Welcome Everyone - Mumbulla School for Rudolf Steiner Education


Welcome Everyone - Mumbulla School for Rudolf Steiner Education
1 February 2011
Week 1 ~ Term 1
37 Bega Street – PO Box 790 – Bega NSW 2550
Tel – 02 6492 3476 Fax – 02 6492 5415
Welcome Everyone
Welcome Back to school everyone and a big hello and welcome to our new families. Please be
sure to read this action packed Bulletin as there is always lots of IMPORTANT information
for everyone as the new school year begins.
To help everyone get to know who’s who in the school here is a list of the staff. There have
been some changes!!
Kindergarten: CHRISANTHI McManus and ANNABELLE Ciufo
Class One: LEE Slater with LOUISE Gillespie (Classroom Assistant)
Class Two: RACHEL Alves with SUZANNE Milligan (Classroom Assistant)
Class Three: LUCY Gollan
Class Four: ISAAC Van Haeff
Class Five: KARIN Champagne
Class Six: MONIQUE Watt
Literacy Co-ordinator AVERIL Fink
Craft: CORINA Deneve
Library: GEORGIE Bourke
Music: JANE Andrew
French: BRIGITTE Leroy
Strings Program: JARKA Wichta
Numeracy: CLAIRE Burgess
Extra Lesson: SKYE Etherington
Playgroup: EVE Hofstetter
And in the office:
Business Manager: DONNA Cotter
Educational Administrator: MAHAMATI
Reception: ROSIE Yee and DEB Yeo
Finance Clerk: MELINDA Downs
Our school day starts at 9.05am and finishes at 3.10pm. Please ensure your children are on
time for the classes to begin their day. Have a great year.
Information for New Families
Welcome, Welc0me, Welcome,
You would have received a wad of paperwork in the mail to be completed and signed. These
forms are vital for us in the office as they contain information including emergency contacts
etc for us to best care for your children. Please return to us ASAP.
Please read this weekly Bulletin carefully as it is our primary source of communication between
the parents and the school. We encourage all parents to read the School Handbook. This
outlines all our policies on uniform, food at school, clothing, etc etc. If you have any questions,
please call in to the office, say hi and see if we can help you. There will be a ‘Welcome to New
Parents’ Morning Tea in Week 5 where you will meet staff and parents and this is a great way
to get to know people and find out how you can get involved in the school.
We wish you, as parents, a fulfilling and fun time with us here during your time at Mumbulla
Rosie and Deb
Communication Corner
Welcome back to school for 2011 to everyone, and a special welcome to our new children and
their families. I hope that the holidays were fulfilling and refreshing, and that everyone had
some adventures in whatever form as well as some good family time.
At school last Thursday and Friday all teaching as well as ancillary staff took part in some
special professional development on “Restorative Practice in the School Setting” presented
by Maurizio Vespa from Marist Youth Care in Sydney. It was most inspiring and informative,
and it felt like a really good start to the school year to be all learning together. Restorative
practices support children’s development by helping to foster their awareness of others’ needs
and feelings. Adults are helped to accept that children’s mistakes and conflict are inevitable.
Restorative practice avoids blaming and shaming, and maximises opportunities for children to
learn from their mistakes. Children are helped to value their relationships with others and to
accept their responsibility to improve these. We see this way of working as being very much
in tune with the philosophy of our school, providing a wholistic framework and some useful
techniques and language. One of the basic principles of Restorative Practice is consistency
throughout the school – therefore it was wonderful that it was so well attended. This consistency
of approach applies to the basic messages we give children. How this message is given depends
of course on the age and stage of the child.
So roll on the adventures of 2011. Please contact me at school or via my email: averil@
mumbullaschool.com.au if you need to bring anything to me in my role as Grievance Manager,
which I will talk more about next week.
Averil Fink
Position Vacant
Mumbulla School is seeking applications for the above position, to start in Term 1, 2011.
We are looking for a nurturing and reliable Playgroup Leader with a strong understanding
of Steiner’s approach to Early Childhood. The successful applicant will need to be able to
work in a team with the Playgroup coordinator and the Kindergarten teachers. Knowledge of
Mumbulla School an advantage.
