PlayMancer– FP7 215839 A European Serious Gaming 3D Environment Deliverable (revised) D2.1b: State of the Art on Serious games, Games for Health, and Multimodal Game Technologies Part B of User requirements, game scenarios, 1 system specification and architecture Date of delivery: July 31st, 2008 Revised version: February 20th, 2009 Authors: NU, TUW, UOP, UNIGE, SYSTEMA, IDIBELL Date: 2009-02-18 1 Version: v4.3 Due to its length, Deliverable 2.1 User requirements, game scenarios, system specification and architecture has been divided into 4 sections. D2.1a: User Requirements, D2.1b: State of the Art, D2.1c: Games Scenarios, D2.1d: Specifications and Architecture D2.1b: State of the Art 2/130 Document Control Title: State of the Art on Serious games, games for health, and Multimodal Game Technologies Project: Playmancer (FP7 215839) Type: Deliverable (revised) Authors: NU: Tony Lam, Thierry Raguin TUW: Christian Schönauer, Hannes Kaufmann, Thomas Pintaric UOP: Theodoros Kostoulas, Alexandros Lazaridis, Nikos Katsaounos, Iosif Status*: Restricted Mporas, Otilia Kocsis, Todor Ganchev UNIGE: Dimitri Konstantas, Hikari Watanabe SYSTEMA: Elias Kalapanidas IDIBELL: Fernando Fernández-Aranda, Susana Jiménez-Murcia, Juan Jose Santamaría Origin: NetUnion Doc ID: <D2.1b_StateOfTheArt-Revision2-v4.3.doc> * Public, Restricted, Confidential Amendment History Version Date Author Description/Comments v1.0 2008-03-06 NU Initial version, base structure and partner assignments v2.0 2008-05-15 All 2 draft v3.0 2008-07-15 NU Almost final version v3.1 2008-07-31 All Final version v3.2 2008-09-25 UNIGE Slight updates in introduction and section 3.1 after internal peer review v4.0 2008-12-29 NU Initiating revisions based on 1 year review v4.1 2009-02-06 NU, IDIBELL First draft revision based on 1 year review v4.2 2009-02-16 NU, IDIBELL, UOP, TUW, UNIGE Additional revisions and restructuring v4.3 2009-02-18 NU, ST Final revisions nd st st The information contained in this report is subject to change without notice and should not be construed as a commitment by any members of the PLAYMANCER Consortium. The PLAYMANCER Consortium assumes no responsibility for the use or inability to use any software or algorithms, which might be described in this report. The information is provided without any warranty of any kind and the PLAYMANCER Consortium expressly disclaims all implied warranties, including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular use. PLAYMANCER FP7 215839 D2.1b: State of the Art 3/130 Table of contents 1 INTRODUCTION.................................................................................................. 7 2 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY...................................................................................... 8 3 STATE OF THE ART: GAMES FOR HEALTH RESEARCH ................................ 9 3.1 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................. 9 3.2 BEHAVIOUR AND MENTAL DISORDERS ............................................................... 9 3.3 REHABILITATION ............................................................................................. 12 3.4 LIMITATIONS OF THE LITERATURE AND CLINICAL IMPACT ................................... 13 3.4.1 Behaviour and Mental Disorders ............................................................ 13 3.4.2 Rehabilitation.......................................................................................... 14 4 REVIEW OF GAMES FOR HEALTH AND SERIOUS GAMES .......................... 16 4.1 RELEVANT TRENDS IN GAMES FOR HEALTH ...................................................... 16 4.2 STORYTELLING / ADVENTURE GAMES FOR PROBLEM SOLVING .......................... 19 4.2.1 Personal Investigator.............................................................................. 19 4.2.2 Earthquake in Zipland ............................................................................ 21 4.2.3 Treasure Hunt ........................................................................................ 22 4.2.4 Conclusion.............................................................................................. 23 4.3 NARRATIVE THERAPY / STORY-BUILDING GAMES .............................................. 23 4.3.1 GIRLS: Girls Involved in Real Life Sharing............................................. 23 4.4 RE-MISSION: PSYCHOEDUCATIONAL GAME ABOUT CANCER .............................. 25 4.5 SELF-ESTEEM GAMES ..................................................................................... 25 4.5.1 EyeSpy: The Matrix ................................................................................ 26 4.5.2 Wham! Self-Esteem Conditioning........................................................... 27 4.5.3 Grow your Chi! ....................................................................................... 27 4.5.4 Further research: EyeZoom, Click’n Smile, Word Search ...................... 28 4.5.5 Conclusion.............................................................................................. 28 4.6 AFFECTIVE AND BIOFEEDBACK GAMES ............................................................ 29 4.6.1 The Journey to Wild Divine: The Passage.............................................. 29 4.6.2 Relax-to-Win........................................................................................... 30 4.6.3 Conclusion.............................................................................................. 31 4.7 GAMES PROMOTING PHYSICAL ACTIVITIES ....................................................... 31 4.7.1 NEAT-o-Games...................................................................................... 32 4.7.2 Nike+ Sports Kit...................................................................................... 34 4.7.3 MyHeart: Sneaks!................................................................................... 35 4.7.4 Conclusion.............................................................................................. 35 4.8 GAMES FOR REHABILITATION .......................................................................... 36 4.8.1 Video capture based games................................................................... 36 4.8.2 Games using customized input devices ................................................. 37 4.8.3 Virtual reality games ............................................................................... 38 4.8.4 Conclusion.............................................................................................. 40 4.9 UNIVERSALLY ACCESSIBLE GAMES ................................................................. 40 4.10 CASUAL SOCIAL GAMES .............................................................................. 41 PLAYMANCER FP7 215839 D2.1b: State of the Art 4/130 4.11 GUESS AND MATCH GAMES ......................................................................... 42 4.11.1 The ESP Game ................................................................................... 42 4.11.2 Peek-a-Boom ...................................................................................... 43 4.11.3 Conclusion........................................................................................... 44 4.12 CONCLUSION GAMES STATE OF THE ART ........................................................ 44 5 STATE OF THE ART: MULTIMODAL GAME TECHNOLOGIES ....................... 46 5.1 BIOFEEDBACK AND BIOFEEDBACK DEVICES ..................................................... 46 5.1.1 Introduction............................................................................................. 46 5.1.2 Common biosignals................................................................................ 46 5.1.3 Wearable sensors .................................................................................. 49 5.1.4 Linking the sensors ................................................................................ 52 5.1.5 Heart Rate / GSR and Games................................................................ 53 5.1.6 Conclusion.............................................................................................. 54 5.2 MULTIMODAL I/O ............................................................................................ 54 5.2.1 Introduction............................................................................................. 54 5.2.2 Input/Output Devices.............................................................................. 55 5.2.3 Multimodal I/O issues ............................................................................. 64 5.2.4 State of the art........................................................................................ 65 5.2.5 Conclusion.............................................................................................. 68 5.3 SPEECH / DIALOGUE ....................................................................................... 69 5.3.1 Dialogue Systems .................................................................................. 69 5.3.2 Speech Recognition and Understanding ................................................ 70 5.3.3 Speech Synthesis and Natural Language Generation............................ 70 5.3.4 Dialog Management ............................................................................... 73 5.3.5 Speech Interfaces and Mobile Technologies.......................................... 76 5.3.6 Speech Interfaces and Users with Special Needs.................................. 77 5.3.7 Speaker Emotion Recognition ................................................................ 77 5.3.8 Speech Interfaces and Dialogue Management in Games ...................... 78 5.3.9 Conclusions............................................................................................ 79 5.4 GAME ENGINES / TOOLS OVERVIEW AND COMPARISON ..................................... 79 5.4.1 Game Engine Basics.............................................................................. 79 5.4.2 The game engine roadmap: Past, current and future trends .................. 81 5.4.3 Serious features of Game Engines......................................................... 83 5.4.4 Research projects making use of Game engines ................................... 85 5.4.5 Tools for game development .................................................................. 86 5.4.6 Overview and comparison of available game engines and tools ............ 93 5.4.7 Conclusion.............................................................................................. 94 6 APPENDIX 1: LIST OF AVAILABLE GAME ENGINES...................................... 97 7 APPENDIX 2: RESEARCH ON GAMES FOR HEALTH .................................. 111 8 REFERENCES................................................................................................. 114 9 LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS.............................................................................. 127 PLAYMANCER FP7 215839 D2.1b: State of the Art 5/130 Table of Figures Fig. 1 Personal Investigator...................................................................................... 20 Fig. 2 Games using PlayWrite (November 2007) ..................................................... 21 Fig. 3 Earthquake in Zipland .................................................................................... 22 Fig. 4 GIRLS – Pictorial Narrative ............................................................................ 24 Fig. 5 EyeSpy: The Matrix ........................................................................................ 26 Fig. 6 Wham! Self-Esteem Conditioning................................................................... 27 Fig. 7 Grow your Chi! ............................................................................................... 28 Fig. 8 The Journey to Wild Divine: The Passage ..................................................... 29 Fig. 9 Relax-to-Win................................................................................................... 30 Fig. 10 Relax-to-Win Sensor .................................................................................... 30 Fig. 11 NEAT-o-Games components ....................................................................... 32 Fig. 12 Architecture of the NEAT-o-Race game ....................................................... 33 Fig. 13 Nike+iPod Sports Kit .................................................................................... 34 Fig. 14 Nike+ Application ......................................................................................... 35 Fig. 15 IREX platform showing the “Birds & Balls” game ......................................... 37 Fig. 16 Biodex balance system with a maze game .................................................. 38 Fig. 17 “Whack a mouse” game ............................................................................... 39 Fig. 18 CyberGrasp and it’s virtual representation ................................................... 40 Fig. 19 The ESP Game ............................................................................................ 43 Fig. 20 Peek-a-Boom ............................................................................................... 44 Fig. 21 g.MOBIlab EEG module (g.tec medical engineering GmbH)........................ 47 Fig. 22 Single channel GSR monitor GSR2 (Thought Technology Ltd.)................... 47 Fig. 23 a) g.MOBIlab ECG/EMG module (g.tec medical engineering GmbH) .......... 48 Fig. 23 b) MobiHealth Mobile™ module ................................................................... 48 Fig. 24 Xpod oximeter (Nonin) and AABACO medical, Inc ear probe ...................... 49 Fig. 25 CXL04LP3 3-axis accelerometer module (Crossbow).................................. 49 Fig. 26 LifeShirt (VivoMetrics) .................................................................................. 50 Fig. 27 LifeVest (ZOLL Lifecor) ................................................................................ 51 Fig. 28 Sensium (Toumaz) ....................................................................................... 51 Fig. 29 Example of a gaming setup using multimodal I/O ........................................ 55 Fig. 30 Wireless pen developed at IMS.................................................................... 56 Fig. 31 Illustration of the iotracker setup (Source: www.iotracker.com).................... 59 Fig. 32 Basic principle of infrared-optical tracking (source: www.iotracker.com)...... 60 Fig. 33 CAVE (Computer Assisted Virtual Environment).......................................... 62 Fig. 34 RAVE (Reconfigurable Assisted Virtual Environment) ................................. 62 Fig. 35 Example of a workbench .............................................................................. 63 Fig. 36 The Sony Glasstron, a HMD using LCD displays ......................................... 64 Fig. 37 Middleware separating application from devices and network ..................... 65 Fig. 38 Visualizations of examples for data flow graphs........................................... 67 Fig. 39 Wii balance board......................................................................................... 68 Fig. 40 Squeezable input device .............................................................................. 68 Fig. 41 A block diagram of the Natural Language Generation component ............... 71 Fig. 42 Detailed block diagram of the NLG component ............................................ 72 PLAYMANCER FP7 215839 D2.1b: State of the Art 6/130 Fig. 43 Schematic representation of speech-centric multimodal interface architecture. ........................................................................................................................... 74 Fig. 44 Architectural model of the RavenClaw framework........................................ 76 Fig. 45 A typical 3D game engine architecture......................................................... 80 PLAYMANCER FP7 215839 D2.1b: State of the Art 7/130 1 Introduction This version of D2.1b has been revised to provide a better focus on Games for Health and follow up on the research questions and challenges identified in D2.1a User Requirements. In brief, this document will seek to answer the following questions: a. A brief overview to the e-health trends, theoretic and technological approaches relevant to the Playmancer user requirements. b. Review specific examples of therapeutic and affective games along with a critical analysis of their strengths and weaknesses, and lessons learned, of the games as well as their supporting technology and platform. c. Review of state of the art in multi-modal input/output devices, game engines, speech and dialogue recognition and other vital components and how these could potentially be applied to the Playmancer scenarios and platform. Ultimately, D2.1b seeks to provide a framework to examine and integrate innovative approaches for advancing European research in games for health. The “serious games” label gained wide circulation since the serious games initiative was launched in 2002. Serious games regroup diverse sub-categories such as simulations, training games, games for health, etc.[1]. Games for Health or “Health eGames” are video games that deliver measurable health benefits. The segment is growing rapidly fuel by the introduction of the Wii console by Nintendo. In fact, market size of games for health, estimated at more than 7 billion USD, for the next 12 months, is much greater than the market estimates for serious games, which is estimated at 1.7 billion USD. (Source: iConecto e-games marketing report). The IConecto e-games report cites 300+ Health eGames have been developed for people and patients. 35 + Health eGames have been identified for professionals in the health and medical industry. Given the rapidly growing list of games and publications, this review will focus on games for therapeutic support and physical rehabilitation, which is the segment most relevant to the Playmancer scenarios. This does not however, limit our survey to only games in this area. PLAYMANCER FP7 215839 D2.1b: State of the Art 8/130 2 Executive summary Following up on D2.1a User and Stakeholder Requirements, the project made a clinical review of games for health and a technical review of underlying technologies to support the PlayMancer platform and games. • Research on games for health is still very young and results obtained so far are promising. The PlayMancer video-game prototype to be adapted for chronic mental disorders (mainly eating disorders and behavioural addictions) treatment introduces the player to an interactive scenario where the final goal is to increase his general problem solving strategies, self-control skills and control over general impulsive behaviours. • Except for a few relaxation games using biofeedback, no games are using speech emotion recognition, facial emotion recognition or multimodal emotion recognition within a therapeutic context. In addition to developing a therapeutic game using these innovative technologies, PlayMancer will provide the necessary tools for the development of games for health integrating multimodal emotion recognition, spoken dialog interfaces, motion tracking, etc. • While a plethora of independent tools is available, there are no integrated platforms for developing games for health. Except for the PlayWrite system developed for Personal Investigator, there are no platforms that allow the rapid development of therapeutic 3D games. • In addition, PlayMancer will apply the Universally Accessible Games design principles guidelines for the first time in the area of games for health. Results of this research have been used as input to develop the game scenarios presented in D2.1c and to select the best components for the PlayMancer platform as described in D2.1d. PLAYMANCER FP7 215839 D2.1b: State of the Art 9/130 3 State of the Art: Games for Health Research 3.1 Introduction Given the increasing interest of many national health care systems in extending the accessibility of services and treatment programs, telemedicine has started to be applied in many illnesses [Mitchell et al., 2000; Hicks et al., 2001] . To date, the use of new technologies has been applied for a range of mental illnesses, including obsessive-compulsive disorders [Baer et al., 1995], schizophrenia [Zarate et al., 1997], eating disorders (EDs) [Myers et al., 2004] and anxiety disorders [Botella et al., 2004]. Furthermore, additional virtual reality, approaches have already successfully been applied by minor mental disorders, such as: posttraumatic stress disorders [Wood et al., 2008], anxiety disorders [Difede et al., 2007] and addictive behaviours [Lee et al., 2007]. Until recently, the majority of the work carried out on the use of video games have focused on the negative aspects that they may generate, such as their addictive potential, the relationship with aggressive behaviour or the medical and psychological consequences (Griffiths & Hunt, 1998). However, in the last years some publications have appeared reflecting the possible benefits of some videogames (Schott 2006, Griffiths 2004). In the same manner the book “Serious Games: Mechanisms and Effects” (Ritterfeld 2008) emphasises the desirable outcomes of playing videogames. The book examines how playing video games can supply a transferable learning to the real world. It focuses on five goals: 1. To define the areas of serious games. 2. To elaborate and discuss the underlying theories that explain suggested psychological mechanisms through serious game play, addressing cognitive, affective and social processes. 3. To summarize and discuss the evidence on the effectiveness of serious games. 4. To introduce research methods as a response to the specific methodological challenges, measurement of exposure, multitasking, deeper learning, and transfer from the virtual into the real. 5. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages for educational purposes. Various virtual reality technologies have also been used for rehabilitation after stroke and other brain injuries (Holden 2005, Weiss 2004) as well as orthopaedic rehabilitation following musculoskeletal injuries. (Deutsch 2001) 3.2 Behaviour and Mental Disorders Despite the fact that the scientific literature on this theme is significantly growing it is still to its major part speculative (Griffiths, 2004). Nonetheless, each time it is more PLAYMANCER FP7 215839 D2.1b: State of the Art 10/130 evident that videogames can be used as therapeutic tools, both in physical disorders and somatic diseases such as in mental diseases. However, there is still no study that centres itself in the treatment of pathological gambling, through videogames, or that consider the possibility of including videogames in treatment programs, as an additional therapeutic tool or strategy. In spite of that, there are studies that demonstrate their efficiency in the work with children with emotional and behavioural problems, especially children diagnosed with ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder), in traits like hyperactivity and impulsivity (Griffiths, 2004). Likewise, a generalized opinion exists over the benefits derived from videogames like treatments tools, especially if they have been specifically designed to invert in a concrete object. Previous literature review studies suggest that computer games in general can serve as an alternative form of treatment or as additional intervention in mental disorders, in areas such as: schizophrenia [Bellack et al., 2005], asthma [Bussey-Smith et al., 2007] and motor rehabilitation [Broeren et al., 2007]. Although, several naturalistic studies have been conducted, showing the usefulness of serious videogames for enhancing some positive attitudes [Beale et al., 2007; Rassin et al., 2004], increasing problem solving strategies [Coyle et al., 2005] and phobias [Walshe et al., 2003]. As well video games have been used as physiotherapy or occupational therapy in different groups of people to focus attention away from potential discomfort. They have demonstrated to be a powerful tool distracting patients from the pain associated with some treatments. Even if there is a lack of controlled studies in the literature dealing with video games as additional therapeutic tool for mental disorders, some authors working with videogames have published positive results using videogames as psychological support in various psychological and psychosomatic illnesses. Research conducted by Coyle on a game called Personal Investigator, described in section 4.2.1, (Coyle 2004, Coyle 2005) has shown that the game helped to increase adolescent to engage in therapy and helped therapists to develop their therapeutic relationship with adolescents. Adolescents improved their self-esteem and problem solving skills. Furthermore, patients benefited from the 3D environment in which adolescents had a sense of control and empowerment. Another potential advantage of PI is that peer narratives can be shared, i.e. allowing adolescents to record and submit multimedia narratives of their game to be used as examples for other players. Re-Mission is a game developed by Kato and colleagues, described in section 4.4, the results of the articles published by the group (Kato 2006, Beale 2007, Kato 2008) show that the game is an acceptable psychotherapeutic tool to a high percentage of adolescents and young adults suffering from cancer. The information and experience gained from playing Re-Mission has been revealed to significantly improve patients’ self-esteem, and knowledge of cancer. Furthermore patients who played Re-Mission vs. control groups adhered significantly more frequently to their treatment regimen. In the paper (Brezinka 2008) the researcher analyze the trial version of the video game “Treasure Hunt”, described in section 4.2.3, with therapeutic purposes for children of eight to twelve years old who are in cognitive-behavioural treatment for PLAYMANCER FP7 215839 D2.1b: State of the Art 11/130 various disorders. The results show that the game is valuable in helping less experienced therapist structuring sessions and explaining important cognitivebehavioural concepts. By chronic mental disorders, such as eating disorders and behavioural addictions, some specific traits are difficult to be modified and resistant to be changed (e.g. specific personality traits, attitudinal and emotional aspects, and uncontrolled behaviours), even after using standard and well established evidence based psychological therapies. Hence, as shown in some preliminary studies, the potential capacity of videogames to change underlying cognitive processes is going to be tested within this project (see Appendix 2: Research on Games for Health). Eating Disorders In eating disorders, several controlled studies have shown that CBT and IPT are the two most effective approaches in the treatment of bulimia nervosa (Fairburn, 1993; Openshaw, Waller, & Sperlinger, 2004; Wilfley et al., 1993), with CBT leading to more rapid symptomatic change (Fairburn, 1997). However, 30-40% of cases will show just partial recovery or not successful results [Fairburn & Harriot, 2003; Fairburn et al., 1993; Fernández et al., 2004]. Some of the predicting factors associated to poor prognosis are, as well personality traits (e.g. impulsivity and rigidity), as well some attitudinal processes. Effective use of new technology for eating disorders, especially BN, have recently been described in studies using: telemedicine, CD-ROM, Internet based programs, virtual reality, Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs), e-mail support and additional mobile text messages (SMS) (Fernandez-Aranda et al., 2008; Carrard et al., 2006; Rouget, Carrard, & Archinard, 2005). Another type of psycho-education intervention are using Online guided self-helps, that kind of approach appears to be a valid treatment option for BN when compared to a waiting list control group, especially for people who present lower severity of their eating disorder (ED) symptomatology and some specific personality traits [119]. However, up to now, there is a lack on the literature analyzing the usefulness of videogame as successful therapy tool for eating disorders. Despite that, specific neuropsychological techniques based on games (gambling task), have showed a certain amount of efficiency at times of dealing with aspects less susceptible to change, such as rigidity [Tchanturia et al., 2007a; Tchanturia et al., 2007b]. The majority of studies identify impulsivity and low self-control, as one of the triggering and maintaining factors of problematic behaviours in ED, such as episodes of overeating [Vanderlinden et al., 2004; Alvarez-Moya et al., 2007; FernándezAranda et al., 2007], that maintain even after having finalized treatment. PLAYMANCER FP7 215839 D2.1b: State of the Art 12/130 Pathological Gambling Nowadays, several studies have shown that CBT is the most effective approach in the treatment of pathological gambling (Jiménez-Murcia et al., 2006). Within the disorders of impulse control, besides the one of pathological gambling, the addictive technology calls are included. However, there is an existing psychological treatment program, with a cognitive-behavioural approach, that has been evaluated for Internet addiction. Moreover, this program is of the characteristics that it is changing, through the Internet (Center for Online Addiction, www.netaddiction.com). The sample consisted of 114 participants, with addictions to certain applications on the Internet (sexual chat 40%, general chat 4%, pornography 30%, gambling 10%, gaming 10%, auction houses 4%, shopping 2%). The objectives of the therapy were improved motivation, online time management, improved social relationships, improved sexual functioning, engagement in offline activities and ability to abstain from problematic applications. The treatment had a duration of 12 sessions and carried out a follow-up after 6 months. The results indicated that the majority of patients had recovered after this type of intervention (Young, 2007). Another study made with 188 subjects, shows the beneficial effects of using the Internet in terms of self-confidence, social abilities, social support (Campbell et al., 2006). Finally, the efficiency of the use of new technologies, specially videogames, as a therapeutic tool to intervene in certain mental disorders is a field still left to be discovered, although the scarce amount of studies published up until now suggest very positive results. 