2013 Philanthropy Report
) rb (ve ) un (no to to ak e He lp m or rf tte be el ife ak m life ple er pe o oth or rf tte be er oth le op pe 13 20 rt po re hi· ·th lan r ·th o· ro py ·p y he lp ph i·la p n 5 gen·er·os·i·ty mean·ing·ful 7 lead·er·ship 8 prom·ise 10 faith·ful 13 hope 14 con·sist·ent 17 ded·i·ca·tion 19 hap·pi·ness 20 grate·ful 23 self·less 24 ser ve 27 sta·bil·i·ty 28 com·mit·ment 30 gra·cious 31 Letter from Grant Harris Your gift in action Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals Community Partners - The Blast Amon G. Carter Founda tion Donor-funded iMRI machine Cook Children’s Annual Fund Emplo yees Care Seventh Avenue Partners in our Promise - Motor Home Specialist Peter Pan Birthday Club Legacy Society Charitable contributions Board of trustees Honor roll of giving rt we ew on ns at th )T oa ion (ve rb at ill eth om do s ire es ad e lea d th a wi ipa nt ic d n tio ns e) U tiv ifie sp ec jec (ad f ds o ee he n ing re we r vin g in e nc eg ia ul itu de at gr all ing ss ou s r·o s·i ·ty )T he qu ali ty or fac to fb ein gg en er n·e ge un (no e·f at s ro u ne gr ·ty ·is e se (adje rv ctive e ) Exp m er lo ·sh y · ip al se lf ar Lauren, a ge 7 gen·er·os·i·ty (noun) The quality or fact of being generous Your generosity is inspiring. For each of you, your motivation to give is personal and unique. No gift, and certainly not the sentiment behind it, is the same. And yet all of you and all of your gifts, as different as they are, come together so beautifully. If you look across the expanding Cook Children’s Medical Center campus, you can see what the generosity of many has built: beautiful buildings, each housing extraordinary doctors, nurses and amazing technology that deliver groundbreaking treatments to our patients. If you go inside those buildings, you can see the outcomes of that same generosity on the faces of our patients. Your generosity does not go unnoticed by others. It is emulated by those who realize its value to the community and want to be a part of the good. It is revered by those who care for our patients; because it enables them to do what they do best. And it is appreciated by every patient and every family who benefits from it. Gratefully, COOK CHILDREN’S To each of you who inspire me and our entire community, I want to thank you on behalf of the Cook Children’s family for your heartfelt generosity. 5 Grant Harris 2013 Philanthropy Report Vice President Cook Children’s Health Foundation at ion ar at th ill on ew do d e) fu ll tiv of m g, ca ith we ipa tic tio n pe e os rp pu gi na lle gia e nc ·al loy vin en t sw er Un m en t co nt e) tiv an d (ad sin gg ra tit ud e at e·f u gr ·ne jectiv ss e) Expr es jec (ad ing be ll- ·pi ·fu l e, nc ca nifi sig of an te ap sta ho ng d ew sir de A ip ea ol yt cit pa ha ris he he )T un To c ea nin rb ) (ve ·sh er ea n·i m jec (ad e ifie ec sp ·is ing eth so m om pr (no l Ashlyn, a ge 10 mean·ing·ful (adjective) Full of meaning, significance, purpose 38,192 SEPARATE GIFTS WERE MADE TO CO OK CHILDREN’S FROM EMPLOYEE PAYROLL DEDUCTIONS, CHECKS BY MAIL, STO CK AND WIRE TRANSFERS, GIFT ANNUITIES, PLED GES, OUR WEBSITE AND BY PHONE FROM 47 299 CITIES IN TEX AS, STATES AND 3 GIFTS THROUGH OUR WEBSITE RECEIVED C ONTRIBU TIONS FROM C O OK CHILDREN’ S D ONORS DIFFERENT COUNTRIES 2,353 TRIBU TE GIFTS WERE RECEIVED 7 2013 Philanthropy Report WERE RECEIVED DIFFERENT PRO GRAMS COOK CHILDREN’S 951 81 lead·er·ship (noun) The capacity to lead Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals leads the way for local partnerships This year marks a milestone for Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals: 30 years of helping kids. Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals is a leader in the effort to bring awareness and funding to pediatric health care. Throughout the organization’s history, it has helped countless children and their families by raising more than $4.7 billion for more than 170 children’s hospitals across the United States and Canada, including Cook Children’s. Here at Cook Children’s, our partnership with Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals has spanned 25 years, raising more than $14 million for our patients. COOK CHILDREN’S The funds raised by Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals are vital in allowing us to support research and training, purchase new equipment and offset the expense of uncompensated care. The organization is able to raise these funds through a variety of methods, including corporate partnerships, radiothons or telethons and dance marathons. The most recognizable are the miracle balloon campaigns conducted by local corporate partners supporting local hospitals. Without the leadership of Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals, many of these partnerships would not be possible. Each year, a child with a remarkable medical story from each state is chosen as a Champion Child. Over the years, Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals has chosen two Cook Children’s patients to serve as Texas Champions, including this year’s Champion, Briggs Berry. Briggs, age 17, has X-linked hyper IgM (XHIGM) syndrome, which means he has no immune system to help his body fight off infections. Over the past several years, Briggs has served as an ambassador for Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals and Cook Children’s at partner and media events. He is a leader and advocate, dedicated to enhancing the patient experience at Cook Children’s, serving on several patient advisory boards at Cook Children’s and volunteering at the medical center. Because of the funds that Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals is able to influence, Briggs, and patients just like him, can lead healthier lives. 2013 Philanthropy Report 8 MORE THAN $14 million RAISED DURING OUR 25-year PARTNERSHIP 428 LO CAL CORPORATE PARTNER LO CATIONS in ge ne ro us ss gr at itu fu )T un he ish he r rb )T oc in A ire th a wi ce ion de cla ra t eg ian all un ) (no ad es ing we rv de at th ill on ew om do s ing eth ca ec ifi sp ed hip r·s d cit yt ol ea pa d·e lea ·al p l ro ho m·is pe e ve )U ns cti ve ing (no n tio te· re xp oy d ifie tiv sp e) ec E y ·i·t aff ec ra ing be os st ·fu l Rangeley, a ge 6 prom·ise (noun) A declaration that one will do something specified A promise that will last a lifetime When Alexa Sankary was just 8 years old, she promised her best friend, Michael Mancuso, that she would help find a cure for neuroblastoma, a rare and aggressive form of pediatric cancer that would later claim his life. With the support of family, friends and the community, the first annual Walk for Neuroblastoma, a 5K run and walk, took place in the spring of 2008 and was a great success. The event raises funds for program development and clinical research for the Cook Children’s Cancer Center. The growth this event has experienced in just six short years is incredible. In 2013, the event officially became known as “The Blast” and grew to more than 2,000 participants, raising $228,614. Each year, entire communities come together to support their local heroes, the children who battle neuroblastoma and inspire so many. New partners continue to join the cause each year, bringing resources, sponsorships and energy to grow the event. What started as a young girl’s promise to honor her best friend has become a community-wide event that not only honors his memory, but every child who ever has or ever will battle neuroblastoma. 53 COMMUNITY EVENTS COOK CHILDREN’S HELD IN FISCAL YEAR 2013 STARTED THIS YEAR COMMUNITY EVENTS RAISED $1,513,472 FOR COOK CHILDREN’S PATIENTS 10 2013 Philanthropy Report 26 NEW EVENTS A young participant in The Blast takes a moment to reflect before the event starts. wi pa tio n th a (ad jec ec sp d gi na ud e vin tit e ·is ing eth om os ra ss ing g at (ad ein fb to ac g )T oa ns (ve rb h rt we e) tiv er sw Un ifie e) tiv jec ti as cifi sp e ·is e ing eth ·f th df ea St fai m om os ll d wi pr o on e ul e·f om ll d wi pr ne to pe ion at Ex pr e at th ·os l o s ·i·t erv y· )T he qu ali ty or f un ici nt th a cla r de ho )A un tiv e) jec (ad ion at cla r de gr )A un (no (no en ·er ire es a ge 12 ad Jacob, ing Ha v no ec sp d ifie ·le s ing th wi pa tio n tic i an he )T or se e) to d lea hip ac ity ca p nc e de l e) tiv aff ec tio n ·fu l t in df as ea St th fai (ad jec itu at gr ·al gia lle na gi lo y sin g re s Ex p we rt he (ad ne ed jec tiv of e) Un sw er vin To an s ne ro us ge at ein g to fb fac e rv ·fu e jec tiv ty gr ali qu r·s (ve pe ho (no un s elf or s nf er co nc en t rb ) nt en tm co leiap d·e e) tiv jec (ad eth m so sh do nd ga ne ·er m ss ·os ·is ·i·t se e ( y a lf d ro ew ill Solaris, a ge 6 faith·ful (adjective) Steadfast in affection The Amon G. Carter Foundation: A history of giving For nearly three decades, the Amon G. Carter Foundation has been a faithful supporter of Cook Children’s. The organization made its first gift in 1986 in support of Camp Sanguinity, a summer camp for our cancer patients. Every year since, the Amon G. Carter Foundation has supported this camp, in addition to other camps for patients with different diagnoses. In 1987, the Amon G. Carter Foundation made a significant gift to the construction of the then-named Cook Fort Worth Children’s Medical Center, which stands today as the main building on the Cook Children’s Medical Center campus. Most recently, the foundation committed to help fund the expansion of the Emergency Department at Cook Children’s Medical Center. The expansion is scheduled to begin in 2014. 13 2013 Philanthropy Report The Amon G. Carter Foundation’s consistent giving and loyalty to Cook Children’s is just one example of its rich history of service to the children and families throughout our community. We can help fulfill our Promise to those same children and families, thanks to the foundation’s generous support. COOK CHILDREN’S This foundation’s support will allow us to more efficiently treat patients in an enhanced, modernized Emergency Department and better meet the community’s growing needs for emergency care. It will be designed to lessen the wait times for patients and to ensure no patient leaves without being seen. It will have more exam rooms and a superior layout design to better accommodate the existing volume of patients visiting the Emergency Department. hope Anjelica, a ge 8 (verb) To cherish a desire with anticipation Donor-funded technology gives patients hope for the future In May 2013, Cook Children’s became the first pediatric hospital in North Texas to perform iMRI-guided laser ablation neurosurgery. Mark, an 11-year-old patient, was experiencing more than 100 seizures per day before this surgery. With the use of the intraoperative magnetic resonance imaging machine (iMRI) during surgery, his team of doctors was able to eliminate his seizures and send him home within 24 hours with new hope for his future. The iMRI allows surgeons to see images of a patient’s brain during surgery. Being able to look at the area they are operating on during surgery greatly reduces the risk of damaging other areas of the brain and helps ensure the entire tumor is successfully removed. TO DATE, MORE THAN 500 HAVE BEEN C OMPLETED using the iMRI COOK CHILDREN’S Cook Children’s is the second pediatric hospital in the U.S., and fourth hospital worldwide to use the IMRIS iMRI machine. This leading-edge technology was funded completely by the Refuse to Lose campaign that took place from 2004 to 2008. Today, thanks to this donor-funded technology, Cook Children’s has successfully completed more than 500 surgeries using the iMRI. The use of this machine has accomplished more than anyone had hoped. It has drastically changed the field of neurosurgery at Cook Children’s, making it possible for children to receive the treatment and care they need while staying close to home. And all of this was made possible by donors. 14 2013 Philanthropy Report surgeries The iMRI suite is made up of a surgical suite and an iMRI scanner. The iMRI scanner can be used during surgery to look at images of a patient’s brain. )T oc rb (ve ris h lea he we r (ve rb ) )U ns gi sta te of we llbe ing a (ad na jec tiv e) E e· f xp re ss i ng en t nd co nt en tm gr at (no un )A loy · al vin nt ici p r· s h hi op pr om · we s To an s ul (ve rb ) pe ha atio p·p n i·n es s ith a ho ire w lle gr gia To at (no nc un itu ch e ) A er de de i cla sh (no ra tio ad un nt es ha )T to i re ne he wi wi ca ll d t os ha pa om ci n e d·e tiv e es jec (ad ad Mallon, a ge 3 sh ire es ad wi th pa tic i an or tio n pe ho nf e) tiv Al ys wa eh a rb go ac tin vin g in t ·i·t y e ge ne ro us at jec tiv e) E gr of ing e ay in all eg ian c ew we rv t ns jec tiv e) U ne ed s he sa m (ad we rt he se xpress rv ing g e r loy ·a )T oa ns (ad nt ist ·en ol ea d yt (ve rb ise pe cifi ed gs ap ac it hin ·s h ip (no un )T he c ea d·e r n·s co jec ad s( lf se es er nc co con·sist·ent (adjective) Always acting or behaving in the same way Contributions to the Cook Children’s Annual Fund allow us to grow and deliver the best possible patient care Last year, Cook Children’s had more than 1 million patient encounters, validating that the need for Cook Children’s in our community is great. Equally as great, is the need for a consistent, dependable base of financial support. Knowing that families will continue to rely on us year after year to care for sick and injured children, we launched the Cook Children’s Annual Fund this past September. We invited our loyal donors, and later the general public, to make their gifts to Cook Children’s on an annual basis. Thanks to everyone who chooses to join us in fulfilling our Promise to the community, we will never have to turn away a child, regardless of the family’s ability to pay. Annual Fund donors make it possible for us to give our families what they need – medication, treatment, comfort or a feeling of security. COOK CHILDREN’S Annual gifts to Cook Children’s will always go to help children in need, and serve as a foundation of support as those needs and our community continue to grow. 17 2013 Philanthropy Report at th ire es ad e d lea ill ds ne e ing eth om do s ifie sp ec d rifi cin wi th ipa n tio ns e) U tiv jec (ad tic an of ing rv we in all e nc eg ia lf se on oti ev gd nf er nc co or ion e) tiv Al ys wa eh a rb go ac tin vin g in t ·i·t y e ge ne ro us at jec tiv e) E gr of ing e ay in all eg ian c ew we rv t ns jec tiv e) U ne ed s he sa m (ad we rt he se xpress rv ing g e r loy ·a )T oa ns (ad nt ist ·en ol ea d yt (ve rb ise pe cifi ed gs ap ac it hin ·s h ip (no un )T he c ea d·e r n·s co jec (ad h de op d·i e · c loy a ·t i·ty n es s ro us ge ne hip ·a l he we rt ew on ns To a ion rb ) (ve at sh ·is a des ire e se (noun with a rv ) Self nticip e -sac ation m er ·s se lf to for s ec lar Brody, Mallon, a ge 3 a ge 3 ded·i·ca·tion con·sist·ent (noun) Self-sacrificing devotion A long-term commitment to Employees Care At Cook Children’s, team work, compassion and selflessness come naturally to our employees. Each year, employees have the opportunity to participate in the Employees Care campaign by donating or pledging to help the patients they serve every day. Contributions to the raised Cook$623,000, In 2013, 2,211 employees an increase ofAnnual more than $134,000 from Children’s Fund allow thegrow previous year. to and deliver the best (adjective) Always acting or behaving in the same way us Last 1 that is the base of In 2013, 2,211 employees raised $623,000, an increase of more than $134,000 than the previous year. possible patient care There is one employee who has given to Cook Children’s longerhad than anythan other: year, Cook Children’s more Paula J. Webb, DNP, RN, NEA-BC, vice million patient encounters, validating president of Nursing and chiefinnursing the need for Cook Children’s our officer. community is great. Equally as great, need for a consistent, dependable Paula began working at Cook Children’s financial in 1986 assupport. the head nurse for the Neonatal Care Unit. Caring for Knowing Intensive that families will continue her patients and their families to rely on us year after year to care forbrought sick herchildren, such joy,we shelaunched wanted to moreChildren’s to help them. She Fund beganthis donating and injured thedoCook Annual to CookWe Children’s 25 years ago and and has been a consistent donor to ever past September. invited our loyal donors, later the general public, since. make their gifts to Cook Children’s on an annual basis. Thanks to everyone who chooses to join in fulfilling our Promise to the community, weCare will When askeduswhy she continues to donate to the Employees never have to turn away child, regardless of the family’s ability campaign year aafter year, Paula said, “I give out of love to forpay. the children and belief inmake our Promise, notfor because I feel anfamilies obligation to they give.” Annual Fund donors it possible us to give our what need – medication, treatment, comfort a feeling ofin security. And to those who have not yetorparticipated Employees Care, Paula offered this, “Search your heart and if it is possible, give. Your life will be enriched by giving.” 19 2013 Philanthropy Report Annual gifts to Cook Children’s will always go to help children in need, and serve as a foundation of support as those needs and our community continue to grow. For Paula, pictured far left, participating in the Employees Care campaign each year is something in which she truly believes. COOK CHILDREN’S Paula’s dedication to Cook Children’s, our nurses and patients are what make her a great example and mentor to others. Over the years, Paula has held several positions including head nurse, nurse manager, and now vice president of Nursing and chief nursing officer. The different leadership roles she has taken within Cook Children’s have allowed her to advance the care we offer to our patients. hap·pi·ness (noun) A state of well-being and contentment Seventh Avenue members bring smiles to Cook Children’s patients Halle Anne at last year’s Warm and Wooley Blanket Blowout. Halle Anne, age 6, affectionately refers to Cook Children’s as a “hotel.” Over a period of 11 months, Halle Anne was hospitalized at Cook Children’s three separate times, most recently this past summer, for ketotic hypoglycemia, a rare but serious form of low blood sugar. Each time she was admitted, she received thoughtful gifts that brought her happiness and made her feel like she was staying in a hotel rather than a medical center. Some of the gifts she received were teddy bears and Christmas cards that were provided by members of Seventh Avenue. This group of young professionals, together with their families, support Cook Children’s through various service projects, as well as financial giving. COOK CHILDREN’S Because Halle Anne benefitted directly from the projects of Seventh Avenue, she knew she wanted to give back and help bring the same happiness she felt to other patients at Cook Children’s. Halle Anne said she wants other patients to receive special gifts, “because when you are there, you don’t feel good, but everyone helps you forget about that and makes it fun.” 2013 Philanthropy Report 20 She and her parents, Amanda and Tom Stallings, joined Seventh Avenue in the fall of 2012. They have already participated in the Teddy Bear Drive, Warm and Wooley Blanket Blowout and holiday bag decorating. Her philanthropic spirit makes her parents proud and has brought much happiness to the patients at Cook Children’s. $35,200 donated to Cook Children’s in FY13 through membership donations 165 SEVENTH AVENUE members 373 CHILDREN PARTICIPATE IN SEVENTH AVENUE WITH THEIR PARENTS Funding from Seventh Avenue allowed 18 families 54 campers totaling to attend camp ing ss gr itu fu te of we ll- ns we r t at in de we rv ing d ifie ec sp e) Un s (ad jec tiv eth ing m os om e) tiv (ad jec t df as St ea be s es i·n p·p i l ng ·is e fai and c t se lo on h rv y· ·f te ill d ew pr o on sta te· re xp )E (ve rb )T oa at th ive ra )A un (no ha Zoe, a ge 10 th wi pa tic i an n tio e) tiv jec es pr Ex pe cifi ed gs ra gg sin ng ·i· ge ne ro us at jec tiv e) E gr ns jec tiv e) U of we rv ne ed s de ul (ad we rt he ing in all eg ia se xpress rv ing e loy · )T oa ns (ad en t tit u ol ea d e·f yt (ve rb · is e ap ac it eth in ·s h ip (no un )T he c d·e r ea at gr lf se ss or nf (ad op e Damian, 3 months grate·ful (adjective) Expressing gratitude Motor Home Specialist: Grateful for the care Cook Children’s provides The Cook Children’s Medical Center campus, as it is today, looks much different to Donny O’Banion than it did in 2002. That’s when he was here with his son who was born prematurely and being treated in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. He fondly remembers how well he and his family were treated by the staff, and how the Cook Children’s staff went to great efforts to make his family comfortable during some very stressful times. Today, his son Jordan is 11 years old, and doing well. Grateful for the treatment his son received, Donny wants to help other families at Cook Children’s. Last year, his company, Motor Home Specialist became a Partner in our Promise by making a donation to Cook Children’s for every recreational vehicle sold during their year-end blowout event that took place October 15 to December 31. Donny O’Banion with newborn son, Jordan 29 NEW C ORPORATE PARTNERS “Cook Children’s provides such a diverse spectrum of care for kids, and after my own experience with my son, Jordan, I couldn’t think of a place I would rather support,” said Donny. COOK CHILDREN’S 23 2013 Philanthropy Report Last year’s year-end blowout event was a success on all accounts. Motor Home Specialist donated more than $200,000 to be used for our greatest needs. They also continue to hear positive feedback from their customers. This year, they’ve set their goal high, hoping to donate more than $300,000. Donny continues to show gratitude for Cook Children’s, and we are equally as grateful for his support. self·less (verb) To cherish a desire with anticipation Peter Pan Birthday Club teaches children the selflessness of giving back The typical Peter Pan Birthday Party looks like any other – cake, ice cream and games. But what makes it different is that Peter Pan Birthday Club members sacrifice the typical gifts, and instead ask guests to bring donations for Cook Children’s. COOK CHILDREN’S Best friends, Olivia and Gracie, wanted to have a second joint Peter Pan Birthday Party to celebrate their eighth birthday, but they wanted to do something more than just collect money for Cook Children’s. So, they each invited a friend to a party at the Build-A-Bear Workshop® at Cook Children’s Medical Center, where they built and accessorized bears. 2013 Philanthropy Report 24 At Cook Children’s, every child who stays overnight at the medical center receives a stuffed animal to help comfort them. Knowing this, Olivia and Gracie decided their bears should be part of the fun. So, instead of taking their bears home with them when the party was over, each guest donated their bear back to the patients at Cook Children’s, without the slightest bit of hesitation. Olivia, Gracie and their guests didn’t miss out on any of the excitement of a birthday party by not having gifts. They celebrated Olivia and Gracie’s birthdays with laughter, fun and cake. And they topped the day off with a selfless act that meant as much to them as it did to the patients who received their bears. Gracie and Olivia enjoy giving back to others while celebrating each other’s birthdays. 93 PETER PAN BIRTHDAY CLUB members $22,962.35 RAISED BY PETER PAN BIRTHDAY CLUB MEMBERS 676 TOTAL GIFTS FOR COOK CHILDREN’S PATIENTS Cannon, a ge 7 lea tiv e jec ( ad tiv e) no co nc gi vin sta te of we llbe ing a na y·a l e·f pr es sin g en t nd co nt en tm gr at (no un )A r· s h ho p ed Ne ul rb ) (ve pr om ad efn i ti o nh er e. ve ss er nf or lfle ha p·p s i·n elf es s (ad jec s tiv er e lo ) Ex vin g we r (ve rb ) )U ns Ha se lle gr gia To at (no nc un itu ch e ) A er de d e ish cla (no ra tio a un nt de ha )T sir to ne he ew wi ca ll d i th os p d·e jec (ad Sabrina, a ge 11 we rt )T he ac ity to l jec cti ve tiv e) Un s we rv gg rv ing in all eg ia nc e f ds o th en ee loy e ·al ns we r sin re s xp )E b) To a ec ifie (dve r sp of (ad ing om eth os ll d ea d wi ne ed s ca p he (no un ne rv e ns )T oa rb (ve se to dje d·e pro ra m r·s ·is te hip e se serve (verb) To answer the needs of Legacy Society members help shape the future of Cook Children’s Jeannette and John Tatsak, both 92 years young, celebrated their 71st wedding anniversary in the fall of 2013. Throughout their marriage, they have made an effort to save something out of every paycheck. During hard times, career changes and the addition of their son, they still saved. And now they count themselves lucky to be able to use those hard-earned savings to serve those in need, including the patients at Cook Children’s. “We want to give to others to do good and we feel that you all do such good work,” said John. Jeannette and John Tatsak 48 LEGACY SOCIETY members They believe that it is important to serve others, and their support of Cook Children’s is their way of helping the doctors, nurses and staff serve the children that need them. Though their own son never experienced anything more serious than a broken bone when he was young, they learned of a friend’s grandson who underwent brain surgery at Cook Children’s. Hearing his story and knowing that Cook Children’s played a significant role in his treatment only strengthened their commitment to our organization. As members of Cook Children’s Legacy Society, the Tatsaks will continue to give to the patients at Cook Children’s for even longer than their seven-decade marriage. Their savings will become their legacy, serving the community where they built a home and raised a family together. COOK CHILDREN’S 27 2013 Philanthropy Report “We want to give to others to do good and we feel that you all do such good work,” John explained. sta·bil·i·ty (noun) The strength to stand or endure Fiscal year 2013 CHARITABLE CONTRIBUTIONS Oct. 1, 2012 – Sept. 30, 2013 Number of gifts by constituency Individuals36,978 Organizations634 Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals 399 Foundations104 Estates/trusts77 TOTAL count38,192 COOK CHILDREN’S Amount of gifts by constituency 2013 Philanthropy Report 28 Individuals$9,542,83148% Organizations$4,502,31523% Foundations$2,370,75712% Estates/trusts$2,222,44811% Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals $1,201,907 6% TOTAL count$19,840,258 IN FISCAL YEAR 2013, $19,840,258 C O OK CHILDREN’ S HEALTH FOUNDATION RECEIVED THROUGH 38,192 GIFTS 100% COOK CHILDREN’S 29 2013 Philanthropy Report a ge 1 Alexandra, com·mit·ment (noun) A promise to be loyal to someone or something Cook Children’s Health Care System President and CEO RICK W. MERRILL Cook Children’s Health Foundation Vice President GRANT HARRIS Cook Children’s Health Foundation Board of Trustees 2013 JAMES E. WEBB, CHAIRMAN R. JEFFREY ALEX ANDER, VICE CHAIRMAN PETER L. PHILPOT T, SECRETARY/TREASURER ROBIN W. ARENA GEORGE F. LEBUS BRIAN D. BARNARD G. MALC OLM LOUDEN G. THOMAS BOSWELL DAN E. LOWRANCE JULIA DAVIDSON TRACY P. MC GEHEE CL ARABELE “PIT ” D ODSON, RYAN T. MAT THEWS TRUSTEE EMERITUS COOK CHILDREN’S JAMES R. DUNAWAY JR. 2013 Philanthropy Report 30 RANDY EISENMAN SKYL AR P. MERRIFIELD BRIAN C. NEWBY JOHN M. RICHARDSON, M.D., LINDA MORRIS ELSEY TRUSTEE EMERITUS MARTIN H. ENGL ANDER MICHAEL R. PAVELL DAVID G. FISCHER TODD N. RIT TERBUSCH RUSSELL L. FLEISCHER WILLIAM E. ROSENTHAL JOY ANN HAVRAN EDWIN S. “WIN” RYAN KENT A. HORST VICKIE V. STEVENS NANCY KAY HOWARD REBEC CA M. STUPFEL MASON D. KING GEORGE M. YOUNG JR. NICHOL AS M. KYPREOS we de gr at itu (no un )A de c Ex pr es sin g To ch er is (ve rb ) lea d·e (ad jec tiv e )U ns we r vin gi na lle gia nc e loy · al sta te of we llbe ing a gr at nd co nt en tm en t e· f (ve rb ) ul To an s ha ss p·p ion i·n ate es s (ad jec s tiv e) tiv e) Me rc ifu l (no un )A an dc om pa gr a·c iou jec (ad gra·cious (adjective) Merciful and compassionate Honor roll of giving Your generosity and compassion have helped enhance the lives of children who rely upon Cook Children’s for care. pages 32 - 55 honor roll pages 56 - 67 honorariums pages 68 - 76 memorials We dedicate the following pages to you with sincere gratitude. honor roll of giving OCT. 1, 2012 - SEPT. 30, 2013 Philanthropy Report 2013 COOK CHILDREN’S LIFETIME GIVING $1 MILLION AND UP 2013 Philanthropy Report 32 Robert D. and Catherine R. Alexander Foundation Mrs. Baird’s Bakeries and the Baird Family Blanche Ballard Estate Bank of America Bank of America Charitable Foundation Inc. Bass Foundation Anne T. and Robert M. Bass Vicki and Edward P. Bass Helen and Edward Black Portia G. Bomar Estate W.P. Bomar Sr. Trust The Burnett Foundation Careity Foundation Amon G. Carter Foundation Nenetta Burton Carter Charitable Trust Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals Colonial Country Club Missouri Matilda Cook Veeta H. Davidson Estate Kelly and Jeffrey Dillard The Dodson Foundation Charline Dore Downs Estate Employees of Cook Children’s John R. Finegan Jr. Estate Kay and Ben Fortson Valerie Hogan Estate Donald L. Hutt Trust Jeremy's Friends Jewel Charity Ball Inc. Jane and John Justin Foundation Kohl's Dan E. Lowrance Anonymous The J. E. and L.E. Mabee Foundation Inc. Louella and Nicholas Martin Charitable Fund MasterCard Ella C. McFadden Charitable Trust Adeline and George McQueen Foundation, JP Morgan Trustee The Dave T. Miller and Bernie Marie Miller Estate The Morris Foundation National Marrow Donor Program Elizabeth and Don O'Neal Ellen “Tommie” and Ray O'Neal Tom B. Owens Trust Sid W. Richardson Foundation Rosalyn and Manny Rosenthal Rozanne and Billy Rosenthal The Ryan Foundation Adrienne Gans Simon Estate Anne B. and Charles D. Tandy Benjamin J. Tillar Estate Genevieve Eagon Tillar Trust Naresh Vashisht Minnie Esther Weekley Estate Eunice Pearl West Estate James L. and Eunice West Charitable Trust Barbara F. Wheeler Trust Woman's Board of Cook Children's Medical Center LEGACY SOCIETY WE RECOGNIZE AND HONOR OUR SUPPORTERS WHOSE VISION AND COMPASSION MOTIVATES THEM TO SUPPORT COOK CHILDREN’S THROUGH PLANNED GIFTS. Debbie and Steve Amburn Mr. and Mrs. Andrew G. Atkinson Bonnie and Bill Barksdale Lois and W. Paul Bowman, M.D. Louise B. Carvey Helen Renshaw Chatham Anonymous Nancy and Mike Davis Barbi and Stanley Eisenman Paula and George Fultz Gayle and Patrick Gordon Jr. Warren H. Gould Mr. and Mrs. William C. Graham Lisa Hampton Anonymous Barbara and Ed Handley Tracy Hardy Kim and Brion Hart Mark E. Holton, D.O. Robyn and Raymond Jackson June Johnson Dr. and Mrs. Andrew Kilgus Dr. Mary K. Kukolich Chee Y. Li Doland Maner Gilda McClure Shirley and Jimmy McElreath Anonymous Mrs. Marilyn Hochberger McGee Rick Merrill Lisa and Donald Mills William W. Oglesby Janean Peters Mary and Arnold Petsche Carol and Dan Roberts Judy and Floyd E. Smith Rhonda and Arthur Smith Carol and Vern Spurlock Mary and Steve Stelter Colette and Joey Stevens Jeannette and John Tatsak Carl A. Todd Patsy T. and Arch W. Van Meter Edith Volkel Vaughn Mary L. Wedekind Mrs. Tommy Williams Beth and Frank Wilson Brenda and David Young LEGACY SOCIETY IN MEMORIAM THESE DISTINGUISHED DONORS WILL BE FOREVER REMEMBERED THROUGH THEIR CHARITABLE ESTATE GIFTS. THEIR VISION HELPS ENSURE CONTINUED HEALTH CARE EXCELLENCE FOR EVERY CHILD IN OUR COMMUNITY. Seymour B. Adler Beulah M. Alexander Estate Frances Marion Allen Estate Sheila Emery Allen Trust Mrs. S. E. Allison Joseph Austin Anderson Estate C. K. Andrews Estate Mrs. Frank M. Andrews Alice C. Armer Estate Lewis A. Armstrong Calvin R. Avery James Stephen Bailey, Ph.D. Vernon Baird Blanche Ballard Estate Helene Bare and W. Glenn Embry Estate Ona L. Barkley Trust Josephine Harrold