Jaimie Angus Named President of AGC California


Jaimie Angus Named President of AGC California
Griffith Company News
V o l u m e 3 5 , I s s u e 1 M a r c h 2 0 1 6
Jaimie Angus Named President of
AGC California
Inside this Issue
Jaimie Angus Named President
of AGC California
Griffith Company is pleased
Chair in 2013, and on a variety
he told the group that greater
to announce that on January
of Committees and Councils
participation is key to continuing
29, 2016, our very own Jaimie
including the Union Contractors
as the leading voice of the
Angus was sworn in as President
Council where
of the Associated General
he has been
Contractors of California
for 2016. Not only is this
in labor
Chairman & CEO’s Corner
an important achievement
President’s View
for Jaimie, but it is also a
in Southern
prestigious tribute to and
reflection on Griffith Company.
In 2016, he
Hang Up Your Hard Hat
Griffith Grapevine4
will apply his
As a company, we believe
experience and
strongly in “giving back” to
knowledge of
our industry, and one of the
the construction
best ways to do that is through
industry to
involvement in the industry
lead AGC of
associations, such as the AGC.
California, the
Saturday, May 21
In fact, Griffith Company
state’s largest
Mark your calendar! The annual
was one of the original 53
Griffith Company Safety Picnic is
founding members of the
returning to Oak Canyon Park.
Southern California Branch
Jaimie plans to
of AGC formed in 1920, and
continue the
one of just 15 participating
work begun in
engineering contractors. Since
recent years by
Tuesday, May 31
then, four Griffith executives
AGC leadership
Board of Directors Meeting
served as President of the
with special
AGC in California including our
emphasis on
Chairman and CEO, Tom Foss
increasing the
in 2009, and our past CEO, Jim
We’re on the web:
Waltze, served as President of
AGC of America in 2004.
numbers, its
Safety Corner
Upcoming Events
Monday, May 30
Memorial Day
diversity and
Jaimie enjoying the festivities with his son Nick
and daughter Taylor.
The Griffith Team presented Jaimie a new
“Razor” and “Go Pro”.
Past President Jon Ball from Hensel Phelps
congratulates Jaimie.
Jaimie has always taken an
the level of
active role in the AGC. He has
served on the Board of Directors
by both new and existing
industry. It’s important for our
and Chair of the Los Angeles
association to be proactive for
District, on the State Board
as Joint Engineering Division
change and not just reactive
In Jaimie’s acceptance speech,
for protection of our industry.
continued on Page 3
Griffith Company is an equal opportunity employer and an employee-owned company.
C HAIRMAN & C EO ’ s C o r n e r
Join Us for the Annual Safety Awards Picnic
by Tom Foss
One of the most enjoyable events of the year is Griffith Company’s Annual Safety Awards Picnic. The
wheels are already in motion as we plan this year’s event.
Tom Foss
We will again be at the Oak Canyon Park. This is a location that provides ample room and events,
great food and entertainment and best of all, since it is exclusively Griffith Company employees, it
also provides a safe environment for our children in attendance.
The three main components of the picnic are the Safety Awards, the Excellence Awards and the
Young Achievers awards.
Safety is a core value with Griffith Company and is the central focus of our picnic. We have planned
and invested in our employees’ safety so that they return home to their families each night in good
condition. The Region or Division that achieves the best overall safety rating is recognized.
Along with the Safety awards we also recognize multiple Excellence Awards. We all work hard and it
is nice to recognize the outstanding work our co-workers accomplish each year.
The last portion of the awards is for our Young Achievers. This is a great part of our culture. We
recognize the accomplishments of our Griffith Family children. This is a way that we hope we can
help motivate our employees’ families to achieve to the best of their abilities.
Finally, it is an event where we get to meet the families of our fellow employees. I am looking
forward to seeing you there. Make sure you plan to attend and RSVP when you receive the invitation.
