2010 Schedule of Events Booklet.indd


2010 Schedule of Events Booklet.indd
2010 schedule of events
2010 schedule
Jan 16–23
Ayurveda Week
Antioch, CA
Jan 30
Tips on Meditating—Pranayama
Antioch, CA
Mar 24
Ram Navami Celebration
Antioch, CA
May 8
Chakra Bhedan 3
Woodbury, CT
Sept 17, 18 & 19*
Meditation Programs & Shaktipat*
Berkeley, CA
Mar 28
Hanuman Jayanti Celebration
Antioch, CA
May 13–16
Vajra Panjar 1 Training
East Coast (Location TBA)
April 3
Color & Marma Points Therapy
Antioch, CA
Feb 12, 13 & 14*
Meditation Programs & Shaktipat*
Palo Alto, CA
Feb 20
Tips on Meditating—Mudras
Antioch, CA
Feb 21–27
Anandi Ma and Dileepji’s Anusthan—
For You & Your Family!
Antioch, CA
Feb 27
Holi Celebration
Antioch, CA
Mar 6–13
Ayurveda Week
Antioch, CA
April 8, 9 & 11*
Meditation Programs & Shaktipat*
Antioch, CA
April 10
Tips on Meditating—Tratak
Antioch, CA
May 21, 22 & 23*
Meditation Programs & Shaktipat*
Portland, ME
April 29 & 30, May 2*
Meditation Programs & Shaktipat*
New York, NY
May 1
Color & Marma Points Therapy
New York, NY
May 6, 7 & 9*
Meditation Programs & Shaktipat*
Woodbury, CT
Oct 16
Dashera & Anandi Ma’s Birthday
Celebration (tentative)
Antioch, CA
Oct 23–24
Trailokya Mohan Kavacam Anusthan
Antioch, CA
June 5
Rites at Dying
Antioch, CA
Oct 29, 30 & 31*
Meditation Programs & Shaktipat*
Antioch, CA
June 10–13
Vajra Panjar 3 Training
Antioch, CA
July 17–Aug 2
Mt. Kailash/Mansarovar Trip
July 25
Guru Purnima Celebrations
Antioch, CA—sumati.campus@gmail.com
East Coast—jkane20@charter.net
Sept 3–6
Mahasamadhi Retreat
Antioch, CA
Nov 3
Lakshmi Workshop
Antioch, CA
Nov 4
Kali Puja
Antioch, CA
December 12–31
Come Do a Personal Anusthan
in India
Nikora, India
*The last date is Shaktipat.
Shaktipat is offered by registration only.
letter from Anandi Ma & Dileepji
Dear Ones,
A million thanks for your love, support, and generosity. It’s been a year since the doors of our center opened,
and, in spite of the difficult times, we have moved along and not only managed to keep the doors open but even
grew a little. Of course, the most important aspect of the center is the spiritual work and practices done, and
these can never be measured and are unseen to the eye. The Rama mantra anusthan was a very exquisite event;
the mantras done will last for at least hundreds, if not thousands of years.
But more needs to be done. Please visit the Antioch center for at least one event this year or next year. This is
very important. Opening the center has been like awakening the Kundalini—a tremendous beginning—but the
journey is long and slow and may be with storms. If we stay and practice together, we will all reach the sahasrar
sooner rather than later.
We need to grow in terms of reaching new seekers that are “true”. We are not keen on growing only in the
external sense. However, for this to happen and for us to be easily accessible, existing disciples will need to rise
up, participate more, and prioritize and work hard to be with Ma more at the physical level. This can also be
done through web broadcast participation*. Let’s spend more quality time together. The times are changing,
and we are all aging.
We hope and pray that new levels of grace, more opportunities to practice, and infinite horizons of experiences
and understanding will be abundant in 2010.
{table of contents}
*For more information regarding events that will be web broadcasted,
please contact Gopal at webbroadcast@dyc.org or (925)779-9660.
