FALL Conference 2015 - Missouri Addiction Counselors


FALL Conference 2015 - Missouri Addiction Counselors
FALL Conference
October 16, 17, and 18
Inn at Grand Glaize
Lake of the Ozarks, Missouri
Missouri Addiction
Counselors Association
We hope you enjoy your stay here
at Inn at Grand Glaize and have a
wonderful time at your conference.
From the Staff & Management of
PO Box 969
Lake Road 54-40
Osage Beach, MO 65065
(573) 348-4731 fax (573) 348-4694
Or visit our website www.
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
President's Welcome
Membership Form
Sponsor List
2015 Fall Conference Sponsors
2015 Fall Speaker Bio
Banquet menu
MACA Business Meeting Minutes - July 17, 2015
MACA Business Meeting Agenda - October 16, 2015
MACA Board of Directors
2015 Fall Conference Workshop Agenda
President’s Welcome
October 16, 2015
To everyone here this weekend!
On behalf of the MACA Board of Directors, I am very excited to welcome each and every one
of you to the 2015 MACA Fall Conference here at the Grand Glaize Inn in beautiful Lake of the
Ozarks. As you all can see from the Conference Agenda, this is going to be an informative
Conference, with a great variety of stimulating topics, and outstanding Speakers. MACA will
be sponsoring 2 raffles again at the conference. The first is for a vacation at Branson, Elaine
Campbell is sponsoring. Please see the information at the sign in table. The drawing will be
held at the Banquet Saturday Night (you must be present to win). The second raffle, also at the
Banquet, will be for a variety of door prizes. There will be numerous items - - so don’t forget to
buy your raffle tickets! They will be available up to and through the Banquet. And we’re having
the White Elephant Auction again at the Banquet, which is always be a lot of fun. I hope you all
will be able to attend the membership meeting at the Banquet, as well as the Open Board
meeting to be held Friday over the lunch break. Please plan to attend since there will be a lot
to discuss. For addition information or any changes, inquire at the registration desk.
As the President of MACA, I appreciate everyone and their hard work in order to bring you a
great conference. During this conference, we will be taking nominations for the Executive
Board member positions: President, Vice President and Secretary/Treasurer. You will find a
trifold in the main area that will explain this further. Please get involved and nominate the
individuals! As President of MACA these last two years, I have been privileged to get to know
many of you. As my “Presidency” comes to a close, I would like to thank you all for your
dedication to MACA. I will not be running for another term and will become the Executive
Secretary for our organization.
I would also like to take this opportunity to thank our many sponsors. You will find a list of
them a little further in this booklet. Without these fine people and Agencies, MACA wouldn’t
be able to offer the caliber of Conferences as we do. Please be sure to thank our sponsors
before you leave the Conference.
Again, Thank ALL of you for being here and I hope you enjoy the conference.
Linda Christian-Dinwiddie
Linda Christian-Dinwiddie
President, MACA
Missouri Addiction Counselors Association
Current Employer___________________________________________
$50.00 per year
*** Membership is free if you come to a conference.
Method of payment: Check__ Master Card___ Visa___ Discover Card__
Credit Card Number__________________________ Expiration Date: ___/____ Verification Code_____
Billing Address_____________________________________________________
Name on Card_____________________________________________________
Email address for name on card ______________________________________
Make checks payable to MACA and return, with this form to:
P.O. Box 804
Seymour, MO 65746
Linda Christian-Dinwiddie, MACA President
Phone: 417-554-1412, E-mail: maca@socket.net, Web: missouriaddictioncounselors.org
Membership in MACA is not refundable.
I agree to abide by the MACA Codes of Ethics.
I believe that the prime objectives of the counselor's profession are to render
service to humanity and to contribute my knowledge, skills and support to
programs of human welfare.
I believe that my primary responsibility is to my client. In all my dealings, I will
endeavor to protect the client's welfare and will diligently seek to assist the
client toward his or her goals.
