04/15/2010 Board Meeting Agenda
04/15/2010 Board Meeting Agenda
IRVINGTON PUBLIC SCHOOLS Office of the Assistant Superintendent Reggie Lamptey, CPA Assistant Superintendent for Business/ Board Secretary One University Place, 4th Floor Irvington, New Jersey 07111 (973) 399-6800 x 2120 (973) 399-6855 fax rlamptey@irvington.k12.nj.us DATE: April 15, 2010 TO: All Board Members Cabinet Members Principals Directors Supervisors FROM: Reggie Lamptey, CPA Assistant Superintendent for Business/Board Secretary RE: CORRECTIONS TO THE APRIL 15, 2010 BOARD AGENDA PERSONNEL Page # Item # 15 9C Parent Academy RESOLVED, the Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent and approves the appointment of the following staff to serve as on-site coordinators of the Irvington Parent Academy on April 17, May 22, 2010: Patricia Wilson, Parent Coordinator, at $18.00 per hour, for a total of 24 hours, not to $432.00. Ruby Robinson, Teacher, at $37.00 per hour, for a total of 24 hours, not to exceed $888.00. October Hudley, Teacher, at $37.00 per hour, for a total of 24 hours, not to exceed $888.00. Payable from account #20-467-100-100-0000-00-30. RL/vp REGULAR BOARD MEETING . APRIL 15, 2010 1. LEAVE (S) OF ABSENCE 2. RETURN TO WORK FROM LEAVE OF ABSENCE 3. SUBSTITUTE PERSONNEL 4. SEPARATIONS 5. APPOINTMENTS 6. REASSIGNMENTS/TRANSFERS 7. ATTAINMENT OF NEW LEVEL 8. APPROVAL OF REVISED JOB DESCRIPTION 9. AFTER SCHOOL PROGRAMS 10. FOR THE RECORD 11. CHILDREN WITH DISABILITIES – PLACEMENTS PUBLIC & NONPUBLIC 12. HOME INSTRUCTION 13. DOUGLAS DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITIES CENTER – SPECIAL SERVICES DEPARTMENT 14. NEW JERSEY PROFICIENCY ASSESSMENT OF STATE STANDARDS ( NJPASS) FOR GRADES 1 AND 2 – DEPARTMENT OF MATHEMATICS & ASSESSMENT 15. ASSEMBLY PROGRAMS 16. FIELD TRIPS 17. CONSUMER BOWL REGION COMPETITION – IRVINGTON HIGH SCHOOL 18. JROTC RAIDER MEET – IRVINGTON HIGH SCHOOL 19. IRVINGTON HIGH SCHOOL – THE ANNUAL AWARDS BANQUET 20. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT: OUT OF DISTRICT WORKSHOPS /CONFERENCES – OFFICE OF STAFF DEVELOPMENT 1 21. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT /CPR TRAINING/DISTRICT COACHES 22. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT /INTEGRATING LEARNING A-Z RESOURCES/ CHANCELLOR ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 23. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT/RTI: IMPLEMENTING POWERFUL AND PRACTICAL STRATEGIES TO IDENTIFY AND SERVE STUDENTS WITH LEARNING CHALLENGES 24. STAFF DEVELOPMENT – PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT ACADEMY COURSES 25. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT/ DIFFERENTIATED INSTRUCTION: STRATEGIES TO HELP ALL LEARNERS /BERKELEY TERRACE 26. NEW JERSEY TEACHERS OF ENGLISH TO SPEAKERS OF OTHER LANGUAGES/NEW JERSEY BILINGUAL EDUCATORS (NJTESOL/NJBE 2010 SPRING CONFERENCE – OFFICE OF GOVERNMENT PROGRAMS 27. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT / TRAINING FOR SECRETARIES AND CLERICAL STAFF 28. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT / CURRICULUM MAPPING 29. STAFF DEVELOPMENT/NEW JERSEY ANNUAL GLOBAL EDUCATORS CONFERENCE 30. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN/ IRVINGTON PUBLIC SCHOOL DISTRICT 31. PROFESSIONAL SERVICES /ACADEMIC PROGRAM EVALUATION SERVICES/ CURRICULUM &INSTRUCTION 32. WORLD LANGUAGE COURSE OF STUDY/CURRICULUM – OFFICE OF CURRICULUM & INSTRUCTION 33. D.O.O.R.S. GIRLS OUTREACH HIGH SCHOOL PROGRAM - IRVINGTON HIGH SCHOOL 34. SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT GRANT – IRVINGTON HIGH SCHOOL 35. SATORI – CHARTING THE SUCCESS OF STUDENT ATHLETES 36. NJSIAA 17TH ANNUAL SCHOLAR/ATHLETE AWARDS PROGRAM 37. NATIONAL COLLEGE FAIR 38. PAYMENT OF BILLS 39. BOARD SECRETARY’S FINANCIAL REPORT –FEBRUARY 2010 2 40. TREASURER OF SCHOOL MONIES FINANCIAL REPORT –FEBRUARY 2010: 41. CERTIFICATION OF EXPENDITURES – JANUARY 2010 42. PAYMENT OF DISTRICT TAXES FOR MARCH 2010 – Third Request 43. PAYMENT OF DISTRICT TAXES FOR APRIL 2010 – Second Request 44. PAYMENT OF DISTRICT TAXES FOR MAY 2010 45. CARL D. PERKINS GRANT ACCEPTING FUNDS –YEAR 2010 46. TRANSFER OF FUNDS 47. FUND RAISING ACTIVITIES 3 BOARD OF EDUCATION IRVINGTON, NEW JERSEY Regular Board Meeting – April 15, 2010 University Elementary School 1 University Place Irvington, New Jersey 07111 I. Call to Order II. Salute to the Flag III. Roll Call: IV. BOARD PRESIDENT: In accordance with P.L. 1975, Chapter 231, adequate notice of this meeting was posted in the Administration Building and copies of said notice sent to the Irvington Herald, the Star Ledger, and Township Clerk. V. CLOSED SESSION: Be It Hereby Resolved, pursuant to the New Jersey Open Public Meetings Act that the Irvington Board of Education meets in closed session this evening regarding matters of personnel and attorney/client privilege. It is expected that the discussion undertaken in this closed session can be made public at the time that the need for confidentiality no longer exists. ACTION: Motion by: ______________, Seconded by:__________________ Roll Call: VI. RESOLUTION TO APPROVE PRIOR BOARD MEETING MINUTES RESOLVED, that the minutes of the Board of Education meeting held on the dates as indicated, as corrected and transcribed, be received and filed. Regular Board Meeting March 17, 2010 Special Board Meeting March 24, 2010 Budget Hearing March 30, 2010 ACTION: Motion by: ______________, Seconded by: __________________ Roll Call: VII. SUPERINTENDENT’S REPORT: VIII. FROM THE BOARD PRESIDENT: IX. FROM THE STATE MONITOR X. PUBLIC COMMENT: (On agenda items only) Limit of 15 minutes total – three minutes per individual on agenda items only. 4 PERSONNEL April 15, 2010 1. LEAVE (S) OF ABSENCE RESOLVED, that the Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent and approves the leave(s) of absence of the listed personnel, effective as indicated: Certificated (a) Lolita Thomas Unpaid medical leave of absence with paid benefits as per the FMLA effective 3/19/10 through 6/10/10. (Florence Avenue School-2nd Grade Teacher) (b) Janice West Extension of paid medical leave of absence using 78 personal illness days effective 3/1/10 through 6/24/10. (High School-Guidance Counselor) (c) Yvonne Jackson Paid medical leave of absence using 32 personal illness days effective 2/16/10 through 4/9/10. (Union Avenue Middle School-Math Teacher) (d) Shanti Peters Extension of unpaid medical leave of absence without paid benefits effective 3/10/10 through 5/11/10. (Berkeley Terrace School-3rd Grade Teacher) (e) Jonna Glanzman Paid medical leave of absence using 33 personal illness days effective 2/8/10 through 3/31/10. (Chancellor Avenue School-School Nurse) (f) Jessica Wilhelm Paid medical leave of absence using 6.5 personal illness days effective 3/22/10 through 3/30/10 (am), followed by unpaid medical leave of absence effective 3/30/10 (pm) through 4/1/10. (University Elementary School-Guidance Counselor) (g) Joann Lepard Extension of unpaid medical leave of absence without paid benefits effective 4/1/10 through 5/1/10 (Florence Avenue School-5th Grade Inclusion Teacher) (h) Denise Antonazzi Extension of paid medical leave of absence using 14 personal illness days effective 3/15/10 through 4/9/10. (University Middle School-Special Education Teacher) 5 PERSONNEL (continued) April 15, 2010 (i) Caren Pozniak Paid medical leave of absence using 30 personal illness days effective 1/21/10 through 3/10/10, followed by paid medical leave of absence effective 3/11/10 through 4/16/10 using Sick Bank. (Florence Avenue School-3rd Grade Teacher) (j) Deborah Granato Unpaid maternity disability leave of absence with paid benefits as per the FMLA 5/3/10 through 6/30/10, followed by unpaid childcare leave of absence as per the FMLA with paid benefits effective 9/1/10 through 9/30/10. (Berkeley Terrace School-2nd Grade Teacher) Non-Certificated (k) Karen Diggs Paid medical leave of absence using 16 personal illness days effective 3/1/10 through 3/22/10. (Thurgood Marshall School-Security Guard) (l) Joseph Vitale Paid medical leave of absence using 11 personal illness days and 2 accrued vacation & 7 vacation days effective 2/8/10 through 3/12/10. (Buildings and Grounds-Educational Facilities Manager) (m) Arthur Wells Extension of paid medical leave of absence effective 4/6/10 through 5/31/10 using Sick Bank. (Transportation Dept. Bus Driver I) (n) Deborah Moore-Scantling Paid medical leave of absence using 39 personal illness days effective 1/19/10 through 2/18/10, followed by paid medical leave of absence effective 2/26/10 through 3/26/10. (Berkeley Terrace SchoolParaprofessional) ACTION: Motion by: ____________________________, Seconded by: _____________________________ Roll Call: 6 PERSONNEL (continued) April 15, 2010 2. RETURN TO WORK FROM LEAVE OF ABSENCE RESOLVED, that the Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent and approves the return to work from leaves of absence of the listed personnel, effective as indicated: Non-Certificated (a) Dandelia Morales Returned to work from unpaid medical leave of absence effective 2/22/10. (Florence Avenue SchoolCustodian) (b) Karen Diggs Returned to work from paid medical leave of absence effective 3/23/10. (Thurgood Marshall SchoolSecurity Officer) (c) Joseph Vitale Returned to work from paid medical leave of absence effective 3/15/10. (Buildings and GroundsEducational Facilities Manager) ACTION: Motion by: ____________________________, Seconded by: _____________________________ Roll Call: 3. SUBSTITUTE PERSONNEL (a) RESOLVED, that the Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent and approves the appointment of the listed personnel as substitute teachers, effective for the 2009/2010 school year: Permission to Apply for County Substitute Certificates Substitutes Eligible for Work Jesica Patterson Felicia Anderson **Faith Stewart **Home Instruction Only ACTION: Motion by: ____________________________, Seconded by: _____________________________ Roll Call: 7 PERSONNEL (continued) April 15, 2010 (b) Substitute Security Guards RESOLVED, that the Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent and approves the appointment of the listed personnel as Substitute Security Guards at the pay rate of $9.50 per hour, effective 4/16/10. Payable from account #11-000-266-100-0000-00-35: Melissa Thomas Clifford Foster Jr. Keyona Eley Fabienne Aubourg Alnissa Walton ACTION: Motion by: ____________________________, Seconded by: _____________________________ Roll Call: (c) Substitute Custodians RESOLVED, that the Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent and approves the appointment of the listed personnel as Substitute Custodians at a rate of $9.50 per hour, effective 4/16/10. Payable from account #11-000-262-100-0000-00-34: Melissa Thomas Fabienne Aubourg Clifford Foster Jr. Alnissa Walton Keyona Eley ACTION: Motion by: ____________________________, Seconded by: _____________________________ Roll Call: (d) Substitute Paraprofessional RESOVLED, that the Board of education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent and approves the appointment of Fabienne Arbourg as a Substitute Paraprofessional, at a rate of $76.60 per day, effective 4/16/10. Payable from account #11-000-230-100-000-000-22. ACTION: Motion by: ____________________________, Seconded by: _____________________________ Roll Call: 8 PERSONNEL (continued) April 15, 2010 4. SEPARATIONS RESOLVED, that the Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent and approves the separation of the listed personnel, effective as indicated: Retirements Certificated (a) Myrna Williams-Smith, Thurgood Marshall School, 5th Grade Teacher, retirement effective 7/1/10. (DOH 9/1/85) (b) Patricia Moran, Basic Skills Teacher, Chancellor Avenue School, retirement effective 7/1/10. (DOH 10/7/74) (c) Raymond Miller, Art Teacher, University Middle School, retirement effective 7/1/10. (DOH 9/1/77) (d) Fern Vitale, Basic Skills Teacher, Chancellor Avenue School, retirement effective 7/1/10. (DOH 11/1/82) (e) Janice Andrews, Basic Skills Teacher, Mt. Vernon Avenue School, retirement effective 7/1/10. (DOH 9/16/80) (f) Janice West, Guidance Counselor, High School, retirement effective 7/1/10. (DOH 9/1/67) (g) Myrna Licks, Coordinator Special Projects/Grants Facilitator, Government Programs, retirement effective 7/1/10. (DOH 9/1/86) (h) Steven Mate, Guidance Counselor, High School, retirement effective 7/1/10. (DOH 2/1/85) (i) Patricia Greenberg, Language Arts Teacher, University Middle School, retirement effective 7/1/10. (DOH 9/1/91) (j) Margaret Ferreiro, Basic Skills Teacher, Mt. Vernon Avenue School, retirement effective 7/1/10. (DOH 11/26/79) (k) Leonard Bajor, Special Education Teacher, Thurgood Marshall School, retirement effective 7/1/10. (DOH 9/1/72) (l) Percy Lesure, Mathematics Teacher, Alternative School, retirement effective 1/1/11. (DOH 9/16/96) (m) Douglas Howell, Music Teacher, Thurgood Marshall School, retirement effective 7/1/10. (DOH 3/1/86) (n) Margaret Kearse, 4th Grade Teacher, Thurgood Marshall School, retirement effective 7/1/10. (DOH 11/13/79) 9 PERSONNEL (continued) April 15, 2010 (o) Robert Wagner, Art Teacher, High School, retirement effective 7/1/10. (DOH 9/1/85) (p) Joseph Reynolds, 4th Grade Teacher, University Elementary School, retirement effective 7/1/10. (DOH 9/1/99) (q) Denise Antonazzi, Special Education Teacher, University Middle School, retirement effective 7/1/10. (DOH ACTION: Motion by: ____________________________, Seconded by: _____________________________ Roll Call: Non-Certificated (r) Stanley Kossup, Residency Officer, Department of Security, retirement effective 7/1/11. (DOH 11/2/81) (s) Minnie Flanagan, Bus Aide, Transportation Department, retirement effective 7/1/10. (DOH 9/1/85) (t) Nancy Bell, Paraprofessional, Berkeley Terrace School, retirement effective 1/1/11. (DOH 9/1/87) ACTION: Motion by: ____________________________, Seconded by: _____________________________ Roll Call: Terminations Non-Certificated (u) Jacqualine Lovett, Security Officer, High School, effective at the close of business, 4/16/10. (v) Donald Person, Custodian, High School, effective at the close of business, 4/16/10. ACTION: Motion by: ____________________________, Seconded by: _____________________________ Roll Call: 10 PERSONNEL (continued) April 15, 2010 5. APPOINTMENTS RESOLVED, that the Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent and approves the appointment of the listed personnel, for the 2009/2010 school year, effective as indicated: Non-Certificated (a) RESOLVED, that the Board of Education accept the recommendation of the Superintendent and approves the appointment of Amir Sileem, Maintenance/Plumber, District wide, at an annual salary of $48,297, Step 5, effective 5/3/10, pending criminal history clearance, payable from account #11-000-261100-0000-00-33. Replacing Brendon McMahon. ACTION: Motion by: ____________________________, Seconded by: _____________________________ Roll Call: (b) RESOLVED, that the Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent and approves the appointment of Clerveus Casseus, Acting Head Custodian, Thurgood Marshall School, at an annual salary of $40,309, Step 1, effective 12/14/09, payable from account #11-000262-100-0000-00-34. Replacing Eric Frazier ACTION: Motion by: ____________________________, Seconded by: _____________________________ Roll Call: (c) RESOLVED, that the Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent and approves the appointment of Zorana Doremus, Acting Supervisor Building & Grounds, at an annual salary of $49,322, Non-Bargaining, effective 4/22/10, payable from account #11-000-261-100-0000-00-32. ACTION: Motion by: ____________________________, Seconded by: _____________________________ Roll Call: 6. REASSIGNMENTS/TRANSFERS RESOLVED, that the Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent and approves the reassignment/transfer of the listed personnel, at the indicated position and location: Non-Certificated (a) Eric Frazier, Head Custodian, University Middle School to Head Custodian, University Elementary School, no change in salary, effective 4/22/10, payable from account #11-000-262-100-0000-00-34. Replacing Zorana Doremus. 11 PERSONNEL (continued) April 15, 2010 (b) Adam Screven, Substitute Security Officer, High School to Security Officer, High School, (days), at an annual salary of $26,800, Step 1, effective 4/16/10, payable from account #15000-266-100-0000-00-12. Replacing Corrine Hill. (c) Jaquatta Dorcey, Substitute Security Officer, High School to Security Officer, High School, (nights), at an annual salary of $26,800, Step 1, effective 4/16/10, payable from account #15000-266-100-0000-00-12. Replacing Darryl Cosby. (d) Darlene Brown, Substitute Security Officer, High School to Security Officer, High School, (days), at an annual salary of $26,800, Step 1, effective 4/16/10, payable from account #15000-266-100-0000-00-12. Replacing Annette O’Neal. (e) Ivy Bennett, Substitute Security Officer, Union Avenue Middle School to Security Officer, Union Avenue Middle School, (days), at an annual salary of $26,800, Step 1, effective 4/16/10, payable from account #15-000-266-100-0000-00-11. Replacing Terrell Macon. (f) Ariel Medina, Substitute Custodian, University Elementary School to Custodian, University Elementary School, $30,200, Step 3, effective 4/16/10, payable from account # 11-000262-100-0000-00-34. Replacing Marcel Cruz. (g) John Gilbert, Substitute Security Officer, Central Office to Security Officer, Central Office, (days), at an annual salary of $26,800, Step 1, effective 4/16/10, payable from account #11-000-262-100-000000-35. Replacing Jeremiah Wesley. (h) Fritzner Belande, Substitute Security Officer, High School to Security Officer, High School, (nights), at an annual salary of $26,800, Step 1, effective 4/16/10, payable from account #15-000-266-1000000-00-12. Replacing Akbar Sharif. (i) Christopher Morrison, Substitute Custodian, University Elementary School to Custodian, University Elementary School (nights), at an annual salary of $27,916.00, Step 1, effective 4/16/10, payable from account #15-000-266-100-0000-00-12. Replacing Sal Gallegos. ACTION: Motion by: ____________________________, Seconded by: _____________________________ Roll Call: 7. ATTAINMENT OF NEW LEVEL RESOLVED, that the Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent and approves the salary adjustment of the following certificated staff members due to attainment of new level, effective on the indicated dates: Certificated Name 