Supro – Catalog 2016


Supro – Catalog 2016
2 0 1 6 Cata log
Supro Today
In 2013, Absara Audio purchased the rights to the Supro brand name from infamous Fender amp designer, Bruce Zinky. In
collaboration with Zinky, our Pigtronix design team created a line of Supro 1964 reissue tube amplifiers which first debuted at
the 2014 NAMM show. The legacy of Supro amplifiers stretches back to the 1930’s and reaches its original peak in the mid 60’s
with the Blue Rhino hide models that inspired our reissues. While guitarists such as Jimi Hendrix, Link Wray, David Bowie and
Dan Auerbach used Supro amps and guitars, no musician is more closely associated with the Supro brand than Jimmy Page of
Led Zeppelin. It is well known that in 1968, Page used a Tele plugged into a customized 1x12 Supro combo amp to record all
of the guitar parts on Led Zeppelin’s debut album. The great irony is that Supro went out of business during that same year! Since
then, the raw, blues power of Page’s Chicago made Supro amplifier has been unattainable unless you had the fortune to acquire
a vintage piece.
The signature element of a Supro amp is its “Class-A” power section which maintains remarkable clarity and dynamics when
overdriven. This gritty midrange sound is the original alternative to Fender… you could call it “the other white meat” of classic
American tone! Every element of our Supro reissue amps has been designed from the ground up to bring this long lost, holy-grail
amp to musicians at a working player’s price. The Blue Rhino Hide tolex was specially made, the cabinetry is vintage correct, the
USA made speakers are totally unique, the transformers are custom and the sound is 100% authentic Supro. Supro reissue amps
are hand assembled in Port Jefferson, NY, USA. In the 2 years since we announced the return of Supro, production capacity for
these amps has been sold out, leading ultimately to the acquisition of a new, 15,000sq ft. musical instrument factory on Long
Island to meet worldwide demand.
Supro amps are now sold in every major retailer, worldwide, bringing these classic tone machines to more guitarists than ever
before. The team here at Absara Audio, Pigtronix and Supro is determined to deliver a world class experience for all Supro
customers, from our distribution partners, to the retailers that sell our gear and of course, to the musicians who play our amps.
We will provide concierge level service to any and all customers who may need support. Supro reissue amps were born out of a
passion for Rock & Roll as well as a deep respect for the history and unique circuity behind the Supro sound, and we nailed it! Joe
Perry, Brian Setzer, Paul Simon, David Hidalgo, Joe Walsh, Randy Bachman, Steve Stevens, Robbie Krieger and Adrian Belew all
agree. So go grab a guitar, and Discover the Legend for yourself!
Truly yours,
Dave Koltai
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1695T Black Magick
Supro presents: Black Magick, a recreation of one of Rock & Roll
music’s holy-grail amplifiers. This all-tube, high-gain blues machine
harkens back to the dimensions, cosmetics and circuitry of the Supro
amps from 1959, just like the one loaned by Jimmy Page to the
Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Museum. In tribute to this legendary
and extensively modified Supro combo, we’ve used the cabinet
dimensions from a ‘59 Supro 2x10 and replaced the baffle with a
1x12 and armed this 25-watt combo, with a custom, British voiced
speaker that was specially developed for the Black Magick amp.
The preamp found in the Black Magick features two channels wired
in parallel, with independent volume controls and a single, shared
tone control. The vintage-correct front-end topology of the original
1959 Supro combos has been streamlined in the Black Magick,
with automatic linking of channels 1&2 when using only the first
input jack. This flexible arrangement provides double the gain when
used with one instrument and also allows for two instruments to
share the same Black Magick or for the use of an A/B/Y box to
achieve channel-switching on the fly.
With more gain on tap than any other Supro reissue, Black Magick
absolutely rips for heavy blues and classic rock guitar styles. This
amp’s traditional, cathode-biased “Class-A” power section uses
6973 tubes to achieve the instantly recognizable midrange grind
and phenomenal touch dynamics that define the Supro sound. A
complete range of tones from warm cleans to heavy distortion can
be accessed by simply adjusting the volume knob on your instrument.
The signature Supro power tube tremolo adds footswitchable depth
and dimension to this historic Rock and Roll amplifier.
