2007 Annual Report
2007 Annual Report
07 CITY YEAR ANNUAL REPORT give a year. change the world. City Year’s vision is that one day the most commonly asked question of a young person will be, “Where are you going to do your service year?” Dear Friends, The 1,200 young leaders of the City Year corps who served across the United States and in South Africa during 2006-2007 made a difference in the lives of children and their communities by providing more than 1.8 million hours of service as tutors, mentors, and role models. Through their work in schools and neighborhoods, corps members embody the power of citizen service to transform lives and communities. City Year is about children who start the year reading below grade level and end the year reading aloud to the class; it is about children having safe and happy places to go at the end of the school day; it is about abandoned lots becoming vibrant community gardens; it is about diverse groups of people uniting on the common ground of service. Through the implementation of our Whole School, Whole Child service model, corps members work in schools and with schools to help children succeed. They provide academic support, lead after-school programs, and contribute to a positive learning environment – all of which help students stay in school and on the path to success. City Year has brought this commitment to helping schools and students succeed to a new location: with generous support from a $2 million challenge grant by the Goldhirsh Foundation and a matching $2 million gift by the Hauptman Family Foundation, City Year Los Angeles became the organization’s 17th U.S. location. As the organization continues to grow and deepen its impact, we are excited to announce that City Year now has a permanent home, The Bekenstein Family City Year Headquarters for Idealism. Located in Boston, the facility serves as the heartbeat of the organization’s 18 sites, national and international operations, and the energetic City Year Boston corps and staff. We are very grateful to the donors and champions who made this possible. Thank you to all the service partners, board members, individual donors, corporate champions and foundation supporters highlighted in this report who have made it possible for us to change the world, together. Yours in Service, Michael Brown CEO and Co-Founder 1 CIT Y Y E A R 2 0 0 6 -2 0 07 Corps Corps members members are are role role models models who who lead, lead, listen, listen, and and learn. learn. They They make make overcrowded overcrowded classrooms classrooms places every child can learn. places where in which every child can learn. They They help help struggling struggling students students become become confident confident and and excel. excel. They They transform transform lives lives and and communities. communities. 2 2006-2007 1,200 City Year corps members Provided 1.8 million hours of service Serving 50,000 youth Leading 26,000 citizens in service With the support of 850 corporate sponsors and 1,000 service partners 2,200 physical service projects completed, including: 65 playgrounds built 155 gardens planted 220 neighborhoods revitalized 900 murals painted 3 HEL PING ST U DEN TS SU CCEED In schools and neighborhoods across the United States and South Africa, City Year corps members serve full-time for 10 months. Each young leader provides more than 1,700 hours of service to make a difference for children and their communities. SCHOOL-BASED SERVICE City Year’s youth service corps is one of the largest in America, with service tailored to meet community needs. While there are differences in specific service initiatives and partners, the ways in which corps members make a difference remain the same. Corps members serve in schools as: Tutors Mentors Role models Leaders of after-school programs and vacation camps City Year Winter AND Spring Camps Organized and led by City Year corps members Camp City Year engaged more than 4,000 elementary and middle school children across the country in safe, fun learning activities, while also helping them to explore the ideas of diversity, service, and responsibility. “Major urban school systems, such as New York City’s, must leverage every dollar of investment carefully, to make sure it offers true benefit for our kids. City Year provides a unique asset: a comprehensive range of services that address the holistic needs of a school and of a student.” – Joel Klein, Chancellor, New York City Department of Education 4 This school-based service is at the heart of City Year’s “Whole School, Whole Child” approach to transformative change in the lives of children and their school environment. YOUTH LEADERSHIP One of the important ways corps members share their belief in service and their commitment to helping children is by leading programs that teach elementary, middle, and high school students about their ability to make a difference: Starfish Corps is an afterschool program designed for elementary school students to convey the significance of community issues such as environmental impact and diversity by combining games and academic enrichment activities with community involvement. Young Heroes helps develop middle school youth into emerging civic leaders through community service and an interactive curriculum with a focus on social and community issues. The five-month program brings together students from different schools and neighborhoods to work in diverse teams, serve a minimum of 80 hours and, in the process, earn the President’s Volunteer Service Award. City Heroes engages high school students in civic leadership development, teamwork and problem solving activities that increase their awareness and understanding of social issues in their community, through interactive lessons, debates related to a monthly topic, and hands-on community service. “Young Heroes is based on the idea that no one is too young to make a positive difference in the world around him or her, and that service, if begun early, can become a life-long commitment.” – Caroline Kennedy, TIME Magazine, March 15, 2007 5 2 0 0 6 -2 0 07 E V EN TS OPENING DAY 2006 Sponsored by 1,900 volunteers 6,600 hours of service 29 schools, parks, and community centers transformed MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR. DAY/HEROES OPENING DAY Presented by 1,500 middle school students and 400 high school students pledged to serve as Young Heroes and City Heroes in communities across the U.S. 3,800 volunteers transformed 10 schools and 15 community centers 215 murals painted City Year Opens in Los Angeles With approval from the Cit y Year Board of Trustees in June 20 07 and generous suppor t from a $2 million challenge grant by the Goldhirsh Foundation and a leading $2 million gif t by the Hauptman Family Foundation, Cit y Year Los Angeles became the organization’s 17 th U.S. location. “We are thrilled to be involved with the launch of City Year Los Angeles, as we want to support local organizations that teach the value of hands-on civic involvement while preparing young people for a lifetime of volunteerism and leadership.” – Andrew Hauptman, Co-Founder & Board Chair, City Year Los Angeles 6 A dvancing N ational S ervice City Year’s vision is that one day the most commonly asked question of a young person will be: “Where are you going to do your service year?” To achieve this vision, City Year seeks to build awareness of and support for citizen service across the country and around the world. City Year was created as an action tank - a program, think tank and civic campaign - rolled into one organization, combining theory, practice and civic engagement to generate the ideas, will and resources to bring about a major change in society. As an action tank, City Year works to demonstrate, improve, and promote the concept of citizen service as a means of building a stronger democracy and addressing pressing national needs. In addition to engaging local, state, and national leaders through service days and other signature events and generating new ideas for improving and expanding national service, City Year provides leadership to Voices for National Service, a coalition of national service programs and state service commissions committed to expanding opportunities for Americans to serve. Working in partnership with a steering committee of leaders in the national service movement, City Year helps to educate Members of Congress and their staff about the power and impact of national service through ongoing outreach, an annual awards reception, and Capitol Hill Day. 2007 Voices for National Service Steering Committee Kelita Bak, Washington Representative, Service-Learning United Karen Baker, Executive Director, CaliforniaVolunteers William Basl, Chair, Association of State Service Commissions Michael Brown, CEO and Co-Founder, City Year, Inc. Nelda Brown, Executive Director, National Service-Learning Partnership Kyle Caldwell, President and CEO, Michigan Nonprofit Association James Cleveland, President, Jumpstart for Young Children AnnMaura Connolly, Senior Vice President, City Year, Inc. Jacqueline Johnson, Executive Director, Connecticut Commission on Community Service Marsha Meeks Kelly, Executive Director, Mississippi Commission for Volunteer Service Marguerite Kondracke, President and CEO, America’s Promise Wendy Kopp, President and Founder, Teach for America Michelle Nunn, Co-Founder and CEO, Hands On Network Jason Patnosh, National Director, Community HealthCorps Sally Prouty, President and CEO, The Corps Network Paul Schmitz, President and CEO, Public Allies Eric Schwarz, President and CEO, Citizen Schools Dorothy Stoneman, President and Founder, YouthBuild USA Marty Weinstein, Chair, California AmeriCorps Alliance In 2007, City Year and its Voices for National Service partners prepared detailed memorandums for the presidential candidates which included recommendations to expand AmeriCorps, AmeriCorps National Civilian Community Corps (NCCC), Learn and Serve America and the Senior Corps programs. 8 Voices for National Service CAPITOL Hill Day 2007 During two days of events sponsored by the Comcast Corporation, more than 200 supporters of national service gathered in Washington, DC to draw attention to the impact of national service programs in America. Friends of National Service Reception 2007 Sponsored by the Comcast Corporation LIFETIME RECOGNITION AWARDS AND HONOREES Co-hosted by Voices for National Service and The Corps Network National Service Lifetime Leadership Award On February 13, 2007, more than 400 people gathered for the fourth annual Friends of National Service Reception to celebrate and honor Members of Congress, Governors, and private citizens who have worked to protect and expand national service opportunities for all Americans. Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton Senator John McCain Citizen Service Award Jean Case, The Case Foundation Jeffrey Swartz, The Timberland Company Outstanding National Service Advocacy Award Governor Haley Barbour Governor Edward Rendell Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger Distinguished Service Award Senator Thad Cochran Outstanding New Member Award Senator Ken Salazar Representative Doris Matsui Sharing the Story of National Service across the COUNTRY Over the course of the year, City Year corps members engaged local, state, and national leaders including (from top, left to right) New York City Department of Education Chancellor Joel Klein; Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick; California First Lady Maria Shriver; President George Bush. 9 cy z yg y ’07 City Year’s annual convention of idealism, cyzygy ’07, united thousands for a week of inspiring events and the largest service day in the history of the State of New Hampshire. Hosted by City Year New Hampshire, cyzygy ‘07 was co-chaired by Senator Judd Gregg, Timberland CEO Jeff Swartz, and Governor John Lynch (from left to right). “New Hampshire has a wonderful tradition of volunteer service and neighbor helping neighbor. City Year’s national convention shines a spotlight on that tradition, and promotes new opportunities for young people to get involved and make a difference by serving others.” – Governor John Lynch Day of Service Presented by ™ 3,000 participants 139 service projects transformed 40 schools, community centers, and public spaces 55 corporate partners 10 “Citizen service is a powerful force for change across the country, but it is generally a quiet force that can go unrecognized. This City Year convention is a welcome opportunity to highlight the good works by people of good will that happen year-round and nationwide.” – Senator Judd Gregg Additional convention sponsors included: Citizens Bank Foundation, Comcast, Deloitte, Merrill Lynch, Pepperidge Farm, TJX, and T-Mobile. Featured speakers included: Hip Hop Artist and Author Darryl “DMC” McDaniels, PBS Executive Editor and Anchor of “The Newshour” Jim Lehrer and PBS Senior Correspondent Judy Woodruff (from left to right). Celebrating an AmeriCorps Milestone In 1993, the Federal initiative – AmeriCorps – was launched to engage Americans in addressing critical domestic challenges we face as a nation and tap the civic power of America’s citizens, especially our youth. In 2007, AmeriCorps celebrated a major milestone when the 500,000 th member was sworn in to service during AmeriCorps Week. Every day in communities from coast to coast, AmeriCorps members tutor and mentor disadvantaged youth, fight illiteracy, improve health services, build affordable housing, teach computer skills, clean parks and streams, lead after-school programs and help communities respond to disasters. City Year is proud to have been an inspiration for AmeriCorps and to have had thousands of City Year corps members contribute to this milestone of dedicated Americans in service. At cyzygy ’07, City Year corps members presented President Clinton with a one-of-a-kind pair of painted Timberland boots in tribute to the AmeriCorps milestone. 11 CIT Y Y E A R CH A MPIONS A PERMANENT HOME FOR CITY YEAR The Bekenstein Family City Year Headquarters for Idealism IMAGINE A national civic landmark in the heart of Boston A permanent home for City Year A Headquarters for Idealism 287 COLUMBUS AVENUE 50,000 square feet of usable space on five floors Diverse neighborhood Mass transit access Central location Built 1928, renovated 1997, transformed 2007 Leadership in Energy and Environment Design (LEED) certification for use of environmentally-conscious practices and products in the design process City Year realized a long-held dream of a permanent home for the organization’s national headquarters, City Year Boston, and its emerging global initiatives with the purchase of 287 Columbus Avenue in Boston. Staff and corps moved into The Bekenstein Family City Year Headquarters for Idealism on April 2, 2007. The $15 million Campaign for the City Year Headquarters for Idealism is well underway. Thanks to the generous support of more than 250 donors over $12 million – including $230,000 from City Year Alumni – has been pledged for the Bekenstein Family City Year Headquarters for Idealism, so that on any given day: The diverse corps and staff are generating millions of hours of service for children and communities in Boston and across the country. Corps, staff and volunteers are developing, leading, and implementing innovative solutions to pressing community and national problems. Members of City Year’s alumni network are convening as citizen leaders and social entrepreneurs. Community leaders and organizations are meeting and making their plans in the Lavine Civic Forum. 12 The Campaign for the City Year Headquarters for Idealism (As of April 14, 2008) $1,000,000+ Anita and Josh Bekenstein Jeannie and Jonathan Lavine Anne Lovett and Steve Woodsum $500,000 - $999,999 The Paul and Phyllis Fireman Charitable Foundation The Kresge Foundation $250,000-$499,999 Anna and Matt Cullinan Paul and Sandy Edgerley Fred and Sarah Maynard David and Marion Mussafer Jennifer Eplett Reilly* and Sean Reilly Robert and Tona White $100,000 – $249,000 Barbara and Bill Burgess Rosabeth Moss Kanter Rocket Software Jeff Shames T-Mobile USA, Inc. Matthew and Susan Weatherbie $50,000-$99,999 David and Rhonda Cohen Ilene and Richard Jacobs Gregg and Julie Petersmeyer $25,000 – $49,999 Helaine and Joe Banner The Holleran Family* $10,000 – $24,999 Anonymous Corinne and Tim Ferguson The Jakious * and Smullin Families* Cary and Linda Levinson Cassandra and Rodney Slater Michael and Terry Ward $1,000 - $5,000 Jim and Kristen Atwood* Jim and Pam Balfanz* Michael Brown* and Charlotte Mao Kathy Bushkin Calvin Fleischman Family* Barbara Harrell* Andrea and Rashaun Martin* Larry Neiterman Kimberly V. Nelson* Chris Osgood* Richard Reynolds Charlie Rose* Gordon Strause* $1,000 and under Alyssa Adreani* Annmarie and Earl Adreani Joseph B. Andolina * Villamor A. Asuncion* Alyson Augustin* Lauren Ault* and Brendan Brett* Matt Axelrod* Christine Bader* Leila Bailey-Stewart and Tanya Bailey-Stewart* Chad Baker* Lourdes Barroso de Padilla* and Ernesto Padilla* Lauren Barsanti* Richard Barth and Wendy Kopp Kelly D. and Neil Batiancila* Kendra Bauer* Catherine Beer* Jo Bender* Jim Berry * Pam and William Berutti Boston Foundation BP LaTonya V. Brown* Steve Burke and Sandra Lopez Burke* Justin Burton* Liz Caine* Frank Campagna* and Stephanie Wu* Emily Cherniack* Shalon N. Chester* Karyn L. Cipresso* Citizens Bank Dan Cody * Chris Corneille* Christina Cotto* Katherine Craer* George Deveney* Suzanna Dinga* Adam Donaldson* Theresa Dougherty* Naomi Dreyer* Daniel Cote and Tiffany Duarte* Monica Eav* Saskia Epstein* Andrew A. Fairbairn* Christopher Farr* Megan C. Fehr* Taylor John Ferguson* Jacqueline Ferreer* Samuel E. Filler* Mara Flanagan* Michael S. Flynn* Wyneshia Foxworth* John Francis* Ross Freshwater* Kristen E. Gale* GE Foundation Anne and David Gergen Elizabeth Gittinger* Samuel W. Gogolak* Miriam Gonzalez* Marc Goodman Max Goodman* and Victor Goodman* Maris Goodstein* Google Laura Hamm* Molly Hart* Matthew Hendren* and Sara Vitolo* Jed Herrmann* Kellie M. Hinkle* Jason M. Holton* Eric W. Hopkins* Craig Huffman and Rebeca Nieves Huffman* Shari D. Hunt* Hureau Family* Justin Jackson* Lawrence James* and Haley Keenan-Gray* Jennifer James Soto* Kerri Jarvis* Kevin D. Jenkins* Emma Jones* Tramelle D. Jones* Ambassador James and Mary Joseph John V. Kaiser* and Family Bobby Kessling* Michael Kineavy Bernadette Limosnero Kirchstetter* Elin and Thomas Kittler Alan Khazei* and Vanessa Kirsch Max Klau* Alexis and Edward Kleinhans* Steph Knisely* Michael Krupat* Cindy Laba * Johann Liljengren* Amy Lipman* Andrea E. Long* Claire and Doug Luffborough* Nick Lyons* Lauren Maddock* Alexander Maltas* Jamie Lee Manning* Jyothi Nagraj Marbin * and Seth Marbin* Heather Margolis* Ted Marquis* Brian Mazmanian* Dan McDermott* Sean McDevitt* Tara* and Tim McDonald* Amanda McGarrity* Ashley McGarrity* Lacie McGaughey* and Michael Milton* Tricia McKinney* Christine McManus* Anne Curran Meinert and Matthew Meinert* Jarel L. Melendez* Caroline and Rick Menell Carrie Miller* Marc and Sunshine Morgan* Kristin Moul Driscoll* Christopher Murphy* Melody Myers* Allyce Najimy* Regen Naples* Elizabeth Nielsen* Al Norton* Peter November* and Elana Schlesinger Elizabeth Oberlin* Teresa Obrero* Marguerite Ippolito O’Brien* Cora Inez Outlaw* Gregory E. Payne* Mark Payne* Lee Ernest Perryman III* Charlie Phillips* Molly Ola Pinney* Keith Adam Powers* Dan Primack* Nicole Quinlan* Jon Randall* Katie Randall* Kerry and Creighton Reed* Michelle Regan* Amanda M. Richardson* Rita Richardson* Rachel Richter* Christian Rivera* Allison Rogers* Ross Family* Hannah Roth*, Sanford Roth and Anne Stoddard Lindsay Sablan* and Family Liza Schlang* Josh Schukman* Samip Shah Karen Shatin* Laura Shea* Jeffrey Silva* James Simmons* Duncan Skinner* Jane and John Reilly Smith Nathan B. Smith* Stephen Spaloss* Owen Stearns* Jody L. Stegens* Michael Stutz* and Charlotte Talley* Nikkida B. Tabron* Brendan Thomas* Steve Tompkins Monique Burns Thompson and Dr. Michael Thompson Nellie Tsai* Judit Vajda* Stefanie Lynn Vestal* Jason Waite* Kristin Walega* Andrea and Tom Ward Mary E. Ward* Kyle Wedberg* Mendi Welu* Jason Whitehead* Darcy Whittiker* Matthew Wilhelm* Maggie Williams Mattie Blythe Wilson* Tarra Wilson* Christa Wimberly* Kelly* and Ted Wing* Dan Yoder* Matthew Zaragoza-Watkins* Alissa Ziemianski* *City Year alumni and staff 13 CIT Y Y E A R CH A MPIONS FRIENDS OF CITY YEAR INTERNATIONAL ANNOUNCING FRIENDS OF CITY YEAR INTERNATIONAL Friends of City Year International was launched in 2007 as a committed group of champions dedicated to inspiring new support for City Year South Africa and citizen service around the world. Led by CoChairs Anita Bekenstein, Jennifer Eplett-Reilly, and Marion Mussafer, Friends of City Year International: Support the exchange of best practices between City Year’s U.S. locations and our partners in South Africa; Participate in international travel delegations and help coordinate and encourage trips to City Year South Africa; Contribute to the development of City Year’s international strategic direction; and Support the Alan Amir Ali Khazei Global Fund to increase City Year’s capacity to support the growing demand for service programs around the world. 