Physical Education Clipboard


Physical Education Clipboard
Physical Education
Bonnie's Fitware
18832 Stefani Avenue
Cerritos, California 90703
Technical Support:
Physical Education Clipboard
Technical Specifications
Mac OS X v10.6
Intel-based Mac, 1GB of RAM
Mac OS X v10.5 PowerPC G4 (867MHz+), Power PC G5, Intel-based Mac
512MB of RAM
Mac OS X v10.4.11
PowerPC G4, G5 or Intel-based Mac
256 MB of RAM
Windows 7 1 GHz or faster
DirectX 9 graphics device with WDDM 1.0 or higher driver
1024 x 768 or higher-resolution video adapter and display
Windows Vista Ultimate, Business, Home (Service Pack 1) * 800 MHz or faster
512 MB of RAM
SVGA (1024x768) or higher resolution video adapter and display
Windows XP Professional, Home Edition (Service Pack 3) * Pentium III 700MHz or faster
256MB of RAM
SVGA (1024 x 768) or higher resolution video adapter and display
Special Notes
Clipboard may be used on a desktop, notebook or ultra-mobile machine using the input screens described in this
iPod/iPhone Users - see separate directions included with the software.
Smart Phones - see remote directions included with the software.
Insert disc - Copy the file(s) to your hard drive (Applications folder is probably the best location) and unzip
the file. Once you have unzipped it you can trash the zip file.
Insert disc- Double click on install Clipboard.
Macintosh - Double click on the Clipboard Folder. Double click
on the Clipboard file (the file without the extension).
Windows - Go start menu - select the appropriate program
You have purchased a single copy license - this may go on one
computer. If you are interested in multiple copies - please
purchase a Site License (4x the cost of one copy). You may
then install the software on as many computers at your site as
you like. Contact for more information.
Desktop, Notebook, Ultra Mobile Directions
1. Open the Physical Education Clipboard folder. This screen provides quick access to each of the files included
with the clipboard.
Note: FMGo users (iPod Touch/iPad) you
will open each file (inventory, lockers) separately and not use this main menu. For more
information on using FMGo, read the file on
your CD.
2. From the main menu you can access each of the clipboard components: lockers, lessons, video inventory,
music inventory, equipment inventory, and teachers' schedules. Buttons available on these layouts include:
View as form - this is the opening screen for each component.
View as list - provides a list view of the data. Clicking on the top of each column sorts the data. Clicking next to
each record takes you back to the form view at that particular record.
New Record - add another record.
Delete Record - remove the record you are currently viewing.
Find Record - provides the option of searching for a particular record. After typing in the search criteria, click on continue to see the results of your search.
Select All - shows all records again after a Find.
Report - provides you with a report that is printable. You can make changes to the report in the two dialog boxes that appear.
Mobile Devices - provides you with access to the mobile access menu (see section later in this document).
Note: When you close a section of the program you will go back to the main menu. When you open a section,
both the main menu and the section are open.
3. Data Entry
For each section you have the opportunity to enter data. There is a
label for each piece of requested information. Additionally, many
fields have drop down menus. If you do not like the choices provided
in the drop down menus then you can edit the menus. You can
change the values in the drop down menu by selecting edit and add or
removing values.
4. Click on lessons to bring up the lesson component.
5. Click on Lockers to bring up locker component (see Locker directions for more detail).
6. Click on videos to bring up the video component.
7. Click on Music CD to bring up the music inventory component.
8. Click on Inventory to bring up the inventory component. Be sure to fill in name and category, location, and
9. Click on Teachers to bring up the teacher component. Be sure to fill in: name of teacher, name of class, grade
level, location, and class size.
10. Each section provides the option of viewing the information in a list or table format. Below are samples of
the list views without data.
11. Each section provides the opportunity for printing. The teacher list and lesson plans really aren't meant to be
printed, but a print option is available if you really must print. For the lesson plan, first click on the tab for the
section you want printed. Below are samples of the print layouts without data.
When you choose to print, you have the option of printing just the current record or all record being browsed in
the print dialog box.
Mobile Access
The Mobile Devices Accesses menu provides
access to a variety of screen size images for
those using remote access. Select the size of
your screen or one slightly smaller. Then,
refer to the remote access directions.
License Agreement
All software packages produced by Bonnie's Fitware Inc. are professional products. A database of owners is
maintained for each software package sold. As an owner of one or more of the software packages, you will receive information on upgrades and bulletins about our products, as well as access to our technical support.
All software and related products produced and sold by Bonnie's Fitware Inc. are copyrighted. You may not use,
copy, modify, or transfer the program or documentation except as expressly provided in the license agreement.
License Agreement
You have the non-exclusive right to use the enclosed program on one computer. You may physically transfer the
program from one computer to another provided the program is used on only one computer at a time. You may
not electronically transfer the program from one computer to another over a network. You may not distribute
copies of the program or documentation to others. You may make one copy of the program solely for back-up
Program Disclaimer
The program is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, including, but not
limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. The entire risk as to the
results and performance of the program is assumed by you. Should the program prove defective, you assume
the entire cost of all necessary servicing, repair or correction. Further, Bonnie's Fitware Inc. does not warrant,
guarantee or make any representations regarding the use of, or the results of the use of, the program in terms of
correctness, accuracy, reliability, currentness, or otherwise; and you rely on the program and results solely at
your own risk.
Diskette Limited Warranty
Bonnie's Fitware Inc warrants to the original licensee that the CD(s) on which the program is recorded shall be
free from defects in material and workmanship only for a period of 30 days from the date of original purchase.
If a defect covered by this warranty occurs during this 30-day warranty period, and it is returned to Bonnie's Fitware Inc. not later than 5 days after the end of such 30-day period, the dealer shall, at the dealer's option, either
repair or replace the diskette. The warranty is in lieu of all other express or statutory warranties, and the duration of any implied warranty, including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness
for a particular purpose, is hereby limited to said 30 day period. Bonnie's Fitware Inc's liability is limited solely
to the repair or replacement of the defective product, in its sole discretion, and shall not in any event include
damages for loss of use or loss of anticipated costs, expenses, or damages, including without limitation any data
or information which may be lost or rendered inaccurate, even if Bonnie's Fitware Inc. has been advised of the
possibility of such damages.
Suggested Improvements
If you have a suggestion for improving a product, please send it to Bonnie's Fitware Inc. If your suggestion is
used in a future upgrade, you will receive a free upgrade.
Software Suggestions
In order to better serve our customers, we are interested in the type of software you would like to see developed.
Please contact us with any instructional software topic that you are interested in purchasing and we will investigate the possibility of developing software on that topic.