/- / Pf/vr77'c Trrr /,#'P Louisiana Flistoric Resource Inve ntory Louisiana Division of Historic Preservation Resource lD Number: Office of Cultural Development Departmentof Culture, Recreation and Tourism W-AZEEE-E pt!f|* rasoutaf f] fLJla?,'/ Name of Propefi: z, " Address: ,./;ga 7 Locality: C nOOenOum Attached fl ity/Gomm u Topograph ic City ElCommuntty E Vicinity D nity/Vic i n ity of... Quaa= (3 ll 6asting Previously Surveyed: V", E runl E "r,tr,/<, Quad Size: fl site frtr.tur" fl Nn individuat E run districuelement r,/ f]yes 6ruo (o /' Rural -n!!ttn! Government Preservation Activity: HABS/HAER: E t ; Type: Level of Reeognition: Parish: ; Ib'c' t-t ll Condition: ' NR euiuing E DoE r-/ q7.5 E tS I { oopct fi(o""r El None When, Located Where?: E Section 106 E Grant E fa<CreOit El Local Ord. E Other eligibility: ElPotential individual EI Potential district EI lneligible ,/' $excenent E Good EIrair fl poor E Rutn Remark: ,/ Integrity: EUnaltered D Altered (Historic) f]Aftered (Non-Historic) Remark: Threats: Remark: E Abandonment E Neglect E Alteration ElDevelopment ElGovernment Action one Date of {Ctr3p tD Cons-!ruc{!on: tr Exact Moved: tr yes- *:-.r JZE- gJfro \tWren? _animalfacility _fortfication _ _ _fishing sinole dwellinq Yseinaarystriraure _servant quarter multiple dwelling hotel institutional housing _ _ _ _camp _commerceltrade _ business _ professional _ oryanizational _ fnancial institution _ speciafi store _ department store _ restaurant warehouse _meeting _ _ _ hall _ clubhouse _ civic _ religious facility -religion church school _government _ capitol _ recreatiory'culture _theater _ city hall _ conectional facility _auditodum _museum _ fire station _govemmentoffice _ ouldoor recreation __ custom house -spoltsfacility _ post oflice _monumenUmad<er _publicworks --fa'ir arl _woilof _ cou(house _ agricultur€/sub€lstenc€ _education _ processing _school inigation llacility _ military facility coast guad ftcility _battlesite _landscape Industry _manufaduring _exlradivefacility _wateruorks _plaza -palk _gaden communication facility _transportation _rail-elated _air-ehted _processing site _eneqyprodudion _ health care _ hospital _clinic _sanitadum _ rnedical office _resort _water-related _ _ road-related pedestrian-related _deiense _storage _college facility hodiarltural facility _armsstoEge _ _ single pen _central-hall _shotgun _gableell _double-shotgun _bungalow *camelback _double pen _pyramidalcottage _ _ _ _ _ _ Anne cottage _central-hall, 2 pile cottage _bluffand cottage _central-hall l-house _double-pen l-house _Queen hall-parlor saddlebag creol€ cotlage _dog hall-parlor l-house house central hall, 2 pile house _Queen Anne house four square minimal tradition cotlage _Creole trol -asymetrical Height{ Width: Depth: tr High S$le tr Elements of... tr No Style _ _ExoticRevival Creole/ Frenctr Coloniat -ltalianMlla _sill on ground pier pier _wooden -brick _ _post in gmund ;postonsill _ _fiench _ (notedressing) dapboard/U€atherboard _drop/novelty siding horizontal board _board and batten _wood shingle _ _ bearing bdck bearing stone _stone brick (note bond) decorative concrcte bloct _sheet block slepped gable _clipped gable _cross gable _ _double pitcfi hip _omplex _gable on hip _ rcund asphalt shingle _ built up -_asbestos _other _wood shingle _metal _unknown slate ceramicy'tena cotta tile - other Skyscraper _Craflsman _Modeme _Art Deco cotta