surgical technique guide
surgical technique guide
No-Profile® Anterior Cervical INTEGRATED INTERBODY™ System SURGICAL TECHNIQUE GUIDE TITANIUM-ENHANCED PEEK TECHNOLOGY featuring Technology No-Profile® Anterior Cervical INTEGRATED INTERBODY™ System TABLE OF CONTENTS Introductions & Indications for Use 3-5 Instrument Set 6-7 Surgical Technique 8 Disc Removal & Distraction 9 Device Trialing 10 Device Loading 11 Graft Packing 12 Device Orientation 12 Device Insertion 13 Placement & Confirmation 14 Pilot Hole Preparation 15 Screw Insertion 16 - 17 X-Ray Confirmation 18 Removal / Revision 19 Device Codes & Descriptions 20 About Centinel Spine Centinel Spine began operations in August 2008, through the merger-acquisition of two pioneering medical device companies: Raymedica, LLC and Surgicraft LTD. Founded in 1990, Raymedica became the recognized leader in nucleus replacement devices through the development of revolutionary products like the PDN® and HydraFlex®. Throughout its 18year history, the company developed pioneering technologies and surgical approaches to the spine that helped thousands of patients restore function, reduce back pain, and avoid more invasive procedures. Raymedica was also the first company to develop a system for the Antero-Lateral TransPsoas Approach (ALPA)—implanting the PDN device via lateral access to the spine. In 1992, UK-based Surgicraft launched the revolutionary titanium Hartshill Horseshoe— the first stand-alone anterior lumbar interbody fusion “STALIF®” device. Following 12 years of international clinical success, Surgicraft introduced the highly successful STALIF TT™ to the US spine market in 2004—thereby creating the No-Profile, Integrated Interbody Device market. With superior biomechanics and design rationale, Surgicraft had an unparalleled clinical heritage in the Integrated Interbody space, spanning its entire 26-year history. From the foundation of knowledge gained from the long-term clinical success of its lumbar products, Centinel launched its cervical product, STALIF C®, in 2008. Today, Centinel Spine still embraces the pioneering culture developed at both Raymedica and Surgicraft, continuing on its corporate mission of: •Becoming the leading anterior column support spine franchise. •Providing elegantly simple devices and instruments that are tissue-sparing. •Generating superior clinical outcomes. 4 STALIF C-Ti ™ | SURGICAL TECHNIQUE GUIDE Introduction to STALIF C-Ti™ is a novel, titanium-coated, PEEK Integrated Interbody™ device design, based on the successful STALIF C®. Commercially pure titanium (CP Ti) is applied to the PEEK cage by a plasma spray to create the STALIF C-Ti™ device. The unique CP Ti coating system utilizes a robotic applicator, enabling the creation of a high-quality, reproducible titanium coating. The STALIF C-Ti™ device is plasma spray coated with CP Ti on the superior and inferior endplate contact surfaces of the device. Analysis shows that the plasma spray process provides uniform porosity with controlled roughness and thickness. The surface roughness is twenty times greater than that of a typical PEEK device (Figure A). The increased surface roughness and friction at the bony endplates enhances stability upon implantation.1 Figure A: SEM images (2000x magnification) showing the difference in surface roughness between Standard PEEK Device (left) and CP Ti-Coated PEEK Device (right) The STALIF C-Ti™ device blends benefits of titanium and PEEK integrated interbody devices. Our porous CP Ti coating provides an osteoconductive surface with hydrophilic properties that facilitate human mesenchymal stem cell (hMSC) adhesion and proliferation (Figure B).1, 2 The coating results in bony on-growth to the device surface—further promoting stability and load sharing. PEEK has a modulus of elasticity that is similar to that of cortical bone. Consequently, PEEK cages have a lower subsidence rate than titanium cages whose modulus of elasticity is significantly higher.3 STALIF C-Ti™ has undergone rigorous quality testing according to FDA guidance documents and international standards. Mechanical testing revealed that our CP Ti coated device was equivalent to the existing STALIF C® device. The CP Ti coating was also shown to withstand loading under dynamic testing conditions. 