A childhood filled with joy! - Jewish Family and Children`s Service of


A childhood filled with joy! - Jewish Family and Children`s Service of
A childhood
filled with joy!
JFCS’ Children and Youth
Services strive to provide
young people in our community
the opportunity to live
rich, full and happy lives (Page 2)
Also Inside:
Annual Meeting Photos
JFCS Friends of the
Family Award
Annual Conference on
Mental Health
“Girl Roaring
with Laughter”
Lia Harel, 14,
“Big” in JFCS’ Jewish
Big Brother/Big Sister Program
Inside this Issue
Photos from the
105th Annual Meeting
Nadlers to receive
JFCS Friends of the Family Award
JFCS Legacy Society established to honor
those who include JFCS in their estate plans
A childhood filled with joy!
ince its beginning, Jewish
Family and Children’s Service of
Minneapolis (JFCS) has supported
the belief that the ability to succeed and
thrive in life is inherent in every child.
Our goal is for all young people in our
community to have the opportunities,
tools and help they need to live rich, full
and happy lives. We want to see each
young person we work with feel confident
to grow and discover themselves in new
and challenging ways. Of JFCS’ more
than 40 critically-needed, life-enriching
programs and services, many are
dedicated to the needs of children
and youth.
At the very beginning, JFCS
celebrates new life and welcomes babies
and young families with a Shalom Baby
welcome bag. The PJ Library program
enriches young Jewish lives with free
monthly Jewish-themed books for
babies and toddlers, and hosts familyfriendly events designed to make all
feel connected and engaged in the
Board President
Danny Zouber
As children grow, attending
summer camp provides lasting
memories, as well as critical
steps on a child’s path to a
healthy and productive life.
The JFCS Camp Scholarship
Program makes it possible for
many youth who otherwise
wouldn’t be able to experience
those opportunities to learn
to work together, make
choices, take responsibility,
develop creative skills, build
independence and gain
Haylee Davis was one of
those youth who benefited from
a JFCS Camp Scholarship
several years ago. She is now
serving as the Assistant Director of
Camp Teko.
“Growing up at a Jewish summer
camp shaped me into the person I am
today and it would not have been possible
without the various camp scholarships I
A typical morning in “the bowl” at Camp Teko
“Growing up at a Jewish
summer camp shaped me into
the person I am today.”
– Haylee Davis, former JFCS Camp
Scholarship recipient
is published by Jewish Family and Children’s Service of Minneapolis, a beneficiary of the
Minneapolis Jewish Federation and the Greater Twin Cities United Way.
Chief Executive Officer
Judy Halper
Communications Director
Lori Leavitt
2 Jewish Family and Children’s Service of Minneapolis
Marc Ingber
Graphic Designer
Kristin Bohley
received from JFCS,” Haylee said. “The
friendships I made and the memories that
were created will never be forgotten.”
As Teko’s Assistant Director, she
hopes to make it possible for more
Jewish youth to attend summer camp
and become involved with the Jewish
JFCS’ Children and Youth Services
align with our mission to sustain healthy
relationships, ease suffering and offer
support in times of need. Research shows
that Big Brother/Big Sister mentoring
has a long-lasting, profoundly positive
effect on children’s confidence, grades
and social skills. Relationships with
parents and peers become stronger,
decision-making improves and overall life
ambitions become higher.
Our Jewish Big Brother/Big Sister
(BB/BS) Program, which is celebrating
its 40th anniversary in 2015, empowers
Jewish children in need of a special
friendship and their families by providing
unconditional, personally matched,
Jewish mentoring friendships.
And most often the “Bigs” get as much
out of the relationship as the “Littles”!
Lia Harel, who created the cover
artwork, has been a “Big” in the program
since 2013 – her mom encouraged her to
become a mentor as a great opportunity
to gain leadership and grow as a person.
Lia is grateful she followed her advice, as
the experience has been life-changing.
Lia, a high school
freshman, admitted
there was a little bit of
a barrier when she first
met her 10-year-old
“Little,” but that they’ve
strengthened their bond
in the months and years
since that first meeting.
“We’ve made progress
and strengthened our
relationship, and now
we’re great friends,”
Lia said.
Lia has learned a lot
about Orthodox Judaism
from her “Little.” The
2013 Jewish Big Brother/Big Sister Chanukah Party
two regularly go on fun
outings or sometimes just
dedicated to children. About 1,000
hang out at Lia’s house, where they play
individuals receive Chanukah gifts each
games and work on art projects. Being a
year thanks to JFCS’ Hag Sameach
“Big” has had a big effect on Lia. “I really Program, ensuring that the holiday
enjoy seeing how I’ve changed,” she said.
season for their children will be a
“I’ve definitely become my own person
happy one.
and grown a lot.”
Children also benefit when their
ther Children and Youth Services
at JFCS include the Parent-Child
Home Program (PCHP), Healthy YouthHealthy Communities, Family Life
Education, Counseling, Play Therapy
and more.
In addition to the programs for
children and youth, many more benefit
from other JFCS services not specifically
families are able to remain financially
stable thanks to JFCS’ Career Services/
Emergency Financial Assistance
programs and/or emotionally stable
thanks to our Counseling Services.
Each year, JFCS serves over 16,000
people of all ages and all backgrounds
who are in need. At its heart is a deep
commitment to help provide a bright
future for all the youth it serves.
Nothing childish about youth artwork
About the cover art
Artist Lia Harel, 14, said she has grown and matured a lot since
becoming a “Big” with JFCS’ Jewish Big Brother/Big Sister (BB/BS)
Program. Below is her artist’s statement regarding the piece she designed
for the cover of “Directions,” which conveys the joy of childhood.
“To me, finding a creative way to portray
a joyful child meant using vibrant
colors, striking patterns and animated
movements. Using a combination of
construction paper and water colors, my
picture shows a girl roaring with laughter
as her multicolored braids swoosh all
around her. She reminds me of the
youthful innocence we all have within us
– the kind that can give us the giggles at
even the smallest pleasures in life. That is
true happiness.” –Lia Harel
Below is “Little,” Esther’s, art piece, which
also represents the joy of childhood.
“When I was asked
to draw a picture
of a happy child,
I saw this picture
and I thought it was
exactly what I was
looking for!”
– Esther, 17
Thank you to both our
“Big” and “Little” artists!
directions • Fall 2015 3
S a v e
Da t e
Join us as we
at the 27th Annual Benefit
Saturday, December 5, 2015
Each year, Jewish Family and Children’s Service of Minneapolis serves over
16,000 people in our community, our neighborhoods and our families.
Join us for a special evening of fun, food and comedy as together we
laugh on their behalf to support the work of JFCS.
Watch for your
invitation in October!
Shop our online auction
from November 2-11 at
With Michael
Black Service of Minneapolis
4 Jewish
Family and
jfcsm -4878
Annual Meeting
105th Annual Meeting
JFCS held its 105th Annual Meeting in
June at Beth El Synagogue. Kerry Bader
was honored with the Spirit of JFCS Award.
Otto Bremer Foundation also received a
special recognition at the event, which was
co-chaired by Marcia Cohodes
and Nan Greenfield.
1. Annual Meeting Co-Chairs Marcia Cohodes and Nan Greenfield (from left); 2. JFCS Board President Danny Zouber;
3. JFCS Spirit Award Winner Kerry Bader; 4. JFCS Staff 30-year honoree Mina Manville; 5. Staff 25-year honorees Bobbie
Goldfarb, Carole Cera and Margie Earhart; 6. Staff 20-year honorees Stuart Martin, Mari Forbush and Jill Kozberg; 7. Staff
15-year honorees Cindy Uran, Deb Winkelman, Ben Galperin, Ruth Paley, Alvin Odermann, Cheryl Obinger and Debra
Savitt; 8. Staff 10-year honorees Gloria Murman, Joy Gordon, Julia Carpenter and Joanne Savitt; 9. Staff 5-year honorees
Robert Cruse, Brooke Greenwell, Helen Fogg, Sandra Baron and Justin Elvebak
Eden (baby), Emma, Avi, Charles and Candice Nadler (from left)
‘Whenever a need arises, they step forward’
Candice and Charles Nadler Family to receive
Friends of the Family Award at JFCS’ 27th Annual Benefit
any parents work to instill the
value of giving back to the
community in their children,
but few put this desire in writing. The
fact Charles (Chuck) and Candice
Nadler included this value in an official
family “mission statement” they drafted
more than 20 years ago along with their
children, Geoffrey and Emma – who
were mere adolescents at the time –
demonstrates how serious they are
about it.
Along with commitments to
maintaining high moral standards
and education, the Nadler Family
Mission Statement says: “We shall
always strive to help others who are in
need.” Unsurprisingly, these traits were
instilled in Geoffrey and Emma, who
have continued a long family tradition of
serving the community.
For many years, JFCS has been
a fortunate recipient of the Nadlers’
generosity, time and wisdom. It is for this
reason they will be presented with the
2015 JFCS Friends of the Family Award
at the 27th Annual Benefit on Dec. 5.
“In almost every way possible, the
Nadler family has provided strong
support to JFCS,” said Judy Halper,
JFCS Chief Executive Officer.
“Beginning with George and Edith
Nadler of blessed memory, the family
has provided critical financial support to
JFCS. In addition to financial support,
Candice and Chuck have given much
6 Jewish Family and Children’s Service of Minneapolis
more to the organization. Candice has
been a staff member and both have been
dedicated volunteers. Daughter Emma
serves on the JFCS staff today. Whenever
a need arises, they have not waited to be
asked, but rather stepped forward and
offered to do what they can.”
Chuck said one of the reasons the
family supports JFCS is because it serves
both the Jewish and broader community.
“It’s an inclusive thing,” he said. “I like
that – at the end of the day, we all have to
support each other.”
For more than a decade, Candice
worked as a therapist in JFCS’
Counseling department, with a special
fondness and talent for working with
children. She began as an intern while
Friends of the Family Award
she worked on receiving her clinical licensure and eventually
was hired as a paid staff member. She worked at JFCS for 13
years before retiring.
One of the things Candice loves about JFCS is the
spectrum of services it offers – a client might come in for
financial assistance and end up being referred to Career
Services, Counseling or another area he/she can benefit
from. “Because JFCS is one organization that offers help and
support in so many ways, you can really make meaningful lifelong changes,” she said. “JFCS can help an individual or an
entire family holistically.”
After discovering so many great things about JFCS from
Candice, Chuck’s parents, Edith and George Nadler, became
strong supporters of the agency. They established the Edith
and George E. Nadler Endowment Fund to provide special
services for seniors at the agency and also left an estate gift
to JFCS.
Candice’s experience left an impression on Emma as
well. She followed in her mother’s footsteps – she has been
a counselor herself at JFCS since 2009. She and Candice
worked together for several years. “I loved working with my
mom,” Emma said. “We had such a good time and I learned
so much from her.”
Candice and Chuck have an Endowment at JFCS as well
– the Charles and Candice Nadler Family Fund to support
the Jewish Big Brother/Big Sister Program. Big Brother/Big
Sister programs have always had a special place in Chuck’s
heart. For many years he was a Big Brother with Big Brothers/
Big Sisters of the Greater Twin Cities.
Chuck served on the JFCS Investment Committee and
led the development of its Investment Policy statement,
which governs its activities. He currently serves on the Jewish
Community Foundation Investment Committee, which also
plays a role in investing JFCS endowment funds.
Their son, Geoffrey, is heavily involved in community
service in California, where he lives. He serves on the
Board of Directors at Temple Beth El in San Pedro and on
committees for the Jewish Symphony and Jewish Federation
Real Estate and Construction Division.
Emma said it’s great to continue the Nadler family
tradition by working at JFCS. “All programs and services
at JFCS provide the highest quality of care for all clients,
regardless of ability to pay. I like being able to work with
anyone who seeks our help,” she said. “I feel grateful to be
there. I love the work and I love the mission.”
Halper said JFCS is fortunate to have support from great
families like the Nadlers. “They leave a legacy of caring and
sharing that we hope will continue with the next generation of
Nadlers, Avi and Eden!”
‘I like being able to work
with anyone who seeks our
help. I love the work and I
love the mission.’
– Emma Nadler
Candice and Charles Nadler
directions • Fall 2015 7
JFCS NextGen
NextGen volunteers at
PRISM Food Shelf,
May 2015
NextGen supports Children and Youth Services
JFCS NextGen provides opportunities for young adults to develop leadership skills and deepen connections
to JFCS and its mission through social and volunteer experiences and philanthropy. NextGen has been
a strong supporter of Children and Youth Services at JFCS. The program has donated proceeds from
numerous of its events to support these services.
• The JFCS NextGen Summer Party raised $1,200 – two $500 Camp
Scholarships were awarded and 16 toiletry kits were provided to kids
attending camp
• NextGen partnered with the National Council of Jewish Women to
provide 37 kids with a backpack and school supplies – NextGen covered
the cost of backpacks ($550)
• In May, 30 NextGen volunteers assembled over 200 bags of
non-perishable food for both PRISM Food Shelf and JFCS clients
Volunteers packing tolietry
• From August 2014 through August 2015, more than 100 NextGen-age
kits for campers
volunteers offered their assistance and time at various JFCS and NextGen events,
including the Annual Sid Hartman Jewish Big Brother/Big Sister (BB/BS)
Chanukah Festival, Healthy Youth-Healthy Communities (HY-HC) Conference and
Parent-Child Home Program (PCHP) Graduation
For more information on the JFCS NextGen Program contact Erica Solomon
at esolomon@jfcsmpls.org or 952-417-2124.
8 Jewish Family and Children’s Service of Minneapolis
Changing Lives
The GIVE2015 campaign raises funds to be used where needed most. A gift to GIVE2015 ensures that JFCS
is a therapist, a friend, a mentor, a career counselor, a driver, a companion, a safety net, and a source of hope
and comfort to over 16,000 individuals and families each year. Your generous contribution is more important
than ever. Please help us reach our goal to raise $500,000 by the end of 2015.
Your gift of any amount
changes lives.
Please give today.
To support GIVE2015, call 952-546-0616
or visit jfcsmpls.org and click on “Donate”
and select “GIVE2015 Campaign.”
directions • Fall 2015 9
our iceberg
To remain resilient,
JFCS is creating a
robust new vision
for its volunteer base
– its “iceberg”
ince its founding in 1910, volunteers
have been at the heart of the work
JFCS does and critical to its leadership in
serving the community. Today, JFCS is
proud to have a strong foundation of 800plus volunteers – our “iceberg.”
However, we recognize that iceberg
faces challenges as our volunteers age,
move away, become engaged in diverse
activities or find they align with other
opportunities that meet their needs
in different ways. To remain resilient,
we are creating a robust new vision for
volunteering – to prevent the iceberg
from disappearing.
JFCS is committed to being both
proactive and reactive in our selfexamination and approach to engaging
volunteers. We are excited to let the
community know that we were chosen
this year for the Service Enterprise (SE)
Initiative, which works to help non-
profits serve and work with volunteers
as effectively and efficiently as possible.
We embarked on this journey to take a
good hard look at both what we are doing
right and where we have work yet to do in
volunteer engagement.
As participants in just the second
SE cohort in the state, we have had the
opportunity to both learn from the best
and alongside other outstanding nonprofit peers in the Twin Cities. We have
helped each other push the envelope to
explore new ways of engaging volunteers
and what that might look like for our
We look forward to rolling out new
opportunities and JFCS expects to
receive Service Enterprise accreditation
later this fall. Certified Service
Enterprises are “more adaptable,
sustainable and capable of scaling
their impact in comparison to peer
organizations and, as a result, are able
to more effectively deliver on the social
mission of their organization.” When
we reach this goal, we will be a leader
in volunteer engagement, not just in
Minnesota, but in the United States.
For over 105 years, volunteers have
played an essential role in JFCS’ mission
to provide help and offer support to those
in need. As we look to the future, we
remain steadfast in our efforts to keep our
iceberg strong and vital.
Volunteers change lives for the better
– possibly even their own. Interested in
joining our iceberg and volunteering for
JFCS? We’ll make it easy for you with a
variety of programs and services that offer
something for everyone. Choose onetime, short-term or ongoing volunteer
opportunities that best fit your time and
For a complete and up-to-date list of volunteer opportunities visit us online
at www.jfcsmpls.org/volunteer. For more information contact Debra Savitt,
Community Involvement Manager, at 952-542-4859.
10 Jewish Family and Children’s Service of Minneapolis
Hag Sameach
Donate a gift and make someone’s holiday a happy one!
The Hag Sameach Program
Thanks to our generous donors,
JFCS’ Hag Sameach (Happy
Holiday) program is in its 23rd
year of providing holiday gifts to
referred families and individuals
who are in need or isolated.
Here’s How
Please drop off donations
Oct. 1-31 at synagogue drop
boxes or the Sabes JCC, or any
time throughout the year at
JFCS (13100 Wayzata Blvd,
The Kadet family helps JFCS each year
as Hag Sameach volunteers
Here’s What
Gifts for all age children
and adults are needed, but gifts
for teens and men are needed
For more information
Contact Mindy Teele, Hag Sameach Coordinator, at
952-542-4870 or mteele@jfcsmpls.org. Please share
new and creative gift ideas, as well as sources for
donations or wholesale purchases with Mindy, too!
Need an idea?
• Jewelry boxes
• Small electronics
• Nail polish
• Puzzles
• Games
• Sports equipment
• Books
• Gift cards (Target,
Kohls, Menards, Home
Depot, Walgreens, gas
stations, etc.)
• Movie theater tickets
• Clocks with big numbers
• Tool sets
• Small electronic games
• Puzzles
• Practical kitchen or
houseware items, including
utensils (crockpots, toaster
oven, coffee maker, etc.)
directions • Fall 2015 11
Agency News
Staff Accomplishments
Joy Gordon, Community
Specialist and Reverse
Mortgage Counselor,
passed the HUD-approved
Home Equity Conversion
Mortgage (HECM) exam
for reverse mortgage counselors, which is
required every three years. It allows JFCS
to continue offering counseling to those
seeking a reverse mortgage.
Katy Andeross,
Counselor, received her
Licensed Independent
Clinical Social Worker
(LICSW) certification
and Sarah Easton, CADI
Case Manager, received
her Licensed Independent
Social Worker (LISW)
Michael Rock,
Controller, was
named to the
Finance Committee
of the Minnesota
Ovarian Cancer
Alliance (MOCA). The Alliance
is the leading advocacy and
fundraising organization for
research for ovarian cancer in
More than 150 people
helped raise money for
JFCS on July 20 by eating
at PizzaRev in Hopkins.
The restaurant donated 20
percent of its proceeds from
that day to JFCS. Thank you
to PizzaRev and everyone
who participated!