3.3 Rehabilitation During the last ten years there has been a substantial amount of publications on the use of virtual reality and virtual environments in rehabilitation. However, the term “game” has been carefully avoided in almost all of them, obviously for the reason to distance themselves from pure entertainment setups. Nevertheless, many of these publications obviously describe game setups as described in section 4.8. Clearly serious games are not yet firmly established within the scientific community engaged in rehabilitation. However, there has been great interest in using virtual environment or virtual reality (VR) applications for treatment of various types of motor and cognitive deficits. Reviews show that the use of VR in brain damage rehabilitation is expanding dramatically and became an integral part of the assessment tool [217]. Research teams aim to develop its use as a flexible, controllable, non-invasive method of directly manipulating cortical activity in order to reduce the impact of brain injury. The majority of literature concentrates on supporting one specific field of rehabilitation, thus providing functional tasks for occupational therapy (e.g. [157] or PLAYMANCER FP7 215839 D2.1b: State of the Art 13/130 [215]) or simple videogames for physiotherapy [219]. For every area there is a multitude of training exercises that are performed during the therapy sessions chosen by the therapist depending on the case of the patient. Video games have been used as physiotherapy for arm injuries [110], in training movements or to increase hand strength at different pathologies [111]. Therapeutic benefits have also been reported in pain management, wheelchair users with spinal cord injuries [112], severe burns [113] and muscular dystrophy [114]. Thus many games and applications have been developed to serve a certain niche and have in many cases extended the understanding of movement and therapy [219]. Another reason for specialization of the games is that in general specific stimulation is considered the more effective approach, in terms of benefit for the patient. This is in comparison to unspecific stimulation aimed at improving overall performance. Another scientific consensus is that videogames or virtual reality applications in general are not considered a replacement for conventional treatment, but are seen as a new technological tool that can be exploited to enhance motor retraining. (e.g. [215]). 3.4 Limitations of the Literature and Clinical Impact 3.4.1 Behaviour and Mental Disorders All of the review studies indicate that computer interventions can be helpful in various treatments and the naturalistic studies strengthen this claim by showing differences between pre and post measures. However, when control groups are added and used in studies there is a lack of significant differences, almost in 50% of cases. As shown in Appendix 2: Research on Games for Health, currently there are few experimental studies using control groups and moreover the sample sizes in the existing ones are generally low. Therefore there seem to be a need for more studies using control groups of larger numbers to be applied before any real conclusions can be made. The most common types of measures are psychometrical tests, which may lead to subjective biases. Therefore other types of measures such as biosensor, behavioural and physiological measures could serve as more objective tools. Almost 40% of the studies are focused on psycho-education for children and adolescents. So far, no computer game design for mental health problems has had the intention to treat concrete aspects of a given disease. The majority of the computer treatments are directed towards children and adolescents. It can be questioned, whether computer games is the most adequate form of treatment in adults. On the other hand, studies of other pathologies, such as cognitive remediation, and language impairments, are not solely limited to psycho-education. They also have the intention to improve the symptomatology of the disease. PLAYMANCER FP7 215839 D2.1b: State of the Art 14/130 Considering the research conducted and articles published up to now, it seems obvious that the work on videogames as a treatment in health is still, to an extent, in its initial phase and is continuously progressing. The results obtained so far are promising for future investigation. The PlayMancer video-game prototype to be adapted for chronic mental disorders (mainly eating disorders and behavioural addictions) treatment, introduces the player to an interactive scenario where the final goal is to increase his general problem solving strategies, self-control skills and control over general impulsive behaviours. After using the game, specific targeted attitudinal, emotional and behavioural changes will be expected by the subject. The game will encourage the player to learn and develop new confrontation strategies. 3.4.2 Rehabilitation Some studies have been conducted on the topic of video games in rehabilitation. However, in most cases the proposed product was not developed beyond prototype stadium or was merely an adoption of commercial entertainment products, with no adaptations to the special requirements of the patients. Also there often is a significant lack of evaluation methodology and objective measurements to allow proof of the effectiveness of certain systems. As with videogames for behaviour and mental disorders there are little to none controlled studies available. Most systems have only been tested using a very small sample of patients or healthy subjects as a proof of concept. In many cases the studies bring forward the argument that the subjects had increased their occupational performance, i.e. improvement reflected in activities of daily living. This, of course, should be the goal of any therapy, however, is very hard to measure objectively. Four publications by Broeren et al. in 2007 have shown that VR applications can be used to provide quantitative analysis of hand movements. This was tested on a medium sample of patients in the chronic phase after stroke. They also proofed that the benefits are not only to younger people but also for the elderly. The evaluation part of the Playmancer rehabilitation games system, however, are planned to go well beyond these promising results. Not only will they be used to find certain deficits or produce singular measurements, but will provide the therapist with a whole set of information throughout the whole therapy and during each session. This includes angular measurements, EMG data and the patient’s range of motion, which are all obtained during the game sessions. Using games for motor rehabilitation has the advantage of adaptable parameters, which allows customization to the patient’s performance. In other words, VR games offer the capacity to individualize treatment needs, while providing increased PLAYMANCER FP7 215839 D2.1b: State of the Art 15/130 standardization of assessment and re-training protocols. Nevertheless, there has been no study yet to exploit these findings by using a serious game. PLAYMANCER FP7 215839 D2.1b: State of the Art 16/130 4 Review of Games for Health and Serious Games 4.1 Relevant Trends in Games for Health This section presents a review of games for health either commercial or for research that can serve as inspiration for developing game scenarios in PlayMancer. This is a non-exhaustive review of the available games, and gaming technology, that is conducted with the user requirements of Playmancer in mind. The presentation of the games surveyed are also organised in this fashion. Games reviewed (including games that were surveyed but not reviewed in more details in this deliverable) include: • • • • • • • Games related to core features of impulse control and eating disorders, focusing on relaxation games and planning games designed to improve learning about self-control and increasing tolerance to frustration Games linked to self-esteem, developing problem solving and pro-social skills Games dealing with emotion regulation and expression, narrative therapy, emotional self-awareness and empathy, emotional disclosure Games promoting physical activities Psycho-education games Games with a purpose Etc. In summary, we reviewed more than 30 games and surveyed many others that are not included in this document. We are currently tracking the potentials of emerging trends, such as online and casual games, and their potential for providing social support. We also tracked the following topics that are relevant to the Playmancer platform and stakeholder requirements: • Use of biosensors: very few games are currently using biosensors but this area is growing and more and more devices are starting to appear. • Use of emotion recognition: except for a few relaxation games that use biofeedback, no games are using speech emotion recognition, facial emotion recognition or multimodal emotion recognition within a therapeutic context. Activities and results on Affective Computing of the MIT Media Lab and the outcomes of the CALLAS, PASION, PRESENCCIA and INDIGO projects and the HUMAINE network were also considered and will continue to be reviewed as input throughout the project. • Game design paradigms: Human computation paradigm for getting research data or engaging people in fun while learning or performing valuable tasks. PLAYMANCER FP7 215839 D2.1b: State of the Art 17/130 • Platform and scalability: the PlayWrite system developed for Personal Investigator is the only tool allowing rapid development of therapeutic 3D games. Apart from this platform, very few integrated tools or platform are available for developing therapeutic games. • User-generated content: user-generated content is used quite often in CBTgames but sharing of user-generated content is still lacking in most cases. Further information about these games is provided in the table below (games in bold have been reviewed in more details and are described in the following sub-sections). GAME ACLS Trainer TOPIC To learn about cardiac conditions in emergency care. Amazing Food To learn about healthy Detective food and get more active Game Ben’s Game Understanding what cancer really is and how to battle it. Bizzarro Educate players about Olympics the lifestyle choices required to maintain a good health. Dance Dance Dancing Revolution Earthquake Learning Teaching in Zipland children to deal with GOAL Psycho-education Training skills TECHNIQUES Giving Information Psycho-education Change attitudes Giving information Exercise Psycho-education Change attitudes Visualization Modelling Psycho-education Physical activity Giving Information Exercise Motivational Techniques Fun Physical activities Changing attitudes Emotional disclosure Reproducing moves on a dance pad Self-observation Psycho-education Problem solving situations where the parents divorced. ESP Game EyeSpy: The Matrix Finding Zoe Annotate images through Human computation guess and match with unknown partner Face-in-the-crowd paradigm Identify approving/smiling Improve self-esteem Attentional training face in crowd of frowning Self-esteem conditioning faces Promote healthy relations Psycho-education Giving Information between girls and boys, Change attitudes Problem solving without violence. Emotional modulation Self-observation Guess and match Food Finder Showing children how to make healthy eating choices. Psycho-education Change attitudes Giving Information Problem Solving Free Dive Distract children who Relaxation Pain management Relaxation techniques Distraction techniques undergo frequent and PLAYMANCER FP7 215839 D2.1b: State of the Art GAME TOPIC 18/130 GOAL TECHNIQUES often painful medical procedures and bring joy to chronically ill children. Freedom HIV/AIDS Campaign to increase Psycho-education HIV/AIDS awareness and Change attitudes support infected people. GIRLS Build and share personal experience Grow your Chi! Shoot’em up combining Immune Attack Knowledge of the human Giving Information Story building and sharing Emotional selfawareness and empathy Improve self-esteem Narrative therapy Constructionist theory of education Psycho-education Information Relaxation Relaxation techniques using biofeedback device Psycho-education Change attitudes Giving information EyeSpy and Wham! Attentional training Self-esteem conditioning immune system and its functions. Journey to Wild Divine Solving puzzles through Kids Wisdom Develop healthy food relaxation habits MyHeart: Sneaks! NEAT-oGames Collect cards around your Improve daily activities by collecting items home outside of your home Improve Non-Exercise Race opponents to get Activity Thermogenesis hints for other games NeuroMatrix Learning about the brain and motivating for neurosciences. Psycho-education Motivational change Nike+ Sports Kit Running and competing Walk or run more with friends with peers with self-made goals Peek-a-Boom Identify different regions of an image Personal Investigator Helping adolescents with mental health problems such as depression, anxiety and social skills Promote daily activities GPS + mobile Promote daily activities Game as motivator Accelerometer + mobile Giving Information Short Movies and Games Accelerometer + iPod Identify regions of an Human computation image through guess and match with unknown partner Learn social skills Problem solving Problem solving Solution focused therapy Facilitate interaction between therapists and adolescents problems overcome Reach Out! Central PLAYMANCER problems Helping young people understand issues like depression, anger and anxiety. Psycho-education Change attitudes Emotional Modulation Giving Information Problem solving Self-observation FP7 215839 D2.1b: State of the Art GAME Real Lives TOPIC Learn about other people’s culture Relax to Win Multiplayer racing using 19/130 GOAL TECHNIQUES Psycho-education Semi-random scenariobased RPG Relaxation Giving information Real life simulation relaxation Relaxation through biofeedback device Re-Mission Designed for young persons with cancer. Psycho -education Change attitudes Improve self -esteem Behavioural change Giving Information Visualization Group feedback Treasure Hunt Puzzles for children Cognitive and Behavioural Therapy Treatment support Wham! Pair self-relevant Treatment support Psycho-education Cognitive behaviour modifications Improve self-esteem Improve your BMI through fitness and sports exercises Wii + Balance board Fitness Sports information with Attentional training Self-esteem conditioning approving/smiling face Wii Fit Fitness game 4.2 Storytelling / Adventure Games for Problem Solving 4.2.1 Personal Investigator Personal Investigator (PI) [2] is a therapeutic 3D game for adolescent psychotherapy initiated at the Media Lab Europe and Trinity College Dublin. The game is based on Solution Focused Therapy (SFT) [64], a goal-oriented, strengths-based model of psychotherapy, and is inspired by play therapy and therapeutic storytelling. PI targets adolescents with mental health problems such as depression, anxiety, and social skills problems and can be used either as support tool to facilitate the interaction between therapists and adolescents, or as self-directed use online. The game uses a detective narrative where adolescents play the role of a “personal investigator” investigating personal problems. PI therefore uses a Role Playing Game (RPG) type gameplay where players talk to Non-Playable Characters (NPC) to advance in their personal investigation. In PI, adolescents create their own goals and objectives; the game then rewards them for engaging in dialogues and tasks, in order to achieve these. At the beginning of the game, players are given a detective notebook, where they are asked to record their thoughts and ideas. This notebook will also serve as a record of the therapy at the end of the game. The five SFT conversational strategies are mapped to five distinct areas in the game. Each area contains a master detective who talks to players and asks them to answer questions in their notebook. Some of the dialogues also include videos of adolescents giving examples of strategies they PLAYMANCER FP7 215839 D2.1b: State of the Art 20/130 used to solve their own problems. Players have to graduate the academy by completing the tasks given by each of the master detectives. Fig. 1 Personal Investigator Research conducted on PI [3] showed that the game helped increase adolescent engagement in therapy and helped therapists develop their therapeutic relationship with adolescents. Adolescents improved their self-esteem and problem solving skills with the game as hypothesised but an unexpected benefit of the 3D environment is that it gave adolescents a sense of control and empowerment: the open structure of the game (players can go to any part of the game in the order they choose) allowed them to pace their investigation and control the different therapeutic tasks. One of the main advantages of PI is that it is a generic game based on SFT: unlike games that target a specific behavioural disorder, the approach used in PI allows therapists to use the game for different types of disorders. The initial research on PI also identified some potential improvements to the game such as sharing of peer narratives, i.e. allowing adolescents to record and submit multimedia narratives of their game to be used as examples for other players. The Underlying platform: The PlayWrite system PI has been developed as a proof-of-concept to evaluate the potential of 3D computer games in adolescent mental health care. Based on this initial research, the PlayWrite system was developed to allow therapists to easily create and adapt 3D therapeutic games for adolescents [4]. The table below lists different games developed or being developed using PlayWrite [5]: PLAYMANCER FP7 215839 D2.1b: State of the Art 21/130 Fig. 2 Games using PlayWrite (November 2007) With this system, therapists can develop their own content and games for other disorders and as shown in Fig. 2 above, PlayWrite can be used with different therapeutic approaches (e.g. Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, Narrative Therapy, Social Constructionist Therapy, etc.) and address different issues, specific (e.g. anxiety, anger management, self-esteem, etc.) or generic. Mental health interventions can therefore be developed much faster than with closed systems requiring development by game developers. 4.2.2 Earthquake in Zipland “Earthquake in Zipland” is a computer game designed by Chaya Harash (Family Therapist and president and CEO of Zipland Interactive) who’s aimed to help children aged 9 to 12 of separated and divorced parents to deal with their new situation. In the adventure, the child helps the main character, Moose, dealing with different scenarios who find inspiration in the real-life of separated or divorced families, giving them different tools and skills as problem solving or psychoeducation. Those situations include: guilt about the divorce, blame and responsibility for the loss of the old family structure, being torn between two households, exploring the fantasy of bringing the parents back together again and other psychological effects of divorce on children. “Earthquake in Zipland” is also recommended for therapists and school counsellors as an innovative form of interactive play therapy, PLAYMANCER FP7 215839 D2.1b: State of the Art 22/130 as well as a tool for support groups dealing with children of divorce. The story includes all the proven benefits of bibliotherapy brought to life on screen. The game is available in 2 versions, For Parents and Children and for Therapists and Helping Professionals [108]. Fig. 3 Earthquake in Zipland While playing, children coping with divorce have the opportunity to expand their point of view, look for alternatives, listen to advice they can use in their daily reality and desensitize the intensity of their feelings. The computer game not only offers the opportunity of dealing with feeling that include fright, rage, shame and helplessness, also becomes an interesting tool to help therapist and parents. The psychological theories that guided developers were short term strategic Eriksonian family therapy, bibliotherapy and cognitive and behavioural concepts (CBT) [109]. 4.2.3 Treasure Hunt Another serious game based in 2.5 D Flash is Treasure Hunt [163]. Taking advantages of the potential of video games in child psychotherapy, the game takes place in Captain’s Jones ship, a treasure hunter who needs the help of a child to solve the mystery of an old map that Captain Jones found. Based on cognitive behavior modification, the child must help Captain Jones to solve different puzzles in different parts of the ship as the deck, the galley, the dining room or the shipmates bunks. Each of the different tasks corresponds to some steps in cognitive behavioural treatment. At the end of the adventure the child receives a sailor’s certificate that summarizes what the child has learned from the game. The game is programmed in Actionscript and XML, no installation is needed. Based on Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, one of the best-researched and empirically supported treatment methods for adults and children, the Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry of Zürich University has been the development crew. The intention of Treasure Hunt is not to substitute the therapist but to offer electronic PLAYMANCER FP7 215839 D2.1b: State of the Art 23/130 support to the treatment as a form of rehearse and repeat the psychoeducational concepts they have learned during therapy sessions. In the paper [164] the researchers try to innovate by using the trial version of the video game “Treasure Hunt” in therapeutic purposes with children for eight to twelve year old who are in cognitive-behavioural treatment for various disorders. Children have been found to appreciate the game and its diverse tasks. Furthermore, the game is also valuable in helping less experienced therapist structuring sessions and explaining important cognitive-behavioural concepts. 4.2.4 Conclusion The three games presented in this section are good examples of therapeutic games based on different therapeutic processes: Personal Investigator used solution focused therapy; Earthquake in Zipland uses Eriksonian family therapy, bibliotherapy and cognitive behavioural therapy; and Treasure Hunt is based on cognitive behavioural therapy. The PlayWrite system used to develop PI is of particular interest as it provides a simple tool allowing therapists to develop 3D therapeutic games that can be applied to different therapeutic processes as shown in Fig. 2. It is a very good example of specialised rapid application environment for therapeutic games and has been designed specifically for therapists. 4.3 Narrative Therapy / Story-building Games 4.3.1 GIRLS: Girls Involved in Real Life Sharing GIRLS (Girls Involved in Real Life Sharing) is a game developed at the MIT as part of a long-term research plan for understanding the role that digital technology can play in helping people reflect, make meaning, and test assumptions they have about the world and the values they possess [59]. GIRLS uses an interactive narrative based on the principles of narrative therapy [62] and the constructionist theory of education [63] to support emotional self-awareness and empathy for teenage girls. Its goals are to help teenage girls to recognise and manage their emotions, establish pro-social goals, enhance their interpersonal skills, support emotional selfawareness and empathy, and develop other pertinent skills [57][58]. PLAYMANCER FP7 215839 D2.1b: State of the Art 24/130 Fig. 4 GIRLS – Pictorial Narrative Within the game, girls can construct and share a story based on personal experience: 1. They start by writing their personal experience in the “Memory Closet” as a first step toward organising thoughts related to an event. 2. Then, they transform this into a story to focus their thoughts on the most important people, places, etc. through: a. The “Character Selection” window that allows them to select and name the different characters in the story using cartoon-like characters b. The “Pictorial Narrative” that provides tools for them to make a storyboard of their narrative: they can create scenes by adding a background image (from a selection of available images), placing the different characters involved in the scene and selecting the emotions of each character 3. The step of “Personal Reflection” uses a system developed at the MIT called ConceptNet. This system is a common sense knowledge base using a natural language processing toolkit to label written text with an appropriate emotion [60][61]. For each scene, a girl can set up everything except for the character representing her in the story. To manipulate this character, she must submit the caption to ConceptNet for analysis. The system will then try to empathetically suggest emotions that relate to this event. The girl can then agree or reject the suggestion from the system, but the system helped her think about her emotions related to the scene so it is not so important that the system is 100% accurate. 4. To complement this first reflection on emotions, girls are then asked to weigh their emotions in the “Emotional Bank”. GIRLS is offering a safe and supportive environment for girls to write and create around events happening in their lives. Research proved to be quite successful and PLAYMANCER FP7 215839 D2.1b: State of the Art 25/130 a second version of the program is being developed as a free Web tool. Some of the main limitations of GIRLS came from the affect reasoning of ConceptNet. The system cannot be 100% accurate and more importantly its reasoning is affected by the use of slang, abbreviations, misspelling or grammatical mistakes. Even though, it still reaches its main goal of making girls think about their emotions, slight improvements would be necessary to improve the system. One possibility that could be further developed is to use the human computation concepts presented in section 4.11 to improve the system. 4.4 Re-Mission: Psychoeducational Game about Cancer Re-Mission by HopeLab is a PC game where the player takes the role of Roxxi, a nano-robot battling a variety of cancer cells inside the body of various human patients. The game is filled with important information and lessons about cancer and as such helps cancer patients to understand what their condition is all about, changes their attitudes towards the illness and promotes adherence to prescribed treatment regimens, specially self-administered treatments such as oral chemotherapy. During the game, the player can destroy cancer cells and manage with treatment-related adverse effects such as nausea, constipation or bacterial infections. To win, players have to destroy cancer cells using Roxxi’s abilities to fight infections with antibiotics. In addition players need to reduce stress with relaxation techniques and need to eat correctly to gain energy. Initially this was not a game designed to complement treatment, but to change attitudes towards cancer or to improve the perception of one’s abilities to influence health outcomes. This game was first described in the literature by Kato and colleagues in 2006 [165] and has been found to be an acceptable psychotherapeutic tool to a high percentage of adolescents and young adults suffering from cancer. The information and experience gained from playing Re-Mission has been revealed to significantly improve patients’ self-esteem, and knowledge of cancer. Furthermore patients who played Re-Mission vs. control groups adhered significantly more frequently to their treatment regimen [166]. 4.5 Self-esteem Games A series of small and simple self-esteem games [6] has been developed at the McGill University in Montreal to help people feel more secure and confident about themselves. Their research showed that with enough practice, even people with lowself-esteem could develop beneficial thought processes that might allow them to gradually feel more secure and self-confident in the long term. The development of these mini-games started with the idea that playing a specially-designed computer game might help people improve their thoughts and feelings about themselves. All the following games are targeting “implicit self-esteem”, which is the automatic and non-conscious aspect of self-esteem (as opposed to “explicit self-esteem” that includes a person’s conscious sense of self-esteem) [7]. PLAYMANCER FP7 215839 D2.1b: State of the Art 26/130 These mini-games are particularly interesting since research has shown that low self-esteem occurs very commonly in patients with eating disorders [22][23]. 