22 fundamental beliefs - Is The Trinity True Or False
22 fundamental beliefs - Is The Trinity True Or False
YEAR BOOK of the' Seventh-day Adventist Denomination The Official Directories 1931 Published by the REVIEW & HERALD PUBLISHING ASSOCIATION TAKOMA PARK, WASHINGTON, D. C. Printed in the U. S. A. Missionary Volunteer Reading Courses for 1931 nine books bring a great inspiration to THESE the young people of this denomination. They are carefully selected, both as to manuscripts and complete books, selected for their helpfulness as well as their interest. The three courses are as follows: SENIOR Messages to Young People Sindiga the Savage Verdure Valley Bible, Is It a True Book. $2.00 1.75 1.50 .25 Course Price, postpaid, $4.65 JUNIOR Boy's Life of the Wright Brothers $2.00 Henry Martyn, Apostle to the Mohammedans .75 Three Young Crows 1.75 Course Price, postpaid, $3.85 PRIMARY Men of Might Redstreak and Dickey $1.50 1.00 Course Price, postpaid, $1.85 Order of your Book and Bible House 1931 YEAR BOOK OF THE SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST DENOMINATION Comprising a Complete Directory of the General Conference, all Union and Local Conferences, Mission Fields, Educational Institutions, Publishing Houses, Periodicals, and Sanitariums. PREPARED BY H. E. RoGggs, Statistical Secretary of the General Conference. PUBLISHED BY REVIEW AND HERALD PUBLISHING ASSOCIATION WASHINGTON. D. C. Printed in the U. S. A. . likatkliliA*VM . :ligigclar;AA.AA NW FAREWELL THERE'S a place where the trail of men -divides, Through the mist of earth-born days; Where the infinite mind of God decides, And directs who goes, who stays. Somewhere we meet, in this earthly span, For a purpose that Heaven knows; And then again in Heaven's plan One stays and another goes. We meet each other and learn to love In the way that the Master told. Together we strive to live above The way that is lone and cold. Sword to sword and shield to shield We meet with a haughty foe; Till the trumpet calls to another field, And some of us have to go. 4 We never may guess when we part below How soon till the journey ends; But it helps a lot for us each to know When we part that we part as friends. And though the path of duty lies Through many a changeful fate, We'll hope to meet 'neath fairer skies At heaven's beautiful gate! —Selected. YAWWWVFVF9.kWOMIWWVWW PREFACE The following pages present a directory of the conferences, missions, and institutions connected with the Seventh-day Adventist denomination. The territory is divided into the following Division Conferences, each of which has the evangelistic organizations, churches, and membership indicated below: Unions Division 12 North America 6 Africa Australasia 1 7 Central European China 6 4 Far East Inter-America 5 Northern Europe 7 South America 4 Southern Asia 6 Southern Europe 7 Soviet 4 Totals ConferTotal ences Missions Orgs. 58 5 75 3 77 86 9 15 25 20 51 24 24 30 1 26 21 4 34 25 19 49 23 5 29 20 22 28 14 12 33 17 6 27 69 154 270 Totals 1,987 Licensed Missionary Ministers Licentiates 366 558 68 148 123 324 75 230 241 635 52 210 51 138 47 123 53 143 64 107 30 50 1,170 Memberahip 123,169 15,166 11,490 43,720 9,010 17,125 14,891 25,465 18,695 3,051 17,928 13,709 6,700 313,413 493 Evangelistic Laborers Ordained Division Ministers North America 905 Africa 101 Australasia 92 Central European 215 Far Eastern 164 Inter-American 81 Northern European 127 South American 76 Southern Asia 60 Southern European 96 Soviet 70 Churches 2,239 125 288 1,163 150 272 346 515 203 85 637 677 Total Col- Evangelistic porteurs Laborers 710 2,761 27 364 105 644 604 1,228 321 1,969 130 482 270 623. 217 651 21 569 274 585 175 2,666 15-. To find matter readily, use the Index. 2,679 10,051 0 PREFACE Institutional Laborers Division North America Africa Australasia Central European Far Eastern inter-American Northern European South American Southern Asia Southern European Soviet Primary School Teachers 966 399 135 46 216 56 459 168 193 2 Advanced School Teachers Publishing Employees 945 45 42 46 227 39 69 64 87 32 Total 2,640 1,596 Total evangelistic laborers Total institutional laborers 486 11 73 150 173 .. 90 . 49 40 42 1,114 Grand Total, December 31, 1929 Sanitarium Employees 2,922 124 139 167 279 .. 478 57 78 73 4,317 Total lnstitutional Laborers 5,339 619 788 459 945 95 1,096 338 398 150 10,227 10,051. 10,227 20,278 CONTENTS General Conference and 1 )epa rtm en t s Divisions: North American African Australasian Central European China Far Eastern Inter-American -Northern European South American Southern Asia Southern European U. S. S. R. institutions: Educational Publishing, Houses Periodicals Issued Sanitariums Treatment Rooms Statistical Tables Fundamental Reliefs Constitution of General Conference Ministerial Directory Obituary Record 5-20 21 -100 101 125 135 11;1 180 195 210 233 246 258 276 277 319 333 350 361 366 377 381 389 453 Directory of the Seventh-day Adventist Denomination GENERAL CONFERENCE Organized May 21, 1863 Territory: The following-named Di- Auditor: J. J. Ireland; Asst., W. E. Phillips. vision Conferences: North America, African, Australasian, Central Statistical Secretary : H. E. Rogers. European, China, Far Eastern, Appointed Assistant Inter-American, Northern European, South American, Southern Office Secretary: T. E. Bowen. Asia, Southern European, Union Secretaries of Departments of Socialist Soviet Republics. Cable Address: Adventist, Wash- Bureau of Home Missions: M. N. ington. (A B C Code, fifth Campbell; Associates: German, edition.) W. B. Ochs; Danish -Norwegian, N. R. Nelson; Swedish, Telegraphic Address: General ConH. 0. Olson; Miscellaneous Lanference, Washington, D. C. guage Work, Western Division, (NOT T akoma Park.) J. J. Reiswig; Eastern Division, Express and Freight Address: M. N. Campbell. General Conference, Takoma Park, D. C. (Not Washington.) Educational: C. W. Irwin; AssoConsign freight via B. & 0. Ry. ciates, W. I. Smith, C. P. Crager, C. A. Russell. Postal Address: Takoma Park, Washington, District of Co- Home Missionary: J. A. Stevens; lumbia, U. S. A. Associates, E. F. Hackman, L. E. Christman. Officers Medical: A. W. Truman, M. D.; President: C. H. Watson. Associates, L. A. Hansen, C. E. Vice-Presidents: I. H. Evans, 0. Rice, Kathryn L. Jensen. Montgomery, W. H. Branson, J. L. McElhany, J. F. Wright, W. Ministerial Association: A. G. Dan! fells; Associates, L. E. Froom, G. Turner, H. F. Schuberth, H. Meade MacGuire. • W. Miller, M. D., Frederick Griggs, E. E. Andross, L. H. North American Negro: F. L. Christian, N. P. Neilsen, A. W. Peterson. Cormack, A. V. Olson, H. J. Publishing: H. H. Hall; AssociLobsack. ates, C. E. Weaks, J. A. P. Secretary: C. K. Meyers. Green, E. E. Franklin. Associate Secretaries: E. Kotz, M. Religious Liberty: C S. Longacre; E. Kern. Associates, H. H. Votaw, M. C. Taft. Treasurer: J. L. Shaw. Assistant Treasurers: H. H: Cob- Sabbath School: Mrs. L. Flora Plummer; Associates, S. A. ban, Claude Conard, W. H. WilWellman, J. C. Thompson. liams. General Field Secretaries: MT. A. Young People's Missionary Volunteer: H. T. Elliott; Associates, Spicer, L. R. Conradi, W. W C. L. Bond, D. A. Ochs. Prescott, F. C. Gilbert, G. W. Schubert, G. W. Wells, J. W. Home Commission: A. W. SpaldWestphal. ing. 5 MEMBERS OF GENERAL CONFERENCE COMMITTEE Members at Headquarters President:%C. H. Watson. General Vice-Presidents: *I. H. Evans,*"0. Montgomery,.'W. H. Branson. Secretary: C. K. Meyers. Associate Secretaries: E. Kotz, M. E. Kern. Treasurer: J. L. Shaw. Assistant Treasurers: H. H. Cobban, Claude Cunard, W. H. Williams. General Field Secretaries: W. A. Spicer, L. R. Conradi, W. W. Prescott, F. C. Gilbert, G. W. Schubert, G. W. Wells, J. W. Westphal. Statistical Secretary: H. E. Rogers. Secretaries of General Departments Bureau of Home Missions: M. N. Campbell; Associates, German, PW. B. Ochs; Danish-Norwegian, ir N. R. Nelson; Swedish, ra 0. Olson; Miscellaneous Language Work, Western Division, 1.J. J. Reiswig; Eastern Division, M. N. Campbell. "C. W.irwin; Assosiates,wiV. I. Smith'C. P. Crager, lo'C. A. Russell. Home Missionary: J. A. Stevens; Associates, *E. F. Ilackman,i'L. E. Christman. Medical:' A. W. Truman, M. D.; Associatesn. A. HansenrC. E. Rice,PKathryn L. Jensen. Ministerial AssociatnrA. G. Daniells; Associates, L. E. Froom, teMeade MacGuire. North American Negro: F. „L. Peterson. Publishing: H. H. Hall; Associates, C. E. Weaks, J. A. P. Green, E. E. Franklin. Religious Liberty: C. S. Longacre; Associates, H. H. Votaw, M. C. Taft. Sabbath School: Mrs. L. Flora Plummer; Associates, S. A. Wellman, J. C. Thompson. Young People's Missionary Volunteer: H. T. Elliott; Associates, C. L. Bond, D. A. Ochs. Home Commission: A. W. Spalding.' • OTHER MEMBERS BY DIVISIONS North America Vice-President: J. L. McElhany Union Conference Presidents: Atlantic: E. K. Slade. Central: J. J. Nethery. Columbia: F. H. Robbins. Eastern Canadian: W. C. Moffett. Lake: W. H. Holden. Northern: Chas. Thompson. North Pacific: M. Lukens. Pacific: J. E. Fulton. Southeastern: W. H. Heckman. Southern: N. S. Ashton. K."""'^^"-71: M 713 Van Kirk. Western Canadian: S. A. Ruskjer. African Vice-President: J. F. Wright. Secretary and Treasurer: A. E. Nelson. Field: E. D. Dick. Departmental Secretaries: Educational: E. D. Dick. Medical: A. N. T.onge, M. D. Publishing and Home Missionary: L. A. Vixie. Sabbath School: W. B. Commin. Young People's Missionary Volunteer; J. I. Robison. GEINEB AL CONFERENCE Union Conference Presidents: Angola: W. H. Andersol \ Congo: C. W. Curtis. East Congo: C. W. Bozartln, South Africa: N. C. Wilso0 Southeast Africa: 0. U. Giddings. Zambesi: E. C. Boger. Australasian Vice-President: W. G. Turner. Central European Vice-President: H. F. Schuberth. Secretary: Guy Dail. Treasurer: 0. Schildhauer. Departmental Secretaries: Educational: Guy Dail. Home Missionary, Sabbath School, and Young People's Missionary Volunteer: R. Riihling. Medical: Dr. L. E. Conradi. Ministerial Association: Publishing: H. Box. Union Conference Presidents: Arabic: W. K. Ising. Czechoslovakian: M. H. Wentland. East German: Wilh. Milner. Hungarian: A. Minck. Netherlands East Indies: B. Ohme. South German: E. Guc,rel. West German: Hans Fenner. China Vice-President: Dr. H. W. Miller. Secretary: C. C. Crisler. Treasurer: C. C. Morris. Departmental Secretaries: Publishing and Home Missionary: John Oss. Educational and Missionary Volunteer: S. L. Frost. Medical: H. W. Miller, M. D. Ministerial: Frederick Lee. Sabbath School: Bessie Mount. Union Presidents: Central China: N. F. Brewer. East China: K. H. Wood. Manchuria: Bernhard Petersen. North China: C. J. Appel. South China: O. A. Hall. West China; M. C, Warren, Far Eastern Vice-President:. Frederick Griggs. Secretary: Eugene Woesner. Treasurer: Eugene Woesner. Departmental Secretaries: Educational and Young People's Missionary Volunteer: W. P. Bradley. Home Missionary and Publishing: J. H. McEachern. Medical: Dr. H. A. Hall. Ministerial: Frederick Griggs. Sabbath School: Mrs. Frederick Griggs. Union Mission Superintendents: Chosen: H. A. Oberg. Japan: V. T. Armstrong. Malayan: J. G. Gjording. Philippine: E. M. Adams. Inter-American Vice-President: E. E. Andross. Secretary and Treasurer: F. L Harrison. Field Secretary: C. E. Wood. Departmental Secretaries: Educational and Sabbath School: W. L. Adams. Home Missionary: C. E. Wood. Publishing: W. A. Bergherm. Young People's Missionary Volunteer: Mrs. E. E. Andross. Union Mission Superintendents: Antillian: A. R. Ogden. Central American: W. E. Baxter. Caribbean: W. R. Elliott. Colombia-Venezuela: H. E. Baasch. Mexican: Northern European Vice-President: L. H. Christian. Secretary: W. E. Read. Treasurer: Chr. Pedersen. Field Secretary: —. Departmental Secretaries: Educational and Home Missionary: L. F. Oswald. Medical: A. Andersen, M. D. Ministerial Association; —, GENERAL CONFERS SCE 8 Publishing: J. J. Strahle. Sabbath School: Gust. Lindsay. Young People's Missionary Volunteer: Gust. Lindsay. Union Conference Presidents: Baltic: T. T. Babienco. British: W. H. Meredith. East African: S. G. Maxwell. Ethiopian: M. J. Sorenson. Nigerian: W. McClements. Polish: John Isaac. Scandinavian: 0. E. Nord. Union Mission Superintendents: Bombay: J. S. James. Burma.: J. Phillips. Northiast India: G. G. Lowry. Northwest India: A. H. Williams. South India: H. Christensen. South American Vice-President: N. P. Neilsen. Secretary and Treasurer: C. L. Departmental Secretaries: Educational and Sabbath School: L. L. Caviness. Home Missionary: Steen Rasmus- Bauer. Departmental Secretaries: Educational and Young Pecple's Missionary Volunteer: A. W. Peterson. Home Missionary: R. R. Breitigam. Publishing: J. L. Brown. Sabbath School: A. W. Peterson. Union Conference Presidents: Austral: N. Z. Town. East Brazil: E. H. Wilcox. Inca: L. D. Minner. South Brazil: Southern Asia Vice-President: A. W. Cormack. Secretary and Treasurer: C. L. Departmental Secretaries: Educational and Sabbath School: E. M. Meleen. Home Missionary and Young People's Missionary Volunteer: J. F. Ashlock. Medical: H. C. Menkel, M. D. Publishing: L. C. Shepard. Southern European Vice-President: A. V. Olson. Secretary: Steen Rasmussen. Treasurer: F. Brennwald. Field Secretary: J. C. Raft. sen; Associate, F. Charpiot. Field Secretary: J. C. Raft. Medical: Dr. J. Nussbaum. Ministerial Association: J. C. Raft. Publishing: F. Charpiot. Young People's Missionary Volunteer: Steen Rasmussen. Union Conference Presidents: Franco-Belgian: Oscar Meyer. Iberian: Robert Gerber. Italian: G. L. Lippolis. Jugoslavian: J. F. Huenergardt. North African: Jules Rey. Rumanian: D. N. Wall. Swiss: P. P. Paulini. Union of Socialist Soviet Republics Officers: —. Elective Members W. T. Knox, E. R. Palmer, F. M. Wilcox, Dr. P. T. Mahan, C. H. Jones, M. F. Knox, Dr. W. A. Ruble, W. C. White, W. E. Nelson, H. J. Sheldon, W. E. Howell, B. E. Beddoe, G. E. Peters, C. B. Haynes. GENERAL DEPARTMENTS BUREAU OF HOME MISSIONS Office: General Conference, Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Secretary: M. N. Campbell. Associate Secretaries: H. 0. Olson, W. B. Ochs, N. R. Nelson, J. J. Reiswig. Superintendents: French, L. F. Passebois. Spanish, H. D. Casebeer. Jewish, F. C. Gilbert. Advisory Committee: M. N. Campbell, N. R. Nelson, H. 0. Olson, W. B. Ochs, J. J. Reiswig, L. VI Passebois, H. D. Casebeer, F. C. Gilbert. Danish-Norwegian Department Secretary: N. R. Nelson, 2427 First Ave., South, Minneapolis, Minn. Advisory Committee: N. R. Nelson, 2427 First Ave., South, Minneapolis, Minn. A. G. Christiansen, 734 Main St., Nevada, Iowa. 0. J. Dahl, 614 50th St., Brooklyn, N. Y. C. A. Thorp, Brookfield, Ill. A. J. Lockert, 1612 King St., La Crosse, Wis. David Olson, 206 East Wisconsin St., Jamestown, N. Dak. David Gulbrandson, c/o Maplewood Academy, Hutchinson, Minn.. German Department Secretary: W. B. Ochs, Box 340, Rt. 1, LaGrange, Ill. Advisory Committee: W. B. Ochs, Box 340, Rt. 1, La Grange, Ill. M. H. Schuster, c/o Broadview Colleoe, La Grange, Ill. J. E. Patzkowski, Pure Oil Bldg, Room 1488, 35 East Wacker Drive, Chicago, Ill. G. A. Grauer, 5216 Eagle Rock Blvd., Eagle Rock, Calif. E. H. Oswald, Box 512, Madison, Wis. K. A. Offerman, care Pacific Press Pub. Assn., Brookfield, Ill. Miscellaneous Languages Department — Western Division Secretary: J. J. Reiswig, Box 202, College Place, Wash. Advisory Committee: J. J. Reiswig, Box 202, College Place, Wash. J. C. Michalenko, c/o Academy, Harvey N. Dak. K. Nozaki, 2103 Bush St., San Francisco, Calif.. M. H. Philbrick, College Heights, Lacombe, Alberta. Wm. Ruminson, College Heights, Lacombe, Alberta. M. A. Maloney, 537 25th St., Oakland, Calif. Miscellaneous Languages Department — Eastern Division Secretary: M. N. Campbell. Advisory Committee: M. N. Campbell, Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Paul Matula, 3901 Stickney Ave., S. W., Cleveland, Ohio. R. Calderone, 3256 Germantown Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. D. A. Mozar, La Grange, Ill. J. W. Kasa, Pure Oil Bldg., Room 1488, 35 E. Wacker Drive, Chicago, Ill. Swedish Department Secretary: H. 0. Olson, Route 1, Box 366, La Grange, Ill. Advisory Committee: H. 0. Olson, La Grange, Ill. August Anderson, Route 1, Box 345, La Grange, Ill. 0. Granlund, 3204 South Arthur Ave., Brookfield, Ill. 9 10 GENERAL CONFERENCE J. A. Swenson, 2208 17th Ave., Rockford, Ill. A. 0. Lund, 176 East 55th St., Brooklyn, N. Y. 0. J. Nerlund, 5656 West Augusta St., Chicago, Ill. August S. Anderson, 2101 28th Ave., South, Minneapolis, Minn. French Department Director: L. F. Passebois, Sterling Junction, Mass. Advisory Committee: L. F. Passebois, Sterling Junction, Mass. M. N. Campbell, Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. J. Fortier, 32 Chestnut St., Lynn, Mass. H. H. Rans, Box 398, Oshawa, Ontario, Canada. And the President of Eastern Canadian Union Conference. Jewish Department Director: F. C. Gilbert, Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Advisory Committee: F. C. Gilbert, Takoma Park, Wash-. ington, D. C. J. L. McElhany, Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. M. N. Campbell, Takoma Park Washington, D. C. Kaplar., :Pacific cress, Brookfield, Ill. Spanish Department Director: H. D. Casebeer, 129 Carr Drive, Glendale, Calif. Advisory Committee: H. D. Casebeer, 129 Carr Drive, Glendale, Calif. M. N. Campbell, Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. C. S. Nicolas, 1940 Judson St., Los Angeles, Calif. F. H. Westphal, Box 146, Glendale, Calif. M. Fernandez, Box 1359, Phoenix, Ariz. C. F. Staben, 1009 Convent Ave., Laredo, Texas. EDUCATIONAL DEPARTMENT Office Address: Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Officers Secretary: C. W. Irwin. Associate Secretary Higher Education: W. I. Smith. Associate Secretary Secondary Education: C. P. Crager. Associate Secretary Elementary Education: C. A. Russell. Assistant Elementary Education and Editorial: Mrs. Flora H. Williams. Division Secretaries African: E. D. Dick, Grove Ave., Claremont, Cape Province, South Africa. Australasian: H. K. Martin, Cooranbong, New South Wales, Australia. Central European: Guy Dail, Regensburgerstrasse 22, Berlin W. 50, Germany. Far Eastern: S. L. Frost, 25 Ningkuo Road, Shanghai, China. Inter-American • W. L. Box 0, Balboa, Canal Zone. Northern European: L. F. Oswald, 41 Manor Gardens, Edgware, Middlesex, England. South American: A. W. Peterson, Calle Pino 3801, Buenos Aires, Argentina, South America. Southern Asia: E. M. Meleen, Box 15, Poona, India. Southern European: L. L. Caviness, Hhhweg 17, Berne, Switzerland. Union Secretaries The educational secretaries of the Union Conferences in North America are members ex-officio. GENERAL CONFERENCE General Conference Members (All of whom may be addressed at Takoma Park, Washington, D. C.) W. E. •Howell, Claude Conard, H. T. Elliott, Kathryn L. Jensen, M. E. Kern, C. S. Longacre, J. L. McElhany, C. K. Meyers, M. E. Olsen, W. W. Prescott, J. L. Shaw, A. W. Spalding, J. C. Thompson. College Presidents H. H. Hamilton, Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. 0. M. John, South Lancaster, Mass. P. T. Magan, M. D., 304 North Boyle Ave., Los Angeles, Calif. W. E. Nelson, Angwin, Napa Co., Calif. J. E. Weaver, College Place, Wash. .T. W. Steen, La Grange, Ill. P. L. Thompson, College View, Nebr. • L. H. Wood, Berrien Springs, Mich. Junior College Presidents C. W. Degering, Oshawa, Ontario, Canada. E. E. Cossentine, c/o So. Calif. Jr. • College, Arlington, Calif. C. E. Kellogg, Keene, Tex. H. J. Klooster, Collegedale, Tenn. C. 0. Smith, College Heights, via Lacombe, Alberta, Canada. J. A. Tucker, Huntsville, Ala. Academy Principals G. H. Simpson, Holly, Mich. A. W. Johnson, Hutchinson, Minn. H. E. Westermeyer, Gaston, Ore. V. P. Lovell, Enterprise, Kans. D. A. Ochs, Lodi, Calif. A. J. Olson, Mount Vernon, Ohio. Foreign School Principals W. B. Ammundsen, Box 1772, Manila, Philippine Islands. 0. Angervo, Annegatan 7, Helsingf ors, Finland. I. F. Blue, Mussoorie, India. H. M. Johnson, Vejle, Denmark. E. R. Colson, Nyhyttan, Jarnboas, Sweden. 11 H. K. Martin, Cooranbong, N. S. W., Australia. H. Erzberger, Neandertal, Post Mettman, Rhineland, Germany. P. J. Gaede, Strada Viilor 53, Diciosanmartin, Transylvania, Rumania. Herbert Hanson, Algarheim, Jesshelm, Norway. V. E. Hendershot, 401 Upper Serangoon Road, Singapore, Straits Settlements. J. S. Marshall, Puiggari, F. C. E. R., Entre Rios, Argentina, South America. W. Michael, Friedensau, Post Grabow, Bez. Magdeburg, Germany. A. N. Nelson, Kaano-mura, Kimitsu-gun, Chiba-ken, Japan. D. E. Rebok, Chiao Tou Djen, via Siashu, Kiangsu, China. Milton Robison, Box 22, Somerset West, Cape, South Africa. Henri Evard, Collonges sous Saleve, Haute Savoie, France. Wm. Lay, Bielsko-Kamienica 230, Slask, Poland. 0. Schuberth, Marienhoehe-Darmstadt, Hessen, Germany. J. Simon, Lodenice 51, p. Beroun u. Prahy, Czechoslovakia. G. B. Taylor, Colegio Adventista, Santo Amaro, Sao Paulo, Brazil, South America. W. G. Murdoch, Stanborough Park, Watford, Herts, England. Members of Survey Committee (All of whom may be addressed at Takoma Park, Washington, D. C.) C. W. Irwin, W. I. Smith, J. L. Shaw, J. L. McElhany, Claude Conard. Board of Regents: C. H. Watson, 0. Montgomery, W. H. Branson, J. L. McElhany, J. L. Shaw, M. E. Kern, C. K. Meyers, F. M. Wilcox, M. Lukens, S. A. Ruskjer, W. E. Howell, C. W. Irwin, W. I. Smith, C. P. Crager, P. T. Magan, M. D., E. H. Risley, M. D., Kathryn L. Jensen, W. E. Nelson, P. L. Thomp- 12 GENERAL CONFERENCE son, L. H. Wood, H. H. Hamilton, 0. M. John, H. J. Klooster, H. G. Lucas, Claude Conard, G. H. Simpson. HOME MISSIONARY DEPARTMENT Office Address: Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Officers Secretary: J. A. Stevens. Associate Secretary: E. F. Hackman. Associate Secretary: L. E. Christman. Office Secretary: Division Secretaries Africa: L. A. Vixie, Grove Ave., Claremont, Cape, South Africa. Australia: W. J. Westerman, " Mizpah," Wahroonga, N. S. W., Australia; Assistant, S. V. Stratford. Central Europe: R. Riffiling, Regensburgerstrasse 22, Berlin W. 50, Germany. China: John Oss, 25 Ningkuo Road, Sh.,,,,gbni, Far Eastern: J. H. McEachern, Box 2993, Manila, Philippine Islands. Inter-American: C. E. Wood, Box 0, Balboa, Canal Zone. Northern European: L. F. Oswald, 41 Manor Gardens, Edgware, Middlesex, England. South American: R. R. Breitigam, Calle Pino 3801, Buenos Aires, Argentina, South America. Southern Asia: J. F. Ashlock, Box 15, Poona, India. Southern European: Steen Rasmussen, Hiiheweg 17, Berne, Switzerland. Union Secretaries (All Home Missionary Secretaries of organized union conferences and union missions are members ex-officio.) Other Members (All of whom may be addressed - at Takoma, Park, Washington, D. C.) I. H. Evans, M. N. Campbell, S. A. Wellman, H. T. Elliott, J. W. Mace, H. H. Hall, H. H. Cobban. MEDICAL DEPARTMENT Office Address: Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Officers Secretary: A. W. Truman, M. a• Associate Secretary: L.A. , Hansen. Associate Secretary: C. E. Rice. Associate Secretary for Nurses' Division: Kathryn L. Jensen, R. N. Assistant Secretary for Medical Education: P. T. Megan, M. D., 304 North Boyle Ave., Los Angeles, Calif. Assistant Secretary for Institutions in Western United States: G. K. Abbott, M. D., Glendale, Con. Assistant Secretary for Institutions in Eastern United States: W. A. Ruble, M. D., Melrose, Mass. Division Secretaries African: A. N. Tonge, M. D.; Assistant, Miss E. Hinterleitner, R. N., Grove Avenue, Claremont, Cape Province, South Africa. Australasian: T. A. Sherwin, M. D., " Mizpah," Wahroonga, N. S. W., Australia. Central European: L. E. Conradi, M. D., Sanitarium " Waldfriede," Alsenstrasse 99-109, Berlin-Zelllendorf-West, Germany. GENERAL CONFERENCE ' China: FL W. Miller, M. D., Box 1281, Shanghai, China. • Far Eastern: H. A. Hall, M. D., Box•2993, Manila, Philippine Islands. Northern European: Dr. A. Andersen, Sanitarium, Skodsborg, Denmark. Southern Asia: H. C. Menke', M. D., Box 15, Poona, India. Southern European: Dr. J. Nussbaum, 49, Avenue de la GrandeArmee, Paris 16e, France. (All Union Conference medical secretaries are members exofficio, and should be addressed at the union office.) Other Members F. A. Stahl, Casilla 161, Iquitos,. Peru, South America. C. W. Harrison, M. D., Sydney Sanitarium, Wahroonga, N. S. W., Australia.' J. N. Andrews, M. D. Tatsienlu, Szechwan, China. G. A. S. Madgwick, M. D., Gendia Mission, Kenya, via Kisumu, Kenya Colony, British .East Affrica. D. H. Kress, M. D., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. G. H. Heald, M. D., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. C. W. Irwin, Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. The Medical superintendent, business manager, and superintend- ent of nurses in each regularly organized and denominationally recognized medical institution. The President and the Dean of the College of Medical Evangelists. MINISTERIAL ASSOCIATION Office Address: Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Officers Secretary: A. 0. Daniells. Associate Secretary: L. E. Froom. 13 Associate Secretary: Meade MacGuire. Office Secretary: Mrs. J. W. Mace. Division Secretaries African: E. D. Dick, Grove Avenue, Claremont, Cape Province, South Africa. Australasian: W. G. Turner, "Mizpah," Wahroonga, N. S. W., Australia. China: Fredrick Lee, 25 Ningkuo Road, Shanghai, China. Far Eastern: Frederick Griggs, Box 2993, Manila, Philippine Islands. Inter-American: C. E. Wood, Box 0, Balboa, Canal Zone. Northern European: L. F. Oswald, 41 Manor Gardens, Edgware, Middlesex, England. South American: N. P. Neilsen, Calle Pi.no 3801, Buenos Aires, 'Argentina, South America. Southern Asia: J. S. James, Post Box 15, Poona, India. Southern . European: J. C. Raft, Hoheweg 17, Berne, Switzerland. Advisory.Council Address at General Conference Office: C. H. Watson, 0. Montgomery, I. H. Evans, J. L. Shaw, J. L. McElhany, W. H. Branson, C. K. Meyers, E. Kotz, M. E. Kern, A. G. Daniells, F. M. Wilcox, W. W. Prescott, C. B. Haynes, C. W. Irwin, H. T. Elliott, G. W. Wells, Meade MacGuire, L. E. Froom. North American Members-at-large: J. E. Fulton, Box 146, Glendale, Calif.; E. K. Slade, South Lancaster, Mass.; W. E. Howell, Takoma Park, D. C.; T. G. Bunch, Loma Linda, California; M. E. Olsen, Takoma Park, D. C.; Rose E. Boose, Loma Linda, Cal if. ; Mary E. Walsh, East 'Hartford, Conn. 14 GENERAL CONFERENCE Division Members African: J. F. Wright, E. D. Dick, Grove Ave., Claremont, Cape, South Africa: Australasian: W. G. Turner, "Mizpah," Wahroonga, N. S. W., Australia. Central European: H. F. Schuberth, Regensburgerstrasse 22, Merlin W. 50, Germany. China: H. W. Miller, M. D.; Frederick Lee, 25 Ningkuo Road, Shanghai, China. Far Eastern: Frederick Griggs, Box 2993, Manila, Philippine Islands. Inter-American: E. EL Andross, C. E. Wood, Box 0, Balboa, Canal Zone. Northern European: L. H. Christian, L. F. Oswald, 41 Manor Gardens, Edgware, Middlesex, England. South American: N. P. Neilsen, Calle Pino 3801, Buenos Aires, Argentina, South America. Southern Asia: A. W. Cormack, Post Box 15, Poona, India; J. S. James, Post Box 15, Poona, India. Southern European Division: A. V. Olson, J. C. Raft, Hoheweg 17, Berne, Switzerland. M. B. Van Kirk, 518 Terminal Bldg., Oklahoma City, Okla. F. H. Robbins, .507 Flower Ave., Takoma Park, D. C. J. E. Fulton, Box 146, Glendale, Calif. E. K. Slade, South Lancaster, Mass. J. A. Tucker, Oakwood Junior College, Huntsville, Ala. G. E. Peters, 381 Edgecomb Ave., New York, N. Y. M. C. Strachan, 2001 Twentyfourth Ave., North, Nashville, Tenn. B. W. Abney, Cook St. and Sarah Ave., St. Louis, Mo. J. G. Dasent, 7017 Cedar Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. H. J. Miller, 518 Terminal Bldg., • Oklahoma City, Okla. J. G. Thomas, 717 First National Bank Bldg., Chattanooga, Tenn. P. G. Rodgers, 1207 West 98th St., Los Angeles, Calif. J. E. Cox, 1503 Christian St., Philadelphia, Pa. T. H. Allison, 535 New Jersey St., Kansas City, Kans. Miss Anna Knight, 717 First National*Bank Bldg., Chattanooga, Tenn. L. H. Bland, 2105 Scovel St., Nashville, Tenn. J. F. Crichlow, Box 205, Knoxville, NORTH AMERICAN NEGRO DEPARTMENT PUBLISHING DEPARTMENT Office Address: Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Officers Secretary: H. H. Hall. Associate Secretaries: C. E.Weaks, E. E. Franklin, J. A. P. Green. Division Secretaries African: L. A. Vixie, Grove Ave., Claremont, Cape Province, South Africa. Australasian: J. J. Potter, "Mizpah," Wahroonga, New South Wales, Australia. Secretary: F. L. Peterson, Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Other Members N. S. Ashton, 2001 Twenty-fourth Ave., North, Nashville, Tenn.. W. H. Heckman, 717 First National Bank Bldg., Chattanooga, Tenn. W. H. Holden, Drawer C, Berrien Springs, Mich. J. J. Nethery, 303 West Seventh St., College View, Nebr. GENERAL CONFERENCE Central European: H. Box, Regensburgerstr. 22, Berlin W. 50, Germany. Far Eastern: John Oss, 25 Ningkuo Road, Shanghai, China. Inter-American: W. A. Bergherm, Box 0, Balboa, Canal Zone. Northern European: J. J. Strahle, 41 Manor Gardens, Edgware, Middlesex, England. South American: J. L. Brown, Calle Pino 3801, Buenos Aires, Argentina, South America. Southern Asia: L. C. Shepard, Box 15, Poona, India. Southern European: F. Charpiot, Hoheweg 17, Berne, Switzerland. Ex-officio Members Union Field Missionary Secretaries. Publishing House Managers (see list in directories of Publishing Houses in later pages). Managers of Circulating Departments and Branches. Superintendents and Treasurers. Other Members W. C. White, R. F. D. 1, St. Helena, Calif. J. L. McElhany, Takoma Park, ' Washington, D. C. W. G. Turner, "Mizpah," Wahroonga, New South Wales, Australia. Dr. H. W. Miller, 25 Ningkuo Road, Shanghai, China. L. H. Christian, 41 Manor Gardens, Edgware, Middlesex, England. L. R. Conradi, Grindelberg 15a, Hamburg 13, Germany. J. W. Wright, Grove Ave., Claremont, Cape, South Africa. N. P. Neilsen, Calle Pino 3801, Buenos Aires, Argentina, South America. A. W. Cormack, Box 15, Poona, India. E. E. Andross, Box 0, Balboa, Canal Zone. 15 A. V. Olson, Hoheweg 17, Berne, , Switzerland. H. F. Schuberth, Regensburgerstr. 22, Berlin W. 50, Germany. M. N. Campbell, Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. J. A. Stevens, Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. RELIGIOUS LIBERTY DEPARTMENT Office Address: Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Officers Secretary: C. S. Longacre. Associate Secretary: H. H. Votaw. Associate Secretary: M. C. Taft. Division Secretaries African: J. F. Wright, Grove Ave., Claremont, Cape, South Africa. Australasian: A. W. Anderson, " Mizpah," Wahroonga, N. S. W., Australia. Central European: H. F. Schuberth, Hoheweg 17, Berne, Switzerland. China: Dr. H. W. Miller, 25 Ningkuo Road, Shanghai, China. Far Eastern: Frederick Griggs, Box 2993, Manila, Philippine Is. Inter-American: E. E. Andross, Box 0, Balboa, Canal Zone. Northern European: L. H. Christian, 41 Manor Gardens, Edgy ware, Middlesex, England. South American: N. P. Neilsen, Calle Pino 3801, Buenos Aires, Argentina, South America. Southern Asia: A. W. Cormack, Box 15; Poona, India. Southern European: A. V. Olson, Hoheweg 17, Berne, Switzerland. Union Secretaries The Religious Liberty secretaries of the Union Conferences and Union Missions are members exofficio. 16 GENERAL CONFERENCE Other Members J. L. Shaw, L. E. Frown, F. A. Coffin, C. P. Bollman, D. W. Reavis, F. M. Wilcox, C. K. Meyers, W. L. Burgan, C. W. Irwin, F. D. Nichol, B. G. Wilkinson, F. C. Gilbert, all of whom may be addressed at Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. G. A. Snyder, Glendale Sanitarium, Glendale, Calif. W. M. Healey, 2967 B St., San Diego, Calif. Stemple White, 2900 Live Oak St., Dallas, Tex. H. W. Cottrell, Paradise Valley Sanitarium, National City, Calif. A. L. Baker, Mountain View, Calif. Wm. G. Wirth, 5447 El Verano Ave., Eagle Rock, Calif. Hon. George A. Williams, Fairmont, Nebr. • V. J. Johns, 734 Main St., Nevada, Iowa. Samuel Kaplan, Brookfield, Ill. J. E. Shultz, 311 Atlantic St., Atlantic, Mass. W. A. Westworth, 2002 N. Delaware St., Indianapolis, Ind. A. R. Bell, 2310 F St., Bellingham, Wash. L. H. King. 423 Pal.ido Buffalo, N. Y. E. L. Maxwell, 1361 California St., Mountain View, Cal. SABBATH SCHOOL DEPARTMENT Office Address: Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Officers Secretary: Mrs. L. Flora Plummer. Associate Secretary: S. A. Wellman. Associate Secretary: J. C. Thompson. Assistant Secretary: Rosamond D. Ginther. Office Secretary: Miss Margaret Weir. Division Secretaries African: W. B. Commin, Grove Ave., Claremont, Cape Province, South Africa. Australasian: Mrs. Anna L. Hindson, " Mizpah," Wahroonga, New South Wales, Australia. Central European: R. Riihling, Regensburgerstrasse 22, Berlin W. 50, Germany. China: Miss Bessie Mount, 25 Ningkuo Road, Shanghai, China. Far Eastern: Mrs. Frederick Griggs, Box 2993, Manila, Philippine Islands. Inter-American: W. L. Adams, Box 0, Balboa, Canal Zone. Northern European: G. A. Lindsay, 41 Manor Gardens, Edgware, Middlesex, England. South American: A. W. Peterson, Calle Pino 3801, Buenos Aires, Argentina, South America. Southern Asia: E. M. Meleen, Box 15, Poona, India. Sc,-,it-Liff European: L. L. Cavi- • ness, Htiheweg 17, Berne, Switzerland. Other Members (All of whom may be addressed at Takoma. Park, Washington, D. C., unless another address is given.) E. R. Palmer, C. P. Bollman, C. W. Irwin, F. A. Coffin, T. E. Bowen, Mrs. Fannie D. Chase, E. Kotz. M. L. Andreasen, 1854 Roblyn Ave., St. Paul, Minn. M. C. Wilcox, Mountain View, Calif. W. H. Wakeham, Berrien Springs, Mich. GENERAL CONFERENCE YOUNG PEOPLE'S MISSIONARY VOLUNTEER DEPARTMENT Office Address: Takoma Park, Washing-ton, D. C. Officers Secretary: H. T. Elliott. Associate Secretary: C. Lester Bond. Associate Secretary: D. A. Ochs. Office Secretaiy: Emma E. Howell. Division Secretaries African: J. I. Robison, Grove Ave., Claremont, Cape Province, South Africa. Australasian: Victor Stratford, " Mizpah," Wahroonga, New South Wales, Australia. Central European: R. Riihling, Regensburgerstrasse 22, Berlin W. 50, Germany. China: S. L. Frost, 25 Ningkuo Road, Shanghai, China. Far Eastern: W. P. Bradley, Box 2993, Manila, Philippine Islands. Inter-American: Mrs. E. E. Andross, Box 0, Balboa, Canal Zone. Northern European: G. A. Lindsay, 41 Manor Gardens, Edgware, Middlesex, England. South American: A. W. Peterson, Calle Pino 3801, Buenos Aires, Argentina, South America. Southern Asia: J. F. Ashlock, Box 15, Poona, India. Southern European: Steen Rasmussen, Hoheweg 17, Berne, Switzerland. Union Secretaries All union conference and union mission Missionary Volunteer secretaries. (To be addressed at their respective offices.) 17 Other Members Meade MacGuire, Route 2, Box 186, Modesto, Calif. (The following to be addressed at Takoma, Park, Washington, D. C.): C. K. Meyers, M. E. Kern, C. W. Irwin, C. P. Crager, C. A. Russell, L. E. Froom, J. A. Stevens, Mrs. L. Flora Plummer, A. W. Spalding, J. W. Mace, MisS Kathryn L. Jensen, Miss Lora E. Clement. HOME COMMISSION (An interdepartmental committee, for the helping of parents and uplift of the home.) A. W. Spalding, Secretary; Mrs. Flora H. Williams, Asst. Sec.; M. E. Kern, Mrs. L. Flora Plummer, S. A. Wellman, J. A. Stevens, E. F. Hackman, C. W. Irwin, W. I. Smith, C. P. Crager, H. T. Elliott, C. L. Bond, A. W. Truman, M. D., L. A. Hansen, Kathryn L. Jensen, R. N., F. M. Wilcox, L. E. Froom. PRESS BUREAU Secretary: W. L. Burgan, Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Literary Editor: L. A. Smith, 745 South Adams St., Glendale, Calif. GENERAL CONFERENCE CORPORATION Incorporated 1904 Legal Title: . " General Conference Corporation of Seventh-clay Adventists." Constituency: The General Conference delegates. Office Address: Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. 18 GENERAL CONFERENCE, Officers Pres., F. M. Wilcox; Treas., J. L. Shaw; Sec., H. E. Rogers. Board of Trustees: F. M. Wilcox, C. H. Watson, J. L. Shaw, J. L. McElhany, C. K. Meyers, 0. Montgomery, E. R. Palmer, H. E. Rogers, W. H. Williams. TRANSPORTATION DEPARTMENT Superintendent of Transportation: J. L. Shaw, Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. (Also general agent for trans-Atlantic steamship lines.) General Transportation Agent: G. C. Hoskin, Pacific Press Publishing Association, Brookfield, Illinois. Telephone: Office, Brookfield 606; Residence, Brookfield 2929. Eastern Transportation Agent: Adolph Dorn, 30 Irving Place, New York, N. Y. Room 510. (Telephone, Algonquin 4-0079.) Cable Address: "Adventist New York." (Consign freight to office address, and express care Century Transportation Company, 113 Broad St., New York, N. Y.) Western Transportation Agent: C. H. Jones, Mountain View, (also general agent for trans-Pacific steamship lines.) Transportation Agent: H. A. Shepard, 609-611 Province Bldg., 198 Hastings St., West, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.. (Phone number, Seymour 3986. Residence phone, Fairmont 4354-R) Cable adress: "Adventist," Vancouver. Transportation Agent: C. H. Anscombe, 29 Oxford. St., London, W. 1., England. Cable Address: "Adventist, London." (Telephone, Regent 7570.) Transportation Agent: H. Drangmeister, Campestr. 18, Hamburg 35, Germany. The Treasurers of Union Conferences .in North America are Transportation Agents for their respective Union Conference territory. PERSONS HOLDING CREDENTIALS FROM THE GENERAL CONFERENCE Ministers Andross, E. E., Box 0, Balboa, Canal Zone. I3eddoe, B. E., Glendale, Calif. Bond, C. L., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Bowen, T. E., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Branson, W. H., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Cady, M. E., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. • Campbell, M. N., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Carey, E. W., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Casebeer, H. D., 129 Carr Drive, Glendale, Calif. Christian, L. H., 41 Manor Gardens, Edgware, Middlesex, England. Christman, L. E., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. C_,"ouradi, L. lc., Grincielberg 15a, Hamburg 13, Germany. Cormack, A. W., Box 15, Poona, India. Cottrell, H. W., Paradise Valley Sanitarium, National City, Calif. Cottrell, R. F., 306 Vallejo Drive, Glendale, Calif. Crager, C. P., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. DanielIs, A. G., Loma Linda, Calif. Eastman, W. W., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Elliott, H. T., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Evans, I. H., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Farnsworth, E. W., 1491 East' Wilson Ave., Glendale, Calif. GENERAL CONFERENCE Franklin, E. E., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Froom, L. E., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Gilbert, F: C., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Green, J. A. P., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Griggs, Frederick, Box 2993, Manila, Philippine Islands. Hackman, E. F., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Hansen, L. A., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Haynes, C. B., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Howell, W. E., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Irwin, C. W., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Kern, M. E., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Knox, W. T., Mountain View, Calif. Kotz, E., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Kress, D. H., M. D., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Loebsack, H. J., Moscow 10, Ulica Durowa 22, Whg. 19, U. S. S. R. Longacre, C. S., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. MacGuire, Meade, Route 2, Box 186, Modesto, Calif. Magan, P. T., M. D., 304 North Boyle Ave., Los Angeles, Calif. McElhany, J. L., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Meyers, C. K., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Miller, H. W., M. D., 25 Ningkuo Road, Shanghai, China. Montgomery, 0., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Nelson, N. R., 2427 First Ave., South, Minneapolis, Minn. Nelson, W. E., Angwin, Napa Co., Calif. Ochs, D. A., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Ochs, W. B., Route 1, Box 340, La Grange, Ill. Olsen, M. E., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. 19 Olson, A. V., Hoheweg 17, Berne, Switzerland. Olson, H. 0., Route 1, Box 366, La Grange, Ill. Palmer, E. R., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Passebois, L. F., Sterling Jct., Mass. Peters, G. E., Apt. 5-F, 381 Edgcomb Ave., New York, N. Y. Peterson, F. L., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Prescott, MT. W., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Reiswig, J. J., Box 202, College Place, Wash. Robinson, A. T., Angwin, Napa Co., Calif. Ruble, W. A., M. D., care New England Sanitarium, Melrose, Mass. Russell, C. A., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Schubert, G. W., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Schuberth, H. F., Regensburgerstrasse 22, Berlin, W. 50, Germany. Shaw, J. L., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Sheldon, H. J., 2718 Third Ave., South, Minneapolis, Minn. Smith, W. I., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Spalding, A. W., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Spicer, W. A., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Stevens, J. A., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Thompson, J. C., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Truman, A. W., M. D., Washington Sanitarium, Takoma, Park, Washington, D. C. Turner, W. G., "Mizpah," Wahroonga, New South Wales, Australia. Underwood, R. A., Loma Linda, Calif. Votaw, H. H., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Watson, C. H., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. 20 GENERAL CONFERENCE Wreaks, C. E., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Wellman, S. A., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Wells, G. W., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Westphal, F. H., Box 146, Glendale, Calif. Westphal, J. W., Apartado 4078, Madrid, Spain. White, W. C., R. F. D. 1, St. Helena, Calif. Wilcox, F. M., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Wilcox, M. C., Mountain View, Calif. Wright, J. F., Grove Ave., Clare. mont, Cape, South Afrim Licentiates Cobban, H. H., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Hall, H. H., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Jones, C. H., Mountain View, Calif. Knox, M. F., .2123 Twenty-fourth Ave., North, Nashville, Tenn. Rice, C. E., 2525 South Downing St., Denver, Colo. Williams, W. H., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Missionary Licentiates Bu rgan, W. L., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Conard, Claude, Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Ginner, Rosamond D., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Gregg, Lizzie M., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Ireland, J. J., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Jensen, Kathryn L., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Lewis, Mrs. C. C., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Mace, Mrs. J. W., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Peck, Sarah, care Pacific Press, Mountain View, Calif. Plummer, Mrs. L. Flora, Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Rogers, H. E., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Taft, M. C., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Williams, Mrs. Flora H., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. ATLANTIC UNION CONFERENCE Organized Igo' Territory: The Conferences of Greater New York, New York, Southern New England, Northern New England, and the Bermuda District. Population: 20,781,407; churches, 182; membership, .10,065. Office Address: South Lancaster, Mass. (Telephone, Clinton 682.) Officers: Pres., E. K. Slade. Sec. and Treas., C. L. Kilgore. Executive Committee: E. K. Slade, the presidents of conferences composing the Atlantic Union, C. L. Kilgore, Alexander Houghton, N. H. Saunders, D. A. Bailey, 0. M. John, W. A. Ruble, ' M. D., C. A. Scriven, H. F. Kirk. Legal Assn.: " The Atlantic Union Conference Assn. of S. D. A." Licentiates: D. A. Bailey, E. F. Otis, M. D., J. N. Clapp, I. A. Armstrong. Honorary: W. S. Lawrence, H. G. Patchett, Geo. Furnival. Missionary Licentiates: C. L. Kilgore, W. M. Vehorn, H. H. Howard. Honorary: Mrs. J. C. Hennessy, Ellery Robinson, Mrs. M. A. Scribner, W. A. Wilcox, Jennie Thayer, Miss Elizabeth Kehrein, Mrs. Ella Wilber, Mrs. Eva Daggett, Miss Cora Spencer, Ethel Meek, Mary M. Lester, Miss Emma Wells, W. E. Fortune, Mrs. L. A. Ellsworth, Lena W. Lewis; H. P. Hansen, Augusta Meyer. BERMUDA MISSION Department Secretaries: Educational and Y. P. M. V., N. H. Saunders. Field Miss., H. F. Kirk. Home Commission, N. H. Saunders. Home Miss., C. A. Scriven. Medical, W. A. Ruble, M. D. Negro Representative, G. E. Peters. Religious Liberty, E. K. Slade. Transportation Agent, C. L. Kilgore. Address: Box 370, Hamilton, Bermuda. Population: 27,000; churches, 2; membership, 106. Officers: Director and Minister: Alexander Houghton. Sec. and Treas.: Mrs. Alexander Houghton. Sabbath School and Home Miss.: Mrs. Alexander Houghton. Ministers: E. K. Slade, 0. M. John, N. H. Saunders, H. F. Kirk, C. A. Scriven, Alexander Houghton, E. E. Miles, C. U. Blandford, T. M. French, W. A. Ruble, M. D. Honorary: P. F. Bicknell, D. G. Turk, IL W. Carr, W. R. Uchtman, J. E. Jayne, C. E. Van Gulick. GREATER NEW YORK CONFERENCE Organized 1902 Territory: The City of New York; Long Island, (exclusive of that part contained in the City of New York); and the followingnamed counties in the State of New York: Westchester, Rock21 22 ATLANTIC UNION CONFERENCE land, Putnam, Orange, Dutchess, Ulster, Sullivan, Delaware, Greene, and Columbia. Population: 8,448,704; churches, 29; members, 2,846. Office: Room 2401, 110 West 40th St., New York, N. Y. (Telephone, Longacre 5-2338, 2339.) Officers: Pres., L. K. Dickson. Sec. and Treas., J. K. Macmillan. Assistant Treas., G. M. Harris. Executive Committee: L. K. Dickson, J. K. Macmillan, W. R. Andrews, D. P. Wood, H. C. Lacey, A. 0. Lund, B. M. Heald, G. E. Peters, J. H. Schilling. Legal Assn.: " Greater New York Corporation of Seventh-day Adventists; " Pres., L. K. Dickson; Sec. and Treas., J. K. Macmillan. (General Conference S. D. A. Transportation Agency: 30 Irving Place, Room 510; Telephone, Algonquin 4-0079. Adolph Dorn, Transportation Agent. Cable New " Adventist, Address: York." Consign freight to office address, and express in care of Century Transportation Co.,'113 Broad St., New York.) Dena,rtment Coera+a_riaa• Book and Bible House, Manager, J. B. Frank; Treas., J. K. Macmillan. Educational and Y. P. M. V., Miss Louise C. Kleuser. Field Miss., W. D. Fleming. Home Miss., B. M. Heald. Medical Miss., Religious Liberty, L. K. Dickson. Sabbath School, Miss Louise C. Kleuser. Ministers: L. K. Dickson, W. R. Andrews, D. P. Wood, H. C. Lacey, A. 0. Lund, J. B. Penner, 0. J. Dahl, B. M. Heald, G. E. Peters, J. H. Schilling, U. S. Willis, W. A. Ralls, Anthony Catalano, R. L. Bradford, William Steele. Honorary: P. Z. Kinne. Licentiates: J. E. Hanson, M. S. Krietzky, Gabriel Varga, J. J. Dollinger, W. D. Fleming, Joseph Spicer. Ministerial Interne: Clifton Cliff. Missionary Licentiates: Vesta Cash, J. B. Frank, Caroline Halley, H. P. Hanseh,Louise C. Kleuser, Louise Johnson, Mary Lewis, J. K. Macmillan, Augusta Meyer, Ethel Carroll, Marie C. Voth, J. L. Moran, Mrs. H. R. McDade, Alfreda Johnson, Mrs. Katherine Mauritzen, W. J. Metz, S. W. Tymeson. Church Schools: Harlem: 106 West 127th St., New York City. Primary, Miss Phenicie Skinner. Intermediate and Grammar, Miss Netelka Burrell. Middletown: 10 Benton Ave., Middletown, N. Y. Grammar, Miss Stella Melin. Newburgh: Cor. N. Miller and 17. •1ing ion Sts., :Newburgh, N. Y. Grammar, Miss M. Mead. Brooklyn: 484 Washington Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Primary, Miss Margaret Hirt. Grammar, Miss Pauline Hart. Temple: 562 West 150th St., New York City. Primary, Miss Edna Meinhardt. Grammar, Miss Christine Dyer. Church Directory: Brooklyn Danish-Norwegian, 618 Fiftieth St. English (Washington Ave.), Cor. Washington and Gates Ayes, ATLANTIC UNION CONFERENCE German, 1925 Gates Ave. Italian, 176 Atlantic Ave. Negro, Herkimer St. and Troy Ave. Swedish, 315 Forty-seventh •St. Long Island: Babylon (Sabbath School), Deer Park Ave. Cedar Manor (English), Swedish Pilgrim Chapel, Mathias 'St. near New York Ave., Jamaica, L. I. Jamaica (Negro), Merrick Park Community House, 15 Dewey Ave. Patchogue ( English) , Methodist Chapel, River Avenue. New York: English (The City Temple) 562 West 150th St. German, 330 East 156th St. Hungarian, Hungarian Literary Society Hall, 323 East 79th St. Italian, 307 East 112th St. Negro (Ephesus) 123rd St. and Lenox Ave. Negro (Sharon), 203 West 61st Street. Spanish, 123rd Street and Lenox Ave. Swedish, 173d St. and Morris Ave. Staten Island: West New Brighton (English), Svea Hall, 789 Post Ave. Up- State : Kingston (English), 20-22 Downs St. Middletown (English), 10 Benton Ave. Newburgh (English), N. Miller and Farrington Sts. New Rochelle (Negro), 128 Winthrop Ave. Peekskill (English), Red Mens Hall, 988 Main St. Port Jervis (English), Odd Fellows Hall, Pike and Hammond Sts. Poughkeepsie (English), Reade Pl. near Market St. 23 Walton (English) Odd Fellows Hall, Delaware St. White Plains (Negro), 341/s Winchester St. NEW YORK CONFERENCE Organized 1922 Territory: That portion of the State of New York north and west of the line formed by the northern boundaries of Delaware, Green, and Columbia Counties. Population: 4,139,362; churches, 55; members, 2,545. Office: Union Springs, N. Y. (Telephone, Union Springs 35.) Officers: Pres., J. K. Jones. Sec. and Treas., J. E. Osterblom. Executive Committee: J. K. Jones, J. E. Osterblom, H. M. Fleming, King, J. C. Sauer, M. R. Bailey, H. J. Capman. Legal Assn.: " The New York Conference Association of S. D. A." Board of Trustees: J. K. Jones, J. E. Osterblom, L. H. King, M. R. Bailey, H. M. Fleming, J. C. Sauer, H. J. Capman. Department Secretaries: Book and Bible House, Cecil Higgins. Educational and Y. P. M. V., Mrs. E. B. Markham. Field Miss., B. M. Preston. Medical, Religious Liberty, L. H. King. Sabbath School and Home Miss., F. Bohner. Ministers: J. K. Jones, L. H. King, W. W. Rice, H. J. Capman, C. E. Eldridge, M. R. Bailey, C. R. Gibbs, J. E. Whelpley, A. R. P. Johnson, S. Lundstrom, H. W. Walker. 24 ATLANTIC UNION CONFERENCE Licentiates: F. Bohner, B. M. Preston, C. S. Field, Wm. Bradford. Missionary Licentiates: J. E. Osterblom, G. B. Stevens, Mrs. Clara O'Hare, Mrs. E. B. Markham, Mabel Vreeland, Mary Asmus, Isabella Zeltwanger, Cecil Higgins, Mrs. Helen Armstrong, Miss Effa Gilbert, Joseph Carelli, Frank Fuller, Vasilli Tkachuk, Miss Euniee Ryker. Church School Teachers: Dorcas Robinson, Mrs. Nina B. Rodman, C. J. Henriksen, Emma J. Hunt, Catharine Gadsby, Letha Blom, Ruth Gove, Emily Zeh, Marion Seitz, Mrs. E. L. Knight, Annabel Blom, Mrs. V. H. Reynolds, Myra Kite, Kenneth Rowe, Marion Johnson, Lillian Myers. City Churches in New York Conference: Albany, cor. Swan and Jay Sts.; 9: 45 a. m.; H. J. Capman, 1 Mereline Ave. Auburn, I. 0. 0. F. Hall, Garden St., 2 p. in. Batavia, I. 0. 0. F. Hall; 2: 30 p. m. Binghamton, 75 Pennsylvania A.,,., 2 p. w. lice, 150 Park Ave. Buffalo, English, 92 Hedley Place, 10 a. m.; L. H. King, 423 Parkside Ave. Buffalo, German, 92 Hedley Place, 1: 30 p. m. Burt, S. D. A. Church, 10: 30 a. m. Canton, Baxter home, Buck St.; 1: 30 p. m. Catlin, Catlin School House; 2: 00 p. m. Corning, 71 West First St., Ger. Evangelical Church; 1: 30 p. m. Cortland, Cor. Church and Elm Sts.; 10: 30 a. m. Elmira, 310 West Third St.; 9:45 a. m. Fredonia, 18 Green St.; 1: 30 p. m. Glens Falls, Ray and Sarella Sts., 10 a. m. Herkimer, 0. U. A. M. Hall, 235 North Main St.; 9: 30 a. m. Hornell, 1 Tobe's Hill Road, 2: 00 p. m. Jamestown, English, 708 Cherry St.; 1: 15 p. in.; A. R. P. Johnson, 11 Irvine Place. Jamestown, Swedish, 111 Prather Ave., 9: 30 a. in.; S. Lundstrom, 66 Blanchard St. Jeddo, Ridge Road and County Line, 10: 30 a. m. Lockport, Junior Order Hall, cor. Pine and Walnut Sts.; 3: 30 p. m. Mannsville, S. D. A. Church, Main St.; 10: 30 a. m. Niagara Falls, Chapel, St. Paul's M. E. Church, 721 Seventh St.; 2: 15 p. m. Olean, Union St.; 9: 45 a. m. Oneida, Jacob's Hall; 2. p. m. Oswego, East First St., 10 a. m. Owego, 238 Prospect St., 10 a. in. Richburg, Richburg S. D. A. church, 10 a. in. Rochester, 60 Grand Ave., 10 a. m.; M. R. Bailey, 71 Queens St. P^TM., 921 L'Io&r.,;Icid Si-, 9: 30 a. in. Salamanca, 22 East Jefferson St.; 12 in. Saranac Lake, Lake Flower Ave., 10 a. m. Schenectady, 125 Rankin Ave., 2 p. in. Syracuse, 817 South Ave., 9: 45 a. in.; C. R. Gibbs, 531 Cortland Aye. Troy, German Church, Seventh Ave. and Fulton St., 2 p. m. Union Springs, Academy Chapel, 9: 45 a. m. Utica, St. Da vids Hall, 107 South St.; 2 p. m.• H. W. Walker, 607 James St. ' ATLANTIC UNION CONFERENCE Vienna, S. D. A. Church, 10 a. m. Watertown, S. D. A. Church, cor. Clay and Academy Sts., 1: 15 p. m.; C. E. Eldridge, 932 Summer St. Wellsville, Orchard Place, South Main St., 10: 30 a. m. West Bangor, Lawrence home, 1 p. m. West Pierrepont, Arquitt home, Hermon, N. Y., 1: 30 p. m. NORTHERN NEW ENGLAND CONFERENCE Territory: States of Maine, New Hampshire, and Vermont. Population: 1,622,327; churches, 39; members, 1,290. Office: 55 South Main St., Rochester, N. H. (Telephone, 540.) Officers: Pres., F. D. Wells. Sec. and Treas., V. H. Hanscom. Executive Committee: F. D. Well, V. H. Hanscom, H. P. Gram, Joseph Capman, K. A. Wright, W. E. Tatro, D. H. Hanson. Legal Assns.: Maine Conference Assn. of S. D. A.; Pres., F. D. Wells; Treas., V. H. Hanscom; W. 0. Howe, Clerk; Joseph Capman; K. A. Wright. Nor. New England Conf. S. D. A. Inc.; Pres., F. D. Wells; Treas., V. H. Hanscom; D. H. Hanson, Clerk; W. E. Tatro; H. P. Gram. Department Secretaries: Assistant Secretary and Treasurer, R. S. Blackburn. Book and Bible Hopse, V. H. Hanscom. Educational and Y. P. -M. V., Gwynne Dalrymple. Field Missionary, E. G. Wrigley. 25 Home Miss., V. C. Townsend. Sabbath School, Mrs. V. C. Townsend. Religious Liberty, W. 0. Howe. Ministers: F. D. Wells, Joseph Capman, D. H. Hanson, W. 0. Howe, H. P. Gram, V. C. Townsend, Gwynne Dalrymple. Licentiates: E. G. Wrigley, M. E. Munger, H. R. Rolfe, L. A. Moore, K. A. Wright. Missionary Licentiates: V. H. Hanscom, R. S. Blackburn, Mrs. Berenice Redmond, Mrs. V. C. Townsend. Academic Teachers: K. A. Wright, B. A., C. H. Gerald, Miss Thelma Fretz, A. B. Burdick, Mrs. A. B. Burdick, Karl Arabs, B. A., Miss Merle Silloway, M. A., Miss Lucile Haskin, B. R. E., Floyd Barrows, Mrs. Floyd Barrows. Church School Teachers: Mrs. Julia R. Winch, Leslie A. Wildes, Mrs. Walter C. Twing, Mrs. Bernal Thurlow, Miss Marion Folsom, Mrs. Eloise Tiney. Church Directory: Auburn-Lewiston, Me., Sylvan Ave., Lewiston. Bangor, Maine, 26 Central St. Barre, Vermont, K. of P. Hall. Bath, Maine, 242 Washington Street. Bordoville, Vermont, Enosburg Falls. Brattleboro, Vt., 4 Cottage St. Burlington, Vt., 100 North Winooski Ave. Cadys Falls, Vt., Cadys Falls Hall. Camden, Me., Central St. Cliff Island, Maine. Concord, N. H., 51 Dunkley St. Gardiner, Maine, 158 Lincoln St. Jamaica, Vermont. 26 ATLANTIC UNION CONFERENCE Keene, N. H., 10 Fairview St. Lubec, Maine, South Lubec Hall. Manchester, N. H., Odd Fellows Hall, Hanover St. Norridgewock, Maine. Pine Tree Academy, Auburn, Me. Pigeon Hill Church, Mechanic Falls, Maine. Portland, Me., 75 Grant St. Randolph, Vt., Pearl St. Richmond, Me., Church St. Rochester, N. H., Charles St., Church of the Unity. Rutland, Vt., 101 Center St. Townshend, Vermont. Vergennes, Vermont. Washington, N. H. West Farmington, Maine, Baptist Church, West Farmington. Westfield, Maine. Wolcott, Vt., North Wolcott. Woodstock, Me., South Woodstock, Me. SOUTHERN NEW ENGLAND CONFERENCE Reorganized 1926, combining the Massachusetts Conference, organized in 1870, and the Southern New England Conference, organized in 1903. Territory: Commonwealth of Massachusetts, and States of ConRhode island. Population: 6,544,014; churches, .57; members, 3,278. Office Address: South Lancaster, Mass. (Telephone, Clinton 255.) Officers: Pres., D. J. C. Barrett. Sec. and Treas., J. E. Edwards. Executive Committee: D. J. C. Barrett, Stewart Kime, E. D. Lamont, J. F. Knipschild, J. E. Edwards, J. Schnetzler, E. L. Branson, J. W. Jones, J. A. O'Brien, J. E. Shultz. Legal Assn.: " The Southern New England Conference Association 9f S, D, A," Department Secretaries': 'Book and Bible House, L. E. Aldrich. Educational and Y. P. M. V., W. E. Bement. Field Miss., Arva Nickless., Home Miss., Joseph Schnetzler. Religious Liberty: Conn., E. E. Osorne; R. I., Stewart Kime; Mass., J. E. Shultz. Sabbath School, Mrs. J. Schnetzler. Ministers: D. J. C. Barrett, J. E. Shultz, J. Schnetzler, E. E. Osborne, C. Swenson, J. W. Freiberger, J. F. Knipschild, Stewart Kime, F. E. Gibson, W. E. Bement, J. Fortier, E. D. Lamont, Manuel Nobrega, C. L. • Taylor, C. 0. Perkins, E. L. Branson, J. W.. Jones, D. G. Werner. Licentiates: A. Nagy, A. W. Clarke, 0. Snipes, Frank Cummings, J. S. Hull, Geo. Mitchell, J. A. Nordstrom; A. W. Ortner. Missionary Licentiates: a J. E. Edwards, Mrs. J. Schnetzler, Arva Nickless, Mabel Mac Dougall, Miss Mary Walsh, Miss Harriet Holloway, Ellen Bodin, Mrs. Mary Stocks, Miss Candace Pergu.e:::11 l'Irrc. M. . L. E. Aldrich, Mrs. Katie Baker, Pauline Kinner. Church School Teachers: Miss Estelle Broome, Miss Beatrice Ware, Mrs. G. W. Hastings, Miss Esther Feltus, Miss Florence Kidder, Miss Annie Belle Hall, Robert Hall, Miss Beulah Oliver, Raymond Libby, Miss Joan Rasmussen, Miss Hazel Ray, Miss ' Violet Wills, Miss Helen Swenson, Miss Ida Gosse, Olga Miller, Vera Lowe, Mrs. Ruth Nelson, Mrs. Maude. Wendrange, Edna Levy, Martha Anderson, Carl Franz, Stella 'Granquist, Mrs. Blanche Shaw, Rosalie Greene, ATLANTIC UNION CONFERENCE Church Directory: Amesbury, S. D. A. Church, Spring St. Athol, Mass., S. D. A. Church, South Athol Road. Boston, Mass., English, Boston Temple, Cor. Warren Ave. and West Canton St.; J. E. Shultz, 311 Atlantic Street, Atlantic, Mass. Boston, Mass. (Colored), 712-714 Shawmut Ave., Roxbury, Mass.; J. W. Jones, 2 Hubert St., Boston. Bridgeport, Conn., 312 Wilmot Ave.; G. F. Furnival, 190 Pacific St. Bridgeport, Conn. (Slovakian), Sylvan Ave. Bridgeport, Conn. (Hungarian), 312 Wilmot Ave.; Andrew Nagy, 47 Alfred St. Brockton, Mass., 330 Crescent St. Danvers, Mass., Putnam St., East Falmouth, Mass. Everett, Mass., Vernal St. Fall River, Mass., Y. M. C. A. Bldg. Fitchburg, Mass., No. 1 Knowlton Terrace. Gardner, Mass., 18 Harvard St. Guilford, Conn., 240 Boston St. Hartford, Conn., 449 Washington St.; E. E. Osborne, 51 Whitmore St. Hartford, Conn., (Swedish), 449 Washington St. Haverhill, Mass., 33 Central St., Bradford. Hebron, Conn., Union Chapel. Hudson, Mass., Lincoln and Packard Sts. Lowell, Mass., Liberty St., near School St. Lynn, Mass., 45 Market St.; C. O. Perkins, 149 Essex St., Swampscott, Mass. Mansfield, Mass., Spring and Center Sts. Martha's Vineyard, Mass., Oak 13luiTs, 27 Methuen, Mass., Odd Fellows' Hall. Natick, Mass., First Baptist Church, Common St. New Bedford, Mass., 100 Willow St.; Oscar Snipes, 135 Hathaway Rd., New Bedford, Mass. New Bedford, Mass. (Portuguese), 736 Pleasant St.; Manuel Nobrega, Box 62 R. F. D. No. 3, New Bedford, Mass. New Haven, Conn., 64 Brewster St.; 370 Norton St., New Haven, Conn. New Haven, Conn. (Colored), 28 Dickerman St.; A. W. Clarke, 98 Webster St., New Haven, Conn. New London, Conn., Masonic Hall, Union St.; J. W. Freiberger, 32 Cutler St., New London, Conn. Northampton', Mass., I. 0. 0. F. Hall, Center St. Norwich, Conn., Odd Fellow's Hall, Main St. Pawtucket, R. I., 239 Central Ave.; Frank Cumming, 241 Chapel St., Saylerville, R. I. Peace Dale, R. I., Columbia St. Pittsfield, Mass., 8 Smith St. Providence, R. I., Cranston and Burgess Sts.; Stewart Dime, 18 Ponaganset Ave. Providence, R. I. (Swedish), Swedish Workingmen's Bldg., Carl Swenson, 26 Dodge Ave., Worcester, Mass. Sanitarium Church, New England Sanitarium, Melrose, Mass.; C. L. Blandford. Slocum, R. I., 1/2 mile north of Slocum R. R. Station. South Lancaster, Mass., Sawyer St. and Narrow Lane; P. F. Bicknell, South Lancaster, Mass. Springfield, Mass., Central and Beech Sts.; E. L. Branson, 96 Malden St. Springfield, Mass. (Colored), Eastern Ave. and Quincy St. 28 ATLANTIC UNION CONFERENCE Taunton, Mass., Christian Advent Church, Pine St. Taunton, Mass. (Portuguese), Christian Advent Church, Pine St.; J. F. Knipschild, 223 Hart St. Westerly, R. I., Lester Ave. Williamsburg, Mass., Post Office Bldg. Willimantic, Conn., Y. M. C. A. Bldg. Woonsocket, R. I. (French), 304 Park Ave.; J. Fortier, 32 Chestnut St., Lynn, Mass. Worcester, Mass., Highland Ave. and West St.; E. D. Lamont, 1 Dayton Apartments. Worcester, Mass. (Swedish), Highland Ave. and West Sts.; C. Swenson, 26 Dodge Ave. Worcester, Mass. (French), Highland Ave. and West St. INSTITUTIONS IN THE ATLANTIC UNION CONFERENCE Educational: Atlantic Union College, South Lancaster, Mass. Greater New York Academy, Cor. Washington St. and Gates Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Harlem Academy, Carlton Hall, 108 West 127th St., New York, N. Y. Pine Tree Academy, Auburn, Me. Union Springs Academy, Union Springs, N. Y. Publishing: New York Branch of Review and Herald Pub. Assn., Peekskill, N. Y. Sanitarium: New England Sanitarium, Melrose, Mass. CENTRAL UNION CONFERENCE Organized 1902 Territory: The Conferences of Colorado, Inter-Mountain, Kansas, Missouri. Nebraska._and Wynm ing Mission. Population: 8,212,244; churches, 227; members, 10,876. Telegraphic Address: Telephone F. 0. 182, Lincoln, Nebr. Office: 4547 Calvert St., College View Station, Lincoln, Nebr. Officers: Pres., J. J. Nethery. Sec., Treas., and Auditor, R. T. Emery. Executive Committee: J. J. Nethery, R. T. Emery, J. F. Piper, J. W. Turner, C. S. Wiest, H. C. Hartwell, S. G. Haughey, C. J. Metzger, C. T. Burroughs, C. W. Marsh, E. A. Meyers, P. L. Thompson, Dr. H. A. Green; R. J. Prnwn F7 AAT 'g. Legal Assn.: " Central Union Conference Assn. of the S. D. A." Pres., J. J. Nethery; Sec.-Treas., R. T. Emery. Department Secretaries: Educational and Y. P. M. V., C. W. Marsh. Field Miss., E. H. Meyers. Home Miss.. C. T. Burroughs. Religious Liberty, J. J. Nethery. Christian Record Board: (Work for the blind) Pres., J. J. Nethery; Sec., D. D. Rees; Treas., R. T. Emery; C. T. Burroughs, P. L. Thompson, E. H. Meyers. CENT.RAL UNION CONFERENCE Ministers: J. J. Nethery, C. T. Burroughs, B. L. House, C. W. Marsh, E. H. Meyers, D. D. Rees, P. L. Thompson, H. U. Stevens. Honorary: M. A. Altman, H. A. Aufderhar, W. L. H. Baker, G.W. Berry, A. S. Bringle, J. P. Gardiner, B. M. Garton, J. S. Hart, 0. M. Kittle, Herman Langenberg, Charles Lightner, A. A. Meyer, C. W. Miller, D. P. Miller, Conrad Reiswig, W. F. H. Schroeder, Martin Stueekrath, W. H. White. Licentiates: R. T. Emery, Dr. H. A. Green, H. W. Sherrig, R. E. Nelson. Honorary Licentiates: R. L. Bradford, W. F. Surber. Honorary Missionary Credentials: Mary L. Doan, Esther Smith, Lizzie Sutton, Ammy W. Welch, Lottie White. COLORADO CONFERENCE Organized 1908 Territory: The State of Colorado east of the Continental Divide Population: 863,400; churches, 48; members, 2,641. Office: 1112 Kalamatli St., Denver Colo. (Telephone, Main 1827.) Officers: , Pres., J. F. Piper. See. and Treas., W. F. Field. Executive Committee: J. F. Piper, W. F. Field, N. T. Sutton, E. F. Heim, C. F. Lickey, C. E. Grant, C. E. Rice. Legal Association: " The Sev enth-day Adventist Association of Colorado." Department Secretaries: Book and Bible House, W. F. Field. 29 Educational and V. P. (.;. M. Mathews. Field Miss., P. E. Shakespeare. Home Missionary, F. A. Page. Medical Missionary, Dr. H. A. Green. Religious Liberty, J. F. Piper. Sabbath School, F. A. Page. Ministers: J. F. Piper, N. T. Sutton, W. M. Andress, J. W. Allison, J. H. Hoffman, 0. W. Anglebarger, G. T. Vore, C. E. Grant, V. P. Hulse, A. J. Meiklejohn, C. F. Lickey, L. Cope. Licentiates: W. F. Field, F. A. Page, Alger Johns, E. L. Pingenot, Ernest Heim, M. J. Mayer, P. E. Shakespeare, George Chambers, 0. M. Mathews. Missionary Licentiates: Ruth Lamb, Edith Brauchi, Velda. Folk, I. H. Harrison. Church School Teachers: Mrs. Frank Barrow, Miss Glenna Adams, Miss Nellie Phillips, Duane Cowin, Mrs. E. 0. Westermeyer, Mrs. Duane Cowin, Miss Esther Frick, Miss Esther Heim, Miss Carmie Owen, Miss Opal Imel, V. R. Brenner, Milo Hill, Miss Carolyn Thorp, Miss Lura Wilbourn, Miss Juanita Paxton, Buford Ward, Miss Estella Altman, Miss Rosamond Rice, Miss Lois Robbins, Ralph Van Divier, Mrs. J. D. Rosenbach, Mrs. Ada Mae 1Vebka, Miss Avelda Kraft, Mrs. Jennie Taylor, R. C. Barger, Miss Grace McComas, Mrs. B. MV. Lang, Miss Hazel Baker. Churches and Pastors: Alamosa, 830 Main St. Boulder, Seventh St. and Highland Ave.; N. T. Sutton, 2436 8th Street. Campion, Campion Academy Building; Ernest Heim, Routs 3, Loveland. 30 CENTRAL UNION CONFERENCE Canon City, Main St., near Twelfth. Colorado Springs, 324 North Wahsatch Street.; C. F. Lickey, 556 E. Bijou St. Denver: First. West Eleventh Ave. and Kalamath St.; A. J. Meiklejohn, 1520 West Alameda St., Denver. York, East Thirteenth Ave. and York St. North, Thirty-ninth Ave. and Shoshone St.; G. W. Anglebarger, 2138 S. Acoma. Scandinavian, 1618 East Thirty-eighth Ave.; J. H. Hoffman, 4524 Meade St. South, Mexico and Soutn Sherman Sts.; C. E. Grant, 1245 South Clarkson St. Italian, Thirty-ninth Ave. and Shoshone St. Colored, 2536 Ogden St.; J. W. Allison, 2859 Marion St. Fort Collins, Whedbee and Magnolia Sts. Ft. Lupton, McKinley Ave., near First St. Ft. Morgan, . 6th Ave. and Meeker St. Golden, Main St., near C. and S. Depot. Greeley, Thirteenth Ave. and Ninth St.; E. L. Pingenot, Box 921_ La Junta, Fifth and Lewis Sts. Longmont, 236 Gay St. Loveland, Lincoln Ave. and Tenth St. Monte Vista, Huxley and Kindle St.; G. T. Vore, 305 Lyell St. Pueblo, Thirteenth and Grand Ave.; V. P. Hulse, Box 163. Pueblo, Colored, 20 Townsend St., Block U. Rocky Ford, 504 South 10th St. Salida, Fourth and B Sts. Stratton, Northeast of Stratton High School. Trinidad, 924 Nevada; H. G. Warden, 924 Nevada. Wray, Franklin St., Wray. INTER-MOUNTAIN CONFERENCE Organized 1916 Territory: That part of the State of Colorado west of the Continental divide; the counties of Daggett, Unita, Duchesne, Carbon, Emery, Grand, and San Juan in the State of Utah and San Juan County in New Mexico. Population: 234,950; churches, 17; membership, 669. Office: 122 South Eighth St., Grand Junction, Colo. (Telephone 939.) Officers: Pres., B. M. Grandy. • Sec. and Treas., Claire Winingar. Executive Committee: B. M. Grandy, W. G. Cope, A. C. Long, L. 0. Knowlton, J. L. Tucker. Legal Assn.: " Inter-Mountain Conference Assn of S. D. A." Department Secretaries: Book and Bible House, Claire Winingar. Educational, L. 0. Knowlton. Field Miss., Sabbath School, Claire Winingar. Y. P. M. V., B. M. Grandy. ministers: B. M. Grandy, J. L. Tucker, A. C. Long. Licentiates: L. 0. Knowlton, W. V.`Albee. Missionary Licentiate: Claire Winingar. Church School Teachers: Opal Dickerson, Hazel Hutchison, Mrs. F. H. McNiel, Mrs. H. G. Leffingwell, Hazel Baughman. Church Directory: Grand Junction, Eighth and Colorado. Delta, Meeker and Sixth Sts. Montrose, North 5th St. CENTRAL UNION CONFERENCE KANSAS CONFERENCE Organized 1875; reorganized 1914 Territory: The State of Kansas. Population: 1,880,999; churches, 60; members, 2,594. Office Address: 612 Taylor St., Topeka, Kans. (Telephone, 2-4141.) Mail Address: Box 605, Topeka, Kans. Officers: Pres., C. S. Wiest. Sec. and Treas., R L. Schlotthauer. Executive Committee: C. S. Wiest, V. P. Lovell, R. L. Boothby, B. L. Schlotthauer., E. A. Nixon, F. S. Chollar, S. S. Mohr. Legal Assn.: " The Kansas Seventh-day Adventist Conference Assn." Department Secretaries: Book and Bible House, B. L. Schlotthauer. Educational, Bert Rhoads. Field Miss., F. C. Clark. Home Miss., A. C. Griffin. • Religious Liberty, C. S. Wiest. Sabbath School, Miss Edna Wallace. Y. P. M. V., A. C. Griffin. Ministers: C. S. Wiest, N. J. Aalborg, R. L. Boothby, F. S. Chollar, R. E. Griffin, A. C. Griffin, H. H. Humann, T. H. Allison. Licentiates: Bert Rhoads, W. F. Surber, V. P. Lovell, F. C. Clark, J. C. Harder, M. H. Jensen. Missionary Licentiates: Miss Edna Wallace, B. L. Schlotthauer, Mrs. F. W. Tegler. Church School Teachers: Miss Maud Reid, Mrs. Leonard Wood, Miss Barbara Chase, Miss 31 Eleanor Shidler, Miss Thelma Jantzen, P. W. Peters, J. N. Fischer, Miss Ardis Foster, Miss Mary Witchey, F. F. Zumbaum, Mrs. F. F. Zumbaum, R. J. Geier, Miss Anna Thorp, Miss Thelma McBroom, Miss Ruth Norwood, G. H. Minchin, Miss Jessie Pride, Miss Olivia Brickman. Church Directory: Arkansas City, 921 South A St. Atchison II, 907 9th North St. Bazine, 1 mile north of Bazine. Chanute, cor. 2nd and Lafayette. Columbus, Sycamore and Ohio Sts. Durham, three blocks northeast railway station. El Dorado, 410 South Atchison St. Emporia, 128 Constitution St. Eureka, 5th and School Sts. Fort Scott, Southeast cor. Lincoln and Pine Sts. Galena, cor. Main and Windsor. Garden City, 301 Seventh St. Glen Elder, College St. Great Bend, 1411 Hubbard St. Herington, South Eleventh St. Holton, North Pennsylvania Ave. Humboldt, Third and Mulberry Sts. Hutchinson, 800 East 6th St. Independence, cor. Nineteenth and Laurel Sts. Independence II, 917 West Railroad St. Iola, 501 South St. Junction City, 600 So. 9th St. Kansas City I, Eighteenth Street and State Avenue; N. J. Aalborg, 1252 Sandusky. Phone, Drexel 2853. Kansas City II, 713 Freeman Ave.; Pastor, T. H. Allison, 535 New Jersey. La Harpe, South Main Street, east side of street. Lawrence, 1000 New York St. Lebanon, two blocks east and one-half block north of bank. Liberal, Ninth and Kansas Ave. Manhattan, 600 Laramie St. 32 CENTRAL UNION CON FEREN CE Neodesha, 303 South 2nd St. Newton, 7th St., in 400 block. Oswego, College and Ohio Sts. Ottawa, Ninth and South Sycamore. Ozawkie, Elm St. Pittsburg, I. 0. 0. F. Hall, West 5th St. Portis, Southeast of Portis 4i miles. Shaffer, Two miles north and one mile west of Shaffer. Topeka, 821 West Fifth St.; R. E. Griffin, 400 Roosevelt. Phone 6237. Topeka II, Tenth and College Ave. Wellington, Cor. 11th and Jefferson Sts. Wichita I, cor. Dodge and Burton Sts.; F. S. Chollar, 341 N. Martinson. Wichita II, 1121 Wabash Ave. MISSOURI CONFERENCE Organized 1876; reorganized 1914. Territory: The State of Missouri. Population: 3,629,367; churches, 41; members, 2,245. Office 616 South Second St., Clinton, Mo. (Telephone 250.) Officers: Pres., H. C. Hartwell. Sec. and Treas., S. E. Ortner. Executive Committee: H. C. Hartwell, S. E. Ortner, W. K. Smith, Theo. Sponas, W. H. Niswonger, G. R. West. Legal Assn.: Missouri Conference Association of S. D. A. Pres., H. C. Hartwell; Sec. and Treas., S. E. Ortner. Department Secretaries: Book and Bible House, S. E. Ortner. Educational and Y. P. M. V., Alva Ragsdale. Field Miss., D. W. Gahagan. Religious Liberty, H. C. Hartwell. Sabbath School and Home Miss., Mrs. M. J. Whitsett, 6945 Arthur Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Ministers: H. C. Hartwell, G. R. West, W. K. Smith, L. W. Terry, Martin Stueckrath, K. R. Haughey, B. W. Abney, J. M. Fletcher, C. J. Metzger, T. M. Fountain. Licentiates: Alva Ragsdale, D. W. Gahagan. Missionary Licentiates: S. E. Ortner, Mrs. M. J. Whitsett, Miss Ida Robinson, Miss Alta Nesbit. Church School Teachers: Miss Audrey Klaus, Mrs. Verne Hawkins, Miss Thelma Lucas, Miss Sarabel Horton, Mrs. May A. McNamee, Kathrine Smith, Mrs Myrtle McLaughlin, Win. Dickman, Hubert Teel, Mrs. J. J. Burbridge, Mrs. T. M. Fountain, A. K. Phillips, Mrs. E. 0. Eastham, Lucile Moore, 0. E. Crary, Miss Olga Almskog. Church Directory: Jeffersnn City, Washington and Miller Sts. Joplin, Jackson St. Kansas City, Memorial Church, Linwood Blvd. and Charlotte Sts.; G. R. West, 3219 Norton St. Kansas City Beacon Light, 1224 Euclid Ave.; T. M. Fountain. St. Joseph Church, 1701 North Second St.; J. M. Fletcher. St. Louis, Central Church, 618 North Newstead Ave.; W. K. Smith, 5319 Northland Ave. St. Louis, South, Minnesota. and Potomac Sts. St. Louis, Berean (Second), Cook St. and Sarah Ave.; B. W. Abney. Sedalia Church, 11th and Lafayette. CENTRAL UNION CONFERENCE Springfield, North Main and Lynn Sts. Poplar Bluff, Maude and Selma Sts. Clinton, 616 South• Second St. NEBRASKA CONFERENCE Organized 1878 Territory: The State of Nebraska. Population: 1,377,963; churches, 51; members, 2,407. Office Address: 1115 West Charles St., Grand Island, Nebr. (Telephone 1760-W.) Officers: Pres., S. 0. Haughey. Sec. and Treas., B. C. Marshall. S. 0. Exedutive CoMmittee: Haughey, .B. C. Marshall, R. T. Baer, A. F. Kirk, G. E. Hutches, E. D. Kirk, R. E. Hay. Legal Assn., " Nebraska Conference Association of the Seventhday Adventists." Department Secretaries: Book and Bible House, B. C. Marshall. Educational and Y. P. M. V., J. A. Deapen. Field Miss., P. M. Vixie. Home Miss., R. E. Hay. Religious Liberty, S. G. Hairghey. Sabbath School, Mrs. E. A. Taylor. Ministers: S. G. Haughey. .1. D. J3hhson, M. B. Butterfield, R. E. Hay, V. A. Joseph, A. E. Johnson, E. G. Hayes, R. T. Baer, It F. Saxton, G. E. Hutches. Honorary: J. H. Wheeler, L. E. Johnson. Licentiates: P. M. Vixie. A. F. Kirk, J. A. Deapen, R. W. Wentland, E. D. Kirk, C. E. Brinley, Howard Welch. 2 33 Honorary Licentiate: Charles McWilliams. Missionary Licentiates: B. C. Marshall, Mrs: A. E. Daniels, Mrs. H. E. Brockman, Mrs. R. E. Lynn, Alfred Vercio, Mrs. E. A. Taylor, Mrs. Anna Wade, Rachel Landrum. Church School Teachers: Martha: Doris MacElvaine, L. W. Taft, Mrs. Louis Ferguson, Miss Myrtle Reimuth, Mrs. E. L. Johnson, Miss Gladys Frimml, Miss Iva Thorp, Miss Phylura Nagel. Church Directory: Beatrice, Cor. Ella and 10th Sts. Beaver City, 2 blocks West of Courthouse. Chadron, Cor. Bordeaux and Sixth Sts. College View, 4855 Prescott St. Cortland, Main St. Crawford, Main St. Culbertson, 2 blocks south of Main St. Curtis, 6th and Ord Sts. Fairbury, Tenth and G Sts. Fremont, Fifth and I Sts. Gordon, Main St. Grand Island, 409 East Eighth St. Hastings, 205 East High St. Kearney, Twenty-third St. and Avenue B. Lincoln, 1020 South 15th St. Lincoln German Church, 675 A St. Loup City, 1 block S. 2 blocks East of Post Office. McCook, 512 'West First St. Nebraska City, Cor. Fifteenth St. and First Corso. North Platte, Cor. Willow and 10th Sts. Omaha, Memorial, 2660 St. Mary's Ave. Omaha Rumanian, 5514 South 29th St. Omaha, Third,' 28th and Lake Sts. 34 CENTRAL UNION CONFERENCE Red Cloud, Walnut St. and 3rd Ave. Scottsbluff, German, Scottsbluff. Seward, Eleventh and Main Sts. Valentine, Valentine and Elmore Sts. WYOMING MISSION Organized 1925 . Territory: State of Wyoming. Population: 225,565; churches, 10; members, 320. Address: 1203 South Oak St., Casper, Wyo. (Telephone 1053.) Supt.: C. A. Purdom. Executive Committee: C. A. Purdom, J. J. Nethery, R. T. Emery, Theodore Nelson, F. 0. Canaday. Department Secretaries: Book and Bible House, C. A. Purdom. Sabbath School, Miss Orpha Edgerton. Y. P. M. V., Educational, and Home Miss., C. A. Purdom Ministers: C. A. Purdom, E. R. Lauda. Church School Teachers: Miss Mabel Canaday, Miss Sylvia Simon, Miss Ethel Canaday, Miss Hazel Reed, Mrs. Harvey Reed. Church Directory: Casper, 1203 South Oak St. Cheyenne, 608 Randall Ave. ."•*4.Lovell, 472 East Main St. Sheridan, 304 West Whitney St. INSTITUTIONS IN THE CENTRAL UNION CONFERENCE Educational: ' • Campion Academy, Loveland, Colo. Enterprise Academy,l,Ent4rPrise; Kans. Inter-Mountain • Acadeiny,:11: 'F. D. 1, Grand Valley, Colo. Shelton Academy, Shelton, Nebr. Union College, College View StatiOn, Lincoln; Nebr. Publishing; , , Pacific Press.,Pub: Assn. Branch, 2211 Ftriiam.: St., Omaha, Nebr. Christian': :Rcpord Benevolent 'Assn., Collge ylew-, Station, Lincoln, Nebr. Sanitariums: Boulder - Colorado Sanitarium, Boulder, Colo. Porter Sanitarium and Hospital, 2525 South Downing St., Denver. Colo. COLUMBIA UNION CONFERENCE Organized rgo7'. Territory: The conferences of Chesapeake, East Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Ohio, Potomac, West Pennsylvania, West Virginia. Population: 26,827,212; churches, 257; members, 13,117. Office: 507 Flower Ave., Takoma Park, D. C. (Telephone, Shep. 3163.) Officers: Pres., F. H. Robbins. Sec. and Treas., E. J. Stipeck. Executive Committee: F. H. RobbinS, the presidents of the conferences composing the Union, J. P. Neff, B. G. Wilkinson, D W. Reavis, Dr. A. W. Truman, H. H. Hamilton, E. M. Fishell, E. A. Manry, E. J. Stipeck, C. E. Palmer, A. J. Clark. ' COLUMBIA UNION CONFERENCE Legal Assn.: " Columbia Union Conference Association of Seventh-day Adventists." Auditor, E. J. Stipeck. Department Secretaries: Home Miss.. E. A. Manry. Minister of Education, J. P. Neff. Religious Liberty, A. J. Clark. Union Field Miss., E. M. Fishell. Y. P. M. V., Ministers: F. H. Robbins, B. G. Wilkinson, H. A. Morrison, J. S. Washburn, E. A. Manry, C. P. Bollman, W. R. French, H. L. Shoup, J. W. Mace, H. H. Hamilton, A. J. Clark, E. M. Fishell, F. D. Nichol, W. E. Barr, R. F. Farley. Honorary: H. W. Herrell, I. N. Williams, J. W. McCord, C. C. Webster, R. D. Hottel, C. L. White, C. H. Keslake, G. L. West. Licentiates: A. W. Werline, E. J. Stipeck, C. L. Woods, J. P. Neff, F. A. Coffin, C. E. Weniger,, D. W. Reavis; E. L. Richmond, .L. W. Graham, C. C. Pulver. Missionary Licentiates: Dr. Lauretta E. Kress, R. W. Conard, Lora Clement, Esther Bergman, C. E. Palmer, Dr. R. L. Runk. CHESAPEAKE CONFERENCE Organized 1890 Territory: The States of Delaware and Maryland, except the counties of Montgomery, Garrett and Allegany, in Maryland; and including the counties of alorgan, Berkeley, and Jefferson in West Virginia, and Accomac and Northampton in Virginia. Population: 1,820,845; churches, 23; members, 1,122. 35 Office: 24 Fusting Ave., Catonsville, Md. (Telephone, Catonsville 991.) Officers: Pres., F. H. Robbins. See, and Treas.. N. C. Van Horn. Executive Committee: F. H. Robbins, M. S. Banfield, Edw. Jackson, N. C. Van Horn, J. C. Oswald, W. E. Strother, C. E. Perry. Legal Assn.: " Chesapeake Conference Assn. of S. D., A." Department Secretaries Book and Bible House; N. C. Van Horn. Educational and Y. P. M. V., Mrs. U. D. Pickard. Field Miss., L. W. Kurz.. Home Miss., U. D. Pickard. Religious Liberty, —. Sabbath School, Ministers: J. C. Oswald, A. J. Clark, J: Wierts, M. S. Banfield, Medairy,,A. J„:„EVelyn, U. D. .Pickard.. -Licentiates: 'G. R. Apsley, L. W. Kurz, G. W. Lawrence.akiT , Missionary Licentiates: Mrs. J. C. Oswald, Miss E. S. Newcomer, N. C. VanHorn, Mrs. U. D. Pickard. Church School Teachers: Theo. G. Weis, Edward Hanson, Mrs., E. ,Hanson, ',Miss Esther Mitchison, MisS Marian Oswald, MissWera Baldwin, Mrs. L. T. Williams, ,Miss Mary Taltainus. Miss Ruth,,l3lackb'urn, C: Edwards, Miss Ellen Acton, Miss Mildred Martin, 'Samtiel Minesinger. Church Directory: , •• Baltimore Nd. l Church, English, 4 ROsedale St. and Roseland Place; A. J. Clark, 2819 Woodland Ave., Baltimore, Md. Phone, Liberty 7727. 26 COLUMBIA -UNION CONFERENCE Baltimore No. 2 Church. German. J. H. Wierts, 2819 Frederick Ave. Phone, Gilmore 3528J. Baltimore No. :3 Church, Colored, Harlem Ave. and Dolphin St.; Church Phone, Vernon 0844; M. S. Banfield, 1110 West Lafayette Ave. Phone, Madison 4938. Blythedale, Clifton Park Church, English, Gorsuch and Kennedy Ayes., J3altimore, Md. Hagerstown Church, English, Cross St. and McComas Ave., Hagerstown, Md. Laurel (Md.), Church, Montgomery St. Salisbury Church, English, 412 East Isabella St. Wilmington No. 1 Church, English, 11th and Adams Sts., Wilmington, Del.; J. C. Oswald, 815 West Ilth St. Telephone, 2-0752. -Wilmington No. 2, colored, Dupont St., near 7th; A. J. Evelyn, 102 Delamore Pl. EAST PENNSYLVANIA CONFERENCE Organized in 1903, out of territor1 comprising t h e Pennsylvania Conference, which was organized in 1879. Territory: That portion of Pennsylvania lying east of the east ern line of Potter, Clinton, Center, Mifflin. Huntingdon, and Fulton Counties. Population: 5,674,254; churches, 46; members, 2,477. Office: 3256 Germantown Ave. Philadephia, Pa. (Phone, Radcliffe 4897.) Officers: Pres., W. M. Robbins. Sec. and Treas., W. H. Jones. Executive Committee: W. M. Robbins, H. A. Vandeman, R. Al. Spencer, W. J. Venen, J. E. Cox, Carl Becker, H. G. Lewis, Herbert Frizzed, Walter Edwards. Legal Assn.: " The East Pennsylvania Conference Assn. of S. D A., Inc." Department Secretaries: Book and Bible House, W. II. Jones. Field Miss., 0. C. Weller. Sabbath School ana Educational. . Miss Ernestine R. HochschorIler. Religious Liberty, W. M. Robbins. Y. P. M. V. and Home Miss., R. J. Christian. Ministers: \V. M. Robbins. 'R. B. Clam), 11. A. Vandeman, Dr. IV. J. Venen, J. E. Cox, B. M. Spencer, M. R. Coon, Carl Becker, R. Calderone, N. J. Miebalenko. Licentiates: W. H. Jones, A. G. Yakovenko, 0. C. Weller, R. J, Christian, J. C. Holland. Missionary Licentiates: Miss Ernestine R. Hochscho•ner, Miss Jessie M. Weiss, Miss Maud Belmcnt, MisF; 1.3.dit Baker, .aifreda Larson, Lillian Vaselenko, Mrs. W. H. Jones. Church Directory: Allentown, Oak and Poplar Sts.; H. A. Vandeman, 718 Tilghman St., Allentown, Pa. Ariel, cor. of road leading southend 'of lake. 2 miles from village. Beaumont, on main road. Carlisle, 115 East High St. Danville, 119 Spruce St. Eniaus, 33 North 6th St. Easton;, Washington Hall, Fifth and Ferry St., P. 0. S. of A. Hall. Fleetwood, Locust St., N. E. COLUMBIA UNION CONFERENCE 37 Williamsport, Seventh St.; R. M. Hanover, 514 E. Middle St. Spencer, Lambs Creek, Pa. Hatboro, Old York Road and Willow Grove, Davisville Road; County Line. Fire House. Harrisburg, 615 North 17th St.; York, 130 S. Bever. St., York, Pa. Dr. W. J. Venen, 615 N. 17th St. Honesdale, Odd Fellows Hall. Lancaster, 2nd and Carol; R. B. NEW JERSEY CONFERENCE Clapp, 1227 Windsor St., Reading, Pa. Organized 1902 Lansdale, Mt. Vernon St., near Broad St. Territory: The State of New JerLebanon, 128 South Seventh St.; sey. R. B. Clapp, 1227 Windsor St., Population: 4,041,334; churches, Reading. 43; membership, 1,757. Mansfield, Main and Elmira Sts. Media, Providence Road, Pa. Office: 1574 Brunswick Ave., TrenNorristown, 228 West Main St. ton, N. J. (Telephone 2-3919.) Northumberland, Second St. Philadelphia: Officers: German, 3256 Germantown Pres., H. J. Detwiler. Ave.; Carl Becker, 7840 Sec. and Treas., C. H. Kelly. Temple Road. Executive Committee: H. J. North, 3256 Germantown Ave.. Detwiler, S. G. Silvers, B. E. Slovak, 3256 Germantown Miller, J. A. Dominski, E. El. Ave. Swanson, J. C. Dickson, F. C. West, Fifty-fi.rst and Locust Phipps. Sts.; M. R. Coon, 12 Stuart Ave., Glen Olden. Legal Assn.: " New Jersey ConItalian, 17th and McKean ference Association of S. D. A." Sts.; R. Calderone, Box 2528, Department Secretaries: Passyunk Sta., Phila., Pa. Colored, 15th and Christian Book and Bible House, C. H. Sts.; J. E. Cox, 5535 Girard Kelly. Ave. Educational and Y. P. M. V., Phoenixville, Main St. Miss Ruth Wilcox. Reading, Hampden and Wind• Field Miss., F. E. Thumwood. sor Sts.; R. B. Clapp, 1227 Home Miss., NI. G. Conger. Windsor St., Reading, Pa. Religious Liberty, H. J. DetSayre, Olive and Harris Sts. wiler. Scranton, 1409 Wyoming Ave.; Sabbath School, M. G. Conger. J. C. Holland, 1115 Fairfield Ministers: St., Scranton, Pa. H. J. Detwiler, S. R. 'Haynes, Shunk, Union Church. B. E. Miller, Carl Bruck, E. H. Stroudsburg. Second St. Swanson, S. E. Norton, J. M. Tamaqua, Odd Fellows Hall on Campbell, A. Yakush, NI. H. St. Broad St. John, J. A. Dominski, F. C. Wade, Opposite Public School. Phipps; M. G. Conger. Wellsboro, Main St. Licentiates: Wilkes-Barre, near Market St. W. F. Schmidt, F. E. Thion wood, and Second Ave.; Miss Jessie Weiss, 414 Market St., KingsErnest Finck, F. D. Meyers, FrancisJohnson. ton, Pa. 38 COLUMBIA UNION CONFERENCE Missionary Licentiates: C. II. Kelly, Mrs. A. Parkins, Miss Ruth C. Wilcox, Mrs. E. M. Kester. Church School Teachers: Miss Hazelle Johns, Mrs. Mabel Baker, Miss Irma Martin, Mrs. Olive Lord, Miss Marie Fuchs, Miss Lillian Whitfield, Mrs. Mabel Dominski, Miss Hattie Baker, Mrs. Doris Laurell, Miss Grace Hendrickson, Miss Alice Cruiekshanks, Miss Anna Hudak. Churches and Pastors: Asbury Park No. 1, Methodist Episcopal .Church, Sylvania Ave., Neptune City, N. J.; M. H. St. John, 36 Hollywood Ave., E. Orange, N. J. Asbury Park, Colored, Borden and Heck Ayes.; F. C. Phipps, 745 Chestnut St., Camden, N. J. Annandale, White House Sta., N. J. Bridgeton, East Commerce and Carroll Ave,; S: R. Haynes, Shiloh Road. Burlington, Conover St., South; S. S. 9:45 a. in., Preaching 11:15 a. m.; S. E. Norton, 252 Boyd St., Camden, N. J. Burlington. Colored n;' C. Phipps, 745 Chestnut St., CamBurlington, Polish, Conover St., South; J. A. Dominski, 211 Lincoln Ave., Burlington. Camden, cor. Kellwood and Bradley. Ave.; S. S. 9: 45 a. m., Preaching 11:15 a. m.; S. E. Norton, 252 Boyd St. Camden, Colored, 620 Chestnut St.; F. C. Phipps, 745 Chestnut St. Cape May Court House, S. D. A. Church, south of town; S. S. 2: 00 p. m., Preaching 3: 15 p. in.; Wm. F. Schmidt, South State St., Vineland. Dover, Church St.,' Rockaway; B. E. Miller, 369 Twentieth Ave., Paterson. Elizabeth, All Souls Church, 501 Westfield Ave.; B. E. Miller, 369 Twentieth Ave., Paterson. Englewood, Colored, Warren and Fourth St.; S. S. 9: 45 a. m., Preaching 11: 00 a. In.; J. M. Campbell, 56 Atlantic Ave., Jersey City. Franklin, Rutherford Ave.; J. A. Dominski, 211 Lincoln Ave., Burlington. Hackensack, Carpenters' Hall, Berger St.; J. A. Dominski, 211 Lincoln Ave., Burlington. Jericho, S. R. Haynes, Shiloh Road, Bridgeton. Jersey City No. 1, Stegman Ave. •and Hudson Blvd.; E. H. Swanson, 219 Wilkinson Ave. Jersey City No. 2, Congress St. between Summit and Central Ave.; B. E. Miller, 369 Twentieth Ave., Paterson. Jersey City German, Congress St. between Summit and Central Ayes.; C. Bruck, 22 Hillcrest PL, Hudson Hts., N. J. Jersey City Colored, 56 Atlanfie Ave.; J. M. Campbell, 56 Atlantic Ave. Jersey City Swedish, People's Palace, Bergen Ave. and ForSi,.; E. ii. bwanson, 219 Wilkinson Ave. Mount Holly, Grant and King Sts.; S. S. 9: 45 a. in., Preaching, 11:15 a. in.; M. H. St. John, 36 Hollywood Ave., E. Orange. Newark English, Grove and Grain Sts.; B. E. Miller, 369 Twentieth Ave., Paterson. Newark Slovak, 307 Ellis Ave.; Andrew Yakush, 507 18th Ave. Newark German, 307 Ellis Ave.; C. Bruck, 22 Hillcrest Pl., Hudson Hts. Newark Swedish, First Reform Church, Clinton and Halsey Sts.; E. H. Swanson, 219 Wilkinson Ave., Jersey City. COLUMBIA UNION CONFERENCE Newark Colored, Third S. D. A. Church, 308-312 Bergen St.; S. S. 9: 45, Preaching 11: 00 a. m.; J. M. Campbell, 56 Atlantic Ave., Jersey City. New Brunswick, Mechanics Hall, George St.; M. H. St. John, 36 Hollywood Ave., E. Orange. Passaic, Methodist Church, Autumn St., near Central Ave.; J. A. Dominski, 211 Lincoln Ave., Burlington. Paterson English, German S. D. A. Church, North, Eighth and Temple Sts.; J. A. Dominski, 211 Lincoln Ave., Burlington. Paterson German, German. S. D. A. Church, North Eighth and Temple Sts.; C. Bruck, 22 Hillcrest ,P1., Hudson Hts. Paulsboro, New St., ,cor. Delaware; S. S. 2: 00 p. m., Preaching 3:15 p. m.; S. E. Norton, 252 Boyd St., Camden. Perth Amboy, Slovak, 411 Neville St.; Andrew Yakush, 507 18th Ave., Newark, N. J. Perth Amboy, Danish-English, 411 Neville St.; E. H. Swanson, 219 Wilkinson Ave., Jersey City. Plainfield, cor. Graig Place and Duer St., in German Reformed church; M. H. St. John, 36 Hollywood Ave., East Orange. Pleasantville, Lake Place, West of Main St.; Wm. F. Schmidt, South State St., Vineland. • Ramah, S. D. A. School Building, Ramah;. S. R...Haynes, Shiloh Road, Bridgeton,. N. J. Swedesboro, cor. Broad St. and Helms Ave.; S. S., 9: 30 a. m., Preaching 11:00 a. m.; Wm. F. Schmidt, South State St., Vineland, N. J. Trenton, 200 Columbus Ave.; M. H. St. John, 36 . Hollywood Ave., East Orange. Vineland, Eighth and Pear Sts.; Wm. F. Schmidt, South State St. Williamstown, Linden Ave.; near Main St.; S. R. Haynes; Shi- 39 loh Road, Bridgeton, N. J. Woodbury, S. E. Norton, 252 Boyd St., Camden. OHIO CONFERENCE Organized 1863 Territory: The State of Ohio. Population: 6,640,697; churches, 68; members, 3,507. Postal Address: Box 517, Mt. Vernon, Ohio. (Telephone 1175.) Officers: Pres., C. V. Leach. Sec. and Treas., A. E. King. Executive Committee: C. V. Leach, G. W. Hosford, I. J. Gault, W. F. Schwartz, W. H. Walden, G. T. Harding, Jr., D. S. Teters, J. G. Dasent, A. A. Cone. Legal Assn.: " The Ohio Conference Assn. of the S. D. A. Church." Pres., C. V. Leach; Sec., A. E. King. Department Secretaries: Book and Bible House, A. E. King. Field Miss., I. M. Evans. Home Miss., E. R. Corder. Medical, C. E. Welch. Religous Liberty, C. V. Leach. Sabbath School and Educational, O. S. Hershberger. Y. P. M. V., Mrs. A. E. King. 1V1inisters: C. V. Leach, A. A. Cone, C. W. Guenther, A. N. Durrant, 0. F. Schwedrat, L. 0. Gordon, J. W. Shutlz, W. F. Schwartz, H. K. Christman, Paul Matula, J. G. Dasent, G. W. Hosford, D. F. Roth, S. Bero, A. J. Olson. Honorary: L. A. Spring, I. D. Richardson. Licentiates: D. S. Teters, E. R. Corder, 0. S. Hershberger, I, M. Evans, C, E, 40 COLUMBIA UNION CONFERENCE Welch, P. C. Cardey, Wm. Ellis, L. C. Evans, R. F. Warnick, A. W. Perrine. Missionary Licentiates: Miss Bonnie Dobbins, Mrs. A. A. Cone, A. E. King, Mrs. A. E. King, C. G. Stewart, Miss Lillie Kraft, Mrs. Gertrude Reseguie, Miss Cora Gibson. Church School Teachers: Freda Davis, Ethel Peet, Louise Reisen, Ella Searles, Pearl Meese, Mildred Baker, A. W. Perrine, Mrs. A. W. Perrine, Mae Stebbins, Luvada Lockhart, E. F. Traub, Mrs. Raymond Pope, R. B. Little, Lottie Gibson, Mildred Gibson, Mrs. Amanda Kirkpatrick, Lorraine Fankhouser, Priscilla Kistler, Bertha Laughlin, Julia Edson, Nellie. Westrick, Grace Wagner, Mrs. M. E. Walker, Zelia Miller, Betty Nicholson, Ruth Herman. Church Directory: Akron, 825 East Buchtel Ave.; J. W. Shultz, 49 Jewett Street. Alliance, K. of P. Hall, Main St. Ashtabula, G. A. R. Hall, Main St. Bowling Green, West Evers Ave. Bucyrus, Hill St. Ave. and Smith St., Southwest; J. W. Shultz, 49 Jewett St., Akron, Ohio. Cincinnati: 1018 Locust St., Walnut Hills; W. F. Schwartz, 3014 Woodburn Ave. Cincinnati German, Cor. Fairfax and Hackberry Sts.; D. F. Roth; 3133 Hackberry Ave., East Walnut Hills. Cleveland: East Church, 5700 Hough Ave.; G. W. Hosford, 6612 Hough Ave. German. 3161 West Fourteenth St.; 0. F. Schwedrat, 4503 Spokane Ave. Colored, Cedar and East 71st St.; J. G. Dasent, 7017 Cedar Ave. Columbus: 26 N. 21st Street; A. A. Cone, 2508 Bexford Place. Colored, Cleveland Ave. and Spring St.; R. F. Warniek, 195 North Monroe St. Dayton: Superior and Ferguson Ayes.; L. O. Gordon, 410 Northern Ave., Springfield, Ohio. Hamilton, North Second St., K. of P. Hall. Jackson, Pearl St. Lakewood, Andrews and Detroit Ave., Masonic Temple. Lima, Scott and Eureka Sts. Marion, 224 North State St. Mt. Vernon, Academia, Academy chapel. New Philadelphia, Tenth and Front Sts. Pleasant Hill, Dresden, Ohio. Ravenna, Ohio Ave., near South Prospect St. Springfield: 29 East Mulberry St.; L. 0. Gordon, 410 Northern Ave. Colored, 632 South Wittenberg Ave. Toledo, 885 Orchard St.; C. W. 'Guenther, 2407 Fairview Ave. Worthington. Columbus R.ursi Rest Home, Worthington, Ohio. Youngstown, 127 West Marion Ave.; L. C. Evans, 175 Marion Ave. Zanesville, Indiana and Lazeleer • Sts. POTOMAC CONFERENCE Organized 1924 Territory: The State of Virginia (excepting Accomax and Northampton Counties), the District of Columbia, and the county of Montgomery in Maryland. Population: 2,910,991; churches, 39; members, 2,632. COLUMBIA UNION CONFERENCE Office: 411 Cedar St., Takoma Park, Washington, 11., C. (Telephone, Georgia 1256.) Officers: Pres., W. P. Elliott. Sec. and Treas., W. B. Mohr. Executive Committee: W. P. Elliott, J. W. MacNeil, W. B. Mohr, H. A. Morrison, H. B. Hamilton, E. C. Atkinson, W. C. Hannah, C. H. Dougherty, L. W. Graham. Legal Assn.: " Potomac Conference Corporation of S. D. A." Also, " District of Columbia Conf. Corp. of S. D. A." and "Virginia Conf. Agency of S. D. A." Department Secretaries: Book and Bible House, E. F. Willett. Educational, Mrs. C. P. Sorensen. Field Miss., J. A. Bee. Home Miss., W. S. Mead. Medical, Mrs. Laura WitzkePatton. Religious Liberty, W. P. Elliott. Sabbath School, Mrs. C. P. Sorensen. V. P. M. V., C. P. Sorensen. Ministers: W. P. Elliott, B. F. Bryan, B. E. Connerly, E. C. Atkinson, J. H. Smith, H. G. Gauker, R. D. Hottel, J. W. MacNeil, R. S. Lindsay, N. J. Grant. Licentiates: J. A. Bee, M. J. Shanko, W. C. Hannah, C. R. Sorensen, W. 0. Berry, W. J. Banks, G. H. Clark, W. S. Mead, L. 0. Coon, C. T. Jackson, R. S. Finch, P. Hafenmayr, A. A. Douglas. Missionary Licentiates: W. B. Mohr, Mrs. B. E. Connerly, Mrs. G. D. Burgess, Mrs. C. P. Sorenson, E. F. Willett, Mrs. G. E. Wales; Mrs. J. Mayberry, Mrs. Laura Witzke-Patton, Miss Kathleen L. Meyer. 41 Church School Teachers: Miss Virginia Stevens, Miss Louise Stuart, Miss Mae Carberry, Henry Witzke, L. Tucker, Miss' V. Clymer, Miss B. Shoup, S. E. Patton, Miss Jennie Lewis, Miss Hazel Brent, Mrs. Margaret Plymire, Miss Nellie Hubbard, Miss Ethel Varnado, Mrs. C. V. Jeffers, Miss Annabelle Eshenko, Miss Mae Painter, Mrs. Harry Lodge, Mrs. C. E. Norton, Miss Stone Bowman; Miss Myrtle E. Gates, Miss Martha Blackburn, Miss Euphemia Bryne, Miss Maybert Hinton, Miss Ruby Ingle, Mrs. C. V. Pease. ChUrches and Pastors: Arlington, Va., Glebe Road near Columbia Pike. Alexandria, Va., 806 Prince St. Berryville, Va.; P. Hafenmayi% Buena Vista, Va.; M. J. Shanko. Danville, Va.. 889 Colquehoun St.; R. S. Finch. Lynchburg, Va., 2007 Park Ave. Mayberry. Meadows of Dan, Va. New Market, Va., Shenandoah Valley Academy; R. D. Hottel. NeVirport News, Va., 219 Fortyfifth St.; R. S. Lindsay, 317 Pear Ave. Norfolk, Va., Twenty-ninth St. and Colley Ave. Oak Ridge, Republican Grove, Va. Portsmouth, Va., 1010 County St. Richmond. Va.. 9 North Morris St.; H. G. Gauker, 3420 Westhampton Ave. Roanoke, Va., 77 Jamison Ave.; G. H. Clark. Takoma Park, Md.: Sligo, Washington Missionary College; H. L. Shoup. Washington Sanitarium; W. E. Barr. Takoma. Park, Carroll and Willow Ayes.; B. F. Bryan, 254 Carroll St., Takoma Pk., D. C. Vienna, Va., Court House Road and State Pike. 42 COLUMBIA UNION CONFERENCE Washington, D. C.: Capital-Memorial, Fifth and F Sts., N. W.; J. W. MacNeil, 500 Flower Ave. Mt. Pleasant, 1813 Columbia Rd. N. W.; R. F. Farley, 912 Carroll Ave., Takoma Park, Md. Winchester, Va., 10 West Cork St. Colored: Alexandria, Va., 1020 Pendleton St. Danville, 757 Doe St. Newport News, Va., 1224 Thirtieth St. Norfolk, Va., 1289 Calvert St.; Richmond, Va., 912 North Sixth St.; N. J. Grant, 500 Noith 29th St. Washington, D. C.: First, 624 Eighth St., N. E. Ephesus, Sixth and N Sts. N. W. Department Secretaries: Book and Bible House, H. E. Garrarde. Educational, L. W. Belote. Field Miss.; ;J. R. Ridenour. Home ,Miss. and Y.,P.;M. V., R. E. Crawford. Religious Liberty, W. A. Nelson. Sabbath School, Stanley Brown. Ministers: W. A. Nelson, C. W. Weber, G. S. Rapp, Ilija Belich, T. M. Rowe, C. • B. Newmyer Licentiates: J. R. Ridenour, Stanley Brown, L. W. Belote, R. E. Crawford, C. E. Reichenbaugh. Missionary Licentiates: H. E. Garrarde, Mathilda Butker, E. F. Upton, R. H. Fickling, Hazel Wheeler. Church School Teachers: WEST PENNSYLVANIA CONFERENCE Organized 1903 Territory: All of Pennsylvania lying west of the easterly line of Potter, Clinton, Center, Mifflin, Huntingdon, and Fulton Counties. Pop ula .3,o- ,two; churches, 27; members, 1,122. Office: P. 0. Box 235, Greensburg, Pa. (Telephone, Greensburg 2520.) Officers: Pres., W. A. Nelson. Sec. and Treas., H. E. Garrarde. Executive Committee: W. A. Nelson, H. E. Garrarde, C. W. Weber, J. W. Bateman, S. 0. Cherry, G. S. Rapp, C. B. Newmyer. Legal Assn.: " West PennsylVania Conference Assn. of , S. D. A." Mrs. G. Hoag, Miss Dorothy Smith, R. E. Kraft, C. Robinson, Mrs. C. Robinson. Church Directory: Altoona, Twenty-fifth St., bet. Fifth and Sixth Ayes. Bradford, Jerome Ave., cor. Rockland. connpnQArip., Washington St.; Stanley Brown, 111 S. Cottage Ave. Corry, North Center St. Coudersport, West Chestnut St.; L. W. Belote, 11 Eulalia St. Coudersport, Pa. DuBois, Falls. Creek, Pa.; C. E. Reichenbaugh, Falls Creek, Pa. Erie; 245 East Tenth St.; C. B. Newmyer, 641 E. 9th St., Erie, Pa. Greensburg, -Malta Hall, North Main. St. Huntingdon, Twelfth St., between Moore and Oneida Sts. Johnstown, 213 Hickory Stre-et. Meadville, 782. Mohigan St. Mt. Braddock, Mt. Braddock, Pa. COLUMBIA UNION CONFERENCE Mt. Jewett, Swedish, Anderson and Main Sts. New Castle, K. of P. Hall, Washington and Mercer Sts. North Warren, Main St. Pittsburgh: English, cor. Race and Sterrett Sts., Homewood, Pittsburgh, Pa.; G. S. Rapp. Colored, Center and Morgan Sts.; T. M. Rowe, 1870 Runette St. German, 167 Fortieth St.; C. W. Weber, 225 Michigan St., Mt. Oliver Station. Port Allegany, at Burtville, Pa. Sharon, Leslie Hall, second floor, Chestnut Ave. Six Mile Run, Bedford County, Six Mile Run, Pa. Uniontown, Municipal Bldg. Warren (Swedish), S. B. and A. Hall, Second St., near Liberty. Washington, Odd Fellow's Hall, Chestnut and Main Sts. WEST VIRGINIA CONFERENCE Organized 1887 Territory: The State of West Virginia, except the counties of Morgan, Berkeley, and Jefferson, and including the counties of Garrett and Allegany in Maryland. Population: 1,775,995; churches, 11; members, 500. Office: 1455 Seventh St., Parkersburg, W. Va. (Telephone, 394.) Officers: Pres., D. A. Rees. Sec. and Treas., C. M. Paden. Executive Committee: D. A. Rees, J. E. Meredith, S. M. Robbins, 0. G. Carnes, J. H. McHenry. Legal Assn.: " Seventh-day Adventist Book Society." 43 Department Secretaries: Book and Bible' House, C. M. Paden. Educational, D. A. Rees. Field Miss., G. H. Carter. Sabbath School, V. P. M. V., and Home Miss., Miss Nell Mead. Ministers: D. A. Rees, T. W. Thirlwell, 0. G. Carnes, Charles Baierle, Chancy Wood, A. E. Holst. Licentiates: C. M. Paden, C. H. Carter. Missionary Licentiates: Miss Nell Mead, Miss Jessie Welsh. Church School Teachers: H. J. Stone, Mrs. Florence Upton, Lillian Halstead, Laura Moyer, C. E. Schultze. Church Directory: Charleston, W. Va., 1534 Washington St. Charleston, W. Va., Colored, Corner Bream St. and Second Ave. Clarksburg, W. Va., Moose Hall, Second Floor, Second St. Cumberland, Md., . Oak and Boone Sts. Huntington, W. Va., 26th St. and Collis Ave. Morgantown, W. Va., 3rd Floor Second National Bank Bldg. Parkersburg, W. Va., 1305 Andrew St. Settlers Hall, South Penn. and Virginia Sts. (Island). INSTITUTIONS IN THE COLUMBIA UNION CONFERENCE Educational: Home Study Institute, Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Mt. Vernon Academy, Mt. Vernon, Ohio. Shenandoah Valley Academy, New Market, Va. 44 COLOMBIA UNION CONFERENCE Washington Missionary College, Tak on] a Park, Washington, D. C. Publishing: Review and Herald Pub. Assn., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Washington Branch, Review and Herald Pub. Assn., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Sanitarium: Washington Sanitarium, Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. EASTERN CANADIAN UNION CONFERENCE Organized Igor Territory: The Conferences of Maritime, Ontario, St. Lawrence, and the Newfoundland Mission. Population: 6,552,890; churches, 55; members, 1,682. Office Address: Box 337, Oshawa, Ontario. Phone 2054. Officers: Pres., W. C. Moffett. Sec. and Treas., W. E. Perrin. Executive Committee: W. C. Moffett, W. H. Howard, H. H. Rans, F. W. Stray, L. F. Passebois, C. W. Degering, R. CarV.. Campbell, H. N. Williams, W. E. Perrin. Legal Assn.: " Eastern Canadian Un1or. II1;;T.fel7Eac Cva pm adon of S. D. A." Department Secretaries: Educational, C. W. Degering, Box 308, Oshawa, Ont. Field Miss., R. Carlill. Home Miss., Y. P. M. V., W. C. Moffett. Ministers: W. C. Mofiet, L. H. Hartin, C. W. Degering. Honorary: B. E. Manuel. Licentiates: R. Carlill, W. E. Perrin. Missionary Licentiates: R. H. Bans, C. L. Paddock. MARITIME CONFERENCE Organized 1902 • Territory: The Provinces of Ne‘‘ Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and Prince Edward Island, with the Gaspe Peninsula. Population: 940,000; churches, 16; members, 333. Office: Box 88, Moncton, New Brunswick. (Telephone, 685-41.) Officers: Pres., F. W. Stray. See. and Treas., Executive Committee: F. W. cz.6. NAT. geeg, W. A. White, R. Longard. Department Secretaries: Book and Bible House, --. Educational, W. A. White. Field Miss., Sabbath School, Home Miss., and Y. P. M. V., 0. A. Munroe. Ministers: F. W. Stray, R. H. Cooke. Missionary Licentiates: W. A. White, 0. A. Munroe. Church School Teachers: Miss Carrie Hubley, Miss Mildred Mosher. EASTERN CANADIAN UNION CONFERENCE Maritime Academy Principal: W. A. White. Church Directory: Halifax, Nova Scotia, 19 Parker St. Moncton, New Brunswick, Free Meeting House, Steadman and Union Sts. , St. John, New Brunswick, cor. Carleton and Peel. NEWFOUNDLAND MISSION Re-named the "NeWfoundland Association of Seventh-day Adventists," under new organization. Territory: The colony of Newfoundland which includes the Island of Newfoundland and Labrador, and all islands around the coast of the Colony including the French Islands of St. Pierre and Miquelon. Population: 275,000; churches, 3; members, 150. Office Address: 106 Freshwater Road, St. John's. (Phone 3160.) Postal Address: P. 0. Box 106, St. John's, Newfoundland. Officers: Pres., H. N. Williams. Sec. and Treffs., H. B. Tucker. Executive Committee: H. N. Williams, H. B. Tucker, 0. H. Morgan, Ernest Spracklin, Stanley Noseworthy, W. C. Baird, Samuel Webber, Donald Mackintosh. Legal Assn.: " Newfoundland Seventh-day Adventist Legal Association." (Organized and incorporated, 1929.) . " Registered Office," 106 Freshwater Road, St. John's, Newfoundland. 45 Officers and Board of Directors: the same as the above ecclesiastical "Executive Committee" except Donald Mackintosh. Newfoundland Junior Academy: School Board appointed by the Governor in Council. Pres., H. N. Williams. Sec. and Treas., H. B. Tucker. Principal, Ernest Lemon. Teachers: Murdena Lemon, Fern Mann. Outport school under same management. New Bay, Robert DiTet, teacher. Department Secretaries: Educational, FT. N. Williams. Home Commission, Mrs. Ida C. Will iams. :Houle Missionary, Miss Adelaide Wood. Sabbath School, Miss Marie Bond. Y. P. M. V., Miss Nella F. Eastman. Ministers: H. N. Williams, Donald Mackintosh. Bible Teachers and Missionary Licentiates: Miss Nella F. Eastman, Miss Marie Bond, Robert DulTett, 0. 1. Stevens. Church Directory: St. John's S. D. A. Church, Cookstown Road, St. John's; 0. H. Morgan and H. B. Tucker, Elders, Box 106, St. John's. Catalina S. D. A. Church; Mrs. Harold House, Leader, Catalina, T. B., Newfoundland. Bay Roberts, S. D. A. Church; Mrs. A. J. Wood, Company Leader, Bay Roberts, C. B., Newfoundland. New Bay S. D. A. Church and School; W. R. Duffett, Company Leader, New Bay, N. D. B., Newfoundland. 46 EASTERN CANADIAN UNION CONFERENCE ONTARIO CONFERENCE Organized 1899 Territory: The Province of Ontario lying between the 77th and 89th meridians, except the territory east of Nipissing, Hastings, and Prince Edward counties. Population of Ontario: 2,817,890; churches, 21; members, 832. Office: 3 Awde St., Toronto 4, Ontario. (Telephone: Kenwood 4767.) Officers: Pres., M. V. Campbell. Sec. and Treas., G. L. Sather. Executive Committee: M. V. Campbell, G. L. Sather, R. A. Hubley, W. J. Hurdon, F. G. Hill, L. Payne, T. F. McKee. Legal Assn.: " The Ontario Conference of Seventh-day Adventists" (Incorporated). Department Secretaries: Book and Bible House, G. L. Sather. Educational and Y. P. M. V., M. V. Campbell. Field Miss., J. M. Ackerman. M. V. Car.-..p'60.. -LT= Sabbath School, G. L. Sather_ Rel. Liberty, W. J. Hurdon. Ministers: M. V. Campbell, R. A. Hubley, W. J. Hurdon, 0. D. Cardey, A. M. Baybarz, E. A. Beavon. Honorary: J. T. Errington. Licentiate: R. E. Walsh. Missionary Licentiates: G. L. Sather, Kathleen Brightwell, J. M. Ackerman, Cora Bowers, Willard Dessain, Mrs. M. H. Snook, Dorothy Lovell. Church School Teachers: Miss Abbie Culbert, Mrs. IL Lease, Miss Nettie Knister, Miss Edna Trolit. Church Directory: Brantford, Alfred and Darling Sts. Chatham, McKeough St. Galt, Rose and Cambridge Sts. Hamilton, Royal Templars' Bldg., cor. Main and Walnut Sts. London, Rectory and York Sts. Oshawa, City; S. 0. E. Hall. Oshawa College, Chapel. Paris, S. 0. E. Hall., St. Catherines, S. 0. E. Hall. St. Thomas, Mary and Curtis Sts. Toronto, Awde and Dufferin Sts. Toronto, Ukrainian: Occident Hall, Bathurst and Queen Sts. Windsor, 407 Moy Ave. ST. LAWRENCE CONFERENCE Organized 1880 Territory: The Province of Quebec, with the exception of the Gaspe Peninsula, and the following counties of Ontario: Renfrew, Lenox, Addington, Frontenac, Lenark, Leeds, Carleton, Gieeuviiie, Dunnas, Stormont, Prescott, Glengary. Population: 2,520,000; churches, 15; members; 362. Office: 1517 Mouritain St., Room 11, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Postal Address: Box 325, Station H, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. (Telephone, Marquette 2845.) Officers: Pres., W. H. Howard. Sec. and Treas., Ada L. Manuel. Executive Committee: W. H. Howard, S. G. White, A. E. Millner, E. M. Sears, I. S. Jones, Frank Wells. EASTERN CANADIAN UNION CONFERENCE Department Secretaries: • Book and Bible House; Ada L. Manuel. Field Miss., P. W. Manuel. Home Miss., and Educational, W. H. Howard. Sabbath School, Mrs. ' W. H. Howard. Y. P. M. V., A. E. Millner. Ministers: W. H. HoWard', S. G: White, A. E. Millner,' E. M. Sears. Missionary Licentiates:, Ada L. Manuel, P. W. Manuel, J. A. Toop, Mrs. W. H. Howard. Church Directory: Montreal, English, 4250 Western Ave., Westmount, Quebec. 47 Montreal, French, 4250 Western Ave., Westmount, Quebec. Kingston, Alfred and Princess Sts., Kingston, Ontario. Ottawa, 64 Fifth Ave., Ottawa. South Stukely, South Stukely, Quebec. Waterville, Waterville, Quebec. INSTITUTIONS IN THE EASTERN CANADIAN UNION CONFERENCE Educational: Maritime ' Academy, Memramcook, New Brunswick. Oshawa Missionary College, Box 308, Oshawa, Ontario. Publishing: Canadian Watchman Press, Box 398, Oshawa, Ontario. ' LAKE UNION CONFERENCE Organized igor Territory: The Conference of East Michigan, Indiana, Illinois, West nsin. n Mlchigan,`Wisco Pc pulation: 18,650,488; churches, 340; ,members, 17,897. 'Office Address: Drawer C, Berrien Springs, Mich. (Telephone, 124.) ffi cers: Pres., W. H. Holden. Sec. and Treas., L. W. Foote. Auditor, H. P. Bloum. Executive Committee: W. H. Holden, the' presidents of the conferences comprising the Lake Union Conference, and L. H. Wood, F. R. Isaac, T.,W. Steen, J. D. Snider, S. T. Shadel, G. H. Smith, H. P. Bloum, Df.' W. R. Simmons, K. F. Ambs, L. W. Foote. Legal Assn.: " Lake Union Conference Assn. of S. D. A." , Department Secretaries: „Educational, F. R. Isaac. Field Miss., --. Home Miss., S. T. Shadel. Medical, Dr. W. R. Simmons. Religious Liberty, S. T. Shadel. Training School, L. H. Wood. Y. P. M. V., G. H. Smith. Ministers: W. H. Holden, Wm. Guthrie, L. H. Wood, T. W. Steen, F. R. -Isaac, S. T. Shadel, G. H. Smith, C. M. Sorenson,H. E. Edwards, C. A. Burman, . H. Wakeham, M. H. Schuster, K. A. Offerman, G. C. Hoskin, Samuel Kaplan, August Anderson, D. A. Mozar, A. D. Haynal, S. G. Burley, H. S. Prenier, B. H. Phipps. Honorary Credentials: J. M. Wilbur, E. H. Henderson, T. F. ' Hubbard, E. Rosenwald, J. B. Blosser, E. F. Ferris. Licentiates: J. D. Snider, Alex Long, Karl Mattsson, E. C. Rowell, 0. Granlund, C. A. Thorp, H. G. Reinmuth, Samuel Bara, J. H. Haughey. 48 LAKE UNION CONFERENCE Missionary Licentiates: Frank Hiner, H. P. Bloum, B. L. Grundset, Herbert Griffith, L. W. Foote. EAST MICHIGAN CONFERENCE Organized in 1902, from territory formerly comprising the Michigan Conference. Territory: The southeastern portion of Michigan, including the following counties: Hillsdale, St. Clair, Lenawee, Monroe, Wayne, Washtenaw, Jackson, Ingham, Livingston, Oakland, Macomb, Clinton, Lapeer, Genessee, Shiawassee, Saginaw, Tuscola, Sanilac, Huron, Bay. Population: 3,254,040; churches, 51; members, 2,926. Office: Holly, Mich. (Telephone, 143.) Officers: Pres., V. E. Peugh. Sec. and Treas., R. M. Harrison. Executive Comm i ttde: V. E.. Peugh, R. M. Harrison, Floyd Quackenbush, L. B. Schick, F. A. Webber, F. L. Abbott, A. E. Webb. E"t, Michigan Legal A wan ! Conference Assn of the Seventhday Adventists," Incorporated. Department Secretaries: Book and Bible House, C. B. Burgess. Educational, G. R. Fattic. Field Miss., D. E. Collins. Home Miss„ R. R. Brooks. Religious Liberty, F. L. Abbott. Sabbath School, R. R. Brooks. Y. P. M. V., G. R. Fattic. Ministers: V. E. Peugh, F. L. Abbott, C. M. Bunker, G. R. Fattic, C. V. Keiser, IT. L. Peden, W. L. Latham, H. B. Taylor, A. E. Webb, B. F. Williams, Milan Ostoich, L. B. Schick, R. R. Brooks, D. E. Collins, G. H. Simpson, Carl Beck, A. L. Haynal. Honorary: E. I. Beebe, H. A. Boylan, A. V. Morrison, J. W. Hirlinger. Licentiates: L. C. Lee, E. A. Jarreau, E. L. Munson. Missionary Licentiates: C. B. Burgess, Hazel Griggs, R. M. Harrison, Millicent Jordan, Jody Ketterman, Okareda Ketterman, Dorothy Woolley, Agnes Webber, Mrs. N. E. Skinner, Mrs. L. B. Schick, Bertha Bollinger, Sadie Willette. Honorary: Marie P. Harriman, Mina Pierce, Carrie I. Irwin. Church School Teachers: Dot McCormick, Hazel Elwood, Dora Greve, Viola Boat, Savilla Birmingham, L. K. Hendricks, Katherine Smith, Dorothy Dean, Inez Bird, Wilma Smith, George Stone, Ruth Warren, Catherine Shepard. Churches and Pastors: Adrian, Forester's Hall, East Maumee St. Ann Arbor, Prospect and Church Bay City, 304 South Dean St. Belleville, Liberty St. Bunker Hill, Bunker Hill Center. Clarenceville, Liberty St. Detroit, English, Grand River and Calumet; L. B. Schick, 2299 Monterey Ave. Detroit, English, Field Ave. and Sylvester St.; Carl Beck, 3863 Harding Ave. Detroit, German, Field and Sylvester Sts.; Carl Beck, 3863 Harding Ave. Detroit, East Side (Col.), 1318 Watson St. Detroit, Colored, Hartford Ave. and Cobb St.; A. E. Webb, 6403 Van Court. LAKE UNION CONFERENCE Detroit, Seroian, 5445 Riopelle St.; Milan Ostoich, 2572 Baldwin SO Detroit, Rumanian, Home of Nicholas• Schian, R. F. D. 3, Plymouth. Detroit, Slovakian-Polish, Pinecrest Dr. and Saratoga St., Ferndale; A. L. Haynal, 1715 Albany Ave., Ferndale. Ferndale, Pinecrest Dr. and Saratoga St.; H. L. Peden, 1504 Pinecrest Drive. Flint, 709 Stockton Ave.; W. L. Latham, 806 East 5th St. Flint, No. 2 (Colored) ; E. A. Jarreau, 3935 Grant St. Hillsdale, Oak and Vine Sts. Holly, Lake St.; C. M. Bunker, Holly, Mich. Jackson, Summit Ave. and Ten Eyck St.; B. F. Williams, 703 Second St. Lansing, 614 West WashtenaW St.; F. L. Abbott, 606 West Washtenaw St. Lapeer, Genesee and Mason. Owos:so, East Corunna St. Oxford, Park St. Pontiac, Hill and Cherry Court; C. V. Keiser, 350 Judson St. Port Huron, 1321 10th Ave. Saginaw, 1200 North Michigan Ave.; H. B. Taylor, 521 State St. Sandusky. Lexington Ave. St. Clair Shores, Gratiot and 9 mi. Rd., Detroit. Vassar, Prospect St. Wyandotte, 81 Chestnut St.; P. Hall). ILLINOIS CONFERENCE Organized 1931 Territory: The State of Illinois, with the addition of Lake County, Indiana. Population: 7,891,064; churches, 68; members, 4,153. Office: Room 1488, Pure Oil Bldg., 35 East Wacker Drive, Chicago, Ill. Phone, Franklin 8394. 49 Officers: Pres., R. F.. :Harter. Sec. and Treas., F. S. Thompson. Executive Committee: R. E. Harter, F. S. Thompson, E. P. Weaver, G. C. Hoskin, 0. 0. Bernstein, B. F. Tucker, E. R. Potter, G. A. La Crone. Legal Assn.: "The Illinois Conference Assn: of S. D. A." Department Secretaries: Book and Bible House, W. A. Petersen. Educational Supt., Edith Shepard. Field Miss., D. E. Collins. Home Miss., E. R. Potter. Y. P. M. V., E. W. Dunbar. Rel. Liberty, R. E. Harter. Sabbath School, Rosa Kozel. Ministers: R. E. Harter, 0. 0. Bernstein, A. D. Bohn, E. W. Dunbar, R. U. Garrett, P. G. Herwick, G. C. Hoskin, J. W. Kasa, G. A. La Drone, :D. A. Mozar, 0. J. Nerhind, J. E. Patzkowski, E. 11. Potter, S. N. Rittenhouse, J. Taylor, J. Vitrano, A. W. Wennerber,g, D. E. Collins, J. A. Swenson. Honorary: M. C. Sturdevant, W. H. Sherrig, J. L. Wilson, J. M. Erikson. Licentiates: H. :E. Bisel, Percy Christian, Alton Jacobs, C. R. Kinney, A. C. Lien, C. E. Moseley, S. W. Porter, 'Winslow Randall, :Wm. Scheller, C. H. Smith, F. S. Thompson, E. P. Weaver, W. T. Weaver, A. F. Wellman, R. P. Wipperman, R. G. Campbell, Floyd Carrier.' Missionary Licentiates: Mrs. C. L. Clough, Mrs. Nellie Crowe, Mrs. Bertha de Vries, Effie Higueruelo, Rosa Kozel, Katherine Lang, Florence Lawranee, Mrs. Anna Lipsey, Katherine Pachucki, Airs. Celia Mc- 50 LAKE UNION CONFERENCE Allister, W. A. Petersen, Helen Payne, A. L. Rice, Emelia Roberson, Mrs. Doris Rubin, Isabel Russell, W. R. Stanton, Mrs. Irene Anderson, Edith Shepard. Honorary: Mary B. Craig, Anna . Hibben, Mrs. Katie Williams. Church School Teachers: Esther Engquist, Eloise Williams, Mrs. Fannie HealzerMarx, Jessie Tatton, Rose De Benedetto, Mildred Ostoich, Mrs. R. N. Daniel, May Broderson, Alice Bodine, Daisy Stern, Florence Utter, Mrs. L. C. Derrick, Gertrude Dabney, Mrs. Clara Quigley, Edna Wingard, Hedvig Nelson, Ruth Hopper, Iva Branson, Alma Hanson, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Van Fawson, Ella Foreman, Carrie Nelson, Laurabell Drury, Ava Kirkpatrick, Bernice Greer, Lillian Johnson, H. E. Bi• sel, Mrs. H. E. Bisel. Churches and Pastors: Aledo, 7 Miles Southwest of Town. Alton, Odd Fellows Hall, Main and College Sts. • • Aurora, Plum and Iowa Sts.; A. F. Wellman, 554 Spring St. . Belleville, North Second, Casey. ville Road. Trap" Blooming:4cm, na East Jefferson St. Bluford, 600 South Twenty-first St., Mt. Vernon, Ill. Broadview College, Broadview College Chapel, La Grange, Ill. Phone, La Grange 2075. Brookfield. Pacific Press Chapel. Phone, Brookfield 606. Carterville, End of Elles Ave. Chicago: Czechoslovakian, John Huss Church, cor. Sawyer and 24th Sts.; J. W. Kasa, 4242 West 31st St., Chicago, Ill. German North Side, 2318 Roscoe St.; J. E. Patzkowski, 3654 North Robey St., Phone Graceland 6058. German South Side, Sixtysecond and Lincoln Sts.; Wm. Scheller, 6234 South Hermitage Ave., Chicago, Ill., Phone, Republic 6912. Humboldt Park (Danish-Norwegian) 2914 West North Ave.; P. G. Herwick, 2914 West North Ave., Phone Armitage 9843. Hungarian, 9228 Drexel Ave.; D. A. Mozar, Broadview College, LaGrange, Ill. Italian, 1213 Gilpin Place; J. Vitrano, 619 South Ashland Ave., Phone, Monroe 5585. Morgan Park (Colored), 1545 West 110th St. North Shore, cor. Diversey and Seminary Ave. Polish, 1244 Erie St. Russian, 2914 West North St.; S. G. Burley, Broadview College, LaGrange, Ill. Shiloh (Colored) cor. 46th and St. Lawrence Ave., Phone Atlantic 5152. Serbian-Croatian, 3020 South Wells St. South Side, Cor. 60th Place and Princeton; A. D. Bohn, 6040 Princeton Ave. Phone, Englewood 5067. Swedish, 5414 Rice St.; 0. J. Kea Phone Mansfield 6032. West Central, Cor. Midway Park and Waller Ave.;0. 0. Bernstein, 5963 Midway Park. Phone, Mansfield 0433. Chicago Heights, Odd Fellow's Hall, Chicago Heights, Ill. Danville, Cor. East Main and Edwards (Old Church of God). Decatur, Cor. Packard and North College. Duquoin, 1 Mile S. W. in country. East St. Louis, First, Thirtyninth and Audubon; G. A. La Grone, 1316-A North 15th St. East St. Louis, Colored, 1401 Walnut Ave. LAKE UNION CONFERENCE Evanston( colored), Y. M. C. A. Chapel; C. E. Moseley, 1824 Simpson. Farmington, 461 West Fort St. Galesburg, 247 Blaine Ave. Gary, 3811 Adams St., Gary, Ind.; Floyd Carrier, 3853 Madison St. • Hammond, K. of P. Hall, Hammond, Ind. Harvey, 125 East 153rd.St., Harvey, Ill. Hinsdale, Sanitarium Chapel, Hinsdale, Ill.; J. I. Taylor, 78 North County Line Road. Phone, Hinsdale 2100. Joliet, Prairie Ave. and Richmond St. Kankakee, Cor. East Oak and North Dearborn St. Kewanee, 404 East First St. Kingman, Y2 Mile North. LaGrange, Odd Fellows Hall, West Harris St., LaGrange, Ill. Lovington, 4 blocks south of station. Martinsville, South York St. Mattoon, 216 North Twenty-first St. Moline and Rock Island, Thirteenth St. and Fourteenth Ave. Noble, 4Y2 Miles South and West of Noble. Ottawa, Old Swedish Methodist Church, edge of town, Prairie St.; M. C. Sturdevant. Peoria, 1915 North Jefferson St. Pittwood, South of Town, South Lyman. Pontiac, City Hall, North Main St. Princeton, 713 North First St. Quincy, 1121 North Fifth St. Rockford, Myott and Auburn Sts.; A. W. Wennerberg, 513 Miriam Ave. Sheridan, Academy Building. Springfield 1, 300 West Allen St. Springfield 2 (colored), 1221 South Fifteenth St. Stewardson, North Side. Stockton, Endriss Residence. Streator, 113 First St. 51 Twin City, 1007 West Stoughton St. Waukegan, 308 Glendenning Ave. W. Frankfort, 907 North Cochran St. INDIANA CONFERENCE Organized 1872 Territory: The State of Indiana, excepting the seven counties in the' northern tier. Population: 2,637,808; churches, 42; members, 2,008. Office: 511 E. 22nd St., Indianapolis, Ind. (Telephone, Hemlock 25 0.) Officers: Pres., F. A. Wright. Sec. and Treas., E. G. Johansen. Executive CoMmittee: F. A. Wright, E. G. Johansen, W. A. Westworth, A. C. Gaylord, A. H. Welklin, 0. L. Denslow, D. H. Renf orth. Legal Assn.: " The Indiana Assn. of S. D. A." Incorporated. " The Indiana Medical Miss. and Benevolent Assn." Pres., W. H. Holden; Vice-Pres., F. A. Wright; See. and Treas., W. R. Simmons, M. D. Department Secretaries: Book and Bible .House, E. G. Johansen. Field Miss., T. M Butler. Home Miss., George Butler. Religious Liberty, W. A. Westworth. Sabbath School and Educational, Miss Edith Shepard. Y. P. M. V:, W. C. Loveless. Ministers: F. A. Wright, 0. K. Butler, W. A. Westworth, A. W. Coon, 0. L. Denslow, W. D. Forde, Georg6 Butler, C. E. Allen. 52 LAKE UNION CONFERENCE Honorary: 0. S. Hadley, T. F. Hubbard. Licentiates: W. R. Simmons, M. D., T. M. Butler, R. F. Pitts, Floyd Sanders, Paul Lugenbeal, J. W. Craig, Theo. Kroeger, W. C. Loveless. Missionary Licentiates: E. G. Johansen, Mrs. Ida V. Hadley, Edith Shepard, Miss Mary Kent. Church School Teachers: Louise Ambs, Violette Cady, Mary Caton, Mrs. J. W. Craig, Vern Hoffman, Mrs. Vern Hoffman, Clara Belle Culver, I. A. Chalker, Doris Geisinger, Bernice Hess, Theo. Lucas, Mrs. Theo. Lucas, Roxie Marshall, Mrs. Bertha Stottlemyer, Lois Steele, Thos. Stottlemyer, Robert Young, Mrs. Robert Young. Church Directory: Anderson, 811 West Thirteenth St. Bloomington, 915 West Howe St. Cicero, Academy. Connersville, Thirteenth and Indiana Ave. Evansville, 917 South Garvin. Fort Wayne, Third and Marion. fIrr.pn6eid, yr:to?. St. Indianapolis: Twenty-third St., 519 East Twenty-third St. Union, 1605 Sturm Ave. South Side, Orange and Laurel Sts. West St., 819 North West St. Hartford City, South Cherry St. Jasonville, North Park Ave. Kokomo, 914 West Taylor St. Lafayette, Eighth and Union Sts. Lafayette Sanitarium, Wabash Valley Sanitarium. Logansport, 809 East Broadway. Marion No. 1, Twentieth and Gallatin Sts. Marion No. 2, cor. 10th and 'Nebraska. Middletown, Seventh St. Muncie, East Ninth and South Mulberry Sts. New Albany, 9,10 East Oak St. Peru, Engineer's Hall. Richmond, No. 1, Cor. Northwest Fifth and School Sts. Vincennes, 4181/2 West Main. Salem, seven miles east of Sullivan. Terre Haute, G. A. R. Hall. Wabash, Masonic Temple. WEST MICHIGAN CONFERENCE Formerly a part of the Michigan Conference, organized in 1861; divided and reorganized in 1902, and again reorganized in 1926. Territory: All of the southern peninsula excepting the following East Michigan Conference counties: Hillsdale, St. Clare, Lenawee, Monroe, Wayne, Washtenaw, Jackson, Ingham, Livingston, Oakland, Macomb, Clinton, Lapeer, Genessee, Shiawassee, Saginaw, Tuscola, Sanilac, Huron. Bay. .41sn the_ f ,Alc-ing-named counties of Indiana: Elkhart, LaGrange, LaPorte, St. Joseph, Steuben, Porter. Ropulation: 1,618,162; churches, 88; members, 5,209. Office: 120 Madison Ave., S. E., Grand Rapids, Mich. Telephone, Dial 48840. Officers: Pres., S. E. Wight. Phone Dial 56004. Sec. and Treas., C. B. Caldwell, Phone Dial 55036. Executive Committee: S. E. Wight, T. M. Summerville, C. B. Caldwell, F. S. Clarke, J. C. LAKE UNION CONFERENCE Ste VVILS, J. B. Blosser, B. J. White. Legal Assn.: " West Michigan Conference Assn. of S. D. A." Association Trustees: Pres., S. E. Wight; Sec. and Treas., C. B. Caldwell, T. M. Summerville, J. C. Stevens, F. S. Clarke, J. B. Blosser, B. J. White. Department Secretaries: Book and Bible House, D. B. Wildman. Educational, B. B. Davis. Field Miss., S. L. Clark; Asst., C. H. Smith. Home Miss., H. K. Halladay. Medical, Nina Fleetwood. Religious Liberty, S. E. Wight; Associate, H. K. Halladay. Sabbath School, Inis Morey. Y. P. M. V., L. L. Murphy. Ministers: S. E. Wight, B. J. White, A. G. Wearner, J. C. Stevens, C. N. Sanders, H. K. Halladay, W. C. Hankins, T. M. Summerville, D. S. Osgood, F. R. Wiggins, F. G. Hibben, C. M. Gruesbeek, C. W. Pruitt, E. 0. Lane, W. B. White, P. H. Augustine, J. B. Blosser, J. H. Laurence, L. W. Light, H. J. Alcock, H. P. Waldo. Honorary: J. C. Harris, M. C. Guild, F. J. Harris, L. T. NiCola, J. W. Covert, J. J. Irwin, R. J. Bellows, W. E. Videto. Licentiates: T. E. Unruh, B. B. Davis, L. L. Murphy, Alfred Gordon, C. B. Smith, S. L. Clark, W. A. Nelson. Missionary Licentiates: C. B. Caldwell, Jennie DeYoung, Mrs. Edith Cross, Bessie Harrison, Nina Fleetwood, Mrs. L. Davison, Inis Morey, Alma DuBois, Ida M. Poch, Mrs. Mabel Stevens, H. E. Moon, Vinnie Goodner, Mae Kamerer, Mrs. D. Brander, Mae Grills, Mrs. M. Fenner. 53 Church School Teachers: Mrs. Stanley Clark, Florence Orth, Emilie Crouch, Mrs. Dorothy Thibeau, Mrs. Martin Pearson, Ruby Barrett, Mattie Vixie, Olive Lindberg, Grace Harrison, Mary Whitford, Ethan Barrett, Lulu Leach, Mrs. Wilbur Morrow, Edith Jones, Gladys Bakeman, Faye Ellis, Grace Maas, Margaret Benedict, Rylen Gage, Cora Hansen, Marolyn Davidson, Mrs. Thera Walker, Luella Wells, Emily Petersen, Laura Pelleyrnounter, Prescott Fairchild, Mabel Keller, Edith Murner, Bernice Soliday, Madge Kamerer. Churches and Pastors: Allegan, 229 Cutler St. Alma, Corner of Hastings and Gratiot Sts.; C. W. Pruitt, 105 Riverside Drive. Alpena, Cor. Fourth and Tawas St.; L. W. Light, 124 Cavanaugh St. Bangor, cor. 1st and High St. Battle Creek, cor. Washington and Van Buren Sts.; J. C. Stevens, 299 West Van Buren St. Bauer, five miles west of Jenison. Belding, cor. Congress and Alderman Sts. Benton Harbor, Ross St. Chapel, Ross and Lincoln Sts.; C. M. Gruesbeck, 930 Monroe St., Benton Harbor. Berrien Springs, North Cass St., Old Court House Bldg. Boyne City, 324 N. Park St. Buchanan, cor. Moccasin and Third Sts. Cadillac, 897 Farrar St. Carlton Center, seven. miles northeast of Hastings. Carson City, two blocks east on Main St. Cedar Lake, Cedar Lake s Academy Chapel. Central Lake, State St. Charlotte, South Sheldon St. 54 LAKE UNION CONFERENCE Cheboygan, West State St. Clare, 207 East Seventh St. Coldwater, Cor. Polk St. and Whitton Ave. Covert, on U. S. 31 in Covert. Decatur, 206 East Delaware St. Dimondale, North Main St. Douglas, one block south of Douglas Hotel. Dowagiac, cor. Prairie Ronde and Oak St. Eaton Rapids, East Plain St. Edenville, on Trunk Line 30, Edenville. Edmore, one block south of Standard Oil Station. Elkart (Indiana), on Goshen, near Middlebury; F. R. Wiggins, 1807 Morton Ave. E. M. College, College Chapel. Fennville, Maple St., North of Post Office. Frankfort, Cor. Forrest Ave. and Tenth St. Frost, one mile • north and three miles east of Stanton. Gaylord, 2 blocks west Mich. Central R. R. on M32, and 11/2 blocks North. Glenwood, east two blocks, north one on right corner. Grand Haven, Cor. Grant and Despelder Sts. Grand Ledge, 414 Kent St. Grand Rapids, All Soul's Church, Cor. Oakes and Sheldon Sts., S. E.; A. G. Wearner, 1145 Neland Ave., S. E. Greenville, cor. of Cass and Franklin Sts. Hartford, 'Harver St. Hastino.s, corner of East and Bond Sts. Holland, Cor. Thirteenth and Central; T. M. Suinmerville, 285 E. 13th St., Holland, Mich. Honier, 314 North Hillsdale St. Horr, 5 miles north, 31/2 miles east of Remus. Howard City, West Street south of depot; first building south of second corner. Ionia, 210 Pleasant. St. Ithaca, Corner of Ithaca and Emerson St. Kalamazoo, 117 West North St.; F. G. Lane, 124 South Berkeley St. Kent City, South Main St. LaGrange, village of LaGrange, Ind. Lakeview, Cor. Washington and Seventh Sts. Long Lake, Long Lake, Mich. Lowell, M. W. A. Hall, on Main St. Ludington, 5051/2 East Filer St. Mendon, Jackson St. Michigan City (Indiana), Cor. Tenth and Washington Sts., Odd Fellows Hall. Midland, Midland Ave. Monterey, South Monterey. Mt. Pleasant, South Fancher Ave. Muskegon, Cor. Jefferson and Delano Avenue, Muskegon Heights; D. S. Osgood, 709 Hoyt St., Muskegon Heights. Nashville, Gregg St. Niles, Cor. Main and Second, over Economy Drug Store. North Liberty, East Center St. Ola, 2 miles south and 4 miles west of Ashley. Omer, East of Omer Post Office. Onaway, North Flynn St. Otsego, 226 South Farmer St. Paw .Paw. Cedar St_ Petoskey, Cora Petoskey and Michigan Sts.; P. II. Augustine, 309 Monroe St. Plainwell, James White Memorial Home. Quincy, East Main St. Rhodes, village of Easty. Riverdale, 2 miles north and 1/2 mile east of Riverdale. Shelby, Sixth St. South Bend (Indiana), 1, Corner of St. Joseph and Ewing Sts.; B. J. White, 207 East Ewing Ave. South Bend (Indiana), No. 2, 1059 North Burns St.; J. H. Laurence, 618 N. Francis St. St. Louis, South East St. LAKE UNION CONFERENCE Traverse City, Cor. Tenth and Wadsworth. Trufant, 21/2 miles southwest of Trufant. Urbandale, 162 Hinman Ave.; H. P. Waldo, 53 N. Hinman Ave., Battle Creek, Mich. Wright, 2 miles east of Coopersvine on M. 16, then one mile north. Wyoming Park, Porter St. and Byron Center Rd. WISCONSIN CONFERENCE Organized 1871; divided as North and South Wisconsin Conferences 1916; reunited, 1927. Territory: The State of Wisconsin and the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. Population: 3,248,514; churches, 90; membership, 3,209. Office: East Lakeside St., beyond Madison Sanitarium, South Madison, Wis. Office Address: Box 512, Madison, Wis. (Telephone, Badger 2210.) Officers: Pres., E. H. Oswald. Sec. and Treas., E. L. Green. Executive Committee: E. H. Oswald, E. L. Green, J. 0. Marsh, F. B. Rosine, A. C. Allen, Lars Dybdahl, G. H. Straight, Wm. Butler, Hugh Williams. Legal Assns.: " South Wisconsin Conference Assn. of the S. D. A." " North Wisconsin Conference Assn. of S. D. A." (Continuing as long as there is business to be done under that name.) Department Secretaries: Book and Bible House, E. S. Knecht. Educational, C. K. Wilson. Field Miss., J. M. Jackson; Asst., L. P. Knecht. 55 Home Miss., C. S. Joyce. Religious Liberty, C. S. Joyce. Sabbath School, J. 0. Marsh. Y. P. M. V., W. Holbrook. Ministers: E. H. Oswald, Henry Berg, A. L. Beazley, T. S. Copeland, Hugh Williams, C. S. Joyce, W. A. Butler, C. E. Rentfro, A. J. Lockert, B. L. Post, W. P. Ortner, C. L. Vories, W. Holbrook, M. E. Anderson, J. 0. Marsh, H. Grundset, J. N. Anderson. Honorary: F. Stebbeds, P. M. Hanson. Licentiates: 0. A. Lyberg, G. H. Straight, C. K. Wilson, Claude Hall, C. B. Messer. Missionary Licentiates: Mrs. Helen Jarvais, Sue Jones, E. S. Knecht, J. M. Jackson, E. L. Green, L. P. Knecht. Church School Teachers: Charles Smith, Laurie Bennett, Adelia Wickstorm, Addie Lewis, Ruby Dybdahl, Jewell Hanson, Helen Klein, Mrs. Marie Furman, Marian Pringle, Martha Hughes, Mabel Wagner, Dorotha Case, Grace Bush, Marion Johnson, Minnie Bokovy, Eleanor Marks, Clara Neal, Alice Anderson, Rose Skowbo, Maud Bisbee, Mrs. Ada Hughes. Churches and Pastors: Almond, East Side. Antigo, Wis., 8th Ave. between Virginia and Hudson Sts. Appleton, Richmond and W. Winnebago. Ashland, Wis., Cor. 10th Ave. W., and 7th St. Baraboo, 400 Block, Fifth St. Beloit, Wisconsin and Keeler Ayes. Beaver Dam, Home of Dr. E. A. West, 132 Prospect Ave. LAKE UNION CONFERENCE Bethel, 2V2 Miles 1Vest of Arpin; Wm. A. Butler, R. F. D. 1. Bethel Academy, T. S. Copeland. Chippewa Falls, Wis., Woodward Ave. and Wisconsin St.; P. M. Hanson, 700 Woodward .Ave. Clintonville, East 12th St. Cudahy, 423 Hammond •Ave. Escanaba, Mich., cor. Ludington and North 19th St. Eau Claire, Pitt and Francis Sts. Fond du Lac, 142 South Main St., I. 0. 0. F. Hall. Fort Atkinson, 402 S. High St. Green Bay, 704 West Walnut St. Janesville, West Milwaukee St., over McClellan's Store in 1. 0. 