Kyiv - 2007
Kyiv - 2007
Kyiv - 2007 © International Renaissance Foundation, 2007 I nternational Renaissance Foundation (IRF) has been working since 1990 and is a part of the Open Society Institute network, founded by George Soros, American financier and philanthropist, and incorporating national and regional foundations in more than thirty countries around the world, in particular in the Central and Eastern Europe, Africa, the US and in former USSR countries. Since the beginning of its operation, the strategic priority of the International Renaissance Foundation activities has been the development of the open civil society in Ukraine, the society in which each member is not indifferent to the rights and obligations, takes part in the social life and is ready to bear responsibility for on one’s own behalf and on behalf of the community. IRF provides an on-going support for public initiatives aimed to ensure honest and fair expression of people’s will. In 2007 IRF provided financial, expert and organizational support for election initiatives. Those included supporting of National exit poll, NGOs’ monitoring and independent coverage of election campaign by media, and information and public awareness campaign. In order to overcome political populism and create favorable condition for conscious choice, IRF focused its efforts on informing citizens about the programs of the political parties and blocs taking part in the elections, analyzing political forces’ approaches to solve the most urgent social problems, and familiarization of the public with previous and new promises of candidates. Within the activities that were carried out with the IRF support during the Parliamentary Election 2007 the most significant are: • Monitoring research in ten Ukrainian regions during the inter-election year 2006-2007 • Launch and activities support of the Civil Assembly of Ukraine • Support of monitoring and independent coverage of the election campaign by media within the framework of a joint program “Open Media Fund for Ukraine” • National Exit Poll’2007 financial support and coordination of activities of donor organizations that co-financed it • Organization and conducting of TV debates on the “1+1” TV channel (Po Po suti talk show) • Creation of the Internet resource Responsible Choice-2007 The total amount of financial support provided by IRF in 2007 is US$ 578, 173 for 24 election-related projects. To receive more information on and take part in public evaluation of these projects visit a web page International Renaissance Foundation 3 ORGANIZATION OF NATIONAL EXIT POLL’2007 D uring the parliamentary elections in 1998, 2002 and 2006, two rounds of presidential election in 1999 and three rounds of election of President of Ukraine in 2004, International Renaissance Foundation along with the direct financial support of the National Exit Poll Consortium also provides organizational assistance in coordinating international donors’ activity. The exit poll survey is held to exercise public oversight of transparency of election and to provide the public with unbiased and impartial information about political processes and public opinion. Another objective of the exit poll is, undoubtedly, provision of information to mass media and the public about the results of expression of people’s will. September 30, 2007 – the day of snap election of national deputies of Ukraine – National Exit Poll Consortium that includes the Democratic Initiatives Foundation, Kyiv International Institute of Sociology and Ukrainian Centre for Economic and Political Studies named after Oleksandr Razumkov carried out a survey among the voters at the polling stations – National Exit Poll’2007. The survey covered 16,443 respondents who represented 33 million Ukrainian voters. Survey results were presented in the national dimensions and broken down into four regions: Western region – Zakarpattia, Volyn, Rivne, Lviv, Ivano-Frankivsk, Ternopil, Chernivtsi and Khmelnitskyi oblasts; Central region – Zhytomyr, Vinnytsia, Kirovohrad, Cherkasy, Poltava, Sumy, Chernihiv and Kyiv oblasts and the city of Kyiv; Southern region – Autonomous Republic of Crimea, Odesa, Mykolaiv, Kherson, Zaporizhia and Dnipropetrovsk oblasts; Eastern region – Kharkiv, Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts The National Exit Poll’2007 project is financed by the Forum of International Donors, which today includes the following organizations: Democracy Grants Program of US Embassy in Ukraine, The Royal Norwegian Embassy in Ukraine, 4 International Renaissance Foundation Danish Neighborhood Program under Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Small Grants Project of the Netherlands Embassy to Ukraine, Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, International Renaissance Foundation National Endowment for Democracy (USA), Swedish Agency for International Development and Cooperation (SIDA), Charles Stewart Mott Foundation (USA) Project partners are Committee of Voters of Ukraine, Internews-Ukraine, Laboratory F-4. Results of a nation-wide survey were announced after the end of voting on September 30 at 10.01 p.m. local time at the UNIAN information agency. The Democratic Initiatives Foundation invited international sociology research companies to take part in the National Exit Poll’2007, including: QEV Analytics (USA) and Yuri Levada Analytical Center (Russia). Budget (from IRF): 54, 623 US dollars More: International Renaissance Foundation 5 “PO SUTI”. TV DEBATES ON “1+1” CHANNEL TV channel “1+1” upon the initiative and expert support of the International Renaissance Foundation within the framework of the 2007 election campaign presented a joint project – a talk show Po suti”(presenter Vitaliy Haidukevych). Six shows were aimed to cover and provide an analysis of positions of the key players and participants of the electoral process in certain important spheres of social life and not to present political rhetoric and populist slogans. The shows were broadcast live on the “1+1” TV channel in September 2007. The important social topics discussed by the show participants were identified and announced in advance: Economic policy: • Priority spheres of development of national economy. What and how will provide for economic growth? • Policy of incomes of population. How will the income of population be provided for? • Tax and regulatory policy. How is entrepreneurship going to be regulated? State administration policy: • Reform of public administration. How can we make the government effective? • Constitutional reform and distribution of function of the government and local self-government. How can we enhance local self-government? • What will be done to establish cooperation between the power and public organizations/transparency of approved decisions? How can we make an official serve people? Judiciary reform and independence of courts: 6 • The right to fair trial. How can we provide for it in Ukraine? • Selection/training of candidates for the post of a professional judge; appointment/election of judges • Responsibility of judges (disciplinary, civil, criminal) • Overcoming corruption in the judicial power • Adequate financing of the judicial power. How can we provide for it? International Renaissance Foundation • How to make court independent? Reform of the health care sector: • How to improve the quality of medical care? • Insurance medicine • Equal access to quality medical service (financially and geographically)? • How can we provide for the health of the nation? Fight against cancer, AIDS, tuberculosis and other socially dangerous diseases? Reform of municipal and utilities infrastructure: • Housing policy for population • The quality of municipal and utilities service • Tariffs Foreign policy priorities: • How does diplomacy protect national security of the country: Ukrainian relations with neighbors, international organization, directions of integration? • What is “economization” of the foreign policy? Providing for power supply independence? • Foreign policy for ordinary people. Visa policy for Ukrainians and protection of interests of Ukrainian labor migrants abroad. Discussion of the ways to solve specific problems in the aforementioned areas as well as participation of leading specialists and best independent experts representing analytical NGOs made this talk show different from other shows broadcast on different channels. Participants of each show were representatives of three political parties (blocs) running for parliament that according to the sociological surveys as of the start of the election campaign had the highest indicators and real chances of getting seats in the newly elected parliament. Participants of the show were members of party lists who were selected on the basis of their profession in accordance with the show subject. The participants were not allowed to discuss issues beyond the show subject. For the first time not only political declarations were voiced but also specific actions and ways of policy implementation and proposals on reform of a respective branch as well as solutions to the specific problem were presented. Project budget: 176, 800 US dollars More: International Renaissance Foundation 7 Informational and Analytical Campaign RESPONSIBLE CHOICE–2007 W ith IRF support, Information and Analytical Center Public Space and Open Society Foundation organized and implemented an information and analytical campaign Responsible Choice – 2007. The campaign objective is to create conditions for a conscious choice of Ukrainian citizens transferring a political fight to the sphere of efficient competition of ideas and providing the citizens with unbiased information about all participants of the election process. Within the campaign framework, a web page was created www., which accumulated information about the election process participants: their programs, strategies, specific promises, and results of their work in the past and current information. Monitoring of political forces was carried out in three areas: availability of a position on key issues, agreement between election programs and information received from other sources, viability of proposals, consistency of proposals with the previous election campaign, the stage of party faction initiation of issues in accordance with their program and continuity of approaches to formulation of program documents. Based on the gathered information, leading experts analyzed and evaluated programs and activities of political parties (using a scored evaluation scale). Programs’ provisions were analyzed in six key areas: public administration, judiciary reform, economic policy, foreign policy, citizens’ health and municipal services. Results of the expert analysis and evaluation of participants of the election process were presented in a comparative (rating) table – On the eve of the Election Day, project results were presented to the mass media, NGOs, think tanks and the public. Budget: 10,000 US dollars More: 8 International Renaissance Foundation THE CIVIL ASSEMBLY OF UKRAINE P olitical Crisis: Positions of Civil Society – under this name, the first Civil Assembly of Ukraine (CAU) was held on July 24, 2007 in Ukrainsky Dim (Kyiv). This so far unparalleled forum brought together 383 representatives of NGOs from all over Ukraine in order to formulate a public request for the resolution of political crisis in the state. The Assembly summarized and generalized results of 25 individual regional discussions of the grounds of political and legal crisis to develop recommendations on overcoming the crises in the interests of the society as well as to formulate public requests for politicians’ behavior during the election campaign and after the snap election. In its Resolution adopted as a basis, the Assembly points out that the main threat of the current political crisis is an absence of rules of a game to be shared by all citizens and unconditionally respected by all politicians. At the central level of governance, a legal field has been virtually destroyed which means a destruction of a legal framework in the state represented by the Constitution. Governance has alienated itself from the people and has been turned into commodity. In the Resolution, participants of the Civil Assembly of Ukraine also stated that Ukraine needs a new Constitution that is to answer the public request for establishment and development of Ukrainian state and civil society. In view of this, the Constitution is to be developed not by the Presidential Secretariat and enacted by the Verkhovna Rada or through a manipulated referendum, but only by a constituent body that will represent interests of Ukrainian citizens and not of political players. In the event when politicians ignore this principle, the citizens have a right to initiate an immediate-effect referendum to establish a Constitution Assembly institution. Other requirements include organization of fair, transparent and democratic parliamentary election campaign, which will be based on a competition of programs and not on manipulation and speculation technologies aimed to split Ukrainian society. The Civil Assembly of Ukraine was held with organizational and financial support of The International Renaissance Foundation. Budget: 43,000 US dollars More: International Renaissance Foundation 9 Resolution of the Civil Assembly of Ukraine We, the participants of the Civil Assembly of Ukraine, which is represented by about 350 public unions, state that 2007 political crisis was inevitable and was determined by a set of political, legal, social and cultural factors. The political crisis in Ukraine did not begin on March 31, 2007 and it will not finish with holding election on September 30. The current political crisis is not only constitutional reform failure, which has disputable legitimacy, disintegration of the constitutional legal proceeding, political corruption, dismissal of the Parliament and extraordinary elections. It only the results of state formation process without support on civil society and without consideration of political, economic and social interests of a major part of citizens. It is the consequence of inability of the political elite to develop a clear development strategy of Ukraine in the competitive world that is rapidly globalizing. It is the result of the inherited soviet form of the Ukrainian state system, misunderstanding interconnection of own and national interests and also ignoring the highest priority of realizing human and citizen rights by the state. All this is the fundamental reason for the current Ukrainian crisis. This crisis is a challenge not only for the power and political environments. It is a challenge for the whole society and, first of all, for us, representatives of hundred civil organizations from all regions of Ukraine. The main danger of the present political crisis is the absence of the rules of the game shared by all citizens and which are adhered to by all politicians. At the level of the central power there has been actual destruction of the legal field and the legal framework of the state, which is the Constitution. There has been complete alienation of power from the citizens and transformation of this power into a commodity. Therefore we, the participants of the Civil Assembly of Ukraine, realizing the responsibility to all Ukrainian citizens and apprehending the specifics of the historical moment of the coming extraordinary parliamentary elections and the necessity of revision of the Constitution of Ukraine, declare: The Constitution is the basic rules that are approved by and adhered to by the society, which acts as the basis for the development of state. Ukraine requires a new Constitution, not a compromise of the elites or clans, but a real new public agreement. The new Constitution has to realize the request of citizens for the formation and development of the Ukrainian state. For this reason the Constitution is to be developed not by the Secretariat of the President of Ukraine and approved by the Verkhovna Rada or manipulating referendum, but exceptionally by the Constitutional Assembly – a constituent body which virtually establishes a new republic, the state of citizens. We demand that the President of Ukraine, other public servants and leading political forces: 1. Conduct an honest, transparent and democratic electoral campaign on the basis of competitive programs, but not speculative or manipulation technologies, especially those which are aimed at the split in the society. To inform the electors about the reality of pre-election promises and the availability of more detailed programs of the development of the country we charge CAU organizing committee with holding a survey (questionnaire poll) of the participants of the electoral process and making its comparative analysis to inform the public about its results. We address mass media with a request to make these results public. 2. Approve of the changes to the Constitution, which would provide for the convocation of the constituent meeting – the Constitutional Assembly to adopt the new Constitution of 10 International Renaissance Foundation Ukraine, whose delegates will not have a right to be elected in any public authorities for 10 years and will adopt the fundamental law not for themselves and their the parties, but for the citizens of the state. In the event of failure to perform this requirement we will initiate holding a referendum of the direct action pursuant to Article 72 of the Constitution of Ukraine in respect of changing Articles 155, 156 of the Constitution of Ukraine to introduce the institute of the Constitutional Assembly. 3. Hold public discussions of the conceptions and drafts of the Constitution of Ukraine and preparation of the new Constitution as a new public agreement between the Ukrainian citizens and efficient model of state management, which is able to provide for successful self-development of the Ukrainian society and competitive economy. 4. Introduce changes to Ukrainian legislation that will provide for: • The creation of effective instruments of the citizens influence on authorities and control of citizens over their actions and the actions of their public servants, in particular through the approval of the new version of the Law “On Public Associations”. • Giving the citizens back their right to directly participate in the elections without the mediation of parties, introducing the system of open regional lists or partial return to the majority electoral system (first of all while forming local self-government bodies), nullification party imperative mandate. • Making effective mechanisms of responsibility of the representatives of power, elected by citizens, for the failure to perform and failure to realize their pre-election programs, including deprivation of the position or mandate. • Reform of the system of public administration, alteration of the system of the independent legal proceeding, provision for independence of special public authorities, which are to provide for realization of the rights of citizens, the freedom of speech and balance between power and opposition. As activists of Ukrainian public organizations we will be: • Carry out wide-scope educational activities with the purpose of informing the Ukrainian society about threats that it may face and proposals regarding overcoming same; • Hold campaigns of public influence with the purpose of adopting changes to Ukrainian legislation mentioned in clause 4, convening the Constitutional Assembly, development and realization of development strategy of Ukraine. • Activate the citizens’ participation in public life and managing the community, region and country; • Initiate the partnership between different institutions and propose effective models of solving local, regional and national problems, including as concrete law and rule making initiatives; • Control actions of the bodies of power and political forces by the society; • Protect the rights of Ukrainian citizens at all level. Fellow-citizens! Our indifference, activity and consistence shall be guarantee for getting Ukraine out of the crisis and building up a successful Ukrainian state based on the interests of civil society. International Renaissance Foundation 11 MONITORING OF INTER-ELECTION YEAR OF 2006-2007 I n September 2007 the analysis results of the after Parliamentary election 2006 changes was published in the book Ukraine: Year after Election. Regions monitoring, edited by I.O. Kohut; Laboratory of Legislative Initiatives – Kyiv-Lviv. Publishing House “Мс”, 2007 The book generalizes results of monitoring held in ten Ukrainian oblasts during one year after the parliamentary election in 2006. Authors of the book focused their attention primarily on changes that took place in the after-election period as well as the main trends observed in social, political and economic life of the regions. Information about each monitored region was presented in four blocks: politics and power, civil society, mass media and business-climate. The NGO Consortium that united Laboratory of Legislative Initiatives, OPORA Public Network and Committee of Voters of Ukraine carried out the research with support of International Renaissance Foundation. Project implementation also involved regional partner organizations: Center for Political Analysis and Election Consulting (Lutsk), Center for Regional Policy Studies (Sumy), Slobozhanskyi Regional Center (Kharkiv). The monitoring was carried out in 10 regions: Vinnytsia, Volyn, Donetsk, Lviv, Odesa, Sumy, Kharkiv, Kherson, Cherkasy and Chernihiv oblasts of Ukraine and included preparation of regional reports, organization of presentations and discussions in the regions, development of analytical conclusions and generalizations. Project implementation process was covered by regional media, at various methodological seminars attended by experts from Moscow Carnegie Center, representatives of think-tanks and civil society organizations from Armenia and Moldova. The book Ukraine: Year after Election. Regions monitoring generalizes the first experience of independent regular monitoring of the regions with the help of various expert tools and methods. These materials can be useful for the governmental and political agencies, academic research organizations and education institutions, analysts in such spheres and policy, local self-governance, business, civil society and mass media. Budget: 43, 750 US dollars More: 12 International Renaissance Foundation THE INDEPENDENT MULTIMEDIA CENTER IN UNIAN I n order to provide the broadest coverage of public opinions related to the early parliamentary election campaign developments in 2007 and to present results of the national exit poll, joint initiatives and projects, International Renaissance Foundation in conjunction with the UNIAN and Democratic Initiatives Foundation within the framework of activities of Independent Multimedia Center initiated special briefings and press conferences Parliamentary Election-2007: Participation of Public Organizations. The initiative included: Press conference Specific Features of Program and Ideology Discussion (Debates) of Snap Election 2007. Participants of the press conference were Ihor Kohut (Laboratory of Legislative Initiatives), Ihor Burakovsky (Institute of Political Studies and Economic Consultations), Ihor Koliushko (NGO Center for Political and Legal Reforms), Volodymyr Horbach (Institute of Euro-Atlantic Cooperation), Valeriy Chalyy (Ukrainian Centre for Economic and Political Studies named after Oleksandr Razumkov) and Roman Kobets (NGO Ideal Country). The main problems discussed at the press conference were analysis of election programs from the point of view of logics of reforms suggested by the principal political forces, viability of individual promises and readiness of the society to corresponding changes. Experts also discussed such issues as public administration reform and strengthening of local self-governance, depoliticization of certain areas in economic and social spheres and responsibility of political elite for foreign policy and safety policy. At the press conference, there were also presented results of the TV-project “Po suti” that was implemented jointly with the “1+1” TV-channel and the information and analytical campaign “Responsible Choice – 2007». Press conference on the results of pre-election monitoring of information and summary TV shows , national and regional newspapers, Internet pages, political talk shows, election TV debates and summary political programs broadcast on 10 central Ukrainian TV channels. The monitoring was conducted to study the status of adherences to the standards of journalists’ ethics in coverage of the election campaign International Renaissance Foundation 13 as well as respect for the rights of journalists and media. Participants of the pres conference reported the most widespread violations of journalists’ rights and provided a general assessment of mass media activities during the early parliamentary election process. Leading Ukrainian media experts presented the main trends in coverage of pre-election campaign with regard to contents and quality of information products as well as voters’ access to information necessary to make a conscious choice. The press conference was attended by Natalia Lihachova (NGO Telekritika), Viktoria Siumar (Institute of Mass Information), Tetiana Kotiuzhynska (Association of Media Lawyers), Valeriy Ivanov (International Charity Fund Ukrainian Press Academy) and Oleksandr Chekmyshev (Equal Opportunities Committee). Announcement of results of the National Exit Poll’2007 Within the framework of activities of the Independent Multimedia Center, on September 30, 2007 at 10.01 P.M. local time, results of the National Exit Poll’2007 were announced. The