Meditation Programs & Shaktipat . . . . . . . .5
Workshops. . . . . . . .6
Retreats. . . . . . . .7
Special Events. . . . . . . .8–10
Registration Info. . . . . . . .11
Stay Involved, Near or Far. . . . .12
the significance of satsang
The true devotee is always seeking any opportunity to have darshan, to see the beauty of the Guru or of God. In the Ramayana
it is written that there were four occasions when Lord Shiva came down to see the lila, the manifestation, of Lord Ram, who was His chief
form of worship. When Lord Shiva came first to have darshan of Lord Ram it was at the time of Ram’s birth, in order to see His chosen
form incarnate in a human way. The second time He came in disguise at the marriage ceremony of Lord Ram and Sitaji. The third time
was when Lord Ram killed Ravana. The last time the Ramayana describes Lord Shiva present was when Lord Rama was crowned king
of Ayodhya. After the ceremony in which Lord Ram was put on the throne, Lord Shiva sang a beautiful poem, a stuti, to Him and as He
finished singing, He sang some verses which very beautifully signify and bring home to the reader the benefit and significance of satsang.
Lord Shiva asks Lord Ram, “Oh, Great Being, the Husband of Shri (Sitaji), I ask You again and again for this boon: that You grant me infinite
devotion and endless satsang. The Creation is Your Play, and You are the Player. You are such a Being, such a Lord, who is the root of
Creation, the very Cause of everything that we see, feel, and experience. Please give me devotion that is never broken, that is continuous.
Give me devotion that is never ending. Let it flow continuously from the heart. Let it never stop, never have any breaks, never decrease.
Let it be continuous and steady.”
Devotion and satsang are not easily available. They are rare commodities in the field of spirituality. So here Lord Shiva is asking,
over and over, again and again, for that priceless gift of devotion and satsang.
The sages and the scholars have different opinions of Shiva’s words. When He says, “I ask again and again,” it may mean at the root level
that He is frequently asking for these aspects of devotion and satsang. Some have the opinion that it means that every day He is asking for
those levels of devotion and satsang, and still others opine that it means “Let every pore of my being, let every pore of my body open up
to that aspect of Your Grace through satsang and devotion.”
Again, the question is asked, why did Lord Shiva choose to ask for satsang and devotion simultaneously? He could have chosen
just one, and in most of the cases a devotee asks only for devotion, but not satsang. But why did Lord Shiva go beyond that human realm
and ask for both satsang and devotion simultaneously? It is because the seeds of devotion are embedded in the field of satsang. The block
or the obstacle to devotion is kama. Kama literally is action, action that is desire. So desire can block satsang.
A very similar incident is described in the Ananda Ramayana, where Parasuram, a great incarnation, asks Lord Ram, “Oh Lord,
from one life to the other, life after life, for as long as I exist in this relationship, please grant me that infinite level of both devotion and
satsang. If I have the opportunity to meet Your devotees, that is satsang, because it is through Your devotees that I hear about You and
can enjoy, through them, Your glory. It is through Your Grace that I can achieve that unflinching level of heart in the depth of devotion.
Through the words of Your devotees, I receive continuous satsang.” These two aspects of devotion and satsang can destroy any ignorance
of the heart and mind.
The reason for asking for devotion and satsang simultaneously is that one springs out of the other. Devotion can be had, but over
time, if satsang is lacking or lost, there is a strong possibility that devotion will begin to lessen and eventually will disappear. But if satsang
is there, it will feed the energy of devotion. It will continuously inspire the heart and mind to evolve further.
Bhajan literally means chanting, but Guruji said that any spiritual practice that reaches the ears or the mind internally is bhajan.
The significance of any spiritual practice is that it leads to understanding, and the very fruit of satsang is any spiritual practice.
There may be satsang, but if it is external only and not taken into the heart, where devotion needs to sprout, then what is the use of
such satsang? This is why it was a very smart move for Lord Shiva to ask for both satsang and devotion together. The Lord may easily give
anything and everything we ask for, but devotion is something that He gives very discreetly.
So Lord Shiva has asked for the cause and its effect simultaneously. Satsang is the cause, and bhakti, or devotion, is the effect.
Once both are achieved simultaneously, then that absolute aspect of the spiritual goal is accomplished.
Let us all also pray to Lord Ram, to Lord Shiva, and our Guru that They grant us that gift of satsang and devotion simultaneously
throughout each and every moment of our lives.