14 CIT Y Y E A R CH A MPIONS NATIONAL LEADERSHIP SPONSORS National Leadership Sponsors are the companies – and the people – taking City Year to scale as its closest strategic partners. In addition to their time, ideas and civic passion, National Leadership sponsors invest at least $1 million in City Year over two years. ™ Bank of America As the National Lead Partner of City Year’s Young Heroes Program, Bank of America helps middle school students nationwide understand the social issues facing their communities and how they can address them through hands-on service. Cisco Foundation With the mission of building stronger, healthier communities through social investment focused on education and the power of the Internet, Cisco works with City Year to build and implement the Whole School, Whole Child service model to enrich the school-based service and afterschool programs led by City Year corps members. Comcast The partnership between Comcast and City Year focuses on a shared commitment to volunteerism, youth leadership development and literacy. As City Year’s National Leadership Development and Training Partner, The Comcast Foundation invests in the tools and training that corps and staff need to serve their communities with excellence. CSX Through its partnership with City Year, CSX brings its focus on safety and excellence to City Year with an emphasis on City Year’s Care Force® to directly impact communities across the country through transformative physical service. The Timberland Company In partnership with City Year, Timberland seeks to redefine what a company and a nonprofit organization can do together by interweaving, including through Care Force® service events and serving as City Year’s Official Outfitter. T-Mobile T-Mobile is City Year’s National Lead Afterschool Partner, Official Telecommunications Partner, and Care Force® service day partner, all of which comprises a collaboration dedicated to providing safe and reliable after-school options for children in urban communities. 16 This year, City Year proudly welcomed Pepsi and Pepperidge Farm® as its newest National Leadership Sponsors. Pepperidge Farm® and City Year Unite to Make a Difference for Children With a committed vision of fostering idealism, hope, and optimism in kids, Pepperidge Farm, Incorporated became a City Year National Leadership Sponsor in 2006. Pepperidge Farm supports City Year efforts to ensure elementary school children have safe, structured and fun youth activities that foster a greater understanding of community, and mobilize children to work together to make a difference in their schools and neighborhoods. Pepperidge Farm also dedicates resources to build City Year’s brand and provides inkind product donations. To help cultivate optimism among America’s youth and share the City Year message that one person can make a difference, the Goldfish® brand has created a special product – Goldfish Starfish crackers. The creation of the Starfish-shaped crackers is based on the inspirational City Year Starfish founding story, which illustrates how everyone can make a difference, regardless of age. As a National Leadership Sponsor, the Pepperidge Farm Goldfish brand is furthering a commitment to being a positive influence in the lives of children. “The Goldfish brand is committed to strengthening initiatives that help kids become their authentic selves so they become active participants - especially through service - in improving their lives and the world. That’s why we’re proud sponsors and supporters of City Year, an organization that empowers young people to make a difference.” – Michael Simon, Vice President/General Manager-Snacks Division, Pepperidge Farm Pepsi and City Year Unite on the Common Ground of Service and Diversity Pepsi and City Year have a shared commitment to promoting youth empowerment, volunteerism and diversity. Collaboration began in 2001 with community service projects that engaged PepsiCo employees in transforming communities in which they live and work. City Year also leads PepsiCo employees annually in the Global Week of Community Service, which engages more than 1,600 PepsiCo employees on three continents. Pepsi became a National Leadership Sponsor in 2007, dedicating resources toward increasing awareness among young adults of all backgrounds about the power of City Year to change lives. Through joint marketing initiatives and participation in local Pepsi events, together, City Year and Pepsi promote the active citizenship that empowers young people to change the world. “This new partnership between City Year and the Pepsi brand is built on a shared belief that young adults have the power to make a difference, and on the recognition that we can accomplish so much more if we work together to promote service and volunteerism.” – Russell Weiner, Vice President of Marketing, Pepsi-Cola North America 17 finances CITY YEAR, INC. Statements of Financial Position June 30, 2007 and 2006 ASSETS Cash and equivalents $ Government grants receivable 2007 2006 4,026,387 1,882,678 5,614,876 4,267,361 10,279,798 18,347,297 Other assets 593,852 646,470 Investments 8,747,804 7,537,453 17,313,983 13,188,010 $ 46,576,700 45,869,269 $ 2,791,068 2,853,938 1,411,533 1,421,110 Contributions receivable, net Equipment and improvements, net Total assets Liabilities and Net Assets Liabilities: Accounts payable and accrued expenses Accrued payroll and related expenses Deferred revenue 99,995 835,269 Line of credit 3,500,000 5,250,000 Revolving bridge loan 2,998,966 1,412,235 Bonds payable 9,000,000 9,000,000 19,801,562 20,772,552 Unrestricted 10,232,564 5,473,055 Temporarily restricted 12,010,921 15,092,009 Permanently restricted 4,531,653 4,531,653 Total net assets 26,775,138 25,096,717 46,576,700 45,869,269 Total liabilities Net assets: Total liabilities and net assets $ 2007 Operating Revenues Other Government 8% 2007 EXPENSES AmeriCorps 24% In-Kind 7% Fundrasing 10% Program 80% Organizational 10% Corporations 24% Foundations 21% 2006 Operating Revenues Other Government 8% In-Kind 6% 2006 EXPENSES Fundraising 10% AmeriCorps 26% Organizational 10% Corporations 20% Foundations 26% 18 Individuals 16% Individuals 14% Program 80% CITY YEAR, INC. Statements of Activities 2007 2006 Changes in unrestricted net assets: Operations: Revenues and other support: Contributions and private grants $ Contributions and private grants - capital campaign Federal grants – Corporation for National and Community Service Other government grants 23,487,983 20,224,892 3,259,600 2,900,000 12,808,586 11,735,541 4,144,470 3,685,879 Investment return utilized for operations 307,852 274,466 Other income 866,858 368,012 Net assets released from restrictions 7,797,781 7,202,055 52,673,130 46,390,845 38,456,461 36,680,037 Organizational support 4,927,656 4,566,594 Fundraising 4,577,811 4,402,768 9,505,467 8,969,362 47,961,928 45,649,399 4,711,202 741,446 Investment return in excess of amounts authorized for operations 230,982 98,326 Unrealized net losses on changes in fair value of interest-rate swaps (27,951) (179,381) (154,724) — 48,307 (81,055) 4,759,509 660,391 4,763,305 9,011,855 809,652 349,021 Other changes (856,264) — Net assets released from restrictions (7,797,781) (7,202,055) (3,081,088) 2,158,821 1,678,421 2,819,212 25,096,717 22,277,505 26,775,138 25,096,717 Total operating revenues and other support Expenses: Program services Support services: Total support services Total expenses Increase in unrestricted net assets from operations Nonoperating transactions: Other changes Decrease in unrestricted net assets from nonoperating transactions Increase (decrease) in unrestricted net assets Changes in temporarily restricted net assets: Contributions Unspent realized and unrealized net gains on endowments (Decrease)/increase in temporarily restricted net assets Increase in net assets Net assets, beginning of year Net assets, end of year $ 19 CON T R IBU TORS *Fiscal year: July 1, 2006 through June 30, 2007 HEADQUARTERS AMERICORPS Corporation for National and Community Service CORPORATE DONORS *Denotes Team Sponsor Bragman Nyman Cafarelli LLC Citigroup Global Impact Funding Trust, Inc. Communities In Schools Inc Computer Sciences Corporation Duff & Phelps, LLC Execuspace Construction Corp. IBM $1,000,000+ $500 - $999 Bank of America Charitable Foundation T-Mobile USA Accounting Management Solutions Inc. Ads Ventures Beacon Hill Garden Club Cone, Inc. Gilda Polo Ralph Lauren Vanguard Charitable Endowment Wilson Butler Architects, Inc Summit Partners Target Corporation The Timberland Company Upromise Westfield Capital Management $500,000 - $999,999 PepsiCo Foundation NATIONAL LEADERSHIP SPONSOR PROGRAM National Leadership Sponsors are the companies – and the people – taking City Year to scale as its closest strategic partners. In addition to their time, ideas and civic passion, National Leadership Sponsors invest at least $1 million in City Year over two years. $100,000 - $499,999 Bain & Company* Cisco Systems, Inc. Comcast CSX Corporation MFS Investment Management®* Pepper Hamilton LLP Pepperidge Farm, Inc. The Timberland Company* $50,000 - $99,999 Bank of America* The Baupost Group, L.L.C. Johnson & Johnson* MetLife Foundation Microsoft* PTC* Target Corporation* $25,000 - $49,999 ™ Citizens Bank Foundation PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP Rocket Software Smith Barney Upromise* Westfield Capital Management* $10,000 - $24,999 HEADQUARTERS/BOSTON AMERICORPS Corporation for National Service Massachusetts Service Alliance BOSTON TEAM SPONSORS Anonymous Bain & Company Bain Capital Children’s Charity Bank of America The Foundation to be Named Later The John W. Henry Family Foundation Johnson & Johnson MFS Investment Management® Microsoft PTC The Red Sox Foundation 20 Advent International The Classic Group Dunkin’ Brands Edwards Angell Palmer & Dodge LLP GOOD Magazine GW & Wade, Inc. Harvard Pilgrim Health Care Jack Morton Worldwide KPMG LLP Loomis Sayles & Company, LP Old Mutual Asset Management Precision Capital Advisors LLC Staples, Inc. Weil Gotshal & Manges LLP $5,000 - $9,999 Competitive Power Ventures CSN Stores FHO Partners LLC Goldman Sachs & Co. Goodwin Procter LLP National Association of Community Health Centers Inc. The Reynolds Group WilmerHale $1,000 - $4,999 Ahearn-Schopfer & Associates Audax Group B.R. Alexander & Co., Inc. Baring Asset Management Boston Private Bank and Trust Company FOUNDATIONS *Denotes Team Sponsor OTHER SUPPORTING ORGANIZATIONS $50,000 - $99,999 Boston Public Schools $25,000 - $49,999 New Leaders for New Schools James P. Timilty Middle School $10,000 - $24,999 Citizen Schools, Inc. Connecticut Commission on Community Service NASCC National Service-Learning Partnership Service-Learning United YouthBuild USA $5,000 - $9,999 Anonymous The Goldhirsh Foundation California AmeriCorps Alliance Michigan Nonprofit Association The Philanthropic Collaborative Third Sector New England, Diversity Initiative $100,000 - $499,999 $1,000 - $4,999 Anonymous* The Boston Foundation, Inc. John S. and James L. Knight Foundation Experience Corps Local Initiatives Support Corporation Points of Light Foundation $500,000+ $50,000 - $99,999 Bain Capital Children’s Charity* The Ellison Foundation Gravestar, Inc. The Charles Hayden Foundation The Matthew A. and Susan B. Weatherbie Foundation $25,000 - $49,999 The Paul and Phyllis Fireman Charitable Foundation The Foundation to be Named Later* The Germeshausen Foundation The John W. Henry Family Foundation* The Lynch Foundation Rockefeller Brothers Fund $10,000 - $24,999 Henry M. Jackson Foundation UN Foundation $5,000 - $9,999 The Longtine Charitable Foundation Trust $1,000 - $4,999 Anonymous Peter A. Brooke Fund at the Boston Foundation The Bushkin Family Foundation Catherine & Paul Buttenwieser Foundation The Frisbie Family Foundation The Kurz Family Foundation, Ltd. Lori and Eric Lander Family Charitable Foundation Charles and Lynn Schusterman Family Foundation FAO Schwarz Family Foundation Sherman H. Starr Foundation $500 - $999 Gabrieli Family Foundation David Gopen Foundation $500 - $999 Admission Possible Asseo Griliches Endowment Fund, a Donor Advised Fund of Combined Jewish Philanthropies Camp Fire USA Corrina Higginson Trust Western New York AmeriCorps Winsor School INDIVIDUALS $1,000,000+ Anita and Joshua Bekenstein $500,000 - $999,999 Jeannie and Jonathan Lavine Lovett-Woodsum Charitable Fund at the Boston Foundation $100,000 - $499,999 Anonymous Denise Dupre and Mark Nunnelly Paul and Sandy Edgerley Jennifer Eplett Reilly and Sean Reilly John and Tashia Morgridge David and Marion Mussafer $50,000 - $99,999 Deborah and Steven Barnes Rosabeth Moss Kanter Carolyn Mugar Kristin and Stephen Mugford Jeffrey Shames Robert and Tona White $25,000 - $49,999 Anonymous Catherine and Paul Buttenwieser David and Victoria Croll, The Croll Foundation Diane and Neil Exter Corinne and Tim Ferguson Domenic and Molly Ferrante Beth and Michael Jones Christina Kohnen Diane and William Ledingham The Mannion Family Foundation Frederick and Sarah Maynard Kristin and Tom Roberts James and Stephanie Sokolove $10,000 - $24,999 Anonymous (2) Andrew and Melora Balson Lotte Bamberger Helaine and Joe Banner Larraine Beal and Paul Smith Amy and Ed Brakeman Julie and Kevin Callaghan Kevin and Tracy Casey David and Rhonda Cohen Kathleen and Robert Collman John Connaughton and Stephanie Melrose Holly Davidson Stuart and Dana Davies Deanna and Anthony DiNovi Christopher and Hilary Gabrieli Michael Gilligan and Anne Helgen Marcia and Phil Giudice Christina and Michael Gordon Cindy and Stephen Gormley Beth and Lawrence Greenberg Jordan and Julie Hitch Ilene and Richard Jacobs David and Suzette Johnson Adam and Mary Beth Kirsch Jeff and Cal Leonard Linda and P. Andrews McLane Jon Neuhaus Judith and Stephen Pagliuca Michael Pehl Gregg and Julie Petersmeyer Governor Mitt and Ann Romney Robert Segel and Janice Sherman Alan and Susan Solomont Joseph F. Trustey, III and Kristine Trustey Robert and Theresa Wadsworth Michael and Terry Ward $5,000 - $9,999 Jim and Kristen Atwood Donna and Schorr Berman Lisa and Michael Bronner Marian and Michael Cronin Meredith Cutler Kevin Dennis and Rebecca Kellogg John Emerson Bitsey Folger Jeffrey Glass Peter and Tammy Hermann Matthew and Rene Levin Brooke and Will Muggia Ann and Steve Peacher John and Margaret Ruttenberg $1,000 - $4,999 Anonymous Ellen and Michael Alter Robert and Jacqueline Bechek Christina and Kelley Benet Jason Bennett Michael Brown and Charlotte Mao Miriam and Morton Brown Sandra Lopez Burke John and Kathy Calvin Lisa and Neil Cohen Linzee Coolidge John and Wendy Cozzi Kristy and Thomas Cunningham Timothy A. Cunningham Benjamin Esty and Raquel Leder Christopher D. Fletcher John Foster and Catherine Stout Megan Gadd and Nathan Wilson Anne and David Gergen Margaret and Robert Gibbons John and Maryann Gilmartin Spencer Glendon and Lisa Glendon Carolyn and Richard Glickstein Colonel Robert L. Gordon, III Becky and Michael Goss David Graves and Peggy Koenig Jeremy Greene Josh Greenly Emily and Thomas Haslett Antoine G. Hatoun and Andrea G. Levitt Mari-Ann and William Hogan Francis Huntowski Annabelle and John Kellogg Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kellogg Alan Khazei and Vanessa Kirsch Gord Kluzak Pamela Kohlberg Lawrence and Pamela Lenehan Virginia Mackay-Smith David Manfredi Theresa Mao Michael Maynard and Ilene Greenberg Alexandra and Josh McCall Nicole Moss Jeffrey and Sarah Newton Mark and Martha O’Connor Cathy and Joseph O’Donnell Gary and Merle Orren Susan and Peter Osnos Erica and William Pappendick Roberta and Stephen Peet Geoffrey and Laura Rehnert Mary and Stanley Richardson Frank Roop Shirley Sagawa Ravinder and Rohini Sakhuja Eric and Beth Schlager Wendy Smith Alix and Joseph Smullin Chitra R. Staley Leigh Standley Robert and Sandra Taylor Anthony and Beth Terrana Sally Pendleton Thompson Becky Trask James Westra Jonathan Wiener and Ginger Young Margaret Williams Marc and Robin Wolpow Tucker Taft and Phyllis Yale Mr. Larry Zicklin $500 - $999 James Allen Shelley Ayervais Haskell Werlin Beth and Max Bardeen Evelyn Barnes Richard Barth and Wendy Kopp Kathleen Beckman Steven Berez and Peggy Lowenstein Iris and Steve Borowsky Celeste Brown Jeffrey and Webb Brown Jeffrey Brown and Paula Crawford Miles Byrne and Karyn Wilson Michael W. Byrnes, Jr. Elizabeth and Ronald Campbell Joyce Chen Gerald and Kate Chertavian Linda Chin John and Kathy Cook Michael Cima and Elisabetta Cortesi William Cotter Bonnie and Christopher Covington Michele Davis Jed and Kirsten Dawson Virginia de Lima Dubs and Robert Dickey Laura and Mark DiNapoli Douglas Dorr Cecilia Dunn Joan Eastman Elizabeth and Rick Edie Jacob and Shari Einhorn Thomas Feeley and Joan Wiggins Alex Glovsky Brett Gordon Harriet Greenfield Charles and Donna Hazard Kenneth Johnson John Lynch Joseph Madison and Kristan Madison, M.D. Gary McBournie Tammany Hobbs Miracky and William Miracky Robert Nicholson Veronica Nyhan Jones Jim and Patricia O’Connor Christopher P. Osgood Nancy and William Osgood Greg Pappas Kim Paratore Jean and Robert Persons Astrid O. Peterson, M.D. Gary and Mary Pforzheimer Edward and Karen Philip Stephen Repka Richard Reynolds Robert and Susan Rosenberg Cindy and Peter Schliemann Thomas Shepherd Billy Shore and Rosemary Jordano Diana Smith Edwin E. and Katharine T. Smith Gary and Lynne Smith Michael St. Pierre Michael Staiti Gordon Strause Jacob and Jean Taylor Andrea and Thomas Ward $100 - $499 Anonymous (2) Luc Aalmans and Abigail Erdmann Scott Adelson Kamesh Aiyer Martha and Walter Alexander Erin Allen Philip Allen Mark and Shelley Allison Andrea and Carl Axelrod Jami and Matthew Axelrod Julie and Timothy Bancroft Heidi Barenthaler David Bass and Susan Hall Mahala and Richard Beams Karen E. Benoit Andy Bentinck Joy Bergenthal Stanley Bernstein Barry Bluestone Jane Bove Valerie Bradley and Lewis Sargentich Joanna Breyer Warren Britt Donald Brown Esther Bullitt Susan Okie Bush Franklyn and Monica Caine Mary-Taylor Carter Dong Chang Emily Cherniack Jean and John Childs Chadwick Choban Charles and Ellen Cobb Alan and Liz Cody Allan and Joyce Cohen Andrew Cohen Carolyn Cohen and Alan Dershowitz Seth Cohen Stephen Cohen and Carol Mattila Steven J. Collins Bruce and Roslyn Comenitz Mark Conway Alan Corman Cathy Corman and Markus Penzel Sally Read Coughlin Tenney Cover Peter Coxe Gerald and Jeanne Curtis Sandra Curtis Joan Dalton Mary Darmstaetter William Davies Amy Davis Michael Davis Jim Dawson Kevin Delaney Carol and Herb Dreyer Andrew Duchon James Durham Lauren Dutton and Glen Tripp Britt and Shari Ellis Andrea Encarnacao Alexandra England and Charles Pratt Andrew Fairbairn John Fantini Judith Feins Mark and Nikki Feldman Heike Bischoff-Ferrari and Stephen Ferrari Duncan Fletcher Christopher Floyd Margaret Foote Fred Foulkes Gustav Freedman and Jacquelyn Sand Elizabeth and Robert Freeman Charles Freifeld and Marilyn Ray Smith Karen Fried Brian Gauger John Gentry David Gingold Andrew and Eleanor Glass John Gomperts and Katherine Klein Marc Goodman Brandon Goodwin Allen and Linda Goorin Mark Gottesman Mildred Guberman-Kravetz Jim Hahn Cheryl Hamlin David and Rebecca Hamlin Robert Hansel and Lisa Robinson Vivien Hao Robert Harol Jed F Hartman Mary and Stephen Harvell Matthew F. Heaggans 21 Arthur and Eloise Hodges Ruth Hodges and John LeClaire Jacqueline Hollenbeck Joan Hollister Douglas Holmes Courtney Hosking Janet and Warren Hutchison Gordon Johnson William Johnston Ann Jones Winston Jones John A. Kaiser and Marcia Van Beek Debbie and Mark Kalin Steven Karol Helen and Rudolph Kass William Kass Sarah Kaull and Thomas Shirley Thomas Keane James and Phoebe Kent Judith Kidd Peter Kim Bryan Kinney Carol Kinsley Robert Knake Norty and Vicki Knox Brian Koyce Joanne Labelle Carolyn Lamb and Jonathan Rueman Tim Lambert Paul H. Lapointe and Susan G. Lapointe Bette and Kenneth Lavery Don Levinstone Ann Levison Ronald and Sandra Levy Peter Lin-marcus Bruce and Rochelle Lipschultz Michael Lipton Julia Livingston M. Chrysa Long Elizabeth Loring Ian and Isabelle Loring Sue Ann and Thomas MacMaster Megan Madden Anna Madeza Andrew Caffrey and Maria Maffei Linda and Paul Mahoney R Bradford and Sharon Malt Nancy Mann Alan and Sheryl Marcus Sy Marcus Douglas and Kristen Marshall Kathy Marshall Helen Marston and Hunter S. Marston, III Rashaun and Andrea Martin Maria Mas Andy and Christine Matz Joan McArdle Elizabeth and Michael McCabe Carla McCall Sean McDevitt Claire and James McGuire Terrance Mcguire Charlotte and Peter Merrell Carol and Daniel Milewich Verna Miller Florence Mintz Neeraj Mittal Charles Monroe Emilie Montoni Steve Mooney Ben and Frances Moyer Jack Murray Mark Najarian John Newton Audrey and George Nichols, Jr. 22 Almeda and Kenneth Nicholson Craig and Rebeca Nieves-Huffman Claire-Voe Ocampo Elizabeth and Thomas O’Reilly Mr. Augustin H. Parker, III Nikunj Patel Anna and David Paulin Greg Payne Nancy and Robert Phifer Paul and Susan Pintus Randi Plevy Robert Pomeroy Frances Pratt George and Kathy Priest Daniel Primack Heidi Puchulu Ellen and Robert Race Michael Ravicz Abbott Reichlin and Madeline Segal John Reilly Daniel and Frances Riley Christian Rivera Joan and Raymond Roache Jessica Roddy Allison Rogers Sarah Rome Carol Downs and Charlie Rose Rochelle Sax Marilyn Schachter Risa Shames and Neil Silverston Jessica and Paul Schendel Catherine and Robert Schneider Kurt and Susan Schwartz Barbara and Daniel Shapiro Laura Shea Johanna Silverman Judith Sizer Mark and Paula Slovenkai Anne Smagorinsky Darien and James Smith Jan Smith Jane Smith Louis and Ruth Smullin Don and Ros Smythe Cheryl A. Snyder Mark and Sarah Snyderman Nancy Soulette Marjorie and Paul Stanzler Owen Stearns James and Linda Stewart Karen Stigler Toni Strassler Andrew F Strauss and Thelma Klein Strauss Mary and William Supple Rosabel Tao Carlota and Mark Taylor Conrad Todd Geoffrey Tuba Judit Vajda Darlene Valentine Sara and Joseph Volpe Katherine and William Waddill Brooke and Kathryn Wagner Harvey Wagner Doryn Wallach Mary Ward Joshua Webb Deric Wieting Hugh Wolf Deanna and Sidney Wolk John and Linda Woodard Stephen Yost Daniel and Marilynn Zedek Arnold and