4.5.1 EyeSpy: The Matrix EyeSpy: The Matrix [9] is the first self-esteem mini-game developed at McGill University. It is based on the face-in-the-crowd paradigm [8] used for social phobia. The original paradigm presents users with a matrix of 12 faces, all of the same person but one of the faces has a different expression. Persons with social phobia would show attentional bias toward threatening faces. EyeSpy reuses this paradigm and adds the concepts of attentional training and selfesteem conditioning. It teaches people to look for the smiling or approving face in a crowd of frowning faces. By doing this repeatedly and as quickly as possible, people learn to look for acceptance and ignore rejection: in order to successfully and accurately identify the smiling/approving face, one must get in the mind frame “look for acceptance, and ignore rejection because it slows me down”. Fig. 5 EyeSpy: The Matrix Research on EyeSpy [10] has shown that the game reduces the attentional bias for rejection in people with low implicit self-esteem. This habit of ignoring rejection could help people with low self-esteem when in difficult social situations. It has also shown the possibility of developing computer games to measure cognitive responses to rejection and acceptance. PLAYMANCER FP7 215839 D2.1b: State of the Art 27/130 4.5.2 Wham! Self-Esteem Conditioning The Wham! Self-Esteem Conditioning mini-game [11] reuses the principles of EyeSpy with a bigger focus on self-esteem conditioning. The first step is to enter some “self-relevant” information (their first name and birthday) that will contribute to the sense of identify. The game then presents players with four empty boxes. A word will appear in one of the boxes and players have to click on it as fast as possible. This results in a picture of a face appearing in the corresponding box for half a second, then the game continues with other words. The positive conditioning involves pairing self-relevant information with smiling or approving faces so if the displayed word was the player’s first name or birthday, the appearing face will be smiling; otherwise a frowning face is displayed. Fig. 6 Wham! Self-Esteem Conditioning Research on this game [12] showed that by playing the game, users create a pairing between the self and positive social feedback, thus leading to automatic thoughts of secure acceptance in relation to the self. 4.5.3 Grow your Chi! Grow your Chi! [13] combines the concepts of EyeSpy and Wham! in a shoot’em up game. Within the game, clouds containing faces or text move around the screen horizontally and players have to click on clouds with a smiling/approving face or selfrelevant information to gain points. If they click on clouds with a frowning face or non-self-relevant information, they lose points. PLAYMANCER FP7 215839 D2.1b: State of the Art 28/130 Fig. 7 Grow your Chi! The main addition brought by this game compared to EyeSpy and Wham! is the gameplay that is designed to be more entertaining and therefore more pleasant to play for a longer period of time. 4.5.4 Further research: EyeZoom, Click’n Smile, Word Search In addition to Grow your Chi! That is currently being researched, researchers of the McGill University are already developing new ideas of self-esteem games based on the same principles [14]. • • • EyeZoom presents users frowning faces and when users click on a face, a smiling face of the person zooms in for a few seconds. Click’n Smile shows a neutral face that morphs to a smiling face when the user clicks on it. Conditioning Word Search is a simple word search grid where words to find are self-relevant information. 4.5.5 Conclusion Researchers from the McGill University in Montreal have developed a series of minigames aiming at increasing the implicit self-esteem of users. These simple games developed in Flash are based on the face-in-the-crowd paradigm, attentional training, and self-esteem conditioning and are proven to be effective in raising the self-esteem of people with low implicit self-esteem. These self-esteem games are a good example of how a simple set of mini-games can be used efficiently to deal with behavioural disorders. PLAYMANCER FP7 215839 D2.1b: State of the Art 29/130 4.6 Affective and Biofeedback Games Biofeedback games use techniques that allow the players to view the otherwise invisible physiological processes that occur within their body through the use of biofeedback devices or sensors. Bionic Breakthrough, a videogame developed by Atari in 1983, used the electrical activity in a player’s forehead muscles through the MindLink device as input to replace the conventional joystick. Affective gaming is a sub-strain of regular video gaming slightly different from biofeedback gaming, even though it can use biofeedback as well [41]. In affective games, the computer is an active intelligent participant in the biofeedback loop and the intention is to capture the normal affective reactions of the players [42]. In biofeedback games, players explicitly participate in controlling their physiological responses in order to control the game, whereas in affective games players might not even be aware that their physiological state is being monitored. Different types of physiological data that can be measured by biofeedback devices are presented in section 5.1 below. 4.6.1 The Journey to Wild Divine: The Passage The Journey to Wild Divine: The Passage (later referenced as Wild Divine) [38] is probably the most advanced biofeedback game commercially available on the market. The gameplay of Wild Divine is similar to the Myst graphic adventure game series using calm graphics, music and speech, except that the puzzles are solved through relaxation exercises using the biofeedback device bundled with the game, the Light Stone. Fig. 8 The Journey to Wild Divine: The Passage The Light Stone is a USB biofeedback device that measures the player’s Skin Conductance Level (SCL) and Heart Rate Variability (HRV) through three finger sensors called the Magic Rings: the two rings worn on the index and ring fingers measure the SCL and the middle finger ring measures the HRV. SCL measures sweat gland activity and can be correlated to excitement and nervousness; HRV is PLAYMANCER FP7 215839 D2.1b: State of the Art 30/130 calculated from the differences in heart rate from one heart beat to another [36]. Different research on HRV link a low HRV to a high anxiety level [39] and a high HRV to a better brain-heart synchronisation and immune system [40]. While Wild Divine works well in teaching players to relax through the different breathing and relaxation tasks using the Light Stone, player’s relaxation is broken by the navigation through the game environment (players have to click on different areas of the screen to move) [37]. Wild Divine is still the most successful game to integrate biofeedback device in the gameplay but some improvements could still be made to provide a more immersive experience and avoid breaking the Flow Theory from Mihály Csíkszentmihályi. 4.6.2 Relax-to-Win Relax-to-Win is a competitive two-player racing game using biofeedback to control the game. It was initially developed for research on treating children with anxiety problems [44]. In the game, players compete against each other by controlling a dragon in a 3D virtual race using their stress level measured by their Galvanic Skin Response (GSR): if the player relaxes, their skin resistance increases and the dragon they control will go faster; on the contrary, if the player starts to be stressed, the dragon will slow down. The winner of the game will therefore be the player who managed to relax the most [42]. The game, as distributed by Orange in the UK, uses a small biofeedback held between the fingers (as shown in Fig. 10) to measure the GSR. Fig. 9 Relax-to-Win Fig. 10 Relax-to-Win Sensor Relax-to-Win is a good example of multiplayer biofeedback game. The gameplay is very simple and goes against usual racing games where awareness and stress are usually the key to the victory. In this game, stress makes the player lose and players have to learn to relax to perform better. The game exists as a PC desktop game but also as a mobile game running on a mobile phone. The whole concept of Relax-to-Win has also been extended through Vyro Games, a company that provides different stress-relief games using the Personal Input Pod (PIP) biosensor [43]. Available games include a new version of Relax-to-Win called Relax & Race, and Stormchaser where the player can control the weather depending on his/her stress level. The market of biofeedback/affective games is starting to grow PLAYMANCER FP7 215839 D2.1b: State of the Art 31/130 out of initial academic research and is definitively getting more and more consumer visibility and attraction. 4.6.3 Conclusion This section described two innovative and successful games using biofeedback to measure relaxation. Biofeedback is currently being more and more researched as an additional input mechanism for games and a growing number of devices are appearing on the market (e.g. Emotiv [144], OCZ’s Neural Impulse Actuator [145], NeuroSky’s MindSet [146]). This new modality increases the sense of immersion in games and provides obvious benefits for games for health as the basis for biofeedback devices usually comes from the medical sector. 4.7 Games Promoting Physical Activities Exergames (a combination of “exercise” and “games”) are games that also provide physical exercise [29]. One of the most popular exergame is called Dance Dance Revolution (DDR) released by Konami in 1998 [30]. This dancing game uses a dance pad on which players have to reproduce (with their feet) sequences of movements displayed on the screen. Even though the original purpose of the game is entertainment, it has been used in lots of different research and also for fitness or even physical education at school [19][20][33]. The release of the Nintendo Wii in 2006 made gamers more active while playing through the use of the Wii-mote and research has been conducted to investigate whether playing Wii Sports, the initial game bundled with the Wii, would provide sufficient physical activities for children. Even though, Wii players used 2% more energy than regular players, one hour of Wii Sports did not increase energy expenditure enough to cover children’s recommended daily exercise level [31]. The recently released Wii Fit game goes more into exergaming and provides real fitness exercises in a fun environment through the use of a new input device called the Wii Balance Board [32]. The game is a great success: it sold over a quarter of a million copies in its first week and almost 2 million copies have been sold in Japan. Based on these successes, students from Carnegie Mellon University developed The Winds of Orbis: An Active Adventure [141]. This game uses the Wiimote and a DDR dance pad to control the game “actively” within a platform-action game. A complete description of how the game was developed can be found in [142]. Exergaming is a growing market and promote a more active way of playing games, but players are still playing inside in front of a screen. The following sections focus on mobile games promoting daily outside activities. PLAYMANCER FP7 215839 D2.1b: State of the Art 32/130 4.7.1 NEAT-o-Games NEAT-o-Games [15] is a research project initiated by the Computational Physiology Lab of the University of Houston, Texas. It is based on Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis (NEAT), which according to research conducted at the Mayo Clinic is the energy expenditure of all physical activities other than volitional physical exercise (e.g. sports). NEAT is the most variant portion of energy expenditure as it includes daily activities such as working, playing, or dancing. Recent work suggests that obesity is driven by a reduction in energy expenditure, rather than a rise in energy intake: in the UK, where obesity has doubled since the 1980's, energy intake appears to have decreased on average. The hypothesis used in this research is therefore that NEAT is the culprit behind obesity. Fig. 11 NEAT-o-Games components A lot of recent research has already been conducted on ubiquitous HCI for obesity and weight management using mobile phone applications to help motivate teenage girls to exercise through a social network [16], mobile phone applications for encouraging activity by sharing step counts with friends [17], mobile phone applications for weight management by monitoring caloric balance [18], impact of Dance Dance Revolution on social life and physical activities [19], or immersive fitness computer games [20][21]. However, integration of technology is still weak and monitoring highly relies on user input (intrusive, users can “cheat”, etc.). Another weakness is that they are based on warnings and encouraging messages, which have an iffy effect on people with behavioural problems. The goal of this research is to increase NEAT in users’ lifestyle through a collection of mobile games where “activity points” can be earned and used across the game space. The starting point of the project is to provide games as motivators and to use PLAYMANCER FP7 215839 D2.1b: State of the Art 33/130 a game design that does not require user attention at all times using wearable devices (unobtrusive, objective data). NEAT-o-Games are composed of two games at the moment: NEAT-o-Race and NEAT-o-Sudoku. NEAT-o-Race This is the main component of NEAT-o-Games. It uses a tri-axial accelerometer communicating with a Palm Treo phone through Bluetooth (see Fig. 12). Users wear the accelerometer on their waist and when they move, the accelerometer transmits the level of activity of the user to the server. Moving grants activity points and is translated in the game to the user’s avatar running along a track. The more the user moves, the faster the avatar runs. Fig. 12 Architecture of the NEAT-o-Race game Users can play the game against other users or against a computer that is calibrated to run a bit slower than the recommended amount of daily physical activity. So if the user wins versus the computer, he/she is doing the recommended amount of daily physical activity. The game usually runs in the background and provides occasional messages to inform players about major events in the race: motivation messages pop-up if the player is too much behind, and on the opposite congratulation messages pop-up if the player is far ahead. NEAT-o-Sudoku This is a real sudoku game that users can play on the mobile phone and where they can spend the activity points gained in NEAT-o-Race to get hints on the game. It can be considered as the reward of the game and acts as a motivator. Conclusion NEAT-o-Games is experiencing a new game paradigm to target the behavioural aspect of sedentary lifestyle with a bundle of single and multiplayer games using a PDA or Smartphone coupled with an accelerometer. This project is still in an early stage of research: a proof-of-concept trial was conducted in 2007 and larger PLAYMANCER FP7 215839 D2.1b: State of the Art 34/130 evaluations are currently under way with additional reward games being added as well. The main strengths of the NEAT-o-Games are their simple and unobtrusive design, using games as motivators and the concept of coupling a main game to promote daily physical activities (as opposed to physical exercise) with puzzle games acting as rewards. One caveat of the system is that it could be costly in terms of equipment and communication costs, especially for multiplayer game. However, communication costs seem to have already been thought of and the system can save data locally (i.e. on the phone) when no connection is available and then sent to the server when the network is available. This could allow players to transmit data only once a day to reduce communication costs even though it would reduce the interactivity with other players and could also reduce motivation as well. 4.7.2 Nike+ Sports Kit In 2006, Nike and Apple worked together to release the Nike+iPod Sports Kit [55]. The Sports Kit is composed of a small accelerometer attached to or embedded in a special shoe that communicates with a receiver plugged into an iPod to transmit the distance and pace of the user. Audio feedback is also provided through the iPod to give notifications and encouragements to the players. The iTunes software can be used to view the history of the walk or run. The Sports Kit is now also available with a USB watch to replace the iPod. Fig. 13 Nike+iPod Sports Kit Nike also provides a complete game-like Web application that provides charts, rankings, forums, and the possibility to set goals and to make contests with friends or strangers from the Nike+ community [56]. This game is a real motivator for users: they get points for running and can challenge their friends in simple contest such as first to reach 100 miles [54]. In addition to this Nike+ website, a public API is available to make custom applications based on the data collected by the Sports Kit. PLAYMANCER FP7 215839 D2.1b: State of the Art 35/130 Fig. 14 Nike+ Application The Nike+ Sports Kit is quite similar in the concept to NEAT-o-Race described in section 4.7.1 and is already commercially available. The main difference is that it is more focused on running instead of softer daily activities and rewards players through social interactions with friends (challenges) instead of getting points to facilitate other games. 4.7.3 MyHeart: Sneaks! Within the MyHeart FP6 project [52], Nokia developed Sneakers!, a mobile game to promote physical activities in young children [53]. The game is a location-based collectible and trading card game where players have to complete a collection of virtual cards placed within a certain radius of their home. Cards are collected when the player walks through GPS hotspots and the distance to each card increases as the player progresses: the more the player moves, the more cards are collected. The game also includes community or social aspects by allowing players to form groups, to view the progress of others and to chat. The game was implemented using MUPE (Multi User Publishing Environment [65]) on Symbian Series 60 mobile GPRS phones with a GPS receiver. One of the main lessons we can learn from this development is that placing the virtual cards requires careful supervision to avoid placing them in the middle of a highway or any dangerous or unreachable location. This game is an example of how mobile games can provide “mixed reality gaming” by combining real-world activities with game activities. 4.7.4 Conclusion In this section, we have presented a brief overview of exergames and presented in more details some examples of novel mobile games promoting activities outside of the home environment. These games use different strategies to get the players to go outside and perform daily activities or physical activities. The most important aspect of these games is the motivation part and, as the latest poll from the Japanese Website IT Media suggests, it is an aspect that is lacking in PLAYMANCER FP7 215839 D2.1b: State of the Art 36/130 Wii Fit: according to their survey, 64% of Wii Fit owners stopped using the game after purchase [143]. 4.8 Games for Rehabilitation Display and tracking technologies allow patients to be immersed in different virtual scenarios. There clinical relevant exercises for kinetic training, as well as cognitive exercises, can be offered in the form of games. In such a virtual environment training characteristics can be recorded and analyzed and the game options can be adapted to the patient’s abilities. Contemporary therapy–systems are starting to support the special requirements of the broad field of rehabilitation. For therapists as well as for the patients, these new possibilities for a more efficient therapy are enhancing the success in rehabilitation. A wide variety of technologies is used for games in rehabilitation. Most systems, however, were only being used with a small group of patients to provide data for studies. This is especially true for virtual reality games due to the costly setup. Based on a classification by technology, a short overview of games in rehabilitation is presented in the following. 4.8.1 Video capture based games Video capture games use a video camera and software to track movement in a single plane. The user’s image is then embedded within a virtual environment, where he can interact with artificial objects in a natural manner. Gesturetek’s IREX [147] and Sony’s eye toy [148] platforms are currently the most widely used for rehabilitation purposes. These systems have been used in several studies for encouraging the patients to use their impaired upper extremities, but also for balance training with patients who had a stroke or other brain injuries [149]. Due to the fact that the systems or their predecessors were developed for entertainment and gaming purposes they use relatively simple setups (usually one webcam attached to a PC/console with a TV set or beamer for display). This imposes certain characteristics on such a system which in some cases are advantageous while in other cases limit utility. The big advantage of video capture games is that the user doesn’t have to wear additional devices and the user’s posture is not essential. Thus most of the games can be played sitting/standing. The main drawback of video capture platforms in rehabilitation is the limitation to a single plain due to the use of only one camera. Nevertheless a certain sense of presence and level of enjoyment can be achieved [149]. Additionally some platforms offer the possibility of identifying certain body parts (e.g. using coloured gloves Fig. 15). More sophisticated systems like the IREX can also generate outcome reports and can be customized using a software development kit. PLAYMANCER FP7 215839 D2.1b: State of the Art 37/130 Nevertheless, as mentioned before, video capture platforms suffer from the technology imposed limited tracking capabilities and therefore a lack of input modalities and control options. Fig. 15 IREX platform showing the “Birds & Balls” game 4.8.2 Games using customized input devices For motor- and neurorehabilitation it is often required to train a specific limb or ability. Therefore, devices have been constructed to serve just for such a single training purpose. In some cases they are embedded in a system which enables them to serve as an input device for games. Many balance platforms currently used in rehabilitation for example offer a small display, which can be used to display primitive games. (e.g. the maze game shown in Fig. 16). The goal of these games is the encouragement of proprioception and motor control. Another example would be the Rutgers ankle interface [150], which is a haptic interface used for rehabilitation after ankle injuries. It can also be used to provide input to a flight simulator. This device, like others used in orthopaedic rehabilitation is used to improve the functionality of limbs/joints after a severe injury. The properties of such systems are very different and thus cannot be generalized here. They are, however, all limited to very specific interactions and therefore only useful for a small group of games each. PLAYMANCER FP7 215839 D2.1b: State of the Art 38/130 Fig. 16 Biodex balance system with a maze game 4.8.3 Virtual reality games “A virtual environment (or virtual reality) is a simulation of a real world environment that is generated through computer software and is experienced by the user through a human–machine interface. A wide variety of hardware and software devices can be utilized to create VR simulations of varying degrees of complexity” [151]. An overview of some devices and software frameworks used for VR is given in section 5 of this document. The use of VR in rehabilitation is a very active research topic and many systems/games have been developed through the recent years. These systems, however, have mostly been used only for research purposes. Broader distribution has so far been hindered by the lack of market ready products and the prices of VR setups. The following paragraphs, therefore, contain short descriptions of the more sophisticated VR game systems used in various studies. Holden et al. developed a system, where a patient had to repeat the actions of a virtual teacher in order to gather score points. The actions, which had to be performed in a virtual environment, included moving a ball through a ring, hitting a nail with a hammer etc. [151] These exercises required shoulder flexion, elbow extension and forearm supination with grasp. Furthermore some of the actions, like putting an envelope into a mailbox, could be directly transferred to the real world. Ma et al. developed a VR based therapeutic training system with a series of games to encourage stroke patients to practice physical exercise. A magnetic tracker was used together with a data glove to provide input to the games, while the patient was wearing an HMD for visual feedback. The games also relied on physics simulation techniques for more realism. Two of the games have been described in [157]. The first game involved a catching task in which falling objects (oranges) had to be caught using a tracked basket. This could either be done with one hand (impaired or intact) or with both hands for bilateral upper limb training. PLAYMANCER FP7 215839 D2.1b: State of the Art 39/130 The second game that has been developed is “whack a mouse” as shown in Fig. 17. It was intended for post-stroke therapeutic exercise, which should improve accuracy and speed of the user’s upper extremities movement. During the game the patient has to hit the stationary mouse with the hammer, which he is able to control via a sensor on his hand. Difficulty and the area where the mouse appears can be configured according to the patient’s clinical picture. Fig. 17 “Whack a mouse” game All sensor data from the system was recorded and trajectories, etc. analyzed. Burdea and colleagues developed some games for hand motor-rehabilitation. They used a CyberGlove/CyberGrasp (Fig. 18) and other devices to capture the flexion of the fingers and pressure of the hand. This was then used as an input to a couple of mini-games, where a patient could “catch” a virtual butterfly or reveal a picture on a screen [152]. The goals of these games were to increase range of motion, speed, fractionation and strength of the fingers/grip. PLAYMANCER FP7 215839 D2.1b: State of the Art 40/130 Fig. 18 CyberGrasp and it’s virtual representation A Swedish research group has used haptic force feedback and stereoscopic vision for a virtual ball game that was used for rehabilitation. In this game the patient had to strike a ball in order to knock over bricks. This game, according to [153] increased hand-eye coordination, grip strength and range of motion. Connor et al. used a force-feedback joystick to train the perceptual motor [154]. Therefore a series of letters and numbers were randomly distributed on a computer screen. The patients had then to connect the sequential items by moving a cursor over one object after the other and assigning it to the sequence by pressing a button. Children with severe motor disabilities often suffer from a lack of spatial awareness [155]. This comes from the fact that they are limited in their possibilities to explore the environment due to their mobility impairment. Wilson and colleagues used combined VR/real world training to transfer spatial knowledge in VR to the real world [156]. In a game-like setup the children were asked to first explore the building in a VR representation and find certain items (Fire extinguishers, fire exits). Then they had to guide the experimenter to the objects in a wheelchair tour throughout the real building. 4.8.4 Conclusion The VR games/systems presented in this section are examples for how video game and virtual reality technologies have been used in rehabilitation. For these games the setups and techniques vary widely, as do the treated impairments. Most games used are rather minimalist and were only used during studies. Nevertheless, most showed promising therapy results. 