DEMO - 1965-72 Ford Car Master Parts and Accessory Catalog
DEMO - 1965-72 Ford Car Master Parts and Accessory Catalog
1965/72 FORD CAR FINAL ISSUE Master Parts and Accessories CATALOG Form FP 7635-A & B Supersends All Previous Issues, Changes and Revisions FINAL ISSUE May, 1975 COPYRIGHT 1975 -- FORD MOTOR COMPANY -- DEARBORN, MICHIGAN Copyright © 2005, David E. LeBlanc, Woodbridge, Virginia All Rights Reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission of David E. LeBlanc. For information write to Forel Publishing Company, LLC, 3999 Peregrine Ridge Ct., Woodbridge, VA 22192 Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 2005905199 ISBN: 978-0-9673211-1-0 Forel Publishing Company, LLC 3999 Peregrine Ridge Ct. Woodbridge, VA 22192 Email address: Website: Dedication To my sons, David and Michael Disclaimer Although every effort was made to ensure the accuracy of this book, no representations or warranties of any kind are made concerning the accuracy, completeness or suitability of the information, either expressed or implied. As a result, the information contained within this book should be used as general information only. The author and Forel Publishing Company, LLC shall have neither liability nor responsibility to any person or entity with respect to any loss or damage caused, or alleged to be caused, directly or indirectly by the information contained in this book. Further, the publisher and author are not engaged in rendering legal or other professional services. If legal, mechanical, electrical, or other expert assistance is required, the services of a competent professional should be sought. Introduction Congratulations on purchasing the 1965/1972 Ford Car Master Parts and Accessory Catalog. If you are restoring a classic Ford car, this catalog will be an invaluable resource in determining the correct service part for your project. This Ford Car Master Parts Catalog contains replacement parts and accessories information for Ford, Fairlane/Torino, Mustang, Thunderbird, Bronco, Falcon, Maverick and Pinto for model years 1965 through 1972 for U.S. and Canadian built vehicles. Use the "Text" catalog (FP-7635A) which contains the complete part number in conjunction with the “Illustration" catalog (FP7635-B) which contains the illustrations of all the parts. This product is reproduced from the original Ford Motor Company manuals used during the 19651972 era. As a result of using the original authentic documents, some of the pages may have imperfections such as folds, lines, or off-center alignment of the pages. However, because this catalog has not been re-typed or re-written in any way, you can be assured that what you are reading is exactly how it appeared to Ford technicians of the era. Only the Main Menu pages are not part of the original catalog and are provided simply to help explain how to use this manual. How this Catalog is Organized With over 6000 pages of information in the Master Parts and Accessory Catalog, it is important to understand how the book is organized. The following information is provided as a more detailed explanation to what is found in the “General Information” sections of the Text and Illustration catalogs. Catalogs The Master Parts and Accessory Catalog is actually comprised of two separate catalogs: 1) a “Text" catalog (FP-7635A) which contains the complete part number and 2) an “Illustration" catalog (FP-7635-B) which contains the exploded illustrations of all the parts. Both catalog volumes are used together to identify the correct part for a vehicle. Master Parts and Accessory Catalog • • Text Catalog (FP-7635-A) o Chassis Group Section 10 • Index • Part Numbers Section 20 etc. thru Section 190 o Body Group Section 100 Section 200 etc. thru Section 600 Illustration Catalog (FP-7635-B) o Chassis Group Section 10 • Index • Illustrations Section 20 etc. thru Section 190 o Body Group Section 100 Section 200 etc. thru Section 600 Groups There are two major groups within each catalog: Chassis Group and Body Group. The Chassis Group contains items such as the engine, transmission, brakes, rear axle, heater, springs, etc. The Body Group contains items such as dash panel, doors, instrument panel, floor, rear seat, etc. Sections Both Chassis and Body Groups are then further divided into Sections which relate to a general category of parts. For example, Front Suspension components are in Section 30; Rear Axle is Section 40; etc. The applicable exploded illustrations