Club based programs for players with a disability
Club based programs for players with a disability
Club based programs for players with a disability Barrie Soccer Club 2 Bradford Soccer Club 2 Burlington Youth Soccer Club 2 Fergus-Elora District Soccer 3 Guelph Soccer 3 ICHA 3 Kitchener Soccer Club 4 Kleinburg-Nobleton SC 4 Milton Soccer Academy 5 North Mississauga SC 5 North Toronto Soccer Club 6 Oakville Soccer Club 6 Oshawa Kicks Soccer Club 7 Ottawa City Soccer Club 7 Pickering Soccer Club 8 Saltfleet Stoney Creek SC 8 Sudbury Regional Soccer 9 Unionville Milliken Soccer Club 9 Vaughan Soccer Club 10 Woodstock Soccer Club 10 Windsor All Stars 11 The OSA is proud to share this guide for parents and players and in doing so celebrate and promote the local programming in our community Clubs for athletes with a disability. The guide provides a snapshot of the programs currently on offer in soccer Clubs across Ontario. Included are contact details, dates and locations for you to share with Club Members and potential athletes. As Club programs grow, then in turn this guide will also grow in the hope that every player has a playing opportunity local to them. Clubs have outlined the athlete groups they typically work with but feel free to contact them about other opportunities for your player. All have a strong, inclusive and accessible approach to soccer. This community is also well connected and will know of the right place or resources to ensure you player gets maximum enjoyment and satisfaction from our great game. Further resources are available to download by clicking the image: An exciting growth in recent months has been the introduction of competition in a festival format which is a huge boost for all involved. The OSA would like to hear from your Club if it is offering programs for athletes with a disability. Contact : Manager, Club Development Barrie Soccer Club Club URL: Office Phone: (705) 739-7844 Program Contact: Ray Garrett Email: Bradford Soccer Club Club URL: Office Phone: (905) 775 – 7000 Email: Burlington Youth Soccer Club Club URL: Office Phone: (905) 333 – 0777 Email: SMcDougall This is an integrated program designed for any participants between the ages of 6-14 with and/or without intellectual and/or physical disabilities who are interested in learning more about the FUNdamentals of physical literacy and soccer. BYSC certified coaches along with devoted volunteers will create developmentally appropriate programming in order to best coach our athletes! Fergus Elora District Soccer Club URL: Office Phone: 519-843-3360 Program Contact: Pat Espina Email: Facebook page: Special.Needs.Socer.Fergus.Ontario Program Overview: This program is split into two distinct areas for adults (16+) with special needs that promotes playing soccer and its rules, sportsmanship and friendship. Program Dates/Times: The weekly program is intended to be fun, while exposing players to developing basic soccer skills, team play, social interaction and exercise. The FEDS Special needs Soccer Festival allows our players the opportunity to experience competition and sportsmanship. Guelph Soccer Club Club URL: Office Phone: 519-824-2199 x.225 Email: Program Overview: Guelph Soccer in partnership with KidsAbility, provides a soccer skills program specially designed for children with special needs. Also known as Get a Kick Out of Soccer in the KidsAbility Program flyer. Italian Canadian Handicapable Association Club URL Office Phone: 519-977-1209 Program Contact: Teresa Rauti Email: Program Overview: The age level ranges from 9 years and up. Program Dates/Times: Tuesday evenings, B level (5-6pm, C level and D level (6-7pm) at Novelletto Rosati Complex, 3939 Carmichael Dr. Windsor. Kitchener Soccer Club Club URL: Office Phone: 519-896-8947 or 519-745-5334 (cell) Program Contact: John Fearnall Email: fearnalls@ or Program Overview: This program is for individuals with intellectual disabilities. No athletic experience is required. The focus of the program is to give team members the opportunity to learn about the game of soccer and encourage physical activity in a fun and positive environment. There are 2 groups of play offered. One for athletes ages 6-12, and one for athletes ages 13 and up. Registration includes uniform, practices, games, festivals and fun! Program Dates/Times: 7:00pm—8:30pm from Friday May 27th - August 26th 2016 Location to be determined. Kleinburg Nobleton Soccer Club Club URL: Office Phone: 905-893-3388 Program Contact: Beatrix Taylor Email: Program Overview: All are welcome. Program Dates/Times: This program will start in June 2016. Milton Soccer Academy Club URL: Office Phone: 905-878-0209 Program Contact: Mike Miller Email: Program Overview: For children aged 6-17 within the autism spectrum. All are welcome. Program Dates/Times: This program started January 2016 at the Milton Soccer Centre. North Mississauga Soccer Club Club URL: Office Phone: 905-858-1227 Program Contact: Kenneth Howe Email: Program Overview: This program brings the opportunity of playing soccer to players between 5-30 years of age with intellectual and physical disabilities. They must be physically capable of participating without any serious medical condition that would put them at risk. This program is run by Club Volunteers and doesn’t require parents to be Coaches. Program Dates/Times: $75/player; Mondays from 6:30pm-8:00pm @ Swinbourne Meadows Park (May 30-Aug 22). North Toronto 7601 Martin Grove Road Woodbridge 9E4 Soccer L4L Club Phone: 905-2649390 Fax: 905-264- Club URL: Office Phone: 416-924-9911 x.201 Beaupre Program Contact: Elaine Email: Program Overview: NTS C is partnering with Special Olympics Ontario to present Special Olympics Soccer Skills for players aged 7 to 18 who have an intellectual disability. No previous athletic experience is required and all are welcome. Program Dates/Times: The Winter program commenced on Sunday November 1st weekly at Northern Secondary