Tūtū Times - Partners in Development Foundation


Tūtū Times - Partners in Development Foundation
Volum e
Tūtū Times
Happy Holidays Tūtū and Me ‘Ohana!
Aloha e Na Hoaloha,
As 2010 comes to an end, we have many things to be thankful for. Thousands of
children and caregivers have had an opportunity to experience the special aloha of
Tūtū and Me Traveling Preschools and the great staff that makes the program a very
special place for children and those who care for them. In addition to the twenty-four
communities served by Tūtū and Me, many “preschools under the blue tarps” are
serving the needy on the beaches and in the homeless shelters of the leeward coast
of O‘ahu with the Tūtū and Me model. It has been a special privilege for all of us at
Partners in Development Foundation to serve the children and families of Hawai‘i
during this past year. For each and every child and caregiver we have been blessed
to serve, we give thanks.
Another reason for thanks is the recent publication of Pili the ‘Iwa Bird Flies Again.
This is the third book written in the series that includes Kai the ‘Opihi Gets the Point,
and Mele the Crab Finds the Way Out. All three were written to give children and
caregivers interesting stories that teach important life lessons rooted in the Hawaiian
culture. Pili is the story of a magnificent Hawaiian Frigate bird that strays away from
her real calling to pursue accumulating things. Fortunately, Tūtū reminds Pili of her
destiny to soar, not hoard, and she returns to the “pono” path for her life. All of the
Tūtū and Me families will receive a copy of this book for their library. For this special
resource, we give thanks.
Ke ola
I nā
There is
from the
This Issue:
from Jan
Family Fun
Lessons in
This holiday season will provide all of us an opportunity to renew and reenergize
our family ties, particularly the intergenerational ties that bind us together as ‘ohana.
Our tūtū and kūpuna represent our anchors to our past and our foundation for our
future. We have a special time of celebration during the holidays to thank them and
Mele Kalikimaka Tūtū and Me ‘Ohana!
honor them for their roles in our lives. For our kūpuna, our tūtū and our ‘ohana, we
give thanks.
Finally, I personally wish to thank the staff of Tūtū and Me and the staff of the
Partners in Development Foundation for their tireless, innovative, and compassionate
care for those they serve in their various programs. PIDF serves a large and very
diverse population in our communities, but the heart of the Foundation’s service and
success is the aloha and the amazing expertise of our employees. For this
tremendous band of colleagues that I have been blessed by, I give thanks.
May Ke Akua richly bless you and yours during this special holiday season and
into the New Year.
Me ke aloha palena ‘ole.
Jan E. Hanohano Dill
President, Partners in Development Foundation
Mele Kalikimaka, with Much Aloha
From the Staff at Tūtū and Me
Welcome to Tūtū Times. We hope that you will enjoy reading about what is happening at Tūtū and Me statewide through these quarterly newsletters.
If you have items you would like included in upcoming editions, please email JoAnn Wasson at: jwasson@pidfoundation.org
© Partners in Development Foundation. All rights reserved.
Tūtū and Me Holiday Cheer
Tūtū and Me 2010 Statewide Inservice
at Dole Cannery Ballroom
This Thanksgiving, Tūtū and Me distributed copies of our “My ’Ohana Emergency Folder” to each family
who attends our program state-wide. Mahalo nui loa to our funders for helping us bring this valuable
resource to our families! Love and thanks to our wonderful staff and families who make our program a
wonderful part of our community. Mele Kalikimaka, and may your holidays be joyful and blessed!
Oahu Team 1
East Hawaii
West Hawaii
Happy Thanksgiving Tūtū and Me!
South Hawaii
Santa’s Elves Are Hiding!
See if you can find all 12. Look on Pages 2-4
Tūtū and
and Me
Me Holiday
Holiday Cheer
Cheer Around
Around the
the Islands
Mai ka hui O’ahu ‘Ekahi iā ‘oe a me kou hui…..Na ke akua e ho’opōmaika’i
iā ‘oukou i ka makahiki hou! Aloha Kalikimaka from O’ahu Team 1
Aloha and Seasons Greetings from East Hawaii
Mele Kalikimaka
from West Hawaii
Tūtū and Me Holiday Cheer Around the Islands
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year
From South Hawaii
Mele Kalikimaka a Hau‘oli Makahiki hou
from East Kaua‘i
from Moloka‘i
Aloha & Happy Holidays
from West Kaua‘i
Lessons in Leadership: Modeling Appreciation
During the holiday season, you and your keiki may be receiving many gifts and cards from
relatives, friends, neighbors and teachers. If you have time, take this opportunity to turn a
simple act of thanks into a literacy activity. To help your child get into the spirit of this activity,
send your child a thank you note: You can simply place your note in the mailbox for your keiki
to find, or put a stamp on it and send it in the mail. The joy and fun of receiving mail of their
own can really encourage your keiki to see the value of sending a thank you note to others.
Even very young children can make hand or leaf prints on the front of construction paper
cards. Older children can add to the cards by writing their names or a note inside and
decorating the cards. A thoughtful note of appreciation, a sweet picture for the refrigerator or a
child’s hand-made card can go a long way in making your loved ones feel loved and
Snow Friends Fruit Snacks
Bananas, Grapes, Carrot, Apple, Bamboo skewers, mini
Chocolate chips, Pretzel sticks
For each snowman, you will need three thick slices of
banana, a grape, a sliver of carrot, and a triangular piece
of apple. Have your kids slide the fruit onto the skewer,
then use the carrot slivers for noses, mini chocolate chips
for eyes and buttons, and pretzel sticks for arms. Younger
children can decorate snowmen that an adult has made with
the chips, carrots, and pretzels.
Family Fun: Holiday Games
Run, Run Rudolph
Supplies: 2 Reindeer Headbands, Vaseline, Cut circles out of red construction paper
How To Play: Assemble children in 2 rows. Put a headband on the first child in each row.
Have children put Vaseline on their nose and then place a red circle on their nose. Start a
relay race to the finish with each new person adding their red nose. If nose falls, go back
to bowl and add more Vaseline and reapply nose.
Santa Says
How To Play: Play like “Simon Says.” Select the first child to play "Santa". For example:
Santa will say "Santa Says hop on one foot". The children will hop on one foot. Santa will
say "Stop". The children will need to keep hopping on one foot until Santa says "Santa Says
stop". Give each child three choices as Santa. Other Santa Says activities can include:
take one baby step forward, step backwards, turn around, sit down. Sometimes Santa will
say "Santa Says" and sometimes he won't! Have fun with your keiki!