March - Manaia Health PHO
March - Manaia Health PHO
PO BOX 1878 WHANGAREI PHONE 09 4381015 Manaia Health PHO Newsletter Serving the people of Kaipara and Whangarei Districts MA R C H 2 013 Practice Nurse Clinical Leaders Group INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Practice Nurse Clinical Leaders Group Pg 1 NDHB Warning Children’s Day 2013 Epilepsy NZ Onerahi Resource Day Pg 2 Whakamana Hauora New Leaders Diabetes Self Management Ian Smedley NDHB Warning Pg 3 Staff Changes at Manaia PHO Smoking Cessation Pg 4 Administrator Day CEO Message PHO Configuration Pg 5 Pg 6 Healthy Homes Pg 7 Quality Corner CME Programme Community Directory NDHB has just given a warning to clinical staff regarding coronavirus. A novel coronavirus has been responsible for a number of recent deaths in the Arabian Peninsula. It would be prudent to exercise strict aerosol precautions with any patient presenting with respiratory symptoms that has come from the Arabian peninsula in the last 10 days. Queries can be directed to David Hammer, Clinical Microbiologist at NDHB. Children’s Day 2013 Free Heart Checks Free Pertussis The Practice Nurse Clinical Leaders’ Group meet monthly to work together on quality improvements, to share information, new initiatives and ideas, and to support each other in their leadership roles. The group recently developed a new ‘Welcome to your newborn’ letter to engage with and encourage parents to enrol early at their General Practice, and to immunise on time. The Clinical Leaders Group meet each month with the Immunisation NIR Coordinator to ensure communication, systems and documentation are robust so that every immunization event is recorded and counted. “Improving patient health outcomes through Practice Nurse Clinical Leadership development.” If your practice is not represented on this group, and you wish to find out more, please contact Mary Carthew 021 2724072. Pg 8 Children’s Day was a hit this year, with higher numbers in attendance than ever. An estimated 1500 people visited The Pulse during the 3 hours that the event took place. The buses from Kamo, Otangarei, Onerahi, Maunu and Tikipunga were well utilised. 15+ stalls were set up around The Pulse field, which included for the first time, the NZ Army and the NZ Fire Service, bringing with them the Kitchen Fire Display which enthralled the kids, many going back two or three times to see the inferno. This Children’s Day also saw the introduction of the Children Rights Game developed by Hannah Mitchell, as part of the Child and Youth Friendly Whangarei project. This game introduces children’s rights in an easy to understand way, and involved all the organisations set up at Children’s Day to “play”. Old favourites, the Pulse Pool, Te Uri Hou’s Waterslide and Child, Youth and Family’s BBQ were, of course, popular. A big thank you to all the sponsors and participants of Children’s Day and their generous donations of time and prizes. It was another day to be proud of. PAGE 2 New Field Officer, Epilepsy NZ for Whangarei Epilepsy New Zealand has a Field Officer based in Whangarei who visits people living with epilepsy and their whanau anywhere in Northland, to provide education about their condition and support. This is a free service available to anyone. This service can really help someone either newly diagnosed with epilepsy and feeling afraid and daunted about their future, or someone who has been living with unmanaged seizures for a long period of time. Frequently after working with an Epilepsy NZ Field Officer the person with epilepsy is able to manage their condition well and become seizure free. Free “Understanding Epilepsy” seminars are also available for staff and patients in a number of venues throughout Northland. Offsite training can also be arranged anywhere in Northland. My contact details are Margaret Dunn, Field Officer. Phone 09 4385498 Free phone 0800 20 21 22 Cell 027 291 6869 email Website: Onerahi Resource Centre Expo An excellent expo was held by Onerahi Resource Centre to link local residents with what is available locally, many stalls were available to show local residents what was on offer. Manaia PHO had a stall promoting healthy eating, smoking cessation, immunisations, Whakamana Haoura, CarePlus and Diabetes. There was even a fruit fairy to help the children make healthy fruit kebabs. Whakamana Hauora New Leaders Training Six new trainers have been trained to become Whakamana Hauora Leaders within Manaia PHO. They will be providing courses for patients with long term conditions throughout Manaia PHO. Whakamana Hauora is a 6 week free self management course for 2 ½ hours each week. If you or anyone you know is interested in attending one