Judy Zinman Ginia and Peter Ziobro IN-KIND DONORS $1,000,000+ CORPORATE DONORS *Denotes Team Sponsor $100,000+ Cisco Comcast Deloitte & Touche USA LLP The Timberland Company The Alter Group* CSX Corporation* Northern Trust* $500,000 - $999,999 $50,000 - $99,999 Pepsi Co T-Mobile USA Comcast DLA Piper* T-Mobile USA $100,000+ CSX KPMG MBTA NECN Saint Anselm College WilmerHale $25,000 - $49,999 Deloitte McDonalds Corporation USA Smith Barney Transwestern* $10,000 - $24,999 $25,000 - $49,999 ABN AMRO Services Company Bank of America Charitable Foundation Family Focus, Inc. Reyes Holdings LLC Home Depot $5,000 - $9,999 $10,000 - $24,999 Aon Foundation Ash, Anos, Freedman & Logan, LLC Barack Ferrazzano Kirschbaum Perlman & Nagelberg LLP Chicago White Sox Charities The Church of Jesus Christ of LatterDay Saints Foundation Citizens Financial Group, Inc. Crain Communications, Inc. Florida Plastics Fund Management Services, LLC Heitman, LLC IPA Charities, Inc. Levenfeld Pearlstein LLC Mesirow Financial Michael Best & Friedrich LLP The PrivateBank Riemer & Braunstein LLP Snap Solutions DBA Events.org US Bank $50,000 - $99,999 Pepperidge Farm MassAV Konica-Minolta $5,000 - $9,999 Grey Goose Vodka $1,000 - $4,999 Jeff Bowser Cedar Grove Gardens Jennifer D. Cogswell Floral Décor John Gillooly/PEI Jim Harrison Photography Masciarelli Company Mike Secor Video Express Video Transfer $500 - $999 Harpoon Brewery $100 - $499 Boloco Charlie Chan’s Copia Restaurant Family Kitchen Fresh City MJ O’Connors Papa John’s Subway Tex’s Barbeque Express Vinny T’s CHICAGO AMERICORPS Illinois Department of Human Services Education SERVE Illinois Commission on Volunteerism and Community Service CHICAGO TEAM SPONSORS The Alter Group CSX Corporation DLA Piper Freed Family Foundation Northern Trust Transwestern $1,000 - $4,999 Alliance Bernstein AMCOL International Corp Ariel Capital Management, LLC Autodesk BMO Capital Markets Catapult Development Company CBIZ, Inc Christopher B. Burke Engineering, LTD Citigroup Foundation Disney Worldwide Services, Inc. Donlen Corporation Environmental Systems Design, Inc. Guaranty Bank Hilco Equity, LLC Kirkland & Ellis Foundation MB Charitable Foundation National Basketball Association Northern Trust - Matching Gift and Volunteer Grant Program OSI Industries, LLC Roosevelt Industrial Complex Sheridan & Pearlman Solomon Cordwell Buenz & Associates, Inc. SPACECO, INC. Thompson, Ventulett, Stainback & Associates, Inc. The Weitz Company $500 - $999 AGT Crunch Acquisition, LLC Baxter International, Inc. Deutsche Bank Americas Foundation HPL&S Inc. McCain Foods USA, Inc. The Millard Group, Inc. Patricia Hurley and Associates, Inc. Santanna Natural Gas Corporation Spencer Stuart FOUNDATIONS *Denotes Team Sponsor $50,000 - $99,999 Freed Family Foundation* McCormick Tribune Foundation $10,000 - $24,999 Circle of Service Foundation Comer Science & Education Foundation $5,000 - $10,000 Anonymous Francis Beidler Foundation John & Jacolyn Bucksbaum Charitable Fund $1,000 - $4,999 Abt Family Foundation Stephen W. & Susan M. Baird Foundation Carney Family Foundation Cellini Family Fund Sol & Celia Hammerman Foundation The Donald and Elizabeth Thompson Family Foundation Youth Service America $500 - $999 Hickey Foundation Polk Bros. Foundation OTHER SUPPORTING ORGANIZATIONS $100,000+ Federal Earmark Request - Dept. of Justice $50,000 - $99,999 Chicago Public Schools – Office of the CEO Chicago Public Schools – Office of Extended Learning Opportunities $10,000 - $24,999 Mary McLeod Bethune Elementary School John W. Cook Elementary School Donoghue Elementary Anton Dvorak Math & Science Academy Julia Ward Howe Elementary School Jacques Marquette Elementary North Kenwood Oakwood Charter School Paul Revere Elementary School $1,000 - $4,999 Illinois Public Health Association Women in Cable & Telecommunications Greater Chicago Chapter INDIVIDUALS $10,000 - $24,999 Jim Kastenholtz and Jennifer Steans Harrison and Lois Steans $5,000 - $9,999 Sherry McFall and Kenneth Porrello Glen and Trish Tullman $1,000 - $4,999 Joan and Robert Cody Doug Crocker and Cindy McHugh Arthur and Susan Fogel Leonard Gail and Robin Steans Scott Grossman Anne and Drew Horowitz Barbara Goodman Manilow David and Suzu Neithercut William and Cathleen Osborn Nick and Susan Pritzker John and Lois Sachs Jacelyn and William Shiner John Sirek $500 - $999 Hall Adams, Jr. Lisa Cunningham Robert and Suzanne Ellis Rhoda and Lewis E. Freyer Richard Cartier Godfrey Kalee and Samuel Gould Howard and Rebecca Grill David Grumhaus, Jr. and Jennifer Grumhaus Janet and Robert Helman Ken Hooten Eric Joss Laura Alter Klapman and Howard Klapman Richard Klawiter and Ann Sherline Peter Kupferberg and Ellen Rakieten Scott Levy Phyllis Lockett Judy and Ronald Lunt Adeline and Harold Morrison Janet and Richard Morrow Theodore Perlman Anne Siegel Leslie M. Smith and Michael F. Uzer Betsy and Mark Westhoff $100 - $499 Claire Anderson Tim Barry Sue Bell Michael and Nicky Bliwas Larry Blum Lea Borenstein Morton and Terry Borkan Barbara Brooks Patricia Burns-Hampel Shelly Butkus Cory Cancila Greg Carroll Sarah Carton Robert Chapman and Sandra HainesChapman Lindsey Chavez Michael and Patricia Chookaszian Mr. and Mrs. Jerome J. Claey, III James and Judy Clark Lucy and Jeff Colman Judy Cromer Martin Cuellar Maria Dukes Nanine and Norris Eber James and Linda Fiffer Megana Gowda Caryn Greene Matthew Gregory Robert Hampel Mary Beth D. and John F. Hartmann Kellie Hasselbeck Felicia Hereau Romeo and Jill Hereau Joe and Cindy Herman Joseph Higgins Cheryl and David Hoffman Rebecca Hoffman Susannah Hoffman Ted Jackson Marietta and Robert Kahl Daniel Kaufman David and Marcia Kirshenbaum Marc Klutznick Kristen Koupal John Lancia Daniella Levitt Blake Lunt Morgan and Laila Lyons Kate Marzo Sean McGuire Justin Meany Madhuri Mehta Shruti Mehta Juli Moran Negan Nordeen Arlene and Robert Novak Michael and Nannett Ochs Frantz and McGhee Osse Steven and Grace Pabalan Larry Pachter Kathryn and John Palmer S. Paulson Alicia Perla Perry R. Pero Amy and David Poeppel Tim Rausch Michael and Nancy Reinsdorf Randall Rochman Susan Ross Sarah Sarmiento Phyllis Satkus Sheila Saville Cory Schuster Nyan Shah John Shapiro Leo J. Sheridan, III and Martha Sheridan Rebecca Shields Sarah Shirk William Shonfeld Jillian Smith Eleanor Springer Fredric and Nikki Stein Howard Stein Lori and Craig Stern Jayanth Surakanti Barbara and Randolph F. Thomas Stephen G. Tomlinson Scott Velasquez Phyllis and Victor Vernick Shoshana and Kevin Vernick Angela Walker Dave Watson Talia Weidberg Carole J. Arra Weinberg Linda Woolery Janet Yoder 23 IN-KIND DONORS $100,000+ Joseph Freed and Associates LLC $50,000 - $99,999 Chicago Transit Authority $1,000 - $4,999 FOUNDATIONS *Denotes Team Sponsor The George Gund Foundation Einstein Bagels Home Depot Pat Catan’s $10,000 - $24,999 COLUMBIA $25,000 - $49,999 The Key Foundation Woodruff Foundation Buca di Beppo $1,000 - $4,999 $500 - $999 Catholic Charities The Cleveland Foundation The Harry K. & Emma R. Fox Charitable Foundation The Murdough Foundation Ronald McDonald House Charities of Northeastern Ohio The F. J. O’Neill Charitable Foundation Red Hen Bread $100 - $499 Chipotle of Oak Park Einstein Bagel Bros Giordano’s People for the American Way PJ Ace Hardware CLEVELAND OTHER SUPPORTING ORGANIZATIONS AMERICORPS $100,000+ Ohio Community Service Council City of Cleveland* Cuyahoga County Board of County Commissioners* CLEVELAND TEAM SPONSORS City of Cleveland* CSX Corporation* Cuyahoga County Board of County Commissioners* RPM International Inc.* CORPORATE DONORS *Denotes Team Sponsor $50,000 - $99,999 $50,000 - $99,999 United Way of Greater Cleveland $1,000 - $4,999 Greater Cleveland Partnership Jewish Community Federation of Cleveland Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District CSX Corporation* Forest City Enterprises, Inc. RPM International Inc.* $500 - $999 $25,000 - $49,999 INDIVIDUALS Alcoa Foundation Comcast MetLife Foundation T-Mobile USA $5,000 - $9,999 $10,000 - $24,999 Eaton Corporation Fifth Third Bank KeyCorp Smith Barney $5,000 - $9,999 Cavaliers/Quicken Arena Company National City Corporation Parker-Hannifin Corporation Richard L. Bowen Associates Incorporated $1,000 - $4,999 AmTrust Bank Calfee, Halter & Griswold LLP The Cleveland Browns The Cleveland Clinic Ernst & Young FirstEnergy Corp. Huntington National Bank ISG Cleveland Inc. Jones Day The Plain Dealer Squire, Sanders & Dempsey LLP Stadium Jumping, Inc. Wachovia Securities Weisman, Kennedy and Berris, LPA Cuyahoga Community College Evan Corns Tom Sullivan, Sr. Pam and William Summers $1,000 - $4,999 Patrick Auletta David Landever and Keeley O’Brian Henry Meyer, III The Rennillo Family The Seifert Family AMERICORPS $500 - $999 COLUMBIA TEAM SPONSORS $100 - $499 Allstate Foundation Citigroup Foundation CSX Corporation First Citizens Kirsten af Klinteberg Barry Ahrendt Charles Aiken Catherine and Reynolds Allen Jim and Pam Balfanz Jonathan Beresford Britt Borders Brenda Branic Elizabeth and Steven Burritt Malcom and Pat Burton George and Mary Cauthen Beth Corbett Janice and Scott Cowen Joan Dickinson Judy and Patrick Downing Kevin Dutt Carl Epps Charles Ferillo Sean Flynn Amy Gabrovic Jerry and Mollie Goad Edward and Laura Hart Kappy and William Hubbard Tori Kaplan Jim Lehman Andrea and Edward Mullins Nave and Robert Nave Zoe Nettles Pawn Nitichan John and Marguerite O’Brien James Overton Kathleen and Michael Paget Crystal Poston James Rogers Naomi Seabrook Lee and Lynette Stewart L. Wayne Strawbridge Joseph Stutz Bryan Thompson Tigerron Wells Yvonne Wilson CORPORATE DONORS *Denotes Team Sponsor $100,000+ CSX Corporation* $50,000 - $99,999 Allstate Foundation* $25,000 - $49,999 Citigroup Foundation* T-Mobile USA $10,000 - $24,999 Bank of America Charitable Foundation Comcast First Citizens* Smith Barney $5,000 - $9,999 BellSouth Blue Cross Blue Shield Nelson, Mullins, Riley & Scarborough $1,000 - $4,999 Edens & Avant Real Estate Services Ellis, Lawhorne & Sims, P.A. Lamar Advertising Company McGuire Woods Pepperidge Farm, Inc. South Carolina Community Bank Turner, Padget, Graham, Laney, P.A. OTHER SUPPORTING ORGANIZATIONS $50,000 - $99,999 Anne and Francis Blaschka Ann Klotz The Honorable Dan A. Polster and Deborah Coleman Richland School District One $100 - $499 Anonymous Barbara and Bruce Akers Nancy Cronin Howard Dickey-White The Epstein/Zuckerman Family Donna and James Farley Margaret Freer Trust Germaine Hahnel Deborah Morin Raymond Murphy IN-KIND DONORS $25,000 - $49,999 Amy and Elliott Epps Brett Frantz Paul Mitchell Gail and Stephen Morrison Marie-Louise Ramsdale John and Lynn Rawl Joel and Kathryn Smith Jerri and Steve Spurrier South Carolina Department of Education $500 - $999 Regional Transit Authority 24 $100 - $499 $25,000 - $49,999 Michael Hogue IN-KIND DONORS City of Columbia South Carolina State Budget Control Board $1,000 - $4,999 $1,000 - $4,999 Mouse House Sonic Second Calvary Baptist Church University of South Carolina $500 - $999 Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority United Way of The Midlands INDIVIDUALS $1,000 - $4,999 Charlotte Berry LaTonya Brown Tom Conley John Dillard Volunteers of America - Carolinas $500 - $999 $100 - $499 Color Imaging CVS D’s Wings Papa John’s Quiznos Roly Poly Sandwiches Scott Wilson Walgreens COLUMBUS AMERICORPS Ohio Community Service Council OTHER SUPPORTING ORGANIZATIONS *Denotes Team Sponsor $100,000+ COLUMBUS TEAM SPONSORS City of Columbus* Cardinal Health City of Columbus JPMorgan Chase Foundation National City Nationwide Foundation The Siemer Family Foundation $25,000 - $49,999 CORPORATE DONORS *Denotes Team Sponsor $25,000 - $49,999 Cardinal Health* JPMorgan Chase Foundation* T-Mobile USA $10,000 - $24,999 Abercrombie & Fitch Co. Advanced Drainage Systems, Inc. Comcast Continental Downtown Properties Honda of America Mfg. Huntington Bank Smith Barney $5,000 - $9,999 Donatos Pizzeria Scioto Properties LLC Verizon Business $1,000 - $4,999 AON Risk Services, Inc. AT&T Ohio, Inc. Calfee, Halter & Griswold LLP CareWorks Citigroup Smith Barney Deloitte & Touche LLP Machisa Design Services, Inc. National City* Nationwide The Scotts Miracle-Gro Company Strathman & Associates, Inc. Thompson Hine LLP Time Warner Cable Vorys, Sater, Seymour and Pease LLP $500 - $999 Crane Plastics Company FOUNDATIONS *Denotes Team Sponsor $50,000 - $99,999 The Siemer Family Foundation* $25,000 - $49,999 Nationwide Foundation* $10,000 - $24,999 Easton Community Foundation The Harry C. Moores Foundation $5,000 - $9,999 Baskes Family Foundation PepsiCo Foundation The Walter and Marian English Foundation $500 - $999 Anonymous Franklin County Dept. of Jobs & Family Services United Way of Central Ohio $1,000 - $4,999 Community Shares of Mid Ohio INDIVIDUALS $1,000 - $4,999 Lourdes Barroso de Padilla and Ernesto Padilla David and Amy Potts Ray and Suzanne Shealy Gordon and Laura Troup Robert Weiler David and Toni Weiss Liz Upchurch $500 - $999 Melford and Stephanie Carter George Dobrea and Diane Hughes Dobrea Geoff Eubank Robin Mink Douglas and Mary Beth Morgan Colleen O’Connor Brett and Paul Tingley $100 - $499 Julie and Paul Amling Becky and Brian Brown Dan Cantrell Charlotte Carter David Ciccone John Davidson C. Daniel and Diane DeLawder Steven D. Farrell and Chad Kessler Bryan and Nancy Flynn Michael Furey Janet George Diane and Herb Glimcher John and Kim Hanks Stefphanie Harper Mary Heitzman Laurie and Thomas Hill Kevin Kerns James Luck Judith and Robert Meyer Leslie and Tim Michaels Andrew Michel Valeriana Moeller Timothy Montague Debra and John Moore Anita and Kevin Mullen Kelly Neugibar Adrianne and Thomas O’Connor, Jr. Dan Prond and Melissa Reynolds-Prond Jon and Julie Reneau Jon and Mary Seidelmann Ezra Singer Jason and Nicole Smith Edward Sparks Tei Street Tenisha Taylor Bonita Warren Laura and Mark Weaver Janeen and Stephen Yuszka Janet and Nick Zettler IN-KIND DONORS $25,000+ Central Ohio Transit Authority $1,000 - $4,999 Columbus Symphony COSI Kohls $100 - $499 Au Bon Pain Borders Books Fulcrum Design Corps, LLC Sherilyn George Jenni’s Ice Cream Lowes Starbucks Windsor Academy Elementary School FOUNDATIONS *Denotes Team Sponsor $100,000+ JPMorgan Chase Foundation* The Skillman Foundation United Parcel Services Foundation* $50,000 - $99,999 Comerica Charitable Foundation* DaimlerChrysler Corporation Fund* Detroit Youth Foundation DTE Energy Foundation* Ford Motor Company Fund* Hudson-Webber Foundation The Jewish Fund The Kresge Foundation $25,000 - $49,999 Wilkinson Foundation DETROIT $10,000 - $24,999 AMERICORPS Detroit Lions Charities General Motors Foundation Michigan Community Service Commission DETROIT TEAM SPONSORS Comerica Charitable Foundation CSX Corporation DaimlerChrysler Corporation Fund DTE Energy Foundation Ford Motor Company Fund Henry Ford Health System JPMorgan Chase Foundation United Parcel Services Foundation CORPORATE DONORS *Denotes Team Sponsor $50,000 - $99,999 Comcast CSX Corporation* Henry Ford Health System* $1,000 - $4,999 Masco Corporation Charitable Trust The Pepsi Bottling Group Foundation, Inc PepsiCo Foundation $500 - $999 McGregor Fund OTHER SUPPORTING ORGANIZATIONS $25,000 - $49,999 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) - City of Detroit $1,000 - $4,999 Rock Financial T-Mobile USA Birmingham Unitarian Church Communities in Schools Detroit Renaissance, Inc. Detroit Riverfront Conservancy, Inc. New Detroit - The Coalition Youth on the Edge of Greatness $10,000 - $24,999 $500 - $999 Compuware Corporation Smith Barney Black Family Development, Inc. Detroit Urban League Hartford Memorial Baptist Church Michigan UAW - CAP Council University of Michigan - Ann Arbor Youth Sports and Recreation Commission $25,000 - $49,999 $5,000 - $9,999 Johnson Controls MGM Grand Detroit Casino $1,000 - $4,999 Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan Greektown Casino LLC Henry Ford Health System Lewis & Munday, PC PVS Chemicals St. John Health Systems The Taubman Company Vitec Walbridge Aldinger Co. INDIVIDUALS $500 - $999 Maggie and Bob Allesee Tarik and Helen Daoud Anthony DeForrest Retha and Walter Douglas Allan D. Gilmour Adela and Anthony Glover Denise Knobblock Adam Levinson Diana and John E. Marshall, III Cheryl and Reuben Munday Al and Faye Alexander Nelson Charity Motors, Inc. Detroit Newspaper Partnership Huntington National Bank Molina Healthcare of Michigan $10,000 - $24,999 Gail and Lois Warden $5,000 - $9,999 Sarah McClelland $1,000 - $4,999 25 James and Karen Ridgway Nancy M. Schlichting Robert and Patricia Stempel Laura and Thomas Trudeau $500 - $999 Leland and Tina Bassett Stephanie Bergeron Melvin Chapman Kurt and Ruth Heidebreicht Sandy Pierce Randy Safford Carla Walker-Miller $100 - $499 Anonymous Thomas E. Anderson, Ph.D. Alice Arcese Anthony and Racelle Armada David and Jennie Aud Natalie Baeckeroot Suzanne Bagozzi and David Dudus Margaret Bartush Karl Bell Pat Bennett Carol and Daniel Benton Harold and Penny Blumenstein David and Jeanne Buhl C. David and Susan Campbell John Carter Joseph Cavanaugh Robert Charles David Di Chiera William Cohen Barbara and Jerry Cook Harold Curry Jonathan and Michelle Disbrow Judith Doss Eugene and Elaine C. Driker Stephen E. Ewing Charles S. Farmer, II Rep. Barbara A. Farrah Dexter Fields David Fike Bobbie J. Fueri Ana Gabriel John George Lawrence Givens Charles and Kellie Glover David and Phyllis Goeddeke Amy Good Barbara and Thomas Gottschalk Rhonda Graves Carole Harris Harold Houghton James Howe Susan Huntzicker Ira J. Jaffe John James Tina James Barbara Jean Johnson Ronda Johnson Ron Kagan Victoria Keating Deborah and Geneva Kent Daniel Little Joseph and Kristan Madison, M.D. Patrick and Sharon Marion Steve Marquardt Ann and Randy Moeller Marlies Parenti Carolyn Patterson Dowdell William Peterson Sonia Plata Lana B. Pollack 26 Lloyd and Maurcine Reuss Thomas Royal Roberta Sanders Lamont Satchel John and Valinta Schnable Howard and Sharman Silberman David and Joanne Silwester Ann and Gerald Smith Frank Smith Rick Sperling Henry H. Sprague, Jr. Emily A. Teach and C. Coleman Teach Jay and Karen Tower Mary Ann Tyler-Allen Ana Van De Velde Alicia Villarreal Robert Wachler Lawrence Walsh Harriett and Walter C. Watkins, Jr. Linda West Jacqueline Wiggins Phillip Wyckstandt Metropolitan National Bank Sherrerd & Company Starbucks Coffee Company Wesley K. Clark and Associates $1,000 - $4,999 $100,000+ Acxiom American Taekwondo Association Argenta Wealth Management Aristotle, Inc. Bank of America Bank of the Ozarks CDI Contractors, Inc. Cranford Johnson Robinson Woods Cromwell Architects Engineers, Inc. Dassault Falcon Jet Dave Grundfest Company Electric Cooperatives of Arkansas First Arkansas Insurance Flake and Kelley Commercial James Lee Witt Associates JPMS Cox Lamar Advertising Little Rock Paschall Strategic Communications Twin City Bank Vratsinas Construction Company Henry Ford Health System $500 - $999 $100 - $499 Blue Cross Blue Shield - Arkansas D & A Doyne Family Ltd Partnership Kaleidoscope Education Support Group Polk Stanley Rowland Curzon Porter Architects Ltd. The Renshaw Firm Rose Law Firm Charitable Trust IN-KIND DONORS Amicci’s Carol Gorski Gray and Son True Value Habitat for Humanity Link Testing Laboratories Papa Romano’s Pizza Royal Banana Co. Little Rock/ North Little Rock FOUNDATIONS *Denotes Team Sponsor $50,000 - $99,999 AMERICORPS Tenenbaum Family Foundation* Corporation for National Service $5,000 - $9,999 LITTLE ROCK/North Little Rock TEAM SPONSORS City of Little Rock City of North Little Rock Entergy Arkansas Lamar Outdoor Advertising Tenenbaum Family Foundation CORPORATE DONORS *Denotes Team Sponsor $50,000 - $99,999 Arkansas Humanities Council $1,000 - $4,999 Arkansas Children’s Hospital Arkansas Community Foundation William J. Clinton Foundation Ottenheimer Brothers Foundation University of Arkansas Clinton School of Public Service OTHER SUPPORTING ORGANIZATIONS Entergy Arkansas* $50,000 - $99,999 $25,000 - $49,999 City of Little Rock* Comcast T-Mobile USA $25,000 - $49,999 $10,000 - $24,999 Alcoa Foundation Argenta Wealth Management Bank of America Charitable Foundation Baptist Health System Smith Barney $5,000 - $9,999 Acxiom Alltel Corporation AT&T Lexicon, Inc. Little Rock Convention and Visitors Bureau McLarty Companies City of North Little Rock* Little Rock School District $10,000 - $24,999 North Little Rock School District $1,000 - $4,999 Arkansas Municipal League Little Rock Department of Community Programs Little Rock Parks and Recreation Pulaski Technical College INDIVIDUALS $5,000 - $9,999 John P. Gaudin Mark Nichols Ms. Judy K. Tenenbaum $1,000 - $4,999 Kay Arnold Bob Birch Jim Dailey Donald Holtslander Jim Phillips Ruth Remmel John Riggs Dan Rolett Aaron and Julie Young Don and Janet Zimmerman $500 - $999 Clarence Duvall Joyce Elliott Kathleen and Ray Hightower Scott and Sonja Miller David and Sue Mosley John and Mary O’Grady Thomas Regan $100 - $499 John and Patricia Barsanti Alice Bass L. Elizabeth Bowles Richard Butler, Jr. Shannon Butler Karen and William Cobb Daryl Coker Joan Courtney Patty Criner Lynda Dixon Paul Dodds Russell and Janine Dryden Alexis and Dan Fowler Melinda Gilbert Jennifer Gray Molly Gray Catherine Grunden Christine and Mark Hager Dinda and Michael Hemphill Karen L. Johnson Kathleen Jones Dawna and John Koppin John and Mayumi Lai John and Pat Lile Grejuana and Riley Lipschitz Johnson and Katherine Melhorn Jo and Presley Melton Debbie Milam Jennifer and Peter Pickus Don Renshaw Mary Richardson Kelly and Neil Rose Joshua Shemper John and Kay Smith Ed Staley Tucker Steinmetz and Jeremy Haggard Stephanie Streett Jacquelyn Stubblefield Paul Suskie Doug and Jessica Szenher Eric Wydra IN-KIND DONORS $100,000+ William J. Clinton Foundation $5,000 - $9,999 Hope Auto Company $1,000 - $4,999 $500 - $999 $25,000 - $49,999 Arkansas Foodbank Network Arkansas Rice Depot Carl Schultz Chenal Valley Travel Lamar Outdoor Advertising U.S. Pizza Company Shana Eddy and Nick Grouf Deloris Luckman Natalie Tarpinian T-Mobile USA The Timberland Company $100 - $499 Anonymous Smith Barney $100 - $499 American Compost Arkansas Reading Association Ben E. Keith Foods BFI Damgoode Pies Fuller and Son Hardware Hardin’s River Mercantile Hocetts Garden Center Home Depot Kroger Food Stores Lakewood Gardens Lowe’s McDonalds Pittsburgh Paints River Valley Sherwin-Williams Sonic Drive-In Townsend Press Veriplas LOS ANGeles AMERICORPS Corporation for National Service National Direct grant CORPORATE DONORS $10,000 - $24,999 Creative Artists Agency $5,000 - $9,999 Peter Andrews Azat Aslanyan Julie Ballard Tina Chong Jon Chun Alex Conner Jack Davidson David Day Marco Demello Adam Englander Ingrid Gaines Bill Hahn Kiki Hahn Wendy Hatfield Beatrice Hsu Peter Huie Stan Ibara Scott Kim Brian Klein Quinn Merritt Brady Onishi Keith Powers Bridget Ptak Jason Ross Andreas Sautter Dan Scholwick Tucker Smith Maxie Sonnenberg Daniel Stutz Misbah Tahir James Weinberg Young Yang LOUISIANA AMERICORPS Paramount Pictures Spot Runner Louisiana Serve Commission FOUNDATIONS LOUISIANA TEAM SPONSORS $100,000+ Anonymous James and Laura Bailey Capital One Carole and Charles Lamar Cisco Systems, Inc. CSX Corporation The Greater New Orleans Foundation Lamar Advertising Company Don and Pat Lyle John and Virginia Noland The Irene W. and C.B. Pennington Foundation Michael Polito Kevin and Winifred Reilly The David Toms Foundation Sari and Thomas Turner The Huey and Angelina Wilson Foundation The Goldhirsh Foundation The Hauptman Family Foundation $25,000 - $49,999 Joseph Drown Foundation $10,000 - $24,999 The Annenberg Foundation The William Bannerman Foundation OTHER SUPPORTING ORGANIZATIONS $5,000 - $9,999 Brentwood School INDIVIDUALS $10,000 - $24,999 John Emerson Jon Neuhaus $5,000 - $9,999 CORPORATE DONORS *Denotes Team Sponsor $100,000+ Clifford Bochner Neerav Shah Cisco Systems, Inc.