MPP Class of 2016 Profiles - Hertie School of Governance
MPP Class of 2016 Profiles - Hertie School of Governance
Master of Public Policy Profiles—Class of 2016 BENEDIKT ABENDROTH GOLNAZ AGHAZADEH TABRIZI SARAH AGUILAR FLASCHKA SINDY NATALIA ALVARADO PACHON AMY AUSTIN ADRITA BAGCHI GIACOMO BAGNI MARC BARNETT NIKOLAUS BAUER MALTE BERNEAUD-KÖTZ CHRISTIAN BILFINGER BJÖRN BOENING FABIAN MATTHIAS BOHNENBERGER DARREN BROWN TOBIAS BÜNDER ALEXANDER NICLAS BUSOLD JASMIN CANTZLER STEFANO CONCI MANOLO CONSTAIN CHRISTOPHER COSLER GONZALO CROCI NICCOLO DA SETTIMO PASSETTI LANA DAMM DIYALA D’AVENI MICHAEL DAVIES-VENN AMRITA DHILLON MORITZ DIEDERICHSEN PAULYN MAY DUMAN JANNES ELFGEN CHRISTOPHER ELLIS ROWAN EMSLIE DIEGO FERNÁNDEZ FERNÁNDEZ LAURA FRANKEN TEBOGO THATO GAREITSANYE FERDINAND GENS JEKATERINA GRIGORJEVA PHILIP GRINSTED ANGIE GROSSO NOEMIE HAILU BERND HANDKE ISABELLA HAYWARD CHRISTIAN MARTIN HECKMANN KATRIN HEGER LAURENCE MARC GEORGE HENDRY KAJA VERONIKA HENGSTENBERG TIMOTHY PAUL HOBDEN CHARLOTTE VIVIAN HORNUNG MD. MUJAHEDUL ISLAM JOHAN JUUL JENSEN DOMINIK KAUFMANN MILOU KILLAARS ALINA SUSANNE KLEIN CODY KOEBNICK ADAM XIANGTONG KONG CHRISTOPH KÜHN KATRINA ANN LAMPERT DOMINIQUE NICOLE LE CERF ARAVENA KATIE LEVESQUE EITAN LEVITT HOWARD LI DANIEL LIMBERG RAFAEL ALEJANDRO LÓPEZ VALVERDE NADA MAHDY FRANZISKA MAIER IVAN MARKOVIC SEBASTIÁN MARTÍNEZ LARS MEHWALD MOISES MENDOZA CELINA MENZEL SIDDHARTH MERCHANT CHARLOTTE FILIZ MERTEN VIOLA MEYERWEISSFLOG ISABELLE MILLER MARIZA MONTES DE OCA-LEÓN ANA CECILIA MONTES VIÑAS JULIA MÜHLENBEIN LUKAS MÜLLER KRISTINA MÜLLER KEVIN MÜLLER CARL-MORITZ MUMME LEON DAISKE OBERBAEUMER PHILIPP OFFENBERG KYLE OTT RAFAEL GUILLERMO PALOMINO BADILLA YILING PAN ANDREA PANG OLIMPIA ELENA PÂRJE RACHEL PENNER DANIEL PIRES CASSÚS CAMILA ADRIANA QUEVEDO VEGA ADRIAN RAJABI SANDRA RAU CAROLIN REINER ALEXANDER REITZENSTEIN AYRA ROWENA REYLA MEERIM RUSLANOVA DANIEL SALGADO MORENO KERSTIN MAY SANDOW THEO SANDS MARIAM SANJUSH ELLEN SCHERWINSKI LISA KATHARINA SCHMID DAVID ALEXANDER SCHNABEL CHRISTOPH MICHAEL SCHULZE JOHANNES THOMAS SCHULZ-KNAPPE ADINA SCHWARTZ ANDREAS CHRISTIAN SENS MAURICE SHAWNDEFAR EMILIA SICARI TOBIAS SIEBLITZ NITIJ SINGH YIQUN SONG PHILIPP STÄNDER HUI HSING SU ANYA SUPRUNENKO FABIO TAMBURRINI GABRIEL TARRIBA MARTINEZ LOPEZ LUIS FELIPE TORRES FARUK TUNCER MARCELINO TURATI ASSIRI VALDÉS SELINA VON SCHULTZENDORFF GEORG WAGNER WIEBKE ELISABETH WEIGER DAVID WICHMANN LUKAS GABRIEL WIESE DUSTIN MICHAEL WILLIAMS XIANCHEN WU PAOLA ANDREA YANGUAS At the forefront of policymaking The Hertie School of Governance is proud to introduce its tenth MPP cohort—a diverse and multi-talented group of young leaders representing over 30 nations. The Class of 2016 is brimming with pioneers on a mission to shape society positively in the public, private or civil society sectors. We at the Hertie School of Governance are committed to providing excellent teaching with real-world application for talented young people from around the globe who are dedicated to responsible policymaking and building good governance structures. One of our responsibilities as a school of public policy is to provide a hub of debate and interaction between students, academics and thought leaders with different backgrounds and perspectives. The two-year MPP degree programme equips tomorrow’s leaders with the understanding, knowledge and tools to excel in their future vocations, by providing a professional and research-intensive environment characterised by close interaction with faculty, lively public debate and engaging with current policy developments. The MPP offers an analytically challenging and problemoriented education in governance, policy analysis, management and leadership, strengthened by real-world experience in the public and private sectors. It brings together perspectives from economics, political science, law, and sociology, and trains students in quantitative and qualitative methodologies. Attracting and training students of such a consistently high calibre is among the Hertie School’s greatest achievements. The average MPP student speaks 4 languages, holds 2 degrees, has done 3 internships and has studied, volunteered or worked in 3 countries. After over a decade of equipping our MPPs with strategies for forging new frontiers in governance, our graduates are among those working at the cutting edge of policymaking in government, private corporations and inter national organisations. As part of a global network that includes the London School of Economics and Political Science, Sciences Po in Paris, Columbia University in New York, the National University of Singapore, and other excellent public policy schools, we are able to offer a wide range of study abroad opportunities for our students. In addition to this, our Alumni network is a strong platform for global collaboration. As yet another crop of graduates joins the pool of Hertie School Alumni and the ranks of those working to meet our current and future challenges, we are confident that these young leaders will prove assets to whichever organisations they join. We warmly invite you to meet our Class of 2016 and should you or your organisation wish to learn more about them or about becoming an internship or professional year partner, please do not hesitate to contact us. Prof. Helmut K. Anheier, PhD President and Dean Master of Public Policy Profiles—Class of 2016 1 The Master of Public Policy The MPP is an academically demanding degree programme with a hands-on approach, which prepares students to tackle today’s most pressing problems. The Programme An ever-changing world confronts us with a wide range of policy challenges. What degree of state intervention do we need to regulate the financial sector? Who is going to pay for social security and retirement in countries with ageing populations? How will we feed a growing world population while still preserving the environment for future generations? What does the transformation of the Arab world mean for the communities in the region and the world at large? In order to tackle these issues and many others, policymakers must think and act across boundaries. Learning and understanding why certain policies work while others fail is what Master of Public Policy students at the Hertie School of Governance do during the two-year programme in Berlin. The MPP provides the tools tomorrow’s decision makers need to analyse existing policies, critically discuss policy innovations and evaluate solutions. It is an academically demanding degree programme with a hands-on, problem-oriented approach, giving students not only knowledge but experience they can utilise across borders, disciplines and sectors— be it public, private, or civil society. Students acquire the analytical skills to go out in the world, wherever their interests may take them, and work to promote good policies that in turn promote the public good. 2 Hertie School of Governance “We equip future leaders to act responsibly and think ahead. We want them to be aware of their responsibility to the greater good,” says Hertie School Dean Helmut K. Anheier. “The MPP enables students to understand how governance works so that they can contribute to making it better—whichever policy-related careers they choose to pursue.” At the Hertie School, students have the opportunity to learn from each other as well. Half of the programme’s students are drawn from more than 40 countries, joining their German counterparts in one of the world’s most exciting cities. The mix of different cultures enriches student life and the learning environment. In addition to the regular curriculum, the MPP offers a variety of opportunities through its study abroad programme for students to gain international experience within a one semester academic exchange or a year-long dual degree at leading partner universities in North America, Europe and Asia. For more information about the Master of Public Policy contact: Dr. Barbara Finke Head of Graduate Programmes Tel. +49 (0)30 - 25 92 19-107 International Experience Academic exchanges, a dual degree programme and international opportunities for work experience allow students to expand their horizons and personal networks at institutions around the world. Study Abroad Tokyo. London. Singapore. Toronto. Dar es Salaam. Or Cairo. The Hertie School of Governance offers its Master of Public Policy candidates more than just a degree. The university has developed two study abroad opportunities that allow students to gain experience—or even a second degree—at partner institutions around the world: a semester-long academic exchange or a year-long dual degree programme. In addition students spend their internships or go on a professional year for 9-15 months in a variety of countries worldwide. Academic Exchange The exchange programme is available to about 30 students per cohort at 15 different foreign universities, including Duke University, Georgetown University in Washington DC, the National University of Singapore, the University of Toronto, the Graduate Institute in Geneva, Tsinghua University in Beijing, and the American University in Cairo. Students can apply for one of the academic exchange places after starting their degree programme— generally after their first semester. They then attend a partner university during their third semester to add the experience of living and studying in a different environment and culture to their degree. Dual Degree For students who want to dive even deeper into another academic environment, the school has created a dual degree programme that allows MPP candidates to not only complete a degree from the Hertie School in Berlin but also earn a degree at a partner university in the United States, Asia or Europe. For example, the MPP could be combined with a Master of Public Adminis- tration or Master of International Affairs at Columbia University in New York. Other options include the London School of Economics and Political Science, Sciences Po in Paris, Milan’s Bocconi University and Tokyo University. Students who choose the dual degree spend their first year at the Hertie School and then their second year abroad at the partner school. Hertie School alumna Snezhina Kovacheva earned degrees from both the Hertie School and Columbia through the dual degree programme. She now works at the European Investment Bank in Luxembourg. “Hertie and Columbia changed the way I look at the world,” she says. Internships and Professional Year This year’s graduates enhanced their professional experience with worldwide internships and professional years in places as diverse as Tanzania, Saudi Arabia, The U.S.A., The Philipines and Belgium—among many others. They bring back to the school not only valuable real-world work experience from all three sectors but also a focus for their second year of studies and applied problem solving skills. Many continue their cooperation with the host organization when writing their master thesis on a pressing topic on behalf of the institution. For more information about our graduates contact: Anna von Behr Manager Career Services and Alumni Affairs Phone: +49 (0)30- 259 219 133 Email: behr(at) Master of Public Policy Profiles—Class of 2016 3 Benedikt Abendroth Golnaz Aghazadeh Tabrizi Germany Iran Academic Areas of Interest Academic Areas of Interest • Cybersecurity Policy • Digital Divide • E-Governance • Labour and Education Policy • Public Health • The Middle East Education Education • ATLANTIS Dual Degree in International Relations, Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs, Syracuse University (Syracuse, USA) • Bachelor of Arts in International Economics and Development, University of Bayreuth (Bayreuth, Germany) • Dr. rer. nat. in Molecular Medicine, Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry (Göttingen, Germany) and University of Göttingen (Göttingen, Germany) • Master of Science in Molecular Medicine, University of Göttingen (Göttingen, Germany) • Bachelor of Science in Biotechnology, University of Tehran (Tehran, Iran) Languages English, German Languages Selected Internships 05–07/2015 Global Security Strategy and Diplomacy, Microsoft (Redmond, USA) 04–07/2013 Division Peace and Security, German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (Berlin, Germany) 08–11/2011 Future Forum Berlin, Research Institute of the German Council on Foreign Relations (Berlin, Germany) English, Persian Selected Work Experience 02–07/2015 Europe Steering Board, iBRIDGE Berlin, iBRIDGES initiative (Berlin, Germany) 10/2008–08/2013 Researcher, Max Plank Institute for Biophysical Chemistry (Göttingen, Germany) Master Thesis Title Brain Drain and Brain Gain in Post-Islamic Revolution Iran Selected Work Experience 10/2015–present Cybersecurity Strategist, Global Security Strategy and Diplomacy, Microsoft (Berlin, Germany) 04/2007–07/2009 Airborne Reconnaissance, German Armed Forces (Zweibrücken, Germany) Master Thesis Title Cybersecurity and the impact of the Internet in Developing Countries (WT) Partner organization: Microsoft 4 Hertie School of Governance Sarah Aguilar Flaschka Sindy Natalia Alvarado Pachon Mexico Colombia Academic Areas of Interest Academic Areas of Interest • Philanthropy • Food Security • Democracy • Governance • Behavioral Economics • Poverty Alleviation Education Education • Exchange, University of Texas (Austin, USA) • Bachelor of Arts in Communication and Journalism, Universidad Iberoamericana (Mexico City, Mexico) • Bachelor of Arts in International Relations, Universidad del Rosario (Bogotá, Colombia) Languages Languages Spanish, English, German, French Spanish, English, German Selected Internships Selected Internships 06–07/2015 Commission for Mexico City/Senate of the Republic (Mexico City, Mexico) 06–07/2007 Fellowship program at the Salzburg Global Seminar (Salzburg, Austria) Selected Work Experience 01–08/2014 Coordinator, Special Commission for Legislative Studies, Legislative Assembly for Mexico City (Mexico City, Mexico) 09/2012–12/2014 Adviser, Office of Senator Mario Delgado, Senate of the Republic (Mexico City, Mexico) 02/2011–08/2014 Founder, Acciones por la Ciudad (Mexico City, Mexico) 06/2015 Youth Unemployment Project, Bertelsmann Foundation (Barcelona, Spain) Selected Work Experience 08/2013 Director, International Cooperation, Fundacion Universitaria Panamericana (Bogotá, Colombia) 01/2011 Coordinator, International Cooperation, Fundacion Universitaria Monserrate (Bogotá, Colombia) Master Thesis Title Access to the natural treasure chest: The impact of p ublic accountability mechanisms on corruption in natural resource dependent countries (WT) Master Thesis Title Sticking to one story: The philanthropic narrative of the Green Revolution in Mexico (WT) Partner organization(s): to be confirmed Master of Public Policy Profiles—Class of 2016 5 Amy Austin Adrita Bagchi USA/UK India Academic Areas of Interest Academic Areas of Interest • Education Policy • Social Policy • Transatlantic Relations • Education • Child Welfare • Social Policy Education Education • Bachelor of Arts in Government and Politics, University of Maryland (College Park, USA) • Exchange, University of Kent (Canterbury, UK) • Bachelor of Science in Economics, Sarla Anil Modi School of Economics, Narsee Monjee Institute of Management Studies (Mumbai, India) Languages Languages English, German English, Hindi, Bengali Selected Internships Selected Internships 01/2009–06/2009 United States House of Representatives (Washington DC, USA) 06–07/2015 Researching Reality Internship, Centre for Civil Society (New Delhi, India) 05–06/2012 Researcher, Antique Stock Broking Ltd (Mumbai, India) 05–06/2011 Banglanatak dotcom (Kolkata, India) Selected Work Experience 02/2015–present Development Assistant, ESMT European School of Management and Technology (Berlin, Germany) 08/2013–07/2014 English Teaching Assistant, German Fulbright Commission (Berlin, Germany) 06/2011–07/2013 Corps Member, Teach for America (Pine Ridge Indian Reservation, USA) Master Thesis Title Towards mutual understanding: The role of exchange programmes in US-German relations (WT) Partner organization: German-American Fulbright Commission 6 Hertie School of Governance Master Thesis Title School dropouts in India: Finding solutions from global examples Giacomo Bagni Marc Barnett Italy United States of America Academic Areas of Interest Academic Areas of Interest • Migration Studies • Social Entrepreneurship • Quantitative Analysis • Violent Non-State Actors • Intersection of Governance, Legitimacy, Corruption, and Security • The Future of Security Education • Bachelor of Arts in Theoretical Philosophy, Università degli Studi di Genova (Genova, Italy) • Exchange, Université de Rennes II (Rennes, France) Languages Italian, English, French Education • ATLANTIS Dual Degree in International Relations, Syracuse University (Syracuse, USA) • Exchange, International Institute of Social Science (The Hague, Netherlands) • Bachelor of Arts in Political Science and Philosophy, Wake Forest University (Winston-Salem, USA) Selected Internships 06/2014–08/2014 Consultant, 180 Degrees Consulting (Berlin, Germany) Languages Selected Work Experience Selected Internships 09/2013–present: Economic Advisor & Artistic Director, Teatro Altrove (Genova, Italy) 01/2007–12/2013: Insurance Agent, Zurich Insurance Group, Bagni Assicurazioni (Genova, Italy) 09–11/2015 Europe and Central Asia Department, Transparency International – Secretariat (Berlin, Germany) 05–07/2015 Pompidou Group, Council of Europe (Brussels, Belgium) 08–11/2014 Democracy Is For People Campaign, Public Citizen (Syracuse, USA) Master Thesis Title This land is your land: Determinants of migrant settlement Intentions (WT) Partner organization: Interactive Advertising Bureau English, Italian, German Selected Work Experience 07–08/2015 Field Researcher, Global Black Spots Project, Moynihan Institute of Global Affairs (Florence, Italy) 09/2014–05/2015 Research Assistant, Global Black Spots Project, Moynihan Institute of Global Affairs (Syracuse, USA) 10/2013–05/2014 English Teaching Assistant, I.S. Giovanni Falcone (Gallarate, Italy) Master Thesis Title Mafia as a black box? A theoretical analysis of mafia movement into Germany (WT) Master of Public Policy Profiles—Class of 2016 7 Nikolaus Bauer Malte Berneaud-Kötz Germany Germany Academic Areas of Interest Academic Areas of Interest • Political