September 2010 - Libertarian Party of New Mexico


September 2010 - Libertarian Party of New Mexico
“Let Freedom Ring”
The Official Newsletter of the Libertarian Party of New Mexico
September 2010
Table of Contents
Page 1
Libertarian Media from New Mexico
Notes from the Editor by Mike Blessing
V.2.2 N.26
Notes from the Editor
by Mike Blessing
[ / ]
The Unanimous Consent Challenge
Page 2
Events at a Glance
The LPNM's Candidates
Other Groups to Network With, and Their
Page 3
Extend government transparency to New
Mexico schools
by Paul Gessing, Rio Grande Foundation
Page 4
As the Melting Pot Melts
by Becky Akers
Page 5
The Friends of the “Free Market” Are Its
Worst Enemies, by Kevin Carson
Page 6
Contacts / Internet Resources
Page 7
The Unanimous Consent Challenge
Page 8
Enrollment / Renewal Form
Do-Or-Die Time for the LPNM
OK, folks, this is it. Due to extenuating circumstances, the
LPNM is at a point where we have to choose between the
organization's continued existence, and going on our
merry ways.
If we choose to continue the LPNM's existence as the
LPNM, we need substantial donations, and we need them
immediately. Please send whatever you can to the LPNM
mailing address listed on page 8 of this issue [ LPNM c/o
Ron Bjornstad, 918 Ivory Rd SE, Rio Rancho NM 87124 ].
Special Convention – Sunday, 12 September 2010
Speaking of do-or-die time for the LPNM, we will be
having a Special State Convention on Sunday, 12
September at the same Quarters BBQ where we had our
regular Convention back in April of this year. See Page 2
for details about the time and directions.
What will we be covering in this special Convention?
Simple – we will be discussing the continued existence of
the Libertarian Party of New Mexico.
Libertarian Media from New Mexico
(not necessarily endorsed by LPNM)
The Weekly Sedition – Thursdays at 8 PM
(July – August – September 2010)
Adam vs. The Man
Monday – Friday, 3-4 PM on 1550 KIVA-AM /
Hemp TV – Tuesdays at 7PM
The One Party State – Wednesdays at 11PM
Contact Lance Klafeta [ ] for details
Reeferhead – Saturdays at 6PM
The Fringe Element /
New Mexico Liberty – September 2010 – Page 1
Events at a Glance
Other Groups to Network With
Bernalillo County – The BCLP stages one no-host dinner
meeting per month, on Thursday, 2 September, 6:00 to 8:00 PM
at Fiesta's Restaurant & Lounge (Carlisle & Montogomery NE).
Contact Mike Blessing for details [ /
505-515-7015 ], or see the BCLP website –
Wednesday, 15 September, 5-7 PM: The Rio Grande
Foundation hosts Liberty on the Rocks in Santa Fe at the Rio
Chama Steakhouse. See this page for details –
Mike Blessing and Bill Koehler host The Weekly Sedition on
Thursdays at 8 PM on Albuquerque Comcast Channel 27. For
those not subscribed to ABQ Comcast, the show can be viewed
live at the Channel 27 website (NOTE – this requires MS
Windows Media Player!) [ ].
Dona Ana County – The Central Committee met on Saturday,
14 August 2010.
Please contact the chair or check the LPDAC website for more
information – / 575-571-6881 /
If you live in a county with an inactive affiliate and want to
get involved, contact the county chair. See Page 7 for a list
of county chairs, campus contacts and Central Committee
Special Events
Special Convention – Sunday, 12 September 2010
Lunch at 12:00 PM, Business Session from 1:00 to 4:00 PM. All
Caucus members are requested to attend. County Chairs
and Contacts and candidates are encouraged to attend!
Location – Quarters BBQ at 3700 Ellison NW in Albuquerque –
see for map and directions.
The LPNM's Candidates
State Legislature
State Representative, District 16
Mike Blessing –
State Representative, District 19
Mark Curtis –
The Law by Frederic Bastiat
See these pages –
Also in PDF form –
“If you're not a little bit uncomfortable with your position, it isn't
radical enough. How can you be too principled? Take the most
extreme position you can – you're claiming territory you won't
have to fight for later, mostly against your "allies."