poll was conducted by a consortium that included the Democratic Initiatives Foundation, Kyiv International Institute of Sociology (KIIS) and Ukrainian Centre for Economic and Political Studies named after Oleksandr Razumkov. The press conference was attended by Ilko Kucheriv (Democratic Initiatives Foundation), Volodymyr Panioto (KIIS), Volodymyr Bychenko (Oleksandr Razumkov Center), Elegia Skochylas (QEV Analytics (USA), Oleksii Levinson (Yuri Levada Analytical Center (Russia). Results of the national exit poll and other initiatives were also presented on September 30, 2007 on the leading Ukrainian TV channels during the election night TV shows: Inter, 1+1, ICTV, UT-1, Channel 5, NTN and Channel 24. More: 14 International Renaissance Foundation OPEN MEDIA FUND PROGRAM FOR UKRAINE JOINT INITIATIVE OF IRF, INTERNEWS-NETWORK AND US AGENCY FOR INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT (USAID) Within the framework of the competition Independent Coverage of the Snap Elections to the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine 250,000 US dollars were allocated to support 19 projects Name of organization: INSTITUTE OF MASS INFORMATION Project description: Series of regional training for journalists “Professional Skill for Covering Election Campaign” Project coordinator: Victoria Siumar Contact information: 461 90 23, Budget: 9,890 US dollars Over the period of project implementation, 6 training workshops were delivered in Cherkasy, Poltava, Kirovohrad, Sumy, Kharkiv and Chernihiv. Total number of workshop participants was 83 journalists. Trainings were condacted by well known media specialists Victoria Siumar (Institute of Mass Information, journalists’ aspect), Roman Holovenko (media lawyer) and Serhii Hus (Independent Media trade Union of Ukraine, aspect – protection of professional rights). The main objective of the training was to provide the participants with the skills necessary for media work during the election and share experience of covering election developments. Moreover, the workshops were organized in a very limited period so that journalists could use the acquired skills during the snap parliamentary election campaign 2007. Name of organization: INSTITUTE OF MASS INFORMATION Project description: Monitoring of Violation of Journalists’ and Mass Media Rights during Parliamentary Election Campaign Project coordinator: Victoria Siumar Contact information: 461 90 23, Budget: 12,749 US dollars International Renaissance Foundation 15 Since July 2007 the Institute was monitoring the rights of journalists related to the election campaign. During this period, we reported 5 instances of assault and battery of journalists (the most known case – beating of the press photographers of the Sehodnia [Today] newspaper), 11 instances of censorship and pressure on journalists (Ihor Slisarenko Channel 5, Zurab Alasania (Kherson Oblast State TV company), 12 suits against mass media outlets and journalists as well as numerous infringements of ethical standards in media during the election campaign. Due to the monitoring, some of these facts were broadly covered in the press and the media initiative facilitated resolution of conflicts. The preliminary summary of aforementioned data was used as a basis for a report of the Sub-Commission on Freedom of Speech presented at a session of the National Commission for Development of Information Sphere under the President of Ukraine on August 29, 2007. Name of organization: ASSOCIATION COMMON SPACE Project description: 60-day-long daily monitoring of information and summary TV shows, national and regional newspapers and Internet pages to ensure adherence to the standards of journalism in covering the election campaign and monitor violations of legislative requirements in relationships between the government, mass media and journalists. Project coordinator: Yurii Nesteriak Contact information: 483 19 59, Budget: 22,771 US dollars The project Conscious Choice Barometer envisaged organization of monitoring of the status of adherence to the standards of journalism in covering the election campaign and monitoring of adherence to the standards of freedom of speech and violations of legislative requirements in relationships between the government, mass media and journalists. The all-Ukrainian monitoring was organized within the framework of projects Ukrainian Monitor, Political advertising Barometer and Conscious Choice Barometer from August 1 to September 24, 2007 using the methods of content-analysis and expert 16 International Renaissance Foundation analysis of the contents of TV shows as well as the method of comparing the presenter’s text, off-screen text and the “picture”. These are the recognized international methods of monitoring election campaigns in mass media that a re similar to those that were used by OSCE election observation missions in Ukraine, Balkan states and other post-Soviet and former USSR states in 1998-2006. The monitoring covered Ukrainian information and summary TV shows: “Podrobytsi” (Inter), “Podrobytsi tyzhnia” (Inter), “ISN” (“1+1”), “TSN-pidsumky” (“1+1”), “Chas” (Channel 5), “Fakty” (ICTV), “NOvyny” (NTKU), “Vchasno. Pidsumky” (NTN), “24 hodyny” (Tonis), “Vikna” (STB), Reporter (“New Channel”), TRK “Ukraina”; national newspapers “Mirror Weekly”, “Facts and Comments”, “Ukraine Young”, “Today”, “Rural News”, “Newspaper Ukrainian Style”, “Komsomolskaya Pravda in Ukraine”; leading Internet resources: Ukrainska pravda, Obozrevatel, Glavred, UNIAN, ProUa; as well as representative sampling of the major TV-channels in 24 regions. In addition to the monitoring of news on TV, press and the Internet, all-Ukrainian monitoring of political advertising in the prime-time was also conducted for a representative sampling of major national and regional TV channels. The project results were as follows: • The majority of news reports about participants of the election race were so-called “political jeans” [broadcast order]; • Ukrainian media did not make a clear distinction between presentation of political leaders and political personalities; • Distinction made between the three “leaders” and four “outsiders” during the election campaign left no alternatives for those voters who did not make up their minds; • Journalists used fewer evaluation statements than before but still demonstrated direct or indirect sympathies and resorted to media effects; • In the Internet in terms of information scope, the 2007 election was covered more actively than in 2006; • The press both in the center and in the regions was more polarized in its sympathies; • Ukrainian regions were polarized in terms of the political advertising volumes – more in Southern and Eastern Ukraine, less in Central and Northern regions International Renaissance Foundation 17 On September 25, according to the project implementation plan, a press conference was held in the Interfax-Ukraine to present a preliminary report on monitoring results. More: Name of organization: ACADEMY OF UKRAINIAN PRESS Project description: Content-analysis of news reports in electronic media; monitoring of adherence to the standards for journalists covering election campaign Project coordinator: Valeriy Ivanov Contact information: 234 52 52, Budget: 14,500 US dollars During the monitoring of mass media, the Ukrainian Press Academy carried out the following activities: identification of the status and dynamics of political contents in the news programs on 10 major TV channels; monitoring survey of the scope and contents of political advertisements of parties and blocs broadcast by 10 TV channels. Content-analysis of news and advertising covered 10 leading Ukrainian TV channels (UT-1, “1+1”, “Inter”, STB, “New Channel”, Channel 5, ICTV, “Tonis”, NTN, TRC “Ukraina”). The snap parliamentary election in Ukraine was the major subject of the news programs. The topic was additionally stimulated by active discussion of social problems in the news, gradual reduction of conflict and negative context of political news, increased attention to political parties because of political personalities and political institutions. During the monitoring, the following advertising strategies of various channels were identified: preference was given to advertising clips; channels were greatly differentiated in terms of the scope of advertising and anti-advertising. In September, the most active players on the political advertising arena were the major figures of the 2007 election (4 out of 21 participants). Survey results demonstrated greater share of advertising messages depicting the leaders than before. Another intrinsic part of advertising products is anti-advertising. In terms of shares of the pro і contra in advertising, more time 18 International Renaissance Foundation was allocated to the contra. In the focus of anti-advertising were the main candidates for the majority in the newly elected parliament. More: Name of organization: CENTER FOR UKRAINIAN REFORM EDUCATION Project description: creation of a network of regional press clubs of the Center for Ukrainian Reform Education in 24 Ukrainian oblasts to ensure unbiased and impartial coverage of election process in regional media. Project coordinator: Iryna Movchan Contact information: 490-6988, Budget: 22,800 US dollars The project Development of Network of Independent Public Press Centers for Unbiased and Impartial Coverage of Election Process in Regional Media was aimed to ensure dissemination of true and unbiased information about preparation for and conduct of the early parliamentary election in Ukraine. Since the election race 2007 is limited in time, political parties carry out active and even aggressive election campaigns and promotion of their platforms. In order to make it easier for the voters to cope with the immense amount of information and receive unbiased impartial data about the participants of the election process, the CURE regional press clubs were used as a basis uniting regional journalists in order to establish a network of independent public press centers (IPPC). Each regional IPPC organized and held media events (press conferences, briefings, debates, etc) on a daily basis for all participants of the election process – political parties as well as mass media representatives and experts. The IPPC served as the source of information that provided everyone with the most complete and updated information about the current status of the election process. Each IPPC also prepared a periodical digest of election campaign developments and events. Before a launch of the project (August 1, 2007), the Center for Ukrainian Reform Education held consultations with all press clubs belonging to the CURE network. Participants of the consultations agreed to organize a series of joint meeting for all press clubs. The topics for discussion at such meetings included: International Renaissance Foundation 19 Election [Odesa] Style: Getting Acquainted with Principal Players of Season 2007 (with the following agenda): • What are the main differences between the current campaign of your headquarters and the previous one? • Election-2007: what does your party offer the voters in [Odessa] region? • What s the meaning of “freedom of speech” and “freedom of press” as seen by your party? • How is your headquarters going to organize its work with the local press? What were the selection criteria for the press secretary of your headquarters? • To which extent will activities of your headquarters be open and transparent for the regional press journalists? Party Election Lists: Gender Aspect (invited participants were heads of the major election headquarters who spoke about the number of female candidates on their party lists and explained their reasons). Election Programs: Business Aspect (invited participants were 5-6 heads of the major election headquarters. Each of them presented the views and intentions of their party on development of small and medium business in the region.) In addition to the aforementioned general topics for discussion, each independent public press center held 5-10 press conferences, briefings and media events for individual parties and blocs. Furthermore, the IPPC staff prepared regular “election” digests. Media events organized by the IPPC were usually attended by 10-15 journalists from the printed media, radio and television; after the results of a media event, 3-5 articles in average appeared in the press and 5-10 reports were broadcast on local television and radio. The project was implemented in all Ukrainian oblasts. Name of organization: DONETSK PRESS CLUB Project description: organization of an oblast conference for local media on mass media activities during elections, discussion of shortcomings and peculiarities of election legislation, possible violations, etc with invited leading Ukrainian experts 20 International Renaissance Foundation in election law; preparation of 9 issues of an electronic bulletin to be circulated among local media and NGOs; publication of 4 insertions to a periodical with unbiased presentation of the election campaign developments; dissemination of an instruction booklet for journalists Project coordinator: Tetiana Stroy Contact information: (062) 345 17 95, Budget: 8,645 US dollars September 4, 2007 one-day oblast conference Legal Aspects of Media Coverage of 2007 Election Campaign was held for representatives of oblast and local mass media to discuss media activities during the election, shortcomings and specifics of election legislation, explain amendments to the Law of Ukraine On Elections of National Deputies of Ukraine, possible violations, ways to avoid them, etc. The conference was held in cooperation with Donetsk oblast organization of the Committee of Voters of Ukraine. The main presenters were representatives of oblast state administration, CVU, representative of the OSCE Coordinator Office in Ukraine and representatives of various NGOs. Conference participants also were editors-in-chief of oblast and local printed media, representatives of TV and radio companies, Internet publications, journalists’ trade unions and journalists who covered the election campaign (total – nearly 50 persons). Within the project framework, a weekly newsletter was also published (first newsletter appeared on September 8), which covered the main developments of the election campaign-2007 that took place in Donetsk oblast. The newsletter was distributed to local mass media and NGOs via e-mail. About 70 local mass media outlets as well as about 30 NGOs received regular impartial information about political developments in Ukraine. Besides, digests were posted at There were also published three separate columns for an insertion to a periodical “Express TV” (circulation – 50,000 copies) that informed the voters of Donetsk about political events, specific details of election legislation and results of various sociological surveys. The last insertion issue appeared on September 27 and contained information about the rights and responsibilities of voters, behavior at a polling stations as well as changed requirements for submission of a request for voting at home. International Renaissance Foundation 21 We also published an instruction booklet for journalists who covered the course of voting to tell then about their rights and responsibilities and rules of behavior at a polling station (number of copies – 200). Name of organization: INTERNATIONAL MEDIA-CENTER ALLIANCE Project description: Organization of round tables in Luhansk and Sverdlovsk to discuss articles of the Election Law on mass media activities. Involvement of authorities into the discussion Project coordinator: Natalia Tereshchenko Contact information: (0642) 53-00-35, Budget: 6,000 US dollars August 30 and September 6, round tables were held in Luhansk and Sverdlovsk. Project consultants prepared handouts with information about the fundamental legal principles of journalists’ activities in the information space during the lection campaign period – available in electronic form and in hard copies. Answers to participants’ questions were provided. The round table held in Luhansk was attended by 40 persons – representatives of mass media from 24 towns of Luhansk oblast: Melove, Popasne, Krasnyi Luch, Bilovodsk, Kremenna, Sverdlovsk, Novopskov, Stakhanov, Lysychansk, Slovianoserbsk, Rubizhne, Markovka, Novoaidar, Perevalsk, Alchevsk, Brianka, Bilokurakino, Starobelsk, Lutuhyno, Kirovsk, Antratsyt, Troitsk and Pervomaisk, departments of journalism and law studies of Eastern Ukrainian National University named after V.Dal. The round table held in Sverlovsk was attended by 20 participants who represented printed and electronic mass media from 5 cities and towns in Luhansk region: Krasnodon, Sverdlovsk, Rovenky, Antratsyt and Krasnyi Luch. More:§ion= project&sub=USAID/IRF&id=84 22 International Renaissance Foundation Name of organization: COMMITTEE FOR MONITORING OF FREEDOM OF PRESS IN CRIMEA Project description: Monitoring of violations of a right to freedom of speech and information inn the Autonomous Republic of Crimea; publication of monitoring results and provision of qualified legal and information assistance for journalists Project