MANUAL DE INSTRUCTIUNI AKAI LTC789A-DRU 1 CUPRINS MASURI DE PRECAUTII INAINTE DE FOLOSIRE IDENTIFICAREA BUTOANELOR DE CONTROL UNITATEA CENTRALA INSTALAREA BATERIEI TELECOMANDA INTRODUCEREA BATERIILOR INTRODUCERE DVD REDAREA UNUI DVD SAU VIDEO CD REDAREA UNUI FISIER AUDIO CD SAU MP3/WMA REDAREA UNUI DISC CU FILM MPEG4 REDAREA PROGRAMELOR (NU PENTRU PICTURE CD/MP3) OPERATII GENERALE SI PAGINA DE SETARI GENERALE: PARAMETRII ELECTRONICI 2 P 3 P 4 P 6 P 6 P 7 P 8 P 9 P 9 P 10 P 13 P 14 P 15 P 16 P 27 MASURI DE PRECAUTII Avertisment: Pentru a reduce riscul de curentare, nu dezasamblati produsul. Nu exista piese care pot fi reparate de utilizator. Va rugam sa va adresati pentru service doar persoanelor autorizate. Avertisment:Pentru a preveni pericolul de curentare, nu expuneti aparatul in ploaie sau intr-un mediu cu umiditate ridicata. Nu puneti pe produs obiecte umplute cu apa cum ar fi vaze. Avertisment: Acest DVD player contine un sistem laser. Folosirea controalelor, ajustarilor, sau performantele procedurilor altele decat cele specificate pot duce la riscul expunerii de radiatii. Avertisment: Pentru a preveni expunerea directa la fasciculul laser, nu deschideti carcasa. Radiatii laser vizibile cand deschideti. Avertisment: Niciodata sa nu va uitati direct la fasciculul laser. Atentie: Nu instalati acest produs intr-un spatiu limitat cum ar fi biblioteca sau o unitata similara. Avertisment: Cand unitatea este folosita de copii, parintii trebuie sa se asigure ca au inteles tot continutul manualului de instructiuni, cum bateriile trebuie folosite pana la garantie. Avertisment: Cand bateriile se incing, umfla sau curg, va rugam sa nu mai folositi bateriile si contactati centrul service pentru a vi le inlocui. Avertisment: Nu incarcati bateriile in locuri cu ventilatie insuficienta cum ar fi: saltea, canapea, perna,etc. Avertisment: Nu ne asumam nici o responsabilitate daca utilizatorul foloseste gresit bateriile si nu urmareste instructiunile de pe carcasa bateriilor. Note pentru drepturile de autor: Este interzis de lege sa copiati, difuzati,aratati, sa difuzati prin cablu, sa redati in public sau sa inchiriati materiale fara permisiune. Acest produs are functia de protectie dezvoltata de Macrovision. Semnale de copie a protectiei sunt inregistrate pe unele discuri. Cand inregistrati si redati aceste discuri un zgomot va aparea. Acest produs incorporeaza tehnologia de protectie a dreptului de autor dupa brevetele din Statele Unite si alte drepturi intelectuale de proprietate ale Corporatiei Macrovision si alte drepturi de autor. Folosirea acestei protectii a drepturilor de autor trebuie autorizate de Corporatia Macrovision, si este destinata pentru folosirea acasa si in alte locuri cu vizionare limitata, afara de cazul in care este autorizat de Corporatia Macrovision. Decodarea sau demontarea este pedepsita. 3 Numarul de serie Puteti gasi numarul de serie pe spatele unitatii. Acest numar este unic pentru aceasta unitate si nu este valabila pentru altele. Ar trebui sa inregistrati informatiile cerute aici si sa tineti acesta foaie ca o permanenta inregistrare a produsului cumparat. Numarul modelului_______________ Numarul de serie _________________ Data cumpararii __________________ Inainte de folosire Introducere Pentru a va asigura de buna operare ale acestui produs, va rugam sa cititi manualul de instructiuni cu atentie si sa o pastrati daca vor aparea probleme pe viitor. Acest manual ofera informatii despre operarea si intretinerea DVD player-ului. In caz ca unitatea necesita service, contactati un service autorizat din zona dumneavoastra. Simboluri folosite in acest manual Simbolul fulger va alerteaza cu privire la prezenta unui curent periculos prin carcasa produsului care va poate curenta. Semnul de exclamatie va alerteaza cu privire la prezenta unor instructiuni de operare si intretinere/service. Indica pericole care pot cauza daune unitatii sau altor materiale. Nota: Indica note speciale si proprietati de operare. Tip: Indica sfaturi si indicii pentru a face sarcina mai usoara. O sectiune al carei titlu este unul din urmatoarele simboluri este aplicabil numai discului reprezentat de simbolul. DVD si DVD±R/RW finalizate Video CD CD audio Discuri MP3 Discuri WMA Discuri JPEG Discuri MPEG4 4 Despre simbolul poate aparea pe ecran in timpul operatiilor si indica ca functia explicata in manualul de intructiuni nu este valabila pe DVD-ul specific. Note pe disc Operarea discurilor Nu atingeti partea de redare a discului. Tineti discul de margini asa incat degetele sa nu atinga suprafata. Nu lipiti niciodata hartie sau banda pe disc. Pastrarea discurilor Dupa vizionarea discului puneti-l in carcasa. Nu expuneti discul direct in razele soarelui sau la surse de caldura si nu il lasati niciodata in masina expus la soare. Curatarea discurilor Urmele degetelor sau praful pe disc pot cauza calitati slabe ale imaginilor si distorsiuni ale sunetului. Inainte de redare, curatati discul cu o carpa curata. Stergeti discul din centru catre exterior. Nu folositi solventi puternici cum ar fi alcool,benzina,diluant sau spray antistatic. Tipuri de discuri suportate DVD (discuri de 8cm/12cm) Video CD (VCD) (discuri de 8cm/12cm) Discuri Audio (discuri de 8cm/12cm) Aditional, unitatea reda: DVD-R,DVD+R,DVD-RW,DVD+RW, Kodak Picture CD, SVCD si CD-R/CD-RW care contin track-uri audio, MP3,WMA si fisiere MPEG4. Indica o caracteristica a produsului care este capabil de redare discuri DVDRW inregistrate in format Video. Note: 1. In functie de conditiile de inregistrare sau a discurilor CD-R/RW (sau DVD-R, DVD+R,DVD-RW,DVD+RW), unele discuri nu pot fi redate de unitate CD-R/RW (sau DVD-R,DVD+R,DVD-RW,DVD+RW). 2. Nu atasati vreun semn sau eticheta pe nici o parte a discului. 3. Nu folositi discuri cu forme iregulate (in forma de inima sau octagonale). 4. Unele operatii de redare a unelor DVD-uri si VCD-uri pot fi programate din fabrica. Aceasta unitate reda DVD-uri si VCD-uri in functie de continutul lor, de aceea unele caracteristici pot fi nedisponibile. 5 Fabricat sub licenta Dolby Laboratories. “Dolby”, “Pro Logic” si simbolul dublu D sunt marci inregistrate ale Dolby Laboratories. Codul regiunii Acest DVD player este fabricat si conceput sa redea DVD-uri codate cu regiunea “2”. Aceasta unitate poate reda numai discuri inscriptionate cu“2” sau “ALL”. Note asupra codurilor de regiune Cele mai multe DVD-uri au un glob inscriptionat cu unul sau mai multe numere. Acest numar trebuie sa se potriveasca cu codul regiunii de pe DVD player altfel discul nu poate fi redat. Daca incercati sa redati un DVD cu alt cod al regiunii decat al player-ului, va fi afisat pe ecran mesajul “Verificati codul regiunii”. Identificarea butoanelor de control Unitatea centrala 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Ecran TFT Boxe Previous Setup Sursa (selectati sursa DVD/TV/AV in/card/USB) 6. Next 7. Play/pause 8. Stop 9. ▲▼◄► (stanga/dreapta/sus/jos) Selectati o optiune din meniu. Enter pentru confirmarea optiunii din meniu. ▲▼ pot ajusta canalele TV in modul TV. 10. Open 11. USB 12. SD/MMC/MS 13. Power ON/OFF 14. Control Volum 15. Iesire casti 16. Iesire audio digitala (coaxial) 17. AV in 18. AV out 19.DC IN 9-12V 20.ANT 6 Instalarea bateriei 1. Indicatorul este de culoare rosie cand se reincarca bateria. Cand reincarcarea este facuta, indicatorul este de culoare verde. 2. Senzor 3. Baterie Incarcati bateria inainte de prima folosire. Atasara bateriei: 1. Potriviti carligele bateriei in gaurile din spatele player-ului. 2. Apasati bateria pana cand se aude un click. Detasarea bateriei se face tragand contactul care este localizat langa baterie apoi glisati in jos bateria. Avertisment: Cand incarcati bateria, si DVDul este pornit, incarcarea se face “SLOW”, cand DVD-ul este oprit, inrcarcarea se face “FAST”. Indicatorul se face verde cand incarcarea este completa. Nota: Incarcarea “SLOW”, dureaza aproximativ 12 ore. Incarcarea “FAST” dureaza aproximativ 4 ore. 7 Telecomanda 1.PLAY/PAUSE Incepe redarea sau pune pauza. 2. STOP Opreste redarea 3. Reverse Skip Mergeti la capitolul/ trackul anterior sau de la inceput. 4.Forward Skip Mergeti la capitolul/ trackul urmator 5. ZOOM Mareste imaginea video 6. REPEAT Repeta capitolul,trackul. 7.AB Repeta secventa 18.ANGLE Selectati unghiul de vizualizare daca este valabila pe DVD 8. PROGRAM Puneti un track in lista de programe 19. SETUP Accesati sau iesiti din meniul de setari 9.SOURCE DVD,AV IN, card 20. Butonul 10+ Adaugati 10+ cand selectia este mai mare de 10. 10. TITLE Va intoarceti la titlul DVD-ului 21. STEP Etapa de miscare in modul DVD 11. OSD Schimbati limba afisata pe ecran 22. Butonul ◄◄ Repede inapoi 12. 0-9 Taste numerice Selectati numerele in meniu 23. Butonul ►► Repede inainte 13. ENTER Confirmati selectia din meniu 24. PBC Buton PBC ON/OFF 14.MENU Accesati meniul DVD-ului (stanga/dreapta/sus/jos) 25. SLOW Redare inceata 15. DISPLAY Accesati display-ul 26.SEARCH Mergeti la un anumit timp, titlu sau capitol in modul DVD 16. AUDIO Selectati limba audio (DVD) 27. MUTE Sonor ON/OFF 8 17. SUBTITLE Selectati limba pentru titrare Introducerea bateriilor 1.Deschiderea usilor bateriilor 2. Introduceti doua baterii tip AAA - Faceti referire la desen, scoateti usa bateriilor si indepartati bateriile goale. - Inainte de transport, o membrana a fost aplicata bateriilor. Indepartati aceasta membrana. - Introduceti bateriile in recipient si introduceti recipientul in telecomanda. - Pentru rezultate bune, stati cu telecomanda indreptata catre receptorul infrarosu. Stati pana in 4.5 metri si la un unghi de 60 de grade. - In uz normal, bateriile dureaza pana la un an. - Scoateti bateriile in timpul depozitarii sau cand nu folositi aparatul un timp mai indelungat. Introducere DVD DVD±R/RW DVD-R si DVD+R sunt doua standarde diferite pentru inregistrarea DVD-urilor si discurilor. Acest format permite informatia sa fie scrisa pe DVD o singura data. DVD+RW si DVD-RW sunt doua standarde pentru rescrierea datelor, insemnand ca continutul DVD-ului poate fi sters si rescris. Discurile cu o singura parte pot stoca pana la 4.38 GB si cele cu doua parti pot stoca dublu. Nu exista discuri dual layer cu o singura parte. VCD (Video CD) Un VCD poate stoca pana la 74 minute (650MB) sau 80 minute (700MB) de video full-motion MPEG1 cu calitate de sunet stereo. MPEG MPEG este un standard international pentru compresia audio si video. MPEG 1 este folosit pentru codarea video pentru VCD si furnizeaza sunet multichannel surround codat ca PCM, Dolby Digital si audio MPEG. MP3 MP3 este o compresie folosita pentru fisiere digitale audio care au aproape aceeasi calitate ca CD-ul. WMA Fisier Windows Media Audio. Un tip de codare/decodare dezvoltat de Microsoft Corp. 9 JPEG Joint Pictures Expert Group. JPEG este un format de fisier compresat care permite sa salvati imagini fara o limita a numarului de culori. MPEG 4 MPEG4 este numele unui nou codec video, care este bazat pe compresia standard pentru video MPEG4. Puteti fi capabili sa redati filme MPEG4 folosind DVD player-ul. TITLE (DVD) Un titlu este in general o sectiune dintr-un DVD. De exemplu caracteristica generala poate fi titlul 1, un documentar descris cum filmul a fost facut poate fi facut titlul 2, si interviurile personajelor poate fi titlul 3. Fiecare titlu este desemnat cu un numar de referinta cu care puteti sa le gasiti repede. Redarea unui DVD sau Video CD Setarea redarii 1. Porniti aparatul de la butonul din stanga produsului. 