2009/2010 From To Evan Abramson Union Avenue Middle School Computer Teacher $58,443 Step 11 BA Level $63,163 Step 11 MA Level 12 PERSONNEL (continued) April 15, 2010 Valerie Benn Florence Avenue School 5th Grade Teacher $63,324 Step 12 BA Level $67,892 Step 12 MA Level Karen Ann DiGennaro Grove Street School 4th Grade Teacher $50,004 Step 7 BA Level $51,142 Step 7 5th Year Level Chinaire Fields High School English Teacher $50,004 Step 7 BA Level $51,142 Step 7 MA Level Jean Florestal High School Mathematics Teacher $58,703 Step 10 MA Level $62,017 Step 10 6th Year Level Iman Hassan Haddia Mt. Vernon Avenue School ESL Teacher $49,685 Step 6 BA Level $50,824 Step 6 MA Level April Magee University Elementary School Math Specialist $78,158 Step 13 MA Level $84,050 Step 13 6th Year Level Frantz Meronvil High School Math Specialist $50,004 Step 7 BA Level $51,142 Step 7 5th Year Level Kevin McNulty Madison Avenue School 5th Grade Teacher $51,319 Step 8 BA Level $53,105 Step 8 MA Level Laura McNulty Madison Avenue School 4th Grade Teacher $51,319 Step 8 BA Level $53,105 Step 8 MA Level Barbara Morcos High School English Teacher $49,049 Step 4 BA Level $50,188 Step 4 5th Year Level Clavel Nelson University Middle School School Nurse $78,158 Step 13 MA Level $84,050 Step 13 6th Year Level 13 PERSONNEL (continued) April 15, 2010 Joseph Reynolds University Elementary School 5th Grade Teacher $85,020 Step 14a BA Level $91,908 Step 14a MA Level Nicole Slade Union Avenue Middle School Mathematics Teacher $50,824 Step 6 MA Level $54,707 Step 6 6th Year Level Haim Deuth High School Social Studies Teacher $3,000 for earned Doctorate Effective 2/1/10 Catherine Bloweres University Elementary School Media Specialist $49,049 Step 4 BA Level $50,188 Step 4 MA Level Vilma Charlery Mt. Vernon Avenue School Kdg. Teacher $63,324 Step 12 BA Level $67,892 Step 12 MA Level Sharon Colon Florence Avenue School 3rd Grade Teacher $51,319 Step 8 BA Level $53,105 Step 8 MS Level Lauren Greenfield Thurgood Marshall School Special Education Teacher $49,685 Step 6 BA Level $50,824 Step 6 5th Year Level Tychawn Johnson Early Childhood Master Teacher $52,888 Step 9 BA Level $55,108 Step 9 5th Year Level Shannon Phillips Chancellor Avenue School 2nd Grande Teacher $79,021 Step 14 BA Level $85,159 Step 14 MA Level Shayna Scott Thurgood Marshall School 4th Grade Teacher (Sabbatical Leave 09/10) $63,324 Step 12 BA Level $67,892 Step 12 MA Level 14 PERSONNEL (continued) April 15, 2010 Pierre Valere High School Mathematics Teacher $55,677 Step 10 BA Level $58,703 Step 10 MA Level ACTION: Motion by: ____________________________, Seconded by: _____________________________ Roll Call: Non-Certificated Gloria Rainey Paraprofessional Mt. Vernon Avenue School $26,201 Step 10 Plus $300 effective 9/1/09 ACTION: Motion by: ____________________________, Seconded by: _____________________________ Roll Call: 8. APPROVAL OF REVISED JOB DESCRIPTION (a) RESOLVED, that the Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent and approves the revision of School Nurse Job Description, effective 4/16/10. ACTION: Motion by: ____________________________, Seconded by: _____________________________ Roll Call: (b) RESOLVED, that the Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent and approves the revision of Director of Staff Development Job Description, effective 4/16/10. ACTION: Motion by: ____________________________, Seconded by: _____________________________ Roll Call: 9. AFTER SCHOOL PROGRAMS (a) Irvington High School/Peer Tutoring Program RESOLVED, that the Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent and approves the appointment of the following staff and students to the Irvington High School Peer Tutoring Program. Matthew Amato, Teacher Issac Kwayke, Student Simons Harley, Student Elizabeth Menzia, Student Lauren King, Student $37.00 per hour not to exceed $2,000.00 $10.00 per hour not to exceed $440.00 $10. 00 per hour not to exceed $440.00 $10.00 per hour not to exceed $440.00 $10.00 per hour not to exceed $440.00 15 PERSONNEL (continued) April 15, 2010 Dwayne Reid, Student Abdulai Hussein, Student Kevin Akim, Student Eleanor Ojinnaka, Student Shamm Petros, Student Andrew McGibbons, Student $10.00 per hour not to exceed $10.00 per hour not to exceed $10.00 per hour not to exceed $10.00 per hour not to exceed $10.00 per hour not to exceed $10.00 per hour not to exceed $440.00 $440.00 $440.00 $440.00 $440.00 $440.00 The aforementioned staff member and students shall be paid from account #20-467-100-100-0000-00-30. This program will begin 4/17/10 to 6/5/10 from 8:30 am to 12:30 pm. ACTION: Motion by: ____________________________, Seconded by: _____________________________ Roll Call: (b) Irvington High School/Saturday Detention Program RESOLVED, that the Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent and approves the appointment of the following staff members to the Irvington High School Saturday Detention Program: Gilbert Bragg, Teacher Richard Champion, Teacher $37.00 per hour not to exceed $2,000.00 $37.00 per hour not to exceed $2,000.00 The aforementioned personnel shall be paid from account #20-467-100-100-0000-00-30. This program will begin on Saturday, 4/17/10 to 6/5/10 from 8:30 am to 12:30 pm. ACTION: Motion by: ____________________________, Seconded by: _____________________________ Roll Call: (c) Parent Academy RESOLVED, the Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent and approves the appointment of the following staff to serve as on-site coordinators of the Irvington Parent Academy on April 17, May 22, 2010: Patricia Wilson, Parent Coordinator, at $18.00 per hour, for total of hours, not to exceed $ Ruby Robinson, Teacher, at $37.00 per hour, for total of hours, not to exceed $ October Hudley, Teacher, at $37.00 per hour, for total of hours, not to exceed $ Payable from account #20-467-100-100-0000-00-30. ACTION: Motion by: ____________________________, Seconded by: _____________________________ Roll Call: 16 PERSONNEL (continued) April 15, 2010 10. FOR THE RECORD (a) Linda Spellman, B-12 Secretary, High School, was board approved for 5/3/10; however, based on criminal history clearance, new date of hire is 3/23/10. (b) Dr. Martin Lee Dickerson, Assistant Superintendent of Academic Affairs, was board approved for 3/22/10, new date of hire is 3/23/10. (c) Mary Mitchell, Supervisor of Staff Development reclassified to Director of Staff Development, effective 4/1/10, should read effective 7/1/10 17 CHILDREN WITH DISABILITIES – PLACEMENTS PUBLIC & NON-PUBLIC April 15, 2010 11. RESOLVED, that the Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent in concurrence with the Supervisor of Special Services, that the following be approved for placements for Children with Disabilities for Placement In Pubic & Non Public Schools (upon receipt of appropriate bills tuition and transportation (where necessary) for the following, as listed, for attendance at the listed schools, at the listed tuition rates, subject to verification for the 2009-2010 school year. PUBLIC P09-111 Grade: 06 Westlake Tuition: $19,122.00 Beginning: 03/01/10 MIC P09-112 Grade: 11 Essex Campus Academy Tuition: $37,300.00 Beginning: 10/01/09 MD NON_PUBLIC NP09-371 Grade: 05 Gateway Tuition: $48,617.00 Beginning: 09/01/09 MDI NP09-372 Grade: 001 Jardine Academy Tuition: $21,456.00 Beginning: 03/22/10 TBI NP09-358 Grade: 11 Mt. Carmel Guild Academy Tuition: $18,720.00 Beginning: 03/17/10 ED NP09-359 Grade: 02 Washington Academy Tuition: $18,963.00 Beginning: 03/15/10 ED TOTAL TUITION AMOUNT OF NEW PLACEMENTS - $164,178.00 18 CHILDREN WITH DISABILITIES – PLACEMENTS PUBLIC & NON-PUBLIC April 15, 2010 DISCONTINUED PLACEMENTS NP09-001 Essex Campus Academy Discontinued: 03/11/10 Tuition: $11,190.00 SLD - Moved NP09-082 Deron 2/Montclair Discontinued: 03/24/10 Tuition: $12,066.00 SLD – Change in placement NP09-085 Essex Campus Academy Discontinued: 02/03/10 Tuition: $14,800.00 SLD – Moved NP09-114 Deveraux Discontinued: 08/13/09 Tuition: $39,160.00 ED – Moved NP09-200 Mt. Carmel Guild Academy Discontinued: 03/19/10 Tuition: $14,040.00 MD – Moved NP09-001 Highland School Discontinued: 02/04/10 Tuition: $24,200.00 SLD – Moved TOTAL TUITION AMOUNT OF DISCONTINUED LACEMENTS - $ 115,450.00 TOTAL $20,674,540.00 TOTAL In-District 613 Out of District 475 TOTAL NUMBER OF STUDENTS IN AND OUT OF DISTRICT = 1,088.00 ACTION: Motion by: ______________________, Seconded by: ___________________________ Roll Call 19 CLASSIFICATION DEFINITIONS 1. Auditorily Impaired (AI) corresponds to “auditorily handicapped” and further corresponds to the Federal eligibility categories of deafness or hearing impairment. Auditorily impaired means an inability to hear within normal limits due to physical impairment or dysfunction of auditory mechanisms characterized by (c) i or ii below. An audiological evaluation by a specialist qualified in the field of audiology, and a speech and language evaluation by a certified speech-language specialist are required. i. Deafness (DB) - The auditory impairment is so severe that the student is impaired in processing linguistic information through hearing, with or without amplification and the students educational performance is adversely affected. ii. Hearing impairment - An impairment in hearing whether permanent or fluctuating which adversely affects the student’s educational performance. 