coordinator: Volodymyr Prytula Contact information: (0652) 27-69-65, Budget: 7,000 US dollars With relation to the early parliamentary election in Ukraine, the Committee for Monitoring Freedom of Speech in Crimea monitored the status of adherence to the norms of Ukrainian and international legislation in this sphere and in the sphere of mass media freedom as well as respect for journalists’ rights in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea during the election campaign. The project continues to provide legal advice to independent media and journalists of mass media regardless of the form of ownership. The project envisaged monitoring of the status of freedom of speech in Crimea during the election campaign and assistance for journalists and mass media at a local level. Within the framework of the project, information was gathered and published on a regular basis about violations of freedom of speech principles in Crimea, petition campaigns to protect journalists were organized and legal assistance provided. On the eve of the election day (September 29), on the election day (September 30) and the day after the election day (October 1, 2007), a “hotline” to provided assistance and consultations for journalists was working. Within the framework of the project, the Committee cooperated with the Legal Consulting Center whose qualified specialists (Emine Avamilieva, Arsen Osmanov and Safia Shabanova) provided legal advice to independent mass media and journalists from the media of all forms of ownership. International Renaissance Foundation 23 Name of organization: ASSOCIATION OF MEDIA LAWYERS Project description: training for judges of administrative courts and media lawyers to prepare them for work during the 2007 early parliamentary election in Ukraine; provision of information to regional journalists about the specifics of election campaign; protection of journalists’ rights through provision of legal assistance. Project coordinator: Liudmyla Pankratova Contact information: 235 33 31, Budget: 25,615 US dollars The project envisaged organization of a competition to select participants training workshops. Over 50 lawyers from all regions took part in the competition; 25 participants were selected. July 28 through August 2, 2007 the workshop was held on “Practices of Resolution of Conflicts Related to Election Process” attended by 26 media lawyers. it was also organized a conference for media lawyers and editors of mass media: “Media Activities during Election Process” held in Kyiv in the Conferences Hall of the hotel “Ukraina” on August 18, 2007. Participants of the conference were lawyers of the “Halychyna” TV (Ivano-Frankivsk), “UT-1”, Channel 5, TVchannels “Inter”, “К1”, Volyn Oblast TV and Radio Company, “New Channel”, “Business Channel”, World Service UTR, radiochannels “Melody”, “Kyiv”, “Gala”, newspapers “Democratic Ukraine”, “Chernihiv Monitor”, “Gazette 24”, “Evening News” and other. 63 participants attended the conference. On the eve of the election day, a series of round tables was organized for journalists in all regions of Ukraine – “Election Day for Mass Media” to discuss: 1) journalists’ rights during election; 2) claims against mass media during the election process; 3) claims against mass media from the ex-candidates; 4) grounds for discharging the media from liability. The round tables were held in: 1. Kherson (September 24) – 12 journalists, trainer О. Burmahin, М. Hrinishak; 2. Rivne (September 24) – 11 journalists, trainer Т. Holuboka; 3. Kyiv (September 25) – 29 journalists, trainer L. Oprishko, T. Kotiuzhynska; 24 International Renaissance Foundation 4. Kyiv region (September 25) – 14 journalists, trainer L. Oprishko, L. Pankratova; 5. Lutsk (September 25) – 17 journalists, trainer V. Hurskyi, T. Holuboka; 6. Simferopol (September 25) – 12 participants, trainer P. Oviechkin; 7. Poltava (September 25) – 20 journalists + students, trainer I. Fedorenko; 8. Donetsk (September 17) – 30 journalists of regional media; 25 September - 14 journalists, trainer N. Hranovska; 9. Kharkiv (September I. Fedorenko; 26) – 14 journalists, trainer 10. Vinnytsia (September 26) – 11 journalists, trainer D. Vahin; 11. Khmelnytskyy (September 25) – 9 journalists, trainer D. Vahin; 12. Chernihiv (September О. Burmahin; 27) – 11 journalists, trainer 13. Mykolaiv (September М. Hrinishak; 27) – 23 journalists, trainer 14. Odesa (September 27) – 15 journalists, trainer О. Burmahin, М. Hrinishak; 15. Sumy (September 18) - 14 journalists, trainer I. Fedorenko; 16. Luhansk (27 O. Kovalenko; September) – 10 journalists, trainer 17. Ternopil (September 27) – 12 journalists, trainer V. Hurskyi; 18. Zhytomyr (September T. Levchuk; 27) – 25 journalists, trainer 19. Ivano-Frankivsk (September 27) – 12 journalists, trainer U. Vasylyk; 20. Uzhgorod (September A. Bachynska; 27) – 16 journalists, trainer 18. Chernivtsi (September 26) – 6 journalists, trainer V. Hurskyi; 21. Kirovohrad (September 28) – 15 journalists, trainer О. Burmahin; 22. Cherkasy (September L. Oprishko; 27) – 8 journalists, trainer 23. Zaporizhia (September 26) – 12 journalists, trainer L. Oprishko; 24. Dnipropetrovsk (September 26) – 25 journalists, trainer L. Oprishko, І. Voron International Renaissance Foundation 25 Name of organization: ASSOCIATION OF MEDIA LAWYERS Project description: Provision of on-going legal and advisory support to journalists of mass media from all Ukrainian regions to protect their rights provided for in Ukrainian election legislation during the election process Project coordinator: Tetiana Kotiuzhynska Contact information: 235 33 31, Budget: 14,300 US dollars The following activities were carried out in accordance with the project objectives: 26 • In August-September, journalists and mass media received 168 legal consultations; • In September, interests of mass media were represented in 4 court proceedings; • Regular publication in printed media and on webresources of report on activities of the Coordination Center for Journalists’ Rights during the election. Information was published by over 100 resources (60 Ukrainian-language; 40 Russian-language); • Materials were updated: amendments to the Election Law, new resolution and explanations from the Central Election Commission, court decisions – were added to the manual for journalists “Election Day for Mass Media: journalists’ rights during election; claims against mass media during the election process; claims against mass media from the ex-candidates; grounds for discharging the media from liability”; • Press-releases about activities of the Coordination Center were prepared, posted on web-resources and distributed in hard copies; • Manual for journalists was published and circulated: “Election Day for Mass Media: journalists’ rights during election; claims against mass media during the election process; claims against mass media from the excandidates; grounds for discharging the media from liability” and a separate book “Law of Ukraine On Elections of National Deputies of Ukraine” – total number of copies: 1, 200. International Renaissance Foundation The manuals were handed out to the journalists within the framework of the project “Training for judges of administrative courts and media lawyers to prepare them for work during the 2007 early parliamentary election in Ukraine”. Legal consultations were provided to media from all over Ukraine. Consultations were requested mainly by the TV and radio companies that were apprehensive of possible sanctions from the National Council on TV and Radio Broadcasting of Ukraine. Absolute leaders in terms of the number of applications for consultations on compliance with the requirements of the Lection Law by individual media were the TRK Ukraina and the Sehodnia [Today] newspaper. One should also mention that the organization provided legal support to the project “TV Debates” on Channel 5. Journalists’ questions concerned distinctions between information and campaigning, legitimacy of publication of information, interviews of candidates for national deputies as well as publication assessment of presentations and reports of chairs of various councils, publication of controversial materials of the election campaign containing negative information about other participants of the lection process. There were also many questions concerning correctness of agreements on pre-election campaigning. A separate discourse concerned journalists’ and citizens’ access to information about the candidates. The Election Law does not require provision of detailed information about the candidates or parties (blocs) and thus, information about the sources of parties’ financing, incomes and houses of candidates was not available. Name of organization: KHARKIV OBLAST BRANCH OF COMMITTEE OF VOTERS OF UKRAINE Project description: organization of a workshop in Kharkiv “Fundamental Legal Principles of Mass Media Activities during 2007 Early Parliamentary Election” Project coordinator: Mykhailo Kamchatnyi Contact information: (057)719 9936, Budget: 3,080 US dollars International Renaissance Foundation 27 August 15, 2007 Kharkiv department of the Committee of Voters of Ukraine held a workshop Fundamental Legal Principles of Mass Media Activities during 2007 Early Parliamentary Election for journalists, editors-in-chief and financial managers of regional media of Kharkiv and Poltava oblasts. 