– L. Neil Smith, Tactical Reflections
Wednesday, 15 September, 5-7 PM: The Rio Grande
Foundation hosts Liberty on the Rocks in Farmington at the St.
Clair Winery – 5150 East Main Street – in the San Juan Room.
See this page for details –
Thursday, 16 September, 5-7 PM: The Rio Grande Foundation
hosts Liberty on the Rocks in Albuquerque at the Chama River
Brewing Company. For details, see this page –
Tuesday, 24 September, 5-7 PM: The Rio Grande Foundation
hosts Liberty on the Rocks in Las Cruces. The location has
changed from the Cattle Baron Steak & Seafood Restaurant to a
details, see
page –
The New Mexico Patriot Alliance 2010 Fall Summit
The New Mexico Patriot Alliance's mission is to support Patriot
Preparedness, Education and Action, and Patriot group
interaction throughout New Mexico in order to restore
Constitutional governance to New Mexico and the United States.
Fall Summit Schedule
Friday Evening, 15 October – Speech by Michael Badnarik, free
and open to the public – donations gratefully accepted.
Saturday, 16 October – Michael Badnarik's famous Constitution
Class. See for registration details, including
Facebook page –
Myspace pages – /
New Mexico Liberty page –
To the first person to write a logical and documented essay
showing one of the following to be compatible with the
Declaration of Independence:
Sherman Anti-Trust Act of 1890
Pure Food and Drug Act of 1906
Federal Communications Act of 1934
National Firearms Act of 1934
Banking Act of 1935
The Internal Revenue Code
Controlled Substances Act of 1970
RICO Act of 1970
Federal Elections Act of 1970
Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974
Plumbing Products Efficiency Act of 1992
Anti-Money Laundering Act of 1992
USA PATRIOT Act of 2001
Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act of 2002
This challenge is also on the web at
To claim your prize, contact
Mike Blessing at 505-515-7015 or
send an email to
New Mexico Liberty – September 2010 – Page 2
Liberty, Opportunity, Prosperity
Extend government transparency
to New Mexico schools
by Paul Gessing
[ ]
1 September 2010
In recent years, there has been a big push for
transparency in government throughout New Mexico. The
Rio Grande Foundation and the Foundation for Open
Government, along with a large and bi-partisan group of
legislators, have generated some major successes.
This initiative has been driven in part by new technologies
that make information more accessible to the average
citizen and easier for governments to disseminate. It has
gathered particular support in New Mexico because of
rampant corruption and the realization that "sunshine is
the best disinfectant."
So, coming in July 2011, New Mexicans will have access
to a brand new "Sunshine Portal" that will create a publicly
accessible, online database of financial information from
government agencies in New Mexico. The database will
include the names and salaries of exempt employees (but
not the names of classified employees) and will allow
average citizens to scrutinize the state's checkbook in an
easy-to-navigate, online format.
That is not all. In 2010, the New Mexico House finally
joined the New Mexico Senate and the rest of the country
in posting its floor votes online; the legislature began
webcasting floor proceedings; and just recently the
legislative council decided to start webcasting legislative
interim committee meetings.
Great progress has been made. But, as the foundation put
website which is designed to
further enhance open government and citizen
engagement in determining how their scarce dollars are
spent, we discovered that government-run, taxpayerfinanced school district bureaucrats are often unwilling to
part with supposedly public information. Even if they are
willing to part with the information, they often demand
exorbitant amounts of money even for electronic
Worse still were Albuquerque Public Schools and Las
Cruces Public Schools which refused to part with any
information at all. Mind you, this is all public information.
But, tactics included not returning phone calls and
corresponding only via U.S. mail as opposed to via
telephone or e-mail.
Ultimately, we were unable to obtain any information from
either district.
(Editor's note: Salaries for Las Cruces Public Schools
employees can be found at
Thus, taxpayers in New Mexico's two largest school
districts will continue to be left in the dark about the
specifics of how their money is spent. The good news is
that our efforts to shed some light on the way school
districts spend your money has captured the interest of a
bi-partisan group of legislators who are now considering
legislation adding school district salary and vendor
transaction information to the Sunshine Portal.
Instead of being a burden on the districts, greater
transparency could actually be an important step toward
greater efficiency. This is more important than ever as
New Mexico continues to struggle with budget cutbacks.