2. Apasati OPEN pentru a deschide DVD-ul si introduceti discul cu partea de redare in jos. 3. Inchideti DVD-ul. Redarea va porni automat. DVD Folositi butoanele▼▲◄► pentru a selecta titlul/capitolul pe care doriti sa il vizionati, apoi apasati ENTER pentru start. Apasati MENU pentru a va intoarce la meniul principal. VCD Folositi tastele numerice pentru a selecta un track pe care doriti sa il vizionati si apasati MENU pentru a va intoarce la meniul principal. Setarile meniului si procedurile de operare pot diferi. Urmati instructiunile de pe fiecare meniu. Note: 1. Daca controlul parental este setat si discul nu are aceleasi setari trebuie sa introduceti parola. (vedeti capitolul Controlul parental) 2. DVD-urile pot avea cod de regiune. Player-ul dumneavoastra nu reda discuri cu coduri regionale diferite de player. 3. Toate operatiile descrise se fac din telecomanda. Unele caracteristici pot fi valabile in meniul de setari. Trecerea la alt capitol CHAPTER/TRACK DVD/VCD Cand un titlu de pe disc are mai multe capitole sau un disc mai multe track-uri, puteti trece la alt capitol/track astfel: 1. Apasati scurt butonul SKIP │◄◄ sau ►►│ in timpul redarii pentru a selecta un capitol/track sau pentru a va intoarce la inceputul capitolului/track-ului. 2. Apasati butonul SKIP │◄◄ scurt de doua ori pentru a va intoarce la capitolul/track-ul precedent. 3. Pentru a merge direct la un capitol in timpul redarii DVD-ului, introduceti numarul capitol/track. Schimbarea canalelor audio VCD Apasati AUDIO repetat in timpul redarii pentru a auzi canale audio diferite (Stereo, Stanga sau Dreapta). Repeat A-B DVD/VCD Pentru a repeta o secventa. 10 1. Apasati A-B pentru a selecta un punct de start 2. Apasati A-B pentru a selecta un punct de final secventa de repetare incepe. 3. Apasati A-B din nou pentru revocare. - apare scurt pe ecran. - apare scurt pe ecran si Repeat DVD/VCD Puteti reda un titlu/capitol/all/track repetat. Apasati REPEAT in timpul redarii pentru a selecta un mod preferat de repetare. DVD Repeat Capitol/Titlu/All Capitol: repeta capitolul curent. Titlu: repeta titlul curent All: repeta toate track-urile de pe disc. Off: Nu repeta. Repeat Track/All. Discuri VCD Track: repeta track-ul curent All: repeta toate track-urile de pe disc. Off: Nu repeta. Note: 1. Pe un VCD cu PBC, trebuie setat PBC off pentru a folosi functia de repetare. 2. Daca apasati SKIP (│◄◄ sau ►►│) odata in timpul redarii REPEAT CHAPTER(Track), repetarea este oprita. Zoom DVD/VCD Folositi functia ZOOM pentru a mari imaginea video: 1. Apasati ZOOM in timpul redarii sau pauzei pentru a activa functia ZOOM. Cadrul patrat apare in partea dreapta sus a imaginii. 2. Fiecare apasare a butonului ZOOM schimba ecranul TV in urmatoarele secvente: 2x →3x→4x→1/2→1/3→1/4→normal. 3. Folositi butoanele ▲▼◄► pentru a misca prin imaginea marita. 4. Pentru a reveni la redarea normala, apasati butonul ZOOM pana cand ecranul devine 1x. Nota: Functia ZOOM poate sa nu functioneze pe unele DVD-uri. Caracterisitici speciale pe DVD Meniurile DVD pot oferi meniuri care permit accesul unor caracteristici speciale. Pentru a folosi meniul discului, apasati MENU. Introduceti numarul corespunzator sau folositi tastele directionale pentru a selecta optiunea dorita. Apoi apasati ENTER. Meniu DVD 1. Apasati Meniu DVD. Daca titlul curent are un meniu, meniul apare pe ecran. Altfel, meniul discului poate sa nu apara. 2. Meniul DVD ofera caracteristici cum ar fi unghi de vizionare, limbi vorbite, optiuni de subtitrare si capitole pentru titluri. 3. Apasati Meniul DVD pentru a iesi. 11 Unghiul de vizualizare DVD Daca discul contine scene inregistrate din diferite unghiuri, puteti schimba la o anumita camera in timpul redarii. Apasati ANGLE repetat in timpul redarii pentru a selecta unghiul dorit. Numarul camerei apare pe ecran. Nota: Indicatorul unghiului va clipi pe ecranul TV in timpul scenelor inregistrate din diferite unghiuri ca o indicare ca unghiul poate fi schimbat. Schimbarea limbii audio DVD Apasati AUDIO repetat in timpul redarii pentru a schimba limba audio sau track-ului. Cu discurile DVD-RW inregistrate in modul VR care au canale audio bilingve, puteti schimba intre principal (L) , bilingv (R), sau mix (principal+bilingv) apasand AUDIO. Subtitrari Apasati SUBTITLE repetat in timpul redarii pentru a vedea subtitrari in mai multe limbi. Butonul TITLE DVD Disc DVD: Apasati butonul TITLE, apoi vor fi afisate meniul DVD sau titlurile disponibile pe disc. Apoi folositi tastele directionale si apasati butonul ENTER pentru a selecta programele. AUDIO CD si MP3/WMA Disc: DVD player-ul poate reda fisiere CD si MP3/WMA de pe discuri CD-R,CDRW,DVD±R si DVD±RW. Audio – CD: Odata ce ati introdus un CD audio acesta va fi redat automat. Informatia de pe CD va fi afisata pe ecran, cum ar fi timpul ramas. MP3/MWA: 1. Apasati ◄► pentru a selecta un folder, apoi apasati ENTER pentru a vedea continutul lui. 2. Apasati ▼▲ pentru a selecta un track apoi apasati ENTER pentru redare. Redarea incepe. Discurile compatibile MP3/MWA cu acest player este limitat astfel: 1. Frecventa: intre 8-48kHz (MP3), intre 32-48kHz (WMA). 2. Bit rate: intre 8-320kbps (MP3), intre 32-192kbps (WMA). - Player-ul nu poate citi fisiere MP3/WMA care au alta extensie decat MP3/WMA. - Formatul fizic al CD-R trebuie sa fie ISO 9660. - Daca inregistrati fisiere MP3/WMA folosind software care nu poate creea un fisier sistem (ex. Direct-CD) este imposibil pentru a reda fisiere MP3/WMA. Recomandam sa folositi EasyCD Creator, care creeaza fisiere sistem ISO 9660. - Numele fisierului trebuie sa aiba maxim 8 litere si trebuie sa aiba extensia “.mp3” sau “.wma”. - Nu trebuie sa contina caractere speciale cum ar fi “/?*:<>|” etc. - Numarul total de fisiere de pe disc trebuie sa fie mai mic de 650. - Acest DVD player necesita discuri si inregistrari care sa aibe anumite standarde tehnice pentru a avea calitate optima de redare. DVD-urile pre-inregistrate sunt automat setate la aceste 12 standarde. Exista multe tipuri de formate (incluzand CD-R care contin fisiere MP3 sau WMA) si aceste fisiere necesita anumite conditii pentru a se asigura compatibilitatea redarii. - Clientii trebuie sa noteze ca permisia este necesara pentru a downloada fisiere cu muzica MP3/WMA de pe internet. Permisia trebuie intotdeauna solicitata de la proprietarul copyrightului. Redarea unui fisier Audio CD sau MP3/WMA Pauza CD/MP3/WMA 1. Apasati PLAY/PAUSE in timpul redarii 2. Pentru a reveni la redare, apasati din nou PLAY/PAUSE. Trecerea la alt track CD/MP3/WMA 1. Apasati SKIP (│◄◄ sau ►►│) scurt in timpul redarii pentru a trece la urmatorul sau anteriorul track sau pentru a reveni la inceputul track-ului curent. 2. Apasati SKIP│◄◄ de doua ori scurt pentru a trece la track-ul anterior. 3. Puteti reda orice track introducand numarul lui. Repetare Track/Folder/All/Off CD/MP3/WMA Puteti reda un track/folder/all. 1. Apasati REPEAT cand redati un disc. Iconita de repetare apare pe ecran. 2. Apasati REPEAT pentru a selecta modul de repetare dorit. Track: repeta track-ul curent (CD). Folder: repeta directorul curent. All: repeta toate track-urile de pe disc (CD). Off (No display): redare normala. Nota: Daca apasati SKIP ►►│ odata in timpul redarii repetarii track-ului, functia repeat se opreste. Repetare A-B CD 1. Pentru a repeta o secventa in timpul redarii, apasati A-B la punctul de inceput dorit. Iconita Repeat “A” apare pe ecran. 2. Apasati A-B din nou pentru la punctul de sfarsit dorit. Iconita Repeat “AB” apare pe ecran, si secventa incep sa fie redata imediat. 3. Pentru a iesi din secventa si sa va intoarceti la redarea normala, apasati A-B din nou. Iconita Repeat dispare de pe ecran. Slide Show JPEG 1. Apasati PLAY/PAUSE in timpul prezentarii. Player-ul va intra in modul pauza. 2. Pentru a reveni la prezentare, apasati din nou PLAY/PAUSE. Vizionarea unui disc JPEG Folosind acest DVD Player puteti vedea discuri Kodak PICTURE CD si discuri care contin fisiere JPEG. 1. Introduceti un disc. Meniul cu fisiere apare pe ecranul TV. 2. Apasati pentru a selecta un director si apasati ENTER. O lista cu fisierele din director apare pe ecran. Daca sunteti intr-o lista cu fisiere si vreti sa va intoarceti la lista directoarelor anterioare, folositi butonul de pe telecomanda pentru a selecta optiunea si apasati ENTER. 3. Daca doriti sa vedeti un fisier anume, apasati pentru a selecta fisierul si apasati ENTER pentru redare. Vizionarea fisierului incepe. 4. Daca discul introdus este un disc Kodak Picture CD va fi redat automat. 13 Nota: Apasati ►►│ pentru a trece la urmatoarea pagina, │◄◄ pentru a trece la pagina anterioara, si MENU pentru a va intoarce la meniu. ZOOM JPEG 1. Apasati “ZOOM”. 2. Folositi ►► pentru a mari, sau ◄◄ pentru a micsora imaginea. Redarea unui disc JPEG Pentru a roti imaginea ▲▼◄► Apasati butoanele pentru a roti imaginea in sens invers, oglinda, in sensul acelor de ceas, in sens invers acelor de ceas. Ascultarea fisierelor MP3/WMA in timpul vizionarii imaginilor JPEG Puteti afisa imagini in timpul ascultarii fisierelor MP3/WMA inregistrate pe acelasi disc. 1. selectati fisierul MP3/WMA dorit. 2. selectati o imagine JPEG. Compatibilitatea discurilor JPEG cu acest player este limitata de urmatoarele: 1. In functie de marimea si numarul fisierelor JPEG, poate dura un timp ca DVD player-ul sa citeasca continutul discului. Daca nu vedeti nici o afisare pe ecran timp de cateva minute, unele fisiere pot fi prea mari – reduceti rezolutia pozelor JPEG la mai putin de 2 MB pixel la 2760 x 2048 pixeli si scrieti alt disc. 2. Numarul total de fisiere si directoare de pe disc trebuie sa fie mai mic de 650. Unele discuri pot fi incompatibile cu diferite formate sau conditii de pe disc. Asigurati-va ca toate fisierele selectate au extensia “.jpg” cand copiati pe CD. Daca fisierele au extensia “.jpg” sau “.jpeg”, va rugam redenumiti-le cu extensia “.jpg”. Fisierele fara extensia “.jpg” nu pot fi citite de acest DVD player, chiar daca fisierele sunt vazute ca imagini JPEG in Windows Explorer. Redarea unui disc cu film MPEG4 Folosind acest DVD player puteti reda discuri MPEG4. 1. Introduceti un disc. Meniul cu directoare apare pe ecranul TV. 2. Apasati ▲sau▼ pentru a selecta directorul si apasati ENTER. O lista cu fisiere din director apare. Daca sunteti intr-un meniu cu fisiere si doriti sa va intoarceti la lista cu sau butoanele directoare, folositi butoanele ▲sau▼ pentru a selecta optiunea ◄► si apasati ENTER. 