0. F. Hall. La Crosse, 1300 Liberty St.; A. J. Lockert, 1612 King St. La Farge, near high school, one block from Methodist church. Lena, one block north of Main St. Lodi, in Baptist church. Madison (south), Cor. Olin Ave. and Colby St., South Madison. Madison, East, 2119 Jackson St., Madison, Wis. Marshfield, Pine and West Fifth Sts. Menominee. Mich. 1718 Broad‘vay; B. L. Post, 1138 Stephenson Ave., Menominee, Mich. Merrill_ Wis.; oar Virrh+1, Spruce Sts.; C. L. Vories, 707 Mill St., Merrill, Wis. Milton Jet., Vernal Ave. Milwaukee English, 2403 Fifth St.; Hugh Williams, 2401 5th St. Milwaukee German, 2403 Fifth St.; Henry Berg, 965 18th St. Milwaukee Italian, 789 Van Buren St. Milwaukee Colored, 499 Fifth St. Moon, 6 miles southwest of Mosinee. Neenah, Henry St. New London, Smith and Pine Sts. Oshkosh, Church and Union Sts.; W. P. Ortner, 229 West New York Ave. Oxford, east side of village of Oxford. Pardeeville, nortn side of town on Main St. Racine, Washington Ave. and Tenth St. Sheboygan, 1413 Sixth St. Stevens Point, Pine St. Sturgeon Bay, Garland and Lincoln Sts. Superior, Wis., cor. Eleventh St. and Ginning Ave. Watertown, Washington and Cady Sts. Wausau, Eagle's Hall, Third and Jackson Sts. INSTITUTIONS IN THE LAKE UNION CONFERENCE Educational: Adelphian Academy, Holly, Mich. Bethel Academy, Bethel, Wis. Broadview College and Theological Seminary, R. F. D. 1, Box 58, I.a Grange, Ill. Cedar Lake Academy, Cedal Lake, Mich. Chicago Conference Academy, 619 South Ashland Blvd., Chicago. Ill. Emmanuel Missionary College, Berrien Springs, Mich. Fox River Ai:ale-my, Sheridan, Ill. Indiana Academy, Cicero, Ind. Publishing: Pacific Press Pub. Assn., Brookfield, Ill. South Bend Branch of the Review and Herald Pub. Assn., 432 South Fellows St., South Bend, Ind. The College Press, Berrien Springs, Mich. Sanitarium: Wabash Valley Sanitarium, .afayette, Ind. Old People's Home: James White Memorial Home, Plainwell, Mich. f NORTHERN UNION CONFERENCE Organized rgoz Territory: The conferences of Iowa, Minnesota, North Dakota, and South Dakota. Missionary Licentiate: Honorary: Mrs. N. M. Jorgensen. Population: ' 6,408,586; churches, 227; members, 9,705. IOWA CONFERENCE Office: 2718 Third Ave., South, Minneapolis, Minn. Telephone, South 0604. Officers: Pres.. Chas. Thompson. Sec., Treas., and Auditor, I. G. Ortner. Executive Committee: Ch;'.. Thompson, I. G. Ortner, C. F. McVagh, H. J. Meyer, M. L. Andreasen, H. J. Sheldon, G. A. Campbell, Cordon Oss, Anol Grundset, J. F. Morse, M. D., A. J. Haysmer. Legal Assn.: "The Northern Union Conference Assn. of S. D. A., Inc." Transportation Agent, I. G. Ortner. Department Secretaries: Educational and Y. P. M. V., H. J. Sheldon. Field Miss., G. A. Campbell. Home Miss., Anol Grundset. Medical. J. F. Morse, M. D. Religious Liberty, Chas. Thompson. Ministers: Chas. Thompson, H. J. Sheldon, Anol Grundset. Honorary: 0. Madsen, W. A. McKibben, N. M. Jorgensen, J. H. Seibel, G. L. Budd, G. H. Smith, E. G. Olsen. Licentiates: 1. G. Ortner, C. A. Campbell. Organized 1863 Territory: The State of Iowa, Population: 2,470,939; churches, 76; members, 2,620. Office: 734 Main St., Nevada, Iowa. Telephone 158. Officers: Pres., C. F. McVagh (Tel. 782). See. and Treas., G. A. Nystrom (Tel. 211). Executive Committee: C. F. McVagh, G. A. Nystrom, T. C. Nethery, J. C. Nixon, J. L. Neal, T. H. Jeys, W. C. Foreman. T.eual Assn.: " The Iowa Seven.Th-day Adventist Association." C. F. McVagh, Chairman; G. A. Nystrom, Sec. and Treas. Department Secretaries: Book and Bible House, G. A. Nystrom. Educational and Y. P. M. V., J. C. Nixon (Tel. 656). Fie'd Miss., R. M. Carter. (Tel. 490.) Home Miss., V. G. Anderson. (Tel. 391). Medical,' J. F. -Morse, M. D. (Tel. 24.) Religious Liberty, C. F. McVagh. Sabbath School, Mrs. Flora V. Dorcas. (Tel. 275.) • Ministers: C. F. McVagh, A. L. Miller, T. H. Jeys, J. C. Nixon, H. A. Fish. J. F. Morse, M. D., R. F. Bresee, 57 58 NORTHERN UNION CONFERENCE V. G. Anderson, J. H. Rhoads, V. J. Johns, E. L. Sheldon, A. G. Christenson, J. R. Nelson, C. H. Miller, J. C. Christenson. Licentiates: Arthur Axelsen, R. M. Carter. Missionary Licentiates: Mrs. Flora V. Dorcas, Miss E. J. Blanchard, Ruby McSparran, T. C. Nethery, G. A. Nystrom. Church School Teachers: Edna Wickham, Jeanette McKibben, Olga Hoiweger, Ella Baugher, Lilah Hanson, Velma Millard, Thelma Brewer, Helen Stoner, Alvena Millard, Adeline Skadsheim, Mrs. Genevieve Robison Cook, Genevieve Nickell, . Corinne Brenton, Mrs. Gladys Huston, Mrs. Charles Rahn. Church Directory: Burlington, Central Ave. and • Smith St. Cedar Rapids, Kenwood Park. Council Bluffs, Story and Bluff Sts. Creston, 304 North Oak St. Davenport, 537 West Fifteenth St. Des Moines, Eighth and WashSts. Dubuque, Elm St., bet. 21st and 22d. • Fort Dodge, Fifth Ave. South and 19th St. Fort Madison, Third and Allison Sts. Keokuk, Seventeenth and Exchange Sts. Marshalltown, First and Church Sts. Mason City, Fourteenth St. and South Delaware Ave. Muscatine, 509 Fifth St., West. Nevada, 5th and "F" Avenue. Oskaloosa, 606 South Second St. Ottumwa, Ransom and Church Ste. Sioux City, 313 Omaha St. MINNESOTA CONFERENCE Organized 1862 Territory: The State of Minnesota. Population: 2,563,953; churches, 64; members, 3,341. Office: 1854 Roblyn Ave., St. Paul, Minn. (Telephone, Midway 8441.) Officers: Pres., M. L. Andreasen (Tel. Locust 5997). Sec. and Treas., A. R. Smouse (Tel. Midway 9482). Executive Committee: M. L. Andreasen, A. S. Anderson, A. A. Dirksen, Louis Halsvick, H. L. Halverson, A. H. Rulkoetter, A. R. Smouse. Legal Assn.: " The Minnesota Conference Association of Seventh-day Adventists." Department Secretaries. Book and Bible House, Alice E. Mattson (Tel. Locust 1850). Educational, H. M. Hiatt. Field Miss., M. H. Odegaard (Tel. Geneva 2461). Home Miss., A. A. Dirksen (Tel. Dale 7605). Religious Liberty, M. L. Andreasen. Sabbath School, Mary D. Hopkins (Tel. Kenwood 5460). Y. P. M. V., Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Melendy (Tel. Midway 2146). Ministers: M. L. Andreasen, A. S. Anderson, I. J. Bjerke, A. A. Carscallen, A. A. Dirksen, C. Edwardson, 0. T. Garner, A. J. Haysmer, Louis Halswiek, H. M. Hiatt, W. B. Pontynen, A. H. Rulkoetter, 0. W. Wolfe, F. H. Yost. NORTHERN UNION CONFERENCE Licentiates: A. W. Johnson, L. S. Melendy, E. G. Sauer, A. R. Smouse, T. F. Wiik. Missionary Licentiates: Emma Anderson, Mrs. V., B. Cummings, Lillie Deters, M. E. Hagen, Esther M. Hagen, Mary D. Hopkins, Alice E. Mattson, Mrs. L. S. Melendy, M. H. Odegaard. Church School Teachers: Mabel Broderson, Lawrence Burgeson, Harold R. Cullen, Mrs. Harold R. Cullen, Mrs. H. W. Denton, Mrs. Martha Hein, Grace Holt, Albert Houck, Alice Jepson, Mary Keacher, Alma Larson, Mrs. Ethel LeBard, Florence Longwell, Margaret Longwell, John Nahorny, Mrs. Mabel Peterson, Mrs. Esther F. Rockwell, Grace Rosenthal, Alice Scott, Bernice Searle, Mrs. Minnie A. Searle, Alice Sivertson, Mrs. Ralph Staples, Helen Zeelau. Churches and Pastors: Alexandria, Sixth Avenue and North St. Austin, Cedar and Franklin Sts. Bemidji, America Ave. and Ninth St. Brainerd, South Seventh St.; I. J. Bjerke, 1616 Norwood St. Duluth First, 932 East Sixth St.; A. A. Carscallen, 416 East Tenth St. Scandinavian, 331 West Twenty-third Ave., West Duluth; T. F. Wiik, 1912 West Third St. Faribault, Lincoln Ave. and First Street, Northwest. Fergus Falls, 413 Lincoln Ave., West; E. G. Sauer, 219 Court St. North. Hutchinson; Maplewood Academy. Mankato, 317 State St. 59 Minneapolis: English, Stevens Ave. and Twenty-seventh St.; . A. H. Rulkoetter, 3808 Second Ave., South. Norwegian-Danish;East Franklin and 27th Ave., South; Louis Halsvick„ .3329 Thirtieth Ave., South: Swedish, 2421 East Franklin Ave.; A. S. Anderson, 2101 Twenty-eighth Ave., South. Owatonna, Grove and Pearl Sts. St. Paul: English, Sabbath services at Park Baptist Church, Victoria and Laurel Ayes.; other services at church school building, 679 Holly Ave.; 0. T. Garner, 1687 Hartford Ave. Scandinavian, 606 Maryland St. St. Cloud, 37 Second Ave., North. Sherburn, Third and Main Sts. Stillwater, Laurel and Fifth Sts. Virginia, Seventh St., South, and Third Ave. Wells, Morton Ave. and Franklin St. Willmar, 408 Second Ave., West. Winona, Chestnut Place and East Eighth St. NORTH DAKOTA CONFERENCE Organized 1902 Territory: The State, of North Dakota. Population: 680;845; churches, 56; members, 2,238. Office Address: 312 Second St., West, Jamestown, North Dakota (Telephone '676). NORTHERN UNION CONFERENCE 60 Postal Address: Box 1491, Jamestown, North Dakota. Officer's: Pres., H. J. Meyer. sec. and Treas., W. I. Montanye. Executive Committee: H. J. Meyer, W. 1. Montanye, P. E. Berthelsen, B. A. Scherr, E. A. Piper, J. C. Michalenko. Legal Assn.: " The North Dakota Conference Association of Seventh-clay Adventists." Department Secretaries: Book and Bible House, W. I. Montanye. Educational and Sabbath School, H. Wentland. Field Miss., F. E. Barkley. Home Miss. and Y. P. M. V., B. A. Scherr. Religious Liberty, H. J. Meyer. Ministers: H. J. Meyer, P. E. Berthelsen, J. A. Litwinenco, F. F. Schwindt, B. A. Scherr, J. C. Michalenko, D. K. Olson, E. A. Piper, G. P. Gaede, B. A. Reile, A. A. Leiske, R. R. Neuman, George Hmelevsky. Honorary: J. H. Seibel. Tirantisiten! H. Wentland, G. J. Engevik, R. R. Bietz, F. E. Barkley. Missionary Licentiate: W. I. Montanye. Church School Teachers: Miss Anna Peterson, Miss Esther heck. Lhurch Directory: Bismarck, 623 Seventh St. Fargo, Sixth Ave. and Fifth St., North. Jamestown, Third Ave. and Second St., West. Minot, 320 Second St., N. W. SOUTH DAKOTA CONFERENCE Organized 1879 Territory: The State of South Dakota. Population: 692,849; churches, 31; members, 1,506. Office Address: Broadway and Third Ave., N. E., Watertown, S. Dak. (Telephone, 2115.) Postal Address: Drawer 586, Watertown, S.• Dak. Officers: Pres., Gorden Oss. Sec. and Treas., J. H. Nies. Executive Committee: Gorden Oss, J. H. Nies, C. M. Babcock, J. R. Staton, C. D. Hein, J. M. Christensen, Dr. R. A. Crawford. Legal Assn.: " South Dakota Conference Association of Seventh-day Adventists." Pres., Gorden Oss; Sec. and Treas., J. II. Nies. Department Secretaries: Book and Bible House, J. H. Nies. Educational and Y. P. M. V., C. M. Babcock. Field Miss., Leslie ivicKiniey. Home Miss., L. E. Niermeyer. Religious Liberty, Gorden Oss. Sabbath School, J. H. Nies. Ministers: Gorden Oss, C. M. Babcock, A. W. Kuehl, P. G. Stanley, J. R. Staton, J. C. Stotz, C. D. Hein, L. E. Niermeyer, A. G. Youngberg. Licentiates: Carl Mock, H. C. Hartman, J. A. Estey. Missionary Licentiates: J. H. Nies, Ida Rislov, Leslie McKinley, Vaughn Westcott. NORTHERN UNION CONFERENCE Church School Teachers: Mrs. Nellie Holtz, P. G. Hills, Gladys Flatten, Beth Townsend, Lola Malone. Church Directory: Aberdeen, Sixth Ave. and Lloyd St. Sioux Falls, 514 South Duluth Ave. Huron, 1146 Sixth St. Watertown, Broad way and Third Ave., N. E. 61 INSTITUTIONS IN THE NORTHERN UNION CONFERENCE Educational: Maplewood Academy, Hutchinson, Minn. Oak Park Academy, Nevada. Iowa. Plainview Academy, Redfield. S. Dak. Sheyenne River Academy, Harvey, N. Dak. Sanitarium: Iowa Sanitarium, Nevada, Iowa NORTH PACIFIC UNION CONFERENCE Organized zgo6 Territory: The Conferences of Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Southern Oregon, -Upper Columbia, Washington, and the Alaska Mission. Population: 3,554,265; churches, 217; members, 14,126. Office Address: 202 South Palouse St., Walla Walla, Wash. Post Office Address: Box 698. Walla Walla, Wash. (Telephone 702.) Officers: Pres., Morris Lukens (Tel. 2599). Sec. and Treas.. S. J. Lashier. (Phone 3341-R.) Executive Committee: Mor(ris Lukens, S. J. Lashier, T. B. Westbrook, I. J. Woodman, M. L. Rice, E. L. Neff, B. M. Grandy, W. A. Gosmer, E. M. Oberg, J. E. Weaver, Dr. W. B. Holden, S. J. Abegg, F. W. Peterson, J. L. McConaughey, C. R. Morris, H. L. Wood. Legal Assn.: " The North Pacific Union Conference Assn. of S. D. A." Auditor, S. J. Lashier. Transportation Agent, S. J. Lashier. Department Secretaries: Educational, Home Miss., E. M. Oberg. (Phone 2313-R.) Religious Liberty, Morris Lukens. Union Field Miss., C. R. Morris. (Phone 4105-J3.) Y. P. M. V., J. L. McConaughey. (Phone 3341-J.) Ministers: , Morris Lukens, E. M. Oberg, J. G. Lamson, J. L. McConaughey, F. B. Jensen, W. C. Baldwin. Honorary:. A. .1. Breed. W, W. Steward, A. C. Bird, J. C: Foster, Daniel Nettleton, G. E. Langdob, C. Sulzle, R. W. Airey, J. J. Clark, E. H. Curtis, S. H. Kime, J. S. Rouse, A.1 G. Steinert, C. F. Stevens, Martin Olson, F. D. Wagner, J. F. Harder, R. D. Ben ham, C. Johnson, C. M. Gardner, J. W. Boynton, F. S. Bunch, T. L. Thuemler, W. D., Emery, John Peterson, W. T. Hilgert, 62 NORTH PACIFIC UNION. CONFERENCE • W. R. Smith, H. J. Winter, Herman Pankoke, Wm. Lewsadder, J. A. Holbrook, C. A. Wyman, C. Meleen, 0. W. Herwick, W. G. Forshaw, J. M. Cole. Licentiates: S. J. Abegg, S. J. Lashier, C. R. Morris, J. E. Weaver. Honorary: J. S. Kilgore, J. J. Landis. Missionary Licentiates: Miss Pearl Cook, Pr. W. B. Holden, Miss Helen' Burch, K. Inouye. Honorary: F. L. Hommel, Lucy B. Post, Asa Smith, W. V. Sample, C. M. Everest, Minnie Smith, T. G. Johnson, A. E. Everett, W. L. Manful, Clara B. Silver, Nellie J. Orr, Nellie Nelson, R. E. Keller. ALASKA 'MISSION Population: , 59,278; 2; members, 41. churches, Office.i, Address: 1108 Water St., Ketchikan, Alaska. (Phone, Green ,-105.) Postal Address: Box X, Ketchikan, Officers: Supt.; H. L. Wood. Sec. and Treag., Mrs. Myrtle M. Wood. Ministers: H. L. Wood. flonorary : 0. W. Herwick. Licentiate: J. W. Roberts. Missionary Licentiates: Mrs., Myrtle M. Wood,Vernon Gyen. Church Directory: Ketchikan, 1110 Water St. IDAHO CONFERENCE Organized 1907 Territory: That portion of Idaho south of the forty,fifth parallel, including all of Lemhi county, together with-. six counties in Oregon, as follows: Wallowa, Union, Baker, Malheur, Harney, Grant. Population: 390,280; churches, 22; members, 972. Office: 523 Main St., Boise, Idaho. Office Address: Box 719, Boise, Idaho (Tel. 1651). Officers: x'res., W. A. Gosmer. Sec. and Treas., G. R. Soper. (Tel. 1651.) Executive Committee: W. A. Gosmer, G. R. Soper, Wm. Butler, C. C. Wilcox, J. H. Shultz, M. A. Belding, F. E. Stratton. Legal Assn.: • "The Southern Idaho Conference Assn. of S. D. A." Department Secretaries: Book and Bible House, G. R. Soper. Educational and Y. P. M. V., C. C. Wilcox. Field Paul Baniwiomew. Religious Liberty, W. A. Gosmer. Sabbath School and Home Miss., M. A. Belding. Ministers: W. A. Gosmer, M. A. Belding, C. C. Wilcox, E. D. Sharpe, C. D. Smith, F. E. Stratton. Honorary: C. J. Rider. Licentiates: W. S. Boynton, G. R. Soper. Missionary Licentiates: G. L. Beane, Miss Bessie 0. Rice, Paul Bartholomew. Church School Teachers: L., E.. Martin, Miss Emma L. Johnson, Mrs. C. G. McKeown, NORTH PACIFIC UNION CONFERENCE P. G. Gunderson, R. E. Rick, V. E. Jewett, Mrs. H. B. Freeman, Maude Freeman, Hester Freeman. Church Directory: Baker, bet. Fifth and Sixth, on Madison. Bellevue, Main St. Boise, 523 Main St. Buhl, Lower Eleventh St. Caldwell, Indiana and Linden Ayes. Eagle, 1 mi. west, Y2 mi. north of town. La Grande, 901 M Avenue:. Long Creek, Main St. Mountain Home, Congregational Church. Nampa, Century Club Rooms, 1624 Second St., South. Parma, Curtis Ave. and 5th St. Twin Falls, 1314 Kimberly Rd. Union, North Main St. Weiser, Fourth and Court Sts. MONTANA CONFERENCE Organized 1898 Territory: The State of Montana. Population: 537,606; churches, • 22; members, 914. Office: Room 410, Stapleton Bldg., Billings, Mont. Office Address: First class mail, Box 1284; Parcel post, freight, express, 410 Stapleton Bldg., Billings, Mont. (Telephone 1408.) Officers: Pres., J. W. Turner. Sec. and Treas., J. Wheeler Freeman. Executive Committee: J. W. Turner, J. Wheeler Freeman, H. A. Green, T. M. Couch, A. Kloss, H. C. Klement. Legal Assn.: " The Montana COnference Assn. of S. D. A." 63; Department Secretaries: Book and Bible House, J. Wheeler, Freeman. Educational and Y. P. M. V. H. C. Klement. Field Miss., R. L. Nelson. Home Miss., J. G. Hanhardt. Religious Liberty, J. G. Hanhardt. Sabbath School, H. C. Klement. Ministers: J. W. Turner, S. W. Munro, J. G. Hanhardt, E. E. Carman. Honorary: J. K. Fischer. I Licentiates: J. Wheeler Freeman, H. C. Mei ment, G. E. Taylor. 3 Missionary Licentiates: R. L. Nelson, L. S. Rowland, F. W. Teufert. Church School Teachers: Jessie Gamble, Hazel Haynes, Rollin 'Jenkins, Erma Haynes, Laura Palmer, E. E. Carman. Church Directory: Anaconda, Corner Fifth and Alder. Big Timber, Fourth Ave. and Anderson St. Billings, 322 South Twentyl ninth St. Bozeman, 415 South Black Ave. Butte, 521 West Porphyry St. Great Falls, 1104 Fifth Ave., North. Helena, Hoback St. bet. Eighth Ninth Ayes. Kalispell, Second Ave. East and Third St. Livingston, 429 South Fifth St. Missoula, Fifth and Chestnut Sts. Miles City, 520 North Lake Ave. Mt. Ellis, Mt. Ellis Academy, Rt. 4, Bozeman. 64 NORTH PACIFIC UNION CONFERENCE OREGON CONFERENCE Organized 1877; reorganized 1902 Territory: That portion of the State of Oregon lying west of the western boundary lines of Gilliam and Wheeler Counties, and north of the northern boundary lines of Lake, Klamath, and Lane Counties; also the counties of Clarke, Skamania, Cowlitz, Wahkiakum, Klickitat west of Klickitat River, and southern portion of Pacific, in the State of Washington. 752,222; churches, Population: 53; members, 4,363. Office.: 734 Sandy Blvd., Portland, Oreg. (Telephone, East 0181.) Officers: President, I. J. Woodman. Sec. and Treas., W. A. Woodruff. Executive Committee: I. J. Woodman, W. A. Woodruff, R. W. Nelson, C. E. • Olcott, S. Lindley, J. A. Rippey, G. F. Watson, Ross Dustin, L. E. Esteb. Legal Assn.: Western Oregon Conference Association of Seventh-day Adventists." Pres., 1. J. Woodman; Sec. and Treas., W. A. Woodruff. Department Secretaries: Book and Bible House, M. G. Dealy. Educational, I. C. Colcord. Field Miss., H. E. McEwen. Home Miss., L. E. Esteb. Medical, E. E. Rippey, M. D. . Religious Liberty, L. E. Esteb. Sabbath School, Edith Starbuck. V. P. M. V., L. E. Esteb. Ministers: T. J. Woodman, G. J. Seltzer, N. W. Lawrence, G. S. Belleau, G. F. Watson, J. A. Rippey, J. M. Corner, I. C. Colcord, Albert Kruger, F. H. Conway, Alexander Ritchie, Ross Thistin, L. E. Esteb, H. E. Westermeyer, D. E. Venden, V. C. Becraft, D. R. Schierman, P. 0. Campbell, H. D. Igaac. Honorary: R. D. Benham, C. Johnson, C. M. Gardner, J. W. Boynton, John Peterson. Licentiates: E. E. Olcott, T. M. Cole, W. A. Woodruff, M. G. Dealy, H. E. McEwen, Dr. W. B. Holden, M. L. Venden, Harold Peckham, Pearl Stafford, N. R. Emmerson, Adolph Ernst. MisSionary Licentiates: Edith Starbuck, Mrs. W. R. Babcock, Miranda Schmidt, Mrs. 0. N. Hegstad, Vaugn Woodman, Don Spillman, Mrs. Ross Gage, Dr. W. D. Huntington, Dr. E. E. Rippey. Honorary: Mrs. F. H. Conway, Mrs. Eliza Cole-Thorp, Mrs. Geo. J. Seltzer, Mrs. Alexander Ritchie. Church SChool Teachers: Mrs. Clara Webb-Smith, Mrs. Perry Baden, Edith, Scott, Mrs. Roy Betts, Mrs. M. B. Bright, Mona Oliver, Mrs. Arthur Wise, Lucile Hickman, Mrs. Lilly Tabor-Winslow, Mrs. Inez Knutson, Geraldine Phelps, EA1-.1wv Skfi.d- • sheim, Frances McIntosh, Mrs. Edgar Miller, Roberta Houston, Laura A. Brenner, Mabel Anderson, H. D. Isaac, Marguerite Porter, 0. D. Hancock, Ethel Kropp, Mrs. Anna Kingsbury, Mrs. L. H. Booth, Faith Kennedy, Madge Moore, Ruth Beck, Esther Constable, Esther Sparhawk, Lillian Barger, Colema La Fountaine, Mrs. E. J. Terrill, Mr's. J. Mosser. • Chutc14.-DitittOry: Albany, cor. Third and Montgomery Sts. Astoria, Eighth .and Kensington; Alexander Ritchie, 755 Twelfth St., Seaside. NORTH PACIFIC UNION CONFERENCE Bend, Franklin and Harriman Sts. Brownsville, South Brownsville. Camas, (Wash.), Odd Fellows Hall. Corvallis, Tabernacle; D. R. Schierman, 544 N. 13th. Dallas, Washington St., near Jefferson. Falls City, one block north and east of R. R. Station. Forest Grove, Third St., between Second and Third Ayes.; V. C. Becraft, R. F. D. 2, Gaston, Oregon. (Tel., Forest Grove 5F3.) Gaston, near depot, one block 'off highway. Hillsboro, on Pacific Highway, west edge of city. Hood River, Fifteenth and C Sts.; M. L. Venden, R 2, Box 22, Hood River, Oregon. Ic:?Iso (Wash.), 8th and Allen Sts.; T. M. Cole, 516 18th Ave., Longview, Washington. Laureiwood, Laurelwood Academy, Gaston, Oregon; V. C. Becraft, RED 2, Gaston, Oreg. (Tel., Forest Grove 5F3.) Lebanon, Fifth and Oak Sts. Longview, T. M. Cole, 516 18th Ave., Longview, Washington. T.incoln and B Sts.; G. F. Watson, 1008 N. Hembree St. (Tel. 466-R.) Meadow Glade (Wash.), Columbia Academy, Battle Ground. Wash.; N. R. Emmerson, RFD 2, Battle Ground, Wash. (Tel., Vancouver 30F24). Milwaukie, 6003 Harrison. Newberg, Second and Grant Sts. Oregon City, Head of Seventh St., opposite Eastern School; Albert Kruger, Gladstone, Ore. (Tel., Ore. City 905J.) Portland: Albina, German, Skidmore St. and Mallory Ave.; Adolph Ernst, 930 Rodney St., Portland, Ore. ('Tel., Walnut 5685.) 3 65 Central, Eleventh and East Everett Sts.; P. 0. Campbell, 244 Imperial. (Tel. Trin. 1992.) Lents, Ninety-fourth St. and Fifty-eighth Ave., S. E. Montavilla, East Eightieth and Everett Sta. St. Johns, Central Ave. and Charleston St. Stewart-Park (Colored), Sixtysecond St., near Fortieth Ave. Sunnyside, Forty-third and East Washington Sts.; J. A. Rippey, Gladstone, Oregon. (Tel., Oregon City 526.) Tabernacle, Sixth and Montgomery SIs.; G. S. Belleau, Maplewood Oregon. (Tel., Atwater 4252.) Ridgefield (Wash.), Main St., north end of town near depot. Salem, Gaines St. and Fifth Ave.; J. M. Corner, R. F. D. 7, Box 221. (Tel. 2816.) Silverton, Oak St. near South Mill. Taft-Delake, on Roosevelt Highway, near city. The Dalles, 420 East Fourteenth St. Tillamook, Fourth St. a n d Fourth Ave.; F. H. Conway, 209 W. Tenth St. (Tel. 376R.) Troutlake (Wash.), on highway near Trout Lake. Vancouver (Wash.), 13th and Grant Sts.; Ross Dustin, 3015 K St., Vancouver, Wash. (Tel. 1883J.) Waldport, Community Church. SOUTHERN OREGON CONFERENCE Organized 1910 Territory: All the southern part of Western Oregon south of the northern boundary of Lane County, including the counties of Lane, Douglas, Coos, Curry, Josephine, Jackson, Klamath. 66 NORTH PACIFIC UNION CONFERENCE Population: 184,911; churches, 19; members, 1,030. Office: 1292 Lincoln St., Eugene, Oregon. Box 630. (Telephone 2346.) Officers: Pres., T. B. Westbrook. Sec. and Treas., E. A. Emery. Executive Committee: • T. B. Westbrook, E. A. Emery, T. M. Langberg, J. B. Meehan, C. H. Rittenhouse, A. M. Gilberg, 0. C. Luchterhand. Legal Assn.: " Southern Oregon Conference Association of S. D. A." Department Secretaries: Book and Bible House, and Home Miss., E. A. Emery. Religious Liberty, T. L. Thuemler, Star Route, Medford, Oreg. Sabbath School, Educational and Y. P. M. V., Mrs. T. B. Westbrook. Ministers: T. B. Westbrook, T. L. Thuemler, T. M. Langberg, C. H. Rittenhouse, J. K. Fish, John Knox. Honorary: William Lewsadder, Paul Iverson, F. S. Bunch. Missionary Licentiate: E. A. Emery, 'Mrs. I. 1s. cvestbrook. Church School Teachers: F. H. Parrish, Mrs. Harriet M. Parrish, Esther Miller, J. B. Meehan, Mr's. J. B. Meehan, Ralph Harsh, Mrs. Ethel Wallace Harsh, Wilma Ross, T. H. Folkenberg, Mrs. Lela Folkenberg, Mrs. Vesta Kruse Oliver, Gerald E. Mosier, Mrs. Verna Canaday MoSier, Miss Pearl Cooper, Mildred Davidson, Doris. Muchmore. Church Directory: Ashland, 4th and C Sts. Azalea, near Jenks Lumber Mill. Bandon, Ninth St. Coquille, Cor. East 2d and Collier Sts. Cottage Grove, 1301 West Main St. Eugene, cor. Seventh and Charnelton Sts. Grants Pass, East E St., bet. Seventh and Eighth Sts. Jacksonville, Court House. Klamath Falls, 833 N. Ninth St. Marshfield, Commercial Ave. bet. Sixth and Seventh Sts.; C. H. Rittenhouse, 1392 N. 8th St. Myrtle Point, Maple St. Medford, cor. Beatty and Edwards Sts.; T. M. Langberg, 428 N. Holly St. • McGlynn, Community House. Roseburg, 1162 Military St. Royal, Cottage Grove, Lorane Route. Sutherlin, West Central Ave.. chapel of Sutherlin Jr. Academy. Walterville, Public School House. UPPER COLUMBIA CONFER. ENCE Organized 1880 Territory: That portion of the State of Washington lying east of the Cascade Mountains. excepting that portion of Klickitat County lying west of the Klickitat River; the counties of Umatilla, Morrow, Gilliam, and Wheeler, in the State of Oregon; and that portion of the State of Idaho lying north of the fortyfifth parallel, excepting Lemhi County. Population: 612,044; churches, 50; members, 3,983. Office: 817 Nora Ave.. Spokane. Wash. (Telephone, Broadway 0597.) Officers: Pres., M. L. Rice. Sec. and Treas., H. C. Kephart. NORTH PACIFIC UNION CONFERENCE Executive Committee: M. L. Rice, J. T. Jacobs, C. B. Harris, P. W. Ochs, Philipp Rudy, Sr., H. C. Kephart, F. W. Guderian. Legal Assn.: " Upper Columbia Mission Society of S. D. A." Department Secretaries: Book and Bible House, H. C. Kephart. Educational, Waco McCully. Field Miss., D. C. McFeters. Home Miss., F. A. Detamore. Medical, H. G. Burden, M. D. Religious Liberty, M. L. Rice. Sabbath School, Waco McCully. Y. P. M. V., F. W. Guderian. Ministers: M. L. Rice, J. T. Jacobs, F. A. Detamore, F. M. Oliver, F. M. Bu'rg, W. C. Thompson, C. A. Hansen, C. F. Cole, R. H. Martin, E. F. Peterson, H. E. Willoughby, Jacob Riffel, 0. E. Schnepper, F. W. Guderian, C. A. Meleen. Licentiates: R. J. Kegley, H. A. Schultz, H. C. Kephart, W. G. McCready, Mrs. M. Sype-Atteberry, Waco McCully, John Nerness, Chas. Homann, R. L. Hubbs. Missionary Licentiates: A. D. West, Mrs. Helen Williams, Mrs. J. S. Rouse, A. P. McDow, D. C. McFeters. Church School Teachers: Ethel Johnson, Enid Sparks, Mrs. Geo. Bowers, Mrs. M. L. Enevoldson, Mrs. Margaret Palmer, Geraldine Kirklin, Leona Hanson, Lorene Anderson, Greta Rideout, Harry Hempel, Mrs. W. G. McCready, Ellen Atkinson, L. E. Griffin, Mrs. L. E. Griffin, Martha Merritt, Mrs. Alberta Rogers, Mrs. Vera Ferguson, Mrs. Beatrice Leedy, Lulu Sonnenberg, Mrs. H. A. Venden, Mrs. Grace Maxson, Mrs. Waco McCully, J. L. Lansing, Luella • Oke, Mrs. H. C. Page, Mrs. 0. J. 67 Magallon, Alex B. Stinert, Mrs. E. W. Earle, Norma Biggins, Mrs. Louise Beers, Sabre Eighme. Academy Teachers: R. L. Hubbs, Principal: W. G. McCready, Doyle Kaylor, Rachel Wineheimer, E. C. Reiber. Church Directory: Chelan, Okanogan Ave. Cle Elum, Second St. West, Cle Elum, Wash. Coeur d'Alene, Miller Ave., and Fourth St., Coeur d'Alene, Idaho. College Place English, College Place, Wash. College Place German, College Place, Wash. Colville, Elm and Astor, Colville, Was. Culdesac, Main St., Culdesac, Idaho. Ellensburg, Sixth and Ruby Sts., Ellensburg, Wash. Endicott, North St., Endicott, Wash. Fruitland, Two Miles east of Fruitland, Wash. Goldendale, Broadway and Klickitat, Goldendale, Wash. Grandview, 213 A St., Grandview, Wash. Granger, Granger, Wash. Hermiston, Hermiston Ave., Hermiston, Oreg. Kennewick, cor. Auburn St. and. Second Ave., Kennewick, Wash. Lewiston, Cor. Eighteenth and G Sts., Lewiston, Idaho. Moscow, Third and Almond Sts., Moscow, Idaho. Naches, Lower Naches, R. 8, Yakima, Wash. Omak, East Omak School, Omak, Wash. Orchard Avenue, 6th St., Orchard Avenue. Orofino, Michigan Ave., Orofino, Idaho. Pasco, Fourth and Bonneville Sts., Pasco, Wash. 68 NORTH PACIFIC UNION CONFERENCE Pendleton, Laatz Apt., Court St., Pendleton, Ore. Spokane English, Cor. Spofford and Lincoln, Spokane, Wash. Spokane Swedish, 1317 East Twelfth Ave., Spokane, Wash. Tonasket, Near McMarr Store, Tonasket, Wash. Toppenish, Cor. Chehalis and North Elm Sts., Toppenish, Wash. Veradale, Sullivan Road, Veradale, Wash. Viola, two miles east of Viola, Idaho. Walla Walla, Cor. Fourth and Birch, Walla Walla, Wash. Wapato, Simcoe and 6th Sts. Wenatchee, cor. Spokane and Okanogan Sts., Wenatchee, Wash. Wilcox, 12 miles south of Colfax, Wash. Yakima, 15 North 11th Ave., Yakima, Wash. WASHINGTON CONFERENCE Organized 1902 Territory: All of the State of Washington west of the Cascade Mountains, except the counties of Clarke, Skamania, CowWfollkistirtlyn. Population: 1,017,924; churches, 49; members, 2,823. Office: 2610 Nob Hill Ave., Seattle, Wash. (Tel., Garfield 8231). Officers: Pres., E. L. Neff (Tel., Melrose 9442.) Sec. and Treas., L. E. Biggs. .(Tel., Garfield 3428.) Executive Committee: E. L. Neff, G. A. Thompson, Dr. W. B. Scott, C. D. Threlkeld, G. R. E. McNay, A. E. Lickey, L. E. Biggs. Legal Assn.: " Western Washington Corporation of Seventhday Adventists." Department Secretaries: Book and Bible House, R. S. Dexter (Tel., Prospect 4966). Field Miss., L. A. Reynolds. (Phone, Garfield 8051.) Medical, Dr. W. B. Scott. Religious Liberty, E. L. Neff. Sabbath School and Home Miss., A. G. Walker. (Phone, Garfield 5523.) Y. P. M. V. and Educational, H. E. Weaver. Ministers: E. L. Neff, L. Johnson, A. R. Bell, A. E. Lickey, G. R. E. MeNay, L. E. Tupper, G. A. Thompson, C. J. Cole, A. G. Walker, R. C. Baker, Harold Bass E. N. Sargeant. Honorary: J. E. Graham, A. C. Anderson, Fred Johnson. Licentiates: H. E. Weaver, L. R. Reynolds, Dr. W. B. Scott, V. A. Lidner, Raymond Hempel, C. J. Goodman, A. E. Green, A. V. Bentz. Honorary Ministerial Licentiate: Amos Mitchell. Missionary Licentiates: R. S. Dexter, L. E. Biggs, Mrs. Amos Mitchell, Miss Jessie Terkelson, Mrs. L. Johnson, Mrs. G. A. Thomnsun; Virg, O J. reie, Miss Esther Nerlund, Mrs. A. V. Bentz, Miss Mildred Lovejoy, Miss Blanche Pitts. Church School Teachers: Miss Irene Sears, Miss Glenna Haynes, Miss Anna Repp, Miss Elsie Carlson, Miss Elva Zachrison, Miss Gladys Voorheis, Mrs. W. C. Christensen, Miss Florence Jacobson, Miss Irma Johnston, Miss Myrtle Hopke, Miss Olive Cooper, C. C. Kenn, Miss Frances Van Dyke, Miss Ruth Little, Miss Beulah Ingersoll, Miss Genevieve Stabler, Harold Jewkes, Harold Sandwick, Miss Ruth Irvine, F. J. Wallace, Mrs. W. A. Duffield. NORTH PACIFIC UNION CONFERENCE Churches and Pastors: Aberdeen, First and E Sts. Bellingham. Forest and Rose Sts.; A. R. Bell, 2310 *F St. Bremerton, 9th and McKenzie Sts.; C. J. Cole, 1714 Gregory Way. Centralia, Iron and Pine Sts.; 0. R. E. McNay, 1117 J St. Chehalis, West and Rhode Is land bts. Everett, Corner Twenty-second and Wetmore Ave.; E. N. Sarg,eant, Route 2. Hoquiam, 511 Emmerson Ave. Kent, Central Ave., North. Marysville, Second St. between Cedar and Beach. Mt. Vernon, North First St. 01 ympia , Puget be'..wcein Glass and Bigelow. Olympia, Fifth and Adams. Port Angeles, bet. Oak and Laurel on Ninth St.; L. E. Tupper, 1418 South Cherry St. Puyallup, East Pioneer Ave. and Third St. Sedro Woolley, Fourth St. and Jamison Ave. Seattle: Central Seattle, Boylston Ave. and East Olive St.; A. E. Lickey, 118 Florentia St. North Seattle, North Fortyseventh and Interlake Ave.; R. C. Baker. Ballard, cor. West 67th St. and 23rd N. W. Rainier Valley, Orchard and Mead Sts. 69 Tacoma: Tacoma First, South Tenth and I Sts.; G. A. Thompson, 2208 North Alder St. Tacoma Scandinavian, South Fifty-sixth St. and Thompson Ave. INSTITUTIONS IN THE NORTH PACIFIC UNION CONFERENCE Educational: Auburn Academy, Auburn, Wash. Columbia Academy, Battle Ground, Wash. Gem State Academy, Caldwell, • Idaho. Laurelwood Academy, Gaston, Oreg. Mt. Ellis Academy, Bozeman, Mont. Walla Walla College, College Place, Wash. Yakima Valley Academy, Granger, Wash. Publishing: Northwest Branch of the Pacific Press Publishing Association. 719 East Flanders St., Portland, Oreg. Sanitariums: Portland Sanitarium, East Sixtieth and Belmont Sts., Portland, Oreg. Walla Walla Sanitarium, College Place, Wash. PACIFIC UNION CONFERENCE Organized nor Territory: The Arizona, Califor- Population: 7,037,040; churches, 251; members, 23,120. nia., Central California, NevadaUtah, Northern California, Southeastern California, and Cable Address: Adventist, GlenSouthern California Conferences, dale, California, and the Hawaiian Mission, 70 PACIFIC UNION CONFERENCE Office: 1531 East Wilson Ave., Glendale, Calif. (Tel., Douglas 1097.) Postal Address: Box 140, Glendale, Calif. Officers: Pres., J. E. Fulton. Sec. and Treas., B. M. Emerson. Executive Committee: J. E. Fulton, E. W. Farnsworth, C. H. Jones, B. M. Emerson, P. E. Brodersen, W. M. Adams, G. A. Roberts, R. S. Fries, C. S. Prout, T. L. Oswald, W. E. Atkin, W. E. Nelson, Dr. P. M. Keller, Dr. H. W. Vollmer, G. A. Calkins, David Voth, H. G. Lucas, C. A. Holt, H. M. Blunden, F. T. Oakes, Emanuel Remsen, J. A. Burden, C. R. Webster. Legal Assn.: " Pacific Union Conference Assn. of S. D. A., a Corporation Sole." Board of Counsel: J. E. Fulton, B. M. Emerson, P. E. Brodersen, James Howarth, G. W. Reaser, C. H. Jones, W. D. Salisbury. Auditor, F. T. Oakes. Transportation Agents, C. H. Jones, B. M. Emerson. Field Secretary: H. M. Blunden. Department Secretaries: v•,,zcaticnal, II. G. LLLekt6. Field Miss., Emanuel Remsen. Asst. Field Miss., E. C. Peifer. Home Miss., David Voth. Medical Miss., — Religious Liberty, W. M. Adams. Y. P. M. V., C. A. Holt. Ministers: J. E. Fulton, G. A. Calkins, David Voth, H. G. Lucas, C. A. Holt, H. M. Blunden, Emanuel Remsen, W. E. Nelson, E. H. Emmerson, B. P. Hoffman, A. L. Baker, Ernest Lloyd, A. 0. Tait, Dr. E. H. Risley, W. G. Wirth, Dr. W. A. George, 0. R. Staines, Dr. George Thomason, S. T. Hare: T. G, Burtch, Honorary: J. W. Adams, M. J. Allen, H. C. Basney, J. W. Beams, Frederic Brink, W. D. Burden, R. B. Coberly, F. M. Corbaley, H. W. Cottrell, Arthur Currow, E. A. Curtis, E. E. Farnsworth, 0. 0. Farnsworth, D. D. Fitch, E. H. Gates, F. D. Gauterau, L. A. Gibson, A. C. Gilbert, William Guthrie, I. J. Hankins, W. R. Hanson, S. D. Hartwell, Dr. C. H. Hayton, W. M. Healey, H. L. Hoover, C. C. Jensen, 0. E. Jones, C. McReynolds, W. W. Miller, R. J. Nethery, J. R. Patterson, H. W. Pierce, A. E. Place, F. I. Richardson, W. W. Sharp, H. S. Sliaw, Melzar Shepard, G. G. Sims, G. H. Skinner, G. B. Starr, G. A. Stevens, J. B. Stuyvesant, Swin Swinson, Luzerne Thompson, S. Thurston, Luth Warren, H. A. Washburn, E. W. Webster, D. E. Wellman, G. A. Wheeler, C. D. M. Williams, R. J. Bryant, R. J. McKeague, R. W. Smith, James Taphouse, C. J. Kunkel. Licentiates: B. M. Emerson. E. C. Peifer, J. M. Rowse, L. W. Cobb, H. W. Clark, J. M. Peterson, W. B. Taylor, W. H. Teesdale, Dr. .114 v Honorary Ministerial Licentiates: 0. J. Craf, C. C. King, E. L. Lutz, I. T. Reynolds. Missionary Licentiates: F. T. Oakes, Harriet M. Holt, Opal Stone, Violet R. Bell, H. G. Childs, J. H. Cochran, J. R. Ferren, R. E. Bowles, G. H. Curtis, F. R. Eastman, Dr. Mary McReynolds, Rose Boose. Honorary: Mrs. M. S. Boyd. Alice Brayshaw, Elizabeth Carter, Mrs. L. E. Cox, Walter Harper, Mrs. Ella E. Hughes, Mrs, 3, L. Kay, Myrna C. Lee; PACIFIC UNION CONFERENCE Mrs. R. Leo, Peter Lindahl, • Stella B. Lowry, Sara McEnterfer, Mrs. Alma E. McKibbin, Mrs. Florence W. Merrill, Mrs. Jessie F. Moser, L. C. Nelson, Mrs. L. A. Parsons, Cora A. Rapp, H. L. Rawson, Mrs. Alice H. Robinson, B. A. Rogers, Margaret Warnock, Mrs. Ella Hancock -Winch ell. Medical Missionary: Honorary: S. P. S. Edwards. 71 Licentiates: Antonio Fernandez, J. L. Holder, J. E. Young. Missionary Licentiates: Mrs. H. A. Curran, Miss Minnie Schmidt. Church School Teachers: Miss Lottie McCoy, Miss Florence Menhennet, Mrs. Lucille Stickle, Mrs. A. J. Lane, A. M. Amundson. Church Directory: ARIZONA CONFERENCE Organized 1902 Territory: The State of Arizona. 435,573; churches, 12; members, 663. Population: Office Address: Box 1359, Phoe-. nix, Ariz. St., Phoenix, Ariz. (Phone, 34319.) Office: 615 North Tenth Flagstaff, 121 S. Beaver St. Glendale, 127 North Third Ave. Globe, North Deveroux St. Phoenix, Ninth and Garfield Sts. Phoenix Mexican; 711 S. Montezuma St. Prescott, 137 West Carlton 'St. Tucson, 619 East Ninth St. Tucson Mexican, Main and West Simpson Sts. (In Methodist Church.) Yuma, Second Ave. and Sixth St. Officers: Pres., T. L. Oswald. Sec. and Treas., J. A. Neilsen. Executive Committee: T. L. Oswald, J. A. Neilsen, Edward Hoehn, B. R. Spear, J. E. Young, E. L. Riggle, Frank Vance. Legal Assn.: " Arizona Conference Corporation of S. D. A." Department Secretaries: Book and Bible House, J. A. Neilsen. Educational, J. E. Young. Field Miss., J. L. Holder. Home Miss. and Y. P. M. V., J. A. Neilsen. Religious Liberty, T. L. Oswald. Sabbath School, T. L. Oswald. Ministers: T. L. Oswald, B. R. Spear, J. A. Neilsen, H. A. Curran, E. B. Bray. Honorary: C. D. M. Williams, CALIFORNIA CONFERENCE Organized 1873 Territory: The following-named counties in the State of California: Alameda, Contra Costa, Del Norte, Humboldt, Lake, Marin, Mendocino, Monterey, Napa, San Francisco, Santa Clara, Santa Cruz, San Mateo, • San Benito, Solano, Sonoma, Trinity. Population: 1,761,910; churches, 54; members, 5,031. Office: 537 Twenty-fifth St. (near Telegraph Ave.), Oakland, Calif. (Tel., Holliday 3287.) Officers: Pres., G. A. Roberts. Sec. and Treas., R. E. Kalfus. Executive Committee: G. A. Roberts, E. H. Adams, R. E. Kal- 72 PACIFIC UNION CONFERENCE fus, H. G. Childs, E. C. Chapman, C. C. Landis, M. D., H. W. Vollmer, M. D., E. L. Maxwell. Legal Association: " California Conference Association of the Seventh Day Adventists." Corporation Sole: " The President of the California Conference of S. D. A., a Corporation Sole." Parlin, Mrs. Lottie Kuhns, Miss Minnie E. Dauphinee, R. E. Kalfus, Henry Norton, R. G. Lewis, Miss Violet Gilstrap, Miss Sarah Crowe, Miss Hazel Brown, Robert Palmer, Mrs. Bertha Pflugradt, M. C. Lysinger, Mrs. Stella Katsaros, Miss Clarice Heydenfeldt, Mrs. Grace. Neil, J. U. Neil, Mrs. F. H. Balm. Department Secretaries: Book and Bible House, Henry Norton. Educational, F. M. Owen. Field Miss., J. D. Leslie. Home Miss., J. D. Haynes. Medical Miss., H. W. Vollmer, M. D.; Associate, 0. W. Dolph. Miscellaneous Language, F. M. Owen. Religious Liberty, E. L. Maxwell. Sabbath School, T. L. Copeland. Y. P. M. V., Miss Minnie E. Dauphinee. Church School Teachers: Mrs. A. 0. Forbes, Mrs. C. D. Overton, Miss Hazel Striplin, Mrs. R. 0. Wilson, Miss Lois Miller, Mrs. L. D. Graham, Miss Esther Bizzini, Mrs. Edna L. Gurney, Mrs. H. B. French, Mrs. I. P. Dillon, Mrs. Fern Robinson, Miss Ferol Ruegge, J. Ratz]aff, Mrs. J. Ratz]aff, W. A. Gonter, Mrs. Obie White, Mrs.. 0. W. Dolph, Mrs. Gladys Lantz, Miss Ivy Mae Horning, J. D. Marshall, Mrs. Loleta HallBarron, Miss Coy Steck, Mrs. C. R. Cyphers, Lloyd Downs, Mrs. Ethel Lobsien, Mrs. Pearl Wilson, Mrs. Lloyd Downs, Mrs. M. Loundigan, Virgil Robinson, Mrs. Virgil Robinson, Dewey Longlaw, Miss Lila Danliens, Mrs. Dewey Longlaw, Alva Downs, D. E. Pettis, Mrs. Eiffel Winn, Miss Hazel Wiedri”1,, Mi2f:. Ruth '17..;11, Miss Elsie Shepherd, Lester Blower, Mrs. Lester Blower, Miss Elva Loring, Mrs. Jessie Shreyer. Ministers: G. A. Roberts, E. H. Adams, Andrew Nelson, I. P. Dillon, K. Nozaki, J. H. N. Tindall, L. E. Folkenberg, Adolph Johnson, F. M. Owen, T. L.. Copeland, 0. A. Troy, C. F. Folkenberg, F. G. Young, J. D. Haynes, C. L. Lingenfelter, A. M. Dart, H. W. rs c. gei, • C. T. Everson, W. D. Frazee. Honorary: Andrew Brorsen, W. L. Bird, G. W. Rine, L. A. Reed, C. C. Landis, M. D., H. M. J. Richards, A. J. Wearner, E. A. Brown. A Licentiates: T. D. Zaharis, Frank Iano, J. W. Reid, 0. W. Dolph, G. E. Miles, Eugene Crane, J. D. Leslie, F. H. Rahm, William Jensen. Missionary Licentiates: Miss Celia Green, Mrs. Ada La France, Miss Laura Morrison, Miss Emma Spillard, Mrs, E. E. Academy Teachers: Lowell Rasmussen, B. A., Mrs. Blanche Palmer, Miss Neva S'andborn, F. G. Young, N. Parker, Glen Martin, Mrs. Larson, L. M. Knapp, George Nelson, Rollin Axtell, Mrs. L. M. Knapp, G. E. Miles, B. S., Miss Lillian Beatty, B. A., Mrs. May C. Hanley, R. H. Duncan, A. B., James McClenaghan, A. B., Warren Maxwell, A. B., Donald Jacobs, Miss Vera Owen, Mrs. J. PACIFIC UNION CONFERENCE McClenaglian, Miss Hazel Ringer, A. B., W. P. Gilbert, B. A., Mrs. W. P. Gilbert, B. A., B. I. Rasmussen, B. A., Miss Esther Davis, B. A., E. L. Parrish, B. A., E. F. Counter, F. W. Steunenberg, B. A., I. G. Stewart,. Mrs. Peace B. Pond, Paul Meeth, Mrs. L. B. Ragsdale, Mrs. Alice C. Tait, Mrs. E. L. Parrish. Supervisors Normal Department P. U. C. Miss Dorothy White, M. A., Miss Ellen Klose, B. A., Mrs. H. E. Osborne, B. A., Miss Irene Walker, Miss Alice. Neilsen. Church Directory: Alameda, 1531 Verdi St. Arcata, D and Twelfth Ste. Byron, Railroad Ave. Berkeley, 1630 Fairview St. Burlingame, Woman's Club Bldg. Calistoga, Berry St., between Cedar St. and Napa Creek. Eureka, E and Harris Ste. Fort Bragg, Whipple and Pine Sts. Fortuna, 10th and B Sts. Healdsburg, Fitch and Piper Ste. Hollister, 624 Sixth St. King City, Pearl St., between let and 2nd. Los Gatos, 57 Broadway. Martinez, Mellus and Willow Sts. Monterey Peninsula, 225 Laurel St., Pacific Grove, Calif. Mountain View, Bailey Ave and Dana St. McKinleyville, Arcata, Sta Route. Napa, Church and Second Sts. Oakland: Twenty-fifth Street, 531 25th St. Fruitvale, Harrington Ave. at San Juan St. Market Street, Thirty-fourth and Market Ste. Spanish, 619 Market St. Morgan Hill, Keystone Ave. Pacific Grove, 225 Laurel St. 73 Pacific Union College, Angwin, Napa Co. Palo Alto, Channing Avenue and Guinda St. Petaluma, English and Upham Ste. Petrolia, Community Chapel. Redwood City, 524 Maple St. Richmond, Thirteenth and Ohio Sts. Salinas, 241 Geil St. San Francisco: Central, Cor. California and Broderick Sts. Hamilton Square, Hamilton Hall, Geary and Steiner Sts. S. D. A. Tabernacle, 673 Capp St. Sanitarium, St. Helena Sanitarium. San Jose, 65 South Seventh St. Santa Cruz, 19 Pennsylvania St. Santa Rosa, 515 Orchard St., near Johnson St. Sebastopol, on Petaluma Ave., one block west of electric depot. Soquel, Porter St. Sonoma, near Buena Vista Station. Smith River, Westbrook Tract. St. Helena, 967 Brown St. Ukiah, Bush and Henry Sts. Sunnyvale, Odd Fellows Hall. Vacaville, Stevenson and Elizabeth Sts. Vallejo, 414 Tennessee St. Watsonv.ille, Odd Fellows Hall. Willits, Mendocino St., bet. Humboldt and Madden. CENTRAL CALIFORNIA CONFERENCE Organized 1911 Territory: The following-named counties in the State of California: Tulare, Madera, Fresno, Kings, Mariposa, Merced, and Kern County north of the Tehachapi Mountains. 74 PACIFIC UNION CONFERENCE 356,921; churches, Population: 39; members, 2,544. Office: 2524 Mariposa St., Fresno, Calif. Postal Address: Box 1304, Fresno, Calif. (Telephone, Dial 2-0521.) Officers: Pres., R. S. Fries. Sec. and Treas., C. C. Mattison. Executive Committee: R. S. Fries, P. J. Wolfsen, P. J. Buller, J. R. Church, C. C. Mattison, I. M. Burke, B. J. McCulloch. Legal Assn.: " Central California Conference Association of the Seventh-day Adventists, a Corporation." Department Secretaries: Bible House, C. C. Mattison. Educational and Y. P. M. V., J. '1'. Porter. Field Miss., W. G. Herndon. Home Miss., A. B. Huenergardt. Religious Liberty, R. S. .Fries. Sabbath School, Mrs. R. S. Fries. Ministers: R. S. Fries, B. L. Howe, A. B. Huenergardt, H. L. Wallace, H. C. Olmstead, H. G. Thompson, M. A. Maloney, I. M. Burke, P. G. Broeckel, A. 0. Sage. Licentiates: Robert Kitto, H. A. Davis, C. J. • Ritchie. Missionary Licentiates: Dr. Myrtle B. Hudson, Mrs. R. S. Fries, C. C. Mattison, J. T. Porter, Bertha Neufeld-Walder, Dorothy M. Kellogg, W. G. Herndon, Warren Wittenberg, Elmer Smith, Mrs. Dora Burnett, Nellie Clark. Church School Teachers: P. C. Heubach, Mrs. P. C. Heubach, Mrs. Wanah Robinson, B. A., Vera Bogdanoff, Lois Evans, Mrs. Bernice Ritchie, B. A., Lydia Tociws, F. G. Tipton, Mrs. F. G. Tipton, J. J. Knittle, Robert Kitto, B. A., Cecil Chrisman, B. A., Mrs. Cecil Chrisman, B. A., Mrs. Beatrice Calkins, Edith Stoops, Mrs. Lecy Marney, Doris Carlsen, B. A., Mrs. E. M. Giddings, Mrs. Ruth M. Squier, Mrs. Roy Carmichael, Louise Downs, Clara Mast, C. 0. Trubey, Fred Ludecke, B. S., Elberta Seemans, B. A., Arnold Meyer, Bertha Booth, Elizabeth Epp, Mrs. Clara Heinrich, DeVera Thurston, Mrs. George Sommerville. Church Directory: • Armona, five miles west of Hanford. Bakersfield, 730 I St., Eighth and I Sts. Biola, Floyd Ave. between Barstow and Shaw. Ayes. Chowchilla, three miles, south, off Pacheco Pass Highway. Chowchilla German, seven miles west of Chowchilla; off Pacheco Pass Highway. Clovis,- Second and Woodworth. Corcoran, Narboe and Sherman Sts. Coalinga, Van Ness Ave. Dinuba, H and El Monte Way. Dinuba German, 21/2 miles went Dos Palos, Cor. California Ave. and Almond St. El Nido, seven miles west of Chowchilla, .off Pacheco Pass Highway. Exeter, Quince and Palm Ste. Fresno, Cor. 0 and Mariposa. Fresno German, B St., near Cal.ifornia Ave. Fresno Ital., Cor. Tuolumne and Snow Streets. Hanford, Harris and Ninth. Sts. Hanford, Mexican, Lang and Irwin Sts. Lemoore, C and Follet Ste. Lindsay, 605 North Mirage Ave. Madera, Vineyard Ave., between Yosemite and Sixth Ste. PACIFIC UNION CONFERENCE Merced,. 20th and H Streets. Orosi, Neil Ave. and Miller St. Porterville, North Villa St., just off Olive. Sanger, Cor. Eighth St. and West Ave. Selma, 2059 Whitson and North Sts. Taft, Date and Tyler Sts. Tulare, 120 North H St. Visalia, Jacobs St. and Noble Ave. Wasco, Griffith Ave. HAWAIIAN MISSION Entered 1895 Territory: The Hawaiian Islands. Population: 368,336; churches, 4; members, 283. Office Address: 1112 Keeaumoku St., Honolulu, Hawaii (Telephone, 3713). Cable Address: " Adventist," Honolulu. Officers: Acting Superintendent, C. R. Webster. Sec. and Treas., Beatrice Gordon. Advisory Committee: C. R. Webster, J. A. Simonson, Henry Kaupiko, E. R. Reynolds, H. E. McWhinny. Legal Association: "Hawaiian Association of Seventh-day Adventists." Department Secretaries: Book and Bible House, Beatrice Gordon. Educational, J. A. Simonson. Home Miss., E. H. Reynolds. Sabbath School, Beatrice Gordon. Religious Lib., H. E. McWhinny. F. P. M. V., C. R. Webster. Ministers: C. R. Webster, H. E. McWhinny, E. R. Reynolds, L. T. Heaton. Licentiate: C. W. Hartwick. 75 Missionary Licentiates: Mrs. C. R. Webster, Mrs. H. E. McWhinny, Mrs. Earl R. Reynolds, Mrs. Charles W. Hartwick, Mrs. L. T. Heaton, Mrs. J. A. Simonson, J. A. Simonson, R. F. Alderson, Mrs. Ray F. Alderson, Minnie Glantz, Florence Pfeiffer, Mildred Avery, Thora Peterson, Ada J. Madison, Beatrice Gordon, Eduardo Quirantes. Church Directory: Honolulu, Oahu, 1120 Keeaumoku St. Hilo, Hawaii, 219 Kinoole St. Maui, Haiku. Kauai, Kapaa. NEVADA-UTAH CONFERENCE Organized 1931 Territory: The State of Nevada; The State of Utah, excluding the counties of Daggett, Uinta, Duchesne, Carbon, Emery, Grand, and San Juan; and including that portion of the State or California lying east of the summit of the Sierra Nevada Mountains, also Plumas County, California, and Lake County, Oregon. Population: 594,998, churches, 21; members, 520. Office Address: 452 Ralston St., Reno, Nevada. (Phone 7892.) Officers: Pres., W. E. Atkin. Sec. and Treas., Mrs. Lulu P. Wilcox. Executive Committee: W. E. Atkin, J. J. Myers, J. L. Sander, W. Y. Gale, J. A. Kinney, Mrs. Lulu P. Wilcox, W. S. Casey, C. A. Truesdell. Department Secretaries: Book and Bible House, Mrs. Lulu P. Wilcox. 76 PACIFIC UNION CONFERENCE Educational, W. E. Atkin. Field Miss., Home Miss., J. L. Sander. Religious Liberty, W. E. Atkin. Sabbath Still, Mrs. W. E. Atkin. Y. P. M. V., B. Vincent Tibbets. Ministers: W. E. Atkin, G. A. Truesdell. Licentiates: Ernest Annofsky, C. W. E. Bond, M. E. Davis, B. V. Tibbets, Frank Hartwick, C. E. Westphal, L. D. Weber, John Baerg. Missionary Licentiates: J. L. Sander, Mrs. Lulu P. Wilcox. Church School Teachers: Mina E. Bird, Mrs. Ethel Davis, M. E. Davis, Mrs. Mazie Urquart Davis, Mrs. Orva Hammersmark, Paul Liebhart, Mrs. A. R. McFilially, Mary E. Place. Church Directory: Alturas, California. Bishop, Calif. Ely, Nevada. Fallon, Nevada. Indian Valley, Taylorsville, California; Community Church. Lake City, Calif. Lakeview, Oregon. 890 Liberty Park- (onlnvorl) South Third East, Salt Lake City, Utah. Logan, 274 North Second West; C. W. E. Bond, 155 South First East, Logan, Utah. Mt. Whitney, Lone Pine, Calif. Ogden, 469 29th St. Provo, Utah, bet. First and Second North, First West. Reno, 325 W. Fifth Street; B. Vincent Tibbets, 452 Ralston St., Reno, Nev. Salt Lake City, 1840 South 8th East and Downington Ave.; G. A. Truesdell, 772 Downington Ave. Standish, California; Community Church. Susanville, Calif. Westwood, Calif. Winnemucca, Nevada. NORTHERN CALIFORNIA CONFERENCE Organized 1911 Territory: The following-named counties in the State of California: Stanislaus, Tuolumne, San Joaquin, Calaveras, Amador, Sacramento, Yolo, Sutter, Yuba, Colusa, Glenn, Butte, Tehama, Shasta, Siskiyou, Alpine, Eldorado, Placer, Nevada, Sierra, Plumas, with the exception of that small portion of these counties lying east of the summit of the Sierras. Population: 526,894; churches, 31; members, 2,588. Office: 341 East Lodi Ave., Lodi, Calif. Telephone 101. Postal Address: Bin 7, Lodi, Cal. Officers: Pres., W. M. Adams. Sec. and Treas., Wm. Voth. Executive Committee: W. M. Adams, H. 0. Evans. j. C. Rasmussen, Wm. Voth, I. G. Krieger, R. G. Schaffner, A. R. Sandborn. Legal Assn.: " Northern California Conference Assn. of the S. D. A." Department Secretaries: Book and Bible House, W. I.. Mecum. Educational, E. G. Truitt. Field Miss., A. E. Barnes. Home Miss., 0. B. Stevens. Medical, Religious Liberty, W. M. Adams. . Sabbath School, Mrs. Ella H. Osborne. Y. P. M. V., F. W. Baldwin. PACIFIC UNION CONFERENCE Ministers: W. \J. Adams, Carl Leer, A. J. Csbornc, M. J. .King, A. R. 4;inilliorn, F. B. _Armitage, R. G. Schaffner, W. H. Bradley, 0. B. Stevens, W. A. Sweany, :13. W. Brown. :Efonora,ry: C. L. Taggart. Licentiates: Mrs. E. H. Osborne, W. R. Jefferson, E. G. Truitt, D. A Morton, F. W. Baldwin, P. S. Nelson. Missionary Licentiates: William •Voth, W. L. Mecum, A. E. Barnes, Mrs. A. E. Barnes, Miss Reathel Jenkins, Mrs. Hazel Roth, Miss Ella Rollins. Church School Teachers: Dorothy Stoelting, Ida. Banta, Vera Johnson, Mrs. W. B. Dimond, Anna Jensen, Mrs. F. D. Fisher, Mrs. D. L. Stoops, Mrs. E. G. Truitt, G. MaeLafferty, Mrs. G. MacLafferty, Helen Ericksen, Matilda Bernacchi, Lula• Williams, Mrs. H. P. Flower, Leah Pretzer, Mrs. W. D. Owens, Ruth Rice, Ruth Leer, Thelma Kilgore, Alma McClenaghan, J. S. Koehler, Dottie Chase, Verne Smith, Harriet Hiett, Edna Heinrich. Church Directory: Almond Grove, Harrington Ave., Arbuckle. Camino, Main St. Chico, North End Esplanade. Corning, Peach St., bet. Solano and South Sts. Galt, A St. Gridley, Magnolia and Indiana Sts. Hughson, 5th St. Lodi: English, South Central Ave., near Tokay St. German, South Garfield and Hilborn Sts. 77 Modesto. Sixth and J Sts. Oakdale, G St., and Third Ave. Orland, A St:, near Walker St. Oroville, Mitchell Ave., near Meyers St. Placerville, Jackson St. Red Bluff, cor. Lincoln and Breckenridge Sts. Redding, Chestnut St., bet Butte and Placer Sts. Ripon, Acacia St. Roseville, Franklin St., one block South of Douglas St. Sacramento, 1017 Twenty-third St. Salida, 4 miles east of Salida. Stockton, cor. Monroe and Willow Sts. Turlock, Orange and Columbia Sts. Woodland, 426 Third St. Yuba City, cor. Sumner and Shasta Sts. SOUTHEASTERN CALIFORNIA CONFERENCE Organized 1915 Territory: The following-named counties in the State of California: Orange, San Diego, Imperial, Riverside, and San Bernardino. Population: 604,160; churches, 40; members, 4,557. Office Address: Box 584, Arlington, Calif. Office: 9707 Magnolia Ave., Riverside (in Arlington), California. (Telephone 9012.) Officers: Pres., C. S. Prout. See, and Treas., H. B. Thomas. Executive Committee: C. S. Prout, H. B. Thomas, J. A. Burden, H. H. Hicks, E. H. Risley, Rees Sommerville, C. M. -Fltiguley; F. G. Wayman. 78 PACIFIC UNION CONFERENCE Legal Assns.: " Southeastern California Assn. of S. D. A." " Seventh-day Adventists Association of Southeastern California, a Corporation Sole." Department Secretaries: Book and Bible House, H. W. Christian. Educational, G. E. Mann. Field Miss., J. F. Kent. Field Nursing, Ruth- Christiansen. Home Miss., H. A. Rentfro. • Sabbath School, Mrs. Mina Morse Mann. Associates, L. A. Skinner and Mrs. L. A. Skinner. Rel. Liberty, H. H. Hicks. Y. P. NI. V., G. E. Mann. Associate, L. A. Skinner. Ministers: C. S. Prout, L. R. Anderson, K. M. Adams, J. A. Burden, S. T. Borg, Raymond Cales, E. E. Cossentine, W. C. Flaiz, John Ford, H. P. Gray, H. H. Hicks, C. F. Innis, J. E. Johnson, G. E. Mann, N. C. Petersen, G. A. Calkins, R. B. Stauffer, L.. A. Semmens, C. D. Striplin. Licentiates: W. H. Ferguson, J. F. Kent, F. A. Moran. M. D. Romero, L. A. Skinner, N. B. Thomng. Missionary Licentiates: Dr. A. D. Butterfield, Mrs. Viola J. Carpenter, H. W. Christian, Ruth Christiansen, A. P. Hanson, Dr. S. A. Lockwood, Dr. Myrtle Lockwood, Mina Morse Mann, H. A. Rentfro, K. J. Reynolds, Mrs. L. V. Smith, Mrs. E. B. Stoddard, Dr. J. W. Warren, Dr. Josie Shryock-Warren, Mrs. Luther Warren, Mrs. Marguerite. Williamson. Honorary: Mrs. Josephine Gotzian. Church School Teachers: • Fauneil Anderson, Mrs. J. W. Andrews, Verla Austin, Mrs. Cleo Barnard, Lyda Beaman, Mary Brewer, E. E. Butterfield, Bessie Campbell, Mrs. Nanette Coggin, Raymond Cottrell, Juanita Cox, Vivian Crosslan, Albert Duerkson, Walter Flaiz, Oma. Gentry, Mrs. Bernice H. Gibbs, C. E. Gober, Mrs. C. E. Gober, Mrs. Ethel Haley, Mrs. Lena Hardt, Bernice Hodge, Leona Jackson, Mrs. Arnold Johnson, Helen Johnson, Helena Kellogg, Mrs. Minnie Knight, Richard Lewis, Mrs. Joybelle Loutzenhiser, Marie Lucas, Mrs. Marie March us, Frank Moran, Ethel Nash, Mrs. J. J. Paulson, Willeta Raley, Mrs. Flora Rasmussen, William Rieke, Evelyn Roose, Gladys Rosser, Laura Shafer, Gladys Sims, Mrs. Daisy Sturges, E. L. Terrill, Carrie Tichenor, L. W. Vollmer, Inez Williams, Nina Williams, Beth Wipf, Coral Woodyerd. Church Directory: Anaheim, Adele and Paulina Sts. Beacon Light (Colored), cor. Hensley and L Sts., San Diego. Beaumont, cor. Eighth St. and Maple Ave. Brawley, cor. Imperial and C Sts. Colton, Cor. Ninth and G Sts. "iCgo, CA cti...gc and Estrella Sts. El Cajon, cor. Lexington and Lincoln. Sts. El Centro, 1011 Holt St. Elsinore, Cor. Kellogg and West Graham. Escondido, Cor. Orange and Illinois Sts. Fullerton, 145 W. Commonwealth St. Garden Grove, cor. Euclid and Pen Ave. Hemet, Thompson St. between Acacia, and Central. La Mesa, East Fresno St. near Edendale St. La Sierra, Southern California Junior College. PACIFIC UNION CONFERENCE 79 Executive Committee: P. E. Brodersen W. C. Raley, W. L. Avery, P. 'G. Rodgers, P. L. Knox, N. W. Philips, James Howarth, Dr. W. W. Worster, T. F. Culhane, S. Donaldson, W. P. Hill. Legal Assns.: Southern California Association of Seventhday Adventists, a Religious Corporation." " The President and Presiding Elder of the Southern California Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, A Corporation Sole." Department Secretaries: Book and Bible House, H. M. Burwell. Educational, W. L. Avery. Field Miss., Walter Lind. • Home Miss., D. A. Lower. Medical, Assistant Medical, Mrs. A. M. Cott. Religious Lib., G. A. Snyder. Sabbath School, W. W. Ruble. Assistant Sabbath School, Julia Leland. Y. P. M. V., W. W. Ruble. Junior Y. P. M. V., Julia Leland. SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA Ministers: CONFERENCE Dr. G. K. Abbott, P. P. Adams, Organized 1901 A. D. Armstrong, F. G. AshTerritory: The following-named baugh, W. L. Avery, P. E. Brodcounties in the State of Caliersen, R. F. Cottrell, S. Donaldfornia: San Luis Obispo, Santa son, G. A. Grauer, M. A. HollisBarbara, Ventura, Los Angeles. ter, P. L. Knox, V. H. Lucas, L. and that portion of Kern County R. Marsh, R. W. Munson, C. S. lying south of the Tehachapi Nicolas, F. W. Paap, R. W. ParMountains. mole, N. W. Philips, G. W. Reaser, J. W. Rich, H. M. S. RichPopulation: 2,388,248; churches, ards, P. G. Rodgers, W. W. Ru50; membership, 6,934. ble, MT. H. Schacht, E. T. Seat, J. F. Simon, G. A. Snyder. Office: 3131 Pasadena Ave.. Los Angeles, Calif. (Telephone, Honorary Ministers: Capital 7345.) M. M. Hare, M. D., J. W. Hofstar, MT. J. Johnson, Riley RusPostal Address: Box 332, Sta. A, sell, M. D. Los Angeles, Calif. Licentiates: Officers: Pres., P. E. Brodersen. C: J. Boyd, H. M. Burwell, WalSec.-Treas., W. C. Raley. ter Lind, D. A. Lower, C. C. Loma Linda, Loma Linda, Calif. New River, six miles Southwest of El Centro. National City, 1403 First Ave. National City, Mexican, Cor. 5th Ave. and 18th St. Oceanside, cor. Washington and Nevada. Ontario, End of West B St. on Vine Ave. Orange, Palm St. and Cleveland Ave. Paradise Valley Sanitarium, National City. Redlands, cor. Olive and Citrus Sts. Rialto, Cor. Olive and Second Sts. Riverside, Tenth and Locust Sts. San Bernardino, 771 D St. Santa Ana, 200 West Fifteenth St. San Pasqual, eight miles Southeast of Escondido. San Diego G St. Church, Eigthteenth and G Sts. University Heights Church, San Diego, 4104 Illinois St. Victorville, cor. Ninth and A Sts. 80 PACIFIC UNION CONFERENCE Morlin, W. S. Potts, R. B. Prout, Dr. P. Martin Keller, A. C. Madsen, I. A. Ford, W. W. Worster, M. D. Missionary Licentiates: John Baerg, P. B. Bontemps, Mrs. Lona Brosi, Miss Oleta Butcher, L. A. Carr, Miss M. E. Clark, Mrs. M. B. Cott, Mrs. G. Davis, Henry De Fluiter, E. G. Fulton, Miss V. Hamilton, James Howarth, Miss J. L. Ireland, Miss Julia Leland, ]VIrs. F. W. Paap, W. C. Raley, Miss Lillian Santee, Miss Mary Treber, W. F. Van Atta, Miss Hester Walsh, Mrs. C. Webster, Mrs. M. E. Hoyt, Mrs. A. E. Temple. Academic Teachers: L. R. Marsh, A. M., A. C. Madsen, A. B., Grace E. Morel, A. B., P. M. Foster, A. B., Mrs. Nellie Hankins, A. B., Virgil Jackson, A. B., Byron E. Ellis, A. B., Mrs. L. R. Marsh, Mrs. Retta Nelson, Mrs. W. F. Van Atta, R. B. Prout, M. A., Kathryn Speh, A. B., Mable Andre, A. B., Mrs. Lila Morgan, Mrs. R. B. Prout, C. C. Morrison, A. B,, W. F. Norwood, P• B.. Gladys Anderson, A. B., Gladys Chase, Grace Nelson Reed, A. B., J. E. Light, W. S. Potts, A. B., Edna Kilcher; A. ii., Esther Siess, A. B., Alice Hiscox, A. B. Church School Teachers: Francis Ackerman, L. W. Fuller, Mrs. L. 'W. Fuller, H. W. Ingham, Mrs. H. W. Ingham, Mrs. Albert Satterlee, Mrs. J. A. Land, Genevieve Carpenter, Harold Mauk, Mrs. Violet Pierce, Emma Ramstead, Mrs. Lona Caldwell, Orilla B. Tuttle, Mrs. Martha Lovell, Mrs. Virgil Jackson, Mrs. Ward Martin, Ethel Griese, Mrs. A. A. Gibbons, Mrs. L: M. Overholt, Mrs. M. E. Weil, Helen Gurtien, Katherine Siemens, Mrs. La Vina Wagner, Mrs. Drusella Van Buskirk, Lourene Mallernee, Margaret Northey, Vada Ruling, Fern Halverson, Mrs. H. C. Holloway, Lillian Brenton, Everette Chase, Mrs. Lucille Tuttle, Millie Corbin, Adele Jones, Helyn Worthington, Mrs. Leda Cummins, Alfreda Mortensen, Mrs. F. J. Eurton, Mrs. Effie Carroll, Iris Chrisman, Leona Baker, Alma Claiborne, Mrs. N. Ostendorph, Mrs. J. B. Folkenburg. Church Directory: Alhambra, 100 North 1st Street. Arroyo Grande, Allen St. Azusa, Rural Rest Home. Baldwin Park, 210 North Main St. Bellflower, Palm and Ardmore. Burbank, Angeleno Ave., bet. 3rd and 4th Sts. Compton, Myrrh, Women's Club. Gardena, 16506 Massachusetts Ave., Gardena; Redondo car to Hermosillo Station. Glendale, Corner Isabel St. min California Ave. Glendale Sanitarium, rear Glendale Sanitarium, 1509 East Wilson Ave. Glendora, Cor. Whitcomb and Vermont Ayes. Graham, ilf101 ("lpapr Ct Los Angeles; Watts car to Kent Station, 2 short blocks east. Hawthorne, 131 Menlo St., onehalf block from Ballone. Huntington Park, 2762 Clarendon St. LaCrescenta, Rosemont St., and Montrose Ave., Montrose. Lomita, Weston St. at Walnut. Long Beach, 10th and Linden Sts. Los Angeles: Belvedere Gardens, 921 South Fetterly St. Central, 650 West 21st St.; University car. Daman, 203 South Daman St.; East First Street car. PACIFIC UNION CONFERENCE Eagle Rock, 2239 Merton Ave., west of Eagle Rock Blvd. Edendale, 2226 Fargo Street, half block west of Glendale Blvd. Exposition Park, 1041 West 38th St., half block west of Vermont Ave. Florence, 7343 Miramonte Blvd., block south Florence Ave.; Watts car. German, 4230 South Flower St. Hollywood, 5150 De Longpre Ave., Hollywood Blvd. to Kingsley Dr., south to De Longpre Ave., half block east. Lincoln Park, 2422 Manitou Ave., half block south of Daly St. Spanish American, Boyle and Michigan Ayes. Van Nuys, 312 Friar St. Wadsworth (Colored), 981 East 37th St., block west of Central Ave.; Central Ave. car. White Memorial, Corner New Jersey and State Sts. Monrovia, Masonic Temple, 104 West White Oak Ave. Norwalk, 222 Sproul St. Pasadena, 72 North Wilson Ave., half block north of Colorado Blvd. Pasadena Second (Colored), 87 South Vernon, Pasadena. Pasd Robles, Tenth and Vine Sts. Pomona, 508 East Sixth St., cor. Linden Ave. Rivera, Bequette St. and Perkins Ave. San Fernando, North Brand, bet. 6th and 7th Sts. San Luis Obispo, Buchon and Santa Rosa Sts. San Pedro, 555 West 12th St., (Point Firmin car or bus.) Santa Barbara, cor. De La Vina. and Anapamu Streets. Santa Monica, Wilshire Blvd., near Third St. 81 Sawtelle, 1506 106th Avenue; Preaching, Sabbath, 2:45 p. m. South Pasadena, El Centro and Fairview Sts. Ventura, San Clemente St. and Ocean Ave. Watts (Colored), 1521 East 111th Street. Wilmington, 1056 Island Ave., South of K St. INSTITUTIONS IN THE PACIFIC UNION CONFERENCE Educational: Boarding: Arizona Academy, 1325 North Fourteenth St., Phoenix, Ariz. Hawaiian Mission Academy, 1417 Makiki St., Honolulu, Hawaii. Humboldt Academy, 4001 F St., Box 912, Eureka, Calif. Lodi Academy and Normal, Bin 8, Lodi, Calif. Pacific Union College, Angwin, Napa Co., Calif. Southern California Junior College, Route 1, Arlington, Calif. Non-boarding: Fresno Academy, 841 West Belmont Ave., Fresno, Calif. Glendale Union Academy, 70J Kimlin Drive, Glendale, Calif. Golden Gate Academy, 1709 Alcatraz St., Berkeley, Calif. Kern Academy, Shafter, Calif. Loma Linda Academy, Loma Linda, Calif. Long Beach Academy, 1880 Dawson Ave., Long Beach, Calif. Los Angeles Academy, 3210 Post St., Los Angeles, Calif. (Mail address, Box 332, Station A, Los Angeles, Calif.) Mountain View Academy, Mountain View, Calif. Publishing: Pacific Press Pub. Assn., Moun tain View, Calif. 82 PACIFIC UNION CONFERENCE Sanitariums: Glendale Sanitarium and Hospital, 1509 East Wilson Ave., Glendale, Calif. (Mail address, Box 850, Glendale, Calif.) Loma Linda Sanitarium, Loma Linda, Calif. Paradise Valley Sanitarium, National City, Calif. St. Helena Sanitarium, Sanitarium, Napa Co., Calif. Medical: College of Medical Evangelists, Loma Linda and Los Angeles, Calif. SOUTHEASTERN UNION CONFERENCE Organized 1908 Territory: The Conferences of Carolina, Cumberland, Florida, and Georgia. Population: 10,261,963; churches, 144; members, 7,124. Office Address: 717 First National Bank Bldg., Chattanooga, Tenn. Phone, 7-2948. Officers: Pres., W. H. Heckman. Sec. and Treas., C. G. Ortner. Executive Committee: W. H. Heckman, R. I. Keate, B. F. Kneeland, C. L. Butterfield, A. S. Booth, J. C. Klose, N. H. Conway, C. G. Ortner. Legal Assn.: " Southeastern Unof v. Conferemcc D. A." Auditor, C. G. Ortner. Transportation Agent, W. H. Heckman. Department Secretaries: Educational, Y. P. M. V., and Field Miss., N. H. Conway. Home Miss., .1. C. Klose. Medical, Dr. L. L. Andrews. Religious Liberty, W. H. Heckman. Ministers: W. H. Heckman, N. H. Conway, H. J. Klooster, J. H. Behrens, F. W. Field, N. J. Waldorf, U. Bender, B. H. Shaw. Honorary: J. L. Shuler, W, W. Williams, J. C. Mikkelsen, Smith Sharp, W. L. Killen, W. H. Armstrong, J. H. Krum, L. T. Crisler, V. 0. Cole, 0. B. Crary, C. E. Boynton, R. H. Brock, C. B. Stephenson. Licentiates: J. C. Klose, E. C. Waller, Dr. L. L. Andrews, C. G. Ortner, F. W. Schmehl. Honorary: W. B. Maris. Missionary Licentiate: C. A. Rottmiller. Honorary: Miss Ruth Orchill, Carrie L. Stringer, Miss Elizabeth McHugh, Miss Mary Baxter M,•° 1.V. W. Wiriam:; Mr Alice M. Howard, Mrs. E. y C. Widgery, L. J. Black. Union Colored Dept.: Pres., W. H. Heckman. Sec., C. G. Ortner. Asst. Sec., Y. P. M. V. and Home Miss. Dept., Miss Anna Knight. Union Evangelist, J. G. Thomas. Executive Committee: W. H. Heckman, C. G. Ortner, R. I. Keate, B. F. Kneeland, A. S. Booth, C. L. Butterfield, J. G. Thomas. J. F. Crichlow, J. S. Green, W. H. Winston, A. B. B. Storey. Minister: J. G. Thomas. SOUTHEASTERN UNION CONFERENCE Missionary Licentiates: Miss Anna Knight. Honorary: Mrs. Emily ._ McGlocklin. CAROLINA CONFERENCE Organized in 1901 and 1907, as the North Carolina and South Carolina Conferences; reorganized as Carolina Conference in 1918. Territory: South Carolina, and that part of North Carolina lying east of the following counties: Ashe, Watauga, Avery, McDowell, and Henderson. Population: 4,555,390; churches, 41; members, 1,299. Office Address: 215 North McDowell St., Charlotte, N. C. (Telephone, 6951.) Officers: Pres., C. L. Butterfield. Sec. and Treas., R. G. Bowen. Executive Committee: C. L. Butterfield, E. L. Jones, A. E. Deyo, J. E. All, R. G. Bowen. Legal Assn.: " Carolina Conference Association of Seventh-day Adventists, Incorporated." Department Secretaries: Book and Bible House, R. G. Bowen. Rel. Liberty, C. I. Butterfield. Field Miss., A. E. Deyo. Home Miss., H. W. Barto. Sabbath School, V. I'. M. V.,.and. Educational, Miss Lois J. Walker. Ministers: C. L. Butterfield, J. E. All, W. E. Lanier, L. G. Nyman, S. M. Schleifer. Licentiates: A. E. Deyo, H. W. Barto, L. A. Butterfield. 33 Missionary Licentiates: B. G. Bowen, Miss Lois J. Walker, Miss Ruth Newton. (lhurch School Teachers (White): Miss Gertrude Holmes, Mrs. Charlsie Fox, Miss Eva Maude Wilson, Miss Fern Thompson, Mrs. M. P. Acker, C. F. Betts. Church Directory (White): North Carolina: Charlotte, 215 North McDowell St. Glen Alpine, Glen Alpine Rural School. Goldsboro, over Nash Printery. High Point, Springdale Road. Kernersville, one-half mile east of village. Pine Grove, Eufola. Wilmington, cor. Ninth and Market Sts. South Carolina: Charleston, 219 Calhoun St. Columbia, 1012 Assembly St. Greenville, Hampton and Echols Sts. Math Mountain, six miles from Central on State highway No. 4. Spartanburg, Wolf and Woff ord Sts. Colored Department Committee: C. L. Butterfield, R. G. Bowen, J. S. Green, Chas. Curtis, N. B. Smith. Minister: J. S. Green. Licentiates: J. A. Bookhart, Chas. Curtis, N. B. Smith. Missionary Licentiate: Miss Charlotte Weeks. Church School Teachers: Miss Trula Wade, Miss Rosetta Baldwin, Miss Bernice Palmer, Miss Margaret Caldwell, Mrs. J. A. Godley, Miss Lillian Adams. 84 SOUTHEASTERN UNION CONFERENCE Church Directory: North Carolina: Charlotte, Corner East Hill and South Caldwell Sts. Durham, cor. Lincoln Ave. and Douglass St. Greensboro, Market St. near Noco St. La Grange, two miles west and one mile south from village. Lumberton, one-half mile from village on Fairview highway. New Bern, West St., near North Main. Raleigh, cor. South Person and Cabarrus Sts. Wilmington, Corner Wood and Fanning Sts. Wilson, Atlanta Ave. Winston-Salem, Ogburn St., near East Ninth. South Carolina: Charleston, Nunan St., near Holmes St. Columbia, 1218 Henderson St. Darlington, 107 Jackson St. Florence, 801 Cheves St. Orangeburg, 65 Macey St. Sumter, Walker Ave. CUMBERLAND CONFERENCE Organized 1900 Territory: Eastern Tennessee, tha untla y being rile western line of the counties of Macon, Smith, DeKalb, Warren, Grundy, and Marion; also eighteen counties in western North Carolina, viz., Clay, Cherokee, Graham, Macon, Swain; Jackson, Haywood, Transylvania, Buncombe, Henderson, Madison, Yancey, Mitchell, Avery, Wautauga, Ashe, Alleghany, and McDowell; also Dade, Walker, Catoosa, Whitfield, Murray, Fannin, Gilmer, Union, Towns, and Chattooga counties, in the State of Georgia. Population: 1,61.4,670; eh dies, 34; members, 1,393. Office: 30] Lovenia St., Cor. Luttrell, l3ox 205, Knoxville, Tenn. (Telephone, 3-7214.) Officers: Pres., R. I. Keate. Sec. and Treas., F. R. Boggs. Executive Committee: R. I. Keate, E. R. Boggs, Cyrus Simmons, E. W. Wolfe, C. H. Spurgeon. Legal Assn.: " The Cumberlaud Association of Seventh-day Adventists." Department Secretaries: Book and Bible House, F. R. Boggs. Educational, Ruth E. Atwell. Field Miss., C. H. Spurgeon. Religious Liberty, Cyrus Simmons, Box 558, Knoxville, Tenn. Sabbath School, Miss Ruth E. Atwell. Y. P. M. V. and Home Miss.,R. G. Strickland. Ministers: R. I. Keate, E. W. Wolfe, T. M. Been), W. G. Kneeland, R. G. Strickland, V. B. Watts, Leo Odom. Licentiates: Cyrus Simmons, C. E. Smith, F. W. Harvey. Missionary Licentiates: Ruth E. Atwell, Mrs. R. I. Keate, Mrs. Margaret Smith, F. R. Boggs, Mrs. E. W. Wolfe, C. H. Spurgeon, Mrs. W. G. Kneeland. Church School Teachers: Mrs. Omar Collins, Mrs. C. B. Howe, W. J. Wilkinson, Ruth Rittenhouse, Myrtle Maxwell, Mrs. M. J. Hansen, E. Wendell Wolfe, Mrs. E. E. Backus, Mrs. C. G. Marquis, Hazel King, Mrs. Claudia Dillard, Mrs. W. L. Whorton, Rosabelle Wood, Mrs. L. E. Hope, Ha✓.el Collins, Mrs. O. H. McKee, F. M. Palmer, H. P. Carren, Mrs. J. AL Levering, Alice M. Dodson, C. B. Howe. SOUTHEASTERN UNION CONFERENCE Church Directory: (White) • North Carolina : Asheville 240 Haywood St. Banners 'Elk. Route L Fletcher, Mountain Sanitarium. Candler, Pisgah Industrial Institute. Hendersonville, Coy. Washington and Barnwell. Old Fort, Route 2. Valle Crucis, Banners Elk, N. C. Wolf Creek, Banners Elk, N. C. Tennessee: Athens, 197 Ohio St. Brayton, Star Route. Bristol, Strans Bldg., Cor. State and King Sts. Chattanooga, Beech St. and Duncan Ave. Cleveland, Twentieth St. and Ocoee St. Collegedale, Southern Junior College, Collegedale. Tenn. Copper Ridge, Route 2, Byington, Tenn. Cumberland Mountain, Monteagle, Tenn. Daisy, Glory Ave. Daylight, Route 2. Etowah, 5th and Ohio Ave. Graysville, Graysville Academy. Greeneville, 614 West Main St. Harriman, Roan St. Johnson City, 116 West Fairview St. Knoxville, 301 Lovenia St., Cor. Luttrell St. Lenoir City, Second Ave. and B St. Morristown, Episcopal Church. Colored Department Committee: R. I. Keate, F. R. Boggs, J. F. Crichlow, T. C. Duncan, W. C. Cleveland. Minister: J. F. Crichlow. Licentiates: R. L. Ryles. H. D. Singleton. Church School Teachers: Emma, -Wilson, Inez Brown. 85 Church Directory: Asheville No. 2, 249 Market St. Chattanooga No. 2, 1024. Cross St. Knoxville No. 2, cor. University and Wallace. FLORIDA CONFERENCE Organized 1893 Territory: The State of Florida. excepting the counties of Es. cambia, Santa Rosa, Walton, Holmes, Washington, Jackson, Oskaloosa, Bay, and Calhoun, which belong to the Alabama Conference. Population: 1.,209,599; ch urches, 48; members, 3,260. Cffice: 311 North Rosalind Ave., Orlando, Fla.; P. 0. Box 372. (Telephone, 4276.) Officers: Pres., A. S. Booth. Sec. and Treas., J. I. Cassell. Executive Committee: A. S. Booth, M. C. Bird, H. M. Kelley, J. I. Cassell, Chas. Baum. Legal Assn.: "Florida Conference Association of Seventh-day Adventists." Department Secretaries: Book and Bible House, J. I. Cassell. Educational and V. P. M. v.. H. M. Kelley. Field Miss., J. E. Lippart. Home Miss., —. Medical, Dr. L. L. Andrews. Religious Liberty, A. S. Booth. Sabbath School, Miss Anita Martin. Ministers: A. S. Booth, C. R. Magoon, J. B. .T_A:pcken, Frank Dudley, H. M. Kelley, Chas. Baum, James Bellinger, J. G. Mitchell, L. T. Crisler, K. A. Macaulay. 86 SOUTHEASTERN UNION CONFER EN CL Honorary: E. C. Widgery, C. B. Stephenson, J. H. Krum, W. E. Bidwell, Geo. W. Spies. Licentiate: Honorary: T. D. Gibson. Missionary Licentiates: W. E. McClure, J. I. Cassell, Miss Addie Mae Kalar, Miss Lucy Page Emerson, Miss A. C. Dewers, Miss Anita Martin, Miss Martha Ferree. Honorary: Mrs. E. C. Widgery. Church School Teachers: S. G. Northeott, Mrs. S. G. Northcott, Mrs. Ida J. Sollenberger, Carolyn Louis, Mrs. L. J. Black, Nellie Ferree, Blanche Vaughn, Harold Sammer, Mrs. Sara Strickland, Eva Sammer, Jennie Clark, Erline Foshee, Mrs. Euphemia Jaeger, Frances Johnson, Frances Rilea, J. H. Shrock. Colored Department Committee: A. S. Booth, J. I. Cassel, A. B. B. Storey, F. H. Stevens, P. M. Boyd. Ministers: A. B. B. Storey, F. H. Stevens, P. M. Boyd. Church School Teachers: vr2..,ra.21, 1TPll ri Pt l'N Mobley, Pauline Emanuel, Mrs. Grace Hamilton, Ida H. Faison, Blanche Palmer. Church Directory: Arcadia, East Hickory St. Clearwater, East Turner St. Daytona, Cypress St. Gainesville, Railroad Ave. Jacksonville, white, Roselle and Charles Sts. Jacksonville, colored, Jessie and Van Buren Sts. Miami, white. Ninth Ave. and Fourth St., S. W. Miami, colored, Second St. New Smyrna, Orange Ave. Ocala, white, 408 Magnolia St. Orlando, white, East Robinson and Rosalind Ave. Orlando, colored, South Paramore St. Sanitarium, white, Box 1100, Orlando. St. Petersburg, South Sixth St. and Fourth Ave., South. St. Petersburg, colored, 10th Ave. and 20th St., South. Tampa, white, in 2800 Block on Florida Ave. Tampa, colored, East Scott St. West Palm Beach, white, Hibiscus St. GEORGIA CONFERENCE Organized 1901. Territory: The State of Georgia, excepting the counties of Dade, Walker, Catoosa, Towns, Union, Fannin, Gilmer, Murray, Whitfield, and Chattooga, belonging to the Cumberland Conference. Population: 2,792,304; churches, 21; members, 1,172. Office: 547 Cherokee Ave., S. E., Atlanta, Ga. Phone, Main 4536. Officers: Pres., B. F. Kneeland. 11. E.. Schneider. Executive Committee: B. F. Kneeland, J. R. Mitchell, A. Widlimier, P. E. Scoggins. Legal Assn.: •• Georgia Conference Association of Seventh-day Adventists" (Incorporated). Department Secretaries: Book and Bible House, H. E. Schneider. Educational and Y. P. M. V., Archa.Dart. Field Miss., Fred Meister. Home Miss. and Sabbath School, V. A. LaGrone. Medical, Dr. J. F. Schneider. Religious Liberty, B. F. Kneeland. SOUTHEASTERN UNION CONFERENCE Ministers: B. F. Kneeland, H. F. Taylor, W. H. Westermeyer, P. E. Scoggins. Licentiates: Dr. J. R. Mitchell, V. A. LaGrone, W. H. Lyon, Fred Meister, Archa Dart. Missionary Licentiates: H. E. Schneider, A. D. McKee, A. V. McClure, Miss Helen Gruenke, H. M. Dukes, Dr. J. F. Schneider, Mrs. Rossie Oxford. 87 Savannah, Thirty-fifth and Whittaker Sts.; W. H. Westermeyer, 309 West 36th St. Thomaston, Cor. Gordon and Thurston Ave. Tifton, Masonic Hall. Colored Department Committee: B. F. Kneeland, W. H. Winston, C. E. Martin, Estee Prather. Ministers: W. H. Winston, C. E. Martin. Licentiate: L. J. Pryor. Church School Teachers: Missionary Licentiate: Letson Lambert, Caroll Randall, H. T. Mitchell-Palmer. Beulah Johnson, Edna Mae Trammell, Luta Pilgreen, Eddie Church School Teachers: Brant, Mrs. J. H. McCoy, Mrs. W. H. Clark, Mamie Lastinger, Mrs. M. F. Sweedenberg, Annie Martha Brown, Corrie Lee OglesHaynes, Mrs. Myrtice Morris, H. by, Mrs. D. B. Payne, Mrs. J. R. T. Mitchell-Palmer, Mrs. H. T. Conger, R. E. Cowdrick, Vesta • Mitchell-Palmer, Jessie Haynes, Jay Webster, Grace Sudduth, Mrs. L. J. Pryor, Mattie Walker, Mrs. R. R. Price, Mrs. H. M. 011ie Smith. Dukes. Churches and Pastors: Churches and Pastors: Atlanta, Cor. Ashby and PalAtlanta, 543 Cherokee Ave., S. metto Sts., S. W.; W. H. WinE.; P. E. Scoggins, 642 Woodston, 82 Ashby St., S. W. land Ave., S. E. Augusta, David and Maple Sts.; Augusta, 1824 Walton Way; F. C. E. Martin, 1638 W. 15th St. E. Courtney, P. 0. Box 345. Columbus, 1312 Twenty-fourth Boston, One mile East of Oak Ave.; H. T. Mitchell-Palmer, Lawn Station. 13111 Pou St. Columbus, Cor. Seventeenth St. Macon, Cor. Spring and Rose and 15th Ave. Sts.; L. J. Pryor, 534 East Douglasville, One-fourth mile Second - St. South of Vansant's Crossing. Fitzgerald, 501 No. Grant St.; Savannah, Cor. Florence and W. H. Lyon, 604 Alapaha St. Forty-third St. Macon, 114 Montpelier Ave. Marietta, Residence of E. E. Kurtz, Route 1. INSTITUTIONS IN THE SOUTHReeves, Reeves Sanitarium. EASTERN UNION CONRiver Road, near Stilson, Ga. FERENCE Rome, Highland Ave. and Park Educational: Boulevard. Southern Junior College, ColSanitarium, Georgia Sanitarium, legedale, Tenn. Cascade Road, Atlanta; Dr. Forest Lake Academy, AltaJ. F. Schneider, Route 1, Box monte Springs, Fla. 112. 88 SOUTHEASTERN UNION CONFERENCE Publishing: Atlanta Branch of the Southern Pub. Assn., 405 Fair St., S. E., Atlanta, Ga. Sanitariums: Orlando-Florida Sanitarium and Hospital, Orlando, Fla. SOUTHERN UNION CONFERENCE Organized igoi Territory: The Conferences of Alabama, Kentucky, Louisiana-Mississippi, and Tennessee River. Population: 11,012;602; churches, 99; members, 4,531. Telegraphic Address: Phone 7-6660. Office: 2001 Twenty-fourth Ave., North, Nashville, Tenn. Officers: Pres., N. S. Ashton. Sec., Treas., and Auditor, Burton Castle. Executive Committee: N. S. Ashton, Burton Castle, W. I. ' Coleman, 0. F. Frank, W. S. James, F. H. DeVinney, A. B. Russell, H. E. Lysinger, M. F. Knox, W. R. White, J. A. Tucker. Legal Assn.: " Southern Union Conference Assn. of S. D. A." Transportation Agent: Burton Castle. Department Secretaries: Educational and Y. P. M. V., W. S. James. Assistant Educa.. Sec., Nannie May Smith. Field Miss., W. I. Coleman. Home Miss. and Religious Liberty, 0. F. Frank. Ministers: N. S. Ashton, 0. F. Frank, H. R. Gay, R. B. Thurber, J. A. Tucker, I. V. Counsell, W. I. Coleman. Honorary: R. B. Donnell, C. J. Buhalts, Dr. E. A. Sutherland, C. N. Martin, W. E. Straw, H. C. Goodrich. Licentiates: Burton Castle, L. F. Thiel, A. N. Atteberry, L. D. Randall, W. S. James, L. Il. Skinner. Missionary Licentiates: Hazel Wood, Nannie May Smith. Honorary: Mrs. Mary B. Balsbaugh. Union Colored Dept.: Committee: N. S. Ashton, Burton Castle, F. H. DeVinney, H. E. Lysinger, A. B. Russell, M. C. Strachan, F. S. Keitts, L. H. Bland, J. B. Mallory, F. A. Osterman. Sec., Colored Dept., M. C. Strachan. Ministers: M. C. Strachan. Honorary: C. M. Kinney, N. B. King. 0. B. Edwards. ALABAMA CONFERENCE Organized 1901 Territory: The State of Alabama, and the following counties in Florida: Escambia, Santa Rosa, Walton, Holmes, Washington, Jackson, Okaloosa, Bay, and Calhoun. Population: 2,814,860; churches, 25; members, 1,000. Office Address: 500 Second Ave., South, Clanton, Ala. (Telephone, 132-J.) SOUTHERN UNION 'CONFERENCE Postal Address: Box 317, Clanton, Ala. Officers: Pres., A..B. Russell. Sec. and Treas., C. 0. Franz. Executive Committee: A. B. Russell, C. 0. Franz, 0. P. Ivie, Allen Walker, S. E. Rogers. Legal Assn.: "Alabama Conference Association of the Seventhday Adventists." Department Secretaries: Book and Bible House, C. 0. Franz. Educational, W. S. James. Y. P. M. V., A. B. Russell. Field Miss., H. E. McClure. Home Miss. and Sabbath School, J. C. Baldwin. Religious Liberty, A. B. Russell. Ministers: _ A. B. Russell, Allen Walker, C. N. Martin. Licentiates:, W. W. Walker, W. W. White, J. C. Baldwin. Missionary Licentiates: C. 0. Franz, H. E. McClure, Mrs. C. N. Martin. Church School Teachers: Mrs. W. S. Byram, Minnie Duncan, Ola Bryars, Mrs. Fred Sego, Tetz, Mrs. Lois Duncan, B. F. Wrenn, Lucile Hoskins, Annie Lowe, Marlete Turner, Mortis DorTette,' Coralee Russell, M. E. Whatley. Churches and Pastors: White: Birmingham, 711 Tuscaloosa Ave.; W. W. White, 5200 Court Place, C. P. Clanton, 503 Second Ave.. South; C. 0. Franz, Box 317. Mobile, Old Shell Road and Pine St. Pensacola, Fla., cor. East Gadsden St. and Sixth Ave.; C. N. Martin, Route 3, Box 424. Selina, First Avenue, near Broad. 89 Colored Department Committee: A. B. Russell, C. 0. Franz, W. H. Baker, E. Wilkins, F. A. Osterman. Ministers: Thos. Murphy, F. A. Osterman, Licentiates: W. H. Baker, E. Wilkins. Church School Teachers: Francis Fountain, Julia Wesley. Church Directory: Birmingham (colored), 13th St. and Avenue F; W. H. Baker, 1122 John St. . Huntsville (colored), 629 Madison St. Mobile (colored), Dearborn. St., bet. Congress and Adams Sts.; Thomas Murphy, 262 N. Dearborn St. Montgomery (colored), cor. Mill and Broughton Sts.; E. Wilkins, Rt. 1, Box 88. Pensacola, Fla., colored, • 919 West Gadsden St. KENTUCKY CONFERENCE Organized 1908 Territory: All the State of Ken tucky excepting the eight counties west of the Tennessee River and the counties of Trigg, Christian, Todd, Logan, Simpson, and Allen, belonging to the Tennessee River Conference. Population: 2,373,982; churches, 17; members, 942. Office Address: 3434 Taylor Blvd., Louisville, Ky. (Telephone, Magnolia 3790.) Officers: Pres., J. A. Leland. Sec. and Treas., 0. J. Bell (Tel., Magnolia 143-W). 90 SOUTHERN UNION CONFERENCE Executive Committee: J. A. Leland, 0. J. Bell, J. D. Reavis, L. E. Lenheim. A. W. Ott, C. G. Bellah, J. W. Wheeler. Legal Assn.: " Seventh-day Adventist Conference Association of Kentucky." Pres., J. A. Leland, Sec. and Treas., 0. J. Bell. Department Secretaries: Book and Bible House, 0. J. Bell. Educational, W. S. James. Field Miss., I. 0. 'Wallace. Home Miss. and Sabbath School, J. D. Reavis. Religious Liberty, J. A. Leland. Y. P. M. V., Ministers: J. A. Leland, J. D. Reavis, C. G. Bellah, L. E. Lenheim. Licentiate: M. R. Garrett. Missionary Licentiates: Mrs. Mattie Lucas, 0. J. Bell, Miss Ethel Beeson, I. 0. Wallace, Mrs. J. W. Wilhelm. Church School Teachers: J. H. Bleuer, Mrs. Mark Zalabak, Mrs. Viola Caldwell, Fern Hackworth. Church Directory: Ashland, 3317 Condit St. Bowling Green, 1122 Park St. Covington, Eighteenth and Greenup Sts.; C. G. Bellah, 2708 Rosina Ave. (Tel., Covington 5666.) Lexington, Loudon Ave.; M. R. Garrett, Winchester Pike and Brown Ave. Louisville, 1621 South Fourth Ave.; L. E. Lenheim, 4810 Peachtree St. (Tel. Magnolia 2718-J.) Pewee Valley, Pewee Valley, Ky. Colored Department Executive Committee: J. A. Leland, 0. J. Bell, J. B. Mallory, C. D, Minnis, Minister: J. B. Mallory. Church School Teachers: I. A. Christian, Seneva Grosgrove, Mrs. Delilah Custard. Church Directory: . Bowling Green, Park and Fourth Sts. Lexington, Fifth and Upper Sts. Louisville, 1715 West Chestnut St.; J. B. Mallory, 1720 Dumesnil St. (Tel. Magnolia 4296.) LOUISIANA-MISSISSIPPI CONFERENCE Mississippi Organized 1900 Louisiana Organized 1900 Consolidated 1920 Territory: The States of Louisiana and Mississippi. Population: 4,111,414; churches, 31; members, 1,146. Office:. 705 South Gallatin St., Jackson, Miss. (Telephone, 1134.) Officers: Pres., F. H. DeVinney. Sec. and Treas., Mrs. J. G. White. P.xemItivp rnm—u-4 ee: F. H. Vinney, I. C. Pound, M. L. Wilson, H. 0. Rogers, J. D. Smith, J. L. Cooper. Legal Assn.: " The LouisianaMississippi Conference Assn. of S. D. A." Department Secretaries: Book and Bible House, Mrs. J. G. White. Educational, W. S. James. Field Miss., W. J. Mercer. Home Miss. and Y. P. M. V., J. L. Cooper. Religious Liberty, F. H. DeVinney. Sabbath School, Mrs. J. G. White, SOUTHERN UNION CONFERENCE Ministers: F. H. DeVinney. I. C. Pound, M. L. Wilson, J. D. Smith. Licentiates: J. L. Cooper, C. E. Botimer. Missionary Licentiates: AV. J. Mercer, Martin Davis, Mrs. M. Brownlie. Church School Teachers: Mrs. Mary Crawford, Esther Thomson, Rossie Fay Murphy, Julia Inabinet, Albert Smith, John Speyer. Church Directory: Denham Springs, La. Jackson. Miss., 703 South Galls tin St. Laurel, Miss. New Orleans, La., Camp and Race Sts. Shreveport, La., Frederick and Missouri Sts. Meridian, Miss., Eighth St. and Thirty-eighth Ave. Hattiesburg, Miss., Edwards St Mansfield, La.,on Louisiana St. just off sby. ro Vicksburg, Miss., one block from the end of JacksonRoad car line. Colored Department Executive Committee: F. H. DeVinney, Mrs. J. G. White, F. S. Keitts, C. B. Holloway, E. S. Dillette. Minister: F. S. Keitts. Licentiates: C. B. Holloway, E. Kelly, E. S. Dillette, B. H. Ewing. Church School Teachers: Allen Humphrey, Charles Gray, Effie Seard, Athea Sweedenberg, Mrs. F. S. Keitts. Church Directory: Jackson, Miss., Rose and West Pascagoula Sts. New Orleans, La., 2412 Delachaise St. 91 Greenville, Miss., 647 Catley St. Greenwood, Miss., Scott St.. and Ave. G. Columbus, Miss., Fifteenth St. and Ninth Ave. Brookhaven, Miss., near cor. South First and Chipawa Sts. Meridian, Miss.; Seventeenth St. between Thirty-second and Thirty-third Ayes. Vicksburg, Miss., 1115 Fayette St. Yazoo City, Miss., 408 Clay St. TENNESSEE RIVER CONFERENCE Organized 1888 Territory: Western Tennessee, the eastern boundary being the eastern line of the counties of Sumner, Trousdale, Wilson, Cannon, Coffee, Franklin; and the following-named counties in Kentucky: Ballard, McCracken, Marshall, Graves, Fulton, Hickman, Carlisle, Calloway, Trigg. Christian, Todd, Logan, Simpson, Allen. Population: 1,712,346; churches, 26; members, 1,443. Office: 1715 Cass St.. Nashville, Tenn. Telephone 7-6616. Officers: Pres., H. E. Lvsincvr. Sec. and 'Treas.; A. B. Schroader. Executive Committee: H. E. Lysinger, A. B. Schroader, W. D. Wade, D. U. Hale, R. F. Woods, F. C. Webster, W. P. McLennan, • T,egal Assn.: "Tennessee River Conference Assn. of S. D. A." Department Secretaries: Book and Bible House, A. B. Schroader. Educational, W. S. James, 2001 24th Ave., North, Nashville, Tenn. Field Miss., R. E. Bascom. SOUTHERN UNION CONFERENCE Religious Liberty, H. E. Lysinger. Sabbath School and Home Miss., R. F. Woods. Y. P. M. V., Al. E. Chapman. Ministers: H. E. Lysinger, W. P. McLennan, B. U. Hale, F. C. Webster: Honorary: B. W. Spire. Licentiates: -Woods, M. E. Chapman, W. T. Smith, H. C. Johnson. Missionary Licentiates: A. B. Schroader, B. E. Bascom, Church School Teachers: Minnie Brown, B. A. Gober, J. P. Perkins, Mrs. J. P. Perkins,W. S. Andress, Mrs. J. S. James, I. A. Chalker, Mrs. B. N. Mulford, Mrs. Bertha Coppack, Naomi George, Mrs. Mary Cross, Mrs. .1. S. Roberts, Mrs. Newton, Thelma O'Brien. Church Directory: Memphis, North Parkway and Dunlap St. Nashville, Fifth and Fatherland Sts., East. Paducah, Bridge and Clements Sts. Colored Department Committee: H. E. Lysinger, A. B. Schroader, L. H. Bland, J. H. Wagner. Minister: L. H. Bland. Licentiate: J. H. Wagner. Church School Teachers: G. W. Murphy, Artie McNichols, Mrs. Pallas Wilson. Church Directory: Memphis, 1051 Mississippi Blvd. Nashville, Twelfth Ave., North, near Jefferson St. Paducah, 713 South Seventh St. INSTITUTIONS IN THE SOUTHERN UNION CONFERENCE Educational: Oakwood Junior College, Huntsville, Ala. Nashville Junior Academy, 2011 Twenty-fourth Ave., North, Nashville, Tenn. Publishing: Southern Pub. Assn., 2123 Twenty-fourth Ave., North, Nashville, Tenn. SOUTHWESTERN UNION CONFERENCE Organized Igor; reorganized rgoz Territory: The Conferences of Arkansas, Oklahoma, North Texas, South Texas, and Texico. Population: 1.0,483,553; churches, 154; members, 6,671. Office Address: 519 Terminal Bldg., Oklahoma City, Okla. (Telephone, 7-2049.) Officers: Pres., M. B. Van Kirk. Sec. and Treas., C. H. Castle. • Executive Committee: M. B. Van Kirk, E. T. Wilson, F. L. Perry, W. H. Clark, 11. P. -Montgomery, B. E. Wagner, C. H. Castle, R. L. Benton, E. A. von Pohle, G. F. Richman, C. E. Kellogg, E. H. Abbott. Legal Assn.: " The Southwestern Union Conference Corpora. tion of S. D. A." Pres., M. B. Van Kirk; Sec. and Treas., C. H. Castle. Sorffil \VEsTEliN l'NloN CON fTIZENCE Auditor, C. H. Castle. Transportation Agent, M. B. Van Kirk. Department Secretaries: Educational and Y. P. M. V., E. A. von Pohle. Field Miss., B. E. Wagner. Home Miss., R. L. Benton. Religious Liberty, M. B. Van Kirk. Ministers: M. B. Van Kirk, A. F. Harrison, 0. F. Eichman, E. A. von Pale, C. H. Castle, H. S. Miller. H. J. Miller, Orno Follett, C. E. Kellogg, R. L. Benton, B. E. Wagner. Honorary: H. C. Griffin, A. G. Haughey, M. Serna, M. H. Brown, G. M. Brown, H. B. French, I. A. Crane, D. F. Sturgeon, V. W. Robb, Daniel Isaac, C. M. McDonald, E. B. Hopkins, W. A. McCutchen, J. G. Oblander, L. G. Beans, R. W. Leach, H. A. Moreno, Bernard Voth. Licentiate: E. H. Abbott. Honorary: C. N. Woodward. Missionary Licentiates: L. N. Carter, Geneva Oldham. ARKANSAS CONFERENCE Organized 1888 Territory: The State of Arkansas. Department Secretaries: Book and Bible House, Ella M. Winn. Educational, Home Miss., and Y. P. M. V., W. H. Hanhardt. Field Miss., C. N. Young. Medical and Religious Liberty, R. P. Montgomery. . Sabbath School, W. H. Hanhardt. Ministers: R. P. Montgomery, Isaac Baker, E. G. Crosier, W. H. Hanhardt. Licentiate: C. N. Young. Missionary Licentiate: Miss Ella , M. Winn. Church School Teachers: H. E. Mitzelfelt, Mrs. H. 'E. Mitzelfelt, Pearl Pride, Mrs. A. E. Nixon, Mrs. A. J. Killian, Mrs. C. B. Vuloff, Lottie Dickerson, Nell Beem, Cleo Dampf, H. C. Lainbeth, Mrs. Roscoe Wentz. Church Directory: Little Rock No. 1, 1213 Marshall St. Ft. Smith, Tenth and D Sts. Hot Springs, St. Louis and Central Ayes. Fayetteville, 36 South St. Gentry, 2 miles southeast of Gentry. • Hiwasse, East part of town. Hope, 7 miles southwest of town. Springdale, center of town. Population: 1,854,482; churches, 22; members, 1,046. Office: 1215 Marshall St., Little Rock, Ark. Phone 4-4501. Searcy, N. W. of City Park. Colored Department Minister: Officers: Pres., R. P. Montgomery. Sec. and Treas., Ella M. Winn. Executive Committee: R. P. Montgomery, Isaac Baker, G. M. Brown, W. H. Hanhardt, C. N. Young. Legal Assn.: " Arkansas Confer. ence Assn. of S. D. A." Licentiate: T. H. Coopwood. 0. J. Trotter. Church School Teachers: Hattie J. Chatters, Lelia E. Pernelle. Church Directory: ' Little Rock, No. 2, 1809 Pulaski St. Marianna, South Georgia St. 94 SOUTHWESTERN 'UNION CONFERENCE NORTH TEXAS CONFERENCE Organized 1878 Territory: That part of the State of Texas lying east and north of the following counties: East of Hardeman, Foard, Knox, Haskell, Jones, Taylor, Runnels, Conche; and north of Mason, Llano, Burnet, Williamson, Lee, Burleson, Brazos, Grimes, Montgomery, Liberty, Hardin, and Orange. Population: 2,651,970; churches, 28; members, 1,551. Office: 2900 Live Oak St., Dallas, Texas. (Telephone 3-3102.) Officers: Pres., F. L. Perry. Sec. and Treas., L. R. Alexander. Executive Committee: F. L. Perry, L. R. Alexander, C. W. Rubendall, H. J. Hassenpflug, A. F. Ruf, C. N. Woodward, W. A. McCutchen. Department Secretaries: Book and Bible House, L. R. Alexander. Educational and Y. P. M. V., A. F. Ruf. Field Miss., C. F. Kinder. Sabbath School and Home Miss., C. W. Rubendall. Religious Liberty, F. L. Perry. Ministers: F. L. Perry, A. F. Ruf, C. W. Rubendall, Stemple White, A. K. Watkins. Licentiates: Wesley Amundsen, Glenmore Carter. Missionary Licentiates: L. R. Alexander, C. E. Kinder, Mrs. H. Eder. Church School Teachers: Mrs. Flora Moyers, Mrs. George Taylor, Mary Woodward, C. E. Elliman, Lauretta Wilcox, Mrs. J. D. Wilburn, Hazel Berg, Dor, othy Blake, Mamie Chatfield, Mrs. W. B. Miller, Mrs. T. B. Jones, Bessie Sanders, Wilma Miller, Mrs. Wallace Brewer, Mrs. S. D. Greenhill, Miss Alma Strader, Josephine Harper, Katie E. Baker, Wesley Wolcott, Mrs. A. K. Watkins. Church Directory (White): Berea, Four miles N. W. of Jefferson. Cleburne, Sunset Ave. and Featherstone. Clifton, Eight miles S. W. Clifton. Dallas, 2900 Live Oak St. Dalworth Park, Dalworth Park, Tex. Denison, 112 South Scullin St. Douglass, Three and one half miles south of Douglass; Tex. Fort Worth, Hemphill and Hawthorne. Gainesville, 412 N. Taylor St. Henrietta, Twelve miles N. W. of Henrietta, Tex. Hillsboro, S. Waco. Keene, Keene, Tex. Lufkin, One mile N. of Lufkin, on Kelley's Highway. New Hope, Two miles E. of Aso,.;.++, mo„.. Salmon, Three miles S. E. of Elkhart, Tex. Sherman, 712 North Lee St. Valley View, Four miles north of Sanger, Tex. Waco, Jefferson and Thirteenth Sts. Wichita Falls, Seventeenth and Travis Sts. Colored: Beulah, 1526 South Haskell, Dallas, Tex. Corsicana, Eighth Ave. and South Seventeenth. Waco, Payne and Rotan Sts. Spanish: Dallas Mission, 2731 McKinnon, SOUTHWESTERN UNION CONFERENCE OKLAHOMA CONFERENCE Organized 1894 Territory: The State of Oklahoma and Lipscomb Co., Texas. Population: 2,400,552; churches, 53; members, 2,137. Office: 217 West Seventh St., Oklahoma City, Okla. (Telephone, 3-1678.) Office Address: Box 1077, Oklahoma City, Okla. Officers: Pres., W. H. Clark. Sec. and Treas., Lowell Estes. Executive Committee: W. H. Clark, C. E. AcMoody, George Schultz, N. V. Willess, W. L. Nott, J. A. Wasenmiller, K. L. Gant. Legal Assn.: " Oklahoma Conference Corporation of S. D. A." Department Secretaries: Book and Bible House, B. E. Bridwell. Educational and Y. P. M. V., K. L. Gant. Field Miss., C. M. Norman. Home Miss., E. E. Beddoe. Religious Liberty, W. H. Clark. Sabbath School, Nadine Harris; Isolated, C. J. Dart. Ministers: W. H. Clark, W. L. Nott, C. J. • Dart, Ezra Fillman, E. E. Beddoe, N. R. Hickman, C. E. AcMoody, J. A. Wasenmiller, N. V. Willess, K. L. Gant, C. E. Riffel, F. 0. Fowler, S. A. Hodge, R. E. Louden, C. C. Voth. Licentiates: C. M. Norman, George Loewen. Missionary Licentiates: Lowell Estes, Selma, Uhrig, B. E. Bridwell, Nadine Harris, Vera Couch. Church School Teachers: Pauline Coker, Russell Owens, Mrs. Russell Owens, Claude 95 Hughes, Reba Moore, Esther Pitman, Cecil Conquest, Mrs. Obed Patty, Mrs. Sigmund Bisans, W. 0. Belz, Mrs. W. 0. Belz, Mrs. B. E. Bridwell, Helen Campbell, DeWitt Smith, Ina Riffel, Maggie Lyon, A. G. Haughey, Hattie Stewart, Kathleen Williams. Churches and Pastors: White: Ardmore, 118 B St., S. W.; N. V. Willess, 917 West Main St. Enid, Randolph and Quincy Sts. Muskogee, Court and Seventh Sts.; C. E. AcMoody, 2118 Court St. Oklahoma City, 217 West Seventh St.; W. L. Nott, 1100 N. W. 26th St. Perry, Seventh and E Sts. Sapulpa, Thompson and Linden Sts. Tulsa, 920 East Sixth St.; F. 0. Fowler, 920 East Sixth St. Colored: Ardmore, 902 Seventh Ave., N. E. Guthrie, 921 East Vilas Ave. Muskogee, West S. S. Boulevard and Seventh St.; Sam'l Hodge, 622 West S. S. Blvd. Oklahoma City, Durland and Second Sts.; R. E. Louden, 216 N. Durland. Tulsa,' 400 Block E. Latimer. SOUTH TEXAS CONFERENCE Organized 1911 Territory: All that portion of the State of Texas lying east of the Texico Conference, and south of the south line of the following counties: Lampasas, Bell, Milam, Robertson, Madison, Walker, San Jacinto, Tyler, Jasper, Newton, and west of Louisiana to the Gulf of Mexico. Population: 2,279,983; churches, 33; members, 1,239. 96 SOUTHWESTERN UNION CONFERENCE Office Address: 917 South Presa St., San Antonio, Tex. Telephone, Crockett 4707. Officers: :Pres., G. F. Eichman. Sec. and Treas., J. S. McMullen. Executive Committee: G. F. Eichman, J. S. McMullen, 0. J. Corwin, J. W. Jones, P. E. Van Landingham, J. B. Hampton, R. R. Coble. Legal Assn.: " South Texas Conference Assn. of S. D. A." Department Secretaries: Book and Bible House, J. S. McMullen. Educational, Y. P: M. V., and Sabbath School, P. E. Van Landingham.. Field Miss., R. R. Coble. Home Miss., G. F. Eichman. Religious Lib., G. F. Eichman. Ministers: G. F. Eichman, J. B. Hampton, 0. J. Corwin, C. A. Walgren, L. H. Lopez, Jose Castillo,W. S. North, Al. M. Young. Licentiates: P. E. Van Landingham, R. R. Coble, E. W. Storing, H. W. Kibble. Missionary Licentiates: • J. S. McMullen, Mrs. 0. J. Corwin. Church School Teachers: Kathleen Saxon, Hazel Strader, Irwin E. Taylor, Mrs. Irwin E. Taylor, Margaret .Simpkins, Mrs. H. W. Nibble, Mrs. J. S. Hindbaugh, Mrs. Florence E. Smith, Marie Williams, Concha Vildosola, Elena Vildosola. Churches and Pastors: Beaumont; C. A. AValgren, 1252 Prairie St. Brenham, Covery and Third Sts. Corpus Christi, 1200 Block Chamberlin St. -• Edinburg; O. J. Corwin, Box 1255, Edinbtirg, Tex. El Campo, Rural, Hahn Route. Elgin, Route 5. Hondo, Star Route. Houston, 915 Yale St.; J. B. Hampton, 912 Yale St. Laredo, 1009 Convent Ave. • San Antonio, 219 Winnipeg Ave. Mexican: Laredo, 1009 Convent Ave. La. Reforma, Box La Paz, Zaragoza, Tex. San Antonio, 2017 San Fernando St.; L. H. Lopez, 2415 Guadalupe St. Colored Department Committee: G. F. Eichman, J. S. McMullen, W. S. North, M. M. Young, J. A. Carroll. Colored: Berean, Dowling and Calhoun Sts., Houston, Tex. Ephesus, 616 South Hackberry St., San Antonio, Tex.; W. S. North, 218 Cactus St. TEXICO CONFERENCE Organized 1916 territory: The State of New Mexico (excepting San Juan County g - ing - lviu i,a in Conference), and that part of the State of Texas lying west and north of the following counties (excepting Lipscomb county belonging to the Oklahoma Conference): West of the Eastern line of Hardeman, Foard, Knox, Haskell, Jones, Taylor, Runnels, Concho, and north of the south line of Concho, Green, Irion. Reagan, Upton, Crane, Ward, Reeves, Culbertson, Hudspeth, El Paso. Population: 1,296,866; churches, 18; members, 698. Postal Address: Box 188, Clovis, N. Alex. (Tel., 107). SOUTHWESTERN UNION CONFERENCE 97 Churches and Pastors: Officers: Albuquerque, N. Mex., English, Pres., E. T. Wilson. 425 North Third St. Sec. and Treas., W. C. Day. Spanish, 1024 North Arno St.; Executive Committee: E. T. WilA. G. Nelson, R. 1, Box 10-A, son, W. L. Kinder, C. U. Taylor, Albuquerque, N. Mex. A. G. Nelson, G. L. Truitt. El Paso, Tex., English, 3927 Legal Assn.: " The Texico ConBliss St.; M. R. Proctor, ference Assn. of S. D. A." 3612 Morenci St. Department Secretaries: Spanish, 3425 Durazno St.; Book and Bible House, W. C. F. E. Wilson, 4117 Bliss St. Day. Hagerman, N. Mex., west of Educational, Home Miss., and railroad. Y. P. M. V., C. U. Taylor. Maxwell, N. Mex., 1 mile north, Field Miss.. W. L. Kinder. 1 mile west. Sabbath School, Alice Rice. Raton, N. Mex., cor. of Mesa and Religious Liberty, E. T. Wilson. Maxwell Ave. Ministers: Roswell, N. Mex., 107 Lee. E. T. Wilson, C. U. Taylor, F. E. Lubbock, Tex., Ave. 20th and Wilson, A. G. Nelson, E. M. K; G. E. Leffler, 714 Ave K., Gates, G. E. Leffler, A. C. SanLubbock, Tex. chez. Amarillo, Tex., 1301 East Sixth Licentiates: St. M. R. Proctor, W. L. Kinder, J. F. Anderson. Missionary Licentiates: INSTITUTIONS IN THE SOUTHMrs. M. T. Proctor, W. C. Day, WESTERN UNION CON. Miss Alice Rice. FERENCE Church School Teachers: Miss Frances Mundell, Miss Educational: Flora Moffit, Mrs. C. 0. Doub, Southwestern Junior College, Dan Butherus, Mrs. Dan ButhKeene, Tex. erus, Mrs. C. L. Kirk, Laurene Flanagan, Laura Reynolds, Flor- Publishing: Western Branch of Southern ence Kinder, Mrs. J. F. Anderson, Mrs. C. D. Colburn, Mrs. E. Pub. Assn., 112-114 St. Louis B. Shelton, Elenora Warren. Ave., Fort Worth, Tex. WESTERN CANADIAN UNION CONFERENCE Organized 1907 Territory: The provinces of British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, that portion of Ontario lying west of the 89th meridian, Yukon, and Northwest territories. 4 Population: 2,910,000, churches, 86; members, 4,255. Office: College Heights, via Lacombe, Alberta, Canada. (Telephone, " Lacombe 7, Ring 3.") 98 WESTERN CANADIAN UNION CONFERENCE Officers: Pres., S. A. Ruskjer. Sec., Treas., and Auditor, T. R. Lukens. Executive Committee: S. A. Ruskjer, T. R. Lukens, A. V. Rhoads, A. Bernhard, D. E. Reiner, H. A. Lukens, 'J. H. Roth, S. W. Leiske, M. D., J. M. A. Le Marquand, J. C. Neithercut, P. D. Gerrard, C. 0. Smith, 0. Ziprick. Legal Assn.: " Western Canadian Union Corporation of Seventh-day Adventists." Department Secretaries: Educational, Home Miss., and Y. P. M. V., J. H. Roth. Field Miss., P. D. Gerrard. Medical, S. W. Leiske, M. D., Sidney, B. C. Religious Liberty, S. A. Luskjer. Transportation Agent, T. R. Lukens. Ministers: S. A. Ruskjer, J. H. Roth, C. 0. Smith, D. C. Newbold. Honorary: N. McGill, R. S. Greaves, 0. Gibson. Licentiates: T. R. Lukens, S. W. Leiske. M. D., 'E. S. Bowett, P. D. Gerrard. Missionary Licentiates: A. Bernhard, C. Erdman, C. W. Shankel, M. Philbrick, J. M. A. Le Marquand. Honorary: H. E. Shelstad. ALBERTA CONFERENCE Organized 1906 Territory: The Province of Alberta. Population: 650,000; churches, 31; members, 1,716. Office: Room 305, I. 0. 0. F. Bldg., Calgary, Alberta, Canada. (Telephone, Main 6840.) Officers: Pres., A. V. Rhoads. Sec.-Treas., E. S. Humann. Executive Committee: A. V. Rhoads, E. S. Humann, S. W. Shankel, D. N. Reiner, A. V. Farnsworth, Dan Leiske, P. A. Rick, C. J. Hanson. Legal Assn.: " Alberta Conference Association of S. D. A." Trustees: A. V. Rhoads, E. S. Humann, S. W. Shankel, D. N. Reiner. Department Secretaries: Book and Bible House, E. S. Humann. Educational, Miss Thea Dentman. Field Miss., G. W. Sharman. Home Miss., D. N. Reiner. Religious Liberty, A. V. Rhoads. Sabbath School, Miss Thea Dentman. Y. P. M. V., D. N. Reiner. Ministers: A. V. Rhoads, P. A. Rick, D. N. Reiner, W. M. Ruminson, G. E. Johnson, J. D. Neufeld. Licentiates: Ai U 1 IS tick w aii,er, Henry Henriksen. Missionary Licentiates: E. S. Humann, G. W. Sharman, Miss Thea Dentman, Miss H. Grace Walker, Marian Maclean, Anna Nickel. Church School Teachers: Elizabeth E. Nickel, Jessie Kit to. Church Directory: Bridgeland (German), 232-8A St., N. E., Calgary, Alberta. Calgary, Fourth St., West and Fourteenth Ave. Edmonton, Ninety-sixth St. and 109th Ave. WESTERN CANADIAN UNION CONFERENCE BRITISH COLUMBIA CONFERENCE Organized 1902 • Territory: British Columbia, Canada. Population: 635,000; churches, 13; members, 838. Cable Address: Adventist, Van- 99 Church Directory: Vancouver, Cor. Tenth Ave. and Yukon St. Services: Sabbath school, 10: 00 a. m.; preaching, 11: 00 a. m. Victoria, 2721 Graham St. MANITOBA AND WESTERN couver. ONTARIO CONFERENCE Office: 609-611 Province Bldg., 198 Hastings St., West, Vancouver, Organized 1903 British Columbia. (Telephone, Territory: The Province of ManiSeymour 3986.) toba and that portion of Ontario Officers: lying west of the 89th Meridian. Pres., H. A. Lukens. Sec. and Treas., H. A. Shepard. Population: 800,000; churches, 14; members, 545. Executive Committee: H. A. Lukens, N. C. Ernston, H. W. Office: 306 Sherbrooke St., WinniDutton, 0. E. Lindgren, R. E. peg, Manitoba. (Telephone, Robinson, H. A. Shepard, W. J. 31708.) Shafer. Legal Assn: " British Columbia Officers: Association • of S. D. A." Pres., Pres., D. E. Reiner. H. A. Lukens; Sec. and Treas., Sec. and Treas., D. H. Madsen. H. A. Shepard. Executive Committee: D. E. Department Secretaries: Reiner, J. W. Wagner, R. A. Book and Bible House, H. A. Libby, George Soloniuk, A. Shepard. Brusch, D. H. Madsen. Educational, W. J. Shafer. Legal Assn.: " The Manitoba Field Miss., Knowles Astleford. Conference of S. D. A." Home Miss. and Y. P. M. V., W. J. Shafer. Department Secretaries: Religious Liberty, N. C. Erntson. Book and Bible House, D. H. Sabbath School, Hylda B. Green. Madsen. Educational, D. E. Reiner. Ministers: Field Miss., C. E. Wimer. H. A. Lukens, E. M. Chapman, Home Miss., Sabbath School, W. J. Shafer, N. C. Erntson. and Y. P. M. V., J. W. WagMissionary Licentiates: ner. H. A. Shepard, H. Cameron, Mrs. Religious Liberty, D. E. Reiner. H. Cameron, Miss Hylda B. Green, Grace E. Snowden, Violet Ministers: Burman, Knowles Astleford. D. E. Reiner, R. A. Libby, George Soloniuk. Church School Teachers: Miss Gladys Burman, Miss, LilMissionary Licentiates: lian Simpson, Miss Clara WitD. H. Madsen, J. W. Wagner, zke, Ewald Bauer, W. C. WilC. E. Wimer, A. B. Bellchamliams, Carl Lindgren, Miss Winbers. nifred Lamming. 100 WESTERN CANADIAN UNION CONFERENCE Church School Teachers: Miss Catherin Neufeld, Gordon Maxwell. Churches and Pastors: Winnipeg (English), 355 Young St.; R. A. Libby, 306 Sherbrooke St. Winnipeg (Icelandic), 603 Alver• stone Ave.; Miss S. Johnson, 306 Sherbrooke St. SASKATCHEWAN CONFERENCE Organized 1912 Territory: The Province of Saskatchewan. Population: 825,000; churches, 28; members, 1,156. Office: 604 Connaught Bldg., Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada. (Telephone, 2561.) Officers: Pres., 0. Ziprick. Sec. and Treas., F. T. Balmer. Executive Committee: 0. Ziprick, A. J. Skeels, 0. Meilicke, G. Severson, K. W. Lehmann, P. G. Yakovenko, F. T. Balmer. Legal Assn.: " Saskatchewan Ccr.fcrz7icz an , ni* S. D. A.' Pres., 0. Ziprick; Sec. and Treas., F. T. Balmer. Department Secretaries: Book and Bible House, F. T. Balmer. Educational, E. J. Westman. Field Miss., Alexander Clark. Home Miss., E. J. Westman. Religious Liberty, 0. Ziprick. Sabbath School, Miss Mary Neufeld. Y. P. M. V., — Ministers: 0. Ziprick, D. D. Neufeld, P. G. Yakovenko, S. A. Reile, M. L. Long, W. A. Clemenson. Licentiates: Nickel Bodrug, Nichol Oancea, A. J. Skeels. Missionary Licentiates: E. J. Westman, Mary E. Neufeld, Alice Campbell, Alexander Clark, F. T. Balmer. Church School Teachers: Miss E. Pilblad, Rachel Stanwick, Esther Trefz, Millie Greening. Church Directory: Saskatoon, Odd Fellows hall, 416 21st St. East. Regina (English), Liberty Hall, Albert St. East Regina (Rumanian) cor. Atkinson St. and Twelfth Ave. INSTITUTIONS IN THE WESTERN CANADIAN UNION CONFERENCE Educational: Battleford Academy, Battleford, Saskatchewan. Canadian Junior college, College Heights, via Lacombe, Alberta. Publishing: Winnipeg Branch of the Canadian Watchman Press, 304 Travelers Bldg., Winnipeg, Manitoba. Canadian Junior College Press. College Heights, via Lacombe. Alberta. Medical: Rest Haven Sanitarium, Sidney, British Columbia. AFRICAN DIVISION Organized 1920 Territory: The Union of South AfBechuanaland, rica, British Southwest Africa, Portuguese East Africa, Belgian Congo, Angola, Ruanda, Urundi, Nyasaland, British Bechuanaland Protectorate, Northern Rhodesia, Southern Rhodesia. Area: 4,914,765 square miles. Population: European, 1,793,908; Native, 43,129,159. Churches: White, 40; membership, 2,165; colored churches, 6; membership, 229; native churches, 79; membership, 12,766; total number churches, 125; membership, 15,160. Believers not baptized, 13,715. Total believers, 28,875. Telegraphic and Cable Address: " Adventist," Claremont, Cape. Office: Grove Ave., Claremont, Cape Province, South Africa. Officers: Pres., J. F. Wright. Sec., Treas., and Auditor, A. E. Nelson. Executive Committee: J. F. Wright, E. C. Boger, W. H. Anderson, C. W. Curtis, A. E. Nelson, J. I. Robison, E. D. Dick, J. G. Slate, N. C. Wilson, L. A. Vixie, M. P. Robison, C. W. Bozarth, 0. R. Shreve, A. N. Tonge, M. D., S. G. Hiten, 0. U. Giddings, W. B. Commin. Field Secretary, E. D. Dick. Department Secretaries: Educational. E. D. Dick. Medical, A. N. Tonge, M. D., L. R. C. P., and S. Asst., Miss E. Hinterleitner. Publishing and Home Miss., L. A. Vixie. Y. P. M. V., J. I. Robison. Sabbath School, W. B. Commin. Ministerial Association, Advisory Board: E. D. Dick (Sec.), J. F. Wright, N. C. Wilson. Department Committees: Educational: E. D. Dick, M. P. Robison, E. D. Hanson, E. M. r, W. Cadwallader, D. P. Hare H. Anderson, C. W. Bozarth, W. R. Vail. Sabbath School: W. B. Commin, E. D. Dick, Mrs. L. L. Moffitt, Mrs. A. P. Tarr, Mrs. F. M. Robinson, Mrs. NI. M. Webster, Mrs. C. W. Curtis, Mrs. T. R. Huxtable, Miss E. Ni. Willmore. Young People's Missionary Volunteer: J. I. Robison, E. D. Hanson, E. D. Dick, E. M. Cadwallader, L. A. Vixie, M. P. Robison, T. R. Huxtable, C. W. Bozarth, C. W. Curtis, D. P. Harder. Medical: Dr. A. N. Tonge, J. F. Wright, Dr. E. G. Marcus, Dr. J. H. Sturges, Dr. A. Huse, Dr. H. G. Hankins, Miss I. Thomason, Miss E. Hinterleitner. Publishing: L. A. Vixie; F. E. Potter, D. P. Harder, M. M. Webster, S. J. Fourie, A. E. Nelson. Building Committee: J. F. Wright, A. E. Nelson, 0. R. Shreve, E. D. Dick, N. C. Wilson, E. C. Boger, C. W. Bozarth, Dr. A. N. Tonge, C. W. Curtis, T. R. Huxtable, W. H. Anderson, H. G. Pratt, J. H. de Lange, 0. U. Giddings, H. L. Ferguson, J. G. Slate. Ministers: J. F. Wright, E. D. Dick, J. I. Robison, M. P. Robison, A. V. Edwards, A. E. Nelson, Dr. A. N. Tonge. Licentiates: L. A. Vixie, G. E. Shankel, C. C. Marais. 191 102 AFRICAN DIVISION Missionary Licentiates: Mrs. J. F. Wright, Mrs. A. E. Nelson, Mrs. E. D. Dick, Mrs. J. I. Robison, Mrs. L. A. Vixie, Mrs. A. N. Tonge, W. B. Cornmin, Mrs. W. B. Commin, Miss B. Webb, Miss D. Sparrow, Miss E. Hinterleitner, Miss A. Armer, Miss E. Robison, J. G. Slate, Mrs. J. G. Slate, J. N. Krum, Mrs. J. N. Krum, F. Visser, Jnr., S. Sparrow, Miss J. Kleinert, Miss E. Staples, Miss I. Thomason, Miss D. Webb, 0. R. Shreve, Mrs. 0. R. Shreve, C. H. Bell, J. Belvail, Mrs. J. Belvail, Miss S. Nel, Mrs. M. Botes, Mrs. C. C. Marais, Mrs. R. C. Honey, Mrs. G. E. Shankel, A. Boekhout, Mrs. A. Boekhout, Mrs. M. P. Robison, Mrs. A. V. Edwards, Miss H. M. Hyatt. ANGOLA UNION MISSION Organized 1925 Territory: Angola, Portuguese West Africa. Area: 480,000 square miles. Population: 8,117,000. Churches: 7, membership, 227; including 14 European, 213 natives. Cable and Telegraphic Address: " Adventista," Nova Lisboa, Angola. Postal Address: Angola Union Mission of Seventh-day Adventists, Caixa Postale No. 3, Nova Lisboa, Distrito de Benguela, Angola, Portuguese West Africa. Officers: Supt. and Treas., W. H. Anderson. Secretary, Peter Stevenson, (Bongo Mission, Lepi, Distrito de Benguela, Angola, Portuguese West Africa.) Executive Committee: W. H. Anderson, J. D. Baker, T. R. Huxtable. Department Secretaries: Educational, W. H. Anderson. Sabbath School, Mrs. T. R. Huxtable. Y. P. M. V., T. R. Huxtable. Minister: W. H. Anderson. Missionary Licentiates: Peter Stevenson, Mrs. W. H. Anderson, Mrs. Peter Stevenson. BONGO MISSION TRAINING SCHOOL Postal Address: Missao Adventista, Lepi, Distrito de Benguela, Angola, Portuguese West Africa. Faculty: Dr. Roy Parsons, Orsen Fields, Joao Gnutzmann, Mrs. Orsen Fields, M. Fourie. Nurse: Miss M. Fourie. Native Teachers: 1. CHOKWE MISSION FIELD T uchazes, Territoryf Moxico, and Lunda. Population: 2,750,000. Telegraphic Address: "Adventista," Vila Luzo. Postal Address: Caixa Postale, No. 33, Missao de Luz, Vila Luzo, Distrito de Moxico, Angola, Portuguese West Africa. Officers: Supt., J. D. Baker. Executive Committee: Union Executive Committee. Minister: J. D. Raker. Missionary Licentiates: Mrs. J. D. I3aker, • AFRICAN DIVISION 103 LUZ MISSION STATION NAMBA MISSION STATION Postal Address: Missao de Luz, Caixa Postale, No. 33, Vila Luzo, Distrito de Moxico, Angola, Portuguese West Africa. Director: J. D. Baker. Village Schools: 3. Native Teachers: 3. Postal Address: Missao Adventista, Lepi, Distrito de Benguela, Angola, Portuguese West Africa. Director: T. R. Tuxtable. Village Schools: 1. Native Teachers: 1. OVIMBUNDU MISSION FIELD Established. 1924 Territory: Districts of Benguela, Cuanza de Sul and Bie. Postal Address: Missao Adventista, Lepi, Distrito de Benguela, Angola, Portuguese West Africa. Officers: Supt., T. R. Huxtable. Executive Committee: T. R. Huxtable, W. H. Anderson, and Minister: T. R.Huxtable. Missionary Licentiate: A. La tegan, E. A. Buckley, Mrs. E. A. Buckley. Village Schools: 11. Native Teachers: 1. HOSPITALS and DISPENSARIES Bongo Hcspital Lepi, Distrito de Benguela, Angola, Portuguese West Africa. Dr. Roy Parsons and Nurse M. Fourie. Huambo Dispensary Caixa Postale, No. 3, Nova Lisboa, Angola, Portuguese West Africa. Mrs. W. H. Anderson in charge. Luz Mission Dispensary Caixa Postale, No: 33, Missao de Luz, Vila Luzo, Angola, Portuguese West Africa. Mrs. J. D. Baker in charge. CENTRAL AFRICAN UNION MISSION Organized 1928 Territory: Ruanda, Urundi, Kivu District. Population: 7,000,000; churches, 3; members, 257; total believers, 1,043. Telegraphic and Cable Address: " Adventist," Usumbura. Postal Address: Gitwe, via UsumVara, Ruanda, Urundi, Africa. (Correspondence from Europe or America should be sent via Dares-Salaam, East Africa.) Officers: Supt., C. W. Bozarth. Sec. and Treas., M. Duplouy. Executive Committee: C. W. Bozarth, F. M. Robinson, A. Matter, H. Monnier, M. Duplouy, J. H. de Lange. Minister: C. W. Bozarth. Missionary Licentiates: Mrs. C. W. Bozarth, J. Lange. de 104 AFRICAN DIVISION NORTH RUANDA MISSION FIELD Organized 1929 Address: Rwankeri Mission of S. D. A., Kigali, Ruanda, Africa. Officers: Supt., A. Matter. Treas., A. Matter. Executive Committee: Union Executive Commitee. Ministers: A. Matter, H. Monnier. Missionary Licentiates: Mrs. A. Matter, Mrs. H. Monnier, Miss M. Matter. RWANKERI MISSION STATION Established 1922 Postal Address: Kigali, Ruanda, Africa. Director: A. Matter. School Director: H. Monnier. Nurse, Miss M. Matter. Village Schools: 7. Native Teachers: 22. SOUTH RUANDA MISSION FIELD Organized 1929 Address: Gitwe Mission of S. D. A., via Usumbura, Urundi, Africa. Officers: Supt., F. M. Robinson. Treas., F. M. Robinson. Executive Committee: Union Executive Committee. Minister: F. M. Robinson. Missionary Licentiates: Mrs. F. M. Robinson, GITWE MISSION STATION Established 1921 Postal Address: Via Usumbura, Urundi, Africa. Director: F. M. Robinson. Faculty Training School: F. M. Robinson, Mrs. F. M. Robinson, assisted by 5 native teachers. Village Schools: 20. Native Teachers: 28. Nurse: Mrs. F. M. Robinson. WEST URUNDI MISSION FIELD Organized 1929 Address: Buganda Mission of S. D. A., via Usumbura, Urundi, Africa. Officers: Supt., C. W. Bozarth. Treas., M. Duplouy. Executive Committee: Union Executive Committee. Missionary Licentiates: M. Duplouy, Mrs. M. Duplouy. BUGANDA MISSION Postal Address: P. 0. Usumbura, Urundi, Africa. Director: M. Duplouy. Village Schools: 7. Native Teachers: 8. Nurse: Mrs. M. Duplouy. DISPENSARIES Rwankeri Mission Dispensary Rwankeri, P. 0. Kigali, Ruanda, Central Africa. Gitwe Mission Dispensary Gitwe, P. 0. Usumbura, Urundi, Central Africa. Buganda Mission Dispensary Buganda, P. 0. Usumbura, Ur- ' undi, Central Africa, 105 AFRICAN DIVISION CONGO UNION MISSION FIELD Organized 1925 Territory: The Belgian Congo excepting the Kivu District. Area: 909,654 square miles. Population: White, 10,037; native, 15,000,000. Churches: 5; membership 304. Postal Address: P. 0. Box 250, Elizabethville, Belgian Congo, Central Africa. Officers: Supt., C. W. Curtis. Sec. and Treas., Miss L. M. Kleinert. Executive Committee: C. W. Curtis, R. P. Robinson, W. R. Vail, Dr. J. H. Sturges, D. E. Delhove, R. L. Jones. Legal Organization: The Congo • Union Mission of Seventh-day Adventists. Represent Legal: C. W. Curtis. Suppl6ant: D. E. Delhove. Department Secretaries: Educational, W. R. Vail. Medical, Dr. J. H. Sturges, L. R. C. P., L. R. F. P. S. Sabbath School, Mrs. C. W. Curtis. Y. P. M. V., C. W. Curtis. Minister: C. W. Curtis. Missionary Licentiates: Mrs. C. W. Curtis, Miss L. M. Kleinert, H. G. S. Pratt, Mrs. H. C. S. Pratt. CENTRAL CONGO MISSION FIELD Postal Address: Kirundu, via Kindu, Province Orientale, Congo Beige, Central Africa. Officers: Director, R. L. Jones. Treas., R. L. Jones. Licentiate: R. L. Jones. Missionary Licentiate: Mrs. R. L. Jones. KIRUNDU MISSION STATION Postal Address: Kirundu, via Kindu, Province Orientale, Congo Beige, Central Africa. Director: R. L. Jones. Native Teachers: 2. Native Nurse: 1. Native Evangelist: 1. LOMAMI-KASAI MISSION FIELD Organized 1925 Postal Address: Songa Mission, . P. 0. Kamina, Belgian Congo, Central Africa. Officers: Director, Dr. J. H. Sturges. Treas., Executive Committee: Dr. J. H. Sturges, Miss Lydia Delhove, Samuel Palmer, Soldier. Minister: Dr. J. H. Sturges. Licentiates: W. C. Norcott, Samuel Palmer, Soldier, Harry. Missionary Licentiates: Mrs. J. H. Sturges, Miss Lydia Delhove. SONGA MISSION STATION Established 1921 Postal Address: P. 0. Kamina, Belgian Congo, Central Africa. Director: Dr. J. H. Sturges. Native Teachers: 5. 106 AFRICAN DIVISION SOUTH CONGO MISSION FIELD Organized 1925 Postal Address: Box 250, Elizabethville, Belgian Congo, Central Africa. Officers: Director, J. V. Wilson. Treas., J. V. Wilson. Executive Committee: J. V. Wilson, D. E. Delhove, W. R. Vail, Desert, Matthew. Ministers: D. E. Delhove, Neman. Licentiates: Matthew Chiponda, Jim Mayinza. Missionary Licentiate: Mrs. D. E. Delhove. Native Teachers: 8. SEMINAIRE ADVENTISTE DU CONGO • Established 1929 Postal Address: P. 0. Box 250, Elizabethville, Belgian Congo, Central Africa. Director: W. R. Vail. Minister: W. R. Vail. Deseri. Missionary Licentiates: Mrs. W. R. Vail, Miss Lucy Delhove. Native Teachers: 2. TANGANYIKA MISSION FIELD Organized 1925 Postal Address: P. 0. Box 26, Kongola, Belgian Congo, Central Africa. Officers: Supt., R. P. Robinson. Treas., Mrs. R. P. Robinson. Executive Committee: R. P. Robinson, Mrs. R. P. Robinson, H. J. Moolman, Mrs. H. J. Moolman, Albert Kawumbwa, Jabez Kowela. Ministers: R. P. Robinson, Albert Kawumbwa. Missionary Licentiates: Mrs. R. P. Robinson, H. J. Moolman, Mrs. H. J. Moolman. CHIKAMBA MISSION STATION (Formerly Kongolo) Established 1924 Postal Address: P. 0. Box 26, Icongola, Belgian Congo, Central Africa. Director: R. P. Robinson. Native Teachers: 3. Native evangelist: 1. BIKOBO HILL MISSION Established 1930 rostai Address: P. 0. Box 26, Kongola, Belgian Congo, Central Africa. Director: R. P. Robinson. Native Teacher: 1. SONGA MISSION HOSPITAL Postal Address: P. 0. Kamina. Belgian Congo, Central Africa. Director: J. H. Sturges, M. D., L. R. C. P., L. R. F. P. S. European Nurse: 1. Native Nurse: 1. AFRICAN DIVISION 107 SOUTH AFRICAN UNION CONFERENCE Organized 1902 Territory: The Union of South Africa (except British Bechuanaland), Southwest Africa, Basutoland, Swaziland, and that portion of Portuguese East Africa, lying South of Latitude 220, comprising the Cape and NatalTransvaal Conferences, the Kaffirland and Transvaal Delagoa Mission Fields. Area: 834,574 square miles. Population: White, 1,744,669; native and Asiatic, 6,399,304; colored, 560,605. Churches: White, 34; membership, 1,970; colored, 6; membership, 217; native, 26; membership, 1,193. Total churches, 66; total membership, 3,380. Telegraphic Address: " Adventist," Bloemfontein. Office Address: Cor. Aliwal St. and Selbourne Ave., Bloemfontein, O.' F. S., South Africa. Postal Address: P. 0. Box 468, Bloemfontein, 0. F. S., South Africa. Officers: Pres., N. C. Wilson. Sec., Treas., and Auditor, A. F. Tarr. Executive Committee: N. C. Wilson, A. F. Tarr, W. L. Hyatt, L. L. Moffitt, J. R. Campbell, E. M. Howard, M. P. Robison, E. D. Hanson, F. E. Thompson, F. E. Potter, Dr. H. G. Hankins, S. G. Hiten. Legal Assn.: Seventh-day Adventist Community of Africa (Incorporated). Department Secretaries: Educational and Y. P. M. V., E. D. Hanson. Field Miss. and Home Miss., F. E. ,Potter. Medical, Dr. H. G. Hankins; Asst., Miss A. G. Fleming. Religious Liberty, N. C. Wilson: Ministers: N. C. Wilson, E. D. Hanson. • Honorary: J. C. Rogers, J. J. Birkenstock, G. W. Shone. Licentiates: A. F. Tarr, F. E. Potter. Missionary Licentiates: Mrs. N. C. Wilson, Mrs. A. F. Tarr, Mrs. E. D. Hanson, Miss A. . Fleming, Dr H G Hankins. Honorary: Mrs. I. B. Burton, Mrs. J. C. Rogers, Miss E. Edie. Mission Department: Honorary Minister: A. Mzozoyana. CAPE CONFERENCE Organized 1892 Territory: The Cape Province with the exception of the districts of Taungs, Kuruman, Vryburg, and Maf eking. Area: 243,511 square miles. Population: White, 688,789; Cape Colored, 487,639. Churches: White, 17; membership, 996; Cape Colored, 6; membership, 217. Total churches, 23; total membership, 1,213. Telegraphic Address: "Prophetic," Port Elizabeth. 108 AFRICAN DIVISION Office Address: 162 Russell Road, 'Port Elizabeth, Cape Province, South Africa. Church School Teachers: Miss R. M. Visser, Mrs. J. I. Robison. Postal Address: Box 378, Port Elizabeth, Cape Province, South Africa. Colored Department: Honorary Minister: D. C. Theunissen. Officers: Pres., L. L. Moffitt. Sec. and Treas., Miss P. E. Willmore. Executive Committee: L. L. Moffitt, S. G. Hiten, R. G. Morton, W. H. Hurlow, L. S. Billes, G. E. Shankel, F. Snyman, W. D. Smith, Q. H. Jubber. Church Directory: European: Aliwal North, Masonic Lodge, Aliwal North. Bonnievale, "Alrewas," Bonnievale. Cape Town, 56 Roeland St., Cape Town. • Claremont, Grove Avenue, Claremont. East London, Sons' of England Hall, 5 North Street, East London. George, Market Street, George. Grahamstown, I. 0. G. T. Hall, Hill Street, Grahamstown. Helderberg College, Somerset West. Kimberley, Upper Jones Street. Kingwilliamstown, S. D. A. Mission tiall, Kingwilliamstown. Lady Grey, "The Pines," Lady Gre. y Langkloof, "Somersetsgift," P. 0. Kieuwepiaats. Port Elizabeth, Upper Parliament Street, Port Elizabeth. Rokeby Park, Langholm. Worcester, cor. High and Napier .Sts., Worcester. Wynberg, Church Street, Wynberg. Colored: Athlone, Jamestown, Athlone. Beaconsfield, Blacking Street. Elsie's River, Goodwood Hall, Goodwood. Port Elizabeth, Mechanics Hall, Donkin Street, Port Elizabeth. Salt River, York Street. Uitenhage, Longden Street. Department Secretaries: Educational, E. D. Hanson. Field Miss., W. T. Hodgson. Home Miss., L. L. Moffitt. Religious Book Depository (Port Elizabeth), Miss P. E. Willmore. Sabbath School, Mrs. L. L. Moffitt. Medical, Miss A. G. Fleming. Y. P. M. V., W. T. Hodgson. Ministers: L. L. Moffitt, S. G. Hiten, R. G. Morton, W. H. Hurlow. Honorary: D. F. Tarr. Minizterial Lica. au ix: L. S. Billes, J. L. Milford, W. T. Hodgson, E. Marter, S. J. Stevenson. Missionary Licentiates: Miss P. E. Willmore, Mrs. L. L. Moffitt, Mrs. L. S. Billes, Mrs. S. G. Hiten, Mrs. J. L. Milford, Mrs. R. G. Morton, Mrs. W. H. Hurlow, Miss W. R. Tickton. Honorary Missionary Licentiates: Mrs. D. F. Tarr, Mrs. E. Bull. Colporteur Licentiates: D. D. Toerien, D. J. Kruger, C. S. Pike. AFRICAN DIVISION NATAL-TRANSVAAL CONFERENCE Organized 1902 ' Territory: The Provinces of Natal, Transvaal, Orange Free State, and the Protectorate of Swaziland. Area: 213,775 square miles. Population: European, 974,331; Cape Colored, 72,966. Churches: 17; membership, 944. Telegraphic Address: " Watchman," Johannesburg. Office Address: 14 Claim St., Johannesburg, Transvaal, South Africa. Postal Address: Box 6154, Johannesburg, Transvaal, South Africa. Officers: Pres., W. L. Hyatt. Sec. and Treas., P. W. Willmore. Executive Committee: W. L. Hyatt, P. W. Willmore, B. P. de Beer, A. A. Pitt, P. A. Venter, Dr. H. G. Hankins, H. J. Moolman, E. H. Harebottle, F. G. Clifford. Department Secretaries: Educational, E. D. Hanson. Field Miss., S. J. Fourie. Home Miss., W. L. Hyatt. Medical, Miss Aileen G. Fleming. Religious Book Depository, P. W. Willmore. Sabbath School, Mrs. A. E. Cameron. Y. P. M. V., Miss B. Ives. Ministers: W. L. Hyatt, F. G. Clifford, B. P. De Beer, J. H. Raubenheimer, P. A. Venter, A. W. Staples. Honorary: W. S. Hyatt, Dr. W. H. Haupt. Licentiate: A. C. le Butt. 109 Missionary Licentiates: P. W. Willmore, S. J. Fourie, Mrs. W. L. Hyatt, Mrs. B. P. De Beer, Mrs. J. -H. Raubenheimer, Mrs. P. A. Venter, Mrs. A. E. Cameron, Mrs. W. S. Hyatt, Mrs. F. G. Clifford, Mrs. P. W. Willmore, Miss M. J. Dixie, Mrs. A. W. Staples. Church School Teachers: Miss I. I. Smith. Church Directory: Durban, Keits Ave, off Berea Road, Durban, Natal. Johannesburg, cor. Claim and de Villier St., Johannesburg, Transvaal. Pietermaritzburg, 8, Stranack St., Pietermaritzburg, Natal. Potchefstroom, Potgieter St., Potchefstroom, Transvaal. Hlobane Sanitarium, Hlobane, Natal. Ermelo, MacDonald St., Ermelo, Transvaal. Pretoria, Schoeman St., Pretoria, Transvaal. Bloemfontein, cor. Selbourne Ave., and Aliwal St., Bloemfontein. Krugersdorp, Freemasons' Hall, Krugersdorp, Transvaal. Bethlehem, Masonic Hall, Bethlehem, 0. F. S. Parys, Salvation -Army Hall, Parys, 0. F. S. KAFFIRLAND MISSION FIELD Reorganized 1926 Territory: Native work in Cape Province, Transkei, Tembuland, Pondoland, and East Griqualand. Area: 241,747 square miles. Population: 1,523,312. Churches: Native, 7; companies, 11; membership, 377. Telegraphic Address: "Adventist," East London. 110 AFRICAN DIVISION Office Address: 28, Britannia Arcade, Terminus St., East London, C. P., South Africa. Postal Address: Box 381, East London, Cape Province, South Africa. Officers: Superintendent, E. M. Howard. Sec.-Treas., Miss Yvonne Renoux. Executive Committee: E. M. Howard, J. N. DeBeer, A. P. Tarr, Chas. Sparrow, Amos Magalela, Samuel Ngcola. Department Secretary: Educational, E. H. Msusen. Field Miss., E. S. Jakavula. Sabbath School, Mrs. A. P. Tarr. Y. P. M. V., E. S. Jakavula. Minister: E. M. Howard, E. S. Jakavula. Missionary Licentiate: Mrs. E. M. Howard, Miss Yvonne Renoux. Colporteur Licentiates: Charles Mangeoto, Joseph Geleba, Shedrach Nodumo. Minister: E. H. Msusen. Missionary Licentiate: Doddie Kobe. Teachers: Arthur Williams, Jemima Mbana, Elizabeth Boko. GLEN GREY MISSION DISTRICT Postal Address: c/o P. 0. Location, Queenstown, Cape Province, South Africa. Director: B. T. Scott. Ministers: B. T. Scott, R. M. Moko. Licentiate: G. S. Mayaba. Missionary Licentiates: Johnson Bacela, Abel Mjusa. LUSIKISIKI MISSION DISTRICT Postal Address: P. 0. Lusikisiki, Eastern Pondoland, South Africa. Director: S. K. Ntwana. Minister: S. K. Ntwana. BETHEL MISSION STATION NATIVE MISSION STATIONS AND DISTRICTS QUMBU MISSION DISTRICT Postal Address: Qumbu, East Griqualand, C. P., South Africa. Director: A. T. Magalela. Minister: A. T. Magalela. Licentiate: James Gacula. Missionary Licentiate: Joseph Ncuka. Postal Address: Butterworth, Cape Province, South Africa. Director! A P Tarr. Minister: A. P. Tarr. Missionary Licentiate: Mrs. A. P. Tarr. Native Workers: Evangelist, Solomon Ngxabani. Teacher Evangelist, Simon Mgqamqo. Teachers, Esther Gewabe, Virginia Sikiti. Teacher: Jane Gacula. EASTERN PROVINCE MISSION DISTRICT Postal Address: P. 0. Box 32, Alice Cape Province, South Africa. Director: E. H. Msusen. CANCELE. MISSION STATION Postal Address: Mount Frere, East Griqualand, Cape Province, South Africa. Director: J. N. De Beer. Farm Manager: —. 111 AFRICAN DIVISION Minister: J. N. De Beer. Missionary Licentiate: Mrs. J. N. De Beer. Native Workers: Ministerial Licentiates: Douglas Ntleki, Arthur Mredlane. Teachers: Benwell Gacula, Penepole Gacula. CANCELE MISSION HOSPITAL Postal Address: Mount Frere, Pondoland, South Africa. Doctor: Nurse: Mrs. J. N. de Beer. TRANSVAAL DELAGOA MISSION FIELD Reorganized 1926 Territory: Native work in Natal, Transvaal, Zululand, Swaziland, Basutoland, Orange Free State, and Portuguese East Africa South of Latitude 22 0 . Area: 270,827 square miles. Population: Native and Asiatic, 4,667,685. Churches: 19 Native; membership, 816. Office Address: 37 National Mutual Bldgs., Rissik St., Johannesburg, Transvaal, South Africa. Officers: Supt., J. R. Campbell. Sec. and Treas., A. A. Pitt. Executive Committee: J. R. Campbell, A. A. Pitt, W. C. Walston, R. C. Sharman, E. H. Harebottle, W. C. Tarr, H. J. Hurlow, L. S. Molokomme, Joshua Ndabambi. Department Secretary: Sabbath School, Mrs. M. M. Campbell. Y. P. M. V., and Field Missionary, H. R. S. Tsukudu. Ministers: J. R. Campbell, W. C. Tarr. Missionary Licentiates: Mrs. W. C. Tarr, Mrs. M. M. Campbell. Native Workers: Licentiate: Joel Mabusela. Miss. Licentiates: Edith Hlubi, Kutlane Morallana, Elizabeth Langa, Ephraim Phomane. EMMANUEL MISSION STATION Established 1910 Address: Leribe, Basutoland, South Africa. Director: R. C. Sharman. In Charge of Dispensary: R. L. Ferguson. Minister: R. C. Sharman. Licentiate: H. L. Ferguson. Missionary Licentiates: Mrs. R. C. Sharman, Mrs. H. L. Ferguson. Native Workers: Minister: Andrew Xabba. Teachers: Teachers: Enuel Pholoso, Staddson Tsoetetsi, Emily Sephaphathi, Eileen Tshabalala. KOLO MISSION STATION Address: Morija, Basutoland, South Africa: Director: H. J. Hurlow. Minister: H. J. Hurlow. Ministerial Licentiate: S. S. Hiten. Missionary Licentiate: Mrs. H. J. Hurlow. In charge of Dispensary: H. J. Hurlow. Native Workers: Minister: Joshua Ndabambi. Teacher: I. Seteka. 112 AFRICAN DIVISION SHILOH MISSION STATION Address: P. 0. Lunsklip, Northern Transvaal, South Africa. Director: J. E. Symons. Minister: J. E. Symons. Missionary Licentiate: Mrs. J. E. Symons. Native Workers: Licentiate: John Morris. Teacher: Rachel Morris. KLERKSDORP MISSION DISTRICT Postal Address: 37 National Mutual Bldgs., Rissik St., Johannesburg, Transvaal, South Africa. Director: Jonah Bacela. Licentiate: Jonah Bacela. Missionary Licentiates: Kemuel Modesi, Samuel Tlhapi. LINOKANA MISSION DISTRICT BLOEMFONTEIN MISSION DISTRICT Director: Matthew Africa. Licentiate: Matthew Africa. Missionary Licentiate: Johanna Africa. HAMANSKRAAL MISSION DISTRICT Postal Address: 37 National Mutual Bldgs., Rissik St., Johannesburg, Transvaal, South Africa. Director: . MiRRinnary T icentia tcz Josiah Sibeko, ~ Junia Molokomme. Postal Address: P. 0. Linokana, via Zeerust, Transvaal, South Africa. Director: L. S. Molokomme. Minister: L. S. Molokomme. Missionary Licentiate: Johan Sabisa. DUNDEE MISSION DISTRICT Postal Address: 37 National Mutual Bldgs., Rissik St., Johannesburg, Transvaal, South Africa. Director: Eka J. Kuboni. INDIAN MISSION DUNDEE MISSION DISTRICT Licentiate: E. J. Kuboni. Missionary Licentiates: Willie Makanya, Philemon Zungu. Postal Address: 338a. Moore Road, Durban, Natal, South Africa. Director: W. C. Walston. Honorary Minister: W. C. Walston. Missionary Licentiates: Banjamin Ruben, Mrs. Ruth Samson. Honorary Missionary Licentiate: Mrs. W. C. Walston. SWAZILAND MISSION STATION Postal Address: P. 0. Maharnba, Swaziland, South Africa. Director: J. M. Hlubi. Minister: J. M. Hlubi. Licentiates: Daniel Nhlapo, Alice Hlubi, Wilhelmina Solontsi. 113 AFRICAN DIVISION ZULULAND MISSION DISTRICT Postal Address: P. 0. Nomgoma, Zululand, South Africa. Faculty: Miss A. V. Sutherland, Principal. Miss M. Africa. Director: J. S. Moya. Minister: J. S. Moya. Missionary Licentiate: Miss A. V. Sutherland. Licentiates: F. Ndhlovu, M. M. Langa. RAND MISSION DISTRICT Postal Address: 37 National Mutual Bldgs., Rissik St., Johannesburg, Transvaal, South Africa. Director: L. E. Modise. Minister: L. E. Modise. Licentiate: H. R. S. Tsukudu. HOSPITALS and DISPENSARIES (In Transvaal Delagoa Mission Field) Emmanuel Mission Dispensary I.eribe, Basutoland, South Africa. H. L. Ferguson in charge. tl Kolo Mission Dispensary Kolo Mission, Morija, Basutoland, South. Africa. H. J. Hurlow in charge. Shiloh Dispensary Lunsklip, Northern Transvaal, South Africa. Mrs. J. E. Symons in charge. GOOD HOPE TRAINING SCHOOL (For Cape colored people) Postal Address: "Riverside," Klipfontein Road, Athlone, Cape, South Africa. Managing Board: N. C. Wilson, Chairman; L. S. Billes, Sec.; E. D. Hanson, A. F. Tarr, 0. 0. Fortner, Miss A. V. Sutherland. SPION KOP MISSIONARY INSTITUTION (For South African Union) Postal Address: Private Bag, Ladysmith, Natal, South Africa. Board of Managers: N. C. Wilson, chairman, F. E. Thompson, E. D. Hanson, A. F. Tarr, J. R. Campbell, E. M. Howard, A. P. Tarr, R. C. Sharman, R. A. Buckley. Faculty: F. E. Thompson, Principal. R. E. Ansley, Wm. Hodgson, Mrs. F. E. Thompson, Mrs. R. E. Ansley, Mrs. Wm. Hodgson, Miss Grace Burton, M. D. Kalaka, Florida Mdliva. Ministers: F. E. Thompson, Wm. Hodgson, M. D. Kalaka. Licentiate: R. E. Ansley. Missionary Licentiates: Mrs. F. E. Thompson, Mrs. R. E. Ansley, Mrs. Wm. Hodgson, Miss Grace Burton, Florida Mdliva. SOUTHWEST AFRICA MISSION FIELD Unorganized Area: 322,000 square miles. Population: White, 24,115; native, 177,462; Colored, 30,845. 114 AFRICAN DIVISION SOUTHEAST AFRICAN UNION MISSION FIELD Organized 1925 Territory: Nyasaland, Portuguese East Africa between latitude 11 and 22; Northeast Rhodesia, east of meridian 32. Area: 275,000 square miles. Population: White, 3,000 approx.; native, 4,186,000 approx. Churches: 14; membership, 4,800. Telegraphic Address: " Adventist," Blantyre, Nyasaland. Address: Southeast African Union Mission of Seventh-day Adventists, P. 0. Box 51, Blantyre, Nyasaland, British Central Africa. Officers: Supt., 0. U. Giddings. Sec. and Treas., T. L. Bulgin. Executive Committee: 0. U. Giddings, M. M. Webster, T. L. Bulgin, E. M. Cadwallader, G. Pearson, Dr. E. G. Marcus, G. R. Nash. Department Secretaries: Educational, E. M. Cadwallader. Field Miss., M. M. Webster. Medical, — Y. P. M. V., E. M. Cadwallader. Ministers: 0. U. Giddings, G. R. Nash, Jonathan Kambamba. Licentiates: E. M. Cadwallader, Yolam Kamwendo, Simon Msusoni. Missionary Licentiates: Mrs. E. M. Cadwallader, Mrs. T. L. Bulgin, Mrs. G. R. Nash, Miss M. D. Ingle, T. L. Bulgin, Mrs. 0. U. Giddings. CENTRAL NYASALAND MISSION FIELD Territory! The Central Province of Nyasaland and territory adjacent in Northeast Rhodesia east of meridian 32. Area: 26,000 square miles. Population: White, 550; native, 490,000. Churches: 1, membership, 55. Postal Address: P. 0. Box 47, Fort Jameson, Northeast Rhodesia, Africa. Officers: Supt., Dr. E. G. Marcus. Sec.-Treas., Dr. E. G. Marcus. Executive Committee: Dr. E. G. Marcus, 0. U. Giddings, E. M. Cadwallader, E. B. Jewell, James Ngaiyaye, Sopha B. Department Secretaries: Sabbath School, t-E. B. Jewell. Y. P. M. V. and Field Miss., E. B. Jewell. Minister: Dr. E. G. Marcus. Missionary Licentiate: Mrs. E. G. Marcus. MWAMI MISSION STATION Address: P. 0. Box 47, Fort Janieson, Northeast Rhodesia, Africa. Director: Dr. E. G. Marcus, L. R. C. P., L. R. F. P. S. Faculty: Dr. E. G. Marcus, E. B. Jewell, Mrs. E. G. Marcus, Mrs. E. B. Jewell, Mofit Chona, assisted by seven teachers. AFRICAN DIVISION Minister: Sopha B. (Not B. Sopha.) Licentiate: E. B. Jewell. Missionary Licentiate: Mrs. E. B. Jewell. TETE MISSION DISTRICT Postal Address: S. D. A. Mission, P. 0. Dedza, Nyasaland, British Central Africa. Minister: James. Ngaiyaye. Native Teachers: 3. NORTH NYASALAND MISSION FIELD Territory: The Northern Province of Nyasaland and adjacent territory in Northeast Rhodesia ' east of Meridian 32. Area:' 32,500 square miles. Population: White, 35; native, 485000. Churches: 6; membership, 695. Postal Address: Luwazi Mission, P. 0. Chintechi, Nyasaland, British Central Africa. Officers: Supt., G. Pearson. Sec. and Treas., G. Pearson. Executive Committee: G. Pearson, 0. U. Giddings, E. M. Cadwallader, E. L. Tarr, James Malinki, Paulos Mahango. Minister: G. Pearson. Missionary Licentiates: Mrs. G. Pearson, Mrs. E. L. Tarr. LUWAZI MISSION STATION Address: P. 0. Chintechi, Nyasaland, British Central Africa. Director: G. Pearson. 