—Shri Anandi Ma
O great teacher
meditation programs & shaktipat
find a local meditation group near you
Dhyanyoga Centers—Antioch
6:30–9 pm
Free Admission, Donations Welcome
Shri Anandi Ma, Master of Kundalini Maha Yoga, invites you to join her for an evening of
chanting, meditation, and revelations about the ancient science of meditation.
Come learn to meditate, invigorate your practices, and absorb the energy and knowledge!
Los Altos
Santa Cruz
SHAKTIPAT INITIATION* (offered on the asterisked dates below)
Shaktipat is offered by registration only.
The heart of this lineage of Kundalini Maha Yoga is the transmission of energy from teacher
to student known as shaktipat. The kundalini (spiritual energy) lying dormant at the base of
the student’s spine is awakened and begins its upward ascent, initiating the student’s spiritual
evolution, guided by an intimate, subtle connection with the true Guru.
Through the power of shaktipat, very little effort is required to experience the supreme
enjoyment of meditation and a deep, intense, and intimate relationship with Dhyanyogiji,
Shri Anandi Ma, and Dileepji.
Amba / Balu—baluspatel@yahoo.com
Feb 12, 13 & 14*
Palo Alto, CA
April 8, 9 & 11*
Antioch, CA
May 6, 7 & 9*
Woodbury, CT
Sept 17, 18 & 19*
Berkeley, CA
Achala Foster
Cynthia Hubbard
Sarita Valentine
Rama Franklin
svalentine22@hotmail.com rafikirama@comcast.net
April 29 & 30, May 2*
New York, NY
May 21, 22 & 23*
Portland, ME
Oct 29, 30 & 31*
Antioch, CA
Hugh & Kathie Kline
Jennifer Cooper
Cynthia Hubbard
New York, NY
Ft. Worth
ase take my sailboat beyond this deluding life, please
take me beyond
deluding life. Do not leave me in the midst of the whirlpool of this life...
Washington, D.C./ Tyson’s Corner area
Rohini & Prem—rohini.prem@gmail.com
Antioch, CA
9–11 am
Fee: $40 for each workshop, or register for all three
for only $101
Prerequisite: None
Sat, Jan 30
Sat, Feb 20
Sat, April 10
registration deadlines
Jan 16
Feb 6
March 27
Join us for this new series of workshops designed to
enhance and enable better meditations as we all get
As the yogis say, there are only two things to master in
life: prana—the vital force, and the mind—the vital tool.
Pranayama, the study of breath control, is an exquisite science,
whose goal is to control and deeply enhance all aspects of the
body and mind. At this workshop, techniques will be taught
that address both physical metabolism and mental emotions.
The practical benefits are many: an increased a sense of inner
peace and balance, a slowing down of the aging process, and
overall better health and increased energy.
Mudras are simple yet powerful self-touch practices that
expand and increase the flow of energy from the universe into
the body—both physical and subtle. Mudras remove blocks
and heal and balance all aspects of body and mind to facilitate
experiencing the soul. The scriptures state that if performed
with love, mudras can bring us closer to the divine.
The Anahata Chakra
Sat, May 8
Fee: $195 (lunch included)
Registration Deadline: April 24
Prerequisite: Shaktipat in this lineage, Chakra Bhedan 1 and 2
Woodbury, CT
9 am–4 pm
This is a series of six workshops to be taken in succession. Dileepji described this workshop as “the next best
thing to shaktipat.” Anandi Ma and Dileepji concentrate on opening the individual chakras in the participant by
chanting the specific bija (seed) mantras associated with them. This practice greatly accelerates the clearing of
any blockages at the subtle level and as a result, enhances spiritual growth. Anandi Ma teaches the participants
how to continue this process at home. A video series is available for students to purchase.
Sat, June 5
Fee: $125 (lunch included)
Registration Deadline: May 22
Prerequisite: None
Antioch, CA
9 am–4 pm
Over the past years disciples have requested information for themselves and their families about what to do
at the time of death and afterwards. In this workshop, we will discuss the ideal procedures and how to adapt
these to the modern age and the western world. Being aware of certain mantras and details could be priceless
in detaching the maya between soul and body. We will pass on to you some tips that Dhyanyogiji gave!
