Current Issue - Medical Marijuana Colorado | Medical Marijuana
Current Issue - Medical Marijuana Colorado | Medical Marijuana
4 : 2 0 Innsivseru ey r sa 2nd A .com April 2012 “Wisdom” through the ages… “Ignorance is Bliss …” Thomas Gray, poet (1742) “Christianity is a passing fad.” Marcus Aurelius, Emperor of Rome, 161 to 180 AD “The earth is flat.” Charles K. Johnson, president of the International Flat Earth Research Society “The World Will End In 1982.” Pat Robertson, Televangelist “If women could vote, they’d divorce their husbands. They’d leave their children and maybe turn criminal. They’d hide ballots up their sleeves and commit voter fraud.” Member of Oklahoma Legislature in debate over 19th Amendment, 1918 “Marijuana has no medicinal value.” Barbra Roach, head of the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration in Denver, 2012 YOUR VOICE SLIMED!!! – No, this is NOT Ghostbusters !!! It’s April, time for 420 !!! First, a word of support for Boulder DA Stan Gar- they produce. Never fear, in the ever-efficient world of corporate profits, they have found a use for the tons and tons of chicken shit – they feed it to the cows !!! Yummmm … Along with dead chickens, cows, pigs, etc. Double yummm … (cont inued on p12) Be sure to check out the 420 Rally – two days this year !!! schedule on p14 David nett. How refreshing to see some plain old common sense. The “people” agree with the DA that: “I [we] can see no Another round of letters has gone out threatening more MMCs legitimate basis in this judicial district to focus the resources and landlords. One of our major supporters, Kind Meds on Federal of the United States government on the medical marijuana at Kentucky, got one. Two of our supporters got hit in the first round. dispensaries that are otherwise compliant with Colorado law I’m not sure what Kind Meds will do - move if they can, I suppose. or local regulation,” he continues. “The people of Boulder This, after putting 2 years of hard work and tens of thousands into County do not need Washington D.C. or the federal govern- renovations. If you haven’t visited Kind Meds, you should. Check out ment dictating how far dispensaries should be from schools, all the work they’ve done to make a nice place to serve patients - much or other fine points of local land use law.” Where are our of which will be wasted by the arbitrary zoning enforcement by the other Colorado officials? Only one has any balls? Pathetic. feds. Since when were the feds responsible for zoning, anyway? They Didn’t they take an oath to defend the Constitution of want to keep dispensaries away from schools ... why? Trying to protect Colorado? the Cartel drug sales locations ? The schools are FULL of drugs of all Ever feel like a mushroom – kept in the dark and fed shit? Do kinds. Yeah ... lets spare the schools. mushrooms know they are kept in the dark? No … and neither do most Americans. Last month we discussed Monsatan and the Frankenfood we are all being fed, without our knowledge – in spite of the fact that other countries label GMO foods for their people. In France, With the help of our friends at 7th Floor, LLC, we give away a Silver Surfer Vaporizer with EACH issue where they have a choice, over 75% of consumers will not buy GMO foods. Why don’t they want us to know what they are feeding us? They fight consumer groups about labeling. If it was good for us, they would be advertising !!! Same with things like “Pink Slime”. Disgusting. Good news: in March Safeway, Kroger (King Soopers) and others have decided to stop selling pink slime !!! This just happened BECAUSE PEOPLE BECAME AWARE and said ENOUGH !!! We are ALL patients and concerned about our health. Let’s start with the increase in diabetes, cancer, heart disease, ADHD and many other afflictions. You are what you eat is about as true a thought as there is. Frankenfood, Pink Slime and other corporate foods-for-profit are causing HUGE health issues. And in the only country where health care is a purely capitalistic enterprise based on profit. Where we take twice as many expensive prescription drugs as anyone else on the planet. Do you see a pattern here? If corporations can make $$, there is no protection for us – the consumer/ victims of corporate greed. As usual, you can follow the money and where money can be made, corporate “citizens” who can afford lobbyists dictate policy and what we are told by our government. PBS shows programs on our food supply and the DVDs are available at Amazon. If you don’t know what we’re being fed, you should check it out. For example, the GIANT chicken factories have a huge problem with the massive volume of chicken shit The articles and opinions in this magazine have been submitted by individuals and are not the product of or, necessarily, the opinion of, Mile Hi MMJ Patient. The authors are expressing their own opinions. April 2012 Mile Hi MMJ Patient 3 PatientStories Rare Sarcoma Cancer Survivor Reprinted from Medicinal Marijuana of Colorado Forum at Al Rose begins to fidgets and re-adjusts his body dur- by Amne Livingson of BioHealth Wellness Center ing my interview, I can see pain in his eyes as he narrates Al Rose never his story. Al is very soft spoken, so I move closer to hear his thought that he heartfelt words. A Draftsman by trade, his work depended would be fighting upon him to plan and think logically on his feet to meet the for his life a second daily demands of long hours in a team based environment. time in just a four As his condition progressed, his ability to function at work year span! At the diminished with the vast number of medications to keep him on-start