Hopefully the recalcitrant districts will not pose an obstacle
to legislative reform efforts, but I expect push-back if they
maintain their current, uncooperative stance.
Citizens should be empowered and we encourage those
who live in districts that have willingly released information
to thank them for doing so. For those living in recalcitrant
districts, I hope you'll let them know that you expect
greater transparency and openness.
Paul Gessing is the President of New Mexico’s Rio
Grande Foundation. The Rio Grande Foundation is an
independent, non-partisan, tax-exempt research and
educational organization dedicated to promoting
prosperity for New Mexico based on principles of limited
First and foremost, the specifics of our requests: these
included payroll and vendor information for the last three
years. The idea is that this is all taxpayer money and that
taxpayers should have specific information on how their
money is being used. Also, there is the opportunity - once
this information is public across several school districts for some comparison and for districts to learn from each
other to wring out further efficiency.
While Roswell, Hobbs, Alamogordo, Carlsbad, Clovis, and
Farmington were relatively cooperative and their
information has been uploaded to our site, Santa Fe and
Rio Rancho were inconsistent. At times they cooperated
by providing needed information, but at other times they
demanded upwards of $1,200 for relevant public
New Mexico Liberty – September 2010 – Page 3
As the Melting Pot Melts
by Becky Akers [ ]
23 August 2010 –
Seems the American Empire is imploding. History, morality, and
our nagging dyspepsia all predicted it, but still, it’s not a pretty
picture. Leviathan at the best of times is treacherous as a
courtroom full of ex-spouses; now, wounded and cornered, the
beast is even more dangerous. It behooves those who can to
flee its death throes, just as countless victims across time and
around the world have fled crumbling tyrannies – or tried to.
Unfortunately, emigration from the US makes you an immigrant
elsewhere. Yeah, I know: what an insult. Has any threat appalled
us more than the aliens and illegals thronging our shores? While
our politicians, media moguls, and labor unions preached
freedom, thrift, and hard work, the wetbacks undermined it all.
Indeed, we can blame the Empire’s disintegration directly on
their insidious influence. Everyone knows they flock here not to
escape poverty and persecution but for a hand-out courtesy of
us taxpayers. Worse, the lazy bums can’t even bother learning
English before exploiting our freebies.
No wonder concerned Americans refer to this influx as an
"invasion" and insist the Armed Forces should respond. You may
deem it overkill, so to speak, to march a battalion with its M16
assault rifles, grenade launchers, M249 Squad Automatic
Weapon (SAW) light machine-guns, snipers, and Bradley
Fighting Vehicles after families of migrant workers, but that only
proves you don’t appreciate the threat three little kids and their
exhausted parents pose to our dying democracy. Nor are
American patriots alone in their xenophobia; jingoists overseas
will likely despise émigrés from the US as invaders, too.
Ergo, I offer the following tips. They should help you avoid, or at
least minimize, the opprobrium adhering to the label "immigrant."
As with most endeavors, preparation is essential. So is keeping
one’s head in an emergency. It may be that as Our Rulers
continue to lose their grip, civil war convulses the country and
even kills some of your family. Or China might call our debt while
their tanks roll down Times Square instead of Tiananmen
Square. Perhaps Providence, so patient this last century, will
finally send a couple of tsunamis to flood our east and west
coasts. If so, sit tight. Remember the desperate refugees who
sought sanctuary here under similar circumstances, and how
rigorously Immigration Control and Enforcement – ICE,
appropriately enough – guarded us against such riffraff. Why, I’ll
bet ICEy bureaucrats protected us from thousands of Cubans
alone, not to mention the millions from other nations hoping to
inflict cute restaurants with cheap prices on us. You should
expect no less from foreign countries’ stalwart defenders.
In fact, whatever disaster overtakes you and your kids, never
wail, "We’re gonna die if we don’t get outa here!" Instead, think,
"Paperwork!" Recall how irritated you were when Mexicans
figured they could just waltz across our borders without so much
as a birth certificate, driver’s license, passport, medical records,
proof of employment, insurance card, and tax forms, in triplicate,
signed and dated, just because some warlord was shooting up
their hovels and killing a kid now and again. I mean, they – and
you – have other children to replace the dead ones, right? So
practice the courtesy you had hoped to receive. Take the weeks
or months necessary to assemble your paperwork and then flee
the rampaging soldiers, gangs, warlords, or natural disaster.
