REALTOR HOTLINE ® THE VOICE OF REAL ESTATE IN PORTAGE COUNTY Portage County Association of REALTORS® P.O.Box 509, 214 New Milford Rd., Ravenna, Ohio 44266 Phone 330-296-5451 Fax 330-296-2060 Join Us For The 24th Annual Inaugural and Awards Banquet Portage County Association of Realtors® “Dedicated to Success” Friday, January 29, 2010 Ravenna Elks Lodge 6:00 PM What’s Inside this Issue? • • • • • • • • • • • • Note from Dave Bissler Calendar of Events 2010 Member & Affiliate News Game Changers Supra Christmas for Kids Luncheon photos Inaugural letter PCAR Appreciation for Service & Dedication Gathering Award Forms (Professional, REALTOR®, Rookie, & Affiliate of the Year) Affiliate “Thank you” from PCAR Affiliate Spotlight Affiliate Membership December 2009 Notes From President Dave Bissler Dear Members, Portage County Association of REALTORS® 214 New Milford Rd P. O. Box 509 Ravenna, Ohio 44266 330-296-5451 Fax 330-296-2060 2009 Officers Dave Bissler President Susan M. Blazek President-Elect Ava Wagner Treasurer Stephen Boyles Past President Susan M. Elliott Association Executive Directors: Sandy Allen Shirley Chimento Jacqueline Hunt Kathy Jaczo John Kurlich Cindy Le-Mon Mary Jo Ryan - Affiliate DirectorTammy Gildersleeve It doesn’t seem possible that this is the last letter that I will be writing to you as your 2009 President. Where did this year go? It seems like yesterday I was sworn in! Now, the temperature is dropping, there is snow in the forecast and it appears the Holiday season is upon us. I guess this means that it is time to wrap up the years activities since my last letter. Our first Lottery Fundraiser came to an end November 31. Thank you to everyone who participated. We had several members who were winners. Congratulations to Tessa Samblanet, Nichole Simcox, Ray Salo, and Deb Davison. We are happy to announce that we have the capability of mass emailing your business announcements to the membership. For a small fee we can reach more than 300 members to let them know what is going on in your world. For more information contact Laurie at the office. In the upcoming months, the Technology Committee along with a special task force will be looking to upgrade our website. If you have marketing experience or web skills, we would like you to step up and help us in upgrading our website. We have recently been given grant money from NAR through the Game Changers Challenge and will be using some of this money to help in the cost. Congratulations Sue Blazek for submitting your idea to NAR! I would like to thank Santa (Denny Eberhart) for helping with this years Christmas for Kids luncheon held at the Rusty Nail. I would also like to thank all who attended and brought unwrapped toys. Also a big thank you goes out to those who participated in this year’s auction. A good time was had by all. The toys collected and the money raised will be put to good use right here in our county. The Care with Coats committee along with our membership is to be congratulated for another great year of collecting many coats for the County Clothes Closet. Please remember that even though the coat drive may be coming to an end, the County Clothes Closet could still use the coats throughout the winter months. By now you should have received your Dues Billing Statement via Email. We are excited to be “Going Green” and also giving you the opportunity to pay your dues with a credit card this year. You can type all the information that is needed on the form, print it and return it with your payment to the Board Office. Should you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to call. This year the Inaugural and Awards Banquet will be held on Friday, January 29, 2010 at the Ravenna Elks Club. The theme, Dedicated to Success will have special meaning to our membership as we have survived through some challenging times. Please plan on attending this wonderful event and don’t forget to turn in your Professional of the Year Awards, Realtor of the Year and Affiliate of the Year nominations. All are due January 8, 2010. Applications are available in the Hot Line and at