Wed, Nov 3
Fee: $65 (dinner included)
Registration Deadline: October 20
Prerequisite: None
Antioch, CA
4–9 pm
The smiles and grace of Mother Lakshmi—God’s energy that provides the basics and the best in material
life—are what each and every person dreams of. However, karmic fruits often generate restrictions, obstacles,
and barriers. In order to overcome these obstacles, the scriptures have given several remedies. At the Lakshmi
Workshop, we will discuss the most powerful practices, which enhance not only material well-being but also
spiritual growth—the transcending point of true Lakshmi. True understanding is the key. The Shri Suktam with
bija (seed) mantras, which will be taught in this workshop, is a master stotram. An added benefit is the timing
of this workshop—we will be discussing and doing practices on the day of the year when Lakshmi is particularly
worshipped to start the New Year more positively. Any practices—mantras learned and practiced during this
time—double the benefit. Don’t miss this opportunity! Webcast participation is available and encouraged! For
more information, please contact Gopal at webbroadcast@dyc.org or 925-779-9660.
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rituals or methods to serve you, I do not k
or how to meditate up
upon you. Please save this frail boat from
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thousand births are never ending
The key to success in life lies in the concentrated energies
of the mind and its control. Tratak is the science of simple
gazing techniques that tremendously increase the energies of
the mind, eyes, and thus will power to make the impossible
possible. Inner tratak heals and rejuvenates the body and
increases prana, thus slowing the aging process.
Vajra Panjar, which literally means “Shield of the Thunderbolt,” is
the name of a group of techniques and mantras given to
humankind by the great rishi Vishvamitra, who had received them
during meditation from Lord Shiva. The power of these techniques
is described in a stanza from the scriptures:
Negative or positive energies or spirits wandering openly or
secretly underground, on the earth, or in the sky, cannot even look at,
let alone hurt, the person who is protected by the recital of the names
of Lord Rama as in the composition named Vajra Panjar. The person
who is armored with Vajra Panjar, the shield consisting of Rama’s
names, is victorious, successful, and blissful without any obstruction.
In the VP retreats, Anandi Ma and Dileepji impart techniques that
Dhyanyogiji referred to as the “cream” of His spiritual practices, that
which He considers the most fruitful, the most beneficial, the most
efficient in bringing the disciple to enlightenment.
East Coast (TBA)
May 13–16
4 pm arrival/
fee: $425
2 pm departure
Registration Deadline: April 22
Prerequisite: Shaktipat in this lineage
In this powerful two-and-a-half-day retreat, Anandi Ma and Dileepji
teach healing techniques as taught by the yogis for thousands of
years and handed down through Dhyanyogiji. They also teach hatha
yoga asanas (postures), tratak (gazing techniques), mudra (hand
gestures), pranayama (breathing exercises to control the prana, or
life force), purification techniques, sankalpa (statement of intent),
and meditation.
Antioch, CA
4 pm arrival/
2 pm departure
June 10–13
fee: $375
Registration Deadline: May 20
Prerequisite: Shaktipat in this lineage, VP 1, and VP 2
Antioch, CA /
Sun, July 25
East Coast
Fee: By Donation (lunch included) 9 am–2 pm
Registration Deadline: July 18
Prerequisite: Shaktipat in this lineage
Guru Purnima is a unique event and the fullest expression of love
between Guru and disciple. There’s no day during the year like this
full moon. All the sixteen energies of the moon manifest through
the Guru Tattwa and are further magnified by the tapas and love of
the Guru to catapult the disciple toward the goal. Anandi Ma will
be on the Mt. Kailash trip this year during Guru Purnima. Schedule
will vary by location, but will likely include Guru Puja, Ram malas,
chanting, and meditation together as a group.
