Bulletin 07.10.2010 - Matos-Masei.pub


Bulletin 07.10.2010 - Matos-Masei.pub
The Shul
Weekly Magazine Sponsored By Mr. & Mrs. Martin and Ethel Sirotkin
and Dr. & Mrs. Shmuel and Evelyn Katz
Parshas Matos-Masei
Shabbos Mevarchim
Shabbos Chazak
An Institution of The Lubavitcher Rebbe,
May His Merit Shield Us
A House of Torah, Prayer And Acts of Goodness
Tammuz 27 - 28, 5770
July 9 - 10, 2010
Candle Lighting: 7:58 PM
(See page 5 for full Shabbos schedule)
Rosh Chodesh Menachem Av
Monday, July 12
Molad ~ New Moon:
Sunday, July 11, 2010
6:07 and 17/18 parts of a minute PM
Serving the Communities of Bal Harbour, Bay Harbor Islands, Indian Creek and Surfside
9540 Collins Avenue, Surfside, FL 33154
Tel: 305.868.1411
Fax: 305.861.2426
Email: info@TheShul.org
Weekly Message
Thoughts on the Parsha from Rabbi Sholom D. Lipskar
Shabbos Mevarchim
Shabbos Chazak
his tandem portion which
culminates the fourth book of
Bamidbar is always read during the
three weeks of Jewish Communal
mourning. We basically mourn the
destruction of Jerusalem and the
Temple and their being captured
together with all of Israel’s Jewish
inhabitants by Nebuchadnezzer and Titus. To properly live in and
be bound to Israel we need to follow the special Divine
instructions of the Torah. Three major concepts are discussed in
this Torah Portion that are particularly relevant to our conducting
our lives on the highest levels: 1) the laws of Oaths and Promises;
2) the retributive war against the Midianites; and 3) the
appropriation of land on the other side of the actual border of
Israel to the tribes of Ruven, Gad and half of Menashe. In the
Torah, proximity of events and concepts indicates a relationship
between them as they convey a particular lesson for life.
Almighty G-d created the world and every creature including man
to serve a dual purpose: to give and to receive, to effuse and to
absorb. When one eats food in a proper way for the right purpose,
the food gives nutrition while being elevated from its organic level
to the human level and the person receives the benefit of the food
while infusing it with an energy only available to the human. It is
this vital combination that is necessary to make our world a
wholesome, holy place. When one is only a receiver from the
world, a lopsided, selfish, self-indulgement system is created that
bodes negativity and hedonism.
The Talmud states that one must be extremely cautious when
making an oath of self-denial and limitation. “It is enough that
which the Torah disallowed” – why deny ourselves additional,
generally permissible items? Only when one feels that this
consumption of a certain food or relationship with a certain
person is purely selfish or indulgent (receiving without giving)
should he deny himself that interaction. Similarly, the Midianites
introduced the Jewish people to promiscuous immorality – when
the dynamic relationship between a man and woman takes on
only selfish, greedy, physically gratifying proportions – bringing no
offspring or benefit to the world, receiving without giving. So too
did the tribe of Ruven, Gad and half of Menashe realize that even
outside of Israel, there are holy energies that need to be extracted
and elevated. Even as they recognized the greater personal benefit
of having land and abode in Israel proper, they were committed to
imbuing the lowlier space with purpose and holiness – giving
while receiving.
When we live in accordance with G-d’s directions, we bring
positive balance to our world as we receive all that we need and
simultaneously give to our world the spiritual dimension which
only we are capable of accomplishing.
During these three weeks when we commemorate the destruction
of our Temples and our exile into Galut, it is an appropriate
opportunity to emphasize the need to share with our world the
unique gifts of selflessness, G-dliness and holiness, as we expect
G-d’s reciprocation of His bountiful Blessings with the rebuilding
of our Temple and the coming of Moshiach.
Being in the Holy Land it is inspiring to see and learn how much
Israel and the Jewish people give to the world in every field of
endeavor with compassion and the ultimate of humanitarianism
while it is saddening to realize how little appreciation we receive
in return. A lopsided world indeed!
Have a good Shabbos and a great week.
The Shul Weekly Magazine
Everything you need for every day of the week
Special Thank You
Take a Deeper Look
Light & Power and Wine for Kiddush & Havdalah
for the month of Tammuz is sponsored by:
Celebr ating Shabbos
Schedules, classes, articles and more... Everything you
need for an "Over the Top" Shabbos experience.
Kiddush Bank
The Investment with the Guaranteed Return
A Time to Pray
Check out all the davening schedules and locations
throughout the week.
Communit y Happenings
Dates to Celebrate and Commemorate.
Inspiration, Insights and Ideas
Bringing Torah lessons to LIFE.
Get the Picture
The full scoop on all the great events around town.
Latin Link
Reflexión Semanal
French Connection
Réflexions sur la Paracha.
Just for the Gals
Delve into the power, strength and beauty in the life
of the Jewish Woman.
The ABC's of Aleph
Serving Jews in institutional and limited environments.
The Netw ork
Get Connected! All your advertising needs
in one convenient spot.
It’s Good To Know
Find out what's going on and how you can get involved.
Dail y Study
A complete guide to all classes and courses offered
at The Shul.
Communit y Nachas
A Peek at Recent Happenings.
Featured Upcomi ng Events
Events you won’t want to miss.
Shul Office Hours
Mon. - Thurs.
*National Holidays and Chol Hamoed
9 am - 5 pm
9 am - 2 pm
9 am - 2 pm
Mr. & Mrs. Nochum and Chaya Litchkowski & Family
In Loving Memory Of
Esther bas Itzchak ~ 12 Tammuz
“Those who establish Synagogues for prayer and those who come there to pray,
those who provide lights for illumination, wine for kiddush and havdalah, food
for the wayfarers and charity for the needy, and all those who occupy
themselves faithfully with communal affairs— may the Holy One, blessed be
He, give them their reward, remove them from all sickness, heal their entire
body, pardon all their sins, and send blessing and success to all their
endeavors, together with all Israel their brethren; and let us say Amen.”
- Shacharis for Shabbos.
Gabayim Corner
The Shul’s Gaboyim:
Mr. Allen Berry / Mr. Mauricio Fux / Mr. David Pollack /
Mr. Andrew Roth / Mr. David Portnoy /Mr. Henry Eichler
Please note that the distribution of Aliyot according to our customs
is in the order of certain Simchot, Yahrtzeits, Birthdays, Guests and
general rotation. We encourage you to participate in the weekday
Davening and Aliyot on Mondays and Thursdays.
Attention members and guests:
During the taking out of the Torah for leining, please allow seat
holders to return to their seats before occupying open seating.
Designated seats are for the use of members who dedicated them.
On Shabbos and Yom Tov, dedicated seats may be occupied by
anyone after 10:30 a.m. in the men’s section and 11:00 a.m. in the
women’s section.
Contacts at The Shul 305-868-1411
Rabbi Sholom Lipskar
Rabbi Zalman Lipskar
Mrs. Fay Garber
Mr. Terence Speyer
Rabbi Eily Smith
Rabbi Mendy Levy
Ext. 7315
Ext. 7345
Ext. 7315
Ext. 7326
Ext. 7304
Ext. 7333
Rabbi Shea Rubinstein
Ext. 7342
Rabbi Dov Schochet
Mrs. Geri Kelly
Mrs. Janice Barney
Mrs. Pnina Wuensch
Kashrus Contact / Bulletin
Ms. Lydia Hasson
Youth Oversight /Dinner/ Mrs. Devorah Leah
Operations / Maintenance Mr. Shlomie Katan
Reception/Accounts Payable Mrs. Renee Moore
Chana or Shani
Sephardic Minyan
Chazan Shimshon Tzubeli
Hebrew School
Mrs. Aurit Katan
Ext. 7343
Ext. 7341
Ext. 7318
Ext. 7313
Ext. 7314
Rabbi’s Secretary
Kolel / Library
Youth Director
JLAC/Outreach/Adult Ed.
Singles/Special Events
CYS College / Senior Kolel
Events /Office Manager
Please remember to take personal belongings with you when you leave The Shul.
Ext. 7328
Ext. 7322
Ext. 0
Ext. 7325
305 790-4634
Celebrating Shabbos With Our Youth
Everything you need for an "Over the Top" Shabbos experience
Shabbos Schedule
Shabbos with the Teen Boys Minyan
No longer will your children get lost amongst the crowds in Shul on
Shabbos morning. The Shul youth has worked together to organize a
highly educational and fun program for children and teens of all
ages. Each Shabbos morning program involves a mix of Tefilla
(prayer), Parsha (weekly Torah study) and general "Jewishness",
through games, songs, and stories. Taught by our very own Shul
Bochurim and youth girls, each child will experience Shabbos in its
full glory; leaving with a taste of holiness and fun memories that will
keep them coming back from week to week. A Kiddush exclusively
for the children culminates the exciting program.
10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Boys, ages 5-9: 2nd floor Youth Synagogue
Boys, ages 10-13: Main Sanctuary
Girls, ages 6-9: 2nd floor Classroom #1
Girls, ages 9-12: Teen Girls Room (front of Women’s Sanctuary)
10:30 a.m. until the end of Shul Services
Teen Girls, ages 15-18: Child Enrichment Center Classroom # 2
(At the back of the women’s section of the Sanctuary)
10:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Tween Girls, ages 12-14: Rabbi Lipskar’s Conference Room
10:45 a.m. - 11:45 a.m.
Toddler Program with Morah Malkie (ages 0 - 4)
2nd floor Classroom #2
6:45 p.m.
Father & Son (2nd floor) - Sponsorship available at $100
8:00 p.m.
Shalosh Seudos for all Boys & Girls (Youth Synagogue)
For more information on any of our Youth Programming, please contact
Rabbi Mendy at 305 868-1411 ext 7333
The Tehillim Club ~ THIS SHABBOS
The Tehillim Club allows children to become more familiar with
saying Tehillim on Shabbos Mevarchim (blessing of the new month)
by breaking the chapters down into manageable, age-appropriate
segments and rewards students with prizes for participation. Each
month, students who complete their Tehillim allotment are entered
into a raffle to win great prizes.
Hot chocolate and Danishes for all who attend!
Every Shabbos Mevarchim in the Haime Library
8:00 - 9:00 am
Sponsored by the Duchman Family
Ever wonder how you can teach your son to follow with a real
Minyan, or even run his own? The Shul youth has created the scene.
Every Shabbos morning, each teen has his own chance to play a
vital role in his own Shul Minyan, lead by one of our very own
Rabbis and Youth leaders. Every week all the boys have a chance to
act as Chazzan, Gabbai or ‘Rabbi’. This hands-on approach gives
each teen the opportunity to experience Shul and prayer to its
fullest, by involving them in every aspect of the Davening.