4 workshops were held: • Legislative regulation of media status during the early parliamentary election campaigning • Financial aspect of cooperation between the mass media and political parties (blocs) • Restriction of freedom of expression of views during parliamentary election • Main functions of the media during election campaign. Ethical aspect Training was delivered in an interactive form; the trainers involved participants into a discussion and resolution of practical problems; critical discussions were held. Invited trainers were specialists in election legislation and public figures. Workshops were attended by over 40 journalists working for media of Kharkiv, raion press of Kharkiv oblast and Poltava. For the workshop, a manual (45 pages) was developed and published to explain the workshop topics. Name of organization: EAST EUROPEAN INSTITUTE OF MEDIA PROBLEMS Project description: ensuring independence and impartiality of electronic media during the 2007 election through provision of legal support to them by organizing work of a legal support line and dissemination of a free methodological manual on participation of electronic media in the snap election campaign Project coordinator: Svitlana Seliutina Contact information: (044) 280 70 07, Budget: 10,650 US dollars In the course of project implementation, a “hot line” for journalists was organized. Information about its work was forwarded to each TV and radio company. The companies received 8 announcements from August 3 to September 24. Respectively, during the period of the “hot line” work since August 3, 127 consultations were provided to 127 TV and radio companies of Ukraine. 28 International Renaissance Foundation The hotline worked 35 days and nights from 10:00 A.M. to 7:00 P.M. local time. 78% requests were received by phone and 22% - via e-mail. 87% requests received immediate responses. 13% requests were answered in writing within 24 hours after the receipt. There was also developed a manual “Legal Regulation of Activities of TV and Radio Organizations during 2007 Election” (1,000 copies circulated). Project’s activities from August 6, 2007 to September 24, 2007, helped 78 TV and radio companies avoid violations of election law and work in accordance with the applicable Ukrainian legislation. Name of organization: TELEKRITIKA Project description: Monitoring of TV news, political talk shows, election TV debates and summary political shows broadcast by 10 central Ukrainian TV channels during the 2007 election campaign and after-election period. Project coordinator: Natalia Lihachova-Chernolutska Contact information: (044) 577 03 57, Budget: 20,000 US dollars Within the framework of the project Monitoring of TV news, political talk-shows, election TV debates and summary political shows broadcast by 10 central Ukrainian TV channels during the 2007 election campaign and after-election period, 14 information materials were prepared: • When Leaders of Political Forces are Campaigning, Other Kind of “Speakers” are Working in Talk-Shows // Otar Dovzhenko, September 20, 2007 Monitoring of Political Tv-shows, September 10-16, 2007 • Anatolii Hrytsenko Turned into Third Speaker of “Our Ukraine-People’s Self-Defense” // Petro Burkovskyi, Serhii Chernenko for “Telekritika”, September 17, 2007 ...according to frequency of appearance on TV screens and importance of messages. Monitoring of political technologies in media: September 8 – September 15, 2007 • Overtime Rituals // Petro Burkovskyi, Serhii Chernenko for “Telekritika”, August 29, 2007 Monitoring of political technologies in media. August 2007 International Renaissance Foundation 29 TV News • Three Direct Speeches by Derkach in One Program of “Era” – Channels’ Revenge for “Telekritika”? :) // Nikolai Kuziakin, September 25, 2007 Main News Subjects on September 17 –23, 2007 • Plagiarism from Arsen Avakov’s Weblog on “Ukraina Channel – Warning of Problems between Party of Regions and Communists? // Nikolai Kuziakin, September 20, 2007 Main News Subjects on September 10 –14, 2007. The author, though it is unprofessional, is fed up with PR-campaign of Andrei Derkach • Yaroslava Oblomova – A Start on the NTN? // Nikolai Kuziakin, September 12, 2007. Main News Subjects on September 3-7, 2007. The number of ordered materials in the majority news programs has been stabilized. At the same time, the virtual action of politicians are mutually “destroyed” because the viewers are drown in the PR campaign • ”Iryna Boiko” and “Ivan Dryhailo” Return // Nikolai Kuziakin, “Telekritika”, September 4, 2007. Main News Subjects on August 27 –31, 2007. • More and More “Jeans” … // Nikolai Kuziakin, “Telekritika”, August 30, 2007. Main News Subjects on August 20-26, 2007 TV Weeklies 30 • “Inter” Has Worked for Party of Regions for All Its Worth // Nikolai Kuziakin, September 26, 2007. Review of summary TV shows broadcast on September 23, 2007. Maksim, did you also take part in journalists’ revolution in 2004 as a journalist of the First National Channel. Are you not ashamed today? • Alla Mazur’s Non-Failure Debut and Oksana Sokolova’s Adequacy of // Nikolai Kuziakin, September 21, 2007. Review of summary TV shows broadcast on September 16, 2007 • Interview as Embellishment of Summary News Programs on the “Inter” Channel // Nikolai Kuziakin, September 13, 2007. Review of summary news programs broadcast on September 2 and September 9. Weekly programs on the “Inter” and ICTV are broadcast as before the summer vacations. The “TSN” on the “1+1” channel cannot make International Renaissance Foundation up its mind as to where it belongs to – the “smart” or the “beautiful” • “Slavko Used to be Small and He Used to Have Curly Hair as Well” // Andrii Kokotiukha for “Telekritika”, September 3, 2007. If the First School Day celebration is not only a weekend day but also a day that is 29 days before the election, then only a bad politician can miss that chance • Gag and Prank. Top of PR // Nikolai Kuziakin for “Telekritika”, September 3, 2007. ON that side of idiocy^ TV news programs abound in report about childhood, adolescence and youth of Ukrainian politicians • We are sorry to disturb you … // “Telekritika”, July 3, 2007. Review of summary TV shows broadcast on July 1, 2007 Name of organization: INTERNEWS-UKRAINE Project description: Information campaign to support the leection process in Ukraine Project coordinator: Oleh Moskalevych Contact information: (044) 4584440, Budget: 20,000 US dollars To fulfill the project objective – mobilization of voters during the early parliamentary election campaign 2007 by means of creation and broadcasting social advertisement clips on TV and radio – two focus groups were held to identify the information and motivation needs of the voters and formulate the key message for the clips. Target audience: youth and middle class representatives. Based on the results of study carried out by the focus groups, messages were formulated for use in the social advertisement clips. During the next stage, scenarios for the clips were developed; 2 vide Duration of each clip was 30 seconds. At the final stage of project implementation aimed to facilitate the election process and provision of information to the voters about their rights and responsibilities during the 2007 early parliamentary election in Ukraine, the clips were broadcast on the First National Channel and regional TV channels. After production of clips, the latter were presented for consideration to the Central Election Commission, National Council of Ukraine on TV and Radio Broadcasting and Secretariat of the President International Renaissance Foundation 31 of Ukraine. The clips received necessary approval. A decision was adopted to facilitate broadcasting of the clips on national and regional TV and radio channels. September 19, 2007 the Sales Department of the NGO Internews Ukraine forwarded the social advertisement clips to the First National Channel and regional TV and radio stations. In general, the clips were sent to fifty regional radio stations. The clips were accompanied by letters of support from the Presidential Secretariat and National Council of Ukraine on TV and Radio Broadcasting asking the channels to broadcast the clips. Additionally, the clips were forwarded to the Teleradiokurier for further broadcasting by regional TV stations. In general, the Teleradiokurier is planning to broadcast the clips on 200 regional channels. Name of organization: UKRAINIAN ASSOCIATION OF PRESS PUBLISHERS (UAPP) Project description: delivery of training to regional printed media to enhance quality of their coverage of the election campaign developments Project coordinator: Oleksii Pohorielov Contact information: 289 99 90, Budget: 10,000 US dollars Is August-September 2007 in line with the project schedule aimed to provide assistance to regional mass media during the preelection period, the UAPP performed the following activities. 