4.9 Universally Accessible Games Game accessibility deals with the accessibility of video games for disabled users. According to the Game Accessibility Special Interest Group of the International Game Developers Association (IGDA), between 10% and 20% of the people in a country can be considered disabled [137]. However, accessibility is hardly applied to games as game developers are usually not aware of game accessibility. Accessible PLAYMANCER FP7 215839 D2.1b: State of the Art 41/130 games are still mainly developed as proof-of-concept and still far away from mainstream games in terms of content. Some examples of accessible games are given in [138] and AbleData also provides a list of accessible learning games [139]. In addition, a pre-conference workshop on game accessibility was organised at the latest Games for Health conference in May 2008 in Baltimore, USA, showing a growing concern for this research topic. The concept of Universally Accessible Games (UAG) is a research activity aiming at overcoming limitations of the main approaches to game accessibility and at providing an effective technical approach for game accessibility for creating games that can be playing concurrently by people with diverse abilities [135]. As defined by the HCI Lab of ICS-FORTH, UAG are interactive computer games that: • Follow the principles of Design for All, being proactively designed to optimally fit and dynamically adapt to different individual gamer characteristics without the need of further adjustments via additional developments. • Can be concurrently played among people with different abilities, ideally also while sharing the same computer. • May be played on various hardware and software platforms, and within alternative environments of use, utilising the currently available devices, while appropriately interoperating with assistive technology add-ons. Within the scope of their research, the HCI Lab of ICS-FORTH has developed: • • A design method, Unified Design for UAG, that will be followed in PlayMancer for developing UAG [136] Proof-of-concept and case studies UAG: UA-Chess, Access Invaders, Game Over!, and Terrestrial Invaders 4.10 Casual Social Games Online casual social gaming is a growing trend in online games that takes its roots in Facebook and combines social networking and games, quite often reusing classical games such as Battleship, Scrabble, etc. or taking inspiration from popular games on console or PC. Multiplayer online casual games are quite common on the Internet and are often regrouped on large sites such as King.com. Such sites allow people to compete against each other on puzzle games, word games, etc. and attract millions of users every day: one study conducted by Park Associates estimates that 34% American adult Internet users play online games weekly. However, playing such games with unknown users can be frustrating since quite often people disconnect from the game when they are starting to lose. PLAYMANCER FP7 215839 D2.1b: State of the Art 42/130 This concern is not present in social games since people play with their relatives. This is, however, not the only advantage social gaming brings to the table. In addition to reinforcing social links, social games also bring new types of games and interaction between players. Some social games allow players to buy virtual drinks to their relatives; others like Friends for Sale go even further by allowing users to buy, sell and own their friends. One of Facebook’s most popular social game, Scrabulous, has nearly 700,000 daily active users on Facebook (and hundreds of thousands more from their own Website). Hasbro, the owners of the original Scrabble game, eventually heard about the game and decided to sue the developers and Facebook for trademark infringement. The two parties are now in discussions and could come up with an agreement. The introduction of social networking in video games is still in an early stage but new ideas are already coming up and the market is growing every minute. Social gaming is mainly attracting non-gamers into the gaming market and as Shervin Pishevar, CEO of Social Gaming said, “We’re in the Pong stages of social gaming. In terms of building new ideas, you should expect to see innovation for what it means to be a game and tap into the social graph, the people you enjoy playing games with”[35]. 4.11 Guess and Match Games Luis van Ahn is an assistant professor at the Computer Science Department of the Carnegie Mellon University and one of the inventors of CAPTCHAs. As part of his research on human computation [28], he created a series of “games with a purpose” based on simple guess and match principles to help make the Web more accessible [24]. 4.11.1 The ESP Game The ESP Game [27] is a two-player online game where players have to type the same word based on the image displayed on the screen. The two players do not know each other and cannot communicate. If the two players get the same word, they get points and a new image is displayed. Matches are then used to label images and existing labels are given as taboo words for the image so players have to find additional labels. PLAYMANCER FP7 215839 D2.1b: State of the Art 43/130 Fig. 19 The ESP Game This very simple game can help label images on the Web very easily using human computation. Many people played the game for over 40 hours a week and so far, the game has collected more than 34 million labels for images from the Web since 2003. In fact, if the game is played as much as other popular games (e.g. 9 billion human hours of Solitaire were played in 2003 worldwide), it would be possible to label all images on the Web in just a few weeks [25]. Benefits of the ESP Game are multiple: it can help to improve image search engines such as Google Image; labelling images increases the accessibility of the Web for people with visual impairments; it could also help browsers block inappropriate content from Websites based on some keywords (e.g. to block adult content); etc. Moreover this simple yet powerful concept of symmetric verification could be used to label other types of media: sound or video clips, text, etc. 4.11.2 Peek-a-Boom While the ESP Game helps label images through symmetric verification, Peek-aBoom [34] reuses the same concepts of human computation with asymmetric verification to identify which areas of an image corresponds to a label. So instead of showing the same image to two players and having them guess the same word, one player (“Boom”) gets an image with a word related to it (the word being a label attached through the ESP Game) and must reveal progressively parts of the image for the second player (“Peek”) to guess the correct word. Boom can also provide hints to Peek to help him guess the word, e.g. Boom can point to a specific area in the uncovered part of the image or can indicate if Peek’s guess is hot or cold. PLAYMANCER FP7 215839 D2.1b: State of the Art 44/130 Fig. 20 Peek-a-Boom This game helps locate the pixels corresponding to a label in an image and complements the labelling from the ESP Game. It shows another example of how games can harness the power of human computation to fulfil tasks that computer cannot do correctly. Like the ESP Game, Peek-a-Boom is very popular and some players spent more than 12 hours a day playing. The game’s application to Web accessibility and image recognition is also very valuable, and complements the input from the ESP Game [25]. 4.11.3 Conclusion In this section, we examined some very simple guess and match games using the concepts of human computation to fulfil tasks that computer cannot do efficiently (image annotation in this case). These 2-player games show how simple game concepts can be used very efficiently for a greater purpose and can attract a very large community of players. Such concepts could be reused to annotate other media such as video clips or speech files to annotate emotions for instance. Another interesting result from such mini-games is that the results could be injected as training data for some computer systems such as emotion recognition software. 4.12 Conclusion games state of the art The serious game landscape is developing fast as traditional gaming giants are looking for new market niches. This review of games for health and serious games has provided a good overview of past and current developments in games related to the PlayMancer project and showed current trends in the (serious) gaming world: PLAYMANCER FP7 215839 D2.1b: State of the Art • • • • 45/130 Use of biofeedback in games is growing, especially related to relaxation, and more and more solutions are starting to be available on the market (e.g. Emotiv, OCZ’s Neural Impulse Actuator, NeuroSky’s MindSet) ; Extensive research has already been done on exergaming or games to promote physical activities. However, games promoting physical activities outside of the home environment are still rare or being researched ; Simple mini-games can be very efficient and easier to manage than full blown games. With the very high success rate of casual games and social games, integrating therapeutic components in such games could prove to be very beneficial. A lot could be learned from e-learning game platforms: serious games for learning have been around for a long time and could provide valuable input in terms of standalone and multiuser approaches. This review is giving interesting input on gameplay and game concepts that will be reused and adapted or enhanced in order to develop the PlayMancer game scenarios presented in D2.1c. Several serious games do not require a large amount of cognitive training. There is a risk that the players will not use their change in cognitive behaviour and attitudes in real-life and that the change will not go any further than when playing the game. Moreover, the information given in the game may be harder for the player to apply in real-life if it has been given while playing a game rather than attending a therapeutic session in a real-life environment. People with less knowledge and experience about videogames, and how to play, may have a harder time advancing and focusing on the cognitive aspects of the game. These important points will be kept in mind while developing the evaluation methodologies for the PlayMancer games that will be presented in D2.2 Evaluation Methodologies on month 11. PLAYMANCER FP7 215839 D2.1b: State of the Art 46/130 5 State of the Art: Multimodal Game Technologies 5.1 Biofeedback and Biofeedback Devices 5.1.1 Introduction The physical and emotional state of a human is reflected by a multitude of changes in his physiological state. For example, the heart of a person that is scared will beat faster while at the same time his skin will transpire, In the Playmancer project the target is to provide a serious game that is functioning and reacting according to the emotional and physical state of its player. It is thus important to be able to recognise automatically the state of user. This can be done, up to certain point, by measuring and analysing the changes of different physiological signals and parameters of the patient, like heard rate, transpiration (via skin conductivity), oxygen saturation in the blood, muscular activity etc. A multitude of devices and tools are today available in the market for measuring biosignals. In this section we present some examples of the most characteristic types of the devices available, a complete survey being practically impossible and out of the scope of the project. Bio-signs or biosignals are the biological signals emitted by the human being. It is considered as a non-classical user interface, and is continually updated following the state of the subject. Those signals are monitored through special medical equipment, which covers the subject’s actual condition, excitement, body temperature, etc. The feedback generated by those sensors is commonly known as biofeedback, and is useful in treating disorders, or rehabilitation programs. The non-invasive aspect of the biofeedback sensors allows them to be widely used in different medical sectors, they also allow a more effective state analysis of the body and this in a very short time than a doctor would do with classical instruments. Finally it has the advantage to produce no side effects, which could trouble the measurements, or degrade the subject physical state. Today (mid 2008) there is multitude of wearable biosignal measuring devices on the market, with prices ranging from a few euros to thousands of euros, and new ones are announced every month. Each device is characterised of its own accuracy and configurability. In this section we thus provide some examples of the bio-signal devices, a complete description of all the devices been practically impossible! 5.1.2 Common biosignals The following list of biosignals is considered as common in the medical sector, not all of them will be used in the PlayMancer project due to high cost or size. The sensors must be as small as possible to be used in a mobile context. • • • • • Electroencephalogram (EEG) Galvanic skin response (GSR) Electrocardiogram (ECG) Electromyogram (EMG) Pulse oximeter PLAYMANCER FP7 215839 D2.1b: State of the Art • • 47/130 Motion sensors, accelerometers Skin temperature Electroencephalogram (EEG) An electroencephalograph monitors the activity of brain waves. These brain waves correspond to different mental states. This biosignal will not be monitored within the PlayMancer platform due to high cost of the machine, and the fact that it is intrusive. Fig. 21 g.MOBIlab EEG module (g.tec medical engineering GmbH) Galvanic skin response (GSR) Galvanic skin response sensors measure the activity of a patient's sweat and the amount of perspiration on the skin. It is used in the video game Wild Divine (see section 4.6.1) as an emotional indicator. Fig. 22 Single channel GSR monitor GSR2 (Thought Technology Ltd.) Electrocardiogram (ECG) An electrocardiogram is a graphic produced by an electrocardiograph, which records the electrical activity of the heart. PLAYMANCER FP7 215839 D2.1b: State of the Art 48/130 Fig. 23 a) g.MOBIlab ECG/EMG module (g.tec medical engineering GmbH) Fig. 23 b) MobiHealth Mobile™ module Electromyogram (EMG) An electromyogram uses electrodes to measure muscle tension. It can be used in the process of muscle rehabilitation, such as in cases of paralysis resulting from cerebrovascular accident and heart attack. The MobiHealth Mobile, being configurable, is able to measure EMG. Pulse oximeter Pulse oximetry is a simple non-invasive method of monitoring the percentage of haemoglobin (Hb) which is saturated with oxygen. The pulse oximeter consists of a probe attached to the patient's finger or ear lobe which is linked to a computerised unit. It is based on optical spectroscopy of light absorbed by oxygen molecules in blood. This sensor is connected to the preprocessor. NONIN Xpod oximeter and the AABACO ear probe are examples of that kind of device. PLAYMANCER FP7 215839 D2.1b: State of the Art 49/130 Fig. 24 Xpod oximeter (Nonin) and AABACO medical, Inc ear probe Motion sensors, accelerometers The motion sensors consume low power (2mW), they can sense linear acceleration. The ADXL311EB from Analog Devices uses 3 accelerometers to measure motions in three axes to reproduce 3D movements. The sensitivity is about 167mVg. Fig. 25 CXL04LP3 3-axis accelerometer module (Crossbow) Skin temperature The temperature sensors are usually attached to the subject's fingers. Skin temperature is indicating the stress or relaxation level of the subject. Conclusion The biosignals market is large, and many sensors are simply not usable in a game context. Based on the architecture requirements, the g.tec g.MOBIlab module and MobiHealth system cover most of the needs for biofeedback information in the PlayMancer game platform. The wireless capability of the devices is also an advantage in the non-invasive perspective. 5.1.3 Wearable sensors A recent sensor type has appeared, so called “smart clothes” or wearable system implementation. Those smart clothes can measure heart rate, skin temperature, ECG, GSR and other biosigns. The main problem is the reusability, in a medical environment, the patients are never the same size, so the sensors have to be patient’s physiologically independent, and comply with the sterility assurance levels for medical products. Wearable sensors can be woven into special clothes that a patient simply wears. However several issues can make them inefficient, like the need to use the correct size for the patient (so that the sensors are in the right place) and the use of dry PLAYMANCER FP7 215839 D2.1b: State of the Art 50/130 sensors that provide a lower quality signal, like in the case of ECG. The following two models resume the wearable sensors technology. • • VivoMetrics LifeShirt ZOLL Lifecor LifeVest In the same area as the wearable clothes, one use, extra low cost auto adhesive sensors are appearing in the market. These sensors are fully integrated and miniaturised sensors, with own power and communications capabilities, attached on a plaster and able to measure different types of signals. The Toumaz chip is the most notable example. VivoMetrics LifeShirt The LifeShirt by VivoMetrics is based on a miniaturized, ambulatory version of inductive plethysmography. The signals are recorded by a PDA running the VivoLogic analysis and reporting software. The LifeShirt is equipped with an ECG sing channel sensor, respiratory sensor and a three-axis accelerometer. Optional peripheral devices measure blood pressure, blood oxygen saturation, EEG, EOG, periodic leg movement, core body temperature, skin temperature, end tidal CO2 and cough. Fig. 26 LifeShirt (VivoMetrics) ZOLL Lifecor LifeVest The LifeVest by ZOLL Lifecor advertised as the first wearable cardioverter defibrillator, providing a new treatment option for sudden cardiac arrest, offering patients protection and monitoring as well as improved quality of life. LifeVest incorporates a sensor and an actuator: the defibrillator, providing an example of active automatic response to the measured signals. PLAYMANCER FP7 215839 D2.1b: State of the Art 51/130 Fig. 27 LifeVest (ZOLL Lifecor) Toumaz Sensium The Sensium™ is an ultra low power sensor interface and transceiver platform for a wide range of applications in healthcare and lifestyle management. The device includes a reconfigurable sensor interface, digital block with 8051 processor and an RF transceiver block. On chip program and data memory permits local processing of signals. This capability can significantly reduce the transmit data payload. Together with an appropriate standard external sensor, the Sensium provides ultra low power monitoring of ECG, temperature, blood glucose and oxygen levels. It can also interface to 3 axis accelerometers, pressure sensors and includes a temperature sensor on chip. One or more Sensium enabled digital plasters continuously monitor key physiological parameters on the body and report to a basestation Sensium plugged into a PDA or Smartphone. The data can be further filtered and processed there by application software. Fig. 28 Sensium (Toumaz) Conclusion Life vests or shirts are as mentioned tailored to fit the patients physical anatomy. This leads to high costs and is not easy to deploy in a large scale of users. PLAYMANCER FP7 215839 D2.1b: State of the Art 52/130 Self adhesive wearable and disposable sensors on the other hand provide an interesting alternative for non-intrusive biosignal monitoring. However these sensors are just appearing on the market for clinical testing and are not yet available for commercial use. 5.1.4 Linking the sensors In order to analyze multiple biosignals and to research which sensor modalities can best be utilized within the project the mobile biosignal acquisition device g.MOBIlab (from g.tec) or MobiHealth will be acquired. The g.MOBIlab comes with 4 EEG/EOG, 2 ECG/EMG channels, 4 digital channels and 2 analog inputs which can be used for other sensors. This module includes a microcontroller running at 7MHz 16-bit with low power consumption (100mW). It has 8 AD inputs, 27Hz sampling rate for 3 channels, based on a RTOS that supports standard network interface (Zworld LP3500). The MobiHealth Mobile™ integrates with compact third-party sensor systems through industry standard interfaces (e.g. Bluetooth) supporting monitoring of a wide range of physiological parameters 'out of the box'. It can also quickly integrate custom sensor systems to take advantage of new cutting-edge measurement technology and improve wearability for patients with even smaller systems. Supported physiological monitoring functions of MobiHealth Mobile include: multilead ECG, multi-channel EMG, plethysmogram, pulserate, oxygen saturation (SpO2), respiration and core/skin temperature. The MobiHealth Mobile module has been successfully used within the MobiHealth [94] project that was supported by the Commission of the European Union in the 5th research Framework. The module was used together with a smartphone connected thru Bluetooth to remotely monitor the state of a patient. The g.MOBIlab biosignals can be recorded on a notebook equipped with the g.MOBIlab g.HIsys (SIMULINK) software, g.DAQsys (MATLAB) or an optional device driver/API enables the user to realize his own applications. The wireless capability of the MobiHealth Mobile device will allow mobile users to play in a multi-player game outside the monitored playing room. This will not be possible for patients in the rehabilitation program. Within the PlayMancer game, biosignals will give important indications on a patient’s medical condition, his motivation, excitement and engagement. The game itself will respond to these signals and provide feedback accordingly. Conclusion The g.MOBIlab and MobiHealth Mobile mobile biosignal acquisition systems are the natural choice for the PlayMancer biofeedback requirements. they are based on a modular system that allows future development, can accept 12 channels and transmit the data wirelessly. Recording and analyzing multimodal biosignal data in a PLAYMANCER FP7 215839 D2.1b: State of the Art 53/130 single module is the right approach to minimize the presence of those sensors on the user. They can manage brain, heart, muscle activity, eye movement, respiration, galvanic skin response, and other body signals that can be connected to the two analog inputs. Depending on market availability and support conditions one of the two systems will be acquired for the project. 5.1.5 Heart Rate / GSR and Games Heart Rate According to the previous literature on videogames, computer games can be used as acute laboratory physiological stressors and increase a person’s acute psychological stress [158]. Furthermore, heart rate (HR) can be reduced if HR feedback is given while playing the videogame. Players who received HR feedback (biofeedback) while playing the game, as opposed to the players who did not, reduced their HR significantly more [159]. [160] showed that subjects receiving feedback showed greater reductions in HR in response to a videogame. However, they found no differences in videogame performance between the different groups. Relaxation has been proved useful as a tool to reduce HR. Knowlton and Larkin [122] showed that progressive relaxation training (PRT) reduced HR, self-reported anxiety and self-report measures of tension (SRT). After revising previous studies more in depth, we have come to the conclusion that it would be better to measure the patient’s HR at the beginning of each session. For example, in the beginning of the game during the loading time a message could appear on the screen indicating the patient to relax while listening to relaxing music. Walshe et al [120] found that they could generate an increase in HR through a videogame with a mean increase of 15 BPM (beats per minute). Wang and Arlette [121] conducted a study in young boys where they had to play a Playstation game and the following changes in HR were found: • • An increase of 18.8% (86.9 to 103.2 BPM) during or after playing the game An increase of 33.5% (86.9 to 116.0 BPM) during the most active 3 minutes of the game play Therefore, we believe that the appropriate HR increase (in BPM) would range between 15% and 35%. However, HR can vary between different pathologies. This is why it would be useful for us to be able to vary (customize) the range of HR increase for each patient and session, by the therapist. Najström and Jansson [123] used skin conductance reactivity to assess psychological distress following emotionally stressful life events. They found that enhanced skin conductance was a strong predictor of emotional responding to stressful life events. Galvanic Skin Response PLAYMANCER FP7 215839 D2.1b: State of the Art 54/130 Galvanic skin response (GSR), also known as electrodermal response (EDR), psychogalvanic reflex (PGR), or skin conductance response (SCR), is a method of measuring the electrical resistance of the skin. There has been a long history of electrodermal activity research, most of it dealing with spontaneous fluctuations. Most investigators accept the phenomenon without understanding exactly what it means. There is a relationship between sympathetic activity and emotional arousal, although one cannot identify the specific emotion being elicited. The GSR is highly sensitive to emotions in some people. Fear, anger, startle response, orienting response and sexual feelings are all among the emotions which may produce similar GSR responses. By means of measuring the heart rate and the galvanic skin response the person who is playing the game can observe the current state that s/he is in (feedback). An example of how these could be done is through the use of a ring, on the finger, which is connected to a computer [161][162]. 5.1.6 Conclusion Although the devices presented above and the general trend for new devices is the development of biosignal measurement devices for pure medically controlled use, developers of user applications and services are identifying the advantages offered by these devices for the personalisation of the services, based on the physical and psychological state of the user. In the future the simplicity in the use these devices will be increased (used like a standard plaster and disposable) while their cost will lower allowing them become a standard accessory of the service and application users. The Playmancer project aims in the making use of the, future, readily available biosignal measurements, in order to provide a personalised game adaptation, based on the emotional and physical state of the players. We will thus experiment and integrate in our trials a set of simple, but accurate, easy to wear and robust biosignal measuring devices that will allow identifying the state of the users. The choice of the devices to use is based on the need of easy to wear, relatively low cost, and as less intrusive as possible. In deliverable 2.1d we provide in more details the user requirements that drive our choice in the used biosignal measurement devices. 