Economy • Security Policy • Ethics and Public Policy • European Integration • Evidence-Based Policymaking • Data Science in Public Policy Education Education • Second State Examination in Law, Free State of Bavaria (Germany) • First State Examination in Law, University of Regensburg (Germany) • Exchange, University of Aberdeen (Scotland) • Bachelor of Arts in International Relations and International Organization, University of Groningen (Gronigen, Netherlands) • Exchange, University of Salamanca Languages Languages German, English, Spanish, Dutch German, English, French Selected Internships Selected Work Experience 12/2013–08/2014 Lawyer, Guber-Public Law (Munich, Germany) 07–09/2012 Legal Trainee, European Single Market Department, Ministry of Economics (Berlin, Germany) 02–09/2010 Legal Research Assistant, IT-Law Department, Noer LLP (Munich, Germany) 05–07/2015 European Employment and Social Policy, Federal Ministry of Labour (Berlin, Germany) 04–06/2014 European Financial and Monetary Policy, Federal Foreign Service (Berlin, Germany) 01–03/2014 Knut Fleckenstein, MEP, European Parliament (Brussels, Belgium) Master Thesis Title Master Thesis Title Quantitative easing: Unconventional monetary policy and European Union law 8 Hertie School of Governance The Eurosceptic misfit – Explaining differences in popular Euroscepticism and electoral support for Eurosceptic parties (WT) Christian Bilfinger Björn Boening Germany Germany/Brazil Academic Areas of Interest Academic Areas of Interest • Diplomacy • Trade • Transatlantic Relations • Security and Foreign Policies • Quantitative Methods • European Law Education Education • Master of Arts in International Relations, Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs, Syracuse University (Syracuse, USA) • Bachelor of Arts in Politics, Philosophy and Economics, University of York (York, UK) • Bachelor of Arts in Political Science and Law, Ludwig Maximilian University (Munich, Germany) • Exchange, Industrial Faculty (São Paulo, Brazil) and University of Granada (Granada, Spain) • Officer Certificate for the German Airforce, Officer Academy (Fürstenfeldbruck, Germany) Languages German, English, Portuguese, Spanish, French Languages German, English, Portuguese, Spanish, French Selected Internships 09–10/2015 Department 200, Office for the United States, Canada and the G7 Foreign Ministers‘ Track, German Foreign Office (Berlin, Germany) 06–09/2015 Trade and Investment Section, Delegation of the European Union to Brazil (Brasilia, Brazil) 03–07/2015 Trade Policy and Trade Promotion Fund, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammen arbeit (Eschborn, Germany) Selected Internships 09/2015 Communication, Federal Academy for Security Policy (Berlin, Germany) 07–08/2015 Representative Office, Allianz Germany (Berlin, Germany) 12/2014–02/2015 Research and Communication, Munich Security Conference (Munich, Germany) Selected Work Experience Selected Work Experience 11–12/2015 Student Employee, Trade Programme, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammen arbeit (Berlin, Germany) Master Thesis Title Does the multi-level approach explain the stalling of the EU-Mercosur negotiations over a free trade agreement? (WT) 04–12/2015 Research Assistant, Representative Office, Allianz Germany (Berlin, Germany) 02–04/2015 Conference Management, Berlin Demography Forum, Allianz SE (Berlin, Germany) 05/2013–07/2014 Working Student, Munich Security Conference (Munich, Germany) Master Thesis Title Determinants of Maritime Piracy (WT) Master of Public Policy Profiles—Class of 2016 9 Fabian Bohnenberger Darren Delin Brown Germany USA Academic Areas of Interest Academic Areas of Interest • International Trade and Development • Cybersecurity Policy • Intersection of Technology and Policymaking • Global Energy Management and Policy • Resource Efficiency and Design • “Smart City” Digital and Telecommunications Technologies Education • Bachelor of Arts in Political Science and Sociology, University of Bonn (Bonn, Germany) Languages German, English, Spanish, Arabic Selected Internships 03–06/2014 Innovation in Development Program, Global Public Policy Institute (Berlin, Germany) 10/2013–02/2014 World Economy and Development Financing Department, German Development Institute (Bonn, Germany) Education • Dual Degree, Master of International Affairs, School of International and Public Affairs, Columbia University (New York, USA) • Bachelor of Science in International Business, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (Chapel Hill, USA) • Exchange, Copenhagen Business School (Copenhagen, Denmark) • Exchange, Chinese University of Hong Kong (Hong Kong) • Exchange, Peking University (Beijing, China) Languages Selected Work Experience 12/2015 Runner-Up TDS Young Thinkers Award 2015, Participation in the Trade and Development Symposium of the International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development (ICTSD), 10th WTO Ministerial Conference (Nairobi, Kenya) 09/2015–present Research Assistant, Hertie School of Governance (Berlin, Germany) 07/2014–11/2015 Research Assistant, Innovation in Development Program, Global Public Policy Institute (Berlin, Germany) 03/2013–10/2014 Research Assistant, German Development Institute (Bonn, Germany) English, Mandarin, Spanish Selected Internships 05–08/2015 International Trade Specialist, International Trade Administration (Washington DC, USA) Selected Work Experience 12/2013–present Current Senior Consultant, Operational Efficiency and Effectiveness, Booz Allen Hamilton (Washington DC, USA) 07/2011–12/2013 Consultant, IBM International Business Machines (Washington DC, USA) 05–07/2009 Entrepreneurial Leadership Teaching Assistant, Duke University (Ahmedabad, India) Master Thesis Title Proliferating cyber surveillance: The uncontrolled global trade between authoritarian governments and corporations selling monitoring and intrusion software (WT) 10 Hertie School of Governance Master Thesis Title EU Resource Efficiency Programs and Risks to American Economies Tobias Bünder Alexander Busold Germany Germany Academic Areas of Interest Academic Areas of Interest • Political Economy • Trade and Industrial Policy • Politics & Economics in Sub-Saharan Africa • Political Economy and Economic Policy • Philosophy of Economics • Democratic Oversight of Intelligence Services Education Education • Bachelor of Arts in International Relations & Economics, University College Maastricht (Maastricht, Netherlands) • Exchange, Université de Montréal (Montréal, Canada) • Research on the Limits of Economic Theory, College of Social Sciences, Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes (Ulm, Düsseldorf, Hannover, Berlin, Germany) • Bachelor of Arts in Corporate Management and Economics, Zeppelin University (Friedrichshafen, Germany) • Minor in Public Management and Governance, Zeppelin University (Friedrichshafen, Germany) • Exchange, Catholic University (Buenos Aires, Argentina) Languages German, English, French, Dutch Selected Work Experience 08/2015–present Student Assistant, Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Internationale Zusammenarbeit, Global Programme “Access to Medicines” (Berlin, Germany) 09/2014–07/2015 Young Professional, Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Internationale Zusammenarbeit, “Support for the East African Integration Process” (Arusha, Tanzania) 10/2013–07/2014 Assistant to editor in chief, Handelsblatt Business Briefing Sustainable Investments (Berlin, Germany) 09/2011–08/2012 Member of University Council, Maastricht University (Maastricht, Netherlands) Languages German, English, Spanish Selected Internships 06–07/2015 Strategy Consulting, McKinsey & Company (Berlin, Germany) 05–07/2014 Cleantech Advisory, Apricum (Berlin, Germany) 02–06/2013 Business Development, Bosch Siemens Home Appliances (Mumbai, India) Selected Work Experience Master Thesis Title National interests and regional dynamics: How the East African Community’s Customs Union reshuffled restrictive trade policy in the region. Partner organization: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit 09–12/2015 Teaching and Research Assistant, Chair for Political Economy, Hertie School of Governance (Berlin, Germany) 01/2012–12/2013 Teaching Assistant for Economics and Mathematics, Zeppelin University (Friedrichshafen, Germany) Master Thesis Title German parliamentary oversight of intelligence services in the digitization era (WT) Master of Public Policy Profiles—Class of 2016 11 Jasmin Cantzler Stefano Conci Germany Italy Academic Areas of Interest Academic Areas of Interest • Climate and Energy Governance • Corporate Social Responsibility • Quantitative Data Analysis • Lobbying • Public Affairs and Political Communication • Public-Private Partnership Education Education • Bachelor of Liberal Arts and Sciences (Honours) in Global Challenges, Leiden University College The Hague (The Hague, Netherlands) • Minor in Global Poverty, Local Solutions, International Institute of Social Studies (The Hague, Netherlands) German, English, Dutch, Spanish, French • Dual Degree, Master of Science in Economics and Management of Public Administrations and International Institutions, Università Bocconi (Milan, Italy) • Master of Arts in International Political Economy, King’s College London (London, UK) • Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy, University of Bologna (Bologna, Italy) Selected Internships Languages 09–11/2014 Public Finance and Administrative Reform, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammen arbeit (Eschborn, Germany) 07–08/2014 Advisory Finance & Regulation, PricewaterhouseCoopers (Berlin, Germany) Italian, English, German Languages Selected Internships 07–09/2015 Research Assistant, International Center for Climate Governance, Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei (Venice, Italy) Selected Work Experience 04–12/2015 Assistant, Climate Policy Team, Climate Analytics (Berlin, Germany) 12/2014–04/2015 Assistant, Advisory Finance & Regulation, PricewaterhouseCoopers (Berlin, Germany) 01–06/2014 Assistant, stiftung neue verantwortung (Berlin, Germany) Master Thesis Title Tax morale and the firm – a secret love affair? Evidence and implications from Mexico Partner organization: Inter-American Center for Tax Administrations 12 Hertie School of Governance Selected Work Experience 04–06/2015 Research Assistant, Global Climate Forum (Berlin, Germany) Master Thesis Title To be confirmed Manolo Constain Villa Christopher Cosler Colombia Germany Academic Areas of Interest Academic Areas of Interest • International Relations and Foreign Policy • Foreign Investment Policy • Media and Political Communication • Statistics and Economics • Digital Economy • Emerging Security Challenges Education Education • Bachelor of Arts in Political Science and International Relations, Icesi University (Cali, Colombia) • Exchange, Universidad de los Andes (Bogotá, Colombia) • Bachelor of Arts in Political Science (with distinction), University of Mannheim (Mannheim, Germany) • Minor in Public Law, University of Mannheim (Mannheim, Germany) • Exchange, Swansea University (Swansea, Wales) Languages Spanish, English, German Languages German, English, French Selected Internships 01–07/2010 Europe Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Colombia (Bogotá, Colombia) Selected Work Experience 02/2015–present Research Analyst, Business Development Team, Plane-Site (Berlin, Germany) 04/2013–03/2015 Project Leader and Media Analyst, Global News Intelligence (Bogotá, Colombia) 08/2011–03/2013 Researcher and Instructor, Department of Social Sciences, Icesi University (Cali, Colombia) Selected Internships 05–08/2015 InterVal GmbH (Berlin, Germany) 01–02/2015 Department of cooperation in education, Goethe-Institut (Paris, France) 05–06/2015 CDU Faction, Economics department, NRW State Parliament (Düsseldorf, Germany) Selected Work Experience 11/2014–05/2016 Jacques Delors Institut – Berlin (Berlin, Germany) 08/2012–06/2015 Forschungsgruppe Wahlen e.V. (Mannheim, Germany) Master Thesis Title Foreign direct investment in Colombia: an economic dimension of the post-conflict state (WT) Master Thesis Title State regulation or private mechanisms in the sharing economy: Can ICT create trust in online consumer to consumer markets? Master of Public Policy Profiles—Class of 2016 13 Gonzalo Croci Niccolò Da Settimo Passetti Uruguay Italy Academic Areas of Interest Academic Areas of Interest • International Affairs • Political Communication and Strategies • Security Policy • Economic and Social Development Policies • International Organizations and Public management • Transportation Policies Education Education • Master of Business in International Management, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana (Bogotá, Colombia) • Master of Commerce in Strategic Management, Universidad Europea Miguel de Cervantes (Valladolid, Spain) • Bachelor of Arts in International Relations, Universidad ORT Uruguay (Montevideo, Uruguay) • Dual Degree, Master of Science in Economics and Management of Public Administrations and International Institutions, Università Bocconi (Milan, Italy) • Exchange, Hanze University of Applied Science (Groningen, Netherlands) • Bachelor of Science in Business Administration and Management, University of Pisa (Pisa, Italy) Languages Spanish, English, French Languages Italian, English, German Selected Internships 05–08/2011 Department of Conferences and M eetings Management, Organization of American States (Washington DC, USA) Selected Internships 03–08/2013 Non-productive material department, Continental Automotive S.p.A. (Pisa, Italy) Selected Work Experience 10/2011–02/2012 Consultant, International Organization for Migration, Regional Office for South America (Buenos Aires, Argentina) 06–12/2010 Public Relations Manager, Shanghai World Expo, Uruguay Pavilion (Shanghai, China) 01–06/2010 Assistant, Institute for Export Promotion and Investment of Goods and Services of Uruguay (Montevideo, Uruguay) Master Thesis Title What are the causes of right-wing violent crimes in Germany? Recommendations for possible policy solutions (WT) 14 Hertie School of Governance Master Thesis Title Transportation policies’ impact on the economic and social development of a developing region: A focus on the competitiveness of local business. (WT) Lana Damm Diyala D’Aveni Germany Italy Academic Areas of Interest Academic Areas of Interest • Political Economies in Europe • European Institutions • European Foreign Affairs • Governmental Relations and Public Affairs • Urban Policies and Governance • Public Economics Education Education • Bachelor of Arts in European Studies (Cum laude), Maastricht University (Maastricht, Netherlands) • Exchange, Sciences Po (Paris, France) German, English, French • Dual Degree, Master of Science in Economics and Management of Public Administrations and International Institutions, Università Bocconi (Milan, Italy) • Bachelor of Sciences in Economics and Social Sciences, Università Bocconi (Milan, Italy) Selected Internships Languages 01–02/2015 Office of Achim Post, MdB, German Bundestag (Berlin, Germany) 10/2013–02/2014 Robert Schuman Trainee, Cabinet of the President of the European Parliament, Martin Schulz, European Parliament (Brussels, Belgium) 06–07/2011 Representation of Rhineland-Palatinate to the European Union (Brussels, Belgium) Italian, English, French Languages Selected Work Experience 02/2015–present Student Assistant, Office of Achim Post, MdB, German Bundestag (Berlin, Germany) 09–12/2014 Student Assistant, Department of International Affairs, Willy-Brandt-Haus (Berlin, Germany) 03–05/2014 European Election Campaign, Willy-BrandtHaus (Berlin, Germany) Selected Internships 08/2011–02/2014 Eataly Lagrange (Turin, Italy) Selected Work Experience 04–08/2015 Coordinator, Public Affairs, Eataly Expo 2015 (Milan, Italy) 03/2014–03/2015 Food and Beverages Manager, Eataly Smeraldo (Milan, Italy) Master Thesis Title How can tradable immigration quotas achieve the social optimum in refugees’ relocation? Master Thesis Title One size fits none: Varieties of capitalism in Europe Why the crisis affected Member States of the European Union differently Master of Public Policy Profiles—Class of 2016 15 Michael Davies-Venn Amrita Dhillon India Canada Academic Areas of Interest Academic Areas of Interest • Renewable Energy Policy • Energy Security and Governance • Climate Policy Analysis • Conflict Management • Extremism and Counterterrorism • Ethics and Public Policy Education Education • Master of Arts in Broadcast Journalism, University of Sheffield (Sheffield, UK) • Bachelor of Science in Mass Communications (Summa Cum Laude), St. Cloud State University (St. Cloud, USA) • Law Certificate, National Council for the Training of Journalists (UK and Freetown, Sierra Leone) • Bachelor of Arts in History, Bard College (New York, USA) • Academy Year in Value Studies, Bard College Berlin (Berlin, Germany) Languages English, Hindi, German Languages English Selected Internships 03–04/2016 Climate Policy Analysis, Climate Analytics (Berlin, Germany) 11/2005 BBC World Service (London, UK) Selected Internships 06–08/2011 Hindustan Times Education, Hindustan Times Newspaper (New Delhi, India) 09/2011–05/2013 Hannah Arendt Center, Bard College (New York, USA) Selected Work Experience Selected Work Experience 09/2013–06/2014 Director of Communications, Legislative Assembly, Government of Alberta (Edmonton, Canada) 08/2006–03/2007 Consultant, United Nations Integrated Office in Sierra Leone, United Nation Development Programme (Freetown, Sierra Leone) 10/2008-06/2013 Communications Associate, Marketing and Communications, University of Alberta (Edmonton, Canada) Master Thesis Title National energy policy coordination in the EU: Explaining divergent growth in the renewable energy share of Member States towards 2020 (WT) 16 Hertie School of Governance 08/2012–06/2013 Student Assistant, Bard Foreign Languages and Cultures Centre, Bard College (New York, USA) 09/2012–06/2013 Student Assistant, Fisher Centre for the Performing Arts, Bard College (New York, USA) Master Thesis Title Prevention- and intervention-based policies against right-wing violence in Germany and Sweden Moritz Diederichsen Paulyn May Duman Germany Philippines Academic Areas of Interest Academic Areas of Interest • Financial and Economic Policy • Political Economy in Europe • Cyber and Technology Policy • Sustainable Development • Politics of Reform in the Public Sector • Social Entrepreneurship and Innovation Education Education • Exchange, Georgetown University, McCourt School of Public Policy (Washington DC, USA) • Bachelor of Arts in Political Science with a Minor in Economics, University of Mannheim (Mannheim, Germany) • Exchange, Maastricht University (Maastricht, Netherlands) • Juris Doctor (Masters equivalent), University of the Philippines Diliman (Quezon City, Philippines) • Bachelor of Arts in Psychology, University of the Philippines Diliman (Quezon City, Philippines) Languages Selected Work Experience English, German, Spanish 01/2016–present Junior Knowledge Management Associate, Knowledge Center for Sustainable Development, United Nations System Staff College (Bonn, Germany) 05/2014–04/2015 Junior Research Fellow, United Nations System Staff College (Turin, Italy) 09/2009–02/2013 Legal Researcher and Lawyer, House of Representatives (Quezon City, Philippines) Selected Internships 01–03/2013 Public Affairs, Bohnen Kallmorgen & Partner (Berlin, Germany) 01–02/2011 Parliament of the State of Hesse (Wiesbaden, Germany) Languages Filipino, English, German Selected Work Experience 09/2014–06/2015 Professional Year, Accenture Strategy – Health and Public Service (Berlin, Germany) 09/2013–08/2014 Assistant, Communication & Public Policy, ubitricity Gesellschaft für verteilte Energiesysteme mbH (Berlin, Germany) 05/2011–06/2012 Student Research Assistant, Chair of Comparative Political Behavior, University of Mannheim (Mannheim, Germany) Master Thesis Title Factors affecting motivation of highly skilled workers in developing countries to migrate internationally (WT) Master Thesis Title Cyber defense approaches in the European Union— A comparative analysis of Germany’s and the United Kingdom’s cybersecurity strategies (WT) Master of Public Policy Profiles—Class of 2016 17 Jannes Elfgen Christopher Ellis Germany Canada Academic Areas of Interest Academic Areas of Interest • Health Policy • European Union Integration • Quantitative Track Policy Analysis • Drug Policy Economics & Reform • Urban Policy and Design • Health and Social Policy Education Education • Bachelor of Science (Honours) in European Studies, University of Twente (Enschede, Netherlands) • Minor in Business Economics, University of Münster (Münster, Germany) • Exchange, International Management, Business Administration School of São Paulo at the Getulio Vargas Foundation (São Paulo, Brazil) • Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Film & Media Studies, Queen’s University (Kingston, Canada) • Master of Arts in Film Studies, Concordia University (Montréal, Canada) • Exchange, University of Glasgow (Glasgow, United Kingdom) Languages German, English, Spanish, French, Dutch Selected Internships 02–06/2013 Daimler AG, Representative Office (Brussels, Belgium) 10–12/2012 European liaison office, Federal Employment Agency of Germany, (Brussels, Belgium) Languages English, French, German, Portuguese, Spanish Selected Internships Selected Work Experience 01/2016 Working Student, Public Sector and Health Services Team, Accenture (Berlin, Germany) 09/2014–08/2015 Policy Officer, Unit Z21 Bilateral Cooperation and OECD, German Federal Ministry of Health (Berlin, Germany) 09/2013–08/2014 Working Student, Representative Office Berlin, Allianz SE (Berlin, Germany) Master Thesis Title Hospital liberalization in China – An assessment of the role of foreign operators in the Chinese public hospital care system. Partner organization: German Federal Ministry of Health 06–09/2014 Programme to Foster Innovation, Learning and Evidence in HIV and Health Programmes of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammen arbeit (Berlin, Germany) Selected Work Experience 05/2014–07/2015 Research Assistant, The Governance Report, Hertie School of Governance (Berlin, Germany) 02/2011–05/2013 Producer/Director, Interactive Media, GroupeMédia TFO (Toronto, Canada) 09/2009–02/2011 Researcher, Youth Programming, GroupeMédia TFO (Toronto, Canada) Master Thesis Title Marijuana legalization in Canada: Design criteria and policy tradeoffs (WT) 18 Hertie School of Governance Rowan Emslie Diego Fernández Fernández UK Spain Academic Areas of Interest Academic Areas of Interest • Political Communication • Media • Transparency • Political Economy • European Governance • International Development Education Education • Bachelor of Science (Honours), University of Bath (Bath, UK) • Master of Arts in International Relations, Barcelona Institute of International Studies (Barcelona, Spain) • Bachelor of Arts in Journalism, Universidad de Santiago de Compostela (Santiago de Compostela, Spain) • Exchange, Universidad de La Habana (La Habana, Cuba) • Exchange, University of Tampere (Tampere, Finland) Languages English Selected Internships 08–09/2012 Communications, ARTICLE 19 (London, UK) 11/2008–09/2009 Projects, African Prisons’ Project (Kampala, Uganda) Languages Spanish, Galician, English, German, French Selected Work Experience 08/2014–09/2015 Marketing & Outreach, TaroWorks, Grameen Foundation (Nairobi, Kenya) 06–10/2013 Research Assistant, Open Government Foundation (Berlin, Germany) 06–09/2010 Reporter, The Independent (Kampala, Uganda) Selected Internships 05–08/2015 Open Regional Fund for the Economy and Youth Employment in Central America, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (San José, Costa Rica) Selected Work Experience Master Thesis Title Action distraction: Branding the Labour Party in modern Britain 09/2015–present Research Associate, The Governance Report, Hertie School of Governance (Berlin, Germany) 11/2014–02/2015 Student Consultant, Business plan for the Berlin branch of the Stanford Peace Innovation Lab, 180 Degrees International (Berlin, Germany) Master Thesis Title Corruption and types of public expenditures: Does the public budget composition determine corruption? (WT) Master of Public Policy Profiles—Class of 2016 19 Laura Franken Tebogo Thato Gareitsanye Germany Botswana Academic Areas of Interest Academic Areas of Interest • Development Cooperation • European Integration • Digitization • Anti-Corruption • Civil Society and NGO-Government Partnerships • Development Education Education • Exchange, Sciences Po (Paris, France) • Bachelor of Arts in Political Science, Freie Universität Berlin (Berlin, Germany) • Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in International Relations, University of the Witwatersrand (Johannesburg, South Africa) • Exchange, Washington Centre for Internships and Academic Seminars (Washington DC, USA) • Bachelor of Arts in Law and International Relations, University of the Witwatersrand (Johannesburg, South Africa) Languages German, English, French Selected Internships 06–07/2015 Visiting Associate, The Boston Consulting Group (Berlin, Germany and France) 10/2013–03/2014 Department for Special Programs, Deutsche Investitions- und Entwicklungsgesellschaft, (Cologne, Germany) 01–04/2013 Division of Development Politics, German Federal Foreign Office (Berlin, Germany) Selected Work Experience 09/2015–03/2016 Student Assistant, Project Open Data & Privacy, stiftung neue verantwortung (Berlin, Germany) 04/2014–06/2014 Junior Consultancy, Department for Special Programs, Deutsche Investitions- und Entwicklungsgesellschaft (Cologne, Germany and Côte d’Ivoire) 04–05/2012 Student Assistant, Project of civic participation on the reform of the Central Card-Index for Traffic Offences, Federal Ministry of Transport, Building and Urban Development (Berlin, Germany) Master Thesis Title German parliamentary control of intelligence services in the digitization era (WT) 20 Hertie School of Governance Languages English, Setswana, German Selected Internships 05–06/2015 European Research Centre on Anti- Corruption and State Building (Berlin, Germany) 09/2012–01/2013 Human Resource Department, Central Transport Organisation (Gaborone, Botswana) 07–11/2009 Legal Department, South African Human Rights Commission (Johannesburg, South Africa) Selected Work Experience 02/2013–03/2014 Project Officer, Human Rights Monitoring and Awareness Raising Department, Botswana Network on Ethics, Law and HIV/AIDS (Gaborone, Botswana) Master Thesis Title Access to the natural treasure chest: The impact of p ublic accountability mechanisms on corruption in natural resource dependent countries Partner organization: The World Bank Ferdinand Gens Jekaterina Grigorjeva Germany Latvia/Germany Academic Areas of Interest Academic Areas of Interest • Innovation and Technology • Digital Economy • Behavioural Insights and Policy Analysis • Energy and Environment • European Energy Union • International Political Economy Education Education • Exchange, UCLA Luskin School of Public Affairs (Los Angeles, USA) • Bachelor of Arts in Integrated Social Sciences, Technische Universität Braunschweig (Braunschweig, Germany) • Exchange, Stockholm University (Stockholm, Sweden) • Exchange, National Research University Higher School of Economics (Moscow, Russia) • Bachelor of Science in International Business and Modern Languages, Aston University (Birmingham, United Kingdom) Languages Languages German, English, Russian, Latvian, Spanish German, English, Spanish Selected Internships Selected Internships 06–07/2014 Office of Thomas Jarzombek, MdB, German Federal Parliament (Berlin, Germany) 02–07/2013 Brussels Office, Verband der Kali- und Salzindustrie e.V. (Brussels, Belgium) 09–12/2015 Energy Efficiency and Environment, United Nations Development Programme (Moscow, Russia) 03–07/2014 Office of the CDU/CSU Party Vice-Chairman Dr Georg Nüsslein, German Bundestag (Berlin, Germany) 11/2013–02/2014 Market Design and Policy Analysis, E.ON SE Representative Office (Berlin, Germany) Selected Work Experience 09/2014–08/2015 Consultant, Socio-Economic Department, VDI/VDE Innovation + Technik GmbH (Berlin, Germany) 01/2011–07/2012 Research Assistant, Department of Management Control and Business Accounting, Technische Universität Braunschweig (Braunschweig, Germany) 10/2010–09/2012 Teaching Assistant, Department of Economics, Technische Universität Braunschweig (Braunschweig, Germany) Selected Work Experience 02/2016 Junior Ambassador, Munich Security Conference (Munich, Germany) 09/2014–05/2015 Research Assistant, European Energy Policy, Jacques Delors Institut-Berlin (Berlin, Germany) 06–10/2013 Project Assistant, Mergers & Acquisitions, E.ON Connecting Energies (Essen, Germany) Master Thesis Title Overcoming the energy isolation of the Baltic states (WT) Partner organization: Jacques Delors Institut-Berlin Master Thesis Title Behavioural governance: Evaluation and empirical intelligence in policymaking processes Master of Public Policy Profiles—Class of 2016 21 Philip Grinsted Angie Grosso Germany USA / Colombia Academic Areas of Interest Academic Areas of Interest • Policy Analysis • China’s Economy and Society • E-Governance and Information Technology • Foreign Policy and Economic Development • Public Affairs • Immigration and Refugee Policies Education Education • Dual Degree, London School of Economics and Political Science (London, UK) • Bachelor of Arts in Political Science and S ociology, Technische Universität Darmstadt (Darmstadt, Germany) • Bachelor of Arts in Political Science and French with Certificate in International Relations, University of Florida (Gainesville, Florida) • Exchange, International Affairs and Public Sphere, University of Florida Paris Research Center (Paris, France) • Exchange, University of Mannheim (Mannheim, Germany) • Exchange, La Sorbonne (Paris, France) Languages German, English, Chinese Selected Internships 06–07/2014 Research Unit “Innovation and Environment”, Mercator Institute for China Studies (Berlin, Germany) 04–07/2013 German Consulate General (Shanghai, China) 08–10/2011 German Bundestag (Berlin, Germany) Selected Work Experience 09/2014–07/2015 Young Professional, Strategy and Corporate Development and Project “Public Policy Dialogue Fund”, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH (Beijing, China) 01–05/2014 Student Assistant, Business Technologies, Capgemini Germany (Berlin, Germany) 06/2011–02/2013 Tutor and Research Assistant, Department of Sociology, Technische Universität Darmstadt (Darmstadt, Germany) Master Thesis Title Policy Paper: Price Volatility of Pork in China: Reasons and Implications for Global Trade. 22 Hertie School of Governance Languages English, Spanish, French, German, Italian Selected Internships 06–12/2014 Project Management in French-speaking countries, Pohl Consulting & Associates (Berlin, Germany) 05–12/2010 Press Services, Consulate General of France (Miami, USA) Selected Work Experience 02/2015–present Project Assistant, Pohl Consulting & Associates (Berlin, Germany) 03/2011–08/2013 Department of Marketing and Communications, Colombian Government Trade Bureau (Miami, USA) Master Thesis Title Do immigration reforms help undocumented immigrants integrate? A case study of Latin American undocumented immigrants in South Florida. Noémie Hailu Bernd Handke USA Germany Academic Areas of Interest Academic Areas of Interest • Conflict Resolution • Gender Equality • Extractive Industries Governance • Public Management & Public Sector Reforms • Infrastructure Development • Health Care Management Education Education • Dual Degree in International Affairs and International Security Policy, School of International and Public Affairs, Columbia University (New York, USA) • Bachelor of Arts in Communication Studies with Minors in Latin American and African Studies, Boston College (Boston, USA) • Latin American Immersion and travel program, School for International Training (Brattleboro, USA) • Exchange, Università Bocconi (Milan, Italy) • Exchange, Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya (Herzliya, Israel) • Bachelor of Arts in Culture & Business Studies, Zeppelin University (Friedrichshafen, Germany) Languages Selected Internships English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, German 02–08/2014 Climate and Infrastructure Financing Program, KfW Development Bank (Pretoria, South Africa) 09/2012–01/2013 Infrastructure Development Transport Sector, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (Monrovia, Liberia) 06–09/2012 Consulting Project, Automotive Sector, Accenture Consulting (Wolfsburg, Germany) Selected Work Experience 03–08/2015 Financing for Development Coordinator, Aid Effectiveness Department, Oxfam America (New York, USA) 05/2012–2014 Extractive Industries Coordinator, Campaigns Department, Oxfam America (Washington D.C., USA) 07/2010–05/2012 Research and Policy A dministrative Assistant, Policy and Research Department, Oxfam America (Washington D.C., USA) Master Thesis Title Immigrants at the ballot box: Fostering greater political participation of immigrant communities in Germany through inclusive integration policies (WT) Languages German, English, Spanish Selected Work Experience 11/2014-present Working Student Consultant, Public Sector & Health Care, Accenture Strategy (Berlin, Germany) 09/2011–09/2012 Student Assistant, Otto Group Chair for Distance Trade and Service Marketing, Zeppelin University (Friedrichshafen, Germany) Master Thesis Title Public perception of financial market regulation in Germany: The case of BaFin. Master of Public Policy Profiles—Class of 2016 23 Isabella Hayward Christian-Martin Heckmann Sweden/UK USA/Germany Academic Areas of Interest Academic Areas of Interest • Development and Security Policy • Good Governance and Public Sector Reform • Political Economy • International Security Policy • Geopolitics of Energy • Risk Management Education Education • ATLANTIS Dual Degree in International Security and Development Policy, Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs, Syracuse University (Syracuse, USA) • Certificate of Advanced Study in Civil Society Organisations, Moynihan Institute of Global Affairs (Syracuse, USA) • Bachelor of Science (Honours) in International Relations, London School of Economics and Political Science (London, UK) • Dual Degree, School of International and Public Affairs, Columbia University (New York, USA) • Master of Arts in Ethics, University of Strasbourg (Strasbourg, France) • Exchange, Graduate School of International Studies, Hanyang University (Seoul, South Korea) • Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy & Economics, Bayreuth University (Bayreuth, Germany) Languages Languages German, English, French English, Swedish, French, Spanish Selected Internships Selected Internships 01–04/2015 Associate Programme Officer, Building Resilience and Adaptation to Climate Extremes and D isasters Programme, The Near East Foundation ( Syracuse, USA) 08–12/2011 Junior Advisor, EU Delegation to the United Nations, European External Action Service (New York, USA) 08–10/2010 Political and Economic Affairs Assistant, British Embassy (Riga, Latvia) Selected Work Experience 04–06/2015 Short Term Consultant, Criminal Division, U.S. Department of Justice (Washington DC, USA) 08–12/2014 Short Term Consultant, The Chicago Council on Global Affairs (Chicago, USA) 09/2012–05/2014 Strategy and Governance Administrator, Chief Executive’s Office, The British Red Cross (London, UK) Master Thesis Title Donor approaches to tackling corruption in law enforcement 24 Hertie School of Governance 06–08/2015 Risk Management, Federal State Bank Baden-Württemberg (Stuttgart, Germany) 06–07/2013 Training for International Diplomats, German Federal Foreign Office (Berlin, Germany) 01–05/2011 Office of Assistant Majority Leader, Senator R. Durbin, United States Senate (Washington DC, USA) Selected Work Experience 09/2013–04/2015 University Relations Assistant, American Junior Year at Heidelberg, Heidelberg University (Heidelberg, Germany) Master Thesis Title Causes of instability and spread of violence in West Africa and recommendations for US/NATO support options Partner organization: RAND Corporation Katrin Heger Laurence Hendry Germany UK/Germany/Australia Academic Areas of Interest Academic Areas of Interest • Peace and Conflict • Security and Development • Democratization • Fiscal Governance • Statistics • European Studies Education Education • Atlantis Dual Degree, Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs, Syracuse