As a member of the Missouri Addiction Counselors Association, I will commit
myself to conduct my professional work in accordance with the following Code
of Ethics:
 The counselor shall give precedence to professional responsibility over
personal interest.
 The counselor shall not discriminate because of race, color, religion, age,
sex or national ancestry, and will work to prevent and eliminate such
discrimination in rendering service in work assignments and in
employment practices.
 The counselor shall respect the basic human rights of all clients and shall
refrain from unethical practices in treating clients.
 The counselor shall use any information gained in professional
relationships in a responsible manner.
 A counselor shall not take charge of or prescribe for another counselor's
client during treatment (except in an emergency) until the case has been
formally dismissed or consultation requested.
 The counselor shall respect the findings, views and actions of colleagues
and shall use appropriate channels to express judgment in these matters.
 The counselor will show personal regard toward the law of the land with
the full knowledge that illegal actions could jeopardize his or her
professional standards.
 The counselor shall abstain from the usage of drugs and/or alcohol while
on the job; total abstinence shall be the norm for professionals who are
recovering chemical dependents.
 The counselor recognizes the fact that professional practice requires
professional education.
 The counselor shall clearly distinguish, in public, between statements and
actions as an individual and as a representative of this organization.
 The counselor accepts responsibility for working toward creation and
maintenance of conditions within agencies and institutions that enable
other counselors to conduct themselves in accordance with this code.
Regional Map
1 – Northern
2 - Western
3 – Central
4 – Eastern
5 - Southern
Upcoming MACA Board Meeting Dates
October 16, 2015 - Inn at Grand Glaize, Lake of the Ozarks
5142 Osage Beach Pkwy, Osage Beach, MO 65065
(800) 348-4731
January 15, 2016 - Truman Hotel, Jefferson City 9:00am
1510 Jefferson St, Jefferson City, MO 65109
(573) 635-7171
April 15, 2016 - Inn at Grand Glaize, Lake of the Ozarks
5142 Osage Beach Pkwy, Osage Beach, MO 65065
(800) 348-4731
October 21, 2016 - Truman Hotel, Jefferson City 9:00am
1510 Jefferson St, Jefferson City, MO 65109
(573) 635-7171
“Thank you”
to our
2015 Spring Conference Sponsors
Missouri Department of Mental Health
Division of Behavioral Health
1706 East Elm St.
Jefferson City, MO 65102
Missouri Credentialing Board
428 E. Capitol, 2nd Floor Jefferson City, Missouri 65101
Jefferson City, MO
Missouri Alcohol and Drug Assessment Consulting, Inc.
1014 West Highway 28
Owensville, Missouri 65066
Preferred Family Healthcare
Guardian Interlock
David’s Leatherworks
Center Pointe Hospital
Lakeland Behavioral Health System
Bridgeway Behavioral Health
Linda Christian-Dinwiddie
Dawn Dinwiddie
2015 Fall Conference Sponsors
Missouri Alcohol and Drug Assessment Consulting, Inc.
1014 West Highway 28
Owensville, Missouri 65066
Guardian Interlock
SSM Behavioral Health
Preferred Family Healthcare
Missouri Credentialing Board
428 E. Capitol, 2nd Floor Jefferson City, Missouri 65101
Jefferson City, MO
David’s Leatherworks
Center Pointe Hospital
Linda Christian-Dinwiddie
Dawn Dinwiddie
Guardian Interlock
315 Morningside Dr.
St. Peters, MO
Elaine Campbell
Missouri Alcohol and
Drug Assessment
Consulting, Inc.