Barnes Estate E. H. Beall Barbara A. Bear Estate Maxine H. Blankfield Estate Portia G. Bomar Estate W. P. Bomar Sr. Trust William P. Bomar Jr. Trust V. W. Boswell Clorine Bowen Estate H. C. Brooks Ethel W. Brown Jesse M. Brown Lorraine Brown Estate Ponder Lee Brown Trust Viola Dickinson Brown Edna M. Burchill Grace Burroughs Clarence Edward Calvert Estate Electra Anne Carlin Estate Julia E. Carr Steven Wilson Carrington Estate Blanche G. and William C. Carter Nenetta Burton Carter Charitable Trust Frank P. Carvey Jr. Margaret Caskey Estate Margaret B. Chapman Estate Margaret Elizabeth Cheatham Estate A. Renerick Clark Pearl H. Cole Estate Adabelle Commander Louise Taylor Connery W. I. Cook Foundation Alice M. Cunningham Estate L. D. Dail Testamentary Trust Mary Dail Testamentary Trust Ruth Dally Abraham Danciger Jack Dancinger C. J. Davidson Veeta H. Davidson Estate Katrine Menzing Deakins Charitable Trust Mrs. David P. Dean Edith Deen Estate Charline Dore Downs Estate Elsie Ducayet Irma H. Duke Estate Ruth Dunbar Estate of Emma Jean Edsall Harry M. Embrey Ludie Lindsey Emerson Mitt Hall Ewing Margaret Feddersen Charitable Trust John R. Finegan Jr. Estate Dean Louise Fitz-Patrick Trust William C. Forsyth Estate Velma Frank Trust Rose Fuller Margaret Ruth Garrett Estate Marie Goodfellow Estate Anonymous Sonja Gressman Estate Arthur W. Griffee Nellie Haberzettle Estate Arthur Haddaway Laura Mae Harris Estate Mary Lois Harvey Olivia Ann Haverkamp Estate Gladys Headley Estate Estate of Mariam Hicks Valerie Hogan Estate George C. Hollingsworth Paul S. Hollis Trust Fay F. Hubbard Estate Simeon Hulsey Estate Betty Paddock Hunt Estate Donald L. Hutt Trust Beulah G. Johnson Edith Irene Johnson Cecil N. Johnston Murray Carney Johnston Estate Frances Jones Estate Hazele N. Jones J. B. Jones Charitable Remainder Trust John S. Justin Jr. Barbara Jean Lamb Estate Dora Lee Langdon Kathryn Coye Leach Trust Dan Levy Estate Helen Irwin Littauer Educational Trust James M. Madden Estate Dorothy Hayes Maner Katherine B. Martin Trust A. Raymond Matthews Estate Mabel M. Mayer Estate ing we rv ns ca o tio n aff ec st t in df as )S tea cti ng or tiv e ( ad jec tiv e )A lw ay sa (ad jec s fa c to fb pa cit ein yt gg en ol ea d er ou co n no i ng Ha v e) j ec tiv (ad or he (no un )T he qu ali ty )T Edward A. Smith Estate Dorothea Stafford Trust Daniel T. Stephens Trust David Wayne Stephens Elizabeth E. Stephens Joy Alton Stoker Estate Herbert E. Stoy Mary Ruth Summerfield Estate Alda Belle Terbet Estate Benjamin J. Tillar Estate Genevieve Eagon Tillar Trust Millie Todd Frances Roller Crumley Tribble Emily M. Varvel Estate Estate of Edwin Vitasek Loyd B. Wakefield Estate Minerva Louise Waldron H. Frank Wall Estate B. F. Weekley Estate Minnie Esther Weekley Estate E. Weinstein Eunice Pearl West Estate Barbara F. Wheeler Trust G. R. White William B. White Estate Harriet Wickersham Estate Hazel Wilbar Estate Learline Williams Patty Mann Wilson Estate Beatrice H. Wolf Estate Bing Wolson Ina Nell Wood Estate Dorothy Clay Woodard Estate Robert E. Wright Trust The Charles and Billie York Estate Alyce C. Young Charles T. Young Ora Davis Younger Estate Louise Madeleine Zane-Cetti Marion E. Zane-Cetti TRUST AND ESTATE GIFTS INDIVIDUAL GIFTS $25,000 AND UP Anonymous D'Ann and William Bonnell, D.D.S. Cheryl and Jerry Conatser Karen and Matt Johnson Marsha and John Kleinheinz Diane and Sam Kleinman, M.D. Cynthia and Scott Prince Janet and Maury Stuffmann Jr. Jeannette and John Tatsak $10,000 - 24,999.99 Roy C. Evans Susan and Rob Green Anonymous Nancy Kay and Stan Howard Robin and Chris Huckabee Joan and Howard Katz Anonymous in loving memory of Anita Berry Martin Louella and Nicholas Martin Charitable Fund Victoria L. Porter Carolyn and Rich Richbourg Betty J. Sanders Margaret J. Smith Judy and Gary Strong, M.D. The Thursby Family Charitable Fund Melissa A. Wilks Lea and Steve Wright $5,000 - 9,999.99 Anonymous Kerrie and Glen Averhoff Janet and Mike Aycock Elizabeth and John Batton Lois and W. Paul Bowman, M.D. Kim M. Campbell Jared L. Clarke Margaret Sherman Cotton Anonymous Nancy and John Cychol III Julie and Glenn Davidson Paul Edwards Dirk E. Eshleman Jane and Danny Frazell Emily and Cliff Insall June Johnson Kim K. Jones Brandi N. Larson Kathy and Bob Lombardi Dan E. Lowrance Robert McKinnon Jr. Evelyn Merrill, M.D., and Rick Merrill Anonymous Angela and Chris Newell Andrea and Mike Pavell Bonnie and Alan Petsche Brent H. Pierce Janna S. Poland Karen Webb Rainwater Richard I. Readinger, M.D. Vonda and Chris Ryan Patricia Pape Savage Shelly and J.S. Schroder Anonymous Edith V. Vaughn Carrie and George Walls III, M.D. Carly and Gary Witulski Fay and Coby Wooten $1,000 - 4,999.99 Mark Akins Anonymous Laura and Jeff Alexander Candace and Roger Alphin Debbie and Steve Amburn Sheril and Gerald Appel Sandra Arca, M.D., and Alfonso Arca Vanessa Armstrong, M.D., and Kenny Fischer Lesley and Murray Atkinson Mary Babione Sheri D. Bailiff Karen D. Baker Lisa and Carlton Baker Marcie Baldwin Connie Barber Cindy and Brian Barnard Kimberly and Larry Bateman Anonymous Brian Beard Eden and Brett Beebe Nicole S. Benavides Penny and Charles Bennett Patricia Berube, D.M.D., M.S. Paul Bieniawski Kay and Bob Bolz, M.D. Douglas E. Borg, M.D. David Bostik Elizabeth and John Boswell Toni and Tommy Boswell Madelon L. Bradshaw Camilia S. Brandt Marion D. Brantley Paula and Bob Brockway Cameron L. Brown, D.Min. Cindy and Gary Brown Kimberly J. Brown Mary and Bobby Brown Robin and Gantt Bumstead Sherri Burke, D.O. and Ronald Burke, M.D. Mandy N. Burkhalter Debbie and Brent Burns Doris and Ned Burns Jessie V. Butler Sheila and Perry Camp Leigh A. Campbell, RN Brian Cannon Karen and Romney Carey Dani Carr Patricia and Marvin Casper Anonymous Erin R. Chandler Linda and Derrel Chappell Teresa and Robert Clark Becky and Keith Clem Lesia and Bary Clower Melissa and Steve Cone Kit Cook Mary Jo and Sidney Cook Shay and Milt Cotter David E. Cox Jana Crain Larry L. Culp Beth and Peter Dahlberg Anne and John Dalton, M.D. 33 2013 Philanthropy Report Sheila Emery Allen Trust Joseph Austin Anderson Estate W.P. Bomar Sr. Trust William P. Bomar Jr. Trust James T. Bonner Estate Ponder Lee Brown Trust The Kathleen E. Connors 2012 Revocable Management Trust L.D. Dail Testamentary Trust Mary Dail Testamentary Trust Estate of Ruby B. Dean Matthew A. Devaney 2008 Trust B Samuel C. Devaney 2008 Trust B The Estate of Lorena Browder Dodson Charline Dore Downs Estate Velma Frank Trust Anna Melissa Gordon Trust Paul S. Hollis Trust Donald L. Hutt Trust Kathryn Coye Leach Trust Lindsey Revocable Trust Anonymous Katherine B. Martin Trust Julia Jones Matthews Family Trust George McKenna Trust Lena M. Precourt Estate Estate of Norma L. Schaefer Carl S. Shanks Trust Myrie Bowen Shanks Trust Genevieve Eagon Tillar Trust Fleta Ricks/Walls Family Charitable Fund Anonymous (2) Wanda F. Whitt Family Trust COOK CHILDREN’S Ella C. McFadden Charitable Trust George McKenna Trust Archie J. McKillop Estate Alice McMullen Charles E. McMurray Estate Bennie Allene McMurry Estate Lelia Mead Estate The Dave T. Miller and Bernie Marie Miller Estate Dave T. Miller Residuary Trust Joe T. Miller Estate Gertrude Morris Estate W. Smithson Morris Estate John T. Morrison Myrtle Ashley Morrison Annie Sawyer Murray Estate Ethel Russey Naylor J. R. Neil Verna Lee Noah Dorothy Norman Estate Alice T. Nowlin Estate Maybell R. Noyes Cordelia Spencer Nunnelley Arabella Odell Estate Maria T. Oglesby Estate Gordon Bertha Oppenheimer Tom B. Owens Trust Mary I. Payne Annye C. Penry Clyde A. Penry Myrl Pepper Estate Maurine Gill Peterson Nellie G. Phillips Estate James Ramsey Verna Ray Estate Dorothy R. Reber Estate Alton Eugene Reed Estate Mary Sears Rhodes Shirley M. Sanders Estate Irl Sandidge Trust Edwin G. Schwarz, M.D. Elizabeth Scott Georgann H. Scott Estate Melba Seale Emma H. Seibel James A. Shaddy Estate Carl S. Shanks Trust Myrie Bowen Shanks Trust Acme Shaw Estate Florence Griswold Shuman Adrienne Gans Simon Estate The Warren Skaaren Charitable Trust Audrey Odessa Smerke Estate Helen R. Smith Estate Lucy F. Smith ( f ds o th en ee er ns w rb )T oa (ve ce rn for )A (no un (no un (ad gs pe cifi ed os om eth in ll d to ne th a se lf an dc lea ge d·e self·le n·e r·s ss r·o hip s· be ing de cla ra tio n on ten tm en t wi qu )T he un (n o ell - of w te sta jec tiv e) U s gr at er ou en gg ei n fb to rf ac ali ty o St ea e) (no un )A in e i·ty fa re ss ith lo ing g ·fu y· r co al n·s l i j ge dfas n·e t in r·o affec s·i tion m ·ty · is (n se e (adje rv ctive e ) E xp fai t h ha · p·p fu i·n l pr ess o (ad jec tiv Philanthropy Report 2013 honor roll of giving OCT. 1, 2012 - SEPT. 30, 2013 COOK CHILDREN’S Philanthropy Report 2013 2013 Philanthropy Report 34 Stephanie and Clive Daniels, M.D. Kim and Glenn Darden Carolyn and Stan Davis W.C. Dennis Anonymous Amy C. DePrang Dawn M. DeWall, RN Rod Dias Helen Sue and George Donnell Margie L. Dorman-O'Donnell Richard G. Dumais Brian W. Dunaway Darlene Dunn Cindy E. Durr, D.O. Matthew Dzurik, M.D. Yvette A. Dzurik, M.D. Gretchen Eames, M.D., and Scott Eames Angela and Mark Eddins Carol D. Edley Randy Eisenman Michael Eliasen Cheryl and Randy Elledge Julie and Dennis Elliott Charitable Fund Lori and Mike Engle Leslie and John Enlow Sherry and Charles Estep Hillary and Brett Evans Sharon P. Evans Keith Faison Lisa and Bobby Feather Carol and Ronnie Feemster Vivian and Robert Ferguson Chip H. Finley Liz and Russ Fleischer Terri R. Ford Dorene K. Foster Claire Fowler Brian D. Fox Amanda Frazier Paula and George Fultz Joseph M. Gallagher Debbie and Allen Gameson Janet M. Garbarz John W. Gasparini Sr. Lori and Steven Geary Robert P. Gehrman Lorene and Don Gentry Teri and Robert Gilbert Laurann Gilley Jeanette M. Ginsburg Deana and Gary Goble Caryl and Jose Gonzalez, M.D. Marla and Richard Goode Anna M. Gordon Meaghan Granger, M.D., and Bruce Granger Andrea and Carson Graves Barbara and Denis Greer Kathy L. Grieser Anonymous Maggie and James Grinstead Stacey A. Groome Laura H. Grywatch Melody A. Hackfeld Angie and Curtis Hall Carol A. Hall Sherri L. Hall, RN Ethan Hallmark Linda S. Handley, RN Robyn and Grant Harris Sheralyn R. Hartline, RN Darlene and Ernest Hauser Nancy and John Hemphill Beverlee and Jim Herd, M.D. Ellen and James Hewitt Marsha and Larry Hilcher Tammy R. Hoff Brenda and David Hollar Joyce L. Hood Amy and Tim Howell Ginger and Ross Hull Denise A. Hunter Patricia and Larry Iles, RN Daryl A. Johnson Jennifer and Eric Johnson Yolanda P. Keenan Karen L. Keller Dana and Dee Kelly Jr. Tamera and Keith Kemp Kathy and Eddie Kimmel Marilyn and Bob King Sally A. King Jill and Jim Koss Mollie and Ted Kuchta Cindy and Nick Kypreos Nancy and David Lacy S. Jayne Landers Ruth and Ken Lautzenheiser Amanda and David Lee Donna and Richard Lemmons Tracy and Barrett Lemmons Chee Y. Li Jana and Mark Linenberger Emily and Jason Littlejohn Jo Ann and John Livengood Amy Locker, RN Sunshine and James Lockley Kenneth E. Longbrake Ann and Malcolm Louden Michelle and Chad Lowell Luke Lucas Paul T. Lundstrom Jr. Nelva and Martin Macias Sandra C. Manning Haddy and Edward Manuel Amanda B. Martin Tammy and Larry Mason Janell P. Mason-Briscoe Maureen E. Mayeux, RN Cristy and Matt Mayfield, M.D. Pat and Clyde McCall Jr. Jana and Garry McClendon Paige and Jeff McGlothlin, M.D. Anonymous Allison and Scott McKnight Amy L. McMurdo, RN Melinda J. Meacham Theresa Z. Meadows Jackie A. Meeks Amy and George Mercer Debbie C. Meyers, RN Ean C. Miller Jim E. Miller Elizabeth and George Montague Maxie D. Moore Nesha and George Morey Arda and Clarence Morgan Jackie R. Morgan Julie and Chris Moulas Betty and Scott Muchow Timothy A. Muirheid Martha and David Murdoch Marilyn R. Nappier Sharon and Joe New Andrea and Pepper Nichols Jane and Roger Nober Erin and Tyler O'Banion Meredith and Mike O'Brien Nicole and Patrick O'Connor Bethany A. Olinger, RN Gracie W. Packwood, M.D., and Eric A. Packwood, M.D. Nell and Barry Patterson Cindy and Sammy Pence Barbara and Joe Penshorn Anonymous Kristin M. Peterson Patty and Jeff Pettijohn Laura and Hunt Pettit Joe S. Phillips Patricia and Jack Pierce, M.D. Glinda and Robert Poe Donna L. Poole, RN Anonymous Regina and Wilfred Raine, M.D. Cyndi and Steve Raines Vicki L. Ramos Judy B. Ramsey Loris and Jim Rankin Sharon A. Ransom Shereé and Jarrod Reynolds Suzy and Ray Rhodes Jr., M.D. Kimberly A. Richardson Sarah K. Riley Sharon and John Riley Jean and John Roach II Linda Roark, RN Amy and Rick Robinson Mickey and Marshall Robinson Ivan "Pudge" Rodriguez Kelly Rogers Cathy D. Ross Julie L. Rudd, RN Alicia Russell Nancy and David Russell, M.D. Suzie Russell J. Kelly Ryan Patricia and Win Ryan Janice and Don Sabec Lynny and Eddie Sankary, M.D. Deb and Mic Sapp Beth and Robert Schmidt Jorden Seamands Cathy R. and Scott Sheffield Jimmie N. Shelton Valerie and Eric Simanek Briddy Simeroth Pam S. Simmons Madonna Sisson Andrea Smith, Ph.D. and Randall Smith Anonymous Fred Smith Anonymous Sally and Steven Snow Dana Southern Donna R. Spangler Carol and Vern Spurlock Bobbie and Jimmie Stanfield Anonymous Vickie and Michael Stevens Cheryl D. Stewart Tinka and Norman Stovall Jr. Carrie and Scott Stradley Denise L. Sullivan, M.D. Lynda and Paul Svacek Joanne Teeters Doreen L. Teoh, M.D. Lei and Frank Testa Anonymous Linda Thompson, M.D., and Mark Thompson Christi M. Thornhill Catherine and Paul Thornton, M.D. Rosanne Thurman Trish and Mark Topel Dana E. Toudouze Barbara and Larry Tubb L.C. Tubb Jr. Linda and George Tuttle Ruby E. Vargo Lisa E. Vaughn, RN Wendy and Jason Wadley Laurie Wall Brent Wallgren Jason Wallgren Misty D. Wallis Kay and Sam Walls Jr. Karen A. Wardell Malette Washington Anonymous Melinda A. Weaver Elizabeth and Jim Webb Paula and Bob Webb April and Rick Wegman Randy D. Wells Greg Wendel Anita and Darrin Whitney Taggart R. Widener Geraldine A. Williams Lewis J. Williams, RN Kristi and Alan Wilson Bridget and Charles Wood Jr. Barbara A. Woods Marsha A. Martinez-Wylie, M.D., and Kevin D. Wylie, D.O. Christina Yee, M.D., and Wayne Yee, M.D. $500 - 999.99 Lori R. Adams Elaine and Neils Agather Yvette A. Aguirre Jamiel A. Akhtar Suzette Allen Sylvia A. Allen Susan and Curtis Ambrose Judy and Paul Andrews Jr. Doug R. Anfin Karen and Larry Anfin Kristen and Michael Ariola Cami S. Armstrong Valerie J. Badgett Amy and Tull Bailey James F. Bailey Barry A. Baker Elizabeth J. Baker Julie A. Bakke Allison R. Ballard Kim Bancroft Ricky A. Banks Jamie L. Bankston Kathy and Tom Barnard Jacqueline D. Barowitz Josh Barrett Rita R. Barry Alice Basinger, M.D., and Michael Baglio Traci A. Baun Allison and John Beadles Jodee Beadles Lucero Benavides Geraldine N. Bennett Joanna and Brendan Bennett Mr. and Mrs. Brett Bergeron ing we rv ns ca o tio n aff ec st t in df as )S tea cti ng or tiv e ( ad jec tiv e )A lw ay sa (ad jec s fa c to fb pa cit ein yt gg en ol ea d er ou co n no i ng Ha v e) j ec tiv (ad or he (no un )T he qu ali ty )T Sophia Garza Elizabeth and Ricky Gaspard Amy G. Gee Mary and Robert Gieb Peggy and Jeff Gilbert Jane and Luke Gilcrease Jeff M. Gill Anonymous Linda F. Glover Anonymous Shirley W. Gordon Robin S. Grady Angela Greanead Anonymous Shawn Griffith Laura and Alfredo Guajardo Mary and Richard Guenzel John K. Guzman Emily and Collin Hadley Lana and Mark Halencak Linsey and Tom Hammon Barbara and Ed Handley Dena and Richard Hanson Valerie J. Harkcom Alinde and Patrick Harris Rhelda C. Harris Tambra and Robert Harry Anonymous Marjorie S. Hartman Mary Beth and Phil Hartman Teresa L. Hawley Anonymous Christina G. Heading Joel R. Hellman Maria D. Hermosillo Ginny and Rod Hickman Elondria D. Hill Ginger and Tommy Hilton Richard K. Hinckley Corey Hix Regina K. Hobson-Smith Ashley G. Holder Lynton Holloway Courtney and Nelson Holm Jessica L. Holy Natalie and Troy Houghton Gail Howrey, M.D., and Rick Howrey, M.D. Ann and Ed Hudson Francis L. Hudson Wannetta Hughes, RN Shelley M. Hui Michelle Inman Delbert Jackson Meggan and Drew Jamison, D.D.S. Anonymous Azucena Jimenez, RN Greg Jimerson Kim and Matt Johnson Lori Johnson, M.D., and Tony Birrittieri Melody A. Johnson Ruth M. Johnson Sheila B. Johnson Chad J. Johnston Gale and Rodney Johnston Judy and Stephen Jones Larry Jordan Missy and Chris Jordan, M.D. Paige Jordan Dario Juarez Shams Karimi, M.D., and Amirali Karimi Tracy Kaufmann Anonymous Olivia and Jeffrey Kearney Laurie and Howard Kelfer, M.D. Kelley J. Keller Caroline and Kevin Kelly Deann N. Kenaley Anonymous Deborah K. Kiesling Peggy Kinder Connie and Carl Kinerd Wini King Corey Kirkpatrick Burnelle E. Knight Pat and A.R. Knight Jr. Aaron N. Knott Kevin P. Knuckley Amy Kotecha Kass Kubes Desiree L. Lacy Kelly Langdon Cherry and Jim Langford Holly L. Lawrence Angela J. Laws Rosanne F. Ledwig Clara and James Lee Mae Lee, M.D., and Anthony Lee, M.D. Elizabeth E. Leeper Barbara and James Leeton Jr. Anne and William Lesikar Linda Liewer and Randall Aust Lidia and Alfred Lingnau Wyvonne and Garland Lipsey Jr. Graciela Lopez Lorena D. Lopez Anonymous Dayle Lowry Pam and Peter Lunk James F. Lynch Gina Maile Anonymous Catrina K. Manalo Kendall P. Mann Jane A. Mansfield Louise and Charles Marsh Matt Marshall Susan and James Marshall, M.D. Diana K. Martens, LVN Carole and Chris Martin Heather and Beck Martin James Martin Jennifer and Bobby Masterson Mary M. Masterson Lauren and Ryan Matthews Anonymous Victoria McCain, Ph.D. and John McCain III Catherine S. McCall Kari L. McConnell Anonymous (2) Angela L. McCrary Susan McDonald Lorrie and Jasen McDowell Pam and Frank McGehee, M.D. Fred A. McGinnis Kimberly and Patrick McGinnis Michelle McIntyre Robert D. McKee Sr. Lydia and Tim McKibben Tammy and Ty McKinney Deana L. McLelland Mark H. Mcmanis Michelle McMillan Karen E. McMinn Brynda and John McNey Richard A. Medina Megan and David Mikulencak, D.D.S. Amy and James Miller, M.D. Ceanne and Weldon Miller Paige E. Miller Roberta L. Miller James L. Minge Mary Jo Moncrief Sue Moore Christy S. Morehead Leigh and Daniel Moulden Audrey H. Moussavi Charles D. Mulhern Beverly J. Mundt Jessica A. Munger, RN Kristen and Marcus Mungioli Linda and Donald Murphey, M.D. Peggy A. Murphree Anonymous Jung Murphy Tammy and Mike Muse John W. Myers Cindy P. Myrick 35 2013 Philanthropy Report Craig Cruzen Anonymous Sheila A. Cullum Lauren D. Cumbie, RN Martha and Jim Cunningham, M.D. Jordan and Adam Davidson Dee C. Davis Johanna Davis Kathleen Davis Lezlie W. Davis Lori and Craig Davis Sharon J. Davis, D.O. Shirley and John Dean III Alicia C. Delano, RN Alysa and Scott Dennett Janet and Scott Dickinson Tracy Dignum Barbara S. Dolny Elisaba Dow Michelle R. Dozier, RN Kendall and David Draper Mrs. Jose A. Morales Droz Sherry and Howard Dudley Anonymous Valrie and David Eberstein Connie Edwards Tammy Rene Elizondo Susann and Johnnie Eller Kay and Dick Ellis, M.D. Liz L. Espinoza, RN Jennifer R. Estoll Zach V. Eubank Andra and Fred Evans Bridget R. Fagan Adam B. Fay Tommy L. Fenoglio Amy and Shelby Fierke, M.D. Heather J. Finto Erica and David Fisher Jessica D. Fittery Crystal Flores Lilia Flores Roz and Joe Folkers Jeffrey Fontana Samantha R. Ford Kristina L. Forney, RN Thomas Fosnaugh Sharon A. Foster Anonymous Cynthia C. Franklin Eddie D. Franklin Julie K. Freeman Amanda Frerich Jennifer Fuester-Reynolds Sally S. Fulwiler Tonya Fuqua, D.D.S. Anne C. Fuquay Bonilee K. Garrett Mary Lynn and Gavin Garrett Shawn Gary COOK CHILDREN’S Sperry and Sandy Binnicker Anonymous Teri L. Bjornlie Duffy and Scott Bloemendal, M.D. Julie B. Bodnar William R. Bond Anonymous Roxanne Boyd Allaina Brackenridge Michelle R. Brennan Debra G. Brimer Dee Dee and Clint Brown Sheri and Travis Brown Pamela Sherman Browne, M.D., and Michael Browne, M.D. Michelle L. Brownlee Leslie and Theron Bryant Molly and Dave Bryant, D.O. Jo-Ellen K. Burgett Kathi Bury Amanda N. Byrum Jackie and Barry Bzostek, M.D. Dr. and Mrs. Ajai Cadambi Janice P. Campbell Katie and Luke Campbell Kathleen Cantrell Pamela E. Cantu Leticia M. Caraveo, RN Courtney A. Carrell Cathy M. Carroll John E. Carroll Kim and Robb Catalano Ruthie L. Ceasar Tammy L. Cefaly Beth and Ryan Champlin Sharon and Alfonso Chan Melinda Chance Carol and David Childress Carla D. Chitwood Ginny Ciriot Kay F. Clark Sarah and Stockton Clemons Patti S. Collett Michael P. Collins Rachel M. Collins, RN Theresa M. Conaway Taylor Cooke Matthew L. Cooper Vicki and Rick Cornelius Michelle and Stephen Coslik Kelly and Mark Cowart Nadine and Tom Craddick Chris Croft Grace and Winfield Crumley Linda G. Cruz Salvador Cruz ( f ds o th en ee er ns w rb )T oa (ve ce rn for )A (no un (no un (ad gs pe cifi ed os om eth in ll d to ne th a se lf an dc lea ge d·e self·le n·e r·s ss r·o hip s· be ing de cla ra tio n on ten tm en t wi qu )T he un (n o ell - of w te sta jec tiv e) U s gr at er ou en gg ei n fb to rf ac ali ty o St ea e) (no un )A in e i·ty fa re ss ith lo ing g ·fu y· r co al n·s l i j ge dfas n·e t in r·o affec s·i tion m ·ty · is (n se e (adje rv ctive e ) E xp fai t h ha · p·p fu i·n l pr ess o (ad jec tiv Philanthropy Report 2013 honor roll of giving OCT. 1, 2012 - SEPT. 30, 2013 COOK CHILDREN’S Philanthropy Report 2013 2013 Philanthropy Report 36 Shakyryn K. Napier Theresa and William Nash III Marcia and Bales Nelson Anonymous Anonymous Eddie E. Norton III Bisola and Nicholas Ogunmola, M.D. Tina and Bill Overbeck Justice Priscilla R. Owen Catherine and Paul Oxer Anna and Tommy Panagopoulos Lori A. Parrott Mary Catherine and Chad Parsons Manish Patel Jean and Ed Patterson Katrina Paulson Anonymous Michelle R. Peacock Laura E. Pearce Chris Pedigo Dewan K. Perry Caren R. Pettyjohn Chris M. Pevehouse Anonymous Juana Y. Placencia Jennifer C. Poe Karen Pratt Carol and Ed Proctor Michelle Puente Sherri Purvis Anonymous Alyson Rainey, RN Juli A. Ramirez Kelly R. Ransom Danielle M. Ransonette Mary Ann Reed Bryan Reid Carrie and Matthew Reinert Angela and Bill Renfro Christie L. Rhine Adam A. Richard Karla S. Richardson Lisa G. Richardson Angie and M.O. Rife III Carmen A. Rivera The Dan Roberts Family Jessica Rodriguez, RN Jamye D. Rogers Anne and Rob Rooney Rozanne and Billy Rosenthal Glenda L. Ross Wayne Roy Anonymous Joe B. Rushing, Ph.D. Emily S. Russ Melanie L. Russ Michelle F. Russell Anonymous Sue E. Sanders Tiffany P. Sapp Ricci J. Scamardo Mimi Schultz Elaine and Allen Schuster, D.D.S. Pat and Herb Schwarz Suzanne M. Seider Kathy L. Shelton Harry I. Shuman, M.D. Tammie L. Sibley Laura E. Sikes, RN Anonymous Tara J. Slone, RN Barbara Smith Cara Smith Jamie Smith Kristy L. Smith Leigh Smith Sharon and Monte Smith Toni S. Smith Tonya and Jack Sosebee Amanda L. Soto Melissa S. Spencer Sherry Stallings Kimberly R. Steele Randy D. Steele Linda and Dee Steer Laura and Tom Stelter Jerry D. Stewart Lisa and Danny Still Renee J. Stinnett Glenna B. Stone Tamara and Jeffrey Stone Sarah G. Stringer Ronda and Walter Stucker Jere D. Sundean Lauren and Ron Surratt Kerrie and Kenneth Sutton Anthony Szatkowski Melanie and Vincent Tam, M.D. Ivert and David Tambe Hollie B. Tartt Christa Taylor Patricia and Lee Taylor Amy and Kirk Thomas Kerri and Mike Thomas Jr. Carolyne R. Thompson Erica L. Thorne Brandi Toogood Cecelia Trevino Sandra and Edwin Tucker Mr. and Mrs. Jack F. Turner Danita and Clint Tutt Jessica and Matthew Upchurch Jimmy Uselton Anonymous Lynn and Chris Vara, M.D. Amanda R. Vespremi Dana M. Vross Lynette Waites Blair and John Walker Quinton M. Walker William Walton Carri Ann Wantuchowicz Linda M. Watson Shelley K. Watters Winnie and Andrew Wayne Laurel M. Weaver, RN Jane Anne West Louis T. White Jr. Carolyn and Bob Whitt Anonymous Terry and Heidi Wilder Katheryn R. Willett Angela D. Williams Carla L. Williams, RN JoAnn Williams Sandi and Richard Williams Lisa C. Wilson Peggy Winkler Jason E. Winsett Clifton Wofford MaryFrances Wood Katy and Hunt Woodruff Tracy L. Wortham Ray Wydrinski Debora C. Yorek Brenda and Eddie Young Lena M. Zettler Patsy and Bill Zimmerman Eleanor and Murray Zoota Leslie Zvitt $100 - 499.99 Gloria G. Abdala Elenette and Victor Abello Pat and John Acker Judy and J.T. Ackerman Ruben M. Acosta Katie E. Adair Carrie P. Adams Cindy and John Adams III Courtney Adams Linda and Darrell Addington Gordon W. Addy Martin Aguado Jessica P. Aguirre Cinthia and Jimmy Aiken Ashley B. Ainsworth Tessa M. Akins Terri and Gary Akkerman Sharon and John Albright Maria M. Alcala Cindy and Nicholas Aldi Anonymous Becky and Scott Alexander Gail Alexander Kathy and Ron Alexander Alexander Alkhazshvilly Donald W. Allen Margo H. Allen, RN Patricia L. Allen Susann and William Allred Maria Almaguer Maribel Almaguer Ryan Almusawi Juan C. Alonso Suzanne L. Alonso Vivian W. Alston Ron E. Alsup Jan K. Althouse Gina and Sammy Altum Priya Amin Alicia Anderson Byron H. Anderson Carol and Garry Anderson Carol and Gary J. Anderson Chelsea R. Anderson Elaine and Dennis Anderson Joan G. Anderson Karen and Chuck Anderson Otha D. Anderson Robyn and Glenn Anderson Sam Anderson Alerta and H. Aida Angeles Lucina P. Anzaldua Christian Apaga Leanna Aparicio Ellen and Bernie Appel Debra J. Arendall Tammie Arnett Shirley and John Lee Arrott Maria E. Arroyo Cortney F. Asberry Katherine E. Ashmore Dolores and Robert August Lisa Austin Sally Avina-Pereda Cindy Avitia Abigail O. Awe Christine Ayala Victoria and Gino Ayala Justi L. Ayres Suzanne M. Bahan Kenneth L. Bailey Laurie J. Bailey Sarah M. Bailey Shelley Bailey Len and Steven Baird Charla and Charles Baker Dessie L. Baker Patricia Ballard Melanie N. Ballew Ann and Cole Ballweg Katie and Ben Bangert Betty C. Bankston Julie and Drew Barfield Alice and Ben Barlow Elspeth C. Barnes, RN Darla Barnett Rachel Barriga Liz Barriteau Jan and Dennis Barry Marianne Barry Dorothy A. Bartell Anonymous JoAnna J. Bartley Vicki and Edward P. Bass Kelsey Bassett Tim B. Bates Cheryl A. Batson Nacole R. Battles Morgan A. Baty Laura Baum Lisa O. Bauman Rachal and Jim Baxter Heather J. Bayers Lisa A. Bean Carla and Kenney Beard Mary Ann and Larry Beard Jo Bearden Alicia and Brandon Beasley Bruce D. Beasley Terry L. Beattie Christina M. Beck Sheila and Rick Beeson Meredith Behne Anonymous Mark Belcher Marguerite W. Belew Jason C. Bell Jessica N. Bell Kara and Brian Bell Karen S. Bell Thelma and David Bennett Anonymous Glenda K. Berberich Eric Berger Anonymous Jan and James Bess III Anonymous Guido V. Bevoni Alexandra and James Bews Stefanie M. Beyer Leah S. Bhatki Anonymous Sammi and Matt Biery Elizabeth K. Bingham Teresa L. Bingham Laura and Greg Bird Linda and Gilbert Biron Bobbie Jo Bishop Rebecca C. Bishop Teresa A. Bishop Alysha R. Black, RN Melinda and Timothy Black, M.D. Roy E. Blackbird Sharon and Donald Blair Tammie R. Blakeley Tony D. Blauvelt Jim Blazek Cindy and John Bloomhall Kimberly and Todd Blouin Sandy and Barry Boardman Tiffany A. Boatright Courtney P. Boedeker ing we rv ns ca o tio n aff ec st t in df as )S tea cti ng or tiv e ( ad jec tiv e )A lw ay sa (ad jec s fa c to fb pa cit ein yt gg en ol ea d er ou co n no i ng Ha v e) j ec tiv (ad or he (no un )T he qu ali ty )T Jill Chilcoat, M.D., and Gray Chilcoat, M.D. Connie Chitwood Janet M. Chotinikorn Laila and Karamat Choudhry, M.D. Nancy and John Christie Lena and Robert Chu Erin L. Ciriot Melisa Cisneros Cheryl and Frederick Clark Erik Clark Felicia A. Clark Greg Clark Lynn and Fred Clark Heather D. Claunch Timothy and Karol Clay Paul H. Cleveland Patrick Cloven Allison and Alex Cobb Thomas J. Cobb Pat and Lane Cobden Danielle M. Coburn Jo Ann and C.M. Cocanougher, D.V.M. Marsha Coers Pat and Pat Coffman Jeannie and Larry Coggins Lelia B. Colbert JoAnn and Bob Cole Megan E. Cole April Coleman Lateer Coleman Sally S. Coleman Vicki Colerick Joyce J. Collier Sheila and Dwain Collier Amy L. Collins Corrine and Earl Collins Deborah and Floyd Collins III Megan E. Collins Colleen R. Colvin Oralia Constancio Kathleen and Richard Contreras Michael K. Cook Moe Cook Dinah and James Cooke Susan A. Cooke Anonymous Alison L. Coombs, RN Carrie Cooper Derek M. Cooper Glen Cooper Judy A. Cooper Robert W. Cooper Ronald D. Cooper, D.D.S. Stacy M. Copeland Joyce and Rodney Coppock Lanie L. Corbell, RN Melissa L. Corder, RN Samantha M. Corkum Mary and David Corley LeeAnn Cornelison Catherine M. Corpus Esther and John Cortez Tina Cortez Cheryl Cory Michelle and Ross Cosby Shay Cotter Cynthia A. Counts Esther and Will Courtney Sr. Kim M. Covert Carolyn A. Cowling Jarod D. Cox Pattie and David Cox Patty Cramer Jereka Benson Crayton Joseph E. Creek Karen R. Crimmins, RN Jan O. Crockett Marla D. Croft Carol S. Cronkrite Helen Crowder Jenny and Mike Crowell Catherine and Eric Crump Ann C. Cunningham Anonymous Heather and James Cunningham Sarah Cunningham Sarah J. Cunningham Suzy and Ron Curley Rebekah Currier Utosha Curry Kenneth Curtiss Catherine and Henry Daboub Sr. Jonna and Brent Daboub Dorothy D. Dadzie Shawn and Danny Dailey Dyann Daley, M.D. Lisa M. Dalton Joan and Dick Dameron Kai Dameron Darrell Daniel Joan E. Daniels Katherine and Joseph Danzi III Ruby N. Darden Dana N. Dark Candy Darlow Charity N. Darnell Sam Daube Lauri and Micah Davenport Natosha R. Davidson Desiree E. Davila Trisha E. Davila Amanda M. Davis Andrea Davis Anonymous Bobby R. Davis Christopher G. Davis Joan and Alan Davis LaVina G. Davis Mary Lou and Odis Davis Melissa and Jerry Davis Melodie M. Davis Nancy and Mike Davis Sylvia and Hank Davis Anonymous Kat A. Davitt MaryAn De Christofaro Donna M. de la Guardia Tommy Dean Ronald Deel Nancy F. Deen Carolyn J. DeFord Arthur W. DeForde Paige L. Dejacimo Christina DeLaRosa Maribel Delgado Rosie and Rudy Delgado Gail Delger Lee Ann and Lee Delk Felicity and Joseph Dello Russo Maria DeMolina Valerie DeMore Tammy C. Dempsey, RN Kristie M. Denney Carole and Larry Denning Sharon and Mark Denton Ginger L. Derby Phyllis H. Derrick Araceli and James Desmarais Anonymous Traci and Patrick Devaney Susanne and Jason Dial Geanie G. Diaz Glenda Diaz James T. Dickenson Shannon E. Dier Loraine Dietz Sara and Buddy Dike Dawn A. Dillon John F. Disosway Evelyn J. Dixon Anonymous Charlotte Dodd Nancy and Ken Doerr Stephanie M. Does Carrie and Chris Dolan Julia A. Dombrowsky Holly and Faustino Dominguex Melissa J. Domyanic Norma J. Dooley Sheryl and Scott Doornbos Cynthia Doran Mary and Benjamin Doskocil Wendy L. Dougherty Judy Douglass Susan and George Dowling Donna and David Dozier 37 2013 Philanthropy Report Laura and John Burkett Jeffrey Burks Trina Burks Will Burney Richard A. Burt Virginia Busbee and family Marianne and Mark Bussell, M.D. Jo Ann and Wayne Butler Stephanie A. Butler Preston C. Byrd Shannon and Stephen Byrne Robert Byrnes Vina R. Cabungan, RN Tammy A. Calandro Anonymous Lynette and Scotty Caldwell Lucy D. Calhoun Rachel E. Callahan Ashley M. Callis Antonio Camacho Nancy F. Cameron Janet A. Campbell Kay and Buz Campbell Anonymous Emily and S. Benton Cantey V Sandra and Peter Capani Dana and Ben Cappelletti Pete E. Cardenas Wendy Cardoza Nellene Carlegis Kristi and Clay Carlisle Angela and Guy Carlton Leah C. Carlton Yadira I. Carmona Shelly Carpenter Vicky Carpenter Virginia A. Carpenter Beverly F. Carr Barbara J. Carter Brandi and Steve Carter Claudia and Darrel Carver Allynn F. Cary Rita Casarez, RN Cinnamon Casey Cyndi and David Cason Theresa A. Castruita Athalia Cauley Johnniece Chambers Donna and Jim Chandler Carol and Richard Chapman Jr. Peachy and Russ Chappell Karla and David Chase Gabriela F. Chavez Cathie Chavira Tiffany L. Chazarreta Cecilia C. Chen Victoria Chen, Ph.D., and Jeffery Guild Nancy and Charles Chick COOK CHILDREN’S Marcia and Terry Boggs Ann and Bill Bogle Robbie C. Bohn Angie K. Boisselle Rhonda J. Bolden Jessica and Thomas Bolger Jean and Jim Bolhuis Barbara and Scott Bollenbach Sharon and Johnnie Bollom Anonymous Wanda K. Bonn Robin O. Booth Eden and Kevin Borg Marcelle and Robert Borgers Jo Ann K. Boston Anonymous Karen and Jeff Bourland Kylie Giancotti and Matthew Bower Jane A. Boyd Kim and Terry Boyd Linda and James Boyd Elizabeth Boyer Angie Bradley