For Boys Only: ages 14-18
Child Enrichment Center Classroom # 2
10:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
*Please note: The Teen Minyan is strictly for the Teens. We would
appreciate it if adults would stay in the Main Sanctuary.
For more information: Contact 305 868 1411 ext. 7345
Torah Quiz
Questions This Week:
1. How is it possible that two youths who are the same age, can dip
identical vessels into a Mikvah, and only one of their vessels is tahor
(pure)? (Shulchan Aruch: Yoreh Daeh)
2. Why will there need to be cities of refuge in the future days of
Moshiach? (Alshich)
3. Which sisters gave birth even though they were older in years? (Bava
Answers for Last Week:
1. Pinchos was blessed that 380 Kohanim Gedolim descended from
him. 80 in the first Beis Hamikdash, and 300 in the second. Pinchos
earned the status of an enduring Kohein Gadol.
2. Serach bas Asher was the oldest person to leave Mitzraim and enter
Eretz Yisrael. Her extremely long life was a reward for her reviving
the broken spirit of her grandfather, Yaakov Avinu, who was
mourning the “loss” of his beloved son, Yosef.
3. Pinchas acted out of love for HaShem and was rewarded to live for
over 400 years! He defended HaShem’s honor by fighting those that
wanted to break the Torah. He was still around in the days of the
Shoftim in Eretz Yisrael.
New Rules for The Torah Quiz...
One winner per question. Each child may only answer one question.
Answers may be given from after Mincha on Friday afternoon until the
printing of the next week’s bulletin. Tell your answer to Rabbi Mendy
Levy or e-mail them before or after Shabbos to: mlevy@theshul.org. If
you answer your questions correctly ten weeks in a row, you will qualify
to win a MP3 music player!
Prizes kindly sponsored by the Goldczer Family.
Shalosh Seudos
Last Week’s Winners
Batya Segal
For Boys & Girls
Every Shabbos evening at 8:00 pm
In the Youth Synagogue (upstairs)
Prizes kindly sponsored by the Goldczer Family
Father & Son
Every Shabbos at 6:45 pm (2nd floor)
Learning * Stories * Ice-Cream * Lucky Dips
Sponsorship available at $100 - please contact Rabbi Mendy Levy at
305 868-1411 ext 7333 or send an email to mlevy@theshul.org
Shabbos Parshas Matos-Masei
Celebrating Shabbos
Everything you need for an "Over the Top" Shabbos experience
The Friday Evening Service and Shabbos Torah Portion
Friday Night
Yedid Nefesh
pg. 151
pgs. 99-101
pg. 101
Shabbos Day
Shabbos Day
(Stone Chumash)
Torah Portions
pgs. 900-934
pg. 1193
(Gutnick Chumash)
Torah Portions pgs. 244-288
pg. 308
Kiddush This Week
Friday Evening
Early Mincha / Kabbalat Shabbos
6:15 p.m.
Candle lighting
7:58 p.m.
Mincha / Kabbalat Shabbos
8:00 p.m.
Shabbos Day
Hashkama Minyan
7:15 a.m.
Reading of the Entire Book of Tehillim
7:15 a.m.
Tanya / Hayom Yom
8:35 a.m.
Shacharis (Morning Services)
9:00 a.m.
Children's Program
10:00 a.m.
Teen Minyan (Haime Library)
10:30 a.m.
Shabbos Women’s Tanya: Classroom #1 +/- 11:40 a.m.
With Mrs. Vivian Perez
After Davening
12:00 p.m.
Special Farbrengen
12:30 p.m.
In honor of Shabbos Mevarchim
Father & Son (2nd floor)
Ethics of the Fathers
Shabbos Women’s Class
Daf Yomi
Mincha followed by Shalosh Seudos
6:45 p.m.
6:45 p.m.
7:00 p.m.
7:10 p.m.
7:45 p.m.
Avot Chapter 2
Shalosh Seudos for Boys & Girls
Shabbos Ends / Ma’ariv & Havdalah
Weekly Video of The Rebbe
8:00 p.m.
8:54 p.m.
Kindly Sponsored by Mr. & Mrs. Mauricio and Chava Fux
in honor of the Bar Mitzvah of their son, Jacobo.
May they continue to raise him to Torah, Chupah and
Ma’asim Tovim and have much nachas from him.
Farbrengen This Week:
The Shabbos Mevarchim Farbrengen is sponsored in memory of
Basya bas Avrohom Refael niftar Tammuz 5767
Shalosh Seudos This Week
Available for Sponsorship
Please help us cover the cost of non-sponsored Kiddushim
by becoming a Partner or Patron of our Kiddush Bank.
Kiddushim at The Shul
Please help us continue to provide our weekly Shabbos Kiddush
and Shalosh Seudos by offering to become a sponsor.
Sponsorship by one or more individuals is encouraged.
The following dates are available for sponsorship:
Shalosh Seudos:
July 17, 24, 31
July 10, 17, 24, 31
If you wish to become a sponsor, please speak with Pnina
at 305 868-1411 x 7313 or email: pwuensch@theshul.org
Sephardic Minyan
Friday Evening
Shabbat Day
Shabbat Ends / Arvit & Havdalah
Next Week:
Candle lighting
7:56 p.m.
8:00 p.m.
7:30 p.m.
8:45 a.m.
7:45 p.m.
8:54 p.m.
The Shul has a “Kiddush Bank” to ensure that there are always
adequate funds to cover the costs of our weekly,
non-sponsored Shabbos Kiddushim and Shalosh Seudos.
Eruv Information
We would like to emphasize that every Erev Shabbos, individuals
should call the Eruv Hotline to make sure that the Eruv is
operational prior to carrying on Shabbos.
The number is 305- 866-ERUV (3788).
The Eruv message is recorded approximately two hours prior to
Candle lighting. Please note that the Eruv in Bal Harbour and
Surfside does not include the path along the beach. The backs of the
buildings form the Eruv in that section. It is forbidden to push
strollers or carry anything on this path or beach area on Shabbos.
There are two levels of participation:
Partner - annual contribution of $770
Patron - annual contribution of $360
Please help make our Kiddushim special.
Partners and Patrons will be matched with un-sponsored
Kiddushim and your name will appear in the bulletin as the
Kiddush sponsor on the week your donation is applied.
To participate in this mitzvah please call Pnina at (305) 868-1411 x 7313
Or email pwuensch@theshul.org
Shabbos Parshas Matos-Masei
Kiddush Bank
The Investment with a Guaranteed Return
Our very special thanks to the following Partners & Patrons whose contributions helped us to cover most
of the costs of the un-sponsored Kiddushim and Farbrengens as listed below.
Partners - annual contribution of $770:
Patrons - annual contribution of $360:
Mr. Bernard Werner
Mr. & Mrs. Moishe and Fayge Hersman
Dr. & Mrs. Bernard and Carolyn Baumel
Dr. & Mrs. Stephen and Bella Brenner
Mr. & Mrs. Boruch & Yonit Duchman
Mr. & Mrs. Edward and Pauline Kopelman
Mr. & Mrs. Temuri and Maya Nanikashvili
Mr. & Mrs. Sholom Moshe and Sarah Sheridan
Mr. Peter Schwalbe & Mrs. Jody Soltanoff
Mr. & Mrs. Michael and Dana Werner
Mr. & Mrs. Silvio & Carina Sitkowski
Mr. & Mrs. Neil Pershin
Mr. Abe Stein
Mr. & Mrs. Beryl & Florence Miller
Rabbi & Mrs. Simeon and Rose Schreiber
Mr. & Mrs. Baruch and Feige Knight
Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan & Blimie Levy
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey and Lillian Glick
Dr. & Mrs. Gene and Sandra Moteles
Mr. & Mrs. Martin and Susan Packer
Total Revenue for Kiddush Bank 5770: $11,300
Un-Sponsored Events
Sept. 20
Oct. 4
Oct. 9
Oct. 9
Oct. 10
Oct. 10
Oct. 31
Dec. 5
Dec. 25
Jan. 2
Feb. 6
Feb. 13
Feb. 20
Feb. 27
Apr. 10
May 15
May 22
May 29
July 3
2nd Day of Rosh Hashanah Farbrengen
Sukkot Kiddush (2nd Day)
Eve of Shemini Atzeret Hakafot Kiddush
Shemini Atzeret After Hakafot Meal
Shemini Atzeret Day Special Kiddush
Eve of Simchat Torah Hakafot Kiddush
Shabbos Kiddush
Shabbos Kiddush
Shabbos Kiddush
Shabbos Kiddush
Shabbos Kiddush
Shabbos Kiddush
Shabbos Kiddush
Shabbos Kiddush
Shabbos Kiddush
Shabbos Kiddush
Shabbos Kiddush
Shabbos Kiddush
Shabbos Kiddush
Paid by Kiddush Bank
Total Expense on non-sponsored 5770 Kiddushim: $16,600
Current Shortfall: $5,200
(Excluding the expenses for all the non-sponsored Shalosh Seudos meals provided by The Shul)
Make a deposit in our Kiddush Bank
Call Pnina at 305 868 1411 ext. 7313 to share in this special mitzvah.
A Time to Pray
Davening schedules and locations throughout the week
Daily Learning Schedule at The Shul
MORNING SCHEDULE - Monday through Thursday
6:15 - 6:50 am
Sichos Kodesh
Parshas Devarim
R’ Zalman Lipskar
7:00 - 7:25 am
Kitzur Shulchan Aruch
R’ Dov Schochet
8:00 - 8:45 am
Daf Yomi
R’ Dov Schochet
8:45 - 9:00 am
1 Chapter per day
R’ Dov Schochet
8:45 am (approx)
Sephardic Custom
Shimshon Tzubeli
10:00 - 10:45 am
Sicha of the Rebbe - Textual
R’ Shea Rubinstein
Daily Chumash & Tanya after every Minyan
EVENING KOLEL SCHEDULE - Monday through Thursday - 8:00-10:00 pm
Mon. to Thurs.
8:00 – 9:00 pm
Chavrusah ~ Subject of Choice
1st Session
Mon. to Thurs.