3. Daca doriti sa vedeti un fisier anume, apasati ▲sau▼ pentru a selecta si apasati ENTER sau PLAY. 4. Apasati STOP pentru a iesi. 5. Apasati NEXT ►►│ pentru a trece la urmatorul capitol. Compatibilitatea discurilor MPEG4 cu acest player este limitat de urmatoarele: 1. Marimile rezolutiilor disponibile ale unui fisier MPEG4 sunt sub 720x576 (WxH) pixel. 2. Numele unei subtitrari MPEG4 este sub 56 de caractere. 3. Daca este un cod imposibil de citit, apare sub forma “_” pe ecran. Daca numarul de frame-uri pe ecran este peste 30/secunda, acest player nu functioneaza corect. Daca structura video si audio a fisierului inregistrat nu este stratificata, ori semnalul video ori semnalul audio este scos in evidenta. 14 Fisiere video redabile MPEG4: - .avi, .mpg, .mpeg. Fisiere audio redabile: - AC3, PCM, MP3, WMA. - Frecventa : intre 8-48kHz (MP3), intre 32-48kHz (WMA). - Bit rate: intre 8-320kbps (MP3), intre 32-192kbps (WMA). Redarea programelor (nu pentru Picture CD/MP3) DVD: Functia va permite sa stocati track-urile favorite de pe orice disc in memoria player-ului. 1. Apasati PROGRAM Meniul program apare 2. Folositi tastele numerice (0-9) pentru introducerea directa a fisierelor, track-urilor sau capitolelor (pentru track-uri cu un singur numar “0”, de exemplu “05”). 3. Mutati cursorul apasand ▲▼◄► pentru a selecta START. 4. Pentru a rezuma redarea normala din redarea programata, apasati PROGRAM si apasati butonul STOP. Indiciu folositor: - Programul poate fi activat numai cand discul este introdus in DVD player. - Cand meniul programului apare, meniul de setari este interzis. Folosirea cardului digital si a USB-ului. Cardurile digitale (MMC/SD/MS) si USB cu MP3 si poze (.jpg) pot fi redate si afisate pe acest aparat. Cardurile MMC/SD/MS pot fi direct introduse prin cititorul de carduri. Socketul USB poate fi folosit pentru a furniza semnale de la surse USB. 15 Cum selectati DIGITAL USB/CARD : 1. Porniti unitatea. 2. Introduceti ori dispozitiv USB sau Card in conexiunea din dreapta sau cardul MMC/SD in cititorul din stanga. 3. Apasati butonul “SOURCE”, pentru a selecta MEDIA si unitatea va detecta automat socketul USB/CARD. 4. Daca USB/CARD este selectat, unitatea va incepe citirea CARD-ului sau USB-ului conectat. Cum redati DIGITAL USB/CARD 1. Apasati butonul “SOURCE” de pe telecomanda. Exemplu: Daca introduceti card, pe ecran va aparea “CARD”. Nota: In functie de continutul USB si DIGITAL CARD, afisajul va fi diferit. Operatii generale si pagina de setari generale: Operatii generale 1. Apasati SETUP pentru a intra in meniul de setari. 2. Apasati ENTER pentru a intra in submeniu sau sa confirmati selectia. 3. Apasati ◄► pentru a intra in submeniu sau sa va intoarceti la meniul anterior. 4. Apasati ▲▼ pentru a selecta meniul dorit. 16 Pentru a iesi din meniu Apasati SETUP→ Setarile vor fi stocate in memoria player-ului chiar daca player-ul este oprit. Pagina de setari generale Optiunile incluse in pagina de setari generale sunt: “TV Display”, “Angle Mark”, “OSD language”, “Closed Caption”, “Screen Saver”. Urmati pasii : 1. Apasati meniul de setari. 2. Apasati ◄► pentru a selecta “General Setup Page”. SETUP pentru a intra in TV Display Setati aspect ratio a DVD player-ului in conformitate cu televizorul la care este conectat. 1. Apasati ▲▼ pentru a sublinia “TV Display”. 2. Intrati in submeniu apasand ►. 3. Miscati cursorul apasand ▲▼ pentru a sublinia optiunea dorita. 4:3 Pan Scan → daca aveti un televizor normal si doriti ca amandoua margini ale imaginii sa fie micsorate sau sa incapa pe ecran. 4:3 Letter Box → daca aveti un televizor normal. In acest caz, o imagine lata cu dungi negre in susul si josul imaginii TV va fi afisata. 17 16:9 → Daca aveti un televizor ecran lat. Wide squeeze → setati modul ecran la 4:3 Angle Mark Afiseaza informatia setarii unghiului curent in partea din dreapta a ecranului daca este disponibila pe disc. 1. Apasati ▲▼ pentru a sublinia “Angle Mark”. 2. Intrati in submeniu apasand ►. 3. Miscati cursorul apasand ▲▼ pentru a sublinia optiunea dorita. →On: Porneste Angle Mark. →Off: Opreste afisarea setarilor unghiului curent. Limba OSD Puteti selecta setarile in limba dorita de dumneavoastra. Acest sistem DVD va schimba automat la limba selectata intotdeauna cand incarcati un disc. Daca limba selectata nu este disponibila pe ecran, limba implicita de pe disc va fi folosita. Limba OSD va ramane selectata in sistem. 1. 2. 3. 4. Apasati tastele ▲▼ pentru a sublinia “OSD Language” Intrati in submeniu apasand ►. Miscati cursorul apasand ▲▼ pentru a sublinia optiunea dorita. Selectati o limba apoi apasati ENTER. Closed Caption Closed Caption sunt date ascunse in semnalul video a unelor discuri. Captarile sunt diferite de subtitrari, deoarece captarile audio arata doar efectele de sunet (ex. Sunetul telefonului si pasii in mers.). Inainte de selectarea acestei functii, va rugam sa va asigurati ca discul contine informatii closed captions si televizorul are aceasta functie. 18 →On: Porneste Closed Captions. →Off: Opreste Closed Captions. Screen Saver Aceasta functie este folosita pentru a porni/opri Screen Saver-ul. 1. Apasati tastele ▲▼ pentru a sublinia “Screen Saver”. 2. Intrati in submeniu apasand ►. 3. Miscati cursorul apasand ▲▼ pentru a sublinia optiunea dorita. →On: In modul STOP, PAUSE sau No Disc, daca nici o actiune nu este facuta pentru 3 minute, Screen Saver-ul va fi activat →Off: Screen Saver este oprit. Pagina de setari audio Optiunile incluse in pagina de setari audio sunt: Downmix, Digital Output, Dolby Digital. 1. Apasati SETUP. 2. Apasati ◄► pentru a selecta pagina de setari audio. Downmix Aceasta optiune permite sa setati iesirea stereo analog a DVD player-ului. 19 1. Apasati tastele ▲▼ pentru a sublinia “Downmix”. 2. Intrati in submeniu apasand ►. 3. Miscati cursorul apasand ▲▼ pentru a sublinia optiunea dorita. →LT/RT: Selectati aceasta optiune daca DVD player-ul este conectat la un decodor Dolby Pro Logic. → Stereo: Selectati aceasta optiune cand iesirea scoate semnal numai de la cele doua boxe frontale. Iesire Digitala Aceasta functie este folosita pentru a selecta Iesirea Digitala : SPDIF Off. SPDIF/RAW, SPDIF/PCM. 1. Apasati tastele ▲▼ pentru a sublinia “Digital Output”. 2. Intrati in submeniu apasand ►. 3. Miscati cursorul apasand ▲▼ pentru a sublinia optiunea dorita. Setati Iesirea Digitala conform conexiunilor echipamentelor audio. → SPDIF Off: Opreste iesirea SPDIF. → SPDIF/RAW: Daca ati conectat iesirea digitala audio la un decodor/receptor multi-channel. → SPDIF/PCM: Numai daca repectorul este capabil de decodare multi-channel audio. Setarea Dolby Digital Optiunile incluse in setarea Dolby Digital: Dual Mono si Dynamic. 20 1. Apasati SETUP. 2. Apasati ◄► pentru a selecta “Setarea Dolby Digital”. Dual Mono 1.Apasati tastele ▲▼ pentru a sublinia Dual Mono. 2. Intrati in submeniu apasand ►. 3. Miscati cursorul apasand ▲▼ pentru a sublinia optiunea dorita. Pentru a selecta setarile care se potrivesc cu numarul de boxe conectate: → Stereo: Sunetul mono stanga va trimite semnale catre boxele stanga si sunetul mono dreapta va trimite semnale catre boxele dreapta. → L-Mono: Sunetul mono stanga va trimite semnal catre boxele stanga si dreapta. → R-Mono: Sunetul mono dreapta va trimite semnal catre boxele stanga si dreapta. → Mix-Mono: Sunetul mono din stanga si dreapta vor trimite semnal catre boxele stanga si dreapta. Dynamic Pentru a optimiza iesirea sunetului dinamic, iesirile cu volum mare vor fi micsorate, permitandu-va sa vizualizati filmul favorit fara disturbari. → Nivelele pentru selectie dinamica: Full,7/8,3/4,5/8,1/2,3/8,1/4,1/8 si OFF. Pagina de setari video 21 1. Setari pentru calitatea video: claritate, luminozitate, contrast, nuanta de culoare, saturatie. 2. Video inverse: ON/OFF. Pagina de preferinte Optiunea include: Tip TV, Audio, Subtitrare, Meniu Disc, Control Parental, Default. 1. Apasati SETUP. 2. Apasati ◄► pentru a selecta “Preference Page”. Nota: Unele preferinte pot fi selectate numai in timpul conditiei “No disc” sau modul STOP. Tipul TV Selectarea sistemului de culori care corespunde televizorului pe iesirea AV. Acest DVD player este compatibil si cu NTSC si cu PAL. Pentru ca un disc sa fie redat pe acest player, sistemul de culori trebuie sa fie acelasi si pe TV si pe DVD player. 1. Apasati tastele ▲▼ pentru a sublinia TV Display. 2. Intrati in submeniu apasand ►. 3. Miscati cursorul apasand ▲▼ pentru a selecta tipul TV. PAL – Selectati acest tip daca televizorul conectat este in sistem PAL. Va schimba semnalul video al unui disc NTSC in format PAL. NTSC – Selectati acest tip daca televizorul conectat este in sistem NTSC. Va schimba semnalul video al unui disc PAL in format NTSC. Auto – Schimba semnalul video de iesire automat in functie de formatul discului. Meniul audio, de subtitrari si al discului Aceste optiuni seteaza Audio, Subtitrari si limba meniului dorit de dumneavoastra. 22 1. 2. 3. 4. Audio (soundtrack-ul discului) Subtitrari (subtitrarile discului) Disc Menu (meniul discului) Apasati tastele ▲▼ pentru a sublinia optiunea de limba a DVD-ului. Intrati in submeniu apasand ►. Selectati limba si apasati ENTER. Repetati pasii 1-3 pentru alte setari de limba. Control parental Unele DVD-uri pot avea setat un nivel de control parental pentru tot discul, sau pentru anumite scene din film. Aceasta caracteristica va permita sa limitati nivelul de redare. Nivelele de clasificare sunt de la 1-8 si sunt dependente de tara. Puteti interzice redarea anumitor discuri care nu sunt potrivite pentru copii. VCD,SVCD,CD nu au indicator de nivel, asa ca controlul parental nu are efect asupra acestor discuri. Aceasta se aplica la cele mai multe discuri ilegale. 1. Apasati tastele ▲▼ pentru a sublinia optiunea “Parental”. 2. Intrati in submeniu apasand ►. 3. Miscati cursorul apasand ▲▼ pentru a sublinia nivelul de clasificare pentru discul introdus. → DVD-urile care sunt clasificate peste nivelul selectat de dumneavoastra, nu vor fi redate pana nu introduceti parola din 4 cifre si alegeti un nivel mai mare de clasificare. → Pentru a opri controlul parental si sa redati toate discurile, alegeti “OFF”. Indiciu folositor: - Unele DVD-uri nu sunt codate cu nivel de clasificare cu toate ca pe coperta apare clasificarea. Caracteristica nivelului de clasificare nu functioneaza pe aceste discuri. 23 Explicarea nivelelor 1. KID SAF - Material pentru copii; recomandat in special pentru copii si persoane de toate varstele. 2. G - Audienta generala; recomandat pentru toate persoanele de toate varstele. 3. PG - Sugerat cu indrumare parentala. 4. PG 13 - Materialul este inadecvat pentru copii cu varsta sub 13 ani. 5-6. PG-R - Indrumare parentala-restrictionata; recomandat ca parintii sa restrictioneze copiii sub 17 ani sa vizioneze sau sa permita sa vizioneze numai supravegheati de un parinte sau bona. 7. NC 17 - Nici un copil sub 17 ani; nu este recomandata vizionarea copiilor sub 17 ani. 8. ADULT - Material pentru adulti; trebuie vizionat numai de adulti datorita materialului sexual, violenta sau limbaj. Default Functia Default va reseta toate optiunile si setarile personale la cele din fabrica. 