for a component are generally contained in the corresponding section of the Illustration catalog. For example, if Front Suspension part numbers are in Section 30 of the Text Catalog, then the corresponding illustrations are generally found in Section 30 of the Illustration Catalog. In addition, a Section contains the group numbers (part numbers) for the entire group. That is, Section 20 would contain all numbers from 20012995. Click on the bookmark on the left to link to the quick reference list of sections. Or, for a detailed list of sections go to page 4,5 or 6 of the Chassis General Information. Group Numbers (Chassis) Each Section is organized by the “Group Number” in sequential order. The Group Number should not be confused with the Chassis Group and Body Group which are simply categories of parts and not part numbers. As you will see later, the Group Number is an integral part of the “basic part number” and overall part number. The “Section numbers” are the leading numbers of the “Group number”. So, for example, if you are in Section 20, the first two Group Numbers will be 20, 21, 22, …to 29. If you are in Section 150, the first three numbers will be 150, 151, 152,… to 159. Following the first two (or three) numbers will be two additional numbers to uniquely identify the part. Therefore, the group number can quickly help determine which section of the catalog the part number can be found. For example, 2440 = Section 20 of the catalog because the first two digits “24” are between 20-29 2B450 = Section 20 of the catalog because the first two digits “24” (ignore the letter B) are between 20-29 4374 = Section 40 because 43 is between 40-49. 13404-5 = Section 130 because 134 is between 130-139. “Expanded Numbers” - Letters (A, B, C) may be included in the standard Group Number to make them “expanded numbers”. Letters were added to the group number to accommodate new part number into the system. For example, if Ford produced a new part or a variation to a part, they might assign a “letter” to the group number. If a letter is added to a group number, the expanded numbers will be considered to follow the same sequence as the regular basic numbers from which they are expanded and are arranged in Catalogs as follows. This would be the sequential order with expanded group numbers from Section 35 and 36: 3538 3C538 3634 3A635 Group Number (Body) Body Group numbers contain two additional numbers to identify the body style. Therefore, the “Body Type Code” are the first two digits signify the body style (2 door sedan, 4 door sedan, etc). Body Type Codes are found on pages 31-34 of the Chassis General Information. Example: D0DZ-6200052-A Body Type Code = 62 (Falcon, 2 door sedan) Group Number = 00052 (Vehicle Identification Retainer) On the right is the diagram from page 4 of the Chassis General Information section on how to decipher the Body Parts Group Numbering System: For a detailed list of Body Group Numbers, go to page 9 of the Chassis General Information. Note: Illustrations contain basic or group numbers only, therefore, it is necessary to refer to the basic or group within the "text" catalog for complete applicable part numbers How to Read Chassis and Body Part Numbers: Chassis parts and Body parts have two different formats, so it is important to understand the differences. Chassis Part Numbers: Chassis Parts have a four character prefix, a four or five digit basic part number, and a one-letter suffix. The first two numbers of the basic part number identify the section. Chassis part numbers range from 1001 to 19A998 Example: C5ZZ-5255-F (Exhaust "turn-down" tailpipe on '65-66 289 4V Non-GT Mustangs) First digit: Decade The first digit is a character entry relating to the decade of production. A = 1940's (often omitted) D = 1970's B = 1950's E = 1980's C = 1960's F = 1990's Second digit: Year The second digit is the last digit of the year of part introduction or revision. 