9:00 - 10:00 pm
Chavrusah ~ Subject of Choice
2nd Session
Daily Minyanim at The Shul
6:50 am
7:30 am
8:00 am
9:00 am
2:00 pm
8:00 pm
10:00 pm
No Minyan
R’ Zalman Lipskar R’ Zalman Lipskar R’ Zalman Lipskar R’ Zalman Lipskar
No Minyan
R’ Shea Rubinstein R’ Mendy Levy
R’ Mendy Levy R’ Shea Rubinstein
R’ Dov Schochet
No Minyan
No Minyan
No Minyan
No Minyan
R’ Zalman Lipskar R’ Dov Schochet
R’ Dov Schochet
R’ Dov Schochet
R’ Dov Schochet
No Minyan
R’ Mendy Levy
R’ Mendy Levy
R’ Mendy Levy
R’ Mendy Levy
R’ Zalman Lipskar
R’ Mendy Levy
No Minyan
R’ Dov Schochet
No Minyan
See Complete
on page 5
R’ Sholom Lipskar
R’ Mendy Levy
R’ Shea Rubinstein
R’ Dov Schochet
R’ Dov Schochet
R’ Sholom Lipskar
No Minyan
Sephardic Minyanim at The Shul
8:00 am
9:00 am
8:00 pm
Shimshon Tzubeli Shimshon Tzubeli Shimshon Tzubeli Shimshon Tzubeli Shimshon Tzubeli
Shimshon Tzubeli
See Complete
Shabbat Schedule
on page 5
Shimshon Tzubeli Shimshon Tzubeli Shimshon Tzubeli Shimshon Tzubeli Shimshon Tzubeli Shimshon Tzubeli
Halachic Times for the Week: Based on times for July 14, 2010
Alot Hashachar / Dawn
Earliest Talit & Tefillin
Netz Hachamah / Sunrise
(Earliest Amidah)
Latest Shema
Zman Tfillah
Chatzot / Midday
Earliest Mincha
Plag HaMincha
Shekiah / Sunset
5:20 am
5:47 am
6:38 am
10:02 am
11:10 am
1:26 pm
2:00 pm
6:49 pm
8:15 pm
(preferable latest time for Mincha)
Tzeit Hakochavim/Nightfall
8:46 pm
(earliest preferable Ma’ariv)
(Times taken from www.chabad.org.
Please note that during the week the times may vary by a minute or two.)
The Shul of Downtown
Shacharis Monday & Thursday only
Monday through Thursday
8:00 am
2:00 pm
Rabbi Chaim Lipskar
48 East Flagler Street, #363 (3rd Floor), Miami
305-373-8303 or 786-368-9040
Email: RCL@ShulofDowntown.com
This is Hashem’s House!
When in the Sanctuary ……...…shh!…...…...
If you speak in Shul...then where do you Pray?
Community Happenings
Dates to Celebrate and Commemorate
Tammuz 28
Tammuz 28
Tammuz 28
Tammuz 28
Tammuz 29
Tammuz 29
Tammuz 29
Tammuz 29
Tammuz 29
Menachem Av 1
Menachem Av 1
Menachem Av 1
Menachem Av 1
Menachem Av 1
Menachem Av 2
Menachem Av 2
Menachem Av 2
Menachem Av 2
Menachem Av 3
Menachem Av 3
Menachem Av 4
Menachem Av 4
Menachem Av 4
Menachem Av 4
Menachem Av 5
Dr. John Sragowicz
Ms. Margot Zeigler
Mrs. Lilian M Gatdula
Mrs. Meira Gewirtz
Mrs. Clarisse Dalfen
Mrs. Ronalee Galbut
Ms. Devorah Egozi
Mr. David Weinflash
Mr. Gabriel Ammar
Mr. Asher Perez
Mr. Gary Schottenstein
Mr. Guido Fraiman
Mrs. Orit Colodner
Ms. Sonia Bitton
Dr. Allen Packer
Ms. Jennifer Weinschneider
Mrs. Dorith Ness
Mrs. Lillian Glick
Mrs. Naomi Rut Cook Sharon
Mrs. Zohara Weiss
Ms. Amber Ziefer
Ms. Joshuana Azout
Mr. Jack Friedler
Rabbi Sholom Dovber Lipskar
Ms. Shaina Rosenfeld
Our Kids’ Birthdays
Tammuz 28
Tammuz 29
Menachem Av 1
Menachem Av 1
Menachem Av 4
Menachem Av 5
Menachem Av 5
Menachem Av 5
Menachem Av 5
Tal Reboh
Alejandro Klimberg
Mazalit Behar
Charlotte Hamburger
Elisheva Kraindel Adouth
Abraham Hilu
David Bonwitt
Menachem Mendel Jaimovich
Abigail Colodner
Mr. & Mrs. Ighal and Sabrina Goldfarb
Mr. & Mrs. Alfonso and Shoshana Soued
Mr. & Mrs. Marty and Flora Weiss
The Shul welcomes the following new members
to our community:
Mr. & Mrs. Yossi and Yuliya Sokol
Thanks to Our Volunteers
The Shul thanks all our Volunteers for their
invaluable help:
Mrs. Sarah Libke Caplin for assisting at the front desk
Mrs. Ofelia Wiener for assisting the Hashkama Minyan
Mazel Tov
Mazel Tov to Mr. Sergio Gurvitsch on the birth of a
granddaughter. May he see her grow to Torah, Chupah and
Ma’asim Tovim and have much nachas from her.
Have you celebrated a special occasion that warrants a Mazel
Please email all info to Lydia@theshul.org or call 305 868 1411
Tammuz 28
Faege bas Eliyahu obm
Mother of Mrs. Claire Loew Hausman
Menachem Av 1 David Katz obm
Father of Mrs. Linda Wagschal
Menachem Av 1 Rivka bas Meier obm
Sister of Mr. Joseph Weiss
Menachem Av 2 Fortuna Cohen obm
Grandmother of Mrs. Chava Fux
Menachem Av 3 Sheindel Tabacinic obm
Mother of Mr. Moris Tabacinic
and Mr. Jose Tabacinic
Menachem Av 3 Alter Yitzchok Yehudah ben Chaim obm
Husband of Mrs. Margaret Weiss
and Father of Mr. Michael Weiss
Menachem Av 4 Yosef Chaim ben Yoneh obm
Father-in-law of Mrs. Hermine Gewirtz
Menachem Av 4 Zvi Hersch ben Yakov obm
Father of Mrs. Zohara Weiss
Menachem Av 5 Yosef Benzaquen obm
Father of Mrs. Kelly Adar
Menachem Av 5 Dovid ben Moshe obm
Father of Mrs. Suzan Garson
Kashrus Korner
Grandessa Signature's Chocolate Covered Fruit Bars
Company: Aldi
Issue: This certified product contains dairy ingredients as listed on the
ingredient panel but the dairy designation has been inadvertently
omitted. Corrective action is being taken.
American Roland's Artichoke Hearts
Issue: A limited quantity of American Roland canned artichokes
mistakenly bear an OU symbol. The OU does not certify this
product because of bedikas tolayim concerns.
"Elsie's Cafe" has recently been added to the list of
establishments certified by Kosher Dairy Miami. Elsie's Cafe is
located inside the North Miami Beach JCC at 18900 NE 25th Ave in North
Miami Beach. Serving salads, pizza, paninis, desserts and Starbucks
coffee, Elsie's is the only kosher certified licensed Starbucks in the USA.
Many Cholov Yisroel choices are available, although NOT all items are
Cholov Yisroel. Their telephone number is 305-778-5946.
For a complete list of Kosher Miami certified establishments, please
visit www.koshermiami.org. To sign up for kosher notifications by email
go to www.ou.org, www.koshermiami.org and/or www.star-k.org
Do you need help with going Kosher? For personalized assistance,
call Lydia at 305 868 1411 ext 7314
Community Happenings
Dates to Celebrate and Commemorate
Special Thank You
We sincerely thank the following members & supporters of The
Shul for donations received between 06/29/10 and 07/05/10.
We apologize for any errors or omissions we may have made.
Mrs. Daisy Adouth
Mr. Marc D. Aiken
Mr. & Mrs. Flavio Alfie
Mr. & Mrs. Aaron Attias
Mr. Salomon Behar
Mr. & Mrs. Marc Benadi
Mr. Rachamin Cohen
Ms. Sophie Dadure Bitton
Eichler Andrusier Partnership
Falic Family Foundation
Ms. Marta Feigenbaum
Mr. & Mrs. Joshua Feingold Studnik
Mr. & Mrs. Sidney Feltenstein
Mr. & Mrs. Isaac Gilbert Franco
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Garson
Mr. & Mrs. Lary Gelerman
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Glick
Ms. Mildred Goldczer
Mr. & Mrs. Dan Goldfarb
Dr. & Mrs. Horacio Groisman
Mr. & Mrs. Alberto Gross
Mr. & Mrs. David Herman
Ms. Paula Hertzberg
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Herzka
Ms. Carolyn Horowitz
Mr. & Mrs. Morris Kaplan
Ms. Shay Kardonski
Dr. & Mrs. Shmuel Katz
Mr. & Mrs. Jordan Kavana
Mr. & Mrs. Lazer Milstein
Drs. Raul & Janet Mitrani
Mr. David Notik
Dr. & Mrs. Gerald Reed
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Scott Restler
Mrs. Tessie Rosenfeld
Mr. & Mrs. Harold Rosenstein
Mr. & Mrs. Moshe Rubinstein
Dr. & Mrs. Michael Salzhauer
Mrs. Berta Savariego
Mr. & Mrs. Abe Sher
Mr. & Mrs. Russell Slone
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Sragowicz
Mr. & Mrs. Leon Sragowicz
Mr. & Mrs. Moris Tabacinic
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Weiss
Mr. & Mrs. Jorge Woldenberg
Rabbi & Mrs. Aryeh Wuensch
Ms. Maxime Zalstein
Mr. & Mrs. Sergio Zelcer
Many collectors approach our members for donations.
Kindly confirm with Rabbi Lipskar to verify whether they
are pre-authorized to solicit for tzedakah at The Shul.
Important Notice re PARKING
Refuah Shleimah
If you have a health update on anyone listed please contact The Shul.
We would like to keep the listing current and remove names of
people who have recovered.
Need Tehillim for a Refuah Shleimah?