New grants awarded to JFCS
JFCS is pleased to announce the following grants, which these generous foundations awarded between Jan. 1 and July 31, 2015:
Emergency Food & Shelter Program – $4,632 for Emergency Assistance for food
General Mills Foundation – $20,000 for the Parent-Child Home Program
Greater Twin Cities United Way – $300,000 three-year grant for Parent-Child Home Program
Grotto Foundation – $25,000 for the Parent-Child Home Program
Hennepin County – $120,000 for Veterans Hiring Initiative
Metropolitan Area Agency on Aging – $54,450 for Transportation Services
Minnesota State Department of Education – $700,000 two-year grant for Parent-Child Home Program
Otto Bremer Foundation – $75,000 for General Operations
Pohlad Family Foundation – $13,500 for Camp Scholarships
RBC Wealth Management – $3,000 for Career Services for Veterans
Wells Fargo CMES Charitable Giving – $2,500 for Technology
12 Jewish Family and Children’s Service of Minneapolis
Embracing Hope
erasing stigma
Featuring Keynoter
Adam Levy
Honeydogs rock band
lead singer responds to the
tragic suicide of his son
Sunday, November 8
at St. Paul JCC
1375 St. Paul Ave, St. Paul
he 15th Annual Twin Cities Jewish
Community Conference on Mental
Health, “Embracing Hope, Erasing
Stigma,” will be held 10:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Sunday, Nov. 8, at the St. Paul JCC (1375
St. Paul Ave., St. Paul). This is the first
time the conference has been presented
at the JCC.
The event, which is free and open to
all, will feature a keynote address from
Honeydogs lead singer Adam Levy,
whose new solo record, Naubinway,
responds to the tragic suicide of his
son, Daniel, in 2012. The conference will
offer two sessions of workshops with 20
topics to choose from, covering mental
health issues affecting youth to people
in the later stages of life.
Adam Levy has led The Honeydogs,
Minneapolis-based roots rock-pop
chameleons, for more than 20 years.
He’s also led collaborations in genres
ranging from classical to soul, children’s
to experimental music, and been a social
worker, teacher, mentor and activist in
political causes. His first solo album,
to be released this fall by Think Piece
Publishing, focuses on his son, Daniel’s,
struggles with mental illness and
subsequent suicide in 2012 at age 21. It
is Adam’s most personal record to date,
relying heavily on his guitar playing,
voice and provocative lyrics.
In the years since Daniel’s death, Adam
has organized forums with other
musicians on mental health issues and
has spoken out publicly about what it’s
like to parent a child who is determined
to die. His keynote will include
performance of songs from his new
album, Naubinway. ASL interpretation
will be available during the keynote
The Mental Health Education
Project (MHEP) presents the Annual
Conference on Mental Health. MHEP is a
collaborative program of Jewish Family
and Children’s Service of Minneapolis
(JFCS) and Jewish Family Service of
St. Paul (JFS).
Registration for the conference can be
completed online or by mail. To register
online, go to www.jfcsmpls.org. To
register by mail, call JFS at
651-698-0767 to request a conference
brochure and registration form.
Everyone who registers by Oct. 23 will
receive a box lunch at no charge. Dietary
laws will be observed.
directions • Fall 2015 13
Programs & Services
The ACT Program
AskBarbara (AskBarbara@jfcsmpls.org)
Career Development:
Career Counseling
JFCS Counseling Services
JFCS Serving
all ages from youthServices
to adult
Career Training Assistance
Dislocated Worker Program
Why go anywhere else?
Career Initiatives:
IT Pathways
Platinum Program
West Hennepin Community
Outreach Program
Consultation Services
Deikel Family AlterCare Adult Day Program
Emergency Financial Assistance
Family Life Education
Food and Basic Needs
Hag Sameach (Happy Holidays) Program
Intake and Resource Connection
Jewish Big Brother/Big Sister Program
Jewish Camp Scholarships
L’Chaim Senior Services:
Deikel Transportation Services
Kosher Meals on Wheels
Survivor Support Services
Mental Health Support Services
Minnesota Family Investment Program
Nurturing Our Retired Citizens:
ACT on Alzheimer’s
change solutions
valuable insightful understanding
ethical safe healthful
comfortable real individualized
adept thoughtful superb service
encouragementsupport genuine
licensed professionals
personal positive
Reverse Mortgage Counseling
Parent-Child Home Program
PJ Library, including Shalom Baby
Scholarship Services
Special Events
Twin Cities Jewish Healing Program
Vocational Rehabilitation Services
Volunteer Resources
Partnerships and Collaborations 952-546-0616
most insurance
plans accepted
Most insurance plans accepted
Sliding fee scale
Healthy Youth–Healthy Communities
Jewish Domestic Abuse Collaborative
Jewish Free Loan Program
Mental Health Education Project
Minneapolis Jewish Community Inclusion
Program for People with Disabilities:
Caring Connections
Jewish Family and Children’s
Service of Minneapolis
Legacy Giving
Make a Promise: JFCS Legacy Society
When you make a Promise for the Future to JFCS:
• You help ensure the funding of the vital programs and services
we provide to thousands who turn to us for help each year
• Your financial legacy will help generations yet to come
• You will become a member of the JFCS Legacy Society
• You will be remembered for your thoughtful generosity
for all time
Jewish Family and Children’s Service of Minneapolis
has established the JFCS Legacy Society as an extension
and expansion of its planned giving program. It recognizes
individuals and families who have or will include JFCS as a
beneficiary of their estate plans. Members of the newly-named
society will be honored throughout the years in different ways
and venues.
“We want to express our appreciation to all those visionaries,
past and present, who recognize JFCS’ 100 year-plus service to
the community and the value of financial stability their future
gifts can provide the agency,” said Judy Halper, JFCS Chief
Executive Officer.
Join our ever-growing number of donors who have signed
a Promise for the Future – the Promise may be found on our
website, www.jfcsmpls.org. If you’ve already made a provision in
your estate plan and haven’t yet notified us, please let us know,
even if you prefer anonymity. We’ll honor that request.
Your Promise for the Future honors JFCS’ past service,
recognizes its present contribution to the welfare and
betterment of our community and helps ensure a vital future.
For more information about legacy giving please contact
Dana Rubin at 952-542-4803.
A Promise Made
A Promise Fulfilled
Many decades ago Erv Grossman put the heart in JFCS –
literally. His company, Grossman Design, was
commissioned to design the logo for JFCS and
Erv himself designed the classic heart logo that
JFCS still uses today.
Erv and his wife, Arlis, who already have an Endowment
fund with JFCS, recently ensured that their support for the
agency will continue long into the future by signing a Promise
for the Future to JFCS.
“We think JFCS is one of the best agencies in the Twin
Cities and feel very strongly about its commitment to the
community,” Erv said. Arlis added that wherever there is a
need, JFCS jumps to addressing it and is always looking to help
under-served people – regardless of their age or background.
Arlis learned all about the great services JFCS provides when
she served on its Board for many years. The problem back then
was that JFCS was “the best kept secret in town” and many
people didn’t know about it.
She is happy that community awareness about JFCS has
grown over the years. “JFCS really has become a self-sustaining
organization that is no longer the best kept secret in town,”
she said.
Sue Levin was not surprised when she found out her
mother, Geraldine “Gerry” Rosenberg, included JFCS as a
beneficiary of her estate. Gerry, who passed away in 2014,
received therapy services from JFCS’ Counseling department
for many years. “She felt really connected to JFCS and the
services they are able to provide for children and families,”
Sue said.
She said her mother was the type of person who always
showed appreciation to people who helped her, often bringing
gifts to her doctors and counselors. “My mom was a very
spiritual person, strongly rooted in her Judaism,” Sue said.
“For her, giving back was natural – that’s the kind of person
she was.”
Like many of our
donors, Gerry never
notified JFCS that she
included the agency in
her estate plan. Despite
our efforts to reach out to the community and find out who
has made these provisions, we aren’t always aware. We would
have liked to recognize Gerry for her thoughtful generosity
during her lifetime.
Gerry’s name will be added to JFCS’ ever-growing list
of donors who have left a lasting legacy, a testament to their
concern for the welfare and betterment of our community. We
are thrilled and honored whenever a JFCS supporter includes
the agency as a beneficiary of their estate – and would like the
opportunity to thank them in person.
“Please don’t wait to let us know that you have included
JFCS in your estate plans – even if you wish to remain
anonymous,” said Neal Frank, JFCS Planned Gifts Director.
“We want to be able to thank you before receiving your
financial legacy.”
directions • Fall 2015 15
“For my mom, giving
back was natural.”
Mitzvah Card Tributes
The following donations were received between Dec. 1, 2014, and May 31, 2015.
In Honor Of:
Beverly & Marvin Aaron
Twin Grandsons Ari & Kobi’s
Bar Mitzvah
Lynne Lee
Bill Aberman
Birth of Great-Grandson,
Betsy & Steve Sitkoff
Len Abrams
Special Birthday
Linda & Miles Braufman
Joyce & David Abramson
50th Wedding Anniversary
Diane & Richard Cohen
Paula & Elliot Aleskow
Birth of Granddaughter, Maya
Ann Hunegs
Judy & Michael Emmons
Arlene & Sidney Harris
Diana Idelkope
Gayle Lightowler
Marcia & Allen Oleisky
Shelly & Howard Reichert
Marilyn Marker &
Bud Shapiro
Phyllis Appelbaum
Granddaughter’s Bat Mitzvah
Lorraine & Sidney
Jay Applebaum
Son’s Marriage
Jan Saffron-Johnson &
Tom Johnson
Naomi & Neil Arnold
50th Wedding Anniversary
Eileen & Jim Mitson
Susie & Stuart Swartz
Dori & Herb Weisman
Helen Averbach
60th Birthday
Heather & Kevin Besikof
Ann & Neil Covin
Kate & Marty Bach
A Happy & Healthy New Year
Audrey & Alvin Kaufman
Wendy & Howard Bach
Special Wedding Anniversary
Elaine Lehman Berg &
Henry Berg
Wendy & Howard Bach
A Happy & Healthy New Year
Audrey & Alvin Kaufman
Kerry Bader
2015 Spirit of JFCS Award
Carolyn, David, Michael,
Alex & Maddie Aberman
Stuart Bader
Margo Berdass
Linda & Butch Bialick
Mitzvah Cards are a convenient way to make a contribution to
JFCS and honor someone you care about at the same time!
Check out the many ways you can give:
• Online – Go to www.jfcsmpls.org and click on “Donate,” then
“Mitzvah Tribute Cards”
• Phone – Call the Mitzvah Card Hotline at 952-542-4817
• Email – Send your request to sendacard@jfcsmpls.org
• Mail – Send a JFCS contribution envelope to Jewish Family and Children’s Service of Minneapolis
Upon receiving your donation, a beautiful Mitzvah Card will be
sent to the designated recipient.
For more information, or if you would like to receive a packet
of donation envelopes, call the Mitzvah Card Hotline at
Loni Ansel
75th Birthday
Peggy & Billy Cohn
Rita & Larry Covin
Julia DelCol
Gail Asher
Birth of Granddaughter, Lane
Ricki Roberts &
Mark Simon
Cindy & Donald Brown
Lynn Blumenthal &
Stuart A. Chazin
16 Jewish Family and Children’s Service of Minneapolis
Wendy Thompson &
Jeff Eisenberg
Karen & Bruce Gershman
Lynn & Alan Goldbloom
Diane Goldenberg
Debra Orbuch Grayson &
Scott Grayson
Lisa & Gary Greenberg
Judy & Jon Harris
Nancy & Bob Hartman
Doreen Frankel &
Jake Hurwitz
Jaffe Family
Deborah & Gary Kohler
Brina & Milton Krelitz
Barbara & Gary Krupp
Susan & Hart Kuller
Robin & Bryan Landy
Beth & Todd Leonard
Candice & Charles Nadler
Joyce & Martin Orbuch
Nancy & Kevin Rhein
Dana Rubin
Nancy & Steve Schachtman
Judy & Steven Schumeister
Amy Silvermann
Sharon Snyder
Kristi Bader & Gary Swartz
Judi Belzer & Jerry Waldman
Heidi & John Wilensky
Sandy & Alan Witebsky
Kerry & Scott Bader
Wedding Anniversary
Margie & Steve Krause
Kerry & Scott Bader
Birth of Grandson, Henry
Betsy & Steve Sitkoff
Kathy & Howard Zack
Kerry & Scott Bader
Birth of Grandson, Miles
Kathy & Howard Zack
Molly & Sid Bader
A Happy Hanuka
Kerry & Scott Bader
Kristi Bader & Gary Swartz
Stuart Bader
Stuart Bader
Margie & Steve Krause
Tom Badiner
Special Birthday
Cathy & Jeff Molever
Amy & Stan Baratz
Birth of Granddaughter,
Marilyn & Tim Broms
Cindi & Harold Goldfine
Rollye & Chuck Rinkey
Joanne & Douglas Savitt
Kathy & Howard Zack
Wendy Fox & Jeff Barin
Birth of Granddaughter
Kathy & Howard Zack
Estelle Baron
A Happy & Healthy New Year
Audrey & Alvin Kaufman
Jacob Barry
Zelia Goldberg
Melanie & Chuck Barry
A Happy Hanukkah
Gayle Lightowler
Shari & Ron Barry
In Their Honor
Tanni Stone-Dorshow &
Loren Dorshow
Dr. Sam Baumel
Rollye & Chuck Rinkey
Heidi & Doug Becker
Engagement of Ben Becker &
Dana Thorne
Todd Sandler
Janet & Robert Behringer
40th Wedding Anniversary
Margie & Steve Krause
Kathy & Howard Zack
Gary Bell
Special Birthday
Carole & Marty Kaplan
Mary & Bob Mersky
Linda & Tom Sklar
Ginger & Martin Bell
Wedding Anniversary
Sandra & Bob Wallack
Ellyn Wolfenson &
Michael Belzer
Birth of Grandson, Marvin
Doreen Frankel &
Jake Hurwitz
Kathy & Howard Zack
Gail Bender-Satz
Zelda Rae Walder
Jim Bomberg
60th Birthday
Robin & Bryan Landy
Jane & Steve Benowitz
Birth of Grandson
Evie & Alan Ingber
Laurie & Neil Bornstein
Daughter, Jackie’s Marriage
Renee & Mike Selnick
Pearl & Dan Berdass
45th Wedding Anniversary
Carole Davidson
Lisa & Igor Furman
Bernice Heiligman
Mildred Ingber
Joy Bratter
Judie Goldetsky
Simie & Al Kaye
Scott Stein
Allison & Joshua Berdass
Birth of Daughter, Ruthie
Natalie & Drew Zamansky
Margo Berdass
Birth of Great-Granddaughter
Donamae Koppelman
Brian Berger
Special Birthday
Betsy & Eduard Michel
Toby Berman
Special Birthday
Diane & Marvin Ingber
Darrell Besikof
Promotion To Partner
Diane & Marvin Ingber
Bonnie Beugen
New Home
Sharon & Michael
Sophie Beugen
100th Birthday
Mara & Troy Beugen
Dina & Larry Biel
Carol & Ned Kantar