5 = 1965 9 = 1969 6 = 1966 0 = 1970 7 = 1967 1 = 1971 8 = 1968 2 = 1972 Third digit: Model The third digit is the model application. For example a part with a model code of B would generally apply to Bronco’s. However, there are numerous examples where the model code is actually used for different models. For example, some of the Mustang Boss 429 parts have a C9AE prefix which corresponds to a 1969 Galaxie. Code A Description Ford (Generic) / Galaxie Code R B C Bronco (1970-73) Remanufactured Parts (1966-75) Falcon (1960-69) Maverick (1970-74) Truck (Cab over Engine) (1970-73) Foreign / Trans Am Racing Comet (1961-67) Montego (1968-76) Holman/Moody HiPo Part Industrial Tilt Cab (1970-73) Lincoln Mercury S T Description Rotunda (Generic)(1962-69) Ford of Europe (1970-up) Thunderbird Bronco (1966-82, Except 1970-73) U Econoline/Club Wagon Van V Lincoln W X Cougar (1967-80) Truck (Short Highway) (1970-73) Y Z 2 4 6 7 8 Meteor (Canada) (1962-72) Mustang Pinto (1972-75) Comet (1971-74) Pantera (1971-75) Topaz (1984-up) Courier (1971-82) Capri (U.S. Parts) (1972-75) 9 Turbine Engine Parts (1970-75) D E F G H J K L M N O P Tractor Fairlane Torino (1969-76) Autolite (Later Motorcraft) Fourth digit: Design Engineer Office The fourth digit is the design engineering office. The design office, as the name implies, was the office responsible for the design of the part. Some of the more common codes are: B=body, C=chassis and E=engine. Code Design Engineering Office A Light Truck Engineering Division B Body and Electrical Product Division C Chassis D Overseas Product Engineering E Engine F General Parts/Electrical and Electronics Division H Climate Control J Autolite/Ford Parts & Service Division L Industrial Engine Parts & Service M Performance/Special Vehicle Operations N Tractor Parts P Auto Transmission R Manual Transmission S Light and Heavy Truck Special Order Parts T Heavy Truck Engineering U Special Vehicle Operations W Axle and Driveshaft X Emissions, Economy and Special Vehicle Engineering (also known as Muscle Car Parts) Y Lincoln/Mercury Service Parts Z Ford Service Parts Fifth thru Eighth (or ninth, or tenth) digit: Group Number (also referred to as the Basic Part Number) The fifth thru perhaps the tenth digit is the Group Number or the Basic Part Number. Example (Group numbered bolded for emphasis): C5ZZ-5255-F C8TZ-1A401-A (with an expanded basic part number) Last Digit or Suffix The last digit is usually a letter (A, B, C, etc.) and indicates a revision or change to a particular part. If the part did not change, the suffix is not used. The letter A=the first change, B=second change, etc. Body Part Numbers: Body part numbers are similar to Chassis part numbers with one exception, the group number or basic part number uses a seven digit number. The first two digits identify the body type (see pages 31-34 of the Chassis General Instructions) and the last five numbers ("Body Group") identify the specific part within a general body area. A one to three-letter suffix may be used, usually to indicate color. Therefore, the first four characters of a body part number use the same format as the chassis part number (see Chassis Part Numbers above). Example #1: D0DZ-6200052-A Body Type Code = 62 (Falcon, 2 door sedan) Group Number = 00052 (Vehicle Identification Retainer) Example#2: C6ZZ-6504290-BAB Body Type Code = 65 (Mustang, 2 door hardtop) Group Number = 04290 (Instrument Panel, Black) Note: Example #2 is a Body Part number, but because it is an instrument panel pad, it is considered a Soft Trim item. Therefore, this item is NOT found in the body parts section. Instead, it is found in the Soft Trim Section. In this case, look under Soft Trim > 1966 > 04290 (page 47 of the Soft Trim section). Engineering or Casting Numbers Service Part numbers differ from Engineering or Casting numbers. Part numbers were used for servicing, ordering and inventory purposes and were marked on parts boxes, tags, and labels attached to the part. Engineering or casting numbers were normally stamped or cast into the part itself for identification during the manufacturing process. Engineering or Casting numbers are not interchangeable with Service Part Numbers. The Ford Car Master Parts and Accessory Catalog contains Service Part Numbers but does provide some cross references to engineering numbers. A service part may differ from a part installed during the production of a vehicle, however, the service part is what Ford would use to repair or replace it during servicing. Right Hand and Left Hand Parts The driver's side is the left hand side of the vehicle and determines whether such parts as fenders, lamps, etc. are right or left hand, Most Right Hand and Left Hand parts are listed in the manner shown in the following examples. The model application pertaining to the Right Hand part also pertains to the Left Hand part. EXAMPLE #1 - Right Hand and Left Hand on separate lines EXAMPLE #2 - Right Hand and Left Hand implied by quantity EXAMPLE 3 - Right Hand