the Board Office. It truly has been my privilege to serve as your 2009 President. The experiences and friendships that I have encountered throughout my involvement with this organization have helped me grow and prosper in many different ways. It is my wish that you continue to support this great association and that you too may prosper throughout many years to come. Thank you, Dave Bissler President Portage County Association of Realtors PCAR MISSION STATEMENT The purpose of the Portage County Association of REALTORS® is to enhance the ability and opportunity of its members to conduct their business successfully and ethically; to promote the preservation of the right to own, transfer and use real property through professional growth and education, and to communicate information to its members that helps them succeed in their practices. EVENTS TO REMEMBER • May 31: PCAR Office Closed for Memorial Day • June: Wine & Cheese Social (TBD) • December 24 & 25: PCAR Office Closed for Christmas June 2: New Member Orientation at PCAR 9:00 AM • December 31 & January 1: PCAR Office Closed for New Years June 17: Board of Directors Meeting at PCAR 9:30 AM • July 5: PCAR Office Closed for 4th of July • January 8: Award Application Deadline • • January 10-12: OAR Winter Conference in Columbus July 15: Board of Directors Meeting at PCAR 9:30 AM • August: Golf (Date & Location TBD) • January 21: Board of Directors Meeting at PCAR 9:30 AM • August 4: New Member Orientation at PCAR 9:00 AM • January 29: Inaugural & Awards Dinner Ravenna Elks Lodge 6:00 PM 776 N. Freedom Street Ravenna • August 5 + 6 : Leadership Summit in Chicago • August 19: Board of Directors Meeting at PCAR 9:30 AM • September 6: PCAR Office Closed for Labor Day For 2009-2010 • • • February 3: New Member Orientation at PCAR 9:00 AM • February 11: PCAR Leadership Meeting at PCAR 10:00 AM • September 12-15: OAR Convention in Cincinnati • February 18: BOD Meeting at PCAR 9:00 AM General Membership Luncheon 11:00 AM & Continuing Education (Ethics) 1:00-4:00 PM Ravenna Elks Lodge • September 16: Board of Directors Meeting at PCAR 9:30 AM • October 6: New Member Orientation at PCAR 9:00 AM • October 21: BOD Meeting at PCAR 9:00 AM General Membership Luncheon 11:00 AM “ELECTION of OFFICERS” Continuing Education (TBD) 1:00-4:00 PM Ravenna Elks Lodge • March: RPAC (Date & Location TBD) • March 2-3: OAR Legislative Conference in Columbus • March 18: Board of Directors Meeting at PCAR 9:30 AM • April: Affiliate Expo & Reverse Raffle (Date & Location TBD) • November 3-8: NAR Annual Convention in New Orleans • April 7: New Member Orientation at PCAR 9:00 AM • November 18: Board of Directors Meeting at PCAR 9:30 AM • April 15: Board of Directors Meeting at PCAR 9:30 AM • November 25 & 26: PCAR Office Closed for Thanksgiving • April 16-20 AE Institute in Quebec • • May 9: Vintage Venture Dinner & Dance Kent Roosevelt High School (Time TBD) December 1: New Member Orientation at PCAR 9:00 AM • December 9: Board of Directors Meeting 9:00 AM & General Membership Luncheon 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM “CHRISTMAS for Kids” Location TBD • December 24 & 25: PCAR Office Closed for Christmas • December 31 & January 1: PCAR Office Closed for New Years • May 10-15 Midyear NAR Conference in Washington, DC • May 20: BOD Meeting At PCAR 9:00 AM General Membership Luncheon 11:00 AM & Continuing Education (TBD) 1:00-4:00 PM Ravenna Elks Lodge • May 23-25: OAR Spring Conference in Columbus General Membership Meeting and Luncheon February 18, 2010 Our meeting location: Ravenna Elks Lodge 776 N. Freedom St. (St. Rt. 88) Ravenna 44266 11:00 A.M. (Social Time) 11:30 A.M. Luncheon CE: Ethics “Please Pre-Register” Members: lunch only $20 Non-members: lunch only $25 Members: Luncheon & Class: $30 Non-members: Luncheon & Class $35 Class time 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM Please R.S.V.P. by February 15th at the Association office (330-296-5451) Do you have a marketing or creative side and want to offer your expertise? Please join our new task force to develop our marketing and our