of 2011 up and going and then the steady supply of more in the eve- he discovered he ning to enable him to interact with the family and find a good had Ewing Sar- night’s sleep. Overwhelmed and feeling the financial strain, coma Cancer, just he filed for disability, and without the steady income he lost two years after his his home to foreclosure, along with his pride. He slipped into recent recovery of depression and started binge drinking along with his cocktail congestive heart failure and life long struggle with Fibro- of prescriptions. myalgia. Ewing Sarcoma Cancer, which builds abnormal Mid year of 2011, he had reached his breaking point -- he growths anywhere in the body but found primarily on the knew he couldn’t maintain -- or even, live this way on a day connective tissue near the bones can spread to muscles, and to day basis very long, he had to make some changes. organs quickly. Found by American Pathologist, Dr. James Fortunately for Al, his wife knew he needed a break, so Ewing in the 1920’s, James identified the cancer as a bone she drove him to a close family member in need of a visit. tissue cancer that builds tumors anywhere connective tissue Once there, this particular family member displaced the focus exists in the body. Sarcoma can be found on the arms, legs, from herself towards Al, encouraging him to open up and pelvic region, spinal column and ribs. This particular cancer focus on what was important to him. She explained the dire requires the tumors to be surgically removed and then be need to seek natural options that did not build on the backs treated with radiation and/or with chemotherapy. If the can- of pharmaceuticals companies turning them into an addict. cer is nipped in the bud, the patient has a high rate of survival As a patient, she too needed cost effective medicine that of- pending he/she was able to remove it in the early stages. fered focused benefits, and medical marijuana provided that. Sarcoma, is a difficult cancer to detect. Found primarily in Not having anything else to lose, he took a small toke of the active teenagers and adolescents that engage in a mirada of medicine noticing the near instantaneous reaction that it had sports, the cancer causes intense pain that reaches deep into on his body. He recorded a large improvement in his ability the joints making it nearly impossible to move around. Al to cope and manage his pain. As a soldier of Vietnam, mari- Rose clearly did not fit the criteria for this type of cancer. He juana was abundant and readily available, now discovering is a tall adult male, in his late fifties, and does not necessar- it all over again, it peaked his interest and his concern at the ily partake in a daily regime of physical activities due to his same time. In fact, this particular event left him searching for life changing open heart surgery in 2007. The onset of the answers; why didn’t any of his doctors encourage him to look Sarcoma cancer baffled the doctors once pinpointed. into alternative medicine, let alone medical marijuana. Diagnosis of Sarcoma requires a complete analysis of the The weekend passes and early Monday morning, his body, MRI bone scans, and other medical tests such as biop- oncologist calls him with the bad news, the diagnosis has sies are performed. Biopsies of any tumor(s) are conducted been confirmed. He is told he must return to the hospital using a long needle under anesthesia to extract a portion of immediately where a ten pound tumor is removed from his the cancerous tumor. These very tiny extractions are trans- leg near the groin area. As he endures yet another operation ported to the laboratory for immediate analysis. Sometimes, in such a short order of time, he prepares his family for the additional extractions may be taken on other body parts to worst. Life is not always what you expect he mutters, you are determine the pace of spreading cancer. In this particular thrown darts from every angle and you begin to look into the case, this was not necessary. ‘why me’ syndrome. Al is the winner of an SSV — from 7th Floor, LLC — a Colorado company. 4 Mile Hi MMJ Patient PatientStories Shortly after his surgery, with his loving wife at his side, Reprinted from Medicinal Marijuana of Colorado Forum at his rate of survival in life going forward required him to seek he begins intravenous radiation and months long of che- alternative methods simply so that he could get back on his motherapy to address the tumor. He recalls how nauseous feet to provide for his family, and address the pain head-on his body became with just a few radiation treatments in the with more natural and effective form of medicine that did not beginning along with his daily plethora of prescriptions he provide addiction and self reliance on pharmaceutical prod- was dispensed. Fatigued, not eating, constantly nauseous, ucts. As a Veteran, Al was not new to marijuana benefits, but and fighting for his life again, he makes a visit to his doctor rather to the multitude of legal, medical marijuana infused where he comfortably shared his marijuana experience to the products that offer beneficial pain relief from products such Oncologist. Shocked by the next turn of events, his Oncolo- as sunflower seeds, citrus and tootsie flavored chews, granola, gists recommended that he become licensed and seek medical cheesecakes, and medicated drinks that carry long lasting marijuana treatment as soon as possible. Al was elated with healthy and natural benefits. the turn of the events. Some of these infused products are not for the weak at It has been proven, that we Americans are over medicated