Chimp Chatter


Chimp Chatter
Chimp Chatter
Summer 2016
Upcoming Events!
Kids groups ages 5-15 are invited to Chimps Inc.
for chimpanzee day camp. Learn about apes,
make enrichment, meet the chimps, and learn
how to move like a chimpanzee in a fun outdoor
obstacle course! Make your next birthday party or
group outing a special one and reserve today!
$25 per participant. Now accepting groups of 20
kids plus 4 chaperones .
Sign up online for one of these dates:
Sat, Sept. 17
Sat, Oct. 1
Though we’ve accomplished much, we still have many projects to do around the
sanctuary before the summer is over! Some of these projects include:
- Refinishing both level floors of the two story indoor Playhouse- $10,000
- Installing new tarps to keep outdoor enclosures warm and dry in the winter- $8,000
- Installing new benches in all indoor enclosures- $3,000
- Re-painting the mesh of our outdoor enclosures- $2500
We need your help with these projects so if you’d like to share any special skills with us
or just come lend a hand for a day, please contact us at
To help us fund these special projects, visit
I have volunteered in the kitchen for the past
10 years at Chimps Inc. My experience here
started not because I had lots of extra time, but
rather because I made time for an incredible
experience. My young adult heroes were Jane
Goodall & Dian Fossey, as I believed the most
honorable gift to the universe would be to
save a species. Volunteering with this family of
chimpanzees is the best day of the week. I am so
honored that they let me have a relationship with them, and be a small part of their lives
every Tuesday afternoon. To hear them give joyful, excitement pant hoots when they get
a meal I have made, is heartwarming. I know that whatever I readily give, is far, far less
than what I receive. To be able to contribute a little, to make their “forever home” a little
brighter makes my life illuminate.
-Beverly S., Volunteer
Support the chimps while staying in shape! All
proceeds from this Brazilian martial arts class
benefit Chimps Inc. Weekly classes at 7pm at Sol
$12/class or $40/package of 4. Drop-ins welcome.
Wed, Aug 17
Wed, Aug 24
Wed, Aug 31
Wed, Sep 7
Dyson has always loved animals and helping
those in need, so we have regularly volunteered
at our local animal shelter/Humane society
since he was young. We knew we wanted to
help the chimpanzees when we first read about
Chimps Inc. years ago. On our first visit we were
hooked! The chimpanzees were so amazing and
the caregivers were so wonderful! Chimps Inc.
impressed us so much we decided right then
to help out any way we could; by making enrichments, granola, or donating. Dyson has
been to several kids camps at the sanctuary and we’ve both been to special events.
-Charity and Dyson E., Supporters
Happy Summer!
Dear Friends,
Summer is in full swing here at the sanctuary. The near-perfect Bend summer days and crisp nights
have blessed us to date. Living in a high desert region also brings the threat of lightening and fire.
Even though our sanctuary is surrounded by maintained acreage the threat is real. One of our friends,
Wildlife Waystation in Sylmar, California wasn’t that lucky recently. They evacuated the majority of
their 400 animals before the fire was contained. Thankfully, no animals were lost or injured and
hopefully the damage was kept to a minimum.
Our 2016 Meet and Greet events and the first series of Topo’s Kids Camp have been a roaring success.
One of our core values and missions is education and we use both of these venues to educate our
guests. Topo’s Kids Camp attendees have a blast meeting the chimps, learning how to care for them,
and mastering the art of acting like an ape (which comes pretty naturally).
The annual Civil War Football Fundraiser was a very successful fundraising event for 14 years. Our
community has been so supportive of this event and our success was due in part to them. After
reviewing this event and its future the Board of Directors and administration decided to move away
from producing this annual event. We will continue to reach out to our communities in new and
exciting ways. We need all of our sponsors and donors to stay connected to the sanctuary so we will
talk to you soon!
Stay safe my friends and please help ban the pet and entertainment industry as well as helping all
apes escape the research world.