University (Syracuse, USA) • Certificate of Advanced Study in Security Studies, Institute for National Security and Counterterrorism, Syracuse University (Syracuse, USA) • Certificate of Advanced Post-conflict Reconstruction, Institute for National Security and Counterterrorism, Syracuse University (Syracuse, USA) • Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy and Economics, Bayreuth University (Bayreuth, Germany) • Exchange, Erasmus University Rotterdam (Rotterdam, Netherlands) • Exchange, Universität Hamburg (Hamburg, Germany) • Encounter Europe Scholarship Programme, DAAD European Academy (Otzenhausen, Germany) • Bachelor of Arts in European Studies, University of Sydney (Australia) Languages German, English, Spanish, French Languages English, German, French Selected Internships 01/2013 Australian Embassy, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (Berlin, Germany) 07/2013 Administration, European Australian Business Council (Sydney, Australia) 04/2012 Foreign Trade & Customs Practice Group, Graf von Westphalen LLP (Hamburg, Germany) Selected Internships 05–08/2015 Democracy Building, Friedrich-Ebert Foundation (Prishtina, Kosovo) 06–08/2014 Press, Culture, and Economic Affairs, German Embassy (Accra, Ghana) 08–10/2010 Development Trainee, AIESEC Port Harcourt (Port Harcourt, Nigeria) Selected Work Experience 08/2015 Founding Team, The Data Animals (Berlin, Germany) 10/2015 Berlin Office, Berlin2Paris Communications GmbH (Berlin, Germany) 08/2013 Litigation Team, eLaw International LLP (Sydney, Australia) Selected Work Experience 08/2014–05/2015 Graduate Assistant, Moynihan Center for Global Affairs (Syracuse, USA) 01–06/2014 Department of Peace and Conflict, Protestant Academy Bad Boll (Bad Boll, Germany) 09–12/2013 George C. Marshall Center for Security Studies (Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany) Master Thesis Title The contemporary effects of EU Member State macro-prudential regulatory responses on financial sector systemic risk: Evidence from the NYU Volatility Institute (WT) Master Thesis Title Ethnic voting and democratic development (WT) Master of Public Policy Profiles—Class of 2016 25 Kaja Hengstenberg Timothy Hobden Germany South Africa Academic Areas of Interest Academic Areas of Interest • EU Politics and Integration • Energy and Sustainability Policy • German-Polish Political, Economic and Cultural Relations • Market-Based solutions to Development • Philanthropy and Corporate Social Responsibility • Innovation and Social Entrepreneurship Education Education • Dual Degree, Sciences Po (Paris, France) • Bachelor of Arts in European Studies, Maastricht University (Maastricht, Netherlands) • Exchange, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (Barcelona, Spain) • Master of Commerce in Economics, University of KwaZulu-Natal (Durban, South Africa) • Bachelor of Commerce (Honours) in Economics, University of KwaZulu-Natal (Durban, South Africa) • Bachelor of Science in Economics & Geography, University of KwaZulu-Natal (Durban, South Africa) Languages Languages German, Polish, English, French, Spanish English, Afrikaans, German Selected Internships Selected Work Experience 03–06/2014 Public Policy Department, Instinctif Partners (London, UK) 09/2013–01/2014 Political Department, EU Delegation to the UN (New York, USA) 06–08/2012 Office of MEP, Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety, European Parliament (Brussels, Belgium) 02/2007–06/2014 Senior Consultant, Business in Development team, Genesis Analytics (Johannesburg, South Africa) 06/2011–06/2014 Senior Technical Advisor for Governance & Strategy, South African Jobs Fund, South African National Treasury (Pretoria, South Africa) 02/2009–04/2011 Team Leader, Shared Growth Challenge Fund, Business Trust (Johannesburg, South Africa) Master Thesis Title How can barriers be removed that small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in developing countries face in order to access finance and deploy climate technologies? Partner organizations: United Nations Environment Program and Climate Technology Center & Network 26 Hertie School of Governance Master Thesis Title The impact of risk attitudes on strategy and funding decisions in the German philanthropic sector (WT) Charlotte Vivian Hornung Md. Mujahedul Islam Germany Bangladesh Academic Areas of Interest Academic Areas of Interest • Energy & Sustainability • Global Health • European Integration • Political Economy of Elections and Electoral Systems • Voting Behaviors, Issue Voting and Economic Voting • Party Finance, Partnership and Resource Mobilization Education Education • Dual Degree, Sciences Po (Paris, France) • Exchange, Seoul National University (Seoul, South Korea) • Bachelor of Arts in European Studies, Maastricht University (Maastricht, Netherlands) • Master of Social Sciences in Political Science (with distinction), University of Dhaka (Dhaka, Bangladesh) • Bachelor of Social Sciences in Political Science (with distinction), University of Dhaka (Dhaka, Bangladesh) Languages Languages English, Bangla, German German, English, French, Spanish Selected Internships Selected Internships 01–04/2015 German Malawi Health Programme, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammen arbeit (Lilongwe, Malawi) 09–12/2014 Research Assistant, European Affairs, DEKRA e.V. (Brussels, Belgium) 06–08/2014 Public Affairs, Burson Marsteller (Berlin, Germany) 06–08/2015 External Relations and Partnership Section, United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (New York, USA) 01–07/2012 Democratic Participation and Reform section, Democracy International (Dhaka, Bangladesh) 08–12/2012 Bangladesh Youth Empowerment Society, Project of the U.S. Department of State and U.S. Embassy (Dhaka, Bangladesh) Selected Work Experience 07–08/2011 Volunteer, Open Mind (Rose Hill, Mauritius) Master Thesis Title Implications of urban spatial transformations and transportation challenges in emerging megacities for female economic empowerment in Nigeria and Pakistan. (WT) Partner organization: Urban Institute Selected Work Experience 12/2014–present Research Associate, Professor Dr. Mark Andreas Kayser, Hertie School of Governance (Berlin, Germany) 05–08/2014 Research Assistant, BRAC Institute of Governance and Development, BRAC University (Dhaka, Bangladesh) 01/2013–04/2014 Democratic Development and Good Governance section, Centre for Governance Studies, (Dhaka, Bangladesh) Master Thesis Title To what extent does political instability induce election violence? Master of Public Policy Profiles—Class of 2016 27 Johan Juul Jensen Dominik Kaufmann Denmark Germany Academic Areas of Interest Academic Areas of Interest • Public-Private Partnerships • Social Entrepreneurship • Public Management • Interaction between Public and Private Sector • Innovation Policy • Generation Y and Millennials Education Education • Exchange, McCourt School of Public Policy, Georgetown University (Washington DC, USA) • Bachelor of Science in EU and International Development Studies, Roskilde University (Roskilde, Denmark) • Exchange, Graduate School of Public Policy, University of Tokyo (Tokyo, Japan) • Bachelor of Arts in International Business, BadenWuerttemberg Cooperative State University (Stuttgart, Germany) • Exchange, Grande École Program, NEOMA Business School (Rouen, France) Languages Danish, English Languages Selected Internships German, English, French 09/2014–01/2015 Business Development, Collaborative Policy Consultants (Berlin, Germany) Selected Internships Selected Work Experience 05/2014–present Founder and Director, Play It On – International (Copenhagen, Berlin and Washington DC) 06/2012–08/2014 Student Assistant, Department of Natural Resources and Development, Danish Institute for International Studies (Copenhagen, Denmark) 01/2012–02/2013 Research Assistant, ESPON Programme, European Commission (Roskilde, Denmark) Master Thesis Title Reinventing public-private partnerships for development (WT) 09–11/2011 Staff to the Board of Management, Cooperative Trainee Program, Daimler AG (Stuttgart, Germany) 06–09/2011 Controlling and Administration, Cooperative Trainee Program, Daimler Middle East and Levant (Dubai, United Arab Emirates) 08–09/2007 Sales and Marketing Eastern Europe, BMW Group (Munich, Germany) Selected Work Experience 07/2015–present Co-Founder, Müßiggang Magazin (Berlin, Germany) 11/2014–03/2015 Research Assistant, Hertie School of Governance (Berlin, Germany) 10/2012–09/2014 Market Manager, Mercedes-Benz Retail Professionalization, Daimler AG (Stuttgart, Germany) Master Thesis Title Tackle the threat of a lost generation: Which policy solutions support the integration of marginalized groups of the Generation Y in Europe? (WT) Partner organization: Kienbaum Consultants International GmbH 28 Hertie School of Governance Milou Killaars Alina Susanne Klein Netherlands Germany Academic Areas of Interest Academic Areas of Interest • International Trade • International Law • Foreign Policy • European Governance • Energy and Environmental Policies • Governmental Relations and Public Affairs Education Education • Bachelor of Liberal Arts and Sciences, University College Maastricht (Maastricht, Netherlands) • Exchange, Development Studies, Political Theories, International Relations, University of Leeds (Leeds, United Kingdom) • Exchange, Institut Barcelona D’Estudis Internacionals, Pompeu Fabra University (Barcelona, Spain) • Bachelor of Arts in European Studies, Maastricht University (Maastricht, Netherlands) • Exchange, Carlos III University of Madrid (Madrid, Spain) Languages Dutch, English, German Languages German, English, Spanish, French, Dutch Selected Internships 06–08/2015 Trade Policy Department, Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs (The Hague, Netherlands) Selected Work Experience 09/2013–06/2014 Student Assistant, Bachelor Open Days, Marketing & Communication Department, Maastricht University (Maastricht, Netherlands) 10/2012–11/2013 Treasurer, Work Group INKOM, Student Service Centre, Maastricht University (Maastricht, Netherlands) 02–06/2011 Coordinator and Treasurer, Maastricht Team, Nacht van de Fooi (Night of the Tips) (Maastricht, Netherlands) Selected Internships 05–08/2014 EU Delegation to the United Nations, European External Action Service (New York, USA) 09–12/2013 Volkswagen Group Representative Office to the European Union, Volkswagen Group (Brussels, Belgium) 06–08/2013 Office of Hermann Gröhe, MdB, German Bundestag (Berlin, Germany) Selected Work Experience 09/2014–06/2015 Working Student, Politics and Organizations Department, Allianz Deutschland (Berlin, Germany) Master Thesis Title Master Thesis Title TTIP: winners and losers—Why does the meat industry perceive TTIP as a threat while the dairy industry sees it as an opportunity? (WT) Smart roads = smart ideas: Governing economically efficient and ecologically friendly European cities through the integration of intelligent transportation systems using the example of the first European “smart road” in Hamburg Master of Public Policy Profiles—Class of 2016 29 Cody Koebnick Adam Kong USA United States Academic Areas of Interest Academic Areas of Interest • International Affairs • Security and Development • Economic Policy • Monetary Policy • Diplomacy • Outdoor Education and Recreation Education Education • Summer Foreign Language and Area Studies Fellowship, Harvard Ukrainian Research Institute (Cambridge, Massachusetts) • Exchange, Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg (Oldenburg, Germany) • Bachelor of Arts in History, University of Northern Colorado (Greeley, Colorado) • Bachelor of Arts in Anthropology, University of Northern Colorado (Greeley, Colorado) • Master of Public Administration, Columbia University (New York, USA) • Fulbright Grantee, English Teaching Assistantship (Taiwan) • Bachelor of Arts in International Studies and Chinese Language, Ohio State University (Columbus, USA) Languages Selected Internships English, German, Russian, Ukrainian 05–08/2015 Political Section, U.S. Mission to the EU (Brussels, Belgium) 05–08/2014 U.S. House of Representatives (Washington DC, USA) 01–03/2012 International Institute for Strategic Studies (Washington DC, USA) Selected Internships 06–09/2015 Eastern European Research Division, Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (Berlin, Germany) 01–06/2011 Economic Policy Development, US State Department (Berlin, Germany) Languages English, Mandarin Selected Work Experience Selected Work Experience 09/2015–04/2016 International Affairs, Robert Bosch GmbH (Berlin, Germany) 09/2012–04/2014 Volunteer, Peace Corps (Donetsk, Ukraine) 09/2011–08/2012 Community Specialist, AmeriCorps (Alaska, USA) Master Thesis Title The rise of free trade and its consequences for the size of government 30 Hertie School of Governance 07/2013–07/2014 English Language Coordinator, Yilan County Government, Fulbright Program (Yilan, Taiwan) 05/2011–06/2013 Outdoor Recreation Center, Ohio State University (Columbus, USA) Master Thesis Title An analysis of U.S. ambassadorial appointments: Career vs political (WT) Christoph Kühn Katrina Lampert Germany USA Academic Areas of Interest Academic Areas of Interest • Business, Human Rights and Corporate Social Responsibility • EU Integration • Administrative Capacity Building • Security Policy • State Building and Failed States • Sub-Saharan Africa Education Education • Exchange, American University in Cairo (Cairo, Egypt) • Bachelor of Science in Philosophy, Politics and Economics, University of Warwick (Coventry, UK) • Exchange, University of Richmond (Richmond, USA) • Bachelor of Arts in Political Science, German and International Relations, Ursinus College (Collegeville, USA) • Exchange, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (Munich, Germany) Languages Languages German, English, French, Arabic English, German Selected Internships Selected Internships 06–07/2013 Division VIb1: International Labor and Social Policy, German Federal Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs (Berlin, Germany) 06–08/2014 Management & Reform Section, U.S. Mission to the United Nations (New York, USA) 01–03/2012 Strategic Communications Directorate, U.S. European Command (Stuttgart, Germany) Selected Work Experience 01/2016–01/2017 Professional Year, Division VIb1: International Labor and Social Policy, German Federal Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs (Berlin, Germany) 09/2014–04/2015 Research Assistant to Prof. Christian Traxler, Hertie School of Governance (Berlin, Germany) 11/2013–10/2014 Research Assistant to Prof. Fabian Waldinger, University of Warwick (Coventry, UK) Selected Work Experience Master Thesis Title Master Thesis Title Corporate impact assessment in global value chains (WT) Regarding the concept of sovereignty, what is the effect of external legitimacy on internal legitimacy? (WT) 09/2014–07/2015 Professional Year, Fiscal Decentralization and Good Governance Project, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (Kigali, Rwanda) 06–08/2011 English & Computer Skills Teacher, WorldTeach (Berseba, Namibia) Master of Public Policy Profiles—Class of 2016 31 Dominique Le Cerf Aravena Katie Levesque Canada Chile Academic Areas of Interest Academic Areas of Interest • Administrative Law • Mediation, Conflict Management and Peace-Building • Human Rights • Energy Development and Sustainability • Social Innovation • Intergovernmental Relations Education Education • Degree in Law, Universidad de Valparaíso (Valparaíso, Chile) • Master of Science in Economics and Management, Università Bocconi (Milan, Italy) • Bachelor of Arts in Political Studies with a Minor in Spanish, Queen’s University (Kingston, Canada) Languages Spanish, English, French, German Languages Selected Internships 03–12/2007 Legal and Social Practice, Universidad de Valparaíso (Valparaíso, Chile) 01–06/2009 Family and Civil Rights Section, Legal Aid Corporation (Valparaíso, Chile) 07–09/2015 Scientific Attaché Office, Embassy of Chile to Germany (Berlin, Germany) Selected Work Experience 05/2009–09/2012 Procurator, State Defense Council (Valparaíso, Chile) 10/2012–04/2014 Attorney, State Defense Council (Valparaíso, Chile) Master Thesis Title Victim-offender mediation for minors under the Chilean legal frame: Can and should it be improved? 