of our free courses please contact Manaia PHO Diabetes Self Management Course Reminder This free programme is run for 2 1/2 hours a week for six weeks and is designed to help people: Understand their condition Learn skills Gain confidence in managing their condition The next Diabetes Self Management course will start on Monday 6th May to 17th June from 1.30—4.00pm. To enrol contact Audrey Jellick at Manaia PHO. MANAIA HEALTH PHO NEWSLETTER PAGE 3 Introducing Ian Smedley—Youth Business Project Proposed Whangarei Youth Space. A Centre of Excellence, Innovation and Leadership For many years young people in Whangarei and service providers with a youth focus have advocated for a dedicated Youth Space in Whangarei to cater for young people aged between 12-24 years. Services, information and activities are not always accessible in a “youth friendly” environment resulting in a low engagement with services. In late 2012 the Manaia team completed a comprehensive business case supporting the establishment of a Youth Space in Whangarei. This was submitted to ASB Community Trust which granted funding for the establishment phase of this very worthwhile project. The goal of the Youth Space project is to develop a youth friendly space that is universally accessible for young people, which combines the interconnected elements of health and social service provision, youth development and information sharing as well as recreational activities. The project will involve youth in design, governance and evaluation. A Project Manager, Ian Smedley, has been appointed and he is working with a wide range of stakeholders including funders, potential service providers and partners during the establishment phase. Manaia Health is the current “custodian” of the project having worked closely with inter-sectoral groups and a dedicated Youth Space Youth Group during 2012. Governance will transfer from Manaia to a new structure at the completion of the Youth Space establishment phase. The key next steps for the project are: the establishment of a legal entity and governance structure, identifying an appropriate facility; developing a sustainable business model; securing partners / service providers and confirming funding. For more information and or to see the business case, go to the Manaia website: or contact Ian –— or phone 09 438 1015, mobile 021 241 7054 Update of Staff Changes at Manaia PHO Shelley Crawford, Abuse Prevention Coordinator, Whakamana Whanau’s, contract finished and Shelley left on 25th January 2013. Shelley has returned to North Tec and is tutoring on the Bachelor of Applied Social Sciences. Please direct all inquiries about family violence, including support with policy and tools to help practices recognise, respond and refer, to Ngaire Rae, Health Promotion Manager. Carolyn Jones, Primary Options Coordinator, NPHOS, resigned and left on 12 February 2013 to take up a new position in Auckland. Bernie Hetaraka, Youth Health Project Coordinator finished on 1 March 2013 to take up her Vodafone Fellowship in Youth Health Leadership. Bernie will still be involved with the Youth Space Project that Manaia PHO is leading. Judy McHardy, B4 School Check Coordinator has resigned and finishes on 28 March 2013. Rae Jones has been appointed as the new B4SC Coordinator. Rae will be supported in this role by Rachael Hetaraka who has been appointed to the position of Child Health Programme Leader for Manaia PHO. Rachael will remain responsible for immunisation outreach services and is tasked with integrating and developing primary care child health services. These new roles commenced on 18 March 2013. Ian Smedley, Project Manager, Whangarei Youth Space Establishment commenced work on 13 February 2013. MANAIA HEALTH PHO NEWSLETTER Smoking Cessation Update, Well done to all practices PAGE 4 We want to acknowledge all the effort practices have put in to providing and documenting smoking cessation brief advice given. Supporting people to stop smoking is one of the most important contributions we can make to health outcomes for our population. Remember It's The Offer That Counts A recent systematic review (Aveyard et al, 2011) found that giving people medical advice to quit smoking increased the frequency of quit attempts by 24% and that following this with an offer of treatment, regardless of a person's readiness to quit, motivates an additional 40-60% of people. We strongly recommend that all practitioners always document when they Ask and give Brief Advice. There are a range of supports you can utilise when updating your records and documenting that you have provided advice: Dr Info has full patient lists of patients who smoke without advice. These can be printed