School, 851 Mount Pleasant Road. Ages 7-13: 11am-12 noon . Ages 1418 from 12 noon– 1:00pm Oakville Soccer Club Club URL: Office Phone: 905-849-4436 Program Contact: Meaghan Perrotta Email: Program Overview: The program runs on Friday evenings (5:15-6:15pm) from January 29 March 25. Those interested in participating in the program should visit and complete the program registration form. Oshawa Kicks Soccer Club Club URL: Office Phone: 905-429-2424 Program Contact: Jessica Majerczyk 7601 Martin Grove Road Phone: 905-264-9390 Email: Woodbridge Fax: 905-264-9445 Program Overview: A 45 minute weekly program for children E-mail: and adults with special needs. L4L 9E4 No athletic experience required and all are welcome. Program Dates/Times: 11am each Saturday October 31-February 27, 2016 Ottawa City Soccer Club Club URL: Office Phone: 613-263-4170 Program Contact: Shannon Bagg Email: Program Overview: For children aged 5-18 with developmental disabilities. No athletic experience required and all are welcome. The Club aims to provide a 1:1 player to volunteer coach ratio and encourage parents to enjoy watching from the sidelines. Program Dates/Times: The program runs through the winter. Pickering Soccer Club Club URL: www.pickering Program Name: All Abilities Special Needs Soccer Office Phone: 905-831-9803 Program Contact: Wendy Cates Email: allabilities@pickering soc- Program Overview: The PSC All Abilities program offers both structure and flexibility capable of meeting the unique needs and abilities of each athlete. The program is run by licensed coaches and trained volunteers. The All Abilities program is designed to help athletes develop both physically, socially and personally within a soccer focused, team environment and to build new soccer skills. Program Dates/Times: October-March, Pickering Soccer Centre on Sundays with Juniors from 10am and Seniors from 11am Saltfleet Stoney Creek Soccer Club Club URL: Program Contact: Frank Ragona Program Phone: 905-643-1163 Program Email: Program Overview: The program was established in 2006 to allow children, youth and young adults with cognitive and physical disabilities the opportunity to participate in the game of soccer. Sessions are not highly structure but focus on Fun and learning basic soccer techniques and finishing with a scrimmage. The program is generously subsidised by the Adult Men's and Women's Recreational leagues and Players Paradise. 7601 Martin Grove Road Woodbridge L4L 9E4 Phone: 905-264-9390 Fax: 905 E-mail: -264-9445 Sudbury Regional Soccer Association Club URL: Program Contact: Jim Cress Program Phone: 705-805-6378 Program Email: Program Overview: The SDSC Blind Soccer program offers both structure and flexibility capable of meeting the unique needs and abilities of each athlete. The program is run by licensed coaches and trained volunteers. The Blind Soccer program is designed to help athletes develop both physically, socially and personally within a soccer focused, team environment and to build new soccer skills. The program for 2016 is an introductory program to get athletes interested in playing soccer with the ultimate goal of participating in a tournament located in Brantford in Feb 2017. 2017 the target will be to multiply our athletes and teams with the goal of having a Blind Soccer league in the North. Unionville Milliken Soccer Club Club URL Program Contact: Alana Aird Facebook: /umscsoccer Program Overview: The UMSC High 5 Special needs Program is a year round inclusive program that encourages team members to exercise and learn soccer skills in a positive environment led by UMSC Club Coaches and High-5 Youth Ambassador Coaches. All ages welcome. Program Dates/Times: $45.00 Saturday's from 3:00 - 4:00pm (Feb. 6th - Mar. 19th) Players receive a jersey, shorts, socks & soccer ball as well as end of the season pizza party & awards. Vaughan Soccer Club Club URL Office Phone: 905-832-0911 Program Contact: Pat Gaudio Email: Program Overview: Our SNP soccer is held once a week on Sunday mornings for 6 weeks (no sessions will be held during long weekends). We will require many volunteers to be “Big Buddies” to the kids that participating in this program. We are hoping for a minimum of 60 volunteers. There will be a ratio of one volunteer with every special needs child. All volunteers will receive community service hours/reference letter at the completion of the program. Woodstock Soccer Club Club URL Program Contact: Tim Jansen Office Phone: 519-841-1555 Program Overview: This program is open to participants with Autism, physical and /or mental disabilities as well as individuals with any other special needs including those that cannot or do not want to participate in current WSC programming. The program is casually structured on the full indoor soccer pitch and open to all age groups. Program Dates/Times: Saturday's from October 24 –February 20, 2016 Phone: 905-264-9390 Fax: 905-264-9445 E-mail: Windsor Essex County Special Soccer League Club URL Program Contact: Patrick Roberts Office Phone: 226-345-0228 Email: Program Overview: WESC serves players from 4-25 years of age in the Essex County and surrounding area. The league regularly has 120 players to serve the needs of every player within the Autism Spectrum. While The OSA is not in a position to recommend or endorse any program over another it is essential to encourage players to reach their goals and nurture a love for soccer. The OSA encourages and supports the work of its District Associations and their Member Clubs in an effort to offer playing opportunities for the whole community. Those interested in participating are encouraged to contact their District Association or local Club. Fur further advice on disability sport in general the following two provincial organizations are excellent sources: Phone: 905-264-9390 Fax: 905-264-9445 E-mail: 7601 Martin Grove Road Woodbridge L4L 9E4 Phone: 905-264-9390 Fax: 905-264-9445 E-mail: