IEP Plus Training - Suffolk Public Schools


IEP Plus Training - Suffolk Public Schools
Developing the IEP
Working in the IEP
Cover Page – Demographic Information, Identified Special Education Categories, IEP Team
Section 1 – Team Considerations
Section 2– Transition Present Levels
Section 3 – Transition Services
Section 4 – Transition Courses of Study
Section 5 – PLOP/Goals/Objectives
Section 6 – Schedule of Services
Section 7 – Accommodations/Modifications
Section 8 – State Assessments
Section 9 – SOL Assessments
Section 10 – Least Restrictive Environment
Section 11 – Extended School Year
Section 12 – Consent for Services
View All
In Sections, click on any link to move to that section. Click View All to display the complete IEP to
the screen. Use the scroll bar to move through the different sections. Please note that when you click
from section to section, the page will save. If you are in View All mode then you must hit save as you
scroll down the IEP.
Data Entry in the IEP Document
 There are four types of data entry that are used throughout
the IEP:
 Free-text boxes are used to enter narrative comments or
 Screen Buttons will display a separate screen used to enter
data. On these screens you will be entering dates and
selecting data from drop-down boxes.
 Radio Buttons/Check Boxes are used to select or check off
 Statements will display canned statements from a Goal Book
that can be selected to display on the IEP. If necessary, these
statements can be modified. Typically, when selecting
Statements, you will also have a free-text box to enter
additional information.
Cover Page
This section contains demographic information about the
student. The Identified Special Education Category or
Categories will display. A number “1” will represent the
Primary category and if there is a Secondary Category it
will display a number “2”. This is pulled in from the
Disability section of the Student’s summary page. Tip: If
there is not a Primary Category displayed then the
Eligibility Report has not been created for this
student. Contact a compliance specialist for
Cover Page
If grade or
age are
contact a
Cover Page: Compliance Dates
Do not enter compliance dates on the cover page of the
IEP (Most Recent Re-Evaluation Date), these dates will
be entered by the compliance specialist at the time of
the reevaluation in the Important Dates section of the
summary page. If the date that populates this field is
inaccurate or missing, contact a compliance specialist
for assistance.
Cover Page: Attendees and Excusal
Attendees and Excusal Letter:
After the meeting is over, return to the cover page and update the attendees. List
all attendees at the meeting, and if a staff member was invited, but did not
attend, select the “Attended/Excusal Reason.” A copy of the signed excusal
form must be attached to the IEP document maintained in the student’s
confidential file.
Team Considerations
Team Considerations
1. Strengths: The student’s strengths are entered as
reported on the suggestion letters and if applicable
student questionnaire (transition age).
2. Parent Input: Summarize the parents concerns –
information can come from various sources including
the suggestion letter, or from discussions with the case
manager. Cite the source and date the information was
received. If the student is of transition age, it may be
appropriate to summarize the student’s concerns in
this section as well.
Team Considerations
3. Evaluations/Tests can be entered by using the Rich Text
editor. There are also buttons above that link to
Evaluation/Test records on the student’s summary screen.
*It is preferred by Suffolk that you use the Rich Text Editor
to type your Evaluation/Tests. Summarize the evaluation
information used to write the IEP – sources may include
benchmark assessment (PALS, STAR Reading, Access
evaluations etc.). Do not include IQ scores, but it may be
appropriate to include educational scores if the educational
evaluation was recent. Only include evaluation information
that pertains to the student’s educational needs (i.e. if the
student does fine in math and was found eligible as SLD
because of reading comprehension, focus on reading
Team Considerations
4. Answer questions 4-10 by using the Rich Text Editor
and selecting what applies from the available check boxes.
* Discuss each factor. If the team determines the factor may
require consideration during IEP development, check yes
and briefly summarize the team’s discussion. For the last
question which pertains to ESY, if the student will not
require ESY services, check “not applicable.” If ESY services
may be required, but the team wants to visit it at a later
date, check “not applicable” and indicate in the text box that
the team would like to revisit the provision of ESY services
no later than (specify a date). Reminder, ESY services must
be discussed and finalized no later than the end of February
preceding the summer ESY session.
