osthUmoUs v l~his SDr~a " .: :: : ’i: ’/-’: i i":;:::::i:"I : ] .... ,... . .. ;’employees being "the prettiest’, and ¯. ’ ¯ , . ., , F , .. ~. ¯ t"." ’.~; .,~...’.:.:,:’,;.:.., .:. ...- .... ~.. " them crafts¯ ¯ -.. : .... -..,I " : ~o "." .. ...~. ":".:../.:.::...:"-~.{ ’ .: " ’’.¯. ¯ mostpolite. ’:~:/ :I’": )’ {ord"":/" " " jULIA’P~RKER ...i.:."iiii..:.::.~ii.ii:i: " i .I " ¯ Patty s returnhe¯ toStan ¯ ". :.:’).i~.,".i::.:.".ii-,:.:.’.,~::".:i: ".: ¯¯ ::, " .. ."Oh .yeah?" . ." ¯ i " . :, " Un,vers,ty. ". : . : (C~,6,~,~’ ~,,m i~ii~’:o,,’i’ ’:ii : ::!i"::"i;:.::"::::,:: ;::! i :: "But she said she’s willing to camlastSat-., eage! to do w.hat she.can.toperP6t.u!;:"::...:iiii.’.i:il ..-’, ... :. ’ promise and state that her girls are .. At the close of bus,ness veteran of urday, Eve yn Whtaker, . ’ . ’ .. . atea:k.nowledge.of.theh:, cultureii.’:.He!:i..’.ii;:;i;.;/:ii ; i i !i : that,:p!usintelleCtualiambiti°us, gay, ¯ 13 summers as director of !he Kiddie nterestpr0mpted her to waich:J~alpt~’~ i; ~: /.": !: .:: ’ . Sincere and hard-working." ’. . .. ¯ . . . : i .’ ’ ’.i .;. ’.’::. .",:.".,;,. ! KamP , reported a bus~er ’then usua . grandmother,Lucy TelleS,as she did :i :::.:~. .... : .. "Well, Mrs. Webbsets a pretty good , i ’ " USI! summer, bead work, basketry and .madeacorn :":’~ :"’f" : example for . Her helper for the second season meal.LucyTelleswas the:"daUghter,.i~:);;.:,"-i:!’:.:III¯ ’ . i , "She really likes the Sherman was Joanne Bartram who has worked of LouisaTom Wh.9 was.born.in yo;..;I ::!:.iii:i..i:ii.. ’ i i Indian girls," her campanionsaid. a total of four summersin Yosemite. ¯ semiteandwasthe .last member.0f::::::l’...- ..~ : ¯ "They’re swell. I mean for this Joanne will return to Fresno State Chief Tenaya’s..tribe 0f..Ahwahnee,:.:. ",,!i. position usually being their first’/ College to:finish the requirements for cheesl :.!:¢i ’~ ¯ " .. .¯ ." .. . ¯ ’ :, ~. . .,. :.... i,...;:..’.... ’ . ¯ " . i " they adjust so well." a teaching credential. After̄ Lucy’s¯death;¯Juliapersuadedi): ::..:.::".]i. ¯ "Yeah, you know they’re never --o-an elderly Paiutefriend in. LeeViningl .i. "::’"i " late." A BILLION VISITORS TO PARKS to teach her about the materials and i.i-..i~I . "And what housekeepers," the girl Billionth-Visitor Day was abser-’ methodsused in weaving the.manY; .)-i.,’.. said. ~by theolder.i:i:!i:¯i/i ved on Wednesday, August 22, in types of baskets made , . ¯ ’ t ’ "I’m really sorry to be leaving here," Yosemite, as it was in 192 areas ad- Indians ¯ She hasbecome . . qute .. ...adept .-.. .. : ., .,.’ . ":. . her companion said. ministered by the NationaiPark at communicating her knowledgel.to .¯-/’ the many interested ’ Visitors Wh011" ’;:...! :! " "When you think of all the good Service. ’.. ?’’, watch. She gives a shoi’t; forma l:4alk"i :.i times--jusl around tt~e Annex." Mr. Guy Stephney of Wilmington, Delaware, who was accompanied by about the basket she iS ¯weaving,-..:;il "1 know..Just sitting around and " about basketry in general, an d . ’~.:., talking with the other girls, seeing his wife, was selected as Yosemite’s answers questions for those Whoask.:" ".! .-.. . : ... who can play their records the loud- representative in ceremoniesin observance of the occasion upon which Even foolish questions get an answer, est:, all the midnightvisiting." for, Julia says that if anyone.asksa. ’ ::i "When I first got here I never the billionth visitor would enter one question he wants somekind :of inforL ) ¯ . ,. , thought I’d get into any kind of routine of the national park areas. Mr. Stephmation. ¯ .... . .,: ney was presented with a certificate it was so chaotic." narning him as the one selected in Someof the things she tells her . :. ! "But exciting," she broke in. ’ ’ ¯ "’1 Yosemite 1o represent that symbolic audience will be explained in a later .: "And we’ve made so many goad billionth visitor. ".. ,: ." ¯. ~ [ In addition, the issue. . . , ri" friends here." I Stephneys were given complimentary "We’ll have to keep in touch." overnight accornmodationsin the Ran- National Parks to record one billion".:ii’ ’ ’.-- L.-- l ’"rill nexl summer." ger’s Club, and through the coopera- visits, il is estimatedthat. the secon.d : ..:..."[ billion willl be reachedin eleven years ¯., ..’ .. i "There’ll be a Iol of changesaround tion of lhe YP&CCo., they were guests by 1973-and by.~1981; another eight ’....:. ’i for dinner on Wednesdayevening at here by then." years, the third billion mayhave¯been .... .~. .. ¯ , ,.~ . . ..’~ "There always are any place you The Ahwahnee. ¯ " recorded. . While it has taken 58 years for . ¯ . t g O, " she said. ¯ ’."¯ ’" " . . . . t .... : .. " ¯ I" . : . .. ’i’ i "{ .~!...:.:.. " "..:i... ;.-......" " " ’ / . i ~.. .’." ’ : / " L’ " ¯ " :. " . .... " . " " " ’~ .... , " ~..".~:’ " "’ / " :’ .. , ¯ "" ¯¯ (,i ¯ : . ~.;’: "": ’~ .... .’":~’". ¯ .... , ¯ .... :, .: ..~ .:: . , ~ . ¯ .[ L" : ’ " ’ ~," " ".",......... i "’, ~ . " ’ ., : :"/.., ¯ .. ¯ ’ ¯ ¯ - . " . ¯ ¯ ,. . .. " .... . "I ;,¯ .¯ ! ,: ~i:;, ’: ,.,:: :7,",‘¸ ::, ,.’ :: ::, . " ..’ "’ ..... "¯ :I"; , \t ¯ , "’,/ ..... ’ .,,... , , ’ ......... ’ , ’ ,, ¯ ’,¯ ,i ¯ , : , ’ ,. ,’" ’ ,,"~’~ " ’" " " "’ ¯ . .’~ :¯ : " ’. " ~ 7. ¯ "’ .. ".i."." " ~ " - ¸ ,: : ~" i’ " ; ..,; ~:~; .:;’..’J:, ¯ " ’" -’ " ’ ~ ’ " ~’ ¯ : " ’ " " ¯ ~ " ". ¯ ~:~"," ’;" ," ’ ’ ¯. - ’..... " i ".’" ". ~ .......... .~ :’ ,’ " ’ ’"-’ " ’’ ..... "".... , ,<. " ’ ’ ’.L ~.~¯ .-’~. ’. ~-..- " . : ~. ’ i. ¯ .. i" ¯ ’’ . " ’ .’ ~ . .~- ’ ~’ ’. ¯ .~ ~".. " . ’.. :’ ’...’~.¯ . ’.. .... F’.. ,~.~:’. ~<" .’~ .!i, ’~~ . .":.~ " .."..q..~.~; ’ " " ~ : ’ ’ " "’"" ?’~ ..... ’ ~ -’ "~ ~ ’ " " ~ ’ " ~ : " ¯ " " ’ " ~ ’ ¯ t ..... ,-~ ’ .. ¯ ! :~ !~ : ~~ ,. -’ .~ ¯ " ’ ~ "i ’ ’. ...... "~¯ ~ "" ’ "" ",,.~..’,’~ %’,.’ ’ "’’.t;~;r{,:~"/.’". ....... : ...... i"-. ~" ................ i’:’-" : .’ ’ . ’ " " ¯ ...... : ¯ ’, " ¯ " ..... . ,,,’ ..~-_.._~. ..... ...... ~~~~’~"Z~. il~’’--"~’~’~~~’" ......... " : ..... ¯ ..... : ". ¯ , ’,"v ; ’’ i’ .... ..._~. _~,~"’ ~-~’~::= .-~ . ~-~ ~___ ¯ ~ ’" - ..... "-=:-..’-’ ..~ ,.;~.~..~ ’ , ........ ,. ¯ , .............. .... " ’,,, ~’r’, ...,_,;___.. ,~;~_~,~,’~,’ " ,; . . ,’ , " , ’.,,,’ ’,:’,..."" ¯ ’, , ,’,’ .:, ,,’’,:.’,,’, ,,’",:,’,, .,’:~.’r ",’, ¯ i .... " ":" " , ’’’:, ~ "-- " "" ’"" .... ’"’;;"’’’’ ’?’ ";’’’’’!’:’V ’., ’. , ....... ..... : " ¯ u ivil,i, ...... .... ..... , ,’ , ........... , ........ ,’ . " , ,L, .. , !.!" IFRIDAY’SEPTEMBER21,.]962 "". .::.: ¯. ’’;" ¯. .,,,. ,,, .¯ ¯ ¯ " " ..... ~...... " .’ ¯ " ¯ ’" ¯ , .... " ’," .... " "" " ": :I,"~" ’ ,,...,.,.. " ,". ~", ¯ , ¯’ ¯ , ¯ . .. .~ . , ..... ".~ ~’ ¯. ~ :"" ¯" . - ’ ".... ........ " ¯ "’ .. ~¯ . ¯ " . ’ " i ~ .... .; . " , ,,"""’I ’ -, ’,~ ’ " " .!:~’ ",":" ¯’ ,x .)*~ iJ ’ :,", :, "’ ’’’" , ~-.~h’~ ,~ ~:--’-"::~ -~-~. ,-,~,~-~:.-~’, !’-’;"-,’:-~;,: :"" ,",""/,, "L;,~:"~,,!’,7/ ,.~.;,~ ’ ’,:,. ,--~ ~:,:,";~:’ ’ ,",,,,,.:’".’,: .-",,,, : " "" ’ i " . " .. ~;*" "; J" ’~’~ L~t~ ~" ~.; ....... - " " "~"T~ u~’-~i~’~’~ ’" "" :’, ": .:" ¯ ’: ’" "~’-’ ’" "." ¯ " ""’ "’" ’ "~,’~ ’’..’ :: ’~’"" ’; ." v ¯ ¯ " ,~’"", :" , ’....... ":, ..... ; -,-:~ ~,-,,, " -: ",, ,:":,:": ,. :~’,:,’,,-.,"-,’::"’:,,’~ ’:-"~’, I t~ " , ,’ ,, {¢~"",~ ,, ---:~’~--’~--~. :--:.-,_~’: ¯ " ". .... " ’ , ’ ¯ " .u~ ~ ~~m ¯ .. F "" : . . "’"’, ’ ~.:: :.. ’’,’ %,., ¯ ’ ¯ " , " ’ : .’:ti: ¸: :: . . : ./ : ¯ ; : .... . " .. ;. L:~!.... :: ’ ..:,... .. :.!I,I.LI-I. . :.:<. ::. ; ...: ..:."’ " ; ..?. :. :" ." :. : . :. " ... . :. :., , ,, ,:: ::, ::’ i -~. ~ .,,, ¯ ,.. ’ . .... , ,,,’ ¯,, " ,,~, " " , ’" " ’ .... ’, .... ’,~"~’~.~ ,~,",,’,,~, . -. ’:"..: ,,, .. ;.:.. . ¯" ..... "’ . !./. ’ .:".. ¯ " "~ , ’ ," :;, " t,,: ’:":",’,, ",",",’:,¯ ..... ,,,:",::,.,,; ’ ........ ~:~-.".-,i., . ’, "~,.:i:~, , ,, ,=:. ¯ . , , , , ,: .... .... .:, ,.:,.:: .... : ,, : ,,: . ,,,,, : , ; .-:. ¯ , . "v ’-.’ ’ : i" <,,,,.,:~~,,~~TI~~L,,,.,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,.., ": ...Yo~emite-.National " ¯ ’ ¯ " " ."’ ’ i " . : ’ ", , ,- ",, !r ,’;!, , ¯ ’,, ’ ..... " .... ~’ ]"" ’ : ¯ . ,:,,,,. ," ..... Park,, CaiifT".i.i:":~:f;~." " .’ ’ ¯ " ¯ . . .... ...... .... ".f",~" ~ " ¯ " . : . ! WESTFALL-HOLLINGSHEAD ’WEDDING’ i : ¯ POLIO¯VACCINE .ii. ’:ii’ ~.. :.:’ :: : KQE DNEWS ,,i"f:ff: :’ ,:’i)i,,:’.i:i.f ... .... ¯ . . - ...~.~ ,.,..’..... , . ¯ "" ....". OnSaturday aftern00n," : " " ’" August .... Sturm urges that anyone.inter..... 25," "" or. ...... ..The sanEducati0nal.’T~le-::.~-; ......... Fi’ancisco !~: ’:’?:’,,,,.. . . ¯"estedin receivingoralpolio.vaccinevision station, KQED, which..i~:"~eCei~,--~:...i-..i. .. .... ’. . ...Joyce. Westfall became,the bride of . ¯ . .... .:....,. ’Robert Hollingshead in ..a.ceremor, y..at Lewis Memorial .Hospital should . ed.in Yosemite ’ on ~channel11," iS:"" ’: ;.":.i .. telephone FRontier.2.4204 immediate": performed..byFather James Murphy "ly. With an adequate number of" supportednot by advertising, asis the" .."..i;"; all .other :. " ’ " .easewith :~. i .in the Village Chapel. . ..... ¯ .. . San . Francisco . . ..’, ’ " . " ". requests it may be possible tO Provide. . .... . sieti0’ns;, but..by.privaie..subscripti0n.. :...i..i .. ¯... a .satisfactory ;"10cal program." The ¯ .."".. . ’The SENTINEL feels that Valleyresi~ Hospital will needto" know.the names dents, are f0rtuna:te to have.any. .;.:.’.;’~: ,.... . and number in a familydesiringthe television. reception in this: is01ated~":."i:!. ." " " vaccine. and hemmed-in .area. And;. we are:-. :.: " . ¯ . .. ... ... : ~0~ especially, , favored-.fo.be " ableto , . ¯ ’ ’, ’,.. ,.!, .. ¯ :, NON-PARTISANSFOR COAKLEY receive Channel 9 programs. (There. :.-.." , . ¯ . . Bridge, bingo, or Canasta Will be is no educationalStatiOnin " greater. , ’ , .: : :. .. the possible choices for an afternoon Los Angeles,. with all its .8 million -....! of cards at The AhwahneeOn ThUrs- p eople!) " " ¯ day, September 27, at 2 p.m. There With an operating castorS480,000. .’",. .’,,;." .i will be prizes. annually,, the¯ KQEDpeople are quite". :: ,. ,.~ Tickets are now on sale for $1.00 naturally , interested.in secur.ing ’:..i each. The proceeds are to be used in ’membership’for the support of their ’ : ’:~ supporl of Judge TomCoakley’s cam- activity. According to the KQEDliter-." : : paign for Attorney General. If you are ature, these contributions are taX. "". ’ not contacted, tickets maybe obtained deductible. The SENTINELoffice has" :! ’ ;:;’ :" from any member of the committee the necessary membership" applica- : " in charge: Mickey Curry, Eileen I ;’, tions. Theseare: ....... .: ’I : Berrey, or Hazel Warren, or purchased Subscriber member .$10.00 ..... at the door. Fair Share member,$12.50, $14.50 & .. Mr.ct,d J~lr.~;.,[?.ltebe’r~ C’.lloLli~l~lsheacl Sponsoring the affair is a non-par$, 7.50 ,, ’ . .. . tisan group of citizens working under Sustaining member $25.00 For her wed d i n g, Joyce chose the chairmanship of Robert Maynard, Contributing member .$50.00 a dress in tradition al white and co-chalrmaned by Kit Whitman. Sponsor member .... $100 (or more) fashione.dwith street length, bell skirl, Imprinted Christmas card samples All new members joining at $12;50 and shc..ulder lenglh veil. Her only will be displayed by "Santa Claus at!o!,d,:,ni was Molly Coakley who Sargent" (Shirley Sargent of Foresta) or more will receive a "KQEDTimer" wore a turquoise sheath and tiny veil. who does a thriving Christmas card direct from Switzerland. This is a Malcolrn Tressidder was best man. business in Los Angeles. Her cards pocket-size, 2-hr. timer, useful for Afler a reception on the lawn at The range in price from 40 for $1.75 to timing a baking cake or for timing a parking meter. And, in addition, Ahwahnee,the newlyweds left for a 100 for $49. She has generously offer.. honeymoondownthe California coast. ed to donate her commissions from subscribers receive the station’s monthly program guide, "KQED.in Focus". The bride is the ciaughler of Agnes any orders taken that day to the K Q E D PROGRAMS - SEPT. 21 to 28 and Waine Westfall of Yosemite, and Coakley campaign fund. Scanning the September issue of is a graduate of Mariposa High Rueben C. Hollingshead of SacraKQED’s program, we note many up: School and Fresno City College. She mento, is employed by the City of coming programsthat maybe of interis employedby the Sunland Mortgage Fresno and will continue his major in est and enjoyment to Valley viewers. Companyin Fresno. physical education at Fresno State Shownbelow is but a smattering of Hollingsh~ad, son of Mr. and Mrs. Coi!eqe on a part time basis. (Conlinu~d onp,~ge, four) .-....................THESE iTEMS-ARE F O-R"iFI-ik--[i~TERES?-(DF PARKEMPLOYEESAND ARE NOT FOR PUBLICATION i .. ,. . ~ ¯ ’ " .’.~. , " ’ . "’L.’ ’ """ ’ ". ,’’~’ .’.’:, ,.., ;;’ ~ .,’ ",~ .- . .,~ ::~,..;"-., , ,,.. .... . .,. ’-"’ .. ".’ ", "," "" L ; . . ’ . ......, ..’.’..; .’% ’; )...,..’.E . 1..";::.~.-; .. ¯ . :...t,., ’, ~’r’:.~ i~",’ " I "~’ : "-,"’.’: .:i."~.-,’<" ~.’[’."".’.I’.’:’!’:’"C’~ 2., Z : ’... ’~/",. I .":. :.’i -’,~:~.’.":~/:~ ~,".. ’~.-. ’-’~ ¯ .."¯ " " .... ’"":’~ ~’ " ’":" , ~,:~:’’’::.:.:;":’’’<" ’:’:’ .......". : ’.’. ’" .’ .............. .....~’’’.,’.’,."~, ",r.’.~,~..’’’.~’:’’.. ...... L.,’. ’ . ......’,: . ’.., . ’~"’:’:>’’.’.’~’’’,.;’:.~.’’’’’::’.’’’ ’* ’:’!’’’’’’’’’YOSEMITE"SENTINE ¯ :.-.:.: . ....,~:~;<i:: ’ <.~’~ ..... ,.. ¯ ,~;-~::~:,.....; ,,,.. .... . ....... . .... ¯ .......... , .., ’’ ",--’~’: ’’::’’’’"" ,:’.:::~’:’~ ~!!’i.i’’’ .... .,..,...,..:.:....’::.::::r’.r’.’:’."’.’" ’;’’’:’r::;t’’,?/’!--’’:~’.<:.’~’!.i!:.i::’’’’.’.i;.:~’:/’’~;:’:<’i!’’~!’:’ ..... ,,,. .. ........... .... ,......,~.:;,....,.~......... ....: ,..~,......~ ; . .. ... ,.":: ¢.i,:~i..:.~i~!i;~i/~~6,e~,~l,~,~~~~ "~:...:’ OBSERVATIONSOF;A.:JOURNALIST..::. .. ’."::when .they..ipause . to.. res!!;~.,Tbe,, :.".." ¯ ~.":L’!.’,..’’,."~’."’ "’’ ........ :"":"." :"./", .... "’ " ..... ~"’ ..’:’.’" ".’.. ’~. ’ .... . .-... i ~,,":...,’,’_: 5,’~’::.,..~’.:-.’ ’c’. : ,".:.’ ¯ ." , "~’"."""""’.’’’"~’ "’4’~ ’,’,.,?,v-,,~,, b sters, on occas~on.....The:.ess: ":".::~’""".""YO:SEMI’TE’ " ........." .l"~h""f6"0Wh : ~ce:w~"s~rittenb..... ¯ .... :. ". ~." ’.’". .... " ".. ¯ ’ ¯ ¯ " .. .... : .. SEN’TINEL ,. " . . ."".,-" e~’ ..... gp " ~ Y. .... ¯ ...... ~."::..... .....’ .....-;:.:"--:’.’-..;~ ... ". .....:.~;.~,.,.,<,.-;:.."..:~... ;:. . ’.... .... ; ......... i:..:.;.,:. :. ......:........ ~’"" " " "-- " .-~ :’::-": "":~ :S: enced w Itsh vera,.......~ itt ¯ ........ e n;ch ...,. ¯ . .......... ;:...., .... ¯ :..:...... :"::.".".. .:,"- .~...i."...i~i Publ shed . by.;: ...." ?":......"... ........: ’Ma/’k"Kn c~hf, <nown to ’ many.of, us a ...: .... - " " ’"" " ’: " ’ ...... , " :’" ’ "’ " " ’ ’:’~ " "" " " " ....... ’ " " ’~ .... " " " "’ : ’." ’ ¯...........’ ’ ’ " :"" " " " ’ .... " ’" "~’ "" " ’r-" ¯ "- " ...................... ...-..--. ¯ ........ .,, .......... breezes;.as,the on.~.the.t.a, ¯ ..: :...:.-. :~.,......, ’."..:..’... Yosem te. Park..and.:Curry Co..:.. ".the Fresno Bureau’Ch ef for Assoc~ated,..... ......... .......¯ ..Y;,...,.,:,....:-.,...,.. ...... ..:,.:.. fi~’e.’ Sbn’gfests:and/ndtbi:e:: "":":~ :"::": ¯ ’"fo~ the " nf0rmat On of" :".."..i:""."’: . :""j,]~,~ 14-i~:~; ~:i:m:~’;:thi~:,JearM;:"::’camp "’... ’ " .... .. [...:...."...-.,..~.... : : ............... .......: ~ .........."~res ........... ,~ ...... ~,,--:,.- ,,. . .. . ’.’. "...... .: .... ...-.v.":.... ..:.,.".,.:.:._-".:i.:.:.:.....:.:::.,::i.’,;..i:.:::’$., ; io.. piepaiteistorie:s ¯ . i...." i""- ’;:~:: :": :’~’ ’"y°semite: ¯.Valley : residents,’.., i..:. i.:";. ."i(night will.C’ontin"ue i :.."...Scar.c.e.l.Y"::ai : w0rd:ii .Of:":c,.°...:mp.l.a!nt.::!i:’.[i :- [..he;..surest/:... !.nd’cat’ ¯ " :. ¯ ¯ " " ; :/.";:i":-... ~ Esther.. Morgenson ._ ,,:_.~:".. Editor,’."..:on..:. Yosemite : in i.. vari:ous. media . ;,He: ...: sPgke.n~ : "i". " / :" ".:":"H"Oehlmann ’".."’ :; ",Advsor-, .i" ~.m~;;~",,...~;,~ t~;~" ~,~;~~_n.~," h’ikina"irio.. eVer,:"that..the::er~thUsiasm:i.:is...,:genUirie " ; ’ ". !".! ’:~.i!: : ’~4’~ ~’ ..~ i,.,,,~:.- -: .. ’ :." "~,dvsor::" :’ ’~’-,’~- :"""~" "" T.’:..’.. "~.,..’.7’:’. ,.._ .’......... .... : .. 7 comes;inI the,"number!’who .ret:u’i:r:r:-an ... ...... .,...:. ,’. :,.;. "-’h’"’/~’. -"-----,--- ,. ..... ’ . ananereoy:sezs.aown nts~mpresstons-: . .... ...... :.,, ..........,,:..........,:,.:.;.:..:...<..~-... ..... .. i..:. ;......H. Berrey’. " " " :": ’"Advsor " ’’:.",,,, ".";.",. - " ,:: "., ’,, .,. ,..:"ra". other year, either, inorgcmizecl’..groups . . .. ¯ : ...."......,".’.... ,...,. --’---.----- ......... ":: ..::.i...wnaris mereaoout. Tnentgn.bter.. :. .... . :...;...:.- . .. -... " ¯ .. : .... --,’..’..,.-.:,, r° n~’’ ;°n’i ". .... ’ .." ~ail commun cations to Yosemite" , -:--": ". ,,",,~,,, ; : .. -, ’::... -. ’or:havinggained"c°nfi.dencei{ ...... .. . .... ... -. : ....,.: ...... . . .... - ¯ . . . " " m./,UUU to /l,UUU teeT in granlTeana....: ’..,.. ¯ .." ¯ ..... . -... . ..... ~’..:., ".0,f these, for.lseparate.and ’often.m0i’e .... " ..... .:.. :.". ’:"sentinel, c/0.:YP &C. Co.; or " ...... " ¯. .. ."... " ¯ .. ’ . ... " . ’ "...... " ’’, , " .... ’.’ i "’.’" ¯ .. ’.. " . . " .¯ ’. ’. . .... i¯ ¯forests; threaded ¯ . ¯ .. ...:: . .:........ ..... . ,-.. .../.: .....,.. :, ,~,., ..... /..,..-;......:i;, ~,,...: . . . . . . with¯ . canyons, , , rivers,, . .... :.../ . ,,.,... i,: ...,. ....,..:.,. . ’ .. .....::.;... ~)q0ne...FR .2-4852.... Add,t,onc.: .... wdl fe andfowers .~ that, in .recentardu°ust[ ps,i:..":::...: :!.i:,."..:.. :.:;;.-..-..:..i:.. .;I:::I ii::’i;~’.il :’."/"-.. ’ " .... . Cboies mav be ¯obtained at the . , . ; i ....... " . ~o " aTTracT . ’ . ’ so ". manȳ The composition ot:a’groupinterests:i’.! .. ."¯ /.:..-..: . .........- . ¯ .... " ...... .~ ,.. .".. ¯¯-years nas oegun ./... .. :". ..,~.. -.. ...~ :.":,..’ ": i..i:..t,:,:.:; i ~ur. party, vartea..:.tn..;~i.~ /.. i~..." ...:. - ..... . , ’ .... ’ ..... "" PersonneOffice ¯..¯¯. " . ’ ..... .., -... , . ’i,. ¯ .... ’ menewcomer: .. ..- .. ...... ., :..:.-...;..,:.:.,.; :..:... ¯ ’ , .....: :" .. . .. ;...’ " . " chy..owelters To spena weeKs wa~Ktng ... . ... ’ . .. ...... t.~,.e,.~,~+.,,,,~,~¢.¢,¢,,g-¢~e~.~.@e4~¢,-e4~4~, ...:.:....... " , .. ,..... ,.~. . :. ¯ .... :.. ... : ages¯¯from eleven;to sixty-fire;years. ..... ¯ ....... ¯ - . ¯. . .... - .... .. ’ merocKy.l"ra s. " " " " " " divi d d e5W"""" ......... : " " . , ’- " " ... " :fairly evenly . eteen"~sexes:: .... .:..’"" .’ : . SUGGESTION.AWARDS.. ....... . .... . ’ . ... ¯ . ¯ . ". .... - ’ " "" ’ "" One week of a Conductedtour,¯¯. a of them, could- be" " " , .... ¯ ¯¯-Probably ~i!,"" ’ " " .... ¯ AwardS have been made ¯ to em’ : ’ " _ ’ ..,.., " , ... ...... . ".:. ¯ .~... ..... : ...,." :,,.:,...... ....’ .... .. .. .." under thecapabegu danceotranger¯- ¯ ’f ::~.,,.~:-. " "ist" William " ".’ ’"-[.. -,r~ee,y, , " ’"".prov,aes " ed ’acce;~ted’ u~ . r- . as. natura .. moderateincome.range.’ .. " .... ... :: -.-.. .... . ..... ~i ~’:. . ’ ¯ ’. " ’ .t-: ~,lo,,ees ~ ¯ for¯ Su,~estions .....in ..the. ’: " " " " ii~. ~.:~:’ : ’ " " """ " " a " as ’o to .There is: an unmistakableappeal.:to " " :to ows" " ’ "’ . ¯ .". Robert. Turnbull’Housekeeping de" nteroretinwords Asked the question "the. intellect I. " P . . ....of...re~. ¯ ." .. " . ." .... " .. ’ . ¯ ’ ’. :me answer, ~ur,T,s nor n.e y ne .... . and ..to’"erion~ ’::~"": t:" ’"":’" " "ua .... ; i!~:iii......!.i: iI:.~.. . ¯ ’., , ~.. me’. ~,tteen ¯ ., . memoersor.our ., .cent foreign ’ ¯ . ..orig’n. . . . . .. ’Th"s.~vas:.itrUei~"6. ~., ;.. . . . ’ :..,:;," <-.. .., .., ., :.i !-’ ~. : ¯ ¯ ¯. "!:. :.." ,-,artment ~. ., ’ The .. ..Ahwahnee . ... .: ~10 -,. ¯Su~ _ =.""- airec~y, our party and queries seemedto con ..... ::..."gestion-A differentkind oc ofl s "ouk dh ¯ ear y September safari had .what .. divergentr°¢-C,~.P.b.~’i.ii:i~."!i!::~,!ii~i!:.:~ ¯ . . ’ . ..../."..~;,...:[:’.i"ii"-..i;~i;~’!i;i!i:.i:..". firm’tk~e.trend’. IBut i:. : . -: . :.;.. be installed On all.do0rs leading from .boils downto a single simple re ., ...... :status..:of..the....:..:.~i>i~i:..,.i~:~.i ... " ..." ihemain lounge to the east and west S~0nse" thev souaht release from the .tionsand.econom,c walking ’.parties. c o n f i.rm’:s:.;.ithe"~i~!~:~!!i:.:!,".. .. ¯’ ’ ’" " ~ " .... "¯ " o"r . : . : . terraces0f .. . .... the hote ¯ ’ ¯ ." tension accumulaTea ~n a year . ¯ . . -..:~",.::.:..-.:~.~...;::.:.:~.~.." .. ¯ :. " Barbara Chapman~-Ahwahne waitvocational activity. .... assurance they..iform ¯ a... w!.de e .. cro...ss.-i.:..!i::i:iiiii!.!ii:....... section of.the.populace:....: :..i.i.....-;.ii-i..ii.i...:!.!/.~:.!.!~.iii.~:i....... i:.. . ress : $10. Suggestion-A cigarette The Currv Comr:anv sensed several . ~..... machine should be .returned to the years ago that thesolitude Of the high , Tro,ls,de .c0mmen.t.s bythe.g u,de.::.as!~:!i!!,.:.;.i!/...;~..... me son.g purs.~, ...lUSr.come:na!ura!~y...i..:’.’::..!ii<!:.ii. ¯ ." Ahwahne’es de.hall so that employees country, with its pure air and alpine :. .... : There~s. nofeelingof the..outdoors,...."~.!i!~;:; , " . gift attract ons Would have to go ¯ "~ a-"ea ¯ not " ¯into the , I ^ossessesa uni-ue H P’P’ ’ .,.,..’ " ’ ¯ .. .’,..’ ’~., : .::."F".iv:."i.: ¯ " " eu~ii":,i!:i:i:i..::!.ii:i.; ...: ... especially to those under h e a v y clas.sr°°m. . shop for cigarettes. I .’.ne.vasrnessia.na.g~a:na, ot the mounta!ns have kindled qn..~n:..;:../,.i.:..i.~i!.. , left . Even though employees have mental stress in their work. Tours .. and.compos,t~o..n;....ii~!~!ii...i.i;..... for both on foot and horseback had"’co,’n- terest~ntheor,g,n . the: ¯ Companythey are eligible of th~ngs which " make the "brief po~n ’ .. ’. ":!!,,:!’.’~":::,j/. i. " ’ gthree have " awards ¯ The fo own . ~anv gu des, often advanced stude~ts ters simply answers"to silent question’s.:.".J".:i:"::i " . ’. ". ...... ’ ’ c0m-leted theirsummer em,, r- oyment’ . ¯ . ¯ ....... .,’oF . .... H tn universities, their p o p u I a r i T y . "the comaraderiel that.de v e Iop:sli:/:"!’.<: ] Leila Miller-Reservations Office $15 increased and caught the attention of . . ..... . .. ’ amonga groupOf total..stFar~gers:".;i;ii/...!... Suggestion-Porta-Cribs shou I d be the National Park Service. ¯ "" ’ "’"’s"’"!"":""" under this environment ~s at’.fir t.................’ " . purchasedfor rental in the main secTwoyears ago the Park Service beamazing.Welearh"this"iS 0neof.the~!..ii;::.".i: tion of HousekeepingCamp. gan furnishing a guide for each walkgreatsecretsof the Success of.the~.;::i~i:’.:.’.".! .. :.". ¯ .Bruce Mad,~.en--Y o s e m i t e Lodge ing party on the seven-dayround trip. venture-for everyone ~nvolved n.th~.:.:~"..: ¯ kitchen helper $10. Suggestion--Bolt A highly qualified ranger-naturalist, .’ ’ " ¯ - ." .....",’i ,,i " " ¯ " " !. latches should be attached to the dish- educated in the geological formations programviews it as."outstand ngly.~ .ii:i !. washer so that the tank lids could be latched open to facilitate cleaning and servicing of the machines. Charles Riggs--Y o s e m i t e Lodge night cleaner $10. Suggestion-That iw0 extraneous brackets on the boltom of a refrigerator in the kitchen be removed to facilitale cleaning the floor underneaththat unit. --o-BASEBALL The Cubs (under 40) will play ~he ’49ers (over 40) on the school grounds, September 29 at 2 p.m. Adults 50 cents; children 25 cents. of the Sierra, as well as the animal and plant attract!ons, was assigned each group. Dr. Carl Sharsmith and Neely alternate weeks in the short two-month season. The total impact of the hike is, of course, impossible to describe. From the first day through somesixty miles of rocky, steep, often dusty trudging, with light backpacks, the group of fifteen guests view with wonderment, and listen attentively to their guides %.e T I SUCC-SSrU ’ " - " ...... " " ":""":..~ ’~~ ;".: -:/"i :" , ,: . Thecampsthemselves,and": the:.;~:.~..<...:: ¯ .... , ,., .~.. . .. manner in whichthey are condUcted,.:...::..."i~i ¯ undoubtedly contribute much to the": :...:i "’ . entire tone of the tours. Sixwell-"-. ..i;. " ¯ equipped tent hostelries, strategically":.i,~!.: ¯ " : ..’ "., ’::~’.1 ’ spacedandlocated to. accentdifferent.......:i ¯ ".. typesof altroctions,awaitthe. WearY.~:..’..":i.;!i. travelers. Arrival is in mid.afternoon, ¯ . ... , .i" i.:i ¯to give ampletime f0r the anglers to":<’’."~ ’ ."...’..: ,:}. ¯ ) ¯ .", :.1 . cast their lines, andall to wash. thelr ..... ’"i ¯ , , .. ’., : ¯ underwear and footgear,and shower.’:." ;."~:; Thereis enoughphysical p0nish- .".-:C.;I : Proceeds will go to the White Cane mentto give the walkera feeling he ::i"!:/;ii: Programfor the blind. (Continued on pa"egt’rce:n ) . .... :""""":’:"::"::..<"; . " : ’ ,. ¯ .;. ,".. h . . <,! . ’, .,,,:’, ,....,,, .:.~ ¯ . .. ~! ~,! - ¯ ...., .’..~.;’,....::i " ’ .:, :.,,, ".!; . .. , " ,. " " "’ " " " " -’"’ --:~.." .. ¯ i .. .’~ ".. ¯ .. " .: ’ ’’ .... " " ’""" .’i;~:: ...." ¯" ,..=,,, " :’ .... : .... ".. "" .....: ’:’" ~" ’ "’ ’ ...,-. ":"-. , ’ . .~,,," ., ,’;, ¯ "’ "..," -.i ’., ""...... , .~:... . .,.’,’¯ ¯:..’ ,.., .",,.j . ’...’ ,.:,. -,,¯ ’,,,......... .: ,., ",.., .. "’ :i,~.,i;. ~:.. -.’:;~:.’.;,:’:~ ~~:’.:.-~:,,;..~;’, :..." ¯ ,,: ~" "’,,’F’,,.~ ’.,:’.i,",’ "." ".:,"," ~ "’,, ..:’~",":I:.’~".’’L:[ ¯ "’’.~,:. .’:",’ i’."".’~.~’.’~",’," ¯" ,’..,~.’;~.! ’.J.. .:~. >.,,’~,. ’ ¯ ;_ :..~-.,,’..~...-:. :.:, , ~ " .: : ,.... ,’ .- ~. ~.: ’ ,~.-.~ ’ ~>:":’:.- " :~" ,;.:I.’~.:’.’:~Uj,’ h;~i.’...:~..::.:,!,~.:, .~ :,.~:’. ~%,’:,~; ::":;<.i:: ~’.’.~’ ~.:.’,..’’"".,..,,’. .".,:..:".~; ,-i.~ ~~’:!;~, .:..’.: -.,,.~..!,’:,.:.~.’.,~~i~.-.~":’,:";:’."?. ’~!=~i":..~...: ¯ ~..;’i:..i:;. ,-.’,!I’lL.. I :": :,~:-.<..’: .~’!.:~.’.:./{. :"’,"i.:;’.,:;:::.{!;~’;’,~’:~.’, ,,~:’. ’::..’;’, .~i~ ’ "! .".;: ¯ ’" "~’,. ’ ~."’ : .’:’ .’.- .: ¯ ,......" .. :.. ¯ . ~..: ’, ’. ",] ;,;,"~:~"....-.’ :-..q :’, :.!..: :. " ,’- ".. !, .": .~,, ":,’:.~ ¯ :, ".?.’~.~-,):’" -...L,:" ,’,’ ’~.. ,": :’. ’..’ ,.,",,." :~’ ,,., ¯ : .,~~.’,’ "i, ,~."":. ,’. ;’i:":, : " " "" ¯ ...... ’ : : ::: :i !. ........ .......... .... .... -. "-" ¯ ..... .... ’r"" ’ ~.’ ’ ".’"’"/ ’."i ,’,’’~" " .". ; "" " :’ "~ ;’~.’ ’ , ’’ ’’l,.’f. ~" . ". ¯ ’ .... , i ’ , uGusTC ; :<i! ::: .: ".,~’~’~’;," ... ’.’ .." ~ ’ .’!~’,’!’. : ’.[" "" CATHERiN’:: TR :DS :i .- ...,....,.:.:. ;,:I :~’.,.;..’:!,.’.,,,,’,,.,.r:’.,".’,:’..,,’/~",’.:~,..:,~... " i .<’/:;-~.’.!.’;".::,’,..:~i,"".’: ",.’;’"’.": ’ :. ’ ’ .’."’ ".. .", . ".." ;-,: "- ~..’..:":," " ,L’i..: ,.. , ’"~ i ;.~. ’.’.’,.’: ..... ¯ ’.’.:...-’ " ...... ...". /:’,~:-.:Z’.,: were: :buy’last:Aug-:’: ¯ ’.: ’; :. :J,; ’ ,ugg ’o!_last:year ; ; ,:::3;:;’ you:i death of?’M si, we’e..a . K;t, e .... ,’widow"..:-"0f i:!.:. [?::i;::il : :-!! ..:: ..:;;ii!"".i:i:"’.9". II"..T he~onth. 0f AUg u si., :"i962;:.made", :;:..?r. ansp°rted 2’538 m0re"pas.senge!s-in. ’" Franl~: ::: KiitrbEIge,: ’i;,form’er"?i: i;i,i ¯ . " " .:’- : .:’" ~.’.’;." .-’... :.;.."..:.., ¯ ,. ’ ......".~ - ..... .. . and"out"ot.the:Park.and :" "’ :. on speci~51..,~ ....-;..~.L.~,.-=;..:z Vo_;~i’te."Sl~e ~’a’s:"": ..... " " ¯ ¯ ",.::..::."...:~~:.history " forTner.Tosemite..:Park.., and".:-~~,’..~.¯ ..... ’, .... ,: .......: ... ::’ ,. ,.-... u..... . ... -~ pennTenaen~.or...,s~m... .,~ -,~’.::,: .... ’...:.~, .~"’ --:;.,,,::;" "-":.."" ...-.. " .....: .’..’."..~ ..:..:,.: .-tours.: .... ’ ..-... :..".:" ’.~:..!:: : ...; ""..:.:.".... ¯ " ...:’..... " . ""..’ .". """:.. ",....’::..:",.! .i ..::"." " ..,":.’ ...Curry. Co.-. asthe.argest"vo ume"of." ...¯ .:-",.’ ¯ :."....":-.... : " ...:-:.".sed-away at PaloAlto-on September,.;~..̄ "...... .. .-,.::"’.’.".’.’." ¯.’. ¯ ".".::",". " .~.’. ..:...... " . ......."."-: ..... ’ f.youwereworking at Camp Curry. " ;" ... ~" .",; ..,.":. ,."...’~..... :’ .".. ’: ": :..- ... . ; 1 I. The..K ttredges:.were-..~n ~:Yosemffe., :.~:’.:’,.. :,:; .:.:. .." .. ;.,::...:bus ness.. everhanded.inonemonth." " . ..... ..... " ¯ " :." - . ..........,... " . . . . . "inAugust,wh chwasthe hotelunitex-" ’ .....".":. :’". "when ..:.... :’’ " " ..... ’~":"-"..". ";"" ".:".~’-, ’" . ...... . .’ . ".from1941’. to1947)’ they trans-:.....!..:.:: . .::... " ’ : ... p Yo ees ¯ a mast. ...... .-,keP.t"ern . too"busv to ¯ ........... ...... .... ............... . ............ .....,, .... , .... ...... encng.the greatest aa n, mode..~. ,,. , .’"- .......’ --",, ~";,-".~i ’ .... .¯ , ¯. .~>:.:..."~.wonaer .,.,... ¯ .,..’...what ...... . .’.. ’ ":....... was. nappen,ng. :-’."~. per beds" ’carr ed ’U a e"’or er- ’ d rerrea..,o -:" yyasn,ngton,.u." ~. he:. as-"..-.: ~":;.... ¯ .... .. .:,..!!.! :;i.:..... i :you Were.a".mai’ c erk :" n"the" ¯ "i .... ’ .. gg. g" ..P forme...". Regona’ Director..:in. ;!’ San"Francisco::,i::"!::".’.i.i .."i" .. ’ ¯ ".""".!’: : . . " .... " ’ ’ ¯ . . : .. :sere’ices in What everway your job. .., aetore.com~ng ," " .: .:,," < ..: ... . ..~ ’ ’...".~!,".::::l: .’ .’-" Tosem~te.......:...:.ii,...~....:..’.~...i.!..i:: ’".. . ¯ .,-,ebn you hadan:inki... r~er, ured for. 7"i42 .’more e~ ’. ..". To.... ,~-...,, .....~,;.i.~:i.",.,]~Reservations.OffiCei :. ¯ " "’.":";’i ..... ..". ..... . " .... " . ....’"’..... . . "I . ’ .... " ., . . ¯ ~" r’. , ." .... " - ¯¯ ’ ’i.," : "." ’:-.-:. . ’ T,’" "::Z~’!...’:. ..-. ’ .’ - " ".." ng of th ngs .to: come as,. dur ng the.. .... -. ’’ "’"’’" . ..... ’ ’ " "-"" ’ ’ ..": .... " " "-~--" : " "":; :""’"">i "" ’... ... :...,.:..:. .... ¯.... .- ~.. ., ......... .. or-youservea.,o,,,,.more".rnec,,s ...: ...wAW0NA:CLOSED..’:..:.. .::’ .~.:.,...-.. ¯ .".¯ ..,: "-. ;..preced ng months, youopened.-.15%". ’... ".,’ ’ , . ~ ..,." . .. ," ’:."-;"-.;’:... ’":¯ ...:’:" ..;~ ’.~" "’ .. .... : ...... ,...¯ . ¯.... . ¯ . ... ¯ , in ¯Tne . caterer a tnan. ast .~ugusT. ’" ’ ~"" "’",. " " ’’ , .... :’" " " ." :"’..:.’ :’,’’’" ::" ""-:" ,’’’""’r:.’ ...... ":".:".’.’ more letters, thanlastyea~’.:’at.the.. =.,..,~n.,,,._z.~.^,~~L _~,_. :_ : :.Thelast few’days at waw0na Hotel": ".....!-: .. .: . "~ . " " ¯ " : . ’ ’ . .... ¯ ..... ’ l~l . ¯ ’, ’, . , .’ .., .." ¯ .: .... ¯ ¯ . .... ~=~,~ ’ ’~u~,~l ~./I IH~ ~I ,. llll~.Jlll iii before its closing , ’%’,: J:,?.. ".’sametime;"lf .you.w’ere., a telephone ¯ ’ th,=mnnth on:..September .-16..=.-:.:":..:;~i’.::..:..". ,. /i i~ IglVlgll ,~V~,:V,~,~i~h ~n,-I " , , , ,’" ,’ " , " , , , ,, ¯ ,,t,~, , ’ " . ’ ~ " , ,,d, ",’ "" ,, , . , , " ¯ : ,, , ,," "-,’ ,’" ," ", ’,, ,,,i ,,:" ,’ ) " g I ~l~g 1 ~1~i1~1~~’~;~,~ /VVlII ~11~ ¯ :;:"" gir there, thebuzzingphonesassured . were quietones. Eighteen .members of"..;:... : .:. tent at Cam" ~Vas flied ....... P CUrrY" " " :" " ’ a "fu -to-capacity " " " ’"", " the " "Advisory~Council:to.the ’ ’"" ...... Board:.of~ ~ ’: ..... ’’’ " " "’ .-- ¯’ ’ ¯ .;-, ;, ’ ,. .~ ,,. ... ,":,...’;..:..[ ¯". ’i""""" ",... youthat itwouldbe ¯ :-.. ¯ " . Ine ounsnlne~nscuT~o.’sa esman . : .. ¯ ¯ . . . . ’....... .¯.¯ " : ....’ ’.~...... :,::i... "".".:..".."summer, ¯ . ¯ ’ " . ’ : " ....¯ : Directors otthe.CaliforniaState.H0tel;. " .~.~ .-.. ’"claims"thatmore marshmallows are: P n~ ’~’:i...’i.’i"’.":" n .and~the,: w,ves,,met...the[e.:.;..i.ii:,. Thencamethe. monthof.AugUst:. roasted.in: Yosemitethan anywhere:Assoc,ahon I ~nnnn onlhursda.." y.anat-nao .:.i.".:....:.i:... " ’ . i::i::. :.when85,816m0re..peopledrove into in the nation. Believe it or not, Village ~o~anara. .Y... y ...... ¯ ... ,.. . ¯ ~.:.;.: " ..; Yosemite . in .:2.4,850:’..more: private... Store.clerkssold .onehalfton, of. mar-is"chairman Of .the"group.¯ ",: ’. i:".. ..; :~-.il ......’".i. ¯ i:; . "cars and11,766moreof .them.Stayed..shmallows every’week-.~gi~iiiḡ August;"’" " ..... OnSaturdayYPC C0.’s Sales"’ " De-" "" ’’"":""I ’ " ..... and one ’half"ton of hot do~s’~achpartment he d Conferences.Attending,..’.’ :..:":i.: :.. " i.!~ ¯"’ ’ " ’" ’ " " ’ ’ ’ " " "" "~ : " OBSERVATION =~, ., ’’"" !i ....".." . .. ¯ . ’wereGeogreOliver,EllenandMar-. .. "!i:...;" " " i ’. week...Th rstypeope . bought,:’J,~.00". I shall i:.. .:: (Con~muecl ~r0mpa~e2.) : :.bottles of assorted softdrinklsahd".i;. Hallfromthe Lo-~AngelesOffice, ’:;.:.i: : .;....has earned the special ophcal and beer ever" da,; atthe Villa"~’~"Stc~,?e ’!AndyScarbrough from the San. Fran-: "i " ’ ’. " ,. ’. . . "~ ~ ’ ...... " ¯ " ’ ¯ ¯ ..7 : ..7 ¯ i. ,1.."/cisco..Office, Wende. Otteri ~ Dana".’:... .... ~. .sprtua]treatenoyed,’butnotenough. . ,.~.: ..... If you were a warehouse’man.~0n,.. . ~ . . .... .. -i: . ~"c Morgenson, "werel ’ WayneLeedy i". .this c0mes, " aSe no"s " rpi~". afternoon they"and . .olned by’ hotel u rse n the:"’ " ’ " ¯ .¯ ..to discourage, anyone..in reasonably. A’gust, ’ u :: good Fiealth. The daily trail fare, Norma! tonnage r; ~ceived on the de k .. . . . . .. "i?i 1 ¯ :;...i..i. usuallyrangingfrom about 8:30 a.m. at the Central Warehouseis 60,000 " men StuartCross," John Curry, Dick " ... " .. " :~" to 3.p.m., is about equally;divided p0undsa day. This. summer it aver- Connett, andBob.Maynard. " ’ ~:’""; ’ ." . . i."’." between.the somewhatgrueling wall< . Managers Agnes and Cy Wright :.: ...!.. .~~ . .,. " ". aged close, to 80,000 pounds daily, ~ . .-". itself and the rest periods, in. which ¯ or an increase of onethird~ " plan, to return this.week to their home"i .’.C~ .... .. .’i"". the ranger-naturalists Stimulate inter; . , ’~ ", " ,, " If you were a cowboyl you. helped ~in Merced. " i i..". ’:. est and.appreciation with their, inter-. ~ 2,789 moreriders, onto their mounts;if ! " :i .. , - ’ ’i !I ".’: "pretations. you were a lifeguard at one 0f. the BACKGROUNDS OF THE CHURCH. ." ,-i ~ ., .Lunch, always at a loarticularly i pools, .you watched over 1,698 more !,, ¯ Last year" at this time, a group of ~.. ..enticing spot, brings the group even Swimmersthan last Aug. If you were interested persons met one night each . . ii I, ii :. closer together in casual Conversations. aclerk in one of the souvenir shops weekto hear the’local minister. ex-.. i i :.. .Camps offer good beds and ade- you sold more fuzzy bears than ever pound on background of the Bible " s , " quate accommodations,stripped of all before . If your job was to drive a what the Bible is and where it came. .~ i .."semblances of luxury. Food is excel.i: tow truck for the garage, you were from. This year there will be anothe’r ",’,’...,.lent and there is firewood provided sometimes surprised at being Unable six weeksession of lecture and dis.to"take the chill from the hours of to find a bed for the passengers of cussion titled: "Backgrounds of the .. darkness (it seems nearly everyone a broken downcar brought in at night Church." . . " ’.forgets how quickly the rarified air and having to.leave them to sleep in What is the church? Whyare there. ¯ . grows cold after sunset and how rap- their cars in front of the building.. so many divisions in Christianity? ’ . idly it warmsthe trail in the morning). Elsewherein the Valley the pattern Where did Creeds come from? What ¯ .A in all, it is an experience .that was not different. If you were a was Protestant" Reformation?. What is.immensely satisfying. The week of Standard Stations employee, you pum- denominations .believe what,. _.and exertion has taken perhaps five or ped 15, °.." more gasoline in August why? These are a few of ;the items i ’ ’ien pounds off the hiker. He feels ~hana year ago. If you workedin the that will be under consideration be- " ¯ . . physically and spiritually rewarded post office, you sold as many.stamps ginning one week from next Wednes¯ and if not immediately, at least with- in August as.w~re sold in a whole ~’ ,.. day, October 3, at 8:00 p.m. at the .: : : in a few days, is planning with Year back in 1930. Yosemite Chapel. All are invited 1’o. It was a good summer;it was a big : ’ friends for anolher high country adattend. ¯ ... August. ¯ . .venture the coming year. i. ~,. . .. ,.,,.. , 4 i i!j 28 physicist, of Div. of Reactor Eng., FR~r~Ay SEPTEMBER 7:30 P.M:.AROUND AND ABOUT and: Howard Vogel, biologist in "Wild Shore", a study of shoreline DivL of Biology Medicine. Host is marvels, along the coast frorYi Cap Norman Ross. e Flattery, Wash., to Todos Santos 9.PM. PERSPECTIVES:PILLARS OF Bay, Baja, Calif. FOREIGNPOLICY. ¯ SEPTEMBER 9:30 PM OPENMIND TUESDAY, 25 An hour-long round-table discussion ¯ 5:30 PM DISCOVERY moderatedby Eric F. Goldman,Prof. "The Ways of Fish" in adapting of History, Princeton Univ. to their peculiar life in the water. 7:30 PM DAVID COPPERFIELD 8 PM WHAT’S IN A WORD? Prof. Robt.¯Smithtraces the development of the use of numbers in language during the p rogra m "Countdown". 9 PM OPENEND 5 of the world’s leading photographers - Philippe Halsman,Eliot Elisofon, Carl Mydans,David Douglas Duncan, and Bert Stern - show outstanding examples of their works and relate the untold stories with hosl David Susskind. 9:30 PM CANDIDATESAND ISSUES Candidales for major State and Federal offices "Facerepresentatives of the various political parties to defend iheir platforms and answer questionsabout their qualifications. n m: NOW IS THE TIME TO TURN THOSE VALUABLEARTICLES.AND PRICELESS. ANTIQUES THAT HAVE BEEN COLLECTING DUST IN YOUR .GARAGEOR THAT HAVE BEEN TAKING UP MUCH NEEDED SPACE IN CLOSETS .OR ON SHELVES INTO A SMALLER MORE COMPACT COMMODITY. KNOWN .AS ¯. ¯ , . ,.. I THE CHECKIN DAY IS OCTOBER lOth-1 to S o.m. and 7 to 9 p.m. AT EITHER THE EL PORTALCOMMUNITY BUILDIN(~ OR THE LOST ARROW. YOURSHAREOF THE SALEPRICE-90%on i|ems $10 or over - 80%on items under $10 Sorry- No items under50c, underclothesor socks(except ski socks) : :" B rg in Sale ¯ ¯ .,:¯. ,. E STIEL .! FRIDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1962 Yosemite¯National Park, Calif. TRESIDDERMEMORIALDEDICATED Dedication of the new Tresidder Memorial Union on the Stanford University campus,Saturday, September 29, was attended by Mary Curry Tresidder as the guest of honor. The $2.6 million campuscommunity center was built in commemoration ,~~-:.::;:.. : L,eft’ P~mline and Lester Shm’banct Nilch’ed and Lawrence Taylor RETIREMENTS l)r. k~,n;l~kl T re~ddur of her late husband, O,’. Donald Tresidder, Slanford"-i fourlh pre:~ident who served From 1943 to 194~’. Ray LymanWilbur, ’...,i~o~n he .~uc,:eeded said of him-."Don Iovnd our serene and beautiful campuswhile ,/el retaining k..is love for lh>. high hills of lhe Sierra .... He v, as cl guide and cornpanion to young ~mdold in their oppr~:~c!~!o I:~eauly." Desk-t~edin conlemporc:"y.,;lyle by archilecls Spenser :.nd Lee o[" San Frandsco, with ]nle:’ios clone by Jeannelt~: Dyer Spencer, the bui ding cor’flair~s office.% loungesandrneeling rocm~s,library.b’owsinq room, exhibillon gc, lle~y, l<h,:hen anddining room areas,stor~~,bc~rber.fl~op. biJJic~rdund (("Oll[;~tlled ,..~l t.fl!l(’ Pauline and Leste r Shorb, and Mildred and Lawrence Taylor, two couples whoseassociation with Yosemile and the Yosemite Park and Curry Co. has been long and rewarding for all concerned, retired at lhe end of September.Both are moving into nearby homes which they planned and built for their retirement years. SHORBS "Les" Shorb came to Yosemite to help build The Ahwahneebungalows in 1927, expecting to stay six weeks. That job finished, others were presented in a continuing succession until, now -- 35 years laler - he is retiring from a long term of employment by the YP&CCo. He retires from ll,e position of carpenter foreman which he has held since 1947. Only one winter during those 35 years did lhe Shorbs spend out of Yosemile Valley. That was in 1932 whenit snowed until Pauline says she felt like a squirrel goingin and out of their tent in Camp6 with the snowpiled so high along the paths as to makethem seemlike tunnels. To folks accustom ed to Fresno wealher, that seemedrugged, so with their three year old daughter Raye Lavonnthey returned to Fresnofor the rest of that winter. Bothof the Shorbshavebeenactive participants in community life during their years here. Often has some committee memberremarked, "Let’s gel LesShorbto do it." AndLes would do it, whateverthe project - for the Lions Club, for the school, or the church. Pauline, who was principal of the local schoolfor ten years, has earned a deep affection in the hearts of the manychildren whomshe taught. Now these two look forward to (Co~imwdon ~puge S) 1", i<.,~-ITEMS ARI’~FC)RTill INTERESTOF PARKIE/~PIcDYEESANDARE NOT FOR PUBLICATION !.",~’:’+::~’::".~"’:’.w’":’~."’.’ . .. ......... ~:~:-~- Y~ i ~ .?’ .-+ i .. ~ . ~.... ~...... ," /./L, "L ’". /i. ¯ .......... =.... " ~"/’ ’": . ............ ’.’~ :.. .’.. ... .- . . ." .: " .... , .:’. ¯ ."~," "1’."’ .; ".. q:"V’.:. ’.’.::.,.:’.., r~ y~ ~:.. ~ .,x .. /... ~. . .., .. ;..... ~ ~ .... ....,.. ~ ¯ /, ¯ :. : ..,x ’; ’;~.~.T??"~ ~ .:~ .;,, ,:. w,//:~i’.:’ !:,..,:~::.~’.¯¯YOSEMITE ,,,IIIII:. ,/.i:-,."i.,.:i pC~ ge : two ....:::...:! ,.-,. : ..,...,!.., ~.".:,..:,.:"’~.-:~.i~",.:i...:/,,~ ~i~ ?SENTI NELI, ,:~..i.-.iii: .: ..i. v..:..::......",i~,.ii.".. :::/.:ii..!=+~. i"i-).! .i, .:,,i’:.:,!:~:::!.("" :~ ’:<i ?/..... . "’" ""’ " "~" ~L"~A~’A"A’AA’~’A~’ -% ’" ’"""’::"’/;’" :~ .--.’.i ’’ "+ "~" "i’:’.""’~=.:’, ’" i:’.’’ . r:’ ’ .... e .,~,:."’"~" ,...~ee.ee.eeee+~. ............ "i . ~.~1,..., .~ . .. , .. ...... .’""’’":’" . , ABSENTEE BALLOTS .~ T: .-~ THEBADGERS . ". " ..... % " ~ "~" ~ "t" " ;r ’" = ;" ; " "~ ";q" ’’’ ....... .:’’~=:’’ / ~:~. ’" "" "[ ’" "" "’ ’ "" ’" "" "~Z’’ : r’ ~’;;"r’~; k;+~’P~: ~:Y" O" S E.M":i"it E s E""N ’TI. N.IEL"" i,.--. ’";..".".: ~:.";. ¯ ". ..... . be. a~Y.a,ylf ..... :.;....~,".. :"....,..:.:;. ,.. : :............, ...:....-..: ... " ::",~ well ~ala,nced,.exPe*rienced.",Bo.rJ.~..:",.7.V.°te.rs"Wh° exPe.C!i;(0._ ! ¯ .;.i<.’. i::i;i:..-i.:" .". ::.i; " .-;."-PublJs.heclr k)Yi . ;L" ’:./:" " "ger f0otk)a ~ team..withig(~odweigh t & .hom e:. ron ..ele¢tion..;day!.: .No~emb"e’ i." "..".: .;.;Yosemite..Park.’andCurry.Co.. " ;spee.dli~ai be~n.~;hard:-;a;i:.p.ractice 0n...may¯ apply.;:;to’.::.the!."C0unt~;.~..;.’.Cl~ ’I )"../i ’.’. ’ ."..."..:i f°r"the :..informatj0nof..;.:;..:.. "Tuesdays; Thursdaysand;:"Sat~Jrclays ’".Gabrielle"Wils0n,~",:)’~.’.;aii;/i.p"o s ai": " ""."; .. ,: ¯Yosemite .Valley "residents. ;. ".:.;. for" ;he ;pasf; se9erar:"weeks. Coach" absentee ballois;.. Application:. mu: ’,+ + ~ ’ .,. .""Esther Morgenson .... ." Eclitor ¯ Jak’e:. MethereJll.;a’ssisted"by Dei"i Arm: ’ madebetwee n Octobei 8.a’nd":Octo’b;"r.;";iii~::i:i;i ri.:....:. ’ .::-i. ’:H Oehlmann ¯ .-...._.~Z.-~.>Advis0r. strong; and Bill; Scl~nettler;".ha:Siintro: ..30,:and maybemadeirl"personl;at;ithe: ~ ":.:H.":K. Ouimet.... . ¯~,dvisor. ;..,.. dU:cedthe .clouble wing.formati0n, a " Courthouseor by. mail.. /. ... .:.:"..:::.:;."f..:;.:..,, I/H.. Ber’rey.. _~:~;~ :_~ ~ =: Advisor ¯ ............ i : .:; i " new: technJque, for the. Badgers.. ..... ¯ " .. A new ruling ;requiresthat ir1-0"rde~.:i~i. ’ ::".ii.;’.,ii~.~.";i::~:i . :Mail c0mmuni~’a-fions to Yosemite :... ’.Sterling Cramer has retired from ".to be COunted,. tt~ese::bailots m0stil~ I .iii:::!-.:,:.i~:";-..’~ . ." S.ent!nel,: c/0 .Y.P¯&.C. Co¯, :. or .. .the Coaching.staff. and;.assumed.hi-~ .iN i-cle’;l~i+; the."0ffice ;;;’ of:."the". County "~;.!"-?.:.> i.., "":. "+:?!~"".’";::.:;i’:’: : .2-4852. ;i.:).iiii.’.’i::.. ’ i.. ."". . ~,!.~!~e...F.R i... Acldit.ion~; ".. i if0rmer+p0siiion as athleiic.director for no. laier thoMNovember 31.."’:" ::..’!"i;-;"i;.;:)~!"::.,;i.i ¯’ ’:;i;..:! :;’.". " copies may be. obtained at .the . " :tko+~,,~,~ . .; ¯ .. .’... " -": . . ..’,:,o._ ,." ’.’ ..:..i...;...i-".":::!.,:’;!.! .. ..+ ¯ . ¯ ¯ -. ... p. ¯ . . .... . ... |i~.,i~,.~..4111~ ¯ ¯ ¯ " . . .. ’ ¯ : / ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ , ’ .. / i, ’ .. . :’..".., ’ : ’ i:’. . ¯ The1 962. schedule isasfoIIowsi ’,"" , . ¯ ..,""THE. BARBER. . ..:i:..;"i.":;.:.-:i.!".".:,:? ¯ ":,:.:", i,"::’ . .":. ersonnel Office......., ¯ ..... ’)_:: :"...:’.:..i ¯ .:!.:/.;::.:)!. ."~;H;~I~’:UD:E~’~;;;N~D%=~e " " ,,: ’ " " ,. L , . ;:. .... :.. OCt.. 6. . Castle Field ..... there.il0:30a¯m. i:Oct¯ 13 ’ :"i...Open...": .Pau. Sylvest, .wh0has’ been~!i~it’}l:i’;ili~’,~i ." ¯ :": the.YP&CCO¯.for:seven yeors, work.,!.:iiil.;.. ¯ ¯ . .’.. ¯ i~ecenl’ly. the. 15uaget " Eomm ttee. ¯ ¯ , . . " . ¯ " ¯ " ."v’.i~ "- ...’! ..... - ~ /" ,. .. ’. " ’o Oct 20" *Men o Cubs there 9a m ’ ing two .....:: ..:. " recommenclea Tor the consideration ot "’ . . ...... . . years " with John ¯ .... . . ..... ..: Schwelfler and Five years. .asl.hea.d barber here ’9:30a.m. . the:"General. Manager,President,.and Oci..2.7.. " "kMariposa. _ . . . + . ::. i.iii.i!i~J,.~’iiiiiiii:i": retired.. He. ar~.d..Myrtle e×pecti.tO:~.i.!’i.i~....i:.:. .... ¯ .., !..".. :. ’ . Board OfDirectors a. fiscal1963. capital. Nov. 3 *Menlo cubs here 9:30a.rn. enjoy their home.inForesta,:Lsome.:!Liii.! Lodi here . 9:30a~m. ".:.i"! ..... .. totaling budget consisting . $567,000.ofseparale projects Nov. i0 huntingandfishing, and"perl~aps":a:.i:..i.’:"..’: Nov. 16 *Mariposa there 7p.m: ..... ’’"" ..... " "’~?"’K:;.’", longsight-seeingtrip this winter..:.;:..... ..v: .":’.’ ;’,;’",""’) ~.r’..";’i’i’i:,.: .: Whylthat amount? How was it deA .., *Indicates Junior Varsity games Replacing him in thebarber.sh6p:.iSi~::...i,.i,. ~i!~!.:i;;"::,i’:.:):.+:iii.i:ii.i ¯ termined? Which of. the hundreds of Following Varsity game. :i Henry Maddux, OfFresno. With"; h-is: .." ::ii~:i:~."..?i~"ii:..:!::!;:(.i:::" ;i requests for. capital funds forwarded Sh~r0n~: ’i::i!ili:il);ii!’iii, i:i’.:i~.(ill to: the Budget Committee during the approved.. However,. the .committee Wife,Marieanddaughter .. who .is 1.4 and attends. Mariposa.. High ..:./.l:*:i!i!.!i.:..?’.’~i’.:,’~i!--...iii.-ii.~ past year would, receive its OK’and hoped that the wants and needs of helives at Incline..:!+~.". .....:i:.)i"i’.~i:"i:::.:.?i::i. ; " be passed on to top management for every unit and .department would School, :i:/;:.."i.. ¯ final, approval?. Why,for instance, ... ’ . i wasthereplacementof the flooring in ¯ .. the CampCurry cafeteria deferred in favor of the remodeling of the rest rooms in "C" Dormitory? What went into the decision to construct additional freezer storage at the Village Store instead of buying three front office cash registers for Yosemile Lodge? Everyone of us wants more. things ¯ than he can afford. Our companyis no different. Within lhe limits of what we earn, we must decide how much we can spend and whal we will spend i. for. A company must spend the money that it earns on the maintenanceand improvementof itself. If it does not spendwisely, it will becomerun down, obsolete and finally, unprofitable. In ¯ order to spencl wisely, most companies practice somesort of budgeting ¯" procedure. Early in March.lhis year, the Bud. get Comrnitteerequesled eachdivision . to submit formal requests for funds to be spent during fiscal 1963. Naturally, far more requests were receive than would eventually be becomeknownso that ’no worthwhile project would be.passed over because it had not been presented. During July and August;’ the Budget. Committeestudied every, proposal on file. Each one was examined from the standpoint of its profitability and .necessity¯ By the beginning of September, requests for funds totaling more than $650,000 had surv!ved initial screening and were assigned top priority. From this amount an additional $100,000 would have to be cut so that the total capital spending in 1963 would be in line with available funds. The elimination of this final $100,000requiring the deferral of manyattractive projects, was carefully (and often painfully) accomplished¯ The resulting budget of $567,000 is a product of the combined judgments of Budget Committee members, division superinlendents, unit managers, department heads and moony other interested employees¯ if has been developed for a purpose-to maintain the Company in a profitable, and therefore enduring position. -o- ’ * : ?: :’i/!?- !ii+i,~,/:i,: :!:i -~ ¯ DINOSAURCLUB " ¯ ....".....:" ..... .":’"":’ TheYosemite Branch of theMerced .’i . i; i ’i/’:~ ..i ’~?;’ .:..:" ;:"i::::" " :/;-.i): ¯ . . " ¯ . ’ - . .". ’. :i,:i_i’.’,"i+, j..::....’ County L~brary ~spleased w~th.the ""’.I’~!:.~"::.’..L: ’i"..":i:.. resultsof a summer reading program,:.. "...i!i:i,)..:.. :.:.,:,..." called the Dinosaurclub;, in which." :i"...ii::ii; " ’’’’:r’;’’’/:. "’I " 70 elementary andhigh" school. i ’ii!i..!.’: ’I ...i:.ii.i.:’.i. children wereenrolled. Sixty reading ’ !>::i: ::i’,";i certificates wereissued,according to !: li:i:~:i I. : .*i i::. I~brarian Mary Tanner. To receive a i: :[.i: : : . certificate, a membermust have read i!~::; :-::: : ’ 20 books. Five membersOf.the club :.i :: : ’’ ~‘ doubled that number, .reading a total . ¯ +::-. i’ / " of 40 books during the summer. ’ ~":+:,.. ’-. " 1:,.- ... :. : ¯--O-- ¯ :j:ii:: :. " .,., .... :....-. ’ "CAMPFIRE. DAY".... .I,., . ...... !::.-." The 92nd anniversary of "Campfire ¯ + L% " " " /. ¯ Day" was observed in National Parks ’ i"+".. ":.".. throughout the country on Wednesday,.. :I:..!. ’ . ¯ ~ . ¯ / .. September 19. It wos in the evenng:. xi. .~... .... :+ of that day in 1870 while agroup ....,:..’ ...... i , " ’. of menwere sitting around .their.i. ili"...: !i~.,... . . .campfire that the proposal was first ’~v/ ¯ " . " j made to set aside the beautifully " i":::. " !. .. ’ . rugged area along the Yellowstone ¯ , . . , t~ .L River as a publ!c park. Todaythere are Ii 30 National Parks, andmorethan 160: I.." ’"i..;.:.:i..... i:!" + .’ ’:. ’.. :’" d" . V other areas in the National Park.. .i. ’ :".:::::. " System. ,, !!:i./.":i::!:,!. ’ : ]’i .L: " ir ~,,. ;’: , . . !.. ¯ i; : i ¯ . . , " : . . ., .. :~. , :-... . ¯ . ¯ ;: , .,. ..... . .~ . .’.. ¯ ..." ¯ ¯ ¯ .. . ¯ i : ¯ .... ...". , , .. , ..,.,,...... ..... ¯ ’.. -...: .....: .:. ... ,’:/: ,,., ", ’ ,,,.,..,..,.. ..~.i;.,:.,’::i" , . .~, ..,. . ..- .,,.. " ..,-,, , _.~ ,I,L’ .i ~. :: :. :" ~ ’~:/I " ¯ " ’:/:L:::, .";V:?:/’! :i : (/W/.,.i..:+ : ,. , ~’.. ;,.:.1: . ’ (i. ’.. ’: :.,:",.. ~ ’" ’., ’." :.:~.., ’. ,~’:.;:.": +.......... ., .’. :,’i, .. +..,,,q.~. ’ ¯:’,’,.’ .’. ..".,. +.,. .. ’...’. :i.., .:. ""..: i~ , H., :’.:.:ii, . , , :.:.:’ .... ~ ; ¯ " ¯ .>,¯ ,’ " .. . .... ; ’.., ¯ ,¯ .~ : . : ~...~ ¯ .:.i’ . ¯ ,. .:. ¯ ¯ . "" ’....!:....:ira: the:Yosemite sch001, andihear] i is felt.that morepe’opiewii become ..". ’orchestra... ~, . .."’.:" :...’::.:.;’" : :."; . ."::; :. -’ ":~:: : ;"i : " .... " i " N":.A:::w’oi~D ’:~7I! ;" :.:i!":;i"" :’ :" " ". . " . ii.;:."-, rivai ’0f."Miss"Linda"Aythe to :take over.: " inie.rested.Subscription :enVelopes are.. . ; 8 ibm:wHAT’S :" ". "..:.. . her dut es as" teacherof gradesthreei::’avai ab e’. n ’.the sent ne off ce " ’..i . Robert";Sinth U ’V""; ;’~: "" 7, ~~:: 7. iT.;-’,".i. ¯ " ¯ ’:"... . .... . -. . , ¯L .. n .’oT’v: ~ania.~. ara,. ..~ ¯ ... : " ’: .: ,.-"and¯four. MissAythe,a"graduate, of ! ¯ Following.:: are:.: listed ’some. Of.. the’ : ..:i. focuses .:. on;";’Phol~ias""."and i:l~e":~".:::, !f’::i ": . " I derived-’fromii~em ::...:i!i::.::!,ii’,i! .... ~.:::.... Pepperdine :.,:;~. has.".nineteen..students:October’ programs. KQED.is received"..: countlesswbrds ’ ... . . . . . ¯ . ¯ . . , : . ¯ , ’: ~ ;:~I:’,:. ’ lecl , .and’i bf.:. ¯Mr:~". in Y0semite-o :"Ber];~..:,.....-.7: _, ,. ¯ , ." ,;....:enro ; .... .. ,, . in .. tl~e ,, ¯ .words’-. ,.... . ; n’~channel . .1 !....:. i i. ¯ .if:: :..;:.9." p.m...OPEN;:.END...~I~.,."Lord . ¯ . . ¯ ....".Muender,.oUrlsupervisor,"the chil.d.ren ,. i : ..K Q E D TV. $¢HED.ULE ~. ’ .. ...... :. ’.trand. RU’Sse I"iis "David:sU:sskin:d:’s:ii"::"..:i;i’ ’:. ’" ¯ ; :are" all."on her. sde.’ ". The:¯principal.FRIDAY, OCTOBER ’5... .- " ": ’ guest"¯ ’ ’:"" ’ " ":: " :i.:’ ,~" ".! : ’:i ".: ....-.heartily concur;s.in"this.udgment and". 6:3¯0 .ESPANOL PARAMAESTRos.I :" 10.50 HORIZONS "OF ."sCIENCE:"--’ ’ " ""thechildrensh°uldhavea fine:sch°°l"" Dr;PeterPresta)S’I~. StateC°llege, ’ an up-to-date rep"ort"on a new:!:::’~’~.:.: ¯ ¯ ’".¯year under Miss .Aythes tutelage. " ¯ "instrc)cts.¯Spanish for. teachers: ... ..i.achievemerit in scient tic researcl~: ....i.....!.... ¯ .. ’::: ¯ .:" ¯ .. " .Mrs ¯Barrett starts the year with ’ .seven firstgradersand twelwtsecond ¯" graders. ¯ .. ’ ¯With twelve fifth graders, five sixth ’ graders, five in the ’seventh and tWO .... in fl~e eighth, Mr. Sondelhas twenty.four students in his room. Theseupper ¯ .. ¯ grades have elected their student . council: Tim Harveyis president, Micki Willingham is vice-president,.John . .. -Clark is secretary.treasurer , and the ’ two persons elected to serve as members-al-large for three-m o n t h terms are Rick Ringrose and Sandra McCubbrn. Robby Ringrose was etected as librarian. Thecouncil will meet each Mondayduring the latter half of the noon hour to discuss matters affecting student well:are, " MONDAY,OCTOBER"8":I:...: . . ... ........ " . .. .. :. .-..~.._._.’: .<:.:i. : ¯ ¯ ’ " .... . " " " WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 110".. ". ;. ::." :. 7::. :’i.!". ’. 4 p.m. DAVIDCOPPERFIELD.. ¯ ....... . .: . .... ....Ad;L...",ii";ii... ¯-¯"5¯¯ p~m.: WHAT’SNEWI.--.."The .... . :..:" 5 p.m. WHAT’S NEW’ !!TheAd¯ ¯ ventures of Tom Sawyer" . : "" .".: ":.:!~’." ’ :’ ventures Of Tom Sawyer" .... .. .... " " .. . 6:30. .. PARLONS .. FRANCAIS..I ,..~iele-.. "!::",ii":’’ " 6:30 PARLONS 1, ele;..., mentaryFrench". . " : ".; ’.". " i:": .:..:i’;. i . FRANCAIS mentary French conducted by Mrs. .6:451PARLONS FRANCAIS 11, in;.......:...!.i ..i Anne Slack .... . ’ ¯’!:;: termediate French ’ i,.."i........: ~ ...". 6:45 PARLONSFRANCAIS"I 1 , In. ¯ , .. , ¯ ,, ,. ., , , ., . . THURSDAY:, OCTOBER 11 " :.. termediate French ...... .., ....... 7:30 INVITATION TO OPERA,pre5.p.m. WHAT’S. NEW - !’Waier."".. i"......:... ’ view¯ of coming S.F. Opera proway"on the first, leg of hi.s journey: : ’i:":.".. duction "Falstaff" ¯ by Verdi from¯ N.Y. to England aboard ..the... :"i.-) ¯ " =. ¯ ’,., , 8 p.m. CHALLENGE -- ’!Time, the motorcruiser Dubhe,.TonySopher....i.:.....:... Surest Poison" focuses on methods travels¯, to Miami¯downthe. ... Inter-.-".:::". . used in the sludy of the natural coastal~waterway.. ... ., .. process of aging. 7 p.m. PORTRAiT"IN ":.MusIC -- .. i:, 9 p.m. PERSPECTIVES--RADIATION "’Sonata E Flat" by Mozart.. Philippe ... i" FACT AND CONTROVERSY-Cam’Entremont, piano. " .. " " plex p r o b I e m s.associated with 7:30 THE SCOTCHGARDENER-- ,- , " humanexposure to nuclear radiawith. guest, Jack Daniels,chairman . ",. ..... ’ School takes up al 8:40 this year tion, from both natural and manof the Fine Arts Div.,. College of" and lels oul at 3:35, a schedule rei made sources are discussed. SanMateo, KQED’sJimKerrdemon. quested by Mr. Sondel so that "we TUESDAY, OCTOBER9 strates some "Original Flower..... might have more lime in which to . 5 p.m. WHAT’S NEW -Humper".. Arranging Techniques" attempt to’meetthe manycurriculum dinck’s o p e r e t t a "Hansel and requirements which are expected of 8 p.m. PERFORMANCE ’ JOE AND .... Gretel" performed by faculty and " the school." II has been possible 1o EDDIE-- a program of.folk SOngs, students of Pittsburgh’s Carnegie work oul lhe schedule so that the performed by Joe Gilbert andEddie " " Institute. children from each room have the Brown, of Berkeley 5:30 DISCOVERY- secrets of playground !o themselves during re8:30 THIS NEW HOUSE " ..the ... nature"Too Small to See". are cess lime and during lhe physical problems of unification .between" ¯ revealed in the microscope of Mary educalion period, members of .the. Common Market Grirnes and her guest, photogra"l’he school district purchasedfive and thoseof EFTA,"The Sum"ofSix fifty-five gallon drumsof Coherex, a was held on Wednesday, September and Seven". are traced by inter-’ dust-sellling compoundwhich, with national experts. 19. Jim Rosanderis the newpre~ident; .i help donated by men al e the cam- Jim Kirk is vice-president and program 9p.m. PROFiLE: BAY AREA.i .’ munily, has been applied to the ¯ chairman, authoritative guests, moderated by grounds. The elimination of dustfrorn Scurrie Ringquist is our very capattorneyCasparWeinberger, tackle ’ lhe playground area will remove a able bus driver again this year, and a controversial issue of regional " heal!h hazard and a nuisance, is also doing his usual fine job as interest. " . 1’he firsl meelingof the Parent Club custodian for the school. (Contlnucd onll.’lllc .follr) . :: ¯ ., ’’ ’.. .. , <. . ,’ ¯ ,-,... ... . .. ~ . , ’,i" .. ... ," .. and Robert Gardner,: ¯ director of. film ¯ Study Center, Harvard Univ. MONDAY, OCTOBER15 5 p.m. WHAT’SNEW--."The. ventures. ¯ of Tom Sawyer" Ad- 5:30 TIME FOR MUSIC - folk .singer-guitarist Laura Weber rePat Powers, who did" the ¯photoviews some songs, talks about rhythms, and introd u ces new graphy for the Ford Motor CompanY’s film, "Valley of Light," in 1956, was melodies¯ on a harvest iheme 6:30 PARLONS FRANCAIS1 -- ele6:45 PARLONSFRANCAIS1 1-:inmentary French termediate French. 6:45 PARLONSFRANCAIS 1 1 -7:45 U.N. REVIEW-- reporter Don intermediate French Pringle reviews last week’s develop7:30 INVITATION TO OPERA-"The ments in the General Assemblyand Rake’s Progress" by Stravinksy, to interviews U.N. delegates. be given its first performance by THURSDAY, OCTOBER18 the S.F. Operathis week. 5 p.m. WHAT’SNEW--tourist Tony 8 p.m. CHALLENGE -- DemonstraSopher angles his motor cruiser lion. of the effects of radiation on into the southernmostisland of the "The Immune Response" of antiBahamas, the world’s la rgest bodies built by the body against breeding colony of roseate flamindisease. goes. TUESDAY, OCTOBER16 8 p.m. PERFORMANCE - "IRISH 5:30 DISCOVERY-- Mary Grimes FESTIVAl."Joseph Gardner hosts and her guest, Elmer Foye, Dir. of an Irish ;’Fesh", featuring singers, the Ipswich River Wildlife Sandancers and musicians ctuary, show how to make simple 8:30 J. E. WALLACESTERLING"Bird Homes" president of Stanford .University 6:30 SPANISH T H ROUGHTV -elementary Spanish speaks on the role of the private institution in higher education. 9 p.m. OPENEND- the first program in a series of round-table 10 p.m. THE HOUSEWELIVE IN discussions with David Susskind, Father GustaveWeigel, S.J., prof. host. of theology, Woodstock College, Maryland, discusses the environWEDNESDAY,OCTOBER17 menl of man and various aspects 6:30 PARLONS FI~ANCAIS1 - elementary French of RomanCatholic doctrine. ¯ : ... ¯¯¯ ’ :.:’ ! .. in Yosemite recently with aFords; crew:0f helpers and eight 1963m0del ¯¯:¯ Lincolns and Mercurysshooting ¯films. to update the sequenceswhich showe~].’ . : the earlier model:automobiles. " ’" : LynnTocherleft for a .20-day visit ....! .¯ n. Calgary, Alberta. I:: .i to her home Sheexpectsto do. some skiing there¯¯ ¯. ....i. : . ¯ as a warm-up.forher duties as ski. i~ instructress at ¯Badger Pass.¯next ."i winter. Lynn has been :filling: in as. ’.r" " hostess at Yosemite I.odge since the swimmingpools ¯closed. . Pat Thorsen, hostess at Wawona.. " last summer,is the newhostess:,..... at ...:i ¯ YosemiteLodge. .. Replacing Estel e Graf; whoreturn-. ’" ed to her homein Danvill e, is Leslie¯¯ ¯ .." Jones Clark at The Ahwahneeswitchboard. She expects to remain during the time her husband, Lt; J.G. Rolf Clark, is touring ¯ the western Pacific. on the USS Apac.he, a salvag e and towing ship. ..., ,=: /". ~.-,:,.., . .,. ¯ . . . . ~.;., :. ¯ .,.. .. ::.:~...:~.. .: ..."...’.,C. ;.: ,~:...~..... ,.~.,,.~ ~ .,..:,..-:, ,.,., : ¯ ,’,.-..~ ...... .. . Lawrencew0rked for the governmentKinney’s son :in several of his ownwill be held, in ..the:Training Rooml.. ... . .." two Summers and a winter and during arrangements. The session wasattend- Tuesday, October 9, at 8p:m:, with. " .:i"’J ¯ ¯ ¯that.time he met Mildred Sovulewski. ed by a numberOf locals and several Stuart Cross as moderator..The. .". .... ..:’i . ... They were married in January of 1922 former residents amongwhomwere discu~,si0nwill be on’Shakespear’s . : " i" and soon. thereafter moved’ to Long Midge Pittman of’Carmel and. Donna "King.. Lear." ¯ Anyone.interested is Solinks~, Matesonof San Francisco. ¯ :):-.i.- BeaCh..::" ¯ During the war, Lawrence was a Juanita SauhFerrebee of Coopers¯..... . ,. ..’ . .. .. i" ...US governmentengineer at the re- town, New York,. f.lew across the .. ..... ¯ . location campin Delta, Utah. He country to attend the reunion and at ;. returned to Yosemite in May of 1944 visit friends. She wasaccompanied . i " .. The Ahwahnee by her daughter Anne. to work for the YP&CCo., filling .. ,... various jobs until 1946 whenhe be- Riley whohas beenrecently married ¯’ " came Safety Director in charge of and will reside in SanFrancisco. ’/. prevention of fire .and accidents. -o¯ iI , " Perhaps a mong those presently 275 STUDENTSAT MARIPOSAHIGH ¯ : resident in the Valley, "Mil" Taylor 275 students were enrolled at the lock, TecoyaDorm. ¯ can boast one of the earliest experi- Mariposa High School in September. For Sale: 1953, custom, made, ..ences in Yosemite. She camein 1906 55 are eligible for graduation from 24 foot trailer. Inquire at Western ¯ with. her parents Rose and Gabriel the. seniorclassat present. Union. ¯ Sovulewski,her brother Lawrenceand ---o’ sister Gabrielle. The family traveled and information clerk at CampCurry. TRESIDDERMEMORIAL Later she became Transportation by train to Raymondand by four(Continued from page one) horse stage to the Valley, stopping Office Managerthere, a job she held for eight years. She has done a table tennis rooms, and a 14-lane overnight at Wawona. at bowling alley. First exhibit in the Gabriel Sovulewskiwas Park guar- variety of jobs for the Company ¯ dian in the summer and acting super- manydifferent units. Her last wasin gallery is a display of Ansel Adams photographs. intendent during the winter months the Personnel Office as Assistant The Memorial Union fund as a TrainingDirector. whenthe army had jurisdiction:over i. monument to Dr. Tresidder wasbegun the Park. The family’s first homewas In 1955 she beganworkingat Best’s within a weekafter his unexpected in the old Hutchings cabin which Studio for a part of each year and death in January of 1948. Many of stood in a clearing east of Yosemite will continuethere throughthe month the ideas for the Union came from Creek on the north side of the road of October. students when6,000 questionnaires to Yosemite Lodge. In 1909, the US The Taylor’s retirement homeis on were submitted to campusliving government,for whomMr. Sovulewski 72 acres just off Highway 49 near groups by the sludent-run Union. worked as guardian of the Park unMariposa. There, in 1950, they began Planning Committeein 1953. til his retirrnent in 1937, built them a homein front of the old cabin, to build what they considered to be An estimated 4,000 persons may a weekend cabin, bul which they use the building at one time. It seems There they lived for 35 years and have expanded into a full-sized, ¯ particularly fitting that a centerwhich when they left the house was torn permanent home, will serve so manybe dedicated to down. of Dr. Tresidder whohad The Taylors and Shorbs will be the memory Mil had her first job as a telephone a keeninterest andfaith in students, operator in the Old Village. In the missed in the communityand their as well as a great love for Stanford friends are happythat they will be early 1930% she went to work for University. the YP&CCo. as a telephoneoperator nearby. / ¯ i . ’¸’ i’ i ’ . ... .! ¯1~. ¯ :, :. .. " ¯. , ¯. .~. : , :~ .U ¯ .... .... ..................... ....... . ............... CHECKqN DAY IS OCT, l Odl FROMI to 5 ~’.hA, ARROWAND AT THE ,51. ................... AND7 to 9 P,M. AT BOTHTHE LOST PORTALCOt~’XMUNITY BUILDING G .................... SORRY--NO IT~:h’~.~~’" UNDER "J ,50VALUE ~,’~,.^~"~NObNDERCLOTHES’ ORSOCKS t~ ,~ " "~ _~th~’~c,~ I-~ l’~’ ’ (EXCEPTSKI ¯ ..~..,,..~, ,..I,~[~ [~b~Ei’,I, TRO!JBEESOt~ C~I~LI.h.EN, DIFFICULT WIVES OR WORTFI!.L:S’.I HUSBANDS ................. I., [~ .’t .................. -, F-r,,IC~,’YOURSHAREO ~r THESALE, ~’’ :20 ONE:I~.Ci.I IT~’..’~, ~ ...... JO (:)R OV~!R ~0Oh;I:./’,C !-’, li’ Et, A,~’,,.~)’-~’~-.,-,’.~ 10.00 ...... {.[;~ .... i I" .,. i !L ¯ ;i ¯ . .’ [ " . Dave Thomas. scooped up a tumbling ~ . " Secondhalf . kickoff " and raced 70. yards to score for Castle..The: Badgers i. scored again in thefinal period when : one and all, Republicans and Democrats,:to.atter~d an old fashioned "1 encourage of .:any¯ age r , to , . ....;..~.,... .. .. ... . .everyone ,. , country get-together atthe Mariposa get started .on oral vaccine. Thisl-is ~; :.:. .: ¯ J . . ’. ~ ’.. ,. . County Fairgrounds. ’ . irrespective . of. any!I prev ous :poll0.... ;~ ’ .." ’.. . ,"~ . ,. i." ¯ they ran a. series of plays to the onestarting at 1.2:30 p.m. there will shots he mayhave" had". :. ’.,. ’":... .: ..’,.,~ ¯ .,. . ." -.. . Yard line after recovering a fumble. " ¯ --o--, , , ,",.."; "i ’, ’ be a free beef barbecue, chili beans, !.. Power slanted "off tackle for the " " ’ " ’ MEETING " " ’ :, ’"" salad/bread and coffee. The barbecue : ~ " "’ W OMEN’SGROUP counter. :i: will be prepared byStan Fiske and ’ FASHION SHOW " " ....". ,’.. "’"’¯ " ,, ¯’ " The Badger line heckled the Castle .̄., his crew who have gained a wide backs all the way and forced many Thefirst fall. m eeting of. the ., "..’~’" reputation in this field. ,":. fumbles,: several of which they At 2:00 p.m. there will be square ~/omen’sGroupwillbe held ThUrsday," .": ’ "" recovered. The defense also kept the dancing to the calls ofBill Patterson October 25 at The Ahwahnee. A " " Castle receivers from grabbing several caller in the San Joaquin Va’lley and fashion show will be presented at.. ¯ .. . , passes which could have gone for long mountain counties. 1:45 p.m. by the Miss P0sy.Shop of .: gains. Mariposa. Tea and.socialh0ur will" " : Senator Teale will be there to meet It wasthe first ga,.’ne of the season his manyfriends in Mariposa County follow at 3:00 p.m. NO reservations. ..... necessary, c h a r g e; $.50. Everyone :. for bolh teams and lackof precision. with no political speeches. ¯ cordially invited. " . and ragged play characterized both --o-~O~ attacks. However,the Badgerstarting WIDFORSSWATERCOLORS IN ,,i " lineup, which contained eight of last SEAT BELTSIN YPS, C Co.. CARS ~. SAN FRANCISCO OFRCE year’s veterans, had the experience to Acting on a recommendation, from Continuing the plan to display the ~., offset the advantage held by Castle the safety committee, YP&C Co." in weight and age. work of painters and photographers managementapproved’ the installaThe Badgers dominated first half relaling to Yosemite and Sierra tion of seat belts in twenty-oneof its Nevada,a collection of twenty waterplay and were deepin Castle territory Vehicles. All passengerCars and those s, everal times only to have their colors done by Gunnar Widforss now trucks in service off the floor of the attack sputter to a halt when key hangs in the San Francisco office of Valley are being.equipped with either : plays failed to produce the needed YP&CCo. Paintings were borrowed one, two or three belts, of a type yardage to keep the drives going. from private owners and from The i approved by the California State. -....’ : The second half was evenly played Ahwahnee, and were hung and cataHighway Patrol and the S.A.E. ’ though the Badgers continued to con- logued by Mrs. Robert Cross. trol the ball. It was not until the In addition to the paintings, there and autumn leaves. Carl Stephens wamng moments of the game that gathered the ingredients and did the are on display arrangementsof Sierra Castle threatened again. The speedy grasses, rock, wind-warpedtree limbs arrangements. ..... ((:ounhn.’d on ll;IRe three) EMPLOYEESAND ARE NOT FOR PUBLICATION ...................... tHESE ITEt~S-ARi~ F-OR "i:HE-iN--’i:EREST OFPARK ¯ . .. ¯ , . . ....... Gebler,DanaTwight;..Kim". "Messr~.~":Arceo,.Cr0mer, Kohlei’.~’and ~ii~ .":! ; . ......;:. IE. berger, i+Ginny. Harders,.Laurenand. andJohn ¯ Anne’Woessner; McCon~nel, Greg¯ R ng, oi ihe:Village Stbrestaffli:invite.""..i:."..:: .. ~-.. .-. :.!:i:.: : .’!:. .-." Stephanie westm0re!and,".Kathy Co. " ¯ burn, Larry "Freeman; . David and. Power,JuneAnnand’Anita Simpkins~ the atten:!i0nof tl~e"ViilagerS"t01"ti~e...".Y .)/, . "L. ¯ .. .. ¯ ’ - ::"~. ’..~ . : Marcie Hackett,, .... Donnie.andNormanJanvernon,AnitaGrey,Suzanne Mil~ . new.andexpanding assortmeni ’of.":".. i .i..ii". ". " " ... ¯ ." ’ ...., ~.<Howe,"/~ichaelandPat McClanal~an, . ier) Betty Cottrell, Jim Barnett,: Jack packaged oddsand ends,.:comm’only: ".".::., . ,¯ ¯ Betts, MargaretPotts) Coats;R0bbieJohnson, i.: " ..... ’. TomandDon GretchenFry, i referred to as."gourmet, items" n’OW:ir;.!i., :.’.. . , ¯ . . . . . ’. ¯ ondisplay ¯ (andfor sale) in .the cab-.".. "’. .’ii. . .. " ":i". "..SusanDanZ,Bill andAshleyMcPh,aul, " " ’ .... " " "Luc~yParker:andVinceJ0hnson..’~’... . .... ¯ . .... ’ inet to the left of the milk. department,i "..... ... .. " Dale Savage, BonnieStover, Vickiiand. . would be, on.your.right as.you"" ¯. .,.". ..- . ! ¯".Todd" Corder, Deborah is open.TUesday, Thurs- ¯ which ¯ ¯ .... Darry!.’andDeena....Thellbrary and R01and... day and sundayafternoons. ’. move toward.the Produce" Sectio’n.’I.. ~". ..; ¯ " ": Mitchell; Linda, ¯ ..". ~..¯..’’ ’ the’. "fine Fancifo6d..:. .iii" ’ . .New.among , . ..... .. .¯. tinnedlitems are steamedlittle neck..". clams..still.in .their " shells,."sauerkraut :. ¯ .~ cured in..champagne;.red :cabbage, :.. marinated artichoke hearts, French ~ ¯ . fried onionrings, sweetpickled crab-. .. apples and smoked oysters.. Onhand. , . also are importeditalian bread,sticks. .. .;": ...’ ,!’.." " Cookies are onyour " : " .......¯ . . left. . . .. .. .. " ~ . .... ~ fromthe c o n t a in e r. TheArmenian i. Euphratesbreadalso comes well re-.’..¯ I ¯. ¯ --O-- BADGERS ~Cnntinued from pa;~e one) Castle backs reached the Badger 18 yard line by a series of sweepsas the United States Travel Service, with branchesin major foreign cities. Its assignmentwasto stimulate interest amongthe nationals in travellng to the U.S. The graph above indi- -.y.. cares modestaccomplishment, but the timeranout. Both teamswere urged on by their partisan rooting sections led by unitheir organization under way. formedcheer leaders. The Badgersplay the MenloSchool In the yearsto come,the rising tide Cubsat MenloPark on October 20th. of Asian and European prosperity shouldbe felt in an increaseof foreign I:ollowing their owngamethe squad will see Stanford vs. Washington. visitors to ourcountry. U.S.T.S. peoplehave only just got . ’ ... :.: commended ..... .’.:.. ¯ . . " ¯ :I ’ La. Ville’s babarumcakes, .six to ..... .. a can, makean excellent dessert, except, wethink with a sauce, rather . .. than ice cream, as the labelsuggests."" i. ’. Most of these goodies are, we supi. pose, expensive. However,they are ~ all good, and go far to brighten an otherwise drab meal. ~anagerRingstates that. additional. types of cheeseswill soon be in and butcher John Arceo states that the butcher shop is nowready and happy" . to take orders for freezer storage... ?:EXPENDITU.RES~i:: And,with a little advance notice, John ’ERSON ’,:’: will cut roasts,chopsetc. for customers . not finding what they wish at the meatcounter. In anticipationof the cornn q Halloween requirements, there will bea . widevariety of trick or treat ~:andies. the Departmentof Commerce,set up ¯ .¯ These’ have beencarefully: packedl and thus are whole when. removed i" ¯ ..’ " ¯ ". ".~ ." ., ~.g’!" .:" ’ . ". ¯ ,,... :’.’;:-~"L;’t"i".:’::C’.~",::;’ " -" :" ~’ . );Tr’..’~: ’,::’~"" ’. ’.... ¯ " ’. :".- ’ ,’:: ,..’. ", ."7".’,.’: ." ," : ’ "~; ... ¯ .; ,, ¯ ,. ..- , ;~’ . . . " ": ’ .’." 2 " ~ ~:;" ,~ . ,< " F "’...-’:.-’" . ’; "...’," ," -’.’’ , .c"*’,’." .* : r , .. ¯ , .. . . .. ..... . , ,... ,, , ¯ ,:" ~ ", ’~ ,"’" ’." ": ; . +.’ - ’" ~ ’ " ¯ .’. .~~. . .’’-.. , :.’: i’: i%’,’"’=." ,’. ’" :’; "" "":": -; "i .:’. ".. ’. . . .’. =’ .,’,z. ¢, . . ",.’ ’’,." : : ". ’,’~ ". " "’. .... :,,,’, .-,.., , . . " , ’.." "":~ r’~’~:’;;’T:;’]l ",:,:’~.’;’ ’ ’ ’, ..... ,’ " ’ " .:.. .’. " ’ " " ¯ ".’" ¯ " ... ", . ~..’-. .. . ".,.’.-’" ," , . ., ¯ . ,,. . .-.. ." " ! ’ " ".; " ’ " . " ’. .... , ’ ’. ¯ , ’. . ... , . . .’’: . ’,’ .." .., . . -....,.. . ,,., . ],. ... ... " "’: , "." " .. , . ..... ]’." ’.. , ..... . ’ .. , ,.t ...,,. ’:’~’,’"’" "’7"’" ’" "’" "’ ";~’ " ’ ’.’. ........ ".~’i ". :...’!’: ., .. : "’. ’.~." ,.~ :.,., .’, , ".’ :’: . " ’ "’.:’i" ’ ’" " ":": .... ,’""..’ ’ .’":" : . 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" .-i. ., :::: ;..... ;.;;..; :"-:;" Pai-ker.i.reports:;thatthe.,; rei~en’t;:sae. -..::pi~0gram indicates<tha!Tthe ;~’n".!:. :;!,!i:.:,!~117" ;-.:.,:.;..". ¯ " ’.. . -’..,7.:...’ .- glnla, rarKer calearne-..rrsr,~Tuaeni. : ......’ " "- ¯ . ¯ .". ’.": ... ’ ..-- " ’. ......- .c. ~.., :~...:"...:": .",... ’.-. ".:",.,"~,:.."..,,~; <.;:.v. . ,: ’ ~i.t ;...’ ... .... : ’;,.":;.";"..;.,r .:......... . " "’ .. " " :""W:.. ;.".,-...". ’.~. .:...-..";..:. :.: :" ",".":. :::,,’..’: ... .,. grossed approximate)/$2300.00~ with.~":ia...positiverei:ognitiL~n,-;.>eV de ..E~7!~"-.;’;.:t.::~.ii!:. .:..: -"..:. ¯ .. ¯ ’ .... . .... ¯ .....,:"., - ,.~ ’ " ,,...... "...’....,..,.......~..,:..~’-..’:.,:~: ~.; " : .. ¯ .. ~... I..ounc . mee1. ng .. 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I I rl;,l’: ,;r,]~*,.,:~,’;t:.’’:" , ", ¢" lll~ ~ ~,~ 1 I~ / Ibi I.’,]1/i l.l~t~lll~, I%U~l//, I~11 llll :.:...~.;; ;~:l.e"~:. ~;;:~.~,":.i~i!: Adrienne.Ottone o and’., the-::sonto..;.breakfast rides;"-.the Firefa ~E ’. ¯’". ’. ,..’"~." "..: " :":i:r’eas~:re’r ’ ,’ ’ :"Gre" g. " Power:Each": ;,. ’ . c ass ¯ ", ¯ ¯ , .. .. " ...... ," :.: ’..". ,.’ ~. " : , ’... ..... ’: .’,-:". .... "’ ..,,, ...: .. ’. !: ,".’ ¯ "!~.....:’ ~...¯ .~.,::..; ~.:i::,% :.": ’’ ...’" . " :. Claus. by~visit0r T. .Wilson;. of. Santa.’ and.the:..chi dren s....pr0gl~am; ie;vi,!..!i:,.~..:......~. "... ’ ". : ’ ^,L"~" ~. .,om’ ’ : ~:.;., .~ ", " ’ up ’ i’. ’..;" ¯ ’’ ’ " "......::....ru~l,,. " ’~ : . ’ ¯ ’ . ’".. ..".."..."........" .:.:~...’:".-’.. ~".... ~.’,...~ :.’...~":.:i::::."-~l-". ..: .. ,~1. ~raae :.nas iTS .:., .. . .’ ¯ .’" - ’.. ’: ’: ¯ . .: ’. ’ ¯ ;" actiVit es.lwere offered~,These n~ ".!’. .:’.’’ .’. ".". ,. ’ " .... ..... ’ -,, " ,.. , "." .:Monica. ’. . . ¯ ;. . ’ :. .... ded.~i.;:,i:.!:-~:;~.7, ’ .~;.. ¯ ¯ ~. , Da. r.. oi": reDresenTal yes .:... " Ine ’-:’~..:~..... ¯ " ., .. ......:......:...~.....,,,.: ,.. .~.’ ..,’7, ¯ . ., . ... ¯ ¯ ..,,. .. , . :. ,... .,~TuaenT . . .:... ,....: . ., .,, ¯ .,,~. ,,,,,:_.1..., ,I ".""11."..",’~ ,.t,.-. " ; ¯ : ...~ , r. ,, ,.: .- , . , ...¯ .. ¯~. ¯,.~.-~:.. . :tripsinto...:the..:...-, near..,:~:..i..:,.~-.,.:~. ~.. " " : ’"~:" "" Council’ad0 "ed a "ull a enda which" ¯ The.turkey., was.donated¯ by Sw,ft...~ fall. color:,picnic lit.’. -. : ’ ¯. ’ . " . ! i; :. ,..i !: i!’i iii! " ."hoping ’that, the school"will havea SERVICES U ’ ’ .i ii.: :. FALL ’. RELIGIOUS ¯ . ..i, " " ...i. i: ’:. ;p"RCHA’SE’HoUsiN’G".’AVAILA’BI.E:".;’i.II’:.rl;I,,’,.IIII Community i ~. " . . " ...Church " .’ . . ... : Qualifiedpersons-perma-nent. Pai-k-:i::’i"!:.i:!;i,..il . . - " ; set readythis year. for useof..i"n.-class :. Yosemite ’,i Church.schc)ol..9:30 .a.m. ’"::...c0nnectei:l.. employees-who, are"inier~ii;~ 7.1:i’.’~:.. .... ,i; ." .". viewing.of instructi0nal ...programs." Sunday ’ , I . " at the Yosemite School ... " ..: . estedin .p0rchasing"hoUsir~gL"ai:.;El:",;;’ ::i.i:!7~; i. i.. Onedonated, by:.the "Aranguenasis ’ " . . ’ } Sunday 1100areasl~ed am’to callAreaRang~,’ri~i;!i.lii.::’!:~.:. .............. " ’ "Worshp : " ’ ’. "". Portal ’~... under repair now. If it proves to be. ¯’ ¯ "Chape at the l . " ¯ .: " ... Don.Squire.during .the.iclay;,:;Fri"da’y:’!::’:i~.::~..7il i..:. ..... serviceable . the. Student Council pro- .. i poses". tO take other steps .to bring ’ " Roman " . . Catholic " . i. . " " . through."Tuesday, FR 2.4331.~.squiie~.i.l’:ii’:iJ!:::::il :~~ " . educational TV. to .the school. ’’ Masses a m " ~ ’ Sunday reports.that there are six h~.ouses a!~d:.".":.ii~".i ! . : o 45 . and. 9:.. 00’ ." . ... . . : .... ¯ . ..... .. ... n,...:..:.. .ll " ’. "inthe Pavilion’’ . . " " ... thepostoffice,buildingfor saleat the ........:.:. , ..Theinstructionalpr0gram continues .... Confession. before both Masses : .I’ pre’senttime.Pricesrangefrom;S1;000 I:"::-L!..:. ¯ to move forward with what, .hope’ " .... ’: ;%’.’.. iUsually (N.B..) there is .daily. Mass, to$6;500. Hecandirect..inquires-to.. ..... , ,~"""~:. :....:..i .." fully,"is the best use of local teaching . . ., ¯ , . , ,..-..| ¯ . . 7:00 a.m., in the Chapel. the ~owners,or to someone who can".. ~..". " " talent and thebest learning situations .. ,’. . . , ¯ . , . .. ,. ~, ¯ ,i’,l. Christian Science . furnish .informa.tion regarding.condi-i...iil.’;i,.:ti:" .for the youngster. Miss Trabucco is SundayServices 8:00 p.m. ti0n .of buildings,size, CteT.."..... : :::. :~;.i’ .".acting as art consultant for the entire in the Chapel school, meeting each class in the THEAHWAHNEE GIFTSHOP:.......i, .. ..:i’ El Portal (Protestant) ¯ .School at least once a .week. h4rs. . "Bridal .VeilFall," .a.to"ainti.ng’ done,;:".....!~ .Sunday Worship 9:00 a.m. by Dorman Robinson in 1931,is. . .n°w...:"""i.... " Leedy is presently working with 1he " Sunday Church School 10:00 a.m. for sale in TheAhwahnee .Gift Shop.,i.. :-.i."i. . primary children in the area of lanin the El Portal CommunityBuilding The painting was secured fromJohn’ .:’.:"i ¯. guage arts and is introducing her .. . ¯ . . ,,.,,:.. -o-Howell, 434 Post. St., SanFrancisco, a .""i own students to someof the not-s0. . .!, . ACTIVITIES PROGRAM. EXTENDED collector of old books. and. paintings-".. ~.:.-i ’ mysterious mysteries Of "m o d e r n Labor Day generally heralds a, " ’ math". Mrs. Hart is the music expert, about the.west. Mr..Howell’s is,a.re-"...:..’i,. "close-down" of mosl guest activities tail as well as a wholesale business:.. ’" ..... ’: ";.. working with all. grades but seventh in the Park. This year, instead of a ! and he usually has"a goo collection .... !.." " ,. and eighth. She meets with them on d "close-down", a "stepped-up" guest of Yosemiteana. .... ¯ several occasions each week. " ...... ¯ , ’~.. .¯’"~.."i: activity programwas provided. Infor.i Items. indigenmJs, tO Mar i p o s a:" .i~ hAL Stalvey has ihe physical . i maiion aboui the guesi affairs was Countyare"Sunset Gems",nowstock- ... " educarion and upper grade math mimeographedfor weekly distribution .... i’. ed at the Gift Shop.Stonesof Copper"...,~ programsunder excellent conirol. The and gold are left in theirnatural state ....! ~¯ basis for their Spanish learnings, children are making good pregress while the seventh and eighth grades and mountedas jewelry. These pieces ~-;.,i in both fiscal and physical matters. are made at the Copper Queen mine ¯ i The Spanish program has been are working with Spanish in social ’ ! extended to third and fourth grades. situations. Mr. Bruun is carrying on on Mr. Bullion. ’ ’ " , ’ ’ ’i OLYMPIC FILM IN FRESNO ".’ ¯ The children of RoomTwoare proving this program which continues to be a ’ ’The FreSnoSki Club states. that it agaln that it is the youngerchild that pilot program for the county. Thusthe children of YosemiteSchool is sponsoringthe 90 minute VIII Winter .. I hears, imitates, and learns a new set of meanings and sounds the most are getting the.opportunity to work Olympics ski film at the Roosevelt... I quickly and enthusiastically. with a variety of teachers, while’ the High School .Auditorium on Friday" i ¯ night, November2 at 8:15 p.m.~A " ’~ The fifth and sixth grades are teachers are being able to pursue their donaiion of $1 will get you in. !, progressing well withthe geographic parlicular interesis. I j ¯ ,L ’ ’v 7. ~ . ," ... :’ Following their 28-6 defeat of Mar-: ’ iposa Saturday, Oct. 27, the Yosemite O Badgers ’A’ squad now has three FILM RECEIVESAWARDS wins andno losses to its credit. "YOSEMITEISMYHOME",.Y:P.C.Co’s In the Menlo-at-Menlo game on color film, was entered in three Oct. 20, the local gridders ran up a 16mm film judgings about the country. In 15-0 victory, with TDs by Rick Thomas the AmericanSociety of Travel Agents and Clark Martin and a safety resulting from the action of the hard-char- competition,it took a first place; in the ging Badgerwall. Badgerscrossed the ColumbusFilm Festival it received an Honorable Mention; in the San FranMenlo goal twice more. In neither cisco Film Festival it drewa blank. case was a touchdown allowed beThe most important of the three causeof penalties.. Of the 24 games played between competitions was the ColumbusFestithe two teams, Menlo has won 19. The val which has been held yearly for Badgers have won 5 games no two 10 years and in which there are scores of which have been in the samesea- of films entered. "Vote Nov 6 POLIO VACCINE HERE NOVEMBER4. .. ,...’...! , , ¯ . ¯ . ", .. All locals g_re urged to receive the il ¯ ....~ Type 1polio vaccine.which will be , , ]: ¯ dispensed at the schoolhouse between . .. ,. the hours of nine and noon on Novem’ ¯ bet 4. This innoculation.is important . . ¯., irrespective of any earlier injections . .: : one may have had for polio immunii. ~ zation. .~. ’. ¯ .. . TOM RENNELS, CARPENTERFOREMAN ": TomRennels assumedthe duties of carpenter foremanfor the Y. P. C. Co. Maintenance Division on October 1, on the retirement of Les Shorb. Rennels has been with the carpenter shop crew for the pasl 14 years, hav: ing come to the Y0semite area from Byron, in Contra Costa County. Tom, and wife Helen, make their home in El Porial. Their daughter, Joan (Mrs. Lowell Zollars), lives nearby Incline with the three Zollars boys and her husband who is with Standard Oil Co. On Rennel’s crew now are six per: manent and two temporary carpenters. The two major projects now underwayare the replacement of certain tent platforms at CampCurry and the reconstruction of porches at the WawonaHotel. ¯ :. --o.-- WAWONA HOTEL KITCHEN RENOVATED h.l,l:.’,cl cl~,.’~l i~’.~d~’r.~.--I):l,:]<:k"ir~ini~lP~lrl<cr,l.)ktn;t lhlcnl’ddt,Chrissic]ul¯.<:slic’ .l~t.tsl , I.>uti.~, ’ .’ (.;t)lil’c’lt, KilthvCr(Hllcr ll;ln.~tln, Jt:;lllllillc. [)iil,m...... I<l~cding: A complete renovation of the WawonaHotel kitchen is all but finished, On Saturday, Oct. 27, the Yosemite following five weeks’ work by Bob son. With one marker now in the win colun~n, the locals slond their best Badgers played the Mariposa Cougars Chivers and crew. The entire kitchen chano~of rnaklng il two in a season. at the YosemiteSchool field. The game was rebuilt, walls, ceiling and floor. Chris Buzzini and Keilh Thomas, started at 9:30 a.m. with the A Team Equipment was rearranged, replaced playing the first game. bolh 7th graders and both on the and in someinstances, electrified. The The Badgers took the lead in the project required a capital outlay by Badger’B’ Team,report the Badgersvs Thomas first quarter when Mike Power, the Y. P. & C. Co. of $85,000, of which Mariposa games herewith. (Continued on page four) about $20,000 was for equipment. played also on the A squad. ...... T H EsE ITE/~SA RE-FoRTH EINTERESTOF P,~RK EMPLOYEESAND ARE NOT FOR PUBLICATION .,! .,~ Point, Yosemite Lodge and Tuolumne Don McHenry, George Oliver and Meadows Lodge. Doug Hubbard. Ralph Anderson, Nick Fiore, whoseprimary duties though not a member was present are Winter Sports and Ski School Dias a guest. Hil Oehlmannread several rector, has been namedas High Sierra Camp Supervis0r"for next summer letters received ’l:rom n’~emberswhose season. Nick has been with the Com- schedule or place of residence prepany since 1948, when he came here cluded their allendance. Slerling Crafrom Quebecas a ski instructor. Since mer read excerpts from papers which then he has managed the Wawona had beenpresentedin the mid-thirties. Holel, Glacier Point Holel and has HermanHoss, now a Palo Alto resibeen assistant and associate manager dent an~ Hil Oehlmannwere the only lwo charier memberspresent. of Yosemile Lodge. /, ,.: .................. : : ’’ ~",.~:. .... ’ : ~ ,i ,:;’~,:::. i¸ i ;./! i ,/ ::¸I:~;¸¸:~I~ !I.II:~I ~’:~¯:,i: ~~.:,.i":.! !!’ii~:~.:~/~i:~ ~’~I~: ::..:~":~ ./:,’ i.i ~ii~,,~,, .?,:Li!:il..:,i:,~"i.~’! ..... ..... . .,’..’ " :" ;’;.’: :’. ": ~i. ~ : .’.’ i. , ~,i; +:"’.." ~ :-/, ’,i. ; :i .;.;.... :i’,. ~ ....... ~"’’ "’ ¯¯ ¯ ¯ :: ¯ ¯¯¯¯ ;ii i/i :i¯¯¯ i ¯¯¯:; / ¯ ¯¯¯’i’:¯ ..... .... ,.,:",,....,,,-,, ......, :,;: ~,~~.: . ;-:,:,: - ....: ":,:,:,’ ,.~~,:,, ",,~, YOSEMITE SENTINEL"":’,~,,;.:,. ,’:,: ",,,:,:,,,,;’",":.,,-.:,.,’; : ,,-: ::..~::: ¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯ i .’.,"~..:..’.:~. ~-. : .;..:..7 ,.’;.~-.~ ~,,...’ ". :. , ~.~.-." ~ ’/ -’ ". ". 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".. .",-, i . ;.:. :.i.J0e"and Pat-~omas..,wi -/ne.~aager-~ass.regu arsnave.oeen..:" ,....-~....:~ ..... :--.’,. ,. .:...~......¯ .... ’.’ ’ .... :’’""’r~,~".k~;-~ ’(Sf¯ the. a;-.e Cha~e ’ ’ /~ r~ ,-. ’ ~ I~ wi - ...... :" ..... ’ ’... ..... , .~.-..: .... -. -.:-.;.,.. ......on ’a.five week.motortnp~ -.: ... .,.,.. :........ ¯ ..... . ....... ......,..., .-........-. ..,.... ..:. .",. ..... .... i... "i. ~:, i~:i’..r ng?..Out .. {or;....Afr’eda’..!Strasser :.:and.. busy.:...as: .!he.proverb~al,:...bees.Lgett~ng(.:...;i.: :i;.......;.,".’. ~:~.’i.,.:..-.,.:,...:..,;:....i::.~:..,..-,..!.~;]~.! i’-, :. ;,’e0"le "and ’tl~in:s,,: f6r" ’TaKe"memir°.rne:.T p:aT,.,.-owur. ,..: " " .... " ";~; ": ’,, .,," " ."~., ’: , " ",-"’~.i.. ¯’ g ¯ gor an zed " .:" .".~, .~~.’:’.,::; ’:.’":: ..’".":’,":!...~..’.;;’-’:~:-..- ~:~~: ¯. ’ :’ ~aur ce KO I O1 " iNovemoer ~ /ne ’: P P .-. ,, ,, , ...... " , ,, ¯ ,:.,,: ," ’ ,’;, :." " ,’"",:/tits is"ai,selclom:"macle;, ourneyf,’i:~ i’ ., ,:,,, :. : ,,,-., ,: ,,,;,,.,:,, ¯ : ,, , ,,, ..... .,.",,,, ¯ .:.; ,’, ..... :,,",..,,:: :,-: i ,,,, ’, , ,:, " (’~""’ the area: Supervlsor,,BiII ,,,,,. ,-’:’,,,; ....... ,:,~,;, br ~,, de :.. s,. from , ¯ , Munichl ¯ , , . , German.,:clnd ,, , ,:.. .... z ,, ,and at, -:,,,,,,.,,,-,,,,,,,.,.,,,,,,,, .,, ,: ,,..,, ,,,, ,,,, ,,:,Mea-, r:",,- ..... ’.".’. - :": :accordir~g"10 Pat~roadS,~become::c’~t! i i; . , .,,,,.,,,,:9: "came fo Yosem tef rsi’"in ]958~",re ,,, ,, cham, has;:been"direct ng,tne,acTv Tes " ~ .... ’ .... ¯ ~,, ",~..:,, ..... ; ,,’,.:,:..;;:"~, ........... ,,:-, ~ " " ~""":: ..... " " ¯ ¯ " ":" .... " ..... ¯ ..... : ...... ’ . .... - ’ "" .:¯..¯¯¯ " " .... ¯ ....... :’tra s dfew:"~li e~:~buft-i"bf SanrQui rl .-..’" ..":;-.:i ..":’.-.." " """ " " ..... " .... ’..-"....-: ............. ".. ...:" .--.". .... .’ ’ ’ ’"" : of Dave Downing, ski house" Super ......... ..:,, .","~..~:,’,,’ . . -,-r.. . ¯ .-~’ ~.~"._: ¯ _: :..~..~... "..~ 5~;-... ;’ ’ " lurnlng .aga n th s year.. She ¯¯’ ¯I s ,, .now .,, ,.’" ,;, ¯ "’.,,,%.. ,’;" ,,,.~," ,’ , /ney-,.WIII Travel ,:lrl,".u : [~.w,,~,lJ~.