1014 West Highway 28
Owensville, Missouri 65066
(636) 584-0808
Missouri Credentialing Board
428 E. Capitol, 2nd Floor Jefferson City,
Missouri 65101
Jefferson City, MO
(573) 616-2300
900 E. Laharpe St.
P.O. Box 767
Kirksville , Missouri
(660) 665-1962
Proud to be an BRONZE
4801 Weldon Spring
St. Charles, MO 63304
(800) 345-5407
1700 Bayberry Court
Suite 105
Richmond, VA 23226
(866) 680-3106
Missouri Addiction
Counselors Association
P.O. Box 549
Seymour, MO 65746
$600.00+ Donation
MACA Provides:
1 lodging room Fri & Sat @ Grand Glaize Inn
1 Waiver of Conference Reg. Fee (used @ Sponsors discretion)
Full-Page Advertisement in current Conference Program
Free Vendor Booth @ next ConferenceName Recognition in MACA Newsletter
Name Recognition in the following Conference Brochure
$400.00 Donation
MACA Provides:
1 Waiver of Conference Reg. Fee (used @ Sponsors discretion)
Half-Page Advertisement in current Conference Program
Free Vendor Booth @ next Conference
Name Recognition in MACA Newsletter
Name Recognition in following Conference Brochure
$200.00 Donation
MACA Provides:
1/4-Page Advertisement in current Conference Program
Free Vendor Booth @ next Conference
Name Recognition in MACA Newsletter
Name Recognition in following Conference Brochure
$50.00 Donation
MACA Provides:
Name Recognition in current Conference Program
Name Recognition in MACA Newsletter
Name Recognition in the following Conference Brochure
All advertisements will be at MACA’s expense. These are at the discretion of the Sponsor.
They can be anything simply from your company’s/agency’s logo to an advertisement of your
services - basically, anything you would want. If you elect to go with an advertisement, the
deadline for submission is March 15, 2016. This allows enough lead-time to have the
advertisement printed prior to the Conference. Your material can be camera ready, but this
is not a requirement.
(NOTE: Conference Program is printed on 8-1/2”x11” paper, so all ads will be sized
Also, the conference program is printed in black and white.)
Vendor Booth
A Vendor Booth is a standard banquet table (8’) to be used for informational materials or
displays. Availability to electrical outlets, if needed, is included.
Name Recognition
Your name will be printed in the 2016 Spring Conference Program. The MACA Newsletter
recognition will be in an edition published after the Conference. Additionally, all Sponsors
for the 2015 Fall Conference will be mentioned in the following Conference Brochure as a
Sponsor of the MACA Conferences.
If you have questions about Sponsorships, please contact:
Linda Christian-Dinwiddie, President
Phone 417-554-1412 or E-mail maca@socket.net
The MACA 2016 Spring Conference will be held April 15, 16 & 17
At Inn at Grand Glaize, Lake of the Ozarks
Sponsor Name
Mailing Address
Contact Person
Type of Sponsorship:
Please return this form with Sponsorship Fee to MACA, P.O. Box 459, Seymour, MO 65746
Banquet menu
Southern fried chicken
Smoked beef brisket
Garden salad with choice of 2 dressings
Farm style green beans
California vegetable blend
Herb roasted potatoes
Rolls with butter
Apple and cherry cobbler
 Tea, Coffee & Water
Conference speakers’ bios
Mark is presently working for the Northeastern Oklahoma Council on Alcoholism and is a
Program Director over a men’s residential treatment program along with other duties. Mark
has been providing Substance Abuse Counseling and Clinical Supervision services for the
past 26 years in Missouri, Oklahoma, and Ohio. In addition to working with substance abuse
clientele, Mark is actively involved in Program Development, Professional Development and
Consulting, community outreach, Recovery Support, Recovery Coaching and Mentoring,
community education, and provides education in Anger Management, Batterer’s
Intervention, and Financial Management for gamblers.