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1695T Black Magick
1959 Vintage Supro Cosmetics and
2 Channels with Parallel Link and
shared tone control
Output Tube Tremolo with footswitch
25 Watts Cathode-Bias “Class-A” Power
1×12 Custom Voiced Supro BD12 speaker
4x 12AX7EH
2x 6973 power tubes
Gold Faceplate
Black Rhino Hide Tolex
Assembled in NY, USA | 5
Supro’s origins date to the pre-electric guitar days
and the formation of the National Resophonic
guitar company around 1926, with roots in
the resonator guitars that became a blues tone
standard prior to amplification. National and
Dobro merged in the early ’30s to form Valco,
and Supro. Soon, Valco-made Supro amps were
tearing it up on Chicago’s south-side scene,
establishing a tone that has been synonymous
with gritty blues ever since. By the mid 60’s, Jimi
Hendrix was playing a Supro Thunderbolt amp
on tour with Little Richard and the Isley Brothers.
A few years later, Jimmy Page, inspired by
the raw tones of the Chicago blues scene, cut
seminal Led Zeppelin tracks on a Supro Model
24… and so the chain of influence goes, full
circle from Chicago blues, to London blues-rock,
with Supro the hip tone to beat.
Player upon player has since discovered the
sonic splendor of Supro’s extremely original
circuits and unique build style, as well as the
surprising versatility hidden within the appealing
simplicity of these amps. Plug into one of these
beauties, and you know you are striding out onto
original and inspiring sonic ground. There’s a
girth, depth, and dimension to the tone of these
old circuits that is simply unattainable from the
other brands, and a dynamic playing feel that
definitely puts a smile on my face every time.
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− Dave Hunter
1964 Reissue Series
1622RT Tremo-Verb
1624T Dual-Tone
S6420 Thunderbolt
1690T Coronado | 7
1622RT Tremo-Verb
The 1622RT Tremo-Verb is a feature-rich update to the coveted late-60’s
Supro 1×10 combo platform. This compact, Class-A, 6973-powered
bruiser pushes a LOUD 25 watts through our custom-made 10” speaker
to capture the old-school Supro magic in an amp you can easily haul
around to gigs. Tremo-Verb is, without a doubt, pound-for-pound the
most potent tube amp in the Supro line.
The Tremo-Verb’s feature set, blue rhino hide tolex and compact physical
dimensions are drawn from the original combo of the mid 60’s, with
its power plant borrowed from its larger brother, the 1624T Dual-Tone.
This modern incarnation of the Supro Tremo-Verb has been enhanced
with enough Class-A power to gig out alongside a pounding drummer
and bassist.
Class-A Cathode-biased vintage design
Independent BASS and TREBLE controls
All-tube reverb
Output-tube tremolo
25 Watts, Class-A
6973 power tubes
1×10 Supro CR10 speaker
4x 12AX7
1x 12AT7
2x 6973
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1624T Dual-Tone
The “Dual-Tone” 1×12 combo amplifier is the undeniable rock star of
the mid 60’s Supro amplifier lineup. Vintage 1624T amps have been
sought-after for decades because they embody the most desirable aspects
of the Supro sound. As the Dual-Tone’s volume knob is turned beyond
noon, a fat and compressed clean tone evolves into an immediately
recognizable grind that remains articulate and listenable even when
turned up to full blast.
This 24-Watt, 1×12 tube combo can easily be driven to glorious saturation at a manageable gigging volume while retaining exceptional
clarity and bandwidth, at any level of gain. This amp’s unique mojo
is largely defined by the use of 6973 power tubes in the amplifier’s
output stage. These robust 9-pin tubes were employed extensively in
the mid- and low-power Supro amps made 50 years ago. 6973 tubes
look like EL84s but they deliver a distinctly American voice that has
been missing from the world of tube amplifiers for far too long.
All-tube Supro circuit
2 Channels with Parallel Link
24 Watts 6973 power tubes
1×12 Supro DT12 speaker
Assembled in USA
4x 12AX7EH
2x 6973 | 9
S6420 Thunderbolt
Two knobs and the TRUTH: The legendary
1964 “Blue Rhino Hide” Supro Thunderbolt
is back. Renowned for its bold, full-range
sound and up-front, honest midrange, the
Thunderbolt covers a remarkable spectrum of
vintage tone while wringing every ounce of
personality from whatever guitar is plugged
in. From clean jazz to Tele twang, soapbar
blues to humbucker grind, the Thunderbolt
dishes out 35 Watts of “Class A” tube tone
from its vintage Supro dual 6L6 power plant.