1 Figure B: SEM image (2000x magnification) of adhesion of hMSCs on CP Ti-Coated PEEK 1 References on File / Internal Reports. Chen Y, Wang X, Lu X, Yang L, Yang H, Yuan W, Chen D (2013) Comparison of titanium and polyetheretherketone (PEEK) cages in the surgical treatment of multilevel cervical spondylotic myelopathy: a prospective, randomized, control study with over 7-year follow-up. Eur Spine J 2 Olivares-Navarrete R, Gittens RA, Schneider JM, et al. Osteoblasts exhibit a more differentiated phenotype and increased bone morphogenetic protein production on titanium alloy substrates than on poly-ether-ether-ketone. Spine J. 2012;12:265-272. 3 STALIF C-Ti ™ | SURGICAL TECHNIQUE GUIDE Indications for Use Warnings & Precautions The STALIF C-Ti™ is intended to be used as an intervertebral body fusion device while serving as a standalone system. It should be used with the provided bone screws and requires no additional supplementary fixation systems. • Patients with previous spinal surgery at the levels to be treated may not experience the same clinical outcomes as those without a previous surgery. • Selection of an appropriately sized device for the patient is important and increases the likelihood of a satisfactory outcome. • The implantation of the intervertebral body fusion device should be performed only by experienced spinal surgeons with specific training in the use of this type of device. • Do not use if the package is damaged or opened. Contents may not be sterile. • Do not use if current date exceeds label expiry date. • Do not re-sterilize sterile implants. • Instrumentation provided with the implants must be used in accordance with the approved surgical technique. • Do not use excessive force when introducing and positioning the implant within the intervertebral body space to avoid damaging the implant. • Re-usable surgical instruments must be resterilized prior to next use. • Do not reuse the device even if the device shows no external signs of damage. Internal stresses from previous use may cause early failure. • On insertion of the screw into the STALIF C-Ti™ device, ensure soft tissue is not trapped between the head of the screw and the device. • Should not be used with components of any other system or manufacturer. • Based on fatigue testing results, when using the STALIF C-Ti™ system, the physician / surgeon should consider the levels of implantation, patient weight, patient activity level, other patient conditions, etc., which may impact on the performance of this system. STALIF C-Ti™ is inserted between the vertebral bodies into the disc space from levels C2 to T1 for the treatment of cervical degenerative disc disease (defined as neck pain of discogenic origin with degeneration of the disc confirmed by history and radiographic studies). The device system is designed for use with autograft bone and/or allogenic bone graft composed of cancellous and/or corticocancellous bone graft, to facilitate fusion. STALIF C-Ti™ is intended to be used at one level. The cervical device is to be used in a skeletally mature patient who has had six weeks of nonoperative treatment prior to implantation of the device. Contraindications • Osteoporosis, sepsis • Infection or inflammation at or near the operative site • Fever of undetermined origin • Allergy to implant materials • Patient is unable or unwilling