2015 sioux empire home show - Home Builders Association of the
2015 sioux empire home show - Home Builders Association of the
FEBRUARY 2015 6904 S. Lyncrest Place Sioux Falls, SD 57108 Phone (605) 361-8322 Fax (605) 361-8329 www.hbasiouxempire.com The official monthly newsletter of the Home Builders Association of the Sioux Empire 2015 SIOUX EMPIRE HOME SHOW™ March 6—8, 2015 See page 10 Our association represents the collective interests of the home building industry by offering members a competitive advantage through exclusive opportunities and services that allows them to responsibly meet the housing needs of our community. 02 H B A S I O U X E M P I R E . C O M TABLE OF CONTENTS 03 • 04 • 05 • 06 • 07 • 08 • 09 • 10 • 11 • 12 • 13 • 14 • 15 • 16 • 17 • 18 • President’s Message / Spring Parade of Homes™ Calendar of Events Lead Renovator Refresher Class / 2015 HBA Events Member Updates Member Updates / News March Membership Meeting Remodeling Council Corner Home Show™ Info / Workshops Home Show™ Sponsors Houzz Badge / Member-to-Member Discounts Member Rebate Program Deadline NAHBNow Article Webinar Wednesdays Repair Affair™ Deadline 2015 Sponsorship Opportunities December 2014 Permits ADVERTISERS 18 • 12 • 15 • 05 • 20 • 11 • 11 • 13 • 09 • 11 • 17 • 20 • 20 • 09 • 15 • 09 • 02 • 20 • 16 • 19 • 16 • Alphagraphics Boen & Associates, Inc. Boyer Trucks Bures & Associates, P.C. Component Manufacturing Company Cornerstone Poured Foundation Creative Surfaces Inc./The Stone Center First National Bank in Sioux Falls Fischer, Rounds & Associates, Inc. Frisbee Plumbing, Heating, A/C & Electrical Home Ideas Magazine Mahlander’s Appliance & Lighting Pella Windows & Doors Reliabank Sands Drywall, Inc. Schoeneman Bros. Lumber Co. Scott’s Lumber & Supply SD Housing Development Authority The Insurance Connection Van Buskirk Companies Xcel Energy HBASE OFFICERS President/Alt. National Director Culley Lebert, CGP Lebert Construction 1st Vice-President Jason Seykora Seykora Remodeling 2nd Vice-President Corey Johnson G.A. Johnson Construction, Inc. Assoc. Vice-President Todd Boots CityWide Insulation Secretary Chane Patten, CGP Builder’s Millwork & Window Treasurer Michele Rislov First Bank & Trust Past President Cindy Monnin Friessen Construction Co, Inc. BOARD OF DIRECTORS Brian Berg N-Drywall & Construction Bill Carney Pella Windows & Doors Justin Eimers Glass Doctor Colleen Elcock First Bank & Trust Tim Forsch MidAmerican Energy Company Dale Goetschius StarMark Custom Cabinetry & Furniture Mike Hartman Hartman Specialty Contracting / Radon Mitigation Systems LLC Shane Hartung Hartung Homes LLC Tom Hines Frisbee Plumbing, Heating, A/C & Electrical Ryan Jansa Van Buskirk Companies Preston Mettler Mettler Construction JJ Myott Jeren Homes, Inc. Dusty Rallis Rallis Construction EX-OFFICIO National Directors Kim Hefner-Hines H & H Design Consultants Craig Lloyd Lloyd Construction Company Paul Nelsen Paul Nelsen Construction Mel Zelmer Zelmer Inc. ALTERNATE NATIONAL DIRECTORS Daryl Christensen Reaves Building Systems Russ Pies, CGP Pro-Build Scott Hjellming Hjellming Construction SDHBA associate national director Candi Menke Wells Fargo Home Mortgage SD State Representative Duane Bickett Bickett’s Construction HBASE COMMITTEE CHAIRS Building & Grounds Dick Davis The Davis Company Events Ryan Jansa Van Buskirk Companies Golf Classic Tim Wermers Sioux Falls Federal Credit Union Home Show™ Cindy Monnin Friessen Construction Tim Forsch MidAmerican Energy Company LegisLATION Mike Austad Dakota Radon Mitigation Local Government Affairs Preston Mettler Mettler Construction Co. Membership Michele Rislov First Bank & Trust MEMBER EDUCATION Joel McDowell McDowell Companies MEMBER SERVICES Dustin Rhody WorkFORCE Occupational Health & Medical Services Parade of Homes™ Dudley Deffenbaugh Deffenbaugh Homes Past Board Mike Sprang J. H. Larson Electrical Co. Public Relations Rhonda Ims Frisbee Plumbing, Heating, A/C & Electrical Repair Affair™ Chad Dahle Dahle Construction Showcase of Remodeled Homes™ Charlie Beatch Beatch Construction, L.L.C. Workforce Development Dennis Hartman Cabinet Works AFFILIATED ORGANIZATION CHAIRS Sioux Empire Home Builders Care Foundation Tom Hines Frisbee Plumbing, Heating, A/C & Electrical Sioux Empire Friends of Affordable Housing Todd Boots CityWide Insulation Remodeling Council Jon Beatch Beatch Construction, L.L.C. HBASE STAFF Executive Vice-President Julie Terrell Public Relations Director Annette Amdahl Government Affairs & Education Director Todd Anawski Membership Director Lisa Ottmar Administrative Assistant Wendy Persons © 2015 HBASE. All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without the express written permission of: Home Builders Association of the Sioux Empire 6904 S. Lyncrest Place, Sioux Falls, SD 57108 Email: info@hbasiouxempire.com Phone: 605-361-8322 MORE CHOICES. MORE STYLE. INSIDE & OUT. With new Andersen® A-Series windows and doors, you can now enjoy virtually unlimited customization. The key is an exclusive system of integrated options, all designed and selected to work together seamlessly while letting you customize your windows literally thousands of ways. Stop in to learn more. 4040 S. Grange Avenue 605.336.0860 scottslumber.com “ENERGY STAR” is a registered trademark of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. “Andersen” and all other marks where denoted are trademarks of Andersen Corporation. © 2010 Andersen Corporation. All rights reserved. • F E B R U A R Y 2 0 1 5 03 PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE Was it just me or did 2014 seem busier than previous years for all aspects of the construction industry? 2015 HBASE PRESIDENT CULLEY LEBERT Lebert Construction According to the 2014 permit stats released by the City of Sioux Falls in January - the previous record number of building permits that was issued in 2013 was blown away in 2014. In 2014, 14,945 building permits were issued, which exceeded the 7,953 permits issued in 2013 by 88 percent! The June hail storm in Sioux Falls resulted in the issuance of 8,500 building permits for the replacement of roof coverings, predominately reshingling of residential properties throughout the city. The number of building permits issued for roof BENEFIT FROM OVER $35,000 WORTH OF EVENT ADVERTISING & PROMOTION! replacements alone exceeded the record number of building permits issued the previous year. Residential repairs and renovations continue to drive the total number of permits issued. The number of permits issued for residential additions, repairs, and remodels (not including new residential buildings or new or renovated commercial projects) in 2014 totaled 12,751 permits or 85 percent of the total number of permits issued. For comparison, there were 5,911 permits issued for residential additions, repairs, and remodels, which constituted 74 percent of the total number of permits issued in 2013. The category that typically has the highest volume of permits issued is residential reshingles. The 8,500 roof replacement permits in 2014 compares to 2,122 permits in 2013, 2,032 permits in 2012, and 2,695 permits in 2011. I guess it really WAS a busy year for everyone! We knew 2014 was a great year but these numbers confirm that. As an association, we should take great pride in this accomplishment as the Sioux Empire continues to grow. When our members come together to work as one, great things happen. We have staff and volunteers who fight at the local, state and national levels to keep housing affordable. We also have many people who put in numerous hours to make sure our events run smoothly. To all these people & anyone else who’s working to better our association and the future of our industry, I thank you. Source: City of Sioux Falls UPCOMING DATES Hosting an open house on your own may bring in some traffic but do you invest months of planning and thousands of dollars in advertising for it? FEBRUARY 16 Registration packets mailed to Builder members Contact the HBASE office if you need a packet or extras Probably not. By registering your new home on the 2015 Spring Parade of Homes™ you’ve made a wise choice! You’ll be part of a unified event that receives a massive amount of media coverage, personalized yard signs and even its own official event publication (Home Ideas Magazine). When you receive the packet of information in the mail in February, don’t ask yourself, “Why should I be on the Parade of Homes™?” Ask yourself, “Why not?!” People from across the region anticipate this long awaited event year after year. So now is the time for your company to get registered in this ever popular consumer event! MARCH 19 Builder registration deadline MARCH 26 Program items due (elevations, logos, bullet points) Late entries due (+ $100 late fee) Deadline to cancel APRIL 8-10 Proof Home Ideas program listing(s) MAY 6-8 Builders pick up signs & materials at HBASE office MAY 9-11 & 16-18 SPRING PARADE OF HOMES™ EVENT DATES MAY 9 Builder reception MAY 19-20 Return directional arrows and yard signs FEBRUARY 2015 SUNDAY 1 MONDAY 2 11:30AM HBASE Legislative Committee HBASE 4:00PM Workforce Development Committee HBASE TUESDAY WEDNESDAY 3 4:00PM Membership Committee HBASE 4 8:30AM IRAB Oak View Library 12:00PM Remodeling Council Committee HBASE 4:00PM Public Relations Committee HBASE THURSDAY 5 12:00PM Home Show™ Committee HBASE FRIDAY 6 SATURDAY 7 HOME IDEAS TV PROGRAM 10:30AM KCPO 11:00AM KSFY 6:30PM KELO SDHBA BOARD MEETING Pierre, SD 8 9 HOME IDEAS TV PROGRAM 8:00AM KSFY 9:00AM KTTW 10:30AM My UTV 9:00PM KTTW 15 11:30AM HBASE Legislative Committee HBASE 4:00PM Member Education Committee HBASE HOME IDEAS TV PROGRAM 22 Spring Parade of Homes™ Builder Registration packets in the mail See page 3 11:30AM HBASE Legislative Committee HBASE HOME IDEAS TV PROGRAM 11 11:00AM Local GA and Developers Committee HBASE 12:00PM Repair Affair™ Committee HBASE 12 11:30AM Utility Committee The District 13 14 BUILDER REBATE DEADLINE 17 4:00PM Past Board Committee HBASE 18 11:00AM Executive Committee HBASE 11:30AM Board of Directors HBASE 19 LEAD PAINT REFRESHER CLASS 20 HOME IDEAS TV PROGRAM 10:30AM KCPO 11:00AM KSFY 6:30PM KELO 21 HOME IDEAS TV PROGRAM 10:30AM KCPO 11:00AM KSFY 6:30PM KELO 12:30PM - 4:30PM HBASE See page 5 5:00PM New Member Social The District 23 8:00AM KSFY 9:00AM KTTW 10:30AM My UTV 9:00PM KTTW 4:00PM Building & Grounds Committee HBASE See page 13 16 8:00AM KSFY 9:00AM KTTW 10:30AM My UTV 9:00PM KTTW 10 11:30AM HBASE Legislative Committee HBASE 24 25 1:00PM Webinar: Significant Changes to the 2015 International Codes HBASE 26 27 28 HOME IDEAS TV PROGRAM 10:30AM KCPO 11:00AM KSFY 6:30PM KELO MARCH 2015 SUNDAY 1 MONDAY 2 11:30AM HBASE Legislative Committee HBASE 8 9 HOME SHOW™ 11:00AM - 5:00PM Sioux Falls Convention Center & Arena See page 10 15 11:30AM HBASE Legislative Committee HBASE 4:00PM Member Education Committee HBASE 16 TUESDAY 3 10 17 HOME IDEAS TV PROGRAM 8:00AM KSFY 9:00AM KTTW 10:30AM My UTV 9:00PM KTTW 22 HOME IDEAS TV PROGRAM 8:00AM KSFY 9:00AM KTTW 10:30AM My UTV 9:00PM KTTW WEDNESDAY 4 8:30AM IRAB Oak View Library 12:00PM Remodeling Council Committee HBASE 1:00PM Webinar: What’s ‘Appening: Tech Tips & Tricks for Building Professionals on the Go HBASE 11 11:00AM Local GA and Developers Committee HBASE 12:00PM Repair Affair™ Committee HBASE 4:00PM Events Committee HBASE 18 11:00AM Executive Committee HBASE 11:30AM Board of Directors HBASE THURSDAY 5 FRIDAY 6 SATURDAY 7 HOME SHOW™ 12 4:00PM Workforce Development Committee HBASE 19 5:00PM Spring Parade of Homes™ Deadline HBASE 13 HOME SHOW™ 10:00AM - 9:00PM 10:00AM - 9:00PM Sioux Falls Convention Center & Arena See page 10 Sioux Falls Convention Center & Arena See page 10 14 HOME IDEAS TV PROGRAM 10:30AM KCPO 11:00AM KSFY 6:30PM KELO 20 21 HOME IDEAS TV PROGRAM 10:30AM KCPO 11:00AM KSFY 6:30PM KELO MEMBERSHIP MEETING 5:00PM - 6:30PM HBASE See page 