32 Hertie School of Governance English, French Selected Work Experience 10/2012–08/2014 Analyst, Health, Safety and Environment, Sanjel Corporation (Calgary, Canada) 04–08/2012 MIS and Costing, Canadian Institute for Health Information (Ottawa, Canada) 04–08/2011 Corporate Administration, Canadian Institute for Health Information (Ottawa, Canada) Master Thesis Title Creating a unified carbon pricing policy in Canada: An analysis of carbon pricing mechanisms and policy recommendations for Canada (WT) Partner organization: Canada West Foundation Eitan Levitt Howard Li Canada Canada Academic Areas of Interest Academic Areas of Interest • Macroeconomics and Finance • Development Economics • Political Participation and Elections • Energy and Environment • Socially Responsible Investing • International Development Education Education • Bachelor of Arts, McGill University (Montréal, Canada) • Exchange, Hebrew University of Jerusalem (Jerusalem, Israel) • Master of Public Administration, School of International and Public Affairs, Columbia University (New York, USA) • Bachelor of Science in Economics and Government, London School of Economics (London, UK) Languages English, Hebrew Languages Selected Work Experience 12/2015 Macroeconomics and Financial Markets, German Institute for Economics Research (Berlin, Germany) 08/2014–08/2015 Economic Analysis, Ontario Securities Commission (Toronto, Canada) 05–07/2014 Country Profile Team, SEEK Development (Berlin, Germany) English, German, French Selected Internships 05–08/2015 Innovative Finance and Impact Investment, Rockefeller Foundation (New York, USA) 08–12/2009 Communications and Brand Management, Ketchum Pleon (London, UK) 06–09/2007 Fixed Income Sales Division, HSBC (Hong Kong) Master Thesis Title Political business cycle effects on foreign direct investment in developing countries: New empirical evidence (WT) Selected Work Experience 08/2015–present Assistant Policy Analyst, Climate Partnerships and Intended Nationally Determined Contributions, Climate Analytics (Berlin, Germany) 11/2013–06/2014 Copy Editor, Asia Bureau, The New York Times (Hong Kong) 05/2012–10/2013 Business Development, Deutsche Börse AG (London, UK) Master Thesis Title Social impact and financial returns—Does the promise of impact investing deliver? (WT) Master of Public Policy Profiles—Class of 2016 33 Daniel Limberg Rafael Alejandro López Valverde Germany Bolivia Academic Areas of Interest Academic Areas of Interest • Quantitative Analysis of Policy Issues • Security Policy with a focus on Low-Intensity Conflicts • Micro- and Macro-Economics • Decentralization • Urban Planning • Politics Education Education • Bachelor of Arts in European Studies, Maastricht University (Maastricht, Netherlands) • Exchange, Ajou University (Suwon, South Korea) • Exchange, Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, National University of Singapore (Singapore) • Master of Arts in Decentralization and Constituent Assemblies, Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar (Sucre, Bolivia) • Bachelor of Arts in Political Science, Universidad Mayor de San Andres (La Paz, Bolivia) • Specialization courses: Applied Research Methods, Sussex University (Brighton, UK), Local Economic Development, Japan International Cooperation Agency (Tokyo Japan), Local Governance, Institute of Federalism, University of Fribourg (Fribourg, Switzerland) Languages German, English, French Selected Internships 06–07/2015 Insights, diffferent Strategieagentur (Berlin, Germany) 09/2013–02/2014 European Office, Stuttgart Region Economic Development Corporation (Brussels, Belgium) 05–06/2010 Global Information Network (New York, USA) Languages Master Thesis Title Spanish, English Determinants of maritime piracy (WT) Selected Work Experience 06/2013–08/2014 Main Researcher, Human Development Thematic Report, United Nations Development Programme (La Paz / Santa Cruz, Bolivia) 08/2011–04/2013 National Director of Departmental Autonomies Department, Ministry of Autonomies (La Paz, Bolivia) 03/2007–05/2011 Governance Advisor, Netherlands Development Organisation (La Paz, Bolivia) Master Thesis Title Assessment of tasks allocation between tiers of government in the Bolivian Constitution 34 Hertie School of Governance Nada Mahdy Franziska Maier Egypt Germany Academic Areas of Interest Academic Areas of Interest • Collaborative Governance • Immigration Policy • International Relations and Middle East Politics • European Integration and Citizenship • Employment and Social Policy • Youth Education, Participation and Empowerment Education Education • Bachelor of Arts in Political Science with specialization in International Relations (with distinction), American University in Cairo (Cairo, Egypt) • Minor in Journalism and Mass Communication, American University in Cairo (Cairo, Egypt) • Exchange, Kennedy School of Governance, Harvard University (Cambridge, USA) • Bachelor of Arts in Public Management and Governance, Zeppelin University (Friedrichshafen, Germany) • Summer School, International Association for Political Science Students (Venice, Italy) Languages German, English, French, Italian Languages Arabic, English, German Selected Internships Selected Internships 09–12/2013 Europe Division, German Institute for Foreign and Security Policy (Berlin, Germany) 03–06/2012 European Parliament (Brussels, Belgium) 04–08/2014 Research Assistant, Supporting Egypt’s Transition Programs, Elbarlament GMbh (Berlin, Germany) 05/2015 Interpreter, Empowerment and Networking for Egyptian Female Politicians, Inmedio-Berlin and Boeker Consultancy for Human Rights (Berlin, Germany) Selected Work Experience 07/2012–03/2014 Program Officer, El Sadat Association for Social Development and Welfare (Cairo, Egypt) 03–06/2012 Project Coordinator, Gerhart Center for Philanthropy, American University in Cairo (Cairo, Egypt) 10/2010–02/2012 Program Assistant, National Democratic Institute (Cairo, Egypt) Selected Work Experience 05–09/2015 Student Assistant, Digital Whistleblower Project, European Research Centre for Anti-Corruption and State Building (Berlin, Germany) 08/2014–05/2016 Seminar Trainer, Understanding Europe, Schwarzkopf Foundation (Berlin, Germany) 06/2012–06/2014 President, European Youth Parliament in Germany (Berlin, Germany) Master Thesis Title A Europeanization of employment policy? A c omparative case study of youth unemployment policies in EU Member States during the crisis Master Thesis Title Collaborative approaches to manage the refugee crisis: Improving the public services for refugees in the city of Berlin (WT) Master of Public Policy Profiles—Class of 2016 35 Ivan Markovic Sebastián Martínez Serbia Colombia Academic Areas of Interest Academic Areas of Interest • Finance • Fiscal Policy • Labor Market • Regional Development • Political Economy • Impact Evaluations Education Education • Exchange, School of Public Affairs, American University (Washington DC, USA) • Bachelor of Arts in Political Science, International Relations and Business Administration, American University in Bulgaria (Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria) • Bachelor of Science in Mathematics, Universidad de los Andes (Bogotá, Colombia) • Bachelor of Arts in Economics, Universidad de los Andes (Bogotá, Colombia) • Master of Economics, Universidad de los Andes (Bogotá, Colombia) Languages English, Russian, Bulgarian, German Languages Spanish, English, Portuguese Selected Internships 10–12/2015 German Marshall Fund of the United States (Washington DC, USA) 05–08/2015 Office of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Serbia and Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia (Belgrade, Serbia) 01–02/2015 Embassy of the Republic of Serbia (Berlin, Germany) Selected Work Experience 11/2011–10/2014 Research Assistant, Fedesarrollo (Bogotá, Colombia) 09/2013–03/2014 Consultant for the Labour Ministry, International Labour Organisation (Bogotá, Colombia) 04/2015–06/2015 Research Assistant, Energy Department, German Institute for Economic Research (Berlin, Germany) Selected Work Experience 06/2013–05/2014 Teaching Assistant for C orporate Finance, Valuation, and Investment and P ortfolio Management, American University in Bulgaria (Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria) 01–06/2013 Research Assistant for Business Ethics, American University in Bulgaria (Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria) 01–05/2011 Research Assistant for International Law, American University in Bulgaria (Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria) Master Thesis Title Impact of the immigrant networks on the labor market integration in Germany (WT) 36 Hertie School of Governance Master Thesis Title The effect of land use changes on reported property crimes Partner organization: Berlin Police Department Lars Mehwald Moises Mendoza Germany USA Academic Areas of Interest Academic Areas of Interest • Foreign Policy and International Relations • International Trade Policy • Global Governance • Human Rights • Politics of Microstates • Diplomacy Education Education • Bachelor of Arts in International Relations, Technische Universität Dresden (Dresden, Germany) • Exchange, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (Madrid, Spain) • Dual Degree, Master of International Affairs, Columbia University (New York, USA) • Bachelor of Science in Foreign Service, Georgetown University (Washington DC, USA) Languages Languages German, English, Spanish English, German, Spanish Selected Internships Selected Internships 11–12/2015 Foreign and Security Policy, Dr. Franz Josef Jung, Member of Parliament (Berlin, Germany) 07–08/2015 Unit for Policy Analysis and Planning, Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (Berlin, Germany) 03–05/2014 Department for Disarmament and Arms Control, Permanent Mission of Germany to the United Nations (New York, USA) 05–08/2015 U.S. Embassy Uganda, U.S. Department of State (Kampala, Uganda) 03–08/2013 Communication Directorate General, European Commission (Brussels, Belgium) 03–08/2012 Office of Philipp Mißfelder, MdB, German Bundestag (Berlin, Germany) Selected Work Experience 07/2010–07/2011 Teaching Assistant and Voluntary Worker, AFS Intercultural Programs (Cerro Punta, Panama) Selected Work Experience 09/2010–06/2011 Fulbright Scholar (Berlin, Germany) 08/2007–08/2010 Journalist, Hearst Corporation (Houston, USA) Master Thesis Title Master Thesis Title The economic vote in context: How does electoral accountability change in a globalised world? (WT) An analysis of U.S. ambassadorial appointments: Career vs. political (WT) Master of Public Policy Profiles—Class of 2016 37 Celina Menzel Siddharth P. Merchant Germany India/Canada Academic Areas of Interest • Post-Conflict Reconstruction and Long-Term Development • Health and Development • The Role of Social Services in Peace-Building Academic Areas of Interest • Governance • Stakeholder Engagement • Public-Private Partnerships Education Education • Master of International Relations in Peace, Security and Conflict, Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs, Syracuse University (Syracuse, USA) • Bachelor of Arts in International Relations, Technische Universität Dresden (Dresden, Germany) • Exchange, University of La Reunion (St. Denis, France) • Dual Degree, Master of Public Administration, London School of Economics & Political Science (London, UK) • Bachelor of Business Administration (Honours), Trent University (Peterborough, Canada) • Exchange, Jönköping International Business School, Jönköping University (Jönköping, Sweden) Languages Languages English, Hindi, Portuguese, Spanish German, English, French, Portuguese Selected Internships Selected Internships 05–07/2015 Division of Economic and Financial Affairs, Permanent Mission of the Federal Republic of Germany to the United Nations (New York, USA) 01–03/2013 Division VN01, UN Security Council, Peacekeeping and Peace-Building, Sanctions, German Federal Foreign Office (Berlin, Germany) 03–04/2012 Parliamentary Office of Dr. Marlies Volkmer, MdB, German Bundestag (Berlin, Germany) Master Thesis Title To be confirmed 09/2015–06/2016 Capstone Consultant, European Bank of Reconstruction & Development (London, UK) 09/2014–08/2015 Consultant, World Bank Group (Maputo, Mozambique) 05–09/2014 Trainee, Energy & Trading Department, Heidelberg Cement Group (Valletta, Malta) Selected Work Experience 01/2012–07/2013 Communications Officer, CanadaIndia Business Council (Toronto, Canada) 08/2010–12/2011 Management Trainee, Strategy & Corporate Affairs, Vale (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) 07/2009–07/2010 Legislative & Communications Assistant, Canadian Member of Parliament (Toronto, Canada) Master Thesis Title To be confirmed 38 Hertie School of Governance Charlotte Merten Viola A. Meyerweissflog Germany Germany Academic Areas of Interest Academic Areas of Interest • Development Cooperation • Private Sector Development and Trade • Economic Policymaking • International Security, Foreign Policy and Transatlantic Relations • Counterterrorism, Defense and Intelligence Studies • Public Communications Education • Bachelor of Arts, University College Maastricht (Maastricht, Netherlands) • Exchange, University of Washington (Seattle, USA) Languages German, English, Spanish, French, Swedish Selected Internships 09–12/2014 Development Economics Vice Presidency, World Bank Group (Washington DC, USA) 05–07/2014 Economics Department, Permanent Mission of Germany to the United Nations (New York, USA) 03–08/2013 Economic Policy and Private Sector Development, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (Berlin, Germany) Selected Work Experience 09/2015–present Consultant, Development Economics, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammen arbeit (Berlin, Germany) 12/2014–06/2015 Consultant, Agriculture Global Practice, World Bank Group (Washington D.C., USA) 09–11/2013 Consultant, Trade Policy, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (Berlin, Germany) Education • ATLANTIS Dual Degree, Master of International Relations, Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs, Syracuse University (Syracuse, USA) • Executive Certificate in Counter-Terrorism Studies, International Institute for Counter-Terrorism, Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya (Herzliya, Israel) • Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Politics with International Relations, University of York (York, UK) Languages German, English, French, Spanish, Arabic, Farsi Selected Internships 07–08/2015 Europe Program, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace (Washington DC, USA) 04–07/2014 Carnegie Europe (Brussels, Belgium) 09–12/2013 Researcher, German Federal Parliament, Office of Dorothee Bär, MdB (Berlin, Germany) Selected Work Experience 08–12/2014 Graduate Assistant, Moynihan Institute for Global Affairs (Syracuse, USA) 09/2013–03/2014 Research Assistant, German F ederal Parliament, Office of Parliamentary State Secretary Dorothee Bär, MdB (Berlin, Germany) Master Thesis Title Policy coherence for development in the EU – Managing trade policy coherence for development in the Economic Partnership Agreements between the EU and the ACP States Master Thesis Title The differing threat perception of Iran in Europe and the United States: A comparative analysis before and after the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) (WT) Master of Public Policy Profiles—Class of 2016 39 Isabelle Miller Mariza Montes de Oca León USA/Thailand Mexico Academic Areas of Interest Academic Areas of Interest • Migration & Integration Policy • International Relations • Social Innovation • Climate, Energy and Transport Policy • Health Policy • Environmental Economics Education Education • Bachelor of Arts in International Relations and Linguistics, Tulane University (New Orleans, USA) • Exchange, Universidad de Buenos Aires (Buenos Aires, Argentina) English, Spanish, Thai, German, Portuguese • Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Economics, Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México (Mexico City, Mexico) • Exchange, Université de Rennes I (Rennes, France) • Bachelor of Arts in Political Science, Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México (Mexico City, Mexico) Selected Internships Languages 06–07/2015 European Research Center for Anti- Corruption and State-Building (Berlin, Germany) 01–03/2013 Contract Law, Santos Neto & Montgomery Advogados (São Paulo, Brazil) 08–11/2011 Communications, Fundación Leer (Buenos Aires, Argentina) Spanish, English, French, German Languages Selected Internships 07–08/2015 Climate Finance and Adaptation, adelphi research GmbH (Berlin, Germany) Selected Work Experience Master Thesis Title To be confirmed 07/2013–07/2014 Environmental Economist, Environmental Economics Research Unit, Centro Mario Molina (Mexico City, Mexico) 03–06/2013 Advisor to the Chief Economist, Planning Division, Ministry of Finance (Mexico City, Mexico) 07/2011–02/2013 Chief of Department of Regional Modeling, Econometrics Department, National Institute Ecology and Climate Change (Mexico City, Mexico) Master Thesis Title Smuggling smoke: A study of cigarette tax evasion and avoidance in Germany (WT) 40 Hertie School of Governance Ana Cecilia Montes Viñas Julia Mühlenbein Colombia Germany Academic Areas of Interest Academic Areas of Interest • Public Economics • Labor and Social Policy • Innovation and Entrepreneurship • European Integration • Public Affairs • Energy and Climate Policy Education Education • Master of Science in Economics, Universidad de los Andes (Bogotá, Colombia) • Bachelor of Arts in Economics, Universidad de los Andes (Bogotá, Colombia) • Bachelor of Arts in European Studies, Maastricht University (Maastricht, Netherlands) • Exchange, Chinese University of Hong Kong (Hong Kong) Languages Languages Spanish, English German, English Selected Internships Selected Internships 06–08/2015 Economic Development Unit, United Nations, Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean, Sub-Regional Headquarters (Mexico City, Mexico) 06–07/2015 Political Affairs and Government Relations, Robert Bosch GmbH (Berlin, Germany) 01–03/2014 Political Consulting, Miller & Meier Consulting, (Berlin, Germany) 09–11/2013 Britta Reimers, MEP, European Parliament (Brussels, Belgium) Selected Work Experience 10/2012–08/2014 Research Project Assistant, Research Committee, Universidad de los Andes, (Bogotá, Colombia) 08/2011–07/2012 Research Assistant, Fedesarrollo Center for Economic and Social Research, (Bogotá, Colombia) Selected Work Experience 09/2015–present Practice Student, Political Affairs and Government Relations, Robert Bosch GmbH (Berlin, Germany) Master Thesis Title Master Thesis Title Labor markets outcomes and social networks among migrants: Evidence from Germany (WT) Home appliances and the EU Energy Label: Explaining an industry’s self-interest in regulation (WT) Partner organization: Robert Bosch GmbH Master of Public Policy Profiles—Class of 2016 41 Lukas Müller Kristina Müller Germany Germany Academic Areas of Interest Academic Areas of Interest • Banking and Finance • Political Economy • Health Policy • Social and Family Policy • Gender Equality • Public Affairs Education Education • Exchange, Carroll University (Waukesha, USA) • Bachelor of Arts in Political Science, Philipps- Universität Marburg (Marburg, Germany) • Bachelor of Arts in Social Sciences, Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf (Düsseldorf, Germany) • Minor in Economics, Utrecht University School of Economics (Utrecht, Netherlands) Languages German, English, French Languages German, English, French Selected Internships 07–08/2015 Internal Communications, Deutsche Bank AG (Frankfurt, Germany) 02–03/2012 Sports Committee and Office of Brigitte Zypries, ret. Federal Minister of Justice, German Federal Parliament (Berlin, Germany) 08–09/2011 Administration, Parliament of Hesse (Wiesbaden, Germany) Selected Internships Selected Work Experience 01–03/2015 Department for Gender Equality, Federal Ministry for Family, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (Berlin, Germany) 08–12/2014 Project “Fit for School”, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (Manila, Philippines) 02–03/2013 Communications Department, German Development Institute (Bonn, Germany) 01/2015–present Student