out and patients contacted by phone and offered brief advice and cessation support. The PHO can provide a tailored query builder to help identify patients who have smoking documented in their notes but where the required classification was not completed. A list to identify patients who have been given a script for NRT, Champix, or Zyban in the last year and for whom no smoking intervention recorded is also available on Dr Info. There are quick links to the correct classification codes through the patient dashboard or through daily notes (type smoke and right click text for classifications) A smoking questionnaire is available to be given to all patients at reception. On completion the questionnaire can then be given to the Nurse or GP by the patient to discuss smoking and provide brief advice. This must then be recorded. Remember: when you record “stopped smoking” you also need to record brief advice given if they were previously recorded as a smoker. A decline response to smoking cessation support also counts as an offer of brief advice and must be recorded. Some things to remember when talking to people about Champix: Have the dinner tablet around 5-6pm so it doesn’t interfere with their sleep. Once they have been smokefree for a few weeks they could try having just one tablet per day, then the Champix lasts longer. I have permission to share a testimonial with you from two patients at Ngunguru Medical Centre where I work as a practice nurse (my other job 3 days a week). They are happy for you to read their story, which is the insert enclosed in this newsletter. Annie Mullenger, Smoking Cessation Coordinator Admin Professional Day: 17 April 17 April is the day we officially celebrate the men and women who keep our businesses and General Practices running smoothly, who often work behind the scenes, who give their best to keep services patient friendly, organised and efficient. On behalf of the 93,000 enrolled patients, Manaia PHO wishes to acknowledge the administration professionals in your General Practice. A big thank you to the Receptionists, Admin staff, and Practice Managers whose welcoming presence can have a significant positive impact on each patient’s experience of accessing their medical centre. Please show your appreciation for your own admin ‘super heroes’ by acknowledging them on Admin Professional Day MANAIA HEALTH PHO NEWSLETTER PAGE 5 CEO Message Kia ora As this is our first newsletter for 2013, I want acknowledge and welcome all the new staff who have joined the wider PHO – administration, nurses, and doctors, in our PHO office, in our member General Practices and in Ngati Hine Health, Ki a Ora Ngatiwai and Te Ha Oranga – who are part of our Manaia whanau. Twelve new GPs have joined our General Practice teams over the past few months and we will profile these doctors in our next newsletter. Improving our immunisation rate for children is a huge national objective, with the target set to have 95% of our 2 year olds fully immunised on time and 85% of our 8 month old children fully immunised. Manaia PHO has been behind most of the rest of the country in this area and last year we put in a huge effort to increase our immunisation rate. We ended the year with 89% of our 2 year olds fully immunised and 87% of our 8 month old children fully immunised. This improvement is the result of a huge effort by our General Practice teams and Outreach Immunisation teams. We have also seen a significant systems improvement with early “pre-call” and “re-call”. I acknowledge all who are involved and encourage you to keep up the good work, to get to our targets. The target is not the end in itself but the health of our children fully immunised certainly is. The other two health targets of focus are: CVD risk assessment of targeted patients and smoking brief advice and/or cessation support (smoking ABC). The target population for cardiovascular disease risk assessment is: Maori and Pacifica males aged over 35; Maori and Pacifica females aged over 45; Males of any other ethnicity over 45; Females of any other ethnicity over 55. We have 40,000 patients in this group. To date approximately 25,000 or 68% have been risk screened. The target is to reach 75% by 1 st July. The target for smoking brief advice and cessation support is 90%. Currently approximately 50% of our current smokers are recorded as receiving brief advice and/or cessation advice. Again, we wish to acknowledge the huge amount of work happening within our practices in the area of CVD risk assessment and management, and smoking ABC. There is some white smoke coming out of a chimney in Tikipunga announcing the establishment of a new General Practice. Te Whareora o Tikipunga