Team Considerations
11. Short-Term Objectives: If the student is being
considered for VAAP consideration he/she will require
short term objectives and you must check “yes”. Complete
the VAAP participation criteria worksheet. This will be
maintained outside of IEPPlus. If the student qualifies for
VAAP, check Yes – use the ASOLs to develop the goals and
12. Secondary Transition Status: if the student is 14 or older
during the annual IEP cycle, secondary transition MUST be
addressed – check “yes”. If the student will graduate during
the annual IEP cycle, select “yes”.
Transition Present Levels
Transition services are only required if the student is
14 during the IEP cycle or if it is determined by the
IEP team for students under age 14. If it is not
appropriate, then you can continue to the next
Reminder: If you are developing a transition plan for a
student, contact the transition specialist assigned to
your building.
Transition Present Levels
 Select a Diploma Status from the drop down menu.
Transition Present Levels
To enter an SOL Test select the Add Test button.
 Enter the date of the Test into the Actual Test Date field. Select only tests that
begin with “SOL” from the Assessment drop down.
*TIP: If the test does not have “SOL” in front of it, then it will not display correctly in
the SOL section of the IEP.
 Next, select the Scores. Select “Click Here to Add New Scores”.
 Select a Test Area from the drop down. Select a Score Type from the drop down.
Enter the Score in the text field provided.
 Hit Update. To add another Score click the Add link and follow the steps above.
 When you are finished, hit the Save icon. Then click the Summary icon to bring you
back to the IEP.
Transcript Information
Transcripts can be requested from the guidance office prior to IEP
development. Attach the transcript to the final IEP (make sure the
parent has a copy, and a copy is filed with the IEP in the student’s
confidential file.)
Transcript Information
 Date of Transcript: Type in the date or use the calendar tool to pick a
 Use the text box to enter Total Credits Earned and Verified Credits
 Click on the blue link to enter the Anticipated Date of Graduation.
This needs to be DD/MM/YYYY format and will be saved as an
Important Date on the student’s summary page. After the date is
entered, hit the save icon.
 Answer the remaining questions by selecting the check boxes that
apply and if applicable use the Rich Text Editor to describe
Transition Assessments used to develop the Measurable
postsecondary goals, and document the student’s strengths,
interest, and preferences.
Transition Goals
Transition Goals
Post-Secondary Employment Goals:
 Select the Add Post-Secondary Employment button. Use the text
box to enter Goals. If you are writing more than one goal, then
check the “Save as separate Statements after each [Enter]
encountered” check box. This will save your goals as separate line
items each time you hit [Enter] on your keyboard.
 If there are any pre-defined district options, they would be listed as
a check box selection under the text box. (Note: there are none in
this example below.) Checking one of the options and then
checking “Make Selected Statements available in Edit All Mode
prior to saving”, will save these with the ability to make
 Hit the Save icon to save your selections and/or text.
Transition Goals
 Hit the Edit Icon if you need to make a modification to
a Goal. Hit the Delete icon if you want to delete a goal.
 Post-Secondary Employment Goals: Answer the
questions below by checking “Yes” or “No”. If you
checked “Yes” then use the Rich Text Editor to describe
Transition Goals
 Repeat the previous steps for each transition goal category
(i.e. Independent Living/Community Participation and
Transition Course of Study
Transition Course of Study
Select the Add Courses of Study button. Use the text
box to enter Goals. If you are writing more than one
Course of Study, then check the “Save as separate
Statements after each [Enter] encountered” check
box. This will save your Courses as separate line items
each time you hit [Enter] on your keyboard.
PLOP & Goals/Objectives
 Reminder: Short-term objectives are only required in
IEPs developed for students participating in VAAP. Shortterm objectives are available in the IEP Plus goal book for
all of the categories, but they are only required in IEPs
developed for students participating in the VAAP (Virginia
Alternative Assessment Program).
 Tip: The Aligned SOLs for reading and math are in the IEP
Plus goal book. They were transferred directly from the
state document; therefore, they will need to be edited to be
written as measurable annual goals.
PLOP & Goals/Objectives
 To add a Goal from the Goal Book, select the Add
Goal from Goalbook button or the Add
Narrative Goal button.
 Selecting the Add Goal from Goalbook button
will open the district Goal Book.
*TIP: This is the preferred option for Suffolk.
PLOP & Goals/Objectives
To select a Goal click on the Blue Code number.