to follow post operative instructions • Disease or condition which precludes the possibility of healing • Prior fusion at the level to be treated • Any conditions not described in the indications 5 6 STALIF C-Ti ™ | SURGICAL TECHNIQUE GUIDE Instrument Set Straight Screwdriver IN255 Punch Awl IN351 Universal-Joint (UJ) Screwdriver IN281 Universal-Joint (UJ) Awl IN407 Ball-Joint Screwdriver IN357 Ball-Joint Awl IN408 Slap Hammer IN236 Angled Awl Guide IN239 STALIF C-Ti ™ | SURGICAL TECHNIQUE GUIDE Tamp IN334 Rongeur (3mm Bite) IN250 Introducer IN235 ”EZ-Out” Screw Remover Sleeve IN282 Lordotic Trial Sizers (14mm A/P) 5.5mm, IN243 6.5mm, IN244 7.5mm, IN245 8.5mm, IN246 9.5mm, IN247 ”EZ-Out” Screw Remover IN283 7 8 STALIF C-Ti ™ | SURGICAL TECHNIQUE GUIDE Surgical Technique The surgeon has a choice of 5 different STALIF C-Ti™ device heights in lordotic profiles. They are supplied sterile and individually packaged. A standard anterior approach is used to access the cervical spine. STALIF C-Ti™ Instrument Set STALIF C-Ti ™ | SURGICAL TECHNIQUE GUIDE 9 Disc Removal & Distraction Locate and confirm the operative level. Using the surgeon’s preferred method, resect the Anterior Longitudinal Ligament (ALL) and perform a complete discectomy (Figure 1). Prepare the endplates and address any obstructive osteophytes. While careful removal of the cartilaginous endplate is critical to a successful fusion, take care not to compromise the integrity of the bony endplates. This will reduce the risk of subsidence. Figure 1: Performing Discectomy please NOTE Take care not to compromise the integrity of the body endplates. STEP 1 10 STALIF C-Ti ™ | SURGICAL TECHNIQUE GUIDE Device Trialing The correct height and footprint of the STALIF C-Ti™ device are determined by inserting the trial sizers into the disc space (Figure 2). If distraction has been used, it must be relaxed prior to trial sizing. To achieve the proper fit it may be necessary to use gentle slap hammer impaction to tap the trial into position. Figure 2: Trial Sizer Insertion please NOTE STEP 2 Imaging should be performed to verify proper trial sizer fit. STALIF C-Ti ™ | SURGICAL TECHNIQUE GUIDE 11 Device Loading After selecting the appropriate STALIF C-Ti™ device, attach the device to the Introducer. Rotate the tensioning knob fully counterclockwise (marked “RELEASE”, see Figure 3). Align the small arrow on the device with the central pin on the Device Introducer. Secure the device to the Introducer by placing the pins into the three screw apertures (Figure 4) and rotating the tensioning knob clockwise (marked “LOAD”, see Figure 5). Tighten securely to ensure a snug fit between the device and the Introducer. Figure 3: Tensioning Knob tech TIP Figure 4: Figure 5: Securing Device Tensioning Knob Once the Introducer has been tightened, check to verify a snug fit between the device and Introducer. STEP 3 12 STALIF C-Ti ™ | SURGICAL TECHNIQUE GUIDE Graft Packing Device Orientation The central cavity of the STALIF C-Ti™ device is filled with autograft bone and/or allogenic bone graft composed of cancellous and/or corticocancellous bone graft. The autograft and/or allograft should be packed so that it exceeds the superior and inferior surfaces of the device by 1mm each (Figure 6). When implanting the STALIF C-Ti™ device, the single screw hole can be positioned either cephalad or caudally (Figures 7a and 7b) to accommodate patient anatomy. Figure 6: STALIF C-Ti™ with Bone Graft please NOTE STEP 4 Figure 7a: Figure 7b: Device Oriented Cephalad Device Oriented Caudal Uncoated areas on the bottom of the device are intentional. These areas are too small to obtain a uniform plasma spray thickness. STALIF C-Ti ™ | SURGICAL TECHNIQUE GUIDE 13 Device Insertion Insert the STALIF C-Ti™ device into the disc space (Figure 8), ensuring that