115 Faculty: G. Pearson, Mrs. G. Pearson, E. L. Tarr, Mrs. E. L. Tarr, Tom Kachoka, assisted by three native teachers. Minister: Paulos Mhango. Licentiates: E. L. Tarr, Isaac, Paulos Njiko, Adam Alongwe, William Abanda, Robert Akondwe, Benjamin, Tom Kachoka. In Charge of Dispensary: Mrs. E. L. Tarr. MOMBERA MISSION STATION Address: P. 0. Mzimba, Nyasaland, British Central Africa. Director: James Malinki. Faculty: James Malinki, assisted by two teachers. Ministers: James Malinki, David Nkosi, Edward Nkosi, Lamon Jere, Jeremiah Muzemala. Licentiates: Darison Nyirenda, Simon Mzunda, Yotam Mtale, Andrae, Mathew. SOUTH NYASALAND MISSION FIELD Territory: South Nyasaland. Area: 21,000 square miles. Population: White, 2,900; Native, 315,885. Churches: 8; membership, 3,368. Postal Address: P. 0. Box 51, Blantyre, Nyasaland, British Central Africa. AFRICAN DIVISION 116 Officers: Supt., M. M. Webster. Sec.-Treas., Mrs. G. S. Stevenson. Executive Committee: M. M. Webster, 0. U. Giddings, G. R. Nash, W. L. Davy, J. L. Grisham, Simon Ngaiyaye, Roman Chimera, Morrison Malinki. Department Secretaries: Field Miss. and Y. P. M. V., Ben Ritch. Sabbath School, Mrs. M. M. Webster. Ministers: M. M. Webster, Ben Ritch. Missionary Licentiates: Mrs. M. M. Webster, Mrs. G. S. Stevenson. Missionary Licentiate: Mrs. W. L. Davy. Village Schools: 10. Teachers: Mrs. W. L. Davy and 14 natives. Dispensary: Mrs. W. L. Davy. MLANJE MISSION DISTRICT Address: Blantyre, Nyasaland, British Central Africa. Director: Roman Chimera. Minister: Roman Chimera. Village Schools: 11. Head Teacher and Inspector: Alfred N., assisted by twelve teachers. THAMBANI MISSION STATION. CHILEKA MISSION DISTRICT Address: Blantyre, Nyasaland,, British Central Africa. Director: K. A. Malinki. Minister: K. A. Malinki. Licentiate: Simon Bunyani. Village Eelic;;Iz: 13. Head Teacher and Inspector: Joseph Malinki, assisted by fifteen teachers. MATANDANI MISSION, STATION Postal Address: Blantyre, Nyasaland, British Central Africa. Director: W. L. Davy. Licentiates: W. L. Davy, Harry Konje, Andrew Ngaiyaye. Address: Mwanza, Nyasaland, British Central Africa. Director: Simon Ngaiyaye. Minister: Simon Ngaiyaye. Licentiate: John Thomas. Village Schools: 7. Head Teacher and Inspector: John Thomas, assisted by nine teachers. THEKERANI MISSION STATION Acquired 1923 Address: Sankulani, Nyasaland, British Central Africa. Director: J. L. Grisham. Minister: Yokaniah S'esola. Licentiates: J. L. Grisham, Edward Martin, Victor Mpheza. Missionary Licentiate: Mrs. J. L. Grisham. AFRICAN DIVISION Village Schools: 28. Teachers: Mrs. J. L. Grisham and 35 natives. 117 Director, assisted by ten native teachers. Village Schools: 5. Dispensary: Mrs. J. L. Grisham. MALAMULO TRAINING SCHOOL (S. E. African Union) Established 1902 Postal Address: Cholo, Nyasaland, British Central Africa. Board: Union Executive Committee. Director: G. R. Nash. Faculty: G. R. Nash, Principal. E. M. Cadwallader, Normal Director. Miss M. D. Ingle; Mrs. G. R. Nash, G. S. Stevenson, Yolam Kamwendo, Assistant Normal MALAMULO MISSION HOSPITAL Postal Address: Cholo, Nyasaland, British Central Africa. Medical Supt., (Under appointment). Nurse, Miss M. D. Ingle, assisted by six native orderlies. MWAMI MISSION HOSPITAL Postal Address: P. 0. Box 47, Fort Jameson, Northeast Rhodesia, Africa. Officers: Supt., Dr. E. G. Marcus, L. R. C. P., L. R. F. P. S. Nurse, Mrs. E. B. Jewell, 5 Native Orderlies. ZAMBESI UNION MISSION FIELD Organized zgx6 Territory: British Bechuanaland, Bechuanaland Protectorate, Northern and Southern Rhodesia. Comprising Northern Rhodesia Mission Field, Northeast Rhodesia Mission Field, Southern Rhodesia Mission Field, and Rhodesia-Bechuanaland Conference. Area: 1,554,148 square miles. Population: White, 89,182; native, 2,438,595; colored and Asiatics, 19,928. Churches: 34, total membership, 5,659 (6, European, membership, 136, Native, 28; membership, 5,523). Telegraphic Address: "Zumosda," Bulawayo. Office Address: 116 Jameson St., Bulawayo, Southern Rhodesia, Africa. Postal Address: Box 573, Bulawayo, Southern Rhodesia, Africa. Officers: Superintendent, E. C. Boger. Sec.,Treas., and Auditor, D. A. ebster. Executive Committee: E. C. Boger, D. A. Webster, H. M. Sparrow, Superintendent of Northeast Rhodesia Mission Field, G. S. Joseph, Dr. A. Huse, W. B. Higgins, D. P. Harder, J. van de Merwe. 118 AFRICAN DIVISION Department Secretaries: Educational, D. P. Harder. Field Miss., D. P. Harder. Home Miss., D. P. Harder. Y. P. M. V., D. P. Harder. Ministers: • E. C. Boger, D. P. Harder. Licentiate: D. A. Webster. Missionary Licentiates: Mrs. E. C. Boger, Mrs. D. A. Webster, Mrs. D. P. Harder, Miss G. P. Fortner. RHODESIA-BECHUANALAND CONFERENCE (European) Organized 1929 Territory: British Bechuanaland, Bechuanaland Protectorate, Northern and Southern Rhodesia. Area: 777,074 square miles. Population: White, 89,182. (Native population reported under Mission Fields.) Colored and Asiatic 19,928. Churches: 4; members, 130. Telegraphic Address: Zumosda, Bulawayo. Office Address: 116 Jameson St., Bulawayo, Southern Rhodesia, Africa. Postal Address: Box 573, Bulawayo, Southern Rhodesia, Africa. Officers: Pres., E. C. Boger. Sec. and Treas., D. A. Webster. Executive Committee: E. C. Boger, P. W. Hendrie, W. G. Webster, D. A. Webster, A. N. Ingle. Minister: A. N. Ingle. Missionary Licentiate: Mrs. A. N. Ingle. Church Directory: Bulawayo Church, 116 Jameson St., Bulawayo. Church School: Bulawayo Church School, 116 Jameson St., Bulawayo. Teacher, Miss Gwen Tarr. Students, 16. BECHUANALAND MISSION FIELD Territory: British Bechuanaland, Bechuanaland Protectorate. Area: 337,074 square miles. Population: Native, 267,210. Address: Box 101, Mafeking, C. P. South Africa. Telegraphic Address: "Adventist," Mafeking, South Africa. Churches: 7; membership, 232. Officers: Supt., John van de Merwe. Sec. and Treas., Mrs. John van de Merwe. Executive Committee: John van de Merwe, Dr. A. Huse, S. C. Palvie, George Mashwa. Department Secretary: Sabbath School, Mrs. John- van de Merwe. Ministers: John van de Merwe, George Mashwa. Licentiates: S. C. Palvie, John Ross, K. S. Itumeleng, Petrus Phele. Missionary Licentiates: Mrs. John van de Merwe, Richard Borne, Adelaide Monala, Mark, Manana Itumeleng, Victoria Lekoko. Medical Missionary Licentiates: Dr. A. Huse, Mrs. A. Huse. AFRICAN DIVISION KANYE MEDICAL MISSION STATION Medical Superintendent: Dr. A. Huse, L. R. C. P., and S. Nurses: Mrs. A. Huse, Miss May Stevens. Native Orderly: Mark. NORTHERN • RHODESIA MISSION FIELD Organized 1921 Territory: Northern Rhodesia, Caprivi Strip, comprising the following missions: Rusangu, Katima Mulilo, Musofu, Liumba Hill, Munenga, Demu, Muchenje. Area: 291,000 square miles. Population: Native, 1,237,486. Churches: 5, members, 2,349. Postal Address: Box 104, Livingstone, Northern Rhodesia, Africa. Officers: Supt., G. S. Joseph (on furlough). Act. Supt., C. E. Wheeler. Sec. and Treas., Miss E. M. Willmore. Executive Committee: G. S. Joseph, C. E. Wheeler, W. S. Smith, G. L. Willmore, J. G. Siepman, W. Mason, Samuel Moyo, Stephen Mulomba. Department Secretaries: School Inspector, C. E. Wheeler. Sabbath School, Miss E. M. Willmore. Y. P. M. V., Nathan Kabunda. Minister: G. S. Joseph. Licentiates: C. E. Wheeler, Nathan Kabunda. Missionary Licentiates: Mrs. G. S. Joseph, Mrs. C. E. Wheeler, Miss E. M. Willmore. 119 RUSANGU MISSION Established 1905 Address: P. 0. Mission, Northern Rhodesia, Africa. Director and Principal: J. G. Siepman. Farm Manager: Wilfred Mason. Village School Inspector: J. G. Siepman. Minister: Wilfred Mason. Licentiates: J. G. Siepman, Joseph Chongo. Missionary Licentiates: Mrs. J. G. Siepman, Mrs. Wilfred Mason. Teachers: J. G. Siepman, Wilfred Mason and 3 native teachers. Dispensary: Mrs. J. G. Siepman. Village Schools: 3. Village School teachers: 3. KATIMA MULILO MISSION STATION Established 1921 Address: Private Bag, Livingstone, Northern Rhodesia, Africa. Director and Village School Inspector: G. L. Willmore. Minister: Gladstone Isku. Licentiate: G. L. Willmore. Missionary Licentiate: Mrs. G. L. Willmore. Teachers: Mrs. G. L. Willmore and 1 native. Native Evangelist: 1. Village Schools: 8. Village School teachers: 9. 120 AFRICAN DIVISION MUSOFU MISSION STATION Established 1917 Address: Private Bag, Ndola, Northern Rhodesia, Africa. Director and Village School Inspector: W. S. Smith. Minister: Matthew Chiwanga. Licentiate: W. S. Smith. Missionary Licentiate: Mrs. W. S. Smith. Teachers: W. S. Smith and 1 native. Native Evangelist: 1. Village Schools: 7. Village School Teachers: 7. LIUMBA HILL MISSION STATION Established 1928 Address: P. 0. Mongu, Northern Rhodesia, Africa. Director: S. M. Konigmacher. Minister: S. M. Konigmacher. Missionary Licentiate: Mrs. S. M. Konigmacher. Teacher: Mrs. S. M. Konigmacher. Native RITA 11 aa li ata. 1_ Village Schools: 2. Village School Teachers: 2. MUNENGA MISSION Established 1930 Address: c/o A. Hartzenberg, Esq., Magoye Siding, Private Bag, Livingstone, Northern Rhodesia, Africa. Director: Samuel Moyo. Ministers: Samuel Moyo, Elmer Madima. Licentiate: Robert Njekwa. Native Evangelist: 1. Central School teachers: 3. Village Schools: 6. Village School teachers: 6. DEMU MISSION Established 1930 Address: P. 0. Pemba, Northern Rhodesia, Africa. Director: Stephen Mulomba. Minister: Stephen Mulomba. Licentiates: Daniel Muhwakwi, Isaiah Siajunza. Central School teachers: 2. Village Schools: 4. Village School teachers: 4. MUCHENJE MISSION Formerly Lusaka Outschools Address: c/o D. Shapiro, Esq., P. 0. Box 25, Lusaka, Northern Rhodesia, Africa. Director: Henry Mabona. Minister: Henry Mabona. Village Schools: 4. Village School teachers: 4. Native Evaneelist: 1. NORTHEASTERN RHODESIA MISSION FIELD Territory: Northeastern Rhodesia, west of meridian 32. Address: Kawambwa, Via N'Dola, Northern Rhodesia, Africa. Church, 1; Membership, 121. Officers: Supt., E. C. Boger. Treas., D. A. Webster. Executive Committee: Zambesi Union Mission Committee. AFRICAN DIVISION CHIMPEMPE MISSION STATION Established 1921 Address: Kawambwa, Via N'Dola, Northern Rhodesia, Africa. Director: I. B. Burton. Licentiate: I. B. Burton. Missionary Licentiate: Mrs. I. B. Burton. Teachers: I. B. Burton, Mrs. I. B. Burton, and 5 natives. No. of Outschools: 2. Dispensary: Mrs. I. B. Burton. MUKWAMPA MISSION STATION Established 1929 Address: C/o Chimpempe Mission, Kawambwa, via Ndola, Northern Rhodesia, Africa. Director: Lawson Endaenda. Minister: Lawson Endaenda. Teacher: 1 Native. SOUTHERN RHODESIA MISSION FIELD Organized 1921 Territory: Southern Rhodesia, comprising the following missions: Solusi, Lower Gwelo, Inyazura, Hanke, Lower Shangani, and Solusi Village Schools. Area: 149,000 square miles. Population: Native, 933,899. Churches: 14, membership, 2796. Address: Box 4, Gwelo, Southern Rhodesia, Africa. 121 Officers: Supt., H. M. Sparrow. Sec. and Treas., Miss G. Brown. Executive Committee: H. M. Sparrow, C. Robinson, C. E. Sparrow, E. V. Tarr, Emory Mlalazi, Mark Mlalazi. Department. Secretaries: Sabbath School, Miss G. Brown. Y. P. M. V., Mark Mlalazi. Ministers: H. M. Sparrow, Mark Mlalazi. Missionary Licentiates: Mrs. H. M. Sparrow, Miss G. Brown. Native Colporteurs. 7. HANKE MISSION STATION Postal Address: Selukwe, Southern Rhodesia, Africa. Director: John Nigani. Minister: John Nigani. Native Teachers: 6. No. of Village Schools: 6. INYAZURA MISSION STATION Established 1910 Address: Inyazura Mission, Inyazura, Southern Rhodesia, Africa. Director: C. Robinson. Ministers: C. Robinson, S. W. Palmer, Emory Mlalazi, Edward Janda. Missionary Licentiates: Mrs. C. Robinson, Mrs. S. W. Palmer. Teachers: S. W. Palmer, Mrs. S. W. Palmer, Mrs. C. Robinson, with 17 native teachers. Native Evangelists: 4. Village Schools: 14. 122 AFRICAN DIVISION LOWER GWELO MISSION STATION (Formerly Somabula) Established 1901 Address: Box 78, Gwelo, Southern Rhodesia, Africa. Director: C. E. Sparrow. Ministerial License: C. E. Sparrow. Missionary Licentiates: Mrs. C. E. Sparrow. Ministers: Harry Sibagobe, Moses Donga. Native Evangelist: 1. Native Teachers: 16. Na. of Village Schools: 16. LOWER SHANGANI MISSION STATION Address: Box 78, Gwelo, Southern Rhodesia, Africa. Director: E. V. Tarr. Licentiate: E. V. Tarr. Missionary Licentiate: Mrs. E. V. Tarr. 'Native ieacners: 6. Native Evangelist: 1. No. of Village Schools: 6. FILABUSI MISSION STATION (Native Mission) Established 1929. Address: C/o Mayfair Mine Store, P. 0. Balla Balla, via Bulawayo, Southern Rhodesia, Africa. Director: Alfred Gama. Minister: Alfred Gama. Native Teachers: 6. Village Schools: 6. SOLUSI MISSION STATION Address: Solusi Mission, Bulawayo, Southern Rhodesia, Africa. Director: W. B. Higgins. Ministers: R. M. Mote, W. B. Higgins, Isaac Xiba. Licentiate: F. B. Jewell. Missionary Licentiates: Mrs. W. B. Higgins, Mrs. R. M. Mote, Mrs. F. B. Jewell. FORT VICTORIA MISSION STATION Address: "Stanhope," P. 0. Fort Victoria, Southern Rhodesia, Africa. Director: F. R. Stockil. Ministers: F. R. Stockil, Paul Mbono. Missionary Licentiate: Mrs. F. R. Stockil. Native Teachers: 4. Village Schools: 4. TJOLOTJO MISSION STATION (Native Mission) Established 1929. Address: C/o Native Commissioner, Tjolotjo, via Nyamandhlovu, Southern Rhodesia, Africa. Director: James Ndhlovu. Licentiate: James Ndhlovu. Native Teachers: 7. Village Schools: 7. BULAWAYO LOCATION MISSION STATION (Native Mission) Established 1929. Address: Box 573, Bulawayo, Southern Rhodesia, Africa. . AFRICAN DIVISION Director: Otis Ndebele. Minister: Otis Ndebele. Native Teachers: 3. Village Schools: 3. SOLUSI TRAINING SCHOOL Solusi Mission, Bulawayo, Southern Rhodesia, Africa. Established 1894. Director: W. B. Higgins. School Board: Union Executive Committee, R. M. Mote, Isaac Xiba. Faculty: W. B. Higgins, Director, Principal and Business Manager; R. M. Mote, Normal Director; Mrs. W. B. Higgins, Mrs. R. M. Mote, Mrs. F. B. Jewell, assisted by 6 natives. SOLUSI VILLAGE SCHOOLS Address: Solusi Mission, Bulawayo, Southern Rhodesia, Africa. Director: To be appointed. Native Evangelist: 1. Native Teachers: 4. No. of Village Schools: 4. HOSPITALS AND DISPENSARIES Kanye Hospital: Postal Address: Via Lobatsi, British Bechuanaland, Africa; Dr. A. Huse, in charge. Liumba Hill Mission Dispensary: Postal Address: Mongu, Barotseland, Northern Rhodesia, Africa; S. M. Konigmacher, in charge. 123 Rusangu Mission Dispensary: Postal Address: P. 0. Mission, Northern Rhodesia, Africa; Mrs. J. G. Siepman, in charge. INSTITUTIONS IN THE AFRICAN DIVISION Educational: 4 Helderberg College (for Europeans), P. 0. Box 22, Somerset West, Cape Province, South Africa. Malamulo Training School, Cholo, Nyasaland, British Central Africa. Solusi Training School, Bulawayo, Southern Rhodesia, Africa. Spion Kop Missionary Institution, Ladysmith, Natal, South Africa. Good Hope Training School, Riverside, Klipfontein Road, Athlone, Cape Province, South Africa. Bongo Training School, Missao Adventista, Lepi, Distrito de Benguela, Angola, Portuguese West Africa. Gitwe Training School, via Usumbura, Urundi, Central Africa. S'eminaire Adventiste du Congo, P. 0. Box 250, Elizabethville, Belgian Congo, Central Africa. Publishing: Sentinel Publishing Co., • Rosmead Ave., Kenilworth, Cape, South Africa. Medical: Nursing Home: Plumstead Nursing Home, Main Road, Plumstead, Cape, South Africa. Hospitals: Cancele Mission Hospital, Mount Frere, Cape Province? South Africa,. 124 AFRICAN DIVISION Malamulo Hospital, Malamulo Mission, Cholo, Nyasaland, Central Africa. Mwami Mission Hospital, Fort Jameson, Northern Rhodesia. Songa Mission Hospital, Bukama, Congo Belge, Africa. Bongo Hospital, Lepi, Dist. Benguela, Angola, Portuguese West Africa. Kanye Hospital, via Lobatsi, British Bechuanaland, Africa. Dispensaries: Emmanuel Mission Dispensary, Leribe, Basutoland, South Africa. Kolo Mission Dispensary, Kolo Mission, Morija, Basutoland, South Africa. Rusangu Mission Dispensary, P. 0. Mission, Northern Rhodesia, Africa. Liumba Hill Mission Dispensary, Mongu, Barotseland, Northern Rhodesia, Africa. Matandani Mission Dispensary, Blantyre, Nyasaland, British Central Africa. Huambo Dispensary, Caixa Postale 3, Nova Lisboa, Angola, Portuguese West Africa. Luz Mission Dispensary, Caixa Postale 33, Missaode de Luz, Vila Luzo, Angola, Portuguese Africa. Gitwe Mission Dispensary, via Usumbura, Urundi, Central Africa. Shiloh Mission Dispensary, Lunsklip, Northern Transvaal, South Africa. Rwankeri Mission Dispensary, Kigali, Ruanda, Central Africa. Bunganda Mission Dispensary, P. 0. Usumbura, Urundi, Central Africa. AUSTRALASIAN DIVISION Created a Division Conference by action of the General Conference in session at San Francisco, Cal., May 24, 1922. Population: 9,000,000 (approx.) ; Vice-President for Australasia, W. churches, 288; members, 11,490. G. Turner. AUSTRALASIAN UNION CONFERENCE Organized 1894 A. L. Hindson, J. J. Potter, G. T. Chapman, G. E. Adair, W. 0. Johanson, C. M. Snow, Dr. C. W. Harrison, A. G. Minchin, H. K. Martin, E. Rosendahl, A. E. Speck, G. S. Fisher, F. A. Allum, L. F. Were, J. W. Kent, E. E. Roenf elt. Auditor, R. R. Gooding. Asst. Auditor, L. A. Piper. • Statistician, Legal Assn.: " Australasian Conference Association, Ltd." General Manager, T. W. Hammond. Sec., R. H. Adair. Treas., T. W. Hammond. Union Book Depository: Signs Publishing Company, Warburton, Victoria, Australia. Manager, W. 0. Johanson, Warburton. Union Field Miss. Sec., J. J. Potter. Book Committee: A. H. Piper, C. M. Snow, A. W. Anderson, W. 0. Johanson, J. J. Potter. Department Secretaries: Educational, W. J. Gilson. Health Food, G. T. Chapman. Home Miss., W. J. Westerman. Medical, Dr. T. A. Sherwin. Publishing, J. J. Potter. Religious Liberty, A. W. Anderson. Sabbath School, Mrs. A. L. Hindson. Y. P. M. V., S. V. Stratford. 125 territory: The Conferences of North New South Wales, South New South Wales, North New Zealand, South New Zealand, Queensland, South Australia, Victoria, West Australia, and Tasmania; Eastern Polynesia, Fiji, Samoa, Tonga, Papua, Cook Islands, Solomon Islands, New Hebrides, Niue, Norfolk Island, Lord Howe Island, Mandated Territory of New Guinea, and North Queensland Missions. Cable Address: " Adventist," Sydney. " Mizpah," Wahroonga, Office: New South Wales, Australia. Officers: Pres.,W. G. Turner. Vice-President for the Home Field, W. J. Westerman. Vice-President for the Island Mission Field, A. G. Stewart. Secretary, A. H. Piper. Treas., T. W. Hammond. Field Secretary, A. W. Anderson. Executive Committee: W. G. Turner, W. J. Westerman, A. G. Stewart, A. H. Piper, T. W. Hammond, R. H. Adair, A. W. Anderson, H. A. Hill, E. H. GuilHard, R. E. Hare, G. G. Stewart, P. G. Foster, L. D. A. Lemke, S. L. Patching, H. E. Piper, F. G. Rampton, E. B. Rudge, G. L. Sterling, G. Peacock, C. H. Parker, W. N. Lock, S. V. Stratford, W. J. Gilson, Dr. T. A. Sherwin, Mrs. 126 AUSTRALASIAN DIVISION Ministers: W. G. Turner, F. A. Alluin, A. W. Anderson, A. C. Chesson, Robt. Hare, A. W. Knight, C. M. Snow, W. J. Westerman, A. H. Piper, A. G. Stewart, A. E. Speck, N. H. Faulkner, E. Rosendahl, A. F. J. Kranz, H. K. Martin, W. J. Gilson, P. B. Rudge, E. S. Butz. Licentiates: G. A. Brandstater, G. S. Fisher, T. W. Hammond, W. 0. Johanson, Dr. W. H. James, A. L. King, Wm. Chapman, Dr. T. A. Sherwin, S. V. Stratford, C. H. Pretyman, Dr. C. W. Harrison, G. T. Chapman, A. G. Minchin, Harry Stacey, A. M. Fraser, A. G. Miller, C. V. Bell, G. F. Bohringer, E. L. Minchin, C. H. Schowe, R. E. G. Blair, A. Judge, G. H. Greenaway, J. J. Potter, H. Sprengel. Missionary Licentiates: G. E. Adair, F. E. Butler, L. A. Butler, Mrs. A. L. Hindson, Mrs. L. L. Ulrich, R. I. Wright, W. T. Smith, A. W. Dawson, J. S. Sandeman, T. J. Dowling, H. C Moseley, R. R. Gooding, H. J. Halliday, H. E. Mills, Henry Stockton, C. J. Boulting, T. N. Bush, J. H. Mills, G. E SA HQ. bury, H. J. Baron, Miss E. M. Cooper, Mrs. E. Meyers, Geo. Thomson, C. W. Tinworth, R. H. Adair, Mrs. P. B. Rudge, H. C. Jacobsen, A. G. Jacobsen, B. 0. Johanson, A. E. Magnussen, C. F. L. Ulrich, C. C. Forsyth. Medical Missionary Licentiates: Dr. M. M. Freeman, II. J. Franks, 0. V. Hellestrand, Dr. G. A. Hardwicke, Miss J.. Mc Cullough, Dr. D. I. Mills, L. G. Munro, Dr. E. S. Richards, Mrs. E. M. Sharman, Mrs. H. J. Franks, R. A. Thomson, R. E. Wood, Miss R. Zeininger, R. G. L. Cooper, Miss L. Daughtrey, H. J. Gibson, Miss V. Fraser, Miss F. Kringle, Miss F. DeLaney, Miss C. Russell, Miss M. Speck, Miss D. Chapman, Miss I. Dowling, J. Newman, Mrs. J. Newman, J. L. Simpson, Miss E. Scarf e. Licensed Teachers: Miss E. Clarke, Miss A. Risbey, Miss A. L. Shakespeare, R. W. Johnson, Mrs. C. H. Schowe, R. H. Schwartzkopf, H. W. Adrian, Miss A. Stirling, Mrs. H. K. Martin, Mrs. B. H. Schwartzkopf, Mrs. E. E. Faulkhead, R. B. Watts, Mrs. R. B. Watts, Mrs. H. C. White, Miss G. Young, Miss M. McNair. NEW ZEALAND, NORTH CONFERENCE Organized 1889 Territory: That portion of the Dominion of New Zealand north of Cook's Straits. Cable Address: " Mastery," Auckland, New Zealand. Office: 84 Jervois Road, Auckland, New Zealand. Offi rarca Pres., H. E. Piper. Sec., P. Glocker. Treas., Miss R. G. Dray. Executive Committee: H. E. Piper, F. L. Sharp, E. Rosendahl, J. F. Jones, F. J. Pearce, J. Strange, W. Richards. Legal Assn.: " New Zealand Conference, Incorporated." Department Secretaries: Educational and Y. P. M. V.. A. J. Dyason. Field Miss., E. A. Turner. Home Miss., A. J. Dyason. Religious Liberty, F. L. Sharp. Sabbath School, J. Hookings. 'AUSTRALASIAN DIVISION Ministers: H. E. Piper, F. L. Sharp, C. A. Wrigley, C. A. Paap, L. R. Harvey, M. B. C. Smith, W. E. Battye, E. S. Butz. Licentiates: J. Hookins, A. J. Dyason, A. Barron, P. Glockler, J. C. Sbirling, T. A. Anderson. Missionary Licentiates: Miss R. G. Dray, L. Naden, E. A. Turner, L. Graham, Miss J. Johnstone, Miss A. Stockwell. Church School Teachers: Miss L. M. Beavis, Miss L. Potter, W. R. Whisker. NEW ZEALAND, SOUTH CONFERENCE Organized 1915 Territory: That portion of the Dominion of New Zealand south of Cook's Straits. Office: 902 Colombo St., Christchurch, New Zealand. CableAddress: "Adventist," Christchurch. Officers: Pres., S. L. Patching. Sec. and Treas., A. S. Herbert. Executive Committee: S. L. Patching, S. H. Amyes, J. Pascoe, H. T. Howse, W. Cox, B. 0. Johanson, J. Lowry. Department Secretaries: . Education, Field Miss., A. Jackson. Home Miss., J. Shirley. Religious Liberty, Sabbath School, Miss R. E. Hook. Y. P. M. V., J. Shirley. Ministers: S. L. Patching, A. J. Mitchell, D. Sibley, J. Pascoe. 127 Licentiates: H. T. Howse, Robt. Greive, J. Shirley. Missionary Licentiates: A. S. Herbert, Miss R. Hook, Miss P. Kilroy, A. Jackson, A. R. Mitchell. Church School Teacher: Miss M. Smart. NORTH NEW SOUTH WALES CONFERENCE Organized 1920 Territory: That part of the state of New South Wales north of the Hawkesbury and Capertee Rivers as far west as the 150th meridian of east longitude, thence east of the line running north to Cassilis. Thence northeast of a line running northwesterly from Cassilis to where the 147th meridian of _east longitude meets the 29th parallel of south latitude. Office: Gordon Ave., Hamilton (P. 0. Box 27), New South Wales, Australia. Officers: Pres., E. H. Guilliard. Sec. and Treas., H. S. Streeter. Executive Committee: E. H. Guilliard, W. F. Martin, W. H. Pascoe, G. S. Fisher, W. Gale, J. Hill, C. Rosendahl. Department Secretaries: Educational, Field Miss., C. F. Hodgkinson. Home Miss., J. L. Smith. Religious Liberty, A. W. Anderson. Sabbath School and Y. P. M. V., Miss A. E. Douglass. Ministers: E. H. Guilliard, W. H. Pascoe, C. J. Reynolds, R. A. Salton, B. Cormack, J. E. Steed. 128 AUSTRALASIAN DIVISION Licentiates: J. L. Smith, J. S. Jackson, H. A. Kent, H. S. Streeter, W. J. Richards, C. J. Griffin, C. F. Hodgkinson. Missionary Licentiates: Miss A. E. Douglass, Tom Rutter, Miss E. M. Heise, Ray Bullas, Miss D. Cowan. Church School Teachers: Mrs. E. E. Faulkhead, Miss D. Ashton, Miss M. Dawkins, Miss J. Fairfoul, Harold O'Hara. Licentiates: C. A. Hysler, F. McFarlane. Missionary Licentiates: Miss H. L. Cozens, E. L. Pengilley, Miss H. K. Lewin, S. T. Leeder, G. Weslake. SOUTH AUSTRALIAN CONFERENCE Organized 1899 Territory: The State of South Australia, and the city of Broken Hill, New South Wales. QUEENSLAND CONFERENCE Organized 1899 Territory: All that portion of the State of Queensland lying south of a line drawn from Yeppoon west to Kumviarara on the Marlborough line, and thence due south to the top of the range just west of Deeford, and from thence in a direct line to the South Australian border. Office: 37 O'Connell Terrace, Bowen Hills, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. Officers: Pres., H. A. Hill. Sec. and Treas., E. L. Pengilley. Executive Committee: H. A. Hill, T. A. Mitchell, J. S. Stewart, W. McFayden, W. G. Hodgkinson, W. J. Stevens, W. Swenson. Department Secretaries: Educational, H. A. Hill. Field Miss., G. Weslake. Home Miss., J. S. Stewart. Religious Liberty, H. A. Hill. Sabbath School, Miss H. K. Lewin. Y. P. M. V., Miss H. K. Lewin. Office: 27 Prospect Terrace, Prospect, South Australia, Australia. Ministers: J. S. Stewart, H. A. Hill. Church School Teacher: Mrs. E. Vear. Officers: Pres., P. G. Foster. Sec. and Treas., J. Todd. Executive Committee: P. G. Foster, B. J. Smith, T. A. Brown, L. Johnson, H. C. Taylor, W. J. Smith, A. Zeunert, Dr. Davey, H. Eager. Department Secretaries: Educational, W. J. Smith. Field Miss., D. A. Speck. Home Miss., N. H. Faulkner. Religious Liberty, T. A. Brown. SaL6atii School and Y. 1'. M. V., Miss W. E. Haberman. Ministers: P. G. Foster, G. Robinson, W. E. Gillis, W. J. Smith, N. H. Faulkner. Honorary: A. H. Rogers. Licentiates: J. Todd, J. S. Sweet, V. Reye. Honorary: T. A. Brown. Missionary Licentiates: Miss R. V. Stratford, Miss W. E. Haberman. AUSTRALASIAN DIVISION SOUTH NEW SOUTH WALES CONFERENCE Organized 1895 Territory: That part of the state of New South Wales South of the Hawkesbury and Capertee Rivers, as far west as the 150th meridian of east longitude, thence west of the line running north to Cassilis, thence southwest of a line running northwesterly from Cassilis to where the 147th meridian of east longitude meets the 29th parallel of south latitude, with the exception of the city of Broken Hill and such adjacent territory as is now a part of the South Australian Conference. 129 Parsons, J. Eggins, W. R. Carswell, J. J. Crammond, T. A. Mitchell, W. H. Stevens, T. J. Bradley, R. H. Powrie. Missionary Licentiates: Miss A. E. Pearce, Miss S. Read, Mrs. G. E. Chapman, Mrs. H. Bridgett, Mrs. M. C. Morgan, Miss L. V. Booth, Miss F. G. Carver, Mrs. G. Evans, J. C. Lawson, A. L. Pascoe, Mrs. M. E. Tank, W. R. Litster, Miss E. Moran. Church School Teachers: E. J. Felsch, E. A. Butler, D. Sutherland, Miss M Schnepel, Miss V. G. Camp, H. E. Totenhof er, G. Currow, V. Pascoe, Miss F. Searle. Office: " Tereora," The Boulevarde, Strathfield, N. S. W., Australia. Officers: Pres., R. E. Hare. Sec. and Treas., W. H. Hopkin. Executive Committee: B. Hart, C. Head, R. E. Hare, E. H. Horton, W. E. Mills, C. Smith. Department Secretaries: Book and Bible House, W. R. Litster. Educational, G. Currow. Field Miss., T. A. Mitchell. Home Missions, C. Head. Religious Liberty, A. W. Anderson. Sabbath School, Miss L V. Booth. Y. P. M. V., C. Head; Asso., Mrs. M. E. Tank. Ministers: R. E. Hare, A. H. White, H. Mitchell, J. W. Kent, A. Smart, B. Cozens, F. H. Letts, E. Behrens, E. R. Whitehead, J. Thompson, H. C. Harker, C. Head. Licentiates: R. Govett, J. Hindson, S. R. Maunder, W. H. Hopkin, E. H. 5 TASMANIAN CONFERENCE Formerly included in Victoria-Tasmania Conference, organized as separate conference 1926. Address: 361 Argyle St., Hobart, Tasmania. Officers: Pres., F. G. Rampton. Sec. and Treas., F. J. Butler. Executive Committee: F. G. Rampton, A. C. Ball, A. W. Roberts, E. P. Fehlberg, N. H. Fehlberg, T. Wagner, G. E. Salisbury. Department Secretaries: Educational, F. G. Rampton. Field Miss., F. G. Rampton. Home Miss., F. G. Rampton. Religious Lib., F. G. Hampton. Sabbath School and Y. P. M. V., F. J. Butler. Minister: F. G. Hampton. Licentiates: R. A. Thrift, F. J. Butler, C. E. Bird. 130 AUSTRALASIAN DIVISION Missionary Licentiates: Miss I. Robertson, Miss C. E. Hodgetts, Miss E. F. Hopgood, Miss I. A. Lang. Church School Teachers: Miss A. A. Hardy, Miss W. Neibuhr, Miss L. McMahon. VICTORIAN CONFERENCE Organized 1888 Territory: The State of Victoria. Office: 8 Yarra St., Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia. Officers: Pres., G. G. Stewart. Sec. and Treas., L. J. Imrie. Executive Committee: G. G. Stewart, J. A. McAinsh, L. J. Imrie, W. J. Gilson, W. 0. Johanson, A. E. White, W. A. Bussau, J. C. Cornell. Department Secretaries: Educational, W. J. Gilson. Field Miss., J. R. Kent. Home Miss., W. S. Renn. Religious Liberty, T. H. Craddock. Sabbath School, Miss M. C. Barlow. Y. P. M. V., H. J. Meyers. Ministers: G. G. Stewart, G. E. Marriott, L. J. Imrie, L. Currow, T. H. Craddock, C. P. Michaels, W. J. Gilson, L. F. Were, E. G. Whittaker, H. J. Meyers. Licentiates: R. J. Burns, M. A. Connell, R. J. Paterson, E. R. Gane, C. E. Ashcroft, M. Grolimund, C. R. Farrell, 0. K. Anderson. Missionary Licentiates: Miss M. McDowell, Miss E. Britten, Miss A. S. Higgins, Miss M. C. Barlow, Mrs. K. M. Thorpe, Miss P. Grolimund, W. A. Beatty, Mrs. T. H. Craddock, J, R. Kent, Mrs. 0. E. Marriott, A. H. E. Miller, R. C. Hill, Miss H. Brown. Church School Teachers: Miss D. Lockwood, Miss B. E. Aitken, B. H. McMahon, Miss E. Cleary, Miss R. Vetter, Miss E. T. Smith, Miss J. Mitchell, Miss R. Mitchell, Miss H. Paterson. WEST AUSTRALIAN CONFERENCE Organized 1902 Territory: The State of West Australia. Office: 47 Hay St., Subiaco, Perth, West Australia. Officers: Pres., L. D. A. Lemke. Sec., S. C. Butler. Treas., R. W. Lang. Executive Committee: L. D. A. Lemke, A. J. Turner, A. E. Speck, A. R. Boxall, G. W. Spencer, W. Martin, F. Gibson. Department Secretaries: Educational, L. D. A. Lemke. Field Miss., A. C. Ball. Home Miss., S. C. Butler. Religious Lib., L. D. A. Lemke. Saooatn bellow and Y. P. M. V., Miss I. Roy. Ministers: L. D. A. Lemke, S. Watson, E. E. Roenfelt, F. E. Lyndon. Licentiates: S. C. Butler, R. Brandstater, H. G. Moulds, E. V. Clarke, T. C. Lawson. Missionary Licentiates: Miss A. Rocks, Miss F. Reed, Miss I. Hoy. Church School Teachers: Miss G. Clark, A. P. Dyason, N. H. White, Miss L. Baird, Miss L. Fisher. AUSTRALASIAN DIVISION 131 MISSION FIELDS COOK ISLANDS MISSION Established 1892. (Included as part of the Eastern Polynesian Mission, 1916 to 1923; reorganized 1923.) Territory: Those islands comprising the Cook or Hervey Group, and other small islands closely adjoining. Headquarters: Box 16, Rarotonga, Cook Islands, Pacific Ocean. Officers: Supt., H. B. P. Wicks. (The field is operated under the direction of the Australasian Union Conference.) Minister: H. B. P. Wicks. Missionary Licentiates: Mrs. H. B. P. Wicks, Tauraki. EASTERN POLYNESIAN MISSION Established 1892; reorganized 1916 Comprising the following former missions• Society Islands, and Pitcairn 'Island. Territory: All the Pacific Islands east of the 160th degree of west longitude, and south of the tenth parallel of north latitude. Headquarters: Papeete, Tahiti, Society Islands, Pacific Ocean. Officers: Supt., G. L. Sterling. Minister: G. L. Sterling. Missionary Licentiates: Mrs. G. L. Sterling, Iti Strickland, Koteka, Tihoni. Church School Teachers: M. E. McCoy, Miss L. Christian. FIJI MISSION Established 1889 (Included as part of the Central Polynesian Conference, 1916 to 1921; reorganized 1921.) Address: Suva Vou, Suva, Fiji, Pacific Ocean. Officers: Supt., E. B. Rudge. Sec. and Treas., R. W. Lane. Ministers: E. B. Rudge, H. R. Martin, G. Branster, N. C. Burns, Meciusela Naisogo, Timoci Nawara, Mitieli Nakasamai, Sanivalati Ramuwai, S. W. Carr. Licentiates: G. M. Masters, Na Bahadur Singh, C. S. Palmer, H. R. Steed, R. W. Lane, Semiti Gade, Moapi Vosa,Feresi Rokosala, Jope Lewl oa, Kelevi Matauwalu, Asasela, Lewaqausila, Josaia Sauliga, Fineasi Kali. Maimoni Nalauba, C. M. Lee, L. V. Wilkinson. Missionary Licentiates: Mrs. G. Branster, Mrs. G. McLaren, Mrs. H. R. Steed, Mrs. N. C. Burns, F. Lang, Mrs. F. Lang, Mrs. E. B. Rudge, Mrs. G. M. Masters, Mrs. C. M. Lee, Mrs. S. W. Carr, Mrs. R.W. Lane, Mrs. L. V. Wilkinson, Emori Savatine, Semi Tikivili, Tomasi Vunisinu, Pereniki Tagi, Sueli Namali, Taniela Tilivaiva, Tevita Ralave, Joeli Lotawa, Vuniani, Taito, Taniela Vauvau, Meli Sowakai, Ratu Meli Salabogi, Wiliami Alipati Koro, Jolami, Wesele, Epeli, Timoci Moki, Eroni, Orisi, Joni Mataogo, Isimeli Seresere, Kapeni Seru, Jamesa Namulo, Nikola Rawaibula, Nemani W. Tausere, Joni Katubadiau, John Kamea. 132 AUSTRALASIAN DIVISION FRIENDLY ISLANDS MISSION Established 1895 (Included as part of the Central Polynesian Conference, 1916 to 1921; reorganized 1921.) Address: Nukualofa, Tonga, Friendly Islands, Pacific Ocean. Officers: (Operated under direction of Australasian Union Conference.) Minister: H. L. Tolhurst. Licentiate: B. E. Hadfield. Missionary Licentiates: Mrs. H. L. Tolhurst, Mrs. B. E. Hadfield, Apeti Dawai. KEMPSEY MISSION FOR ABORIGINES Under direction of North New South Wales Conference. LORD HOWE ISLAND MISSION Address: Lord Howe Island, Aus- tralia. MONAMONA MISSION FOrit ABORIGINES Established 1913 Address: Oaklands, via Cairns, Queensland, Australia. Officers: Supt., L. A. Borgas. Matron, Mrs. L. A. Borgas. Licentiates: J. L. Branford, L. A. Borgas. Missionary Licentiates: Mrs. J. L. Branford, Mrs. L. A. Borgas, H. Mills, Mrs. H. Mills. W. J. Mills, Mrs. W. J. Mills, Mrs. H. Rowlands. NEW HEBRIDES MISSION Organized as separate mission in 1924 Address: Atchin, New Hebrides, Pacific Ocean. Officers: Supt., C. H. Parker. See., D. Nicholson. Ministers: Licentiate: A. H. Ferris. Missionary Licentiate: Mrs. A. H. Ferris. C. H. Parker, D. Nicholson, W. D. Smith. Lieeriti. A. H. Weil, J. F. Strange. Missionary Licentiates: MANDATED TERRITORY OF GUINEA J. Established 1929 Address: S. D. A. Mission, Matupi, Rabaul, Mandated Territory of New Guinea. Officers: Acting Supt., G. McLaren. Licentiates: G. McLaren, A. S. Atkins. Missionary Licentiate: Mrs. A. S. Atkins. Mrs. D. Nicholson, Mrs. W. D. Smith, Mrs. A. H. Weil, J. C. Radley, Mrs. J. C. Radley, Mrs. C. H. Parker, Mrs. J. F. Strange. NIUE (OR SAVAGE) ISLAND MISSION Established 1914 Address: Niue Island, Pacific Ocean. Missionary Licentiate: Mrs. A. G. Head. AUSTRALASIAN DIVISION NORFOLK ISLAND MISSION Established 1893 Address: Norfolk Island, Australia. Licentiate: Missionary: —. NORTH QUEENSLAND MISSION Formerly included in Queensland Conference. Operated as Mission under direction of Aust. Union Conference from Jan. 1, 1929. Territory: All that portion of the State of Queensland lying north of a line drawn from Yeppoon west to Kumviarara on the Marlborough line, and thence due south to the top of the range just west of Deeford, and from thence in a direct line to the South Australian border. Officer: Supt., A. C. Chesson. Ministers: A. C. Chesson, T. R. Kent, W. Morris. Missionary Licentiates: A. G. Jacobsen, A. E. Magnussen. PAPUA MISSION Established 1908; Organized 1928 Address: Bisiatabu, Port Moresby, Papua. -Officers: Supt., W. N. Lock. Sec., C. J. Howell. Ministers: W. N. Lock, J. R. James. Licentiates: G. H. Engelbrecht, Nafitalai Navara, Maika Dauniika. C. J. Howell, C. E. Mitchell, W. Hooper. 133 Missionary Licentiates: Mrs. W. N. Lock, Mrs. C. E. Mitchell, Mrs. C. J. Howell, Mrs. G. H. Engelbrecht, Mrs. Alma Wiles, Mrs. Hooper. • SAMOAN MISSION Established 1895 (Included as part of the Central Polynesian Conference, 1916 to 1921; reorganized 1921.) Address: Apia, Samoa, Pacific Ocean. Licentiate: R. Reye. Missionary Licentiate: Mrs. R. Reye. SOLOMON ISLANDS MISSION Established 1914: Organized 1920 Address: Marovo Lagoon, via Tulagi, Solomon Islands, Pacific Ocean. Officers: Supt., G. Peacock. Sec. and Treas., A. R. Barrett. Ministers: G. Peacock, R. H. Tutty. Licentiates: D. H. Gray, A. F. Parker, A. R. Barrett, J. D. Anderson, A. J. Campbell, N. A. Ferris, W. 0. Broad. Missionary Licentiates: Mrs. R. H. Tutty, Mrs. A. F. Parker, Mrs. H. E. Barham, Mrs. A. R. Barrett, Mrs. D. H. Gray, Miss E. Totenhofer, H. E. Barham, Pana, Kere, Nagaha, Jugha, Gorapava, Kimi, Ragoso, Kioto, Mrs. A. J. Campbell, Mrs. N. A. Ferris, Mrs. G. Peacock, Mrs. J. D. Anderson, Mrs. W. 0, Broad. 134 AUSTRALASIAN DIVISION INSTITUTIONS IN THE AUSTRALASIAN UNION CONFERENCE Educational: Australasian Missionary College, Cooranbong, Nt S. W., Australia. Batuna Training School, Solomon Islands, Pacific Ocean. Buresala Training School, Buresala, Ovalau, Fiji, Pacific Ocean. Navuso Intermediate School, Wainibuka River, via Viria, Fiji. New Zealand Missionary School, Longburn, New Zealand. West Australian Missionary School, Carmel, West Australia. Publishing: Signs Publishing Co., Ltd., Warburton, Victoria, Australia. Fiji Mission Press, Suva, Fiji. Solomon Island Mission Press, Batuna, Marovo Lagoon, Solomon Islands. Eastern Polynesian Mission Press, Tipaerui, Papeete, Tahiti, Society Islands. Sanitariums: Sydney Sanitarium, Wahroonga, N. S. W., Australia. Warburton Sanitarium, Warburton, Victoria, Australia. Health Food Factories: Avondale Industries, Cooranbong, N. S. W., Australia. Grain Products, 659 Parramatta Rd., Leichhardt, New South Wales. New Zealand Health Food Factory, Papanui, Christchurch, New Zealand. Victorian Health Food Factory. Warburton, Victoria. Cerix Puffed Wheat Co., Ltd., 3 Parramatta Rd., Concord, New South Wales. Grain Products, 62 Randolph St., Auckland, New Zealand. Grain Products, Papanui, Christchurch, New Zealand. CENTRAL EUROPEAN DIVISION Organized at Darmstadt, Germany, 1928 INSTITUTIONS Educational: Czechoslovakian Mission School, Lodenicu, 51 p. Beroun u Prahy, Czechoslovakia. Friedensau Missionary Seminary, Friedensau, Post Grabow, Bez. Magdeburg, Germany. Marienhohe Seminary, Darmstadt-Marienhohe, Hessen, Germany. Neandertal Seminary for Ministerial and Missionary Students, Neandertal Post Mettmann, Rhineland, Germany. Church School: Friedensau, Post Grabow, Bez. Magdeburg. Persian Mission Training School, Sultanabad, Aragh, Persia. Liberian Mission Training School, c/o 0. A. C., Grande Bassa, Liberia. Tjimindi Training School, Opleidingsschool der Advent-Zending, Tjimindi, Bandoeng, Java, Netherlands East Indies. Department Secretaries: Publishing: Educational, Guy Dail. Bulgarian Publishing House, SoHome Miss., Sabbath School, and lunska 40, Sofia, Bulgaria. Y. P. M. V., R. Riihling. Czechoslovakian Pub. House Medical, Dr. L. E. Conradi, SaniKralovo Pole, Wilsonova 8, tarium " Waldfriede," AlsenBrno 12, Czechoslovakia. strasse 99-109, Berlin-ZehlenHamburg Publishing House, (Add orf -West, Germany. vent-Verlag E. V.), GrindelMinisterial Association. —. berg 15a, Hamburg 13, GerPublishing, H. Box. many. Holland Branch: (InternaMinisters: tional Advent-ZendingsgeH. F. Schuberth, Guy Dail, 0. nootschap), van Weede van Schildhauer, L. R. Conradi, H. Dijkveldstraat '77, The BOx, R. Riihling. Hague, Holland. Austrian Branch (Advent-VerLicentiate: lag E. V.) VII, WimbergerDr. L. E. Conradi. gasse 40, Vienna, Austria. Missionary Licentiates: Hungarian Branch: Vallasos Hulda Jost, P. Bridde, Laura Iratok Nemzetkozi KiadoHagelstein, Florence Fielding, hivatala, I, NOnzetvolgyi ut Clara Schulz. 12, Budapest, Hungary. 135 Territory: The East German, West German, and South German (formerly Central European), Hungarian, and the Czechoslovakian Union Conferences, the Netherlands East Indies, and the Arabic Union Missions, and Bulgaria, Greece, Albania, Turkey, Persia, Liberia, Rio de Oro, and Portuguese Guinea. Population: About 228,000,000; churches, 1,163; members, 43,720. Cable Address: Adventist, Berlin. Postal Address: Regensburgerstrasse 22, Berlin W. 50, Germany. Officers: Pres., H. F. Schuberth. Sec., Guy Dail. Treas., 0. Schildhauer. Auditor, P. A. Brandt, Campestr. 18, Hamburg 35, Germany. Trans. Agent, H. Drangmeister, Campestr. 18, Hamburg 35, Germany. 136 CENTRAL EUROPEAN DIVISION Netherlands East Indies Publishing House, Bandoeng, Java. Depositories: Egyptian Depository, Advent Villa, Rue Balasan, Mataria (Cairo), Egypt. Turkish Depository, Kutu 242, Be y oglu, Constantinople, Turkey. Greek Depository, Post Box 144, Salonica, Greece. Sanitariums: Bad Aibling Sanitarium, Kurhaus Wittelsbach, Oberbayern, Germany. Waldfriede Sanitarium, Alsenstrasse 99-109, Berlin-Zehlendorf, Germany. GERMAN INTER-UNION ASSOCIATION Organized 1927 Territory: Includes the East German, West German, and. South German Unions. Office Address: Regensburgerstrasse 22, Berlin W. 50, Germany. Officers: Pres., H. F. Schuberth. Sec., W. Muller. Treas., 0. Schildhauer. L. R. CA.mradi, J. Wintzen, E. Guel, A. Vollmer, H. Box. S. D. A. Welfare and Health Work in Germany. Leader, Miss Hulda Jost, Regensburgerstrasse 22, Berlin W. 50, Germany. ADVENT MISSION SOCIETY (Advent-Missionsgesellschaft E.V.) Grindelberg 15a, Hamburg 13, Germany. Organized 1913 Board: Pres., H. F. Schuberth. Vice-Pres., L. R. Conradi. Rec. Sec., 0. Schildhauer. Treas., 0. Schildhauer. Other Members: W. Hans, E. Gugel, W. Muller, Hans Fenner, A. Minek. GERMAN GOOD HEALTH ASSOCIATION "FRIEDENSAU" Organized 1927 Legal Name: Deutscher Verein fiir Gesundheitspflege " Friedensau," E. V. Sitz Berlin, Regensburgerstrasse 22, Berlin W. 50, Germany. Operates the Sanitarium at Zehlendorf, the Old People's Home, the Treatment Rooms, the Hostel and Home " Friedensheim " and eight Nurses' Homes in Germany. Officers: Pres., H. F. Schuberth. Sec. and Treas., 0. Schildhauer. Board of Trustees: H. F. Schuberth, 0. Schildhauer, L. R. Conradi, Hans Fenner, J. Wintzen, E. Gugel, A. Vollmer, Dr. med. L. E. Conradi, Dr. med. E. Meyer, Miss Elfriede Schroder. Institutions: " Waldfriede " Sanitarium and Clinic, Zehlendorf-West, Berlin, Alsenstrasse 99-109, Germany. Old People's Home (org. 1900). Manager, J. Esser, Friedensau, Post Grabow, Bez. Magdeburg, Germany. Hostel and Home " Friedensheim," Pappelallee 25, Berlin N, Germany; Manager, A. Reinhold. Treatment Rooms, Pantaleonswall 42-44, Cologne-Rhine, Germany. Nurses Homes: Berlin, Koblenzerstrasse 3, Germany. Breslau, Lobestr. 79, Germany. Chemnitz, Germany, (Reinhardstr. 26). CENTRAL EUROPEAN DIVISION Cologne, "Felicitas," Luxemburgerstr. 75, Germany. Dresden, Germany, (Stormstr. 2). Leipzig, Germany, (Humboldtstr. 17). Frankfurt/Main, Eschenheimer Anlage 32, Germany. Wiesbaden, Rheinstrasse 64, Germany. HAMBURG SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST ASSOCIATION (Hamburger Verein der SiebentenTag-Adventisten) 137 Grindelberg i5a, Hamburg, Germany (Legal society to hold all property of the denomination in Hamburg.) Officers: Pres., L. R. Conradi. Vice-Pres., H. F. Schuberth. Power of Attorney, A. Vollmer. Asst. Power of Attorney, Alice Kiissner. Other Members: W. Miiller, J. 1,Vintzen, Hans Fenner, E. Gugel, W. Krumm, 0. Schilderhauer. ARABIC UNION MISSION Organized November, 1927 Territory: Egypt, Northern AngloEgyptian Sudan, Arabia, Palestine, Transjordan, Cyprus, Syris, Irak, viz; Egypt, PalestineTransjordan, Syria, and Irak Missions. Population: 30,000,000; churches, 9; members, 264. Cable Address: Advent, Beyrouth. Postal Address (for all mail): Boite 595, Beyrouth, Syria. Office and Home Address: Rue St. Elie, Zaideniya, Moseitbi, Beyrouth, Syria. Officers: Supt., W. K. Ising. Acting Sec. and Treas., S. Bull. Mission Committee: W. K. Ising, Nils Zerne, S. Bull, W. G. Steffen, Bashir A. Hasso, C. H. C. Rieckmann, S. Nowfel. Department Secretaries: Field Miss. Sec., C. H. C. Rieckmann. Other Departments: W. Lesovsky. Minister: W. K. Ising. Licentiates: C. H. C. Rieckmann, S. Bull, W. Lesovsky. Institutions: Depository, Advent Villa, Mataria (Cairo), Egypt. Institute for Massage and Hydro-Electric Therapy, Jerusalem (Godfrey, 58 Misrara). EGYPTIAN MISSION Entered 1899 Territory: Egypt. Population: 14,000,000; churches," 5; members, 103. Address: Advent Villa, Mataria (Cairo), Egypt. Officers: Director, Nils Zerne. Mission Committee: Nils Zerne, E. Bethmann, Nashed Yacoub. Minister: Nils Zerne. Licentiates: E. G. Essery, E. Bethmann, Basta Bishai, Nashed Yacoub. 138 CENTRAL EUROPEAN DIVISION Missionary Licentiate: Samuel Farag. Church Schools: Cairo, Shoubra; Beni Adiat and Tetaliah, Upper Egypt. SYRIAN MISSION Entered 1899 Territory: Syria, Grand Lebanon, and Cyprus. Population: 3,000,000; churches, 2; members, 102. Address: Boite 595, Beyrouth, Syria. Officers: Director, W. K. Ising. Mission Committee: W. K. Icing, S. Bull, S. Nowfel. Ministers: W. K. Ising, S. Nowfel. Licentiate: S. Bull. Missionary Licentiate: Hanna Ibrahim. Church School: Beyrouth. Legal Assn.: General Conference Corporation of Seventh-day Adventists in Lebanon and Syria. IRAK MISSION Organized 1923 Territory: Irak. Population: 3,000,000; churches, 1; members, 25. Address: c/o Hasso Bros., Baghdad, Irak. Officers: Mission Committee: W. G. Steffen, E. Schubert, Bashir A. Hasso. Licentiates: W. G. Steffen, E. Schubert. Missionary Licentiates: S. Nojeimie, Marie Hiiners. Church School: Mosul. PALESTINE-TRANSJORDAN MISSION Organized 1929 Territory: Palestine and Trans-. jordan. Population: 1,200,000, churches, 1; members, 34. Address: Institute for Massage, Godfrey, 58 Misrara, Jerusalem. Officers: Under administration of Syrian Mission. Local Committee, E. Simon, I. ElKhalil, M. Haddad. Licentiates: E. Simon, Ibrahim ElKhalil. Missionary Licentiate: Bror Fiirnstrom. Church School: ElHusn. Treatment Rooms: Jerusalem: Institute for Massage and Hydro-Electric Therapy. Established 1899, suspended 1916, reopened 1929. Address, Godfrey, 58 .Misrara, Jerusalem. NurseS, Bror Fiirnstriim and Else Fernstrom. Publishing Houses: Arabic Literature Society, Advent Villa, Mataria, Cairo, Egypt. Secretary: C. H. C. Rieckmann. Hotel Directory: Egypt—Visitors are recommended to Windsor Hotel, Cairo. Palestine—Visitors are recommended to Almasie, Swiss Pension, Jerusalem. Beyrouth—Visitors are recommended to Hotel d'Europe, Port. CENTRAL EUROPEAN DIVISION 139 CZECHOSLOVAKIAN UNION CONFERENCE Organized 1919 Territory: Entire Republic, comprising the Moravia -Silesian, North Bohemian, Central Bohemian Conferences, and Slovakian Mission. Population: 13,614,000; churches, 100; members, 2,535. Office Address: Stfedni ul. 10, Brno, Czechoslovakia. Officers: Pres., M. H. Wentland. Sec. and Treas., J. Hrzebawetzky. Executive Committee: M. H. Wentland, Josef Popelka, F. A. Ludwig, A. E. Hanitzsch, Josef Doubraysky, Michael Gehann, Josef Schor, Josef Simon, Karel Polednik. Seventh-day Adventist Association: Manager, Joseph Doubraysky. Department Secretaries: Field Miss., Josef Popelka. Home Miss., Y. P. M. V., and Sabbath School, W. A. Heller. Ministers: M. H. Wentland, Josef Simon, Josef Popelka. Officers: Pres., Karel Polednik. Treas., Miss Auguste Reckziegel. Executive Committee: Karel Polednik, Josef Popelka, Josef Simon, Jaroslav Mokry, Karel Novak. Department Secretaries: Field Miss., Rudolf Regent. Sabbath School, Home Miss., and Y. P. M. V., W. A. Heller. Minister: Karel Polednik. Licentiates: Johannes Schwital, Pavel Raska, Josef Cepl. Missionary Licentiates: Jan Praian, Jaroslava Sachovii, Marta Adam, Frantisek Konvalina, Josef Londa. Church Directory: Pardubice, Karlova ul., Czechoslovakia. Prague (Praha-Kral. Vinohrady,) Londynskd 35, Czechoslovakia. Licentiate: W. A. Heller. MORAVIA-SILESIAN CONFERENCE Missionary Licentiate: Jan Hrzebawetzky. Territory: Moravia-Silesia. CENTRAL BOHEMIAN CONFERENCE Organized 1919. Territory: Central Bohemia. Population: 5,114,000; churches 17; members, 355. Office Address: Praha XI—Ziskov, Tomkova 31, Czechoslovakia. Organized 1919. Population: 3,500,000; churches, 35; members, 1,034. Office Address: Hulvaky, Mor. Ostrava, Riegrova 841, Czechoslovakia. Officers: Pres., J. DoubrayskS% Sec., — Treas., Miss Auguste Reckziegel. 140 CENTRAL EUROPEAN DIVISION Executive Committee: Josef Doubraysky, Jan Chordura, Ignac Kolonicny, Jan Kaleta, Josef Hurta. Department Secretaries: Field Miss., August Maslo. Sabbath School, Home Miss., and Y. P. M. V., W. A. Heller. Ministers: Josef Doubraysky, Richard Neumann, Jan Chodura, Jan Oborny. Missionary Licentiates: Marie Bujok, Rudolf Gomola, Alneta Martisov a, Vincenc Kroulfk, Moritz nisei, Alois Zurek, Frantisek Sumbera. Church Directory: Mor. Ostrava-Mar. Hory, Palackeh° 171, Czechoslovakia. NA-17g, Adventkapelle, Naysf 318, Czechoslovakia. Lazy, Adventkapelle, Lazy 519, Czechoslcivakia. Teschen, Adventkapelle, Holwegstrasse, Czechoslovakia. Prostredni Sucha, Adventkapelle, Prostredni Sucha 164, Czechoslovakia. Jablanka nad Beevou, Adventkapelle, Czechoslovakia. Brno, Strednf ul. 10, Czechoslovakia. FeLuvaid, Gast. H.edvika, Czechoslovakia. NORTH BOHEMIAN CONFERENCE Organized 1919. Territory: North Bohemia. Population: 2,500.000; churches, 30; members, 692. Office Address: Demantiusstrasse 10, Reichenberg, Czechoslovakia. Officers: Pres., Josef Schor. Sec., Max Hartmann. Treas., Marie Parthe. Executive Committee: Josef Schor, Heinrich Aberle, Eduard Seidl, Karl Taute, A. E. Hanitzsch. Department Secretaries: Field Miss., Rudolf Ortel. Sabbath School, Home Miss., and Y. P. M. V., W. A. Heller. Ministers: Josef Scher, Heinrich Aberle, Georg Geier, Franz Bohm, Bernhard Vietze, Karl Fleck. Missionary Licentiates: Max Hartmann, Thomas Neuwirth, Gustav Wagner, Adolf Kunert, Marta Schubert, Rudolf Ortel, Marie Parthe. Church Directory: Gablonz a. N. Advent Haus, Glasschleiferstr. 61. Hohenelbe, Advent Haus, Elbestr. 8. Reichenberg, Wehrgasse 22. Eger, Gaensbiihlstr. 7. Boehmisch Leipa, Postgasse 4. Kratzau, Neubau 299. Aussig, Theo. Kornerstr. 40. SLOVAKIAN MISSION Organized 1919. Territory: Slovakia and Carpathian Russia. Population: 3,600,000; churches, 18; members, 454. Office Address: Orlia 20, Kosice, Czechoslovakia. Officers: Supt., Michael Gehann. Sec., Pavel Surman. Treas., Miss Auguste Reckziegel. Executive Committee: Michael Gehann, Ladislav Cizmar, Pavel Surman, Josef Striba, Josef Broda. CENTRAL EUROPEAN DIVISION Department Secretaries: Field Miss., Pavel Surman. Home Miss., Y. P. M. V., and Sabbath School, W. A. Heller. Ministers: Michael Gehann, Karel Mokry, Vasil Cizmar. Missionary Licentiates: Anna Rus, Jan Gajan, Berta Zigmund, Irena Bacikova, Alexander Benovsky, Jan Rusnok, Tobids Zigmond. 141 Church Directory: Banska Bystrica, Bystrica Kupel e. Banska Stiavnica, Dolna ul. 230 B. IV. Beregsas, Rozsaskert 9. Bratislava, Palacky Promenade II. Ilija, Strba, e.islo 17. u. Banska Stiavnice. Ilnica, J. Kapitany, Podk. Rus. Kosice, Orlia ul. 20. Lipt. Sv. Mikulad, Klingerove Luky. EAST GERMAN UNION CONFERENCE Organized rgog Territory: The Berlin, East Prussian, March Lower Silesian, Northeast Saxonian, Pomeranian, Silesian, and West Saxonian Conferences. Population: About 21,350.000; churches, 397; members, 15,372. Office Address: Koblenzer Strasse 3, Berlin-Wilmersdorf, Germany. Officers: Pres., W. Mueller. See. and Treas., E. Maier. Auditor, P. Brandt. Executive Committee: W. Mueller, E. Bahr, J. Becker, H. Glass, F. Gutting, W. Hans, P. Horn, 0 Janert, F. Hambrock, R. Kath, W. Krumm, W. Knitter, E. Maier, Dr. E. Meyer, Dr. W. Michael, A. Mtiller, P. Stocker, H. Wittig. Legal Building Assn.: "Mitteldeutsche Grundstiicksgesellschaft in. b. H." Managers, W. Mueller, W. Hans. German S. D. A. Assn., Friedensail, Post Grabow, Bez. Magdeburg, Germany. Department Secretaries: Field Miss., W. Knitter. Home Miss., Y. P. M. V., and Sabbath School, H. Wittig. Medical, Dr. med. E. Meyer. Ministers: W. Mueller, H. Wittig, H. Kobs. Institution: Friedensau Missionary Seminary, Friedensau, Post Grabow, Bez, Magdeburg,' Germany. BERLIN CONFERENCE Organized 1920 Territory: Greater Berlin, Districts: West- and East-Havelland, West- and East-Priegnitz, Neuruppin, Niederbarnim, Jeri,, chow I and II, Zauch-Belzi, Magdeburg, Schonebeck, Wolmirstedt and Neuhaldensleben. Population: About 5,750,000; churches, 49; members, 3,102. Office Address: Koblenzer Strasse 3, Berlin-Wilmersdorf, Germany. Officers: Pres., P. St&ker. Sec. and Treas., R. Dliumichen. 142 CENTRAL EUROPEAN DIVISION Executive Committee: P. Stoecker, R. Daumichen, A. Mulack, G. Fradrich, K. Schwiederowitz, W. Oestreich, H. Langenstrassen, R. Magdefrau, F. A. Dorner. Department Secretaries: Field Miss., E. Schubert. Y. P. M. V., Sabbath School, and Home Miss., 0. Haase. Ministers: P. Stocker, A. Dorner, F. Raucke, A. Schenck, R. Mull-lichen, G. Freund, J. Bohlmann, 0. Haase, 0. Faetting, A. Behrens, W. Gtildenpfennig, P. Muller, M. Schmidt, C. Dietrich. Licentiates: R. Schafer, 0. Kiehnast. Missionary Licentiates: W. Wegwerth, G. ROnisch, E. Bartz, H. Rtistig, H. Vollrath, R. Dettmar, R. Seifert, Miss Martha Thtimmel, Miss Helene Junker, Mrs. E. Trusen, Mrs. Klara Horn. Church Directory: Berlin-Wilmersdorf, Koblenzer Strasse 3; K. Diirschner. Berlin - Centrum, Lottumstrasse 9/10; H. Herkt. Berlin-Osten, Weidenweg 36; A. Mulack. Berlin-Stidosten, Wiener Strasse 17; E. .1-77,,z.:*1, Berlin-Charlottenburg, Kantstrasse 43. Berlin-Spandau, B o r k u m e r Strasse 1; W. Oestreich. Berlin-Steglitz, Ahornstrasse 27; G. Friidrich. EAST PRUSSIAN CONFERENCE Organized 1903 Territory: Provinces of East Prussian, Freistaat Danzig. Population: 2,850.000; churches, 66; members, 2,070. Office Address: Tiergartenstrasse 23, Konigsberg i/Pr., Germany. Officers: Pres., F. Hambrock. Sec. and Treas., F. Andersson. Executive Committee: F. Hambrock, G. Dobinski, J. Heimann, F. May, H. Brinkmann. Department Secretaries: Field Miss., J. Morenings. Home Miss., Y. P. M. V., and Sabbath School, H. Brinkmann. Ministers: F. Hambrock, H. Brinkmann, M. Zielinski, W. Gauger, H. Korsch, W. •Kloss, E. Rathke, A. Arnold, H. Neumann. Licentiates: K. Pansegrau, P. Behrendt, F. Binder. Missionary Licentiates: P. Kopping, H. Dombrowski, J. Ganz, G. Suckert, K. Wagner. Church Directory: Danzig, Brotbankengasse 36, F. Girnus., Elbing, Roonstrasse 8; G. Tilinski. Konigsberg i-Pr., Freystrasse 12; J. Urgien. Tilsit, Goldschmiedestrasse 12; H. Muller. MARCH LOWER SILESIAN CONFERENCE Organized Jan. 1, 1929 Territory: Districts . of Liegnitz, Upper and Lower-Lausitz, Grenzmark and the territory of province Brandenbourg without the districts belonging to the Berlin and Pomeranian Conferences. About 2,350,000; Population: churches, 56; members, 1,634. Office Address: Cottbus, Kasier Wilhelm Platz 46, Germany. CENTRAL EUROPEAN DIVISION 143 Officers: Pres., H. Glass. Sec., W. Schmieder. Treas., F. Vogt. Executive Committee: H. Glass, B. Schofield, A. Rebensburg, W. Schade, W. SchOley. Officers: Pres., A. Muller. Sec. and Treas., E. Kermer. Executive Committee: A. Muller. M. Budnick, R. Volzke, R. Scholz, B. Neuhaus, K. Donath, M. Fischer. Department Secretaries: Field Miss., A. Kiessling. Y. P. M. V., Sabbath School, and Home Miss., A. Rebensburg. Ministers: H. Glass, E. Dwehus, A. Rebensburg, R. Dietrich, A. Wachholz, W. Radke, E. Schwercke. Department Secretaries: Field Miss., R. Volzke. Y. P. M. V., Sabbath School, and Home Miss., M. Budnick. Licentiates: W. Schmieder, K. Keller, H. Langner, K. Hoffmann, F. Meyer. Missionary Licentiates: A. Brendel, H. Schaper, H. Wergien, H. Hummel, G. Nitzschke. Church Directory: Cottbus, Kaiser Wilhelm Platz 46. A. Wachholz. Gorlitz, Berlinstrasse 10; A. Weiss. Bunzlau, Gnadenbergerstrasse 28. W. Kohlmann. Glogau, Hotel Hindenburg, A. Mosick. Guben, Lindengraben 18, R. Dietrich. Wittenberg-Lutherstadt, Coswigerstrasse 5, Schuhmacher. NORTHEAST SAXONIAN CONFERENCE Organized 1919 Territory: District of Dresden, Bautzen, and Leipzig. Population: About 3.000.000; churches, 49; members, 2,207. Office Address: Osthahnstrasse 9 I., Dresden-A., Germany. Ministers: A. Miiller, M. Budnick, R. Lusky, A. Krautschick, R. Schroder, W. Schwenecke. K. Jonuleit, J. Brzezinski, N. R. Patzig, F. Heinrich. W. Thalmann, W. Muller, J. Beier. Licentiates: M. Ballack, K. Mager. Missionary Licentiates: 0. Krause, K. Erlecke, G. Piwarz, G. Lehmann, H. Serno, A. Burger, W. Racker, H. Richter, W. Irmer, Miss Elfriede Melchior, Miss Getrud Ackermann. Church Directory: Dresden—A., Bernhardstr. 2. Dresden-Joh., Johannesstrasse 3; M. Thiermann. Leipzig. Johannisplatz 5, E. Gross. Zittau, Hospitalkirche. POMERANIAN CONFERENCE Organized 1901 Territory: Province of Pomerania, Districts of Friedeberg, Soldin, Arnswalde, Landsberg a/W., Konigsberg NM. Oberbarnim, Angermlinde, Templin, Prenzlau and North Grenzmark. Population: About 2,500,000; churches, 59; members, 1,781. Office Address: Barnimstrasse 10 I., Stettin, Germany. 144 CENTRAL EUROPEAN DIVISION Officers: Pres., 0. Janert. Sec. and Treas., M. Jiickel. Executive Committee: 0. Janert, Fr. Schroder, F. Gotting, R. Kath, P. Schramm. Department Secretaries: Field Miss., F. KOpper. Home Miss., Y. P. M. V., and Sabbath School, H. Schluttig. Ministers: 0. Janert, F. Gotting, W. Tribbensee, E. Jager, H. Dietrich, W. Derlath, W. Schulz, D. Brinkmann, 0. Bauscher, H. Schluttig. Licentiate: 0. Bahr. Missionary Licentiates: A. Porsch, C. Maier, W. Quass, Fr. Leskien, K. Dobinski, Miss Margarete Soyk. Church Directory: Stettin-Nord, Politzer Strasse 45; P. Kraatz. Stettin-Siid, Wilhelmstrasse 20; R. Kath. Stralsund, Bleistrasse 9; Fr. Schroder. Swinemiinde, Schulstrasse 27; H. Wiedemann. Kolberg, I. Pfannenschmiede 18 T hoi. gn ceo• 0 Fronk Eberswalde, Schicklerstr. 48; F. Seltrecht. Landsberg a/W. Bohm-Strasse 15. S. Kohl. SILESIAN CONFERENCE Organized 1907 Territory: Upper Silesia, and districts of Breslau, Liegnitz and Hirschberg. Officers: Pres., P. Horn. Sec., A. Heumann. Treas., E. Tulaszewski. Executive Committee: P. Horn, J. Becker, A. Lieberwirth, E. Nather, W. Milke. Department Secretaries: Field Miss., J. Kanzoek. Home Miss., V. P. M. V., and Sabbath School, A. Heumann. Ministers: P. Horn, E. Nailer, F. Grellmann, A. Walter, G. Petzold, A. Langholf, H. Hufnagel, W. Noack. Licentiates: A. Heumann, Jos. Ganz. Missionary Licentiates: W. Adamsky, E. Zschocke, W. Sudhoff, P. Jurke, W. Ludwig, Miss B. v. Kondratowicz. Church Directory: Breslau-Siid, Clausewitz-Strasse 25, E. Feder. Liegnitz, Viktoriastrasse 15; Willy Milke. Waldenburg, Kreuzstrasse 3a; K. Biller. AtretzKarlshiirg 117 PreCiala nen Schmiedeberg, Friedrich-Strasse 44b, F. Jurke. Strehlen, Waldgasse la. H. Liebal. Toppendorf, Kr. Strehlen, G. Schramm. WEST SAXONIAN CONFERENCE Organized 1920 Population: About 3,750,000; churches, 46; members, 1,745. Territory: District of Chemnitz and Zwickau. Office Address: Hubenstrasse 64. II, Breslau 23, Germany. Population: 2,000,000; churches, 71; members, 2,541. CENTRAL EUROPEAN DIVISION Cable and Telegraphic Address: Adventhaus, Chemnitz. Office Address: Adventhaus, Hans Sachsstrasse 9, Chemnitz, Germany. Officers: Pres., E. Bahr. Sec., R. Scheibitz. Treas.. M. Dargel. Executive Committee: E. Bahr, R. Scheibitz, A. Krautschick, E. Lippert, R. Queck, F. Neunes, M. Baier. Department Secretaries: Field Miss., E. User. Home Miss., Y. P. M. V., and Sabbath School, R. Scheibitz. Ministers: E. Bahr, E. Krautschick, R. Scheibitz, B. Westhofer, J. Salatzkat, 0. Pa,nzig, E. Pistorius, B. Neef, K. Thiele, M. Hochmuth, W. Rustig. 145 Licentiates: T. Bottcher, P. Haufe, E. Kok, W. Oswald, A. Missionary Licentiates: R. Biller, W. Schubert, F. Dombrowski, J. Klingbeil, E. Rahn, K. Kohler, H. Schramm, Miss Anita Broszat, Miss Anna Illing, Miss Frieda Korduan. Church Directory: Chemnitz, Hans - Sachs - Strasse, Adventhaus. Plauen Hammerstrasse 99; F. Neunes. SCHOOL CHURCH Territory: Friedensau. Office Address: Koblenzerstr. 3, Berlin-Wilmersdorf, Germany. Officers: E. Maier. Auditor, P. A. Brandt. Minister: H. Kobs. HUNGARIAN UNI ON CONFERENCE Organized 1917; reorganized igz5 Territory: Hungary, viz.,East and Central Hungarian Conferences and West Hungarian Mission. Population: 8,000.000; churches, 69; members, 1,877. Telegraph Address: " Advent," Budapest. Office Address: Szekely Bertalan ucca 13, Budapest VI. Hungary. (Telephone, A. 195-18.) Officers: Pres., A. Minck. Sec., J. Jenik. Treas., H. Stein. Executive Committee: A. Minck, A. Zeiner, H. Stein, A. Wicklein, K. Sohlmann, D. Zarka, M. Voigt. Legal Assn.: Building Society " Koch 6s Tarsa, Budapest VI, Szekely Bertalan ucca 13. Manager, A. Minck. Department Secretaries: Field Miss., A. Wicklein, Home Miss., Y. P. M. V., and Sabbath School, D. Zarka. Ministers: A. Minck, D. Zarka. Licentiate: J. Jenik. Institution: Hungarian Publishing House (Branch of Hamburg Publishing House) Budapest I, N6metvolgyiut. 12, Hungary. 146 CENTRAL EUROPEAN DIVISION CENTRAL HUNGARIAN CONFERENCE Organized 1925. Territory: Pest-, Csongrdd-, Fejdr-, Komarom-, Esztergom-, NOgrad-, Bdes- and Hont-Comitates. Population: 3,375,000; churches, 26; members, 887. Office Address: Margit kora 58. I. 3, Budapest II, Hungary. (Telephone, Ant. 574-91.) Officers: Pres., A. Zeiner. Sec. and Treas., Miss Ch. Greiner. Executive Committee: A. Zeiner, A. Rodz, L. Egyed, F. Bird, F. Toth. Department Secretaries: Field Miss., F. TOth. Home Miss., Sabbath School, and Y. P. M. V., D. Zarka. Ministers: A. Zeiner, L. Michnay, L. Bajor. Licentiate: L. Haldsz. Missionary Licentiates: J. Pechtol, K. Berzenczei, T.'Danhauser, J. Szabo, Mrs. M. Roth, Miss M. Bajor. Church Directory: Budapest VI. Szekely. Bertalan utca 13, Hungary. Budapest II. Margit kora 58.1.3. Hungary. Budapest VIII. Baross utca 88 fsz.3. Hungary. Budapest X, Szt, Laszlo-tdr 7. Kiopest, Battyanyi utca 59. EAST HUNGARIAN CONFERENCE Organized 1925. Territory: Heves-, Borsdd-, Szatmar-, HajdA-, Bihar-, Bads-, Csandd-, Jasznagykun-, Szolnok-, GOmOr-, Bereg-, Arad-, TorontalComitates. Population: 2,500,000; churches, 30; members, 785. Office Address: Fabian-utea 5, Miskolc, Hungary. Officers: Pres., K. Sohlmann. Sec. and Treas., Miss M. Erdocli. Executive Committee: K. Sohlmann, A. Murdnyi, F. Albrecht, B. Jeszenszky, I. Poresin. Department Secretaries: Field Miss., P. Farkas. Sabbath School, Y. P. M. V., and Home Miss., D. Zarka. Ministers: K. Sohlmann, A. Murdnyi, F. Albrecht, T. Stoics. Licentiates: M. Buzgo, A. Fodor. Missionary Licentiates: S. Jubasz, A. Debreczeni, Miss E. Lovass, Miss M. Herczeg. Church Directory: Miskolc, Fabirtn-utca 5, Hungary. Rekes, Kert-utca 1, Hungary. Sarkad, Zsibongd utca 611, Hungary. Bekescsaba, Jdkai-utca 28, Hungary. Battonya, VAsdr-utca 141, Hungary. WEST HUNGARIAN MISSION Organized 1926 Territory: Baranya-, Somogy-, Tolna-, Zala-, Vas-, Sopron-, Moson-, Veszprem-, and Gy6rComitates. Population: 2,125,000; churches, 13; members, 205. Office Address: Bisinger-setany 10. fsz 3, Gyor, Hungary. CENTRAL EUROPEAN DIVISION Officers: Supt., M. Voigt. Sec. and Treas., A. Katona. Executive Committee: M. Voigt, T. Berghauer, A. Katona. Department Secretaries: Field Miss., L. Lenk. Sabbath School, Home Miss., and Y. P. M. V., D. Zarka. 147 Minister: M. Voigt, T. Berghauer. Licentiate: A. Katona. Missionary Licentiate: Mrs. I. Veszpr6mi. Church Directory: Bisinger-setany 10. fsz 3, Gyor, Hungary. NETHERLANDS EAST INDIES UNION MISSION Organized 1929 Territory: Netherlands East Indies. Population: 51,013,878; churches, 69; members, 2,124. Cable and Telegraphic Address: Advent, Bandoeng. Code: A. B. C. 5th Edition. (Telephone, Bandoeng 445.) Office Address: Advent Zendingsgenootschap in N. 0. I., Hoofdkwartier, Naripan 72, Bandoeng, Java, Netherlands East Indies. Officers: Supt., B. Ohme. Sec., Treas., and Auditor, H. Schell. Executive Committee: B. Ohme, H. E. R. Schell, P. Drinhaus, A. H. Zimmermann, H. Eelsing (on furlough), D. S. Kime (on furlough), I. C. Schmidt, MT. J. Kolling, H. Twynstra, F. Dittmar, Tan Kiem Siang, Th. Rondonuwu. Department Secretaries: Educational, B. Ohme. Field and Home Miss., P. Drinhaus. Medical, —. Y. P. M. V., P. Drinhaus. Sabbath School, P. Drinhaus. Ministers: B. Ohme, P. Drinhaus, H. Eelsing (on furlough), S. Rantoeng. Licentiates: H. E. R. Schell, L. M. D. Wortman, K. Mandias. AMBON MISSION Organized 1929 Territory: Residencies Amboina, Timor, New Guinea. Population: 1,680,000; churches, 4; membership, 143. Cable and Telegraphic Address: " Advent," Ambon. Office Address: Advent Zendingsgenootschap in N. 0. I., District Ambon, Ambon, Molukken, Netherlands East Indies. Officers: Director, Under direction of the Union Committee. Sec. and Treas., K. Tilstra. Executive Committee: Union Committee. Licentiate: K. Tilstra. Missionary Licentiates: S. Kailola, L. Tuasuun. 148 CENTRAL EUROPEAN DIVISION BATAKLAND MISSION Organized 1927 Territory: Residency of Tapanoeli. Population: 896,868; churches, 6; membership, 135. Office Address: Advent Zendingsgenootschap in N. 0. I. Afdeeling Batakland, Sipogoe, via Sipirok, Sumatra, Netherlands East Indies. Officers: Director: D. S. Kime (on furlough). Acting Director: G. A. Wood. Sec. and Treas., G. A. Wood. Executive Committee: D. S. Kime (on furlough), G. A. Wood, A. Mamora, Mangaradja Laoet, Kr. Pandjaitan. Officers: Director, W. J. Kolling. Sec. and Treas., W. J. K611ing. Executive Committee: W. J. Chr. L. Sondakh, A. Laloan, G. D. Liem, W. Pandelaki, S. Lintang, N. Mantiri. Departmental Secretaries: Field Sec., Chr. L. Sondakh. Home Miss., G. D. Liem. Sabbath School, G. D. Liem. Minister: W. J. Kiilling. Missionary Licentiates: G. D. Liem, W. Pandelaki, A. Londa, P. M. K. Tan, J. Soemaikoe, Serfius Rantoeng, Ch. L. Sondakh, Ph. Kalitouw. Church School Teachers: R. 0. Walean, A. Sakul. Ministers: D. S. Kime (on furlough), G. A. Wood. EAST JAVA MISSION Missionary Licentiates: S. L. Pandjaitan, Kr. Pandjaitan, U. H. Manullang, K. Tamboenan, H. M. Burian, Baginda Manggojang, K. Pohan, L. Ritonga. Church School Teachers: A. Mamora. W. 14nAtApp., S. Ritonga, A. Hasiboean. Territory: Residencies of Semarang, Kedoe, Djokjakarta, Soerakarta, Madioen, Kediri, Soerabaia, Madoera, Pasoeroean, Besoeki, Southeast Borneo, with Islands to East of Java up to and includinc, Timm' CELEBES MISSION Organized 1923 Territory: Celebes, Halmahera Islands. Population: 3,250,000; churches, 22; membership, 600. Cable Address: "Advent," Menado. Office Address: Advent Zendingsgenootschap in N. 0. I., Afdeeling Celebes, Kemaweg 153, Menado, Celebes, Netherlands East Indies, Organized 1913 Population: 30,578,730; churches, 12; membership, 516. Cable Address: "Advent," Soerabaia. Office Address: Advent Zendingsgenootschap in N. 0. I., Afdeeling Oost-Java, Tandjoeng Anom 3, Soefabaia, Java, Netherlands East Indies. (Telephone, Soerabaia 4087 Z.) Officers: Director, A. H. Zimmermann. Sec. and Treas., F. Lutam. Executive Committee: A. H. Zimmerman, F. Lutam, I. C. CENTRAL EUROPEAN DIVISION Schmidt, Tan Kiem Siang, Liem Soen Ho, C. J. v. h. Oostende. Department Secretaries: Field Miss:, C. J. v. h. Oostende. Sabbath School, —. Ministers: A. H. Zimmermann, I. C. Schmidt. Licentiate: H. Aritonang. Missionary Licentiates: F. Lutam, P. Pietersz, P.R. Goeltom, S. H. Pandjaitan, C. J. v. h. Oostende, S. Silitonga, M. Tamboenan, M. A. Lodo, D. Kartodihardjo, A. J. Pangkei, P. Simandjoentak, M. Sormin, Oei Giok Kim-nio, Emmanuel, Mrs. A. Kauffman, Bong Hong. NORTH SUMATRA MISSION Organized 1917 Territory: Residencies of East Coast, Atjeh, Riouw. Population: 2,015,551; churches, 2; membership, 43. Cable and Telegraphic Address: "Advent," Medan. Office Address: Advent Zendingsgenootschap in N. 0. I. Afdeeling Noord Sumatra, Kartinilaan 17, Medan, Sumatra, Netherlands East Indies. (Telephone, Medan 1237.) Officers: Director, Under direction of the Union. Sec. and Treas., F. Kramp. Executive Committee: Union Committee. Licentiate: F. Kramp. Missionary Licentiates: J. Anton, A. Siregar. 149 PADANG MISSION Organized 1929 Territory: Residency of West Coast of Sumatra. Population: 1,522,240; churches, 2; membership, 85. Cable and Telegraphic Address: Advent," Padang. Office Address: Advent Zendingsgenootschap in N. 0. I. District Padang, Zeestraat 8, Padang, Sumatra, Netherlands East Indies. Officers: Director, Under direction of the Union Committee. Sec. and Treas., J. H. Stuivenga. Executive Committee: Union Committee. Licentiate: J. H. Stuivenga. Missionary Licentiates: P. J. Simorangkir, Lathou Zega. SOUTH SUMATRA MISSION Organized 1929 Territory: Residencies of Bengkoelen, Billiton, Bangka, Djambi, Palembang, Lampongsche Districten. Population: 1,530,000; churches, 10; membership, 224. Cable and Telegraphic Address: " Advent," Palembang. Office Address: Advent Zendingsgenootschap in N. 0. I. Afdeeling Zuid-Sumatra, 10 Ilir, No. 28, Palembang, Sumatra, Netherlands East Indies. Officers: Director, F. Dittmar. Sec. and Treas., F. Dittmar. 150 CENTRAL EUROPEAN DIVISION Executive Committee: F. Dittmar, C. Dencher, Tnjo Kiem Beng. Department Secretary: Educational and Field Miss., F. Dittmar. Minister: F. Dittmar. Missionary Licentiates: M. Sibadogil, Z. Tuasuun, E. Losu, B. C. Dompas, J. J. Merkus. WEST JAVA MISSION Organized 1913 Territory: Residencies of Bantam, Batavia, Cheribon, Pekalongan, Banjoemas, Preanger, West Coast of Borneo. Population: 10,292,376; churches, 10; membership, 354. Cable and Telegraphic Address: " Advent," Bandoeng. Office Address: Advent Zendingsgenootschap in N. 0. I., Afdeeling West Java, Naripan 72, Bandoeng, Java, Netherlands East Indies. (Telephone, in Weltevreden: Weltevreden 5924.) Officers: Director, P. Drinhaus. Secretary, H. Twijnstra. Treas., P. Drinhaus. Executive Committee: P. Drinhaus, H. Twijnstra, H. B. Meelhuyzen, K. Mandias, A. de Jager, W. de Nijs, M. Kauntul. Departmental Secretaries: Field Miss., Dj.. Laloan. Ministers: H. Twijnstra, A. F. E. GalmanMatzen, M. Kauntul. Licentiate: S. Pattikawa. Missionary Licentiates: Lee Kwet Thin, Lo Thou Nyen, A. Hoetapea, A. N. Manoppo, Joh. E. Jacob, E. W. Silitonga, Dj. Laloan, V. E. Siwy, Mrs. Tan Ek Yu, P. Kairupan. Church Directory: Weltevreden: Sawohlaan 25. DETACHED STATION MAKASSAR Address: 3de. Renggangweg 10, Makassar, Celebes, Netherlands East Indies. In Charge: S. Rantoeng. Churches: 1; membership, 24. SOUTH GERMAN UNION CONFERENCE Organized 1912 Territory: Wurtemberg, Baden, Bavaria, Hessia, Rhine, Palatinate, Republic Austria, viz., the Austrian, Baden, Central Rhenish, North Bavarian, South Bavarian, and Wurtemberg Conferences and the Marienhoehe School Church. Population: 21,865,000; churches, 178; membership, 8,525. Telegraphic Address: Tizianstr. 18, Munich, Bavaria, Germany. Office Address: Tizianstr. 18, Munich, Bavaria, Germany. Officers: Pres., Emil Gugel. Treas., Helene Kofink. Office Sec., Gisela Griinzeug. Auditor, P. A. Brandt. Executive Committee: E. Gugel, J. Braun, G. Seng, W. Schick, A. W. Mueller, G. Mai, A. Sa,chsenmeyer, 0. Schuberth, M. Busch, A. Posch, K. Kafitz. CENTRAL EUROPEAN DIVISION Department Secretaries: Educational, Otto Schuberth. Field Miss., A. Posch. Sabbath School, Home Miss., and Y. P. M. V., M. Busch. Ministers: E. Gugel, 0. Schuberth, M. Busch. South German Building Association. Manager and Bookkeeper, Wilhelm Amelung. Committee: E. Gugel, G. Seng, W. Schick, G. Mai, A. Sachsenmeyer, W. A. Mueller, W. Amelung, A. Posch, K. Kafitz. South German Health Association: Committee: E. Gugel, W. Schick, G. Seng, P. Schwaderer, W. Amelung. AUSTRIAN CONFERENCE Organized 1921 Territory: The Austrian Republic. Population: 6,665,000; churches, 25; members, 1,191. Office: Pelzgasse 2-10, Vienna XV, Austria. Officers: Pres., J. Braun. Treas., Berta Bruscha, Auditor, H. Kofink. Executive Committee: J. Braun, K. Floder, J. Miihlbacher, K. Brich, F. Hasel. Department Secretaries: Field Miss., F. Hasel. Sabbath School, Home Miss., and Y. P. M. V., L. S'chneebauer. Ministers: J. Braun, Fr. Gruber, A. Wegner, A. Weinert, J. Miihlbacher, L. Schneebauer, P. Weinand, 0. Saur. 151 Licentiates: Fr. Lubschina, E. Schwarz. Missionary Licentiates: R. Lohner, F. Fleck, H. Schnotzinger, Miss A. Klisch, Miss- E. Gritsch, Miss R. Halounek, Miss M. Brunner. Church Directory: Chapels : Voitsberg, Austria. Vienna New Town, Austria. Meeting Halls: Vienna VII, Wimbergergasse 46, Austria. Vienna IX, Nussdorferstr. 4, Austria. Vienna IV, Grosse Neugasse 44, Austria. Vienna III, Landstr-Hauptstr. 21, Austria. Graz, Mehlplatz 2, Austria. Salzburg, Rudolfskai 34, Austria. Innsbruck, Tempelstr. 7, Austria. Linz, Hirschgasse 66, Austria. BADEN CONFERENCE Organized 1912; reorganized 1922 Territory: Baden. Population: 2,500,000; churches, 20; members, 916. Office: Kriegsstr. 84, Karlsruhe i/Baden, Germany. Officers: Pres., G. Mai. Treas., Lydia Rein. Auditor, Helene Kofink. Executive Committee: G. Mai, L. Krug, W. Kohler, K. Kafitz, F. Riedlinger. Department Secretaries: Field Miss., Fr. Riedlinger. Sabbath School, Home Miss., and Y. P. M. V., G. Mai. Ministers: G. Mai, L. Krug, H. Schwarz, H. Zimmermann. 152 CENTRAL EUROPEAN DIVISION Licentiates: E. Ado1p, A. Henger, W. Binanzer. Missionary Licentiates: A. Ulrich, Miss A. Gutmann. Church Directory: Chapels: Karlsruhe i/B., Kriegsstr. 84, Germany. Grotzlingen, near Durlach, Baden, Germany. Meeting-Halls: Baden-Baden, Gernsbacherstr. 57. Heidelberg, Friedrichstr. 13, Germany. Konstanz, a. B., Stefansplatz 41, Germany. Durlach 01, Mittelstr. 12, Germany. Freiburg i/Br., Freiau 101, Germany. Lahr i/B., Rossgasse 4, Germany. Lorrach, i/B., Rainstr. 21, Germany. Radolfzell, Allweilerstr. 33, Germany. Pforzheim, Bleichstr. 21, Germany. Rastatt, i/B., Ludwig, Wilhelmplatz 3, Germany. Schopfheim i/B., Austr. 1, Germany. Mannhaini J. 1, 14, c...,,rmany. CENTRAL RHENISH CONFERENCE Organized 1920 Ministers: A. W. Muller, K. Gifizer, R. Lange, E. Mayer, W. FUrle. Licentiate: A. Stammberger. Missionary Licentiates: Fr. Pfingstl, H. Nau, H. Walter, E. Schank, Miss H. Klages, Miss L. Furst, Miss Th. Edenweger. Church Directory: Chapels: Frankfurt/Main, Eschenheimer Anlage 32, Germany. Wiesbaden, Rheinstr. 64, Germany. Ludwigshafen/Rh. Graf enauerstr. 47, Germany. Meeting-Halls: Frank f ur t/M a i n , Seckbacherlandstr. 16, Germany. Darmstadt, Waldstr. 18, Ger-_ many. Mainz, Gaustr. 52, Germany. Offenbach, Ludwigstr. 78, Germany. Hanau, Steinheimerstr. 26a, Germany. Kaiserslautern, Kanalstr. 19, Germany. Pirmasens, Zweibriickenstr. 26, Germany. Neustadt a/H., Pflanzbankstr. 2, Germany. Vv-orms a/Rh., karolingerstr. U, Germany. Langenselbold, Felgenstr. 30, G ermany. Giessen, An den MUhlen 2, Germany. Fulda, Kanalstr. 29, Germany. Territory: The provines of HessiaDarmstadt and Rhinehessia, of the Hessia-Nassau Province: St. Goarshausen, Untertaunus, Obertaunus, Rhinegau districts, also Wiesbaden and Frankfort. Of the Hessia Province: Hanau district, Rhine Palatinate, Upper Hessia. Organized 1919 Territory: "Upper, Central, and Lower Frankonia, Upper Palatinate, excepting Regensburg. Population: 5,000,000; churches, 28; members, 1,475. Population: 3,200,000; churches, 24; members, 1,210. NORTH BAVARIAN CONFERENCE CENTRAL EUROPEAN DIVISION Office: Eschenheimer Anlage Frankfurt-Main, Germany. 32, Officers: Pres., A. W. Midler. Sec., E. Mayer. Treas., Frieda Definer. Auditor, H. Kofink. Executive Committee: A. W. Muller, X. Golzer, P. Hanke, F. Fritz, R. Grabner. Office: Hinterm Bahnhof 30, :Nuremberg, Bavaria, Germany. 153 Nuremberg, Mumkerstr. 5, Germany. Bayreuth, Richard Wagnerstr. 321/2, Germany. Hof a. S., Marienstr. 67, Germany. Wiirzburg, Sofienstr. 17, Ger• many. SOUTH BAVARIAN CONFERENCE Organized 1919 Officers: Pres., A. Sachsenmeyer. Treas., Miss. A. Bussinger. Auditor, Miss H. Kofink, Executive Committee: A. Sachsenmeyer, F. Diirr, W. Reinhold, G. Barth, J. Lohel. Territory: Upper and Lower Bava- Department Secretaries: Office Address: Jsartalstr. 40, Munich, Bavaria, Germany. Field Miss., A. Schneider. Sabbath School, Home Miss., and Y. P. M. V., A. Sachsenmeyer. Ministers: A. Sachsenmeyer, K. Sinz, R. Miiller, F. Darr, A. von Wallenstern, W. Gemeinhardt, E. Kuschel. Licentiate: M. Ganzleben. Missionary Licentiates: M. Schwab, F. Reider, F. Schrattenholzer, G. Zollmann, Miss M. Scheibenberger. Church Directory: Chapels: Nuremberg, Hinterm, Bahnhof 30, Germany. Rothenburg o/T., Johannitergasse 18, Germany. Meeting-Halls: Nuremberg, Kohlenhofstr. 12/I Germany. Nuremberg, Krelingstr. 47, Hths., Germany. ria, Swabia, Neuburg, and the southern part of the Upper Palatinate, including Regensburg. Population: 4,200,000; churches, 36; members, 1,926. Officers: Pres., W. Schick. Treas., Aurelie Hiibsch. Auditor, Miss H. Kofink. Executive Committee: W. Schick, F. C. Grieser, K. Gall, A. Zelzer, Dr. A. Rosenthal, J. A. Zuber, F. Eilers. • Department Secretaries: Field Miss., J. A. Zuber. Sabbath School, Home Miss., and Y. P. M. V., W. Loenz. Ministers: W. Schick, G. F. Horner, J. F. Grieser, F. C. Grieser, M. POnig, L. Aberle, M. Priill, 0. Kelle, G. Knecht. Licentiates: E. Berner, W. Lorenz, P. Haas. Missionary Licentiates: J. G. Sommer, G. Bohm, Miss K. Westenberger, Miss J. Baschenegger, W. Gast, Miss J. Marx, Miss M. Kuffer. 154 CENTRAL EUROPEAN DIVISION Church Directory: Chapels: Munich, Tizianstr. 18, Germany. Munich, Jsartalstr. 40, Germany. Munich, Innere Wienerstr. 34, Germany. Augsburg, Oberes Kreuz F 357, Germany. Meeting-Halls: Munich, Klenzestr. 34, Germany. Munich, Theresienstr. 148, Germany. Augsburg, Katharinengasse, Germany. Kempten, Vogtstr. 31, Germany. Jngolstadt, Donaukaserne, Germany. Penzberg, Neubau Mandl, Germany. Regensburg, Weingasse 2, Germany. Braunau - Simbach, Stadtplatz, Germany. Nordlingen, Kammgasse B 96, Germany. Memmingen, Lindentorstr. 20 Germany. Landshut, Schwimmschulstr. 14, Germany. Jmmenstadt, Kempterstr. 241, Germany. WURTEMBERG CONFERENCE Organized 1912 Territory: Wurtemberg including Hohenzollern—Sigmaringen. Population: 3,000.000; churches, 44; members, 1,622. Office: Hasenbergstr. 75, Stuttgart, Germany. Officers: Pres., G. Seng. Treas., Miss Johanna Walz. Auditor, Miss Helene Kofink. Executive Committee: G. Seng, J. Muth, G. Hofer, E. Fuchs, A. Ansel, St. Geiger, W. Strebel. Department Secretaries: Field Miss., Ernst Fuchs. Sabbath School, Home Miss., and Y. P. M. V., 0. Neubauer. Ministers: G. Seng, J. Muth, R. Werner, H. Schulte, 0. Neubauer, Fr. Gregorius, A. Ansel, D. Eicher. Licentiate: H. Zettwoch. Missionary Licentaites: K. Adolph, H. Noltze, Fr. Roth, G. Schweizer, A. Haag, Miss A. Koehle, Miss E. Wagner, Miss E. Kiispert. Church Directory: Chapels: Stuttgart, Bergstr. 22, Germany. Meeting-Halls: Stuttgart, Schwarenbergstr. 83. Stuttgart, Furtbachstr. 12, Germany. Freudenstadt, Forststr. 20, Germany. Heilbronn a/N. Allee 64, Germany. Ulm a/D., Friedenskapelle, Germany. Tubingen, Friedrichstr. 4, Germany. a9vtems.tr. 22, Ccr many. Wildbad, Villa Tannenburg, Germany. SCHOOL CHURCH Organized 1921 Territory: Darmstadt-Marienhohe. Office Address: Munich, Tizianstr. 18, Germany. Officers: Treas., Miss Helene Kofink. Auditor, P. A. Brandt. Minister: W. Hoffmann. CENTRAL EUROPEAN DIVISION 155 WEST GERMAN UNION CONFERENCE Organized r000 Territory: Hanover, Hansa, Hessia-Westphalian, Rhenish, Thuringian, and Netherland Conferences. Population: 31,626,700; churches, 307; members, 12,318. Office Address: Schumannstr. 29, Bonn a/Rhine, Germany. (Telephone 6918.) Full Title in German: Gemeinschaft der Siebenten-Tags-Adventisten Westdeutscher Verband. Officers: Pres., Hans Fenner, Bonner Talweg 31, Bonn a/Rh. Sec., Treas., and Auditor, W. Koch. Executive Committee: Hans Fenner, C. A. Motzer, Otto Geibel, Wilhelm John, F. A. Prieser, Wilhelm Althoff, Georg Durolf, Heinrich Erzberger, Willy Koch, Wilhelm Peters, Lorenz Lutz, Alfred Vollmer, W. Schubert. Legal Assn: Westdeutsche Grundstficks Gesellschaft m. b. H., Hamburg; Side-Seat: Mettmann Rhld. Office: Schumannstr. 29, Bonn a/Rh. Manager: 'Willy Koch, Schumannstr. 29, Bonn a/Rh. Department Secretaries: Field Miss., Lorenz Lutz. Sabbath School, Home Miss., and Y. P. M. V., Wilhelm Peters. Ministers: Hans Fenner, Heinrich Erzberger, Richard Dangschat, Wilhelm Peters. Licentiate: Walter Eberhard. Missionary Licentiate: K. T. Schmitz. Institutions: Neandertal Seminary for ministerial and missionary students, Neandertal, Post Mettmann, Rhineland, Germany. Treatment Rooms, Ch arlottenbad Hamburg-Eimsbiittel, Charlottenstrasse 24, Germany. Coloniabad, Köln, Pantaleonswall 42/44. Held by Westdeutsche Grundstiicksgesellschaft, Hamburg. HANOVER CONFERENCE Organized 1919 Territory: Province of Hanover (excepting the district of Harburg, and the district of Hanover-Miinden), the free States of Brunswick (excepting the district of Blankenburg), Bremen, Oldenburg, and the districts of Gardelegen, Salzwedel, Stendal, and Cuxhaven. Population: 4,500,000; churches, 58; members, 2,270. Office Address: Lange Laube 29, I. Hanover, Germany. (Telephone 34468.) Officers: Pres., Otto Giebel, Sallstr. 124 II. HanOver, Germany. . Sec., Treas., Willi Russler. Executive Committee: 0. Giebel, H. Schmidt. W. Redecker, A. Weske, F. Zapp, H. Spohr, 0. Miiller. Legal Association: Gemeinschaft der Siebenten-Tags-Adventisten, Hannoversche Vereinigung. e. V. Department Secretaries: Field Miss., Fritz Zapp. Home Miss. and Y. P. M. V., 156 CENTRAL EUROPEAN DIVISION Ministers: Otto Giebel, Hermann Schmidt, Fritz Drescher, Rudolf Stein, Otto Schwenecke, Carl Glackner, Max Kunze, Walter Herbert, August Bremer, Wilhelm Haas. Licentiates: Heinrich KnOner, Friedrich Racker. Missionary Licentiates: Karl Harress, Karl Hossfeld, Hugo Claus, Immanuel Woysch, Mrs. Olga Thaden, Miss Erna Schulze, Eduard Fraatz, Curt Hahne, Heinz Wehrmann, Hans Teichmann. Church Directory: Hanover, Adventhaus, Lange Laube 29 I. Braunschweig, (East) Schlossplatz. Braunschweig (West) Sophienstr. 27c. Bremen (West) Altonaestr. 13. Bremen (Neustadt) Hegelstr. 2. Bremen (East) vor dem Steintor 27I. HANSA CONFERENCE Organized 1909 Territory: Hamburg, Province of Hclzt r., Mecklenburg-Schwerin, Mecklenburg-Strelitz and Harburg. Population: 3,663,308; churches, 52; members, 2,343. Office Address: Grindelberg 11, Hamburg 13, Germany. (Telephone, Hansa 6409.) Officers: Pres., F. A. Prieser. Sec., G. DOrner. Treas., Miss Clara Hohmann. Executive Committee: F. A. Prieser, Walter Bentlin, Alwin Hennig, Johann Ide, Berthold Kohlhaus, Ferdinand Rickers, Peter Schornstein. Legal Name: Gemeinschaft der Siebent en-Tags-Adventist en e.V., Hansa Vereinigung. Department Secretaries: Field Miss., Peter Schornstein. Home Miss. and Y. P. M. V., Gustav Horner. Ministers: F. A. Prieser, Hugo Detlefsen, Gustav Darner, Heinrich Drangmeister, Gerhard Fischdick, Alwin Hennig, Fritz Hilmer, Carl Kapitz, Anton Oesterreich, Kurt Steudel. Licentiates: Willi Bertling, Erich Kaufmann, Richard Rittau, Eberhard Schmitz. Missionary Licentiates: Claus von Fintel, Edward Niemann, Hugo Oswald, Hans Osterburg, Walter Unger, Hans Wille, Hermann Wippermann, Gustav Wucherer, Miss Johanna Volkmann. Welfare Nurse: Hildegard Renner. Church Directory: Chapels: Altona, Mathildenstr. 8. Hamburg 13, Grindelberg 15a. Hamburg 19, Charlottenstr. 24. Hamburg 35, Campestr. 18. litiaimek, rreiarich Franzstr. 39. Meeting Halls: Flensburg, Sildergraben 39. Kiel, Holtenauerstr. 70. Lilbeck, Johannisstr. 41. Schwerin, Rostockerstr. 38. HESSIA-WESTPHALIAN CONFERENCE Organized 1898 as West German Conference Territory: Province of Westphalia and Hessia -Nassau, Schaumburg-Lippe, Lippe, Waldeck. Of the Province Kurhessen the districts Kassel, Hofgeismar, Wolfhagen, Hannov.-Miinden, CENTRAL EUROPEAN DIVISION Witzenha.usen, Fritzlar, Melsungen, Esehwege, Rothenburg, Homburg, Hersfeld, Ziegenhain, Kirchhain, Frankenberg, Marburg. Of the Province Nassau the districts Biedenkopf, Dillenburg, Westerburg, Weilburg, Limburg. Population: 5,250,250; churches, 51; members, 1,625. Office Address: Oststrasse 103. I., Bielefeld, Germany. Officers: Pres., Wilhelm Althoff. Sec., Treas., Miss Frieda Meier. Executive Committee : Wilhelm Althoff, Hermann Wippermann, Simon Hohmann, Albert Bente, Fritz Bretthauer.' Department Secretaries: Field Miss., Hermann Wippermann. Home Miss. and Y. P. M. V., Wilhelm Althoff. Ministers: Wilhelm Althoff, Otto Staubert, August Kruse, Fridolin Kobele, August Klinker, Oskar Pelzer, Theo-Henry Wilson, Karl Scheele. Licentiates: Ludwig Schmoll, Richard Kaufmann, Arnold Amian. Missionary Licentiates: Erich Wenzel, Paul -Paprotny, Wilhelm Begemann, Adolph Groffmann, Karl Gotzinger, Freidrich Schluter, Paul WUrzberger. Church Directory: Bielefeld, Gr. Kurfiirstenstr. 91. Dortmund, Mallinckrodtstr. 186. Hagen, Wehringhauerstr. 33. Kassel, Querallee 11. 157 NETHERLAND CONFERENCE Organized 1901 Territory: Netherland. Population: 7,500,000; 28; members, 982. churches, Office Address: Lange Beestenmarkt 102, The Hague, Netherland. (Telephone, Den Haag 54140.) Legal Name: Kerkgenootschap der Zevende - Dags - Adventisten in Nederland,Gevestig,t te's-Gravenhage. Officers: Pres., Wilhelm John. Sec., Pieter Voorthuis. Treas., Wieger Holwerda. Executive Committee: W. John, Voorthuis, J. Toben, M. Kramer, P. Eijkelenboom. Department Secretaries: Field Miss., J. van Iterson. Home Miss., Y. P. M. V., and Sabbath School, W. John. Ministersi Wilhelm John, Pieter Voorthuis, F. J. L. Wortman, Willem Betram, Willy Berthold, Arno Sehmutzler. Licentiates: A. Ringelberg, F. J. Voorthuis, W. Holwerda, P. van Oossanen. Missionary Licentiates: Hendrik Jansen, Ernst Leewe, Jan Lankhorst, Alfred Tilgner. Institutions: Publishing House (Branch of Hamburg House), Van Weede van Dijkveldstr. 77, The Hague, Netherland. Meetingrooms: Amsterdam, Keizersgracht 183. Den Haag, Lange Beestenmarkt 102. 158 CENTRAL EUROPEAN DIVISION Rotterdam, Vriendenlaan 25. Utrecht, Domplein 25. Groningen, Vlassstraat 18. Leeuwarden, Heerenstraat 21. RHENISH CONFERENCE Organized 1922 Territory: Rhineland and the Under-Lahn district. Population: 7,000,000; churches, 59; members, 2,840. Office Address: Adlerstr. 70, Dusseldorf, Germany (Telephone 16167). Officers: Pres., C. A. Motzer. Sec., K. Adolph. Treas., Miss M. Fuchs. Executive Committee: C. A. Motzer, Karl Adolph, Anton Lanz, Paul Schulz, Friedrich Metz, Otto Adolf, Hans Pfankuch. Rheinische Legal Association: Vereinigung der Siebenten-TagsAdventisten e. V. Diisseldorf. Department Secretaries: Field Miss., Anton Lanz. Home Miss. and Y. P. M. V., Karl ...^dalch. Ministers: C. A. Motzer, Heinrich \Fatty, Hermann POtschke, Paul Staubert, Friedrich Rischmiiller, Karl Adolph, Wilhelm Scholl, Albert Pioch. Licentiates: Wilhelm Jacobs, Wilhelm Schroer, Konrad Drilge, Hermann Schor, Willi Pohland. Missionary Licentiates: Paul Gode, Albert Thomas, Paulus Paetow, Willi Hampel, Hans Baumhofner, Hugo Tilgner, Kurt Schieber, Klaus Voget, Adolf Kulow, Miss Anna Meyer. Church Directory: Achen, Kasinostr. 92. Barmen, Sedanstr. 37. Duisburg-Beek, Wybertstr. 5. Diissledorf, Adlerstr. 70. Elberfeld, Ho]steinerstr. 29. Essen-Rtittenscheidt, Brunostr. 13. KOln, Pantleonswall 42/44. Koblenz, Fischelstr. 32. Mettmann Rhld. Diepensiepen 16. Solingen, Donaustr. 21. THURINGIAN CONFERENCE Organized 1916 Territory: The Federal State of Great-Thuringia. From the Free-State Bavaria, the city and rural district of Coburg, from the Free-State Brunswick, the district Blankenburg: from the Free-State Anhalt, the districts Ballenstedt, Bernburg, Kothen and Dessau left of the river Mulde; from the province Saxony the administrative district Erfurt; from the administrative district Merseburg, the districts Sangerhausen, Eckartsberga, Mansfelder mountain district, mansieictersee-district, Eisleben, Querfurt, Naumburg, Weissenfels city and rural district, Merseburg, Saale district, Halle, Bitterfeld left of the river Mulde and Delitzsch left of the river Mulde; from the administrative districts Madgeburg the districts Wernigerode, Halberstadt, Quedlinburg city and rural district, Aschersleben, Oschersleben, Wanzleben and Kalbe. Population: 3,500.000; 59; members, 2,258. churches, Office Address: Krtimpferstr. 63. II., Room 22, Erfurt, Germany. (Telephone, Erfurt 3724.) CENTRAL EUROPEAN DIVISION Officers: Pres., Georg Diirolf, Krampferstr. 63 II, Erfurt, Germany. Sec., Hermann Beck. Treas., Miss Charlotte Rappmann. Executive Committee: Georg Diirolf, Karl Gotzinger, Hermann Dierking, Waldemar Gollnitz, Otto Stein. Legal .Association: Gemeinschaf t der Siebenten-Tags-Adventisten, Thiiringische Vereinigung (e. V.) Erfurt. Department Secretaries: Field Miss., Paul Knitter. Home Miss. and Y. P. M. V., Hermann Beck. Ministers: Georg Diirolf, Hermann Dierking, Hermann Beck, Gustav 159 Biihre, Hugo Feddersen, Friedrich Weinmann, Hans Stoltenberg, Franz Brandt. Licentiate: Hermann Ross. Missionary Licentiates: Max Michaelis, Wilhelm Gehl, Heinrich Correus, Walter Gericke, Rudolf Eichwald, H. J. Gobel, Gustav Schmalkoke, Otto Hesse, Rudolf Vogel, Wilhelm Spahl, Joachim Schmidt, Miss Kate Fischer, Miss Mimi Dickmann. Church Directory: Gera, Alte Schlossgasse 8a. Altenburg, Oststr. 6. Erfurt, Gotthardtstr. 27. Halle, Waisenhausring 10. Halberstadt, Holzmarket 16. Sonneberg, Juttastr. 34. Gotha, Waschgasse. DETACHED MISSIONS BULGARIAN MISSION Organized 1911 Territory: Bulgaria. Population: 5,000,000; churches, 18; members, 407. Cable and Telegraphic Address: Sofia, Solunska 49. Office Address: Solunska 49, Sofia, Bulgaria. Officers: Supt., Alfred Thomas. Sec. and Treas., Ernst Miller. Executive Committee: Alfred Thomas, Stefan Konstantinoff, David Varsano, Netscho Nedjeff, Wladi Boneff. Department Secretaries: Field Miss., Netscho Nedjeff. Sabbath School and Home Miss., Alfred Thomas. Ministers: Alfred Thomas, Stefan Konstantinoff. Missionary Licentiates: E. Ashod, Otto Ddbritz, Ernst Muller, Kosta Wasfasoff, Boris Nickoloff, Theophil Bogeff, Deniu Harboff, Boris Kiriloff, Boris Wladoff, Alexander Iwanoff, Miss Sdrafka Mollowa, Miss Nonka Gantschewa. Church Directory: Sofia, Solunska 49 (Advent House), Bulgaria. Publishing House: Solunska 49, Sofia, Bulgaria. GRECIAN MISSION Entered 1903 Territory: Greece and Albania. Population: 7,832,000; churches, 5; members, 107. Office Address: Lahana Str. 36, Salonica, Greece. CENTRAL EUROPEAN DIVISION 160 Postal Address: Post Box 144, Salonica, Greece. Officers: Supt., E. Hennecke. Sec. and Treas., A. N. Stabellos. Executive Committee: E. Hennecke, M. Grin, A. N. Stabellos. Ministers: E. Hennecke,1M. Grin, N. Pappast-amoulis. Missionary Licentiates: Miss Sophie Busenberg, A. N. Stabellos. Institution: Greek Depository, Post Box 144, Salonica. Mission Committee: F. F. Oster, K. Tulaszewski, 0. Olson, Dr. H. E. Hargreaves, Dr. A. Arzoo, R. Langholf. Department Secretaries: Educational and Publishing, Oscar Olson. Medical, Dr. H. E. Hargreaves. Sabbath School, Mrs. F. F. Oster. Y. P. M. V., K. Tulaszewski. Ministers: F. F. Oster, K. Tulaszewski, 0. Olson, R. Langholf. Missionary Licentiates: Dr. H. E. Hargreaves, Dr. A. Arzoo. ;IBERIAN MISSION Organized 1927 Territory: Liberia. Population: 2,500,000. Address: c/o 0. A. C. Grand Bassa, Liberia, West Africa. TURKISH MISSION Entered 1899 Territory: Turkey. Population: 14,000,000. Postal Address: Posta Kutusu 242, Beyoglu, Istanbul, Turkey. Officers: Supt., R. Helbig. Mission Committee: R. Helbig, E. A. Flammer, K. Noltze. Office Address: 14 Saray Arkass 1, Ayaz Pasa, Istanbul, Turkey. Licentiate: Officers: a. Missionary Licentiates: E. A. Flammer, K. Noltze. PERSIAN MISSION Entered 1911 Territory: Persia. Population: 12,000,000. Cable Address: "Advent," Teheran. Address: S. D. A. Mission, Ave Roudake No. 8, Teheran, Persia. Officers: Supt., F. F. Oster. Treas., Mrs. F. P. Oster. C.,,,4 T D:: Sec. and Treas., T. Backer. Mission Committee: F. Backer, D. Norlin. Minister: F. Backer. Missionary Licentiates: D. Norlin, R. Klinger, K. Kalustian. Institution: Turkish Depository, Posta Kutusu 242, Beyoglu, Istanbul, Turkey. Manager: F. Backer. Turkish Depository: Address: Posta Kutusu 242 Beyoglu, Istanbul, Turkey. CHINA DIVISION Organized 1931 Territory: China, Manchuria, Mongolia, Tibet, Sinkiang, and the islands controlled by China, together with Hongkong and Macao; all of which are comprised in the East China, West China, NOrrth China, South China, Central China, and Manchurian Union Missions. Population: 479,774,808; churches, 150; members, 9,010. Cable and Telegraphic Address: " Adventist," Shanghai. Codes used: Western Union, 5 letter, edition, A. B. C. Fifth edition. Postal, Express, and Freight Address: 25 Ningkuo Road, Shanghai, China. Telephone, 50194 (East 194). Note.— To find the Ningkuo Road Mission Compound, Shanghai, if unencumbered by luggage, ask to be directed to a No. 10 Omnibus (eastbound), and stop at Ningkuo. Road. If you have luggage, the best plan will be to take a taxi to 25 Ningkuo Road (Ning-gwoh-lu). Officers: Pres., H. W. Miller, M. D. Sec., C. C. Crisler. Treas., C. C. Morris. Executive Board: H. W. Miller, C. C. Crisler, C. C. Morris, S. L. Frost, John Oss, N. F. Brewer, M. C. Warren,' B. Petersen, 0. A. Hall, K. H. Wood, Geo. J. Appel, Miss Bessie Mount, Frederick Lee, W. A. Scharffenberg, Dr. R. W. Paul, D. E. Rebok. Legal Association: "General Conference Corporation of Sev6 enth-day Adventists." C. C. Morris, Attorney-in- f act. Auditor, C. C. Morris. Educational and Young People's Missionary Volunteer Departments: Secretary: S. L. Frost. Members: S. L. Frost, Dr. H. W. Miller, C. C. Crisler, John Oss, Miss Bessie Mount, S. H. Lindt, Educational and Y. P. M. V. secretaries of union missions; the heads of training schools in the division; the heads of senior and junior middle schools; the superintendents of union missions in China. Home Missionary Department: Secretary, John Oss. Members: The division publishing and home missionary secretary; the division young people's secretary; the union and local home missionary secretaries as appointed; the executive heads of division, union, and local fields. lViedical Department: Secretary, H. W. Miller, M. D. Members: The Division medical secretary, with the physicians connected with all recognized sanitariums, treatment rooms, and hospital-dispensaries in the China Division. Ministerial Association: Secretary: Frederick Lee. Advisory Council: Frederick Lee, president and secretary of China Division; the superintendents of union missions; division departmental secretaries; the principals of the advanced schools in the China Division. 161 162 CHINA DIVISION Publishing Department: Secretary: John Oss. Members: The division• publishdepartment secretary; all union field and home missionary secretaries within our territory; the head of the publishing house in China, together with the chief editors as appointed by the Division Committee; the superintendents of all union missions; also Dr. H. W. Miller, C. C. Crisler. Sabbath School Department: Secretary:- Miss Bessie Mount. Advisory Committee: The Division Sabbath School Secretary; all union Sabbath School secretaries; assistant editor of the (Chinese) "Sabbath School Helper." The Home Commission: Members: E. R. Thiele (chairman), Dr. H. W. Miller, Mrs. B. Miller, -Mrs. K. H. Wood, Mrs. E. R. Thiele, Mrs. R. W. Paul, Mrs. Frederick Lee. Transportation Agents: C. C. Morris (chairman), the union treasurers of the South and Central China Union Missions. Division Building Committee: C. C. Morris (chairman), H. W. Miller, C. Vv oud, C. C. unsfer, E. A. Landis, K. H. Wood, Frederick Lee. Ministers: Dr. H. W. Miller, Frederick Lee, C. C. Crisler, S. L. Frost, C. C. Morris, S. H. Lindt, D. E. Rebok, John Oss, W. A. Scharffenberg, Giang Tsung Gwang, G. J. Appel, M. C. Warren, K. H. Wood, N. F. Brewer, 0. A. Hall, B. Petersen, E. R. Thiele, P. E. Quimby, Charles Larsen. Licentiates: W. I. Hilliard, Dr. R. W. Paul, Yeh Kwen Gan, A. Mountain, N. H. Brodersen, P. L. Williams, B. A. Liu. Missionary Licentiates: H. W. Barrows, Mrs. H. W. Barrows, Mrs. H. W. Miller, Dr. D. E. Griggs, Mrs. D. E. Griggs, Mrs. C. C. Crisler, Mrs. S. L. Frost, Mrs. D. E. Rebok, H. L. Shull, Mrs. H. L. Shull, Miss Tillie E. Barr, Miss Ida Thompson, Mrs. R. W. Paul, Miss Effie A. James, F. A. Landis, Mrs. F. A. Landis, Ernest Hurd, Mrs. Ernest Hurd, 0. G. Erich, Mrs. 0. G. Erich, Miss Bessie Mount, Mrs. S. H. Lindt, Mrs. W. A. Scharffenberg, E. C. Wood, Mrs. E. C. Wood, W. E. Eberhardt, Mrs. W. E. Eberhardt, Miss Hazel I. Shadel, Mrs. Charles Larsen, Mrs. P. E. Quimby, Lu Shou Dao, H. A. Andersen, Mrs. H. A. Andersen, Mrs. M. C. Warren, Miss Edith McLachlin, Miss Elizabeth Redelstein, Mrs. B. Petersen, Hsu Yung Chi, Hsu Pao Djen, Y. H. Chu, H. H. Morse, Mrs. H. H. Morse, Miss Lillian A. Anderson, Miss Matilda Follett, A. R. Boynton, Mrs. A. R. Boynton. Mrs. A. Mountain, Dr. J. Constance Wen, C. S. Sissons; Mrs. Moses Swen, Mrs. D. S. Williams, Miss Dorothy Wen, Mrs. C. C. Morris, C. D. Smith, Mrs. C. D. Smith, R. A. Brett, Mrs. R. A. Brett, Miss Ivadel Eaton, Miss Irene Dawson, Miss Esther C. Nash, Dr. J. Vinton Scott, Mrs. J. Vinton Scott, Miss Florence G. Numbers, Mrs. John Oss, Clyde Bailey, Mrs. Clyde Bailey, Joseph T. May, Goh Djao 0, Dr. R. J. Brines, Mrs. R. J. Brines. CHINA DIVISION 163 CENTRAL CHINA UNION MISSION Organized rgig Territory: The following-named provinces: Honan, Hunan, Hupeh, Kiangsi, Shensi, Kansu. Population: 126,302,787; churches, 26; members, 1,882. Telegraphic Address: " Adventist," Hankow. Office Address: Wang Gia Dun, Hankow, Hupeh, China. (Telephone, 2715.) Officers: Supt., N. F. Brewer. Sec. and Treas., W. I. Hilliard. Executive Committee: N. F. Brewer, W. I. Hilliard, C. H. Davis, L. H. Butka, M. D., E. H. James, W. E. Strickland, H. L. Graham, E. L. Longway, C. A. Carter, Liu Djen Bang, Mo Gi Ren, Liu Djen Gwang, Wu Dzeh Shan, Hwang Djung Sung, Dzo Pei Hsin, A. F. Tai, T. A. Shaw, Dju Dji Ai, Wang Ging Bo, Chen Wen Hsioh. Department Secretaries: Educational and Y. P. M. V., C. A. Carter, 34 Siao Giao Chiang, Kiukiang, Kiangsi, China. Home Miss., T. A. Shaw. Medical, Dr. L. H. Butka, Lowanho, Yencheng, Honan, China. Publishing, E. L. Longway. Sabbath School, E. H. James. Women's Work, Miss Josephine Holmes, S. D. A. Mission, Lowanho, Yencheng, Honan, China. Ministers: N. F. Brewer, E. H. James. Licentiates: E. L. Longway, W. I. Hilliard, T. A. Shaw, C. A. Carter, Dzo Pei Hsin. Missionary Licentiates: Mrs. N. F. Brewer, Mrs. W. I. Hilliard, Mrs. T. A. Shaw, Mrs. E. H. James, Mrs. E. L. Longway, Dzou Pei Hsin, Miss Josephine Holmes, Mrs. C. A. Carter, Miss Abbie Dunn, Miss Evelyn Larkey. Church Directory: Hankow, 71 Woo Ts'u Street; also at Wang Gia Dun, Hankow. Nanchang, No. 2 Tung Wan Ni Hong. Changsha, Fu Djen Kiukiang, Do Fu Hong. Wuchang, S. D. A. Mission, Ho Tsai Men. HONAN MISSION Organized 1917 Territory: The Province of Honan. Population: 30.831,909; churches, 6; members, 772. Telegraphic Address: " Adventist," Lowanho. Address: Lowanho, Yencheng, Honan, China. Officers: Director, W. E. Strickland. Sec. and Treas., H. R. Dixon. Department Secretaries: Sabbath School, Wang Tswen Publishing, Djang Dzi Chang. Home Miss., Djang Djen Hai. Educational and Y. P. M. V., B. C. Clark. Medical, L. H. Butka, M. D. Ministers: W. E. Strickland, Liu Djen Bang, Djao Hsi Liang, Wang Ging Bo, Peng Hsien Djung, Su Dien Ching. CHINA DIVISION 164 Licentiates: B. C. Clark, L. H. Butka, M. D., Djang Djen Hai, Tang Hsin Loh, H. R. Dixion, Tien Yen Wen, Niu Siu Shen. Missionary Licentiates: Mrs. L. H. Butka, Mrs. W. E. Strickland, Miss Edith Johnson, Mrs. B. R. Dixon, Mrs. B. C. Clark, Miss Josephine Holmes, Tang Yao Tien, Han Seng Chen, Liu Si Mu, Li Hwan Hsin, Gi Swen Shih, Liu Deli Seng, Sung Deh Djuin, Wang Chuen Wang Shou Djen, Wang Chwen Yung, Ling Da Sao, Wang Gwoh Ping, Ren Yung Deh, Fan Deli Yu, Yao Da Sao, Niu Siu Yun, Djao Tsu Hwan, Dr. A. L. Dai, Djang Dzi Chiang, Djang Gwoh Djen, Li Hsiang Yun, Li Djao Szi, Ma Dji Szi. Church School Teachers: 9 native teachers. Church Directory: Yencheng, Lowanho. Shangtsai, South Suburb. Shuai Dzai, East Suburb. HUNAN MISSION Organized 1917 The Province of Hunan. Population: 28,443,279; churches, 6; members, 424. Telegraphic Address: " Adventist," Changsha. Address: S. D. A. Mission, The Island, Changsha, Hunan, China. Officers: Director, C. H. Davis. Sec. and Treas., Z. H. Coberly. Department Secretaries: Educational and Y. P. M. V., G. G. Hamp. Field Miss, Dou Hai Ru, Djou Yu Wen. Home Miss., Dju Dzi Ai. Sabbath School, Hwang Djung Seng. Ministers: C. H. Davis, Hwang Djung Seng, Wu Shou San, Wang Deh Dzi. Licentiates: G. G. Hamp, Djang Fu Hsuan, Dju Dzi Ai, Yu Wang Yao, Djang Bao Ting. Missionary Licentiates: Z. H. Coberly, Mrs. Z. H. Coberly, Mo Feng Chuan, Bu. Sing Ting, Dzeng Tsei Yin, Deng Chu Seng, Djou Yu Wen, Chen Mei Seng, Djou Chin Yu, Mrs. C. H. Davis, Mrs. G. G. Hamp, Hsia Chang Yu, Liu Li Dzi, Liu Ai Gwang, Yeh Doa Su, Chen Tsai Shing, Hwang Tsung Deh, Hwang Dzi Lin, Li Ai Ching, Hu Si Gwei, Kwang Shou Ting, Hsieh Mo Dao, Gung Gieh Sin, Wu Fu Cheng, Tsao Ying Pei, Wu Yao Lan, Djou Hai Ru, Hwang Shao Bin. Provincial School Faculty: G. G. Hamp, Principal. Church school Teachers: Deng Chu Seng, Ih Fei Tsao, Tseng Kai, Wu Yao Lan. Church Directory: Changsha, Fu Djen Kai. HUPEH MISSION Organized 1909 Territory: The Province of Hupeh. Population: 27,167,244; churches, 7; members, 388. Telegraphic Address: " Adventist," Han kow. Address: 71 Woo Ts'u Street, Hankow, Hupeh, China. Telephone: 4217. CHINA DIVISION Officers: Director, H. L. Graham. Sec. and Treas., J. H. Shultz. Executive Committee: H. L. Graham, J. H. Shultz, Fan Chili Hsiang, A. N. Bierkle, Mo Chi Jen, Chang Shun Chen, Li Wei Ch'ing. Department Secretaries: Book and Bible House, Chi Yeh Chang. Educational, Cheng Tei Li. Field Miss., Yen Ch'un Shan. Home Missionary, Li Wei Ch'ing. Sabbath School, Fan Chih Hsiang. Ministers: H. L. Graham, Mo Chi Jen, Fan Chih Hsiang. Licentiates: A. N. Bierkle, Chang Shun Chen, Fang Chu Tsai, Li Wei Ch'ing. Missionary Licentiates: Mrs. H. L. Graham, Mrs. J. H. Shultz, Hsiang Yao Ch'en, Hu Pei Ch'ing, Ch'en Yu Pei, Wang Chin Men, Yang Teh Hui, Mo Yun Hsiang, Shang Tuan Fu, Liu Yang Ke, J. H. Shultz, Mrs. A. N. Bierkle, Chang K'o Ti, Ch'en Li Chun, Chu Yeh Chang, Leng Yu Seng, Li Hung Ts'ai, Li Ming Tei, Wang Chin Men, Yang Tei Hui, Yen Ch'un Shan. Church Directory: 71 Woo Ts'u Street, Hankow, Wang Gia Dun, Hankow. Ho Tsai Men, Wuchang. KIANGSI MISSION Organized 1917 Territory: The Province of Kiangsi. Population: 30,000,000; churches, 4; members, 188, 165 Telegraphic Address: " Adventist Mission," Nanchang. Address: S. D. A. Mission, No. 2 Tung Wan Ni Hong, Nanchang, Kiangsi, China. Officers: Director, John Liu (Liu Djung Gwang). Sec. and Treas., Alford F. Tai (Tai Ai Foh). Department Secretaries: Book and Bible House, Shen Kuo Yue. Educational, Shen Shwen Hung. Field Miss., Djao Fu Ih. Home Miss., Liu Djung Gwang. Sabbath School, Wang Wen Hwei. Ministers: Liu Djung Gwang, Tzoh Tze Ih. Licentiates: C. D. Nichols, Djao Beh Ling, Wang Wen Hwei, Lu Hsing Chow. Missionary Licentiates: Djao Fu Ih, Liang Si An, Nien Dao Shan, Liu Siao Ching, Tai Ai Foh, Lo Kwei Fu, Peng Liang, Chan.. Chwen Hwa, Mrs. C. D. Nichols. Bible Women: Mrs. Ni Chwen Chieh, Miss Tao Hwei Feng. Church School Teachers: Shen Hsuen Hung, Li Hung Pu, Nien Chwen Hwa, Deng Siao Sien, Lo Tze Yuen, Lo Yueh Ching, Lue Heng Pu. Church Directory: KiuKiang, Do Fu Hong. Nanchang, 2 Tung Wan Ni Hong. Kan-chow, Hsing Kai Lu. Wu-ning, Ye. Tsien Kai, CHINA DIVISION 166 SHENSI MISSION Organized 1917 Territory: The Province of Shensi. Population: 9,465,558; churches, 3; members, 110. Telegraphic Address: " Adventist Mission," Sianfu. Address: S. D. A. Mission, Sianfu, Shensi, China. Officers: Director, Wu Tsieh Shan. Treas., W. I. Hilliard. Mission Committee: Director, Treasurer, Chen Wen Hsioh, Li Kwang Ren, Djang Djen Kwoh. Department Secretaries: Home Miss., Wu Tsieh Shan. Publishing, Djang Djen Kwoh. Sabbath School and Educational, Li Kwang Ren. Minister: Wu Tsieh Shan. Licentiates: Chen Wen Hsioh, Li Kwang Ren. Missionary Licentiate: Li Shao Ming, Djao Kwang Yao. Bible Woman: Liu Si Mu. EAST CHINA U NION MISSION Organized agog; reorganized rgig Territory: The Anhwei, Kiangsu, and Chekiang Provinces. Population: 76,457,501; churches, 48; members, 2,446. Cable Address: " Mizpah," Shanghai. Office Address: 299-307 Yu-Yuen Road, Shanghai, China. (Tel. 27167.) Officers: Supt., K. H. Wood. Sec., Treas., and Auditor, C. S. Sissons. Executive Committee: K. H. Wood, C. S. Sissons, 0. B. Kuhn, G. L. Wilkinson, John Oss, W. A. Scharffenherg, Mrs. K. H. Wood, Wu Tsung Shan, Wu Chiao, ul, M. D., Hu Dzeh Ren, R. W. Paul, Pa S. E. Tai, Shih Yuen Tsing, H. C. Shen, B. F. Gregory, C. Schroeter, Pan Simi Ru, Chen You Chen Ming, Mrs. B. Miller, L. E. Reed. Department Secretaries: Educational, W. A. Scharffenberg. Field Miss.? John Oss, Home Miss., L. E. Reed. Medical, R. W. Paul, M. D. Sabbath School, Mrs. K. H. Wood. Y. P. M. V., L. E. Reed. Ministers: K. H. Wood, John Oss, F. M. Larsen. Licentiates: L. E. Reed, K. D. Karalashvili. Missionary T.icent!atcz: Mrs. K. H. Wood, C. S. Sissons, Mrs. C. S. Sissons, Mrs. C. Schroeter, Mrs. K. D. Karalashvili, Miss Nell Ketterman, Mrs. F. M. Larsen. ANHWEI MISSION Organized 1910 Territory: The Province of Anhwei, and that portion of Kiangsu Province north of the Yangtse River, also the district of Nanking, and Chinkiang. Population: 38,466,817; churches, 7; membership, 470. CHINA DIVISION 167 Telegraphic Address: " Adventist," Nanking: KIANGSU MISSION Organized 1913 Postal Address: 21 Gao Lou Men, Nanking, Kiangsu, China. Territory: The southern portion of Kiangsu Province, and the northern portion of Chekiang Province. Population: 19,917,557; churches, 12; members, 817. Officers: Director, 0. B. Kuhn. Sec. and Treas., Y. C. Shih. Executive Committee: 0. B. Kuhn, Y. C. Shih, Swen Tsung Gwang, Wu Tsung Shan, Pan Shui Ru, Djao Hsi Gwang, S. H. Lindt, R. H. Hartwell, Mo Yao Ching. Department Secretaries: Educational, Pan Shui Ru. Home Miss., —. Publishing, Sabbath School, Djao Hsi Gwang. Y. P. M. V., R. H. Hartwell. Ministers: 0. B. Kuhn, Swen Tsung Gwang, Wu Tsung Shan, R. H. Hartwell. Licentiate: Pan Shui-ru. Missionary Licentiates: Mrs. 0. B. Kuhn, Mrs. R. H. Hartwell, Wang Hsi Tien, Chen Hwa Ting, Hwang Shu Seng, Djao Hsi Gwang, Y. C. Shih, Beh Wen Bing, Dju Gien Pan, Meng Ching En, Wang Yu Tien, Ding Fu Chen, Lei Hsien Gwang, Djang Ming Deh, Li Djung Tsan, Djang Tai Tai, Han Si-urn, Dju Si-mu, Dzan Si-urn, Lwan Si-mu. Middle Schobl Teachers: Pan Shui Ru, Wu Hsiao Djen, Gu Shao Chiao, Li Yo Han, Swen Dao Pei, Pan Si-mu. Church School Teachers: Du Heng Seng, Djo Dji Fan, Wu Si-mu, Tsao Mei Li, Wang Li Djung. Nanking Church Address: Sheng Ping Chiao, Nanking, Kiangsu, Telegraphic Address: "Adventists," Shanghai. Office Address: 35 Range Road, Shanghai, China (Tel. 43226). Officers: Director, H. C. Shen. Sec. and Treas., C. S. Sissons. Executive Committee: H. C. Shen Mrs. B. Miller, C. S. Sissons, D. C. Wu, Wu Tien En, Yeh Tung Sin. Department Secretaries: Book and Bible House, Educational, H. C. Shen. Field Miss., Yuen Ts Tien. Home Miss., T. W. Wu. Sabbath School, H. C. Shen. Asst., Miss Dju Suen. Women's Work, Mrs. B. Miller. Ministers: H. C. Shen, D. C. Wu. Licentiates: Mrs. B. Miller, Chien Shwen Ching, Wu Tien En, Miu Rwen Dah, Yeh Tung Sing. Missionary Licentiates: Djang Seng Bao, Yang Gin Cheng, Yeh Djuh Gun, Hsu Yu Seng, Shen Ging An, Dju Suen, Chien Hu Ih, Shih Si Mu, Yeh Ting Djen, Tong Djen Dao, Feng Yeh Hwa. Church School Teachers: Wu Dzi Ming, Dzou Lee Yung, Shen Ging Wei, Mrs. H. C. Shen, Wang Djuh Gan, Yu Ho Guh, INI4 Ging Wu, 168 CHINA DIVISION Shanghai Church Addresses: Central Shanghai Church, 35 Range Road. (Tel. 43226.) East Shanghai Church, 31 Ningkuo Road. (Tel. 50488.) Russian Church, Shanghai, 70 Route Vallon. West Shanghai Church, 150 Rubicon Road. (Tel. 29544.) Church School Teacher: Dju Tsing Ying. Hangchow Church Address: 26 Kai Yuen Road, Hangchow, Chekiang, China. SOUTH CHEKIANG MISSION Organized 1919 NORTH CHEKIANG MISSION Organized 1930 Territory: The northwestern portion of Chekiang Province. Population: 10,456,610; churches, 12; members, 427. Telegraphic Address: "Adventist," Hangchow, Chekiang, China. Office Address: 26 Kai Yuen Road, Hangchow, Chekiang, China. Officers: Director, C. Schroeter. Executive Committee: C. Schroe, ter, Mrs. B. Miller, W. A. Chien, Sec. and Treas., W. A. Chien. Nee Siau Yen, Wang Lin San, Chen Lai Fang, Shen Shi Wen. Department Secretaries: Book and Bible House, W. A. Chien. Educational, C. Schroeter. Field Miss., Chen Lai Fang. Home Miss., C. Schroeter. Women's Work, Mrs. B. Miller. Sabbath School, Shen Shi Wen. Y. P. M. V., C. Schroeter. Minister: C. Schroeter. Licentiates: Chen Lai Fang, Nee Siau Yen, Wang Lin San. Missionary Licentiates: W. A. Chien, Chau Yao Tsia, Djang Ren Shu, Sung Shiang Ming, Shan Ho Lai, Shen Shi Wen, Mrs. Tong Djen Dao, Mrs. Shu Siu Wen, Mrs, C, Schroeter. Territory: The Prefectures of Wen-chow, Chu-chow, and Tai- chow, in the southern portion of Chekiang Province. Population: 7,616,517; 18; members, 709. churches, Telegraphic Address: " Adventist," Wenchow. Postal Address: S. D. A. Mission, Wenchow, Chekiang, China. Officers: Director, G. L. Wilkinson. Sec. and Treas., B. F. Gregory. Executive Committee: G. L. Wilkinson, B. F. Gregory, Wu Dzeh-ren, Chiang Tsung-kwang, Chen Yu-shih, Pan Li-dze, Ku Kwai Shang, Chiang Sz, A. Fossey. Department Secretaries: Educationn1 F . F. Field Miss., Benj. F. Gregory. Home Miss., B. F. Gregory. Sabbath School, Liu Shiao-tien. Y. P. M. V., Pan Tsz-chang. Minister: G. L. Wilkinson. Licentiates: Pan Li Dzeh, Hu Dzeh Ren, Djao Li Heng, B. F. Gregory, Yung Keh-lung, Alfred Fossey. Missionary Licentiates: Mrs. G. L. Wilkinson, Mrs. B. F. Gregory, Mrs. Alfred Fossey, Chiang Pao-ren, Li Pti-foa, Wang Li-san, Wang Dji-fu, Yang ehen- CHINA DIVISION tu, Zih Na-fu, Dju Tsz-loa, Tung Zing-fu, Djiae Ta-tsing, Chen Fu-chung, Zih Ding-tsar, Dzing Die-ka, Djiao Shu-tsa, Chen Nyi-ming, Li Teh-kwai, Chiang Wen Ting, Chiang Sz, Djiao Ming Shien, Dju Teh Ming, Chen Wen Sz, Chen Ih Fu, Chen Wen Bu, Ku Kuo Shing, Pan Tsz Chiang, Wang Fu Ren, Chen Loh Ming, Dzing Mi Chang, Lin Shiao Tien, Tsai Tsz Cheng. Women Licentiates: Ba Doa-sae, Dzing Nyoh-li, Wang Si-mo, Chao Zih-Z, Li Si-mo, Liu Tsoa-z. 169 Middle School Teachers: A. Fossey, Principal, Mrs. B. F. Gregory, Chen Yu Czi, Whoug Bu Tang, Chiang Hsiang, Wen Shung, Dju Fu, Chen Ih Fu. Church School Teachers: Chie Fu-zang, Djiao VuJkwai, Tsh Shu-ming, Djio, Han Djo, Chen Kwo-tung. Church Directory: Wenchow Church Address: Wenchow, Inside Main North Gate, Chekiang, China. MANCHURIAN UNION MISSION Organized r9r9 Territory: The three provinces of Ntanchuria. Population: 31,054,074; churches, 15; members, 847. Telegraphic Address: " Adventist," Mukden. Postal Address: Manchurian Union Mission S. D. A., Mukden, Manchuria, China. Officers: Supt., Bernhard Petersen. Sec. and Treas., Mrs. Bertha E. Petersen. Executive Committee: B. Petersen, R. M. Cossentine, Mrs. Bertha E. Petersen, Nils Dahlsten, M. Popow, Hsiao Dzi Fu, Wang Ging, Yang, Wang Fu Yuen, Shih Du Hsin, Erich Aurich, Dr. Martin Vinkel. Department- Secretaries: Field Miss. and Home Miss., R. M. Cossentine. Medical, Dr. Martin Vinkel. Sabbath School, Mrs. Martin Vinkel. Y. P. M. V., and Educational, R. M. Cossentine. Ministers: B. Petersen, R. M. Cossentine, Nils Dahlsten, Erich Aurich, M. Popow. • Missionary 'Licentiates: Mrs. Bertha E. Petersen, Mrs. Nils Dahlsten, Mrs. Erich Aurich, Dr. Martin Vinkel, Mrs. Martin Vinkel. KIRIN MISSION Address: Changchun, Manchuria, China. Telegraphic Address: " Adventist Mission," Changchun. Officers: Director, Nils Dahlsten. Sec. and Treas., Mrs. Esther Dahlsten. Department Secretaries: Book and Bible House, Wang Gia Sheng. Home Miss., Nils Dahlsten. Missionary Licentiates: Hsiao Dzi Eu, Tung Yung Hsin, Hou Tien Min, Feng Cheng Gun, Li Feng Ting. 170 CHINA DIVISION Church School Teachers: Djou Gwei Rung, Mrs. Tung, Djou Ai Hsi. Telegraphic Address: " Adventist," Harbin. LIAONING MISSION Officers: Director: M. P'opow. Sec. and Treas., K. Savitsky. Executive Committee: M. Popow, B. K. Brashnicoff, K. Savitsky, M. A. Kalabugin, A. I. Ivanoff, Mrs. E. I. Brashnicoff, N. Mersliakoff. Telegraphic Address: " Adventist," Mukden. Address: Manchurian Union Mission S. D. A., Mukden, Manchuria, China. Officers: Director, Bernhard Petersen. Sec. and Treas., Wang Eu Yuen. Executive Committee: Bernhard Petersen, R. M. Cossentine, Wang Fu Yuen, Tsui Yu Djang, Wang Ging Yang, Chen Djung Shan, Mrs. Wang Hsin Lan, Wang Cheng Ru, Djao Hsi Gia. Department Secretaries: Book and Bible House, Gwang Sung Yao. Educational, Shih Duh Hsin. Field Miss., Wang Cheng Ru. Home Miss., Mrs. Wen Hwan. Sabbath School, Mrs. Wang Hsin Lan. Y. P. M. V., Djao Hsi Gia. Missionary Licentiates: Li Yun Ting, Lin Rih Hsin, Liang Gwo Tai, Wang Fu Yuen. Gwan sung Yao, Wang Ging Yang, Mrs. Wang Hsin Lan, Mrs. Wang Shu Djen, Mu Wen Hwan, Djao Dien Dzeng, Wang Cheng Ru, Li Yao Hsi. Church School Teachers: Miss Tsi Gwei Feng, Mrs. Li Min Djung, Mrs. Swen Shu Ih. SUNGARI MISSION Organized 1925 Territory: Russians in Manchuria. Population: 150,000; churches, 4; members, 456. Postal Address: Post Box 20, New Town, Harbin, Manchuria, China. Department Secretaries: Educational and Y. P. M. V., A. I. Ivanoff. Field Miss., and Home Miss., M. Popo w. Sabbath School, Mrs. E. I. Brashnikoff. Ministers: M. Popow, M. A. Kalabugin. Licentiates: B. K. Brashnicoff, N. M. Merslakoff, A. M. Kiriloff, P. V. Sudareff, A. T. Halturin. Missionary Licentiates: N. Kasitsin, I. I. Vrono, P. M. Mae vsky, N. V. Platonolf, A. 1. Ivanoff, K. Savitsky, N. Kasitsin, N. Jeldack. HEILUNGKIANG MISSION (Chinese Section—unorganized) Stations: Harbin (1928), Tsitsihar 1930). Address: S. D. A. Mission, Box 20, New Town, Harbin, Manchuria, China. Licentiates: Djou Chi Ming (Harbin), Tsui Yu Djang (Address, S. D. A. Mission, Tsitsihar, Heilungkiang, Manchuria, China). 171 CHINA DIVISION NORTH CHINA UNION MISSION Organized 1919 Territory: The provinces of Hopei, Suiyuan, Chahar, Shantung, Shansi, Western Half of Johol and Mongolia. Population: 80,000,000; churches, 9; members, 641. Telegraphic and Cable Address: " Adventists," Peiping. Office Address: S. D. A. Mission, 62 Ta Fang Chia Hutung, Peiping, China. Officers: Supt., G. J. Appel. Sec., Treas., and Auditor, H. N. Brodersen. Executive Committee: G. J. Appel, W. J. Harris, L. H. Davies, A. A. Esteb, Shen Chien P'en, Wang Hsi Yuen, Goh Chiao, Liang, H. N. Brodersen, Meng Chung Ih, Keng Chiao Chun, C. B. Green, H. Y. Tsou. Department Secretaries: Field Miss., A. A. Esteb (on furlough) ; G. J. Appel, acting. Medical, E. F. Coulston, M. D. Sabbath School, H. N. Brodersen. Y. P. M. V. and Educational, L. H. Davies. Ministers: G. J. Appel, A. A. Esteb. Licentiates: H. N. Brodersen, E. F. Coulston, M. D. Missionary Licentiates: Mrs. C. J. Appel, Mrs. H. N. Brodersen, Mrs. A. A. Esteb, Mrs. E. F. Coulston. HOPEI MISSION Organized 1918 Territory: The Province of Hopei. Population: 30,341,127; churches, 3; members, 295. Telegraphic Address: " Adventists," Peiping. Address: S. D. A. Mission, 62 Ta Fang Chia Hutung, Peiping, China. Officers: Director, C. B. Green. Sec. and Treas., H. N. Brodersen. Executive Committee: C. B. Green, H. N. Brodersen, Wang Hsi Yuen, H. Y. Dzou, Keng Chiao Chun, Shan Tsu Chang, A. A. Esteb. Department Secretaries: Field Miss., Chao Lien Teh. Home Miss., H. Y. Dzou. Sabbath School, H. Y. Dzou. Y. P. M. V. and Educational, H. Y. Dzou. Minister: Wang Hsi Yuen. Licentiates: Keng Fu Kwanz, H. N. Brodersen, Cho Ke Ming, H. Y. Dzou, C. B. Green, Lucy Andrus. Missionary Licentiates: Pai Tze Heng, Chao Lien Teh, Mrs. Ko, Mrs. Wang, Han Pao Lo, Cheng Chung Sheng, Shan Tze Chang, Keng Chiao Chun. Church Directory: Peiping, Seventh-day Adventist Central Church, 314 Chi Hua Men Ta Chieh, Peiping. Tientsin, Seventh-day Adventist Mission Chapel, No. 11 Shai Mi Chang, Tientsin, Hopei. 172 CHINA DIVISION MONGOLIAN MISSION Organized 1930 Territory: Mongolia. Population: 2,600,000; churches, 1; members, 11. Telegraphic Address: "Adventists," Kalgan. Address: S. D. A. Mission, Kalgan, China. Officers: Acting Director, G. J. Appel. Acting Sec.-Treas., H. N. Brodersen. Executive Committee: North China Union Committee. Ministers: G. J. Appel, Otto Christensen. Licentiates: J. Maltsev, P. Kasitsen, S. Orel, B. Porshenkoff. Missionary Licentiates: Wang Tze Yuan, Ta Hsi Ni Ma. SHANSI MISSION Organized 1928 Territory: The Province of Shansi. Population: 11,114,592; churches, 1; members, 45. Telegraphic Address: " Adventists," Taiyuanfu. Address: S. D. A. Mission, 11 Ch'uang Ching Chieh, Taiyuanfu, Shansi, China. Officers: Director, C. I. Meng. Sec. and Treas., Hsu Y. C. Executive Committee: C. I. Meng, Hsu Y. C. Department Secretaries: Field Miss., —. Home Miss., C. I. Meng. Sabbath School, Hsu Y. C. Ministex: C. I. Meng. Missionary Licentiates: Hsu Y. C., Le An Ren, Teng, Wang, Mrs. Le Wen Mean. Church Directory: 11 Ch'ang Ch'ing Chieh. SHANTUNG MISSION Organized 1917 Territory: The Province of Shantung. Population: 30,803,245; churches, 3; members, 290. Telegraphic Address: " Adventist," Tsinan. Address: S. D. A. Mission, Tsinanfu, Shantung, China. Officers: Director, W. J. Harris. Sec. and Treas., Mrs. L. H. Davies. ExecutiVe Committee: IV. J. Harris, L. H. Davies, Mrs. L. H. Davies, Shen Chien P'en, Chiao Wen Li, Chia Kuo Chin, Chang Chien Kuang, Duan Yung Chien. Department Secretaries: Field Miss., Chiao Wen Li. Home Miss., Chiao Wen Li. Sabbath School, Liao Hwa. Y. P., M. V. and Educational. Liang. Ministers: W. J. Harris, Shen Chien P'en. Licentiates: Chiao Wen Li, L. H. Davies, Chang Chien Kuang, Gob Chiao Liang. Missionary Licentiates: Chia Kuo Chin, Wang Tze Shan, Hsu Wen Ping, Mrs. L. H. Davies, Ill Meng Ch'i, Mk. W. J. Harris, Duan Yung Chien, Mrs. Duan, Mrs. Chiao Rai Ting, Miss Ni, Chu Yen Ting, Wang Teh Chu. Church Directory: Tsinanfu, Wei I Lu. CHINA DIVISION 173 SOUTH CHINA UNION MISSION Reorganized zgzg Territory: The Chinese Provinces of Kwangsi, Kwangtung, Fu• kien; the Islands of Formosa, Hainan; the Colony of Hongkong. Population: 69,889,938; churches, 40; members, 2,504. Telegraphic and Cable Address: " Adventist," Hongkong. Office Address: " La Rue Villa," 40 Stubbs Road, Hongkong, China. Postal Address: P. 0. Box 310, Hongkong, China. Officers: Supt., 0. A. Hall. Sec., Treas., and Auditor, P. L. Williams. Executive Committee: 0. A. Hall, P. L. Williams, J. P. Anderson, D. S. Ho, T. K. Ang, B. L. Anderson, S. T. Lo, V. J. Maloney, P. V. Thomas, T. P. Tshi, R. M. Milne, T. S. Woo, A. L. Ham, D. D. Coffin, David Hwang, K. T. Khng, K. 0. Tan, C. Y. Hung, H. S. Leung. Department Secretaries: Educational and Y. P. M. V., Field Miss., R. M. Milne. Home Miss., K. 0. Tan. Medical, D. D. Coffin, M. D. Sabbath School, —. Ministers: 0. A. Hall, R. M. Milne, K. 0. Tan. Licentiate: P. L. Williams. Missionary Licentiates: Mrs. 0. A. Hall, Mrs. R. M. Milne, Mrs. P. L. Williams. Church Directory: Canton, 43 Nam Kwang, Che Kwong Lai. Foochow City, Ching Du Guang. Hongkong, S. D. A. Hall. CANTONESE MISSION Territory: The Cantonese-speaking portion of •Kwangitung Province; Hongkong and Macao. Telegraphic Address: " Adventist," Canton. Office Address: S. D. A. Mission, Tungshan, Canton, China. Officers: Director, A. L. Ham; Asso. Director, K. T. Khng. Sec., K. T. Khng. Treas., Accountant, S. I. Wong. Mission Committee: A. L. Ham. K. T. Khng, T. M. Lei, H. S. Leung, L. W. Shaw, C. N. Tso. Department Secretaries: Educational, H. S. Leung. • Field Miss., P. T. Lo. Home Miss., K. T. Kling. Sabbath School, P. T. Lo. Y. P. M. V., Y. M. Hon. Ministers: A. L. Ham, S. L. Wong, H. B. Parker, T. S. Woo, C. N. Tso, L. W. Shaw, L. C. Wilcox, K. T. Khng, Dr. F. E. Bates. Licentiates: S. M. Cheung, P. L. Chan, C. M. Kwok, F. K. Tam, S. C. Ha, K. M. Sham, C. C. Chan, Y. T. Fung, W. H. Hoh, Dr. Lung-Ping-Hang, T. M. Lai, H. S. Leung, T. C. Chung, S. S. Wong. Missionary Licentiates: Mrs. H. B. Parker, Mrs. L. W. Shaw, Mrs. A. L. Ham, C. Y. Lai, H. H. Tam, Mrs. L. P. Chan, Miss Y. K. 174 CHINA DIVISION Leung, Mrs. T. S. Wu, P. T. Lo, Y. N. Chow, Chow Sam Koo, Mrs. K. P. Li, Miss M. S. Wong, Mrs. L. C. Wilcox, Dr. Loo Pan, Mrs. F. E. Bates, C. Y. Chung, Miss Y. M. Lau, C. M. Wong. HAKKA MISSION Territory: The Hakka-speaking portion of the Provinces of Kwangtung and Fukien. Telegraphic Address: Adventist Mission, Waichow, Kwangtung. Office Address: S. D. A. Mission, Waichow, Kwangtung, China. Officers: Director, J. P. Anderson. Sec. and Treas., Mrs. J. P. Anderson. Mission Committee: J. P. Anderson, Dr. H. C. James, Mrs. J. P. Anderson, Lo Sin Tshoi, Lo Tet Tsun, Tshi Tsok Phien, Ng Yuk Pin, Chong . Fa MM, Vun Shau Vun, Chong Sin Tso, Liu Tsu Nyau, Ng Yuk Chi. Ministers: J. P. Anderson, Lo Sin Tshoi, Tshi Tsok Phien, Chong Fa MM, Lo i sun, Ng Yuk Pin. Licentiate: Dr. H. C. James. Missionary Licentiates: Mrs. H. C. James, M. D., Mrs. J. P. Anderson, L. F. Schutt, Mrs. L. F. Schutt, NTg Yok Chhi, Lo Tet Tshien, Li Yit Thin, Vun Shau Vun, Ho Tshin, Wong Tshau Sam, Li Thau Fong, Lo Mo Yen, Chu Tsu Tshiang, Sung Nyulc Yi, Chong Sin Tso, Chong Thau Fam, Li Moi Fa, Yong Thau Yung, Wong Yip Chiu, Wong Yung Phat, Lo Fui En, Chong Kwet En, Liu Tsu Nyau, Hiu That Sam. Church School Teachers: Mrs. Thsi Tsok, Phien, Ng Yuk Chhi, Chin Chhun Fa, Chung Yuk Hon, Li Chhun Shi. KWANGSI MISSION Territory: The Province of Kwangsi, and On Po, Ling Shan and Yam Chow Districts in Kwangtung. Telegraphic Address: Adventist Mission, Nanning. Office Address: S. D. A. Mission, Nanning, Kwangsi, China. Officers: Director, P. V. Thomas. Sec. and Treas., P. V. Thomas. Committee: P. V. Thomas, D. D. Coffin, Nep Wan Ngai, Cheung Yan Kin, V. M. Hansen. Minister: P. V. Thomas. Licentiate: D. D. Coffin, M. D., V. M. Hansen. Missionary Licentiates: Mrs. P. V. Thomas, Mrs. D. D. Coffin, Nep Wan Ngai, Chau Hei Nien, Laam Hung Tsoi, Lau Man Wing, Cheung Yan Kin, Siu Kam Nino. Mrs 7. M. Ear., sen. • NORTH FUKIEN MISSION Territory: The northern portion of the Province of Fukien. Office Address: S. D. A. Mission, Foochow City, China. Telegraphic Address: " Adventist Mission," Foochow. Officers: Director, V. J. Maloney. Sec. and Treas., H. N. Quade. Mission Committee: V. J. Maloney, H. N. Quade, Ling Sing Ca, Chai Guok Uong, Ging. SO CHINA DIVISION Tang, Eu Tong Ching, Ho Do Sing, Uong Ting Sing. 175 Office Address: S. D. A. Mission, Kulangsu, Amoy, China. Officers: Department Secretaries: Director, B. L. Anderson. Book and Bible House, Ling Sec. and Treas., Buong Sing. Mission Committee: B. L. AnField Miss., Ngu Bek Gi. derson, N. K. Keh, N. S. Tan, Sabbath School, Diong Chiong Mi. C. T. Tan, C. Y. Hung, K. T. So, T. T. Chhoa. Ministers: Department Secretaries: V. J. Maloney, Ling Sing Ca, Educational, Alexander Lee. Chai Guok Uong. Home Miss., Ngo Eng Hwa. Licentiate: Publishing, Ngo Eng Hwa. H. N. Quade. Sabbath School, Mrs. B. L. AnNative Evangelists: derson, Ann• Kim Hi. Y. P. M. V., bS. T. Hwang. Diong Chiong Mi, Sia Huoi Ding, Cieng Dong U., Eu Tong Ministers: Ching, Ging Ko Bing, Ging B. L. Anderson, N. K. Keh, C. Y. So Tang, Ho Do Sing, Ho Hung. Haiu Hua, Tek Chung Guong, Missionary Licentiates: Tong Huo King, Tong Ming Ong, Mrs. B. L. Anderson, J. G. MacKiu Daik Bo, Ling Buo Hi, Intyre, Mrs. J. G. Maclntyre. Uong Ting Sing, Wong Bing Native Evangelists: Dung. C. T. Tan, N. S. Tan, So Kahn Missionary Licentiates: Ti, Lee Sek Eng, C. S. Han, S. C. Mrs. V. J. Maloney, Mrs. H. N. Keh, T. K. Keh, K, H. Hung, Quade. B. L. Tan. Bible Women: Bible Women (native): Ding Seuk Ching, Mrs. Ho Do Iu Ban Chim, Chhiu Sui So, Lim Sing, Ling Huoi Mu, Dang Seuk Giok Tsu. Ing, Mrs. Dioncr Chiong Mi, Mrs. Church School Teachers: Kieu Daik Bo, Mrs. Ling Buo Hi, In Ho Tsu, Tiu Pheh Loan, Keh Mrs. Do. Hong Mo, Ong Ai Tsu, Mrs. Lee, Church School Teachers: Keh Tiong Su, Keh Giok Miu, Chhoa Bun Kut. Mrs. Lau Line. Naagauk, Ding Chung Hung, Mr. Uong. Church Directory: SWATOW MISSION Foochow City Church, Ching Du Territory: The Eastern slope of Guang. the province of Kwangtung. Telegraphic Address: " Adventist," SOUTH FUKIEN MISSION Swatow. Territory: The Am oyese-speakOffice Address: S. D. A. Mission, ing portions of the Province of Swatow, Kwangtung, China. Fukien; Formosa. Officers: Population: 12,000,000. Director (Acting), —. " Adventist," Address: Cable Asst., David Hwang. Amoy. Sec., Sng Cheng Hiok. 176 CHINA DIVISION . Treas., Sub-Treas., Sng Cheng Hiok. Department Secretaries: Book and Bible House, Sng Cheng Hiok. Home Miss., Lee U. Chiang. Sabbath School, Mrs. David Hwang. Ministers: • T. K. Ang, David Hwang. Licentiates: Tan Hiong Tsun, Lee U. Chiang, Ye Su Khai, Ng Hi Tong, Jim Pang Tau. Missionary Licentiates: Sng Cheng Hiok, Ng Mia Cheng, Kang Bun Chhau, Gou Soh Lau, Lee Theng Huang, Mrs. D. Hwang, Mrs. Ie Mui Cheng, Mrs. Tan Guki, Miss Lee Khiok Seng, Miss Khu Song Cheng, Miss Kang Siam Kheng, Mrs. Lo Zu Tiang, Ie Thien Iu, Khu Su Tak, Tan Chheh Khun, Teng Teak Seng, Lee Khiok Ngi, le Mui Cheng, Ng Sim Tshang, Thia Kiang Hui, Sim Chheng Kuang, Ang Tsu Chhai. Honorary: Sng Khiam Tshong, Tie Khiok Meng, T. K. Ang. _Church School Teachers: Mrs. David Hwang, Mrs. Li Khiok Seng, Mrs. Ie Mui Cheng, Teng Teak Seng, Ang Tsu Chhai, Ie Zu Iah, Ng Sim Tshang, Sim Chheng Kuang. WEST CHINA UNION MISSION Organized x9'9. Territory: The Provinces of Szechwan, Yunnan, Kweichow; and Tibet. Population: 96,279,380; churches, 15; members, 654. Telegraph Address: " Adventist Mission," Chungking. Postal Address: S. D. A. Mission, Chungking, Szechwan, China. Officers: Supt., M. C. Warren. Sec. and Treas., M. C. Warren. Executive Committee: M. C. Warren, Dr. J. N. Andrews, A. E. Hughes, C. A. Woolsey, Mrs. M. C. Warren, J. Effenberg, Hwang Dzi Gin, Ho Ai Deng, C. B. Miller, A. B. Buzzell, Wang An Hsi, D. R. White, Li Wan Chuen. Department Secretaries: Field Miss. and Home Miss., C. A. Woolsey. Sabbath School, Mrs. M. C. War. ren. Minister: M. C. Warren. Licentiate: C. A. Woolsey. Missionary Licentiates: Mrs. M. C. Warren, Mrs. C. A. Woolsey, Mrs. H. K. Smith. EAST KWEICHOW MISSION Address: S. D. A. Mission, Kweiyang, Kweichow, China. Officers: Director, A. B. Buzzell. Sec. and Treas., A. B. Buzzell. Minister: A. B. Buzzell. Licentiate: Li Wan Chuen. Missionary Licentiates: Mrs. A. B. Buzzell, J. N. Lee, Mrs. J. N. Lee, Dai Gun Deh, Tsen Ti Ren. CHINA DIVISION 177 EAST SZECHWAN MISSION TIBETAN MISSION Address: S. D. A. Mission, Chungking, Szechwan, China. Address: S. D. A. Mission, Tatsienlu, Szechwan, China. Officers: Director, J. Effenberg. Sec. and Treas., Mrs. J. Effenberg. Mission Committee: J. Effenberg, Hwang Dzi Chiang, Wang An Hsi, Li. Gen Yu, Mrs. J. Effenberg, Liu Deh San, Ren Gwei Hwa, Yang Hsin Sen, Lu Din Fang. Officers: Director, Dr. J. N. Andrews. Sec. and Treas., Mrs. J. N. Andrews. Department Secretaries: Book and Bible House, Dzan Gen Gwang. Educational and Y. P. M. V., J. Effenberg; Assistant, Chen Hsio Hwa. Field and Home Miss., Wang An Hsi. Sabbath School, Hwang Dzi Chiang. Ministers: J. Effenberg, Wang An Hsi. Licentiates: Li Gen Yu, Hwang Dzi Chiang, Ren Gwei Hwa. Missionary Licentiates: Mrs. J. Effenberg, Giang Dzen Hwa, Yang Gi Dzou, Liu Deli San, Den Ru Hsieh, Chuen Tin Wan, Lu Din Fang, Yang Hsin Sen. Bible Women: Mrs. D. C. Hwang, Mrs. G. Y. Dzang, Mrs. W. D. Li, Mrs. II. S. Yang, Mrs. Y. A. Dung, Dzan Shi Gwang, Li Wei Dzi. Church School Teachers: Tan Su Dzi, Chen Hsio Hwa, Chen Dzung Hsiung, Chan Pen Tsu, Dzang Dzu Hsin. Minister: Dr. J. N. Andrews. Licentiate: Wu Yun An. Missionary Licentiate: Mrs. J. N. Andrews. WEST KWEICHOW MISSION Address: S. D. A. Mission, Pichieh, Kweichow, China. Officers: Director, Ho Ai Deng. Sec. and Treas., Ho Ai Deng. Mission Committee: Ho Al Deng, Gao Sang Lu, Tsen Gwei Guin, Dzu Yeh Hsi, Ho Ren Min. Department Secretaries: Educational, Gao Sang Lu. Field and Home Miss., Tsen Gwei Guin. Sabbath School, Ho Ai Deng. Minister: Ho Ai Deng. Missionary. Licentiates: Lo Wen Bi, Gao Sang Lu, Tsen Gwei Guin, Wang Hsin Bang, Lo Yin Dzang, Dju Yin Ting, Ho Yiao Hsien, Sen Dzi Min, Ren Djen Hsin, Chen Dji Len, Li Ni Djen, Lin Chi Min, Dziang I Ngo, Tao Fu Hsin, Li Wen Hsioh. Bible Women: Pan Hsiang Hen, Liu Chiang. Hsun Church School Teachers: Gao Sang Lu, Ho Ren Min. 178 CHINA DIVISION WEST SZECHWAN MISSION Address: S. D. A. Mission, Chengtu, Szechwan, China. Officers: Director, A. E. Hughes. Sec. and Treas., Mrs. Emma N. Hughes. Mission Committee: A. E. Hughes, Mrs. Emma N. Hughes, Hwang Dzi Gin, Chen Tsei Chiao, Chen Hwa Hsuen, Chen Gien Wen, Yu Tsei Min. Department Secretaries: Book and Bible House, Dzen Fu Yun. Field and Home Miss., Chen Tsei Chiao. Sabbath School, Mrs. Emma N. Hughes. Ministers: A. E. Hughes, Hwang Dzi Gin. Licentiate: Yu Tsei Min. Missionary Licentiates: Tsao Deb Ren, Dzen Fu Yun. Chen Hwa Hsuen, Chen Tsei Chiao, Liu Ru Gieh, Liu Hen Ih. Church School Teachers: Lin Han Chin, Chen Gien Wen, .oat, at,en. YUNNAN MISSION Address: S. D. A. Mission, Yunnanfu, Yunnan, China. Officers: Director, C. B. Miller. Sec. and Treas., D. R. White. Mission Committee: C. B. Miller, D. R. White, Feng Deh Sen, Mrs. C. B. Miller. Ministers: C. B. Miller, D. R. White. Licentiate: Feng Deb Sen. Missionary Licentiates: Mrs. D. R. White, Mrs. C. B. Miller, Mrs. Dora L. Feng, Hu Keh Tsang. INSTITUTIONS IN CHINA DIVISION Educational: Anhwei Junior Middle School, Pengpu, Anhwei, China. Bee Hwa, Middle School, Kulangsu, Amoy, China. Canton Middle School, Tungshan, Canton, China. China Theological Seminary, Chiao Tou Djen, via Siashu, Kiangsu Province, China. Far Eastern Academy, 32 Ningkuo Road, Shanghai, China. Foochow Intermediate School, Foochow, China. Hankow Junior Middle School, Wang Gai Dun, Hankow, Huneh. China. Harbin High School of S. D. A., Mukden, Manchuria, China. Home Study Institute, Far Eastern Branch, 25 Ningkuo Road, Shanghai, China. Ronan Junior Middle School, Lowanho, Yencheng, Honan, China. - unan Ja.,;o1 Midale School, Changsha, Hunan, China. Kiangsu Junior Middle School. 31 Ningkuo Road, Shanghai, China. Manchuria Union Missionary Training Institute, S. D. A. Mission, Mukden, Manchuria. North China Bible School, Tsinanfu, Shantung, China. Peiping Junior Middle School, S. D. A. Mission, 62 Ta Fang Chia Hutung, Peiping, Hopei, China. Shanghai Training School for Nurses. Postal Address, Box 1281. 150 Rubicon Road . Shanghai, China. CHINA DIVISION South Chekiang Junior Middle School, Wenchow, Chekiang, China. Publishing: Signs of the Times Publishing House, 25 Ningkuo Road, Shanghai, China. Sungari-Mongolian Mission Press (for Russian and Mongolian), P. 0. Box 20, Newtown, Harbin, Manchuria, China. Tibetan Mission Press, Tatsienlu, Szechwan, China. Medical: Canton Dispensary, 42 Nam Kwan, Chekwang Lai, Canton, China. Chiao Tou Djen Hospital-Dispensary, China Theological Seminary, Chiao Tou Djen, via Siashu, Kiangsu, China. Changchun Hospital-Dispensary, S. D. A. Mission, Changchun, Manchuria, China. 179 Fui On Hospital-Dispensary, Adventist Mission, Waichow, Kwangtung, China. Kalgan Hospital-Dispensary (to be operated later in the year) ; Kalgan, Hopei, China. Little Een Hospital-Dispensary, Shek Lo Tau St., Fatshan. Kwangtung, ('hina. Nanning Hospital - Dispensary, Nanning, Kwangsi, China. Shanghai Sanitarium. Postal Address, Box 1281. 150 Rubicon Road, Shanghai China; also a branch establishment at 35 Range Road, Shanghai, China; City Medical and Dental offices, Room 306, Sassoon House, Shanghai, China. Shanghai Sanitarium Clinic, 33 Range Road, Shanghai, China. Tatsienlu Dispensary, Tatsienlu, Szechwan, China. Yencheng Hospital-Dispensary, Lowanho, Yencheng, Flonan, China. FAR EASTERN DIVISION Organized 1931 Territory: Japan, Chosen (Korea), Siam, Philippines, British Malaya, French Indo-China, all of which is comprised in the Japan, Chosen, Philippine, and Malayan Union Missions. Population: 128,002,119; churches, 272; members, 17,125. Cable and Telegraphic Address: "Adventist," Manila. Codes used: Western Union Five-letter edition; A. B. C. Fifth edition. Postal Address: Box 2993, Manila, Philippine Islands. Officers: President, Frederick Griggs. Sec., Treas., and Auditor, Eu- gene Woesner. Executive Board: Frederick Griggs, Eugene Woesner, W. P'. Bradley, J. G. Gjording, V. T. Armstrong, H. A. ()berg, R. R. Figuhr, J. H. McEachern, Mrs. Blanche E. Griggs, E. M. Adams. Legal Association: "General Conference Corporation of Seventhday Adventists." Eugene Woesner, Attorney-in-fact. Rfliirti^ral =id Missionary Volunteer Departments: Secretary: W. Bradley. Members: W. P. Bradley, Frederick Griggs, Euguene Woesner; the educational and Y. P. M. V. secretaries of union missions; the heads of training schools in the Division; the heads of senior and junior middle schools; the superintendents of union missions in the :Far Eastern Division. Home Missionary Department: Secretary, J. H. McEachern. Members: The division publishing and home missionary secre180 tary; the union mission home missionary secretaries as appointed. Medical Department: Secretary, H. A. Hall, M. D. Members: The Division medical secretary, with the physicians connected with all recognized sanitariums, treatment rooms, and hospital-dispensaries in the Far Eastern Division. Ministerial Association: Secretary, Frederick Griggs. Advisory Council: President and secretary of the Far Eastern Division; the departmental secretaries of the Far Eastern Division; the superintendents of union missions; the directors of local missions not within a union mission, and the principals of the advanced training schools in the Far Eastern Division. Publishing Department: Secretary: J. H. McEachern. Members: The division publishing department secretary; all union field and home missionary secretaries within rm,- te,ritory; field and home missionary secretaries of local mission fields operated directly by the Far Eastern Division; the heads of the four publishing houses in the Far Eastern Division, together with the chief editor of each as appointed by the division committee; the superintendents of union missions; also Frederick Griggs, Eugene Woesner, and W. P. Bradley. Sabbath School Department: Secretary, Mrs. Blance E. Griggs. Advisory Committee: The Division Sabbath school secretary; the Union Sabbath school secretaries. FAR EASTERN DIVISION The Home Commission: Secretary, Frederick Griggs. Members: W. P. Bradley, Mrs. Blanche E. Griggs, J. H. McEachern, Dr. H. A. Hall, Mrs. E. A. Moon, Mrs. V. E. Hendershot, Mrs. Melchor Elauria, Mrs. Ai Fukazawa, Mrs. A. N. Anderson, Mrs. Theo. Wangerin. Transportation Agents: Eugene Woesner (chairman); the union treasurers of the Japan and Malayan Unions. Division Building Committee: (To be appointed.) LABORERS HOLDING CREDENTIALS FROM THE FAR EASTERN DIVISION Ministers: Frederick Griggs, J. G. Gjording, V. T. Armstrong, E. M. Adams, 181 W. P. Bradley, J. H. McEachern, H. A. Oberg. Licentiates: H. W. Kisser, I. E. Gillis, E. J. Johanson, R. N. Calvert, M. D. Missionary Licentiates: Eugene Woesner, H. J. Perkins, Mrs. Frederick Griggs, Mrs. J. G. Gjording, Mrs. V. T. Armstrong, Mrs. H. .W. Klaser,• Mrs. W. P. Bradley, Mrs. J. H. McEachern, Mrs. H. A. Oberg, Mrs. I. E. Gillis, Mrs. H. J. Perkins, Mrs. E. J. Johanson, Mrs. Eugene Woesner, Mrs. E. M. Adams, Mrs. E. E. Getzlaff, Mrs. A. N. Nelson, Mrs. Alfred Koch, Mrs. H. J. Perkins, Miss Ellen Stacey, Mrs. Geo. Dietrich, Mrs. A. B. Cole, Mrs. Clarence Thurston, Mrs. H. F. Benson, Mrs. E. J. Kraft, Mrs. F. R. Millard, Miss Dorothy J. Wheeler, Mrs. R. N. Calvert. CHOSEN UNION MISSION Mission organized 1908; Conference organized 1917; Union Mission organized 1919 Territory: Chosen (Korea). Population: 19,450,000; churches, 26; members, 2,128. Cable Address: "Adventist," Seoul. Western Union Five letter Code. Office Address: S. D. A. Mission, Outside East Gate, Seoul, Chosen (Korea). Officers: Superintendent, H. A. Ob erg. Sec. and Treas., I. E. Gillis. Executive Committee: H. A. Oberg, E. J. Urquhart (on furlough), W. E. Gillis, K. U. Lee, H. M. Lee, Mrs. Theo. Wangerin, T. H. Choi, K. H. Kim, W. J. Pudewell, R. W. Pearson, S. I. Nam, Y. S. Pak, S. W. Im, C. H. Cho, R. S. Watts, Dr. G. H. Rue, C. W. Lee, L. I. Bowers, N. C. Kim, K. P. Pak, I. E. Gil is. Legal Organization Title: Zidon of the Chosen Union Conference of S. D. A. Department Secretaries: Educational ando.Y. P. M. V., H. M. Lee. Field Miss., R. W. Pearson. Home Miss., R. S. Watts. Medical, Dr. G. H. Rue. Ministerial, C. W. Lee. Sabbath School, Mrs. Theo Wangerin. Ministers: H. A. Oberg, E. J. Urquhart (on furlough), K. H. Kim, H. M. Lee, W. E. Gillis, H. M. Kim, C. W. Lee. 182 FAR EASTERN DIVISION Church School Teachers: L. E. Kim, N. H. Chyung, P. 0. Ko, C. I. Lee, L. N. Kwak. Telegraphic Address: "Adventist," Seoul. Office Address: S. D. A. Mission, Outside East Gate, Seoul, Chosen (Korea). Officers: Director, T. H. Choi. Sec. and Treas., M. C. Lee. Executive Committee: T. H. Choi, Y. S. Min, S. I. Nam, M. C. Lee, N. C. Kim, Y. 0. Kim, Y. S. Oh. Department Secretaries: Educational, T. H. Choi. Field Miss., Y. 0. Kim. Sabbath School, Home Miss., and Y. P. M. V., Y. S. Oh. Ministers: T. H. Choi, N. C. Kim, S. I. Nam. Licentiates: Y. S. Oh, S. S. Lee, T. S. Kim, H. S. Han, Y. 0. Kim, D. S. Chyung, M. K. Kim, P. S. Pak. Missionary Licentiates: M. C. Lee, M. S. Kang, K. Y. Song, I. D. Kim, S. I. Lee, S. Y. Nam, Y. S. Pak, H. D. Oh, C. S. Lim, D. P. Oh, H. C. Kim, H. S. Lee, S. B. Du, C. S. Lee, S. S. Kim, K. 0. Chang, S. C. Chyung. Church Echc:.:1 Y. S. Pak, S. Y. Nam, H. S. Lee, D. P. Oh, H. C. Kim, C. S. Lim, C. S. Lee, S. S. Kim, K. 0. Chang, S. C. Chyung. CENTRAL CHOSEN MISSION Organized 1919 Territory: Provinces of North and South Ham Heung, Kan Won (except the county of Ul Chin), Kyung Keui, North Chyung Chung (except the counties of Po Eun, Ok Chun, and Yung Tong), and South Chung Province (except the counties of Tae Chun, Lon San and Pu Yu). SOUTH CHOSEN MISSION Organized 1919 Territory: Provinces of North and South Kyung Sang, North and South Chulla, the counties of Po Un, Ok Chun, Yung Dong, in North Chyung Chung, and the counties of Tae Chun, Lon San, Pu Yu in South Chyung Chung, and the county of Ul Chin in Kang Won Provinces. Licentiates: L. I. Bowers, K. S. Chyung, B. S. Chyung, R. W. Pearson, S. E. Lee, Y. M. Kim, K. C. Pak, R. S. Watts, H. C. Chang, C. H. Kang, I. E. Gillis. Missionary Licentiates: Airs. H. A. Oberg, Mrs. L. I. Bowers, Mrs. Theo. Wangerin, Mrs. E. J. Urquhart (on furlough), Mrs. R. W. Pearson, Mrs. R. S. Watts, D. S. Chyong, C. C. Kim, Miss H. M. Scott, Mrs. H. M. Lee, K. I. Lee, Y. H. Hyun, Mrs. C. W. Lee, A. R. Tucker, Mrs. A. R. Tucker, Mrs. I. E. Gillis, S. C. Kim, C. U. Pak, H. S. Leu, Meriam Pak, Y. S. Leu, T. H. Hyun, 0. C. Kim, T. S. Kim, K. S. Cho, H. K. Ko, Dr. G. H. Rue, Mrs. G. H. Rue, Y. S. Song, K. H. Kwak, C. S. Chung, C. S. Son, N. D. Pang, L. S. Lee, C. H. Kim, T. K. Chyung, S. L. Pai, H. P. Oh, P. W. Ou. Training School Teachers: H. M. Lee, Principal, C. W. Lee, A. R. Tucker, Mrs. A. R. Tucker, Mrs. C. W. Lee, K. I. Lee, H. M. Kim, K. H. Kwak, Y. R. Hyun, H. C. Chang, S. C. Kim, K. Matsumoto, B. Higashi, C. H. Im, Y. H. Lee, H. K. Kim, C. H. TCong T, T, TInworo. FAR EASTERN DIVISION 183 Telegraphic Address: " Adventist," Keizan, Office Address: S. D. A. Mission, Soonan, Chosen (Korea). Office Address: S. D. A. Mission, Keizan, Chosen (Korea). Officers: Director, K. U. Lee. Sec. and Treas., S. S. Ko. Executive Committee: K. U. Lee, S. S. Ko, S. W. Im, C. C. Pak, C. R. Son, C. K. Ko, R. S. Watts. Officers: Director, W. J. Pudewell. Sec. and Treas., H. N. Chyung. Executive Committee: W. J. Pudewell, H. N. Chyung, K. P. Pak, Y. S. Pak, C. H. Lim, C. I. Yang, Y. K. Sin. Department Secretaries: Educational and Y. P. M. V., K. P. Pak. Field Miss., C. H. Lim. Sabbath School and Home Miss., K. P. Pak. Ministers: W. J. Pudewell, Ernest Bahr, Y. S. Pak. Licentiates: K. P. Pak, C. I. Yang, C. H. Lim, K. S. Pak, U. K. Kim, Y. S. Kim, C. K. Pak, Y. S. Yun, C. P. Chang, S. 0. Lee, L. C. Lee. Missionary Licentiates: Mrs. W. J. Pudewell, Mrs. E. Bahr, H. N. Chyung, H. Y. Pak, H. Y. Kang, I. S. Pak, 0. C. Kim, I. H. Kim, P. S. Chyung, C. H. Min, S. 0. Yun, W. D. Kim, I. H. Choi. Church School Teachers: I. S. Pak, 0. C. Kim, W. D. Kim, C. H. Min. WEST CHOSEN MISSION Organized 1919 Territory: North and South Pyeng An, and Whang Hai Provinces. Telegraphic Address: " Adventist," Soonan. Department Secretaries: Educational and Sabbath School, C. R. Son. Field Miss., R. B. Mun. Home Miss. and Y. P. M. V., Y. C. Cha. Ministers: K. U. Lee, S. Y. Kim, S. W. im. Licentiates: C. R. Son, C. H. Cho, C. K. Ko, C. S. Pak, Y. C. Cha, S. L. Oh, K. Y. Kim, H. Lee, I. C. Chun, C. W. Ha, W. S. Pak, B. D. Kim. Missionary Licentiates: S. S. Ko, M. R. Hyun, P. S. Syun, H. S. Lee, L. 0. Kim, P. C. Kim, W. B. Syuk, R. B. Mun, M. U. Kim, S. C. Im, T. S. Kim, K. H. Pak, K. M. Kim, H. M. Yun, T. H. Lim, I. S. Lee, Y. C. Choi, H. S. Choi, B. K. Ko, T. 0. Kim, C. B. Chang, Y. S. Lee, K. T. Kim, C. S. Lo, U. C. Lee, H. K. Chang, H. C. Myung. Church School Teachers: W. B. Syuk, H. S. Lee, P. C. Kim, B. K. Ko, M. 0. Kim, H. C. Myung, D. S. Kim, S. C. Im, K. H. Pak, K. M. Kim, H. M. Yun, T. H. Lim, I. S. Lee, Y. C. Choi, H. S. Choi, T. 0. Kim, C. B. Chang, Y. S. Lee, K. T. Kim, C. S. Lo, U. C. Lee, H. K. Chang. 184 PAR EASTERN DIVISION JAPAN UNION MISSION Organized as a mission 1896; as a conference, Nov. 2, 1917; and as a Union Mission, Aug. 20, 1919 Territory: Japan proper, not including Formosa or Korea. Population: 64,447,000; churches, 15; membership, 697. Cable Address: "Adventist," Tokyo. (Use Western Union code only.) (Telephone, Ogikubo 51.) Postal Address: Box 7, Yodobashi Post Office, Tokyo, Japan. Headquarters Location: 171 Amanuma, Suginami machi, Toyotama gun, Tokyo Fu, Japan. iya, Yekicho Seino, Seikichi Kaneko, T. Kajiyama, Y. Watanabe, Hiroshi Kuniya, Alfred Koch, George Dietrich. Licentiates: S. Furuya, H. Yamamoto, H. Takaya, Y. Kato, T. Hasegawa, T. Hayakawa, K. Otsuki, B. Doi, S. Ogura, H. Akebi, Dr. E. E. Getzlaff. Officers: Supt., V. T. Armstrong. Sec. and Treas., H. J. Perkins. Executive Committee: V. T. Armstrong, H. J. Perkins, H. F. Benson, A. N. Anderson, Seikichi Kaneko, Hide Kuniya, Shohei Miyake, E. J. Kraft, A. B. Cole, A. N. Nelson, Mrs. Ai Fukazawa, M. Fukazawa, Yekicho Seino, T. H. Okohira, Tokutaro Kobayashi, T. Xajiyania, George Dietrich, Dr. E. E. Getzlaff. Missionary Licentiates: A. Yamaguchi, K. Ishibe, E. J. Kraft, A. B. Cole, H. J. Perkins, T. Nemoto, Mrs. Hasegawa, M. Fukazawa, Mrs. Ai Fukazawa, C. Kamihira, J. Maeda, I. .Nomura, C. F. Thurston, F. B. Millard. Principal Churches: Tokyo, Kanda Ku, Naka Saru,gaku-cho 17. Hiroshima, Hachibori machi 107. Moji, Tani machi 3 chome. Amanuma, 171 Ogikubo. Nagoya, Higashi Ku Higashi Sotobori cho Kasei Jo-gakko. Osaka, Nishi ku Tanaku Machi 36. Kobe, .1`12:7.;.-,biki Dori 2 cnome 15 of 2. Wakamatsu, Daiku cho 2. Department Secretaries: Book and Bible House, A. B. Cole. Educational and Y. P. M. V., A. N. Nelson. Field Miss., E. J, Kraft. Home Miss., V. T. Armstrong. Medical, Dr. E. E. Getzlaff. Sabbath School, Mrs. Ai Fukazawa. Union Evangelist: Hide Kuniya. Ministers: V. T. Armstrong, A. N. Nelson, Shohei Miyake, T. H. Okohira, Tokutaro Kobayashi, Hide Kun- CHUGOKU MISSION Address: Higashi Hakushima, Kul:en/dm 98, Hiroshima, Japan. Officers: Director, Tokutaro Kobayashi. Ass't., Director, Georo, Dietrich. Sec. and Treas., H. J. Perkins. Ministers: Tokutaro Kobayashi, Hiroshi Kuniya, George Dietrich. Licentiates: K. Otsuki, B. Doi. Railway Station: Ogikubo, Central Line.-60 minutes from Tokyo. 21/ hours from Yokohama. FAR EASTERN DIVISION HOKKAIDO MISSION Address: Minami 6 Jo, Nishi 11 Chome, Sapporo, Japan. 185 Licentiate: T. Hasegawa. Missionary Licentiate: Mrs. T. Hasegawa. Officers: Director, H. F. Benson. Treas., H. J. Perkins. Minister: H. F. Benson. Licentiates: H. Yamamoto, T. Hayakawa. Missionary Licentiate: K. Ochiai. KYUSHU MISSION Address: Higashi Hakushima, Ku- kencho 98, Hiroshima, Japan. Officers: Director, T. Kajiyama. Treas., H. J. Perkins. Ministers: KANSAI MISSION Address: Kumochi, Fukuaicho Shimidzu 4, Kobe, Japan. Officers: Director, Tokutaro Kohayashi. Treas., H. J. Perkins. Ministers: T. Kobayashi, Y. Watanabe. Licentiate: Y. Kato. Missionary Licentiates: K. Sakahibaro, H. Yanami. KANTO MISSION Postal Address: Box 7, Yodobashi Post Office, Tokyo, Japan. Officers: Director, S. Miyake. Treas., H. J. Perkins. Minister: S. Miyake. T. Kajiyama, Alfred Koch (Address, 1648 Sohara, 6 Chome, Nishishin, Fukuoka, Japan). Missionary Licentiates: K. Ishibe, S. Nakafuji, S. Nogu chi. TOHOKU MISSION Address: Daiku cho 2, Aizu-Waka- rnatsu, Japan. Officers: Director, A. N. Anderson. Treas., H. J. Perkins. Ministers: A. N. Anderson, Seikichi, Kaneko. Licentiates: H. Takaya, S. Tanaka, T. Murakami. MALAYAN UNION MISSION Reorganized 1929 Territory: Straits Settlements, Malay States, British North Borneo, Brunei, Sarawak, Siam, French Indo-China. Population: 35,325,841; churches, 17; members, 951. Cable and Telegraphic Address: "Adventist," Singapore. Codes: Westen Union, Five-Letter Edition, and A. B. C., 5th Edition. Office Address: 399 Upper Serangoon Road, Singapore, Straits Settlements. (Telephone, 7085,) 186 FAR EASTERN DIVISION Officers: Supt., J. G. Gjording. Sec., Treas., and Auditor, E. J. Johanson. Executive Committee: J. G. Gjording, E. J. Johanson, R. N. Calvert, M. D., A. J. Werner, F. W. Detamore, J. W. Rowland, L. B. Mershon, F. A. Pratt,W.W. R. Lake, V. E. Hendershot, H. I. Smith, J. E. Gardner, M. D., Phang Yin-hee, J. J. Nallaiah, W. P. Barto, J. T. Pohan, C. M. Lee, Ng Hong-boon. Department Secretaries: Educational, Sabbath School, and Y. P. M. V., F. W. Detamore. Field and Home Miss., A. J. Werner. Ministers: J. G. Gjording, V. E. Hendershot, G. B. Youngberg, Phang Nyuk-thin, R. P. Abel, R. H. Wentland, F. L. Pickett. Licentiates: J. E. Gardner, M. D., R. N. Calvert, M. D., F. L. Bunch, Roger Altman, A. P. Ritz, N. J. Hoetaoeroek, Ng Hong-boon, E. J. Johanson, Chong Yun-ten, F. W. Detamore. Honorary: C. M. T.P.P. Missionary Licentiates: H. I. Smith, L Fox, A. J. Werner, Pan Lokliong, Lee Shinchong, Khung Kiet-seng, Mrs. G. B. Youngberg, Mrs. W. P. Barto, Mrs. V. E. Hendershot, Mrs. J. E. Gardner, Mrs. R..N. Calvert, Mrs. R. P. Abel, Mrs. F. L. Bunch, Mrs. H. I. Smith, Mrs. E. J. Johanson, Mrs. A. P. Ritz, Mrs. J. G. Gjording, Mrs. R. Altman, Mrs. L. Fox, Mrs. R. H. Wentland, Mrs. F. L. Pickett, Mrs. F. W. Detamore, Mrs. A. J. Werner, Elam Sinaga, Ruth Bernice Ladd, R, N. BRITISH BORNEO MISSION Organized 1914 Territory: British North Borneo, Brunei, Labuan. Population: 319,995; churches, 6; members, 240. Cable and Telegraphic Address: "Adventist Mission," Jesselton. Office Address: Jesselton, British North Borneo. Officers: Director, J. W. Rowland. Sec. and Treas., J. W. Rowland. Executive Committee: J. W. Rowland, Lim Gin-djong, L. S. Sibarani, J. Gulangsau, Tshi Hwa-yin, Johannes P'asariboe, M. Agian. Department Secretaries: Book Dept., M. P. Sormin. Educational, Field, Home Miss., and Y. P. M. V., J. W. Rowland. Sabbath School, Mrs. J. W. Rowland. Minister: J. W. Rowland. Licentiates: Tshi Hwa-yin, Phang Soo-kong, M. Agian, Lim Gin-djong, L. S. Sibarani, Johannes Pasariboe. Honorary: Kong Tsun-min. Missionary Licentiates: B. L. Tobing, J. Guldngsau, P. Pakpahan, Lo Thau-yung, Mrs. J. W. Rowland. Church School Teachers: Mrs. Phang Soo-kong, Kong Kee-fong, Mrs. Lim Gin-djong, Mrs. Tshi Hwa-yin, M. P. Sormin. Church Directory: Jesselton, Flagstaff Hill, FAR EASTERN DIVISION 187 MALAY STATES MISSION SIAM MISSION Organized 1914 Organized 1919 Territory: That part of British Territory: Kingdom of Siam, ex- Malaya lying north of Malacca and Johore. Population: 2,769,645; churches, 4; members, 202. Cable and Telegraphic Address: " Adventist Mission," Kuala Lumpur. Office Address: 83 Bukit Bintang Road, Kuala Lumpur, Federated Malay States. Officers: Director, L. B. Mershon. Sec. and Treas., Mrs. L. B. Mershon. Executive Committee: L. B. Mershon, Mrs. L. B. Mershon, J. E. Gardner, M. D., Phang Yinhee, J. J. Nallaiah, Liew Chuksan, Miss Yang Po-lien. Department Secretaries: Educational, Field and Home Miss., L. B. Mershon. Sabbath School and Y. P. M. V., Mrs. L. B. Mershon. Minister: L. B. Mershon. Licentiates: Phang Yin-bee, Liew Chuk-San, J. J. Nallaiah. Missionary Licentiates: Mrs. L. B. Mershon, S. Isaacs, Chong Yin. Church School Teachers: Mrs. Edith Cheng, Liew Yun, Mrs. Liew Yun, Mrs. Chen Soomoo. Church Directory: Kuala Lumpur, 83 Bukit Bin- tang Road. Penang, 108 Muntri Street, clusive of the Lao District of Eastern Siam and the Karen Districts of North-western Siam. Population (including North and East Siam Stations): 11;506,207; churches, 1; members, 118. Cable and Telegraphic Address: "Adventist," Bangkok. Office Address: Hicks Lane, Sa- thorn Road, Bangkok, Siam. Officers: Director, F. A. Pratt. Sec. and Treas., Mrs. F. A. Pratt. Executive Committee: F. A. Pratt, Mrs. F. A. Pratt, Tio Tshoi-chek, Icon Vui-leong, H. E. Esche, Ku Hyuk-min, Wong Kiat-sam. Department Secretaries: Educational and Field Miss., F. A. Pratt. Home Miss. and Y. P. M. V., Icon Vui-leong. Sabbath School, Miss Tio Muilang. Minister: F. A. Pratt. Licentiate: Kon Vui-leong. Missionary Licentiates:. Mrs. F. A. Pratt, Wong Kiat- sam, Ku Hyuk-min, Tan Secheong, Gui Tet-Kheng. Church School Teachers: Miss Tio Mui-lang, Liu Weejing. Church Directory: Bangkok, Soi Sap Road, off Si Phya Road, FAR EASTERN DIVISION 188 SINGAPORE MISSION Organized 1914 Territory: Island of Singapore, Settlement of Malacca, State of Johore. 1,146,994; churches, 4; members, 304. Population: Cable and Telegraphic Address: " Adventist," Singapore. Codes: Western Union, Five-Letter Edition, and A. B. C., Fifth Edition. Office Address: 186 Rangoon Road, Singapore, Straits Settlements. Officers: Director, W. W. R. Lake. Sec. and Treas., W. W. R. Lake. Executive Committee: W. W. R. Lake J. T. Pohan, Choo Yunf att, Mampe Siregar, Phang Nyuk-thin, Lawrence Fox. Department Secretaries: Book and Bible House, D. P. Siagian. Field Miss., W. W. R. Lake. Home Miss., Mrs. H. I. Smith. Sabbath School. Mrs. W. W. R Lake. Y. P. M. V., F. L. Bunch. Minister: W. W. R. Lake. Licentiates: J. T. Pohann, Choo Yun-fatt, Mampe Siregar. Missionary Licentiates: D. P. Diagian, David McCall, C. P. Anchant, Mrs. W. W. R. Lake, William Rempon. Church Directory: Singapore, Penang Road. CAMBODIA Population: 2,403,000. 140 Rue de l'Oknha Chhun, Phnom-Penh, Cambodia, French Indo-China. Postal Address: Boite Postale No. 137, Phnom-Penh, Cambodia, French Indo-China. In Charge: F. L. Pickett. Address: COCHIN CHINA Population: 3,796,000; churches, 1; members, 5. Address: 94 Rue de Massiges, Sai- gon, French Indo-China. In Charge: R. H. Wentland. EAST SIAM Address: Ubol, Siam. In Charge: R. P. Abel. Medical Work: R. N. Calvert, B. A., M. D., L. R. C. P. and S. (Ed.) NORTH SIAM Address: Nakon Lampang, Siam. Ir. Clia.-zge: A. P. Ritz. SARAWAK (BORNEO) Population: 600,000; churches, 1; members, 82. Address: Kuching, Sarawak. In Charge: G. B. Youngberg. Evangelists: Chong Yun-ten, Elam Sinaga. Church School Teachers: . L. B. Tamboenan, Tan Chinkhin. Church Directory: Kuching, Rock Road (3rd Mile). FAR EASTERN DIVISION 189 PHILIPPINE UNION MISSION Organized 1917 Territory: The Philippine Islands. Population: 11,234,409; churches, 215; members, 13,356. Cable Address: "Mizpah," Manila. Office Address: 239 Luna St., Pasay, Rizal, Philippine Islands. (Please do not direct mail to this address.) Postal Address: Post Office Box 813, Manila, Philippine Islands. Officers: Supt., E. M. Adams, Acting. Sec. and Treas., H. W. Klaser. Executive Committee: E. M. Adams, H. W. Klaser, E. A. Moon, W. B. Ammundsen, Dr. H. A. Hall, M. F. Wiedemann, F. L. Chaney, Mrs. B. Shanks Chaney, F. A. Mote, L' 0. Pattison, H. P. Evens, R. R. Figuhr, J. 0. Afenir, Alvaro Roda, E. A. Brion, Aquilino Same, Manuel Kintanar, Marcos B. Comilang. Missionary Licentiates: Mrs. E. M. Adams, Mrs. H. W. Klaser, Mrs. Hazel B. Sevrens, E. A. Moon, Mrs. E. A. Moon, D. L. Millam, Mrs. D. L. Millam, Mrs. M. F. Wiedemann, Mrs. B. Shanks Chaney, Mrs. R. R. FiL guhr, Mrs. W. B. Ammundsen, C. E. Thurston, Mrs. C. E. Thurston, Mrs. Florence Thurston, Dr. H. A. Hall, Mrs. H. A. Hall, Miss Ruby Barnett, Miss Bessie Irvine, Mrs. L. 0. Pattison, Mrs. H. P. Evens, Mrs. L. M. Stump, 0. A. Blake, Mrs. 0. A. Blake, Mrs. W. J. Blake, Mrs. F. A. Mote, Joseph Cummins, Mrs. Joseph Cummins, Mrs. W. H. Bergherm, Apolonio Cruz, Regino Villanueva, Q. M. Tolentino, I. Kintanar, N. Legazpi, Mrs. W. B. Riffel. CENTRAL LUZON CONFERENCE Organized 1916 Territory: The Provinces of Zambales, Tarlac, Nueva Ecija, Bataan, Bulacan, Cavite, Rizal, Laguna, Batangas, Tayabas, Pampanga, Mindoro, and Marinduque. Departmental Secretaries: Educational and V. P. M. V., F. A. Mote. Field Miss., M. F. Wiedemann. Hbme Miss., F. L. Chaney. Medical, Dr. H. A. Hall. Religious Liberty, E. M. Adams; Asst., Flaviano Dalisay. Sabbath School, Mrs. B. Shanks Chaney. Membership: 4,469. Cable Address: " Adventist," Manila, Philippine Islands. Ministers: E. M. Adams, F. L. Chaney, W. H. Bergherm, M. F. Wiedemann, W. B. Ammundsen, Roman Senson, W. L. Rodriguez, W. B. Riffel. Licentiates: H. W. Klaser, F. A. Mote,• E. N. Lungenbeal, L. A. Corda, L. M. Stump, Tomas Pilar. Office Address: 1402 Oroquieta St., Manila, Philippine Islands. Officers: Pres., R. R. Figuhr. Se.c. and Treas., E. A. Brion. Executive Committee: R. R. Figuhr, E. A. Brion, L. P. Fernandez, Flaviano Dalisay, R. Senson, A. Panaga, M. Pascual, C. Cruz, R. Cruz. 190 FAR EASTERN DIVISION Department Secretaries: Book and Bible House, F. Bayuna, Acting. Field Miss., -Home Miss., Rafael Umali. Religious Liberty, Flaviano Dalisay. Sabbath School and Educational, Marcario Pascual. Y. P. M. V., Ministers: R. R. Figuhr, Isaac Enriquez, Augustin A. Panaga, Flaviano Dalisay, Pedro S. Magsalin, Vicente T. Santos, Jose Emralino, Ricardo Magcalen. Licentiates: Liberato P. Fernandez, Valeriano Garcia, Bernardino Nepomuceno, Canuto Cara, Macario C. Pascual, Lope B. Balan, Vidal L. Jabola, Lorenzo Yutuc, Florentino Martin, Fausto Reyes, Maximo Cabance. Missionary Licentiates: Emilie A. Brion, Jacinto Suban, Florentino Lagonera, Rafael Umali, Urbano, Castillo, Diosdado Liwag, Pablo Salazar, Felicidad A. Martin, Mauricia Anderson, Victoria C. Quintal, Gregoria B. Ignacio, Ruffina Emralino, Conigunda Cruz, Amada rzuz.rr, Juzeiniana Church School Teachers: Miss Dionisia Akiatin, Miss Paulina Silvestre, Miss Justa Santos, Miss Irene Florendo, Miss Eufemia Asuncion, Miss Maxima Racal, Miss Melitina Gingco, Miss Ortencia Mendoza, Fausto G. Dabu, Gabriel Pablo, Teodoro Nabong. Church Directory: Manila Church, 1402 Oroquieta St., Santa Cruz, Manila. San Pablo Church, A. Flores St., San Pablo, Laguna. Malabon Church, Angel St., Malabon, Rizal. Pasay Church, 253 Luna St., Pasay, Rizal. Bucal Maragondon, Cavite. Tayabas Church, Tayabas, Tayabas. Meycawayan Church, Meycawayan, Bulacan. Bocawe Church, Bocawe, Bulacan. Limay Church, Limay, Bataan. Balanga Church, Balanga, Bataan. Batangas Church, Barrio Santa; Clara Batangas, Batangas. Polillo Church, Polillo, Tayabas. Arayat Church, Arayat, Pampanga. Angeles Church, Angeles, Pampanga. Lucena Church, Lucena, Tayabas. Zaragosa Church, Zaragosa, Nueva Ecija. Singalong Church, San Andres St., Paco, Manila. Infanta Church, Infanta, Tayabas. Murios, Nueva Ecija. Talavera Church, Talavera, Nueva Ecija. EAST VISAYAN MISSION (Formerly Cebuan Mission) Organized 1914 Territory: Islands of Cebu, Bohol, Leyte, Samar, Mindanao, and the Provinces of Sulu and Oriental Negros. Membership: 2,970; churches, 40. Office Address: Tres de Abril, S. Nicolas St., Cebu, Cebu, Philippine Islands. Post Office Address: Box 583, Cebu, Cebu, Philippine Islands. Officers: Director and Treas., L. 0. Pattison (on furlough). Acting Dir, and Treas., W. B. Riff el. Sec., M. J. Kintanar. FAR EASTERN DIVISION Executive Committee: L. 0. Pattison, M. J. Kintanar, V. R. Rodrigo, Abdon Capobres, T. della Calzada, Romon Llaguno, C. B. Ladion, Luis Noval, Pedro Abatayo. Departmental Secretaries: Educational, Gabriel Briones. Field Miss., V. R. Rodrigo; Asst., Perpetuo Suico. Home Miss., Ramon Llaguno. Sabbath School, C. B. Ladion. 191 T. Rosell, Mrs. A. L. Rodrigo, Mrs. J. S. Kintanar, E. Florendo, Hilaria Pueblos, Mrs. Gregorio Hinoguin, Josefa Sigales. NORTHERN LUZON MISSION Entered 1913; Organized 1917 Territory: Provinces of Pangasinan, Nueva Vizcaya, Isabela, Cagayan, Ilocos Norte, Ilocoi Sur, Abra, La Union, Mountain and the Batanes Islands. Ministers: L. 0. Pattison, W. B. Riffel, R. Llaguno, V. R. Rodriga, M. J. Kintanar, Tiburcio dela Calzada, Mamerto Lorac. Population: 2,163,771; churches, 29; members, 1,844. Licentiates: Fidel Adlawan, Alberto Cabardo, Rupert() Somoso, Apolonio Somoso, Luis Noval. Office Address: Rosales, Pangasinan, Philippine Islands. Missionary Licentiates: Conrado B. Ladion, Pedro Abatayo, Antonio Somoso, Blas Ferraren, Doroteo Noval, Gregorio Somoso, Genoveva Ricarte, Diosdado Famor, Mrs. Juana Kintanar, Gabriel Briones, Rustico Cruz, Leopoldo Elumir, Hilario Rosell, Gojerico Arrogante, Honorio Ramos, Esteban Abas. Church Schools: Academy: Cebu, Cebu. Primary Schools: Burabud, San Antonio, Samar. Cabunga-an, Misamis, Mindanao. Picong Plantation, near Malabang, Lanao, Mindanao. Lombog, Duero, Bohol. Casabangan, Cataingan, Masbate. Church School Teachers: Rustic() Cruz, Mrs. Rustico Cruz, Mrs. Petronilo Gonzales, Gregorio Hinoguin, Agapito Arranguez, Melchor Elauria, Mrs. M. Elauria, Hilario Rosell, Mrs. E. Telegraphic Address: Adventist Mission, Rosales, Pangasinan. Officers: Director, J. 0. Afenir. Sec.-Treas., Aguinaldo Balinao. Executive Committee: J. 0. Afenir, A. Z. Roda, J. A. Valdez, R. A. Pilar, J. Salagubang, Aguinaldo Balinao, Tito P. Atiga, A. Sta. Rita, Emilio Valera, 1st. Department Secretaries: Educational and Y. P. M. V., Antonino Roda. Field Miss., Angel Santa Rita. Sabbath School, Home Miss., Alvaro Z. Roda. Ministers: J. 0. Afenir, Emilio Valera, 1st, Alvaro Z. Roda, Tito Atiga. Licentiates: R. A. Pilar, J. A. Valdez, Irineo Rebutoc, U. Oliva, Antonino Rada, Manuel Valera. Missionary Licentiates: Martina Vale$a, Honorata dela Cruz, Auspicio Rapacon, Eleuterio Vigilia, Feliza Villanueva, 192 FAR EASTERN DIVISION Fredo Malapira, Potenciano Jimeno, Victor Medina, Angel Santa Rita, Aguinaldo Balinao, Angela Cabacungan, Leonarda Garcia, Cipriano Carbajal, Gavino Sanidad, Mrs. J. 0. Afenir. Church School Teachers: Romualdo Cabansag, Pedro Cabansag, Quintin Cabansag, Vicente Cabansag, Andrea Cadiz. Church Directory: Alcala Church, Alcala, Pangasinan. Amaraw Church, Amaraw, Sta. Cruz, Ilocos Sur. Artacho Church, Artacho, Sison, Pangasinan. Bacarra Church, Bacarra, Ilocos Norte. Batac Church, Vecinal Si., Batac, Ilocos Norte. Bayambang Church, Bayambang, Pangasinan. Camiling Church, Camiling, Tarlac. Candon Church, Abaya St., Candon, Ilocos Sur. Cuyapo Church, Otis St., Cuyapo, Nueva Ecija. Laoac Church, Laoac, Manaoag, Pangasinan. Laoag Church, M. H. del Pilar St., Laoag, Ilocos Norte. Luilgog Church, Lufigog, Narvacan, Ilocos Sur. Nagtablaan Church, Nagtablaan, Sta. Lucia, Ilocos Sur. Narvacan Church, Santa Lucia St., Narvacan, Ilocos Sur. Natividad Church, Natividad, Pangasinan. Pias-Carusocan Church, Provincial Road, Carusocan, Asingan, Pangasinan. Pasuquin Church, Pasuquin, Ilocos Norte. Pozorrubio Church, Pozorrubio, Pangasinan. Rosales Church, Rosales, Pangasinan. San Felipe Church, San Felipe, San Nicolas, Pangasinan. San Nicolas Church, San Nicolas, Pangasinan. San Quintin Church, San Quintin, Pangasinan. Solano Church, Solano, Nueva Vizcaya. Tagudin Church, Main St., Tagudin, Ilocos Sur. Tayug Church, Lawton St., Tayug, Pangasinan. Urdansta Church, Urdaneta, Pan. gasinan. SOUTHERN LUZON MISSION (Formerly known as Bicol Mission. Separated from Central Southern Luzon Conference in January, 1924.) Organized 1926 Territory: The provinces of Camarines Sur, Camarines Norte, Albay, and Sorsogon, and the Islands of Ticao and Burias. Population: 800,000; churches, 11; members, 363. Office Address: Legaspi, Albay, Philippine Islands. Postal Address: Box 32, Legaspi, Alhav, Philirr;nc Officers: Director and Treas., Sec., Fortuna to Parlan. Executive Committee: R. R. Figuhr, Fortunato Parlan, Vicente Ganzon, Tranquilino Banday, M. Mercado. Department Secretaries: Educational, J. M. Imperio. Field Miss., M. F. Mercado. Home Miss., J. M. Imperio. Religious Liberty, Sabbath School, Mel Gabarra. Ministers: F. L. Jabola, Fortunato Parlan. FAR EASTERN DIVISION Missionary Licentiates: J. M. Imperio, David Hizon, Vicente Ganzon, Mrs. Gregorio Arguzon, Mel Gabarra, Restituta Sotaso, Candido Barnedo, M. F. Mercado, G. Arguzon. Church Directory: Magarao, Camarines Sur. Guinobatan, Albay. Donsol, Sorsogon. Bulan, Sorsogon. iVlatnog, Sorsogon. Daraga, Albay. San Roman, Daraga, Albay. Gate, Bulan, Sorsogon. Bacacay, Gubat, Bacacay, Albay. Magradongdong, Liggo, Albay. Daet, C. Norte. WEST VISAYAN MISSION Organized 1914 Territory: The provinces of Iloilo, Capiz, Antique, Romblon, and Occidental Negros, The Cuyo Islands. Population: 1,407,508; churches, 49; members, 3,710. Office Address: 44 Luna St., La Paz, Iloilo, Philippine Islands. Postal Address: Box 271, Iloilo, Philippine Islands. Officers: Director, H. P. Evens. Sec., Jovito Naranjo. Treas., Tirso Jamandre. Mission Committee: H. P. Evens, Marcello Diaz, Zoilo Cahilig, F. H. Jornada, Aquilino Same, Jovito Naranjo, Pedro Diaz. Department Secretaries: Book and Bible House, Juan Quijote. Educational, Y. P. M. V., Pedro Diaz. Field Miss., Jeronimo Ramos. 7 193 Home Miss., Jovito Naranjo. Religious Lib., H. P. Evens. Sabbath School, Diego Sabrine. Ministers: H. P. Evens, F. H. Jornada, A. C. Same. Licentiates: Juan Golez, Remigio Cahilig, Conrado Tortal, Jovito Naranjo, P. R. Dias, Diego Sabrine. Missionary Licentiates: Adriano Aguiree, Ciriaco Zarandona, Guillermo Pendon, Esperanza de Tortal, Demetrio Juanillo, Demetrio Bautista, Soledad Escultor, Anatolio Alvarez, Estela de Alipoon, Restituto Tabares, Tiburcio Dianzin, Jeronimo Ramos, Magno Rodriguez, Juan Quijote, Fermina de Pendon, Florita Sargado, Zoilo Cahilig, Sotera de Tolentino, Teodoro Recalde. Church School Teachers: Teodorico Tortal, Maria Gayatin, Melecio Arellano, Emilio Ferrer, Dolores Savedia, Florentino Tiblero, Constancia Robles, Consortia Baylon, Consolation Bela, Inocenta Caspi. INSTITUTIONS IN FAR EASTERN DIVISION Educational: Chosen Union Training School, Soonan, Chosen (Korea). East Visayan Academy, Box 583, Cebu, Cebu, Philippine Islands. Japan Junior College, Naraha, Chiba Ken, Japan. Malayan Seminary, 401 Upper Serangoon Road, Singapore, Straits Settlements. Northern Luzon Academy, Artarho, Sison, Pangasinan, Philippine Islands. Philippine Junior College, Box 1772, Manila, Philippine Islands. 194 FAR EASTERN DIVISION West Visayan Academy, Box 271, Iloilo, Iloilo, Philippine Islands. Publishing: Japanese Publishing House, 169 Amanuma, Suginami-machi, Toyotama-gun, Tokyo, Japan, Postal Address : Box 7, Yodobashi P. 0., Tokyo, Japan. Malayan Signs Press, 399 Upper Serangoon Road, Singapore, Straits Settlements. Philippine Publishing House, 239-251 Calle Luna, Pasay, Rizal, Philippine Islands. Postal Address: Box 813, Manila, Philippine Islands. Signs of the Times Publishing House, Outside East Gate, Seoul, Chosen (Korea). Medical: Manila Sanitarium and Hospital, cor. Vermont and Indiana Sts., Manila, Philippine Islands. Penang Sanitarium, Burmah Road, Penang, Straits Settlements. Hospital-Dispensary, Soonan Soonan, Chosen. Tokyo Sanitarium-Hospital, Box 7, Yodobashi P. 0., Tokyo, Japan. INTER-AMERICAN DIVISION Organized 1922 Territory: Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama; Colombia, Venezuela, British, Dutch, and French Guiana, West Indies,— Cuba, Jamaica, Haiti, Santo Domingo, Porto Rico, Trinidad, Windward and Leeward, also Virgin and Bahama Islands. Population.: 43,533,454; organized churches, 346; members, 14,891. Cable and Wireless Address: " Interamerica," Balboa. (Bentley Code and Western Union Travelers' Cable Code used in the fields of the Inter-American Division.) Office: cor. Balboa and Gavilon Roads, Balboa, Canal Zone. Office Address: Box 0, Balboa, Canal Zone. Officers: President, E. E. Andross. Sec.-Treas., and Auditor, F. L. Harrison. Division Committee: E. E. Andross, F. L. Harrison, A. R. Ogden, E. I. Lorntz, W. E. Baxter, W. R. Elliott, H. E. Baasch, C. E. Wood, E. W. Everest, Mrs. E. E. Andross, W. L. Adams. Department Secretaries: Field Sec., C. E. Wood. Educational and Sabbath School, W. L. Adams. Home Miss., C. E. Wood. Publishing, W. A. Bergherm. Y. P. M. V., Mrs. E. E. Andross. Transportation Agent, F. L. Harrison. Cashier, C. L. Stilson. Laborers Holding Credentials from the Inter-American Division: Ministers: E. E. Andross, C. E. Wood, W. L. Adams. Licentiates: F. L. Harrison, E. W. Everest, W. A. Bergherm. Missionary Licentiates: C. L. Stilson, Mrs. E. E. Andross, Mrs. F. L. Harrison, D. A. Cone, Mrs. D. A. Cone, Mrs. C. E. Wood, Mrs. C. L. Stilson, Mrs. Mary Clausen, D. R. Buckner, Mrs. E. W. Everest, Miss Sallie J. Jenkins, Homer Stilson, Mrs. W. L. Adams, Miss Cleo Woodall, Miss Thelma Archbold, Mrs. W. A. Bergherm. ANTILLIAN UNION MISSION Reorganized 2923 Territory: The Bahamas, Cuba, Jamaica, Porto Rico, Haiti, Santo Domingo, Cayman Islands. Population: 8,984,249; churches, 147; members, 6,798. Cable Address: " Unionantil," Havana, Cuba. Office Address: Calle Segunda No. 31, Arroyo Apolo, Havana, Cuba. Officers: Supt., A. R. Ogden. Sec., Treas. and Auditor, F. I. Mohr. Executive Committee: A. R. Ogden, F. I. Mohr, H. J. Ed195 196 INTER-AMERICAN DIVISION med, L. J. Borrowdale, A. A. Davis, R. J. Sype, Peter Nygaard, J. de Caenel, I. G. Knight. Department Secretaries: Field Miss. and Home Miss., —. • Minister: A. R. Ogden. Licentiate: F. I. Mohr. Missionary Licentiates: Mrs. A. R. Ogden, Mrs. F. I. Mohr, Miss Mabel L. Head. BAHAMAS MISSION Entered 1909 Territory: The Bahama Islands and the Turks and Caicos Islands. Population: 60,000; Churches, 8; members, 210. Cable Address: "Adventist," Nassau, Bahamas. Office Address: Box 356, Nassau, Bahamas. Office: cc: 11a4 and George Sts., Nassau, Bahamas. Officers: Supt., R. J. Sype. Sec.and Treas., H. E. Beddoe. Advisory Committee: R. J. Sype, H. E. Beddoe, W. W. Antonio, W. H. Hall, E. H. Someillan. Department Secretaries: Book and Bible House, H. E. Beddoe. Home Miss., H. E. Beddoe. Sabbath School and Y. P. M. V., Mrs. H. E. Beddoe. Ministers: R. J. Sype, 0. P. Reid. Missionary Licentiates: H. E. Beddoe, Mrs. H. E. Beddoe, Mrs. R. J. Sype, Mrs. Elizabeth Someillan, A. R. Haig, Mrs. A. R. Haig. CAYMAN ISLANDS MISSION Organized 1929 Territory: Cayman Islands. Population: 5,253; churches, 3; members, 65. Office Address: Box 14, Georgetown, Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands. Officers: Supt., I. G. Knight. Sec. and Treas., Mrs. I. G. Knight. Department Secretaries: Home Miss., Sabbath School, and Y. P. M. V., Mrs. I. G. Knight. Minister: I. G. Knight. Missionary Licentiate: Mrs. I. G. Knight. CUBA MISSION Established 1905 Territory: Cuba and the Isle of Pines. Population: 3,368,923; churches, 15; members, 817. Cable Address: " Adventista," Santa Clara, Cuba. Office Address: Apartado 210, Santa Clara, Cuba. Officers: Supt., A. A. Davis. Sec. and Treas., W. H. England. INTER-AMERICAN DIVISION Advisory Committee: A. A. Davis, W. H. England, R. E. Stewart, J. B. Sales, J. D. Livingston. Department Secretaries: Book and Bible House. W. H. England. Field Miss., R. R. Mattison. Home Miss., and Y. P. M. V., R. E. Stewart. Sabbath School, R. E. Stewart. Ministers: A. A. Davis, R. E. Stewart, J. B. Sales, F. W. Miller, Pedro Cruz, Manuel Avila, J. D. Livingston, J. N. Williams. Licentiates: Jose Veiga, G. L. Claypole. Missionary Licentiates: W. H. England, R. R. Mattison, C. F. Montgomery, Miguel Vazquez, Jaimie Zargoza, Mrs. E. A. Baisden, Mrs. A. A. Davis, Mrs. W. H. England, Mrs. R. E. Stewart, Mrs. R. R. Mattison, Mrs. C. F. Montgomery, Mrs. F. W. Miller, Mrs. J. D. Livingston, Miss Helen Suche. Church Directory: Havana, Cerro, Rosa 6. Santa Clara, Reparto Dobarganes. Moron, Luz Caballero 29. Santiago de Cuba, Calle Tres Esquina Portirio Veliente. 197 Officers: Supt., J. A. de Caenel. Sec. and Treas., A. Orville Dunn. Advisory Committee: J. A. de Caenel, A. 0. Dunn, Dorc6 Dorcinville, L6once Painson, F. D. Apollon. Department Secretaries: Book and Bible House, A. 0. Dunn. Field Miss., F. D. Apollon. Home Miss. and Y. P. M. V., H. Lanoix. Sabbath School, Herminie L. Roth. Ministers: J. A. de Caenel, G. G. Roth, Philip Giddings, M. N. Isaac, A. J. J. Baptiste, Antoine Theodore, Joseph Blot, F. D. Apollon. Licentiates: Philoxine Guillaume, Dorce Dorcinville. Missionary Licentiates: A. Orville Dunn, Mrs. J. A. de Caenel, Herminie L. Roth, Mrs. A. Orville Dunn, A. L. Christensen, Mrs. A. L. Christensen, H. L. Higgins, Mrs. H. L. Higgins, Mrs. Philip Giddings, Herodote Lanoix, Themistocle Abel, Mrs. Tancrede Belotte, Louis Vernet, A. L. Dorc6. JAMAICA CONFERENCE HAITIEN MISSION Established 1905 Territory: Republic of Haiti. Population; 3,000,000; churches, 23; members, 1,398. Cable address: "Adventiste," Cape Haitien, Haiti. Office Address: Bolte 28, Cape Haitien, Haiti, West Indies. Organized 1903 Territory: Island of Jamaica. Population: 990,000; churches, 72; members, 3,539. Cable Address: "Adventist" Kingston. Office Address: 112 Tower St., Kingston, British West Indies. 198 INTER-AMERICAN DIVISION Officers: Pres., H. J. Edmed. Sec. and Treas., J. W. Grounds. Executive Committee: H. J. Edmed, J. W. Grounds, L. L. Hutchinson, H. Fletcher, L. Rashford, George Smith, Dr. H. M. Johnston. Department Secretaries: Book and Bible House, R. Harriott. Educational, Miss Violet Peake. Field Miss., W. S. Nation. Medical, Dr. H. M. Johnston. Religious Liberty, H. J.' Edmed. Sabbath School, Mrs. H. J. Edmed. Y. P. M. V. and Home Miss. Sec., B. A. Meeker. Ministers: H. J. Edmed, L. L. Hutchinson, B. A. Meeker, M. Jones, H. Fletcher, L. Rashford, W. H. Randle, A. C. Stockhausen, H. P. Lawson, G. A. E. Smith. Honorary: Frank Hall. Licentiates: F. 0. Rathbun, E. E. Parchment. Missionary Licentiates: J. W. Grounds, R. E. Shafer, Mrs. H. J. Edmed, Mrs. J. W. Mrs. L. L. Huleilinson, Mrs. B. A. Meeker,Mrs. F. 0. Rathbun, R. Harriott, Miss E. M. Edmed, W. S. Nation, Dr. H. M. Johnston, Miss Violet Peake, Mrs. Bertha Peake, R. B. Campbell, L. S. Crawford, Mrs. R. E. Shafer, L. Dunn, Mrs. L. Dunn, Miss R. Harrison, B. Hamilton, Miss Florrie Morgan, E. L. Hinds, Mrs. L. S. Crawford, Mrs. E. E. Parchment. Honorary: Miss M. K. Randall. Church :3,-.thool Teachers: Mrs. S. N. Gordon, F. Kissendal, Miss A. W. Sangster, Miss E. E. Williams, Miss M. A. Dillon. PORTO RICO MISSION Organized 1909 Territory: Porto Rico. Population: 1,300,000; churches, 16; members, 395. Cable Address: " Adventista," San Juan, Porto Rico. Office Address: Stop 14, Santurce, Porto Rico. Postal Address: Box 3005, Santurce, Porto Rico. Officers: Supt., L. J. Borrowdale. Sec. and Treas., B. Bullard. Advisory Committee: L. J. Borrowdale, B. Bullard, C. V. Achenbach, Manuel Mendez. Department Secretaries: Book and Bible House, B. Bullard. Field Miss., Home Miss. and Y. P. M. V., A. Marrero. Sabbath School, Mrs. L. J. Borrowdale. Ministers: L. J. Borrowdale, C. V. Achenbach, Francisco Megrant, Manuel Mendez. Licentiates: Rafael Bracero, Andres Torres, A. Marrero, R. W. Prince. Missionary Licentiates: B. Bullai-d, Mrs. L. J. Borrowdale, Mrs. B. Bullard, Lucia Fuentes, Mrs. C. V. Achenbach, W. Cadiz, Juan Figueroa. Church School Teachers: Ana McGonzalez, Jose Rivera, Mrs. Rosa M. Bracero. Church Directory: Santurce, Stop 14, Calle Hoare. Mayaguez, Calle San Rofael. Aguadilla, Calle Colen. Ponce, Calle Torres. Rio, Piedras, Calle Padre Colen. INTER-AMERICAN DIVISION 199 Licentiate: R. G. Jones. Missionary Licentiates: Paul Johnson, Wellington WilTerritory: Republic of Santo Doliams, Mrs. Peter Nygaard, Mrs. mingo. R. 0. Jones, Mrs. J. A. Phipps, Population: 1,100,000; churches, Mrs. C. N. Moulton, Manuela 10; members, 374. Jimenez, Leonela Gonzalez, Eugenio Valencia, Adolfo Moreta, Cable Address: " Adventista " J. E. Cabral, Ramon Leonor. Santo Domingo City. Office Address: Avenida Capotillo Church School Teachers: Ana M. de Cabral, Miss Minnie 75, Santo Domingo City. Martin, Evangelina Gonzalez, Postal Address: Apartado 568, Lily Moulton, Juan Rivera. Santo Domingo City, Rep. DoChurch Directory: minicana. San Pedro de Macoris, Villa Officers: Provedencia, Box No. 42, S. P. Supt., Peter Nygaard. de Macoris, Rep. Dominicana. Sec. and Treas., R. G. Jones. Barahona Church, Calle Canela, Advisory Committee: Peter NyBarahona, Rep. Dominicana. gaard, R. G. Jones, J. A. Phipps Las Lagunas Church, Las R., Paul Johnson. Lagunas de la Isabela,. Rep. Dominicana. Department Secretaries: Pimentel Church; Pimentel, Rep. Book and Bible House, R. G. Dominicana. Jones. La Romana Church, Calle 3 N. Field Miss., Paul Johnson. a. S. No. 15, La Romana, Rep. Home Miss., J. A. Phipps R. Dominicana. Sabbath School and Y. P. M. V., Jababa Church. Jababa, Camp de Mrs. R. G. Jones. Moca, Rep. Dominicana. San Diego Church, Avenida 30 Ministers: de Marzo No. 30, San Diego, Peter Nygaard, J. A. Phipps R. Rep. Dominicana. SANTO DOMING() MISSION Organized 1924 CARIBBEAN UNION CONFERENCE (Formerly East Caribbean Union) Organized 1926 Territory: Trinidad, Barbados, the Windward, Leeward, and Virgin Islands, British, Dutch, and French Guianas. Population: 2,213,524; churches, 79; members, 3,809. Cable Address: " Eastearibbean," Port of Spain, Trinidad. Office Address: 107 Queen St., Port of Spain, Trinidad, British West Indies. (Telephone, 1732.) Postal Address: Box 221, Port of Spain, Trinidad, British West Indies. Officers: Pres., W. R. Elliott: Sec., Treas., and Auditor, M. D. Howard. Executive Committee: W. R. Elliott, M. D. Howard, C. E. Andross,—, —, H. H. Dexter, A. W. Cott, R. S. J. Hamilton. 200 INTER-AMERICAN DIVISION Department Secretary: Educational, Home Missionary and Miss. Vol., L. G. Jorgensen. Ministers: IV. R. Elliott, L. G. Jorgensen. Cable Address: "Adventist," Georgetown, British Guiana. Office Address: 222 Almond St., Georgetown, British Guiana, South America. (Phone, Queenstown 293.) Licentiate: R. S. J. Hamilton. Missionary Licentiates: M. D. Howard, Mrs. W. R. Elliott, Mrs. M. D. Howard, Mrs. L. G. Jorgensen, Mrs. R. S. J. Hamilton, M. E. Smith, Mrs. M. E. Smith, A. E. Hempel, Mrs. A. E. Hempel, Miss Linda Austin. FRENCH WEST INDIAN MISSION Established 1929 Officers: Pres., Sec. and Treas., A. T. King. Executive Committee: —. , A. T. King, A. E. Riley, J. T. Carrington, Henry Beck. Department Secretaries: Book and Bible House, A. T. King. Home Miss., A. T. King. Sabbath School and Y. P. M. V., Mrs. A. T. King. Territory: French West Indies — Martinique, and Guadeloupe and its dependencies. Ministers: A. E. Riley, J. T. Carrington. Population: 556,656; churches, 2; members, 62. Licentiates: A. T. King, Henry Beck. Postal Address: Box 257, Fort-deFrance, Martinique, French West Indies. Officers: Supt., H. H. Dexter. Sec.-Treas.. H. L. 1Vielscr.. Advisory Committee: H. H. Dexter, H. L. Nielsen, M. D. Howard. Missionary Licentiates: Jonathan Riley, Mrs. A. T. King, C. A. Blackman. Church School Teachers: Mrs. Edith Linde, Mrs. Isabella Downer, Jonathan Riley. Minister: H. H. Dexter. Missionary Licentiates: Mrs. H. H. Dexter, Louise Ledran. LEEWARD ISLANDS CONFERENCE Reorganized 1926 Reorganized 1926 Territory: Barbados, St. Lucia, Leeward and Virgin islands, excepting the French West Indies. Territory: British, Dutch a n d French Guiana, South America. Population: 357,903; churches, 22; members, 1,108. Population: 478,965; churches, 16; members, 579. Cable Address: " Adventist," St. Lucia, British West Indies. GUIANA CONFERENCE INTER-AMERICAN DIVISION 201 Postal Address: Box 95, Castries, St. Lucia, British West Indies. SOUTH CARIBBEAN CONFERENCE Officers: Pres., L. V. Finster. Sec. and Treas., H. L. Nielsen. Executive Committee: L. V. Finster, H. L. Nielsen, M. E. Lowry, L. H. Gardiner, J. A. Reid, C. G. Van Putten, P. Gardine. Reorganized 1925 Territory: Trinidad, Tobago, Grenada, the Grenadines, and St. Vincent. Population: 820,000; churches, 39; members, 2,058. Cable Address: " Adventist," Port of Spain, Trinidad. Postal Address: Box 66, Port of Spain, Trinidad, British West Indies. Office Address: 31 Dundonald St., Port of Spain, Trinidad, British West Indies. Department Secretaries: Book and Bible House, H. L. Nielsen. Field and Home Miss., M. E. Lowry. Sabbath School and Y. P. M. V., Mrs. H. L. Nielsen. Medical, Dr. Charles Cave. Ministers: L. V. Finster, J. A. Reid, W. H. Lewis, C. G. Van Putten. Licentiates: M. E. Lowry, L. H. Gardiner, E. A. Baptiste, Dr. Chas. Cave. Missionary Licentiates: H. L. Nielsen, Mrs. H. L. Nielsen, Mrs. M. E. Lowry, Mrs. L. H. Gardiner, Mrs: J. A. Reid. MT. RORAIMA INDIAN MISSION Established 1927 Postal Address: Mt. Roriama S. D. A. Mission, Georgetown, via Potaro Landing, British Guiana. Officers: Supt., A. W. Cott. Sec.-Treas., —. Licentiate: A. W. Cott. Missionary Licentiates: Mrs. A. W. Cott, Joseph Gonsalves, B. Steele. Officers: Pres., C. E. Andross. Sec. and Treas., R. W. Bickett. Executive Committee: C. E. Andross, Benjamin Yip, S. L. Ash, J. D. Wood, R. S. J. Hamilton, G. A. Coon. Legal Title: The Incorporated Trustees of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Trinidad and Tobago. Department Secretaries: Book and Bible House, R. W. Bickett. Field and Home Miss., . Sabbath School and Y. P. M. V., Mrs. C. E. Andross. Ministers: C. E. Andross, Benjamin Yip, S. L. Ash, J. D. Wood, T. J. Warner, Nathaniel Payne. Licentiates: Henry Wiseman, G. A. Coon, Glenn Millard. Missionary Licentiates: Mrs. C. E. Andross, Mrs. G. A. Coon, Mrs. S. L. Ash, Mrs. Nathaniel Paynee, Mrs. J. D. Wood, Miss Annie Osborne, John Roberts, R. W. Bickett. 202 INTER-AMERICAN DIVISION CENTRAL AMERICAN UNION MISSION Reorganized 1926 Territory: Panama, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Honduras, British Honduras, Bay Islands, Guatemala, Salvador. Population: 6,668,764; churches, 60; members, 2,276. Cable Address: " Adventists," San Jose, Costa Rica. Office Address: Apartado 1059, San Jose, Costa Rica, Central America. Officers: Supt., W. E. Baxter. Sec.,Treas., and Auditor, A. P. Cr istiansen. Executive Committee: W. E. Baxter, A. P. Christiansen, C. B. Sutton, E. J. Lorntz, E. P. Howard, J. R. McWilliam, W. H. Wineland, W. D. Kieser, Mrs. W. E. Baxter, L. H. Olson, E. W. Everest. Department Secretaries: Field Miss. and Home Miss., W. D. Kieser. Sabbath School and Y. P. M. V., Mrs. W. E. Baxter. Minister: W. E. Baxter. Licentiates: W. D. Kieser, W. H. Wineland. Missionary Licentiates: A. P. Christiansen, Mrs. W. E. Baxter. Mrs. A. P. Christiansen, Mrs. W. H. Wineland, Frances Light, G. W. Chapman, Mrs. G. W. Chapman, Mrs. W. D. Kieser. BRITISH HONDURAS AND BAY ISLANDS MISSION Organized 1929 Territory: British Honduras and the Bay Islands. Population: 52,132; churches, 8; members, 285. Cable Address: " Adventist," Belize, British Honduras. Office Address: Box 123, Belize, British Honduras. Officers: Supt., C. B. Sutton. Sec. and Treas., Mrs. C. B. Sutton. Advisory Committee: C. B. Sutton, E. C. Henriquez, E. E. Nebblett. Department Secretaries: Book and Bible House, Miss Mayme Wood. Home Miss., C. B. Sutton. Sabbath School and Y. P. M. V., Mrs. C. B. Sutton. Ministers: C. B. Sutton, E. C. Henriquez. Missionary Licentiates: Mrs. C. B. Sutton, Miss Mayme Wood, Leopoldo L. Garbutt. COSTA RICA MISSION Organized 1927 Territory: Republic of Costa Rica. Population: 520,000; churches, 5; members, 189. Cable Address: " Adventista," San Jos6, Costa Rica, Central America. Office Address: Apartado 1325, San Jose, Costa Rica, Central America. Officers: Those of the Central American Union Mission. Advisory Committee: Resident members of the Central American Union Mission committee with N. W. Dunn, Geo. W. Chapman, and C. C. Ellis. INTER-AMERICAN DIVISION Department Secretaries: Book and Bible House, A. P. Christiansen. Field Miss., A. Fanselau. Home Miss., Wrn. D. Kieser. Sabbath School and Y. P. M. V., Mrs. W. E. Baxter. Ministers: . N. W. Dunn, C. C. Ellis. Missionary Licentiates: Mrs. N. W. Dunn, Mrs. C. C. Ellis, Librado ConcepsiOn. GUATEMALA MISSION Reorganized 1927 Territory: The Republic of Guatemala, Central America. Population: 2,454,000; churches, 3; members, 136. Cable Address: " Adventista," Guatemala. Office Address: Apartado 218, Guatemala, Republic of Guatemala, 203 HONDURAS MISSION Organized 1928 Territory: Spanish Honduras. Population: 807,632; churches, 7; members, 133. Cable Address: " Adventista," San Pedro Sula, Honduras. Office Address: Apartado 32, San Pedro Sula, Republic of Honduras. Officers: Supt., Sec. and Treas., J. W. Cole. Advisory Committee: Supt., J. W. Cole, A. de la Cerda. Department Secretaries: Book and Bible House, J. W. Cole. Field Miss., A. de la Cerda. Home Miss., The Superintendent. Sabbath School and Y. P. M. V., Mrs. J. W. Cole. Licentiate: A. de la Cerda. Central America. Missionary Licentiates: Officers: Supt., Orley Ford. Sec. and Treas., A. V. Larson. Advisory Committee: Orley Ford, A. V. Larson, Harry ,Larrabee, A. Aguilar Samayoa. Department Secretaries: Book and Bible House, A. V. Larson. Field Miss., A. Augilar Samayoa. Home Miss., J. R. McWilliam. Sabbath School and Y. P. M. V., A. V. Larson. Minister: Orley Ford. Missionary Licentiates: Harry Larrabee, Mrs. Harry Larrabee, Mrs. J. R. McWilliam, A. V. Larson, Mrs. A. V. Larson, A. Aguilar Samayoa, Jos6 C. Aguilar. J. W. Cole, Juan Lanza, Mrs. J. W. Cole. Honorary: David Haylock. NICARAGUA MISSION Organized 1928 Territory: Republic of Nicaragua and Corn Island. churches, Population: 700,000; 5; members, 108. " Adventista," Cable Address: Managua, Nicaragua. Office Address: Apartado 122, Managua, Nicaragua, Central America. Officers: Supt., E. P. Howard. Sec.-Treas., Mrs. A. Fanselau. 204 INTER-AMERICAN DIVISION Advisory Committee: E. P. Howard, Juan V. Hernandez, Adolf Fanselau. Department Secretaries: Book and Bible House, Mrs. A. Fanselau. Home Miss., E. P. Howard. Field Miss., Adolf Fanselau. Sabbath School and Y. P. M. V., Mrs. E. P. Howard. Minister: E. P. Howard. Licentiates: J. V. Hernandez, Frank Fletcher. Missionary Licentiates: Mrs. E. P. Howard, Roger Brooks, A. Fanselau, Mrs. A. Fanselau. PANAMA CONFERENCE (Formerly West Caribbean Conf.) Organized 1906 Territory: Republic of Panama, Canal Zone, Talamanca Valley, and the islands of San Andres and Old Providence (Colombian). Population: 500,000; churches, 26; members, 1,207. Cable and Wireless Address: "Adventist," Cristobal, Canal Zone. Office Address: Masonic Temple, Eleventh and Bolivar Sts., Cristobal, Canal Zone: Postal Address: Box M, Cristobal, Canal Zone. (Phone 1325.) Officers: Pres., . . Sec. and Treas., A. L. Edeburn. Executive Committee: —. , A. L. Edeburn, E. W. Everest, W. F. Hahn, A. A. Grizzle. Department Secretaries: Book and Bible House, A. L. Edeburn. Educational, Walter Hahn. Field and Home Miss., Eugenio Plata. Sabbath School and Y. P. M. V., Miss V. E. Cooke. Ministers: J. J. Smith, A. A. Grizzle, G. H. Nembhard. Licentiates: W. R. Mulholland, Ishmael Ellis, Delroy Andrean. Missionary Licentiates: A. L. Edeburn, Mrs. E. J. Lorntz, Mrs. W. R. Mulholland, Miss V. E. Cooke, S. T. Archbold, Eugenio Plata. SALVADOR MISSION Reorganized 1927 Territory: The Republic of El Salvador, Central America. Population: 1,635,000; churches, 6; members, 218. Cable Address: " Adventista," San Salvador, Salvador. Office Address: 8a Ave., Norte, No. 57, San Salvador, Rep. de El Salvador, Central America. Officers: Director, L. H. Olson. Sec. and Treas., J. M. Hasbun. Advisory Committee: L. H. Olson, J. M. Hasbun, Roque Reyes. Department Secretaries: Book and Bible House, J. M. Hasbun. Field Miss., Roque Reyes. Home Miss., L. H. Olson. Sabbath School, Mrs. L. H. Olson. Y. P. M. V., Mrs. L. H. Olson. Minister: L. H. Olson. Missionary Licentiates: Mrs. L. H. Olson, Angel Hernandez, J. M. Hasbun, Carmen Membrefio, Roque Reyes. INTER-AMERICAN DIVISION 205 COLOMBIA-VENEZUELA UNION MISSION Organized 1927 Territory: The Republics of Venezuela and Colombia, and the Islands of Curacao, Bonaire, and Aruba. Population: 10,084,495; churches, 14; members, 524. Cable and Wireless Address: "Coloven," Medellin, Colombia. Postal Address: Apartado 39, Medellin, Colombia. Officers: Supt.. H. E. Baasch. Sec., Treas., and Auditor, J. B. Ross. Executive Committee: H. E. Baasch, J. B. Ross, F. W. Steeves, L. V. Cleaves, E. W. Thurber, N. H. Kinzer. Department Secretaries: Field Miss., F. W. Steeves. Home Miss., J. B. Ross. Minister: H. E. Baasch. Licentiate: J. B. Ross. Missionary Licentiates: F. W. Steeves, Mrs. F. W. Steeves, Mrs. H. E. Baasch, Mrs. J. B. Ross. ATLANTIC COLOMBIA MISSION Organized 1926 Territory: Provinces of Atlantico, Bolivar, Magdalena, and La Goajira. Population: 1,071,733; churches, 2; members, 75. Cable Address: "Adventista," Barranquilla, Colombia. Postal Address: Apartado 261, Barranquilla, Colombia. Office Address: Calle Magdalena, esquina Carrera Cuartel, Barranquilla, Colombia. Officers: Director, E. W. Thurber. Sec.-Treas., D. N. Peralta. Advisory Committee: E. W. Thurber, D. N. Peralta, Moises Valdez, Pedro Gonzalez. Department Secretaries: Book and Bible House, D. N. Peralta. Field Miss., Pedro Gonzalez. Home Miss., E. W. Thurber. Sabbath School, Mrs. E. W. Thurber. Y. P. M. V., D. N. Peralta. Minister: E. W. Thurber. Licentiates: Antonio Redondo, Moises Valdez. Missionary Licentiates: D. N. Peralta, Mrs. E. W. Thurber, Jose Castro, Victoria Davila, Pedro Gonzale. CENTRAL COLOMBIA MISSION Reorganized 1929 Territory: Departments of Antioquia, Santander del Norte, Santander del Sur, Caldas. Population: 2,470,466; churches, 2; members, 40. Cable Address: "Adventista," Medellin, Colombia. Postal Address: Apartado 39, Medellin, Colombia. 206 INTER-AMERIC AN DIVISION Officers: Director, H. E. Baasch. Sec.-Treas., J. B. Ross. Advisory Committee: H. E. Baasch, J. B. Ross, F. W. Steeves, E. M. Trummer. Department Secretaries: Home Miss., J. B. Ross. Sabbath School and Y. P. M. V., Mrs. F. W. Steeves. Minister: E. M. Trummer. Missionary Licentiates: Mrs. E. M. Trummer, C. G. Christiansen, Mrs. C. G. Christiansen. PACIFIC COLOMBIA MISSION Reorganized 1929 Territory: Departments of Choco, El Valle, Cauca, Nal-hi°, and the commisariats of Caqueta and Putumayo. Population: 1,501,429; churches, 1; members, 30. Cable Address: "Adventista," Cali, Colombia. Postal Address: Apartado 313, Cali, Colombia. Officers: Director, N. H. Kinzer. Sec.-Treas., Carlos Plata. Advisory Committee: N. H. Kinzer, Carlos Plata, Rafael Fleitas. Department Secretaries: Book and Bible House, Carlos Plata. Field Miss., Rafael Fleitas. Home Miss., N. H. Kinzer. Sabbath School and Y. P. M. V., Mrs. N. H. Kinzer. Minister: N. H. Kinzer. Missionary Licentiates: Carlos Plata, Mrs. N. H. Kinzer, Justina Colon, Rafael Fleitas, F. A. Brower, Mrs. F. A. Brower. UPPER MAGDALENA MISSION Reorganized 1929 Territory: Departments of Cundinamarca, Boyaca, Tolima, Huila, and the commisariats of Arauca, Vichada, Meta. Population: 1,956,372; churches, 1; members, 79. Cable Address: "Adventista," Bogota, Colombia. Postal Address: Apartado 436, Bogota, Colombia. Officers: Director, (Pro Tern) N. H. Kinzer. Sec.-Treas., —. VENEZUELA MISSION Territory: Republic of Venezuela, and the islands of Aruba, Bonaire, and Curacao, Dutch West Indies. Population: 3,084,495; churches, 8; members, 300. Cable Address: " Adventista," Caracas, Venezuela. Office Address: Carcel a Pilita No. 2, Caracas, Venezuela. Postal Address: Apartado 136, Caracas, Venezuela. Officers: Director, L. V. Cleaves. Sec. an • Treas., Mrs. L. V. Cleaves. Advisory Committee: L. V. Cleaves,R. 0. Garner, Jose Tirado, ulio Garcia Diaz, R. E. Greenidge. Department Secretaries: Book and Bible House, Mrs. L. V. Cleaves. Field Miss., Jose Tirado. INTER-AMERICAN DIVISION Home Miss., L. V. Cleaves. Sabbath School and Y. P. M. V., Mrs. R. 0. Garner. Minister: L. V. Cleaves. Licentiates: R. 0. Garner, Julio Garcia Diaz, J. A. Lamas. 207 Missionary Licentiates: R. E. Greenidge, Mrs. L. V. Cleaves, Mrs. R. 0. Garner, Alberto Acosta, H., Jose Tirado, Sara Acosta H., Mrs. R. E. Greenidge, Miss Ana Hansen, Ernestina Moreno, Lillith Newball. MEXICAN UNION MISSION Organized 1923 Territory: The Republic of Mexico. Population: 15,582.422; churches, 46; members, 1,484. Cable Address: Adventista, Mexico, D. F. Office Address: Teotihuacan No. 19, Mexico City, D. F. Mexico. Officers: Supt., E. J. Lorntz. Sec., Treas., and Auditor, J. G. Pettey. Executive Committee: E. J. Lorntz, J. G. Pettey, E. Pohle, C. E. Moon, A. G. Parfitt, L. L. Grand Pre, J. B. Nelson, W. R. Pohle, C. L. Dinius, Harold House. Department Secretaries: Educational, Harold House. Field Miss., L. L. Grand Pre. Home Miss., J. G. Pettey. Sabbath School and Y. P. M. V., Minister: E. J. Lorntz. Licentiates: J. G. Pettey, L. L. Grand Pre, Harold House. Missionary Licentiates: Mrs. J. G. Pettey, Mrs. Harold House, Mrs. L. L. Grand Pre. CENTRAL MEXICAN MISSION Territory: The north half of Vera Cruz, Hidalgo, Guerrero, Morelos, Queretaro, Tlaxcala, Mexico and Federal District, Michoacan, Guanajuato. Population: 4,860,581; churches, 5; members, 290. Office Address: Agricultura 79, Colonia Escaden, Tacubaya, D. F., Mexico. Officers: Director, C. E. Moon. Sec.-Treas., H. A. B. Robinson. Executive Committee: C. E. Moon, H. A. B. Robinson, J. G. Perez, J. A. Salazar. Department Secretaries: Publishing, Home Miss., Sabbath School and Y. P. M. V., H. A. B. Robinson. Ministers: C. E. Moon, J. G. Perez. Licentiates: H. A. B. Robinson, J. A. Salazar, Laureano Sauza, V. M. Calvo. Missionary Licentiates: Mrs. C. E. Moon, Hilarion Sauza, Mrs. H. A. B. Robinson. GULF MISSION Organized 1924 Territory: The States of Coahuila, Nuevo Leon, San Luis Potosi. Tamaulipas, Durongo East of Sierra Madre Mts. and Zacatecas North of Calera. 208 INTER-AMERICAN DIVISION Population: 1,455,385 churches, 7; members, 313. Office Address: Aldaina No. 83, Saltillo, Coah., Mexico. Officers: Director, A. G. Parfitt. Sec. and Treas., Mrs. A. G. Parfitt. Advisory Committee: A. G. Parfitt, S. M. Arteaga, M. E. Ponce, Mrs. A. G. Parfitt. Department Secretaries: Book and Bible House, L. W. Archbold. Field and Miss. Sec., Moises Clavel. Sabbath School and Y. P. M. V., Mrs. A. G. Parfitt. Ministers: A. G. Parfitt, Antonio Torres. Licentiates: M. E. Ponce, S. M. Arteaga. Missionary Licentiates: Mrs. A. G. Parfitt, L. W. Archbold, Mrs. Antonio Torres. Honorary: Gregoria de Vera, Moises Clavel. LABE MISSION Territory: The States of Jalisco, Guanajuato, Colima, Aguascali. entes, Nayarit, Sinaloa South of Culiacan, Durango West of Sierra Madre Mts., and Zacatecas South of Calera. Population: 3,500,000; churches, 2; members, 56. Office Address: Avenida La Paz 663, Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico. Officers: Director, W. R. Pohle. Sec.-Treas., Mrs. W. R. Pohle. Advisory Committee: W. R. Pohle, W. F. Mayers, Mrs. W. R. Pohle, Candid() Barrera. Department Secretaries: Field and Home Miss., W. F. Mayers. Sabbath School and Y. P. M. V., Mrs. W. R. Pohle. Minister: W. R. Pohle. Missionary Licentiates: Mrs. W. R. Pohle, Candido Barrera, I. Flores, Mrs. V. Verduzco, Mrs. I. Flores, W. F. Mayers. Book and Bible House: Agencia dePhblicaciones del Lago, La Paz No. 663, Guadalajara, Jal. Mexico. SIERRA MADRE MISSION Territory: The States of Baja California, California, Sonora, That part of Sinaloa North of Culiacan and Chihuahua. Churches: 5; members, 84. Office Address: Cuauhtemoc 1,605, Chihuahua, Chih. Mexico. Officers: Director, E. E. Pohle. Sec. and Treas., Mrs. E. E. Pohle, Department Secretaries: Book and Bible House, Mrs. E. E. Pohle. Sabbath School and Y. P. M. V., Mrs. E. E. Pohle. Minister: E. E. Pohle. Missionary Licentiates: Leonides Leyva, C. G. Aguirre, Mrs. E. E. Pohle. Book and Bible House: Agencia Sierra Madre de Publicaciones. TEHUANTEPEC MISSION Organized 1924 Territory: The states of Chiapas, Oaxaca, Puebla, and southern half of Veracruz, Mexico. INTER-AMERICAN DIVISION Population: 2;857,602; churches, 27; members, 714. Cable Address: Adventista, Puebla, State of Puebla, Mexico. Office Address: 11 Poniente 1308, Puebla, Pue, Mexico. Officers: Director, J. B. Nelson. Sec. and Treas., F. L. E. Ulmer. Advisory Committee: J. B. Neilson. R. H. Aguilar, F. L. E. Ulmer, M. J. Martinez. Departmental Secretaries: Book and Bible House, F. L. E. Elmer. Field Miss, R. H. Aguilar. Home Miss., Max Fuss. Sabbath School and Y. P. M. V., Mrs. F. L. E. Ulmer. Minister: J. B. Nelson. Licentiates: R. H. Aguilar, Cornelio Aquino, Aurelio Jimenez, NI. J. Martinez, Vicente Rodriguez, Florentino B. Zaynos. Missionary Licentiates: F. L. E. Ulmer, Max Fuss, Mrs. Max Fuss, Mrs. J. B. Nelson, Mrs. F. L. E. Ulmer. Mission School: Principal, Paciente Trinidad. Book and Bible House: Agencia de Publicaciones de Tehuantepec. 11 Poniente 1308. Puebla, Pue. Mexico. 209 YUCATAN MISSION Territory: The States of Yucatan, Campeche,Tabasco and Territory Quitana Roo. Population: 1,000,000; members, 27. Office Address: Calle 63 No. 536. Merida, Yucatan, Mexico. Officers: Director, C. L. Dinius. Sec. and Treas., Mrs. C. L. Dinius. Minister: C. L. Dinius. Missionary Licentiates: Mrs. C. L. Dinius, A. Aguilar. INSTITUTIONS IN THE INTERAMERICAN DIVISION Educational: Camaguan Training School, Camaguan, Venezuela. Caribbean Training College, St. Joseph, Trinidad, B. W. I. Central American Academy, Apartado 1325, San Jose, Costa Rica, Central America. Colegio Adventista Industrial, Bartle, Oriente, Cuba. Haitien Seminary, Box 16, Cape Haitien, Haiti. West Caribbean Training School, Obispo, Canal Zone. West Indian Training School, Mandeville, Jamaica. Publishing: Pacific Press Publishing Association, Inter-American Branch, Box 5007, Cristobal, Canal Zone. NORTHERN EUROPEAN DIVISION Organized 1928 Territory: British Isles, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Iceland, Greenland, Fames, Abyssinia, Eritrea, Kenya, Uganda, Tanganyika, Anglo - Egyptian Sudan, British, French and Italian Somalilands, Zanzibar, Pemba, French Guinea, Ivory Coast, Niger, Dahomey, Upper Volta, French Sudan, that portion of French Equatorial Africa lying north of latitude 10 North extending North to Lybia and Algeria, Corisco, Elobey, St. Thomas and group, Nigeria, Gold Coast, Togo, Fernando Po, Annobon, Sierra Leone, Gambia: viz.: the Baltic, British, Polish, and Scandinavian Union Conferences; the East African and Ethiopian Union Missions and detached Missions: Sierra Leone, Gold Coast, Nigeria, Iceland, and Faroe Islands. Population: 165,461,954; churches, 515; members, 25,465. Cable and Telegraphic Address: Advent, Edgware. Office Address: 41 Manor Gardens, Edgware, Middlesex, England. Officers: Pres., L. H. Christian. Sec., W. E. Read. Treas. and Auditor, Chr. Pedersen. Transportation Agent: C. H. Anscombe, 29 Oxford St., London, W. 1. England; Telephone Regent 7570; Cable Address, " Adventist, London." Telegrams, " Adventist, Westcent London." Codes: Western Union Five Letter A. B. C. Fifth Edition. 210 Legal Association: " World Wide Advent Missions, Limited." Pres., L. H. Christian; Sec., W. E. Read; Treas., Chr. Pedersen. Department Secretaries: Educational and Home Miss., L. F. Oswald. Field and Min. Assn., . Medical, A. Andersen, M. D. Publishing, J. J. Strahle. Statistical, Ella M. Eastcott. Y. P. M. V. and Sabbath School, Gust. Lindsay. Ministers: L. H. Christian, W. E. Read, J. J. Strahle, Gust Lindsay, L. F. Oswald. Missionary Licentiates: Chr. Pedersen, H. E. Christensen, Miss Ella M. Eastcott, Miss Ethel R. Howard, Miss Rosa Muderspach, Miss Anne Schmidt, Miss Jenny R. Wharrie, C. H. Anscombe, A. Lethbridge. INSTITUTIONS Educational: Agona Training School, Box 208, Kumasi, Gold Coast, West Africa. Baltic Union School, Brivibas jell" 11, Riga, Latvia. East Tanganyika Training School, Suji, P. 0. Tanga, Tanganyika Territory, East Africa. Finland S. D. A. Mission School, Harneenlinna, Suomi, Finland (closed for one or two years). Ibadan Training School, Box 19, Ibadan, Nigeria, West Africa. NORTHERN EUROPEAN DIVISION Kenya Training School, Kamagambo, P. 0. Kisii, Kenya Colony, East Africa. Norway S. D. A. Mission School, Algarheim, Norway. Polish Union School, Bielsko, Kamienica 230, Na Slask, Poland. Sierra Leone Traininc, School, S. D. A. Mission, 'iVaterloo, Sierra Leone, West Africa. Stanborough College, Stanborough Park, Watford, Herts, England. Swedish Missionary School, Nyhyttan, Jarnboas, Sweden. Vejlefjord Mission School, Daugaard St., Denmark. West Tanganyika Training School, Ikidzu, P. 0. Musoma, Tanganyika Territory, East Africa. Church Schools: British Union London-W., Stamford Brook Rd., Hammersmith, W. 6. London, E. Grove Road, Walth amstowe, E. 17. Plymouth, 19, Greenbank Ave., St. Judges, England. Stanborough Park, Watford, Herts, England. Scandinavian Union Aarhus Meninghedsskole, Nr. Alle 30, Denmark. Copenhagen, Suomisvej 5, Copenhagen V., Denmark. Esbjerg, Finlandsgade 28, Denmark. Frederikshavn, Salem, Haabats Allee, Denmark. Gredstedbro, Denmark. Jerslev pr Brtinderslev, Denmark. Oslo, Kin,rosgate 1, Norway. Skodsborg, Badesanatorieh, Denmark. Stockholm, Tunnelgatan 25, Stockholm, Sweden. Iceland Iceland, Westman Islands. 21] Publishing: • British Publishing House, Stanborough Press Ltd., Stanborough Park, Watford, Herts, England. Copenhagen Publishing House, Suomisvej 5, Copenhagen, V., Denmark. Estonian Publishing House, Merepuiestee 14a, Tallinn, Estonia. Ethiopian Press, P. 0. Box 145, Addis Ababa, Abyssinia. Finland Publishing House, Annank 7, Helsinki, Suomi. Latvian Publishing House, Brivibas iela 11, Riga, Latvia. Polish Publishing House, Aleja Roz 9, Warsaw, Poland. Scandinavian Publishing House, Akersgaten 74, Oslo, Norway. South Kavirondo Press, Gendia, P. 0. Kisumu, Kenya, East Africa. Stockholm Publishing House, Tunnelgatan 25, Stockholm, Sweden. Depositories: Gold Coast, West Africa, S. D. A. Agona, Mission. Iceland Depository, Box 262, Reykjavik, Iceland. Lithuanian Depository, Zemaiciu g-ve 36, Kaunas, Lithuania. Nigeria, West Africa, Post Office Box 19, Ibadan. Sierra Leone, West Africa, S. D. A. Waterloo Mission. South Nigeria, West Africa, S. D. A. Aba Mission. Sanitariums: Hultafors Sanitarium, Hultafors, Sweden. Kendu Hospital, Gendia, P. 0. Kisumu, Kenya Colony, East Africa. Oslo Health Home, Akersgaten 74. Oslo, Norway. Skodsborg Sanitarium, Skodsborg, Denmark. 212 NORTHERN EUROPEAN DIVISION Stanborough Park Sanitarium, Stanborough Park, Watford, Herts, England. Taffarie Makonnen Hospital, Dessie, Postal Address: Box 145, Addis Abeba, Abyssinia. Treatment Rooms: Bergen, Norway, Treatment Rooms, Vestre Torvgate 11. Haugesund Treatment Rooms, Breidablikgaten 97, Norway. Helsingfors, Finland, HydroElektric Institute, Annegatan 7. Nyhyttan, Jarnboas, Sweden. Stockholm, Sweden, Hydro-Elektric Institute, HumlegArdsgatan 18. Legal Associations: Baltic Union Estonian Building Department, Merepuiestee 14a, Tallinn, Estonia. Riga Mission Property, Brivibas iela 11, Riga, Latvia. British Union Seventh-day Adventist Union Ltd., Watford, Herts, England. Granose Foods, Ltd., Stanborough Park, Watford, Herts, England. Good Health Assn., Ltd., Stanborough Park, Watford, Herts, England. Polish Union Building Assn., Warsaw, Aleja Roz 9, Poland. Scandinavian Union Aarhus Church Property, Norreallee 30, Denmark. Bergen Church Property, Sigurdsgaten 25, Bergen, Norway. " Ebenezer," Suomisvej 5, Copenhagen, V., Denmark. Finland Mission Property, Annegaten 5, Helsingfors, Finland. Oslo S. D. A. Assn., Ae rsgaten 74, Oslo, Norway. Oslo Church Property, Akersgaten 74, Oslo, Norway. Sanningens Harold Assn., Tunnelgatan 25, Stockholm, Sweden. Scandinavian Philanthropic Soc., Skodsborg, Denmark. Stockholm Mission Property, Tunnelgatan 25, Stockholm, Sweden. BALTIC UNION CONFERENCE Organized 1923 Territory: Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania. Population: 5,246,173; churches, 89; members, 4,225. Cable and Telegraph Address: Advent, Riga. Office Address: Brivibas ielh 11, Riga, Latvia. Officers: Pres., T. T. Babienco. Sec., A. Jurkevics. Treas., F. Wilgele. Executive Committee: T. T. Babienco, K. Sutta, A. Eglitis, M. Barengrub, E. Ney, K. Rose, M. Gnadinas, W. Willmann, J. Birsin, H. Linde, E. Krievs, E. Mhggi. Legal Associations: Riga Mission Property, Brivibas iela 11, Riga, Latvia. Esthonia Building Dept., Merepuiestee 14a, Tallinna, Estonia. Department Secretaries: Educational, K. Rose. Field Miss., — Sabbath School, Y. P. M. V., acid Home Miss., A. Jurkevics. NORTHERN EUROPEAN DIVISION Ministers: T. T. Babienco, K. Rose. Missionary Licentiates: A. Jurkevics, F. Wagele. Institutions: Baltic Union School, Brivibas ielii. 11, Riga, Latvia. Latvian Publishing House, Br1vibas iela 11, Riga, Latvia. Estonian Publishing House, Merepuiestee 14a, Tallinna, Estonia. Lithuanian Depository, Tulpiu g-ve 4, Kaunas, Lithuania. COURLAND CONFERENCE Organized 1929 Territory: Kurseme. (Courland.) Population: 474,950; churches, 20; members, 831. Office Address: Cakstes bulviir1 Kr. 3, dz. 6, Jelgava, Latvia. Officers: Pres., A. Eglit. Sec., A. Skujin. Treas., A. Skujin. Executive Committee: A. Eglit, E. Klotin, A. Skujin, A. Erdman, J. Tomson, J. Reinberg, J. Bittis. Department Secretaries: Field Miss., J. Dimant. Sabbath School, Home Miss., Y. P. M. V., E. Klotin. Ministers: A. Eglit, J. Schneider, E. Klotin. Licentiates: V. Botscha, A. Skujin. Missionary Licentiates: J. Dimant, K. Fogel, 0. Balod, M. Stumberg. Church Directory: Jelgave, Bisenieku jell 27, Latvia. 213 ESTONIAN CONFERENCE Organized 1912 Territory: Estonia. Population: 1,115,000; churches, 22; members, 1,476. Cable Address: Advent Tallinna. Officers: Pres., E. Key. Sec. and Treas., A. Nuka. Executive Committee: E. Ney, M. Barengrub, A. Sabrak, A. Aug. J. .Murd, J. Eller, A. Midri. Department Secretaries: Book and Bible House, M. Riirengrub. Field Miss., A. Tonnison. Sabbath School, Home Miss., Y. P. M. V., A. Sabrak. Ministers: E. Key, L. Nikkar, M. Barengrub, A. Klement, A. Aug. and E. Maggi. Licentiates: P. Allweiss, J. Daniel, J. Vilba, H. Karu. Missionary Licentiates: A. Sabrak, A. Nuka, A. Munison, K. Rosenberg. Church Directory: • Tallinna I. Merepuiestee 14a. Tallinna, II. Merepuiestee 14a. LITHUANIAN MISSION FIELD Organized 1920 Territory: Lithuania. Population: 2,200,000; churches, 13; members, 238. Officers: Director, M. Gnedinas. Sec., J. Oltinas. Treas., W. Strohl. 214 NORTIIERN EnROPEAN DIVISION Executive Committee: M. Gnedinas, J. Oltinas, A. Birsgal, H. Nahring, V. Kavaliauskas. Department Secretaries: Field Miss., A. Birsgal. Sabbath School, Home Miss., Y. P. M. V., M. Gnedinas. Ministers: M. Gnedinas, W. Strohl, K. Hilweg. Licentiates: M. Morenings, J. Oltinas. Missionary Licentiates: R. Ausin, A. Dambe, A. Birsgal. LIVONIA CONFERENCE Organized 1929 Territory: Vidseme (Livonia) and Latgalia. Population: 969,000; churches, 25; members, 748. Cable Address: Cesis-Sutta. Office Address: Rigas iela 32, Cesis, Latvia. Officers: Pres., K. Sutta. Sec., A. Bakis. Treas., A. Dance. Executive Committee: K. Sutta, P. Purmals, 0. Priedits, B. Sietnieks, A. Bakis. Department Secretaries: Field Miss., A. Bakis. Sabbath School, Home Miss., Y. P. M. V., A. Bakis. Ministers: K. Sutta, P. Purmal, J. Drikis, D. Piatonovs. Licentiates: J. Buile, A. Colderis. Missionary Licentiates: A. Bakis, A. Leiniek, A. Dance, K. Sedinl. Church Directory: Cesis, Palasta iela 15. Latvia. RIGA CONFERENCE Organized 1929 Territory: Riga and environment. Population: 399,955; churches, 9; members, 932. Cable Address: "Advent," Riga. Office Address: Brivibas iela 11, Riga, Latvia. Officers: Pres., H. Linde. Sec., M. Schneider. Treas., M. Schneider. Executive Committee: H. Linde, J. Birsin, V. Voischvilo, J. Buksis sen., P. Veicel. DE partment ,Secretaries: Sabbath School, Home Miss., and Y. P. M. V., H. Linde. Ministers: H. Linde, J. Birsin. Licentiate: P. Macanov. Missionary Licentiates: P. Kreslin, A. Freinberg, L. Tscholder. Church Directory: Riga I, Baznicas iela 12a, Riga, Latvia. Riga II, Baznicas iela 12a, Riga, Latvia. Riga III, Templu iela 5, Riga Latvia. Riga IV, Baznicas iela 12a, Riga, Latvia. Riga V, Baznicas iela 12a, Riga, Latvia. Riga VI, Jana Asara iela 5, Riga, Latvia. Riga VII, Templu iela 5, Riga, Latvia. NORTHERN EUROPEAN DIVISION 215 BRITISH UNION CONFERENCE Organized 1902 Territory: North England Conference and South England Conference, Welsh Mission, Scottish Mission, Irish Mission. Population: 47,955,704; churches, 67; members, 4,547. Cable Address: "Advent," Watford, Herts, England. Telephone: Watford 1751 (three lines). Office: Stanborough Park, Watford, Herts, England. Officers: Pres., W. H. Meredith. Sec., Treas., and Auditor, A. Carey. Asst. Treas., F. D. Buckle. Executive Committee: W. H. Meredith, W. T. Bartlett, Dr. S. McClements, A. S. Maxwell, W. R. Raitt, H. Osborne, S. Joyce, J. Harker, W. Maudsley, 0. M. Dorland, A. Carey, H. W. Lowe, S. G. Joyce. Legal Assn.: S. D. A. Union, Ltd. Pres., W. H. Meredith; Sec., W. R. Raitt. General Conference Transportation Agent: C. H. Anscombe, 29 Oxford Street, London, W. 1. Telephone Regent 7570. Ministers: W. H. Meredith, A. S. Maxwell, S. Joyce, J. Harker, F. W. Goodall, G. Keough. Honorary: J. J. Gillatt. Licentiates: G. W. Baird, W. Murdoch. Missionary Licentiates: W. R. Raitt, H. Osborne, A. Carey, E. H. Heppenstall, W. Emerson, Miss E. M. Argent, Miss E. Chattle, F. D. Buckle, J. Rigby. Institutions: Stanborough College, Stanborough Park, Watford, Herts, England. British Publishing House, Stanborough Park, Watford, Herts, England. Granose Foods, Ltd., Stanborough Park, Watford, Herts, England. Sanitarium, The Stanboroughs, Watford, Herts, England. Church Schools: Stanborough Park, Watford, Herts, England. London, W. Stamford Brook Rd., Hammersmith, W. 6, England. London, E. Grove Road, Walthamstowe, E. 17, England. Plymouth, Fletewood, North Road, Plymouth, England. Cable Address: " Adventist," London. Department Secretaries: Educational, W. Murdoch. Field Miss., S. Joyce. Home Miss., Sabbath School, J. Harker. Medical, Dr. S. McClements. Y. P. M. V., F. W. Goodall. IRISH MISSION Organized 1902; Reorganized 1928 Territory: North Ireland and Irish Free State. Population: 4,229,124; churches, 3; members, 151. 216 NORTHERN EUROPEAN DIVISION Office: Stanborough Park, Watford, Herts, England. Officers: Supt., S. G. Joyce. Advisory Committee: S. G. Joyce, G. Hyde, Dr. Houston, G. Reid, R. Mercer. Ministers: S. G. Joyce, G. Hyde. Licentiate: J. McMillan. Missionary Licentiates: Miss L. Adair, Miss M. Ballard, W. Buckle. Church Directory: Belfast, Florenceville Avenue. Dublin, Deverell Place, Gardiner St. NORTH ENGLAND CONFERENCE Organized 1919; Reorganized 1928 Territory: The counties of Lancashire, Yorkshire, Durham, Cheshire, Isle of Man, Westmoreland, Cumberland, Northumberland, Derbyshire, Nottinghamshire, Lincolnshire, Staffordshire, Leicestershire, Rutlandshire, Northamptonshire, Worcestershire, Warwickshire. Population: 19,101,726; churches, 25; members, 1,477. Office: 22 Zulla Road, Magdala Road, Nottingham, England. Officers: Pres., W. T. Bartlett. Sec. and Treas., J. H. Parkin. Executive Committee: W. T. Bartlett, J. H. Parkin, J. M. Howard, G. K. Bell, F. C. Bailey, G. D. King, G. T. Bryan, J. H. Hanson, L. Brooking. Department Secretaries: Field Miss., G. R. Bell. Home Miss., Sabbath School. and Y. P. M. V., J. M. Howard. Ministers: W. T. Bartlett, F. C. Bailey, J. E. Bell, E. E. Craven, W. A. Hall, A. S. Rodd, R. Whiteside, G. D. King, C. A. Reeves, W. R. A. Madgwiek, F. W. Johnston. Licentiates: F. W. Coppock, A. V. Ward, J. M. Howard, J. H. Parkin. W. Lennox, H. K. Munson, R. A. Freeth, B. F. Hardy. Missionary Licentiates: G. R. Bell, Miss M. Basher, Miss J. E. Bastow, Mrs. D. Casey, Miss A. F. Clarke, Miss E. Donaldson, Miss I. Himsworth, Nurse Handysides, Miss E. Wood, Miss M. Holding, Miss K. E. Felton, Miss M. A. Brown. Church Directory: Birmingham, S. D. A. Church, Nineveh Road, Handsworth. Hull, S. D. A. Church, Clarendon Street, Londesborough St. Kettering, Memorial Church, Cannon St. Leeds, Lees Hall, Vicar Lane. Manchester S., Parkfield Street, Moss Lane, East, Rusholme. SCOTTISH MISSION Reorganized 1928 Territory: Scotland, including The Hebrides, Orkneys, and Shetlands. Population: 4,882,497; churches, 4; members, 262. Office: Stanborough Park, Watford, Herts, England. Officers: Supt., W. Maudsley. Advisory Committee: W. Maudsley, W. P. Prescott, J. Bleasby, A. Kinnon, R. Kennedy. Ministers: W. Maudsley, W. P. Prescott, L. Murdock. NORTHERN EUROPEAN DIVISION Licentiates: A. G. Tapping. Missionary Licentiates: Miss J. Archibald, Miss A. McRorie, Miss A. Anderson. Church Directory: Glasgow, S. D. A. Church, 202 Renfrew St. SOUTH ENGLAND CONFERENCE Organized 1902; Reorganized 1928 Territory: The Counties of Cornwall, Devon, Dorset, Somerset, Gloucester, Wilts, Oxford, Berks, Bucks, Hants, Surrey, Sussex, Kent, London, Middlesex, Hertford, Bedford, Huntingdon, Cam. bridge, Norfolk, Suffolk, Essex, Isle of Wight, and the Channel Islands. Population: 16,729,807; churches, 28; members, 2,256. Office: Eagle House, 395 Holloway Road, London, N. 7, England. Officers: Pres., 0. M. Dorland. Sec. and Treas., H. D. Clarke. Executive Committee: 0. M. Dorland, H. D. Clarke, S. F. Tonks, F. S. Jackson, Dr. F. C. Shone, P. Stokes. Department Secretaries: Educational, Field Miss., B. Belton. Sabbath School, Home Miss., and Y. P. M. V., H. T. Johnson. Ministers: 0. M. Dorland, W. J. Young, F. S. Jackson, R. Mussen, J. McAvoy, F. A. Spearing, D. Morrison, H. W. Armstrong, S. F. Tonks, A. E. Bacon, H. W. McCrow, L. E. A. Lane, R. S. Joyce, J. 0. Bevan, G. W. Bailey, J. B. West, R. A. Anderson, A. K. Armstrong. 217 Licentiates: H. D. Clarke, T. M. Timpany, L. A. Watson. Missionary Licentiates: B. Belton, Mrs. M. E. Brooks, Miss M. E. Lenanton, Miss 0. C. Davies, Miss I. M. Baldwin, Miss E. F. Brewer, Miss E. Stone, Miss A. M. Beazley, Miss I. Seagrave, Miss M. James, Miss E. Raitt, Miss B. Brown, Miss E. Guntrip, Nurse E. Crooks, Nance Murdoch. Church Directory: London: North London, 395 Holloway Road, N. 7. West London, S. D. A. Church, Stamford Brook, Bedford Park, Chiswick, W. Walthamstow, S. D. A. Church, Boundary Road, Off Hoe Street, Walthamstow, E. 17. Wimbledon, Stanley Hall, Stanley Road, S. W. Plymouth, North Road. Reading, S. D. A. Church, Tilehurst Road. Southampton, The Academy, Shirley Road. Southend, S. D. A. Church, North View Drive, Westcliffe-on-Sea. St anborough Park, Watford, Herts, England. Watford, Herts, S. D. A. Church, Leavesden Road. Bristol, S. D. A. Church, Arley Hill, Cotham, Bristol. Brighton, S. D. A. Church, Hove Place, Medria Villas, Hove. WELSH MISSION Organized 1902 Territory: Principality of Wales, Counties • of Monmouthshire, Shropshire, and Herefordshire. 3,012,550; churches, 7; members, 401. Population: 218 NORTHERN EUROPEAN DIVISION Office: Stanborough Park, Watford, Herts, England. Officers: Supt., H. W. Lowe. Advisory Committee: H. W. Lowe, A. F. Bird, R. Jacques, D. Davies. Ministers: H. W. Lowe, A. F. Bird, T. H. Cooper, H. F. De'Ath. Missionary Licentiates: M. Murdock, Miss B. Brooks, Miss M. Spital, Miss Irene Seagrave, R. T. Bolton. Church Directory: Aberdare, GwaWr Street, Aberaman. Blaenavon S. D. A. Church, Llanover Road. Newport, Chepstow Road, Eveswell. EAST AFRICAN UNION MISSION Organized 192 2 ; reorganized 1926 Territory: Kenya Colony, Tanganyika Territory, Uganda, and Zanzibar Protectorates. Population: 10,290,740; churches, 28; members, 3,147. Cable Address: " Advent Nakuru." Office: Box 127, Nakuru, Kenya Colony, East Africa. Officers: Supt., S. G. Maxwell. Sec. and Treas., Miss M. Wharrie. Executive Committee: S. G. Maxwell, W. Cuthbert, A. F. Bull, G. A. Ellingworth, W. W. Armstrong, V. E. Toppenberg, G. A. S. Madgwick, M. D., B. S. (Lond.) D. T. Tvl. (Eng.) F. H. Thomas. Department Secretary: Publishing and Home Miss., W. Cuthbert. Ministers: S. G. Maxwell, W. Cuthbert, A. Watson. Licentiate: Dr. G. A. S. Madgwick. Missionary Credentials: F. H. Thomas, Miss M. Wharrie. Institutions: East Tanganyika Training School; Principal: S. Beardsell, Suji, P. 0. Tanga, Tanganyika Territory. Kenya Training School; Principal, E. R. Warland, Kamagambo, P. 0. Kisii, Kenya Colony, East Africa. Kendu Hospital; Supt., G. A. S. Madgwick, M. D., B. S. (Lond.) D. T. M. (Eng.), Gendia, P. 0. Kisumu, Kenya, East Africa. West Tanganyika Training Sch.; Principal, A. Sproge, Ikidzu, P. 0. Musoma, Tanganyika Territory, East Africa. Childrens' Hostel; Preceptor, A. Watson, P. 0. Box 127, Nakuru, Kenya Colony, East Africa. The Advent Press; Manager, F. H. Thomas, Gendia, P. 0. Kisumu, Kenya Colony, East Af• rica. EAST TANGANYIKA MISSION Entered 1903 Territory: Eastern part of Tanganyika. Territory, Zanzibar, and Pemba Islands. Population: 2,530,240; churches, 4; members, 355. Address: Suji Mission, Makania, P. 0. Tanga, Tanganyika Terri' tory, East Africa. NORTHERN EUROPEAN DIVISION 219 Missionary Credentials: Officers: European, L. Gabrielsen, Miss G. Supt., A. F. Bull. Clarke, Miss K. Nielson, Miss Local Committee: A. F. Bull, S. D. Nielsen, Miss R. Raitt, ConBeardsell, Miss W. Clifford. rad Hyde, Miss C. Schuil. African, J. Omer, P. Nyamweya, Department Secretary: H. Owuor, J. Orowa, J. Ochola, Publishing, Paulo Saburi. A. Okal, J. Owala. Minister: A. F. Bull. Licentiates: African: Paulo Saburi, Elisa Manongi. Missionary Licentiates: European: S. Beardsell, Miss W. Clifford, Miss Carenza Olsen. African: Zakaria, Mnandi, Aroni Oholoi. UGANDA MISSION Entered 1927 Territory: Uganda Protectorate. Population: 3,143,481; churches, 2; members, 58. Address: Kampala, Uganda, East Africa. KENYA MISSION Organized 1912 (entered 1906) Territory: Kenya Colony and Protectorate. Officers: Supt., V. E. Toppenberg. Local Committee: V. E. Toppenberg, R. Andersen, V. Rasmussen. Population: 2,602,969; churches, 17; members, 2,352. Department Secretary: Publishing, Andarea Mweta. Address: P. 0. Kisii, Kenya Colony, East Africa. Minister: V. E. Toppenberg. Officers: Supt., W. W. Armstrong. Local Committee: W. W. Armstrong, E. R. Warland, F. L. Chapman. Department Secretaries: Publishing, Yosefu Simba. Sabbath School and Y. P. M. V., Ruben Obera. Licentiate: European: V. Rasmussen. African: Petero Risasi. Ministers: W. W. Armstrong, E. R. Warland. Licentiates: European, F. L. Chapman, G. Lewis. African, B. Okeyo, E. Dande, K. Olang, P. Mboya, D. Orwa, J. Ouma. Missionary Licentiates: European: R. Andersen, Mrs. V. E. Toppenberg. African: Paulo Nyema, Abraham Msangi. WEST TANGANYIKA MISSION Entered 1903 Territory: Western part of Tanganyika Territory. Population: 2,009,050; churches, 5; members, 376. 220- NORTHERN EUROPEAN DIVISION Address: Ikidzu Mission, P. 0. Musoma, Tanganyika Territory, East Africa. Officers: Supt., G. A. Ellingworth. Local Committee: G. A. Ellingworth, A. H. Matthews, H. Robson. Ministers: G. A. Ellingworth, E. B. Phillips, A. H. Matthews, A. Sproge. Licentiates: II. Robson, E. Muderspach. Missionary Licentiates: W. Raitt, Miss M. Morgan, Miss L. Clarke. ETHIOPIAN UNION MISSION Entered 1921; organized 1923 Territory: Abyssinia proper, Gallaland, British, French. and Italian Somaliland, and Eritrea. Population: 10,407,044; churches, 7; members, 220. Telegraphic Address: " Adventists, Adisababa." Address: S. D. A. Mission, P. 0. Box 145, Addis Ababa, Abyssinia, Northeast Africa. Officers: Supt., M. J. Sorenson. Sec. and Treas., P. M. Myhre. Executive Committee: M. J. Sorensen, Dr. G.•C. Bergman, C. Jensen, G. Gudmundsen, A. Hessel, P. M. Myhre. Institutions: Medical: Taffarie Makonnen Hospital, Dessie, Abyssinia. Dr. G. C. Bergman. Publishing: Ethiopian Press, Box 145, Addis Ababa, Abyssinia. BEGEMDER MISSION Organized 1929 Territory: Begemder, Amhara, Godjem. Address: S. D. A. Mission, Box 145, Addis Ababa, Abyssinia. Officers: Director, G. Gudmundsen. Ministers: European: G. Gudmundsen. Ethiopian: Michael Ogbasgki. CENTRAL ABYSSINIAN MISSION Organized 1923 Territory: Abyssinia proper. Address: S. D. A. Mission, P. 0. Box 145, Addis Ababa, Abyssinia. Officers: Director, M. J. Sorensen. Sec. and Treas., P. M. Myhre. Minister: M. J. Sorensen. Missionary Licentiates: European: P. M. Myhre, Mrs. M. J. Sorensen. Ethiopian: Liege Oberra. EASTERN ABYSSINIAN MISSION Entered 1925; reorganized 1926 Territory: Part of Gallaland. Address: S. D. A. Mission, Balbaleti, Post Aouache, Abyssinia. Officer: Director, A. Hessel. Licentiate: A. Hessel. NORTHERN EUROPEAN DIVISION Missionary Licentiate: Ethiopian: Liege Mamu. ERITREA MISSION Organized 1909 Territory: The Italian colony of Eritrea. Population: 407,044. Address: Missione Avventista, P. 0. Box 106, Asmara, Eritrea, Northeast Africa. Officers: Director, G. Sabatino. Minister: G. Sabatino. Missionary Licentiate: Angelica Sabatino. NORTHERN ABYSSINIA MEDICAL MISSION Organized 1928 Territory: Wollo, Tigre. Address: Taffarie Makonnen Hospital, Dessie, Abyssinia. 221 Officers: Medical Supt., G. C. Bergman, M. D. Licentiate: Dr. G. C. Bergman. Missionary Licentiates: European: F. Nielsen, Miss Marta Hedlund, Mrs. G. C. Bergman, Dr. W. Purmal. Ethiopian: Massela Tekle, Liege Sarbata. WESTERN ABYSSINIAN MISSION Entered 1925; reorganized 1926 Territory: Wallega and Western Abyssinia. Address: Box 145, Addis Ababa, Abyssinia. Officers: Director, C. Jensen. Minister: C. Jensen. Ethiopian Worker: Deressa Danki. NIGERIAN UN ION MISSION Organized December, 1913. Reorganized June, 1930 Cable Address: " Adventist," Ibadan, Nigeria. Executive Committee: W. McClements, L. Edmonds, W. G. Till, J. J. Hyde, W. Hyde. Minister: W. McClements. Institution: Ibadan Training School, Principal: W. Hyde, P. 0. Box 19, Ibadan, Nigeria, West Africa. Address: S. D. A. Mission, Box No. 19, Ibadan, Nigeria, West Africa. NORTHEASTERN NIGERIAN MISSION Territory: Nigeria and British mandated territory of the Cameroons, West Africa. Population: 18,765,818; members, 633. Officers: Supt., Wm. McClements. Sec. and Treas., —. Organized 1930 Territory: Kano, Plateau, Bornu, Bauchi and Adamwa Provinces. 222 NORTHERN EUROPEAN DIVISION Population: 5,368,711. Address (Temporary): c/o S. D. A. Mission, Box 19, Ibadan, Nigeria, West Africa. Officers: J. J. Hyde and Local Committee. Minister: J. J. Hyde. NORTHWESTERN NIGERIAN MISSION Organized 1930 (entered 1914) Territory: Ilorin, Kabba, Sokoto, Zaria, and Niger Provinces. Population: 4,068,352. Address: S. D. A. Mission, Awtun, Local Committee: L. Edmonds, A. Vine, B. Tikili. Ministers: European: L. Edmonds. African: H. Tikili. Licentiates: African: A. Oyesu, B. Soberu, C. Lawrence. Missionary Licentiate: A. Vine. Mission Stations: Aba Station, Box 2, Aba, Nigeria, West Africa. Elele Station, S. D. A. Mission, Elele, Ahoada, via Port Harcourt, Nigeria, West Africa. Offa Post Office, Nigeria, West Africa. Officers: Director, W. G. Till. Local Committee: W. G. Till, A. I. Balogun, S. Dare. Minister: African: A. I. Balogun. Licentiates: European: W. G. Till. African: J. Ojo, D. Adesine, 0. Obayo, J. Alao. Mission Station: Awtun, Offa Post Office, Nigeria, West Africa. SOUTHEASTERN NIGERIAN MISSION Organized 1930 (entered 1923) Territory: Calabar, Owerri, Warri, Ogoja, Onitsha, Benue Provinces, and part of British Mandated territory of Cameroons South of Benue. Population: 6,436,154. Address: S. D. A. Mission, Box 2, Aba, South Nigeria, West Afr. Officers: Director, L. Edmonds. SOUTHWESTERN NIGERIAN MISSION Organized 1930 (entered 1913) Territory: Lagos Colony, Ijeibu, Ondo Oyo, Benin, and Abeokuta Provinces. Population: 2,892,601. Address: S. D. A. Mission, Box 19, 'Ibadan, Nigeria, West Africa. Officers: Director, W. McClements. Local Committee: W. McClements, W. Hyde, J. J. Hamilton, J. Oriola. Ministers: European: W. McClements. African: J. Hamilton, J. Oriola. Licentiates: European: W. Hyde. African: J. Adebiya, D. K. Johnson, C. Onoleye, D. Alabi, E. Afolabe. Missionary Licentiates: C. A. Bartlett. Mission Station: Box 19, Ibadan, Nigeria, West Africa. NORTHERN EUROPEAN DIVISION 223 POLISH UNION CONFERENCE Organized 1921 Territory: The Polish Republic, viz., Posania, Silesia-Galicia, Central Polish, and East Polish Conferences, and the North Polish and South Polish Missions. Territory: Congress Poland. Population: 30,000,000; churches, 118; members, 2,706. Population: 9,000,000; churches, 14; members, 287. Office Address: Lipowa 10, Bydgoszcz, Poland. Office Address: Zakatna 3, 7, Warsaw, Poland. Officers: Pres., John Isaac. Sec., Th. Will. Treas., Miss M. Babinska. Executive Committee: John Isaac, Th. Will, R. J. Cunitz, A. Luedtke, P. Englert, St. Kapusta, H. L. Rudy, K. Bartel, Dr. A. Kube, M. Wasidlow, K. Saknits. Building Assn. (The legal society) Aleja ROz 9, Warsaw, Poland. Department Secretaries: Educational, H. L. Rudy. Field Miss., K. Saknits. Home Miss. and Sabbath School, Th. Will. Y. P. M. V., Wm. Czembor. Ministers: John Isaac, Th. Will, F. Dzik, A. Maszczak. Licentiates: K. Saknits, Wm. Czembor, M. WaSidlow, William Lay. Missionary Licentiate: Miss M. Babinska. Institutions:. Polish Union Mission School, Kamienica 230, Na Slask, Poland. Polish Publishing House, Aleja R6z 9, Warsaw, Poland. CENTRAL POLISH CONFERENCE Organized 1927 Officers: Pres., St. Kapusta. Treas., Victoria Mikolajczak. Executive Committee: St. Kapusta, E. Rucz, 0. Ginter, R. Bartel, K. Schaefer. Department Secretaries: Field Miss., K. Schaefer. Home Miss., St. Kapusta. Sabbath School and Y. P. M. V., E. Kluth. Minister: St. Kapusta. Licentiate: E. Kluth. Missionary Licentiates: K. Sbhaefer, J. Roiecki, A. Konig, Miss 0. Wajrauch, Miss A. DudkOwna, Miss Victoria Miklajczak. Church Directory: Warsaw, Sanatorska 8. Lodz, Andrzeja 17. Gabin, Gostynska 1. Danislow, pocz. Nowy Kaminsk, pow. PiotrkOw, Poland. EAST POLISH CONFERENCE Organized 1927 Territory: Polish Volhynia and Polesie. Population: 3,000,000; churches, 40; members, 855. 224 NORTHERN EUROPEAN DIVISION Office: Kordeckiego No. 5, Luck, Poland. Officers: Pres., A. Luedtke. Treas., Miss M. Groschang. Executive Committee: A. Luedtke, A. A. Schilberg, J. Zawdzki, A. Krause, A. Liebelt. Department Secretaries: Field Miss., Max Czech. Home Miss. and Sabbath School, A. A. Schilberg. Y. P. M. V., E. Krieger. Ministers: A. Liiedtke, S. Demchuk, A. A. Schilberg, M. Dolgun. Missionary Licentiates: E. Krueger, P. Batyjewicz, M. Groschang, Miss E. Wasidlow. Church Directory: Swiniuchy, pow. Horochow, Volhynia, Poland. Pozarki, pow. Luck, Poland. NORTH PQLISH MISSION Organized 1928 Territory: The Provinces of Bialystok, Nowogrodek, and Vilno. Population: 4,000,000; churches, 8; members, 119. Office: ul. Lipowa 10, Bydgoszcz, Poland. Officers: Director, K. Bartel. Advisory Committee: K. Bartel, A. Niewiadomski, G. Gawrylowicz. Minister: K. Bartel. Licentiates: A. Niewiadomski, G. Gawrylowicz. Church Directory: Grodno, Jagellonska 22, Poland. POSANIAN CONFERENCE Organized 1918 Territory: Province of Posania. Population: 3,500,000; churches, 18; members, 359. Office: Poznan, Wybickiego 4, Poland. Officers: Pres., R. J. Cunitz. Treas., A. Gajdzica. Executive Committee: R. J. Cunitz, K. Jelen, F. Kosmowski, P. Kube, R. Baensch. Department Secretaries: Field Miss., K. Piatek. Home Miss. and Y. P. M. V., F. Kosmowski. Sabbath School, R. J. Cunitz. Ministers: R. J. Cunitz, K. Jelen, J. Niedoba. Licentiates: F. Kosmowski, E. Niedoba, L. Polcyn, I. Tischler. Missionary Licentiates: K. Piatek, M. Grzeskowiak, Mrs. L. Zabel, Miss M. Schaefer, W. Kuzma. Church Directory: Wybickiego 4, Poznan, Poland. Bydgoska 46, Torun, Poland. Sienkiewicza 68, Bydgoszcz, Poland. SILESIA-GALICIA CONFERENCE Organized 1920. Territory: PC:dish Silesia and West Galicia. Population: 5,500,000; churches, 31; members, 913. Office Address: Kamienica 272, Na Slask, Poland. NORTHERN EUROPEAN DIVISION Officers: Pres., H. L. Rudy. Treas., Miss E. Baron. Executive 'Committee: H. L. Rudy, Jan Gomola, E. Kulesa, J. Czembor, J. Piescka. Department Secretaries: Field Miss., S. Kwiecinski. Sabbath School, Home Miss. and Y. P. M. V., E. Kulesa. Ministers: H. L. Rudy, Jan Gomola. Licentiates: E. Kulesa, J. Zielinski. Missionary Licentiates: F. Stekla, F. Kubaczka, A. Kruk, I. Berke, F. Bairon, Miss E. Baron. Church Directory: Kamienica 272, Na Slasku. KrakOw, ul. Bosacka No. 11, Galicia. Cieszyn, ul. Patna 20, Na Slasku. Katowice, ul. Francuska 6, G.-S1. Jaworza, No. 187, pow. Bielsko, Na Slasku. 225 Skoczow, No. 370, Na Slasku. Wisla, No. 663, pocz. Ustron, Na Slasku. Kamienica, No. 230, Na Slasku. Zebracs, Silesia Dzi&lzice, Na Slasku. SOUTH POLISH MISSION Organized 1930 Territory: The Provinces of LwOw, Stanislawow, Tarnopol. Population: 5,000,000; churches, 7; membership, 173. Office: Lipowa 10, Bydgoszcz, Poland. Officers: Director, P. Englert. Advisory Committee: P. Englert, A. Felte, Max Czech. Ministers: P. Englert, A. Felte. Licentiate: Max Czech. Church Directory: LwOw, Kutasiewicza, No. 1. SCANDINAVIAN UNION CONFERENCE Organized rgoi Territory: The Conferences of Denmark, North Norway, South Norway, North Sweden, South Sweden, Swedish Conference in Finland, Finland Finnish. Population: 15,845,066; churches, 184; members, 8,911. Cable Address: Advent, Stockholm, Sweden. Office: Tunnelgatan 25, Stockholm, Sweden. Officers: Pres., G. E. Nord. Sec., Erik Arnesen, Akersgaten 74, Oslo, Norway. 8 Treas., Erik H. Larsson. Auditors, A. C. Christensen, Erik H. Larsson. Executive Committee: G. E. Nord, L. Muderspach, T. Tobiassen, C. V. Anderson, A. Rintala, C. 0. Carlstjerna, 0. S. Lie, C. Gidlund, J. C. Ottosen, M. D., A. Andersen, M. D., C. M. Scott, Emil Ahren, Erik Arnesen, A. C. Christensen, Elias Rjaans, A. J. Settergren, Erik H. Larsson. Department Secretaries: Educational and Y. P. M. V., K. Abrahamsen. 226 NORTHERN EUROPEAN DIVISION Field Miss., E. Bjaanms, Akersgaten 74, Oslo, Norway. Sabbath School and Home Miss., K. Soisalo. Ministers: G. E. Nord, E. Bjaances, P. G. Nelsen, Erik Arnesen, K. Soisalo. Licentiate: K. Abrahamsen. Missionary Licentiates: A. C. Christensen, Erik H. Larsson. Institutions of Scandinavian Union Conference Church Schools: Aarhus Menighedsskole, Nr. Alle 30, Denmark. Copenhagen, V., Suomisvej 5, Denmark. Esbjerg, Finlandsgade 28, Denmark. Frederikshavn, Salem, Haabets Allee, Denmark. Gredstedbro, Denmark. Jerslev pr. Bronderslev, Denmark. Oslo, Kingosgate 1, Norway. Stockholm, Tunnelgatan 25, Sweden. Skodsborg, Badesanatoriet, Denmark. Educational: Finland S. D. A. Mission School (closed for one or two years). Norway S. D. A. Mission School, Algarheim, Jessheim, Norway. Swedish Missionary School, Nyhyttan, Jarnboas, Sweden. Vejlefjord Mission School, Daugaard St., Denmark. Publishing: Copenhagen Pub. House, Suomisvej 5, Copenhagen, V., Denmark. Finland Publishing House, Annegatan 7, Helsingfors, Finland. Scandinavian Publishing House, Akersgaten 74, Oslo, Norway. Stockholm Publishing House, Tunnelgatan 25, Stockholm, Sweden. Sanitariums: Ifultafors Sanitarium, Hultafors, Sweden. Oslo Health Home, Akersgaten 74, Oslo, Norway. Skodsborg Sanitarium, Skodsborg, Denmark. Treatment Rooms: Bergen, Norway, Treatment Rooms, Vestra Torvgate 11. Helsingfors, Hydro-Electric Institute, Annegatan 7, Finland. Nyhyttan Treatment Rooms, Jarnboas, Sweden. Stockholm, Sweden, Hydro-Electric Institute, Humlegatan 18. Haugesund Treatment Rooms, Breidablikgatan 97, Norway. Food Factories: Copenhagen Food Factory, Baldersgade 14, Copenhagen L., Denmark. The Scandinavian Philanthropic Society Organized 1897 Address: Skodsborg, Badesanatorium, Skodsborg, Denmark. Legal Name: Skandinavisk filantropisk Selskab. Trustees: L. H. Christian, Carl Ottosen, G. E. Nord, L. Muderspach, C. V. Anderson, T. Tobiassen, A. Rintala, Chr. Hansen, A. Andersen, Jensine Iversen, H. E. Eriksen, H. P. Panduro, C. M. Scott. Officers: President, L. H. Christian. Vice-President, Carl Ottosen. Secretary, Dr. A. Andersen. Treasurer, Chr. Hansen. Auditors, Jens Olsen, Chr. Pedersen. NORTHERN EUROPEAN DIVISION DENMARK CONFERENCE Organized 1880 Territory: The Kingdom of Den mark. Population: 3,434,555; churches, 51; members, 2,761. Cable Address: Expedit, Copenhagen. Office Address: Suomisvej 5, Copenhagen, V., Denmark. Officers: Pres., L. Muderspach. Sec. and Treas., R. F. Jensen. Executive Committee: L. Muderspach, L. F. Kirkelokke, H. M. Johnson, Chr. Hansen, Viggo Moller, 0. Jorgensen, R. F. Jensen. Department Secretaries: Educational, H. M. Johnson. Field Miss., 0. S. Sorensen. Sabbath School, Y. P. M. V., and •Home Miss., S. Broberg. Auditor: The Auditor of the Union. Ministers: L. Muderspach, Chr. Tobiassen, L. J. Kirkeloekke, J. P. U. Jensen, A. Wasli, A. Varmer, A. Guldhammer, G. E. Westman, H. Muderspach. Licentiates: R. F. Jensen, Werner Hansen, Sv. Broberg, H. M. Johnson. Missionary Licentiates: 0. S. Sorensen, Poul Knudsen, T. Gommesen, H. Westerlund, Kirstine Lund, Astrid Hansen, Kathrine Hedeman, Sophie Jensen. Church School Teachers: Anna E. Simonsen, Dorthea Preestiin, Johanne Vilhelmsen, Karen Dyger, Erna Schou, Kamilla Jorgensen, Dagmar ler, Ruth Johansen. Church Directory: Aalborg, Skolegade 13. Aarhus, Norre Alle 30. 227 Copenhagen, Suomisvej 5. Copenhagen, Nrd. Fasanvej 230. Copenhagen, Osterbrogade 30. Frederikshavn, " Salem," Haabets Alle. Herning, Afholdshotellet, Smallegade. Hillerod, Frederiksvmrksgade 7. Holbmk, Godthaabsvej 56. Jerslev (pr. Bronderslev), " Friskolen." Juelsminde, " Kuranstalten." Nykobing, Falster, Gedservej 32. Nyborg, N. I. 0. G. T. Lokale. Nnrum, Nnrum Missionsskole. Neestved, Riddergade 6. Lille Norlund, Skolehuset, Ikast. Odense, Provstegade 8. Randers, Fhv. Folketeater. Roskilde, Good Templarlokalet, Absalonsgade. Ronne, " Bethania," Dampniolle(rade 26. Skodsborg, Badesanatoriet. b Slagelse, Afholdshotellet, Valdemarsgade. Sydjysk Menighed, Finlandsgade 28, Esbjerg. Sonderborg, N. I. 0. G. T. Lokale, Rebslagergade. Vejle, Logebygningen, Vedelsgade 36. Viborg, Afholdshotellet, Grayerne. FINLAND CONFERENCE Organized 1909; Divided 1929 in Finland Finnish and Finland Swedish Conferences Legal Assn. (for both Conferences) : Filantropinen Yhdistys Aikain Vartija r. y. Officers: P'res., A. Rintala. Sec. and Treas., Y. Miettinen. Executive Committee: A. Rintala, C. 0. Carlstjerna, V. Kohtanen, Y. Miettinen, V. Sucksdorff, M. D., R. Rouhe, 0. Jaakkola. 228 NORTHERN EUROPEAN DIVISION FINLAND FINNISH CONFERENCE Organized 1929 Territory: Finland. Population: 3,000,000; churches, 20; members, 1,274. Office: Annegatan 7, Helsingfors, Finland. Officers: Pres., A. Rintala. Sec., Y. Miettinen. Treas., Y. Miettinen. Executive Committee: A. Rintala, R. Rouhe, 0. Jaakkola, Y. Miettinen, V. Kohtanen. Department Secretaries: Field Miss., 0. Hoglund. Sabbath School, Y. P. M. V., and Home Miss., T. Sallberg. Ministers: A. Rintala, V. Kohtanen, T. Stfthlberg. Licentiates: P. Nousiainen, 0. Hoglund, K. V. Osola, Y. Miettinen. Missionary Licentiates: L. Makela, Lahja Lehti, Liina Lehti, Hilja Hirvonen, E. Peltonen, A. Blomberg, T. Ketola. Church Directory: Helsinki, Adventtikirkko, Annak. 7. Iisvesi, Halonen, Kiviniemi. Imatra, Anna Kosko. Jyvaskylit, Maki-Matti, Vihtori Voulion talo. Kakisami, Asessori Polen. Lahti, Seurojen Kotitalo. Mikkeli, Elin Kekkonen, Porrassalmenk. 41. Pori, Mikonk. 6. Rauma, Kaivopuistontie 4. Riihiniiiki, Koivistonk. 2. Savonlinna, Rouheen talo. Tampere, Iiomilentie 5. Toijala, J. E. Nyman, (Hultti). Viipuri, Raittiusseuran talo. FINLAND SWEDISH CONFERENCE Organized 1929 Territory: Finland. Population: 526,359; churches, 10; members, 313. Office: Annegatan 7, Helsingfors, Finland. Officers: Pres., C. 0. Carlstjerna. Sec. and Treas., Lydia Sandholm. Executive Committee: C. 0. Carlstjerna, V. Sucksdorff, M. D., 0. Angervo, K. Sandelin, V. Varro. Department Secretaries: Sabbath School, Y. P. M. V., and Home Miss., Lydia Sandholm. Field Miss., 0. HOglund. Ministers: • C. 0. Carlstjerna, 0. Angervo. Licentiate: R. Svenson. Missionary Licentiates: Lydia Sandholm, Saga Ekeboin. Church Directory: Helsingfors, Adventkyrkan, Anneg. 7. Borgft, Brunnsg. 29. Hango, L•anggatan 46. Jakobstad, Malmska sjukhuset. Kristinestad, Fru Jenny Hoglund. Lovisa, Lundegard. Vasa, Skolgatan 27. Abo, Gubbhemmet. NORTH NORWAY CONFERENCE Organized 1929 Territory: North Norway. Population: 769,220; 20; members, 732. churches, NORTHERN EUROPEAN DIVISION 229 Office: Nordregate 8, Nidaros, Norway. Office: Tunnelgatan 25, Stockholm, Sweden. Officers: Pres., 0. S. Lie. Sec. and Treas., Louise Borge. Auditor, A. C. Christensen. Executive Committee: 0. S. Lie, L. Smboee-Larssen, S. H. Myklebust, Johs. Larsen, Konrad Holm. Officers: Pres., C. Gidlund. Sec. and Treas., Ivar Carlson. Auditors, Erik H. Larsson, K. R. Sandstrom. Executive Committee: Carl Gidlund, A. J. Settergren, Waldemar Johanson, J. Wallenkampf, 0. Heidenberg, C. Kahlstriim, Alf r. Andersson. Department Secretaries: Field Miss., Paul Olsen. Sabbath School, Y. P. M. V., and Home Miss., R. J. Skyllstad. Ministers: 0. S. Lie, L. S?eboee-Larssen. Licentiates: R. J. Skyllstad, Elmar Stinessen. Missionary Licentiates: Louise Borge, Fritz Olsen, Alf Andreassen. Church Directory: Hadsel, " Adventlokalet," Hokland. Hammerfest, " Betania." Harstad, Godtemplar-lokalet. Kristiansund, Arbeiderforeningen. Levanger, Fokets Hiss, Torvet. Molde, Losje Uredd. Narvik, Losjen. Svolvcer, Losjelokalet. Nidaros, Godtemplarlokalet, Nedre llollenberggate 73. NORTH SWEDISH CONFERENCE Organized 1929 Territory: Northern part of Sweden. Population: 3,061,737; churches, 27; members, 1,137. Cahle Address; Advent? Stockholm, Department Secretaries: Field Miss., Oscar Johanson. Y. P. M. V., Home Miss., and Sabbath School, K. R. Sandstrom. Ministers: Carl Gidlund, Emil Ahrdn, A. J. Settergren, S. E. Ljungberg, K. R. Sandstrom, Wilh. Runolf, Alf. Andersson, Adolph Blomstedt. Honorary: K. A. FarnstrOm, J. Wallenkampf. Missionary Licentiates: Eric Svenson, Elsa Hagberg, Olga Forsberg, Ellis R. Colson, Oscar Johanson. Church School Teachers: Ingeborg Jacobsen, Signe Sandqvist. Church Directory: Stockholm, Tunnelgatan 25. Jiirnboh.s, Nyhyttan Mission School. Grythyttehed, K. Fiirnstriim. Rtittvik, J. Wallenkampf. Falun, Frambyvilgen. 774. Vasteras, Foreningsgatan 9-11. orebro, Oskarsparken 11. Gavle, Norra Kungsgatan 3. Sundsvall, Thulegatan 33. Uppsala, Vaksalagatan 28. ostersund, Godtemplarhuset Nytorget. Harnosand, Tyra Vilhlstrand, Kumla, Natanael, 230 NORTHERN EUROPEAN DIVISION SOUTH NORWAY CONFERENCE Formerly a part of the Norway Conference, organized in 1887; divided and reorganized in 1929. Territory: South Norway. Population: 2,009,742; churches, 34; members, 1,847. Cable Address: " Sundhetsbladet," Oslo, Norway. Office: Akersgaten 74, Oslo, Norway. Officers: Pres., T. Tobiassen. Sec. and Treas., Ragnvald Abrahamsen. Auditor, A. C. Christensen. Executive Committee: T. Tobiassen, L. J. Stene, A. C. Christensen, Herbert Hanson, G. F. Johansen, Sigurd Lien, Helge Eriksen. Department Secretaries: Field Miss., Paul Olsen. Sabbath School, Y. P. M. V., and Home Miss., Oscar Udbjorg. Ministers: T. Tobiassen, L. J. Stene, 0. Jordahl, T. S. Valen, J. A. Tillgren, Erik Arnesen. Drammen, Avholdsfolkets hus. Halden, Kongegarden. Haugesund, " Bethel," Breidablikgaten 97. Horten, "Betania," Storgaten 97. Honefoss, Avholdslokalet Nordre Tory. Kristiansand S. "Bethel," Tolbodgaten 62. Larvik, Godtemplarlokalet. Mandal, " Bethel," Torjusheigaten 4. Moss, " Bethel," Vincent Buggesgate 5. Onsrud, Onsrud Misjonsskole. Oslo, "Bethel," Akersgaten 74. Porsgrund, Folkets Hus. Sandefjord, Losjen. Sarpsborg, " Frani," Jernbanegaten. Skien, B. J. F. Kongensgt. Stavanger, " Libanon,' Storhaug Alle 4. Toensberg, Losje "Farrnann." SOUTH SWEDISH CONFERENCE Organized 1929 Territory: Southern part of Sweden. Population: 3,043,453; churches, 22; members, 847. Cable Address: Advent, Jonkoping. Licentiates: Herbert Hanson, Paul Olsen, Oscar Udbjorg. Missionary Licentiates: Ragnvald Abrahamsen, Borghild Fulsebakke, Ruth Behring, Mathilde Larsen, Signe Frivold, Elise Hogseth. Church School Teachers: K. Nriand, Lina Mordahl. Office: Hemstigen 12, Jonkoping, Sweden. Church Directory: Arendal, Losje " Alles Vel," Stroemsboveien. Bergen, "Betania," Sigurdsgaten Department Secretaries: Field Miss., Oscar Johanson. Y. P. M. V., Home Miss., and Sabbath School, David Carl- Officers; Pres., C. V. Anderson. Sec. and Treas., 0. Grundberg. Auditors, Erik H. Larsson, Axel Bengtsson. Executive Committee: C. V. Anderson, Arthur Kahlstrom, G. Lund, Chr. Resen, Ole Hansson, Edv. Mahrberg, 0. Grundberg. SVM, 231 NORTHERN EUROPEAN DIVISION Ministers: C. V. Anderson, Chr. Resen. Licentiate: Giista Hermansson. Missionary Licentiates: Stina Hoglind, Signe Johanson, Carl Johanson, Sigw. Jonason, David Carlsson, Carl Lindberg, Konrad Utterb5ck, 0. Grundberg. Church Directory: Goteborg, Kungstorget 2. Halsingborg, Karlkroksgatan 810. Malmo, Spangatan 1. Landskrona, Godtemplarhuset C. Linkoping, Platensgatan 9 C. Norrkoping, Priistgatan 5 B. Tyringe, Handelstriidgarden. Jonkoping, Hemstigen 12. Hultaf ors, Sanatoriet. Karlshamn, Fogdelycksgatan 18. Kristianstad, V. Boulevarden 18. Veinge, Birger Andersson. Ronneby, Vesperklockan. Boras, Stjernskiildsgatan 25. Gotene, Tomtebo. Trances, Tigern 4. Tidaholm, Trollhattan, Dalen 10. Kalmar, Logen "Sanning." Eslov, Skolgatan 46. Viistervik, Batmansg. 15. SWEDEN CONFERENCE Organized 1882; Divided 1929 in North and South Sweden Conferences Legal Assn. (for both Conferences) : " S5.11skapet Sannigens Harold." Pres., A. J. Settergren; Vice-Pres., C. Gidlund; Sec., Axel Bengtsson; Treas., G. W. Ericsson. Executive- Committee: A. J. Settergren, C. Gidlund, Axel Bengtsson, G. W. Ericsson, Waldemar Johanson, A. O. Kahlstrom, Gottfr. Lund. Consultative: G. E. Nord, C. V. Anderson, Ch. Ka,h1strom. Auditors: Erik H. Larsson, Ivar Carlson. DETACHED MISSIONS ICELAND-FAROES CONFERENCE Entered 1897; Organized 1930 Department Secretaries: Field Miss., M. Thorwaldsson. Home Miss., Y. P. M. V., and Sabbath School, 0. Frenning. Territory: Iceland and the Faroe Islands. Minister: 0. J. Olsen. Population: 124,000; churches, 9; members, 362. Licentiates: G. Paulsson, SchOnning Andreassen. Address: Box 262, Reykjavik, Iceland. Officers: Pres., 0. J. Olsen. Sec. and Treas., J. Jonsson. Executive Committee: 0. J. Olsen, Schonning Andreassen, Gudm. Paulsson, Joh. G. Jonsson, 0. Frenning, Loftur Sigurdsson, J, Petersen, • Missionary Licentiates: Miss K. Sigurdsson, Joh. G. jiinsson, 0. Frenning. Institutions: Iceland Depository, Box 262, Reykjavik, Iceland. S. D. A. Church School, Westman Islands, Iceland, 232 NORTHERN EUROPEAN DIVISION GOLD COAST MISSION Entered 1894; organized 1913 Territory: Gold Coast, West Africa. Population: 2,078,043; churches, 5; members, 453. Telegraphic Address: Adventist, Kumasi. Address: S. D. A. Mission, Box 208, Kumasi, Gold Coast, West Africa. Officers: Director, J. Clifford. Ministers: European: J. Clifford. African: J. W. Garbrah, S. B. Essien. Licentiate: European, F. Stokes. Missionary Licentiates: European: F. Edwards. African: R. K. Entwi, E. Y. Ageyman, P. E. S. Andoh, C. K. Boaten, J. Owusu, J. A. Sackey, J. C. Sapon, J. Y. Entwi, S. Asmah, J. B. Kobia, C. Bowiah, G. M. Ezuah. Institution: Agona Training School, Principal, F. Edwards, Box 208, Kumasi, Gold Coast, West Africa. SIERRA LEONE MISSION •Organized 1913 Territory: Sierra Leone, West Africa. Population: 1,541,311; churches, 4; members, 261. Cable Address: Advent, Sierra Leone. Address: S. D. A. Mission, Waterloo, Sierra Leone, West Africa. Officers: Director, H. Gronert. Ministers: European: H. Gronert. African: I. W. Harding, H. E. A. Lynch, H. Wilson, S. C. Licentiates: European: E. Berglund. African: N. S. During, J. Garber, J. B. Leigh, J. B. Terry, M. S. Williams, D. B. Thomas. Missionary Licentiates: European: T. Tranborg. African: J. H. Nichol, -J. Meyers, T. G. Williams, A. M. Camara, J. Cole, J. K. Belford, M. Beldon, Josiah Williams. Institution: Sierra Leone -Training School, Waterloo, Sierra Leone, West Africa; Principal, K. Berglund. NORTH CAMEROONS MISSION Director, R. Bergstrom. Missionary Licentiates: R. Bergstrom, B. Rost. SOUTH AMERICAN DIVISION Organized 1916 Territory: The Austral and South Brazil Union Conferences, and the Inca and East Brazil Union Missions. Population: 64,981,106; churches, 203; members, 18,695. Cable Address: " Division," Buenos Aires. Western Union Code —Five-letter Edition or A B C, Fifth Edition. Office Address: Calle Pino 3801, Buenos Aires, Argentina, South America. Officers: Pres., N. P. Neilsen. Sec., Treas., and Auditor, C. L. Bauer. Transportation Agent, P. H. Barnes. Executive Board: N. P. Neilsen, C. L. Bauer, E. H. Wilcox, N. Z. Town, L. D. Minner, A. W. Peterson, J. L. Brown, R. R. Breitigam, P: H. Barnes. EDUCATIONAL DEPARTMENT Secretary, A. W. Peterson. Other Members: .J. S. Marshall, H. B. Lundquist, G. B. Taylor, L. G. Jorgensen, J. M. Howell, E. U. Ayars, G. F. Ruf. HOME MISSIONARY DEPART. MENT Secretary, R. R. Breitigam. General Members: N. P. Neilsen, E. H. Wilcox, C. L. Bauer, N. Z. Town, L. D. Minner. Union Home Miss. Secretaries: H. F. Brown, G. F. Ruf, Pedro Tabuenca, E. H. Wilcox. PUBLISHING DEPARTMENT Sec., J. L. Brown. General Members: N. P. Neilsen, E. H. Wilcox, C. L. Bauer, N. Z. Town, L. D. Minner. Managers of Publishing Houses: M. V. Tucker, F. W. Spies. Union Field Miss. Secretaries: M. Margarido, Pedro Tabuenca, Benedicto Silveira, H. F. Brown. Editors: M. I. Fayard, J. Berger Johnson. SABBATH SCHOOL DEPARTMENT Secretary, A. W. Peterson. Other Members: H. B. Lundquist, L. G. Jorgensen, R. Belz. YOUNG PEOPLE'S MISSIONARY VOLUNTEER DEPARTMENT Secretary, A. W. Peterson. Other Members: H. B. Lundquist, H. F. Brown, L. G. Jorgensen, G. 'F. Ruf, H. F. Brown, R. R. Breitigam. 233 234 SOUTH AMERICAN DIVISION LABORERS HOLDING CREDENTIALS FROM THE SOUTH AMERICAN DIVISION Ministers: A. W. Peterson, R. R. Breitigam, F. W. Spies, J. B. Johnson, J. L. Brown, N. P. Neilsen. Licentiates: G. B. Taylor, Edgar Brooks. Missionary Licentiates: C. L. Bauer, P. H. Barnes, Gmo. Everist, Dora Thomann, Etta Hewgley, M. V. Tucker, M. I. Fayard, A. Pages, H. B. Fisher, W. G. Lawson, Gertrude Hansch. AUSTRAL UNION CONFERENCE Organized zgo6 Territory: The Conferences of Buenos Aires, Chile, and North Argentine; and the mission fields of Alto Parana, Mendoza, Magellan, Northwestern Argentine, and Uruguay. Cable Address: Adventist, Buenos Aires, South America. Telegraphic Address: " Austral," Florida, (Bs. As.) Telephone Number: Florida 236. Office Address: Calle Esteban Echeverrfa 1436, Florida, F. C. C. A., Buenos Aires, Argentina, South America. Pcpulation: 17,091,053; churches, 80; members, 4,715. Officers: Pres., N. Z. Town. Sec. and Treas., G. E. Emmenegger. Executive Committee: N. Z. Town, G. E. Emmenegger, Dr. C. E. Westphal, J. S. Marshall, H. F. Brown, M. V. Tucker, P. M. Brouehy, Walter Schubert, Luis A. Rojas, W. F. Miller, J. H. Meier, W. A. Ernenputsch. Department Secretaries: Educational 'and Sabbath School, • Field Miss., Home Miss., and Y. P. M. V., H. F. Brown. Medical, Dr. C. E. Westphal. Ministers: N. Z. Town, H. F. Brown, J. S. Marshall, C. E. Westphal, M. D., E. W. Thomann, V. E. Thomann, Santiago Mangold, Luis Ernst, Harold Brown, Godofredo Block, A. Buzugherian, Ignacio Kalbermatter. Licentiates: G. E. Emmenegger, M. V. Tucker, Marcelo Fayard, Edgar Brooks. Missionary Licentiates: 0. Oppegard, Lydia G. _de Oppegard, 0. H. Maxson, Dr. G. B. Replogle; Freda Trefz, I. E. Mohr, P. H. Smith, Mrs. J. S. Marshall, Mrs. H. C. Brown, Celia Peverini, S. R. Peris, W. G. Lawson, Segundo Ferri, Juan Ferri, F. Olavarria, P. C. Beskow, Ernesto Steger. ALTO PARANA MISSION Urganized 1906 Territory: Paraguay, Province of Corrientes, and the Territories of Misiones, Chaco, Formosa, in Argentina. Population: 1,577,961; churches, 12; members, 606. Office Address: San Martin 1472, Corrientes, Argentina, South America. SOUTH AMERICAN DIVISION Officers: Director: W. A. Ernenputsch. Sec. and Treas., Santiago Weiss. Executive Committee: W. A. Ernenputsch, Santiago Weiss, Pablo E. Wensell, Ernesto R. Kunstmann. Department Secretaries: Book and Bible House, Santiago Weiss. Field Miss.,Pablo E. Wensell. ol, Home Miss., and Sabbath Sco Y. P. M. V., —. Ministers: W. A. Ernenputsch, Mateo Leytes. Licentiates: E. R. Kunstmann, Niels Wensell. Missionary Licentiates: Santiago Weiss, Pablo E. Wensell, Enrique T. Block. Church School Teachers: Juan Wedekamper, Estela Solis, Olgo Trenkler. BUENOS. AIRES CONFERENCE Organized 1921 'Territory: City of Buenos Aires, Province of Buenos Aires, Territories of La Pampa, Rio Negro, Neuquen. Population: 5,179,583; churches, 11; members, 646. Office Address: Calle Llavallol 2175, Florida, F. C. C. A., Buenos Aires, Argentina, South America. Officers: Fres., P. M. Brouchy. Sec. and Treas., Daniel J. Weiss. Executive Committee: P. M. Brouchy, Daniel J. Weiss, Juan Ferri, M. I. Fayard, Felipe Sittner, Juan Genanian, H. F. Brown, G. E. Emmenegger. 235 Department Secretaries: Book and Bible House, Daniel Weiss. Educational, —. Field Miss., —. Sabbath School, T. E. Saviano. Y. P. M. V. and Home Miss., Felipe Sittner. Ministers: P. M. Brouchy, Felipe Sittner; C. D. Christensen. Licentiates: Jose Iuorno, D. A. Hammerly. Missionary Licentiates: Daniel J. Weiss, Samuel Fayard, Mrs. Lidia B. de Fayard, Tomas E. Saviano, Beatriz Biaggi, Fernando Chaij, Luisa Frey. Church School Teachers: Miss Luisa Frey. CENTRAL ARGENTINE CONFERENCE Organized 1921 Territory: Provinces of Entre Rios, Santa Fe, and Cordoba in Argentina. Population: 2,433,891;. churches, 25; members, 1,451. Cable and Telegraphic Address: " Adventista," Parana, EntreRios. (Phone: Entreriana 488, Provincial 87.) Office Address: Calle Cervantes 144, Parana, Entre Rios, Argentina, South America. Officers: Pres., J. H. Meier. Sec. and Treas., C. E. Krieghoff. Executive Committee: J. H. Meier, C. E. Krieghoff, Jose Vifiolo, 0. H. Maxson, Edgar Brooks, Ignacio Kalbermatter, Daniel Weiss. 236 SOUTH AMERICAN DIVISION Department Secretaries: Book and Bible House, C. E. Krieghoff. Educational, Cristina T. de Meier. Field Miss., Jose Viiiolo. Home Miss. and Y. P. M. V., Juan Riffel. Sabbath School, Cristina T. de Meier. Ministers: J. H. Meier, C. E. Krieghoff, Camilo Gil, Godofredo Block. Licentiates: M. J. F. Salvini, Hector Peverini, Enrique Weiss, Juan Riffel. Missionary Licentiates: Jose Vila°lo, Arturo Thomann, Ida E. Beskow, Cristina T. de Meier, Ida H. de Gil, Luisa Chini, Antonieta Krieghoff. Church School Teachers: Julia Roscher, Flora Urich, Maria Julia Ernst, Francia Dobanton, Elisa Sittner, Claudio Puebla, Alejandro Spomer, Marfa Yanko, Emilia Frey, Elena Schmidt, Emma Saller, Daniel Weiss, Adela Dupertuis, Mrs. Edith R. de Ernst, Placid° D. Neuwerth, Leonor Spomer, Alfredo Ernst, Alfredo Bernhardt, Emilia Sehreober, Delia I. Rosten, Sara Vazquez. CHILE CONFERENCE Organized 1907 Territory: Chile, South America, (except Territory of Magellan). Population: 3,951,842; churches, 23; members, 1,623. Officers: Pres., Walter Schubert. Sec. and Treas., J. A. Ayvazian. Executive Committee: W. Schubert, J. A. Ayvazian, J. M. Howell, Eliel Almonte, Fdo. Arriagada, A. Berchin, J. C. Dessignet, A. R. Sherman. Department Secretaries: Book and Bible House, J. A. Ayvazian. Educational, J. M. Howell. Field Miss., Fernando Arriagada. Home Miss., and Y. P. M. V., Eliel Almonte. Medical, Mrs. W. W. Wheeler. Sabbath School, J. A. Ayvazirtn. Ministers: Walter Schubert, J. M. Howell, A. R. Sherman, A. Berchin. Licentiates: Carlos Mayr, Luis Griott, Eliel Almonte, J. Pidoux, B. Bustos, M. Rosales, G. Drachenberg, H. P. Beskow. Missionary Licentiates: J. A. Ayvazian, Fernando Arriagada, Corina Navarrete, A. Aeschlimann, R. H. Schlegel, E. Turner, E. Arias, J. Zevallos, H. Vyhmeister, E. L. Barclay, Mrs. C. Thinner, Mrs. W. W. Wheeler,. Roberto Block. Church School Teachers: Mrs. E. P. Olivares, Edo. Torreblanca, Olga Oyanader, Avelina Arias, R. Sherman, Mrs. C. B. de Arias, H. Dal Santo, B. Quezada, Mrs. S. B. de Rosales, Fdo. Sdez, L. Rojas, Mrs. R. de Rojas. Cable Address: "Adventist," Santiago, Chile, South America. MAGELLAN MISSION Post Office Address: Casilla 2830, Santiago, Chile, South America. Office Address:: Calle Porvenir 56, Santiago, Chile, South America. Territory: Territories of Chubut, Santa Cruz, Tierra de Fuego (Land of Fire) in Argentina, Territory of Magellan in Chile, and the Falkland Islands. SOUTH AMERICAN DIVISION Population: 88,590; church, 1; members, 25. Office Address: Casilla Correo 43, Magallanes, Chile, South America. Officers: Director, W. F. Miller. Minister: W. F. Millet. 237 Population: 1,438,986; members, 9. Office Address: Calle Oral, Paz 1071, Tucuman, Argentina, South America. Minister: S. C. Weber. URUGUAY MISSION Organized 1906 MENDOZA MISSION Territory: Provinces of Mendoza, San Juan, and San Luis, Argentina. Population: 670,200; church, 1; members, 65. Office Address: Calle Arizd 889, Godoy Cruz, Mendoza, Argentina, South America. Officers: Director, Luis A. Rojas. Department Secretary: Field Miss., Ovidio Juarez. Minister: L. A. Rojas. Missionary Licentiate: Ovidio Juarez. Territory: Uruguay Republic, South America. Population: 1,750,000; churches, 7; members, 350. Office Address: Calle Guaviya 2532, Montevideo, Uruguay, South America. Officers: Director, Sec. and Treas., Ner Soto G. Executive Committee: Ner Soto G., Cayetano A. Ferri, Andres Ascione, Julio Ernst, Carlos Gerber (h.), Jose Cairns. Department Secretaries: Book and Bible House, Ner Soto G. Field Miss., Cayetano A. Ferri. Home Miss. and Sabbath School, Y. P. M. V., Ner Soto G. NORTHWESTERN ARGENTINE MISSION To be organized Territory: Provinces of Tucuman, Salta, Santiago del Estero, Catamarca, Jujuy, La Rioja, and Gobernacien de los Andes, in Argentina. Area: 381,012 sq. miles. Ministers: W. B. Miramontes, Andres Ascione. Missionary Licentiates: Ner Soto G., Cayetano A. Ferri. Daniel Ernst, Anita D. de Ernst. Church School Teachers: Megan Rhys, Ines C. Ernst, Clara B. Ernst. 238 SOUTH AMERICAN DIVISION EAST BRAZIL UNION MISSION Organized 1919 BAHIA MISSION Territory: State of Minas Geraes, the Federal District and the Established 1919 States of Rio de Janeiro, Espirito Santo, Bahia, Sergipe, Ala- Territory: States of Bahia and goas, Pernambuco, Parahyba, Sergipe. Rio Grande de Norte, Piauhy, Population: 4,383,336; churches, Ceara, Maranhao, Pare, Am4; members, 250. azonas, Acre. Postal Address: Caixa Postal 198, Bahia, Estado da Bahia, Brazil, Population: 25,764,404; churches, South America. 28; members, 2,580. Address: Rua Alegrete da Cable Address: " Adventista," Office Cambea de Cima No. 1, Bahia, Rio de Janeiro. Brazil, South America. Postal and Office Address: Rua Lopes Troveo 88, Nictheroy, Estado do Rio, Brazil, South America. Officers: Supt., E. H. Wilcox. Sec. and Treas., U. Wissner. Executive Committee: E. H. Wilcox, U. Wissner, E. M. Davis, Juan Meier, L. B. Halliwell, H. G. Stoehr, C. C. Schneider, Gustavo Storch, Benedicto Silveira, G. B. Taylor, E. R. Maas. Legal Assn.: " Associaao da UniAo Este Brasileira dos Adventistas do Setimo Dia. Department Secretaries: Educational and Home Miss., E. R. Maas. Field Miss., Benedicto Silveira. Y. P. M. V. and Sabbath School, C. C. Schneider. Ministers: E. H. Wilcox, C. C. Schneider. Licentiates: Benedicto Silveria, E. R. Maas. Missionary Licentiates: U. Wissner, Edwin Langenstrassen. Officers: Director, Juan Meier. Sec. and Treas., Guilherme Itin. Department Secretary: Field Miss., JosA Seabra. Licentiates: Juan Meier, Guilherme Denz. Missionary Licentiates: Jose Seabra, Guilherme Itin. Church School Teachers: Philonilla Assumpeao, Cordelia Brandfio de Carvalho. LOWER AMAZONAS MISSION Established 1927 Territory: CearA, Piauhy, Maranhao, Pare, Amazonas, Acre. Population: 5,091,698; churches, 1; membership, 36. Postal Address: Rua de Industria 82, Caixa Postal 658, Belem, Pare, South America. Officers: Director, L. B. Halliwell. Sec. and Treas., U. Wissner. Licentiates: Hans Mayr, Manoel P. da Silva. SOUTH AMERICAN DIVISION MINAS MISSION Established 1919 Territory: The State of Minas 239 Office Address: Rua Marquez de Olinda No. 215, 2nd floor, Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil, South America. Geraes. Population: 6,902,511; churches, 5; members, 308. Officers: Postal Address: Caixa Postal 91, Juiz de Fora, Minas Geraes, Brazil, South America. Department Secretary: Field Miss., Jose Moraes. Office Address: Rua Bardo Cataguazes 107, Minas Geraes, Brazil, South America. Missionary Licentiates: Guilherme Ebinger, Jose Soares Filho, Jose Moraes. Director, Gustavo Storch. Sec. and Treas., G. F. Ebinger. Minister: Gustavo Storch. Officers: Director, E. M. Davis. Sec. and Treas., Ernesto Ebinger. Department Secretary: Field Miss., Saturnino Mendes de Oliveira. Minister: E. M. Davis. Licentiates: Jose dos Passos, Deodoro Barbosa. Missionary. Licentiates: Saturnio Mendes de Oliveira, Ernesto Ebinger. Church School Teacher: Renato Bivar. Church Directory: Juiz de FOra: Rua Ballo Cataguazes 107. PERNAMBUCO MISSION Established 1916 Territory: The States of Pernambuco, Alagoas, Parahyba, and Rio Grande do Norte. Population: 5,594,518; churches, 5; members, 395. Postal Address: Caixa Postal 378, Recife, Pernambuco, B r azil, South America. RIO DE JANEIRO MISSION Established 1910 Territory: Federal district and the southern part of the State of Rio de Janeiro. Population: 2,704,890; churches, 5; members, 635. Postal Address: Rua Maia Lacerda 46, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, South America. Officers: Director, Ricardo J .Wilfarth. Sec. and Treas., Jos6 Baracat. Department Secretary: Field Miss., Benedicto Silveira. Ministers: R. J. Wilfarth, Domingos Peixoto. Honorary: Dr. John Lipke. Licentiate: Daniel Feder. Missionary Licentiates: Isaura Peixoto. Church School Teachers: Elvira Buehler, Noemia Buehler. Church Directory: Rio: Central, Rua Maia Lacerda 46. Meyer, Rua Joaquim Meyer 29. 240 SOUTH AMERICAN DIVISION Olaria, Rua Silva and Souza 124.. Niethproy, Rua Visconde de Uruguay 514, 1st floor. RIO-ESPIRITO SANTO MISSION Established 1919 Territory: State of Espirito Santo and the northern part of the State of Rio de Janeiro. Population: 1,087,451; churches, 8; members, 956. Postal Address: Caixa Postal 3941, Victoria, Estado do Espirito Santo, Brazil, South America. Office Address: Rua Pedro Palacios 16, Victoria, Estado do Espirito Santo, Brazil, South America. Officers: Director, H. G. Stoehr. Sec. and Treas., Otto M. Groeschel. Department Secretary: Field Miss., Raul Cordeiro de Araujo. Minister: H. G. Stoehr. Licentiates: Samuel Thomas, Jorge Hoyler. Missionary Licentiates: Otto M. Groesehel, Clara Ebinger, Raul Cordeiro de Araujo. Church School Teachers: Alberto Knuepfer, Nair Trindade, Conrado Stoehr, Miguel Pinto Rozario, Holdina Schultz. INCA UNION MISSION Organized 1914 Territory: The Bolivia, Ecuador, Lake Titicaca, Peruvian, and Amazon Missions. Population: 10,500,000; churches, 35; members, 8,907. Cable Address: " Incaunion," Lima, Peru. Office Address: Avda. Comandante Espinar, near Calle Angamos, Miraflores, Lima, Peru, South America. Postal Address: Casilla 1003, Lima, Peru, South America. Officers: Supt., L. D. Minner. Sec. and Treas., H. M. Colburn. Cashier, B. L. Thompson. Executive Committee: L. D. Minner, H. M. Colburn, H. B. Lundquist, P. R. Tabuenca, F. A. Stahl, F. E. Bresee, J. D. Replogle, J. T. Thompson, Francisco Brouchy. Department Secretaries: Educational, Y. P. M. V., and Sabbath School, H. B. Lundquist. Field and Home Miss., P. R. Tabuenca. Ministers: L. D. Minner, H. B. Lundquist. Licentiates: H. M. Colburn, B. L. Thompson. AMAZON MISSION OF PERU Organized 1927 Territory: The Department of Loreto, that part of the.Department of Hudnuco east of the Huallaga River and the portion of the Department of Junin east of the Perend River, but not including La Merced, in the Peru Mission. SOUTH AMERICAN DIVISION Churches: 2; members, 195. Cable and Telegraphic Address: " Adventista," Iquitos, Peru. Postal Address: Casilla 161, Iquitos, Peru, South America. Officers: Director, F. A. Stahl. Sec. and Treas., H. M. Colburn. Executive Committee: F. A. Stahl, H. M. Colburn, Richard Hayden, Rail'. Chavez. Minister: F. A. Stahl. Licentiate: Richard Hayden. Missionary Licentiates: B. Chavez, J. P. Ramos, R. V. Pacho, Radl Chavez. BOLIVIA MISSION Established 1907 Territory: Republic of Bolivia, South America. Churches: 8; members, 1,378. Telegraphic Address: " Adven, tista," La Paz, Bolivia. Postal Address: Casille, 355, La Paz, Bolivia, South America. Office Address: Calle Recreo, No. 295. Officers: Director, Francisco Brouchy. Sec. and Treas., S. R. Loomis. Executive Committee: Francisco Brouchy, D. E. Dalinger, Leon Replogle, S. R. Loomis, Dr. H. E. Butka. Department Secretaries: Field Miss., Cayetano Diaz. Home Miss., Francisco Brouchy. Sabbath School, Educational, and Y. P. M. V., Leon Replogle. Ministers: Francisco Brouchy, D. E. Dalinger. - 241 Licentiates: Leon Replogle, Inocencio Chuquimia, G. E. Stacey. Missionary Licentiates: Mateo Urbina, C. Diaz, Dr. H. E. Butka, Feliciano Chuquimia, Valentin Chuquimia, Roman I. Chuquimia, Manuel I. Chuquimia., Manuel Mamani, Ignacio Mainani, S. R. Loomis. ECUADOR MISSION Established 1906 Territory: Republic of Ecuador, South America. Churches: 3; members, 65. Cable Address: " Adventista," Cajabamba. Postal Address: Cajabamba, Ecuador, South America. Officers: Director, J. D. Replogle. Sec. and Treas., H. M. Colburn. Executive Committee: J. D. Replogle, G. A. Schwerin, H. M. Colburn. Minister: J. D. Replogle. Licentiates: G. A. Schwerin, Ramon Redin. LAKE TITICACA MISSION • Established 1916 Territory: Departments of Puno, Madre de Dies, Cuzco, Arequipa, Moquegua in Pert. Churches: 10; members, 7,276. Office Address: Calle Acora No. 6, Puno, Peru. Cable and Telegraphic Address: " Adventista," Puno, Postal Address:. Castile 85, Puno, Pert, South America. 242 SOUTH AMERICAN DIVISION Officers: Director, F. E. Bresee (on furlough). R. J. Roy, Acting Director. Sec. and Treas., J. Wagner. Executive Committee: F. E. Bresee, J. Wagner, C. H. Baker, Dr. R. R. Reed, R. J. Roy, A. H. Field, Juan Plenc. Department Secretaries: Book and Bible House, J. Wagner. Educational, Y. P. M. V., and Sabbath School, C. H. Baker. Field Miss., J. M. Linares. Medical, Dr. R. R. Reed. Home Miss., F. E. Bresee. Ministers: F. E. Bresee, A. H. Field, R. J. Roy. Licentiates: C. H. Baker, J. Wagner, R. F. Radke, Juan Plenc, Luciano Chambi, Wm. Goransson. Missionary Licentiates: Dr. R. R. Reed, Bent Larsen, A. G. Biaggi, Luis Leichner, F. G. Ruiz, J. M. Linares, Mariano Chavarrfa, Benigno Chavarrfa, Cipriano Ccacallaca, Julian Yanque, Felipe Chambilla, Ascencio Sosa. Tingo Rest Home: Cable and Telegraphic Address: " Adventista,' Tingo, Peru. Postal Address: Casilla 252, Arequipa, Peru, South America. PERUVIAN MISSION Established 1906 Territory: Republic of Peru, excepting the Departments making up the Lake Titicaca and Amazon Missions. Churches: 12; members, 689. Cable and Telegraphic Address: " Adventista," Lima, Peru. Office Address: Plazuela de San Francisco 350, Lima, Peru, South America. Postal Address: Casilla 1002, Lima, Peru, South America. Officers: Director, J. T. Thompson. Sec. and Treas., V. L. Gambetta, Executive Committee: J. T. Thompson, V. L. Gambetta, H. B. Lundquist, Alfredo Marin, Santiago Silva, G. D. Klatt. Department Secretaries: Book and Bible House, V. L. Gambetta. Educational and Y. P. M. V., H. B. Lundquist. Field and Home Miss., Alfredo Marin. Sabbath School, V. L. Gambetta. Ministers: J. T. Thompson, G. D. Klatt, H. J. Westphal, Pedro Kalbermatter. Licentiates: A. R. Dennis, V. L. Gambetta, E. U. Ayars. Missionary Licentiates: Santiago Silva, Alfredo Marin. SOUTH BRAZIL UNION CONFERENCE Organized zgu Territory: The Conferences of Rio Grande do Sul, Sao Paulo. and the mission fields of Santa Catharina-Parand, Goyaz, and Matto Grosso. Population: 12,000,000; churches, 48; members, 4,495. Cable Address: " Adventista," Sao Paulo. SOUTH AMERICAN DIVISION Office Address: Avenida Alameda dos Cahetes, 30, Bairro Indianopolis, Sao Paulo, Brazil, South America. (Do not send mail here.) Post Office Address: Caixa Postal 2898, Capital, Sao Paulo, Brazil, South America. Officers: Pres., —. Sec., Treas., and Auditor, G. E. Hartman. Executive Committee: —. G. E. Hartman, G. F. Ruf, A. C. Harder, Germano Streithorst, Ennis V. Moore, F. W. Spies, G. B. Taylor, Manoel Margarido. Legal Assn.: " Associacrto dos Adventistas do setimo dia no Brazil." Department Secretaries: Field Miss., Manoel Margarido. Sabbath School, G. E. Hartman. Home Miss., Educational, and Y. P. M. V., G. F. Ruf. Ministers: G. F. Ruf, H. B. Westcott, J. B. Johnson, F. W. Spies, J. H. Boehm. Licentiates: Manoel Margarido, G. B. Taylor. Missionary Licentiates: G. E. Hartman, Augusto Pages, H. B. Fisher, Luis Waldvogel. ARAGUAYA INDIAN MISSION Established 1928 Territory: The territory adjacent to the Araguaya River in the States of Goyaz and Matto Grosso, Brazil. Churches: 1; members, 15. Postal Address: Leopoldina, Goyaz, Brazil. 243 Officer: Director, A. N. Allen. Minister: A. N. Allen. Missionary Licentiates: Ernesto B:ergold, Orestes Klein. GOYAZ MISSION Established 1927 Territory: The State of Goyaz. Population: 600,000; churches, 1; members, 42. Postal Address: Caixa Postal 2898, SA° Paulo, Estado de Sao Paulo, Brazil. Officer: • Director, —. MATTO GROSSO MISSION Established 1921 Territory: The State of Matto Grosso, Brazil. Population: 400,000; churches, 1; members, 41. Postal Address: Praca da Republica 24, Campo Grande, Matto Grosso, Brazil, South America. Officer: Director, —. RIO GRANDE DO SUL CONFERENCE Organized 1906 Territory: The State of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Population: 3,000,000; churches, 22; members, 1,294. Telegraphic Address: "Adventista," Porto Alegre, Brazil. Office Address: Avenida Born Fim 1004, Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, South America. 