and Left Hand in adjacent columns How to Find Part Numbers in this Manual There are generally three methods to finding part numbers: Method #1 - By Part Name Method #2 - By Illustration Method #3 - By Identification Number Before beginning a search for a part number, you must have a few pieces of information about the vehicle: year, model (i.e. car line code). The warranty plate on vehicles provides most of the information needed (see page 18 – 44 of the Chassis, General Information). For example: suppose you want to locate a part number for a 1971 Thunderbird rear brake backing plate. The year is 1971 and car line code is “S”. Knowing this information will allow you to begin your search for the rear brake backing plate. Method #1 - By Part Name: Step #1 – Because the “Plate (rear brake backing)” is a chassis part, begin with the Index in the Chassis Parts Group. Step #2 – Click on the alphabetical index under the letter “P” for the word “plate”. Under the letter “P” in the index, scroll through the entries until locating “Plate (rear brake backing)”. The group number listed is for the part is 2211-2. Step #3 – With a group number of 2211-2, this means the part number will be located in Section 20 of the Text Catalog because this section contains group numbers ranging from 2000 to 2999. Click on Section 20 – Brake Systems Step #4 – Once in Section 20, you must locate the part number for group 2211-2. Because the group number is in the 2200 – 2299 range, click on the bookmark (2200) to quickly locate the general area. Next, scroll down the page until locating group number 2211-2 (Note – it is thought that either the example or the catalog itself contains an error because the group number is listed as 2211-12 but should be 2211-2) Now that you are in the correct group, locate the vehicle catalog code "S" (for Thunderbird). Find 1971 (71) in the "YEAR" column. The part numbers shown are C7AZ 2211E for right hand and C7AZ 2212-E for left hand. Method #2 - By Illustration When searching for a part number “By Illustration”, it is assumed that the part name or description is unknown, but the general location on where the part is installed is known. In the example of the 71 Thunderbird, “Plate (Rear Brake Backing)”, it is assumed that you know the part is a brake component. Therefore, the search begins in the Illustration Catalog in Section 20 – Brake Systems. Step #1 – Refer to the Illustration Catalog using the bookmark “Section 20 – Brake Systems.” " Step #2 –Refer to the index within the section. In this example, Ford did not create a separate index for Section 20. Generally, each section has its own index but in a few sections the indexes were consolidated. So, under the index bookmark you are directed to where the brake illustration index is located, in Section 10. Step #2 Cont. – Unlike the Text Catalog where the index is alphabetical, the Illustration Catalog indexes are by model year (1965, 1966, etc). Therefore, for our example of a 1971 Thunderbird, click on the index for 1971. Within the 1971 model year, find the car line code “S” for a Thunderbird. Knowing that the part is a brake component, look under "BRAKES" to find the general area where the part might be illustrated. In this case the "Brake details (drum rear)" illustration for the 1971 Thunderbird is a good starting point. The illustration information (enlarged) for the “Brake details – drum rear” is found in Section 20.1 on page 4. The Illustration number is P-3380. Step #3 – Now that you know the Illustration section and Illustration number, simply return to the Illustration Section 20, then to Sec 20.1 and scroll to page four (4). Or, use the “By Diagram Number” listing and click on P3380. Step #4 – Because you knew what the part looked like, but did not know the name, locate the part on the illustration. Each part has a group number. In this case, 2211. Note: Illustrations contain basic or group numbers only, therefore, it is necessary to refer to the basic or group within the "text" catalog for complete applicable part numbers Step #5 – Because illustrations only contain basic or group numbers, simply go to the same Section number in the Text Catalog (i.e. Section 22) and locate the part number in the same way described in Method #1. Refer to group number 2211-2 in this Text Catalog and locate vehicle catalog code "S" (for Thunderbird). Find 1971 (71) in the "YEAR" column. The part numbers shown are C7AZ 2211-E for right hand and C7AZ 