Add the name to the list by visiting our community board at
Noah ben Malka (#9)
Esther bas Dora
Shmuel Nachum ben Sara Raizel
Fruma bas Chaya Sarah
Mordechai ben Bracha (#48)
Pnina bat Hannah
Zachariah Kalman HaCohen ben
Miriam bas Rivka
Yael Margolit
Rachel bas Yula
Chaim ben Nechama
Leah bas Shaindel
Mayer ben Jamie
Rivka bas Esther
Eliyahu ben Batiya
Itel Dina bas Shivra
Joseph ben Alegria
Shima bas Sarah
Moshe ben Henia
Chaya Leah bas Yenta
Ariel Leib ben Nechama
Rachel bas Bracha Sheindel
Baruch ben Tzipa Faiga
Chayah Yehudis Meusheres
Yitzchak Chaim ben Rivkah Yehudis bas Rachel Sheli
Rachmiel ben Miriam
Pessa Devorah bas Malka
Beryl ben Miriam
Sandal bas Leah (Sonia Kawa)
Levi Yitzchok ben Tzirel
Bracha bas Sarah
Binyomin ben Chasha Riva
Leah bas Feiga
Yaakov ben Esther Gittel (Mr. Jacob Esther bas Hilda
Chaya bas Ginta
Avraham Yosef ben Sofie
Miriam Hagar bas Chayenah
Yishaia ben Celia
Yitzchok ben Chana Rochel
Chaya bas Rachel
Avrum ben Moshe
Freda bas Adelle
Moshe Yehuda ben Sheva Ruchel
Haddassah Rivka bas Sara
Yaakov ben Miriam
Ilana Leah bas Shaindel Rochel
Aron Wolf
Malka bas Shoshana
Baruch Chaim ben Tuve (# 5)
Ruchama Alisa Sara Chana bas
Ariel ben Miriam
Esther Liba
Mordechai Gershon ben Malia
Rina Chaya Miriam bas Leah Bracha
Plutno. Please read Tehillim
Raphael Moshe ben Sara
especially #10, for her speedy
(Mr. Moshe Behar)
We are going to begin towing unauthorized vehicles.
Only those vehicles registered with The Shul and
possessing a Shul decal are permitted in the garage
and outside North parking lot.
Only 1 more warning will be issued.
Sisterhood Notices
Sisterhood has cookbooks left for sale from our recent event. If
you are interested please call Renee at The Shul - 305 868-1411
If you are interested in purchasing the video from "The Shul’s
Got Talent", please email Bahee Salver at bahee@salver.com to
place your order. $18 per video
Bikur Cholim
If you or someone you know is not feeling well or is undergoing
health issues and would like a visit, we want to hear from you.
Please call Fay at The Shul or send an email.
Tel: (305) 868-1411 ext. 7315 or Fay@theshul.org.
If you are not in camp or want to have art classes after
camp, we are happy to announce that our popular
“ART EXPRESSION” classes will continue
during the Summer for both Boys and Girls
in the teen room at the back of the Women’s Sanctuary.
Times & days to be announced based on majority requests
$15 per session, including materials & refreshments.
Family discounts available.
Individual classes are also available upon request
For more information:
please call Sarah-Libke on 786 389 6528
Our innovative program uses various art mediums to
convey feelings about Torah and mitzvah messages.
Inspiration, Insights & Ideas
Bringing Torah lessons to LIFE!
Parsha Messages
Halacha of the Week
By Rabbi Dov Schochet
The Month of Menachem Av
Wisdom and Wonder
By Rabbi Simon jacobson ~ www.meamingfullife.com
ur sages tell us “Mishenichnas Av mima’atin b’simcha” when the month of Av begins we are to lessen in our joy. As
this was historically a tragic month for the Jewish people, the
spies returned from Israel with their tragic report and both temples
were destroyed on the 9th of Av. (Aaron the high priest passed away
on Rosh Chodesh Av.) It is considered a somber time when the
“Mazal” fortune of the Jews is somewhat diminished. Therefore the
sages instituted many customs to reflect this reality.
And Moses spoke to the heads of the tribes of Israel,
saying: This is the thing that G-d has commanded: A person
who shall vow a vow to G-d, or swear an oath, to bind his
soul with a bond—he shall not profane his words. He shall
do according to all that proceeds from his mouth
Numbers 30:2-3
If one has a court case against a gentile they should try to have it
postponed to the month of Elul.
he laws of the Torah are more than a list of do’s and don’ts.
They are G-d’s “blueprint for creation,” describing and defining
the reality we inhabit.
One should not build or renovate during this time. It is permissible
to build for one’s primary residence. Similarly, to paint or plaster is
only permissible if there is a problem with the current status, if one
is painting for aesthetic purposes only they should refrain till the
10th of Av. Included is that one should not plant a garden, spices or a
group of trees for shade purposes, though one can weed or tend to
their garden during this time.
One should not make any purchases of joy during this time, buy
wedding necessities or the like. Similarly, one should not make
expensive or significant purchases like a car, air conditioning unit or
the like. If after the nine days the prices will be higher or the product
will no longer be available one can be lenient. If it is essential for the
person to have the product one can also be lenient.
One should not launder clothing during this time; one can also not
wear freshly laundered clothes. This is only if one is changing their
clothing for purposes of pleasure. If one is changing because their
clothing is dirty or sweaty, they may change. (Still, many have a
custom to wear for at least a moment all the clothing they plan on
using during the nine days.) For children one can be lenient to clean
their clothing as they are constantly soiled. Obviously one can and
should put on fresh clothing for the Shabbat during the nine days.
One should not eat meat or drink wine during this time. On Shabbat
this restriction is removed (similarly at a Seudas Mitzva e.g. a Siyum).
For Havdalah there are multiple customs: some communities allow
wine for Havdalah; others have a child drink the wine; still others
attempt to make Havdalah on beer during this period. Chabad
custom is to give the wine to a child between the age of 6 and 9. If
no child is present, one can drink the wine themselves. There are
many opinions how to treat a child in this regard: if one has a child
who needs the meat for health reasons one can definitely be lenient
(though if possible one should preferably give chicken). One can use
vinegar even if it is made from wine.
One should not bathe during this period. Again, this restriction only
applies if one is bathing for pleasure purposes. If one is dirty or
soiled they can be lenient. Still, one should use warm water (where
the intent is solely hygienic and not the joy of a hot shower) when
possible. One can also bathe for Shabbat.
The Rebbe used to say that when Av enters we can diminish the
negative omen of the time through joy of holiness. So although we
restrict our personal pleasure we try to enhance in our observance of
Torah and Mitzvot with a special feeling of elation. It is for this
reason that we attempt to have the conclusion of a tractate of
Talmud every day of the 9 days so as to imbue this time with the
True joy of Torah learning and to transform it to the time of ultimate
The laws of Shabbat, for example, are not simply a series of
instructions as to what we should or should not do on the seventh
day of the week; they also define this day as a holy day—a timeperiod whose very essence and substance is saturated with a
heightened degree of divine presence. When the Torah commands us
to put on tefillin, it is not just instructing us to perform a certain
action; it is also establishing that a particular physical object (in this
case, an assemblage of leather boxes and straps and parchment
scrolls), when formed and used in accordance with the divine will,
becomes a holy object—an object in which the divine reality is more
pronounced than in other, ordinary objects.
But it is not just the Torah that possesses this authority. We, too,
have the ability to define, with our words and actions, the very
nature of our environment. The laws of nedarim (“vows”) grant this
authority to ordinary, mortal man. These laws, commanded by G-d
to Moses, dictate that a person’s words have the power not only to
obligate himself to perform certain actions (as when a person enters
into a business contract) or to forbid certain actions to himself (such
as when he takes a vow not to drink wine)—but they also have the
power to imbue the avowed or disavowed object with sanctity. In the
words of the Talmud, “Things bound by an oath possess an intrinsic
Thus the Torah uses the term peleh, “wonder,” in referring to the
power of the vow. That the mitzvot of the Torah should have the
power to define reality is only natural: the Torah is, after all, the
revealed wisdom and will of the Designer and Creator of reality. But
that a human being should, simply by uttering a few words,
determine the degree of G-d’s closeness to a part of His creation is
indeed an amazing and wondrous thing.
Even more amazing is that the power of the vow exceeds the power
of the mitzvah! According to Torah law, an act of mitzvah has full
significance only when it is performed by a person who has attained
the age of maturity (12 for a girl and 13 for a boy). Thus, if a twelveyear-old boy were to fashion a pair of tefillin, they would remain
ordinary pieces of animal hide. On the other hand, the law states
that the vow undertaken by a child who is only nearing the age of
maturity (i.e., an eleven-year-old girl or a twelve-year-old boy) does
sanctify the avowed object.
A child below the age of maturity lacks the degree of intellectual
awareness (daat) required by Torah law to lend significance and
import to one’s action. This is consonant with the above definition
of Torah as the “wisdom of G-d”: in the world of wisdom, a
“mindless” deed is not a deed. But in the world of wonder, to which
the concept of vows belongs, the state of the child’s mind is
not a handicap. On the contrary, the child possesses the
Inspiration, Insights & Ideas
Bringing Torah lessons to LIFE!
Parsha Messages
quality of wonder in an even greater measure than his or her more
“mature” peers.
First of Firsts
“Two things,” says the Midrash, “preceded G-d’s creation of the
world: Torah and Israel. Still, I do not know which preceded which.
But when Torah states ‘Speak to the Children of Israel...,’ ‘Command
the Children of Israel...’—I know that Israel preceded all.”
In other words, since G-d created the world in order that the people
of Israel might implement the divine plan for existence outlined in
the Torah, it follows that the concepts of “Israel” and “Torah”
precede the concept of “world” in the Creator’s mind. But which is
the more deeply rooted idea within the divine consciousness—Torah
or Israel? Does Israel exist so that the Torah could be implemented,
or does the Torah exist to serve the Jew in the fulfillment of his
mission and the expression of his relationship with G-d? If the Torah
describes itself as a communication to Israel, deduces the Midrash,
this presumes that the concept of “Israel” is primary to that of
The law of vows is an expression of Israel’s precedence to the Torah.
Torah might be the wisdom of G-d, but the Jew is the wonder of Gd, and thus imbued and empowered with a holiness that is not
contingent upon the boundaries of reason.
Based on the Rebbe’s talks on Av 20 and 21, 5744 (August 18 and 19,
Pirkei Avot: Chapter 2
It is customary to study one chapter of Pirkei Avos every Shabbos
between Pesach and Rosh Hashana. To conform with the Rebbe’s
suggestion to study at least one Mishnah in-depth, we hereby present
a comprehensive analysis based on the Rebbe’s teachings on Pirkei
Avos corresponding to this week’s chapter.
The Mirror
Do not judge your fellow until you have stood in his place.
Ethics of the Fathers, 2:4
Rabbi Israel Baal Shem Tov (the "Besht," founder of the Chassidic
movement) taught: "Your fellow is your mirror. If your own face is
clean, the image you perceive will also be flawless. But should you
look upon your fellow man and see a blemish, it is your own
imperfection that you are encountering - you are being shown what
it is that you must correct within yourself."
We don't need to look to modern psychology for an interpretation of
the Besht's outlook. We can find it in another of his teachings, the
principle of "Particular Divine Providence" (hashgacha pratit).