heart, containing hundreds of milligrams of medicine that by the pharmaceutical companies and the doctors compensat- once ingested dispense the proper dose of medical marijuana ed by them for every whim and whimper! Our health “over- in a timed release pattern for the body need. As a patient, he medicalized”, that is, every human ill, vice, and failing being further emphasizes that each patient is unique and all dos- turned into a disease to be treated by doctors, usually with ages should be carefully weighted and measured to provide pills. And, in turn does it seem that almost every problem has the optimal dosage of medical marijuana. When you really given rise to its own government agency? Have you noticed analyze this from a brass tacks perspective, what other form that everywhere you look there is a “National Whatever” of medicine provides an effective, natural benefit to aid in label for everything associated with hundreds of illnesses maintaining a quality life? and diseases? And for the record, it is not my intent to knock these agencies or the benefit millions of citizens utilize to find answers to their illness and ongoing wellness; but rather it is up to you to seek out other alternative and wellness options to may better your life options. It’s bothersome that we are treated as cattle, having even one similar symptom, thus we must be dispensed the same medicine as our neighbors or best friends to treat the same illness. And thankfully, the focus today has changed somewhat beginning with medical schools now teaching students that ‘preventive’ care or ‘wellness’ is a more appropriate way to to deal with health promotion, prevention and longevity with natural products that benefit your body’s need for holistic approach. For this rare cancer survivor patient, he knew that To r t s R U s The best patient story printed each issue will win a Silver Surfer Vaporizer! Details on our forum: links on the upper right on our home page: 7th Floor, LLC, the makers of the SSV, is generously offering this gift for the best patient story next month. Made in Colorado!! Tired of spending hours trimming your medicine by hand? Rent the Trim Reaper and let the machine do the work for you! Call now to Tired of Spending hours reserve it for your next harvest! Paralegal services for attorneys, businesses and individuals. trimming medicine by hand? A few hours, a few days, a few weeks – flexible Rent the TRIM REAPER and let the machine do the work for you! 303-335-9744 CALL NOW to reserve it for your next harvest! David Cerullo April 2012 303-335-9744 Mile Hi MMJ Patient 5 PatientStories The truth about MMJ: A Vets Perspective (Ptsd Treatment) I was 21 years old when I joined the USAF. I became a The big problem was that the pain was a psychological trigger for Flashbacks and Actual Reliving the event. I had flashbacks and nightmare while in service but at that time the hydraulic Specialist. I knew the risk of getting hurt from Military didn’t like to admit of confirm I had PTSD. I asked hydraulics was always there. It was something we didn’t try several doctors I cant sleep I keep dreaming the accident and to dwell on otherwise the ability to work around high pres- it was vivid and didn’t feel quite like just a dream it felt far sure systems would have been hampered by the fear, so as a to real. There resolution to my problems was sleeping pills. hydraulic mechanic you accept the risk and continue to work. Well that really wasn’t the ticket it did work somewhat. Made On Aug 07 1991, the unthinkable happened. I was working me sleep more but didn’t stop the nightmare. So I quit taking at Tyndall AFB, proceeded to test a stabulator actuator from them because I knew when I took it I would sleep, but I also the F-15 which came in from an aircraft that was heading knew I was pretty much going to have a nightmare. So that back to Alaska. When I placed the component on the test was a fail. stand the initial test was ran up to about 2900 psi and I did I continued to deal with the physiological problems be- see fluid leak couldn’t tell where is was coming from so I ran cause all the AF doctors didn’t want to say I had PTSD. The the pressure down so I could rotate the actuator. I flipped it discharge would have been very different if they did. So when 180 Deg. Then I proceeded to apply pressure I ran it up to they did discharge me it was “Honorable with 10% service around 2800 psi, then a loud bang and an unbelievable pain connected disability”. So when I did get out I went straight in my left hand. I didn’t even know what happened. I thought to the VA and was in a lot of distress. I found a Doctor he a hose ruptured and it slapped me in the hand and cut me and specialized in PTSD. He was shocked in a way that they let filled my hand with hot hydraulic fluid. I was rushed to ER, me go in such a bad condition. Well anyways I started to take soon it was discovered that I had a metal plug, the size of a the PTSD medication and was getting some relief. The drug die lodged in my hand. They rushed me to surgery. given was like a crap shoot. Basically prescribe the symptoms. I fully accepted that I was going to lose at least 2-3 fingers Soon after my hand swelled up turned red and bingo and if I was lucky and the whole hand at the worse. Not sure how another Debridement. Went on to become a routine surgery. long it was or took I remember waking up and seeing all my I ended up getting a job with the DOD working on the exact finger tips hanging out of the large wrap my hand was in. I same actuator that blew up on me. I asked “Why do I have couldn’t believe I still had all my digits. I couldn’t feel much to work on the same equipment that hurt me.” They said but pain at this point. My hand remained open for a few days “Because YOU HAVE THE MOST EXPERIENCE WITH to help with the swelling and I guess to let more fluids drain. IT”. I thought that was kind of messed up but they didn’t I went back to surgery so they can close my hand. Soon I know about my PTSD. So I sucked it up and proceeded to started long hard physical therapy. Then six months later I work. got an infection so they had to go in and do a MY FAVOR- I was noticing a lot of psychological issues with me work- ITE PROCEDUE “a debridement!!!” I thought ok cool lets ing around the same component. I was getting frequent get the stuff out. flashback and started to get physically ill from the smell Then a wonderful 7 months later I got another infec- 6 Reprinted from Medicinal Marijuana of Colorado Forum at of hydraulic fluid. I stuck with it because I had a wife and tion, so guess what? They had to do the surgery again. I two babies 3 and 4. It got so bad that supervisors and other though ok well there was a lot of oil. I was naive and young employees notice how ill I was becoming. So I was being sent and a little wishful thinking on my part. I don’t know why I home constantly. So I went to my doctor and told him what actually though that they was going to get it all out. So went I experienced and his recommendation was for me to get through that surgery. Thought yes done… Nope about 5 away from hydraulics fluid and sounds forever, if I wanted to months later I had to return because I was getting another improve my mental health and to help reduce the physical flu Infection. Finally it kind of stopped getting infected well just like symptoms I was having, He wrote a letter to inform my long enough for them to get me out. So I ended up getting employer. That was the end of my career as a mechanic. I was discharged. Not only did I have the physical trauma but I let go after only lasting 9 months. I went through the long did have PTSD. I thought that would go away in time, but process of the VA C&P with the following appeals because I was wrong. The constant burning pain that I felt from the the VA medical board always lowball the rating. Well to make accident didn’t ever stop, that was disturbing. this part short I finally got through the paperwork and got Mile Hi MMJ Patient PatientStories Reprinted from Medicinal Marijuana of Colorado Forum at granted 100% unemployable, oh the PTSD got 60% of the 14… Now the miracle, I did ask 12 years ago for a doctor to rating at least I got acknowledgment that I did have what the take my finger off I was tired of feeling as if I just got burned. AF doctors said would just go away. He apologized and refused because I had PTSD and he felt While all this VA rating stuff was going on I was continu- it was a mental health issue not for pain or a pain issue. I ing seeing hand and plastic surgeons to try to improvement was very upset and for the next 12 years I struggled with the the functionality hand and pain control oh yea and more opiate and pain and still reliving the accident in the form of Debridement. I went through a radial arm flap surgery to in- nightmares and intrusions and flashbacks. Very frustrated and crease the tissue on the back of my hand because I was losing I was pretty sure it was the pain causing the triggers. Key to movement from all the scare tissue from the multiple surger- successful PTSD treatment it to eliminate the triggers. But ies. It seems to work improved function and form. But did mine was attached. So with the thought of possible removing nothing for pain. That’s when the VA pain management doc- it my self was disturbing, but no I wasn’t going to do that, so tor was called in to help manage my pain meds. I was starting I sought to find a doctor. to be prescribed Morphine and oxycodone. I took 160 mg of Then a I met a doctor to hopefully get this problem fixed. morphine a day and oxycodone for breakthrough pain. This Ironically 3 DAYS before I saw him my ring finger devel- regiment went on for over three years. I was not in a good oped an infection. I guess its good timing.… He listened to state I could not function at any normal capacity. I did have my story and said he totally understood and he would do it. less pain but with the pain pills and the PTSD medication I was so pleased. The result truly is amazing. My med count functioning was not plausible. I lost so much being on those 3 meds for PTSD 1 PRN. Total pain meds I took the day medications. The pain doctor that was helping with my pain before surgery was 14 pain pills a day. Now after recovery issue said he was conducting research for UC DAVIS PAIN from the surgeries I now take at the most 4 pain pills a day. CLINIC that he had outside of the VA. Asked if I wanted to Went from a total of 26 pills a day down to 4 a day. Now with go through the Trial I said YES I really hate morphine. my regiment of MMJ and very little PHARMA meds I am a The Trial was for Medical Marijuana for pain. I was pleas- new person. I went for over 21 years of constant burning pain antly surprised that it did a good job on cutting the edge off and psych issues triggered by the pain. NOW! No burning, the pain. So from that point on I started to use MMJ. I found very manageable pain. And the blessing in disguise I have not that there were specific strains and Cannibinoid combina- relived, flashbacked or had a nightmare of my trauma. I for tions that work for pain. So I seeked them out. As a nice side the first time in 21 years had a real dream. I actually sleep… affect I found that my PTSD