* CSX Corporation* Lamar Advertising Company* $1,000 - $4,999 $50,000 - $99,999 Karen Mack and Russell Goldsmith Ira and Martha Jackson Capital One* $10,000 - $24,999 $1,000 - $4,999 Louisiana Technology Park People Report Wal-Mart Whitney Bank FOUNDATIONS *Denotes Team Sponsor $100,000+ The Irene W. and C.B. Pennington Foundation* The David Toms Foundation* The Huey and Angelina Wilson Foundation* $50,000 - $99,999 The Greater New Orleans Foundation* $25,000 - $49,999 Starbucks Coffee Company $10,000 - $24,999 The Baton Rouge Area Foundation T. Rowe Price Associates Foundations, Inc. $1,000 - $4,999 The Ansara Family Foundation OTHER SUPPORTING ORGANIZATIONS $100,000+ Bush-Clinton Katrina Fund $10,000 - $24,999 United Way for the Greater New Orleans Area $1,000 - $4,999 Interfaith Works Noble and Greenough School $500 - $999 Keep Louisiana Beautiful Temple Beth Hillel-Beth El INDIVIDUALS $100,000+ Anita and Josh Bekenstein Jennifer Eplett Reilly and Sean Reilly $10,000 - $24,999 Anonymous* James and Laura Bailey* Carole and Charles Lamar* Don and Pat Lyle* John and Virginia Noland* Michael Polito* Kevin and Winifred Reilly* Sari and Thomas Turner* $1,000 - $4,999 Timothy Amos Marilyn Barbier Erin and Thomas Flanigan Diana and Thomas Lewis Sarah and Thomas Usdin 27 $500 - $999 Dana Hansel Elliott Lichtman $100 - $499 David Christenberry and Maura Larkin Linda Clark Debbie and Nick Fox Derek and Emily Goldman Maureen Huguley Jodi and Robby Jones Darrel LeJeune Cathy and Hunter Pierson Johnnie Planco Eugenia and Mark Rubinsky Anne Urquhart Stephen White Elizabeth Winslow IN-KIND DONORS $500 - $999 CC’s Community Coffee House $100 - $499 Abita Spring Water NEW HAMPSHIRE AMERICORPS Volunteer NH! NEW HAMPSHIRE TEAM SPONSORS Hampton Community Committee The Timberland Company CORPORATE DONORS *Denotes Team Sponsor $100,000+ The Timberland Company* $50,000 - $99,999 Comcast $25,000 - $49,999 Deloitte & Touche LLP Merrill Lynch & Co, Inc. T-Mobile USA The TJX Foundation, Inc. $10,000 - $24,999 BAE Systems Bank of America Charitable Foundation Citizens Bank Foundation Desmond Partners Fisher Scientific Harvard Pilgrim Health Care Foundation Hewlett-Packard Company Janitech, Inc. PricewaterhouseCoopers Ropes & Gray Smith Barney $5,000 - $9,999 Alston & Bird LLP Ameriprise Financial Compass Group Devine, Millimet & Branch FedEx HCL America Inc. Kirkland & Ellis Foundation Pax World Management Corporation 28 Pierce Atwood Consulting Reid & Company Executive Search Verrill Dana, LLP Waste Management of New Hampshire $1,000 - $4,999 American President Lines Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield Bank of America Benthien Associates Century 21 Department Store Charles Hugo Landscape Citi Trends, Inc. Coca-Cola Bottling Company of Northern New England, Inc. Cognos Corporation Connecticut General Life Insurance Company Credit Suisse Securities LLC Crowley Liner Services Dr. Jays The Dupont Group Famous Horse, Inc Fidelity Investments Filene’s Basement Finish Line Forman Mills, Inc Gabriel Brothers, Inc. Genesco GSI Commerce Solutions Hilb Rogal & Hobbs Lerner, David, Littenberg, Krumholz & Mentlik Manhattan Associates Marsh U.S. McLane, Graf, Raulerson & Middleton, P.A. Mellon Financial Corporation Mercer Human Resource Consulting Modell’s Sporting Goods Office of Peter Friedmann Packaging Unlimited LLC Piscataqua Savings Bank Porter Novelli Pragmatech Public Service of New Hampshire Robert Half International, Inc. Ross Dress For Less Shaheen & Gordon, PA Synnott Imaging Systems Thomas A. Dube Construction Plus Inc UNI-GRAPHIC, INC. $500 - $999 Ashworth Hotel, Inc. Daffy’s Eastman Fishing Fleet FM Global J. Lohr Winery J.B. Edward Uniforms K&G Men’s Company, Inc. LP Innovations, Inc. Maersk Inc Martignetti Companies New England Barricade Company OOCL (USA) Inc. Shoe Show, Inc. SYMS Corp Unitil Energy Systems, Inc. FOUNDATIONS $25,000 - $49,999 New Hampshire Charitable Foundation $10,000 - $24,999 Manchester Regional Community Foundation United Way of the Greater Seacoast Winthrop, Inc. $5,000 - $9,999 The Boston Foundation, Inc. Cogswell Benevolent Trust Fuller Foundation Fanny and Svante Knistrom Foundation $1,000 - $4,999 Norwin & Elizabeth Bean Foundation Agnes M. Lindsay Trust Youth Service America $500 - $999 Anne Slade Frey Charitable Trust OTHER SUPPORTING ORGANIZATIONS *Denotes Team Sponsor $100,000+ Hampton Community Committee* $10,000 -$24,999 City of Manchester Hampton School District Hillsborough County Department of Health and Human Services Manchester Community Resource Center, Inc. Rockingham County Department of Human Services Seabrook School District $1,000 - $4,999 City of Nashua New Hampshire College & University Council Reach the Beach Rotary Club of Hampton $500 - $999 Hampton Elementary PTA Hampton Police Association Hillside Parent Teacher Association INDIVIDUALS $10,000 - $24,999 Patrick Carey Dheeraj Kunchala Noel Rix $5,000 - $9,999 Anonymous Geraldine and John Cerullo Brook Gassner Jim and Robin Giampa Bruce and Tari Johnson Larry and Paula Klane John and Tashia Morgridge Kenneth and Leslie Pucker Maya Travaglia $1,000 - $4,999 David and Margaret Allen Debra Anderson James and Pamela Ardus George Attar William Beckert Irene and Victor Blanchet Donna and Scott Briggs Maureen Carey Carolyn Casey Douglas and Kimberly Clark Geoffrey and Martha Fuller Clark Bruce and Christine Crockett Mark Devins and Sandra Devins Shiekh Ellahi Barry Fussell and Jane Palmer Janet and Thomas J. Giovanniello Senator Judd Gregg Donna and Steve Hackley Alan and Linnea Hallee Michael and Rebecca Harrison Paul Holloway Helena Humes Gordon Johnston Belinda and Kerim Kaya James R. Kennedy, Jr. and Mara Kennedy Stephen W. Kidder, Sr. and Judith Malone Leslie Kiliper and Thomas Lucas Kelly Kingsbury and Ryan Roskilly Kymberlee Lawton Melanie Long Kevin and Leslie McCafferty Glenn and Patty McKenzie Brian and Lorraine McKeon Bob and Bonnie Monahan Julie and Michael Myers Pawn Nitichan Sherrill Nixon Michael Ostroff and Joanne Topol Tom Rea Monica Rooney Jodi and Marc Schneider Jeanne and William Shaheen Carin and Scott Sharp Edward Shein Paula and Wayne Slattery Gary and Toni Smith David and Virginia Steelman Brad and Martha Stolzer Senator John and Kitty Sununu Bernadette and Mark Tritton Roxanne Van Bokkelen Ann and Carden Welsh Danette and Stephen Wineberg Diane and John Woods Linda and Terry Zych $500 - $999 Alexandra and James Allen Anthony Backstrom David Bronwell David T. Brown, II and Krista Brown Andrea and Jack Carnevale Clarise Casassa Anna DeYoung Linda and Michael Dionne Jaye and Patrick Duffy Joseph Exner Jennifer and Matthew Gunn Clare and Roy Heffernan John and Kathryn Hiney Katie Layman Mark and Vivian Lefebyre Nancy-Jane and Richard Luff Mary McLaughlin Jennifer Meconi Maxine Morse C. John Peckham Nicholas Riccio John Sobczak Andrea Travaglia Dan Twombly Tiffany Wang Kenneth White Bruce and Joanne Wilhelm $100 - $499 Robin and Wayne Albert-Lehman Marianne Anastasia Joe Anzalone Michael Asselin Patricia Baker Carroll and Maureen Barrows Lauren Belliveau Jenny and Raymond Billings Suzanne Birdsall Teresa and Thomas Bowen Dan Brierton Graham and Jennifer Bunce Kimberly Buxton Susan Calegari Cynthia Cangiamila Laurie Caruso Patricia Ciolfi Maureen Conley Mary Corcoran Robin Day Richard F. Dumore, Jr. and Susan Dumore Barbara Dunkle Taylor Eighmy Benita Firmin Erin and Thomas Flanigan Eleanor Dunfey Freiburger and James Freiburger Janet Fugarazzo Richard and Lisa Garvey Adam and Alyson Genovese Paula Goins Brian Grip Jennifer Hallee Penelope Hamilton Molly Hart Anthony Hoginski Richard Hugo Richard and Susan Ingram Mithra Irani Ramaley Amanda and John Johnson Ann Kaiser Benjamin Kaufman Pamela Keir Mary Keirans Joseph and Mary Keleher Susan Kepner Ellen Knollmeyer Patrick Long Michael MacDonald Joel and Karen Maiola Paul Marston Eugene McCarthy Kathy and William Mercer Ann and Normand Mercier Francis Moynihan Paula Munch James Naro Mark Newhall Pamela Nolan Denise O’Brien Charles Ott Paul and Stephanie Panish Kelly Parrott Susan Pickard Daniel Plummer Jonathan Pucker Catherine and James Reilly Denyse Richter Michael Roberts Suzanne Salloway Debbie Scire Kevin and Maureen Semprini Stefany Shaheen and Craig Welch Donald and Laura Smith Deanne Soderberg Stephen Spellicy Susan Spencer Richard Stanley Holly and Mica Stark Alison and Hank Stebbins Catherine Sullivan Margaret Sullivan Scott Travis Ellen and Stephen Vail Garin Varis Cameron Wake and Celina Adams Michael Wallach Matthew Wilhelm Suzanne Wilson Diane Withee Joyce Wright IN-KIND DONORS $50,000 - $99,999 Timberland $25,000 - $49,000 Comcast $10,000 - $24,999 Hewlett Packard RAM Printing Vermillion Inc. $5,000 - $9,999 Autofair Ford Plainspoke Sanger Communications $1,000 - $4,999 Mohawk Fine Papers Sousa Sings Tuxedos & Suits with Style $500 - $999 Chick-Fil-A Me and Ollie’s Screen and Screen Again $100 - $499 Angelina’s Applebee’s Belle Peppers Café Coca-Cola Bottling Company D’Angelo Subs Dos Amigos Flatbread Pizza Panera Bread Pizza Hut Puritan Backroom Shaw’s Souvlaki’s Pizza and Subs Stratham Circle Nursery SUBWAY UNO Pizzeria Wicked Awesome Paint NEW YORK AMERICORPS Corporation for National Service NEW YORK TEAM SPONSORS Alcoa Foundation Bank of America Charitable Foundation Bain and Company Cisco Systems, Inc Citi Foundation Credit Suisse Americas Foundation Founding Citizens CORPORATE DONORS *Denotes Team Sponsor $100,000+ Alcoa Foundation* Bain & Company* Bank of America Charitable Foundation* Cisco Systems, Inc* Citi Foundation* Credit Suisse Americas Foundation* $50,000 - $99,999 MetLife Foundation $25,000 - $49,999 Bernstein, Litowitz, Berger, and Grossmann LLP Clifford Chance HSBC - North America KeySpan Foundation New York Life Foundation Smith Barney T-Mobile USA The Timberland Company $10,000 - $24,999 Comcast Con Edison Davis Polk & Wardwell The News Corporation Foundation PepsiCo Foundation VIBE $5,000 - $9,999 ABS Partners Real Estate, LLC Cisco Systems, Inc. Cisco Systems, Inc. - Channels Division Citigroup Payment Services Goldman, Sachs & Co. J. H. Cohn LLP MJM Creative Services, Inc. Morgan Stanley The New York Yankees Foundation Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP Titan Worldwide UBS $25,000 - $49,999 Anonymous Louis and Anne Abrons Foundation, Inc. Rita J. and Stanley H. Kaplan Family Foundation, Inc. The Marc Haas Foundation Woodcock Foundation $10,000 - $24,999 The deRegt Family Foundation Dyson Foundation The Jonas Family Foundation Henry Nias Foundation $5,000 - $9,999 The Bloomberg Sisters Foundation Goldman Sachs Foundation Jewish Communal Fund $1,000 - $4,999 The Chatlos Foundation, Inc. The Dirk E. Ziff Foundation DJ McManus Foundation, Inc. Robert and Bethany Millard Charitable Foundation United Way of New York City $500 - $999 Anonymous (2) The Ford Foundation The PKL Foundation Inc. The Jean L. Troubh and Raymond S. Troubh Fund OTHER SUPPORTING ORGANIZATIONS $100,000+ New York City Board of Education New York City Council $50,000 - $99,999 The City of New York Department of Education New York City Department of Youth and Community Development $1,000 - $4,999 $5,000 - $9,999 Aaron Basha Chipotle Mexican Grill Enterprise Rent-A-Car Foundation National Cooperative Bank Pfizer Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund $500 - $999 Anna Rivera Endowment Fund Citigroup, Inc. CPM Insurance Services Inc. Credit Suisse Securities (USA) LLC Grey Worldwide The Jonas Group Link Strategic Investors Silvercup Studios FOUNDATIONS *Denotes Team Sponsor $100,000+ Anonymous The Starr Foundation $50,000 - $99,999 The Charles Hayden Foundation New York Community Trust New York University - Satter Fund Pinkerton Foundation Seinfeld Family Foundation $1,000 - $4,999 Mayor’s fund to advance New York City $500 - $999 INDIVIDUALS $50,000 - $99,999 Fred and Nancy Poses $25,000 - $49,999 Bill and Bonnie Apfelbaum* Dale and Max Berger* Anne Herrmann and John A. Herrmann, Jr.* Jill and Ken Iscol* $10,000 - $24,999 Loretta Berardi Andi and Tom Bernstein Barbara and David Caplan David and Suzanne Hamm Matt and Michele Ludmer Stephanie Mudick Joyce and Lee Neibart 29 $5,000 - $9,999 Jason and Regine Apfelbaum Evy and Paul Frankel Jessica Gerstle and Eric Gertler Jon Grouf and Gianna Nazarro Geffory and Judy Handler Judi Hannan Jack Lew and Ruth Schwartz Anne and Vincent Mai Lisa and Robert G. Markey, Jr. Carole and Michael Roth Michelle and Steven Sachs Harvey and Rhonda Spevak Anne and Bernard Spitzer Margie and Nate Thorne Alan and Elaine Weiler $1,000 - $4,999 Arthur Ainsberg Anonymous (2) Meg Armstrong and Barry Guiduli Kevin Aspell Sasson Basha Andrew and Froma Benerofe Arlene Bernstein Bertha Betts Jeff Blau Marlo and Robert Brevetti Binta Niambi Brown Gary Clare Jeffery and Martha Cokin Carol and Herbert Corbin Betty and Stuart Cotton Gari and Ira Dansky Dick and Peggy Danziger Caryl and Morris Eisen Barbara and Jerry Freundlich Harold Friedman Carolyn and Richard Glickstein Arlene and Mark Goldsmith Martin Goldstein, M.D. and Susan Goldstein Gillian and Jason Haberman Jan Harman Chris Hillabrant Bibb Hubbard Emel and Justin Israel Elizabeth and Jason Janning Martin and Nancy Kaminsky Drew Katz Ellen and Howard Kaye Adriana and Matt Keiser Bryan Kessler Harold and Ruth Kingsberg Jennifer Kleinert Alice and Arthur Kramer Diane Kranz Charlie and Margaret Krause Kenneth and Rosalind Landis Anna and Thomas Lee Julie and Paul Leff Bobbie and Jonathan Leigh Gerard Lithgow David Lowenfeld and Sally Mendelsohn Marge Magner Kevin Marino Sharon Meadows Michael Neuman Alan and Susan Patricof Barbara and Louis Perlmutter Joshua and Sharon Polan Stephanie Reckler Kassandra Rempel Thomas Rosenthal 30 Jon and Susan Rotenstreich Allison and Neil Rubler Nicole Seligman Florence and Warren Sinsheimer Brian and Johanna Snyder Elizabeth and Neil Stein Barbara Trask and Gerrit van den Engh Jeanette Sarkisian Wagner Kathy and Samuel Weinberg Robert and Sherry Wiener Susan Bren and Lewis Wirshba Bruce and Lois Zenkel Carol and Larry Zicklin Alan Zients, M.D., and Ronda Shaw Zients Cathy and Seymour Zises $500 - $999 Katherine and Peter Barrett Rebecca Benghiat Charles and Rachel Bernheim Stephanie Bernheim Chip Block and Leanna Landsmann Paul and Helaine Cantor Carl and Susanne Chiappa Jeremy and Marci Cohen Itai Dinour Constance Duhamel Constance Ellis Justin and Rachel Frankel Tami Goven Harley Greenfield Judith and Leonard Haber Stephen Hanson Laurel Henschel Jed Herrmann Elizabeth Horton and James Silbert Russell Horwitz Amy and Paul Hughson Caleb and Lynne Koeffel Brett and Jennifer Leukoff Ann Levi Ezra Levin Susan Lorant Eric Lugo Julia McGee Bruce Menin Brooke and Daniel Neidich Martha and Ted Nierenberg Michael Odell Leslie O’Shea Frank Pellegrino Ellen and Leonard Polaner Jeffrey Schoenfeld Arthur Selkowitz Kenneth Sherman Eileen Shy Allison and Jonathan Spitalny David Stein Helen and Morton Sweig Michelle and William Toll Marcia and Robert Warner Carl Weisbrod Hugh and Suzanne Weisman $100 - $499 Craig Abolt Betsy Anderson Alyssa Andrews John Andrews Villamor Asuncion John and Margell Barba Hayley Barna John and Marguerite Barrett Cyrus Beer Andrew Bernstein Daniel Bertolino Ilene Fiszel Bieler Pamela Bolen Erin Brannan Warren Britt Barbara Brody Thomas Brunner Jose and Mercedes Cabrera Robert Callahan Erica Campbell Francie Camper JoAnne Carter Barbara Casey Annie Childs Irv and Margo Cohen Richard Cohen Elizabeth Collins Sarah Constantine Cathleen and Richard Cortez Alexander Coxe Lisa Datz Fred Davoodi William Decota Kristin Devivo Elisabeth Dick David Dinour Kathleen Donahue Pamela Dowdy Carol Downs and Charlie Rose Contra Eberstein Elizabeth Edgar and Lynn Pearson John and Marilyn Edwards Tracy Edwards Louis Eisenpresser David Elbaum Emily Emmett Seth Endo Gail Epes Joseph Fernandez Mark Fina Alan Foster Jodie and Howard Freeman Deborah and Lawrence Freundlich Elizabeth Gamal Chirstopher and Sherry Geddiss Debra-Ellen Glickstein Michael Glickstein Ruby Glimer Charlie and Marion Gogolak Sam Gogolak Scott and Caitlin Goldsmith D. Stephen Goodin Brendan Grainger Hannah Greenwald Kevin Griswold Ken Grouf Owen Gutfreund Herbert Haber Gerald Hamill Sukwon Han Rochelle Hansen Sarah Hempstead David Henkel Roger Hess David Hidalgo Shoshana Hoose George and Irmgard Horowitz Julie Horowitz Nell Hurley Rita Jakubowski Karen Johnson Eric Joseph Arline and Richard Josephberg Henry and Julia Kinstlinger Jed Koslow Steven Kreinik Patrick Lai Dino Landino Nancy Lee Lisa Lemite Stephanie Lemnios Wayne Leuck Bryan Lewis Lewis and Lisa Liman Nancy and Paul Lippe Deborah Loewenberg Jaime Lowe Sean Luis Caroline Marks Christine Mcmanus Claudia McNamee Deusdedi Merced Anita Miller David Mills Anne and Vincent Minotti Wendy Mosler Terese Murphy Brett Neuhauser Joseph Nocera Wallace P. Parker, Jr. Suzanne Petren-Moritz Elizabeth Pforzheimer Kevin and Lynn Quinn David Quintiliani John and Lael Ramaley Christine Regante Betty Richards Charles Ritter Edwin Rosen Jill Rosen Hannah Roth Melaine and Michael Rothenberg Amina Runyan-shefa Gerry Sablan Laurie Saft Carlyn Schlechter Craig Schortzmann Reid Schuster Adam Selig Scott Sheu Chelsea Silverman Kislaya Sinha Lainie Spierer Amy and Howard Sterinbach Barbara Stoller Mitchell Taylor Terri Thomson Whitney Tilson Gary Villani Gary Vining Andrew Walters Dexter Wilson David Wright Robert Zinnel IN-KIND DONORS $500 - $999 Pentagraphix $100 - $499 Christopher Stanley Salon Nubian Heritage GREATER PHILADELPHIA AMERICORPS Department of Labor and Industry Penn Serve PHILADELPHIA TEAM SPONSORS Bank of America Charitable Foundation Berwind Corporation Comcast CSX Corporation David’s Bridal Drinker Biddle & Reath LLP Eagles Youth Partnership Firstrust Bank GlaxoSmithKline Foundation The Glenmede Trust Company Lincoln Financial Foundation SEI Investments Sneaker Villa Sunoco, Inc. SAP America, Inc. The Wachovia Foundation Wolf, Block, Schorr and Solis-Cohen LLP CORPORATE DONORS *Denotes Team Sponsor $100,000+ Comcast* David’s Bridal* $50,000 - $99,999 Bank of America Charitable Foundation* Firstrust Bank* GlaxoSmithKline Foundation* Lincoln Financial Foundation* SAP America, Inc.* T-Mobile USA The Wachovia Foundation* $25,000 - $49,999 Berwind Corporation* CSX Corporation* Davis Polk & Wardwell Drinker Biddle & Reath LLP* Eagles Youth Partnership* The Glenmede Trust Company* MetLife Foundation SEI Investments* Smith Barney Sneaker Villa* Sunoco, Inc.