PLOP & Goals/Objectives
 Next, edit the “blanks” within the goal and Select the Overview link.
*TIP: Do not select any of the other links such as Objectives,
Attachments or Progress. These will be addressed after you hit
PLOP & Goals/Objectives
 If there are any short term objectives needed, then select
the Add Objective from Goalbook button or the Add
Narrative Objective button
PLOP & Goals/Objectives
 Once you have chosen the goals for the IEP, select
“Edit” in the top right hand corner.
PLOP & Goals/Objectives
1. Enter Text Here
4. Select
2. Select appropriate methods
3. Enter Progress Dates (9 wks only)
Schedule of Services
1. Select Add Service
 Services must be determined by considering the amount of
specialized instruction that the student is provided by the
special education teacher during an instructional block.
 A student in a general education classroom may only receive
20 minutes (out of 60 or 100) of specialized instruction from
the special education teacher. (i.e. Frequency/Duration = 20
minutes per session/5 times weekly)
 Any time a student is served in the special education setting,
the full instructional block of time must be reflected. (i.e.
Frequency/Duration = 100 minutes per session/5 times
TIP: Consultative
services must be 17
minutes to
calculate as 1%.
If the student has more than one disability
category, services MUST be entered to
address each individual category.
For example: If a student is SLD/OHI, services must be
entered to address both categories. The student may
receive instructional math services for the SLD, and
positive behavioral supports to address the OHI.
 Select the Staff tab next to the Main tab. Update and Save.
 If the Service continues through the Next
Recommended dates, then select the Service and hit
the Copy button. This will create a copy of the Service
and all you will have to do is change the radio button
to the Next Recommended selection. Then change
only what is needed.
 Update the staff for the “Next Recommended” section
of the service record. This information does not print
on the IEP.
Calculating Percentages
TIP: The percentage of time in special education is the total
time a student receives special education services per week
based on a 1650 minutes instructional week. The
percentage of time in special education and general
education is a breakdown of special education by location
of service.
TIP: For consultative services, 17 minutes should equal 1%.
Other Services
To Add Supplementary Aids & Services/Assistive
Technology/Supports for School
Personnel/Nonacademic & Extracurricular
 These can be entered by selecting the button to add
them from the Goalbook or selecting the button to add
them into a Narrative Text box.
 Selecting the Add from Goalbook button will bring
you to the district Goalbook. Select items from the list
that is displayed.
Other Services
DO NOT change the category selected. This will prevent
the information from populating into the IEP. Select
the appropriate services, and select “Save and Return”.
Other Services
Once you are back in the IEP, select Edit next to one of your
selections to add the Frequency, Location and Instructional
You can either type them in the text box provided or select from
one of the options underneath.
Select Update when you are done with your selections.
Accommodations & Modifications
 To add an Accommodation or Modification select
the add button.
Accommodations & Modifications
 This will bring you to the district Goalbook. Select one or
more of the items from the list.
 The Category must be Instructional Accommodations
in order to display in this section of the IEP.
 Select Save and Return after you’ve made your selections.
Accommodations & Modifications
 Once you are back in the IEP, select Edit next to
one of your selections to add the Frequency,
Location and Instructional Setting.
 You can either type them in the text box provided or
select from one of the options underneath. You can
also edit the text of the Supplementary Aid & Services
if needed.
 Select Update when you are done with your changes to
this section.
State Assessments
Answer the above questions “Yes” or
“No”. If yes, select the appropriate state
assessment to the left.
Available State Assessments
There are three state approved assessments available:
 Standards of Learning (SOLs)
 Virginia Grade Level Alternative (VGLA)
 Virginia Alternate Assessment Program (VAAP)
Criteria forms for VGLA can be found at
Criteria forms for VAAP can be found at
State Assessments
The State Assessments that were considered will display
under State Assessments check box. Go in and select
which Assessment they will participate in.
State Assessments
 Select the Add SOL Test Statements link and this
will default to the district Goalbook.
 Select a Subcategory, if needed, and then select one or more
of the Test statements in the list.
 Select Save
*TIP: Do not change the category from “SOL Test”. If you do, it
will not display correctly in the IEP.