Assistant, Atlantik-Brücke e.V. (Berlin, Germany) Selected Work Experience Master Thesis Title The contemporary effects of EU Member-State macro-prudential regulatory responses on financial sector systemic risk: Evidence from the NYU Volatility Institute (WT) 04–12/2015 Student Assistant, Rohde Public Policy (Berlin, Germany) 10/2011–10/2013 Student Assistant, Department of Communication and Media Studies, Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf (Düsseldorf, Germany) Master Thesis Title Maternal employment of migrants in Germany—An empirical analysis with the microcensus 42 Hertie School of Governance Kevin Müller Moritz Mumme Germany Germany Academic Areas of Interest Academic Areas of Interest • Foreign Policy Analysis • European Governance • Economic Policy • Digital Government and Politics • Public Management and Social Policy • Innovation and Technology Policy Education Education • Exchange, Bachelor of Arts in Politics and International Relations, University of Toronto (Toronto, Canada) • Bachelor of Arts in Politics and International Relations, Royal Holloway and London School of Economics, University of London (London, UK) • Minor in European Studies, Maastricht University (Maastricht, Netherlands) • Bachelor of Arts in Cultural Studies, European University Viadrina (Frankfurt (Oder), Germany) Languages German, English, French Languages German, English, Spanish Selected Internships 09/2014–02/2015 Dr. Frank-Walter Steinmeier, MdB, Minister of Foreign Affairs (Berlin, Germany) 10/2013–04/2014 Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (Lusaka, Zambia) 08–10/2012 High Representation of the Kurdistan Regional Government to the United Kingdom (London, UK) Master Thesis Title European financial targeted sanctions and their effect on the Russian banking sector since 2014. Partner organization: Federal Foreign Office (Berlin, Germany) Selected Internships 03–05/2015 Public Policy Evaluation, Kienbaum Management Consultants (Hamburg, Germany) 09/2014–02/2015 Public Affairs, Burson-Marsteller (Berlin, Germany) 04–06/2013 Public Affairs, Johanssen + Kretschmer (Berlin, Germany) Selected Work Experience 01–06/2016 Student Assistant, Public Sector, Capgemini Consulting (Berlin, Germany) 08/2013–08/2014 Student Assistant, Public Affairs, APCO Worldwide (Berlin, Germany) Master Thesis Title Intersectoral collaboration for innovation: Dynamics and effects of the collaboration network for digitalization of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMES) in Germany (WT) Partner organization: Kienbaum Management Consultants Master of Public Policy Profiles—Class of 2016 43 Leon Daiske Oberbäumer Philipp Offenberg Germany/Japan Germany Academic Areas of Interest Academic Areas of Interest • International Conflict Management • Migration and Refugee Policy • Japanese Policy and Economy • Energy Economics • EU Energy Policy • Resource Markets Education Education • Dual Degree, Graduate School of Public Policy, University of Tokyo (Tokyo, Japan) • Bachelor of Arts in Politics and Economics of East Asia, Ruhr-Universität Bochum (Bochum, Germany) • Exchange, International Christian University (ICU) (Tokyo, Japan) • Multimedia journalism traineeship, JONA Journalist Academy of Konrad Adenauer Foundation (Sankt Augustin/Bonn, Germany) • Magister in Communications, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz (Mainz, Germany) • Exchange, Russian State University for the Humanities (Moscow, Russia) • Exchange, University of Navarra (Pamplona, Spain) Languages German, Japanese, English, French Languages Selected Internships 02–04/2015 Asia Research Division, Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (SWP) (Berlin, Germany) 12/2014–01/2105 Department of Economy, German Embassy (Tokyo, Japan) 09–12/2014 Public Affairs and Communication, OECD Tokyo Centre (Tokyo, Japan) German, English, Spanish, French, Russian, Latin Selected Internships Selected Work Experience 02–11/2015 Utilities - Resources Division, Accenture Management Consulting, (Berlin, Germany) 09/2014–01/2015 Governmental Affairs, BASF Wintershall Holding GmbH (Berlin, Germany) 02–04/2011 Correspondent’s Office, Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung (Madrid, Spain) 06–09/2015 Human Resources Japan, Henkel Japan Ltd. (Tokyo, Japan) Selected Work Experience Master Thesis Title Germany’s refugee politics in the current situation: Is the refugee crisis a challenge for the EU? (WT) 05/2014–present Affiliate Fellow, EU energy policy, Jacques Delors Institut – Berlin (Berlin, Germany) 09/2014–present Research Associate, European Centre for Energy and Resource Security, King’s College London (London, UK) 09/2012–08/2013 Student Trainee, Deutsche Börse AG (Frankfurt, Germany) Master Thesis Title Are liquefied natural gas imports from the United States of America able to reduce the market share of Russian pipeline gas on European markets? Partner organization: Jacques Delors Institut – Berlin 44 Hertie School of Governance Kyle Ott Rafael Palomino USA Mexico Academic Areas of Interest Academic Areas of Interest • Behavioral Economics • Urban and Housing Policies • Economics of Crime and Corruption • Open Government and Open Data • Innovation and Entrepreneurship • Knowledge Economy Education Education • Graduate Certificate in Geographical Information Systems, Pennsylvania State University (University Park, USA) • Bachelor of Arts / Science in History and Economics, Duke University (Durham, USA) • Dual Degree, Master of Public Affairs, Sciences Po (Paris, France) • Bachelor of Arts in Sociology and Latin American Studies, Princeton University (Princeton, USA) • Exchange, Universidad Torcuato Di Tella (Buenos Aires, Argentina) Languages English, German Languages Spanish, English, French, Portuguese Selected Internships 06–08/2014 Affordable Housing, Dunn Development Corp. (Brooklyn, USA) 05–07/2009 Grant Recipient, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (Crownpoint, USA) Selected Work Experience 09/2014–present Research Assistant, Prof. Christian Traxler, Hertie School of Governance (Berlin, Germany) 08/2011–07/2013 Project Coordinator, Supportive Housing Department, Common Ground (New York, USA) 05/2010–06/2011 Research Associate, Sanford School of Public Policy, Duke University (Durham, USA) Selected Internships 06–08/2015 National Digital Strategy, Office of the President (Mexico City, Mexico) 06–08/2008 Mexican Embassy in India (New Delhi, India) 06–08/2007 Institute of Studies of Religion (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) Selected Work Experience 12/2010–05/2014 Paralegal, International Arbitration, Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer (New York, USA / Paris, France) Master Thesis Title Master Thesis Title Incentive crowding: Experimental evidence of when small incentives backfire (WT) The economic impact of open data policies at the municipal level: A case study of Mexican cities (WT) Master of Public Policy Profiles—Class of 2016 45 Sienna-Yiling Pan Andrea Pang Hui Xin China Singapore Academic Areas of Interest Academic Areas of Interest • International Monetary Policy • Finance and Financial Regulation • Media and Communications • Cultural Policy • Social Policy • State-Society Relations Education Education • Dual Degree, Master of Public Administration, School of International and Public Affairs, Columbia University (New York, USA) • Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Communications, University of Nottingham Ningbo China (Ningbo, China) • Exchange, University of Sydney (Sydney, Australia) • Bachelor of Arts in Combined Honours in Arts (History, Politics and International Affairs, Sociology), Durham University (Durham, UK) Languages English, Mandarin Selected Internships Languages Mandarin, English, Japanese Selected Internships 06/2014–07/2015 Financial markets reporter, Reuters News Agency (Shanghai, China) 03–06/2013 Marketing Department, Jolo Fashion (Shanghai, China) 09–11/2012 Global Banking and Markets Department, HSBC (Ningbo, China) Master Thesis Title Understanding the social and political impact of quantitative easing in the United States Partner organization: United States Treasury Markets Room 46 Hertie School of Governance 06–08/2015 Arts and Heritage Division, Ministry of Culture, Community and Youth (Singapore) 06–09/2013 Rehabilitation and Protection Group, Ministry of Social and Family Development (Singapore) 02–06/2011 Marketing, MediaCorp Publishing (Singapore) Master Thesis Title State-civil society dynamics and the process of shaping collective memory in Singapore (1990s-Present) Olimpia Elena Pârje Rachel Penner USA Romania Academic Areas of Interest Academic Areas of Interest • Education and Social Policy • European and Urban Governance • Migration and International Development • Development • Water and Sanitation • Crisis Management Education Education • Master of Arts in European Studies and International Affairs, University of Bucharest (Bucharest, Romania) • Bachelor of Science in Applied Informatics in Economics, Bucharest University of Economic Studies (Bucharest, Romania) • Exchange semester (Greece) • ATLANTIS Dual Degree, Master of International Relations, Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs, Syracuse University (Syracuse, USA) • Master of Development Studies, Institute of Social Studies, Erasmus University Rotterdam (The Hague, Netherlands) Languages Languages Romanian, English, French, Spanish, German English, Spanish, German Selected Internships Selected Internships 03–07/2014 Directorate General for Education and Culture, European Commission (Brussels, Belgium) 02–04/2012 Romanian Centre for European Policies (Bucharest, Romania) 06–07/2015 Disaster Relief Coordinator, Aythos (Kathmandu, Nepal) Master Thesis Title To be confirmed Selected Work Experience 03–07/2015 Research Assistant, Infrastructure Governance Report, Hertie School of Governance (Berlin, Germany) 03–12/2013 Project Manager and Editor, Europe&Me Magazine (Berlin, Germany) 09–12/2012 Junior Editor, Communications Department, Representation of the European Commission in Romania (Bucharest, Romania) Master Thesis Title Collaborative approaches to refugee crisis management: Improving service delivery for refugees and asylum seekers in the city of Berlin (WT) Master of Public Policy Profiles—Class of 2016 47 Daniel Pires Cassús Camila Quevedo Vega Brazil Colombia Academic Areas of Interest Academic Areas of Interest • Civil Law • Urban Governance • Creative Industries • Development Economics • Microfinances and Financial Inclusion • Financial Regulation Education Education • Postgraduate degree in Private and Public Law, Estácio de Sá University (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) • Bachelor of Arts in Law, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) • Master of Science in Economics, Universidad de los Andes (Bogotá, Colombia) • Bachelor of Arts in Economics, Universidad Nacional de Colombia (Bogotá, Colombia) Languages Languages Portuguese, English, Spanish, German Spanish, English Selected Internships Selected Internships 12/2001–04/2004 District Attorney of Rio de Janeiro (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) 03/2002–01/2004 Public Defenders of Rio de Janeiro (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) 07–09/2005 Presidency of the Court of the State of Rio de Janeiro (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) 06–08/2015 Division of Production, Productivity, and Management, United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (Santiago, Chile) Selected Work Experience 10/2005–09/2007 Assistant Judge, Court of the State of Rio de Janeiro (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) 10/2007–05/2008 Conciliator at Small Claims Court (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) 09/2009–01/2013 Legal assistant, District Attorneys of the State of Rio de Janeiro (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) Selected Work Experience 01/2012–08/2014 Advisor to the Superintendent Delegate for Credit Risk, Financial Superintendence of Colombia (Bogotá, Colombia) 01/2009–11/2011 Senior Economist, Economic Research, Bancolombia (Bogotá, Colombia) 07/2006–01/2009 Senior Economist, Macroeconomic Studies, Colombian Banking Association Asobancaria (Bogotá, Colombia) Master Thesis Title Master Thesis Title Entrepreneurial urban governance and mega sports events in Rio de Janeiro 48 Hertie School of Governance Conditional cash transfers and entrepreneurship in Colombia: The case of “Familias en Acción” Adrian Rajabi Sandra Rau USA Deutschland Academic Areas of Interest Academic Areas of Interest • Corporate Strategy • International Management • Sustainable Development • Social Entrepreneurship and Non-Profit Innovation • Strategic Management and Organizational Design • European Governance Education Education • Master of International Affairs in International Finance, Columbia University (New York, USA) • Bachelor of Arts in Economics and Global Studies, University of California, Santa Barbara (Santa Barbara, USA) • Exchange, Universitat Pompeu Fabra (Barcelona, Spain) • Bachelor of Arts in European Studies f ocusing on Social and Cultural Sciences, Technische Universität Chemnitz (Chemnitz, Germany) Languages German, English, French, Russian, Italian, Chinese Selected Internships Languages English, Spanish, Persian Selected Internships 06–08/2015 International Business Ventures, Hudson’s Bay Company (New York, USA) 07–12/2014 Vodafone Stiftung Deutschland (Berlin, Germany) 09/2011–01/2012 Schwarzkopf-Stiftung “Junges Europa” (Berlin, Germany) 05–07/2009 German Parliament (Berlin, Germany) Selected Work Experience Selected Work Experience 09/2014–01/2015 Development Consultant, Atikus Insurance (New York, USA) 12/2012–02/2014 Research Assistant, Center for Strategic and International Studies (Washington DC, USA) Master Thesis Title The pursuit and efficacy of Impact investing initiatives in New York City (WT) 05–12/2015 Analyst, SEFORIS Research Project on Social Enterprises, Hertie School of Governance (Berlin, Germany) 10/2012–08/2013 Project Assistant, ‘Uni goes Uno’ Project, National Model United Nations New York Delegation, Technische Universität Chemnitz (Chemnitz, Germany) 07–03/2012 Research Assistant, Qualitätspakt Lehre, Faculty of Philosophy, Technische Universität Chemnitz (Chemnitz, Germany) Master Thesis Title Innovation in third sector organizations: The case of German corporate foundations Master of Public Policy Profiles—Class of 2016 49 Carolin Reiner Alexander Reitzenstein Germany Germany Academic Areas of Interest Academic Areas of Interest • Behavioral Economics and Statistics • Energy and Climate Change Policy • Infrastructure and Urban Planning • Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development • International Economics, Finance and Governance • Public and Strategic Management Education Education • Exchange, UCLA Luskin School of Public Affairs (Los Angeles, USA) • Bachelor of Arts in Transatlantic Relations and Economics, Sciences Po (Reims, France) • Exchange, McGill University (Montreal, Canada) • Dual Degree, Master of Public Administration, London School of Economics and Political Science (London, UK) • Exchange, Washington Semester Program in Sustainable Development, American University (Washington DC, USA / Costa Rica) • Bachelor of Arts in Political Science, Economics and Business, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (Munich, Germany) Languages German, English, Hungarian, French Selected Internships 06–08/2015 Climate Policy, German Institute for Economic Research (Berlin, Germany) 12/2013–02/2014 Business and Market Analysis, KPMG (Berlin, Germany) 06–08/2013 Oversight Division, Directorate General Market Infrastructure and Payments, European Central Bank (Frankfurt, Germany) Selected Work Experience 02–06/2015 Research Assistant to Prof. Genia Kostka, Chair for Energy and Infrastructure, Hertie School of Governance (Berlin, Germany) 06/2014–01/2015 Freelance Media Consultant, The European Magazine Publishing GmbH (Berlin, Germany) Master Thesis Title Bounded rationality and energy conservation: The heterogeneous behavioral effects of smart meters on electricity consumption—a quantitative analysis Partner organization: German Institute for Economic Research Languages German, English, Italian, Spanish, Latin Selected Internships 06–08/2015 Public Management Consulting, PricewaterhouseCoopers (Munich, Germany) 01–04/2014 Visiting Research Associate, bms Marketing Research & Strategy (Munich, Germany) 08–12/2013 Microfinance, FINCA International (Washington DC, USA) Selected Work Experience 01/2015–present Research Assistant, Centre for Economic Performance, London School of Economics and Political Science (London, UK) 09/2014–05/2015 Development Consultant, Cognoscere Consulting (London, UK) 12/2011–07/2013 Student Research Assistant, Center for Applied Policy Research (Munich, Germany) Master Thesis Title Blessing or curse – How does earmarked funding distort the mandate of multilateral organizations? (WT) 50 Hertie School of Governance Ayra Reyla Meerim Ruslanova Canada/Philippines Kyrgyzstan Academic Areas of Interest Academic Areas of Interest • Human Rights and Poverty Alleviation • Migration Policy • Foreign Policy and International Development • Quantitative Methods of Analysis • Policy Options for Private Sector Development • Energy Efficiency and Sustainability Education Education • Bachelor of Arts in Political Studies, Queen’s University (Kingston, Canada) • Bachelor of Science in Business Administration and Political Science, American University in Bulgaria (Blagoewgrad, Bulgaria) Languages English, Tagalog, Ilocano, French, Spanish Languages Russian, English, Turkish, German Selected Internships 08/2015 Editorial Team, Europe&Me Magazine (Berlin, Germany) 07/2015 Office of Senator Juan Edgardo Angara, Senate of the Philippines (Manila, Philippines) 05/2012 Alive Foundation, Alliance in Motion Global Inc. (Manila, Philippines) Selected Internships Selected Work Experience Master Thesis Title 05/2014 Special Projects Assistant, Office of the Vice-Principle, Queen’s University (Kingston, Canada) 05/2013 Summer Constituency Assistant, Government of Canada (Ottawa, Canada) The impact of subsidized consultancy projects on economic growth of small and medium enterprises