1. Apasati tastele ▲▼ pentru a sublinia optiunea “Default”. 2. Intrati in submeniu apasand ►. 3. Apasati ENTER pentru confirmarea selectiei. Atentie! - Cand aceasta functie este activata, toate setarile vor fi resetate la cele din fabrica. Pagina de setare a parolei - Modul parola: Setati parola on/off. Daca este setata off, schimbarea controlului parental nu va necesita parola. - Setati o noua parola: Parola Aceasta functie este folosita pentru controlul parental. Introduceti cele 4 cifre cand un indiciu este afisat pe ecran. Parola implicita este 1369. 24 1. Apasati tastele ▲▼ pentru a sublinia optiunea “Password”. 2. Intrati in submeniu apasand ►. 3. Apasati ENTER pentru a deschide pagina cu noua parola “New Password”. 4. Introduceti parola implicita de 4 cifre. 5. Introduceti noua parola din 4 cifre. 6. Introduceti noua parola din 4 cifre a doua oara pentru confirmare. → Noua parola din 4 cifre va lua efect. 7. Apasati OK pentru a iesi. Indicii folositoare: - Daca parola a fost schimbata, va fi schimbata automat si cea din controlul parental si codul de blocare al discului. - Parola implicita (1369) este intotdeauna activa chiar cand parola a fost schimbata. Pagina de setare a televizorului - Canalul curent: Arata numarul curent al programului . Cu ► subliniati, cu ▲▼ schimbati, apoi apasati tastele ▲▼ ca sa schimbati la urmatorul/anteriorul canal. Sistemul de sunet: Setati sistemul de sunet : BG/DK/I. Skip: Setati canalul curent skip on/off. Fine tune: Reglati frecventa canalului. Cautarea canalului: Mergeti la pagina de cautare a canalelor. 25 Pagina de cautare a programului - Banda: Indica banda canalului curent Cautare manuala: Scanare manuala la canalul curent. Cautare automata: Scaneaza toate canalele automat. In timpul cautarii manuale sau al celei automate, apasati butonul STOP pentru a revoca scanarea. Parametrii bateriei Specificatiile bateriei: Iesire: 7.4V Timpul de incarcare/descarcare: Timpul de incarcare standard: 5h ~ 6h. Stocarea si circumstantele de lucru: 1. Circumstantele de stocare Temperatura 6 luni -20°C~+45°C 1 saptamana -20°C~+65°C Umiditate 65±20% 65±20% 2. Circumstantele de lucru Incarcare standard Descarcare standard Umiditate 65±20% 65±20% Temperatura 0°C~+45°C -20°C~+65°C Intretinere si service Verificati urmatoarele aspecte inainte de a contacta un tehnician service: - Manipularea produsului - Cand transportati produsul Va rugam pastrati ambalajul original si materialele de impachetare. Daca este nevoie de transportat produsul, pentru protectia maxima, reimpachetati unitatea in ambalajul original. - Pastrarea suprafetei din exterior curata Nu folositi lichide volatile langa unitate, cum ar fi spray insecticid . Nu lasati cauciuc sau produse din plastic in contact cu unitatea pentru o perioada mai lunga de timp, pentru ca lasa urme pe suprafata. - Curatarea unitatii Pentru curatarea unitatii, folositi o carpa moale si uscata. Daca suprafata este extrem de murdara, folositi o carpa umezita putin cu solutie de detergent. 26 Nu folositi solventi puternici cum ar fi alcoolul, benzina, diluant, pentru ca acestea pot cauza defecte carcasei. - Intretinerea unitatii DVD player-ul este un produs high-tech de precizie. Daca lentilele optice si partile cititorului de disc sunt murdare sau uzate, imaginea va avea o calitate slaba. In functie de mediul de operare, inspectia regulata si intretinerea sunt recomandate dupa 1000 de ore de folosire. Pentru detalii, va rugam contactati cel mai apropiat centru service. Intrare Iesire Parametrii electronici Element Cerinte curent Dimensiuni (aprox) Consum curent Greutate Operare in mediu umed Iesire video Iesire audio Audio Video Cerinte standard : AC 100-240 V, 50-60Hz : 214 (L) x 220.4 (W) x 49 mm : <10W : 1.11Kg : 5% pana la 90% : 1 Vp-p (75Ω) : 1.4 Vrms (1 kHz, 0dB) : Boxe: 1x2W, iesire casti,iesire coaxiala : intrare CVBS: (PAL/NTSC): 1Vp-p(75Ω) Audio : 2 canale: 2Vrms (1 kHz, 0dB) Sistem Laser Semnal sistem Raspuns frecventa Semnal/raport zgomot Dynamic range Accesorii : Semiconductor, lungime fascicol 650nm : NTSC/PAL : 20Hz pana la 20kHz (1dB) : mai mult de 80dB (ANALOG OUT) : mai mult de 85dB (DVD/CD) : cablu video/audio, telecomanda,casti stereo,baterie reincarcabila, adaptor masina, antena, sac de masina. Indicii pentru probleme tehnice Inainte de a suna la service, puteti verifica urmatoarele simptome si solutii. Fara sunet sau sunet distorsionat: Asigurati-va ca echipamentul este conectat corespunzator. Asigurati-va ca setarile de intrare pentru TV si sistemul stereo sunt corecte. Fara imagine: Asigurati-va ca echipamentul este conectat corespunzator. Asigurati-va ca setarile de intrare pentru TV este “video”. Asigurati-va ca LCD-ul este pornit. 27 Nu reda: S-a format condens: asteptati 1-2 ore pentru a permite player-ului sa se usuce. Acest player nu poate reda discuri altele decat DVD-uri, MP3-uri si CD-uri. Discul poate fi murdar si necesita sa fie curatat. Nu functioneaza telecomanda: Verificati bateriile daca sunt introduse cu polaritatea corecta (+&-). Bateriile s-au terminat: inlocuiti-le cu unele noi. Indreptati telecomanda la senzorul telecomenzii si operati. Indepartati obstacolele intre telecomanda si senzor. Operati telecomanda de la o distanta maxima de 8 metri de senzor. Nu functioneaza nici o operatie (de la unitate/sau de la telecomanda): Opriti unitatea si porniti-o din nou. Alternativ, opriti unitatea, deconectati cablul de alimentare si reconectati-l. (Player-ul nu functioneaza corect datorita fulgerelor, electricitate statica sau unii factori externi). Bateriile nu functioneaza: Verificati daca bateriile au curent sau sunt asezate corespunzator. Redarea nu incepe chiar daca titlul este selectat: Confirmati setarile de “Rating”. Soundtrack-ul audio si/sau limba subtitrarii nu este aceea selectata din setarile initiale: Daca soundtrack-ul audio si/sau limba subtitrarilor nu exista pe disc, limba selectata din setarile initiale nu vor fi vazute/ascultate. Fara subtitrari: Subtitrarile apar numai cand discul contine subtitrari. Soundtrack audio (sau subtitrare) alternativ nu poate fi selectata: O limba alternativa nu poate fi selectata dupa un disc care are doar o limba. In cazul unor discuri, limba alternativa nu poate fi selectata operand butonul AUDIO sau SUBTITLE. Incercati sa selectati din meniul DVD-ului daca este disponibil. Unghiul nu poate fi schimbat: Aceasta functie este dependenta de disponibilitatea software-ului. Chiar daca discul are un numar de unghiuri inregistrate, aceste unghiuri pot fi inregistrate pentru anumite scene. Definirea termenilor Unghi (Angle) Pe unele DVD-uri sunt inregistrate scene care au fost trase din mai mult unghiuri (aceeasi scena este trasa din fata, din partea stanga, din partea dreapta, etc). Cu astfel de discuri, butonul ANGLE poate fi folosit pentru vizualizuarea scenei din diferite unghiuri. DVD Se refera la disc optic de densitate mare pe care se inregistreaza poze de mare rezolutie si sunete digitale. Incorporand o noua tehnologie de compresie (MPEG II) si tehnologie de mare 28 densitate pentru inregistrare, pe DVD se pot inregistra fisiere video full-motion (de ex., un film intreg poate fi inregistrat). DVD-ul are o structura compusa din doua discuri de 0.6mm care comunica intre ele. Un DVD are capacitatea mai mare de stocare decat un disc subtire de 1,2mm. Cele doua discuri comunica intre ele si au potentialul de a reda in viitor inregistrari mult mai mari. Numarul capitolului (Chapter number) Aceste numere sunt inregistrate pe discurile DVD. Un titlu este subdivizat in mai multe sectiuni, fiecare cu numarul lui, si anumite parti din prezentarea video poate fi cautata mai usor folosind aceste numere. Subtitrari (Subtitles) Sunt linii printate care apar in josul ecranului care sunt translatate sau dialoguri transcrise. Ele sunt inregistrate pe discuri DVD. Numarul track-ului (Track numbers) Aceste numere sunt alocate track-urilor care sunt inregistrate pe CD-uri. Ele permit ca anumite track-uri sa fie localizate repede. AKAI - Reciclarea echipamentelor electrice şi electronice uzate: Acest simbol prezent pe produs sau pe ambalaj semnifică faptul că produsul respectiv nu trebuie tratat ca un deşeu menajer obişnuit. Nu aruncaţi aparatul la gunoiul menajer la sfârşitul duratei de funcţionare, ci duceţi-l la un centru de colectare autorizat pentru reciclare. În acest fel veţi ajuta la protejarea mediului înconjurător şi veţi putea împiedica eventualele consecinţe negative pe care le-ar avea asupra mediului şi sănătăţii umane. Pentru a afla adresa celui mai apropiat centru de colectare: - Contactaţi autorităţile locale; Accesaţi pagina de internet: ; Solicitaţi informaţii suplimentare de la magazinul de unde aţi achiziţionat produsul. 29 PORTABLE DVD USER'S MANUAL LTC789A-DRU Before connecting, operating or adjusting this product, please read this user's manual carefully and completely. Table of Contents Contents Table of Contents P1 Safety Precautions P2 Before Use(Continued) P3-P4 Identification of Controls P5-P8 Main Unit Battery Pack Remote control unit Insert the battery P5 P6 P7 P8 Getting Started P8-P10 DVD Introduction Playing a DVD or Video CD(Operation) P8 P9-P10 Basic operation P11-P15 Audio CD and MP3/WMA Disc Features Playing an Audio CD or MP3/WMA Playing a JPEG Disc Playing a MPEG4 Movie Disc Program playback(not for Picture CD/MP3) DIGITAL CARD and USB Play operation P11 P12 P12-P13 P13 P14 P15 1 SETUP Menu Setting General Operation General Setup Page Audio Setup Page Dolby Digital Setup Video Setup Page Preference Page Password Setup Page TV Setup Page Parameters and specifications P16-P23 P9-P10 P16 P9-P10 P16-P18 P18-P19 P19-P20 P9-P10 P21 P9-P10 P21-P23 P9-P10 P23 P9-P10 P24 P9-P10 P9-P10 P25-P26 Troubleshooting tips P9-P10 P27 Definition of terms P28 P9-P10 Safety Precautions WARNING RISK OF ELECTRIC SHOCK DO NOT OPEN N Notes on Copyrights: Warning:To reduce the risk of electric shock,do not remove the cover or back of this product.There are no user-serviceable parts inside. Refer servicing to qualified service personnel. It is forbidden by law to copy, broadcast, show,broadcast via cable, play in public, or rent copyrighted material without permission. Warning: To reduce the risk of fire or electric shock, do not expose this product to dripping or splashing water,rain, or moisture. Do not place objects filled with water such as vases, on the Product. This product features the copy protection function developed by Macrovision.Copy protection signals are recorded on some discs. When recording and playing the pictures of these discs picture noise will appear.This product incorporates copyright protection technology that is protected by method claims of certain U.S. Patents and other intellectual property rights owned by Macrovision Corporation and other rights owners.Use of this copyright protection technology must be authorized by Macrovision Corporation, and is intended for home and other