State Assessments
Next, select the appropriate Accommodations/Modifications
and answer the questions on Participation and Alternate
State Assessments
Explanation for Non-Participation and How the
Student will be Assessed: If a student will not
participate in an SOL Test or district-wide assessment
required for the grade/course in which he/she is
enrolled, then use the Rich Text Editor to explain why.
Least Restrictive Environment
Adding a Placement Record
 Select Add Placement
 Enter the appropriate fields.
 Reminder: If the IEP spans over the course of two school years,
two placement records must be created.
Refer to the chart labeled Location of Intervention: Least
Restrictive Environment Page to help determine a
student’s placement. Remember, most of our student’s
are placed in a “public day school.”
Public day school
Public separate school facility
Private separate school facility
Public residential facility
Private residential facility
Home based program
Location of Intervention (Least Restrictive Environment Page)
School-aged Placements
Student is enrolled in a SPS public school.
This is the location of intervention that will be selected for the majority of
school-age students including SECEP students.
The school division provides the services in the home.
The division determined the LRE is the home setting.
The school division provides services as indicated on an IEP.
Correctional Facility
Regular early childhood program
Special education classroom
Special ed separate school
Special ed residential facility
Service provider location
Preschool placements (all students age 6 and under)
Select this location of intervention for every child that is enrolled in a regular early
childhood program, even if the child attends a special education program (e.g. ECSE
program) in the public school.
Regular Early Childhood Programs include:
Head Start
ECSE with 50% or more role models
Early Start
Private PK or group day care after the child leaves the regular school program.
Select this location of intervention for special education programs that include less than 50%
non-disabled students unless the student attends a regular early childhood program after
he/she leaves the special education program in the public school.
For example, the student attends an ECSE class that includes 33% nondisabled
students, but, after the student leaves school, he/she attends LaPetite or The
Children’s Center; making this student’s placement a “regular early childhood
program (first option).
For example – preschool walk-in services
Select this location of intervention for children 6 and under only. Use this
option for students who receive special education and related services in the
principal residence of the child’s family or caregiver.
Use for children who receive special education both at home and in a service
provider location.
IEP Plus option (do not select)
To be determined
Disability, Location, & Grade
Using the drop down menus available choose the
appropriate disability category, location (physical
location), and grade level for the corresponding date
Level of Intervention
The percentage reflects the percentage of time the child
has special education services each week. Refer to the
“Schedule of Services” for the percentage (the top
percentage ‘Percent of time in Special Education).
Location of Intervention &
Level I and Level II Values
• Select the appropriate location of intervention from
the drop down menu. Recall that the majority of
students are in a “public day school setting.”
• The Level 1 and 2 values are explained on the following
chart which is modified from the Virginia Department
of Education special education regulations.
Level 2 Point Values (50% or higher)
Disability Category
Level 1 Point Values (49% or lower)
Paraprofessional – 100% of the
instructional time
Paraprofessional – Less than 100% of
the instructional day
Autism (AUT)
Deaf-Blindness (DB)
Center based – 2.5
Combined – 2.0
Walk- in preschool services/Itinerant –
point value = .6
Developmental Delay (age 5-6 – school
Emotional Disability*
(Emotional Disturbance prior to reauthorization
of VA regs-7/9/09)
Hearing Impairment (HI)
Intellectual Disability (ID)
(Mental Retardation prior to reauthorization of
VA regs-7/9/09)
Learning Disability (LD)
Multiple Disabilities (MD)
Orthopedic Impairment (OI)
Other Health Impaired (OHI)
Severe Disabilities (SD) (Students with a
“Severe Disability” will be reevaluated during
the 09-10 SY to determine the appropriate
disability category. Severe Disability is no
longer considered a disability category in VA).
Developmental Delay – ages 2-5
Speech and Language Impairment (SLI)
Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)
Itinerant Services
Placement Records
Once the first placement record is
created, select Save.
If the IEP spans two school years, select “Add
Placement” and be sure to enter the
placement information for the “Next
Recommended” using the directions above.
Placement Justification
Use the Rich Text Editor to summarize the decision of the
IEP team.
Extended School Year (ESY)
For an IEP Team to determine if a student needs ESY
services, they need to review the student’s annual goals
to identify the student's critical life skills: Critical life
skills are any skill (including social and behavioral)
determined to be critical by the IEP Team for the
student’s overall educational progress.