Accomplishments include being selected to be a Trainer of Trainers on the SAMHSA Clinical
Supervision Foundations program, and providing that training for the Addiction Technology
Transfer Centers. He is a trainer and Trainer of Trainers for the LSCMI. He is a trainer and
under contract with the Mid America ATTC and the Central Rockies ATTC’s to provide
ongoing training in Group Counseling and Clinical Supervision Foundations. He is an
approved speaker for the LPC/LMFT/LADC/LCSW Boards in Oklahoma. Mark serves as the
Southwest Missouri Representative to the Missouri Substance Abuse Professional
Credentialing Board (MSAPCB) and holds the office of Ethics Chair. He is a trainer for the
Board focusing on Ethics, Clinical Supervision, Group Counseling, Basic AOD information for
new counselors, Families in Recovery, Clinical Supervision, Medication Assisted Recovery,
and mentors upcoming trainers. Mark also serves on the Board for the Ascent Recovery
Residences Program in Joplin as a Clinical Consultant. While in Ohio was a member of the
AdHoc Committee for the development of credentialing standards for Compulsive Gambling.
Mark has also provided advocacy for victims of crime and was instrumental in developing a
Coordinated Community Response Team to address domestic violence and assist shelters
and victims of crime. He was also involved in the development of a statewide speaker’s
bureau on Domestic Violence and substance abuse.
Joyce A. Griffin, Ph.D., LCPC, LPC (MO)
Joyce A. Griffin, Ph.D. is a Southern Illinois native who has worked for CenterPointe Hospital
for the past 20 years. She has a Master’s in Psychological Counseling and a PhD. in Clinical
Psychology. She serves as a Community Liaison for CenterPointe, and in that role, serves as
an educator on Mental Health topics. She does presentations for such entities as counselors,
schools, parents, law enforcement agencies and social service agencies. She is a Licensed
Professional Counselor (Missouri) and a Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor (Illinois).
She has a small private practice in West Frankfort, Illinois. She is an active member of the
American Association of Christian Counselors, and is a Licensed Sports Psychologist and
Master Addictions Counselor. Her spare time is spent with her animals and playing with her
12 grandchildren.
Donna K Lay, LPC
Donna K Lay received her Master’s Degree in May, 1981 from Kearney State College in
Nebraska. Shortly thereafter she enlisted in the Army, working 4 years as a Counselor. While
working in Killeen, Texas, she received specialized trauma training on the occasion of the
Luby’s Cafeteria Shooting in 1991.
Most recently she has been employed as a mental health counselor in DOC, a crisis
counselor, and as a co-occurring counselor in West Plains.
Rebecca “Beka” Richard
Rebecca “Beka” Richard is currently a student member of MACA. She received her RASAC I
in October of 2014 and is currently working towards RASAC II. She graduated with an
Associates of Psychology degree in May 2014 from East Central College and is working on
her Bachelors of Science degree in psychology at Central Methodist University. She is
working for MADAC Inc. in Union, MO as a substance abuse counselor.
Frank Mulford
Frank Mulford earned his PhD in education from Louisiana Baptist University in Shreveport,
Louisiana in 2010. In 2013, he earned his Bachelor of Science Degree in Counseling with an
emphasis in addiction, chemical dependency and substance abuse from Grand Canyon
University in Phoenix, AZ. He is presently a social work intern through the University of
Southern California, in Los Angeles and working toward his MSW and eventual LMSW and
LCSW. He is presently a CADC for Turning Leaf as a residential and drug court counselor.
Wilma Harpole is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW), Certified Reciprocal Advanced
Alcohol Drug Counselor (CRAADC), Internationally Certified Advanced Alcohol Drug
Counselor (ICAADC), as well as other licenses and certifications. She has been working in
the field of social work and mental health over 20 years. She currently works at Comtrea Inc.
as a Social Worker / Therapist / Counselor at one of the FQHC(s). Wilma has been a
professional clown for over 25 years and has found exciting ways to incorporate this into her
therapy. She has found how to find humor and joy in life and enjoys life to the fullest.
Kelly Payton, BS, RASAC I
Kelly Payton received her Bachelors of Science in Psychology at Missouri University of
Science and Technology in May of 2015. She received her RASAC-1 in October of 2014. She
has been working in the substance abuse field since May 2014.