* Wolf, Block, Schorr and Solis-Cohen LLP* $10,000 - $24,999 Anonymous Blank Rome LLP CIGNA Citizens Bank Deloitte Dilworth Paxson LLP Morgan, Lewis & Bockius NutriSystem, Inc. Philadelphia Eagles Philadelphia Inquirer Verizon Foundation $5,000 - $9,999 ARAMARK Bank of America Citibank, N.A. Cole, Raywid & Braverman LLP Commerce Bank, N.A. Duane Morris Federal Home Loan Bank of Pittsburgh First Cornerstone Bank The Graham Company Liberty Property Trust Logan Capital Management, Inc. Nielsen Media Research Pepper Hamilton LLP Proskauer Rose LLP The Timberland Company $1,000 - $4,999 Air Products & Chemicals, Inc. All Risk, Inc. Ambac Assurance Corporation Aqua Pennsylvania Beneficial Savings Bank Blommer Chocolate Company Brown & Connery LLP Carpenters Metropolitan Regional Council ETF Venture Funds Greenberg Traurig, LLP Independence Advisors Inc. Levy Restaurants Morgan Stanley NBC 10 Park Hyatt Philadelphia, at the Bellevue Philadelphia Phillies Philadelphia Soul Right Management Consultants Smith Mack UBS Financial Services Inc. Witmer Partners LLC $500 - $999 Brandywine Realty Cooke & Berlinger, LLC Fisher & Phillips Hamburger & Golden, P.C. Jones Day Kleinbard, Bell & Brecker WIP Radio Station FOUNDATIONS $25,000 - $49,999 The Germeshausen Foundation The Philadelphia Foundation $10,000 - $24,999 The Annie E. Casey Foundation Connelly Foundation The Patricia Kind Family Foundation The Christian R. and Mary F. Lindback Foundation Triskeles Foundation $5,000 - $9,999 Boscia Family Foundation Dolfinger-McMahon Foundation Leo Model Foundation The Jay & Terry Snider Foundation $1,000 - $4,999 The Barra Foundation Ross Family Fund Strategic Communications & Planning $500 - $999 Hazy Hill Foundation OTHER SUPPORTING ORGANIZATIONS $100,000+ City of Philadelphia School District of Philadelphia $50,000 - $99,999 Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development $25,000 - $49,999 Young Scholars Charter School $10,000 -$24,999 F.D. Pastorius School Lewis Elkin Elementary School Russell Byers Charter School Shaw Middle School Taylor Elementary School Warren G. Harding Middle School $5,000 - $9,999 United Way of Southeastern Pennsylvania $1,000 - $4,999 The Haverford School Philadelphia Activities Fund $500 - $999 Episcopal Academy INDIVIDUALS $10,000 - $24,999 Arthur and Janice Block Eve and Kenneth Klothen Evelyn and Ronald Krancer $5,000 - $9,999 Helaine and Joe Banner Mr. and Mrs. Philip H. Behr Barb Borowiec Bruce and Robbi Toll Patrick Cline Debra and Michael Coslov Thomas Giangiulio Paul Goettner Patrick Moeller $1,000 - $4,999 Sean Atkins Robert Barchi Lisa Bodine Jeremy Borkowski Brad and Denise Brubaker Brian Calhoun Richard Chance Richard Cohen William Copeland Cherice Corley John Dowdell Peter Goffredo Norman M. Goldberger James Guarino Minnie and Sean Holleran Osagie Imasogie Charleen Jones Lewis Katz Sam Katz Karen Keating Mara and Neil Mara Brett Long Mike Lorino Ray Mamrak Herman and Marciene Mattleman 31 Leslie Mayer Tom Meek Mike Michelson Carlos Moreira Ralph Muller James O’Connor Jamal Patterson Don and Michele Rice Ronald Rubin Robert Srolis Salvagore Stabeno Robert Sullivan Mark Swierczewski Nicole Theodore David Williams Senator Harris Wofford Charles Zacney $500 - $999 Joe Alter Mikki and Ralph Banner Ann R. Baruch Anne Beeson Fred and Sylvia Blume Len Caldwell Donna Cooper Ann and Jeff Cramer Bob Doyle Paul Hoffman Bill and Joan Huhn Joseph Kelly Lois and Paul Kimbol Natalye Paquin Beth and Jim Redwine Bruce and Beth Rosner Ken Salera Betsy and Richard Sheerr Alan and Noele Wein Dan Wofford $100 - $499 Liz and Steve Abrams-Morley Steve Aler Joe and Rose Andolina Timothy Appel J.P. Archie Evelyn and Nick Beilenson Ed Berkowitz Todd Bernstein John Binswanger Frederick Bissinger Barbara and John Caplan Ron Caprice Jason Colligan Dennis Corbett Jay Devine Mrs. Henry Disston Betsy and Kevin Donohoe Thomas Drakeford Liz Ellers Frank Fairman Patrick and Karen Farrell Dana Fiordaliso Jack and Sally Fitzsimmons Tom Francesconi Keith H. Fulling and Deborah J. Gersell Jane Gardner Paul Giordano Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Goodrich Mary Gregg and John Ryan Ellen Harvey and Tad Sperry Robert Hauptfuhrer Vernan Howery Gayle and Bradley Johnson Scott Kaminsky 32 Gwen and David Keiser Daniel Klimczak Christopher and Marie Kneizys George Kotch David Lackman Martha and Robert Lindsay Bob Mallon James McAteer The Honorable Theodore A. McKee and Ana Pujols-McKee Bill Mullen Rebecca Muller Pasquale Navarro Felix Palilonis The Rafetto Family Bob Rinaldi Philip Rubin Jared Sadlowski Nancy-Beth Sheerr Donald Smolenski Jane and Mark Thompson Stephanie Tipton Ave and George Trams John Turchi Anthony and Elizabeth Vale Restaurant Depot Rittenhouse Hardware Romano Macaroni Grill Shoprite of Aramingo Stewart Gale SUBWAY Thriftway Washington Square Paint Wegmans Whole Foods Lefkowitz, Garfinkel, Champi & DiRienzo, P.C. MetLife Auto & Home Moses, Afonso & Jackvony, Ltd. Northern Trust Charitable Trust Pawtucket Red Sox Baseball Club, Inc The Providence Journal Company Roberts, Carroll, Feldstein & Pierce Sodexho School Services Tailor Made Promotional Products, Inc. RHODE ISLAND $500 - $999 AMERICORPS Rhode Island Service Alliance RHODE ISLAND TEAM SPONSORS The Amgen Foundation Bank of America Charitable Foundation CVS/pharmacy Corporation Hasbro Children’s Fund Textron Inc. Belvoir Properties, Inc. Cameron & Mittleman, LLP Greater Providence Chamber of Commerce Randolph Savings Bank Sovereign Bank United Healthcare of New England FOUNDATIONS *Denotes Team Sponsor $25,000 - $49,999 Prospect Hill Foundation $10,000 - $24,999 IN-KIND DONORS CORPORATE DONORS *Denotes Team Sponsor $100,000+ $50,000 - $99,999 SEPTA CVS/pharmacy Corporation* Feinstein Family Fund/Feinstein Foundation Hazard Family Foundation The Rhode Island Foundation $10,000 - $24,999 $25,000 - $49,999 $5,000 - $9,999 MAB Paints The Amgen Foundation* Bank of America Charitable Foundation* Hasbro Children’s Fund* T-Mobile USA Textron Inc.* The William Bingham Foundation The Hassenfeld Foundation June Rockwell Levy Foundation, Inc. $5,000 - $9,999 Buca di Beppo $1,000 - $4,999 Duron Paints Lowes Restaurant Associates Starbucks Coffee Company $500 - $999 Doubletree Hotel Olive Garden PDDC $100 - $499 A.I.R. Conway Albrecht’s Garden Center Nursery Applebee’s Aramingo’s Best Pizza Auletto Caterers Benjamin Moore Paints BK Enterprises Chelten Pride Convenience and Deli Yung Chiang and Yun Jiang Chili’s Bar and Grill Cold Stone Ice Cream Cousins Food Market Deltapaper Donna Gale Dunkin Donuts Home Depot Hooters KOP Kmart Maggiano’s Little Italy Manhattan Bagel Marinucci Roofing Michael’s Bakery Murry’s Steaks Ozzy’s Pizza Qdoba Quizno’s Subs Red Lobster $10,000 - $24,999 BankNewport BJ’s Wholesale Club Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Rhode Island Citizens Bank Foundation Citizens Financial Group, Inc. Collette Vacations Comcast National Grid Smith Barney $5,000 - $9,999 American Power Conversion Corporation Bank of America Elms Foundation Gateway Healthcare, Inc. Hasbro, Inc. Sovereign Bank Teknor Apex Company $1,000 - $4,999 Advanced Financial Services, Inc. Advertising Ventures Inc. The Alice I. Sullivan Charitable Trust Amica Companies Foundation B & H Shipping Group Bank Rhode Island Batchelor Frechette McCrory Michael & Co. Cox Communications, Inc. Davidson Holdings, Inc. Edwards Angell Palmer & Dodge, LLP Equity National Title Insurance Company GTECH Corporation $1,000 - $4,999 Episcopal Charities of Rhode Island O’Halloran Family Foundation The John & Happy White Foundation $500 - $999 Community Foundation for Southeast Michigan United Way of Southeastern New England OTHER SUPPORTING ORGANIZATIONS $25,000 - $49,999 Providence After School Alliance $10,000 -$24,999 City of Pawtucket City of Warwick State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations $5,000 - $9,999 City of Newport Newport Community School United Way of Rhode Island $1,000 - $4,999 Highlander Charter School INDIVIDUALS $10,000 - $24,999 Elizabeth and Malcolm Chace $5,000 - $9,999 Glenn and Mary Creamer Michael Spalter $1,000 - $4,999 Thomas Boyd Arnold and Johnnie Chace Robert Cormier Judith Danforth and Murray S. Danforth, III Michael Goldstein Barry Hittner and Kathleen Hittner, M.D. Robert and Elisabeth McGregor Craig and Sarah Richardson Kathy and Peter Rumsey Stephen and Jayne Siegel $500 - $999 Curt Beckwith, M.D. and Susanna Rhodes Gerald and Kate Chertavian Jeffrey and Karen Davis Shannon K. Dunnigan Kathleen and Jon Fliss Alan and Bari Harlam The Honorable Patrick Kennedy Gregory Lavine Beverly and Herbert Malin Manuel Vales, IV $100 - $499 Guy Abelson Hope and Richard Alexander The Honorable Scott Avedisian Brian Baldizar Robert Barrow The Honorable John Barry, III Joseph Beretta, Jr. Max Brickle Lawrence Brown William Bundy Brant Carleton Julia Carr Rosemary and Stephen Connors Flossie Crisp Diana DiBari Patrick Duhon Jonathan Fain Richard Bruce Feinstein Christina Fleming Helena Foulkes Charles Francis June Gibbs Elizabeth and Thomas Goddard Barbara J. Goldstein Steven Gouveia Matthew Grabler Jeanne Greeley Paul Gricus Cristie Hanaway Alan and Bari Harlam Margaret Hayes-Cote Michael and Sue Hazard Charles Holland, III and Gayle Holland Heather Hower Warren Katz Farhad Khouzani Tony Klemmer Peter Koch Joy Levine-Winn Lewis Lipsitt Roger Mandel Nirmal Manerikar Luis Matos Judith Messier Joseph Miech Gregory Nadeau David and David Nishimura The Honorable Teresa Paiva Weed Mary Ellen and Steven Panzini Karen Papa Anne Patrick Constance Pemmerl Roger Peters Martha and William Poirier William Prescott Marc Pruskin B. Michael Rauh Susan Rembijas Mario Ricciardelli David Riccio Arthur Robbins Gail and Robert Rogers Nancy Routh Joana and Joe Sabatino Lt. Col. Mathies Santos Susan Shea-Schuellein Fran Slutsky Louis Soares Maria Sprague Charles Sturtevant Charlotte and Irving Taylor Marc Verga David Wax Richard Wilkins Stephen Wing Ihab Youssef Redstone Consulting Republic Beverage Company Republic Beverage Company Foundation San Antonio Automobile Dealers Association, Inc San Antonio Express-News Saturn of San Antonio State Farm Insurance Company Toyota Motor Credit Corporation United Healthcare Wells Fargo Bank Zachry Construction Corporation SAN ANTONIO FOUNDATIONS AMERICORPS $25,000 - $49,999 OneStar Foundation SAN ANTONIO TEAM SPONSORS H-E-B Grocery Company CORPORATE DONORS *Denotes Team Sponsor $500 - $999 American Financial & Auto Services, Inc. Anderson Marketing Group BudCo. Ltd Caliber Collision Centers Cox Auto Trader GMAC Mortgage Corporation Goodtime Pinstriping Overlord Capital, Inc Security Service Federal Credit Union Smith Print Weitzman Group Zulu Investment Corp. Goldsbury Foundation $10,000 - $24,999 Faye L. and William L. Cowden Charitable Foundation Greehey Family Foundation $5,000 - $9,999 $50,000 - $99,999 Marcia and Otto Koehler Foundation USAA Foundation - A Charitable Trust H-E-B Grocery Company* $1,000 - $4,999 $25,000 - $49,999 The Capital Group Companies Foundation Gayla Leonard Memorial Fund Newman Family Charitable Trust T-Mobile USA Valero Energy Corporation $10,000 - $24,999 Bank of America Charitable Foundation Briscoe Ranch Comcast KCI Smith Barney $5,000 - $9,999 AT&T-San Antonio Cavender Cadillac Company PepsiCo Foundation $1,000 - $4,999 Arnold Oil Company of Austin, Inc. Bank of America Cavender Audi Cavender Toyota Clear Channel Broadcasting, Inc. Dickson Consulting Group LLC Frost National Bank Fulbright & Jaworski GMAC Golden West Oil Gulf States Financial Services KENS-TV Pioneer Flour Mills Pizza Hut Port Authority of San Antonio $500 - $999 Capital Group Companies Charitable Foundation Exxon Mobil Foundation Rotary Club of San Antonio Foundation OTHER SUPPORTING ORGANIZATIONS $50,000 - $99,999 San Antonio Independent School District $5,000 - $9,999 City of San Antonio $1,000 - $4,999 The Downtown Alliance Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Fiesta San Antonio Commission, Inc. SAMMinistries San Antonio City Council University of Texas at San Antonio $500 - $999 Temple Beth-El UT Health Science Center San Antonio INDIVIDUALS $1,000 - $4,999 Dane Bauerle Alfred Brandt Jim Callaway Rick and Suzanne Cavender Fully Clingman Bob Coleman Jean Davis Arthur and Tertia Emerson Albert and Mary Fernandez Maria Ferrier Charles Foster Carolyn and Houston Harte Terry Kyle James and Laura Lifshutz Rudy and Stella Molleda Arline and Gary Patterson Jason Talviste Leo and Olga Vasquez Lawrence and Maria Wellisch $500 - $999 Mike Anderson Charles Cheever Jeff Clark Gogi and John Dickson Claiborne Gregory John Gueldner Laura McAllister Johnson Gerald Letch Donald Mills Elaine and Peter Petkoff Anne and Paul Smith Jocelyn and Joe Straus Helen West Kip and Louis Zbinden Maxine and Richard Zucker $100 - $499 Charles and Yolanda Anderson Henry Berez Michael L. Birnbaum Denise Blackmer Hugh and Sandra Boyd Alfred Brandt Diana and Richard Braschler Mark Cavender Alan Cerwick Anna and Luis Chavira H. Cheuron Henry Cisneros Marvin Cobb Leonard Davis Marissa Denosowicz Keith Farrell Gerardo Fernandez Raul Fernandez D. Finnell-Skillrud Mary Frances and Frank Benavides Charles Franks Lynn Freeman Kelley and Pat Frost Jerry Fulton Linda Gaida Gilbert Garcia Javier Garcia Homero Garza and Sandee Bryan Marion Viviana Garza Linda Glessner Patricia and William Gordon Belinda Grant-Anderson Alex Halff 33 Sarah Harte Sherry Hatcher Tom Hawkes Bruce Johnson Clay Jones Tres Kleberg Bonnie Korbell Barbara Kyse Allen Lansing Richard LePere Joe Linson Janet Littlejohn John Longway Bill Lyons Cathy and Jon Lowe Shirley Mahony Cynthia and Thomas Marshall Edith McAllister Joseph and Nita McCarty Sue Merrell A.J and Betty Jo Mills Stuart Mills Lane Mitchell Palmer Moe Richard and Stella Nelson Dorothea Oppenheimer Jimmie and Shannon Parker Jace Pearson Randy Pressgrove Bonnie Reed Eric Reid Russell Rinklin Joe and Martha Rivera Joyce and Richard Rosenow Mr. and Mrs. James W. Russell Frank Salinas Jake Sanchez James Sanders Dennis Stanko Jackie and Jay Stanley Carlton Taylor Raymond Torres Annie Uribe Roxanne Vilanova Carol and James Westermeier Ray Wilkins Dahn Windhorn Dale and Mertie Wood Gregory and Linda Yeo H-E-B Grocery Company Home Depot Mary Kay Tennant Roddis Lumber San Antonio Current Spaghetti Warehouse Taco Cabana Trilights SAN JOSÉ/SILICON VALLEY AMERICORPS CaliforniaVolunteers SAN JOSE TEAM SPONSORS Applied Materials, Inc. Chevron Comerica Bank – California Hewlett-Packard Company Synopsys, Inc. CORPORATE DONORS *Denotes Team Sponsor $100,000+ Chevron* $50,000 - $99,999 Applied Materials, Inc.* Hewlett-Packard Company* $25,000 - $49,999 Comcast Comerica Bank – California* MetLife Foundation Smith Barney Synopsys, Inc.* T-Mobile USA T-Mobile Western Region $10,000 - $24,999 Bank of America Cisco Systems, Inc. SanDisk Solectron Wells Fargo Bank $5,000 - $9,999 Comcast – South Bay Lockheed Martin Space Systems Sobrato Development Companies Sun Microsystems IN-KIND DONORS $1,000 - $4,999 $25,000 - $49,999 California Water Service Company Komag, Inc. Miasole NBC 11 Target Corporation Tessera Wells Fargo Bank $10,000 - $24,999 Antioch Community Center $5,000 - $9,999 St. Philips Episcopal Church VIA Metropolitan Transit $1,000 - $4,999 First Book Sea World $500 - $999 Aztec on the River $100 - $499 Alamo Pizza Allstate AMI Sales Co. Brandy Ruark Condor Creations Family Services 34 FOUNDATIONS $50,000 - $99,999 Stuart Foundation $25,000 - $49,999 Sobrato Family Foundation $10,000 - $24,999 Silicon Valley Community Foundation $1,000 - $4,999 The Davidson Family Foundation Steven and Michele Kirsch Foundation Tiger Woods Foundation $500 - $999 Anonymous OTHER SUPPORTING ORGANIZATIONS $100,000+ City of San Jose – Strong Neighborhoods Initiative $10,000 - $24,999 Arbuckle Elementary School City of San Jose – Healthy Neighborhoods Venture Fund Catholic Charities – CORAL K. R. Smith Elementary School L.U.C.H.A. Elementary School LeyVa Middle School San Antonio Elementary School $5,000 - $9,999 City of San Jose – Councilmember Nora Campos Santa Clara University $1,000 - $4,999 City of San Jose – Councilmember Sam Liccardo County of Santa Clara Lucile Salter Packard Children’s Hospital San Jose Police Officers’ Association Charitable Foundation San Jose State University San Jose Unified School District Silicon Valley Leadership Group Valley Medical Center Foundation $500 - $999 Alum Rock Union Elementary School District Downtown College Prep Parkview Elementary School YMCA of Santa Clara Valley INDIVIDUALS $10,000 - $24,999 John and Tashia Morgridge $5,000 - $9,999 Michael Callahan Mary Ellen and Michael Fox Greg Lynch Sharon Matthews and James Tabasz Jean and Michael Quinn John A. Sobrato Thomas Werner $1,000 - $4,999 William Coleman, III George Duran and Joe Pon Dominic and Lisa Dutra Bruce Fram and Ann Marie Jasse Don Gagliardi David Gallacher Carl and Leslee Guardino Lorna Ho-Randlett Jody and Joe Horowitz Jim and Krizia Irish Lisa Jensen Kathleen King and Mark Stark Lewis Loeven Rondy Ng and Grace Yee Len and Linda Perham Kenneth and Ruth Wilcox Karie Willyerd $500 - $999 Susan Berghoef Councilmember Dave Cortese and Pattie Cortese Daniel Dougherty Chris and Michelle Eldridge Dale Ferrario Pam Gerber and Suzanne Slonim Bill Gould Martha Kanter Christina Kite Tricia Lin Elaine Mathes Vangie Maynard Edwin and Sharon McCauley Margo and Tom McCullough Penny and Richard Nielsen Beach and Jincy Pace Leon and Sylvia Panetta Lori Robson Jim Sullivan Patrick Tehan Judy Thompson $100 - $499 La Vonne and Lief Aalberg Brian Aflague Anonymous (2) Ivar and Patricia Avots Gary and LaRosa Bailey Yolanda Beatty Debbie and George Behrman Gowri Bellur and Chandra Rao Bruce Bender Lauren Berman Maria Bitong Shelli Bodnar Cheemin Bo-Linn Kelli Bond Erin Brennock Paula Brennock Michael Brown and Charlotte Mao Chris and George Bubany Kara and Michael Busselen Elsa Chen Lisa Chick and Thomas Marriott Ken Chizinsky and Debra Feldstein Terry Christensen Robert Clemons Jeanette and Tony Cokely Dio Dandoy Carl Dinga Maurice Dozier Kate Emmett-Wilder and Edward Wilder Lucia Erwin Sidney Espinosa Francine and Verne Freeman Brooke Frewing and David Viotti Susan Frey and David Goode Juan Garcia Stephen Gehl Debbie Giordano Linda Gold Angela Gonzaga Dawn and Derek Gordon Frank and Kathryn Guarascio William Hannemann Jacqueline Hantgan Donna and Philip Hartley Joseph and Linda Hennessey Graham and Jane Hills Robert Hines Khiem Hoang Shawna Holmes Heather Keag Alexis and Edward Kleinhans Allison and Norman Kline Keith Kobata Mike Kogelis Alicia and John Kowalchik Kerry Landreth Roxanne Lanzot Mary and Richard Lawrence Otto Lee Barbara Lepiane Marie L’esperance Laura and Sam Liccardo Mark and Roberta Linsky Michael Lombardo Judy Maassen Isaac Majerowicz Marvelyn Maldonado James and Teresa Mathes Susan Meyers Adrienne Murphy Eileen Nelson Gene and Kathryn Neri Conni Newby Richard and Sally Osberg Chuck and Mary Page Paul and Lisa Pereira Julia Pon Cynthia and Randall Pond Anath Raman Jean Riley Bruce and Karen Rohde Becky and Kerry Roller Lila and Ronald Schmidt Catharyn and Jeff Schroeder Lisa Scoffield Jennifer Shephard Bryan and Shelly Shisler Timothy Silva Elizabeth and Preston Smith Cathy Stefanki Iglesias Jonathan Stoll Robert Stoneman Nicole Surette Linda Tran Tsorng Jen L Tsai and Kuan Chun Nellie Tsai Albert and Beatrice Valdivia Julia Walker Maureen Werle David Wilds Mark Williams Michael Yutrzenka Emile’s Frankie, Johnnie and Luigi Too Gunther’s Restaurant & Catering Jamba Juice La Mejor Taqueria Mendoza Taqueria Mercado California My Pizza Noah’s Bagels Orchard Supply Hardware Panera Bread Pasta Pomodoro Peet’s Coffee & Tea Pelican Signs Pen Bay & Foods Pizza My Heart Safeway Starbucks Coffee Company Super Mercado Mexico Target Togo’s University Chicken Whole Foods-Los Gatos Willow St. Pizza Seattle/King County AMERICORPS Corporation for National Service SEATTLE TEAM SPONSORS The Amgen Foundation* Casey Family Programs* T-Mobile USA* CORPORATE DONORS *Denotes Team Sponsor $100,000+ T-Mobile USA* $50,000 - $99,999 Comcast Communications $10,000 - $24,999 $1,000 - $4,999 Kelly-Moore Paint Co. Fulcrum Technologies Motorola, Inc. Waggener Edstrom $500 - $999 $1,000 - $4,999 Olive Garden Save Mart Alaska Airlines Danger Davis Wright Tremaine LLP DML Insurance Services, Inc. The Fred Meyer Foundation Gogerty Stark Marriott Graham & Dunn Hitachi Consulting Lake Partners Strategy Consultants Muckleshoot Casino Albertsons Boudin Sourdough Bakery & Café California Pizza Kitchen Chipotle Costco Cuccini’s El Camino Taqueria $50,000 - $99,999 Stuart Foundation $25,000 - $49,999 Casey Family Programs* Fordham Street Foundation Medina Foundation $10,000 - $24,999 Paul G. Allen Family Foundation Barton Family Foundation The Norcliffe Foundation $5,000 - $9,999 Apex Foundation Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Floyd and Delores Jones Foundation Elizabeth A. Lynn Foundation The Seattle Foundation The William P. and Susan H. Vititoe Charitable Foundation $1,000 - $4,999 Henry M. Jackson Foundation Swedish Medical Center Foundation $500 - $999 Pepper Family Fund OTHER SUPPORTING ORGANIZATIONS Northwest Education Loan Association Team READ Wing Luke Elementary School $5,000 - $9,999 $100 - $499 FOUNDATIONS *Denotes Team Sponsor The Amgen Foundation* The Boeing Company MetLife Foundation Microsoft Corporation Safeco Insurance Tech Media Productions Valley Transportation Authority HDR Engineering, Inc. Real Networks, Inc. $5,000 - $9,999 $5,000 - $9,999 $25,000 - $49,999 $500 - $999 $25,000 - $49,999 Accenture LLP Bank of America Charitable Foundation Blackberry HTC America, Inc. Nordstrom Smith Barney IN-KIND DONORS Nokia REI Washington Mutual Westward Seafoods, Inc. williamsworks $1,000 - $4,999 YMCA Highline INDIVIDUALS $10,000 - $24,999 Alan and Nikki Mulally $5,000 - $9,999 Robyn and Todd Achilles James and Maureen Lico George and Lois Meng $1,000 - $4,999 Wiliam Ayer Sunhee Bang-Pastor and John Pastor Brent Bauer Marisa Bavand Jacqueline and Thomas Benedetti Debbie Bird and Antoine Calloway The Honorable Bobbe Bridge and Jonathan Bridge Colin and Sarah Bryar Reuven and Wendy Carlyle Bill and Lynn Carr Deborah Cowley and Mark Dexter Gwen and Rich Glew Carlos Gutierrez 35 Brian and Elizabeth Hale Scott Harrison Edward Heffernan Shawn Hoonan Sally Hulsman and Jennifer Wells Howard Jensen Sally Jewell Laurie Johnson Jan Kendle Susan Kim and Dan Williams Aaron and Stephanie Kornblum Femi Lakeru Dena and Ron Levine Mark Madsen Darnell Malcolm Julie Mancini Laura Ospanik and Stephen Robbins Jim and Rebecca Potter David and Sana Pratt David and Hilary Quinn Greg and Jan Rasmussen Lee Reaves Len Rozek Thomas Schonhoff Cheryl Scott Raj Shah and Shivam Mallick Shah Chris and Colleen Strand Ian and Kathryn Thompson Janet Turpen Joel and Lorene VanEtta Nicole Vogel Brian and Rhonda Vowinkel Doug Walker Travis and Veronica Warren Bob and Juanita