limited viewing uses only unless otherwise authorized by macrovision Corporation. Reverse engineering or disassembly is prohibited. Warning: This digital video disc player employs a laser system. Use of controls,adjustments, or the performance of procedures other than those specified herein may result in hazardous radiation Exposure. Warning: To prevent direct exposure to laser beam,do not open the enclosure.Visible laser radiation when open. Warning: Never stare directly into the laser beam. Caution: Do not install this product in a confined space such as a book case or similar unit. Warning: when the unit using by child, parents must make sure to let the child understand all contents in Instruction book how battery using to guarantee using battery correctly all the time. SERIAL NUMBER: You can find the serial number on the back of the unit.This number is unique to this unit and not available to others.You should record requested information here and retain this guide as a permanent record of your purchase. Model No. ______________________________ Serial No. ______________________________ Date of Purchase_________________________ Warning: when find battery overheat, swell or dour, please stop using battery and contact service centre for getting replacement. charg e Warning: do not charging battery on the place of insufficient ventilation such as: mattress, sofa, cushion , soft mat...... stro ng im pact over heat 40 C Warning: we will not take any responsibility if user incorrectly use battery, not following our warning instruction label on the battery case. Before using the player, please ensure that the local AC voltage is suitable for this unit. 2 Before Use(Continued) Introduction To ensure proper use of this product, please read this owner 's manual carefully and retain for future reference. This manual provides information on the operation and maintenance of your DVD player. Should the unit require service, contact an authorized service location. Symbol Used in this Manual The lightning flash symbol alerts you to the presence of dangerous voltage within the product enclosure that may constitute a risk of electric shock. The exclamation point alerts you to the presence of important operating and maintenance / servicing instructions. Indicates hazards likely to cause harm to the unit itself or other material damage. N Note: Indicates special notes and operating features. Tip: Indicates tips and hints for making the task easier.A section whose title has one of the following symbols is applicable only to the disc represented by the symbol. DVD VCD CD MP3 WMA JPEG MPEG4 3 DVD and finalized DVD+R/RW Video CDs Audio CDs MP3 Discs WMA Discs JPEG Discs MPEG4 Discs About the Symbol Display “ ”may appear on your TV display during operation and indicates that the function explained in this owner's manual is not available on that specific DVD video disc. Notes on Discs Handling Discs Do not touch the playback side of the disc. Hold the disc by the edges so that fingerprints do not get on the surface. Never stick paper or tape on the disc. Storing Discs After playing,store the disc in its case.Do not expose the disc to direct sunlight or source of heat and never leave it in a parked car exposed to direct sunlight. Cleaning Discs Fingerprints and dust on the disc can cause poor picture quality and sound distortion. Before playing,clean the disc with a clean cloth. Wipe the disc from the center out. Do not use strong solvents such as alcohol,benzine,thinner, commercially available cleaners, or anti-static spray intended for older vinyl records. The above items are true of not only this unit but also most of the household electronic products. Before Use (Continued) Types of Playable Discs _________________________________________ Manufactured under license from Dolby Laboratories."Dolby", "Pro Logic", and the double-D symbol are trademarks of Dolby Laboratories. DVD (8 cm / 12 cm disc) _________________________________________ Region code This DVD player is designed and manufactured for playback of region "2"encoded DVD software. This unit can play only DVD discs labeled "2" or "ALL". Video CD (VCD) (8 cm / 12 cm disc) _________________________________________ Audio CD (8 cm / 12 cm disc) 2 _________________________________________ In addition, this unit plays , DVD -R, DVD +R,DVD -RW,DVD +RW, Kodak Picture CDs, SVCD, and CD-R / CD-RW that contains audio titles,MP3, WMA,JPEG and MPEG4 files. _________________________________________ RW C0MPATIBLE N This indicates a product feature that is capable of playing DVD-RW discs recorded with Video Recording format. N Notes on Region Codes Most DVD discs have a globe with one or more numbers in it clearly visible on the cover. This number must match your DVD player's region code or the disc cannot play. If you try to play a DVD with a different region code from your player,the message "Check region Code" appears on the TV screen. Notes: 1.Depending on the conditions of the recording equipment or the CD-R/RW (or DVD -R, DVD +R,DVD -RW, DVD +RW) disc itself, someCD-R/RW (or DVD -R, DVD +R, DVD -RW, DVD +RW) discs cannot be played on the unit. 2.Do not attach any seal or label to either side (the labeled side or the recorded side) of a disc. 3.Do not use irregularly shaped CDs (e.g., Heartshaped or octagonal)since they may result in malfunctions. 4. Some playback operations of DVDs and Video CDs may be intentionally programmed by software manufacturers. This unit plays DVDS and Video CDs according to disc content designed by the software manufacturer, therefore some playback features may not be available or other functions may be added. Dirty disc may cause bad picture. 4 Identification of Controls Main Unit 1.TFT screen 2.Speakers 3. PREVIOUS 4. SETUP 1 5.SOURCE Select input source, DVD/TV/AV in/card,usb. 6. NEXT 7. PLAY/PAUSE 2 2 8. STOP 9. (Left/right/up/down) Select an item in the menu.Enter confirms menu selection. Could adjust TV channel in TV Mode. 3 4 5 6 10.Open 7 8 12.SD/MMC/MS 11.USB 13.Power ON/OFF switch 9 14.Volume control 15.Headphone out jacks 16.Digital Audio out(coaxial) 10 17.AV IN 18.AV OUT 19.DC IN 9-12V 11 5 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 19 20.ANT Weak batteries can leak and severely damage the remote control unit. Identification of Controls Battery Pack 1 2 Charge the battery pack before using it for the first time. 1.Power charge indicator during recharging , indicator is red.If recharging is complete, charge indicator changes to green. Attaching the battery pack 1.Match the hooks of the battery pack into the holes on the bottom of the player. 2.Remote sensor. 3.Battery pack. 2.Combine the battery pack to push up until you can hear the click sound. 3 Detaching the battery pack to separate the battery pack,pull the switch which is locate beside the battery pack then slide down the battery pack at the same time. Warning: For production safety, This DVD player was designed current protection. When you charging battery,and when DVD player is power on ,the charging mode is " SLOW " , when DVD player is power off, the charging mode is " FAST " . The indicator turns to green when charging completed. RELEASE N Note: In " SLOW " charging mode , charge time is approximate twenty hours. In " FAST " charging mode, charge time is approximate four hours. 6 Identification of Controls Remote control unit 14. MENU Accesses menu on a DVD disc. (Left/right/up/down) 1. PLAY/PAUSE ( ) Starts playback or pause playback. 15.DISPLAY Accesses On-Screen display. 2. STOP ( ) Stops playback. 16.AUDIO Selects an audio language (DVD). 3. Reverse Skip ( ) Go to previous chapter / track or to the beginning. 11 26 OSD SEARCH SOURCE 27 4. Forward Skip( ) Go to the next chapter / track. 7.A B Repeat sequence. 8. PROGRAM Place a track on the program list. 9 .SOURCE DVD,AV IN,card. 10.TITLE Return to DVD title menu. 11.OSD Switches the OSD language. 12.0-9 NUMBER BUTTON Selects numbered items in a menu. 13.ENTER Confirms menu selection. 7 17.SUBTITLE Selects a subtitle language. 12 5.ZOOM Enlarges video image. 6.REPEAT Repeat chapter, track, title all. 9 STEP 17 18 10 13 19 5 8 7 15 SLOW 21 20 24 16 1 2 25 14 6 19.SETUP Accesses or removes setup menu. 20.10+ BUTTON Add 10+ while your selection is more than10. 21.STEP Step the motion in DVD mode. 22. BUTTON Fast backward. 23. BUTTON Fast forward. 4 3 23 22 18.ANGLE Selects a DVD camera angle if available 24. PBC PBC on/off switch. 25.SLOW Slow playback 26.SEARCH Goto time point , title or chapter you want in DVD Mode 27. MUTE Disable Audio output. Turn off the power and keep AC cord pulled out from the outlet when connecting the systerm. Getting Started Identification of Controls DVD Introduction Insert the battery 1.Open the battery door. 2.Insert two AAA size batteries. 1 2 Refer to the drawing, take the back cover of the remote control off and remove the empty battery receptacle. Prior to shipping, a separating film was applied to the battery. Remove this film. Insert the battery into the receptacle and insert the receptacle into the remote. For the best results,aim the remote towards at the player ' s receiving window. Stay within 15 feet and angles of 60 degrees or less. Under normal use the battery will last for one year. Remove battery during storage or when you are not using the DVD player for a long time. DVD+R/RW DVD -R and DVD +R are two different standards for recordable DVD drives and discs. This format allows information to be recorded onto the DVD disc only once. DVD +RW and DVD -RW are two standards for re-writable media, meaning the DVD content can be erased and re-recorded. Single-sided discs can hold 4.38 gigabytes and double-sided discs hold twice as much.There are no dual layer single sided recordable discs. VCD (Video CD) A VCD holds up to 74 minutes (650 MB disc) or 80 minutes (700 MB disc) of MPEG-1 full-motion video along with quality stereo sound. MPEG MPEG is an international standard for video and audio compression. MPEG-1 is used in encoding video for VCD and provides for multichannel surround sound coding such as PCM, Dolby Digital, and MPEG audio. MP3 MP3 is a popular compression format used for digital audio files that yields very high near-CD quality. WMA Windows media audio file. A type of coding / decoding developed by Microsoft Corp. JPEG Joint Pictures Expert Group. JPEG is a compressed file format that allows you to save images with no limit on the number of colors. MPEG4 MPEG4 is the name of a revolutionary new video codec.which is based On the new MPEG-4 compression standard for video.You will be able to play MPEG4 movies using this DVD player. Title (DVD video discs only) A title is generally a distinct section of a DVD disc. For example the main feature could be title 1, a documentary describing how the film was made could be title 2, and cast interviews could be title 3. Each title is assigned a reference number enabling you to locate it easily. 