Otherwise, you’re even worse than an immigrant: you’re an
illegal immigrant. That odious criminal so enraged Americans
that they embraced every totalitarian tactic politicians devised to
repel him: walls to beat Berlin’s on the borders, national IDs,
workplace raids, etc. Sans papers, you’ll no doubt horrify your
new compatriots to the same extent. Do yourself a favor: dodge
the bullets, floodwaters, or whatever and collect your documents
before emigrating.
Second, learn to pick fruit and scrub toilets. "But I’m a
doctor/engineer/teacher/technician!" you’re protesting – though
certainly you’re not serious. The Ideal Immigrant never swipes a
job from some worthy citizen in his new home. He realizes that’s
no way to ingratiate himself with neighbors deigning to tolerate
him. Rather, since he now exists for the benefit of his adopted
country, he’ll work long hours for low pay at jobs so onerous no
native wants them. The Ideal Immigrant also resists the urge to
rant that even newcomers are men and therefore endowed by
their Creator with certain unalienable rights, including that of
living and working where and how they please. This bizarre
belief may have flourished in the eighteenth century, but liberty’s
immutable principles have changed since then. Enlightened
moderns understand it’s tidier to trust a country’s composition to
bureaucratic whim rather than the decisions of millions of
individuals. Not to mention how foreigners endanger a nation’s
ideology when they espouse opinions contrary to its government.
Fortunately, Our Rulers bar such disloyal folks lest they confuse
good, red-blooded Americans.
Which brings us to the third point: if your chosen destination has
a constitution, don’t believe anything it says – or doesn’t say –
about immigration. After all, the US Constitution nowhere
authorizes the Feds to control anyone’s comings and goings.
Thank God for the Supreme Court: it rescued us from such
parlous anarchy by inventing a governmental "interest" in
immigration during the 1870’s. But for the Court, Leviathan might
never have gained the right to dictate who could live where. Nor
did Americans protest this gross violation of the Constitution and
natural law. Perhaps they were too relieved that the State was
saving their jobs from Chinese immigrants out West. Imagine the
Chinks’ cheek, risking their lives to sail the Pacific for work
Americans would have performed at higher wages. Look for your
host country to abuse its foundational law with equal
You may be tempted to select a nation with a Christian heritage
as your new abode since the Bible commands hospitality to
strangers. Indeed, it lumps newcomers with widows and orphans
as folks with a special place in the Almighty’s heart while
promising His judgment on those who oppress them. And as if
that weren’t enough, there’s the Golden Rule: Christians are to
do unto others, including foreigners, as they want others to do
unto them.
Alas, American Christians may well be the world’s humblest.
They positively relish abasement, given the huge helpings they
allow the State to dish out to immigrants. Clearly, they hope
others will suspect them of terrorism and abuse them
accordingly. And if, as some predict, our expiring Leviathan
begins "breathing out threatenings and slaughter against the
disciples of the Lord," we Christians must simply endure, just as
we figured our brethren overseas could when their governments
outlawed the faith. Did we object when the Feds piled barrier on
barrier for the weakened, mangled, persecuted Church to leap
when seeking asylum here? Or did we nod as our pastors
preached subjection to those in authority? Expect no safer haven
from the Church militant, for we serve a just God.
The Psalmist proclaims, "The LORD watches over the alien . . ."
God help us if He now demands an eye for an eye.
Becky Akers writes primarily about the American Revolution.
Copyright © 2010 by Permission to reprint in
whole or in part is gladly granted, provided full credit is given.
New Mexico Liberty – September 2010 – Page 4
The Friends of the “Free Market”
Are Its Worst Enemies
by Kevin Carson
27 August 2010 –
In the introduction to Capitalism and Freedom, Milton
Friedman complained of the perversion of the word
“liberalism,” which early in the 20th century underwent a
shift in meaning from a philosophy favoring free markets
and individual liberty to a philsophy favoring government
intervention to guarantee individual security. He quoted
Joseph Schumpeter’s statement that the enemies of the
system of free enterprise had appropriated its label.