In Gratitude,
Lesley Day, President
The age of social media has done much for connecting animal
lovers around the world but at the same time, the rise of the “selfie” has
expanded the market for exotic photo prop animals, both locally, and abroad.
Photos of celebrities holding tiger cubs, cuddling a baby chimp, or having a
slow loris resting on their shoulder, receive floods of comments online, mostly
to the effect of “I want one.” These animal photo prop selfies not only exploit
the animals involved, but also encourage an industry which is devastating to
You can help by keeping your travel and entertainment free of animal
exploitation and cruelty.
When visiting an animal facility, ask yourself the following questions:
Is it accredited?
In the sanctuary world, look for GFAS (Global Federation of Animal Sanctuaries) accreditation, while AZA (Association of
Zoos and Aquariums) is the accrediting agency for Zoos.
Is it a 501(c)3 non-profit?
Not necessarily a telltale sign, but if the organization is a registered nonprofit, that likely means that it has a mission statement. A mission statement provides a great opportunity to read further into the intentions of the facility.
Does breeding happen at the facility?
Unless it’s dictated by an SSP (Species Survival Plan) at an accredited Zoo, beware of facilities which breed animals.
Facilities which allow animal photo prop selfies often “speed breed” in order to have a constant supply of cuddly babies for
How much interaction does the public have with the animals?
Reputable animal facilities -- particularly those that deal with exotics – will have a strict hands-off policy for the public. If you
can hug, ride or take a selfie with a wild animal, chances are cruelty is involved.
Is the living space adequate?
This one’s not hard. If an animal is housed in a barren cage with no stimulation, this is not a good sign. Reputable facilities
work hard at providing enrichment, fulfilling a social structure, and maintaining adequate space for the animals in their care.
One of the responsibilities of the caregivers at Chimps Inc. is to do regular behavioral training sessions with
each of the chimps. The purpose of this training is to have the chimps participate in their own veterinary care
and to help make treatment less stressful on them. Chimps are trained to present body parts for examination,
open their mouths for a toungue depressor, provide a urine sample, and more.
Recently, I entered the indoor Playhouse area to observe my fellow caregiver, Kevin doing some behavioral
training with CJ. When I arrived, I noticed that Jackson had the behavioral training target stick in hand. It was
clear that Jackson had already completed his session, and he had managed to snag the target stick from
Kevin. I walked over to Jackson and he quickly began a behavioral training session with me! Jackson pushed
the target stick through the mesh and was pointing to my ear, nose, mouth, and head, similar to the sessions
caregivers do with the chimps regularly, and the one he had just completed with Kevin. Interactions like my
reverse behavioral training session with Jackson become cherished memories that will stay with me forever.
-Rhianna A., Caregiver
Hi, I’m Thiele! I am originally from
California where I performed at Marine
World USA. I used to ride a llama in the
show, which was really scary. Crowds
of people would take my photo and
laugh at me. Now, that I’m at Chimps
Inc., I live a quieter life and fit in great
with the other chimps.
• My favorite things are: Mirrors,
grooming, and grapes!
• My least favorite things are: Crowds,
waiting my turn, and zucchini.
• My best friend is: My sister, Patti. I love
to spend every day grooming in the
sun with her.
Board of Directors
Lesley Day, President
Michel Waller
Julie Clarke, Vice President
Eileen McLellan
Zelia Flannery, Secretary/Treasurer
Karin Thompson
Eric Matthews
Pat Dowell
Lenna Comini
Advisory Board
Dr. Jane Goodall, DBE
Bruce Wagman, Esq.
Carla McGinley, H.R.
Marla O’Donnell, Executive Director
Monica Szczupider, Executive Assistant
Kevin Doner, Caregiver / Programs Manager
Kaleigh Rhoads, Caregiver / Social Media Editor
Rhianna Axon, Caregiver I
Scott Strauss, Caregiver I
Stephanie Humphrey, Bookkeeper
Dr. Wendy Krebs, DVM
Dr. Holly O’Brien, DVM
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PO Box 6973, Bend, OR 97708
501(c)3# 93-1202061