symptoms were reduced. Still Don’t get me wrong the PTSD is still there I am better not there but better. I thought wow this might be working for cured. I spent several weeks just waiting for a PTSD attack or PTSD. So I started doing research on the effects of Cannabis nightmare. But Nothing… Still 3/10/2012 on PTSD. There wasn’t much out there. I found a couple Thank you for reading my story of sites and forms that stated they had positive results too. I Marijuana needs to be removed from scheduled 1 status. found a couple of people that have had about 50%-70% of Steven Monas, USAF, DAV there PTSD symptoms go away from daily use of cannabis. I found out was effective for them Law office of lee T. Balman, llc as far as how much to take. So I ramped up on the potency of the MMJ. And surprisingly many of my symptoms started to fade. I still when justice matters had flashback and reliving experiences but few and far between. I was getting more success since the introduction to MMJ three years ago. My PTSD med count went from 6 different meds down to 3, and my pain meds went from morphine and oxycodone to Hydrocodone and oxycodone. Total count was 12 psych meds and 14 pain meds a day. This became my regiment. Oh yea total flap/Debridement surgery count is April 2012 Lee T. Balman Attorney at Law 1780 South Bellaire Streeet Suite 584 Denver, CO 80222 Ph: 720-323-7558 Fax: 303-322-3192 Mile Hi MMJ Patient 7 M M J S e n ior s Talking to Grandma About Marijuana day that marijuana offers healing properties that Big Pharma The biggest users Talking to Grandma About Marijuana can’t necessarily duplicate. How do we guide our parents The title of this blog post sounds odd, doesn’t it? Growing and grandparents past the negative stereotypes to educate up, we’ve been bombarded by public service ads designed to them on natural healing? From the time we are children, we get parents to talk to their kids about drug addiction, but now have been taught that healing comes in an amber tube and there is a non-profit out there called The Silver Tour dedi- a tight white lid – that’s not necessarily true. If groups like cated to educating seniors about medical marijuana use. As The Silver Tour can reach our older generations and let them we get older/better we become more susceptible to illness and aches, and proponents of cannabis want our elders to know that there are ways to combat the pains associated with aging that don’t involve expensive pills. I will admit it’s been difficult to watch my parents age. Every time I visit their hair appears grayer and they don’t move around as agilely as they once did. I have to speak up at times so they can under- know they don’t have to live with pain, perhaps that thought stand me, and I should expect to make certain concessions to will trickle down to the rest of us. If my parents decided to accommodate their age. We knew this going into life that it try medical cannabis I would certainly not be ashamed. I’d be ends eventually, but all I’d want for my parents is for them to proud to know that my parents keep open minds to alterna- remain as vital and alert as I remember them. If that means tive healing. suggesting alternative methods of treatment to improve their Bobbie Carson life, you know I’m going to bring it up at Sunday dinner! Now, my parents hold the belief that drugs = bad. The word marijuana conjures images of gun-toting drug runners and slack-jawed stoners who can barely lift a finger to change the channel. Yes, we laugh at the stereotypes and goofy pictures on Tumblr, but we know at the end of the FBI giving speeding tickets at Bandamere Speedway !!! I n a completely unexpected turn of events FBI agents ticketed dozens of race car drivers and other participants at a race at the local speedway West of Denver. When asked why, an FBI spokesman said: “It is against the law to speed. They were breaking the law, we are only doing our job. Oh, … also, … speeding endangers children.” There you have it people: speeding is against 8 Mile Hi MMJ Patient the law !!! Simple. Several cars clocked at more than 100 miles an hour over the (repealed in 1995) National Maximum Speed Law of 65 were confiscated from drivers under federal forfeiture statutes. Legal fees will exceed the values of the cars confiscated in most cases. In a related story, a DEA spokesperson said that lethal prescription drugs are legal in some cases, but not in others. 5 MMJ Law & Policy The law is the law is the law, yes ? No ? What about a regulatory scheme to deal with the peoples’ wishes. What State law v Federal Iaw ? The US Constitution is the foun- part of that do the unneeded and unwanted feds not under- dation for all law in the USA – along with some traditional stand ??? common law. So … let’s start at the beginning. The terror- We have local officials taking fees and giving licenses – ists – oh, excuse me, the Colonists overthrew the British be- and federal outsiders closing those same businesses. Isn’t it cause they were being dictated to by people far away and out GREAT that we, the taxpayets get to pay all the salaries on of touch. That’s a simplification but … sound familiar ? The both sides ??? “feds” are always quick to point out the supremacy of federal Former Presidents warned us about overreaching govern- law. The FIRST thing is that the feds must respect the ment and the centralization of power in Washington. The basis for federal law - the US Constitution. The TENTH Founding Fathers tried to give us the tools to keep the feds AMENDMENT is clear: working for the people instead of themselves. Those days are gone. I’ve watched the federal government