Antioch, CA
4 pm arrival/
11 am departure
Fri, Sept 3–Mon, Sept 6
Fee: suggested donation of $151
Registration Deadline: August 13
Prerequisite: Shaktipat in this lineage
The days of the Mahasamadhi retreat are filled with the love and
grace of our Guru as we celebrate the complete and final union
of Dhyanyogiji with His Lord. His life and work are honored and
continued through Anandi Ma as she leads the disciples through
the weekend. Sometimes there is a fire ceremony, sometimes 108
Hanuman Chalisas are sung, sometimes we sing the Guru Gita, but
all the time we are enveloped in the sweetness of the grace.
Antioch, CA
7:30 am arrival/
2 pm departure
Sat, Oct 23–Sun, Oct 24
Fee: $121
Registration Deadline: Oct 2
Prerequisite: Shaktipat in this lineage, VP Series, and
Trailokya Mohan Kavacam Teaching
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In this training, bij mantras are added to the Ram Raksha Stotram,
giving us a deeper relationship to the stotram and preparing us
to receive the advanced mantras, which were given by Lord Ram
Himself. Disciples learn more advanced asanas, pranayamas, and
tratak, as well as astral travel.
The Trailokya Mohan Kavacam, the shield consisting of Rama’s
names, is the most advanced teaching Anandi Ma and Dileepji
have given so far in a group retreat. In this two-day concentrated
practice, we will recite 108 Trailokyas.
Sat, Feb 27
Fee: By Donation
Registration Deadline: Feb 13
Prerequisite: None
Antioch, CA
5–8 pm
Come and celebrate Holi, Shri Dhyanyogiji’s Realization Day, with
chanting, a special Guru puja, and bija mantra meditation.
If weather (and city permits) allow, a traditional fire ceremony will
be held where each participant will offer a coconut into the fire to
remove all negativity and ego. Festive clothes are recommended.
Wed, Mar 24
Fee: By Donation (lunch included)
Registration Deadline: Mar 10
Prerequisite: None
Antioch, CA
9 am–2 pm
Antioch, CA
5–9 pm
Sat, Oct 16 (tentatively planned)
Fee: By Donation
Registration Deadline: Oct 2
Prerequisite: None
Auspicious days spent with our Guru are tremendous
opportunities for increased growth and blessings in our life.
Dashera is one of the most powerful days of the year, when
we celebrate the victory of positive influences over the
negative. It is also the most auspicious day to start anything
new. In addition, we will be having a belated Birthday
celebration for Anandi Ma’s Birhday. Festive clothes
are recommended.
Join us to celebrate Shri Rama’s birth anniversary as it has been
celebrated for over 25,000 years. As part of the source of our
lineage, of which Anandi Ma is the current torch bearer, the energy
that manifested at the actual time of Rama’s birth still flows to
all present and Dhyanyogiji’s love and blessings pour out in an
extraordinary way as well. Festive clothes are recommended.
Antioch, CA
Sun, Mar 28
9 am–6 pm
Fee: By Donation (lunch & dinner included)
Registration Deadline: Mar 14
Prerequisite: None
“Serve and love the servant of the Lord.” Dhyanyogiji always
said that this is what He loved to do. Chanting the 108 Hanuman
Chalisas in a group can work wonders to erase karma, expand
devotion, pierce chakras, and bring oneself closer to Rama and the
doors of liberation. Listening to the bija mantras on this powerful
day, particularly in Ma’s presence, will bring 100 times the benefit of
other full moon nights.
If you cannot attend the event in Antioch, be sure to check in
with your local group for celebration dates. Festive clothes are
Antioch, CA
Thur, Nov 4
9 pm–midnight
Fee: By Donation
Registration Deadline: Oct 21
Prerequisite: Shaktipat in this lineage
The Creator’s predominant energies are to create, maintain,
and dissolve. Brahma, Vishnu, and Mahesh work through
Saraswati, Lakshmi, and Kali to execute these functions.
Practices done during this night dedicated to Kali bring
immense benefits beyond mental understanding. The Guru
mantra and other practices that are given by the Guru
become siddha (perfected) easily and deeply when practiced
during the night of Kali puja. Kali also helps remove
deep-seated fears and, along with the grace of Her husband,
Maha-Kala (Shiva, the Timekeeper), gives the person victory
over death itself (Kala). This brings true understanding of life
and the capacity to enjoy the moment of death with smiles
and peace.