Kristin N. Brady, RN Sarah Branham Helen and Mark Brannon Jr. Esther Brazell Kelli M. Brazzel Arthur L. Brees Sr. John Breese Lana M. Brennan Susan and Bill Brewer Rachelle Briggs Kathy and John Brinkley Sandi Brinlee Joel A. Britton Anonymous Graeme Brooker Michele and Bill Brooks Traci L. Brooks Paulette D. Brosette, RN Debbie E. Brown Kim R. Brown Sheila Brown Eddeana K. Brown-Adams Laurie W. Browning Margaret H. Bruce Misti R. Brummett Suzanne M. Brunette Carolyn S. Bruno Candice K. Bryan Judy and Butch Bryant LaKami J. Bryant Lisa R. Bryson Judy and Gary Buchanan Katie Bucher Patricia A. Bullwinkle Melanie A. Burdine Judy A. Burgi Allison Burgin ( f ds o th en ee er ns w rb )T oa (ve ce rn for )A (no un (no un (ad gs pe cifi ed os om eth in ll d to ne th a se lf an dc lea ge d·e self·le n·e r·s ss r·o hip s· be ing de cla ra tio n on ten tm en t wi qu )T he un (n o ell - of w te sta jec tiv e) U s gr at er ou en gg ei n fb to rf ac ali ty o St ea e) (no un )A in e i·ty fa re ss ith lo ing g ·fu y· r co al n·s l i j ge dfas n·e t in r·o affec s·i tion m ·ty · is (n se e (adje rv ctive e ) E xp fai t h ha · p·p fu i·n l pr ess o (ad jec tiv Philanthropy Report 2013 honor roll of giving OCT. 1, 2012 - SEPT. 30, 2013 COOK CHILDREN’S Philanthropy Report 2013 2013 Philanthropy Report 38 Nancy and Gene Dozier Douglas E. Drake David Draper Barbara J. Drawhorn Debbie J. Drennon Donna and Joseph Driscoll Sandra Ducote Mary L. Duenzl Carol and Jim Dunaway Nicole Duncan, RN Lisa J. Dunckelman Jim Dunn, Ph.D. Tracy Dunn-Noland Kelli A. Dunyon Stephanie D. Duran Laura R. Durham Jason D. Duronslet Dianna K. Dutka Dorothy and Joe Dvorsky Sue and Gary Eades David Earnshaw Tracey E. Easley, RN Freda E. Eaton Noelia A. Echols Gregg Edelmann Wendell A. Edgin, D.D.S. Debbie K. Edwards Kim and Tom Edwards Barbi and Stanley Eisenman Susan and Jack Eiteljorg Farron D. Elizondo Mary J. Elizondo Sherry L. Eller Daniel P. Emmer Dwayne Emmons Rita and Richard Engdahl George F. English Peggye T. Enlow Rebecca W. Ensey Kimberly M. Epperson Michele C. Ervin Pamela J. Espanet George Essler Veronica Estrada Katie M. Evans Mackye Evans Patty Jo and Anthony Even Christy and Jim Everest Amy L. Fabela Brent W. Fairchild Karen and James Fallman Maria D. Farias Nicki D. Farrell Melissa and Mark Faulkner Anonymous Amy Fenn Cissie and Dillon Ferguson Elizabeth J. Ferguson Belinda and John Fernandes Kristin Ferris Melissa K. Ferris Linda and Jay Fierke, M.D. Martha and Jack Fikes Kelli and Mark Filewood Carla Fimbres Emily L. Fincher Jill and Charles Fischer Sr. Chris Fisher Lynn and Mike Fisher Suzanne L. Fleming Sandra S. Flinn Roberta Flondor Christina L. Flores Lilia and Daniel Flores Laura O. Florey Paul Flow Shannon and Steve Flowers Valencia Flowers Janette Fogle Debra A. Folbre Ava D. Ford Joan A. Ford Vashti and Coy Ford Janis Forehand Stacy Foreman Ross Sue Forrester Page Foshee Anita and Ned Foster Pam J. Foster Robbyn and David Foster Larry M. Fowler Kari and Austin Fox Wendy and Jay Fox Kathy and Merle Frailey Wiley Francies Jim V. Frank Gary Frankel Rebecca D. Franklin, RN Serelia D. Franklin Joseph E. Frasco Marie J. Fraterrigo Anne Frazier Denise Frazier Virginia and Michael Freeland Deborah L. Freeman, RN Harold Freeman Jr. Mary Freemon John F. French Tamara and Danny French Juliana Frias Olivia Y. Frias, RN Kathy and Jimmy Friedman, M.D. Buster L. Frierson Stephanie and Rodney Fritz Donya K. Fronk Jack Frost Aimee L. Fruge Amy and Kenneth Fuhrmann Carol and Stanley Fulgham Dorothy L. Fuller Jackie and Dean Fuller Treva and Carroll Fuller Patsy R. Furr Marsha Gabriel, Ph.D. Barbara L. Gachter Linda and Troy Gaffey Denise and Jared Gales Edward Gallegoz Janeen and Randy Galloway Brianne and Joel Galvan Linda and Mario Gamez Mary Jane Garcia Sheryl Garcia Victoria Garcia Debbie S. Gardiner Juhl Gardiner April N. Gardner Harold Garrett Jacqueline V. Garrett Laura E. Garrett, RN Kevin D. Garsek Tera and Richard Garvey Susie and James Garvin Elena Garza Rocio M. Garza Janice and Joe Gaston Charity Gates Catherine Y. Gatica Sally and Dom Gattuso Kathryn Geary Cynthia A. Gebhart Cheryl and Robert Gehring Brady Gendke Henry C. Gensweider Jerry Gerlach Linda and Dennis Gerrald Angela Geuea Anthony Giamello Jennifer and Chad Giddens Beth and Randy Gideon Sandra and Dale Gidley Amos Gikanga Cynthia and Burton Gilbert Sharon L. Gilbert Allison Giles Robert S. Gillespie, M.D. Lynda G. Gilley Timothy J. Gilmore Jaclyn A. Gingerich Janine Glassman, LMSW Lilianne Glast Carolyn Y. Glenn Sharla Gober Shirley and Dub Godby Carolyn and Albert Godwin Thomas A. Goff Louise Golden Graciela E. Gonzales Jeannie and Rudolph Gonzales Tiffany A. Gonzales, RN Julia Gonzalez Lori M. Gonzalez Maria A. Gonzalez Matthew Gonzalez Lauren E. Gooch, RN Rebekah L. Goodman Anonymous Jennifer J. Goodwin Bobby Goolsby Kathleen and Steven Gordon Virginia J. Gordon Kelli L. Goree Jeff Gossett Phoebe and John Grace Erin C. Gratton-Fisher Beth Greaves Chris and Barry Green Gary D. Green Stacie D. Green Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Eric S. Greenfield Judie W. and Dick Greenman Linda and Stan Greer Rebecca C. Grieco Diana and Glenn Griever Jr. Christine M. Griffith, RN Linda Griffith Shirley and John Griffith Jr. Diann and Clint Grissom The Jeanne and Roy J. Grogan Charitable Fund of the Community Foundation of North Texas Marcia and Mike Grogan Laurie Growald, RN Anne Guenzel Cindy Guess Kari Guffey A. Patrick Guinn Cheryl and Chuck Guinn Anonymous Kimberly A. Guthrie Victoria Gutierrez Donna C. Haanan Clyde A. Haas Sally and Tom Haase and family Howard A. Haber Marian and Julian Haber, M.D. Cynthia N. Haggard Billy D. Hall Kay C. Hall Robyn C. Hall Teresa and Steven Hall Cathy and Steve Halliday Carol and Frank Hames Cindy and Jeffrey Hames Robert W. Hamilton Mariana and Greg Hammer Joan E. Hammett Anonymous Teresa J. Hand Jaime A. Handy Gabe E. Hansen Pam and Rick Hardin Vivian and Loyd Hardin Brittney L. Hardisty Sarah and Chris Hardy Margaret and George Hargrave Lynne H. Harmon Stephanie A. Harnden Karen Harper Kathleen L. Harris Dana and Michael Harrison Leslie R. Harrison Lissa and Chris Harrison Deborah R. Hartka Elisabeth and Kenneth Hartung Katherine M. Harvey Stephanie and Bourke Harvey William E. Harvey Tina R. Haskins Greg Hatch Tracy and Tom Hauswirth Joy Ann and Bob Havran Devyn and Richard Hayley Leslie and Gary Hazlewood Pat L. Hazlewood James R. Heaberlin Janet and Ralph Heath Jessica and Zach Heffley Eddie Hefner Mark A. Heilman Yvonne and Norbert Heitmann Dianna Henderson James E. Hendrix Stacey and Robert Henley Janice R. Hennon Kimberly A. Henry Sue Ellen and Michael Henry Staci and Bernard Henyon Patricia and James Hermes Anonymous Nancy L. Herrera Curtis A. Herron Judi Hershman Claire Hetherington Michael W. Hewatt Sr. Anonymous (2) Elizabeth E. Hicks, RN David L. Higginbotham Kristi and Robert Higgins Jane Hill Susan M. Hillin Betsy Hillyard Hanna Hindin, RN Rebecca and Astor Hinds Ashleigh E. Hines Susan M. Hines Lynne and Michael Hipp Marianne and Wilson Hoag Jr. Lisa and Coppy Hodgkins ing we rv ns ca o tio n aff ec st t in df as )S tea cti ng or tiv e ( ad jec tiv e )A lw ay sa (ad jec s fa c to fb pa cit ein yt gg en ol ea d er ou co n no i ng Ha v e) j ec tiv (ad or he (no un )T he qu ali ty )T Glenda and Jungus Jordan Debra L. Jorden Rebecca B. Joyner Roxanne and Carroll Justice Jackie Justiss Cindy G. Kaluzniak Karen Kaluzniak Molly and Sol Kanthack Alden and Richard Karotkin Swapna Katragadda Andrea S. Keane Shanna J. Keith Jessica J. Keller, RN Susan and Glen Keller Johnell Kelley Morgan L. Kelley Vicki D. Kelley Brenda and Michael Kelly Lee Ann and William Kelsey Evie L. Kemp Jane and Stewart Kenderdine Brenda and Gaylord Kennedy Jim Kennedy Judy and Michael Kennedy Margie and Bill Kennedy Nick Kennedy Ashleigh Kent Paul M. Kercho Ema and D.A. Kester Elaine and Shujaat Khan, M.D. Shannon and Nadeem Khan Thuy Kieu and Long Luu Moses M. Kiiru Sam J. Kiker Jr. Jacqueline and Jim Killeen, M.D. Susan and Joseph Killeen, M.D. Tasha and JJ Killeen Mr. and Mrs. J. Reese Killion Karen D. Kimberling Anonymous Kenny A. Kimbrough Lane Anne and John Paul Kimzey Barbara B. King Karin L. King Mason D. King Martha and Don Kinkade Bertha L. Kinsinger Kathryn Kirk Anonymous Dorothy Klecka Doug Kline Paula D. Kline Tonia M. Kline Michelle and Toby Knight Nancy and Bill Knight Raymond V. Knight Sarah J. Knight Pamela R. Knote Irina Koester Amber Kohut Marla J. Korol Kevin A. Kosoris Christie and Pat Kratch Ashley J. Krebs Pam and Jim Krick Anonymous Dorothy and Doug Kucharski Elizabeth S. LaBoube Mayra A. Lacefield Amber E. Lafferty Charlotte and Thomas Laker Tracy and Jeff Lamar Debra R. Lancaster Kimberly and David Lancaster Gail and Bill Landreth Mr. and Mrs. Samuel M. Lane Bailey Langdon Rhonda Lange Kyle B. Langford Kacie Langston Sandy and Bob Lanier, M.D. Lara and Steven Lautzenheiser Anonymous Lisa A. Lawson Bri Laxton Alicia R. Layman Anonymous Kellie and Maxwell Lea III Lay Leang Chen Fran and Paul Leatherwood Shawna M. Lechowicz Rachel J. Ledbetter Deborah J. Lee Jonathan Leer Debbie Legler Anonymous Cassandra and Spencer Leigh Mark Lemley Melissa LeMoine Jillian A. Lemonds Peggy and Richard Lenz Donna and Daniel Leonard Martha V. Leonard Sally A. Leppla, RN Isabel Lerma Katie M. Lesikar, RN Angela C. Lewallen Jackie H. Lewis Jr. Jonathan W. Lewis, RN Brenda R. Liberto Jennifer K. Lipscomb-Rios Christy and Patrick Little Rose M. Lizarraga William J. Lloyd Debra J. Lochtrog Lisa M. Logan Joann Loignon Kathleen Loinette Anonymous Pamala and Larry Long Gina L. Longoria Jennifer Lopez JoAnn R. Lopez Sandra and Sergio Lopez Ciro F. Lopiccolo Sheri D. Lord Peggy and Jerry Lorenz Sharla and Jeff Lott Emilie and Tim Love Betty Lowe Becky and George Lowery Joyce and Tony Lucas Sheila L. Lucero Judy and Jim Luchtman Rita and Larry Ludington Debbie Lugo-Reyes Jane and Ken Luig Leslie and Jeff Lummus Stephanie L. Luneau Jeanie and Henry Luskey Sandra and Butch Luskey Susan and Alan Luskey Anonymous Mary and William Lynch Julie A. Lyon Frank Macaluso Pepper and Scotty MacLean Giovanna A. Macleod Judy MacMorran Sherry and David Maddox Rita K. Maddux-Potter, RN Minka and Greg Madick Allison and John Magee Maria and Michael Mahan Angie L. Maher Mary and Willis Mahon Robbie and Rod Mai Diana L. Malagon Michael Mallick Gaspare Mancuso Mirla G. Manito-Hugo, M.D. Anonymous Brittney Maricle Nicholas W. Markham Lauren N. Marr Glenda Marsh Eileen M. Martin Peggy and Val Martin Jr. Sandra L. Martin Shirley D. Martin Wayne E. Martin Wesley E. Martin William P. Martin, M.D., P.A. Anonymous 39 2013 Philanthropy Report Terry Hurley Allison E. Hutchings Daniel Hutson Cindy and Joe Hutyra Anonymous Susan and Tom Idleman Olu Ijaseun Jeffery S. Ingram Kevin Ingram Melissa B. Irving Jennifer and Dan Irwin Sheila and Steve Irwin, D.Min. Sharon and James Isbell Kathy Ives Ashley and Tarik Jabri Deirdre O. Jack Tracy and Mark Jackson Linda M. Jacobs Ethel and Harold Jacocks Rhonda and Bill James Linda and Paul Janiak Aree Jaroensant Traci Jean Cristy J. Jeffreys Lisa and Ken Jenkins Roy M. Jenkins Catie B. Jensen Helen and Billy Jiles Carmen and Arturo Jimenez Sharon Jobe Cathy E. Johansen, RN Sarah B. Johns Aubrey and Mitch Johnson Barbara and Barry Johnson Barbara and Weldon Johnson Cheryl L. Johnson Clarissa E. Johnson, M.D. Danielle D. Johnson Donald A. Johnson Erika L. Johnson Gayle and Bob Johnson Kimberly Johnson Lori and David Johnson Mark R. Johnson Mary Lou and Weldon Johnson Nancy and Steve Johnson, M.D. Felicia Johnston Kitty and Paul Johnston Kristen H. Johnston Lex Johnston Courtney Jones Cynthia M. Jones, RN Emily L. Jones Janna L. Jones Kathryn and Dudley Jones, M.D. Kelly A. Jones Leigh and Casey Jones Scott Jones COOK CHILDREN’S Caroline E. Hoffman Mary and Ken Hoffman III Valton Hoffman Brenda and Gary Hogan Vicki L. Holbert Paula and James Holcomb Larry Holderman Tracy L. Hollabaugh Michael B. Holland Stephanie D. Hollis Diane L. Holman Maria T. Holman Allison K. Holt Ron Holt Cassandra Hood Sammie J. Hooten Damaris and Jim Hopewell Ali Hopper Jean M. Horan Brad Horn Diann Hosford Jeanne and James Hosler, M.D. Heather and Allen Hostetter Anonymous Cathy D. Howard Robin and Joe Howe Brenda and John Howell Jr. Marie A. Howell Chris W. Howeth Teri J. Hoyler Teresa and Jim Hubbard Gina and John Huck Phyllis Huckabee Sylvia and Tommie Huckabee Barry F. Hudson Helen J. Hudson Jessica Hudson Michelle Hudson Lucy and Mark Huff Myra and Ronald Huff Dianne and John Hughes Sr. Landon Hughes Mysti E. Hughes Ongelia M. Hughes Traci L. Hughes Mr. and Mrs. William L. Hughes Jr. Christine and Gary Hulsey Virginia M. Hummel Gina and Bobby Humphreys Christa and Eugene Humphries Kathleen Humphries, D.O. and Eugene A. Humphries Noel M. Humphries David S. Hunt Dixie and George Hurd Mary Hurd Mr. and Mrs. Hiran Hurford ( f ds o th en ee er ns w rb )T oa (ve ce rn for )A (no un (no un (ad gs pe cifi ed os om eth in ll d to ne th a se lf an dc lea ge d·e self·le n·e r·s ss r·o hip s· be ing de cla ra tio n on ten tm en t wi qu )T he un (n o ell - of w te sta jec tiv e) U s gr at er ou en gg ei n fb to rf ac ali ty o St ea e) (no un )A in e i·ty fa re ss ith lo ing g ·fu y· r co al n·s l i j ge dfas n·e t in r·o affec s·i tion m ·ty · is (n se e (adje rv ctive e ) E xp fai t h ha · p·p fu i·n l pr ess o (ad jec tiv Philanthropy Report 2013 honor roll of giving OCT. 1, 2012 - SEPT. 30, 2013 COOK CHILDREN’S Philanthropy Report 2013 2013 Philanthropy Report 40 Carmen and David Martinez Clemente Martinez Teresa D. Martinez Cara Martz Leslye R. Marvin Kelley and Sal Massa, M.D. Nicole Massey Sharon L. Massey Thomas F. Mastin IV Alicia Mata Sophia M. Mata Marilyn S. Matheson Karla R. Mattson Holly Mauldin Doris and James Maxwell Nelda and Travis Maxwell Anonymous Andrea and Payton Mayes Brenda E. Mayorga Natalie McAfee Samuel V. McCage Lisa and Mike McCall Steven McCammon Carol F. McCarthy Nancy and John McClane Jennifer McCliment Bonnie and Curt McClymond Anonymous Janet McCready Elizabeth and Phillip McCrury Sydney and Grant McCurdy Duane M. McDaniel Sr. Mel McDaniel Jean V. McDonald Leigh Anne McDonald Patsy McDonald Rhiannon M. McDonnell Judy McElhannon Bob McElroy Kathleen L. McElvain Jean and Bartley McGrew Renalda McGriff Mary Lou McIntyre Anonymous Kelly and James McKee Brenda and Bennett McKenzie Randi McKinney Betty C. McKnight Ashley P. McKown Christy McLaughlin, RN Kathy R. McLean Lisa McMillen Jennifer R. McReynolds Karen and Chalmer McWilliams III Nickie and Dan Meacham Anonymous Rebecca A. Meester, RN Mitchell Meinershagen Arthur Mellen Dawn M. Melman Melissa A. Menard Anonymous Chrystal Mendoza Jacqueline Menzdorf Christy D. Merritt Fred P. Mesch Becca E. Meyer Jessica and John Meyer Jr. Katherine and John Meyers Audrey L. Miao Tracy Mikus Ellen Miles Angela M. Miller Angela R. Miller Ann Miller, Ph.D. Cheryl K. Miller Jeanette Miller Mary Frances and Larry Miller Tim Miller Merry and Steve Milliken Amy and Jason Mills Anonymous Cynthia and Jeffrey Mills Molly and Mark Milner Susie C. Minton Ashly N. Mitchell Pat and Bob Mitchell Rosalinda Molano Cathie and James Mollenhoff Robin Monahan Sharon K. Mondy Keelie L. Montague, RN Teresa and Jose Montalvo Rebecca and Steve Montgomery Janet X. Montoya Syma T. Monzales Britnay K. Monzingo Vanessa I. Moon Casey L. Moore Cheryl and Fred Moore Dee Ann and Barry Moore Joyce S. Moore Minde Moore Sandy Moore Ashley Mooring Sally P. and Scott W. Mooring III Charitable Fund of the Community Foundation of North Texas Tiffany Morgan Anne and Philip Moroneso Chris Morris Debbie and Allen Morris Pat K. Morris Sheridan and Clifton Morris Jr. Thomas Morris Billie and Earl Morse Carla Morton, Ph.D. Lucille and Martin Moskowitz Ruby L. Moss John M. Mowry Raveena and Rob Moyes Amanda P. Mrstik Twila and Joe Mulflur Cheryl and Bill Mullen Marianne and Jim Mullin Thomas J. Mundt Michelle Munger Monica R. Munoz Jennifer Murphy Laverne and John Murphy Linda M. Murphy Roxanne and Don Murray, M.D. Claire H. Murtha Adelene Myers Chelsea A. Myers Nanci J. Myers Katie and Andrew Nagel Lee and Steven Nagel Tera L. Nance Oscar Naranjo Staci D. Narramore Jesse Narvaez Maria H. Nasir Kelly S. Neill Terri and John Neill Louise Nelson Melinda and Britt Nelson, M.D. Anylu A. Nerio Marilyn and Allan Neustadt Wendy Newberger Anonymous Tin T. Nguyen Tyna M. Nichols Angela L. Nicholson James D. Nicholson Susan and Kyle Nickell Leah B. Nicoletti Maggie Nielsen Nancy L. Nimz Brenda C. Nix Jainaba NjieMuhammad Suzanne S. Noble Brooke E. Nobles Peggy Noel Carrol and Jim Nokes Linda and Mike Nolan Shirley and Paul Nolan Noel and David Nolet Loris O. Norris Tamisha Northam, RN Christine Norton Judy and Gary Oakes Christina M. Obregon Sharon A. O'Dell, RN Jane and Simon Oderberg Christine A. Oehlert Cathie Ogden Bill W. Oglesby James M. Olger Thomas M. Oliver Monica and Richard Olivieri Frances and Edward Olson Fred M. Oriti Mary C. Orzel Diane and Garry Osan James C. Osborne Janice and Walter Osborne, M.D. Hayley Osicka Sylvia and Bernie Ostby Margaret Ostrom Misty and Michael Otto Charlotte M. Oualline Kathie and Gene Overcash Ashley E. Owen Erin and Toby Owen Christine M. Owens Melissa P. Ownbey Cindi Pace Karen Pace Carolyn and Jay Pafford Jane and Kourosh Panahy Sandy L. Papai Margy and Harry Park Jr. Robert C. Park Anita and Wylvan Parker Marcie B. Parker Mattie and David Parker Polly J. Parker Darren Parkey Elizabeth M. Parks Anita J. Parsons Christie L. Partee Carolyn Pass Ana and Greg Patterson Angela and Joe Patton Rebekah R. Payan Jodie Payne Robin and Terry Payne John Paynter Kristin D. Peaks Terri and William Pearcy Aileen S. Pease Greg G. Peck G.S. Peeples Charlene M. Pena Janie and Kirk Pendleton Sarah E. Pennebaker Jose Z. Perales Elvia and Pedro Perez Norma Perez Karen and Jerry Perkins Laurri D. Perrin Carla and L.F. Perry Laura K. Perry Whitney and William Perry Amy D. Petersen, RN Jeff S. Peterson Sarah E. Peterson, RN Satanta and Randy Pettijohn Susan and David Petty Mitch and Will Pflugh Suzanne R. Pham The Pham Family Anna Melissa and Peter Philpott Douglas D. Pickett, Ph.D. Kathleen and Dana Pierce Jackie and Gene Piland Robin L. Pineda Kathy and John Pinkerton Mark Pinkerton and family Terri and Cade Pippin Mr. and Mrs. Oliver L. Pitts Rick Pitts Jessica and Brian Plemons Kelly and Thomas Plowman Judy and John Podraza Michelle A. Pointer Laurie A. Poling Kathy and Bill Pollard Anonymous Clifford W. Porch III Elise S. Porras Dana and David Porter Vicki R. Porter James C. Potratz Linda and Wayne Poulter Erica Powell Melody and Bob Powley Emmy Lou and L. Daniel Prescott Jr. Donna and James Price Karen Price, M.D., and Gary Price, M.D. Kay and John Price Dovetta Price Coleman Gina Promes Tara M. Province Tamara J. Pruisner Cristina Puga Melissa Pugh Ellen and Chris Pulliam Cheryl and Joe Pullis, Ph.D. Cindy and Bruce Purdy, M.D. Janette B. Purifoy John W. Pursley Pat Purvis Anne and Don Quick Don Quinones Katherine A. Rabbe Cari and Nathan Rader Audrey E. Radler, RN Rita Raines Cathy H. Ralls Nellie Ramirez Tracy Y. Ramirez Anonymous Michael T. Ranalli Jennifer and Justin Rand ing we rv ns ca o tio n aff ec st t in df as )S tea cti ng or tiv e ( ad jec tiv e )A lw ay sa (ad jec s fa c to fb pa cit ein yt gg en ol ea d er ou co n no i ng Ha v e) j ec tiv (ad or he (no un )T he qu ali ty )T Stephanie L. Segelstrom Anonymous Pamela D. Segura Theresa J. Seigler Catherine Selzer Becky and Perry Senn Corinna F. Serrano Beth and Randy Settle Lula and E. M. Seydell Amanda L. Shannon Mahesh S. Sharma, M.D. Edie Sharp Mary and Jon Shaw Terry H. Shaw Nicholas M. Sherrod, RN Stephanie Sherwood, RN Stacy A. Shetter Anonymous Shari and David Shoemaker Valerie J. Shorten Elizabeth A. Shrader Joan and John Shreve Lynda and Grady Shropshire Carrie Sigler Patti and Steve Sikes Lynn D. Sill Barbara A. Simmons Frances L. Simms Christine Y. Simpson Danielle and Grant Simpson III Sara A. Simpson Peggy and Bill Sims Peggy and Dan Sindelar Sarah Singleton, RN Stacy M. Singleton Sally N. Sirkis Catherine Sisneroz Billye and Willie Skaggs Femila Skaria Michelle I. Skillin Loyd Skinner Elaine and Terry Small Alice and Steve Smith Alisha N. Smith Anonymous (2) Carole and Morris Smith Crystal Smith Jack Smith Jan and Lamar Smith Janis L. Smith Judy A. Smith Karen Smith Kathy Smith Lewis H. Smith Linda and Steve Smith Lisa N. Smith Marci Smith Nolen Smith Pat and Don Smith Patricia and Hulin Smith Patti Smith Sarah E. Smith, RN Sherri A. Smith Susan Smith Brooke Smith-Casey Elizabeth and Kent Snodgrass Susana Snow Sandra D. Snowden Beverly and John Snyder Jackie Snyder Melinda D. Soloman Meredith R. Sorensen Sharon and Robert Sorensen Sandra E. Soria Sandra and Phil Southall Becky L. SouthWorth Candace Sowle Susan and Robert Spangler Stacy Spears Nan T. Spicer Jordan Spiegelman Teresa and Paul Spiegelman Hayley B. Spinks Scott St. John Missy and John Staben Lynda and Devin Stacey Barbara and Robert Stafford Jeanie M. Stakes Ember and Aaron Stalberger Amanda and Tom Stallings Anonymous Deborah and Scott Standridge Paige Stanford Deborah Starbuck Stacy L. Starkes Donna and Larry Steel Larry Steel Barbara Steffensen Jennifer M. Stephen Lisa A. Stephens E. S. Stephenson Donna and Charlie Stevens Annie Stevenson Pamela J. Stevenson Alex Steward Ella and Charlie Stewart Kay L. Stewart Morris Stewart Richard L. Stilwell Jr. Janetta B. Stockdale Carolyn Stom Hayley G. Stone Sonya O. Stone William D. Stone Jennifer J. Stonehocker Karen and Daniel Stout II Mary and Stuart Stout Anonymous Rosemary Stratton Laura and Robert Strawser Karen and Thomas Streff Michelle Stribling Terry and Cotter Stringer Nelda S. Stroder Lue N. Stroud Michael J. Stuart Rhonica and Dennis Stuart Amanda R. Stukey Patricia and Mark Suhr Rebecca J. Sullivan Mary and Robert Sunde Vicki and Peter Svendsen Jennifer M. Swaim Kim R. Swain Patsy and Russ Swatek Dee and Chuck Sweeney Angela and Stephen Swienton Mary M. Swift Evelyn and Carl Szatkowski Amar K. Tanna Allyson W. Tate, RN Denise M. Taylor Leigh Anne and Jason Taylor Peggy and Bill Taylor Stephannie J. Taylor Susannah S. Taylor Gwendolyn D. Telles-Gonzales Linda and George Teneyck Rose and Jason Terk, M.D. Anonymous Deb Teuscher Maria and John Thibodeau Mr. and Mrs. Cameron J. Thiem Robert F. Thoden Hillary Thom Pat and Bert Thoman Anonymous Antoinette M. Thomas Harold Thomas Katharine and Robert Thomas Sr., M.D. Luann S. Thomas Michael L. Thomas Patricia K. Thomas Randall I. Thomas Walter R. Thomas Jr. Edwina and Dean Thompson Fallon D. Thompson Jaculin and Don Thompson Molly Thompson Patsy and Randy Thompson Quanah Thompson Sandra and Edward Thompson III Karen and Steve Thomson Nancy A. Thurmon Jana L. Tieding Anita Tipton Tami and Tim Tobey 41 2013 Philanthropy Report Patricia and Henry Roemmich Jr. Carol M. Rogers David L. Rogers Joan and Tom Rogers, M.D. Martha and James Rogers Sandra L. Rogers-Gray Kathy Roman Ruth and Doug Roper Roxanna Rosas Benjamin A. Rosenthal Hannah Ross Jo Beth and Russell Ross Megan E. Rost, RN Gwen and Barry Rubin Beatriz Ruiz Tanya and William Runyon Jr., D.D.S. Melinda D. Rush, RN Jennifer Russell Maye and Paul Ryon Audrey Sackor Karen and David Sadler Kay and Mike Sakowski, M.D. Jamie Saldivar Darrell Sanders Kristen and Gary Sanders Katie Sandlin Laurie and Rodney Sargent Jennifer and Neil Sargentini Lauren and Christiaan Sartain Nancy C. Saunders Susan Savage Susan and Dan Savage Susan and Michael Savana Harold G. Sawyer Lisa M. Scarbrough Carl L. Scherrieb Brandon Scheu Mary and Gerard Schlegel Michele L. Schlegel Donnie M. Schley Eric E. Schlotter, RN Geraldine and Mickey Schmid Peggy and Perry Schmidt Mary and Carl Schnell Jane and Mark Schoomaker Colleen Schreiber Cassandra Schrock Donna J. Schrock Karen Schultz, M.D., and David Schultz Susan C. Schulwitz Erin M. Schulz Amy and Timothy Scott Arlene Z. Scott Jackie and Britt Scott Tamara Scott Judy and Mike Seaberry Christy and Cody Sears COOK CHILDREN’S Janice L. Randel Dianne Randolph Ashoo M. Rao, M.D. Rita Rasmussen Candi and Sean Rath Meghan K. Rathke, RN Amy C. Ray, RN Anish K. Ray, M.D. Emily and Ronald Ray Nita J. Ray Rita J. Ray Shannan and Michael Reardon Jerri and James Redding Shirley A. Redmon, RN Anonymous Pamela A. Reed Rebecca C. Reed Anonymous Lori Reeves Mindy P. Reeves Beverly and Mike Reilly Courtney and Matt Reis John A. Reiter Rachel A. Renteria Dallas M. Reyes Ida O. Reyes Ben Reynolds Michele and Fred Reynolds Anonymous Dorothy M. Rhodes Rashelia D. Rhodes Christina L. Richardson Janice and Pat Richardson Sara A. Richardson Heather and Stephen Richey Kristi Rico Donna M. Riddle Meghan and Clint Riggin Cindy and Kevin Riley Julie A. Riley Becky Ringer and Brian Estridge Jr. Veronica Rios Nancy and Geoff Rips Bob Rittmueller William R. Roach Casey A. Robb Jennifer Robbins Valerie Robbins Jodi Roberson Jeffrey Roberts James M. Robertson III Toni L. Robinette James E. Robinson Alice and John Roche Charles D. Roden Carol and John Rodgers Anonymous Blanca Y. Rodriguez Jose A. Rodriguez Shari D. Rodriguez ( f ds o th en ee er ns w rb )T oa (ve ce rn for )A (no un (no un (ad gs pe cifi ed os om eth in ll d to ne th a se lf an dc lea ge d·e self·le n·e r·s ss r·o hip s· be ing de cla ra tio n on ten tm en t wi qu )T he un (n o ell - of w te sta jec tiv e) U s gr at er ou en gg ei n fb to rf ac ali ty o St ea e) (no un )A in e i·ty fa re ss ith lo ing g ·fu y· r co al n·s l i j ge dfas n·e t in r·o affec s·i tion m ·ty · is (n se e (adje rv ctive e ) E xp fai t h ha · p·p fu i·n l pr ess o (ad jec tiv Philanthropy Report 2013 honor roll of giving OCT. 1, 2012 - SEPT. 30, 2013 COOK CHILDREN’S Philanthropy Report 2013 2013 Philanthropy Report 42 Marcela Torres, M.D., and Gregg Formella Richard M. Torres Arturo V. Torrez Elfriede and Randall Towry Jan and Robin Tracy Brenda Treadwell Joan T. Trew Joanne M. Trizila Karen and Richard Truitt Audra S. Trussell Cindy J. Tubb Kristi E. Tucker Sky Tucker Rachael D. Tusa Amanda M. Tydlaska, RN Nancy and Robert Umphres Alex Urbanek Paula Vaccarella Melissa Valdez, RN Ana C. Valentine Kathleen D. Valentine Kelly L. Vallance, M.D., and Michael H. Bradley Sheryl L. Van Dyk Melinda T. Vance Francine K. Vandeloecht Arlene Vasquez Perla A. Vazquez Sarah J. Velasco Suzanne Velte Durell Vieau Maria R. Villegas Linda and Leroy Vilt Shana and Max Vordenbaum Melinda and Kendrick Wade Lisa D. Wafer, RN Debora E. Wake Phyllis A. Wakeland Kristi Walden Amy M. Walker Brian Walker Connie and James Walker Gary E. Walker Gaston L. Walker Jearl D. Walker Jodi and Doug Walker Jonae L. Walker Kathy and Baird Walker Kristen N. Walker Lyndee K. Walker Nicole Walker, RN Roberta A. Walker Sammie Walker Suzanne and Ferdie Walker Wes R. Walker Jennifer M. Walkotten Diane Walkoviak Cheryl and Jeff Wall Leann P. Wallace Randy and Edwin Wallace Doreen M. Walo Dana J. Walraven Brian Walser Sherri Walsh James Walter Valerie and Aaron Walters LeLynne Waltman-Knight Delmarise M. Walton Winston Ward Anonymous Lt. Col. Glennys H. Warsocki and Lt. Col. Michael L. Warsocki Neshawnia Washington Julie and Bob Watkins Anonymous Jennifer L. Watson Randi E. Weaver Tammara and Paul Webber Kathy and Charlie Webster Teri Weckar-London Robin Weckherlin Denise Wedding Linda M. Wegerson James R. Weisser Jimmy Welch Rinda and Jeff Wentworth Cindy L. West Suzanne and Joel Wetmore Alane Whaley Deshotels Edith M. Whatley Mary Ann and Jerry Wheatley Kay and Bill Wheeler Anonymous Casey R. White Janet and Donald White Jean P. White Kathy and W. Reagan White Ann and Mark Wiinikka Kathy Wilborn Sharon and Greg Wilemon Julie and Russell Wilkins Suzie and David Wilkinson Anonymous Eloise and Chris Williams Glenyell C. Williams Kimberly M. Williams LaToya R. Williams Malcolm M. Williams Michael A. Williams Crystal J. Williamson Myrna Williamson Pat and Don Williamson Shari F. Williamson Cleta M. Willingham Anonymous Peggy and Eddy Willmon Betsy A. Wilson Dana and Rob Wilson Susan E. Wisch Carol A. Wise, RN Linda G. Wise Brittany L. Witte Jennifer and Todd Wolf, M.D. Robert V. Wolff Jennifer G. Womack Karen and Bill Womble Sonica M. Wommack Gina and Russell Wood Susan and Glenn Wood Anonymous Jayson Woodard Mary M. Woodruff Steve Woogk Kelly Wooley Anonymous Jackie Wren Angela M. Wright Beth and Brax Wright Donna H. Wright Jane and George Wright Jr. Katrina Wright Mandy A. Wright Patty and Stan Wright Vivian and Homer Wright Cresenta and Kris Wusterhausen, D.O. Austin J. Wynne Cherri and Ricky Wynne The "Y" Girls and family Danielle Yannazzo Sue E. Ybarra Cindy and Dennis Yokie Angela E. York Teresa K. York Russell Young Shelia and Jim Young Lori and Michael Zachary Anonymous James P. Zamira Anonymous Denise Zatarain Leah and Arthur Zavala Kim and Jeffrey Zavaleta, M.D. Eddie Zinni Juli and Andrew Zoota Sandra D. Zuniga BUSINESS, ORGANIZATION AND FOUNDATION GIFTS $25,000 AND UP Abell-Hanger Foundation Robert D. and Catherine R. Alexander Foundation Allegiance Hillview LP Careity Foundation Amon G. Carter Foundation Children's Miracle Network Hospitals Delta Delta Delta TCU Chapter The Dodson Foundation Durant Toyota in Weatherford Fort Worth Alumnae Chapter of Delta Delta Delta Hope on Wheels Hyundai Dealers Jay Jacobs Foundation for Cancer Research Jerry Durant Toyota in Granbury Jewel Charity Ball Inc. Jane and John Justin Foundation KidLinks Foundation The M.S. Doss Foundation Inc. The Morris Foundation Motor Home Specialist LP The Neuroblastoma Foundation Once Upon a Time... RB Eye Foundation The Rees-Jones Foundation Robert & John Ratliff Scholarship & Cancer Research Fund Inc. Safeway Inc. Southwest Airlines Stoney LaRue Music and Arts Foundation TeamConnor Cancer Foundation United Way of Metropolitan Tarrant County Vivicare Health Partners The Walsh Foundation Woman's Board of Cook Children's Medical Center $10,000 - 24,999.99 Angmar Entertainment Inc. ASCO B.P.O.E. Elks Lodge #1105 Wichita Falls Ben Hogan Foundation Black Dog Charity Circle of Friends Clubcorp Charities Inc. Crowne Plaza Hotels Design Industries Foundation Fighting Aids FUN Publications Incorporated Hearts for Art Kohl's Kyle’s Care Lhoist North America Inc. Luther King Capital Management Matt McKee Foundation Michaels Stores Inc. Pier 1 Imports Inc. QOV Global Wellness Inc. Sarah Friend Heart Foundation Schollmaier Foundation Smith Seckman Reid Inc. Strong Oil & Gas Ltd. Toyota Dealer Match Program West Coast University XTO Energy Inc. $5,000 - 9,999.99 4 Yellow Foundation A-Mar Auto Sales Inc. Anna Brashear Foundation Inc. Approach Resources Inc. The Associated General Contractors of America The Carol Winn and James Reed Dunaway Family Foundation Inc. Cassco Development Co. Inc. ChainLink Services CSL Behring LLC David L. Tandy Foundation E.G.D. Investments LLC Fort Worth Alumnae Chapter of Delta Gamma Fraternity GE Foundation Hari Mari LLC Health Care Alternatives Inc. Healthpoint Biotherapeutics Hoffen Foundation Hooks Lincoln K.O.A. Care Camps Kelley Thoden Memorial Fund Inc. Laura & Walter Properties Lockheed Martin F-35 Program Macy's The Michael and Jean Greenough Family Foundation Microsoft Matching Gifts Program Network for Good Omega Foundation Inc. Renfro Foods Inc. Rocker B Investments Rosenthal Foundation Speedway Children's Charities Structural and Steel Products Inc. ing we rv ns ca o tio n aff ec st t in df as )S tea cti ng or tiv e ( ad jec tiv e )A lw ay sa (ad jec s fa c to fb pa cit ein yt gg en ol ea d er ou co n no i ng Ha v e) j ec tiv (ad or he (no un )T he qu ali ty )T $1,000 - 4,999.99 Trinity Works Charitable Fund Tulsa Truck Works Inc. Twilight Services Inc. UFCW Charity Golf Classic Inc. University of North Texas Health Science Center Vista Valley Ranch Viva Pediatrics Waco Citizens Foundation Wesley - Wayne Interiors LLC Whitley Penn Zoetis Inc. $500 - 999.99 Abbott Employee Giving Campaign Allstate Giving Campaign Altum Dirt Work American Express Charitable Fund American Express Company Employee