grow into “The powers not delegated to the United an overbearing monster in my lifetime. The Sons of Lib- States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it erty would be considered terrorists today and the Founding to the States, are reserved to the States respec- Fathers would be aghast at the seeming unbridled growth of tively, or to the people.” the federal government – often at the expense or peril of the States and the people. We deserve better from out public of- In plain English, the feds MUST leave matters to the States unless specifically delegated to it [fed govt] in the Constitution. That is FEDERAL law and must be followed, even ficials and, if we don’t speak up it will only get worse. There is a reason for the 10th Amendment. It is TIME for people to stand up and demand that our by the States, correct ? And as our “local” feds would quickly public servants show some respect. The feds think, and throw in our face. So … what the hell are the feds doing unfortunately they are right, that THEY are bigger than enforcing zoning laws and worried about mold in Colorado WE are. They have more power. Especially compared to a basements ? If they don’t respect the Colorado Constitu- lone citizen or business. It is unacceptable that highly placed tion or the people of this (or any) State, they should, at least, public officials pursue their own profoundly ignorant agen- respect the US Constitution, including the 10th AMEND- das, unconcerned about “the people”and States’ rights – at MENT !!! taxpayer expense. Who do they answer to ? Their personal Is it really that hard to see the difference between State agendas conflict with the truth and even the public policies licensed and regulated facilities that serve only registered of their bosses. How can any, intelligent, highly paid public patients and illegal drug trafficking ? The Tenth Amendment official, especially with the D(rug)EA, say that marijuana has is clear – the feds must leave everything they can to the States no medical value ? The American people and the State of and to “the people”. The people of Colorado have codified Colorado deserve better. medical marijuana and the State authorities have developed About the Cover… Americans deserve respect and fair treatment from their public officials. My opinon, as is the cover. It is not an accident that someone so profoundly ignorant has risen to the top in the DEA. The “War on Drugs” is a war on the truth. Marijuana is the “gateway drug” to exposing government lies and disrespect. Note the disingenuous claims of “protecting the children” by AUSA John Walsh (closing MMCs near schools). Tens of thousands of children are endangered, even killed, from drunken driving and prescription drugs to swimming pools and TVs falling on them, but Walsh closes State licensed MMCs. WHO do these “public servants” serve ? We have local governments working with a regulatory framework for MMCs and the feds “busting” the same businesses. We, the citizens and residents are paying BOTH sides … to fight with each other. We are paying one group of bureauRats to “dig a hole” and another group to fill it up. Local governments are collecting substantial fees and issuing licenses … and the feds are coming in and bullying these licensed businesses into closing/ moving if they can, whatever. April 2012 Mile Hi MMJ Patient 9 Veterans & MMJ Meet an officer who has been killing soldiers at Ft. Lewis. PTSD misdiagnosis scandal leads to firings By Kevin Baker, February 24, 2012 cal-Marijuana The author is a php/3725-The-Case-for-Treating-PTSD-in-Veterans-With-Medi former infantry Staff php/2973-ARTICLES-ABOUT-VETERANS-AND-PTSD-NY-Times Sergeant—with 28 php/1976-General-use-of-cannabis-for-PTSD-Symptoms months in Iraq—who was stationed at Ft. Lewis: Suicides, Murders, and Waterboarding of Child Ft. Lewis and went through the medical discharge process at http://silencedmajority. Madigan Healthcare System. jority_portal/2011/09/ the-new-normal-man-in- “Col. Dallas Homas trouble-for-waterboarding-daughter.html was administratively removed from his Army’s Madigan Healthcare System near Joint Base Lewis- White House, US Courts and EPA shaft Veterans to protect Monsanto McChord in Washington state, Army officials announced Cassandra Anderson, Natural Society, February 8, 2012 position as head of the Feb. 20. Col. Homas, a West Point graduate, had headed the medical center since March 2011. Col. Homas was removed during an Army inquiry into the “American veterans and the entire country of Viet Nam affected by Agent Orange have been shafted beyond imagination due to corruption within the US government and practice of intentionally not diagnosing Post Traumatic Stress US courts. US courts have protected Monsanto and Dow Disorder in soldiers. Such Chemical from liability and criminal prosecution. The US a diagnosis entitles one to government has shielded Monsanto and Dow from the mas- certain rights, benefits and sive cost of medical treatment for victims and environmental compensation. remediation cleanup costs that would drive these corporations into bankruptcy. Col. Homas, the Before we delve further into the issue, it’s important to de- commander in charge of making sure soldiers on tail what exactly dioxin is. Dioxin has a half life of 100 years base are being cared for, or more when it is below the surface, leached into soil or denied soldiers their right embedded in river or stream sediment. Dioxin was generated to medical treatment and as a byproduct of herbicide 2,4,5-T made by Monsanto and other rights to “save tax- Dow, the top 2 producers of Agent Orange. It causes cancer, payer money”—an absurd birth defects, liver damage and other major health problems.” statement considering the multi-million dollar defense budget that has unlimited funds for corporate defense contractors, but suddenly “not enough ans-to-protect-monsanto/ It’s all smiles for Col. Homas; he’s got a sweet job, with no accountability for his actions— even if dozens of wounded soldiers die on his watch. money” when we’re entitled to compensation for legitimate psychological wounds. Just weeks earlier, two top doctors in charge of PTSD at Ft. Lewis were also fired.” 