Helena Bigos
90th Birthday
Shirley Haskovitz
Linda & Ron Mash
Tammy Schwartz
Barbara & Sandy Birnbaum
Special Wedding Anniversary
Diane & Marvin Ingber
Sura-Fraida & Arnie Blatt
Ryan Gross’ Bar Mitzvah
Elaine & Charles Abramson
Bette Ann &
Richard Bloom
Wedding Anniversary
Millie & Howard Segal
Neil Bloom
Gail Finney
Carlyn & Paul Blum
50th Wedding Anniversary
Marilyn Marker &
Bud Shapiro
Debbie & Jim Bomberg
Birth of Grandson
Robin & Nolan Segal
Leo Breitman
90th Birthday
Anne Dachis
Burton Brenner
Charlotte & Richard Berman
Nancy Calvin
Betsy & Chip’s Marriage
Daniel & Abby’s Marriage
Rita Nathanson
Julia Carpenter
New Job at Adath
Joanne Savitt
Maxine Carson
70th Birthday
Gail Finney
Barbara Charande
Special Birthday
Gloria Jaffe
Harvey Chargo
Special Birthday
Gayle Lightowler
Sally & Eric Bressler
Birth of Granddaughter
Judy & Andy Halper
Marcia & Mark Cherniack
Birth of Hannah
Lisa & Rabbi
Stephen Pinsky
Camille Brimmer
Bat Mitzvah
Elaine & Gary Dachis
Isabel Chernoff
Judy & Barry Alpert
Jaye Snyder & Ken Brimmer
Daughter, Camille’s
Bat Mitzvah
Judy & Michael Emmons
Judy & Andy Halper
Cathy Christensen
Special Birthday
Diane & Marvin Ingber
Myrle Brod
100th Birthday
Fremajane & Blair Wolfson
Cindy & Donald Brown
Birth of Granddaughter,
Kerry & Scott Bader
Linda & Miles Braufman
Marlene & Thomas Moscoe
Naomi Heller &
Shawn Bulgatz
Pennie Shapiro Family
Bill Burg
Special Birthday
Fremajane & Blair Wolfson
Harriette & Fred Burstein
New Home
Karen & Morris Davidman
Sharon & Marvin Resnick
Harriette & Fred Burstein
55th Wedding Anniversary
Karen & Irving Katz
Marilyn & Martin Weisberg
Harriette & Fred Burstein
Granddaughter, Gabi’s
Bat Mitzvah
Karen & Morris Davidman
Lois & Marty Kozberg
Conrad Butwinick
In His Honor
Susan & Robert Diamond
Chelle & Marvin Stillman
Audra Keller &
Frank Clayman
Violet’s Bat Mitzvah
Karen & Morris Davidman
Janet & Dave Cleary
Barbara & Lee Bearmon
Diane & Richard Cohen
Birth of Granddaughter, Rose
Linda & Miles Braufman
Jane & David Broude
Elaine & Gary Dachis
Karen & Morris Davidman
Diane & Marvin Ingber
Linda & Tom Sklar
Diane & Richard Cohen
Granddaughter, Halle’s
Bat Mitzvah
Marcia & Mark Cherniack
Elaine & Gary Dachis
Karen & Morris Davidman
Carol & Mark Epstein
Diane & Marvin Ingber
Mitzi & Terry Kane
Carole & Marty Kaplan
Linda & Jeff Noddle
Barbara & Phil Schneider
Dina & Matt Cohen
Halle’s Bat Mitzvah
Suzanne & Everett
Fredell & Joe Cohen
In Their Honor
Debra & Paul Greenblatt
Halle Cohen
Bat Mitzvah
Heidi & Howard Gilbert
Marilyn & Larry Cohen
A Happy & Healthy New Year
Audrey & Alvin Kaufman
Nita Cohen
75th Birthday
Karen & Morris Davidman
Paula Cohen
In Her Honor
Amy, David, Jeff, &
Grant Cohen
Terry & Harry Cohen
50th Wedding Anniversary
Miriam & Robert Kleinbaum
Eileen & Harold Scherling
Perry Cohn
Special Birthday
Tracy & Gary Friedell
Millie & Howard Segal
Char Cohodes
Jason’s New Position at
Shir Tikvah
Judy & Andy Halper
Eileen & Loren Colman
Birth of Grandson
Cindi & Harold Goldfine
Jeff Connell
Engagement to
Wendy Metchnek
Cheryl & David Goldenberg
James Cooperman
Special Birthday
Marilyn Marker &
Bud Shapiro
Toni & Ron Dachis
Birth of Granddaughter,
Judy & Andy Halper
Kathy & Howard Zack
Judith Daniels
Special Birthday
Abbie Miller
Harold Roitenberg
Sheila & Stuart Dansinger
50th Wedding Anniversary
Judie & Stephen Elston
Billy Davids
90th Birthday
Barbara & Phil Schneider
Peggy & Billy Cohn
Ida Davis
Barbara & Lee Bearmon
Lois Devitt
Special Birthday
Tudie Ross
Lois & Sherman Devitt
65th Wedding Anniversary
Lorraine & Sidney
Eva & Sheldon Kieffer
Susie & Bob Diamond
In Their Honor
Rivi & Michael Galinson
Ann Dickstein
95th Birthday
Beverly & Stanley Davis
Ann Covin
Diane & Allen Kuperman
Rita & Harold Divine
A Happy & Healthy New Year
Audrey & Alvin Kaufman
Neil Covin
70th Birthday
Lisa & Glenn Aronauer
Avis & Robert Held
Diane & Allen Kuperman
Sandy & Jason Sondell
Jill & Stephen Wolpert
Carol Dobrin
Special Birthday
Eileen & Jim Mitson
Suzanne & Everett
Rita Covin
Special Birthday
Diane & Marvin Ingber
Elaine Dachis
70th Birthday
Marcia & Mark Cherniack
Toni & Ron Dachis
Diane & Marvin Ingber
Susan & Richard Proman
Barbara & David Rosenberg
Linda & Tom Sklar
Chelle & Marvin Stillman
Elaine & Gary Dachis
Special Birthdays &
Wedding Anniversary
Mindy Isaacs
Toni S. Dachis
Elaine & Gary Dachis
Rima & Mike Dvorkin
Wedding Anniversary
Connie & Peter Frank
Judy & Ross Dworsky
50th Wedding Anniversary
Gayle Lightowler
Rollye & Chuck Rinkey
Ross Dworsky
80th Birthday
Gayle Lightowler
Margie Earhart
25 Years at JFCS
Jerry Waldman
Michael Earhart
New Job
Mari Forbush
Margie Edwards
Special Birthday
Renee & Jim Gainsley
Lois Goodman
Esta Miller
directions • Fall 2015 17
Helen Ehrlich
Special Birthday
Eva & Sheldon Kieffer
Ashley & Ethan Fieldman
A Happy & Healthy New Year
Audrey & Alvin Kaufman
Bruce Frank
Barbara & Neal Frank
Rosalind & Loren Geller
Grandson Ari’s Bar Mitzvah
Linda & Miles Braufman
James Ehrlich
Rabbi & Mrs. Sim Glaser
Barbara Fieldman
A Happy & Healthy New Year
Audrey & Alvin Kaufman
Neal Frank
Bruce Frank
Eileen Strauss
Birth of Granddaughter
Bess & Samuel Harris
Linda & Les Fieldman
Wedding Anniversary
Ardis & Thomas Wexler
Peter Frank
65th Birthday
Mildred Ingber
Karen Gershman
Special Birthday
Carolyn & David Aberman
Stuart Bader
Flo Engel
Charlotte & Richard Berman
Sharon Fieldman
A Happy & Healthy New Year
Audrey & Alvin Kaufman
Sari & Harry Engel
45th Wedding Anniversary
Julie & Steven Friedman
Harolyn & Steven Rudoy
Marianne & Marc Filister
Sandy & Allen Harris
Dana Rubin
Sandy & Jason Sondell
Sara & Dan Frank
Birth of Daughter, Eva
Marsha Liss
Nancy Liss
Sophie Frank
High School Graduation
Delores Kelber
Bruce Fink
Special Birthday
Gail & Bill Ribnick
Nancy & Stuart Friedell
New Home
Lorraine & Sidney
Norman Engman
Special Birthday
Rosalie & Dean Rosoff
Amy & Jack Fiterman
Sam’s Bar Mitzvah
Allison & Tony Rubin
Paul Friedman
In His Honor
Marjorie & Don Frishberg
Bob Ezrilov
70th Birthday
Linda & Miles Braufman
Barbara & Tom Carlstrom
Diane & Richard Cohen
Elaine & Gary Dachis
Judy & Michael Emmons
Carole & Marty Kaplan
Helen & Jon Liss
Susan & Richard Proman
Barbara & Phil Schneider
Linda & Tom Sklar
Linda & Mike Fiterman
45th Wedding Anniversary
Linda & Paul Benenson
Carole Davidson
Sharon & William Garber
Cindi & Harold Goldfine
Mildred Ingber
Jill & Jeff Rabinovitz
Sharon & Allen Friedman
Beverly & Marvin Aaron
Edward Engle
Special Birthday
Linda & Miles Braufman
Eileen & Loren Colman
Max Fallek
Special Birthday
Paula & Robert Maisel
Millie & Howard Segal
Ravi Farber
Bar Mitzvah
Anna Simon
Ruthie & Jim Feinstein
15th Wedding Anniversary
Carole Davidson
Lisa & Charles Feldbaum
Birth of Grandson, Wyatt
Jim Tankenoff
Al Feldman
90th Birthday
Adrienne & Morton Bank
Diane & Marvin Ingber
Mitzi & Terry Kane
Robin & Bryan Landy
Marilyn Marker &
Bud Shapiro
Bedonna Fiedler
Birth of Granddaughter
Cathy & Jeff Molever
Alyson & Matthew
A Happy & Healthy New Year
Audrey & Alvin Kaufman
Linda & Mike Fiterman
Grandson, Josh’s Bar Mitzvah
Kathy & Howard Zack
Linda & Mike Fiterman
Grandson, Sam’s Bar Mitzvah
Judy & Jon Harris
Kathy & Howard Zack
Mike Fiterman
Barbara Stillman
Samuel Fiterman
Bar Mitzvah
Heidi & Howard Gilbert
Carole & Harold Fogel
Ariella Fogel’s Bat Mitzvah
Linda & Miles Braufman
Linda & Miles Braufman
Carol & Glen Fuerstneau
Birth of Grandson, Cooper
Gloria Murman
Joanne & Douglas Savitt
Willie Funk
Bar Mitzvah
Lev Productions, LLC
Michael Galinson
Special Birthday
Mary & Bob Mersky
Rivi Galinson
70th Birthday
Diane & Richard Cohen
Carole & Marty Kaplan
Mary & Bob Mersky
Linda & Tom Sklar
Ron Garber
Arthur T. Pfefer
Memorial Award
Cheryl & Jack Perecman
Mari Forbush
Jean & Bruce Bakke
Lorraine & Sherman Garon
Wedding Anniversary
Barbara & Lee Bearmon
Linda & Paul Benenson
Sally & Sheldon Masnek
Mari Forbush
20 Years at JFCS
Barbie Levine &
Sara Lynn Newberger
Phyllis & Phil Garon
45th Wedding Anniversary
Cindi & Harold Goldfine
Deborah & Gary Kohler
Mari Forbush
Rafi & Gemma’s Engagement
Margie & Michael Earhart
Marcia Cohodes &
David Goldsteen
Pennie Shapiro
Jaclyn Grossfield &
Asher Gavzy
Todd Sandler
Ari Geller
Bar Mitzvah
Mimi Winger &
Howard Shapiro
18 Jewish Family and Children’s Service of Minneapolis
Suzie Singer &
Sim Gesundheit
Bradley & Puja’s Marriage
Joanne & Douglas Savitt
Roni & Alan Gingold
Dani’s Engagement
Jane & Jonathan Gordon
Roni & Alan Gingold
Dani & Robert’s Marriage
Linda & Miles Braufman
Randi & Barry Wolfish
Ellen & Scott Glatstein
Lauren & Michael’s
Robin & Henry Stein
Gail & Seymour Glatzer
Grandson, Myles’ Bar Mitzvah
Karen & Morris Davidman
Michael Gleeman
75th Birthday
Eileen & James Gantman
Debbie & Mark Glotter
Michael & Neely’s Engagement
Cindy & Doug Kanter
Joel Glotter
90th Birthday
Rosann Kahner
Eva & Sheldon Kieffer
Michael Gold
60th Birthday
Toni & Ron Dachis
Pamela & Tom Meyers
Lois Goldberg
Special Birthday
Kerry & Scott Bader
Gloria Jaffe
Roz & David Schwartzman
Alan Goldbloom
Diane & Louis Goldenberg
Lynn Goldbloom
65th Birthday
Marion & Steven Kahn
Robin & Nolan Segal
Nancy & Marshall Golden
Birth of Granddaughter, Poppy
Janet & Darryl Flam
Cindi & Harold Goldfine
Lisa & Rabbi
Stephen Pinsky
Beth & Scott Puchtel
Diane Goldenberg
Special Birthday
Diane & Marvin Ingber
Judy Goldenberg
Mother’s Day
Rhonda Stein & Stuart
Ruth Goldenberg
Bat Mitzvah
Dana & Jeff Prottas
Stuart Goldenberg
Jennifer & Richard Ezrilov
Susan Goldenberg
Special Birthday
Roz & David Schwartzman
Fremajane & Blair Wolfson
Bobbie Goldfarb
25 Years at JFCS
Bette Globus Goodman
Cindi & Harold Goldfine
45th Wedding Anniversary
Carole Davidson
Renee & Mike Selnick
Aaron Goldstein
Entrepreneur Achievement
Ardis & Thomas Wexler
Nancy Goldstein
Bruce Frank
Susie Gotz
Special Birthday
Gloria Jaffe
Jeff Gray
50th Birthday
Ruth Hollischer
Scott Gray
50th Birthday
Ruth Hollischer
Amy & Brad Kanter
Barbara Rubin-Greenberg
& Barry Greenberg
Granddaughter, Jaime’s
Bat Mitzvah
Cathy Bratter
Cindy & Alan Greenberg
Zach’s Engagement
Bette & Louis Kotlarz
Marilyn Greenberg
Special Birthday
Abbie Miller
Harold Roitenberg
Betty & Jerry Greenstein
55th Wedding Anniversary
Karen & Irving Katz
Nancy & Rick Grobovsky
Birth of Granddaughter, Ella
Linda & Paul Benenson
& Family
Jim Tankenoff
Arlene & Phillip Grodnick
Noah & Pamela’s Marriage
Judy & Michael Emmons
Joanie Levinsohn
Arlis Grossman
Special Birthday
Diane & Allen Kuperman
Marilyn & Stan Rakieten
Avital Harris
Bat Mitzvah
Stacy & Clifford Levy
Dana & Jeff Prottas
Diane Ingber
70th Birthday
Loni & Darrell Ansel
Judy Graceman
Bruce Kane
Special Birthday
Marilyn & Tim Broms
Jennifer & Rob Schwartz
Gary Grossman
80th Birthday
Judy Dodd & Don Belzer
Barbara & Zola Friedman
Molly Grossman
Joanie Levinsohn
Sue & Chuck Muscoplat
Betty & Irving Schloner
Marge & Lloyd Sussman
Bob Hartman
Special Birthday
Stuart Bader
Diane & Irwin Ingber
Brad & Rachel’s Marriage
Sherri & Larry Feuer
Michael Hartman
Engagement to
Rabbi Jennifer Gertman
The Molever Family
Diane & Marvin Ingber
Grandson, Jackson’s
Bar Mitzvah
Marcia & Mark Cherniack
Elaine & Gary Dachis
Judy & Michael Emmons
Linda & Tom Sklar
Mitzi & Terry Kane
Grandson, Rob’s Graduation
Hallie & Barry Bershow
Judy & Michael Emmons
Tom Grossman
Special Birthday
Jim Tankenoff
Joanne & Bruce Gruen
Lindsay & Brett’s Wedding
Sherri & Larry Feuer
Joanne & Bruce Gruen
Andrew Receiving His
Doctorate Degree
Randi & Barry Wolfish
David Gumenick
Birth of Granddaughter, Lily
Harriet & Arthur Wiss
McKenzie Mae Gurewitz
Noreen & Bernie Milstein
Jane & Norman Gurstel
30th Wedding Anniversary
Rita & Larry Covin
Elaine Hallfin
75th Birthday
Arlene & Sidney Harris
Joan Hallock
Special Birthday
Eileen & Jim Mitson
Judy Halper
Lynn & Alan Goldbloom
Judy & Andy Halper
Mollie & Danny’s Marriage
Kerry & Scott Bader
Marilyn & Tim Broms
Margie & Michael Earhart
Sherri & Larry Feuer
Barbara & Neal Frank
Debbie Charan &
Roy Ginsburg
Debra Orbuch Grayson &
Scott Grayson
Lori & Dan Leavitt
Jill Ann Marks
Ruth Paley
Dana Rubin
Nancy & Steve Schachtman
Cindy & Joel Shapiro
Mary Jane & Skip Shapiro
& Family
Judi Belzer & Jerry Waldman
Kathy & Howard Zack
Arlene Harris
Special Birthday
Loni & Darrell Ansel
Shirley Haskovitz
Marlene Rutman
Shirley Haskovitz
Birth of Great-Grandson,
Beverly Dolinsky
Elaine Hauptman
Special Birthday
Barbara & Lee Bearmon
Elissa Heilicher
In Her Honor
Cindi & Harold Goldfine
Chick Held
A Happy & Healthy New Year
Audrey & Alvin Kaufman
Nancy & Jack Held
Grandsons’ Graduations
Donna Krietzman
Shirley Held
85th Birthday
Avis & Robert Held
Shirley Held
Daniel & Abby’s Marriage
Rita Nathanson
Barb & Phillip Herman
Wedding Anniversary
Sandy & Brian Salita
Miki Herman
70th Birthday
Ricki Roberts
Florence Herstein
Special Birthday
Shirley Baratz
Anne & Merle Hillman
Yoni Hillman’s Engagement
Anne-Monique &
Ed Rapoport
Carly & Matt Hodes
Birth of Daughter, Reese
Robert Dachis
Diane Hoffman
In Her Honor
Sharon & Marvin Resnick
Heather & Ron Hoffman
Samantha’s Bat Mitzvah
Roberta & Fred Kravitz
Mildred Ingber
Birth of Great-Granddaughter
& Great-Grandson’s
Bar Mitzvah
Bess & Samuel Harris
Robyn & Marc Ingber
Birth of Son, Maxwell
Mari Forbush
Robin & Nolan Segal
Herbert Isbin
Special Birthday
Cindy & Donald Brown
Carrie & Ralph Jacobson
Evan & Lisa’s Marriage
Evie & Alan Ingber
Cheryl & Jack Perecman
Shirley Jaffe
95th Birthday
Shirley Baratz
Audrey & Alvin Kaufman
Marilyn Swatez &
Helen Swatez
Carrie Fink &
Reid Johnson
Birth of Son
Lorraine & Sidney
Betty & Peter Jonas
60th Wedding Anniversary
Bette & Louis Kotlarz
Marilyn & Stan Rakieten
Sara Grimaldi &
David Jurisz
Birth of Son, Sol
Sandy & Jason Sondell
Jeanne & Stan Kagin
Alex and Masha’s Marriage
Dr. Kenneth &
Shelley Zucker
Sue Kane
Mother’s Day
Mitzi & Terry Kane
Mollie Halper &
Daniel Kanter
Claudia Kanter
Mitzvah Card Tributes
Sandie & Mark Kaster
Birth of Grandchild
Debbie Donaldson
Karen & Irving Katz
Grandson’s College Graduation
Rosalie & Dean Rosoff
Craig Kaufman
A Happy & Healthy New Year
Audrey & Alvin Kaufman
David Kaufman
A Happy & Healthy New Year
Audrey & Alvin Kaufman
Cindy & Doug Kanter
Special Wedding Anniversary
Jim Tankenoff
Grant Kaufman
Shelley Segal
Cindy & Doug Kanter
Mollie & Danny’s Marriage