244 SOUTH AMERICAN DIVISION Postal Address: Caixa Postal 106, Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, South America. Officers: Pres., A. C. Harder. Sec. and Treas., Santiago Schmidt. Executive Committee: A. C. Harder, Santiago Schmidt, Emilio Doehnert, A. L. Westphal, Jose Kuempel, Joao Ferreira, Arthur Rodrigues de Azevedo. Legal Assn., " Associacao dos Adventistas do setimo dia no Rio Grande do Sul." Department Secretaries: Book and Bible House; Santiago Schmidt. Field Missionary, Emilio Doehnert. Home Miss. and Educational, A. C. Harder. Sab. School, Santiago Schmidt. Y. P. M. V., Siegfried Hoffmann. Ministers: A. C. Harder, A. L. Westphal. Licentiates: Siegfried Hoffmann, Jose Mendes Rabello. Missionary Licentiates: Santiago Schmidt, Emilio Doehnert. Church School Teachers: Henrique Knoener, Federico Stuhlmann, Roberto Mendes de Oliveiro, Oliveiro Mendes Rabello, Querino Dau, Frieda Schuck, Ernesto Roth, Carlotta Braeuer, Donatto Dornelles, Antonio Quimaraes, Marfa Garibaldi, Carlotta Ribeiro. Church Directory: Porto Alegre, Avenida Bom Fim 1004. Santa Maria, Conde de Porto Alegre esq. Coronel Niederauer. SANTA CATHARINA-PARANA MISSION Reorganized 1927 Territory: States of Santa Catharina and Parana. Population: 1,500,000; churches, 17; members, 1,558. Telegraphic Address: " Adventista," Curityba, Brazil. Office Address: Rua Saldanha Maiinho 169, Curityba, Parana, Brazil, South America. Postal Address: Caixa Postal H, Curityba, Paran6, Brazil. Officers: Director, Germano Striethorst. Sec. and Treas., Guilherme Doerner. Executive Committee: Germano Striethorst, Guilherme Doerner, Emilio Keppke, K. Kaltenhauser, F. R. Keumpel, Alfredo Suessmann, J. D. Hardt. Department Secretaries: Book and Bible House, Guilherme Doerner. Educational, Sabbath School, and Y. P. M. V., J. D. Hardt. Field and Home Miss., Emilio Keppke. Ministers: Germano Streithorst, K. Kaltenhauser, F. R. Kuempel, Alfredo Suessmann. Honorary: Manoel Kuempel. Licentiate: Mathias Alencar. Missionary Licentiates: Guilherme Doerner, Emilio Keppke, Hanna Linguist, J. D. Hardt. Church School Teachers: Manoel Kuempel, Martha Frauz, Maria Marquez, Joao Moreira, Elfin Hermanson, Guilherme Lubitz. SOUTH AMERICAN DIVISION Church Directory: Curityba, Rua Saldanha Marinho 169. Ponta Grossa, Rua. Santos Dumont 169. Uniao da Victoria, Rua Visconde de Nacar. SAO PAULO CONFERENCE Organized 1922 Territory: The State of Sao Paulo and the Southwest corner of the State of Minas Geraes, Brazil, South America. Population: 7,000,000; churches, 6 and many groups; members, 1,573. Telegraphic Address: " Adventista," Sao Paulo, Brazil. Telephone: 7-1271. Office Address: Rua Tagus", No. 16, Sao Paulo, Brazil, South America. (Mail should not be sent to this address.) Postal Address: Caixa Postal, 1830, Capital, Sao Paulo, Brazil, South America. Officers: Pres., E. V. Moore. Sec. and Treas., Germano Ritter. Executive Committee: E. V. Moore, Luiz Braun, R. W. Belz, Manoel Margardio, Raphael Ferreira, Germano Ritter. Department Secretaries: Book and Bible House, Germano Ritter. Educational, E. V. Moore. Field Miss., J. M. Zeroth. Sabbath School, Home Miss., and Y. P. M. V., Ministers: Luiz Braun, A. E. Hagen, R. W. Belz, E. V. Moore, Geronimo Garcia. Missionary Licentiates: Emilio Doehnert, Germano Ritter, Iracema Zorub, Olinda Bel- 245 choir, Alfredo Meyer, J. M. Zeroth. Church Directory: Assis, Bairro de Agua Bonita. Collegio Adventista, Capao Redondo, Santo Amaro. Espirito Santo do Pinhal, Rua Cel. •Joaquim Vergueiro. Ibitinga, Rua Sao Jose. Santo Amaro, Rua Herculano de Freitas. Sao Bernardo, Chacara do Tanque. Sao Joao da Boa Vista, Rua Gabriel Ferreira. Sao Paulo (Capital), Rua Tagus, No. 16. INSTITUTIONS IN THE SOUTH AMERICAN DIVISION Educational: Colegio Adventista del Plata, Puiggari, F. C. E., Entre Rios, Argentina, South America. (River Plate Junior College.) Colegio Adventista del Titicaca, Casilla 4, Juliaca, Peru, South America. Colegio Industrial Adventista, Casilla 319, Chillan, Chile, South America. Collegio Adventista, Santo Amaro, Sao Paulo, Brazil, South America. Instituto Industrial, Casilla 2102, Lima, Peru, South America. Publishing: Casa Editora Sudamericana, Florida, F. C. C. A., Buenos Aires, Argentina, South America. Casa Publicadora Brasileira, Sao Bernardo, S. P. R., Sao Paulo, Brazil, South America. Sanitarium and Hospital: Sanatorio Adventists del Plata, -Puiggari, F. C. E. R., Entre Rios, Argentina, South America Juliaca American Hospital, Casilla 22, Juliaca, Peru, South America. SOUTHERN ASIA DIVISION (Organized as the India Union Mission, 191o; reorganized, 1919) Territory: India, Burma, Ceylon, and adjacent islands politically attached, Afghanistan, Baluchistan, Nepal, and Bhutan. Are.i: 2,232,057 sq. miles. Population: 335,663,457; churches, 85; members, 3,051. Cable and Telegraphic Address: " Adventist," Poona. Post Office Address: Box 15, Poona, India. Officers: Pres., A. W. Cormack. Sec., Treas., and Auditor, C. L. Torrey. Asst. Treas., T. J. Michael. Division Committee: A. W. Cormack, C. L. Torrey, A. H. Williams, I. F. Blue, G. G. Lowry, J. Phillips, T. J. Michael, H. C. Menke], M. D., L. C. Shepard, E. M. Meleen, H. Christensen, J. F. Ashlock, J. C. Craven, J. S. James. Legal Assn.: "The India Financial Association of Seventh-day Adventists." Sec. 'and Treas. of Legal Assn., C. L. Torrey. Transportation Agent: Division Treasurer. Department Secretaries: Educational and Sabbath School, E. M. Meleen. Home Miss. and Y. P. M. V., J. F. Ashlock. Medical, H. C. Menkel, M. D. Publishing, L. C. Shepard. Ministers: A. W. Cormack, I. F. Blue, E. M. Meleen, L. C. Shepard, R. A. Garner, J. S. James. Licentiates: D. W. McKinlay, J. F. Ashlock, T. J. Michael. Missionary Licentiates: Mrs. A. W. Cormack, Mrs. I. F. Blue, Mrs. A. O'Connor, Miss F. Tuckey, C. H. Mackett, Mrs. C. H. Mackett, C. L. Torrey, Mrs. C. L. Torrey, A. Killoway, Mrs. D. W. McKinlay, Mrs. L. C. Shepard, Mrs. E. M. Meleen, Miss Kate Scott, Mrs. R. A. Garner, T. Killoway, Mrs. J. F. Ashlock, J. C. Craven, Mrs. J. C. Craven, Mrs. M. M. Mattison, Miss R. Frazer, G. F. H. Ritchie, Miss J. M. Bragan, J. L. Shannon, Mrs. J. S. James. BOMBAY UNION MISSION Organized 1929 Territory: The Bombay Presidency, the part of Hyderabad related thereto by language, Berar, Baroda, and other native states. Population: 38,195,371; churches, 9; members, 348. 246 Telegraphic Address: Adventist, Poona. Post Office Address: Box 15, Poona, India. Officers: Supt., J. S. James. Sec. and Treas., C. L. Torrey. SOUTHERN ASIA DIVISION Executive Committee: J. S. James, C. L. Torrey, W. H. McHenry, Melvin Oss, T. K. Ludgate, P. C. Poley, S. 0. Martin, J. B. Carter, Thomas Killoway, T. J. Michael. Department Secretaries: Educational, M. Oss. Field Miss., L. C. Shepard; Asst., L. G. Wood. Home Miss., T. Killoway. Y. P. M. V., Melvin Oss. Ministers: J. S. James, L. G. Wood, P. C. Poley. Licentiate: P. R. Shinde. Missionary Licentiates: Elizabethbai, Marybai Bhakre, Ruthbai Bhakre, S. B. Devade, Chotubai Kuverji, Charles Alexander, H. W. Nissanka, Dayabai Gaikwad, Y. A. Waghmare, L. G. Pakhre. GUJERAT SECTION (Unorganized) Address: S. D. A. Mission, Udhna, Dist. Surat, India. Minister: —. Licentiates: T. K. Ludgate, U. G. Bunsode, 0. Lange. Missionary Licentiates: Mrs. P. C. Poley, Miss F. E. Cormack, Mrs. J. S. James. CENTRAL MARATHI MISSION Stations: Ahmednagar, Nasik, Aurangabad, Nevasa, Lasalgaon. Address: S. D. A. Mission, Nevasa, Ahmednagar Dist., India. Mrs. T. K. Ludgate, Mrs. 0. Lange. Indian Workers: J. P. Christian, P. M. Bunsode, Joseph Mackwan, Jivibai Christian. KOLHAPUR SECTION (Unorganized) Officers: Director, W. H. McHenry. Advisory Committee: W. H. McHenry, Melvin Oss, 0. B. Pakhare, Y. A. Wagmare, B. V. Nirmal. Ministers: W. H. McHenry, Melvin Oss. Licentiates: 0. B. Pakhare, Govind Bhorge, F. E. Spiess, C. C. Cantwell, S. T. Chandikar. Missionary Licentiates: Mrs. W. H. McHenry, Mrs. Melvin Oss, Mrs. F. E. Spiess, Mrs. C. C. Cantwell. Other Indian Workers: 247 . T. B. Pakhare, P. Rakshe, B. V. Nirmal, Y. M. Athavle, R. K. Asvale, 0. B. Pakhre, John Walekar, Philomen Walekar, Gracebia Bhakre, Sundrabai, Jadhav, Address: S. D. A. Mission, Mill Road, Shahapuri, Kolhapur, India. Minister: S. 0. Martin. Licentiates: D. R. Jadhav, G. S. Borge. Missionary Licentiate: Mrs. S. 0. Martin. Indian Workers: B. J. Hevali, M. P. Jadhav, A. T. Kadam. KALYAN SECTION (Unorganized) Address: S. D. A. Mission, Kalyan, India. Minister: J. B. Carter. Licentiate: Daniel Bunsode. 243 SOUTHERN ASIA DIVISION Missionary Licentiate: Mrs. J. B. Carter. Indian Workers: S. S. Chavan, Hanoch Kajekar, Yamunabai Kajekar, Hannahbai Ranade, Karnual Bunsode. Educational: Bombay Union Training School, S. D. A. Mission, La.salgaon, G. I. P. Ry., Secondary School. 10 Primary Schools. Dispensaries: Kalyan, Lasalgaon, Kolhapur, Poona, Udhna. BURMA UNION MISSION Organized 1919 Territory: Burma, including the Shan States; the Nicobar and Andaman Groups. Population: 13,239,278; churches, 8; members, 277. Cable Address: " Adventist, Rangoon." Office Address: 30 Voyle Road, Cantt., Rangoon, Burma. Officers: Supt., J. Phillips. Sec. and Treas., 0. A. Asprey. Executive Committee: J. Phillips, 0. A. Asprey, E. B. Hare (on furlough), F. A. Wyman (on furlough), J. 0. Wilson (on furlough), R. A. Beckner, G. W. Pettit, J. L. Christian, H. Baird. Department Secretaries: Educational, J. L. Christian. Field Miss., A. J. Denoyer. Medical Miss., H. Baird. Sabbath School, Y. P. M. V., and Home Miss., J. Phillips. Ministers: J. Phillips, J. 0. Wilson (on furlough), W. W. Christensen. Licentiate: J. C. Dean. Missionary Licentiates: Mrs. J. Phillips, Mrs. J. 0. Wilson (on furlough), 0. A. Asprey, Mrs. 0. A. Asprey, Mrs. J. C. Dean. IRRAWADDY DELTA MISSION Stations: Myaungmya, Bamokyaung, Thonze, Htugyi. Office Address: 30 Voyle Road, Cantt., Rangoon, Burma. Officers: Director, J. Phillips. Advisory Committee: J. Phillips, F. A. Wyman (on furlough), R. A. Beckner, A. J. Sargent, Saya Deacon David. Ministers: F. A. Wyman (on furlough), R. A. Beckner, Maung Maung. Licentiates: A. J. Sargent, W. W. Christensen, Deacon David, Po Toke. Missionary Licentiates: Mrs. F. A. Wyman (on furlough), Mrs. A. J. Sargent, Mrs. R. A. Beckner, Hpo Lwin, Aung Zone. Local Workers: Maung Maung, Deacon • David, Hpo Lwin, Po Toke, Po Aung, Harry David, Hla Shin, Po Han, Ma Rosie, Tun Sein. RANGOON MISSION (Unorganized) Address: 30 Voyle Road, Cantt., Rangoon, Burma. Minister: G. W. Pettit. SOUTHERN ASIA DIVISION Missionary Licentiates: Mrs. 0. W. Pettit, Miss L. A. Baird, Mrs. G. W. Tarleton. TENASSERIM MISSION Stations: Kamamaung, Awbawa, Naung-ka-ring, and five outstations. Office Address: S. D. A. Mission, Kamamaung, Shwegon P. 0., via Moulmein, Burma. Officers: Director, E. B. Hare (on furlough). Sec., H. Baird. Advisory Committee: E. B. Hare (on furlough), H. Baird, Tha Myaing, Peter. Ministers: E. B. Hare (on furlough), H. Baird, Tha Myaing, Peter. Missionary Licentiates: Mrs. H. Baird, Mrs. E. B. Hare (on furlough), Myat .Po, Ohn Bwint, 'John, ma Baw, Tun Maung. Teachers: Tha. Kin, Maung Ni, Maung Ko, Shwey Pet, Naw See, Po Kyaw, Ka Yai, Chit Maung, Ma Shwe. 249 UPPER BURMA MISSION (Unorganized) Address: S. D. A. Mission Training School, Meiktila, Burma. Minister: —. Licentiates: J. L. Christian, A. J. Denoyer. Missionary Licentiates: Dr. 0. Tornblad, Mrs. A. J. Denoyer, Mrs. J. L. Christian, Thra Paul. Local Workers: Saw U, Ma Nyein Yin, Freddie, Arthur, Bu Yin. Dispensaries: Kamamaung, Meiktila, Myaungmya, Htugyi, Maymyo. ' Educational: Karen Mission School, Kamamaung, Shwegon P. 0., Salween, Dist., via Moulmein, Burma. S. D. A. Mission Training School, Meiktila, Burma. 1 Church School—Rangoon. 10 Vernacular Primary Sch'ls. NORTHEAST INDIA UNION MISSION Organized 1919 Territory: The Presidency of Bengal; the Provinces of Bihar and Orissa; the Province of Assam; with connected native states. Population: 93,626,287; churches, 22; members, 505. Telegraphic Address: Adventist, Ranchi. Office Address; Hinoo, Ranchi, India. Officers: Supt., G. G. Lowry. Sec, and Treas., C. A, Hart. Executive Committee: G. G. Lowry, L. G. Mookerjee, G. A. Hamilton, R. J. Borrowdale, C. C. Kellar, H. G. Hebard, C. A. Hart, W. B. Votaw, G. E. Lindquist, E. R. Osmunson. Department Secretaries: Educational, G. G. Lowry. Field Miss., G. E. Lindquist. Home Miss., G. G. Lowry. Medical, Dr. H. G. Hebard. Sabbath School, Mrs. G. G. Lowry. Y. P. M. V., Mrs, G, G. Lowry. 250 SOUTHERN ASIA DIVISION Ministers: G. G. Lowry, L. G. Mookerjee, L. J. Burgess. Licentiates: E. R. Osmunson, G. E. Lindquist, C. A. Larsen, P. C. Gayen, H. H. Mattison. Missionary Licentiates: Mrs. G. G. Lowry, Mrs. L. G. Mookerjee, Mrs. C. A. Larsen, Mrs. E. R. Osmunson, Mrs. L. J. Burgess, Mrs. G. E. Lindquist, C. A. Hart, Mrs. C. A. Hart, Miss L. C. Scholz, Miss L. Bartz, Mrs. J. B. Godfree. Indian Workers: P. C. Gayen, Proboth Halder. CALCUTTA MISSION (Unorganized) Address: 36 Park St., Calcutta, India. Ministers: G. A. Hamilton, H. M. Peak. Licentiate: G. T. Dickenson. Missionary Licentiates: Mrs. G. A. Hamilton, Miss Rose Meister, Mrs. H. M. Peak, Mrs. G. T. Dickenson, Miss E. Dyer. Indian Worker: N. G. Mookerjee. CHOTA NAGPUR MISSION Stations: Ranchi, Baragain, Bagri, Saridekel, Loyo, Lohardaga, Khunti. Address: S. D. A. Mission, Lohardaga, Ranchi Dist., India. Officer: Director, W. B. Votaw. Minister: J. E. Saunders, Licentiate: W. B. Votaw. Missionary Licentiates: Mrs. J. E. Saunders, Mrs. W. B. Votaw. Indian Workers: Prabhu Sahay Topno, Barnabas Tiru, Hanuk Tiru, Omah Ekka, Silvanus Ekka, Peter Kaka, Dharamdas Tiru. EAST BENGAL MISSION Stations: Gopalgunj, Chaurkhuli, Suagram, Bisherkandi, Saren• kati, Juluhar, Barisal, Boalia, Buruabari, Koligram, Kolikapur. Address: S. D. A. Mission, Gopalgunj, Faridpur Dist., East Bengal, India. Officers: Director, G. G. Lowry. Advisory Committee: G. G. LoWry, Dr. C. F. Schilling, A. K. Bairagee, T. C. Bairagee, G. C. Shikaree, J. Singh. Minister: A. C. Haider. Licentiates: T. C. Bairagee, Jonas Singh, I. B. Bairagee, A. K. Bairagee, E. L. Hunter. Missionary Licentiates: Dr. C. F. Schilling, Mrs. C. F. Schilling, Mrs. E. LeRoy Hunter. Indian Workers: A. K. Bairagee, B. K. Haider, A. A. Baroi, S.,C. Madhu, R. K. Haider, G. C. Shikari, P. Poddar, S. N. Arinda, T. C. Bairagee, J. C. Sirkar, J. N. Baroi, S. N. Biswas, P. N. Paroi, J. Singh, I. B. Bairagee, H. P. Biswas, Santosh Haider, Miss Sarojini Sircar, Mrs. Chondromoni Biswas, Miss R. B. Sircar, Miss Pronoi Haider, SOUTHERN ASIA DIVISION SOUTHEAST BEHAR MISSION Stations: Karmatar, Jagadishpur, • Babumohal, Basmata, Maharajpur, and Taljhari. Address: S. D. A. Mission, Karmatar, E. I. Ry, India. Officers: Director, R. J. Borrowdale. Advisory Committee: R. J. Borrowdale, Dr. H. G. Hebard, C. Jensen, Benjamin Peter, Gabriel Murmu. Minister: R. J. Borrowdale. Licentiates: C. Jensen, James Besra, B. Peters, W. A. Barlow. Missionary Licentiates: Mrs. R. J. Borrowdale, Mrs. C. Jensen, Mrs. H. G. Hebard, Dr. H. G. Hebard. Indian Workers: G. Murmu, M. Kisku, C. G. Hansdak, Elizabeth Peters, Bikram Kisku, B. B. Kisku, Rengha Tudu, B. Murmu, Shanthi Bezra, Barko Kisku, J. Hansdak, Taramoni Peters, Paul Gowrie, Mrs. M. Kisku, Lilabati Hembram, Miriam Besra, Debora Kisku. SOUTHWEST BENGAL. MISSION Stations: Aramdanga, Dinghada, Sehalabonia. Address: Dinghada, P. 0. Chuada.nga, Dist. Naida, India. 251 Officers: Director, C. C. Kellar. Advisory Committee: C. C. Kellar, U. N. Balder. Minister: C. C. Kellar. Missionary Licentiate: Mrs. C. C. Kellar. Indian Workers: U. N. Balder, M. M. Biswas, Ganesh Baroi, Mrs. H. Biswas, M. N. Sirkar, P. C. Dey, G. C. Arinda. Hospitals: Kaligram Hospital, Jalirpur, Faridpur Dist., India. Karmatar Hospital, E. I. Ry., India. Educational: Bengali Elementary School, Gopalgunj, Dist. Faridpur, Bengal, India. Northeast India Union Training School (Boys), Baragain, Ranchi, India. Santali-Hindi Girls' School, Karmatar, E. I. Ry., India. Hindi Elementary School, Babumohal, P. 0. Katoria, via Simultala, E. I. Ry., India. 11 Vernacular Village Primary Schools. NORTHWEST INDI A UNION MISSION Organized 1919; reorganized 1929 Territory: The Central Provinces, excepting Berar; the Central India and Rajputana Agencies; the United Provinces of Agra and Oudh; the Punjab; Kashmir; the Northwest. Frontier Provinces, Population: 112,924,007; churches, 14; members, 810. Office Address: 17 Abbott Road, Lucknow, India. Officers: Supt., A. H. Williams, 252 SOUTHERN ASIA DIVISION Sec. and Treas., Miss M. H. Belchambers. Executive Committee: A. H. Williams, F. H. Loasby, R. E. Loasby, H. C. Menkel, M. D., F. W. Smith, Miss M. H. Belchamhers, J. M. Hnatyshyn, J. M. Steeves. Department Secretaries: Educational and Home Miss., R. E. Loasby. Field Miss., J. M. Hnatyshyn. Medical Miss., H. C. Menkel, M. D. Sabbath School and Y. P. M. V., Miss T. E. Sandberg. Ministers: A. H. Williams, R. E. Loasby, C. C. Belgrave. Missionary Licentiates: Miss M. H. Belchambers, Miss Laura Janes, Miss Thyra E. Sandberg, Mrs. C. C. Belgrave, Mrs. A. H. Williams, Mrs. R. E. Loasby, J. M. Hnatyshyn, Mrs. J. M. Hnatyshyn, H. D. Strever, Mrs. H. D. Strever. CENTRAL AGRA MISSION (Organized 1929) CENTRAL PROVINCES MISSION (Unorganized) Station: Jubbulpore, C. P. Minister: 0. H. Shrewsbury. Licentiate: G. E. Hibbard. Missionary Licentiates: Mrs. 0. H. Shrewsbury, Mrs. G. E. Hibbard. EASTERN AGRA MISSION (Unorganized) Station: Allahabad, U. P., India (22 Clive Road). Minister: J. B. Conley. Licentiate: A. E. Nelson. Missionary Licentiates: Mrs. J. B. Conley, Mrs. A. E. Nelson. NORTH AGRA MISSION (Organized as U. P. Mission 1919; Reorganized 1929) Stations: Najibabad, Roorkee, Hapur. Stations: Lucknow,Cawnpore, Unao. Officers: Acting Director, R. E. Loasby, 17 Abbott Road, Lucknow, dia. Advisory Committee: R. E. Loasby, C. C. Belgrave, L. E. Allen. Licentiate: L. E. Allen. Ministers: F. H. Loasby, R. P. Morris, A. Gardner, Robin Singh, R. L. Nimble. Missionary Licentiates: Miss V. Chilton, Mrs. L. E. Allen, Miss F. E. Cormack. Indian Evangelist; H. F. Wesley. Licentiates: J. M. Steeves, P. K. Simpson, E. W. Pohlman, R. Peters, M. G, Champion, Officers: Director, F. H. Loasby (on furlough), S. D. A. Mission, Hapur, U. P., India. Advisory Committee: F. H. Loasby, A. Gardner, R. P. Morris, P. K. Simpson, J. M. Steeves. SOUTHERN ASIA DIVISION Missionary Licentiates: Mrs. F. H. Loasby, Miss W. West, Mrs. R. P. Morris, Mrs. J. M. Steeves, Mrs. P. K. Simpson, Mrs. M. G. Champion, Mrs. E. W. Pohlman, Mrs. R. L. Nimble. . Indian Evangelists: B. A. Howard, Piyare Din, Nara in Pershad, Jug Mohan Singh, Masih Charan, James Francis, G. D. Bates, Piyare Nirmal Singh, Albert Chand, Devi Pershad, Chanda Sahib, Chancier Sen, Maha Singh, Isaac Sherring, Mela Rain, Masih Dayal, Sher Singh, Nihalla. PUNJAB MISSION Organized 1919 Stations: Chichoki Mallian, Chuharkana, Lahore, Simla, Nowshera Virkan. Officers: Director, F. W. Smith. Advisory Committee: F. W. Smith, 0. 0. Mattison, E. R. Streeter. Ministers: F. W. Smith, 0. 0. Mattison, 0. W. Nolda, II. C. Menkel, M. D., J. A. Bakhsh, Viru Mall. Licentiates: E. R. Streeter, Isher Singh, R. C. Lindholm, M. D. 253 Missionary Licentiates: Mrs. 0. 0. Mattison, Mrs. E. R. Streeter, Mrs. 0. W. Nolda, Mrs. F. W. Smith, Mrs. H. C. Menkel, Mrs. R. C. Lindholm. Indian Evangelists: Paul Thomas, Nabi Bakhsh, Badr-Uddin, Daulat Masih, Labhu Mall, Nawab Din, K. Peter's, Carib Dass, B. Peter, Umar Din, Allah Ditta (1), Allah Ditta (2), Harnam Dass, Prem Masih, Inayat Masih, Matthias, Chetu Ram, Benjamin Mall, Sant Masih, C. Samuel, Joseph Masih, Chiraj Din, Faqir Chand, Sharfuddin, Jhande Khan, Barkat Masih, Fazil Masih, Abdul Aziz, Dayal Masih. Dispensaries: Chichoki Mallian, Najibabad, Hapur, Lucknow. Treatment Room: Simla. Educational: Northwest India Union Training School, Roorkee, U. P., India. Punjabi Boys' School, Chuharkana, N. W. Ry., Punjab, India. North Agra Mission Girls' School, Hapur, District Meerut, India. Punjabi S. D. A. Girls' School, Chichoki Mallian, India. 20 Vernacular Village Primary Schools. SOUTH INDIA UNION MISSION Organized 1919 Territory: The Madras Presidency with its neighboring native states, including such parts of Hyderabad (Deccan) as are allied thereto by language; Ceylon; the Maldive and Laccadive groups. Population: 60,157,912; churches, 31; members, 1,111. Stations: Unorganized stations, Bangalore, Krishnarajapuram. Telegraphic Address: " Adventist," Bangalore. 254 SOUTHERN ASIA DIVISION Office Address: 10 Cunningham Road, Bangalore, South India. Officers: Supt., H. Christensen. Sec. and Treas., N. B. Nielsen. Executive Committee: H. Christensen, N. B. Nielsen, 0. A. Skau, H. A. Hansen, E. D. Thomas, H. W. Carter, T. R. Flaiz, A. E. Coyne, H. G. Woodward. Department Secretaries: Field Missionary, C. A. Boykin. Sabbath School, Educational, Home Miss., and Y. P. M. V., 0. A. Skau (on furlough). Medical, . Ministers: H. Christensen, 0. A. Skau (on furlough), L. B. Losey, E. D. Thomas. Honorary: E. Hilliard. Licentiates: A. E. Rawson, C. A. W. Ritchie. Honorary: T. W. Asprey. Missionary Licentiates: N. B. Nielsen, Mrs. N. B. Nielsen, Mrs. 0. A. Skau (on furlough), J. C. H. Collett, Mrs. E. D. Thomas, Mrs. J. C. H. Collett, Mrs. A. E. Rawson, Mrs. H. Christensen, Mrs. C. A. W. Ritchie, Mrs. L. B. Losey, Mrs. C. A. Boykin, C. A. Boykin. Other Workers: S. Cuxton, George Reberio, William Gabb, B. Isaac, S. A. Paul, B. Surappah, J. Bhaskar. CEYLON MISSION Stations: Colombo, Kottawa, Pannipittiya, Moratuwa, Bolavalana, Negombo, Uduvil, Jaffna. Telegraphic Address: " Adventist," Colombo. Officers: Director, H. A. Hansen, "Glenfield," Kynsey Road, Colombo, Ceylon. Ministers: H. A. Hansen, G. F. Enoch. Licentiates: A. F. Jessen, A. M. Jesudawsen. Missionary Licentiates: Mrs. H. A. Hansen, Mrs. G. F. Enoch, Mrs. A. F. Jessen. Ceylonese Workers: E. D. Wijesinghe, J. I. Fernando, Miss Goonetilleke, Y. G. Pragasam, F. H. de Mel, A. R. Peries. MALAYALAM MISSION Office Address: Pattam, Trivandrum, Travancore, S. India. Officers: Director, H. G. Woodward. Advisory Committee: H. G. Woodward, S. N. David, J. Joshua, I. Samuel, Earl Gardner. Ministers: H. G. Woodward, S. N. David. Licentiates: • J. Joshua, Earl Gardner. Missionary Licentiates: Mrs. H. G. Woodward, Mrs. Earl Gardner. Indian Workers: S. N. David, P. G. Thompson, M. Joseph, A. C. Jacob, T. M. Joseph, I. Samuel, J. Joshua, A. Shadrack, K. G. Dasen, K. S. Peter, E. A. Thomas, C. Moses, K. R. Matthew, D. Charles, J. Prasoonam, S. Nallathumby, S. Nathaniel, Mrs. D. Mary, Mrs. P. Vethamuthu, Mrs. Abel, G. P. SOUTHERN ASIA DIVISION Crussiah, T. V. Zechariah, L. C. Charles, I. C. Israel, V. Jacob, S. Shastri, Mrs. T. V. Zechariah, Mrs. V. Jacob. TAMIL MISSION Stations: Madras, Trichinopoly, Pondicherry, Nazareth, Neyyoor, Colachel, Sarodu, Athur, Kannavillai, Kattimangodu, Puttathi, Chellankonam, Kalloorany, Allagianalloor, Kariananthal, Senivillagam, Eathavillai, Vellore, Thotiankulam, Senguntapuram. Officers: Director, H. W. Carter, 6 Royal Road, Trichinopoly, South India. Advisory Committee: H. W. Carter, E. D. Willmott, V. Isaac, S. Thomas. Minister: H. W. Carter. Licentiates: E. D. Willmott, V. Isaac, V. D. Koilpillai, S. Thomas. Missionary Licentiates: Mrs. H. W. Carter, Mrs. E. D. Willmott. Indian Workers: V. D. Koilpillai, V. Isaac, K. G. Samuel, G. Santhanam, M. I. Pakkianathan, Mrs. G. Roberts, Job Miller, Mrs. P. M. Ponniah, Mrs. P. Joseph, C. G. Isaac, A. Yesudian, A. Selvanayagam, Dason Samuel, Miss T. Gnanappu, Mrs. Ruth John, Y. Yesudasson, V. Devadoss, C. John, Mrs. C. John, N. Vinayagam, P. Devasahayam, S. K. Arumanayagam, G. Gurubatharn, Miss Rebecca Samuel, D. Paul, S. Seeniappan, John Samuel, P. K. David, Mrs. G. Arulmoney, A. D. Arumanayagam, P. Arokiaswamy. 255 TELUGU MISSION Stations: Narasapur, Nuzvid, Nandigama, Lakawaram, Rajahmundry. Officers: Director, T. R. Flaiz, Nuzvid, Kistna District, S. India. Advisory Committee: '1'. R. Flaiz, C. A. Schutt, M. Psakasam, G. C. Joseph, Ch. Devadas. Ministers: T. R. Flaiz, C. A. Schutt, D. W. Hunter. Licentiates: M. Prakasam, A. E. Clark, M. D., M. P. Daniel, G. C. Joseph, G. A. Nelsen, M. D., Sidney Brownsberger, M. D., P. J. Kelly. Missionary Licentiates: Mrs. T. R. Flaiz, Mrs. C. A. Schutt, Emma Hughes, M. D., Mrs. Geo. A. Nelsen, Mrs. Claire Brownsberger, M. D., Mrs. D. W. Hunter, Mrs. A. E. Clark. Indian Workers: Jacob Devadasan, J. V. Henry, A. V. Jesudas, M. B. Laban, P. Asirvadam, M. Nehemiah, M. Brahmanandam, B. Solomon, N. Aaron, M. Benjamin, John Charles, P. Devadanam, Ch. Devadas, E. S. Eswarao, G. C. Joseph, K. Joseph, P. J. Kelly, P. Moses, John Moses, M. Prakasam, K. Satyanandam, G. N. Solomon, K. Solomon, P. Sunderao, M. P. Daniel, Ch. Devasahayam, G. Isaiah, Ch. John. Educational: South India Training School, Krishnarajapuram, Bangalore Dist., Mysore State, South India. Malayalam Mission High School, Karickam, Kottarakara, South Travancore, S. India. 256 SOUTHERN ASIA DIVISION Singhalese Elementary School, liottawa, Pannipittiya, Ceylon. Tamil Mission High School, Nazareth Post, Tinnevelly District, South India. Telugu Mission High School, Narasapur, West Godavari, South India. Malayalam Secondary . School, Actventpuram, Neyyattainkara, S. Travancore, South India. 24 Vernacular Village Primary Schools. Hospitals: Giffard Mission Hospital, Nuzvid, Kistna District, South India; A. E. Clark; M. D., in charge. Narasapur S. D. A. Mission Hospital, West Godavari, South India; Geo. A. Nelsen, M. D., in charge. • INSTITUTIONS IN SOUTHERN ASIA DIVISION Educational Division: Vincent Hill School and Junior College, Mussoorie, India. Bombay Union Mission: Bombay Union Training School, S. D. A. Mission, Lasalgaon, G. I. P. Ry., India. 11 Primary Schools. Burma Union Mission: Karen Mission School, S. D. A. Mission, Kamamaung, Shwegon P. 0., via Moulmein, Burma. S. D. A. Mission Training School, Meiktila, Burma. 1 English Church School. 10 Vernacular Primary Schools. Northeast India Union Mission: Bengali Elementary School, Gopalgunj, Dist. Faridpur, Bengal, India. Northeast India Union Training School, , Baragain, Ranchi, India. Santali-Hindi Girls' School, Karmatar, E. I. Ry., India. 1 English Church School. 11 Vernacular Primary Schools. Northwest India Union Mission: Northwest India Union Training School, Roorkee, U. P., India. Punjab Boys' School, Chuharkana, N. W. Ry., Punjab, India. North Agra Mission Girls' School, Hapur, Dist. Meerut, India. Punjab S. D. A. Girls' School, Chichoki-Mallian, N. W. Ry., India. 20 Vernacular Primary Schools. South India Union Mission: Malayalam Secondary School, Karickam, Kottarakara, South Travancore, India. Singhalese Elmentary School, Kottawa, 'Pannipitiya, Ceylon. South India Training School, Krishnarajapuram, Bangalore, Mysore, India. Tamil High School, Nazareth P. 0., Tinnevelly Dist., India. Telugu MiSsion High School, Narasapur, West Godavari Dist., South India. Malayalam Secondary School, Adventpuram, Neyyattinkara, South Travancore, India. 24 Vernacular Village Primary Schools. Medical Bombay Union Mission: Dispensaries: Lasalgaon, Udhna, Kolhapur, Poona. Burma Union Mission: Dispensaries: Kam a m au n g, Meiktila, Myaungmya, Htugyi, May/iv°. SOUTHERN ASIA DIVISION Northeast India Union Mission: Dispensaries: Baragain, Gopalgunj, Dinghada. Hospitals: Jalirpur, Faridpur Dist., Bengal, India. Karmatar, E. I. Ry., India. Ranchi Maternity Home, 22 Main St., Ranchi, India. Northwest India Union Mission: Dispensaries: Dhampur, Chichoki-Mallian, Hapur, Lucknow. Treatment Rooms: Simla, Lahore. 9 257 South India Union Mission: Hospitals: Giffard Mission Hospital, Nuzvid, Kistna Dist., South India. S. D. A. Mission Hospital, Narasapur, West Godavari Dist., South India. Publishing Oriental Watchman Publishing Association, Post Box 35, Poona, India; with depots at Bangalore, Calcutta, Lucknow, and Rangoon. SOUTHERN EUROPEAN DIVISION Organized 1928 Territory: Switzerland, Liecheenstein, France, Monaco, Belgium, Luxembourg, Spain, Andorra, Portugal, Italy, Vatican State, San Marino, Jugoslavia, Rumania, Tripolitania, Cyrenaica, Algeria, Tunis, Morocco, Tangier, Senegal, Mauritania, that portion of French Equatorial Africa that lies South of latitude 10 North, Madagascar, Comoro Islands, Mauritius and Dependencies, Seychelles Islands; viz., the Franco-Belgian, Swiss, Rumanian, and Jugoslavian Union Conferences, the Iberian, Italian, and North African Union Missions, and the Equatorial African, Madagascar, and Mauritius Missions. Population: 180,000,000; churches, 637; members, 17,928. Cable and Telegraphic Address: Advent, Berne. Office Address: Hoheweg 17, Berne, Switzerland. Officers: Pres., A. V. Olson. Sec., Steen Rasmussen. Treasurer and Auditor, F. Brennwald. Field Sec., J. C. Raft. Department Secretaries: Educational and Sabbath School, L. L. Caviness. Home Miss., and Y. P. M. V., Steen Rasmussen. Medical, Dr. J. Nussbaum, 1 bis Rue Bernardin de St. Pierre, Le Havre, France. Ministerial Assn., J. C. Raft. Publishing and Associate Home Miss., F. Charpiot. 258 LABORERS HOLDING CREDENTIALS FROM THE SOUTHERN EUROPEAN DIVISION Ministers: A. V. Olson, L. L. Caviness, J. C. Raft, Steen Rasmussen, F. Charpiot, A. G. Roth, A. Vaucher, J. C. Guenin, J. H. Weidner. Licentiates: F. Brennwald, Dr. J. Nussbaum, Henri Evard. Missionary Licentiates: Jules Robert, Amy M. Dickey, Erna Ihlenburg, Madeline Golding, Edith Geymet, Erna Schwegler, Jeanne Revert. INSTITUTIONS IN THE SOUTHERN EUROPEAN DIVISION Educational: Seminaire Adventiste du Saleve, Collonges-sous-Saleve, HauteSavoie, France. Rumanian Union Training School, Strada. Viilor No. 53, Diciosftnmartin, Transylvania, Rumania. Church Schools: La Chaux-de-Fonds, Temple Allemand, Switzerland. Gland, Canton Vaud, Switzerland. Publishing: French Publishing House, Librairie " Les Signes des Temps," Dammarie les Lys (Seine et Marne), France. Italian Publishing House, Via Trieste 17, Florence, Italy. Jugoslavian Publishing House, " G. Said i komp.," Petra SOUTHERN EUROPEAN DIVISION Zrinjskog ulica 13, Novi Sad, Jugoslavia. Portuguese Publishing House, Rua Joaquim Bonifacio M. A., Lisbon, Portugal. Rumanian Publishing House, "Cuvftntul Evangheliei," Strada Labirint 116, Bukharest, Rumania. Spanish Publishing House, Apartado 4078, Madrid, Spain. 259 Sanitarium: Lake Geneva Sanitarium, La Ligniere, Gland, Canton Vaud, Switzerland. Food Factories: " Phag," Gland, Canton Vaud, Switzerland. " Pur Aliment," Rue du MontCenis 128, Paris XVIII, France. FRANCO-BELGIAN UNION CONFERENCE Organized 1928 Territory: France, Monaco, Belgium, and Luxembourg. Population: 48,823,200; churches, 57; members, 1,770. Telegraphic Address: Conference, 130 Boulevard de PHOpital, Paris XIII, France. Office Address: 130 Boulevard de l'Hopital, Paris XIII, France. Officers: Pres., Oscar Meyer. Sec., Treas., and Auditor, Ch. Wehrli. Executive Committee: Oscar Meyer, Ch. Wehrli, U. Augsburger, W. R. Beach, H. L. Henriksen, Oscar Ganty, Dr. Jean Nussbaum, G. Haberey, F. Lavanchy, A. Vaucher. Department Secretaries: Field Miss., -. Medical, Dr. Jean Nussbaum. Sabbath School, Y. P. M. V., and Home Miss., F. Lavanchy. Ministers: Oscar Meyer, J. Vuilleumier. Honorary: J. P. Badaut. Licentiate: F. Lavanchy. Missionary Licentiates: Ch. Wehrli, H. L. Henriksen, Oscar Ganty. Institutions: Les Signs des Temps, Dammarie-les-Lys, Seine et Marne, France. Food Factory "Pur Aliment," Rue du Mont-Cenis 128, Paris XVIII, France. BELGIAN CONFERENCE Organized 1920 Territory: Belgium and Luxembourg. Population: 8,073,200; churches, 10; members, 463. Office: 11 Rue Ernest Allard, Brussels, Belgium. Officers: Pres., W. R. Beach. Sec. and Treas., H. J. Roeland. Executive Committee: W. R. Beach, J. Wibbens, J. L. Loots, H. Roeland, C. De Bie, E. Herman, J. Vandenbosch. Legal Assn.: The Belgian Conference Incorporated Society, 11 Rue Ernest Allard, Brussels, Belgium. 260 SOUTHERN EUROPEAN DIVISION Department Secretaries: Book and Bible House, H. Roeland. Field Miss. and Y. P. M. V., G. Desmet. Home Miss., A. Roeland. Sabbath School, H. Roeland. Ministers: W. R. Beach, J. Wibbens, J. L. Loots. Licentiates: A. Roeland, M. Ringoot, G. Desmet, Ch. Gerber. Missionary Licentiates: H. J. Roeland, Miss Louise Vleminckx, J. Vandromme, E. Ducret, Alfred de Ligne, Andie Lecoultre, Hermann Albeck, Mrs. Marguerite Magnus, Miss Lucie Vrancken. Church Directory: Brussels, 11 Rue Ernest Allard, Belgium. Antwerp, Rempart St. Georges 92, Belgium. Ghent, Place du Beguinage 12, Belgium. Jurnet, Rue Jos. Lambillotte 35, Belgium. Nivelles, 136 ' Faubourg de Namur, Belgium. Liege, Rue d'Angleur 34, Belgium. Verviers, Rue de la Station 31, Belgium. Luxembourg, Rue des Trevires 42. Esch-Alzette, Café Central, Rue Neuve (Luxembourg). EAST FRANCE CONFERENCE Organized 1919 Territory: Alsace-Lorraine, the departments of Meurthe et Moselle, Vosges, Haute - Saone, Meuse, Haute-Marne, and the territory of Belfort. Population: 4,000,000; churches, 12; members, 363. Office: 5 Boulevard d'Anvers, Strasbourg, Alsace, France. Officers: Pres., Georges Haberey. Sec. and Treas., Charles Zigan. Executive Committee: Georges Haberey, Charles Zigan, A. Junginger, F. E. Frick, J. P. Frei, G. Kiehl, J. Both. Legal Assn.: East France Conference Seventh-day Adventists Association, 5 Boulevard d'Anvers, Strasbourg, France. Department Secretaries: Book and Bible House, Charles Zigan. Field Miss., R. A. Scheller. Home Miss., J. P. Frei. Sabbath School, Albert Junginger. Y. P. M. V., J. E. Frick. Ministers: P. F. Richard, J. P. Frei, J. E. Prick, Albert Junginger, Charles Kamm. Licentiates: Georges Haberey, E. Rooks, Jean Hof. Missionary Licentiates: Robert Bentz, R. A. Scheller, Miss W. Hockenberger, Miss F. Schultz, Miss J. Gutekunst. Church Directory: Bischwiller, Rohrweilerstrasse, Eingang Meistergiisschen. Bouxwiller, Griesbacherstrasse, c/o Mr. Matter Michel. Colmar, Chapelle rue St. Joseph. Haguenau, 4 rue du Sel. Lorraine-Est, 11 Rue Eugene, Freyming-Merlebach. Mulhouse, 16 bis. Rue du Ballon. Metz, 18 bis., Rue Roederer. Munster, 3 Route de Gunsbach. Philippsbourg, Family Ridacker. SOUTHERN EUROPEAN DIVISION Saverne, Family Mathis, 10 Rue de la Gare. Ste. Miirie a/Mines, 49 Rue St. Louis. Selestat, 1 MOnchhof (Saal). Strasbourg, Chapelle 5 Boulevard d'Anvers. NORTH FRANCE CONFERENCE Organized 1923 Territory: Departments north of Charente Inferieure, Charente, Haute - Vienne, Creuse, Allier, Saone et Loire, and Ain; and west of Meuse, Haute-Marne, and Haute-SaOne. Population:. 22,000,000; churches, 12; members, 436. Office: 130 Boulevard de PHOpital, Paris 13, France. Officers: Pres., 0. Meyer. Sec. and Treas., Ch. Wehrli. Executive Committee: 0. Meyer, Ch. Wehrli, Dr. J. Nussbaum, J. Vuilleumier, P. Meyer, M. Tieche. Legal Assn.: North France Conf. S. D. A. Assn., 130 Bd de l'Hopital, Paris 13, France. Department Secretaries: Book and Bible House, Ch. Wehrli. Field Miss., —. Home Miss. and Sabbath School, F. Lavanchy. Medical, Dr. J. Nussbaum. Y. P. M. V., and Educational, M. Tieche. Ministers: F. Meyer, A. Guyot, L. A. Mathy. Licentiates: NI. Troche, P. Hai<mere, E. Keller, Fr. B. Pfenniger, 'Fr. "' B. Armeenakian. 261 Missionary Licentiates: Mrs. L. Dethier, Miss B. Jaccard, Miss E. Huguenin, Miss M. Roth, C. Marconi, Miss A. Liotier. Church Directory: Paris, 130, Bd de l'HOpital, Paris 13, France. Le Hfivre, HOtel des Societes, Rue Lord Kitchner, France. Dammarie-les-Lys (S. et M.) Avenue de Chailly, 92, France. Lille, 13 Place du Colisee, Lambersart. (Nord) France. Rouen, 2 rue de la Bibliot Legue, S. T., France. Nantes, 1 Rue Felibien. Besancon, La Grande Rue, 77. Reims, Restaurant de la Bourse. Amiens, 6 rue Dusevel. SOUTH FRANCE CONFERENCE Organized 1923 Territory: Departments south of Vendee, Deux Sevres, Vienne, Indre, Cher, Nievre, COte d'Or, Haute-Savoie, Doubs, and the principality of Monaco. Population: 16,000,000; churches, 23; members, 508. Office: 5 Boulevard Longchamp, Marseille, France.. Officers: Pres., U. Augsburger. Sec. and Treas., J. Erzberger. Executive Committee: U. Augsburger, J. Erzberger, F. Jochmans, P. Badaut, J. C. Guenin, Jules Roustain, J. Boyer. Legal Assn.: South France Conf. Assn., Marseille, 5 Boulevard Longchamp, France. Department Secretaries: Book and Bible House, J. Erzberger. 262 SOUTHERN EUROPEAN DIVISION Field Miss. and Home Miss., C. Dudragne. Sabbath School and Y. P. M. V., Louis Gerber. Ministers: U. Augsburger, P. Badaut, F. Jochmans, E. Fawer, J. Monnier. Licentiates: L. Gerber, W. Fuchs, C. Dudragne. Missionary Licentiates: J. Erzberger, Miss M. Chevalerias, Miss G. Ferciot, Paul Ben6zech. Church Directory: Ales: chez Mme Laf aye, rue Hermet, Ales (Gard). Anduze: chez Mme Roman, Boulangerie, Anduze (Gard). Avignon: chez Mr. Calame, 26 rue Four de la Terre (Vaucluse). Bordeaux: 179 rue Ste Catherine, Bordeaux (Gironde). Brognon: chez Mr. Samuel Bernard, Brignon (Gard). Calvisson: chez Mr. L. Ducros, Viticulteur, Calvisson (Gard). Collonges: Seminaires Adventiste, Collonges sous Saleve, Hte. Savoie. Grenoble: 85-86 Cours Jean Jaures, chez Mme Rochat. Lacaze-Pierresegade: Eglise Adventiste, Lacaze-Pierresegade (Tarn). Lasalle: chez Mr. Samuel Toureille, Lasalle (Gard). Marseille: 5 Bld Longchamp, Marseille (B. d. Rh). Nice: chez Mr. P. Badaut, 10 Bld Carabacel, Nice (A. M.). Nimes, chez Mr. Emile Fawer, 80 Bld Gambetta, Nimes (Gard). St. Hippolyte -du -Fort : Maison Fournier, rue Fondeville, St. Hippolyte-du-Fort (Gard). Thiers: chez Mr. Blanzat, 87 rue Victor Hugo, Thiers P. d. D.) Toulon: Salle des Conferences de l'Englise Evangelique, Place d'Armes, Toulob (Var). Valence: Blace Madier Montjean, Valence (Drome). IBERIAN UNION MISSION Organized 1926 Territory: The East Spanish, the West Spanish, and the Portuguese Missions; viz., Spain and Portugal, including Canary, Maderia, and Azores Islands. Population: About 29,033,000; churches, 13; members, 535. Telegraphic Address: Advent, Madrid. Office: Calle Covarrubias 28, Madrid, Spain. Postal Address: Apartado 4078, Madrid, Spain. Officers: Supt., Robert Gerber. Sec. and Treas., 0. C. Barrett. Executive Committee: R. Gerber, 0. C. Barrett, J. C. Culpepper, H. F. Neumann, Hans Struve, A. F. Raposo, R. Fit6. Department Secretaries: Field Miss., J. C. Culpepper. Home Miss. and Sabbath School, R. Gerber. Y. P. M. V., 0. C. Barrett. Minister: R. Gerber. Missionary Licentiates: J. C. Culpepper, 0. C. Barrett, R. Fit5. SOUTHERN EUROPEAN DIVISION Institutions: Spanish Publishing House, Apartado 4078, Madrid, Spain. Portuguese Publishing House, Rua Joaquim Bonifacio M. A., Lisbon, Portugal. 263 Church Directory: Barcelona, Consejo de Ciento, 370, Spain. Tarrasa, 17, Norte, Spain. Jerica ( Castellon ) , Capuchinos 25, Spain. Lerida, Jaime II, 8, Spain. Valencia, Conquista 6, Spain. EAST SPANISH MISSION Organized 1926 Territory: The provinces of Barcelona, Lkrida, Gerona, Tarragona, Caste11On, Teruel, Valencia, Alicante, Albacete, Cuenca, Zaragoza, Huesca, Soria, Burgos, Logrofio, Navarra, Santander, Vizcaya, Guipitzcoa, Alava and the Baleares Islands. Population: 10,000,000; churches, 5; members, 205. Office Address: Calle Consejo de Ciento 370, Barcelona, Spain. Officers: Director., Hans Struve. Sec. and Treas., Pedro Jove. Mission Committee: Hans Struve, Pedro Sanz, Jose Boix, Pedro Jove. Department Secretaries: Book and Bible House, Pedro Jove. Field Miss., Angel Rodriguez. Home Miss. and Y. P. M. V., Hans Struve. Sabbath School, Miss Maria Abe11a. Ministers: Hans Struve, Pedro Sanz, Vic. J. Garcia. Licentiates: Jose Boix, 0. A. Succar. Missionary Licentiates: E. Abenia, Miss Maria Abella, Pedro Jove, E. Abella. Miss Mercedes Sanz, Angel Rodriguez. PORTUGUESE MISSION Organized 1904 Territory: Portugal. Population: 6,033,000; churches, 4; members, 240. Office: Rua Joaquim Bonifacio, M. A., Lisbon, Portugal. Officers: Director, H. F. Neumann. Sec. and Treas., A. F. Raposo. Mission Committee: A. F. Raposo, F. Simoes, H. F. Neumann, J. Milian, A. D. Gomes. Department Secretaries: Book and Bible House, Y. P. M. V., and Home Miss., A. F. Raposo. Field Miss., J. Milian. Sabbath ' School, Mrs. A. F. Raposo. Ministers: H. F. Neumann, E. P. Mansell. Licentiates: A. F. Raposo, F. Simoes, A. D. Gomes, J. Milian, M. Lourinho. Missionary Licentiate: J. Falai:). Church Directory: Faro, Rua Manuel Belmarco 39 A, Portugal. Lisbon, Rua Joaquim Bonifacio, M. A., Portugal. Portalegre, Rua dos Silveiras 2, Portugal. Porto, Rua do Bomjardim, 472 10 Casa Carioca, Portugal. Tomar, Rua Leiria 29, Portugal. 264 SOUTHERN EUROPEAN DIVISION WEST SPANISH MISSION Organized 1926 Territory (27 Provinces): The provinces of Madrid, Guadalajara, Segovia, Valladolid, Avila, Salamanca, Zamora, Palencia, Lean, Oviedo, Orense, Lugo, Coruna, Pontevedra, Toledo. Caceres, Ciudad-Real, Murcia, Almeria, Granada, Malaga, Jaen, Badajoz, COrdoba, Huelva, Sevilla and Cadiz. Population: 13,000,000; churches, 4; members, 90. Office: Calle Covarrubias 28, Madrid, Spain. Postal Address: Apartado 4078, Madrid, Spain. Officers: Director, Robert Gerber. Sec. and Treas., 0. C. Barrett. Mission Committee: R. Gerber, J. C. Culpepper, 0. C. Barrett, Cayetano Gilabert. Department Secretaries: Field Miss., J. C. Culpepper. Home Miss., R. Gerber. Y. P. M. V., 0. C. Barrett. Sabbath School, Mrs. R. Gerber. Licentiates: A. J. Lopez, I. Aguilar, S. M. Iserte. Missionary Licentiate: I. Gonzalez. Church Directory: Madrid, Rios Rosas 25, Spain. 'Cartagena, Angosto 26, Spain. La Carolina (Jaen), Castillo 21, Spain. La Coruna, FeijOo 11, Spain. ITALIAN UNION MISSION Organized 1928 Territory: Italy, Sicily, Sardinia, and San Marino. Population: About 44,000,000; churches, 23; members, 508. Office Address: Via Trieste 17, Florence, Italy. (Tel., 26-950.) Post Office Address: Casella Postale 408, Florence Italy. Officers: Supt., G. L. Lippolis. Sec. and Treas., G. Fenz. Executive Committee: G. L. Lippolis, G. Fenz, V. Speranza, Giulio Pferschy, Luigi Beer, Elia Bertalot, Elia Libonati. Department Secretaries: Field Miss., V. Speranza. Home Miss. and Y. P. M. V., G. L. Lippolis. Sabbath School, Elia Libonati. Minister: G. L. Lippolis. Licentiate: Vincenzo Speranza. Missionary Licentiates: Giovanni Fenz, Elia Libonati, Maria Lippolis, Dolly Bertalot. Institution: Italian Publishing House `L'Araldo della Verita," via Trieste 17, Florence, Italy. CENTRAL ITALIAN MISSION Organized 1928 Territory: The provinces of Liguria, Emilia, Toscana, Marche, Umbria, Lazio, Abruzzi-Molise, the Vatican State, the republic of San Marino, and the Island of Sardinia. SOUTHERN EUROPEAN DIVISION Population: 15,000,000; churches and companies, 6; members, 150. Ofrice Address: Via Trieste 17, Florence, Italy. Postal Address: Casella Postale 408, Florence, Italy. Officers: Director, G. L. Lippolis. Sec. and Treas., 0. Fenz. Mission Committee: G. L. Lippolis, Giovanni Fenz, Vincenzo Speranza, Elia Libonati, Domenico Asiano. Department Secretaries: Field Miss., V. Speranza. Home Miss., Domenico Asiano. Sabbath School, Elia Libonati. Minister: E. Bertalot. Licentiates: Nicola Cupertino, Giuseppe Ferraro, Domenico Asiano. Missionary Licentiates: Giuseppe Ferraris, Miss Gemma Creanza. Church Directory: Florence, Via San Caterina 3, Italy. Genoa, Via San Bernardo 14, Italy. Pisa, Via Giovanni Bovio 4, Italy. NORTH ITALIAN MISSION Organized 1928 Territory: The provinces of Piemonte and Lombardia, and the three Venetian provinces. Population: 16,000,000; churches and companies, 9; members, 189. Office Address: Via Pantano 15, Milano, Italy. Officers: Director, Luigi Beer. Sec. and Treas., Miss M. Pieroni. 265 Mission CoMmittee: Luigi Beer, Francesco Einspieler, Antonio Karl, Nazzareno Marzocchini, Giuseppe Cupertino. Department Secretaries: Field Miss., Rosimbo Magni. Sabbath School, Miss M. Pieroni. Ministers: Luigi Beer, Francesco Einspieler, Antonio Karl. Licentiate: C. H. Loosen. Missionary Licentiates: Nazzareno Marzocchini, Giuseppe Cupertino, Miss M. Pieroni, Miss Cristina Pipgras. Church Directory: Bolzano, Via Bertagnoli 5, Italy. Merano, Via Cristomannos 14, Italy. Milano, Via Pantano 15, Italy. Montaldo-Bormida, Chiesa Avventista, Italy. Torino, Piazza Statuto 17, Italy. Torre-Pellice, Via Appiotti, 6, Italy. Trieste, Via. Tiziano Vecellio 4, Italy. SOUTH ITALIAN MISSION Organized 1928 Territory: The provinces of Campania, Puglie, Basilicata, Calabria, and the island of Sicily. Population: 13,000,000; churches and companies, 9; members, 169. Office Address: Via Gian Domenico D'Auria 6, Napoli-Vomero, Italy. Officers: Director, G. Pferschy. Sec. and Treas., Miss Carmela Cupertino. Mission Committee: G. Pferschy, Raffaele Valerio, Riccardo Bongini. 266 SOUTHERN EUROPEAN DIVISION Department Secretaries: Field Miss., Giuseppe Cesario. Sabbath School, G. Pferschy. Minister: G. Pferschy. Licentiate: Riccardo Bongini. Missionary Licentiates: Raffaele Valerio, Giovanni Fischer, Giuseppe Cavalcante, Miss Marianna Infranco, Miss Car- mela Cupertino, Miss Francesca Corbascio. Church Directory: Bari, Corso Vittorio Emanuele 174, Italy. Messina, Via La Farina 125, Italy. Napoli, Via Duomo 187, Italy. Palermo, Via Giaccalone 3, Italy., JUGOSLAVIAN UNION CONFERENCE Organized 1925 Territory: The Kingdom of Jugoslavia; viz., the Danubia and Sava Conferences, and the Morava Mission Field. Population: 13,000,000; churches, 86; members, 1,763. Cable and Telegraphic Address: Zora, Belgrade, Jugoslavia. Office Address: Rankeova ulica 14. II. Belgrade, Jugoslavia. Officers: Pres., J. F. Huenergardt. Sec. and Treas., W. Schupnik. Auditor, P. Brennwald. Executive Committee: J. F. Huenergardt, P. Brennwald, A. MOnik, M. Ludewig, R. Schillinger, N. Slankamenac, A. Lorencin, Z. Krdjali, W. Schupnik. Department Secretaries: Field Miss., Z. Krdjalid. Y. P. M. V., Sabbath School, and Home Miss., A. Lorencin. Ministers: J. F. Huenergardt, A. MOnik, A. Lorencin. Institution: Jugoslavian Publishing House, Petra Zrinjskog ulica 13, Novi Sad, Jugoslavia. DANUBIA CONFERENCE Organized 1925 Territory: Dunayska and Drinska banovina. Population: 3,765,000; churches, 50; members, 1,064. Cable and Telegraphic Address: Balkan, Novi Sad, Jugoslavia. Office Address: Petra Zrinjskog ulica 13, Novi Sad, Jugoslavia. Officers: Pres., M. Ludewig. Sec. and Treas., Georgete Toth. Executive Committee: M. Ludewig, W. Plait°, M. Petkovi, M. Kaludjerski, D. Pecarski, Z. Milovanov, M. Mora. Licentiate: Z. Krdjalid. Department Secretaries: Field Miss., W. Ple§ko. Y. P. M. V., Sabbath School, Georgete Toth. Home Miss., A. Lorencin. Missionary Licentiates: P. Brennwald, W. Schupnik. Minister: M. Ludewig. SOUTHERN EUROPEAN DIVISION Licentiates: K. Kastl, M. Trifunac. Missionary Licentiates: G. Semkovi6, D. Krstie, I. Danji. Church Directory: Novi Sad, Futogki, Put 54. Beograd, Balkanska ulica 4 (Palata Luxor). MORAVA MISSION FIELD Organized 1925 Territory: Morayska, Vardarska, and Zetska banovina. Population: 3,345,000; churches, 15; members, 286. Office Address: Prestol, Petra 39, Skoplje, Jugoslavia. Officers: Director, N. Slankamenac. Treas., W. Schupnik. Executive Committee: N. Siankamenac, G. Kalezie, I. Petkovid, S. Zivanovie, V. Semkovie. Department Secretaries: Field Miss., Z. Krdjalie. Y. P. M. V., Sabbath School, and Home Miss., A. Lorencin. Minister: N. Slankamenac. Licentiate: G. Kalezie. 267 Missionary Licentiate: R. Radivojevie. SAVA CONFERENCE Organized 1925 Territory: Sayska, Drayska, Vrbaska, and Primorska banovina. Population: 4,990,000; churches, 21; members, 413. Office Address: Djure Daeliea Prilaz 77, Zagreb, Jugoslavia. Officers: Pres., R. Schillinger. Sec. and Treas., B. Poervavgek. Executive Committee: R. Schillinger, J. Plegko, G. Godina, S. Petrovie, S. Sar6evic. Department Secretaries: Field Miss., G. Godina. Y. P. M. V., Sabbath School, and Home Miss., A. Lorencin. Ministers: R. Schillinger, J. Plegko. Licentiate: S. Petrovi6. Missionary Licentiates: M. Sareanski, M. Rihterovic. Church Directory: Zagreb, Prilaz Gjure Degeliea 77. NORTH AFRICAN UNION MISSION Organized 1928 Territory: Algeria, French Morocco, Spanish Morocco, Tangier, Tunis, Tripolitania, Cyrenaica. Population: 16,000,000; churches, 7; members, 149. Postal Address and Office Address: 1 Rue Tirman, Algiers, Algeria. Officers: Supt., Jules Rey, Sec. and Treas., Miss Eva Reynand. Executive Committee: Jules Rey, Miss Eva Reynaud, David Riemens, Albert Meyer, Eugene Rey, Alphonse Gissler, Manuel Simon. 268 SOUTHERN EUROPEAN DIVISION Department Secretaries: Educational, E. Rey. Field Miss., and Y. P. M. V., David Riemens. Home Miss. and Sabbath School, Jules Rey. Minister: Jules Rey. Missionary Licentiates: Miss Eva Reynaud, David Riemens. Legal Corporation Name: Association Philanthropique des Amis des Malades. (Philanthropic Society of the Friends of the Sick.) Postal Address: 1 Rue Tirman, Algiers, Algeria. Officers: Pres., Jean Reynaud. Director, Jules Rey. Treas., Miss Eva Reynaud. Other members, of the board: Sara Pellicer, Vincent Arnone, Albert Meyer, Adrien Avelin. ALGERIAN MISSION Organized 1905; reorganized 1928 Territory: Algeria and Tunis. Population: 11,000,000; churches, 6; members, 121. Postal Address: 1 Rue Tirman, Algiers, Algeria. Officers: Director, Jules Rey. Sec. and Treas., Miss Eva Reynaud. Mission Committee: Jules Rey, Miss Eva Reynaud, David Riemens, Eugene Rey, Adrien Avelin. Department Secretaries: Educational, Eugene Rey. Field Miss., and Y. P. M. V., David Riemens. Home Miss., and Sabbath School, Jules Rey. Minister: E. Rey. Licentiates: Alphonse Gissler, Jean Reynaud. Missionary Licentiates: Alphonse Bard, Jean Kamm, Georges Roulet, Henri Pichot, Eugenie Bonnet, Sara Pellicer, Marthe Hessl6hl. Church Directory: Algiers, 1 Rue Tirman. Mostaganem, "La Pepiniere," Rue Balzac. Oran, Musee Nessler, Boulevard de l'Industrie 9. Relizane, Maison Simon Bard Lapasset. MOROCCAN MISSION Organized 1928 Territory: French and Spanish Morocco, and Tangier. Population: 5,000,000; churches, 1; members, 28. Office Address: Mission Adventiste, Boulevard Joffre, Casablanca, Morocco. Officers: Director, Albert Meyer. Sec. and Treas., W. Lagger. Mission Committee: Alb e r t Meyer, Werner Lagger, Ernest Veuthey, Vincent Arnone, A. Liobbe. Department Secretaries: Field Miss., and Sabbath School, Werner Lagger. Home Miss. and Y. P. M. V., Albert Meyer. Minister: Albert Meyer. Licentiate: Ernest Veuthey. SOUTHERN EUROPEAN DIVISION Missionary Licentiates: Werner Lagger, Francois Fernandes. 269 Church Directory: Casablanca, 78 Rue Ouled des Harriz. RUMANIAN UNION CONFERENCE Organized 1919 Territory: All of Rumania, as per boundaries determined by the treaty of peace, viz., the East Muntenian, West Muntenian, North Moldavian, South Moldavian, Transylvanian and BanatCrisana Conferences. Population: 18,000,000; churches, 391; members, 10,695. Cable Address: Advent, Bukharest. Office Address: Strada Labirint 116, Bukharest IV, Rumania. Officers: Pres., D. N. Wall. Sec., Treas., and Auditor, 0. Fasnacht. Executive Committee: D. N. Wall, St. Demetrescu, P. H. Hermann, Hans Bauer, Constantin Florescu, Constantin Popescue, D. M. Faurescu, Gheorghe Stanescu, Stefan Kelemen, Oscar Fasnacht, P. J. Gaede, Theodor Dresen, Dumitru Florea, Peter Paunescu, Nicolae Dorobat. Department Secretaries: Home Miss. and Y. P. M. V., P. H. Hermann. Sabbath School, P. Paunescu. . Field Miss., N. Dorobati. Religious Liberty, St. Demetrescu; Asst., P. Paunescu. Ministers: D. N. Wall, St. Demetrescu, P. Paunescu; P. J. Gaede, D. Florea, P. H. Hermann. Societatea Anonima Pe Actiuni " Cuvantul Evangheliei " (Society for the extension of Evangelical work) Address: Strada Labirint 116, Bukharest IV, Rumania. Officers: Pres., St. Demetrescu. Vice-Pres., P. Paunescu. Sec., D. M. nurescu. Executive Committee: St. Demetrescu, P. Paunescu, D. M. Faurescu, Constantin Popescu, Hans Bauer. Purpose: Publishing of Christian literature and buying of buildings for publishing work, treatment rooms, meeting halls, etc. Building Department Office Address: Strada Labirint 116, Bukharest IV, Rumania. Officers: Pres., St. Demetrescu. Sec., D. M. Faurescu. Treas., 0. Fasnacht. Executive Committee: Union Conference Committee. BANAT-CRISANA CONFERENCE Organized 1920 Territory: Banat, Crisana, and Maramures. Population: 3,576,000; churches, 39; members, 1,095. Office Address: Strada Diaconovici Loga Nr. 4, Timisoara I, Rumania. 270 SOUTHERN EUROPEAN DIVISION Officers: Pres., St. Kelemen. Sec. and Treas., Gheorghe Radoi. Bureau Sec., Elena Streng. Executive Committee: Stefan Kelemen, Josef Gaspar, I. D. Radulescu, Gheorghe Radoi, Christofor Willwerth, Sulyok Andras, Axente Indricau. Department Secretaries: Home Miss., Y. P. M. V., and Sabbath School, Hans Prewlitz. Field Miss., S. Taity. Ministers: Stefan Kelemen, Gheorghe Motorca, Josef Gaspar, I. D. Radulescu, Dumitru Roibescu. Licentiates: Filip Cionca, Rad Zinove, Joan Duma. Church Directory: Arad, Strada Pompiliu Nr. 1, Rumania. Caransebes, Str. Ovidiu Nr. 660, Rumania. Lugoj, Str. Olariu Nr. 12, Rumania. Oradia Mare, Str. Victorise Nr. 12, Rumania. Sighetul Marmatiei, Calea Regele Ferdinand Nr. 41, Rumania. Timisonara I, Str. Diaconovici Loga Nr. 4, Rumania. Salonta Mare, Str. Oituz Nr. 18, Rumania. Satu Mare, Bulevarde Strabnnilor 73, Rumania. EAST MUNTENIAN CONFERENCE Organized 1928 Territory: East Muntenia and Dobrugea. Population: 2,000,000; churches, 59; members, 1,574. Office Address: Strada Stelorian Zamfirescu 8, Ploesti, Rumania. Officers: Pres., David M. Faurescu. Sec. and Treas., Tudor Coconcea. Executive Committee: D. M. Faurescu, Tudor Coconcea, Iordan Mihailoff, Toma Dobre, Eduard Seefried, Ioan Gheorghisor, Gheorghe Dumitrescu. Department Secretaries: Field Miss., Dumitru Gheorghita. Home Miss., Y. P. M. V., and Sabbath School, Iordan Mihailoff. Ministers: D. M. Faurescu, I. Gheorghisor, St. Ouatu, Toma Dobre, P. 01teanu, N. Arcaliefsky, D. Cristil. Licentiates: I. Mihailoff, C. Doaga, Dumitru Ceausu, S. D. Popa, Mihail Ganea. Missionary Licentiate: Ivan P. Abuseff. Church Directory: BAicoi, Jud. Prahova, Rumania. Bazargic, Str. Eminescu Nr. 19, Rumania. Str. Rahovei 266, Rumania. Buzau, Str. M. Precupescu Nr. 15, Rumania. Campina, Colonia Bucea 1, Rumania. Constanta, Str. Dumbrava Rosie Nr. 9, Rumania. Moreni, Jud. Prahova, Rumania. Medgidia, Str. Zimbrului Nr. 6, Rumania. Ploesti, Str. I. C. Bratianu Nr. 28, Rumania. Ramnicu Sarat, Str. Ferdinand Nr. 35, Rumania. Sinaia, Str. Moroeni Nr. 2, Rumania. Silistra, Str. 28 Junie Nr. 52, Rumania. SOUTHERN EUROPEAN DIVISION NORTH MOLDAVIAN CONFERENCE Organized 1928 Territory: Northern part of Moldavia, Bessarabia, and Bucovina. Population: 3,300,000; churches, 55; members, 1,559. Office Address: Str. Basota Nr. 2, Jasi, Rumania. Officers: Pres., G. Stanescu. Sec. and Treas., Constantin Andries. Executive Committee: Gh. Stanescu, Constantin Andries, Michael Manchen, Paul Morosan, Alexandru Mustafa, Alex. Rizea, I. Pelepciune. Department Secretaries: Home Miss., Y. P. M. V., and 'Sabbath School, A. Mustafa. Field Miss., Alex Rizea. Ministers: Gheorghe Stanescu, Michael Manchen, Paul Morosan, G. Oresciuc, Nicolae Voinea. Licentiates: C. I. Grajdinoiu, G. Darie, A. Mustafa, D. Badescu. Missionary Licentiates: Grigore Lehaci, T. Miriuca. Church Directory: Iasi, Strada Basota Nr. 2, Rumania. Chisinau, Strada Stefan eel Mare Nr. 152, Rumania. Cernauti I, Strada Sucevei Nr. 3, Rumania. Cernauti II, Strada Piata Ghica Voda Nr. 3. Rumania. Botosani, Strada Mihai Viteazu Nr. 4. Rumania. Campulung, la Josif Schleifer, Bucovina, Rumania. 271 SOUTH MOLDAVIAN CONFERENCE Organized 1928 Territory: South Moldavia and Bessarabia. Population: 1,500,000; churches, 37; members, 1,050. Office Address: Strada N. Saveanu No. 10, Focsani, Rumania. Officers: Pres., Constantin Florescu. Sec. and Treas., Tanase R. Mateescu. Executive Committee: Constantin Florescu, Tanare R. Mateescu, Nicolae Alexe, Dumitru Irod, Grigore Dasoveanu, Vasile Zamfir, Than Manzateanu. Department Secretaries: Field Miss., V. Zamfir. Home Miss., Y. P. M. V., and Sabbath School, D. Irod. Ministers: Constantin Florescu, Nicolae Alexe, Grigore Dasoveanu, Alexandru Petrescu. Licentiates: Reinheimer Wilhelm Rudolf, Anghel Panait, I. Petrescu. Missionary Licentiate: Gheorghe Luca. Church Directory: Bacau, Bulevardul Carol Nr. 24, Rumania. Barlad, Str. Doctor Cotrescu Nr. 12, Rumania. Focsani, Str. Nic. Saveanu Nr. 10, Rumania. Galati, Stradela Costandache Nr. 6, Rumania. Husi, Str. Lascar Catargiu Nr. 81, Rumania. Piatra Neamt, Str. Carol Nr. 87, Rumania. Roman, Str. Simirodava Nr. 15, Rumania. Tecuci, Str. Bulgari Nr. 38, Rumania. 272 SOUTHERN EUROPEAN DIVISION TRANSYLVANIAN CONFERENCE Organized 1911. Territory: Transylvania. Population: 2,700,000; churches, 116; members, 2,726. Office Address: Strada Clemenceau 5/a, Cluj, Rumania. Officers: Pres., I. Bauer. Sec. and Treas., P. Mucusan. Executive Committee: I. Bauer, F. Kessel, P. Mucusan, D. Farkas, A. Nemes, P. Ciocan, I. Sigmond. Department Secretaries: Field Miss., A. Nemes. Home Miss., Y. P. M. V., and Sabbath School, D. Farkas. Ministers: I. Bauer, F. Kessel, I. Polder, I. Reit, I. Weber, P. Betea, W. Steinmaer, P. Gorman. Honorary: B. Iliescu. Licentiates: D. Farkas, B. Bartha, J. Toltesi, R. Kestner, M. Kastner. Missionary Licentiates: A. Nemes, I. Ga]di, J. Pasztor, M. Csongvay, S. Kovacs. Honorary: J. Antal. Church Directory: Brasov, Strada Fabricilor No. 120, Rumania. Cluj, Strada Clemenceau No. 5/a. Rumania. Dej, Strada Avram Iancu No. 54, Rumania. Deva, Strada Principele Carol No. 100, Rumania. DiciosilmArtin, Strada 53, Rumania. FagAras, Strada de' sus No. 4, Rumania. Gheorgheni, Strada Cserei No. 22, Rumania. Ludos, Strada Postei No. —, Rumania. Medias, Strada', Bruchental No. 21, Rumania. Odorhei Strada Bul, Reg, Ford. I. No 113, Rumania. Petroseni, Strada Aurel Vlaicu No. 70, Rumania. Reeghin, Strada Piata-mare No. —, Rumania. Sarmasul-Mare, Jud. Cluj, Rumania. Sf, Gheoghe, Strada Stefan eel Mare No. 18, Rumania. Sibiu, Strada Rosenfeld No. 4, Rumania. Sighisoara, Strada. Andrei Muresan. No. 35, Rumania. Targul-Mures, Strada-Calarasilor No. 60, Rumania. Turda, Strada Sinca No. 19, Rumania. Vulcan, Strada Kendeli No. 15, Rumania. WEST MUNTENIAN CONFERENCE Organized 1928 Territory: West Muntenia and Oltenia. Population: 3,400,000; churches, 85; members, 2,691. Office Address: Strada Popa Tata No. 38, Bukharest 2, Rumania. Officers: Pres., Constantin Popescu. Sec. and Treas., Radu C. Plesea. Executive Committee: Const. Popescu, Joan Toma, Vlad Mocanu, Leon Balan, Ilie Tachici, Radu C. Plesea, Ioan Moraru. Department Secretaries: Field Miss., I. Tachici. Home Miss., Y. P. M. V., and Sabbath School, L. Balan. Ministers: ' C. Popescu, I. Toma, V. Mocanu, C. Munteanu, V. Tolan, A. Duic8, L. Man, A. N. Darie. SOUTHERN EUROPEAN DIVISION Licentiates: C. Trasca, D. Paraschiv, S. Stefiinescu, F. Mateescu. Honorary; Ioan Stiinescu. Missionary Licentiates: I. Mazilu, N. Marinescu, I. Solea, Oh. Baeiu, L. Constantinescu, V. Georgescu, R. Plesea, Florica Olteanu. Church Directory: Alexandria, Str. Cuza Voda, Nr. 55, Rumania. Bukharest : Bucuresti-Labirint, Str. Labirint Nr. 116, Rumania. Bucuresti 2, Str. Popa Tatu Nr. 38, Rumania. Bucuresti 2, Bulevardul Basarab Nr. 143, Rumania. 273 Bucuresti-Belu 5, Str. Stoian Militaru Nr. 37, Rumania. Bucuresti-Colentina, Str. Colentina Nr. 97, Rumania. Craiova, Sir. Barbu Oatargiu, Nr. 35, Rumania. Giurgiu, Str. Oinac Nr. 55, Rumania. Pitesti-Arges, Str. Egalitatii Nr. 47, Rumania. Rimmicul-Valcea, Str. Principesa Elena Nr. 11, Rumania. Tilrgoviste, Str. Berzei Nr: 11 bis, Rumania. • Tfirgul-Jiu, Str. Unirei Nr. 20, Rumania. Turnul-Milgurele, Str. Fratii Golesti Nr. 14, Rumania. Turnul Severin, Str. Independentei Nr. Rumania. SWISS UNION CONFERENCE Organized 1928 Territory: Switzerland and Liechtenstein; viz., the German Swiss and the Leman Conferences. Population: 4,000,000; churches, 48; members, 2,080. Office Address: 8 Avenue de l'Eglise Anglaise, Lausanne, Switzerland. Officers: Pres., P. P. Paulini. Sec., Treas., and Auditor, G. A. Weber. Executive Committee: P. P, Paulini, G. A. Weber, W. Edener, F. Charpiot, Dr. H. MiiIler, V. Monnier, G. Miiller, A. Haenel, H. Schild, Luc Monnier. Legal Assn., Socidtd Philanthropique de la Ligniere, Gland (Vaud), Switzerland. Ministers: P. P. Paulini, V. Monnier; Honorary: T. Nussbaum, J. Curdy, H. Meyer-Biirtschy, E. Frauchiger. Licentiate: Honorary: H. Provin. Missionary Licentiate: G. A. Weber. Food Factory: " Phag," Gland, Switzerland. Institutions: Institut Physiotherapique " La Ligniere," Gland, Switzerland. GERMAN-SWISS CONFERENCE Organized 1901 Territory: German and Romansh• speaking parts of Switzerland and Liechtenstein. Population: About 2,700,000; churches, 29; members, 1,162. Office: Stampfenbachstr. 85, Zurich, Switzerland. Officers: Pres., Willi Edener. Sec. and Treas., E. Haring. Auditor, G. A. Weber. 274 SOUTHERN EUROPEAN DIVISION Executive Committee: W. Edener, Emil Haring, J. Fehr, N. Stuber, Georg Muller, A. Rudolf, Arnold Haenel. Legal Assn.: German Swiss Building Assn., S5, Stampfenbachstr. ZUrich, Switzerland. Department- Secretaries : Book and Bible House, Jakob Bollier. Field Miss., N. Stuber. Sabbath School, Home Miss., and Y. P. M. V., V. Butler. Ministers: Willi Edener, R. Bahler, J. Fehr, Karl Sturzenegger, II. Willi, J. Bommer. Licentiates: Emil Haring, G. Tobler, Victor Btitler„ A. Rupp, Karl Fischbach er. Missionary Licentiates: Jakob Bonier, Miss Bertha Schmidt, Miss Emma Haas, Miss Elise Tobler, Miss Marie Rommel. Church Directory: Chapel: Ziirich, Stampfenbachstr. 85, Switzerland. Meeting-Halls: Basel, Gerbergasse, Schmiedenhof, Switzerland. Berne, Gutenbergstr. 4, Switzerland. LEMAN CONFERENCE Organized 1884 • Territory: The French-, Italianspeaking parts of Switzerland. Population: About 1,300,000; churches, 19; members, 918. Office: S Avenue de l'Eglise Anglaise, Lausanne, Switzerland. Officers: Pres., P. P. Paulini. Sec. and Treas., G. A. Weber. Executive Committee: P. P. Paulini, G. A. Weber, C. Veuthey, Fr6deric Rudin, LUC, Monnier, Hermann Schild, Numa Augsbourger. Department Secretaries: Book and Bible House, G. Weber. Educational, Roger Guenin. Field Miss., C. Veuthey. Medical, Dr. P. A. De Forest. Sabbath School, Home Miss., and Y. P. M. V., C. Monnier. Ministers: Frederic Rudin, Antoine Schmid, Charles Monnier, Jacques Wuffli. Licentiates: David Lecoultre, Gaston Nassogne, Otto Hollenweger, Fernand Augsbourger, Werner Ruf. Missionary Licentiates: G. A. Weber, Charles Veuthey, Emile Bachmann, Werner Rihs, Henriette Meyrial, Marie Vuilleumier, Susanne Cornaz, Jeanne Petter, Germaine Pache. Church School Teachers: Miss Louise Berlie, Miss Lucie Villeneuve. Church Directory.: Bienne, 1 Rue Neuhaus, Switzer. land. Chateau - d' Ocx, Villa d' Ocx, Switzerland. Chaux-de-Fonds, 39 Rue du Temple Allemand, Switzerland. Geneve, Chapelle Adventiste, Boulevard de la Cluse, Switzerland. Gland, La Ligni6re, Switzerland. Lausanne, Chapelle Adventiste, 8 Avenue de l'Eglise Anglaise. Neuchatel, Chapelle Adventiste, 3 Faubourg de l'Hapital, Switzerland. Renens, Route de Crissier. St. Imier, Blitiment des Services Industriels, Switzerland. Tramelan, Eglise Adventiste, Grand'Rue, Switzerland. Yverdon, Jordils 1. SOUTHERN EUROPEAN DIVISION 275 DETACHED MISSIONS EQUATORIAL AFRICAN MISSION Entered 1928 Territory: The Cameroon, UbangiShari, Middle Congo, Gabon, Spanish Guinea, Fernando Po, St. Thomas, and neighboring islands. • Population: 2,400,000; members, 19. Address: Mission Adventiste, Nanga-Eboko, par Yaounde, Cameroon, West Africa. Licentiates: A. Long, E. Benezech. Missionary Licentiates: Mrs. M. J. Bureaud, A. RasamoOlina, C. M. Ramiakabola, H. Appassamy, Miss L. Haran, A. Rajaonah, N. Rajaonize, L. Ramamonjisoa, Mrs. A. Long, Mrs. E. Benezech, Mrs. C. Tolici. MAURITIUS MISSION Entered 1914 Territory: Islands of Mauritius, Reunion, Rodriquez, and Seychelles. Director, M. Raspal. Minister: M. Raspal. Population: Licentiates: Z. Yeretzian, A. Sallee. Missionary Licentiates: Mrs. M. Raspal, Mrs. Z. Yeretzian, Mrs. A. Sallee. 588,700; About churches, 6; members, 298. Telegraphic Addresses: Adventist, Mauritius and Adventist, Rodriquez (respectively). Office Address: Salisbury Road, Rose Hill, Mauritius, Indian Ocean. MADAGASCAR MISSION Entered 1926. Territory: Madagascar and Dependencies. Population: 4,000,000; churches, 5; members, 111. Cable Address: "Adventistes, Tananarive." Office Address: Mission Adventiste, Ankadifotsy, Tananarive, Madagascar. Officers: Director, M. J. Bureaud. Sec. and Treas., Mrs. M. J. Bureaud. Ministers: M. J. Bureaud, C. Tolici. Officers: Director, A. J. Girou. Sec. and Treas., Miss J. DeWolf. Local Committee: A. J. Girou, Fred Hertogs, Moise Johnson, Nathaniel Cangy. Department Secretaries: Home Miss., Miss L. LeKerne. Sabbath School, Miss Alice LeMeme. Minister: A. J. Girou. Missionary Licentiates: E. Michel, S. Cunaiah, L. A. Henriot, G. Sibilant, Mrs. Fanny Moikennah, Miss Marg. Ithier, Miss Lydie Le M(.,me, Miss Alice Le Meme, Mrs. A. J. Girou, Miss Juliette DeWolf, L. Lamarque, D. Ignace, D. Munroop. FEDERATION (DIVISION) OF SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS IN UNION OF SOCIALIST • SOVIET REPUBLICS Organized 192o; Reorganized 1928 (Because of certain conditions, it is impossible to report further than above respecting any organizations or work in the preceding territory.) 276 EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS OUTLINE OF COURSES IN EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS At the Educational Council held at St. Helena, Cal., June 4-14, 1915, it was recommended that the work of our intermediate schools, academies, and colleges be organized upon a semester (half year) basis, each semester to be subdivided into three periods of six weeks each. [t was also recommended that the credits given in these schools be reckoned upon a unit basis, one unit representing a study pursued 36 weeks with five recitations a week, forty-five minutes in length, or its equivalent; that college credits be given on the semester-hour basis, a semester-hour representing a study pursued one sixty-minute hour a week for eighteen weeks. The scope of the various courses conducted in these schools is as follows:— Gra des Years 4 7-10 Intermediate Course 4 9-12 Academic Course 4 13-16 College Course (General) College Course (Special): — 4 13-16 For Ministers (Complete) 2 13, 14 For Ministers (Shorter Course) For Bible Workers and Missionaries one- and two-year courses " 2 13, 14 Teachers (Elementary) 2 13, 14 Business and Shorthand 1 12i, 13 •Business only 121,13 Shorthand only the conservatory course Music 4 13-16 College Course (Medical) 4 For Medical Evangelists the instruction given in our sanitariums 3 For Nurses 13, 14 2 For Preparatory Medical Students Lists of church schools and teachers will be found in connection with directories of the conferences in which such schools are located. Directories of colleges, academies, and intermediate schools follow in alphabetical order. ADELPHIAN ACADEMY Holly, Michigan Established 1904 Corporate Name: " Adelphian Academy Association." Board of Trustees: • J. F. Piper, Chairman; G. H. Simpson, Sec.; R. M. Harrison, A. E. Webb, L. B. Shick, G. R. Fattic, Floyd Quackenbush, Frank Webber, F. L. Abbott. Faculty: G. H. Simpson, A. B., Principal and. Manager, History; R. L. Vincent, A. B., Preceptor, Science; Dot McCormick, Preceptress; C. M. Bunker, Bible; Flossie Irwin, A. B., Matron, English; A. E. Mobley, Treas., Bookkeeping; L. C. Lee, A. B., Farm Superintendent, Mathematics; Maude Warren, Piano; H. W. Parish, Mill Superintendent; Mrs. A. E. Mobley, Sewing. 277 278 EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS Elementary School Inez Bird, Grammar Grades; Dot McCormick, Primary Grades. AGONA TRAINING SCHOOL Box 208, Kumasi, Gold Coast, West Africa Established 1930 Principal: F. Edwards. AIBONITO ACADEMY Aibonito, Porto Rico Established 1920 Board: L. J. Borrowdale, Chairman; B. Bullard, Sec. (Not in operation, 1929-30) ANHWEI JUNIOR MIDDLE SCHOOL Organized 1920 Postal Address: Beng Pu, Anhwei, China. Principal and Business Manager: Pan Shui Ru. Sec. and Treas., Wu Hsiao Djen. Board: 0. B. Kuhn, Pan Shui Ru, W. A. Scharffenberg, Shih Yun Ching, Lei Hsien Gwang, Li Djung Tsan, Gu Shao Chiao, Wu Hsiao Djen, L. E. Reed. Faculty: Pan Shui Ru, Principal; Wu Hsiao Djen, Gu Shao Chiao, Swen Dao Pei, Li Yo Han, Pan Si-mu. ARABIC UNION MISSION TRAINING SCHOOL Established 1927 (Temporarily suspended) Address: — Principal: — ARIZONA ACADEMY 1325 North Fourteenth St., Phoenix, Arizona Established 1920 Board: T. L. Oswald, Chairman; J. E. Young, Sec.; H. G. Lucas, B. M. Emerson, P. E. Broderson, G. A. Calkins, J. A. Neilsen, B. R. Spear, Frank Vance, Antonio Fernandez, J. C. Curry. Faculty: J. E. Young, B. Th., Principal, Bible; E. R. Johnson, B. A., Preceptor, Spanish Bible, Woodworking; Evelyn Karr, B. A., Preceptress, English; J. H. Whitney, B. A., Science, Mathematics; Ellen B. Fattebert, B. A., History, Language; Mrs. J. E. Young, Employment, Sewing; Mrs. E. R. Johnson, Piano, Voice; Reynaldo Uurfa, Spanish Preparatory Room; Florence Menhennett, Grades 5-8; Lottie E. McCoy, B. A., Grades 1-4. ATLANTIC UNION COLLEGE South Lancaster, Mass. Telephone, Clinton 1408 Established 1882 Board of Trustees: E. K. Slade, Pres., 0. M. John, N. H. Saunders, C. S. Munn, L. K. Dickson, J. K. Jones, D. J. C. Barrett, W. A. Ruble, W. E. Bement, J. E. Osterblom, J. K. Macmillan, V. H. Hanscom, F. D. Wells, E. E. Miles. Officers of the Corporation: E. K. Slade, Pres.; C. S. Munn, Sec. and Treas. Local Board: E. K. Slade, 0. M. John, N. H. Saunders, D. J. C. Barrett, C. S. Munn. Administration: 0. M. John, Pres. and Bus. Mgr.; C. S. Munn, Treas. and Asst. Mgr.; Erna H. Meier, Registrar; H. H. Howard, Dean of Men; Beulah C. Walleker, Dean of Women; T. M. French, Dean of Theology; Anna EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS M. Aldridge, Matron; H. T. Curtis, Librarian; R. C. Tyler, Farm Manager. FacUlty: 0. M. John, M. S., President, Education; T. M. French, B. Th., Dean of Theology, Bible and Evangelism; J. N. Clapp, A. M., History; C. D. Utt, A. M. English; Mabel Cassell-Trout, A. B., Normal Director; H. T. Curtis, B. S., Librarian, Mathematics and Physics; Edna S. Farnsworth, Piano and Theory; Rowena E. Purdon, B. R. E., Asst. English and Mathematics; H. H. Howard, B. Th., Dean of Men, Asst. in History; Beulah C. Walleker, A. B., Dean of Women, Asst. in Education; Erna H. Meier, B. R. E., Registrar, German; Mrs. C. D. Utt, A. B., Spanish; Violet E. Morgan, Expression; G. V. Martin, A. B., Asst. in Science; I. A. Armstrong, Asst. in Bible; L. G. Sevrens, A. B., Chemistry; H. H. Schyde, Voice and Chorus; H. U. Wendell, Commerce; Mrs. H. U. Wendell, Asst. Commerce; H. B. Rudolph, Carpentry; H. E. Battersby, Printing; Anna M. Aldridge, B. S., Matron, Home Economics; Mrs. Deborah Secor John, A. B., Basketry; Estella M. Hills, Sewing; Myrle Tatro, French; Raymond Libby, Grammar Department, Critic Teacher; Mrs. Ruth Nelson, Intermediate Department, Critic Teacher; Estelle Elizabeth Broome, Primary Department, Critic Teacher; Mrs. Erland Thurlow, Asst. in Piano; Helen Jackson, Hydrotherapy and Nursing. AUBURN ACADEMY Auburn, Wash. Telephone, Auburn 3F21 Established 1918 Board of Managers: E. L. Neff, Chairman; A. E. Green, Sec.; L. E. Biggs, Dr. W. B. Scott, A. E. 279 Lickey, G. R. E. McNay, C. D. Threldkeld, H. E. Weaver, G. A. Thompson. Faculty: A. E. Green, B. Th., Principal and Manager; H. J. Bass, A. B., Bible; Kenneth Aplington, Preceptor, Spanish; Mrs. K. Aplington, A. B., Treasurer, Bookkeeping, Chemistry; Madge Gould, B. Music, Piano, Voice; Anita Thurgood, A. B., Preceptress, English; Violet Scott, A. B., M. A., Science and Registrar; R. S. Shephard, A. B., History, Farm; Miss Eleanor Rowland, A. B., Domestic Science; C. A. Wyman, Baking; Florence Jacobsen, Grades 7 and 8. AUSTRALASIAN MISSIONARY COLLEGE Cooranbong, New South Wales, Australia Established 1894 Board of Managers: W. G. Turner, Chairman; H. K. Martin, Sec.; G. S. Fisher; A. F. J. Kranz; T. W. Hammond, A. H. Piper, E. G. Guilliard, W. J. Gilson, A. G. Stewart, W. J. Westerman. Faculty: H. K. Martin, Principal, Bible; A. F. J. Kranz, Bible; C. H. Schowe, History and Language; Monica A. Ching, English; G. H. Greenaway, rmal Director, Education, Registrar; L. A. Butler, Commerce; B. H. Swartzkopf, Art; Marion M. Young, Mathematics; Mabel V. White, Assistant in English; A. H. E. Miller, Assistant in Commerce; R. W. Johnson, Music; H. Sprengel, Woodwork; Winifred E. Schowe, Domestic Science; G. F. Bohringer, Farm Manager; G. S. Fisher, Manager of Avondale Industries; Amelia Dawkins, Head Teacher Normal Grade School; H. O'Hara, Critic Teacher; Doris Ashton, Critic Teacher. 280 EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS Administration: H. K. Martin, Manager; L. A. Butler, Accountant; B. H. Swartzkopf, Preceptor; Marion M. Young, Preceptress. BALTIC UNION SCHOOL Brivibas iela i 1, Riga, Latvia Established 1923 Board of Managers: T. T. Babienco, K. Rose, K. Sutta, M. Barengrub, M. Gniidinas, J. Birsin, F. Krievs, W. Willmann, H. Linde, A. Eglit, E. Ney, E. Maggi. Faculty: K. Rose, Principal, Bible; E. Krievs, Business Manager; R. Kipurs, Science and Mathematics; E. Tiesness, History; K. Brutans, Lettish Language; R. Winglas, Estonian Department; A. Karnovsky, English and Latin Languages; J. Michailoy, Russian Language; H. Adams, Music. BATTLE CREEK ACADEMY 245 North Kendall St., Battle Creek, Mich. Board of Managers: The Battle Creek Tabernacle Board comprises the Academy Board with G. E. Judd, Pres.; M. H. Minier, Sec. Faculty: C. R. Smith, Principal, Science; T. E. Unruh, Mathematics, Bible, History; Helen Merriam, English, French; P. J. Workman, Bible, Bookkeeping, Manual Training; Grace Fairchild, Piano, Theory of Music, Sight Singing, Orchestra; Mrs. Otto Johnson, Sewing; R. J. Manzano, Spanish; Mrs. Mae Clarke, Grade 8, Faye Ellis, Grade 7; Florence Orth, Grades 5 and 6; Grace Maas, Grades 3 and 4; Emilie Crouch, Grades 1 and 2. BATTLEFORD ACADEMY Battleford, Saskatchewan, Canada Established 1916 Territory: The Saskatchewan, Manitoba, and Western Ontario Conferences. Board of Managers: 0. Ziprick, Chairman; F. R. Balmer, Sec.; A. J. Skeels, D. E. Reiner, 0. Meilicke, G. Severson, P. G. Yakovenko, C. Lehmann. Faculty: A. J. Skeels, Principal, Science, Mathematics; W. A. Clemenson, Bible; C. H. Casey, History; W. F. Tarr, English, Languages; Miriam Harder, Piano; Ferne Boyd, Nurse; Almeda Gustavsen, Commerce; Milly Greening, Elementary. Administration: A. J. Skeels, Manager; E. A. Edstrom, Treas.; C. H. Casey, Preceptor; Ferne Boyd, Preceptress; Mary Werner, Matron; E. A. Edstrom, Farm; Perry Finkle, Mechanics. Vocational: A. J. Skeels, Supt.; Mrs. C. H. Casey, Home Economics; Perry Finkle, Carpentry and Blacksmithing. BATUNA TRAINING SCHOOL Solomon Islands, Pacific Ocean Established 1923 Faculty: A. F. Parker, Principal; Miss E. Totenhofer, Matron. BEE HWA MIDDLE SCHOOL (A Training School, Established 1909) Kulangsu, Amoy, China Principal: J. G. Maclntyre (Chinese), S. T. Hwang. School Board: B. L. Anderson, J. G. Maclntyre, S. T. Hwang, C. EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS 281 Y. Hung, Alexander Lee, N. K. Keh, David Hwang, P. L. Williams. Local Board: B. L. Anderson, S. T. Hwang, K. T. Lee, J.. G. MacIntyre, C. Y. Hung, K. T. So. Faculty: S. T. Hwang, J. G. Maclntyre, Mrs. J. G. Maclntyre, Alexander Lee, Si Ian Teng, K. H. Ang, Mrs. B. L. Anderson,,Mrs. K. T. Lee, K. C. Tan, T. C. Lee, S. K. Jim. BOMBAY UNION TRAINING SCHOOL S. D. A. Mission, Lasalgaon, G. I. P. Ry., India Established 1920 Anglo-Marathi Middle School. (9th Standard) Industries: Farming, Book Binding. In charge of C. C. Cantwell, 7 Assistants and 3 part time teachers. BENGALI ELEMENTARY SCHOOL S. D. A. Mission, Gopalgunj, Faridpur Dist., East Bengal, India Established 1921 In charge of Mrs. C. F. Schilling, assisted by Indian teachers. BONGO MISSION TRAINING SCHOOL Missao Adventista, Lepi, Distrito de Benguela, Angola, Portuguese West Africa Faculty: Dr. Roy Parsons, Orsen Fields, Jao Gnutzmann, Mrs. Orsen Fields, Miss M. Fourie. BETHEL ACADEMY Arpin, Wisconsin BRAZILIAN SEMINARY (Collegio Adventista) Established 1899 Established 1915 Board of Managers: E. H. Oswald, Pres.; G. H. Straight, Sec.; T. S. Copeland, E. L. Green, H. W. Williams, W. A. Butler, C. K. Wilson, J. 0. Marsh, F. B. Rosine, A. C. Allen, A. W. Johnson. Telegraphic Address: " Collegio," Silo Paulo. Postal Address: Collegio Adventista, Santo Amaro, Sao Paulo, Brazil, South America. Board of Managers: N. P. Neilsen, F. W. Spies, G. B. Taylor, C. A. Rentfro, E. H. Wilcox, A. C. Harder, R. J. Wilfarth, Germano Streithorst, H. G. Stoehr, E. V. Moore, E. M. Davis, E. R. Maas, G. F. Ruf, Raphael Ferreira, H. B. Westcott. Officers of the Board: N. P. NeilSen, Pres.; F. W. Spies, VicePres.; G. B. Taylor, Sec., Bus. Manager; C. A. Rentfro, Treas.; Asst. Bus. Mgr.; G. E. Hartman, Auditor. Faculty: T. S. Copeland, Principal, English, Mathematics; G. H. Straight, Business Manager, Science; W. A. Butler, Pastoral Work, Bible; W. W. Nelson, Preceptor, History; Ruth Olson, Preceptress, English, Spanish; Victor Marsh, Farm Manager, Science; Gladys IVIcCrillis, Music; Eliza Rummell, Matron; Mrs. G. H. Straight, Sewing, Cooking. 282 EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS Executive Committee: G. B. Taylor, Chairman; N. P. Neilsen, F. W. Spies, H. B. Westcott, Flavio Lopes Monteiro, C. A. Rentfro, Adolpho Bergold. Faculty: G. B. Taylor, B. A., Director; H. B. Westcott, Bible, Evangelistic Training; Flavio Lopes Monteiro, Preceptor, Portuguese Language; Raphael Ferreira, B. S., Mathematics and Physics; C. A. Rentfro, B. A., Business Training; Mrs. G. B. Taylor, B. A., Registrar, Librarian, English Department; Dna. Maria Baar, Preceptress, General History, Bible History; Mrs. Martha Enns, Matron, Sewing; Adolpho Bergold, Farm Manager, Agriculture; Dna. Maria D. Campos, Normal Training; Mrs. Alma Meyer-Bergold, Shorthand, Assistant in Piano; Mrs. E. V. Moore, B. A., Piano; Mrs. H. B. Westcott, Typing. BROADVIEW COLLEGE AND THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY La Grange, Ill. Established 1910 Corporate Name: "Broadview College and Theological Seminary, Incorporated." Board of Trustees: M. N. Campbell, President; W. H. Holden, Vice-President; T. W. Steen, Secretary; J. L. McElhany, C. W. Irwin, J. J. Nethery, Charles Thompson, M. B. VanKirk, F. H. Robbins, E. K. Slade, H. 0. Olson, W. B. Ochs, J. J. Reiswig, F. R. Isaac, H. P. Bloum, R. E. Harter, August Anderson, 0. Granlund, K. A. Offerman, A. 0. Lund, 0. J. Nerlund, M. •H. Schuster, E. H. Oswald. Executive Committee: W. H. Holden, Chairman; R. E. Harter, Vice-Chairman; T. W, Steen, Secretary; Charles Degering, F. R. Isaac, August Anderson, M. H. Schuster. Faculty: T. W. Steen, B. A., President, Public Speaking; M. H. Schuster, M. A., Bible Exegesis, Homiletics (English and German) ; August Anderson, Bible Exegesis, Homiletics (English and Swedish) ; H. G. Reinmuth, B. Ph., German, Greek; H. F. Halenz, M. A., Physics and Chemistry; Ruby Dell McGee, B. A., English; E. M. Hause, M. A., History; Lotta E. Bell, M. A., Director Normal Department, Education; Karl Mattsson, B. A., Mathematics, Swedish; Donato Internoscia, B. A., Spanish and History; Gladys Scott-Wakefield, B. A., English; Eunice Marsh, Medical Dietetician, Home Economics; Mrs. T. W. Steen, B. A., German; Marie Anderson, B. A., Mathematics, Shorthand, Bookkeeping; Mary Ninaj, B. A., History and Slovakian; Evelyn Fernstrom, Typewriting; Mrs. H. F. Halenz, B. A., Art; Fannie HealzerMarx, Normal Critic Teacher; Eloise F. Williams, Normal Critic Teacher; J. E. Riffel, B. A., Woodcraft; D. A. Mozar, Hungarian and Bible; S. G. Burley, B. A., Russian and Bible; Alexander Long, Italian. School of Music: 0. S. Beltz, B. Mus., Director, Chorus; Mrs. T. W. Steen, B. A., Piano, School Music, Harmony; Mrs. F. S. Thompson, B. A., Voice; Mrs. W. B. Ochs, B. Mus., Piano, Harmony; J. S. Berndtson, Violin, Orchestra. Administration: T. W. Steen, Business Manager; Charles Degering, Assistant Business Manager; Ruby Dell McGee, Registrar; Donato Internoscia, Dean of Men; Bertha M. Hanger, Dean of Women, Librarian; Eu- EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS nice Marsh, Matron; R. D. Greer, Superintendent Farm, Dairy, and Poultry; J. E. Riffel, Engineer and Mill Superintendent; David Anderson, Printer; Karl Mattsson, Building Maintenance. BURESALA TRAINING SCHOOL Buresala, Ovalau, Fiji, Pacific Ocean Established 1904 Faculty: S. W. Carr, Principal; F. Lang, assistant. CAMAGUAN TRAINING SCHOOL Camaguan, Venezuela Faculty: Director, R. E. Greenidge; Preceptress, Mrs. R. E. Greenidge. CAMPION ACADEMY Loveland, Colorado Established 1907 Board of Trustees: J. F. Piper, Pres.; E. F. Heim, Sec.; W. F. Field, N. T. Sutton, C. E. Grant, C. A. Purdom, C. E. Rice, C. E. Lickey. Faculty: E. F. Heim, Principal, Manager; E. 0. Westermeyer, Preceptor, Spanish; Verd Nell Rice, Preceptress, English; A. N. Hanson, Science and Mathematics; Elizabeth Airey, Matron, Domestic Science; Helen Foreman, Piano, Voice, Commercial; C. E. Stenberg, Printing, Bible; H. T. Johnson, History, Accountant, Bookkeeping; Esther Heim, Grades 6-8; Carmie Owen, Grades 1-5. 283 CANADIAN JUNIOR COLLEGE College Heights, via Lacombe, Alberta, Canada Phone. Lacombe 7r2 Established 1907 Board of Trustees: S. A. Ruskjer, T. R. Lukens, C. 0. Smith, Adolph Bernhard, A. V. Rhoads, 0. Ziprick, H. A. Lukens, D. E. Reiner, P. D. Gerrard, J. C. Neithercut, J. H. Roth, S. W. Leiske, M. D., J. M. A. LeMarquand. Faculty: C. 0. Smith, B. A., President, History; Adolph Bernhard, LL. B.,' Business Manager, Commerce; D. C. Newbold, B. A., Biblical Exegesis, Pastoral Training; Marie Hansen, B. A., English; Florencee B. Howard, B. A., Librarian, Mathematics; C. W. Shankel, M. A., Registrar, Science; V. S. Kelsey, Music, Piano; Georgia M. Neithercut, B. A., French, Household Economics, Voice; Wilma E. McCarty, B. A., Commercial; M. H. Philbrick, B. A., Ukrainian; L. T. Hagle, Dean f Men; Miss M. F. Crump, Dean of Women; Susie A. Wagner, Matron, Culinary Dept.; Elizabeth E. Nickle, B. A., Instructor, Grades VII and VIII; Jessie B. Kitto, Instructor, Grades I to VI; Nettie Baerg, School Nurse; L. R. Ogden, Printing; Jacob Brucks, Farm; P. B. Foote, Dairy. CANTON MIDDLE SCHOOL Tungshan, Canton, China Operated for Cantonese, Kwangsai, and Hakka Missions Established 1915 Board of Directors: A. L. Ham, L. C. Wilcox, J. P. Anderson, P. V. Thomas, T. S. Wu, T. M. Lei, H. S. Leung; C. H. Tso, P. L. 284 EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS K. T. Khng, H. N. Chow, T. P. Tsai. Faculty: L. C. Wilcox„ Principal; H. S. Leung, Asst. Principal; Y. M. Hob; P. I3. Cheung, Mrs. Y. M. Hoh, Mrs. A. L. Hm, T. M. Lei, Mrs. L. C. Wilcox, Miss Y. H. Lau, S. S. Wong, T. C. Chung. CARIBBEAN TRAINING COLLEGE (Formerly East Caribbean Training School) Established: 1927 Postal Address: Maracas, Trinidad, British West Indies. Board of Managers: W. R. Elliott, Chairman.;, R. S. J. Hamilton, Secretary; M. D. Howard, C. E. . Andross, Faculty: R. S. J. Hamilton, Principal; Mrs. R. S. J. Hamilton, M. E. Smith,,Mrs. M. E. Smith, Arthur E. Hempel, Mrs. Arthur . E. Hempel, Linda Austin. • CEDAR LAKE ACADEMY Cedar Lake, Mich. Established 1899 Board of Managers: S. E. Wight, President; C. B. Caldwell, Secretary; J. C. Stevens, T. M. Summerville, F. S. Clark, B. B. Davis, B. J. White, W. A. Nelson, J. B. Blosser. Faculty: W. A. Nelson, Principal; H. J. Alcock, Bible; R. G. Burchfield, Preceptor; Helena Sargent, Preceptress;, E. W. Marsh, Farm Superintendent; Alyse Swedberg, Piano; David Lust, Language and Science; Sarah Stickle, Matron; R. G. Boyd, Accountant; Mrs. Martin Pearson, Primary and Intermediate grades. CENTRAL AMERICAN ACADEMY (La Academia Adventista CentroAmericana) Apartado 1325, San Jose, Costa Rica, Central America Established 1927 General Board: Central American Union Committee. Local Board: W. E. Baxter, W. H. Wineland, A. P. Christiansen, Mrs. W. E. Baxter, N. W. Dunn. Faculty: W. H. Wineland, Principal; Mrs. W. H. Wineland, G. W. Chapman, Mrs. G. W. Chapman, Juan Porras. CHICAGO ACADEMY 619 South Ashland Blvd., Chicago, Ill. Tel., Monroe 5585 Academy Board: R. E. Harter, R. P. Wipperman, Rosa Kozel, T. S. Steen, A. D. Bohn, 0. 0. Bernstein. Faculty: R. P. Wipperman, Principal, Science; Florence Shelburg, English, Spanish; W. B. Randall, History, Woodwork, Commercial; Mrs. R. P. Wipperman, Bible; Mrs. W. B. Randall, Domestic Science. CHILLAN TRAINING SCHOOL (Colegio Industrial Adventista) Established 1906 Postal Address: Casilla 319, ChilMn, Chile, South America. Executive Committee: Walter Schubert, Pres.; J. M. Howell, Sec. and Treas.; J. A. Ayvazian, A. R. Sherman, J. C. Dessignet, B. P. 13eskow, A. Berchin. EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS Faculty: J. M. Howell, Principal, Education and Bible; H. P. Beskow, Accountant; B. Almonte, Preceptor; Mrs. Celina Diinner de B., Preceptress; E. L. Barclay, Agriculture; Guillermo Drachenberg, Pastoral Training; Mrs. Florence Howell, Foreign Languages; J. H. Sepulveda, Spanish Languages; Mrs. Flora B. de Beskow, Music; Maria Acufia, Olga Oyanader, Primary teachers. .r.285 Ernest Hurd, Agriculture; Mrs. E. Hurd, Office Helper; S. D. Lu, Mathematics; Chen Iu Shih, Preceptor; —. —, Science, Industrial; Miss Ivadel Eaton, English Dept.; Mrs. D. E. Rebok, English, and Secretarial work; Djang Hsi Hsin, Wenli Teacher; Mrs. H. L. Shull, Dispensary; Miss Wu Hwei Ying, Preceptress; Djao Djen Kwen, Primary Teacher; Mrs. Chen Ih Wen, Teacher; Mrs. P. E. Quimby, Teacher, Chen I. Wen, Agriculture, Dju Dzu Hao, Elementary Education, Chen Ming, Commercial Teacher, R A. Brett, Mechanical Dept. CHINA THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY Chiao Tou Djen, via Siashu, Kiangsu, China (Formerly Shanghai Missionary CHOSEN UNION TRAINING College and China MissionSCHOOL ary Junior College) Soonan, Chosen (Korea) Established 1910 Telegraphic Address: Adventist, Established 1909 Siashu. General Board: Chosen Union MisBoard of Directors: Dr. H. W. Milsion Committee. ler, C. C. Morris, K. H. Wood, Frederick Lee, B. A. Liu, H. L. Local Board: H. A. Oberg, H. M. Lee, L. I. Bowers, C. W. Lee, K. Shull, M. C. Warren, N. F. U. Lee, Y. H. Hyun, H. M. Kim. Brewer, Bernhard Petersen, H. W. Barrows, C. C. Crisler, S. L. Faculty: H. M. Lee, Principal and Frost, D. E. Rebok, G. J. Appel, Manager; C. W. Lee, A. R. S. H. Lindt, W. A. ScharffenTucker, Mrs. A. R. Tucker, Mrs. berg, John Oss, 0. A. Hall, 5 C. W. Lee, K. I. Lee, H. M. Kim, Chinese Members selected annuK. H. Kwak, Y. H. Hyun, H. C. ally. Chang, S. C. Kim, K. Matsumoto, B. Higashi, C .H. 1113, Y. H. Local Board: Dr. H. W. Miller, D. E. Lee, H. K. Kim, C. H. Kang, L. I. Rebok, Giang Tsung Kwang, F. Bowers, Industrial Manager. A. Landis, H. L. Shull, Ernest Hurd, B. A. Liu, Su Hsing, H. C. Shen, 0. B. Kuhn, S. H. Lindt, Lu Shou Dao, Chen Iu Shih. COLEGIO ADVENTISTA Faculty: D. E. Rebok, Principal, Bartle, Oriente, Cuba Business Manager; S. H. Lindt, Bible; B. A. Liu, Assistant PrinEstablished 1923 cipal, Registrar, Normal Di- Board of Managers: A. A. Davis, rector; H. L. Shull, Asst. BusiPres.; J. D. Livingston, W. H. ness Manager, Treas., CommerEngland, R. E. Stewart, J. B. cial Dept.; P. E. Quimby, Bible; Sales. F. A. Landis, Industrial and teaching; Giang Tsung Gwang, Faculty: J. D. Livingston, PrinBible; Mrs. D. G. Liu, Music; cipal and Business Manager, 286 EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS Spanish; Ivan Angell, Bible, History; C. F. Montgomery, Science, Mathematics, Mechanics; Miss Ana Rosa, Preceptress and Music; Mrs. C. F. Montgomery, Nursing; Mrs. J. D. Livingston, Matron; Miss Rosita Tello, Assistant grades. COLEGIO ADVENTISTA DEL TITICACA Established 1922 Cable and Telegraphic Address: " Colegio," Juliaca, Peru. Board of Directors: F. E. Bresee, Pres., on furlough; R. J. Roy, Acting Pres.; J. Wagner, Sec. and Treas.; Juan Pleno, Dr. R. R. Reed, A. H. Field. Faculty: (School is temporarily closed.) COLLEGE OF MEDICAL EVANGELISTS Loma Linda, Cal. Established 1906 Chartered 1909 Board of Trustees: G. A. Calkins, P. E. Brodersen, G. H. Curtis, F. R. Eastman, B. M. Emerson, Newton Evans, J. E. Fulton, W. H. Holden, W. T. Knox, Morris Lukens, P. T. Magan, J. L. McElhany, C. K. Meyers, F. B. Moor, A. G. Daniells, E. H. Risley, J. L. Shaw, Alfred Shryock, C. H. Watson, George Thomason, Chas. Thompson, Ralph Thompson, H. M. Walton. Officers of the Board: A. G. Danjells, Pres.; G. A. Calkins, Comptroller; J. E. Fulton, First VicePresident; P. T. Magan, Second Vice-President; S. S. Merrill, Secretary-Treasurer. Executive Faculty, School of Medicine, Loma Linda: P. T. Magan, President; E. H. Risley, Dean, Professor of Chemistry; T. G. Bunch, Professor of Biblical Exegesis; C. E. Burk, Instructor in Anatomy; S. A. Crooks, Instructor in Anatomy; G. A. Calkins, Comptroller; G. H. Curtis, Business Manager; 0. I. Cutler, Associate Professor of Pathology; C. L. Dale, Instructor in Pathology; E. C. Ehlers, Instructor in Medicine; L. E. Elliott, Instructor in Medicine; C. C. Fink, Registrar; F. W. Gardner, Associate Professor of Chemistry; W. A. George, Professor of Surgery; Elizabeth J. Hiscox, Instructor in Medicine; E. R. Kaufman, Instructor in Hydrotherapy and Massage; L. C. Kellogg, Professor of Anatomy; W. E. Macpherson, Professor of Physiology; F. B. Moor, Professor of Pharmacology; H. C. Nelson, Professor of Medicine; A. R. Roos, Associate Professor of Pathology; Alfred Shryock, Secretary, Professor of Histology, and Embryology; 0. R. Staines, Coordinator; H. M. Walton, Assistant Professor of Dietetics; R. F. Wood, Instructor in Medicine; T. I. Zirkle, Assistant Professor in Bacteriology. Executive Faculty, School of Medicine, Los Angeles: P. T. Magan, President; Newton Evans, Dean Los Angeles Division; Ora Barber, Instructor in Anesthesiology; Roger Barnes, Associate Prof. of Surgery; Albert Bond, Instructor in Medicine; Ethel Brownsberger, Medical Director of Out-Patient Department; R. M. Clarke, Professor of Medicine; D. D. Comstock, Head of Dept. of Internal Medicine; B. N. Colver, Prof. of Surgery (Otolaryngology); C. B. Courville, Asst. Prof. of Neurology; Albert Dickson, Asso. Prof. of Surgery (Otology); Malcolm Hill, Asst. Prof. of Surgery; EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS George Johnstone, Asst. Prof. of Clinical Surgery; Florence Keller, Prof. of Gynecology; E. C. Kellogg, Asst. Prof. of Surgery (Otolaryngology); T. S. Kimball, Instructor in Pathology; V. L. Mann, Prof. of Medicine (Neurology); E. A. Nelson, Asst. Prof. of Surgery; John Potts, Instructor in Obstetrics; 0. B. Pratt, Asso. Prof. of Pathology; G. Mosser Taylor, Asst. Dean and Asst. Prof. of Surgery (Orthopedics); George Thomason, Prof. of Surgery; Ralph J. Thompson, Head of Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology. Executive Faculty, School of Dietetics: P. T. Magan, President; E. H. Risley, Dean, Chemistry; Pearl M. Jenkins, Assistant Dean, Economics, Foods and Cookery; F. W. Gardner, Chemistry, Nutrition; Mrs. C. W. Lynn, Preceptress; Alfred Shryock, Anatomy and Biology; H. M. Walton, Medical Dietetics. Executive Faculty, School of Nursing, Loma Linda: Mrs. Daisy E. Walton, Director of School of Nursing; P. T. Magan, President, College of Medical Evangelists; E. H. Risley, Dean, Loma Linda Division of College of Medical Evangelists; H. M. Walton, Medical Director; Alfred Shryock, Secretary College of Medical Evangelists; G. H. Curtis, Assistant Comptroller and Business Manager; Leota Estes, Assistant Director School of Nursing and Instructor of Practice; Mrs. Marion H. Bowers, Instructor of Nurses; .Rose E. Boose, Instructor of Bible; Mrs. C. W. Lynn, Preceptress; Catherine Nickel, Sanitarium Supervisor; Mrs. Ethelle Klingerman, Hospital Supervisor. Executive Faculty, School of Nursing, Los Angeles: Martha E. Borg, Director School of Nursing; P. T. Magan, President 287 College of Medical Evangelists; Newton Evans, Dean Los Angeles Division College of Medical Evangelists; R. J. Thompson, Superintendent; E. A. Nelson, Assistant Superintendent; Ida Johnson, Preceptress; Rilla H. Dagoberg, Assistant Director School of Nursing; Mary H. Colby, Instructor of Nurses; F. R. Eastman, Business Manager; Ruth Lindbloom, Supervisor Out-Patient Department; Helen Downey, Night Supervisor;, Bessie Falconer, Supervisor Private Room Section; Ethel Clifton, Supervisor Maternity Department; Helen Rand, Supervisor Operating Room; Alida J. Redell, Supervisor Men's Medical and Surgical Department; Velma N. Albrecht, Supervisor Women's Medical and Surgical Department; Ruth Starr, Supervisor Children's Ward; Nellie DeFord, Dietitian. COLUMBIA ACADEMY Battle Ground, Wash. Established 1903 Board of Managers: L. F. Burdoin, Chairman; W. R. Emmerson, Secretary; C. M. Everest, Mrs. J. C. Morton, A. E. Fleck, Ross Dustin, J. F. Emmerson, Tuvita Cole, C. L. Boddy. Faculty: W. R. Emmerson, Principal and Business Manager, History; N. W. Lawrence, Bible, Librarian; P. G. Baden, Preceptor, Science; Miss Vera Davis, Preceptress, English, Spanish; L. R. Hansen, Mathematics; Mrs. Inez Archer, Piano; Mrs. L. R. Hansen, Accountant, Commercial; Mrs. Opal Smith, Matron, Cooking; Mrs. Clara WebbSmith, Grades 7 and 8; Mrs. P. G. Baden, Grades 4, 5, 6; Miss Edith Scott, Grades 1, 2, 3. 288 EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS CZECHOSLOVAKIAN MISSION SCHOOL (Misijni &tax) Established 1925 Address: Lodenice, 51 p. Beroun u Prahy, Czechoslovakia. Board: M. H. Wentland, Josef Doubraysky, Josef Schor, Karel Polednik, F. A. Ludwig, Josef Popelka, Josef Simon, A. E. Hanitzsch, Michael Gehann. Faculty: Josef Simon, Principal and Business Manager; Johannes Schwital, Josef Sasek. EAST TANGANYIKA TRAINING SCHOOL Suji Mission, Makania, P. 0. Tanga, Tanganyika, Tanganyika Territory, East Africa Principal: S. Beardsall. EAST VISAYAN ACADEMY Box 583, Cebu, Cebu, Philippine Islands Established 1930 Board of Management: The Executive Committee of the East Visayan Mission. Faculty: Mrs. L. 0. Pattison, Principal (on furlough); Mrs. W. B. Riffel, Acting Principal; Hilario Rosen. EMMANUEL MISSIONARY COLLEGE Berrien Springs, Mich. Established 1901 Legal Title: " Emmanuel Missionary College, Incorporated." Board of Trustees: W. H. Holden, L. H. Wood, K. F. Ambs, Earl Beaty, R. E. Harter, S. E. Wight, J. F. Piper, E. H. Oswald, F. A. Wright, S. N. Rittenhouse, W. C. Moffett, F. R. Isaac, W. A. Westworth, L. W. Foote, W. H. Wakeham, J. D. Snider. Officers of the Board: W. H. Holden, Chairman; K. F. Ambs, Treas.; Earl Beaty, Secretary. Faculty: L. H. Wood, B. President, Bible; J. H. Haughey, M. A., Professor Emeritus; W. H. Wakeham, Th. B., Biblical Exegesis; H. S. Prenier, M. A., B. D., Dean of School of Theology; C. M. Sorenson, M. A.,History; H. M. Tippett, B. A., nglish; G. M. Price, M. A., Geology, Greek; R. E. Hoen, M. S., Science, Mathematics; 0. R. Cooper, M. D., College Physician, Biology; H. E. Edwards, M. A., Education; Rose E. Herr, B. A., Director of the School of Normal Training; May Stanley, M. A., Home Economics; Anna Mast, Assistant in Home Economics; Mabel Curtis-Romant, M. 0., Expression, Physical Education; Ella Iden-Edwards, M. A., French; A. 'W. James, Ph. D., German; Agnes L. Sorenson, M. A., Spanish; Earl Beaty, B. A., Accounting; K. F. Ambs, B. A., Business Management; R. B. MacMorland, B. A., Economics; Glee H. King, B. A., Secretarial Training; C. A. Burman, Dean of Men; Mary E. Lamson, B. A., Dean of Women, Homes Administration; Wanda Westcott-MacMorland, B. A., Registrar; Anna L. Blackney, B. A., Librarian; Hattie White-Sorenson, Matron; E. T. Bush, B. A., Agriculture; F. W. Griffin, Architectural Drawing, Woodcraft; J. B. Krauss, Th. B., Printing; Ella King-Sanders, Normal Methods Teacher; Olive Lindbergh, B. R. E., Normal Critic Teacher; Luella Wells, Normal Critic Teacher; Grace R. Harrison, B. A., Normal Critic Teacher. EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS Music Faculty; J. W. Osborn, L. R. A. M., Director of the School of Music, Piano; W. I. Morey, Mus. M., Vocal Music; H. B. Hannum, A. B., Pipe Organ, Theory; Dema Malvina Zachary, Violin; W. S. Shadel, Band, Orchestra. Academic Faculty: B. H. Phipps, B. A., Principal, Science, Mathematics; J. I. Beardsley, B. A., History; Leona Summey-Burman, B. A., English; Agnes L. Sorenson, M. A., Spanish; C. A. Burman, Bible; May Stanley, M. A., Home Economics; F. W. Griffin, Woodcraft. School of Theology and Missions Faculty: Lynn H. Wood, B. S., President, Bible; H. S. Prenier, M. A., B. D., Dean, Homiletics; G. M. Price, M. A., Greek; W. H. Wakeham, Th. B., Biblical Exegesis; C. M. Sorenson, M. A., History; O. R. Cooper, M. D., Science; J. W. Osborn, L. R. A. M., Musical Director; H. M. Tippett, B. A., English; H. E. Edwards, M. A., Education; Mabel Curtis-Romant, M. 0., Public Speaking; Anna L. Blackney, B. A., Librarian; Wanda Westcott-MacMorland, B. A., Registrar. Industrial Administration: L. H. Wood, President; H. F. Ambs, Manager and Treasurer; Earl Beaty, Secretary; C. A. Burman, Dean of Men; Mary E. Lamson, Dean. of Women; Hattie WhiteSorenson, Matron; E. T. Bush, Director of Agriculture; J. B. Krauss, Director of Printing; Charles Andrews, Director of Woodwork; C. F. West, Director of Engineering; Morton Green, Manager of College Supply Store; Mrs. Florence Spooner, Laundry; A. Johnson, Farm Manager; W. H. Wohlers, Dairy. 10 289 ENTERPRISE ACADEMY Enterprise, Kans. Organized 1919 Board of Trustees: C. S. Wiest, Pres.; V. P. Lovell, Sec.; Sam Mohr, F. S. Chollar, J. C. Harder, Bert Rhoads, R. L. Boothby, B. L. Schlotthauer, E. A. Nixon. Faculty: V. P. Lovell, Principal and Manager, Bible; A. D. Holmes, Science, Mathematics; J. C. Harder, History, Bible; E. E. Bietz, Preceptor, Language; 0. E. Simon, Printing, Office Business, Language; Elizabeth Cowdrick, Preceptress, English; Ethel R. Page, Piano, Voice; Lula M. York, Matron, Home Economics. FAR EASTERN ACADEMY 32 Ningkuo Road, Shanghai, China Established 1906 Faculty: Harry H. Morse, A. B., Principal and Business Manager, Mathematics and Science, Printing; Mrs. Harry H. Morse, A. B., Matron and Preceptress; Charles Larsen, A. B., Librarian, Bible, History, and Gardening; Mrs. Ora R. Williams, A. B., English and Drills; Miss Lillian Anderson, Church School, grades 1 to 6; Miss Florence G. Numbers, Piano and Vocal. FINLAND S. D. A. MISSION SCHOOL (Suomen S. P. A:n Lahetyskoulu) Established 1918 (Closed for one or two years.) FIRESIDE CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL See Home Study Institute. 290 EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS FOOCHOW INTERMEDIATE SCHOOL Foochow, China Established 1916 Board of Directors: V. J. Maloney, H. N. Quade, Dang Neng Cu, Ging So Tang, Kiu Daik Bo, Ngu Go Hwa, Ling Sing Ca. Faculty: H. N. Quade, Principal and Manager; Ngu Ong Eng, Preceptor, English; Dano• Seuk Ing, Preceptress, Grades 1b and 2; Sie Duang Ing, Grades 3 and 4; Dang Chalk Sing, Grades 5 and 6; Ging Neng Ngiong, Mathematics and English; Ngu Go Hwa, Wenli; Wong Cong Keng, Science; Mrs. H. N. Quade, Music, Industry, Piano, Organ; Li Kaik ling, Mandarin, Bible. FOREST LAKE ACADEMY Route 2, Maitland, Fla. Established 1926 Board of Directors: A. S. Booth, J. I. Cassell, W. E. McClure, H. M. Kelley, M. C. Bird, D. I. Coggin. Faculty: W. E. McClure, Principal; 0. S. Specht, Preceptor; Mrs. W. E. McClure, Preceptress; Ethel Bowen, Matron; J. S. Cowdrick, Instructor; Mrs. T. D. Strickland, Instructor; W. A. Philpott, Farm Superintendent. FOX RIVER ACADEMY Sheridan, Ill. Established 1900 •Board of Managers: 11. A. Harter, Chairman; E. P. Weaver, Sec. and Treas.; F. S. Thomson, 0. 0. Bernstein, E. R. Potter, G. C. Hoskin, B. F. Tucker, G. A. LaGrone. Faculty: E. P. Weaver, Principal, Manager, Physics; W. T. Weav- er, Preceptor, Science, Geometry; Miss Anita Herrmann, Preceptress, Algebra; W. H. Ferciot, Farm Manager, Spanish; Miss Clara Lange, Matron, English; C. P. Wertzbar, Accountant, Bookkeeping; Hobart Crandell, Bible, History; Marian Kiater, Piano. FRESNO ACADEMY 841 W. Belmont, Fresno, Calif. Phone 27058 Established 1908 as an intermediate school; as an academy 1921. School Board: R. S. Fries; Chairman; Robert Kitto, See. and Treas.; J. H. Porter, C. C. Mattison, H, B. Rasmussen, J. R. Church, Iver Hansen, F. C. Detlor, J. W. Blackwelder, I. M. Burke. Faculty: Robert Kitto, B. A., Principal, Bible, History; C. 1. Chrisman, B. A., English, Science; Mrs. Cecil I. Chrisman, B.. A., Spanish, Commercial Department; Mrs. B. Calkins, Domestic Science, Mathematics; Ellsworth Whitney,. Piano, Orchestra, Chorus, Woodwork; Edith Stoops, grades 7 and 8; Mrs. Lecy Manley, grades 4, 5, and 6; Doris Carlson, B. A., grades• 2 and 3. FRIEDENSAU MISSIONARY SEMINARY Friedensau, Post Grabow, Bez. Magdeburg, Germany Established 1899 Board: W. Mueller, Dr. W. Michael, E. Bahr, Dr. L. E. Conradi, H. Erzberger, H. Glass, F. Lotting, W. Hans, P. Horn, 0. Janert, W. Knitter, E. Maier, Dr. E. Meyer, A. Miller, F. Hambrock, 0. Schuberth, P. Stiicker, H. Wittig. EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS Faculty: Dr. W. Michael, Principal, German, Ancient Languages; W. Hans, Business Manager; H. Robs, Bible; S. Liipke, History, Choir, Orchestra, Preceptor; H. Wertenauer, Science, Education; Ph. Schuil, English, Language, Geography; J. Langholt, German Language, Geography, Mathematics, Choir; J. Esser, Anatomy, Nursing; M. Kokolsky, Home Economics and Nurse Training, German, Preceptress; P. Schubert, Kindergarten, Commercial Course; M. Birkner, Music; G. Moczarski, Church School. GEM STATE ACADEMY Caldwell, Idaho. Established 1918 Board of Managers: W. A. Gosmer, Chairman; F. E. Stratton, Sec.; C. C. Wilcox, Geo. Soper, M. A. Belding, John Shultz, Wm. Butler. Faculty: F. E. Stratton, Principal; W. B. Wilcox, Preceptor; Mrs. C. E. Noyes, Preceptress; Mrs. Edith Cummings, Matron; W. S. Boynton, Bible; G. L. Beane, Office; Mrs. L. K. Grubbs, Music. 291 ble, T. N. Palmer, James Howarth. Faculty: L. R. Marsh, Business Manager, Grade Supervisor; A. C. Madsen, Bible, History; Grace E. Morel, English, Library Science • P. M. Foster, Science, Mathematics; Mrs. Nellie Hankins, Home Economics; V. A. Jackson, Language, Woodwork, Biology; B. E. Ellis, Printing; Mrs. Edna Serns-Marsh, Piano; Mrs. Retta King-Nelson, Voice; Mrs. F. W. Van Atta, Office. Grades: Mrs. Bee Overholt, Grade 8; Mrs. A. A. Gibbone, Grade 7; Mrs. Lola Martin, Grade 5-6; Miss Ethel Griese, Grade 4-5; Mrs. V. A. Jackson, Grade 2-3; Mrs. Martha Turner- Lovell, Grades 1-2. GOLDEN GATE ACADEMY x7og Alcatraz Ave., Berkeley, Calif. Established 1923 Board of Directors: C. L. Lingenfelter, Chairman; G. E. Miles, Secretary; G. A. Roberts, R. E. .Kalfus, F. M. Owen, T. L. Copeland, Andrew Brorsen, K. J. Henning, E. C. Chapman, J. B. Giddings, H. W. Crane, M. D., Mrs. F. C. Koerber, Henry NorGITWE TRAINING SCHOOL ton, H. E. Swanson, O. A. Troy, V. C. Hamilton, M. D., E. A. Via Usumbra, Urundi, Central Afr. Smith, C. D. Stone., Mrs. C. D. Faculty: F. M. Robinson, Mrs. F. Stone, Serris Keppa, W. R. HanM. Robinson; assisted 'by five sen. native teachers. Faculty: G. E. Miles, B. S., Principal, Science; R. H. Duncan, A. GLENDALE UNION ACADEMY B,, Bible, Woodwork; J. A. McClenaghan, A. B., Accountant, 700 Kimlin Drive, Glendale, Calif. Mathematics; L. W. Maxwell, Established 1923 A. B., History; Mrs. M. C. Hanley, Matron, Domestic Science, Board of Directors: Dr. E. W. . Spanish; Miss Lillian Beatty, A. Alsberge, Chairman • B., English, Typing; Mrs. R. H. Marsh, Secretary; T. F. Culhane, Duncan, R. N., Practical NursC. H. Jones, W. G. Wirth, F. W. ing; E. C. Chapman, Printing; Paap, A. D. Armstrong, R. L. Mrs. Nels Johnson, Piano; Mrs. Brunel, C. D. Moore, W. L. W. R. Powers, Chorus; Donald Avery, C. B. Garner, W. W. Ru- 292 EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS Jacobs, Grades 7 and 8; Miss Vera Owen, Grades 5 and 6; Mrs. J. A. McClenaghan, Grades 3 and 4; Miss Hazel Ringer, A. B., Grades 1 and 2. GOOD HOPE TRAINING SCHOOL (For Cape Colored People) "Riverside," Klipfontein . Road, Athlone, Cape, South Africa Managing Board: N. C. Wilson, Chairman; L. S. Billes, Secretary; E. D. Hanson, A. F. Tarr, 0. 0. Fortner, Miss A. V. Suth-. erland. Faculty: Miss A. V. Sutherland, Principal; Miss M. Africa. GREATER NEW YORK ACADEMY 484 Washington Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Established 1920 Telephone, Prospect 9-7899 Board: Executive Committee of Greater New York Conference. Advisory Board: L. K. Dickson, J. K. Macmillan, Louise C: Kleuser, S. W. Tymeson, D. P. Wood. Faculty: S. W. Tymeson, B. R. E., Principal, Treasurer, Commerce; J. Ernest Edwards, B. R. E., Bible; Virginia I. Shull, B. A., English, Languages, Registrar; Ysabell M. Dickson, Music; Breta Voorhees-Frank, Mathematics and Science; Mrs. Miriam Gilbert-Tymeson, B. A., History, Library; Pauline Hart, Intermediate Dept.; Margaret Hirt, Primary Dept. HAITIEN SEMINARY (Serninaire Adventiste) Boite 28, Cape Haitien, Haiti Board: J. A. deCaenel, President; H. L. Higgins, Secretary; A. Or- ville Dunn, Dorce Dorsinville, Leonce Painson, F. D. Apollon. Faculty: H. L. Higgins, Principal; A. L. Christensen, Industrial Departments; Philip Giddings, Bible; Antoine Theodore, French; Bossuet Lanoix, Preceptor and Agriculture; Nahuin Isaac, Mathematics; Odiel Desvarieux, Cabinet Making; M. N. Isaac; Mrs. Philip Giddings, Matron; Mrs. A. L. Christensen, Mrs. H. L. Higgins. HANKOW JUNIOR MIDDLE SCHOOL Wang Gia Dun, Hankow, Hupeh, China Established 1916 School Board: H. L. Graham, Cheng Tei Li, J. H. Shultz, Fan Chih Hsiang, A. N. Bierkle, Mo Chi Jen, Chang Shun Chen, Li Wei Ch'ing. Faculty: Chen Tei Li, Principal and Industrial Managers; Wang Yung Yao, Preceptor; Yang P'ei Chen, Preceptress; Leng Yu Seng, Accountant; Mo Chi Jen, Bible; Huang Chih Kang, Literature and Science; Mrs. Cheng Tei Li, Mathematics and Organ; Hu Ping Ch'eng, Drawing; Mrs. H. L. Graham, Girls' Industry; Fan Feng Chen, Ass't Girls' Industry;. Mrs. E. L. Longway, English; Mrs. W. I. Hilliard, Nurse. HARBIN HIGH SCHOOL Mukden, Manchuria, China Established 1929 Board: M. Popoway, B. K. Brajnikoff, K. Savitsky. Faculty: B. K. Brajnikoff, Principal, Latin Oriental Geography; A. I. Ivanoff, Bible; V. E. Kosit- EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS sin, Algebra, Geometry Physical Geography; K. N. Chernishoff, Physics, Arithmetic; A. N. Baronoff, Russian Language, Literature, Psychology; Mrs. E. N. Yushkevich, English, Mrs. E. I. Brajnikoff, English; Mrs. L. N. Neguerevich, Russian, History; Mrs. V. M. Krasnopevtsev, Geography, Natural Science; Mrs. 0. E. Pesemsky, Manual Work; Miss G. D. Galman, Chinese; A. I. Grajdantsev, History; Yi-VanHai, Chinese (Practical) ; Mrs. M. M. Ivanoff, Primary School; I. A. Sichow, Observer of Classes. HARLEM ACADEMY zo8 West n7th St., New York, N. Y. Established 1920 Board: Executive Committee of the Greater New York Conference. Faculty: J. L. Moran, Principal, Mathematics; L. G. Sutherland, D. S., Faculty Secretary, Science, History; Miss Gladys D. Curtright, B, A., Registrar, Language, Bible; A. NV. Bontemps, B. A., Librarian, English, Typewriting; Miss Netelka Burrel, Grammar Dept. Miss Phenice Skinner, Church School. 293 HELDERBERG COLLEGE (European) P. 0. Box 22, Somerset West, Cape Province, South Africa Board: J. F. Wright, Chairman; Milton Robison, Secretary; E. D. Dick, N. C. Wilson, E. D. Hanson, E. C. Boger, W. H. Anderson, C. W. Curtis, 0. U. Giddings, L. L. Moffitt, W. L. :Hyatt, A. E. Nelson, G. E. Shankel, C. W. Bozarth, 0. R. Shreve, 0. 0. Fortner, F. J. Synman, H. J. Moolman. Local Board: J. F. Wright, Milton Robison, E. D. Dick, 0. R. Shreve, A. E. Nelson, G. E. Shankel, James Belvail, J. I. Robison. Faculty: Milton Robison, B. A., Principal and Education; 0. R. Shreve, Business Manager; A. V. Edwards, B. A., Bible; G. E. Shankel, B. A., English and History; A. Boekhout, T2., Afrikaans and French; C. H. Bell, Science; Miss H. M. Hyatt, B. A., Normal and Mathematics; Mrs. R. C. Honey, Preceptress and Matron; C. C. Marais, Preceptor and Asst. Afrikaans; , Music• Mrs. C. C. Marais ' Worsley, Critic and Mrs. J. Teachers; James Belvail, Agriculture and Farm Manager. 1417 Makiki St., Honolulu, Hawaii (Phone 4655) Established 1915 HINDI ELEMENTARY SCHOOL S. D. A. Mission, Bobomahal, P. 0. Katorria, via Simultala, E. I. Ry., India Established 1929 In charge of C. Jensen, assisted by Mrs. Jensen and two Indian teachers. Faculty: J. A. Simonson, B. A., Principal and Manager; Mrs. J. A. Simonson, B. A., R. F. Alderson, B. A., Mrs. R. F. Alderson, Miss Florence Pfeiffer, B. A., Miss Mildred Avery, Mrs. H. E. Mc'Whinny, Miss Beatrice Gordon, Treasurer, HINSDALE SANITARIUM ACADEMY Hinsdale, Ill. Established 1915 Academy Board: W. E. Abernathy, Pres.; R, U. Garrett, Sec.; N, W, HAWAIIAN MISSION ACADEMY 294 EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS Paulson, Aimee DuBois, F. L. Marsh. Faculty: R. U. Garrett, A. B., Principal; P. L. Marsh, R. N., A. B., B. S., Preceptor; Aimee DuBois, A. B.; Maurine Shaw, A. B., Preceptress. HOME STUDY INSTITUTE (Formerly known as the Fireside Correspondence School) Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Established 1909 Constituency: The General Conference Committee. Board of Managers: C. W. Irwin, Chairman; M. E. Olsen, Sec. and Treas.; W. E. Howell, J. L. Shaw, M. E. Kern, F. M. Wilcox, N. Z. Town, J. A. Stevens, L. E. Froom. Advisory Council: H. H. Hamilton, A. B.; Lynn Wood, B. S.; J. E. Weaver, A. B.; W. E. Nelson, B. S.; P. L. Thompson, A. M.; Otto John, A. M.; T. W. Steen, A. B. Faculty: M. E. Olsen, A. M., Ph. D., President, English Language and Literature; B. G. Wilkinson, Ph. D., Bible Doctrines; J. N. Anderson, A. B., B. D., Hebrew, Comparative Religions; A. W. Werline, A. M., History; C. E. Weniger, A. B., American Literature, Public Speaking, Expression; Edmund Miller, A. M., French, German, SpaniSh; W. R. French, Th. B., Major and Minor Prophets, Advanced Bible Readings; E. C. Blue, A. B. General Science, Agriculture, Geology, Astronomy, C. L. Woods; A. B., Geometry, Advanced Algebra, Trigonometry; R. F. Farley, A. B., New Testament Greek; Lizzie M. Gregg, Registrar and Accountant; H. B. Hannum, A. B., Harmony; Mrs. Myrta Kellogg-Lewis, A. B., Old Testament History, Rhetoric, School Management; Mrs. H. _. Miller, Latin; C. R. Bruns, Accountancy; Mrs. R. F. Farley, A. B., English Literature, Composition; H. E. Snide, Assistant in English; W. W. Eastman, Christian Salesmanship; E. W. Carey, Bible Doctrines, New Testament History, Bible Readings, American History and Government; Mrs. F. M. Wilcox, R. N., Practical Nursing, Home Economics; B. P. Foote, Gregg Stenography and Typewriting; W. L. Burgan, Journalism; M. E. Evans, Bookkeeping Mrs. N. A. Rice, Arithmetic, Algebra; Mrs. A. W. Spalding, Mother Teacher's Course. HOME STUDY INSTITUTE Far Eastern Branch 25 Ningkuo Road, Shanghai, China Established 1922 Constituency: The China Division Executive Committee. Board of Directors:- Dr. H. W. Miller, Chairman; W. A. Scharffenberg, Secretary; S. L. Frost, C. C. Crisler, H. W. Barrows, Frederick Griggs, K. H. Wood, N. F. Brewer, M. C. Warren, V. T. Armstrong, H. A. Oberg, Mrs. 1. H. Evans, John Oss, Eugene Woesner, Frederick Lee, D. E. Rebok, Dr. R. W. Paul, G. J. Appel, C. C. Morris, B. Petersen, J. G. Gjording. Local Board: Dr. H. W. Miller, Chairman; W. A. Scharffenberg, Vice-chairman; Mrs. Chas. Larsen, Secretary-Treasurer; C. C. Crisler, H. W. Barrows, D. E. Rebok, Frederick Lee, B. A. Liu, II 0, Shen, K. H. Wood. EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS . Faculty: W. A. Scharffenberg, Principal, Mrs. Chas. Larsen, Treasurer; Mrs. W. A. Scharffenberg, Registrar; Lee Wei Ching, Office Secretary; Frederick Lee. Daniel and Revelation; D. E. Rebok, Chinese History; Alfred Fossey, Geometry;. S. H. Lindt, College Bible; Mrs. Frederick Griggs, Latin; C. F. Thurston, Greek; Mrs. P. E. Quimby, Academic English, Primary Department; Giang Tsung Gwang, Academic • Bible; Meng Djung Yu, Pastoral Training; Liu Men Ru, Middle School Language; Charles Larsen, History; 0. A. Blake, Bookkeeping; John Oss, Salesmanship, Publishing Work; J. 0. Afenir, Spanish; P. E. Quimby, Denominational Endeavor; B. A. Liu, Christian Education; C. C. Lee, Chinese Language Course; H. H. Morse, Academic Bible; Miss Hazel I. Shadel, Stenography; John Oss, Home Missionary Course; Miss Bessie Mount, Sabbath School Work; Dr. H. W. Miller, Health Principles. HONAN JUNIOR MIDDLE SCHOOL Lowanho, Yencheng, Honan, China Established 1916 Faculty: Pastor Wang G•ing Bo, Principal. Teachers: Peng F.Isien Wit, Dju Gien Djeng, Yu Ging Fang, Tang Sin Ho, Mrs. Fan Deli Yu, Preceptress, Djao Lien Yuen, Wu Yung Gwang. 295 Sec.; George Nelson, Treas.; F. M. Owen, Educ. Supt.; H. G. Lucas, Union Sec.; M. E. Cookson, F. G. Young, Mrs. Luella Nevis, Mrs. Blanche Palmer, C. • A. Pyle. Faculty: L. R. Rasmussen, Principal; F. G. Young, Bible; C. A. Pyle, Contractor; George Nelson, Treasurer and Bookkeeper; Mrs. Blanche Palmer, Preceptor, Spanish, History; Nathanael Parker, Preceptor, and Mathematics; Miss Neva Sandborn, Registrar, Commercial, English; Glenn Martin, Science, Carpentry; Mrs. N. Parker, Piano, School, Nurse; L. M. Knapp, Printing, Chorus; C. C. Burg, Farm Manager; Mrs. R. Larson, Matron, Domestic Science; R. P. Axtell, Grades 5-8; Mrs. L. M. Knapp, Grades 1-4. HUNAN PROVINCIAL JUNIOR MIDDLE SCHOOL Seventh-day Adventist Mission, " The Island," Changsha, Hunan, China Established 1919 Board of Directors: The Committee of the Hunan Provincial Mission of Seventh-day Adventists. Faculty: 0. G. Hamp, Principal and Manager; Wu Shou Shan, Wu Fu Chen, Li Ho Seng, Yeng Geng Seng, Ho Chwin Yuan. IBADAN TRAINING SCHOOL HUMBOLDT ACADEMY Eureka, Calif. Established 1925 Board cf Trustees: 0. A. Roberts, Chairman; L. R. Rasmussen, Established 1930 P. 0. Box ig, Ibadan, Nigeria, West Africa Principal: W. Hyde. 296 EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS INDIANA ACADEMY JAPAN JUNIOR COLLEGE Cicero, Ind. (Nihon Saniku Gakuin) Established 1902 Established 1926 Board of Managers: F. A. Wright, Pres.; J. W. Craig, S'ec. and Treas.; and the members of the Indiana Conference Committee. Naraha, Chiba Ken, Japan Faculty: J. W. Craig, B. A., Principal and Manager, Physics; 0. K. Butler, B. A., Pastor, Bible; W. A. Schram, B. A., Preceptor, Manual Arts, World History, Orchestra; Mrs. Mary I. Champion, B. S., Preceptress, Mathematics, Biology; Miss Helen M. Marsh, B. A., Matron, New Testament History; Mrs. J. W. Craig, B. A., Spanish; Mrs. 0. K. Butler, English; Mrs. W. A. Schram, Piano, Sewing; Mrs. Phynia Kelley, Accountant, Bookkeeping; Walter Gettys, Farm Manager; C. F. Mundy, Woodshop Manager. Board: V. T. Armstrong, Pres., A. N. Nelson, Sec., C. F. Thurston, M. Fukazawa, Y. Seino, F. R. Millard, S. Ogura, S. Miyake, T. Oyama. Faculty: Andrew W. Nelson, Principal; C. F. Thurston, Mgr. and Treas. Boys' School Faculty: A. N. Nelson, A. B., Prin.; C. F. Thurston, A. B.; F. R. Millard, A. B.; Y. Seino; Shiro Agura; Mrs. A. N. Nelson, R. N.; Mrs. C. F. Thurston, A. B.; Mrs. F. R. Millard, B. M.; Mrs. S. Ogura, A. B. Girls' School Faculty: T. H. Okohira, Prin.; I. Oyama, Gertrud Schultz, Hideko Koide, Mrs. E. J. Kraft, Mrs. H. J. Perkins, Mrs. V. T. Armstrong, Miss H. Shiraishi. INTER-MOUNTAIN ACADEMY Tele., Rifle 71J11 KAREN MISSION SCHOOL Established 1918 Postal Address: Route 1, Grand Valley, Colo. Kamamaung, Shwegon P. 0., via Maulmein, Burma Established 1918 . Board of Managers: L. 0. Knowlton, W. G. Cope, J. W. Turner, J. L. Tucker, A. C. Long. Principal: E. B. Hare, assisted by Mrs. Hare, Myat Po, Tha Kin, Maung Ni, Ka Yai, Naw Si. Faculty: L. 0. Knowlton, B. A., Principal, Physics; Wm. V. Albee, B. A., History and Bible; B. G. Butherus, B. A., Preceptor, Mathmatics and Science; Mrs. B. G. Butherus, B. A., English and Spanish; Mrs. Gentille K. Fredrick, Matron and Preeeptress, Home Nursing, Music; Miss Hazel Baughman, Elementary grades; E. E. Seamount, Farm Manager, (Anglo-Karen, 1st-7th standards; agriculture, brick-making, building, weaving, rice milling, and other industries.) KENYA TRAINING SCHOOL Kamagambo Mission, P. 0. Kisii, Kenya Colony, East Africa Principal: E. 11. Warland, EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS KERN ACADEMY Shaf ter, Calif. Established 1930 Board of Managers: P. J. Buller, Chairman; Raymond Howe, Sec.; A. C. Neufeld, Treas.;, R. Fries, J. T. Porter, P. A. Nightingale, Jacob Baerg, J. Hoffman, C. C. Duerksen, Clarence 0. Trubey. Faculty: C. 0. Trubey, Principal, Bible Doctrines, New Testament History, Glee Club, Orchestra, 'Woodwork; Fred Ludecke, Physics, Geometry, Algebra, Typing, German, Parliamentary Law, Physical Education for Boys; Elberta Siemans, English, I, II, III, Spanish, Sewing, Reading, Physical Education for Girls; Arnold Meyer, grades 7 and 8; Bertha Booth, grades 5 and 6; Elizabeth Epp, grades 3 and 4; Mrs. Clara Heinrichs, grades 1 and 2. KIANGSU JUNIOR MIDDLE SCHOOL OF S. D. A. 31 Ningkuo Road, Shanghai, China Established 1925 Board of Directors: H. C. Shen, Chairman; M. R. Liu, Sec.; W. A. Scharffenberg, Y. H. Chu, Mrs. B. Miller, K. G. Yeh, T. G. Wu, S. L. Frost, S. F. Tai, C. Schroeter. Faculty: M. R. Liu, Principal; James Wu, Treasurer; D. H. Ging, Preceptor; Miss Hsiang Wen Sui, Preceptress; Lee Shan Gwei, Language; Joe May, Athletic Instructor; Mrs. E. R. Thiele, English; Lai Hung Bing, Drawing; Mrs. Mi Deh Fan, Music; H. H. Yeh, Boy's Industrial Instructor; Weng Ging Ren, Han Liang Seng, Hsing Li Ren, High Primary; Mrs. M. R. Liu, Primary. 297 KOTTARAKARA HIGH SCHOOL Karickam, Kottarakara, India Established 1925 Address: S. D. A. Mission High School, Karickam, Kottarakara, Travancore, South India. Faculty: Earl Gardner, Principal; G. P. Crussiah, T. V. Zechariah, L. C. Charles, I. C. Israel, V. Jacob, S. Shastri, Mrs. T. V. Zechariah, Mrs. V. Jacob. LAURELWOOD ACADEMY Gaston, Oreg. Established 1904 Board of Managers: I. J. Wood: man, I. C. Colcord, Lemuel Esteb, R. W. Nelson, S. Lindley, C. E. Olcott, H. E. Westermeyer, Geo. Watson, W. A. Woodruff, J. E. Rippey, Ross Dustin. Officers of the Board: I. J. Woodman, Chairman; H. E. Westermeyer, Secretary. Faculty: H. E. Westermeyer, Principal, Manager, American History, Expression; Mrs. H. E. Westermeyer, General Science; C. E. Witzel, Preceptor, Physics, Geometry, Woodwork; Virgil Becraft, Bible; L. E. Janke, Industrial Supervisor, New Testament; W. Wilkinson, English, General History, Algebra; W. T. Upton, Accountant, Spanish, Bookkeeping; Mrs. Margaret Hansen, Preceptress, Matron, Sewing; Miss Mildred Hansen, Piano; Miss Grace Hansen, Violin, Voice, Orchestra Chorus; Mrs. Jeannette Worth, Shorthand, Typing; Mrs. Inez Knutson, Grades 6-8; Miss Geraldine Phelps, Grade 1-5. 298 EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS LIMA TRAINING SCHOOL (Institute Industrial) Miraflores, Lima, Peru, South America Established 1919 Postal Address: Casilla 2102, Liina, Peru. Board of Managers: J. T. Thompson, Chairman; E. U. Ayars, Sec. and Treas.; H. B. Lundquist, V. L. Gambetta, Santiago Silva, Alfredo Marin. Faculty: E. U. Ayars, B. A., Principal and Manager, Bible and History; E. E. Pidoux, Science , Special and Spanish; Classes; Mrs. E. U. Ayars, B. A., Special classes; Mrs. E. E. Pidoux, Preceptress; Mrs. J. T. Thompson, Music; Augustin Alva, Preceptor. LODI ACADEMY AND NORMAL Lodi, Calif. Established 1908 Board of Managment: W. M. Adams, President; D. A. Ochs, Secretary; R. S. Fries, W. E. Atkins, C. C. Mattison, E. G. Truitt, William Voth, Robert Kitto, Joe Porter, John Turin. Faculty: D. A. Ochs, Principal and Manager; H. L. Wallace, Bible; Max Hill, English; L. C. Palmer, Science, Mathematics; P. S. Nelson, Preceptor, History, Bible; Mrs. L. C. Palmer, Mathematics; Olive Westphal, Praceptress, Spanish; K. D. Cople, Bookkeeper, Treasurer, Assistant Manager; Velma Wallace, Director of Normal Department; Mrs. Ethel Hesseltine, Assistant Normal Director; Veda Layton, Matron, Sewing; Helen Conard, Registrar, Typing; F. D. Fisher, Manual Training, Wicker; A. A. Rupert, Sheet Metal, Basketry; C. C. Campbell, Band Director; •Mrs. Evelyn Parr-James, Vocal, Chorus, Glee; Vesta JorgensenBaldwin, Piano; D. L. Stoops, Farm Manager; Anna Jensen, Grades 7 and 8; Mrs. F. D. Fisher, Grades 5 and 6; Mrs. D. L. Stoops, Grades 3 and 4; Mrs. E. G. Truitt, Grades 1 and 2. LOMA LINDA ACADEMY Loma Linda, California Board of Managers: H. H. Hicks, Chairman; F. H. Raley, Secretary; W. C. Flaiz, G. E. Mann, H. B. Thomas, Alfred Shryock, M. D., A. R. Roos, M. D., 0. J. Graf, T. G. Bunch. Faculty: W. C. Flaiz, Principal, Science; Frank Moran, Bible; L. J. Vollmer, History, Mathematics; Mrs. W. F. Hardt, Modern - Language; Miss Nina E. Williams, English, Home Economics; Grades 1-8: Mrs. Arnold Johnson, in charge, Grades 7 and 8; Miss Willeta Raley, Grades 5 and 6; Mrs. Bernice Gibbs, Grades 3 and 4; Miss Helen Johnson, Grades 1 and 2. LONG BEACH SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST ACADEMY i88o Dawson Ave., Long Beach, Cal. Board: Hans Von Hofgaarden, Chairman; W. S. Potts, Sec.; W. l.. Avery, N. W. Philips, Mrs. B. F. Yoeman, W. E. Williams, Lulu Jones, A. H. Heitman, R. S. Webster. Faculty: W. S. Potts. Principal: Edna Filcher, Mrs. Estelle Holloway, Miss Ruth Halverson, Miss Esther Siess, Miss Alice Hiscox. EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS 299 LOS ANGELES SEVENTH-DAY Faculty: G. R. Nash, Principal; E. M. Cadwallader, Normal DirecADVENTIST ACADEMY tor; Miss M. D. Ingle, Mrs. 0. R. 313x Pasadena Ave., Los Angeles, Nash, G. S. Stevenson, Yolam California Kamwendo, Assistant Normal Phone, Capitol 5992 Director, assisted by ten native Board: J. E. Light, Chairman; R. teachers. B. Prout, Sec.; Ward P. Hill, Vice-Chairman; Chas. T. La MALAYAN SEMINARY France, Robert Canon, A. V. Foerster, S. H. Combs, Walter 401 Upper Serangoon Road, Singapore, Straits Settlements Halliday, H. W. Gober, Dr. J. D. Rogers, John Nichol, J. D. Established 1916 Rhodes, P. C. Pierce, O. H. Prout, F. J. Frickert, G. A. Grauer, Mrs. Cable and Telegraphic Address: " Adventist," Singapore: Codes: W. Mueller, W. S. Clement, E. Western Union, Five-Letter EdiK. Barkwille, Mrs. F. W. Edtion, and A. B. C., Fifth Edition. wardy, Mrs. L. W. Newman, Dr. Wilburn Smith, C. C. McClin- Board: Malayan Union Mission tock, Dr. J. F. Gernhardt, R. R. Executive Committee. Holbrook, E. J. Bailey, J. G. Graham, C. S. Nicolas, F. H. Faculty: V. E. Hendershot. Principal; Roger Altman, Business Westphal, F. Mathews, Mrs. C. Manager and Treasurer; W. P. Kane, P. B. Bontemps, La Verne Barto, F. L. Bunch, Laurence Osborn, 0. D. May, G. W. C. Fox, Choa Teck-bie, Siaw TeckBaker, P. E. Brodersen, W. W. yam, Arram Silalahi, Mrs. V. E. Worster, W. L. Avery, W C. Hendershot, Mrs. L. Fox, Mrs. F. Raley, H. G. Lucas, J. W. Rich, L. Bunch (on furlough), Mrs. W. H. Schacht, P. G. Rogers, R. W. P. Barto, Phang Nyuk-thin, W. Parmele. Miss Tio Mui-gek, Mrs. David Faculty: R. B. Prout, M. A., PrinMcCall, Mrs. Grace Carr. cipal and Bible; Kathryne Speh, A B., English and Language; Mable Andre, A. B., MathematMALAYALAM MISSION HIGH ics and Home Art; Lila Morthey SCHOOL Morgan, Vocal; Gladys AnderKarickam, Kottarakara, India. son, A. B., English, Bible, SpellEstablished 1925 ing and Spirit of Prophecy; Fern L. Prout, Commercial; C. C. (Not revised for current issue) Morrison, A. B., Science; Gladys Chase, Bookkeeper, PrIncipaPs Address: S. D. A. Mission High School, Karickam, Kottarakara. Secretary and Charge of Book P. 0., Travancore, India. Store; Grace Nelson Reed, A. B., Piano; W. F. Norwood, A. B., Faculty: R. L. Wilson, Principal; Registrar, History, Bible and G. P. Crussiah, L. C. Charles, I. Woodwork; J. E. Light, AttorLazarous, S. Mariamma, I. C. Israel. ney, Expression. MALAMULO TRAINING SCHOOL Cholo, Nyasaland, British Central Africa Board: Union Executive Committee. MANCHURIAN UNION MISSIONARY TRAINING INSTITUTE Seventh-day Adventist Mission, Mukden, Manchuria, China Established 1923 300 EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS Board of Directors: The Manchu- rian Union Mission Committee. Faculty: Shih Du Hsin, Principal and Manager; Hwang Pei Djang, Preceptor; Mrs. Shih Du Hsin, Preceptress; Shao Ho Tien, Teacher. MAPLEWOOD ACADEMY Hutchinson, Minn. Established 1904 at Maple Plain, Minn.; transferred to Hutchinson, Minn., in 1928. Executive Board: M. L. Andreasen, President; A. W. Johnson, Sec.; August Anderson, M. N. Campbell, A. A. Dirksen, A. Guy, H. L. Halverson, H. M. Hiatt, Louis Halsvick, N. R. Nelson, A. H. Rulkoetter, A. R. Smouse. Faculty: A. W. Johnson, Principal and Manager; F. H. Yost, Assistant Principal, Bible; H. E. Hein, German, Science; Wavie D. Tubbs, English, Latin; W. J. McComb, History; R. W. Fowler, Preceptor, Mathematics; Mildred Yaegar, Asst. in English; Lessie Culpepper, Pieceptress; David Gulbrandson, Norwegian; Grace M. Johnson, Commercial; Pearl F. Pettis, Piano, Voice; Theodore A. Wirak, Accountant; Sadie Johnson, Matron; Adrian R. M. Lauritzen, Asst. Piano; Ethel M. Hartzell, Art, Librarian; Mathilda Dahl, School Nurse, First Aid; I. D. Long, Supt. Bookbindery and Print Shop. MARIENHOEHE SEMINARY Darmstadt-Marienhoehe, Germany Established 1921 School Board: E. Gugel, Chairman, J. Braun, M. Busch, W. Hoffmann, G. Mai, G. Seng, W. Schick, A. Sachsenmeyer, A. W. Muller, 0. Sehuberth, P. Schwaderer; A. Posch, K. Kafitz. Local Board: Otto Schuberth, chairman; Paul Schwaderer, Heinz Schmidt, L. Westermann, M. Schrodl, K. Zeiss. Faculty: Otto Schuberth, Principal; Heinz Schmidt, Preceptor, Science; Paul Schwaderer, Sec. and Treas., Luise Westermann, Preceptress and Matron; W. Hoffmann, Bible; Hans Werner, History; Erich Vetter, German and Ancient Languages; Christine Zybach, German, Kindergarten methods; Siegfried Pacher, Commercial Department; Else Fritz, English; Arthur Windisch, Assistent in Ancient Languages; Miachael Schrodl, Printing; K. Zeiss, Agriculture; Paul Strumpf, Music; Hermann Teich, Assistent in Science; Maria Schmidt, Sewing; August Scherbl, Smith Shop; Friedrich Weigel, Woodwork; MARITIME ACADEMY Memramcook, New Brunswick Established 1904 Board of Management: F. W. Stray, Chairman; F. E. Crump, Sec.; W. A. White, Treas.; and the members of the Maritime Conference Committee. Administration: W. A. White, A. B., Principal, Business Manager and Preceptor; Ethyl SteeleWhite, A. B., Preceptress and Matron; Boy Longard, Farm Supt. W. A. White, A. B., grades 9 and 10 except Science and Language; Ethyl SteeleWhite, A. B., grades 9 and 10 Science and Language only; Mildred Mosher, grades 1-8. Faculty: • EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS MEIKTILA TRAINING SCHOOL Meiktila, Burma Established 1910 Anglo-Vernacular, Standards I-X (12th grade) Board of Managers: J. Phillips, Chairman; E. B. Hare, Mrs. A. J. Denoyer, J. 0. Wilson, Thra Paul, 0. A. Asprey, J. L. Christian. Faculty: J. L. Christian, Supt.; Saw U, Bible; Mrs. A. J. Denoyer, Matron, Health; Mrs. J. L. Christian, Music, English; Thara Paul, Mathematics; Ma Nyein Yin, Standard VII; Saya Freddie, Standards V, VI; Arthur, Standards III, IV, Bu Yin, Standards I, II; Ah Lone Shoke, Carpentry; Saya Po Yee, Weaving; May Din, Student Printing Instructor. MOUNTAIN VIEW UNION ACADEMY Mountain View, Calif. Established 1922 School Board: J. H. Cochran, Chairman: J. R. Ferren, Secretary; H. G. Childs, E. H. Adams, Mrs. A. L. Baker, E. F. Counter, C. N. Lake, 0. L. Brauer, W. P. Gilbert. Faculty: W. P. Gilbert, A. B., Principal, History; B. I. Rasmussen, A. B., Treasurer, Mathematics, Science; Marguerite B. Gilbert, A. B., Registrar, English; Esther L. Davis, A. B., Spanish, Sewing; E. L. Parrish, B. A., Bible, Woodwork; F. W. Steunenherg, B. A., Music; Mrs. Peace B. Pond, Basketry; Mrs. E. L. Parrish, Grade I; Mrs. Alice C. Tait, Grades 2, 3; Mrs. Frances C. Ragsdale, Grades 4, 5; Paul Meeth, Grades 6-8. 