the device center is aligned with the center of the vertebral body. please NOTE Gentle slap hammer impaction can be used against the strike surface of the Introducer to tap the device into position (Figure 9). The Introducer is removed and distraction can now be released. Figure 8: Figure 9: Device Insertion Positioning Device with Gentle Impaction Care should be taken to prevent rotation of the device during insertion. Do not use excessive force when striking the Introducer, as this may damage the device. STEP 5 14 STALIF C-Ti ™ | SURGICAL TECHNIQUE GUIDE Placement & Confirmation STALIF C-Ti™ device positioning should be 1mm proud of the vertebral anterior plane (Figure 10). This allows for additional device movement when preparing pilot holes and tightening the Cancellous Lag Screws. This will result in a device that is flush with the anterior plane. It is advisable to take Anterior/Posterior (A/P) and lateral images (Figures 11 and 12) to ensure that the device is correctly oriented and sits fully within the disc space. If necessary, the device can be repositioned by re-attaching the Introducer or with the provided Tamp. 1mm Figure 11: A/P Image Figure 10: Device Positioning Figure 12: Lateral Image tech TIP If the two posterior markers are not closely aligned, either the x-ray may not be a true lateral or the device may be rotated. STEP 6 STALIF C-Ti ™ | SURGICAL TECHNIQUE GUIDE 15 Pilot Hole Preparation Once device positioning is confirmed, the preferred awl and awl guide (Figures 13 and 14) are used to create a pilot hole for each screw. The STALIF C® Angled Awl Guide directs the screw’s trajectory, ensuring it provides the desired lag compression of the vertebral bodies onto the device. To allow optimal awl guide access to the screw, a rongeur is provided to remove a small portion of the vertebral body anterior lip, if necessary. Figure 13: Universal-Joint (UJ) Awl and Angled Awl Guide Figure 14: The Punch Awl is Self-Seating please NOTE It is critical that the awl guide be seated and used with the angled awls so the pilot hole is concentric. STEP 7 16 STALIF C-Ti ™ | SURGICAL TECHNIQUE GUIDE Screw Insertion Prior to screw insertion, any soft tissue around the screw hole should be removed to prevent entrapment between the screw head and device. There are three screwdriver options (Figures 15a, 15b and 15c) for screw insertion: Straight, UniversalJoint (UJ), or Ball-Joint. The appropriate length STALIF C® screw is selected and loaded onto the preferred screwdriver. Adopt a thumb and two-finger-style grip (Figure 16) to achieve optimal compressive fixation. This reduces the risk of stripping the bone thread by over tightening. Figure 15a: Straight Screwdriver Figure 15b: Universal-Joint (UJ) Screwdriver Figure 16: Thumb and Two-Finger-Style Grip Figure 15c: Ball-Joint Screwdriver STEP 8 STALIF C-Ti ™ | SURGICAL TECHNIQUE GUIDE The first screw is inserted through the center hole in the device and screwed into the adjacent vertebral body. The second and third screws are then inserted. Do not fully tighten the first screw until all other screws have been placed and tightened. Both Standard and Revision Cancellous Screws feature an Anti Back-Out (ABO®) titanium split ring (Figure 17) which first compresses and then deploys during insertion. Each screw head must be fully seated within the device screw apertures to ensure the ring is properly deployed (Figures 18a and 18b). Figure 18a: Screw Heads Not Fully Seated Figure 17: Cancellous Screw with ABO® Titanium Split Ring Deployed Figure 18b: Screw Heads Fully Seated please NOTE 17 The ABO® titanium split ring is properly deployed when the screw head is fully seated (see above).  