ANALGESICS ANALGESICS I. Opioid (narcotic) analgesics 1. Agonists of opioid receptors – morphine hydrochloride, promedol, omnopon, fentanil, codeinн; 2. Agonists – antagonists and partly agonists of opioid receptors – pentasocin, buprenorphine. II. Nonnarcotic analgesics and nonsteroid antiinflammatory drugs acetysalycylic acid, paracetamol, analgin, indometacin, butadion, ibuprofen, pyroxicam, diclofenac-sodium, ketorolac, ketoprofen. III. Substances with mixed mechanism of action (opioid and nonoioid components) tramadole NARCOTIC ANALGESICS The following structures take part in perception of pain: thalamus, hypothalamus, reticular formation, limbic system, occipital and frontal areas of cortex System which conducts and perceives pain - nociceptive System which contracts pain – antinociceptive Visceral pain – from internal organs Somatic pain – bones, muscles, articulations, teeth, ligaments, nerves Opioid system Contents: • opioid receptors • endogen opioid substances – endorphins, encephalines, dinorphines Subtypes of opioid receptors: mu, delta, kappa, epsilon, sigma Subtypes of opioid receptors mu Analgesia, depression of breathing, euphoria, addiction development, sedative effect, depression of contents mocing through digestive tract, miosis kappa Analgesia, sedative eefect, psychotomimetic action delta Analgesia, euphoria, behaviour chnages sigma Mania, increasing of breathing frequency, hallucinations, midriasis Poppy 1. Papaver rhoeas L. 2. Papaver somniferum L. 1 2 Morphine hydrochloride “mosaic action” on central nervous system Effects of depression • • • • analgesia decreasing of frequency and depth of breathing depressing of central links of coughing reflex from the side of psychic sphere – somnolence, retardness Effects of stimulation • • • • vomiting (excitation of trigger zone of vomiting center) bradycardia (increasing of tone of vagal nerve nuclei) miosis (increasing of tone of n. oculomotorius nuclei) euphoria (condition of full psychological wellness with pleasant emotional feelings and feeling of physical comfort) • increasing of activity of spinal cord intermediate neurons ADMINISTRATION OF NARCOTIC ANALGESICS • • • • • prophylaxis and treatment of pain shock traumas burns acute myocardium infarction premedication for potentiation of action of narcosis drugs, analgesia in postoperative period • colics • to releive sufferings of oncologic patients of 4 clinical group (can’t be treated radically) • acute abdomen (strong pain in abdominal cavity, caused by perforation of ulcer, acute appendicitis, acute intestinal impassability etc.) – only from the moment then diagnosis becomes clear MORPHINE HYDROCHLORIDE Ways of introduction into organism • subcutaneously and intramuscularly (analgesic action after 10-15 min) • after oral introduction – presystemic elimination ( 20-60 % enters general blood circulation) • sublingually – quick absorption • into epidural, subarachnoic spaces • into brain ventricles Duration of analgesic action – 4-6 hours Maximal one-time dose of morphine is 0,02 g, maximal day dose – 0,05 g Side effects of morphine • addiction • tolerance • vomiting (excitation of starting zone of vomiting center) • bradycardia (increasing of tone of n. vagus nuclei) • spasm of sphincters of gastro-intestinal tract accompanied by constipations • increasing of tone of smooth musculature of urinary and bile-excreting tracts (retentions of urination, bile stasis) • Bronchial spasm pain that accompanies chronic diseases. In exceptional CONTRAINDICATIONS FOR ADMINISTRATION OF occasions it is introduced (not more than 1-2 injections) in MORPHINE case of pain which threatens development of pain shock, for, example, acute attach of ulcer disease children before the age of 2 years for aged from 2 to 6 years and elderly the drug should be administered very carefully (breathing depression is possible) pregnancy and lactation anesthesia during child delivery (fetus breathing depression) skull traumas, brain hemorrhages (increasing of intracranial pressure) depression of function of breathing center, damage of respiratory organs, bronchial asthma OMNOPON contains mixture if opium alkaloids (48-50% morphine) does not cause spasms of smooth musculature, as it contains alkaloids of isochinoline raw is used for analgesia according to all the indications of morphine hydrochloride, for example, colics Promedol duration of analgesic action - 3-4 hours moderate spasmolytic influence on smooth musculature of internal organs stimulation of rhythmic contractions of uterus does not depress breathing can be used for analgesia and stimulation of child delivery in case of pain syndrome connected with spasms of smooth musculature Phentanil synthetic narcotic analgesic of short action analgesic activity is 300 times higher than of morphine analgesic effect after intravenous introduction – after 1-3min, lasts for 15-30min used with a narcoleptic droperidol (complex drug – “talamonal”) for neuroleptanalgesia – a variant of general anesthesia Codeine opium alkaloid analgesic action is not strong, but anticough effect is considerable administered as an anticough drug of central action analgesic with weak activity combined with non-narcotic analgesics (paracetamol) for potentiation of the effect Pentazotsin agonist-antagonist of opioid receptors it is a bit less dangerous in the aspect of addiction development (in comparison with morphine) indicated in case of pain of medium intensity in such conditions like other narcotic analgesics. it can cause increasing of blood pressure and tachycardia that’s why it’s not advised to use in case of acute myocardium infarction if it is administered for people with narcotic addiction manifestations of abstinence develop Buprenorphine Partly agonist of mu-opioid receptors Acts longer than morphine (approximately 6 hours) Analgesic activity is higher than of morphine, that’s why it’s used in doses of 0,3-0,6 mg Indicated for pain decreasing in the same situations as other narcotic analgesics May be used for detoxication and supporting treatment of individuals who is addicted to heroine TRAMADOL Analgesic activity is not weaker than activity of morphine In case of intravenous administration effect develops after 5-10 min, if administered orally – after 30-40 min, action lasts for 3-5 hours. ADMINISTRATION OF TRAMADOL surgery, traumatology, neurology, urology, oncology gynecology, For all kinds of acute and chronic pain of moderate and considerable intensity, including postoperative, traumatic pain! neuralgias diagnostic and therapeutic interventions oncologic pathology Acute poisoning with narcotic analgesics It is often observed in drug addicts death – from breathing depression SYMPTOMS dizziness nausea, vomiting (rarely), heavy sweating general weakness, somnolence, which after transfers into deep dream and coma pale and cyanotic skin, decreased body temperature weak pulse, decreased blood pressure rare and superficial breathing Triad in case poisoning with morphine Acute miosis Pathological breathing of Chain-Stocks’ type Saved tendon reflexes Treatments of acute poisoning Naloxon (antagonist of opium receptors) i.v.- 0,4-1,2 mg stomach lavage (for morphine enterohepatic circulation is typical) with 0,05-0,1% solution of potassium permanganate and 0,5 % tannin solution salt laxative agents (sodium sulfate) forced diuresis atropine sulfate inhalation of carbogen (5-7 % СО2 and 93-95 % O2) All narcotic analgesics cause drug addiction – narcomania Manifestations psychological dependence physical dependence tolerance abstinence syndrome NON-NARCOTIC ANALGESICS Types of action of non-narcotic analgesics •Analgesic •Antipyretic •Anti-inflammatory (except paracetamol) Mechanism of action of non-narcotic analgesics activity depression of cyclooxygenases decreasing of prostaglandins synthesis in peripheral tissues and in central nervous system decreasing of sensitivity of nervous endings and depression of transduction of nociceptive impulses on the level of CNS structures pain-relieving action of non-narcotic analgesics is partly connected with their anti-inflammatory activity Indications for administration of non-narcotic analgesics headache toothache radiculitis neuritis, neuralgias myositits, myalgia arthritis, arthralgia pain, connected with pelvic organs (dysmenorrhea) for potentiation of their action – combinations paracetamol with codein, analgin with dimedrol, analgin with codein Acetylsalicylic acid Blocks irreversably cyclooxygenase As a pyrolytic and analgesic drug – 0,25 and 0,5 g per time As an antiinflammatory – 3-4 g per day (for arthritis, myocarditis, pleuritis, bronchitis etc. For prophylaxis of thrombusformation (in case of ischemic heart disease, thrombophlebitis etc.) – daily dose – 80-100 mg Analgin (metamizol-sodium) Baralgin (maxigan, spazgan, spazmalgon, trigan) analgin+pitophenon hydrochloride+pheniverinium bromide • Ampoules tablets suppositories • Analgesic and spasmolytic activity Paracetamol analgesic and antipyretic drug maximal effect if the drug is introduced orally – after 2 hours, lasts approximately for 4 hours in case of durable administration of big doses – damaging of liver and kidneys, production of met-hemoglobin Paracetamol Tablets Suppositories Syrups Soluble tablets Capsules PARACETAMOL Panadol (paracetamol) Ketorolak (ketanov) according to analgesic activity it prevails over effect of acetylsalicylic acid, indometacin and equals to opioid analgesics moderate anti-inflammatory, antipyretic and anti-aggregate effects high effectiveness in case of pain in postoperative period, in oncology, during child delivery, traumas, colics intramuscular introduction, orally Analeptics Analeptics are