8 Getting Started Playing a DVD or Video CD(Operation) Playback Setup 1. turn on the power switch at the left side of the product. 2. Press OPEN to open the disc tray and insert your chosen disc in the tray, with the playback side down. 3. Close the tray. Playback will start automatically. DVD Use the buttons to select the title/chapter you want to view, then press ENTER to start.Press MENU to return to the menu screen. N Moving to another CHAPTER/TRACK DVD VCD When a title on a disc has more than one chapter or a disc has more than one track, you can move to another chapter/track as follows: 1.Press SKIP or briefly during playback to select the next (or previous)chapter/track or to return to the beginning of the current chapter/track. functions can be controlled by remote control unit. 2.Press Most SKIPof the twice briefly to step back to the previous chapter/track. 3.To go directly to any chapter during DVD playback, input the chapter/track number . VCD Use the number buttons to select the track you want to view and press MENU to return to the menu screen. Menu settings and operating procedures may differ.Follow the instructions on the each menu screen. Changing the Audio Channel VCD Press AUDIO repeatedly during playback to hear a different audio channel (Stereo, Left, or Right). Notes: 1.If parental control is set and the disc isn ' t fit for the rating setting you must input the password.(See "parental" on page 22). Repeat A-B DVD VCD To repeat a sequence. 1. Press A-B at your chosen starting point " briefly on the TV screen. 2.DVDs may have a region code.Your player does not play discs that have a region code different from your player. 2. Press A-B again at your chosen end point." AB" appears briefly on the TV screen and the repeat sequence begins. 3.Unless stated otherwise,all operations described use the remote control.Some features may also be available on the setup menu. 3. Press A-B again to cancel. 9 Specifications and design are subject to change without prior notice. A". Appears DVD VCD Repeat You can play a title/chapter/all/track on a disc repeatedly. Press REPEAT during playback to select a desired repeat mode. Getting started Playing a DVD or Video CD(Operation) DVD Video Discs - " Repeat Chapter / Title/All" Chapter: repeats the current chapter. Chapter Title: repeats the current title. All : repeats all the tracks on a disc. Off : does not play repeatedly. DVD MENU 1. Press DVD MENU.If the current title has a menu, the menu appears on the screen. Otherwise, the disc menu may not appear. 2. The DVD MENU offers features such as camera angles,spoken language and subtitle options, and chapters for the title. 3. Press DVD MENU to exit. Video CDs, discs - " Repeat Track /All" Track : repeats the current track All : repeats all the tracks on a disc. Off : does not play repeatedly. N Notes: 1.On a Video CD with PBC, you must set PBC to Off to use the repeat function. 2.If you press SKIP ( or ) once during Repeat Chapter(Track) playback, the repeat playback cancels Zoom DVD VCD Use zoom to enlarge the video image: 1.Press ZOOM during playback or still playback to activate the Zoom function. The square frame appears briefly in the right bottom of the picture. 2. Each press of the ZOOM button changes the TV screen in the following sequence: 3. Use the buttons to move through the zoomed picture. 4. To resume normal playback, press ZOOM button until screen becomes 1X. N Note:Zoom may not work on some DVDs. Special DVD Features Checking the contents of DVD discs: Menus DVDs may offer menus that allow you to access special features. To use the disc menu, press MENU. Input the corresponding number or use the buttons to highlight your selection.Then press ENTER. Camera Angle DVD If the disc contains scenes recorded at different camera angles, you can change to a different camera angle during playback. Press ANGLE repeatedly during playback to select a desired angle. Note that the number of the current angle appears on screen. N Note: The angle indicator will blink on the TV screen during scenes recorded at different angles as an indication that angle switching is possible. Changing the Audio Language DVD Press AUDIO repeatedly during playback to hear a different audio language or audio track.With DVD-RW discs recorded in VR mode that have both a main and a Bilingual audio channel, you can switch between Main (L), Bilingual (R), or a mix of both (Main + Bilingual) by pressing AUDIO. Subtitles DVD Press SUBTITLE repeatedly during playback to see the different subtitle languages. TITLE button DVD DVD disc: Press TITLE button, then the DVD menu or titles available on the disc will be displayed. Then you can use " " and ENTER button to select programs. 10 Basic operation Audio CD and MP3/WMA Disc Features Disc The DVD player can play CD and MP3/WMA formatted recordings on CD-R,CD-RW,DVD+R and DVD+RW discs. Audio CD Once an Audio CD is inserted it will be played automatically .Its playblack information will be show on screen,such as chapter elapse time. MP3 / WMA 1. Press to select a folder, and press ENTER to see the folder contents. 2. Press to select a track then press PLAY or ENTER. Playback starts. MP3 / WMA disc compatibility with this player is limited as follows: 1.Sampling frequency: within 8 - 48 kHz( MP3 ),within 32 - 48kHz ( WMA ). 2.Bit rate: within 8 - 320kbps( MP3 ),32 - 192kbps ( WMA ). The player cannot read an MP3 extension other than MP3/WMA. / WMA file that has a file CD-R physical format should be ISO 9660. If you record MP3/ WMA files using software that cannot create a file system (eg. Direct-CD) it is impossible to playback MP3/WMA files.We recommend that you use Easy-CD Creator,which creates an ISO 9660 file system. 11 File names should have a maximum of 8 letters and must incorporate an" .mp3" or " .wma" extension. They should not contain special letters such as "/? * : < > l "etc. The total number of files on one disc should be less than 650. This DVD player requires discs and recordings tomeet certain technical standards in order to achieve optimal playback quality. Pre-recorded DVDs are automatically set to these standards. There are many different types of recordable disc formats(including CD-R containing MP3 or WMA files) and these require certain pre-existing conditions (see above) to ensure compatible playback. Customers should note that permission is required in order to download MP3 / WMA files and music from the Internet. Our company has no right to grant such permission. Permission should always be sought from the copyright owner. Basic operation Playing an Audio CD or MP3/WMA Playing a JPEG Disc Slide Show JPEG There are 16 types for slide show. You can press Program repeatly to select the slide show Mode. MP3 WMA Pause CD 1. Press PLAY/PAUSE during playback. 2. To return to playback, press PLAY/PAUSE again. Still Picture JPEG 1. Press PLAY/PAUSE during slide show.The player will now go into PAUSE mode. MP3 WMA Moving to another Track CD 1. Press SKIP ( or ) briefly during playback to go to the next (or previous) track or to return to the beginning of the current track.. 2. Press SKIP 2. To return to the slide show, press PLAY/ PAUSE again. twice briefly to go back to the previous track. Viewing a JPEG Disc Using this DVD Player you can view Kodak PICTURE CDs and discs with JPEG files. 1.Insert a disc and close the tray. The file menu appears on the TV screen. 2. Press to select a folder, and press ENTER. A list of files in the folder Appears. If you are in a file list and want to return to the previous Folder list, use the buttons on the remote to highlight and press ENTER. 3. If you want to view a particular file, press to highlight a file and press ENTER or PLAY. Viewing the file proceeding starts. 4.If the DISC you insert is a Kodak Picture CD it will be played automatically. 3. You can play any track by inputting its number. MP3 Repeat Track/Folder/All/Off CD You can play a track/folder/all on a disc. WMA 1. Press REPEAT when playing a disc. The repeat icon appears. 2. Press REPEAT to select a desired repeat mode. Track: repeats the current track.(CD) Folder: repeats the current folder. All: repeats all the tracks on a disc.(CD) Off(No display): normal playback. N Note: If you press SKIP ( )once during Repeat Track playback, the repeat playback cancels. Repeat A-B CD 1.To repeat a sequence during disc playback press A-B at your chosen starting point. The Repeat icon"A"appear on the menu screen. N NOTE: Press" " to move to the next page , " folder,and " MENU" return to menu. Zoom JPEG 1.Press 'ZOOM' . 2,Used " " to enlarge,or " " to return to previons " to shorten the picture. 2.Press A-B again at your chosen end point.The Repeat icon "AB" appear on the menu screen, and the sequence begins to play repeatedly. 3.To exit the sequence and return to normal play,press A-B again.The Repeat icon disappears from the menu screen. 12 Basic operation Playing a JPEG Disc Playing a MPEG4 Movie Disc To rotate picture Press or during showing a picture to rotate the picture invert ,mirror, clockwise ,counter clockwise. Using this DVD Player you can play MPEG4 disc. 1. Insert a disc and close the tray.The folder menu appears on the TV screen. To listen to MP3/WMA music watching picture JPEG You can display files while listering to MP3/WMA music files recorded on the same disc. a MP3/WMA desired. a picture. 2. Press to select a folder, and press ENTER. A list of files in the folder appears. If you are in a file list and want to return to the Folder list,use the or button on the remote to highlight or button and press ENTER. JPEG disc compatibility with this player is limited as follows: 1.Depending upon the size and number of JPEG files, it could take a long time for the DVD player to read the disc’s contents. If you don’t see an on screen display after several minutes, some of the files may be too large reduce the resolution of the JPEG files to less than 2M pixels as 2760 x 2048 pixels and burn another disc. 2.The total number of files and folders on the disc should be less than 650.Some discs may be incompatible due to a different recording format or the condition of disc.Ensure that all the selected files have the." jpg" extensions when copying into the CD layout. If the files have. "jpg" or. "jpeg" extensions, please rename them as."jpg" file.File names without."jpg" extension will not be able to be read by this DVD player. Even though the files are shown as JPEG image files in Windows Explorer. 3. If you want to view a particular file,press and press ENTER or PLAY. / to highlight a file 4. Press STOP to exit. 5.Press NEXT to move to the next chapter. MPEG4 disc compatibility with this player is limited as follows: 1.Available resolution size of the MPEG4 file is under 720x576 (W xH) pixel. 2.The file name of the MPEG4 subtitle is available by 56 characters. 