True to the ‘64 version of the Thunderbolt,
a 5U4 rectifier tube is employed to deliver
that unmistakable high-powered vintage sag.
Normal and Extra hot input options, combined
with a wide range of available gain on tap,
allow you to fine-tune the texture and response
of this amp’s massive sound. Turned all the
way up, the Thunderbolt exhibits nearly zero
self-noise; yet it puts out enough volume to
be easily heard on large venue and theatre
stages, with overdrive completely controlled
by the guitar’s volume knob.
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All-tube Supro circuit
Normal and Hot inputs
35 Watts “Class A” 6L6 power
1×15” Supro TB15 speaker
5U4 Tube Rectifier
Assembled in USA
2x 12AX7EH
2x 5881 / 6L6WGC
1x 5U4GB
1690T Coronado
The 1690T Coronado is our top-of-the-line 1964 reissue Supro tube amplifier. True to the original, this luxurious 2×10, 35-Watt
combo delivers remarkable dynamic range with a clear, full sound. The Coronado maintains clean headroom throughout a large
chunk of the volume control’s range, making it an excellent platform for a myriad of musical styles, from fat round jazz tones to
country twang, stinging blues and—when ramped up to full throttle—raging rock & roll.
The bold and classic American tone of the 1690T amp is defined by the “Class A” dual-6L6, tube-rectified Supro power amp
that is also found in the Thunderbolt amp. Feeding all of this touch-sensitive power through a pair of high-power Supro drivers,
the Coronado’s tone remains clear, even when it’s distorted. The 1690T has ample headroom to accommodate pedals and gets
easily loud enough to play large-venue and theatre stages.
The Coronado’s 2-channel preamp provides a broad spectrum of sounds with
its dual volume and tone controls as well as shared tremolo circuit. Plugging
into IN 1+2 links both preamp channels in parallel for double the input signal
and double the gain. This clever topology lets you hit the power amp as hard
as necessary and even allows “channel switching” in its purest form, using
a simple A/B switch.
All-tube Supro circuit
Two Channels with Parallel Link
Tube Tremolo with footswitch jack
35 Watts “Class A” 6L6 power
2×10” Supro CR10 speakers
5U4 Tube Rectifier
Blue Rhino Hide tolex
Assembled in USA
4x 12AX7
1x 12AT7
2x 6973
1x 5U4
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Retro Series
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1642RT Titan
1668RT Jupiter
1648RT Saturn Reverb
Retro Series
1675RT Rhythm Master
S6420+ Thunderbolt +
1650RT Royal Reverb
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1642RT Titan and Extension Cabinet
The Supro 1642RT Titan is a 50 Watt, 1×10, tube combo that
cranks out astonishing stage volume and massive clean headroom
while maintaining the coveted, Class-A Supro sound. This model is
distinctly intended for the gigging guitarist who needs a small size,
yet high-power, vintage flavored amp tube that can handle the output
from a massive pedal board full of fuzz, delay and other stomp-boxes,
without the need for an effects loop.
Combining the traditional, cathode-biased, 6L6 power section found
in the high-power Supro amps of the 60’s with the cabinet dimensions
of our award-winning Tremo-Verb model, the Titan delivers unrivaled
definition and projection in a remarkably compact, gig-friendly
package. Never sterile or clinical sounding, the Titan has a huge,
warm, full-bodied sound with enough volume to play any size venue.
Class-A (50 Watts)
Independent BASS and TREBLE controls
All-tube reverb
Output-tube tremolo
Silicon Rectifier
6L6 power tubes
1×10 Supro HP10 speaker
Assembled in USA
4x 12AX7
1x 12AT7
2x 5881 / 6L6
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1668RT Jupiter
The Supro Jupiter is a modern masterpiece. This top-of-the-line Supro
amp is intended for the performing guitarist who needs a vintage
sounding amp that gracefully handles the output from a complex
pedal rig. The Jupiter amplifier excels at rock, funk, fusion, jazz and
electronic music genres, providing the necessary headroom punch
and stage volume without sacrificing the fundamental dynamics and
tonal characteristics that have made Supro amps famous.