This is a one day a week position with an option of a second day.
Written application and resumé should be sent to:
The College of Teachers
Mumbulla School for Rudolf Steiner Education
PO Box 790
Bega NSW 2550
or email: eduadmin@mumbullaschool.com.au
For further information, a job description and selection criteria, please contact Mahamati at
Mumbulla School on 6492 3476.
Applications close at 4pm on Friday 11th February 2011.
We welcome Jane Andrew to Mumbulla School! Jane is filling in for Rachelle and will be our
Music Teacher for 2011. Jane is a classroom and Music teacher, who has recently moved to Bega
from Canberra with her daughter Jasmine. Jane brings to the school a wealth of experience and
enthusiasm and we are very pleased to have her as the Music Teacher for Mumbulla School.
Please say hello to her, and welcome her to the school!
Early Bird Reading will start again next week.
I will confirm days and times with parents whose children are continuing Early Bird from last
If you are interested in your child starting Early Bird please talk to your child’s class teacher.
The number of children able to come will depend on the number of Early Bird helpers.
If you are available to help with reading before school please contact me.
We need helpers at any time from 8am to 9.30am. If you can manage half an hour once a week
that would be most welcome. If you can do more, great! Training will be provided.
Thank you
Averil Fink
Whole School Phone Book
The school phone book is being updated now. This is our school community phone book to
make it easier to contact each other and is an in-school listing only for parents. All parents will
be listed. If you DON’T want your number in the book, or have an alternative number please
contact the office (by email is good). If you want to include your mobile number you need to
contact the office. If you have moved please update your details. The new Phonebook will
come out once we have all the details.
School Fees
Invoices for Term 1 fees have been mailed out to everyone. Please pay promptly or if you
are having difficulty paying, make an appointment to see our very friendly Business Manager,
Donna, to arrange a regular payment plan.
Remember we now have Eftpos available in the office to make payment easier for you.
Thank you.
LolliPop Lads and Lassies - Is this you? We need wonderful smiling parents
or friends to wear a stunning fashionable safety vest and help the children cross the street of
a morning between 8.45am and 9.05am and in the afternoon between 3.00pm and 3.25pm.
We need volunteers who can commit to a morning a week or find a replacement if they can’t
be there. Please let the office know which day you would like to do. You could do it all week
with a friend.
WILLING WASHERS WANTED - Wonderful washer people required. Each
week, since the beginning of Mumbulla School 21 years ago, generous volunteers collect a
basket of washing (hand towels, towels and tea towels) once or twice a week, wash and dry it
and return it to the school. This service is invaluable and means the school doesn’t have to pay
huge laundry bills. If you think you could do an extra load of washing once a week, on a day
of your choice, please let Deb or Rosie in the office to find out details.
Bulletin -
Rosie and Deb would love one person to help fold the Bulletin on Monday
afternoons from approximately 2.00pm until 3.00pm. Please call the office if you can spare
some time. Thank you.
Please come into the office if you need school hats, t-shirts or backpacks.
Prices as follows: Hats - $7.00 (variety of colours and sizes)
T-Shirts - Size 8 - $9.00/Size 12 & 14 - $6.00 (half price)
Backpacks - $45.00 each
There are only a few backpacks left from last term but we will be doing a order in Week 2 so
please come into the office if you want to place an order and choose a colour.
New Year Paperwork
Each family should have received paperwork in the post during the holidays. There are 3 forms
that must be completed and returned to the office ASAP. The forms were:
• Local Area Consent and Asthma - to enable short trips in and around town without
the need of individual permission notes. This form is updated annually so even if you
remember doing last year please do it again!
• Emergency and Medical Information
• Afternoon Bus Information - This informs us of your child’s regular bus routine. Even
if your child does not catch the bus please fill in this form anyway.
Included with the paperwork was the Term Dates for 2011. Please note there was a
typing error for Term 2, the children return on Wednesday April 27(not on Tuesday).