3.If there is impossible code to express in the MPEG4 file, it may be displayed as " _ "mark on the display. If the number of the screen frame is over 30 per second,this unit may not operate normally. If the video and audio structure of recorded file is not interleaved, either video or audio is outputted. Playable MPEG4 file ".avi ", ".mpg ", ".mpeg". Playable Audio format "AC3 ", "PCM ", "MP3 ", "WMA ".Sampling frequency: within 8 - 48 kHz (MP3),within 32 - 48kHz (WMA) Bit rate: within 8 - 320kbps (MP3), 32 - 192kbps (WMA) 13 Basic operation Program playback(not for Picture CD/MP3) DVD The program function enables you to store your favourite tracks from any disc in the player memory. 1. Press PROGRAM The program menu appears. Helpful Hint: - Program can be activated only when a disc is in the DVD player. - When the program menu appears, the setup menu setting is forbiddened. Program:TT(06)/CH(- -) 1 2 3 4 5 TT: TT: TT: TT: TT: CH: CH: CH: CH: CH: Exit 6 7 8 9 10 TT: TT: TT: TT: TT: CH: CH: CH: CH: CH: NEXT 2.Use the numerical keypad(0-9) to direct input the titles, tracks or chapters (single track number with digit '0' in front ,for example '05'). 3.Move the cursor by pressing to select START. Program:TT(06)/CH(- -) 1 2 3 4 5 TT: 06 CH:01 TT: 05 CH:01 TT: CH: TT: CH: TT: CH: Exit 6 7 8 9 10 Start TT: TT: TT: TT: TT: CH: CH: CH: CH: CH: NEXT 4. To resume normal playback from programmed playback,Press PROGRAM and press STOP button on the program menu. Program:TT(06)/CH(- -) 1 2 3 4 5 TT: 06 CH:01 TT: 05 CH:01 TT: CH: TT: CH: TT: CH: Exit 6 7 8 9 10 Stop TT: TT: TT: TT: TT: CH: CH: CH: CH: CH: NEXT When this unit is not used, please turn off the power and leave no disc inside. 14 Basic operation DIGITAL CARD and USB Play operation Digital cards (MMC/SD&MS card) and USB with MP3& Pictures (.jpg) may be played and displayed through the unit. MMC/SD/MS cards may be directly input through the card reader slot. The USB Socket can be used to supply signals to the unit from USB sources. How to select DIGITAL USB/CARD to play How to play DIGITAL USB/CARD 1. Press "SOURCE" button on the remote control to switch. Example: 1. Turn the unit on. 2. Insert either a USB source or a Card into the appropriate USB connection point on the right or the MMC/SD card reader on the left. USB If insert cards the screen display“CARD” NOTE: According to the content of the USB and DIGITAL CARD, the display picture will be different. 3. Press the "SOURCE" button on the units main panel ,select MEDIA and the units would auto detect the USB/CARD socket. 4. If USB/CARD is selected, the unit will begin to read the CARD or USB connected to it . SOURCE 15 SETUP Menu Setting General Operation&General Setup Page General Operation 1.Press SETUP to enter the Setup Menu. 2.Press ENTER to enter the next level submenu or confirm your selection. 3.Press to enter the submenu or returen to the previous menu 4.Press to highlight the desired menu. To exit from the menu Press SETUP The settings will be stored in the player's memory even if the player is switched off. General Setup Page The options included in General Setup page are:" TV Display","Angle Mark","OSD language","Closed Captions","Screen Saver". Follow the steps below: TV - - General Setup Page - TV Display Angle Mark OSD language Closed Captions Screen Saver Go To General Setup Page 1.Press SETUP to enter the setup menu. 2.Press to select the 'General Setup page'. TV Display Set the aspect ratio of the DVD Player according to the TV you have connected. TV - - General Setup Page - TV Display Angle Mark OSD language Closed Captions Screen Saver Ps On ENG On On 4:3 Pans Can 4:3 Letter Box 16:9 Wide Squeeze Set TV Display Mode to highlight 'TV Display'. 1. Press 2.Enter its submenu by pressing . 3.Move the cursor by pressing to highlight the selected item. 4:3 Pan Scan 4:3 Letter Box 16:9 Wide Wide Squeeze 4:3 Pan Scan If you have a normal TV and want both sides of the picture to be trimmed or formatted to fit your TV screen. 4:3 Letter Box If you have a normal TV. In this case , a wide picture with black bands on the upper and lower portions of the TV screen will be displayed. 16:9 If you have a wide-screen TV. Wide Squeeze set screen mode to 4:3 16 SETUP Menu Setting General Setup Page Angle Mark Displays current angle setting information on the right hand corner of the TFT screen if available on the disc. TV TV - - General Setup Page - TV Display Angle Mark OSD language Closed Captions Screen Saver - - General Setup Page - TV Display Angle Mark OSD language Closed Captions Screen Saver PS On ENG On On On Off Set Angle Mark 1.Press to highlight 'Angle Mark'. 2.Enter its submenu by pressing . 3.Move the cursor by pressing to highlight the selected item. On:Enable Angle Mark. Off:Disable the current angle setting display. OSD Language You can select your own preferred language seetings.This DVD system will automatically switch to the selected language whenever you load a disc.If the language selected is not available on the disc, the disc's default language will be used instead. The OSD language in the system menu will remain once selected. 17 PS On ENG On On English French German Italian Spanish Portuguese Set OSD Language 1.Press the keys to highlight 'OSD Language'. 2.Enter its submenu by pressing . 3.Move the cursor by pressing the to highlight the selected item. 4.Select a language and press ENTER. Closed Captions Closed captions are data that are hidden in the video signal of some discs.Captions are different from subtitles because captions hearing are impaired by showing the sound effects(e.g.,"phone ringing" and " footsteps"),while subtitles do not. Before you select this function,please ensure that the disc contains closed captions information and your TV set also has this function. SETUP Menu Setting Audio Setup Page General Setup Page TV - - General Setup Page - TV Display Angle Mark OSD language Closed Captions Screen Saver PS On ENG On On On Off to highlight 'Screen Saver'. 1. Press 2.Enter its submenu by pressing . 3.Move the cursor by pressing to highlight the selected item. On:In STOP,PAUSE or No DISC mode,if no actions are performed about 3 minutes,the Screen Saver will be activated. Off:Screen Saver is disabled. Audio Setup Page The options included in Audio Setup Page is 'Downmix'. 'Digital Output'. 'Dolby Digital' Closed Caption TV - - Audio Setup Page - Downmix Digital Output Dolby digital On:Enable Closed Captions. Off:Disable Closed Captions. Screen Saver This function is used to turn the screen saver On or Off. TV - - General Setup Page - - 1.Press to highlight 'Closed Captions'. TV Display PS 2.Enter its submenu by pressing . Angle Mark On 3.Move the cursor by pressing to highlight the selected item. OSD language ENG Closed Captions Screen Saver Screen Saver On On Go To Speaker Setup Page 1.Press SETUP. 2.Press to select the 'Audio Setup page'. Downmix This options allows you to set the stereo analog output of your DVD Player. On Off TV - - Audio Setup Page - Downmix Digital Output Dolby digital STR RAW LT/RT STEREO Set Downmix Mode 18 SETUP Menu Setting Audio Setup Page 1.Press the keys to highlight 'Downmix'. 2.Enter its submenu by pressing . 3.Move the cursor by pressing the keys to highlight the selected item. LT/RT :Select this option if your DVD Player is connected to a Dolby Pro Logic decoder. Stereo :Select this option when output delivers sound from only the two front speakers. Digital Output The function is used to select the Digital Output:SPDIF Off,SPDIF/ RAW,SPDIF/PCM. TV - - Audio Setup Page - Downmix Digital Output Dolby digital STR RAW SPDIF Off SPDIF/ RAW SPDIF/PCM Setup SPDIF 1.Press the keys to highlight ' Digital Output '. 2.Enter its submenu by pressing . 3.Move the cursor by pressing the keys to highlight the selected item. 19 Set the Digital Output according to your optional audio equipment connection. SPDIF Off: Turns off the SPDIF output. SPDIF/RAW: If you have connected your DIGITAL AUDIO OUT to a multi-channel decoder/receiver. SPDIF/PCM: Only if your receiver is not capable of decoding multi-channel audio. Dolby digital Goto dolby digital setup page SETUP Menu Setting Dolby Digital Setup Dolby Digital Setup The options included in Dolby Digital Setup are: 'Dual Mono ' and 'Dynamic '. TV - - Dolby Digital Setup - Dual Mono Dynamic Go To Dolby Digital Setup 1.Press SETUP. 2.Press to select the 'Dolby Digital Setup'. Dual Mono 1.Press the keys to highlight 'Dual Mono'. 2.Enter its submenu by pressing . 3.Move the cursor by pressing the keys to highlight the selected item. To select the setting that matches the number of speakers you have connected. Stereo:Left mono sound will send output signals to Left speaker and Right mono sound will send output signals to Right speaker. L-Mono:Left mono sound will send output signals to Left speaker and Right speaker. R-Mono:Right mono sound will send output signals to Left speaker and Right speaker. Mix-Mono:Left and Right mixed mono sound will send output signals to Left and Right speakers. Dynamic To optimize the dynamic sound output high volume outputs are softened, enabling you to watch your favourite movie without disturbing others. The levels for dynamic selection:Full,7/8,3/4,5/8,1/2,3/8,1/4,1/8 and Off. TV - - Dolby Digital Setup - Dual Mono Dynamic Dual Mono (1+1) Setup TV - - Dolby Digital Setup - - Stereo L-Mono R-Mono Mix-Mono Dual Mono Dynamic Set DRC To 1/8 STR -- --- --- --- - -- - Full Off 20 SETUP Menu Setting Video Setup Page Preference Page Video Setup Page Preference Page The options included in Preference page are : 'TV Type','Audio', 'Subtitle','Disc Menu','Parental',and 'Default'. TV TV - - Video Setup Setup - Sharpness Brightness Contrast Hue Saturation Video Inverse High 00 00 00 00 off - - Preference Page - TV Type Audio Subtitle Disc Menu Parental Default Goto Video Setup Page Go To Preference Page 1.Sharpness,Brightness,Contrast,Hue,Saturation:setting the video quality. 2.Video inverse:inverse video display on/off 1.Press SETUP. 2.Press to select the 'Preference Page'. Note: Some Preference features can be selected only during 'No Disc' condition or STOP( ) mode. TV Type Selecting the colour system that corresponds to your TV when AV outputs.This DVD Player is compatible with both NTSC and PAL. In order for a DVD disc to play on this Player,the colour system of the Disc,the TV and the DVD Player should match. TV - - Preference Page - TV Type Audio Subtitle Disc Menu Parental Default Set TV Standard 21 PAL ENG ENG ENG PAL AUTO NTSC SETUP Menu Setting Preference Page 1.Press to highlight 'TV Display'. 2.Enter its submenu by pressing . 