general CNS stimulants; they stimulate vitally important centers (respiratory and vasomotor) of the brain. CLASSIFICATION OF ANALEPTICS UNDER THE MECHANISM OF ACTION: 1. DIRECT-ACTING drugs, which stimulate centers of the medulla oblongata: Bemegride, Aethymizole, Caffeine 2. REFLECTORY-ACTING: cause reflectory timulation of the respiratory center due to H-cholinoreceptors of the sinus caroticus stimulation. Cytitonum, Lobelinum 3. MIX-ACTION ANALEPTICS: They act as directly on the respiratory and vaso-motor centres, as reflectory on the chemoreceptors of vessels. Cordiamine, Camphor, Sulfocaphocaine CLASSIFICATION UNDER THE INFLUENCE ON THE DIFFERENT PARTS OF THE CNS: Analeptics, act mainly on the cortex of the brain: Caffeine Analeptics, act mainly on the subcortex centers: Bemegride, Aethymizole, Cytitonum, Lobelinum, Cordiamine, Camphor, Sulfocaphocaine Analeptics, act mainly on the spinal cord: Strychninum INDICATIONS FOR USE OF ANALEPTICS: Hypoxias, respiratory failure Overdosing or poisoning with narcotic drugs, general anesthetics, alcohol, hypnotic drugs To speed up awakening action after narcosis Asphyxia of newborns; Shocks, collapses Prophylaxis of lung atelectasis and pneumonia SIDE EFFECTS OF ANALEPTICS: Nausea, vomiting Sezures Increasing of reflex excitation Hyperventilation Cardiac arrythmia PSYCHOMOTOR STIMULANTS PSYCHOMOTOR STIMULANTS Derivatives of purine – caffeine Phenilalkilamines – phenamine (amphetamine) Phenilalkilsydnonimins sydnocarb Properties of psychomotor stimulants Stimulate intellectual activity, speed up thinking processes, temporarily eliminate tiredness, somnolence Eliminate such manifestations of neurosis as: subdepression, fatigue, retardness Aren’t able to eliminate endogen depression, which accompanies psychic diseases Caffeine Mechanism of action • Binding with adenosine (“purine”) receptors in brain (endogen ligand of these receptors – adenosine decreases processes of excitation in CNS) • Inhibiting of phosphodiesterase, which leads to accumulation of cAMP and stimulation of many physiological processes and metabolism Usage of phychostimulating influence of caffeine For stimulation of psychological processes, workability, to eliminate somnolence Enuresis, narcolepsy In case of poisoning with alcohol To speed up awakening after narcosis Influence of caffeine on cardiacvascular system Vessels 1. Stimulation of vasomotor center – contraction of vessels, increasing of AP 2. Peripheral myotropic spasmolytic action – dilation of vessels, decreasing of AP Heart 1. Central action (increasing of n. vagus tone) – bradycardia 2. Peripheral action (direct influence on heart) – tachycardia, possible extrasystolia Influence of caffeine on cardiovascular system Contraction of brain vessels Dilation of kidney vessels, increasing of diuresis Dilation of coronary vessels In case of depression of centers of brain stem (medulla oblongata) caffeine shows stimulating properties, increases blood pressure, stimulates breathing – analeptic action SIDE EFFECTS OF CAFFEINE administered regularly – psychological addiction – theism, which is accompanied by development of abstinent syndrome (retardness, fatigue, somnolence, depression) Tolerance Teratogenic action (inborn abnormalities) Increasing of frequency of stenocardia, hypertension Acute attacks of ulcer disease (it increases gastric secretion) Acute poisoning in case of overdosing If NOOTROPIC DRUGS (NEUROMETABOLIC CEREBROPROTECTORS) Neurometabolic cerebroprotectors Derivatives of pyrrolidone – Derivatives of GABA – Neuropeptides – pyracetam (nootropil) aminalon, Na oxybutyrate melatonin, sinacten-depot Cerebrovascular drugs – sermion (nicergolin), cavinton (vinpocetin), stugeron (cinnarisin), pentoxyphylline (trental), xantynole nicotinate Derivatives of piridoxine – Antioxidants – Others – piritinol (encephabol) mexidol, tocopherole acetate cerebrolysine, actovegin, solkoseryl, plant preparations Properties of nootropic drugs Improvement of brain blood circulation, promotion of collaterals development Psychostimulating effect, antiasthenic action Sedative, antidepressive action Antiepileptic, antiparkinsonic action Nootropic action Mnemotropic action Vasovegetative action Antihypoxic action Administration of nootropic drugs Atherosclerosis of brain, vascular parkinsonism, Alzheimer's disease Disorders of brain blood circulation in case of traumas and intoxications, vascular diseases of brain Diseases of CNS, accompanied by decreasing of intellect, memory Disorders of psychology (in elderly with schizophrenia, depressions) To decrease manifestations of abstinence (alcoholism, drug addiction) In neurology (neurasthenia, migraine, neuralgias, radiculitis) In pediatrics in case if mental insufficiency Piracetam (nootropil) Cerebrolysin Cinnarizin (stugeron)
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