Newsletter - August 2016
Newsletter - August 2016
August 2016 Summer is Here! Yes! 2 New Club Members already! We wel- come Rachael & Holly two young women who have the hearts and passions of an Altrusan! And more new Altrusans to come! Just keep asking after all we are so glad that friend asked each and every one of us! Summer also means fundraising is happening! Elephant Ear fundraising, it’s another successful summer season and with one more event at the Fall Festival on September 24 & 25. Fireworks flew and so did our Elephant Ears at the Red White & Blues Festival on the 3rd & 4th in Corvallis! Thank you Bob G & Cecily for getting us all “squared & set”! 2016’s Philomath Frolic was our 2nd best year ever, 2nd only to our banner year in 2015! Thank you to Sharon, Cecily, Jeanette, Bill and to all who helped make these Altrusa events Successful & FUN! It is so much FUN to see & work with our new members at these events too! Summer means Vacations, Staycations, Reunions, Sporting Events, Concerts, County Fairs, Birthdays, Anniversaries, Weddings, New babies, and all kinds of FUN. Friend members FB pages for a peak at their Summer Fun photos & updates on Epic Adventures! Enjoy making lifetime memories. And let us all remember to keep track of our volunteer hours as Altrusa International has asked each member to mark our Centenial Year with 100hours each this year, that is just 2 hours a week. Many of us find volunteering is easy it’s the keeping track that is the challenge, so look for our VHours check-in sheet at each business meeting. Remember also keep talking and asking with your friends, neighbors, that person you know who already helps someone or somewhere… Just Ask! After all – you were glad to be asked! And we do have FUN doing what we do as a Club! Committees keep on meeting during the SUMMER and planning for our Fall club activities. Summer is our Annual Picnic time – this year we’ll meet in the Thompson Shelter at Avery Park the evening of August 31st. I look forward to seeing you and your families there! Have a HAPPY, FUN & SAFE SUMMER! Page 1 - Presidents Message, index Page 2 - Officers, Calendar, Birthdays Page 3 & 4 – Business Minutes Page 5— Altrusa in photo Page 6— board meeting minutes Page 7— Elephant Ears photos Page 9– Latest, announcement 1 Officers President Julie Livingstone 541-231-4119 (C) President-Elect Karen Grant 541-745-7979 (H) calendar August August August August 3 (5:30 pm) 12 17 (5:30 pm) 31 (6:00 pm) Business Meeting International Youth Day Board Meeting Annual Picnic in Thompson Shelter at Avery Park Vice President Helen Wilhelm 541-745-1951 (H) Co-Secretaries Tammy Skubina 541-752-4214(H) Remember to sign in your Volunteer Hours at our Business Meeting! Operations Treasurer Mary Lou McLocklin 541-967-8416 (H) Foundation Treasurer Helen Kupeli 541-753-4468 (H) BIRTHDAYS Directors Alice Glass Maryam Ghasemi Past President Carolyn Power Arlene Burnham Nancy Davis Helen Kupeli Newsletter Maryam Ghasemi 2 4 10 15 Business Meeting Minutes - July 6, 2016 The meeting was called to order by President Julie Livingston at 6:10 pm. Guests: Nancy Shaffer , Michelle Feldman & Rachel Fletcher. 50/50 Raffle: Winner Kar en Mills. reported that $107.20 was donated to our club in the elephant ear tip jar at the horse show and Red, White & Blue Festival. This goes into our operations budget. Finance: Foundation – The report was printed for all of us. Helen Kupeli then made a motion to update a motion we passed at the June 1 club Altrusa Centennial: The 100th anniver sar y of meeting. The new motion is: …that the club desigAltrusa is 2017. Carolyn continues the theme of 100 nate President Julie Livingston, President-Elect Kathings each month: several club members sew 100 ren Grant and Foundation Treasurer Helen Kupeli cloth bags for College Hill High School students. as signers on Citizens Bank Community Account These bags will hold Holiday items. Thank you #2217741236 and all other foundation accounts at Blackledge Furniture for the fabrics. Another exam- Citizens Bank with all appropriate authority. ple: Jar with 100 pieces of macaroni that when (checking) (change of officers) – This motion adds boiled the macaroni expands: like our membership foundation in front of accounts at Citizen