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special events
Sun, Feb 21–Sat, Feb 27
Registration Deadline: Feb 7. 2010
Prerequisite: Shaktipat in this lineage
Please note: NO last-minute photos will be accepted. This deadline will be strictly observed.
A rare and unique opportunity! Ma and Bapuji have done many anusthans (periods of intense practices) over the past years, but in 2009, for the very first time, they did an
anusthan of 1,275 malas of the Ram mantra specifically for the growth and welfare of disciples and to help with the siddhi of the Ram mantra.
“The joy and satisfaction this anusthan bestowed was awesome. It gave such an immense sense of accomplishment of our Guru’s work. Guruji’s words, ‘Lokah Samastah
Sukhino Bhavantu,’ resonated and the heart poured out Rama’s love. It was an experience unlike any other. As we looked at the altar and often at all the photos of disciples
who had participated, a unique level of energy poured out. We would love to start the New Year with such an anusthan. We hope many more will participate.”
Participation is easy:
1. Send a donation. The joy of contributing further for your growth is the bliss of both Guru and disciple. One way to think about it is to send a particular amount per mala, but
you may send any sum that your heart and finances allow. The Purnahuti—the final offering of the mantras—will be offered by Anandi Ma on Holi, Dhyanyogiji’s Realization
2. Email individual digital photograph(s) of yourself or family members that you would like included in the anusthan. Please do not send group pictures. We must receive
your photos by FEBRUARY 7. Please note: NO last-minute photos will be accepted. This deadline will be strictly observed.
3. Mark your calendar to particpate in the sankalpa (statement of intention) and possibly the Purnahuti (final offering) with Ma and Bapuji. It is a very special gift to
participate. ALL will receive a special blessing. The sankalpa will be done through a conference call so that all sponsors can participate, no matter where they live.
And depending on interest, the Purnahuti will be web broadcast to certain centers. If you are interested in participating in the web broadcast, please contact Gopal at
webbroadcast@dyc.org or (925)779-9660
Sankalpa Date & Time: Saturday, Feb 20 from 11:30 am to Noon (PST)
Purnahuti Date & Time: Saturday, Feb 27 from 5 to 7 pm (PST) (tentative)
Send photo(s) and donation to: Jayshree Handel, PO Box 4161; Antioch, CA 94531; email: janahandel@yahoo.com; phone: 860-306-5316 (Please call between 6 and 9 pm PST.)
Performed by Anandi Ma & Dileepji
Fee: $65 per person
Prerequisite: None
A Week of Healing and Quality Time with Ma and Bapuji
Fee: $2150 per week
Prerequisite: Shaktipat in this lineage
registration deadlines
Sat, Apr 3
Sat, May 1
Antioch, CA
New York, NY
Mar 20
Apr 17
Don’t miss out on this very special ayurvedic treatment by Anandi Ma and Dileepji.
Marma points serve as the bridge between the physical body and the more subtle energy
pathways, called nadis, while the unique vibration of colors can help heal ailments. This
therapy is aimed at releasing blocked energy and promoting flexibility. Each treatment
will consist of Anandi Ma and Dileepji working on individual marma points while leading
you through a visualization meditation on each chakra. Session are 75 minutes in length;
please arrive 15 minutes prior to your appointment time. Appointments are limited, so
reserve your spot today!
registration deadlines
Jan 16–23
Mar 6–13
Antioch, CA
Antioch, CA
Dec 26, 09
Feb 13
Ayurveda Week is a special program in which participants benefit from a range of
ayurvedic treatments. These treatments are critical to maintaining ideal prana and
thus, optimum health. They service the physical body, the vehicle for the prana and
soul. During Ayurveda Week, participants also meditate and have satsang with
Anandi Ma and Dileepji in a home setting and spend significant time with them
during the course of their individualized health regimen. The Ayurveda Week package
includes all meals, lodging, therapeutic treatments, aromatic and massage oils, and a
personal ayurvedic consultation. Airfare, transportation, and herbs are not included.
world, you are the only one I can depend on. My only loving
yond is with you, please make my feelings for you everlasting
Shri Anandi Ma
Dileepji Pathak
Avanish Aggarwal
Gopal Chauhan
Craig Krishnaram Cooper
Pankaj Khandelwal
Douglas Dinesh McLeod
Dhyanyoga Centers, Inc.