Lynda Nickle, LCSW
Lynda Nickle, LCSW, has been providing mental health services and administration in
various settings for over 25 years. Miss Lynda, as she is known, has received Specialist
Endorsements with the National Board of Cognitive Therapists in the fields of AddictionsSubstance Abuse and Sexual , Forensics and Domestic Assault. She is considered an expert
witness in the field of Child Abuse. She has been an administrator for Adult and Child
psychiatric units as well as at Jefferson City Correctional Center. As Executive Director for
the Mo. Coalition Against Sexual Abuse she served as an Advisor to the State Board of
Probation and Parole. Miss Lynda has worked as an activist and lobbyist for Victims of
Crime, Trauma and to end Discrimination. She is a Mizzou.
Kim Limbaugh, CRADC
Kim Limbaugh has been working with SEMO BH for about 9 years now, she started as a
technician, then within 4 months started teaching groups. About a year after that she
obtained her RASAC and started counseling. She remained in counseling for about 3 years
when she was taken to what is now known as the Care Coordination department. About 2
years ago she became Care Coordination supervisor and plans to remain in that department
until retirement. Kim has a passion for helping those struggling with mental health and
substance abuse issues and is now in the position to lead, guide and train others in the field
to ensure the continuum of excellent client care. Kim believes in a holistic approach to
recovery as there are so many areas in life other than just mental health and substance
abuse. Another passion for Kim is teaching and she is looking forward to the MACA fall
conference where she will be talking about Rolling with Resistance.
Laura Nickelson D.H.Ed, NCC, LPC
Dr. Laura Nickelson is a three time graduate of Truman State University and a recent
graduate of A. T. Still University. In 1994 she received her BA in Sociology/Anthropology and
went straight into her first graduate program in education, receiving her MAE in 1995. In
2002 she completed an MA in counseling.
Most recently she completed a Doctorate in Health Education from A. T. Still University in
2012. Dr. Nickelson has taught 10 years at the 1<-12 level as an Elementary Teacher and a 16 counselor, followed by 10 years of experience teaching in higher education at Truman
State University where she taught courses in both the Master of Arts in Education and Master
of Arts in Counseling programs. Dr. Nickelson has also worked as a professional at
Preferred Family Healthcare since August of 1994 with adolescent substance abuse. Her
primary role for the past ten plus years has been working with adolescents and their families
through family therapy.
Patricia Erwin, MSW, LCSW
Patricia Erwin, MSW, Licensed Clinical Social Worker and student of Metaphysics, received
her bachelor’s degree in Criminal Justice from Northeast Missouri State University in
Kirksville. She earned her master’s degree from the School of Social Work at the University
of Missouri-Columbia. Ms. Erwin is also a certified EMDR professional; she also holds a
certificate as a Reiki Practioner. Ms. Erwin has been in the practice of social work and
mental health therapy for over 25 years. She has integrated her study of Metaphysics with
traditional therapy approaches. She has found this technique to be most effective.
Natasha Vander Weide, BA, CRADC
Natasha Vander Weide has been working in the addiction field with Preferred Family
Healthcare since 2008. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in both Sociology and Anthropology
from Truman State University. She is a Coordinator for the ART-C Program for Family
Healthcare, and primarily serves programs in Missouri and Illinois.
Linda Christian-Dinwiddie
Mansfield, MO
Elaine Campbell
Union, Mo.
Tracy Sovar
Owensville, MO
Lavern Blackorby
Novinger, Mo
Board Member – Central
Mae Landsford
Owensville, MO
Board Member – Eastern
Kim Limbaugh
Salem, MO
Board Member – Northern
A’ndrea Hyde
Vandalia, Mo.
Board Member – Southern
Al Crandall
Farmington, MO
Board Member – Western
Randall Bacon
Kirksville, Mo.