301 MOUNT ELLIS ACADEMY Bozeman, Montana Established 1901 Board of Managers: B. M. Grandy, Pres.; H. S. Hanson, Sec.; S. W. Munroe, J. W. Freeman, H. A. Green, T M Couch, A Floss, J. N. King, E. Wethern. Faculty: H. S. Hanson, Principal and Manager, Bible and English; P. E. Merkel, Science and History; Mrs. R. M. Milne, Preceptress and Upper .Grades; R. A. Jenkins, lower grades; Mrs. R. A. Jenkins, Matron, and Domestic Science; R. D. Young, Mathematics, Woodwork and Preceptor; Mrs. R. D. Young, Spanish; Mrs. Gladys Van Houten, Music. MOUNT VERNON ACADEMY Mount Vernon, Ohio Established 1893 Executive Board: C. V. Leach, A. •T. Olson, W. F. Schwartz, C. E. Welch, I. J. Gault, W. A. Nelson, F. H. Robbins, D. A. Rees, E. J. Stipeck, A. A. Cone, D. S. Teters. Officers of the Board: C. V. Leach, Pres.; R. W. Tatro, Treas.; A. .T. Olson, Sec.; E. J. Stipeck, Auditor. Local Board: C. V. Leach, Pres.; A. J. Olson, Sec.; I. J. Gault, A. E. King, R. W. Tatro, C. E. Welch, 0. S. Hershberger. Faculty: A. J. Olson, B. A., Principal, History; W. H. Shephard, B. A., Preceptor, Mathematics, Bookkeeping; Miss Roberta BridEeforth, B. A., Preceptress, English; R. R. Ashton, Farm Manager, Agriculture; F. 0. Rittenhouse, B. A., Spanish, American History, Business Law, Literature; E. M. Andross, B. A., Science, Mathematics, Educa- 302 EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS tion; R. W. Tatro, Business Manager, Treasurer, Accounting; Miss Iva Dell Kirk, Director of Music, Piano; H. K. Christman, B. A., Bible; Miss Twila Nixon, B. A., Registrar, Commercial; Mrs. R. H. McClary, Matron, Cooking, Hydrotherapy; L. J. Smith, Printing. NAERUM MISSION SCHOOL Nmrum, Denmark. (Nrerum Hojskole) Established 1908. (Not revised for current issue) Board of Managers: Danish Con ference Committee. Faculty: P. A. Christiansen, Principal, Mathematics; Miss Othilia Nielsen, Matron; A. Varmer, Bible; Vagn Rasmussen, History; Mrs. Ingeborg Hjartarson, Modern Languages; Miss Marie Schmidt, Arithmetic, Geography. NARASAPUR HIGH SCHOOL Narasapur, West Godavari, South India Address: S. D. A. Mission High School, Narasapur, West Godavari, South India. Faculty: C. A. Schutt, B. A., Principal; G. Isaiah, Ch. John, Mrs. C. A. Schutt, N. Aaron, Ch. Devasahayam, T. K. Rao. NASHVILLE JUNIOR ACADEMY 2011 Twenty-fourth Ave., North, Nashville, Tenn. Established 1918 Executive Board: Board. The Church Faculty: W. S. Andress, B. A., Principal; Mrs. Wilbur James, Grades 5-8; Miss Minnie Brown, Grades 1-4. NAVUSO INTERMEDIATE SCHOOL Wainibuka River, via Viria, Fiji Faculty: H. R. Steed, Principal; Mrs. H. R. Steed, Assistant. NEANDERTAL SEMINARY FOR MINISTERIAL AND MISSIONARY STUDENTS Organized 1921 Address: Prediger-und Missionsseminar Neandertal, Post Mettmann Rhld., Germany. (Phone, Mettmann 305.) Legal Address: Prediger-und Missionsseminar Neandertal, Mettmann (Rhld.), Germany. School Board: Hans Fenner, Chairman; Heinrich Erzberger, 'Wilhelm Althoff, Georg Diirolf, Otto Giebel, Wilhelm John, Willy Koch, Lorenz Lutz, C. A. Motzer, Wilhelm Peters, F. A. Prieser. Local Board: Heinrich Erzberger, Chairman; Richard Dangschat, K. T. Schmitz, August Pohl, Hermine Holthus, Fritz Brunotte. Faculty: Heinrich Erzberger, Principal, Bible, Missions; K. T. Schmitz, Preceptor, English; Richard Dangschat, Bible, Greek; Walter Eberhardt, German, History; C. F. Rust, Science, Mathematics; Otto Gmehling, Salesmanship, Latin; Hans Wilson, Music; Mrs. Louise Erzberger, French, Kindergarten, Teachers Training; Miss Martha Wickert, Domestic Science; Miss Hermine Holthus, Matron, Nurse Training, Cooking; Miss Hermine Lowack, Sewing. EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS NEW ZEALAND MISSIONARY SCHOOL Longbum, New Zealand Established 1907 Board: S. L. Patching, G. F. Wright, E. Rosendahl, H. E. Piper, C. S. Palmer, W. Richards, H. 7. Halliday. Faculty: E. Rosendahl, Principal; A. Judge, Miss G. Young, E. L. Minchin, C. V. Mil ward, Miss A. Stirling, H. W. Adrian. NORTH AGRA MISSION GIRLS' SCHOOL S. D. A. Mission, Hapax, U. P., India (Formerly in Lucknow) Established 1919 Anglo-Urdu High School, about 12th grade. Staff: Mrs. R. L. Kimble, principal; Miss West, and two Indian teachers. Industries: Health Food Making, Gardening. NORTH CHINA BIBLE SCHOOL Tsinan, Shantung, China Established 1920 • Board of Directors: G. J. Appel, W. J. Harris, L. H. Davies, A. A. Esteb, H. N. Brodersen, C. B. Green, Kung Chiao Chun, Shen Chien P'an, Wang Hsi Yuen, Goh Chiao Liang, Keng Fu Kwang, Meng Chung Ih, H. Y. Tsou. Local Board: L. H. Davies, Mrs. L. H. Davies, Goh Chiao Liang, W. J. Harris, Miss Yen Su Pin, Chao Wen Li, Educational Secretary, Local Evangelist. Faculty: Koh Chiao Liang, Principal; L. H. Davies, Business Mananger; Chen Yo Ming, Precep- 303. tor; Miss Yen Shu Pin, Preceptress; Mrs. W. J. Harris, Cho Ching Mei, Mr. Ch'u, Mrs. Ch'u, Wang Teh Chuen. NORTHEAST INDIA UNiON TRAINING SCHOOL Baragain, Ranchi, Behar and Orissa, India Established 1917. Faculty: L. G. MOokerjee, Principal; assisted by C. A. Larsen, Mrs. L. G. Mookerjee, P. D. Kujur, J. Hembrom, Nathaniel Das. NORTHERN LUZON ACADEMY Artacho, Sison, Pangasinan, Philippine Islands Established 1924 Board of Management: The Executive Committee of the Northern Luzon Mission. Faculty: Quintin •Cabansag, Principal; Andrea Cadiz. NORWAY S. D. A. MISSION SCHOOL (Onsrud Misjonsskole) Algarheim, Norway Established 1922 Board of Managers: T. Tobiassen, G. E. Nord. Herbert Hanson, C. M. Scott, Erik Arnesen. Faculty: Herbert Hanson, Principal, Mathematics, Physics, English; Erik Arnesen, Bible; Olaf Wiik, Norwegian, Science, History; Miss Gudrun Nilsen, Arithmetic, Geography, German; Miss Valborg Johansen, Matron; Mrs. Della' Hanson, Music; Herbert Hanson, Farm Supt. 304 EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS NORTHWEST INDIA UNION TRAINING SCHOOL The Retreat, Roorkee, India Established 1920 (For Indian workers — Urdu — with which has been incorporated the boys' school formerly at Hapur.) Grades 1-12 including Theological and Normal Training in Urdu and English. • Faculty: J. M. Steeves, B. A., Principal; E. W. Pohlman, Mrs. E. W. Pohlman, and four Indian teachers. OAK PARK ACADEMY Nevada, Iowa Established 1911 Board: C. F. McVagh, Pres.; Paul Ford, Sec.; T. C. Nethery, T. H. Jeys, G. A. Nystrom, J. C. Nixon, W. C. Foreman, J. L. Neal, A. E. Axelsen. Faculty: Paul Ford, A. B., Principal, Mathematics; A. E. Axelsen, M. A., Bible; M. S. Culver, A. B., Preceptor, History; Fae Cowin, A. B., Preceptress, English; Adolphus Parker, A. B., Spanish, Science ; Mrs. M. S. Culver, Music; Mildred Johnson, Accountant, Commercial; Mrs. Frederica Anderson, Matron; H. C. Anderson, Farm Manager. OAKWOOD JUNIOR COLLEGE (For Colored) Huntsville, Ala. Established 1895 Board of Managers: N. S. Ashton, Chairman, W. H. Heckman, ViceChairman, J. A. Tucker, Sec., C. W. Irwin, M. B. VanKirk, F. R. Isaac, W. S. James, E. A. Pohle, H. J. Miller, A. B. Rus- sell, B. F. Kneeland, L. H. Bland, M. C. Strachan, Burton Castle, J. G. Thomas, L. D. Randall, Anna Knight. Administration: J. A. Tucker, Pres.; L.D.Randall, Treas.; L. 0. Irons, Office Asst.; Celestine E. Reid, Registrar; L. S. Follette, Preceptor; Julia Baugh, Preceptress; Mrs. E. I. Cunningham, Matron. Faculty: J. A. Tucker, Pres.; I. V. Counsell, Bible, Pastoral Training; Mrs. R. D. Musselman, Normal Director; L. D. Randall, Commercial; Leo Thiel, Librarian, English ; C. L. Dortch, Manual Training; Julia F. Baugh, Methods; A. N. Atteberry, Hist.; Alyce Frazier-Follette, Domestic Science; R. A. Jorgensen, Science and Mathematics; 0. B. Edwards, Music; Mrs. A. N. Atteberry, Sewing. Preparatory Department: Mrs. R. D. Musselman, Prin.; Mrs. Jennie Stratton-Dobbins, Critic Teacher, Grades 7-8; Corine Bass, critic. Teacher, Grades 1-6. Industrial: J. A. Tucker, Director; L. D. Randall, Transportation and Store; A. N. Atteberry, Dairy and Poultry; J. M. Swofford, Farm; A. W. Kimbrough, Garden, Campus, Cannery; C. L. Dortch, Planing Mill, Building, Heat, Light, Water; H. D. Dobbins, Assistant; Mrs. W. H. Green, Sanitarium ; R. A. Jorgensen, Printing; Mrs. E. I. Cunningham, Boarding Department, Laundry; J. M. Swofford, Shop. OSHAWA MISSIONARY COLLEGE Oshawa, Ontario Established 1912; Incorporated Dec. 20, 1920 Board of Trustees: W. C. Moffett, Chairman; C. IV. Degeting, Sec- EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS retary; M. V. Campbell, F. W. Stray, W. IL Howard, H. N. Williams, H. H. Rans, L. F. Passebois, R. Carlill, W. E. Perrin. Faculty: C. W. Degering, A. B., President; Theresa Brickman, A. B., Sec and Treas., Commerce; H. F. Lease, A. B., Dean of Men, Science, Mathematics; Louise Dedeker, A. B., Dean of Women, Nurse; L. H. Hartin, A. B., Bible; H. T. Terry, A. B., History; Bertha Wolfe-Terry, A. B., English, Registrar; Mildred Granbois, A. B., French; Francis M. Kennedy, Asst. Mathematics; Daisy Dingwall, A. T. C. M., Music; Abbie Culbert, Grades 7 and 8;. Alice HogueLease, Elementary; Mrs. Alex Vickers, Matron; L. E. Rafferty, Factory Superintendent; Harold Lofthouse, Farm Supt. PACIFIC UNION COLLEGE • Angwin, Napa Co., Calif. Established 1909 Board of Trustees, Pacific Union College Association: J. E. Fulton, Pres.; 'W. E. Nelson, VicePres. and Sec.; L. W. Cobb, Treas.; G. A. Roberts, P. E. Brodersen, R. S. Fries, W. M. Adams, W. C. White, B. M. Emerson, M. W. Newton, G. A. Calkins, T. L. Oswald, W. E. Atkin, H. W. Vollmer, H. G. Lucas. Local Board of Management: W. E. Nelson, Chairman; L. W. Cobb, Sec.; M. W. Newton, W. B. Taylor, R. A. Mortensen, B. P. Hoffman, M. C. Lysinger. Faculty: W. E. Nelson, B. S., President; B. P. Hoffman, A. B., Bible Exegesis and Missions; E. H. Emmerson, A. B., Bible Exegesis, Homiletics, Public Speaking; M.W. Newton, M. S., Higher Mathematics and Astronomy; N. E. Paulin, Director of Music, 305 Violin, Orchestra, Theory; J. M. Peterson, Ph. D., English Language and Literature; R. A. Mortensen, A. B., M. S., Physics and Chemistry, leave of absence 1930-31; W. B. Taylor, B. S., Carpentry and Cabinet Making; H. W. Clark, B. S., Biological Science; W. H. Teesdale, M. A., History; G. F. Wolf kill, M. A., Secondary Education, leave of absence 1930-31; Mary C. McReynolds, A. B., M. D., Medical Evangelism; Dorothy E. White, M. A., Normal Director, Principal of Training School, Education and Normal Methods; Alma J. Graf, A. B., Dean of Women, School Homes Administration; G. W. Greer, Voice and Chorus; Gilmour McDonald, A. B., Piano; Anna J. Olson, A. B., Registrar, Psychology; Mrs. Jessie E. Paap, Art; Mrs. Lucy E. Whitney, A. B., Greek and Spanish; G. H. Jeys, Printing; 0. C. Baldwin, A. B., Agriculture; Edna L. Walker, A. B., Home Economics; Marjorie Chapman, A. B., Assistant in Home Economics; H. D. Wheeler, A. B., Accountancy and Commerce; Lois Christian, A. B., Librarian, Assistant in English, leave of absence, 193031; Lydia Kime-Wolfkill, M. A., Assistant in Education, leave of absence, 1930-31; Mrs. H. E. Osborne, A. B., Education; Elsie Caylor, Shorthand and Typing; C. R. Baldwin, A. B., Dean of Men, Assistant in History; Delmer Brown, A. B.., Assistant in Physics and Chemistry; Harold Shryock, A. B., Assistant in Chemistry; J. P. Fentzling, A. B., Assistant in English; Hope H. Hayton, A. B., French, Assistant in English; S. Ellen Rinse, A. B., Assistant Normal Directbr, Education; Irene Walker, Primary Room Critic Teacher; Alice Neilsen, A. B., Gran- mar Room Critic Teacher; Marjorie Anderson, Pipe Organ. 306 EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS PEIPING JUNIOR MIDDLE SCHOOL 6a Ta Fang Chia Hutung, Peiping, Hopei, China PHILIPPINE JUNIOR COLLEGE 239-25I Luna St., Pasay, Rizal, Philippine Islands Postal Address: Box 1772, Manila, Philippine Islands Please address mail to post office box. . Established 1917 Board of Directors: E. M. Adams, Acting President; W. B. Ammundsen, Secretary; I. II. Evans, L. 0. Pattison, H. P. Evens, R. R. Figuhr, J. 0. Afenir, E. A. Moon, M. F. Wiedemann. Administration: W. B. Ammundsen, Manager, Treasurer; Tomas A. Pilar, Preceptor;; Agueda Soria, Preceptress, Matron; Mrs. 0. A. Blake, Registrar; Mrs. C. E. Thurston, Librarian. Faculty: W. B. Ammundsen, President, Denominational Endeavor; Mrs. W. B:. Ammundsen, Normal Director, Normal Subjects; Mrs. E. M. Adams, Physiology, Nursing; C. E. Thurston, Science, Drafting; Mrs. C. E. Thurston, Vocal Music; Mrs. R. R. Figuhr, English, U. S. History; Mrs. Florence Thurston, Bible; E. N. Lugenbeal, Bible, History; Mrs. E. N. Lugenbeal, Music Director, Piano; T. A: Pilar, Old Testament History; Roman Senson, Bible, History; Mrs. W. J. Blake, English; 0. A. Blake, Commercial Subjects, Orchestra; Mrs. 0. A. Blake, Shorthand, Typewriting; Mrs. R. Senson, Domestic Science; J. L. Cummins, Education, Spanish, Arithmetic; J. Flavier, Science. Intermediate: Rogaciano Imperio. Primary: Josefa Villanueva, Mrs. Canuto Trinidad. Industrial Department: W. B. Ammundsen, Superintendent; Mrs. E. M. Adams, Sewing; C. E. Thurston, Carpentry; E. N. Lugenbeal, Gardening; Mrs. R. Senson, Laundry. PINE TREE ACADEMY Auburn, Me. Phone, 1396M Established 1921 School Board: F. D. Wells, Chairman; K. A. Wright, Secretary; D. H. Hanson, Joseph Capman, W. E. Tatro, C. H. Gerald, V. H. Hanscom, H. P. Gram, Gwynne Dalrymple. Faculty: K. A. Wright, B. A., Principal and Manager, Bible; K. F. Arabs, Jr., B. A., Preceptor, Manuel Training, History; Miss Lucile Raskin, B. R. E., Preceptress, French; C. H. Gerald, Treasurer, Bookkeeping, Old Testament History; Miss Merle Sinoway, B. A., M. A., Mathematics, English; Miss Thelma Fretz, Music, Typewriting; A. B. ]3urdick, Printing; Mrs. A. B. Burdick, Registrar; F. M. Barrows, Farm Superintendent; Mrs. F. M. Barrows, Matron; MrS. C. H. Gerald, Sewing. PLAINVIEW ACADEMY Redfield, S. Dak. Established 1902 School Board: Gordon Oss, Chairman; H. C. Hartman, Secretary; J. H. Nies, C. M. Babcock, C. D. Hein, J. R. Staton, J. M. Christensen, G. G. Hagele, Peter Beer, Dr. R. A. Crawford. Faculty: H. C. Hartman, B. A., Principal, Manager, German; A. G. Youngberg, B. A., Bible; Bonnie Velhagen, - B. A., Librarian, Latin and English; Alfred Watt, B. A., Printing, Science and EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS Mathematics; Marybelle Huffman, B. A., Preceptress, Cooking, English; E. K. Vande Vere, B. A., Preceptor, History; Edna Simon, B. A., Accountant, Commercial; W. H. Hohensee, Manuel Training; Margarette HayesVande Vere, Piano; Elsie LongWatt, Chorus, Voice; Lydia Eg-' ger, Matron; C. A. Betts, Farm Superintendent. POLISH UNION MISSION SCHOOL Kamienica Nr. 230, Na Slask, Poland Established 1926 Board: John Isaac, Chairman; William Lay, Secretary; Th. Will, R. J. Cunitz, H. L. Rudy, St. Kapusta, P. Englert, Dr. A. Kube. Faculty: William Lay, Principal, Business Mgr., General History, Science; Mrs. Mae Lay, English; A. Maszczak, Polish Bible, History, Language; A. Wiesolaw, Mathematics, Geography; Miss L. Schofer, German Language. PUNJABI S. D. A. MISSION BOYS' SCHOOL Address: Chuharkana, N. W. Ry., Punjab, India. Anglo-Urdu Middle School, about 10th grade. Principal: E. R. Streeter, Mrs. E. R. Streeter and five Punjabi teachers. Industries: Weaving and Farming. PUNJABI S. D. A. MISSION GIRLS' SCHOOL Chichoki Mallian, Dist. Sheikhupura, India Anglo-Urdu Middle School, about 8th grade. 307 Principal: Mrs. 0. 0. Mattison. Industry: Gardening. RIVER PLATE JUNIOR COLLEGE (Colegio Adventists del Plata) Established 1898 Postal Address: Puiggari, F. C. E., Entre Rios, Argentina, South America. Board of Directors: N. Z. Town, Pres.; P. C. Beskow, Sec. and Treas.; J. S. Marshall, C. E. Krieghoff, Walter Schubert, Dr. C. E. Westphal, J. H. Meier, W. A. Ernenputsch, P. M. Brouchy, II. C. Brown. Executive Committee: J. S. Marshall, Chairman; P. C. Beskow, Sec.; Dr. C. E. Westphal, H. C. Brown. Faculty: J. S. Marshall, Pres., Psycology, History; Edgar Brooks, Bible, Pastoral Training; P. C. Beskow, Business Manager, Commercial; B. F. Perez, Dean of Men; Old Testament History; Elvira Peverini, Dean of Women; New Testament. History; E. I, Mohr, Science, Mathematics; Marian B. Marshall, Normal Director, Registrar; S. A. Alberro, Spanish; Esther P. de Alberro, Spanish Literature; Mrs. Ruth Brown, Music; F. J. Hebenstreit, German, Violin; G. .E.' Ernst, Sight Singing; A. E. Ernst, General History, Mathematics; Maria Schimpf, Matron, Geography; Mrs. Dora Brooks, English; Mrs. Julia Cain's, Sewing; Mrs. Edith Ernst, grades 7 and 8; Sara. Vazquez, grade 6; Silvia Rettori, grades 4 and 5; Adela Dupertuis, grades 1-3; C. F. Schmidt, Carpentry; Amadeo Yones, Agriculture • P. H. Smith, Bakery, Cooking; Andres Tabu- 308 EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS enca, Gardening; E. Buermann, Tailoring; Camilo Testoni, Mason. ROGUE RIVER JUNIOR ACADEMY Route 1, Box 39-X, Medford, Oreg. SANTALI-HINDI GIRLS' SCHOOL S. D. A. Mission, Earmatar, E. I. Ry., India. Established 1915. In charge of Mrs. R. J. Borrowdale, assisted by three Indian teachers. Established 1926 Managing 'Board: T. M. I..angberg, Chairman; F. H. Parrish, Secretary; J. R Meehan, T. L. Theumler, J. S. VanDorfy, W. H. Bunch, W. L. Davis, Mrs. T. B. Westbrook, Dr. R. I. Hall, W. S. Holbrook, R. R. Syphers. Faculty: F. H. Parrish, Principal; Mrs. Harriet M. Parrish, Miss Esther Miller, Miss Wilma Ross, J. B. Meehan, Mrs. J. B. Meehan. RUMANIAN UNION TRAINING INSTITUTE ("Institutul Biblic") Established 1924 Str. Viilor, Diciosanmartin, Transylvania, Rumania Board of Managers: D. N. Wall, P. J. Gaede, St. Demetrescu, 0. Fa.snacht, P. Paunescu, T. H. Hermann, H. Bauer, C. Popescu, D. Faurescu, G. Staneseu, St. Kelemen, C. Florescu. Faculty: P. J. Gaede, A. B., Director; Dumitru Florea, Bible; Victor Diaconescu, Language; Victor Truppel, Hungarian Dept.; Mihai Manea, History, German; Gheorghe StFinicil, Treasurer, French; J. J. Stitz, Commercial Science; Mrs. Katherine Albuleseu, Matron, Cooking; Mrs. Elsa Stitz, Piano; Gheorghe Gherase, Preceptor, Special classes; Miss Aurelia Munteanu, Preceptress, Sewing; Miss Katy Wellmann, School Nurse. SEMINAIRE ADVENTISTE DU CONGO Established 1929 Box 25o, Elizabethville, Belgian Congo, Central Africa Director: W. R. Vail; assisted by two native teachers. SEMINAIRE ADVENTISTE DU SALEVE Collonges sous Saleve, (Haute Savoie), France. Established in present location, 1921 Board of Management: A. V. Olson, Chairman; H. Evard, Dr. es-sc., Sec.; all other members of the Southern European Division Committee, A. Vaucher, the Educational secretaries of the S wiss and Franco-Belgian Unions, the Presidents of the South France, French-Swiss, and German-Swiss Conferences. Faculty: H. Evard, Dr. es-sc., Principal; P. Tissot, Manager; A. Vaucher, Bible and History; J. C. Guenin, Bible; J. H. 'Weidner, Greek, Flemish; H. Evard, Science; P. Douay, Preceptor; Miss D. Guyot, French for foreigners; Miss Lydie Augsbourger, French; Miss L. Eppner, Commerce; Miss Anna Clerc, Preceptress, Matron; W. I. Owen, Piano, Voice, Chorus; F. Pieringer, German Dept.; F. Zupan66, Serbian Dept.; Miss Vener- EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS ella, Italian Dept.; H. Abenia, Spanish Dept.; Roger Guenin, Mathematics; L. Vez, Agriculture; E. Drumm, Sewing, Dressmaking. SHANGHAI TRAINING SCHOOL FOR NURSES 150 Rubicon Road, Shanghai, China Established 1918 Postal Address: Box 1281, Shanghai, China. Board of Directors: The same as for the Shanghai Sanitarium. Faculty: Shanghai Sanitarium Staff. 809 MacNeill, W. B. Mohr,. H. A. Morrison, H. H. Hamilton, L. W. Graham, E. C. Atkinson, J. P. Neff, R. D. Hottel, C. H. Dougherty. Faculty: W. C. Hannah, Principal, Manager, History; J. H. Smith, Bible, Woodwork, Farm Manager; V. H. Campbell, Preceptor, Mathematics, Science; Miss Rachel Christman, Preceptress, New Testament, General History; Beatrice Holquist, Matron, School Nurse, Domestic Science; E. H. Craig, Asst. Preceptor, Bookkeeping; Miss Marie Bayley, English, Spanish; .Mrs. V. H. Campbell, Latin; Mrs. E. H. Craig, Music Department, Librarian; .Miss Nellie Hubbard; Elementary Dept.; Mrs. W. C. Hannah, Accountant. SHELTON ACADEMY Shelton, Nebr. SHEYENNE RIVER ACADEMY Established 1919 Board of Managers: S. G. Haughey, B. C. Marshall, E. D. Kirk, R. E. Hay, C. W. Marsh, R. T. Baer, A. F. Kirk, J. A. Deapen, G. E. Hutches. Faculty: E. D. Kirk, Principal, Bookkeeping; H. J. Welch, Bible; L. M. Cowin, Preceptor, Science; Grace Buck, Preceptress, Spanish; T. I. Durm, Accountant, History; Mrs. T. I. Durm, Music; E. Margie Knudson, English; V. E. Bascom, Farm Manager; Essie Barber, Matron. Harvey, N. Dak. SHENANDOAH VALLEY ACADEMY New Market, Va. Established 1906 Board of Trustees: W. P. Elliott, Pres; W. C. Hannah, Sec.; J. W. Established 1903 Board of Managers: H. J. Meyer, Pres.; R. R. Neuman, Sec.; W. I. Montanye, J. C. Michalenko., P. E. Berthelsen, B. A. Scherr, E. A. Piper, Jacob Wagner, M. Miller, Harry Wentland. Faculty: R. R. Newman, A. B., M. A., Principal and Manager, German; P. E. Berthelsen, M. A., Bible; G. S. Livingston, A. B.; Social Science, Manual Training; G. J. Lang, A. B., Mathematics, Science, German; J. C. Michalenko, A. B., Russian, Bible; Kathrine E. Beck, A. B., Accountant, Commercial Department, Sewing; Elvera Petersen, A. B., Th. B., Preceptress, English; Vesta B. Rubendall, Piano, Voice; E. B. Hiestand, Preceptor; Mrs. D. F. Prior, Matron; George Brand, Farm Superintendent. 110 EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS SIERRA LEONE TRAINING SCHOOL S. D. A. Mission, Waterloo, Sierra Leone, West Africa Established 1930 Principal: E. Berglund. SINGHALESE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Kottawa, Pannipittiya, Ceylon Established 1923 Faculty: A. F. Jessen, Principal; Miss Goonetilleke, Matron; Y. 0. Pragasam, Preceptor; Mrs. A. F. Jessen, Miss Alice Jayasiindra. SOLUSI TRAINING SCHOOL Solusi Mission, Bulawayo, Southern Rhodesia, Africa Established 1894 School Board: Union Executive Committee, R. M. Mote, Isaac Xiba. Faculty: W. B. Higgins, Director, Principal and Business Manager; R. M. Mote, Normal Director; Mrs. W. B. Higgins, Mrs. R. M. Mote, Mrs. F. B. Jewell, assisted by 6 natives. SOMABULA INDIAN BOYS' SCHOOL Box 155, Suva, Fiji Principal: G. M. Masters. SOMABULA INDIAN GIRLS' SCHOOL Box 155, Suva, Fiji Head Mistress: Mrs. N. C. Burns. SOUTH CHEKIANG JUNIOR MIDDLE SCHOOL Organized 1920 Postal Address: Wenchow, Chekiang, China. Board: The Executive Committee of the South Chekiang Mission. Faculty: Chen Yu Shih, Principal; Alfred Fossey, Acting Principal and Business Manager; Chiang Hsiang, Whang Bu-tang, Mrs. Benj. F. Gregory, Dju Fu, Chen Jh-f a, Wen Shung. SOUTH INDIA TRAINING SCHOOL Krishnarajapuram (near Bangalore), Mysore State, South India Established 1915 Board Members: H. Christensen, L. B. Losey, J. C. H. Collett, E. D. Thomas, N. B. Nielsen. Faculty; L. B. Losey, A. B., Prin- cipal and Bus. Mgr.; E. D. Thomas, Asst. Principal; J. C. H. Collett, B. A.; Mrs. J. C. H. Collett, Mrs. E. D. Thomas. Other Workers: L. D. Benjamin, 0. Vethamoney. SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA JUNIOR COLLEGE Arlington, California Established 1922 Board of Managers: P. E. Broder- sen, Chairman; E. E. Cossentine, Secretary; J. E. Fulton, B. M. Emerson, H. B. Thomas, Doctor Claude Steen, Dr. Sydney Smith, J. A. Burden, G. A. Calkins, Hans Von Hofgaarden, W. L. Avery, I. A. Ford, 0. E. Mann, W. C. Raley, A. R. Smith, H. G. Lucas. EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS Administration: E. E. Cossentine, President and Manager; A. R. Smith, Assistant Manager and Treasurer; A. P. Hanson, Jr., Dean of Men; Mrs. Frederic T. Oakes, Dean of Women; Margaret Van Atta, Matron; Mrs. W. E. Clark, Accountant. Faculty: E. E. Cossentine, Pres. and Manager, Bible; A. R. Smith, Assistant Mgr. and Treas.; K. M. Adams, Associate Bible; C. D. Striplin, Associate Bible, Spanish; K. J. Reynolds, History; Mrs. Frederic T. Oakes, Dean of Women; Maybel Jensen, Normal Director; Lilah 0. Godfrey, Science, Mathematics; Lester Cushman, Assistant Science, Mathematics; Pauline Sturges, English; Fedalma Ragon, Asst. English; Alfred P. Hanson, Jr., Dean of Men; Minnie Belle Scott, Registrar; Florence Voth, Piano; Helen Galbraith, Asst. Piano; Ruth Haystad, Voice; Mrs. L. W. Simkin, Assistant Voice; William Beisel, Violin; Anna Paulson, School Nurse; Mrs. Crystal Duce, Sewing; Margaret Van Atta, Matron, Household Economics; Howard Miller, Woodworking; L. W. Simkin, Printing; W. H. Nash, Sheet Metal; Mrs. W. H. Nash, Basketry; Caroline Hopkins, Commercial; Beryl Cross, Art; G. E. Stearns, Farm Manager. SOUTHERN JUNIOR COLLEGE Collegedale, Tenn. Established 1896 at Graysville, Tenn., as the Southern Training School; removed to Ooltewah, Tenn., in 1916. Board of Managers: W. H. Heckman; Pres.; N. S. Ashton, VicePres.; H. J. Klooster, Sec.: Burton Castle, C. L. Butterfield, R.I. Keate, F. H. DeVinney, A. S. Booth, W. S. James, H. E. 311 Lysinger, B. F. Kneeland, L. L. Andrews, M. F. Knox, A. B. Russell, R. G. Ortner, G. N. Fuller. Faculty: H. J. Klooster, President and Manager; B. H. Shaw, Dean of Theological Department; J. H. Behrens, Bible; F. W. Field, New Testament Greek; D. C. Ludington, Industrial Arts; J. C. Haussler, History; Maude I. Jones, English Language, Literature, Latin; W. B. Clark, Dean of Men, Printing; R. W. Woods, Physics and Mathematics; H. J. Klooster, Chemistry and Biology; Lorena Wilcox, Dean of Women; Pearl L. Hall, Spanish and French; Ellen Vogel, English, Household Economics; D. R. Edwards, Director of Music, Violin; Mrs. J. C. Haussler, Piano; Edith Stephenson, Voice; Margaret E. Nickel, Asst. in Normal Train.; E. R. Swain, Woodwork, Carpentry; Mrs. Mabel N. Behrens, Director Normal Department; Ruth Rittenhouse, Senior Instructor of Model School; Myrtle V. Maxwell, Junior Instructor of Model School;' 0. N. Fuller, Accountant; H. M. Vixie, Commerce; W. E. Zimmerman, Asst. Commerce; Mrs. D. R. Edwards, College Nurse. Industrial Faculty: Lorena Wilcox, Matron; C. E. Ledford, Agriculture; W. C. Starkey, Printing: J. T. Whittaker, Bakery; Fred Cothren, Manager of College Store; Mrs. J. L. Clark, Laundry; E. R. Swain, Woodwork; Paul Mouchon, Engineer. SOUTHWESTERN JUNIOR COLLEGE 1eene, Texas Established 1894 Board of Management: M. B. Van Kirk, Chairman; Chester E. 312 EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS Kellogg, Secretary; R. P. Montgomery, E. A. von Pohle; G. F. Eichman, W. H. Clark, E. H. Abbott, R. L. Benton, F. L. Perry, A. F. Harrison, C. H. Castle, C. N. Woodward, E. T. Wilson, J. 0. Hanson, L. N. Carter. Executive Committee of - Board: M. B. Van Kirk, E. A. von Pohle, W. H. Clark, C. N. Woodward, C. E. Kellogg. Faculty: C. E. Kellogg, A. B., President; E. D. Ryden, B. R. E., Dean of Men; Mrs. F. B. Moran, Dean of Women; H. S. Miller, Bible; J. L. Thompson, B. S. (on leave of absence), Science and Mathematics; S. W. Dake, B. A., Assistant in Mathematics and Science; A. E. Hall, A. B., M. A., History; Letha Taylor, A. B., English; R. L. Carr, Commerce; Mrs. A. M. Woodall, Assistant in Commerce; Mrs. D. Y. McConnell, B. S., A. B., Education; Blanche Gilbert, A. B., Spanish; Ruth V. Foote, B. S., Home Economics; C. N. Woodward, Printing; A. L. Toews, A. B., Mechanical Arts; C. W. Dortch, Voice and Chorus; Mrs. E. D. Ryden, Piano; Maymie L. Harper, R. N., Nurse; Ella Johnson, A. B., Librarian; Mrs. Flora Moyers, Critic Teacher, Grades 7 and 8; Mrs. George A. Taylor, Critic Teacher, Grades 4, 5, 6; Mary Woodward, Critic Teacher, Grades 1-3. Industrial Administration: C. E. Kellogg, Pres. and Mgr.; J. 0. Hanson. Treas.; Ella Johnson, Registrar; E. D. Ryden, Dean of Men ; Mrs. F. B. Moran, Dean of Women; Mrs. Marie Becker, Matron; C. N. Woodward, Bag Factory; W. J. Pettey, Broom Making; S. C. Ortnel-, Printing; A. L. Crutcher, Planing Mill ; Mrs. Avy Phillips, Laundry; A. M. Woodall, Pure Food Factory; W. F. Alexander, Farm. SPION KOP MISSIONARY INSTITUTION Private Bag, Ladysmith, Natal, South Africa Board of Managers: N. C. Wilson, Chairman; F. E. Thompson, E. D. Hanson, A. F. Tarr, J. R. Campbell, E. M. Howard, A. 1'. Tarr, R. C. Sharman, R. A. Buckley. Faculty: F. E. Thompson, Principal; R. E. Ansley, Wm. Hodgson, Mrs. F. E. Thompson, Mrs. R. E. Ansley, Mrs. Wm. Hodgson, Miss Grace Burton, M. D. Kalaka, Florida Mdliva. STANBOROUGH COLLEGE Stanborough Park, Watford, Herts, England Established 1902 Board of Directors: W. H. Meredith, W. Murdoch, A. Carey, A. S. Maxwell, H. Osborne, J. Harker, 0. M. Dorland, W. E. Read, L. F. Oswald, W. T. Bartlett, S. McClements. Executive Committee of Board of Directors: W. H. Meredith, W. Murdoch, A. Carey, J. Harker, A. S. Maxwell. Administrative Staff: W. G. Murdoch, Principal; A. Carey, Bus. Mgr.; A. H. Thompson, Treas.; E. A. Heppenstall, Preceptor; Dr. S. W. McClements, College Physician; MTS. M. Bartlett, Preceptress and Matron. Faculty: W. G. Murdoch, B. A., History and Greek; G. Keough, Bible Exegesis, Homiletics; Elsie R. Binns, M. A., English, Modern Languages; Doris A.McClements, B. Sc., Science, Mathematics; E. A. Heppenstall, English; A. H. Thompson, A. B. T. Bookkeep- EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS ing; Elsie M. Argent, F. C. T. S., Shorthand, Typewriting; S. W. McClements, M. R. C. S., L. R. C. P., Physiology, Home Nursing; Kate M. Hargreaes, Music; Ernest Ashton, Carpentry. 313 SUTHERLIN JUNIOR ACADEMY Sutherlin, Oregon Established 1926 TEHUANTEPEC TRAINING SCHOOL 6a. Juarez Num. 124, Puerto Mexico, Veracruz, Mexico (Not revised for current issue) Board of Managers: Advisory Committee of Tehuantepec Mission. Faculty: R. H. Aguilar, Principal; Mrs. R. H. Aguilar, Miss Casilda Hernandez. Managing Board: 0. C. Luchterhand, Chairman; E. R. Holm, Sec. and Treas.; Roy Covert; Mrs. F. L. Brown, Clerk. Faculty: G. E. Mosier, Principal, Grades 9-10; Verna Mae Cana. day-Mosier, Grades 3-8. TELUGU MISSION HIGH SCHOOL Narasapur, West Godavari, South India (Not revised for current issue) SWEDISH MISSIONARY SCHOOL Nyhyttan, jarnboas, Sweden Established 1898; reorganized 1908 Faculty: E. R. Colson, Principal, History, Greek; A. Blomstedt, Bible; Mrs. A. Blomstedt, Music; Mrs. Maria Vogel, Mathematics, Geography, Physiology; Holger Lindsjo, Preceptor, History, English, Science; Clara Anderson, Preceptress; Ingrid Albiner, Swedish, German. TAMIL HIGH SCHOOL Prakasapuram, Nazareth P. 0., Tinnevelly District, S. India Principal: E. D. Willmott. Faculty: E. D. Willmott, Mrs. E. D. Willmott, G. Gurubatham, M. Pakkianathan, A. Yesudian, Miss. S. Rebecca Samuel, D. Paul, Mrs. G. Roberts, Miss T. Gnanappu, Principal: C. A. Schutt, B. A. High School Teachers: V. Amos, G. Isaiah, Ch. John, C. A. Schutt. Grade School Teachers: M. Prakassam, M. P. Daniel, Ch. Devasahayam, Kotta Joseph, T. Prakassam, K. P. Samuel. TJIMINDI TRAINING SCHOOL Established 1929 Address: Opleidingsschool der Advent-lending, Tjimindi, Bandoeng, Java, Netherlands East Indies. School Board: B. Ohme, Chairman, L. M. D. Wortman, P. Drinhaus, A. H. Zimmermann, H. Eelsiug (on furlough), D. S. Kime (on furlough), I. C..Schmidt, W. J. Kolling, F. Dittmar, H. Twynstra, H. E. R. Schell, Tan Kiem Siang, Th. Rondonuwu. Local Board: B. Ohme, L. M. D. Wortman, K. Mandias. Faculty: Dutch Department: L. M. D. Wortman. Malay Department: K. Mandias. 314 EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS TITICACA TRAINING SCHOOL (Colegio Adventista del Titicaca) Established 1922 Cable and Telegraphic Address: "Colegio," Juliaca, Postal Address: Casilla 4, Juliaca, Per9, South America. UNION COLLEGE College View Station Lincoln, Nebr. Established 1891 Board of Managers: The presidents of the following conferences: Central Union: Nebraska, Missouri, Kansas, Inter-Mountain, Colorado, and Wyoming Mission; Northern Union: Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota, Iowa; Southwestern Union: Oklahoma, Arkansas, North Texas, South Texas, and Texico; the educational secretaries of the Central, Northern, and Southwestern Unions; the treasurers of the Northern, Central and Southwestern Union Conferences; president of Union College; H. L. Keene, H. U. Stevens, G. C. Jorgensen, James Oss. Executive Committee: J. J. Nethery, Pres.; P. L. Thompson, Sec.; C. W. Marsh, Charles Thompson, M. B. Van Kirk, R. T. Emery, I. G. Ortner, H. L. Keene, James Oss, S. G. Haughey. Administration • Committee: P. L. Thompson, A. B., President; W. M. Landeen, A. B., Executive Dean; James Oss, A. B., Business Manager; H. L. Keene, Treas.; R. E. Nelson, A. B., Dean of Men; Pearl L. Rees, Dean of Women; Mrs. Minnie Cook, Matron; Ruby Lea, A. B., Registrar. Faculty: P. L. Thompson, A. B., Pres.; B. L. House, A. B., Th. B., Bible, Homiletics; H. U. Stevens, B. S., M. S., Bible, Church History; W. M. Landeen, A. B., History, Government; Daniel Walther, Lie.-es-Lettres, History; E. N. Dick, Ph. D., History; R. E. Nelson, A. B., Histciry and Government; T. A. Little, M. A., English Language, Literature; Irene Couch, M. A., Director of Normal Department, Education; G. C. Jorgensen, M. A., Chemistry, Biology; Marvin Knoll, B. A., Chemistry, Biology; Lulu Blanche Hiatt, M. A., Romance Languages and Literature; Arthur Banhardt, B. A., German, French; H. K. Schilling, M. A., Physics, Mathematics; C. R. Bruns, Economics, Commerce; Minnie Olson, A. B., Home Economics; E. B.. Ogden, M. A., Mathematics, Physical Education; Grace EvansStevens, M. A., Normal Methods; D. G. Hilts, M. A., Public Speaking, Library Science, English; Ivamae Small-Hilts, A. B., Expression; Stanley Ledington, B. Mus., Director of Music, Theory; Gwendolyn L. Hayden, B. M., Violin; Sterling Gernet, Piano; Esther Lorntz-Ledington, Voice; Myrtle Reinmuth, Martha Doris MacElvaine, B. A., Mrs. Louis Ferguson, A. B., Teachers in Model School. Heads of Industrial Departments and Instructors in Vocational Work: A. G. Ortner, A. B., Carpentry, Woodwork; Eugene Stout, Farm; Fred Sofsky, Engineer; Wm. Kirstein, Printing Arts; Vernon Dunn, Laundry. Union College Academy Faculty: Rollin Nesmith, A. B., Principal, Bible, History; Guy Habenicht, A. B., Mathematics, Science; Linnie Keith, M. A., Spanish, English. EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS UNION SPRINGS ACADEMY Union Springs, N. Y. Established 1921 Board of Trustees: J. K. Jones, J. E. Osterblom, L. H. King, Jr., M. R. Bailey, Frederick Bohner, Mrs. E. B. Markham, X. P. Walton, H. M. Fleming, G. S. Field, J. C. Sauer, H. C. Capman. Local Board: J. K. Jones, J. E. Osterbiom. Mrs. E. B. Markham, Frederick Bohner, X. P. Walton, H. M. Fleming, C. S. Field. Faculty: C. S. Field, Principal, Geometry, American History; X. P. Walton, Business Manager, Bookkeeping; William Bradford, Preceptor, Bible; V. H. Reynolds, Printing, Algebra; G. H. Edgerton, Woodworking, General Science, Physiology, General History, Denominational History and Spirit of Prophecy; H. M. Fleming, Farm Manager; Mrs. G. H. Edgerton, Preceptress, English III, Hydrotherapy; Dorothy Bartlett, Registrar, French, Typewriting; Mrs. C. S. Field, English I, Sewing; Evelyn Wegner, Music, English If; Mrs. Hattie McIntyre, Matron, Domestic Science; Mrs. V. H. Reynolds, Grades 0-8; Myra Kite, Grades 1-5. 0 VEJLEFJORD MISSION SCHOOL Daugaard St., Denmark Established 1908 Board of Managers: Danish Conference Committee, and P. A. Christiansen, Chr. Lund. Faculty: H. M. Johnson, Principal, English, Mathematics, Physics; A. Varmer, Bible, History, Church History; Cathinka Henriksen, German, Science; Borge Gorm Rasmussen, Danish; Othilie Nielsen, Preceptress, Sewing, Cooking, 315 VINCENT HILL SCHOOL AND JUNIOR COLLEGE (English) Mussoorie, India Telegraphic Address: "Vinschool," Mussoorie. (Not revised for current issue) Established 1911 Board: A. W. Cormack, Chairman: I. F. Blue, Vice-chairman; A. H. Williams, G. G. Lowry, J. Phillips, E. M. Meleen, C. L. Torrey, D. W. McKinlay, P. C. Poley, C. J. Ritchie. Faculty: I. F. Blue, Principal, History; D. W. McKinlay, Preceptor, Bible, Science, Manual Training; R. A. Garner, Bible, History; C. J. Ritchie, General Form Subjects; Miss R. Fraser, Preceptress, English; Miss G. Maseyk, General Form Subjects; Mrs. M. M. Mattison, General Form Subjects, Normal Training; Miss A. Wilkinson, Asst. Preceptress, Stenography; Miss F. Tuckey, Food Matron, Domestic Science; G. F. H. Ritchie, General Form Subjects; J. L. Shannon, Treasurer, Bookkeeping; Miss K. Scott, Small Boys' Matron, English; Mrs. H. G. Franks, Hospital Nurse; Urdu, Drawing; other teachers in Music and Urdu. WALLA WALLA COLLEGE College Place, Wash. Established 1892 Board of Trustees: Morris Lukens, I. J. Woodman, E. L. Neff, T. B. Westbrook, S. A. Ruskjer, B. M. Grandy, W. A. Gosmer, S. J. Lashier, F. W. Peterson, J. E. Weaver, H. 0. McCumber. Officers of the Board: Morris Lukens, Chairman; J. E. Weaver, Secretary; F. W. Peterson, Treasurer. 316 EDUCATIONAL IN Administration: J. E. Weaver, President; F. MT. Peterson, Manager; L. P. Thorpe, Director of Preparatory School; H. R. Sittner, Dean of Men; Zella Rine, Dean of Women and Matron; Mertie A. Wheeler, Registrar and Librarian; E. 0. Becker, Accountant. Collegiate Faculty: J. E. Weaver, A. B., President, College Life; J. G. Lamson, Dean of School of Theology, Bible; F. B. Jensen, B. Th., Assistant in Bible; Winifred L. Holinden, M. A., Ancient Languages, German; H. A. Pee. bles, B. A., Spanish; L. P. Thorpe, M. A., Education; C. W. Kime, A. 13., Normal Training, Education; P. T. Gibbs, M. A., English; Clara E. Rogers, B. A., English; H. 0. McCumber, M. A., History; H. G. Burden, M. D., College Physician; G. W. Bowers, M. A., Chemistry, Biology; 0. G. Kretchmar, E. E. and M. S., Mathematics, Physics; Fred Schnepper, Commerce; Dorothea Van Gundy, Home Economics; Lulu Hill-Miller, Art; Mrs. Anna Giddings-Van Ausdale, Clothing, Textiles. Academic Faculty: L. P. Thorpe, M. A., Director, History; H. R. Sittner, B. A,, Mathematics; W. C. Baldwin, B. S.. Bible: H. A. Peebles, B. A., Spanish; H. R. Emmerson, A. B., English. School of Music: L. C. Metcalfe, Director, Voice, Conducting; John Hickman, Violin, Voice; Frances E. Wheeler, B. M., Piano, Theory; Irene Brown, Piano. Normal School Critic Teachers: Enid Sparks, Grades 1 and 2; Mrs. Elva Enevoldson, Grades 3 and 4; Mrs. George Bowers, Grades 5 and 6; Ethel Johnson, Grades 7 and 8. Industrial and Vocational: F. W. Peterson, Superintendent; Ray Collins, Printing; J. A. Lofgren, Woodwork; H. R. Emmerson, Carpentry; John Bauer, Jr., Store Manager; Mrs. Anna Giddings Van Ausdale, Matron; Ferdinand Schiller, Auto Mechanics; Randall Sloop, Baking; C. L. Tupper, Farm Manager. WASHINGTON MISSIONARY COLLEGE Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Established 1904; reorganized 1914 Legal Title: Washington Missionary College. Board of Trustees: F. H. Robbins, R. L. Walin, N. S. Ashton, A. W. Werline, H. J. Detwiler, W. H. Heckman, C. V. Leach, C. S. Longacre, J. L. McElhany, B. G. Wilkinson, J. P. Neff, W. M. Robbins, J. L. Shaw, C. W. Irwin, E. J. Stipeck, H. H. Hamilton, W. C. Hannah, A. J. Olson, E. R. Palmer, J. A. Leland, D. A. Rees, H. J. Klooster, A. W. Truman, M. D., W. P. Elliott, F. M. Wilcox, W. F. Swartz, W. A. Nelson. Local Board: F. H. Robbins, R. L. Walin, H. H. Hamilton, C. S. Longacre, A. W. Truman, M. D., C. W. Irwin, W. P. Elliott. Faculty: H. H. Hamilton, A. B., President; B. G. Wilkinson, Pb. D., Dean of School of Theology, Professor of Biblical Exegesis; A. W. Werline, A. M., Professor of History; C. E. Weniger, A. B., Professor of English Language and Literature; E. C. Blue, A. B., Professor of Chemistry and Biology; W. R. French, Th. B., Professor of Missions and Greek; Virginia Hoelzel, A. B., Professor of Modern Languages; Frances A. Howell, Director of Normal Department; R, L. EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS Walin, Business Manager , Director of Department of Commerce; C. L. Woods, A. B., Instructor in Mathematics and Science; Eric Jones, B. S., and F. R. G. S., Dean of Men, Instructor in Physics; Minnie Abray, Dean of Women, Instructor in Shorthand; H. A. Miller, Director of Music Department, Piano, Voice, and Theory; Victor Johnson, Violin and Orchestra; Anna Roedel, A. B., Home Economics; Ruth E. Eliwanger, Registrar, Secretary to President; Richard F. Farley, A. B., German, Instructor in Bible; Rozetta Thurston, A. B., Librarian, Instructor in English; Florence Oliver, B. S., R. N., Director of Teacher-Training Course, Graduate Nurses; Veda Marsh, A. B., R. N., Associate, TeacherTraining Course for Graduate Nurses; Etta M. Spicer, Instructor in Art; Thelma Wellman, A. B., Instructor in EngliSh; G. A. Huse, Instructor in Printing; John Sampson, Th. B., Instructor in Woodwork; Mary Montgomery, Matron; F. E. Vansickle, Accountant; Vesta Clymer, A. B., Critic Teacher; Louise B. Stuart, Critic Teacher; Mabert Hinton, Grades 1-3. Other Instructors: Ethel KnightCasey, Associate Teacher for Children's Division of Music; H. D. Clapp, Instructor in Clarinet; II. L. Shoup, Instructor in Bible; Lydia Olsen, China Painting, Household Art. WEST AUSTRALIAN MISSIONARY SCHOOL Carmel, West Australia Established 1907 Board: L. D. A. Lemke, A. E. Speck, G. H. Palmateer, A. J. Turner, G. W. Spencer. 317 Faculty: .A. E. Speck, Principal and Manager; R. B. Watts, Mrs. R. B. Watts, Wm. Chapman, Miss A. Risbey, Miss E. M. Cooper, Miss E. Durrant, Miss I. Boyd. Miss McNair. WEST CARIBBEAN TRAINING SCHOOL Obispo, Canal Zone, Panama Established 1921 Board of Management: E. J. Lorntz,Chairman; Walter Hahn, Sec., . W. Everest, W. E. Baxter, F. L. Harrison, A. L. Edeburn. Faculty: Walter Hahn, Principal, Science, Normal, Training; Mrs. Walter Hahn, General Matron, English; Solomon Harriot, Bible, Carpentry, Broom Making; R. E. Brooks, Preceptor, Cashier, Commerce; Mrs. R. . Brooks, Sewing and Dressmaking; Recardo Rankin Spanish; Mrs. A. F. Downer, Preceptress; R. Robertson, Piano and Organ; Amy Gale, Culinary Dept. WEST INDIAN TRAINING COLLEGE Mandeville, Jamaica, British West Indies Established 1918 Board of Managers: H. J: Edmed, President; Robert Shafer, Secretary; J. W. Grounds, Hubert Fletcher, G. A. E. Smith, B. A. Meeker, R. S. Bernard. Faculty: Robert Shafer, B.. A., Principal; F. 0. Rathbun, B. S.; Mrs. Laura Rathbun, B. A.; L. S. Crawford, B. Th.; Mrs. L. S. Crawford, E. E. Parchment, Mrs. E. E. Parchment, Mrs. Bertha Peake, Rosamond Harrison, Miss Violet May Peake, B. Th., Brian Hamilton, Leslie Dunn, B. Th., 318 EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS Mrs. Leslie Dunn, B. A., Miss Ethel M. Edmed, Miss F. C. Morgan, E. M. Beresford. WEST TANGANYIKA TRAINING SCHOOL Ikidzu Mission, P. 0. Musoma, Tanganyika, via Kisumu, East Africa Established 1930 Principal: Miss M. Morgan. WEST VISAYAN ACADEMY Box 271, Iloilo; Philippine Islands Established 1930 Board of Management: The Executive Committee of the West Visayan Mission. Faculty: Angel Solivio, Principal; Oliva Diaz. YAKIMA VALLEY ACADEMY Granger, Wash. Established 1920 Board of Trustees: M. L. Rice, P. W. Ochs, Phillip Rudy, Fred Guderian, J. J. Jacobs, J. C. Christiansen, Manuel Matson, William Schoepflin, Chairman of the County Commissioners of Yakima County. Faculty: R. L. Hubbs, B. A., Principal, American History; W. G. McCready, B. A., Preceptor and Bible; Miss Lois Dorland, B. A., Preceptress and English; Harold Ackerman, B. A., Accountant, Bookkeeping; E. C. Reiber, B. A., Science and Woodwork; R. D. Kaylor, B. A., Spanish, History; Miss Doris Parkinson, B. M., Piano; Mrs. R. L. Hubbs, B. A., Art.; Rachel Weinheimer, Matron; Mrs. W. C. Thompson, Vocal; Mrs. R. D. Kaylor, Typing. PUBLISHING HOUSES (In alphabetical order) ADVENT PRESS Gendia, P. A. Kisumu, Kenya Colony, East Africa Manager, F. H. Thomas. ARABIC LITERATURE SOCIETY Advent Villa, Mataria, Cairo, Egypt Secretary: C. H. C. Rieckmann. BRAZIL PUBLISHING HOUSE (Casa Publicadora Brazileira) Established 1905 Cable and Telegraphic Address: "Atalaia," EstacAo Sao Bernardo. Postal Address: Estacao de Sao Bernardo, S. P. R., Sao Paulo, Brazil, South America. Board of Directors: E. H. Wilcox, N. P. Neilsen, F. W. Spies, Augusto Pages, Benedicto Silveira, H. B. Fisher, G. B. Taylor, U. Wissner, M. Margarido, E. V. Moore, J. B. Johnson, Germano Streithorst, C. C. Schneider. Officers: Pres., E. H. Wilcox; VicePres., Manager and Sec., F. W. Spies; Treas., A. Pages; Supt., H. B. Fisher; Auditor, G. E. Hartman. Book Committee: F. W. Spies, J. B. Johnson, N. P. Neilsen, E. H. Wilcox, E. V. Moore. Editors: 0 Atalaia, J. B. Johnson; Revista Mensal, J. B. Johnson; Rundschau der Adventisten, J B. Johnson. Assistant Editors: Luiz Waldvogel, Augusto Pages. BRITISH PUBLISHING HOUSE Stanborough Press, Ltd. Stanborough Park, Watford, Herts, England Established 1889 Cable Address: " Hygiene," Watford, Herts, England. Board of Directors: W. H. Meredith, A. S. Maxwell, W. T. Bartlett, 0. M. Dorland, J. Rigby. Officers: Manager and Secretary, A. S. Maxwell; Circulation Manager, A. Warren; Treasurer, J. Rigby. Editors: Present Truth and Missionary Worker, A. S. Maxwell; Good Health, Dr. S. McClements. Book Committee: W. H. Meredith, A. S. Maxwell, J. Harker, S. Joyce, F. A. Spearing, A. Warren, 0. M. Dorland. BUENOS AIRES PUBLISHING HOUSE Buenos Aires, Argentina, South America " Casa Editora Sud Americana " Established 1897 Cable Address: " Casatora," Buenos Aires, Argentine. Telegraphic Address: " Casa Editora," Florida, Buenos Aires. Postal Address: Florida, F. C. C. A., Buenos Aires, Argentina, South America. Board of Managers: C. L. Bauer, M. V. Tucker, W. 0. Lawson. M. I. Fayard, P. M. Brouchy, C. E. Krieghoff, H. F. Brown, J. H. Meier, L. D. Minner, P. R. Tabuenca. 319 390 • PUBLISHING HOUSES Officers: President, C. L. Bauer; Vice-Pres., Manager and Treasurer, M. V. Tucker; Secretary and Superintendent, W. G. Lawson; Auditor, G. E. Emmenegger. Book Committee: M. V. Tucker, Chairman; M. I. Fayard, Secretary; P. M. Brouchy, J. L. Brown, H. F. Brown. Editor: El Atalaya, M. I. Fayard; La Revista Adventista, M. I. Fayard. BULGARIAN PUBLISHING HOUSE Solunska 49, Sofia, Bulgaria Estblished 1924 Corporate Name: Christiansko Adventno Obshtestvo. Manager: Ernst Muller. Editor: " Westitel na Istinata," Stetan Konstantinoff. CANADIAN WATCHMAN PRESS Box 398, Oshawa, Ontario Telephone 2054 Organized 1895; incorporated 1920 Territory: The Eastern and Western Canadian Union Conferences. Board of Directors: W. C. Moffett, H. H. Rans, M. V. Campbell, S. A. Ruskjer, C. G. Maracle, C. L. Paddock, C. W. Degering, L. F. Passebois, A. V. Rhoads. Officers: W. C. Moffett, Pres.; H. H. Rans, Vice-Pres., Manager, and Treas.; C. C. Maracle, See. Department Managers: Supt., C. G. Maracle; Book and Periodical Dept., C. L. Paddock. Editors: Canadian Watchman Magazine, W. C. Moffett; Associate, C. L. Paddock; Contributing Editor, S. A. Ruskjer; Les Signes des Temps, L. F. Passebois; Associate, C. L. Paddock. Winnipeg Branch 304 Travellers Bldg., Winnipeg, Manitoba (Tel. 88864) Manager: J. C. Neithercut. CHRISTIAN RECORD BENEVOLENT ASSN. College View Station, Lincoln, • Nebr. Established 1900 Board of Managers: J. J. Nethery, D. D. Rees, R. T. Emery, C. T. Burroughs, P. L. Thompson, E. H. Meyers. Officers: President, J. J. Nethery; Sec., D. D. Rees; Treas., R. T. Emery. Periodicals: The Christian Record, a monthly magazine for the blind; The Christian Record Sabbath School Monthly, containing the denominational lessons. Both these publications are printed in Revised Braille and New York Point types, and furnished free to all blind who desire them. Editor and Manager, D. D. Rees. The Christian Record Benevolent Assn. also has a free circulating library department, containing denominational books and pamphlets and other books of general interest for free circulation among the blind. These are sent to the reader and returned to the office franked by the government. THE COLLEGE PRESS Berrien Springs, Mich. Established 1901 Board of Managers: Lake Union Conference Committee. PUBLISHING HOUSES Officers: Manager, K. F. Arabs, Sec., Earl Beaty; Supt., J. B. Krauss. Editors: Lake Union Herald, Mrs. L. K. Curtis; The Student Movement, Murray Deming. COPENHAGEN PUBLISHING HOUSE Suomisvej 5, Copenhagen, V., Denmark Corporate Name: Dansk Bogforlag. Cable Address: " Expedit," Copenhagen. Local Board: Job. M. Nielsen, L. Muderspach, 0. S. Sorensen. Business Manager: Joh. M. Nielsen. CZECHOSLOVAKIAN PUBLISHING HOUSE Brno-Kral. Pole,Wilsonova 8, Czechoso vakia Established 1920 Corporate Name: Aclventni nakladatelstvi, Brno-Kral. Pole Wilsonova 8, Czechoslovakia. Officers: Director, M. H. Wentland. Manager and Treas., F. A. Ludwig. Board: M. H. Wentland, F. A. Ludwig, Josef Popelka. Editor: Hlasatel Pravdy and Straz Sionska, F. Fiala. Books in Bohemian, German, Polish, Slovakian, Hungarian, Russian, and Ruthenian. EASTERN POLYNESIAN MISSION PRESS Tipaerui, Papeete, Tahiti, Society Islands Superintendent: G. L. Sterling. 321 ESTONIAN PUBLISHING HOUSE Merepuiestee 14a, Tallinna, Estonia Established 1922 Corporate Name: S. P. A. K. eesti Liidu kirjastus. • Directors: Estonian Conference Committee. Editor: "Meie Aeg" M. Barengrub; Misjoniteated, M. Biirengrub. ETHIOPIAN PRESS Box 145, Addis Ababa, Abyssinia Established 1930 Cable Address: " Adventists, Adisababa." Manager: M. J. Sorensen. FIJI MISSION PRESS Suva Vou, Suva, Fiji Directors: Fiji Mission Committee. Superintendent: R. W. Lane. FINLAND PUBLISHING HOUSE Annank. 7, Helsinki, Suomi Established 1897 Corporate Name: Aikain Vartija. Publishing Board: Y. Miettinen, A. Rintala, C. 0. Carlstjerna, K. Soisalo, 0. Hoglund. Manager: Y. Miettinen. Editor: Aikain Vartija, K. Soisalo; Siionin Ystava, K. Soisalo. FRENCH PUBLISHING HOUSE Librairie " Les Signes des Temps," Dammarie-les-Lys, (Siene et Marne) France Established 1896 Telegraphic Address: "Signes," Dammarie-les-Lys, (S ii M). 322 PUBLISHING HOUSES Publishing Board: A. V. Olson, President; H. L. Henriksen, Secretary; 0. Meyer, P. P. Paulini, W. Beach, F. Charpiot, Steen Rasmussen, G. Haberey, F. Lavanchy, Dr. J. Nussbaum, J. Vuilleumier. House Committee: H. L. Henriksen, J. Vuilleumier, E. Meyer, J. F. Archer, H. Hecketsweiler. Officer: Manager, Sec., and Treas., H. L. Henriksen. French Book Committee: H. L. Henriksen, Chairman, J. Vuilleumier, Dr. J. Nussbaum, P. P. Paulini, A. Vaucher, F. Charpiot, M. Tieche, G. Haberey, Miss E. Noualy. Flemish Book Committee: W. Beach, Chairman; J. Wibbens, G. Desmet, J. Weidner; F. Charpiot. German Book Committee: P. P. Paulini, Chairman; G. Haberey, N. Stuber, F. Bollier. Editors: "Les Signes des Temps," J. Vuilleumier; "La Revue Adventiste, Miss E. Noualy; Vie et Sante, Dr. J. Nussbaum; Leben und Gesundheit, Dr. J. Nussbaum; L'Ami des Jeunes, M. Tieche, W. Beach. HAMBURG PUBLISHING HOUSE Advent-Verlag (E. V.), Grindelberg 15a, Hamburg, Germany Established 1895 Cable and Telegraphic Address: " Advent," Hamburg. (A B C Code Fifth Edition.) Telephone Number: Alster 980. Publishing Board: I.. R. Conradi, H. F. Schuberth, A. Vollmer, W. Willer, J. Wintzen, E. Gugel, H. Box, K. Banas, 0. Schildhauer. Officers: President, L. R. Conradi; Manager, A. Vollmer. Local Committee: L. R. Conradi, A. Vollmer, K. Banas, W. Luhr, H. Hoth. Department Managers: Circulation Department, K. Banas; Manufacturing Department, W. Liihr, Editors: Herold der Wahrheit, L. R. Conradi; Der Adventbote, C. Sinz; Kirche und Staat, H. F. Schuberth; Unser Kleiner Freund, P. John; Gute Gesundheit, Dr. E. Meyers; Jugend Leitstern, H. Wittig; Gegenwartsfragen, C. Sinz; Aller Diener, W. Muller; Der Biichersendbote, K. Banas; Rundschau der Gemeinschaft der S. T. A. Mitteleuropaische Division, Guy Dail. Holland Branch fnternationaal Advent Zendingsvenootschap, van Weede van Dijkveldstraat 77, The Hague, Holland. Local Committee: F. J. Voorthuis, J. van Iterson, W. John. Manager: F. J. Voorthuis. Editor: Teekenen des Tijds, De Adventbode, J. Wintzen. Austrian Branch Advent-Verlag (E. V.), VII, Wimbergergasse 46, Vienna, Austria. Manager: P. John. Local Committee: P. John, J. Braun, F. Hasel. • Hungarian Branch Vallitsos Iratok Nemzetkozi Kiadohivatala, 1, Neinetvolgyi-fit i2, Budapest, Hungary. Local Committee: H. Stein, A. Minsk, A. Wicklein, A. Zeiner, K. Sohlmann. Manager: H. Stein. PUBLISHING HOUSES ITALIAN PUBLISHING HOUSE (Casa Editrice "L'Araldo della Veritii.") Via Trieste 17, Florence, Italy (Telephone 26-950) Established 1923 Manager: G. Fenz. Editor: "L'Araldo della Verita," G. L. Lippolis; Asst., Elia Libonati. JAPAN SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST PUBLISHING HOUSE (Owari no Fukuinsha) Established 1908 Address: 169-171 Amanuma, Suginami machi, Toyotama gun, Tokyo Fu, Japan. " Adventist," Address: Cable Tokyo. Postal Address: Box 7, Yodobashi Post Office, Tokyo, Japan. Manager: A. B. Cole. Field Miss. Sec.: E. J. Kraft. Publishing Committee: Executive Committee of the Union Mission. Editors: Jicho Zashi, S. Miyake; Associates, A. N. Anderson, V. T. Armstrong; Shimei, (Message) S. Miyake; Associates, A. N. Anderson, V. T. Armstrong. Pub. House Board: V. T. Armstrong, Chairman; A. B. Cole, Secretary; S. Miyake, E. J. Kraft, M. Suzuki. JUGOSLAVIAN PUBLISHING HOUSE Established 1919 Corporate Name: Nakladno Drustvo. G. Sagi.c i komp. (Publ. Soc. G. Sa"sic and Company.) Postal Address: Petra Zrinjskog ulica 13, Novi Sad, Jugoslavia. 323 Cable and Telegraphic Address: Balkan Novisad. Manager, P. Brennwald. Literary Editor: A. Mo6nik, Rankeova ulica 14. II. Belgrade. Literature Committee: J. F. Huenergardt, A. Manik, P. Brennwald, A. Lorencin, Z. Krdjali6. Managing Board: Union Committee. Local Committee: P. Brennwald, G. SagiC, M. Ludewig. Periodicals and books published in Servian, Croatian, Slovenian. LATVIAN PUBLISHING HOUSE Brivibas iela ri, Riga, Latvia Established 1922 Corporate Name: "Latvijas Rakstu Apgftdiba." Local Committee: T. T. Babienco, W. Willmann, J. Birsin, A. Jurkevics, J. Dimant. Manager: W. Willmann. Editor: " Musu Laikmets," J. Birsin; "Adventes Vestnesis," J. Birsin. MALAYSIAN SIGNS PRESS 399 Upper Serangoon Road, Singapore, Straits Settlements Established 1917 Cable and Telegraphic Address: Adventist," Singapore. Codes: Western Union, Five-Letter Edition, and A. B. C., Fifth Edition. Manager: H. I. Smith. Board: Malayan Union Mission Executive Committee. Languages in which publications are issued: Malay (Arabic), Siamese, Dusun (Romanized), Lao, Annamese. 324 PUBLISHING HOUSES NETHERLANDS EAST INDIES PUBLISHING HOUSE (Advent Boken Depot) Centrale v. N. E. I. Bandoeg, Java, Netherlands East Indies Established 1929 Cable Address: Advent, Bandoeng. Territory: Dutch East Indies. Manager: W. Koster. Publishing Board: B. Ohme, W. Ktister, P. Drinhaus, A. H. Zimmermann, H. Eelsing (on furlough), D. S. Kime (on furlough), I. C. Schmidt, W. J. Ktilling, F. Dittmar, H. Twijnstra, H. E. R. Schell, Tan Kiem Siang, Th. Rondonuwu. Editor: Pertandaan Zaman, P. Drinhaus; Warta Geredja, P. Drinhaus; Sabbath School Quartelies, Senior. Languages in which publications are issued: Dutch, Malay (Dutch Romanized), Malay (Arabic), Batak (Toba), Javanese, Sundanese, Nias. ORIENTAL WATCHMAN PUBLISHING ASSOCIATION Post Box 35, Salisbury Park, Poona, India Established 1898 Telegraphic Address: " Watchman," Poona. Board of Directors: A. W. Cor- mack, C. L. Torrey, J. S. James, E. M. Meleen, L. C. Shepard, J. C. Craven, T. J. Michael, A. H. Williams, W. H. McHenry, G. G. Lowry. Officers: Chairman, A. W. Cormack; Manager, Sec., and Treas., J. C. Craven. Literature Committee: Chairman, L. C. Shepard; Sec., J. C. Craven; A. W. Cormack, G. F. Enoch, E. M. Meleen, J. Ali Baksh, A. H. Williams, G. G. Lowry, L. G. Mookerjee, E. D. Thomas, R. A. Beckner, C. C. Belgrave. Editor: The Oriental Watchman and Herald of Health, P. C. Foley. Eastern Tidings, P. C. Paley. Languages in which publications are issued: English, Urdu, Hindi, Gurmukhi, Marathi, Gujerati, Santali, Bengali, Oriya, Malayalam, Tamil, Telugu, Kanarese, Singhalese, Burmese, Sgau Karen. Book Depots: 17 Abbott Road, Lucknow; Hinoo P. 0., Ranchi; 30 Voyle Road, Rangoon, Cantt., Burma; 10 Cunningham Road, Bangalore. PACIFIC PRESS PUBLISHING ASSOCIATION Mountain View, Calif. Established 1875 Cable Address: " Uprising," Mountain View, Calif. Territory: The Pacific, North Pacific, Central, Northern, and the Inter-American Conferences. Board of Directors: C. H. Jones, J. H. Cochran, H. G. Childs, M. C. Wilcox, W. T. Knox, J. R. Ferren, G. A. Roberts, J. L. Jones, A. 0. Tait. Officers: Pres., C. H. Jones; VicePresident, J. H. Cochran; Sec. and Treas., H. G. Childs; Auditor, General Conference Auditor. Advisory Committee: H. W. Cottrell, Chas. Thompson, Morris Lukens, J. J. Nethery, J. E. Fulton, G. A. Calkins, W. M. Adams, R. S. Fries, P. E. Brodersen. PUBLISHING HOUSES Managers and Department. Heads: General Manager, C. H. Jones; Assts., J. H. Cochran, H. G. Childs; Book Department. J. H. Cochran; Asst. J. M. Rowse; Periodical Department, J. R. Ferren; Asst., G. A. Perrine; Cashier, R. P. Rowe; Asst. Cashier, C. N. Lake; Superintendent, J. L. Jones; Art Direcrector, M. B. Drake; Book Editor, M. C. Wilcox. Book Committee: Chairman, J. H. Cochran; C. H. Jones, H. H. Hall, W. T. Knox, B. M. Shull, J. R. Ferren, A. 0. Tait, H. G. Childs, C. N. Lake, M. C. Wilcox, F. H. Gage; A. L. Baker, J. M. Rowse, M. B. Drake, Ada M. Leavett, Ernest Lloyd, J. L. Jones, R. P. Rowe, G. A. Perrine, R. E. Bowles. Editors: Signs of the Times, A. 0. Tait, A. L. Baker; Our Little Friend, Ernest Lloyd; Sabbath School Lesson Quarterly, Mrs. L. Flora Plummer. Central Branch 2211 Farnam St., Omaha, Nebr. Manager: H. W. Sherrig. Northwest Branch 719 East Flanders St., Portland, Oreg. Manager: S. J. Abegg. Pacific Branch Box 548, Mountain View, Calif. Manager: R. E. Bowles. Inter-American Factory Branch Box 5007, Cristobal, Canal Zone. Manager and Supt.: E. W. Everest. Editor: El Centinela Magazine, D. R. Buckner. Advisory Committee: E. W. Everest, E. E. Andross. D. R. Buckner, D. A. Cone, E. J. Lorntz. 325 International Factory Branch Office: Brookfield, Ill. Manager: G. C. Hoskin. Superintendent: G. C. Hoskin. Manager Book Department and Periodical Department, Herbert Griffith. Cashier: B. L. Grundset. Advisory Committee: G. C. Hoskin, H. A. Varney, M. N. Campbell, C. A. Thorp, B. L. Grundset, W. H. Holden, R. E. Harter, K. A. Offerman, Olaf Granlund, Herbert Griffith. Editors: Managing Editor, G. C. Hoskin; Christlicher Hausfreund, K. A. Offerman; Deutscher Botschafter; K. A. Offerman; Evangeliets Sendebud, C. A. Thorp; Sions Vaktare, Olaf Granlund; Russian Signs, S. G. Burley; Italian Signs, Alex Long; Yiddish Magazine, F. C. Gilbert, Samuel Kaplan; Czecho-SlovakSigns, Andrew Haynal; Hungarian Signs, D. A. Mozar; Polish Signs, J. A. Dominski. The Pacific Press Publishing Assn., at its main office and two fac tory branches, issues: Periodicals and Magazines in English, Bohemian, Danish-Norwegian, Finnish, German, Hungarian, Italian, Polish, Portuguese. Rumanian, Russian, Slovakian, Spanish, Swedish, and Yiddish. Sabbath School Lesson Quarterlies In English, Bohemian, German. Hungarian, Italian, Polish, Rumanian, Russian, Serbian, Slovakian, and Ukrainian. Books, Pamphlets, and Tracts in English, Arabic, Armenian, Bohemian, Bulgarian, Croatian. Danish-Norwegian, Dutch, Esthonian. Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Icelandic, Italian, Lettonian, Polish, Portuguese, Rumanian, Rus- 326 PUBLISHING HOUSES sian, Serbian, Slovakian, Spanish, Swedish, Syriac, Ukrainian, and Yiddish, and stocks in the Oriental languages. Special attention is also given to the publication of standard school textbooks and juvenile literature. Complete catalog sent free on application. PHILIPPINE PUBLISHING HOUSE Established 1914 Postal Address: Box 813, Manila, Philippine Islands. lanueva, L. A. Corda; Mizpa (Tagalog Church Paper), E. M. Adams; Associate, R. R. Figuhr; Mizpa (Ilocano Church Paper), E. M. Adams; Associate, J. 0. Afenir; Mizpa (Panayan-Visayan Church Paper), E. M. Adams; Associate, H. P. Evens; Mizpa (Cebuan-Visayan Church Paper), E. M. Adams; Associate, L. 0. Pattison; Pampangan, Pangasinan, Bicol, Cebuan- Visayan, and Panayan-Visayan undated magazines, E. M. Adams. Languages in which publications are issued: Tagalog, PanayanVisayan, Cebuan-Visayan, Ilocano, Pampangan, Bicol; Ibanag, and Pangasinan. Cable Address: "Adventist," Manila. POLISH PUBLISHING HOUSE Factory located at 239-251 Luna ("Polyglot" Limited) Street (cor. San Juan Street), Pasay, Rizal, Philippine Islands. Established 1921 (Please do not direct mail to Aleja Raz g, Warsaw, Poland this address.) Executive Committee: E. M. Manager: M. Wasidlow. Adams, Chairman; E. A. Moon, Publishing Board: John Isaac, Th. Secretary; H. W. Klaser, J. 0. Will, R. J. Cunitz. W. Czembor, Afenir, Alvaro Roda, R. R. FiM. Wasidlow, F. Dzik, K. Sakguhr, E. A. Brion, H. P. Evens, nits. A. C. Same, L. 0. Pattison, M. J. Kintanar, F. L. Chaney, F. A. Editor: Fr. Dzik. Mote, M. F. Wiedemann, W. B. Literature: Published in Polish Ammundsen, Mrs. B. Shanks (Latin characters only), GerChaney, Dr. H. A. Hall, W. B. man, Russian, Ukrainian, CzeRiffel. choslovakian. Local Board of Management: E. M. Adams, Chairman; E. A. Moon, Vice-chairman; R. Villanueva, Sec.; F. L. Chaney, M. F. WiedePORTUGUESE PUBLISHING mann, R. R. Figuhr, N. E. LeHOUSE gaspi, A. M. Cruz. Established 1924 Manager and Treasurer: E. A. Moon. Rua Joaquim Bonifacio M. A., Lisbon, Portugal Editors: Ang Tanglaw (Tagalog), E. M. Adams; Associates, L. A. Manager: A. F. Raposo. Corda, R. Villanueva; Ti Damag ti Pagarian (Ilocano), E. Local Board: H. F. Neumann, A. , F. Raposo, J. M. Adams; Associates, R. Vil- PUBLISHING HOUSES REVIEW AND HERALD PUBLISHING ASSOCIATION Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Establi.thed 1849; incorporated 1861; reincorporated 1903 Cable Address: " Review," Washington. Territory: The Atlantic, Columbia, and Lake Union Conferences. Constituency: The trustees of the corporation; members of the executive committee of the General Conference; members of the executive committees of the Atlantic, Columbia, and Lake Union Conferences, and of each local conference therein, as well as the Union and local Field Missionary and Union and local Home Missionary, and Book and Bible House secretaries therein; the editors of the periodicals published by the Review and Herald Publishing Association; the managers of the publishing house departments and its branch offices, the foremen of the institution, and such employees as have rendered ten years of continuous service, including service at allied publishing institutions, and who are accepted as members by a majority vote of the constituency at any regular meeting, " and such stockholders of the Seventh-day Adventist Publishing Association of Battle Creek, Mich., as shall donate their stock in said association to the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, and shall make written application to the Secretary of said Conference for such membership, previously to Jan. 1, 1905." Board of Trustees: F. M. Wilcox, E. R. Palmer, E. L. Richmond, .1. L. Shaw, M. E. Kern, E. K. Slade, F. H. Robbins, W. H. 327 Holden, J. W. Mace, L. W. Graham, C. P. Bollman, H. H. Cobban, R. W. Conard, H. H. Hamilton, C. W. Irwin. Officers: Pres., F. M. Wilcox; VicePresidents, J. L. Shaw, E. R. Palmer; General Manager, E. R. Palmer; Assistant Manager, E. L. Richmond; Treas.,E. L. Rich. Graham; mond; Sec., L. Auditor, W. E. Phillips. Department Managers: Supt., it. W. Conard; Book Dept., J. W. Mace; Periodical Dept., L. W. Graham; Present Truth Dept.. D. W. Reavis. Editors: Review and Herald, F. M. Wilcox; associates, W. A. Spicer, C. P. Bollman, F. D. Nichol; special contributors,A. G. Daniells, J. L. Shaw, . K. Meyers, E. Kotz, I. H. Evans, 0. Montgomery, L. H. Christian, J. L. McElhany, E. E. Andross, W. H. Branson, C. H. Watson, C. B. Haynes, A. W. Cormack, A. V. Olson, H. F. Schuberth, M. E. Kern, H. W. Miller, Frederick Griggs, J. C. Turner, J. F. Wright, The Youth's Instructor, Lora E. Clement; Editorial Council, F. D. Nichol, C. A. Russell, H. T. Elliott, Mrs. L. Flora Plummer; Contributing Editors, C. K. Meyers, Steen Rasmussen, Mrs. Stella P. Peterson. Life and Health, L. A. Hansen, G. H. Heald, M. D. Liberty, C. S. Longacre ; associates, H. H. Votaw, M. C. Taft; managing editor, C. P. S a b b a t h School Bollman. Worker,Mrs. L. Flora Plummer; associat, Rosamond D. Ginther; assistant, M a r gar e t Weir. Church Officers' Gazette, T. E. Bowen; associates, H. T. Elliott, J. A. Stevens; editorial council, J. L. McElhany, C. K. Meyers, E. Kotz. Present Truth, F. A. Coffin; associate, C. P. Bollman. The Ministry, L. E. Froom. 328 PUBLISHING HOUSES Book Editor: C. P. Bollman; associate, F. A. Coffin. Book Committee: E. R. Palmer, Chairman; F. A. Coffin, Secretary; E. L. Richmond, C. P. Bollman, F. M. Wilcox, J. W. Mace, L. A. Hansen, F. D. Nichol, E. Kotz, Miss L. E. Clement, Mrs. L. Flora Plummer, G. H. Heald, L. W. Graham, C. W. Irwin, D. W. Reavis, M. E. Kern, R. W. Conard, H. T. Elliott, H. H. Cobban, H. H. Hamilton, C. E. Palmer, J. A. Stevens. South Bend Branch 432 South Fellows St., South Bend, Ind. Manager: J. D. Snider. New York Branch 898 Washington St., Peekskill, N. Y. Manager: D. A. Bailey. Washington Branch Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Manager: C. E. Palmer. RUMANIAN PUBLISHING HOUSE Established 1920 Office Address: Strada Labirint 116, Bucharest IV, Rumania. Manager: Th. Dresen. Treasurer, A. Vacareanu. Managing Board: Rumanian Union Committee. Local Committee: Th. Dresen, 0. Fasnacht, A. Vaeareanu, D. N. Wall, St. Demetrescu. Book Committee: D. N. Wall, St. Demetrescu, D. Florea, V. Truppel. Editor: V. Florescu. Assistant Editor: Georg Proksch. Expedition Personal: Hans Dengel, Gheorghe Popa, Joan Danetiu, Profira Teodorescu, Florica Constantinescu. Rumanian (Periodicals): Sabbath School Quarterly: 32 pages; containing the General Conference Sabbath School Department lessons in Rumanian; annual subscription 20 cents; Pacific Press Publishing Assn., Brookfield, Ill., U. S. A. Semnele Timpului (Signs of the Times) : 16-page monthly missionary paper; annual subscription Lei 100. (to America$1.) with Sabbath School Quarterly, $1.50. Editor: Vasile Florescu, Str. Labirint Nr. 116, Bucharest IV, Rumania. SCANDINAVIAN PUBLISHING HOUSE • Akersgaten 74, Oslo, Norway. Established 1879 Corporate Name: Skandinavisl: Bokforlag. Cable Address: Sundhedsbladet, Oslo, Norway. Publishing Board: G. E. Nord, T. Tobiassen, L. Muderspach, A. C. Christensen, E. Biaanaes, Job. M. Nielsen, Leif Nilsen. Local Board: A. C. Christensen, E. Rjaanaes, T. Tobiassen, Erik Arnesen, C. M. Scott, Leif Nilsen, T. Opsahl. Manager and Treasurer: A. C. Christensen; Union Field Secretary, E. Bjaanaes. Editors: Sundhedsbladet, J. C. Ottosen, M. D.; Tidens Tale and Missionsefterretninger, P. G. Nelsen. PUBLISHING II0V8ES 3/0 nary, head of the Far Eastern Branch of the Home Study Institute. Board of Management: Frederick Lee, Chairman; H. A. Andersen, Vice-Chairman; E. R. Thiele, Secretary; H. W. Miller, C. C. Crisler, C. C. Morris, K. H. Wood, Y. H. Chu, W. T. Wang, S. F. Tai, H. C. Shen, B. C. Hsu, John Oss. Officers: Manager and Treasurer, H. A. Andersen; Superintendent to be supplied later. Reading Committee: Frederick Lee, Chairman; E. R. Thiele, B. A. Liu, C. C. Crisler, Y. H. Chu, S. H. Lindt, G. 0. Gob. Editors: Shi Djao Yueh Bao (The Signs of the Times), Frederick Lee; associates, Y. H. Chu, E. R. Thiele. Mo Shi Muh Sheng (Last Day Shepherd's Call), E. R. Thiele; associates, Frederick Lee and Joseph T. May; contributing editors: 0. A. Hall, B. Petersen, M. C. Warren, K. H. Wood, J. G. Gjording, G. J. Appel, N. F. Brewer. Sabbath School Helper, Miss Bessie SIGNS OF THE TIMES PUB• Mount; assistants, Miss Elsie LISHING HOUSE Liu, E. R. Thiele, Mrs. K. H. Shanghai, China Wood, G. 0. Gob. China ChrisEstablished 1905 tian Educator, S. L. Frost; associates, John Oss, W. A. ScharffPostal Address: 25 Ningkuo Road, enberg, Frederick Lee, E. R. Shanghai. China. Thiele, Yeh Kwen Gan, Bessie Cable Address: " Signs," Shanghai. Mount. The China Division Outlook, C. C. Crisler. Constituency: Members of the General Conference Executive Committee that may be present SIGNS OF THE TIMES PUBat any meeting, members of the LISHING HOUSE local board, editors and translaSeoul, Chosen (Korea) tors of the said Publishing House, heads of departments in Established 1909 said Publishing House, Director of the Kiangsu Mission, Prin- Cable Address: " Adventist," Seoul. cipal of the Kiangsu Middle Local Press Board: H. A. Oberg. Chairman; W. E. Gillis, C. U. School, Field Missionary and Pak, R. W. Pearson, T. H. Choi, Home Misionary Secretary of E. J. Urquhart, Y. S. Lew, I. E. East China Union Mission, head Gillis. of the China Theological Semi- SENTINEL PUBLISHING COMPANY Address: Rosmead. Ave., Kenilworth, Cape Province, South Africa. Telegraphic and Cable Address: " Sentinel," Kenilworth, Cape. Managing Board: J. F. Wright, Chairman; J. G. Slate, Sec., E. D. Dick, L. A. Vixie, S. G. Hiten, A. E. Nelson, J. I. Robison, J. N. Krum, W. B. Commin, N. C. Wilson, E. C. Boger. Manager and Treasurer: J. G. Slate. Editors: Signs of the Times, J. I. Robison; Associate Editor: W. B. Commin. Contributing Editor: J. F. Wright. The African Division Outlook: W. B. Commin. Languages in which publications are issued: English, Afrikaans, Zulu, Sechwana, Sesuto, Xosa, Chitonga, Lamba, Dutch, Chibemba, Shishona, Chinyanja, Sikololo, Kilubu. 330 PUBLISHING HOUSES Editors: Signs of the Times, E. J. Urquhart (on furlough); associates, H. A. Oberg, Mrs. Theo. Wangerin. Church Compass, E. J. Urquhart (on furlough) ; associates, H. A. Oberg, Mrs. Theo. Wangerin. SIGNS PUBLISHING COMPANY Warburton, Victoria, Australia Established 1905 Cable Address: " Signs," Warburton. • Manager: W. 0. Johanson. Board: W. 0. Johanson (Chairman), W. G. Turner, A. G. Miller, E. Parkinson, C. M. Snow, G. G. Stewart, H. J. Franks, W. J. Westerman, G. T. Chapman, T. W. Hammond, T. N. Bush, J. J. Potter. Editors: Signs of the Times, C. M. Snow; asst. editor, A. M. Fraser; editorial contributor, A. W. Anderson; Life and Health, A. L. King. SOLOMON ISLAND MISSION PRESS Batuna, Marovo Lagoon, Solomon • Islands Superintendent: A. R. Barrett. Directors: Solomon Island Mission Committee. SOUTHERN PUBLISHING ASSOCIATION OF SEVENTHDAY ADVENTISTS 2119-2125 Twenty-fourth Ave., North, Nashville, Tenn. Established 1901 Cable Address: " Watchman," ashville. Territory: T h e Southeastern, •Southern, and Southwestern Union Conferences. Constituency: Members of the General Conference Executive Committee; members of the executive committees of the Southeastern, Southern, and Southwestern Union Conferences; the Book and Bible House secretaries, the field missionary secretaries, and the home missionary secretaries both union and local, within the above named union conferences; together with the Board of Directors, managers of branch houses, and heads of Departments of said Southern Publishing Association. Board of Managers: N. S. Ashton, M. F. Knox, R. B. Thurber, E. IL Abbott, W. R. White, H. E. Lysinger, W. H. Heckman, M. B. Van Kirk, H. R. Gay, W. A. Harvey. Officers: Pres., N. S. Ashton; VicePresident and General Manager, M. F. Knox; Sec. and Treas., W. R. White. Managers and Department Heads: General Manager, M. F. Knox; Superintendent, W. A. Harvey; Book Department, H. R. Gay; Periodical Department, Lyndon Skinner; Asst. Supt., L. F. Durocher. The Watchman Magazine: Editor, H. B. Thurber; Lyndon Skinner, Circulation Manager. Publishing Committee: M. F. Knox, Chairman; R. B. Thurber, Sec.; N. S. Ashton, W. A. Harvey, Mary H. Moore, F. E. Robert, W. R. White, L. F. Duroeher, H, E. Lysinger, H. R. Gay, Wilbur Noss, Lyndon Skinner. Fort Worth Branch 112-14 St. Louis Ave., P. 0. Box 802, Fort Worth, Tex. Manager: E. H. Abbott. Atlanta Branch 405 Fair St., S. E., Atlanta, Ga. Manager: PUBLISHING HOUSES • SOUTH KAVIRONDO PRESS Gendia, P. 0. Kisumu, Kenya, East Africa Superintendent: F. H. Thomas. Board: East African Union Mission Committee. Publishing Committee: S. G. Maxwell, W. Cuthbert, F. H. Thomas. Editorial Committee: S. G. Maxwell, A. F. Bull, E. R. Warland, G. A. Ellingworth. SPANISH PUBLISHING HOUSE (Editorial Sefiales de los Tiempos) Apartado 4078, Madrid, Spain Established 1915 Telegraphic Address: Advent, Madrid. Publishing Board: R. Gerber, J. C. Culpepper, R. Fit6. Treasurer: R. Fit6. Editor: " Seiiales de los Tiempos" and " La Revista Adventista Iberica," R. Gerber. STOCKHOLM PUBLISHING HOUSE Tunnelgatan 25, Stockholm, Sweden Established 1895 Cable Address: Advent, Stockholm. Corporate Name: Skandinaviska F6rlagsexpeditionen. Committee: A. J. Settergren, Emil Ahren, G. E. Nord, C. V. Anderson, C. G idl und, 0. Johanson. Manager: A. J. Settergren. Editor: "Tidens Tecken and Missionaren " Emil Ahren; " Sundhedsbladet," Dr. Gottfrid Thorell, Dr. Carl Ottosen. 331 SUNGARI-MONGOLIAN MISSION PRESS P. 0. Box zo, New Town, Harbin, Manchuria, China (For Russian and Mongolian.) TIBETAN MISSION PRESS Tatsienlu, Szechwan, China Director, Dr. J. N. Andrews. UNION COLLEGE PRESS College View Station, Lincoln, Nebr. Manager: William Kirstein. WASHINGTON COLLEGE PRESS Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Board of Managers: College Board. Manager: G. A. Huse. (This institution is operated as a department of the Washington Missionary College, a large part of the work being done by students.) GOLD COAST DEPOSITORY S. D. A. Mission, Agona, Box zo8, Kumasi, Gold Coast, West Africa Manager: J. Clifford. GREEK DEPOSITORY Post Box 144, Salonica, Greece ICELAND DEPOSITORY Address: Box 262, Reykjavik, Iceland. Manager: 0. J. Olsen. Editors: Geislinn, David Em. Albertsen; Braedrabandid, 0. Frenning. 332 ' PUBLISHING HOUSES LITHUANIAN DEPOSITORY SIERRA LEONE DEPOSITORY Tulpiu g-ve 4, Kaunas, Lithuania. Established 1925. Corporate Name: Lietuvos knygu, leidemas "Uola." Directors: Lithuanian Mission Committee. S. D. A. Mission, Waterloo, Sierra Leone, West Africa Manager: H. J. Gronert. NIGERIAN DEPOSITORY S. D. A. Mission, P. 0. Box 19, Ibadan, Nigeria, West Africa Manager: W. MeClements. SOUTH NIGERIAN DEPOSITORY S. D. A. Mission, Box 2, Aba, Southern Nigeria Manager: L. Edwards. TURKISH DEPOSITORY Posta Kutusa 242, Beyoglu, Istanbul, Turkey Manager: F. Backer. Number of Publishing Houses and Branches, 59 • LIST OF PERIODICALS ISSUED UNDER THE AUSPICES OF THE SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST DENOMINATION GENERAL PERIODICALS Advent Review and Sabbath Herald: Denominational church paper, established 1849; published weekly; annual subscription, $2.50; six months, $1.40; Review and Herald Pub. Assn., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C.; editor, F. . Wilcox; associate editors, W. A. Spicer, C. P. Bollman, F. D. Nichol. The Signs of the Times (leading missionary paper and prophetic expositor) ; illustrated 16-page weekly; annual subscription, $1.50; published by the Pacific Press Pub. Assn., Mountain View, Calif.; editors, A. 0. Tait, A. L. Baker. The Watchman Magazine: General missionary journal and Bible expositor; an illustrated monthly magazine; annual subscription, $1.00; R. B. Thurber, editor; L. L. Skinner, circulation manager; published by the Southern Pub. Assn., 2119-2125 Twentyfourth Ave., North, Nashville, Tenn. The Youth's Instructor: organ of Young People's Missionary Volunteer Department of the General Conference, also the Sabbath School lessons for the youth; published weekly; annual subscription, $1.75; Six months, $1.00. Published by the Review and Herald Pub. Assn., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C.; editor, Miss Lora E. Clement. Liberty: a magazine of religious freedom; an illustrated quarterly ; organ of the Religious Liberty Association; single copy, 20 cents; yearly subscription, 35 cents. Published by the Review and Herald Pub. Assn., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C.; editor, C. S. Longacre; associates, H. H. Votaw, M. C. Taft; managing editor, C. P. Bollman. The Present Truth: a one-topic 4page semimonthly for general missionary purposes; illustrated. Single subscription, 25 cents. Postage extra to foreign countries. Published by the Review and Herald Pub. Assn., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C.; editor, F. A. Coffin; associate editor, C. P. Bollman. The Present Truth (British) : Devoted to a presentation of the second coming of Christ, and general Bible truth; 16-page semimonthly, annual subscription, 4/6 ($1.10) Stanborough Park, Watford, Herts, England; editor, A. S. Maxwell. The Signs of the Times (devoted to an exposition of Bible truth and signs of the times) ; 16-page weekly, annual subscription, 6/6, to countries outside of Australia, and in the Postal Union, 10/($2.50) ; Warburton, Victoria, Australia; editor, C. M. Snow. Canadian Watchman Magazine: 32-page monthly (except during October, when semimonthly); 333 334 PERIODICALS annual subscription, $2.00 a year; published by the Canadian Watchman Press, Box 398, Oshawa, Ontario, Canada. The Signs of the Times: Devoted to an explanation of the signs of the times and Sabbath truth; 8-page monthly; annual subscription, 2/6; editor, J. I. Robison; associate editor, W. B. Commin. Published by the Sentinel Publishing Company, Rosmead Ave., Kenilworth, Cape, South Africa. Life and Health: National health magazine; an illustrated monthly; a practical journal for the common people; yearly subscription, 75 cents; no extra charge on foreign subscriptions; published by the Review and Herald Pub. Assn., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C.; editors, L. A. Hansen, G. H. Heald, M. D. Life and Health: A 32-page magazine, published bimonthly; devoted to healthful living. Annual subscription, 3/6 postpaid. Signs Publishing Co., Warburton, Victoria, Australia; editor, A. L. King. Good Health: devoted to hygiene and principles of healthful living; 20 pages monthly; annual subscription, 3/6, England; 5/0 abroad); ($1.25). Stanborough Park, Watford, Herts, England; editor, Dr. S. McClements. The Missionary Worker: (official organ of the British Union Conference); 8-page semimonthly; annual subscription 4/o ($1.00); Stanborough Park, Watford, Herts, England; editor, A. S. Maxwell. Sabbath School Worker (organ of the Sabbath School Department of the General Conference); 32page monthly; annual subscription, 90 cents; in clubs of two or more, 75 cents; published by the Review and Herald Pub. Assn., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C.; editor, Mrs. L. Flora Plummer; associate, Rosamond D. Ginther; assistant, Margaret Weir. Home and School (Organ of the Educational Department of the General Conference and the Home Commission); published monthly; devoted to the interests of the home, and to a broad, thorough, and rational education, based upon true Christian principles; thirty-two pages; annual subscription price, $1.50; published by General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists. Takoma Park, Washington, D. C.; editor, Mrs. Flora H. Williams; associate editors, A. W. Spalding, C. A. Russell. Sabbath School Quarterly: forty pages; containing the General Conference Sabbath School Department lessons; annual subscription, 20 cents; Pacific Press Pub. Assn., Mountain View, Cal. Our Little Friend (a child's paper); illustrated weekly; annual subscription, $1.00; Pacific Press Pub. Assn., Mountain View, Cal.; editor, Ernest Lloyd. Church Officers' Gazette: sixteenpage monthly. containing instructions to church officers, and programs for the Home Missionary, and Senior and Junior Missionary Volunteer societies of the churches; annual subscription, 90 cents; published by the Review and Herald Pub. Assn., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C.; editor, T. E. Bowen; associates, H. T. Elliott, J. A. Stevens. The Ministry: 32-page monthly. A medium of communication between the members of the Ministerial Association of Seventh- PERIODICALS day Adventists; annual subscription, $1.00; published for the Ministerial Association of Seventh-day Adventists by the Review and Herald Pub. Assn., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C.; L. E. Froom, editor. Missionary Leader: Eight-page monthly, devoted to church Missionary and Missionary Volunteer programs, Second Sabbath Readings, as well as occasional instruction to our church officers as to their duties; published by the Australasian Union Conference, "Mizpah," Wahroonga, N. S. W., Australia; editor, Mrs. A. L. Hindson. The Christian Record (a magazine printed for the blind in Revised Braille and in New York Point); monthly, forty pages; sent free to blind persons; published at College View, Lincoln, Nebr.; editor and manager, D. D. Rees. 335 The Christian Record Benv. Assn. also issues The Christian Record Sabbath School Monthly, containing the denominational Sabbath school lessons. The association also has a free Circulating Library department containing denominational books and pamphlets and other books of general interest for free circulation among the blind. These are sent to the reader and returned to the office franked by the government. The Oriental Watchman and Herald of Health: 28 pages and cover; issued monthly; $1.65 a year; P. C. Poley, editor; Post Box 35, Poona, India. The Medical Evangelist: Devoted to medical missionary and health reform principles; published weekly by the College of Medical Evangelists, at Loma Linda, Calif., with no subscription price; editor, 0. R. Staines. DIVISION PERIODICALS African Division Outlook: Bimonthly; annual subscription 2/6; editor, W. B. Commin. Published by the African Division of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, Claremont, Cape, South Africa. Australasian Record (official organ of the Australasian Union Conference) ; 8-page weekly; annual subscription -5s; foreign countries, 5s; published by the Australasian Union Conference, " Mizpah," Wahroonga, N. S. W., Australia; editor, Mrs. A. L. Hindson. (name The China Division not yet fixed): Organ of the China Division of the General Conference; subscription price, 75 cents gold a year; monthly; eight pages; editor, C. C. Crisler; issued at 25 Ningkuo Road, Shanghai, China. Organ of Far Eastern Division Conference, Box 2993, Manila, Philippine Islands. Rundschau der Gemeinschaft der S. T. A. Mitteleuropaische Division (Statistical organ of the Central European Division): quarterly; editor, Guy Dail; Advent-Verlag (E. V. ) , Grin delberg 15a, Hamburg, Germany. Inter-American Division Messenger (English): 8-page monthly; 50 cents a year; Box 0, Balboa, Canal Zone; Mrs. E. E. Andross, editor. This is also printed in Spanish, under the title of " El Mensajero." 336 PERIODICALS The Advent Survey: Organ of the Northern European Division of the General Conference, eightpage monthly; annual subscripr tion 2/6; editor, Ella M. Eastcott, 41 Manor Gardens, Edgware, Middlesex, England. South American Bulletin: (organ of the South American Division of the General Conference); annual subscription price, 50 cents gold a year; monthly; 8 pages; editor, Etta Hewgley; asso. editors, N. P. Neilsen, C. L. Bauer; issued at Calle Pino 3801, Buenos Aires, Argentina, South America. Eastern Tidings: 8-page semimonthly; 75 cents a year; official organ of the Southern Asia Division. Editor: P. C. Poley; Post Box 35, Poona, India. Quarterly' Review: Organ of the Southern European Division of the General Conference; editor, Steen Rasmussen; office editor, Miss Amy M. Dickey; 17 Hoheweg, Berne, Switzerland. UNION CONFERENCE PERIODICALS Atlantic Union Gleaner (official organ of the Atlantic Union Conference) ; eight-page weekly; 50 cents a year; editor, Herminie E. Passebois; published at South Lancaster, Mass. Central Union Outlook (organ of Central Union Conference); 8page weekly; annual subscription, 50 cents; editor, D. D. Rees; published at College View, Nebr. Columbia Union Visitor (official organ of the Columbia Union Conference); eight-page weekly; 50 cents; published at Mt Vernon, Ohio; editor, Mrs. A. J. Olson. Eastern Canadian Messenger (official organ of the Eastern Canadian Union Conference); 8-page weekly; $1.00; Box 337, Oshawa, Ontario; editor, W. E. Perrin. Lake Union Herald (official organ of the Lake. Union Conference) ; 16-page weekly; $1.50 a year; editor, Mrs. L. K. Curtis; published at Berrien Springs, Mich., and printed by the College Press. Northern Union Reaper (official organ of the Northern Union Conference, 2718 Third Ave., South, Minneapolis, Minn.); eight-page weekly; 50 cents a year in the United States. 75 cents in Canada and foreign countries; published by the Northern Union Conference at Maplewood Academy, Hutchinson, Minn.; editor, Miss Lessie Culpepper, Hutchinson, Minn. North Pacific Union Gleaner (official organ of the North Pacific Union Conference); eight-page weekly; 50 cents a year; published by the North Pacific Union Conference, College Place, Wash.; editor, S. J. Lashier. Pacific Union Recorder: (official organ of the Pacific Union Conference); 8-page weekly; 50 cents; editor, B. M. Emerson; mail address, Box 146, Glendale, Calif. Field Tidings (organ of the Southeastern Union Conference); 8page weekly; 50 cents yearly; editor, F. W. Field; published by the Southern Junior College at Collegedale, Tenn. Southern Union Worker (organ of the Southern Union Conference); 8-page weekly; 50 cents yearly; F. W. Field, editor; published by the Southern Junior College, Collegedale, Tenn. PERIODICALS Southwestern Union Record (official organ of the Southwestern Union Conference); eight-page weekly; 50 cents; published at Keene, Texas; Editor, C. N. Woodward. Western Canadian Tidings (official organ of the Western Canadian Union Conference); eight-page weekly; 50 cents a year; published by the Western Canadian Union Conference at College Heights, via Lacombe, Alberta; editor, T. R. Lukens; associate editors, Charlotte Erdman, and 337 L. R. Ogden; College Heights, . via Lacombe, Alberta, Canada. The Missionary Worker: (official organ of the British Union Conference); 8-page semimonthly; annual subscription, 4/0 ($1.00) ; Stanborough Park, Watford, Herts, England; editor, A. S. Maxwell. Zambesi Union Missionary: monthly; 4 pages; is per year; Zambesi Union Mission, Box 573, Bulawayo, Southern Rhodesia, Africa; D. A. Webster, editor; E. C. Boger, associatetor. di LOCAL PERIODICALS The Jamaican Visitor: 8-page monthly; 25 cents a year; editor, H. J. Edmed; published by the Jamaica Book and Bible House, 112 Tower Street, Kingston, Jamaica, British 'West Indies. Field Gleanings from the South Caribbean Conference: Published monthly by the South Caribbean Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, 31 Dundonald Street, Port of Spain, Trinidad. Price per year 48 cents; Editor, C. E. Andross. El Alentador Misionero: Published monthly by the Inter-American Division; editors, C. E. Wood and Mrs. E. E. Andross. SCHOOL AND SANITARIUM JOURNALS The Acorn: semimonthly; published at Oak Park Academy, Nevada, Iowa; editor, Berniece Hubert; M. S. Culver, faculty adviser. Boulder Canon Sentinel: 4-page issued semimonthly, by the Boulder-Colorado Alumni Association, Boulder, Colo.; subscription price 50 cents per year; ed- itor, Alba Campbell, R. N.; Associate editor, Verna Burdick. The Broadview Exponent: 4-page journal sheet, biweekly during the school year, monthly during the summer months; 50 cents a year; editor, Albert Anderson, Broadview College, La Grange, ill. The Campus Chronicle: 4 page weekly, issued by the Student Pub. Assn. of Pacific Union College during the school year. $1.00 per year; editor, Mary Hayton, Angwin, Napa Co., Calif. The Clock Tower: published every Thursday of the school year and monthly during the summer vacation, by the Student Association of Union College; Herbert Nelson, president; Hazel Brebner, editor- in- chief. Subscription price, $1.00 a year; College View Station, Lincoln, Nebr. Emmanuel Missionary College Bulletin: quaterly; free; editorial committee: The President and the Faculty Publication Committee; published at Berrien Springs, Michigan. 338 PERIODICALS The Hillside Radiogram: A 24page quarterly, issued by the Alumni Association of the St. Helena Sanitarium Training School and Hospital for Nurses. Subscription price, $1.00 per year; editor, Mrs. Bertha HaubStow, R. N. The Lancastrian: weekly, 36 numbers, $1.00; published by the College Council of Atlantic Union College, South Lancaster, Mass.; editor, Miss Mildred Wood. Pacific Union College Bulletin: Quarterly; free; published by the Faculty Publication Committee, at Angwin, Napa Co., Calif. The Sligonain: issued weekly during school year; annual subscription, $1.00; published by the Students Association of Washington Missionary College, Takoma Park, Washington, D. C.; Russell Krick, editor. Southern Junior College Catalog: one number a year, (usually about 84 pages); distributed free; published in the interests of the school; edited by a committee appointed by Southern Junior College Faculty, Collegedale, Tenn. The Southland Scroll: four-page periodical published at Southern Junior College, Collegedale, Tenn., every week throughout the summer, and at irregular intervals during the school year. The Student Movement: weekly; 4 pages; $1 a year; 36 issues; editor, Murray Deming; published at Berrien Springs, Mich. Unser Seminar (Our Seminary) Students' paper of the Seminary MarienhOhe -D arm s t ad t, 36, pages, issued five times a year; subscription price M2.30; editor, Adolf Krause, MarienhoheDarmstadt, Germany. The Walla Walla Collegian: 4-page weekly; issued by the student body of Walla Walla College; $1:00 a year; published at College Place, Washington; editor, Norval Pease. FOREIGN PERIODICALS BULGARIAN A Westitel Na Istinata (Herald of Truth) ; 16-pages, six times a year; annual subscription, Leva 40.00; editor, St. Konstantinoff, Solunska 49, Sofia, Bulgaria. CEBUAN Mizpa: 8-page semimonthly church paper; editor E. M. Adams; associate, L. 0. Pattison; 50 cents gold a year; Philippine Publishing House, P. 0. Box 813, Manila, Philippine Islands. CHINESE (Periodicals issued by the Signs of the Times Publishing House, 25 Ningkuo Road, China.) Shanghai, Shi Djao Yueh Bao (Signs of the Times); 36-page monthly magazine; yearly subscription, $1.00. gold; editor, Frederick Lee; associates, Hsu Hwa, E. R. Thiele; circulation mgr., H. A. Anderson. Mo Shi Muh Sheng: (The Last Day Shepherd's Call) Mandarin; 32-page semimonthly; yearly subscription. 60 cents, gold: editor, E. R. Thiele; associates, Joseph May, Frederick Lee; assistant, G. D. Goh. Contributing Editors; N. F. Brewer, 0. A. PERIODICALS Hall, B. Petersen, M. C. Warren, J. G. Gjording, G. J. Appel, K. H. Wood. Circulation Mgr., H. A. Anderson. Sabbath-School Helper: 32-page monthly; subscription, 25 cents gold; editor, Miss Bessie Mount, assistants, Miss Elsie Liu, E. R. Thiele, Mrs. K. H. Wood, G. 0. Goh. China Christian Educator: 48-page monthly; subscription, China, 60 cents, other countries, one dollar local currency; editor, S. L. Frost; associate editors, Frederick Lee, W. A. Scharffenberg, John Oss, Miss Bessie Mount, Yeh Kwen Gan, E. R. Thiele; circulation manager, H. A. Anderson. CROATIAN Preporod (Regeneration) : 16-page; published by Nakladno Drugtvo G. Sagi i komp., Petra Zrinjskog ulica 13, Novi Sad, Jugoslavia. Glasnik: 8-page church paper; published by Nakladno Drugtvo G. Sagi i komp., Petra Zrinjskog ulica 13, Novi Sad, Jugoslavia. Zivot i Zdravlje (Life and Health) : 16-page; published by Nakladno Drugtvo G. Sa'siL i komp., Petra Zrinjskog ulica 13, Novi Sad, Jugoslavia. CZECHIAN (BOHEMIAN) Hlasatel Pravdy (Herald of Truth): 16-page monthly: editor, F. Fiala; Brno-Krill. Pole, Wilsonova 8, Czechoslovakia. Strli Sionska (Advent-Messenger): fortnightly; published by Czechoslovakian Publishing House; editor, F. Fiala; BrnoKral, Pole, Wilsonova $, Czechoslovakia. 330 DANISH-NORWEGIAN Evangeliets Sendebud: 16-page Missionary weekly; annual subscription, $2.50 in U. S., $2.75 outside; Pacific Press Pub. Assn., Brookfield, Ill.; editor, C. A. Thorp. Tidens Tale: 24-page monthly (missionary paper); annual subscription, kr. 6.00; Akersgaten 74, Oslo, Norway; and Suomisvej 5, Copenhagen, V., Denmark; editor, P. G. Nelsen. Missionsefterretninger: 8 - page monthly (church paper); published in common for Norway and Denmark; Akersgaten 74, Oslo, Norway; and Suomisvej 5, Copenhagen, V., Denmark; editor, P. G. Nelsen. Sundhedsbladet (Health Journal): 24-page monthly; annual subscription, kr. 8.00; Akersgaten 74, Oslo, Norway, and Suomisvej 5, Copenhagen, V., Denmark; editor, J. C. Ottosen, M. D., Skodsborg, Denmark; editorial secretary, P. G. Nelsen, Akersgaten 74, Oslo, Norway. ESTONIAN Meie Aeg (Present Time) 16-page monthly; anual subscription E-Kr. 2.- (for America 70 cents); editor, M. Biirengrub, Merepuiestee 14a, Tallinna, Estonia. Misjioniteated: (Missionary News) 16-page quarterly; editor, M. Barengrub, Merepuiestee 14a, Tallinna, Estonia. FIJIAN • Rarama: 8-page monthly; annual subscription, 2/-; editor, R. W. Lane; published at the Fiji Mission Press, Suva, Fiji. Na Davui ni Lotu: 8-page monthly; 25 cents; editor, R. W. Lane; published at Fiji Mission Press, Suva, Fiji. 340 PERIODICALS FINNISH Aikain Vartija: 16-page monthly; annual subscription, in Finland, Fmk. 20.00, for other countries Fmk. 30.00; Annank. 7. Helsinki, Suomi (Finland) ; editor, K. Soisalo. Siionin Ystava: 8-page monthly; annual subscription, in Finland Fink. 18.00, for other countries, Fmk. 25.00; Annank. 7, Helsinki, Suomi (Finland) ; editor, K. Soisalo. FRENCH Les. Signes des Temps (Signs of the Times): 16-page monthly; annual subscription, for France, FFr. 12.00; for Switzerland SFr. 3.50; for other countries, FFr. 15.00. Editor, J. Vuilleumier, Dammarie-les-Lys (S. et M.), France. Vie et Sante (Life and Health): 16-page monthly health paper; annua subscription, for France, FFr. 18.00; for Switzerland, SFr. 6.00; for other countries, FFr. 24.00. Editor, Dr. J. Nussbaum, Dammarie-les-Lys, (S. et M.), France. Leben and Gesundheit (Life and Health): 16-page monthly health paper; annual subscription, for France, FFr. 18.00; for Switzerland, SFr. 6.00; for other countries, FFr. 24.00. Editor, Dr. J. Nussbaum, Dammarie-les-Lys, (S. and M.), France. Revue Adventiste (The Advent Review): 16-page semimonthly church paper; annual subscription for France, FFr. 12.00; for Switzerland, SFr. 7.00; for other countries, FFr. 14.00. Editor, E. Noualy, Dammarie-lesLys, (S. et M.), France. L'Ami des Jeunes (The Young People's Friend): 8-page young people's monthly; annual sub- scription for France, FFr. 10.00; for Switzerland, SFr. 3.00, for other countries, FFr. 15.00. Editors, Maurice Tieche, W. R. Beach, Dammarie-les-Lys (S. et M.), France. Les Signes des Temps (Signs of the Times) ; 8-page monthly; 75 cents a year; Canadian Watchman Press, Oshawa, Ontario, Canada. The Haitien Messenger; 8-page monthly; 40 cents a year, 50 cents foreign; published by the Haitien Mission, Boite 28, Cape Haitien, Haiti; editors, J. A. de Caenel and Herminie L. Roth. GERMAN Christlicher Hausfreund: 8-page Missionary weekly; annual subscription, $1.75 to U. S.; outside, $2.00; Pacific Press Pub. Assn., Brookfield, Ill.; editor, K. A. Offermann. Botschafter: 8- page Church weekly; annual subscription, $2.00 to U. S.; outside, $2.25; Pacific Press Pub. Assn., Brookfield, Ill.; editor, K. A. Offermann. Herold der Wahrheit (Herald of Truth): 16-page monthly; annual subscription, 70 cents; editor, L. R. Conradi, AdventVerlag (E. V.), Grindelberg 15a, Hamburg, Germany. Gute Gesundheit (Good Health) ; monthly; 16 pages; annual subscription, 60 cents; editor, Dr. med. E. Meyer; Advent-Verlag (E. V.), Grindelberg 15a, Hamburg, Germany. Unser kleiner Freund (Our little Friend): semimonthly; 8 pages; annual subscription, 60 cents; editor, P. John; Advent-Verlag (E. V.), Grindelberg 15a, Hamburg, Germany. PERIODICALS Der Adventbote (The Advent Messenger) : semimonthly church paper; 16 pages; annual subscription, $1; editor, C. Sinz; Advent-Verlag (E. V.), Grindelberg 15a, Hamburg, Germany. Aller Diener (Everybody's Servant) : quarterly; 32 and 4 pages; annual subscription, 30 cents; editor, W. Muller; Advent-Verlag (E. V.), Grindelberg 15a, Hamburg, Germany. ICirche and Staat (Church and State) : bimonthly; 20 pages; annual subscription, 30 cents; editor, H. F. Schuberth; AdventVerlag (E. V.), Grindelberg 15a, Hamburg, Germany. Jugend-Leitstern (Leading Star for the Youth): bimonthly; 16 pages; annual subscription, 30 cents; editor, H. Wittig; Advent-Verlag (E. V.), Grindelberg 15a, Hamburg, Germany. Gegenwartafragen (Questions of Today) ; monthly; 16 pages; annual subscription, 70 cents; editor, C. Sinz, Advent-Verlag (E. V.) Grindelberg 15a, Hamburg, Germany. Der Biichersendbote (Book Messenger) 8-page monthly; with no subscription price; editor, K. Banas, Advent-Verlag (E. V.) Grindelberg 15a, Hamburg, Germany. Sabbatsqhul-Lektionen (Sabbath School Lessons) ; quarterly; containing the S. D. A. Sabbath School lessons in German; annual subscription, 20 cents; Pacific Press Pub. Assn., Brookfield, Ill. Rundschau der Adventisten: 8-page monthly; editor, J. B. Johnson; asst. editor, Augusto Pages; Casa Publicadora Brazileira, Estacao de Sao Bernardo, Sao Paulo, Brazil, South America. 341 HOLLAND (DUTCH) reekenen des Tijds (Signs of the Times): 16-page monthly; annual subscription, 75 cents; editor, J. Wintzen, Internationaal Advent Zendingsgenootschap, van Weede van Dijkveldstraat 77, The Hague, Holland. De Adventbode (The Advent Messenger) : 12 numbers annually; 8 pages; annual subscription, 75 cents; with the Sabbath School Quarterly, $1.25; editor, J. Wintzen; International Advent Zendingsgenootschap, van Weede van Dijkveldstraat 77., The Hague, Holland. HUNGARIAN Az Idok Jelei (Signs of the Times) : semimonthly missionary paper; 16 pages; annual subscription, 50 cents; editor, L. Michnay, Vall.sos Iratok Nemzetkozi Kiadtihivatala, Budapest I, Nemetvolgyi-ut 12, Hungary. Evangeliumi Munkas (Gospel Worker); 16-page semimonthly church paper of the Hungarian Union; annual subscription, 50 cents; editor, B. Streisinger; Vallasos Iratok Nernzetkozi Kiadahivatala, Budapest I, Nametvolgyi-at 12, Hungary. Elet es Egeszseg (Life and Health) : semimonthly; 16 pages, annual subscription, $1.25; editor, A. RoOz, Vallasos Iratok, Namzetkozi Kiadohivatala, Budapest I, Nametvolgyi-ut 12, Hungary. A Jelenvale Igazsag (The Present Truth) 4-page monthly missionary paper; annual subscription, 50 cents to U. S.; outside, 75 cents; Pacific Press Pub. Assn., Brookfield, Ill. Sabbath School Quarterly: 32 pages; containing the General Conference Sabbath School De- 342 PERIODICALS e, partment lessons in Hungarian; annual subscription, 20 cents; Pacific Press Publishing Assn., Brookfield, Ill., U. S. A. ICELANDIC Geislinn (Missionary Paper): 24page quarterly; annual subscription, Icel. kroner 2.75; editor, David Em. Albertsen, Box 262, Reykjavik, Iceland. Braedrabandid (Church Paper): 6-8 pages monthly; editor, 0. Frenning. Box 262, Reykjavik, Iceland. ILOCANO Ti Damag ti Pagarian: 16-page monthly; 50 cents gold a year; editor, E. M. Adams; associates, R. Villanueva, L. A. Corda. Philippine Publishing House, P. 0. Box 813, Manila, Philippine islands. Mizpa: 8-page semimonthly church paper; editor E. M. Adams; associate J. 0. Afenir. Philippine Publishing House, P. 0. Box 813, Manila, Philippine Islands. ITALIAN La Verita (The Present Truth): 4-page monthly missionary pa per ; annual subscription, 50 cents to U. S.; outside, 75 cents; Pacific Press Publishing Assn., Brookfield, Ill. Sabbath School Quarterly: 32 pages; containing the General Conference Sabbath School Department lessons in Italian; annual subscription, 20 cents; Pacific Press Publishing Assn., Brookfield, Ill., U. S. A. L'Araldo Della Verita (Herald of Truth): 16-page hi-monthly; annual subscription for Italy, 4 lire; foreign countries fi lire; editor, G. L. Lippolis, via Trieste 17, Florence, Italy. Messaggero Avventista (Advent Review): 16-Page bi-monthly; annual subscription for Italy, 5 lire; foreign. countries, 6 lire; editor, G. L. Lippolis, via Trieste 17, Florence, Italy. JAPANESE Jicho Zashi (Signs of the Times); 32-page monthly; annual subscription $1.00, gold; published by the Japan S. D. A. Pub. House, Box 7, Yodobashi P. 0., Tokyo, Japan; editor, S. Miyake; associate editors, V. T. Armstrong, A. N. Anderson. Shimei (The Message): 48-page monthly; annual subscription, $1.00 (gold). Editors and publisher same as above. KISWAHILI Maongezi Matamu (Pleasant Chats): four-page monthly; editor, A. F. Bull, Suji Mission, Makania, P. 0. Tanga, Tanganyika, British East Africa. KOREAN Shi-Jo (The Signs of the Times); 32-page monthly; subscription, $1.00; published by the Signs of the Times Publishing House, Seoul, Chosen (Korea) ; editor, E. J. Urquhart (on furlough); associate editors, H. A. Oberg, Mrs. Theo. Wangerin. Kyo Hoi Chi-Nam (Church Compass); 32-page monthly; annual subscription, $1.00; published by the Signs of the Times .Publishing House, Seoul, Chosen (Korea) ; editor, E. J. Urquhart (on furlough); associate editors, H. A. Oberg, Mrs. Theo. Wangerin. LATVIAN Mfisu Laikmets (Our Age): 16page monthly, illustrated; annual subscription, Ls 3.00. (for America, $.80); editor, J. Birsin, Brivibas iela 11, Riga, Latvia. PERIODICALS Adventes Vestnesis (Advent Messenger): 8 months, 16-page; 4 months, 20-page; Ls. 2,00 (for American, SO cents); editor, J. Birsin, Brivibas iela 11, Riga, Latvia. LITHUANIAN Dabarties Klausimai (Present Questions) : 16-page monthly, illustrated; annual subscription, Lit. 2.00; editor, M. Gnedinas, Leliju 3, Kaunas, Lithuania. LUO of Waskeche Yesu (Soldiers Jesus) ; paper for youth in Luo language, issued at African training school at Kainagambo, East Africa. MALAGASY Ny Vavolombelona (The Witness) : A missionary paper; 32 pages; semi-monthly; annual subscription 4 fr. 50; editor, M. J. Bureaud ( Ankadifotsy, Tananarive, Madagascar. MALAYALAM Messenger: a monthly church paper published by the Malayalam Mission, and printed at theSouth. India Training School, Krishnarajapuram; editor, H. G. Woodward, Pattam, Trivandrum, Travancore, South India. PANAYAN-VISAYAN Mizpa: 8-page semimonthly church paper; editor, E. M. Adams; associate, H. P. Evens; 50 cents gold a year; Philippine Publishing House, P. 0. Box 813, Manila, Philippine Islands. POLISH Znaki Czasu (Signs of the Times): 8 numbers annually, 16-page; published by the Polish Publishing House " Poliglot," Ltd., Aleja Roz 9, Warsaw, Poland; editor, Fr. Dzik. Sluga Zboru (Church servant) a quarterly church paper, 16-page; 343 editor, Fr. Dzik, Aleja Roz 9, Warsaw, Poland. Sabbath School Quarterly: 32 pages; containing the General Conference Sabbath School Department lessons in Polish; annual subscription, 20 cents; Pacific Press Publishing Assn., Brookfield, Ill., U. S. A. PORTUGUESE 0 Atalaia: 28-page monthly; $1.50 a year; published by the Casa Publicadora Brasileira, Estacao de Sao Bernardo, S. P. R., Sao Paulo, Brazil, South America; editor, J. B. Johnson; asst. editor, Luiz Waldvogel. Revista Mensal: 16-page monthly; annual subscription, $1.25; published by the Casa Publicadora Brazileira, Estacao Sao Bernardo, S. P. R., Sao Paulo, Brazil, South America; editor, J. B. .1ohnson. Sabbath School Lessons: Sabbath School Lessons for the entire Portuguese field for both adults and children; annual subscription for adult lessons, 40 cents; Children's lessons, 35 cents per year. Published by the Casa Publicadora Brazileira, Estacao de Sao Bernardo, S. P. R., Silo Paulo, Brazil, South America. ' RAROTONGAN Tuatua-Mou: 8-page monthly; annual subscription, 2s; editor, H. B. P. Wicks; published by the Eastern Polynesian Mission, Tahiti, Society Islands, Pacific Ocean. RUMANIAN Sabbath School Quarterly: 32 pages; containing the General Conference Sabbath School Department lessons in Rumanian; annual subscription, 20 cents; Pacific Press Publishing Assn., Brookfield, Ill., U. S. A. 344 PERIODICALS Curierul Misionar (The Missionary Messenger): 16-page monthly church paper; annual subscription Lei 100.- (to America $1); editor, Vasile Florescu, Str. Labirint 116, Bucharest IV, Rumania. Viata Si Sanatate (Life and Health) : 16-pages two-monthly paper; annual subscription Lei 60.- (to America 75 cents); editor, Vasile Florescu, Str. Labirint 116, Bucharest IV, Rumania. RUSSIAN Znamenie Vremeni (Signs of the Times: 16-pages, two numbers annually; editor, M. Wasidlow, Aleja Rdz 9, Warsaw, Poland. Sabbath School Quarterly: 32 pages: containing the General Conference Sabbath School Department lessons in Russian; Annual subscription, 20 cents; Pacific Press Publishing Assn., Brookfield, Ill., U. S. A. Nastoyaschaya Estina (The Present Truth) : 4-page monthly missionary paper; annual subscription .50 cents to U. S.; outside, 75 cents; Pacific Press Publishing Assn., Brookfield, II]. RUTHENIAN (Ukrainian) Znaky Zasy (Signs of the Times): 16-pages, tN\ o mini hers annually. Editor, A. Alas& zak, Aleja Rdz 9, Warsaw, Poland. SERVIAN 8-page (Messenger) : Glasnik monthly church paper; published by Nakladno Dru§tvo G. Said i komp., Petra Zrinjskog ulica 13, Novi Sad, Jugoslavia. Preporod (Regeneration) : 16-page quarterly; published by Nakladno Drugtvo G. Sagi6 i komp., Petra Zrinjskog ulica 13, Novi Sad, Jugoslavia. Zivoti Zdravlje (Life and Health) : 16-page; devoted to healthful living; published by Nakladno Dru.Avo G. Saris i komp., Novi Sad, Petra Zrinjskog ulica 13, Jugoslavia. Sabbath School Quarterly: 32 pages; containing the General Conference Sabbath School Department lessons in Servian; annual subscription, 20 cents; Pacific Press Publishing Assn., Brookfield, Ill., U. S. A. SLOVAKIAN Pritomna Pravda (The Present Truth) 4-page monthly missionary paper; annual subscription 50 cents to U. S.; outside, 75 cents. Pacific Press Publishing Assn., Brookfield, Ill., U. S. A. Sabbath School Quarterly: 32 pages; containing the General Conference Sabbath School Department lessons in Slovakian; annual subscription, 20 cents; Pacific Press Publishing Assn., Brookfield, Ill., U. S. A. Pramin Zivota (Fountain of Life) : 16-page quarterly; editor, Pavel Surmann. SLOVENIAN Preporod (Regeneration) : 16-page; published by Nakladno Drugtvo G. i komp., Petra Zrinjskog ulica 13, Novi Sad, Jugoslavia. Zivot i Zdravlje (Life and Health) : a 16-page magazine devoted to healthful living; published by Nakladno Drugtvo G. SaST6 i komp., Petra Zrinjskog ulica 13, Novi Sad, Jugoslavia. SPANISH El Atalaya: 20 page monthly; $1.00 a year, ten cents a copy; published by the Casa Editora Sudamericana, Florida, F. C. C. A., Buenos Aires, Argentine, South America; editor, M. I. Fa yard. PERIODICALS La Revista A.dventista: Spanish Church paper; 16-page semimonthly; annual subscription, $1.50; published by the Casa. Miltora Sudamericana, Florida, F. C. C. A., Buenos Aires, Argenina, South America; editor, M. I. Fayard. El Auxiliar de la Escuela Sabatica (Spanish organ of the Sabbath School Department of the General Conference): 16 - page monthly; annual subscription, 50 cents; published by the South American Division of the General Conference of S. D. A. for the Sabbath School Department, Calle Pino 3801, Buenos Aires, Argentina, South America. Editors, Alfred W. Peterson, W. L. Adams; office editor, Dora Thomann. El Centinela: 20-page monthly; annual subscription, $1.00; 10 cents per copy. Pacific Press Pub. Assn., Box 5007, Cristobal, Canal Zone; editor, D. R. Buckner. Las Seilales de los Tiempos (Signs of the Times) : 16-page monthly; annual subscription, 3 pesetas; to foreign countries, 4 pesetas. Editor, R. Gerber, Apartado 4078, Madrid, Spain. La Revista Adventista Iberica: 16page semimonthly; free; editor, R. Gerber, Apartado 4078, Madrid, Spain. Heraldo Dominicano: Published every three months by the Santo Domingo Mission; editor, Peter Nygaard. Heraldo Portorriquefio: Published monthly by the Porto Rico Mission; 50 cents; editor, B. Bullard. SWEDISH Sions Vfiktare: 8-page weekly church and missionary paper; annual subscription, $1.75 to L. S.; 345 outside, $2.00; Pacific Press Pub. Assn., Brookfield, Ill.; editor, Olaf Granlund. Sundhedsbladet (Health Journal) : 24-page monthly; annual subscription, kr. 6:00, for other countries, kr. 8:00. Tunnelgatan 25, Stockholm, Sweden; editors: Dr. Gottfrid Thorell, and Dr. Carl Ottosen. Sec., Med. Land. Isak Karlsson. Tidens Tecken: 8-page semimonthly; annual subscription, kr. 4:50, rate for other countries, kr. 7:00; Tunnelgatan 25, Stockholm, Sweden; editor, Emil Ihren. Missionaren: 12-page monthly; annual subscription, kr. 2: 50; rate for other countries, kr. 4: 00; Tunnelgatan 25, Stockholm, Sweden; editor, Emil Ihren, Ungdomens Budbarare: Students' paper of the Mission School, Nyhyttan, Jiirnbofts, Sweden; 12-page monthly; subscription, kr. 2.50; editors, E. R. Colson, H. Lindsjo, G. Linde. TAGALOG Ang Tanglaw: 16-page monthly; 50 cents gold a year; editor, E. M. Adams; associates, L. A. Corda, R. Villanueva; Philippine Publishing House, P. 0. Box 813, Manila, Philippine Islands. Mizpa: 8-page semimonthly; church paper; editor, E. M. Adams; associate, R. R. Figuhr; 50 cents, gold a year; Philippine Publishing House, P. 0. Box 813, Manila, Philippine Islands. TAHITIAN Tiarama (the Light); 8-page monthly; annual subscription 2s; editor, F. E. Lyndon; issued by the Eastern Polynesian Mission, at Tahiti, Society Islands, Pacific Ocean. 346 - PERIODICALS TAMIL Messenger: a monthly church paper published by the Tamil Mission and printed at the South India Training School, Krishnarajapuram; editor, H. W. Carter, 6 Royal Road, Trichinopoly, South India. Signs of the Times and Herald of Health: a monthly missionary paper, published at Poona; editor, E. D. Thomas, South India Training School, Krishnarajapuram, Bangalore District, South India. TELUGU • Messenger: a monthly church paper published by the Telugu Mission and Printed at the South India Training School, Krishnarajapuram; editor T. R. Flaiz, Nuzvid, Kistna District, South India. UKRAINIAN Sabbath School Quarterly: 32 pages; containing the General Conference Sabbath School Department lessons in Ukrainian; annual subscription, 20 cents; Pacific Press Publishing Assn., Brookfield, Ill., U. S. A. URDU Qasid: Issued monthly for Indian believers; published at the Union Office, 17 Abbott, Road, Lucknow, India; editor, C. C. Belgrave. Amad: 16-pages; issued monthly; published by Northwest India Union Mission; subscription price, Rs. 1/- ($.36) per annum; editor, J. Ali Bakhsh, 16 Garwhal Mandi, Lahore, India. YIDDISH The Present Issues: 20-page quarterly; 50 cents a year; Pacific Press Pub. Assn., Brookfield, editor, F. C. Gilbert, Samuel Kaplan. LANGUAGES The languages in which denominational publications of all kinds are now issued are the following: Country Where Language Predominates Burma South Africa Abyssinia Language Aclim • Afrikaans Amharic Malekula, New Hebrides Amok Amoyese (Hokkien) Amoy, China Syria, Arabia, Egypt, etc. The Caucasus, Asia Minor, Greece. Arabic Armenian Armeno-Turkish Atchinese Turkey Island of Atchin, New Hebrides, Pacific Ocean Baba-Malay Malaysia Ratak (Toba) Bengali Bicol Bulgarian Burmese Cantonese Cebuan (Visayan) Chibemba Sumatra Bengal, India Philippine Islands Bulgaria Burma South China Island of Cebu, Philippine Islands Northern Rhodesia, South Africa Northern Rhodesia, South Africa Belgian Congo Southern Rhodesia, South Africa Nyasaland, British Central Africa Southern Rhodesia, Africa Northern Rhodesia, South Africa Chilenga Chiluba (Kiluba) Chiminyika Chinyanja Chishona Chitonga Croatian Jugoslavia Central Czechoslovakia Czechian (Bohemian) Danish Dovele Dusun Dutch English Estonian Fijian Finnish Flemish French German Greco-Turkish Greek Guarany Gujerati Hawaiian Hebrew Hindi Hungarian Ibanag Ibo Icelandic • Denmark Solomon Islands British North Borneo Holland England, America, etc. Estonia Fiji Finland Belgium France Germany, Austria Greece, Turkey, etc. Greece Paraguay, South America Bombay Presidency, etc., India Hawaii Among Jews North India Hungary Philippine Islands Nigeria, West Africa Iceland 347 348 LANGUAGES Philippine Islands Ilocano Italy Italian Japan Japanese Java Javanese Mysore, India Kanarese Northeast India Khasi Tanganyika, East Africa Kiikidzu Tanganyika, East Africa Kijita Ruanda, Belgian Congo Kinyarwanda Kipare (Chasii or Asu) Tanganyika Territory, East Africa. Kenya Colony, British East Africa Kisii (Ekegusii) Tanganyika, East Africa Kisakumu Kenya Colony, British East Africa, and TanKiswaheli (Swaheli) ganyika Chosen, (Korea) Korean Solomon Islands Kuboro (Choiseul) Northern Rhodesia, South Africa Lamba Siam Lao Lapland Laplandiah Latvia Latgalian Lettish (Lettonian) Latvia Lithuania Lithbanian Uganda, Africa Luganda Luo (Dholuo) Kenya Colony, British East Africa. Malagasay (Horns) Madagascar Malay (Arabic and Romanized) Malaysia Malaysia Malay (Dutch) Malayalam South India Mandarin (Ghow-Yu) North and Central China Manganja South Africa New Zealand Maori Marathi Bombay Presidency, India Marovo Solomon Islands Marquesas (Nukahivan) Marquesas Islands Mende West Africa Mongolian Mongolia Moro (Jolo) Philippine Islands Navajo Arizona and New Mexico, United States of Malaysia Nias [America Nivan Niue, or Savage Islands Norway Norwegian Oriya Province of Orissa, India Pampangan Philippine Islands Panayan (Visayan) Panay, Philippine Islands Panayan (Ilongot) Philippine Islands Philippine Islands Pangasinan Persia Persian Polish (Latin and Gothic)Poland Portuguese Portugal and Brazil Punjabi (Gurmukhi) Punjab, India Ranoga Solomon Islands Rarotongan Cook's Islands Roviana Solomon Islands LANGUAGES Rumanian Russian Ruthenian (Ukrainian) Samoan Santali Santo Sechuana Servian Sesuto Sgau-Karen Shanghai (Wu) Siamese Sikololo Singhalese Sintebele Slovakian Slovenian Spanish Sundanese Swedish Syriac Tagalog. Tahitian Tamil Telugu Temne Tibetan Tigrinya Tongan Turkish Twi Urdu (Persian) Visayan (see Cebuan and Panayan) Welsh Wendic Wenli Xosa (Kafir) Yiddish Yoruba Zulu Total— 141 349 Rumania, Transylvania Russia Galicia, East Czechoslovakia, and Southern Samoa [Russia Bihar, India New Hebrides Beuchuanaland, South Africa Jugoslavia Basutoland, South Africa Sgau-Karens of Burma Shanghai, China, and vicinity Siam Northern Rhodesia, South Africa Ceylon South Rhodesia, etc. Eastern Czechoslovakia Jugoslavia Spain and Latin America Malaysia Sweden Syria, etc. • Philippine Islands Tahiti South India South India Sierra Leone, West Africa Tibet Eritrea Friendly Islands Turkey, etc. Gold Coast, West Africa. North India, etc. Wales Wends in Hungary Literary language, China South Africa Jews in Europe and America Nigeria, West Africa Zululand, South Africa SUMMARY OF DENOMINATIONAL LITERATURE Papers Books Pamphlets Tracts Totals For the Year 1929; Issued in 141 Languages No. Pages 215 43,960 1,395 306,428 828 50,568 3,346 38,372 5,784 439,328 Value $153.61 1,441.76 93.42 57.50 $1,746.29 SANITARIUMS (Arranged alphabetically) BAD AIBLING SANITARIUM Established 1920 Address: Bad Aibling, Kurhaus, Wittelsbach, Oberbayern, Gel many. Officers: Manager, A. Staerr. Matron, Rosa Staerr. Local Board: E. Gugel, A. Staerr, Rosa Staerr. BOULDER-COLORADO SANITARIUM Boulder, Colo. Established 1895 Board of Trustees: J. J. Nethery, H. A. Green, R. J. Brown, J. W. Turner, C. E. Rice, S. G. Haughey. Faculty: H. A. Green, M. D., F. A. C. S., Surgery; F. C. Klopfenstein, M. D., Obstetrics and Pediatrics; L. L. Jones, M. D., Roentgenologist; R. J. Brown, Business Mgr.; D. M. Boyd, Asst. Business Manager; W. M. Andress, Chaplain; Maria Hornbacher, R. N., Supt of Nurses. FLORIDA SANITARIUM AND HOSPITAL Mail Address: Drawer 1100, Or- lando, Florida. Street Address: 601 E. Rollins Ave. Established 1908 Legal Name: " The Florida Sanitarium and Benevolent Association." Board of Directors: W. H. Heck- man, Pres.; C. A. Rottmiller, Sec. and Treas.• A. S. Booth, B. F. Kneeland, 'R. I. Keate, C. L. Butterfield, Dr. L. L. Andrews, C. O. Ortner, H. J. Klooster. 150 Staff and Faculty: L. L. Andrews, A. B., M. D., Medical Director; C. A. Rottmiller, Manager; K. C. Ashley, M. D., D. N. B.; Merwin Sutter, M. D., Internal Medicine; Miss Kate L. Macey, R. N., director school of nursing; Mrs. Walter Jones, R. N., Instructor; Mrs. Mabel Froom, R. N., Supervisor sanitarium and Women's Hydrotherapy; W. W. McCabe, Men's Hydrotherapy; Mrs. Wm. Munn, Matron; N. J. Waldorf, B. A., S. T. B., D. D., Chaplain; G. I. Butzer, R. N., R. R. T., Physiotherapy and X-ray technician; L. 0. Ray, Laboratory technician; Miss Ola K. Gant, B. S., Medical Dietitian; Mrs. Ethel Clark, R. N., Surgical and Hospital Supervisor. FUI ON HOSPITAL-DISPENSARY Waichow, Kwangtung, China Medical Supt.: H. C. James, M. D. Medical Staff: H. C. James, M. D., Mrs. Ethel M. James, M. D.; Nurses: L. F. Schutt, R. N., B. S.; Mrs. L. F. Schutt, R. N. Native Helpers: Chong Shau San, Ng Ah Ken, Chhang Thau Sin, Wong Pang Sham Liu Thien Min, Chu Tsun Yung, Chin Ku Nyong, Wong Shin Thiam. GIFFARD MISSION HOSPITAL OF SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS Nuzvid, Kistna Dist., South India Established 1925 Supt., A. E. Clark, M. D.; Asst. Supt., Emma Bughes, M. D. SANITARIUMS Managing Committee: H. Christensen, Chairman; A. E. Clark, Sec.; H. C. Menkel, M. D., H. A. Hansen, H. W. Carter, E. D. Thomas, G. A. Nelsen, M. D., L. R. C. P. and S (Ed.); 0. A. Skau (on furlough), N. Balle Nielsen, T. R. Flaiz, H. G. Woodward. Staff: A. E. Clark, M. D.; Emma Hughes, B. A., M. D., L. R. C. P. and S. (Ed), D. T. M. and H.; --, Head Nurse; A. V. Jesudas, M. B. Laban, M. V. Nehemiah, M. Lucas, U. J. Japheth, Y. Daniel, K. C. David, A. I. Lazarus, T. Datchanamiirthy, 0. B. Devasahayam, Male Nurses; Ch. Gnanamma, M. J. Mercy, M. J. Jesudyal, M. J. Jessie, Hilda Cruse, J. Badrawathie, P. C. Mariamma, Flora Cherrian, V. J. Pallammal, 0. B. Alice, Lady Nurses. V. J. Henry, Laboratory Technician; P. Asirvadam, Operating Room Nurse; Ch. Ratnavathi, Matron; Ch. Devadas, Indian Evangelist; Jacob Devadhason, Compounder; M. Jeevarathnarir, Registrar. GLENDALE SANITARIUM AND HOSPITAL Glendale, Calif. Established 1905 Incorporated as Glendale Sanitarium and Hospital. Board of Directors: J. E. Fulton, Pres.; P. E. Brodersen, P. M. Keller, M. D.; E. G. Fulton, G. K. Abbott, M. D., B. M. Emmerson, F. E. Corson, I. A. Ford, David Voth, James Howarth, F. W. Paap, W. C. Raley, Riley Russell, M. D. Officers: P. M. Keller, M. D., Medical Director; E. G. Fulton, Business Manager; James Howarth, Sec. and Treas.; Miss Edna Anderson, Matron; C. L. Burke, 351 Credit Manager; Miss Christine Manson, R. N., Director of School of Nursing; Mrs. Lois Barton Stuckey, Dietitian; W. L. Phillips, Steward and Purchasing Agent; F. W. Paap and G. A. Snyder, Chaplains. Medical Faculty: P. M. Keller. M. D., Medical Director; J. W. Hopkins, M. D., G. K. Abbott, M. D., W. J. Johnson, M. D., J. S. Davis, M. D., Leslie D. Trott, M. D., B. E. Grant, M. D., Julia A. White, M. D., Cora Richards Abbott, M. D.; John Reith, M. D., 0. W. Janes, M. D., Miss Christine Manson, R. N., Director of School of Nursing; E. G. Fulton, Business Manager; Mrs. E. Montgomery, Preceptress. GOOD HEALTH ASSOCIATION, LIMITED Stanborough Park, Watford, Herts, England Incorporated 1903 Trustees: W. H. Meredith, Dr. F. C. Shone, Dr. S. McClements, H. Osborne, J. Rigby, A. S. Maxwell, W. T. Bartlett, 0. M. Dorland, W. R. Raitt, S. Joyce, J. Harker, J. McAvoy, N. H. Knight, A. Warren. Officers: W. H. Meredith, Chairman; N. H. Knight, Sec. HULTAFORS SANITARIUM Hultafors, Sweden Fmtablished 1926 Director: C. V. Anderson. Manager: Axel Bengtsson. IOWA SANITARIUM Nevada, Iowa Established at Des Moines, Iowa, in 1899. Removed and established at Nevada, Iowa, in 1909. Reincorporated June 15, 1515. 352 SANITARIUMS Corporate Name: " Iowa Sanitarium and Benevolent .Association." Board of Managers: C. F. McVagh, Pres.; T. C. Nethery, Sec. and Treas.; J. F. Morse, M. D., F. A. C. S., R. L. Mantz, M. D., P. E. Jensen, G. A. Nystrom, W. C. Foreman. Faculty: J. F. Morse, M. D., F. A. C. S., Med. Supt.; H. P. Parker, M. D., Asst. Supt.; T. C. Nethery, Mgr.; Mrs. Florence OswaldAmes, Supt. of Nurses; Mrs. E. L. Sheldon, R. N., Instructor of Nurses; Mrs. Jennie Edgerton, Preceptress, Mrs. T. C. Nethery, Matron. THE JAMES WHITE MEMORIAL HOME Plainwell, Established 1898 Board of Trustees: W. H. Holden, Pres.; J. K. Jones, Vice-Pres.; L. W. Foote, Secy-Treas.; R. E. Barter, S. E. Wight. Faculty: Frank Hiner, Business Manager; Mrs. Frank Hiner, Matron. and Obstetrics; R. R. Reed, M. D., Supervisor of Training School. KALIGRAM HOSPITAL Established 1929 S. D. A. Mission Hospital, Jaliapur, Faridpur Dist., India Superintendent: C. F. Schilling, M. D., L. R. C. P. and S., assisted by two Indian helpers. Supt. of Nurses: Mrs. C. F. Schilling, R. N. KARMATAR HOSPITAL S. D. A. Hospital, Karmatar, E. I. Ry., India. Established 1929 Superintendent: H. G. Hebard, M. D., L. R. C. P. & S., assisted by three Indian helpers. Supt. of Nurses: Mrs. H. G. Hebard. KENDU HOSPITAL Established 1924 JULIACA AMERICAN HOSPITAL (Clinica Americana) Established 1922 Cable and Telegraphic Address: " Clinica," Juliaca, Postal Address: Casilla 22, Juliaca, Peril, South America. Board of Directors: R. J. Roy, Chairman; Dr. R. R. Reed, Sec.; Jacob Wagner, Trees.; C. H. Baker, Luis Leichner. Officers: •R. R. Reed, M. U., Medical Supt. and Business Mgr.; Luis Leichner, Bookkeeper; Miss Ana Angola, Director of Nurses Address: S. D. A. Hospital, Gendia, P. 0. Kisumu, Kenya, East Africa. Supt.: G. A. S. Madgwick, M. D. Nurses: Miss Karen Nielsen, Miss Dorothy Nielsen; Conrad Hyde. LAKE GENEVA SANITARIUM La Ligniere," Etablissement Physiotherapique, Gland, Canton de Vaud, Switzerland Established 1904. Corporate Name: Societe Philanthropique de la Ligniere. SANITARIUMS Board of Directors: J. C. Raft, V. Monnier, A. V. Olson, Dr. II. 'ailer, Dr. P. A. De Forest, P. P. Paulini, F. Brennwald, G. A. Weber, H. Schild, Willi Edener, Dr. J. Nussbaum. Officers: Dr. H. Midler, Pres.; V. IVIonnier, Manager. Local Board: Dr. H. Muller, V. Monnier, Dr. P.' A. De Forest, D. Meyer, W. Petter, G. Pache, F. Moser. Physicians: Dr. IL Muller, Dr. P. A. De Forest. LOMA LINDA SANITARIUM AND HOSPITAL (Incorporated with College of Medical Evangelists) Loma Linda, Calif. Established 1905 Board of Trustees: A. G. Daniells, P. E. Brodersen, G. A. Calkins, G. H. Curtis, F. R. Eastman, B. M. Emerson, Newton Evans, M. D., J. E. Fulton, W. H. Holden, W. T. Knox, Morris Lukens, P. T. Magan, M. D., J. L. McElhany, C. K. Meyers, F. B. Moor, M. D., E11. :Risley, M. D., J. L. Shaw, Alfred Shyrock, M. 1)., C. H. Watson, George Thomason, M. D., Chas. Thompson, Ralph Thompson, M. D., H. M. Walton, M. D. Officers of Board of Trustees: A. G. Daniells, President; G. A. Calkins, Comptroller; J. E. Fulton, First Vice-President; P. T. Magan, Second Vice-President; S. S. Merrill, Sec. and Treas. Officers of the Loma Linda Sanitarium and Hospital: H. M. Walton, M. D., Medical Director; G. H. Curtis, Business Manager; Allen Dazey, Assistant Business Manager; S. T. Hare, Chaplain; Daisy E. Walton, Superintendent of Nurses. 12 353 Medical Staff: H. NI. Walton, A. B., M. D., Medical Director, Internal Medicine; W. A. George, A. M., M. D., Surgery; F. B. Moor, A. B., M. D., Internal Medicine; El C. Ehlers, A. B., M. D., D. N. B., Diseases of the Heart; W. E. Macpherson, A. B., M. D., D. N. B. Diseases of the Chest; J. J. Wei r, M. D., Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat; A. R. Roos, M. D., Allergy and Dermatology; L. E. Elliott, B. S., M. D., Internal Medicine; F. W. Gardner, A. B., M. D., Diseases of Metabolism; Lyra H. George, M. D., Obstetrics and Gynecology; T. I. Zirkle, A. B., M. D., D. N. B., Urology, Bacteriology; H. C. Nelson, M. D., Gastro-Intestinal Diseases; Elizabeth J. Hiscox, A. B., M. D., Roentgenology, Pediatrics; L. C. Kellogg, A. B., M. D., Orthopedics; R. 0. Williams, D. D. S., Dentistry; A. Z. Nicola, D. D. S., Dentistry; 0. I. Cutler, B. S., M. D., Pathology; R. F. Wood, Ni. D., Proctology; Mrs. Florence Nelson, Dietitian; George Thomason, M. D., F. A. C. S., Consultant in Surgery; V. L. Mann, M. D., Consultant in Neurology; NI. R. Hill, M. D., Consultant in Proctology. MALAMULO MISSION HOSPITAL Address: Cholo, Nyasaland, British Central Africa. Medical Supt., (under appointment). Nurse, Miss M. D. Ingle, assisted by six native orderlies. MANILA SANITARIUM AND HOSPITAL (Formerly Vermont Street Treatment Rooms) Corner Vermont and Indiana Sts., Manila, Philippine Islands Established 1928 354 SANITARIUMS Board: E. M. Adams, Chairman; Dr. H. A. Hall, 'Vice-chairman; Hazel B. Sevrens, Secretary; F. L. Chaney, W. B. Ammundsen, R. R. Figuhr, E. A. Moon. Staff: H. A. Hall, M. D., Medical Director; Hazel B. Sevrens, Manager and Treas.; Miss Ruby Barnett, R. N., Supt. of Nurses and Operating Room Supervisor; Miss Bessie Irvine, R. N., Night Supervisor. MWAMI MISSION HOSPITAL P. 0. Box 47, Fort Jameson, Northeast Rhodesia, Africa Supt., Dr. E. G. Marcus, L. R. C. P., L. R. F. P. S. NANNING, KWANGSI, S. D. A. HOSPITAL Nanning, Kwangsi, China Director: D. D. Coffin, M. D. Board of Managers: P. V. Thomas, Chairman; D. D. Coffin, M. D., B. S.; Siu Kam Hing, V. M. Hansen, R. N., B. S. NARASAPUR S. D. A. MISSION HOSPITAL Established 1925 Supt.: G. A. Nelsen, B. S., M. D., L. R. C. P. and S. (Ed). Name of Mission: Telugu Mission. Name of Institution: Seventh-day Adventist Mission Hospital. Location of Institution: Narasapur, West Godavari, South India. Managing Committee: Executive Committee, South India Union Mission. Hospital Staff: Medical Supt., G. A. Nelsen, B. S., M. D., L. R. C. P. and S. (Ed) ; Nursing Supt., Mrs. C. A. Schutt; Nurses and Other Workers, miss T. Alice, M. Brahmanandam, S'. K. Daniel, P. David, K. Devadanam, Miss T. Grace, 0. Israel, K. Joseph, Mariammal, C. J. Samuel, B. Solombo, Santhosamma. NEW ENGLAND SANITARIUM AND HOSPITAL Melrose, Mass. Established 1899 Board of Trustees: E. K. Slade, Pres.; E. L. Place, Sec.; W. A. Ruble, M. D., B. S., L. R. C. S., L. R. C. P. Edin.; C. L. Blandford, 0. M. John, J. K. Jones, D. J. C. Barrett, J. K. Macmillan, P. L. Baker, J. E. Osterblom, L. K. Dickson, D. A. Bailey, J. E. Shultz, N. H. Saunders, F. D. Wells. Local Board: E. K. Slade, Chairman; P. L. Baker, Secretary; W. A. Ruble, M. D., B. S., L. R. C. S., L. R. C. P. Edin.; D. J. C. Barrett, E. L. Place, C. L. Blandford, Jemma M. Joy, R. N. Faculty: W. A. Ruble, M. D., B. S., L. R. C. S., L. R. C. P. Edin., Medical Supt.; Associate Physicians, J. C. Gant; M. D., E. P. Otis, M. D.; Clara BecknerOtis, M. D.; C. A. Haysmer, M. D.; H. S. Brown, M. D.; E. L. Place, Business Manager and Treasurer; Jemma M. Joy, R. N., Supt. of Nurses; Mrs. Edith F. Strand, R. N., Instructor of Nurses; Mrs. C. L. Blandford, R. N., Preceptress; C. L. Blandford, Chaplain; G. E. Cornforth, Chef and Dietitian, Mrs. J. E. Deininger, Gymnasium Instructor. ORLANDO-FLORIDA SANITARIUM See Florida Sanitarium. SANITARIUMS OSLO HEALTH HOME Oslo, Norway, Akersgaten 74 Established 1900 Corporate Name: " Kurbadet." Superintendent: C. M. Scott. PARADISE VALLEY SANITARIUM National City, Cal. Telephone: Natl. 61. (Incorporated as Southeastern California Association of Seventh-day Adventists.) Established 1906 Board of Directors: G. A. Calkins, Pres.; H. B. Thomas, Sec.; J. A. Burden, A. D. Butterfield, M. D., T. S. 'Whitelock, M. D., Frank Ford, H. W. Cottrell, B. M. Emerson, V. B. Anspach. Managing Committee: J. A. Burden, Manager; A. D. Butterfield, NI. D., Medical Director•; Frank Ford, Treasurer. Purchasing Agent, V. B. Anspach. Faculty: A. D. Butterfield, B. A., M. D.; J. A. Burden; J. W. Warren, M. D.; S. A. Lockwood, M. D.; Myrtle Lockwood, ' M. D.; Helen Rice, R. N., Supt. of Nurses; Mrs. J. A. Burden, Frank Ford, Miss Mary Hannaford, Mrs. A. R. Merickle, R. N.; V. B. Anspach, L. A. Semmens, B. A.; Mrs. A. H. Olsen, R. N.; Mrs. T. L. Parnham, R. N.; Lottie Ulvick, R. N. PENANG SANITARIUM AND HOSPITAL 465 Burmah Road, Penang, Straits Settlements Established 1930 Mission Clinic: 108 Muntri Street, Penang, Straits Settlements. 355 Medical Supt. and Business Manager: J. E. Gardner, B. A., M. D., M. R. C. S. (Eng.), L. R. C. P. (Loud.). Treasurer, Pan Lok-liong. Board: Malayan Union Mission Executive Committee. PLUMSTEAD NURSING HOME Address: Main Road, Plumstead, Cape Province, South Africa. Board: J. F. Wright, Chairman, A. E. Nelson, Sec., E. D. Dick, J. G. Slate, J. I. Robison, Miss 1. Thomason, A. N. Tonge, Ni. D., L. R. C. P., and S. Matron in charge: Miss Ida Thomason. Treasurer: A. E. Nelson. PORTER SANITARIUM AND HOSPITAL 2525 South Downing St., Denver, Colo. Established 1930 Board: J. J. Nethery, C. S. Weist, A. L. Moon, M. D., J. F. Piper, C. E. Rice, R. T. Emery. Medical Director: A. L. Moon, M. D. Business Manager: C. E. Rice. PORTLAND SANITARIUM East Sixtieth and Belmont Sts., Portland, Oreg. Telephone, Tabor 8674. Founded 1893; reorganized 1902; became an institution of the North Pacific Union Conference 1906. Control transferred to Western Oregon Conference 1920. Board of Directors: I. J. Woodman, Pres.; R. W. Nelson, Sec. and Treas.; Morris Lukens, W. A. Woodruff, Dr. W. B. Holden, 356 SANITARIUMS Dr. E. E. Rippey, J. G. Lamson, D. J. Chitwood, J. E. Weaver. Medical Faculty: W. B. Holden, M. D., Supt.; R. W. Nelson, Manager; Frances J. Tautfest, R. N., Supt. of Nurses' Training School; E. E. Rippey, M. D., Mable S. Mullin, R. N., Ruby Cook, R. N., Charlotte Robbins, R. N.; Alpha Nord, R. N.; W. L. Parker, H. N.; Carrie L. Nelson, R. N., Mrs. Anna M. Wasell, R. N., Pauline Young, R. N., Faye Pritchard, R. N., Ernestine Gill, R. N., Mrs. Ruth Parker, R. N., Louise Tautfest, R. N., Margurette Torrence, R. N., Miss Etta Alsberge, L. L. Wasell, J. A. Rippey, Chaplain. RESTHAVEN SANITARIUM Sidney, (Near Victoria) British Columbia, Canada Established 1921 Board of Directors: S. A. Ruskjer, T. R. Lukens, 0. Ziprick, A. V. Rhoads, D. E. Reiner, C. 0. Smith, A. Bernhard, H. A. Lukens, J. H. Roth, P. D. Gerrard, S. W. Leiske, M. D., J. C. Niethereut, J. M. A. LeMarquand. Officers: S. W. Leiske, M. D., Medical Supt.; Business Manager and Treas., J. M. A. LeMarquand. House Committee: S. W. Leiske, M. D., Celia Beach, Supt. of Nurses; J. M. A. LeMarquand. Faculty: S. W. Leiske, M. D., Mrs. C. Courser, R. N., Celia, Beach, Supt. of Nurses; J. M. A. LeMarquand, T. S. Bowett. RIVER PLATE SANITARIUM (Sanatorio Adventista del Plata) Established 1908 Postal Address: Puiggari, Entre Rios, Argentina, South America. Board of Directors: N. Z. Town, Pres.; 0. H. Maxson, Sec.; C. E. Westphal, M. D., G. B. Replogle, M. D., J. H. Meier, J. S. Marshall, C. E. Krieghoff, W. A. Ernenpustch, H. F. Brown, P. M. Brouchy. Executive Committee: C. E. Westphal, M. D., Pres.; 0. H. Maxson, Sec.; G. B. Replogle, M. D., J. S. Marshall, P. C. Beskow. Medical Faculty: C. E. Westphal, M. D., Director; G. B. Replogle, M. D., Sec.; 0. H. Maxson; Freda Trefz, Lady Head Nurse and Matron; Eduardo Treiyer; B. E. Bishop, Men's Head Nurse; Celia, Peverini, Field 'Worker; Beatriz Biaggi. Officers: C. E. Westphal, M. D., Medical Supt.; 0. H. Maxson, Treas., and Business Manager. SHANGHAI SANITARIUM AND HOSPITAL Box 1281, Shanghai, China Established 1917 Main Institution: 150 Rubicon, Road, Shanghai, China. City Medical and Dental Offices: Room 306, 3rd Floor, Sassoon House, Shanghai, China. City Clinic: 33 Range Road, Shanghai, China. Board: H. W. Miller, M. A., M. D., Chairman; A. Mountain, Secretary; H. 'W. Barrows, C. C. Crisler, R. W. Paul, M. D., D. E. Griggs, M. D., K. H. Wood, Dr. J. V. Scott, Constance J. Wen, M. D., E. C. Wood, Mrs. R. W. Paul, Elizabeth Redelstein, Y. C. Hsu, H. C. Shen. Sanitarium Staff: H. W. Miller, M. A., M. D., Medical Director; H. W. Barrows, Treasurer and Manager; D. E. Griggs. M. D., Asst. Medical Supt.; Constance J. Wen, M. D., A. Mountain, SANITARIUMS Secretary; W. E. Eberhardt, Steward; Li Hsing Kiang, Accountant; Mrs. W. E. Eberhardt, Credit Manager; Elizabeth Redelstein, Supt. of Nurses; Matilda Follett, Head Nurse; Mrs. A. R. Boynton; Miss Ethel Chenalloy, R. N., Surgical Head Nurse; P. :Laurente, Night Supervisor; 0. G. Erich, Roentgenologist; Mrs. 0. G. Erich, Supt. Ladies' Bath; A. R. Boynton, Supt. Men's Bath; Dorothy Wen, Dietitian; P. L. Chang„ Laboratory Technician and Pharmacist; Mrs. E. C. Wood, Matron; A. Mountain, Chaplain; Miss Ida Thompson, Preceptress; Dr. J. V. Scott, Dental Dept.; Clyde Bailey, Chef. -Clinic Staff: H. W. Miller, M. D., Medical Director; R.. W. Paul, Asst. Medical Director; Constance J. Wen, M. D.; H. W. Barrows, Manager; Mrs. R. W. Paul, Head Nurse and Matron; Esther Nash, Surgical Head Nurse; Mrs. Moses Swen, R. N.; A. Mountain, Secretary; Y. C. Hsu, Treasurer; Mrs. John Oss, Solicitor and Publicity Worker; Dr. C. Y. Chen; Dentist. SIMLA SANITARIUM HYDROELECTRIC INSTITUTE Simla, India Established 1915 Under supervision of Northwest India Union Committee. Address: " Galway House," Simla, India. During winter season: B. D. S. Building, The Mall, Lahore, India. Manager: H. C. Menkel, M. D. 357 rector, Business Manager, and Treasurer. Medical Faculty: J. C. Ottosen, M. D., A. Andersen, M. D., Miss Jensine Iversen, M. D., H. E. Eriksen, M. D. SONGA MISSION HOSPITAL P. 0. Kamina, Belgian Congo, Central Africa Director: J. H. Sturges, M. D., L. R. C. P., L. R. F. P. S. SOONAN HOSPITAL-DISPENSARY Soonan, Chosen (Korea) Supt., Dr. G. H. Rue: Board: Superintendent of the Union, Superintendent of the Hospital; Mrs. R. S. Watts, Treasurer; Director of the West Chosen Mission; H. M. Lee, L. I. Bowers. STANBOROUGH PARK SANITARIUM (The Stanboroughs) Stanborough Park, Watford, Herts, England Established 1912 Officers: Dr. S. McClements, Medical Supt.; N. H. Knight, Business Manager; Miss D. Watts, Medical Sister; Miss L. Clifford, S. R. N., C. M. B., Home Sister. ST. HELENA SANITARIUM Sanitarium, Napa County, Calif. Established 1878 SKODSBORG SANITARIUM (Skodsborg Badesanatorium) Skodsborg, Denmark Established 1897 Officers: J. C. Ottosen, M. D., Director; Chr. Hansen, Vice-Di- (Operated by the California Medical Missionary and Benevolent Association.) Board of Directors: G. A. Roberts, President; J. E. Fulton, B. M. Emerson, C. H. Jones, H. W. 358 SANITARIUMS Vollmer, M. D., M. C. Lysinger, E. F. Stow, R. S. Fries, W. M. Adams, W. E. Nelson, W. C. White, C. A. Gregory, A. C. Larson, Secretary; C. E. Nelson. Officers: H. W. Vollmer, M. D., Medical Director; M. C. Lysinger, Treasurer ani General Manager; A. C. Larson, Sec. and Assistant Manager; Miss Franke Cobban, R. N., Supt. of the Nurses Training School; A. M. Dart, Chaplain. Medical Staff: H. W. Vollmer, M. D.; C. A. Gregory, M. D.; C. E. Nelson, M. D., F. R. C. S.; Orville Rockwell, M. D.; Ida S. Nelson, M. D.; Ruth Miller, M. D. The California Medical Missionary and Benevolent Association also operates the following: Sanitarium Food Company: Sanitarium, Calif.; 'William Miller, Factory Supt. Sanitarium Mercantile Company: Sanitarium, Calif; I. C. Emmerson, Supt. Oakland Branch: Treatment Rooms, Rooms 307, 308, 309, Franklin Building, Oakland, California. SYDNEY SANITARIUM Wahroonga, N. S. W., Australia Established 1902 Board: W. G. Turner, Dr. C. W. Harrison, A. G. Minchin, G. S. Fisher, T. W. Hammond, A. H. Piper, Dr. T. A. Sherwin, R. E. Hare, R. H. Adair. Medical Faculty: C. W. Harrison, M. D., F. R. C. S.; M. M. Freeman, M. B., Ch. M., Sydney; A. 0. Minchin, Manager; Mrs. Elsie Shannan, C. H. Pretyman, R. G. L. Cooper, Miss Myrtle Speck, Dr, D. I. Mills, M. B., Ch. M., Sydney; J. L. Simpson, Dr. T. A. Sherwin, M. B., Ch. M. (Sydney), D. T. M. and H. (England). TAFFARIE MAKONNEN HOSPITAL Dessie, Abyssinia Established 1928 Superintendent: Dr. G. Bergman. TOKYO SANITARIUMHOSPITAL Established 1928 Telephone, Ogikubo 51 Cable Address: " Adventist, Tokyo." Address: 171 Amanuma, SuginamiMachi, Toyotama-Gun, Tokyo-f u, Japan. Postal Address: Box 7, Yodobashi Post Office, Tokyo, Japan. Board: V. T. Armstrong, E. E. Getzlaff, M. D., H. J. Perkins, S. Miyake, H. Kuniya, A. B. Cole, Dr. S. Watanabe. Officers: E. E. Getzlaff, M. D., A. B., Medical Director; Shogo Watanabe, M. D., Assistant Med. Director; Dr. J. T. Kuninobu, A. B., Assistant Medical Director; H. J. Perkins, Business Mgr. and Treas.; Miss Roby W. Peck, R. N., Supt of Nurses. WABASH VALLEY SANITARIUM Lafayette, Ind. Established 1906 Board of Trustees: W. H. Holden, Pres., F. A. Wright, Vice-Pres.: W. R. Simmons, Manager and Treasurer; R. E. Harter, S. E. Wight,.J. F. Piper, J. D. Snyder. SANITARIUMS Faculty: W. R. Simmons, M. D., Medical Supt.; Floyd Saunders, Chaplain; L. A. Buss, M. D.; W. G. Simmons, Assistant Manager; Mrs. Leah Griffe . and Director of Nurse s. Jenbro, Medical Matroi nie Benner, Night Supei " WALDFRIEDE" SANITARIUM AND CLINIC Established 1920 Alsenstrasse 99-109, Berlin-Zehlendorf, Germany Telegraphic Address: Sanitarium Waldfriede, Zehlendorf, Germany. Capacity: 140 patients. The institution is conducted as Sanitarium and general hospital and has government recognition as a benevolent institution, as a nurses' training school, and for medical internship. Patronage of resident patients for 1929, 1,709. Number of ambulance patients treated in 1929, 2,800. Operated by the German Health Association. Officers and Local Committee: Dr. L. E. Conradi, Superintendent and Surgical Director; Dr. E. Meyer, Medical Director; Johannes Seefried, Business Manager; Elisabeth Bruhn, Matron and Head Nurse; Carl Rohleder, Male Head Nurse. Medical Faculty: Dr. L. E. Conradi, Dr. E. Meyer and 2 assistant physicians. WALLA WALLA SANITARIUM AND HOSPITAL College Place, Wash. Established 1905 Legal Name: Upper Columbia Medical Missionary and Benevolent Association. 359 Board of Directors:. M. L. 'Rice, H. G. Burden, M. D., Silas Yarnell, M. D., A. D. Schlotthauer, M. D., C. B. Miller, F. W. Peterson, P. W. Ochs. G. Burden, M. D., Laura May-Miller;-:M.? D. H. J. Flower, M. D., Oral Dott wirgoltr,_ R. N., Supt. of Nurses; P. W. Ochs, Business Manager. WARBURTON SANITARIUM Warburton, Victoria, Australia Established 1910 Officer: H. J. Franks, Manager. Board: W. 0. Johanson,T.W. Hammond, H. J. Franks, C. M. Snow, G. G. Stewart, T. N. Bush, E. S. Richards, L. R. C. P. & S., W. H. James, M. B., B. S., Melbourne. Medical Supt.: W. H. James, M. B., B. S., Melbourne. WASHINGTON SANITARIUM Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Dedicated June 12, 1907 Corporate Name: " Washington (D. C.) Sanitarium Association." Constituency: The Executive Committee of the General Conference; Board of Trustees of the Washington (D. C.) Sanitarium Association; Faculty and head of departments of the Washing. ton (D. C.) Sanitarium Association; President and Treasurer and Medical Secretary of the Columbia Union Conference; Presidents of the local Conferences within the Columbia Union; President and Manager of the Review and Herald Publish- 360 SANITARIUMS ing Association; President and Manager of the Washington Missionary College. Board of Directors: J. L. Shaw, Chairman; C. C. Pulver, Sec.; A. W. Truman, M. D.; D. H. Kress, M. D.; F. M. Wilcox, F. H. Robbins, 0. Montgomery, H. H. Hamilton, W. P. Elliott, D. E. Davenport. Officers: J. L. Shaw, Pres.; A. W. Truman, Medical Director; C. C. Pulver, Sec., Treas., and Business Manager. ' Hospital Staff: A. W. Truman, M. D., Medical Director; D. H. Kress, M. D.; D. E. Davenport, M. D., Asst. Medical Director; H. T. Morse, M. D.; Evelyn Buchheim, M. D., Obstetrician; Edna F. Patterson, M. D., Anaesthetist and Asst. in Pediatrics; Harold Mikkelsen, Interne; C. C. Pulver, Business Mgr.; J. C. Shull, Credit Manager; J. C. Dimock, Steward; W. E. Barr, Chaplain; Mrs. S. A. James, R. N., Director and Instructor of Nurses; H. F. Wilson, R. N., Physiotherapy Dept.; R. L. Runk, M. D., Eye, Ear, Nose, and Throat Dept.; S. A. James, X-ray Dept.; Grace Parker, R. N., Laboratory Technician; Miss Helen Shull, A. B., Matron; Mrs. Alice Bourdeau, B. S., Social Matron; Mrs. Martha Howe, Dietitian; Mrs. W. E. Barr, Preeeptress. WHITE MEMORIAL HOSPITAL Cor. Boyle and Michigan Ayes., Los Angeles, Calif. (Corporate name, College of Medical Evangelists.) Board of Trustees: A. G. Daniells, P. E. Brodersen, G. A. Calkins, G. H. Curtis, F. R. Eastman, B. M. Emerson, Newton Evans, J. E. Fulton, W. H. Holden, W. T. Knox, Morris Lukens, P. T. Magan, J. L. McElhany, C. K. Meyers, Fred B. Moor, E. H. Risley, J. L. Shaw, Alfred Shryock, C. 4. Watson, George Thomason, Charles Thompson, Ralph Thompson, H. M. Walton. Officers of Board: A. G. Daniells, President; G. A. Calkins, Comptroller; J. E. Fulton, First VicePresident; P. T. Magan, Second Vice-President; S. S. Merrill, Secretary-Treasurer. Executive Faculty, School of Medicine, Los Angeles: P. T. Magan, President; Newton Evans, Dean Los Angeles Division; Ora Barbar, Instructor in Anesthesiology; Roger Barnes, Associate Prof. of Surgery; Albert Bond, Instructor in Medicine; Ethel Brownsberger, Medical Director of Out-Patient Department; R. M. Clarke, Professor of Medicine; D. D. Comstock, Head of Dept. of Internal Medicine; B. N. Colver, Prof. of Surgery (Otolaryngology); C. B. Courville, Asst. Prof. of Neurology; Albert Dickson, Asso. Prof. of Surgery (Otology); Malcolm Hill, Asst. Prof. of Surgery; George Johnstone, Asst. Prof. of Clincieal Surgery; Florence Keller, Prof. of Gynecology; E. C. Kellogg, Asst. Prof. of Surgery (Otolaryngology); T. S. Kimball, Instructor in Pathology; V. L. Mann, Prof. of Medicine (Neurology) ; E. A. Nelson, Asst. Prof. of Surgery; John Potts, Instructor in Obstetrics; 0. B. Pratt, Asso. Prof. of Pathology; G. M. Taylor, Asst. Dean and Asst. Prof. of Surgery (Orthopedics); George Thomason, Prof. of Surgery; R. J. Thompson, Head of Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology. Executive Faculty, School of Nursing, Los Angeles: Martha E. SANITARIUMS Borg, Director School of Nursing; P. T. Magan, President College of Medical Evangelists; Newton Evans, Dean Los Angeles Division College of Medical Evangelists; R. J. Thompson, Superintendent; E. A. Nelson, Assistant Superintendent; Ida Johnson, Preceptress; Rilla H. Dagoberg, Assistant Director School of Nursing; Mary H. Colby, Instructor of Nurses; F. R. Eastman, Business Manager; Ruth Lindbloom, Supervisor OutPatient Department; Helen Downey, Night Supervisor; Bessie Falconer, Supervisor Private Room Section; Ethel Clifton, Supervisor Maternity Department; Helen Rand, Supervisor Operating Room; Alida, J. Redell, Supervisor Men's Medical and Surgical Department; Velma N. Albrecht, Supervisor Women's Medical and Surgical Department; Ruth Starr, Supervisor Children's Ward; Nellie DeFord, Dietitian. 361 YENCHENG HOSPITAL-DISPENSARY Lowanho, Yencheng, Honan, China Established 1916 In Charge: Dr. L. H. Butka, assisted by Mrs. Butka, Miss Edith Johnson, and Dr. A. L. Dai. Graduate Nurses: Dja Tsu Hwang, Miss Niu Siu Yun. Number of Sanitariums, 47 In addition to the foregoing Conference institutions, there are a number of sanitariums and treatment rooms owned and operated by private individuals and organizations. While under private or semi-private management, many of these enterprises are doing a work which adds greatly to the volume of medical work of the denomination as a whole. As our Year Book gives only such institutions as are directly owned and managed by the denomination, these enterprises are not DISPENSARIES AND TREATMENT ROOMS Alambagh, Lucknow.—Dispensary (Address: 17 Abbott Road, Lucknow, India), in charge of Mrs. R. E. Loasby, C. M. B. Bergen, Norway.— Treatment Rooms, Vestre Torvgate 11; Manager, H. Henriksen. Bongo Hospital.—Lepi, Dist. Benguella, Angola, Portuguese West Africa; Dr. Roy Parsons in charge. Buganda Mission Dispensary.—Buganda, P. 0. Usumbura, Urundi, Central Africa. Cancele Mission Hospital.—Mount Frere, Pondonland, South Africa. Canton Dispensary.-42 Nam Kwan, Chekwang Lai, Canton, China. Changchun Hospital-Dispensary.--S. D. A. Mission, Changchun, Kirin, Manchuria. Established 1930. Dr. M. H. Vinkel, in charge. Charlottenbad.—Charlottenbad, Charlottenstr. 24, Hamburg, Germany. Held by: Westdeutsche Grundstiicks-Gesellschaft, Hamburg. Manager: Willy Koch. Local Board: Gustav Elf, Alfred Vollmer, F. A. Friesen 362 TREATMENT ROOMS Chelusian, Garhwal, India.—Dispensary in charge of R. L. Kimble. Chiao Tou Djen Hospital-Dispensary.— China Theological Seminary, Chiao Tou Djen, via Siashu, Kiangsu, China. Established 1926. Board of Managers: The same as for the China Theological Seminary. Mrs. H. L. Shull, R. N., in charge. Coloniabad.—Koln, Pantaleonswall 42/44, Germany. Held by: Westdeutsche Grundstticks-Gesellschaft, Hamburg; Manager: Willy Koch; Nurses: Kate Krieger, Ida Schimmek. Emmanuel Mission Dispensary.—Leribe, Basutoland, South Africa; H. L. Ferguson in charge. Hamburg-Eimsbiittel.— Treatment Rooms, Charlottenstr. 24, Germany. Haugesund, Norway.— Treatment Rooms, Breidablikgaten 97. Corporate Name: Haugesunds Kurbad. Manager: 0. Stavdal. Gitwe Mission Dispensary.--Gitwe P. 0., Usumbura, Urundi, Central Africa. Helsingfors, Finland.— Hydro-Electric Institute, Annegatan 7. Corporate Name: Helsingfors Fysikaliska Institut. Manager, V. Sucksdorff, M. D. Managing Committee: V. Sucksdorff, M. D., A. Rintala, C. 0. Carlstjerna, Y. Miettinen, E. Nevalainen. Huambo Dispensary,—,caixa Postale 3, Nova Lisboa, Angola, Portuguese West Africa. Mrs. W. H. Anderson in charge. Jerusalem.— Institution for Massage and Hydro Electric Therapy. Established 1899, suspended 1916, reopened 1929. Address: Godfrey 58, Misrara, Jerusalem. Nurses: Bror. Fernstrom, Else Farnstrom, Marie Miners. Kalgan Hospital-Dispensary (to be opened later in the year).—Kalgan, Hopei, China. In charge of Dr. E. F. Coulston. Kalyan, India.—Dispensary in charge of Mrs. J. B. Carter. Kamamaung Dispensary.—Established 1915. Address, S. D. A. Mission, Kamamaung, Shwegon Post Office, via Maulmein, Burma; in charge of FL Baird, assisted by Mrs. II. Baird and Tina E Sein. Kanye Hospital.— Via Lobatsi, British Bechuanaland, Africa; Dr. A. Huse, L. R. C. P. and S., in charge. Kolhapur, India.—Dispensary in charge of Mrs. S. 0. Martin. Kolo Mission Dispensary.— Kolo Mission, Morija, Basutoland, South Africa; H. J. Hurlow in charge. Krishnarajapuram Dispensary.—Krishnarajapuram, Bangalore District, South India. In charge of E. D. Thomas; established 1924. Lasalgaon, India.—Dispensary. In charge of Mrs. M. Oss. Little Eden Hospital-Dispensary.— Shek Lo Tau St., Fatshan, Kwangtung, China; in charge of Dr. Loo Pun, with four native assistants. Board ofDirectors: Same as Cantonese Mission Committee. Liumba Hill Mission Dispensary.— Mongu, Barotseland, Northern Rhodesia, Africa; S. M. Konigmacher in charge. TREATMENT ROOMS 363 Luz Mission Dispensary.—Caixa Postale, No. 33, Missao de Luz, Vila Luzo, Angola, Portuguese West Africa; Mrs. J. D. Baker in charge. Malamulo Mission Hospital.—Cholo, Nyasaland, British Central Africa; Medical Supt., —. Matandani Mission Dispensary.— Blantyre, Nyasaland, British Central Africa; Mrs. W. L. Davy in charge., Myaungmya Dispensary.—Established 1928. In charge of A. J. Sargent, assisted by Mrs. A. J. Sargent. Address: S. D. A. Mission, Mo So Kwin Road, Myaungmya, Burma. Nazareth Dispensary.—Prakasapuram, Nazareth P. 0., Tinnevelly Dist., South India. In charge of Mrs. E. D. Willmott. Es!;ablished 1909. Nyhyttan, Jarnboas, Sweden.— Treatment Rooms; Manager, E. R. Colson. Poona, India.—Dispensary in charge of Mrs. J. F. Ashlock. Ranchi Maternity Home.— Address: 22 Main Street, Ranchi, India. Superintendent: Miss L. C. Scholz, R. N., D. M., assisted by Miss L. Bartz, R. N., and two Indian helpers. Established 1927. Rusangu Mission Dispensary.— P. 0. Mission, Northern Rhodesia, Africa; Mrs. J. G. Siepman in charge. Rwankeri Mission Dispensary.—Rwankeri, P. 0. Kigali, Ruanda, Central Africa. Shanghai Sanitarium Clinic.-33 Range Road, Shanghai, China. Shiloh Dispensary.— Lunsklip, Northern Transvaal, South Africa; Mrs. J. E. Symons in charge. Stockholm, Sweden.— Hydro-Electric Institute, Humleghrdsgatan 18; Manager, D. Ekdal. Sydney, N. S. W., Australia.— Sanitarium Treatment Rooms, 308 George St. Tatsienlu, Szechwan, China.— Tatsienlu Dispensary, Medical Supt., Dr. J. N. Andrews. Ubol (Siam) Mission Dispensary.—Ubol, Siam (not yet opened); Dr. R. N. Calvert, L. R. C. P. and S. (Ed), is under appointment. Udhna, India.—Dispensary in charge of Mrs. T. K. Ludgate. Number of Treatment Rooms, 45 FOOD COMPANIES Colorado Sanitarium Food Co.—Boulder, Colo.: Denver Branch, 433 Fourteenth St., Denver, Colo. • Copenhagen Food Factory.— Baldersgade 14, Copenhagen, L., Denmark; Director, Chr. Hansen; Business Manager, H. Wst erlund. Food Factory " Pur Aliment."— Rue du Mont:Cenis 128, Paris XVIII, France. Business Manager, 0. Ganty. German Health Food Factory.— Hamburg, Campestr. 18. (Deutseher Verein ftir Gesundheitspflege Hamburg (E. V.) Board: Pres., L. R. Conradi; Manager, H. Hoth; Treasurer, F. Reinken. Other Members: W. Muller, J. Wintzen, E. Gugel, A. Vollmer, W. Krumm, 0. Schildhauer. Local Committee: L. R. Conradi, H. Hoth, A. Vollmer, P. Reinken, C. Thalmann. Gland Hygienic Food Factory.— (Fabrique de Produits Alimentaires Hygieniques " Phag"); Gland, Switzerland. Established 1896. Corporate Name: Societe Philanthropique de la Ligniere. Board of Directors: J. C. Raft, V. Monnier, A. V. Olson, Dr. H. Mailer, Dr. P. A. De Forest, P. P. Paulini, F. Brennwald, G. A. Weber, H. Schild, Willi Edener, D. J. Nussbaum, Local Board: V. Monnier, H. Schild, G. Thommen, A. Haenel, D. H. Miller. Manager, V. Monnier. Granose Foods Limited.—(British Health Food Factory), Stanborough Park, Watford, Herts, England. Directors: W. H. Meredith, H. Osborne, A. S. Maxwell, W. T. Bartlett, S. McClements, Manager and Sec., H. Osborne. The Loma Linda Sanitarium Food Co.—Owned and operated as a department of the College of Medical Evangelists, Loma. Linda, Calif. Sanitarium Health Food Co.—Head Office, "Mizpah," Fox Valley Road, Wahrooriga, K. S. W., Australia. General Secretary, G. T. Chapman; General Board, W. G. Turner, G. T. Chapman, 0. S. Fisher, A. H. Piper, T. W. Hammond, G. E. Adair, and Chairmen of Local Boards. Avondale Industries, Cooranbong, N. S. W., Australia; Manager, G. S. Fisher; Board: W. G. Turner, G. S. Fisher, H. K. Martin, G. T. Chapman, E. H. Guilhard, G. E. Adair, T. W. Hammond. New Zealand Central Health Food Board: S. L. Patching, H. E. Piper, T. W. Hammond, H. J. Halliday, G. T. Chapman, G. E. Adair, A. W. Dawson, B. 0. Johanson, S. H. Amyes, J. Jones. New Zealand Food Factory, Papanui, Christchurch, New Zealand; Manager, B. 0. Johanson; Board: G. T. Chapman, S. L. Patching, T. W. Hammond, G. E. Adair, H. J. Halliday, B. 0. Johanson, S. H. Amyes, H. C. Jacobsen, H. Baron, H. T. Howse, A. S. Herbert. Warburton Factory, Warburton, Victoria; T. N. Bush, Manager. Board: G. G. Stewart, T. W. Hammond, G. E. Adair, G. T. Chapman, T. N. Bush, J. S. Sandeman, W. 0. Johanson, W. T. Smith. Grain Products, 659 Parramatta Rd., Leichhardt, N. S. 364 FOOD COMPANIES 365 IN., Australia. Manager, C. F. L. 'Ulrich; Board: G. T. Chapman, C. F. L. Ulrich, G. S. Fisher, G. E. Adair, R. E. Hare, A. H. Piper, T. W. Hammond, F. E. Butler. Shops and Wholesale Depots Sydney, N. S. W., 308 George St.; Manager, C. C. Forsyth. Melbourne, Victoria, 293 Little Collins St.; Manager, W. T. Smith. Adelaide, South Australia, 7a Rundle St.; Manager, H. E. Mills. Perth, West Australia, 757 Hay St:, Perth; Manager, Harry Stacey. Brisbane, Queensland, 360 Queen St.; Manager, C. W. Tinworth. Hobart, Tasmania, 85 Elizabeth St., Manager, G. E. Salisbury. Auckland, New Zealand, 174 Queen St.; Manager, R. I. Wright. Wellington, New Zealand, 83 Willis St.• Manager, H. J. Baron. Christchurch, New Zealand. 708 Colombo ' St.; Manager, B. 0. Johanson. Dunedin, New Zealand, 93 Princes St.; Manager, H. C. Jacobsen. Wholesale Depot: Sydney, New South Wales, 319 Sussex St.; Manager, F. E. Butler. Wholesale Depot: Prahran, Victoria, 118 Union St.; Manager, J. S. Sandeman. CAFES: Sydney, N. S. W., Australia.— 306-308 George St., Sydney; Manager, C. C. Forsyth. Melbourne, Victoria.— 293 Little Collins St.; Manager, W. T. Smith. Adelaide, South Australia.— 7a Rundle St.; Manager, H. E. Mills. Perth, West Australia.-575 Hay St., Perth; M6,nager, H. Stacey. Brisbane, Queensland.— 360 Queen St.; Manager, C. W. Tinworth. Hobart, Tasmania.-85 Elizabeth St.; Manager, G. E. Salisbury. Auckland, New Zealand.— 174 Queen St.; Manager, R. L Wright. Wellington, New Zealand.— 83 Willis St.; Manager, H. J. Baron. Dunedin, New Zealand.— 93 Princes St.; Manager, H. C. Jacobsen. STATISTICAL TABLES January 3 February 7 March 7 March 14 March 14-21 April 4 April 11 May 2 June 6 June 13 July 4 July 11 August 1 September 5 October 3 November 7 November 21-28 December 5 December 12-19 January 31 February 21 March 7 April 18 April 25 May 2 May 10 May 30 July 18 October 17 October 24 October 31 December 19 February 7-20 April 11-18 May 2-9 Sept. 5-Oct. 17 SPECIAL DAYS Home Missionary Christian Home Religious Liberty Missionary Volunteer Educational and Missionary Volunteer Week of Prayer Medical Missionary Big Week Rally Home-Foreign Home Missionary Sabbath School Rally Home Missionary Educational Home Missionary Harvest Ingathering Rally Home Missionary Home Missionary Week of Sacrifice Home Missionary Annual Week of Prayer SPECIAL OFFERINGS Elementary Schools Foreign Missions Rally Day Religious Liberty Missions Extension Big Week Rural School Foreign Translation Fund Foreign Missions Rally Day Elementary Schools Mid-summer Offering for Missions Foreign Missions Rally Day Offering for Negro Enterprises Elementary Schools Annual Offering CAMPAIGNS "Signs of the Times" Missions Extension Big Week Foreign Periodical Week Harvest Ingathering for Missions APPROPRIATIONS TO MISSIONS The amounts indicated below have been expended by the General Conference for evangelistic work, for the years stated: — 1905 $143,796.86 1906 163,755.56 1907 253,445.74 366 STATISTICAL TABLES 367 272,873.08 1908 351,414.61 1909 410,611.48 1910 404,922.53 1911 476,600.00 1912 523,763.00 1913 Foreign, $474,749.00; Home, $111,500.00 586,249.00 1914 Foreign, 509,746.92; Home, 122,000.00 631,746.92 1915 Foreign, 692,077.57; Home, 161,076.00 853.153.57 1916 1917 Foreign, 680,219.17; Home, 202,734.00 882,053.17 1918 Foreign, 1,071,929.90; Home, 276,960.00 1,348,889.90 1919 Foreign, 923,686.21; -Home, 453,054.01 1,376,740.22 2,171,156.70 1920 2,535,062.79 1921 3,547,582.50 1922 3,224,058.93 1923 3,486,154.76 1924 1925 4,023,415.31 4,190,260.46 1926 4,215,699.01 1927 1928 4,429,207.18 1929 4,497,573.18 1930 4,792,762.63 The amounts for the years 1905 to 1911 represent actual expenditures; for later years, appropriations voted. The amounts expended for most of the years was in excess of that appropriated, rarely less. WORKERS SENT TO FOREIGN FIELDS (Not including children or workers returned from furlough) 1901-02 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 107 60 40 60 76 58 140 134 61 74 97 157 103 76 147 59 103 83 310 212 137 110 368 STATISTICAL TABLES 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 142 175 216 184 159 155 183 PRESIDENTS OF THE GENERAL CONFERENCE OF SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS Name 1. John Byington 2. James White 3. J. N. Andrews 4. James White 5. Geo. I. Butler 6. James White 7. Geo. I. Butler 8. 0. A. Olsen 9. G. A. Irwin 10. A. G. Daniells 11. W. A. Spicer 12. C. H. Watson Date of Service May 21, 1863, to May 17, 1865 May 17, 1865, to May 14, 1867 May 14, 1867, to May 12, 1868 May 12, 1868, to Dec. 29, 1871 Dec. 29, 1871, to Aug. 10, 1874 Aug. 10, 1874, to Oct. 6, 1880 Oct. 6, 1880, to Oct. 17, 1888 Oct. 17, 1888, to Feb. 19, 1897 Feb. 19, 1897, to April 2, 1901 April 2, 1901, to May 11, 1922 May 11, 1922, to May 28, 1930 May 28, 1930, to SECRETARIES OF THE GENERAL CONFERENCE OF SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS Name 1. Uriah Smith 2. M. S. Burnham 3. Uriah Smith 4. S. Brownsberger 5. Uriah Smith 6. C. W. Stone 7. Uriah Smith 8. A. B. Oyen 9. Uriah Smith 10. Dan T. Jones 11. W. A. Colcord 12. L. T. Nicola 13. L. A. Hoopes 14. H. E. Osborne 15. W. A. Spicer 16. A. G. Daniells 17. C. K. Meyers Date of Service May 21, 1863, to May 12, 1868 May 12, 1868, to May 18, 1869 May 18, 1869, to Nov. 14, 1873 Nov. 14, 1873, to Aug. 10, 1874 Aug. 10, 1874, to Sept. 19, 1876 Sept. 19, 1876, to Sept. 20, 1877 Sept. 20, 1877, to Dec. 1, 1881 Dec. 1, 1881, to Nov. 8, 1883 Nov. 8, 1883, to Oct. 17, 1888 Oct. 17, 1888, to March 5, 1891 March 5, 1891, to March 6, 1893 April, 1893 to Feb. 19, 1897 Feb. 19, 1897, to April 2, 1901 April 2. 1901, to April 11, 1903 April 11, 1903, to May 11, 1922 May 11, 1922, to May 27, 1926 May 27, 1926, to In the two preceding tables the dates given indicate the time when the Conference sessions were convened. STATISTICAL TABLES 369 CHURCH WORE Year 1863 1865 1870 1875 1880 1885 1890 1895 1900 1905 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 Membership 8,500 4,000 5,440 8,022 15,570 20,547 29,711 47,680 66,547 77,443 80,897 83,145 88,502 90,808 93,378 98,044 114,557 125,844 136,879 141,488 153,857 162,667 178,239 185,450 198,088 208,771 Annual Tithe $ 8,000.00 12,000.00 21,822.46 82,618.62 61,856.88 122,641.69 225,483.98 809,142.76 510,258.97 858,014.91 1,064,753.43 1,101,396.47 1,218,243.46 1,338,889.65 1,477,590.26 1,653,624.54 1,771.989.60 1,818,436.08 1,968,168.26 2,291,423.46 2,946,907.49 3,841,317.96 4,989,305.28 7,195,463.04 4,237,745.31 4,230,230.04 221,874 238,657 250,988 1927 1928 1929 274,064 285.293 299,555 4.814.554.87 5,466,431.17 5.909,496.99 5,964,331.83 6,211,759.20 6,373,147.36 6,696,038.51 261,834 Foreign Miss. Offgs. $ 536.57 3,160.22 21,649.85 50,495.63 73,331.54 130,151.09 169,335.11 264,138.12 308,045.68 383,084.93 458,943.70 485,245.43 595,004.72 658,524.04 772,248.89 872,666.84 963,700.23 1,353.686.07 2,072,917.21 2,091.278.38 3,251.550.01 2,781,728.23 2,765,461.51 3,004,641.73 3,344,723.07 3,520,347.95 3,757,579.06 3,770,888.29 3,881,879.95 4,163,357.98 All Per Cap. of Other Fds. Tot. Fds. $2.29 8.00 4.66 4.18 $ 2,784.35 4.85 6,898.74 7.86 10,935.36 9.66 24,819.40 8.55 21,558.98 8.74 153,567.62 13.52 375,826.57 18.13 361,206.92 18.14 383,228.76 19.66 426,134.17 21.27 400,252.60 21.68 453,569.76 23.66 436,213.76 23.42 499,800.33 24.56 566,463.07 24.89 695,368.09 27.92 819,089.88 83.28 981,484.65 42.89 1,496.467.20 48.12 1,407,391.18 68.92 1,488,582.65 42.95 1,325,170.29 39.86 1,337,585.35 41.45 1,530,407.03 43.33 1,665,502.37 44.21 1,730,206.30 1,962,167.53 2.016,726.29 1,961,795.75 43.74 43.58 43.01 42.80 SABBATH SCHOOL DEPARTMENT Year 1878 1880 1885 1890 1895 1900 1905 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 Ne. Schools Membership Contributions 177 $ 451 11,821 2,784.35 . 716 19.579 6.898.74 1.414 83.788 28,642.75 2,148 50.266 44,629.16 2,834 50,804 46,794.40 8.170 75.805 68,618.71 3.573 84,744 85,105.89 3.825 91,230 104,620.77 8.967 96.673 120.682.80 4.151 101.161 138,037.72 4.267 106.000 160.762.39 4.450 114,897 232,682.40 4.782 123.068 291,711.76 4,936 183,815 344,390.23 5.225 147,784 412,759.28 5.390 153.781 452,187.62 5.519 168,239 600,932.71 5,610 171.914 725,895.08 5.804 182,459 903,658.00 6,151 195,653 1,441,962.40 6,690 211,973 1,305,995.04 6,770 224.717 1,164,646.46 7,292 249,089 1,392,041.82 7,472 274,455 1,584,411.23 7,957 287.752 1,674.446.40 8,276 311,018 1,776,746.96 8,502 9.021 9,521 323,992 342,434 358,844 1,816,419.18 1,906.506.28 1,973.497.22 Donations to Per Cent to Missions Missions $ 17,707.39 19,809.76 25,235.47 49,894.97 71,475.59 95,280.90 114.213.88 134.830.48 160.091.50 232,389.36 291,711.76 344,390.23 412,759.28 452,187.62 600,932.71 725,895.08 903,658.00 1,441,962.40 1,305,995.04 1,164,646.46 100.00 1,392,041.82 100.00 1,584,411.23 1,674,446.40 1,776,746.96 100.00 100.00 100.00 1,816,419.18 1.906,506.28 1,973,497.22 100.00 100.00 100.00 61.88 44.89 53.94 72.72 83.98 91.07 94.64 97.67 99.58 99.89 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 370 STATISTICAL TABLES PUBLISHING DEPARTMENT Year 1850 1855 1860 1865 1870 1875 1880 1885 1890 1895 1900 1905 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1.928 1929 Pert- Languages—all Total No. Pub. EmHouses ployees odicals publications Annual Sales .. 1 .. 1 $ 2,000.00 7 2 1 1 3,000.00 1 17 2 1 4,000.00 1 20 2 1 1 30 3 1 ' 7,000.00 18,000.00 3 71 2 • 8 40,000.00 4 128 10 7 121,692.36 232 21 • 6 9 24 12 734,397.00 7 412 585 40 250,000.00 11 23 250,000.00 13 600 96 r 39 20 400 46 548,067.03 89 1,560,510.58 610 28 126 67 1,627,657.83 37 645 125 71 37 684 123 75 1.836.527.86 37 734 1,869,714.48 128. 80 38 735 2,109,834.60 134 88 • 40 698 2,174,591.94 120 95 40 740 2,181,340.27 130 90 41 802 134 94 2.937,422.88 41 94 3,416,500.00 • 853 142 43 1020 5,215,626.49 138 96 45 1125 144 99 5,682,972.35 • 46 1040 148 100 4.764,521.06 51 961 154 114. 8,656,481.31 • 51 923 156 114, 4,067,460.49 52 953 156 114 4,236,120.09 53 965 128 177 4,631,706.47 56 194 131 933 4,831,431.43 56 1.000 201 132 4,638,127.18 56 141 1057 215 4,716,601.54 1.114 215 141 58 4,939,917.08 Tot.Val. 1 copy - each pui, (1846) . A.93 (1854) 6.08 (1862) 7.50 8.33 12.49 29.57 53.30 96.60 171.55 243.60 -:70 267.84 300.00 525.00 Est 540.00 " 550.00 " 575.00 " 600.00 " 640.00 " 680.00 704.50 758.48 812.53 877.74 1,000.80 1,153.23 1,244.15 1,301.68 1,417.23 1,523.51 1,594.00 1,700.68 1,746.29 SANITARIUMS Year 1866 1870 1875 1880 1885 1890 1895 1900 1905 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 1 917 1918 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 No. of Sanitariums and Treatment Rooms No. of Physicians Total Employees Assets 1 2 14 $ 24.800.60 1 6 35 44.221.54 1 7 125 70.189.22 .•.. 2 10 165 190,956.74 2 13 225 310,808.81 8 15 315 548.923.45 7 33 477 800,786.99 27 74 1.216 1.294,474.73 55 '80 1.300 1,600,000.00 74 116 1,989 3,368,041.46 69 134 2.404 3.792,421.35 69 129 2.359 4.254,500.33 • 44 110 1.727 2.810,711.10 42 122 1.696 2,894,605.67 40 131 1.729 2.774,058.94 41 141 1.808 2,895,483.70 47 147 1'.912 3.148,692.82 46 144 2.065 3.225,110.25 41 150 2.263 4,263,383.25 41 163 '4.309,701.10 2.308 44 175 4,580,093.90 2,424 50 196 5.361.230.10 2.541 51 241 6.386,311.32 3.077 63 323 6.634,477.72 3.276 65 347 6.599.665.15 1. 8 01 375 62 3.547 71 435 7,318,624.16 3.714 81 474 ' 7,345,047.23 3.789 96 495 4,317 • After 1918 not Including privately owned institutions. STATISTICAL TABLES 371 YOUNG PEOPLE'S MISSIONARY VOLUNTEER DEPARTMENT Year 1902 1905 1906 1907 1910 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 No. Societies 186 196 400 461 647 964 1,070 1,196 1,342 1,369 1,446 1,681 2,030 2,147 2,285 2,341 2,574 3,042 3,121 3,320 3,555 3,694 Members 3,478 3.741 5,400 8,933 12,408 19,428 19,898 23,442 25,838 26,337 27,879 32,921 41,918 45.012 46,933 48.760 53,522 '.59.723 66,031 65.186 75.776 78,094 Total Contributions $ 5,744.40 11,122.60 18,807.03 24,380.20 34,676.53 44,497.58 54,944.59 75,652.48 .78,983.50 115,724.98 191,848.80 196,492.92 157,292.33 140,731.99 114,780.54 143,723.47 167,859.52 182,674.00 180,619.15 171,475.28 EDUCATIONAL DEPARTMENT-Year 1872 1875 1880 1885 1890 1895 1900 1905 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1928 1927 1928 1929 No. Primary Schools Teachers ... ... ... ... 1 1 3 5 9 15 18 35 220 250 417 468 458 506 535 625 579 668 594 758 613 790 573 674 510 592 611 708 692 849 824 1059 73R 869 848 1043 881 1166 928 1278 1,196 1614 1,259 1718 1,265 1632 1.225 1647 1,418 1847 1,479 2041 14307 1787 1,348 1957 1,911 2640 No. Colleges Enrolment Acad., etc.. Teachers Enrolment 1 '3 90 1 13 289 15 1 490 20 125 3 761 38 350 7 979 56 895 11 157 1,974 5,000 25 199 2,357 7,345 51 257 3,308 8,007 67 415 5.455 10,487 83 476 6.521 11.835 83 504 6.535 13,357 86 561 7.169 15,498 89 640 8.043 15,602 90 631 8.205 10,206 70 557 7.583 12,044 67 538 7.656 13,413 67 574 7,628 17,178 68 583 7.964 15.635 68 669 9.375 18,105 77 729 9,908 20,525 88 884 12.695 23,481 97 1,020 14.614 27,780 114 1,110 15.103 84,034 123 1,159 15.505 34.553 122 1,314 16.298 38.267 133 1,430 17,943 48.769 148 1.506 18,692 121 46,028 1,399 18,866 144 38.008 1.433 21,045 37,778 175 1.758 23,996 64,563 204 1,596 25,270 STATISTICAL TABLES 372 HARVEST INGATHERING STATISTICAL RECORD (Applies in North America Only) Quantity Printed Publication Used Year 1908 1909 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 Review & Herald Review & Herald Review & Herald Signs Signs Review & Herald Review & Herald Signs Signs Watchman Watchman Watchman Watchman Watchman Watchman Watchman Watchman Watchman Watchman Watchman Watchman Watchman Watchman Foreign Edition Quan. Lan. 892,000 689,315 510,000 550,000 490,000 606,565 683,063 823,500 1,077,470 1,206,203 1,201,527 1,500,000 1,850,000 2,414,471 2,120,000 2,110,000 1,945,000 2,133.063 2,263,000 2,283,260 2.335.481 2,456,955 2,630,000 15 17 19 25 24 18 22 22 24 24 24 267,000 276,000 383,000 433,000 559,410 379,000 424,000 497,200 513,897 576,194 684,540 Amount Collected $14,138.77 41,183.46 41,643.92 32,654.45 50,164.45 56,282.99 57,598.78 78,333.25 126,158.86 169,170.18 198,116.76 338,470.78 543,324.68 518,296.34 528,314.06 568,744.67 589,318.92 641,502.49 687,276.14 747,552.38 818,335.57 841,786.03 792,062.62 GENERAL SUMMARY Union Local Conferences Conferences Year 1865 1875 1885 1895 1905 1910 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 .. 1 13 23 23 25 26 26 26 31 35 1020 44 46 1921 4.922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 51 55 54 52 60 65 64 65 67 69 7 13 28 36 80 106 126 126 128 130 130 135 141 133 l 48 139 143 146 • 138 139 143 146 153 155 154 Mission Fields 1 2 3 22 56 87 100 101 106 109 113 119 117 141 153 160 153 150 164 180 198 211 222 245 270 Institutions 1 5 -z- 11 29 126 188 196 " 151 147 147 149 156 164 172 183 204 224 234 248 266 255 291 328 375 394 • After 1913 not including privately owned institutions. Total Denomina• tional Investment $ 38,712.53 282,179.55 885,382.97 2,858,725.82 4,799,419.51 10,086,245.27 12,084,438.13 12,812,783.61 14,039,279.39 14,254,615.45 15,284,215.27 16,873,422.54 19,975,500.49 25,432,582.52 30,699,461.49 34,196,049.15 36,903,593.95 ' 40,675,238.72 44,971,881.12 45,648,299.24 48,025,317.33 49,293,887.27 50,281,614.54 • 373 STATISTICAL TABLES DENOMINATIONAL INVESTMENT, 1928 From 1928 Financial Statement: No. Organizations 323 Conferences 104 Associations 154 Bible Houses 102 Schools 36 Publishing Houses 48 Sanitariums 18 Food Companies Totals 785 From 1928 Statistical Report: 2,622 Church Buildings' 1,348 Church School Buildings 3,970 Totals 4,755 Grand Total, 1928 4,557 Grand Totals, 1927 198 Increase Per Cent of Increase Per Cent of Whole Outside North America $5,712,791.92 $4,090,755.42 4,488,087.78 5,283,804.04 288,475.60 401,344.66 1,982,567.81 5,850,458.16 1,683,095.59 2,074,130.85 2,074,809.64 5,270,237.59 1,755,299.32 $17,985,127.66 $22,970,730.72 Total $9,803,547.34 9,771,891.82 689,820.26 7,833,025.97 3,757,226.44 7,345,047.23 1,755,299.32 $40,955,858.38 $1,257,066.48 117,389.30 $1,374,455.78 $19,359,583.44 18,705,128.99 654,454.45 3.50 38.50 $8,143,386.66 1,182,369.51 $9,325,756.16 $50,281,614.54 49,293,887.27 987,727.27 2.00 100.00 $6,886,320.17 1,064,980.21 $7,951,300.38 $30,922,031.10 30,588,758.28 333,272.82 1.09 61.50 DENOMINATIONAL INVESTMENT, 1907-1928 Year 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 .1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 Amount $ 7,281,645.29 8,436,309.41 9,562,722.05 10,086,245.27 11,204,962.35 12,084,438.13 12,812,783.61 14,039,279.39 14,254,615.45 15,284,215.27 16,873,422.54 19,975,500.49 25,432,582.52 30,699,461.49 34,196,049.15 36,903,593.95 40,675,238.72 44,971,881.12 45,648,299.24 48,025,317.33 49,293,887.27 50,281,614.54 Per Capita $ 90.01 101.46 108.05 111.07 119.99 123.26 111.84 111.56 104.14 108.02 109.66 122.80 142.69 165.54 172.63 176.77 183.33 188.44 181.87 183.42 179.86 176.24 STATISTICAL TABLES 374 Churches, Membership, and Population Churches and Membership according to Third Quarterly Report; Population according to U. S. Census Report, for 1930, arranged by counties, etc., in harmony with conference boundary lines. A—IN NORTH AMERICA Atlantic Union No. of Churches Membership Population 2 29 55 39 57 106 2,846 2,545 1,290 3,278 27,000 8,448,704 4,139,362 1,622,327 6,544,014 Totals Central Union Colorado Conference Inter-Mountain Conference Kansas Conference Missouri Conference Nebraska Conference Wyoming Mission 182 10,065 20,781,407 48 17 60 41 51 10 2,641 669 2,594 2,245 2,407 320 863,400 234,950 1,880,999 3,629,367 1,377,963 225,565 Totals Columbia Union Chesapeake Conference East Pennsylvania Conference New Jersey Conference Ohio Conference ' Potomac Conference West Pennsylvania Conference West Virginia Conference 227 10,876 8,212,244 23 46 43 68 39 27 11 1,122 2,477 1,757 3,507 2,632 1,122 500 1,820,845 5,674,254 4,041,334 6,646,697 2,910,991 3,957,096 1,775,995 257 13,117 26,827,112 16 3 21 •15 338 150 832 362 940,000 275,000 2,817,890 2,520,000 55 1,682 6,552,890 51 68 42 88 90 2,926 4,153 2,008 5,209 3,209 3,254,040 7,891,964 2,037,808 1,618,162 3,248,514 340 17,897 18,650,488 Bermuda Mission Greater New York Conference New York Conference Northern New England Conference Southern New England Conference Totals Eastern Canadian Union Maritime Conference Newfoundland Mission Ontario Conference St. Lawrence Conference Totals Lake Union East Michigan Conference Illinois Conference Indiana Conference West Michigan Conference Wisconsin Conference Totals 375 STATISTICAL TABLES No. of Churches. Membership Northern Union .Iowa Conference Minnesota Conference North Dakota Conference South Dakota Conference Population 76 64 56 31 2,620 3,341 2,238 1,506 2,470,939 2,563,953 680,945 692,849 227 9,705 6,408,586 2 22 22 53 19 50 49 41 972 914 4,363 1;030 3,983 2,823 59,278 390,280 537,606 752,222 184,911 612,044 1,017,924 Totals Pacific Union Arizona Conference California Conference Central California Conference Hawaii Mission Nevada-Utah Conference Northern California Conference Southeastern California Conference Southern California Conference 217 14,126 3,554,265 12 54 39 4 21 31 40 50 663 5,031 2,544 283 520 2,588 4,557 6,934 435,573 1,761,910 356,921 368,336 594,998 526,894 604,160 2,388,248 Totals Southeastern Union Carolina Conference Cumberland Conference Florida Conference Georgia Conference 251 23,120 7,037,040 41 34 48 21 1,299 1,393 3,260 1,172 4,555,390 1,614,670 1,299,599 2,792,304 Totals Southern Union Alabama Conference Kentucky Conference Louisiana-Mississippi Conference Tennessee River Conference 144 7,124 10,261,963 25 17 31 26 1,000 942 1,146 1,443 2,814,860 2,373,982 4,111,414 1,712,346 99 4,531 11,012,602 ' 22 28 53 18 1,046 1,551 2,137 698 1,854,482 2,651,970 2,400,552 1,296,866 154 6,671 10,483,853 Totals North Pacific Union Alaska Mission Idaho Conference Montana Conference 'Oregon Conference Southern Oregon Conference Upper Columbia Conference Washington Conference Totals Southwestern Union Arkansas Conference North Texas Conference Oklahoma Conference Texico Conference Totals STATISTICAL TABLES 376 No. of Churches Membership Population Western Canadian Union Alberta Conference British Columbia Conference Manitoba-Western Ontario Conference Saskatchewan Conference Totals Totals 31 13 14 28 1,716 838 545 1,156 650,000 635,000 800,000 825,000 86 4,255 2,910,000 2,239 123,169 132,692,550 Population of Union Conferences in the United States and Canada, as shown above Deducting population of Alaska Bermuda Hawaii 132,692,550 59,278 27,000. 368,336 454,614 132,237,936 Population of the Eastern and Western Canadian Union Conferences 9,462,890 Total population of continental United States, according to the Fifteenth Census of the United States, for 1930 122,775,046 B—BY DIVISIONS No. of Churches Membership African Australasia Central European China Far Eastern Inter-American North American Northern European South American Southern Asia Southern European Soviet 125 288 1,163 150 272 346 2,239 515 203 85 637 677 15,160 11,490 43,720 9,010 17,125 14,891 123,169 25,465 18,695 3,051 . 17,928 13,709 Totals 6,700 313,413 Population 44,923,067 9,000,000 228,000,000 479,774,808 128,002,119 43,533,454 132,692,550 165,461,954 64,981,106 335,663,457 180,000,000 147,000,000 1,959,032,515 FUNDAMENTAL BELIEFS OF SEVENTHDAY ADVENTISTS Seventh-clay Adventists hold certain fundamental beliefs, the principal features of which, together with a portion of the scriptural references upon which they are based, may be summarized as follows: 1. That the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments were given by inspiration of God, contain an all-sufficient revelation of His will to men, and are the only unerring rule of faith and practice. 2 Tim. 3:15-17. 2. That the Godhead, or Trinity, consists of the Eternal Father, a personal, spiritual Being, omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient, infinite in wisdom and love; the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of the Eternal Father, through whom all things were created and through whom the salvation of the redeemed hosts will be accomplished; the Holy Spirit, the third person of the Godhead, the great regenerating power in the work of redemption. Matt. 28:19. 3. That Jesus Christ is very God, being of the same nature and essence as the Eternal Father. While retaining His divine nature He took upon Himself the nature of the human family, lived on the earth as a man, exemplified in His life as our Example the principles of righteousness, attested His relationship to God by many mighty miracles, died for our sins on the cross, was raised from the dead, and ascended to the Father, where He ever lives to make intercession for us. John 1:1, 14; Heb. 2:9-18; 8:1, 2; 4:14-16; 7:25. 4. That every person in order to obtain salvation must experience the new birth; that this comprises an entire transformation of life and character by the recreative power of God through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. John 3:16; Matt. 18:3; Acts 2:37-39. 5. That baptism is an ordinance of the Christian church and should follow repentance and forgiveness of sins. By its observance faith is shown in the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ. That the proper form of baptism is by immersion. Rom. 6:1-6; Acts 16:30-33. 6. That the will of God as it relates to moral conduct is comprehended in His law of ten commandments; that these are great moral, unchangeable precepts, binding upon all men, in every age. Ex. 20:1-17. 7. That the fourth commandment of this unchangeable law requires the observance of the seventh day Sabbath. This holy institution is at the same time a memorial of creation and a sign of sanctification, a sign of the believer's rest from his own works of sin, and his entrance into the rest of soul which Jesus promises to those who come to Him: Gen. 2:1-3; Ex. 20:8-11; 31:12-17; Heb. 4:1-10. 8. That the law of ten commandments points out sin, the penalty of which is death. The law can not save the transgressor from his sin, nor impart power to keep him from sinning. In infinite love and mercy, 377 378 FUNDAMENTAL BELIEFS God provides a way whereby this may be done. He furnishes a substitute, even Christ the Righteous One, to die in man's stead, making "Him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in Him." 2 Cor. 5:21. That one is justified, not by obedience to the law, but by the grace that is in Christ Jesus. By accepting Christ, man is reconciled to God, justified by His blood for the sins of the past, and saved from the power of sin by his indwelling life. Thus the gospel becomes "the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth." This experience is wrought by the divine agency of the Holy Spirit, who convinces of sin and leads to the SinBearer, inducting the believer into the new covenant relationship, where the law of God is written on his heart, and through the enabling power of the indwelling Christ, his life is brought into conformity to the divine precepts. The honor and merit of this wonderful transformation belong wholly to Christ. 1 John 3:4; Rom. 7:7; Rom. 3:20; Eph. 2:8-10; 1 John 2:1, 2; Rom. 5:8-10; Gal. 2:20; Eph. 3:17; Heb. 8:8-12. 9. That God only hath immortality. Mortal man possesses a nature inherently sinful and dying. Immortality and eternal life come only through the gospel, and are bestowed as the free gift of God at the second advent of Jesus Christ our Lord. 1 Tim. 6:15, 16; 1 Cor. 15:51-55. 10. That the condition of man in death is one of unconsciousness. That all men, good and evil alike, remain in the grave from death to the resurrection. Fed. 9:5, 6; Ps. 146:3, 4; John 5:28, 29. 11. That there shall be a resurrection both of the just and of the unjust. The resurrection of the just will take place at the second coming of Christ; the resurrection of the unjust will take place a thousand years later, at the close of the millennium. John 5:28, 29; 1 Thess. 4:13-18; Rev. 20:5-10. 12. That the finally impenitent, including Satan, the author of sin, will, by the fires of the last day, be reduced to a state of non-existence, becoming as though they had not been, thus purging the universe of God of sin and sinners. Rom. 6:23; Mal. 4:1-3; Rev. 20:9, 10; Obadiah 16. 13. That no prophetic period is given in the Bible to reach to the second advent, but that the longest one, the 2300 days of Dan. 8:14, terminated in 1844, and brought us to an event called the cleansing of the sanctuary. 14. That the true sanctuary, of which the tabernacle on earth was a type, is the temple of God in Heaven, of which Paul speaks in Hebrews 8 and onward, and of whieh the Lord Jesus, as our great high priest, is minister; and that the priestly work of our Lord is the antitype of the work of the Jewish priests of the former dispensation; that this heavenly sanctuary is the one to be cleansed at the end of the 2300 days of Dan. 8:14; its cleansing being, as in the type, a work of judgment, beginning with the entrance of Christ as the high priest upon the judgment phase of His ministry in the heavenly sanctuary foreshadowed, in the earthly service of cleansing the sanctuary on the day of atonement. This work of judgment in the heavenly sanctuary began in 1844. Its completion will close human probation, FUNDAMENTAL BELIEFS 379 15. That God, in the time of the judgment and in accordance with His uniform dealing with the human family in warning them of coming events vitally affecting their destiny (Amos 3:6, 7), sends foith proclamation of the approach of the second advent of Christ; that this work is symbolized by the three angels of Revelation 14; and that their threefold message brings to view a work of reform to prepare a people to meet Him at His coming. 16. That the time of the cleansing of the sanctuary, synchronizing with the period of the proclamation of the message of Revelation 14, is a time of investigative judgment, first with reference to the dead,' and secondly, with reference to the living. This investigative judgment determines who of the myriads sleeping in the dust of the earth are worthy of a part in the first resurrection, and who of its living multbtudes are worthy of translation. 1 Peter 4:17, 18; Dan. 7:9, 10; ReV. 14:6, 7; Luke 20:35. 17. That the followers of Christ should be a godly people, not adopting the unholy maxims nor conforming to the unrighteous ways of the world, not loving its sinful pleasures nor countenancing its follies. That the believer should recognize his body as the temple of the Holy Spirit, and that therefore he should clothe that body in neat, modest, dignified apparel. Further, that in eating and drinking and in his entire course of conduct he should shape his life as becemeth a follower of the meek and lowly Master. Thus the believer. will be led to abstain from all intoxicating drinks, tobacco, and other narcotics, and the c_ avoidance of every body- and soul-defiling habit and practice. 1 Cor. 3:16, 17; 9:25; 10:31; 1 Tim. 2:9, 10; 1 John 2:6. 18. That the divine principle of tithes and offerings for the support of the gospel is an acknowledgment of God's ownership in our lives. and that we are stewards who must render account to Him of all that He has committed to our possession. Lev. 27:30; Mal. 3:8-12; Matt. 23:23; 1 Cor. 9:9-14; 2 Cor. 9:6-15. /43 19. That God has placed in His church the gifts of the Holy Spirit, - as enumerated in 1 Corinthians 12 and Ephesians 4. That these gifts operate in harmony with the divine principles of the Bible, and are C".. given for the perfecting of the saints, the work of the ministry, the edifying of the bgdy of Christ. Rev. 12:17; 19:10; 1 Cor. 1:5-7. 20. That the second coming of Christ is the great hope of the church, the grand climax of the gospel and plan of salvation. His coming will be literal, personal, and visible. Many important events will be associated with His return, such as the resurrection of the dead, the destruction of the wicked, the purification of the earth, the reward of the righteous, the establishment of His everlasting kingdom. The almost complete fulfillment of various lines of prophecy, particularly those found in the books of Daniel and the Revelation, with existing conditions in the physical, social, industrial, political, and religious worlds, indicates that Christ's coming "is near, even at the doors." The exact time of that event has not been foretold. Believers are exhorted to be ready. for "in such an hour as ye think not, the Son of man" will be revealed. Luke 21:25-27; 17:26-30; John 14:1-3; Acts 1:9-11; Rev. 1:7; Heb. 9:28; James 5:1-8; Joel 3:9-16; 2 Tim. 3:1-5; Dan. 7:27; Matt. 24:36, 44, 380 FUNDAMENTAL BELIEFS 21. That the millennial reign of Christ covers the period between the first and the second resurrections, during which time the saints of all ages will live with their blessed Redeemer in Heaven. At the end of the millennium, the Holy City with all the saints will descend to the earth. The wicked, raised in the second resurrection, will go up on the breadth of the earth with Satan at their head to compass the camp of the saints, when fire will come down from God out of Heaven and devour them. In the conflagration which destroys Satan and his host, the earth itself will be regenerated and cleansed from the effects of the curse. Thus the universe of God, will be purified from the foul blot of sin. Rev. 20; Zech. 14:1-4; 2 Peter 3:7-10. 22. That God will make all things new. The earth, restored to its pristine beauty, will become forever the abode of the saints of the Lord. The promise to Abraham, that through Christ he and his seed should possess the earth throughout the endless ages of eternity, will be fulfilled. The kingdom and dominion and the greatness of the kingdom under the whole heaven will be given to the people of the saints of the Most High, whose kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and all dominions shall serve and obey Him. Christ, the Lord, will reign supreme and every creature which is in heaven and on the earth and under the earth, and such as are in the sea will ascribe blessing and honor and glory and power unto Him that sitteth upon the throne and unto the Lamb forever and ever. Gen. 13:14-17; Rom. 4:13; Heb. 11:8-16; Matt. 5:5; Isa. 35; Rev. 21:1-7; Dan. 7:27; Rev. 5:13. CONSTITUTION AND BY-LAWS OF THE GENERAL CONFERENCE CONSTITUTION (As revised at the session held in San Francisco, Calif., in 1930) Article I— Name This organization shall be known as the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists. Article II — Object The object of this Conference is to teach all nations the commandments of God and the everlasting gospel of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Article III — Membership Section 1. The membership of this Conference shall consist of: (a) Such union conferences and union missions as have been or shall be properly organized and accepted by vote of the General Conference in session. (b) Such local conferences and properly organized missions not included in any union conference or in any union mission as have been or shall be properly organized and accepted by vote of the General Conference in session. Sec. 2. The voters of this Conference shall be designated as follows: (a) Delegates at large. (b) Regular delegates. Sec. 3. Delegates at large shall be: (a) All members of the General Conference Executive Committee, and such members of the division committees as are not members of the General Conference Committee. (b) Such representatives of missions of the General Conference and of general institutions and departments of work, and such general laborers and field secretaries as shall receive delegate's credentials from the Executive Committee of the General Conference, such credentials to be ratified by the General Conference in session. The number of these delegates thus seated shall not exceed 25 per cent of the total number of delegates in attendance otherwise provided for. Sec. 4. Regular delegates shall be such persons as are duly accredited by division committees and union conferences. Sec. 5. Each division shall be entitled to one delegate for each union mission organization within its territory, and one delegate for each one thousand members or fraction thereof within its union mission territories. Sec. 6. Each union conference shall be entitled to one delegate in addition to its president without regard to numbers, an additional delegate for each local conference in its territory, and an additional delegate for each one thousand or fraction thereof of its membership. In the case of union conferences operating under division committees, these delegates shall be appointed in counsel with the division committees, and shall be seated as part of the division delegation. Article IV — Officers and Their Duties Sec. 1. The regular officers of this Conference shall be a president, vice-presidents, a secretary, associate secretaries, and a treasurer, who shall be elected by the Conference. 381, 382 CONSTITUTION AND BY-LAWS Sec. 2. President: The President shall act as chairman of the Executive Committee, and labor in the general interests of the Conference, as the Executive Committee may advise. Sec. 3. Vice-Presidents: The Vice-Presidents shall preside over the division fields to which the General Conference has elected them, and shall assist the President in administering the affairs of the Conference as may be directed by the General Conference in session, or by the General Conference Committee. Sec. 4. Secretary and Associate Secretaries: It shall be the duty of the Secretary and the Associate Secretaries to keep the minutes of the proceedings of the General Conference sessions and of the General Conference Committee meetings, and to collect such statistics and other facts from union, and local confer ences and missions as may be desired by the Conference or by the Executive Committee, to maintain correspondence with the fields, and to perform such other duties as usually pertain to such office. Sec. 5. Treasurer: It shall be the duty of the Treasurer to receive all funds .of the General Conference, and disburse them in harmony with the actions •of the Executive Committee of the General Conference, and to render such financial statements at regular intervals as may be desired by, the Confere,nce or by the Executive Committee. Sec..6. Election of Officers: All officers of the Conference, and the members of tbe Executive Committee, except presidents of union conferences 'and- superintendents of union missions, shall be chosen by the delegates at the 'regular quadrennial sessions of the General Conference, and shall hold their office for the period of four years, or until their successors are elected, and appear to enter upon their duties. Article V — Auditor At each regular session the Conference shall elect an auditor. Article VI — Executive Committee Sec. 1. At each regtilar session the Conference shall elect an Executive Committee for the carrying on of its work between the sessions. Sec. 2. The Executive Committee shall consist of the President, the Vice-Presidents, the Secretary, the Associate Secretaries, the Division Secretaries, the Treasurer,' the Assistant Treasurers, the division Treasurers, the Statistical Secretary, the General Field Secretaries, the division Field Secretaries, the presidents of the union conferences, the superintendents of union missions, the Secretary and Associate Secretaries'of the Ilinigterial Association, the Secretary of the Home Commission, the Secretary and Associate Secretaries of each duly organized General Conferenee Department, namely, the Publishing, Medical, Educational, Sabbath School, Religious Liberty, Young People's Missionary Volunteer, Horne Missionary, North American Negro, and North American Bureau of Home Missions, the division Departmental Secretaries, the ex-presidents of the General Conference having credentials from this Conference, and pthet persons not to exceed fifteen in number. Article VII — Incorporations and Agents See, 1. Such incorporations may be authorized by the General Conference in session,: or by the .General Conference Executive Committee, as the development of the work may require. CONSTITUTION AND BY-LAWS 383 See. 2. At each regular session of this Conference, the delegates shall elect such trustees of corporate bodies connected with this organization as may be provided in the statutory laws governing each. Sec. 3. The Conference shall employ such committees, secretaries, treasurers, auditors, agents, ministers, missionaries, and other persons, and make such distribution of its laborers, as may be necessary effectively to execute its work. Sec. 4. The Conference shall grant credentials or licenses to ministers and missionaries except in division fields, in union and local conferences, and in organized union missions. Article VIII — Sessions Sec. 1. This Conference shall hold quadrennial sessions at such timJ and place as the Executive Committee shall designate by a notice published in the Advent Review and Sabbath Herald in three consecutive issues at least four months before the date for the opening of the session. Sec. 2. The Executive Committee may call special sessions of the General Conference at' such time and place as it deems proper, by a like notice as of 'regular sessions, and the transactions of such special sessions shall have the same force as those of the regular sessions. Sec. 3. The election of officers, and the voting on all other matters of business shall be by, viva voce vote unless otherwise demanded by a majority of the delegates present. Article IX -- By-Laws The voters of this Conference may enact By-Laws and amend or repeal them at any session thereof, and such By-Laws may embrace any provision not inconsistent with the Constitution. Article X — Amendments This Constitution or its By-Laws may be amended by a two thirds' vote of the voters present and voting at any session: provided that, if it is proposed to amend the Constitution at a special session, notice of such purpose shall be given in the call for such special session. BY-LAWS Article I — Division Sections Sec. 1. The General Conference shall conduct its world-wide work in division sections, each section to operate within a specified territory in harmony with the policy of the General Conference. Sec. 2. Union conference and union mission field organization shall be preserved, and such fields, together with all other organizations and institutions within the territory, shall be responsible to the respective division committees. Sec. 3. The division fields shall be known as, North American Division, Noithern European Division, Central European Division, Southern European Division, Soviet Russia Division, Far Eastern Division; China Division, African Division, South American Division, Southern Asia Division, Australasian Division, Inter-American Division. The boundaries of these division sections shall be subject to adjustment only at the General Conference sessions, except under an emergency, such as war; in such case the General Conference Committee shall make such 384 CONSTITUTION AND BY-LAWS provision as is necessary for the conduct of the work in the territory concerned. Article II — Vice-Presidents Sec. 1. Vice-Presidents shall be elected as follows: three Vice-Presidents for general administrative work, and one additional Vice-President for each division of the General Conference. Sec. 2. The General Vice-Presidents shall assist the President in his administrative work as the Executive Coinmittee may direct. The Vice-President for North America shall work under the direction of the General Conference Committee. Sec. 3. The Vice-Presidents elected for the divisions outside of North America shall act as chairmen of the division committees operating in their respective fields, and shall have charge of the work in those fields under the direction of the division committees, and shall be designated within their respective division territories as presidents of the divisions over which they preside. Article III — Associate Secretaries Sec. 1. The term " associate secretary " shall be used to designate the Secretaries elected to be associated with the Secretary of the General Conference, or such secretary or secretaries as may be elected to be associated with any Departmental Secretary, in carrying the primary responsibilities of his office. Sec. 2. Associate Secretaries shall be elected to share the work of the General Conference Secretary. Such Associate Secretaries shall also be elected as may be deemed necessary to assist the Department Secretaries in the conduct of their work. Article IV — Assistant and Division Secretaries Sec. 1. The term " assistant secretary " shall be used to designate the person elected to assist the Secretary and the Associate Secretary of the General Conference in carrying on their work in the headquarters office. The term " division secretary " shall be used to designate the persons elected to serve in the division fields. Sec. 2. One Assistant Secretary shall be elected to serve at the headquarters office. A Division Secretary shall be elected for each division outside of North America. Sec. 3. The Division Secretaries shall work under the direction of the division committees. It shall be their duty to keep the minutes of the division committee meetings, to furnish to the President, the general Vice-Presidents, Treasurer, and Secretaries of the General Conference a copy of their minutes, to collect information and to make such reports as may be required, and to do such other work as usually pertains to such office. Article V — Assistant and Division Departmental Secretaries Sec. 1. The term " assistant departmental secretary " shall be used to designate such persons as are appointed to assist the Departmental Secretaries and their Associate Secretaries in the Departmental work of the General Office. Sec. 2. Division Departmental Secretaries shall be elected for the respective division fields, and shall labor under the direction of the division committee. CONSTITUTION AND BY-LAWS 385 Sec. 3. Division committees shall appoint such other secretaries as may be needed to serve in special capacities, to labor under the direction of the division committee. Article VI — General Field Secretaries Sec. 1. The term `! general field secretary " shall be used to designate such persons as may be employed by the General Conference to travel extensively both at home and abroad in the interests of the general work. Sec. 2.. Such General Field Secretaries shall be elected as may be deemed necessary to assist the officers of the General Conference in carrying on the world-wide work, and they shall labor under the direction of the Executive Committee. Sec. 3. Such Division Field Secretaries shall be elected as may be deemed necessary to labor in the divisions under the direction of the division committees. Article VII — Assistant Treasurers Assistant Treasurers shall be elected to share with the Treasurer the work of his office. They shall perform such duties connected with the Treasury Department as may be assigned to them by the Treasurer or by the Executive Committee. They shall have authority to sign checks under instruction of the Treasurer. Article VIII — Division Treasurers Sec. 1. The term " division treasurer " shall be used to designate the treasurers elected for the respective divisions outside of North America. Sec. 2. A Division Treasurer shall be elected for each division outside of North America. Sec. 3. It shall be the duty of the Division Treasurers to receive and disburse the funds of the General Conference made available for their territory, under the direction of the division committee, and to perform such other duties as usually pertain to such office. Article IX -- Executive Committee Sec. 1. During the intervals between sessions of the General Conference, the Executive Committee shall have full administrative power, with authority to grant credentials and licenses, and to fill for the current term any 'vacancies that may occur in its offices, boards, committees, or agents, by death, resignation, or otherwise. The Executive Committee shall also have power to withdraw credentials or licenses by a two thirds' vote of the members present and voting at any regular council meeting. Sec. 2. A majority of the full membership of the Executive Committee, including the President or any other officer of the General Conference appointed temporarily as chairman, is empowered to transact business at any time and place. Any seven members of the Executive Committee, including an officer of the General Conference, shall, after due notice to available members, constitute a quorum of the Executive Committee, and shall be empowered to transact such executive business as is in harmony with the general plans outlined by the committee at the designated place of meeting of the Executive Committee as hereinafter provided. 13 386 CONSTITUTION AND BY-LAWS Sec. 3. All meetings of the Executive Committee, except majority meetings, shall be held at the general headquarters, or at such other place as may be definitely arranged by a majority meeting of the Executive Committee, or by the quorum of at least seven members meeting in regular session at general headquarters. Sec. 4. Meetings of the Executive Committee may be called at any time by the ranking officer of the Conference who may be present at headquarters. and such officer, or any member of the committee appointed by him, shall act as chairman of the meeting. • Sec. 5. Minority meetings of less than seven members of tie Executive Committee may be held at the General administrative office for the transaction of necessary routine business, but actions taken at such meetings shall not be final until the minutes of such meetings have been approved in a regular session of the Executive Committee. Article X — Division Committees Sec. 1. In each division outside of North America, a division committee shall be constituted as hereinafter provided, for the transaction of business pertaining to the division. Sec. 2. The members of a division committee shall be the President, the Secretary and the Treasurer of the Division, the Presidents of union conferences, the Superintendents of union missions, the Division Field Secretaries, the Division Departmental Secretaries, and any other members of the General Conference Committee present. Other persons may also be appointed as members by the Division Committee. Sec. 3. The actions taken by Division Committees pertaining to the administration of affairs in the division field, shall be considered final, provided they are in harmony with the plans and policy of the General Conference as set forth in the Constitution and By-Laws, and in its Executive Committee actions at regular Autumn Councils. Sec. 4. It shall be arranged as far as practicable for each division field outside of North America to send its President or such representatives as may be chosen, to the annual Councils of the General Conference Executive Committee. Sec. 5. Five members of a division committee, including the chairman, shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. When the chairman is to be absent from headquarters, he and the committee shall designate an acting chairman. Minority meetings of less than five members of the division committee may be held for the transaction of necessary routine business, but actions taken at such meetings shall not be final until the minutes of such meetings have been approved in a meeting with a quorum present. Sec. 6. As the Australasian field consists of only one union organization, the time and extent of the development of the division feature of that organization shall be optional with the Australasian Union Conference, it being understood that until the divisional feature is developed, the president of the Australasian Union Conference shall be a VicePresident of the General Conference, and the Australasian Union Conference will function as a division of the General Conference in all phases of its relation to the world movement. Article XI —Corporation Boards At each regular session of the General Conference the requisite boards of trustees, according to their respective Constitutions and By-Laws, CONSTITUTION AND BY-LAWS shall be elected for each legal corporation serving and holding properties and receiving gifts and legacies for the General Conference unincorporated. The trustees of the General Conference Corporation shall also constitute the Board of Trustees of the General Conference Association. Article XII — Departments Sec. 1. The Departmental Secretaries and Associate Secretaries elected by the General Conference shall work under the direction of the Executive Committee of the General Conference, and shall occupy an advisory relation to the field. Sec. 2. The Executive Committee shall appoint a representative departmental committee of counsel for each department. Such committee shall in each case be composed of the secretaries of the department, the secretaries of departmental work in the divisions, and of such other persons as the Executive Committee may deem necessary. Article XIII — Auditors and Audits Sec. 1. The General Conference Committee shall appoint such Auditors as may be necessary to do the auditing which should properly come under the supervision of the General Conference Committee, including division accounts. Sec. 2. The Executive Committee shall have the accounts of the General Conference and of its legal corporations audited at least once each calendar year, and the Auditors shall report upon the same to the Executive Committee annually. The Auditors shall report also, for the full quadrennial period, to the General Conference at its regular sessions. The General Conference Auditors shall also be made available for auditing the accounts of union conferences and general institutions. Sec. 3. The division committees shall have authority to appoint an auditor or auditors to audit the books of such organizations or institutions within their territories as the division committee shall direct. Article XIV — Wages and Expenses Sec. 1. The Executive Committee shall appoint annually eight persons not in its employ who, with the officers of the General Conference, and not less than seven presidents of union conferences, shall constitute a committee to audit the expense accounts of employees, and to fix their wages for the succeeding year. Sec. 2. The Executive Committee shall have power to make such adjustment from time to time in the wage of clerks, stenographers, and other routine workers as may be necessary. Article XV — Funds Sec. 1. The funds of the General Conference shall be as follows: (a) A tithe of the tithe receipts of the union conferences and union missions and of the local conferences and missions not included in union conferences and union missions. (b) Regular missions offerings. (c) Special donations.. (d) Such percentage of the regular tithe of local conferences as may be determined at a joint meeting of the Executive Committee and conference presidents. (e) Surplus tithes which may be appropriated by local and union conferences for the mission fields. • 388 CONSTITUTION AND BY-LAWS (1) A tithe of the profits of publishing houses, sanitariums, and other profit-earning institutions which are under the control of the General Conference, or which, because of the character of their work, have more than local influence and responsibility. Such percentage of the annual profit also of these institutions, after deducting the tithe, as may be arranged by joint council of the Executive Committee of the General Conference with the board of management of each institution. (g) Such percentage of the funds of union conferences and missions and of institutions and tract societies, as may be arranged by the General Conference Committee in counsel with conference presidents, the same to be known as the Sustentation Fund for the support of aged and infirm workers, and for the dependent widows and orphans of workers. Article XVI — App ropriations Sec. 1. The Executive Committee shall make its appropriations for home and foreign work at the Autumn Councils, said appropriations to be based on budgets from the fields requiring financial help. Sec. 2. Appropriations shall be made subject to the receipt of the full amount of funds estimated in the General Conference budget. In case of a shortage, the distribution shall be on a pro-rata basis to all the interests represented in the budget. Sec. 3. Appropriations for major permanent investments shall be held in trust for the purpose for which the appropriation was designated. In case the project is abandoned, the funds shall revert to the General Conference. Other funds appropriated to division fields shall be administered by the division committees. Sec. 4. All funds raised in division fields, except the regular funds belonging to the General Conference, as indicated under Article XV, may be used for the advancement of the work in the fields in which they were raised. Sec. 5. General Conference funds in all the world shall be made available to meet the annual appropriations of the General Conference. Article XVII —Finance Sec. 1. The Treasurer of the General Conference shall carry a Reserve Fund to tide over a possible financial depression, equal to one fourth the regular appropriations Of the preceding year, said Reserve Fund to be held in cash and in readily convertible securities. Sec. 2. The Executive Committee acting through its legal agency, the General Conference Corporation, shall have power to make such annuity contracts as may seem desirable; but all moneys obtained in this way shall be invested in securities, and not be made available for appropriation until the annuity contracts have expired. Sec. 3. The tithes and mission offerings received by the General Conference shall be held as a trust for appropriations to the work of the Seventh-day Adventist denomination. It shall not be within the prerogative, therefore, of the General Conference Committee, the Treasury Department, nor of any agent or agency of the denomination, to loan these funds to private individuals, to indorse notes, sign bonds or other securities, or in any way to divert the funds of the General Conference from their intended purpose. Sec. 4. The basis for computing per capita funds shall be the membership at the close of the second preceding year as published in the report of the Statistical Secretary. MINISTERIAL DIRECTORY Only the names of ordained and licensed ministers appear in this list, the latter indicated thus: (1). N. J., 1252 Sandusky AALBORG, St., Kansas City, Kans. Abbott, F. L., 606 West Washtenaw St., Lansing, Mich. Abbott, E. H. (1), 519 Terminal Bldg., Oklahoma City, Okla. Abbott, G. K., M. D., Glendale, Calif. Abegg, S. J. (1), 719 East Flanders St., Portland, Oreg. Abel, R. P., 399 Upper Serangoon Road, Singapore, Straits Settlements. Aberle, H., Demantiusstr. 10, Reichenberg, Czechoslovakia. Aberle, L., Jsartalstr. 40, Munich, Bavaria, Germany. Abney, B. W., Cook St. and Sarah Ave., St. Louis,. Mo. Abrahamsen, K. (1), Tunnelgatan 25, Stockholm, Sweden. Achenbach, C. V., Box 3005, Santurce, Porto Rico. AcMoody, C. E., 2118 Court St., Muskogee, Okla. Adams, E. H., 210 Seale Ave., Palo Alto, Calif. Adams, E. M. Box 813, Manila, nds. Philippine Isla Adams, J. W., 715 West Lugonia Ave., Redlands, Calif. Adams, K. M., Box 584, Arlington, Calif. Adams, P. P., 1956 McCullom St., San Luis Obispo, Calif. Adams, W. L., Box 0, Balboa, Canal Zone. Adams, W. M., Bin 7, Lodi, Calif. Adolp, E. (1), Kriegsstr. 84, Karlsruhe-Baden, Germany. Adolph, K., Adlerstr. 70, Diisseldorf, Germany. Afenir, Juan, Rosales, Pangasinan, Philippine Islands. Africa, Matthew (I), Box 468, Bloemfontein, 0. F. S., South Africa. Aguilar, Isidro (1), Hermandinos 13-2°, Vigo, Spain. Aguilar, R. H. (1), 11 Pointe 1308, Puebla, Puebla, Mexico. Khren, E. J., Tunnelgatan 25, Stockholm, Sweden. Airey, R. W., Box 2, Gaston, Oreg. Albee, W. V. (1), 122 South Eighth St., Grand Junction, Colo. Albrecht, F., Fabian-utca 5, Miskolc, Hungary. Alcock, H. J., Cedar Lake, Mich. Alencar, Mathias (1), Caixa Postal H, Curityba, Parana, Brazil, South America. Alexe, N., Str. N. Saveanu Nr. 10, Focsani, Rumania. All, J. E., 215 North. McDowell St., Charlotte, N. C. Allen, A. N., Leopoldina, Goyaz, Brazil, South America. Allen, C. E., 1228 South 111/2 St., Terre Haute, Ind. Allen, L. E. (1), 17 Abbott Road, Lucknow, India. ' Allen, M. J., 578 Valencia Place, Covina, Calif. Allison, J. W., 2859 Marion St., Denver, Colo. Allison, T. H., 535 New Jersey St., Kansas City, Kans. Allum, F. A., " Mizpah," Wahroonga, New South Wales, Australia. Allweiss, P. (1), Merepuiestee 14a, Tallinna, Estonia. Almonte, Eliel (1), Casilla 2830, Santiago, Chile, South America. Althoff, W. Oststrasse 103, I., Bielefeld, Germany. Altman, M. A., 731 Bonfoy Ave., Colorado Springs, Colo. Altman, Roger (1), 399 Upper Serangoon Road, Singapore, Straits Settlements. Amian, Arnold (1), Oststr. 103, I., Bielefeld, Germany. 389 390 MINISTERIAL DIRECTORY Ammundsen, W. B., Box 1772, Manila, Philippine Islands. Amundsen, Wesley (1), 2900 Live Oak St., Dallas, Tex. Anderson, A. C., 2610 Nob Hill Ave., Seattle, Wash. Anderson, A. N., Daiku cho 2, AizuWakamatsu, Japan. Anderson, August S., 2101 28th Ave., South, Minneapolis, Minn. Anderson, August, Route 1, Box 345, La Grange, Ill. Anderson, A. W.," Mizpah," Wahroonga, New outh Wales, Australia. Anderson, B. L., S. D. A. Mission, Kulangsu, Amoy, China. Anderson, C. V., Hemstigen 12, Jonkoping, Swede- n. Anderson, J. D. (1), Marovo Lagoon, via Tulagi, Solomon Islands, Pacific Ocean. Anderson, J. F. (1), Box 188, Clovis, N. Mex. Anderson, J. N., Milton Junction, Wis. Anderson, J. P., S. D. A. Mission, Waichow, Kwangtung, China. Anderson, L. R., Box 584, Arlington, Calif. Anderson, M. E., Route 1, Box 155, Franksville, Wis. Anderson, 0. K. (1), S Yarra St., Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia. Anderson, R. A., Eagle House, 395 Holloway Road, London, N. 7, England. Anderson, T. A. (1), 84 Jervois Road, Auckland, New Zealand. Anderson, V. G., 734 Main St., Nevada, Iowa. Anderson, W. H., Angola Union Mission of S. D. A., Caixa Postale No. 3, Nova Lisboa, Angola, Dist. Benguela, Portuguese West Africa. Andersson, Alfred, Tunnelgatan 25, Stockholm, Sweden. Andrean, Delroy (1), Box M, Cristobal, Canal Zone. Andreasen, M. L., 1854 Roblyn Ave., St. Paul. Minn. Andreassen, S. (1), Box 262, Reykjavik, Iceland. Andress, Wm. M., Boulder Sanitarium, Boulder, Colo. Andrews, Dr. J. N. S.D. A. Mission, Tatsienlu, Szechwan, China. Andrews, Dr. L. L. (I), Box 1100, Orlando, Fla. Andrews, W. R., 52 Washington Ave., Middletown, N. Y. Andross, C. E., Box 66, Port of Spain, Trinidad, British West Indies. Andross, E. E., Box "0," Balboa, Canal Zone. Andrus, L. (1), S. D. A. Mission, 62 Ta Fang Chia Hutting, Peiping, China. Ang, T. K., S. D. A. Mission, Swatow, Kwangtung, China. Angervo, 0., Annegatan 7, Helsingfors, Finland. Anglebarger, G. W., 2138 South Acoma, St., Denver, Colo. Annofsky, Ernest (1), Box 339, Ephraim, Utah. Ansel, Albert, Hasenbergstr. 75, Stuttgart, Germany. Ansley, R. E. (1), Private Bag, Ladysmith, Natal, South Africa. Apollon, F. D., Box 28, Cape Haitien, Haiti, West Indies. Appel, G. J., S. D. A. Mission, 62 Ta Fang Chia Hutting, Peiping, China. Apsley, G. R. (1); 24 Fusting Ave., Catonsville, Md. Aquino, Cornelio (1), 11 Pointe 1308, Puebla, Puebla, Mexico. Arcaliafsky, N. B., Strada, Stelorian Zamfirescu 8, Ploesti, Rumania. Aritonang, H. (1), Advent Zendingsgenootschap in N. 0. I., Afdeeling Cost-Java, Tandloeng A110111 3, Soerabaia, Java, Netherlands East Indies. Armenakian, B. (1), S Rue de Prague, Paris 12, France. Armitage, E. B., Bin 7, Lodi, Calif. Armstrong, A. D., 410 ElVina Drive, Glendale, Calif. Armstrong; A. K. Eagle House, 395 Holloway Road, London, ' N. 7, England. a MINISTERIAL DIRECTORY Armstrong, H. W., Eagle House, 395 Holloway Road, London, N. 7, England. Armstrong, I. A. (1), South Lancaster, Mass. Armstrong, V. T., Box 7, Yodobashi P. O., Tokyo, Japan. Armstrong, W. H. Lock Box 87, Graysville, Tenn. Armstrong, W. W., P. 0. Kisii, Kenya Colony, East Africa. Arnesen, Erik, Akersgaten 74, Oslo, Norway. Arnold, A., Tiergartenstrasse 23, Konigsberg i/Pr., Germany. Arteaga, S. M. (1), Aldama No. 83, Saltillo, Coah., Mexico. Ascione, Andres, Calle Guaviyu 2532, Montevideo, Uruguay, South America. Ash, S. L., Box 66, Port of Spain, Trinidad, British West Indies. Ashbaugh, F. G., 9427 Osage St., Inglewood, Calif. Ashcroft, C. E. (1), 8 Yarra St., Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia. Ashlock,.J. F. (1), Box 15, Poona, India. Ashton, N. S., 2001 24th Ave., North, Nashville, Tenn. Asiano, D. (1), Via Trieste 17, Florence, Italy. Asprey, T. W. (1), 10 Cunningham Road, Bangalore, India. Atkin, W. E., 948 Washington St., Reno, Nev. Atkins, A. S. (1), S. D. A. Mission, Matupi, Rabaul, Mandated Territory of New Guinea. Atkinson, E. C., 606 N St., N. W., Washington, D. C. Atteberry, A. N. (1), Oakwood Junior College, Huntsville, Ala. Atteberry-Sype, Mrs. M. (1), 817 Nora Ave., Spokane, Wash. Aufderhar, H. A., Pierce, Colo. Aug, A., Merepuiestee 14-a. Tallinna, Estonia. Augsbourger, F. (1), 8 Avenue de l'Eglise, Anglaise, Lausanne, Switzerland. Augsburger, Ulysse, 5 Blvd. Longchamp, Marseille (B. d. Rh.), France. 391 Augustine, P. H., 309 Monroe St., Petoskey, Mich. Aurich, Erich, Manchurian Union Mission S. D. A., Mukden, Manchuria, China. Avery, W. L., 1705 Orchard Ave., Glendale, Calif. Avila, Manuel, Apartado. 210, Santa Clara, Cuba. Axelsen, Arthur (1), 734 Main St., Nevada, Iowa. Ayars, E. U. (1), Casilla 1002, Lima, Peru, South America. D AASCH, H. E., Apartado 39, Medellin, Colombia, South America. Babcock, C. M. , Drawer 586, Watertown, S. Dak. Babcock, D. C., Box 469, Arlington, Va. Babienco, T. T., Brivibas ielh. 11, Riga, Latvia. Bacela, Jonah (1), 37 National Mutual Bldgs., Rissik St., Johannesburg, Transvaal, South Africa. 'Kicker, Fr., Posta Kutusu 242, Beyoglu, Istanbul, Turkey. Bacon, A. E., Eagle House, 395 Holloway Road, London, N. 7, England. Badaut, J. P., Au Chatelet, Banges (S. et L.), France. Badaut, Paul, 10 Boulevard Carabacel, Nice, France. Badescu, D. (1), Str. Basota 2, Jasi, Rumania. Baer, R. T., 4532 Calvert St., Lincoln, Nebr. Baerg, John, 452 Ralston St., Reno, Nev. Bahler, R., Stampfenbachstr. 85, Zfirich, Switzerland. Biihr, E., S. D. A. Mission, Keizan, Chosen (Korea). Bahr, E., Adventhaus, Hans Sachsstrasse 9, Chemnitz, Germany. Bahr, 0. (1), Barnimstrasse 10 I., Stettin i. Pr., Germany . Blihre, G., Krampferstr. 63. II., Erfurt, Germany. Baierle, Chas., 1455 Seventh St., Parkersburg, W. Va. 392 MINISTERIAL DIRECTORY Bailey, D. A. (1), 898 Washington St., Peekskill, N. Y. Bailey, F. C., 22 Zulla Road, Magdala Road, Nottingham, England. Bailey, G. W. Eagle House, 395 Holloway Road, London, N. 7, England. Bailey, M. R., 71 Queens St., Rochester, N. Y. Bairagee, A. K. (1), S. D. A. Mission, Gopalgunj, Faridpur Dist., East Bengal, India. Bairagee, I. B. (1), S. D. A. Mission, Gopalgunj, Faridpur Dist., East Bengal, India. Bairagee, T. C. (1), S. D. A. Mission, Gopalgunj, Faridpur Dist., East Bengal, India. Baird, G. W. (1), Stanborough Park, Watford, Herts, England. Baird, H., S. D. A. Mission, Kamamaung, Post Office Shwegon, via Maulmein, Burma. Bajor, L., Margit Korut 38, I., 3, Budapest II, Hungary. Baker, A. L., Mountain View, Calif. Baker, C. H. (I), Casilla 85, Puno, • Peru, South America. Baker, Isaac, 1215 Marshall St., Little Rock, Ark. Baker, J. D., Caixa Postale 33, Missao de Luz, Vila Luzo, Distrito de Moxico, Angola, Portuguese West Africa. Baker, R. C., 2610 Nob Hill Ave., Seattle, Wash. Baker, W. H. (1), 1122 John St., Birmingham, Ala. Baker, W. L. H., Crestone Heights, Colorado Springs, Colo. Bakhsh, J. A., 17 Abbott Road, Lucknow, India. Billan, L., Strada Popa Tatu 38, Bukharest II, Rumania. Baldwin, F. W. (1), Bin 7, Lodi, Calif. Baldwin, J. C. (1), Box 317, Clanton, Ala. Baldwin, W. C., Box 598, Walla Walla, Wash. Ballack, M. (1), Ostbahnstrasse 9, I, Dresden- A., Germany. Balogun, A. I., S. D. A. Mission, Awtun, Offa P. 0., Nigeria, West Africa. Banfield, M. S., 1110 West Lafayette Ave., Baltimore, Md. Banks, W. J. (1), 411 Cedar St., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Baptiste, E. A. Box 95, Castries, St. Lucia, British West Indies. Baptiste, A. J. J., Box 28, Cape Haitien, Haiti, West Indies. Barbosa, Deodoro (1), Caixa Postal 91, Juiz de Fora, Minas Geraes, Brazil, South America. Biirengrub, M., Merepuiestee 14-a. Tallinna, Estonia. Barkley, F. E. (1), Box 1491, Jamestown, N. Dak. Barlow, W. A. (1), S. D. A. Mission, Karmatar, E. I. Ry.,'India. Barr, W. E., Sanitarium, Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Barrett, A. R. (1), Marovo Lagoon, via T ulagi, Solomon Islands, Pacific Ocean. Barrett, D. J. C., South Lancaster, Mass. Barron, A. (1), 84 Jervois Road, Auckland, New Zealand. Bartel, K., ul. Lipowa 10, Bydgoszcz, Poland. Bartha, B. (1), Strada Clemenceau 5/a, Cluj, Rumania. Bartlett, W. T., 22 Zulla Road, Magdala Road, Nottingham, England. Barto, H. W. (1), 215 North McDowell St., Charlotte, N. C. Barto, W. P., 399 Upper Serangoon Road, Singapore, Straits Settlements. Basney, H. C., Route 1, Box 244, Arlington, Calif, Bass, H. J., Auburn, Wash. Bass, Harold, 2610 Nob Hill Ave., Seattle, Wash. Bates, Dr. F. E., S. D. A. Mission, Tungshan, Canton, China. Battye, W. E., 84 Jervois Road, Auckland, New Zealand. Baucke, F., Koblenzerstr. 3, BerlinWilmersdorf, Germany. MINISTERIAL DIRECTORY Bauer, I., Strada Clemenceau 5/a, Cluj, Rumania. Baum, C. S., Box 372, Orlando, Fla. Bauscher, 0., Barnimstrasse 10 I., Stettin i. Pr., Germany. Baybarz, A. M., 3 Awde St., Toronto 4, Ontario. Baxter, W. E., Apartado 1059, San Jose, Costa Rica, Central America. Beach, W. R., 130 Avenue Prekelinden, Brussels, Belgium. Beams, J. W., Route 1, Box 238 B, Arlington, Calif. Beans, L. G., 519 Terminal Bldg., Oklahoma City, Okla. Beavon, E. A., 3 Awde St., Toronto 4, Ontario. Beazley, A. L., Gen. Del., Menomonie, Wis. Beck, Carl, 3863 Harding Ave., Detroit, Mich. Beck, H., Krampferstr. 63, II., Erfurt, Germany. Beck, Henry (1), 222 Almond St., Georgetown, British Guiana, South America. Becker, Carl, 7840 Temple Road, Philadelphia, Pa. Beckner, R. A., 30 Voyle Road, Carat., Rangoon, Burma. Becraft, V. C., R. F. D. 2, Gaston, Oreg. Beddoe, B. E., Glendale, Calif. Beddoe, E. E., Box 1077, Oklahoma City, Okla. Bee, John A: (1), 411 Cedar St., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Beebe, E. I., Route 2, Box 55, St. Charles, Mich. Beem, T. M., Box 205, Knoxville, Tenn. Beer, Luigi, Viale Campania 7/III, Milan, Italy. Behrendt, P. (1), Tiergartenstrasse 23, Konigsberg i. Pr., Germany. Behrens, A., Koblenzerstrasse 3, Berlin-Wilmersdorf, Germany. Behrens, E., " Tereora," The Boulevarde, Strathfield, N. S. W., Australia. Behrens, J. H., Southern Junior College, Collegedale, Tenn. 393 Beier, J., Ostbahnstrasse 9 I., Dresden-A., Germany. Beitz, R. R. (1), Box 1491, Jamestown, N. Dak. Belding, M. A., Box 719, Boise, Idaho. Belgrave, C. C., 17 Abbott Road, Lucknow, India. Belich, Ilija, Box 235, Greensburg, Pa. Bell, Alexander R., 2310 F St., Bellingham, Wash. Bell, C. V. (1), " Mizpah," Wahroonga, N. S. W., Australia. Bell, J. E., 22 Zulla Road, Magdala Road, Nottingham, England. Bellah, C. G., 2708 Rosina Ave., Covington, Ky. Belleau, G. S., Maplewood, Oreg. Bellinger, J., Box 372, Orlando, Fla. Bellows, R. J., Paw Paw, Mich. Belote, L. W. (1), 11 Eulalia St., Coudersport, Pa. Belz, R. W., Caixa Postal 1830, Capital, Sao Paulo, Brazil, South America. Bement, W. E., South Lancaster, Mass. Bender, U., 717 First Nat'l Bank Bldg., Chattanooga, Tenn. Benezech, E. (1), Mission Adventiste, Ankadifotsy, Tananarive, Madagascar. Benham, R. D., Cornelius, Oregon. Benson, H. F., Minami 6 Jo, Nishi 11 Chome, Sapporo, Japan. Benton, R. L., 519 Terminal Bldg., Oklahoma City, Okla. Bentz, A. V. (1), 2610 Nob Hill Ave., Seattle, Wash. Berchin, A., Casilla 2830, Santiago, Chile, South America. Berg, Henry, 965 18th St., Milwaukee, Wis. Berghauer, T., Bisinper-Setany 10, fsz 3, Gy6r, Hungary. Bergherm, Walter A. (1), Box 0, Balboa, Canal Zone. Bergherm, Wm. H., Box .813, Manila, Philippine Islands. Berglund, E. (1), S. D. A. Mission, Waterloo, Sierra Leone, West Africa. 394 MINISTERIAL DIRECTORY Bergman, Dr. G. C. (1), Taffarie Makonnen Hospital, Dessie, Abyssinia. Berner, E. (1), Jsartalstr, 40, Munich, Bavaria, Germany. Bernstein, 0. 0., 5963 Midway Park, Chicago, Ill. Bero, Stephen, 3014 Chatham Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. Berry, G. W., 481 West Fifth St., Loveland, Colo. Berry, W. 0. (1), 645 Tazwell St., Wytheville, Va. Bertalot, Elia, Via Piave No. 8/10, Genoa, Italy. Berthelsen, P. E., care Academy, Harvey, N. Dak. Berthold, W., Lange Beestenmarkt 102, The Hague, Holland. Bertling, W. (1), Grindelberg 11, Hamburg 13, Germany. Beskow, H. P. (1), Casilla 2830, Santiago, Chile, South America. Besra, James (1), S. D. A. Mission, Karmatar, E. I. Ry., Betea, P., Brasov, Strada Clemceau 5/a, Cluj, Rumania. Bethmann, E. (1), Advent Villa, Mataria, Egypt. Betram, W., Lange Beestenmarkt 102, The Hague, Holland. Bevan, J. G., Eagle House, 395 Holloway Road, London, N. 7, England. Bhorge, G. (1), S. D. A. Mission, Nevasa, Ahmednagar Dist., India. Bicknell, P. F., South Lancaster, Mass. Bidwell, W. E., 302 East Washington Ave., New Smyrna, Fla. Bierkle, A. N. (1), 71 Woo Ts'u Street, Hankow, Hupeh, China. Bietz, R. R. (1), Box 1491, Jamestown, N. Dak. Billes, L. S. (1), Grove Ave., Claremont, Cape, South Africa. Binanzer, W. (1), Kriegsstr. 84, Karlsruhe-Baden, Germany. Bird, A. C., Route 3, Caldwell, Idaho. Bird, A. F., Stanborough Park, Watford, Herts, England. Bird, C. E. (1), 361 Argyle St., Hobart, Tasmania. Bird, W. L., 1513 Verdi St., Alameda, Calif. Birkenstock, J. J., Box 468, Bloemfontein, 0. F. S., South Africa. Birsin, J., Brivibas iela 11, Riga, Latvia. Bisel, H. E. (I), 1488 Pure Oil Bldg., 35 E. Wackner Drive, Chicago, Ill. Bishai, Basta (1), Advent Mataria, Cairo, Egypt. Bjaanaes, E., Akersgaten 74, Oslo, Norway. Bjerke, I. J., 1616 Norwood St., Brainerd, Minn. Blair, R. E. G. (1), Mizpah," Wahroonga, N. S. W., Australia. Bland, L. H., 2105 Scovel St., Nashville, Tenn. Blandford, C. L., South Lancaster, Mass. Block, G., Cervantes 144, Parana, E. R., Argentina, South America. Block, Godofredo, Jr., San Martin 1472, Corrientes, Argentina, South America. Blomstedt, A., Tunnelgatan 25, Stockholm, Sweden. Blosser, J. B., Box 255, Traverse City, Mich. Blot, J., Box 28, Cape Haitien, Haiti, West Indies. Blue, I. F., Box 15, Poona, India. Blunden, H. M., Box 146, Glendale, Calif. Bodrug, N. (I), 604 Connaught Bldg., Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada. Boehm, J. H., Caixa Postal 2898, Capital, Sao Paulo, Brazil, South America. Boger, E. C., P. 0. Box 573, Bulawayo, Southern Rhodesia, Africa. Bohlmann, J., Koblenzerstr. 3, Berlin-Wilmersdorf, Germany. Bohm, E., Demantiusstr. 10, Reichenberg, Czechoslovakia. Bohn, A. D., 6040 Princeton Ave., Chicago, Ill. Bohner, F. (1), Union Springs, N. Y. Bohringer, G. F. (1), "Mizpah," Wahroonga, New South Wales, Australia. MINISTERIAL DIRECTORY Bois, Jose (1), Norte 32-30 -2a, Lerida, Spain. Bollman, C. P., Takoma Park, • Washington, D. C. Bommer, J., Stampfenbachstr. S5, Zurich, Switzerland. Bond, C. Lester, Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Bond, C. W. E. (1), 155 South First East, Logan, Utah. Bongini, Riccardo (1), via Gian Domenico D'Auriab, Napoli-Vomero, Italy. Bookhart, J. A. (1), 215 North McDowell St., Charlotte, N. C. Booth, A. S., Box 372, Orlando, Fla. Boothby, R. L., Box 605, Topeka, Kans. Borg, S. T., Box 584, Arlington, Calif. Borgas, L. A. (1), Oaklands, via Cairns, Queensland, Australia. Borge, G. S., S. D.,A. Mission, Mill Road, Shahapuri, Kolhapur, India. Borrowdale, L. J., Box 3005, Santurce, Porto Rico. Borrowdale, R. J., • S. D. A. Mission, Karmatar, E. I. Ry., India. Botimer, C. E. (1), 705 South Gallatin St., Jackson, Miss. Botscha, V. (1), Cakstes bulvdri Nr. 3, dz. 6; Jelgava, Latvia. Bottcher, T. (1), Barnimstrasse 10 I, Stettin i. P'r., Germany. Bowen, T. E., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Bowers, L. I. (1), S. D. A. Mission, Outside East Gate, Seoul, Chosen (Korea). Bowett, T. S. (1), College Heights, via Lacombe, Alberta, Canada. Box, H., Regensburgerstrasse 22, Berlin W. 50, Germany. Boyd, C. J. (1), 1908 Eden Ave., Glendale, Calif. Boyd, P. M., Box 372, Orlando, Fla. Boylan, H. A., Holly, Mich. Boynton, C. E., Graysville; Tenn. Boynton, J. W., 1346 East Third St., Newberg, Oreg. Boynton, MT. S. (1), Box 719, Boise, Idaho. 395 Bozarth, C. IV., Gitwe, via Usumbura, Ruanda, Urundi, Africa. Bracero, Rafael (1), Box 3005, Santurce, Porto Rico. Bradford, R. L. (1), Route 4, Box 292, Tulsa, Okla. Bradford, R. L., 128 Winthrop Ave., New Rochelle, N. Y. Bradford, Wm. (1), Union Springs, N. Y. Bradley, T. J. (1), " Tereora," The Boulevarde, Strathfield, N. S. MT., Australia. Bradley, W. H., 240 Roselawn Ave., Modesto, Calif. Bradley, W. P., Box 2993, Manila, • Philippine Islands. Brandstater, G. A. (1), " Mizpah," Wahroonga, N. S. W., Australia. Brandstater, R. (1), 47 Hay St., Subiaco, Perth, West Australia, Australia. Brandt, F., Kriimpferstr. 63, II., Erfurt, Germany. Branford, J. L. (1), Oaklands, via Cairns, Queensland, Australia. Branson, E. L., 96 Malden St., Springfield, Mass. Branson, W. H., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Branster, G., Suva Vou, Suva, Fiji, Pacific Ocean. Brashnicoff, B. K. (1), Post Box 20, New Town, Harbin, Manchuria, China. Braun, J., Pelzgasse 2-10, Vienna XV, Austria. Braun, Luiz, Caixa Postal 1830, Capital, Silo Paulo, Brazil, South America. Bray, E. B., Route 2, Box 108, Tuscon, Ariz. Breed, A. J., College Place, Wash. Breitigam, R. R., Calle Pino 3801, Buenos Aires, Argentina, South America. Bremer, A., Lange Laube 29, I., Hanover, Germany. Brennwald, F. (1), Hoheweg 17, Berne, Switzerland. Bresee, F. E., Casilla 85, Puno, Peru, South America. Bresee, R. F., 734 Main St., Nevada, Iowa. 396 MINISTERIAL DIRECTORY Brewer, N. F., Wang Gia Dun, Hankow, Hupeh, China. Brines, Dr. R. (1), Box 1251, Shanghai, China. Bringle, A. S., Box 262, Enterprise, Kans. Brink, Frederic, Box 642, Westwood, Calif. Brinkmann, D., Barnimstrasse 10 I., Stettin i/Pr., Germany. Brinkmann, H., Tiergartenstrasse 23, Konigsberg i. Pr., Germany. Brinley, C. E. (1), Valentine, Nebr. Broad, W. 0. (1), Marovo Lagoon, via Tulagi, Solomon Islands, Pacific Ocean. Broberg, Sv. (1), Suomisvej 5, Copenhagen, V., Denmark. Brock, R. H., Box 354, St. Cloud, Fla. Brodersen, H. N. (1), S. D. A. Mission, 62 Ta Fang Chia Hutung, Peiping, China. Brodersen, P. E., Box 332, Station A, Los Angeles, Calif. Broeckel, P. G., Box 1304, Fresno, Calif. Brooks, Edgar (1), Casa Editora Sudamericana, Florida, F. C. C. A., Buenos Aires, Argentina, South America. Brooks, R. R. (I), Holly, Mich. Brorsen, A., 844 Thirty-fourth St., Oakland, Calif. Brouchy, Francisco, Casilla 355, La Paz, Bolivia, South America. Brouchy, P. M., Calle Llavallol 2175, Florida, F. C. C. A., Prov. of Buenos Aires, Argentina, South America. Brower, F. A. (I), Apartado 313, Cali, Colombia, South America. Brown, B. W., 1643 Stanford Ave., Stockton, Calif. Brown, E. A., Box 533, Santa Rosa, Calif. Brown, G. M., Route 3, Searcy, Ark. Brown, Harold, Calle Esteban Echeverria 1436, Florida, F. C. C. A., Buenos Aires, Argentina, South America. Brown, H. F., Calle Esteban, Echeverria 1436, Florida, F. C. C. A., Buenos Aires, Argentina, South America. (On furlough.) Brown, J. L., Calle Pinof 3801, Buenos Aires, Argentina, South America. Brown, M. H., Route 3, Searcy, Ark. Brown, Stanley (1), 111 South Cottage Ave., Connellsville, Pa. Brown, T. A. (1), 27 Prospect Terrace, Prospect, South Australia, Australia. Brownsberger, Sydney, M. D. (1), Nuzvid, Kistna Dist., South India. Bruck, Carl, 22 Hillcrest Place, Hudson Heights, N. J. Bryan, B. F., 254 Carroll St., N. W., Washington, D. C. Bryant, R. J., 1733 Hearst Ave., Berkeley, Calif. Brzezinski, J., Ostbahnstrasse 9 I., Dresden-A., Germany. Buckwalter, Arthur (1), 305 I. 0. 0. F. Bldg., Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Budd, G. L., Alexandria, Minn. Budnick; M., Ostbahnstrasse 9 I.. Dresden -A., Germ any. Buhalts. C. J., Uniontown, Ala. Buile, J. (1), Rigas ie15, 32, Cesis, Latvia. Bull, A. F., Suji Mission, Makania, P. 0. Tanga, Tanganyika Territory, East Africa. Bull, S. (1), Boite 595, Beyrouth, Syria. Bunch, F. L. (1), 399 Upper Serangoon Road, Singapore, Straits Settlements. Bunch, F. S., Myrtle Point, Coos Co., Oreg. Bunch, T. G., Loma Linda, Calif. Bunker, C. M., Adelphian Academy, Holly, Mich. Bunsode, Daniel (1), S. D. A. Mission, Kalyan, India. Bunsode, U. (1), S. D. A. Mission, Udhna, Dist. Surat, India. Bunyani, Simon (1), Chileka Mission, Blantyre, Nyasaland, British Central Africa. MINISTERIAL DIRECTORY Burden, J. A., care Paradise Valley Sanitarium, National City, Calif. Burden, W. D., Route A, Box 185, Redlands, Calif. Bureaud, M. J., Mission Adventiste, Ankadifotsy, Tananarive, Madagascar. Burg, F. M. College Place, Wash. Burgess, L. 'J., Hinoo, Ranchi, India. Burke, I. M., Box 1304, Fresno, Calif. Burley, S. G., R F. D. 1, La Grange, Ill. Burman, C. A., Berrien Springs, Mich. Burns, N. C., Suva Vou, Suva, Fiji, Pacific Ocean. Burns, R. J. (1), 8 Yarra, St., Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia. Burroughs, C. T., 4547 Calvert St., College View Station, Lincoln, Nebr. Burton, E. B. (1), Ka wanibwa, via Ndola, Northern Rhodesia, Africa. Burwell, H. M. (1), 1343 Monteeito Drive, Los Angeles, Calif. Busch, M., Tizianstr. 18, Munich, Bavaria, Germany. Bustos, B. (1), Casilla 2830, Santiago, Chile, South America. Butha, Dr. L. H. (1), Lowanho, Yencheng, Honan, China. Butler, F. J. (1), 361 Argyle St., Hobart, Tasmania. Butler, George, 511 East 22d St., Indianapolis, Ind. Butler, 0. K., 511 East 22d St., Indianapolis, Ind. Butler, S. C. (1), 47 Hay St., Subiaco, Perth, West Australia, Australia. Butler, T. M. (1), 511 East 22d St., Indianapolis, Ind. Bfitler, V. (1), Stampfenbachstr. 85, Ziirich, Switzerland. Butler, W. A., R. F. D. 1, Arpin, Wis. Butterfield, C. L., 215 North McDowell St., Charlotte, N. C. Butterfield, L. A. (1), 215 North McDowell St., Charlotte, N. C. Butterfield, M. B., 534 North 35th St., Lincoln, Nebr. 397 Butz, E. S., 84 Jervois Road, Auckland, New Zealand. Buzgo, M. (1), Fabian-utca 5, Miskolc, Hungary. Buzugherian, A., Calle Esteban Echeverria 1436, Florida, F. C. C. A., Prov. Buenos Aires, Argentina, South America. Buzzell, A. B., S. D. A. Mission, Kweiyang, Kweichow, China. E. M. (1), CADWALLADER, Box 51, Blantyre, Nyasaland, British Central Africa. Cady, M. E., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Caenel, J. A. de, Box 28, Cape Haiten, Haiti, West Indies. Cahilig, R. (1), Box 271, Iloilo, Philippine Islands. Calderone, R., Box 2528, Passyunk Sta., Philadelphia, Pa. Cales, Raymond, Box 584, Arlington, Calif. Calkins, G. A., Loma Linda, Calif. Calvert, R. N. (1), M. D., Box 2993, Manila, Philippine Islands. Calvo, V. M. (1), Agricultura. 79, Colonia Escadon, Tacubaya, D. F., Mexico. Calzada, Tiburcio dela, Box 583, Cebu, Cebu, Philippine Islands. Campbell, A. J. (1), Marovo Lagoon, via Tulagi, Solomon Islands, Pacific Ocean. Campbell, G. A. (1), 2718 Third Ave., South, Minneapolis, Minn. Campbell, J. M., 56 Atlantic Ave., Jersey City, N. J. Campbell, J. R., 37 National Mutual Bldgs., Rissik St., Johannesburg, Transvaal, South Africa. Campbell, M. N., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Campbell, M. V., 3 Awde St., Toronto 4, Ontario. Campbell, P. 0., 244 Imperial St., Portland, Oreg. Campbell, R. G. (1), 1488 Pure Oil Bldg., 35 East Wacker Drive, Chicago, Ill. Cantwell, C. C. (1), Box 15, Poona, India. 398 MINISTERIAL DIRECTORY Capman, H. J., 1 Mereline Ave., Albany, N. Y. Capman, J., 55 South Main St., Rochester, N. H. Cardey, 0. D., 3 Awde St., Toronto 4, Ontario. Cardey, P. C. (1), 10 Republic Ave., Glouster, Ohio. Carey, E. W., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Carlill, R. (1), Box 337, Oshawa, Ontario, Canada. Carlstjerna, C. 0., Annegatan 7, Helsingfors, Finland. Carman, E. E., 601 South Third St., West, Missoula, Mont. Carnes, 0. G., 1455 Seventh St., Parkersburg, W. Va. Carr, H. W., 164 Saxton St., Lockport, N. Y. Carr, S. W., Suva Von, Suva, Fiji, Pacific Ocean. Carrier, Floyd (1), 3853 Madison St., Gary, Ind. Carrington, James, 222 Almond St., Georgetown, British Guiana, South America. Carscallen, A. A., 416 East 10th St., Duluth, Mimi. Carswell, W. R. (1), " Tereora," The Boulevarde, Strathfield, N. S. W., Australia. Carter, C. A. (1), 34 Siao Ciao Chiang, Kiuki a lig, Kiangsi, China. Carter, C. H. (I), 1455 Seventh St., Parkersburg, W. Va. Carter, Glenmore (1), 2900 Live Oak St., Dallas, Texas. Carter, H. W., 6 Royal Road, Trichinopoly, South India. Carter, J. B., S. D. A. Mission, Kalyan, India. Carter, R. M. (1), 734 Main St., Nevada, Iowa. Casebeer, H. D., 129 Carr Drive, Glendale, Calif. Castillo, Jose, 917 South Presa St., San Antonio, Tex. Castle, Burton (I), 2001 Twentyfourth Ave., North, Nashville, Tenn. Castle, C. H., 519 Terminal Bldg., Oklahoma City, Okla. Catalano, Anthony, 176 Atlantic Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Cave, Dr. Charles (1), Box 95, Castries, St. Lucia, British West Indies. Caviness, L. L., Hoheweg 17, Berne, Switzerland. Ceausu, D. (1), Strada Stelorian, Zamfirescu Nr. 8, Ploesti, Rumania. Cepl, J. (1), Praha XI-Ziskov, Tomkova 31, Czechoslovakia. Cerda, A. de la (1), Apartado 32, San Pedro, Sula, Republic Honduras. Chambers, Geo. (1); 1112 Kal.amath St., Denver, Colo. Chambi, Luciano (I), Casilla 85, Puno, Peru, South America. Champion, M. G. (1), S. D. A. Mission, Flapur, U. P., India. Chandikar, S. T. (1), S. D. A. Mission, Nevasa, Ahmednagar Dist., India. Chaney, F. L., Box 813, Manila, Philippine Islands. Chapman, E. M., 609-611 Province 131dg., 198 Hastings St., West, Vancouver, British Colombia. Chapman, F. L. (1), P. 0. Kisii, Kenya Colony. East Africa. Chapman, G. T. (1), "Mizpah," Wahroonga, N. 'S. W., Australia. Chapman, M. E. (1), 1715 Cass St., Nashville, Tenn. Chapman, W. (1), " Mizpah," Wahroonga, N. S. W., Australia. Charpiot, F., Hoheweg 17, Berne, Switzerland. Chesson, A. C., "Mizpah," Wahroonga, N. S. W., Australia. Chimera, Roman, Allan* Mission, Blantyre, Nyasaland, British Central Africa. Chiponda, Matthew (1), Box 250, Elizabethville, Belgian Congo, Central Africa. Chiwanga, Matthew, Musofn Mission, Private Bag, Ndola, Northern Rhodesia, Africa. Chodura, J., Hulvaky, Mor. Ostrava, Riegrova 841, Czechoslovakia. MINISTERIAL DIRECTORY Choi, T. H., S. D. A. Mission, Outside East Gate, Seoul, Chosen. Chollar, F. S., 341 North Martinson St., Wichita, Kans. Chong, Fa Min, S. D. A. Mission, Waichow, Kwangtung, China. Chongo, Joseph (1), P. 0. Mission, Northern Rhodesia, Africa. Christensen, C. D., Calle Llavallol 2175, Florida, F. C. C. A., Prov. Buenos Aires, Argentina, South America. Christensen, Herbert, 10 Cunningham Road, Bangalore, India. Christensen, Otto, S. D. A. Mission, Kalgan, China. Christensen, W. W. (1), 30 Voyle Road, Cantt., Rangoon, Burma. Christenson, J. C., 734 Main St., Nevada, Iowa. Christian, J. L. (1), S. D. A. Mission Training School, Meiktila, Burma. Christian, L. H., 41 Manor Gardens, Edgware, Middlesex, England. Christian, Percy (1), 1488 Pure Oil Bldg., 35 East Wacker Drive, Chicago, Ill. Christian, R. J. (1), 3256 Germantown Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. Christiansen, A. G., 734 Main St., Nevada, Iowa. Christman, H. K., Academy, Mt. Vernon, Ohio. Christman, L. E., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Cionca, Filip (1), Str. Jon Bratianu N'r. 30, Resita, Rumania. Chuquimia, Inocencio (1), Casilla 355, La Paz, Bolivia, South America. Cizmar, Vasil, Orlia 20, Kosice, Czechoslovakia. Clapp, J. N. (1), South Lancaster, Mass. Clapp, R. B., 1227 Windsor St., Reading, Pa. Clark, A. E. (1), M. D., Nuzvid, Kistna Dist., South India. Clark, A. J., 2819 Woodland Ave., Baltimore, Md. Clark, B. C. (1), Lowanho, Yencheng, Honan, China. 399 Clark, F. C. (1), Box 605, Topeka, Kans. Clark, G. H. (I), 727 Jamison Ave., Roanoke, Va.. Clark, H. W. (1), Angwin, Napa Co., Calif. Clark, J. J., Battleground, Wash. Clark, S. L. (1), 120 Madison Ave., S. E., Grand Rapids, Mich. Clark, W. H., Box 1077, Oklahoma City. Okla. Clarke, A. W. (1), 98 Webster St., New Haven, Conn. Clarke, E. V. (1), 47 Hay St., SuWaco, Perth, West Australia, Australia. Clarke, H. D. (1), Eagle House, 395 Holloway Road, London N. 7, England. Claypole, G. L. (1), Apartado 210, Santa Clara, Cuba. V., Apartado 136, CaraCleaves, cas, Venezuela. South America. Clemenson, W. A., Battleford Academy, Battleford, Saskatchewan, Canada. Clifford, F. 0., Box 6154, Johannesburg, Transvaal, South Africa. Clifford. J., S. D. A. Mission, Box 208, Kumasi, Gold Coast, West Africa. Cobb, L. W. (1), Angwin, Napa Co., Calif. Cobban, H. H. (1), Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Coberly, R. B., 635 Shasta St., Yuba City, Calif. Coble, R. R. (1), 917 South Presa St., San Antonio, Tex. Coffin, D. D. (1), M. D., S. D. A. Mission, Nanning, Kwangsi, China. Coffin, F. A. (1), Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Colburn, H. M. (1), Casilla 1003, Lima, Peru, South America. Colcord, I. C., 734 Sandy Blvd., Portland, Oregon. Colderis, A. (I), Rigas iela 32, Casis, Latvia. Cole, C. F., 817 Nora Ave., Spokane, 'Wash. Cole, C. J., 1714 Gregory Way, Bremerton, Wash. 400 MINISTERIAL DIRECTORY Cole, J. M., Route 10, Milwaukie, Copeland, T. S., care Bethel Academy, Arpin, Wis. Oreg. Cole, T. M. (1), 516 18th Ave., Coppock, F. W. (I), 22 Zulla Road, Longview, Wash. Magdala Road, Nottingham. Cole, V. 0., Route 6, Box 437C, England. Jacksonville, Fla. Corbaley, F. M., 225 Norwood St., Coleman, W. I., 2001 24th Ave., Redlands, Calif. North, Nashville, Tenn. Corda, L. A. (1), Box 813, Manila, Collins, D. E., 1488 Pure Oil Bldg., Philippine Islands. 35 E. Wacker Drive, Chicago, Ill. Corder, E. R. (1), Box 517, Mt. Corner, J. M., R. F. D. 7, Box 221, Vernon, Ohio. Salem, Oreg. Cormack, A. W., Box 15, Poona, Cone, A. A., 2508 Bexford Place, India. Columbus, Ohio. Cormack, B., Gordon Ave., HamilConger, M. G., 1574 Brunswick ton (P. 0. Box 27), N. S. W., Ave., Trenton, N. J. Australia. Conley, J. B., 22 Clive Road, Alla- Corman, P., Strada Clemenceau habad, U. P., India. 5/a, Cluj, Rumania. Connell, M. A. (I), 8 Yarra St., Corwin, 0. J., Box 1255, Edinburg, Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia. Tex. Connerly, B. E., 390 South Fourth Cossentine, E. E. .c/o So. Calif. Jr. St., Wytheville, Va. College, Arlington, Calif. Conradi, L. E. (1), " Waldfriede " Cossentine, R. M., Manchurian UnSanitarium and Clinic, Alsenion Mission, S. D. A., Mukden, strasse 99-109 Zehlendorf-West, Manchuria, China. Berlin, Germany. Cott, A. W. (1), Mt. Roriama S. Conradi,L. R., Grindelberg 15a, D. A. Mission, Georgetown, via Hamu rg 13, Germany. Potaro Landing, British Guiana. Conway, F. H., 209 West 10th St., Cottrell, H. W., Paradise Valley Tillamook, Oreg. Sanitarium, National City, Calif. Conway, N. H.,717 First Nat'l Cottrell, R. F., 306 Vallejo Drive, Bank Bldg., hattanoorm, Tenn. Glendale, Calif. Cooke, R. H., Box 88, Moncton, Coulston, E. F. (1), M. D., 62 Ta New Brunswick. Fang Chia Hutung, Peiping, Coon, A. W., 511 East 22d St., China. Indianapolis, Ind. Counsell, I. V., care Oakwood Jr. Coon, G. A.,.)Box 66, Port of College, Huntsville, Ala. Spain, Trinidad, British West Covert, J. W., Box 100, Mongo, Ind. Indies. Cox, J. E., 5535 Girard Ave., PhilaCoon, 12 0. (1), 606 Flower Ave., delphia, Pa. Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Coyne, A. E. (1), M. D., Takoma Coon, M. R., 12 Stuart Ave., Glen Park, D. C. Olden, Pa. Cozens, B., " Tereora," The BouleCooper, J. L. (1), 705 South Galvarde, Strathfield, New South latin St., Jackson, Miss. Wales, Australia. Cooper, T. H., Stanborough Park, Craddock, T. H., 8 Yarra St., Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia. Watford, Herts, England. Coopwood, T. H., 1215 Marshall Crager, C. P., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. St., Little Rock, Ark. Craig, J. W. (1), 511 East 22d St., Cope, L., 1112 Kalamath St., DenIndianapolis, Ind. ver, Colo. Crammond, J. J. (1), " Tereora," Copeland, T. L., 537 Twenty-fifth The Boulevarde, Strathfield, N. St., Oakland, Calif. S. W., Australia. MINISTERIAL DIRECTORY 401 Crane, Eugene (1), 54 Hernandez Mission, Changchun, Manchuria, Ave., Los Gatos, C alif. China. Crane, I. A., Keene, Tex. Dail, Guy, Regensburgerstrasse 22, Berlin W. 50, Germany. Crary, 0. B., Route 4, Box 623-C, West Tampa, Fla. Dake, U. B., Keene, Tex. Craven, E. E., 22 Zulla Road, Dalinger, D. E., Casilla 355, La Paz, Bolivia, South America. Magdala Road, Nottingham, Dalisay, F., 1402 Oroquieta St., England. Crawford, R. E. (1), Box 235, Manila, Philippine Islands. Greensburg, Pa. Dalrymple, G., 55 South Main St., Crichlow, J. F., 9U East Clinch St., Rochester, N. H. Knoxville, Tenn. Dangschat, R., Schumannstr. 29, Crosier, E. G., 1215 Marshall St., Bonn a/Rhine, Germany. Little Rock, Ark. Daniel, J. (1), Merepuiestee 14-a, Crisler, C. C., 25 Ningkuo Road, Tallinna, Estonia. Shanghai, hina. Daniel, M. P. (1), Nuzvid, Kistna Crisler, L. T., 2612 Sanitarium Dist., South India. Ave., Orlando, Fla. Daniells, A. G., Loma Linda, Calif. Cri stn. Dobre, Strada, Stelorian Darie, A. N., Strada Popa Tatu 38, Zamfirescu 8, Ploesti, Rumania. Bukharest II, Rumania. Cruz, Pedro, Apartado 210, Santa Darie, G. (1), Strada Basota 2, Clara, Cuba. .Iasi, Rumania. Cummings, Frank (1), 241 Chapel Dart, Archa (I), 547 Cherokee Ave., St., Saylersville, R. I. S. E., Atlanta, Ga. Ounitz, R. J., 'Wybickiego 4, Poz- Dart, A. M., Sanitarium, Napa nan, Poland. Co., Calif. Cupertino, N. (1), Via Indipen- Dart, C. J., Box 1077, Oklahoma denza, 118, Gaeta (Roma), Italy. City, Okla. Curdy, J., 8 Avenue de l'Eglise Dasent, J. G., 7017 Cedar Ave., Anglaise, Lausanne, Switzerland. Cleveland, Ohio. Curran, H. A., Box 1359, Phoenix, Dasoveanu, Gr., Str. N. Saveanu Ariz. Nr. 10, Focsani, Rumania. Currow, A., 721 Ninth St., Santa Dfiumichen, R., Koblenzerstrasse 3, Monica, Calif. Berlin- Wilmersdorf, Germany. Currow, L., 8 Yarra St., Hawthorn, Dauniika, M. (1), Bisiatabu, Port Victoria, Australia. Moresby, Papua. Curtis, Chas. (1), 215 North Mc- David, Deacon (1), 30 Voyle Road, Dowell St., Charlotte, N. C. Cantt., Rangoon, Burma. Curtis, C. W., P. 0. Box 250, Eliza- David, S. N., Pattam, Trivandrum, bethville, Belgian Congo, CenTravancore, South India. tral Africa. Davies, L. H. (1), S. D. A. MisCurtis, E. A., Route 2, Box 156, sion, Tsinanfu, Shantung, China. Redlands, Calif. Davis, A. A., Apartado 210, Santa Curtis, E. H., Route 2, Gaston, Oreg. Clara, Cuba. Cuthbert, W., Box 127, Nakuru, Davis, B. B. (1), 120 Madison Ave., Kenya Colony, East Africa. S. E., Grand Rapids, Mich. Czech, Max (1), Lipowa 10, Byd- Davis, C. H. S. D. A. Mission, The goszcz, Poland. Island, Changsha, Hunan, hina. Czembor, W. (1), Lipowa, 10, Byd- Davis, E. M., Caixa Postal 91, Juiz goszcz, Poland. de Fora, Minas Gereas, Brazil, South America. AHL, 0. J., 614 Fiftieth St., Davis, H. A. (1), Box 1304, Fresno, Brooklyn, N. Y. Calif. Dahlsten, N., Manchurian S. D. A. Davis, M. E. (1), Fallon, Nev. D 402 MINISTERIAL DIRECTORY Davy, W. L. (1), Blantyre, Nyasaland, British Central Africa. Dealy, M. G. (I), 734 Sandy Blvd., Portland, Oreg. De'Ath, H. F., Stanborough Park, Watford, Herts, England. Dean, J. C. (1), 30 Voyle Road, Cantt., Rangoon, Burma. Deapen, J. A. (1), 1115 West Charls St., Grand Island, Nebr. De Beer, B. P., Box 6154, Johannesburg, Transvaal, South Africa. De Beer, J. N., Mount Frere, East Griqualand, Cape, South Africa. Degering, C. W., Box 308, Oshawa, Ontario. Delhove, D. E., Box 250, Elizabethville, Belgian Congo, Central Africa. Demchuk, S., Kordeckiego No. 5, Luck, Poland. Demetrescu, St., Strada Labirint, 116, Bukharest IV, Rumania. Dennis, A. R. (1), Casilla 1002, Lima, Peru, South America. Denoyer, A. J. (1), S. D. A. Mission Training School, Meiktila, Burma. Denslow, 0. L., 511 East 22d St., Indianapolis,, Ind. Denz, Guilherme (I), Caixa Postal 198, Bahia, Estado da Bahia, Brazil, South America. Derlath, W., Barnimstrasse 10 I., Stettin i/Pr., Germany. Desmet, G. (I), 35 Rue Arthur Roland, Brussels, Belgium. Detamore, F. A., 817 West Nora Ave., Spokane, Wash. retamore, F. W. (1), 399 Upper Serangoon Road, Singapore, Straits Settlements. Detlefsen, H., Grindelberg 11, Hamburg 13, Germany. Detwiler, H. J., 1574 Brunswick Ave., Trenton, N. J. De Vinney, F. H., 705 South Gallatin St., Jackson, Miss. Dexter, H. H., Box 257, Fort-deFrance, Martinique, French West Indies. Deyo, A. E. (1), 215 North McDowell St., Charlotte, N. C. Diaz, Julio Garcia (1), Apartado 136, Caracas, Venezuela. Diaz, P. R. (1), Box 271, Iloilo, Philippine Islands. Dick, E. D., Grove Ave., Claremont, Cape, South Africa. Dickenson, G. T., 36 Park St., Calcutta, India. Dickson, L. K., Room 2401, 110 West 40th St., New York, N. Y. Dierking, H., Kriimpferstr. 63. II., Erfurt, Germany. Dietel, V. E., Apartado 4078, Madrid, Spain. Dietrich, C., Koblenzerstr. 3, Berlin-Wilmersdorf, Germany. Dietrich, G., Higashi Hakushima, Kukencho 98, Hiroshima, Japan. Dietrich, H., Barnimstrasse 10 1., Stettin i/Pr., Germany. Dietrich, R., Kaiser Wilhelm Platz 46, Cottbus, Germany. Dillette, E. S. (1), 705 South Gallatin St., Jackson, Miss. Dillon, I. P., 526 Fourth St., Hollister, Calif. Dinius, C. L., Calle 63 No. 536, Merida, Yucatan, Mexico. Dirksen, A. A.,'957 Selby Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Dittmar, F., Advent Zendingsgenootschap in N. 0. I., Afdeeling Zuid Sumatra, 10 Ilir No. 28, Palembang, Sumatra, Netherland East Indies. Dixon, H. R. (1), Lowanho, Yencheng, Honan, China. Djang, Bao Ting, S. D. A. Mission, The Island, Changsha, Hunan, China. Djang, Fu Hsuan, S. D. A. Mission, The Island, Changsha, Hunan, China. Djao, Hsi Liang, Lowanho, Yencheng, Honan, China. Dju, Dzi Ai, S. D. A. Mission, The Island, Changsha, Hunan, China. Doag5, C. (I), Strada Stelorian Zamfirescu Nr. 8, Ploesti, Rumania. Dobre, T., Strada Hajdeu 52, Campina, Rumania. MINISTERIAL DIRECTORY Dolgun, M., Kordeckiego No. 5, Luck, Poland. D611ing, A. (1), Adventhaus, Hans- Sachstrasse 9, Chemnitz, Germany. Dollinger, J. J. (I), 17 Griswold St.,Walton, N. Y. Dolp, 0. W. (1), 537 25th St., Oakland, Calif.. Dominski, J. A., 211 Lincoln Ave., Burlington, N. J. Donaldson, S., 1475 East Wilson Ave., Glendale, Calif. Donga, Moses, Box .78, Gwel.o, Southern Rhodesia, Africa. Donnell, R. S., 619 Pearce St., Memphis, Tenn. Dorcinville, Dorce (I), Box 28, Cape Haitien, Haiti, West Indies. Dorland, 0. M., Eagle House, 395 Holloway Road, London, N. 7, England. Dhrner, A.; Koblenzerstrasse 3, Berl in-W ilm ersdo rf, Germany. Darner, G., Grindelberg 11, Hamburg 13, Germany. Doubraysky, J., Hulvaky, Mor. Ostrava, Riegrova 841, Czechoslovakia. Douglas, A. A. (1), 645 Tazewell • St., Wytheville, Va. Drachenberg, G. (1), Casilla 2830, Santiago, Chile, South America. Drangmeister, H., Grindelberg 11, Hamburg 13, Germany. Drescher, yr., Lange Laube 29, Hanover, Germany. Drikis, J., Rigas ielft 32, C6sis, Latvia. Drinhaus, P., Advent Zendingsgenootscha,p in N. 0. I., Hoofdkwartier, Naripan 72, Bandoeng, Java, Netherlands East Indies. Druge, K. (1), Adlerstr. 70, Dusseldorf, Germany. • Dudley, Frank, Box 372, Orlando, • Fla. Dudragne, C. (I), 5 Boulevard Longchamp, Marseille, France. Duica, A. (1), Stracla Popa Tatu 38, Bukharest II, Rumania. Duma, Joan (1), Bulev. Striibunilor Nr. 73, Satu Mare, Rumania. 403 Dunbar, E. W., 1488 Pure Oil Bldg., 35 E. Wacker Drive, Chicago, Ill. Dunn, N. W., Apartado 1325, San Jose, Costa Rica, Central America. DUrolf, G., Kriimpferstr. 63, II, Erfurt, Germany. Di.irr, F., Hinterm Bahnhof 30, Nuremberg, Bavaria, Germany. Durrant, A. N.,2709 Oakleaf Ave., Cincinnati, hio. Dustin, Ross, 3015 K St., Vancouver, Wash. Dwehus, E. Kaiser Wilhelm Platz 46, Cottbus, Germany. Dyason, A. J., 84 Jervois Road, Auckland, New Zealand. Dzik, F., Lipowa, 10, Bydgoszcz, Poland. Dzo, Pei Hsin (I), Wang Gai Dun, Hankow, Hupeh, China. W. W., Takoma E ASTMAN, Park, Washington, D. C. Eberhard, W. (1), Schumannstrasse 29, Bonn a. Rh.; Germany. Eden.er, W., Stampfenbachstrasse 85, Zurich, Switzerland. Edmed, H. J., 112 Tower St., Kingston, Jamaica, British West Indies. .Edmonds, L., S. D. A. Mission, Box 2, Aba, South Nigeria, West Africa. Edwards, A. V., P. 0. Box 22, Somerset West, Cape, South Africa. Edwards, •H. E., Berrien Springs, Mich. Edwardson, C., 1854 Roblyn Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Eelsing, H., Advent Zendingsge: nootscbap in N. O. I., Hoofdkwartier, Naripan 72, Bandoeng, Java, Netherlands East Indies. Effenberg, J., S. D. A. Mission, Chungking, Szechwan, China. Eggins, J. (1), " Tereora " The Boulevarde, Strathfield, N. S. W., Australia. Eglit, A., Cakstes bulvarr Nr. 3, dz. 6, Jelgava, Latvia. Eicher, D., Hasenbergstr. 75, Stuttgart, Germany. 104 MINISTERIAL DIRECTORY Eichman, G. F., 917 South Preca St., San Antonio, Tex. Einspieler, F., Via Pantano 15, Milan, Italy. Eldridge, C. E., 932 Summer St., Watertown, N. Y. El-Khalil, I. (1), Institute for Massage, Godfrey 58, Misrara, Jerusalem, Palestine. Ellingworth, G. A., Ikidzu Mission, P. 0. Musoma, Tanganyika Territory, East Africa. Elliott, H. T., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Elliott, W. P., 411 Cedar St., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Elliott, W. R., Box 221, Port of Spain, Trinidad, British West Indies. Ellis, C. C., Apartado 1325, San Jose, Costa Rica, Central America. Ellis, Ishmael (1), Box M, Cristobal, Canal Zone. Ellis, Wm. (1), 134 West Mary St., Bucyrus, Ohio. Emerson, B. M. (1), Box 146, Glendale, Calif. Emery, R. T. (1), 4547 Calvert St., College View Station, Lincoln, Nebr. Emery, W. D., Box 244, College Place, Wash. Emmenegger, G. E. (1), Calle Esteban Echeverria 1436, Florida, F. C. C. A., Buenos Aires, Argentina, South America. Emmerson, E. H., Angwin, Napa Co., Calif. Emmerson, N. R. (1), R. F. D. 2, Battle Ground, Wash. Emralino, J., 1402 Oroquieta St., Manila, Philippine Islands. Endaenda, Lawson, Chimpempe Mission, P. 0. Kawambwa, Northeast Rhodesia, Africa. Engelbrecht, G. H. (1), Bisiatabu, Port Moresby, Papua. Engevik, G. J. (1), Box 1491, Jamestown, N. Dak. Englert, P., Lipowa 10, Bydgoszcz, Poland. Enoch, G. F., " Glenfield," Kynsey Road, Colombo, Ceylon. Enriquez, Isaac,'1402 Oroquieta St., Manila, Philippine Islands. Erickson, J. M., 244 Grand Blvd., Brookfield, Ill. Ernenputsch, W. A., San Martin 1472, Corrientes, Argentina, South America. Ernst, Adolph (1), 930 Rodney St., Portland, Oreg. Ernst, Luis, Calle Esteban Echeverria 146, Florida, F. C. C. A., Buenos Aires, Argentina, South America. Ernston, N. C., 609 Province Bldg., Vancouver, British Columbia. Errington, J. T., 3 Awde St., Toronto 4, Ontario. Erzberger, H., Schumannstr. 29, Bonn a/Rhine, Germany. Essien, S. B., S: D. A. Mission, Box 208, Kumasi, Gold Coast, West Africa. Essery, E. G. (1), Advent Villa, Matari a ( Cairo ) , Egypt. Esteb, A. A., S. D. A. Mission, 62 Ta Fang Chia Hutung, Peiping, China. Esteb, L. E., 734 Sandy Blvd., Portland, Oreg. Estey, J. A. (1), Drawer 586, Watertown, S. Dak. Evans, I. H., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Evans, I. M. (I), Box 517, Mt. Vernon, Ohio. Evans, L. C. (1), 175 West Marion Ave., Youngstown, Ohio. Evans, N. G. (1), M. D., 710 Orange Grove Ave., South Pasadena, Calif. Evard, Henri (I), Seminaire Adventiste du Saleve, Collonges sous Saleve, (Haute Savoie), France. Evelyn, A. J., 102 Delamore Place, Wilmington, Del. Evens, H. P., Box 271, Iloilo, Philippine Islands. Everest, E. W. (1), Box 0, Balboa, Canal Zone. Everson, C. T., 537 25th St., Oakland, Calif. Ewing, B. H. (1), 705 South Gallatin St., Jackson, Miss. 405 MINISTERIAL DIRECTORY I 0., Koblenzeistrasse F AETTING, 3, Berlin-Wilmersdorf, Germany. Fan, Chih Hsiang, 71 Woo Ts'u Street, Hankow, Hupeh, China. Farkas, D. (1), Strada Clemenceau 5/a, Cluj, Rumania. Farley, R. F., 910 Carroll Ave., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Fernstrom, K. A., Tunnelgatan 25, Stockholm, Sweden. Farnsworth, E. E., Angwin, Napa Co., Calif. Farnsworth, E. W., 1491 East Wilson Ave., Glendale, Calif. Farnsworth, 0. 0., Route 2, Orland, Calif. Farrell, C. R. (1), 8 Yarra St., Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia. Fattic, G. R., Holly, Mich. Faulkner, N. H., 27 Prospect Terrace, Prospect, South Australia, Australia. Faurescu, D. M., Strada Stelorian Zamfirescu 8, Ploesti, Rumania. Fawer, Emile, 80 Blvd. Gambetta, Nimes, Gard, France. Fayard, Marcelo (I), Florida, F. C. C. A., Buenos Aires, Argentina, South America. Feddersen, H., Krampferstr. 63. II., Erfurt, Germany. Feder, Daniel (I), Rua Maia Lacerda 46, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, South America. Fehr, J., Stamnfenbachstr. 85, Ziirich, Switzerland. Felte, A., Lipo wit 10, Bydgoszcz, Poland. Fenner, H., Schumannstr. 29, Bonn a./Rhine, Germany. Ferguson, H. L. (I), Emmanuel Mission, P. 0. Leribe, Basutoland, South Africa. Ferguson, W. H. (1), Box 584, Arlington, Calif. Fernandez, Antonio (1), Box 1359, Phoenix, Ariz. Ferraro, Giuseppe (1), Via Taranto (Angolo Via Biella), Rome, Italy. Ferris, A. H. (1), Lord Howe Island, Australia. Ferris, E. F., Route 1, Joliet, Ill. Ferris,' N. A. (1), Marovo. Lagoon, via Tulagi, Solomon Islands, Pacific Ocean. Field, A. H., Casilla 85, Puno, Peru, South America. Field, C. S. (1), Union Springs, N. Y. Field, F. W., Southern Junior College, Collegedale, Tenn. Field, W. F. (1), 1112 Kalamath St., Denver, Colo. Figuhr, R. R., 1402 Oroquieta St., Manila, Philippine Islands. Fillman, Ezra, Box 1077, Oklahoma City, Okla. Finch, R. S. (1), 1203 North Main St., Danville, Va. Finck, Ernest (1), 1574 Brunswick Ave., Trenton, N. J. Finster, L. V., Box 95, Castries, St. Lucia, British West Indies. Fischdick, G., Grindelberg 11, Hamburg 13, Germany. Fischbacher, K. (I), Stampfenbachstr. 85, Ziirich, Switzerland. Fischer, J. K., Box 1284, Billings, Mont. Fish, H. A., 734 Main St., Nevada, Iowa. Fish, J. K., Box 630, Eugene, Oreg. Fishell, E. M., 507 Flower Ave., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Fisher, G. S. (1), "Mizpah," Wahroonga, N. S. W., Australia. Fitch, D. D., 1434 East California Ave., Glendale, Calif. Flaiz, T. R., Nuzvid, Kistna Dist., South India. Flaiz, W. C., Box 584, Arlington, Calif. Fleck, K., Dem•antiusstr. 10, Reichenberg, Czechoslovakia. Fleming, W. D. (1), Room 2401, 110 West 40th St., New York, N. Y. Fletcher, Frank (1), Apartado 122, Managua, Nicaragua, Central America. Fletcher, Hubert, 112 Tower St., Kingston, Jamaica, British West Indies. Fletcher, J. M., 1701 North Second St., St. Joseph, Mo. 406 MINISTERIAL DIRECTORY Florea, D., Strada Labirint 116, Bukharest, Rumania. Florescu, C., Str. N. Saveanu 10, Focsani, Rumania. Fodor, A. (I), Fabian-utca 5, Miskolc, Hungary. Folkenberg, C. F., 146 17th St., Pacific Grove, Calif. Folkenberg, L. E. 18 Keystone Ave., Santa Cruz, Calif. Follett, Orno, Beaumont, Calif. Ford, John, Dix 584, Arlington, Calif. Ford, Orley, Apartado 218, Guatemala, Rep. of Guatemala, Central America. Ford, I. A. (1), 1426 North Chevy Chase, Glendale, Calif. Forde, W. D., 347 West 25th St., Indianapolis; Ind. Forshaw, W. G., College Place, Wash. Fortier, J., 32 Chestnut St., Lynn, Mass. Fossey, Alfred (1), S. D. A. Mission, Wenchow, Chekiang, China. Foster, J. C., Dundee, Oreg. Foster, P. G., 27 Prospect Terrace, Prospect, South Australia, Australia. Fountain, T. M., 616 South Second St., Clinton, Mo. Fowler, F. 0., Box 1077, Oklahoma City, Okla. Frank, 0. F., 2001 Twenty-fourth Ave., North, Nashville, Tenn. Franklin, E. L., Takoma Park,, Washington, D. C. Fraser, A. M. (1), " Mizpah," Wahroonga, New South Wales, Australia. Frauchiger, F., S Avenue de l'Eglise Anglaise, Lausanne, Switzerland. Frazee, W. D., Jr. (1), 2112 Park Ave., San Jose, Calif. Freeman, J. Wheeler (1), Box 1284, Billings, Mont. Freeth, R. A. (1), 22 Zulla, Road, Magdala Road, Nottingham, England. Frei, J. P., 18 bis Rue Roederer, Metz-Queuleu, Moselle, France. Freiberger, 3. W., 32 Cutler St., New London, Conn. French, H. B., Gen. Del., Healdsburg, Calif. French, T. M., South Lancaster, Mass. French, W. R., care College, Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Freund, G., Koblenzerstr. 3, BerlinWilmersdorf, Germany. Frick, J. E., 22 Rue de I'Aqueduc, Haguenau (Bas'Rhin), France. Fries,. R. S., Box 1304, Fresno, Calif. Froom, L. E., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Frost, S. L., 25 Ningkuo Road, Shanghai, China. Fuchs, W. (1), 5 Boulevard Longchamp, Marseille, France. Fulton, J. E., Box 146, Glendale, Calif. Ffirle, W., Eschenheimer Anlage 32, Frankfurt-Main, Germany. Fnrnival, G. F. (1), 184 Pacific St., Bridgeport, Conn. (-2.ACULA, James (1), Qumbu, Lz East Griqualand, C. P., South Africa. Gade, S. (1), Suva You, Suva, Fiji, Pacific Ocean. Gaede, G. P., Goodrich, N. Dak. Gaede, P. J., Strada Labirint 116, Bukharest, Rumania. Gahagan, D. W. (1), 616 South Second St., Clinton, Mo. Galman-Matzen, A. F. E., Advent Zendingsgenootschap in N. 0. I., Afdeeling West Java, Naripan 72, Bandoeng, Java, Netherlands East Indies. Gallia., Alfred, care Mayfair Mine Store, P. 0. Ralla Balla, via Bul. awayo, Southern Rhodesia, Africa. Gambetta, V. L. (1), Casilla 1002, Lima, Peru, South America. Cane, E. R. (1), 8 Yarra St., Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia. Ganea, M. (I), Strada Stelorian Zamfirescu 8, Ploesti, Rumania. Gant, K. L., Box 1077, Oklahoma City, Okla. MINISTERIAL DIRECTORY Ganz, Joseph (1), Hubenstrasse 64, II., Breslau 23, Germany. Ganzleben, M. (1), Hinterm Balmhof 30, Nuremberg, Bavaria, Germany. Garbrah, J. W., S. D. A. Mission, Box 208, Kumasi, Gold Coast, West Africa. Garcia, J. G., Caixa Postal 1830, Capital, Sao Paulo, Brazil, South America. Garcia, V. J., Bravo Murillo 18-30, Valencia, Spain. Gardiner, J. P., Eli, Nebr. Gardiner, L. H. (1), Box 95, Castries, St. Lucia, British West Indies. Gardner, A., S. D. A. Mission, Hapur, U. P., India. Gardner, C. M., Route 1, Box 8a, Hillsboro, Oreg. Gardner, Earl (1), Pattam, Trivandrum, Travancore, South India. Gardner, J. E., M. D. (1), 465 Burmah Road, Penang, Straits Settlements. Garner, 0. T., 1687 Hartford Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Garner, R. A., Box 15, Poona, India. Garner, R. 0., Apartado 136, Caracas, Venezuela, South America. Garrett, M. R. (1), 3434 Taylor Blvd., Louisville, Ky. Garrett, R. U., Hinsdale, Ill. Garton, B. M., 1038 Elm St., Seward. Nebr. Gaspar, J., Strada Doamna Balasa, No. 93, Arad, Rumania. Gates, E. H., Route 1, Box 477-A, Mountain Ave., Monrovia, Calif. Gates, E. M., Box 188, Clovis, N. Mex. Gauger, W., Tiergartenstrasse 23, Ktinigsberg i. Pr., Germany. Gauker, H. G., 3420 West Hampton Ave., Richmond, Va. Gauterau, F. D., Box 105, Placerville, Calif. Gawrylowicz, G. (1), ul. Lipowa 10, Bydgoszcz, Poland. Gay, H. R., 2123 24th Ave., North, Nashville, Tenn. 407 Gayen, P. C. (1), Hinoo, Ranchi, India. Gehann, M., Orlia 20, Kosice, Czechoslovakia. Geier, G., Demantiusstr. 10, Reichenberg, Czechoslovakia. Gemeinhardt, W., Hinterm Bahnhof 30, Niiremburg, Bavaria, Germany. George, W. A., M. D., Lorna Linda, Calif. Gerber, C. H. (1), 136 Faubourg de Namur, Nivelles, Belgium. Gerber; Louis (1), 14 Boulevard Curiko, Toulon, France. Gerber, Robert, Apartado 4078, Madrid, Spain. Gerhart, 0. B. (1), '1925 Robison St., Regina, Saskatchewan. Gerrard, P. D. (1), College Heights, via Lacombe, Alberta, Canada. Getzlaff, Dr. E. E. (1), Box 7, Yodobashi, P. 0., Tokyo, Japan. Gheorghisor, I., Strada Maramures 41, Constanta, Rumania. Giang, Tsung Gwang, 25 Ningkuo Road, Shanghai, China. Gibbs, C. R., 531 Cortland Ave., Syracuse, N. Y. Gibson, F. E., South Lancaster, Mass. Gibson, L. A., Anza, Riverside Co., Calif. Gibson, 0., College Heights, via Lacombe, Alberta, Canada. Gibson, T. D. (1), 342 North First St., Daytona, Fla. Giddings, 0. U., Box 51, Blantyre, Nyasaland, British Central Africa. Giddings, P., Box 28, Cape Haitien, Haiti, West Indies. Gidlund, C., Tunnelgatan 25, Stockholm, Sweden. Giebel, 0., Sallstr. 124, II, Hanover, Germany. Gil, Camilo, Calle Cervantes 144, Parana, Entre Rios, Argentina, South America. Gilbert, A. C., 730 Bailey Ave., Mountain View, Calif. Gilbert, F. C., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. 408 MINISTERIAL DIRECTORY Gillatt, J. J., Stanborough Park, Watford, Herts, England. Gillis, I. E. (1), S. D. A. Mission, Outside East Gate, Seoul, Chosen. Gillis, W. E., 27 Prospect Terrace, Prospect, South Australia, Australia. Gillis, Walter E., S. D. A. Mission, Outside East Gate, Seoul, Chosen. Gilson, W. J., 8 Yarra St., Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia. Girou, A. J., Salisbury Road, Rose Hill, Mauritius, Indian Ocean. Gissler, A. (1), 1 Rue Tirman, Algiers, Algeria. Gjording, J. O., 399 Upper Serangoon Road, Singapore, Straits Settlements. Glass, H., Kaiser Wilhelm Platz 46, Cottbus, Germany. Glockler, P. (1), 84 Jervois Road, Auckland, New Zealand. 016ekner, C., Lange Laube 29, Hanover, Germany. Gnedinas, M., Zemai6u g-ve 36, Kaunas, Lithuania. Golez, Juan (1), Box 271, Iloilo, Philippine Islands. G61zer, K., 32 Eschenheimer Anlage, Frankfurt-Main, Germany. Gomes, A. D. (I), Rua Joaquim Bonia cio, M. A., Lisbon, Portugal. Gomola, J., Kamienica 272, Na Slask, Poland. Goodall, F. W., Stanborough Park, Watford, Herts, England. Goodman, C. J. (1), 2610 Nob Hill Ave., Seattle, Wash. Goodrich, H. C., Route 3, Nashville, Tenn. Goransson, Wm. (1), Casilla 85, Puno, Peru, South America. Gordon, Alfred (1), 401 South Michigan St., Big Rapids, Mich. Gordon, L. 0., 410 Northern Ave., Springfield, Ohio. Gosmer, W. A., Box 719, Boise, Idaho, Gutting, F., Barnimstrasse 10 I., Stettin-i-Pr., Germany. Govett, R. (1), " Tereora," The Boulevarde, Strathfield, New South Wales, Australia. Graf, 0. J. (1), Lorna Linda, Calif. Graham, H. L., 71 Woo Ts'u St., Hankow, Hupeh, China. Graham, J. E., 2846 West Sixtyfirst St., Seattle, Wash. Graham, L. W. (1), Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Grajdinoiu, C. I. (1), Str. Basota Nr. 2, Jasi, Rumania. Gram, H. P., 55 South Main St., Rochester, N. H. Grandy, B. M., 122 South Eighth St., Grand Junction, Colo. Grand Pre, L. L. (1), Teatihuacan No. 19, Mexico City, D. F., Mexico. Granlund, 0. (1), 3204 South Arthur Ave., Brookfield, Ill. Grant, C. E., 1245 South Clarkson St., Denver, Colo. Grant, N. J., 500 North 29th St., Richmond, Va. Grauer, G. A., 5216 Eagle Rock Blvd., Eagle Rock, Calif. Gray, D. H. (1), Marovo Lagoon, via Tulagi, Solomon Islands, Pacific Ocean. Gray, H. P., Box 584, Arlington, Calif. Greaves, R. S., Box 1018, Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada. Green, A. E. (1), 2610 Nob Hill Ave., Seattle, Wash. Green, C. B. (1), S. D. A. Mission, 62 Ta Fang Chia Hutung, Peiping, China. Green, H. A. (1), care Boulder Sanitarium, Boulder, Colo. Green, J. A. P., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Green, J. S., 215 North McDowell St., Charlotte, N. C. Greenaway, G. H. (1), "Mizpah," Wahroonga, N. S. W., Australia. Gregorius, F., Hasenbergstr. 75, Stuttgart, Germany. Gregory, B. F. (1), S. D. A. Mission, Wenchow, Chekiang, China. Greive, Robt. (I), 902 Colombo St., Christchurch, New Zealand. MINISTERIAL DIRECTORY Grellman, F., Hubenstrasse 64, II., Breslau 23, Germany. Grieser, F. C., Jsartalstr. 40, Munich, Bavaria, Germany. Grieser, J. F., Jsartalstr. 