2212-E for left hand Method #3 - By Identification Number Certain parts and most major assemblies are identified with an “identification” number (sometimes an engineering or casting number) shown on an attached tag or plate or on the part itself. Reference to identification numbers is made throughout the catalog and cross reference charts are included in some sections to provide immediate knowledge of the service part number when the identification number is known. For example, on page 4 of “Section 40 – Rear Axles, Drive Shafts” contains information about Identification Tags for a Rear Axle. Using the ID will provide valuable information. For example, a WDL-W-1 for a 66/69 was 3.00 with a 28 spline shaft. The ID code is also useful in determining the correct part number as shown in this example. How to Use Bookmarks Bookmarks are provided to help navigate through the thousands of pages of part numbers and illustration. Bookmarks themselves are a feature of Adobe Reader and are located on the left margin of each page. Clicking on a bookmark will quickly take you to a specific location within the catalog. The “Main Menu” contains bookmarks to each major section of the catalog and as such, allows you to go anywhere in the catalog. This is important, because while in a specific section (for example Section 10), only Section 10 pages are visible. If you need to view pages in Section 20 or Section 50, you will need to return to the Main Menu. To allow rapid access to the Main Menu a bookmark is provided at the top of each section. In addition, each section generally contains bookmarks for an index (expandable), group numbers, diagram numbers (illustration catalog only) and some cross reference links. Some cross reference links are provided to other catalog sections for ease of use. For example, in the Text Catalog, there is generally a link to the corresponding section in the Illustration Catalog. That is, if you are in Section 10 of the Text Catalog and want to quickly go to Section 10 of the Illustration Catalog, a bookmark is provided. And, conversely, a bookmark is provided in the Illustration Catalog to return to the Text Catalog. Vehicle Catalog Codes Vehicle catalog codes are used throughout the catalog to identify a specific model. For example, “X” designates a Falcon produced before January 1970. Catalog Codes Catalog Codes Bronco U A Ford Falcon (before 1/70) X B Fairlane / Torino *Falcon Falcon (from 1/70) B F Mustang Fairlane / Torino B L Pinto Ford A P Maverick Maverick P S Thunderbird Mustang F U Bronco Pinto L X Falcon (before 1/70) Thunderbird S Vehicles Vehicles * Includes unit built from January 1970 Note: The Ford Galaxie and LTD are not listed on page 11 of the Chassis, General Information section but the catalog codes for these cars are thought to be “A”. Quick Reference (Text Catalog) Chassis Parts Group (Sorted by Section Number) Chassis Section Major Group Description DVD Bookmarks 10 Wheels Paint, Wheel- 20 Brake System Brake System 30 Front Suspension Front Suspension, Steering, Front Axle 30 Steering Linkage Front Suspension, Steering, Front Axle 30 Suspension (Front) Front Suspension, Steering, Front Axle 35 Steering Gear Front Suspension, Steering, Front Axle 40 Rear Axle Rear Axle, Drive Shaft 46 Drive Shaft Rear Axle, Drive Shaft 50 Frame Frame, Muffler, Springs 52 Exhaust System Frame, Muffler, Springs 53 Springs Frame, Muffler, Springs Chassis Section Major Group Description DVD Bookmarks 54 Stabilizer Frame, Muffler, Springs 60 Engine Engine 70 Transmission (Manual) Manual Xmsn, Clutch 71 Gear Shift Lever Manual Xmsn, Clutch 75 Clutch Manual Xmsn, Clutch Automatic Transmission Auto Xmsn 80 Cap (Radiator) Cooling, Grille 80 Cooling System Cooling, Grille 80 Grille Cooling, Grille 80 Hose (Radiator) Cooling, Grille 80 Radiator Cooling, Grille 80 Shroud (Fan) Cooling, Grille 85 Pulley (Water Pump) Cooling, Grille 85 Pump (Water) Cooling, Grille 85 Spacer (Pulley to Fan) Cooling, Grille 85 Thermostat (Water) Cooling, Grille 85 Water Pump Cooling, Grille 86 Clutch Assy. (Fan) Cooling, Grille 86 Fan, Drive Belt Cooling, Grille 90 Air Cleaner Fuel, Carburetor, Accelerator 90 Fuel Tank Fuel, Carburetor, Accelerator 93 Fuel Pump Fuel, Carburetor, Accelerator 94 Manifold Fuel, Carburetor, Accelerator 94 Thermactor Fuel, Carburetor, Accelerator 95 Carburetor Fuel, Carburetor, Accelerator 97 Accelerator Linkage Fuel, Carburetor, Accelerator 97 Speed Control Fuel, Carburetor, Accelerator 