PO Box 3194
Antioch, CA 94531
Dhyanyoga Centers—Antioch
3306 Contra Loma Blvd.
Antioch, CA 94509
Shakti Newsletter Subscription
Finance Team
Become a Volunteer
special events
July 17–August 2
Fee: $3500 + airfare + personal expenses
Prerequisite: Shaktipat in this lineage
Registration Deadline: Jan 15
This is one of the most significant pilgrimages that a
person can undertake. Mt. Kailash is the residence of
Lord Shiva—that eternal abode within is the sahasrar.
Mansarovar is the lake of the chitta (our entire thinking
and functioning mechanism). One has to bathe in it with
Guru’s grace to make it crystal clear. Darshan of these
sites removes karma. Pilgrims are showered with love and
grace that reflects the effort exerted.
Please bear in mind that although this trip is unique, what
Guruji has given through shaktipat is far more complete.
The inner journey is where everything unfolds.
This is one of the most challenging and difficult
pilgrimages. Please be sure you can physically handle this
trip, so prepare both physically and mentally if you plan to
go. Please do not undergo any financial stress and debt to
join. If you are unable to come, meditate at the heart and
sahasrar with God and Guru, and the same benefit and
grace will manifest. For those physically challenged by
this trip, an anusthan at Nikora on the lap of Mother
Narmada is equally powerful and beneficial.
It is the love from the heart that counts; any place
anytime, this is what matters most! For more information
or to register, please contact Jayshree
(janahandel@yahoo.com or 860-306-5316).
Nikora, India
December 12–31
Fee: $25 per day + airfare + personal expenses
Prerequisite: Shaktipat in this lineage
Registration Deadline: Nov 1
This is a wonderful opportunity to spend time at our ashram in Nikora
and while Anandi Ma and Dileepji are in residence. All anusthans will be
done individually, with group meditations in the temple morning and
Antioch, CA
Date: Sometime in the Spring of 2011
Fee: To be announced
Prerequisite: Shaktipat in this lineage
Registration Deadline: June 2010
These days there are many different types of hatha yoga taught all over
the world. It would be ideal if a uniform teaching methodology could be
set up for all disciples who are teaching yoga.
In His lifetime, Guruji interacted very deeply with the teachings of
hatha yoga through Dinesh Rawal, who is now around 70 years old
and has taught yoga all his life. We are planning to invite him to come
and provide training to disciples. The intention is not to create a brand
name, but rather an approach that represents the pure way and heart
of Guruji’s teaching. If enough registrations are received by June 2010,
we will pay for his airfare and expenses to come from India and go
forward with hosting this event. It will be a very special training and all
of us will benefit! This training is open to all disciples—students and
teachers of yoga.
If you are coming out to Antioch this year for a retreat or workshop with Anandi Ma and Dileepji, we invite you to
stay a little longer and experience other activities and programs that our center has to offer. We have daily hatha
yoga classes, a weekly meditation program, ongoing workshops on ayurveda, meditation, yoga, vegetarian
cooking, and much, much more.
There are also many opportunities to assist with volunteer programs and outreach projects to help meet our
needs as well as the needs of the community. For more information on our Antioch center’s schedule, please
contact Kajal at kajal@dyc.org or call 925-779-9660.
registration info
Please be mindful that many hands and time go into the planning of
these events. Sufficient time is needed to organize the logistics, so
please do your part by registering on time.
Pre-registration is required for all workshop, retreats, and
special events!
1. See the colored registration sheet inserts in this catalog.
2. Fill out the registration form completely.
3. If you have a balance due for past events, contact the designated
registrar immediately.
4. Enclose at least 50% of the total amount with the registration form.
Make checks payable to Dhyanyoga Centers.
5. There are two registrars. Be sure to mail your completed form and
payment to the registrar listed on the form.