Our School policy in regard to buses is to put children on their regular bus unless the school
is notified by parents. If your child regularly catches the bus, we require a phone call to the
office or a note with your child informing us of any changes, e.g. being picked up by friends
or family, walking with a friend, etc, or we will put them on the bus. Children can experience
confusion and anxiety when they are not sure whether they are on the bus or being picked up
and by whom. Sometimes, even though you have told them in the morning of a change to their
regular routine, they forget by the end of the day. Sometimes we find ourselves holding the bus
for a missing child only to find that they have already gone with their parents.
PVC (Private Vehicle Conveyence) Subsidy Forms
Are available in the office. This is a subsidy available for families who have to drive their
children to a point of pickup by a school bus, if the distance is more than 1.6km. This must
be applied for privately although forms are available in the office. Payments will be made biannually. If you have a current plan in place you do not need to reapply.
Mumbulla School would like to thank Lyall Brens for his generosity in offering to load and
transport soil for the Class Four 2011 Building Project. In the past Lyall has helped the school
out with all sorts of odd jobs. Lyall operates a Dingo Digger which is great for all kinds of
jobs where other machinery is just too big and a shovel is just too small.
Welcome back to all our returning Kindergarten children and their families, it was wonderful
to see you all last week at the picnic. We would also like to welcome all the new Kindergarten
children and their families who will be starting school over the next week or so. We look
forward to getting to know you all. The beginning of the year in Kindergarten can be a bit
bumpy for some children. There are new people to get to know, new routines to learn and lots
of fun in playing with new and different things. For some children this can be wonderfully
exciting and happy but yet overwhelming at the same time. This can manifest in children not
eating their lunch, and being extremely tired and losing the plot at home. Please let us know
how your child is travelling in this new journey so we can plan accordingly to meet their needs.
A note in the lunch box can be a useful way to get a message to us.
Let’s go down to the sea to today
Let’s go down to the beach to play
Building castles in the sand
Catching crabs in your hand
Racing with the tumbling waves
Finding shells in the cool of the day
It was wonderful to see so many Kindergarten children and their families at our picnic on the
22nd January at Mogareeka. For the next few weeks we will be ‘visiting’ the beach in the songs
and rhymes of our Morning Circle. For those of you new to Kindergarten, we sing the same
set of songs and rhymes in a Morning Circle for 3 to 4 weeks. This gives children a chance to
learn the words and become familiar with and practice the actions.
A very big thank you to all those who have helped us over the holidays, we couldn’t do our job
so well without you. Thank you to all those who watered our garden and kept our grass sooo
green that Jason Armstrong has had to keep mowing it. Also a very big thank you to Jenni,
Geoff and Matilda who cuddled and cared for our guinea pigs. Thank you to all those who,
neighbour Maxine who is a very generous garden and cleaning fairy.
We wish you all a very happy term.
Much love,
Annabelle and Chrisanthi
Class One
Welcome everyone to the first of many many Bulletin messages. As I write this early Monday
morning I have feelings of such anticipation and excitement for the days ahead mixed with
absolute delight for having met with many of the children on Sunday and getting to know them
a little more in such a relaxed and beautiful setting as the warm waters of Bournda Lagoon.
Don’t worry if you were unable to make it as I promise you there will be many more picnics
and get togethers.
As you read this probably Tuesday evening your child has either told you everything about the
day or not much at all and is no doubt tired and hot. Don’t worry this is normal. Coming into
Class One can be such a build-up for some; emotions may be a little taut! From our experience
day two/three can often find little ones tearful and reluctant to go to school – sitting listening
to the teacher and trying to remember all those new procedures AND doing your very best all
the time can be most taxing on young (and fifty something) nerves. Patience, understanding
good food and lots and lots of sleep will certainly go a long way. It will get easier.
Just to remind some and let others know, I will be away this week from Thursday afternoon
until Monday night attending my nephew’s wedding in Ballina (very inconvenient I know). Alli
Faulkner will be taking the class and I’m sure her familiarity with all the children from her work
in Kinder will bring about as little disruption as possible.