~,~a .:,,]!:,-?’,,..: ,, ,:, ,, .... ¯ ,: ,,. - : ¯ , , ’!,:...:, ,,: n: the.Y.P.C. Co. general office. Mau- ",v!sor,,,op,encer L~rams;,,iSKli,,s,.n,op man,-;,, e~,ui~,~:ed,,~iil~:,a;i.i,~ht;:cam, i;~er.,i~,6-Cl:~,,.,~:i r-, i .... ~’,:"" .... :~-~" ."". " "" .... ¯ " :" ¯ ’ " ."" ’ ..... ’ " ’ " ¯ ,Sid ..... ¯’Carter,, " ;,,, ’ e ".; ’-1 I-’~’ ~ ¯..... f pr’ .... ,, i,:;: "’ rice has ¯been at ,The Ahwahnee, f ve ’ ager, I charge .O -.:,, ,, ;: .-., ,-, ,,,,, :, .-,::,,.,,,.,,::,,’ ,: :,,.,.,: ,: ,2:,::~.::;.E,~ ,,~ ¯ n,, "-, ’ , ¯ ’ ’,, .... " ...... , ¯ .~:,. ........... ,¯ , ....... ,.,, : " ,-i, -,- ,’. :,, L~g~: sTal ons, Delng; separazea,.:..~ , .... , ...... ,,’, T,":: !,’ ,"’",, ,,,"i~,’ ..... ¯ ".:’.’ ¯ ’,,,,’,,,’,’,:, ’.-.:. ;,::,.i,:,!i,i!:,, ’, ’.’ .; . ,,:~-, ,,,,,,, -,,,,,,,".,.,, ." "....i’..:,.:./!....i.i-.years.and..i.s.n0w .assistantma~ager...sea$o.p’:..S!ol?eS. :;.!;..".:...’i:’:" ma,ntenance~".ana.i ~ru-., s~ever:all~un.dred..;imiles~:itJ:ie.:.Tll.o~.a~,~ i;. ’ - ...!:.:i.": ’.’~..... "" " ’ " .. ":.: :. ::: ¯ : ’.:’i:.’..;,~. :".:..J e N ’ .. y " ct~rk. ¯Ba’l~Y:. r w-,.....car.r.y.a.:f~y.;.g:a..~..fue~;s.u~P.~5~!;:~;i~i;~::;i:‘:~‘;.!;!i... . . .... ¯ ..... ..:.."....:..~..,.......;..-.:.:.:..:;. . .....~.;:~".’::!,L.:.;,..~~" :.:.’.., :..i.~. -’.’,,’ o::.-. ¯ " -..’.i’.-::"i~,":.:::Br desmaid will be.Ger;trudelSteph-.:., ~ , - :..::. -,~..,. ".:..:...,.-- .,....:....Water. and..’~food,: .to0,- are..:-., seldom.i,..:..’.~..}i.,! .( .... .". .-,:",,-, ..,:,, ’., ,’,.~, "-’ , , ’ ;,,::,:::~,:’ -:,:,’ ¯ ¯ ,’ ¯ : " . ¯ ¯ ’ ., ¯ master snow-ven cles, one,w Tn a.ca-., ¯ ",, - -". ii,,;,,’,’-,", ,.,:, ,.,,’mi3n ,, Robert ¯ _, - : ¯Eider, .... e:,S0~ the~,;~, :;carry::.thi~ty";~:..i::,.,.....I::,;!..i... i .... ’ .... ::’, ,;:"an,"best of¯ E¯Porta.. ’ . .-. :.- ; .,..-.. ..... , .:. ’ ,.... ";, , : availab , ,,., ", .,, ..... ’, ,. ,,,":" :;’ ’":,;:,:.:.’ , . .. ¯ . .. ¯ ¯ "-!?.:.~; .... .pacify Ot’, ten’ passengers,"Tne oTner ’ ¯ .... ¯ : ,, " ",: F0 0wing;the ceremony, ¯ ,which will ’ ’" ~" " " ""Bo barde ,""go Onsofwoter:-andfo0d:,to ~st,,for";;,i,,":"!.i::ii,: ,:~i,,: " ¯ " , : . "’e’i"~!:"0"r:-:(-:,’i’":’i,":.,::"i ’’, .,,,,, ,,,,,,.:; ...... i,,,,, ¯ ,, .... r ..... ¯ ...... ,, . carryng",/y::/ne year-oa m ¯ i:,, :,, . . , " . ",two weeks-Dur ng much Of th ’~ :~]5 ".:’,.:’,:,.::";,:-;-,, ,’;:~,", " :"’:. be performed by Rev Wml’ ,Henn]ng,, ",: ¯ ~" ’ " . . ,, ,, ¯ . ....... , ~,, :: ., , ,,,~ , ~, .,-,:.,,, .d .-t.",,: ,!:i~ ’,"’, ,’ :,{ ,..’,,,:.¯ ¯ ,,. ¯ ¯ _ , _ _ , _ ’ ’nas been re-Du t- ancl wl inow, carry , , , .... : ¯ L _’: ",,, ¯ : .... i",:. :’" o" receptiol w be held at .the ’ best ,~. ~. " :"- .,. ’ ’ ~ ,.." " .,; ,"m el-rip,"lne,roaa,will sKlrt.lne.oea.,,,’:;,:,~!i.,, ..... ’ ,:. ’ _ ’ . ’ :, _. .,, ,i: ;,, ’:- r: t,~,"~’ ’.- ,’,i, ’,,,;~,,,;.’,,’,:,!’,~.". -, "’ ,, " --~, i, ¯ , .... ¯ ¯ ", ’ : ~’/. /nese~ ,ana Tour OT 1ne remaining", of Cortes ¯ n ,which ,the .surT,:TlSnl, ng,,,!,,~:,,~,";,".: ,,i:..":,,, is:the destinat on ~ ¯ , " , .... . i , ~, , ,;’, ,,, , .... L" ;:",’man’s home. Mexico . ’ ,, -, :,, , . ’ " :.": -, :":.’, -,I .... :~-¯ ,.’: ,, o-, , ’ , ,: , .... ,, ,TiVe wease s,,Wlll Deusea ma nly on " ..’.’-. ’ . , aba oneand. obstergatheringis~saicJ""-..:":;i.,~! :’!; ’::.: , .~, , .,~ " . . ...... .tor’the honeymooners. ¯ - " ’ " -.. " ." ’ The " ¯ ’ , , , , ,, : ..... , ,.,. ’,,. ,’: .; .,’.:,: :,,-,~!;", ;i, ’ , baager r’ass scenic Tour .... excellent...,. ’..-. ::..:.....-:;"i..." ..~.".: i:,.:.i:i::i:i:~i,::..~.:,.’;~":i ..:iii: ;. ’ ¯ . :. : "?._..... : .." :.. ’ ---o-- " .... /.. ’. ¯ ..,. ’. ..... :.-.. ¯ " ’ ..... " ... " :;.: . to.be , ...:-..D ,..’..; -" .". who w " ¯ After: a few da-S inLa"Paz"and"""";""";":""" ’ " : ":" " ’" .... " ’ . Other department heads ¯ ¯ ¯ ’. ’ ¯ " ... : . . ( " . ..... " " ¯ ’ . " L": .. :’: ......... " , . " ’ " .. . . ~ ¯.. . .. "[ ¯ y " :’ " .." ..’..’m ¯ " ;,. ¯ ¯ .. :. , SCOUTS ACTIVĒ . .. .. " " " ~ " " " " " " " ............... " :, "1 ’ ’ ..... ’;’ :~’:’ ":’ " come on duty when Bodge opens w r-~.~"a~. Sa ,~Lucas ,the z¯ ¯ and :the;~Jcku "~ "’ " ’ .... ¯ ¯ . 7.’. ¯ ......... ".,:.’.. ............ .’ ,.. , , ¯ " - ’ ~ ,~--~ .’ .. " ¯ " " ’ ’ .... 1 "..ri~ " ;’ -I"’’. ~~;’’" ", ., d . ’" ~ a :ferry,"f0r Cl;36-48 ’.hour’ .’:....:-..:i".."’!i" " ,:: i:." i. ’" Troop50 Scoutmaster Doug" HIjb-: ’ be. Nick F ore".as :’vV r~ter;. Sportsani:t : "w I 15"c~ard ’:: :I,!.::I .. i!;iii.’. .i :bardreportsthat the local sc0Uts,;with.:Ski sChool..Director; SydLeds0n’ ’r’iifi."" trip across"the.gulf t0,..Mazailan"iSin!":i:.’ii ¯ " .. : ,,i~. I-:I’ ¯" ~urnmer,fun ¯ ;,~:i":,d0wn, .,. ..?. ,,,i behind them, aresett" t0, earnest ¯ ,,-,:,,, principles. .... Work’¯ . on.....scouting . "ngi", ¯chief. sup""erv ’,,,,, Most recent troop . . " ,under ...... sor, , " ",,;, According¯ Doug Ersk "ne"Sk’,, ¯ : ¯ : ", . ,i,, Patrol, ,,"on the" mainland. " " they would . do, i,!,-ther,truck,, tO Meacham, ’ Badger down, P,at replie d, "if ¯ , . ¯ When ,a:;ked ¯ ’:;:i:!i:~" iwhaiii~i’:i i-" ¯ breaks,.i,,i,~i,:,",-i:,"i:,i,.,: . . that sort ofth i’lg -:,:,.’ :: ; -:,~/ " ;,, ,, ", .... i~""i ’.";! ’ .’~ ~ .... ,," ’" "Pass will open¯with ]ifts . 1.:and 4," is a worry, don’t make,the)trip i ".:.. . taking. was the sale of . Halloween ¯. . , ¯ . ., . , . ¯ ¯ . .. ~ , ..... . -: . " ¯... .,.,,,,. ¯ er¯¯ ’ : ,,, " --o-" ’: """ ’" "" ’’!~ ,.i,:i",!,candies, The¯sale netted $25.00, :half ",running"f0r the"weekend of¯Novemb ’ ..:.~,’ "" " " ’""" ¯ given ’ VACATIONWARD ¯ ~i..’!."~’r’"i: of which’ was to" UNICEF, the 15 if there’.s.sufficient isnow.Sh0uld’ AHWAHNEECHEES iii" "other half retained to pay. fora trip t.hi s ’..:.. be"thecase,it will operate.week-’ whenthe big ..frontdo0rs :"of. :rl~eii...:~’i:.ii:i i ~:,. ’:..:.via. Snowmobile,to Ostrander. Lake"ends until December 15 whentt~e" ’ Ahwal~nee swing.shut tomorr0w;staffi~:, I ~. ii!;i:i ." . members’ Will .scatter in as many di: :... ; ]...i:.i .- i~:..: thiswinterl ..whole ifacility ¯ will g0"int0 complete " rections as there are compa.ss.points./.. .;:~.. ~"," At a troop meeting Oct. 24, two operati0n.!Ofcourse, if snow..is late, seems as if Louis Huaco,Enrique.~~...i...! ¯ . . .... ¯ ¯ ~. ? .. ¯ " pat?ols, Salamanderand Lightning,’ all bets. are off!. ¯ .. . NunezandJ0s Lizarraga will travel "..:i "" e ’. were formed with Dan Cottrell and ’ P, resent plans call for the opening the farthest,by car to Mexicoihen--.~.;:,::;~ii..’.~ ... i:: ’ B.rinkey Liles narned patrol leaders. 0f.the.Y0semite Lodge Ski Shop on by pl.aneto Peru.Shortest.lti"p wil :be. .; .i....’ i " .... H0ppyHubbardis the assistant scout- December15. Toney Freitasagain will JimMcDonald’s--to.Foresta"toWOrk".i .ii! ’~I. . .... "be in charge. ": .master. on. McDonald Manor. Perhaps next"..:.:.~"." ...." Amongother plans, the scouts will nearestwill be Rayandwife CharW’il-..::..:..:!... SAFETYHELMETS ’" . sponsora theatrical release film to be son. Theydon’t"wantto. get. far . off ..:.... ... k:. Shownin the schoolhouse some night ; :. FOR MAINTENANCEMEN Dr. stork Sturm’s run ...... ¯ " :between Thanksgiving and Christmas. CoffeemanBill Pomeroyheads Ha,: i ’ All Y. P. C. Co. Maintenance Diwaiiward via a big iron bird. Millie From R. W. Cleland, Supervisor of vision personnel (except Effie!) hove Michaels will fly south ’to the Mexican" ’ ~’ ¯ . .National Parks in NewZealand, the been issued safety hats according to : " local. troop will receive soon a dozen L, G, Warren,Divisir.J.n Supt. Thelabor ¯ seaside town of Puerto Vallerta..B_ay i .i.i!: ..i Anzac "lemoncrew wear o light, plastic,. "bump- area I~ound will be .Chuck Friman,.. .. , . broad-brin-~med .. :": . ’~ . ..:. ’ squeezer" hats, These will beawarded proof" hat. It is this type hat that no Gabrielle Ruedoerfer; Frank Susztar (not together, necessarily). ..." ...~ ’. . to those boys makingfirst class scouts doubt saved.the life of Ralph Stuart Hitherand thither: Len"Castagna, :. ,.: and will be considered part of the last winter whena T-bar. cable drop- ¯ toMichigan; Eddie Trossauerto. ChiL ."., i:: r uniform. Cleland visited;Yosemite last ped on his head, The carpenters, i’" cago;Syd Rooks to Oakdale; PhilDal." . year. . ¯ .. plumbers and other trades .employees . . . ’...~ :The Troop is looking for buckskin wear a somewhat stouter hat which .ton to New York; Onne Onney. to..-... : .. :~. . .,. is non-mag.netic and non-conductive, KansasCity; Eric Peterson.to:St, Louis;: (tanned) or deer hides suitable for Those worn by the electricians and Joe Hodosito Portland; Dave.Liles. to ..... .tanning, for making neckerchiefs. If ..". ¯ . .. Utah; BennyLara to Palm Sprii~gs:and. ’ . .. ’’ you can help, please contact Doug plumbers are equipped with .head , (Continued on pngc four) .. .... " ¯ , lamps. ; . Hubbard al FR 2-4611, , - , ,. .. .. ;. , ":. , , .... i’. ¯ .’’ .. ...... ::":i" . ~~,~ ¯, , , .. ~ . ’~ " "’t ¯ " " . i"’l~.,,~ ¯ .’ " -":’:C:" ’ :,.~. ..... <¯::/. ’ , .:T~ .... .: ’, / ., ,,,. . /’: -." .~.: " ~.~ <,:~ d ’~:.; :.’ ,. ,...h ¯ , . .4 ",.... :~: :’... ’ " " .- ’ ,. ¯ .... ¯ .. , , " ’ . ¯’~¯, .~:...: .. ,".,. " ;" ’tY : : .’. ~:.~’~ . :~,"<~ ~:.. .,.~..:, ~!~.’,}",’ . ~ ,:.~. d:’. : ’~. ¯. :’,.’;. 7 ’/~ : : ’.,.’ / ~’’~<":’~’ ..< ~¯.¯ ~’,.v: i: "" ..... " ...’ ’""? =".":: .... ~. :’7:.;’."’, <<:’:~ ’<’ .&~: ;: d,~ ’.:;,’~ ¯ .,~i, ¯ ,:..-<’:~ ’:"~ , .- .’:<: ’’.-,,,,,... , ’./.’ , .,- . .. ’: ;". ..... . 4,. ’"!’ :.......:’:, ~ .’. ">f/: :,: ~.:.’....’. ~" .’~-,., ¯ :. . ,,.Iv:," .. . ...., .-’..." ~, ~..!’ ....i ::...’~¯,i/.’r ,.., ¯ . ;~" k~.,-"’~,h.~;i -’.., ~’.’, "~-<!:k:.<.~,’~’: .V.:"’.!..." ’..i~".~: ";":,’ i,~ .... ":.’..’¯..~’~’.~.~,;i~’,:~[<.": ~" ’.q’:.,.’.¢,L’.~’I?~...;}"j.~<’.." ."~.’: , ¯ "- ¯ .. / ’ ,. ,.~ ’., ., ¯ ,,. :-.~."..... >-’ :~ ~ ’: ’/r "/.C:< ..~ .... ..I . ,< .:’..:~. "’.’:’.’~..<.~.¯i’..f.l., h.¯: " ’~: .17....; ..;’....:..?,.i:.{. ;..C .< <~:/i:,:i: ’,:< 5: .:< ~i:., ¯ ;/~.. : ; ~/"C’: " %~.’ : ¯LIYOSEMITE SENTINEL"! : ¯-":"~"!" .:;. ¯: ": :":%i:/! :i ¯’ :/./! :i::/:;i. :; i:. };:i!:!: ..<,~,,:,:.., ~..:i::~ii:-’::.".i f ’~/;::ii<.>:.i:LIONS . ¯ .: ilil ii4:ii,"!~.~ii",! ~-"[,’:~::i>’;.: ij.:~/.,"./.BADGERS,.,~ .;:i.:..<]~i: ,~..:C CLU B.SPEAKER ’~.j7.~<<.": :/", " ~ :.I<W,"REPORT FROM. MESA’VERDE ii;:! :!<)-:’:I.):I:: .:.::>;’<;5~ii~)i, i: :’:’i:Co’n:dn~:e~l’i:ir0m ’-: ~.4:~"on~",’:i’ :i:’. ": :.:~":.:.." :i: i ::Dr::).HUbei"i/,Phi ips;:".Em ertius .PRO:. ~/:.i~he".Ned i~Engiishes:;i::{returr{ ng~!il-o’.i: ~ ¯ . [:.. ’ ’L. :. :. " ., ¯ . ¯ i ~,~ ,,...-v .... :.... ,. . .... ... ¯ . _ . .. .. ... , ,.. ., .. ....: . ¯ .:,. .., ...[ .~.. :. .,:, .:¯iit:.:7.) !i.~i% .:!}.:..:.. .:..::i~:~i ’.. z. . . ....... i i!" !:!i¢i.::J’.;if:Uii’~af~l~i.:.-.?ra n.. 80~’n.iihe~midd.,e":of: t.he:.;/;.fe~4sor 0fi.S0ciai.Scie~ceatFresn0: state~::.:.Wesl:foll0~ingia:;gisiii:in-i/odi~h~"~o ’ - ." ~.<. : :<<z j_, E~:>.L.,iviL.J’=/i= ’~:L^::’::=~..2L:~:!:: Coege,spokeon the ’ U N n.:Trans-:..~stopped off at Mesa:Verde. Nat ono ~ <’Y~:’~< ,: :,". ’i "oy;,uanny."~,onre i...", :: ..i::.:i,.’,. .,~ -fit on" Heindicatedthatthe:d rei:ti6ni: Park toseetheRogerHaIs:Rogei-~d ., . . :~-:::: <:,":::..>. . ...".. "..:.<was.maae ,.one aT.... ,,....." .... . ..... .: ..~ ...... ... ¯ ...... ...~. ..:. ...... ..,...... ..- ....-:’.:.... .....: .,...,. ..:.. .-:: ,.?.<.-: ":’ t.:’: J"":the"w " ""~ ’ :. .;" :" ’:"".:’<3"!"’~~ ’?":-..Of:the ihe Secui< ’ n":bac~:s ." "~: :’ ~ ’-.’h. g .": ’: .... ".;’ . " .....UN" ’. has ’ "passed . .,... from ¯ ..... ’. .; ." .,’..with"..Y.P. :,’: .’.’ .... ’.’ CI’ ’->.’Co::. ...:. "~laslY."s0mi’fier":ar~’c ¯ ,." :: .:": ,, :’C’,.... .~. ’~ .. !:.’::,;: . ~ . ¯...? :"." " "":.... ::.~ .....~. ::~ ’ .: " ."/.. .>. :"... ; " ¯i..:. ..: ... :i....: ’ity.Council, which .the: ’ large nations’ ’ now: mana~)es..the Mesa:.’Verdei.:Pa~ i!: ": "::" <...;"-i :,.. ": , " ’ ",, " ". t " " .’ ," ".. .’ .’,’.’.:" " ’"" "~ i .’ , ¯ ": ," ",! ¯ ’.,,’:’. . " ". .. ¯ ¯ " , " . ’ " ¯ " , " " ..... " "~. . " ’ ," ". .’.,t... . ~" 7’ ,’Y. :..,’~:h. "" Co. ~Ansel. Hallk)i:R0ger.’s fathek~.i..diec " i:.~ ;.-.< .:i-..In :the".second"quarter,.’ quarterback..~: d0minafel./t0."..the more,democratic~.. :i i....":::i 7....... , .l.i.i. :."."i:~<:::i.:.i/i.>:: ... "}!:":i¢..Da.irel...C0ff!e!l :scored/..wi!hiR.andy,::GeOerai.Assemblyi~whereeadh"nat!an.:i"i in:March"0:f th!s.:year...i:.:¢.i.ii:i"?)-i"i!{.".~iji.7.~ .... i ’ ii":/:!<r.!"Arrhstrong:,: :oneof l the "ends, .~ making .. 0f."the ’~,o’r d hasthe equa.:statbs of: .... " . ’~: ".;..".;>. . ’.."::...: .~:."...::).:"/.,!> .[~:i:.. .~’.}’.".i",:’. . .....’ ’- . ... .... . ¯ ....... ¯ ....7:: .:".,:.....:....-. ." .: .... .." " ¯ : ¯ ..: ......... .......,.:v’:: .......,".."..’’ . .. ".:..Roger and Ginsie-seem?:acc0rdin’g .... :~ .:. :;the conversion ~ Th s.:made the"score ’ one vote"eoch ’ ¯ . : ::.-%9’ . :..<:i.:.. ’ ’ " ’ .... " .. ...... . . , " .... ’ ’ ..... ¯ . .. ........ ". ’ ...... . .. . . .. . . . . . , .. . . . .. ...,, ¯ .:... ., , . ¯ ¯ ...... . .., .,:".~].; ,~ ... ,. . .,. :...:: ¯ .. .. ¯ .- ’ thefrsthalf ¯ .................. . to Ned, we ,. happy and organzed .... ..~. ...... " ¯ ¯ ¯ .............. ¯ .:..:, 14to0atthe.end.of. " ":Dr Ph i’-s C0mmenl’ed : ........... : ........ ....... ’"~~’"’""" .... "" that wh e: ’ "’ :.<.."..-..:’ .’ : ." ’": : ."~.,: ¯ : ........... . ..... ¯ .. ...:. ._ :They have..a.four month, od.boy,:,:::.::....~., .... ¯. , el. : " ..: ".".: ....i.... in"ihethirdquorter;"w r~gback.C ark.. the:. politic aspects 0t-.the. :United...:named AsI5e,~, and":re" in an:..:>un~i.~!:.{!;i:i.i;i;:]:.),::. :.-.. ::;i..::.. ....:.,.....-.,,....:..;.:........~, :.....~ .... ,..., ...... :...c,. ,,.,.....Nations0ccup~; the head nes, the.rea - ’ " . ¯ ¯ ¢ ..< ¯., ¯ .: ¯ .. ,,,."....,~!’.i"~:i.!%i{i.!<,’ ’"- ’.-"... " , . ~arf.... n maae a ..... foucnaownw..... m ~ Ke’ ...-.. ’ ... ¯ ,. , ... ..... _ ¯.,,.., <"""r.:.. ":’~: " ’"’ " ¯ ~: : :,...: . ¯., ¯ ". named ¯ ..... " s’xt ~y-yr ’ea ...o d’ . house, I ": ,...Th= .......:.....+...-.:, .. :..:.:...-.,:. wer.;.m.a king.the.convers.,..0n, s .°.f.j.~e.aU.n.~: : .. !//./:i PO .a.re00.eln.ghouse~, the.: larges C010i:.’.~.::"."..,!.,ii:iil’i :.."....". ...<:;i ’ ..!h!s: ....a~°mPed.s.bmeth i " in.Mam:os;: p ..m nT .c mmn-..., ado ’Po- 500)ocCuiiesi..a.cit .... .... :...... madethe score 2.1to 0, Duringthe.lasf:. . : y.. :h.i’.."::...:.". ":-" 13,~,.,::’:-:?.<i ’ ~ro:~!fS~Ba~e~’Atu°sP~an:U~th~bYm~!!ii!i"iiii:i!;:i:i.ii!! ’. " .. : ’"iii"<. ¯ ...~:."’."q:i~[M[l{eDpajrejrC0td:iJlthle::e!¥.ag:n~i. ~!sSe[!!t~!~i0°J!d~:j!i~TiinegUc)~;i?i ¯ ’ " :- " .Then the Mariposa Cougarsmadea ’ .. ’ ...: a -ip e¯ in""minie":ui :- .:...;~ ::...<:i.,.: ng" " q"-’pmenb. ¯ " "¯ ’ ’ ’...." .. . .,.. . , ....,.... , . ., . . T.was.: ....... .:.¯ .. ¢.. .’ ¯....... ..... .."" " ¯ ..... " ¯ :mrougnout me unaerprivi egea.na" , ’" ¯ ., ¯ ¯ . . ..... ’: : ........::.-...’ .... ¯: ..touchdown, .making the.final score ........ -. "¯ . . .: .,~urchased s,-,;m,~ ~;~o ~,,-,,-, h, ,ho ~4,~.~,.:~.::"<...r ¯ .... " .-¯ .Badgers ...... ......Cougars’6.. ".... ~,Chris ’ . Buzzlnl "- ¯ " . lions, working" at¯ mprov ng heath; ’ . " ’ . . . ....".".’ ~..":{¯ . " :. . ’ 28, ¯ , Sr h addition to inn0mer~h ;,."A;,,::. :.:~.~.., ... . .-: ¯ .. : ...... : . ..... educat on, agr cu ture and living con. ’. . ¯ . .... " ¯ . - .. .... ...../~..¯,S.:.!. " :" ,’ ;. ’ ....... Iors and.morning t"has!eght’.’-:,’:.~)..: ¯ / : -’".".. -.. .’" " " ~--¯ ..... ¯ ’.. . ¯ 5aTORS" . . ¯ ’. ¯ ¯rooms, ’ ’ ". " "" ¯.. ¯ . , ’ . ’ ..":""-:: ’ " ’’ . " " ........... -’. " ,: ’ " . , " . " " b edrooms ....... " ~.. :".": ,. .,," ¯ "Just after and .four baths .:" and~ado-..:..:::.,.,.<~.. a nothing to nothing tie . Dr. Phillips also made. a brief ap’~~’<~’’:< .... meitic watersu’"l " from a m0untain 7".:~:~i.::."..i.:" ..’ :’ ’. .. ,, : :: between .Yosemite and ::MenlO, and ’. pearance 16afore the 7th and ath ¯ . . PP y.:. . ....... ’:~ ’. : ’ . " .. ...... --" ¯ ¯ . ...... . ’ ’spring, sevenmlesdistant, broughttg>’.",i:’.": "- .’:," . . . ’. afterwatching the A Teambeat Man- .grades at the Yosemite Elementary "’:;. " " ihe h0use"throu g han ¯ . o P. en ¯ . canai"":":":"":!:"~: . "."’:":i:ii!i;,:/:i’:"i" . .pOsaj"the.B Teamtook the.field with School He spokeabout the mechanics " " ... ’ "’ ..:.its. hopesset0n.comingout a win: of ihe U.N. 0r.ganization. He answered Mancos, .Coloradois .thirty.."mileS.:::.i.i’..,.:.I:]" ..-.:. i .. . . . .net in this.gamei .. a .barrage of questions Covering.such fromRoger’sSpruceTreeLodgeiwhich ’:.:!<".:<.;I.2 ’ " ¯ I" " ’ ¯ " . " " .-. - v. ¯ ’." :f’" --’. ¯ sUbjects as admission of Communist ¯~s¯ "~n the center of manyPueblo ¯Indian. ....: .. :.:.~: . . ¯ ¯ ’ . ¯ ,v, The first half Wasfoughtb!t!edy by China, Cuba’s U.N. status, finances of ruins, the presence 0fwhich is..the"oc-:.::.,-~i":j" " -.. both teams, with each team getting the U.NI and accomplishments of the casion for Mesa.Verde;sbeing a Na{.-,...i:~t: manyopportunities to score. ¯ , .., .-., .", i"! ¯ United Nations. tional Park. ¯ .... ::.".’ : . , .< " :.In the. first part of the third quarter, tl~e Mariposa team started its attack AHWAHNEEVACATIONISTS WOMEN’SGROUPLUNCHEON’. :’!.i:j. .... :around..the ends. They got to the 10 (Conli.ucdfrom I),q~4e three) : .. <:.;.~ :I .... ¯ .:yard. line of Yosemite,but Yosemite Las Vagas; AI Ludepen, Reno; Bob Nov. 1 6, 12:45 at YosemiteLodge.¯ ~. ¯ .came: back and picked off a Mariposa Walker, Big Sur; Estelle Cheyneto the Zach Stewart of the architectural firm-.." :"-i ¯: ¯ Pass. Yosemitefought back 1o the 50. East Coast; Harold Solon, Iowa; Ar- Spencerand Leewill SpeakOn’.’Archi- - - ,. {. " Late in the fourth quarter, Yosemile celia Andersonto NewYork to see her tecture in National Parks". ¯ ’"..: :.,: ""i .’.!:~! ... . " i.:<~, ¯ . took to the air With Keith Thomas first grandchild; Lillian Lampley,MisStewart has been’ involvedwith :..:...."I souri; Marie Robinson to Glendale; passing and Mike Power and Chris in Yosemite and the".i "’i.. Ruth Beckwilh, San Diego; Ruth Rut- architecture . ’Buzzini receiving. The whole atlack Grand Tetons, ., - ’ ’ ¯ , [ started when quarterback Danny Arm- ledge, Phoenix; Wayne Whiteman, For reservation call FR 2-4~451" " ’ ""-’=’. ’i" ’~ Carmel; Leslie Clark, Orinda; Ivory ’ " : ’< ¯ strong gotthe word to use on aerial ¯ .. Hulsel, Lornpoc; Rachel Rogers, Mer’. ...0ffense. Fromthe 30 yard line of Yo" - ¯ 1 ced; MamieAho, Phoenix; Paul Jones SWAPTALK " ’ semite, the Yosemite team slatted i ¯ ’ throwing, hitting Buzzini once and to Palm Springs; Pat Garrard will ¯ For Sale: 1953 Chevy--Excellent coni. Powertwice with one incomplete. This motor in lhe west. I:..< dition-completely overhauled, $250," Angelo Cozzaglio stales he has attack ended with the gun when the certain arrangementstocomplete with Contact Steve Litke, "rent Room"Ym"". ’"i Yosemite team was only 20 yards from semite Lodge, . . a bank prior 1o starting his holiday¯ ’ paydirt. .................................................................. For Sale-- 5 rm house, garage, and " i ’... " ..i ¯ Altogether this was a very hardThe B Team,.who hasn’t scored a guestroom,El Portal. Manuel.senna, ¯ ¯ : : :. .""I fought:game. Many B Team players point yet, is fired up andwill be ready FR2-4378. ¯ . were heard to say that this gamewas when Menlo tries to invade the Yo- For Sale: 1929 Model"a"Ford Coupe....!..i .[ " .harder than Menlo, even though lhe sernite field of November3. Keith Runs good like an antique should. .! J, scores were the same. Thomas i, FR2.:4852 L . ’ :{" "1 i .’...i i . ...:..~.:~l ¯ ....i,.., ’ ¯ " " ~’-~i’"’’"" " "":’’" "r " .,.,.:." ,, -’..::..:. .’.. ~ ,’,.. b ’J ,.,. ,, ,, :,: ,., ,: "’, -). "".q"’’..’-:J , ,,.,.... ,.,.’. ’ i’. . ." : .... ’ , - " .... "’ *’ . ..... : ¯ .... , , ’ * "" " "" ,’ .’ ¯ ’, ¯ .. ,,., ’ .,","~, ~ .. ,,. , , , . , , .... "’ "; " " ’ "’ :"’" ..,., ¯ " ,,’’ ,,,. ’ . . ..., ,...~’ ¯ ¯ ’~ .-.’.; ’,,, ,,-. -, ¯ ¯ " ,, . " / ": L, ;d~. " ’, , """ , .... .; :, " ’, ¯ . ¯ ,, . ¯ .. ¯ " ".d ,.q;..,- , - ....,: , :~’.,. .... ’, " , " ".’ " " ", " ""’ :." ’ ;i .,.,,:.,’?")".".:’, .:.:.i’". ~ " -L :". ...... ,. ..’,...’ - ...,. ,. :"-..’-:’ ...," ,, .. "..., ¯ . " .. , .’~,,. .., ¯ ~ ’. ..... . ..... ’ " .’ :" ,. " " ":’ ~ ": ’ ’ ,’.. , ’. " .;’’ .’ , ’.: ’, ’~’. " . ,’ .’.. , " * ’ :: ’ , " ; " , " ",’ . ~ ,.’~::~,,’?-.".......... . ,.....,..’... .......: / :.~(.’: ....,: " , ’. ,-, ", . ... ,.-: "" . .". " ., ’ . " .’. " ’..,’; .,’.; ... w.,.,7: : ,,,*, .., ,,,:. ",L, " ’ ’ "’ ’’" ", "~ " , ’ " ’" " " " ’’,’: ¯ " ~., ,,. " ~,~.! "~" .~,, ’ ." ?. , ,, "’’’,M’’.’.’C~"’’’* ’’:?: .. " ¯ .",..’’ .: .. ,. . ’.-,,’"....:,.-.--. " -’.[,: . ’. ’ ..... .. ~ :’~ C~ :~ .... :"~ ""~..~’~’W~ ~, . ".~~ j:~::~ ............. :" ,.! .i:, " ". ~ ’:...."i:; "!"":}i ~’""~;’/:r’"/’:~’ ;:’’’ ’., . . .’ - .... ~’ q~ .... .’ ........ ’ ...... ~ "’t" - ......... ~<’.’,~ ..", .. ,’~ ".." i/ ¯ ~ ,: :~,}. :i’.:: .. ’. i ’:..:’ " :’....;" :: ’ ’." !.. .: .... ’ ’ . ",,’.\L,,.~J ’ ’."’ ,. : .. ," ¯ -. ". , ." ’,IE L’’’ ",’~., ".., ’ " v-’,/. .. ~i~ -. ’. ’.. ’. ’.’ ". ;’..’i. ::..’: ,’..".’ * ..’ ’../", " ’":; ".’., " q., ~.’’:,:i’/.’’:~’.’,v !’ ..i !%"’;..’’:C’.’-"~,’ ~’..t ,. ’i.:,:,:. ,’,:.,,:."’~.: . ,~....... .:....,]..,......... ’,.’. :~’,".-0.:’:’.*.,:..’,-’.,.’/::"~?:~’%~,-..M.,.,...>,::’’..,. .::,ii’.",../.::.:" ’"’’ ’) ~ ..’ .. ~. I’. ..... :,,." " : "~: . ",. ~’. ,,.. ,:,:-.~:; .’ .:.:~"i ~,,;’,, "~:: :":i ’,,.’ ~’,: ,..:. ;. ..; ,,’.’.’.v:....~, ., .’:,’ ’.,.’. ,.:,’.’ ..~.. :." ~’ . ~’. . " .. : i . ’- i. ’ ..’ . .... . ............ ,...,: ..... . .’ ..,...... .. ~.:...’.,.’~.,.~ . ,~ :. ":.,::. :....’...".,: ¯ , ~. ’ .". ,,1...’,i~’~.,: ~,M;.~:..-.~:~’7’ ...G, ¯ " 7) . .¯..---’ ~"; ,,...,,rL .’,~ "~."~.’ "t" ,,’ 4: " ,. ,, .." ,J -":!."! ,, :’.; ’~’:: ,,:-.;..:..r.%.,;..,,..:., .. .: . ..., :.:. -~,. [ .. ,.:. atthe half twelve to. nothing in their favor. The third quarter was fought bitterly by.both teams. Thenin the fourth quarter Clark Martin spot:, led DannyCottrell with a pass in the end zone for a Yosemite touchdown. The Yosemiteattempt for a short kick failed; Menlogot the ball and held it for the remainder of the game. The Yosemite record now is three wins and one loss. Keith Thomas BADGERSLOSE AND WIN i The Badgers’ three game winning streak came to an abrupt end November 3rd, when the Menlo School Cubsavengedtheir earlier 15-0 defeat on their own hom~field by invading the Badgers’ lair for a convincing 12-6 victory. The Cubswere high for this game and assumed control from the outset, eve~ though it took a Series of bad breaks including a fumble and an inopportune penalty to set up the first Menlo touchdown which was made by Bill Miller on a plunge from the two yard line. On the last play in the first half, Bruce Lyon, Cub quarterback, sneaked over the 1 yard line for the score that was 1o prove decisive. During the entire first half the Cubsclominaled the play ro!ling up five first clownsto the Badgers’ none and cornpleted seven out af (Cont,inuedfl’om l~:~g(’ 2) .--o-,- MILLER-- BROUGHTON RITES Aliee DorotheoMiller and Curtis Lee Broughton were married on October 23 in St. Lukes Lutheran Church, Reno Nevada, by the Rev. ArmondMueller, whoalso married the bride’s parents, Dollie and Clarence Miller 26 years ago, and baptized Allee at her birth. For her wedding Allee wore a white " bro,;ode suit andcarried white orchids. ¯ The couple was attended by her parents Dollie and Clarence Miller. Both young people have worked in Yosemite-- Allee at Yosemite Lodge Coffee Shop, and Curt for Standard Oil. Dianeisa graduate.ofMcl]ainHigh}."..’.".::~ i! . SchoolinFresnoand attended.Fresno... :..:¯ ¯ ..if , ¯ ] .. ,¯ State college; ; She"has worked.,in " ..".: ".; ¯ ~ Yosemiteduring the.: Past.year./as. .’.’ i waitress, and" hostess..at .Y0semite.’". i~’: Lodge...Coffee" Shop.."s~ei- plansio..i;:..i ’. /~! continue w0rking.after her..marriage..: Earl, who is nowAssis!antManageri". ’:~ of Yosernite Lodgel cameto Yosemite".. ’ in 1961. He managed the ’.. .. ~.. BigApril TreesOf Lodge during !ha.t.summer . season and then transferred to Yo’ .. . semite Lodgeas cafeteria manager. The newlyweds will return to Yosemite and to ~:osaic everyday :life on December 15. " " .. " GOBBLE, GOBBLE!.. WHO’S CUCKOO ¯ For those wholack a ;stove on which to do their own fixin’ and for those -r Bill Meachama cuckoo clock with an ’. unusually sturdy cuckoo mechanism who have one but prefer’ not to slave ..i She’s (probably) a very loud and de- over it all daYiYosemite Lodge will .: serve turkey with all the fixin’s.on pendable cuckoo. A fellow office Thanksgiving Thursday, Noyember 22... worker mailed Bill a box of Hartz Mountainbird seed. As if this weren’t Cafeteria hours .for this special treat ... : will be 12 noon until 2’p,m..and 5:30 ...’ enough, a second office worker inUntil 8. p.m.; and in the Coffee SBop quired whether the bird seed was for from 4 to. 9 p.m. the clock or its owner. Someone (and a pox on him) gave , r " . ,.. ¯ ." " . ¯ .’ ¯ .. _ .. . ,. . . .... ~ .’. .’ ’".~ .... ; .... ?.,C;..,.~ ~ ~"~¯ : ~. !~ ~ ,~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~, ~ ~ . ’ " ¯ ¯, . ¯ i ., ..,. .... . .... , . r .... , , .., . ,. ..’" ~ ~ ~::.~ .. ’ ,""L ’. :~.’ ;~. ’, ,~ ~. ~ ¯":. .:’,". ~ :’ " ’ .~ ’ ~; ~,~:~: ~" : ~’i’:." ¯ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~, i~ ~ ~ " ~ ~. ~ ~i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .... ~ ~ -L ~-~ ¯ . .... ~ ~. ~ ~ ~ .... ," .., . . . ,...-, . ":. , :... ~~ . . . ~, L; !~’~.:". " ’". ’". ; ~ . . :. .....: ,. ~ ....... ~ ...... ; ~ ~.~":’:~/ ..... :’:."i.,.:,, ~ ..... .’ ,.".~..1L~ ¯ ",’ ’ ,,, :/i.,/.".."- ,,:,:," /, i:" "".’,,.:" :’:’ ":~’,~i,".~’, v.’ ’,i.-.’~:,~,,,i’,/~- ’,: ..":’..’ i; ,,,",:’, ,:i,,,i’ ,,.~:,~.,’.,,’:~:/.I;:.C~,:~,,..:~,.::I:...,,~,:.,-,.!~ .... ~" ’:i, !~’~’~.~ :~;.:?~’i’.’,~’::. ..... . ~ .. ........ ~ ......... : . ~ ........ . .... . ¯ .. . . ~ . ... : 1 . .. .... ¯ ."~. .,i":’~-:~"~.=,.~-;~ _’j2~ ~".’".~L’". "." ’~ ~’.~- i ~ J~,~" =’~. .~ ¯ *~-r~,..,~ .:~..:...’~.,,~. ,.: . ... .; . .. .~ .:.~;.~.. .=:: ’ ~’.. ,:~.~..~.,:,.,.~.~.~,:".,,:~.~." ~.;i~i-[..,...,...L. ..>,. .’: ~:~’i’;,’~,-’.’: :?~:’:;<C’<~’.,.~:’~:,’:’.’-~:::~:~-.<,=:...~.. ::.-’..¯::" .-.~.--~ZU."L:.’},.~.¯~...-;-:.." "-’’1’".;’~1" .:~.¯",%.’.:~’~ ~’’-’:’~’:"’~C:"L’~’:’~":’~,~:~¯:~" ~:q’-’-’~ ’’: ~!~’:’~’.r-,~:’::~’~’~’~’:"~’,¢~’"~:~’~’~;¢-~ ~’~:~’~’’h"~;~.~J"~" ’~ ";’’ " ":’Y :" ":’" /"~.’ ’ :" "q" ""." ’" "-~’’ ’ :" ¯ ",’~ "~ .... ,. 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"t ~. ~: " ~ :’ ’.. ¯ .. ...:~...,’ 1’ .. .......,’..’~’"..~ ......., ......... .:,."..-..’...,’-’.::...,=... ......... ¯ ....,~.i,-,: ,,MESSIAH: SINGERS WANTED..,"....." .. ,:...: .... ’-:,...",.~,.:"..BADGERS .:.~ ~:..:~:::!1."..:,.,: ~-’.:::’,:..... ~.:" .- .. ...... r........ ........ ~:,....’ .: .... .. : ........ ¯ ............... ~......; ..... .......~" ¯ :’ ’ :" ". ...... " ....’-. .... ¯ ......¯ ..... ’ ~ ’ -~,Con~ nue(~ z~oni, i~.~e on,~" ~’ " ’ :’ ;~::~’~;~(: ..... -A~ga n th,s .year,.a’ ¯ cho r~comoosed... .": " ’..;.. ."- ." ....... . .-. ..’."..:.~-’,.w,?, . ) .:. ’.,.~~.,.’ ..’,r..~.~; ; ..... :. ’. .- : ¯ " . "’:,:.’. ; ’,’:-::-"+’:.’ .....’. ’:.... ’ .’;’ ,,,. ,~i:.i.:."";¯ .," ’.....¯’ ..... .~ ."’, ~’.-’ ’...,’. " . .... .:." .,-’. ......: . ....... ’ ".. "¯ ~ ........ ... ..- ..... 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"-......’. .. :...:.-. ,....:. ¯ .,...,r ...’...’ .... ~... . ,. ~..:;;c~~l~}:’. : :.v..... : ’ ...... ~ -I" It .......... ’ :~ ’~; " .... ,f~; :,’; ....... :.."i ;.: ;. - ....... . . . ....... renearse choruses from Handes ,The was a dfffere~tstory, tlioogh’ ....~"... . ]: c. : :::-~-~i.,i~ . ¯ " ¯ i .::::..:....:~.;.L- ;::.. .. ror.:.the nformati0n..of...~"..: .’ .":".’. ’...: :,:.,....., ’ :,.;,.. :..........:..........::.... ~.... :..:.:.:.....:;.:.................,.:.....-.........., ....~....~ :; :!. ,...:,~;. . ... :.. .’ i.,: : ::::..:.. /. ’VL:,i-~".;..."C,. i,""...:,-:::-,.;.-,:. .:."~.’.: :.. .... ".:.../’../~ess~ah :. ~ tar.: presentat On".b e;f o r e ".;-gers:.-.were; never:ab e .: to "n n’ !;:ii.;.;i!-.!:f:~;, -!-..,.;.i,.... ey.:res~aeni’s,"-,... :Chris" . : .......... . :... Jus~mne..va " ...;7:::~: .’:.:..:’:": ~ ":’ " .... " .... ’" : " " ..... :" ..... "" ’ ..... " ....’ ...." ’> "" ....:/.:i~:. !i:.i~-~!! !:,.i;..;... ¯ ¯ -"" :": ’~;": :’>’ .....::"’ ’Esti~er"Mor"ens:on .~:i ----~-:.. " .. alTOr E.i./..".". - ., " ¯;: ..... " - t/’nas;..The . " ..... " .... , ." -- . ’ " .... f0r.:"’isosfained.’: ’.¯ ¯ ’., - ,..... ¯ . ,.’:, ¯ drive,": ...... Rather iti’,.~ .’,.... ~.. ,...... r...~:,.:’:: -,’.~:~’.," " .... ¯ ..,~,.’:" ~ . ....firSt.rehearsa - ¯ :.i_4..set ....... ,’ -:¯ :’.:,.-. ,...-.... .;.;..?.~:.,’...,, " ’" " "’ : " ’ " " " ..... " ".. " "n ext.Monday,..November " ]9,..at 800 defense that took over -,for,,~;-, ¯"" ’ ’ ." ¯ ¯ ". "’:’ ..... ,-,-~: , ~: ........ ’ ~.r~_L___-.".: ’ - ....... ...,..:.:~li~avlso.... .. . .......¯ .. ... .’ ... ¯ .. ......... ¯ ....... ¯ ..... . .- . . .,. ¯ ., ." ...... ,. . ,~ !~j va ,~i ,. ~.~,.:;!~;].:, ;: .. ".".’ ""’ II*" %,,,~ll~lllllll, Jllll I, ~-~::’-’:T-=--T’i":" " .. ;.ii/..: "/...".. ’H: K"oui ":" i :::.:r p.mi,intheChcipel/"." " ’ i. .’-... ......:.. :.. . . . :. ..:. " "tuhity:after.~ :, oppbriun ty’".o{.:wl~c~~. ~;:! ii!i~:!.ii~;:.;~ .. ’ ;.’.’ " ’ ¯ :.": ’. ’ . ¯ ,: .,=i ___~.___-...-,~avlsor. - . ~ ". ’: ,. .-. ¯ ..... . .. ¯ ... ....... .. ¯ .. ¯ .. .... , ,. ’ . ~-:i~,..": ..: " ~ " ’":: ’ .... ’ " ’ ......... " " ............. Last year some forty persons.., o ned.--..., adge.rs B .were..,unableto".take;a(Iv ........... n ~ .i., :..~,.:.-: ...... ..::--~: ’ Hf B~rrnv. : ’: . ::.... ~A,,~,,, ’ . ’" "::. ¯ ,r’,,~v~,,,,,,~ "." - " ;.." . L"... " ¯ .... /. --’ ..... ’ " " ’ ’ " ’ ¯ --’ -:" " " " ¯ ’"" . :-’" ~’ "~,"" m:"i. .". ""’ " ’.’." ’" " "’: " "’:" ";" ~i’~!!~1: " " . ’ "’ i~ ’i ; : o.Mai, c0mmunicat o ns tO Y0sem 1.e in seveni’rehearsals :t° prepareth.is :tqge.::~he~’r~ubs~"Passing:::att(~ck~:,ii~Va i! ~i’~!i~:~!i!: : ’i’i~ /~ ’ sen tine, !C/o YIP&C:/Co-; ~or .: great musical statement of .the meansolved. They:wer¢:onableto!Comp e ti:~’~!,~i~::’..!:: ..." .; ~ ¯. : .. ... ¯ . ,. ,~.. ...... .. .. . . .,. . . . . ,. . . . .... : ,... . . . , ..,.. . : ;..... ,.., - ..,.... ,.;::..... ..!,..’:::";::"...’,.~..:, :,. !:,.i’,!,.~’~. .. :.... . ,.. .’. . ...... a ~ ’- . ’ ’, ..’ :’..:: wno . :~..: ~ng:of . last: s0ngl.e., .: . . pass : .. :. . .. ~e . FR 2~4852""Addlt~o,~ ¯ ...... .:..- . Chr0stmas, . Aswas ¯ .. ,. the case ... and . . ~n.;.fact.~..tWoi~ . , . . ... . _ .,,.... r~ter ,... i:.... ~.~ ¯. ~,~;:’..,":".~.!:’l~!j..". ’.. " . .i... %".’" ’co ies ma’ i~e"ol~taineclatthe" " year, the. Cl~oir is. being:formedfor ’cept,onsput.them,deepinto their:O~n’.: i: !!:.!;-.-i! , .: .... .’ :~: ;i-:--: : .: ~:.PerP~onl vY,~i: ::’ ~ -i : theexpress purposei:of sin qinc~.Tile i territory. The.BadgerS alsobl0~ke:d:..ii:a!i~:::~ii!i;!i’i."i~; :i i: -.;. :i:ii"i ~~~~~,.~.eeo~,s,~F’ Messiah. i:i : 7 . . i . kick;,and, re¢oVered:"a:fumble.:rTheBa:~li!~.~[~.!~,~!..!ii!ii: :-;. HIGHCAMP WORK FINISHED : :iTh0se wllo:enj0y ~singing w itl~ a gets only sc0re~.;:camel late:iii[n~i:ii.!h~i:i!ii~i!ii~i!.ii!i!,.<. : ’:...:i I. :. ff ei~ ~giCd’ii: tri! !!i ’i ~a:g!d !; ~:dt ~ !!~c iie tii!~ ~i~ !’i ii i~il !hha! ~~i~! !! ’is!i ~inl ~CI !!!’i i ¯ ! T it°!i: ;ie°~v.e:iibl I :: .ii.:..’ " ¯ ’:. ".":. ,4. ¯ ~, :., .<. ,.,,~:,, . ~,,, ... rehearsai.Monday,8:00"=.m,ai the " " ’.. ..! ! P"".".i ’" .".: ii::;".".;:;/i::i:~ii:!..i:.!;i ,i.’: ~am.ps, born me ~rL ana N.ff’b crews..Cha~,e " ¯ retur0ed to/theCul5:20: Ti~ere"0n:::the:::/.!’;.,..ili’:i~:..,.,. "." .":.-. :.’ r" ¯ ’.... . ...." ¯. . ...... ’-... :.... ,....,¯ .firrst, play~Mi’l~e:Power~:"four~d..:Dann~v"i:::~ii"~:~iii .... . ... " !:..ii...: .:,yeregra.teful.for.the.extended:lndian ’ o.. .. ¯ , .:-.. summer weather which: made the" .... .t-,L,,-_ .:_-___3 .... ,-.:..., ::..;’ ,". ,..":.;,:’.:.::.:>!,,i.:: .."..... ’ . : . work possible;although at TUolumne TRAVEL AGENTS ~EET ¯ . . ¯ ".: muchof the job WC~S done during sn0w Accompanied by Marshall Hall of ’ ". ". i ,. " . . :;. " ".storms. the Los AngelesOffice and AndyScar" ’ brough of lkie San Francisc0 office, !i" ".::MAYLAKE " " ’ i: .... May Lake Campnow has new tents George Oliver attended the Thirfy~ ~: ’ with concrete floors, steel frames, and second World TraveJ Congress of the American Society of Travel Agents ’ doors. All tents have been relocated " . . ,. ;: to provide more privacy. Twosix-bed held at Las Vegas, Nevada, October dormitory tents have been added, and 22 1o 27. There, they had the opportunity to contact pratically all the there is a new dining tent, steeltravel agents throughout the world framed, with observation windows . Overlooking the lake. Jim Ducasl Chas with whomthey do business. .,r., . Noland and Jack Sumnerdid this job. GLENAULIN ... .:... : New,steel-framed lenls, also with doors, were installed at Glen Aulin on lhe already existing concrele floors. rail fence was built between the hitch-rack and main tent lo makean attractive separation betweenthe two areas. Working there were Dave Guettier, DannyBoughton, and Jim Gray, aided by two temporary laborers. The NPSinstalled a new water system ond sewage system at Glen Aulin and built two steel bridges on the trail, one across the Tuo]umneRiver and the other on Alkali Creek. TUOLUMNE The MayLake and Glen Aulin crews, assisted by Ken Swem,built ten new concrete platforms and steel tent fl’ames near the shower buildings at ..uH~,, uncoverea near :tne:slae ~ I O n d hit him I with"a :,sh0rt. I~ II II j I I I "..ran..over ¯ t.heI~n’ un.opposed, ;’ " ’ ..~/:ii..:....,’...i}..i " : ’::::": ’""": ’ . . Danny e .After.that,the.Badgers }ried a n iuns:Llc::.:i/::i.:ii!!.’i ’".. i ~ cessful on-side kick. and:.’the.. Cul0"~ ::"~i:il..i.!l: ...... . ".~ ground 0utyardage Unfil tirne:ranoui:’!:i,.i:::.:::!:!i ’.WhiletheSerieswith MenloPa;ik~i:~iiii"!i:i’!i wasSplit, :ihe Badgers won:Onpoin~si::::::::i!~i.!i::i : 2 i- 12 andso gainpossession of tl~e~;:: :i ;:i!;i" .. i perpetualtrophy for the ne’xt year~:!::i!::.i’ii: : . .. ... >/ ..’. :! . . Thelittle Badgers . were,overwhel-:/-i,~;:~.i.i reed by the Menlo Junior Vdrsity".:;:iii:i : 27-6. However, they hadthe’ Sat is-,i!::~i!i!:~il faction of scoringtheir first touchdOwn:::!:i:i::!i: . .... , "’;~,, .: ¯ which was madeby chris Buzzini o’n .’-.~ : . -., , , . a reverse from 20 yards out. :. : i: i.::::ii. George Oliver and Marshall Hall will attend the annual meeting of the American Convention and Travel Inb-:::: slitute 1o be held in Las VegasDecem- Voe m.......... ’’ ’ ’ :. i;:’~.,", ............ : ........d i2 0 0 ..-12’-.’!..::~!""i:{ ber 2 to 5. Mr. Oliver is a director of Menl0 .......... . ... - ~ ,,.:: ;{; the organization and Mr. Hall the LODI REBELS " ."." ’:..::.".:i"i::;. secretary. Rebounding violently fromtheir u n-’ .:i: :"!i ..................................................................... -7 ....... lhe TuolurnneCamp.This is the begin- expecteddefeat by Menlo,the .Bad-:.:: )(!i~i gersrolled to a convincing 34.14win~...;i.:;:~..i ¯ ning of a program to be continued . ¯..... over the Lodi Rebels on November11 .... ’:’ until all tents are replaced¯ ~I Thecourseof the game wasset in.the :-!.i~.,!.! MERCEDLAKE first few minutesof.p]aywhenMke i;.ii!,ii’,. Welcomenews to all weary hikers Power found open space along the:":":’~ .% ~!,,, to Merced Lake is lhe new water right side line andbulled his way46:1.11.1111:! heater installed there by Malt Gagan yards for a touchdown, on the ad~.... B ’ "~:! and Howard Savage the lasl week in gers’ secondoffensive play. Shortly !:~i’:.::i October. I1 is wood-fired, to be sure, after that, DannyCottrell on a reverse::ifi.! but is lined wilh copper tubing in :,I scampered 28 yardsfor anothersc0re.:i’. ,’ii order to heat water quickly. andthe Badgersled 13-0after, tWO:.":ii:i!:::i The NPS has completed new waler .minutesof play. TheRebelsstiffened :_.~..i~i and sewage systems al Merced Lake ’,! and play was relatively evenuntl:i,’ii’i QISO, shortly before tile end of the half ! ~! , :/’..y"./! ¯, ¯ . .. L , ¯ . ¯ . . : line’.:.?.~’::.::.!; pl alIss I ~Wh ~ c ~ ~[~ll~’[~’~Ir~l~lll ! ¯ ...... ., ... , . , , ’ ’ .,’ t . .... . /...’..";!, ,!! !~ , ¯ .... ,,’ .: ¯ ...~i ."~. :~,:~"" liser,i.president,.Mrs. Thomas Rennels, ,.."When...:we returned, from a visit i.. ¯ .vice-president; Mrs. JohnDegen,Secre- ..to the .pearl idiving operations, etc;, I ~;".".i.....:i:i. ’ .. at Yosemite Lodge t0thesanFrarici:sr~, .office staff. on.. the.same:date, Ann"..i. ~.iiiii- ¯ " and. a tour of the beautifulbay with . !...i...tary-treasurer.. Boles of the San" Francisco.Office, ..: .:~: ¯ ". Thenext meetingwill be tleld at the: its.w0oded hills we.saw, a ceremony. recently OnThe Ahwahnee switch-":.:.:".{: .. :-: .... home of Mrs. Andy,, Berry onl."Novto .propitiate the Souls of the oysters board, will transfer to the Los Angeles .... . . . . ., ..’..:."..~" ’ ember .15 at 8 p.m."Membersi..will dead and gone which were destroyed. Office.7 .... .- " "’:"":.: :"" ": and show Christmas gift in ihe operation .mentioned above. " .Lynne"Yancey.:of"the Perso:nnell...i.i.::i . . bring .. ¯ . ¯ ... . , . , ¯ ....[ . . ¯ . There were. offerings of fruit and ¯ ’ .suggestions. Office.hastakena te.rmi.nal.vacation’"i..:..ii:i ... . . .. flowers before an altar, and"Bud- and. hopesto work.thereafter in:. the. "-...i whenBill Biastock madea spectacular dhist’: priests in robes of saffron, sanJoseareal Shehas. beenreplaced::’...."i-:~:! ./ : .... " catch of O’Dell’s pass andran through purple, etc., with g o I d en headby Marilyn Keatingwhomoved over : . .. ’ the whole Rebel team for a third dresses, and there were speeches from Accounting. ¯.:...:. ." " ’ " "" ’ . touchdown;. This play c o v e r e d 62 by the head of the fishermen’s associJoyceRichardsis reported, to be " .... ..i.: . ... . . ,. yards. The Junior Varsity then took . ation, the town mayor, etc., and a happyin San Francisco where she is. :i .ii. :.. .. over and successfully contained the spotted dog came wandering around I .:: doing secretar!alworkforan.insur-. i . ¯ Rebelsuntil the half. A key play here the altar." .......... ance firm. . . ......... . ... . ..:, ..was David Hackett’s interception Of "At the Suginoi Inn our room is a Replacing Joyce as: Sales Depar!- :. :: ’ ¯ a Rebel pass and his 25 Yard return combination of East and Wesl. The ment stenographer is Juliet Strauss .... ." ": " deep into Lodi territory. The action . i ¯ inner part of the roomis raised about from England via Banff, Canada. , . . ,. ¯ ’slowed down in the third quarter .. a foot (scant), with shoji (sliding doors where she spent last.year. .... " .....though the Badgers pushed the Rebels of paper) shutting it off from the main After three and a half years as. . ¯ ¯ " " back, finally forcing a safety. TheJunroom as may be desired. It has a statistical typist .in .the.. Accounting.... : ior Varsity played most of the fourth small closet which held an inner (cotDepartment, Nelle Moe has resigned, quarter and allowed two touchdowns, ton), and an outer kimono for each effective in mid-November.. .. one by Eddy Duke on a 25 yard run, of us, and underneath this a basket Pat McManusistraining to do Nelle’s. . . and another by Ken Bigelau on a 28 in which to fold our clothes .... The job. Pat’s husband is William Mc<. i ¯ yard run. In the meantime, the Badfloor of the main room has a rug Manus who has been a night watch" gers scored two more touchdowns, on it; however, on entering the hotel " both by O’Dell, the first on a sustained man since May: The McManusesare ... " we were given slippers, and tags now getting settled in a homewhich .. .. drive and the second on a beautiful.. to reclaim our shoes when we went they have rented in El Portal. ’ ... . " 78 yard run with an intercepted pass. . .. . . out. Stepping up to the inner room, ’. ’The Badgers now havea 4 to 1 re. stand, but now they serveseveral whi’4~ has Tatami, or woven straw .: cord and will conclude the season rooms. They are very solicitous, howUnder the lights at Mariposa on Nov- mats, one kicks off even the flat ever, and very muchon the job. Ours slippers ....... ember 16th. prepared our kimonos for us and put.. . : .r Yos---eii.~-iie ........... 1-3"7 ..... 2......i 2 -34 The room maids used to be assigned them on properly and tied the sashes." .......-1~4 separately to each guest, I underi ’ .(:. Lodi 0’ 0 ’0 ....... 14 s M.C.T. ’... .’. . "’ ’ ’, -.., ,....2,~ j . ¯ ., " . :." . . , ...... ¯. . ... ¢ ... . ¯ . . . ...... . ):, . ¯ , .. . . ¯ ¯ . :/ .. . . " . ~:,,,:.,. ,.,..,,,~., . ,’ . .,.., .:.: ::,,. ~. . :.,,:,., . . ..... ....... , ..,.w.f. ~ ~ ,’ .,. :, ,., ,.~ ,~, , . .... ::. :,: ,. :.,,,,:,, ,.,:..:, , .:../. ¯ ..... ,.:, :/:, ~/.:,. .,,~:,. ~ ¯ ~,~ ~’L~ ~ ~ ~’~ ~ ~’~ ~’~’~ ~ ’-~,~ ~’ ~!~!~ ~ ~ ~ ~’~ ~ ,Pl "~ ~’~i~ ¯ ~ ~ ’~ ~ ~ ~’" : ~i~~L ~ ~’~ ~: J~ .... ~ "~ ,.,,.’,.!.,,,.¯ ~,,’., /,,’,,()1:, ~’.’" ," "’- ~"" ’,;". " ":" "~,.," "~.". ":"’ ::::’, ~’~,: ", ’7"’.., ~;.,.I, "b.".’,,-’: ": , , ’ "b’-’/J ;"",’, .’.,’’.’":~’:’.,k¢ ,~’~""’~’:J",:’: ¯’?"’ ."’ ’:’t" "’,’"," ’~,"~’,’,’~ :"’:: "~" "’:)’! .-~’"’(’:" ,i~.,.’~.,<’;: ~..~:: iS,:’.’:’.:;:i.i~:.,.~id!,~::.;!~.~ C:,..: L::.:..:.". !:q:,::’i:/:! : ;~.:i::C::’"i..-.:. :"!_,i:¢:.!/!:’."I:’::Y :: :¢; ¯ . :."..i’ ,:?:~,:-:!:.,.~.".’::!::..: :".i.-L"....~:!.~:i.":..:-¯:.:i::;..:: .::~: ~/": -:.): .¯i...... ~.:h.: ;~:: :"’:~ ".’:’;i ¯’ ,!:::’:¯.,:;.’.." ".’jr’" ".’.:.’...’.’:" :.i.’: /’.’.,.::: !.’q’. l.-’..,,’’. ,i’,.i.::~:::.:. .~:..,:¯.;:.", :.’¯:" r:’’.",".~:. -::,~ ~:::’:.-! ¯¯,¯~,;’"’":L:’:!:"’:"~"’"’:¯V":!’""’’::;~’:"Y"~’’:::."’: ~.:¯:¯:¯::’-.¯~ :.:!~:.:!.,:,i¯~i ~.:’¯¯:/¯:::¯ )¯~ :.:’.~!_.: :¯:::.: ::.:,.¯~.-/:, ?:... ~:::!.::.¯¯ ¯:¯~!¯::,¯,,:¯:-:¯ .~.:¯!¯ ¯~.: :¯¯¯: i ¯.¯¯.¯. ¯~.,i ;;/.¯,. ~¯¯:,:: .¯¯.;..:¯¯:¯ ::¯:¯::!¯¯, .::¯: ~:.:~¯ :¯¯::¯ ¯~~¯!.:¯¯¯¯. ,.:i¯¯-.: .:?~:¯~ ........... ’" " ":’’.’r’ [~’’" ’~:’:’~":’:’~’ ’~’,~,’r,:’:~,." "’’" ’1"’"","~" " ~".~"’.’~"" "[* "’’ ":.’ " ’’"" ~ ’’" .~C,’" ~’" : "~" ~ " .’’,:’.::" ~: ~"’"¯¯YOSEMITE¯¯ SENTINEL: :: : : ; ::, :!,: .: :: :::: :: ; ¯ : ~, :¯!i!r,: ¯ANOTEFRoM_2¯¯¯ :~!:¯:!~ :¯ :¯¯¯: ; ": ¯:¯¯: ¯¯¯!¯¯¯ ~::~i::¯J i¯JANE:/M~:ELLIGOTT¯:LI:¯:¯ :::’:: ¯:¯::¯:SUGGESTION:AWARD f:: , :’; :,:::.,.:¯~ :,¯¯¯¯¯¯:r¯;¯¯ : 7.;" ’: . -.. , , ,, .’,., , :. ~;¯~¯¯: ,:," ::::;,:¯¯: : :’.’ :q ¯::¯ ( " ::: /. ’ : . ",’ .%’ , : ’ .... : , : :,.: ’.:(, ’, ,:b ".’~:: ¯ t’.’.:’"" ,i"":.?,.’" . .’.’..." "."’.’:" ".:"" "~.-" ’ ,..,’. :’-.: . " ,!’,’.. ¯ ",’. ’.,"""..’’.’. ""."1.’:.;. -..~’,~ : .’,;: ¯",.." ."’.’,’.’ , ,.,’:,¯ ;’:’¯ .:" """.""."."",:.. " ’I:¯ ,..:.. ~:¯ ,.,..? .I ".. . ’:":.i. .:: .:..!::.,.,::Aft..01d~timer;:Car01. Van ::.kl0usen;......-.: Fi-iends .of..Jahe:,Me.:;.-Elligot!..:were::..... Er, c: :Petersen,.:.iTh.e ...Ahw.a..,hne ¯ .. ~:...!..:v .. ...... : .~...::...... ."~.........:: ..... ,. ..:...,: ...... ...,..:.,’.:..’..:dated :’ .: """ " November...9,:.tell ’ :-: " s.o .ha;,,,in f: . g": " saddened.,to ~ .... ...... hear of her.death wh,ch .....".’.:"been"awarded$20 ......... .. . : ¯ .... .foYsUggesfir 6~ . " ’".: i.: ..:::..":i{"s:pent"the: summer with::t~er:. dau’ghier :.:.."oc’currea."inM~aesto"bn N0verfibet:8",...:seat. belts,bei, nstal.led:0n."al! .C. i. .: ...... ".¯’’.! ":";i"~-"": ::: : " : " " : ’;B;n s M0n:" : " " ’’ ’ "’ " ’":" " ’ ’ ’:""icars:and tru~:ks .H’s"sugges’i .’