President’s View:
Industry Challenges Mean Back to Basics
by Jaimie Angus
It’s a new year with new
only the best. It is
AGC are to increase
grow our transportation funds
responsibilities and challenges.
my goal this year
and combating over-zealous
Griffith Company built its
to get back to the
create and continue
regulatory measures are some
biggest ever backlog with
basics and demand
diversity, and
of the other areas we’ll continue
many challenges within it. We
that policies and
increase member
to work on.
ended up in profits but not
procedures are met
an acceptable return. We all
to make us more
Greater member
I look forward to your help
worked very hard to build this
participation is
and support as we bring our
key for AGC to be
company and the AGC into
the leading voice
better position to face the
Jaimie Angus
work and should enjoy the
benefit of increased stock value.
After participating
I personally apologize for our
in AGC for many years, I have
of the industry. We want our
challenges that are facing our
lack of success. It’s time to get
been appointed President of
association to be proactive for
industry today. Together we will
back to what we do best and
AGC California. My role will be
change and not just reactive for
make a difference.
evaluate risk more clearly. We
to lead the Leadership of AGC
the protection of our industry.
don’t need to be the biggest,
to help our industry. My goals at
Prompt payment, working to
Jaimie Angus
continued from Page 1
Prompt payment, working to
in Orange County. In 2000
ahead. In his personal time, he
grow our transportation funds
Jaimie was appointed the
continues to enjoy the Southern
and combating over-zealous
position of District Manager of
California lifestyle and, while
regulatory measures are just
the Los Angeles District and
there’s not nearly as much
some of the areas we’ll continue
was named Vice President soon
opportunity these days, he still
to work on.
after. In 2010 he was named
enjoys surfing, ocean fishing
Executive Vice President of
and snowboarding.
Jaimie is an example of the
Griffith Company, and in 2014
opportunity to grow within our
was promoted to his current
Angus also enjoys spending
company. He began working
position as President.
time when possible with his
for Griffith Company in 1989
kids, daughter Sarah (28), Taylor
as a laborer and after getting
With a full agenda for 2016,
(24), and Nicholas (16) as well
his degree in Aeronautical
Angus will be busy with the
as three grandkids: Arnoldo,
Engineering was soon moved
leadership of both AGC and
Gus and Beckett.
into the office as an estimator
Griffith Company in the year
Jaimie’s daughter, Sarah, gave
a heart-warming and humorous
speech about her dad.
After a long lasting career in the
was responsible for production
construction industry, Leonard
and sales of Griffith Company’s
On Nov 20, 2015, Alfred
Foreman and eventually became
Dunn has hung up his hard
“Chach” Medina (37 years)
General Superintendent for the
hat. Leonard started out with
and Alfred “Pete” Jezowski
Concrete Division.
Riverside County Flood Control
After 51
(16 years) celebrated their
Pete joined Griffith Company
and worked his way through
years in the
well-earned retirement. The
in 2000 as an estimator and a
college to
retirement party was held at
few years later was promoted
become a
years of that
the Summit House Restaurant
to the first ever Manager of the
with Griffith
where 98 people attended
Concrete Division.
Company—we wish Jim a fond
farewell. We’ll miss you, Jim!
the event. In attendance
Jim Coury
Both Chach and Pete worked
worked for
well together growing the
some of the
division’s annual revenues from
best underground contractors in
more than 50 years and with
a few million dollars a year
the business and finally retired
Griffith Company for more
to $32M last year. They have
at the end of 2015 after six
than 14, Gary Gibson of our
a great attitude in the work
years at Griffith Company. Thank
Southern Region is another
place and a great knowledge
you, Leonard, for all of your
to join the
of concrete derived from
commitment, loyalty and a work
their families’ construction
ethic that was second to none…
group of
workers, inspectors, owner-
We are fortunate to have
Jim Coury began his
may not
representatives and friends in
worked and have known these
construction career in 1964
know that
the industry with whom they
two amazing individuals that
as an asphalt dispatcher and
Gary’s first
have worked.
have given so much to Griffith
advanced through the ranks from
Company. We’ll surely miss
Dispatcher to Director of Sales
job was at Griffith and his dad
Chach joined Griffith Company
them in the years to come and
and Marketing, working in all
was a General Superintendent
in 1979 as a cement mason.
we wish them all the best life
aspects of the material industry,
here. We all wish Gary a happy
Eight months later, he earned
has to offer in their well-earned
including his final role as Division
and safe retirement; we know he
the position of Concrete
Manager for Materials where Jim
will enjoy this new season of life!