website for PCAR. Call Laurie at 330-296-5451 today! Board of Directors and General Membership Meetings 2010 February 18th May 20th October 21st December 9th Board of Directors & General Membership Meeting Board of Directors & General Membership Meeting Board of Directors & General Membership Meeting “ Election of Officers” Board of Directors & General Membership Meeting “Christmas for Kids” Most Membership meetings are followed by 2 – 3 hours of continuing education. The exception to this is the December Meeting. This meeting is Christmas for Kids. Conferences and Conventions 2010 January 10-12 March 2 & 3 April 16-20 May 10-15 May 23-25 August 5 & 6 September 12-15 November 3-8 OAR Winter Conference in Columbus OAR Legislative Conference in Columbus AE Institute in Quebec Midyear NAR Conference in Washington, DC OAR Spring Conference in Columbus Leadership Summit in Chicago OAR Convention in Cincinnati NAR Annual Convention in New Orleans New Applications on File The following licensees have submitted their applications to Portage County Association of REALTORS® for active membership in the categories listed. As Provided in Article V, Section 3 (a) of the Association’s Bylaws REALTOR® members are hereby notified of these applications and invited to make written comment thereon. Any objections to the approval of an application must be based upon lack of qualifications as set forth in the Bylaws of the Association. Lucien Pruszynski……………………….…………...…… Stouffer Realty New Members Kevin Dyckes…………………..….……………....Howard Hanna Aurora Crist Miller………………….………………...…….…..MB Realty Group Jeremy Roosa…………….……………………...…….Ohio Realty Group Milissa Smith.……………….………………..…..Howard Hanna Aurora Office Changes to: Greg Green…………………Coldwell Banker Hunter Realty Streetsboro Marsha Hedberg……….……..……...Keller Williams Greater Cleveland Lisa Hesse………………..………….……...……..Howard Hanna Aurora Bill McCloud…….……....Keller Williams Greater Cleveland Southwest Board Changes to PCAR Richard Fruit ……………………………………….……....Vayner Realty Reena Kanner………….………….,...Keller Williams Greater Cleveland Kelly Morrison……………………………………..………..Vayner Realty Arthur Newman………………………………..….Howard Hanna Aurora Phyllis Pepoy………………………………………Howard Hanna Aurora Mark Stevens…………….……………….………………....Vayner Realty Howard Vayner……………………………….……..……...Vayner Realty License Returned Susan Likavec……………………………………………...Howard Hanna Kathleen Mintz…………………………………………….Howard Hanna Richard Shaw……………………………...……………….Howard Hanna Barbara Stelma………………...…………………………..Howard Hanna The Portage County Association of REALTORS® would like to welcome our new offices: Keller Williams Realty Greater Cleveland 27950 Chagrin Blvd. Cleveland, OH 44122 216-839-5500 fax 216-839-1705 cell 216-533-3041 e-mail John Ludwick Keller Williams Realty Greater Cleveland Southwest 18318 Pearl Rd. Strongsville, OH 44136 440-572-1200 fax 440-572-1201 cell216-214-3813 e-mail David Best Keller Williams Realty Greater Cleveland Southeast 30505 Bainbridge Rd. Solon, OH 44139 440-349-2222 fax 440-349-2223 cell 216-410-3110 e-mail Sally Roseman Vayner Realty Co. 17574 Mahoning Ave. Lake Milton, OH 44429 330-654-4000 fax 330-654-4862 cell 330-307-5210 e-mail Howard Vayner Please help make them feel welcome! Portage County Association of REALTORS® CHOSEN AS ONE OF AMERICA’S “GAME CHANGING” ASSOCIATIONS Idea part of NAR’s commitment to innovation in its second century NOVEMBER 30, 2009, CHICAGO—Portage County Association of REALTORS®, in Ravenna, has been honored by the National Association of REALTORS® (NAR) for their idea on improving the functional processes of Realtors® across the country. The announcement was made by Dale Stinton, NAR’s Chief Executive Officer. In August 2009, NAR instituted the Game Changers Challenge, whereby NAR challenged its 1,500 Local REALTOR® Boards, State Association of REALTORS ® and Institutes, Societies and Councils. REALTORS® were charged with creating benefits and programs to assist its membership during current economic conditions. REALTORS® encouraged state and local associations to take new perspectives of day-to-day