MOU_St. Mary Parish Adult Drug Court Louisiana
MOU_St. Mary Parish Adult Drug Court Louisiana
~t. :marp !}arh~b1!\rug [,ourts 1101 Southeast Blvd. Bayou Phone: 985-399-5777 Vista, LA 70380 - Fax: 985-399-4777 MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING Local Memorandum of Understanding Between: S1. Mary Parish Adult Drug Court, Young Adult Program, 16th Judicial District (Young Adult) District Attorney's Office, 16th Judicial District S1. Mary Parish Sheriff's Department Judge, Hon. James R. McClelland Indigent Defender, Louis Pittman Police Liaison, L1. Monique Francis Administrator, Lars Levy, LAC, CCGC, NCAC Program Director, Keona Lanceslin, LMSW, LAC, CCS Case Manager, Kimberly Aucoin Employment Case Manager, Deborah Holley Case Specialist, Mae Clarkston Probation Officer, Corinne Thornton Young Adult Primary Counselor, Melissa Dupre, MA, CI Young Adult Treatment Provider, Randy Buxton, LAC Young Adult Employment Case Specialist, Male, Donnie Frizzell Young Adult Employment Case Specialist, Female, Cindy Viola Secon: The Drug Screening Company This memorandum, entered into on this the ~ day of :rAA \J agreement in principle concerning the anticipated roles, responsibili parties noted above. I. , 20Ji is an eB, and expectations of the All signatories agree to the following: a. Adhere to the following mission statement: The Young Adult Track will employ best-practice strategies to reduce crime and substance abuse among high-risk, high-need Young Adult offenders using an evidencebased approach including early, continuous and intense treatment; close judicial supervision and involvement (including judicial interaction with participants and frequent status hearings); mandatory random drug testing; community supervision; appropriate incentives and sanctions; and recovery support (step-down services), all targeted to meet the unique needs of Young Adults. b. Adhere to the program guidelines in the S1. Mary Parish Adult Drug Court, Young Adult Program Handbook c. Be familiar with and adhere to all federal and state confidentiality laws applying to personal health information and substance abuse treatment information. d. Participate collaboratively in the program as a valued member of the Young Adult Young Adult Program, Memorandum of Understanding, Page 1 e. f. g. h. i. j. II. tTeatment team .. Contribute, as Ie~ues\eQ., \Q \\\e \~el\\\l\c.'3.\\()l\ '3.l\1l~m()\\ID.~l\\\)1. "Q\)\~\\\\'O.\ participants. Contribute, as requested, to the development of the treatment plan for identified participants. Attend treatment team meetings to help determine treatment progress, update individual treatment plans, and make joint decisions concerning compliance and subsequent incentives or sanctions. Assist in writing and reviewing Young Adult documents as requested. Attend and participate in case review hearings as requested. Whenever possible attend drug court training conferences and training seminars if funding is available. St. Mary Parish Adult Drug Court, Young Adult Program, 16th Judicial District agrees to the following: a. Provide staff support and courtroom facility necessary for the Young Adult program. b. Provide and maintain case file management. III. The District Attorney's Office, 16th Judicial District agrees to the following: a. Meet regularly with all staffto discuss client issues and attend status hearings. b. Refer all clients for admission. c. Recommend appropriate sanctions for non-compliance. d. Monitor probation officers and police officers to assure compliance with court instructions. IV. The St. Mary Parish Sheriffs Department agrees to the following: a. Provide male and females facilities for incarceration of clients whose sanctions require jail time. b. Provide male and female facilities to conduct Re-entry classes for incarcerated clients. c. Transport clients to and from court as needed to appear for status hearings and/or to begin serving sanction time after status hearings. V. The Hon. James R. McClelland agrees to the following: a. Oversee the entire program. b. Work with all other players from admission to discharge. c. Monitor progress of clients by meeting with clients on a regular basis at status hearings. d. Have the final word on sanctions and incentives. VI. Louis Pittman or client's personal attorney agrees to the following: a. Meet with clients prior to admission to advise on program criteria and expectations. b. Help clients discern whether the program is appropriate for their particular case. c. Advise clients regarding the consequences of failure to complete the program. d. Be present at time of pleading and revocation. e. Address legal issues should they arise during client's participation. VII. Lt. Monique Francis agrees to the following: a. Act as a conduit between the Court and treatment provider, working wit4 all Young Adult Program, Memorandum of Understanding, Page 2 -parties to assure client com~\iance. Work closely with the J\1uge, Ie\a)'lI\.g,\I\.l()tm'3.\\~I\.~'o\'O.\l\\~<\ \l\ \\\e t\e\<\ ~\\C.\\'O.