In our weekly Bulletin messages I will hopefully be giving you a glimpse into classroom life,
that is what we will be doing in Main Lesson for the week(9:05 – 11), practice lesson (11:50 –
1:20) and the afternoon session (1:50 – 3:10) so that when you ask your child what they did
today and perhaps get “Nothing” in reply you’ll will able to be a little more specific in your
questions. I’ll also send you out a timetable in the next couple of weeks when activities such as
swimming, walks to the parks and specialists are finalised.
So for the first glimpse – Our first Main Lesson, brief but fundamental sets up classroom rules,
expectations and practices. Called Form Drawing the first forms we draw are the straight and
curved lines. Pencil grip, left to right, up, down, spatial awareness are basic pre-writing skills
children need to develop. We will look at examples of these forms in and out of the classroom
(observational skills) and then draw these in the air, on the floor and on our freshly painted
blackboards, and then finally beautifully and confidently in our new Main Lesson books.
The subject, Form Drawing continues throughout their school life and from these simple
beginnings incredibly complex patterns are developed. Something certainly to look forward to.
This week we also begin our work with Bridgitte and French (Wed &Thurs morning), Craft
(Corina) and Library (Georgie) – Thursday afternoon. Children will need a cloth bag for library
So you see lots of firsts mixed with lots of the familiar i.e. playing, drawing, listening to stories.
Have a wonderful week and don’t forget if you need to know or tell me something I am
available briefly before school or for longer chats after school.
Class Two
Dear Parents,
It was lovely to see so many of you on Sunday at Bithry. What a divine spot and what a special
I always love meeting the children again after a summer break because this seems to be a
growing time and it is fascinating to note the changes. It’s also fascinating to discover as I
will in the next couple weeks,what other changes have taken place. Some children will have
suddenly discovered they can read, some may have forgotten all about reading, some will have
new ideas about the world and nearly all of them will be ready and energised for a new, fresh
start in Class Two.
Class Two has a wonderful curriculum and early this term we can get together to talk about
what this involves. It will also be a good opportunity to talk about what Steiner describes as
the Four Temperaments as these are perhaps most apparent in the Class Two child. I am sending
home our class timetable so that you can picture what your child is doing each day. You will
see we again have the benefit of Geoffrey’s musical expertise on Friday but this time we are
joining Class Three for Junior Choir. For the first time we will be having a music lesson each
week. Welcome to Jane Andrew who will be taking this. The class will continue to have Craft
and Library on Thursdays . Yay!!
As you will see most afternoons are devoted to reading. Averil will be joining us on Thursdays
and Fridays and we will be looking for parent volunteers later in the term for Mondays and
Tuesdays. Then of course I need to mention swimming. No date yet but it will be on again if
we can get enough parent volunteers stepping up to the mark with their swimmers on.
Thank you to all the parents who are supplied Morning Tea for the new Class One parents.
This is one of those things that makes our community so special.
On a personal note, I had a wonderful break over the summer/winter; spent good times with
my family in the UK, my husband and with Peta Burchell in Portugal who sends you all her
love. She is planning a Bega Break at Easter.
Enough from me. Looking forward to catching up with you all soon.
Class Three
Dear Families,
Welcome back! I have been thinking of the children lots in the last couple of weeks, wondering
how their holidays have been and how much they have grown or changed. I’m sure I’ll hear all
about their holiday adventures on Tuesday!
It is very exciting to think that we are now in Class Three! It feels like quite a milestone as we
are now in our new classroom ‘up the top’, closer to the upper school.
There are also a few new privileges now we are in Class Three. The children will learn the
rules and fair play of handball and will have set times of the week that they can play as a class.
Other sports and ball games such as cricket and soccer will also be options for play-time during
certain days of the week. I know lots of the children are looking forward to these privileges
and fair play will be a significant focus, especially early on.
I would like to send a very special welcome to our new friends who have joined our class this
year. Firstly to Calyn Taylor-Bear and his parents Sara and Cameron and younger brother
Tige. Secondly to Ruby Newell and her parents Debra and David from Cobargo. I’m sure the
children will make them feel more than welcome.