2. Autistic (AU) - means a pervasive developmental disability, which significantly impacts verbal and nonverbal communication, and social interaction that adversely affects a student’s educational performance. Onset is generally evident before age three. Other characteristics often associated with autism are engagement in repetitive activities and stereotyped movements, resistance to environmental change or change in daily routine, unusual responses to sensory experience and lack of responsiveness to others. The term does not apply if the student’s adverse educational performance is due to emotional disturbance as defined in (c) 5 below. A child who manifests the characteristics of autism after age three may be classified as autistic if the criteria in this paragraph are met. An assessment by a certified speech-language specialist and an assessment by a physician trained in neuro developmental assessment are required. 3. Cognitively Impaired (MR) - corresponds to “mentally retarded” and means a disability that is characterized by significantly below average general cognitive functioning existing concurrently with deficits in adaptive behavior; manifested during the developmental period that adversely affects a student’s educational performance and is characterized by one of the following: i. Mild Cognitive Impairment (MOC) -corresponds to “educable” and means a level of cognitive development and adaptive behavior in home, school and community settings that are mildly below age expectations with respect to all the following: (1) The quality and rate of learning: (2) The use of symbols for the interpretation of information and the solution of problems; and (3) Performance on an individually administered test of intelligence that falls within a range of two to three standard deviations below the mean. ii. Moderate Cognitive Impairment (MIC) - corresponds to “trainable” and means a level of cognitive development and adaptive behavior that is moderately below age expectations with respect to the following: (1) The ability to use symbols in the solution of problems of low complexity: (2) The ability to function socially without direct and close supervision in home, school and community settings; and (3) Performance on an individually administered test of intelligence that fall three standard deviations or more below the mean. iii. Severe Cognitive Impairment (SCI) - corresponds to “eligible for day training” and means a level of functioning severely below age expectations whereby in a consistent basis the student is incapable of giving evidence of understanding and responding in a positive manner to simple directions expressed in the child’s primary mode of communication and cannot in some manner express basic wants and needs. 20 4. Communication Impaired (COM) - corresponds to “communication handicapped” and means a language disorder in the areas of morphology, syntax, semantics and/or pragmatics/discourse which adversely affects a student’s educational performance and is not due primarily to an auditory impairment. The problem shall be demonstrated through functional assessment of language in other than a testing situation and performance below 1.5 standard deviations, or the 10th percentile on at least two standardized oral language tests, where such tests are appropriate. When the area of suspected disability is language, assessment by a certified speech-language specialist and assessment to establish the educational impact are required. The speech-language specialist shall be considered a child study team member. 1. When it is determined that the student meets the eligibility criteria according to the definition in (c) 4 above, but requires instruction by a speech-language specialist, only the student shall be classified as eligible for speech-language services. When the area of suspected disability is a disorder of articulation, voice or fluency, the student shall be evaluated according to N.J.A.C. 6A:14-3.4(e) and if eligible, classified as eligible for speechlanguage services according to N.J.A.C. 6A:14-3.6(a). 5. Emotionally Disturbed (ED) - means a condition exhibiting one or more of the following characteristics over a long period of time and to a marked degree that adversely affects a student’s educational performance due to: i. An inability to learn that cannot be explained by intellectual, sensory or health factors; ii. An inability to build or maintain satisfactory interpersonal relationships with peers and teachers; iii. Inappropriate types of behaviors or feelings Under normal circumstances; iv. A general pervasive mood of unhappiness or depression; or v. A tendency to develop physical symptoms or fears associated with personal or school problems. 6. Multiply Disabled (MD) - corresponds to “multiply handicapped” and means the presence of two or more disabling conditions. Eligibility for speech-language services, as defined in this section, shall not be one of the disabling conditions (for classifications) based on the definition of multiply disabled. Multiply disabled is characterized as follows: i. “Multiple disabilities” means concomitant impairments, the combination of which causes such severe educational problems that programs designed for the separate disabling conditions will not meet the student’s educational needs. ii. “Deaf/blindness” means concomitant hearing and visual impairments, the combination of which causes such severe communication and other developmental and educational problems that cannot be accommodated in special education programs solely for students with deafness or students with blindness. 7. Orthopedically Impaired (OI) - corresponds to “orthopedically handicapped” and means a disability characterized by a severe orthopedic impairment that adversely affects a student’s educational performance. The term includes malformation, malfunction or loss of bone, muscle or tissue. A medical assessment documenting the orthopedic condition is required. 21 8. Other Health Impaired (OHI) - corresponds to “chronically ill” and means a disability that may be characterized by having limited strengths, vitality or alertness, due to chronic or acute health problems, such as a heart condition, tuberculosis, rheumatic fever, nephritis, asthma, sickle cell anemia, hemophilia, epilepsy, lead poisoning, leukemia, diabetes or any other medical condition, such as Tourette Syndrome, that adversely affects a students educational performance. A medical assessment 9. Preschool Disabled (PSD) - corresponds to preschool handicapped and means an identified disabling and/or a measurable developmental impairment which occurs in children between the ages of three and five years, and requires special education and related services. 10. Social Maladjustment (SM) - means a consistent inability to conform to the standards for behavior established by the school. Such behavior is seriously disruptive to the education of the student or other students and is not due to emotional disturbances as defined in (c) 5 above. 11. Specific Learning Disability (SLD) - corresponds to “perceptually impaired” and means a disorder in one or more of the basic psychological processes involved in understanding or using language, spoken or written, that may manifest itself in an imperfect ability to listen, think, speak, read, write, spell, or to do mathematical calculations. i. It is characterized by a severe discrepancy between the student’s current achievements and intellectual ability in one or more of the following areas: (1) Basic reading skills; (2) Reading comprehension; (3) Oral expression; (4) Listening comprehension; (5) Mathematical computation; (6) Mathematical reasoning; and (7) Written expression. ii. The term does not apply to students who have learning problems that are primarily the result of visual, hearing, or motor disabilities, general cognitive deficits, emotional disturbance or environmental, cultural or economic disadvantage. iii. The district shall adopt procedures that utilize a statistical formula and criteria for determining severe discrepancy. Evaluation shall include assessment of current academic achievement and intellectual ability. 12. Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) - corresponds to “neurologically impaired” and means an acquired injury to the brain caused by an external physical force or insult to the brain, resulting in total or partial functional disability or psychosocial impairment, or both. The term applies to open or closed head injuries resulting in impairments in one or more areas, such as cognitive; language; memory; attention; reasoning; abstract thinking; judgment; problem-solving; sensory, perceptual and motor abilities; psychosocial behavior; physical functions; information processing; and speech. 13. Visually Impaired (VI) - corresponds to “visually handicapped” and means impairment in vision that, even with correction, adversely affects a student’s educational performance. The term includes both partial sight and blindness. An assessment by a specialist qualified to determine visual disability is required. Students with visual impairments shall be reported to the Commission for the Blind and Visually Impaired. 