Nothing is by chance, the Besht would always stress. Every event in a
person's life is predetermined and purposeful, and an integral part of
his divinely ordained mission in life. So a person never "chances"
upon anything: if he witnesses an event or phenomenon, there is a
reason for this experience, a reason that is closely tied to his own
path in life. It therefore follows that if divine providence causes him
to see his fellow's degradation, it is for a positive and constructive
end: to open his eyes to a failing of his own.
In The Eyes Of The Beholder
Ultimately, this is the only way a person can truly recognize and deal
with his own imperfections. "Love covers up all sins," said the wisest
of men, and what greater love is there than the love of self?
A person's self-kinship blinds him to his own deficiencies. Yet a
negative trait or deed, so innocent and justifiable in himself, appears
in all its dreadfulness when discerned in others; here he cannot but
be appalled at the depths to which his fellow has sunk.
So the most effective way to open a person's eyes to the negative in
himself is to show him what is wrong with his fellow and to then tell
him that he, too, suffers from the same lack in one form or another.
If he truly wishes to improve himself, if he truly searches his heart
until he discovers what it is that the Almighty was pointing out to
him by causing him to see what he saw, his self-love will no longer
obscure what has been so glaringly presented to him in the person of
his fellow.
Still, one may ask: A person's mission in life involves not only the
development and perfection of his own self and character but also
his responsibility towards his fellow man. So why must he conclude
that he is being shown his fellow's failing as a message concerning
his own personal state? Perhaps he is being prompted by divine
providence to rebuke and rehabilitate his fellow?
Particular Divine Providence
To answer this question, we must first take a closer look at the
principle of "Particular Divine Providence." Particular divine
providence means that not only is every event purposeful, but also
its every aspect and nuance.
For example, the same event can imply different things to different
observers, depending on how much they know about the people
involved and the events that led up to it. Divine providence is
particular in that it shows each observer precisely what is applicable
to him. So if you witness an event, it stands to reason that
everything about it, including the particular way in which it has
affected you, has a specific application to your life.
The same applies to a person's witnessing of a negative act or
behavior pattern on the part of his fellow. There are two distinct
elements here: a) the fact of his fellow's wrongdoing; b) his fellow's
guilt, culpability and decadence. The former does not necessarily
imply the latter: one may be aware of what his fellow has done
wrong, yet such knowledge may be accompanied with
understanding, compassion and vindication.
So when G-d makes a person aware of his fellow's deficiency for the
sole reason that he can do something about it, this is all that person
would perceive-the fact of his fellow's problem and what he could do
to resolve it. To also sense another's guilt and lowliness is completely
unnecessary; on the contrary, it only hinders his ability to reach out
to him in a loving and tolerant manner.
Thus, if he also senses his fellow's degradation, he must conclude
that this aspect of the experience also serves a purpose. Divine
providence has provided him with a mirror with which to discern his
own shortcomings.
The Three Sons of Noah
This idea is expressed in the Torah's account of Noah's drunkenness
and the response it evoked in his three children:
"Noah began to work the land, and he planted a
Inspiration, Insights & Ideas
Bringing Torah lessons to LIFE!
Continued from p. 11
vineyard. He drank of the wine and became drunk, and lay
exposed in his tent.
Cham... saw the shame of their father, and told his two
brothers outside. Shem and Japheth took the garment,
placed it upon their shoulders, walked backwards, and
covered the shame of their father; their faces were
backward, and the shame of their father they did not see."
What is meant with the words "the shame of their father they did not
see"? Do we not already know this from the (twice-repeated) fact that
they turned "their faces backward"? But the Torah wishes to stress
that the different ways in which the sons of Noah reacted to the
knowledge that their father lay drunk and exposed in his tent
mirrored their own spiritual states.
Cham's own decadence was reflected in his vision of his father's
debasement. But when Shem and Japeth were made aware of their
father's state, their reaction lay solely in what they must now do to
correct the situation: not only did they avoid physical sight of their
father's degradation, they also did not perceive his guilt or disgrace.
The shame of their father, they simply did not see.
This is an excerpt from "Beyond the Letter of the Law" by Yanki Tauber
a house for service where sacrifices will be offered;” i.e., he places an
emphasis on the Beis HaMikdash as being the center for the
sacrificial worship of G-d. Without the utensils necessary for this
service, the sacrifices could not be offered. Therefore, the mitzvah of
building the Beis HaMikdash also includes fashioning the utensils
necessary for this worship.
This concept is also reflected in the Mishneh Torah, where the
Rambam begins his discussion of the mitzvah of constructing the
Beis HaMikdash as follows: “It is a positive commandment to
construct a house for G-d, prepared for sacrifices to be offered
within.” The mitzvah of building the Sanctuary is complete when it is
“prepared for sacrifices to be offered within.”
The Ramban, by contrast, sees the construction of the Beis
HaMikdash as a commandment with a self-contained goal —
building a sanctuary for the manifestation of G-d’s Presence. Thus in
his Commentary to the Torah, he writes: “[G-d’s] essential purpose in
the Sanctuary was [the construction of] a resting place for the Divine
In this conception, sacrificial worship represents an additional
service that is not intrinsically related to the existence of the Beis
HaMikdash. Accordingly, it is appropriate that the fashioning of the
different utensils necessary for sacrificial worship be considered as
mitzvos in their own right.
A Resolution of the Differences: The Purpose of the Beis
HaMikdash in Man’s Eyes and Its Purpose in the Eyes of G-d
The Purpose of Building the Bais Hamikdash
From the talks of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem M.
A Difference of Opinion between the
Rambam and the Ramban
n Hilchos Beis HaBechirah, after stating the mitzvah to construct
a Sanctuary, the Rambam writes:
We must make utensils for the Sanctuary: an altar for... the
sacrifices, a ramp to ascend the altars..., a washbasin with a
pedestal, an altar for the incense offering, a menorah, and a
table [for the showbread].
By mentioning the utensils in this manner, the Rambam underscores
a theme which he mentions in Sefer HaMitzvos — that the mitzvah
to construct a Sanctuary also includes fashioning all the utensils
necessary to perform the various different elements of sacrificial
worship required in the Beis HaMikdash. There is no separate
mitzvah to fashion any of these utensils.
In his Hasagos to Sefer HaMitzvos, the Ramban differs and explains
that the construction of the Beis HaMikdash should be considered as
one mitzvah, and the fashioning of the utensils as separate mitzvos.
To quote:
The utensils are not part of the structures. Rather, they are two
mitzvos, which are not dependent on each other. We may offer
sacrifices in the Beis [HaMikdash] although it is lacking utensils.
What is the Purpose of the Beis HaMikdash: Sacrificial
Worship or Revealing G-d’s Presence?
The difference of opinion between these two authorities is,
conceivably, representative of a divergence of approach regarding a
matter of greater scope. In Sefer HaMitzvos, the Rambam describes
the mitzvah of building the Beis HaMikdash as a command to “make
This conception of the differences between the Rambam and the
Ramban cannot, however, be accepted without further explanation.
For the manifestation of G-d’s Presence as a goal of the Beis
HaMikdash is alluded to in the very verse which the Rambam cites as
the prooftext for the commandment to build the Beis HaMikdash:
“And you shall make Me a Sanctuary and I shall dwell within.”
Moreover, the Rambam describes the mitzvah of building the Beis
HaMik-dash in Hilchos Beis HaBechirah, as constructing “a house for
G-d,” indicating that preparing a structure in which G-d’s Presence is
manifest is the primary purpose of the construction of the Beis
Conversely, we are forced to say that the Ramban appreciated the
establishment of a centralized place of worship as a fundamental
goal which is fulfilled by the construction of the Beis HaMikdash. For
there are passages from the Torah which clearly indicate this
connection, emphasizing that G-d’s choice of “a place for His name
to dwell” is associated with the command — “there you will bring...
your burnt offerings, your sacrifices....”
Therefore, it must be explained that the purposes emphasized by the
Rambam and the Ramban are not to the exclusion of the other. The
difference between their perspectives stems from the choice of the
dimension which they choose to stress. The Rambam speaks of the
Beis HaMikdash in terms of the mitzvos to be fulfilled by man in
relating to G-d. Hence, he emphasizes the dimension of sacrificial
worship. The Ramban, by contrast, focuses on “[G-d’s] essential
purpose in the Sanctuary.” Therefore, he places the emphasis on the
manifestation of G-d’s Presence.
In the Era of the Redemption
Both these purposes, the manifestation of G-d’s Presence and man’s
sacrificial worship, will reach their utmost level of fulfillment in the
Third Beis HaMikdash in the Era of the Redemption. For this will be
“the Sanctuary of G-d, established by Your hands,” and “there,
we will offer to You our obligatory sacrifices... with love, in
Inspiration, Insights & Ideas
Bringing Torah lessons to LIFE!
Recently in the News
accord with the command of Your will.”
May our study of the different elements of the Beis HaMikdash
herald the time when we will rejoice in its construction. And may this
take place in the immediate future.
Adapted from Likkutei Sichos, Vol. IV, p. 1346-1347; Vol. XI, Terumah
Congregant’s Corner
Looking-up to the desert
By Malca Bassan
rom all the books of the Torah, Bamidbar "seems" what its
name, In the Desert, implies: empty, dry and barren land.
However, there are hidden treasures in a desert that teach us an
important lesson: "There is not a righteous person who hasn't
From Nadav and Abihu, who tried to enter the Holy of Holies; to the
ten spies who spoke evil about the land of Israel; to Korach who
rebelled against Moshe; to Moshe who hit the rock; to Zimri ben
Saluh who initiated an immoral act with a Midianite woman - all of
them were important leaders who failed to give a good example at
some point in time, causing the rest of the people to sin.
Our ancestors tried their best to obey Hashem but sometimes they
became the head of evil. Therefore, we all need to be focused in what
G-d says and wants from us at all times, and to be very careful not to
cause others to sin. In the same way that we learn from a good role
model, we will also learn from a bad one, G-d forbid.
We must all follow a good example at all times because, believe it or
not, others are looking up to us. If we fail to do the right thing, then
the rest will do too. May Hashem strengthen us to be good role
models, and follow good ones as well, in every corner of the world,
Thoughts for the Day
From the teachings of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem
Schneerson, of righteous memory; adapted by Tzvi Freeman.
The Creator of Logic
G-d can do anything. He could even, as the Talmud puts it,
"fit an elephant through the eye of a needle."
So, how would He do it? Would He make the elephant
smaller? Or would He expand the eye of the needle?
Neither. The elephant would remain big, the eye of the needle
small. And He would fit the elephant through the eye of the
Illogical? True. But logic is just another of His creations. He
who created logic is permitted to disregard it.