5.2 Multimodal I/O 5.2.1 Introduction Input and output devices are a fundamental part of every computer game. Not only do they influence the game design and vice versa, but also determine which users are able to participate in it. One of the major goals of the PLAYMANCER project is to develop a multi-modal framework for serious games in health, which furthermore should also be universally accessible. Therefore, the system should be designed to allow for users with different abilities and impairments to enjoy and benefit from the PLAYMANCER FP7 215839 D2.1b: State of the Art 55/130 games. Focussing only on a single device could limit accessibility, which is why the fusion of multiple input and output modalities is an important objective. Fig. 29 Example of a gaming setup using multimodal I/O 5.2.2 Input/Output Devices This subsection gives an overview of some major input as well as output devices (I/O devices) with an emphasis on those used at the Interactive Media Systems Group (IMS) at TUW. These devices are primarily intended for virtual reality (VR) or Augmented Reality (AR) applications but would also be suitable for games. Besides the application domain we will focus on their abilities as well as what they are not able to do. Input devices in VR are devices to mediate the user’s input into the VR simulation (e.g. 3D Tracker, trackballs, sensing gloves, cubic mouse). VR output devices provide feedback from the simulation in response to the input; relevant sensory channels are sight (visual/graphics displays), sound (3D sound/auditory display) as well as touch (haptic displays). Input Devices There are different types of input devices depending on the application domain (e.g. immersive or desktop applications). So an important part of the 3D user interface design is choosing the appropriate set of input devices that allow the user to communicate with the application [49]. One of the most important characteristics which can be used to describe input devices is the degree of freedom (DOF). A degree of freedom is a particular, independent way that a body moves in space. A device’s DOF indicates how complex the device is and the power it has in accommodation various interaction techniques. Commonly used are: • • • • 2DOF -> 2D, e.g. mouse 3DOF -> position 3DOF -> orientation (rotation relative to coordinate system axes): roll / pitch / yaw 6DOF -> position and orientation, this degree of freedom is usually desired PLAYMANCER FP7 215839 D2.1b: State of the Art 56/130 Input devices can also be described based on how much physical interaction is required to use the device. A purely active input device requires the user to perform some physical action before data is generated (e.g. a button). Purely passive input devices, also called monitoring input devices, do not require any physical action for the device to function These devices continue to generate data even if they are untouched but users can manipulate these devices like active input devices as well (e.g. a tracker). All available input devices can be broken up into the following categories: • • • • Desktop input devices (e.g. keyboard, 2D mouse, trackballs, pen-based tablet, joysticks) Tracking devices (e.g. motion tracker, eye tracker, data gloves) Special purpose or hybrid input devices (e.g. 3D mice, interaction slippers) Direct human input (e.g. speech input, bioelectric input, brain input) In general the usual desktop devices mentioned above cannot be used in 3D, because users are standing or physically moving and there is no surface to place a keyboard. In addition it is difficult or even impossible to see keys in low-light environments or when wearing a head mounted display. But usually symbolic input (characters, numbers) in the 3D applications are less frequent than in 2D. Motion Tracking One of the most important aspects in virtual worlds is providing a correspondence between the physical and the virtual environment. A tracker is some hardware used in VR to measure the real-time change in the 3D space of an object’s position and orientation. Most of the virtual environment applications track head and hand to ensure a correct viewing perspective and interaction. A common interaction device at the IMS is a wireless pen which is shown at the following picture. This pen provides manipulation of virtual objects by pointing and selecting them. This is accomplished by tracking the pen’s position and orientation as well as by a button at the pen for selecting objects. Fig. 30 Wireless pen developed at IMS PLAYMANCER FP7 215839 D2.1b: State of the Art 57/130 Other common interaction devices are gloves, hybrid devices which provide continuous and discrete input at the same time, haptics as well as locomotion devices like treadmills or stationary bicycles. Having accurate tracking is a crucial party of making interaction usable within virtual environment applications. The critical characteristics of motion trackers include: • • • • • Range: distance at which the tracker accuracy is acceptable Latency: time delay between user’s action and reported result Jitter: the change in tracker output when the tracker object is stationary Accuracy: of the tracked position data Update rate: number of position/orientation updates per second Currently there are a number of different motion-tracking technologies in use which include: • • • • • • Magnetic tracking: Non-contact position measurement device that uses a magnetic field produced by a stationary transmitter to determine the real-time position of a moving receiver element. Mechanical tracking: Mechanical trackers have a rigid structure with a number of interconnected mechanical linkages. One end is fixed in place while the other is attached to the object to be tracked. Acoustic tracking: Non-contact position measurement device that uses an ultrasonic signal produced by a stationary transmitter to determine the real-time position of a moving receiver element. Inertial tracking: Self-contained sensors that measure the rate of change in an object orientation, may also measure the rate of change of an object translation velocity. Hybrid tracking: Combination of two or more measurement technologies to optimize the accuracy of the motion tracking. Optical tracking: Non-contact position measurement device that uses optical sensing to determine the real-time position of a moving receiver element. To determine an object’s position and orientation in 3D space, so called “markers” are used which reflects infrared light emitted by the optical tracker. Two approaches are used for wide-area tracking: • Outside-Looking-In: The optical tracker (e.g. camera) is fixed and the markers are placed on the user. The position measurements are done directly and PLAYMANCER FP7 215839 D2.1b: State of the Art • 58/130 orientation is interfered from position data. This is the traditional way of optic trackers. Inside-Looking-Out: The optical tracker (e.g. camera) is attached to tracking object and the markers are fixed. This way of tracking provides a maximum sensitivity for changes of orientation. Optical tracking is mostly used at the IMS because the system offers some advantages compared to the other measurement techniques. It provides high accuracy, tracking is done wireless and it has a high update rate (60 Hz). Problems with optical tracking occur if objects are occluded. The position and orientation of these objects cannot be determined correctly because the objects cannot be “seen” by the optical tracker. The optical tracking system iotracker (www.iotracker.com) was developed at TUW and will be used in this project. An installation can be provided for the duration of the project. PLAYMANCER FP7 215839 D2.1b: State of the Art 59/130 Fig. 31 Illustration of the iotracker setup (Source: www.iotracker.com) The typical setup of an iotracker system is shown in the above picture. The cameras track the user’s HMD position and its orientation to provide a correct viewing perspective of the virtual world as well as the position and orientation of a wireless pen with which the user can interact with the virtual environment. The tracking data of all cameras used in the setup is then synchronised and processed by the workstation and the resulting output will be displayed at the user’s HMD. The tracking of the HMD and the wireless pen is accomplished by constellation of optical markers, the so-called rigid-body targets, attached to each device. The interaction between the optical tracker’s camera and those targets is illustrated in the following picture. With this method every kind of object can be tracked by simply attaching a rigid-body target to the desired object. PLAYMANCER FP7 215839 D2.1b: State of the Art 60/130 Fig. 32 Basic principle of infrared-optical tracking (source: www.iotracker.com) Tracking without markers Tracking an object in space without using markers is an active research area. Two possible technologies are available: • Natural Feature Tracking: This is a large area of research and various methods are available. The basic idea is to detect reliable features in the image (e.g. lines, corners) and compare them with a reference image. • Z-Cameras: A z-camera outputs beside the RGB values of the image a depth image with which an object can be tracked in space. Motion capture Motion capture or motion tracking is a technique of digitally recording movements for entertainment, sports, and medical applications [50][51]. The technique can be used for tracking objects in real-time in virtual environments. Motion capture hardware has two principal applications. The most common is the capture of data for use in 3d animation software or motion analysis. Motion capture is typically accomplished by any of three technologies: Optical, Magnetic and Electro Mechanical. While each technology has its strengths, there is not a single motion capture technology that is perfect for every possible use. • • • • • Exoskeleton (Mechanical) Wireless Magnetic Sensors Wireless Inertial Sensors Marker based (Optical) Pure vision based (no markers are used, under development) PLAYMANCER FP7 215839 D2.1b: State of the Art 61/130 Output devices Output devices, also called display devices, are the hardware that presents information from the virtual environment to the user in one ore more perceptual ways; the majority of the displays are focused on stimulating one of the following senses: • • • sight/vision hearing/audition touch/haptic (force and touch) The degree of the user’s immersion into the virtual world depends on the number of human senses which are addressed by the simulation and how convincing the simulation of reality is. There is the following classification of immersion: • • • Desktop Virtual Reality = “Window on World” system o Conventional screen + 3D graphics “Fishtank” Virtual Reality o Tracking o Stereo (shutter glasses) o Semi-immersive o CAVE, Workbench, large stereo screens Full Immersion o E.g. Head mounted display o options: audio, haptic interface Visual displays present information to the user through the human visual system and are by far the most common display devices used in 3D user interfaces. Sound displays provide synthetic sound feedback to user interaction with the virtual world. Touch feedback conveys real-time information on contact surface geometry, virtual object surface roughness, slippage and temperature. It does not actively resist the user’s contact motion and cannot stop the user from moving through virtual surfaces. Force feedback provides real-time information on virtual object surface compliance, object weight and inertia. It actively resists the user’s contact motion and can stop it (for large feedback forces). Display devices need to be considered when designing interaction techniques, because some interaction techniques are more appropriate than others for certain displays. Visual Displays Below there is a list of common visual display devices, some are explained further in the following section: • • Monitors Surround-screen displays PLAYMANCER FP7 215839 D2.1b: State of the Art • • • • • • 62/130 Workbenches Hemispherical displays Head-mounted displays Arm-mounted displays Virtual retina displays Auto-stereoscopic displays Surround-screen displays A surround-screen display is a visual output device that has three or more large projection-based display screens that surround the human participant. Typically, the screens are rear-projected so users do not cast shadows on the display surface. Surround-screen displays allow several users located in close proximity to simultaneously view an image of the virtual world. The first surround-screen VR system was called the CAVE (Computer Assisted Virtual Environment) and consisted of four screens (three walls and one floor).The RAVE (Reconfigurable Assisted Virtual Environment) is a further development of the CAVE configuration. It is designed to be a flexible display device that can be used as flat wall, a variable-angle immersive theatre, a CAVE-like four-screen immersive environment, an L-shaped cove with separate wall or three separate review walls. Fig. 33 CAVE (Computer Assisted Virtual Environment) Fig. 34 RAVE (Reconfigurable Assisted Virtual Environment) Surround-screen displays provide high spatial resolution and a large field of regard. (FOR – refers to the amount of the physical space surrounding the user in which visual images are displayed) Furthermore they have a large field of view (FOV – refers to the maximum number of degrees of visual angle then can be seen instantaneously on a display) allowing the user to utilize his peripheral vision. Their biggest disadvantage is that they are expensive and often require a large amount of physical space. Even the surround-screen displays are designed for multiple users, all images are rendered from the tracked user’s perspective. If an untracked user moves, there will be no visual response from the virtual environment. As the tracked user moves, all non-tracked users see the environment through the tracked user’s PLAYMANCER FP7 215839 D2.1b: State of the Art 63/130 perspective which can cause cue conflicts and lead to cybersickness. This problem is a fundamental limitation of surround-screen displays. Workbenches Workbenches are stationary, projection based displays which have been designed to model and augment interaction that takes place on tables and desks. Workbenches provided high spatial resolution and make for an intuitive display for certain types of applications. In many device designs, the displays can be rotated so the screen’s orientation relative to the user can be from completely horizontal to fully vertical, making the device quite flexible. The device accommodates multiple users but all users must share the same viewpoints. The users have limited mobility when interaction with a workbench because the display is not head-coupled like a head mounted display. Fig. 35 Example of a workbench Head Mounted Displays Head mounted displays (HMDs), frequently used at IMS, are in comparison with monitors, surround-screen displays and workbenches not stationary but rather move with the user. They are one of the most common head-coupled display devices used for virtual environment applications. The HMD’s main goal is to place images directly in front of the user’s eye using one (for monoscopic viewing) or two (for stereoscopic viewing) small screens. HMDs are classified as personal graphic displays because they output a virtual scene destined to be viewed by a single user. PLAYMANCER FP7 215839 D2.1b: State of the Art 64/130 Fig. 36 The Sony Glasstron, a HMD using LCD displays One of the biggest advantages of HMDs is that the user can have complete physical visual immersion because the user always sees the virtual world regardless of head position and orientation. Although, in general, HMDs block out the real world, a camera is sometimes mounted on the HMD to display both real-world video and graphic objects. Sometimes HMDs offer see-through options. This type of technology is used in augmented and mixed reality systems. Because the real world may be completely blocked out from the user’s view, interaction while wearing an HMD requires some type of graphical representation of either one or both hands, or the input device used. Even though HMDs have a 360° field of regard (FOR) which refers to the amount of the physical space surrounding the user in which visual images are displayed, many of them have a small field of view (FOV, between 30° and 60° horizontally) which refers to the maximum number of degrees of visual angle then can be seen instantaneously on a display. This small field of view can cause perception and performance problems. HMDs have the advantage of being more portable, brighter and less expensive as compared to projection-based displays. However, projectionbased displays and monitors generally have higher spatial resolutions than HMDs because the display screens have to be small and lightweight to keep the overall weight of the HMDs low. When the devices described above are to be used together in a more complex system some problems can arise that have to be taken into consideration. 5.2.3 Multimodal I/O issues The combination of data from different devices usually is a non-trivial problem. Different measurement modalities, update rates or error properties make it difficult to synchronize the data. Furthermore, with each device added the technical complexity increases, which usually results in a decrease of the application stability. Additionally many devices make a system harder to maintain. Finally, the most obvious issue PLAYMANCER FP7 215839 D2.1b: State of the Art 65/130 with multimodal I/O is that all devices have to be supplied with power and the measurements have to be transferred by either cable or wireless transmission. If not planned carefully this might result in either tangled cables or wireless interferences. 5.2.4 State of the art Overview Most applications that use multimodal I/O were developed in the fields of virtual reality and augmented reality. There the incorporation of tracking data requires multiple tasks like operation of devices, reading specialized network protocols, performing calculations to fuse data from different sources and interpret it to provide multi modal interaction [45]. Offloading these tasks to the application level results in complex and inflexible software, which lacks extensibility. Therefore the superior approach is to use a middleware layer which encapsulates the hardware devices and provides interfaces to the application. This offers the opportunity to change hardware components without having to rewrite large portions of the application software. Use in networked UA games poses certain requirements on such a middleware. The most important are listed in short in the following subsection. Fig. 37 Middleware separating application from devices and network Requirements for multimodal I/O middleware in a game framework 1. Device abstraction: The different input devices should be hidden behind interfaces to provide reusability and portability of the application. 2. Network transparency: Networked UA games require network transport of input data. However, applications should be independent of an actual configuration/setup. Therefore, the middleware should hide how the devices are distributed over the network. 3. Support for complex configurations: Calibration and configuration of the devices should be hidden from the application. Furthermore, the non-trivial task (see 5.2.3) of combining the data of multiple devices into a single virtual device should be handled by middleware. 4. Low overhead and latency: Real-time response is crucial for most computer games. Therefore only minimal processing time should be added to the overall process. 5. Extensibility Hardware evolves and new devices need to be supported by PLAYMANCER FP7 215839 D2.1b: State of the Art 66/130 integration of new device drivers. Additionally, modules that process input data (Transformations, filters etc.) should be straightforward to add and exchange. Extensibility is especially important to increase the life cycle of the PLAYMANCER game platform. Software frameworks for multimodal I/O For the task of processing data of multiple input devices a handful of frameworks exist. The most prominent, which are still supported, are Opentracker [45], VRPN [46], VRCO trackd [47] and Gadgeteer [48]. These four more or less match the above criterions. All frameworks provide device abstraction and network transparency. Supported input devices include different types of trackers (magnetic, optical, etc.) as well as joysticks, space mouse, cyber gloves, haptic devices etc. Opentracker and Gadgeteer additionally support the VRPN interface, thus basically include all the devices of the VRPN library. Supported output hardware ranges from stereoscopic monitors to projection setups and head mounted displays. Furthermore, Opentracker, Gadgeteer and VRPN can be easily extended by adding modules for new devices. VRCO trackd on the other side is proprietary software and lacks this advantage. All frameworks listed here have relatively low latency and are thus applicable for games. However, only Opentracker supports advanced operations and simple configuration thereof. That is necessary for the support of complex configurations, as described in the last subsection. We therefore consider Opentracker as the best option for multimodal I/O in a game platform and will thus focus on this framework. Opentracker Opentracker is a generic data flow network library, which was primarily designed to deal with tracking data. It provides an abstraction of operations on input data that separates the applications from the devices and setups. Due to its flexible design, Opentracker can be used to handle not only tracking devices but also other input hardware. In a typical VR application/game input data passes through a series of steps. It is generated by hardware devices, read by drivers, transformed to fit the requirements of the application and sent over the network connections to other hosts. Different setups and applications may require different subsets and combinations of the steps described but the individual steps are common among a wide range of applications. Examples of such invariant steps are geometric transformations, filters and data fusion of two or more data sources. The main idea besides forming a layer between hardware and application is breaking up the whole data manipulation into these individual steps. Then a data flow network is built from the operations according to the concepts described in the next subsection. Concepts of Opentracker Each unit of operation in OpenTracker is represented by a node in a data flow graph. Nodes are connected by directed edges to describe the direction of flow. The PLAYMANCER FP7 215839 D2.1b: State of the Art 67/130 originating node of a directed edge is called the child whereas the receiving node is called the parent. To allow more than simple flow graphs nodes, ports and edges are used as follows. • • • Port: Is part of the node, which is used to receive (input port)/send (output port) data events. A node can have multiple input ports (to allow e.g. Merge operations) but only one output port. Furthermore, an input port can be connected to multiple output ports and vice versa. Edge: Connects input- and output ports Node: 1. Source Node: Most source nodes encapsulate a device driver that directly accesses a particular device. Other node objects form bridges to more complex self-contained systems (e.g. VRPN as mentioned before) or generate data for test purposes. 2. Filter Node: Computes its own state based upon the data events received via the input ports and outputs the result over the corresponding port. Filter operations include geometric transformations, boolean- and merge-operations as well as actual filter functions (e.g. Confidence filter, prediction filter, average filter...) 3. Sink Node: Propagate data to external output. The structure of the data flow graph (the configuration) is loaded from an XML file, which makes it convenient to alter and provides some consistency check using DTD. A recent extension of Opentracker also allows reconfiguration at runtime. Examples of Opentracker data flow graphs can be seen in the following figures. Fig. 38 Visualizations of examples for data flow graphs Hardware and Opentracker As already introduced before, Opentracker supports a variety of devices. Most important for the use in games are the ones described in the following. This list includes not only the input devices needed for the games described in part 4.8 but also those that might be interesting for game developers using the PLAYMANCER platform. Therefore it will necessarily be incomplete. PLAYMANCER FP7 215839 D2.1b: State of the Art • • • • 68/130 Optical trackers like the iotracker or A.R.T. tracker: These can be used to provide input to the motion capture modules that are going to be integrated in the platform. Biofeedback sensors: Opentracker can integrate e.g. gTec-gMobilab, which can be used to retrieve EMG-data that is interesting for the application in motor rehabilitation. Haptic devices: Support for hardware like the Phantom Omni could be useful for games in the physical rehabilitation as well. Mouse, keyboard and joysticks: Might be useful to provide “conventional” input to games. For the games described in part 4.8 source nodes for the following devices will be integrated: • Wii balance board: The balance board or a similar device will be used to move around in the virtual environment. Fig. 39 Wii balance board • Fig. 40 Squeezable input device Grabbing device: A device is going to be designed to allow the users to grab objects in the game. (part 4.8) Conclusion Opentracker provides a framework suitable for the use of multimodal I/O in serious/UA games. It can be easily integrated in the PLAYMANCER platform and provides extensibility and flexibility. This is important for the further use of the game platform in the development of serious games. 5.2.5 Conclusion This section has presented the state-of-the-art in hardware devices and software frameworks which could be/are being used for multimodal I/O. Although these devices and the middleware are primarily intended for VR/AR applications they can also very well be used for serious games. Properties and suitability has been discussed in short and issues arising from merging input signals from different PLAYMANCER FP7 215839 D2.1b: State of the Art 69/130 devices have been presented. Finally a middleware framework well suited for integrating different devices within the project has been introduced in more detail 5.3 Speech / Dialogue Although speech-based interaction is the dominating interaction modality between humans, when it comes to human computer interaction (HCI), it has gained some terrain, but still it is not the dominating interaction mode. Research efforts in the HCI area are focused towards integration of human natural interaction modes, such that no major efforts are required when using technology, specially the one integrated into ambient and entertaining environment. In games, the use of input/output based on speech recognition and understanding together with speech synthesis can be compared to the 3D rendering twenty years ago. Most efforts in integrating speechbased interaction in games have been done under research projects, and mostly for story-telling games. Use of speech-based interaction in games is limited by the high degree of difficulty encountered when trying to integrate the spare components into a flexible and configurable system. In PlayMancer, the integration of speech-based interaction into therapeutic games is desired. Although recognition of emotional speech is a high priority, the target envisages also the development of a flexible system, easy to be integrated into various serious games. 5.3.1 Dialogue Systems A dialogue system is a computer system which intends to converse with a human user, considering a coherent structure. The conversation act can employ use of text, speech, graphics, 2D or 3D gesture, touch and other input or output communication modes. Depending on the type of the system and the target to be achieved during the interaction, there are various components which could be included in a dialogue system. The most important component of a dialogue system is the dialogue manager, which handles the state of the dialogue and the dialogue strategy. Other possible components are: input recognizer (speech, graphics, gesture), input interpreter, output generator (natural language generator), output renderer (text-tospeech synthesizer, avatar), multi-modal fusion, multi-modal interpreter, etc. Types of dialogue systems could be categorized by style/initiative (command-based, menu-driven, mixed-initiative, natural language), by application (information service, entertainment, edutainment, healthcare, assistive systems), by interface (text-based, speech-based, graphical user interface, multi-modal), by dialog strategy (finite-state, frame based, plan-based, linguistic interpretation based). Currently used in various domains, speech-based interfaces are the most difficult to integrate in the game domain, especially when it comes to use them in a multi-modal environment. The major problems arise in the integration of natural language understanding and generation, due to high resources requirements for processing speech input, the confidence in interpreting the input, and, in case of game applications, time restrictions. PLAYMANCER FP7 215839 D2.1b: State of the Art 70/130 In the following sections state-of-the art status for different speech-based system components and their use in particular domains is presented. 5.3.2 Speech Recognition and Understanding Being the dominant modality for human communication, speech can convey levels of abstraction inaccessible to other input modalities, and it is generally considered selfsufficient, carrying most of the informational content in a multimodal interface. Several real-time Hidden Markov Model (HMM)-based speech recognition systems, including development toolkits with programming APIs, are available for Windows and Unix platforms, such as the Open Speech Recognizer [87], Loquendo ASR [88], etc. These speech recognizers can achieve high recognition rates (over 95%) and are easy to configure for various application-dependent command languages. Unfortunately, speech input typically uses a limited vocabulary, forcing the user to recall a particular command syntax. Ambiguities can appear as a result of recognition errors as well as erroneous language constructs. These limitations in current language understanding technology prevent natural expression of user control actions through speech. In [73] SYNFACE is presented. SYNFACE is a telephone aid for hearing-impaired people, which shows the lip movements of the speaker at the other telephone synchronized with the speech. The SYNFACE system consists of a speech recognizer that recognizes the incoming speech and a synthetic talking head. The output from the recognizer is used to control the articulatory movements of the synthetic head. The prototype had been evaluated by hard-of hearing users in the UK, the Netherlands and Sweden, providing quiet satisfactory results. 