Giving Program Amy E. Shewbart Foundation Inc. Angela & Charlie's Fruit Basket Anglers Pro Tackle LLC BBVA Compass Employee Charitable Contribution Program Beyond Faith Homecare & Rehab of Graham LLC Beyond Faith Homecare & Rehab of Wichita Falls LLC BNSF Railway Foundation Bridgestone Firestone Chimy's Cerveceria Chubby's Burger Shack David Nicklas Organ Donor Awareness Foundation Inc. Digital Intelligence Systems Corp. EOG Resources Inc. Everman Independent School District The Filipino-American Association of North Texas First Command Financial Planning First Grandmothers' Club Fort Worth Billiard Supply Co. Freeport-McMoRan Copper & Gold Foundation Fuzzy's Taco Shop The Gary Patterson Foundation Gene Thompson & Associates Give with Liberty Mutual Foundation Match Granbury Flower Shop LLC Haddington Ventures LLC Halliburton Giving Choices Harlean Beal Elementary Hayden Construction Inc. Hayes Mitchell Cattle Company Henry Schein Inc. Jetta Production Company Jones & Blake LLC Kappa Delta Pi L2S Events LLC Legacy Wealth Advisors Inc. The Lunch Box Members' Choice Federal Credit Union My Tribute Gift Foundation Inc. Northstar Bank of Texas Corporate Office PartnerComm Inc. Pax Incorporated Peter Pan Children's Fund Pfeiffer Lab Pinpoint Marketing Group Inc. Pulte Group RMP Industrial Supply Southwest Business Corporation Tarrant County College Respiratory Care Student Club Texas Health Physicians Group Trinity River Frigate - BC TrinityBank N.A. United Way of Central Maryland Ursuline Academy of Dallas Wallgren Environmental Services Inc. The Woodmont Company Youngs Capital Inc. $100 - 499.99 A-1 Diamondback Inc. AA Laser Recharge Acme Brick Company Advance Petroleum Distributing Company Inc. Aerospace Optimist Club #38011 Air Warrior Alliance Umpires American Council of the Blind American Giving - United Way of Metropolitan Tarrant County Anderson & Roers CPA’s LLC ARK Custom Building LLC Awards 4 Winners Inc. B&D Steel Inc. B&D Steel Services Inc. Baker Community Foundation Ben E. Keith Company BNSF Railway Company Boykin Construction BP America Inc. The Candle Cottage LLC Cards for Causes LLC Carey and Sons Marine Carswell Retired Officers Wives Club Casino Connection CCV Gunite LP Central Baptist Church Charles Spivey Real Estate Child Nutrition Support Team The Children's Courtyard Children's National Medical Center Christopher Radko, a Division of Rauch Industries Inc. Classic Chevrolet Ltd. Clearfork Investments Inc. Colonial Country Club Commercial Metals Company Coty Owens Electric Service LLC Cowtown Vettes D & B Oil Company The Dallas Foundation Delta Delta Delta Alumnae Vernon Dennis and Davis Oil Co. Edgar & Associates Edward Jones Equifax Verification Services FiberLight First Baptist Church FirstCity Financial Corp. Fort Worth Ceramic Art Guild Gamtex Industries Geocent LLC Gilmore Inc. Gourmet Wood Products Inc. The Greater Fort Worth Real Estate Council Greenwood Independent School District Guinco LLC Guyer High School Orchestra Halek Charities 43 2013 Philanthropy Report Jewel Charity Board of Directors Johnson & Johnson JPMorgan Chase Foundation Matching Gift & Volunteer Program The Junior League of Fort Worth Inc. KG Lunch Box LLC Knights of Columbus Council #7641 Kuykendall Foundation Lake Country Christmas LeukemiaTexas Inc. Lockheed Martin F-35 EMAS 2nd and 3rd Shift M & M Manufacturing Company M&M Metal Building Erectors LLC Medco Health Employee Giving Campaign Men's Auxiliary VFW Post #2205 MHS Cheerleading Booster Club Mid-Cities Jewish Community Center MissionFish Monkey Cage #1 Inc. Muenster Auto Parts Nolan Bros. of Texas Inc. Painting with a Twist Partners HealthCare Passion Lighting Pfizer Inc. PMR Charity Pro Lawn Land Care Purity Oilfield Services LLC The Purple Balloon Foundation The Quarter Cafe RDO Equipment Co. Rhome United Methodist Church Sabre Holdings' Give Together Campaign Safe Kids Worldwide Shale Exploration Sirona Dental Inc. SML SourceCorp Pay it Forward Fund St. Vincent de Paul Catholic Church Tarrant County Medical Society Texas Elks Children's Services Inc. Top-Way Materials LLC Tracey Amaya Inc. Trinity Industries Inc. COOK CHILDREN’S A New Year of Hope Foundation AFLAC Worldwide Headquarters America's Charities AT&T United Way Employee Giving Campaign Bank of America Matching Gifts Program Bank of America United Way BB&T BSCO Inc. Candlelighters Childhood Cancer Foundation of Fort Worth Cendera Funding Inc. Charitable Realty Chesapeake Energy Corporation Citigroup Cook Children's Facilities Management Coors Distributing Company of Fort Worth Credit Union of Texas CrossRoad Print and Marketing Inc. Dallas Aviation Inc. Distinctive Roofing DLM Investments The E. Stanley and Alice M. Wright Foundation Exel Logistics Fleet Maintenance Council of Fort Worth Fort Worth Latino Peace Officers Association Fort Worth Police Officers Association Frost National Bank FTS International Services LLC The Garvey Texas Foundation Inc. Gates of Chai Inc. GEO Exploration Service Inc. Give with Liberty Employee Donations Gold Metal Recyclers Ltd. The Hazelwood Foundation Healthline Medical Equipment Higginbotham & Associates Inc. Hood Oil and Gas Energy Inc. The Hyde Foundation Inspiring Temple of Praise Church Itasca Youth Association Jeremy's Friends ( f ds o th en ee er ns w rb )T oa (ve ce rn for )A (no un (no un (ad gs pe cifi ed os om eth in ll d to ne th a se lf an dc lea ge d·e self·le n·e r·s ss r·o hip s· be ing de cla ra tio n on ten tm en t wi qu )T he un (n o ell - of w te sta jec tiv e) U s gr at er ou en gg ei n fb to rf ac ali ty o St ea e) (no un )A in e i·ty fa re ss ith lo ing g ·fu y· r co al n·s l i j ge dfas n·e t in r·o affec s·i tion m ·ty · is (n se e (adje rv ctive e ) E xp fai t h ha · p·p fu i·n l pr ess o (ad jec tiv Philanthropy Report 2013 honor roll of giving OCT. 1, 2012 - SEPT. 30, 2013 COOK CHILDREN’S Philanthropy Report 2013 2013 Philanthropy Report 44 Hello Health Inc. House of Hot Rods J.P.Morgan JDC Healthcare Management LLC JPMorgan Chase & Co. Employee Giving Campaign Kappa Alpha Alumni Kimbrough Fire Extinguisher Co. Inc. Kings Liquors Inc. KNJ, PA L&W Maintenants Solutions Inc. L. P. Gas Co. Inc. Lubbock ISD M & M Massage Studio Mancuso's Italian Ristorante Inc. Mansfield Timberview High School McCann Court Reporting Inc. Merck Partnership for Giving Metroplex Gunite LP Nos Bar O2Works The Pace Fund The Painted Lady The Pettitt Firm PC Pham Thi Truoc Inc. Platinum Dental Club Inc. Prestige Gunite of North Texas Ltd. Prestige Gunite of South Texas Ltd. Professional Music Tours Inc. Ramey King Insurance RAZ Imports Inc. RE/MAX Associates of Arlington/Mansfield Rebar Specialties Inc. Redeemer Lutheran School Reliant Energy Rocky's Stone & More Inc. Rust Oil Corporation Scruffy to Fluffy Serving Him LP Sewell Lexus of Fort Worth Shams Family Foundation Fund Smith Construction Group Inc. Southwest Bank-Hulen Special Camps for Special Kids/Camp John Marc Specialized Property Management Inc. Sportsmen's Club of Fort Worth Springpoint Technologies LLC St. Vincent's Episcopal Church Steel Shutter Photography The Strickland Group Strictly Familia Car Club Target Tau Phi Chapter of Phi Mu Alpha Texas Laureate Alpha Kappa - PLS621 Textron Matching Gift Program Three P Operating Company Ltd. Toyota of Fort Worth TPG Capital LP Union Pacific FFEG Matching Gifts Program United Way of Metropolitan Dallas Inc. Verizon Foundation Matching Gifts Veterans of Foreign Wars/Tri-Cities Auxiliary #6872 W. S. Nelson and Company Wagner Oil Company Wagnon and Manning Design Walden's Distributing Inc. Waples United Methodist Church Ware & Associates Inc. Weatherford College Respiratory Care Wellspring Agency West Texas Air Conditioning & Heating Inc. West Texas Gunite LP Wimberley Inc. YourCause LLC Paying Agent for Dell Corporate Giving Program CHILDREN’S MIRACLE NETWORK HOSPITALS THESE PARTNERS RAISE FUNDS THAT DIRECTLY SUPPORT THE CHILDREN AND FAMILIES AT COOK CHILDREN’S. LIFETIME GIVING $1 MILLION AND UP Corner Store Costco Wholesale Walmart and Sam’s Club BUSINESS AND ORGANIZATIONS $50,000 AND UP Fort Worth Chapter of Credit Unions Kroger RE/MAX of Texas $10,000 - $49,999.99 Ace Hardware Corporation American Airlines Credit Union CEFCO Convenience Stores Love’s Travel Stops and Country Stores McClane Company, Inc. Panda Restaurant Group RE/MAX Heritage RE/MAX Trinity Six Flags Theme Parks $5,000 - $9,999.99 Chico’s FAS Dallas/Fort Worth Business Travel Association Extra Life IHOP Restaurants Long John Silver’s Marriott International Mimi’s Café RE/MAX Associates of Arlington RE/MAX Masters Texas Land & Cattle University of North Texas Dance Marathon $1,000 - $4,999.99 American Glass Company Chevron Corp. Dairy Queen EECU Fort Worth City Credit Union Fort Worth Community Credit Union FRED’S Inc. Give Miracles Great Clips Kiwanis Club of Northeast Tarrant County Miss America Organization Northeast Tarrant County Kiwanis Club Phi Mu RE/MAX Associates of Mansfield RE/MAX Heritage II RE/MAX Metro-DFW SAOM, LLC Texas Trust Credit Union Torch Relay for Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals United Supermarkets Unity One Credit Union Walgreen’s $500 - $999.99 CO-OP Financial Services CROSSMARK Inc. Decision Analyst Kiwanis Club of Arlington Kiwanis Club of Cleburne Members’ Choice FCU RE/MAX Cross Country RE/MAX DFW Associates IV RE/MAX Heritage III TruGrocer FCU $100 - 499.99 Alcon Employees Federal Credit Union Corps of Engineers Federal Credit Union Express Employment Professionals Family 1st Federal Credit Union Greater TEXAS Federal Credit Union Marcus Marquettes Booster Club My Credit Union Neighborhood Credit Union RE/MAX Associates I RE/MAX North Associates II RE/MAX Pinnacle Group Realtors Security One Federal Credit Union Shaw Communications Texas People Federal Credit Union INDIVIDUALS $100 AND UP Kenneth Bays John Bursen Alex Kientz Sandra K. Lopez Cristy Moore MATCHING GIFT COMPANIES THESE COMPANIES SECURED ADDITIONAL DOLLARS FOR COOK CHILDREN’S BY MATCHING ALL OR A PORTION OF THEIR INDIVIDUAL EMPLOYEES’ CONTRIBUTIONS. Allstate Giving Campaign American Express Charitable Fund Bank of America Matching Gifts Program BNSF Railway Foundation Communities Foundation of Texas Inc. Corning Incorporated Foundation EOG Resources Inc. GE Foundation Give with Liberty Mutual Foundation Match Halliburton Giving Choices Jetta Production Company Johnson & Johnson Matching Gift Program JPMorgan Chase Foundation Matching Gift & Volunteer Program Lhoist North America Inc. Medco Health Employee Giving Campaign Merck Partnership for Giving Microsoft Matching Gifts Program Pfizer Foundation Matching Gifts Program Sabre Holdings' Give Together Campaign Specialized Property Management Inc. ing we rv ns ca o tio n aff ec st t in df as )S tea cti ng or tiv e ( ad jec tiv e )A lw ay sa (ad jec s fa c to fb pa cit ein yt gg en ol ea d er ou co n no i ng Ha v e) j ec tiv (ad or he (no un )T he qu ali ty )T Textron Matching Gift Program Toyota Dealer Match Program TPG Capital LP Truist UBS Employee Giving Programs Verizon Foundation Matching Gifts YourCause LLC Paying Agent for Dell Giving DOCTORS SOCIETY SUPPORTING THE PROMISE OF COOK CHILDREN’S BEYOND THEIR EXTENSIVE MEDICAL EXPERTISE, THE PHYSICIANS LISTED HAVE ALSO CONTRIBUTED $10,000 OR MORE. Dr. and Mrs. Michael S. Perry Dr. Alice and Mr. Charles Phillips Dr. and Mrs. Wilfred L. Raine Dr. and Mrs. Brian Ranelle Dr. Richard I. Readinger Dr. and Mrs. Larry E. Reaves Dr. Ray N. Rhodes Jr. Dr. and Mrs. John M. Richardson Drs. Audrey and Jeff Rogers Dr. and Mrs. Tom Rogers Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Bernard Ross Rubin Dr. and Mrs. John S. Rubin Dr. and Mrs. Brian D. Ryals Dr. Joann M. Sanders Dr. and Mrs. Robert H. Schmidt Dr. and Mrs. Steven Schultz Drs. Deborah A. Schutte and Kevin C. Ullmann Dr. and Mrs. Mark M. Shelton Dr. Don L. Smith Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Michael Stanley Dr. and Mrs. Michael J. Stevener Dr. Mike Strange Dr. and Mrs. Louis L. Strock Dr. and Mrs. Gary B. Strong Dr. and Mrs. Vincent K. H. Tam Dr. and Mrs. Rajendra Tanna Dr. and Mrs. David F. Turbeville Dr. and Mrs. John A. Whitfield Drs. Suzanne and Keith Whitworth Dr. and Mrs. J. Trace Worrell Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey R. Zavaleta THIRD PARTY EVENTS OUR COMMUNITY PARTNERS ORGANIZE AND LEAD EVENTS THAT BENEFIT COOK CHILDREN’S. THE IMPACT THEY HAVE ON OUR PATIENTS, FAMILIES, AND COMMUNITY IS IMMEASURABLE. 45 2013 Philanthropy Report AGC/TXDot Golf Tournament Anna Banana Trail Run/Walk by Joanna and Bobby Brashear Anna Brashear Gymnastics Invitational by Joanna and Bobby Brashear The Arlington Good Times Chorus Black Dog Shootout by Ben Wallace The Blast by Alexa Sankary and family Bowling for Education by Kappa Delta Pi at UT Arlington Branded by Careity Foundation Candelighters Golf Tournament Charitable Crusaders Bake Sale by Ryan Almusawi Circle of Friends Pumpkin Sale Cookies and Castles by Tri Delta Fort Worth Alumnae Chapter Cowboyin' for the Kids by Brandi Larson Delt Olympics by Delta Tau Delta Fraternity at TCU Delta Dunkfest by Tri Delta Sorority at TCU Delta Gamma Foundation by Delta Gamma Sorority at TCU Dirty Scurry by PT Fitness Dreaming the Cure by Victoria and Gino Ayala Drenched 5k by Life’s 2 Short Events Dress 4 Yellow by the 4 Yellow Foundation Fish For Life by Debbie and Steve Amburn Greater Fort Worth Real Estate Celebrity Bartending Haley Whatley’s Bunny and Bear Drive Hannah Ross’ Lemonade Stand heARTs for ART by Peggy and Perry Schmidt Hoffen Foundation Golf Tournament Jeans Day by First City Financial Justin Napier Clay Shoot by the Napier family KidLinks Golf Tournament KidLinks Symphony of Chefs Kelly Thoden Golf Tournament Knights of Columbus Golf Tournament Kyle's Care Dinner and Auction by Rachael Beaudin Lake Country Christmas Lights by Mike Mackey The Matt McKee Foundation Golf Tournament Maysfest by Susie and Jonathan Mays and Larryssa Hilcher Mira Vista Living and Giving Brock Stevens CD Release Motor Home Specialist End of Year Closeout by Donnie O’Banion Pickin' for Preemies by Justin Frazell and Allison McKnight Puttin' for Preemies by Justin Frazell Quarter Café by Kimberly Heather and family The Robert & John Ratliff Scholarships and Cancer Research Fund Clay Shoot by FWAPL Run for Sarah by Laura Friend Safety Golf Scramble by Lauren Engineers and Construction Inc. SKIHI Golf Tournament by Richard Skipper Strikeout Childhood Cancer by Jamie Taylor Stoney LaRue’s Golf Tournament, Casino and Charity Concert Trinity Frigate Fundraiser COOK CHILDREN’S Dr. Kimberly D. Aaron Dr. B. Sidney Aldridge Dr. and Mrs. J. Hudson Allender Dr. and Mrs. Robert G. Anderson Dr. and Mrs. Ronald L. Antinone Mrs. Javier A. Arena Dr. Susan Rudd Bailey and W. Douglas Bailey Dr. and Mrs. Lee C. Bloemendal Dr. and Mrs. Bruce A. Bollinger Drs. Wendy and Ric Bonnell Dr. and Mrs. William F. Bonnell Dr. and Mrs. W. Paul Bowman Dr. Mary C. Brennan Dr. and Mrs. Chip Brown Dr. and Mrs. Michael R. Brown Dr. and Mrs. Robert E. Brown Drs. Sherri and Ronald Burke Dr. Robert J. Burkett Dr. and Mrs. Barry D. Bzostek Dr. and Mrs. Roberto Caballero Dr. and Mrs. Karamat Choudhry Dr. Zohra A. Choudhry and Dr. Carlos Macias Dr. Michael R. Cowan Dr. and Mrs. Jim Cunningham Dr. and Mrs. John H. Dalton Drs. Nancy and Mark Dambro Dr. and Mrs. Benge R. Daniel Jr. Dr. and Mrs. David J. Donahue Dr. Gretchen and Mr. Scott Eames Dr. and Mrs. Larry E. Easterling Dr. and Mrs. Dick Gibbs Ellis Dr. and Mrs. Jay L. Fierke Dr. John E. Forestner Dr. and Mrs. Randall L. Grubbs Dr. and Mrs. James F. Herd Dr. and Mrs. Angel W. Hernandez-Mulero Dr. Susan Hess and Dr. Richard Wray Dr. and Mrs. John Honeycutt Dr. and Mrs. Eric H. Hubli Dr. Melvin T. Joki Dr. and Mrs. Samuel R. Juliao II Dr. and Mrs. Howard M. Kelfer Dr. and Mrs. Shujaat Khan Dr. and Mrs. Andrew H. Kilgus Dr. and Mrs. Samuel E. Kleinman Dr. and Mrs. Gene Kouri Dr. and Mrs. Stephen Lai Dr. and Mrs. Bob Q. Lanier Dr. and Mrs. J. Walton Lawrence Jr. Dr. Thomas S. Liscomb Dr. and Mrs. W. Bruce Lowry Dr. and Mrs. Saleem I. Malik Dr. and Mrs. Warren A. Marks Dr. and Mrs. Nelson W. Martin Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey C. McGlothlin Dr. and Mrs. James P. Miller Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey C. Murray Dr. and Mrs. Jonathan Nedrelow Dr. and Mrs. Britt Nelson Dr. and Mrs. James R. Osborn Dr. and Mrs. Daniel Oshman ( f ds o th en ee er ns w rb )T oa (ve ce rn for )A (no un (no un (ad gs pe cifi ed os om eth in ll d to ne th a se lf an dc lea ge d·e self·le n·e r·s ss r·o hip s· be ing de cla ra tio n on ten tm en t wi qu )T he un (n o ell - of w te sta jec tiv e) U s gr at er ou en gg ei n fb to rf ac ali ty o St ea e) (no un )A in e i·ty fa re ss ith lo ing g ·fu y· r co al n·s l i j ge dfas n·e t in r·o affec s·i tion m ·ty · is (n se e (adje rv ctive e ) E xp fai t h ha · p·p fu i·n l pr ess o (ad jec tiv Philanthropy Report 2013 honor roll of giving OCT. 1, 2012 - SEPT. 30, 2013 Philanthropy Report 2013 TNT Tennis T-Shirt Fundraiser University Barnes and Noble Book Drive Valentine Treat Sale Walk for a Cure by Harlean Beal Elementary School Wine for a Cause by Ronda and Walter Stucker SEVENTH AVENUE COOK CHILDREN’S SEVENTH AVENUE IS A DYNAMIC GROUP OF INDIVIDUALS AND COUPLES WHO ARE INTERESTED IN THE FUTURE OF COOK CHILDREN’S AND ITS ABILITY TO CARE FOR EVERY CHILD IN OUR COMMUNITY. 2013 Philanthropy Report 46 Kristin and Jeff Anderson Kristen and Michael Ariola Sarah and Jim Austin Suzanne M. Bahan Katie Bangert Elizabeth and John Batton Allison and John Beadles Eden and Brett Beebe Kara and Brian Bell Duffy and Scott Bloemendal, M.D. Ashli and Todd Blumenfeld Cara and Dustin Bozarth Sheri and Travis Brown Pamela Sherman Browne, M.D., and Michael Browne, M.D. Molly and Dave Bryant, D.O. Leslie and Theron Bryant Katie Bucher Robin and Gantt Bumstead Stacy Butler, M.D. Benton Cantey V Kim and Robb Catalano Sharon and Alfonso Chan Sarah and Stockton Clemons Grace and Winfield Crumley Jordan and Adam Davidson Lori and Craig Davis Mika Devaney Jennifer and David Drez III Brian W. Dunaway Valrie and David Eberstein Hillary and Brett Evans Amy and Shelby Fierke, M.D. Erica and David Fisher Abigail and John Flack Jane and Luke Gilcrease Emily Hadley Meredyth and Chris Haller Sarah Hardy Robyn and Dak Hatfield Mindy and Tom Hegi Rebecca and Reese Hillard Courtney and Nelson Holm Andrea and Corey Horsch Amy and Tim Howell Sara C. Hull Meggan and Drew Jamison, D.D.S. Ann and Kirk Jefferies Karen and Matt Johnson Whitney and Christopher Jones Leigh and Casey Jones Missy and Chris Jordan, M.D. Molly Kanthack Leesa and Robert Kaufmann, M.D. Caroline and Kevin Kelly Mason D. King Christie Kratch Mae Lee, M.D., and Anthony Lee, M.D. Emily and Jason Littlejohn Jamie Mainord Haddy and Edward Manuel Carter and Eddie Martin Heather and Max Masterson Jennifer and Bobby Masterson Lauren and Ryan Matthews Cristy and Matt Mayfield, M.D. Sydney McCurdy Tammy and Ty McKinney Allison and Scott McKnight Megan and David Mikulencak, D.D.S. Marcia and Bales Nelson Kristy and Michael Newquist Noel Nolet Meredith and Mike O'Brien Anna and Tommy Panagopoulos Mary Catherine and Chad Parsons Lori and Michael Peck Laura and Hunt Pettit Amy Pettitt Warren Prescott Cynthia and Scott Prince Cari Rader Anne and Rob Rooney Benjamin A. Rosenthal Hilary and Brent Shellhorse Valerie and Eric Simanek Christy and Jason Smith Hannah Smitherman, M.D., and Kent Smitherman, M.D. Amanda and Tom Stallings Rhonica Stuart Ronda and Walter Stucker Amar K. Tanna Melissa and Mike Tapp Kerri and Mike Thomas Jr. Elisabeth Wagner, D.O. and Daniel Wagner, D.O. Blair and John Walker Meridith and Brad Wallace Rachel and Eric Werner Brook and Whistle Whitworth PETER PAN BIRTHDAY CLUB OUR YOUNGEST PHILANTHROPISTS THOUGHTFULLY CHOSE TO FOREGO BIRTHDAY GIFTS AND INSTEAD COLLECTED MONEY IN SUPPORT OF COOK CHILDREN’S. Aiden Adams Madison Baker Tara Barbee Grace Barry Morgan Bart Rob Batton AJ Beard Asher Beard Frater Beebe Amy Brashear Carly Brecht Audrey Burnett Ava Burnett Michael Cannon Alex Carlton Carly Clark William Cobb Harry Cole Grace Comer Valerie Del Toro Angela Diaz Sophia Diaz Saawan Duvvuri Stefen Daniel Dykes Reagan Fitzgerald Elizabeth Fleming Parker Fletcher Rachel Fox Mavanee Franks Nola Gibbs Aubrey Gilliam Addison Gingerich Maia Gonzalez Connor Crane Hadley Grace Hammon Isabel Hammon Isabella Harris Lucy Hinkle Avery Horton Jack Huston Elizabeth Hyde Harper Jabri Beck Jendrey Eleanor Jetzelsberger Henry Jetzelsberger Ellis Hillary Johnson Olivia June Killeen Cayden Kratch Halle Krebel Nicholas Loibl Wesley Martz Merritt Mayes Jackson Robert McCollum Hannah McDaniel Tatum McDaniel Judd McWilliams Marcus Medina Oliver Milenkov Olivia Moss Reese Mourer Soren Offerdahl Katelyn Owen Kyle Owen Tori Page Cambria Pierce Arden Purdy Sophia Belle Purdy Ashley Rath Sydney Ratner Brooklyn Reames Eleanor Schafer Abby Scott Emma Scott Caden Seaberry Ryan Sears Zoe Seguin Charlotte Shelton Jenson Shelton Cameron Shores Thomas Spradlin Kolten Steward Rachel Stringer Sarah Stringer Emma Stuck Katie Beth Thomas Adrian Urrutia Valentina Urrutia Olivia Grace Valdez Alex Wadley Eric Wadley Emery Ware Emma Kate White Hayden Wildhaber Ellison Wren Gage Zoota Paolo Zoota EMPLOYEES CARE PROGRAM GIVING IN ADDITION TO THE WORK THEY DO EVERY DAY, THESE COOK CHILDREN’S EMPLOYEES HAVE MADE GIFTS IN SUPPORT OF OUR PROMISE. THEIR DEDICATION TO OUR PATIENTS IS INSPIRING. HOUR KIDS DONORS COOK CHILDREN’S EMPLOYEES WHO CONTRIBUTE ONE HOUR OF THEIR PAY EACH PAY PERIOD ARE RECOGNIZED AS “HOUR KIDS” DONORS. Anonymous (16) Courtney Adams Martin Aguado Yvette Aguirre Suzy Allen Sylvia Allen Candace Alphin Sheril Appel Cami Armstrong Cindy Avitia Christine Ayala Valerie Badgett James Bailey Sheri Bailiff Barry Baker Dessie Baker Elizabeth Baker Karen Baker Marcie Baldwin Ricky Banks Connie Barber Rachel Barriga JoAnna Bartley Kelsey Bassett Cheryl Batson Traci Baun Nicole Benavides Geraldine Bennett Jereka Benson Crayton ing we rv ns ca o tio n aff ec st t in df as )S tea cti ng or tiv e ( ad jec tiv e )A lw ay sa (ad jec fa c to fb pa cit ein yt gg en ol ea d er ou s co n no i ng Ha v e) j ec tiv (ad or he (no un )T he qu ali ty )T Tammy Hoff David Hollar Jessica Holy Joyce Hood Natalie Houghton Mysti Hughes Ginger Hull Denise Hunter Larry Iles Michelle Inman Art Jimenez Azucena Jimenez Daryl Johnson Jennifer Johnson Melody Johnson Ruth Johnson Larry Jordan Dario Juarez Yolanda Keenan Karen Keller Tamera Kemp Deann Kenaley Deborah Kiesling Connie Kinerd Sally King Jill Koss Amy Kotecha Kass Kubes Mollie Kuchta Desiree Lacy Jim Langford Holly Lawrence Angela Laws Bri Laxton Rosanne Ledwig James Lee Barrett Lemmons Angela Lewallen Rose Lizarraga Amy Locker Kenneth Longbrake Graciela Lopez Lorena Lopez Dayle Lowry Luke Lucas Martin Macias Catrina Manalo Kendall Mann Sandra Manning Jane Mansfield Haddy Manuel Amanda Martin Carole Martin Heather Martin James Martin Janell Mason-Briscoe Jessica Massey Richard Mattinson Mo Mayeux Kari McConnell Kortney McCoy Kimberly McGinnis Michelle McIntyre Karen McMinn Amy McMurdo Melinda Meacham Theresa Meadows Jackie Meeks Jacqueline Menzdorf Debbie Meyers Ean Miller Paige Miller George Montague Delores Moore Christy Morehead Jackie Morgan Jessica Morgan Audrey Moussavi Scott Muchow Tim Muirheid Charles Mulhern Beverly Mundt Jessica Munger Tammy Muse Nanci Myers Tyna Nichols Eddie Norton III Patrick O'Connor Bethany Olinger Ashley Owen Katrina Paulson Charlene Pena Norma Perez Margaret Perry Kris Peterson Sarah Peterson Caren Pettyjohn Chris Pevehouse Joe Phillips Ann Pickett Juana Placencia Jennifer Poe Donna Poole Cyndi Raines Alyson Rainey Tracy Ramirez Vicki Ramos Judy Ramsey Sharon Ransom Danielle Ransonette Josie Reyes Adam Richard Karla Richardson Kim Richardson Lisa Richardson Sarah Riley Sharon Riley Carmen Rivera Linda Roark Amy Robinson Kelly Rogers Roxanna Rosas Cathy Ross Glenda Ross Julie Rudd Emily Russ Alicia Russell Michelle Russell Nancy Russell Suzie Russell Deb Sapp Tiffany Sapp Ricci Scamardo Beth Schmidt Mimi Schultz Jorden Seamands Suzanne Seider Corinna Serrano Kathy Shelton Laura Sikes Briddy Simeroth Pam Simmons Madonna Sisson Michelle Skillin Andi Smith Cara Smith Fred Smith Jr. Jamie Smith Kristy Smith Leigh Smith Sherri Smith Sally Snow Susie Snow Sandy Snowden Meredith Sorensen Amanda Soto Donna Spangler Sherry Stallings Donna Steel Larry Steel Kim Steele Cheryl Stewart Jerry Stewart Lisa Still Renee Stinnett Tammy Stone Jennifer Stonehocker Carrie Stradley Rosemary Stratton Sarah Stringer Jere Sundean Lauren Surratt Jennifer Swaim Hollie Tartt Joanne Teeters Frank Testa Amy Thomas Carolyne Thompson Linda Thompson Erica Thorne Christi Thornhill Rosanne Thurman Dana Toudouze Cece Trevino Sheryl Van Dyk Misty Vancampen Lisa Vaughn Amanda Vespremi Dana Vross 47 2013 Philanthropy Report Elisaba Dow Sandra Ducote Kelli Dunyon Stephanie Duran Cindy Durr Carol Edley Farron Elizondo Tammy Rene Elizondo Kim Epperson Michele Ervin Liz Espinoza Sherry Estep Jennifer Estoll Zach Eubank Hillary Evans Sharon Evans Bridget Fagan Keith Faison Amy Fenn Kristin Ferris Chip Finley Heather Finto Lilia Flores Samantha Ford Terri Ford Kristina Forney Dorene Foster Brian Fox Cyndy Franklin Jennifer Fuester-Reynolds Janet Garbarz Jennifer Gardner Jacqueline Garrett Shawn Gary Elena Garza Sophia Garza Beth Gaspard Lori Geary Amy Gee Teri Gilbert Allison Giles Graciela Gonzales Angela Greanead Barbara Greer Kathy Grieser Jim Grinstead Jr. Stacey Groome Laura Grywatch John Guzman Melody Hackfeld Cynthia Haggard Carol Hall Robyn Hall Sherri Hall Linda Handley Brittney Hardisty Valerie Harkcom Grant Harris Sheralyn Hartline Christina Heading Elondria Hill Rick Hinckley Regina Hobson-Smith COOK CHILDREN’S Teresa Bingham Sperry Binnicker Teri Bjornlie Julie Bodnar Suzanne Bonifert Roxanne Boyd Allaina Brackenridge Cam Brandt Marion Brantley Michelle Brennan Debbie Brimer Cameron Brown Gary Brown Kim Brown Sheila Brown Michelle Brownlee Candice Bryan Jo-Ellen Burgett Judy Burgi Mandy Burkhalter Trina Burks Jessie Butler Amanda Byrum Rachel Callahan Sheila Camp Katie Campbell Leigh Campbell Brian Cannon Pam Cantu Leticia Caraveo John Carroll Tammy Cefaly Erin Chandler Linda Chappell Janet Chotinikorn Cheryl Clark Kay Clark Becky Clem Patti Collett Michael Collins Rachel Collins Theresa Conaway Oralia Constancio Kit Cook Catherine Corpus Sheila Cullum Larry Culp Lauren Cumbie Nancy Cychol Natosha Davidson Desiree Davila Dee Davis Johanna Davis Kathleen Davis Stan Davis Alicia Delano Amy DePrang Carol Deramus-Childress Dawn DeWall Geanie Diaz Dawn Dillon Barbara Dolny Margie Dorman-O'Donnell ( f ds o th en ee er ns w rb )T oa (ve ce rn for )A (no un (no un (ad gs pe cifi ed os om eth in ll d to ne th a se lf an dc lea ge d·e self·le n·e r·s ss r·o hip s· be ing de cla ra tio n on ten tm en t wi qu )T he un (n o ell - of w te sta jec tiv e) U s gr at er ou en gg ei n fb to rf ac ali ty o St ea e) (no un )A in e i·ty fa re ss ith lo ing g ·fu y· r co al n·s l i j ge dfas n·e t in r·o affec s·i tion m ·ty · is (n se e (adje rv ctive e ) E xp fai t h ha · p·p fu i·n l pr ess o (ad jec tiv Philanthropy Report 2013 honor roll of giving OCT. 1, 2012 - SEPT. 30, 2013 Philanthropy Report 2013 Misty Wallis Delmarise Walton Malette Washington Linda Watson Laurel Weaver Melinda Weaver Paula Webb Greg Wendel Jane Anne West Louis White Jr. Taggart Widener Linda Wigginton Terry Wilder Angela Williams Geraldine Williams JoAnn Williams LaToya Williams Lewis Williams Leah Wingard MaryFrances Wood Tracy Wortham Sandra Zuniga COOK CHILDREN’S EMPLOYEES CARE DONORS 2013 Philanthropy Report 48 Anonymous (212) Trisha Aaron Sabrina Abelino Candace Ables Lariba Abu Ashley Acosta Jennie Acosta Katie Adair Carrie Adams Jacqueline Adams Jamey Adams Lori Adams Sara Adams Jeanne Adkison Lori Adrian Jeanette Aguilar Jessica Aguirre Cinthia Aiken Ashley Ainsworth Shannon Airheart Olutola Ajanaku Tessa Akins Pavani Akundi Maria Alcala Daron Aldridge Wendy Aleman-Gonzalez Gail Alexander Allyson Allen Christy Allen Jennifer Allen Margo Allen Patricia Allen Marinda Allender Jennifer Allred Maria Almaguer Maribel Almaguer Teresa Almond Suzanne Alonso Jan Althouse Leslie Alvarez Priya Amin Chelsea Anderson Julianne Anderson Robin Anderson Shauna Anderson Nik Andonov Brenda Andrade-Gonzalez Cassandra Anguiano Andrea Antoline Carolina Anzaldua Lucy Anzaldua Christian Apaga Leanna Aparicio Katherine Aragon Sandra Arca, M.D. Debra Arendall Bettye Armour Jaclyn Arrow Maria Arroyo Cortney Asberry Tommie Ashley Katie Ashmore Steven Astarita Lesley Atkinson Abby Atwood Lisa Austin Sally Avina-Pereda Abigail Awe Justi Ayres Dolores Baez Laurie Bailey Sarah Bailey Shelley Bailey Janet Baker Jessica Baker Kerry Baker Tanesha Baker Julie Bakke Veronica Bakradze Terri Bales Allison Ballard Patricia Ballard Melanie Ballew Stacy Ballew Vickie Banko Jamie Bankston Kimberly Barber Judy Bardis Julie Barfield Elspeth Barnes Darla Barnett Jacqueline Barowitz Rachel Barret Liz Barriteau Todd Barrow Marianne Barry Rita Barry Kelli Bartee Dorothy Bartell Chasity Barton Gina Basham Kelsey Bassett Clinton Batson Nacole Battles Morgan Baty Beverly Baugh Laura Baum Rachal Baxter Heather Bayers Lisa Bean Berbalyn Beard Carla Beard Bruce Beasley Roger Beck Joyelle Beeby Meredith Behne Terri Belcher Marguerite Belew Jennifer Bell Jessica Bell Karen Bell Melanie-Jane Bell Lucero Benavides Penny Bennett Glenda Berberich Stefanie Beyer Leah Bhatki, M.D. Mary Bina Elizabeth Bingham Elisabeth Binion Linda Biron Bobbie Jo Bishop Teresa Bishop Alysha Black Tammie Blakeley Brenda Blaker Allison Bland Lindsey Blankenship Pam Blazek Eli Bloshtein Barry Boardman Juan Boatright Tiffany Boatright Courtney Boedeker Jan Boettcher Terry Boggs Robbie Bohn Angie Boisselle Jan Boland Rhonda Bolden Amanda Bolton Cammie Bonahoom Wanda Bonn Doug Borg, M.D. Karen Bourland Misti Bourzikas Stacy Bowden Rachel Bowes Helen Bowie Amanda Bowron JoAnn Bradden Angie Bradley Kristin Brady Sarah Branham Kim Bransford Charles Brashear Esther Brazell Kelli Brazzel Jenny Breed John Breese Lana Brennan Jennifer Brewster Mirasol Bridges Rachelle Briggs Jeanelle Brinkley Peggy Bristow Joel Britton Melissa Bro Malorie Brooks Traci Brooks Paulette Brosette Whitney Brosey Jerry Browder Debbie Brown Felecia Brown Kim Brown Lawanda Brown Eddeana Brown-Adams Laurie Browning Peggie Bruce Teresa Brumbaugh Misti Brummett Suzanne Brunette Carolyn Bruno LaKami Bryant Lisa Bryson Thuy Bui Patricia Bullwinkle Linda Bundock April Burdett Melanie Burdine Shayla Burgess Allison Burgin Demonica Burks Morgan Burns Emily Burton Kathi Bury Julie Busby Amy Bush Jodi Bush Stephanie Butler Preston Byrd Vina Cabungan Tammy Calandro Esther Calderon Celeste Calhoun Lindsey Calhoun Ashley Callis Dell Camacho Lydia Canales Brooke Cantrell Kathleen Cantrell Pete Cardenas Wendy Cardoza Leah Carlton Noelle Carlton Rhonda Carlton Yadira Carmona Carrie Carney Ginger Carpenter Jason Carpenter Shelly Carpenter Vicky Carpenter Beverly Carr Sylvia Carrizales Cathy Carroll Barbara Carter Cathleen Carter Chelsey Carter Tonya Carter Emily Cartwright Allynn Cary Rita Casarez Susan Caskey Angela Castaneda Angelica Castaneda Theresa Castruita Arlene Caudillo Shanel Caywood Ruthie Ceasar Christabel Cerda Rebecca Chairez Johnniece Chambers Patricia Champion Ryan Champlin Melinda Chance Jennifer Chapman Maria Chapman Stephanie Chapman Gabriela Chavez Cathie Chavira Tiffany Chazarreta Donna Cheeks Angela Childers Bev Chisley Carla Chitwood Nanny Christie Lyma Chum Erin Ciriot Ginny Ciriot Melisa Cisneros Felicia Clark Greg Clark Lori Clark Teresa Clark Destiny Clarke-Davis Chandra Claspill Heather Claunch Christie Clemons Shelley Clonts Danielle Clouse Jennifer Coates Amy Coats Tom Cobb Jessica Cochrane Carole Coffey Denny Coggins Debra Cohoon ing we rv ns ca o tio n aff ec st t in df as )S tea cti ng or tiv e ( ad jec tiv e )A lw ay sa (ad jec fa c to fb pa cit ein yt gg en ol ea d er ou s co n no i ng Ha v e) j ec tiv (ad or he (no un )T he qu ali ty )T Amy Dowdy Tammy Downey Michelle Dozier Barbara Drawhorn Brandi Drennan Deb Drennon Lauren Driscoll Diane Duea Mary Duenzl Siobhan Duff Nicole Duncan Lisa Dunckelman Brenda Dunkelberger Jennifer Dunkley Jim Dunn, Ph.D. Tracy Dunn-Noland Linda Dupree Laura Duran Laura Durham Melissa Dye Matthew Dzurik, M.D. Yvette Dzurik, M.D. Gary Eades Sue Eades Gretchen Eames, M.D. TeQuarial Earl Leslie Earle Tracey Easley Freda Eaton Emily Ebersold Mandy Ebner Noelia Echols Cindy Edmondson Tiare Edmundson Connie Edwards Debbie Edwards Jake Eisenhaur Mary Elizondo Sherry Eller Vicky Eller Dwayne Emmons Barbara Engfer Fran England Becca Ensey Silvia Escobar Vanessa Escobar Pam Espanet Bertha Estrada Veronica Estrada Angie Evans Katie Evans Katina Evans Amy Fabela Brent Fairchild Maria Farias Nicki Farrell Jennifer Farrer Paige Faulder Adam Fay Bobby Feather Betsy Ferguson Liliana Ferretis Melissa Ferris Kelli Filewood Carla Fimbres Emily Fincher Hailey Finley Chris Fisher Jessica Fittery Suzanne Fleming Michael Flight Sandy Flinn Christina Flores Crystal Flores Nubia Flores Tina Flores Shannon Flowers Valencia Flowers Janette Fogle Jeff Fontana Diane Force Ava Ford Joan Ford Natasha Ford Stacy Foreman Ross Sue Forrester Pam Foster Sharon Foster Leah Fox Jennifer Francis Becky Franklin Courtney Franklin Serelia Franklin Elena Frasco Joe Frasco Araseli Frausto Michele Frazier Lisa Freeland Deborah Freeman Julie Freeman Mary Freemon Margaret Freitas John French Shayna Freudiger Olivia Frias Donya Fronk Aimee Fruge Andres Fuentes Tonya Fuqua, D.D.S. Anne Fuquay Marsha Gabriel, Ph.D. Barbara Gachter Patrick Gaither Patricia Galarza Joe Gallagher Edward Gallegoz Brianne Galvan Kacie Galyean-Warnasch Linda Gamez Mario Gamez Tiffany Gant Annette Garcia Christina Garcia Diana Garcia Mary Jane Garcia Mirna Garcia Sheryl Garcia Steve Garcia Valerie Garcia Victoria Garcia April Gardner Jennifer Gardner Sheri Gardner Harold Garrett Laura Garrett Anabel Garza Rocio Garza Trevor Garza Janice Gaston Charity Gates Cathy Gatica Tracey Gayle Kathryn Geary Robert Gehrman Genevieve Geiogue Brady Gendke Dawn Gennero Tiffany Gentry Amanda Gerace Valerie Gibbs Amos Gikanga Jeff Gill Jennifer Gillean Robert Gillespie, M.D. Lynda Gilley Samantha Gilliam Sterling Gilliland Lisa Gindy Jackie Gingerich Janine Glassman, LMSW Carolyn Glenn Catherine Glenn Linda Glover Louise Golden Stephanie Golden Marcie Gomez Melissa Gomez Elisa Gonzales Genelle Gonzales Tiffany Gonzales Victoria Gonzales Cathy Gonzalez Ceci Gonzalez CeCy Gonzalez Lori Gonzalez Maria Gonzalez Victoria Gonzalez Lauren Gooch Rich Goode April Goodman Rebekah Goodman Amy Goodnight Jennifer Goodwin Bobby Goolsby Lori Goosen Kathleen Gordon Shirley Gordon Kelli Goree Kim Gosdin 49 2013 Philanthropy Report Kai Dameron Darrell Daniel Joan Daniels Shanna Danner Teresa Danner Lan Dao Dana Dark Charity Darnell Janis Daubermann Jackie Daulton Nicole Davault Stefanie Davidson Trisha Davila Sharon Davis, D.O. Amanda Davis Andrea Davis Bobby Davis Christopher Davis Emeka Davis Katie Davis Kim Davis Kristen Davis LaVina Davis Melodie Davis Phyllis Davis Sandra Davis Suzanne Davis Victoria Davis Kat Davitt David Dawson MaryAn De Christofaro Donna de la Guardia Natalie Deal Regina DeFelice-Lumpp Art DeForde Paige Dejacimo Christina DeLaRosa Maribel Delgado Maria DeMolina Valerie DeMore Tammy Dempsey Kristie Denney Ginger Derby Araceli Desmarais Sharon Despain Jaime Diadiun Julian Dickerson Shannon Dier Rhonda Dieter Alyssa Dilbeck Dani Dillard David Dillard Carey Diner Evelyn Dixon Stephanie Does Julia Dombrowsky Melissa Domyanic Angelique Donnelly Brenda Donnelly Christy Dooley Julie Dore Lynne Dougherty Wendy Dougherty COOK CHILDREN’S Lelia Colbert Becky Colby Megan Cole April Coleman Veronica Coleman-Teal Vicki Colerick Amy Collins Floyd Collins III Megan Collins Colleen Colvin Karen Conniff Kathy Contreras Dinah Cooke Susan Cooke Taylor Cooke Alison Coombs Carrie Cooper Judy Cooper Kristi Cooper Ladawn Cooper Stacy Copeland Lanie Corbell Melissa Corder Sue Corey John Cork Samantha Corkum Cindy Corne LeeAnn Cornelison Jenny Corrado Tammy Correa Esther Cortez Tina Cortez Kelli Couch-Villarreal Tequilla Course Kim Covert Donna Cowdrey Carolyn Cowling Joshua Cox Kim Cox Summer Cox Meri Cozart Shelly Cragan Joe Creek Kelli Creger Nataly Criollo Jan Crockett Carol Cronkrite Janie Cross Carolyn Cruse Linda Cruz Salvador Cruz Angie Cryer Courtney Cunningham Jim Cunningham, M.D. Sarah Cunningham Utosha Curry Donya Curtis Dorothy Dadzie Claire Daggett Shawn Dailey Dyann Daley, M.D. John Dalton, M.D. Lisa Dalton ( f ds o th en ee er ns w rb )T oa (ve ce rn for )A (no un (no un (ad gs pe cifi ed os om eth in ll d to ne th a se lf an dc lea ge d·e self·le n·e r·s ss r·o hip s· be ing de cla ra tio n on ten tm en t wi qu )T he un (n o ell - of w te sta jec tiv e) U s gr at er ou en gg ei n fb to rf ac ali ty o St ea e) (no un )A in e i·ty fa re ss ith lo ing g ·fu y· r co al n·s l i j ge dfas n·e t in r·o affec s·i tion m ·ty · is (n se e (adje rv ctive e ) E xp fai t h ha · p·p fu i·n l pr ess o (ad jec tiv Philanthropy Report 2013 honor roll of giving OCT. 1, 2012 - SEPT. 30, 2013 COOK CHILDREN’S Philanthropy Report 2013 2013 Philanthropy Report 50 Shelly Gossett Colleen Gothman Crystal Gouyton Robin Grady Virginia Granger Sophia Grant, M.D. Edison Grant Erin Gratton-Fisher KK Gray Beth Greaves Stacie Green Kim Greenberg Terrence Greene Cody Greenwood Rebecca Grieco Christine Griffith Dale Griffith Shawn Griffith Katy Grimes Laurie Growald Laura Guajardo DeAnna Guay Lisa Guerra Cindy Guess Kari Guffey Judy Guidry Brenda Guilford Jill Gurtatowski Kimberly Guthrie Melissa Gutierrez Victoria Gutierrez Tiffany Guy Jan Guymon Lori Guzman Donna Haanan Howard Haber Allison Haggerty Robert Hagood Dennis Hahn Kenyunn Haliburton Haylie Hall Kimberly Halverson Lisa Hamilton Linsey Hammon Marsha Hampton Teresa Hand Jaime Handy Ali Hankins Gabe Hansen Callie Hanson Dena Hanson Rodney Hanson Tara Haraldson Terri Hardee Apollo Harden Lynne Harmon Stephanie Harnden Jennifer Harrell Ashley Harris Casandra Harris Kathy Harris Dana Harrison Leslie Harrison Myra Harrison Khala Hart Kassi Hartman Victoria Hartman John Harton William Harvey Shannon Harward RosaMarie Hatch Matthew Hatcher Katha Hathcock Nicole Havis Rhonda Hawkins Teresa Hawley Rachel Hayes Suzanne Hays Rachael Haywood Holly Hearn Sandra Heaslet Cynthia Heath Jessica Heffley Eddie Hefner Mark Heilman Tasha Heinz Kendyll Helf Haley Henagan Angela Henderson Karleen Henderson Kerri Henderson Catina Hendrix Gerald Hendrix James Hendrix Janice Hennon Kimberly Henry Maria Hermosillo Miguel Hernandez Nancy Herrera Judi Hershman Ashley Hestilow Ellen Hewitt Ginny Hickman Elizabeth Hicks Brandon High Brittany Hill Tana Hill Susan Hillin Betsy Hillyard Hanna Hindin Rebecca Hinds Ashleigh Hines Susan Hines Nikki Hisey Whitney Hodge Caitlyn Hodges Justin Hodges Caroline Hoffman Vicki Holbert Ashley Holder Brenda Hollar Tonya Holleman Krystle Holley Shawnkay Hollie Diane Holman Maria Holman Katherine Holmes LaCinda Holmes Allison K. Holt Allison N. Holt Amie Holt Lori Holter Cassandra Hood James Hood Donelle Hooper Sammie Hooten Damaris Hopewell Ali Hopper Jean Horan Brad Horn Jeanne Hosler Cathy Howard Marie Howell Rick Howrey, M.D. Teri Hoyler Mary Hubbard Judy Huber Fallon Huckabee Barry Hudson Eva Hudson Helen Hudson Michelle Hudson Ongelia Hughes Wannetta Hughes Shelley Hui Bobby Humphreys Noel Humphries Holly Hunstable Cheryl Hunter Jay Hunter Levi Hunter Mary Hurd Heather Hurford Elizabeth Hurley Paula Hurt Allison Hutchings Sonia Ibanez Cristina Ibarra Christina Ibarra-Smith Olu Ijaseun Jeffery Ingram Judy Ingram Reba Ingram Shea Ingram Charline Inocente Melissa Irving Steve Irwin, D.Min. Kathy Ives Deirdre Jack Kesha Jackson Paula Jackson Linda Jacobs Lucinda Jaggers Diane Jay Traci Jean Cristy Jeffreys Catie Jensen Jami Jensen James Jimenez Greg Jimerson Whitney Johannessen Cathy Johansen Sarah Johns Alice Johnson Barbara Johnson Cheryl Johnson Danielle Johnson Erika Johnson Felicia Johnson Kenetra Johnson Kimberly Johnson LaKeshia Johnson Melissa Johnson Peggy Johnson Shawna Johnson Stacey Johnson Kristen Johnston Cynthia Jones Dianne Jones Emily Jones Erin Jones Janna Jones Jenny Jones Kelly Jones Kim Jones Marquietta Jones Nancy Jones Sarah Jones Scott Jones Sheila Jones Tia Jones Jennifer Jordan Jungus Jordan Paige Jordan Rena Jordan Debra Jorden Lissia Joshua Becca Joyner Randy Juelg Gayle Jumper Johane Juste Alice Justice Cindy Kaluzniak Karen Kaluzniak Sheri Kantner Shams Karimi, M.D. Andrea Keane Taylor Keelen Shemikia Keeton Will Keiser Shanna Keith Howard Kelfer, M.D. Jessica Keller Kelley Keller Johnell Kelley Karen Kelley Morgan Kelley Sabrina Kelley Vicki Kelley Tikka Kemallee Evie Kemp Leslie Kemper Bill Kennedy Ashleigh Kent Regina Kerbs Paul Kercho Elizabeth Khong Kristin Kielbas Moses Kiiru Karen Kimberling Tricia Kimler Jennifer King Karin King Wini King Melissa Kistler Paula Kline Tonia Kline Debbie Knetzer Raymond Knight Pam Knote Aaron Knott Kali Koch Amber Kohut Carissa Kopystecki Marla Korol Ashley Krebs Michelle Krogman Jim Kubecka Elizabeth LaBoube Mayra Lacefield Amber Lafferty Melody Lammons Lisa Lamotte David Lancaster Debbie Lancaster Carmen Landry Meghan Landsiedel Sarah Lang Bailey Langdon Rhonda Lange Brad Langford Tiffany Latta Lacy Laursen Ryann Lavy Lisa Lawson Alicia Layman Trang Le Lay Leang Chen Shawna Lechowicz Debbie Lee Pauline Lee Vernon Lee Jr. Yvette Lee Elizabeth Leeper Jonathan Leer Debbie Legler Meghan Lehman Jennifer Leimbacher Erinn LeMasters Melissa LeMoine Jillian Lemonds Sally Leppla Cheryl Lepree Isabel Lerma Katie Lesikar ing we rv ns ca o tio n aff ec st t in df as )S tea cti ng or tiv e ( ad jec tiv e )A lw ay sa (ad jec fa c to fb pa cit ein yt gg en ol ea d er ou s co n no i ng Ha v e) j ec tiv (ad or he (no un )T he qu ali ty )T Susie Messina Ginger Metzner Becca Meyer Melissa Meza Audrey Miao Whitney Michael Trona Milano Antoinette Miller, LMSW Ann Miller, Ph.D. Angela M. Miller Angela R. Miller Cheryl Miller Paige Miller Rhonda Miller Roberta Miller Sheila Miller Tsehainesh Miller Jane Milligan Kimberly Mills Mauricia Mills Shea Milner Susie Minton Anissa Miranda Valeria Mireles Ashly Mitchell Rosie Molano Angela Molina Melissa Molina Robin Monahan Meredith Mondoy Sharon Mondy Keelie Montague Lori Montgomery Janet Montoya Syma Monzales Britnay Monzingo Cindy Moore Joyce Moore Kristi Moore Minde Moore Petra Moore Sandy Moore Sue Moore Toni Moreno Tiffany Morgan Kathleen Morine Trudy Morris Carla Morton, Ph.D. Paige Morton Veronica Moultry Kelly Mourer John Mowry Heidi Moyer Amanda Mrstik Vickie Muehlstein Michelle Munger Monica Munoz Peggy Murphree Jung Murphy Linda Murphy Claire Murtha Chelsea Myers Cindy Myrick Shakyryn Napier Marilyn Nappier Oscar Naranjo Staci Narramore Jesse Narvaez Katy Nash William Nash III Maria Nasir Sally Nawab Vickie Nelms Britt Nelson, M.D. Sharon Nelson Anylu Nerio Lori Newstrom Lauraleigh Newton Ngan Nguyen Ngoan Nguyen P.J. Nguyen Tin Nguyen Angela Nicholson James Nicholson Kim Nickerson Leah Nicoletti Ashley Nicolle Nancy Nimz Melissa Nixon Jainaba NjieMuhammad Suzanne Noble Brooke Nobles Brent Noel Tamisha Northam Margo Novello Christina Obregon Joy Obuekwe Sharon O'Dell Lisa Odgers Christine Oehlert Courtney Oertli Cathie Ogden Nick Ogunmola, M.D. Anavel Ojeda Charis Oji Nicole Okerlund James Olger Jonelle O'Neill Sarah Orellana Fred Oriti Lucia Ortega Marisol Ortega Maricela Ortiz Patty Ortiz Tracy Orwig Hayley Osicka Margaret Ostrom Charlotte Oualline Christine Owens Melissa Ownbey Sarah Pablo Cindi Pace Elizabeth Page Lorie Palacios Silvia Palomo Sandy Papai Jan Park Abbie Parker Polly Parker Darren Parkey Elizabeth Parks Demetria Parma Lori Parrott Jeannie Parsley Jodie Parsons Christie Partee Priya Patel Laurie Patterson Joe Paugh Rebekah Payan Bessie Payton Michelle Peacock Kristin Peaks Laura Pearce Terri Pearcy Greg Peck Annette Peden Chris Pedigo Carla Peikoff Claudia Pena Leticia Pena Melody Pena Michelle Pena Patty Penn Sarah Pennebaker Glenn Penrod Jr. Jose Perales Leo Perez Melinda Perez Renee Perez Laurri Perrin Dewan Perry Laura Perry Amy Petersen Cheryl Petersen DongThy Phan Micki Phanmaha Amy Philen Breion Phillips Elaine Phillips Meredith Phillips Stephanie Phillips Fay Philpot Hattie Philyaw Deanna Pinckney Robin Pineda Brandy Pinkerton Lora Pippin Terri Pippin Lacy Pitchford Wendy Pittman Marais Pletsch Michelle Pointer Laurie Poling Angela Pomykal Lisa Pool Clifford Porch III Elise Porras Vicki Porter 51 2013 Philanthropy Report Cara Martz Leslye Marvin Anna Marvine Sharon Massey Michele Mastick Allison Mata Sophia Mata Marilyn Matheson Shane Mathew Suz Matthews Karla Mattson Matt Mayfield, M.D. Brenda Mayorga Natalie McAfee Sam McCage Victoria McCain, Ph.D. Laura McCain Cathy McCall Lisa McCall Steven McCammon Julie McCaslin Jennifer McCliment Lori McCormack Kortney McCoy Angie McCrary Charlene McCue Gwenell McDaniel Mel McDaniel Patsy McDaniel Leigh Anne McDonald Rhiannon McDonnell Judy McElhannon Kathleen McElvain Nancy McEntire Marisa McFadin Frank McGehee, M.D. Fred McGinnis Jeff McGlothlin, M.D. Renalda McGriff Alex McGuire Kathy McKeon Nicole McKeone Randi McKinney Ashley McKown Brittany McLaughlin Christy McLaughlin Kathy McLean Deana McLelland Mark Mcmanis Michelle McMillan Monica Mcnabb John McNey Jennifer McReynolds Jennifer Meador Richard Medina Rebecca Meester Apurva Mehta Mitchell Meinershagen Dawn Melman Melissa Menard Chrystal Mendoza Rick Merrill Christy Merritt COOK CHILDREN’S Jackie Lewis Jr. Jonathan Lewis Brenda Liberto Linda Liewer Tiffany Lightfoot Mindy Lindberg Jen Lipscomb-Rios Eliana Lira Lisa Logan Blanca Loggy Joann Loignon Kathy Loinette Elizabeth Lomas Karen Long Misty Long Gina Longoria Jennifer Lopez JoAnn Lopez Sandra Lopez Ciro Lopiccolo Jamie Lowe Carol Lowery Gail Lowry Bridget Loyd Vanessa Lozada Sheila Lucero Wendy Ludlow Debbie Lugo-Reyes Lindsay Luker Stephanie Luneau Julie Lyon Frank Macaluso Ricci Mace Kyndel Macik Toby Mack Giovanna Macleod Paula Maddox Rita Maddux-Potter Angie Maher Gina Maile Diana Malagon Mitch Malicoate Kendall Mann Megan Mansfield Dennis Mantey Polly Manuel Kizzy Marco Serena Marin Nick Markham Donna Markley Gil Marques Lauren Marr Frances Marrufo Tara Marsh James Marshall, M.D. Jennifer Martell Diana Martens Dale Martin Eileen Martin Jennifer Martin Sandy Martin Shirley Martin Wayne Martin ( f ds o th en ee er ns w rb )T oa (ve ce rn for )A (no un (no un (ad gs pe cifi ed os om eth in ll d to ne th a se lf an dc lea ge d·e self·le n·e r·s ss r·o hip s· be ing de cla ra tio n on ten tm en t wi qu )T he un (n o ell - of w te sta jec tiv e) U s gr at er ou en gg ei n fb to rf ac ali ty o St ea e) (no un )A in e i·ty fa re ss ith lo ing g ·fu y· r co al n·s l i j ge dfas n·e t in r·o affec s·i tion m ·ty · is (n se e (adje rv ctive e ) E xp fai t h ha · p·p fu i·n l pr ess o (ad jec tiv Philanthropy Report 2013 honor roll of giving OCT. 1, 2012 - SEPT. 30, 2013 COOK CHILDREN’S Philanthropy Report 2013 2013 Philanthropy Report 52 Maria Posada Andrea Potts Joshua Potts Erica Powell Sarah Powell Janet Powers Kathrine Pratt Dovetta Price Coleman Gina Promes Tara Province Tamara Pruisner Lori Pruitt Michelle Puente Cristina Puga Melissa Pugh Susan Purdie Jan Purifoy Alex Quezada Paula Quinn Don Quinones April Quintana Crystal Quintana Tamara Quintero Casey Quisenberry Katie Rabbe Audrey Radler Honey Rae Cathy Ralls Juli Ramirez Naomi Ramirez Nellie Ramirez Ofilia Ramos Marion Randall Janice Randel Kelly Ransom Ashoo Rao, M.D. Deneesa Rasmussen Shana Rasmussen Meghan Rathke Amy Ray Rita Ray Sineatra Ray Jerri Redding Shirley Redmon Danette Reed Lisa Reed Mary Ann Reed Pamela Reed Rebecca Reed Uneeda Reed Sheila Reese Mindy Reeves Colleen Reinelt Marisa Rendon Rachel Renteria Dallas Reyes Ida Reyes Josie Reyes Dorothy Rhodes Rashelia Rhodes Sonia Ribeiro Nicole Richard Liz Richards Vicky Richards Christina Richardson Kristi Rico Donna Riddle Julie Riley Rachel Riojas Violet Riojas Alexis Rios Veronica Rios Bob Rittmueller Pamela Rivers Jen Robbins Jodi Roberson Becca Robertson Lydia Robey Rob Robidou Toni Robinette Donna Robinson Blanca Robles Alice Roche Charles Roden Robin Roden Ariel Rodriguez Blanca Rodriguez Denise Rodriguez Elma Rodriguez Gilda Rodriguez Jenny Rodriguez Jose Rodriguez Josie Rodriguez Norma Rodriguez Raquel Rodriguez Caleb Rogers Carol Rogers David Rogers Marsha Rogers Sandi Rogers-Gray Kathy Roman Kelsi Rondon Shelly Rosenberry Heather Ross Regina Ross Megan Rost Kathryn Rovelli Wayne Roy Stephanie Royer Sherri Rudolph Beatriz Ruiz Mindy Rush Melanie Russ Jennifer Russell Esther Rutledge Audrey Sackor Ellen Sadek Erica Salaiz Jamie Saldivar Ashara Salmon Melanie Samson Laura Sanabria Noemi Sanchez Yvette Sanchez Ana Sanders Cristin Sanders Jerrie Sanders Linda Sanders Katie Sandlin Maggie Santillan Tiffany Sapp Nancy Saunders Laverne Sawyer Lisa Scarbrough Melissa Schat Michele Schlegel Claire Schleicher Donnie Schley Eric Schlotter Julie Schmidt Daniel Schmit Cassandra Schrock Donna Schrock Stacey Schroder Retha Schultz Susie Schulwitz Erin Schulz Debbie Schwettmann Arlene Scott Jessica Scott Tamye Scott Stephanie Segelstrom Pam Segura Theresa Seigler April Self Catherine Selzer Ashley Serrano Catherine Shamily Amanda Shannon Mahesh Sharma, M.D. Edie Sharp Kathy Sharp-Hinojosa Terry Shaw Kathleen Shea Melissa Sheardown Eireann Sheehan Jimi Shelton Hali Shepard Nicholas Sherrod Stephanie Sherwood Stacy Shetter Shari Shoemaker Valerie Shorten Elizabeth Shrader Joanie Shreve Harry Shuman, M.D. Shelby Shumate Kristina Shust Tammie Sibley Marisol Sigala Lindsay Sikes Lynn Sill Liana Simms Kandyce Simpson Sara Simpson Sarah Singleton Stacy Singleton Sally Sirkis Catherine Sisneroz Chanel Sizemore Femila Skaria Alana Skinner Loyd Skinner Tara Slone Connie Slothouber Maja Smailagic Angela Small-Davis Julia Smeltzer Alisha Smith Crystal Smith Janis Smith Lara Smith Lisa Smith Lori Smith Melissa R. Smith Melissa W. Smith Patti Smith Rachel Smith Sarah Smith Sarah E. Smith Sharon Smith Sharon D. Smith Susan Smith Toni Smith Warren Smith Brooke Smith-Casey Hannah Solchenberger Melinda Soloman Brenda Sonnier Sandra Soria Emmi Sosa Tonya Sosebee Diana Soto Charlotte South Sean South Becky SouthWorth Elizabeth Spears Melissa Spencer Hayley Spinks Mandy Spitzer Jenny Spriggs Emily Spruce Samantha St John Jennifer St. Peters Missy Staben Linda Stacy Jeanie Stakes Debbie Standridge Temi Stanford Stacy Starkes Stephanie Starleaf Callie Stedman Randy Steele Robbyn Steele Barbara Steffensen Holly Steffensrud Lauren Steinkamp Ann Stelter Jennifer Stephen Lisa Stephens Lorenda Stepp Annie Stevenson Pam Stevenson Alex Steward Kay Stewart Rick Stilwell Jr. Janetta Stockdale Carolyn Stom Donnie Stone Glenna Stone Hayley Stone Sonya Stone Mary Stout Estrella Strasser Michelle Stribling Kate Strickland Jana Stukanov Amanda Stukey Jonathan Suarez Jill Suda Ashley Sugg Denise Sullivan, M.D. Candace Sullivan Rebecca Sullivan Wendy Sullivan Kerrie Sutton Shalyn Sutton Tina Sutton Kim Swain Cassondra Sweatland Lauren Talbot Charisse Tan Allyson Tate Patsy Tate Brandi Taylor Denise Taylor Die Nesha Taylor Doris Taylor Stephannie Taylor Susannah Taylor Gwen Telles-Gonzales Linda Teneyck Ella Tennon Doreen Teoh, M.D. Judy Terrazas Michelle Thick Antoinette Thomas Cassie Thomas Jennifer Thomas Lou Thomas Michael Thomas Pat Thomas Sheena Thomas Terry Thomas Walter Thomas Jr. Elizabeth Thompson Fallon Thompson Joanie Thompson JT Thompson Molly Thompson Quanah Thompson Sharon Thompson Shonda Thompson Yvonne Thompson Paul Thornton, M.D. ing we rv ns ca o tio n aff ec st t in df as )S tea cti ng or tiv e ( ad jec tiv e )A lw ay sa (ad jec fa c to fb pa cit ein yt gg en ol ea d er ou s co n no i ng Ha v e) j ec tiv (ad or he (no un )T he qu ali ty )T Jennifer Winger Jason Winsett Carol Wise Brittany Witte Todd Wolf, M.D. Jean Wolf Jennifer Womack Sonica Wommack Katy Woodruff Mary Woodruff Sarah Woody Kelly Wooley Fred Woosley Nicole Work Jackie Wren Angela Wright Donna Wright Katrina Wright Kisha Wright Mandy Wright Kelli Wyatt Stacey Wyatt Tammy Wynn Jennifer Yates Leon Yates Susie Ybarra Wayne Yee, M.D. Debora Yorek Angela York Teresa York Helen Young Linda Young Shelia Young Michael Zachary Denise Zatarain Ryan Zelazny Karen Zerweck Lena Zettler Maria Zichichi Leslie Zimpelman Leslie Zvitt Jennifer Zwiener VOLUNTEERS THESE INDIVIDUALS DONATE THEIR TIME AND TALENTS TO HELP OUR PATIENTS. IN ADDITION TO THOSE LISTED, JUNIOR VOLUNTEERS WORKED A TOTAL OF 12,644 HOURS AND PARENTS AS PARTNERS VOLUNTEERS WORKED A TOTAL OF 1,095 HOURS. WE ARE GRATEFUL FOR EVERY VOLUNTEER. 1,000+ HOURS Virginia Adney Mary Ann Dew Anonymous Sylvia Hamaker Dianne Hickey Pam Johndroe Caroline Skinner Edith Vaughn 500 - 999 HOURS Laura Adams Cheryl Bender Carolyn Bilberry Yee Man Chan Laveta Curry Kenneth Doerr Mary Dunn Elizabeth Hines June Johnson Mary Ann Johnson Jean Martin Patricia Russell Eleanor Schmeits Errol Schmeits Frances Tyler Eileen Watson 100 - 499 HOURS Carol Adams Laura Alb Mindy Anthony Cheryl Apollo Dawn Arnold Lisa Austin Jane Babb Linda Baker Thomas Baletti Cynthia Barnett Geneva Barse Alicia Basmajian Barbara Beard-Wolfe Phyllis Bedgood Jacob Bell John David Bell Justin Bell Roxana Bell Virginia Biela Lacy Blackman Bryan Bogle Kirk Bonner Joann Boston Cara Bozarth Chris Brown Hunter Brown Judy Brown Shea Brumley Katelyn Bryant Dennis Bush James Britt Bush Leslie Bush Luke Campbell Beverly Canon Rhonda Cantrell Joni Carroll Sarah Cashiola Betty Anne Charles Charles Chick Nancy Chick Allie Ciulla Thomas Collins Ashley Cook Jennifer Coon Shawn Cox Silvia Csaki Jude Dainton Brenda Danneman Austin Dellasega Stacy Dellasega Maria Dietz-Kinn Joanne Dillon Laura Dinger Judy Dodd Angela Donahue Anna Downs Lauren Driscoll Leslie Enlow Melissa Feigenbaum Pricilla Fleming Patricia Fleury David Franklin Lauren Franklin Patricia Friar Nancy Fruge Amber Gardner Mostafa Ghafal Marnie Gilbert Victoria Gillespie Judith Goldthrop Molly Granaghan Mary Gravel Pamela Gray Chelsee Greer Kelsea Griffin Ricardo Guijosa Karla Gustaf Rachel Gutierrez Leigh Hall Keith Hamilton Laura Hamilton Peggy Hamilton Carolyn Hardgrove Chelsea Hart Richard Hartnett Mary Henderson Jean Hickey Larryssa Hilcher Matthew Hill Samantha Hodges Dee Holmes Barbara Suzanne Huston Tamara Iliff Bailey Irwin Jonathan Irwin Emily Johnson Yvette Johnson 53 2013 Philanthropy Report Doreen Walo Dana Walraven Kathryn Walthall LeLynne Waltman-Knight Cheri Walton Katie Walton Carri Ann Wantuchowicz Dennis Ward Heather Ward Jerri Ward Karen Wardell Andrea Warren Essie Warren Neshawnia Washington Marsha Waters Mandy Watkins Jennifer Watson Lindsey Watson Shelley Watters Kim Waugh Nadine Waycaster Randi Weaver Dee Webb Kara Webb Teri Weckar-London Denise Wedding Linda Wegerson Katie Weicht Jimmy Welch Sarah Wells Cheryl Weltman Colleen West Lynne West Shelley Westerfield Alane Whaley Deshotels Casey White Reagan White Tina White Emma Whittle Taylor Widmann Kathy Wilborn Rhonda Wiley Katie Willett Brenda Williams Carla Williams Glenyell Williams Jessica Williams Kasee Williams Kimberly Williams Lakesha Williams Paula Williams Brynli Williamson Crystal Williamson Shari Williamson Cleta Willingham Betsy Wilson Deanna Wilson Emelita Wilson Heather Wilson Jennifer Wilson Leslie Wilson Stephanie Wilson Ulla-Britt Wilson COOK CHILDREN’S Melva Thornton Leann Threadgill Nancy Thurmon Jana Tieding Mindy Tippit Natalie Tittle Richard Torres Ana Tovar Karissa Tower Lindsay Travis Denise Traylor Mary Helen Trevino Katie Tribbett Audra Trussell Larry Tubb Kristi Tucker Sandra Tucker Megan Turner Rachael Tusa Amanda Tydlaska Ramona Urban Alex Urbanek Raye Urbanek Jimmy Uselton Emily Valdez Melissa Valdez Karen Valentine Laura Van Pelt Alan Van Zandt Leslie Varnon Leticia Vasquez Stephanie Vasquez Linda Vaughan Vivian Vaughn Perla Vazquez Sarah Velasco Angela Velasquez Mandy Velasquez Suzanne Velte Ruben Villa Maria Villegas Diane Vinson Josh Virnoche Lisa Wafer Lesley Wager Phyllis Wakeland Miriam Waks-Grantham Kristi Walden Amy Walker Bea Walker David Walker Jonae Walker Kristen Walker Lyndee Walker Nikki Walker Quinton Walker Roberta Walker Jennifer Walkotten Leann Wallace Marissa Wallace Sandra Wallace Sarah Wallace Janeen Walls ( f ds o th en ee er ns w rb )T oa (ve ce rn for )A (no un (no un (ad gs pe cifi ed os om eth in ll d to ne th a se lf an dc lea ge d·e self·le n·e r·s ss r·o hip s· be ing de cla ra tio n on ten tm en t wi qu )T he un (n o ell - of w te sta jec tiv e) U s gr at er ou en gg ei n fb to rf ac ali ty o St ea e) (no un )A in e i·ty fa re ss ith lo ing g ·fu y· r co al n·s l i j ge dfas n·e t in r·o affec s·i tion m ·ty · is (n se e (adje rv ctive e ) E xp fai t h ha · p·p fu i·n l pr ess o (ad jec tiv Philanthropy Report 2013 honor roll of giving OCT. 1, 2012 - SEPT. 30, 2013 COOK CHILDREN’S Philanthropy Report 2013 2013 Philanthropy Report 54 Sydney Jones J.J. Jones Lawrence Jordan Richard Karotkin Jean Kelso Caitlin Kennedy Bertha Kinsinger Corey Kinsinger Stephanie Knote Herbert Kreider Veronica Kubiak Emily Kuhlman Kyle Lamb Julie Landry Hayley Langford Reginald Lee Melodee Lenz Joanna Leyton Linbeck Group Tara Lore Norma Loughridge Collin Main Ann Marchione Mackilee Martin Tony Martinez Jr. Suzanne Marx Deborah McDonald Jill McDougall Karen McHenry Michelle Miller Catherine Mollenhoff Jonathan Mondragon BriAnna Moore Justin Morden Diane Morton Christopher Mueller Deborah Murray Melinda Nelson Marcus Newman Christopher Newton Daniel Newton Mikey Newton Glena Nieswiadomy David Nix April Nohinek Scott Odom William Oglesby Susan O'Hara-Jones Janice Osborne Kyra Overmeir Sandy Owen Lauren Paige Kourosh Panahy Molly Pearson Betty Petty Patricia Pierce Lisa Poole Linda Porter Dianne Poteet Shelby Potter Kim Powers Mary Ann Ricca D'Ray Rice Brenda Richards Jordan Richter Sarah Ridenour Tiffany Riley Beatriz Rodriguez Patricia Roemmich Kendall Rojas Marilyn Rubin Virginia Ruthruff Patricia Ryan Samuel Santiago Sharron Schmitt Raider DeRema Sears Trey Shannon Scott Sheffield Pat Shelton Gayla Shivers Brandt Sleeper Bev Small Rebecca Smith Alayna Sommers Phil Southall Cindy Speicher Erin Springer John St. Lawrence Jr. Mary Sunde Christal Suson Mary Swift Sue Szabacan Elaine Tacka Carrie Taylor Danielle Taylor Ted Taylor Temple Christian School Lauren Tharp Janice Thomas Michael Thomas Audra Trussell Duane Trussell Dale Tyler Karen Valencia Kathleen Valentine Patsy Van Meter Eugene Vanscoy Mary Catherine Walker Heather Ward Lewis Washington Julie Watkins Dena Whitehurst Heidi Wilder Blair Williams Janet Williams Paula Williams Matthew Wilson Jennifer Wolff Georgeann Woodfin Andrea York Jordan Zapata 50 - 99 HOURS Rabina Acharya Pat Alexander Theresa Anderson Jessica Taylor Anthney Tricia Arnold Marilyn Baird Amy Banta Maria Elizabeth Barron Naeem Bayaa John Bell Seth Bergenholtz Lucy Biggs Jacqueline Bolt Frances Braymen Sister Mary Elaine Breen Molly Bryant Victoria Butte Lindsey Carnes Linda Carr Esther Castle Benjamin Chi Justin Cloud Michael Conner Katelyn Crawford Elaine Davis Sawyer Davis Grace Derbrick Angie DeRouen Martin Madeline Dickerson Deanna Dobrowolski Richard Dodds Kerry Dreher Ruth Duesterheft Sonia Dutt Ashley Eakes Bonnie Epstein Linda Fierke Holly Filer Roberta Gerrick Sarah Gibson Rhonda Graham-Brown Johnnie Gunn Rahul Gupta Patricia Hagen Michelle Hancock Phil Harris Tonya Harvey Jianing Jenny He Paul Hill Mary Lou Hilliard Lawrence Hogue Carolyn Hudson Dianne Hughes Karen Hunt Virginia Hyatt Kiki Jacob Marcee James James Jeffrey Jr. Lindsey Johnson Mary Johnson Diamond Rochelle Jones Jennifer Jones Debbie Kalas Jordan Keeling Juliette Kirby Patricia Klint Lisa Klotz Ruth Leverenz Suzanne Levy Shevella Lindley Lucy Lopez Dayle Lowry Alana Loyd Josefina Luna Valdez Jeanie Luskey Rosalind Ma Queen Mayhue Beatriz Wendy McCurry Christeen McDannell Edwin McMahon Heather Meyer Jessica Meyer Emily Miller Elizabeth Morales Lauren Bailey Motheral Cheryl Murray Gloria Myers Kathy Nelson Jim Newton Kathy Nguyen Tiffany Oh Casey Oliver Maria Teresa Ovesen Leslie Paduano Kevin Pang Patti Peterson Vonda Porter Julia Ray Diane Readinger Melissa Reames Sandra Gayle Record Lisa Reidland Yvette Richey Mary Rodenberger Christina Rodgers Cathy Ross Elise Rowsell Karen Russell Suzanne Seider Judy Shahan Kristen Shell Peggy Sims Katherine Spiekerman Eloise Spivey Donna Steel James Stephens Jan Stephens Beth Stevener Annie Stewart Kristen Stieg Linda Strickland Judy Strong Janet Stuffmann Rochelle Tallmadge Caroline Tew Patsy Thompson Mary Tran Pradyuman Vig Roberto Villarreal Sister Francesca Walterscheid Shelby Watson Shelby Weidler Eran West Janet White Jo Whitfield Hazel Wilson Kathleen Winter Mary Yim Cindy Yu COOK CHILDREN’S 55 2013 Philanthropy Report (no sta te of w ell - be ing )T he un ali ty qu or ca yt (ad j ec tiv e) Ha v i ng no co n )A se lf (ve un rb )T oa s ( ad jec tiv e )A lw ay sa cti ng or tiv e (ad jec df as st )S tea t in er to ne ns w th a wi en t )T he on ten tm de cla ra tio n ce rn for (no un an dc St ea ty o to fb ei n gg gs pe cifi ed en er ou s gr at rf ac os om eth in ali ll d qu ge dfas n·e t in r·o affec s·i tion m ·ty · is (n se e (adje rv ctive e ) E xp (n o e) ds o ( tio n aff ec th en ee f ns jec tiv e) U o (ad we rv ing in e i·ty fa re ss ith lo ing g ·fu y· r co al n·s l i j er ou en ol ea d gg ein fb pa cit fa c to he )T (no un lea ge d·e self·le n·e r·s ss r·o hip s· (no un )A fai t h ha · p·p fu i·n l pr ess o (ad jec tiv honorariums OCT. 1, 2012 - SEPT. 30, 2013 Oct 1, 2012 - Sept 30, 2013 Absolute Smiles Dental Patricia Berube, D.M.D., M.S. Anew Dental Patricia Berube, D.M.D., M.S. Michael Bannon Dirk E. Eshleman Dr. Breck Bennett and staff Patricia Berube, D.M.D., M.S. John P. Boswell Marguerite E. Hooper Denise and Paul Aelvoet Donna and Charlie Stevens Apple Orthodontics Patricia Berube, D.M.D., M.S. Avi Banyasz Dirk E. Eshleman Kyle Berend Tinka and Norman Stovall Jr. Marla Boswell Lisa C. Wilson Aditya Agarwal Dirk E. Eshleman Eric Taylor Aragon Dirk E. Eshleman Mark W. Barfield Cindy and Brian Barnard Lars Berg Dirk E. Eshleman Sarah Elizabeth Boswell Kim and Glenn Darden Harsh Agarwal Dirk E. Eshleman Julia Arena Kim and Glenn Darden Laura and Charlie Barnard Shana and Max Vordenbaum Dr. Shane Berger and staff Patricia Berube, D.M.D., M.S. Tommy Boswell Barbi and Stanley Eisenman Micah Ahern Richard A. Burt Susan and Leo Young Jr. Chad Arnette Dirk E. Eshleman Lolly and Bill Barnard Shana and Max Vordenbaum Dick Bernasek Dirk E. Eshleman Dr. and Mrs. Jeff Arnoult Nancy Kay and Stan Howard Betsy Barnes Nancy Kay and Stan Howard Mike Berry Carol and Gifford Touchstone Toni and Tommy Boswell The Carol Winn and James Reed Dunaway Family Foundation Inc. Lisa and Bobby Feather Sylvia and Charles Asbury Lue N. Stroud Boonie and Lee Barnes Nancy Kay and Stan Howard Paige Biggs Dirk E. Eshleman Bott Family Dentistry Patricia Berube, D.M.D., M.S. Aubrey Family Dental Patricia Berube, D.M.D., M.S. Anne and Bob Bass Suzie Russell Jacob Birnbaum Dirk E. Eshleman Elizabeth Babb Dirk E. Eshleman Mr. and Mrs. Larry Bates Barbara and James Leeton Jr. Mark Bishop Dirk E. Eshleman Richard L. Bourland Mickey and Marshall Robinson William Babb Dirk E. Eshleman Mary and Tom Bates Joan T. Trew Dr. Wayne Bishop and staff Patricia Berube, D.M.D., M.S. William Bahan Ann and Ed Hudson Roman Batichev Dirk E. Eshleman Bill Blair Dirk E. Eshleman John Bailey Dirk E. Eshleman Cornelia and Jim Blake Karen Webb Rainwater Dr. Danny Baird and staff Patricia Berube, D.M.D., M.S. Linda and Bob Batton, D.D.S D'Ann and William Bonnell, D.D.S. Nancy Kay and Stan Howard Karen Baird Lisa C. Wilson Addison Bauman Carla and Maurice Ramon Hudson Boerschig Christine and Cory Atkins Marilyn