This is true in a sense which Friedman perhaps did not
intend. Most people who call themselves “liberal” these
days are, indeed, hardly friends of free enterprise. But if
Friedman meant to imply that liberal Democrats are
uniquely hostile to free markets, among political
movements in the American mainstream, he was
In fact, any time you hear a politician on C-SPAN or a
wonk on one of the talking head shows praise “our free
enterprise system” or “our free market system,” you can
be morally certain the words are being spoken by an
enemy of free enterprise and free markets.
The people who talk most about “free enterprise” and “free
markets” in American political discourse, far from actually
favoring those things, have appropriated the label “free
enterprise” for their system of corporate welfare, corporate
protectionism, and crony capitalism.
Quite frankly, I’m thoroughly sick of seeing right-wing
Republicans referred to as “free market fundamentalists”
by people like Thomas Frank. I’m sick of seeing “free
market” treated, on the Left, as synonymous with a
modernized version of Robber Baron capitalism. But it’s
hard to blame them for this, considering that about the
only people you see praising “the free market” in the
mainstream media are, well, Robber Barons.
It’s a shame they’ve managed to get away with it. I have a
more respect for those who, no matter how morally
odious, at least are honest enough to admit where the
interests of the corporate piggies at the trough really lie
when it comes to free markets.
The private sentiments of the so-called friends of “free
enterprise” – people like Dick Cheney, Tom Delay, and
Dick Armey – are probably more honestly represented by
former Archer Daniels Midland CEO Dwayne Andreas:
“The competitor is our friend and the customer is our
enemy.” “The only place you see a free market is in the
speeches of politicians.”
Tom Friedman, the foremost defender of corporate
globalization, knows exactly what the system really
“For globalism to work, American can’t be afraid to act like
the almighty superpower that it is. The hidden hand of the
market will never work without a hidden fist. McDonald’s
cannot flourish without McDonnell Douglas, the designer
of the U.S. Air Force F-15. And the hidden fist that keeps
the world safe for Silicon Valley’s technologies to flourish
is called the U.S. Army, Air Force, Navy and Marine
But then, I like the cheerfully sociopathic Blago
unknowingly recorded on the phone (“effing golden”) a lot
better than the guy on the talking head shows who lifts his
eyes heavenward and compares himself to Gandhi and
Mother Theresa. At least with people like Andreas and
Friedman, you know what you’re dealing with. No hokum
about “free enterprise.” Just flaming death from the skies
for anybody who fails to ratify the Uruguay Round TRIPS
accord or stops using the dollar as a reserve currency.
If you want a living illustration of the moral cancer at the
heart of what passes for “free market” advocacy, just look
at Dick Cheney saying “the government never made
anyone rich” – while Halliburton/KBR gobbles down slop
by the bucketfull.
It’s no wonder “free enterprise” and “free markets” have
fallen into such ill repute among broad sections of the
American public. You can thank their most vocal
defenders. If “free markets” meant what the folks at
FreedomWorks and AEI meant by them, I’d hate them too.
Fortunately, though, they don’t. Free markets – genuine
free markets, without subsidies or protections for big
business – are the enemies of corporate power. But you’ll
never see anyone saying that on CNBC or the Wall Street
Journal editorial page.
C4SS Research Associate Kevin Carson is a
contemporary mutualist author and individualist anarchist
whose written work includes Studies in Mutualist Political
Economy, Organization Theory: An Individualist Anarchist
Perspective, and The Homebrew Industrial Revolution: A
Low-Overhead Manifesto, all of which are freely available
online. Carson has also written for such print publications
as The Freeman: Ideas on Liberty and a variety of
internet-based journals and blogs, including Just Things,
The Art of the Possible, the P2P Foundation and his own
Mutualist Blog.