8 23 24 25 1:00PM Webinar: The Social Society: The Nuts and Bolts of Getting Started in Social Media HBASE 26 4:00PM Home Show™ Committee Wrap-Up TBD 5:00PM Spring Parade of Homes™ Late Entry Deadline / Last Day to Cancel / Program Items Due HBASE 27 28 HOME IDEAS TV PROGRAM 10:30AM KCPO 11:00AM KSFY 6:30PM KELO 2015 HBA EVENTS MEMBER EDUCATION OPPORTUNITY EPA Lead Paint Renovator Refresher Class Thursday, February 19, 2015 · 12:30PM—4:30PM HBASE Office 6904 S Lyncrest Place, Sioux Falls, SD 57108 150 for Members / $225 for Non-Members $ The EPA requires Certified Renovators take a refresher training course every five years to maintain compliance with the lead Renovation, Repair and Painting (RRP) rule. All contractors who took the initial lead RRP class in 2010 are due for the 4-hour refresher training course. Be aware of your lead recertification date. If your training certificate expires you will be required to take the initial RRP course over. This course is presented by Midwest Training Institute, an approved EPA training provider and qualifies for the City of Sioux Falls residential contractors continuing education credit. For additional information about EPA’s Renovation, Repair and Painting Program visit: http://www2.epa.gov/lead/renovation-repair-and-painting-program AdvanceD registration is required: Call the HBASE office (361-8322) or send an email to info@hbasiouxempire.com. If you or an employee did not take the initial 8-hour Lead Renovator class and are interested in becoming certified, please contact the HBASE office for additional information. Cancellation Policy: Any reservations made and not fulfilled may result in a charge to the member equivalent to the expense taken upon the HBA for that reservation. This includes all reservations that may have been promoted as free to the members. Let us do the math. On and off the job site, you know how to put two and two together. From hiring the best labor to making cost-effective decisions, you keep things on schedule and on budget. Are you doing the same for your own business? As a full-service CPA firm serving contractors in the region for more than 20 years, Bures & Associates, P.C., can handle your financial interests from payroll and year-end reviews to monthly financials and accounts payable. Whether your needs are large or small, partnering with us adds up to a strong financial future. B U R E S C PA . C o M • 6 0 5 . 2 7 5 . 5 3 0 0 Frank Bures, CPA Mark your calendars! FEBRUARY 4-5 SDHBA Meetings Pierre, SD 19 Lead Refresher Class HBASE See page 5 MARCH 6-8 Home Show™ Sioux Falls Convention Center & Arena See page 10 19 Membership Meeting HBASE See page 8 APRIL 16 Member Appreciation Lunch VFW 23-24 SDHBA Meetings Pierre, SD MAY 9-11 Spring Parade of Homes™ Sioux Empire 16-18 Spring Parade of Homes™ Sioux Empire 28 Membership Meeting / Bus Tour Holiday Inn City Centre JUNE 2-6 NAHB Spring Board Washington, DC 9 Repair Affair™ Sioux Empire See page 16 24 Golf Classic Bakker Crossing JULY 8 Brooks Open Golf Outing Willow Run 16-17 SDHBA Meetings Pierre, SD AUGUST 24 Dakota Dunes Golf Outing Dakota Dunes SEPTEMBER 12-14 Fall Parade of Homes™ Sioux Empire 19-21 Fall Parade of Homes™ Sioux Empire 17 Membership Meeting The District 26-29 NAHB Fall Board Dallas, TX OCTOBER 3 & 4 Showcase of Remodeled Homes™ Sioux Empire 16 Member Appreciation Night The Country Club of Sioux Falls NOVEMBER 5-6 SDHBA Meetings Rapid City, SD 19 Membership Meeting The Country Club of Sioux Falls DECEMBER 4 Holiday Gala Holiday Inn City Centre For most up-to-date information, please visit the HBASE event calendar at hbasiouxempire.com or stay tuned to your HBASE Weekly E-News email. 06 H B A S I O U X E M P I R E . C O M Special Anniversaries DECEMBER SPIKE OF THE MONTH & $100 WINNER KIM HEFNER-HINES H & H Design Consultants 55 YEARS Kim recruited the most new members in December to receive this honor and prize. Home Federal Bank *Starting January 2015, the 100 prize will be discontinued $ 35 YEARS DECEMBER AMBASSADOR OF THE MONTH M C & R Pools, Inc. MICHELE RISLOV First Bank & Trust 25 YEARS Michele earned the most points in December by contacting new members and attending membership events. Anderson Landscaping Friessen Construction Co, Inc. I-29 Brick & Tile, Inc. WELCOME OUR NEW MEMBERS Please take a moment to welcome our newest members to the association! Company Name Contact Phone Category Spike 605 Companies, Inc. Matt Kissell* (605) 251-3185 Builder Justin Driscoll Dakota Custom Builders Greg Neppl, CGP* (605) 299-2685 Builder Kim Hefner-Hines Elite Solutions, Inc. Matt Olson (605) 274-2171 Indoor Air Quality Dan Konz Help You Landscape Mark VanMeeteren (605) 929-3542 Landscaping Craig Darby Vision Builders Troy Bosma (712) 360-1176 Builder Chuck Ganje Window World Don Meinke (605) 373-1100 Siding; Windows & Doors Russ Pies, CGP *NEW MEMBER PHOTOS Are you a new member? Stop by the HBASE office to get your photo taken during office hours. Matt Kissell 605 Companies, Inc. Greg Neppl Dakota Custom Builders MEMBER NEWS RENEWING HBASE MEMBERS CONGRATULATIONS Thank you to the following members for recently renewing their HBASE membership! A & M Underground Irrigation 2012 JKXteriors 2010 Alphagraphics 1993 Josh Bartels Construction Inc 2011 Anderson Landscaping 1990 Avitus Group Josten Concrete Products Company, Inc 1963 2013 B & B Construction 2000 JRC Construction 2013 Boyer Trucks 1997 1963 Breuer Construction, Inc., Thomas D. 2003 Lambert Heating & Air Conditioning Lipetzky's Irrigation & Landscape 2013 Bullseye Custom Cabinetry, Inc 1998 M C & R Pools, Inc. 1980 Bures & Associates, PC 2012 Mahlander's Appliance & Lighting 1964 Closet Pros, Inc 2013 McDowell Companies 2012 Closets N More 2012 MetaBank 2007 Coacher Construction LLC 2012 Michael Johnson Contracting, Inc. 2012 Computerized Drafting Services 2000 Midwest Concrete 2012 CU Mortgage Direct, LLC 2003 Midwest Land Surveying, Inc. 2003 Dakota Wholesale 