Tourist Becomes IDF Soldier
Mayanot Birthright group led by Boston Shliach Rabbi Shmuel
Posner was surprised to hear the story of Ezra Weissman, an
American tourist-turned-IDF soldier.
Before coming on a Mayanot Birthright trip, Ezra Weissman knew
very little about Israel. Yet a 10-day trip was enough to inspire the 25year-old from New York, not only to return to Israel, but to make it
his permanent home.
"I always wanted to come and visit Israel, yet it is a hard trip to
coordinate, especially when you are in college or have just finished
high school. You don’t really have a lot of money and don’t really
know how to do a trip like this unless it is coordinated," explains
"A friend told me about Mayanot Birthright and so I came on it. I
loved Israel from the moment I got here and knew that I wanted to
live here," he says.
Upon returning to the U.S. after the program, Weissman would
spend his time following Israel in the news, speaking to friends
about potential programs in Israel and attending Hebrew classes at
3 years after his initial visit to Israel with Mayanot Birthright,
Weissman, a graduate of Public Health from Hofstra University in
Long Island, moved to Israel, after which he was recruited into the
There he put his degree into use as medical coordinator at the Kirya
Base in Tel-Aviv where he is responsible for coordinating health
projects such as swine flu vaccinations, water inspections and
distributing health information to soldiers.
Weissman has been pleased with his army experience where he has
had the opportunity to meet immigrants from around the world. "My
first experience in the army was a three-month-long basic training
and Hebrew course for olim [new immigrants], half of which were
soldiers from the former Soviet Union. The rest were from France,
America, England, New Zealand and South Africa,” says Weissman.
While at times learning the language has proven to be challenging,
Weissman jokes that being an immigrant in the army can sometimes
work to his advantage. “It has been hard for me, especially with the
language, although not having Hebrew has helped me at times,” he
"Once I was caught by the officer in military police; you can be
punished for forgetting to fasten a button on your shirt. I had
forgotten my beret and pretended I didn’t speak Hebrew. They let me
off with just a warning," he says.
Recently, Weissman 'completed the cycle' by joining a Mayanot
Birthright group led by Rabbi Shmuel Posner from Boston, as part of
a "mifgash" - encounter between IDF soldiers and Birthright
Asked about his experience the second time around with the
Mayanot Birthright group, Weissman says that is wonderful being
back on the trip. “I hope I can inspire people [Birthright participants]
to consider spending more time here. Perhaps some people will
consider coming to live here,” says Weissman.
Inspiration, Insights & Ideas
Bringing Torah lessons to LIFE!
Recently in the News
Queen Elizabeth Meets Shliach
Medvedev First Russian
President To Visit Birobidjan
Russia's Chief Rabbi
Accompanies Medvedev in Jewish
Autonomous Region
abbi Chaim Mendelsohn was invited
on behalf of the Canadian Federation
of Chabad Lubavitch to an exclusive
Garden Party with Queen Elizabeth as well as
Prime Minister Stephen Harper.
abbi Lazar led the President Medvedev
on a tour of the local Jewish
community center
Birobidjan, Russia
The Garden Reception took place at
Canada’s Rideau Hall, resident to the
Governor General of Canada, where Rabbi
Mendelsohn had the opportunity to inform
the Queen about the scope and reach of the
work of Chabad-Lubavitch in Canada and
around the globe. The Queen, said Rabbi
Mendelsohn, recalled that she had bestowed
a prestigious award upon his colleague,
Rabbi Arye Suffrin, who runs the Chabad
Centre in London.
Russia’s President Dmitry Medvedev is the
first Russian head of state to visit
Birobidjan, the capital of Russia’s Jewish
Autonomous Region.
Medvedev was accompanied by Russia’s
Chief Rabbi and senior Chabad-Lubavitch
emissary Berel Lazar. Rabbi Lazar led the
President on a tour of the local Jewish
community center. The visit is part of a four
day tour of the Russian Far East, where
Medvedev will meet with members of the
business community and attend a series of
meetings at the city’s cultural center,
synagogue and furniture factory.
Rabbi Mendelsohn blessed the Queen with
long life, health and happiness.
Photo: Rian.ru/RIA Novosti
As per the instruction of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, we will be doing siyumim (completion celebrations of Torah books) during the first
fifteen days of the month of Menachem Av. This is to counter the negative energy of this time with the simcha of Torah study. This
will hasten the rebuilding of the Bais HaMikdosh as the possuk says: “Tziyon bemishpot tipodeh”.
If you are able to make a siyum or if you would like to sponsor one (in honor of a birthday, yahrtzeit or other occasion),
please speak to Rabbi Shea Rubinstein at 305 868 1411 ext 7342. Sponsorships begin at $54.
Person Completing
Book Being Completed
Time of Siyum
Amount of Sponsor
Sponsored By
Monday July 12
Mr. Alan Berry
Masechta Sukkah
Between Mincha & Ma’ariv
Mr. Alan Berry
Tuesday July 13
Rabbi Shea Rubinstein
Masechta Tamid
Between Mincha & Ma’ariv
Wednesday July 14
Rabbi Moshe Lerman
Masechta Middos
Between Mincha & Ma’ariv
Thursday July 15
Rabbi Dov Schochet
Masechta Makkos
Between Mincha & Ma’ariv
Shabbos July 17
Mr. Betzalel Ness
Masechta Sotah
Shalosh Seudos
Between Mincha & Ma’ariv
Sunday July 18
Monday July 19
Rabbi Dov Schochet
Masectha Sanhedrin
10:00 am
Wednesday July 21
Between Mincha & Ma’ariv
Thursday July 22
Between Mincha & Ma’ariv
Shabbos July 23
Shalosh Seudos
Sunday July 24
Between Mincha & Ma’ariv
Monday July 25
Between Mincha & Ma’ariv
Mrs. Sarah Libke Caplin in honor
of the yahrtzeit of her father,
Gershon ben Zvi HaCohen, obm.
Get the Picture
The full scoop on all the great events and classes around town
Get the Picture
The full scoop on all the great events and classes around town
Rabbi Lipskar’s
11:00 am - Meditations in Prayer
with Rabbi Mendy Levy
12:00 pm - Ein Ya’akov: Stories of
the Talmud - with Rabbi Dov Schochet
To be continued
on August 4
11:00 am - Tanya
with Rabbi Sholom Lipskar
11:00 am - Mitzvos of the Weekly
Parsha - with Rabbi Shea Rubinstein
12:00 pm - Jewish History: Joshua
and the Conquest of Israel - with
Rabbi Dov Schochet
You can join these classes at anytime during the course.
All classes are followed by complimentary refreshments.
Call Rabbi Dov Schochet at 305 868 1411 or email dschochet@theshul.org
The Shul, 9540 Collins Ave, Surfside
Tuesday, July 13, 2010 at 8:00 pm:
with Rabbi Zalman Lipskar
Tuesday Night Class
July 13 ~ Menachem Av 2
9:00 pm
The Shul ~ Social Hall
9540 Collins Ave, Surfside
Download and listen to the latest classes and lectures
Get the Picture
The full scoop on all the great events and classes around town
Latin Link
Reflexión Semanal
Parashá en Profundidad
Vida Interior
Por Yanki Tauber
ace poco, se casó el hermano más joven de mi esposa.
Observando a la joven pareja me acordada todas aquéllas veces
en la vida en que nos decimos a nosotros mismos: "Ok, ahora
empieza. Ahora es de verdad."
Cuando nos graduaremos de la escuela secundaria --ahí es cuando
empieza la vida. Después comprendemos que no; primero necesitamos
tener nuestro título, primero necesitamos casarnos, pero luego
nuestros amigos casados sonríen y nos dicen: "Esto no es nada, es
simplemente jugar a las muñecas, esperen a tener su primer hijo,
entonces entenderán de qué se trata la vida". Pero seguimos
trabajando para que nuestra carrera levante vuelo, y cuando lo
logramos, comprendemos que los verdaderos planes tendrán que
esperar hasta que los chicos hayan crecido y sean independientes, para
aprovechar esos años que nos quedan hasta jubilarnos, y podamos
realmente hacer negocios...
Una vez el Rebe de Lubavitch realizo un farbrengen (reunión jasídica)
en honor a un grupo de jasidim que volvían esa noche a Israel. A
medida que avanzaba la tarde, también aumentaba la frecuencia con la
que algunos de los asistentes miraban el reloj. El avión estaba
programado para dentro de unas horas, y muchos de ellos todavía
tenían que encargarse de algunos temas de último momento. Notando
su ansiedad, el Rebe sonrió y contó la siguiente historia:
En la década del 20, durante los días más oscuros del comunismo en
los que invertían denodados esfuerzos por desarraigar la fe judía en la
Rusia soviética. El suegro del Rebe, Rabino Iosef Itzchak Schneersohn
que encabezaba la red clandestina consagrada a mantener el judaismo
vivo, era vigilado constantemente por la Yevsektzia y NKVD y seguido
dondequiera que fuera. Todos sabiamos que era una cuestión de
tiempo hasta que le cayeran encima.
" Una noche," contó el Rebe, "entré al estudio de mi suegro en su
apartamento de Leningrado. Durante varias horas había recibido a
gente en iejidut (audiencias privadas entre el Rebe y sus seguidores) -una agotadora tarea física y espiritual para un Rebe. En media hora
tenía que salir para la estación donde tomaría un tren a Moscú para
una reunión con un hombre de negocios extranjero, con el propósito
de juntar fondos para apoyar su trabajo. De más está decir, que
encontrarse con un ciudadano extranjero, un 'capitalista', y sobre todo
para propósitos de judaísmo, era sumamente peligroso; en esos días,
muchos perdían sus vidas por 'crímenes' mucho menores.
"Para mi gran sorpresa, encontré a mi suegro serenamente trabajando
en su escritorio, arreglando papeles, como si estuviera en medio de un
día de trabajo común. No había ningún rastro de varias horas de
tensión al escuchar los problemas más personales y dolorosos de la
gente, y ninguna señal del hecho que en media hora saldría para una
peligrosa misión.
"No pude contenerme y le pregunté: 'Sé que el jasidismo de Jabad
predica el principio que "la mente gobierna el corazón". Sé qué clase de
educación recibió y cómo se entrenó en el auto-sacrificio por los judíos
y el Judaísmo. ¿Pero a tal grado, que puede estar sentado a su escritorio
en un momento así, como si no hubiera nada más en su agenda? '"
El Rebe Iosef Itzchak contestó a su yerno: "Nosotros no podemos hacer
nuestros días más largos, ni podemos agregar horas adicionales a
nuestras noches. Pero podemos aumentar al máximo el uso de nuestro
tiempo considerando cada segmento de tiempo como un mundo en sí
mismo. Cuando dedicamos una porción de tiempo--si es una hora, un
día o un minuto--a cierta tarea, debemos estar totalmente inmersos en
lo que estamos haciendo, como si no existiese nada más en el mundo."