"If two or more persons conspire to injure, oppress,
threaten, or intimidate any person in any State, Territory,
Commonwealth, Possession, or District in the free
exercise or enjoyment of any right or privilege secured to
him by the Constitution or laws of the United States, or
because of his having so exercised the same; or If two or
more persons go in disguise on the highway, or on the
premises of another, with intent to prevent or hinder his
free exercise or enjoyment of any right or privilege so
secured - They shall be fined under this title or imprisoned
not more than ten years, or both;"
– 18 USC 241,
New Mexico Liberty – September 2010 – Page 5
Subscriptions and Correspondence
by Mike Blessing, Editor
For a print subscription, contact Ron Bjornstad for details. New
Mexico Liberty will be posted to the web, in PDF format, to the
Files section of the Google group I’ve set up for it –
If you have news, interesting stories, op-ed pieces, a letter to the
editor, or timely information that you think belongs in the
please send it along. I can be contacted at 505-515-7015, or just
send it to email address
When sending your submission as an MS Word (or Open Office
Text) file, send it single-spaced in 9-pt Arial – like this is. Margins
should be quarter-inch (0.25”) around, with no headers or
footers. If you send it in a text-only format, make it clear to me if
you want anything in bold type, underlined, in italics, struckthrough, different colors, etc. I’m not telepathic here, so help me
out. And NO Wordperfect files – I can't open those.
Graphics (pictures, cartoons, etc.) – send the highest quality
graphics you can – email them to me at the address above, and
I’ll do what I can to get them in the next issue. In particular, what
I want are pictures of YOU the LPNM members, either at LPNMsponsored events or at other peoples' events. Submission
deadline for each issue – midnight, third Tuesday of the month.
As for writing your article, It should be concise (no longer than a
page) and topical. A bit of humor helps, especially for op-ed
What I'm really looking for in the way of articles is what's going
on in the LPNM – what YOU the membership are up to in
spreading the message. For example, an article about the
stupidity, insanity and evil of the UN might get put in, depending
on available space and the quality of the article. A group of
LPNM members counter-protesting the raising of a UN flag by
the city council WILL get put in, and probably will get first priority.
Editorial Viewpoint
The basis for libertarian thought is the Zero Aggression Principle
[ZAP] –
If you are moving or change your mailing address, please use
keep us in the loop so we can keep your New Mexico Liberty
[ ] if you're a print version subscriber.
Otherwise, contact the editor.
Advertising in New Mexico Liberty
Current rates for year-long spots
Business card
Ø 8.00
Rates are subject to change at the discretion of the editor. The
editor will do his best to make any such changes only when
absolutely necessary.
Inserts – For an insert into the PDF version that goes out over
the internet, contact the editor at email address . For an insert
into the print edition, contact Ron Bjornstad at email address or phone number 505-288-4228.
Ø – The symbol for Federal Reserve Note(s), as used by Boston
T. Party in his books. In plain-text message traffic (such as
email), the acronym “FRN” will be used by the editor. See for more information. Also see the Wikipedia
918 Ivory Road SE
Rio Rancho, NM 87124
A libertarian is someone who believes that no human
being has the right – under any circumstances – to initiate
force against another human being, nor to threaten, incite
or delegate its initiation.
New Mexico Liberty holds that Libertarian candidates,
officeholders or appointed spokespersons at all levels of
government or the Party
should refrain from advocating new or more restrictive laws, new
or more expensive spending programs, or new or higher taxes.
To paraphrase from the medical profession, “First, do no harm.”
Submissions Policy
The editor reserves the right to refuse service to anyone for any
reason. The editor will most often be willing to explain any such
reasons. Appeals of the editor's refusal to post an advertisement,
article, letter to editor, or anything else can be made to the
LPNM's State Chair, Central Committee and/or Judicial Council.
Copyright © 2003 – Present, Libertarian Party of New Mexico. All
rights reserved. Permission is explicitly granted for subscribers to
recopy New Mexico Liberty for non-commercial purposes,
specifically as use as an outreach tool, provided that New
Mexico Liberty is copied in its entirety. Use your imagination
"Government is the great fiction, through which everybody
endeavors to live at the expense of everybody else."