Sherri & Larry Feuer
Dana Rubin
Nancy & Steve Schachtman
Kathy & Howard Zack
Jenny & Justin Kaufman
A Happy & Healthy New Year
Audrey & Alvin Kaufman
Carole Kaplan
Mother’s Day
Addie & Brad Kaplan
Carole & Marty Kaplan
Special Wedding Anniversary
Vivian & Bob Ezrilov
Harvey Kaplan
Charlotte & Richard Berman
Marty Kaplan
Budd Appleton, M.D. Award
for Service to Opthamology
Myrna & Gary Bell
Judi Belzer & Jerry Waldman
Marty Kaplan
75th Birthday
Vivian & Bob Ezrilov
Idy & Allan Garvis
Diane & Neil Hoffman
Diane Kaplan-Berk
Sandy & Howard Marker
Steve Shamblott
Linda & Tom Sklar
Liba & Tom Stillman
Estelle Weiss
Rivia Kaplan
Marlene Rutman
Marion Kahn
65th Birthday
Diane & Allen Kuperman
Roz & Fred Kaplan
45th Wedding Anniversary
Joanne & Douglas Savitt
Jeremy Kalin
40th Birthday
Patti & Melvin Frisch
Jenny Javitch
David Spohn
Suzanne Kaplan
Special Birthday
Diane & Marvin Ingber
Marilyn Marker &
Bud Shapiro
Gita Karasov
In Her Honor
Shayne Brody Karasov
Kimberly Kaufman
A Happy & Healthy New Year
Audrey & Alvin Kaufman
Madeleine &
Stephen Kaufman
A Happy & Healthy New Year
Audrey & Alvin Kaufman
Pam & Ronald Kaufman
A Happy & Healthy New Year
Audrey & Alvin Kaufman
Rose Kay
90th Birthday
Shirley Baratz
Audra Keller
Violet’s Bat Mitzvah
Fran & Marvin Burstein
Ashley & Josh Kelner
Annette & Vic Sandler
Rita Kelner
Amazing Work for
Caregiver Conference
Annette Sandler
Rita & Ron Kelner
Ashley & Josh’s Marriage
Evie & Alan Ingber
Gail Kenton
60th Birthday
Barbara & Zola Friedman
Bette & Louis Kotlarz
Joanie Kerns
Ricki & Conrad Butwinick
Jan & Steven Keswin
50th Wedding Anniversary
Harolyn & Steven Rudoy
Arlen Kitsis
Special Birthday
Marilyn Marker &
Bud Shapiro
directions • Fall 2015 19
Lorraine Klane
Special Birthday
Ruth & Leon Frankel
Ruth & Irv Schloff
Rita & Harvey Soltan
Mimi Klane
Special Birthday
Judy & Andy Halper
Crickie Klegon
Special Birthday
Joanne & Douglas Savitt
Charlotte Klein
Special Birthday
Riva Gruenberg
Shirley & Sam Kleinman
Birth of Great-Grandson
Darlene & Nathan Schwartz
Roz Kloner
70th Birthday
Ann & Neil Covin
Manny Kohen
85th Birthday
Joyce & Mike Shapiro
Deborah & Gary Kohler
Wedding Anniversary
Norma Topp
Eileen Kopman
65th Birthday
Marilyn & Richard Chern
Sharon Korsh
Special Birthday
Diane & Marvin Ingber
Bette & Louis Kotlarz
60th Wedding Anniversary
Margie & Michael Marks
Renee & Mike Selnick
Marilyn & Marvin Sternberg
Lois Kozberg
Special Birthday
Marian & Osher Altrowitz
Carol Bensman
Marjorie & Don Frishberg
Nettie & Ben Kramer
A Happy & Healthy New Year
Audrey & Alvin Kaufman
Margie & Steve Krause
40th Wedding Anniversary
Kerry & Scott Bader
Margie & Steve Krause
Birth of Grandson, Hank
Kathy & Howard Zack
Mathew Krelitz
Bar Mitzvah
Amy Shapiro
Donna Krietzman
Special Birthday
Elaine Simon & Don Rudin
Marlene Rutman
Susan Chalfen & Dan Silvers
Raleigh Kuller
Grandchild’s Wedding
Marilyn Marker &
Bud Shapiro
Elise Kunik
High School Graduation
Susanna & Tim Lodge
Illan Kunik
High School Graduation
Susanna & Tim Lodge
Nathan Kunik
High School Graduation
Susanna & Tim Lodge
Sophie Kunik
High School Graduation
Susanna & Tim Lodge
Paul Kunin
Special Birthday
Adrienne & Morton Bank
Linda & Miles Braufman
Gloria Jaffe
Elaine & Leon Lerner
Lois Liss
Marsha Liss
Nancy Liss
Linda & Tom Sklar
Sharon & Jerry Trestman
Sandra & Bob Wallack
Randee & Sam Wolfson
Allen Kuperman
Ann & Neil Covin
Diane Kuperman
Ann & Neil Covin
Diane & Allen Kuperman
Wedding Anniversary
Ann & Neil Covin
Elaine & Howard Kuretsky
55th Wedding Anniversary
Paula & Arvin Cohen
Diane & Marvin Ingber
Mitzi & Terry Kane
Linda & Tom Sklar
Jan & Bill Kuretsky
Amy & Tony’s Engagement
Joanne & Douglas Savitt
Sharlene & Sidney Ladin
65th Wedding Anniversary
Lorraine & Sidney
Adrienne & Morton Bank
Peggy & Billy Cohn
Lenore & Al Feldman
Barbara & Ronald Harris
Eva & Sheldon Kieffer
Roz & David Schwartzman
Sandra & Bob Wallack
Nessa Lee Laiderman
Special Birthday
Pennie Shapiro
Bryan Landy
Birth of Grandson
Linda & Paul Benenson
Robin & Bryan Landy
Birth of Grandson, Ethan
Debra Orbuch Grayson &
Scott Grayson
Karen & David Katz
Ronna & Jay Landy
New Home
Ann Hunegs
Jerry Lapides
In His Honor
Nancy Calvin
Mr. & Mrs. Sheldon Larry
50th Wedding Anniversary
Harriet & Arthur Wiss
Edith Lava
Idy & Allan Garvis
Reva Lear
Special Birthday
Anne Dachis
Barbara Fishman
Marjorie & Don Frishberg
Renee & Jim Gainsley
Riva Gruenberg
Eileen & Harold Scherling
Joyce & Mike Shapiro
Steve Lear
Sabes JCC’s Community
Innovator of Year Award
Kristi Bader & Gary Swartz
Lynne Lee
Special Birthday
Joanne & Douglas Savitt
Joyce Levenson
Special Birthday
Beverly & Stanley Davis
Riva Gruenberg
Beverly Simon
Carly & Drew Levin
Jay Applebaum
Delores & Corky Levin
50th Wedding Anniversary
Susan & Robert Diamond
Fremajane & Blair Wolfson
Jeanne & Albert Levin
65th Wedding Anniversary
Deborah Cook
Marjorie & Don Frishberg
Myra & Roger Greenberg
Simie & Al Kaye
Sue & Martin Ring
Jeanne & Albert Levin
Carly & Drew’s Marriage
Lorraine & Sidney
Rose & Jules Levin
Granddaughter’s Marriage
Shelly & Howard Reichert
Bob Levine
65th Birthday
Diane & Allen Kuperman
Robin & Nolan Segal
20 Jewish Family and Children’s Service of Minneapolis
Helen Levine
95th Birthday
Bernice Heiligman
Mildred Ingber
Recie Lovich
Special Birthday
June Berg
Randi Levine
Etai & Anna’s B’nai Mitzvah
Ricki Roberts
Arielle Kaufman &
Ohad Ludormersky
A Happy & Healthy New Year
Audrey & Alvin Kaufman
Bonnie & Sheldon Levitt
New Home
Ann Hunegs
Irit & Achi Ludomersky
A Happy & Healthy New Year
Audrey & Alvin Kaufman
David Levy
Special Birthday
Susan & Robert Diamond
Margaret Lund
JFCS Star Performer Award
Mari Forbush
Roz & Arnie Libanoff
60th Wedding Anniversary
Harolyn & Steven Rudoy
Margaret Macneale
Special Birthday
Mari Forbush
Sheila & Stephen
55th Wedding Anniversary
Fremajane & Blair Wolfson
Rhoda & Donald Mains
60th Wedding Anniversary
Marjorie & Don Frishberg
Margie Lifson
75th Birthday
Arlene & Sidney Harris
Gayle Lightowler
Granddaughter’s Bat Mitzvah
Loni & Darrell Ansel
Molly Grossman
Harriet & Stan Phillips
Dorothy Lipschultz
Special Birthday
Fremajane & Blair Wolfson
Laura & Martin Lipshutz
Birth of Granddaughter, Lucy
Judy & Andy Halper
Alaine & Howard Wilensky
Helen & Jon Liss
Birth of Granddaughter,
Cindi & Harold Goldfine
Rollye & Chuck Rinkey
Jon Liss
70th Birthday
Vivian & Bob Ezrilov
Roberta & Howard Liszt
New Home
Susan & Robert Diamond
Roberta & Howard Liszt
Birth of Granddaughter,
Diane & Marvin Ingber
Ellen & Earl Reinhardt
Amy & Lenny Lome
Peyton’s Bat Mitzvah
Linda & Miles Braufman
Diane & Marvin Ingber
Vicki & Howard Londer
Birth of Granddaughter, Lilah
Alaine & Howard Wilensky
Erving London
Receiving Dr. of Nursing
Practice Degree
Eileen & Michael Kopman
Jennifer Malakoff
Special Birthday
Diane & Marvin Ingber
Stanley Malmon
Great-Granddaughter, Ella
Jim Tankenoff
Peggy & Joel Mandel
Margo’s Bat Mitzvah
Marilyn Marker &
Bud Shapiro
Gary Mann
70th Birthday
Roz & Fred Kaplan
Mina Manville
30th Anniversary at JFCS
Mari Forbush
Trudii & Merle Mark
New Home
Sheree Goldblatt
Margie Marks
60th Birthday
Susan & Doug Greenberg &
Rose Gilman
Jan & David House
Sandra & Jerry Johnson
Helen & Sheldon Resig
Bonnie Shapiro
Marlene & Tom
Susan & Brad Melnick
Birth of Haley Rebecca
Craig & Aviva Alpert
Judy & Barry Alpert
Alan Davidson
Sandy & Jason Sondell
Gail & Neil Meyer
Josh & Andrew’s Engagement
Marcia Cohodes &
David Goldsteen
Jan Meyers
Our Friendship
Marilyn Swatez
Joshua Miller
In His Honor
Heidi & Howard Gilbert
Sandie & Paul Palefski
Carol & Ned Kantar
Ricki Roberts &
Mark Simon
Linda & Tom Sklar
Marlene & Marshall Miller
Birth of Great-Grandchild
Lorraine & Sidney
Dorothy Papermaster
Special Birthday
Zelda Rae Walder
Jody & Fred Rappaport
Birth of Son, Jack
Annette & Vic Sandler
Gabrielle & David Parish
25th Wedding Anniversary
Colette Jaffe
Jon Rappaport
65th Birthday
Beth & Scott Puchtel
Ricki Roberts &
Mark Simon
Bernie Milstein
80th Birthday
Joyce & Mike Shapiro
Sam Milwit
75th Birthday
Charlotte & Richard Berman
Diane & Michael Mintz
40th Wedding Anniversary
Carole Davidson
Rollye & Chuck Rinkey
William Pentelovitch
Recognition of Sidney Barrows
Lifetime Commitment Award
Jim Tankenoff
Paula & Michael Pergament
50th Wedding Anniversary
Ann & Neil Covin
Louise & Bruce Moss
Special Wedding Anniversary
Mary & Bob Mersky
Linda Pinck
Granddaughter, Allison’s
Bat Mitzvah
Marlene Rutman
Anna & Alexander Mostov
Birth of Grandson,
William Young
Mari Forbush
Liz & Jack Pink
65th Wedding Anniversary
Sandra Friedman
Eva & Sheldon Kieffer
Gloria Murman
10 Years at JFCS
Diane & Howard Korsh
Myrna Pinto
Granddaughter, Peyton’s
Bat Mitzvah
Myrna & Gary Bell
Diane & Marvin Ingber
Gloria Murman
Birth of Granddaughter,
Cathy & Jeff Molever
Ruth Paley
Alaine Wilensky
Candice & Charles Nadler
Birth of Granddaughter, Eden
Judy & Andy Halper
Suzi Nathanson
Special Birthday
Abbie Miller
Harold Roitenberg
Burton Neff
90th Birthday
Sue & Martin Ring
Ev Nerenberg
Grandson’s Marriage
Delores Kelber
Leslie & Lex Nerenberg
Mark & Amanda’s Marriage
Linda & Paul Benenson
Mary Jane & Skip Shapiro
Les Novak
Sol’s Bar Mitzvah
Mary & Bob Mersky
Mickey Orren
Marjorie & Don Frishberg
Pam & James Ottenstein
Birth of Kaden Elijah
Robin & Henry Stein
Alaine & Howard Wilensky
Barbara Reder
Barbara & Lee Bearmon
Lynne Redleaf
50th Birthday
Cindi & Harold Goldfine
Judy Halper
Dana Rubin
Cindy Reich
Receiving Ph.D.
Mari Forbush
Shelly Reichert
Mother’s Day
Adrienne & Morton Bank
Ellen & Earl Reinhardt
Adam & Tanya’s Engagement
Cindy & Doug Kanter
Harriett & Harvey Rochlin
55th Wedding Anniversary
Barbara & Lee Bearmon
Rita & Larry Covin
Judy Graceman
Simie & Al Kaye
Carol & Sheldon Segal
Harriett & Harvey Rochlin
Grandson, Ethan’s
Bar Mitzvah
Simie & Al Kaye
Mr. & Mrs. Mac Rosen
In Their Honor
Sharon & Marvin Resnick
Barbara Rosenberg
70th Birthday
Linda & Miles Braufman
Diane & Richard Cohen
Carole & Marty Kaplan
Susan & Richard Proman
Barbara & Phil Schneider
Linda & Tom Sklar
Lesli Rosenberg
In Her Honor
Nadia Donchenko
Janine Laird
Aaron Parach
Irv Rosenberg
Kim & John Pistner
New Home
Nancy Calvin
Audrey Resig
Special Birthday
Helen & Sheldon, Jon &
Bridget, Lynn & Pat Resig
Justin Rosenblatt
100th Birthday
Diane & Louis Goldenberg
Diane & Marvin Ingber
Cynthia Rosenblatt Ross &
Hart Rosenblatt
Solomon Polansky
High School Graduation
Wendy & Howard Bach
Helen Resig
Special Birthday
Margie & Michael Marks
Joseph Rubenstein
Jan Frisch
Doug Polinsky
Shirley & Larry Zipkin
Helen & Sheldon Resig
Wedding Anniversary
Margie & Michael Marks
Roslyn Rubenstein
Special Birthday
Lois Liss
Burt Politz
85th Birthday
Lois Liss
Debbie Krovitz & Rick Rice
Birth of Grandson, Sam
Tammy & Carl Birnberg
Allison & Tony Rubin
Special Wedding Anniversary
Linda & Miles Braufman
Andrea & Robb Potashnick
Birth of Son, Ari
Marsha Liss
Nancy Liss
Etta Rikess
90th Birthday
Lois & Sheldon Epstein
Beth & Scott Puchtel
Dana Rubin
In Her Honor
Micki & Mort Naiman
Shane Povitz
Bar Mitzvah
Eileen & Jim Mitson
Sue & Martin Ring
Birth of Great-Grandson
Lorraine & Sidney
Howard Rubin
60th Birthday
Heather & Kevin Besikof
Les Novak
Harriet Swatez
Sue & Martin Ring
A Happy Chanukah
Lisa & Bruce Peilen
Dr. Jack Rubin
90th Birthday
Sybil Rubin
Rollye Rinkey
65th Birthday
Marilyn & Richard Chern
Bernice Heiligman
Mildred Ingber
Sherri & Gordy Rutman
Birth of Grandson, Max
Linda & Paul Benenson
Beverly & Howard Radin
Birth of Grandson, Tyler
Jan Saffron-Johnson &
Tom Johnson
Sam Rafowitz
Special Birthday
Gail & Steve Machov
James Rapoport
Diane & Allen Kuperman
Diane & Jon Rappaport
Birth of Grandson, Jack
Kerry & Scott Bader
Judy & Andy Halper
Cari & Travis Robe
Birth of Son, Logan
David A. Sussman
Jeri & Adeel Saad
Jaclyn & Greg’s Marriage
Cheryl & Jack Perecman
Fran & Al Sachs
In Their Honor
Anita & Marvin Greenstein
Mitzvah Card Tributes
Jackie & Harold Sadoff
50th Wedding Anniversary
Margie & Michael Marks
Eileen & Harold Scherling
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Sadoff
In Their Honor
Barbara & Lee Bearmon
Mike Salloway
90th Birthday
Gertrude & Henry Goldstein
Judy & Andy Halper
Ruth Hollischer
Esta Miller
Harriet Samors
A Happy & Healthy New Year
Audrey & Alvin Kaufman
Sheva & Tom Sanders
Ben & Saagit’s Engagement
Deborah & Gary Kohler
Amy Sandler
25th Birthday
Joanne & Douglas Savitt
Danielle & Jay Sandler
5th Wedding Anniversary
Joanne & Douglas Savitt
Arnold Savitt
90th Birthday
Alvin Apple
Elaine German
Joanne & Douglas Savitt
Douglas Savitt
70th Birthday
Judy Dodd & Donnie
Roz & Fred Kaplan
Cathy & Jeff Molever
Rollye & Chuck Rinkey
Harolyn & Steven Rudoy
Joanne Savitt
10 Years of Service to JFCS
Cathy & Jeff Molever
Joanne Savitt
Joey & Jerry Laurie
Gloria Murman
Ruth & Nathan Paley
Joanne & Douglas Savitt
40th Wedding Anniversary
Jan & Bill Kuretsky
Joey & Jerry Laurie
Cathy & Jeff Molever
Joanne & Douglas Savitt
Birth of Grandson, Aiden
Lynne Lee
Idelle Schertzer
100th Birthday
Mildred Ingber
Theodore Schmid
Sarah & Ben Malakoff
directions • Fall 2015 21
Phil Schneider
75th Birthday
Peggy & Billy Cohn
Diane & Marvin Ingber
Anna Sandor &
Abram Shanedling
Graduation From Law School
Sandra & David Marrinson
Nancy Schoenberger
Special Birthday
Janice Levin
Janet & Stan Shanedling
Abram’s Law School
Sandra & David Marrinson
Nancy & Michael
Wedding Anniversary
Janice Levin
Judy & Steven Schumeister
Stacey & Danny’s Engagement
Pennie Shapiro
Nina & Earl Schwartz
Birth of Grandson, Huck
Annette & Vic Sandler
Ivan Schwartzman
In His Honor
Peggy & Billy Cohn
Sedley Family
Max’s Bar Mitzvah
Barbara & Zola Friedman
Millie Segal
Mardi & Mark Kunik
Susanna & Tim Lodge
Millie & Howard Segal
40th Wedding Anniversary
Augustina & Randy Kunik
Dana & Daryl Kunik
Mardi & Mark Kunik
Lisa Segal &
Arthur Strimling
Millie & Howard Segal
Grandchildrens’ High School
Susanna & Tim Lodge
Nolan Segal
65th Birthday
Ricki Roberts &
Mark Simon
Robin Segal
Diane & Allen Kuperman
Robin & Bryan Landy
Carol & Robert Mayeron
Diane & Michael Mintz
Loreen & Perry Silverman
Ricki Roberts &
Mark Simon
Stefanie & Marvin Segal
Friendship & Hospitality
Joanne Ferraro &
Bob Beugen
Lauren Segelbaum
50th Birthday
Joanie Levinsohn
Renee Selnick
65th Birthday
Cindi & Harold Goldfine
Cindy Shapiro