work, focus on the value of finding new ideas and formulate them to answer the challenge. These game changing ideas must have an impact on the association, a new product, program, process or service that improves the REALTOR® organization. Submissions included programs focused on commercial and international services, education and training, community, events, leadership development, marketing, customer service, technology, networking and social media. “The Portage County Association’s contribution signifies the opportunity one person or organization can make for NAR’s entire membership,” said Stinton. “In these challenging times, NAR’s leadership strives to assist its members with financial resources to help develop new programs that will ultimately enhance and improve their member’s skills. Investing in our members today will provide a return that will benefit the real estate industry and the American homebuyer.” NAR received over 200 submissions. At its recent convention in San Diego, NAR announced 14 winners will receive over $1.7 million to undertake their chosen projects. Each winner was also assigned a “coach” to assist them in developing the project. Full details on the program can be found at About the National Association of REALTORS® The National Association of REALTORS®, “The Voice for Real Estate,” is America’s largest trade association, representing 1.2 million members involved in all aspects of the residential and commercial real estate industries. We would like to thank everyone for your generous donations. Santa was able to give $1,320 and a van full of toys to Kent Social Services. ←Santa - Denny Eberhart Executive Partners Real Estate ↓Santa with Sandy Allen - Century 21 Wilbur Realty with her daughter Wendy & grandson Cooper ↓Santa with Bill Hershiser - Century 21 Wilbur Realty & Tammy Gildersleeve—Franklin Mills Title → Santa & Tammy Gildersleeve - Franklin Mills Title ← Frankie Tadsen - Cutler Real Estate Teresa Mullett - Cutler Real Estate Cindy Le-Mon - Stouffer Realty Lou Dudek - Diamond Title Ava Wagner - Stouffer Realty → Bruce Kirby - Home Savings Jim Camp - Cutler Real Estate Dorie Johnson - Cutler Real Estate Patti Buchanan - Home Savings Nichole Simcox - Franklin Mills Title Tammy Gildersleeve - Franklin Mills Title ← Michael Bukovac - Ohio Realty Group Helen Weingart - Ohio realty Group Natasha Squier - Third Federal Saving & Loan Amy DeGennaro - Diamond Title Sue Blazek - Ohio Realty Group Evah Kapella - Ohio Realty Group → Kim Loving - Home warranty of American Pat Deskins - Coldwell Banker Hunter Realty Mary Jo Ryan - Coldwell Banker Hunter Reatly Eleanor Cline - Century Realty Jacke Mumaw - Howard Hanna Real Estate Services Randall Adams - RE/Max Traditions Realty Pam Richards - Howard Hanna Real Estate Services ← Chris Brubaker - Bankers Guarantee Adam Rubin - Portage Community Bank Allan Orashan - Century 21 Wilbur Realty Doris Brown - Cutler Real Estate Bill Hershiser - Century 21 Wilbur Realty Sandy Allen - Century 21 Wilbur Realty John Kurlich - Cutler Real Estate Chris Carrillo - CRIS MLS ← Lou Dudek - Diamond Title Jack Kohl II - Jack Kohl Realty → Steve Boyles - Century 21 Wilbur Realty John Kurlich - Cutler Real Estate Chris Carrillo - CRIS MLS ← Pat Deskins - Coldwell Banker Hunter Realty Lou Dudek - Diamond Title Eleanor Cline - Century Realty ↓ Carol Foote - Cutler Real Estate Steve Boyles - Century 21 Wilbur Realty ↑ Dave Bissler - Stouffer Realty Dee Hawkins - Cutler Real Estate Rich Youngblood - Portage Community Bank Lisa Forgacs - Portage Community Bank Sabrina Christina-Bennett - Bennett Land Title Angie Cook - Bennett Land Title Patti Scherer - Ohio Realty Group Portage County Association of REALTORS® Appreciation for Service & Dedication Holiday Gathering ↑ Ava Wagner - Stouffer Realty & PCAR’S Treasurer Sus Blazek - Ohio Realty Group & PCAR’S President-Elect Dave Bissler - Stouffer Realty & PCAR’S President ↑ Angie Cook - Bennett Land Title Sabrina Christian-Bennett - Bennett Land Title Steve Boyles - Century 21 Wilbur & PCAR’S Past-President ← Sue Blazek - Ohio Realty Group & PCAR’S