1995 Midwest Landscape Supply, Inc. 2011 Delta Faucet Company 2013 Midwest Spray Foam 2013 Eide Bailly LLP 2013 Northland Coatings Inc. 2003 Extraordinaire Handy Man, LLC 2010 Old English Building Maintenance 2011 Falls City Construction 2009 PODS Moving & Storage 2007 Feucht's Custom Cabinets 2000 Reaves Building Systems 2012 First Bank & Trust 2005 Rew's TV & Appliance 2012 First National Bank In Sioux Falls 1986 2013 Flooring America 2003 Reynolds Construction Management Services Freedom Builders 2010 Roe Painting, Inc., Paul 2012 Fresh Coat of Sioux Falls 2013 Schoeneman Bros. Lumber Company 1957 Friessen Construction Co, Inc. 1990 SCM Business Services LLC 2012 2007 Ganschow Construction Select Builders, Inc. Gerry's Concrete Co 2007 2005 2010 Sioux Falls Shopping News Western Commercial Printing 1978 Groundwater Inc Hannah's Custom Tile Works 2012 Sioux Falls Woman Magazine 2008 Harr Construction, Craig 1988 Siouxland Construction 2012 Hayfield Window & Door Company 1996 Solid Fence 2013 Heartland Construction, Inc. 2012 Southeastern Electric 1989 Heartland Glass LLC 1994 Stan Houston Equipment 1963 Heyn Brothers 2013 Start To Finish Builders 2013 Home Building Supply 2012 STS Construction 2011 Home Federal Bank 1959 Syverson Tile & Stone 1963 Hometown Remodeling 2013 Valvoline Instant Oil Change 2012 Huber Home Improvement, Inc./ Superior Fence 1992 Visions Design Lighting, Inc. 2000 Wehde Bros Construction, Inc. 1990 2003 I-29 Brick & Tile, Inc. Weller Brothers Landscaping Integrity Construction, Inc. 2004 2013 Zelmer, Inc. 2012 1983 JB Drywall, LLC Congratulations to Kim Hefner-Hines of H & H Design Consultants on a successful year as NAHB Associate Committee Chair. Congratulations to Kyle Cosand of Cosand Construction Company, and his wife on the birth of their baby girl, Callie, born on December 29. Josh Hofer, a business banker at First Dakota National Bank, has been promoted to vice president. He has been with the bank since February 2013 and works out of the downtown branch. Scott Speer has joined the First National Bank in Sioux Falls as a business banker in the downtown office. He has been in the industry for 13 years. SYMPATHIES Our sympathies to Frank Krause of the South Dakota Home Builders Association as his father passed away in January. If you would like to send your condolences, please mail to the following address: Frank Krause 427 7th Ave NE Watertown, SD 57201 Our sympathies to Teresa Schurz of Keller Williams Realty Sioux Falls as her brother, Rick Schurz, passed away in January. HAVE MEMBER NEWS TO SHARE FOR THE MARCH HBA NEWS? Call the HBASE office at (605) 361-8322 or email Public Relations Director, Annette Amdahl, at annette@hbasiouxempire.com. DEADLINE: February 13, 2015. Free to attend! MARCH 19 MEMBERSHIP MEETING 5:00PM - 6:30PM • HBASE OFICE• FREE TO ATTEND TIM DOUGHERTY HBASE Lobbyist HERMAN OTTEN District 6 State Representative ALEX JENSEN District 12 State Representative Legislative Update Join your fellow HBASE members to hear updates on the current SD Legislative Session. HBASE Lobbyist, Tim Dougherty and State Representatives and HBASE members, Herman Otten and Alex Jensen, will share their insight into this year’s session. RESERVATIONS REQUIRED BY MARCH 13, 2015 CALL 361-8322 OR INFO@HBASIOUXEMPIRE.COM OR FAX THIS FORM FILLED OUT TO 361-8329 APPETIZERS, SODA, COFFEE AND WATER WILL BE PROVIDED FOR ATTENDEES NAME COMPANY # ATTENDING (Free to attend) Cancelation Policy: Any “no shows” that are not canceled 48 hours prior to the event will be invoiced equivalent to the expense taken upon the HBASE for that reservation ($10). At Your Service. At Your Side. Fischer, Rounds & Associates, Inc. is an independent insurance agency with a broad range of personal, commercial, health and life insurance products. T H E CALL US IN SIOUX FALLS 1101 West Russell Street • Sioux Falls, SD 57101 Phone: 605-336-4444 • Toll Free: 877-789-3773 • Fax: 605-274-9034 Offices also in Mitchell • Pierre • Rapid City • Watertown www.FischerRounds.com Home and Commercial Lenders You Can Rely On REMODELING COUNCIL CORNER NEXT MEETING February 4 at noon - HBASE Office “Networking Opportunities” Speaker: Becka Burger HenkinSchultz Creative Services Val Engels - NMLS # 649919 valeriee@reliabank.com Jeremy Keizer - NMLS # 649921 jeremyk@reliabank.com Tea I 498-3683 MORGAN JACKSON Hartford I 528-4000 Humboldt I 363-3808 MEMBER HIGHLIGHT Store Manager www.RELIABANK.com POSITION YEARS WITH COMPANY I have been with Lowe’s for 12 Years BUSINESS SPECIALTY Home Improvement BUSINESS MOTTO Never stop improving HOW HAS THE REMODELING COUNCIL BENEFITED YOU AND YOUR COMPANY? We joined in 2007, I continue to learn new things every single day. I would say it is the best part of this industry is that you never stop learning SECRET TO SUCCESS Be the face in front of your business. When you have success - celebrate it with your employees. They are the reason you exist. Contact Morgan (605) 759-9000 morgan.f.jackson@store.lowes.com FRIDAY FREE! EDUCATIONAL WORKSHOPS All workshops are free to attend 11:00AM - 12:00PM Meeting room 1 Fire Sprinklers & Alarms in the Home Presenter: Sioux Falls Fire & Rescue Meeting room 2 High Performance Zero Energy Presenter: Extreme Panel Tech, Inc. Homes 2:00PM - 3:00PM Meeting room 1 Creating Your Seasonal Outdoor Presenter: Oakridge Nursery & Landscaping, Inc. Living Environment Volunteers Needed Visit http://hbasiouxempire.com/events/ sioux-empire-home-show/volunteer-info to view the list of available volunteer slots then email julie@hbasiouxempire.com or call the office at (605) 361-8322 to sign up. 3:00PM - 4:00PM Notice to Exhibitors You should have received a packet in January including details on parking locations for exhibitors. In the February mailing, exhibitors will receive their handbook, a move-in schedule, show map, ADA compliance info and any advanced tickets you may have ordered. Call the HBASE if you have questions or didn’t receive your packet. 