Watt Will Weisman Karen Williams Steven Yoder $500 - $999 Frederieke and Laurens Adriaanse Janine and Steve Bakken Aldo Benedetti Caroline Boren David Brotherton Angie and Douglas N. Brown Lisa Brown Andy and Katherine Carothers Ellen and Paul Chae G. Chick Merrily and Peter Chick Jeffrey Coopersmith and Lisa Erlanger Elizabeth and Patrick Coppinger Bryan and Deborah de Ponce Kelley Dobbs Lisa Domke Grace and Javier Fosado John and Serena Glover Tammy Halstead Michael Hatch and Cathy Wallach Mary Hsue Bruce R. Kennedy Rocke Koreis Leonard and Lorena Landon Stacy Lawson and Steven Sarkowsky Paula Mahoney Connie Mao and Richard Tong David and Helen Marriott Michael and Michelle Noll Maura O’Neill and Vaho Rebassoo Elizabeth Pepper Michael Piepkorn Thomas Pierce Judy Pigott Jane and Jeffrey Pinneo 36 Jeff and Julie Raab Joseph Razore David and Keela Robison Ken Russell Linda Shepherd Eric and Karene Shields Eric and Yolanda Smith Larisa and William Sornsin David and Maryse Sparks Dick and Ingrid Spies Bernadette and Robert Starin Young Suh Walter Tabler John and Teresa Tippett Tom Van Bronkhorst Catherine Walker Ashley and Nicholas White Janine Williams Kate Wilson $100 - $499 Amy Affeld David Albert Cathy Allen Kim Anderson Virginia Anderson Charles Andrews Theodore Angelis Kristine and Matthew Arbaugh Janis Avery and Mary Kabrick Bill Babonas and Marya McCabe Hugh Bangasser Holly Barker and Bill Sherman David and Heidi Bateman Steven Beardsley David Beigie Nancy Biery Moonhee and Paul Bischof Joanna Black Maxzell Blanchard Jabez Blumenthal and Julie Edsforth Mary Boles-Hall and Thomas Hall Alan and Tina Borgida David Bowe Amy Bresslour Herbert and Shirley Bridge Isaak Brown Adam and Megumu Brownstein Penny Burkhalter Fred Burnside David Byers Shane and Thomas Cambronero Dean Carignan Sherry Carr Christine Carson Amy and Charlie Carter Matthew Carvalho Doreen Cato Baris Cetinok and Nicole von Kaenel Kim and Tim Chadwick Susan Charles Dian and Nicholas Chase David Chick Lisa Chick and Thomas Marriott Hwa Chong Park Ron Chow Sally Clark and Liz Ford Terry Cline Robert Code and Mary Hensen Code Norma Coonan Leanne Corcoran and Rachel Ligtenberg Colette Courtion Christine Cox Deborah Crabbe Alecia Craft Nancy Crawford Brandon Crook David Crossgrove John Croswell Heidi Cunningham Kerry Delaney and Don Sickle Patricia Denniston Chris DeVore and Emily Parker Stan Diddams Sylvia Peto Giao Duong Joni and Charles Earl Lori Eastman Gretchen Eichinger Jessica Emerson Meade Emory Stan Finley Ben and Stacey Fitzpatrick Brian and Krista Fleming Janette Fong Heather and Phil Frank Jeanne Gammon Councilmember Jean Godden Gavriel and Pamela Goldman Jay Goldstein and Meredith Berg Goldstein Thomas Goldstein Allan Golston Stephen Goodman Tessa Gorman Ashley Graham Nina Greenberg and Marc Jason Tamra Groh Lauren Guzauskas Heidi Hager Mike Hamby Dennis Haugan Steven and Susan Heaps Holly Henson and Elizabeth Morgan David Heurtel Arvid and Julia Hokanson Steven Holmes Ruthann Howell Janice and Troy Hutson Mark Ippolito Jessie Israel Peter Jackson Jane Jacobsen Janine Janesheski Barbara and Timothy Jayne Nancy Jayne Raychael Jensen John John Barbara Johns Daniel and Grace Kalish Jane Kang Marc and Marla Kaplowitz Claudia Kauffman Julia Kellison and Nick Straley Jonathan and Pamela Kil Chung-Han and Kay Kim Danette Knudson The Honorable Jeanne Kohl-Welles Carr Krueger Catherine and Rick Krueger John Lane Linda Lanham Tracy Lawrence Burman Erin Lawrence Cook Jennifer and Matthew Leavenworth Lyman and Stevey Legters Mandy Levenberg and Clay McDaniel Debra Levin Jon Lindeman Eric Liu Mary Losch Thomas Lucht Greg and Meridith Luethe Laurie Lyford Jesse Lynch James and Lara Lyons Ian and Laura Macneil Robert Mahon Jason Mallon Antoinette Malveaux Lee Marchisio Todd Marker Heidi and John Marsh Melissa Marsh Michael Mason Gerald McKay Tricia McKay Alice Meng Grace and T.C. Meng Mr. and Mrs. T.K. Meng Crystal Metcalfe Susan Milant Linda Mitchell Laurie and Randal Miura Ben Moore Rebecca Morrow John and Tracy Mulligan Amy and Mikkel Nieto Jill Nishi Connie Niva Kim and Tim Nowlis Lisa Oehl Erik Olson Vicki Orrico David Ortman Lori Otto Frank Paganelli Niki and Swati Parekh Edward Pettigrew Carolita and William Phillips Alicia Piedalue Brahmy Poologasingham Jennifer and Tim Porter Kelly Querido Vaho Rabasso Sheriff Susan and Bill Rahr Sheetal Rajpal Brinnie Ramsey Sally Ramseyer Erika Rasmussen Greg and Jan Rasmussen Virginia Rasmussen Li Ravicz Maryann Renzi Carol Reynolds Ken Rhoades Constance and Norman Rice Jodie Ryan Ben Saboonchian Alejandro Samano Josephine Saracino April Savoy Beth and Chris Schmaltz Erika Schmidt Justin Schwade Geoffrey Scotton Faouzi and Tara Sefrioui Marni and Todd Seneker Todd Shenk Anthony Shoecraft Fredric and Kay Sigmund Evelyn Silye Stan Simpliciano Bradley Smith Gerry and William Sperling Carolyn and Sam Sperry Maria and Peter Spillman Joseph Sprague Lois and Thaddeus Spratlen James and Molly Stearns Mark Stockdale Michael Straub Jim Street BrynDel Swift Ray Takisaki Gael Tarleton Deborah Kerdeman and David Tarshes Margaret Taylor Marijke Thomas Heather Thorne Ellen Torvik Michael Trail Eric Ummel Emily Van Bronkhorst John Van Bronkhorst Beverly and Russell Vowinkel Brenda and Doug Wagner Ellen Wallach Deborah Wilds Whitney Williams Andrew Worzella Sacha Wu Janet Yoder T. Jason Young Glenn Zaccara Kimberly Zipp Jay Zybura IN-KIND DONORS $25,000 - $49,999 King County Metro Transit $5,000 - $9,999 Alaska Airlines YMCA - CLC $1,000 - $4,999 Jennifer Feight Fox Sports Network INTIMAN Theatre Julep Nail Parlor Lowes Lululemon Athletica Mackay Restaurants Marco Two Union Square McMenamins Moss Bay Moxie Noah’s Bagels Laura Ospanik Piecora’s Pizza Pizza Hut QFC Roxbury Lanes SAM Sam’s Club South Park Community Center Swoon Boutique Spa Talimadge Hamilton House Trader Joe’s Tully’s Coffee Youniquely U Cathy Wallach Zeeks Pizza Hogan & Hartson LLP Nokia Ropes & Gray Ryan, Phillips, Utrecht, & MacKinnon Sidley Austin Brown & Wood LLP SRA International Wilkinson Barker Knauer LLP WilmerHale The Acacia Foundation* The Case Foundation* CityBridge Foundation* Don Baer and Nancy Bard Sandy and Susan Berger Sheila and Tom Clark Jack Davies and Lynne Williams Bob Deutsch Joni and Wally Doolin Bitsey Folger Pamela and Richard Hanlon Ted and Lynn Leonsis William Raduchel George and Patricia Vradenberg WASHINGTON, DC $25,000 - $49,999 $1,000 - $4,999 Morris and Gwendolyn Cafritz Foundation Fund for Interracial Reconciliation and Education Anonymous Collis-Warner Foundation Angel Braestrup and Mark Spalding Edward and Ruth Cogen David Eppler Cori Flam and Brad Meltzer Christy and Todd Forest Diana and Stephen Goldberg Anjali and Arun Gupta Andrew Horning John Horning Alexander and Hilary Joel Elizabeth Baker Keffer and Jeff Keffer James and Lisa McGonigle Victoria Morter John and Terry Petersen Susan Vitka Carol and Tom Wheeler $1,000 - $4,999 $500 - $999 Freedom Forum Corina Higginson Trust Jewish Community Foundation of MetroWest New Jersey The Sprenger Lang Foundation Solon E. Summerfield Foundation Karen and Kent Allen Bill and Donna Eacho John Gomperts and Katherine Klein Joseph and Theresa Horning Curt and Rachel Petersen Robert Pettit Frank and Wendy Raines AMERICORPS Serve DC WASHINGTON, DC TEAM SPONSORS The Acacia Foundation AOL The Case Foundation CityBridge Foundation CSX Corporation CORPORATE DONORS *Denotes Team Sponsor Comcast Communication Barb Kinney Rainier Beach Community Center Safeco Insurance Seattle Vocational Institute $100,000+ $500 - $999 $50,000 - $99,999 Central Area Senior Center Hiawatha Community Center J.W. Marriott Hotel Miller Community Center Mistral One World Globe & Maps Pratt Fine Arts Center Professional Bowlers Association Rasmussen Mini Portland Starbuck Coffee Company United Natural Foods World Vision Comcast Freddie Mac $100 - $499 Joe and Kristina Belfiore Blackstock Lumber Cannon House Capitol Grille Century Ballroom Chiso Cosmetic Treatment Crow Designed Dinners - Madison Park Domino’s Pizza Epicenter Health Club AOL* Capital One CareFirst BlueCross BlueShield CSX Corporation* $25,000 - $49,999 Smith Barney T-Mobile USA $10,000 - $24,999 Bank of America Charitable Foundation Cassidy & Associates Crowell & Moring LLP Horning Brothers McKinsey & Company Morrison & Foerster National Geographic Ventures RCN $5,000 - $9,999 Bernstein Management Blank Rome LLP Calvert Group Comerica Bank CTIA Dimension Data $1,000 - $4,999 Coca-Cola Columbia Capital IBM J.E. Robert Companies Ruppert Companies LLC WalMart Wiley Rein & Fielding LLP $500 - $999 DC Bar FOUNDATIONS *Denotes Team Sponsor $100,000+ $10,000 - $24,999 Clark Charitable Foundation The Community Foundation for the National Capital Region The Shelby Cullom Davis Foundation Kimsey Foundation Mead Family Foundation Meyer Foundation $5,000 - $9,999 $500 - $999 Youth Service America OTHER SUPPORTING ORGANIZATIONS $100,000+ Metro TeenAIDS $1,000 - $4,999 Combined Federal Campaign of the National Capital Area DC Housing Authority German Embassy INDIVIDUALS $25,000 - $49,999 Daniel Abraham Christine and Ray Chambers $10,000 - $24,999 Leslie and Rick Cruz Raul Fernandez Carly and Frank Fiorina John and Christy Galloway Miles Gilburne and Nina Zolt Joe and Lynne Horning Jeff and Cal Leonard Dana and Mario Morino Kenneth and Marianne Novack Norma and Russell Ramsey Frank and Melissa Williams Mike and Missy Young Jeffrey and Mary Zients $5,000 - $9,999 $100 - $499 Bruce Andrews Markham Ball Murray Bonitt Brendan Casey Audra Clark Elizabeth Cotton Marilee Couldron Pat DeLeon Eric Desilva Thomas Dombrowsky Barbara and Tim Downs Dorothy Dym James Filpi David and Mindell Fishman Eugene Ford Laura Foster and Aaron Goldblatt Joe and Merna Guttentag Jonathan Harris Jane Hobdy 37 37 Shari Hunt Judith Impell Lauren Jones Deborah Jospin Rosey Karr Gary and Leslie Kirstein Laurie Kohn and Chris Murphy Purnima and Mayur Kothari Stan Leven and Mary Richardson Adam and Sharon Levin Patricia and Randall Lewis Grace Lim Gwendolyn Lohse Sandra Lowe Mike McCurry Sean McDevitt Ted McGinn Louise McIlhenny and Hugh Riddleberger Lisa Merman and Jeff Joseph Kris Minor Maria Montanez Steve Mufson and Agnes Tabah L.K. Murphy Janet and Milt Mutchnick Leigh Nakanishi Michael Pacifico Christine Payne Greg Payne Pearl Payne Richard Payne Jacqueline Pitts William Prager Cynthea and Thomas Riesenberg Andrew Rosenberg Lauren Ross David Rutenberg Kim Scardino Janet and Steven Shaye Patricia Skidmore David Sohn Dana Stein Martin Stein Crystal Stewart Ronda Thompson Jacinta Topps David and Jena vander Velden Kristin Walega Bianca White Carolyn White John and Paula Yow IN-KIND DONORS $1,000 - $4,999 Buca di Beppo DC Parks and Recreation Department Logan Hardware Strosniders Hardware $500 - $999 Au Bon Pain Ben’s Chili Bowl California Tortilla Chipotle Mexican Grill Don Daughetee Snyder’s of Hanover Whole Foods Market $100 - $499 Amsterdam Falafelshop Austin Grill Baja Fresh Beadazzled Corner Bakery Café Catering 38 Cosi Dominoes Doreen Graff Dunkin Donuts Etete Ethiopian Food & Friends Greek Spot Honest Tea Howard Entertainment Janet Jacobs Luigino Ristorante Michelle Cox Nelody Stone Party City Pizzeria Paradiso OOHHs & AAHHs Smokey’s Grill Springwater Fiber Workshop Starbucks Coffee Company SUBWAY 39 BOA R DS *Board members served July 1, 2006 through June 30, 2007 CITY YEAR, INC. ACTING CHAIR (Through January 2007) Ilene Jacobs Executive Vice President, Human Resources (retired) Fidelity Investments CHAIR (As of February 2007) Steve Woodsum Founding Managing Director Summit Partners MEMBERS Ilene Jacobs Vice Chair of the Board Executive Vice President, Human Resources (retired) Fidelity Investments Kristen Atwood Founding Staff Member City Year, Inc. Joe Banner President and COO Philadelphia Eagles Josh Bekenstein Managing Director Bain Capital, LLC Michael Brown CEO and Co-Founder City Year, Inc. Kathy Bushkin Calvin Executive Vice President and COO United Nations Foundation David L. Cohen Executive Vice President Comcast Monica Eav City Year Alumna Law Clerk, Immigration Court U.S. Department of Justice, Executive Office of Immigration Review David Gergen Editor-at-Large U.S. News and World Report Professor of Public Service and Director of the Center for Public Leadership John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University Rebeca Nieves Huffman City Year Alumna President and CEO Hispanic Council for Reform and Educational Options Ambassador James Joseph U.S. Ambassador to South Africa (1996-1999) Executive Director United States-Southern Africa Center for Leadership and Public Values Professor of the Practice of Public Policy Studies Duke University 40 Rosabeth Moss Kanter Ernest L. Arbuckle Professor of Business Administration Harvard Business School William Berutti Senior Vice President Corporate Development PTC Alan Khazei Founder and CEO Be the Change, Inc. Co-Founder City Year, Inc. Sandra Lopez Burke Vice President and Executive Director City Year Boston Wendy Kopp President and Founder Teach For America Jonathan Lavine Managing Director Bain Capital, LLC Chief Investment Officer Sankaty Advisors, LLC Rick Menell President and CEO Teal Exploration & Mining, Inc. Susan Nokes Chief Customer and Operations Officer T-Mobile USA C. Gregg Petersmeyer Vice Chair America’s Promise Alliance Chair and CEO Personal Pathways LLC Jennifer Eplett Reilly Co-Founder City Year, Inc. Chair City Year Louisiana Jeffrey L. Shames Executive in Residence MIT Sloan School of Management Retired Chairman MFS Investment Management® Secretary Rodney Slater U.S. Secretary of Transportation (1997-2001) Partner Patton Boggs, LLP Kevin Casey President Comcast NorthCentral Division Comcast Phil Giudice Commissioner Division of Energy Resources Commonwealth of Massachusetts Elizabeth Jones Michael Kineavy Chief of Policy and Planning City of Boston Thomas Kittler Regional Director New England Region T-Mobile Josh McCall Chief Executive Officer Jack Morton Worldwide David Mussafer Managing Director Advent International John Reilly Senior Vice President, Communications MFS Investment Management® Dr. Ravinder Sakhuja President and CEO Utilitynets Samip Shah Associate Next Street Financial Monique Burns Thompson Co-Founder, New Leaders for New Schools Jeffrey Swartz President and CEO The Timberland Company Steve Tompkins Chief of External Affairs Suffolk County Sheriff’s Department Michael J. Ward Chairman, President and CEO CSX Corporation Brooke D. Wagner Vice President, Corporate Communications Indevus Pharmaceuticals Tom Ward, Clerk pro tem Senior Partner WilmerHale Maggie Williams Partner Griffin Williams Critical Point Management, LLC BOSTON CHAIR Corinne Ferguson MEMBERS Steve Barnes Managing Director Bain Capital, LLC Susan Weatherbie Lisa Morrison Butler Executive Director City Year Chicago Dorval R. Carter, Jr. Executive Vice President Management & Performance Chicago Transit Authority Les Coney Executive Vice President Mesirow Financial Lisa J. Cunningham Senior Vice President LaSalle Bank Larry Freed President Joseph J. Freed & Associates, Inc. Nicholas S. Giuliano Managing Director The PrivateBank Drew Horowitz Regional Sr. Vice-President Bonneville International Corp. Craig Huffman Managing Director Ascendance Partners Daniel A. Kaufman Partner Michael Best & Friedrich Richard F. Klawiter Partner DLA Piper Aron D. Levine Regional Executive Commercial Real Estate Banking Bank of America Tom Livingston Resident Vice President of State Relations CSX Transportation Phyllis Lockett Chief Executive Officer The Renaissance Schools Fund James N. Perry, Jr. Managing Director Madison Dearborn Partners, Inc. Norman Peterson Assistant to the Director Argonne National Laboratory Stephen R. Quazzo CEO Transwestern Investment Co. Dr. Bak Fun Wong Principal Quincy Upper School Jonathan Reinsdorf Managing Member Stonegate Development Partners, LLC CHICAGO Kristen L. Ritchie Sr. Vice President & Regional Director Cash Management – Midwest Charter One Bank CHAIR Ken Porrello Managing Director Deloitte Consulting MEMBERS Michael J. Alter President The Alter Group Robert S. Rivkin Vice President & Deputy General Counsel for Litigation and Government Affairs Aon Corporation Brenda A. Russell John Sirek Citizenship Program Director McCormick Tribune Foundation Henri Etta Baskins Regional Director – External Affairs Bell South Yvonne P. Jones External Coach Franklin County Educational Council Jennifer Steans President Financial Investments Corporation Barbara Bethea Director of Marketing and Community Relations WACH FOX 57 Jeff Livingston Vice President Urban Markets McGraw-Hill Learning Group Elizabeth M. Thompson Trish Tullman Leadership Circle Member Shoshana M. Vernick Principal Sterling Capital Partners Associate Board CHAIR Morgan Lyons Senior Consultant Chicago Partners CLEVELAND CHAIR Robert W. Gillespie, Jr. Chairman Emeritus, KeyCorp MEMBERS Bruce Akers Mayor, City of Pepper Pike Omega “Mickey” Brown Cleveland Metropolitan School District Anthea Daniels Calfee, Halter & Griswold Matthew Green Eaton Corporation Ann Klotz Laurel School Len Komoroski Cleveland Cavaliers/Quicken Loans Arena Christopher Miree Fifth Third Bank Diana Riley RPM International Inc. Shelley Seifert National City Corporation Shirley Stineman The Plain Dealer Jeffery Weaver KeyCorp Nick Zimmers CSX Transportation COLUMBIA CO-CHAIRS David E. Dukes Managing Partner Nelson, Mullins, Riley & Scarborough, LLP Brett Frantz Executive Vice President First Citizens Bank MEMBERS Kerry L. Abel Director, Richland Co. School District One Coordinator of Attendance and Dropout Services Brenda B. Branic Frontline Performance Leader Allstate Insurance Company John Dillard Director of Public Affairs CSX Transportation George Ford Regional Retail Manager T-Mobile Dr. Aaron Hayes Executive Director of Intervention Services Richland County School District One Matt McGillivray Senior Vice President Bank of America Mike Stutz (’95) Adjunct Instructor University of South Carolina Gloria Wise Business Intake and Docketing Coordinator Nelson, Mullins, Riley & Scarborough, LLP COLUMBUS CO-CHAIRS Douglas Morgan Managing Partner Calfee, Halter & Griswold LLP David Weiss Senior Vice President, Retail Training Manager Huntington National Bank MEMBERS Maurice Blake Office of Student Assistance, Intervention, and Outreach Columbus Public Schools Mel Carter Credit Suisse First Boston Customized Fund Investment Group William Courson President Lancaster Pollard & Co. James E Finn Managing Director AON Risk Service Inc Robin Mink Senior Vice President National City Tom O’Hara CFO of Commercial & Retail Banking Huntington National Bank Sandee Pritchard Chief People Officer Donatos Pizza Michael P. Scott President Talisman Capitol Mary Seidelmann Retail Sales Specialist Roche Diagnostics Hope Sharett Attorney/Associate Bricker & Eckler, LLP Ray Shealy President and CEO HTP, Inc. Alphonso Simmons, Ph.D. Retired Vice President Columbus State Community College Tei Street Director City of Columbus Office of Education Mark Sturgeon CFO & Senior VP of Finance Advanced Drainage Systems Paul Tingley Managing Principle The Staubach Company Gordon Troup President, Nuclear Pharmacy Services Cardinal Health Carol Wise Vice President of Operations Central Ohio Transit Authority Les Wright Les Wright & Associates DETROIT CHAIR Gail Warden President Emeritus Henry Ford Health System VICE CHAIR Gary Glaser Retired Chairman National City N. Charles Anderson President/CEO Detroit Urban League, Inc. Holly Hollingsworth Reporter/Anchor WCMH/NBC 4 MEMBERS E.W. Ingram President White Castle Ismael Ahmed Executive Director Arab Community Center for Economic & Social Services (ACCESS) Tony Armada President & CEO Henry Ford Hospital and Health Network Lloyd L. Banks, III Manager, Community Affairs Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan Tim Bannister President CEO Bannister & Co. Public Relations C. David Campbell President McGregor Fund Robert Charles Chief Executive Officer North Star Advisors, LLC Linda Forte Senior Vice President Comerica Incorporated Ana Gabriel Vice President of Corporate Affairs Comcast - Midwest Division Larry Givens President Blackmond Givens Group, Inc. Ricardo Guzman CEO Community Health & Social Services Center (CHASS) Elliott Hall, Esq. Of Counsel Dykema Gossett, PLLC Diana Jones Vice President Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan Felicia Jones Director of Strategic Partnerships Detroit Public Schools Daniel Little Chancellor University of Michigan - Dearborn Sarah McClelland Sr. Vice President Chase Michael Montijo Director, Retail Sales Great Lakes Region T-Mobile USA, Inc. Reuben Munday Shareholder Lewis & Munday, PC Albert Taylor Nelson, Jr., Esq. Of Counsel Berry Moorman, PLLC David Page Partner Honigman Miller Schwartz & Cohn Paul Riser Founder and President Legacy Associates Foundation Ralph R. (Randy) Sanford, Esq. Safford & Baker, PLLC Nancy M. Schlichting President/CEO Henry Ford Health System 41 Karen Sosnick Schoenberg Principal Redico LLC Jennifer Shroeger Vice President and Regional Director UPS Rick Sperling Founder / CEO Mosaic Youth Theatre Samuel H. Thomas, Jr. President & CEO Star Development & Financial Corp. Laura Trudeau Senior Program Officer The Kresge Foundation Reverend Edgar Vann Pastor Second Ebenezer Baptist Church Alicia Villarreal Executive Director Latino Family Services Rebecca Salminen Witt Executive Director The Greening of Detroit LITTLE ROCK/ NORTH LITTLE ROCK CHAIR General (Ret.) Wesley K. Clark Wesley K. Clark and Associates Co-Vice Chairs Bruce Moore City of Little Rock Stephanie Streett William J. Clinton Foundation MEMBERS L. Elizabeth Bowles Aristotle.net Patty Criner Janet Jones Company Bryan Day City of