in Kyrgyzstan (WT) Partner organization: European Bank for Reconstruction and Development 06–09/2014 Small Business Support, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan) 03–07/2013 Event management and logistics, R efugee Resettlement and Immigration Services of Atlanta (Atlanta, USA) Master Thesis Title What factors explain people’s attitudes towards immigrants? A cross-country analysis of Germany and the United States Master of Public Policy Profiles—Class of 2016 51 Daniel Salgado Moreno Kerstin May Sandow Mexico Germany Academic Areas of Interest Academic Areas of Interest • Quantitative Research Methods • Political Economy of Crime • Education Policy • Inclusive Business • Organizational Strategy & Development • Transitional Justice & Democracy Education Education • Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in International Relations, Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México (Mexico City, Mexico) • Bachelor of Arts in Political Science, Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México (Mexico City, Mexico) • Bachelor of Arts in International Relations and International Organization, University of Groningen (Groningen, Netherlands) • Exchange, University of the Free State (Bloemfontein, South Africa) Languages Languages German, English, French Spanish, German, English Selected Internships Selected Internships 06–07/2015 Democracy and Democratization, Berlin Social Science Center (Berlin, Germany) 01–04/2014 Senior Manager Office, Ethos Public Policy Lab (Mexico City, Mexico) Selected Work Experience 04/2015–08/2016 Research Assistant, Global Governance, Berlin Social Science Center (Berlin, Germany) Master Thesis Title The determinants of right-wing violent crime in Germany (WT) 09/2013–02/2014 Strategic Alliances and Parnterships, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammen arbeit (Eschborn, Germany) 01–05/2010 Online Marketing & Sales, EF Education First (Zurich, Switzerland / Moscow, Russia) 10–12/2009 Projects in Georgia and Russia, German Foundation for International Legal Cooperation (Bonn, Germany) Selected Work Experience 05–12/2015 Student Assistant, McKinsey & Company (Berlin, Germany) 04/2014–01/2015 External Consultant, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (Eschborn, Germany) 04–09/2014 Student Assistant, Health Targets, Gesellschaft für Versicherungswissenschaft- und gestaltung (Berlin, Germany) Master Thesis Title Co-creating female empowerment: Re-conceptualizing female economic empowerment as a social value co-creation process (WT) 52 Hertie School of Governance Theo Sands Mariam Sanjush UK Afghanistan Academic Areas of Interest Academic Areas of Interest • Development • Financial Regulation • Behavioural Economics • Policy Analysis • Social and Development Policies • Governance, Elections, Civil Society and Human Rights Education • Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy, Politics, and Economics, University of Oxford (Oxford, UK) Languages English, German Selected Internships 06–08/2015 Policy and Development, United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (Bangkok, Thailand) 09–12/2014 Financial Technology, Algebris (London, UK) 06–08/2012 Industry, Simon Kucher (London, UK) Education • Bachelor of Arts in Economics, Pune University (Pune, India) • Diploma in United Nations and International Understanding, Institute of United Nations Studies (Delhi, India) • Diploma in International Relations, Human Rights and Role of International Law, Savitribai Phule Pune University (Pune, India) Languages Persian, English, German, Urdu, Hindi Master Thesis Title Selected Internships How has the Chinese approach to establishing public Asset Management Corporations (AMCs) changed over time? (WT) 09–12/2015 Research Fellow, International Projects, Berlin Center for Torture Victims (Berlin, Germany) 07–08/2015 Embassy of Afghanistan in Berlin (Berlin, Germany) Selected Work Experience 04/2013–04/2014 Manager and Assistant to Deputy Country Director, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit Main Office, (Kabul, Afghanistan) 04/2013–07/2012 Administrative and Finance Assistant, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammen arbeit (Taloqan, Afghanistan) 2008–2009 Admin Finance Assistant, ChildFund Afghanistan (Taloqan, Afghanistan) Master Thesis Title Ethnic voting in plural societies and corruption Master of Public Policy Profiles—Class of 2016 53 Ellen Scherwinski Lisa Katharina Schmid Germany Germany Academic Areas of Interest Academic Areas of Interest • International Security • Counterterrorism • Civil-Military Relations • Public Administration and Public Sector Reform • Climate and Environmental Policy • International Organizations and Global Governance Education Education • ATLANTIS Dual Degree in International Security and Development, Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs, Syracuse University (Syracuse, USA) • Executive Certificate in Counter-Terrorism S tudies, International Institute for Counter-Terrorism, Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya (Herzliya, Israel) • Certificate of Advanced Study in Security Studies, Institute for National Security and Counterterrorism, Syracuse University (Syracuse, USA) • Bachelor of Arts in European Studies, Maastricht University (Maastricht, Netherlands) • Exchange, York University (York, UK) • Exchange, SciencesPo (Paris, France) • Bachelor of Arts in Politics and Public Administration (with distinction), University of Konstanz (Konstanz, Germany) Languages German, English, French, Dutch Selected Internships 07–08/2015 Federal Ministry of Defense (Berlin, Germany) 05–07/2014 Defense Council at the Bundestag (Berlin, Germany) Selected Work Experience 09/2014–05/2015 Research Assistant, Global Black Spots Research Program (Syracuse, USA) Master Thesis Title Languages German, English, French, Spanish Selected Internships 06–08/2015 Public Management Consulting, PricewaterhouseCoopers (Munich, Germany) 06–08/2014 Environment Program and Transatlantic Energy and Climate Network, Heinrich Böll Foundation (Washington DC, USA) 03–08/2012 Resource Mobilization and Policy Dialogue with the European Union, United Nations Environment Programme (Brussels, Belgium) Selected Work Experience 10/2015–present Research Assistant to Dr. Nina Hall with focus on Global Governance and International Organizations, Hertie School of Governance (Berlin, Germany) 5/2015–present Founding Member and Board Member, CorrelAid e.V. (Berlin, Germany) 10/2011–2/2014 Teaching Assistant, University of Konstanz (Konstanz, Germany) To be confirmed (WT) Master Thesis Title Blessing or curse – How does earmarked funding distort the mandate of multilateral organizations? 54 Hertie School of Governance David Schnabel Michael Schulze Germany Germany Academic Areas of Interest: Academic Areas of Interest • International Relations • International Security • Housing Policy • Public & Energy Economics • Quantitative Methods • Social Policy Education Education • Bachelor of Commerce in Business Administration, Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya (Herzliya, Israel) • Exchange Semester, Bachelor of Business Management Program, Singapore Management University (Singapore) • Exchange, Master of Public Policy, Duke University (Durham, USA) • Master of Arts in International Relations (no degree), Freie Universität Berlin, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin and University of Potsdam (Berlin, Germany) • Bachelor of Liberal Arts and Sciences, University College Maastricht (Maastricht, Netherlands) Languages German, English, Hebrew Languages Selected Internships 06–08/2015 APCO Worldwide (Berlin, Germany) 06–08/2014 Nahost Friedensforum e.V. (Berlin, Germany) 09–11/2010 Wertgrund immobilien AG (München, Germany) German, English, Spanish Selected Internships 06–07/2014 Joschka Fischer & Company (Berlin, Germany) Selected Work Experience Selected Work Experience 06/2011–06/2014 Investment Manager, caleus residential asset management (Berlin, Germany) 09/2014–08/2015 Desk Officer, Division Ia1: Basic Aspects of Social Policy, Future of Social Security, Federal Ministry for Labor and Social Affairs (Berlin, Germany) 02/2013–06/2014 Research Assistant, Working Group on Scientific Policy Advice & Assessments, Mercator Research Institute on Global Commons & Climate Change (Berlin, Germany) Master Thesis Title Policy analysis of rent control (Mietpreisbremse) Master Thesis Title An ex-post assessment of the Kyoto Protocol: Carbon leakage and the energy market (WT) Master of Public Policy Profiles—Class of 2016 55 Johannes Schulz-Knappe Adina Amy Schwartz Germany Canada Academic Areas of Interest Academic Areas of Interest • Sustainable Economic Development • Innovation and Entrepreneurship • Urban and Environmental Governance • Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship • Nonprofit Management and Sustainable Development • Public-Private Sector Collaboration Education • Bachelor of Science in Geography, Heidelberg University (Heidelberg, Germany) Education • Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Psychology, York University (Toronto, Canada) Languages German, English, Spanish Languages English, Hebrew, German, French Selected Internships 01–06/2015 Business Department, Protagen Diagnostics (Dortmund, Germany) 02–04/2012 Office of the Sustainability Days BadenWürttemberg, IFOK GmbH (Bensheim, Germany) Selected Work Experience 03–07/2015 Data Quality Analyst, Graduate Research Department, The Careers Group, University of London (London, UK) 01–05/2014 Research Assistant, Department of Public Management, Hertie School of Governance (Berlin, Germany) 12/2012–02/2013 Research Assistant, Research Group on Economic and Social Geography, Heidelberg University (Heidelberg, Germany) Master Thesis Title Social impacts and financial return—Does the promise of impact investing deliver? (WT) 56 Hertie School of Governance Selected Work Experience 08/2015–present Consultant, Vodafone Institute for Society and Communications (Berlin, Germany) 01/2011–06/2014 Founder and Director, JCC 20s & 30s Volunteer Corps (New York, USA) 10/2011–06/2014 Director, Young Professional Programs, Jewish Community Center in Manhattan (New York, USA) 05/200–09/2011 Chief Operating Officer, Rosie Pope Maternity and MomPrep (New York, USA) Master Thesis Title Millennials and NGOs: Evaluating the effect of millennial giving habits on the financial sustainability of nonprofit organizations (WT) Partner organization: JCC Manhattan Andreas Christian Sens Maurice Shawndefar Germany USA Academic Areas of Interest Academic Areas of Interest • Public Management • Foreign & Security Policy • Behavioural Economics • Foreign Policy • Education Policy • Urban Policy Education Education • Exchange, Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, National University of Singapore (Singapore) • Bachelor of Arts in Political Science and Economics, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (Munich, Germany) • Exchange, University of Bradford (Bradford, UK) • Bachelor of Arts in Political Science, University of California (San Diego, USA) Languages English, Persian, Indonesian, German, Korean Selected Internships Languages German, English, Spanish Selected Internships 05–07/2015 Public Sector Consulting, KPMG (Berlin, Germany) 07–10/2013 Department for Disarmament, Federal Foreign Office (Berlin, Germany) 09/2010 Sector Industry, Siemens (Madrid, Spain) Selected Work Experience 04/2011–02/2014 Project Manager & Chairman, Student Association, Geschwister-Scholl-Institute for Political Science (Munich, Germany) 12/2015–02/2016 Lifelong Learning Policies and Strategies, UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning (Hamburg, Germany) 10–12/2015 Resource Development, Transparency International (Berlin, Germany) 05–09/2015 Network Portal, UNESCO-UNEVOC (Bonn, Germany) Selected Work Experience 02/2013–08/2014 English Teacher, Sogang Language Program (Seosan, South Korea) 06/2012–02/2013 Marketing Manager, Isfahan (San Jose, California) 04–06/2012 TEFL Volunteer, U.S. Peace Corps (East Java, Indonesia) Master Thesis Title Defining the success of nudge units: A comparative study (WT) Partner organization: KPMG Institut für den öffentlichen Sektor Master Thesis Title Transforming traffic congestion problems in megacities: A comparative analysis of transportation policies in Jakarta and Seoul Master of Public Policy Profiles—Class of 2016 57 Emilia Sicari Tobias Sieblitz Italy Germany Academic Areas of Interest Academic Areas of Interest • Social Policy • Education • Public Governance • Cultural Policy • International Food Policy • Public Management Education Education • Dual Degree, Master of Science in Economics and Management of Public Administrations and Inter national Institutions, Università Bocconi (Milan, Italy) • Bachelor of Arts in Political Science and International Relations, Guido Carli Free International University for Social Studies (Rome, Italy) • Exchange, Tilburg University (Tilburg, Netherlands) • Bachelor of Arts in North American Studies and Communication Science, Ludwig-Maximilians- University (Munich, Germany) • Exchange, University of Texas at Austin (Austin, USA) Languages Selected Internships Italian, English, Spanish 07–08/2015 Inpolis UCE GmbH (Berlin, Germany) 08–10/2013 Public Affairs, U.S. Consulate General (Munich, Germany) Selected Internships Languages German, English, Italian 05–08/2014 Research, Action Institute (Milan, Italy) Selected Work Experience Master Thesis Title Changing patterns in the school governance: The Italian case of ‘La Buona Scuola’ 01/2012–06/2015 Assistant Editor, Uwe Sieblitz Music Publishing Management (Ingolstadt, Germany) Master Thesis Title Title: Music streaming—blessing or curse: The reper cussions of digitalization on the music industry (WT) 58 Hertie School of Governance Nitij Singh Yiqun Song India China Academic Areas of Interest Academic Areas of Interest • Policy Analysis • Health Policy • Development Policy • Economic and Monetary Policy • Sustainable Development • Business Development and Corporate Social Responsibility Education • Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering, Institute of Technology and Management (New Delhi, India) Languages Education • Dual Degree, London School of Economics and Political Science (London, UK) • Bachelor of Arts in English Language and Literature, Zhejiang University (Hangzhou, China) English, India, Nepali Languages Selected Internships Chinese, English 06–08/2015 Trade, Health and Governance Regulatory Analyst, Mission of Colombia to the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (Paris, France) Selected Internships Selected Work Experience 08/2014–08/2015 Young Professional, Nepali-German Health Sector Support Programme, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (Nepal) 08/2012–06/2013 Consultant, Political and Social Unit, TNS Global (New Delhi, India) 06/2010–07/2012 Engineer, Appropriate Technology Team, Pragya International Development, (Gurgaon, India) 05/2014 Consultant, Strategy Consulting & Business Analysis, Meritco Services (Shanghai, China) 02/2014 Project Assistant, Green Zhejiang (Hangzhou, China) 06/2013 Journalist, Xinhua News Agency (Hangzhou, China) Master Thesis Title Revisiting China’s CPI: Sources of the downward bias and possible solutions Master Thesis Title What are the challenges encountered by Nepal Ministry of Health and Population in implementation of mobile health projects Master of Public Policy Profiles—Class of 2016 59 Philipp Ständer Hui Hsing Su Germany Malaysia Academic Areas of Interest Academic Areas of Interest • European Economic Integration • Macroeconomic and Monetary Policy • Labour and Social Policy • Corporate Governance • Capital Market Development • International Development Education Education • Bachelor of Arts in European Studies, Maastricht University (Maastricht, Netherlands) • Exchange, Global Studies, Roskilde University (Roskilde, Denmark) • Bachelor of Arts in Economics, Smith College (Northampton, United States) • Exchange, University of Oxford (Oxford, UK) Languages Languages English, Chinese, Malay, German, Spanish German, English, French Selected Internships Selected Internships 06–08/2015 Measurement of Wealth and Poverty Division, Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs (Berlin, Germany) 04–06/2014 Affairs of the Ministry of Finance, Representation of the State Hessen to the EU (Brussels, Belgium) 10/2013–03/2014 Country Office South Africa & Lesotho, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (Pretoria, South Africa) Selected Work Experience 09/2015–present Student Research Assistant, Project on Wealth and Inflation, Hertie School of Government (Berlin, Germany) 02–06/2015 Student Research Assistant, Data Analysis, Institute for Social Research (Berlin, Germany) Master Thesis Title Leaning against the wind in fragmented asset markets: Assessing the role of national credit conditions in the monetary transmission channels of EMU (WT) 60 Hertie School of Governance 12/2015–01/2016 Investments and Compliance, Khazanah Nasional Berhad (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia) Selected Work Experience 03/2013–04/2014 Market Development, Securities Commission Malaysia (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia) Master Thesis Title The role of sovereign wealth funds in the corporate governance of their investee companies (WT) Anna Suprunenko Fabio Tamburrini Ukraine Italy Academic Areas of Interest Academic Areas of Interest • Education • Non-Governmental Organisations • Political Communication • Economic Policy • European Integration and Governance • Healthcare Policy and Population Ageing Education Education • Exchange, School of Public affairs, American University (Washington DC, USA) • Bachelor of Arts in International Management, Kyiv National Economic University (Kiev, Ukraine) • Dual Degree, Master of Science in Economics and Management of Public Administration, Università Bocconi (Milan, Italy) • Bachelor of Science in Economics, University of Bologna (Bologna, Italy) • Exchange, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (Berlin, Germany) • Bachelor of Arts in History and Philosophy, University of Rome Tor Vergata (Rome, Italy) Languages Ukrainian, Russian, English, German