The Jupiter model features our unique switchable rectifier topology,
allowing musicians to select 35-Watts (Class A) or 45 / 60 watts
(Class AB) to suit the gig at hand. The 35 watt cathode bias mode
uses the legendary Thunderbolt power amp topology for a harmonically saturated, tube-rectified sound that combines wonderfully with
this 1×12” platform. The 45 and 60 watt grid bias modes provide
more volume and headroom as well as the faster transient response
associated with Class AB power amps.
Switchable Class-A (35 Watts) or Class-AB (45 / 60 Watts)
Independent BASS and TREBLE controls
All-tube reverb
Output-tube tremolo
Tube or Silicon Rectifier
6L6 power tubes
1×12 Supro HP12 HEMP CONE speaker
Assembled in USA
4x 12AX7
1x 12AT7
2x 5881 / 6L6
1x 5U4
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1648RT Saturn Reverb
The 1648RT Saturn Reverb amplifier is a future-retro amplifier
designed for the working player who needs a lightweight, vintage-flavored amp with world-class tube reverb. This 15-Watt,
Class-A 1×12 luxury combo is powered by a pair of 6973
tubes with a 5U4 tube rectifier—giving you the ultimate in
tactile response and signature Supro breakup at manageable
gigging volume.
The Saturn Reverb’s amazingly low noise floor makes this amp
perfect for players who prefer to crank the amp and use the
guitar’s volume knob to control texture and dynamics. Independent TREBLE and BASS controls allow the musician to fine tune
the frequency response of the preamp to accommodate a wide
range of pickups and varied stage environments.
Class-A Cathode-biased vintage design
Independent BASS and TREBLE controls
All-tube reverb
Output-tube tremolo
15 Watts, Tube-Rectified
6973 power tubes
1×12 Supro DT12 speaker
Assembled in USA
4x 12AX7
1x 12AT7
2x 6973
1x 5U4
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1650RT Royal Reverb
The 1650RT Royal Reverb is the flagship tube amplifier of the Supro
line. This retro-modern masterpiece updates the mid 60’s classic with
an all-tube feature set designed to deliver superior sonic flexibility and
ample headroom along with enough stage volume to handle any gig.
The blue rhino hide tolex, compact physical dimensions and fundamental circuit topology are all derived from the original 2×10 Supro
Royal Reverb combo amplifier. Like its vintage counterpart, the new
Royal Reverb’s power tube tremolo comes after the reverb pan, lending
an ethereal shake and wobble to the enveloping wash of tube-driven
spring reverb.
Switchable Class-A (35 Watts) or
Class-AB (45 / 60 Watts)
Independent BASS and TREBLE controls
All-tube reverb
Output-tube tremolo
Tube or Silicon Rectifier
6L6 power tubes
2×10 Supro CR10 speaker
5U4 Tube Rectifier
Assembled in USA
4x 12AX7
1x 12AT7
2x 6973
1x 5U4
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1675RT Rhythm Master
For those players who love the huge, bold sound of the 1×15” Thunderbolt amp,
but need a lush, all-tube reverb to fill out their sound, Supro presents the 1675RT
Rhythm Master amplifier. Rooted in Supro tradition, this vintage inspired model is
loaded with independent bass and treble controls, six-spring long pan reverb, output
tube tremolo and switchable Class A / Class AB power amp wiring for 35, 45 or
60 watts of vintage American tone.
The Rhythm Master’s USA made custom 15” driver is the most accurate and true
sounding 15” guitar speaker on the market, with a full, broadband sound that is
never muddy. To create this signature speaker, we worked with Eminence to combine
the best elements of our favorite vintage 15” speakers (Jensen C15PS & JBL D130)
with modern construction methods and materials to achieve a vintage voiced driver
with superior power handling and juicy bottom end.
Switchable Class-A (35 Watts) or Class-AB (45 /
60 Watts)
Independent BASS and TREBLE controls
All-tube reverb
Output-tube tremolo
Tube or Silicon Rectifier
6L6 power tubes
1×15 Supro TB15 speaker
5U4 Tube Rectifier
Assembled in USA
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4x 12AX7
1x 12AT7
2x 5881 / 6L6
1x 5U4
S6420+ Thunderbolt Plus
The Supro Thunderbolt Plus amplifier adds switchable power amp topology
to the legendary 1964 Supro Thunderbolt, giving you the original 35-Watt
“Class A” Cathode bias sound as well as beefy 45-Watt and 60-Watt
Grid bias modes for additional headroom and tonal variation. This unique
design is implemented via a three-way selector switch on the front panel.