Little Rock Melinda Faubel AT&T Arkansas Tom Gibbens Lamar Outdoor Advertising Pat Lile Arkansas Community Foundation David Mosley JPMS Cox, PLLC Greg Grillo Entergy Arkansas Debbie Milam Volunteers in Public Schools Mark Nichols Wesley K. Clark & Associates Peter S. Pickus City Year Little Rock Mike Wilson Comcast Cable LOS ANGELES CHAIR Andrew Hauptman Chair, Andell Holdings MEMBERS Rich Battista CEO Gemstar- TV Guide Michael Camuñez Partner O’Melveney and Meyers John Emerson* President Capital Guardian Eric Garcetti* President Los Angeles City Council Ben Goldhirsh Founder and CEO, GOOD Trustee, The Goldhirsh Foundation Glenn Gritzner Managing Director Sonnenschein Ellen Bronfman Hauptman Co-Chair Andell Holdings Ken Lombard CEO Starbucks Entertainment Ben Sherwood Author Darrin Silveria Regional Vice President of Field Sales T-Mobile *Honorary Members LOUISIANA CHAIR Jennifer Eplett Reilly Co-Founder of City Year Dr. Kirby Goidel Professor Louisiana State University Mica Stark Managing Director New Hampshire Institute of Politics Noel Hammatt Vice President East Baton Rouge Parish School Board Kelly Cuomo Wing City Year Alumna ’01–‘03 Center Operations Director New Hampshire Audubon Gerri Hobdy Director of Grantmaking Programs Baton Rouge Area Foundation NEW YORK Diana Lewis New Orleans Community Leader Mike Polito President MAPP Construction Mark Romig President Peter Mayer Advertising Tommy Teepell Vice President Lamar Advertising Sarah Usdin President & Founder New Schools for New Orleans Orlando Watkins Vice President of Programs Greater New Orleans Foundation NEW HAMPSHIRE CHAIR Lawrence Klane Vice President of Sales The Timberland Company VICE CHAIR Tom Bernstein President Chelsea Piers Richard Buery Founder and President Groundwork, Inc. David Caplan Dean City Year New York The Honorable Hillary Rodham Clinton Senator The United States Senate MEMBERS Anne Herrmann Board Member Breakthrough Collaborative Mount Sinai Hospital Major General Kenneth Clark New Hampshire National Guard Patrick Closson Partner McLane, Graf, Raulerson & Middleton Christopher K. Hodgdon Director, Legislative Affairs, New Hampshire Comcast Cable Jim Dailey Flake & Kelley Lori Bertman Bertman & Associates The Pennington Foundation Paula Reid Owner Reid & Company Joyce Elliott College Board Dan Bevan Huey Wilson Foundation Stephen Sanger Owner Sanger Communications 42 Kevin Aspell Area Manager of Commercial East Cisco Systems The Honorable Eric Gioia Council Member New York City Council City Year New York Honorary Member Dr. Charles Ott Former Superintendent of Schools, SAU #56 John Gaudin Argenta Wealth Management MEMBERS SECRETARY Lee Smith Devine, Millimet and Branch Ross Barrett General Partner Louisiana Ventures Shannon Butler Jack Lew Chief Operating Officer, Global Wealth Management Citi Eric Gertler Chief Executive Officer Vibe Media Group MEMBERS Judy Tenenbaum Tenenbaum Family Foundation Jill Iscol, Ed.D Executive Director & President IF Hummingbird Foundation Scott Briggs Owner Green Bridge Development Michael Murray Regional Director – New Hampshire T-Mobile USA Terry Peeples Baptist Health Medical Center CO-CHAIRS Chris Hillabrant Regional Vice President of Operations T-Mobile Bibb Hubbard Office of Arizona Governor Janet Napolitano Robert G. Markey, Jr. Director & Partner Bain & Company Stephanie Mudick Executive Vice President & General Counsel, Global Consumer Group Citigroup Wallace P. Parker, Jr. President KeySpan Energy Delivery & Customer Relations Group Carl Weisbrod President, Real Estate Division Trinity Church GREATER PHILADELPHIA Honorable Michael A. Nutter CO-CHAIRS Natalye Paquin Chief Operating Officer Kimmel Center For Performing Arts Joe Banner President and Chief Operating Officer Philadelphia Eagles Phil Behr Managing Partner Behr Capital Partners VICE CHAIR Arthur Block Senior VP, General Counsel, & Secretary Comcast Corporation MEMBERS Jared Sadlowski VP Real Estate and Distribution Service Sneaker Villa Elizabeth Vale Executive Director, Investment Management Morgan Stanley David Williams Principal Financial Advisory Services Deloitte Stephen F. Siegel Owner Coney Island Ventures Louis Soares Executive Director National Work Readiness Council Manuel J. Vales IV Senior Vice President, Commercial Real Estate Department Sovereign Bank John Wemple Science Teacher Classical High School George Zainyeh District Director Office of Congressman Patrick J. Kennedy Timothy Abell Chief Operating Officer Firstrust Bank Dan Wofford Consultant John Beilenson President Strategic Communications + Planning RHODE ISLAND CHAIR CHAIR Rick Cavender President Saturn of San Antonio Fred Blume Chairman Emeritus Blank Rome LLP Karen Davis Vice President, Community Relations Hasbro, Inc. SAN ANTONIO CHAIR-ELECT Tertia Emerson President GRE Creative Communications Brad Brubaker Senior VP, General Counsel, & Secretary SAP America, Inc. MEMBERS Luz Cardenas Partner Cardenas, Grant & Negron Alden Anderson First Vice President CB Richard Ellis New England Joe Cox Headmaster The Haverford School Robert Cormier Financial Advisor Smith Barney Kevin Dow Vice President of Community Affairs The Wachovia Foundation Kathleen Fliss Entrepreneur Curtis Conroy Assistant Vice President Wells Fargo Business Banking Alan Harlam Flat River Capital SECRETARY Jay Gilbert Co-Founder B-Lab Mark Harrell Program Director Men United for a Better Philadelphia Frances Jones Assistant General Manager, Government Affairs SEPTA Sam Katz Wynnefield Capital Advisers, Inc. Karen Keating Mara President Keating, Mara & Associates LLC Eve Klothen Asst Dean, Pro Bono + Public Interest Programs Rutgers School of Law Marciene Mattleman President ASAP - After School Activities Partnerships Leslie G. Mayer, Ph.D. President + CEO Mayer Leadership Group Honorable Theodore A. McKee U.S. Court of Appeals, 3rd Circuit Guy Abelson Owner Guy Abelson Events Ana Paiz Community Relations Manager Cox Communications PAST CHAIR Greg Flores Vice President, Communications and Community Relations San Antonio Water Systems TREASURER Laura Thompson President The Image Maker Group Mary Ellen Panzini Community Relations Manager The Providence Journal Company MEMBERS Karen Papa Senior Vice President, Corporate Communications Textron Financial Ben E. Brewer, III President Downtown Alliance Anne Patrick Executive Director T-Mobile New England Roger Peters Associate Edwards Angell Palmer & Dodge LLP Al Brandt Dental Consultant Alan Cerwick Vice President, Wholesale Operations Valero Marketing & Supply Co. Carolyn Tanner Cohen Director, Human Resources Policy US Dept. of the Interior, Retired Susanna Rhodes Gogi Dickson, Ph.D. Dickson Consulting Group, LLC Stephen Rosa President & Chief Creative Officer Advertising Ventures Terry Kyle Chief Development Officer SAMMinistries Pete Rumsey Equity National Insurance Company Dave McCune Market Trust Executive- Senior Vice President Bank of America Lt. Col. Mathies Santos RI National Guard Arline Patterson, Ed.D. Education Consultant 43 Joe Rivera District Administrator of Special Programs San Antonio Independent School District, Retired James W. Russell Managing Director Asset Protection, AT&T Eric Swellander Manager, Operations Accounting & Analysis C.H. Guenther & Son, Inc. Olga Vasquez Director, Business Development, Retired Soza & Co./Perot Systems Col. Lawrence Wellisch Chief of Operations Air Intelligence Agency, Retired Dick Zucker Vice President Beldon Roofing Beach Pace Executive Director City Year San Jose/Silicon Valley Rhonda Vowinkel President 360 Fitness Joe Pon Vice President, Corporate Affairs Applied Materials, Inc. Catherine Wallach Research Coordinator, Small Schools Project Coalition of Essential Schools NW (CESNW) Karie Willyerd Vice President and Chief Talent Officer Sun Microsystems, Inc. Grace Yee Haas Board Fellow, UC Berkeley SEATTLE/King County CO-CHAIRS Debbie Bird Business Development Director Safeco Insurance Jennifer Wells Vice President Hitachi Consulting Whitney Williams Principal williamsworks County Council of Champions The Honorable Bobbe Bridge Justice Washington State Supreme Court SAN JOSÉ/SILICON VALLEY Lyman Legters Senior Director Casey Family Programs, Seattle Field Office CHAIR MEMBERS Carl Guardino President & CEO Silicon Valley Leadership Group Todd Achilles Community Member The Honorable Booth Gardner Former Governor State Of Washington Reuven Carlyle CEO Washington2, Inc. Keith D. Grinstein Chairman Coinstar Carlos Gutierrez Director, Affiliate Sales & Marketing Fox Cable Networks Jim Potter Chairman Kauri Investments LTD Jessie Israel Partnership & Enterprise Manager King County Parks Bob Ratliffe Senior Vice President Kennedy Associates Real Estate Counsel MEMBERS Erin Brennock Senior Manager, Community Affairs Synopsys, Inc. Bill Erlendson Assistant Superintendent San Jose Unified School District David Gallacher Regional Vice President, Engineering & Operations T-Mobile USA Eddie Garcia Vice President, Government Affairs Comcast Bay Area Lorna Ho-Randlett External Relations Manager, Strategy Practice McKinsey & Company Shawna Holmes Senior Manager, Government Affairs Hewlett-Packard Company Jan Kendle Assistant Vice President Minority Affairs & Diversity University Of Washington Patty Stonesifer CEO Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Femi Lakeru Vice President, Business Operations T-Mobile, USA Bob Watt Vice President of State & Local Government Relations and Global Corporate Citizenship The Boeing Company Dena Levine President DML Insurance Services George Meng Director of Staffing Marketing Microsoft Corporation Lisa Jensen Development Director San Jose Museum of Quilts and Textiles Shawn Plaster President Gochongo, Inc. Vangie Maynard Vice President, Western Market Comerica Bank Wealth & Institutional Management Stephanie Mills Senior Program Manager Cisco Systems, Inc. 44 The Honorable Ron Sims Executive Martin Luther King Jr. County Susan Kim, MD Dermatologist Lake Washington Dermatology Ann Marie Jasse Community Volunteer Sharon Matthews President & CEO eLynx Phyllis Campbell President & CEO The Seattle Foundation Len Rozek Senior Vice President Comcast Communications Raj Shah Director, Agricultural Development & Financial Services Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Bill Sherman Deputy Prosecuting Attorney King County Prosecutor’s Office Tom Van Bronkhorst Office of Councilmember Jean Godden WASHINGTON, DC CHAIR Michael Kelly Executive Director DC Housing Authority MEMBERS Donald A. Baer Chairman Penn, Schoen & Berland Associates Worldwide Vice Chairman, BursonMarsteller Susan Berger Evers and Company Real Estate, Inc. Kathy Bushkin Calvin Executive Vice President & Chief Operating Officer United Nations Foundation Kevin Chavous Sonnenschein Nath & Rosenthal LLP Christy Forest Executive Director, Asia Pacific Corporate Executive Board John Galloway President Atlantic Media Company Anjali Gupta Kerry Knott Vice President, Federal Government Affairs Comcast John McCarthy Wilson High School Greg Payne Booz Allen Hamilton and ‘04 City Year Alum Tom Sugrue Vice President for Regulatory & Legal Affairs T-Mobile USA Bianca White Falls Church Public Schools and ‘03 City Year Alum Melissa Williams Director COMPASS Robert M. Willis, Esquire Law Offices of Robert M. Willis Senator Harris Wofford (EMERITUS) Former U.S. Senator (D-PA) Missy Young SERV ICE PA RT NERS Flagship Service Partners commit to a full-year partnership with City Year to support long-term service investments in schools and communities. Signature Service Partners join City Year to support short-term service projects, often one-day physical transformations of neighborhood parks, playgrounds and schools. BOSTON FLAGSHIP SERVICE Alliance for Inclusion and Prevention at Washington Irving Middle School Bates Community Learning Center/ Boys and Girls Club Boston Public Schools Bowdoin Street After School Program Dennis C. Haley Elementary School Earthworks Ellis Mendell Elementary Eliot Educational Center Henry Dearborn Middle School James F. Condon Elementary School James P. Timilty Middle School James W. Hennigan Elementary School John W. McCormack Middle School John D. Philbrick Elementary School Joseph P. Manning Elementary School Louis Agassiz Elementary School Lucy Stone Elementary Mattahunt Community Center Mattahunt Community Learning Center/Boys & Girls Club Maurice J. Tobin K-8 School Michael J. Perkins Elementary School Mildred Avenue Middle School Paul A Dever Elementary School Washington Beech Housing Development William E. Russell Elementary School SIGNATURE SERVICE Almont State Park Black Stone Community Center Boomerangs Boston Nature Center Cathedral Grammar School Cathedral High School Central School Cambridge Chestnut Hill Reservation City of Boston Parks and Recreation City of Lawrence, MA Clap Elementary School Columbia Point Community Garden Community Academy Condon Elementary School Cross Roads Family Shelter Curtis Hall Community Center Department of Conservation and Recreation Dever Elementary School Dimock Community Health Center Easter Seals Egelston Square YMCA Fair Foods Generations Incorporated Grace Church 46 Grace Church Federation Greater Boston Food Bank Harriet Tubman House Harborside Community Center Madison Park Village McCormack Middle School Middle School Academy New England Girl’s Wrestling Tournament Oak Square YMCA Project Bread Reily Memorial Rink Salvation Army Spontaneous Celebrations St. Christopher’s Church St. Patrick’s Church St. Peter’s Academy St. Peter’s School St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church Stony Brook Reservation Tenents’ Development Corporation Timilty Middle School Tobin Community Center Villa Victoria Retirement Center Walk For Hunger Walter Denny Youth Center Washington Beech Housing Development Umana Barnes Middle School CHICAGO FLAGSHIP SERVICE Mary McLeod Bethune Elementary School, North Lawndale John W. Cook Elementary School, Auburn-Gresham Donoghue Elementary, Bronzeville Anton Dvorak Math & Science Academy, North Lawndale Julia Ward Howe Elementary School, Austin Jacques Marquette Elementary, Marquette Park North Kenwood Oakwood Charter School, North Kenwood/Oakland Paul Revere Elementary School, Greater Grand Crossing SIGNATURE SERVICE ABC AmeriCorps ABJ Community Services ACE (AmeriCorps Enrichment Program) Albany Park Community Center Alternatives, Inc. American Indian Center American Red Cross Asian Human Services Association House Aunt Martha’s Youth Service Center, Inc. Austin Green Team Austin YMCA Back of the Yards Men’s Assoication Back of the Yards Neighborhood Council Belleville AmeriCorps Beloved Community Family Services, Inc. Big Brothers Big Sisters of Sangamon County Blessed Sacrament Youth Center Building with Books Casa Central – La Posada Cease Fire Center on Halsted Chicago Botanic Garden Chicago Cares Chicago Christian Industrial League (CCIL) Chicago Park District Chicago Public Library Chicago Youth Centers City of Maywood / Prairie Path Cornell Square Park Cornerstone Community Outreach Daley Academy Deborah’s Place Douglas Park Elliott Donnelley Youth Center Family Service Center of Springfield Foster Park Friends of the Park Garfield Park Gary Comer Youth Center Girl Scouts, Land of Lincoln Council Goodwill - of Springfield, IL Greater Chicago Food Depository Greater Southwest Development Corporation Homan Square Community Center Howard Brown Health Center Humboldt Park Social Services Center for Changing Lives Hyde Park Union Church Illinois Public Health Association Inner City Muslim Action Network (IMAN) Inspiration Corporation Interfaith Youth Core Jumpstart – Chicago Kennicott Park Kids Off the Block LCDC - Lawndale Christian Development Corp. LISC/Chicago – New Communities Program Literacy Volunteers of America – Illinois Logan Square Boys & Girls Club Logan Square Chamber of Commerce Martin Luther King Community Center Men for a Better Lawndale Mercy Home for Boys and Girls Mission Year Mt. Sinai Hospital Neighborhood Boys and Girls Club Openlands Palmer Square Apartments Palmer Square Park PCC Community Wellness Center The Peace Museum Project MORE Project YES! Salvation Army Senior Services of Central Illinois Service For Peace Service Learning Initiatives Sister House Drug Recovery Center Southwest Women Working Together / Amani House Southwest Youth Collaborative Sparc - Springfield, IL St. Sabina Truman College United Way YMCA YWCA CLEVELAND FLAGSHIP SERVICE Cleveland Metropolitan School District SIGNATURE SERVICE American Red Cross-Greater Cleveland Chapter Anton Grdina School Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Cleveland Brooklyn Brighton Community Development Corp. Calvary Lutheran Hunger Center Centerville Mills Camp City Fresh/Art House The Cleveland Food Bank Cleveland HOPE Cleveland Leadership Summit Cleveland Municipal Housing Authority Cleveland Music Merchants Family Cleveland State University Cory Kitchen (Hunger Network) Dancing Wheels Department of Parks and Recreation Domestic Violence Center Earth Day Coalition East Cleveland Theater Eliza Bryant Home E-Prep Academy First Presbyterian Church of East Cleveland Giddings School Herman Garden Hospice of Western Reserve InterAct Cleveland Interfaith Hospitality Network Junior Achievement of Greater Cleveland Ohio Canal Corridor Coalition Ohio City Bicylcle Co-Op One-On-One Housing Open Doors, Inc. Parkworks Cleveland St. Augustine Hunger Center St. Hermans House of Hospitality St. Malachi Center Shoes & Clothes for Kids Stand Up For Kids Waterson-Lake Elementary School COLUMBIA FLAGSHIP SERVICE Communities in Schools of the Midlands EL Wright Middle School Richland County School District One John P. Thomas Elementary School Sandel Elementary School Watkins-Nance Elementary School SIGNATURE SERVICE Batesburg-Leesville Elementary School Camp Discovery at His Acres Carolina Cares City of Columbia Parks and Recreation CM Tucker, Jr. Nursing Care Center The Cooperative Ministry Family Shelter Gilbert Middle School Boys’ and Girls’ Club of Columbus Heyl Avenue Elementary School Linmoor Middle School Literature Based Alternative School at Hubbard Elementary Ohio Avenue Elementary School Second Avenue Elementary School St. Stephen’s Community House Strategies Against Violence Everywhere (SAVESNet) Windsor Academy Alternative Elementary School Injury Free Coalition for Kids Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation Mid-Ohio Chapter Keep Columbus Beautiful King Arts Complex Leadership Columbus Life Care Alliance Lincoln Lodge Linmoor Middle School Lutheran South Food Pantry Lutheran Village MAP Furniture Bank Mental Health Association of Central Ohio Mid Ohio Food Bank Ohio Civil Rights Commission Ohio State University Community Connections Open Shelter Ronald McDonald House Scioto Community Senior Center Starling Middle School Sunrise Assisted Living Thompson Recreation Center United Methodist Free Store United Negro College Fund United Way of Central Ohio Urban Wilds Volunteers of America Wexner Heritage Village Windsor Academy Elementary School YMCA Camp Kern YWCA Family Center SIGNATURE SERVICE DETROIT Grace Christian Ministry Harbison West Elementary School Harvest Hope Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church Hope Worldwide Irmo Recreation Commission Lexington Middle School Modjeska Simpkins Center Prevent Child Abuse South Carolina Salvation Army South Carolina Department of Juvenile Justice St. Lawrence Place Still Hopes USC Office of Community Service Projects United Way of the Midlands COLUMBUS FLAGSHIP SERVICE 1st Community Village Nursing Home Al Maun Safe House American Addition Civic Association American Indian Food Pantry Avalon Elementary School Barack Recreation Center Berwick Elementary School Books of Hope Project Buckeye Woods Elementary School Capital University Cat Welfare Association Central Community House Children’s Hunger Alliance Columbus Cultural Arts Center Columbus Department of Housing Mobile Tool Library Columbus Health Department Columbus Housing Partnership Columbus Literacy Council Columbus Metropolitan Library Columbus Recreation and Parks Department Columbus State Community College Como Elementary School Dana Elementary School Donatos Pizza Southside Community Garden FirstLINK Franklin County Children’s Services Giant Eagle Gillie Center Girl Scouts Seal of Ohio Good Neighbor’s Picnic Committee Goodwill Columbus Graham School Great Harvest Bread Heritage Nursing Home Holy Family Church Homeless Families Foundation Huckleberry House FLAGSHIP SERVICE Academy of the Americas Detroit Lions Academy Roberto Clemente Learning Academy Salina Elementary School White Elementary School SIGNATURE SERVICE 100 Black Men – Safe Night ACC (Arab American Chaldean Council) ACCESS (Arab Community Center for Economic and Social Services) Affirmations Lesbian & Gay Community Center All Saints Alternatives for Girls Arts N Scraps Belle Isle Botanical Society Bethune Academy Big Brothers Big Sisters of Metro Detroit Booth Park Boy Scouts of America Boys and Girls Club Boys Hope Girls Hope of Detroit Bridging Communities Building with Books Camp Cavell – YWCA of Metro Detroit Campus Martius Park Capuchin Soup Kitchen Casa de Unidad CHASS The Children’s Center Children’s Hospital of Michigan City of Detroit, Department of Transportation City of Detroit, Office of the Mayor City of Detroit, Recreation Department Cleveland Middle School Coffey Middle School Comcast Cares Day Communities in Schools of Detroit COTS (Coalition on Temporary Shelter) Council on Asian Pacific Americans Covenant House Detroit Indian Education and Cultural Center Detroit Public Schools – Children’s Museum Detroit Public Television Detroit Rescue Mission Detroit Riverfront Conservancy DownRiver Cares AmeriCorps