CO - World Aquaculture Society
CO - World Aquaculture Society
Valuing Environmental Benefits of Microalgal Biodiesel Fu-Sung Frank Chiang, Chin-Hwa Sun Wen Yi Lin, Pei-Ing Wu and Lee-Jung Lu 1 Aquaculture America 2012 Las Vegas LOGO Motivation Energy Security Climate Change Sustainability Land Subsidence Biofuel Algae Biodiesel Reduction of carbon dioxide and air pollution emissions Environmental Benefits of Microalgal Biodiesel 2 Main Objective Unlike other studies which conduct economic analyses of the biofuel supply and demand by means of comparative analysis on the production economics of biofuels, a method is developed in this study to estimate the values of environmental benefits from producing the microalgal biodiesel. CO2 fixation Air quality improvement (pollutant reduction) 3 Overview of Biofuel Development There are many literatures described the development, such as type of crops, production, productivity, advantages, problems, cost and benefit, etc. For details, please see Cardona & S’anchez (2007), Cardona et al. (2010), Cheng et al. (2008), S’anchez & Cardona (2008), Huber (2009), etc. In short, there have been concerns over crop-based biofuel’s environmental impacts on land use and increasing food prices caused by the resource usage competition from producing corn-based ethanol, sugarcane-based ethanol, and soy-based biodiesel. Thus, recently biofules from algae is becoming another focus of attention. 4 Environmental Impact of using Biofuel Several studies indicated that biofuel can significantly reduce the polluting emissions, such as HC, CO, CO2, PM, NOx, SOx, etc. (see Balat et al. (2008), Demirbas (2009), Najafi et al. (2009)). With the annual production, the values of energy substitution rate, total suspended particulates (TSP), sulfur oxides (SOx), and nitrogen oxides (NOx) are then computed to estimate the benefits of air pollution reduction. 5 Why Micro Algae? Fish ponds left idle or causing land subsidence are not all in the area reached by tides. The water demand for micro-algae cultivation is less than what fish and shrimp cultivation require. 6 Land Source for Algae Farming? Opportunity cost issue on switching from fish farming to algae farming Problem-solving approach to use both the fish ponds set-aside and the fish ponds with land subsidence problem 7 One of the Options Conceptual Model Market Value (MV) Method MV=P*△Y MV: Market Value △Y: Changes in market good P: Price of the market good 9 Equation (I) EB = EBPLTR + EBCO2 where EB is the environmental benefits, EBPLTR is the environmental benefits of pollutant reduction, and EBCO2 is the environmental benefits of CO2 fixation. 10 Equation (II) EB = EBPLTR + EBCO2 = ΣPLTRi × UABCi +CO2FIR×MABP×PCO2 =△TSP ×UABCTSP+△SOx × UABCSOx+△CO ×UABCCO- △NOx×UABCNOx +CO2FIR×MABP×PCO2 where PLTR is the pollutant reduction, UABC is the unit abatement cost, CO2FIR is the CO2 fixation rate (1.88), MABP is microalgae biomass productivity (91.25), and PCO2 is the Price of CO2 (NT$750/M.T. CO2). 11 The Possible Areas for Algae Farming in Taiwan Case 1. Idle/Retired fish ponds: 3,790 ha (accounted 10.54% of total fish ponds) Case 2. Idle/Retired fish ponds and Fish ponds located in the serious landsubsided areas: 14,511 ha (40.37%) Data Sources: 1) Taiwan Fisheries Statistics Yearbook, Fisheries Agency, 2010; and 2) Survey Report, Water Resources Agency, Taiwan, 2010. 