.’,,:, ~’.? :.’.. .::..-:,......’..:.-,..:Barbara..and fam!ly~n...i. g , ,. - .. The..i.funeral..was,..:held...~n ..Mod.estc~ ........ . ....-......:...’.:.......,..~.,.. ,... ................;:..., , .¯ ¯ .: ,..; smultaneous a s~m ~...recom ’" .. ’. :.i.:":...":"i:;:"i~i~a..:.Sl~e is. now"home in sanS.Rat" el, . "!SatLJrdaY:mo~rii:ng, Nov~ml~er’i0, and:::":.!". .... . ’."i"."::.. w~th a ’ . .::;: ’.i. "! ..:::iur .......": . :: . ..:..I:Y. . !"a{:’308 Laurel"Place:".." 7 .. .../... :...:..gravesic[le ’ servicesin ’MariFJosa":the ".: m.enda!i0n fr0m[he Safety.commi.ttee ~: .: .. .,., ... .:.’ ¯ .". ’ ..-.. ,/:"..~ ."A.real.Yo’semite fan,.:Mrs:: George:": Sameafternoon, ’". :"..::: ’:.: ¯ .: ..: ": . .:.:. /7. .:i.:..":: :: :. " ,.. ’.~.oT:"’.: .:-": ::!"):":,.i:." ".:!!’i . Charl0ttSville,..Vi’rginia," Jane.:worked.for ~. SPELL::. ¯ ¯ ¯ :,::-""."(Bess).VEager, the. YP&C C0:":be:" " ..’: : YOSEMITE :CASTS~.A :ii~;:./.::"~:!i,!i;i!..... . ";.. }:.i./. ¯ ..... . ;.." ’.. ’. . . .... ,.. . ’ . . ¯ ........ .. ..... ,. ’ .:..’.. ..... ... ..... :":.:.;!.:."...;.,i.!:.i.:,’i~.:~.:~.;,:.ii: . . ..". . ¯.". . .....,.~ ....... : ....... :.-tells. of .hawn,q:X~r4ted Yosemite :.18.. fore. her. marriage,to Tom McEIllgott,...... ’. Mrs..:Tres~dder,. do. you,remember.:.:~.~.i.’.-:,’..,:~.:: .:. :"..:: :~ ’: ’ ’. iS"-:::-.". .. fi me"s:i.!q waiked.~!~6!’t~i"e-..(.6p o£YQsemite .was: .a.mechanic:.af theY0semiie:ii".’me?il ..: i..- :: ".: .’!..... ’:...: ’/:. ’i...!:~i.:’.:"ii::i:;..:~"i~iiiiii:i;:.,ii’,:!!ii!i~!!i:ii:il.".. i: :.’..: !’...i" . :. who .. :: . :" Fas: ast..June,and~ last/week I."was -Goragefor:0ver 25 yearsi He:-of red : ¯ ,, ;m afraidno’t/’in her:kind v"~~:vi"i.i::!:,!ii:.;~;,i;’.:: "::., ........’ ¯ . ’ , , ¯ ,...., " ............. . ...... ’ "... " ...... / .. L." ’-:~-.::..~. /, ¯ ’..., .: ".. .".:".: ’ . n"..1958, and: .the. faro y. m0ved-.to. ." t Wc;u d:be remarkab"e:ify~O~.¢ibl:;::ii,h;!~:,~{ ¯" . " .75 years.old, . :. " ¯ " . . ’ . ,"" ...’ ’ ..... ¯ . : ’. " . . .’ .... .. .. ’ ’ ... -.. . , " .. " . .,." . ".:’.:..~.:.’;:i;h .~v.... ",.: :.. ¯ ".’.’...r.’.’..! :". :... .".:. .. .. ! :. ,--o-7:.., :. .. .: . ": ’ .: ::Modesto.Tomdied in 1960,. :: Years. ’ago:..you hiredme....for:i!.a.:ij0b’/iiiLi!:i!~ii~i:~ ¯ ~ Poin’i~ii:!i.~.:";::/::i!i{i::!i::.::.: ’ :.""."LocAL :CH01CES ON " NOV’ : . :Jane is" survived by. two:.s0ns;.: Pat, :as" night" Watchmon at Glacier .:’:"!.. ¯ " "" ’ :: " :..:. :... " " .... : :.., .,/ " .....19, and Mke, 17. Both boys,duet0..": That. was"~1940"when"Mr..RblJ’erii:!::’..i, li’:i!::~:~!:."...i..,:. ¯ ¯ ’ ¯ ..’ ’ . ¯" .. ¯ :. ..... " ncumbents runn nqtor OTTce n m s .. , ...... ... ¯ ¯ , .. .... .’.::’, ."’:-:’:."~:. :’, ¯ ’,.:..:.. .... ’ ::’ , ’... " .... ¯ .. , .their’ mother s,nextended illness,. . .Degree.,n.. live .. Turnbu was studying .for.a".Ma’st~e’r-4:,,’:.;:..: .. ’ . ¯ . . . -.. .... ¯ .:.. congressional, In f o.ster home,s .Mode~t.o.,M,keo~S,. Educat.!0n.a!...tl-~e.:Unlver!!.tyrlii~/.!ii..:..;!ii!i!. .:..:..:.:... " ’ . : . ". senatorial and assemlo- . ’ ¯ ’ " . .¯ ’ . ’ . ;.. " ,.....-..: ;: :.:./"::ii,’i;:./.::d".. ’ ". ¯: ’.: " ydistr ct were re-elected right down mgn.:scn ~ ¯of Caitornid, lhat..summer;:.he".saw.’:::;.;".-i~::.:~:"...... " ~n. mgn.scnool; rat, ’ ¯. ;:- ’"¯ ."1Re " : " " " voters " ’ concurre~ " ’ :- ’ex cept " . . . , . .. .- ... ... ,,. .’. .. ¯ . ...... ......,,.,..,..’.:,,.,.:,..:.. ’ ...o...... i ne.,.Loca ¯ ’ ¯ -,. ,. . graduate, works at the...Savemart 93:sunrises:. ¯ .::.,~..,..,,t:.:{....... ,:r ¯ ..... : . . Hecame , . back~toWo"rk;:i.:..~.i)i:~.’!’.il. . ¯ . , ....... ; ":. .tor..the Ottlces ot governoranaileuTegrocery store and.attends Modestoanother seasonaf CamoCurrV/.aCdiU-i;’:!:.’¢"::¢ ~... ’": ¯ . "..-.. . . - . . , ._ , . ’ ., .. . ,. , , .. . ¯ ’. ...... "......,...,:.::.,~,:;,., :.:..... ¯ : ... " nant:governor which they gave ~o .... ¯ ,’.. . ........ Jun~or~.ollege mgnt scnool, ha~been yearning tO return ever.since:,:).t.;fii!(i. . .~. ¯ . . I.. ¯ .. .. . , . : .... . Nixon .and..Christopher by narrow 7:,’ ~;’ ! ¯ .... ~@.._ But the pressuresof a feof. teach ng.:;.-.’..":;,: ... ¯ .. margins;. and for attorney.general ¯ ¯...... .:.. ¯ ’ ... ¯ ’ ..........-. .~.:,-!.’~’i:",.!:,’::. , : ¯... . and ,.working as sound effects tech;::{’:-.::’..!.i ;-: . which they awarded .to MariP0sa L.M. HOSPITALNOTES nician~ .writer..anddirector.in "radio~.:.."::::ii:.:.fi!:..i .:/.. "" ..! County’-4 favorite son, TomCoakley, Goadnews in the Stork department and ’ ~.. ’ " ’ ¯ telex, ision"have :kepthim .:awd~y~..:.~::’.::’~".:(,{’.’:i. . . ¯ . ,. ,,.:, :.~.’.:.":;..’~ , : . . . ’. by a 70. vote margin. " includes the arrival of Lorella, a 6 lb., To:. break the. routine and: ec~se, th"e:":.:,.’..’:..’!:" ’.’ ’ ." . ,. " .... .They also chose Ralph Richardson .~ ¯ ..; : ,’,’;.) . .. .. 14 oZ. girl for Darlene and William .. . , pressuresof this demanding: work;. : ,,:: :.,,. " " . ’ ’ :. ¯ over Max"Rafferty by 51 votes. ¯ . .’-....’:.: ~"’.,"i. . Hibbs an October 29. tooka " he finally d~d return and ¯ I... ’. ’ ob:.:::::."-. ’ ’ , . .. . . . ¯ :-.,’ ,::: 7.:’,.¢.,;: . Yosernite’s East Precinct gave Gov. .i Darla and Charlie Castro welcomed as night housestewardat.TheAhwah -v .:... . : :::i.: : ¯ ¯ ....~:;; j. . . ¯" Brown a 4 vote edge .over Nixon; an 8 pound and 7½ oz. boy on Nov- neelast sumrner..When the..hotel..:..,,:/.!,.i. I the.West Precinct chose Nixon by 8 ember 5, and namedhim EugeneLyle. closed, he wenl to workat. Central-"":""..::":" ¯ ’ " i .votes. MargaretDavis of l"empleton, CalifWar e h o u s e. "Ra~ioused’.tO"-be ::.?: .... ¯ . . : .. ..-..:,. ¯ .. :Official returns from the two preornia, has replaced Janice Schlintz ¯ fun, but TVis socomplicated:: Rather..,.~..:..:::..,.-. } . cincts combined: as Dr. Sturm’s secretary. Jan went to than become an ulcer statist c, I ~e-i..."..:: ! GOVERNOR Mexico for an extended vacation after cided to have a change."~. ¯¯ .:" .:.....:::.q ¯ ,. ¯ :. . ,,,: : Nixon 133 which she will look for another job. Brown 129 When Mr. Turnbu.ll.. wasSeni0r::...":".:’!i. LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR Margaret, a former Fresno State Col¯ . . ,... :’.."":!" Christopher 140 lege student, worked at the Nawasa Soundmanfor Don Lee Mutu.al:":".:.., Anderson 119 Network, Rinehartand Company, Inc. . urged him to write a bookwhich has:..":.¯.,.’....:"~, ,":ii ’:, ’ ,..li, SECRETARY OF STATE Shoplast surnmer. Rose 77 Jordan 183 Judy Willits and Valerie Taylor becomethe definitive text andrefer:"-: .:: ¯ ’ -.d;l CONTROLLER vacationed in Mexico. Judy is back . Reagan 93 on duly, but Valerie is going to work ence book on radio and TV sound.""::,! .... Cranston168 : " ’" ’ "I effects: Skillfully written andprofusely ¯"".:.: .. . .., TREASURER in SanFrancisco. illustrated, "Radio and Television.. : .... .~ Buslerud 123 Betts 133 Mrs. Seh’na Bergmark,from the Poly SoundEffects" presents the business Of ,~ ATTORNEYGENERAL Clinic in San Francisco, is nowon the achieving special sound effects in !.:I..."1 Coakley 167 nursing staff. . . -’i Mosk 97 a manner interesting to layman ¯:as". ] , ’.. "’~ STATEBD. EQUALIZAI’ION we!l as specialist. " "::.... ":i..! Pierson 111 Richardson 147 Rafferty 96 . . : Lynch 140 Justices Gibson, Tobriner, Traynor, U..S. SENATOR .. ,, .. SWAP TALl( " ..: .!Richards 72 Conley, Brown, and Stone of the state Kuchel 184 courts were re-elected, as were memWanted-Aneasy chair for.use in . . ! ’ REP. IN CONGRESS Nagel 98 bers of the Mariposa County Unified a small room. Pat Thorsen, Yosemite.:’:r! Johnson 162 School District, .Adams, Pierce, and Lodge. ’ ":’; STATELEGISLATURE Lost-OnNov. 1, at football practice" ::"t. Anderson 83 Cromer. Teale 170 .....~ ¯¯ With lhe resl of the state, Yosemite at Yos. School, pair of reddish-brown: ’:4. MEMBEROF ASSEMBLY Taylor 88 voted strongly for Proposition 1A and ~4 boots, leather lined; size ¯ 4 ~’", Ricky: " "::-~ " "i " Lunardi 172 ’. . ... against Propositior~s 23 and 24. " Ringrose, El Portal. .... ¯ ,:i. STATE SUPT. OF SCHOOLS , :..,.. .. " ......." ¯ .., ¯ ’.’’ .! . .. .. ’~" :":i ~’:.’ ’..’, ’J . FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1962 ¯ .. YosemiteNational Park; Calif. ¯ . .. . ,. , . . .} SKI SHOP OPEN HOUSE The Yo’semite LodgeSki Shopwill offer a preview of ski apparel this weekend. Everyone is invited to an open house on Friday evening from 7 to iO p.m. Refreshments wi!l be" served. Badge~’,~ A tc(~ n~--l,’ront row, h’Jt to riqht.--Terr?) Con~er, ~rMr.,hrtc].,’; G,,~’don [-[owe, .qua.rd: l)m’?jlc Col, rid!, qltclrterb(tcl~:: Dcrn u?/ Cntt r¢).lt, mi~fJb(tcl~’: ~’l }l~’c O’Dell, wi~lgbacl~’: ./h’nie ,]an~(~s. flmn’ci; Tf.nz Shltck, I(/clclc, Brzc’l¢ ~’ou’, h:.l’t lo yiflhl .... To.n~. Lrtr,.~lH’ot.h. lac]:l~,: E¢t~t(.l?! Ch’r~lller, tackle.: Rick Thonm,% cc~lwr: Mike Pnu~er: f ullh~zclc; I~.~tt) Aymsl’rong,(~nd: Clnrk ]l’[~lrZ.ht; ¯ win!jbctclc; Bill Bit~,~tock. c~d. BADGERSCLOSESEASON with 20-0 win over Ma|’iposa Sterling S. Cramer The Badgers slruck early with lwo quick touchdowns, added a third on the game’s only sustained drive and then dug in grimly 1o beal back a determined Mariposa Cougar in lhe second half. The scoring belonged almostentirely to tl,e Cottrell brothers, Daryle and Danny. L. M. HOSPITAL One ot: Yosemite’s importanl new citizens was overlooked in the daily husile, and allhough he’s more than six weekso!d now, we offer congralulations to Jan and Sonny Whitfield on the birlh of Matthew Clyde on Octok:,~-:r "17. He weighed6 pounds, 1 4 C, Uncca.’:,therl, On Novemt-c.:" 1¢2, I<aren and EIv, ocd Grc:~.-n of Wawona(Standard Danny,having his first varsity seaSF.C.OND F’OLiO PiLL son and elected 1962 Captc|in just beDoctor Slurm wishes to remind fore the game,scored fir.si o(i a pass ~.:..ver,,tone of the type II Sab.in from Mike Power. He also added the :’’ Polio Vcicane’ which will .heavailextra point on a run. ,. n.:,<., 1~].,3!0 ,_.i1 uI:.~’i’}l~er 9ih, 10 a.l’n. Daryle, with a beautiful display of i<’i i~ to 1 p.,n. at the school house. i! (C:InIlilltlctl natp:Igt’ llnr(’c) The shop will also be, open, on Saturday and Sunday, and every day after December15. The opening has been arranged by Spencer Gramsassisted by Trudel Clark and Ann Whiteside. Tonay Freitas will again managethe shop during the winter. -o-LETTERFROMSANTACLAUS Hi, Boysand"Girls! I’ll be at CampCurry again this year on Christmas Eve at 7:30 with a gift for you-if you’re¯ over a year old or not abovethe third grade in school-and if your mommy or daddy worksin the park. You’ll have to be there yourself to get your present, though, becauseI can’t leave it for you. I’]1 havea bag of candyfor your big brotheror sister. Be sure to be there by 7:30 or I maymiss you] If you can’t come,ask your mommy to call the YPCCoPersonnel Office, FRontier 2-4631. They will let meknow. Goodbyefrom Santa Claus Oil) becamethe parenls of Richard, 8 pounds,10 ounces. Newnurses at the hospital include Juanita Catefrom Seattle, and Christi Melsheimer from Germany. Christi received her training in England. :1 " t " . ¯ , . ¯ :,,. i. ... MESSIAH .PRACTICES, ." .:! ,::"i: .: ... . ..... .... il ...: ¯’.,. r It is not yet. too ate)according i. . ’ ,. . to ,::.~ . . ". . . ’ .director Bill Henning,¯tO join the chorus i of approximately 40 pers0ns who are : ¯ practicing selections :from th’e. : "Messiah" to be ¯presented ¯ on. Dec= (?i ember23. The third¯ rehearsal will be’ ; ’’ Monday evening Deceml~er 3, in the Chapelat eight o’cloc.k, with¯rehear~ : :!. ’ ’" ¯ sals followingeach:Monday. " " ¯ ¯ ’ " " " " " ." ’ ~O~ " ¯" " "........i.. " " " ’ " " " "r HEREANDTHERE’ ’ .... .:.: Eleanor Hamilton has resigned from ’:: !:: ’ .. ,. her position ¯ as Director Of Training: .... to return t0’her homein Illinois. It is there that her family resides, and there she has had most of her business i ¯ experience.: Richie Ouimet has been at home for i several weeks after a two year assign- : ment with the Air Force in Misawa, on the northern end of HonshuIsland;¯ Japan. His next duty will be with the Badgers B tea~7t~Front rozo, left to right--Grog Power, Lester .lames, Norman 831st Air Division at GeorgeAir Force Howe, Chris Buzz~ni, Louie Pc~rker, l(~nny Metherell., Danny Ar~strong, Da~.ny -¯ Basein Victorville, California, begin Cott~’e~l, Jim Whitfield, Mike MeLherell, DonBe~s, B~lly Whitfielfl, Bri~lcy Liles. ning on or about December11. .. . . . B~lck row, left ~o right Kieth Thomas, Randy Brecheisen, Karl Biastock, TLm Harvey, David Hacke~t, Robbie Ringrose, Ch.itck Woessner, Ji~ Rosander, Allen NPS farewells continue-Kathryn Parker, Eric Osier, R~cky Ringrose, Ed Walliser. and Walt Gann have retired and ning in 1.940 now stands at Mariposa movedto Mercedafter 42 years in the. BADGERSCLOSESEASON 19 wins, Yosemite16 and one tie. Park. (Continuedfrompageone) broken field running, returned a punt 52 yards for the Badger’s second touchdownin the game’s longest run. Power converted on a buck. Later, from punt formation, Daryle revived the old "Statue of Liberty" play to set up the final touchdown of the game with a 30 yard run deep into Cougar territory. Powerand &Dell carried to the six and Daryle took it over on a rollout. Ma.i;posu quperior weight and power wore the Badgers down in the secondhalf’but lhe Big Redteam hung on to repr~.l the final Cougarthrust in a goal line stand that saw the Cougar still at bay with only 2 yards gained in four plays from the 4 yard line. It was the Badgers’ most successful season in manyyears. The 5 won and 1 lost record surpassing the 3-1 record of 1959 and 2-1 record of 1951. Only in 1953, have the Badgers had an undefeatecl season, abbreviated by weather fo!lowing wins of 33-0 over Mariposa and 20-0 over Menlo. The Yosemite-Mariposaseries, begin- TheJunior Varsity also wonits first gameof the season 6-0 in a thriller downto the last play. Runsby Danny Armstrong and Chris Buzzini brought the ball to the five where, on 4th down, Danny bootlegged the ball across, standing up and untouched. There were but 3 minutes left to play when the score came and a frantic Cougarrally filled the air with passes until time rar~ out. SEASON’S RECORDSFOLLOW: Charley Gebler and June Branner are off to Grand Canyonto continue working with the training school. VARSITY BADGERS 13 BADGERS 15 BADGERS 28 BADGERS 6 BADGERS 34 BADGERS 20 TOTALS 116 CASTLEFIELD 6 0 MENLO 6 MARIPOSA 12 MENLO 14 LODI 0 MARIPOSA 38 For sale: Child’s skiis, Rusty at Post Office. JUNIOR VARSITY BADGERS 0 BADGERS 0 BADGERS 6 BADGERS 6 TOTALS 12 MENLO MARIPOSA MENLO MARIPOSA 0 0 27 0 "~7 .: ~O~ SWAPTALK .. 1960 StereophonicHigh Fidelity record player. $75.00 with twenty records See Eldon Dean or Phone FR 2-4846-Museum FR 2-4611. For sale or trade-House in El ¯Portal. Contact Barbara Cook, Village ¯ Store. 5’6". See SCORING TD PAT SAF. TOT. 27 4 3 Daryle Cottrell 25 4 1 Mike Power 20 3 2 DannyCottrell 2 14 2 Mike O’Dell 1 13 2 Clark Martin 6 1 Rick Thomas 6 1 Bill Biastoch 1 1 Randy Armstrong 4 Yosemite 17 10 2 116 TOTALS ii ...... :4 ...~-.... ~ .....: " ’. ...... ...... ~.. U/.~¯ ’..:;... , ’ ... .. : ,. . .~.b" :::. . " " . :." ,:~:’"..i ~....’.."../,~:. .~:. ,"./". ".’:: .~i.".; " ....... ./...,........:, " .. L’ :, :’.’’" "~" ~ ¯ ~ " :’~ .’ ’: " ~ ’ " ’q /""~).,’" /" ’i’’ ’:.’" . V~’ ":: : .":’i " ~ : -" . "L ’.: . : ":’~.." ." " ’.,.:.: " ’..’.0 ...... ’~ :: " " "’: !C ’.. ’ ;. ’ : " ’ .;.i.":,’,, ~......... ~t.=-..: ;:, ,..!’%.:L. .i’.,.~. ’-.. ’ ~ L" : " "’,’~ ~,’ [!" ¯ ’ ’ ’’;’ ":’’’.’/’i~’’ ~ ’ " ’ . , . . : ." ’ ~.’. . " " . " ’ , .. ’ , . , ~ - " ". " " " " " ,. " ~: ¯ "" ".’~" ’ " , ..... . ".’ ....". .’"’ " .. ,. -’ .. ,. ¯ ",, " . .:., , ’,. ’ . : . ’ , ., " ~ . " . ’ ’~":~";:’’’=’’:’’’:.~ "’"’~:’’~ ’/." ;’~ "" .,’ ." ’. U.’.;:,,,. "’’:¯ ".".. ;" ~. " ’. " ’. .. ~’’,~’~ ¯ : ’ .. " ’. . ¯ ~" , . ¯ . 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UNi0i~::.~ ¯ . ¯¯¯ ¯¯:¯¯¯ :.:f:: y:i.¯:;¯¯:.:!¯j."¯ii¯¯::i~;¯n¯i¯,¯~p~¯~T~i:~,, ¯ ¯::¯: ¯¯¯¯:¯i,.¯¯".., ¯¯¯ ’, ¯ ’:;.¯. ¯::¯: 7.¯::.:.¯¯~:¯::¯¯.:~.¯!.¯ITRAVEL :;~¯¯::.: :-¯ ¯:¯.i. ¯.¯ ’. /’:~.:¯i.¯:i NEW?HOURS:.FOR?CREDIT~ ¯ -¯ ’,,:¯.i...:....:;,.~., :¯ ...¯~,. ¯.¯..,¯.:.¯...,i.. /.: ¯,~-:.?iL~.~.:..._¯=~ ¯:..¯More¯about Japan_¯¯ :¯¯.. ::¯. r,: :.¯, : ¯,::¯’ .;¯i~;eg~nnlng;Decemlaer.:1.;’~the¯~Yosen .. ,.:v .:.. .. .,"..: .... ."...... .: ’ ....¯ --:.......:.:..:".’~ .. ,; ........:.’,..=....;.-..~ .. :.T:"’~ :.. ~nar gel’my.,, ringing De:’Inoes ..nu~,.".. ., ........ ¯ " : ’ " .- "."::.i~l~erad":the:a6~ r’oach ’of :a n:’:. ’Ce: ¢ream" : No~,:::~we :.a re.:.at."the.’ FU i ya".Hotel;..?:. ite:. Credit.::U n io n.:!0f{i cei.i:.h’ou i~:.’~!:~iI I.’!! E .... :... :::.?.....i.i.:..: .:..: :...L: ". " "." ’’ ".’;.F. ", "’;:.’.::’.’.,’. :.’"~":.’.i"’_,’.’"’’’ ’~"".~’::-"whi~h"-daie’s"lback. io :1884;.::and: i;s at"ifrom 3~30.p:rn...t6:i’:51’3o:.i~:m"!/:Mo:n~da ... ¯.:....¯.¯..... ,.:........ :-,...... ,.....:.-..:,-::...:......¯ " .. ’ ::.: :;."wagon, or’.venaor:otany. oTner-;c~’,,~ ....", .... ........:.. . .:..... ¯ " ..... " : ’ .... ’"cacv"A far’cry’ As’c11d:~r6niyouh~?:al~0-ui 2500ft:"e evation inthe:m00n-"..""TUesda~,;, :.Thurs~ay,.:~::a.nd:::l:rida~;]’:~;.,T.l ’ - i ’ :" ¯ :".~, ;,L:...-=w i’...ta ns:of"Hakone.Nationa Park̄ Hot.. office:-wi .beC osed.On,.Wednesday ’ " ’ ."’""~: " ."i " :"i!", ... ’ . " . ..... ... . .. ¯ . ¯ ".: .. ’.. .. ...; ...:....-. ..:.,~....... ......,....i.....,.~.:.:.:...:. . ’ ’ " , ::, .:.:ana:ola Know oy:now,.’IT.S Tne~ne v come .s Pr.0v!de c!n.alb.a:ths" ‘/.":.: :": :.: ":.::":: !T.:-"°~ :.~:’:,,.- ::.."...:.:::.:...:::?~ii:i.li!:~; : .if::. !.’. ".Dumpmaster t~uck ’for:your re-. spr~ng. .med..]. and. :~.’." :":." .. : . here again thegardensare:a.delight-...,~::.EL.PORTAL.!BETTER. GARDENS..CLUB ,i.i:"iiiii ¯ ¯ . : ~:""." fuse ’"": ’"" " " : ": ": ..... i ..."; ....:...:.-. : ’ ;"; ’": s"n~e:"the"da:::;s"oi o; d new,wa"S’fu featur6Set’away .among the" old ".-."’ ~;~;;~!;..~;~.~;~:i:~.T~SP~N~S.~R!i!:~’!!.~:~i~:~:~:~.~!;~!!:;:~ " ¯" :...-...::...... .... ../.. ... Y....:.: . ,.....: .,. Z:. turreted¯ b0ildings..i...... "....:..; ;".... . ’.CHRISi:MAS"DECORATION;c0~iTE f~:.:.-.. . ’. .... " . " . " . ". v . .. . ...,... . ..... r. : .. "L " ..... ¯ ’ .... ~" " ’ .have. beeri.resisted.. People complain.:.. ¯ ........ ,, ."" . Announeement""ofianbf6er:’.’.,ci4risl ¯ " ’? " "" " i,"e: was aia ie -arkinand ". " .Today was. clear in the mornihgl .. . . ....... ? i : a~ou! rr e y ,..P .....17.. u.. .... ..W ihc 0uds.beg.nnngto."form,..... SOWe "mas. display:contest~."sp[~’n’:s6recl ’. ..,./. ¯ :... ..Pr0gressiveeducation, . but.evenTual~y". .. " " : .i . El.. P0rtai,.Better"’ Garder~:s;."C’l~. .. ’:: .i:....i. ... learn" t0...live v~ifh"thern,:~ enjoyi"ngthe. ::hurriedt0 get off. on:, our .busricle .,.........adVantages theyb’ring_admittedly.or_ aroundthe o Cl ci~ater 0f.fhemountain. ¯ madeatthe’.club’s . " .... "v..::...:...:.:.:,.., " - .. -. ¯ .i,. ... "’i..v ...-.. i::.:.::!.’".. :""" !.A"few milesalong weitook an. aerial~. Two.gi0Ups"iof: ..... ’ i ¯ ’ , ’otherwse.. . ’ .... ;, v..,asp~ays:ana~naoor,. ’i . :..-, .., :.. ’: - ¯ , .’.. : --. tramway.with cabns, seatng I~ =or, .. ¯ "., ’ ,. ’ . ’ ... ’ " . " - . " ’ ’ ’" ": .... . ’ . . " ¯: ’Our .......and soared ’ .~ " ¯ , own ...... pal " af : . ¯Yosem ; ,. ,. te’house,Deop:~ each, up.a moun-.."-will:be.-judgedand.wlnners’armoun, , ]~ ’ . ¯ .. ¯ . .... ’. : " ¯ . .:.. ¯ .... ’ .. ¯ " .. ". ";:. ’"’"’.;"::i7;.:’";:i~!: ’ " : " wive~ res onses to the new KetuseT "."-." " tans de above gorgeous s apes¯ of ¯ .ced.shortly .beforeChrstmas;.-accord-:"-.!’,’i,::~:~.:i. .: ¯ : .. - "’.,... P... . : . . . . . ’ . .. " ’ ". ¯. .: .. ., = . .,...:,’". ". : ’ :" ":"" :.-:,’:; .: v";.":.?l. :" ’ ¯ w th which .the ¯ ’ ¯ ’ . . ... Storage. . .: Containers among re- . ~ng:toMrs..J.R.~rl<, cha~rma . ..:: ...... . . ..’ , .. map es n autumn.colonng n.ot.,,th.e.i:!:,:i.!~.::;..!,.!.. " . ....... " ’ ....... have. oeen . ¯ . ¯ ...." :’" ....... . old garbage cans ¯ :...." ’familiar ’.. " . torestation cedar, ttee in, charge"’A..E /Poi’tal:’;.|:eL:Q:~!.’;~.’;i! ..¯ : _. ¯ . ... ¯ ¯ . of young.Japanese . -.". comm . .. . ,, .... .........-.. ’ .... .....:...;.....,.:..:...:~:...r..,,,:, ¯ brought forth Some loud ".... " ." replaced,’ .... :. ¯ ¯ .... cypress andcryptc."neria,somber y sidentsar. e ig bleto’enter.:".,-.., i..?".:v;..:,.i~,,’~.~L:,-:: . ..... " . .... . ’. ¯ ¯ " .. .... ’ " ".". ¯ ’ ¯ . . ’ .. ~...-:.-":.:.. " ~:! ’. ’-: ."~.":.’i.:’~-".~~’ "¯ . ...laments. for a pass ng era. Reachons ¯ ¯ ...... , .. ., " ¯ . ,, dark. As we reac~.a the top Mt .Fu " ¯ The nextc ub :meet ng".w !.6e the’:.:,.’:...~,i:l~.. I " ¯ ’ ’ ’ ........... ’ ~ .... ":". :": "~~":~::"":"’..- ’ ~ Oh, aren t they fun! . ’ . .¯ vat ’ :’," .... Christmas partytO beheld!ih"i:i’.~i..:/’..i:::i:" ... . ed¯ .from oomedbeyond a sharp ridge, r s ng .annua ,, ¯ ., ’ , , , , ¯ ,~: ~ . . ......... i. ..r ¯ ,- ’ " ... ’,~ .l~ ’:".. . "[", .!"fl~’i~..:’:’:’,:!.’i:::!(. ..... ’....t6 a sad,..I’can ’t close ¯the lid.¯ from a ~.Ioua aanK .V¢~Tn ar TTlng rne..Lommun TyDU~a~gon..i~’~onaay.".....~:.’:’;.;,:~%: ¯:" wreathes of clouds that came and evening~December.17.~..~.....:..~...Y..:~..~i.~....:~.~‘~, ¯ .:"’ " The.fu n ’c°meswhen t~e)lidn~’~enf ~.. : "."open ’ (on 0neof the L si e . . . went.. The tramway took us on down :..: ’ gets to watch abear clamber in and the other side, abovemore color made minordifficulty that, mustbeh . .":.i.i!.,!i,.i’..i.i ¯ ¯ " "Nothing ’ "" ¯’¯ " ¯ .... " :to"worry, "abo..!.....:...::.:..:.:,......::,:.;..:::.~... ¯ .... " ’ U~".:""".i :..’