Dress for Success Family2Family First Step Floriculture Unit on Belle Isle Focus:HOPE Girls Scouts of Metro Detroit Gleaners Food Bank Gleaner’s of Taylor Greater Downtown Partnership Greening of Detroit Habitat for Humanity Macomb Habitat for Humanity Operations Center Habitat for Humanity Restore Heilman Park Middle School Henry Ford Health System Holistic Community Center Holy Name Elementary Homes for Black Children Hope Baptist Center Howe Elementary Humane Society of Southeastern Michigan Injury Free Coalition – Children’s Hospital Jefferson East Business Association Joy Middle School Jumpstart Michigan Keith Elementary Kiwanis Club #1: Books for Kids Project La SED Senior Center Latino Family Services Lighthouse of Oakland County Lutheran Child and Family Services Matrix Theatre Michigan AmeriCorps Partnership Michigan Coalition for Children and Families Moran Jefferson Nursing Home Motor City Blight Busters Motown Historical Museum NAACP – Detroit Chapter Native American Cultural Center Neighborhood Service Organization New Detroit Open Door Rescue Parade Company Project Linus Puppet Art Theater Quarton Elementary Revival Tabernacle Ronald McDonald House Royal Oak Manor Saint Aloysius Church Saint Aloysius Community Center Saint Leo’s Soup Kitchen Saint Patrick’s Senior Center Saint Peter’s Church Saint Rene’s Church Salina Elementary School Salvation Army - Brightmoor Salvation Army Harbor Light Sheridan House Simon House Southfield Goodfellows Southwest Solutions Counseling Services Taft Middle School THAW (The Heat and Warmth Fund) Think Detroit/PAL True Love Christian Ministries Unity Chapel University of Detroit Mercy Upward Bound Urban Farming Urban Options Vanguard Community Development Corporation Vistas Nuevas Head Start Volunteer Accounting Service Team Western International High School WDET Public Radio Youth Sports and Recreation Commission Zion Lutheran Church LITTLE ROCK/ NORTH LITTLE ROCK FLAGSHIP SERVICE Baseline Elementary Geyer Springs Elementary Meadowcliff Elemenatary Seventh Street Elementary SIGNATURE SERVICE Alcoa Foundation American Red Cross of Greater Arkansas AmeriCorps Alums Little Rock Arkansas Children’s Hospital Arkansas Foodbank Network Arkansas Game and Fish Commission Arkansas Rice Depot Arkansas Women and Children First Billy Mitchell Boys and Girls Club Black Community Developers City of North Little Rock Community Planning City of North Little Rock Park Maintenance William J. Clinton Foundation College Station Elementary Friends of Central Arkansas’ Libraries FutureNow Habitat for Humanity Inner City Future Net Keep Little Rock Beautiful Commission Little Rock Department of Housing and Neighborhood Programs Little Rock Marathon Little Rock Parks and Recreation Department Little Rock School District Little Rock School District Plant Services Malvern Junior High National Marrow Donor Program Our House Potluck Food Rescue Sherman Park Neighborhood Resource Center 47 LOS ANGELES FLAGSHIP SERVICE Union Avenue Elementary SIGNATURE SERVICE Broadway Elementary Esperanza Elementary Hollywood Boys and Girls Club Norwood Street School LOUISIANA FLAGSHIP SERVICE Capitol Middle School Glen Oaks Middle School Highland Elementary School Kenilworth Middle Scotlandville Middle School SIGNATURE SERVICE Baker High School Baton Rouge Chamber Commerce Baton Rouge City Government Baton Rouge Area Food Bank Baton Rouge Recreation Browns Field Baptist Church Catholic Charities Crestworth Middle School Habitat For Humanity B.R. & N.O. Hands On Baton Rouge Hands On New Orleans I Had Enough Ministries Kaboom! Playground Builds Mayfair Elementary Mid City Redevelopment Authority North Highland Elementary Samuel Green Elementary New Orleans Mardi Gras Corps Parks Elementary Rebuild New Orleans Renaissance Village NEW HAMPSHIRE FLAGSHIP SERVICE Academy of Learning and Technology Big Brothers Big Sisters of Greater Manchester Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Greater Seacoast Big Brothers Big Sisters of Nashua Hampton Academy Hampton Recreation Department Hillside Middle School Manchester Police Athletic League Nashua Boys and Girls Club Seabrook Middle School S.E.A.-Arts Project! SIGNATURE SERVICE Adopt-a-Block Committee American Red Cross Amherst St. Elementary School, Nashua Ash St. Community Center, Nashua Audubon Society Blue Ocean Society Camp Berea City of Manchester City of Nashua Parks and Recreation Department City of Portsmouth City of Somersworth 48 Concord Boys and Girls Club Dr. Crisp Elementary School, Nashua Edgewood Centre The Educational Farm at Joppa Hill E.L.M. Community Center, Keene Ethel’s Tree of Life Exchange City Expedition Inspiration Fair Tide Fairgrounds Elementary School, Nashua FCCLA Hampton Parent Teachers Association Holman Stadium IMEC (International Medical Equipment Collaborative) Lawrence Community Works Main St. Inc., Somersworth Malley Farm Boys Home, Somersworth Manchester Area Red Cross Manchester Mental Health Many Options Afterschool Program, Keene Marguerite’s Place, Nashua Mayor’s Task Force on Youth, Nashua Mclaughlin Middle School Nashua Children’s Home Nashua Housing Authority New Hampshire Food Bank New Heights New Horizons Soup Kitchen North Hampton School PACT—Nashua School DistrictParkside Middle School Portsmouth Middle School Reach the Beach Rochester School District Salvation Army Sandy Point Discovery Center SAU 21 Seabrook Elementary School Seacoast Science Center Seacoast Youth Services Somersworth Main St. Program Somersworth Middle School Southside Middle School Strawberry Banke Museum Urban Forestry Volunteer Action Center, United Way of the Greater Seacoast YMCA Camp Lincoln New York FLAGSHIP SERVICE Children’s Aid Society Groundwork for Youth Jacob Riis Settlement Beacon After School Mayor’s Volunteer Center MS 45 John S. Roberts School MS 201 Star Academy The Point, CDC PS 30 Hernandez-Hughes Academy PS 48 Joseph R. Drake School PS 50 Vito Marcantonio School PS 57 James Weldon Johnson School PS 75 PS/IS 308 Clara Cardwell School PS 111 Jacob Blackwell School PS 112 Dutch Kills School PS 133 Fred R. Moore Academy PS 149 Danny Kaye School SIGNATURE SERVICE Astoria Park Mr. Bailey’s Garden Bed-Stuy Restoration Corporation Boys and Girls High School The Bronx Guild Chicken Coop Park Choir Academy CS 21 Drew Gardens East Harlem Tutorial Program Frederick Douglass Academy Garden of Eden (NYRP) Hansborough Recreation Center Harlem Success Academy Hoe Avenue Boys and Girls Club HOPE Community Kappa 2 Kennedy Community Center Lyons Square Playground Marcus Garvey Park MOTC MS 204 New Rochelle Boys and Girls Club Nickerson Park NYC Parks and Recreation PATHS PS 79 PS 277 PS 138 Rock Garden Sara D. Roosevelt Park Seward Park St. Mary’s Park and Recreation Center Sustainable South Bronx Williamsbridge Oval Park YMCA GREATER PHILADELPHIA FLAGSHIP SERVICE Bartram High School Ben Franklin High School Fels High School Frankford High School Furness High School Germantown High School Harding Middle School Kensington CAPA High School Kensington Culinary High School Mastbaum High School Olney High School Overbrook High School Russell Byers Charter School Shaw Middle School Simon Gratz High School South Philadelphia High School Strawberry Mansion High School Taylor Elementary School T.M. Pierce Elementary School University City High School Visitation BVM School West Philadelphia High School SIGNATURE SERVICE After-school All-Stars AIDS Fund Allegheny West Foundation American Cancer Society American Red Cross The Arts Sanctuary Awbury Arboretum Bartram Beacon Frankford Beacon H.A. Brown Elementary School Circle Thrift Eliza Shirley House The Ethical Society Fairmount Park Friends Neighborhood Guild Gompers Elementary School Haitian Community Help Center Hill Elementary School Holy Trinity Church Lafiya Family Services The Lighthouse MANNA Mantua Center McKinley School Mi Familia Day Care Center Neighborhood Bike Works New Kensington CDC Nicetown Boys and Girls Club Pennsylvania Horticultural Society Philadelphia Food Bank Philadelphia Free Library Philadelphia Green Philadelphia More Beautiful Point Breeze Family Center Rivera Recreation Center SEPTA SHARE Special Olympics Spiral Q Sun Circle Gardens St. John’s Hospice Thurgood Marshall School United Communities Vare Beacon Middle School Wildland Refuge Center Willard Elementary Wissahickon Restoration Volunteers Youth Golf & Academics Program RHODE ISLAND FLAGSHIP SERVICE City of Warwick Gateway Healthcare, Inc. Highlander Charter School Newport Community School Pawtucket Weed & Seed Providence After School Alliance SAN ANTONIO FLAGSHIP SERVICE Bella Cameron Academy Dorie Miller Academy Henry Carroll Academy Martin Luther King Academy S.H. Gates Academy SIGNATURE SERVICE Audubon Society Alamo Community College District Alpha Kappa Alpha Antioch Sports Complex Antioch Village Apartments AT&T Bank of America Big Brothers/Big Sisters Boys and Girls Club Camp S.A.M.M. Camp C.A.M.P. Catholic Charities Catholic Youth Organization Chandler Health City of San Antonio Martin Luther King, Jr. Commission City of San Antonio Neighborhood Action Team Davis Scott YMCA Fiesta Commission Friedrich Wilderness Park Frost Bank Grayson Square Health Care Center Guadalupe Cultural Arts Center Habit for Humanity H.E.B. Grocery IDEA Academy Keep San Antonio Beautiful The Light Foundation March of Dimes New Orleans Saints Our Lady of the Lake University Proyecta Azteca Project Achieve It Republic National Distributing Company St. Mary’s University St. Paul Area Community Development Corporation St. Philip’s Episcopal Church San Antonio Chapter of the American Red Cross San Antonio Children’s Shelter San Antonio Conservation Society San Antonio Downtown Rotary Club San Antonio Fighting Back San Antonio Food Bank San Antonio Metropolitan Ministries San Antonio Missions National Historical Parks San Antonio Parks and Recreation Department San Antonio State Hospital UTSA USO Valero Energy Corporation YMCA Camp Flaming Arrow SAN JOSÉ/SILICON VALLEY FLAGSHIP SERVICE Arbuckle Elementary School CORAL/Lowell Elementary School K. R. Smith Elementary School LeyVa Middle School Learning in an Urban Community with High Achievement (L.U.C.H.A.) San Antonio Elementary School Hank Lopez Community Center InnVision Iola Williams Senior Center James Lick High School KaBoom! Mayfair Community Gardens Mexican American Community Services Agency (MACSA) O.B. Whaley Elementary School Olinder Neighborhood Center Outward Bound West Pala Middle School Parkview Elementary School Resource Area for Teachers (RAFT) Santa Clara County Restorative Justice Program Sacred Heart Community Service San José After School San José Conservation Corps San José State University Santa Clara County Youth Task Force Second Harvest Food Bank Third Street Community Center YMCA Youth Quest SEATTLE/king county FLAGSHIP SERVICE Bailey Gatzert Elementary School Casey Family Programs Central Area Youth Association Chief Sealth High School Chinook Middle School Columbia City Annex Interagency Academy Concord Elementary School Dunlap Elementary School Hawthorne Elementary School Highline School District Highline YMCA Leschi Elementary School Madrona K-8 Meany Middle School Roxhill Elementary School Seahurst Elementary School Seattle School District Showalter Middle School Team READ Treehouse for Kids Wing Luke Elementary School YMCA’s Independent Living Program SIGNATURE SERVICE SIGNATURE SERVICE Alma Community Center Alum Rock Neighborhood Center Anne Darling Elementary School Boys and Girls Clubs of Silicon Valley Catholic Charities of San Jose Center for Spiritual Enlightenment City of San José Anti-Litter and AntiGraffiti Program City of San José Dept. of Parks, Recreation, and Neighborhood Services City of San José Strong Neighborhoods Initiative CommUniverCity Downtown College Prep Emma Prusch Farm Park Escuela Popular Elementary School Evergreen Valley College Gardner Elementary School Grace Community Center Guadalupe River Parks and Gardens American Red Cross Bailey Gatzert Elementary School Books for Prisoners Cannon House Center High School Central Area Senior Center Chief Sealth High School Children’s Hospital Chinook Middle School Clean and Green Seattle Initiative Compass Center Danny Woo Community Garden Daystar Retirement Village Downtown Emergency Service Center EarthCorps Emergency Feeding Program Friends of Hitt’s Hill Friends of Interlaken Park Garfield Community Center Girl Scouts Goodwill Industries of Seattle Habitat for Humanity of Seattle Hamm Creek Interlaken Park Let Kids Be Kids Life Long AIDS Alliance Lincoln Park Marra Farms Mayor’s Youth Council Meany Middle School Multifaith Works Muscular Dystrophy Association New Beginnings Northwest African American Museum Northwest Harvest-Cherry Street Food Bank Northwest Harvest-Warehouse Phinney Ridge Association Providence Regina Food Bank Providence Regina House Public Works Rainier Beach Community Center Renancer River City Skate Park Ronald McDonald House ROOTS Young Adult Shelter Rosehedge Salvation Army Sea Mar Child Development Center Secondary Bilingual Orientation School Seattle Children’s Home Seattle Indian Services Commission Seattle Mayor’s Office Seattle Parks and Recreation Department Seattle Parks and Recreation Department’s Trails Program Seattle Public Utilities’ Adopt-a-Street Program Seattle Urban Academy Seattle’s Indian Services Committee Seattle Youth Garden Works Service for Peace South Lake High School South Park Community Center Treehouse for Kids Union Gospel Mission United Way of King County Urban Achievers Urban League of Seattle Volunteer Chore Services Volunteers for Outdoor Washington West Duwamish Greenbelt White Center Food Bank Wing Luke Elementary School World Vision Youth Care WASHINGTON, DC FLAGSHIP SERVICE Anacostia High School Anne E. Beers Elementary School Arts & Technology Academy Public Charter School Ballou High School Beacon House Bell Multicultural High School Benning Elementary School Birney Elementary School Burroughs Elementary School Cardozo High School Central Union Mission Clark Elementary School Community Academy Public Charter School 49 Deal Junior High School Duke Ellington Performing Arts High School Dunbar High School Eastern High School For Love of Children Food & Friends Francis Junior High Garfield Elementary School Garrison Elementary School Hart Middle School H.D. Woodson High School Hendley Elementary School Hine Junior High School Hope Community Charter School J.O. Wilson Elementary School Maya Angelou Public Charter High School MC Terrell Elementary School McKinley Technical High School Meridian Public Charter School Metro Teen AIDS New Community for Children Orr Elementary School Raymond Elementary School Ross Elementary School School Without Walls Shaw Junior High School Themba, Inc. Thurgood Marshall Elementary School Thurgood Marshall Public Charter High School Turner Elementary School United Planning Organization’s Head Start Centers 2 & 9 Walker Jones Educational Center Washington Math, Science, & Technology Public Charter School William E. Doar Jr. PCS Wilson High School Young Elementary School Young Ladies of Tomorrow Signature Service Adams Elementary School Alpha Phi Omega Bowen Elementary School Bruce Monroe Elementary School Bread for the City Capital Area Food Bank Casey Trees City at Peace Coolidge High School Davis Elementary School DC Bar DC Central Kitchen DC Center for Therapeutic Recreation DC Office of Prevention and Youth Services Emery Elementary School H.D. Cooke Elementary School Heads Up J.C. Nalle Elementary School Jefferson Junior High School Kenilworth Elementary School Kingman Boys and Girls Club of Washington Latin American Youth Center Ludlow Taylor Elementary School Malcolm X Elementary School Maury Elementary School Martha’s Table Max Robinson Center McGogney Elementary School McKendree Pantry 50 Merritt Extended Elementary School Moten Center National Park Service New Leaders for New Schools Our Lady of Perpetual Help Elementary School Patterson Elementary School P.R. Harris Educational Center Savoy Elementary School Shepard Elementary School Slowe Elementary School Smothers Elementary School Sousa Elementary School Stuart-Hobson Middle School West Elementary School YWCA CIT Y Y E A R SOU T H A FR ICA *Progamme year: January 1, 2007 through December 31, 2007 SPONSORS BOARD Founding Lead Sponsors CHAIRS African Rainbow Minerals Coca-Cola Department of Environmental Affairs & Tourism Edcon Rick Menell President and CEO, TEAL Exploration & Mining Inc. Non-Executive Director, African Rainbow Minerals Sponsors Murphy Morobe CEO, Kagiso Media Anglo-American Chairman’s Fund Charles Stewart Mott Foundation Citi Claude Leon Foundation *Coca-Cola Edcon FNB Fund *Harmony Macsteel Vincent Mai Rick and Caroline Menell Monitor Mutual & Federal Standard Bank Xstrata Jeff & Mary Zients * Indicates a sponsorship of R1,000,000 and above In-Kind Donations and Other Partnerships African Gap Year African Rainbow Minerals Aptus CIDA Caltex Garage – Jabavu Clover Deloitte Department of Labour Diliza Khumalo Edcon FIFA Gauteng Department of Education Glomail Grassroot Soccer Keystone Apparel Co. / Timberland KPMG Johannesburg City Parks Joburg Emergency Services Metcash Metro Police Department Museum Africa Orange Business Consultants Phambili Strategies & Solutions Primedia Rotary South Africa Sappi Shaping the Learner Shield Chemicals Spar The Business Place Youth for Human Rights WITS Sports Administration 52 MEMBERS James A. Joseph Executive Director, United StatesSouthern Africa Center for Leadership and Public Values Former United States Ambassador to South Africa Alan Khazei Founder and CEO, Be the Change, Inc Co-Founder, City Year Inc. Jack Koolen Global Partner, Monitor Company Group LLP Managing Director, Monitor Group South Africa Kedibone Letlaka-Rennert, PhD Diversity Advisor, International Monetary Fund Liziwe Masoga Human Resources Strategic Assignment Manager: Edcon Dr. Adnaan Mia Medical Doctor Ishmael Mkhabela Executive Director, Interfaith Community Development Association Mary Zients Board Chair, Urban Alliance Foundation Board Chair, Women for Women International Teboho Mahuma Executive Director, City Year South Africa SERVICE PARTNERS Berea Primary School, Berea, Gauteng Dowling Avenue Primary School, Westbury, Gauteng Eastgate Primary School, Eastgate, Gauteng Florida Avenue Primary School, Elorado Park, Gauteng Freedom Primary School, Freedom Park, Gauteng Goudpark Primary School, Eldorado Park, Gauteng Impala Crescent Primary School, Lenasia, Gauteng John Mitchell Primary School, Jeppestown, Gauteng Lawley Primary School, Lawley, Gauteng Lekang Primary School, Central Western Jabavu, Gauteng Matlapaneng Primary School, Randfontein, Gauteng Moetapele Primary School, Dube, Gauteng Orchards Primary School, Orchards, Gauteng Progress Primary School, Lenasia, Gauteng Tshebedisanong Primary School, Central Western Jabavu, Gauteng Turffontein Primary School, Turffontein, Gauteng Wedela Primary School, Wedela, North West Xhobani Primary School, Wedela, North West CELEBRATING A YEAR OF SERVICE More than 200 City Year South Africa service leaders launched their year of service at a Red Jacket Ceremony in April, which was followed by a march through Johannesburg that culminated in the revitalization of a community playing field. During their year, these service leaders served primary school children through school-based programs and service projects that transformed school spaces, making a difference in the lives of more than 13,000 children. 53 Studio of Idealism CITY YEAR © 2008 Photo Credits: Jennifer Cogswell, Alex Cardona, Andy Dean, Claire Duggin, John Gillooly/PEI, Rolf Hagberg, Jim Harrison, Kevin Jenkins, Heidi Johnson, Tumelo Lerole, Kristin Walega, and City Year corps and staff. w w w. c i t y y e a r. o r g City Year Headquarters City Year Detroit City Year New York City Year Boston City Year Little Rock/ North Little Rock City Year Greater Philadelphia 287 Columbus Avenue Boston, MA 02116 617.927.2500 287 Columbus Avenue Boston, MA 02116 617.927.2600 City Year Chicago 36 S. Wabash Avenue Suite 1500 Chicago, IL 60603 312.464.9899 City Year Cleveland 1132 Euclid Avenue Cleveland, OH 44115 216.574.2677 City Year Columbia 807 Gervais Street Suite 201 Columbia, SC 29201 803.254.3349 City Year Columbus 1 Ford Place, 1F Detroit, Ml 48202 313.874.6825 20 West 22nd Street Third Floor New York, NY 10010 212.675.8881 610 President Clinton Avenue Third floor Little Rock, AR 72201 501.707.1400 2221 Chestnut Street Second Floor Philadelphia, PA 19103 215.988.2118 City Year Los Angeles City Year Rhode Island 606 S. Olive Street Second Floor Los Angeles, CA 90014 213.596.5900 77 Eddy Street, 2nd Floor Providence, RI 02903 401.553.2500 City Year Louisiana 109-B North San Saba San Antonio, TX 78207 210.247.4500 161 N. Third Street Baton Rouge, LA 70801 225.663.4220 City Year New Hampshire 200 Domain Drive Stratham, NH 03885 603.773.1607 City Year Seattle/King County 309 23rd Avenue South Seattle, WA 98144 206.219.5010 City Year South Africa 56 Main Street, Ground Flr Johannesburg South Africa 2001 City Year Washington, DC 918 U Street, NW Second Floor Washington, DC 20001 202.776.7780 City Year San Antonio City Year San José/ Silicon Valley 142 West Santa Clara Street San Jose, CA 95113 408.907.6500 37 N. Third Street Columbus, OH 43215 614.586.4520 city Year unites young people of all backgrounds for a year of full-time service, giving them the skills and opportunities to change the world. As tutors, mentors, and role models, these young leaders make a difference in the lives of children and transform schools and neighborhoods across the United States and in South Africa.
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