President-Elect Scott Mikula - Home Savings Bank Ava Wagner - Stouffer Realty & PCAR’S Treasurer → Jody Gildersleeve Nichole Simcox - Franklin Mills Title Tammy Gildersleeve - Franklin MiillsTitle & PCAR’S Affiliate Director Kim Loving - Home Warranty of America ↑ John Kurlich - Cutler Real Estate & PCAR Director Adam Rubin - Portage Community Bank ↑ Susan Elliott - PCAR’S Association Executive Officer Denny Eberhart - Executive Partners Real Estate Debra Kurcsics - Valley Title + Escrow Agency ↓ ↓ Natasha Squier - Third Federal Savings & Loan Dee Hawkins - Cutler Real Estate Suzy Jameson - Century 21 Wilbur & PCAR Director ↑ Sandy Allen - Century 21 Wilbur & PCAR Director → John Kurlich - Cutler Real Estate & PCAR Director Shirley Chimento - Cutler Real Estate & PCAR Director Rich Youngblood - Portage Community Bank Adam Rubin - Portage Community Bank 2009 PROFESSIONAL OF THE YEAR RULES AND ELIGIBILITY PURPOSE: To give recognition to outstanding salesperson members of the Portage County Association of REALTORS® who have contributed to the real estate industry through a high level of production . ELIGIBILITY: ® • Any REALTOR member of The Portage County Association of REALTORS® in good standing. • All real estate sales may be claimed for transaction or dollar volume credit, whether residential, commercial or industrial. • Sales Production minimum for the period Jan. 1, 2009 through Dec. 31, 2009: BRONZE $1 Million in Sales Volume or SILVER $2.5 Million in Sales Volume or GOLD $5 Million in Sales Volume or PLATINUM 7.5 Million in Sales Volume or 25 Net Sale/Lease Credits 50 Net Sale /Lease Credits 75 Net Sale/Lease Credits 100 Net Sale/Lease Credits SALES PRODUCTION: USE ONLY ONE METHOD. Dollar Method Explanation - Obtained by dividing the sale price of closed transactions by the number of salespeople participating, with 50% credit received for listing and 50% for selling. A listing and a sale will get credit for the total gross of the sale only. You may not claim the gross twice, once for listing and again for the sale. Credit Method Explanation - 1 sales transaction pertains to one closed real estate transaction with ½ credit for listing and ½ credit for selling. Dollar amount not applicable. VERIFICATION: Verification of eligibility must be confirmed by each salesperson and his/her Broker/Manager. The application must be signed by both and submitted by the appropriate deadline. Applications postmarked after the date will not be accepted. RULES FOR SUBMITTING APPLICATIONS: Name of applicant as it appears on license. License file number must be verified and correct. Only this form or reproduced copies of this form are acceptable. When additional space is required, use additional copies of this form. Applicant may use only one method to qualify. All Applications must be accompanied by machine tape. All entries must be legible. Open listings must be treated as a listed property for full credit. If you sell an open listing, you must also be the listing agent. Only ½ credit will be given if not properly indicated. Closing dates must be indicated in chronological order, with verifications upon request. Names of listing and selling firms must be included. Applications must be received in the association office by end of business Friday of the first full week of January. (January 8, 2010) It is the responsibility of the award candidate to verify receipt of the application and documentation by the board as described herein. “Sales volume credit” must be earned while being an active member of the Portage County Association of REALTORS® All decisions of the Review Committee are final. Mail all applications to the Portage County Association of REALTORS®, P.O. Box 509 Ravenna, Ohio 44266. PRESENTATION OF AWARDS: All award winners will receive a Certificate of Acknowledgement of their Awards. $40.00 will be charged to an agent wishing a wooden plaque or pen as acknowledgement of their award. Awards will be presented at the Inaugural Dinner held in January of each year. plaque or pen (cost $40.00) ADDRESS OF PROPERTY Broker Signature Certificate (no