Las enseñanzas del Jasidismo de Jabad dedican mucho estudio a la
calidad de pnimiut. Entre jasidim, el cumplido más grande que uno
puede hacerle a otra persona es decir que él es un penimi--alguien que
posee el rasgo de pnimiut. El más grande insulto es llamar a alguien un
jitzon, que significa que le falta pnimiut.
¿Qué es pnimiut? La palabra equivalente más cercana en idioma
español es "interioridad". Pnimiut quiere decir integridad,
minuciosidad y consistencia. Es el contrario de superficialidad y
inexactitud. El penimi, no puede divorciar conocimiento de experiencia,
y conocimiento y experiencia no pueden estar separados de la acción.
Jamás encontrará sólo parte del penimi--su cerebro, su corazón, sus
actos; más bien, siempre encontrará allí a la persona completa. El
penimi no piensa meramente un pensamiento, experimenta un
sentimiento, hace una acción--él los vive.
Cuando el penimi consagra una porción de tiempo--si es una hora, un
día o un minuto--a una cierta tarea, está totalmente inmerso en lo que
está haciendo, como si allí nada más existiese.
Esto no es decir que el penimi vive indiscriminadamente. Al contrario,
la indiscriminación es la marca del jitzon. El penimi está
profundamente consciente --consciente de las diferencias entre las
cosas importantes y las de importancia menor, entre los medios y los
fines, entre los recorridos y las metas. Pero en cualquier cosa que esté
involucrado, está totalmente allí. Nunca sólo "lo hace" o "está encima
de eso". Cuando está encaminado en algo, se inviste totalmente
encaminado a ello.
La lectura de la Torá de esta semana registra los 42 viajes de los
Israelitas a través del desierto--cuarenta y dos viajes que, según Rabí
Israel Baal Shem Tov, se reproducen en los viajes personales de cada
individuo a través de su vida.
Los 42 viajes son, por supuesto, las fases y los estadios de un Viaje
mayor--el progreso de los confines de Egipto a la Tierra Prometida. Pero
cada uno de los viajes es también una entidad hacia sí mismo--la Torá
los llama "viajes" (masaot), no "estaciones". Nosotros no estamos aquí
para atravesar la vida, la Torá nos está diciendo: estamos aquí para
Clases y Eventos
Porción Semanal
Rabbi Shea Rubinstein
Lunes 8:45 p.m. - 9:45 p.m.
Sinagoga Principal
Lecciones practicas para nuestra vida cotidiana
(Para Mujeres)
Sra. Vivian Perez
Martes 2:30 p.m. - 3:45 p.m.
198 Park Dr., Bal Harbour
Por favor llamar a las 305 213 3202
para confirmar
Kolel Español
Moshe S. Lerman
Miercoles 8:00 - 10:00 p.m.
Domingo 8:00 - 10:00 p.m.
Moshe S. Lerman
Miercoles 7:15 PM - 8:05 p.m.
Haime Library - 2do piso en Shul
Sra. Vivian Perez
Jueves 2:00pm – 3:00 pm
Chabad of Aventura,
21001 Biscayne Blvd, Aventura
French Connection
Réflexions sur la Paracha
Vivre avec la Paracha
Le Moïse intérieur
Matot - en bref
Livrer bataille contre Midian
Nombres 30, 2 - 32, 42
par Tali Loewenthal
armi les nombreuses batailles décrites dans la Torah, on
trouve la guerre que les Israélites livrèrent contre le peuple de
Midian. Au chapitre 31 du livre des Nombres, nous lisons
comment D.ieu dit à Moïse qu’il devait attaquer les Midianites. La
Torah relate ensuite de quelle façon Moïse rassembla des hommes
pour former une armée et donne de nombreux détails sur la bataille
elle-même et ses conséquences.
Il y a deux manières de considérer tout cela.
La première est le fait historique. Pour survivre, le peuple juif dut
combattre un certain nombre de puissances. Les Midianites
cherchaient la destruction des Juifs, il fallait donc entreprendre une
action à leur encontre. La Torah nous relate cela parce que, de
différentes manières et à différentes époques, nous sommes
confrontés à de telles situations et devons savoir réagir de la même
façon. Parfois ce sont des guerres militaires, parfois culturelles.
La seconde approche est de comprendre la signification de cet
événement sur le plan intérieur. Les nations hostiles que le peuple
juif rencontre dans les récits de la Bible représentent des forces
négatives qui s’expriment à l’intérieur de soi. Dès lors, les batailles
récurrentes du peuple juif représentent le combat permanent de la
personne contre ses propres traits négatifs.
Midian, nous disent les Sages, est lié au terme madon, qui signifie
« querelle ». Ce trait s’exprime dans l’antipathie et l’hostilité que
l’on projette envers autrui. C’est lorsque l’on ressent que l’autre
empiète sur son territoire. Son existence même devient irritante.
C’est l’expression de la « haine gratuite » et infondée, dont le
Talmud dit qu’elle fut la cause de la destruction du Temple. Rabbi
Chalom Dovber, le cinquième Rabbi de Loubavitch (1860-1920) décrit
la bataille contre Midian comme la lutte intérieure que chacun doit
mener contre son propre égoïsme et rejet des autres.1
Un point essentiel de cette bataille est le fait que D.ieu dit à Moïse
qu’il doit être personnellement impliqué dans celle-ci. Chacun
d’entre nous possède la qualité de « Moïse » à l’intérieur de soi. Ce
Moïse intérieur représente la faculté d’abnégation : l’exact opposé
de l’égoïsme et de l’égocentrisme qui nous pousse à rejeter les
Chacun d’entre nous recèle au fond de soi le potentiel de se
dépasser. Celui-ci se révèle à travers des actes héroïques ou
d’intense dévouement. Un groupe de personnes qui passent la nuit
à organiser un événement caritatif. Un individu qui se dévoue corps
et âme pour aider une personne âgée – il y a d’innombrables
manières à travers lesquelles la pureté de notre « Moïse » intérieur
peut s’exprimer dans nos vies.
Le Moïse intérieur nous aide à casser la force du Midian intérieur.
Au lieu de ne pas supporter et de mépriser les autres, nous les
acceptons, et en arrivons même à les aimer comme le commande la
Torah « Tu aimeras ton prochain comme toi-même ».2 La bataille
contre Midian décrite dans la Torah est donc une lutte décisive qui
se poursuit de nos jours.
Moïse communique les lois régissant l’annulation des vœux aux
chefs des Tribus d’Israël.
La guerre est engagée contre Midian pour leur participation au
complot pour la destruction morale d’Israël.
La Torah fait un récit détaillé du butin recueilli et de sa distribution
entre le peuple, les combattants, les Lévites et le Grand-Prêtre.
Les tribus de Réouven et de Gad (rejointes ensuite par la moitié de
la tribu de Ménaché) demandent que leur part de la Terre Promise
leur soit attribuée à l’est du Jourdain, s’agissant d’un pâturage de
choix pour leurs troupeaux. Moïse, d’abord irrité par cette demande,
l’accepte sous la condition que ces tribus participent – et mènent –
d’abord à la conquête des terres à l’ouest du Jourdain.
Massei - en bref
Nombres 33, 1 - 36, 13
Les quarante-deux étapes des enfants d’Israël depuis la sortie
d’Égypte sont énumérées, depuis l’exode d’Égypte jusqu’aux plaines
de Moab, sur le versant du fkeuve faisant face à la terre de Canaan.
Les frontières de la Terre Promise sont indiquées et les villes de
refuge sont désignées, qui serviront de lieu de protection et d’exil
aux meurtriers involontaires. Les cinq filles de Tselof’had épousent
des hommes de leur propre tribu (celle de Ménachéà) afin d’y
maintenir le territoire reçu en héritage de leur père.
Avec cette Paracha s’achève le livre de Bamidbar (le livre des
Nombres), le quatrième livre de la Torah.
Cours de Torah en Français
Tefillah (pour Femmes)
Rabin Zalman Gansburg
Jeudi de 10h30 à 11h15
Il n’y aura
pas cours
du 17 juin 22 juillet
Talmud (pour Femmes)
Rabin Zalman Gansburg
Jeudi de 11h30 à 12h15
Haime Library
Just for the Gals
Delve into the power, strength and beauty in the life of the Jewish Woman
The Shul Sisterhood
Lunch & Learn
In honor of
Rosh Chodesh Av
Weekly Classes
Practical Halacha
Women’s Study Group -
Rabbi Dov Schochet
Rebbetzin Chani Lipskar
11:00 - 11:30 am
8:30 - 10:00 pm
At the home of: THIS CLASS WILL RESUME OF AUGUST 2, 2010
Special Guest Speaker
Joyce Clayton, M. Ed.
Health Educator
“Family Nutrition...Easy Solutions!”
For further information please contact
Ina Felsher, Wellness Coordinator,
at 754 246 7759
Tanya Class in Spanish
Mrs. Vivian Perez
1:45 - 2:30 p m
Mrs. Vivian Perez
2:30 - 3:45 pm
Rebbetzin Chani Lipskar
Rebbetzin Chani Lipskar
9:15 - 10:00 am
10:00 - 11:00 am
~ 198 Park Drive, Bal Harbour Village
Torah Portion Class in Spanish
~ 198 Park Drive, Bal Harbour
Parenting Class
Morning Torah Class
The Weekly Portion - Woman’s Perspective
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
10:00 a.m.
The Shul
9540 Collins Avenue, Surfside
Lunch will be served at noon
following the weekly Tanya class
Save The Date And Bring A Friend!
Establishing a Jewish Home
Evening Study for Brides and
Newlyweds / Bridal Class
Please call Rebbetzin Chani Lipskar for
an appointment 305-868-1885
Women’s Mikvah:
Please call Mrs. Devorah Failer for an
305-866-1492 or 305-323-2410
Who we are...
The Shul Sisterhood organizes all of The
Shul's programming and classes geared
toward women in the community. Our
objective is to bring women of all ages and
backgrounds together to learn, laugh,
experience, and rejuvenate their mind, body
and soul. Meet new friends,
relax and get inspired!