5:00PM - 6:00PM Presenter: Starmark Custom Cabinetry & Furniture Meeting room 1 Remodeling Trends & What to Expect Presenter: Remodeling Council of the Sioux Empire During Your Home Remodel Presenter: Midcontinent Communications adult admission $7.00 children 12 & under Free senior citizens $6.00 (Friday Only) ADVANCED TICKETS $6.00 (Lewis Drugs) ALL ACCESS PASS $10.00 (Wristbands sold at the Convention Center during show hours for unlimited entrance all weekend long) 11:00AM - 12:00PM Meeting room 1 SDHDA Tax Credit Means Big Savings for SDHDA First-Time Homebuyers Presenter: South Dakota Housing Development Authority 12:00PM - 1:00PM Meeting room 2 Save 50% When You Build a New Home Presenter: Habitat for Humanity / Johnson Environmental 1:00PM - 2:00PM Meeting room 1 Construction & Remodeling Loans Presenter: First Bank & Trust 2:00PM - 3:00PM 3:00PM - 4:00PM Meeting room 2 Flooring is Fashion for Your Homes Presenter: Flooring America See What’s New Meeting room 1 What Product is Right for Me? Presenter: Showplace Kitchens / Falls City Construction To advertise in the official event publication (March issue of Home Ideas Magazine), please contact your Home Ideas sales rep at (605) 332-0421. Ad deadline is Feb 6. 4:00PM - 5:00PM Meeting room 2 Stress-Free Home Building Presenter: Rosewood Homes 5:00PM - 6:00PM Meeting room 1 Today’s Design Trends for Your Home Presenter: Montgomery’s SUNDAY Reserve Advanced Tickets The HBASE office will again be selling advanced tickets to members for only $ 3 each. This is a great way to share the excitement of our show with your family, friends, neighbors, co-workers and clients. Meeting room 2 Security & Home Automation 6:00PM - 7:00PM SATURDAY Event Promotions Event posters will be available at the HBASE office by Feb 2. Help promote the event by displaying these at your business. If you have a marquee or a newsletter, please consider announcing the event dates. You’re also invited to include Home Show™ dates in your advertising and on your website - please link to hbasiouxempire.com. Be sure to like or share our Home Show™ posts on Facebook for all your friends to see! Meeting room 2 Kitchen & Bath Design Trends 4:00PM - 5:00PM 1:00PM - 2:00PM Meeting room 1 Building with Insulating Concrete Presenter: Dakota ICF, LLC Forms Meeting room 2 Be Your Own Builder / Home Building Presenter: Homestead Homes of America Workshop, Owner/Builder 2:00PM - 3:00PM WORKSHOP SPONSOR THANK YOU TO OUR 2015 HOME SHOW™ SPONSORS GOLD SPONSOR Stock Up On Warm & Cozy. SILVER SPONSORS BRONZE SPONSORS M Free Estimates FrisbeesInc.com • 338.6321 4009 S. Minnesota Ave. MAHLANDER’S APPLIANCE AND LIGHTING Sales and Service • 8th & Minnesota, Sioux Falls • 336-7798 www.mahlanders.com M MAHLANDER’S APPLIANCE AND LIGHTING © CAMBRIA 2015 Sales and Service • 8th & Minnesota, Sioux Falls • 336-7798 www.mahlanders.com M MAHLANDER’S APPLIANCE AND LIGHTING Sales and Service • 8th & Minnesota, Sioux Falls • 336-7798 www.mahlanders.com M MAHLANDER’S APPLIANCE AND LIGHTING Sales and Service • 8th & Minnesota, Sioux Falls • 336-7798 www.mahlanders.com With 13 beautiful new designs, Cambria® now offers more than 120 distinctive selections to help your customers find the perfect design solution for any style or decor. Call now to get started on a great kitchen in your next home. NEW SEAGROVE™ Coastal Collection™ 605-362-5853 | StoneCenterUSA.com 12 H B A S I O U X E M P I R E . C O M MEMBER TO MEMBER DISCOUNTS Gain Credibility and Showcase your HBASE Affiliation with our logo badge We are excited to announce our participation in the Houzz Affiliation Badge Program. Houzz has become the leading online platform for home remodeling and design. With more than 25 million homeowners using Houzz every month, we know that using Houzz can help you build your brand and grow your business. The Badge Program will let you showcase your local HBA affiliation right on your profile. Please follow us on Houzz and add the HBA badge to your Houzz professional profile today! BOEN & ASSOCIATES, INC. THE INSURANCE CONNECTION Group discounts available for commercial and personal lines insurance. Receive an additional 10%‐12% discount on already competitive business, auto & work comp programs, plus a 5%‐10% discount on eligible personal insurance programs. Contact Mike Mahan, CIC, Jason Owan, CIC or Chad Dubisar, CIC 307 W 41st St, Sioux Falls, SD 57105 Phone: 336‐0425, Fax: 336‐8187 www.boenassociates.com mikem@boenassociates.com PRINCIPAL FINANCIAL GROUP Free informal business valuation and 20% discount on select disability products. Contact Kurt Whitesel 2520 River Ridge Pl., Sioux Falls, SD 57103 Phone: 331‐2908 www.principal.com whitesel.kurt@principal.com Contact Oscar DeVries, CIC/LUTCF or Jeremy DeVries 1412 S Minnesota Ave, Sioux Falls, SD 57105 Phone: 339‐3147, Fax 339‐2715 www.insconnection.com oscar@insconnection.com VAN BUSKIRK COMPANIES 5% discount on any available corporate apartments located at Bennington Hill Apartments to any HBASE Member or their clients. Contact Cindi Biever 5800 S Remington Pl., Sioux Falls, SD 57108 Phone: 361‐8211, Fax: 361‐8052 www.vbclink.com cindi@vbclink.com INSURANCE and BONDS It takes less than a minute & here’s how: 1. Go to Your Houzz, then “Edit Profile.” Scroll down to Affiliations 2. In the text box, start typing the name of our organization. 