Normal and Extra-hot input options, combined with a wide range of
available gain on tap, allow you to fine-tune the texture and response of
this amp’s massive sound. Turned all the way up, the Thunderbolt exhibits
nearly zero self-noise, yet it puts out enough volume to be easily heard on
large venue and theatre stages, with overdrive completely controlled by
the guitar’s volume knob. The 35-Watt and 45-Watt modes both deliver
the sag and bluster of the 5U4 tube rectifier while the 60-Watt mode uses
a silicon rectifier to unleash maximum Thunderbolt power. The 60-Watt
mode’s faster transient response and ample headroom is wonderful for
pedals, and brings the Supro sound loud and clear to any size venue.
All-tube Supro circuit
Normal and Hot inputs
Unique Switchable Wattage
35-Watts “Class A” w/ Tube Rectifier
45-Watts “Class AB” w/ Tube Rectifier
60-Watts “Class AB” w/ Silicon Rectifier
1×15 Supro TB15 speakerA
Assembled in USA
2x 12AX7EH
2x 5881 / 6L6WGC
1x 5U4GB Tube Rectifier
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Supro Effect Pedals
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Supro Effect Pedals
This ground-breaking analog pedal
re-creates the circuitry of a Supro amp
from end to end, including an actual
output transformer. Going far beyond
the Supro preamp clones that have
emerged with the rising popularity of
the brand, house engineer Thomas Elliott
created a new circuit which reflects
every aspect of the Supro tube amp,
including the magnetic saturation of an
output transformer. This unique approach
yields the most realistic-sounding overdrive pedal ever made—with greater
range of gain, dynamics and natural
compression than the industry standard
overdrive designs or any of their many
derivatives. Taking the overdrive pedal
platform one step further, Supro Drive
offers a TRS port for expression pedal
control of the GAIN knob.
Emulates a Class-A Supro amp from end to end
Achieves magnetic saturation via output
Switchable RICH or BOLD transformer windings
Expression pedal control for GAIN
Accepts standard 2.1mm neg. tip power supply
Runs on 9V battery (included)
Current Draw below 20mA
Original circuit design by Thomas Elliott
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Supro Effect Pedals
Supro Boost is a J-FET based pedal that
delivers up to 20dB of noiseless gain
boost plus optional treble cut or bass
cut to contour your sound. The Supro
Boost pedal sports a simple control
layout with a single Volume knob and
an oversized toggle switch to select
BRIGHT, FLAT or DARK overall frequency
response. The BRIGHT mode enables a
6dB / octave HP (high pass) filter for
thinning out humbucker guitars when
adding boost to increase sparkle and
prevent mud. The DARK mode enables
a 6dB / octave LP (low pass) filter for
fattening up single coil guitars when
adding boost to increase warmth and
prevent harshness. Taking the boost
pedal one step further, the Supro Boost
offers a TRS port for expression pedal
control of the VOLUME knob.
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Frequency linear boost up to 20db
6db per octave High Pass Filter option
6db per octave Low Pass Filter option
Expression pedal control for VOLUME
Accepts standard 2.1mm neg. tip power supply
Runs on 9V battery (included)
Current Draw below 20mA
Original circuit design by Thomas Elliott
Supro Effect Pedals
Supro Fuzz combines the ruthless sustain
of a silver box Big Muff with the harmonic signature of a Tone Bender MkII
and the unrivaled touch dynamics of a
germanium Fuzz Face. The Supro Fuzz
takes this “best-of-all-worlds” approach
to old school fuzz using an N.O.S.
Germanium transistor in the first stage,
followed by secondary, silicon-based
gain and a dash of our special sauce
to create a low-noise, high-gain fuzz
box with 2-band EQ that will leave you
deaf and breathless. Taking the fuzz
pedal one step further, the Supro Fuzz
offers a TRS port for expression pedal
control of the TREBLE knob
“Best-of-all-worlds” original fuzz design
NOS UK-made Germanium transistor front end
2-band Treble / Bass EQ controls
Expression pedal control for TREBLE
Accepts standard 2.1mm neg. tip power supply
Runs on 9V battery (included)
Current Draw below 20mA
Original circuit design by Thomas Elliott
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Amp Footswitches
Supro Single Footswitch
Amp Footswitch — One-button TRS footswitch for use with
Supro Models that include Tremolo.