10 officer-whos-been.html Mile Hi MMJ Patient php/3838-Monsanto-poisoning-us-with-patented-crops Colorado Health Department Lobbies Against Access to Medical Marijuana For Veterans “DENVER, COLORADO — On Monday, March 22, the Colorado House Judiciary Committee will consider HB 1284, a bill to regulate the distribution of medical marijuana of the evidence, health professionals in New Mexico agreed in the state. Rep. Sal Pace will offer an amendment to allow that medical marijuana could be beneficial for patients suffer- individuals diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder ing with PTSD. By contrast, health officials in Colorado are to have access to medical marijuana, if they have a recom- attempting to deny veterans and other individuals with PTSD mendation from a psychiatrist. The Colorado Department of a legitimate treatment alternative based on nothing more Public Health and Environment is actively lobbying mem- than fear mongering and misinformation. We demand that bers of the legislature to oppose this amendment. officials in the department publicly release the studies they The actions of the Colorado Health Department stand in stark contrast to the thoughtful process followed by its counterpart in New Mexico, which added PTSD to the list have reviewed to determine that the risks of using marijuana for PTSD patients outweigh the potential benefits. “We are further outraged by reports that Colorado Health of qualifying conditions for medical marijuana patients in Department officials are telling state legislators that allow- that state in February 2009. The New Mexico Department ing psychiatrists to recommend medical marijuana to PTSD patients is like giving alcohol to an alcoholic,” Fox continued. “The sad irony is that many PTSD patients have serious alcohol problems that worsen their overall state of health. As of Health’s decision followed a recommendation of approval from an advisory board of eight medical practitioners, who examined the evidence and determined that the use of marijuana by patients with PTSD could be a beneficial treatment option, if used in accordance with a recommendation from a psychiatrist. “We are frankly disgusted by the actions of the Colorado Health Department,” said Steve Fox, director of state we have seen in New Mexico, the psychiatrist-advised use of medical marijuana can actually help PTSD patients reduce their alcohol intake, dramatically increasing their quality of life. Moreover, it is widely known that both alcohol and many of the pharmaceutical drugs given to PTSD patients increase the risk of suicide. Marijuana use does not. The Department officials’ callous disregard of this fact alone should make them ashamed of their actions.” campaigns for the Marijuana Policy Project. “After a review Focus on Supporters My best friend of 15 years, Hannah, was diagnosed with help her with nausea, sleeplessness, depression, and pain aggressive stage 3B breast cancer (invasive ductal carcinoma) management. I don’t know if she would have made it through at age 25. One week later she underwent a double radical as well as she did without it. I am happy to say that Hannah mastectomy (they removed both breasts, skin and tissues). had her 5 year “cancerversary” this past October. I opened At the time she was the youngest breast cancer patient in Riverside Wellness to help people like Hannah, and people the State of Colorado. She went on to have 18 rounds of with other types of ailments as well. I believe that MMJ is a chemotherapy all together ( two of which were double dose far better alternative than prescribing someone addictive nar- dense chemo), 5 total reconstruction surgeries, one expander cotic pain medication, and I believe it to be far more effective reconstruction and a hysterectomy, not to mention the loss in managing pain. I am an MMJ patient myself, and I want to of her hair. I can tell you with certainty that medicating with service my community with a legally compliant MMC, where marijuana helped with her ordeal and recovery more than patients can come to a safe environment and receive the high- any medication prescribed by her physician. She would have est quality of Medical Marijuana. to medicate with marijuana every morning in order to have Danielle an appetite so that she could eat before taking her prescrip- Riverside Wellness tion pills that would otherwise make her sick. I watched it April 2012 Mile Hi MMJ Patient 11 Focus on Issues What can I do??? • Ask if your store sells/ labels Frankenfood. Labels ? • Start with “organic” eggs and milk. dous amount of water (If water used by the meat industry [in • Eat less meat – especially red meat. the United States] were not subsidized by taxpayers, com- • Avoid the myriad of corn sugars and corn fillers – they’re all pretty much GMO. • Ask your elected officials about our food and why we are kept in the dark ? This month we take a look at beef. American consumers have increased the amount of beef they eat by 100% since WWII. Additionally, beef production consumes a tremen- mon