charge) Circle award: DATE CLOSED Name: NAME OF LISTING AGENT AND CO-OP FIRM License Number: Committee(s): NAME OF SELLING/ LEASING AGENT AND CO-OP FIRM SALE/ LEASE PRICE Local Board: AMT. OF CREDIT TRANS. CREDIT REF. 2009 ROOKIE OF THE YEAR RULES AND ELIGIBILITY PURPOSE: To give recognition to outstanding new salespersons who have contributed to the real estate industry through a high level of production during their first full year as licensees. This award will be presented at the Inaugural in January. ELIGIBILITY: Must meet all of the following criteria Any REALTOR® Member in good standing who has been licensed less than 2 years as of December 31, 2009. Sales Production Minimum for the period Jan. 1, 2009 through Dec. 31, 2009: Dollar Method = $400,000 net credits, or Credit Method = 10 net sales transactions SALES PRODUCTION: USE ONLY ONE METHOD. Dollar Method Explanation - Obtained by dividing the sale price of closed transactions by the number of salespeople participating, with 50% credit received for listing and 50% for selling. A listing and a sale will get credit for the total gross of the sale only. You may not claim the gross twice, once for listing and again for the sale. Credit Method Explanation - 1 sales transaction pertains to one closed real estate transaction with ½ credit for listing and ½ credit for selling. Dollar amount not applicable VERIFICATION: Verification of eligibility must be confirmed by each salesperson and his/her Broker/Manager. The application must be signed by both and submitted by the appropriate deadline. Applications postmarked after the date will not be accepted. RULES FOR SUBMITTING APPLICATIONS: Name of applicant as it appears on license. License file number must be verified and correct. Only this form or reproduced copies of this form are acceptable. When additional space is required, use additional copies of this form. Applicant may use only one method to qualify. Open listings must be treated as a listed property for full credit. If you sell an open listing you must also be the listing agent. Only ½ credit will be given if not properly indicated. Closing dates must be indicated in chronological order, with verifications upon request. Names of listing and selling firms must be included. Applications must be received in the association office by January 8, 2010. It is the responsibility of the award candidate to verify receipt of the application and documentation by the board as described herein. All decisions of the Review Committee are final. Salespersons cannot be considered for this award more than one time, regardless of eligibility. Mail all applications to the Portage County Association of REALTORS®, P.O. Box 509 Ravenna, Ohio 44266. 2009 REALTOR® OF THE YEAR RULES AND ELIGIBILITY DEADLINE: January 08, 2010 ELIGIBILITY: All members of the Portage County Association of REALTORS® who have participated in Board activities on the Local and/or State level for the last three years are eligible. SELECTION COMMITTEE: The winner will be chosen by the Awards Committee. PRESENTATION: REALTOR® of the Year will be announced and presented with an engraved plaque at the Awards and Recognition Ceremony at the 2009 Inaugural in January. NOMINATION FORM: The official form will be forwarded to all members nominated. BASIS OF SELECTION: The following categories will be considered: Local Board Activities - 35 points State Association Activities - 25 points National Association - 10 points Business and Education Experience - 10 points Civic Activity - 30 points Name of Nominee: __________________________________________________________ Company: _________________________________________________________________ Address: __________________________________________________________________ Telephone: ________________________________________________________________ The nominator must attach completed Achievement/Contribution form (see below). REALTOR® OF THE YEAR ACHIEVEMENTS AND CONTRIBUTIONS Please list most recent achievement first and be as brief as possible, but include all pertinent information. The point value for each category is for your information only and will be used by the committee in judging applications. Use additional sheets, if needed. Local Board Activity (35 points total) - Number of years served on the Board of Directors; offices held (e.g., President, Presidentelect, Secretary/Treasurer, Director); committee/subcommittee service; attendance at Board meetings; special assignments. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ State Association Activity (25 points total) - Association offices held; committee chairmanship (s); committee/subcommittee service; attendance at tri-annual meetings; special assignments. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ National Association Activity (10 points) - Association offices held; committee chairmanship (s); committee service; attendance at tri-annual meetings; special assignments. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Business and Educational Experience (10 points) - List title and year of any workshops, special meetings and seminars attended; list title and year of any real estate courses attended or completed (other than those required by license law or continuing education); list any designations such as GRI, CRS, MAI, SIOR, CCIM, CRB, ABR, etc. earned and the year in which they were earned. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Civic Activity (30 points) - List activities or involvement in civic groups, religious organization, service clubs, campaigns or political organizations; public offices held; service on local planning, zoning boards, etc. for nominee’s community. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ 2009 AFFILIATE OF THE YEAR RULES AND ELIGIBILITY PURPOSE: To give recognition to an outstanding affiliate who has contributed time and energy to the real estate industry and has been an active participant in the affairs of the Portage County Association of REALTORS®. This award will be presented at the Inaugural in January. DEADLINE—January 08, 2010 Selection Committee: The committee is comprised of the following individuals; one member of the Executive Committee, the Affiliate Board Member, an Affiliate member, one general member REALTOR®, and Association Executive Name of Nominee_________________________________________________________ Company________________________________________________________________ Address_________________________________________________________________ Telephone_______________________________________________________________ Nominated by _____________________________________Date___________________ NOMINATOR TO ATTACH COMPLETED ACHIEVEMENT/CONTRIBUTION FORM (see be1ow) Criteria: The criteria established for this award are as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Member of Portage Association for three years Committee Participation - List participation on committees and services rendered Attendance at Association functions Business Professionalism/Credibility (status in own profession) Community Activities - Used as a tie breaker AFFILIATE OF THE YEAR ACHIEVEMENTS AND CONTRIBUTIONS Please list most recent achievement first and be as brief as possible, but include all pertinent information. Use additional sheets, if needed. Local Board Activity - Number of years served on the Board of Directors; attendance at Board meetings; special assignments. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Committee Participation - List participation on committees and services rendered. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Association Functions - List all association functions attended in the last 3 years. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Business Professionalism/Credibility - Give status of nominee within their own profession. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Community Activities - List activities or involvement in civic groups, religious organization, service clubs, campaigns or political organizations; public offices held; service on local planning, zoning boards, etc. for nominee’s community. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ DATE CLOSED Name: ADDRESS OF PROPERTY NAME OF LISTING AGENT AND CO-OP FIRM License Number: NAME OF SELLING/LEASING AGENT AND CO-OP FIRM SALE/LEASE PRICE Local Board: AMT. OF CREDIT TRANS. CREDIT REF. The Directors of the Portage County Association of Realtors® would like to take this opportunity to thank all of our Affiliate Members for their support of our organization. Our thanks to Tammy Gildersleeve of Franklin Mills Title for her tireless leadership as Affiliate Director (2008-2009) Revere Title RECORD PUBLISHING Support Our Association Affiliates! AFFILIATE SPOTLIGHT FRANKLIN MILLS TITLE AGENCY, LTD. TAMMY GILDERSLEEVE, MANAGER BUSINESS ADDRESS: 554 S. WATER ST., KENT PHONE: 330-673-8325 FAX: 330-673-0327 EMAIL: 1. WHAT SERVICES DOES YOUR COMPANY PROVIDE? Franklin Mills Title provides complete title and escrow services as well as many other real estate services to aid homebuyers and sellers in their real estate transactions. We’ve been in business since 2001, and look forward to many more years of helping people with their most valuable possession – their home. 2. WHAT EXPERIENCE DO YOU HAVE IN YOUR BUSINESS? My experience has been on the job – and I’ve loved it! Every transaction is different, and continues to give me knowledge that builds my professional experience in a challenging industry. 3. WHAT WAS YOUR LAST PROFESSION? Before coming to Franklin Mills I worked as a customer service rep at National City Bank, but most of my work experience has been in retail store management. 4. WHY HAVE YOU CHOSEN THIS TYPE OF CAREER? My work schedule at National City Bank conflicted with my children’s school schedule, which is most important to me. I saw the ad for Franklin Mills and thought it sounded interesting - and the rest is history. 5. TELL US ABOUT YOUR FAMILY: I’ve been married to Jody for 7 years and have three sons – Nathaniel is 19 and is a sophomore at Ohio University. Ian is 17 and will graduate this year from Rootstown High School. Collin is 15 and is a sophomore at Rootstown. Maddie is the house cat – a stray we rescued a year ago who decided to put up with us! 6. WHAT DO YOU LIKE TO DO WHEN YOU’RE NOT WORKING? I spend as much time as I can on the golf course with Jody. When we’re not golfing we spend a lot of time in the kitchen, coming up with new recipes and perfecting old ones. We love to cook and love to feed people! Our goal is to eventually write a cookbook, but for now we’re still polishing up the recipes we have! AFFILIATE SPOTLIGHT Portage County Association of REALTORS® would like to express their appreciation of all of our 2009 Affiliate Members for their Continued Support Arrow Inspection Services, Ryan Fisher 330-923-0579 Bennett Land Title Agency, LLC, Sabrina Christian-Bennett 330-677-4007, Angie Cook 330-677-4007 Campbell & Associates, Peggy Kellogg 330-945-4117 Cortland Savings & Banking Co., Karen Clower 330-637-8040 X112 Diamond Title Co. N.E. Ohio Inc., Amy DeGennaro 330-673-4900 Lou Dudek 330-673-4900 Farm Credit Services, Dave Benavides 330-823-8884, Sarah Miller 440-437-5800 First Place Bank, Franklin Mills Title Agency, Tammy Gildersleeve 330-673-8325, Nichole Simcox 330-673-8325 Home Savings Bank, Patti Buchanan 330-673-9827 Scott Mikula 330-673-9556 Home Warranty of America, Kim Loving 216-394-2921 Integrity Home Evaluation Service, David Christopher 330-815-0013 Lombardo Home Inspections, Tony Lombardo 440-522-9021 Neighborhood Development Ser., Karen Bryce,330-297-6400 Ohio Real Title, Ryan T. Marrie 216-373-9900, Ronda Klar, 330-562-0784 Parkview Federal Savings Bank, Richard Force 440-543-8889, Pamela Dunlap 330-626-9444 Portage Community Bank, Adam Rubin, 330-346-0380, Lisa Forgacs 330-346-0380 Rich Youngblood, 330-346-0380 Real Estate Showcase TV, Brenda Love 216-323-0051 Record Publishing, Andrew Dix 330-296-9657 Revere Title Agency, Tom Vacca 216-447-4070, Judy Vacca 216-447-4070 Third Federal Savings & Loan, Natasha Squier 330-945-6500 Valley Title & Escrow, Gil Rieher 330-392-6171 Debra Kurcsics 330-289-0535 Wayne Homes, Mike Noble 330-325-9967 Wells Fargo Home Mortgage, Tab DeMita, 330-928-6994