.,,::i?.::i..,?i LIi"" ..... out br,ng~ngcho~ceparcels of goodies bri iant by the sun ight, to the shores . .. But,before.we couldland,he:\;vbUld.:i::i-~.:.::’..:-;iil: :.¯ .. ’for inspect on . n the . day ight. ofLake Hakone ,which we crossed in ¯ , . ........ , ... -.; ..........: .?.. . :.y. .... ’. ’ , .... , ....... t" says have¯to¯unload̄ some66,000:~lb0unds:~<’-Y.:i:,’.. ¯ " " " ". ,,’,~Vt shut ,, ,-,~, /. a short airl " " a launcn, vve nan luncn a! rne rlo~el ’ . . .. ."... ~..,"...:.’.".’,.:..~.:.:i ." . : 33tons.)This~::"::’":.:’: ,, , , ralnoow ," TROUT . . ,Tram The ., ¯ of gas(Something.like . ""~,, has to take .the ~’aarbage ¯ . "" I-"~,o,~,a ~r-" ’ rlaKone, w TI’I ’ ’ .... ’ , " .. """:’. ?~::~"i’; " : __j ......... red about twelve¯ rni ¯ with. him w~en Z .,__ur ,L,._ _.__, .~ . ann requ he ’ goes̄ to work. It’s ¯ es.:. travel’!..,’.;’. :: . cu~u wa~ur~ mu ~u~u, Tnen re .... ... ",..-::0"/7:.. " -..:..":..:-’!" ;,? ¯ . ¯ v . out beyondCata inalsland." . . ~ . " ~ . ~,’,,,od he" do°sn’tcarr ’’ ’ " his ¯ lunch" I . . :. ..’....~.:~,. TUlneanere oy ous .... i " ¯ /vtission accomplished, airborne a:.?.:i.~.’.._~;i!. ’ ’ can see him dumping the wrong bag." M r’ T --"" ....... ’ ! . . ¯. . . "’.;iit; ’ " . ¯ gain, an uneventful.but thrilling .trlp:/.,:.,,.,...~! : ’ What else can hap:)en when the lid o "acrossthe couniryfollowed[.//: :-.:ii"~’:i.!i;i:i:i ’ is left open?THree coons greeted the CROSSCOUNTRY ~’RIP ’ firstlvisitor to Refuse Storage ConIn NewYorkI. spentfwodaYsat.-...::".i,.!!.::ii!". ’ --a summary " ’tendingmeetings" Of the Naii0n’ali:"i...."i:::i""i.!:.: tainer 26 1he dayafter its installation¯ On the "nor~ina of October 22, the ¯ ,, ...t .:...:...:..:.:, . ’ .M~mstry.~n . Boardof A Chrlshan . i But coons are smart and they wdl thrill of a life time was mine as I National Parks," which Was"the.chief...::i-:~’:...il learn, ¯ boarded Astrojet No. 707. Within a ,notivation for.. mytrip. Withi.:Maiy;I,?!%,I.:! ¯ Bears are smart, too; they’re also Few moments we were airborne, out Alice andBill Henning,.who als0 at-.::.:"?~i~.:i~! big enough to gel out by themselves over the Pacific Oceanand circling tended the meetings,I.hadthe;privilf..::!’jii:;:. if somepranksler doesn’t manageto back over Los Angeles. Then the capegeof attending the UJ~l."General. As=. ’.’...~:’..:":.i:. . .... ¯ shut one in some day. Then woe to tain annaunced we would have to sembly meeting at.which the" African :://:/i " the next ga] who . opens the lid! return to tl~e airport as there was a .............. nation of Uganda wasaccepted"as a"-: ::.i:,::!:i. ¯ "Won’t it be fun when it snows?" .............. actionaries to whom anythinq new is newmernberof:-the United Nationsi.i’i7:i;.ii. said someone w it h imagination, nothing shori of monstrous] Withouta That wasthe sameday.: the.. U.S.::.;: :~:::.;.. ¯.. "When the lid goes up, .snow will doubt, we will all becomeadjusted, in lea’ned of the Cubancrises Mu’ch"".,i.:’.!. " . -, plaster the neigt~bor’s windowsV’ ¯ . . ..’.;.?’:.,.~ . . time, to living without the dripping sight-seeing followed .in NewYork, . - .... ~..."..:~. "What worries me about that lid [ Y., :.~ garbage stored in our kitchens until Washington, and on the trip. home": .!’.,".;¯ is the thoughi of what might happen ¯ " " . . .... . ".:". ’.’i " just before thelruck comes by. all interesting. : ...’."......".~:"",...., to someunsuspecting tall girl. who ’~,i ;. ".!" To sum up the resistance to enforced One of the most thrillin.q experiences .....;: .... ... leans over to see what will happen I had in Washington D. C, was stand-.:.;::i’.:ii!i . change in our tradition,.:, w~ offer this . ....whenshe pushes the plunger for the !:,;, . " ~, l:irst time. Whenthai lid flies up- commentfrom a firs! viewer of Refuse ing before the Declaration of Inde";~./::.’i Starage Container 24 in operation, pendence, the Constitution.and:Bill"::.-’.’i!’i"::?,.". ¯ wham! of Rights in the. Archives building".... ’ "::"~ "1 don’t like it," she said .:.?:’i..i. almost ¯ Some,:omments-would lead one to ,, ¯ , " ...’....~ i. tear~:ully. "1 like George. ’ .-Bill Melton .... .. ...........:..;: think that h0Use~vivesare black re...... " " ’ ¯ ,:...::, .:..i..:.i : ,~ ¯ ,,’-" ...... .. ’. ~, " . ’ :.:. -..,., ,:,., <’~ ¯ ~....’.’ =..,....," ...;.~, . ... - ¯ ¯,. , ’ , ?:’!. ?.!:.Y ~i: .. ¯ . . . ’ . .... ,. .... . ... . ¯ : .. ’- .." " ,. " i; ~ i sixth grades, directed by Esther Hart.. The third and fourth grades will give a skit called "Christmas at CarVs House." "Los Posadas"by the fifth and sixth grades will be c]irnaxed by the traditional breaking of the.pinata. Other activities will fill the week befe.re Christmas vacation, The studeni council will decorate a tree for "~he school. On Friday morning, Decem.b:.~r 21, all the children will rn~;et in assembly to present their. food ,’;lifis for MaripasaCountywelfa~’e an~i to sing Christmas.carols. In ,h,.. aflerno.on, eachroomwi]] haveits own Chrislmas party and exchange of gifts. F’.4REMENJOttNNYON THE SPOT On Wednesdaynight, December5 at .~:~0 p.m., the fire siren wailed and R~:’r and one half minules later the i,iPS fire crew had water on the flames which were shooting up around the chimney of cabin 107 at Yosemile i.odge. Frank Betts, Assistant Fire Conlral Officer, estimatesthai it took him and Bob Smith 45 seconds to get from ¯ ~.:, ".. ¯ ,’: : ~ . , .. . ... , . . . ¯: , .. ~.’ ’LI ": " .’," .. . ,:7:-"i. i:.::...: !,’ . . .. . . :.:..... :,:r :.. ~’.!: .~ :~:i i~i::: :. i’:: .:.,/. :. ’:i~ii ! :’;J:~ ".:::!! ~. :’ :i’!i?:i::d: : i: ,~: : i~://i:..:iii~.i .... ’~" -" ’ ¯ ...... " "."!~~"~-~’."~::h, "~" ":’~:"’ ’"~ ’ " :, ’ ..,.-. ’..’. L .’i .:"’...,’ " ’.,,’-’). ’-’. ". "-" . . " .° .". ’ ’.’ . ..... ..... . :.’ ........ ’ .... ..... ~.’,’"’, "’~’~’;l’j"’ ’ " ¯ i, :: :i:I !’i’::ii: ,": !i, .:i :i’ ::i i :.:.: : i:j :,: ,: . ,, :~i~ iii ~:, .... "’. , ,::,. ~,.’ ,:...;..~. :~ "...,-.....,’: ~.~.i,-’,..,.,~. ,. :, .%..i,.’,,~,, ,..~, -.~,l .r’. . . .~,.~ .,...,j ". :.". ,’T.:,.’~,~.’ "..:." ’.’,,..,, ~:,",~’~’h/.7,.’.; ~.’:-,~’:’.".’.L.~,’.,.. ;:,:’. ’. ".,. ’,~ ,L~.,’~(,,~, , "~7."~’, :’! ~".:’;’~; ,,~.:.?’::,,~: . , "... ,., .,:,q::’,~ .~.,;,.,.. ’...:.. /....,.’. ~,~,.,.’~.:,::, ~.~,.,, ¯ . .::’,L:.)I ’., ~’" ¯ "’""’".;,".’/.-" ,i,"..,:,’::-i-~::;%; .;.~ :/,,".. " "~ ’~ :’,.~ ’"" . ..... ¯ . :. .,", " .’ ,. - ...... ~."~’, :;:., " :.. ,’.~, . ’. ’~" t ~, ,. ~: ...... ........ ...... : :......- .... : ......................... . ......... ........... -,~~~~ . .-"’ . ...,.~.~:/,.S: ....... I. ’ :.. :~."::!.ii!!..!.’.i’:!.":."/.i:.i!~:.! ii.".:.i..(.,!.:i.!,:.:j...:"SWAP:. TALK.:.~-iiI~.. ii::.i/i :~i’..i~::".i i/i"’ .:""::U.GHi"I:"3OY":~AJ~D :M~ERRYi~CHR~STM~‘~A~S~:~:~:):~:~!J~’~A~‘~V~E:~NY:g~i~ I’E~’Ri 51!iliiii.! . ’i":i "~’!:": bY . :..i ... .:.,..!i,.!.:i’.:..:ii.!i:..:..:)E6r".:isblei’ Lef:ti...:ha..nde.cli i":i:~: ?Bs.::..": u ..:.sl~ir.le~,..sargelnf:":’::~i.:..:).:~. ":::.?:::..: :: :.:ii :: :F i"~el .0seh~ite:~’..bre~:~i..:".w]: :Y i;e~ l’ 0 ’:::.,.",’’:’ ¯ . " , .. :.’=".’ :’.;, . " ’ " ’. :’i ’i ’" ." " ’: " "" : ,:’.. ’..= ".:. ¯ r"" ’-"~i .:. ’,. ":.. . ; ".’" : ¯ :.."..’... ’ .’ .,".:-, ’. . : i," ’.L’. ’ ’".."’ "": "; ".: .:: :~’’:" ""/’.. "’.".:L’"""".’’"," ¯ ",’ L..’". ¯ like-milliOnsf0f:~:.". :.... ....:!::.;’.:~;~..:."::,EIght..:: reglster:ed..Wilson irons,"putter" : ".’..;.Early last.. DeCember, famnly....and cores-:heh.ind.i.to: s ~er :..:.i~,h’: : .... i.N ¯ ! . :. !:::! i:i./.;.ii::.:::.~:~n a::. i ’tWo:..:"v~ bocisi..:: :. Ma ke:: i: an"!i..0ffer. i.) ;.."6t.i~e’r :’ i w:e.i i-vvis i~ersi." ..l:).:w~:ot~’ ::!;:.i.1~ ;0.0b:"::.! 0y.&.M Be~ ;:~a.yS!..a i.:.::~olfi:i(~~i.,~k’i::’:: :.:’: ii.:::i :..i:y" .’ ’I: :. . " :".".. .: "i i:."i;;i.li.il)ii...Confacf..ca! la.i B0d~leni)i ati:i~e"ioy’a i Br.i .Ch’r.!sim aSi:’.:/~0tOs":": !0....aFc:0r~l~ahy:. !"m~/:.;.i}.a~ai...h~uhjilpc3:.:’"a.hld.:-f.[ilQ!~gi:.’;TbbY:.: were. :..i::i!i/i::.!.;i’:i: ’., . . . :":. .--~j..:ii.....:.Dorm, i: . .:.:i.:-:..i..i.....i~:. ’/...i:...-: ......i .i-. .~:’.. ..cards. N0t....really.that.:rh"any"..of.c0urse, i.::t.hrOel.Whitf.ields-Eldridgeii.’.:S’r:.~’.:Sohn,~i.! i~ :":"i:..:i;..i.. . ’... i~Uf.lthe i00"d d""Pen du.r.~ng~.~.s~-ve~n.~...~.a‘nc~.~...~Keit.h~;)..~:C~de!~.~:.Gc~nn~.:....and..~.;~ .i ~;.i.i,:.: i. :.... ’-. ¯ . .... .:ii:i.,~ :; type.writer """’:’"’’..... : :.: ::."’i’ ./.. ; ..............’ 6~years. . o. .d’ I~utin exce --"teen..hours¯, of.: tedious. .. : ..w°rk,seemed. . .... yer.s..:. -:.:... ~-:::..... ..... i.:..-.! .¯ Thei.)’fiVe"i.:shot..eigl~t .bUcks"."befween:: ’. .:.?.’.:’: ::"i: COndi:fion ADnrai_~H vr~l,,~ ~7~;"", ’a -¯.staggering am0unt’,for,: a: :singie.. .... ¯ " :. : ’ ..... ~".i;i’.=~-:::.":"ent ¯ ’ ~ ,’ ¯ " .-" ", -¯ , I-I ....... " .... "1~--~" ." i.;, . ~.~:,# ..... , .’. ’ -~ ~ " .-",..,.... them.:.The, largest,~:with a...31, dantleri.i.~...!..:,.i " ...... :..:.:. ¯’ " " ’ " ¯ ’ ’WO ..~,... ’ ’ ng Whew!...:" {, : ..’- ~:.’..: .... ! Ask k.ontact ’ . man, ... . ....’-,. ,.,.., ., . ¯ . ¯ $50 .... ,+.. , :., .. . Caro . .... Less,.... : ~ .. ,..... .....:,. ... ¯ : .. , i. : -,’ ,’ ,.. " ’.. ’:,. : .,-..’"’, "...:.: ’", ’:.:.’::": "";i;’.,’.,.".-"::.;:. :.,’.,; .,,: ",.’ : .: : . yn : .... . . ..,...": .... . ...... : This. ChraStmas.. season,. I..think..wi.-:....spread,.. , .. ,was:.bagged... .. ¯" . ..... ’":’ " "..FR2-4411’ ¯ ,:bY :~Ern..,’..:...e Byers.-.:;.,!i.::-=,~..,. . : ’:’:".....:... : ..,.:"::.,.." letter, "hage. it: ..."Tliey .als0:.fished;""..shotgrouse, and~:~,:,~:i!,:~-’.. : ... .: :-:"i i:.:!". ::i. .~;Xi, ’". " :""i.. i))..; ii . .-.,: . : write one~’."newsy ¯ ... ~’..,: ¯ .. /YOU VOIKswagon ’ exce lenl’, .,,. ~,. ." ,:._" .: .": ..",...,-:., :.~....,. ."-,’: .... ;" ¯ ..".-.:.,~.’, ,.:;~;~..... :, ". CoBol. . : " .". L ¯ .. . ¯ . .. ... ~,’~’ ¯ " ¯ " :-",.".’ ^ .. .: " :~;;’.:::, :....mimeograahed on green:~ k~aoer"and "-rabbit."rOnlyonce.wastherea’=chance ,,-, ,: .. ¯ ~ ’ " !"...:..:tion/"Kaaioi nearer .$110u. can bel " ¯ . -. .-..: ¯ . - ... ¯ :... ,..: ...... - ....’ .... ,: .~.:.,. .":.’:"-.,-",.:..’....",’.;..::~’;"~:.:":i.!’ ... ¯ :.. : i. :. "":"’seen"a’t:Arcti ROck ’FR"2-4342.Home¯;: " send".it.;t0eyerY0ne:onmY :Christmas..)" t:0sn°0t"at"a,n e’Kror:aCco.rd!ng"t,a’t.h.es::;ii:.!:::i:".!:i ,........i ::i .~ ¯ ...: himrods :it ’takes:.snow.t0::bring!the’m~<i:".’."~::i.:’:~’. ¯ :~:.. I . .."...,. ., ... .... ’ .’ .....~ .. ...":. :....". st Therewi be.the.i.ob.of.seaing; .’ .... .Leach ’ ..". ... .... ... . . ..... ’ ¯ . . ¯ .... .. : ..".. ..... .. :.’. :"..".. ....-:,. "i"..:..-...~.-,..:.:.....:,..":":-..~: ;~ .... ¯ ..>i: :;.:..--.: .:.: .. ..._,. ¯ ;. .... ,:... /. i.;.. . addressingl andstamping"them;still. I ..Out’ ~f:~hLd‘ing~‘~::~‘~::~;~:~.~.?~’~:~‘~‘:~:~;;~)~‘~::i::‘~ .... . .: ill.! I -....".. for.that .hobbYiSt onyour.Chr,st.mas hours" /..!Althoughit! wasLicold,.i.therelwds...n0.:".., i:::.i:.i;;::":,"~i .... W.. ~ave..:retr eyed"precious ;!: . " "iii.;;~-i:!.!st .-...a".frusky-:M°.de! A."c°up’.:.Runs":.for""s~opp ng,..wreafh:makina and:~sn.°w~uni~i~Th.a~nk~sg~i9i~g~!D~ay~::~4/in:ds~!~‘~i~.~:~:i~‘~i iii". ¯ ’ . ¯ ¯ e .¯. ..leveling ~~.i... " " "!i!.:":!";.:weH.’: inexpensive" FR "2.~4852".:=."". .;’ .. Other holi’day. iasksi.Hurrah! :’~:i . .:" .of";:i25:*miies(i an! h0Ur:.-blew;..at, onei:i:::.;!!;;i.i.l;~ " :i..".i..... . ...-i.::~ii:... :~.,:. i.:..For,rent:HOUS ,.n ElPorta!~ Toney.i...: Sin¢e.... there :one..t!!-ne, bgr.n.s.: and~..hg’/,.i.stgcks~.:.:.-":i."":.!:;::i-:!:."..;. , .will be-10nly:.the . , ¯ ’ ¯ ’ ¯ .. !.:.. i: :.Frei!as;.P,O,Box6.] 2, Yosern.jte.L0dge..:letter itowrite,...it can..beCl0neleTsure!y.;.~nd.driV’ing !he:hu.ntersto.take..refOge ii!,"...iii..i:i;.. ~.ii.. .i i:.... ’. For.sae: Austn-Hea ey.Spr.te:...See..so, that ts .ina formwilbewarm,". ins deither og..., cabins,".""" . ’.=i~" .:." .:: (.".. ’:~"::::i’.~.":. ’ .’!)!~i : .i..":: ..i. " Rusti. ManPost Office .... .. ’ e0:Uent and witf Ever"one Wi be’~ " "Whatdd"they havef0r"Thanl<~’:{~:~"""~~"i::ii i. : ..". .. ..~ . . .........- ... .... q .... y. y. :.... :.::":-....’.;:.....:: .... # .:.-. :. . . . ¯ : .’.. .... .... . ..... : ...... ~,.~". "- ." .’... ’.: .... pr0ud.and r e l ie ~, .e d’that,, after ¯¯.giving.d!nner..i:Way up...ther.e ." i.-~ , "i- .i-" ’.. " .i,!.n..their....:,...:-)i ’..i!i!!!..... !:,-." . . .’. " i3~,.;~.~ :. i.... :..". ¯ . vears Of reectons, mv.stc~res,."art-.Montana aerie? Rockym’oUntoin:blue.:.i..!i’.";:: ."" " ,:’i,. ". . ". . . "-~ ¯ " ;’ ’ "" , . .’ " . ’ ’ ’.. ~ " ’. ¯ " " ¯ ., ,’ ". ’ " ¯ .. " " . " , .... " " "’ . ~,’-. .’i.:.’~.. .. ..... /~., ki~.~~..: .............des and books are¯finding acceptance, g.rouse,p." peared....by...chefcook......Sonny, "..ii:!.j. ... i: iii"... " " ... ~" " ~’~’~."~{’~,,(V: : ...... .! . printed.form :.’and .some f nancial.re~.:a. n.d. it..was de!.i.c.ious, they.say.,..~’.:! . :..".i );.~..:ii . ... .. ..:L.. ’. ’ ¯ "-~"’¢,~ " ~ ....~ ¯ " .... .... " ’ ’ .~... wa dr..," .... . -. ..¯ ". :.......:¯ . "... . ’¯, .:¯ ,.." .Keitho ..... Wasvet:" ... .’ en’o. Y-. -::.."’".~i I:. .Y ¯..,,.:.:,.; ,.,.:. .... ¯, .. q ¯ So .... ... sa ¯ d,"t . ~ .... ,..~ :,. .. ....¯ . . ¯ .. "-~ , . ., ..... . . . .,.. . . , , . . ¯ ¯ PA55̄ . ’,. ’ . " ¯,’able¯, butso.nlceto getback¯home..¯ ....0.:..:. ~’:=:.. ~ ¯ . . . " .... . BADGER Everyone .will ¯ . .. .. ¯ l .be. surprised ~and . .: ,. ".: .. . . ’, ’.. ¯ . .... .., . . , . .. ,,. ..~ . . .. . : .. . . , ,¢;:’~"-:-’ ... ¯ .pleased that .I have.become¯ ecstahc.. ’ .. ¯. " ..... . . ’." ~, ... ....... ’:..:........-:i...,’:.. ¯ .... . (con~nu~dfr0m"p~l¢¢. I i .:.. ...... .!" ¯ Forgueslsa.newlifttick6i~imitaflo. owner of a mou"ntain ranchv,here.l ’ ..: . .i.’...,~1~i. . ’. ::.. :.!i:.~....:. : " :-i. ¯ ."""" ."t~e employeeticket wi I be’-i~vai able¯ i ntend:to builda .home and Settle ’ . :: ::" " ’. ’".~i " ..") .(..... . .:i~i:i::i " " "" " ¯ ’" " , . ’ ’ "’ ’~ " " ’ , " ’ i" . . . :.. ...... ’.!..-.:. .The 30-Ride Family Guest’Ticket,.Seldown toraise books and manzanita. " .............~’~:". ~ .¯..,.~r,, ¯ ’.. ¯. "’ "" "’ ’ .’’’" .1" Everyone,-but. no .... doubts" begin¯ ¯ ’ . . i". ling,.fm: $8.25, w.ill be tronsferable Another.dismayingi:th0ught giips).:.i.....:. i. .... "...andvalid for the season. Due, to. lack crowding huzzas from my mind. One me. On .mOSt of my time-anddabor .:’.i.."i:.. .." ¯ " of demondi liFt tickets No.2,"3. & 4 letter would never do. for everyone; I ’letter, I .will"".".:.)!. ¯.. there will haveto.be two. For.instance, saving mimeographed will be eliminated. I: ¯ want to add a list of. persona ..ques-.:.. " il .. ’ ’ " -’ ¯ .’2". .’.. ¯ The cafeteria menuhas been revised. my" high school S.panish.teacher .. tions, like, "Are.you 10resident ofthei~... couldn’t care less about the fact.that " in aneffort to :dmplify and speed.up . " " Garden Club? Did.Jimmymake Eagle ... " service. Th~:..-~ will be one hot entree . my idea of greatfun is to spend Scoutyet?. is your " brother. ’ still" on" . ....i’ i ... andovarie:/ of hot and cold sand- wintry hours picking up branches, ". :" ’ he s? "....¯ ". ¯""¯ . . ¯ . , ¯ :. wiches. Atso, for the late riser, there bushes and other burnable debris at. crutc Jusl as m0st of my friends :will. . .~~. :-.Wi!l be a ,.,’,r:~inental breakfast.Zella my nearby, newly-owned ranch; but my.:: want i~0melY, intimatedetails.of and.Ted ~(:.,.f,:hum, who hail from she will be inieresled in the fact that, life and. tim~Si so do.!iexpect that ’ Mono Inn of Mono Lake, will be the once again, by book and record, I atype proud"’Rod of. newswas .from ,promOted them. A. snapsh0t,..:~.~.i ’ to sales amsludying :Spanish. My pronuncia.cooksthis ,J,.,,~,~on. .. tlon may not have improved, bul my .Eighteen r, ev,.’ lockers have been manager," a .shored "Rememberthe"." ’:: motivation has! . added to m.~,et doily locker rental " time we mactemoneyby de-snailing .. Similarly, .friends from myfreckle¯ : demands...~,l~.~"iivesk" safe racks will gardens? Well ou/youngest is ’...". ’.. i :i.... be lined up along the breezeway 1o and-pigtail doys.aren’t-going to be .1 want’ that friendly" ex.change," " ’.": mesmerized with accounts of my : . provideove.~-,,ight ski storage. . activities in historical societies and which ’ ’ to me, is one of. the nicest. "..:" : ’." : : . A new .~e~~" service coffee bar is .conservation owner’s groups, but they parls.aboutChristmas,"and the.. 0nly.. .i " ¯ . being buih ,:~ ~he top of theNo.1lift. : will wanl to knowhow rny [olks are, wayI will: receive.,it is to.earn¯ i! ..by ~.:. i.: ’ tiring,:in-..: :. by TomRer.nels.and his carpenters. possibly .bo.~ing/"definiteiy : ~ __.2 ........ .-, ....... whether my new butane furna’c’e , ................. ¯ -- ............ ¯ " " " , "1 ,, ’:...: . really is practical and econornical and. dividual notes of my own. ". ’ i...... four-wheel drive.veh.c~e, with"higher , .. : Ugh, joy, writer’s cramp and Merry .....~. my best . ’ ¯ .... cleorance, c:nd a Small boal to use in if the can. opener is still, "....... ’: " " " ¯ Christmasl ...... friend. " " ’. the st~allo,,’,.’ waters.. " ’ ..., i , , ’ ’.,, . , ’ !. ¯ ~.=.:.---i , I 1" ¯ . ,’." , ~.’ ... .... .¯ .. ¯ ¯ ’ . . . ,., ., . .... ¯, ¯, ) . ...... , " ,,,, . ’. , , ~.. ’. , ¯, ,. . ..... ". , , ’ " "" " ¯. . ~’. I’ ¯ ¯ ., .. . .... , ¯ .,, ’. ,i ,.. ’’ ~ , , ’ ¯ ,, "" i, ¯ , ,, , . , ¯. . i ,i..... ,’~ -.I, , ,., ’ .’, ::.:,ij ..i" .." .....for .making ..Yorkshirepudding. : ’ " iFrom1925 to1960, when he and ," " Ella left the Valleyto retirein Fresno, i... i Jack.was the printer, and he was a ."".. good one. .... Jack was probably among the best . fl),; fishermen we’ve had in the Park, i... and except for the last few years ’ "when he got a little wheezy, would ? .. . spend his evenings along the bank of the river stalking a particular fish. .. : Many were the Very Important People .". Jack was called upon through the years to guide to a productive fishing :. ," spot. John Barrymore .was one of them. Jack had a picture of the actor, i made at May Lake one spring. The ~",,-.,. lake looks Frozen, ~here. is o lot of ’snow around¯ The picture is inscribed "To Jack Greener - So this is Paris? (Co~.ti~nl.e8 o;~ pr~p.e1.wo1 H. Oehlmann" .. --oYPC Co. DIRECTOR EDWIN JANSS, JR. has been.a. director of Yosemite Park and Curry Co.. since 1946. He was born in 1914 at Los Angelesand educated .at. Beverly Hills High School and Stanford University." His entry into the farming business in 1934 culminated with the deve- i" ’ .i’.",’ ¯ . ~, . BOY SCOUTS TO HAVE BENEFIT MOVIE Wednesday, January 9, has been set as the date for the Danny Kaye movie which will be shownin the allpurpose room of the elemenlary school. The KeystoneCopsWill also be featured. ¯ .There will be an early show(6:30 p.m.) so the youngsters con come, followed by a second show. Tickets, at the regular price, will be sold in advance by the boy scouls. Proceeds will be evenly divided between the Uniled Nalions InFants and Children’s Emergency Fund and the activities fund of the local lroop. r. ¯ ".,~ , ..... :.~, ¯ ". ,.... .... ~, ~ ! .~f:.. . ~....," ~.~..,.’.’,;~:.;.. . . ;,.)~.V." ¯ :".~t~. : " , :.-: ’~.:..’ ~Wb.,.. . i~’:., ,=~ :..~: ¯ ... ,:~,,.¯ .. .... ; k~i.:%y..~.~ Z,.~" ............. ,..~,~.| . ~,/.~:..., .~,~ ’ "~"~,4~",. :’o:,!:"~ ’:.~i~,F-’.’=,’." ~;tu ~"~;:~XI h~k~k~,: i’;’.’¢,~’:."k’, " " .~-’ ~’~’., ’~~;’" .~:" Iopment of the Coachello Valley Feedyard in 1948. This organization has becomeone of the world’s largest cattle feeding operations and annually finishes approximately 100,000 head of cattle for the Southern California markel. In 1954 Mr. Janss becamepresident of the Janss Inveslmenl Corporation, /(]ontinuecl ’ s.~"-~:~ ¯ From page 2) ~..-: -California residential and commercial ’ ..-property andat present is involvedin ."the. developmentof Conejo Village, a ! ’" : 10,000 .acre. p!ann~ed.community.in ’~i ? Southern ventura County. " ’,.": ; .... ¯ Mr. JansshasbeenCloselyidentified ...... ":with Yosemitefor the past 40 years. ,.- ¯ Hewonthe first Badger Pass down .. i .. mountain ski race, with Charles Chap:,.. lin and Donald Tresidder amongthe .i,,~ .. defeated compelition, and has not . . Good Luck! ~! . missed a winter skiing in Yosemite ~,~. ~: since the late 1920%. FIRE EXTINGUISHER DRILL His avocations are chess, golf and i. " skiing and he is a collector of ancient On December 19, YP&CCo held a drill for volunteer firmen under the chess sets and contemporaryart. i’: direction of CompanyFire Chief, Bob --o-Lee, which was attended by about 40 SHIRLEYSARGENT TO WRITE Company personnel. The specific purGALENCLARK BIOGRAPHY poseof the drill wasto instruct volunShirley Sargent, a local writer of teers in the use and care of fire increasing renown who is resident extinguishers. Instruction wasgiven by most of the year al her "Bankrupt the Jorgenson Fire Equipment Com’ Bunkhouse"in Foresta, has received pany with the cooperation of ihe NPS a grant of $1500 from the John Ran- and use of its equipment. , ’ dolph and Dora Haynes Foundation Fire Chief Lee says that another such in Los Angeles. The grant is For the drill will be.held at Badger Pass in purpose of continuing research and January. writing on adull biography of Galen ... Clark. Shehas alrec|rl,/done considerHEREAND THERE " able research for lhe book which she AmyEnglish has retired to become. ... estimates will take about six months a Full time housewife. Replacing her " to finish. Grants from this foundalion are us- in the ReservationsOffice is Georgianually given for social, political, and na Watsonfrom San Jose. Georgianna there’s nothing, to (GiGi) is enthusiastic about .skiing and anyway , economicresearchin the slate; this is ¯. . , . them .now. other outdoor sporls. the first one awardedfor a t’,iography.