100 Generator Generators and Alternators 100 Voltage Regulator Generators and Alternators 103 Alternator Generators and Alternators 106 Battery Generators and Alternators 106 Instrument Cluster Generators and Alternators 110 Ignition Switch Starter and Drive Assemblies 120 Distributor Distributors and Spark Systems 130 Bulbs Lamps, Wiring 130 Lamps Lamps, Wiring 137 Horns Lamps, Wiring A70 Chassis Section Major Group Description DVD Bookmarks 140 Main Wiring Wiring 150 Electrical Accessories Electrical Accessories 160 Fenders Fender, Hood 166 Hood Fender, Hood 170 Jack Speedometer, Bumper 170 Speedometer Speedometer, Bumper 173 Tachometer Speedometer, Bumper 175 Windshield Wiper Speedometer, Bumper 176 Windshield Washer Speedometer, Bumper 177 Mirrors Speedometer, Bumper 178 Bumpers Speedometer, Bumper 180 Shock Absorber Shocks, Heater, Radio 184 Heater Shocks, Heater, Radio 184 Radio Shocks, Heater, Radio 190 Air Conditioner Air Conditioner Note: Please refer to the Text Catalog, General Information, pages 4-10 for a detailed listing of Section, Chassis Group, and Body Group numbers. Chassis Parts Group (Sorted by Bookmark) Major Group Description DVD Bookmarks Chassis Section Accelerator Linkage Fuel, Carburetor, Accelerator 97 Air Cleaner Fuel, Carburetor, Accelerator 90 Air Conditioner Air Conditioner 190 Alternator Generators and Alternators 103 Automatic Transmission Auto Xmsn A70 Battery Generators and Alternators 106 Brake System Brake System 20 Bulbs Lamps, Wiring 130 Bumpers Speedometer, Bumper 178 Cap (Radiator) Cooling, Grille 80 Carburetor Fuel, Carburetor, Accelerator 95 Clutch Manual Xmsn, Clutch 75 Clutch Assy. (Fan) Cooling, Grille 86 Cooling System Cooling, Grille 80 Major Group Description DVD Bookmarks Chassis Section Distributor Distributors and Spark Systems 120 Drive Shaft Rear Axle, Drive Shaft 46 Electrical Accessories Electrical Accessories 150 Engine Engine 60 Exhaust System Frame, Muffler, Springs 52 Fan, Drive Belt Cooling, Grille 86 Fenders Fender, Hood 160 Frame Frame, Muffler, Springs 50 Front Suspension Front Suspension, Steering, Front Axle 30 Fuel Pump Fuel, Carburetor, Accelerator 93 Fuel Tank Fuel, Carburetor, Accelerator 90 Gear Shift Lever Manual Xmsn, Clutch 71 Generator Generators and Alternators 100 Grille Cooling, Grille 80 Heater Shocks, Heater, Radio 184 Hood Fender, Hood 166 Horns Lamps, Wiring 137 Hose (Radiator) Cooling, Grille 80 Ignition Switch Starter and Drive Assemblies 110 Instrument Cluster Generators and Alternators 106 Jack Speedometer, Bumper 170 Lamps Lamps, Wiring 130 Main Wiring Wiring 140 Manifold Fuel, Carburetor, Accelerator 94 Mirrors Speedometer, Bumper 177 Pulley (Water Pump) Cooling, Grille 85 Pump (Water) Cooling, Grille 85 Radiator Cooling, Grille 80 Radio Shocks, Heater, Radio 184 Rear Axle Rear Axle, Drive Shaft 40 Shock Absorber Shocks, Heater, Radio 180 Shroud (Fan) Cooling, Grille 80 Spacer (Pulley to Fan) Cooling, Grille 85 Speed Control Fuel, Carburetor, Accelerator 97 Speedometer Speedometer, Bumper 170 Springs Frame, Muffler, Springs 53 Major Group Description DVD Bookmarks Chassis Section Stabilizer Frame, Muffler, Springs 54 Steering Gear Front Suspension, Steering, Front Axle 35 Steering Linkage Front Suspension, Steering, Front Axle 30 Suspension (Front) Front Suspension, Steering, Front Axle 30 Tachometer Speedometer, Bumper 173 Thermactor Fuel, Carburetor, Accelerator 94 Thermostat (Water) Cooling, Grille 85 Transmission (Manual) Manual Xmsn, Clutch 70 Voltage Regulator Generators and Alternators 100 Water Pump Cooling, Grille 85 Wheels Paint, Wheel- 10 Windshield Washer Speedometer, Bumper 176 Windshield Wiper Speedometer, Bumper 175 Body Parts Group (Sorted by Section) Section Section 000 Section 100 Section 200 Section 300 Major Group Description Dash, Cowl, Console, Windshield, Vents, Instrument Panel Floor Pan, Reinforcements, Unibody and related Front/Rear Doors, Quarter panels, rear door glass, belt rails DVD Bookmarks Dash, Cowl, Vents Floor, Underbody, Sill Front/Rear Doors, Quarters Quarter Window and Trim Quarter Window, Trim Back Door, Rear Window, Convertible Top, Tailgate, Trunk, Luggage Compartment Roof, Drip Moldings, Headlining, Landau Top, Folding Top, Luggage Carrier Back Door, Luggage Compartment Section 600 Seating and related, Seat Belts, Headrests Seat Soft Trim Upholstery, windlace, door panels, carpet, visors, floor mats Soft Trim Section 400 Section 500 Roof, Headlining, Top The following