will open its doors in early April, located in the Tikipunga Shopping Centre on Kiripaka Road. The practice team will be led by Dr Aniva Lawrence. We warmly welcome Te Whareora o Tikipunga, Aniva and her team to Manaia Health. Given the very high doctor to patient ratio in Whangarei, our health needs and the move to locate more health services from the hospital into the community, the establishment of another practice in our community with a whanau focus is truly welcomed. While opening new Health Centres is rare, we also acknowledge and congratulate Te Aroha Noa Medical Centre which has just celebrated 20 years of special service to our community. Thanks and best wishes to the Te Aroha Noa team. Manaia PHO is served by a great Board of Directors. We have nine directors: three are appointed by our shareholder Whangarei Healthcare Ltd; three are appointed by our shareholder Terenga Paraoa Ltd; two are appointed from our Community Advisory Group; one is appointed from Kaipara Care in Dargaville. Since Kaipara PHO merged with Manaia PHO two years ago, Dr Scott Davidson has been the Kaipara appointee on our Board. Scott has resigned and has been replaced by Shannon Price. Shannon is the Clinical Manager of Te Ha Oranga in Dargaville. Shannon has worked as a Nurse in a number of settings including prisons, outback Australia and hospitals. We welcome Shannon to our Board and acknowledge Scott with much gratitude for his huge contribution over the past two years. Chris Farrelly MANAIA HEALTH PHO NEWSLETTER PAGE 6 Future PHO Configuration in Northland The DHB is considering a change in PHO configuration in Northland and is about to commence stakeholder and public consultation of four options: Maintain 2 PHOs – Manaia PHO and Te Tai Tokerau PHO; Move to a single PHO with primary care governance; Move to a single PHO with joint DHB/primary care governance; Move to a new primary care structure within the DHB without PHOs, with direct DHB management of primary care. The consultation document will be available on the DHB website - http:// Locality consultation meetings will take place in Kaipara in the week of 22nd April, and in Whangarei in the week of 29th April. We encourage all interested people to attend a consultation meeting or make a submission to the DHB. Free Healthy Heart Checks Free healthy heart checks are available at all 22 General Practices throughout the Manaia PHO for the next few months. “We have a population that is at high risk and may be put off having a healthy heart check because of the cost,” said Jayne Hill, “So for a limited time we are offering free healthy heart checks.” Free healthy heart checks are available to Maori and Pacifica men aged 35+ and Maori and Pacifica women aged 45+. Checks are also free for men aged 35+ and women aged 45+ with diabetes or with risk factors such as smoking, high blood pressure, obesity, family history of heart disease or diabetes. For all other people the checks are free for men at 45+, and women aged 55+. Free healthy heart checks at your General Practice are being advertised on several radio stations in Whangarei until Easter. Practices may experience a higher demand for these free checks because of this. A healthy heart check (or cardiovascular risk assessment) will give patients information on how to reduce their risk of having a heart attack or stroke in the next five years. Every 90 minutes a New Zealander dies of heart disease. Many of these deaths are premature and preventable and we urge people to contact their family doctor or nurse for a healthy heart check today. For further information or comment, contact Jayne Hill, Clinical Project Coordinator, Manaia PHO on 021 761 668. 5000 Healthy Homes Insulated in Tai Tokerau Planning is underway to celebrate the 5000 homes that have been insulated in Tai Tokerau through the Healthy Homes Programme. This is fantastic news for all those that have been involved in the programme, and especially for whanau that have benefited from this initiative. Rates of admission to secondary health services in Tai Tokerau have reduced for families who have had their home retrofitted by Healthy Homes Tai Tokerau. Over the past 12 months a total of 501 referrals have been received with fifty per cent of these being approved for insulation. I strongly encourage all health practitioners to continue to prioritise the importance that this programme can make to the lives of whanau in Northland, and encourage all health providers and especially General Practices to continue to send referrals through. I am available to visit your practice and/or organisation to share the data that has been collected over the past 12 months and/or support new staff with the