Sadly, we also have to say goodbye to a very well-liked member of the class, Ethne Ryan. Ethne
is starting the year at Tanja School to be with her brother. We wish Ethne all the best in her new
school and she has promised to come and visit us still!
So, down to some business….
Term One is the term for swimming and Class Three will be venturing down once a week
to further develop our swimming skills in small groups with parents. We will commence our
swimming program on Thursday 17th (Week 3) and have a timeslot from 9:30-10:30am for
each Thursday of Term 1. If you are able to help out with swimming groups or walking to the
pool that would be terrific. There will be a permission note going out soon with more details.
Our class meeting will be held next week on Tuesday, 8th February, in our new classroom.
It is a wonderful opportunity to gain an insight into the Class Three curriculum and the
quite significant developmental changes of the 9 year-old child. We will aim to start at 4pm.
Childcare will be available in the afternoon if needed. Please contact our Childcare Guardian,
Kate Whitaker ASAP to make a booking. Kate will also put a note up on our classroom door
for parents to record their child/ren’s name on the list.
We will be starting the year with a Gardening & Farming Main Lesson that also introduces us to
the chooks and how to care for them, as they will be under our duty of care for the entirety
of Class Three. Lucky us! I am very grateful to Heidi who has been out shopping for our
gardening tools, such as water cans, trowels, gardening forks, spades, and gloves. With these
tools we can make a start on weeding our new garden beds (Karin’s class’s old garden beds) and
weeding the overgrown chook pen! The weather over the holidays has been perfect for growing
things, and hopefully it stays the same for when it comes to our planting time (once the gardens
are weeded!). We will also be maintaining and spot planting in last years Year Six flower garden,
just out the back from our classroom.
As part of this Main Lesson I am hoping to arrange an excursion to a farm to experience how
one operates. I would also like to invite the local Seed Savers group to visit to talk about the
significance of seed saving, and have the children help them to thresh, sieve and sort seeds.
We will be busy!
Heidi, our Gardening Queen will be assisting us during our gardening sessions. Both Heidi,
myself and the children would be ever so grateful for any other parent helpers during gardening
so that we can really keep busy and focused on getting our gardens under way! Our garden
sessions will be on Friday mornings from 9:40-11am. Staying on the gardening note, we will
be planting some sprouts in jars in the next week or two. If you have any spare jars that are not
too deep (salsa jars are perfect) we would love to have them. We need at least one jar between
two children, so roughly 12-13 jars. Thank you.
Thankyou to everyone who came and gave a helping hand at our class working bee in the
holidays. A lot got done and the room is looking lovely for it.
Have a great week settling back into the swing of school life.
Love Lucy
Love Lucy
Class Four
Hello Parents,
I am looking forward to catching up with the children this week and hearing all about their
wonderful holiday adventures.
We will begin the year with the Norse Myths. These stories address the needs of the child in
their 9th/10th year as they become increasingly aware of their own individuality. These stories
are filled with a wonderful sense of adventure and strength. Courage and presence of mind
help to meet challenges and overcome obstacles. Through the richness of these mythologies,
poems and songs the children will be build on their literacy skills with a particular focus on
This year we also welcome Jenny Brown who will be teaching the class on Mondays. If you
haven’t met Jenny please drop in and say hello.
On Monday Febraury 14 we will begin swimming at Bega Pool. We are very fortunate that
Jenny can take the class swimming on Mondays as she loves teaching swimming. If you are able
to help out with swimming your help will be greatly appreciated. A permission note regarding
swimming will be sent out within the next week. The main focus for the weekly swimming is
to increase your child’s confidence in the water in a fun and safe way. We are booked in at the
pool from 1.30pm to 2.30pm. We will be leaving the school at around 1.15pm.
There are a few timetable changes this year:
• Senior Choir with Geoffrey: Monday
• Music with Jane: Tuesday
• Class Ensemble and Strings lessons with Jarka will be on Tuesdays
• Craft and Library with Corina and Georgie will remain on Wednesdays
We now have a big pile of cobbing soil that has kindly been donated by Nathan and Nadine and
delivered by Lyall Brens. Thank you all for your generosity. We can now get back into finishing
the Cob Cubby, which was slowed by rain in Term 4.
Have a lovely first week back at school,
Class Five
Dear Families,
Welcome back to the new year in our beautiful new classroom. I love the feeling of the
room with its beautiful stained glass windows, the small ones were made by children in Class
Six many years ago. It took many days to get the room ready and I’m so grateful for all the
people who helped. It’s quite a process, moving rooms. There’s the packing, getting it all off
the floor for the carpet cleaners then moving the boxes into the new room, emptying the new
cupboards, cleaning the old cupboards, sorting through the stuff and trying to fit it all into a
smaller space, getting the desks, varnishing the desks, painting the blackboard...so I’m really
glad we’re not moving next year! Thank you again to all of the helpers. It was fantastic to
come back from the conference in Sydney to find lots of jobs done, every little bit helps and
is very much appreciated. I just want to give a special thanks once again to Louise who is so
experienced at this moving and gives so much time and effort to the cause.
Year Five, it’s hard to believe isn’t it? The children now are senior students in the school and
I’m sure they will take on that role with their usual charm and enthusiasm. I’m so looking
forward to this year’s curriculum which is filled with so much wonder as we look into the
stories, achievements and knowledge of ancient times. We look at geometry again but now
using tools and we begin to look more at Australian History. A beautiful, beautiful year! We
will begin by travelling to India to hear just some of the many, many stories that have been told
over the centuries and still remain with us today. What’s one of the best things about travelling
to foreign lands? The food of course so we will definitely immerse ourselves in the tastes of
India. Yum!
I’d like to welcome Hollie Knowles to our class this year. Hollie and her parents Liz and Phil
live in Merimbula and Hollie spent the day at the pool with us last year so is an old friend now.
We wish Hollie and her family a wonderful time here at Mumbulla and we look forward to
getting to know you all.
The children will be starting swimming on Friday the 11th February from 1.00 – 2.00pm,
leaving school at about 12.45. If you are able to come and help, please let me know. Remember
to put a big reminder on the fridge.
I hope you all enjoyed the four seasons break we had and are now ready for another year. I
did and I am!
Love to you all
Class Six
Dear Class Six Parents,
I welcome you most warmly to our final year together. I am so looking forward to sharing
the rich Class Six curriculum with your beautiful, strong children who just keep growing and
growing! I offer us all (teachers and parents) a quote from author Rachel Carson from ‘Silent
Spring’ to launch us into the new year: “the development of a child’s sense of wonder requires the
companionship of at least one adult who can share it, rediscovering with them the joy, excitement and mystery
of the world we live in...” I believe the children are surrounded by such adults in this wonderful
community called Mumbulla!
This is particularly relevant in Class Six as we look to more deeply understand the workings
of this fascinating world in which we live. The transition from childhood to early adolescence
is also an opportune time to present the students with ‘challenges’ which encourage them to
develop their capacity for reasoning, working independently and showing initiative. The Main
Lessons in Class Six will include studies of Ancient Rome, Geography, Geology, Astronomy
and Physics. We will further discuss the implications of these studies for the 11/12 year old
child at our upcoming class meeting in couple of week’s time.
Our first Main Lesson is entitled “Geometry of the Stars” in which we move beyond the archetypal
circle based on six points (which introduced the compass last year) and into problem solving
based around the heptagon (or 7 sided polygon). This week Claire Burgess, our maths specialist,
will be joining us in Main Lesson time as your child tries to discover just how many versions of
a 7 pointed star are possible. Class Six will also begin Astronomy this week, starting with what
is visible in our southern skies.
On a housekeeping level, I will send the term’s timetable home as soon as it is finalized with all
the specialist time slots, so just bring in instruments tomorrow and we’ll store them here until
needed later in the week.
Once again, welcome back, and I hope your holidays did not zoom by too quickly!
Love, Monique.