5.3.3 Speech Synthesis and Natural Language Generation Although Text to Speech Synthesis (TTS) technology has improved a lot during the last decade, still most computer games use recorded speech, or even just text without any audio component. Recorded speech is expensive to produce, and requires enormous amounts of storage when used with a computer role-playing game. No contemporary role-playing game use TTS, mostly because contemporary TTS engines target telephony and handheld devices, such as Real Speak TTS [87] and Loquendo TTS [88], resulting in some features that are negatives for games. Recorded speech vs. TTS in games, in 2007, is analogous to sprites vs. 3D rendering in 1980. Some of the negative features of TTS engines are dealt by voice conversion engines. Voice conversion is the procedure of modifying the speech of one speaker (source) so that is sounds as if it was uttered by another speaker (target). This technique can modify speech characteristics using conversion rules statistically extracted from a small amount of training data [90]. Many different methods have been proposed, of which the most common approach is a separate conversion of the spectral envelope (vocal tract) and of the spectral detail (excitation residual signal). Researches in the field of speaker identification have shown that PLAYMANCER FP7 215839 D2.1b: State of the Art 71/130 spectral envelope alone contains enough information in order to identify a speaker. Additionally the use of spectral detail in voice conversion systems provides a much more natural sounding speech. Today the voice conversion systems use continuous transformation methods in order to achieve the mapping between the source and the target features. These methods are based mainly on artificial neural network [91][92] and Gaussian mixture models [90][93]. Natural Language Generation (NLG) components are required by complex systems, where dialog data are provided in a descriptive way, and not as cursive text. NLG is used to generate valid output sentences to be presented to the user. The process to generate text can be as simple as keeping a list of canned text that is copied and pasted, possibly linked with some glue text. The results are referred to specific domains. In a natural language generation module, we often distinguish two components: a planning and a syntactic component. The task of deciding what should be said is delegated to a planning component. Such a component might produce an expression representing the content of the proposed utterance. On the basis of this representation the syntactic generation component produces the actual output sentence(s). Although the distinction between planning and syntactic generation is not uncontroversial, such architecture is considered here (see Fig. 41), in order to explain some of the issues that arise in syntactic generation. Fig. 41 A block diagram of the Natural Language Generation component A (natural language) grammar is a formal device that defines a relation between (natural language) utterances and their corresponding meanings. In practice this usually means that a grammar defines a relation between strings and logical forms. During natural language understanding, the task is to arrive at a logical form that corresponds to the input string. Syntactic generation can be described as the problem to find the corresponding string for an input logical form. PLAYMANCER FP7 215839 D2.1b: State of the Art 72/130 We are thus making a distinction between the grammar, which defines this relation, and the procedure that computes the relation on the basis of such a grammar. Fig. 42 Detailed block diagram of the NLG component The different types of generation techniques can be classified into four main categories: • • • • Canned text systems constitute the simplest approach for single-sentence and multi-sentence text generation. They are trivial to create, but very inflexible. Template systems, the next level of sophistication, rely on the application of pre-defined templates or schemas and are able to support flexible alterations. The template approach is used mainly for multi-sentence generation, particularly in applications whose texts are fairly regular in structure. Phrase-based systems employ what can be seen as generalized templates. In such systems, a phrasal pattern is first selected to match the top level of the input, and then each part of the pattern is recursively expanded into a more specific phrasal pattern that matches some sub-portion of the input. At the sentence level, the phrases resemble phrase structure grammar rules and at the discourse level they play the role of text plans. Feature-based systems, which are as yet restricted to single-sentence generation, represent each possible minimal alternative of expression by a single feature. Accordingly, each sentence is specified by a unique set of features. In this framework, generation consists in the incremental collection of features appropriate for each portion of the input. Feature collection itself can either be based on unification or on the traversal of a feature selection network. The expressive power of the approach is very high since any PLAYMANCER FP7 215839 D2.1b: State of the Art 73/130 distinction in language can be added to the system as a feature. Sophisticated feature-based generators, however, require very complex input and make it difficult to maintain feature interrelationships and control feature selection. Many natural language generation systems follow a hybrid approach by combining components that utilize different techniques. A sophisticated NLG system needs to include stages of planning and merging of information to enable the generation of text that looks natural and does not become repetitive. Typical stages are: (1) Content determination: Determination of the salient features that are worth being said. Methods used in this stage are related to data mining. (2) Discourse planning: Overall organisation of the information to convey. (3) Sentence aggregation: Merging of similar sentences to improve readability and naturalness. (4) Lexicalisation: Putting words to the concepts. (5) Referring expression generation: Linking words in the sentences by introducing pronouns and other types of means of reference. (6) Syntactic and morphological realisation: This stage is the inverse of parsing: given all the information collected above, syntactic and morphological rules are applied to produce the surface string. (7) Orthographic realisation: Matters like casing, punctuation, and formatting are resolved. 5.3.4 Dialog Management Although human-computer interaction has a long history, the widely spread systems, independently of used interaction interface, are command or menu-based, which in most of the cases imply a finite-state or frame-based strategy. In such systeminitiated dialogue, questions are grouped together at design time and dialog management often coincides with the application itself. Even in systems allowing some mixed initiative, with enough intelligence to not ask again information which has been already provided, this rarely affects the ordering of subsequent questions. More natural dialogues can be achieved by clustering questions dynamically following changes by the user. The communication in more complex systems (i.e. interaction with robot companions) cannot be limited only to speech interfaces, but has to take into account all modalities used in human-human dialogs, such as gestures or the expression of emotions. Furthermore, such systems are not only dependent on the communication with the user, but also on other complex interactions with other platforms and environment. As a result, the dialogue management cannot be the central control unit of the system, but remains the central PLAYMANCER FP7 215839 D2.1b: State of the Art 74/130 interfacing component between human users and the application. The scheme in Fig. 43 has been implemented as a framework [89], in other words it provides a core of common functionality that every multimodal dialog system need, while the task specific parts of the system can be plugged in by a developer to produce a custom application. In this, the framework follows the object-oriented philosophy of inversion of control. The framework core calls the plugged-in components and ensures proper communication between them. This allows for easy and rapid application development as the developer does not need to have knowledge of the framework internals, but only needs to implement the interfaces to the framework. Configuration of the implemented framework is largely declarative: the user specifies structures, the “what” knowledge, not procedures, the “how” knowledge. Fig. 43 Schematic representation of speech-centric multimodal interface architecture. In [66] Furui and Yamaguchi introduced a paradigm for designing multimodal dialogue systems, through designing and evaluating a variety of dialogue strategies. As an example, a system was built for retrieving particular information about different shops in the Tokyo Metropolitan area, such as their names, addresses and phone numbers. The system presented accepted speech and screen touching as input, and presents retrieved information on a screen display. In the Agenda architecture [85] the problem of managing the dialogue is characterised as complex problem-solving task. In order to do this, a complex data structure is used to guide the system. This structure consists of a tree of handlers, while the agenda contains all topics relevant to the current task. Both the user and the system have the ability to change the order of the items in the agenda according to their needs. The dialogue management framework RavenClaw [86] is the successor to the Agenda architecture. RavenClaw separates the domain-dependent and domain-independent components of the dialogue manager, focusing on defining a hierarchical decomposition of the underlying task (see Fig. 44). PLAYMANCER FP7 215839 D2.1b: State of the Art 75/130 One of the main goals behind the development of the RavenClaw dialog management framework was providing a solid test-bed for exploring error handling and grounding issues in spoken language interfaces. Although investigated at some point, there are still under research some of the most important aspects of dialog management: • Techniques that can be used to learn the optimal system behaviour on-line, from detected error segments and to make these systems adapt and improve their performance over time; • Timing and turn-taking behaviour – most spoken language interfaces assume a rigid (you speak – I speak) turn-taking behaviour, which can lead to turnovertaking issues, slow down the dialog, and sometimes lead to complete communication breakdowns; • Multi-participant dialog handling • Dynamic dialog task construction, which has been explored in several spoken dialog systems, but no generic framework for dynamic task construction was investigated • Automatic knowledge extraction to construct language resources, such as dictionary, language model, grammar, language generation templates, required by a spoken language interface. The development of these resources requires significant amounts of expert knowledge and time. For some domains, this knowledge exists in a different form, not suitable for direct use in a spoken language interface, and the automatic extraction of knowledge to build language resources would fasten the design of spoken dialog interfaces. PLAYMANCER FP7 215839 D2.1b: State of the Art Multiple, parallel decoders SPHINX SPHINX SPHINX Recognition Server 76/130 Inputs from modalities Parsing PHOENIX other Other domain DateTime Confidence HELIOS Text I/O TTYServer H U Synthesis THETA Lang. Generation Galaxy ROSETTA Stub Lang. Generation ROSETTA (Perl) Dialog Manag. RAVENCLA Back-end (perl) Galaxy Stub Actual Perl Back-end PROCESS MONITOR Fig. 44 Architectural model of the RavenClaw framework. The RavenClaw framework provides the highest level of integration between the various components of a speech-based interaction system, without being limited to it. The modularity of the framework promises easy integration of other interaction modalities, and adaptation to any domain. 5.3.5 Speech Interfaces and Mobile Technologies In [68] multimodal application architecture is described, which target older or disabled people. This architecture combines finite-state multimodal language processing, a speech-act based multimodal dialogue manager, dynamic multimodal output generation and user-tailored text planning, so as to enable rapid prototyping of multimodal interfaces with flexible input and adaptive output. The application provides a mobile multimodal speech-pen interface to restaurant and subway information. In [71] MiPad is presented, a wireless personal digital assistant which fully integrates continuous speech recognition and spoken language understanding. In this way the users have the ability to accomplish many common tasks using a multimodal interface and wireless technology. This prototype has been based on plan-based dialogue management, where the system interacts with the user to gather facts, PLAYMANCER FP7 215839 D2.1b: State of the Art 77/130 which consequently trigger rules and generate more facts as the interaction progresses [72]. 5.3.6 Speech Interfaces and Users with Special Needs The design of services and applications to be usable by anyone, without the need of specialized adaptation (design for all or inclusive design) has lead to the usability of speech in the context of multimodal interfaces, for peoples with sensory impairments, as this users target group has limited access to certain services, such as web based information services. Kvale and Warakagoda [67], developed a speech-centric composite multimodal interface to a map-based information service on a mobile terminal, especially useful for Dyslectics and Aphasics. Severe dyslectic and aphasic individuals could neither use the public service by speaking nor by writing. However, through this interface, they could easily point at a map while uttering simple commands to the system. Therefore, this solution has been very useful for them to get web information. Kopecek in [69] dealt with the problem of generating a picture of a scene by means of describing it in the terms of natural language ontology. In that approach there was a description and discussion of the idea of developing graphics through dialogue, in a way that is fully accessible to blind users. The described scenario enables visually impaired people to create their own pictures that can be used in web presentations, emails, publications etc. Towards the same direction, in [70] a system called iGraph had been developed. The system’s target is to provide short verbal descriptions to people with visual impairments, which describe the information illustrated in graphs. The final target has been to provide immediate benefits to those people, when it comes to interact with graphs. 5.3.7 Speaker Emotion Recognition Recognition of emotions in either unimodal or multimodal dialogue systems can enhance the user friendliness of the provided application. Especially when dealing with dialogue systems involved in game playing, the detection of the desired user’s emotions can provide the means for modifying the dialogue flow accordingly, thus lead to more successful interaction experiences. Even more, in case of serious games for health, the monitoring of the emotional state of the player will play a decision role in the adaptation of game content/targets towards the improvement of a therapeutic output. In [76] the emotional side of games from both the game side and the human player side, considering speech style and content, facial expressions and gestures, is reviewed. In [77], an empirical study addressing the use of machine learning techniques for automatically recognizing student emotional states in two corpora of spoken tutoring dialogues, one with a human tutor, and one with a computer tutor, was presented. The results show significant improvements in prediction accuracy over relevant baselines, and provide a first step towards enhancing the intelligent tutoring spoken dialogue system to automatically recognize PLAYMANCER FP7 215839 D2.1b: State of the Art 78/130 and adapt to students’ states. In [78], an approach for detecting emotions in spoken dialogue systems is presented. The corpus used had been obtained from a commercially-deployed human-machine spoken dialogue application, a call centre. Their experiments had proved that the combination of acoustic and language information gives the best results for their data, when trying to distinguish negative from non-negative emotional states. In [79], the use of prosody for the detection of frustration and annoyance in natural human-computer dialog is presented. The data were collected under the DARPA Communicator project [80], where the users of the dialogue system made air-travel arrangements over the telephone. When discriminating only frustration from the rest emotional states the accuracy of the emotion recognition system increases, especially when the main majority of the annotators used in order to label the corpus agreed. In [81] an attempt to utilize dialogue history by using contextual information in order to improve emotion detection is presented. The experiments have been made on speech data resulting from the interaction of individuals with the “How May I Help YouSM” dialogue system [82]. In [83] Batliner et al. exemplifies difficulties on the basis of recognising user’s emotion in the SympaFly corpus, a database with dialogues between users and a fully automatic speech dialogue telephone system for flight reservation and booking, and discuss possible remedies. Taxonomy of applications that utilize emotional awareness is discussed in [84]. The discussion is confined on speech-based applications. As detailed in this work, the state of emotion recognition in general still suffers from the prevalence of acted laboratory speech as object of investigation. The high recognition rates of up to 100% reported for acted-speech data cannot be transferred onto realistic, spontaneous data. For the later databases, performance for a two-class problem is typically less than 80%, and less than 60% for a four-class problem. 5.3.8 Speech Interfaces and Dialogue Management in Games A robust method for the interpretation of spoken input to a conversational computer game has been presented and evaluated in [74]. The scenario of the game is that of a player interacting with embodied fairy-tale characters in a 3D world via spoken dialogue (supplemented by graphical pointing actions) to solve various problems. The player himself cannot directly perform actions in the world, but interacts with the fairy-tale characters to have them perform various tasks, and to get information about the world and the problems to solve [74]. Their system produces a semantic representation that constitutes a trade-off between the simple structures typically generated by pattern-matching parsers and the complex structures generated by general-purpose, linguistically-based parsers. A term paper in dialogue systems is described in [75]. This paper discusses how game characters may be equipped with conversational skills, what type of dialogues and dialogue features a game dialogue manager must be capable of handling and some considerations about what technology to use. In this work a formulation of some tentative steps towards reaching a game dialogue system capable of handling unrestricted natural language was introduced. PLAYMANCER FP7 215839 D2.1b: State of the Art 79/130 5.3.9 Conclusions Although spoken dialog interfaces are currently used in various domains, their integration in games imply investigation of (i) flexibility and degree of configurability of system components (i.e. easy generation/integration of new TTS voices), (ii) timing and turn-taking behaviour, (iii) multi-participant dialog handling, (iv) dynamic dialog task construction, and (v) automatic knowledge extraction for dialog language resources construction. In addition the systems should be generic, addressing a large heterogeneous group of users (i.e. female versus male) and a wide variety of tasks, should be easy to configure/integrate, and should provide domain-, user- and task-independent acceptable performance. Recognition of emotional speech, and its accuracy and reliability, play an important role in the integration and usability of speech-based interfaces in serious games, especially for cognitive and behavioural exercises. 5.4 Game Engines / Tools Overview and Comparison 5.4.1 Game Engine Basics A Game Engine is software that implements the core of a computer game. It is assigned with rendering the game graphics (2-dimensional or 3-dimensional), the AI of the world or of the game characters not being controlled by the player, physics (e.g. collision between 2 objects) and physics rules upon the game world objects, advancing the game state and taking care of the sound and the interaction with the player. When a game is running, a collection of objects and processes are executed behind the scenes, which constitute the virtual world that the player experiences. The interaction between the game and the player is manifested by a set of devices for receiving the player’s commands and a similar set of devices for feeding back to the player the game’s response. For the first, a keyboard, a joystick and a mouse are the standard tactile input devices. For the latter, visual feedback (screen), sound (speakers), haptic (game controllers) are the modes most usually used. The game play is based on a virtual game world and a mission that the player is called to accomplish. Usually the game play is structured around game levels that are pre-constructed by the game level editors and the artists of the game development team and plugged into the game engine software. Users, players or third party teams can also create game levels and easily import them into the most of the games in the market today. PLAYMANCER FP7 215839 D2.1b: State of the Art 80/130 Game application Game content Game logic Game Engine Plug ins Game Entities Managers World Manager Effect Manager Plug in Manager Animation System Scene Graph Controller Manager Message Manager Interface Manager Graphics Manager Network Manager Rendering Core Resource Manager File Manager World Editor Sound Player Movie Player System Managers Sound Manager World Editor … Input Manager Base Services System Utilities Memory Manager Time Manager Math Graphics Drivers (OpenGL/ DirectX/ Java3D/ Other) OS (Windows/ Linux/ MacOS/ Other) Fig. 45 A typical 3D game engine architecture The game engine handles the objects of the world scenes, the animations of the animated characters and the effects, the sound, the physics interactions among the objects, the low-level rendering of the screen, and the interpretation of the input user commands through the various input devices that the player is using to control the game play. Also, in multiplayer games, the networking part of the game management is also included in the game engine bouquet of services, controlling the TCP or UDP connection, anticipating the packet loss with fault tolerant mechanisms, etc. Most game engines use scripting languages to program at a higher level the behaviour of game objects in the game world. Scripting can also be used by advanced users to alter the game play or the game contents. PLAYMANCER FP7 215839 D2.1b: State of the Art 81/130 During runtime, the game engine will offer services to the game content and game mechanics programmed by the game developers, while at the same time using resources of the Operating System of the machine the game is executed upon, and of the Graphics Driver that the rendering engine will potentially use to exploit the 2D and 3D graphics acceleration abilities of the graphics hardware processor of the system. Most of the games available today are based on Microsoft’s proprietary DirectX driver or on the OpenGL standard graphics library. Out of the game development community there is often a misconception among the terms “game engine”, “graphics rendering engine”, “game development middleware” and Software Development Toolkit (SDK). The first term has been explained through out this section. The second is a subset of services and utilities of a game engine, aiming at handling the rendering of the graphics alone. A graphics rendering engine cannot by itself alone be a very versatile tool in nowadays game development, because it lacks the support for the other game features that are found in contemporary game engines, greatly facilitating the game development process. The third term refers to a generic piece of software assisting in specific tasks. Game engines can be seen as such middleware, situated between OSs /graphics drivers and game applications, thus hiding the complexity of rendering the graphics and audio streams and even the complexity of handling the network communication and of other specialised tasks. The game developer has only to program the game application making use of the services offered by the game engine. Similar to middleware, the term SDK is coined to mean a library of functions complemented by all the tools, the documentation and examples needed for a starting programmer to start working and exploiting its power. The latter are much more flexible but with a narrower focus. For example, Gamebryo [95] is a very flexible proprietary renderer but has no collision or physics capabilities, unlike Havok [96] which is solely a physics engine. Similar middleware include Criterion’s Renderware [97] and Speedtree [98]. 5.4.2 The game engine roadmap: Past, current and future trends During the first era of computer gaming (1970 to about 1985), the term game engine was not existent. Any game belonging to this period was programmed using no or small portions of reusable code, actually from scratch. With the increase in popularity of computer games up to the middle of the nineties, game developers switched to another business model: to license part of their code libraries to other game developers. This paradigm shift progressively resulted into a clear divide between game content and game services (in the form of game engines) that coordinate this content at runtime. Computer games reflect advances in computer graphics. These advances can be divided into 6 time periods: 1. Early engines (1974-1990) The technology of early games supported simple wireframe representations (using vector graphics) and single player top-down or side views. Progressively the game PLAYMANCER FP7 215839 D2.1b: State of the Art 82/130 world objects started to appear as flat shaded raster graphics objects. Asteroids by Taito [99] and Space Invaders by Atari [100] are representatives of vector and raster games respectively. 2. The rise of the 3D representations (1990-1994) From the simple wireframe game worlds, the first pseudo-3D engines based on 2D vectors of level maps and 3D models moved rendering ahead, by applying the first textured-mapping of the game’s surfaces. The player’s viewpoint remains static or moves along the main character in a certain plane of the game world. Early ID [107] titles such as Wolfenstein 3D and Doom (first appeared in 1993) are classic examples of this era. In contrast to the static levels of Wolfenstein 3D, those in Doom are highly interactive: platforms can lower and rise, floors can rise sequentially to form staircases, and bridges can rise and descend. The life-like feeling of the environment was enhanced further by the stereo sound system, which made it possible to roughly tell the direction and distance of a sound's origin. Still, the enemies of the titles of this period were rendered as 2D sprites. 3. True 3D worlds (1995-1999) By 1995, games started to appear that were using true 3D objects and geometry of the game world. Descent by Parallax Software [124] was the first title to use real 3D models of enemies. Apogee’s Duke Nukem [125] and ID’s Quake followed, coinciding with the introduction of more powerful CPUs (such as the Intel Pentium) and the first hardware 3D acceleration cards. Companies are starting to provide level editors and to allow to third parties to develop game levels for their titles. Effects like sliding doors between level rooms, see-through grating and simple dynamic lighting were implemented for the first time. 4. Advanced realism and effects (2000-2003) The advancement in graphics hardware brought increasing realism. The engines of this period were able to cope with extremely large view distances and massive numbers of models. Game developers exploited this rush to develop innovative and exciting new effects such as particles (smoke, fire, fog), dynamic lighting and shading. Shaders are described and rendered as several layers, each containing one texture, one "blend mode" which determines how to superimpose it over the last one, and texture orientation modes such as environment mapping, scrolling, and rotating. The shader system goes beyond just visual appearance, also defining the contents of volumes (e.g. a water volume is defined as such by applying a water shader to its surfaces), light emission, and which sound to play when a volume is trod upon. In Quake III, the game engine implements a virtual machine, for easy and safe description and handling of game objects, which was a great facility for the external teams working on game modifications (MODs). User manipulated objects and rigid body dynamics also dominated the engines of that era, with successful examples such as Unreal II [126], Grand Theft Auto 3 of Rockstar games [127]. 5. Graphics Galore (2004-2008) In a close loop and a kind of chain reaction, hardware 3D graphics accelerator and 3D game engine features were evolved rapidly, in a quest for the visual realism. As PLAYMANCER FP7 215839 D2.1b: State of the Art 83/130 the visual photo-realism is the no1 objective for the game industry, attributing to player immersion, a lot of refinements to graphics, physics, AI have been developed going down in the granularity of math calculations, thus improving the state of the art of game engines. Shading is now done at the pixel and vertex level, so does lighting, bump mapping has been introduced to give to surfaces the sense of depth that is lacking from 2D displays, shadow systems have been further exploited, High Dynamic Range Imaging has been used by the Source engine of Valve Software (used in Half-Life 2: Lost Coast [101]) and by the Unreal Engine 3 [102] of Epic Megagames [103]. Remarkable open source efforts implementing HDRI include the OGRE 3D engine [104] and the Nexuiz game [105]. Ragdoll physics is widely used by engines mainly to realistically animate character bodies when they drop dead, hardware physics accelerators have started to become popular following the 3D graphics hardware accelerators paradigm, while procedural texturing has been used to small extent. The appearance and success of Nintendo Wii meant a turn to more natural input modes, like the motion control. Even if the realisation of hand motion tracking was not very accurate (due to cost constraints), the smart exploitation of this feature by game developers was embraced by game players of all ages and showed the way to the games of the future. 