Bank. growing and many of us getting more involved and …to designate President Julie Livingston, President expanding our service projects and thus our impact -Elect Karen Grant and Operations Treasurer Mary in our community. Lou McLocklin as signers on all operations accounts at Central Willamette Credit Union with all Altrusa Information: Reading of the “Pr inciples appropriate authority. (checking) [Remove Carolyn of Altrusa”. Powers as she is now Past President and add Karen Birthdays: J ean Peter s, Lor r aine Beyer lein, Hel- Grant as President-Elect}- This motion changes en Wilhelm & Cecily Feudo. foundation account to operations account and Years of Service: Cer tificates pr esented to the adds signers on all operations accounts at Cenfollowing Altrusa members for their years of sertral Willamette Credit Union. Both motions vice: Maryam Ghasemi (1), Alice Glass (2), Mary passed Lou McLocklin (16), Tammy Skubinna (30), Janet Magedanz (31), & Jeanette Maier (50). Tammy & COMMITTEE ANNOUNCEMENTS Jeanette received flowers. Career Closet – Karen: the signup sheet for volunNew Member Initiation: Elizabeth Gr oner (for teering at the Career Closet. Clothes donations may Vice President Helen Wilhelm) led the initiation be dropped off at Coldwell Valley Brokers and ceremony for new member Rachel Fletcher, CarTown & Country Realty on weekdays. olyn Powers; sponsor International Relations –Lillian: asked everyone to read each of their newsletters this year & watch for surprises from the International Relations ComCLUB BUSINESS Minutes: Minutes fr om J une 1 meeting appr oved mittee. There will also be updates on our internawith the following correction: Under the Literacy tional projects. Mark Rampton will share about the Committee report, it should say “…reading program Haiti vitamin & medicine project we supported at at Lincoln School”, not backpack program. Finance: our October 5 meeting. Evelyne shared that after the Operations – The report was printed for us. It was delegation going to Uzhhorod, Ukraine returns in 3 Business Meeting Minutes - July 6, 2016 (continued) late September we will have an answer for if we will have a Roma female student for our college scholarship. Lillian reminded club members that international projects take time, esp. because of working with other countries & the cultures there. Literacy – Carolyn: meeting this Monday, July 11, 11:30 am at the Market of Choice meeting room (upstairs). Working on grant application to the Altrusa International Foundation. Membership –new applicants for Altrusa membership continue. Elephant Ears – Cecily: some maintenance was done on the trailer: cost $388.00. And trailer now has standard extension cords and a hydraulic bottle jack. Cecily asked for several volunteers to learn the trailer setup before Fall Festival. She reminded us it is important that more than one person know how to do trailer setup. Bettina made a motion that Altrusa pay the $388.00 bill for trailer maintenance: motion passed. NEW BUSINESS Communications, Facebook & Club Marketing – Bettina: copy on table of a draft Communications Plan. She will add it to Dropbox and also email it to all club members. She shared that all our documents are in the Dropbox, including newsletters, flyers, minutes, etc. Members can check Dropbox for updates & club info UNFINISHED BUSINESS Yearbooks – New Yearbooks distributed. Thank you Janet for updating the yearbooks! Paperback Books for Oak Creek Juvenile Center – Judy continues to collect books for the girls (age 12-25) in Albany. Greeters & DCA – Elizabeth reminded us that Altrusa is a member of the Downtown Corvallis Association (DCA). She represents Altrusa & Blackledge Furniture at the monthly DCA meetings (3rd Wednesday). Also the After Hours Network meeting the 2nd Thursday 5:30 – 7 pm. Elizabeth cannot attend, so would another club member attend for us? Altrusa pays $75 a year to use the DCA newsletter for Altrusa promotions. Another DCA event is the Greeters on Tuesday at 8:00 am, where everyone can announce about their group/ business. This costs $25 per month. Several members agreed to volunteer & represent Altrusa at Greeter meetings and to promote our club. 4 ANNOUNCEMENTS Kids Shop – the Albany Altrusa Club will have their Kid’s