Written in 1904, when she was only 19, Dorothea McKellar’s iconic poem ‘My Country’ has
probably been on many Australians minds over the holidays. Here are a couple of relevant
I love a sunburnt country,
A land of sweeping plains,
Of rugged mountain ranges,
Of droughts and flooding rains.
I love her far horizons,
I love her jewel-sea,
Her beauty and her terror –
The wide brown land for me!
Core of my heart, my country!
Land of the rainbow gold,
For flood and fire and famine
She pays us back threefold.
Over the thirsty paddocks,
Watch, after many days,
The filmy veil of greenness
That thickens as we gaze.
To see our dry dusty paddocks transformed into lush meadows full of summer flowers was
truly wondrous. We are so fortunate to be here.
I hope everyone has delighted in their Summer reading. Any books from our library that
have been enjoyed would be welcomed back, especially any concerning geometry, astronomy,
India, or Vikings, as classes 4, 5, & 6 will be delving into these areas in the first week of term.
Overdue notices will be delivered next week.
I am really looking forward to seeing everyone again, meeting the new Class One, and
showing off some splendid new books that are about to be catalogued. There will be a short
meeting of our Library Group on Thursday 3rd February at 9.05 am it would be great to see
some new face. Anyone interested in joining in should come along.
In the meantime, Hung-Lei Fat-Choy, see you in the library.
P&F News
Thank goodness the summer holidays are over, because now the P&F can meet again!
Our first meeting of the year will be on
Wednesday 9 February @ 9.30 am @ The Duck Inn
Come and join us for a cup of tea; we’ll be dreaming up plans for the year ahead.
COBARGO FOLK FESTIVAL – It’s on again....!!
Many thanks to Sue Andrew, Jane Andrew and Deb Smith who have volunteered to co-ordinate
the Mumbulla Cafe at the folk festival. Each year the Parents and Friends of Mumbulla School
organise the Cafe at the Cobargo Festival as a fundraiser for the school. During the weekend
our volunteers raise approx $3,000 for the school, which enables us to eg. purchase musical
instruments to support the school Music Program. It’s on in 3 weekends...the weekend of 25th27th February at the Cobargo Showground.
The Cafe will be catering for coffee, tea, cakes, drinks and breakfast. We will need volunteers
to bake cakes prior to and to work at the Cafe during the festival. More details about the roster
will be in next weeks Bulletin.
You will find more Folk Festival details: ie. Camping and Festival Program at:www. cobargofolkfestival.com
Pictures of the fabulous new front wall that was built in the holidays.
Community Information
Secondhand ride on mower. Call Glen 0402 474 514
CD/Tape player with in-built voice recorder for French Classes.
Contact Brigitte at School 6492 3476.
House sitting from mid Feb onwards. Haakon’s parents are out
from the US and would be happy to look after your house for
you. Please ring Nienke or Ian Wood on 6493 2019.
Mumbulla School accepts no responsibility for any advertisement, notice or letter published in the
Classified section of the weekly Bulletin. These advertisements, notices and letters are from people in
the community. Please deal directly with them.
diary dates
Tuesday 1st
Kinder to Class 1 Graduation
Children and Teachers start
Wednesday 2nd
Returning Kinder children start
Thursday 3rd
Thursday 10th
Tuesday 8th Wednesday 9th
Thursday 10th
Friday 11th
Monday 14th
Thursday 17th
Friday 25th - Sunday 27th
New Kinder children begin to start
Business Meeting 5pm
Class 3 Meeting 4pm
P&F Meeting
Business Meeting
Class 5 & 6 Swimming 1.00-2.00pm
Class 4 Swimming 1.30-2.30
Class 3 Swimming 9.30-10.30
Cobargo Folk Festival
Wednesday 2nd
Dates for 2011
Term 1
Term 2 Term 3 Term 4
Welcome to New Parents Morning Tea 9.15am
1st Feb - 8th April (10 weeks)
27th April - 1st July (10 weeks)
25th July - 23rd Sept (9 weeks)
11th Oct - 14th Dec (9.5 weeks)