3. Click on our organization name, then click the Add button. Make sure to click “Update” to save changes. We’ll Find The Best Way 605.336.0425 • 1.800.568.4135 DIRECT LINK TO OUR PROFILE: houzz.com/pro/homebuilders-siouxempire 307 West 41st Street Sioux Falls, SD www.boenassociates.com • F E B R U A R Y 2 0 1 5 13 THE BUILDER REBATE PROGRAM Q4’14 DEADLINE IS FEBRUARY 20 No one likes to leave money on the table. So, what would you think if you could get a rebate for your loyalty to many of the nation’s leading Manufacturers? Well, now you can! The Member Rebate Program is a free member benefit available to all active Builder & Remodeler members that increases your bottom line. For the minimal effort of informing us about the SIOUX FALLS remodel PermITS up 50% IN 2014 products you use and when you complete a residential address, you’ll be putting money back in your pocket. Both Builder & Remodeler companies, no matter how large or small, qualify for the program. The 4th quarter rebate claim forms were sent to all registered Builder members in January. The deadline to submit for any completed residential address from July - December 2014 will be February 20, 2015. REGISTER OR FILE A CLAIM TODAY: HBArebates.com Call the HBASE office with any questions - (605) 361-8322. You can love your home again. As the economy rebounds, more South Dakotans are choosing to remodel their living space instead of buying a new home. Sioux Falls is at a record pace for residential additions and remodeling projects. We can help. Get remodeling answers and financing options from the experts at The First National Bank in Sioux Falls. We make your dreams affordable realities. This is The First National Bank Way. For your next remodeling project, call Terri at (605) 782-5713. Terri Foster Mortgage Loan Originator Source: Sioux Falls Business Journal, 8/04/14 www.fnbsf.com beaTing your competition with better product design quality Original Post: January 13, 2015 The answer is simple. You do it with better product design quality. To achieve that goal, here are five action items you must employ. Action Item #1 Leave Your Ego Outside the Room The first step in this process is to do an internal audit of the design strengths and weaknesses of your own products and floor plans. This audit should be accomplished by your own staff and those responsible for your marketing and sales. That means everyone from your estimator to your construction superintendent, marketing staff and, yes, especially your salespeople. Who else hears more about the shortcomings of your product than the salespeople who are interacting with your prospects on a day-to-day basis? Ask your sales team to list all the design objections they are getting on the plans you are offering. The next step is to ask your recent buyers what they like and do not like about the plan they bought from you. It is just as important to ask the qualified prospects who showed an interest in one of your plans but bought from another builder. You will be surprised at the feedback you get and the immediate corrective actions you can take to improve your product. Action Item #2 Know your Competitors As the ancient Chinese military general and philosopher Sun Tzu said: “Know your enemy and know yourself and you can fight a hundred battles without disaster.” This process starts by visiting and analyzing the product your competitors are offering. You can’t do it by just looking at their website. • Walk their models and spec homes • Take notes on what’s good and what’s not so good about their websites or brochure plans • Identify their best-selling plans and note the reasons why • Identify their standard features • Understand their base pricing strategy Do this field research on your own and then have your team members do the same thing individually. Once you and your team have walked your competition and taken notes, assemble everyone back in your office to go over the findings and brainstorm on how to improve your product. Action Item #3 Compare your Product to Theirs Find a room large enough to put your plans and your competitor’s plans side-by-side on the wall. Group the plans by elevation type, bedroom and bath count, and interior size. Have photos of their front elevations and yours next to each plan grouping and start analyzing the strengths and weaknesses of your plans as compared to theirs. Make notes right on the plans and have someone summarize all the notes in a separate document. Here are some of the key design elements you should be looking for during this exercise: • How does the competitor’s front elevation compare to yours aesthetically? • How do the initial visual reads from the front door and foyer compare? • How do the lifestyle triangles compare (the orientation of the kitchen to the great/living room to the casual eating area)? Are these triangles open or chopped up? • Since the kitchen is the most desirable room today, how do yours compare to theirs? • Do the great/living rooms have strong home entertainment center walls? • Are the master bedrooms and baths just bedrooms and baths or are they relaxing retreats? • Do the plans have true flex space rooms? • Do key rooms (other than the kitchen) have more than one furniture placement option? • Do the garages have extra depth for bonus storage or workshop space? • Are there opportunities for three-car tandem garages? • Do the backyards accommodate true outdoor living options? Action #4 Design Workshops After you have done your own internal audit of the design quality of your plans and compared those to the competition’s you might come to the realization that you need to introduce some new plans. This is when you might consider doing a design workshop and bring in a professional architect to create new front elevations and layouts. There are architectural firms that offer this type of design service, typically charging $5,000 to $6,000 per plan, which includes two front elevations. The workshop process starts by reviewing your plans and the competition’s best-selling plans with the design team. Have your whole team involved so the input and finished product is designed to be market-acceptable on day one. Action Item #5 Test Your New Plans The final action item is to test your new plans with potential buyers through a series of focus groups. Walk them through the new plans using a PowerPoint presentation and hard copies of the plans. Have the participants write notes on their plans as to what they like and would like to see designed differently. Have one of the design workshop architects present to make the necessary changes on onion skin in front of the group. You can also test standard features during these sessions. If done correctly, these focus groups often produce buyers for you because they feel they helped design their new home. This process is cost-effective and will help you take sales away from your competition – whether they are public, large regional or local entrepreneur builders. Source: nahbnow.com This article originally appeared in the September/ October issue of Sales + Marketing Ideas magazine. 02 • F E B R U A R Y 2 0 1 5 15 WEBINAR WEDNESDAYS If you would like to view upcoming webinars for FREE at the HBASE office, please call 361-8322 at least 2 days prior to register. Otherwise you can register to watch these webinars on your own for a fee. February 25 - 1:00PM - 2:00PM STEEL STUD FRAMING SIOUX FALLS OFFICE 47030 Phillip Street Sioux Falls, SD 57108 CULTURED STONE RAPID CITY OFFICE 12168 Siouxland Road Summerset, SD 57718 HANGING TAPING NORTH DAKOTA OFFICE 3218 111H Ave. SW, Suite A Dickinson, ND 58601 TEXTURE E.I.F.S. Significant Changes to the 2015 International Codes New homes are required by law to comply with state and local building codes and the standards referenced in those codes. Most jurisdictions that enforce a building code have adopted one or more of the family of International Codes (I-Codes) developed by the International Code Council (ICC). This webinar highlights significant changes to the 2015 editions of the I-Codes, particularly the International Residential Code (IRC) and International Building Code (IBC). March 4 - 1:00PM - 2:00PM 605-361-3177 www.sandsdrywall.com What’s ‘Appening: Tech Tips and Tricks for Building Professionals On the Go In today’s world of buzzing, beeping, texting and tweeting, your smartphone or tablet is the ultimate power tool! In this seminar, you will learn how to leverage your pocket-sized computer to its full potential. Learn how to become more efficient and organized with mundane tasks. Discover how a smartphone or tablet can deliver highly personalized, high-touch, follow-up messages to prospects. Worried you are addicted to your smartphone? Learn how to use it to be more connected and less distracted, resulting in more productive work time and more fulfilling personal time. March 25 - 1:00PM - 2:00PM Stop Transit 150/250/ 350/ 350HD in to see our & complete new ry to n used inve today! F-Series: 250/350/450/550/650/750 You can HEAR the competition saying “UNCLE” again. SALES - SERVICE - PARTS BOYER TRUCKS SIOUX FALLS 2101 E Benson Rd, Sioux Falls, SD 57104 (605) 336-6100 / (888) 269-3773 www.boyertrucks.com The Social Society: The Nuts and Bolts of Getting Started in Social Media Social media is everywhere: It’s the new Yellow Pages. If you aren’t into it but you want to be, this interactive course will walk you through the basics of setting up a Facebook business page, a Houzz account and a Twitter account. We will also discuss what to post, when to post and other free and useful tips to navigate the social media world. 2015 CONTACT THE HBASE OFFICE FOR AN APPLICATION AND RETURN BY APRIL 1 SCHOLARSHIP NOW AVAILABLE Sioux Empire Home Builders Care Foundation APPLICATIONS FOR THE JUNE 9, 2015 REPAIR AFFAIR™ ARE DUE TO THE HBASE OFFICE BY HBASE will award multiple $1,000 scholarships for 2015 high school graduating seniors. To be considered for a scholarship, students must reside within the Home Builders Association of the Sioux Empire four county area of Lincoln, McCook, Minnehaha or Turner County. Partner with for insurance savings of up to 12%! APRIL 24, 2015. Visit the hbasiouxempire.com website for an application or email info@hbasiouxempire.com to have one sent your way. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! The Repair Affair™ wouldn’t be possible without our generous members. If you are interested in volunteering at a project at the June 9 event, contact us to sign up. Business Auto Home Contact The Insurance Connection today! 1412 S. Minnesota Ave. 605.339.3147 www.insconnection.com Founding agent for the HBASE insurance group discount program! Make One Call For All Things Energy. Xcel Energy’s Builders Call Line is ready to assist you in all of your project’s energy needs. From reconnects for tree trimming and new siding, to service upgrades, one call is all it takes to help keep your project on schedule. PHONE (605) 361-8322 EMAIL Builders Call Line: 1-800-628-2121 Visit xcelenergy.com/EnergyPartners for more information. info@hbasiouxempire.com 2015 SPONSOR: © 2015 Xcel Energy Inc. 15-01-509_SD_Builder_5.05x4_ad_BW.indd 1 1/7/15 2:32 PM • F E B R U A R Y 2 0 1 5 17 Save the date! HBASE MEMBER APPRECIATION LUNCH As a Thank You to all of our members, we would like to invite all members and their employees to a free lunch at the VFW on Thursday, April 16 from 11:30AM - 1:30PM. More details to come. This event is sponsored by our Utility Members WE HAVE A NUMBER OF 2015 EVENT SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES AVAILABLE From being a major event sponsor, to sponsoring a meal at a membership meeting. Download our sponsorship book at hbasiouxempire.com/tips-resources/member-resources to see all available HBASE sponsorship opportunities. Contact annette@hbasiouxempire.com or call (605) 361-8322 with any questions. 18 H B A S I O U X E M P I R E . C O M DECEMBER 2014 BUILDING PERMITS SIOUX FALLS PERMITS SINGLE FAMILY UNITS TWINHOME/DUPLEX UNITS 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2013 2014 JANUARY 18 16 18 29 20 4 0 0 7 8 4 (130) 0 FEBRUARY 21 5 26 27 22 4 0 4 4 7 1 (14) 2 (24) MARCH 74 30 55 87 59 22 19 27 31 8 12 (192) 4 (30) APRIL 50 45 71 189 93 24 14 6 81 52 4 (146) 1 (276) MAY 42 34 72 40 66 10 26 15 15 13 2 (28) 7 (182) JUNE 31 36 51 42 58 20 25 31 8 39 4 (41) 2 (14) JULY 14 33 57 62 64 8 17 26 17 14 0 2 (28) AUGUST 34 26 56 60 49 15 24 30 29 17 11 (287) 5 (49) SEPTEMBER 20 37 60 62 41 14 34 64 46 23 1 (31) 0 OCTOBER 29 68 73 72 69 25 8 39 31 43 3 (61) 11 (76) NOVEMBER 18 15 67 41 27 8 5 6 18 10 0 0 DECEMBER 11 19 22 20 20 6 4 3 5 2 1 (86) 8 (267) TOTAL (Sioux Falls) 362 363 628 731 588* 160 176 251 292 236* 43(1016) 42(946)* 2013 2014 1 (86) 0 1 (86) 0 1 (86) 0 0 2 (24) MONTH SIOUX EMPIRE PERMITS YEAR: YEAR: MULTI FAMILY UNITS < Sioux Empire Townhome & Twinhome Permits are included with Single Family unit totals. 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 BRANDON (City Only) 31 35 28 59 58 HARRISBURG (City Only) 23 34 31 71 61 HARTFORD (City Only) 10 6 23 17 12 TEA (City Only) 23 22 16 22 41 MINNEHAHA 1 46 37 48 41 0 0 LINCOLN (County-Rural) 27 32 34 44 19 0 0 TOTAL (Sioux Empire) 115 175 169 261 232* SIOUX FALLS SINGLE FAMILY UNITS PERMITS ALLEN HOMES INC 3129 S MANIFOLD AVE 107000 ALLEN HOMES INC 3209 S SANDLOT AVE 153000 C-LEMME COMPANIES LLC 7205 S EDINBURG PL 146000 DANIELS RESIDENTIAL INC 8605 S REGENT PARK DR 227925 DANIELS RESIDENTIAL INC 8700 W NIKITA DR 183850 ELITE BUILDERS 2308 S DURANGO DR 295065 LARSON ENTERPRISES 215 S RED SPRUCE AVE 163760 PAUL FICK HOMES 4505 W PAT ST 113200 PIETZ PROPERTIES INC 2809 W STRATTON CIR 280680 RONNING ENTERPRISES 1212 S MONTICELLO CT 229440 ROSEWOOD HOMES INC 6501 E DUGOUT LN 155250 SCOTT GILBERT 3216 E BREWSTER ST 128435 SELECT BUILDERS INC 1801 W 88TH ST 333260 SIGNATURE CO 8104 S RUGER AVE 170100 SUPERIOR CONST 1800 W PARKWOOD CIR 250000 SUPERIOR CONST 1801 W PARKWOOD CIR 232000 THUNDER CREEK 1600 S ANDREW AVE 191768 TRADEMARK HOMES 808 S HONEY LOCUST AVE261750 TRADEMARK HOMES 1417 S SCARLET OAK TRL 285090 TRADEMARK HOMES 2600 W BITTERROOT ST 308990 SOURCE: City of Sioux Falls Planning & Building Services; City of Brandon; City of Harrisburg; City of Hartford; City of Tea; Minnehaha and Lincoln County. SIOUX FALLS TWINHOME/DUPLEX PERMITS S & K CONST 3700 E FOX RUN PL 163050 S & K CONST 3702 E FOX RUN PL 213910 SIOUX FALLS MULTI-FAMILY PERMITS LLOYD CONST 3001 E 6TH ST 999700 LLOYD CONST 3021 E 6TH ST 999700 LLOYD CONST 3041 E 6TH ST 999700 LLOYD CONST 7900 E HWY 42 17103475 PARADIGm CONST 1708 S KATIE AVE 2091650 PARADIGM CONST 1716 S KATIE AVE 729800 PARADIGM CONST 1724 S KATIE AVE 729800 PARADIGM CONST 1732 S KATIE AVE 2165650 brandon SINGLE FAMILY UNITS PERMITS VLC Homes 2609 E. Palmer Street 122874 VLC Homes 2704 E. Palmer Street 155660 KN Construction 2801 E. Sunray Circle 140874 KN Construction 1709 W. River Bluff Drive153672 G&D Harr Const 133-137 S. Nelson Lane 290276 Start to Finish Builders 909 N. Sioux Blvd 198942 Schoeneman Co. 515 S. Lakota Avenue 113442 *Indicates current year 11 (75) 2 (24)* harrisburg SINGLE FAMILY UNITS PERMITS KN Const 609 Marie Dr Anthony Hollingsworth 204 Shebal Ave KN Const 700 Marie Dr KN Const 709 Brannon Dr KN Const 707 Brannon Dr KN Const 313 Marie Cir KN Const 711 Brannon Dr KN Const 607 Marie Dr tea SINGLE FAMILY UNITS PERMITS SCHWARTZLE CONST 2501 Ivy Road KN CONST 1035 N Cole Ave KN CONST 1115 N Rose Ave KN CONST 1125 N Rose Ave KN CONST 1045 N Cole Ave minnehaha SINGLE FAMILY UNITS PERMITS CUSTOM HOME IMPROVEM 46057256TH ST CUSTOM TOUCH HOMES 45628245TH ST M & L CONSTRUCTION 25047478TH AVE 176580 276650 175970 143220 156540 199920 147270 192920 140790 146140 133490 129652 152498 229152 187460 284130 I-90 Eagle Creek Hwy 38 Hazeltine I-229 Benson Rd 12th Street Marion Rd Cherry Lake MinnesotaAve W Maple St Canterbury Willow Ridge Ellis Rd 26th Street 57th Street 69th Street Surrey Hills Prairie Hills Hwy 11 Copper Creek 41st Street Heather Ridge 85th Street Western Ave Loiuse Ave Findtherighthomesite foryournextproject: build yours. We’rebuildingourbusiness so you can Bluffs of Brandon Hazeltine Canterbury Heights Heather Ridge Home sizes starting at 1450 sf Homesites starting at $30k 1 Acre Lots With a hot new lakeside development on the west side, new phases in our popular east side neighborhoods and exciting news for 2015, nobody offers you more to build on than Van Buskirk Companies. If you’re interested in building new homes in our neighborhoods, rest assured we won’t compete with you or sell you short—ever. We develop properties. We leave the building to you. It’s a promise builders have been counting on for over 40 years. Home sizes starting at 1600 sf Homesites starting at $50k 1 Acre Lots Cherry Lake Reserve Home sizes starting at 1600 sf Homesites starting at $48k Lakeside Lots Cinnamon Ridge Home sizes starting at 1500 sf Homesites starting at $40k Only 3 Left! Van Buskirk Companies has your back: MinnesotaAve Cinnamon Ridge I-29 Tea, SD •Wepromotefairmarketpricing •Weofferunbiasedsiteselection •Weprovidemarketingsupportforyourbusiness •Wedon’tcompetewithyou •Wedevelopsomeoftheregion’smostcoveted neighborhoodsoneverysideoftown Copper Creek Home sizes starting at 1500 sf Homesites starting at $45k Only 3 Left! Eagle Creek Home sizes starting at 1150 sf Homesites starting at $42k Only 3 Left! Home sizes starting at 1450 sf Homesites starting at $45k Only 4 Left! Prairie Hills Home sizes starting at 1600 sf Homesites starting at $65k Executive Lots Surrey Hills Home sizes starting at 2000 sf Homesites starting at $125k Executive Lots Willow Ridge Home sizes starting at 1150 sf Homesites starting at $37.5k Executive, 1 Acre Lots w/Views Home sizes starting at 950 sf Homesites starting at $26.5k For more information, contact Ryan at VBClink.com, or call 605.361.8211 today. REAL ESTATE DE VELO PMENT, CO NSTRUC TIO N AND MANAGEMENT VBClink.com|605.361.8211 Sales and Service•8th & Minnesota, Sioux Falls, SD 336-7798• www.mahlanders.com ROY EDWARDS Sales Representative redwards@cmcreaves.com COMPONENT MANUFACTURING COMPANY TYLER JOHNSON Sales Representative tjohnson@cmcreaves.com Roof Trusses Floor Trusses Engineered Building Packages Engineered Wood Products Wall Panels 4101 North 4th Avenue Sioux Falls, SD 57104 • (605) 339-3647
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