18 STALIF C-Ti ™ | SURGICAL TECHNIQUE GUIDE X-Ray Confirmation A/P & lateral X-rays should be taken prior to closing to ensure proper device position by assessing the marker pin positioning. Two markers are clearly evident on an A/P film; on a ‘true’ lateral X-ray, two parallel markers in close approximation may be identified, or the appearance of a single marker if the markers are superimposed (Figures 19a & 19b). Figure 19a: Figure 19b: A/P View (with Single Screw Oriented Cephalad) Lateral View (with Single Screw Oriented Cephalad) STEP 9 STALIF C-Ti ™ | SURGICAL TECHNIQUE GUIDE 19 Removal / Revision Revision involves reversing the steps of implantation. The screwdriver can be used to remove the screws if the thread pattern is intact. In the event that the bone thread has been compromised and a screw cannot be removed with the screwdriver, a screw removal instrument (IN283/1) has been included in the STALIF C-Ti™ instrument set. The Screw Remover is designed to be used in conjunction with the Screw Remover Sleeve (IN282) provided (Figure 20). Place the Screw Remover Sleeve over the affected screw head (the convex screw head profile must sit against the concave sleeve tip) and maintain downward pressure. The placement angle of the sleeve must match the insertion angle of the screw (Figure 21). Figure 21: “EZ-Out” Screw Remover Sleeve Carefully slide the Screw Remover into the sleeve until it contacts the screw head (Figure 22). Maintaining downward pressure on the sleeve to prevent the screw from spinning, slowly rotate the screw remover T-handle counterclockwise until purchase is felt. Once purchase is established, release downward pressure on the sleeve and—while rotating counterclockwise—pull back slowly but evenly on the T-handle to collapse the ABO® split ring and extract the screw (Figure 23). Figure 22: “EZ-Out” Screw Remover Slides into the Sleeve Figure 20: Screw Remover and Sleeve tech TIP Should difficulty with screw purchase be encountered, a gentle slap hammer tap of the T-Handle will assist in screw engagement. Figure 23: Screw Extraction 20 STALIF C-Ti ™ | SURGICAL TECHNIQUE GUIDE Device Codes & Descriptions STALIF C-Ti™ DEVICES (CP Ti Coated PEEK)*: STANDARD BILL OF MATERIALS (BOM) Product Code Anterior Height (mm)** Profile Posterior Height (mm)** AP Depth (mm) Lateral Width (mm) Cavity Volume (cc) Recommended Bone Graft Volume (cc) † C145541-3Tc 5.5 Lordotic 4.1 14 16.5 0.28 0.39 C146551-3Tc 6.5 Lordotic 5.1 14 16.5 0.33 0.44 C147561-3Tc 7.5 Lordotic 6.1 14 16.5 0.39 0.50 C148571-3Tc 8.5 Lordotic 7.1 14 16.5 0.44 0.55 C149581-3Tc 9.5 Lordotic 8.1 14 16.5 0.50 0.61 STALIF C® SCREWS* STALIF C® ABO® Primary Screws ABS1440 STALIF C® 14mm Long Primary ABO® Screw (Ti), 4mm diameter, (1 pack) ABS1540 STALIF C® 15mm Long Primary ABO® Screw (Ti), 4mm diameter, (1 pack) ABS1640 STALIF C® 16mm Long Primary ABO® Screw (Ti), 4mm diameter, (1 pack) STALIF C® ABO® Revision Screws ‡ RAB1440 STALIF C® 14mm Long Revision ABO® Screw (Ti), 4mm diameter, (1 pack) RAB1540 STALIF C® 15mm Long Revision ABO® Screw (Ti), 4mm diameter, (1 pack) RAB1640 STALIF C® 16mm Long Revision ABO® Screw (Ti), 4mm diameter, (1 pack) * Additional screws, revision screws, and devices are available by special request. Call customer service for availability. ** Titanium coating layer adds less than .5mm of height to the device. † This allows for 1mm of excess bone graft, both superiorly and inferiorly. Bronze colored Revision screws have a modified thread profile as compared to the Standard screws. If a Revision screw is required, it is recommended that the longest (safest) length is selected. ‡ Centinel Spine™, Inc. 900 Airport Road, Suite 3B West Chester, PA 19380 Tel: 484.887.8810 Fax: 800.493.0966 Centinel Spine™, STALIF C-Ti™ and INTEGRATED INTERBODY™ are trademarks of Centinel Spine™, Inc. STALIF C®, ABO®, and No-Profile® are registered trademarks of Centinel Spine™, Inc. All rights reserved. LBL032 rev 6 CN889