Board Member at Large
Jim Koen
Guardian Interlock
MCB Representative to MACA
Stacey Langendoerfer, MCB Executive Director
Jefferson City, MO
MACA Office
P.O. Box 459
Seymour, MO 65746
FRIDAY, October 16
8:00 am
9:00am - 11:00pm
Track A
Registration Opens
(2 Contact Hours)
Track B
Rolling with Resistance
Kim Limbaugh, CRADC
Drugs and Behavior
Frank Mulford, Ph.D., CADC
Track C * VSEE: Counseling with Consumers and Their Parents
Laura Nickelson, D.H.Ed., NCC, LPC
11:00pm – 1:00pm
1:00pm – 3:00pm
LUNCH (on own) / FREE TIME (Open Board meeting at 11:30pm in The Terrace Room)
Track A
There is More Than One Way of Doing an Intervention
(2 Contact Hours)
Track B
ART-C Achieving Recovery, Responsibility, and Resiliency through
Natasha Vander Weide,
Track C
3:00pm - 3:15pm
3:15pm -5:15pm
(2 Contact Hours)
Oxytocin and Addiction
Kelly Payton, BS, RASAC I
Track A
Group Counseling With an Emphasis on Activities that Promote Interaction
and Bonding
Rebecca “Beka” Richards, RASAC II
Track B * Walking thru Mental Health
Track C
Ruth Ridenhour, LPC
Linda Nickels, LCSW
SATURDAY, October 17
9:00am - 12:00pm
Track A
(3 Contact Hours)
Track B
Spirituality in Recovery
David Evans, LPC, CRAADC, CCDP-D
Track C
12:00pm – 1:30pm
1:30pm - 4:30pm
(3 Contact Hours)
Donna Lay, LPC
Track A
Track B
Track C
6:00pm - 9:00
* Co-Occurring Disorders
Mindfulness – Relapse Prevention
Patty Erwin, LCSW
* Affects of Addiction on Families
Joyce Griffin, Ph.D.
Membership meeting/White Elephant Auction/Raffle Drawing
SUNDAY, October 18
9:00 am – 12:00 pm
Innovative Positive Approach to the Treatment of Addiction
Jeanna Moschenrose, M.Ed., Ph.D.
* Approved for Co-Occurring Credentials contact hours
An acceptable source for LPC continuing education requirements
Approved by MSAPCB for 15 Contact Hours
NOTE: Topics and / or Speakers Subject to change.
Check web site for updates; www.missouriaddiction counselors.org
Any Individual or Agency can become a MACA Conference Sponsor: Gold ($600 donation), Silver
($400 donation), Bronze ($200 donation), and Friends of MACA (donation). Benefits vary from free
Hotel lodging to name recognition, to waiver of Conference Registration, etc. Even if you or your
employees cannot attend the Conference, you can still play a valuable role, like these Sponsors of the
MACA 2015 Spring Conference: Gold Sponsors – Missouri Department of Mental Health, Division of
Behavioral Health, Missouri Credentialing Board (MCB), M.A.D.A.C., Inc.(Elaine Campbell); Silver
Sponsors – Preferred Family Healthcare, Inc., Guardian Interlock; Bronze Sponsors – Center Point
Health Care Lakeland Behavioral Health System, and Bridgeway Behavioral Health; Friends of MACA:
Linda Christian-Dinwiddie, Dawn Dinwiddie
If you or your Agency would like to have an Information Booth / Display Table at the MACA
Conference, contact Linda Christian-Dinwiddie, MACA President at 417-554-1412
E-Mail: maca@socket.net or visit our web page: www.missouriaddictioncounselors.org
In addition to the Door Prize Raffle, MACA will have a “White Elephant Auction” at the
Banquet. Everyone is encouraged to bring items for the Auction. Always Lots of Fun!
Osage Beach, MO
Special MACA Room Rate: $78 + tax/night
NOTE: Check-In Time 4:00pm
Room Rate/Availability Guarantee October 01, 2015
MACA 2016 SPRING Conference will be April 15, 16, 17 at INN at GRAND GLAIZE, Osage
Beach, MO
For more information about MACA, Conference Sponsorships, & Membership, visit our Web
Page at www.missouriaddictioncounselors.org