If you would like to be a part of The Shul
Sisterhood, please call 305. 868.1411
~ Haime Library
Tanya Class in English
Mrs. Vivian Perez
1:30 - 3:00 pm
Rabbi Eily Smith
10:30 - 11:15 am
~ 198 Park Drive, Bal Harbour
Tanya of the Week
~ Women’s Sanctuary - Teen Lounge
Tefillah Class in French
Rabbi Zalman Gansburg
10:30 - 11:15 am
~ Haime Library
Talmud Class in French
Rabbi Zalman Gansburg
Tanya in Spanish for Women
Mrs. Vivian Perez
~Chabad of Aventura, 21001 Biscayne Blvd, Aventura
11:20 - 12:00 pm
2:00 - 3:00 pm
The ABC's of Aleph
Serving Jews in institutional and limited environments
To contribute to The Aleph Institute’s programs, or to volunteer your time, please call 305.864.5553
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Real Estate
The Spiaggia ~ Surfside
Raquel Sragowicz
Cell: 305-588-2481
E-mail: raquelsold@aol.com
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Optimar International Realty
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For Rent: 3/3 Majestic Towers Furnished $6200/Mo, 2/2 Carlisle Furnished $3,800/
Mo, 2/2 Harbour House $2,000/Mo
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It’s Good To Know
Find out what's going on and how You can get involved
In this Week’s Living Torah:
A weekly video magazine featuring the Rebbe's
application of Torah to timely events and issues
Rescue at Entebbe
Timeless Moments
Eye to Eye
Budding Philanthropist
Enjoy a live video presentation every Saturday
Night at The Shul immediately following Havdalah
To see the video on-line:
"Living Torah" Weekly Video Magazine
Featuring the Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson obm.
Shabbos Hospitality
If you would like to host or be hosted at a Shabbos meal,
please call The Shul at 305-868-1411
Staying Connected
The Shul's Staying Connected Program
For College Students
More & more Jewish college students from different universities
across the country keep joining The Shul's Staying Connected program!
These students are excited about this "cool" program that offers them
the opportunity to "stay connected" to The Shul family while they are
away at school. They enjoy receiving candies, chocolate, matzah, wine,
menorahs, and special CD's from The Shul video-library to celebrate the
Jewish holidays. Staying Connected students also enjoy sharing special
events such as the Winter- Break & Summer Shabbatons at The Shul with
over 150 Jewish college students from 18 universities across the country.
To learn more about Staying Connected, please call Rabbi Zalman Lipskar
at 305.868.1411 ext. 7345 or email stayingconnected@theshul.org.
To enroll in The Shul's Staying Connected program , please mail the
Student’s name, Hebrew name, complete address, telephone & email to:
The Shul - Staying Connected
Attn. Rabbi Zalman Lipskar
9540 Collins Avenue
Surfside, FL 33154
Stay Connected! Sign up now to receive delicious packages throughout
the year to celebrate our wonderful Jewish Holidays! It's Free!
If you already joined Staying Connected, please remember to send us
your new address if the one you had last semester has changed.
Looking for the Perfect Gift?
Would you like to honor someone’s Anniversary, Wedding,
Yahrtzeit, or any other occasion?
Honor them by making a donation to The Shul in their name.
A card will be sent to each Honoree on your behalf,
from The Shul, acknowledging your meaningful gift.
The amount of the donation will not be disclosed
unless requested.
For more information, please call Renee @ 305-868-1411 x 0
It Just Clicks!
The Shul's weekly E-News
Everything you need to know sent straight to your inbox!
Send us your email address to info@theshul.org and let us know your
interests at The Shul and we will keep you in touch.
Write a letter to the Ohel
Find a picture of yourself with the Rebbe!
The Living Archive Preservation Project has launched this interactive archive
so that you can locate and request a video of your personal moment with
the Rebbe. http://www.theshul.org/mymoment
Download and listen to the latest classes and lectures
in The Shul, at the convenience of your home or office.
Fill all your Judaica needs
(Books, Tefillin, Mezuzahs, etc) at www.theshul.org/store
The Shul will get commission on every sale!
The Shul Video of 'Journey of The Souls' has been one of the
main popular features this year all over Chabad.org.
To view go to:
The New Jewish Marriage Website:
The New Jobs Board
JNET: The Jewish Learning Network:
Learning one-on-one over the phone:
The Rohr Jewish Learning Institute
Emergency Evacuation Procedures:
Older Folks with special needs can call 311 or register at
Permanent Seating in The Shul
You will find a very informative, factual and - not political, short booklet
about Israel, which was issued by a non partisan organization
"Stand With Us". Your readers around the world will definitely benefit
from the available multiple languages.
There are a limited number of seat dedications still available
in our Main Sanctuary, with finance options as well.
If you are interested in more information please speak to or
call Lydia Hasson or Penina Wuensch at 305 868 1411
Go to this website for the link to the booklet “This Land is My Land”
educational booklet by Eli Hertz.
All the books can be downloaded for free.
Get connected to The Shul online
at www.theshul.org
Daily Study
A complete guide to all classes and courses offered at The Shul
Sichos Kodesh
Rabbi Zalman Lipskar
6:15 - 6:50 am
Halacha (Men) (Monday - Friday)
Rabbi Dov Schochet
7:00 - 7:25 am
Daf Yomi
Rabbi Dov Schochet
8:00 - 8:45 am
RamBam (Monday - Thursday)
Rabbi Dov Schochet
8:45 - 9:00 am
Chok L’Yisrael - Sephardic Custom
Shimshon Tzubeli
Sichos - The Rebbe’s insights on the weekly Parsha
Rabbi Shea Rubinstein
10:00 - 10:45 am
Community Kollel (Men) Mon - Thurs.
Shul Rabbis and Kolel
8:00 - 10:00 pm
Daf Yomi (Men)
Rabbi Dov Schochet
Spanish Kolel - Chassidus (Men)
Mr. Isaac Gorin / Mr. Moshe Lerman
8:00 - 10:00 pm
Executive Smicha (Men)
Rabbi Dov Schochet
8:00 - 10:00 pm
Weekly Torah Portion (Spanish)
Rabbi Shea Rubinstein
Women’s Study Group At the home of: Call The Shul for details
Rebbetzin Chani Lipskar
8:30 - 10:00 pm
Senior Torah Academy: Meditations in Prayer
Rabbi Mendy Levy
11:00 - 11:45 am
Senior Torah Academy for Men & Women
Ein Ya’akov: Stories of the Talmud
Rabbi Dov Schochet
Tanya Class in Spanish (Women)
Mrs. Vivian Perez, 198 Park Drive, Bal Harbour Village
1:45 - 2:30 pm
Torah Portion Class in Spanish (Women)
Mrs. Vivian Perez, 198 Park Drive, Bal Harbour Village
2:30 - 3:45 pm
Ben Ish-Chai (Sephardic Class) (Men)
Rabbi Dov Schochet
6:45 - 7:40 pm
Rabbi Zalman Lipskar
8:00 - 8:45 pm
Executive Smicha (Men)
Rabbi Dov Schochet
Rabbi Lipskar’s Tuesday Class
Rabbi Sholom D. Lipskar
9:00 - 10:15 pm
Parenting Class (Women)
Rebbetzin Chani Lipskar
9:15 - 10:00 am
Morning Torah Class (Women) - Weekly Parsha
Rebbetzin Chani Lipskar
10:00 - 11:00 am
Senior Torah Academy for Men & Women
The Beis Hamikdash
To be announced
Tanya Class in English (Women)
Mrs. Vivian Perez, 198 Park Drive, Bal Harbour Village
Spanish Kolel
Rabbi Moshe Lerman
Tefillah Class in French (Women) - Haime Library
Rabbi Zalman Gansburg
Talmud Class in French (Women) - Haime Library
Rabbi Zalman Gansburg
Mitzvos of the Weekly Parsha (Men & Women)
Rabbi Shea Rubinstein
Senior Torah Academy for Men & Women (Main Sanctuary)
Jewish History: Joshua and the Conquest of Israel
Rabbi Dov Schochet
Tanya in Spanish (Women)
Mrs. Vivian Perez (Chabad of Aventura, 21001 Biscayne Blvd)
Tanya (Men & Women)
Rabbi Eily Smith
*All classes located at The Shul unless otherwise specified.
8:45 am
9:00 am
8:30 - 9:30 pm
12:00 - 12:45 pm
8:00 - 10:00 pm
11:00 - 11:45 am
1:30 pm - 3:00 pm
8:00 - 10:00 pm
10:30 am - 11:15 am
11:20 am - 12:00 pm
11:00 - 11:45 am
12:00 - 12:45 pm
2:00 - 3:00 pm
8:00 pm
Community Nachas
A Peek at Recent Happenings
participants were very pleased with the analysis and
suggestions to improve Israel’s image in the eyes of
the world and portray accurate accounts of future
Jewish Latin American Connection
@ The Shul
his past Tuesday night The Shul’s JLAC (Jewish
Latin American Connection) presented a
Spanish lecture with Juan M. Dircie, ViceDirector of the AJC (American Jewish Committee) for
Dade and Broward. The presentation focused on
various current issues and the latest occurrences
that are shaping the Middle East. With eloquence
and wit, Juan M. Dircie presented some answers and
explanations to the arguments and typical anti-Israel
propaganda we have experienced in the past few weeks
following the flotilla incident. He also delved into the newest
developments following this week’s meeting between the
American president and the Israeli prime minister. The
A Fond Farewell to our dear Friends who are making Aliyah!
Craig & Orly Kulman
Reuven & Stacey Slone
The conspicuous joy together with the
inevitable sadness characterized the
beautiful Melaveh Malka celebrated last
Motzei Shabbos as bittersweet. It was a
pleasant gathering where community
members offered a farewell to three
families, each unique in their own way,
who are making Aliyah to Israel. Most
definitely a great step for them in their
quest to continue growing in their
Jewishness, yet they will be missed
Hosted at the home of Yankie and
Devorah Leah Andrusier, it was the
perfect setting for everyone to enjoy the
great food and company but most
importantly to express their good
wishes to the Kulman, Slone and
Zavilowitz families. All three are
moving to The Holy Land this summer.
Each had an opportunity to share their
Daren & Shayna Zavilowitz
thoughts, different expressions but with
one similar message: The excitement for
the realization of a long awaited dream
together with the nostalgic feeling of
leaving the best community in the
represented The Shul in underscoring the
enormous contribution of the respective
families to our community, working and
volunteering for The Shul and instilling
warmth and inspiration to all.
The Shul wishes them much success and
blessings in all their endeavors and may
we all experience the biggest
aliyah with the final redemption.
A special Thank You to Devorah
Leah Andrusier and Dobie
Rubinstein for organizing the
The Shul Member Services
Daily Minyanim
Individual Learning at Shul, Home or Office
Morning Kollel
Evening Kollel
Hebrew School
Tutoring for Boys/Girls
Bar/Bat Mitzvah Programs
Home Work Help Program
Find out more at
or call The Shul at 305 868 1411
(Rabbis’ Directory on page 3)