For additional information see:
“IEP Plus Procedures – Extended School Year”
Consent for Services
 Verify the contact information in the text boxes
 Transfer of Rights at the Age of Majority: If
applicable, click on the blue date link to enter the
Date the Parent/Student was informed. This will
save as an Important Date on the Student’s Summary
 Parent should sign/initial in three places:
 Indicating that the parent has read the above prior notice and
been made aware of/provided procedural safeguards.
 Check whether he/she gives or does not give permission to
implement the IEP.
 Sign and date
Consent for Services
 Upon completing the draft of the IEP (approximately
one week prior to the meeting date), the IEP should be
marked “Ready for Review” and a draft copy should be
sent home to the parent.
 Upon conclusion of the meeting, all parties must sign
the IEP. Parents sign consent on the “Consent for
Services” page; however, all attendants sign the front
cover of the IEP to indicate their participation in the
IEP team meeting.
 After all of the IEP documents (IEP cover page,
consent, written notice, invitation) are signed, and the
meeting is complete, copy the IEP for the parent and
place the original, signed copy in the student’s
confidential student record (yellow folder).
**Remember to redistribute the necessary IEP
information to all staff members who may work with
the student.
 After the IEP has been signed, be sure to FINALIZE the
document in IEP Plus.
Written Notice of Proposed Action
A written notice of proposed action must be completed
for every IEP team meeting.
From the student’s Navigation Bar you will find the
Forms that can be created for a student. Click on the
Written Notice of Proposed/Refused Action link.
Written Notice of Proposed Action
 STEP 1: Click New to create this form.
 STEP 2: Select the Appropriate Building/Meeting
Information and Select Create Form
 STEP 3: Ensure that the parent contact information
displays appropriately on the form. If there are errors,
contact a compliance specialist for assistance.
 STEP 4: Complete the Form
Written Notice of Proposed Action
To answer questions 1-4 click the add buttons under
each section. You must select the save disc (bottom
left corner) in each section before continuing.
Written Notice of Proposed Action
 For questions 5 and 6 use the Rich Text Boxes to type in
your Narratives for those sections. Answer the “Yes” or “No”
Radio button question for question number 6.
 Contact Information defaults from the letterhead chosen
previously; however, this information may be edited in the
text fields.
• The written notice must be printed and signed by the
LEA representative.
• Once the written notice is completed in IEP Plus,
FINALIZE the document.
• All fields in the written notice must be completed.
The phrase “N/A” is not acceptable. Rather, a simple
statement such as “None at this time” is appropriate.
After the Meeting
 The signed IEP should be scanned and attached to the
IEP in IEP Plus.
Once the IEP Meeting has concluded and the
document has been signed and scanned, all related
documents in IEP Plus must be FINALIZED.
The “Meeting Results” tab in the Meeting Record must
be updated.
The original copy of the IEP must be filed in the yellow
cumulative record (right side).
A copy of the document must be provided to the
parent along with a copy of their parental rights.
FBA/BIP Development
For students with significant behavioral concerns, the
IEP team may determine that a Functional Behavior
Assessment and Behavior Intervention Plan are
Contact Devonda Williams-Porter
at any time the team is considering an FBA/BIP for
additional assistance.
IEP Revisions
 IEP Revisions are required when any change to a
signed IEP is necessary.
 IEP team meetings are required for IEP revisions
requiring change of placement, services, or at any time
an IEP team member requests a meeting.
 IEP Revisions require parent contact and consent.
See “IEP Plus Procedures – IEP Revisions” for additional
Progress Reporting
IEP progress reports must be provided at the same intervals
as progress reports for general education students.
Interim Progress and Report Card Dates
2010-2011 School Year (Proposed Dates)
Report Type
Date sent to parents
Date reporting window will open in IEP Plus
Friday, October 08, 2010
Friday, October 01, 2010
Report Card
Friday, November 19, 2010
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Friday, December 17, 2010
Friday, December 10, 2010
Report Card
Friday, February 11, 2011
Friday, January 28, 2011
Friday, March 04, 2011
Friday, February 25, 2011
Report Card
Friday, April 15, 2011
Tuesday, April 05, 2011
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Report Card
Friday, June 17, 2011
Friday, June 10, 2011
See “IEP Plus Procedures – Progress Reporting” for additional