12 Estimated Environmental Benefits of CO2 Fixation EBCO2= CO2FIR×MABP×PCO2 where EBCO2= is the environmental benefits of CO2 fixation and PCO2 is NT$750 estimated by the Taiwanese government agency in 2009. Case 1: EBCO2= 1.88×91.25 ×3,790×750=NT$0.49 billion Case 2: EBCO2= 1.88 ×91.25 × 18,299 ×750=NT$2.35 billion World Carbon Transactions in 2009 EUETS CCX Quantity (MtCO2e) Value (M US$) Average Price (US/M.T.CO2) 6,326 41 118,474 50 18.7 1.2 Source: World Bank, 2010, State and Trend of Carbon Market 2010. EUETS: European Union Greenhouse Gas Emission Trading Scheme CCX: Chicago Climate Exchange 14 Environmental Benefits of CO2 Fixation EBCO2= CO2FIR×MABP×PCO2 where EBCO2= is the environmental benefits of CO2 fixation and PCO2 is the world price. Case 1: EBCO2= 1.88×91.25 ×3,790×US$18.7x30=NT$0.36 billion Case 2: EBCO2= 1.88 ×91.25 × 18,299 ×US$18.7 x30=NT$1.76 billion Production of Biodiesel Biodiesel Production per ha = Area x Growth rate x Ratio of oil content x Neutral fat content × Extraction yield •Botryococcus braunii for freshwater, oil content = 61.5% •Nannochloropsis sp. for saltwater, oil content = 34% •Neutral fat content = 70% •Extraction yield = 90% Estimated Production of Biodiesel Case 1: Saltwater: 2,123 × 91.25 × 34% × 70% × 90% = 41,496 M.T./year Freshwater: 1,667 × 91.25 × 61.5% × 70% × 90% = 58,936 M.T./year Case 2: Saltwater: 9,735 × 91.25 × 34% × 70% × 90% = 190,278 M.T./year Freshwater: 8,564 × 91.25 × 61.5% × 70% × 90% = 302,779 M.T./year Biodiesel Production from Algae Case 1 Case 2 Types of Water Saltwater Freshwater Saltwater Freshwater Area 2,123 1,667 9,735 8,564 Biodiesel Production (M.T.) 100,432 493,057 % of National Diesel Consumption in 2009 3.10% 15.24% Note: 1. Biodiesel Production = Area (ha) × Proliferation Rate (M.T./ha/year) × the ratio of oil contents 2. The average proliferation rate of Nannochloropsis sp. is 36.5 (M.T./ha/year) 18 Air Pollutants Produced by Diesel Autos in Taiwan in 2009 Unit: M.T. Type TSP SOx NOx CO Diesel Pickup 1,501 167 5,927 4,089 Diesel Truck/Bus 15,829 1,151 223,970 81,755 Total 17,330 1,318 229,897 85,844 Data Source: Taiwan, 2009. Estimated Average Pollutant Reduction Unit: % Case 1 Case 2 B3 B15 CO -4.35 -9.75 PM -4.56 -9.81 NOx +0.3 +1.5% SOx -3 -15 Pollutant Unit Reduction Cost of Mobile Sources Unit Reduction Cost Consumer Price Index TSP 2006 100.00 44,645 2008 105.39 NOX CO 361,000 29,250 54,209 47,051 380,458 30,827 57,131 SOX Data Source: Environmental Protection Administration, Taiwan. Unit: NT$ (1US$ = 30NT$) 21 Estimated Environmental Benefits of Pollutant Reduction EBPLTR=ΣPLTRi × UABCi =△TSP ×UABCTSP+△SOx × UABCSOx+△CO ×UABCCO- △NOx×UABCNOx Case 1: EBPLTR = 17,994 × 4.59% × 47,051 + 1,331 × 3% × 380,458 + 88,991 × 4.35% ×57,131 - 229,693×0.3%×30,827 =NT$0.27 billion Case 2: EBPLTR=17,994 × 9.81% × 47,051 + 1,331 × 15% × 380,458 + 88,991 × 9.75% × 57,131 - 229,693×1.5%× 30,827 =NT$0.55 billion Estimated Value of Environmental Benefits Value of CO2 Fixation (Billion NT$) (1) Value of Air Pollutant Reduction (Billion NT$) (2) Environmental Benefits (Billion NT$) (3)=(1)+(2) Case 1 Case 2 0.49 2.35 (US$78 M) 0.27 0.55 (US$18 M) 0.76 2.9 (US$0.1 B) 23 Thank You. 24 LOGO