hamburger meat would cost $35 a pound. You need 25 gallons of water to produce a pound of wheat—2,500 gallons to generate a pound of meat) and getting it to market is very expensive in energy costs. Higher red meat consumption increases mortality risk March 14, 2012, HealthDay News Eating more red meat increased the risk for all-cause mortality and death from cardiovascular disease (CVD) and cancer, during the study period, data from two large prospective studies showed. During 28 years of follow-up, each additional serving of red meat consumed per day was associated with a 13% to 20% increased risk of all-cause mortality, Frank Hu, MD, PhD, of the Harvard School of Public Health in Boston, and colleagues reported in the Archives of Internal Medicine. Meat production produces more greenhouse A nationwide study [a ground beef microbiological survey] published in 1996 by the USDA [United States Department of Agriculture] found that … 78.6 percent of the ground beef contained microbes that are spread primarily by fecal material. The medical literature on the causes of food poisoning is full of euphemisms and dry scientific terms: coliform levels, aerobic plate counts, sorbitol, MacConkey agar, and so on. Behind them lies a simple explanation of why eating a hamburger can now make you seriously ill: There is shit in the meat. The food industry spends around $33 billion a year in advertising and promotion to persuade people to eat more food. It’s a public health nightmare: The number of people in this country [the United States] who are obese doubled from the late 1970s to the early 1990s. Over one quarter of adults, and more than 12 percent of children in the US are obese. Companies like Coca-Cola, Procter & Gamble and Slim-Fast sponsor university-based research and nutrition journals. American Dietetic Association fact sheets on food and nutrition are sponsored by Monsanto, NutraSweet and Campbell. 12 Mile Hi MMJ Patient gas emissions than transportation with direct emissions from meat production accounting for some 18% of world’s total. (This includes emissions generated from clearing forests and land, making and transporting fertilizer, burning fossil fuels in farm vehicles, and the front and read end emissions from cattle and sheep.) By contrast, transport accounts for 13% of total global greenhouse gas emissions. So, as well as potential health benefits from reduced meat consumption/production, there can be significant environmental benefits, tackling climate change perhaps being the most urgent. You can find many shocking FACTS about our corporate beef and food on the web: Are your meds SECURE ??? GearBox This is an ABS plastic box that is air tight and waterproof. It is lockable, so you can secure your medicine from anyone* who shouldn’t have access to it. MADE IN COLORADO! Inside Dimensions: 7.75” long 3.75” wide 3.50” deep Outside Dimensions: 8.25” long 4.50” wide 4.00” deep Also available at: High Level Health Just South of Colfax on Lincoln 970 Lincoln • Denver, CO 80203 303-839-9333 2028 E. Colfax • Denver, CO 80206 303-355-9333 Riverside Wellness 3722 Chestnut Place Denver, CO 80216 720-381-0214 Kind Love EAST Colorado and Alameda/ Leetsdale 4380 East Alameda Avenue Denver, CO 80246 (303) 565-3600 TMC 105 E 7th Ave. Denver, CO 80203 (720) 328-4730 Alameda Wellness Center Just West of Broadway on Alameda 183 W. Alameda Avenue • Denver, CO 80223 303-736-6999 Botanico Downtown Just East of LoDo 3054 Larimer Stree • Denver 80205 303-297-2273 Free On Street Parking Right Out Front! April 2012 Wholesale inquiries contact Mile Hi MMJ Patient 13 4-20 Rally Schedule of Events/Lineup APRIL 20th APRIL 21ST 9:00-11:10 11:45-12:00 Top Community Fundraising / MJ Music Groups Popular Marijuana Music: By D.J. X 11:10-11:40 Jack Flash Hemp Fashion Show by Hoodlab & Judy Dentici 12:00-12:20 Contest and Awards Ceremony Part 1 11:40-12:40 Top Community Fundraising / MJ Music Band TBA Best & Worst, Youngest/Oldest M.M.C. Owner 12:40-1:40 Bubba Kush Benediction Most Greedy-Josh Stanley 1:40-1:55 Too Short Most Politically Incorrect 1:55-2:15 Indica Invocation U.S. Marijuana Party 12:20-12:40 Top Community Fundraiser/MJ Performance 2:15-2:30 Top Community Fundraising / MJ Music Groups 12:40-1:00 Best/Worst Bud Tender 2:30-2:50 Platform to the Key Note Address:Dr Bob 1:00-1:30 Speech Contest 1:30-2:00 Joint Rolling Contest 2:05-2:25 Best 420 Rally Costume Contest Best new activist of the year Best Supporting activist 2:25-2:40 Top Community Fundraising & MJ Music Groups Contest and Awards Ceremony Part 2 2:50-4:20 The Key Note Address Miguel Lopez 4:20-4:3520:12 14 4:35-4:45 Thank you, dedications & acknowledgements 4:45-5:00 Hypnautic & King Tef/Judy Dentici Models 2:40-3:05 5:00-5:10 Closing Speech Kim Quiggle, Richard Eastman Sative/Hybrid/Indica/Organic 5:10-6:00 DJ & Band T Concentrates & Edibles Waz / Hash / Oil ? Edible Most Community Involved 3:05-3:20 Top Community Fundraising & MJ Music Group 3:20-4:20 Key Not Address Miguel Lopez 4:20-4:35 Hypnautic/King Tef & Jack Flash Fashion Show by Judy Dentici 4:35-5:00 Top Community Fundraising & MJ Music Band TBA Mile Hi MMJ Patient ting p e c c a now nts e i t a p new 7.50 Cheba Chews $ (Formerly Discount Medical Marijuana) Other dispensaries call US to stock their Top Shelf! 1 ounce for $174 Real Top Shelf, Any Strain Exp 4/30/12 Limit one coupon per patient. Must present coupon at time of purchase. All Day, Every Day! everyone Two Denver Locations! 970 Lincoln St. (Across from the Beauvallon) 2028 E. Colfax (Between Race & Vine) 303-839-9333 303-355-9333 Just a few blocks South of the 420 Rally - on Lincoln