60th Birthday
Marilyn & Richard Chern
Melanie & Vic Greenstein
Rabbi Ron Shapiro
Mary Jane & Skip Shapiro
Cari & Jeff Shaw
35th Wedding Anniversary
Linda & Paul Benenson
Rabbi & Mrs. Rick Sherwin
Birth of Grandson
Delores Kelber
Harriet & Allan Shevin
90th Birthdays
Charlotte & Richard Berman
Lois Siegel
Special Birthday
Gloria Jaffe
Marshall Silberstein
Lois & Ron Butwin
Michael Silverman
75th Birthday
Elaine & Gary Dachis
Linda & Tom Sklar
David Silverstein
96th Birthday
Roz & Fred Kaplan
Karen Simon
55th Birthday
Simie & Al Kaye
Kristi Bader & Gary Swartz
Gordy Singer
90th Birthday
Linda & Paul Benenson
& Family
Betsy & Steve Sitkoff
35th Wedding Anniversary
Judy & Andy Halper
Amy Sklar
Special Birthday
Linda & Miles Braufman
Laura Smith
Special Birthday
Jody & Howard Sigal
Laurie & Thomas Smith
Birth of Grandson, Harrison
Lorraine & Sidney
Aileen & Miles Snyder
Special Wedding Anniversary
Elaine Lehman Berg &
Henry Berg
Marlene Spencer
60th Birthday
Jill & Les Korsh
Arlene & Hill Sweet
A Happy & Healthy New Year
Audrey & Alvin Kaufman
Judy Weinstine
Special Birthday
Diane & Marvin Ingber
Amie & Jon Spitz
Birth of Daughter, Lilah
Sheryl & Randy Rutzick
Betty Sweet
Birth of Great-Grandson,
Lorraine & Sidney
Robert Weinstine
Special Birthday
Diane & Marvin Ingber
Tilly Katzenberg &
Howard Stacker
Diane & Marvin Ingber
Alan Stein
Mother’s Birthday
Scott Stein
Joshua Stein
Passing Boards
Lois & Ron Butwin
Maxine & Benjamin
50th Wedding Anniversary
Marilyn Marker &
Bud Shapiro
Noah Stillman
Bar Mitzvah
Mimi Winger & Howard
Ruby Stillman
Bat Mitzvah
Mimi Winger &
Howard Shapiro
Eileen Strauss
Birth of Granddaughter,
Leah Jewel
Marilyn & Richard Chern
Liz & Richard Strimling
New Home
Marjorie & Don Frishberg
Marcy Strauss &
Wayne Stutzer
Special Birthdays
Dori & Herb Weisman
Michael Sudit
University of Minnesota
Alumni Service Award
Pennie Shapiro
Jeff Swartz
Traci Singher
Susie Swartz
Robert Swartz
Susie & Stuart Swartz
50th Wedding Anniversary
Swartz Family
Harriet Swatez
Grandson, Sam’s Bar Mitzvah
Bess & Samuel Harris
Kathy & Howard Zack
Helen Swatez
Mother’s Day
Harriet Swatez
22 Jewish Family and Children’s Service of Minneapolis
Missy & Robert Swiller
Brooke’s Bat Mitzvah
Ricki Roberts
Jim Tankenoff
Birth of Twin Grandsons, Nico
& Sebastion
Linda & Miles Braufman
Patti & Lee Engler
Nancy & Rick Grobovsky
Judy & Jon Harris
Cindy & Doug Kanter
Mary & Bob Mersky
Mayer Tapper
80th Birthday
Marian & Osher Altrowitz
Judie & Stephen Elston
Judy Karon
Nancy & James Proman
Millie & Howard Segal
Sara & John Strand
Sharon Tapper
Sharon Zweigbaum
Emma Nadler &
Christopher Thomson
Birth of Daughter, Eden
Judi Belzer & Jerry Waldman
Nancy Toberman
In Her Honor
Lorraine & Sidney
Jerry Trestman
85th Birthday
Adrienne & Morton Bank
Simie & Al Kaye
Eva & Sheldon Kieffer
Toodie & Frank Trestman
Special Wedding Anniversary
Adrienne & Morton Bank
Gloria Jaffe
Brina & Milton Krelitz
Roz & David Schwartzman
Cindy Uran
Birth of Granddaughter,
Margie Earhart
Judi Belzer &
Jerry Waldman
Grandson Max’s Bar Mitzvah
Sharon & David Gelperin
Judy & Andy Halper
Robert Warshawsky
Scott Stein
Beth & Jay Weinblatt
Wedding Anniversary
Esta Miller
Connie Weisberg
Special Birthday
Fremajane & Blair Wolfson
Marilyn & Martin Weisberg
Grandson, Jason’s Bar Mitzvah
Lois & Marty Kozberg
Trudy Weisberg
Special Birthday
Rose & Jules Levin
Dori & Herb Weisman
50th Wedding Anniversary
Arlene & Howard Kurs
Eileen & Jim Mitson
Ruth & Nathan Paley
Leo Weiss
90th Birthday
Arlene & Sidney Harris
Anna & Etai Wert
B’nai Mitzvah
Melissa & Daniel Segal
Deb Winkelman
15 Years at JFCS
Mari Forbush
Colleen Moore
Barbara Winthrop
Special Birthday
Marjorie & Don Frishberg
Esther Winthrop
Special Birthday
Karen & Irving Katz
Judy Witebsky
Amazing Work for
Caregiver Conference
Annette Sandler
Henry Wolfe
Charlotte & Richard Berman
Jon Wolpert
40th Birthday
Ann & Neil Covin
Elliot Wolson
75th Birthday
Linda & Miles Braufman
Yousha Family
Sarah’s Bat Mitzvah
Barbara & Zola Friedman
Kathy Zack
Special Birthday
Cindi & Harold Goldfine
Judy & Jon Harris
Kathy & Howard Zack
Ben & Caroline’s Marriage
Beth & Scott Puchtel
Kathy & Howard Zack
Son’s Wedding & Becoming
Rhonda Stein &
Stuart Goldenberg
Kathy & Howard Zack
Birth of Grandson, Levi
Wendy Fox & Jeff Barin
Marcia & Mark Cherniack
Cindi & Harold Goldfine
Judy & Andy Halper
Judy & Jon Harris
Doreen Frankel &
Jake Hurwitz
Beth & Scott Puchtel
Dana Rubin
Robin & Yefeth Zadaka
Birth of Grandchildren
Sheree Goldblatt
Rose Zamansky
Marlene & Jack Spencer
Melanie Barry
Eileen Scherling
Melanie & Chuck Barry
Linda & Miles Braufman
Margie & Stuart Cohen
Susan & Norton Gray
Diane & Neil Hoffman
Marta & Herbert Schechter
Eileen & Harold Scherling
Susan Chalfen &
Dan Silvers
Liba & Tom Stillman
Toodie & Frank Trestman
Sandra & Bob Wallack
Shirley & Larry Zipkin
Loni & Darrell Ansel
Irene S. Bartram
Mari Forbush
Judy Halper
Dana Rubin
Bonnie Beugen
Carole & Harold Fogel
Sue Zelickson
Special Birthday
Diane & Marvin Ingber
Nancy & Michael
Bobby & Phil Bloom
Debra Rappaport &
Robert Zelle
Leslie & David Orenstein
Linda Braufman
Mildred Ingber
Tzivia Leviton
Betty Sue Lipschultz
Jodi Lipschultz
Ann Miller
Bobbie Miller
Micki Naiman
Abby Rabinovitz
Jill Rabinovitz
Lisa & Jacob Ratner
Sue Ribnick
Nancy Schacthman
Michele Segal
Jill Simon
Lisa Simon
Serene Simon
Liba Stillman
Sharon Stillman
Abby Strauss
Cara Strauss
Eileen Strauss
Harriet Swatez
Helen Swatez
Dana Beth Weisman
Ellie Wolpert
Dawn Zouber
Sylvia Zouber
Barbara Zweigbaum
Elly Zweigbaum
Baking for Sam’s Bar Mitzvah
Amy & Jack Fiterman
Julie & Scot Ziessman
Emily’s Bat Mitzvah
Sheree Goldblatt
Ruth Ziman
A Happy & Healthy New Year
Audrey & Alvin Kaufman
Larry Zipkin
75th Birthday
Diane & Marvin Ingber
Mary Jane & Skip Shapiro
Susan Chalfen & Dan Silvers
Shirley Zipkin
Special Birthday
Diane & Marvin Ingber
Bonnie & Alan Ziskin
Birth of Grandson, Adam
Kathy & Howard Zack
Teri & Barry Zoss
Tommy & Julie’s Marriage
Jan Saffron-Johnson & Tom
Danny Zouber
Becoming President of JFCS
Robin & Bryan Landy
In Appreciation
Keeping Spirit Alive
Planning Committee &
Rita Kelner
Judy Witebsky
Jordana Brown
Jordana & Adam Brown
Arvin Cohen
Sue & Chuck Muscoplat
Tammy Cohen
Ruth Paley
Susan & Robert Diamond
A Wonderful Brunch
Ricki & Conrad Butwinick
Carol & Mark Epstein
Rita & Larry Covin
Elaine & Gary Dachis
Susan & Robert Diamond
Suzanne & Jeffrey Feder
Myra & Jeff Halpern
Diane & Marvin Ingber
Joan & Pat Kerns
Susan & Bruce Konheim
Linda & Jeff Noddle
Mimi & Harold Paley
Shelly & Howard Reichert
Barbara & Phil Schneider
Marilyn Malkin &
Larry Wolf
A Wonderful Brunch
Shirley & Larry Zipkin
Jane Effress
Myrna & Gary Bell
Julie Engle
Patty Gadberry
Nancy Garber
Sue Garnett
Diane Goldenberg
Karen Hoffman
Dolores Schlaifer
Norma Shpayher
Sarene Silver
Suzie Singer
Suzann Yussen
Help with Hag Sameach 2014
Joanne Savitt
Andy Gellman
Robin & Nolan Segal
Judy & Herb Goldenberg
Susan & Bill Goldenberg
Fremajane & Blair Wolfson
Randall & Lory Herman
Sandy & Brian Salita
Dr. & Mrs. Herbert Keen
Gloria Jaffe
Joanie & Pat Kerns
A Wonderful Brunch
Ricki & Conrad Butwinick
Carol & Mark Epstein
Mimi & Harold Paley
A Wonderful Afternoon
Carol & Mark Epstein
Sharon Posnansky
Carole & Harold Fogel
Marty Rich
Wonderful Hospitality
Fremajane & Blair Wolfson
Cynthia Rosenblatt Ross
Myrna & Gary Bell
Barbara Rudnick
Ruth & Walter Elias
Nancy & Michael
Sandy & Brian Salita
Robin Segal
Ruth Paley
Amy Shapiro
Riva & Craig Kupritz
Eskie Shepard
Myrna & Gary Bell
Merle & Gerry Weinberg
Cookie & Michael Goldman
Wendy, Jack, Danny, Tova,
& Reina Winick
A Long & Beautiful Friendship
Joanne Ferraro &
Bob Beugen
A Speedy
Recovery To:
Phyllis Appelbaum
Helen Swatez
Marilyn Swatez
Jan Arnold
Sherri & Larry Feuer
Barbara & Zola Friedman
Cindi & Harold Goldfine
Judy & Andy Halper
Robin & Nolan Segal
Linda & Tom Sklar
Ben Badiner
Beverly & Stanley Davis
Stephen Barberio
Rita & Ron Kelner
Melanie Barry
Susan & Len Druskin
Diana Idelkope
Sharon & Michael
Liba & Tom Stillman
Irene S. Bartram
Kerry & Scott Bader
Elaine Lehman Berg &
Henry Berg
Carole Davidson
Sue & Steve Feldman
Mari Forbush
Judy & Jon Harris
Carol & Robert Mayeron
Lil Raen
Ginger Bell
Loni & Darrell Ansel
Sandra & Bob Wallack
Judi Belzer
Lynn & Alan Goldbloom
Harriet Benowitz
Molly Grossman
Ted Benowitz
Molly Grossman
Beryl Berke
Susan Chalfen & Dan Silvers
Aileen Bershow
Rivia & Harold Goldberg
Edward Bialick
Lynne Lee
Shel Rivkin
Jill Binder
Susan & Robert Diamond
Mitzvah Card Tributes
Sherri & Larry Feuer
Marjorie & Don Frishberg
Richard Bloom
Peggy & Billy Cohn
Harriette Burstein
Beverly & Stanley Davis
Conrad Butwinick
Kerry & Scott Bader
Linda & Miles Braufman
Harvey Chanen
Gail & Frank Berman
Barbara Goldberg
Judie Goldetsky
Molly Grossman
Eugene Chodash
Peggy & Billy Cohn
Peggy Cohn
Gail & Frank Berman
Dee Dempsey
Carole Confeld
Linda & Miles Braufman
Kathy Cooper
Debra Savitt
Mary Jane & Skip Shapiro
Barry Divine
Gloria Murman
Michelle Lepouce
Susan Chalfen & Dan Silvers
Sandy Donaldson
Kathy & Howard Zack
Mitchell Einzig
Marilyn Marker &
Bud Shapiro
Betty Eisenstadt
Lorraine & Sidney
Ruth Elias
Bette Globus Goodman
Allen Engle
Miriam Freidson
Daniel Ettedgui
Sheree Goldblatt
Sylvia Field
Beverly & Stanley Davis
Stuart Friedell
Naomi Maul &
Leonard Juster
Lori Fritz
Peggy & Billy Cohn
Dee Dempsey
Susan & Richard Proman
Marilyn Marker &
Bud Shapiro
Linda & Tom Sklar
Patty Gadberry
Joanne Savitt
Linda Gersick
Mary & Bob Mersky
directions • Fall 2015 23
Bernie Goldblatt
Evelyn & Harold Wolovitch
Jim Greenfield
Noreen & Bernie Milstein
Jim Tankenoff
Norman Gurstel
Rita & Larry Covin
Judy & Michael Emmons
Andy Halper
Jill Ann Marks
Elissa Heilicher
Gail & Frank Berman
Joanne Ferraro &
Bob Beugen
Barbara & Zola Friedman
Rhonda Stein &
Stuart Goldenberg
Anita & Marvin Greenstein
Diana Idelkope
Janice Levin
Marcia & Allen Oleisky
Cheryl & Jack Perecman
Sharon & Michael
Carol & Sheldon Segal
Mary Jane & Skip Shapiro
Helen Swatez
Marilyn Swatez
Florence Herstein
Shirley Baratz
Diane Hoffman
Melanie & Chuck Barry
Karen Hoffman
Joanne & Douglas Savitt
Neil Hoffman
Linda & Miles Braufman
Sharon & Marvin Resnick
Diana Idelkope
Loni & Darrell Ansel
Marty Kaplan
Loni & Darrell Ansel
Joanne Ferraro &
Bob Beugen
Linda & Miles Braufman
Diane & Richard Cohen
Margie & Stuart Cohen
Karen & Morris Davidman
Dee Dempsey
Carol & Mark Epstein
Addie & Brad Kaplan
Judy & Larry Kaplan
Louise & Bruce Moss
Lisa & Bruce Peilen
Susan & Richard Proman
Sharon & Marvin Resnick
Linda & Tom Sklar
Liba & Tom Stillman
Judi Belzer & Jerry Waldman
Shirley & Larry Zipkin
Arielle Kaufman
Beth Shapiro & Scott
Diane & Allen Kuperman
Nikki & Dan Shapiro
Pennie Shapiro
Miriam Kieffer
Sue Garnett
Gloria Murman
David Kohn
Elaine Lehman Berg &
Henry Berg
Marilyn & Tim Broms
Sherri & Larry Feuer
Beverly & Jerry Finkelstein
Debbie & Michael Gold
Sheryl & Randy Rutzick
Randi & Barry Wolfish
Evelyn & Harold Wolovitch
Eileen Kohn
Marilyn & Tim Broms
Shira Kohn
Beverly & Jerry Finkelstein
Julie Kozberg
Adeline Gould
Steve Krause
Stuart Bader
Allen Kuperman
Carol & Robert Mayeron
Robin & Nolan Segal
Stanley Kutler
Noreen & Bernie Milstein
Sidney Ladin
Lorraine & Sidney
Joan LaBelle
Edith Lava
Beverly & Stanley Davis
Joel Lavintman
Stuart Bader
Evie & Alan Ingber
Roz & Fred Kaplan
Cheryl & Jack Perecman
Mary Jane & Skip Shapiro
Patti Meyer
Gloria Murman
Judy Shallot
Gloria Jaffe
Alan Miller
Harolyn & Steven Rudoy
Joanne & Douglas Savitt
Merton Shapiro
Molly & Sid Bader
Sydney Mirviss
Bonnie Sell
Paul Morton
Karen & Morris Davidman
Bobby Nemer
Marcia & Allen Oleisky
Helain Pesis
Shelly & Ira Golden
Esta Miller
Beth & Scott Puchtel
Beth & Jay Weinblatt
Jamie Pinto
Shelly & Howard Reichert
Barbara Ratner
Joan Noun
Howard Reichert
Dee Dempsey
Judy & Michael Emmons
Sandra & Bob Wallack
Nancy Rhein
Gloria Murman
Richard Rosenberg
Lorraine & Sidney
Barbara Rubin-Greenberg
Diane & Louis Goldenberg
Harolyn Rudoy
Joanne & Douglas Savitt
Sandra Rudoy
Shirley Baratz
Eileen & Michael Kopman
Gloria Sharlin
Gloria Jaffe
Monia Sherman
Mildred Ingber
Ginger Silvers
Linda & Miles Braufman
Linda Stein
Sandra & David Marrinson
Sue Stillman
Linda & Miles Braufman
Jim Tankenoff
Sharon Tapper
Marian & Osher Altrowitz
Lois & Dale Dobrin
Sharon & Michael
Joanne & Douglas Savitt
Stan Taube
Loni & Darrell Ansel
Rita & Larry Covin
Leah Temkin
Margie Earhart
Margie & Michael Earhart
Mike Tobis
Sharon & Marvin Resnick
Jerry Trestman
Lorraine & Sidney
Bob Verb
Linda & Miles Braufman
Zelda Rae Walder
Beverly & Marvin Aaron
Bobbie Lebewitz
Kerry & Scott Bader
Mindy Rutman
Jill & Jeff Rabinovitz
Mike Wallach
Eileen & Loren Colman
Ruth Leiderman
Beverly & Stanley Davis
Rhoda Samuels
Susan & Robert Diamond
Dr. Robert Warshawsky
Bette Globus Goodman
David Lipschultz
Kathy & Howard Zack
Vic Sandler
Rita & Ron Kelner
Jim Waters
Mari Forbush
Louise Litt
Harolyn & Steven Rudoy
Georganne Savitt
Barbara & Lee Bearmon
Joanne & Douglas Savitt
Joan Wernick
Marjorie & Don Frishberg
Sandy & Robert
Barbara & Bob Weinstine
Erving London
Sandy & Allen Harris
Eileen & Michael Kopman
Debra Malinsky
Gloria Murman
Ron Mash
Sherri & Larry Feuer
Sally Masnek
Beverly & Stanley Davis
Sheldon Masnek
Beverly & Stanley Davis
Barbara Schneider
Adrienne & Morton Bank
Carole & Marty Kaplan
Susan & Cliff Lake
Lisa & Bruce Peilen
Sue & Martin Ring
Susan Chalfen & Dan Silvers
Sara Schonwald
Marjorie & Don Frishberg
Yvonne Selcer
Rita & Ron Kelner
Sandra & David Marrinson
Rabbi Amy Eilberg &
Louis Newman
24 Jewish Family and Children’s Service of Minneapolis
Larry Wertheim
Sheila Davis
Sue Garnett
Cindi & Harold Goldfine
Evie & Alan Ingber
Roz & Fred Kaplan
Mitzi Mulmed
Cheryl & Jack Perecman
Beth & Scott Puchtel
Joanne & Douglas Savitt
Ron Wiederholt
Miriam Freidson
Norman Winer
Julie & Steven Friedman
Shirley & Larry Zipkin
In Memory Of:
We note the following 8
individuals who passed away
between Dec. 1, 2014, and
May 31, 2015. We thank
their families for thoughtfully
designating JFCS for their
memorials. It is a beautiful
tribute to those who passed
and a fitting way to ensure
their legacy will continue to
enhance the lives of many
others in the community.
May their memories always
be for a blessing.