6. Tracing the future in game engines (2009-) To predict the future of game engines, under the current market growing success of the gaming sector, is probably a risky task. The current trends show that both the physics and graphics have gone a long way. Graphics will reach photo-realistic realism, given that experts in the field estimate that by 2010 a game would be able to render real-time a realistic-looking video of an environment [106]. Physics, due to the predicted success of devoted hardware accelerators, will advance further from rigid body to deeper levels of finer armatures and inner body assemblies. This advance will inevitably be met with innovative motion tracking input devices, force feedback and maybe tactile interfaces. It is reasonable to think that tactile interfaces will be coupled naturally with advanced physics, resulting in developing the touch sense in future games, thus boosting even further gaming immersion and realism. Moreover, AI will provide methods for real-time clustering, classification and prediction, and coupled with graphics will unleash the potential for advanced procedural content generation using genetic programming or genetic algorithms. The long-awaited game Spore is an example of such progress. 5.4.3 Serious features of Game Engines Game engines are created to facilitate game development. However, there have been many applications that exploited their power and their features to render realistic 3D worlds for a serious cause. While more accurate simulation environments already exist for scientific and industrial applications (i.e. Virtual Reality immersive setups, CAVETM, etc.), game development software offers some key advantages: PLAYMANCER FP7 215839 D2.1b: State of the Art 84/130 1. Low cost Many game engine and game middleware software development companies market their products with special licenses for academies (universities, research institutions), and for non-commercial efforts. Some either totally waive those fees for non-commercial use, trying to promote their products and enlarge their user base. At the same time, there are free game engines, either open or closed source, some of which compete their large-company backed up rivals. 2. Simple programming –scripting Most engines allow for scripting the game logic, and the behaviour of the game engine’s components during game play. Physics, animation, game rules, and AI can be scripted, either selecting from pre-made scripts or writing new ones in the packaged script editor. Thus novice developers with little or no previous experience can start making 3D applications using many contemporary game engines. 3. Lighting, weather and terrain manipulation Advanced lighting effects emulating static and dynamic lights, environmental light simulation, are all within the capabilities of today’s game engines. Weather simulation including effects such as fog, shadows, rain, and snow can also be exploited by serious applications. Extremely large view distances of extensive landscapes coupled with accurate photographic textures and foliage can be used to offer realistic terrain navigation. 4. Networking and multi-party collaboration Game engines that are used in Massive Multi-player Online Games (MMOGs) support networking mechanisms for reliable and robust data communication between players (clients) and game servers. In addition, there are available several services for in-game communication, and tools to coordinate cooperative or competitive game playing. These tools and services can be exploited for serious collaborative tasks in the 3D game world, such as distributed exploring or coordinated task execution. 5. Robustness Game engines are built to be reusable and extendable. Commercial game engines sold as software products have been tested extensively, within the development team and externally by the game developers that build games on top. Even the game players happen to report back development issues pertaining to the engine itself. As a result, game engines are seen as robust piece of software that can be reused in other contexts without problems. 6. Documentation and user base Apart from the robustness that the modern game engines exhibit, the developer companies or parties usually equip them with extensive documentation, tutorials, examples and developer community fora. The user base is usually an essential factor contributing to the success of a game engine, as an equally essential factor assisting in decreasing the learning curve for a developer that starts building 3D applications on it. PLAYMANCER FP7 215839 D2.1b: State of the Art 85/130 5.4.4 Research projects making use of Game engines Game engines, as a tool that facilitates the development of applications based on the graphical 3D representation of virtual worlds, has been exploited by researchers in the past, and its use for serious applications and serious games is constantly expanding. A vast and relatively unexplored area for scientific research is serious games, that is applications that are fun and exciting, while servicing a purpose other than true entertainment. Being software games, serious games rely on game engines as their central building pieces as much as any other game. An extensive citation of research being conducted on serious games is presented in Chapter 4 of this document. Promotion of historical and cultural places has been demonstrated by the Notre Dame Cathedral project funded by UNESCO and produced by DeLeon [128]. An Unreal engine has been used in this project for a publicly available demonstration of a virtual 3D reconstruction of an architectural and historical monument of great value. Game engines have been used equally as a design, visualisation and presentation medium for promoting commercial real estate. The Unrealty project described by Miliano [129] empowers the user to create realistic virtual real estates as an efficient prototyping method, making the result more attractive by inserting into this virtual world animated objects from the real context of each specific area (e.g. area-specific birds, surrounding nature, etc.). Archaeology is another domain that has capitalised on the progress and usefulness of game engines. As Sifniotis describes [130], the AERIA project [131] attempted to create archaeological reconstructions without the use of expensive CAD software. The authors used the Quake 2, Half-Life and Morrorwind [132] engines to reconstruct the palace of Nestor in Pylos and the throne of Apollo, respectively. They recognised that game engines have come 'of age' and offer a low cost but powerful tool for heritage visualisation. Anderson [133] has followed a similar approach by using a Quake 3 engine to recreate a Pompeian house from archaeological plans. Limitations that were encountered include the inability to access the game engine’s source code, Quake’s strict CSG (Constructive Solid Geometry) modelling approach, and the inaccuracy of the game units. The Quake engine is also adapted by researchers from the University of Aizu, Japan [134] in order to produce a virtual 3D interactive scene of a Japanese temple. They enhanced the engine’s features with support for simple procedural building generation, landscape generation, human skeletal animation, cloth simulation, etc. PLAYMANCER FP7 215839 D2.1b: State of the Art 86/130 5.4.5 Tools for game development Game development is a long and tedious process, requiring for a multitude of different expertise and roles in the programming team. During this process, the game engine is just the core of the software used in the game creation, because it is also the software core that is running during the game runtime. Apart of the game engine, a set of software libraries and tools should be exploited, both for designing the content of the game (2D and 3D graphics and models) and for programming the behaviour and interaction of this content in the game world. Content /Media creation Tools Numerous and diverse tools exist and can be used for content creation. The following tables categorises some of the well-known and most broadly used (OS stands here for Open- Source)2: Category Subcategory Maker Tool name License Comments Graphics Raster drawings Adobe Photoshop Commercial Graphics Raster drawings Alias Sketchbook Pro Commercial Graphics Raster drawings Gimp OS/GPL Graphics Graphics Graphics Raster drawings Raster drawings Raster drawings Corel Paint.net Corel Painter IX Graphics Graphics Graphics Vector drawings Vector drawings Vector drawings Adobe Corel Microsoft Graphics Graphics Vector drawings Vector drawings Graphics Graphics Graphics 3D modelling 3D modelling 3D modelling PaintShop Pro Illustrator Draw Expression Design2 Synfig Xara Extreme Blender OpenFX BLR-CAD Commercial Free/MIT Commercial Standard of all professional graphic engineers Designed specifically for use with Tablet PC or digitized pen tablets Many advanced plugins, writing new ones is rather easy Versatile image editor Graphics 3D modelling k-3D OS/GPL Graphics 3D modelling TrueSpace3 Free 2 Caligari Photo editing Commercial Commercial Commercial OS/GPL OS/GPL OS/GPL OS/GPL OS/GPL 2D animation suite powerful cross-platform combinatorial Constructive Solid Geometry (CSG) solid modeling system generates motionpicture-quality animation using RenderMan-compliant render engines Specially suited for web Source: http://wiki.gamedev.net/index.php/Tools:Content PLAYMANCER FP7 215839 D2.1b: State of the Art Category Subcategory 87/130 Maker Tool name License Comments 3D (VRML) authoring Graphics Graphics 3D modelling 3D modelling OS/GPL Commercial 3D modelling 3D modelling Wings3D 3D Studio Max Cinema 4D ClayWorks Graphics Graphics Graphics 3D modelling Lightwave Commercial Graphics 3D modelling Maya Commercial Graphics 3D modelling SoftImage XSI Commercial Graphics 3D modelling Carrara Commercial Graphics 3D modelling Daz Studio Daz Studio Bryce Commercial Graphics Font Tools Bitmap Font Generator Free Autodesk Commercial Commercial ClayWorks is a procedural modeling program Modelling, animation and rendering Modelling, animation and rendering Professional 3D suite used for games, but more commonly used movie special fx converts fonts images/textures to Programming Tools and libraries Programming tools and libraries are pieces of software that extend the functionality of game engine code. They work together and usually are integrated (through plug-in interfaces). Some are generic (supported several utilities not closely dependent), other are specific dedicated to a task. In terms of licensing, the open source projects are free, while the commercial tools might have several licensing schemes for noncommercial use or for limited games production. Category Maker AI AI AI.impla nt Tool name Language Platform License Comments ABKit C++ MacOSX, Linux, Win32 OS/GPL Alpha-Beta algorithm for board games Dynamic pathfinding, Used in Unreal3 engine AI.implant AI FEAR AI GAlib Louder than a Bomb AI Memetic AI PLAYMANCER Spark! Fuzzy Logic Editor Memetic Toolkit Commercial C++. Python Win32, POSIX C++ Special Commercial Cross-Platf. Genetic Algorithms Fuzzy logic API Artificial Life for NPCs, integrated with Neverwinter’s FP7 215839 D2.1b: State of the Art Category Tool name Language Platform License AI OpenAI C++, Java Cross-Platf. BSD AI C++, C# Cross-Platf. OS/GPL, LGPL AI OpenSkyN et SPADES AI GAUL C/C++ Linux/Posix , Win OS/GPL AI AINN C++ Cross-Platf. Sound Audiere Sound Maker 88/130 Un4see n OS/LGPL Win32, OSX Commercial Cross-Platf. Freeware/GP L/Own license Commercial Sound Dumb C/C++, Delphi, Visual Basic, and MASM APIs C Sound FMOD C Cross-Platf. Sound irrKlang C++/VB/C# Cross-Platf. Free/ irrKlang Pro is commercial Sound OpenAL C Cross-Platf. OS/LGPL PLAYMANCER BASS Windows, Linux-i386, Cygwin, and IRIX Comments Nights Agents, genetic algorithms and bayesian networks FSMs, pathfinding, ML Agent-based simulation Genetic Algorithms, evolutionary programming Neural Networks Ogg Vorbis, MP3, FLAC, uncompressed WAV, AIFF, MOD, S3M, XM, and IT files support IT, XM, S3M and MOD player library Audio playback library that supports MOD, XM, MP3, MIDI and many other audio formats high level 2D and 3D cross platform sound engine and audio library which plays WAV, MP3, OGG, MOD, XM, IT, S3M and more file formats management of audio sources moving in a 3D space that are heard by a single listener FP7 215839 D2.1b: State of the Art Category Maker Tool name 89/130 Language Platform License Sound SDL C Cross-Platf. OS/LGPL Sound SDL_mixer C Cross-Platf. OS/LGPL Animation EMotionFX C, C++ PC, Mac, Linuc, Xbox360 Commercial Image Image Corona CxImage C++ C++ Cross-Platf. Cross-Platf. OS/zlib OS/zlib Image FreeImage C++ Cross-Platf. Image Image DevIL ImageMagi c C Bindings to many langu. Cross-Platf. Cross-Platf. OS/GPLFIPL OS/LGPL OS/GPLcompatible Image libpng Cross-Platf. OS Image SDL image Cross-Platf. OS/LGPL Networking Boost.ASI O C++ Cross-Platf. OS/Boost Networking libpkg C Cross-Platf. OS/LGPL C Cross-Platf. OS/LGPL Networking HawkSo ft HawkNL Networking Quazal Net-Z PLAYMANCER Commercial Comments somewhere in that space, used in AAA game engines low level access to audio, keyboard, mouse, joystick, 3D hardware via OpenGL, and 2D video framebuffer. Extension to SDL for playing audio files real-time character animation system load, save, display, transform images suite to create, edit, and compose bitmap images PNG reference library image file loading library interface for async. IO through sockets BRL_CAD library, simple sync. & async. Interface Wrapper API over Berkeley/Unix Sockets and Winsock Authoring and integration platform, allowing rapid integration of networking 2-32 FP7 215839 D2.1b: State of the Art Category Maker 90/130 Tool name Language Platform License Networking OpenTNL C/C++ Cross-Platf. Networking SDL_net OS/GPL compatible OS/GPL Networking Zoidcom C++ C++ Comments players Free for non commercial use Networking jenkinss oftware RakNet Networking Demon Ware Matchmaki ng+/State Engine Commercial Networking eNet OS/Own Networking Twisted Python Networking Zig C/C++ Cross-Platf. Physics BRL-CAD raytracer C Cross-Platf. Physics Havok Physics Bullet Physics Library ODE Physics Physics Newton Dynami PLAYMANCER Newton Game Windows, Linux, and Unix OS PC Windows, Nintendo Gamecube, PlayStation 2, Xbox Cross-Platf. C/C++ Commercial OS/BSD-like Commercial OS/ZLib Cross-Platf. Cross-Platf. TCP, UDP, Part of SDL UDP based networking library, efficient bitstream transmission Reliable UDP and high level networking State synchronization C++ programming framework, not for MMOs Wrapper for reliable and unreliable streams over UDP unsync. networking Based on HawkNL, clientserver game networking engine High performance collision detection Free/Own SDK simulate vehicles, objects in virtual reality environments and virtual creatures scene management, FP7 215839 D2.1b: State of the Art Category Maker Tool name cs Dynamics Physics Physics Physics Physics 91/130 Language Platform Tokamak True Axis ThePhy sicsEngi ne Novodex True Axis C/C++ C++ License Comments Open/BSD collision detection, dynamic behavior Joints, friction, stacking, coll. det., rigid particle, breakage Free, Budget, Commercial nV Physics Collision, contact force, joints-ragdoll, vehicles Free Physics OPAL C++ Cross-Platf. Physics Chipmunk Game Dynamics Box2D C Cross-Platf. Joints, motors, sensors, event handlers For 2D games C++ Cross-Platf. 2D engine Physics OS/LGPL or BSD Game Engines With the advancement of the graphics and physics hardware acceleration cards, more and more game engines are developed, in an effort to optimally exploit their characteristics and stand out of the competition. While the sceptre in the engine features and processing power hold proprietary engines such as Unreal Engine III (by Epic Games), Gamebryo (by Numerical Design), Source (by Valve) there are some worth-mentioning open source efforts, robust enough for 3D applications development by external development teams, embraced by many 3D applications and game developers due to the low overall cost and the enthusiastic user community. Table 2 in page 97 overviews the currently updated list of game engines (by May 2008), maintained by the DevMaster web site [220]. An explanation of some of the features supported by contemporary game engines is provided below: Feature Culling System: Mipmap: PLAYMANCER Description The algorithm followed of removing from the rendering pipeline (culling) objects that are not within the viewing frustum (the volume of space that a camera can see) Sets of copies of one texture. Every mipmap is x2 smaller than the FP7 215839 D2.1b: State of the Art LOD: Environment Map: Lightmaps: Dynamic Shadows: Mesh interpolation: Terrain: Particle system: Mirrors: Curved Surfaces: Shaders: Bone Animation: Multiplayer: Multisession: Physics Engine: Scripting: Price: PLAYMANCER 92/130 one before. Used to alter the texture of an object using different versions of the same texture, by the distance of the object from the camera Level of Detail. It determines which version of an object to use, based on its distance from the camera. Usually 3 or more versions are produced for each viewable object (from low polygons-rough textured to high polygon-detailed textured ones). Technique for creating a texture on a surface that reflects the surrounding environment Light data structure which contains the brightness of surfaces. Lightmaps are pre-computed and used for static objects, usually during level loading time. In contrast to shadow mapping, which is a technique for static prerendered shadows, shadow volumes is a better technique for realtime shadow rendering. A technique for automatically adding intermediate key-frames in mesh object animation, thus refining their movement or transformation while rendering. Capability of the engine to render a terrain, and optionally to apply continuous Level of Detail (CLOD) on terrain mesh and texture. A particle system is a group of particles - usually small sprites used to model phenomena like clouds, vapor, fire, splashing water, sparks, explosions, and other volumetric effects. The ability of the game engine to easily render reflective planes The ability of the game engine to represent curves and curved surfaces. Popular curve systems are SPlines and Bezier surface patches. A program that runs on the video card. Shaders can be run for every vertex or pixel drawn. Vertex shaders are being executed whenever a vertex is transformed. Most common transformations done using vertex shaders are surface deformations (e.g. a moving water surface effect). A system that supports rugged body animation. An extension of such a system is the ragdoll dynamics, that is simulation of a bonestructured rigged body during free-fall. Support for multi-player game play Inherent requirement in massive multi-player games, multi-session guarantees that multiple sessions can be handled by different multiplayer parties at the same time. A system to calculate forces on objects and results of collision. Can include collision detection, rigid body dynamics, vehicle physics. The (high-level) scripted language (if any) that the developer can use to program the game engine features. When not free, this field represents the price to develop and distribute a commercial game (without getting royalties to the full source code of the game engine). FP7 215839 D2.1b: State of the Art 93/130 5.4.6 Overview and comparison of available game engines and tools Table 1 overviews proprietary and free, powerful and popular, contemporary game engines, based on their supported features. The legend of feature acronyms per feature type is given below: Feature Category Graphics API OS General Physics Lighting Shadows Texturing Animation Meshes Special FX PLAYMANCER Feature Acronym DX Sft OGL XB PS Lnx MC GC OO S/L B CD RB VP PV PP HL LM Ani SV PP SM B M-T Vl BM MM IK SkA AB FA Mph ML Sk Df Pr EM LF BB PS Feature Description Microsoft Direct X Software (no hardware graphics acceleration) OpenGL Microsoft XBox Sony PlayStation Linux MacOS Nintendo GameCube Object Oriented design Save and Load system Basic physics Collision Detection Rigid Body physics Vehicle Physics Per Vertex Per Pixel High Level Light-Mapping Anisotropic Shadow Volume Projected Planar Shadow-mapping Basic Multi-texturing Volumetric Bump-mapping Mipmapping Inverse Kinematics Skeletal Animation Animation Blending Face Animation Morphing Mesh Loading Skinning Deformation Progressive Environmental Mapping Lens Flares BillBoarding Particle System FP7 215839 D2.1b: State of the Art Terrain Networking Sound AI MB S W Fr Dc Fg Mr Rdr CLOD C-S M-S P2P SS Pf DM Scr FSM 94/130 Motion Blur Sky Water Fire Decalls Fog Mirror Rendering Continuous Level of Detail Client Server Master Server Peer to Peer Streaming Sound Path-finding Decision Making Scripted Finite State Machines The abovementioned list comprises of some free solutions, some low cost and some having parametric licenses. The quality of the available game engines is not dependent on the number of features that each of those supports, but rather on the efficiency of the code that implements each of those features. It is for this efficiency that some game engines are very expensive, while implementing just a subset of features supported by other low-cost or open source solutions. Such a critical factor is the Frames Per Second (FPS) rate that a specific scene can be rendered by a given 3D game engine, under a specific configuration of the enabled features (e.g. lighting algorithm, special effects chosen, shadows algorithm). 5.4.7 Conclusion Even if game engines comprise a very efficient middleware for game development, that fact alone does not mean that a game can be built without additional effort in understanding the engine. The learning curve of learning to exploit a game’s features is a cost that developers should take into account before acquiring a game engine. That level of support and the efficiency of carrying out the game logic, physics, sound, AI, network and rendering operations should determine the right choice among the multitude of solutions available in the market today, free of cost or commercial ones. From the solutions presented in Table 1, PlayMancer should exclude the expensive commercial ones like Valve, CryEngine, Gamebryo and Unreal3. Torque, despite having a low license cost and support for developers is a bit outdated in terms of rendering features and is best fitted for first person shooters. Crystal Space and Ogre3D are open source projects and have a wide and lively user base. Unity on the other hand, is a true cross-platform development suite, able to compile and build PLAYMANCER FP7 215839 D2.1b: State of the Art 95/130 game solutions for Windows, Apple, Nintendo Wii and i-Phone, having a low independent license price. Unity, NeoAxis, C4, 3DGameStudio also feature useful level editors or other game development editors (e.g. character editor). Overall, Unity, C4, 3DGameStudio and Ogre3D from the open-source domain, might best fit the PlayMancer goals in terms of features and tools for rapid game development. PLAYMANCER FP7 215839 Table 1: Overview of game engines in terms of supported features Game Engines Features Maker Source Valve NeoAxis NeoAxis CryEngine C4 TV3D Crytek Terathon TrueVision 3D OGL, DX OGL DX Irrlicht Graphics API DX Programming Language C/C++ C/C++, C# C/C++ C/C++ C/C++, C#, VB, Delphi Win Win Win, MC, PS Win Yes OO, plug-in, S/L Yes B, CD, RB Yes OO, plug-in, S/L Yes B, CD, RB Yes OO Win, Lnx, MC Yes OO Editors Physics Yes OO, plug-in, S/L Yes B, CD, RB CD, RB, VP GUI, Lmap CD Lighting PV, PP, LM PV Win, XB, PS, GC Yes OO, plug-in, S/L Yes B, CD, RB, VP , HL PV,PP, Ani PV, PP, LM PV, PP, LM Shadows Texturing SM, PP, SV B, M-T, BM, MM, Vl SkA, AB SV B, M-T, BM, MM IK, SkA, AB SM, PP, SV B, M-T, BM, MM SkA, AB SV B, M-T, BM SV B, M-T, BM, MM SkA, Mph ML, Sk ML, Sk, Pr ML, Pr Special FX SM B, M-T, BM, MM SkA, AB, Mph, FA ML, Sk, Pr, Df EM, BB, PS EM, BB, PS, MB, S,W, Dc, Fg, Mr EM, LF, BB, PS, S, W, Dc, Fg, Mr Terrain Rdr, CLOD EM, LF, BB, PS, MB, S, W, Fr, Dc, Fg, Mr Rnd OS Documentation General Animation Meshes Networking Sound AI Price C-S 2D, 3D Pf, DM, FSM, Scr Rdr, CLOD 2D, 3D, SS Pf C-S 2D, 3D Pf, DM, Scr C-S 2D, 3D, SS Variant $200 KA, SkA, Mph, AB ML, Sk OGL, DX, Sft C/C++, C#, VB.net ML Game Studio Conitec Datasystem s DX Crystal Space Torque Unity Garage Games OGL, Sft OGL, DX OGL, DX DX C/C++, Delphi C/C++ C/C++ C/C++ C/C++ Win Win, Lnx, MC Yes OO Win, PS, XB, GC Yes OO, plug-in, S/L Win Yes OO Yes OO B, CD, RB CD PV, LM PV, PP Yes BP, CD, RB, VP PV, PP, LM Yes BP, CD, RB, VP PV, PP, LM PP, SV B, M-T, BM, MM KA, SkA, Mph, AB ML, Sk, Df PP, SV B, MT, MM SM B, M-T, BM, Pr IK, FK, KA,SkA, AB ML, Sk, Pr Win, Lnx, MC, XB, PS Yes OO, plug-in, S/L Yes B, CD, RB, VP PV, PP, V, LM, Ani SM, PP, SV B, M-T, BM, MM, Vl, Pr IK, KA, SkA, FA, AB ML, Sk, Pr, Df EM, BB, PS, MB, S,W, Dc, Fg, Mr .Net C#, C++, JavaScript, Boo Win, MC PP, SV B, M-T, BM, MM IK, SkA, AB PP B, BM KA SM, SV B, M-T, BM, MM, Vl, Pr IK, SkA, AB ML, Sk, Pr ML, Sk ML, Sk, Pr EM, LF, BB, PS, S, W, Dc, Fg, Mr PS, MB, S, W, Mr EM, LF, BB, PS, MB, S, W, Fg Rdr, CLOD Rdr C-S 2D, 3D, SS Pf, Scr C-S 2D, 3D, SS Scr Var. Max $1495 $200 $2000 Yes OO, plug-in, S/L Yes BP, CD, RB, VP PV, PP, LM KA, SkA ML, Pr EM, LF, BB, PS, S, W, Fg, Mr EM, LF, BB, PS, S, Mr Rdr, CLOD, Sp Rdr Rdr Rdr, CLOD Free C-S, M-S 3D Pf, DM, FSM, Scr Max $800 2D, 3D Free EM, LF, BB, PS, S, Fr, Dc, Fg Rdr, CLOD, Sp C-S, P2P 2D, 3D, SS Pf, DM, FSM, Scr Unity Technologi es OGL, DX Ogre3D Epic Games Em, BB, PS, S, W, Fg Variant Unreal3 Numerical Design EM, BB, PS, MB, S, W, Fg 2D, 3D, SS GameBryo OGL, DX C/C++ Win, Lnx, MC Yes OO, plug-in, S/L B, CD, RB PV, PP, LM Free 6 Appendix 1: List of available Game Engines Table 2: Updated list of available game engines (May 2008) [220] Name Language 3DCakeWalk Python Platform License Graphics 2D/3D via Windows/Li Commercia DirectX and nux l OpenGL C-script like Commercia 3D via DirectX language/C+ Windows l +/Delphi 2D via Windows / AgateLib .NET Free Direct3D or Mono OpenGL Hardware accelerated Indie/Com AGen C++ Windows 2D via mercial Direct3D or OpenGL 2D via Commercia DirectDraw, AGL Engine C++ Windows l Direct3D or OpenGL DOS, Unix, Windows, Free (Open Allegro C BeOS, 2D and 3D Source) QNX, MacOS Artificial .NET Windows Free 3D via DirectX Engines A6 Game Engine Asphyre Axiom website Delphi / Windows Delphi .NET .NET Windows / Linux / MacOS Free LGPL 2D/3D via DirectX 3D via OpenGL/Direc tX/XNA Sound Networking Yes No Yes Yes Yes No Yes No Scripting Yes - Python scripting with 3DCW helpers Yes - Custom CScript scripting language Other features Plus Minus Compiler not required. High-level framework. Plugin-based architecture. Automatic memory management. In alpha development stage Many Physics No Yes - Lua Yes No No Yes No No Yes Yes No No Yes No No No No Runs entirely from Lua scripts Easy to start, several layers of abstraction, automatic resources High-level game states framework management, custom filesystems support GUI Editor Based on the very popular OGRE rendering engine. Versions later than v3.1 are only for BDS and Turbo Delphi D2.1b: State of the Art 98/130 Name Language Platform License Graphics Sound Networking Scripting Other features Plus Baja Engine C++/Lua Windows, Mac Os X Free 3D via OpenGL Yes Yes Yes - Lua Professional Results, Includes all tools Shaders, Shipped a Commercial game, Easy to use, Flexible Blitz3D Basic Windows Commercia l 2d/3D via DirectX7 Yes Yes Big community, a lot games BlitzMax Object Basic 2d via OpenGL Yes via BlitzBasic Yes Yes Yes via BlitzMAX Script Has many modules (GUI, 3D, Sound, Physics, etc ). Easy to start Blox Game Engine C++ Windows 2D via Direct3D Yes No No Color Blending, Alpha Blending, and many more. BlurredEngine C++ Windows Commercia 3D via DirectX l Yes Yes Yes via Lua Brume Game Engine .NET 2.0 (C#) Windows (XP/Vista) 3D via DirectX 9 Yes No No C4 Engine C++ 3D Yes Yes Cipher Game Engine Windows, Commercia MacOS l Yes - Visual Scripting C/C++ Windows 3D Yes Yes No ClanLib C++ PLAYMANCER Windows, Commercia Linux, l MacOS Free Free Commercia l Windows, Free (Open Accelerated Linux, Source) 2D MacOSX Yes Yes No Easy to start, support BSP, 3DS, better for shareware games Fast 2D engine, better for casual games(Arcanoids, Puzzles etc.), OOP, LUA Bind Free. Easy to use. Fully objectoriented. Includes basic collision detection. Choose between 2 different rendering systems(Software, Hardware). Minus Site does not indicate source is included with the download (or for that matter, is available). Hard to use art pipeline. Small community. No OOP. Basic syntax Has no 3D module Includes level editor and 3D gui components Have more modules (GUI, Sound, Easy to use, object oriented, Physics, Collisions, Animations, animation system, integrated Effects, Terrains, etc ). Easy to physics start Shader support. Dynamic lighting. Portals. Script editor. Support for Active development. Good support. many models. More. Collision Detection, AI Open Source. Lightweight networking. FP7 215839 Object-Oriented, simple, clean, easy to use, mature. There seems to be a slight lack of documentation (and most of it is somewhat D2.1b: State of the Art Name Clockwork Language C++ Crystal Space C/C++ DaBooda Turbo Engine VB/FB Delta3D License Windows Indie/Com None needed 2000-Vista mercial CRM32Pro Daimonin Platform 99/130 Graphics 3D via OGRE Yes via (OpenGL OpenAL render system) Networking No Closed 2D via Yes - API Yes - API built Source; Windows, SDL/glSDL built on top on top of LGPL Linux and optimized of announced SDL_Net MMX blitters SDL_mixer on site Linux, Windows, MacOS X Windows Free (LGPL) 3D via OpenGL 2D via DirectX8 C (server), Linux, 2d/3d via SDL GPL C++ (client), Windows, and OGRE3D java (editor) MacOSX 3D via Linux, C++ Windows, Free(LGPL) OpenSceneGr MacOSX aph (OpenGL) PLAYMANCER Sound Scripting Yes via Lua No Other features Plus Self-contained system (one multipurpose application for nearly all tasks). Only requires 3rd party Will include physics engine, GLSL applications for game resource shaders (and editor), OGRE creation (levels, models, audio, etc). material editor. Uses OpenGL 2.x.x, and GLSL for shaders. Will have physics engine, using PhysX. Editor written in C#(.NET 2), engine written in C++. XML parser, Log, proprietary file Full documentation (English and system to package your resources with full protection and Spanish). Cross-platform. Heavily useful EditorDPF to manage optimized for each current CPU them, graphics primitives, cursors, (MMX and SSE). Available as a DLL tiles, sprites, fonts, several FX or static library (only Win32). EditorDPF, a resources manager. effects, GUI system, accurate timer, MPEG-I video, full support SetupProyect, a customizable config of OGG,modules,WAV and VOC, system. Free. useful network API and more... Yes No Yes - Python, Perl or Java Yes No No Yes Yes Yes - Lua Complete MMORPG engine Yes Yes Client/Server and HLA Yes - Python ODE Physics, STAGE Game Editor, Much More FP7 215839 A well-supported open source project. Built upon other open source projects (OSG, ODE, Minus out-of-date). Also, there are no scripting facilities. In beta. D2.1b: State of the Art Name Language DarkbasicPro Basic Windows Shareware DizzyAGE C++ Windows DXGame Engine dx_lib32 2.0 VB6 Windows VB 6.0, VB.NET E76 game engine 100% lua scriptdriven EasyWay Game Engine Java Epee Engine Platform 100/130 C++ Windows License Graphics Sound Networking Scripting Other features 2D/3D via DirectX9 Yes Yes Yes - Darkbasic Big community, a lot games Free 2D via DirectX Yes No Free 2D+ via Direct3D Free Yes Yes 2D hardware DirectAudio via 8 and DirectGraphic DirectShow s (D3D8) 8 No No Yes 2D/3D via DirectAudio Yes - UDP Windows shareware OpenGL/Direc and and TCP tX software Windows, opensource 2D/3D via Linux, Mac GPL OpenGL OS Windows,Li zlib/libpng 2D SDL but PLAYMANCER Yes OpenAL Yes Yes - GS9 scripting language No Tool used to create Dizzy games, in the classic adventure style Automated Sprites. 