referral pathway to Healthy Homes. Heoi ano ra, Melanie Dalziel, Regional Health Coordinator MANAIA HEALTH PHO NEWSLETTER PAGE 7 Free pertussis & flu vaccinations for women A reminder to all GPs and Practice Nurses: this year the MOH and Pharmac have funded the pertussis vaccine, enabling it to be free of charge for all pregnant women, between 28 and 38 weeks gestation. The optimum time for administering the vaccine is between 31 and 36 weeks gestation, but if a pregnant woman presents to you between 28 and 38 weeks gestation, please offer her the opportunity to be immunised. Pregnant women should be offered the vaccine every pregnancy to gain the optimum passive immunity response for the baby. The flu vaccine is also fully funded for pregnant women, and should be offered to all pregnant women from 12 weeks gestation, throughout this current flu season. NB: By the end of March women will also be able to be immunised through the maternity units. Information is available on: IMAC: and MOH : Quality Corner It’s all about communication. At Manaia PHO we want to know your thoughts and so are looking increasingly to ask your opinion using quick online surveys. No longer will we be posting out paper-based surveys when there is this cost-effective method to gain you thoughts. We won’t be sending out heaps of email requests, but we do encourage you to engage in this initiative. This could be an answer for General Practice too….alternative to paper-based surveys that you may be conducting with your patients. I have already set up the RNZCGP Cornerstone patient questionnaire using this system and while you still analyse the findings, the programme collates and graphs the feedback. For the basic survey package the annual subscription is $25 per month or $300 per year, which is very reasonable for all the time it saves. Go to For instruction on how to use Survey Monkey, contact Linda Holman, Did you know…. The Health & Disability Commissioner is working with DHBs throughout New Zealand to introduce the Health Passport initiative into Hospitals. A Health Passport is a booklet that is to assist: Those who have a medical condition (e.g. Alzheimer’s Disease) Those with an impairment (e.g. visual impairment, cerebral palsy) Those who have a particular communication or support needs Those who visit hospital frequently The Passport contains information that an individual wants to share with others about how they can be supported and communicated with, most effectively. It helps hospital-based health professionals make appropriate and safe decisions. Workforce Development There are four new Registrars involved in the RNZCGP programme that commenced in December 2012, and we welcome them into the North. Rachel Roskvist, Tom Pei Yu Gao, Lynne MANAIA HEALTH PHO NEWSLETTER Herd, Eleanor Regeling, Harvey PAGE 8 CME Programme has changed – New Venues and Dates The CME programme has commenced with a number of changes to the programme so please keep checking what is coming up to keep abreast of those changes. Here is the updated calendar: Workforce Development Programme 2013 Topic / Dates Session Type Venue Speaker(s) Thursday Ratu Room COMBINED Immunisation 14th March Manaia PHO Wednesday Insulin Initiation Ratu Room GP TARGETED 27th March Dr Nicole McGrath Manaia PHO Wednesday Bariatric Surgery COMBINED Zion Lion Park 10th April Dr Shaun Purkiss Thursday Parkinson’s Ratu Room GP TARGETED 9th May Dr Barry Snow Manaia PHO Wednesday Ratu Room NURSE ONLY Clinical Guidelines 15th May Manaia PHO Advanced Care Wednesday Planning Ratu Room COMBINED 19th June Dr Stephen Manaia PHO Jennison Wednesday Insomnia Ratu Room GP TARGETED 17th July Dr Alex Bartle Manaia PHO Skin Infections/ Thursday Ratu Room NURSE ONLY Eczema th 18 July Manaia PHO Pauline Brown CVD–Heart Failure Wednesday Ratu Room COMBINED Dr Stephen 21st August Manaia PHO Jennison Tuesday Dementia & EPOA Ratu Room GP TARGETED 17th Sept Dr Suzanne Duff Manaia PHO Cervical Screening Wednesday Ratu Room NURSE ONLY update/Women’s 18th Sept Manaia PHO Health Wednesday Ratu Room COMBINED Child Health 16th October Manaia PHO Wednesday Psychotropic Ratu Room GP TARGETED 20th Nov Drugs & Psychosis Manaia PHO Thursday Ratu Room NURSE ONLY TBC 21st Nov Manaia PHO Wednesday End of Year Ratu Room NURSE ONLY 11th Dec Celebration Manaia PHO Community Directory Health & Social Sector Support Services This directory contains a comprehensive list of services available within our community that work in the field of family Violence and includes all contact and referral details. It is available on the front page of the Manaia PHO website. The link is below. 20Services%20DirectoryPublic24thJan2013.pdf MANAIA HEALTH PHO NEWSLETTER