~', clients' home environment, work environment and places frequented by the client that may constitute an obstacle to maintaining sobriety. c. Follow up on any bench warrants issued and communicate daily with all community police agencies to monitor any re-arrests of participants. o. VIII. Lars Levy, LAC, CCGC, NCAC agrees to the following: a. Oversee the treatment component of the program. b. Supervise the Program Director and all administrative functions of treatment for the 16th Judicial District Drug Court including financial and budgetary responsibilities. c. Establish policy and procedure in accordance with the Louisiana Department of Health & Hospitals and reports to the Regional Administrator for that agency. IX. Keona Lanceslin, LMSW, LAC, CCS agrees to the following: a. Report to the Administrator. b. Oversee the day-to-day operations of the Clinic including the training and supervision of all counseling staff. c. Oversee the supervision and training of the drug testing component as well as the case management staff. d. Attend all staff meetings and status hearings. e. Direct activities and reporting to ensure quality and care to all clients. X. Kimberly Aucoin agrees to the following: a. Compile all of the data that is presented at each status hearing. This status report lists each person on that day's docket, what happened at the last court appearance, what the current status of the client is in treatment, recommendations based on clients' participation and tracks what happens at the current status hearing. This report is given to the Judge, the Assistant District Attorney, Probation Officer and treatment provider. The report is also used in the staff meeting prior to the status hearing. b. Prepare reports and maintain client records relating to medical testing. XI. Deborah Holley agrees to the following: a. Prepare inpatient referrals for clients in need of detox and/or inpatient treatment. b. Provide job placement as needed. c. Complete referrals for Louisiana Rehabilitation Services. d. Maintain client records relating to employment. XII. Mae Clarkston agrees to the following: a. Screen clients for admission and once accepted, begin to address client needs for ancillary services. These services include; medical, educational and employment needs. XIII. Corinne Thornton agrees to the following: a. Screen all candidates and make referrals for assessment by the treatment provider. b. Collect all fees due to the court. c. Monitor any sanctions rendered by the court, i.e.: community service. d. Meet weekly with treatment staff to monitor client participation. e. Available daily should problems arise. Young Adult Program, Memorandum of Understanding, Page 3 f. ls assigned ex.clusively to the <\rug court ~TOgram. g. Report to the court on a regular oasls conceming status Q\ c\\e\\\~ '3.\\(\'3.\\el\~'30\\ status hearings. XIV. Melissa Dupre, MA, CI agrees to the following: a. Facilitate the client's recovery through intensive outpatient treatment. The treatment will include education in chemical dependence and relapse prevention. The methods used will include individual and group therapy sessions, as well as groups specifically targeted to young adults ages 18-25. b. Maintain accurate and complete case records on each client. c. Attend status hearings and make recommendations to the court with regard to appropriate sanctions and incentives and phase advancement or demotion. XV. Randy Buxton, LAC agrees to the following: a. Conduct Relapse Group for the Young Adult Program. b. Conduct Phase I Educational Group and Therapy Group Sessions when needed. c. Attend staffing/treatment team meetings with respective staff. d. Chart client's progress in DCCM and on the case activity form in client's charts. XVI. Donnie Frizzell agrees to the following: a. Provide instruction in work readiness and life skills to incarcerated male clients and/or clients assigned to Job Readiness at the treatment facility in areas such as self-assessment, oral/visual communication, written communication, and job search. XVII. Cindy Viola agrees to the following: a. Provide instruction in work readiness and life skills to incarcerated female clients in areas such as self-assessment, oral/visual communication, written communication, and job search. XVIII. Secon: The Drug Screening Company agrees to the following: a. Provide onsite, random drug testing to include urine and saliva collections. b. Promptly report to the treatment team the results of drug tests administered to Young Adult participants. This is the ~ ,20A· day of ~\J~ Signatures: St. Mary Parish Adult Drug Court. Young Adult Program. 16th Judicial District JMYleJ Printed Name !I((J Ckll/Jtlf( I~DIG./-YI1"" Printed Name /t I{ Position VlJ ( / i1b¢S-f! Ii D. 1/. Position Young Adult Program, Memorandum of Understanding, Page 4 St. MaN "Parish Sheriff' s De~artment /}Jlfli/L Cff/1l1!~ Signature 0 Representative Ii /IE fJEIZ7 Printed Name / 4jJ/?/hr Position Hon. James R. McClelland :;;; /t1CJ ;r!cCkl/Yh.{f ~~~ Printed Name b0~~k~~ Printed Name~ ~~~ (Y~ MONr(9I){:; Printed Name t:"1I-M. >':rS Position ~"'f>['~ ositIon ~ Lars Levy. LAC. CCGC. NCAC W~ L/ir$. Printed Name Signature of Representative t~uy I ~ ,jt7o-tJ;c! Position CCS .Lu.n~L~ ~ Kimberlv Aucoin Krtb-0'~ Printed Name fLeo ..(\ Ceue. POSItIonrDOO~U' Young Adult Program, Memorandum of Understanding, Page 5 De'oma\\ \\o\\e'l k ~ ~t)r'Onnte ~.e. wta~tU3if Position If.M:J Mae Clarkston U~t (4- rJ')-!u/J Printed Name ~.J~ Position C' ..-C>r~Y"IY\~""O(-.~rv ~ rb~\-\ f~ec ,~;;'J1- Corinne Thornton ~~~~~ Signature of Representative dY'\ a~~cev Position Printed Name Melissa Dupre. MA. CI _r¥\.&A s~ ~.g, ~)~~ ~ Printed Name Randy Buxton. LAC ~!YPlBt)'jJj» ~-t~-- Donnie Frizzell '"2JfJNN/~ -F. Printed Name F J1.12ZI. /..,t... ;2~ E. Position Ai fJ'"1.f Cindy Viola (7~~C£;~ Signature of~ esentatIve C;ND4 Pnnted Name V;O~J&1~d osition Young Adult Program, Memorandum of Understanding, Page 6 0'h/i8/L'Ii ~0 Printed Name -;;Zd5,ffii Position Young Adult Program, Memorandum of Understanding, Page 7