Larry Bass
Marvin Engler
May Goldman
Lillian Indeck
Harriet Kronick
Rosalind Stoller
Roslyn Tarshish
Sharon Traub
Edward Adams’ Mother
Shirley & Larry Zipkin
Ruby Addis
Beverly & Stanley Davis
Charlotte Ancier
Marilyn & Tim Broms
Sheryl & Randy Rutzick
Harvey Ansel
Jay Applebaum
Lorraine & Sidney
Kerry & Scott Bader
Melanie & Chuck Barry
Fran & David Bayer
Bobby & Phillip Bloom
Cathy Bratter
Linda & Miles Braufman
Marcia & Mark Cherniack
Diane & Richard Cohen
Margie & Stuart Cohen
Rita & Larry Covin
Carole Davidson
Judy & Michael Emmons
Marcia Milkis &
Neil Feinberg
Linda & Les Fieldman
Debbie & Michael Finn
Betty Holmes &
Mark Freidson
Barbara & Zola Friedman
Idy & Allan Garvis
Cindi & Harold Goldfine
Melanie & Vic Greenstein
Anne Hope
Diana Idelkope
Mildred Ingber
Gloria Jaffe
Marion & Steven Kahn
Carole & Marty Kaplan
Roz & Fred Kaplan
Audrey & Alvin Kaufman
Reesa & Steve Kleineman
Deborah & Gary Kohler
Joanie Levinsohn
Lois Liss
Suzi & Fred Nathanson
Marcia & Allen Oleisky
Susan & Richard Proman
Harriett & Harvey Rochlin
Joyce & David Rosenbaum
Karen & Russ Rubin
Joanne & Douglas Savitt
Eileen & Harold Scherling
Barbara & Phil Schneider
Carol & Sheldon Segal
Robin & Nolan Segal
Cindy & Joel Shapiro
Pennie Shapiro
Susan Chalfen & Dan Silvers
Linda & Tom Sklar
Jeanne & Jeffery Stein
Scott Stein
Harriet Swatez
Sharon & Jerry Trestman
Sandra & Bob Wallack
Barbara & Bob Weinstine
Sybil & Seymour Wilensky
Harriet & Arthur Wiss
Anne & Allen Wolf
Shirley & Larry Zipkin
Lenore Applebaum
Myrna & Gary Bell
Randee & Sam Wolfson
Geoffrey Azuz’s Mother
Eileen & James Gantman
Evelyn Balto
Cindi & Harold Goldfine
Bernice Heiligman
Mildred Ingber
Evie & Alan Ingber
Roz & Fred Kaplan
Carole & Marty Kaplan
Kathy Leslie
Lois Liss
Wanda Moss
Jerry Rosenzweig
Harriet Swatez
Sue & Stuart Weinstein
Randee & Sam Wolfson
Stephen Bard
Lisa & Bruce Peilen
Fred Baron
Lynne & Andrew Redleaf
Lawrence “Larry”
Maury Bass
Etta & Mike Barry
Charlotte & Richard Berman
Bobby & Phillip Bloom
Boeser Sheet Metal, Inc
Terry & Harry Cohen
Melissa & Devin
Del Rosario
Julie & David Ezrilov
Harriet Fremland
Barbara & Zola Friedman
Renee & Jim Gainsley
Jeannie & Steve Gilfix
Rochelle Gittleman
Penny & Arthur Glassman
Gloria & Daniel Goldberg
Cheryl & David Goldenberg
Diane & Louis Goldenberg
Bobbie Goldfarb
Cindi & Harold Goldfine
Debra & Scott Grayson
Molly Grossman
Arlene & Sidney Harris
Sandy & Allen Harris
Bernice Heiligman
Help Systems
Diana Idelkope
Mildred Ingber
Carly Kahn
Mitzi & Terry Kane
Amy & Brad Kanter
Ruth Kasdan
Pam & Ronald Kaufman
Paul Kelner
Robin & Bryan Landy
Rafina Larsen
Susanna & Tim Lodge
Scott Marvy
Esta Miller
Mildred Miller
Jill & Jeff Mirviss
Elizabeth & David
Andrea & Bob Oleisky
Marcia & Allen Oleisky
Susan & Richard Proman
Sue & Robert Ribnick
Virginia Rosen
Dana Rubin
Sandy & Brian Salita
Annette & Vic Sandler
Debra & Gregg Savitt
Joanne & Douglas Savitt
Eileen & Harold Scherling
Dolores Schlaifer
Carol & Sheldon Segal
Pennie Shapiro
Jody & Howard Sigal
Karen & Ron Sigal
Harriet Swatez
Hindy & Scott Tankenoff
Viking Materials, Inc.
Beth & Jay Weinblatt
Diane & Burt Weisberg
Irwin Weisman
Ardis & Thomas Wexler
Alaine & Howard Wilensky
Dawn & Danny Zouber
Lawrence “Larry” I. Bass
Lois Liss
Patricia Kenton &
Philip Politz
Curtis Beerman
Harriette & Fred Burstein
Karen & Morris Davidman
Diane & Louis Goldenberg
Rollye & Chuck Rinkey
Loreen & Perry Silverman
Randi & Barry Wolfish
Eleanor Bell
Naomi & Neil Arnold
Joy Belzer
Carole & Gene Epstein
Marjorie & Don Frishberg
Marge & Lloyd Sussman
June Berg
Lorraine & Sidney
Barbara & Tom Carlstrom
Anita & Marvin Greenstein
Riva Gruenberg
Gloria Jaffe
Deborah & Gary Kohler
Margie & Steve Krause
Judith & Preston Miller
Marlene & Thomas Moscoe
Susan & Richard Proman
Linda & Tom Sklar
Kristi Bader & Gary Swartz
Harriet Swatez
Irvin Berkowitz
Cookie & Chuck Abramson
Harvey Berman
Elaine & Charles Abramson
Lois & Walter Baum
Linda & Paul Benenson
Sandra & Louis Bennett
Alan Berman
Nancy Calvin
Linda & Les Fieldman
Marjorie & Don Frishberg
Marilyn & Jerry Lapides
Karen & Russ Rubin
Schwartzman Family
Joyce Shapiro
Ardis & Thomas Wexler
Joyce Berman
Alan Berman
Carolyn & John Mirviss
Eileen & Jim Mitson
Gloria Murman
Judith Nathenson
Marcia & Allen Oleisky
Jill Oleisky
Shirley & David Permack
Nancy & Kevin Rhein
Joellen & Mark Roseman
Michelle & Dan Roseman
Dana Rubin
Debra & Gregg Savitt
Eileen & Harold Scherling
Pennie Shapiro
Shapiro Family
Ronna & Tom Sherman
Loreen & Perry Silverman
Liba & Tom Stillman
Laura & Dan Swartz
Sharon Trilling
Betty Winston
Lisa & David Wolfe
Lynn & Henry Wolfe
Randi & Barry Wolfish
Sheila Wolfish
Patty Wolkoff
Barbara Blinderman’s
Brother, Ron
Margaret O’Shaughnessy
Michael Beugen
Joanne Ferraro &
Bob Beugen
Cathy Bratter
Marcia & Mark Cherniack
Ann & Neil Covin
Susan & Robert Diamond
Linda & Les Fieldman
Barbara & Zola Friedman
Susan & Bill Goldenberg
Sheila & Stan Kantar
Susie Winnick Lewis
Louise & Bruce Moss
Marnee & Eric Povitz
Anita Bloch
Fran & Marvin Burstein
Sadie Blicher
Etta & Mike Barry
Sura-Fraida & Arnie Blatt
Boscapomi Family
Fran & Marvin Burstein
Karen & Morris Davidman
Lois & Dale Dobrin
Margie Earhart
Mari Forbush
Barbara & Neal Frank
Barbara & Zola Friedman
Bonnie & John Garber
Heidi & Howard Gilbert
Roni & Alan Gingold
Diane & Louis Goldenberg
Bobbie Goldfarb
Cindi & Harold Goldfine
Debra & Scott Grayson
Roberta & Jay Hoffman
Anne Hope
Marlee & Howard Kaminsky
Amy & Brad Kanter
Suzanne & Harvey Kaplan
Julie Berman &
Hal Kaufman
Joey & Jerry Laurie
Steve Litton
Paula & Robert Maisel
Theodore Buckner
Cindi & Harold Goldfine
Herschel Bloom’s Mother,
Sheri & Steve Abrams
Alice Bouman’s Dog,
Scott Stein
Bill Bramscher
Addie Kaplan
Tricia Breen’s Mother
Judy & Andy Halper
Esther Burke
Beverly & Marvin Aaron
Linda & Paul Benenson
& Family
Beverly Dolinsky
Ann Hunegs
Linda & Ron Mash
Mary Jane & Skip Shapiro
David A. Sussman
Randi & Barry Wolfish
Daniel Burstein
Barbara & Lee Bearmon
Bob Edelstein
Barbara & Zola Friedman
Rhonda Stein &
Stuart Goldenberg
Harriet & Stephen Swartz
Dorothy Carroll
Lisa & John Greenberg
Harold Chapman
Diane & Louis Goldenberg
Mitzvah Card Tributes
Herbert Chernoff
Judy & Barry Alpert
Fran & Ivan Caplan
Alan Davidson
Sally & Lanny Seed
Andrea Spear
Shirlee Clein
June Berg
Bobbie Goldfarb
Riva Gruenberg’s Family
Shirley Rivkin
Barb & Roger Rubin
Karen & Russ Rubin
Diane & Russell Walzer
Claire Cohen
Barb & Andy Fishman
Gary Cohn
Beverly & Stanley Davis
Paul Cohn
Pennie Shapiro
Morty Cowen
Jan Saffron-Johnson &
Tom Johnson
Daniel “Dan” Davis
Jon Lebewitz
John Dempsey
Judy & Michael Emmons
Evelyn Desnick
Jay Applebaum
Lorraine & Sidney
Molly & Sid Bader
Adrienne & Morton Bank
Linda & Miles Braufman
Marilyn & Richard Chern
Diane & Richard Cohen
Carole Davidson
Rollye & Chuck Rinkey
Nancy & Marc Rosenberg
Ellen & Bob Saffron
Harriet Swatez
Diane & Russell Walzer
Joan & Paul Wernick
Karen Dodge’s Father
Sandra & Bob Wallack
Elaine Dorshow
Fran & David Bayer
Linda & Paul Benenson
Barbara Cohn
Trent Eisenberg
Rhonda Stein &
Stuart Goldenberg
Tina & Ivan Rafowitz
Sheryl & Randy Rutzick
Debbie & Craig Spencer
Harriet Swatez
David Dowinsky
Gerda Haas
Natalie Dworsky
Anne Dachis
Debbie Dachis Gold &
Michael Gold
directions • Fall 2015 25
Natalie Dworsky (Cont.)
Elissa Heilicher
Ann Hunegs
Joanne & Douglas Savitt
Pennie Shapiro
Donovan Edwards
Judy & Andy Halper
Bess Engler
Kerry & Scott Bader
Elaine & Gary Dachis
Eileen & James Gantman
Diane & Marvin Ingber
Abbie Kane
Carole & Marty Kaplan
Audrey & Alvin Kaufman
Elaine & Leon Lerner
Wanda Moss
Beth & Scott Puchtel
Sally & Barney Rosen
Scott Stein
Marilyn & Nate Wolk
Marvin Engler
Carolyn & David Aberman
Marian & Osher Altrowitz
Linda & Robert Alvarado
Joanne & George
Kerry & Scott Bader
Molly & Sid Bader
Heidi & Jeff Baill
Beverly & Leonard Baker
Lois & Walter Baum
Debi & Phillip Becker
Jane & Steve Benowitz
Aileen & Harold Bershow
Hallie & Barry Bershow
Sandra & Tim Bizak
Nancy Calvin
Myra Chazin
Toni & Larry Chipka
Patti & Michael Colich
Thomas Cook
Crown Bank
Larry Durrett
Marilyn & Paul Engle
Harold Engler
Marilyn Feder
Aimee & Noah Feldman
Karen & Bruce Gershman
Patti Goldberg
Nancy & Hank Greenberg
Anita & Marvin Greenstein
Nancy & Rick Grobovsky
Colette Jaffe
Jill & Stan Kamin
Abbie Sue Kane
Joe Kane
Mitzi & Terry Kane
Cindy & Doug Kanter
Arlene & Malcolm Kellstein
Eileen & Michael Kopman
Brina & Milton Krelitz
Amy & Tom Lieberman
Jane & Todd Lifson
Peter and Bonnie Lipton
Carole Schecter &
Steven Mayer
Pamela & Tom Meyers
Ella Mogilevsky
Dan Neil & Sara Kantar
Virginia & Ron Phillips
Beth & Scott Puchtel
Rhoda Reighard
Marsha McDonald &
Amos Rosenbloom
Andrea & James Rovner
Elaine Simon & Don Rudin
Jane & Jon Schwartzman
Louise & Jerry Segal
Shelley Segal
Mary Jane & Skip Shapiro
Amy Silvermann
Debbie & Tom Simon
Cynthia & Ken Smith
Ione & Alan Stiegler
Summerwood Corporation
Summit Facility &
Kitchen Service
Kristi Bader & Gary Swartz
Tacala LLC
Jim Tankenoff
Marsha & Gary Tankenoff
Catherine & Richard Tate
Joan & Robert Tukey
Carol & Jeff Williams
Winthrop & Weinstine, P. A.
Evelyn & Harold Wolovitch
Jay Ettinger
Julie & David Burton
Shel Ettinger’s Brother
Sharon & Joel Waller
Allison Feldman
Esta Miller
Esther Feldman’s Father
Marcia & Allen Oleisky
Myer Feldman
Eva & Milton Broude
Aaron Feuer
Fran & David Bayer
Corrine Goldsmith
Arlene & Zvi Leibovich
Susan & Bill Schmidt
Robin & Henry Stein
Alaine & Howard Wilensky
Hal Field
Carole Davidson
Sylvia Field
Loni & Darrell Ansel
Lorraine & Sidney
Arlene & Steven Badiner
Linda & Miles Braufman
Marcia & Mark Cherniack
Diane & Richard Cohen
Ann & Neil Covin
Anne Dachis
Elaine & Gary Dachis
Beverly & Stanley Davis
Susan & Robert Diamond
Judy & Michael Emmons
Carol & Mark Epstein
Linda & Mike Fiterman
Barbara & Zola Friedman
Sue Godes
Cindi & Harold Goldfine
Mildred Ingber
Diane & Marvin Ingber
Mitzi & Terry Kane
Joyce Levenson
Susan & Richard Proman
Lillian Raen
Barry Rubin
Karen & Russ Rubin
Sandy & Brian Salita
Bonnie Sell
Linda & Tom Sklar
Sandy & Myron Striker
Harriet Swatez
Jim Tankenoff
Sharon & Jerry Trestman
Barbara & Bob Weinstine
Marilyn & Nate Wolk
Shirley & Larry Zipkin
Bonnie & Alan Ziskin
Benjamin Freidson
Beverly Aaron
Bobbie Goldfarb
Anne & Merle Hillman
Evie & Alan Ingber
Eileen & Michael Kopman
Tova Koren
Gloria Murman
Karen & Russ Rubin
Mina Freier
Judith & David Bennett
Shirley & Arnold Kaplan
Carole Mohr
Paul Friedman
Pam Brin
Peggy & Billy Cohn
Susan & Robert Diamond
Marjorie & Don Frishberg
Anita & Marvin Greenstein
Bette & Louis Kotlarz
Robin & Bryan Landy
Dorothy & Norman Pink
Shirley & Burt Politz
Leslie & Bruce Rosenberg
Roz & David Schwartzman
Carol & Sheldon Segal
Mary Jane & Skip Shapiro
Marilyn Marker &
Bud Shapiro
Marshall Silberman
Herb Fuente
Linda & Miles Braufman
Marcia & Mark Cherniack
Diane & Richard Cohen
Carol & Mark Epstein
Lenore & Al Feldman
Carole & Marty Kaplan
Susan & Richard Proman
Ellen & Earl Reinhardt
Barbara & Phil Schneider
Susan Chalfen & Dan Silvers
Linda & Tom Sklar
Chelle & Marvin Stillman
Shirley & Larry Zipkin
Marilyn Furmansky
Neil Feinberg
Marcia Milkis
Eileen & Jeff Silver
Celia Gantcher
Marsha & Stan Finkelstein
Joe Garber
Joe Rine
26 Jewish Family and Children’s Service of Minneapolis
Sherman Garon
Arlene & Steven Badiner
Lois & Walter Baum
Linda & Paul Benenson
Jane & Steve Benowitz
Heather & Kevin Besikof
Cathy Bratter
Marilyn & Tim Broms
Ann & Neil Covin
Carole Davidson
Beverly & Stanley Davis
Judy Dodd
Bev & Bill Fishman
Lisa & Igor Furman
Cindi & Harold Goldfine
Bernice Heiligman
Ruth Hollischer
Mildred Ingber
Roz & Fred Kaplan
Rita & Ron Kelner
Marilyn & Jerry Lapides
Paula & Robert Maisel
Susan & Brad Melnick
Jeanne & Steven Prawer
Gail & Bill Ribnick
Harriett & Harvey Rochlin
Todd Sandler
Joanne & Douglas Savitt
Raleigh Schwartz
Robin & Nolan Segal
Loreen & Perry Silverman
Scott Stein
Jeanne & Jeffery Stein
Nancy & Craig Stillman
Randee & Sam Wolfson
Estelle Gedan
Sharon Stulberg
John Geigley
Barbara & Tom Carlstrom
Julie & David Ezrilov
Bernard Alan Gershin
Eileen & Michael Kopman
Beatrice “Bea” Getzkin
Kerry & Scott Bader
Margie & Stuart Cohen
Beverly & Stanley Davis
Bobbie Goldfarb
Adeline Gould
Judy & Andy Halper
Rita & Ron Kelner
Toby & Manny Kohen
Marilyn Marker
Linda & Ron Mash
Elizabeth & David
Marlene Rutman
Sheryl & Randy Rutzick
Harold Gillman
Charlotte & Richard Berman
Rhonda Stein &
Stuart Goldenberg
Debra Orbuch Grayson &
Scott Grayson
Sheldon Klugman
Joyce & Martin Orbuch
Eileen & Harold Scherling
Suzanne & Everett
Alaine & Howard Wilensky
Phebe Givens
Diane & Marvin Ingber
Susan & Cliff Lake
Marshall Glasser
Gloria Jaffe
Sherman “Sherry” Gleekel
Loni & Darrell Ansel
Molly & Sid Bader
Kerry & Scott Bader
Adrienne & Morton Bank
Gail & Frank Berman
Joanne Ferraro &
Bob Beugen
Cathy Bratter
Harriette & Fred Burstein
Diane & Richard Cohen
Paula & Arvin Cohen
Peggy & Billy Cohn
Susan & Robert Diamond
Neil Feinberg
Barbara & Neal Frank
Marjorie & Don Frishberg
Idy & Allan Garvis
Judie Goldetsky
Lynn & Howard Goldman
Lois Goodman
Anita & Marvin Greenstein
Arlene & Sidney Harris
Barbara & Ronald Harris
Elissa Heilicher
David Himmelman
Diane & Marvin Ingber
Mitzi & Terry Kane
Ruth Kasdan
Toby & Manny Kohen
Lois & Marty Kozberg
Elaine & Howard Kuretsky
Mimi & Melvin Lebewitz
Joanie Levinsohn
Susie Winnick Lewis
Andrea & Bob Oleisky
Marcia & Allen Oleisky
Lisa & Bruce Peilen
Margery & Stuart Pihlstrom
Susan & Richard Proman
Rosalie & Dean Rosoff
Olivia Rothstein
Barry Rubin
Dana Rubin
Linda & Max Rutman
Barbara & Phil Schneider
Jane & Jon Schwartzman
Carol & Sheldon Segal
Millie & Howard Segal
Joyce & Mike Shapiro
Linda & Tom Sklar
Chelle & Marvin Stillman
Kristi Bader & Gary Swartz
Sandra & Bob Wallack
Marilyn Wert
Sybil & Seymour Wilensky
Anne & Allen Wolf
Anne Gold
Debbie & Michael Gold
Beth Goldenberg
Marlene & Sheldon Weitz
Steve Goldfarb
Pennie Shapiro
May Goldman
Sheri & Steve Abrams
Kerry & Scott Bader
Fern Badzin
Iris & Steve Borowsky
Susan & Richard Bunin
Anne Dachis
Melissa & Devin
Del Rosario
Linda & Mike Fiterman
Penny & Arthur Glassman
Mark Globus
Debbie Dachis Gold &
Michael Gold
Gloria & Daniel Goldberg
Diane & Louis Goldenberg
Sandy & Allen Harris
Bernice Heiligman
Mildred Ingber
Raleigh & Randy Kaminsky
Delores Kelber
Carri & Michael Lazarus
Jane & Todd Lifson
Lois Liss
Sandra & David Marrinson
Violet Mekler
Mildred Miller
Charlotte Moses
Betty & Irving Schloner
Sue & Jerry Schwartz
Esther Shanedling
Pennie Shapiro
Marilyn Silver
Harriet Swatez
Hindy & Scott Tankenoff
Teresa & Irving Victor
Diane & Russell Walzer
Randee & Sam Wolfson
Maurice Goldman
Kerry & Scott Bader
Jerry Bremer/CBIZ MHM,
Anne Dachis
Mark Globus
Diane & Louis Goldenberg
Bernice Heiligman
Mildred Ingber
Lois Liss
Sandra & David Marrinson
Charlotte Moses
Marilyn Silver
Jerry Stamm
Diane & Russell Walzer
Edith Goldschmidt
Sandy & Myron Striker
Rhona Goldstone
Randi & Barry Wolfish
Yale Gotsdinger
Vicki Schraber &
Larry Leventhal
Joy Greenberg’s Brother
Joanie Levinsohn
Chelle & Marvin Stillman
Frances Grosnacht
Dale Hillman
Susan & Tom Gross’
The Mainstream Gals
Jon Gruschka
Elaine Lehman Berg &
Henry Berg
Robert Guffan
Georganne & Arnold Savitt
Marilyn Hanson
Judy & Michael Emmons
Diane & Marvin Ingber
Carole & Marty Kaplan
Linda & Tom Sklar
Shirley & Larry Zipkin
Janice Hendenland
Linda & Miles Braufman
Herbert Hillman
Sara & Joel Ginsberg
Nanette Hirschkowitz
Susan & Richard Goldman
Merlin Hirschorn
Lois & Dale Dobrin
Sandy & Allen Harris
Marisse “Recie” Holland
Rosanne Jacobsen
Crickie & Richard Klegon
Tommy Hussey
Marilyn & Richard Chern
Vicky Davidson
Judy & Michael Emmons
Mildred Ingber
Rollye & Chuck Rinkey
Harriet Swatez
Sharon & Jerry Trestman
Lillian Indeck
Cathy & Edward Bush
Lois & Marty Kozberg
Shirleymae Lane
Sandra & David Marrinson
Judy & Nathan Paskal
Celia & Roy Starnes
Ruth Warne
Susan Gray & Paul Waytz
Gail & Marc Kalman’s Dog,
Barbara & Neal Frank
Everett Karon
Linda & Miles Braufman
Marjorie & Don Frishberg
Donamae Koppelman
Sandy & Art Lavintman
Beth & Scott Puchtel
Charlotte Katz (Florida)
Gloria Murman
Susan & Richard Proman
Michael Kiefer
Audrae & Jerry Rosenzweig
Carol & Sheldon Segal
Dori & Herb Weisman
Larry Kivens
Roz & Fred Kaplan
Sarah & Ross Shaich
Dick Kleeman
Jeff Swartz
Richard Korsh’s Mother
Melanie & Chuck Barry
Ruth Krause
Bette Globus Goodman
Harriet Kronick
Loni & Darrell Ansel
Lorraine & Sidney
Molly & Sid Bader
Adrienne & Morton Bank
Linda & Paul Benenson
Connie Berman
Gail & Frank Berman
Tammy & Carl Birnberg
Erin Bix
Linda & Miles Braufman
Diane & Richard Cohen
Margie & Stuart Cohen
Paula & Arvin Cohen
Peggy & Billy Cohn
Rita & Larry Covin
Mitzi Diamond
Susan & Robert Diamond
Judy & Michael Emmons
Carol & Mark Epstein
Lenore & Al Feldman
Idy & Allan Garvis
Mimi Gleekel
Susan & Bill Goldenberg
Lois Goodman
Nancy J. Gordon
Joan & Stuart Grossfield
Judy Halper
Marcia & Bob Hershfield
Diane & Marvin Ingber
Carole & Marty Kaplan
Karen & Irving Katz
Simie & Al Kaye
Elaine & Howard Kuretsky
Susan & Cliff Lake
Stacey Lanning
Joey & Jerry Laurie
Gayle Lightowler
Marcia Levine &
Bill Lipschultz
Saralee & Neil Mogilner
Burton Neff
Linda & Jeff Noddle
Lisa & Bruce Peilen
Susan & Richard Proman
Judy & Paul Putzel
Jill & Jeff Rabinovitz
Lynne & Andrew Redleaf
Shelly & Howard Reichert
Gene Rerat
Harriett & Harvey Rochlin
Sheryl & Randy Rutzick
Janet & Robert Sabes
Barbara & Phil Schneider
Carol & Sheldon Segal
Pennie Shapiro
Susan Chalfen & Dan Silvers
Sharon Snyder
Nancy Solomon
Faye & Ralph Stillman
Barbara Stillman
Sandy & Myron Striker
Marcia & Larry Swartz
Susie & Stuart Swartz
Harriet Swatez
Jim Tankenoff
Judi Belzer & Jerry Waldman
Sandra & Bob Wallack
Barbara & Bob Weinstine
Joan & Paul Wernick
Anne & Allen Wolf
Stanley Kutler
Noreen & Bernie Milstein
Sidney “Sid” Ladin
Kerry & Scott Bader
Cathy Bratter
Linda & Miles Braufman
Todd Braufman
Paula & Arvin Cohen
Ann & Neil Covin
Lisa & Igor Furman
Eileen & James Gantman
Lois Goodman
Nancy & Rick Grobovsky
Colette Jaffe
Amy & Brad Kanter
Simie & Al Kaye
Julie & Ash Keenan
Michelle & Darren Lepouce
Elaine & Leon Lerner
Joan & Bob Levine
Harriet & Stanley Litt
Mindy & Steven Melemed
Gloria Murman
Burton Neff
Jill & Jeff Rabinovitz
Shelly & Howard Reichert
Rollye & Chuck Rinkey
Andrea & James Rovner
Barbara & Phil Schneider
Roz & David Schwartzman
Harriet Swatez
Sandra & Bob Wallack
Ladue Family’s Father &
Grandfather, Curt
Elaine & Howard Kuretsky
Sandra Cohodes Landa
Barb & Andy Fishman
Ellen Sue Stern
Elizabeth Latts
Carole & Harold Fogel
Fran & Lonny
Lebahn’s Mother
Margie & Stuart Cohen
Ruth Lebowitz
Hallie & Barry Bershow
Cathy Bratter
Bobbie Goldfarb
Adeline Gould
Anita & Marvin Greenstein
Cindy & Joel Shapiro
Marilyn & Nate Wolk
Heather Lederman
Rita & Ron Kelner
Ruth Leiderman
Linda & Paul Benenson
Sandra & Louis Bennett
Barb & Roger Rubin
Marilyn & Paul Serber
David A. Sussman
Mitzvah Card Tributes
Morton “Mort” Lent
Linda & Paul Benenson
Beverly & Stanley Davis
Bev & Bill Fishman
Cindi & Harold Goldfine
Eileen & David Kohn
Pamela Meyers
Mary Jane & Skip Shapiro
Randee & Sam Wolfson
Jacques Lepouce
Gloria Murman
Scott Lerman
Judy & Andy Halper
Mary LeSourd’s Father
Mari Forbush
Alan Levey
Gail & Frank Berman
Nancy Calvin
Marcia & Mark Cherniack
Barbara Cohn
Peggy & Billy Cohn
Bobbie Goldfarb
Cindi & Harold Goldfine
David Himmelman
Eileen & David Kohn
Abbie Miller
Gloria Murman
Harold Roitenberg
Rosalie & Dean Rosoff
Olivia Rothstein
Karen & Russ Rubin
Sheryl & Randy Rutzick
Carol & Sheldon Segal
Pennie Shapiro
Scott Stein
Marilyn & Martin Weisberg
Merv Levin
Susan & Robert Diamond
Phyllis & Michael
Levine’s Mother
Roz & David Schwartzman
Barry Levinson
Eileen & James Gantman
Donna Leviton’s Brother
Paula & Robert Maisel
Lorraine Linsk
Sally Silk & Tom Wolfe
Robert Lipshutz
Debbie Charan &
Roy Ginsburg
Judy & Andy Halper
Marlee & Howard Kaminsky
Cindy & Doug Kanter
Paula & Marshall Lehman
Phillip Litman
Bob Edelstein
Moishe Locketz
Barbara & Lee Bearmon
Ervin London
Shirley & Larry Zipkin
directions • Fall 2015 27
Jim Macdonald
Carole Cera
Marilyn Christensen
Margie Earhart
Mari Forbush
Judy & Andy Halper
Karen Hoffman
Jonathan Kaeppeler
Gloria Murman
Debra Savitt
Joanne Savitt
Jerry Waldman
Gerri Maisel
Anne & Merle Hillman
Burton Malinsky
Judy & Jon Harris
Frankie & Paul Schwartz
Robin & Nolan Segal
Rona & Burton Malinsky
Joanne Rogin-Abrams &
Ronald Abrams
Helen Bearman
Barbara Cohn
Irene & James Cooperman
Rochelle Gittleman
Arlis & Erv Grossman
Delores Kelber
Lois Liss
Doreen & Harold Saferstein
Zelda Rae Walder
Judi Belzer & Jerry Waldman
Rona Malinsky
Arlene & Steven Badiner
Linda & Miles Braufman
Barbara & Neal Frank
Mimi Gleekel
Lois & Marty Kozberg
Dana Rubin
Frankie & Paul Schwartz
Carol & Sheldon Segal
Robin & Nolan Segal
Aaron Maloff
Margie & Michael Earhart
Mari Forbush
Nancy & Steve Gilats
Karen Hoffman
Jill Ann Marks
Ruth Paley
Nancy & Kevin Rhein
Edith Naomi Smith
Lois Marcus
Bernice Heiligman
Shirley & Arnold Kaplan
Rose & Jules Levin
Howard Mark
Arlis & Erv Grossman
Roberta Marx
Elaine Lehman Berg &
Henry Berg
Barbara & Zola Friedman
Doris & David Polson
Sheryl & Randy Rutzick
Robin & Nolan Segal
Debbie & Craig Spencer
Ben Marz
Elaine & Gary Dachis
Debbie Dachis Gold &
Michael Gold
Jack E. Leibman
Phillip Schneider
Milton “Milt” Mazie
Marshall Silberman
Fern Melzer
Nancy Calvin
Marcia & Mark Cherniack
Ruth & Irv Schloff
Hindy & Scott Tankenoff
Betty Meyer
Sherri & Larry Feuer
Neal Frank
Joy Leslie Gordon
Gloria Murman
Shirley & Burt Politz
Joanne & Douglas Savitt
Pennie Shapiro
Alaine & Howard Wilensky
Marion Meyers
Lois Liss
Judy Canter Meyerson
Jeanne & Jeffery Stein
Caroline Migliorino
Margie & Michael Earhart
Joy Leslie Gordon
Barry Milavetz’s Mother
Sandy & Allen Harris
Seymour Milavitz
Beverly & Marvin Aaron
Barbara & Zola Friedman
Dana & David Gustafson
Linda & Ron Mash
Harriet & Stan Phillips
Annette Walder
Zelda Rae Walder
Ann Miller
Peggy & Billy Cohn
Susan & Robert Diamond
Marjorie & Don Frishberg
Reva Gould
Molly Grossman
Arlene & Sidney Harris
Bette & Louis Kotlarz
Elizabeth &
David Nirenstein
Jill & Jeff Rabinovitz
Harriett & Harvey Rochlin
Eileen & Harold Scherling
Carol & Sheldon Segal
Marilyn Marker &
Bud Shapiro
Susan Chalfen & Dan Silvers
Chelle & Marvin Stillman
Barbara & Bob Weinstine
Shirley & Larry Zipkin
Carla Miller
Nancy Calvin
Peggy & Billy Cohn
Marilyn Marker
Naomi Maul
Barbara Minsberg
Barbara & Zola Friedman
Ann Hunegs
Karen & Russ Rubin
Mary Jane & Skip Shapiro
Jerry Mondshane
Barbara Cohn
Renee & Jim Gainsley
Diana Idelkope
Sharon & Michael
Orlin Silverman
Marilyn & Marvin Sternberg
Irwin Weisman
Martha Moos
Margie & Michael Earhart
Marjorie & Don Frishberg
Pennie Shapiro
BettySue Morris
Sharie & Jerry Frank
Merrilee & Michael Gallo
Anne & Merle Hillman
Shirley Rivkin
Georganne & Arnold Savitt
Kurt Moses
Fran & David Bayer
Elena Borochin
Bette Globus Goodman
Joy Leslie Gordon
Rita & Ron Kelner
Annette & Vic Sandler
Debra & Gregg Savitt
Robin & Henry Stein
Alaine & Howard Wilensky
Randi & Barry Wolfish
Jeffrey “Jeff ” Murman
Julie & Ash Keenan
Michelle & Darren Lepouce
Gloria Murman
Marci Wasserman &
Ryan Sandgren
Lenore Nash
Lynne Lee
Mary Neuman’s Son
Eva & Sheldon Kieffer
Henry Neuman
Eva Krause
Joan LaBelle
Marilyn Swatez &
Helen Swatez
Dan Nimer
Gertrude & Henry Goldstein
Elaine Nordin
Gloria Murman
Benjamin Nusman
The Aaron Family
Ben Nusman
Bobbie Goldfarb
Al Olesky
Georganne & Arnold Savitt
Bob Olson
Diane & Allen Kuperman
Nathan Orlofsky
Bobbie Goldfarb
28 Jewish Family and Children’s Service of Minneapolis
Gloria Murman
Joanne & Douglas Savitt
Matthew Ornstein
Randi & Barry Wolfish
Susan & Robert
Ostrow’s Mother
Robin & Nolan Segal
Freda Paper
Nancy Serber & Alan Calof
Sandy & Art Lavintman
Sally & Sheldon Masnek
Louise & Bruce Moss
Theodore Papermaster
Muriel & Felix Zwiebel
Bill Pfleiderer
Carole & Harold Fogel
Mary Sue ‘Cookie’ Pierce
Sandy & Allen Harris
Sara Pieser
Jodi Shamblott Jesser &
Kevin Jesser
Shirlee Friedman Pilch
Kerry & Scott Bader
Linda & Paul Benenson
Marilyn & Richard Chern
Peggy & Billy Cohn
Carole Davidson
Mitzi Diamond
Bob Edelstein
Barbara & Zola Friedman
Robin & Jim Gale
Eileen & James Gantman
Sue Godes
Rhonda Stein &
Stuart Goldenberg
Lois Goodman
Adeline Gould
Ann Hunegs
Mitzi & Terry Kane
Cindy & Doug Kanter
Rita & Ron Kelner
Deborah & Gary Kohler
Diane & Howard Korsh
Robin & Bryan Landy
Elaine & Peter Levy
Marilyn Marker &
Bud Shapiro
Susan & Brad Melnick
Andrea & David Ornstein
Debbie Ornstein
Mindy & Mitch Ornstein
Susan Rappaport &
David Suss
Gail & Bill Ribnick
Shirley Rivkin
Andrea & James Rovner
Kristi Bader & Gary Swartz
Harriet Swatez
Judy & Stephen Witebsky
Joni & Jeff Zalasky
Gloria Pinck
Molly & Sid Bader
Julia DelCol
Marjorie & Don Frishberg
Mitzi & Terry Kane
Betty Sue &
David Lipschultz
Marilyn Marker &
Bud Shapiro
Lisa & Bruce Peilen
Shirley & Burt Politz
Dolores Schlaifer
Bonnie Sell
Harriet Swatez
Janet Plotsker’s Father
Karen & Russ Rubin
Stephanie Pollack’s Father
Elaine & Peter Levy
Henrietta Portnoe
Sheree Goldblatt
Sara Press
Georganne & Arnold Savitt
Tybie Proman
Bonnie Sell
Gary Rabiner
Rita Nathanson
Lillian Raen
Riva Gruenberg
Vivian Rauch
Rosalie & Fredric Goldberg
Andi & Jim Rovner
Shirley & Norbert Raucher
Stacey & Robert Michels
Michael Raymond’s Father
Debra Orbuch Grayson &
Scott Grayson
Rose Reha
Loni & Darrell Ansel
Amy & Brad Kanter
Nancy & Kevin Rhein’s
Sherri & Larry Feuer
Floraine Rice
Carolyn & David Aberman
Lorraine & Sidney
Molly & Sid Bader
Stuart Bader
Andrea & Daniel Greenstein
Cindy & Bruce Idelkope
Margie & Steve Krause
Linda & Jeff Noddle
Susan & Richard Proman
Beth & Scott Puchtel
Nancy & Marc Rosenberg
Robin & Nolan Segal
Kristi Bader & Gary Swartz
Harriet Swatez
Art Rolnick’s Mother
Lisa & Igor Furman
Joan & Paul Wernick
Robert “Bud” Rose
Lorraine & Sidney
Ben Badiner
Eileen & Alvin Badiner
Gail & Frank Berman
Pam Brin
Nancy Calvin
Paula & Arvin Cohen
Peggy & Billy Cohn
Irene & James Cooperman
Mitzi Diamond
Susan & Robert Diamond
Marjorie & Don Frishberg
Marlene & Aaron Gimpel
Diane & Louis Goldenberg
Lois Goodman
Anita & Marvin Greenstein
Molly Grossman
Elaine & Leon Lerner
Joyce & David Rosenbaum
Roz & David Schwartzman
Carol & Sheldon Segal
Millie & Howard Segal
Judy & Peter Wolf
Helen Rosen
Loni & Darrell Ansel
Lorraine & Sidney
Sandra & Louis Bennett
Jane & Steve Benowitz
Elaine Lehman Berg &
Henry Berg
Charlotte & Richard Berman
Cathy Bratter
Linda & Miles Braufman
Barbara Cohn
Peggy & Billy Cohn
Rita & Larry Covin
Carol & Mark Epstein
Vivian & Bob Ezrilov
Barbara & Neal Frank
Barbara & Zola Friedman
Lorin & Scott Godes
Judy & Andy Halper
Diane & Marvin Ingber
Amy & Brad Kanter
Ruth Kasdan
Susan & Cliff Lake
Joyce & Robert Liebo
Lois Liss
Faye Miller
Louise & Bruce Moss
Wanda Moss
Susan & Richard Proman
Ellen & Earl Reinhardt
Dana Rubin
Barbara & Phil Schneider
Joyce & Mike Shapiro
Marilyn Marker &
Bud Shapiro
Loreen & Perry Silverman
Susan Chalfen & Dan Silvers
Laura & Dan Swartz
Harriet Swatez
Sybil & Seymour Wilensky
Randee & Sam Wolfson
Shirley & Larry Zipkin
Rita Rosen
Nancy Calvin
Geraldine *Gerry”
Shirley & Arnold Kaplan
Theresa Rosenberg
Janice Levin
Sheri Rosenberg Kanter
Susan & Richard Proman
Sidney Rosholt
Mari Forbush
Ronna Rossman
Molly & Sid Bader
Stuart Bader
Linda & Miles Braufman
Barbara Cohn
Carol & Mark Epstein
Vivian & Bob Ezrilov
Anita & Marvin Greenstein
Arlis & Erv Grossman
Dana & David Gustafson
Amy & Brad Kanter
Miriam & Robert Kleinbaum
Lois Liss
Andrea & Bob Oleisky
Marcia & Allen Oleisky
Rosalie & Dean Rosoff
Kristi Bader & Gary Swartz
Sybil & Seymour Wilensky
Judy & Peter Wolf
Shirley & Larry Zipkin
Bertha Rovelsky
Darlene & Nathan Schwartz
Garry Royce
Arlene & Steven Badiner
Ben Badiner
Marilyn & Richard Chern
Eileen & David Kohn
Robin & Bryan Landy
Gail & Bill Ribnick
Debra & Gregg Savitt
Mary Jane & Skip Shapiro
Gloria Murman
Andrea & Bob Oleisky
Jill & Jeff Rabinovitz
Karen & Russ Rubin
Robin & Nolan Segal
Pennie Shapiro
Dana Stein
Jeanne & Jeffery Stein
Judi Belzer & Jerry Waldman
Randee & Sam Wolfson
Jerry Saxe
Diana Idelkope
Irwin Weisman
Eunice Schoen
Joy Leslie Gordon
Rudolph “Rudy” Schoen
Bobbie Goldfarb
Marshall “Mickey”
Barbara Cohn
Audrae & Jerry Rosenzweig
Marlene Rutman
Judie & Cary Shaich
Carol Schwartz
Barbara Fishman
Manly Rubin
Rhonda & Harry Rubin
Raley Segal
Fran & Marvin Burstein
Lois & Dale Dobrin
Cary Oleisky
Jeanne & Steven Prawer
Jim Tankenoff
Marsha Rubinowitz
Gloria Jaffe
Robert Severson
Gloria Murman
Margine Rutzick
Debbie Bank
Shirlee Bank
Shari Greene
Alice Shanken
Beverly Dolinsky
Ruth Hollischer
Eileen & David Kohn
Patricia Kenton &
Philip Politz
Shirley & Burt Politz
Evelyn & Harold Wolovitch
Janet Sabes’s
Judy & Michael Emmons
Chelle & Marvin Stillman
Dorothy Saltzman
Marcia Koester
Arnold Savitt
Alvin Apple
Sandy & Gary Baron
Elena Borochin
Carole Cera
Margie & Michael Earhart
Barbara & Zola Friedman
Marjorie & Don Frishberg
Bobbie Goldfarb
Joy Leslie Gordon
Adeline Gould
Judy & Andy Halper
Evie & Alan Ingber
Amy & Brad Kanter
Audrey & Alvin Kaufman
Deb & Jeff Kohen
Toby & Manny Kohen
Tova Koren
Bette & Louis Kotlarz
Lois Liss
Jill Ann Marks
Jill & Jeff Mirviss
Cathy & Jeff Molever
Joan Shapiro
Rosalie & Fredric Goldberg
Leonard Share
Shirlee & Debbie Bank &
Shari Greene
Thomas “Tom” Shaw
Nancy & Jay Charney
Paula & Mark Fields
Rhonda Stein &
Stuart Goldenberg
Cindi & Harold Goldfine
Colette Jaffe
Cindy & Doug Kanter
Janice & Mark Karon
Beth & Scott Puchtel
Barbara & Phil Schneider
Kathy & Allan Share
Helene “Sis” Shilkrot
Beverly & Stanley Davis
Pamela & Tom Meyers
Andrea & James Rovner
Evelyn Shore
Beverly & Stanley Davis
Mark Siders
Cathy & Jeff Molever
Gail Siegel
Lorraine & Sidney
Barbara & Lee Bearmon
Lois Goodman
Delores Kelber
Joan LaBelle
Schwartzman Family
Gerald Siegel
Bette Globus Goodman
Margot Siegel
Lois Goodman
Diane & Marvin Ingber
Lynne & Andrew Redleaf
Morrie Sigel
Susan & Robert Diamond
Renee & Jim Gainsley
Cindi & Harold Goldfine
Diana Idelkope
Irwin Weisman
Stephen Silverman
Peggy Halpern
Marlee & Howard Kaminsky
Diane & Howard Korsh
Mary Jane & Skip Shapiro
Toby Silvermann
Stuart Bader
Kerry & Scott Bader
Cathy Bratter
Diane & Richard Cohen
Mary Dworsky
Evie & Jeffrey Engler
Debbie & Michael Finn
Diane & Louis Goldenberg
Diane & Marvin Ingber
Colette Jaffe
Susan & Richard Proman
Beth & Scott Puchtel
Barry Rubin
Ricki Roberts &
Mark Simon
Judy & Peter Wolf
Al Singer
Mike Salloway
Richard “Dick” Smith
Molly & Sid Bader
Diane & Richard Cohen
Paula & Arvin Cohen
Susan & Robert Diamond
Mitzi Diamond
Julie & David Ezrilov
Cheryl & David Goldenberg
Lois Goodman
Amy & Brad Kanter
Elaine & Howard Kuretsky
Sandy & Art Lavintman
Elaine & Leon Lerner
Mary & Bob Mersky
Sheila & Hy Paisner
Lisa & Bruce Peilen
Sharon & Jerry Trestman
Barbara & Bob Weinstine
Alaine & Howard Wilensky
Mitzvah Card Tributes
Bobbie Goldfarb
Sybil Rubin
Sandy & Edward Sher
Phil Snyder
Loni & Darrell Ansel
Jay Applebaum
Kate Fischer &
Jon Applebaum
Lorraine & Sidney
Molly & Sid Bader
Arlene & Steven Badiner
Adrienne & Morton Bank
Charlotte & Richard Berman
Linda & Miles Braufman
Diane & Richard Cohen
Peggy & Billy Cohn
Ann & Neil Covin
Elaine & Gary Dachis
Dee Dempsey
Susan & Robert Diamond
Judy & Michael Emmons
Julie & David Ezrilov
Vivian & Bob Ezrilov
Lenore & Al Feldman
Debbie & Michael Finn
Mari Forbush
Amy & Lee Friedman
Bonnie & Phillip Gainsley
Cheryl & David Goldenberg
Diane & Louis Goldenberg
Lois Goodman
Arlis & Erv Grossman
Jane & Norman Gurstel
Diane & Marvin Ingber
Gloria Jaffe
Amy & Brad Kanter
Carole & Marty Kaplan
Elaine & Howard Kuretsky
Susan & Cliff Lake
Louise & Bruce Moss
Susan & Richard Proman
Sue & Martin Ring
Nancy & Marc Rosenberg
Dana Rubin
Ellen & Bob Saffron
Barbara & Phil Schneider
Roz & David Schwartzman
Carol & Sheldon Segal
Marilyn Marker &
Bud Shapiro
Harriet & Alan Sherman
Linda & Tom Sklar
Sharon & Jerry Trestman
Sandra & Bob Wallack
Sharon & Joel Waller
Anne & Allen Wolf
Shirley & Larry Zipkin
Sophie Snyder
Charlotte & Richard Berman
Ann Sorenson
Gloria Murman
Pennie Shapiro
Betty Smithberg
Sharline Barberio
directions • Fall 2015 29
Kaye Spector
Anne Dachis
Susie Winnick Lewis
Marcia & Allen Oleisky
Marilyn Marker &
Bud Shapiro
Dorothy Stanley
Lisa & Igor Furman
Harriet & Arthur Wiss
Sylvia & Jack Zouber
Mark Stein’s Father
Riva Gruenberg
Oren Steinfeldt
Lorraine & Sidney
Shirley Baratz
Bobby & Phillip Bloom
Carlyn & Paul Blum
Diane & Richard Cohen
Paula & Arvin Cohen
Vivian & Bob Ezrilov
Debbie & Michael Finn
Barbara & Neal Frank
Marlene & Aaron Gimpel
Lois Goodman
Barbara & Ronald Harris
Elissa Heilicher
Cindy & Bruce Idelkope
Diane & Marvin Ingber
Cindy & Doug Kanter
Carole & Marty Kaplan
Susan & Cliff Lake
Susie Winnick Lewis
Sandra & David Marrinson
Ella Mogilevsky
Louise & Bruce Moss
Marcia & Allen Oleisky
Joyce & Martin Orbuch
Nancy & Marc Rosenberg
Dana Rubin
Ellen & Bob Saffron
Annette Sandler
Carol & Sheldon Segal
Linda & Tom Sklar
Chelle & Marvin Stillman
Judy & Peter Wolf
Heather & Mark Stesin’s
Nephew, Jason
Lynne & Andrew Redleaf
Debra & Gregg Savitt
Bernice & Steve Stewart’s
Husband & Father
Harriet & Alan Sherman
Edith Stolbun
Sheri & Steve Abrams
Amy & Stan Baratz
Marcia & Mark Cherniack
Colette Jaffe
Gloria Jaffe
Judy & Steven Schumeister
Roz & David Schwartzman
Schwartzman Family
Rosalind Stoller
Jan Frisch
Joy Leslie Gordon
Janet Jaffe
Meryll Page
Patty Sorensen
Eve Winters
Margaret Stone
Lorraine & Sidney
Nancy & Jack Held
Susan & Brad Melnick
Steven Strouts
Sherri & Larry Feuer
Rita & Ron Kelner
Gloria Murman
Karen & Russ Rubin
Millicent Sukman
Deborah Cook
Marjorie & Don Frishberg
Simie & Al Kaye
Eva & Sheldon Kieffer
Diane & Joe Mast
Carol & Alan Shapiro
Sharon & Jerry Trestman
Shirley Sussman
Sandra & Lou Bennett
Dale Hillman
Meyer “Mike” Sutton
Susan & Brad Melnick
Judy Swartz’s Father
Judy & Michael Emmons
Betty Sweet
Lorraine & Sidney
Barbara Cohn
Cindi & Harold Goldfine
Robin & Nolan Segal
Hindy & Scott Tankenoff
Irving Sweet
Marilyn & Richard Chern
Mary Jane & Skip Shapiro
Oliver Tankenoff
Alvin Apple
Sally Rubenstein
Barb & Roger Rubin
Roslyn Tarshish
Joanne Rogin-Abrams &
Ronald Abrams
Nadene & Barry Alexander
Wendy & Howard Bach
Kerry & Scott Bader
Nancy & Ron Barthell
Esther Lerman &
Albert Benjohar
Pearl & Dan Berdass
Sue & Mark Bernstein
Bobby & Phil Bloom
Jane & Gene Borochoff
Eva & Milton Broude
Carole Cera
Debbie Sloane Chesen
Margie & Stuart Cohen
Linda & Gary Dahlgren
Patti & Lee Engler
Bev & Bill Fishman
Barbara & Zola Friedman
Margie Wasserman &
Neal Gendler
Randee & John Giblin
Shelly & Ira Golden
Bobbie Goldfarb
Judy & Andy Halper
Myrna Orensten &
Adam Han-Gorski
Dana & Cory Herman
Ann Hunegs
Evie & Alan Ingber
Georgia Kalman
Cindy & Doug Kanter
Shayne Brody Karasov
Mary & Phillip Kibort
Dayna & Steve Klein
Eileen & David Kohn
Elaine & Howard Koolick
Joey & Jerry Laurie
Joy Leibman
Michele & Myles Levin
Jane & Todd Lifson
Danielle Livon-Bemel
Judy & Patrick Mandile
Karen & Orrin Mann
Jill Ann Marks
Mindy & Steven Melemed
Carolyn & John Mirviss
Karen Ladin & Bob Otis
Cheryl & Jack Perecman
Nancy & Kevin Rhein
Ann & Lawrence Roscoe
Scott Rosenberg
Rousseau Family
Sandra & Jeffrey Rudoy
Sheryl & Randy Rutzick
Sandy & Brian Salita
Annette & Vic Sandler
Joy Sandler
Todd Sandler
Joanne & Douglas Savitt
Darcy & Robert Schnitzer
Pennie Shapiro
Harriet & Stephen Swartz
Diane & Burt Weisberg
Julie & Brian Weisberg
Laurie & Scott Weisman
Barbara & Honnen Weiss
Alaine & Howard Wilensky
Randi & Barry Wolfish
Kathy & Howard Zack
Stanley Taube
Joanne Ferraro &
Bob Beugen
Barbara & Tom Carlstrom
Rita & Larry Covin
Judy & Michael Emmons
Julie & David Ezrilov
Gail & Seymour Glatzer
Diane & Marvin Ingber
Jill & Jeff Mirviss
Susan & Richard Proman
Marilyn Marker &
Bud Shapiro
Melvin Tesler
Kerry & Scott Bader
Marian Toberman
Marilyn & Tim Broms
Bobbie Goldfarb
Judy & Andy Halper
Debra & Gregg Savitt
Randee & Sam Wolfson
30 Jewish Family and Children’s Service of Minneapolis
Rosemary Tracy
Kourtnee Baukol
Joy Leslie Gordon
Allen Trangle
Kerry & Scott Bader
Linda & Miles Braufman
Brina & Milton Krelitz
Faye & Stephen Krupp
Robin & Bryan Landy
Mary Jane & Skip Shapiro
Harriet & Stephen Swartz
Sharon & Jerry Trestman
Sharon Traub
Marian Altrowitz
Barbara & Lee Bearmon
Ruth Gail Cohen &
Steve Cohen
Barbara Eiger
Doris Frace
Renee & Jim Gainsley
Mary & Joseph Goldberg
Kathleen Gould
Susanna Lodge
Saralee & Neil Mogilner
Nina Serio
Michelle Solomon
Ardis & Thomas Wexler
Howard Warsett
Elaine Lehman Berg &
Henry Berg
Nancy Serber & Alan Calof
Sherry & Joel Coffino
Judy & Richard Cook
Margie Earhart
Geoffrey Fisher
Connie & Peter Frank
Sandy & Brian Golob
Rita & Ron Kelner
Diane & Howard Korsh
Robin & Bryan Landy
Lynne Lee
Linda & Ron Mash
Jan & Jon Peterson
Layne & Dave Rosen
Ellen Etzkin &
Harold Rosenthal
Georganne & Arnold Savitt
Dr. Gloria Kumagai &
Dr. Steven Savitt
Dolores Schlaifer
Tammy Schwartz
Robin & Nolan Segal
Mary Jane & Skip Shapiro
Annette Walder
Zelda Rae Walder
Julie & Michael Weiss
Fred Waterous
Rita & Ron Kelner
Annette Sandler
Vicki & Alan Sussman
Florence Weinstein
Anne Dachis
Muriel Weinstein
Janice & Mark Karon
Barbara Weinstine’s Mother
Linda & Miles Braufman
Milt Weiss
Marcia & Larry Swartz
Judith Wiesenberg-Neiman
Barbara & Zola Friedman
Sybil Rubin
Marie Wolpert
Gail & Frank Berman
Elaine & Peter Levy
Peri Wong’s Mother &
Esther Shanedling
Rabbi Barry Woolf
Beverly & Marvin Aaron
Kerry & Scott Bader
Molly & Sid Bader
Eva & Milton Broude
Beverly Dolinsky
Shirley Haskovitz
Anne & Merle Hillman
Anne-Monique &
Ed Rapoport
Rachel Zadaka
Randi & Barry Wolfish
Solomon “Sol” Zak
Mitzi & Terry Kane
Annette Walder
Zelda Rae Walder
Max Zeman
Pennie Shapiro Family
Clarice Zuckman
Anne & Merle Hillman
Shirley & Jack Udell
Jerry Zuckman
Barbara & Zola Friedman
Noreen & Bernie Milstein
Michael Zuckman
Anne & Merle Hillman
In-kind Gifts:
Thank you to our generous
donors who provided JFCS
with non-cash items and
opportunities for our clients
between Dec. 1, 2014, and
May 31, 2015.
Michelle Bertch
Jane Golden Gurstel &
Norman Gurstel
Ida Isaacs
Linda & Scott Ketover
Francine Lewin
Minnesota Twins
Baseball Club
Minnesota Zoo
Amy Taswell & Jim
Richard Proman
Elyn & David Sher
Beth & Jay Weinblatt
PCHP Graduation
8th Annual PCHP Graduation
JFCS’ Parent-Child Home Program (PCHP), held its 8th
Annual Graduation Ceremony in May. The joyous event marks
a culmination of two years of home visits for each family. More
than 60 families celebrated their child’s graduation. Thank you
to the PCHP donors, Steering Committee and JFCS staff and
volunteers that helped out at the event. Congratulations to the
PCHP class of 2015!
directions • Fall 2015 31
Don’t miss out on JFCS news
and events. Keep in touch!
Please provide your
email address to us by calling:
Jewish Federation
JFCS is a beneficiary of:
JFCS is committed to the inclusion of all people.
Jewish Family and Children’s Service of
Minneapolis provides essential services to
people of all ages and backgrounds to sustain
healthy relationships, ease suffering and offer
support in times of need.
MISSION STATEMENT 13100 Wayzata Boulevard, Suite 400
Minnetonka, Minnesota 55305-1839
Jewish Family and Children’s Service of Minneapolis
Twin Cities, MN
Permit No. 2669
Non-Profit Org.
U.S. Postage
Wishing you a fruitful & sweet new year