40, Munich. Bavaria, Germany. Griffin, A. C., Box 605, Topeka, Kans. Griffin, C. J. (1), Gordon Ave., Hamilton (P. 0. Box 27), N. S. W., Australia. Griffin, H. C., Route 2, Box 14, Gentry, Ark. Griffin, R. E., 400 Roosevelt St., Topeka, Kans. Griggs, Frederick, Box 2993, Manila, Philippine Islands. Grin, M., Lahana Str. 36, Salonica, Greece. Griott, Luis (1), Casilla 2830, Santiago, Chile, South America. Grisham, J. L. (1), Thekerani Mission, Sankulani, Nyasaland, British Central Africa. Grizzle, A. A., Box M, Cristobal, Canal Zone. Grolimund, M. (1), 8 Yarra St., Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia. Gronert, H., S. D. A. Mission, Waterloo, Sierra Leone, West Africa. Gruber, F., Pelzgasse 2-10, Vienna XV., Austria. Groesbeck, C. M., 930 Monroe St., Benton Harbor, Mich. Grundset, Anol, 2718 Third Ave., South, Minneapolis, Mhin. Grundset, H., 309 High Ave., Spooner, Wis. Guderian, Fred, 817 Nora Ave., Spokane, Wash. Gudmundsen, G., S. D. A. Mission, P. 0. Box 145, Addis Ababa, Abyssinia. Guenin, J. C., Seminaire Adventiste du Saleve, Collonges sous Saleve (Haute Savoie), France. Guenther, C. W., 2407 Fairview Ave., Toledo, Ohio. Gugel, E., Tizianstr. 18, Munich, Bavaria, Germany. Guild, M. C., Route 2, Bear Lake, Mich. 409 Guillaume, Philoxine (1), Box 28, Cape Haitien, Haiti, West Indies. Guilliard, E. H., Gordon Ave., Hamilton (P. 0. Box 27), N. S. W., Australia. Gulbrandson, David, Maplewood Academy, Hutchinson, Minn. Gilidenpfennig, W., Koblenzerstr. 3, Berlin-Wilmersdorf, Germany. Guldhammer, A., Suomisvej 5, Copenhagen, V., Denmark. Guthrie, Wm., 319 North Bright Ave., Whittier, Calif. Guyot, A., 17 Quai Veil Picard, Besancon, Doubs, France. • P. (1), Jsartalstr. 40, H AAS, Munich, Bavaria, Germany. Haas, W., Lange Laube 29, I., Hanover, Germany. Haase, 0., Koblenzerstr. 3, BerlinWilmersdorf, Germany. Hackman, E. F., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Hadfield, B. E. (1), Nukualofa, Tonga, Friendly Islands, Pacific Ocean. Hadley, 0. S., 2151 College Ave., Indianapolis, Ind. Hafenmayr, Peter (1), 40 East Main St., Berryville, Va. Hagen, A. E., Caixa Postal 1830, Capital, Silo Paulo, Brazil, South America. Haignere, P. (1), 130 Boulevard de 1116pital, Paris 13, France. Halasz, L. (1), Margit kfirut 58, I., 3, Budapest 2, Hungary. Haider, A. C., S. D. A. Mission, Gopalgunj, Dist. Faridpur, East Bengal, India. Hall, Claude (1), Box 512, Madison, Wis. Hale, D. U., Box 268, Bardwell, Ky. Hall, Frank, 112 Tower StKingston, Jamaica, British West Indies. Hall, H. H. (1), Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Hall, 0. A., Box 310, Hongkong, China. Hall, W. A., 22 Zulla Road, Magdala Road, Nottingham, England. 410 MINISTERIAL DIRECTORY Halladay, H. K., 120 Madison Ave., S. E., Grand Rapids, Mich. Halliwell, L. B., Rua de Industria 82, Caixa Postal 658, Belem, Para, South America. Halswick, L., 3329-30th Ave., South, Minneapolis, Minn. Halturin, A. T. (1), Box 20, New Town, Harbin, Manchuria, China. Ham, A. L., S. D. A. Mission, Tungshan, Canton, China. Hamilton, G. A., 36 Park St., Calcutta, India. Hamilton, H. H., Washington missionary College, Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Hamilton, R. S. J. (1), Box 221, Port of Spain, Trinidad, British West Indies. Hammerly, D. A. (1), Calle Llavallol 2175, Florida, F. C. C. A., Buenos Aires, South America. Hammond, T. W. (1), Mizpah," Wahroonga, N. S. W., Australia. Hamp, G. G. (1), S. D. A. Mission, The Island, Changsha, Hunan, China. Hampton, J. B., 912 Yale St., Houston, Tex. Hanhardt, J. G., Box 1284, Billings, Mont. Hanhardt, W. H., 1215 Marshall St., Little Rock, Ark. Hankins, I. J., Paradise Valley Sanitarium, National City, Calif. Hankins, W. C., Route 3, Berrien Springs, Mich. Hannah, W. C. (1), New Market, Va. Hansen, C. Avery, 817 Nora Ave., Spokane, Wash. Hansen, H. A., " Glenfield," Kynsey Road, Colombo, Ceylon. Hansen, L. A., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Hansen, V. M. (1), S. D. A. Mission, Nanning, Kwangsi, China. Hansen, Werner (1), Suomisvej 5, Copenhagen, V., Denmark. Hanson, D. H., 55 South Main St., Rochester, N. H. Hanson, E. D., Box 468, Bloemfontein, 0. F. S., South Africa. Hanson, Herbert (1 ) , • Akersgaten 74, Oslo, Norway. Hanson, J. E. (I), 311. 95th St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Hanson, P. M., 700 Woodward Ave., Chippewa Falls, Wis. Hanson, W. R., 2821 Truman Ave., Oakland, Calif. Harder, A. C., Caixa Postal 106, Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, South America. Harder, D. P., Box 573, Bulawayo, Southern Rhodesia, Africa. Harder, J. C. (I), Enterprise, Kans. Harder, J. F., College Place, Wash. Harding, I. W., S. D. A. Mission, Waterloo, Sierra Leone, West Africa. Hardy, B. F. (1), 22 Zulla Road, Magdala Road, Nottingham, England. Hare, E. B., S. D. A. Mission, Kamamaung, Post Office Shwegon, via -I\faulmein, Burma (on furlough). Hare, M. M., M. D., West Colorado, Eagle Rock, Calif. Hare, R. E., "Tereora," The Boulevarde, Strathfield, N. S. W., Australia. Hare, Robert, " Mizpah," Wahroonga, N. S. W., Australia. Hare, S. T., Loma Linda, Calif. Hil ring, Eni i 1 (1) , Sta pfenbach str. 85, Zlirich, Switzerland. Harker, H. C., " Tereora," The Boule&rde, Strathfield, N. S. W., Australia. Harker, J., Stanborough Park, Watford, Herts., England. Harris, F. J., Route 1, Cadillac, Mich. Harris, J. C., Cedar Lake, Mich. Harris, W. J., S. D. A. Mission, Tsinanfu, Shantung, China. Harrison, A. F., 519 Terminal Bldg., Oklahoma City, Okla. Harrison, Dr. C. W. (1), Wahroonga, New South Wales, Australia. Harrison, F. L. (1), Box 0, Balboa, Canal Zone. MINISTERIAL DIRECTORY 411 Hayton, C. H., M. D., 5230 La Roda Hart, J. S., 142 East Eighth St., Ave., Eagle Rock, Calif. College View Station, Lincoln, Head, C., " Tereora," The BouleNebr. varde, Strathfield, N- S. W., Martin, L. H., Box 337, Oshawa, Australia. Ontario, Canada. Heald, B. M., 3992-47th St., Long Harter, R. F., 1488 Pure Oil Bldg., Island City, N. Y. 35 E. Wacker Drive, Chicago, Ill. Healey, W. M., 2967 B St., San Hartman, H. C. (1), Drawer 586, Diego, Calif. Watertown, S. Dale. Heaton, L. T., 1112 Keeaumoku Hartwell, H. C., 616 South Second St., Honolulu, Hawaii. St., Clinton, Mo. Heckman, W. H., 717 First NaHartwell, R. H., 21 Gao Lou Men, tional Bank Bldg., Chattanooga, Nanking, Kiangsu,, China. Hartwell, S. D., Route A, Redlands, Tenn. Heim, Ernest (1), Route 3, CamCalif. Hartwick, C. W. (1), 1112 Keeaupion Academy, Loveland, Colo. moku St., Honolulu, Hawaii. Hein, C. D., Drawer 586, Water452 Ralston Hartwick, Frank ' town, S. Dale. St., Reno. Nev. Heinrich, F., Ostbahnstrasse 9 I., Harvey, F. W. (1), Box 205, KnoxDresden-A., Germany. ville, Tenn. 1-lelbig, R., care 0. A. C., Grand Harvey, L. R., 84 Jervois Road, Bassa, Liberia, West Africa. Auckland. New Zealand. Heller, W. A. (1), Stredni ul. 10, Haufe, P. (1), Adventhaus, HansBrno, Czechoslovakia. Sachsstrasse 9, Chemnitz, GerHempel, Raymond (1), 2610 Nob many. Hill Ave., Seattle, Wash. Haughey, A. G., Gen. Del., Sapulpa, Hendershot, V. E., 399 Upper SeOkla,. rangoon Road, Singapore, Straits Haughey, J. H. (1), Berrien Settlements. Springs, Mich. Henderson, F. H., 178 Manchester Haughey, K. R., 616 South Second St., Battle Creek, Mich. St., Clinton, Mo. Henger, A. (1), Kriegsstr. 84, Haughey, S. G., 1115 West Charles Karlsruhe-Baden, Germany. St.. Grand Island. Nebr. FIennecke E., Lahana Str. 36, SaHaupt, Dr. W. H., Box 6154, Jolonica, Greece. ' hannesburg, Transvaal, South Henning, A., Grindelberg 11, HamAfrica. burg 13, Germany. Hay, R. E., 1115 West Charles St., Henriksen, • Henry (1), 305 I. 0. Grand Island, Nebr. 0. F. Bldg., Calgary, Alberta, Hayden, Richard (1), Casilla 161, Canada. Iquitos, Peru, South America. Renriquez, E. C., Box 123, Belize, Hayes, E. C., 544 Shelton St., British Honduras. Chadron, Nebr. Herbert, W., Lange Lauhe 29, I., Hanover, Germany. Haynal, A. D., 1715 Albany St., .Hermann, P. H., Strada Labirint Ferndale, Mich. 116, Bukharest 4, Rumania. Haynes, C. B., Takoma Park, Herrnansson, Costa (1), Hemstigen Washington, D. C. 12, Jonkoping, Sweden. Haynes, J. D., 537 Twenty-fifth Hernandez, J. V. (1), Apartado St., Oakland, Calif. 122, Managua, Nicaragua, CenHaynes, S. R., Shiloh Road, Bridgetral America. ton, N. J. Herrell, H. W., Oakton, Va. Hershberger, 0. S. (1), Box 517, 1920 Feronia Ave., Haysmer, A. Mt. Vernon, Ohio. St. Paul, Minn. 412 MINISTERIAL DIRECTORY Herwick, 0. MT., Box 598, Walla Walla, Wash. Herwick, P. G., 2914 West North Ave., Chicago, Ill. Hesse], A. (1), S. D. A. Mission, Balbaleti, Post Aouache, Abyssinia. Heumann, A. (1), Hubenstrasse 64, II., Breslau 23, Germany. Hiatt, H. M., Anoka, Minn. Hibbard, G. E. (1), 17 Abbott Road, Lucknow, India. Hibben, F. G., 320 First St., Manistee, Mich. Hickman, N. R., Box 1077, Oklahoma City, Okla. Hicks, H. H., Box 584, Arlington, Calif. Higgins, W. B., Solusi Mission, Bulawayo, Southern Rhodesia, Africa. Hilgert, W. T., 1501 East Yamhill St., Portland, Oreg. Hill, H. A., 37 O'Connell Terrace, Bowen Hills, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. Hilliard, E., 10 Cunningham Road, Bangalore, India. Hilliard, W. I. (1), Wang Gia Dun, Hankow, Hupeh, China. Hilmer, F., Grindelberg 11, Hamburg 13, Germany. Hilweg, K., Brivibas ield 11, Riga, Latvia. Hindson, J. (1), " Tereora," The Boulevarde, Strathfield, New South Wales, Australia. Hirlinger, J. W., 1014 Wall St., Port Huron, Mich. Hiten, S. G., "Heath erlands," George, Cape, South Africa. Hiten, S. S. (1), Kolo Mission, Morija, Basutoland, South Africa. Hlubi, J. M., P. 0. Nahamba, Swaziland, South Africa. Hmelevsky, George, Max, N. Dak. Ho, Ai Deng, S. D. A. Mission, Pichieh, Kweichow, China. Hochmuth, M., "Adventhaus," Hans Sachsstrasse 9, Chemnitz, Germany. Hodge, Samuel, 622 West South Side Boulevard, Muskogee, Okla. Hodgkinson, C. F. (1), Gordon Ave., Hamilton (P. 0. Box 27), N. S. W., Australia. Hodgson, Wm., Private Bag, Ladysmith, Natal, South Africa. Hodgson, MT. T. (I), Box 378, Port Elizabeth, Cape, South Africa. Hoetaoeroek, N. J. (1), 399 Upper Serangoon Road, Singapore, Straits Settlements. Hof, J. (1), Route d'Obermodern, Bouxwiller, Bas-Rhin, France. Hoffman, B. P., Angwin, Napa Co., Calif. Hoffman, J. H., 4524 Meade St., Denver, Colo. Hoffman, W., Tizianstr. 18, Munich, Germany. Hoffman, K. (1), Kaiser Wilhelm Platz 46, Cottbus, Germany. Hoffmann, Siegfried (1), Caixa Postal 106, Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, South America. Hofstar, J. W., 1034 North Townsend St., Los Angeles, Calif. Hoglund, 0. (1), Annegatan 7, Helsingf ors, Finland. Holbrook, J. A., Box 364, Clear Lake, Wash. Holbrook, Wilbur, Box 512, Madison, Wis. Holden, Dr. W. B. (1), Medical Arts Bldg., Portland, Oreg. Holden, W. H., Drawer C, Berrien Springs, Mich. Holder, J. L. (1), Box 1359, Phoenix, Ariz. Holland, J. C. (1), 1115 Fairfield St., Scfanton Pa. Hollenweger, 0. ' (1), 8 Avenue de l'Eglise Anglaise, Lausanne, Switzerland. Hollister, M. A., 1477 East Wilson Ave., Glendale, Calif. Holloway, C. B. (1), 705 South Gallatin St., Jackson, Miss. Holst, A. E., 1455 Seventh St., Parkersburg, W. Va. Holt, C. A., 286 West Terrace Ave., Altadena, Calif. Holwerda, W. (1), Lange Beestenmarkt 102, The Hague, Holland. MINISTERIAL DIRECTORY Homann, Chas. (1), 817 Nora Ave., Spokane, Wash. Hookings, J. (1), 84 Jervois Road, Auckland, New Zealand. Hooper, W. (1), Bisiatabu, Port Moresby, Papua. Hoover, H. L., Route 1, Box 3201, Perris, Calif. Hopkin, W. H. (1), " Tereora," The Boulevarde, Strathfield, N. S. W., Australia. Hopkins, E. B., Route 4, Jefferson, Texas. Horn, P., Hubenstrasse 64, II, Breslau 23, Germany. Horner, G. F., Jsartalstr. 40, Munich, Bavaria, Germany. Hosford, G. W., 6612 Hough Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. Hoskin, G. C., 223 Grant Ave., Brookfield, Ill. Hottel, R. D., New Market, Va. Houghton, Alexander, Box 370, Hamilton, Bermuda. House, B. L., care Union College, College View Station, Lincoln, Nebr. House, Harold (1), Teotihuacan No. 19, Mexico City, D. F., Mexico. Howard, E. M., Box 381, East London, C. P., South Africa. Howard, E. P., Apartado 122, Managua, Nicaragua, Central America. Howard, J. M. (1), 22 Zulla Road, Magdala Road, Nottingham, England. Howard, W. H., Box 325, Station El, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Howe, B. L., 155 H St., Bakersfield, Calif. Howe, W. 0., 55 South Main St., Roce ster, N. H. Howell, C. J. (1), Bisiatabu, Port Moresby, Papua. Howell, J. M., Casilla 319, Chillan, Chile, South America. Howell, W. E., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Howse, H. T. (I), 902 Colombo St., Christchurch, New Zealand. 413 Iloyler, Jorge (1), Caixa Postal 3941, Victoria, Estado do Espirito Santo, Brazil, South America. Hubbard, T. F., Boggstown, Ihd. Hubley, R. A., 3 Awde St., Toronto 4, Ontario. Hubbs, R. L. (1), 817 Nora Ave., Spokane, Wash. Huenergardt, A. B., Box 1304, Fresno, Calif. Huenergardt, J. F., Rankeova 14, II, Belgrade, Jugoslavia. Hufnagel, H., Hubenstrasse 64, II., Breslau 23, Germany. Hughes, A. E., S. D. A. Mission, Chengtu, Szechwan, China. Hull, J. S. (1), South Lancaster, Mass. Hulse, V. P., Box 163, Pueblo, Colo. Humann, H. H., Bison, Kans. Hun.", C. Y., S. D. A. Mission, Kulangsu, Amoy, China. Hunter, D. W. Nuzvid, Kistna Dist., South India: Hunter, E. L. (1), S. D. A. Mission, Gopalgunj, Faridpur Dist., East Bengal, India. Hurdon, W. J., 3 Awde St., Toronto 4, Ontario. Hurlow H. J., Kolo Mission, Morija, Basutoland, ' South Africa. Hurlow,W.H., Box 378, Port Elizabeth, Cape, South Africa. Hutches, G. E., 1905 Lincoln St., York, Nebr. Hutchinson, L. L., 112 Tower St., Kingston, Jamaica, British West Indias. Huxtable, T. R., Missao Adventista, Distrito de Benguela, Lepi, Angola, Portuguese West Africa. Hwang, David, S. D. A. Mission, Swatow, Kwangtung, China. Hwang, Djung Seng, S. D. A. Mission, The Island, Changsha, Hunan, China. Hwang, Dzi Gin, S. D. A. Mission, Chengtu, Szechwan, China. Hyatt, W. L., Box 6154, Johannesburg, Transvaal, South Africa. Hyatt, W. S., Box 6154, Johannes. burg, Transvaal, South Africa. 414 MINISTERIAL DIRECTORY IABOLA, F. L., Box .32, Legaspi, *-0 Albay, Philippine Islands. Jackson, C. T. (1), 411 Cedar St., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Jackson, F.. S., Eagle House, 395 Holloway Road, London, N. 7, England. Jackson, J. S. (1), Gordon Ave., Hamilton (Box 27), N. S. W., Australia. Jacobs, A. (1), 1488 Pure Oil Bldg., 35 E. Wacker Drive, Chicago, Ill. ANO, FRANK (1), 537 25th St., Jacobs, J. T., 817 Nora Ave., SpoA Oakland, Calif. .kane, Wash. Iliescu, B., Strada Clemenceau 5/a, Jadhav, D. R. (1), S. D. A. Mission, Cluj, Rumania. •Mill Road, Shahapuri, Kolhapur, S. W., S. D. A. Mission, SooIndia. nan, Chosen. Jager, E., Barnimstrasse 10, I., [mrie, L. J., 8 Yarra St., Hawthorn, Stettin i/P., Germany. Victoria, Australia. Jakavula, E. S., Box 381, East Ingle, A. N., Box 573, Bulawayo, London, Cape, South Africa. Southern Rhodesia, Africa. Jakobs, W. (1), Adlerstr. 70, DiisInnis, C.. F., Box 584, Arlington, seldorf, Germany. Calif. James, E. H., Wang Gia Dun, HanIrwin, C. W., Takoma Park, Washkow, Hupeh, China. ington, D. C. James, Dr. H. C. (1), S. D. A. MisIrwin, J. J., Copemish, Mich. sion, Wa.ichow, Kwangtung, Isaac, Daniel, Box 7, Shafter, Calif. China. Isaac, E. 11., Drawer C, Berrien James, J. R., Bisiatabu, Port MorSprings, Mich. esby, Papua, Pacific Ocean..Isaac, H. D., 734 Sandy Blvd., James, .T. S., Box 15, Poona, India. Portland, Oreg. • James, Dr. W. H. (1), Sanitarium, Isaac, John, Lipowa 10, Bydgoszcz, Warburton, Victoria. Australia. Poland. James, W. .L. (1), 2001 24th Ave., Isaac, M. N., Bidte 28, Cape HidNorth, Nashville, Tenn. tien, Haiti, French West Indies. Janda, Edward, Inyazura, Mission, Isaac, V. (1), 6 Royal Road, TrichiInyazura, Southern Rhodesia, nopoly, South India. Africa. Iserte, S. M. (1), Avenida. de HaJanert, 0., Barnimstrasse 10 I., bana 22-3°, La Corufia, Spain. Stettin,. 1/Pr., Germany. Ising, W. K., BOite 595, Beyroutli, Jarreau, E. A. (1), 3935 Grant St.., Flint, Mich. Syria. Isku, Gladstone, Private Bag, Liv- Jayne, J. E., 133 South Main St., Acushnet, Mass. . . ingstone, Northern Rhodesia, AfJefferson, W. R. (1), 132 Irene rica. Ave., Roseville, Calif. Itumelens, K. S. (1), Box 101, Ma.Jelen, K., Wybickiego 4, Poznan, feking, C. P., South Africa. Poland. Iluorno, Jose (1), Calle Llavallol Jenik, J. (1), Szekel.y Bertalan 2175, Florida, E. C. C. A., Buenos utca 13, Budapest VI., Hungary. Aires, Argentina, South Amer- Jenkins, G. E. (1), 1715 Cass St.. ica. Nashville, Tenn. Iverson, Paul, Quincy and First Jensen, Christian (1), S. D. A. 'MisSt., Cottage Grove, Oregon. sion, Karmata,r, E. I. Ry., India. Hyde, C., Stanborough Park, Watford, Herts, England. Hyde, J. J., S. D. A. Mission, Box 19, Ibadan, Nigeria, West AfPica. Hyde, W. (1), S. D. A. Mission, Box 19, Ibadan, Nigeria, West Africa. Hysler, C. A. (1), 37 O'Connell Terrace, Bowen Hills, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. I MINISTERIAL DIRECTORY Jensen, C., S. D. A. Mission, P. 0. Box 145, Addis Ababa, Abyssinia. Jensen, C. C., 156 North Alta Vista Ave., Monrovia, Calif. Jensen, F. B., College Place, Wash. Jensen, J. P. U., Suomisvej 5, Copenhagen, V., Denmark. Jensen, M. H. (1), Route 4, Box 50, Lebanon, Kans. Jensen, R. F. (1), Sumoisvej 5, Copenhagen, V., Denmark. Jensen, Wm. (1), 537 25th_ St., Oakland, Calif. Jere, Lamon, Mzimba, Nyasaland, British Central Africa. Jessen, A. F. (1), " Glenfield," Kynsey Road, Colombo,. Ceylon. Jesudawsen, A. M. (1), "Glenfield," Kynsey Road, Colombo, Ceylon. Jeys, T. H., 734 Main St., Nevada, Iowa. Jewell, E. B. (1), Box 47, Fort Jameson', Northeast Rhodesia, Africa. Jewell, F. B.' (1), Solusi Mission, Bulawayo, Southern Rhodesia, Africa. Jimenez, Aurelio (1), 11 Pointe 1308, Puebla, Puebla, Mexico. Jochmans, Fr., 6 Rue Paul Pkhoux, Lyon - Villeurbanne (R h i3 ne ), France.. Johanson, E. J. (1), 399 Upper Serangoon Road, Singapore, Straits ' Settlements. Johanson, W. 0. (1), " Mizpah," Wahroonga, N. S. W., Australia. John, 0. M., South Lancaster, Mass. John, W., Lange Beestenmarkt 102, The Hague, Holland. Johns, Alger (I), 1112 Kalamath. St., Denver, Colo. Johns, V. J., 734 Main St., Nevada, Iowa. Johnson, Adolph, Rox 486, Martinez, Calif. Johnson, A. E., 613 East Eighth St., Alliance, Nebr. Johnson, A. R. P., 11 Irvine Place, Jamestown, N. Y. 415 Johnson, A. W. (1), Maplewood Academy, Hutchinson, Minn. Johnson, C., 934 North Church St., Salem, Oreg. Johnson, Francis (1), 1574 Brunswick Ave., Trenton, N. J. Johnson, Fred, Route 3, Ferndale, Wash. Johnson, G. E., 305 I. 0. 0. F. Bldg., Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Johnson, H. C. (1), 616 Warner St., Memphis, Tenn. Johnson, H. M. (1), Suomisvej 5, Copenhagen, V., Denmark. Johnson, H. R., Route 2, Box 89, Luck, Wis. Johnson, J. B., Caixa Postal 2898, Capital, Silo Paulo, Brazil, South America. ' Johnson, J. D., 1110 South 32d St., Omaha, Nebr. Johnson, J. E., Box 584,. Arlington, Calif. Johnson, L.' 2610 Nob Hill Ave., Seattle, Wash. Johnson, L. E., Ringgold, Nebr. Johnson, W. J., 1621 Trenton Ave., Glendale, Calif. Johnston, F. W., 22 Zulla Road, • Magdala Road, Nottingham, England. Jones, C. H. (1), Mountain View, Calif. Jones, G. F., Box 372, Orlando, Fla. Jones, J. K., Union Springs, N. Y. Jones, J. W., 2 Hubert St., Boston, Mass. Jones, M., 112 Tower St., Kingston, Jamaica, British West In• dies. Jones, 0. E., Route 1, Earlimart, Tulare Co., Calif. Jones, R. G. (1), Apartado 568, Santo Domingo City, Republica Dominicana. Jones, R. L. (1), Kirundi', via Kindu, Province Orientale, Belgian Congo, Central Africa. Jones, W. H. (1), 3256 Germantown Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. Jonuleit, K., Ostbahnstrasse 9 I., Dresden-A., Germany.. 416 MINISTERIAL DIRECTORY Jordahl, Ole, Akersgaten 74, Oslo, Norway. Jorgensen, L. G., Box 221, Port of Spain, Trinidad, British West Indies. Jorgensen, N. M., 125 Fourth St., Boone, Iowa. Jornada, Fausto, Box 271, Iloilo, Philippine Islands. Joseph, G. C. (1), Nuzvid, Kistna Dist., South India. Joseph, G. S., Box 104, Livingstone, Northern Rhodesia, Africa. Joseph, V. A., 2843 Wirt St., Omaha, Nebr. Joshua, J. (1), Pattam, Trivandrum, Travancore, South India. Joyce, C. S., Box 512, Madison, Wis. Joyce, R. S., Eagle House, 395 Holloway Road, London, N. 7, England. Joyce, S., Stanborough Park, Watford, Herts, England. Joyce, S. G., Stanborough Park, Watford, Herts, England. Judge, A. (1), " Mizpah," Wahroonga, N. S. W., Australia. Junginger, A., 11 Rue du Raisin, Mulhouse, Haut-Rhin, France. Nathan (1), Box 104, KABUNDA, Livingstone, Northern Rhodesia, Africa. Kajiyama, T., Higashi, Hakushima, Kukencho 98, Hiroshima, Japan. Kalabugin, M. A., Post Box 20, New Town, Harbin, Manchuria, China. Kalaka, M. D., Private Bag, Ladysmith, Natal, South Africa. Kalbermatter, I., Calle Esteban Echeverria 1436, Florida, F. C. C. A., Buenos Aires, Argentina, South America. Kalbermatter, Pedro, Casilla 1002, Lima, Peru, South America. Kalezic, G. (1), Rankeova 14, II, Belgrade, Jugoslavia. Kali, F. (1), Suva Vou, Suva, Fiji, Pacific Ocean. Kaltenhauser, K., Caixa Postal H, Curityba, Parana, Brazil, South America. Kambamba, Jonathan, Box 51, Blantyre, Nyasaland, British Central Africa. Kamm, C., 5 Boulevard d'Anvera, Strasbourg, France. Kamwendo, Yolam (1), Box 51, Blantyre, Nyasaland, British Central Africa. Kaneko, Seikichi, Daiku cho 2, Aizu-Wakamatsu, Japan. Kapitz, C., Grindelberg 11, Hamburg 13, Germany. Kaplan, S., Brookfield, Ill. Kapusta, St., Zakatna 3/7, Warsaw, Poland. Karalashvili, K. D. (1), 299 Yu Yuen Road, Shanghai, China. Karl, A., via Mainardo No. 34/IV, Merano (Bolzano), Italy. Karu, H. (1), Merepuiestee 14-a, Tallinna, Estonia. Kasa, J. W., 4242 West 31st St., Chicago, Ill. Kasitsen, P. (1), S. D. A. Mission, Kalgan, China. Kastl, Karl (1), Kanalska 499, Novi Vrbas, Jugoslavia. Kastner, M. (1), Strada Clemeneeau 5,/a, Cluj, Rumania. Katona, A. (1), Bisinger-setany 10, fsz 3, Gyor, Hungary. Kaufmann, E. (1), Grindelberg 11, Hamburg 13, Germany. Kaufmann, R. (1), Oststrasse -103 I., Bielefeld, Germany. Kauntul, M., Advent Zendingsgenootschap in N. 0. I., Afdeeling West Java, Naripan 72, Bandoeng, Java, Netherlands East Indies. Kawumbwa, Albert, Box 26, Kongolo, Belgian Congo, Central Africa. Keate, R. I., Box 205, Knoxville, Tenn. Kegley, R. J. (1), 817 Nora Ave., Spokane, Wash. Keh, N. K., S. D. A. Mission, Kulangsu, Amoy, China. Keiser, C. V., 350 Judson St., Pontiac, Mich. Keitts, F. S., 705 South Gallatin St., Jackson, Miss. MINISTERIAL DIRECTORY Kelemen, St., Timisoara III, Str. Vilhelm Miihle 31, Rumania. Kellar, C. C., Dinghada, P. 0. Chuadanga, Dist. Saida, India. Kelle, 0., Jsartalstr. 40, Munich, Bavaria, Germany. Keller, E. (1), 132 Route de Neufchfitel, Rouen, S. I., France. Keller, K. (1), Kaiser Wilhelm Platz 45, Cottbus, Germany. Keller, P. M., M. D. (1), Sanitarium, Glendale, Calif. Kelly, R. ( 1) , 705 South Gallatin St., Jackson, Miss. Kelly, P. J. (1), Nuzvid, Kistna Dist., South India. Kelley, H. M., • Box 372, Orlando, Fla. Kellogg, C. E., Keene, Tex.. Kent, H. A. (1), Gordon Ave., Hamilton (P. 0. Box 27), N. S. W., Australia. Kent, J. F. (1), Box 584, Arlington, Calif. Kent, J. W., " Tereora," The Boulevarde, Strathfield, N. S. W., Australia. Kent, T. R., "Mizpah," Wahroonga, N. S. W., Australia. Keough, G., Stanborough Park, Watford, Herts, England. Kephart, H. C. (1), 817 Nora Ave., Spokane, Wash. Kern, M. E., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Keslake, C. H., R. F. D. 8, Trenton, N. J. Kessel, Fr., Cluj, Strada Clemenceau 5/a, Rumania. Kestner, Rud. (1), Strada Clemenceau 5/a, Cluj, Rumania. Khng, K. T., S. D. A. Mission, Tungshan, Canton, China. Kibble, H. W. (I), 917 South Presa St., San Antonio, Tex. Kiehnast, 0. (1), Koblenzerstr. 3, Berlin-Wilmersdorf, Germany. Kieser, W. D. (1), Apartado 1059, San Jose, Costa Rica, Central America. Kilgore, J. S. (1), 734 Sandy Blvd., Portland, Oreg. Killen, W. L., R. F. D. 3, High Point, N. C. 14 417 Kim, H. M., S. D. A. Mission, Outside East Gate, Seoul, Chosen. Kim, K. H., S. D. A. Mission, Outside East Gate, Seoul, Chosen. Kim, N. C., S. D. A. Mission, Outside East Gate, Seoul, Chosen. Kim, S. Y., S. D. A. Mission, Soonan, Chosen. Kimble, R. L., S. D. A. Mission, Hapur, U. P., India. Kime, D. S., Advent Zendingsgenootschap in N. 0. I., Afdeeling Batakland, Sipogoe, via Sipirok, Sumatra, Netherlands East Indies. Kime, Samuel H., College Place, Wash. Kime, Stewart, 18 Ponaganset Ave., Providence, R. I. Kinder, W. L. (I), Box 188, Clovis, N. Mex. King, A. L. (1), " Mizpab," Wahroonga, N. S. W., Australia. King, A. T. (1), 222 Almond St., Georgetown, British Guiana, South America. King, C. C. (1), Summit, Calif. King, G. D., 22 Zulla Road, Magdala Road, Nottingham, England. King, L. H., 423 Parkside Ave., Buffalo, N. Y. King, M. J., 1844 Broadway, Chico, Calif. King, N. B., 368 Washington St., Yazoo City, Miss. Kinne, P. Z., 10 Benton Ave., Middletown, N. Y. Kinney, C. M., Ligon Lane, Nashville, Tenn. Kinney, C. R. (1), 1488 Pure Oil Bldg., :35 East Wacker Drive, Chicago, ill. Kintanar, M. J., Box 583, Cebu, Cebu, Philippine Islands. Kinzer, N. H., Apartado 313, Cali, Colombia, South America. Kiriloff, A. M. (1), Box 20, New Town, Harbin, Manchuria, China. Kirk, A. F. (1), Oconto, Nebr. Kirk, E. D. (1), care Shelton Academy, Shelton, Nebr. Kirk, H. F., South Lancaster, Mass. 418 MINISTERIAL DIRECTORY Kirkelake, L. J., Suomisvej 5, Copenhagen, V., Denmark. Kittle, 0. M., Salida, Colo. Kitto, Robert (1), Box 1304, Fresno, Calif. Klaser, H. W. (1), Box 813, Manila, Philippine Islands. Klatt, G. D., Casilla 1002, Lima, Peru, South America. Klement, A., Merepuiestee, 14-a. Tallinna, Estonia. Klement, H. C. (1), Box 1284, Billings, Mont. Klinker, A., Oststr. 103, I., Bielefeld, Germany. Klooster, H. J., Southern Junior College, Collegedale, Tenn. Klose, J. C. (1), 717 First Nat'l Bank Bldg., Chattanooga, Tenn. Kloss, W., Tiergartenstrasse 23, Konigsberg i/Pr., Germany. Klotin,''E. (1), Cakstes bulvari. Nr. 3, dz. 6, Jelgava, Latvia. Kluth, E. (1), Zakatna, 3-7, Warsaw, Poland. Knecht, G., Jsartalstr. 40, Munich, Bavaria, Germany. Kneeland, B. F., 547 Cherokee Ave., S. E., Atlanta, Ga. Kneeland, W. G., Box 205, Knoxville, Tenn. Knight, A. W., " Mizpah," Wahroonga, N. S. W., Australia. Knight, I. G., Box 14, Georgetown, Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands, West Indies. Knipschild, J. F., 223 Hart St., Taunton, Mass. Knoner, H. (1), Lange Laube 29, I., Hanover, Germany. Knowlton, L. 0. (1), Grand Valley, Colo. Knox, John, Box 630, Eugene, Oreg. Knox, M. F. (1), 2123 Twentyfourth Ave., North, Nashville, Tenn. Knox, P. L., 1028 26th St., Santa Monica, Calif. Knox, W. T., Mountain'. View, Calif. Kobayashi, Tokutaro, Kumochi, Fukuaicho Shimidzu 4, Kobe, Japan. KObele, F., Oststr. 103, I., Bielefeld, Germany. Kobs, H., Koblenzerstr. 3, BerlinWilmersdorf, Germany. Koch, Alfred, 1648 Sohara, 6 Chome, Nishishin, Fukuoka, Japan. Koellirw, W. J., Advent Zendingsgenootschap in N. 0. I., Afdeeling. Celebes, Kemaweg 153, Menado, Celebes, Netherlands East Indies. Kohtanen, V., Annegatan 7, Helsingfors, Finland. Koilpillai, V. D. (1), 6 Royal Road, Trichinopoly, South India. Kok, E. (1), Adventhaus, HansSachsstrasse 9, Chemnitz, Germany. Konigmacher, S. M., Liumba Hill Mission, P. 0. Mongu, Barotseland, Northern Rhodsia, Africa. Konstantinoff, Stefan, Solunska 49, Sofia, Bulgaria. Korsch, H., Tiergartenstrasse 23, Konigsberg i. Pr., Germany. Kosmowski, F. (1), Wybickiego 4, Poznan, Poland. Kotz, E., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Kramp, F. (1), Advent Zendingsgenootschap in N. O. I., Afdeeling Noord Sumatra, Kartinilaan 17, Medan, Sumatra, Netherlands East Indies. Kranz, A. F. J., "Nlizpah," Wahroonga, N. S. W., Australia. Krautschiek, A., Ostbahnstrasse 9 I., Dresden-A., Germany. Krautschick, E., Adventhaus, Hans Sachsstrasse 9, Chemnitz, Germany. Krdjalic, Z. (1), Rankeova 14, II, Belgrade, Jugoslavia. Kress, D. H., M. D., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Krieghoff, C. E., Calle Cervantes 144, Parand, Entre Rios, Argentina, South America. Krietzky, M. S. (1), Room 2401 110 West 40th St., New York, N. Y. Kroeger, Theo. (1), 917 South Garvin St., Evansville, Ind. MINISTERIAL DIRECTORY Krug, L., Kriegsstr. 84, KarlsruheBaden, Germany. Kruger, Albert, Gladstone, Oreg. Krum, J. H., Route A, Ocala, Fla. Kruse, A., Oststrasse 103 I., Bielefeld, Germany. Kuboni, E. J. (1), 37 National Mutual Bldgs., Rissik St., Johannesburg, Transvaal, South Africa. Kuehl, A. W., Drawer 586, Watertown, S. Dak. Kuempel, F. R., Caixa Postal H, Curityba, Parana, Brazil, South America. Kuempel, Manoel, Caixa Postal H, Curityba, Parana, Brazil, South America. Kuhn, 0. B., 21 Gao Lou Men, Nanking, Kiangsu, China. Kulesa, E. (1), Kamienica 272, Na Slask, Poland. Kuniya, Hide, Box 7, Yodobashi P. 0., Tokyo, Japan. Kuniya, Hiroshi, Higashi Hakushima, Kukencho 98, Hiroshima, Japan; Kunkel, C. J., 3912 Boyce Ave,, Los Angeles, Calif. Kfinstmann, E. R. (1), San Martin 1472, Corrientes, Argentina, South America. Kunze, M., Lange Laube 29, I., Hanover, Gerinany. Kurz, L. W. (1), 24 Fusting Ave., Catonsville, Md. Kuschel, E., Hinterm Bahnhof 30, Nuremberg, Bavaria, Germany. H. C., 562 West 150th L ACEY, St., New York, N. Y. La Grone, G. A., 1316 A North 15th St., Chicago, Ill. La Grone, V. A. (1), 547 Cherokee St., S. E., Atlanta, Ga. Lake, W. W. R., 186 Rangoon Road, Singapore, Straits Settlements. Lamas, J. A. (1), Apartado 136, Caracas, Venezuela, South America. Lamont, E. D., 1 Dayton Apt., Worcester, Mass. Lamson, J. G.. care College, College Place, Wash. 419 Landis, C. C., M. D., 620 O'Farrell St.., San Francisco, Calif. Landis, J. J. (1), Box 598, Walla Walla, Wash. Lane, F. G., 124 South Berkeley St., Kalamazoo, Mich. Lane, L. E. A., Eagle House, 395 Holloway Road, London, N. 7, England. Lane, R. W. (1), Suva Vou, Suva, Fiji, Pacific Ocean. Langa, M. M. (I), P. 0. Noingoma, Zululand, South Africa. Langberg, T. M.; 428 North Holly St., Medford, Oreg. Langdon, G. E., Box 162, College Place, Wash. Lange, 0. (1), S. D. A. Mission, Udhna, Dist. Surat, India. Lange, R., 32 Eschenheimer Anlage, Frankfurt-Main, Germany. Langenberg, Herman, 4859 Lowell Ave., College View Station, Lincoln, Nebr. Langholf, A., Hubenstrasse 64, II, Breslau 23, Germany. Langholf, R., S. D. A. Mission, Avenue Roudaki 8, Teheran, Persia. Langner, H. (1), Kaiser Wilhelm Platz 46, Cottbus, Germany. Lanier, W. E., 215 North McDowell St., Charlotte, N. C. Larsen, C. A. (1), Hinoo, Ranchi, India. Larsen, Charles, 25 Ningkuo Road, Shanghai, China. Larsen, F. M., 299 Yu Yuen Road, Shanghai, China. Lashier, S. J. (1), Box 598, Walla Walla, Wash. Latham, W. L., 806 East Fifth St., Flint, Mich. Lauda, E. R., 409 West 26th St., Cheyenne, Wyo. Laurence, J. H., 618 North Francis St., South Bend, Ind. Lavanchy, F. (1), 130 Boulevard de l'HOpital, Paris 13, France. Lawrence, G. W. (1), 24 Fusting Ave., Catonsville, Md. Lawrence, N. W., Battle Ground, Wash. 420 MINISTERIAL DIREOTORY Lawrence, W. S. (I), Box 84, Union Springs, N. Y. Lawson, H. P., 112 Tower St., Kingston, Jamaica, British West Indies. Lawson, T. C. (1), 47 Hay St., Subiaco, Perth, West Australia, Australia. Lay, Win. (I), Lipowa 10, Bydgoszcz, Poland. Leach, C. V., Box 517, Mt. Vernon, Ohio. Leach, R. W., 519 Terminal Bldg., Oklahoma City, Okla. Le Butt, A. C. (1), Box 6154, Johannesburg, Transvaal, South Africa. Lecoultre, D. (1), 8 Avenue de l'Eglise Anglaise, Lausanne, Switzerland. Lee, C. M. (1), 399 Upper Serangoon Road, Singapore, Straits Settlements. Lee, C. M. (1), Suva Vou, Suva, Fiji, Pacific Ocean. Lee, C. W., Chosen Union Training School, Soonan, Chosen. Lee, Frederick, 25 Ningkuo Road, Shanghai, China. Lee, H. M., Chosen Union Training School, Soonan, Chosen. Lee, L. C. (1), Adelphian Academy, Holly, Mich. Lee, K. U., S. D. A. Mission, Soonan, Chosen. Lee, S. E. (1), Outside East Gate, Seoul, Chosen. Leer, Carl, 744 South Central Ave., Lodi, Calif. Leffler, G. E., 714 Avenue K, Lubbock, Tex. Leiske, A. A., Valley City, N. Dak. Leiske, S. W., M. D. (1), care Sanitarium, Sidney, near Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. Leland, J. A., 3434 Taylor Blvd., Louisville, Ky. Lemke, L. D. A., 47 Hay St., Subiaco, Perth, West Australia, Australia. Lenheim, L. E., 4810 Peachtree St., Louisville, Ky. Lennox, W. (1), 22 Zulla Road, Magdala Road, Nottingham, England. Leslie, J. D. (1), 537 25th St., Oakland, Calif. Lesovsky, W. (1), Mite 505, Beyrouth, Syria. Letts, F. H., " Tereora," The Boule-, varde, Strathfield, N. S. W., Australia. Leweloa, J. (1), Suva Von, Suva, Fiji, Pacific Ocean. Lewis, G. (I), P. O. Kisii, Kenya Colony, East Africa. Lewis, W. H., Box 95, Castries, St. Lucia, British West Indies. Lewsadder, Wm., Route 3, Eugene, Oreg. Leytes, M., San Martin 1472, Corrientes, Argentina, South America. Libby, R. A., 306 Sherbrooke St., Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. Lickey, A. E., 118 Florentia St., Seattle, Wash. Lickey, C. F., 556 East Bijou St., Colorado Springs, Colo. Lidner, V. A. (1), 2610 Nob Hill Ave., Seattle, Wash. Lie, O. S., Nordregate 8, Nidaros, Norway. Lien, A. C. (1), 1488•Pure Oil Bldg., 35 E. Wacker Drive, Chicago, Ill. Light, L. W., 124 Cavanaugh St., Alpena, Mich. Lightner, Chas., .2631 Charks Omaha, Nebr. Lind, Walter (1), 2442 Bywood Drive, Glendale, Calif. Linde, H., Brivibas iela 11, Riga, Latvia. Lindholm, R. C., M. D. (I), 17 Abbott Road, Lucknow, India. Lindquist, G. E. (1), Hinoo, Ran-. chi, India. Lindsay, Gust,' 41 Manor Gardens, Edgware, Middlesex, England. Lindsay, B. 8.315 47th St., Newport News, Va. Lindsay, W. B., 758 North Lake Ave., Pasadena, Calif. MINISTERIAL DIRECTORY Lindt, S. H., China Theological Seminary, Chiao Tou Djen, via Siashu, Kiangsu, China. Lingenfelter, C. L., 537-25th St., Oakland, Calif. Lipke, Dr. John, Rua Main Lacerda 46, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, South America. Lippolis, G. L., via Vittorio Emanuele 38, Florence, Italy. Litwinenco, J. A.. Herried, S. Dak. Liu, B. A. (1), 25 Ningkuo Road, Shanghai, China. Liu, Djen Bang, Lowanho, Yencheng, Ronan, China. Liu, Djung Gwang, S. D. A. Mission, 2 Tung Wan Ni Hong, NanKiangsi, China. D., Apartado 210, Livingston, Santa Clara, Cuba. Ljungberg, S. E., Tunnelgatan 25, Stockholm, Sweden. Llaguno, R., Box 583, Cebu, Cebu, Philippine Islands. Lloyd, Ernest, care Pacific Press. Mountain View, Calif. Lo, Sin Tshoi, S. D. A. Mission, Waichow, Kwangtung, China. Lo, Tet Tsun, S. D. A. Mission, Waichow, Kwangtung, China. Loasby, F. H., S. D. A. Mission. Hapur, U. P., India. (On furlough.) Loasby, R. E., 17 Abbott Road, Lucknow, India. Li1bsack, H. ,T., Moscow 10, Ulica Durowa 22, Whg. 19, U. S. S. R. Lock, W. N., Bisiatabu, Port Moresby, Papua. Locken, J. B., Box 372, Orlando, Fla. Lockert, A. J., 1612 King St., La Crosse, Wis. Loewen, George (1), Box 1077, Oklahoma City, Okla. Long, A. (1), Mission Adventiste, Ankadifotsy, Tananarive, Madagascar. Long, A. C., 821 North Park, Montrose, Colo. Long, Alex (1), La Grange, Ill. Long, Luther, 604 Connaught Bldg., Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada. 421 Longacre, C. S. Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Longway, E. L. (1), Wang Gia Dun, Hankow, Hupeh, China. Loosen, C. H. (1), via Pantano 15, Milan, Italy. Loots, J. L., 18 Rue des Deux Ponts, Ghent, Belgium. Lopez, A. J. (1), Calle Angosto 26-10, Cartegena, Spain. Lopez, L. H., 2415 Guadalupe St., San Antonio. Tex. Lorencin, A., Rankeova 14, II, Belgrade, Jugoslavia. Lorenz, W. (1), Jsartalstr. 40, Munich, Bavaria, Germany. Lorntz, E. J., Teotihuacan No. 19, Mexico City, D. F., Mexico. Losey, L. B., 10 Cunningham Road, Bangalore, South India. Lourinho, M. (1), Rua da Constituicao 1445, Porto, Portugal. Loveless, W. C. (1), 511 East 22d St., Indianapolis, Ind. Lovell, V. P. (1), Enterprise, Kans. Louden, R. E., 216 North Durland St., Oklahoma City, Okla. Lowe, H. W., Stanborough Park, Watford, Herts, England. Lower, D. A. (1), '2421 Bywood Drive, Glendale, Calif. Lowry, G. G., Hinoo, Ranchi, India. Lowry, M. E. (1), Box 95, Castries, St. Lucia, British West Indies. Lubschina, Fr. (1), Pelzgasse 2/10, Vienna XV, Austria. Lucas, H. G., 1929 North Chevy Chase Drive, Glendale, Calif. Lucas, V. H., 2007 El Serano Ave., Pasadena, Calif. Ludewig, M., Petra Zrinjskog ulica 13, Novi Sad, Jugoslavia. Ludgate, T. K. (1), S. D. A. Mission, Udhna, Dist. Surat, India. Liidtke, A., Kordeckiego No. 5, Luck, Poland. Lugenbeal, E. (1), Box 813, Manila, Philippine Islands. Lugenbeal, Paul (1), Box 216, Peru, Ind. Bldg., 198 Hastings St., West, Vancouver, British Columbia. Lukens, H. A., 609-611 Province 422 MINISTERIAL DIRECTORY Lukens, Morris, Box 598, Walla Walla, Wash. Lukens, T. R. (1), College Heights, via Lacombe, Alberta, Canada. Lund, A. 0., 176 E. 55th St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Lundquist, H. B., Casilla 1003, Lima, Peru, South America. Lundstrom, S., 66 Blanchard St., Jamestown, N. Y. Lusky, R. Ostbahnstrasse 9 I., Dresden-A., Germany. Lutz, E. L. (1), Summit, Calif. Lyberg, 0. A. (1), Tomahawk, Wis. Lynch, H. E. A., S. D. A. Mission, Waterloo, Sierra Leone, 'West Africa. Lyndon, F. E., 47 Hay St., Subiaco, Perth, West Australia, Australia. Lyon, W. H. (1), 604 Alapaha St., Fitzgerald, Ga. Lysinger, H. E., 1715 Cass St., Nashville. Tenn. E. R. (1), Rua Lopes M AAS, Trovao 88, Nictheroy, Estado do Rio, Brazil, South America. Mabona, Henry, Muchenje Mission, P. O. Box 25, Lusaka, Northern Rhodesia, Africa. Mabusela, Joel (1), 37 National Mutual Bldgs., Rissik St., Johannesburg, Transvaal, South Africa. Macanov, P. (1), Brivibas ield 11, Riga, Latvia. Macaulay, K. A., Box 372, Orlando, Fla. Mace, J. W., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. MacGuire, Meade, Route 2, Box 186, Modesto, Calif. Mackintosh, Donald, Box 106, St. John's, Newfoundland. MacNeil, J. W., 500 Flower Ave., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Madima, Elmer, Box 104, Livingstone, Northern Rhodesia, Africa. Madgwick, Dr. G. A. S. (1), Gendia, P. 0. Kisumu, Kenya, British East Africa. A., 22 Zulla Rbad, Madgwick, W. Magdala, Road, Nottingham, England. Madsen, A. C. (1), 700 Kimlin Drive, Glendale, Calif. Madsen, 0., Spirit Lake, Iowa. Magalela, A. T., P. 0. Umtata, Tembuland, South Africa. Magan, P. T., M. D., 304 North Boyle Ave., Los Angeles, Calif. Magcalem, Ricardo, 1402 Oroquieta St., Manila, Philippine Islands. Mager, K. (1), Ostbahnstrasse 9 I., Dresden-A., Germany. Miiggi, E., Merepiuestee 14-a. Tallinna, Estonia. Magoon, C. R., Box 372, Orlando, Fla. Magsalin, P. S., 1402 Oroquieta St., Manila, Philippine Islands. Mai, G., Kriegsstr. 84, KarlsruheBaden, Germany. Malinki, James, Mzimba, Nyasaland, British Central Africa. Malinki, K. A., Chileka Mission, Blantyre, Nyasaland, British Central Africa. Mall, Viru, 17 Abbott Road, Lucknow. India. Mallory, J. B., 1720 Dumesnil St., Louisville, Ky. Maloney, M. A., Box 1304, Fresno, Calif. Maloney, V. J., S. D. A. Mission, Foochow City, China. Maltsev, J. (1), S. D. A. Mission, Kalgan, China. Manchen, M., Str. Basota Nr. 2, Jasi, Rumania. Mandias, K. (1), Advent Zendingsgenootschap in N. I., Hoofdkwartier, Naripan 72, Bandoeng, Java, Netherlands East Indies. Mangold, S., Calle Esteban Echeverria 1436, Florida, F. C. C. A., Buenos Aires, Argentina, South America. Mann, G. E., Box 584, Arlington, Calif. Manry, E. A., 507 Flower Ave., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Mansell, E. P., Rua Joaquim Bonifacio, M. A., Lisbon, Portugal. MINISTERIAL DIRECTORY Manuel, B. E., Box 398, Oshawa, Ontario, Canada. Marais, C. C. (1), Box 22, Somerset West, Cape, South Africa. Marcus, Dr. E. G., Box 47, Fort 'Jameson, Northeast Rhodesia, Africa. Margarido, Manoel (1), Caixa Pos. tal 2898, Capital, Sao Paulo, Brazil, South America. Maris, W. B. (1), Banners Elk, N. Carolina. Marriott, G. E. 8 Yarra St., Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia. Marsh, C. W., 4547 Calvert St., College View Station, Lincoln, Nebr.' Marsh, J. 0., Box 512, Madison, Wis. Marsh, L. R., 700 Kimlin Drive, Glendale, Calif.. . Marshall, J. S., Puiggari, F. C. E., Entre Rios; Argentina, South America. Marrero, A. (1), Box 3005, Santurce, Porto Rico. Marter, Ernest (1), Box 378, Port Elizabeth, Cape, South Africa. Martin, C. E.; 163 West 15th, St., Augusta, Ga. Martin, C. N., Route 3, Box 424, Pensacola, Fla. Martin, Edward (1), Thekerani Mission, 'Sankulaui, Nyasaland, British Central Africa. Martin, H. K., Australasian Miss. College, Cooranbong, New South Wales, Australia. Martin, H. R., Suva Vou, Suva, Fiji, Pacific Ocean. Martin, R. H., 817 Nora Ave., Spokane, 'Wash. Martin, S. 0., S. D. A. Mission, Mill Road, Shahapuri, Kolhapur, India. Martinez, M. J. (1), 11 Pointe 1308, Puebla, Puebla, Mexico. Mason, W., P. 0. Mission, Northern Rhodesia, Africa. Masters, G. M. (1), Suva Vou, Suva, Fiji, Pacific Ocean. Maszczak, A., Lipowa 10, Bydgoszcz, Poland. 423 Matauwalu, K. (1), Suva Vou, Suva, Fiji, Pacific Ocean. Mateescu, F. (1), Strada Popa Tatu No. 38, Bukharest. II, Rumania. Mathews, G. M. (1), 1112 Kalamath St., Denver, Colo. Mathy, L. A., 130 Boulevard de l'Hapital, Paris 13, France. Matter, A., Rwankeri Mission of S. D. A., Kigali, Ruanda, Africa. Matthews, A. H., Ikidzu Mission, Musoma, Tanganyika Territory, East Africa. Mattison, H. H., Hinoo, Ranchi, India. Mattison, 0. 0., 17 Abbott Road, Lucknow, India. Mattsson, Karl (1), Route 1, Box 58, La Grange, ill. Matula, Paul, 3901 Stickney Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. Maudsley, W., Stanborough Park, Watford, Herts, England. Maunder, S. R. (1), " Tereora," The Boulevarde, Strathfield, New South Wales, Australia. Maung Maung, 30 Voyle Road, Cantt., Rangoon, Burma. Maxwell, A. S., Stanborough Park, Watford. Harts, England. Maxwell, E. L., Mountain View, Calif. Maxwell, S. G., Box 127, Nakuru, Kenya Colony, East Africa. Mayaba, G. S. (1), P. 0. Location, Queenstown, Cape, South Africa. Mayer, Edward, 32 Eschenheimer Anlage, Frankfurt-Main, Germany. Mayer, M. J. (1), 1112 Kalamath St., Denver, Colo. . Mayinza, Jim (1), Box 250, Elizabethville, Belgian Congo, Central Africa. Mayr, Carlos (1), Casilla 2830, Santiago, Chile, South America. Mayr, Hans (1), Rua de Industria 82, Caixa Postal 658, Belem, Para, South America. Mbone; Paul; "Stanhope," P. 0. Fort Victoria, Southern Rhodesia, Africa. 424 MINISTERIAL DIRECTORY McClements, W., S. D. A. Mission, Box No. 19, Ibadan, Nigeria, West Africa. McConaughey, J. L., Box 598, Walla Walla, Wash. McCready, W. G. (1), 817 Nora Ave., Spokane, Wash. McCord, J. W., 6355 Elmwood Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. McCrow, H. W., Eagle House, 395 Holloway Road, London, N. 7, England. McCully, Waco (1), 817 Nora Ave., Spokane, Wash. McCutchen, W. A., 4233 Haskell Place, Dallas, Tex. McDonald, C. M., Box 64, Wewoka, Okla. McEachern, J. H., Box 2993, Manila, Philippirie Islands. McElhany, J. L., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. McEwen, H. E. (1), 734 Sandy Blvd., Portland, Oreg. McFarlane, F. (I), 37 O'Connell Terrace, Bowen Hills, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. McGill, Neil, White Rock, British Columbia. McHenry, W. H., S. D. A. Mission, Nevasa, Ahmednagar Dist., India. McKeague, R. J., 3218 Lincoln Ave., Honolulu, Hawaii. McKibbin, W. A., Nevada, Iowa. McKinlay, D. W. (I), Box 15, Poona, India. McLaren, G. (1), S. D. A. Mission, Matupi, Rabaul, Mandated Territory of New Guinea. McLennan, W. P., 1715 Cass St., Nashville, Tenn. McMillan, J. (I), Stanborough Park, Watford, Herts, England. McNay, G. R. E., 1117 J St., Centralia, Wash. McReynolds, C., Box 92, Angwin. Napa Co., Calif. McVagh, C. F., 734 Main St., Nevada, Iowa. McWhinny, H. E., 1112 Keeaumoku St., Honolulu, Hawaii. McWilliam, J. R., Apartado 218, Guatemala, Republic of Guatemala, Central America. McWilliams, Chas. (1), 1115 West Charles St., Grand Island, Nebr. Mead, W. S. (1), 411 Cedar St., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Medairy, G., Greensboro, Md. Meeker, B. A., 112 Tower St., Kingston, Jamaica, British West Indies. Megrant, Francisco, Box 3005, Santurce, Porto Rico. Meier, Juan, (1), Caixa Postal 198, Bahia, Estado da Bahia, Brazil, South America. Meier, J. H., Calle Cervantes 144, Parana, Entre Rios, Argentina, South America, Meiklejohn, A. J., 1520 West Alameda St., Denver, Colo. Meister, Fred (1), 547 Cherokee Ave., S. E., Atlanta, Ga. Meleen, C., 1521 East Eighth Ave., Spokane, Wash. Meleen, E. M., Box 15, Poona, India. Melendy, L. S. (1), 1854 Roblyn Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Mendez, Manuel, Box) 3005, Santurce, Porto Rico. Meng, C. I., S. D. A. Mission, 11 Ch'uang Ching Chieh, Taiyuanfu, Shansi, China. Menkel, Dr. H. C., Galway House, Simla, India. Meredith, W. H., Stanborough Park, Watford, Herta, • England. Mershon, L. B., 83 Bukit Bintang Road, Kuala Lumpur, Federated Malay States. Merslakoff, N. M.' (1), Post Box 20, New Town, Harbin, Manchuria, China. Messer, C. B. (1), 14th and Oak Sts., Wisconsin Rapids, Wis. Metzger, C. J., 616 South Second St., Clinton, Mo. Meyer, A. A., Box 36, Lodi, Calif. Meyer, Albert, Mission Adventiste, Boulevard Joffre, Casablanca, Morocco. Meyer, F. (1), Kaiser Wilhelm Platz 46, Cottbus, Germany. Meyer, H. J., 206 East Wisconsin St., Jamestown, N. Dak. (MINISTERIAL DIRECTORY Meyer, Oscar, 130 Boulevard do l':HOpital, Paris XIII, France. Meyer, P., 20 Rue des Olivettes, Nantes, (Loire Inferieure), France. Meyer-Bfirtschy, H., 8 Avenue de l'Eglise Anglaise, Lausanne, Switzerland. Meyers, C. K., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Meyers, E. H., 4547 Calvert St., College View Station, Lincoln, Nebr. Meyers, F. D.' (1), 1574 Brunswick Ave., Trenton, N. J. Meyers, H. J., 8 Yarra St., Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia. Mhango, Paulos, P. 0. Chintechi, Nyasaland, British Central Africa. Michael, T. J. (1), Box 15, Poona, India. Michaels, C. P., 8 Yarra St., Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia. Michalenko, J. C., care Academy, Harvey, N. Dak. Michnay, L., Margit korut 58, I., 3, Budapest II, Hungary. Miettinen, Y. (1), Annegatan 7, Helsingfors, Finland. Mihailof, I. (1), Strada Stelorian Zamfirescu 8, Ploesti, Rumania. Mikkelsen, J. C., 717 First National Bank Bldg., Chattanooga, Tenn. Miles, E. E., South Lancaster, Mass. . Miles, G. E. (1), 1709 Alcatraz Ave., Berkeley, Calif. Milford, J. L (1), "Lichfield," Grove Ave., Claremont, Cape, South Africa. Millard, Glenn (1), Box 66, Port of Spain, Trinidad, British West Indies. Miller, A. L., 734 Main St., Nevada, Iowa. Miller, A. G. (1), " Mizpah," Wahroonga, New South Wales, Australia. Miller, B. E., 369 Twentieth Ave., Paterson, N. J. Miller, C. B., S. D. A. Mission, Yunnanfu, Yunnan, China. 425 Miller, C. H., 734 Main St., Nevada, Iowa. Miller, C. W., R. F. D. 6, Box 158, Lincoln, Nebr. Miller, D. P., 602 J St., College View Station, Lincoln, Nebr. Miller, F. W., Apartado 210, Santa Clara, Cuba. Miller, H. J., 519 Terminal Bldg., Oklahoma City, Okla. Miller, H. S., Keene, Texas. Miller, H. W., M. D., 25 Ningkuo Road, Shanghai, China. MillerAV. F., Casilla Correo 43, Magallanes, Chile, South America. Miller, W. W., Sanitarium, Napa Co., Calif. Miliner, A. E., Box 325, Station H, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Milne, -R. M., Box 310, Hongkong, China. Milian, J. (1), Rua Joaquim Bonifacio, M. A., Lisbon, Portugal. Minchin, A. G. (1), "Mizpah," Wahroonga, N. S. W., Australia. Minchin, E. L. (1), " Mizpah," Wahroonga, N. S. W., Australia. Minck, A., Szekely Bertalan utca 13, Budapest VI, Hungary. Minner, L. D., Casilla 1003, Lima, Peru, South America. Miramontes, W. B., Calle Guaviyu 2532, Montevideo, Uruguay, South America. Mitchell, A. I., 902 Colombo St., Christchurch, New Zealand. Mitchell, Amos (1), 2610 Nob Hill Ave., Seattle, Wash. Mitchell, C. E. (1), Bisiatabu, Port Moresby, Papua. Mitchell, Geo. (1), -South Lancaster, Mass. Mitchell, H., " Tereora," The Boulevarde, Strathfield, N. S. W., Australia. Mitchell, J. G., Box 372, Orlando, Fla. Mitchell, T. A. (1), "Tereora," The Boulevarde, Strathfield, N. S. W., Australia. Mitchell, Dr. J. R. (I), 612 Candler Bldg., Atlanta, Ga. 426 MINISTERIAL DIRECTORY Miyake, Shohei, Box 7, Yodobashi P. 0., Tokyo, Japan. Mlalazi, Emory, Inyazura Mission; Post Office Inyazura, Southern Rhodesia, Africa. Mlalazi, Mark, Box 4, Gwelo, Southern Rhodesia, Africa. Mo, Chi Jen, 71 Woo Ts'u Street, Hankow, Hupeh, China. Mocanu, Vlad., Strada Popa Tatu 38, Bukharest II, Rumania. Mock, Carl, (1), Drawer 586, Watertown, S. Dak. Mocnik, A., Rankeova 14 71, Belgrade, Jugoslavia. Modise, L. E., 37 National Mutual Bldgs., Rissik St., Johannesburg, Transvaal, South Africa. Moffett, W. C., Box 337, Oshawa, Ontario. Moffitt, L. L., P. 0. Box 378, Port Elizabeth. C. P.. South Africa. Mohr, F. I. (1), Calle Segunda No. 31, Arroyo Apolo, Havana, Cuba. Moko, R. M., P. 0. Location, Queenstown, Cape, South Africa. Mokry, :Karel, Orlia. 20, Kosice, Czechoslovakia. Molokomme, L. S., P. 0. Linokana, via Zeerust, Transvaal, South Africa. Monnier, Ch., 8 Rue de 1'Eglise Anglaise, Lausanne, Switzerland. Monnier, Henri, Rwankeri Mission of S. D. A., Kigali, Ruanda, Africa (via Dar-es-Salaam, East Africa). Monnier, J., 141 his, Cours d'Or. nano, Merigna (Gir.), France. Monnier, V., La Ligniore, Gland, Vaud, Switzerland. Montgomery, 0., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Montgomery, R. P., 1215 Marshall St., Little Rock, Ark. Mookerjee, L. G., P. 0. Gopalgunj, Dist. Faridpur, Bengal, India. Moon, C. E., Agricultura 79, Colonic Escadon, Tacubaya, D. F., Mexico. Moore, E. V., Caixa Postal 1830, Capital, Sao Paulo, Brazil, South America. Moore, Leon (1), 55 South Main St., Rochester, N. H. Moran, Frank (I), Box 584; Arlington, Calif. Morenings, M. (1), Zemaiihu g-ve 36, Kaunas, Lithuania. Moreno, H. A., Route 1, Box 263A, Arlington, Calif. Morlan, C. C. (1), 8175 Elizabeth St., South Gate, Calif. Morosan, P., Str. Basota Mr. 2, Jasi, Rumania. Morris, C. C., 25 Ningkuo Road, Shanghai, China. Morris, C. R. (1), Box b98, Walla Walla, Wash. Morris, John (1), Shiloh Mission, P. 0. Lunsklip, Northern Transvaal, South Africa. Morris, R. P., S. D. A. Mission, Hapur, U. P., India. Morris, W., "Mizpah," Wahroonga, N. S. W., Australia. Morrison, A. V., Fairgrove, Mich. Morrison, D., Eagle House, 395 Holloway Road, 'Loudon, N. 7, England. Morrison, H. A., 425 Flower Ave., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Morse, J. F., M. D., care Sanitarium, Nevada, Iowa. Morton, D. A. (I), Route 4, Box GOF, Lodi, Calif. Morton, R. G., "Sequoia," Roosevelt Road, Claremont, Cape, South Africa. Moseley, C. E. (1), 1824 Simpson Ave., •Evanston, Ill.. Mote, F. A., Box 813, Manila, Philippine Islands. Mote, R. M., Solusi Mission, Bulawayo, Southern Rhodesia, Africa. Motorca, G., Calea Regele Ferdinand 41, Sighetul Marmatiei, Rumania. Motzer, C. A., Adlerstr. 70, Diisseldorf, Germany. Moulds, H. G. (1), 47 Hay St., Subiaco, Perth, West Australia, Australia. Mountain, A. (1), Box 1281, Shanghai, China. Moya, J. S.; P. 0. Noingoma, Zululand, South Africa. MINTSTERIAL DIRECTORY Moyo, Samuel, Box 104, Livingstone, Northern Rhodesia, Africa. Mozar, I). A., Broadview College, La Grange, Ill. Mredlane, Arthur (1), Mount Frere, East Griqualand, Cape, South Africa. Msusen, E. H., Box 32, Alice, C. P., South Africa. Mpheza, Victor (1), Thekerani Mission, Sankulani, Nyasaland, British Central Africa. Msusoni, Simon (1), Box 51, Blantyre, Nyasaland, British Central Africa. Muderspach, F. (1), Ikidzu Mission, P. 0. Musoma, Tanganyika Territory, East Africa. Muderspach, H., Suomisvej 5, Copenhagen, V., Denmark. Muderspach, L., Suomisvej 5, Copenhagen, V., Denmark. Millilbacher, J., Pelzgasse 2-10, Vienna XV, Austria. Mulholland, W. R. (1), Box M, Cristobal, Canal Zone. A., Ostbahnstrasse 9 I., Dresden-A., Germany. Muller, A. W., Eschenheimer Anlage 32, Frankfurt-Main, Germany. Muller, P., Koblenzerstrasse 3, Berlin-VVilmersdorf, Germany. Muller, R., Hinterm Bahnhof 30, Ntiremberg, Bavaria, Germany. Mtiller, W., Ostbahnstrasse 9 I., Dresden-A., Germany. Muller, IV., Koblenzerstr. 3, BerlinWilmersdorf, Germany. Mulomba, Stephen, P. 0. Pemba, Northern Rhodesia, Africa. Munger, M. E. (1), 55 South Main St., Rochester, N. H. Munro, S. W., Box 1284, Billings, Mont. Munson, A., 399 Upper Serangoon Road, Singapore, Straits Settlements. Munson, E. L. (I), Holly, Mich. Munson, H. K. (1), 22 Zulla Road, Magdala Road, Nottingham, England. 427 Munson, Melvin, Route 1, Box 243-A, Arlington, Calif. Munson, R. W., 234 East Sixth St., Pomona, Calif. Munteanu, C., Strada Popa Tatu No. 38, Bukharest, Rumania. Muranyi, A., Fabian-utca 5, Miskolc, Hungary. Murdoch, L., Stanborough Park, Watford, Herts, England. Murdoch, W. (1), Stanborough Park, Watford, Herts, England. Murphy, L. L. (1), 120 Madison Ave., S. E., Grand Rapids, Mich. Murphy, Thos., 262 North Dearborn St., Mobile, Ala. Mussen, R., Eagle House, 395 Holloway Road, London, N. 7, England. Mustafa, A. (1), Strada Basota 2, Jasi, Rumania. Muth, J., Hasenbergstr. 75, Stuttgart, Germany. Muzemala, Jeremiah, Mzimba, Nyasaland, British Central Ar ica. Myaing, Tha, S. D. A. Mission, Kamamaung, Shwegon Post Office, via Maulmein, Burma. Mzozoyana, A., Box 378, Port Elizabeth, C. P., South Africa. S. A., 1844 Broderick N AGEL, St., San Francisco, Calif. Naggi, E., Merepuiestee 14-a, Tallinna, Estonia. Nagy, Andrew (1), 47 Alfred St., Bridgeport, Conn. Naisogo, Meciusela, Suva Vou, Suva, Fiji, Pacific Ocean. Nakasamai, M., Suva Vou, Suva, Fiji. Pacific Ocean. Nalauba, M. (1), Suva Vou, Suva, Fiji, Pacific Ocean. Nan, S. I., S: D. A. Mission, Outside East Gate, Seoul, Chosen. Naranjo, Jovito (1), Box 271, Iloilo, Philippine Islands. Nash, G. R., Box 51, Blantyre, Nyasaland, British Central Africa. Nassogne, G. (I), 8 Rue de l'Eglise Anglaise, Lausanne, Switzerland. Nather, E., Hubenstrasse 64, II., Breslau 23, Germany. 428 MINISTERIAL DIRECTORY Na,vara, N. (I), Bisiatabu, Port Moresby, Papua. Nawara, T., Suva Vou, Suva, Fiji, Pacific Ocean. Ndabambi, Joshua, Nolo Mission, Morija, Basutoland, South Africa. Ndebele, Otis, Box 573, Bulawayo, Southern Rhodesia, Africa. Ndhlovu, P. (1), P. 0. Nomgoma, Zululand, South Africa. Ndhlovu, James (1), care Native Commissioner, Tjolotjo, via Nyamandhlovu, Southern Rhodesia, Africa. Neef, B., 9 Hans Sachsstrasse, Adventhaus, Chemnitz, Germany. Neff, E. L., 2610 Nob Hill Ave., Seattle, Wash. Neff, J. P. (I), 507 Flower Ave., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Neilsen, J. A., Box 1359, Phoenix, Ariz. Neilsen, N. P., Caixa Postal 2898. Capital, Silo Paulo, Brazil, South America. Nelsen, G. A. (I), Nuzvid, Kistna Dist., South India. Nelsen, P. G., Tunnelgatan 25, Stockholm, Sweden. Nelson, A. E., Grove Ave., Claremont, Cape, South Africa. Nelson, Albert E. (1), 22 Clive Road, Allahabad, U. P., India. Nelson, Andrew, Sanitarium, Calif. Nelson, A. G., Route 1, Box 10a, Albuquerque, N. Mex. Nelson, A. N., Box 7, Yodobashi P. 0., Tokyo, Japan. Nelson, J. B., If Pointe 1308, Puebla, Puebla, Mexico. Nelson, J. R., 734 Main St., Nevada, Iowa. Nelson. N. R., 2427 First Ave., South. Minneapolis, Minn. Nelson, P. S. (1), Bin 8, Lodi, Calif. Nelson, R. E. (1), 4547 Calvert St., College View Station, Lincoln, Nebr. Nelson, Walter A., Box 235, Greensburg, Pa. Nelson, W. A. (1), Cedar Lake, Mich. Nelson, W. E., Angwin, Napa Co.. Calif. Nembhard, G. H., Box M, Cristobal, Canal Zone. Nerlund, 0. J., 5656 Augusta Blvd., Chicago, Ill. Nerness, John (1), 817 Nora Ave., Spokane, Wash. Nethery, J. J., 4547 Calvert St., College View Station, Lincoln, Nebr. Nethery, R. J., 445 West Arlington Ave., Riverside, Calif. Nettleton, Daniel, Port Townsend. Wash. Neubauer, 0., Hasenbergstr. 75, Stuttgart, Germany. Neufeld, D. D., 604 Connaught Bldg., Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada. Neufeld, J. D., 305 I. 0. 0. F. Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Neuman, R. R.. Harvey, N. Dak. Neumann, H., Tiergartenstrasse 23, Kijnigsberg i. Pr., Germany. Neumann, H. F., Rua Joaquim Bodifacio, M. A., Lisbon, Portugal. Neumann, R., Hulvaky, Moe. Ostrava, Riegrova 841, Czechoslovakia. Newbold, D. C., College Heights, via Lacombe, Alberta. Newmyer, C. B., 641 East Ninth St., Erie, Pa. Ney, E., Merepuiestee 14-a, Tallinna, Estonia. Ngaiyaye, Andrew (1), Blantyre, Nyasaland, British Central Africa. Ngaiyaye, James, S. D. A. Mission, P. 0. Dedza, Nyasaland, British Central Africa. Ngaiyaye, Simon, Thambani Mission, Mwanza, Nyasaland, British Central Africa. Ng, Yuk Pin, S. D. A. Mission, Waichow, Kwantung, China. Nichol, F. D., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Nichol, S. C., S. D. A. Mission, Waterloo, Sierra Leone, 'West Africa. MINISTERIAL DIRECTORY 429 Nowfel, S., .Boite 595, Beyrouth, Nichols, C. D. (1), S. D. A. Mission, Syria. 2 Tung Wan Ni Hong, Nanchang, Kiangsi, China. Nozaki,' K., 2103 Bush St., San Nicholson, D., Atchin, New HebriFrancisco, Calif. des, Pacific Ocean. Ntleki, Douglas (1), Mount Fr-ere, Nicola, L. T., 123 Manchester St., East Griqualand, Cape, South Battle Creek, Mich. Africa. Nicolas, C. S., 1940 Judson St., Los Ntwana, S. K., P. 0. Lusikisiki, Angeles, Calif. Eastern Pondoland, South Africa. Nussbaum, Dr. J . (1), 49, avenue de Niedoba, E. (1), Wybickiego 4, la G rande -Armee, Paris 16e, Poznan, Poland. France. Niedoba, J., Wybickiego 4, PozNussbaum, T., 8 Avenue de 1'Eglise nan, Poland. Anglaise, Lausanne, Switzerland. Niermeyer, L. E., Drawer 586, WaNygaard, Peter, Apartado SOS, tertown, S. Dak. Santo Domingo City, Republica Niewiadomski, A. (1), ul. Lipowa Dom inicana. 10, Bydgoszcz, Poland. Nigani, John, Box 4, Gwelo, SouthNyman, L. G., 215 North McDowell ern Rhodesia, Africa. St., Charlotte, N. C. Nikkar, L., Merepuiestee 14-a, TalNyuk-thin, Phang, 399 Upper Serlinna, Estonia. angoon Road, Singapore, Straits Nixon, J. C., 734 Main St., Nevada, Settlements. Iowa. ANCEA, NICHOL (1), 604 Njekwa, Robert (1), Box 104, Livingstone, Northern Rhodesia, •--1Connaught Bldg., Saskatoon, Africa. Saskatchewan, Canada. Nkosi, David, Mzimba, Nyasaland, ( )herg. E. M.. Box 598, Walla British Central Africa. Walla, Wash. Nkosi, Edward, Mzimba, .NyasaOberg, H. A., S. D. A. Mission, land, British Central Africa. Outside East Gate, Seoul, Noack, W., Hubenstrasse 64, II., Chosen. Breslau 23, Germany. Oblander, J. G., Enid, Okla. Nobrega, Manuel, Box 62, R. F. D. Oborny, J., Hulvaky, Mor Ostrava, 3, New Bedford, Mass. Riegrova 841, Czechoslovakia. Nokia. 0. W.. 17 Abbott Road, Ochs, D. A., Takoma Park, WashLucknow. ington, D. C. Norcott, W. C. (1), Songa Mission, Ochs, MT. B., Route 1, Box 340, La P. 0. Kamina, Congo Beige, AfGrange, Ill. rica. Odorn, Leo, Box 205, Knoxville, Nord, G. E., Tunnelgatan 25, Tenn. Stockholm, Sweden. Oesterreich, A., Grindelberg . 11, Nordstrom, J. A. (1), South LanHamburg 13, Germany. caster, Mass. Offerman, K. A., Brookfield, Ill. Norman, C. M. (1), Box 1077, OklaOgbasgki, Michael, S. D. A. Mishoma City, Okla. sion, Box 145, Addis Ababa, Abyssinia. North, W. S., 218 Cactus St., San Ogden, A. R., Calle Segunda No. Antonio, Tex. 31, Arroyo Apolo, Havana, Cuba. Norton, S. E., 252 Boyd St., CamOhme, B., Advent Zendingsgenootden, N. J. schap in N. 0. I., Hoofdkwartier, Nott, W. IL., 1100 N. W. 26th St., Naripan 72, Bandoeng, Java, Oklahoma City, Okla. Netherlands East Indies. Nousiaineri, P. (1) , Annegatan 7, Okohira, T. H., Box 7, Yodobashi Helsingfors, Finland. P. 0., Tokyo, Japan. 430 MINISTERIAL DIRECTORY Olcott, C. E. (1), 734 Sandy Blvd., Portland, Oreg. Oliva, U. (1), Rosales, Pangasinan, Philippine Islands. Oliver, P. M., 817 Nora Ave., Spokane, Wash. Olmstead, H. C., Box 25 Armona, Calif. Olsen, E. G., Forest City, Iowa. Olsen, M. E., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Olsen, M. M., Suomisvej 5, Copenhagen, V., Denmark. Olsen, 0. J., Box 262, Reykjavik, Iceland. Olsen, Paul (1), Akersgaten 74, Oslo, Norway. Olson, A. J., Mt. Vernon Academy, Mt. Vernon, Ohio. Olson, A. V., FIoheweg 17, Berne, Switzerland. Olson, D. K., 709 Third Ave., South, Grand Forks, N. Dak. Olson, H. 0., Route 1, Box 366, La Grange, Ill. Olson, L. H., 8a Ave., Norte, No. 57, San Salvador, Republic de El Salvador, Central America. Olson, Martin, 798 East 74th St., North, Portland, Oreg. Olson, 0., S. D. A. Mission, Avenue Roudaki 8, Teheran, Persia. Olteanu, Pavel, Strada Stelorian Zamfirescu 8, Ploesti, Rumania. Oossanen, P. v. (1), Lange Beestenmarkt 102, The Hague, Holland. Orel, S. J. (1), S. D. A. Mission, Kalgan, China. Oresciuc, G., Str. Basota Nr. 2, Jasi, Rumania. Ortner, A. W. (1), South Lancaster, Mass. Ortner, C. 0. (1), 717 First Nat'l Bank Bldg., Chattanooga, Tenn. Ortner, W. P., 229 West New York Ave., Oshkosh, Wis. Ortner, I. 0. (1), 2718 Third Ave., south, Minneapolis, Minn. Osborne, A. J., Route 4, Box 59, Lodi, Calif. Osborne, Mrs. Ella H. (1), Bin 7, Lodi, Calif. Osborne, E. E., 51 Whitmore St., Hartford, Conn. Osgood, D. S., 709 Hoyt St., Muskegon Heights, Mich. Osmunson, E. R. (1), Hinoo, Ranchi, India. Osola, K. V. (I), Annegatan 7, Helsingfors, Finland. Oss, Gorden, Drawer 586, Watertown, S. Dak. Oss, John, 25 Ningkuo Road, Shanghai, China. Oss, M., S. D. A. Mission, Nevasa, Ahmednagar Dist., India. Oster, P. F., S. D. A. Mission, Avenue Roudaki 8, Teheran, Persia. Osterman, F. A., Box 317, Clanton, Ala. Ostoich, Milan, 2572 Baldwin St., Detroit, Mich. Oswald, E. H., Box 512, Madison, Wis. OsWald, J. C., 815 West Eleventh St., Wilmington, Del. Oswald, L. F., 41 Manor Gardens, Edgware, Middlesex, England. Oswald, T. L., Box 1359, Phoenix, Ariz. Oswald, W. (1), Adventhaus, HansSach,strasse 9, Chemnitz, Germany. Otinas, J. (1), Brivibas iela 11, Riga, Latvia. Otis, E. F., M. D. (1); Melrose, Mass. Ouatu, St., Strada Stelorian Zamfirescu 8, Ploesti, Rumania. Owen, F. M., 537-25th St., Oakland, Calif. DAAP, C. A., 84 Jervois Road, Auckland, New Zealand. Paap, F. W., 2332 Hollister Terrace, Glendale, Calif. Paden, C. M. (1), 1455 Seventh St., Parkersburg, W. Va. Page, F. A. (1), 1112 Kalamath St., Denver, Colo. Pak, Y. S., S. D. A. Mission, Keizan, Chosen. Pakhare, 0. (1), S. D. A. Mission, Nevasa, Ahmednagar Dist., India. Palmer, C. S. (I), Suva Vou, Suva, Fiji, Pacific Ocean. MINISTERIAL DIRECTORY Palmer, E. R., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Palmer, Samuel (1), Songa Mission, P, 0. Kaniina, Belgian Congo, Central Africa. Palmer, S. W., Inyazura Mission, Inyazura, Southern Rhodesia, Africa. Palvie, S. C. (1), Box 101, Mafeking, C. P., Smith Africa. Panaga, Augustin, 1402 Oroquieta St., Manila, Philippine Islands. Panait, A. (1), Str. N. Saveariu, Nr. 10, Focsani, Rumania. Pankoke, Herman, 1853 Court St., Salem, Oreg. Pansegrau, K. (1), Tiergartenstrasse 23, K5nigsberg i-Pr., Germany. Panzig, 0., Adventhaus, Hans SachsstraSse 9, Chemnitz, Germany. Pappast-Arnoulis N., Lahana. Str. 36, Salonica, Greece. Paraschiv, D. (1), Strada Popa Tatu 38, Bukharest II, Rurhania. Parchment, E. E., 112 Tower St., Kingston, Jamaica, British West • Indies. Parfitt, A. G., Aldama No. 83, Saltillo, Coah., Mexico. Parker, A. F. (1) , Marovo Lagoon, via Tulagi, Solomon IslandS, Pacific Ocean. Parker, C. H., Atchin, New Hebrides, Pacific Ocean. Parker, H. B., S. D. A. Missibn, Tungshan, Canton, China. Parkin, J. H. (1), 22 Zulla Road, Magdala Road, Nottingham, England. Parlan, Fortunato, Box 32, Legaspi, Albay, Philippine Islands. Parmele, R. W., 1818 New Jersey St., Los- Angeles, Calif. Parsons, D. A., 1812 New Jersey St., Los Angeles, Calif. Parsons, E. H. (1), " Tereora," The Boulevarde, Strathfield, N. S. W., Australia. Pascoe, J., 902 Colombo St., Christchurch, New Zealand. 431 Pascoe, W. H., Gordon Ave., Hamilton (P. 0. Box 27), New South Wales, Australia. Passebois, L. F., Sterling Jet., Mass. Passos, Jose dos (1), Caixa Postal 91, Juiz de Fora, Minas Geraes, Brazil, South America. Patchett, H. G. (1), 5 Spring St., Amesbury, Mass. Patching, S. L., 902 Colombo St., Christchurch, New Zealand. Patterson, J. R., Angwin, Napa Co., Calif. Paterson, R. J. (1), 8 Yarra St., Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia. Pattikawa, S. (I), Advent Zendingsgenootschap in N. 0. I., Afdeeling West Java, Naripan 72, Bandoeng, Java, Netherlands East Indies. Pattison, L. 0., Box 583, Cebu, Cebu, Philippine Islands. Patzig, R., Ostbahnstrasse 9 I., Dresden-A., Germany. Patzkowski, J. E., 3654 North Darren St., Chicago, Ill. Paul, R. W., M. D. (1), Box 1281, Shanghai, China. Paulini, P. P., 8 Avenue de PEglise Anglaise, Lausanne, Switzerland. Paulsson, G. (1), Box 262, Reykjavik, Iceland. Paunescu, P., Strada Labirint 116, Bukharest 4, Rumania. Payne, Nathaniel, Box 66, Port of Spain, Trinidad, British West Indies. Peacock, G., Marovo Lagoon, via Tulagi, Solomon Islands, Pacific Ocean. Peak, H. M., 36 Park St., Calcutta, India. Pearson, G., Luwazi Mission, Chintechi, Nyasaland, British Central Africa. Pearson, R. W. (1), S. D. A. Mission, Outside East Gate, Seoul, Chosen. Peckham, Harold (1), 734 Sandy Blvd., Portland, Oreg. Peden, H. L., 1504 Pinecrest Drive, Ferndale, Mich. 432 MINISTERIAL DIRECTORY Peifer, E. C. (1), 331 Hilborn St., Glendale, Calif. Peixoto, Domingos, Rua Maia Lacerda 46, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, South America. Pelzer, 0., Oststrasse 103, I., Bielefeld, Germany. Peng, Hsien Djung, Lowanho, Yencheng, Honan, China. Penner, J. B., 1105 Teller Ave., Bronx, New. York, N. Y. Perez, J. G., Agricultura 79, Colonia Escadon, Tacubaya, D. F., Mexico. Perkins, C. 0., 149 Essex St., Swampscott, Mass. Perrin, W. E. (1), Box 337, Oshawa, Ontario. Perrine, A. W. (1), Box 517, Mt. Vernon, Ohio. Perry, F. L., 2900 Live Oak St., Dallas, Tex. Peters, B. (1), S. D. A. Mission, Karmatar, E. I. Ry., India. Peters, G. E., Apartment 5-F, 381 Edgecomb Ave., New York, N. Y. Peters, R. (1), S. D. A. Mission, Hapur, U. P., India. Peters, W., Schumamstr. 29, Bonn, a. Rh., Germany. Petersen, B., Manchurian Union Mission, S. D. A., Mukden, Manchuria, China. Petersen, N. C., Box 584, Arlington, Calif. Peterson, A. W., Calle Pino 3801, Buenos Aires, Argentina, South America. Peterson, E. F., 817 Nora Ave., Spokane, Wash. Peterson, F. L., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Peterson, J. M. (1), Angwin, Napa Co., Calif. Peterson, John, R. F. D. 2, Battle Ground, Wash. Petrescu, Al., Str. N. Saveanu Nr. 10, Focsani, Rumania. Petrescu, I. (1), Str. N. Saveanu, Nr. 10, Foesani, Rumania. Pettey, J. G. (1), Teotihuacan No. 19, Mexico City, D. F., Mexico. Petrovi, St. (1), DO:Oleo, Prilaz 77, Zagreb, Jugoslavia. Pettit, G. W., 30 Voyle Road, Cantt., Rangoon, Burma. Petzold, G., Hubenstrasse 64, II., Breslau 23, Germany. Peugh, V. E., Holly, Mich. Peverini, Hector (1), Calle Cervantes 144, Parana, Entre Rios, Argentina, South America. Pfenniger, B. (I), 1 Rue Nicolas Roret, Paris 13, France. Pferschy, G., via Giuseppe Bonito 37, Napoli-Vomero, Italy. Phele, Petrus (1), Box 101, Mafeking, C. P., South Africa. Philips, N. W., 432 East Tenth St., Long Beach, Calif. Phipps, B. H., Berrien Springs, Mich. Phipps, F. C., 745 Chestnut St., Camden, N. J. Phipps, J. A., Apartado 568, Santo Domingo City, Rep. Dominicana. Phillips, E. B., Ikidzu Mission, Musoma, Tanganyika Territory, East Africa. Phillips, Joseph, 30 Voyle Road, Cantt., Rangoon, Burma. Pickard, U. D., 24 Fusting Ave., Catonsville, Md. Pickett, F. L., Mite Postale, 137, Phnom-Penh, Cambodia, French Indo-China. Pidoux, J. (1), Casilla 2830, Santiago, Chile, South America. Pierce, H. ., 1200 Villa St., Mountain View, Calif. Pilar, R. A. (1), Rosales, Pangasinan, Philippine Islands. Pilar, Thomas (1), Box 813, Manila, Philippine Islands. Pingenot, E. L. (1), Box 921, Greeley, Colo. Pioch, Albert, Adlerstr. 70, Diisseldorf, Germany. Piper, A. H., " Mizpah," Wahroonga, New South Wales, Australia. Piper, E. A., 321 Walders St., Minot, N. Dak. Piper, H. E., 84 Jervois Road, Auckland, New Zealand. Piper, J. F., 1112 Kalamath St., Denver, Colo. MINISTERIAL DIRECTORY 433 Potter, E. R., 1488 Pure Oil Bldg., Pistorius, E., Adventhaus, Hans 35 E. Wacker Drive, Chicago, Ill. Sachsstrasse 9, Chemnitz, GerPotter, F. E. (1), Box 468, Bloemmany. fontein, 0. F. S., South Africa. Pitts, R. F. (1), 114 West 14th St., Potter, J. J. (1), " Mizpah," Marion, Ind. roonga, N. S. W., Australia. Place, A. E., 1525 Shortridge St., Potts, W. S. (1), 1880 Dawson San Jose, Calif. Ave., Long Beach, Calif. Platonovs, D., Rigas iela 32, Cesis, Pound, I. C., 705 South Gallatin Latvia. St., Jackson; Miss. Plenc,, Juan (1), Casilla 85, Puno, Powrie, R. H. (1), " Tereora," The Peru, South America. Boulevarde, Strathfield, N. S. W., Plesko, J., Pantoveak 92/f, ZagAustralia. reb, Jugoslavia. Prakassam, M. (1), Nuzvid, Kistna Pohland, i?V. (1), Adlerstr. 70, DrisDist., South India. seldorf, Germany. Pohle, E. A. von, 519 Terminal Pratt, F. A., Hicks Lane, Sathorn Road, Bangkok, Siam. Bldg., Oklahoma City, Okla. Pohle, E. E., Cuauhternoc 1605, Prenier, H. S., Berrien Springs, Mich. Chihuahua, Chih., Mexico. Pohle, W. R., Avenida La Paz 663, Prescott, W. P., Stanborough Park, Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico. Watford, Herts, England. Pohlman, E. W. (1), S. D. A. MisPrescott, W. W., Takoma Park, sion, Hapur, U. P., India. Washington, D. C. Preston, B. M. (1), Union Springs, Polcyn, L. (1), Wybickiego 4, PozN. Y. nan, Poland. Polder, I., Strada Clemenceau 5/a, Pretyman, C. H. (1), " Mizpah," Wahroonga, N. S. W., Australia. Cluj, Rumania. Polednik, K., Praha II-Ziskov, Prieser, F. A., Grindelberg 11, Tomkova 31, Czechoslovakia. Hamburg 13, Germany. Poley, P. C., Box 15, Poona, India. Prince, R. W. (1), Box 3005, SanPonce, M. E. (1), Aldarna No. 83, turce, Porto Rico. Saltillo, Coah., Mexico. Proctor, M. R. (1), 3612 Morenci PCinig, M., Jsartalstr. 40, Munich, St., El Paso, Tex. Bavaria, Germany. Prout, C. S., Box 584, Arlington, Pontynen, W. K, 2502 Fifth Ave., Calif. Hibbing, Minn. Prout, R. B. (1), 3131 Pasadena Pooa, S. D. (1), Strada Stelorian Ave., Los Angeles, Calif. Zamfirescu 8, Ploesti, Rumania. Provin, H. (1), Petite Ligniere, Popelka, J., Stredni ul. 10, Brno, Gland, Vaud, Switzerland. Czechoslovakia. Pruitt, C. W., 105 Riverside Drive, Popescu, C., Strada Popa Tatu. No. Alma, Mich. 38, Bukharest, Rumania. PAM, M., Jsartalstr. 40, Munich, Bavaria, Germany. Popow, M., Post Box 20, New Town, Harbin, Manchuria, China. Pryor, L. J. (1), 534 East Second St., Macon, Ga. Porshenkoff, B. (1), S. D. A. MisPudewell, W. J., S. D. A. Mission, sion, Kalgan, China. Keizan, Chosen (Korea). Porter, S. W. (1), 1488 Pure Oil Pulver, C. C. (1), Washington SanBldg., 35 East Wacker Drive, itarium, Takoma Park, WashChicago, Ill. ington, D. C. Post, B. L., 1138 Stephenson Ave., Purdom, C. A., 1203 South Oak St., Menominee, Mich. . Casper, Wyo. Piitschke,. H., Adlerstr. 70, Diissel- Purmal, Rigas iela 32, cesls. dorf, Germany. Latvia. 434 MINISTERIAL DIRECTORY UADE, H. N. (1), S. D. A. Q Mission, Foochow City, China. Quimby, P. E., China Theological Seminary, Chiao Tou Djen, via Siashu, Kiangsu, China. Jose Mendes (1), R ABELLO, Caixa Postal 106, Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, South America. Racker, F. (1), Lange Laube 29, I., Hanover, Germany. Radke, R. F. (1), Casilla 85, Puno, Peru, South America. Radke, W., Kaiser Wilhelm Platz 46, Cottbus, Germany. Radulescu, I. D., Str. Dr. Joan Ciordas 43, Oradea-Mare, Rumania. Raft, J. C., HOlieweg 17, Berne, Switzerland. Ragsdale, Alva (1), 616 South Second St., Clinton, Mo. Rahm, F. H. (1), 905 Capp St., San Francisco, Calif. Rails, W. A., P. 0. Box 313, Kingston, N. Y. Rampton, F. G., 361 Argyle St., Hobart, Tasmania. Ramuwai, S., Suva Vou, Suva, Fiji, Pacific Ocean. Randall, L. D. (1), Oakwood Jr. College, Huntsville, Ala. Randall, Winslow (1), 1488 Pure Oil Bldg., 35 East Wacker Drive, Chicago, Ill. Randle, W. H., 112 Tower St., Kingston, Jamaica, British West Indies. Rantoeng, S., 3de. Renggangweg 10, Makassar, Celebes, Netherlands East Indies. Raposo, A. F. (1), Rua Joaquim Bonifacio, M. A., Lisbon, Portugal. Ranp, G. S., Race and Sterrett Sts., Homewood, Pittsburgh, Pa. Rashford, L., 112 Tower St., Kingston, Jamaica, British West Indies. Raska, P. (1), Phalia II-Ziskov, Tomkova 31, Czechoslovakia. Rasmussen, Steen, Holieweg 17, Berne, Switzerland. Rasmussen, V. (I), Kampala, Uganda, East Africa. Raspal, M. Mission Adventiste, Nanga-Eboko, par Yaoundiri, Cameroon, West Africa. Rathbun, F. 0. (I), 112 Tower St., Kingston, Jamaica, British West Indies. Rathke,. E., •Tiergartenstrasse 23, Konigsberg i. Pr., Germany. Raubenheimer, J. H., Box 6154, Johannesburg, Transvaal, South Africa. Rawson, A. E. (1), 10 Cunningham Road, Bangalore, India. Read, 'W. E., 41 Manor Gardens, Edgware, Middlesex, England. Reaser, G. W., 121 North Adams St., Glendale, Calif. Reavis, D. W. (1), Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Reavis, J. D., 3434 Taylor Blvd., Louisville, Ky. Rebensburg, A., Kaiser Wilhelm Platz 46, Cottbus, Germany. Rebok, D. E., China Theological ' Seminary, Chiao Tou Djen, via Siashu, Kiangsu, China. Rebutoc, I. (1), Rosales, Pangasinan, Philippine Islands. Redin, Ramon (1), Cajabamba, Ecuador, South America. Redondo, Antonio B. (1), Apartado 261, Barranquilla, Colombia, South America. Reed, L. A., 1211 Broadway St., Oakland, Calif. Reed, L. E. (1), 299 Yu Yuen Road, Shanghai, China. Rees, D. A., 1455 Seventh St., Parkersburg, W. Va. Rees, D. D., 4547 Calvert St., College View Station, Lincoln, Nebr. Reeves, C. A., 22 Zulla Road, Magdala. Road, Nottingham, England. Refferty, L. E. (1), Box 512, Madison, Wis. Reichenbaugh, C. E. (1), Falls Creek, Pa. Reid, J. A., Box 95, Castries, St. Lucia, British West Indies. Reid, 0. P., Box '356, Nassau, Bahamas. MINISTERIAL DIRECTORY Reid,. J: W. (1):, 2129-42d Ave., Oakland, Calif. Reile, B. A., Cleveland, N. Dak. Reile, S. A., 604 Connaught Bldg., Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada. Reinmuth, H. G. (1), La Grange, Ill. Reiner, D. E., 306 Sherbrooke t St., Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. Reiner, D. N., 305 I. 0. 0. F. Bldg., Calgary.. Alberta, Canada. Reiswig, Conrad, College View Station, Lincoln, Nebr. Reiswig, J. J., Box 202, College Place, Wash. Reit, I., Cluj, Strada Clemenceau 5/a., Rumania. Remsen, Emanuel, 1923 Academy Place, Glendale, Calif. Rentfro, C. E., Box 453, Iron River, Mich. Replogle, Leon (1), Casilla 355, La Paz, Bolivia, South America. Replogle, J. D., Cajabamba, Ecuador, South America. Reppe, M. S., Hutchinson, Minn.„ Resen, Chr., Hemstigen 12, Jonkfiping, Sweden. Rey, Eugene, 1 Rue Tirman, Algiers, Algeria. Rey, J., 1 Rue Tirman, Algiers, Algeria, Reye, R. (1), Apia, Samoa, Pacific Ocean. Reye, V. (1), 27 Prospect Terrace, Prospect, South Australia, Australia. Reynaud, J. (1), 1 Rue Tirman, Algiers, Algeria. Reynolds, C. J. Gordon Ave., Hamilton (P. O. 'Box 27), N. S. W., Australia. Reynolds, E. R., 1112 Keeaumoku St., Honolulu, Hawaii. Reynolds, I. T. (1), 216 Poppy Ave. Monrovia, Calif. Reynolds, L. R. (1), 2610 Nob Hill Ave., Seattle, Wash. Rhoads, A. V., Room 305, I. 0. 0. F. Bldg., Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Rhoads, Bert (1), Box 605, Topeka, Kans. 435 Rhoads, J. H., 734 Main St., Nevada, Iowa. Rice, C. E. (1), 2525 South Downing St., Denver, Colo. Rice, M. L., 817 Nora Ave., Spokane, Wash. Rice, W. W., 150 Park Ave., Binghamton. N. Y. Rich, J. W., 8616 Chestnut Ave., South Gate, Calif. Richard, P. F., 5 Boulevard d'Anvers, Strasbourg, Alsace, France. Richards, H. M. J., 1180 California St., Mountain View, Calif. Richards, H. M. S., 4524 Franklin Ave., Hollywood, Calif. Richards, W. J. (1), Gordon Ave., Hamilton (P. 0. Box 27), N. S. W., Australia. Richardson, F. I., 117 East Fifth St., San Bernardino, Calif. Richardson, I. D., Box 517, Mt. Vernon, Ohio. Richmond, E. L. (1), Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Rick, P. A., 305 I. 0. 0. F. Bldg., Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Rider, C. J., Box 719, Boisre,.Idaho. Ridenour, J. R. (1), Box 235, Greensburg, Pa. Rieckmann, C. H. C. (1), 130ite 595; Beyrouth, Syria. Riffel, C. E., Box 1077, Oklahoma City, Okla. Riffel, J., 817 Nora Ave., Spokane, Wash. Riffel, Juan (1), Calle Cervantes 144, Parana, Entre Rios, Argentina, "South America. Riffel, W. B., Box 583, Cebu, Cebu, Philippine Islands. Riley, A. E., 222 Almond St., Georgetown, British Guiana, South America. Rinder, F. (1), Tiergartenstrasse 23, Konigsberg-i-Pr., Germany. Rine, G. W., 1916 Russell St., Berkeley, Calif. Ringelberg, A. (1), Lange Beestenmarkt 102, The Hague, Holland. Ringoot, M. (1), 34 Rue d'Angleur, Liege, Belgium. Rintala, A., Annegatan 7, Helsingfors, Finland. 436 MINISTERIAL DIRECTORY Rippey, J. A., Gladstone, Oreg. Rischintiller, Fr., Adlerstr. 70, Dusseldorf, Germany. Risley, Dr. E. H., Loma Linda; Calif. Ritch, Ben., Box 51, Blantyre, Nyasaland, British Central Arica. Ritchie, A., 755-12th St., Seaside, Oreg. Ritchie, C. A. W. (1), 10 Cunningham Road, Bangalore, India. Ritchie, C. J. (1), Box 1304, Fresno, Calif. Rittau, R. (1), Grindelberg 11, Hamburg 13, Germany. Rittenhouse, C. H., 1392 North Eighth St., Marshfield, Oreg. Rittenhouse, S. N., 1488 Pure Oil Bldg., 35 East Wacker Drive, Chicago, Ritz, A. P. (1), Nakon Lampang, Siam. Robb, V. W., Box 124, Weatherford, Okla. Robbins, F. H., 507 Flower Ave.. Takoma. Park, Washington, D. C. Robbins, W. M., 3256 Germantown Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. Roberts, G. A., 537 Twenty-fifth St., Oakland, Calif. Roberts, J. W. (1), Fairbanks, Alaska. Robinson, A. T., Angwin, Napa Co., Calif. Robinson, C., Inyazura Mission. Inyazura, Southern Rhodesia, Africa. Robinson, F. M., Gitwe Mission of S. D. A., Urundi, via Usumbura, Africa. Robinson, G., 27 Prospect Terrace, Prospect, South Australia, Australia. Robinson, H. A. B. (1), Agricultura 79, Colonia Escadon, Tacubaya, D. F., Mexico. Robinson, H. E., Box 372, Orlando, Robinson, R. P., Box 26, Kongolo, Belgian Congo, Central Africa. Robison, J. I., Grove Ave., Claremont, Cape Province, South Africa, .Robison, M. P., Box 22, Somerset West, Cape, South Africa. Robson, H. (1), Ikidzu Mission, Musoma, Tanganyika Territory, East Africa. Roda. Antonio (1), Rosales, Pangasinan, Philippine islands. Roda, A. Z., Rosales, Pangasinan, Philippine Islands. Rodd, A. S., 22 Zulla Road, Magdala Road, Nottingham, Englanil. Rodgers, P. G., 1207 West 98th St., Los Angeles, Calif. Rodrigo, V. R., Box 583, Cebu, Cebu, Philippine Islands. Rodriguez, W. L., Box 813, Manila, Philippine Islands. Rodriquez, Vicente (1), 11 Pointe 1308, Puebla, Puebla, Mexico. Rocland, A. (1), 433 Chaussee de Boom, Antwerp, Belgium. Roenfelt, E. E., 47 Hay St., Subiaco, Perth, West Australia, Australia. Rogers, A. H., 27 Prospect Terrace, Prospect, South Australia, Australia. Rogers, J. C., 68 Windermer Road, Durban, Natal, South Africa. Roibescu, D. (1), C,oniuna Ineu, Jud., Arad, Rumania. Rojas, L. A., Calle Arizfl 889, Godoy Cruz, Mendoza, Argentina, South America. Rokosala, F. (1), Suva Vou, Suva, Fiji, Pacific Ocean. Rolfe, H. R. (1), 55 South Main St., Rochester, N. H. Romero, M. D. (1), Box 584, Arlington, Calif. Rooks, E. (I), 5 Boulevard d'Anvers, Strasbourg, France. Rosales, M. (1), Casilla 2830, Santiago, Chile, South America. Rosario, Benign() (I), Box 3005, Santurce, Porto Rico. Rose, K., Brivibas iel5 11, Riga, Latvia. Rosendahl, E., " Mizpah," Wahroonga, New South Wales, Australia. Rosenwald, Emil, Route 1, Box 315, La Grange, Ill. INISTERIAL DIRECTORY Ross, H. (1), kriimplerstr. 63, TI, Erfurt, Cierma.ny. Ross, J. B. (1), Apartado 39, Medellin, Colombia. Ross, John (1), Box 101, Mafeking, C. P., South Africa. Roth, A. G. Quai Capo d'Istria 7, Geneva, gwitzerl and. Roth, J. H., College Heights, via Lacombe, Alberta, Canada. Roth, D. F., 3133 Hackberry Ave., East Walnut Hills, Cincinnati, Ohio. Roth, G. G., Box 28, Cape Haitien, Haiti, West Indies. Rouse, J. S., 817 Nora Ave., Spokane, Wash. Rowe, T. M., 1870 Runette St., Pittsburgh, Pa. Rowland, J. W., ,Tesselton, British North Borneo. Rowse, J. M. (1), Mountain View, Calif. Roy, R. J., Casilla 85, Puno, Peru, South America. Rubendall, C. W., 2900 Live Oak St., Dallas, Tex. Ruble, W. A., M. D., care Sanitarium, Melrose, Mass. Ruble, W. W., 1431 East Stanley Ave., GlendaTe, Calif. Rudge, E. B., Suva Wu, Suva, Fiji, Pacific Ocean.. Rudge, P. B., "Mizpah," roonga, New South Wales, Australia. Rudin, F., 8 Avenue de l'Eglise Anglaise, Lausanne, Switzerland. Rudolf, R. W. (1), Str. N. Saveanu, Nr. 10, Focsani, Rumania. Rudy, H. L. (1), Kamienica 272, Na Slask, Poland. Ruf, A. F., 2900 Live Oak St., Dallas, Tex. Ruf, G. F., Caixa Postal 2898, Capital, Sao Paulo, Brazil, South America. Ruf, W. (1), 8 Avenue de l'Eglise Anglaise, Lausanne, Switzerland. Milling, R., Regensburgerstrasse 22, Berlin W. 50, Germany. Rulkoetter, A. H., 3808 Second Ave., South, Minneapolis, Minn. Ruminson, V. M., 305 I. 0. 0. F. Bldg., Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Runoff, W., Tunnelgatan 25, Stockholm, Sweden. Rupp, A. (1), Stampfenbachstr. 85, Ziirich, Switzerland. Ruskjer, S. A., College Heights, via Lacombe, Alberta, Canada. Russell, A. B., Box 317, Clanton, Ala. Russell, C. A., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Russell, Riley, M. D., 229 North Central Ave., Glendale, Calif. Rustig, W., Adventhaus, HansSachsstrasse 9, Chemnitz, Germany. Ryles, R. L. (1), Box 205, Knoxville, Tenn. G., Missione AvvenSABATINO, tista, P. 0. Box 106, Asmara, Eritrea, Northeast Africa. Sabrine, Diego (1), Box 271, Iloilo, Philippine Islands. Sachsenmayer, A., Hinterm Bahnhof 30, Ntiremberg, Bavaria, Germany. Saeboe-Larssen, L., Nordregate 8, Nidaros, Norway. Sage, A. 0., Box 1304, Fresno, Calif. Saknit, K. (1), Lipowa 10, Bydgoszcz, Poland. Salatzkat, J., Adventhaus, Hans Sachsstrasse 9, Chemnitz, Germany. Salazar, J. A. (1), Agricultura 79, Colonia Escadon, Tacubaya, D. F., Mexico. Sales, J. B., Apartado 210, Santa Clara, Cuba. Sallee, A. (1), Mission Adventiste, Nanga:Eboko, par Yaounde, Cameroon, West Africa. Salton, R. A., Gordon Ave., Hamilton (Box 27), N., S. W., Australia. Salvini, M. J. (1), Calle Cervantes 144, Parana, Entre Rios, Argentina, South America. Same, A. C., Box 271, Iloilo,.Philippine Islands. 438 MINISTERIAL DIRECTORY Sanchez, A. C., Box 188, Clovis, N. Schell, H. E. R. (1), Advent Zen• dim•sgenootschap ini N. 0. I., Mex. Hoofdkwartier, b Naripan 72, Sandboru, A. R., Box 194, Lodi,, Bandoeng, Java, Netherlands Calif. East Indies. Sanders, C. N., Route 3, Berrien Schel ler, Wm. (1), 6234 South Springs, Mich. Hermitage Ave., Chicago, Ill. Sanders, Floyd (1), Care W. V. Schenck, A., Koblenzerstrasse 3, San., Lafayette, Ind. Berlin-Wilmersdorf, Germany. Sanderson, A. E., 56 Burnside Ave., Scheer, B. A., 715 Third Ave., East Hartford, Conn. South, Jamestown, N. Dak. Sandness, 0. E., care Academy, Schick, L. B., 2299 Monterey Ave., Auburn, Wash. Detroit, Mich. Sandstrom, K. R., Tunnelgatan 25, Stockholm, Sweden. Schick, W., Jsartalstr. 40, Munich, Bavaria, Germany. • Santos, V. T., 1402 Oroquieta St., Schierman, D. R.,' 544 North 13th, Manila, Philippine Islands. Corvallis, Oreg. Sanz, Pedro, La Salud, Caudiel (Castellon), Spain. Schilberg, A. A., Kordeckiego No. 5, Luck, Poland. Sargeant, E. N., Route 2, Everett, Schildhauer, Otto, RegensburgerWash. strasse 22, Berlin W. 50, GerSargent, A. J. (1), 30 Voyle Road, many. Cantt., Rangoon, Burma. Sauer, E. G. (1), 219 Court St., Schilling, J. H., 62-64 Sixty-first St., Ridgewood, Brooklyn, N. Y. North, Fergus Falls, Minn. Sauliga, J. (I), Suva Vou, Suva, Schillinger, R., PantovCak 92/f, Fiji, Pacific Ocean. Zagreb, JUrrOSlaVia. Saunders, J. E., S. D. A. Mission, Schleifer, S. M., 215 North McDowell St., Charlotte, N. C. Lohardaga, Ranchi Dist., India. Saunders, N. H., South Lancaster, • Schluttig, H., Barnimstrasse 10, I., Mass. Stettin, Germany. Schmehl, F. W. (1),'717 First Nat'l Saur, 0. (I), Pelzgasse 2-10, Vienna Bank Bldg., Chattanooga, Tenn. XV, Austria. Sauza, L. (1), Agricultura 79, Co- Schmid, A., Avenue Eglise Anglaise 8, Lausanne, Switzerland. Ionia Escadon, Tacubaya, D. F., Schmidt, H., Lange Laube 29, I., Mexico. Hanover, Germany. Saxton, H. F., Motor Route A, Schmidt, I. C., Advent ZendingsPine Bluffs, Wyo. genootschap in N. 0. I., AfdeelSchacht, W. H., 1285 Cloverdale ing Cost Java, Tandjoeng Anom St., Los ,Angeles, Calif. 3, Soerabaia, Java, Netherlands Schafer, R. (1), Koblenzerstr. 3, East Indies. Berlin-Wilmersdorf, Germany. Schmidt, M., Koblenzerstrasse 3, Schaffner, B. E., College Place, Berlin-Wilmersdorf, Germany. Wash. Schmidt, W. F. (1), South State St., Vineland, N. J. Schaffner, R. G., 5211 San Francisco Blvd., Sacramento, Calif. Sehmieder, W. (1), Kaiser Wilhelm Platz 46, Cottbus, Germany. Scharffenberg, W. A., 25 Ningkuo Road, Shalighai, China. Schmitz, E. (1). Grindelberg 11, Hamburg 13, Germany. Scheele, K., Oststrasse 103 I, Bielefeld, Germany. Schmoll, L. (1), Oststrasse 103 I., Bielefeld, Germany. Seheibitz, R., Adventhaus, Hans Sachsstrasse 9, Chemnitz, Ger- Schmutzler, A., Lange Beestenmany. niarkt 102, The Hague, Holland. MINISTERIAL DIRECTORY 439 Schneebaueri, L., Pelzgasse 2-10, Schwarz, H., Kriegsstr. 84, Karlsruhe-Baden, Germany. Vienna XV, Austria. Schwedrat, 0. F., 4503 Spokane Schneider, C. C., Rua Lopes Trovilo Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. 88, Nictheroy, Estado do Rio, Schwenecke, 0., Lange Laube 29, Brazil, South America. I., Hanover, Germany. Schneider, J., Cakstes bulvart Nr. Schwennecke, W., Ostbahnstrasse 3, dz. 6, Jelgava, Latvia. 9 I., Dresden-A., Germany. Schnepper, 0. E., 817 Nora Ave., Schwerin, G. A. (1), Cajabamba, Spokane, Wash. Ecuador, South America., Schnetzler, Joseph, South LancasSchwercke, E. Kaiser Wilhelm ter, Mass. Platz 46, Cottbus, Germany. Schnid, Antoine, 8 Avenue de Lausanne, 'Schwindt, F. F., 314 Hannafin St., l'Egl is e Anglaise, Bismarck, N. Dak. Switzerland. Scholl, W., Adlerstr. 70, Dussel- Schwital, Johannes (1), Praha IIZiskov, Tomkova 31, Czechodorf, Germany. slovakia. Schor, H. (1), Adlerstr. 70, DusselScoggins, P. E., 642 Woodland dorf, Germany. Ave., S. E., Atlanta, Ga. Schor, J., Demantiusstr. 10, ReichScott, B. T., P. 0. Location, Queensenberg, Czechoslovakia. town, Cape, South Africa. Schowe, C. H. (1), " Mizpah," WahScott, Dr. W. B. (1), 2610 Nob Hill roonga, N. S. W., Australia. Ave., Seattle, Wash. Schroeder, R., Ostbahnstrasse 9 I., Scriven, C. A., South Lancaster, Dresden-A, Germany. Mass. Schroeder, W. F. H., Bland, Mo. Schroeter, C., 26 Kai Yuen Road, Sears, E. M., Box 325, Station H, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Hangchow, Chekiang, China. Schroer, W. (1), Adlerstr. 70, Diis- Seat, E. T., 1728 -Hillside Road, Santa Barbara, Calif. seldorf, Germany. Schubert, E. (1), care Hasso Bros., Seibel, J. H., Bowdon. N. Dak. Seino, Yekicho, Box 7, Yodobashi Baghdad, Irk. P. 0., Tokyo, Japan. Schubert, G. W., TakOma Park, Washington, D. C. Seltzer, G. J., 734 Sandy Blvd., Portland, Oreg. Schubert, Walter, CaSilla 2830, Santiago, Chile, South America. Semmens, L. A., Box 584, Arlington, Calif. Schuberth, H. F., Regensburgerstrasse 22, Berlin W. 50, Ger- Seng, G., Hasenbergstr. 75, Stuttgart, Germany. many. Senson, Roman, Box 813, Manila, Schuberth, 0., Tizianstr. 18, MuPhilippine Islands. nich, Bavaria, Germany. Schulte, H., Hasenbergstr. 75, Serna, M., Fabens, Tex. Sesola, Yokaniah, Thekerani MisStuttgart, Germany. sion, Sankulani, Nyasaland, Schultz, Herman (1), 817 Nora British Central Africa. Ave., Spokane, Wash. Schulz, W., Barnimstrasse 10 I., Settergren, A. J., Tunnelgatan 25, Stockholm, Sweden. Stettin i/Pr., Germany. Shadel, S. T., Drawer C, Berrien Schuster, M. H., Drawer C, Berrien Springs, Mich. Springs, Mich. Schutt, C. A., Nuzvid, Kistna Dist., Shakespeare, P. E. (I), 1112 Kalamath St., Denver, Colo. South India. Shafer, W. J., 609 Province Bldg., Schwartz, W. F., 3014 Woodburn Vancouver, British Columbia. Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Schwarz, E. (1), Pelzgasse 2/10, Shankel, G. E. (1), Box 22, Somerset West, Cape, South Africa. Vienna XV, Austria. 440 .-.\111NISTERIAL DIRECTORY Shank°, M. J. (1), Box 164, Buena Vista, V a. Sharman, R. C., Emmanuel Mission, Leribe, Basutoland, South Africa. Sharp, F. L., 84 Jervois Road, Auckland, New Zealand. Sharp, W. MT., 1036 East 18th St., National City, Calif. Sharp, Smith, 717 First National Bank Bldg., Chattanooga, Tenn. Sharpe, E. D., Box 719, Boise, Idaho. Shaw, B. H., Southern Junior College, Collegedale, Tenn. Shaw, H. S., Box 402, Mountain View, Calif. Shaw, J. L., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Shaw, L. MT., S. D. A. Mission, Tungshan, Canton, China. Wang Gia Dun, Shaw, T. Hankow, Hupeh, China. Sheldon, E. L., 734 Main St., Nevada, Iowa. Sheldon, H. J., 2718 Third Ave., South, Minneapolis, Minn. Shen, C. P., S. D. A. Mission, Tsinanfu, Shantung, China. Shen, H. C., 35 Range Road, Shanghai, China. Shepard, Loren C., Box 15, Poona, India. Shepard, Melzar, Angwin, Napa Co., Calif. Sherman, A. R., Casilla 4063, Valparaiso, Chile, South America. Sherrig, H. W. (1), 2215 Farnam St., Omaha, Nebr. Sherri,, W. H., 1488 Pure Oil Bldg., 5 E.Wacker Drive, Chicago, Ill. Sherwin, Dr. T. A., Wahroonga, N. S. W., Australia. Shinde, Peter (1), Box 15, Poona, India. Shirley, J. (1), 902 Colombo St., Christchurch, New Zealand. Shone, 0. W., Box 468, Bloemfontein, 0. F. S., South Africa. Shoup, IL L., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Shrewsbury, 0. H., 17 Abbott Road, Lueknow, India. Shuler, J. L., Route 1, Brevard, N. C. Shultz, J. E., 31.1 Atlantic St., Atlantic, Mass. • Shultz, J. W., 49 Jewett St., Akron, Ohio. Sibley, D., 902 Colombo St., Christchurch, New Zealand. Sibagobe, Harry, Box 78, Gwelo, Southern Rhodesia, Africa. Siepman, J. G. (1), P. 0. Mission, Northern Rhodesia, Africa. Silva, Manoel P. da (1), Rua de • Industria 82, Caixa Postal 658, Belen, Para, South America. Silveira, Benedicto (I), Rua Lopes Trovao 88, Nictheroy, Estado do Rio, Brazil, South America. Simmons, Cyrus (1), Box 558, Knoxville, Tenn. Simmons, W. R., M. D. (1), care Sanitarium, Lafayette, Ind. Simoes, F. (1), Rua Belmarco 39A-10, Faro, Portugal. Simon, E: (1), Institute for Massage, Godfrey 58, Misrara, Jerusalem, Palestine. • Simon, J., Stredni ul. 10, Brno, Czechoslovakia. Simon, J. F., 310 McHenry Road, Glendale, Calif. ' Simpson, G. H., Adelphian Academy, Holly, Mich. Simpson, P. K. (1), S. D. A.• Mission, Hapur, U. P., India. Sims. 0. G., Route 3, Box 8, Chico, Calif. Singh, Isher (1), 17 Abbott Road, eknow, India. Singh, Jonas (1), S. D. A. Mission, Gopalgunj, Faridpur Dist., East Bengal, India. Singh, N. B. (1), Suva Von, Suva, Fiji, Pacific Ocean. Singh, Robin, S. D. A. Mission, Hapur, U. P., India. Singleton, H. D. (1), 1010 West Eleventh St., Chattanooga, Tenn. Sinz, K.,. Hinterm Bahnhof 10, Niiremberg, Bavaria, Germany. Sittner, F., Calle Llavallol 2175, Florida, F. C. C. A., Buenos • Aires, Argentina, South America. MINISTERIAL DIRECTORY Skau, 0. A., 10 Cunningham Road, Bangalore, India (on furlough). Skeels, A. J. (1), 604 Connaught Bldg., Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada. Skinner, G. H., Loma Linda, Calif. Skinner, L. A. (1), Box 584, Arlington, Calif. Skinner, L. L., (1), 2119 24th Ave., North, Nashville, Tenn. Skujin, A. (1), Cakstes bulvari Nr. 3, dz. 6, Jelgava, Latvia. Skyllstad, R. J. (1), Nordregate 8, Nidaros, Norway. Slade, E. K., South Lancaster, Mass. Slankamenac, N., Prest. Petra 39, Skop1je, Jugoslavia. Smart, A., " Tereora," The Boulevarde, Strathfield, New South Wales, Australia. Smith, C. D., Box 719, Boise, Idaho. Smith, C. E. (1), Box 205, Knoxville, Tenn. Smith, C. H. (1), 1488.Pure Oil Bldg., 35 E. Wacker Drive, Chicago, Ill. Smith, C. 0., College Heights, via Lacombe, Alberta, Canada. Smith, C. R. (1), 233 North Kendall St., Battle Creek, Mich. Smith, Floyd W., 17 Abbott Road, Lucknow, India. Smith, G. A. E., 112 Tower St., Kingston, Jamaica, British West Indies. Smith, G. H., Drawer C, Berrien Springs, Mich. Smith, Geo. H., Faribault, Minn. Smith, J. D., 705 South Gallatin St., Jackson, Miss. Smith, J. H., New Market, Va. Smith, J. J., Box M, Cristobal, Canal Zone. Smith, J. L. (1), Gordon Ave., Hamilton (P. 0. Box 27), N. S. W., Australia. Smith, M. B. C., 84 Jervois Road, Auckland, New Zealand. Smith, N. B. (I), 215 North McDowell St., Charlotte, N. C. Smith, R. W., Route A, Box 89, Lemoore, Calif. Smith, W. D., Atchin, New Hebrides, Pacific Ocean. 441 Smith, W. I., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Smith, W. J., 27 Prospect Terrace, Prospect, South Australia, Australia. Smith, W. K., 5319 Northland Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Smith, W. R., Box 110, College Place, Wash. Smith, W. S. (1), Musofu Mission, Private Bag, Ndola, Northern Rhodesia, Africa. Smith, W. T. (1), 601 Broadway, Dyersburg, Tenn. Smithwick, R. A., College Place, Wash. Smouse, A. R. (1), 1854 Roblyn Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Snider, J. D. (1), 432 South Fellows St., South Bend, Ind. Snipes, Oscar (1), 135 Hathaway Road, New Bedford, Mass. Snow, C. M., Warburton, Victoria, Australia. Snyder, G. A., Glendale Sanitarium, Glendale, Calif. Sohlmann, K., Fabian utca 5, Miskolc, Hungary. Tunnelgatan 25, StockSoisalo, holm, Sweden. Soloniuk, George, 306 • Sherbrooke Ave., Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. Soper, G. R. (1), Box 719, Boise, Idaho. Sopha, B., Box 47, Fort Jameson, Northeast Rhodesia, Africa. Sorensen, C. P. (1), 411 Cedar St., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Sorenson, C. M., Berrien Springs, Mich. Sorenson, M. J., S. D. A. Mission, P. 0. Box 145, Addis Ababa, Abyssinia. Spalding, A. W., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Sparrow, C. E. (1), Box 78, Gwelo, Southern Rhodesia, Africa. Sparrow, H. M., Box 4, Gwelo, Southern Rhodesia, Africa. Spear, B. R., Box 1359, Phoenix, Ariz. 442 MINISTERIAL DIRECTORY Spearing, F. A., Eagle House, 395 Holloway Road, London, N. 7, England. Speck, A. E., " Mizpah," Wahroonga, N. S. \V., Australia. Spencer, R. M., Lambs Creek, Pa. Speranza, Vincenzo (1), Via Trieste 17, Florence, Italy. Spicer, Joseph (1), 6701 Woodside Ave., Woodside, Long Island, N.Y. Spicer, W. A., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Spies, F. W., Estacao de Sao Bernardo, Sao Paulo, Brazil, South America. Spies, Geo. W., Box 2664, Fort Myers, Fla. Spiess, F. E. (1), Box 15, Poona, India. Spire, B. W., care Hospital, Murray, Ky. Sprengel, H. (I), "Mizpah," Wahroonga, N. S. W., Australia. Spring, L. A., Box 517, Mt. Vernon, Ohio. Sproge, A., Ikidzu Mission, P. 0. Musonia, Tanganyika Territory, East Africa. Stacey, G. E. (1), Casilla 355, La South America. Paz, Stacey, Harry (1), "Mizpah," Wahroonga, N. S. W., Australia. Stafford, Pearl (1), 734 Sandy Blvd., Portland, Oreg. Stahl, F. A., Casilla 161, Iquitos, Peru, South America. Stahlberg, T., Annegatan 7, Helsingfors, Finland. Staines, 0. R., Loma Linda, Calif. Stammberger, A. (I), 32 Eschenheimer Anlage, Frankfurt-Main, Germany. Stanescu, G., Str. Basota Nr. 2, Jasi, Rumania. Stanescu, I. (1), Strada Popa Tatu 38, Bukharest II, Rumania. Stanley, P. G., Drawer 586, Watertown, S. Dak. Staples, A. W., Box 6154, Johannesburg, Transvaal, South Africa. Starr, G. B., Box 253, Loma Linda, Calif. Staton, J. R., Drawer 586, Watertown, S. Dak. Staubert, 0., Oststrasse 103 I, Bielefeld, Germany. Staubert, P., Adlerstr. 70, Diisseldorf, Germany. Stauffer, R. B., Box 584, Arlington, Calif. Stebbeds, F., Clearwater Lake, Wis. Steed, J. E., Gordon Ave., Hamilton (P. 0. Box 27), N. S. W., Australia. Steed, H. R. (1), Suva Vou, Suva, Fiji, Pacific Ocean. Steele, Wm., 133 Lenox Avenue, New York, N. Y. Steen, T. W., Broadview College, La Grange, Ill. Steeves, J. M. (1), S. D. A. Mission, Hapur, U. P., India. Stef5nescu St. (1), Strada Popa Tatu 38; Bukharest II, Rumania. Steffen, W. G. (1), care Hasso Bros., Baghdad, Irak. Stein, R., Lange Laube 29, I., Hanover, Germany. Steinert, A. G., College Place, Wash. Stinessen, Elmar (1), Nordregate 8, Nidaros, Norway. Steinmeier, W., Strada Clemenceau 5/a, Cluj, Rumania. Stene, L. J, Akersgaten 74, Oslo, Norway. Stephenson, C. B., Brooker, Fla. Sterling, G. L., Papeete, Tahiti, Society Islands, Pacific Ocean. Steudel, K., Grindelberg 11, Hamburg 13, Germany. Stevens, C. F., 3221 62d St., S. E., Portland, Oreg. Stevens, F. H., Box 372, Orlando, Fla. Stevens, G. A., 331 West Doran St., Glendale, Calif. Stevens. H. U., Union College. College View Station, Lincoln, Nebr. Stevens, J. A., Takorna Park, Washington, D. C. Stevens, J. C., 299 West Van Buren St., Battle Creek, Mich. Stevens, 0. B. (1), Bin 7, Lodi, Calif. MINISTERIAL DIRECTORY Stevens, W. H. (1), " Tereora," The Boulevarde, Strathfield, N. S. W., Australia. Stevenson, S. J. (1), Box 378, Port Elizabeth, Cape Province, South Africa. Steward, W. W., College Place, Wash. Stewart, A. G., " Mizpah," Wahroonga, New South Wales, Australia. Stewart, G. G., 8 Yarra St., Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia. Stewart, J. S., 37 O'Connell Terrace, Bowen Hills, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. Stewart, R. E.,Apartado 210, Santa Clara, uba. Stipeck, E. J. (1), 507 Flower Ave., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Stirling, J. C. (1), 84 Jervois Road, Auckland, New Zealand. St. John, M. H., 36 Hollywood Ave., East Orange, N. J. Stocker, P., Koblenzerstrasse 3, Berlin-Wilmersdorf, Germany. Stockhausen, A. C., 112 Tower St., • Kingston, Jamaica, British West Ind i os. Stockil, F. R., "Stanhope," P. 0. Fort Victoria, Southern Rhodesia, Africa. • Stoehr, H. G., Caixa Postal . 3941, Victoria, Estado do Espirito Santo, Brazil, South Arri4rica. Stoics, T. (1), Fabian-utca 5, Miskolc, Hungary. Stokes, F. (1), S. D. A. Mission, Box 208, KumaSi, Gold Coast, West Africa. Steltenberg, H., Kriimpferstr. 63 II., Erfurt, Germany. Stone, C. L., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Storch, Gustavo, Caixa Postal 378, Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil, South Anierica. Storey, A. B. B., Box 372, Orlando, Fla. Storing, E. W. (1), 917 South. Presa St., San Antonio, Tex. Stotz, J; C., Drawer 586, Watertown, S. Dak. 443 Strachan, M. C., 2001 24th Ave., North, Nashville, Tenn. Strahle, J. J., 41 Manor Gardens, Edgware, Middlesex, England. Straight, G. H. (1), Bethel Academy, Arpin. Wis. Strange, J. F. (1), Atchin, New Hebrides, Pacific Ocean. Stratford, S. V. (1), " Mizpah," wahroonga, N. S. W., Australia. Stratton, F. E., Box 719, Boise, Idaho. Straw, W. E., Madison, Tenn. Stray, F. W., Box 88, Moncton, New Brunswick. Streeter, E. R. (1), 17 Abbott Road, Lucknow, India. Streeter, H. S. () , Gordon Ave., Hamilton (P. 0. Box 27), N. S. W., Australia. Striethorst, G., Caixa Postal H, Curityba, Parana, Brazil, South ,America. Strickland, R. G., Box 205, Knoxville, Tenn. Strickland, W. E., Lowanho, Yencheng, Honan. China. Striplin, C. D., Box 584, Arlington, Calif. Strohl, W., Zemaieiu g-ve 36, Kaunas, Lithuania. Struve, H., Calle Consejo de Ciento 370 pral, Barcelona, Spain. Stueckrath, M., 616 South Second St., Clinton, Mo. Stuivenga, J. H. (1), Advent Zendingso•enootschap in N. 0. I., Dis6 trict Padang, Zeestraat 8, Padang, Sumatra, Netherlands East Indies. Stump, L. M. (1), Box 813, Manila, Philippine Islands. Sturdevant, M. C., 326 Nebraska St.,• Ottawa, Ill. Sturgeon, D. F., Gen. Del., Enid, Okla. H., S'onga Mission, Sturges, Dr. P. 0. Kamina, Belgian Congo, Central Africa,. Sturzenegger, K., Stampfenbachstrasse 85, Zririch, Switzerland. Stuyvesant, J. B., Alpine, Calif. Su, Dien Ching, Lowanho, Yencheng, Honan, China. 444 • MINISTERIAL DIRECTORY Succar, 0. A. (1), Calle Consejo de Ciento 370 pral, Barcelona, Spain. Sudareff, P. V. (1), Box 20, New Town, Harbin, Manchuria, China.. Suessmann, Alfredo, Caixa Postal H, Curityba, Parana, Brazil, South America. Sulzle. C., Startup, Wash. Summerville, T. M., 285 East 13th St., Holland, Mich. Surber, W. F. (1), 2122 West Douglas St., Wichita, Kans. Sutherland, Dr. E. A., Madison, Tenn. Sutta, K., Rigas ielii 32, Cesis, Latvia. Sutton, C. B., Box 123, Belize, British Honduras. Sutton, N. T., 2436 Eighth St., Boulder, Colo. Svenson, R. (I), Annegatan 7, Helsingfors, Finland. Swanson, E. H.. 219 Wilkinson Ave., Jersey City. N. .1. Sweany, W. A., Box 768, Red Bluff, Calif. Sweet, J. S. (1), 27 Prospect Terrace, Prospect, South Australia, Australia. Swen, Tsung Gwang, 21 Gao Lou Men, Nanking, Kiangsu, China. Swenson, Carl. 26 Dodge Ave., Worcester. Mass. Swenson, J. A., 2208 17th Ave., Rockford, Ill. Swinson, Swin, Route 2, Box 436, Fresno, Calif. Symons, J. E., Shiloh Mission, P. 0. Lunsklip, Northern Transvaal, South Africa. Sype, R. J., Box 356, Nassau, Ba-. ha m a s. T AGGART, C. L., Box 774, Mo- a desto, Tait, A. 0.. Mountain View, Calif. Tan, K. 0., Box 310, Hongkong, China. Taphouse, Jas., 580 Harrison St., Sebastopol, Calif. Tapping, A. G. (1), Stanborough Park, Watford, Herts, England. Tarr, A. F. (1), Box 468, Bloemfontein, 0. F. S., South Africa. Tarr, A. P., Bethel Mission, Butterworth, Cape, South Africa. Tarr, D. F., "Virginia," cor. Pierce and Castle Sts., Berea, East London, C. P., South Africa. Tarr, E. L. (I), P. 0. Chintechi, Nyasaland, British Central Africa. Tarr, E. V. (I), Box 78, Gwelo, Southern Rhodesia, Africa. Tarr, W. C., 37 National Mutual Bldgs., Rissik St., Johannesburg, Transvaal, South Africa. Taylor, C. L., 370 Norton St., New Haven, Conn. Taylor, C. U., Box 188, Clovis, N. Mex. Taylor, 0. B. (1), Colegio Adventista, Santo Amaro, Silo Paulo, Brazil, South America. Taylor, G. E. (I), Box 1284, Billings, Mont. Taylor, H. B., 521 State St., Saginaw, Mich. Taylor, H. F., 547 Cherokee Ave., S. E., Atlanta, Ga. Taylor, J. I., 78 North County Line Road, Hinsdale, Ill. Taylor, W. B. (1), Angwin, Napa Co., Calif. Teesdale, W. H. (1), Angwin, Napa Co., Calif. Terry, L. W., Appleton City, Mo. Teters, D. S. (1), Bryan, Ohio. Thalmann, W., Ostbahnstrasse 9 T., Dresden-A., Germany. Theiss, G. F., Haeweg 17, Berne, Switzerland. Theodore, Antoine, Box 28, Cape Haitien, Haiti, West Indies. Theunissen, D. C., Box 378, Port Elizabeth, Cape, South Africa. Thiel, L. F. (1), Oakwood Jr. College, Huntsville, Ala. Thiele, E. R., 25 Ningkuo Road, Shanghai, China. Thiele. K., " Adventhaus." Hans Sachsstrasse 9, Chemnitz, Germany. Thirlwell, T. W., 1455 Seventh St., Parkersburg, W. Va. Thomann, E. W., Calle Esteban Echeverria 1436, Florida, F. C. C. A., Buenos Aires, Argentina, South America. MixisTER [Ai. DIRECTORY Thomann, V. E., Calle Esteban Echeverria 1436, Florida, F. C. C. A., Buenos Aires, Argentina, South America. Thomas. A., Solunska 49, Sofia, Bulgaria. Thomas, E. D., 10 Cunningham Road, Bangalore, India. Thomas, H. B. (1), Box 584, Arlington, Calif. Thomas, J. G., 717 First Nat'l Bank Bldg., Chattanooga, Tenn. Thomas, John (1), Mwanza, Nyasa • land, British Central Africa. Thomas, P. V., S. D. A. Mission, Nanning, Kwangsi, China. Thomas, S. (1), 6 Royal Road, Trichinopoly, South India. Thomas, Samuel (1), Caixa Postal 3941, Victoria, Estado do Espirito Santo, Brazil, Soutn America. Thomason, Geo., M. D., 317 Hollingsworth Bldg., Los Angeles, Calif. Thompson, B. L. (1), Casilla 1003, Lima, Peru, South America. Thompson, Chas., 2718 Third Ave.. south. Minneapolis, Minn. Thompson, F. E., Private Bag, Ladysmith, Natal, South Africa. Thompson, G. A., 2208 North Alder St., Tacoma, h. as Thompson, H. G., Box 1304, Fresno, Calif. Thompson, F. S. (1), 1488 Pure Oil Bldg., 35 East Wacker Drive, Chicago, Ill. Thompson, J., " Tereora," The Boulevarde, Strathfield, N. S. W., Australia. Thompson. J. C., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Thompson,J. T., Casilla 1002, Lima, Pr u, South America. Thompson, Luzerne, Gen. Del., Glendale, Calif. Thompson, P. L., Union College, College View Station, Lincoln, Nebr. Thompson, W. C., 817 Nora Ave., Spokane, Wash. Thorp, C. A. (1), Brookfield, Ill. 445 Thrift, R. A. (1), 361 Argyle St., Hobart, Tasmania. Thuemler, T. L., Star Route, Medford, Oreg. Thumwood, F. E. (I), 1574 Brunswick Ave., Trenton, N. J. Thurber, E. W., Apartado 261,•Barranquilla, Colombia; South America. Thurber, R. B., 2123 Twenty-fourth Ave., North, Nashville, Tenn. Thurston, S., care H. G. Thurston, Woodlake, Calif. Tibbets, B. V. (1), 452 Ralston' St., Reno, Nev. Tieche, M. (1), 6 Rue du Barbhtre, Rheims, Marne, France. Tikili, B., S. D. A. Mission, Box 2, Aba, South Nigeria, West Africa. Till, W. G. (1), S. D. A. Mission, Awtun, Offa P. 0., Nigeria, West Africa. Tillgren, J. A., Akersgaten 74, Oslo, Norway. Tilstra, K. (1), Advent Zendingsgenootschap in N. 0. I., District Ambon, Ambon, Molukken, Netherlands East Indies. Timpany, T. M. (1), Eagle House, 395 Holloway Road, London, N. 7, England. Tindall, J. H. N., Box 675, San Bruno, Calif. Tischler, I. (1), -Wybickiego 4, Poznan, Poland. Tobiassen, Chr., Suomisvej 5. Copenhagen. V.. Denmark. Tobiassen, T., Akers!,aten 74. Oslo (Christiania). Norway. Tobler, G. (1), Stampfenbachstr. 85, Zifrich; Switzerland. Todd, J. (1), 27 Prospect Terrace, Prospect, South Australia, Australia. Toke, Po (1), 30 Voyle Road, Cantt., Rangoon, Burma. Tolan, V. (1), Strada Popa Tatu 38, Bukharest II, Rumania. Tolhurst, H. L., Nukualofa, Tonga. Friendly Islands, Pacific Ocean. Tolici, C., Mission Adventiste, Ankadaifotsy, Tananarive, Madagascar. 446 MINISTERIAL DIRECTORY T6ltesi, Jozsef (1), Strada Clemenceau 5/a, Cluj, Rumania. Toma, I., Strada Popa' Tatu 38, Bukharest II, Rumania. . Tonge, Dr. A. N., Grove Ave., Claremont, Cape, South Africa. Tonks, S. F., Eagle 'HoUse, 395 Holloway Road, London, N. • 7, England. Toppenberg, V. E., Kampala, Uganda, East Africa. Ton-es, Antonio, Aldama No. 83, Saltillo, Coah., Mexico. Tonts, Andres (I), Box 3005, Santurce, Porto Rico. Tortal, Conrado (1), Box 271, Iloilo, Philippine Islands. Town, N. Z. Calle Esteban Echeverria 1436, Florida, F. C. C. A., Buenos Aires, Argentina, South America. Townsend, V. C., 55 South Main • St., Rochester, N. H. Trascii, C. (1), Strada Popa Tatu 38, Bukharest II, Rumania. Tribbensee, W., Barnimstrasse 10 I., Stettin i/Pr., Germany. Trifunac, M. (1), Rankeova 14, II, Belgrade, Jugoslovia. Trotter, 0. J. (1), 4215 Marshal] St., Little Rock, Ark. Troy, 0. A., 2790 Grant St., Berkeley, Calif. Truesdell, G. A., 772 Downington Ave., Salt Lake City, Utah. Truitt, E. G. (1), Bin 7, Lodi, Calif. Truman, A. W., M. D., Sanitarium, Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Trummer, E. M., Apartado 39, Medellin, Colombia, South America. Tshi, Tsok Phien, S. D. A. Mission, Waichow, Kwangtung, China. Tso, C. N., S. D. A. Mission, Tungshan, Canton, China. Tsukudu, H. R. S. (I), 37 National Mutual Bldgs., Rissik St., Johannesburg, Transvaal, South Af-• rica. Tucker, J. A., Oakwood Junior College, Huntsville, Ala. Tucker, J. L., Delta, Colo. Tucker, M. V. (1), Florida, F. C. C. A., Buenos Aires, Argentina, South America. Tulaszewski, K., S. D. A. Mission, Av'enue Roudaki- 8, Teheran, Persia. Tupper, L. E., 1418 South Cherry St., Port -Angeles, Wash. Turk, D. G., 857 Chenango St., Binghamton, N. Y. Turner, J. C. (1), Goldsberry, Mo. Turner, J. W., Box 1284, Billings, Mont. Turner, W. G., "Mizpah, Wahroonga, N. S. W., Australia. Tutty, R. Marovo Lagoon, via Tulagi, Solomon Islands, • Pacific Ocean. Twijnstra, H.-, Advent Zendingsgenootschap in N. 0.1., Afdeeling 'West Java, Naripan 72, Bandoeng, Java, Netherlands East Indies. Tzoh, Tze Ih, S. D. A. Mission; 2 Tung Wan Ni Hong, Nanchang, Kiangsi, China. U CHTMAN, W. R., 56 Worcester St., Boston, Mass. Udbjorg, Oscar (1), Akersgaten 74, Oslo, Norway. Underwood, R. A., Loma Linda, Calif. Unruh, T. E. (1), 280 North Kendall St., Battle Creek, Mich. Urquhart, E. J., S. D. A. Mission, Outside East Gate, Seoul, Chosen (Korea). 'T AIL, W. R., Box 250, Elizabethville, Belgian Congo, Central Africa. Valen, T. S., Akersgaten 74, Oslo, Norway. Valdes, Moises (1), Box 261, Barranquilla, Colombia, South America. Valdez, J. A. (1), Rosales, Pangasinan, Philippine Islands. Valera, Emilio 1st, Rosales, Pangansinan, Philippine' Islands. Valera, Manuel (1), Rosales, Pangansinan, Philippine Islands. MINISTERIAL DIRECTORY Vandeman, H. A., 718 Tilghman St., Allentown, Pa. Van de Merwe, John, Box 101, Mafeking, C. P., South Africa. Van Gulick, C. E., Route 2, Staatsburg, N. Y. Van Kirk, M. B., 519 Terminal Bldg., Oklahoma City, Okla. Van Landingham, P. E. (1), 917 South Presa St., San Antonio, Tex. Van P'utten, C. G., Box 95, Castries, St. Lucia, British West Indies. Varga, G. (1), 336 East 77th St., New York, N. Y. Varmer, Axel, Suomisvej 5, Copenhagen, V., Denmark. Vaucher, A., Seminaire Adventiste du Saleve, Collonges sous Saleve, Haute Savoie, France. Veiga, Jos6. (1), Apartado 210, Santa Clara, Cuba. Venden, D. E., 734 Sandy Blvd., Portland, Oreg. Venden, M. L. (1), Route 2, Box 22, Hood River, Oreg. Venen, W. J., M. D., 615 North Seventeenth St., Harrisburg, Pa. Venter, P. A., Jr., Box 6154, Johannesburg, Transvaal, South Africa. Veuthey, E. (1), Mission Adventiste, Boulevard Joffre, Casablanca, Morocco. Videto, W. E., 297 Champion St., Battle Creek, Mich. Vietze, B., Demantiusstr. 10, Reichenberg, Czechoslovakia. Vilba, J. (1), Merepeuiestee 14-a, Tallinna, Estonia. Vitrano, J., 619 South Ashland ve., Coicago, Ill. Vixie, L. A. (1), Grove Ave., Claremont, Cape, South Africa. Vixie, P. M. (1), 1115 West Charles St., Grand Island, Nebr. Voigt, M., Bisinger-Setany 10, fsz 3, Gyiir, Hungary. Voinea, N. (1), Strada Basota 2, Jasi, Rumania. -Vollmer, H. W., M. D., Sanitarium, Napa Co., Calif. 447 Vore, G. T., 305 Lyell St., Monte Vista, Colo. Vories, C. L., 707 Mill St., Merrill, `Wis. Voorthuis, F. J. (1), Lange Beestenmarkt 102, The Hague, Hol• land. Voorthuis, P., Lange Beestenmarkt 102, The Hague, Holland. Vosa, M. (1), Suva Vou, Suva, Fiji, Pacific Ocean. Votaw, H. H., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Votaw, W. B. (1), S. D. A. Mission, Lohardaga, Ranchi Dist., India. Voth, Bernard, Enid, Okla. Voth, C. C., Box 1077, Oklahoma City, Okla. Voth, David, 1801 Orchard Ave.. Glendale, Cal. Vuilleumier, J., Dammarie-les-Lys, S. et Marne, France. A., Kaiser WilW ACHHOLZ, helmPlatz 46, Cottbus, Germany. Wagner, B. E., 519 Terminal Bldg., Oklahoma City, Okla. Wagner, F. D., Pickabo, Idaho. Wagner, Jacob (1), Casilla 85, Puno, Peru, South America. Wagner, J. H. (1), 310 McGee St., Memphis, Tenn. Wakeham, W. H., Berrien Springs, Mich. Waldo, H. P., 53 North Hinman Ave., Battle Creek, Mich. Waldorf, N. J., Box 1100, Orlando, Fla. Walgren, C. A., 1252 Prairie St., Beaumont, Tex. Walker, Allen, Box 317, Clanton, Ala. Walker, A. G., 2610 Nob Hill Ave., Seattle, Wash. Walker, H. W., 607 James St., Utica, N. Y. Walker, 'W. W. (1), Box 317, Clanton, Ala. Wall, D. N., Strada Labirint 116, Bukharest 4, Rumania. Wallace, H. L., Bin 8, Lodi, Calif. 448 :MINISTERIAL DIRECTORY Wallenkampf, J., Tunnelgataii 25, Stockholm, Sweden, Wallenstern, A. v., Hinterm Bahnhof 30, Miremberg, Bavaria, Germany. Waller, E. C. (1), care Pisgah Institute, Candler, N. C. Walsh, R. E. (1), 3 Awde St., Toronto 4, Ontario, Canada. Walston, W. C., 338a Moore Road, Durban, Natal, South Africa. Walter, A., Hubenstrasse 64, II., Breslau 23, Germany. Wang, A. H., S. D. A. Mission, Chungking, Szechwan, China. Wang, Deh Dzi, S. D. A. Mission, The Island, Changsha, Hunan, China. Wang, Ging Bo, Lowanho, Yencheng, Honan, China. Wang, H. Y., S. I). A. Mission, .62 '1'a Fang Chia Hutung, Peiping, China. Ward, A. V. (1), 22 Zulla Road, Magdala Road, Nottingham, England. Warland, E. R., P. 0. Kisii, Kenya Colony, East Africa. • Warner, Thomas, Box 66, Port of Spain, Trinidad, British • West Indies. Warnick, R. F. (1), 195 North Monroe St., Columbus, Ohio. Warren, Luther, Paradise Valley Sanitarium, National City, Cal. Warren, M. C.. S. D. A. Mission, Chungking, Szechwan, China. Wasenmiller, J. A., Box 1077, Oklahoma City, Okla. Washburn, H. A., Route 1, St. Helena, Calif. Washburn, J. S., 507 Flower Ave., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Wasidlow, M. (1), Lipowa 10, Bydgoszcz, Poland. Wasli, A., Suomisvej 5, Copenhagen, V., Denmark. Watanabe, Y., Box 7, Yodobashi, P. 0., Tokyo, Japan. Watkins, A. K.,- 2900 Live Oak St., Dallas, Tex. Watson, A., Box 127, Nakuru, Kenya. Colony, East Africa. • Watson, C. 111., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Watson, G. F., 1008 North Hembree bt.,- McMinnville, Oreg. Watson, L. A. (1), Eagle House, 295 Holloway Road, London, N. 7, England. Watson, S., 47 Hay St., Subiaco, Perth, West Australia, Australia. Watts, R. S. (1), S. D. A. MiSsion, Soonan, Chosen. Watts, V. B., Box 205, Knoxville, Tenn. Watty, H., Adlerstr. 70, Dilsseldorf, Germany,. Weaks, C. E., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. \Vearner, A. G., 1145 Neland Ave., S. E., Grand Rapids, Mich. \Vearner, A. J., Sanitarium, Napa Co., Calif. Weaver, E. P. (1), 1488 Pure Oil 131dg., 35 East Wacker Drive, Chicago, Ill. Weaver, H. E. (1), 2610 Nob Hill Ave., Seattle, Wash. Weaver, J. E. (1), Box 598, Walla Walla, Wash. Weaver, W. T. (1), 35 East Wacker Drive, Chicago, Ill. Webb, A.. E., 6403 Van Court, Detroit, Mich. Weber, C. • W., 225 Michigan St., Mt. Oliver Station, Pittsburgh, Pa. Weber, Ich., Stnada Clemenceau 5/a, Cluj, Rumania. Weber, L. D. (1), 814 West Robinson St., Carson City, Nev. Weber, S. C., Calle Gra]. Paz 1071, Tucuman, Argentina, South America. Webster, C. C., R. F. D. 3, Wellington, Ohio. Webster, C. R., 1112 Keeaumoku St., Honolulu, Hawaii. 'Webster, D. A. (1), Box 573, Bulawayo, Southern Rhodesia, Africa, Webster. B. W.. 105 North Chester Ave., Pasadena, Calif. Webster, F. C., 1715 Cass St., . Nashville, Tenn. • MINISTERIAL DIRECTORY Webster, M. M4 -Box 51, Blantyre, Nyasaland, British Central Af' rica. Wegner, A., Pelzgasse '2-10, Vienna XV, Austria. . Weidner, J. H., Seminaire Adventiste du Saleve,. Collonges .Sous Saleve, Haute Savoie, France. Weil, A. H. (1), Atchin, New Hato= rides, Pacific Ocean. Weinand, P., Pelzgasse. 2-10, Vienna XV; Austria. . Weinert, A., Pelzgasse 2-10,.Vienna XV, Austria. Weinmann, F., Krampferstr, 63. II., Erfurt. Germany. Weiss, Enrique (1), Calle Cervantes 144, Parana, Entre Rios, Argentina, South America. Welch, C. E. (I), care Sanitarium, Mt. Vernon, Ohio. Welch, Howard (1), Shelton Academy, Shelton, Nebr. Weller, 0. C. (1), 3256 German. town Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. • Wellman; A. F. (1),.554 Spring St., . Aurora, Ill. Wellman, D. E., Route 2, Box 52, Santa Cruz, Calif. Wellman, S. A., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Wells, F. D., 55 South Main St., Rochester, N. H. Wells, G. W., Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Weniger, C. E. (1), Washington Missionary College, Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Wennerberg, A. W., 513 Miriam Ave., Rockford, Ill. Wensell, Neils (1), San Martin 1472, Corrientes, Argentina, South America. Wentland, H. (1), Box 1491; Jamestown, N. Dak. Wentland, M. H., Stredni ul. 10, Brno, Czechoslovakia. Wentland, R. H., 94 Rue de Massiges, Saigon, French Indo-China.. Wentland, R. W. (1), Ogalalla, Nebr. Were, L. F., S Yarra St., Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia. 15 449 Werline., A. NV: (I), Washington . Missionary :. College, Takoma Park, Washington; D. C. \Verner, D. G., South Lancaster, Mass. Werner, R.. • Hasenbergstr. 75; Stuttgart, Germany. . West, G. L., R. F. D. 5, Mt. Vernon, Ohio. West, G. R., 3219 Norton St., Kansas City, Mo.. West, J. B., Eagle House, 395 Holloway Road, London, N. 7, England. Westbrook, T. B., Box 630, Eugene, Oreg. Westcott, H. B., Caixa Postal 2898, . ' Capital, SAO Paulo, Estado do Sao Paulo, Brazil, South Amer. ica. Westhofer, B., Adventhaus, HansSachsstraSse -9, Chemnitz, Germany. Westerhout, W. A., 537 25th St., Oakland, Calif. Westinan, G. E., Suomisvej 5, Copenhagen, V., Denmark. Westerman; W. .3., " Mizpah," Wahroonga, New South Wales, Australia. Westermeyer, H. E., R. F. D. 2, Gaston, Oreg. Westermeyer, W. H.., 309 West 36th St., Savannah, Ga. Westphal, A. L., Caixa Postal 106, Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, South America. Westphal, Carl E., M. D., Puiggari. F. C. E., Entre Rios, Argentina, South America. Westphal, Chester E. (1), Alturas, Calif. Westphal, F. H., Box 146, Glendale, Calif. Westphal, H. J., Casilla 1002, Lima, Peru, South America. Westphal, J. W., Apartado 4078, Madrid, Spain. Westworth, Wm. A., 2002 North Delaware St., Indianapolis, Ind. Wheeler, C. E. (1), Box 104, Livingstone, Northern Rhodesia, Africa. 450 MINISTERIAL DIRECTORY Wheeler, G. A. 11563 Ohio St., West Los Angeles Station, Los Angeles, Calif. Wheeler, J. H., Marsland, Nebr. • Wheeler, L. S., Wheelerville, Pa. Whelpley, J. E., Union Springs, N. Y. White; A. H., " Tereora," The Boulevarde, Strathfield, N. S. W., ' Austral hi, White, B. J.,. 207 East Ewing Ave., South Bend, Ind: White, C. L., Washington Sanitarium, Takonia Park, Washington, D. C. , White, D. R.., S. D. A. Mission, Yurinanfu, Yunnan, China. White, Stemple, 2900 Live Oak St., Dallas, Tex. White, S. G., Box 325, Station H, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. White, W. B., 706 South Main St., Charlotte, Mich. White, W. C., R.- F. D. 1, St. Helena, Calif. White, W. H., Route 1, Grand Valley, Colo. White, W. W. (1), 5200 Court Place, C. P., Birmingham, Ala. Whitehead, E. R., " Tereora," The Boulevarde, Strathfield, N. S. W., Australia. Whiteside, R., 22 Zulla Road, Magdala Road, Nottingham, England. Whittaker, E. 0., 8 Yarra St., Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia. Wibbens, Jacob, 11 Rue Ernest Allard, Brussels, Belgium. Wicks, H. B. P., Box 16, Rarotonga, Cook Islands, Pacific Ocean. Widgery, E. C., Drawer 1100, Orlando, Fla. Wiedemann, M. F., Box 813, Manila, Philippine Islands. Wierts, J. H., 2819 Frederick Ave., Baltimore, Md. Wiest, C. S., Box 605, Topeka, Fans. Wiggins, F. R., 1807 Morton Ave., Elkhart, Ind. Wight, S. E., 120 Madison Ave., S. E., Grand Rapids, Mich. • NViik, T. F. (1), 1912 West Third St., Duluth, Minn. Wilbur, J. M., Drawer C, Berrien Spiinos, Mich. Wilcox,C. C. Box 719, Boise, Idaho. Wilcox, E. H., Rua Lopes Trovao 88, Nictherdly,. Estado do Rio, Brazil, South - America. Wilcox, , F. M., Takonia Park; Washington, D. C: Wilcox, L. C., S. D. A. Missibn, Tungshan, Canton, 'China: Wilcox, ' M: C., Mountain View, Calif. Wilfarth; R. J., Rua Maia Lacerda 46, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, South America. Wilkins, E. (I), Route 1, Box 88, Montgomery, Ala. Wilkinson, B. G., 7120 Piney Branch Road, Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Wilkinson, G. L., S. D. A. Mission, . . Wencho w, Chekiang, China. Wilkinson, L. V. (1), Suva Vou, Suva, Fiji, Pacific Ocean. Will, Th., Lipowa 10, Bydgoszcz, Poland. Willess, N. V.,.917 West Main St., Ardmore, Okla. Willi, 1-I., Stampfenbachstr. 85, Zfirich, Switzerland. Williams, A. H., 17 Abbott Road, Lucknow, India. Williams, B. F., 703 Second St., Jackson, Mich. Williams, C. D. M., Box 294, Glendale, Ariz. Williams, Hugh, 2401 North Fifth St., Milwaukee, WiS. Williams, H. N., Box 106, St. John's, Newfoundland. Williams, 1. N., 18 Green St.. Fredonia, N. Y. Williams, J. N., Apartado 210, Santa • Clara, Cuba. Williams, P. L. (1), Box .310, Hongkong, China. Williams, W. H. (1), Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Williams, W. W., 1757 N. W. 230 St., Miami, Fla. Willis, U. S., 267 94th St., Brooklyn, N. Y. MINISTERIAL DIRECTORY Willmore, G. L. (1), Private Bag, Livingstone, Northern Rhodesia, Africa. Willoughby, H. E., 817 Nora Ave., Spokane, Wash. Willmott, E. D., 6 Royal Road, Trichinopoly, South India. Wilson, C. K. (1), Box 512, Madison, Wis. Wilson, E. T., Box 188, Clovis, N. Mex. Wilson, F. E., 4117 •Bliss St., El Paso, Tex. Wilson, H., S. D. A. Mission, Waterloo, Sierra Leone, West Africa. Wilson, J. L., 1488 Pure Oil Bldg., 35 E. Wacker Drive, Chicago, Ill. Wilson, J. 0., 30 Voyle Road, • Cantt., Rangoon, Burma (on furlough). Wilson, J. V., Grove Ave., Claremont, Cape, South Africa. Wilson, M. L., 705, South Gallatin St., Jackson, Miss. Wilson, N. C., Box 468, Bloemfontein,' O. F. S., South Africa. Wilson, T. H., Oststr. 103, I., Bielefeld, Germany. Wineland, W. H. (1), Apartado 1059, San Jos6, Costa Rica, Central America. Winston, W. H., 82 Ashby St., S. W., Atlanta, Ga. Winter, H. J., 3711 , Fifteenth St., N. E., Seattle, Wash. Wipperman, R. P. (1) , 1488 Pure Oil Bldg., 35 East Wacker Drive, Chicago, Ill. Wm. G., 5447 El Verano Wirth, ' Ave., Eagle Rock, Calif. Wiseman, Henry (1), Box 66, Port of Spain, Trinidad, British West Indies. Wittig, H., Koblenzerstr. 3, BerlinWilinersdorf, Germany. Wolfe, E. W., Box 205, Knoxville, Tenn. Wolfe, 0. W., 101 Sixth Ave., S. E., Rochester, Minn. Wolfkill, G. F., 2226 Channing Way, Berkeley, Calif. Wong, S. L., S. D. A. Mission, Tungshan, Canton, China. 451 Woo; T. S., S. D. A. Mission, Tungshan, Canton, China. Wood, C. E., Box " 0)" 13lboa, Canal Zone. Wood, Chancy, 1455 Seventh St., Parkersburg, W. Va. Wood, D. P., 267-94th St; Brooklyn, N. Y. Wood, G. A., Advent Zendingsgenootschap in N. 0. I., Afdeeling Batakland, Sipogoe, via Sipirok, Sumatra, Netherlands East In"dies. Wood, H. L., Box :X, Ketchikan, Alaska. Wood, J. D., Box 66, Port of Spain, Trinidad, British West Indies: Wood, K. H., 299 Yu Yuen Road, Shanghai, China. Wood, L. G., Box 15, Poona, India. Wood, L. H., R M. C., Berrien Springs, Mich. Woodman, I. J., 734 Sandy Blvd.; Portland, Oreg. Woodruff, W. A. (1), 734 Sandy Blvd., Portland, Oreg. Woods, C. L. (1), Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. ' Woods, R. F. (1), 1715 Cass St., Nashville, Tenn. Woodward, C. N. (1), Keene, Tex. Woodward, H. G., Pattam, Tivandrum, Travancore, South India. Woolsey, C. A. (1), S. D. A. Mission, Chungking, Szechwan, China. worster, W. W. (1), 201 South Mission Drive, San Gabriel, Calif. Wortman, F. L., Lange Beestenmarkt 102, The Hague, Holland. Wortman, L. M. D. (1), Advent Zendingsgenootschap in N. 0. I., Hoof dkwar tier, Naripan 72, Bandoeng, Java, Netherlands East Indies. Wright, F. A., 511 East 22d St., Indianapolis, Ind. Wright, .T. F., Grove Ave., Claremont, Cape, South Africa. Wright, K. A. (1), 55 South Main St., Rochester, N. H. • 452 MINISTERIAL DIRECTORY Wrigley; C. A., 84 Jervois Road, Auckland, New Zealand. • Wrigley, E. G. (1), 55 South. Main St., Rochester, N. H. WU, D. C, 35 Range Road, Shanghai, China: Wu, Shou San, S.- D. A. Mission, The Island, Changsha,. Hunan, China. Wu, Tsung Shan, 21 Gao Loa Men, Nanking, Kiangsu, China. Wu, Tsieh Shan, S. D. A. Mission, Sianfu, Shensi, China. 8 Avenue de l'Eglise Anglaise, Lausanne, Switzerland. Wyman, C. A.,• Box 251, Route 1, • Auburn, Wash. Wyman, F. A., 30 Voyle Road, Cantt., Rangoon, Burma. (On furlough.) ANDREW, Leribe, X ABBA, Basutoland, South Africa. A% Xiba, Isaac, Solusi Mission, Bulawayo, Southern Rhodesia, Africa. VACOUB, Nashed, Advent Villa, Mataria, Cairo, Egypt. Yakovenko, A. G. (1), 3256 Germantown Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. Yakovenko, P. G., 604 Conn4ught Bldg., Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada. Yakush, Andrew, 507 18th Ave., Newark, N. J. Yeh, Kwen Gan (I), 25 Ningkuo Road, Shanghai, China. Yeretzian, Z. (1), Mission Adventiste, Nanga-Eboko, par Yaounde, Cameroon, West Africa. Yip, B., Box 66, Port of Spain, Trinidad, British West,Indies. Yorac, Mamerto, Box 583, Cebu, Cebu, Philippine Islands. Yost, F. H., Maplewood Academy, 'Hutchinson, Minn. Young, C. N. (1), 1215 Marshall St., Little Rock, Ark. Young,• F. 0/,' Stmnpville„ Calif. , - -/ Young, J. E. (1), Box_ 1359, Phoenix, Ariz. Young, M. M. .917 South Presa St., San Antonio, Tex. Young, W. C., 301 West Elm St.; Brockton, Mass. Young, W. J., Eagle House, 395 Holloway Road, London, N. .7, England.. • Youngberg, A. G., Drawer 586, Watertown, S. Dak. • Youtigberg, G. B., 399 -Upper Serangoon Road,' Singapore„:Straits Settlements. Yu, Wang Yao, S. D. A. Mission, The Island, Changsha., Hunan, China. T. D. (1), 1423 ZAHARIS, Fourth Ave., Oakland, Calif. Zarka, 1)., Szekely Bertalan utca 13, Budapest 6, Hungary. Zaynos, F. B. (1), 11 Pointe 1308, Puebla, Puebla, Mexico. 'Leiner, A., Margit Korut 58, I., 3, Budapest, II, Hungary. Zerne, Nils, Advent Villa, Mataria, Cairo, Egypt. Zettwoch, H. (1), Hasenbergstr. 75, Stuttgart, Germany. Zielinski, J. (1), Kamienica -272, Na Slask, Poland. Zielinski M., Tiergartenstrasse 23, Konigsberg ' i/Pr., Germany. Zimmermann, A. H., Advent Zendingsgenootschap in N. 0. I., Afdeeling Oost Java, Tandjoeng Anom 3, Soerabaia, Java, Netherlands East Indies. Zimmermann, H., Kriegsstr. 84, Karlsruhe-Baden, Germany. Zinove, Rad (1), Str. Olariu Ni. 12, Lugoj, Rumania. Ziprick, 0., 604 Connaught Bldg., Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada. OBITUARY RECORD FOR 1930 " They rest from their labors; and their works do follow them." H. K. Dirksen, in October, 1929; .Portland, Greg. Mrs. Carrie Moon, December 11, 1929; Medford, Oreg. Hans Marte, December 1S, 1929; Hamburg, Germany. . E. J. Van Horn, December 30, 1929; Mount Vernon, Ohio. A. D. Guthrie, January 0, 1930; Hillsboro, Oreg. 0. Kaphitz, January 15; Zehlendorf Sanilarium, Berlin, Germany. .1. W. Watt, January 17; Galion, Ohio. Mrs. J. Wintzen, January 18; Bonn, Rhineland, Germany. C. F. Ulrich, January 22; Baltimore, Md. S. E. Jackson, January 24; Glendale, Calif. C. D. Rhodes, February 2; Battle Creek, Mich. M. E. George, February 0; Loma Linda, Calif. W. A. Yount. February ,11; Lafayette, Ind. J. IV. Moore, February 13; 'Washington, D. C. W. J. Stone, February 18; Los Angeles, Calif. PauCDrinhaus, March 10; Berlin- Wilmersdorf, Germany. C. A. Winters, March 20; Orange, Calif. Mrs. E. M. Peebles, March 28; La Grange, Ill. Dr. P. S. Kellogg, April 2; Glendale, Calif. S. T. Jones, April 2; Trinidad, B. W. I. Oscar Hill, April 7; Milton, Oreg. G. M. Alway, April 8; Kansas City, Mo, F. E. Painter, May. 4; Glendale, Calif. -M. S. Reppe, May 13; Hutchinson, Minn. William Nichols, May 25,; .„ Walla Walla, Wash. G. E. Hollister, May '27; Hemet, Calif. • Helmut Undritz, May Si; Heydekrug, Lithuania. R. H. Coggeshall, June 4; Battle Creek, Mich. J. B. Clymer, Tune 4; Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Dr. A. S. Hickox, June 4; Oakland, Calif: Roy MacKenzie, - june 6; Battle Creek, 7slich. G. B. Thompson, June 21; Takoma • Park, Washington, D. C. Mrs. E. L. Neff, June 28; Glendale. Calif. Gerhard Perk, June 30; Pomerania, Germany. T. H. Starbuck, July 12; Portland, Oreg. D. S. 'Williams, July 26; Chiao Ton Djen, China. Kwang Yu Hwen, in August; Pichieli. West iweichow, China. Chun Clink Pin, in August; Nanning, Kwangsi, China. Sidney Brownsberger, August 13; Fletcher, N. C. C. P. Haskell, August 22; Artesia, Calif. Permane Rothrock, September 1; Breward, N. C. Clarence Santee, September 11; Loma Linda, Calif. Mrs. Myrtle Asay Hendy, September 17; Wrens, Ga. 453 454 OBITUARY RECORD Mrs. Almira Starbuck, October 5; Portland, Oreg, Victor Thompson, October 5; Loma Linda, Calif. Purdom Smailes, October 7; Cathcart, South Africa. J. W. Dorcas, October 13; Nevada, Iowa. A. J. Stone, October 21; Tacoma, Wash. Raymond Crawford, November 3; Loma Linda, Calif. Gussie Field-Colburn, November 5; Lima, Peru, South America. E. A. Mathwig, November 12; Ogden, Utah. Mrs. Rovilla M. Field, November 13; Lima, Peru, South America. H. L. Wallace, November 16; Lodi, Calif. George Mashwa, November 17; Mafeking, South Africa. Mrs. Gussie Booth, November 19; Philippine, Islands. F. Lang, November 23; Buresala, Ovalau, Fiji, Pacific Ocean. Mrs. J. W. Adams, November 30; Loma Linda, Calif. Dr. J. G. Smalley, December 7; Orlando, Fla. H. D. Greene, December 21; Chi-, cago, Lucinda Jobst, January 5; Moncton, New Brunswick. W. A. Wilcox, January 10; Union Springs, N. Y. C. H. Edwards, January 11; Loma Linda, Calif. J. T. Boettcher, January 15; Glendale, Calif. J. McAvoy, January 19, 1931; London, England. INDEX ABYSSINIA, Missions in 220, 221 277-318 Academies, Directories of 277 Adelphian Academy 136 Advent Mission Society 319 Advent Press (East Africa) 101 African Division 123 Institutions in Agona Training School 278 278 Aibonito Academy 88 Alabama Conference 62 Alaska Mission Alberta Conference 98 Algerian Mission 268 Alto Parana Mission 234 240 Amazon Mission of Peru 147 Ambon Mission Amoy Mission (See South Fukien Mission) 102 Angolo Union Mission Anhwei Junior Middle School 278 166 Anhwei Mission Antillian Union Mission 195 866, 367 Appropriations to Missions 319 Arabic Literature Society 137 Arabic Union Mission Arabic Union Mission Training 278 School 243 Araguaya Indian Mission 235-237 Argentine, Conferences in 278 Arizona Academy 71 Arizona Conference 93 Arkansas Conference 330 Atlanta Branch Publishing House 205 Atlantic Colombia Mission 278 Atlantic Union College 21 Atlantic Union Conference 28 Institutions in 279 Auburn Academy 234 Austral Union Conference Australasian Division Conference 125 131-133 Mission Fields in 279 Australasian Missionary College 125 Australasian Union Conference 134 Institutions in 322 Austrian Branch Pub. House 151 Austrian Conference BAD AIBLING Sanitarium 350 196 Bahamas Mission 151 Baden Conference 238 Bahia Mission 212 Baltic Union Conference 280 Baltic Union School 269 Banat-Crisana Conference Barcelona Publishing House (See Spanish Pub. House) 148 Batakland Mission 280 Battle Creek Academy 280 Battleford Academy 280 Batuna Training School 118 Bechuanaland Mission Field 280 Bee Hwa Middle School 220 Begemder Mission 269 Belgian Conference 377 Beliefs, Fundamental Bengali Elementary School 281 Berlin Conference 141 Berlin Sanitarium (See Waldfriede Sanitorium and Clinic) 21 Bermuda Mission Bethel Academy 281 106 Bikobo Hill Mission . 110 Bethel Mission Station 112 Bloemfontein Mission District Bohemian language, periodicals in 339 241 Bolivia Mission 246 Bombay Union Mission Bombay Union Training School 281 103 Bongo Hospital Bongo Mission Training School. 102, 281 350 Boulder-Colorado Sanitarium Brazil Publishing House 319 Brazilian Seminary 281 British Bechuanaland 118 186 British Borneo Mission British Columbia Conference 99 200 British Guiana, Conference in British Honduras and Bay Islands Mission 202 319 British Publishing House 215 British Union Conference Broadview College and Theological Seminary 282 325 Brookfield Branch Pub. House 235 Buenos Aires Conference 319 Buenos Aires Publishing House Buganda Mission 104 104 Buganda Mission Dispensary Bulawayo Location Mission Station 122 Bulgarian language, periodical in 338 159 Bulgarian Mission 320 Bulgarian Publishing House 9 Bureau of Home Missions 283 Buresala Training School Burma Union Mission 248 CAFES ' Calcutta Mission California Conference Cambodia Campaigns Camaguan Training School Campion Academy Canadian Junior College Canadian Watchman Press Cancele Mission Hospital Cancele Mission Station Canton Middle School Cantonese Mission Cape Conference Caribbean Training College Caribbean Union Conference Carolina Conference Cayman Islands Mission Cebuan language, periodical in Cedar Lake Academy Celebes Mission Central Abyssinian Mission Central African Union Mission Central Agra Mission 455 366 250 71 188 366 283 283 283 320 111 110 283 173 107 284 199 83 196 338 284 148 220 103 252 •456 INDEX Central American Academy 284 Central American Factory Branch Publishing House 325 Central Argentine Conference 235 Central Bohemian Conference 139 325 Central Branch Pub. House Central California Conference 73 Central China Union Mission 163 Central Chosen Mission 182 205 Central Colombia Mission Central Congo Mission Field 105 Central European Division Conf. 135-160 135,