1. 4 (four) round table discussions were organized in: August 2 – Rivne, August 9– Odesa, August 22– Chernihiv, August 29– Poltava. In Rivne, the discussion was attended by about 30 editors’in-chief, heads of advertising departments and media law experts. 10 of them represented leading media published in Rivne; the rest represented media of neighboring oblasts. (For more details see: 3125/121/) In Odesa, apart from 42 experts and representatives of printed media, participants of the round table included representatives of 4 local TV channels. (For more details see: 32 International Renaissance Foundation A round table held in Chernihiv was attended by 25 participants – publishers, editors and journalists from Chernihiv and Chernihiv region. For more details see: http:// A round table organized by the UAPP in Poltava was held simultaneously with a very similar event organized by the Institute of Mass Information. Despite the similarity of two simultaneous events, the UAPP was able to gather at its round table 18 publishers, correspondents and journalists from Poltava and the region. (For more details see: http:// 2. Simultaneously, starting from September 1, UAPP organized work of a “hot line” to provide legal support for publishers. During the business hours a media law expert in a Q&A mode provides consultations on any issues related to activities of printed media during the early parliamentary election campaign. The “hot line” receives on average 2-3 phone calls a day. UAPP on its web-site at ( ) in the “Legal Services” section organized a “hot line” part in order to (а) answer frequently asked questions, (b) publish especially important questions and answers and (c) present the selection of standard forms, applications, requests and other typical documents. Name of organization: INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION OF TV AND RADIO BROADCASTERS Project description: Organization of 4 workshops on “Rights and Responsibilities of TV and Radio Companies as Election Process Participants” Project coordinator: Kateryna Miasnykova Contact information: 290-98-76, Budget: 20,000 US dollars Within the project framework, four regional workshops were held on Legal Principles of Activities of TV and Radio Organizations during the 2007 Early Parliamentary Election Campaign: August 20, 2007 – Dnipropetrovsk; August 21, 2007 – Simferopol; August 29, 2007 – Ivano-Frankivsk; August 30, 2007 – Vinnytsia. International Renaissance Foundation 33 Participants of the workshops were 68 journalists and heads of TV and radio organizations. The workshop agenda included the following topics for discussion: • Meaning of election campaigning and political advertising in practice; • Development and dissemination of campaigning materials – different processes and different prices; • Should election campaigning materials be only in Ukrainian? • Delimitation of responsibility of TV and radio companies and parties (blocs) for the contents of distributed campaigning materials; • What materials about the election are not campaigning materials and can be published free of charge? • How can impartiality and unbiased presentation of all parties (blocs) as well as balance of presented information be ensured in practice? • How can results of public opinion survey can be disseminated (including surveys conducted by a TV and radio organization), results of an exit poll and parallel vote counting? Name of organization: REGIONAL PRESS DEVELOPMENT INSTITUTE Project description: “Your Choice – 2007” – facilitating conscious choice through creation of an electronic variant of a special election attachment and its circulation with Ukrainian regional press Project coordinator: Kateryna Laba Contact information: 458-34-93, Budget: 7,000 US dollars Project implementers published and circulated three issues of an electronic periodical Your Choice – 2007 to facilitate conscious choice of Ukrainian citizens at the early parliamentary election in 2007. On September 3, 10 and 17, three issues were forwarded to the national and regional media. The issues were entitled 34 International Renaissance Foundation Voters’ Guide – 1. Subject-Based Analysis of Party Programs, Subject-Based Analysis of Party Programs and Voters’ Guide – 2. Name of organization: MEDIA LAW INSTITUTE Project description: support of functioning of the Independent Expert Council on Media Activities during Election Project coordinator: Taras Shevchenko Contact information: 492 96 19, Budget: 10,000 US dollars The Media Law Institute (MLI) carries out an on-going monitoring of election campaigning and conflict situations around the mass media. The Institute also presents the monitoring results for further development of reports and proposals aimed to improve the election legislation. During the period of project implementation the MLI prepared a number of draft decisions that were approved by the Independent Council on Media Activities during Election. The Expert Council chaired by the Director of the Media Law Institute during the period in question received applications from both various TV and radio organizations, including regional organizations, and political forces such as Party of Free Democrats and the Election Bloc KUCHMA. During the period of project implementation, the expert council adopted 13 resolutions; about half of them were developed by the Media Law Institute. There were also held two press conferences in the information agency Interfax at which resolutions adopted by the expert council were presented. The presentation for journalists included the resolutions and dissenting opinions as well as the election campaign materials in question. Resolutions of the expert council were handed out not only to the stakeholders but were also forwarded to the National Council on TV and Radio Broadcasting of Ukrainian and posted on the Internet publication “Telekritika” and distributed through other internet-resources. This facilitated not only dissemination and promotion of ideas but also evaluation by independent observers. International Renaissance Foundation 35 Name of organization: INFORMATION PRESS-CENTER Project description: ensuring transparency of the election campaign and guarantees of the rights of journalists, mass media and citizens to free access to information through creation of a press center “Election -2007” on the basis of the Information Press Center in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea Project coordinator: Vira Sobolieva Contact information: 0652 25 15 48, Budget: 5,000 US dollars Within the framework of the project that strived to provide more quality and true information to the citizens about the election campaign developments and participants in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, it was organized a press- center “Election2007” in Simferopol. The press center provided equal opportunities to the campaign participants for organization of press conferences and round tables to discuss violations of election legislation. It was also organized a workshop for journalists and heads of mass media outlets for discussion of violations of ethical norms and professional standards by journalists and media in order to enhance their professional and legal awareness level. During the period of project implementation, the press center held 7 conferences and 1 training session for journalists and editors of TV and radio companies on Professional Standards and Journalists’ Ethics: Election Specifics. 36 International Renaissance Foundation