2D Tile Map (Unlimited Layers). Collision Checking. Basic Particle Engine. High Level. No Movie playback. Easy input handling. PAK. Timers. Yes Newtonian physics. 3D sound. Cryptography. World management. GUI controls and skins. Event management. Keymapping. Dynamic lighting. 3D animation. World editor. Multilanguage support. No No No No Easily to expand. Perfect pixel collision. Pathfinding. See web site FP7 215839 Plus Minus OpenAL, etc.). Great for games, simulations, or other graphical applications. Supports massive terrains. Used by many large scale companies (e.g., Boeing, Lockheed Martin, etc.), educational institutions, and small developers. Easy to start. Support for BSP and No OOP. Basic syntax. 3DS. Single light DLL (VB6 Runtime and No full OOP interface. DirectX API only dependency). ActiveX DLL. All Simple interface. Easy to start. Several layers of abstraction. documentation and web Automatic resources management. site are in Spanish. Full documentation. 100% scriptable (no compiling required). Completely extensible and flexible. Easy to learn. Rapid development. Very easy to use and fast rendering Incomplete documentation Engine is still in the D2.1b: State of the Art Name Entropia Engine ephLib Language VB6/C Platform License nux,Mac,ho mebrew console planned Windows, and works perfectly with Wine LGPL on Linux (tested version 0.9.44) C++/Io OS X (Others in GPL/Other progress) Windows, Linux, Mac language OS, Fenix Project hibrid Solaris, (beta) between BeOs, Pascal and C DreamCast , GP32X FIFE - the Flexible Isometric Fallout-like Engine FlatRedBall 101/130 Open Source Graphics 3D planned using OpenGL Yes (Via DirectSoun d or FMod, 2D using or DirectX 8.1 DirectShow for music/video ) PLAYMANCER Windows Free Networking Scripting No No 2D/3D via OpenGL No No Yes IoLanguage 2D via SDL Yes MikMod Yes SDL_Net No Other features Plus See Web Site (or the SDK) Lots of utilities for a rapid game development. Particle engine. Sprite engine. Map engine. Dynamic lights engine. Tiler. Console. PAK file format. Minus early stages Web site in Spanish while Engine mostly English Constrained particle and rigid Easily modifiable. Suitable for body physics. Scalable polygonal Under development. prototypical development. and continuous collision detection. Perfect Pixel collision, path finding routine, music modules and Ogg Vorbis Support, cross plataform, Very easy syntax, documentation No official IDE very similitudes with Div Game and web site in english and spanish, (alternatives exist). 2D Studio: compatibility with more of a complete game of functions, easy via software. No OPP for newbies, the evolution of Div file formats (FPG, MAP, PAL, language. Buggy. etc...) and a few compatibility with Game Studio! the syntax and other functions of the Div language Yes: Python support out of Yes the box, Lua and (OpenAL No (Might be Planned support for complex a couple of other audio added later) rulesets languages backend) supported via SWIG. 3D via DirectX Yes No No Template, Collision Detection, 2D software Win32, renderer via Linux, Free (GPL SDL, hwC++, Python MacOS X, accelerated 2.0) mode via BSD OpenGL .NET Sound FP7 215839 One of the few open source 2D isometric game engines available Work in progress, not fully usable yet D2.1b: State of the Art Name 2.5D Language G3D C++ G3DRuby Ruby GameBrix Platform 102/130 License Linux, Windows, Free (BSD) MacOS X Windows, Free Linux None needed Web-Based Free Free and Windows Commercia l Game Maker Delphi Genesis3D C++ GhostEngine C++ Windows (Mac and Linux support is on the works) Goblin 2D+ C/C++ Windows Golden T Game Engine Java Windows, Linux, MacOS X Gosu C++, Ruby Windows Windows, Mac, Linux PLAYMANCER Graphics Sound Networking Scripting 3D via OpenGL No No No 3D via OpenGL No No No 2D Yes Yes, some Yes, script editor for ActionScript 2.0 2D/3D Yes Yes (limited) Yes - GML Yes, UDP No No No Yes No No Yes No Yes Free/Comm 3D via DirectX ercial 3D via Engine OpenGL/Direc code is tX, with No Zlib/libPNG DirectX -licensed support in the works Freeware, Mainly 2D via Shareware D3D but has and support for .X Yes - Own Commercia and .MD2 3D l models Free Free 2D via OpenGL 2D via OpenGL/Direc tX Other features Physics, Skeletons Plus Minus No programming required for making quick 2D web-based Games and Animations Terrific for making quick 2d tilebased games with easy scripting interface. Slow 3D support (via DirectX). Still under heavy development. Not ready for use yet. Small footprint. Able to make standalone executables (no DLL). FP7 215839 Active development - stable D2.1b: State of the Art Name Language HGE (Haaf's Game Engine) C++ HGE at SourceForge HGE Platform 103/130 License Graphics Sound Open Yes via Source Windows 2D via DirectX BASS (Zlib/libpng license) Horde3D C++, C DLL interface Windows Free (LGPL) Irmo C Linux Free Irrlicht C++/.NET ika C++ 3D via OpenGL 3D via DirectX(8,9), Windows, Free OpenGL or Linux, Mac (zlib/pnglib) various OSX software renderers 2D via Windows, Free (GPL) OpenGL Linux Jad Engine C# Windows LGPL 3D via Managed DirectX Jamagic 1.2 Jamascript Windows Commercia l (withdrawn 3D PLAYMANCER Networking Scripting Other features Plus No No Authoring tools, lightweight Easy to start, good engine structure Shader based design, skeletal animation, animation blending, morph targets, post processing effects like HDR or DOF, COLLADA support Lightweight next-generation engine with clean design Big Community. Good documentation. No No Yes - Lua No Yes Yes - Ruby No No Yes - Lua script Collision Detection, HDR, PARALLAX Yes No Yes - Python Very low overhead Yes MDSound and Vorbis.NET No No Yes Yes Yes Minus Active development. Stable. Focused to graphics cards that support shaders 2.0 or better. Uses Newton Physics Engine for movement and collision. HDR. FirstPerson and SelfDriven (exported from 3D Studio Max) Very more easy. Intuitive interface. No full documentation camera support. Skeletal animation using channels. Integrated postproduction system. AI Engine. Genetic Programming Framework. Inbuilt editors FP7 215839 Easy to learn. Can build online games like flash. No longer supported D2.1b: State of the Art Name Language JEngine SSE C++ Jet3D C/C++ jMonkey Engine Platform 104/130 License from sale) Windows, Free (GPL) Linux{Yes} Graphics Sound Networking Scripting Other features 2D via OpenGL Yes Yes Yes - Lua Yes Yes - JGN and jmenetworking Collision detection. Cg and GLS effects. GUI. Full 2D open source framework with editor. Yes - jMonkey Scripting Framework A Java scene graph based 3D game engine. See the latest release notes No No No No Windows Free 3D via DirectX Windows, Yes 3D via Linux, Free (BSD) OpenAL LWJGL MacOS X Sound Free Windows, 2D via (Creative Linux, Yes LWJGL Commons MacOS X License) Windows, Linux, Free (BSD) 2D MacOS X Java Joge Java JOGRE Engine Java Lightfeather 3d engine C++ Windows, Free Linux, (zlib/libpng) MacOS X 3D via OpenGL No Yes No LÖVE Lua Windows / zlib/libpng Linux 2D via OpenGL Yes No Yes 2D Yes Yes Lua ActiveX, Dll, many plug-ins, movement extensions No Yes Yes Yes Yes Comes with the full source code, allows to add/edit modules. Multimedia Fusion 2 Custom none scripting neabEngine PHP NeL C/C++ PLAYMANCER Windows Commercia l Free / Windows, Commercia 2D (AJAX) Linux l Windows, Free/Comm 3D via DirectX Plus GLSL and Cg shaders. HDR. MRT. Portals. Occlusion culling. PVS. Skeletal and morphing animation. Exporter for Blender to LFM format. Post-processing framework. Paging terrain with splatting. Built-in GUI. Many editors. More.. CEGUI Integration FP7 215839 Easy to Learn, a favourite with younger developers, online games like flash Minus D2.1b: State of the Art Name Language Platform Linux 105/130 License ercial Graphics or OpenGL Sound VB/Delphi/.N Windows Free 3D via DirectX DirectX ET Windows, 3D via DirectX NeoEngine C++ Free (MPL) Yes Linux or OpenGL Novashell Windows, ClanLib OpenAL Game Lua Linux, OS zlib/libpng (OpenGL) Creation X Windows Free 3D (OGRE OGE - Open (mingw, (LGPL) / C++ hence DX + OpenAL Game Engine VC), Linux Commercia OpenGL) (gcc) l Free Windows, (LGPL) / 3D via DirectX Linux, OGRE C++ No Commercia or OpenGL MacOS X l 2d via ORE VB6 Windows Free DirectX7 / Yes DirectX8 Windows / Yes Linux / Plugins 2D (plugins ORX metaFree MacOS X / C/C++ based on based on engine portable via (LGPL) SDL, SFML) FMod & plugins(DS, SFML PSP, ...) Ovorp Engine .NET Windows Free 2D via DirectX PAB game VB Windows engine Windows, Yes (FMod Free 3D Panda3D C++, Python Linux or OpenAL) Yes, Linux, 2D via Photon C++ zlib OpenAL Windows OpenGL NemoX 3D Engine PLAYMANCER Networking Scripting Other features Plus Minus Yes Yes Lua No Lua Fast game creation with Lua Sector based partitioning. Easy editing files. Level editor. Beta RakNet Squirrel GUI (CEGUI). Physics (ODE). Unicode. OGEd - Game Editor Multithreading. Clean OO. Early stage of development. Large Community. Good documentation. Used in severals Supports all high-end 3D technologies. Plug-in structure. large games and simulations. Open Source. No No Yes Yes No No Platform-independent design. Animation graph. Resource management. Physics. Yes Python, C++ No No Free models. Documentation. Simple installation. Easily portable on new platforms. Small dev team. No Plug-in architecture. Object oriented. editor. Scripting support Customizable. in progress. Yes Resource management FP7 215839 Easy to learn. Stable. Used in Disney's ToonTown. Good documentation Early in development. Uncertain future. D2.1b: State of the Art Name Language Platform Visual Basic PlayerRealms Windows 6 Linux, UNIX, PLib C++ Windows, MacOSX, MacOS9 106/130 License Free Graphics 2D via DirectX 7 No Yes Yes Yes Free 2D Yes No No Yes No Yes - Custom C++ scripting language Yes No Windows PowerRender C++ Windows, Commercia 3D via DirectX XBox l PTK Engine C++ PPTactical Engine For RTS games C++ PureBasic Basic PySoy Python Quake Engine C Quake II Engine C Free and Windows, Commercia Mac l PLAYMANCER Yes Scripting 2D and 3D via OpenGL C++ Mac OS X, Linux, Windows Linux, Mac OS X, Windows DOS, Windows, Linux, Mac OS X Windows, Linux, Mac OS X Yes Networking Free (LGPL) Popcap Framework Windows, Linux Sound Free (LGPL) 2D In-game editors Super Game Engine for developing super games like as Zuma Plus Minus Works on Windows 2000/XP/Vista No scripting capabilities A bit hard to use. PW seems a bit immature, Used in numerous projects. Up-toand the alternative is to date documentation. use the lower-level GLUT. have great game ZUMA Physics. Collision Detection. HDR. Easy to learn. Flexible engine. No Font, TTF, Spline, Tar files Lightweight Integrated Physics No proprietary dependencies Poor shadow support. 2D Commercia l Free (GPLv3) 3D via OpenGL Yes Yes GPL, Commercia l Yes, with OpenAL and Ogg Software, OpenGL Yes Yes QuakeC OpenGL Yes Yes GPL, Commercia l Other features FP7 215839 Still in Beta (lacks features) D2.1b: State of the Art Name Quake III Arena Engine Raydium 3D Language C C Platform License Windows, GPL, Linux, Mac Commercia OS l Windows, Free (GPL) Linux Ray Game None needed Windows Designer 2 The RealFeel Engine Reality Factory RealmForge 107/130 Windows XP/Vista VB6 Free Free (Closed Source) None needed Windows .NET Realmcore .NET / C# and Shardcore .NET / CLI Closed source. Graphics Sound Networking OpenGL Yes Yes 3D via OpenGL Yes via OpenAL 3D via OpenGL or Direct3D 2D 3D via Genesis3D (DirectX) 3D via Axiom (OpenGL) Other features Yes embedded PHP, Python bindings Physics via ODE Yes No Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Plus Minus Very limited gameplay Requires no programming. Very Collision Detection. Translucency. options. Outdated easy to use. Includes most needed Lighting. graphics engine. Very tools. small community. Designed for MMORPGs. Yes Complete server 2D and 3D via Yes via framework via DirectX or DirectX or Shardcore. OpenGL OpenAL Peer-to-peer and client-toserver within Realmcore. Yes via Lua Genre-agnostic. Fully extensible and modular game engine. APIagnostic implementations. Allows custom renderers. Yes No No User Interface Yes No No Completelty .NET 2.0 3D via RetinaX (C#). No Free (BSD) Managed DirectX wrapped C++ Libraries. Revolution3D VB/C++/.NET Windows Free 3D via DirectX PLAYMANCER Scripting FP7 215839 Incomplete - still in production. Easy to use. Well structured framework. D2.1b: State of the Art Name RPG Maker 2003 RPG Maker XP Language PTK Engine C++ Saq2D C# Platform 108/130 License C/Delphi Windows Shareware C/Delphi Windows Shareware Free and Windows, Commercia Mac l Windows Free Graphics Sound Yes via DirectX Yes via DirectX Networking Scripting Other features Level Editor Easy to use Yes Ruby Level Editor Easy to use 2D Yes No No Font. TTF. Spline. Tar files Lightweight 2D engine via XNA Soon Maybe No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes No No 2D 2D VB/C++/Delp Windows Free 2D hi Windows, Linux Commercia Source Engine C++ Direct3D (serverl side) The Nebula C++ Windows Free 3D via DirectX Device 2 Windows, Thousand Python, C++, 2D/3D Parsec Linux, Free (GPL) others Framework MacOS X TNT Basic Basic MacOSX Free (GPL) 2D Sprite Craft Windows, Commercia Linux, l MacOS X Yes Ruby VBScript/JavaSc ript 3D via OpenGL Yes OpenAL Yes Yes - Custom Torque Script 2D Yes OpenAL Yes Yes - Custom Torque Script Free for VB/Delphi/C+ Windows learning/Co 3D via DirectX DirectX Truevision3D +/.NET mmercial Yes Torque C++ Torque2D C++ PLAYMANCER Windows, Commercia Linux, l MacOS X Plus Havok Physics, Valve Faceposer Technology, VGUI, HDR Framework for online turn based space strategy games Mission Editor. Terrain Editor. WYSIWYG GUI editor. Particle engine. Theora video. Multiple language support. Physics. Plugins for popular Yes - VBscript, modeling packages. Active user Python, Java base. Normal Mapping. Relief Script Mapping. Complex shaders. FP7 215839 Open source. Large community. Many 3D modeling exporters. Minus D2.1b: State of the Art Name Language UnrealEngine2 / 2X / 3 C++ UnrealEngine2 Runtime C++ Unigine C++ Unity C++ XtremeWorlds VB6 vbGORE VB6 Visual3D.NET .NET 2.0 (C#) Platform License Windows, Linux, MacOS X, Commercia PS2, Xbox, l PS3, XBOX 360 Windows, NonLinux, MacOS X, Commercia l/ PS2, Xbox, PS3, XBOX Educational 360 Windows, Commercia Linux l 109/130 Graphics Sound Networking Scripting Other features 3D Yes Yes Yes via UnrealScript Physics. HDR (UE3). 3D Yes Yes Yes via UnrealScript 3D Yes Yes Yes UnigineScript Mac (developme nt), Commercia 3D via DirectX Windows, or OpenGL l web, Nintendo Wii Free Windows (Closed 2D Source) Free (Open Windows 2D via 3D Source) Commercia l, Free Windows, Student 3D via DirectX Xbox 360 Commercia or XNA l & Noncommercial PLAYMANCER Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes No Yes Yes - .NET languages, IronPython Yes Minus Expensive. Expensive. Physics. HDR. PRT. Pixel and vetex shaders (3.0). Soft shadows. Yes - .NET Ageia PhysX. Terrain engine. based Extensible shaders. JIT compiled scripts. Soft shadows. JavaScript, C#, Boo, or C++ Collaboration tools. Realtime DLLs networking. Yes Plus Designed towards ORPG and MMORPG design Designed towards ORPG and MMORPG design Visual development and prototyping. Ragdoll Physics. Normal-mapping. Shaders (3.0). HDR. Integrated runtime design toolset. Skinnable GUI. FP7 215839 Low cost. Tools. GUI. Many tools. Complete documentation. Source code is a separate license D2.1b: State of the Art Platform 110/130 Name Language YAKE Engine C++ Yage D Windows, Linux Free (LGPL) Zak Engine C++ Windows Free ZFX Community Engine 2D via DirectX 8.1 and 9.0 C++ Windows, Linux, BSD Free (LGPL) 3D via DirectX and OpenGL Edge2d Engine C++ Windows, Linux Open Source Phoenix Engine C# Windows, Mono Beta Windows, Linux PLAYMANCER License Free Graphics Sound 3D via OGRE Yes (OpenGL), OpenAL Direct3D9 3D via Yes OpenGL OpenAL Library independent (both DirectX and OpenGL) SDL.NET Networking Scripting Other features Yes Yes - Lua GUI via CEGUI, physics via ODE No No Yes Yes Yes AngelScript Yes Yes Yes - Lua Yes No No Object-oriented. Plug-in based. Yes Yes No IronPython Tiles Maps (AnaConda Map Editor). Sprites. Particle system. Bitmap fonts. FP7 215839 Plus Stable. Easy to use. Fast games development. Map Editor, Sprite, Plugin system, e.t.c Minus D2.1b: State of the Art 111/130 7 Appendix 2: Research on Games for Health AUTHORS Broeren , Rydmark , Björkdahl and Sunnerhagen Merians, Poizner, Boian, Burdea and Adamovich Coyle, Matthews, Sahrry, Nisbet and Doherty Walsche, Lewis, Sun, O´Sullivan and Weidergold PLAYMANCER YEAR 2007 METHOD All the subjects began with a baseline phase, then started the treatment phase and finally a follow-up assessment was made 12 weeks later. SAMPLE 5 hemi paretic, poststroke subjects. Mean age: 59 years INSTRUMENTOS/BIOSENSORES Computer Haptic Device Stereoscopic glasses 2006 All the subjects began with a baseline phase, then started the treatment phase. 6 males, 2 females with hemiparesis. Age mean: 64 18-sensor CyberGlove. Rutgers Master II-ND force feedback prototype glove. 2005 The "personal investigation" 3D therapeutic game was completed in three sessions over a 3 week period. Feedback in form of questionnaires and discussion with supervising therapist. 4 adolescents (2 boys and 2 girls) with ages 13-16. Computer 3D computer game Questionnaires 2003 Subjects with driving phobia post MVA were exposed to a VR driving environment using VR and GR simulation with computer games. 14 subjects with Simple Phobia/Accident Phobia VR and GR computer game Questionnaires heart rate monitoring MEASURES Collected by the movement of the haptic device Collected by 4 electromagnetic sensors in the Gloves. Jebsen Test of Hand Function. Subjective assessment. Feedback in form of questionnaires for therapist and adolescent. Therapist 5 Likert scale: 'very helpful' to 'very unhelpful' Young person 5 Likert scale: 'very easy' to 'very difficult' MINI Interview for major Axis I psychiatric disorders in DSM-IV and ICD 10. Fear of Driving Inventory: travel- distress, avoidance, maladaptive driving strategies; travel anxiety. Heart rate monitoring FP7 215839 RESULTS Aspects of motor performance improve after training; the gains were maintained at follow-up. This technology can detect small variations not detectable with naked eye. The subjects improved and retained gains made in range of motion, speed, and isolated use of the fingers. Literature review and presentation of the Personal Investigator (PI); a 3D computer game specifically designed to help adolescents overcome mental health problems and to engage more easily with mental health professionals. Post-treatment reduction on all measures which thereby suggests that VR and GR have a useful role in treatment of driving phobia post-accident even when depression and post-traumatic stress are present. D2.1b: State of the Art AUTHORS Bellack, Dickinson, Morris and Tenhula Rezaiyan,Mohammadi and Fallah Bouchard, Cote, St-Jaques, Robillard and Renaud Kristin, Bussey-Smith and Roger D. Rosen YEAR METHOD SAMPLE INSTRUMENTOS/BIOSENSORES MEASURES RESULTS CACR shows promise as cognitive remediation intervention because it incorporates several of the features and techniques that have been demonstrated his effectiveness in previous studies. 2005 The clients pass for each exercise with the help of a therapist. -- Computer-Assisted Cognitive Remediation Program with different modules. No Measures collected 2007 Both groups took the TPS as pretest. The EG experienced the computer game and the CG received no treatment. Both groups were assessed trough the TPS after 5 weeks. 60 mentally retarded subjects. IQ level: 50 - 70 Toulousse-Pieron Scale Computer Games Computer games increased the attention of Collected by the subjects, but the results do not have a Toulousse-Pieron Scale suitable consistency in the follow-up assessments. 2005 Patients were met 5 weekly sessions. 2 sessions to explaining 1 male, 10 females with their phobia and to introduce them arachnophobia. to the VR. 3 sessions VR treatment. Age mean: 30,73 After the last exposure patients filled the questionnaires. IBM Computer 3D editor of Half Live Head mounted display Joystick Collected by various questionnaires. Significant improvement between pre and post results on the behavioral avoidance test, Spider Beliefs Questionnaire, and perceived self-efficacy. 2007 No subjects. State_of_the_art critical analysis. Educational computer games In all articles collected by various questionnaires. Computerized asthma patient education programs may improve asthma knowledge and symptoms but their effect on objective clinical outcomes is less consistent. Computer TVEDGs Head Mouted Display Pc computer games Subject's verbal reports of levels of anxiety, sense of presence, Anxiety could be induced in phobic patients simulator sickness. by exposing them to phobogenic stimuli in Questionnaires therapeutic virtual environments derived measuring sense of from computer games (TVEDG). presence and symptoms of simulator sickness. Robillard, Bouchard, Fournier 2003 and Renaud PLAYMANCER 112/130 Three sessions of virtual exposure therapy were given to the phobic group. Phobogenic cues were immersed in periods of 20 minutes. After each 5 min the subjects gave verbal reports. The non-phobic group went through the same procedure but for in less sessions and less time. Review article 13 specific phobic patients (9 women, 4 men: mean age 33.7) and 13 non-phobic patients (9 women, 4 men: mean age 33.9). FP7 215839 D2.1b: State of the Art AUTHORS Rassin, Gutman and Silne Cook, Meng, Gu and Howery YEAR 2004 2002 Cohen, Hodson, O'Hare, Boyle, Durrani, McCartney, Mattey, Naftalin and Watson J 2005 Beale, Kato, Marin-Bowling, Guthrie and Cole 2007 PLAYMANCER 113/130 METHOD SAMPLE Interviews with the surgery and the control group to determine their favorite computer game types and their view on computer games as a form of education and moreover in the case of the surgery group their main concerns and fear before the surgery. Semi-structured questionnaire with some questions directed to the accompanying parent. A study carried out to develop a game:20 children aged 7-12 of whom 10 children awaiting surgery and 10 healthy children Pilot study using a robotic arm system to complete play-related tasks and compare the results to interventions using normal toys and computer games. 3 Groups, A: home-based intervention with FFW(N=23), B: Computer software(N=27), C: Control Group(N=27). Outputs: 9 weeks baseline and 6 moths followup by various language questionnaires. 2 Groups completed questionnaires at the beginning (baseline), 1 month after baseline and 3 months after. EG played Re-Mission and Indiana Jones, CG played only Indiana Jones, both were asked to play at least an hour a week during 3 months. INSTRUMENTOS/BIOSENSORES MEASURES RESULTS Interviews and semi-structured questionnaires Evaluation of interview recordings and questionnaire answers. Research show that children of the computer age have a preference for computer-assisted learning. Interviews and questionnaires revealed children's greatest fears before surgery and how they prefer cartoon- like games. 4 children with severe cerebral palsy aged 6-7 Software in form of a CRS robot manipulator Software control for switch controlling playback of movements by individual using interface switch. Measures movement capability and cognitive understanding through speed and movement. Children using the CSR robot manipulator were highly responsive to the robotic tasks but not to interventions using toys and computer games. 55 boys 22 girls Age Range 6 -10 years With speech-language pathologists Collected by various Fast ForWord-Language packages language Progress monitorized questionnaires 375 patients with cancer Age Range 19-23 Re-Mission (Serious Game) Knowledge Test FP7 215839 Each group made significant gains in language scores, but there was no additional effect for either computer intervention. 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Advanced Realtime Tracking GmbH AI Artificial Intelligence API Application Programming Interface AR Augmented Reality ASR Automatic Speech Recognition BN Bulimia Nervosa BPM Beats per Minute BSD Berkeley Software Distribution CAD Computer-Aided Design CAPTCHA Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart CAVE Computer Assisted Virtual Environment CBT Cognitive Behavioural Therapy CEO Chief Executive Officer CLOD Continuous Level of Detail CPU Central Processing Unit CSG Constructive Solid Geometry DDR Dance Dance Revolution DLL Dynamic Link Library DOF Degree Of Freedom DTD Document Type Definition ECG Electrocardiogram ED Eating Disorders EDR Electrodermal Response EEG Electroencephalogram EMG Electromyogram EOG Electro-Oculogram PLAYMANCER FP7 215839 D2.1b: State of the Art ESP Extra-sensory perception FOR Field Of Regard FOV Field Of View FPS Frames Per Second FSM Finite State Machine GIRLS Girls Involved in Real Life Sharing GL Graphics Library/Language GLSL GL Shading Language GLUT OpenGL Utility Toolkit GML Game Maker Language GPL General Public License GPRS General Packet Radio Service GPS Global Positioning System GSR Galvanic Skin Response GUI Graphical User Interface HCI Human Computer Interface HDR High-Definition Rendering HDRI High Dynamic Range Imaging HLA High Level Architecture HMD Head Mounted Display HMM Hidden Markov Model HR Heart Rate HRV Heart Rate Variability I/O Input / Output IDE Interactive Development Environment IMS Interactive Media Systems Group IREX Interactive Rehabilitation and Exercise System JIT Just In Time PLAYMANCER 128/130 FP7 215839 D2.1b: State of the Art LCD Liquid Crystal Display LGPL Lesser General Public License LOD Level of Detail MASM Microsoft Assembler MIT Massachusetts Institute of Technology ML Machine Language MMOG Massive Multi-player Online Games MMORPG Massive Multi-Player Online Role Playing Game MUPE Multi User Publishing Environment NEAT Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis NLG Natural Language Generation NPC Non-Playable Character OOP Object Oriented Programming ORPG Online Role Playing Game OS Operating System PC Personal Computer PDA Personal Digital Assistant PI Personal Investigator PIP Personal Input Pod PGR Psychogalvanic Reflex PRT Progressive Relaxation Training RAVE Reconfigurable Assisted Virtual Environment RGB Red Green Blue RPG Role Playing Game RTOS Real-Time Operating System SCL Skin Conductance Level SCR Skin Conductance Response SDK Software Development Kit PLAYMANCER 129/130 FP7 215839 D2.1b: State of the Art SDL Specification and Design Language SFT Solution Focused Therapy SRT Self-Report measures of Tension TCP Transmission Control Protocol TTS Text to Speech TUW Technische Universität Wien UA Universally Accessible UAG Universally Accessible Games UDP User Datagram Protocol UE Unreal Engine UK United Kingdom USB Universal Serial Bus VB Visual Basic VR Virtual Reality VRPN Virtual Reality Peripheral Network 130/130 WYSIWYG What You See Is What You Get XML eXtensible Markup Language PLAYMANCER FP7 215839