and Byron Baird Sr. Len and Steven Baird Mallory Beagles Dirk E. Eshleman Tracy A. Bolt Cindy and Brian Barnard Gayle Anderson Marilyn and Bob King Kathleen and Brad Baker and family Amy and Tull Bailey Mr. and Mrs. Kelly Beal Barbara and James Leeton Jr. Jeani Anderson Jim Kennedy Fred Bald Jana and Mark Linenberger D'Ann and Bill Bonnell, D.D.S. Marcelle and Robert Borgers Beverlee and Jim Herd, M.D. Dianne and John Hughes Sr. Kathy and Bob Lombardi Kit Anderson Dirk E. Eshleman Corliss and Louis Baldwin The Carol Winn and James Reed Dunaway Family Foundation Inc. Mr. and Mrs. David Albin Barbara and James Leeton Jr. Brint Albritton Tinka and Norman Stovall Jr. Carol and Denny Alexander D'Ann and William Bonnell, D.D.S. Beverlee and Jim Herd, M.D. Charles W. Allen Cindy and Brian Barnard Mr. and Mrs. Pierce Allman Amy and Tull Bailey COOK CHILDREN’S Lisa Alvarez Dirk E. Eshleman 2013 Philanthropy Report 56 Betty and Joe Ambrose Jean and John Roach II George Anagnostis, M.D. Tracy and Tom Hauswirth Derek Anderson Dirk E. Eshleman Michael Anderson Dirk E. Eshleman Pat Anderson Tinka and Norman Stovall Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Anderson Judy and Stephen Jones Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Beal Barbara and James Leeton Jr. Christy Beck Marie A. Howell Tyler Reid Beck Russell Beck Tracy Ball Lisa C. Wilson Janie Beggs Jean and John Roach II Dr. Gayla Ballou and staff Patricia Berube, D.M.D., M.S. Mikhail Bekker Dirk E. Eshleman Clive Bode Dirk E. Eshleman Lindy and Geno Borchardt Lori and Craig Davis Marcelle and Robert Borgers D'Ann and William Bonnell, D.D.S. Elizabeth and John Boswell Jean and John Roach II Mr. and Mrs. Cary Boyden Nancy Kay and Stan Howard Dwight Boyle Tinka and Norman Stovall Jr. Jayne Landers Boyles Jean and John Roach II Nancy Brackett Lynette Waites Barbara Bradshaw D'Ann and William Bonnell, D.D.S. Jim Bradshaw Tinka and Norman Stovall Jr. Scott Brady Jana and Mark Linenberger Mark Braganza Dirk E. Eshleman Anne Marie and Doug Bratton Karen Webb Rainwater Ted Breck Dirk E. Eshleman Lisa and Bobby Breed Lisa and Bobby Feather Mr. and Mrs. Philip Brewer Janice P. Campbell r co n in ing we rv ns o t or jec tiv e ( ad s er ou gg en ol ea d ein yt fa c to fb pa cit ca or ali ty qu )T he un (no Marla and Anthony Briggle Sally S. Fulwiler Mattie Bristow Linda Bruton Pat Brockway Lue N. Stroud Paula and Bob Brockway Debra and Skip Breaud Dr. Travis G. Caddell and staff Patricia Berube, D.M.D., M.S. Suzanne Cady Lynette Waites Ethan Caldwell David W. David Ronald Cami Dirk E. Eshleman Dr. Jim Caskey and staff Patricia Berube, D.M.D., M.S. Melisa Cisneros Ginny and Rod Hickman Hugh Connor Dirk E. Eshleman Cyndi and David Cason Nancy Kay and Stan Howard Allie Elizabeth Ciulla Lois and W. Paul Bowman, M.D. David Cook Dirk E. Eshleman Quintin W. Cassady Cindy and Brian Barnard Clayton Castle Arthur Mellen Teresa Clark Jana and Mark Linenberger Gayle Cook Donna and Charlie Stevens Gayle and Edward Cook Donna and Charlie Stevens Camilla and Vance Castles Marilyn and Bob King Teresa J. Clark Woman's Board of Cook Children's Medical Center Mr. and Mrs. Diego Castro Barbara and James Leeton Jr. Tobin K. Clark Cindy and Brian Barnard Megan Cooley Dirk E. Eshleman Ricardo Castro Dirk E. Eshleman Cheryl and Mike Cooper Judy and Stephen Jones Dede Cauker Gale and Rodney Johnston Mary Margaret and John Clay The Carol Winn and James Reed Dunaway Family Foundation Inc. Janet Campbell Janice P. Campbell Russell Cawyer Dirk E. Eshleman Phil Claybrook Jana and Mark Linenberger Emily Coronado Debra and Melvin Stewart Rachel Campbell Janet A. Campbell John Cayce Dirk E. Eshleman Cindy Counts Nancy and Ken Doerr Emily Bruner Kim and Glenn Darden Benton Cantey Dirk E. Eshleman Ryan Champlin Henry Schein Inc. Dr. Kellie Cleveland and staff Patricia Berube, D.M.D., M.S. Sean Bryan Dirk E. Eshleman Karina Cardenas Yvonne Cardenas Young Chang Dirk E. Eshleman Vernon W. Bryant Jr. Cindy and Brian Barnard Natalie Carlgren Dirk E. Eshleman Johnnie Sue Bucek Lisa C. Wilson Allison Georgia Carlisle Kristi and Clay Carlisle Dr. Waneta Chenault and staff Patricia Berube, D.M.D., M.S. Dr. William C. Buchanan and staff Patricia Berube, D.M.D., M.S. Andrew McKnight Carlisle Kristi and Clay Carlisle Becky Brooks Gale and Rodney Johnston David Brooks Dirk E. Eshleman Garth Brooks The Dan Roberts Family Debby and Chip Brown, M.D. The Carol Winn and James Reed Dunaway Family Foundation Inc. Liz and Don Brown and family Chee Y. Li Caleb Bulls Dirk E. Eshleman Courtney Burns Dirk E. Eshleman Gus Burns Doris and Ned Burns Linda and Bob Byrom Chee Y. Li Mr. and Mrs. Holton Campbell Janice P. Campbell Linda and Victor Cheung and family Chee Y. Li Cornerstone Dental Patricia Berube, D.M.D., M.S. Kay and Ronnie Clinkscale Beverlee and Jim Herd, M.D. Mr. and Mrs. James Covington Marilyn and Bob King Callie Cochran Brandi Toogood Veronica and Todd Cowan Bonnie and Aaron Huckaby Sally Coffman Lisa C. Wilson John Cox Tinka and Norman Stovall Jr. Emilie Cole Nelda and Travis Maxwell Melinda and Paul Cox and family Amy and Tull Bailey Vanessa Chien Dirk E. Eshleman Emilie, Janet and Christian Cole Nelda and Travis Maxwell Jonathan Cranz Dirk E. Eshleman Karen and Larry Chilton The Dan Roberts Family David J. Colletti Jr. Cindy and Brian Barnard Jack Crew Cindi Andrews Cooper Carroll Linda K. Ulery Dr. Rodney D. Chowning and staff Patricia Berube, D.M.D., M.S. C.W. Collier Joyce J. Collier Sam Crifasi Ethel and Harold Jacocks Timothy H. Carter Cindy and Brian Barnard Christian Family Dentistry Patricia Berube, D.M.D., M.S. Douglas Crimmins Angie and Curtis Hall Jo Ellen and Jim Cashion The Carol Winn and James Reed Dunaway Family Foundation Inc. Lu Jo and Mac Churchill The Carol Winn and James Reed Dunaway Family Foundation Inc. Martha and Jack Fikes Caleb Rand Compton Alisha and Bryan Rand Jennifer and Justin Rand Leisel and Stephen Rand Pam and Sonny Rand Terry and Cotter Stringer Michael Carlisle Dirk E. Eshleman Cathy and Bob Carreiro Leslie and John Enlow Kate and Halden Conner Marcelle and Robert Borgers Sophie and Matt Crommett Ann and Ed Hudson Steven Lee Cross Janice and Walter Osborne, M.D. 57 2013 Philanthropy Report C. Brett Burford Cindy and Brian Barnard Campbell Dental Patricia Berube, D.M.D., M.S. Mary Jo and Sidney Cook Pat and Herb Schwarz COOK CHILDREN’S Joan and Jim Buell Jean and John Roach II Mr. and Mrs. Austin Campbell Janice P. Campbell ( tio n cti ng )A no i ng Ha v e) j ec tiv (ad he )T (no un lw ay sa ce rn for (ad jec se lf tiv e (ve )S tea rb )T oa df as ns w t in er aff ec th en ee ll d wi to ne th a de cla ra tio n )A (no un jec tiv e) U ds o f os om eth in (ad en t on ten tm an dc be ing ell - of w te st a (no un )A (no u g s n) pe cifi Th ed e qu ali l ty o in g gr lea at it u r n o s e d e m ge ·e lf·le ·i ss de n·e r·s ss se (n g s h r ·o er i ve en p s·i · ·ty fai th lo ·fu y· co al n·s l is j e ha · p·p fu p i· xp re ss at tiv e) E jec gr (ad Oct 1, 2012 - Sept 30, 2013 honorariums OCT. 1, 2012 - SEPT. 30, 2013 Oct 1, 2012 - Sept 30, 2013 Ian Curry Dirk E. Eshleman Sheryl Dammeier Aliana de la Guardia Catherine A. Delcarlo Brian D. Fox Denis Goldenberg Donald A. Johnson Ruthanna W. Lucas Rhiannon M. McDonnell Jeffrey Molfino Fred M. Okun Joan Schwartz Amy Seise Susan J. Todd Marti B. Tomey Paula Vaccarella Sam and Tom Cutsforth Chee Y. Li Colleen Deal Dirk E. Eshleman Nathan Daley Dirk E. Eshleman Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dean Barbara and James Leeton Jr. Debbie and Kim Dameron Joan and Dick Dameron Shirley and John Dean III The Carol Winn and James Reed Dunaway Family Foundation Inc. Cross Timbers Dental Patricia Berube, D.M.D., M.S. A.J. Culpepper Anonymous Grace Belle Culpepper Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Cunningham Nancy Kay and Stan Howard COOK CHILDREN’S Krystle Dameron and Mike Joneson Joan and Dick Dameron 2013 Philanthropy Report 58 Hortense Deifik Winnie and Andrew Wayne Suzanne and Jerry Daniel D'Ann and William Bonnell, D.D.S. Nancy and Dave Deison Nancy and Bill Knight Leslie Darby Dirk E. Eshleman Brother and Sister Dennie Chee Y. Li Eric J. Darrow, M.D. Woman's Board of Cook Children's Medical Center Dental Depot Patricia Berube, D.M.D., M.S. Claire Davidovich Kim and Glenn Darden Anita and Tom Davies Jessica and John Meyer Jr. Bryan Davis Dirk E. Eshleman Hannah Davis Kim and Glenn Darden Mr. and Mrs. Scott Davis Barbara and James Leeton Jr. Wesley Davis Kim and Glenn Darden Miguel de la Guardia Charlotte Brinlee Jana Brinlee Sandi Brinlee Denton County Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, PA Patricia Berube, D.M.D., M.S. Denton Endodontics Patricia Berube, D.M.D., M.S. Denton Family Dental Clinic Patricia Berube, D.M.D., M.S. Denton Smiles Dentistry Patricia Berube, D.M.D., M.S. Dentures and Dental Services Patricia Berube, D.M.D., M.S. Ewing Devaney Roy E. Blackbird Emily and Cliff Insall The Morris Foundation Martha and David Murdoch Carrie and George Walls III, M.D. Nancy Devaney Kay and Sam Walls Jr. Marcia and Richard Drake Donna and Charlie Stevens Kassem El Khalil City of Dallas City Hall Nancy and Pete Devaney Marilyn and Bob King Dr. William Drake and staff Patricia Berube, D.M.D., M.S. Kay and Dick Ellis, M.D. Lois and W. Paul Bowman, M.D. Cici and Ray Dickerson D'Ann and William Bonnell, D.D.S. Karen Webb Rainwater Meagen Driskill Woman's Board of Cook Children's Medical Center Linda and David Elsey Beverlee and Jim Herd, M.D. Mira Dickerson Dianne and John Hughes Sr. James E. DuBose Cindy and Brian Barnard Dr. Milton Dickson and staff Patricia Berube, D.M.D., M.S. Mary Duenzl Lois and W. Paul Bowman, M.D. Carrington Diggs Chiana K. Diggs Carson Dilday Carolyn and Alan Peters Matt Dillard Dirk E. Eshleman Roger Diseker Dirk E. Eshleman Donna and Alexis Doerr Nancy and Ken Doerr Ken Doerr Cynthia A. Counts Lisa and Steve Doerr Nancy and Ken Doerr Miesha Doerr Nancy and Ken Doerr Nancy and Ken Doerr Cynthia A. Counts Angela and David Donahue, M.D. The Dan Roberts Family Robert C. Donohoo Cindy and Brian Barnard Kim Donovan Dirk E. Eshleman Mindy and Joe Dorris Libits and Charles Kendall III, D.D.S Hannah Marie English Angela and Jon Mitchell Callie Enlow Leslie and John Enlow Leslie and John Enlow Peggye T. Enlow Carol and Jim Dunaway Lisa and Bobby Feather Lisa and Tom Enlow Leslie and John Enlow Carol Winn Dunaway Paula and Bob Brockway The Carol Winn and James Reed Dunaway Family Foundation Inc. Peggye Enlow Leslie and John Enlow Susan and Jim Duncan Nancy and Bill Knight Roger S. Eppstein, M.D. Phyllis Hall Dr. Ted Dunson and staff Patricia Berube, D.M.D., M.S. Ginger Epstein Kim and Glenn Darden Dr. Brad Duren and staff Patricia Berube, D.M.D., M.S. Marc Epstein Dirk E. Eshleman Dr. James Dyer and staff Patricia Berube, D.M.D., M.S. Loretta Eskridge Lisa C. Wilson Elizabeth Elliot Dyess Kim and Glenn Darden Mona and Gary Estes Marilyn and Bob King Maynard C. Dyson, M.D. Janice and Jeff Conner and family Dr. David Eurich and staff Patricia Berube, D.M.D., M.S. Leslie and Andy Edwards Jean and John Roach II Mary Jane and Crawford Edwards The Dan Roberts Family Dr. Kathleen Q. Eiland and staff Patricia Berube, D.M.D., M.S. Lisa Douglass Dirk E. Eshleman Barbi Eisenman Randy Eisenman Ruth and Doug Roper Nancy and Gene Dozier Karen Webb Rainwater Randy Eisenman Susan and Alan Luskey Elizabeth Enslin Dirk E. Eshleman Dr. Robert Evans and staff Patricia Berube, D.M.D., M.S. Excellent Dental Patricia Berube, D.M.D., M.S. Joey Fabela Dirk E. Eshleman Kathryn and Jeff Farmer and family Amy and Tull Bailey Allette and Col. George Feather Lisa and Bobby Feather r co n in ing we rv ns o t or cti ng s er ou gg en ol ea d ein yt fa c to fb pa cit ca or he (no un )T he qu ali ty )T (no un Lisa and Bobby Feather The Carol Winn and James Reed Dunaway Family Foundation Inc. Beverlee and Jim Herd, M.D. Marcie B. Parker Stephen J. Ferney, M.D. Maye and Paul Ryon Grace Feuerverger Dirk E. Eshleman Dr. Gaylen Z. Fickey and staff Patricia Berube, D.M.D., M.S. Linda and Jay Fierke, M.D. The Carol Winn and James Reed Dunaway Family Foundation Inc. Nancy Kay and Stan Howard Martha Fikes Mary F. Shannon Michael Fishman Dirk E. Eshleman Elizabeth Fitch Dirk E. Eshleman Tatum Flaming Dolores and Robert August Elizabeth Fleming Steven Roberts Adam Fliss Dirk E. Eshleman Ida “Jinx” Florey Laura O. Florey Adrienne and Bryan Reid Michael D. Flynn Cindy and Brian Barnard Jill and Walter Fortney III D'Ann and William Bonnell, D.D.S. Carolyn and Jeff Fraley D'Ann and William Bonnell, D.D.S. Dianne and John Hughes Sr. James M. Friedman, M.D. Kerri and Mike Thomas Jr. Ramzi Gedeon Dirk E. Eshleman Sharon Fulgham Dirk E. Eshleman Harold Gernsbacher Kevin D. Garsek Dr. Daniel W. Fuller and staff Patricia Berube, D.M.D., M.S. Stas Getmanenko Dirk E. Eshleman Joseph Tanner Fuller Ann and Paul Fuller Claudia and Cliff Gibbs Nancy Kay and Stan Howard Mike Fuller Tinka and Norman Stovall Jr. Gavin, Garrett and Gannon Gibson Sharon and Johnnie Bollom Mr. and Mrs. Don Fultz Paula and George Fultz Mr. and Mrs. Richard Gibson Barbara and James Leeton Jr. Steven J. Fuqua, D.D.S. Sirona Dental Inc. Cynthia and Burton Gilbert The Carol Winn and James Reed Dunaway Family Foundation Inc. Tonya Fuqua, D.D.S. Ginny and Rod Hickman Harriette and Arnold Gachman Elaine and Allen Schuster, D.D.S. Dr. John Gage and staff Patricia Berube, D.M.D., M.S. Gainesville Family Dentistry, PC Patricia Berube, D.M.D., M.S. Sherida and Dick Galley, D.V.M. Jim Kennedy Bob Grable Dirk E. Eshleman Jeff Grable Dirk E. Eshleman Dr. Gerald Graham and staff Patricia Berube, D.M.D., M.S. Shelbie Graham Lois and W. Paul Bowman, M.D. The Honorable Kay Granger Lisa and Bobby Feather Grapevine Dental Care Patricia Berube, D.M.D., M.S. Ben Gray Dirk E. Eshleman Markus Gloel Dirk E. Eshleman Laura and David Gray, M.D. Lori and Craig Davis Erik Glover Dirk E. Eshleman Katelyn Green Chris and Barry Green Deana and Gary Goble D'Ann and William Bonnell, D.D.S. Kathy and Bob Lombardi Susan and Rob Green D'Ann and William Bonnell, D.D.S. Lisa and Bobby Feather Kathy and Bob Lombardi David Goldberg Dirk E. Eshleman Kay and Frank Goldthwaite Dianne and John Hughes Sr. Shirlee and Taylor Gandy Gale and Rodney Johnston Laura Gonzales Dirk E. Eshleman Brian Garrett Dirk E. Eshleman Ernie Gordi Tinka and Norman Stovall Jr. Mary Lynn and Gavin Garrett The Carol Winn and James Reed Dunaway Family Foundation Inc. Bonilee K. Garrett Jean and John Roach II Gayle and Patrick Gordon Jr. D'Ann and William Bonnell, D.D.S. Tera and Richard Garvey and family Amy and Tull Bailey Mary Kathryn and Warren Gould Elaine and Allen Schuster, D.D.S. Kristinia Gossett Gwen Kirkland Sharon and Ira Gottleib Donna and Charlie Stevens Pete Greenhaw Dirk E. Eshleman Judie B. and Bob Greenman D'Ann and William Bonnell, D.D.S. Judie and Dick Greenman D'Ann and William Bonnell, D.D.S. Marcelle and Robert Borgers Dianne and John Hughes Sr. Barbara A. Greer Nursing Executive Council 2013 Chris Greer Dirk E. Eshleman Mr. and Mrs. Michael Grella Barbara and James Leeton Jr. Zachary Griffith Anonymous Linda and Kade Grilley Janice P. Campbell Windi Grimes Kathy and Bill Pollard Dr. Kimmy Gronberg and staff Patricia Berube, D.M.D., M.S. Chester Grudzinski Dirk E. Eshleman Kari Guffey Becky and Scott Perry, M.D. Alfred B. Guinn Anonymous Janice and Pete Bennett Cynthia and Charles Breyman Elton E. Burleson Joyce and Rodney Coppock Sylvia and Hank Davis Naomi and J.R. Gilbreath A. Patrick Guinn Stacia and Marion Hise Dorothy and Doug Kucharski Darla and Lanny Overby Marely and Daniel Robles Harold Thomas Mark A. Welch Tracy D. Westmoreland Karen and Bill Womble Ann Gunn Anne and John Gavin Gwen Haas Gale and Rodney Johnston Habern Orthodontics Flower Mound Patricia Berube, D.M.D., M.S. Habern Orthodontics Sanger Patricia Berube, D.M.D., M.S. Dylan Haggart Dirk E. Eshleman Pat Hahn Gale and Rodney Johnston Janine Hale Debra Hughes Declan Halencak Jennifer Fishel 59 2013 Philanthropy Report Terri R. Ford Robyn and Grant Harris Ginny and Rod Hickman David Garza Dirk E. Eshleman COOK CHILDREN’S Pam and Bill Flesner Dianne and John Hughes Sr. Joan Frenzel Lisa C. Wilson ( tio n (ad ( ad j ec tiv e) Ha v jec tiv e i ng )A no lw ay sa ce rn for (ad jec se lf tiv e (ve )S tea rb )T oa df as ns w t in er aff ec th en ee ll d wi to ne th a de cla ra tio n )A (no un jec tiv e) U ds o f os om eth in (ad en t on ten tm an dc be ing ell - of w te st a (no un )A (no u g s n) pe cifi Th ed e qu ali l ty o in g gr lea at it u r n o s e d e m ge ·e lf·le ·i ss de n·e r·s ss se (n g s h r ·o er i ve en p s·i · ·ty fai th lo ·fu y· co al n·s l is j e ha · p·p fu p i· xp re ss at tiv e) E jec gr (ad Oct 1, 2012 - Sept 30, 2013 honorariums OCT. 1, 2012 - SEPT. 30, 2013 Oct 1, 2012 - Sept 30, 2013 Ethan Hallmark Lauren Hallmark Abbi Melton Tami and Tim Tobey Joy Ann and Bob Havran The Carol Winn and James Reed Dunaway Family Foundation Inc. Mary Margaret Hamilton Jessica and John Meyer Jr. Dr. Clifton Hawk and staff Patricia Berube, D.M.D., M.S. Sandy and Hinton Hamilton III, M.D. Lois and W. Paul Bowman, M.D. Diana and Nick Hays Nancy and Bill Knight Mr. and Mrs. David Hamm Marilyn and Bob King Owen Francis Hamner Pat and Herb Schwarz Michelle P. Hancock The Carol Winn and James Reed Dunaway Family Foundation Inc. Marci Hand Lisa C. Wilson Harden Dental Associates Patricia Berube, D.M.D., M.S. Janet and Ned Hardin Nancy Kay and Stan Howard Simon Harle Dirk E. Eshleman COOK CHILDREN’S Janie and Jim Harper, M.D. Karen Webb Rainwater 2013 Philanthropy Report 60 Jared Harrell Dirk E. Eshleman Landon Harris Dorothy and Thomas Navin Robyn and Grant Harris Jean and John Roach II Alan Hegi Dirk E. Eshleman Tom Hegi Dirk E. Eshleman Art Heidrich Dirk E. Eshleman Mark Heilman Ginny and Rod Hickman Annie Heinzelmann Kim and Glenn Darden Holley Walker Hendrickson Lilianne Glast Barbara and Kent Henning Lynette Waites Ellie Henry Carl L. Scherrieb Beverlee and Jim Herd, M.D. D'Ann and William Bonnell, D.D.S. Nancy Kay and Stan Howard Jenny and Mike Herman Donna and Charlie Stevens Angel W. HernandezMulero, M.D. Nick Kennedy Mary Beth Hartman Marjorie S. Hartman Mary Beth and Phil Hartman Reagan Herren Craig Herren Jonathan Rapier Kati Thompson Dorothy and Omar Harvey Lisa and Bobby Feather Don Herrmann Dirk E. Eshleman Mr. and Mrs. James Harvey Barbara and James Leeton Jr. Dr. Joel R. Herschler and staff Patricia Berube, D.M.D., M.S. Lexus Harvey Carole and Larry Denning Mr. and Mrs. David Hassler Judy and Stephen Jones Dr. and Mrs. Robert Herzig Marilyn and Bob King Marihelen Hickey Amy and Tull Bailey Emory Hinckley Jennifer Pitcock, Ph.D., and Ronald Pitcock, Ph.D. Jack, Carol and Rebecca Hove Elaine and Neils Agather Anonymous Kimberly and Ronald Burns Leah and Rodney Collette Sharon and Mark Denton Virginia and Michael Freeland Matthew Gonzalez Cullen J. Green Lucy and Eric Hyden Michelle L. Marlin Tana K. McClure May and William Meintjes Jay H. Miller Sharon and Roy Popham Jane and Mark Schoomaker Carol and Vern Spurlock Maria and John Thibodeau Blair and Aaron Warren Katelin Wontor Carla and James Wyss Carol Yokell Kathi and Jim Hislop Lisa and Bobby Feather Mr. and Mrs. George Hover Barbara and James Leeton Jr. Jennifer Ho Dirk E. Eshleman Nancy Kay Howard Cyndi and David Cason Claudia and Clifford Gibbs Jr. Kathy and Jon Kelly Jo and Holt Hickman Mickey and Marshall Robinson Hickory Creek Dental Patricia Berube, D.M.D., M.S. Christopher Hicks Ann E. Hicks Brandon Hill Dirk E. Eshleman Addison Hinckley Jennifer Pitcock, Ph.D., and Ronald Pitcock, Ph.D. Matt Hobart Dirk E. Eshleman Anna Hodges Dirk E. Eshleman Eva Hoffman Tinka and Norman Stovall Jr. Clint Holland Gary E. Walker Kami Hollingshead Susan and Bill Brewer Dee and Tom Holmes, D.D.S. Marcelle and Robert Borgers Martha and Jack Fikes Dr. Susanne Holmgreen and staff Patricia Berube, D.M.D., M.S. Roger Horchow Ann and Ed Hudson Karen Webb Rainwater Marty and D. R. Horton Michael W. Hewatt Sr. Nancy Kay and Stan Howard Lisa and Bobby Feather Beverlee and Jim Herd, M.D. Lisa and Don Mills Elaine and Terry Small Chris Howe Dirk E. Eshleman Joni, Alexander and Sidney Hubli Joni and Eric Hubli, M.D. Chris Huckabee Phyllis Huckabee Sylvia and Tommie Huckabee David Sarkaria The Chris Huckabee Family Lisa and Bobby Feather Lindy Hudson D'Ann and William Bonnell, D.D.S. Carol Hughes Gale and Rodney Johnston Dianne and John Hughes Sr. D'Ann and William Bonnell, D.D.S. Brandon Hurley Dirk E. Eshleman Jeff Hutson Daniel Hutson Joi Huston Lisa C. Wilson Dr. Peter Huynh and staff Patricia Berube, D.M.D., M.S. Sian Illingworth Dirk E. Eshleman Insulet Leadership Team Connie Chitwood Steven D. Irwin, D.Min. The Estate of Lorena Browder Dodson Cal Jackson Dirk E. Eshleman Jake Jacobson Marilyn and Larry McGee Brendin James Juhl Gardiner Rhonda and Bill James Lee Andrea and Hatcher James Lynette Waites Peter James Dirk E. Eshleman Malte Janzarik Dirk E. Eshleman Mr. and Mrs. Richard Jennings Barbara and James Leeton Jr. Melissa and Scott Jiles Peggy and Richard Lenz Sumedh Jog Dirk E. Eshleman Cadence Johnson Tony Anderson Stephanie and Tony Arellano B&D Steel Inc. B&D Steel Services Inc. Audrey C. Chambers Michelle Cole Holly and Faustino Dominguex Tatum and Robert Goldsmith Rebecca and Rory Hanes Itasca Mart LLC r co n in ing we rv ns o t or cti ng s er ou gg en ol ea d ein yt fa c to fb pa cit ca or he (no un )T he qu ali ty )T (no un Itasca Youth Association Lorrie and Jasen McDowell Barbara and Donnie Petrash Samantha Savana Susan and Michael Savana Mary C. Justin James T. Dickenson Susan and Brendan Kelley Leslie and John Enlow Stephanie Kaiser Dirk E. Eshleman Dee J. Kelly Dirk E. Eshleman E. Glen Johnson Dirk E. Eshleman Debbie and Larry Kalas Baker Community Foundation Jan and Lamar Smith Dee J. Kelly Jr. Dirk E. Eshleman Mr. and Mrs. Gary Johnson Barbara and James Leeton Jr. Hagen and Mason Johnson Sharon and Truett Camp Patsy R. Furr Eva and Tok Kam and family Chee Y. Li Jennifer and Eric Johnson Jean and John Roach II Lisa and Andrew Kam and family Chee Y. Li June Johnson Jill and Brian Shafer Stella and Victor Kam Chee Y. Li Leslie and J. Daniel Johnson, M.D. Karen Price, M.D. and Gary Price, M.D. Varun Kapur Dirk E. Eshleman Tripp Johnson Dirk E. Eshleman Mr. and Mrs. Howard Johnston Jr. Bonilee K. Garrett Brett Hall Jones Dirk E. Eshleman Alden and Richard Karotkin Elaine and Allen Schuster, D.D.S. Aviva Kasowski Dirk E. Eshleman Jill Kato Dirk E. Eshleman Kathy and Jon Kelly Nancy Kay and Stan Howard David Keltner Dirk E. Eshleman O.J. Kemp Lisa C. Wilson Chad Key Dirk E. Eshleman Darren Keyes Dirk E. Eshleman Ezra Kuenzi Dirk E. Eshleman Dr. Varsha Kulkarni and staff Patricia Berube, D.M.D., M.S. Lane Anne and John Paul Kimzey Gale and Rodney Johnston Sally Coors and Jack Labovitz Elaine and Allen Schuster, D.D.S. Christine King Marilyn and Bob King Daniel Kearns Dirk E. Eshleman Kate Kirtley Kim and Glenn Darden Jan Jones Judy and Stephen Jones Robert J. Keffler Cindy and Brian Barnard August Knight Sarah J. Knight Julie and R.L. Stinson Jones, M.D. D'Ann and William Bonnell, D.D.S. Dr. Unsil Keiser and staff Patricia Berube, D.M.D., M.S. Keith Kohlhepp Dirk E. Eshleman Howard M. Kelfer, M.D. Amy and Tull Bailey The Roach Foundation Inc. Esat Kolege Dirk E. Eshleman Clint Kollar Dirk E. Eshleman Caroline and Doug Kopp Donna and Charlie Stevens Linda G. Koppenhaver Carl L. Scherrieb Renee M. Lavelle Karen Copeland Cindy and Walton Lawrence Jr., D.D.S. D'Ann and William Bonnell, D.D.S. Dr. Ryan Laws and staff Patricia Berube, D.M.D., M.S. Sherman Lawson The Carol Winn and James Reed Dunaway Family Foundation Inc. Eric Leathers Dirk E. Eshleman Cheryl Leb Dirk E. Eshleman Sunnie LeBlanc Elaine and Allen Schuster, D.D.S. Erma Lee The Carol Winn and James Reed Dunaway Family Foundation Inc. Isabella Rose Lee Katherine and Johnny Lee Jr. Michael LaGatta Dirk E. Eshleman Mary-Margaret Spikes Lemons Cindy and Brian Barnard Libby Lambeth Loraine Dietz Marty Leonard Nancy Kay and Stan Howard Janeen and Bill Lamkin D'Ann and William Bonnell, D.D.S. Adrian Leung Dirk E. Eshleman Paul Lancaster Dirk E. Eshleman Gail and Bill Landreth The Carol Winn and James Reed Dunaway Family Foundation Inc. Anne and Ted Lange D'Ann and William Bonnell, D.D.S. Dr. Don Lanning and staff Patricia Berube, D.M.D., M.S. Eric Liaw Dirk E. Eshleman 61 Lillian Miller Dental Patricia Berube, D.M.D., M.S. Mabelle Lim Jan and James Bess III Barbara Lindley Lisa C. Wilson Jennifer Lindsey Kim and Glenn Darden 2013 Philanthropy Report Dr. Hamilton Jones and staff Patricia Berube, D.M.D., M.S. Nan and Bob Kingsley The Dan Roberts Family Chris LaCroix Dirk E. Eshleman Michelle Latiolais Dirk E. Eshleman COOK CHILDREN’S Janice and Wilson Kirkland Chee Y. Li Richard Josefy Tinka and Norman Stovall Jr. Veronica L. Kubiak Cathy R. and Scott Sheffield Philip Kuntz Cindy and Brian Barnard Ethan Kazenske Jade and Carl Bailey Kaycee Kelley Judy and Stephen Jones Nancy and Cameron Kruse Terri and Gary Akkerman Kathy and Eddie Kimmel Lisa and Bobby Feather Haley Ann Jones Judy and Stephen Jones Paige Jordan Marie A. Howell Greg Kranias Dirk E. Eshleman Sid Khotkar Dirk E. Eshleman Ginny and Buddy Jones Lisa and Bobby Feather Barbara Kelley Leslie and John Enlow Pattie and Ed Kramer Nancy and Bill Knight Dr. and Mrs. Raoul Kunert Elaine and Allen Schuster, D.D.S. Joan and Howard Katz The Carol Winn and James Reed Dunaway Family Foundation Inc. Dr. Tony Jones and staff Patricia Berube, D.M.D., M.S. Jill Koss Bertha L. Kinsinger Lisa C. Wilson ( tio n (ad ( ad j ec tiv e) Ha v jec tiv e i ng )A no lw ay sa ce rn for (ad jec se lf tiv e (ve )S tea rb )T oa df as ns w t in er aff ec th en ee ll d wi to ne th a de cla ra tio n )A (no un jec tiv e) U ds o f os om eth in (ad en t on ten tm an dc be ing ell - of w te st a (no un )A (no u g s n) pe cifi Th ed e qu ali l ty o in g gr lea at it u r n o s e d e m ge ·e lf·le ·i ss de n·e r·s ss se (n g s h r ·o er i ve en p s·i · ·ty fai th lo ·fu y· co al n·s l is j e ha · p·p fu p i· xp re ss at tiv e) E jec gr (ad Oct 1, 2012 - Sept 30, 2013 honorariums OCT. 1, 2012 - SEPT. 30, 2013 Oct 1, 2012 - Sept 30, 2013 Dr. and Mrs. Joe Lipscomb Elaine and Allen Schuster, D.D.S. Lou Ann and Thomas Lipscomb, M.D. D'Ann and William Bonnell, D.D.S. Lois and W. Paul Bowman, M.D. Dr. Scott Lipscomb and staff Patricia Berube, D.M.D., M.S. Sandy and Grant Liser Gale and Rodney Johnston Brooke and John Lively The Carol Winn and James Reed Dunaway Family Foundation Inc. Dr. Paul Lively and staff Patricia Berube, D.M.D., M.S. Rebekah and Aiden Lloyd Barbara and Robert Stafford Kathy and Bob Lombardi D'Ann and William Bonnell, D.D.S. Dr. and Mrs. Henry Long Marilyn and Bob King COOK CHILDREN’S Karla Lopez Kevin D. Garsek 2013 Philanthropy Report 62 Ann and Malcolm Louden D'Ann and William Bonnell, D.D.S. The Carol Winn and James Reed Dunaway Family Foundation Inc. Lisa and Bobby Feather Nancy Kay and Stan Howard Kathy and Bob Lombardi Ernest R. Lowrey Cynthia J. White Wanda Lowrey Cynthia J. White Dan Lowry Dirk E. Eshleman Dr. Richard Luczak and staff Patricia Berube, D.M.D., M.S. Matthew Luensmann Dirk E. Eshleman The Luskey Children and Grandchildren Jeanie and Henry Luskey Henry L. Luskey Rhoda and Howard Bernstein Bernice Etcoff Idelle Luskey Michele and Fred Reynolds Elaine and Allen Schuster, D.D.S. Jeanie and Henry Luskey The Carol Winn and James Reed Dunaway Family Foundation Inc. Beverlee and Jim Herd, M.D. Nancy Kay and Stan Howard Elaine and Allen Schuster, D.D.S. Elaine and Terry Small Marie Lynam First Baptist Church of Saginaw Harriet and Charles Turner III Lukas MacDonnell Leeayn Byrd Mack Dental Clinic Patricia Berube, D.M.D., M.S. Norma R. Loughridge Beverlee and Jim Herd, M.D. Aizita Magaña Dirk E. Eshleman Mary R. Lowe and Charlie L. Flanders Karen Webb Rainwater Dr. Daniel Mallory and staff Patricia Berube, D.M.D., M.S. Dan E. Lowrance The Carol Winn and James Reed Dunaway Family Foundation Inc. Bill Lowrey Cynthia J. White Faith and Jim Mallory The Carol Winn and James Reed Dunaway Family Foundation Inc. Evan Malloy Dirk E. Eshleman Reverend Sandi Michels Alonzo Z. Rowland Jr. Dr. Bernard Mancini and staff Patricia Berube, D.M.D., M.S. Dr. Katrinia McBride and staff Patricia Berube, D.M.D., M.S. Tonie and Charles Mann Jr., M.D. D'Ann and William Bonnell, D.D.S. Karen Webb Rainwater Zachary McBride George Ann Crowder Diann and Don Dow Jana Iverson Reverend Ann Miller Karen L. Keller Woman's Board of Cook Children's Medical Center Caoimhe McCarty Judy and Stephen Jones James P. Miller, M.D. Julia Gonzalez Fern and Tom McClung Donna and Charlie Stevens Ladye Ann and Jack Miller The Carol Winn and James Reed Dunaway Family Foundation Inc. Duncan Manning and family Judy and Stephen Jones Anne and John Marion Kathy and Bill Pollard Mary Markham Terri and John Neill Kyler Marlar Amanda Frerich Frances E. Hoffman Blake Marsh Roz and Joe Folkers Timothy Marsh Dirk E. Eshleman Jeanette Martin Donna and Charlie Stevens Priscilla and Joe Martin Jr. The Carol Winn and James Reed Dunaway Family Foundation Inc. Ross Martin Dirk E. Eshleman Dr. G. Robert Marye and staff Patricia Berube, D.M.D., M.S. Greg Mason Dirk E. Eshleman Olivia G. Mason Jean and John Roach II Dr. Shane M. Mason and staff Patricia Berube, D.M.D., M.S. Pat May Donna and Charlie Stevens Dr. Douglas McAdams and staff Patricia Berube, D.M.D., M.S. Michael McConnell Dirk E. Eshleman Mr. and Mrs. Alan McDaniel Judy and Stephen Jones Russ McGallian Carolyn and Brandle Mahanay Frank T. McGehee, M.D. Lois and W. Paul Bowman, M.D. Emily Gilmore Bill McGlashan Dirk E. Eshleman Ashley P. McKown Ginny and Rod Hickman McLean Quads Heath, Leah, Ricky and Ty Larry Holderman Richard McMillan Dirk E. Eshleman Stephané McVay Lisa C. Wilson Pati Meadows Dirk E. Eshleman Sharon Millians Dirk E. Eshleman Tim Milliken Dirk E. Eshleman Carol G. Minker Ruth and Doug Roper Kain August Minton Josephine and Robert Briggs Michael Moan Dirk E. Eshleman Rosie and Mike Moncrief Lisa and Bobby Feather Tex Moncrief Nancy Kay and Stan Howard Carol Joy Montgomery Kathryn and Dudley Jones, M.D. Derek Montgomery Dirk E. Eshleman Maylie Mooney Debra A. Folbre Chase Medling Dirk E. Eshleman Alfreda and Phil Moreino and family Chee Y. Li Jennifer Mello Dirk E. Eshleman Alexander Morgan Dirk E. Eshleman Evelyn and Rick Merrill and family Jean and John Roach II Beverly Morgan Lynette Waites Jessica and John Meyer Jr. D'Ann and William Bonnell, D.D.S. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Morgan Barbara and James Leeton Jr. Ayden K. Morris Carolyn and Eddie Morris r co n in ing we rv ns Brenda Morris Lisa C. Wilson Marilyn Nappier Ginny and Rod Hickman Debbie Odom Lisa C. Wilson Thomas Park Beth and Doug Park David P. Poole Cindy and Brian Barnard Dr. Marc Morris and staff Patricia Berube, D.M.D., M.S. Vish Narain Dirk E. Eshleman Ginger and Mike O'Donnell Angela R. Sulak Alex Parsons Jade and Carl Bailey Monica and David Morris and family Chee Y. Li Jason Nash Dirk E. Eshleman Mr. and Mrs. Herschel O'Kelley Barbara and James Leeton Jr. Natasha Patel Dirk E. Eshleman Mary and Jeff Porter and family Chee Y. Li Landon Morrison Texas Elks Children's Services Inc. Dr. and Mrs. Skip Neblett The Dan Roberts Family Ethan Mosely Janis Forehand Jonathan Nedrelow, M.D. Woman's Board of Cook Children's Medical Center J. David Motley Cindy and Brian Barnard Nan and Foster Nelson Jessica and John Meyer Jr. Preston Mundt Dirk E. Eshleman Dr. R. John Nelson and staff Patricia Berube, D.M.D., M.S. Marcus Mungioli Dirk E. Eshleman Susan and Larry Nelson Olevia and Phil Vogel Martha Murdoch Phala Finley Gerald Neugebauer Dirk E. Eshleman Kay and Willis Murphey Jr., D.D.S. D'Ann and William Bonnell, D.D.S. Lauren Nevil Christa Taylor Ann and Jay Murphy, M.D. Amy and Tull Bailey Lori and Craig Davis Karen Webb Rainwater Sharon and Greg Wilemon Jay Murphy, M.D. D'Ann and William Bonnell, D.D.S. Braden Murray Roxanne and Don Murray, M.D. James L. Murray Mickey and Marshall Robinson Robert E. Nabors Clementine A. deAngelis Dot and Asa Newsom Lisa and Bobby Feather Krysto Nikolic Dirk E. Eshleman Keith Nilsson Dirk E. Eshleman Brooke Ashley Norman Pam and Steve Pittsinger Daniel Norman Dirk E. Eshleman Martha and Jim Norman, M.D. D'Ann and William Bonnell, D.D.S. Dianne and John Hughes Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Norris and family Paula and George Fultz Mr. and Mrs. Joe O'Neill Barbara and James Leeton Jr. Robert E. Opitz Cindy and Brian Barnard Josh Osborne Dirk E. Eshleman Pediatric Dental World Patricia Berube, D.M.D., M.S. Janie and Kirk Pendleton Nancy and Bill Knight Paul R. Penny III Carl L. Scherrieb Robin Perras Dirk E. Eshleman o t or Jhett Prater Kathy and Eddie Kimmel Karen Pratt Tinka and Norman Stovall Jr. Carol and Dixon Presnall, M.D. D'Ann and William Bonnell, D.D.S. Butch Prickett Lisa C. Wilson Karl Peterson Dirk E. Eshleman Michael Anne and Price Pritchard Lori and Craig Davis Jeanine Pfeiffer Dirk E. Eshleman Jim Prucha Jan and James Bess III Reese Elizabeth Otto Kerrie and Glen Averhoff Polly Phillips Bonilee K. Garrett Randall Quick Dirk E. Eshleman Rory Kathleen Otto Kerrie and Glen Averhoff Dr. Clay Pickering and staff Patricia Berube, D.M.D., M.S. Ray Oujesky Dirk E. Eshleman Dominic Picone Dirk E. Eshleman Jeri and Ken Quinton D'Ann and William Bonnell, D.D.S. Betsy K. Overton Harriett M. Barnes Don Plattsmier Dirk E. Eshleman Vicki Owen Leslie and John Enlow Glinda and Bob Poe Jim Kennedy Paloma Creek Dental Patricia Berube, D.M.D., M.S. Watson Polk Anonymous Deanna D. Campbell Carol and Joseph Darrah Lynn and Guy Jones David M. Karp Mary Kay and Dick Shepherd, D.V.M. Pascha and Tod Tieszen Kay and Bill Wheeler Trudie and Dan Oshman, M.D. Lois and W. Paul Bowman, M.D. Rishita Parikh Ginny and Rod Hickman Beth and Doug Park and family Anne Guenzel Mary and Richard Guenzel Margy and Harry Park Robert C. Park Melinda and Ken Propes Jacob Polny Dirk E. Eshleman Robert W. Park Cindy and Brian Barnard Dr. Norman Pomerance and staff Patricia Berube, D.M.D., M.S. Radiant Smiles Patricia Berube, D.M.D., M.S. Avery M. Ragsdale Jean and Van Ragsdale Nehal Raj Dirk E. Eshleman Dr. Susan Randall and staff Patricia Berube, D.M.D., M.S. Ellie Randolph Jade and Carl Bailey Ashley Rath Anonymous Joy Boggs Landry K. Fowler Candi and Sean Rath Barbara A. Vader Glenda and Jack Rattikin Jr. Jean and John Roach II 63 2013 Philanthropy Report Cheryl and Jeffrey C. Murray, M.D., and family Roxanne and Don Murray, M.D. Alex Newman Robert V. Daniels Linda Olson Dirk E. Eshleman Dr. James Pavelka and staff Patricia Berube, D.M.D., M.S. Sherry Pounds Jan and James Bess III COOK CHILDREN’S Elizabeth and James A. Murphy, M.D. Amy and Tull Bailey Marilyn Newberry Kim and Glenn Darden Samantha Stoker Olivas Delores S. Williams ( tio n cti ng ali ty qu )T he (no un (no un )T or he ca fa c to fb pa cit ein yt gg en ol ea d er ou s (ad ( ad j ec tiv e) Ha v jec tiv e i ng )A no lw ay sa ce rn for (ad jec se lf tiv e (ve )S tea rb )T oa df as ns w t in er aff ec th en ee ll d wi to ne th a de cla ra tio n )A (no un jec tiv e) U ds o f os om eth in (ad en t on ten tm an dc be ing ell - of w te st a (no un )A (no u g s n) pe cifi Th ed e qu ali l ty o in g gr lea at it u r n o s e d e m ge ·e lf·le ·i ss de n·e r·s ss se (n g s h r ·o er i ve en p s·i · ·ty fai th lo ·fu y· co al n·s l is j e ha · p·p fu p i· xp re ss at tiv e) E jec gr (ad Oct 1, 2012 - Sept 30, 2013 honorariums OCT. 1, 2012 - SEPT. 30, 2013 Oct 1, 2012 - Sept 30, 2013 Lindsey Rattikin Kim and Glenn Darden Dr. Lloyd Ridenour and staff Patricia Berube, D.M.D., M.S. Carol and Cecil Ray Jr. Nancie J. Wingo Jaffer Rizvi Wajiha Rizvi Sue and Charles Rebstock Marilyn and Bob King Jean and John Roach II Mickey and Marshall Robinson Sharon and Greg Wilemon Ava Jean Rector Jean and John Roach II Doreen Reedy Tinka and Norman Stovall Jr. Cindy and Jeff Reeter The Dan Roberts Family Jeroen Regeur Dirk E. Eshleman Molly and Rusty Reid Tracy and Mark Jackson David Reintjes Dirk E. Eshleman Republic Title D'Ann and William Bonnell, D.D.S. Courtney Reynolds Kim and Glenn Darden COOK CHILDREN’S Michele Reynolds Jewel Charity Board of Directors Sheila B. Johnson 2013 Philanthropy Report 64 Robyn Rhodes Lisa C. Wilson Nancy Ribaudo Dirk E. Eshleman Joan and John Richardson, M.D. Lois and W. Paul Bowman, M.D. Karen Webb Rainwater Mickey and Marshall Robinson Steve Richardson and family Judy and Stephen Jones Chad Richwine Dirk E. Eshleman Elizabeth Ridenhower Nancie J. Wingo Paige and Jeff McGlothlin, M.D. Becky and Scott Perry, M.D. Andrew Rosell Dirk E. Eshleman Jennifer Rosell Dirk E. Eshleman Carley J. Rutledge Woman's Board of Cook Children's Medical Center Edwin S. Ryan Jr. J. Kelly Ryan Barbara and Fred Ryle Nancy and Bill Knight Jen Robbins Marie A. Howell Dr. David Rosenbaum and staff Patricia Berube, D.M.D., M.S. Ryan Roberge Dirk E. Eshleman Howard Rosenthal Dirk E. Eshleman Troy Rynd Lynette Waites Roberts Dental Ranch Patricia Berube, D.M.D., M.S. Rozanne and Billy Rosenthal Wagnon and Manning Design Mr. and Mrs. Jay Sage Judy and Stephen Jones Vivian Roberts Lisa C. Wilson Brayden Ross Kerrie and Glen Averhoff Derrick Sallee Tinka and Norman Stovall Jr. Nick Robertson Jenni Wallis Jameson Lane Ross Kerrie and Glen Averhoff Jeremiah Salmon Ginny and Rod Hickman Sophie Robertson Jenni Wallis John H. Rosson Carl L. Scherrieb Jody Sanders Dirk E. Eshleman Ann and David Robinson, M.D. Amy and Tull Bailey Jean and John Roach II Suzanne and David Rothrock Nancy and Bill Knight Sanger Family Dentistry Patricia Berube, D.M.D., M.S. Alison Rowe Dirk E. Eshleman Alexa L. Sankary Laura and Greg Bird D'Ann and William Bonnell, D.D.S. Barbi and Stanley Eisenman Beverlee and Jim Herd, M.D. Gina and John Huck The Morris Foundation Joan and Tom Rogers, M.D. Henry Robinson Dirk E. Eshleman Henry Rodriguez Dacia R. Pratt Maudi Walsh Roe D'Ann and William Bonnell, D.D.S. George Rogers Tinka and Norman Stovall Jr. Wynon and Charles Rogers Debra and Skip Breaud Nancy G. Roman, Ph.D. Jerry Gerlach Ron Rose Gabriela and Angel Hernandez-Mulero, M.D. Laurie and Howard Kelfer, M.D. Mehreen and Saleem Malik, M.D. Carolyn and Warren Marks, M.D. Arthur Rubin Elaine and Allen Schuster, D.D.S. Marilyn and Jack Rubin Elaine and Allen Schuster, D.D.S. Clark Rucker Dirk E. Eshleman Bart Rue Dirk E. Eshleman Dr. Patrick Ruehle and staff Patricia Berube, D.M.D., M.S. Houston Ruff Amy and Jace Jenkins Billie Ruff Kay and Jay Rutherford and family Lerii and Steve Smith Rowena and Jason Rynd Lynette Waites Kristin and Mike Sankary Cindy and John Adams III Mackye Evans Jean and John Roach II Gonzalo Santos Dirk E. Eshleman Patricia Pape Savage Leslie and John Enlow Susan Savage Savannah Dental Patricia Berube, D.M.D., M.S. Rebecca Scarborough Jan and James Bess III Daniel Scherer Candido Damian Nano and Pat Scherrieb Carl L. Scherrieb Rick Schifter Dirk E. Eshleman Dr. Elaine Schilling and staff Patricia Berube, D.M.D., M.S. Daniel Schmidt Terri and Gary Akkerman Julie Schmit Dirk E. Eshleman Kristen Schnaiderman Tammy Collins Aubrey Schneider Mark Akins Rae and Edgar Schollmaier D'Ann and William Bonnell, D.D.S. Stacey Schroder Shelly and J.S. Schroder Feryn Schulte Judy and Stephen Jones Alaine and Mark Schuster Elaine and Allen Schuster, D.D.S. Lynny and Eddie Sankary, M.D. D'Ann and William Bonnell, D.D.S. Marcelle and Robert Borgers Joy Ann and Bob Havran Nancy Kay and Stan Howard Dan E. Lowrance Jeanie and Henry Luskey Jackie and Gene Piland Jean and John Roach II Deborah A. Schutte, M.D. Woman's Board of Cook Children's Medical Center Maggie Santillan Ginny and Rod Hickman Patricia Schutts Karen Webb Rainwater Allen P. Schuster, D.D.S. Wendy Newberger r co n in ing we rv ns ca o t or fa c to fb pa cit ein yt gg en ol ea d er ou s (ad or he (no un )T he qu ali ty )T (no un Pat and Herb Schwarz Shirley and Dub Godby Carol and Stuart Morse Nancy and Geoff Rips Dr. Renee Scott and staff Patricia Berube, D.M.D., M.S. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Scott Barbara and James Leeton Jr. Linda and Bill Scroggie, M.D. Lois and W. Paul Bowman, M.D. D'Ann and William Bonnell, D.D.S. Gayla Shivers Cissie and Dillon Ferguson Beverlee and Jim Herd, M.D. Patti Smith Lois and W. Paul Bowman, M.D. Bill Steele Amy and Tull Bailey Jean and John Roach II Jamie Sholem Dirk E. Eshleman Virginia and Blair Smith Allyson Smith Nolen Smith Emily and George Steele Amy and Tull Bailey Jean and John Roach II Beverly and John Snyder Dianne and John Hughes Sr. D'Ann and William Bonnell, D.D.S. Karen Webb Rainwater Sug and Bill Steele The Carol Winn and James Reed Dunaway Family Foundation Inc. Jean and John Roach II Grace Sorenson Kim and Glenn Darden Dee Steer Dirk E. Eshleman Carol Sosebee Gary E. Walker Spencer Stenmark Dirk E. Eshleman Todd Spake Dirk E. Eshleman Sara and Peter Sterling Jr. Karen Webb Rainwater Carmyn and Hal Sparks D'Ann and William Bonnell, D.D.S. Beth and Mike Stevener, M.D. Jan and Lamar Smith Jennifer Speaker, M.D. and Jim Speaker Bonnie and Aaron Huckaby John M. Stevenson Vicki and Edward P. Bass Dmitry Shvets Dirk E. Eshleman Bonnie and George Siddons Jr., D.V.M. D'Ann and William Bonnell, D.D.S. Caren Siegel Kim and Glenn Darden William B. Scroggie, M.D. Fort Worth Pediatrics Jane Hill Marisol Sigala Ginny and Rod Hickman Avery Seaberry Judy and Mike Seaberry Melissa Siig Dirk E. Eshleman Marshall Searcy Dirk E. Eshleman Hope Arabella Skinner Barbara Wood Drs. Deborah and Dan Selz and staff Patricia Berube, D.M.D., M.S. Terri Skinner Lisa C. Wilson Dr. Scott Selz and staff Patricia Berube, D.M.D., M.S. Doris and Bill Serrault Gale and Rodney Johnston Smile Magic Patricia Berube, D.M.D., M.S. Smile Zone Patricia Berube, D.M.D., M.S. Ava Smith Lanelle Jordan Gloria and Warren Spielman, D.D.S. D'Ann and William Bonnell, D.D.S. Marcelle and Robert Borgers Dr. Robert St. John and staff Patricia Berube, D.M.D., M.S. Scott Stevenson Dirk E. Eshleman Benjamin Stewart Dirk E. Eshleman David Stiepleman Dirk E. Eshleman Marci and Ned Stocker Nancy Kay and Stan Howard Chad Smith Dirk E. Eshleman Brian Stagner Dirk E. Eshleman Stone Creek Dental Patricia Berube, D.M.D., M.S. Mr. and Mrs. Tony Shaw and family Amy and Tull Bailey Charlene Smith The Carol Winn and James Reed Dunaway Family Foundation Inc. Lissa and Scott Stamps Chee Y. Li Lue N. Stroud Debra and Skip Breaud Mark M. Shelton, M.D. Once Upon a Time... Dr. Eric Smith and staff Patricia Berube, D.M.D., M.S. Dr. Audrey Stansberry Patricia Berube, D.M.D., M.S. Dr. Mark Studer and staff Patricia Berube, D.M.D., M.S. Stacy Shetter Ginny and Rod Hickman Janice and Mac Smith Nancy and Bill Knight Dana Stayton Dirk E. Eshleman Sujey Subramanian Dirk E. Eshleman Dabney Shires Lynette Waites Mary Smith Dirk E. Eshleman Matt Stayton Dirk E. Eshleman Mr. and Mrs. Rick Summerville Lynette Waites Kathie Shaffer Lisa C. Wilson Sadie Shaw Judy and Stephen Jones Gail and Red Steagall The Dan Roberts Family Kenneth Stogdill Dirk E. Eshleman Mary Swift Lisa C. Wilson Chelsea Tabor Dirk E. Eshleman Dr. Paul R. Talcott and staff Patricia Berube, D.M.D., M.S. Manas Tandon Dirk E. Eshleman Akshay Tanna Dirk E. Eshleman Barbara Tapp Lisa C. Wilson Barbara and Doug Tatum, M.D. Beverlee and Jim Herd, M.D. Karen Webb Rainwater Laura Lindsay Tatum Kim and Glenn Darden Clay Taylor Dirk E. Eshleman Ellen and Ford Taylor Lisa and Bobby Feather Dr. Gary Taylor and staff Patricia Berube, D.M.D., M.S. Jerry and James Taylor The Carol Winn and James Reed Dunaway Family Foundation Inc. Jean and John Roach II Jeff Teal Lue N. Stroud Ann and David Teel Lisa and Bobby Feather Anand Tejani Dirk E. Eshleman Jackson Terry Catherine L. Runner Dr. Stacie Test and staff Patricia Berube, D.M.D., M.S. Cameron James Thiem II Mr. and Mrs. Cameron J. Thiem Elly Thio Dirk E. Eshleman 65 2013 Philanthropy Report Dr. Ben Smith and staff Patricia Berube, D.M.D., M.S. Sean Liam Stafki Stephanie Buck Wendy and Steven Martinez Janet McCready Lee Anne Sexton Cindy and Brian Barnard Sara Lilian Taboada Barbara A. Woods COOK CHILDREN’S Dan Settle Dirk E. Eshleman Elaine and Terry Small Nancy Kay and Stan Howard ( tio n cti ng ( ad j ec tiv e) Ha v jec tiv e i ng )A no lw ay sa ce rn for (ad jec se lf tiv e (ve )S tea rb )T oa df as ns w t in er aff ec th en ee ll d wi to ne th a de cla ra tio n )A (no un jec tiv e) U ds o f os om eth in (ad en t on ten tm an dc be ing ell - of w te st a (no un )A (no u g s n) pe cifi Th ed e qu ali l ty o in g gr lea at it u r n o s e d e m ge ·e lf·le ·i ss de n·e r·s ss se (n g s h r ·o er i ve en p s·i · ·ty fai th lo ·fu y· co al n·s l is j e ha · p·p fu p i· xp re ss at tiv e) E jec gr (ad Oct 1, 2012 - Sept 30, 2013 honorariums OCT. 1, 2012 - SEPT. 30, 2013 Oct 1, 2012 - Sept 30, 2013 Bob Thomas Jr. Katharine and Robert Thomas Sr., M.D. Bryan C. Thomas Katharine and Robert Thomas Sr., M.D. C. Brent Thomas, D.M.D. Katharine and Robert Thomas Sr., M.D. Katherine Thomas Dirk E. Eshleman Patsy and Mike Thomas Jean and John Roach II R.C. Thomas Jr. Katharine and Robert Thomas Sr., M.D. Robert C. Thomas Sr., M.D. Shannon and Brian Mitchell Karen and Steve Thomson Mr. and Mrs. Chris Thomason Lori and Craig Davis COOK CHILDREN’S Lauren and Cullen Thomason Lori and Craig Davis 2013 Philanthropy Report 66 Sandra and Rice Tilley The Carol Winn and James Reed Dunaway Family Foundation Inc. Jean and John Roach II Mia Vanderpool Patty Cramer Debbie Todd Tinka and Norman Stovall Jr. Dr. Fernando Vignolo and staff Patricia Berube, D.M.D., M.S. Dr. Farahmand Toosi and staff Patricia Berube, D.M.D., M.S. Elaine Vivens Ginny and Rod Hickman Mary Lou and Mike Townsend Donna and Charlie Stevens Len Wade Dirk E. Eshleman Jerre and David Tracy The Carol Winn and James Reed Dunaway Family Foundation Inc. Joan and Phil Trew Lori and Craig Davis TriCare Dental Patricia Berube, D.M.D., M.S. Seth Trotter Peggy Trotter David Trujillo Dirk E. Eshleman John Thompson III Dirk E. Eshleman Dr. Kerry Tryon and staff Patricia Berube, D.M.D., M.S. K.C. Thompson Dirk E. Eshleman Larry L. Tubb Anderson & Roers CPA’s, LLC Mary Alice Thompson Kim and Glenn Darden Jackson Tucker Kathy and Eddie Kimmel Nancy and Andy Thompson Dianne and John Hughes Sr. Kingston Parks Tucker Judy and Butch Bryant Karen T. Thomson Katharine and Robert Thomas Sr., M.D. Dr. and Mrs. William E. Tucker Mickey and Marshall Robinson William J. Thornton Jr. Cindy and Brian Barnard Village Endodontics Patricia Berube, D.M.D., M.S. Martin Jose Torres Harriet and Leon Lurie Cami and James Thompson Pat L. Hazlewood Paul S. Thornton, M.D. Woman's Board of Cook Children's Medical Center Daniel Vela Dirk E. Eshleman Catherine B. Turner Anonymous Kathleen Valentine Ana C. Valentine Chris and William Van Wyk Jr., M.D. Karen Webb Rainwater Samuel Wadley Kelly and David Duggan Allison and Bryan Wagner Ruben M. Acosta Linda and Darrell Addington Lisa O. Bauman Mark Belcher Jane A. Boyd Carol and Richard Chapman Jr. Stefanie and James Coleman Barbara J. Davis Janet and Scott Dickinson Norma J. Dooley Daniel P. Emmer Marie J. Fraterrigo Anne Frazier Tamara and Danny French Devyn and Richard Hayley Christine and Gary Hulsey Maura L. Huzinec Wade G. Kelchner Anne and William Lesikar Sunshine and James Lockley Kelly and James McKee Marnie L. Meeks Pat and Bob Mitchell Monica and Richard Olivieri Jean and Ed Patterson Donna and James Price Jerri and James Redding Dayner and Thomas Roberts Carol and John Rodgers Karen and David Sadler Randall I. Thomas Jaculin and Don Thompson Nancy and Robert Umphres Wagner Oil Company Mr. and Mrs. Chase Waites Lynette Waites Mr. and Mrs. Will Waites and family Lynette Waites Jennifer Watson Lois and W. Paul Bowman, M.D. William G. Waites Lynette Waites Kent Watson Dirk E. Eshleman Deanna Walker Mary F. Shannon Amanda Adele Watts Melissa A. Wilks Kathy and Baird Walker Elaine and Allen Schuster, D.D.S. Terri Watts Tinka and Norman Stovall Jr. Adrienne Wall Dirk E. Eshleman Meridith and Brad Wallace Lori and Craig Davis Kay and Sam Walls Marilyn and Bob King Lynda Walls Linda Bruton Dana J. Walraven Anonymous Ginny and Rod Hickman Anna Jean and Richard Walsh D'Ann and William Bonnell, D.D.S. Renee and Howard Walsh Jr. D'Ann and William Bonnell, D.D.S. Kathy and Bob Lombardi Rhonda and Lloyd Walsh and family D'Ann and William Bonnell, D.D.S. Heather Ward Marie A. Howell Lexie Jane Ward Kuykendall Foundation Kim and Grant Ward Bill Warren Dirk E. Eshleman Marsha Waters Ginny and Rod Hickman Bertha Watson Ann and Ed Hudson Ethan Watson Lidia and Alfred Lingnau Andrew S. Wayne Karen R. Kaplan Dr. Mickey Weatherly and staff Patricia Berube, D.M.D., M.S. Joy Weaver The Carol Winn and James Reed Dunaway Family Foundation Inc. Karen Weber The Carol Winn and James Reed Dunaway Family Foundation Inc. Laura Weiss Lisa C. Wilson Cheryl J. Weltman Sue Forrester Debra and Fred Westmoreland Barbara and James Leeton Jr. Carrie Wheeler Dirk E. Eshleman Josey Wheeler Chee Y. Li Dr. John White and staff Patricia Berube, D.M.D., M.S. Kathy Whiteley Tinka and Norman Stovall Jr. Jeff Whitfield Dirk E. Eshleman Wayne Whitham Dirk E. Eshleman Scott Wiehle Dirk E. Eshleman Sharon and Greg Wilemon Jean and John Roach II r co n in ing we rv ns ca o t or fa c to fb pa cit ein yt gg en ol ea d er ou s (ad or he (no un )T he qu ali ty )T Sandy Wiley Tinka and Norman Stovall Jr. Carolyn and Herschel Winn Amy and Tull Bailey Deborah B. Wilkinson Cindy and Brian Barnard Leslie and David Winn The Carol Winn and James Reed Dunaway Family Foundation Inc. Jonathen Wilks Melissa A. Wilks Asher Williams Sandi and Richard Williams Jo Ann and Tom Williams Nancy Kay and Stan Howard Mr. and Mrs. John Williams Barbara and James Leeton Jr. Mia Williams Sandi and Richard Williams Sandra and Rick Williams Gale and Rodney Johnston The Tom Williams Family Lori and Craig Davis Trina and Robin Williams and family Chee Y. Li Myrna Williamson Lisa C. Wilson Reese Williamson Dirk E. Eshleman John Wilson Dirk E. Eshleman Karen Wilson Marilyn and Bob King Lisa C. Wilson Marla Boswell Myrna Williamson Michelle Wilson Steven Roberts Dr. Kelley Wimmer and staff Patricia Berube, D.M.D., M.S. Dr. John Winder and staff Patricia Berube, D.M.D., M.S. Dr. John Withers and staff Patricia Berube, D.M.D., M.S. Cindy and Randy Wolsey Anne and Mike Patterson The Women of El's Belles Susan E. O'Hara-Jones Vincent Wong Dirk E. Eshleman Shannon and J. Trace Worrell, M.D. Alonzo Z. Rowland Jr. Emerson Jane Wright Emily Allison Lea Wright Beth and Brax Wright Shauna Wright Dirk E. Eshleman Steve Wright Beth and Brax Wright Janice Wu Dirk E. Eshleman Dr. William Wyatt and staff Patricia Berube, D.M.D., M.S. Alex Yang Dirk E. Eshleman Ginna and Richard Yeager D'Ann and William Bonnell, D.D.S. Christopher Yip Dirk E. Eshleman The Young/Vascocu Family Barbara and James Leeton Jr. Derek Zanutto Dirk E. Eshleman 67 2013 Philanthropy Report Pat and Wendell Wilson The Carol Winn and James Reed Dunaway Family Foundation Inc. Melinda and Terry Winn The Carol Winn and James Reed Dunaway Family Foundation Inc. COOK CHILDREN’S Sallie and John Wilmoth Jim Kennedy ( tio n cti ng ( ad j ec tiv e) Ha v jec tiv e i ng )A no lw ay sa ce rn for (ad jec se lf tiv e (ve )S tea rb )T oa df as ns w t in er aff ec th en ee ll d wi to ne th a de cla ra tio n )A (no un (no un jec tiv e) U ds o f os om eth in (ad en t on ten tm an dc be ing ell - of w te st a (no un )A (no u g s n) pe cifi Th ed e qu ali l ty o in g gr lea at it u r n o s e d e m ge ·e lf·le ·i ss de n·e r·s ss se (n g s h r ·o er i ve en p s·i · ·ty fai th lo ·fu y· co al n·s l is j e ha · p·p fu p i· xp re ss at tiv e) E jec gr (ad Oct 1, 2012 - Sept 30, 2013 memorials OCT. 1, 2012 - SEPT. 30, 2013 Oct 1, 2012 -Sept 30, 2013 Geraldine Prior Adams Barbara and Ed Handley David Allen Backiel Denise Frazier Carole LeBlanc Barron Janeen and Jim Shelley James Russell Boggs Claudia and Darrel Carver Vincent J. Albers JoAnn and Bob Cole Edward Lawrence Baker Jr. Jamiel A. Akhtar William R. Bond Madelon L. Bradshaw Kay and Buz Campbell Clarence Brodie Hyde II Estate Suzy and Dan Coleman Mary Ann and Robert Cotham Joan and Alan Davis Sharon Black Floyd Mr. and Mrs. Justin Grace Judie W. and Dick Greenman Nancy Kay and Stan Howard Kathryn and Brodie Hyde Dorothy Klecka Jane L. Larimore Charmaine and Stephen Lobo John W. McMackin Shannon G. Moten Nolan Bros. of Texas Inc. Linda and Mike Nolan Mary Jane Orock Mr. and Mrs. Kalpesh N. Patel Dana and David Porter Lynda and Grady Shropshire Sportsmen's Club of Fort Worth Jessica and Matthew Upchurch Michelle and Dirk Weeks Sharon and Greg Wilemon Patsy and Bill Zimmerman Toni Rene' Bartz Candace and Ben Wilhite Jr. Mary Olivia Cloninger Boggs Claudia and Darrel Carver Rebecca Elizabeth Baker Sally and Dom Gattuso Ralph Bell Lisa and Coppy Hodgkins Florence Elizabeth Balkanyi Evergreen Lodge #170 Auxiliary of U.T.U. William B. Benton Corrine and Earl Collins Lane Anne and John Paul Kimzey Nancy Lou Ball Corrine and Earl Collins Hazel Mary Biggerstaff Billye and Willie Skaggs Robert King Ballard Lue N. Stroud Mary Jo Blessing Margaret and David Sykes Oliver Morse Bantau Shirley and Dub Godby Lillian Blevins Barbara and Ed Handley Edna Ruth Barker, R.N. Mary Beth Brookins Lisa and Mark Eaves Doug Boatright Ethel and Harold Jacocks Miranda Lee Alexander Mardee and Jim Wade Clifford Allen Linda and Robert Robinett Erica Koehler Allen Air Warrior Taylen J. Gregory Anonymous Linda and Robert Robinett Deborah J. South West Texas Air Conditioning & Heating Inc. L.E. Allen Vivian R. Price Billie Sue Anderson Carrol and Jim Nokes Billy Joe Anderson Suzanne and Ferdie Walker Eugene Angermann Connie and James Walker Rachel Marie Arana Charlotte and Elmer Jones COOK CHILDREN’S Barbara and Vard Armstrong Tracy and Mark Jackson 2013 Philanthropy Report 68 William James Armstrong Sally P. and Scott W. Mooring III Charitable Fund Genevieve and Brian Tadlock Sarah and Ben Wallace Weldon Roy Aston Ann and Bill Bogle Joelle Atkins Guyer High School Orchestra Alexandra Margaret Augustat-Hunter Cynthia and Burton Gilbert Lauren Isabelle Autry Melissa Autry Nancy Lee Muse Bass Kay and Dick Ellis, M.D. Anne and Griffin Murphey, D.D.S. Alvin Ray Bassham Sam J. Kiker Jr. Mitchell McKelvey Bond Nancy and Chico Bond William B. Booth Ethel and Harold Jacocks Lloyd Ola Bearden Ann Brown Carolyn J. DeFord Margaret "Peggy" Bowman Karen Albritton, M.D., and James Albritton Lesley and Murray Atkinson Donald T. Beam, M.D. Gretchen Eames, M.D., and Scott Eames Gail Howrey, M.D., and Rick Howrey, M.D. Clarissa E. Johnson, M.D., Anonymous Anish K. Ray, M.D. Patti Smith Marcela Torres, M.D., and Gregg Formella Kelly L. Vallance, M.D., and Michael H. Bradley Pauline Bearden Don E. Rawlings Bryan Douglas Boyd Cynthia and Burton Gilbert Helen Elizabeth Martin Beeman Vivian R. Price Thomas Edward Boyd Carol and James Duke Ronald Steve Bateman Anonymous Marely Bautista Karen Schultz, M.D. and David Schultz Avery Elise Beard Anonymous Liam David Beard Anonymous Glendean Beeson Sheila and Rick Beeson Manuel Eduardo Bejar, M.D. Gaston L. Walker Margaritte P. Boydstun Martha V. Leonard Thomas Richard Bradley Janice R. Bradley Mindy Bradshaw Melinda and Terry Bradshaw Anthony Barrett Brants Jo Ann Walker Duncan Donald Fischer Bray Nancy and Donald Bray Stephen James Breen Stephen Breen Memorial Foundation Inc. Mary E. and James A. Brennan Mary C. Brennan, M.D. Eugene "Gene" Brewer Lucy and Harvey Oppermann William F. Brinlee Sr. Stephanie and Michael Llebowitz Bailee Marie Britton Melissa and Jerry Davis Jack Winfred Bronson, D.D.S. Cindy and Walton Lawrence Jr., D.D.S. Patsy and Randy Thompson Roland Brooks Emmie and Loren Weaver Arnold N. Brown Barbara and Ed Handley John Thomas Brown Brenda and Bill Sandlin Loydene Brown Lisa and Coppy Hodgkins Connie and James Walker Frances Mary Keller Brownlie Nancy and Gene Dozier Robert Frederick Brunz The Woodmont Company Troy Elves Bryant Jr. Connie and James Walker Stanley Leo Budo Mary and Dale Martin Brekke Khyleen Bullock Staci Zolkoski Charles Lewis Bundick Sr. Gene E. Rosser and family Colin Buren Kathleen Humphries, D.O. and Eugene A. Humphries Alan Neil Burk Suzy and Ron Curley John W. Burkhart Lisa C. Wilson Donald Lynch Burns Lisa C. Wilson Juanita Buchanan Butler Mary L. Adams Olivia and Gonzalo Caballero, M.D. Lynnda and Roberto Caballero, M.D. Emily Grace Carter Brandi and Steve Carter Tacie L. Evans Mariana and Greg Hammer Robert Glenn Castleberry Fannie Brower James Coppedge Jeff Coppedge and family Chris Morris Corine Snow Sid G. Castles Letha and Brett Carmichall Eddie Caudle Connie and James Walker Robert J. Cavanaugh Sr. Victoria Chen, Ph.D., and Jeffery Guild Ernest Cogburn Jo Cogburn Donald Lee Cook Brenda and Bill Sandlin Dorothy Jean Cooks Suzanne and Ferdie Walker Jean K. Cooper Anonymous Mildred Cooper Shirley and Jerry Tedford Brantley Cole Cox Christie and Glynn Coapland Robert William Cox Lydia and Tim McKibben Mary Louise Nugent Crawford Marilyn and Larry McGee Carolyn Sue Boland Curry Elaine and Homer Davis Sally and Tom Haase and family Bradford G. Corbett Sr. Ann and Ed Hudson Betty C. McKnight Bennie Ruth Coleman Lisa and Bobby Feather Enrique David Cordova Jo Bearden Peter Euan Davey Aileen S. Pease Betty Beggs Bevan Colley Madelon L. Bradshaw Suzy and Ron Curley Betty C. McKnight Beverly and Mike Reilly Patsy and Randy Thompson L.G. Cornish Jr. Larry Pirkle Juanita Davis Kay and Dick Ellis, M.D. Thomas Lewis Corzine Suzanne and Ferdie Walker Yvonne Joette Davis Barbara and Ed Handley Brenden Lee Cotter Shay Cotter Claudia Marie Dawson Evergreen Lodge #170 Auxiliary of U.T.U. Laveta Whitehurst Daniels Billye and Willie Skaggs Dorothy Craig Drain Suzanne and Ferdie Walker Betty Dryburgh Judy and David Vestal Andrew Thomas Ducatelli Myra and Michael Harrison Lauren Faith Dugas Regina and Charlie Dugas Gabriella "Bella" Counts First Command Financial Planning Bobby Wayne Deen Nancy and Scott Magness Alfred H. Ebert Jr. Tinka and Norman Stovall Jr. Hortense Charlotte Dunn Deifik Gwen and Barry Rubin Patricia Edwards Lisa and Coppy Hodgkins William Lon Clark Kathy and Gary Bassham Nancy Foster Jones Clayton Kay and Dick Ellis, M.D. Lucas Haralson Compton Charles Spivey Real Estate Mary and John Dietz Davina T. Hicks William Winfield Cowan, D.D.S. Betty C. Bankston Carol and Jim Dunaway Ann and Ed Hudson Lila Devi Naresh K. Vashisht Winston Dennis Treva and Carroll Fuller Freddie August Dewald Connie and James Walker Jolie Elizabeth Duncan Cindy and Joe Hutyra Alaina Enlow Peggye T. Enlow Patricia Pape Savage Susan Savage Susan and Dan Savage Kira Evelyn Erickson Dr. and Mrs. Ajai Cadambi Jackie and Kenneth Cantrell Teri and Mark Corbett and family Patrick Davis Dianna K. Dutka 69 2013 Philanthropy Report Ethan Dell Compton Charles Spivey Real Estate Mary and John Dietz Davina T. Hicks Jim Morrison Financial Services Inc. Katherine T. Kelly, M.D. Alisha and Bryan Rand Jennifer and Justin Rand Leisel and Stephen Rand Pam and Sonny Rand Terry and Cotter Stringer Michael Barry Dulaney JoAnn and Bob Cole COOK CHILDREN’S Elesha Jane Debenport Michael K. Cook Valerie Weber Gabriela Cisneros Brandon Kurz l Maynette Lawrence Dowler Elizabeth Boyer Thylis Chambless Delaine and John Godwin Presbyterian Women's Evening Circle Patricia Carroll Johnson Couch Jo Ann Belz Virginia Joy Demarest Pat and Herb Schwarz n·s Minnie Agnes Priester Dorman Ginny and Rod Hickman Thelma Lorrain Ball Comer Ann Brown Carolyn J. DeFord Barbara Dee Walther Covey Mandy and Matthew Ricketts Mr. and Mrs. Gary W. Thayer )A lw a Wayne Dodson Jo Cogburn Eli Patrick Charon Kem and David Meadows Billie and Earl Morse Beverly and Ronald Ray Dorothy and Bobby Yeary Stephen L. Ciampi Shirley and John Steffens jec tiv e Robert Excell Dodson II Ruth and Doug Roper Patsy and Randy Thompson Coral Burnett Comeaux Carol and David Childress Robert Wilson Courtney Esther and Will Courtney Sr. (ad Donald C. Dirks Ruth and Doug Roper Norris Roe Chambers Gladys and J.O. Holamon Sr. John Alfred Christian Jr. Jo Cogburn in aff ec tio tea df as t Ruby Inez Dieterich Dee Bash Grady Lynn Cotter Shay and Milt Cotter Carrie and Chris Dolan Gregory Andrew Dawson Nancy L. Brees e ns w (ad jec tiv e) U f (ad ge ne ro us or fac to fb ein g ca pa ci t yt ol Julie Diebel Johnnie and Jim Miller (no un )T he qu ali ty )T Cindy and Walton Lawrence Jr., D.D.S. Daniel L. Russell Anne and Jack Thompson Pat and Don Williamson Ila M. Cogburn Jo Cogburn Tucker T. Collier Sheila and Dwain Collier jec tiv e) S (ve se lf for rn on ce no c )H av ing tiv e (ad jec ea d Johnnie Cleveland Carpenter Jo Ann and Wayne Butler Carl Richard Coers III, M.D. Michelle and Gerry Bogner Bettie and Robert Bosworth Jr. Cathy and Chip Davis Judy Douglass Clair and W.B. Gurley Donna and Charles Joseph Elaine and Shujaat Khan, M.D. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel M. Lane Faith and Jeff Moss Shirley and Don Parkins ds o th en ee ns we r rb )T oa th ion cla ra t de )A un (no lea he Richard Dale Carnaghan Opal Cobb and Raymond Pendleton Stella B. Eskew Diane Thompson Merrick Davis Coates Lezlie W. Davis Jim Morrison Financial Services Inc. Katherine T. Kelly, M.D. Alisha and Bryan Rand Jennifer and Justin Rand Leisel and Stephen Rand Pam and Sonny Rand Terry and Cotter Stringer al ss ing re d cifi e sp e i ng eth so m do ew ill at on on ten tm en t an dc Basilio Antonio Caraveo JoAnn and Bob Cole Heywood Carroll Clemons Betty C. Bankston Betty C. McKnight (no un Frank Kell Cahoon William R. Bond gr at itu de gr y at e·f ·ty fai th lo ·fu y· u co ·i·t pr ss f being om se d ge l ge ·e f·le ·i ne ro s us n·e r·s s se r·o hip serv (adjecti s· i e ve) Exp n · ha e p·p r · i ·n os e )T he qu (no ali un ty )A sta or te of fac we llbe to ing un ge (no Oct 1, 2012 -Sept 30, 2013 memorials OCT. 1, 2012 - SEPT. 30, 2013 COOK CHILDREN’S Oct 1, 2012 -Sept 30, 2013 2013 Philanthropy Report 70 Marsha and Bob Fischer Kim Gage Mary Jo Gibson Lori M. Harkness and family Angela and David Hendrixson Sharon Jobe Felicia Johnston Kacie Langston Paul Lansdowne Mindy and Tommy Lowack Louise and Charles Marsh Danielle Matschullat Dana and Neil Neal Jeanne and Louis Parlangeli Jeanne and Curt Pfeiffer Pfeiffer Lab Shelby Rawls Pamela and Greg Robertson Darlene and Dan Skaar and family Denice Smajstrla Alice and Steve Smith Linda and Steve Smith Stacy Spears Beverly Stockwell Nancy and Dennis Teichelman Alex Tessnow and family Lindsey White The "Y" Girls and family Pam and Ben Zotyka Sharon Margaret Fedor Jean and Bob Wilson Jane and George Wright Jr. Kenneth C. Evatt Connie and James Walker Truett Jessee Ford Ruth and Doug Roper James Richard Ezzo Tess and Terry Smith Maxine A. Forester Anne and Don Quick Arletta Rose Fairchild Ann Brown Carolyn J. DeFord Maxine Rosalie Foster Ethel and Harold Jacocks Anne Francis Farish William R. Bond Ruth Oliver Farrell Linda Griffith Thomas L. "Gus" Farrow Dot Arnold Myra and Michael Harrison Susan McDonald Phyllis M. Rainone Veronica Tolley United Road Towing Walden's Distributing Inc. Wal-Mart #1254 Supercenter Mary Wiley Faxel Cynthia and Burton Gilbert Antonio P. Ferraro Aileen S. Pease Charlotte Williams Finlay Patsy and Randy Thompson Lilia Franco Flores Gary Adelkopf Alice Arredondo Paul Bieniawski Mr. and Mrs. William Bocanegra Erin and Travis Combel Cynthia DePrang Reymundo Franco and family Haddington Ventures LLC Diane and Tom Hanley Yvonne and Norbert Heitmann Charlene R. Henninger Maria G. Hernandez and friends at CLAC Kitty and Paul Johnston Nancy and David Marcks Elvia and Pedro Perez Sascha Wallenfels Patty and Stan Wright W. S. Nelson and Company Clint Fountain Richard G. Dumais Robert Lee Fowler Ethel and Harold Jacocks Thelma Curran Fracolli Dena and Richard Hanson Jo Ann Rutta Friberg Kay and Dick Ellis, M.D. Monte H. Friedman, O.D. Gwen and Barry Rubin Sarah Elizabeth Friend Sarah Friend Heart Foundation Gary L. Fritchen Elaine and John Craft Tamara Farris Gordon Madelon L. Bradshaw Ricky Don Gunter Winnie and Andrew Wayne Byron Franklin Fullerton Lisa and Bobby Feather Karen Butler Grant Lisa C. Wilson Ruby Jo Halden Kay and Dick Ellis, M.D. Eleanor Klotzman Gachman Kim and Richard Troy James Robert Green III Toni and Tommy Boswell Robin and Gantt Bumstead Emily and S. Benton Cantey V Donna and David Dozier Lisa and Bobby Feather Beth and Randy Gideon Susan and Rob Green Nancy Kay and Stan Howard Pam and Jim Krick Mary and Carter Llewellyn Ann and Malcolm Louden Evelyn Merrill, M.D., and Rick Merrill Kathy and John Pinkerton The Walsh Foundation Clifton Jerrel Hale Jr. The Dodson Foundation Kay and Dick Ellis, M.D. Leon H. Gachman Kim and Richard Troy Samantha Marie Garner Kathy L. Garner Ferd E. Garrison Jr., M.D. Lue N. Stroud Benjamin Isom Gartman Waples United Methodist Church Richard James Garvey Toni and Tommy Boswell Carmen Arocha Gelvez Anonymous Colleen Edwards Geren Betty C. Bankston Ann and Ed Hudson Lane Anne and John Paul Kimzey Betty C. McKnight Ann R. Quinn Patsy and Randy Thompson Preston Murdoch Geren Jr. Madelon L. Bradshaw Kay and Dick Ellis, M.D. Cynthia and Burton Gilbert Pat and Herb Schwarz Toni Lynn Brown Gernsbacher Cathy Mancuso Richard Ernest Gilbert Sharon L. Gilbert Ronald Gibbs Gilbert Tina and Bill Overbeck Sidney Glenn Nancy and Frankie Robbins Connie Godlevski Anonymous Catherine Pierce Gordon Lisa and Coppy Hodgkins McKenzi Rey Green Lisa and Coppy Hodgkins Peter Calder Green, M.D. Maye and Paul Ryon Bobby Lee Greenwood Connie and James Walker Janie Louise Griffin Jeanette and Jeffrey Furgo Betty Lee Johnson Grimes Suzanne and Ferdie Walker Cooper Kenneth Groom Gay McWhorter Kathleen and Dana Pierce Patricia Guinn Anonymous Janice and Pete Bennett Cynthia and Charles Breyman Elton E. Burleson Joyce and Rodney Coppock Sylvia and Hank Davis Naomi and J.R. Gilbreath A. Patrick Guinn Stacia and Marion Hise Dorothy and Doug Kucharski Darla and Lanny Overby Marely and Daniel Robles Harold Thomas Mark A. Welch Tracy D. Westmoreland Karen and Bill Womble Tyler Bryant Halencak Lana and Mark Halencak Betty Riggins James T. Hall Maye and Paul Ryon Jerry T. Hall Pam and David Bach Laverne and James Boynton Elaine and John Craft Joan and John Fuston Carol S. Poindexter Tami and Bobby Slate Jimmy Edward Hall Mary H. Fridge Carol A. O'Dell Thomas Raymond Hammer Suzanne and Ferdie Walker Johnny Wayne Hampton Joyce and Tony Lucas Connie and James Walker Floyd Hamilton Hancock III Barbara and Dennis Hoerster Elizabeth Handley Barbara and Ed Handley Lori Lynn Kilgore Hankins Robert Barreca Greenwood Independent School District Margaret and George Hargrave Midland Memorial Hospital West Campus Peggy Noel Florene Pace Karen Pace Merle J. Raven Florence and George Roghaar Elizabeth Ann Hanna Lisa C. Wilson Elaine Hanson Dena and Richard Hanson Sophia Ann Nelson Harrison Suzanne and Ferdie Walker Reyna Vivian LaMadrid Hart Anonymous Heather Emily Hartsfield Vivian R. Price Sammy Ray Harvard Mary Lou and Odis Davis Treva and Carroll Fuller L. P. Gas Co. Inc. Roger Hicks Mary Jane Pope Katie and Carey Hiett, M.D. Mitch and Will Pflugh John Scott Higgins Mary M. Robertson Carroll Eidson Hobbs Kay and Dick Ellis, M.D. Gordon Roger James Debbie S. Gardiner Jessica and Chip Gardiner Caleb, Chris and Jerry Kinkead Judy and LaVon Worley Richard C. Hochberger, D.O. Eric Roseman, D.D.S. Frieda K. Jenkins Roy M. Jenkins Helen Straus Hodge Lisa and Bobby Feather Taylor Caroline Jiles Helen and Billy Jiles Cheryl and Bill Mullen Luke Shaun Hilton Ginger and Tommy Hilton James Calvin Hodge Lisa and Bobby Feather Mary Virginia Hogberg Nancy and Charles Clark Staci Enriquez Darlene Herring Ruthanne White Letha Elaine Hogg Jo Ann and Wayne Butler Amy Lynn Hove Lee C. Johns Sterling Gale Humble Cynthia and Burton Gilbert Suzie Russell Barrett Martin Havran Joy Ann and Bob Havran Emily Hunter Mary and Willis Mahon Audrey Vivian Hawley Patsy and Randy Thompson Jean Huston Patsy McDonald Kevin Doyle Hayes Phyllis Bergren Debra J. Bueno Clarence Brodie Hyde II Sally S. Fulwiler Ann and Ed Hudson Jean Johnson Patti Storer Richard Howard Johnston Jr. Betty C. McKnight Chloe Taylor Jones Courtney Jones Ida Lou Husband Jones Barbara and Ed Handley Juanita Jean Jones Alerta and H. Aida Angeles Elaine H. deTurck Marie A. Howell Becky and Perry Senn Terry H. Shaw Louis Walter Jones Jr. Alerta and H. Aida Angeles Elaine H. deTurck Bill Kellenberger Sr. Idelle Luskey Elva LaVerne Keller Karen L. Keller Myron Lester "Mike" Keller Karen L. Keller Shirley Pulley Kellerman Lisa C. Wilson Jeanette Graham Kemp Kay and Dick Ellis, M.D. Judie B. and Bob Greenman Patsy McDonald Paul Derek Kent Becky and Dana Carter Heather and James Cunningham Shirley and Joe de la Hoz David Earnshaw Megan and Ryan Ellmore Renon L. Freels Leilani and Leonard Frisby Patsy and James Gale Geocent LLC Edith H. Grace Mary Beth and Phil Hartman James R. Heaberlin Dixie and George Hurd Christine A. Irvin Rosemary and Richard Klage Kathryn Lansford Rita and George Lindsey Barbara and Jack Macy Hillary A. Macy Cheryl and Richard Neumann Kimberly and Greg Poston Ellen Smith Springpoint Technologies LLC Adrienne and Ronnie Stearns Beth and Tim Stephenson Jodi and Mark Stewart The Strickland Group Jaclyn Szubinski Jeffye Brady Kerlee Shelia and Jim Young Nell Kerr Connie and James Walker e ns w (ad jec tiv e) U f l in aff ec tio tea df as t (ad jec tiv e )A lw a n·s jec tiv e) S (ad ge ne ro us or fac to fb ein g pa ci t yt ol ca (no un )T he qu ali ty )T George Kefala Ann Brown Carolyn J. DeFord Virginia Farrell King Madelon L. Bradshaw Mary Lynn and Gavin Garrett Frances June Ginsberg Klotzman Harriet and Leon Lurie Chelsea Knight Michelle and Toby Knight Lewis F. Kornfeld Jr. Judie B. and Bob Greenman Patsy McDonald Henry August Kubala Judy and J.T. Ackerman Susan Diane Clark Kuntz Helen Hill Leonard Charles Labbe Barbara and Ed Handley Doris Carnahan LaCaze JoAnn and Bob Cole Elizabeth Claire Lacy Phyllis H. Derrick Lisa and Bobby Feather Justice Priscilla R. Owen Waco Citizens Foundation Linda D. Lambert Deidra H. Massey John Wayne Land Jo Ann and Wayne Butler Avery Lane Bombardier - DFW Training Center Kyle Brock Graeme Brooker Jeffrey Burks Michael R. Chernik Derek M. Cooper Faye Corrado John Coyle Vanessa Crowley Madgeana and Darran Dutton and family George Essler Tracy and Jason Flippen Emilie Fowler Joycelyn Dixon Gibbs Lance Giddens Brenda Goforth Joan E. Hammett John Medlock Jodie Payne Lisa L. Rollins 71 2013 Philanthropy Report Vivian Caudle Haterius Suzanne and Ferdie Walker Cathryn Marie Johnson Nancy and Ken Doerr Barbara B. King Becky and Perry Senn COOK CHILDREN’S Wyllene Bond Harrison Madelon L. Bradshaw Cynthia and Burton Gilbert Alfonzo "Poncho" Hermosillo Madelon L. Bradshaw Joyce Mildred Jacob Sian Borne Mary and Drake Bush Pamm Cox Anita Daniel Darlene and Hall Davidson Debbi and Gregg Dimmick, M.D. Debra J. Lochtrog Mary E. Richardson Mary Schroder Laura Strobach Francine K. Vandeloecht Stanley D. Watson Terry A. Wood ds o (ve se lf for rn on ce no c )H av ing tiv e (ad jec ea d Gilbert Barker "Bill" Harrison Anonymous Arvest Asset Management Becky and Richard Books Kelly Brander The Jay R. Burns and Elizabeth R. Burns Revocable Trust Christy and Jim Everest Betty and Jerry Gentry Hackley School Walter C. Johnson Jesse E. Kirkpatrick Candace and Mark Lisle Patti and Dick Marshall Debbie and Bob Moore Betina Post Susan and John Potts Cole Ingram Carolyn Pass th en ee ns we r rb )T oa th ion cla ra t de )A un (no lea he Henry Harris Jo Ann and Wayne Butler Thomas Ray Henry Nancy and Gene Dozier Terry H. Shaw Jennie Renee Marchant Hyde Linda and Jay Fierke, M.D. al ss ing re d cifi e sp e i ng eth so m do ew ill at on on ten tm en t an dc John Wallace Harrell Suzanne and Ferdie Walker Laveta M. Curry Carlos De La Rosa George F. English Mary G. McNeil Judith Ann and Richard Rovnyak Suzie and David Wilkinson (no un Carol Ann Zinstine Harkey Trevor Fawver David Jaquess John Nease Connie and James Walker gr at itu de gr y at e·f ·ty fai th lo ·fu y· u co ·i·t pr ss f being om se d ge l ge ·e f·le ·i ne ro s us n·e r·s s se r·o hip serv (adjecti s· i e ve) Exp n · ha e p·p r · i ·n os e )T he qu (no ali un ty )A sta or te of fac we llbe to ing un ge (no Oct 1, 2012 -Sept 30, 2013 memorials OCT. 1, 2012 - SEPT. 30, 2013 Oct 1, 2012 -Sept 30, 2013 Lance Scott James Skusa Paige Stanford Chad L. Stanley Hillary Thom Jayson Woodard Hilma R. Lassiter Gene E. Rosser and family Dean and Johnny Rumfield COOK CHILDREN’S Sharon Ann Latham Krystal H. Sharp 2013 Philanthropy Report 72 Faith Rose Lautzenheiser Linda and James Alumbaugh Gil Avanzado Sara and Bill Beall Jason C. Bell Kimberly Boyd Betty G. Breaux Vida and Robert Brown Shannon and Stephen Byrne Angela D. Callaway Mike W. Carden Jason D. Duronslet FiberLight Janis A. Gaulden General Services Administration Gary Gibson Marcia and Mike Grogan Carrie and Doug Haman Deborah R. Hartka Tama Hebert Dianna Henderson Mary and Ken Hoffman III Tracy Hollingsworth Ron Holt Heather Humphreys Lara and Steven Lautzenheiser Ruth and Ken Lautzenheiser James F. Lynch Theresa Marcellus Ellen Miles Pat K. Morris Raveena and Rob Moyes Melanie Nitcholas Scott Nunn O2Works John M. Olszewski Judy Parnell Angela and Joe Patton Sherri Purvis Emily and Ronald Ray Shirley and Joseph Rohmer Laurie and Rodney Sargent Jennifer and Neil Sargentini Frank Sharshell Judy and David Tidwell Anita Tipton Unite Private Networks LLC Jodi and Doug Walker Angela and Eric Walraven Suzanne Winnard Tiffani Witten, D.V.M., and Ty Witten Mrs. Homer Yarbro Lyn Zeller Michael Key Malone Mr. and Mrs. Eric S. Greenfield Melinda T. Vance Michael G. Mancuso Jr. Janet L. Capua Cathy Mancuso Gaspare Mancuso Mancuso's Italian Ristorante Inc. Linda G. Wise Kenneth Douglas McKenzie Jr. Madelon L. Bradshaw William E. McReynolds Sr. Sally S. Fulwiler Chrystina M. Melanson Lynn and Mike Cordova William W. Lee Mary and Dale Martin Margaret L. Marlin Corrine and Earl Collins Allen Walter Letz Suzanne and Ferdie Walker Anita Berry Martin Anonymous Glen Warren Menzdorf Alicia Anderson Jo Ann and Howard Cornelius Mavis and Bobby Drueckhammer June Fallin Judy Bell Jackson Martha Landua Violet and Harry Wickes Jr., D.D.S. Howard Levin Bernice Etcoff Matthew Ryan Martinez Nancy K. Little Carolyn Cathcart Merritt Pat Purvis Lyla Oliviann Lingerfelt Kim Bancroft Sarah Cunningham Linda Jackson Roberto Martinez Karen L. Keller Conce Martinez Carson Messimer Thelma G. Messimer Raymond Arthur LeBlanc, M.D. Laila and Karamat Choudhry, M.D. Robert London Barbara and Ed Handley Nancy Quarles Lorimer Kay and Dick Ellis, M.D. Patsy McDonald Betty C. McKnight Nicole Kressler Lowenberg Linda C. Barker Alison Wise Dee Dee and Kurtt Wix William F. Ludwig Gary Frankel Bobbie Wright Luellen Wiley Francies Robert Hunsinger Richard Minton Alice Sain Betty Lou Mabry Evergreen Lodge #170 Auxiliary of U.T.U. Jocelyn Macias Anonymous Mallory Wuerflein William Richie Magnussen Jo Bearden Lue N. Stroud Carolyn Maniotis Connie and James Walker Sifreda Mata Barbara and Ed Handley Ada Christine McClendon Mathews Jana and Garry McClendon Marjorie Jo Mayfield Donna and Larry Steel James Patrick McCann Child Nutrition Support Team Kathleen Jost William R. Roach Camillia B. Ryan Deborah Starbuck Thomas Earl McClung Donna and Charlie Stevens William Hayes McCoy Anonymous Virginia Ann "Beanie" McElroy Bob McElroy Joyce Bowles McGrath Athalia Cauley Barbara Murray Edward Waples McKee II Toni and Tommy Boswell Shirley Taylor Miles Doris J. Haas Arther Bernard Miller Tina and Bill Overbeck Bonnie Chenault Miller Lisa and Carlton Baker Lisa and Bobby Feather Pam J. Foster Lynn and Don Hagan The Hill County Juvenile Probation Department Sheila and Steve Irwin, D.Min. Nancy and David Lacy Terry H. Shaw Edward Teal Miller Sandra and Dale Gidley Kevin Francis Miller Melinda and Timothy Black, M.D. Shelia and Jim Young Roy M. Miller Jeanette and Jeffrey Furgo Jeremiah Garret Mills Valerie H. Mills Becky and D.E. Staats Vera Murvine Milstead Ann Brown Carolyn J. DeFord Arlean Russell Mitchell Treva and Carroll Fuller Donald Robert Mitchell The Woodmont Company Betty Ruth Mize Evergreen Lodge #170 Auxiliary of U.T.U. Jessie Moncrief Mary Jo Moncrief Nettie Moncrief Mary Jo Moncrief Sharron L. Montgomery Lee Ann and Lee Delk Trophy Club Police Department Bonnie Gail Moody Martha Rippy Byrne Culwell Moody The Jeanne and Roy J. Grogan Charitable Fund of the Community Foundation of North Texas Dianne Randolph Rita and Douglas Schuster Carol K. Sears Marilyn Tinkle James M. Young Barbara Ann Moore Lue N. Stroud Doris Parkhurst Moore Paula Kinkade Frazier Martha and Don Kinkade Donna Kinkade Owens Lisa Wilkins Shirley Wilkins Katelyn Nicole Moore Jonathan D. Cozad Horizon Milling Thomas A. Loomis Jacqualine Martin Jessica Reddin Darlene K. Satonin Karen Schultz, M.D., and David Schultz Jay St. Clair Marilyn Moore The Pace Fund Martha Ann McGehee Moore Connie and James Walker Diamantina Munoz Sheila and Dwain Collier B.J. Murray Candace and Ben Wilhite Jr. Blanche Muse Jo Cogburn Manucher Nazarian, M.D. Kay and Dick Ellis, M.D. Shane R. Neal Marilyn Neal John Howard Netherton Suzanne and Ferdie Walker Newt Newberry Tom M. Ivey Newtown, Connecticut Victims Rose and Joe Bowden Winnie and Andrew Wayne Grace Janae Nichols Andrea and Pepper Nichols John Perry Northern Kathy and Jimmy Friedman, M.D. Cynthia and Burton Gilbert Ruth and Randall Nyman, M.D. Gretchen B. Barrett Virginia Beggs Odum George Ann and Bill Bahan Mary Beth Bigger Betty and Richard Brown Nina May Ontiveros Judy and Leon Oliver Laverne Woodruff Page Sharon Atkins CCV Gunite LP Ken Green CPA Edgar & Associates Kappa Alpha Alumni Metroplex Gunite L.P. Prestige Gunite of North Texas Ltd. Prestige Gunite of South Texas Ltd. West Texas Gunite L.P. Craig E. Pairan Peggy and Bill Sims Coby Jay Palmer Linda and Stan Greer Steve George Pappajohn Jr. Jo Ann and Wayne Butler Frances Louise Park Carolyn J. DeFord Harriett Elizabeth Wallace Park Margy and Harry Park Jr. Melinda and Ken Propes Onah Astin Barwise Penn Betty C. Bankston Sally S. Fulwiler Geraldine and Mickey Schmid John Arnold Petsche Julie and Glenn Davidson William Pitchlynn Poland Carol and Gary Anderson ARK Custom Building LLC Margaret W. Augustat Linda C. Barker Heagan Bayles Marcelle and Robert Borgers Madelon L. Bradshaw Coty Owens Electric Service LLC Lezlie W. Davis Lynne Ringler Eid Page Foshee Cornelia C. Friedman Cynthia and Burton Gilbert Kathe and Steve Goodwin Judie W. and Dick Greenman Nancy Kay and Stan Howard J.P.Morgan Private Wealth Management Libits and Charles Kendall III, D.D.S Martha V. Leonard Shirley and Tom Matzinger Nancy and John McClane Bette Susie Power George Ann Crowder Diann and Don Dow Jana Iverson Raymond Tommy Prater LaDonna and Jerry Davis Mary Lou and Odis Davis Treva and Carroll Fuller William Patrick Presley Craig S. Presley Kevin Sepehr Pullis Cheryl and Joe Pullis, Ph.D. Jody Lynn Purser Allen Professional Firefighters Association Joan G. Anderson Jean and Jim Bolhuis Roberta Flondor Jeremy Painkin l in aff ec tio n·s )A lw a jec tiv e (ad Karen J. Rambo Carol and David Childress Ramon Sanchez Ramirez Barbara and Ed Handley Frank Duane Rasberry Jr. Lynette and Scotty Caldwell Don Edward Rawlings Clampitt Paper Company Shirley and Louis Daniel Shirley and John Griffith Jr. Larry F. Land Linda C. Simmons Amy Jo Ray Carolyn A. Phillips Glenn Ed Rea Kay and Dick Ellis, M.D. Quincy Reeves Connie and James Walker Lila Layman Rhoades Larry Pirkle Andrea Rhodes Suzy and Ray Rhodes Jr., M.D. Eleanor Quinby Rainbolt Patsy and Jim Pritchard Tabitha Mae Riggs Karen Schultz, M.D., and David Schultz James Arthur Rainbolt Advance Petroleum Distributing Company Inc. Geneva and Bob Barse Marcelle and Robert Borgers Jack Gillean Roach Ruth and Doug Roper Pat and Herb Schwarz Lue N. Stroud e ns w (ad jec tiv e) U tea df as t (ad ge ne ro us or fac to fb ein g pa ci t yt ol ca Doris Alma Poss Tony D. Blauvelt Marcia and John Perkins Arlene and Mike Poss Joyce and M.V. Probasco (no un )T he qu ali ty )T Hector Ruben Pena Lisa C. Wilson Jo Ann Rainbolt Patsy and Jim Pritchard 73 2013 Philanthropy Report Paul Nudleman Gwen and Barry Rubin Timothy I. O'Hearn Anonymous Wayne E. Posey Jo Dell Myrick Colonial Country Club Tommy Dean Rosie and Rudy Delgado First Texas BHC Tera and Richard Garvey Carol and Frank Hames Jerry L. Kemp Sharla and Jeff Lott Emilie and Tim Love Michael Mallick Pamela C. Murrin Patsy and Jim Pritchard Jeffrey Roberts Lynda and Grady Shropshire Southwest Bank-Hulen Sug and William Steele III Cody Tucker Rinda and Jeff Wentworth Dorothy and Bobby Yeary Patsy and Bill Zimmerman COOK CHILDREN’S Jean Wieler Newbill Sara and Derry Fulks Doyle D. Ogden Debbie Rasmussen Beverly K. Shepard Grayson Scott Peeples G. S. Peeples C.L. Patterson Janeen and Jim Shelley Shannon and Brent Shelley jec tiv e) S (ve se lf for rn on ce no c )H av ing tiv e (ad jec ea d Troy Alan Mulford Kathy and Merle Frailey Calvin Riley Payne III Fran and Bob Bolen Rita and Larry Ludington Frank L. Madden Sherry and David Maddox Pam and Dan Quattrochi Barbara Quillin ROI Medical Jean and Don Sanford Dorothy Patras, M.D. Kay and Dick Ellis, M.D. f ds o th en ee ns we r rb )T oa th ion cla ra t de )A un (no lea he Bob R. Mosley Cynthia and Burton Gilbert Sheridan and Clifton Morris Jr. Ann and Jay Murphy, M.D. Marilyn and Allan Neustadt Linda and Wayne Poulter Emmy Lou and L. Daniel Prescott Jr. Beverly H. Pritchard Janet B. Quisenberry Elizabeth and Paul Ray Jr. Jan Riley Suzie Russell Rust Oil Corporation Anabel S. Stripling Leigh Anne and Jason Taylor Anne and Jack Thompson Patsy and Randy Thompson Kathy and Charlie Webster Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. Rinda and Jeff Wentworth Patsy and Bill Zimmerman Marjorie Jo Parris Shelia and James Grimsley Kerry Moseley Virgil H. Worlow al ss ing re d cifi e sp e i ng eth so m do ew ill at on on ten tm en t an dc Robert B. Morris Katie and Luke Campbell Stacy and Steve Dellasega J.J. Jones Sydney Jones Lisa M. Logan Lisa C. Wilson Kay and Buz Campbell Suzy and Ron Curley Chandler L. Dortch Kathe and Steve Goodwin Martine and Ted Gorski Ann L. Hamilton Donna and Daniel Leonard Mary P. Lilly Patsy McDonald Debbie and Allen Morris Carol and Steve Patterson Lindy and Bill Penny Pat Purvis Suzie Russell J. Kelly Ryan Anonymous Janeen and Jim Shelley Shannon and Brent Shelley Elaine and Terry Small Nancy and Marc Smith Jr. Marci and Ned Stocker Peggy Winkler Carol and Jerry Yocom (no un Jacob Patrick Morgan Arda and Clarence Morgan gr at itu de gr y at e·f ·ty fai th lo ·fu y· u co ·i·t pr ss f being om se d ge l ge ·e f·le ·i ne ro s us n·e r·s s se r·o hip serv (adjecti s· i e ve) Exp n · ha e p·p r · i ·n os e )T he qu (no ali un ty )A sta or te of fac we llbe to ing un ge (no Oct 1, 2012 -Sept 30, 2013 memorials OCT. 1, 2012 - SEPT. 30, 2013 Oct 1, 2012 -Sept 30, 2013 Cheryl Roark Peggy and Bill Sims Alexandra Bond Roberts Laura and Tom Stelter Dorothy Robinson JoAnn and Bob Cole Dustin Rodriguez Susan A. Burbank Marlow Strode Rodriguez Nancy and Gene Dozier Patsy McDonald Merry Elizabeth Carroll Ross Linda and Jay Fierke, M.D. Ashley Rutherford Lerii and Steve Smith Boone Rutherford Lerii and Steve Smith Eunice MacLean Freese Rutledge Kay and Dick Ellis, M.D. Betty C. McKnight Pat and Herb Schwarz Patsy and Randy Thompson COOK CHILDREN’S Edwin Stripling Ryan Sr. Leslie and Jeff Lummus Anonymous Susan Ryan 2013 Philanthropy Report 74 Joan Kelly Ryan Nancy and Gene Dozier Lisa and Bobby Feather Sally S. Fulwiler Ann and Ed Hudson Kathryn Kirk Betty C. McKnight Sandra Riley Patsy and Randy Thompson Amalia L. Sanchez JoAnn and Bob Cole Mia Elise Santana Yvonne Cardenas Alexis Elizabeth Enriquez Santillan Amy and Kenneth Fuhrmann Michael D. Santos Anonymous Belinda Kay Rouse Sapp Shirley and Dub Godby James William "Melvin" Sapp Shelia and Jim Young Herman E. Schaffer, M.D. Kay and Dick Ellis, M.D. Mary Jo Scheideman Kay and Dick Ellis, M.D. Martha and Jack Fikes Nancy S. Salmon William Charles Scheihing Jr. Kay and Dick Ellis, M.D. Carol and Vern Spurlock Juanita Scherer Mary and Robert Gieb Walter A. Schmid IV Ann and Ed Hudson Patsy and Randy Thompson Samantha Irene Schmidt Terri and Gary Akkerman Gail Delger Jennifer Grilliette Lisa Pallotti Mary A. Schwerd Debora E. Wake Andrew David Schroeder Rachel and Paul Holland Edwin G. Schwarz, M.D. Mary Jo and Sidney Cook Julie Bendele Schweers Jean and Lee Roy Morriss Joseph D. Scott Kelly and Scott Bell Thomas R. Seay Brenda and Bill Sandlin Donna Seider Jaynie and Dane Partin Alexis Teryn Shaw Mary and Jon Shaw Scott G. Sherman Ann and Bill Bogle Colonial Country Club Sara and Buddy Dike Kathy and Jimmy Friedman, M.D. Nancy Kay and Stan Howard Barbara and Weldon Johnson Elaine and Shujaat Khan, M.D. Harriet and Leon Lurie Idelle Luskey Jeanie and Henry Luskey Emmy Lou and L. Daniel Prescott Jr. Elizabeth and Paul Ray Jr. Gwen and Barry Rubin Lue N. Stroud Patsy and Bill Zimmerman Thomas Elliott Shirley Ann Brown Carolyn J. DeFord Clark Bridgland Smith Vivian R. Price Joan Stolz Lisa and Coppy Hodgkins Emily Cochran Smith Allyson Smith Nolen Smith Michael Layton Stone Kathy and Bill Zeitler Essie Mae Smith Cookie Kresser Sandra K. Wescott Ronald Dee Stoner Betty A. Douglas Joyce and Tony Lucas Jane Louise Smith JoAnn and Bob Cole Darragh Costain Stripling Lezlie W. Davis Odell C. Riddell Marriann Laura Smith Lewis H. Smith William Allen Stroud Molly and Rusty Reid Molly Ruth Smith Shelia and Jim Young Susan L. Stuart Michael J. Stuart Phillip Shurden Jo Cogburn Robert F. Smith Virginia Busbee and family Irene Concepcion Suarez Marie A. Howell Martha Francis Singleton William R. Bond Norma Hill Snaith Suzy and Ron Curley Gayle and Pat Gordon Ian Michael Surratt Rosie and Mike Moncrief Thomas R. Shirley Kathie and Kent Bowermon Mary Ruth Shotwell Fort Worth Ceramic Art Guild June M. Tomsic Benjamin Lawrence Siu, M.D. Deborah Schutte, M.D., and Kevin Ullmann, D.V.M. Suzi Whitworth, M.D., and Keith Whitworth, Ph.D. Andrea and Don Wilson, M.D. John D. Slack Corrine and Earl Collins Gibbs Mood Slaughter Jr. Maywyc C. Adams Ann and John Allen Judy and Paul Andrews Jr. Mary and Tracy Ashenfelter Cathy and Stanley Baker Marsha Coers Norma H. Demetrion Eagle Mountain Classic Boat Club Courtney and Dale Holman Georgia Huffman Pam and Bob Leibrock Barbara and Don Lind Jeffrey C. Peterson Mark Pinkerton and family Dorian and Sherwin Rubin Kathy and Fred Snook Joy and Duron Stubblefield Stacey Ann Slaughter Eagle Mountain Classic Boat Club Jerry Don Slawson Connie and James Walker Bobbie Spinner Cindy J. Tubb Fannie Mae Stacks Judy and Gary Buchanan Kathleen and Larry Buchanan Mary F. Buchanan Sharon and David Franzke Austin Lee Stamm Jean and Steve Ginsberg Kyle Bradley Staples Diann Hosford Felice Stinnett Stegall Sally S. Fulwiler Thelma Pearl Bonham Stepp Debbie and Ray Brangan David E. Stevens Jeffrey Murray Ruth Carter Stevenson Lezlie W. Davis Lisa and Bobby Feather Sally S. Fulwiler Ann and Ed Hudson Sandra Riley Lisa C. Wilson Frank L. Stewart Barbara and Dennis Hoerster John W. Sylvester III Linbeck Construction Corporation Selena Ariana Szatkowski Amy and Blake Akins Sandra and Peter Capani Marian and Frank Daniel Jr. Tina Egge Government Employees Insurance Co. Courtney Hawkins Ruth and Jim Hill JoAnne F. McKinley Jenny Rahr Carrie Sigler Anthony Szatkowski Evelyn and Carl Szatkowski Karen and Richard Truitt Charles Dalton Taylor Dottie Bobo Lesa and George Bushfield III Doris J. Cross Sheryl and Scott Doornbos Jack Frost Denise and Billy Gilmore Gilmore Inc. Caroline James Gayle and Bob Johnson Harold Langlois and family Mr. and Mrs. Don R. Massie Richard Pannell Red River Federal Credit Union Cathy and Bruce Ritchie Alan Gary Thompson Suzy and Ray Rhodes Jr., M.D. Maggie Elizabeth VanWinkle Betty A. Douglas Joyce and Tony Lucas Marc Randolph Thompson American Bank of Texas Thelma and David Bennett Katherine M. Harvey Harriet H. Joiner Barbara and Patrick McElroy Frances Robinson Pinkston Debbie and Ted Williams Brenda and Eddie Young Annabel Leigh Villadiego Alliance Umpires Darin Heare Judy and Tommy Keesee Angela Loose Karen Schultz, M.D., and David Schultz Marge and Don Sheppard Karen Smith Will "Tootsie" Tiblets Lisa and Coppy Hodgkins Floyd R. Wade Lue N. Stroud William Toliver Jr. Lisa C. Wilson Timothy Jason Wadley Wendy and Jason Wadley Virginia Eloise Hall Tracy Patsy and Randy Thompson Melinda Suzanne Walker Carol and Don Walker Suzanne and Ferdie Walker Jack Rylan Traughber Anonymous Becky Treadwell Brenda Treadwell Philip H. Trew Sr. Kay and Dick Ellis, M.D. Wanda Ruth Wall Annelle and Ben Jones, D.D.S. Paul Wallace Sr. Sandra and Edward Thompson III F. Howard Walsh Anonymous Janice and Pete Bennett Cynthia and Charles Breyman Elton E. Burleson Joyce and Rodney Coppock Naomi and J.R. Gilbreath A. Patrick Guinn Joseph Michael Walter Becky and Earl Larkin Laverne and John Murphy Maymie Louise Walters Mary Jane and Bill Burk Mary Sue Caple Patsy and Gordon Eastman Betty L. Pumphrey Jerry Mack Ward Rhonda Torres Lois and Russell Ward Mitch and Will Pflugh Roy Michael Watkins AcademyUniforms.com Lillian and G.E. Adami, M.D. LaVonne and Gregory Ankeney Biomin Cindy and John Bloomhall David Casper Jerry Chaffee Andy Cole Carolyn D. Coward Dairy Manufacturers Inc. Ellen Darr Phil Darr Barbara R. Ervin Eugene Douglas Watts Suzanne and Ferdie Walker Frances Ray Watts Anonymous Janice and Pete Bennett Cynthia and Charles Breyman Elton E. Burleson Joyce and Rodney Coppock Naomi and J.R. Gilbreath A. Patrick Guinn Stacia and Marion Hise Dorothy and Doug Kucharski Darla and Lanny Overby Marely and Daniel Robles Harold Thomas Mark A. Welch Tracy D. Westmoreland Karen and Bill Womble Wayne O. Watts Anonymous Janice and Pete Bennett Cynthia and Charles Breyman Elton E. Burleson Joyce and Rodney Coppock Naomi and J.R. Gilbreath A. Patrick Guinn Stacia and Marion Hise Dorothy and Doug Kucharski Darla and Lanny Overby Marely and Daniel Robles Harold Thomas Mark A. Welch Tracy D. Westmoreland Karen and Bill Womble e ns w (ad jec tiv e) U f l in aff ec tio tea df as t (ad jec tiv e )A lw a n·s jec tiv e) S (ad ge ne ro us or fac to fb ein g Jean Hefner Webb Kay and Dick Ellis, M.D. Gayle and Patrick Gordon and family Anne Teague Weisser James R. Weisser Betty A. Welch Evergreen Lodge #170 Auxiliary of U.T.U. Bettye Joan Smith Weltman Sue Forrester Henry James Weltman Sue Forrester Delaney Kate White Cora Lee and Eric Praught Emily and Collin Praught Jean P. White Jeff Whitt Carolyn and Bob Whitt William Frederick Wiese Jane E. Jones Oscar Lee Wilkirson Emmie and Loren Weaver Marguerite Dunson Williams Judie B. and Bob Greenman Ruth and Doug Roper Michelle Lee "Shelly" Williams Catherine and Paul Oxer Wayne F. Williams Lue N. Stroud Harold Rae Williamson Doris Burns Sandra K. Burns Joan A. Church Norma Godfrey Willoughby Lela M. Gilmer Edna Mildred Williamson Wilson Myrna Williamson Jackson Shields Wilson Betty C. Bankston Carol and Vern Spurlock 75 2013 Philanthropy Report Jean Lipps Tunstill Vivian and O.J. Butts Jr. Christi and Catherine Craddick Laura and Tommy Craddick and family Nadine and Tom Craddick Susan and Jack Eiteljorg Gayle and Patrick Gordon and family Christy and Patrick Little Katherine W. Wallach Elizabeth Church Wall Sheila and Dwain Collier Mary D. Walsh Anonymous Janice and Pete Bennett Cynthia and Charles Breyman Elton E. Burleson Joyce and Rodney Coppock Naomi and J.R. Gilbreath A. Patrick Guinn Stacia and Marion Hise Dorothy and Doug Kucharski Darla and Lanny Overby Marely and Daniel Robles Harold Thomas Mark A. Welch Tracy D. Westmoreland Karen and Bill Womble Emma Ruth Webb Jane E. Jones COOK CHILDREN’S George Thompson III Betty C. McKnight Joanne Walsh Virginia L. Johnson Thomas A. Farlow Larry M. Fowler Elisabeth and Kenneth Hartung Ursula Hofstetter Virginia and A.F. Hope Ann and Dick Kelsey Holly Kelsey William J. Lloyd Fred P. Mesch Joyce and Terrence Moran Emmie and Bill Peacock Lois and Bill Pennington Tim Riordan Charla and Douglas Taylor Jr. Diana and Larry Walker, M.D. Nancy Watkins Shirley R. Watterston (no un )T he qu ali ty ca pa ci t yt ol ea d Sarah Beth Thomas Becky S. Carter Bennett Stephen Vanderham ASCO Angie and Matt Hoermann Jean G. Payne Mr. and Mrs. Jack F. Turner Beth and Brax Wright Jill Wright Lea and Steve Wright ds o (ve se lf for rn on ce no c )H av ing tiv e (ad jec he Icybelle Richardson Thomas Janice and Pat Richardson Samuel Van Landingham Barbara and Ed Handley th en ee ns we r rb )T oa th ion cla ra t de )A un (no lea )T Danny Ray Thomas Treva and Carroll Fuller John Van Daff Brenda and Gaylord Kennedy Stacia and Marion Hise Dorothy and Doug Kucharski Darla and Lanny Overby Marely and Daniel Robles Harold Thomas Mark A. Welch Tracy D. Westmoreland Karen and Bill Womble al ss ing re d cifi e sp e i ng eth so m do ew ill at on on ten tm en t an dc Byrdie Lee Terry Suzanne and Ferdie Walker Stiles C. "Buck" Ulmer Jr. Susan and Glen Keller (no un Tau Phi Chapter of Phi Mu Alpha Carolyn J. Wahl Donna and Johnny Wells gr at itu de gr y at e·f ·ty fai th lo ·fu y· u co ·i·t pr ss f being om se d ge l ge ·e f·le ·i ne ro s us n·e r·s s se r·o hip serv (adjecti s· i e ve) Exp n · ha e p·p r · i ·n os e )T he qu (no ali un ty )A sta or te of fac we llbe to ing un ge (no Oct 1, 2012 -Sept 30, 2013 memorials OCT. 1, 2012 - SEPT. 30, 2013 Oct 1, 2012 -Sept 30, 2013 Olen Cooper Wilson Jr., D.D.S. Katie and Luke Campbell Stacy and Steve Dellasega Teresa and Terry Gaines J.J. Jones Sydney Jones Lisa M. Logan Mary M. Swift Myrna Williamson Lisa C. Wilson Gary Ray Wimberly Suzanne and Ferdie Walker Michael Windish Charlotte Dodd Sandra Reid Lynn Brodes Winik Ruby E. Vargo Robert Lee Wise Jr. Barbara and Ed Handley Bobbie Joyce Wolfe Lisa C. Wilson Joyce Ann Wolff Robert V. Wolff COOK CHILDREN’S Jane Frances Mulhausen Ziegler Wollenman Suzy and Ron Curley Judie B. and Bob Greenman 2013 Philanthropy Report 76 Amy Wolsey Leslie A. Bailey Jud Wood Earline and Jerry Wood Samuel Patrick Woodson III Nancy and Gene Dozier Ann and Ed Hudson Carrol and Jim Nokes Patsy and Randy Thompson Bobby Dean Wright Krista D. Griffin Blanche Connell Young Margy and Harry Park Jr. Cara Maranda Young Debbie and Steve Amburn Sandra and Joe Bitz Debbie and Brent Burns Irene Dugger Jill and Charles Fischer Sr. Kari and Austin Fox Wendy and Jay Fox Peggy and Jeff Gilbert Betty Lowe Melissa and Charles Ott Jr. Re/Max Associates of Arlington/Mansfield Norma and Charles Rollins Diane Walkoviak Dorothy Jean Keen Young Fort Worth Ceramic Art Guild COOK CHILDREN’S 77 2013 Philanthropy Report ea d an dc )T he qu (no ali un ty )A sta or te of fac we llbe to ing (no un )T he qu ali ty ca rn (ad on ce on tea df as t do l in aff ec tio f i ng sp e cifi e d (ad jec tiv e) U eth ds o so m th en ee ew ill ns we r at rb )T oa jec tiv e) S (ve th on ten tm en t ion cla ra t se lf de for )A n·s no c un )A lw a )H av ing jec tiv e tiv e (ad (ad jec (no ·i·t ns w ss ing e al re gr de at itu gr y at e·f ·ty fai th lo ·fu y· u co ge ne ro us pa ci t yt ol or fac to fb ein g he )T (no un pr ss f being om se d ge l ge ·e f·le ·i ne ro s us n·e r·s s se r·o hip serv (adjecti s· i e ve) Exp lea n · ha e p·p r · i ·n os e ge un (no 801 7th Ave. Fort Worth, TX 76104 cookchildrens.org/giving 682-885-4105 Cook Children’s Promise Knowing that every child’s life is sacred, it is the Promise of Cook Children’s to improve the health of every child in our region through the prevention and treatment of illness, disease and injury.
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