3.Use to highlight a TV Type fit for your TV. PAL - Select this if the connected TV is PAL system.It will change the video signal of a NTSC disc and output in PAL format. NTSC-Select this if the connected TV is NTSC system.It will change the video signal of a PAL disc and output in NTSC format. Auto:Chang the video signal output automatic according to the playing disk format. Parental Some DVDs may have a parental level assigned to the complete disc or to certain scenes on the disc.This feature lets you set a playback limitation level.The rating levels are from 1 to 8 and are country dependent. You can prohibit the playing of certain discs that are not suitable for your children or have certain discs played with alternative scenes. VCD,SVCD,CD have no level indication,so parental control function has no effect on those kinds of discs.This applies to most illegal DVD discs. TV Audio,Subtitle and Disc menu These options set the Audio,Subtitle and Disc menu language fit for you. - - Preference Page - - TV Type Audio Subtitle Disc Menu Parental Default PAL ENG ENG ENG TV Set Parental Control - - Preference Page - TV Type Audio Subtitle Disc Menu Parental Default PAL ENG ENG ENG 1 KID SAF 2G 3 PG 4 PG13 5 PGR 6R 7 NC17 8 ADULT English French German Italian Spanish Portuguese Others Preferred Audio Language - 'Audio '(disc 's soundtrack) - 'Subtitle '(disc 's subtitles) - 'Disc Menu '(disc 's menu) 1.Press to highlight DVD language options. 2.Enter its submenu by pressing . 3.Select a language and press ENTER. 4.Repeat steps 1~3 for other language settings. 1.Press to highlight 'Parental' . 2.Enter its submenu by pressing . 3.Use to highlight a rating level for the disc inserted. DVDs that are rated above the level you selected will not play unless you enter your four-digit password and choose a higher level rating. To disable Parental controls and have all Discs play,choose 'Off'. Helpful Hint: - Some DVDs are not encoded with a rating though the movie rating may be printed on the Disc cover. The rating level feature does not work for such Discs. Rating explanations 1 KID SAF - Kids material;recommended especially for children and viewers of all ages. 22 SETUP Menu Setting Preference Page Password Setup Page 2 G - General Audience;recommended as acceptable for viewers of all ages. 3 PG - Parental Guidance suggested. 4 PG13 - Material is unsuitable for children under age 13. 5-6 PG-R - Parental Guidance-Restricted;recommended that parents restrict children under 17 from viewing or allow to view only when supervised by a parent or adult guardian. 7 NC17 - No children under age 17;not recommended viewing for children under age 17. 8 ADULT - Mature material;should be viewed only by adults due to graphic sexual material,violence or language. Default Setting the 'Default ' function will reset all options and your personal settings to the factory defaults and all your personal settings will be erased. Password Setup Page - Password mode: Set password mode on/off. If set to off, change parental level will not check password. - Setting new password: Password This feature is used for Parental Control. Enter your four digit password when a hint is displayed on the screen.The default password is 1369. TV - - Password Setup Page - Password Password Mode ON Goto Password Setup Page 1.Press to highlight 'Password ' 2.Enter its submenu by pressing . 3.Press ENTER to open the 'New Password ' page. TV TV - - Preference Page - Old Password TV Type Audio Subtitle Disc Menu Parental Default PAL ENG ENG ENG New Password Confirm PWD OK Reset Load Factory Setting 1.Press to highlight 'Default ' . 2.Highlight Reset by pressing . 3.Press ENTER to confirm selection. Caution! - When this function is activated,all settings will be reset to factory defaults. 23 4. Enter the default password 4-digit code. 5. Enter the new 4-digit code. 6. Enter the new 4-digit code a second time to confirm. The new 4 digit code will be take effect. 7. Press OK to exit. Helpful Hints: - If the password has been changed ,the parental and disc lock code will also be changed. - The default password (1369)is always active even the password has been changed. SETUP Menu Setting TV Setup Page TV Setup Page TV - - TV Setup Page - - Current Channe Sound System Skip Fine Tune Channel Searchl 01 BG Off 00 Change - Band: Show the band of current channel. - Manual Search: Manual scan an available channel. - Auto Search: Scan all available channels automatic. During manual search or auto search, press STOP key can cancel scan. Goto TV Setup page - Current channel: Show the number of current channel. highlight ‘ change’ , then press key can change to next/prev channel. - Sound System:Set sound system BG/DK/I. Skip: Set current channel skip on/off. Fine Tune:Adjust current channel frequency. Channel Search: Goto channel search page. Channel Search Page TV - - Channel Search Page - - Band Manual Search Auto Search VL VL VH UHF Band 24 Parameters and specifications Battery Parameters Maintenance and Service Battery Specifications: Output:7.4V Refer to the information in this chapter before contacting a service technician. Charge / Discharge Time: Standard charge time:5h ~ 6h Handling the unit Storage and work circumstances: 1. Storage circumstances Temperature Humidity 6 months -20 C ~ +45 C 65+20% 1 week -20 C ~ +65 C 65+20% 2.Work circumstances Temperature Humidity Standard charge 0 C ~ +45 C 65+20% Standard discharge -20 C ~ +65 C 65+20% When shipping the unit Please save the original shipping carton and packing materials. If you need to ship the unit, for maximum protection,re-pack the unit as it was originally packed at the factory. Keeping the exterior surfaces clean Do not use volatile liquids such as insecticide spray near the unit. Do not leave rubber or plastic products in contact with the unit for a long period of time. since they leave marks on the surface. Cleaning the unit To clean the player, use a soft, dry cloth. If the surfaces are extremely dirty, use a soft cloth lightly moistened with a mild detergent solution. Do not use strong solvents such as alcohol, benzine,or thinner, as these might damage the surface of the Unit. Maintaining the unit The DVD player is a high-tech, precision device. If the optical pick-up lens and disc drive parts are dirty or worn, the picture quality could be diminished. Depending on the operating environment,regular inspection and maintenance are recommended after every 1,000 hours of use. For details,please contact your nearest authorized service center. 25 The chargeing time is various acording to the transformation of quantity of electric charge Parameters and specifications Electronical parameters Standard requirement Item System Laser :Semiconductor laser, wavelength 650 nm Power requirements : AC 100-240 V , 50/60 Hz Signal system : NTSC / PAL Dimensions (Approx.) : 214(L)X220.4(W)X49MM Power consumption : 20Hz to 20 kHz(1dB) : <10W Frequency response Weight (Approx.) : 1.11 kg Signal-to-noise ratio :More than 80 dB (ANALOG OUT connectors only) Dynamic range :More than 85 dB (DVD/CD) Accessories :Video/Audio cable,Remote control, Stereo headphone,Rechargeable battery, Car cigarette Adapter,antenna,car Bag Operating humidity : 5 % to 90 % Input Output VIDEO OUT AUDIO OUT :1.4 Vrms (1 KHz, 0 dB) Audio :Speaker:1WX2,Headphones output, Coaxial output N Note: Design and specifications are subject to change prior notice. Video Audio :2 channel : 2Vrms (1KHz 0dB) 26 Troubleshooting tips Troubleshooting tips(Common) Troubleshooting tips(DVD) Before calling for service, you can check the following items on symptoms and solutions Play does not commence even when title is selected: Confirm the "Rating" settings. No sound or distorted sound: Ensure that the equipment is connected properly. Ensure that the input settings for the TV and stereo system are proper. No picture: Ensure that the equipment is connected properly. Ensure that the input setting for the TV is "video". Ensure that the LCD is on. No play: Condensation has formed : wait about 1 to 2 hours to allow the player to dry out. This player can't play discs other than DVDs, MP3s and CDs. The disc may be dirty and require cleaning . Ensure that the disc is installed with the label side up. No remote control: Check the batteries are installed with the correct polarities(+&-). The batteries are depleted: replace them with new ones. Point the remote control unit at the remote control sensor and operate. Remove the obstacles between the remote control unit and the remote control sensor. Operate the remote control unit at a distance of not more than 8 meters from the remote control sensor. No key operation(by the unit and/or the remote control) is effective: Turn the unit off and then back to on. Alternatively, turn off the unit, disconnect the AC power cord and the re-connect it.(The player may not be operating properly due to lightning, static electricity or some other external factor.) Battery does not work check whether the battery is out of power or in proper connection. 27 Audio soundtrack and/or subtitle language is not the one selected at the initial settings: If the audio soundtrack and/or subtitle language does not exist on the disc, the language selected at the initial setting will not be seen/ heard. No subtitles: Subtitles appear only with discs which contain them. Alternative audio soundtrack(or subtitle) language fail to be selected: An alternative language is not selected with discs which do not contain more than one language. In the case of some discs, the alternative language cannot be selected by operating the AUDIO or SUBTITLE button. Try selecting it from the DVD menu if one is available. Angle cannot be changed: This function is dependent on software availability. Even if a disc has a number of angles recorded, these angles may be recorded for specific scenes only. Definition of terms Definition of terms Angle Recorded onto some DVD discs are scenes which have been simultaneously shot from a number of different angles(the same scene is shot from the front, front the left side, from the right side, etc.). With such discs, the ANGLE button can be used to view the scene from different angles. Track number These numbers are assigned to the tracks which are recorded on CDs. They enable specific tracks to be located quickly. DVD This refers to a high-density optical disc on which high-quality pictures and sound have been recorded by means of digital signals. Incorpor-ating a new video compression technology(MPEG II) and high-density recording technology, DVD enables esthetically pleasing full-motion video to be recorded over long periods of time(for instance, a whole movie can be recorded). DVD has a structure consisting of two 0.6mm thin discs which are ad-hered to each other. Since the thinner the disc, the higher the density at which the information can be recorded, a DVD disc has a greater capacity than a single 1.2mm thick disc. Since the two thin discs are adhered to each other, there is the potential to achieve double-sided play sometime in the future for even longer duration play. Chapter number These numbers are recorded on DVD discs. A title is subdivided into many sections, each of which is numbered, and specific parts of video presentations can be searched quickly using these numbers. Subtitles These are the printed lines appearing at the bottom of the screen which translate or transcribe the dialogue. They are recorded on DVD discs. 28