glazed bdckitile/block metal _enamelled steel _asbestos _ ---gable end -3able end _asphalt _ _ _ reconstituted wood siding permastone other(seenanative) _unknown aluminunWinylsiding _conical _parapetgable _ _tera (note drcssing) _ _glass _lntemational Style load bearing concrete block reinforced concrcte steel frame/cudain wall unknown construction conqete block _exposed bousillage _pourcd concr€tewall stucco _pigmentedglass _ _ Prairie _Comrnrcial _Chicago slab _ _ _ _ unknorn wood ftame _load _load 3+ continuous consete block _balloonframe timberftame eastem brace frame _ 2o+ _continuous stone _conoete _ 5! -t.s-z 2.s-3 _Tudor _Late GothicRevival _Mission _ltalian Renaissance _Frcnch Renaissance _continuous brick log (note notctr) _hewn log dhorizontal -1.5-2 -2.5 -3 -4_$10_10-20 2.5_3_3+ _'t.5_2 Revival Revival _concrete _ ;llush _Eastlake/Stick concrete block pier pylon pier Q1 _Classical _ltalianate _Romanesque _SecondEmpire _Renaissane _Queen Anne _ Beaux Arts _GothicRevival ;log I _Vidorian Gothic _Shingle Sgle -FederalRevival _Greek 1jJ-symetrical .yertical _flat _unknown _shed _other(see exterior _ _ _ nanative) ridge ddge slope interior/fush _slope center ofi-center _ lateral exterior _rcmoved center _ ofrcenter other unknown _fixed divided _bay _ single-hung oriel _doublehung _pa1ad6n _ sliling _replacernent _1t1 _2 t2 _4 t4 _6/6 _9/9 _4 11 _12 112 _6 l1 _9/6 _stained _multi-. _dhnrond _2 l'l _9 11 _unknown 11 _12 11 _other -triplthung -3 _batten _ flush _fanlight _soeened _ Federal _other _ french _ glazed _ sidelights _ replacement _ Greek Revival number _unknown -panel -partiallyglazed -transom -eueenAnne _ gallery _ portccochere _ integrated _ enclosed portico -gallery wfttp _ -portecochere fullwidth -integrated -enclosed unknown _ _wrap _portico _fullwidth _wrap _unknown _ tullwidth _stoop _balcony _partialwidth _ _balcony _partialwidth _peripteral _other _peripteral _other -stoop _ bggia _attached _screened _verandah _bggia _attached _verandah _scfeened _batten _fixed single date cas€ment _ unknown _other description impact IMS IMS I. M S IMS IMS _ _ _ _ _ _ Plantation Agriculture (1 75G1945) Creole Architecture (1 750 - 1 900) Upland South Culture (1820 -f945) NewOrleans as Seaport (1718 -1945) Transportation Systems (1 8 12 -1 8r'.'l Historic Lumber lndustry (1 880-1920) _Rice Boom (1880-1945) and Gas Industry (1903-1945) =-Oil _ ( 1 80Gl _ agriculture _ religion _ architedure _ science _arcfieology _social history _transportation _art $lu r,tt AngloAmerican Architecture _commer@ _communications _ _ { community planning and development conservation _economics _education _engineering _ entertrainrnenyrecreation heritage exploration/settlernent health/medicine _ethnic _ _ _ _ _ _ _ indushy invenlion landscape architedure law lilerature _maritime history attach 3"x5" black and white photo here _military _ _ performing arts philosophy _politics,/govemment 1crlb bam 3 -transverce.crlb bam 2 - double #l twe:_ datet c/ c commenc-- #2 tvoe: c_ cornmena-date:c/ | storage/mlsc. shed smoke house 6 - sprlng/well house - 5- #3 tDe:_ date. c / c comment: 7 - corn E- coop 9. quailoF #4 type:_ date: e / comment: oflice kltchon 15 - garage l0 - garcconler 11 . 12 - 13 - pigeonnler 1f - machine shed 16 17 18 - orivev -;tab6 other #5 #6 comment: comment: type:_ date: e / c_ We:_ date: c /
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