Shop shopping event on August 13. The deadline to apply to be a shopper is July 31. Shopper applications online. Thank you Kyle – Corvallis Altrusa Facebook page photos from the EE booth at the Red, White & Blue Festival: Online Club Marketing vis your smartphone. Club Business Cards? – discussion: with room for individual name & phone number. Cost for 500 cards is $65.00 or print our own? Helen Kupeli’s Mother’s Service – July 16, 11:00 am, Good Samaritan Episcopal Church. Donations can go to SMART or the Food Bank in Roseberg, OR. IMPORTANT DATES June 7-10 – Philomath Frolic – Elephant Ear Booth July 15 – World Youth Skills Day July 16 – da Vinci Days – Benton County Fairgrounds July 20 – Board Meeting @ Carolyn’s Home, 5:30 pm July 30 – International Day of Friendship August 3 – Business meeting @ Country Club – 5:30 pm August 31 – Annual Picnic at Thompson Shelter in Avery Park Closing. Meeting was adjourned at 8:10 pm. Respectfully submitted by Tammy Skubinna, CoSecretary LITERACY MEETING RACHEL FLETCHER INITIATION 5 Board Meeting Minutes - July 20, 2016 Altrusa International Inc. of Corvallis BOARD MEETING MINUTES July 20, 2016 733 SE Winterfield, Corvallis OR 97333 The meeting was called to order by President Julie Livingston @5:40 PM In attendance: Julie, Karen G, Mary Lou, Helen K, Alice, Maryam & Carolyn, acting as Secretary. Excused: Helen W & Tammy. The minutes from the June 15th Board Meeting were approved as presented. Committees Reports: Finance: Operations- no change since nothing had changed since bus meeting. Motion made & board approved a $50 donation to the S.M.A.R.T. program in Roseburg, OR in honor of Helen K’s mother; Mary Louise Young. International Relations: Committee met & expressed interest in new “shoes” project. And desire to utilize new project funds for the project. Board recommended further discussion within the committee. Literacy: Continuing to make contacts with Schools & MLC. Membership: Board approved new member applicant. Jewelry: Co-chairs continue the restructure of duties & delegate roles for members. Elephant Ears: Summer fundraisers completed, trailer training TBA, Fall Festival next event. New Business: Club Retreat tentatively scheduled for Sept 28th in Bev Larson Rm @ Old Mill Center. The meeting was adjourned at 7:15 PM ************************************************************************************ Foundation Meeting was called to order at 7:16 PM The minutes of the June 15th meeting were approved as written. Finance: Report presented. Checks order awaiting formal name change w/State. Discussion if EE donations should be foundation instead of operations. The Meeting was adjourned at 7:43 PM. Submitted by Carolyn Powers 6 7 Julie Livingston reports that some of her son’s Matt Sculptured Art is on exhibit at the c3: initiative in the St John’s neighborhood of Portland. It is the first time that his 3D Art is on display outside of Corvallis. Oregon’s Biennial Art Exhibit at Portland 2016, featuring “Matt Conklin’s World of Wonders”-the show runs until mid-September. Carolyn Powers had a great drive to the Bay Area with her daughter-in-law and grandson. She stayed at the home of one of her sons where she was surrounded by the other three of them and all their children and grandchildren. They all enjoyed a picnic at Tomales Bay State Park, which was the last State Park they lived in before Carolyn’s husband left the park service. Bettina Schempf and her husband just completed a week long bike ride in the state of Washington. They covered 470 miles and 27,300 ft of climbing in 7 days and enjoyed the beautiful scenery. In case you like to buy inexpensive college-rule notebooks for College Hill High School. They are starting to appear. At Staples you can buy up to 30 for 17 cents each. At Bi-Mart they are 16 cent each--there didn't appear to be a limit. Be sure to get college-rule; they are often displayed with wide-rule notebooks. ANNOUNCEMENT “Just Ask” each of us is so happy that someone did step out and ask us. So “Just Ask”, chances are that person has already wondered what you do in Altrusa. “Just Ask or Invite them” to help with a project or a summer fundraiser, sewing bags, Jewelry collecting & sorting, Career Closet Saturdays, and Elephant Ears in Sept. 8