22 CHILDREN WITH DISABILITIES – PLACEMENTS PUBLIC & NON-PUBLIC April 15, 2010 HOME INSTRUCTION 12. RESOLVED, that the Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent and approves Home Instruction for the listed children. Regular Education students receive five (5) hours a week and classified students receive ten (10) hours a week of instruction. HI09-075 Barbara Neuhart Start Date: 03/04/10 Eligible for Home Instruction HI09-076 Dena Crump-Ilobi Start Date: 03/02/10 Eligible for Home Instruction HI09-077 Innocent Nworu Start Date: 03/03/10 Eligible for Home Instruction HI09-078 Daniel Strand Start Date: 03/12/10 Eligible for Home Instruction HI09-079 Education Inc. Start Date: 03/10/10 Eligible for Home Instruction HI09-080 Education Inc. Start Date: 03/11/10 Eligible for Home Instruction HI09-081 Innocent Nworu Start Date: 03/17/10 Eligible for Home Instruction HI09-082 Glenn P. Inman Start Date: 03/18/09 Eligible for Home Instruction HI09-083 Education Inc. Start Date: 03/22/10 Eligible for Home Instruction 23 CHILDREN WITH DISABILITIES – PLACEMENTS PUBLIC & NON-PUBLIC April 15, 2010 HI09-084 University Behavioral Healthcare Start Date: 03/23/10 Eligible for Home Instruction HI09-085 Education Inc. Start Date: 03/23/10 Eligible for Home Instruction ACTION: Motion by: __________________________, Seconded by: __________________________ Roll Call: 24 CURRICULUM April 15, 2010 13. DOUGLAS DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITIES CENTER – SPECIAL SERVICES DEPARTMENT RESOLVED, that the Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools and approves Douglas Developmental Disabilities Center to conduct and record observations, interviews, and reviews in our Autistic classroom in order to develop a comprehensive report on our present programs. This will entail discussion of strengths of the program, areas that need to be developed and a recommendation of what consultative services are necessary for the 2010-2011 school year. Total cost not to exceed $2,035.00 to be paid via Account #20-255-200-300-0000-00-25. ACTION: Motion By: ______________________, Seconded By: ____________________________ Roll Call: 14. NEW JERSEY PROFICIENCY ASSESSMENT OF STATE STANDARDS (NJPASS) FOR GRADES 1 AND 2 – DEPARTMENT OF MATHEMATICS & ASSESSMENT RESOLVED, that the Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools and grants permission to administer appropriate levels of the NJPASS to all students in grades 1 (600 students) and 2 (559 students). These criterion-referenced tests are designed to measure students’ mastery of the current New Jersey Core Curriculum Content Standards (NJCCCs) for Language Arts Literacy and Mathematics. The total cost for the test materials and scoring not to exceed $45,000.00 to be paid via Account #11-190-100-500-0000-0017. ACTION: Motion By: ______________________, Seconded By: ____________________________ Roll Call: 25 CURRICULUM (continued) April 15, 2010 15. ASSEMBLY PROGRAMS RESOLVED, that the Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools and approves the assembly program(s) listed below: School Date Grade Level Title Name of Company Total Cost Account # Berkeley Terrace 5/12/10 5/13/10 5/18/10 5/19/10 K-5 “The Skylab Program” The Newark Museum Outreach Program 4 days 20-467-200-3000000-00-30 *35 students view presentation at a time 8:30-2:30 a.m. Chancellor Avenue 4/28/10 10:00 -11:00 a.m. K-2 “The Good Character Magic Show” Ken Northridge Doveltail Presentation $400.00 each Total: $1,600.00 $825.00 15-000-218-5000000-00-03 New Jersey Core Curriculum Content Standards: ACTION: Motion By: ______________________, Seconded By: ____________________________ Roll Call: 26 CURRICULUM (continued) April 15, 2010 16. FIELD TRIPS RESOLVED, that the Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools and approves the following field trips under the conditions listed below: Chancellor Ave: Destination Date Grade Level 3rd Grade Jenkenson’s Aquarium/Point Pleasant, NJ 4/22/10 Turtle Back Zoo/West Orange, NJ 5/13/10 1st Grade Medieval Times/Lyndhurst, NJ 5/27/10 5th Grade # of Students 70 # of Teachers 3 Free # of Parents 7 $9.00 Total Admission Total: $483.00 To be paid via School Account 85 $6.00 per person 8 $9.00 per person 12 $9.00 per person $690.00 70 3 9 $6.00 per person Transportation & Cost Irvington Public School Transportation Dept. $25.00 per hr. (3 buses x 6 hrs.) $450.00 Irvington Public School Transportation Dept. $25.00 per hr. (3 buses x 6 hrs.) $450.00 Total Cost Account # $450.00 15-000-270512-0000-0003 $1,140.00 $34.00 per person NO COST TO DISTRICT NO COST TO DISTRICT Admission: 15-190-100500-0000-0003 Transportation: 15-000-270512-0000-0003 N/A NO COST TO DISTRICT Essex County regional Educational Services Commission (2 bus ) Not to exceed $570.00 Total: $2,788.00 To be paid via School Account New Jersey Core Curriculum Content Standards: 5.1.4.B.2, 5.1.4.D.1, 5.1.4.B4, 5.1.4.D.2, 3.23.A, 3.3.3.A, 3.5.3.A 5.3C, 5.3.P.C.1, 5.32.C1, 5.3.2.C3 6.3.1, 2.C 27 CURRICULUM (continued) April 15, 2010 Grove St. Destination Date Imagine That Museum/Florham Park, NJ 4/22/10 Grade Level K-2 # of Students 151 # of Teachers 16 # of Parents 10 Total Admission $10.99-per student, $6.99-adults $1,841.23 total Turtle Back Zoo/West Orange, NJ 5/13/10 Pre-K 45 $5.00 6 $7.00 0 $267.00 State Theater of New Jersey/New Brunswick, NJ 5/19/10 Pre-K 45 6 0 $13.00 per person Total $663.00 Newark Museum/Newark, NJ 5/28/10 3rd Grade 65 4 8 NO COST TO DISTRICT $10.00 per person Total: $770.00 To be paid via School Account New Jersey Children’s Museum/Paramus, NJ 6/10/10 Pre-K 45 6 5 Turtle Back Zoo/West Orange, NJ 6/11/10 3rd Grade 65 4 8 $8.00 per person ($448.00) minus $24.00 discount $424.00-total NO COST TO DISTRICT $6.00 per person Total: $462.00 To be paid via School Account Transportation & Cost Irvington Public Schools Transportation Dept. $25.00 per hr. (4 buses x 5.5 hrs.) 550.00 Irvington Public Schools Transportation Dept. $25.00 per hr. (1 bus x 6 hrs.) 150.00 Irvington Public Schools Transportation Dept. $25.00 per hr (1 bus x 4.5 hrs.) $112.50 NO COST TO DISTRICT Total Cost Account # $2,391.23 20-467-200500-0000-0030 $417.00 20-218-200516-0000-0306 $775.50 20-218-200516-0000-0306 $1,020.25 N/A Irvington Public Schools Transportation Dept. $25.00 per hr. (2 buses x 4 hrs.) $200.00 $624.00 20-218-200516-0000-0306 NO COST TO DISTRICT NO COST TO DISTRICT N/A Irvington Public Schools Transportation Dept. $25.00 per hr (2 x buses x 5 hrs.) $250.00 To be paid via School Account Irvington Public Schools Transportation Dept. $25.00 per hr. (2 buses x 5 hrs.) $250.00 $712.00 To be paid via School Account New Jersey Core Curriculum Content Standards: 5.3.2.A.1, 3.1.4, 3.1.3, 3.2.1, 3.5.B2, 3.3.B.4, 3.3.C.1, 4.1.3, 4.1.4, 4.1.5, 4.3.4, 5.3.1, 5.3.2, 5.3.3, 1.3.P.A.5, 1.3.P.C.3, 28 CURRICULUM (continued) April 15, 2010 Mt. Vernon: Destination Date Hayden Planetarium/New York, NY 5/25/10 Grade Level 5th Grade # of Students 100 # of Teachers 4 Free # of Parents 4 Free Total Admission $13.50 per person Total: $1,350.00 Hayden Planetarium/New York, NY 4th Grade 5/28/10 100 4 free 4 free $13.50 per person Total: $1,350.00 Transportation & Cost Essex County regional Educational Services Commission (2 buses ) Not to exceed $800.00 each Total: $1,600.00 Essex County regional Educational Services Commission (2 buses ) Not to exceed $800.00 each Total: $1,600.00 Total Cost $2,950.00 Account # 15-000270-5120000-0009 $2,950.00 15-000270-5120000-0009 Total Cost Account # 20-467200-5000000-0000-30 New Jersey Core Curriculum Content Standards: 5.4 in Science Thurgood Marshall: Destination Date Liberty State Park/Jersey City, NJ 6/2/10 Turtle Back Zoo/West Orange, NJ 6/4/10 Turtle Back Zoo/West Orange, NJ 6/8/10 Turtle Back Zoo/West Orange, NJ 6/9/10 Grade Level 3rd -5th Grade # of Students 127 # of Teachers 10 # of Parents 6 Total Admission $715.00 $5.00 per person 1st Grade 55 4 6 $390.00 $6.00 per person Kindergarten 67 6 6 $474.00 $6.00 per person 2nd Grade 55 4 6 $390.00 $6.00 per person Transportation & Cost Irvington Public Schools Transportation Dept. $25.00 per hr. (3 buses x 4.5 hrs.) $337.50 Irvington Public Schools Transportation Dept. $25.00 per hr. (2 buses x 4 hrs.) $200.00 Irvington Public Schools Transportation Dept. $25.00 per hr. (2 buses x 4 hrs.) $200.00 Irvington Public Schools Transportation Dept. $25.00 per hr. (2 buses x 4 hrs.) $200.00 New Jersey Core Curriculum Content Standards: 5.3C, 5.3.P.C.1, 5.32.C1, 5.3.2.C3, 5.4 in Science 29 $1,052.50 $590.00 20-467200-5000000-0000-30 $674.00 20-467200-5000000-0030 $590.00 20-467200-5000000-0030 CURRICULUM (continued) April 15, 2010 University Elementary: Destination Date Staten Island Zoo/Staten Island, NY 6/3/10 New York Aquarium/New York, NY 6/3/10 Grade Level 4th Grade # of Students 80 # of Teachers $5.00 per person $8.00 per person 92 4 5th Grade 5 # of Parents 0 Total Admission $440.00 2 $9.00 per person Total: $882.00 Transportation & Cost Irvington Public Schools Transportation Dept. $25.00 per hr. (2 buses x 5 hrs.) $250.00 Irvington Public Schools Transportation Dept. $25.00 per hr. (2 buses x 5 hrs.) $250.00 Total Cost $690.00 Account # $1,132.00 20-467200-5000000-00-30 Transportation & Cost Essex County regional Educational Services Commission (1 bus ) Not to exceed $382.34 each Total Cost $382.34 Account # Essex County regional Educational Services Commission (5 bus ) Not to exceed $623.00 each Total: $3,270.75 $3,270.75 15-000270-5120000-10 20-467500-000000-30 New Jersey Core Curriculum Content Standards: 5.3C, 5.3.P.C.1, 5.32.C1, 5.3.2.C3, 5.4 in Science University Middle School: Destination Date Lacey Township High School/Lanoka Harbor, NJ 5/16/10 Great Adventures/Jackson, NJ 5/20/10 Grade Level 6th -8th 6th – 8th # of Students 19 232 # of Teachers 3 # of Parents 5 23 Total Admission NO COST TO DISTRICT *Cost per student $28.00 to be paid by Ms. Digiore NO COST TO DISTRICT 2 *No Water Rides * To be paid via school account 15-000270-5120000-10 New Jersey Core Curriculum Content Standards: 1.2, 2.1, 2.3, 1.33 Progress 1.4.2. Display personal leadership skills, 1.2, 2.1, 2.3, 1.33, 1.42, and 1.63 University/Union Ave. Middle: Destination Date Irvington High School 5/12/10 5/13/10 9:3011:30 a.m. *special education students 5/14/10 6th Grade * “Step Up” 9th Grade Orientation New Jersey Institute of Technology/Newark, NJ Grade Level 8th Grade # of Students 157 # of Teachers 10 # of Parents 0 Total Admission NO COST TO DISTRICT Transportation & Cost WALKING 60 6 0 NO COST Irvington Public Schools Transportation Dept. $25.00 per hr. (1 bus x 6 hrs.) $200.00 30 Total Cost NO COST TO DISTRICT $200.00 Account # N/A 20-231200-5000000-0000 CURRICULUM (continued) April 15, 2010 17. CONSUMER BOWL REGION COMPETITION – IRVINGTON HIGH SCHOOL RESOLVED, that the Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools and grants permission for seven students of The Irvington High School Consumer Bowl Team and one teacher (Joseph Romano) to attend the Northern Regional Competition on April 14, 2010, at Essex County Vocational Technical School, Newark Campus, W. Market Street, Newark, NJ, between 8:15 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. At no cost to the district. Transportation to be provided by Irvington Public Transportation at a cost not to exceed $150.00 to be paid via Account #15-000-270-512-0000-00-12. Core Curriculum Content Standards: NJCCCS: 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 6.2, 8.1, 8.2, 9.2. ACTION: Motion By: ______________________, Seconded By: ____________________________ Roll Call: 18. JROTC RAIDER MEET – IRVINGTON HIGH SCHOOL RESOLVED, that the Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools and grants permission for the JROTC Program of Irvington High school to attend the JROTC Raider Meet in Pemberton, NJ, on May 13, 2010, between 6:45 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. Entry fee for the Raider Meet not to exceed $100.00 to be paid via Account #15190-100-500-0000-00-12. Transportation will be provided by the Essex Regional Educational Services Commission at a cost not to exceed $472.50 to be paid via Account #15-000-270-5120000-00-12. Total cost for field trip not to exceed $572.50. There will be two cadre and 20 cadets attending the Raider Meet. Core Curriculum Content Standards: 2.5.12A & 2.5.12B. ACTION: Motion By: ______________________, Seconded By: ____________________________ Roll Call: 19. IRVINGTON HIGH SCHOOL – THE ANNUAL AWARDS BANQUET RESOLVED, that the Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools and grants permission for the JROTC Program of Irvington High School to conduct the Annual Awards Banquest at the Mediterranean Manor, Newark, NJ on May 14, 2010. All expenses will be paid via Account # 15-000-240-500-0000-00-12 not to exceed $3,000.00. There will be 120 JROTC cadets and guests attending the Awards Banquet. Transportation will be supplied by Essex Regional Educational Service Commission for a total not to exceed $250.00 to be paid via Account # 15-270-512-0000-00-12. Total cost not to exceed $3,250.00. ACTION: Motion By: ______________________, Seconded By: ____________________________ Roll Call: 31 CURRICULUM (continued) April 15, 2010 20. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT: OUT OF DISTRICT WORKSHOPS /CONFERENCES – OFFICE OF STAFF DEVELOPMENT RESOLVED, that the Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools and grants permission for the staff identified below to attend the following out of district workshops: STAFF POSITION SCHOOL WORKSHOP TITLE DATE LOCATION FEE/ACCOUNT NUMBER $195.00 ($65.00 x 3)/ 20-218-200-330-0000-03-01 Yvonne Palmer Deborah Sanders Tasha Hill Deborah Ervin Teachers Augusta Preschool Early Childhood in the 21st Century 6/4/2010 Caldwell College Teacher Union Avenue Middle School Defusing Power Struggles 5/21/10 $100.00/ 15-000-223-500-0000-00-11 Deborah Ervin Teacher Union Avenue Middle School 5/14/10 Teresa SteeleHunter Shanti Mynemi Supervisor District CIMS* Annual Mathematics and Science Conference American Institute for History Education Morris –Union Juncture, New Providence Kean University 4/28/10 Rutgers, New Brunswick $215.00/ 20-467-100-500-0000-00-27 Teacher Union Avenue Middle School Motivating Disaffected Students 5/19/10 Morris –Union Juncture, New Providence $145.00/ 15-000-223-500-0000-00-11 $35.00/ 15-000-223-500-0000-00-11 * Center for the Improvement of Mathematics and Science ACTION: Motion by: ________________ , Seconded by: _____________________ Roll Call: 21. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT /CPR TRAINING/DISTRICT COACHES RESOLVED, that the Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, and grants permission for The American Red Cross of Northern New Jersey to provide mandated CPR training for the coaches on May 18th, 19th, & 20th, 2010 from 8:30 a.m.- 4:30 p.m. at Irvington High School. The cost of the training is $90.00 per person for 45 coaches. Total cost not to exceed $4,050.00 to be paid via Account #20-467-200-300-0000-00-27. ACTION: Motion by: ________________ , Seconded by: _____________________ Roll Call: 32 CURRICULUM (continued) April 15, 2010 22. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT /INTEGRATING LEARNING A-Z RESOURCES/ CHANCELLOR ELEMENTARY SCHOOL RESOLVED, that the Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools and grants permission for Learning A-Z training to provide on-site professional development at Chancellor Avenue School entitled, “Integrating Learning A-Z Resources” to 13 teachers on Saturday, April 24, 2010 from 9:00 am – 3:00 pm. Ms. Mattie Starkley, Language Arts Literacy Specialist Ms. Yvrose Pilie, ESL Ms. Marsha Venturi, lst grade Ms. Nicole Smith, K Ms. Shannon Phillips, 2nd grade Ms. Joyce Osanylinlusi, 4th grade Ms. Karen Rich, Special Education Ms. Fern Vitale, BSIP Ms. Kim Howard, Primary Prep Ms. Ramona Abeloff, Gr. 5 Ms. Nkemdilim Okakpu, Gr. 5 Ms. Dawn Iorio Ms. Sandra Cogan, Gr. 3 Each participant will be paid at a contractual rate of $37.00 per hour for 6 hours for a total of $2,886.00. The consultant, Donna Borders, will be paid a fee of $1,500.00 for 6 hours of on-site professional development. The total cost of workshop not to exceed $4,386.00 to be paid via Account #15-000-223-500-0000-00-03. ACTION: Motion by: ________________, Seconded by: _____________________ Roll Call: 23. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT/RTI: IMPLEMENTING POWERFUL AND PRACTICAL STRATEGIES TO IDENTIFY AND SERVE STUDENTS WITH LEARNING CHALLENGES RESOLVED, that the Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools and approves the staff listed below to attend the workshop entitled “Response to Intervention: Implementing Powerful and Practical Strategies to Identify and Serve Students with Learning Challenges”. The workshop will be held in Totowa, NJ on April 28, 2010 from 8:30 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Participants will learn proactive approaches for supporting students with learning deficiencies. They will acquire strategies for strengthening for assessing, and documenting student progress efficiently Staff to attend: 33 CURRICULUM (continued) April 15, 2010 Names Avadale Khani Harriett Kellam Marquiessa Lewis Position/Grades Teacher/4 Teacher/4 Teacher/5 School Florence Avenue Berkeley Terrace Berkeley Terrace The total cost for the workshop is $645.00 (registration fee of $215.00 per person x 3), to be paid via Account #15-190-100-500-0000-00-02 ACTION: Motion by: ________________, Seconded by: _____________________ Roll Call: 24. STAFF DEVELOPMENT – PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT ACADEMY COURSES RESOLVED that the Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools and grants permission for the Local Professional Development Committee (LPDC) to offer the following 10 hour survey courses during the 2010 Spring Professional Development Academy. • • • • E-Boards Applications Technology Applications in Classroom Instruction Literacy Strategies for Teachers of Grades K-6 Using Web 2.0 Technology to Enhance Classroom Instruction Courses will run from April 2010 through May 2010. Instructors will be compensated at the contractual rate. The total cost for instructors, not to exceed $3,000.00, to be paid via Account #20-467-100-100-0000-00-27. ACTION Motion by: ________________ , Seconded by: _____________________ Roll Call: 25. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT/ DIFFERENTIATED INSTRUCTION: STRATEGIES TO HELP ALL LEARNERS /BERKELEY TERRACE RESOLVED, that the Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent of School and grants permission for the second and third grade teachers listed below to attend the workshop entitled “Differentiated Instruction: Strategies To Help All Learners” The workshop will be held in Pompton Plains at the Best Western on April 23, 2010 from 8:30 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Participants will acquire research-proven strategies to motivate and engage all learners. Staff to attend: Names Pamela Clark Meredith Alphonse Lystrea Crooks Grade Level 3rd 3rd 2nd The total cost for the workshop is $597.00 (registration fee of $199.00 per person x 3), to be paid via Account #15-000-223 500-0000-00-02. ACTION: Motion by: ________________, Seconded by: _____________________ Roll Call: 34 CURRICULUM (continued) April 15, 2010 26. NEW JERSEY TEACHERS OF ENGLISH TO SPEAKERS OF OTHER LANGUAGES/NEW JERSEY BILINGUAL EDUCATORS (NJTESOL/NJBE 2010 SPRING CONFERENCE – OFFICE OF GOVERNMENT PROGRAMS RESOLVED, that the Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools and grants permission for the teachers listed below to attend the NJTESOL/NJBE (New Jersey Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages/New Jersey Bilingual Educators) Spring Conference on May 18-19, 2010 at the Double Tree and Garden State Exhibition Center in Somerset, New Jersey for the purpose of learning about effective instructional strategies relative to ELL students. Names Consuelo Kennerly Karrie Briggs Schools Chancellor Avenue Union Avenue MS Positions ELL Teacher ELL Teacher The fees for the two registrations (2 teacher registrations @ $242.50 each) not to exceed $485.00, to be paid via Account #20-271-200-500-0000-02-30. ACTION Motion by: ____________________________ Seconded by:_____________________ Roll Call: 27. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT / TRAINING FOR SECRETARIES AND CLERICAL STAFF RESOLVED, that the Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, and grants permission for the Johnson Consulting Group to provide training for the secretaries and clerical staff on April 28, May 28, and June 23. The training will address strategies to enhance workplace competence and professionalism. The cost of the training is $1,600.00 per day, for a total cost of $4,800.00, to be paid via Account #11-000-223320-0000-00-27. ACTION Motion by:____________________________ Seconded by:_____________________ Roll Call: 35 CURRICULUM (continued) April 15, 2010 28. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT / CURRICULUM MAPPING RESOLVED, that the Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools and grants permission for the staff listed below to attend the workshop on Curriculum Mapping which will be held on May 27, 2010 at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Edison from 8:30 a.m. -3:00 p.m. The participants will learn strategies for mapping and integrating the curriculum and assessment process. Lucy Schneck Joseph Annechino, Teresa Steele- Hunter John Severs Gaye Zangari Trudy Rose- Harte Michelle Brooks- Bey Dr. Martin Dickerson The cost of the workshop is $1,200.00 ($150.00 per person x 8). To be paid via Account #20467-100-500-0000-00-27. ACTION Motion by: ____________________________ Seconded by:_____________________ Roll Call: 29. STAFF DEVELOPMENT/NEW JERSEY ANNUAL GLOBAL EDUCATORS CONFERENCE RESOLVED, that the Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, and grants permission for the staff listed below to attend the Tenth Annual New Jersey Global Educators Conference. The conference will be held at Kean University on April 16, 2010 from 8:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. Topics that will be addressed at the conference include, but not limited to: The New Curriculum Standards, Integration of Technology, Human Rights issues, and Global Awareness strategies. Staff to attend: Michelle Brooks-Bey Teresa Steele-Hunter John Severs Trudy Rose Harte Dr. Martin Dickerson Director of Curriculum and Instruction Supervisor of Social Studies Supervisor of Science Supervisor of Technology Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum & Instruction The registration fee is $425.00 (5 x $85.00 per person), and will be paid from account #20-467-100-500-0000-00-27 ACTION Motion by: ____________________________ Seconded by: _____________________ Roll Call: 36 CURRICULUM (continued) April 15, 2010 30. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN/ IRVINGTON PUBLIC SCHOOL DISTRICT RESOLVED, that the Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools. And approves the Irvington Public Schools’ Professional Development Plan for the 2010-2011 School Year. ACTION: Motion by: _________________________. Seconded by: ________________________ Roll Call: 31. PROFESSIONAL SERVICES /ACADEMIC PROGRAM EVALUATION SERVICES/ CURRICULUM &INSTRUCTION RESOLVED, that the Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools and approves the appointment of 1387909 ONTARIO INC, Research and Consulting Company, 231 North Avenue West, Westfield, NJ for the purposes of providing comprehensive program evaluation services in accordance with the terms and conditions of a contract to be executed by the firm and the Irvington Board of Education’ commencing April 2010 and ending August 30, 2010. The objectives of the program evaluations are to gain information, and to make decisions about the efficiency of the identified programs. The cost for the program evaluation services is $80,000.00. To be paid from account # 20-231-200-5000000-00-30. (Pending attorney approval of the contract) Other proposals: MGT Of AMERICA, INC Dr. Melissa Clements 2133 Centre Pointe Boulevard TALLAHASSEE, Florida 32309 METIS ASSOCIATES Susanne Harnett Managing Senior Associate 90 Board Street Suite 1200 New York, New York 10004 ACTION Motion by: ____________________________ Seconded by: _____________________ Roll Call: 37 CURRICULUM (continued) April 15, 2010 32. WORLD LANGUAGE COURSE OF STUDY/CURRICULUM – OFFICE OF CURRICULUM & INSTRUCTION RESOLVED, that the Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools and grants permission for seven certified World Language teachers to be hired to work with Robin Powers, World Language Consultant in order to develop a course of study and curriculum for French and Spanish grades K-5 and 6-8. These work sessions will be held on Saturdays; April 21st, May 1st, May 8th, June 5th, and June 12, 2010 from 9:00-12:00p.m. Teachers will be paid at the contractual rate of $37.00 per hour for a total of 15 hrs. (15hrs. x $37.00 = $555.00 per teacher) total not to exceed$2,775.00. Robin Power will be paid $150.00 per day for 5 days ($150.00 x 5 = $750.00). Total cost for the work sessions not to exceed $3,525.00 to be paid via Account #11-000-221-104-0000-00-15. ACTION: Motion by: _________________________ Seconded by: ________________________ Roll Call: 33. D.O.O.R.S. GIRLS OUTREACH HIGH SCHOOL PROGRAM - IRVINGTON HIGH SCHOOL RESOLVED, that the Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools and grants permission for the Ambassadors, scholars Students Travelers of Irvington High School to attend Rutgers University-Douglas Campus New Brunswick, NJ 08901 for the D.O.O.R.S., Girls Outreach High School Program on Friday, April 16, 2010, 8:00-2:00 p.m. The trip will enhance student awareness concerning the availability of college opportunities. The tour will include twenty-five students and five chaperones. There will be no cost to the district. Transportation will be provided by the United Way of Essex County through Carefree Bus Company. Core Curriculum Content Standards: 8.1.12A.1.8.12.A.2. ACTION Motion by: _________________________ Seconded by: ________________________ Roll Call: 34. SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT GRANT – IRVINGTON HIGH SCHOOL RESOLVED, that the Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools and grants permission for Irvington High School and the Office of Government Programs to make application for the School Improvement Grant (SIG) for the 2010- 2011 school-year. ACTION Motion by: _________________________ Seconded by: ________________________ Roll Call: 38 ATHLETIC April 15, 2010 35. SATORI – CHARTING THE SUCCESS OF STUDENT ATHLETES RESOLVED, that the Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent and approves Mr. Glenn C. Terry, Jr., Assistant Director, NCAA Eligibility Center, Indianapolis, IN to speak to student-athletes, parents, coaches and guidance counselors about NCAA Clearinghouse eligibility at Irvington High School Auditorium on April 22, 2010 @5pm. There is no cost to the district. ACTION: Motion by: Roll Call: 36. , Seconded by: NJSIAA 17TH ANNUAL SCHOLAR/ATHLETE AWARDS PROGRAM RESOLVED, that the Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent and approves Marvin Hawkins, Head Track Coach to attend the NJSIAA 17th Annual Scholar/Athlete Awards Program on May 16, 2010 at Pines Manor, Edison, NJ. The cost of $45 will be paid from acct# 15-402-100-500-0000-00-12. ACTION: Motion by: Roll Call: , Seconded by: 37. NATIONAL COLLEGE FAIR RESOLVED, that the Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent and approves approximately 30 student-athletes to attend the National College Fair at New Jersey Convention and Exposition Center, Edison, NJ on April 28, 2010 from 9am12pm. Supervision will be provided by Eugene Robinson and Gerhard Sanchez. Transportation provided by the district. ACTION: Motion by: Roll Call: , Seconded by: 39 FINANCE April 15, 2010 38. PAYMENT OF BILLS RESOLVED, that the Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent and approves payment for the bills and claims totaling as follows: Regular Accounts Payable - April PayrollsMarch $ 7,222,630.27 $ 7,488,201.57 The accounts payable appearing on the April 15, 2010 Board meeting agenda may be inspected in the Board Secretary’s Office. ACTION: Motion by:________________________, Seconded by:_________________________ Roll Call: 39. BOARD SECRETARY’S FINANCIAL REPORT –FEBRUARY 2010 RESOLVED that the Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent and approves the Board Secretary’s Report for the period ending February 28, 2010. ACTION: Motion by: ________________________, Seconded by: _________________________ Roll Call: 40. TREASURER OF SCHOOL MONIES FINANCIAL REPORT –FEBRUARY 2010 RESOLVED, that the Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent and approves the Treasurer of School Monies Financial Report for the period ending, February 28, 2010. ACTION: Motion by: _____________________________, Seconded by: _________________________ Roll Call: 41. CERTIFICATION OF EXPENDITURES – JANUARY 2010 Pursuant to N.J.A.C. 6:20-2A.10(d), the Board of Education has obtained from the Board Secretary that as of February 28, 2010 no major account has encumbrances and expenditures which in total exceed the line item appropriation and hereby certifies pursuant to N.J.A.C.6:202A.19(e) that no major account or fund has been over expended. ACTION: Motion by: ________________________, Seconded by: _________________________ Roll Call: 40 FINANCE (continued) April 15, 2010 42. PAYMENT OF DISTRICT TAXES FOR MARCH 2010 – Third Request RESOLVED, that the Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent and request the payment of school district taxes for the month of March 2010 from the Irvington Township in the amount of $1,454, 960.75. ACTION: Motion by: ________________________, Seconded by:_________________________ Roll Call: 43. PAYMENT OF DISTRICT TAXES FOR APRIL 2010 – Second Request RESOLVED, that the Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent and request the payment of school district taxes for the month of April 2010 from the Irvington Township in the amount of $1,454, 960.75. ACTION: Motion by: ________________________, Seconded by:_________________________ Roll Call: 44. PAYMENT OF DISTRICT TAXES FOR MAY 2010 RESOLVED, that the Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent and request the payment of school district taxes for the month of May 2010 from the Irvington Township in the amount of $1,454, 960.75. ACTION: Motion by: ________________________, Seconded by:_________________________ Roll Call: 41 FINANCE (continued) April 15, 2010 45. CARL D. PERKINS GRANT ACCEPTING FUNDS –YEAR 2010 Resolved, that the Board of Education accept the recommendation of the Superintendent to accept the 2009-2010 adjusted allocation for the Carl D. Perkins Vocational and Technical Education Grant for $ 125,042.00. Funding year begins July 1, 2010, pending final NJDOE approval. D. Expenditure Category E. Function & Object Code F. Program Costs G. Admin Costs H. Total (F + G) Instruction Personal Services - Salaries 100-100 6767 0 6767 Purchased Prof. & Tech. Services 100-300 3750 0 3750 Other Purchased Services 100-500 2600 0 2600 Supplies and Materials 100-600 77,260 0 77,260 Other Objects 100-800 3800 0 3800 0 94,177 0 94,177 Support Services Personal Services - Salaries 200-100 17,390 1,110 18,500 Personal Services - Employee Benefits 200-200 2683 85 2768 Purchased Prof. & Tech. Services 200-300 0 0 0 Purchased Prof. Ed Services 200-320 0 0 0 Purchased Property Services 200-400 0 0 0 Other Purchased Services 200-500 3000 0 3000 Travel 200-580 0 0 0 Supplies and Materials 200-600 0 0 0 Other Objects 200-800 0 0 0 Indirect Costs 200-860 0 0 0 Sub-Total Instruction Sub-Total Support Services 0 23,073 1,195 24,268 FAC ACQ & CONSTRUCTION SERV Buildings 400-720 0 0 0 Instructional Equipment 400-731 6597 0 6597 Non-instructional Equipment 400-732 0 0 0 0 6597 SubTotal FAC ACQ & CONSTRUCTION SERV 0 6597 TOTAL PROJECT EXPENDITURES 0 123,847 1,195 ACTION: Motion By: ______________________ Seconded By: ____________________________ Roll Call: 42 125,042 FINANCE (continued) April 15, 2010 46. TRANSFER OF FUNDS RESOLVED, that the Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent and approves the following appropriation transfer of funds for the 2009-2010 school year in compliance with N.J.S.A. 18A:22-8.1 for the reason(s) noted: Description/Account Number 11-000-230-100-0000-00-16 Supt. Office Salaries 11-000-213-100-0000-00-24 Nurses Salaries 11-000-291-220-0000-00-31 BCBG Health, Dental & Prescriptions 11-000-291-270-0000-00-21 Social Security Other 11-214-100-500-0000-00-25 Autism Purchase services 11-214-100-106-0000-00-25 Autism-Aides 11-000-261-610-0000-00-33 Supplies Maintenance 11-000-262-420-0000-00-34 Service Contracts 11-000-291-250-0000-00-31 BCBG Health, Dental & Prescriptions 11-000-291-270-0000-00-21 Unemployment Compensation 11-190-100-640-0000-00-15 Textbooks Adoption 12-120-100-730-0000-00-30 Instructional Equipment 11-000-262-100-0000-00-34 Custodian Overtime 11-000-262-622-0000-00-31 Electricity/Heat 11-000-262-420-0000-00-31 Service Contract 13-601-100-101-0000-00-00 Instruct of Salaries-Evening School 13-601-200-100-0000-00-00 Support Salary Eve/Adult 11-000-291-270-0000-00-21 BCBG Health, Dental & Prescriptions 11-000-291-242-0000-00-21 Medicare B Reimbursement 11-000-291-280-0001-00-27 Teacher’s Tuition Reimbursement 11-000-262-622-0000-00-31 Electricity/Heat 11-000-230-331-0000-00-31 Legal Fees 11-000-222-500-0000-00-31 Media Services 11-000-230-241-0000-00-31 PERS and Essex County Pension 11-000-270-160-0000-00-36 Salary for Pupil Transportation 11-000-270-420-0000-00-36 Vehicle Repairs Maintenance 11-000-270-800-0000-00-36 Misc. & Tokens From $ 3,112.36 To Explanation Salary Realignment-Nurse Salary $ 3,112.36 $ 70,000.00 $ 70,000.00 $ 19,478.18 To fund FICA (Social Security) for the remainder of 2009-2010 school year Salary Realignment Special Education $ 19,478.18 $ 500.00 To fund emergency window repairs at Augusta $ 500.00 $294,943.36 $294,493.36 $260,640.00 $260,640.00 $100,000.00 $ 70,000.00 To fund Unemployment Compensation for the remainder of 20092010 To provide funds for Instructional Equipment-Government Programs To provide funds for Buildings and Grounds Projects from 2009 $170,000.00 $ 29,200.00 Salary realignment - Adult School $ 29,200.00 $400,000.00 $ 80,000.00 $ 55,000.00 $120,000.00 $ 80,300.00 $ 67,704.00 To provide funds for Employer Portion of PERS Pension $803,004.00 $ $ 1,000.00 1,500.00 Provide funds for the purchase of bus tokens for homeless students and or guardians $ 2,500.00 ACTION: Motion by: ________________________________________________, Seconded by: _____________________________________________ Roll Call: 43 FINANCE (continued) April 15, 2010 47. FUND RAISING ACTIVITIES RESOLVED, that the Board of Education accepts the recommendation of the Superintendent and approves the fund-raising activities for the following schools: SCHOOL PURPOSE ACTIVITY DATE NAME OF COMPANY Irvington High To raise money for field trip to aquarium 4/29/10 Environmental Club Irvington High To raise funds for student council banquet and sashes TeacherStudent Talent Show Bake Sales To raise funds for field trips, activities and student breakfast with parents. To raise funds to purchase classic books for classroom libraries To raise funds for class of 2011 Irvington High School 1253 Clinton Avenue Irvington, NJ 07111 Scholastic Book Fair Ms. Fields Grove Street 3/26/10, 4/16/10 & 5/14/10 6/7/10 to 6/11/10 Penny Drive 6/1/10 to 6/4/10 Grove Street 594 Grove Street Westergard, Thoren, Hudley Toast Off 5/20/10 Grove Street Irvington High Book Fair RESPONSIBLE PERSON A. Kornacki Westergard, Thoren, Hudley Irvington High School Amato/Norman 1253 Clinton Avenue Irvington, NJ 07111 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that each school in the district must conform to Board of Education Policy File Code 5136, - “Fund-Raising Activities”. In particular, the Board Policy specifically prohibits door-to-door solicitation * In compliance with child nutrition regulations- (After School Hours). ACTION: Motion by: _____________________________, Seconded by: _________________________ Roll Call: 44 REGULAR BOARD MEETING APRIL 15, 2010 PUBLIC COMMENT: (Registration with Superintendent’s designee (building principal) prior to Regular Board Meeting required) Limit of 30 minutes total – three minutes per individual. REORGANIZATION MEETING: “In accordance with the New Jersey Open Public Meeting Act, be it hereby resolved that the Irvington Township Board of Education will meet for the purpose of Reorganization, April 28, 2010 at 6:30 at University Elementary School, 1 University Place, Irvington, New Jersey. Motion to adjourn: 45