Selected Internships 01/2015–12/2017 Governing Body Member, European Youth Parliament (Berlin, Germany) 06/2015 Economic Department, Ukrainian Embassy in Berlin (Berlin, Germany) 06–08/2013 Communications, Schwarzkopf Stiftung (Berlin, Germany) Languages Italian, English, German, French Selected Internships 01–10/2008 Journalist, Uniroma Network (Rome, Italy) Selected Work Experience Selected Work Experience 09/2012–06/2014 Project Manager, CFC Consulting (Kyiv, Ukraine) 11/2011–10/2012 Project Manager, Fryday (Kiev, Ukraine) 06–09/2015 Junior Consultant, Directorate for Education and Skills, Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (Paris, France) 09/2011–06/2013 Event Manager and Editor, Advocacy and Migration Policy, Progré Association (Bologna, Italy) Master Thesis Title Shifting the image: The Ukrainian government’s com munication efforts following the Presidential and Parliamentary re-elections in 2014. (WT) Master Thesis Title Old Europe: The challenges of population ageing on longterm healthcare and public finances (WT) Master of Public Policy Profiles—Class of 2016 61 Gabriel Tarriba Martínez López Luis Felipe Torres Mexico Colombia Academic Areas of Interest Academic Areas of Interest • Migration and Integration • European Governance • International Development • Regulatory Policy • International Law & Trade • Public Management Education Education • Bachelor of Arts in Economics, University of Pennsylvania (Philadelphia, USA) • Exchange, University of Warwick (Coventry, UK) • Bachelor of Arts in Law, Universidad de los Andes (Bogotá, Colombia) • Bachelor of Arts in Political Science, Universidad de los Andes (Bogotá, Colombia) Languages English, German, French, Spanish Languages Spanish, English, German Selected Internships 07–08/2015 Asian Strategy and Leadership Institute (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia) 07–08/2009 Mexican Institute for Competitiveness (Mexico City, Mexico) 06–08/2008 Trade and Supply Chain, HSBC Mexico (Mexico City, Mexico) Selected Internships 06–08/2015 Trade, Health and Governance Regulatory Analyst, Mission of Colombia to the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (Paris, France) Selected Work Experience 08/2010–03/2014 Consultant, Mexican Institute for Competitiveness (Mexico City, Mexico) 09/2009–05/2010 Administrative Assistant, Office of the Vice-Provost for International Affairs, University of Pennsylvania (Philadelphia, USA) 12/2010–06/2014 Director of Regulation, Ministry of Trade, Industry and Tourism (Bogotá, Colombia) 03/2009–12/2010 Director of Legal Affairs and Regulation, Productive Transformation Program, Bancoldex (Bogotá, Colombia) 01/2007–10/2008 Chief of Corporate Affairs, CEMEX Colombia (Bogotá, Colombia) Master Thesis Title Master Thesis Title Cultural integration and life satisfaction among recent immigrants to Germany Partner organisation: Institut für Arbeitsmarkt und Berufsforschung Relevance of regulatory impact assessments to address concerns of affected actors in the regulatory process in Mexico Selected Work Experience 62 Hertie School of Governance Faruk Tuncer Marcelino Turati Gomez Germany Mexico Academic Areas of Interest Academic Areas of Interest • Urban Policy • Digitalization • Education Policy • Population and Demography • Fiscal and Tax Governance • Governmental and Private Sector Relations Education Education • Exchange, Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, National University of Singapore (Singapore) • Bachelor of Arts in Educational Science, Freie Universität Berlin (Germany) German, English, Turkish • Exchange, Fudan University (Shanghai, China) • Master of Arts in Fiscal Law, Universidad del Sur (Chiapas, Mexico) • Bachelor in Business Administration, Universidad de Valle de Mexico • 5 semesters in Economics, Instituto Tecnologico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey (Monterrey Mexico) Selected Internships Languages 06–07/2015 Program and Strategy, Federal Office of the Christian Democratic Union (Berlin, Germany) 10–12/2012 Public Affairs, Bertelsmann SE & Co. (Berlin, Germany) 07–08/2011 Quantitative Methods in Educational Sciences, University of Potsdam (Potsdam, Germany) Spanish English German Languages Selected Internships 06–09/2015 Quartiermeister Bier für den Kiez, Berlin, Germany. Selected Work Experience Selected Work Experience 12/2014–present Partner, Quinoa – Bildung für hervor ragende Lebensperspektiven gemeinnützige GmbH (Berlin, Germany) 03–05/2015 Working Student, Civil Economics, Energy & Infrastructure, Roland Berger GmbH (Berlin, Germany) 01/2013–06/2014 Project Manager, Mercator Capacity Building Center for Leadership & Advocacy (Berlin, Germany) 08/2012–09/2014 Projects Supervisor, Mexican Social Security Institute (Chiapas, Mexico) 01/2012–08/2012 Political Operator and Negotiator, DOCsa (Mexico City, Mexico) 01/2011–01/2012 Subdirector, Municipal Water and Sewers System (Chiapas, Mexico) Master Thesis Title What to expect from the release of the one child policy in China? Master Thesis Title Urban policy in the digital age: Development of a smart city strategy index (WT) Partner organization: Roland Berger GmbH Master of Public Policy Profiles—Class of 2016 63 Assiri Valdés Querol Selina von Schultzendorff Peru Germany/UK Academic Areas of Interest Academic Areas of Interest • Poverty and Human Rights • Sport and Development • Media, Social Marketing and Political Communi cations • Corporate Social Responsibility • International Development Effectiveness • Mediation and Facilitation Education Education • Exchange, Institut Barcelona D’Estudis Internacionals, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, (Barcelona, Spain) • Licentiate in Political Science, Pontifical Catholic University of Peru (Lima, Peru) • Exchange, Free University of Berlin (Berlin, Germany) • Bachelor of Arts (Honours), Modern and Medieval Languages Tripos, University of Cambridge (Cambridge, England) • Exchange, Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina (Buenos Aires, Argentina) Languages Languages English, German, Spanish, Italian, French Spanish, German, English Selected Internships Selected Internships 06–09/2015 Network Development Intern, streetfootballworld gGmbH (Berlin, Germany) 09/2008–01/2009 Research assistant at the General Secretariat, Andean Community of Nations (Lima, Peru) 09–12/2014 Schlange & Co. GmbH (Hamburg, Germany) 01–07/2013 Team Leader, International Citizen Service, Restless Development (Dar es Salaam, Tanzania) 09/2011–04/2012 Communications and Knowledge Exchange, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (Bonn, Germany) Selected Work Experience 04–08/2013 Consultant for the Direction of Higher Education, Ministry of Education (Lima, Peru) 08/2013–03/2014 Support Assistant in the National School Feeding Program, Qali Warma, Ministry of Development and Social Inclusion (Lima, Peru) 04/2010–04/2012 Manager of the Volunteer Department, TECHO-Perú (Lima, Peru) Selected Work Experience 02/2015–present Consultant, Corporate Partnerships Division, Aktion Gegen den Hunger (Berlin, Germany) 04/2012–12/2014 Consultant, Communications and Knowledge Exchange, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (Bonn, Germany) Master Thesis Title Master Thesis Title Social integration of refugees through sport: Policy recommendations for Berlin 64 Hertie School of Governance Donor-level knowledge sharing: A contribution to effective development cooperation? The case of the Global Donor Platform for Rural Development. Partner: Global Donor Platform for Rural Development, managed by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit Georg Wagner Wiebke Weiger Germany Germany Academic Areas of Interest Academic Areas of Interest • Financial and Economic Policy • European Governance • Public Management • Education policies • Social and Labour Market Policies • Quantitative and Qualitative Evaluation Methods Education Education • Dual Degree, Università Bocconi (Milan, Italy) • Bachelor of Science in Economics, Humboldt- Universität zu Berlin (Berlin, Germany) • Bachelor of Arts in Political and Administrative Science, University of Konstanz (Konstanz, Germany) Languages Languages German, English, Croatian, French German, English, Spanish, Italian Selected Internships Selected Internships 06–08/2014 Forecasting and Economic Policy, German Institute for Economic Research (Berlin, Germany) 07–09/2013 Banking Supervision, German Savings and Loans Bank Association (Berlin, Germany) 07–09/2012 Business Clients, Deutsche Postbank AG (Berlin, Germany) 06–09/2014 Policy Team Education and Family Policy, Ramboll Management Consulting (Berlin, Germany) 05–08/2013 TRANSDANUBE project, Danube Office (Ulm, Germany) 03–09/2011 EU Information and Documentation Centre, Institute for Development and International Relations (Zagreb, Croatia) Selected Work Experience Selected Work Experience 09/2014–08/2015 Policy Advisor, European Employment and Social Policy Division, German Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs (Berlin, Germany) 12/2013–04/2014 Academic Chairperson, International Policy Leadership Institute, European Public Policy Conference 2014 (Rome, Italy / Berlin, Germany) 09/2014–08/2015 Desk Officer, Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs (Berlin, Germany) 01–05/2014 Student Research Assistant to Prof. Kai Wegrich, Hertie School of Governance (Berlin, Germany) Master Thesis Title To be confirmed Master Thesis Title How to improve job placement and reduce mismatched unemployment: Analysis of the introduction of a new system of cooperative job placement in the Employment Agency Potsdam (WT) Partner organization: Employment Agency Potsdam Master of Public Policy Profiles—Class of 2016 65 David Wichmann Lukas Gabriel Wiese Germany Germany Academic Areas of Interest Academic Areas of Interest • Public and Non-Profit Management • Innovation and Entrepreneurship • Public Affairs and Political Communication • Public Affairs and Governmental Relations • Technology and Innovation Policy • Research and Development Policy Education Education • Exchange, American University (Washington DC, USA) • Bachelor of Arts in Political Science and Sociology, University of Bonn (Bonn, Germany) German, English, French • Exchange, Università Bocconi (Milan, Italy) • Bachelor of Arts in International Relations and International Organization, University of Groningen (Groningen, Netherlands) • Exchange, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (Mexico City, Mexico) Selected Internships Languages 06–08/2015 Public Affairs Department, BursonMarsteller (Berlin, Germany) 01–04/2013 Political Affairs and Public Relations Departments, Representation of the European Commission in Germany (Bonn, Germany) German, English, Spanish, Italian Languages Selected Work Experience 03/2015–present Co-Founder and Head of Strategy, Play It On Deutschland e.V. (Berlin, Germany) 05–08/2015 Project Leader and Consultant, 180 Degrees Consulting e.V. (Berlin, Germany) 03–05/2015 Working Student, Public Affairs Department, Burson-Marsteller (Berlin, Germany) Selected Internships 02–07/2014 Public Affairs and Regulation, GasTerra (Groningen, Netherlands) 07–08/2013 Foreign Office in Mexico, Konrad Adenauer Foundation (Mexico City, Mexico) 10–12/2012 Office of Prof. Dr. Dr. Hans-Peter Mayer, MEP, European Parliament (Brussels, Belgium) Selected Work Experience 10/2014–08/2015 Working Student, Department for External Affairs, Governmental and Political Relations, Robert Bosch GmbH (Berlin, Germany) Master Thesis Title Governing the sharing economy: A comparative analysis of regulatory approaches toward AirBnB in Germany and the UK (WT) 66 Hertie School of Governance Master Thesis Title The diffusion of innovation: Policy recommendations for diffusion-oriented public policies to promote the market penetration of electric vehicles in Germany (WT) Partner organization: Robert Bosch GmbH, Department for External Affairs, Governmental and Political Relations Dustin Williams Xianchen Wu Germany/USA China Academic Areas of Interest Academic Areas of Interest: • European Union Governance • Transatlantic Relations • Social and Welfare Policies • Economic Development • Social Policy • International Policy Education Education • Exchange, McCourt School of Public Policy, Georgetown University (Washington DC, USA) • Bachelor of Arts and Social Sciences in European Studies, Maastricht University (Netherlands) • Exchange, Sungkyunkwan University (Seoul, South Korea) • Dual Degree, Master of Public Administration, London School of Economics (Lomdon, UK) • Bachelor of Science in Mathematics and Business, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (USA) • National Key Math Program, Sichuan University (China) Languages Languages English, German, French Mandarin, English, German Selected Internships Selected Internships 12/2013–01/2014 Miami Regional Office, U.S. Senator Bill Nelson (Miami, USA) 07–08/2011 Department of European Employment and Social Policy, Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs (Berlin, Germany) 07–08/2012 Data Analyst, Statistics Department of Hangzhou Customs (Hangzhou, China) 05–08/2010 Interpreter and Personal Assistant of Ms Qinghua Li (Shanghai, China) Selected Work Experience Selected Work Experience 09/2014–08/1205 Policy Officer, Department of European Employment and Social Policy, Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs (Berlin, Germany) 09/2013–08/2014 Research Assistant to Prof. Dr. Claus Offe, Hertie School of Governance (Berlin, Germany) 09–12/2009 Research Assistant, Gelman Library, George Washington University (Washington D.C., USA) 08/2010–12/2012 Tutor, Academic Services Department, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (Champaign, USA) 02–07/2013 Instructor and Mentor, Fengshuling High School (Chun’an, China) Master Thesis Title How can CPI calculation be improved to reflect true inflation in China? (with Yiqun Song) Master Thesis Title Social policy coordination and the European semester: Has the European Union adequately responded to the social and labor crisis in Europe? (WT) Master of Public Policy Profiles—Class of 2016 67 Paola Andrea Yanguas Colombia Academic Areas of Interest • Environmental and Energy Policy • Development • Policy Analysis and Evaluation Education • Bachelor of Science in Economics, Universidad Nacional de Colombia (Bogotá, Colombia) Languages Spanish, English, German Selected Internships 05–07/2015 Climate Policy Analysis, Climate Analytics (Berlin, Germany) 01–07/2012 Macroeconomic and Financial Studies Division, Association of Banking and Financial Institutions of Colombia (Bogotá, Colombia) Selected Work Experience 08/2015–present Student Assistant, Climate Policy Analysis, Climate Analytics (Berlin, Germany) 08/2013–07/2014 Financial Analyst, Financial Business Valuation Area, Banco Agrario de Colombia (Bogotá, Colombia) 12/2012–04/2013 Economic and Financial Consultant, Investigation Project in Transport and Transit, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, (Bogotá, Colombia) Master Thesis Title Are more equal societies also more sustainable? 68 Hertie School of Governance Master of Public Policy Profiles—Class of 2016 69 International: Students from over 40 Countries Country and region of origin (percentage) * 0,6 Australia Western Europe Latin America Great Britain Ireland Canada 13,3 8,0 8,0 8,0 3,5 Africa Asia Norway Belgium North America 13,3 Eastern Europe Germany Sweden Finland Netherlands Russia Latvia Lithuania Belarus Luxembourg USA Poland Ukraine Czech Republic Moldova Mongolia Romania Georgia Hungary Armenia Kyrgyzstan Kosovo Turkey Uzbekistan China Bulgaria Lebanon Serbia Iran Macedonia Nepal Germany France Spain Andorra Switzerland Italy Slovenia Mexico Morocco Israel Venezuela Sierra Leone Colombia Nigeria India Ethiopia Kenya Ghana Cameroon Congo Peru Brazil Philippines Singapore Australia Malawi Zambia 50,6 % Bolivia Chile female The Selection Process— More than Excellent Grades In order to apply for the programme, applicants must have completed their first academic degree (bachelor's degree) and have an excellent command of English. HERTIE SCHOOL 40 % 40 % 20 % Academic Performance Transcripts, certificates, and academic references Personal Suitability Work experience or internships, international experience, as well as social, political and / or entrepreneurial engagement Motivation Motivation letter, by which argumentation and formulation skills will also be assessed * based on the Classes of 2007–2012 Thailand Vietnam Pakistan Diversity: A Key to Success Interdisciplinary: Students from all Subject Fields Fields of study that MPP students hold a bachelor’s degree in (percentage)* 21,1 Political Science 18,1 International Relations 15,2 Area Studies, Cultural Studies 11,4 Economics 9,4 Humanities 7,3 Social Sciences, Sociology 5,3 Business Administration 5,0 Law 4,4 Sciences, Engineering 2,0 Media and Journalism 0,8 Other The Students Intersectoral: Careers in all Fields Many students bring professional experience with them and start the programme at an average age of 25. Some examples: A.T. Kearney, Strategy Business Analyst BMW AG, UK Governmental Affairs Executive Google Inc., Policy Analyst German Federal Foreign Office, Advisor European Financial Framework Career paths of graduates and alumni by sector (percentage) ** 37 % Business Public Administration International Organisation NGO/Foundation Research/Think Tank Doctoral programme State Ministry of BadenWürttemberg, Senior Position 21 % Lebanese Ministry of Labour, Policy Advisor 49,4 % male EU Commission, International Relations Officer, DG Enlargement The World Bank, Consultant Transparency International, Programme Coordinator CIS and Mongolia Teach First Germany, Founder and CEO Worldwatch Institute, Research Coordinator, Energy and Climate Bertelsmann Foundation, Young Professional * based on the Classes of 2007–2012 (N=340) ** based on the Classes of 2007–2011 (N=254) 11 % 6% 12 % 13 % 72 Hertie School of Governance Imprint Publisher © 2016 Hertie School of Governance GmbH Friedrichstraße 180 10117 Berlin Phone +49 (0)30 25 9219-0 Fax +49 (0)30 25 92 19-111 Photos David Ausserhofer, Vincent Mosch Design Plural | Severin Wucher Infographic Sabine Hecher Typesetting stickfish productions Print Understand today. Shape tomorrow.