are found in the Body Illustrations Group (not in the Text catalog) Sheet Metal Body Sheet Metal Sheet Metal Exterior Moldings Molding/Nameplates Exterior Moldings Interior Trim Door Handles, Trim Panels and related Interior Trim FORD CAR PARTS MASTER PARTS AND GENERAL INFORMATION ACCESSORIES CATALOG FORM FP 7635-A (Text Only) Ford Motor Company INDEX Abbreviations Attaching Parts (Nuts, Bolts, etc .) Body Type Codes Build Date 16,17 12 12 See Owner Card 13 D .S .O Engine Assembly Plant Codes F .S .O Formats General Instructions How to Order Parts How to Use This Catalog Identification Liquid measure L .P .O Locator Codes Metric to Inches Conversion Chart Model Year Application Owner Card Soft Trim Symbols Used Regularly in Catalog Vehicle Catalog Codes FORD PART NUMBERING SYSTEM Body Parts Group Numbering System Explanation of the Ford Part Numbering System Ford Basic Part Numbering Group Numbers and Related Catalog Sections Motorcraft Sales Numbers Part Name Index (Body Parts) Part Name Index (Chassis) WARRANTY PLATE and CERTIFICATION LABEL (except BRONCO) Assembly Plant Codes Body Type Codes Car Line Codes May, 1975 4 3 8 thru 10 7 11 6 4 thru 6 24 31 thru 34 39 Certification Label Diagram Color Codes (Exterior Paint) Diagrams and Instructions District Codes Drive Codes Engine Assembly Plant Codes Engine Codes Month Codes Numerical Sequence of Assembly Owner Card Diagram Rear Axle Ratio Codes Serial Number Series Codes Transmission Codes Trim Codes Vehicle Identification Number Warranty Plate Diagrams Year Codes BRONCO WARRANTY PLATE and CERTIFICATION LABEL Assembly Plant Codes Body Type Codes Certification Label Diagram Color Codes (Exterior Paint) Diagrams and Instructions Engine Codes Front Axle Codes Model Codes Numerical Sequence of Assembly Rear Axle Ratio Codes Transmission Codes Trim Codes Warranty Plate Diagrams COPYRIGHT @ 1975- 39 13 11 '2 13 2 3 12 13 12 14,15 12 23 12 11 11 22 35 18 thru 23 39 38 39 29,30 36 30 23 37 22 25 thru 28 38 35 22 18 thru 21 24 43 43 42 44 40 thru 42 43 44 43 43 44 44 44 40,41 FORD MOTOR COMPANY -DEARBORN, MICHIGAN FINAL ISSUE 1 2 GENERAL INFORMATION FORD CAR PARTS GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS This Ford Car Master Parts Catalog contains replacement parts and accessories information for Ford, Fairlane/Torino, Mustang, Thunderbird, Bronco, Falcon, Maverick and Pinto for model years 1965 through 1972 for U .S . and Canadian built vehicles . Unique Canadian part numbers and applications have been identified by a symbol (a) and footnoted . Unique U .S . part numbers and applications have been identified by a symbol (a) and footnoted . Use this "text" catalog in conjunction with the "illustration" catalog, Form FP-7635-B. Refer to the Index on page 1 for a listing of the various items appearing in the General Information Section. HOW TO USE THIS CATALOG There are three ways of finding part numbers. 1. By Part Name. 2. By Illustration 3. By Identification. Should an inquiry be received for a rear carrier plate for a 1971 Thunderbird: BY PARTNAME - A. Refer to the Chassis Parts Alphabetical Index. B. Refer to the alphabetical nomenclature and find the part name "Plate (rear carrier)" . The group number listed is 2211-2. C. Refer to group number 2211-2 and locate vehicle catalog code "S" (for Thunderbird). Find 1971 (71) in the "YEAR" column. D. The part numbers shown are C7AZ 2211-E for right hand and C7AZ 2212-E for left hand. BY ILLUSTRATION - A. Refer to the Illustration Catalog (Form FP- 7635-B) to the divider marked "WHEELS, BRAKES". B. Refer to the index immediately behind the divider and find the illustration titles for 1971 S (Thunderbird). C. Under the heading "BRAKES" find the "Brake details (drum rear)" illustration for the 1971 Thunderbird. D. Refer to the illustration designated (on page 4 of Illustration Section 20 .1) and find the group number for the rear carrier plate to be 2211-2. E. Refer to group number 2211-2 in this Text catalog and locate vehicle catalog code "S" (for Thunderbird) . Find 1971 (71) in the "YEAR" column. F. The part numbers shown are C7AZ 2211-E for right hand and C7AZ 2212-E for left hand. FORD CAR PARTS GENERAL INFORMATION 3 BY IDENTIFICATION Certain parts and most major assemblies are identified with a part number shown on an attached tag or plate or on the part itself . Reference to identification numbers is made throughout the catalog and cross reference charts are included in some sections to