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Supro Double Footswitch
Amp Footswitch — Two-button TRS footswitch for use with Supro Models that include both
Reverb and Tremolo.
Supro Black Vinyl Amp Cover
Black Vinyl Slip-on Protective Amp Cover for Supro
Combo Guitar Amplifiers
Supro-branded slip-on protective amp cover for all models
Durable vinyl keeps off dust and protects against scuffs, scratches,
and spills
Supro Picks
Adorned with the Supro logo to preserve your amp's coolness,
even when covered
Assorted colors and gauges
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Supro T-Shirt
Supro Dickies Work Shirt
Preshrunk 100% cotton jersey knit
6 oz.
Seamless double-needle 7/8” collar
Taped neck and shoulders
Double-needle sleeve and bottom hems
Quarter-turned to eliminate center crease
Sizes S-2XL
4.25 oz. Permanent Press Poplin, 65% Polyester / 35% Cotton
Mitered front pockets with pencil division on left pocket
Fade Resistant
Enhanced durability to extend garment life & reduce repairs
Manufactured by Dickies
Sizes S-2XL
Classic black cotton jersey T-shirt with Supro Logo
in white
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Black short-sleeve Dickies brand work shirt with
embroidered Supro logo
Supro Thunderbolt Long-Sleeve T
Supro Full Zip Hoodie
Preshrunk 100% ring-spun cotton jersey knit
4.5 oz.
Taped neck and shoulders
Rolled-forward shoulders for better fit
Double-needle sleeve and bottom hems
Quarter-turned to eliminate center crease
Preshrunk 100% cotton jersey
6 oz.
Triple-needle cover-stitched hood
Waistband and pouch pocket opening for
extra durability
Single-ply hood
Contrast drawcord and exposed zipper
1ribbed cuffs and waistband
Concealed seams on cuffs
Tear-away label
Sizes S-2XL
Black long-sleeve cotton jersey T-shirt with Supro logo on
chest, Thunderbolt on sleeve
Preshrunk 100% cotton jersey hoodie featuring Supro
crest, and supro logo on sleeve.
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Supro Nashville Hat
Supro Silverbolt Hat
Double layer Applique
White beanie stitch
Metallic woven label with logo
Silver liner beanie stitch
Snap back
High-quality curved-brim hat sporting the classic Supro colors,
Supro logo stitched in double-layer applique, white contrast stitching.
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Stratiform grey hat with black brim and accents, metallic
woven Supro Thunderbolt badge. Snap back.
Supro Reissue Amp Keychain
Supro bottle opener / keychain featuring the Supro crest and logo
Product size: 1” H x 1.49” W
Supro Tall Shot Glass
Tall-style shot glass with Supro logo.
Product size: 4” x 1.5”
2 oz capacity
Supro logo
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Artist Gallery
Joe Perry
Joe Walsh
Paul Simon
Robby Krieger
Eric Krasno
Brian Setzer
Steve Stevens
Adrian Belew
Soulive, Lettuce
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Joe Walsh, The Eagles
Brian Setzer Orchestra, Stray Cats
Billy Idol, Michael Jackson
The Doors
Adrian Belew Trio, King Crimson, Frank Zappa,
David Bowie
Artist Gallery
Reeves Gabrels
Randy Bachman
Heavy Blues, The Guess Who,
Bachman Turner Overdrive
The Roots, Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon
“Captain” Kirk Douglas
David Hidalgo
Teddy Kumpel
Scott Sharrard
Steve Hunter
Scott Holiday
The Cure, Reeves Gabrels, David Bowie
Joe Jackson, LOOPestra
Gregg Allman Band, Scott Sharrard and the
Brickyard Band
Lou Reed, Alice Cooper, Peter Gabriel
Los Lobos
Rival Sons
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Absara Audio LLC
200 Wilson St. Bldg F
Port Jefferson Station, NY 11776
Phone: 631-331-7447
All contents © 2016 Absara Audio LLC