A late fee will apply when a registration form and deposit is not received
by event registration deadline:
Tips on Meditating
Chakra Bhedan 3
Rites at Dying
Lakshmi Workshop
Vajra Panjar 1
Vajra Panjar 3
Trailokya Mohan Kavacam Anusthan
Special Events
Ayurveda Week
Color & Marma Points Therapy
Children (ages 4–16) taking VP Trainings
Children (ages 4–16) not taking trainings
Tots (ages 0–3) accompanying parent(s)
Seniors (age 60 and older)
50% discount
by donation
10% discount
There are two registrars. Be sure to mail your completed
form and payment to the registrar listed on the form.
Registration Form A—MAIL TO:
Jayshree Handel
PO Box 4161
Antioch, CA 94531
860-306-5316 (Please call between 6 and 9 pm Pacific Time.)
Registration Form B—MAIL TO:
Sumati Campus
38 Miller Avenue
Mill Valley, CA 94941
415-383-3215 (Please call before 7 pm Pacific Time.)
A cancellation less than one week before the event will incur a charge
of 20% of the total.
Anandi Ma and Dileepji feel strongly about offering a number of events
“by donation”, to make them available to as many people as possible.
Events that are “by donation” are still funded through donations from
individual disciples. Suggested donations are sometimes given for such
events; however, more, less, or none is acceptable.
Fees vary depending on the location of the event. Please contact the
registrar for specific information.
We serve wholesome, sattvic vegetarian meals at our events. If you
have a medical condition that requires a modified diet, please let the
registrar know no later than two weeks prior to the event.
Only authorized persons can record audio and video at Dhyanyoga
Centers programs. Still photographs can only be taken for personal use.
No public dissemination is allowed.
stay involved, near or far
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
On behalf of the Dhyanyoga Centers Board of Directors, I want
to express our gratitude to all the members of the DYC community
who have supported Dhyanyogiji’s and Ma’s work. Your contributions
of time, energy, talent, money, and moral and spiritual support have
made it possible for us to have our own center in Antioch and to
bring Dhyanyogiji, in the form of His murti, back to America!
Last year was particularly challenging for all of us. The center
had just opened, DYC assumed a 1.5 million dollar mortgage, and the
world economy tanked! Many disciples were personally affected by
the economic downturn. Nonetheless, support for the Guru’s work
remained steady. Your generous contributions made it possible for
Anandi Ma and Dileepji to continue Dhyanyogiji’s humanitarian and
spiritual work and to meet all DYC-associated expenses, including
the mortgage.
The future for the Guru’s work looks bright. The new center
is bringing together many disciples, old and new, with a spirit of
hope and cooperation. We are finally undertaking projects to further
Dhyanyogiji’s work, which previously were only dreams. With these
new projects we are sure to face new challenges. However, I am
confident that with the continued generosity and support of all of
you, we will successfully meet these challenges and make our
Guru proud!
Sita Ram,
Pankaj Khandelwal
DYC Board Member—Fundraising
Dhyanyoga Centers, Inc.
3306 Contra Loma Blvd.
Antioch, CA 94509
“Charity is a part of spiritual practice.
If that charity supports the spiritual evolution of another soul,
then it is the most beneficial gift of all.”
—Shri Anandi Ma
We understand everyone has their limitations with vacation time, finances,
and family responsibilities. In order to facilitate the participation and benefit
for more, we are offering different ways you can help sponsor events and pujas
throughout the year that will have a great benefit for you and your loved ones.
Make checks payable to Dhyanyoga Centers, Attention: Sponsorships.
Checks and money orders can be mailed to:
Dhyanyoga Centers—Sponsorships, PO Box 3194, Antioch, CA 94531.
To pay by credit card, please contact Kajal at 925-779-9660 or kajal@dyc.org.
Feeding those who are performing
spiritual practices is extremely
powerful charity. As the
participant’s hunger is satisfied
by an offered meal, God pours
spiritual blessings on the donor.
Feast Days
Whether near or far, you can
participate in the pujas that
are performed throughout the
year and recieve an abundance
of blessings.
Guru Purnima
Lakshmi Puja
Ramji Puja
Hanumanji Puja
As I know you are the saavior of the forssaken.
You liberated Meera and Tullsidas, and Dhruva and Praahlad.
You liberated so many of your devotees.
day, please liberate me also!