Alfred “Chach” Medina and
Alfred “Pete” Jezowski
Leonard Dunn
After serving our industry for
retirees. You
were family members, co-
Gary Gibson and
wife Carol
Griffith Grapevine
breakfast at the Crystal Palace
6oz, to parents
Division and his wife, Maggie,
for the families to receive
Taylor Angus
on the birth of
Griffith employees from the
presents and meet the people
& Arnoldo
their new son.
Central Region had the pleasure
that brightened Christmas for
Baby Diego
of participating in the KUZZ
them. Kelly Enns and Barbara
Jr.; Beckett
M. Salazar
Newton went to represent
Richard Kruger
was born on
Griffith. All were so grateful and
was born on
thankful for what was given to
September 24
Day 2015 and
and although
weighed 7 lb 11 oz.
he was born
Thanks to AJ Robinson, for
6 weeks
Wedding News:
being up early to get this family
Kay Harris
Cares for Kids Christmas, an
for us and to the Bakersfield
weighing only 5lbs 2oz, mama
of the
annual event that the local radio
employees for making this
Sarah Kruger (Angus) and dad
station organizes for families in
family’s Christmas one they’ll
Chris Kruger say you’d never
Office wed
need at Christmas time.
always remember!
know it, because this little roly-
her longtime
poly “steam roller” is all smiles,
The sponsored family had five
Birth Announcements:
coos and giggles. These two
children, ages 5-18. Two have
Jaimie Angus became a
munchkins make a total of 3
health issues, along with their
grandfather twice in 2015:
grandkids for grandpa Jaimie!
of 13 years on Sunday October
Dad who is fighting Lymphoma.
Augustus Cruz Moreno, was
On December 15, KUZZ held a
born on June 14, weighing 7lbs
Safety Corner
Employee Training Badges
By Chris Morgan Safety Director, CHST
Griffith Company invests approximately $70,000 in safety
training classes for our employees per year. If you included
all labor hours associated,
the number would be
much, much more. We
want to get the most value
out of our training efforts,
including the ability to
quickly determine if training
is needed or not and an
automated process to let us know when certifications and
training are about to expire.
In the near future, we will be deploying employee
training cards to all of our employees who receive training
from Griffith Company or while at the Company. Each
badge will have a QR code on it and when scanned
will show your training history to interested foremen,
superintendents, safety, and clients alike. This will enable all
of our work teams to determine who has what training in an
immediate fashion.
When we can manage and confirm our training in the
field, we can be exponentially safer and better informed to
accomplish our work. So as our Safety Program continues
to lead the industry in cutting-edge innovations look out for
the new cards, and let’s move the discussion about safety
training to a new level!
11, 2015 in Pasadena, CA.
Michelle Dujenski and husband
Congratulations, Kay!
Chase welcomed their first child,
Caleb Benjamin
Dujenski, into
Region Office
this world at
3:35PM on
Susan Walt
October 2nd.
was married
Baby boy
on November
Caleb weighed
28, 2015.
7 lbs 11 oz and has the most
Congratulations to the new
adorable dimple on one of his
Mrs. Susan Hasting on your
cheeks. Congratulations on your
nuptials and on your new family!
adorable bundle of joy, Michelle!
Congratulations to Jason
G r i f f i t h C o m pa n y N e w s
Dennis of our
The Griffith Company News
is published four times per
Division and
year in order to keep our
his beautiful
employees better informed
wife, Danielle,
on the birth
of Griffith Company events
and accomplishments.
of their third
child, Finn Weldon. Baby boy
Finn was born on November 27
and weighed 9.5lbs. He shares
his birthdate with James Marshall
Hendrix and Bruce Lee.
For more information contact:
Congratulations are in order to
Cassandra Malloy
David Salazar of our Concrete
(714) 984-5500, ext. 5572