– Frederic Bastiat
New Mexico Liberty – September 2010 – Page 6
LPNM Central Committee
Jay Vandersloot – 505-362-1733 /
Vice Chair
Elisheva Levin – 505-286-1387 /
Siebert Ickler – 575-541-9079 /
Michael Simpson – 505-999-9954 /
County Contacts
Bernalillo –
Mike Blessing – 505-515-7015 /
Richard Moore – 575-377-6849 /
Dona Ana –
John Ennis – 575-571-6881 /
Christina Groth – 575-397-9366
District 1 Representative
Bob Finch – 765-412-2374 /
Richard Obergfell – 575-378-8025 /
District 2 Representative
Los Alamos
Allen Cogbill – 505-662-7833 /
District 3 Representative
Mike Moss – 505-564-4905 /
Marilyn Steffen – 575-936-6843 /
At-Large Representative, Seat A
Allen Cogbill – 505-662-7833 /
Otero –
Gilberto Heredia – 575-439-8234 /
At-Large Representative, Seat B
Ken Sanders – 505-749-2085
At-Large Representative, Seat C
Mike Blessing – 505-515-7015 /
San Juan –
Gary Wood –
At-Large Representative, Seat D
Ron Bjornstad – 505-891-4541 /
Ron Bjornstad – 505-288-4228 /
At-Large Representative, Seat E
Membership Coordinator
Ron Bjornstad – 505-288-4228 /
Press Secretary
Bill Koehler – 505-264-0835 /
Media Director
Bob Finch – 765-412-2374 /
Campus Contacts
Central New Mexico Community College [CNM]
Mike Blessing – 505-515-7015 /
Internet Resources
Official Website –
LPNM Discussion –
Blog –
LPNM Vacancies
Central Committee (2)
District 2 Representative
At-Large Representative, Seat E
County Contacts (22)
Catron / Chaves / Cibola / Curry / De Baca
Eddy / Grant / Guadalupe / Harding / Hidalgo
McKinley / Mora / Quay / Rio Arriba / San Miguel / Santa Fe
Sierra / Socorro / Taos / Torrance / Union / Valencia
College Contacts (3)
Eastern New Mexico University (Portales)
New Mexico State University (Las Cruces)
New Mexico Tech (Socorro)
University of New Mexico (Various Campuses)
Western New Mexico University (Silver City)
Contact the state chair if you're interested in filling a slot.
If you don't, who will?
Facebook group –
Myspace group –
Libertarian National Committee
For the full list, see this page –
Region 4 Representative
Norman Olsen – 303-277-9967 /
Region 4 Alternate
Don Wills –
New Mexico Liberty – September 2010 – Page 7
Libertarian Party of New Mexico
Enrollment / Renewal / Donation Coupon
(Please print in all areas)
Name ___________________________________ Address ____________________________________
City ___________________________ State ________ Zip ______________ Phone _______________
Email _______________________ Employer ____________________ Occupation _________________
[ ] I am registered to vote as “Libertarian” in the State of New Mexico and wish to [ ] join or [ ] renew as a
caucus member. I am paying $25 annual dues. I will receive a one year (12 issues) subscription to the LPNM
state newsletter “New Mexico Liberty” (the national “LP NEWS” IS NOT included) and I will have delegate
status at state
conventions. I certify that I do not advocate the initiation of force to achieve political or social goals.
Signed _____________________________________________
[ ] I am not registered to vote as “Libertarian” in the State of New Mexico and/or [ ] I do not wish to sign the
statement opposing the initiation of force to achieve social or political goals. I am paying $25.00 for a one year
(12 issues) subscription to the LPNM state newsletter “New Mexico Liberty” (the national “LP NEWS” IS NOT
included). I understand that I will receive no other benefits.
[ ] I am making a DONATION to the LPNM in the amount of $ ________ to be applied as follows:
$_____ General Fund $_____ Chairman's Fund $_____ Major Player Fund $_____ Win One Fund
TOTAL of DUES or SUBSCRIPTION plus DONATION $_________ to be paid as follows:
[ ] by enclosed CHECK payable to “LPNM” (Sorry, we cannot accept corporate checks)
[ ] by CREDIT CARD (circle one): VISA / MASTERCARD
Number: __ __ __ __-__ __ __ __-__ __ __ __-__ __ __ __ Expires: ____/____
Signature: _____________________________________________
Government mandated notices:
The US Postal Service requires us to notify you that the annual New Mexico Liberty subscription
cost is included in your LPNM membership dues of $25.00.
● The Internal Revenue Service requires us to print “political contributions are not tax deductible” on
all fundraising appeals.
● The Federal Election Commission requires us to ask for the employer and occupation of each
individual whose contributions aggregate in excess of $200 in a calendar year.
The preceding notices alone should be enough reason to join the Libertarian Party, the only political party
working to increase your freedom.
LPNM c/o Ron Bjornstad
New Mexico Liberty – September 2010 – Page 8