provide immediate knowledge of the service part number when the identification number is known. IMPORTANT - Identification tags and plates must be retained with the part or assembly with which they are originally supplied. R . H . and L . H . PARTS The driver's side is the left hand side of the vehicle and determines whether such parts as fenders, lamps, etc . are right or left hand. Most Right Hand and Left Hand parts are listed in the manner shown in the following examples. The model application pertaining to the Right Hand part also pertains to the Left Hand part. EXAMPLE 1 - Right Hand and Left Hand on separate lines GROUP NUMBER 21872-3 YEAR BODY TYPE DESCRIPTION PART NUMBER QTY. SPRING - DOOR LATCH TOGGLE r67 A,B,F,S,U,X 68 A 68/70 S -- R .H. C7AZ 6221872-B 1 or 2 L .H . 1 of 2 C7AZ 6221873-B o 2 2 EXAMPLE 2 - Right Hand and Left Hand implied by quantity 68/69 B(54,71) C8OZ 5421940-A 68/69 B(62,63,76) C8OZ 6321940-A I 2 2 EXAMPLE 3 - Right Hand and Left Hand in adjacent columns GROUP YEAR BODY TYPE NUMBER 27846-7 PANEL - QUARTER - continued - PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION Drill holes as required -B - 67 1B(66) 67 II B(71) --- I - - ~C7OZ 6627846-A _ C70Z 7127846-A C7OZ6627847-A I C7AZ 7127847-A . EXPLANATION OF THE FORD PART NUMBERING SYSTEM For greater convenience this catalog is divided into specific sections ; such as brakes, front suspension, engine, transmission, etc . For example . FRONT SUSPENSION appears in Section 30 . STEERING in Section 35, REAR AXLE in Section 40, etc . The applicable exploded illustrations are contained in separate sections which are related to the Text Section numbers . For example STEERING Illustrations appear in Illustration Section 35 of the "Illustrations" Catalog, Form FP-7635-B. The basic part number groups and the section numbers under which each is listed are shown on page 7 of the General Information Section. The basic part number groups shown on page 7 have been expanded as shown in the Charts on pages 8, 9 and 10 to provide for additional groups to accommodate new lines . In numerical listings, expanded numbers will be considered to follow the same sequence as the regular basic numbers from which they are expanded and are arranged in Catalogs as follows. 3538 3C538 3634 3A634 Illustrations contain basic or group numbers only, therefore, it is necessary to refer to the basic or group within this "text" catalog for complete applicable part numbers. May, 1975 COPYRIGHT @ 1975- FORD MOTOR COMPANY -DEARBORN. MICHIGAN QTY. LEFT HAND RIGHT HAND FINAL ISSUE 1 1 4 GENERAL INFORMATION FORD CAR PARTS BODY PARTS GROUP NUMBERING SYSTEM FOLLOWING 15 A DIAGRAM OF THE BODY PARTS GROUP NUMBERING SYSTEM R BODY GROUP CHANGE IN FINISH, TRIM OR DESIGN BODY TYPE 62014-A DOOR ASSEMBLY (FRONT) - R .H. 54 - 4 DOOR SEDAN 62 - 2 DOOR SEDAN 76 - CONVERTIBLE ETC . • These five digits comprise the Body Group Numbers used throughout each body parts section. A complete group index of body parts has been included at the end of the Alphabetical Index. PART NAME INDEX Below are various major groups appearing in the Chassis and Body Sections of this catalog. CHASSIS PARTS INDEX MAJOR GROUP Air Cleaner Accelerator Linkage Air Conditioner Alternator Automatic Transmission Axle (Rear) Battery Belt (Drive) Brake System Bulbs Bumpers *TABBED DIVIDER TITLE Fuel-Carburetor-Accelerator Speedometer-Bumper Generator-Starter-Distributor Automatic Transmission Front Suspension-Steering-Rear Axle Generator-Starter -Distributor Cooling-Grille Paint-Wheel-Brake Lamps - Wiring Speedometer-Bumper Cap (Radiator) Carburetor Carrier (Wheel) Clutch Clutch Assy . (Fan) Cooling System Cooling-Grille Fuel-Carburetor-Accelerator Paint-Wheel-Brake Manual Transmission-Clutch Cooling-Grille Cooling-Grille Distributor Drive Belt Drive Shaft Generator-Starter-Distributor Cooling - Grille Front Suspension-Steering-Rear Axle Engine Exhaust System Engine Frame -Muffler -Spring Applicable to Loose Leaf Catalogs only SECTION 96 97 190 103 A70 40 106 86 .1 20 130 1711 80 95 10 '75 86 80 120 86 .1 46 60 52 FORD CAR PARTS 5 GENERAL INFORMATION PART NAME INDEX CHASSIS PARTS INDEX - continued MAJOR GROUP Fan Fenders Frame Front Suspension Fuel Pump Fuel Tank Cooling-Grille Fender-Hood Frame-Muffler-Spring Front Suspension-Steering-Rear Axle Fuel-Carburetor-Accelerator Fuel-Carburetor-Accelerator 86 160 50 30 93 90 Gear Shift Lever Generator Grille Manual Transmission-Clutch Generator-Starter-Distributor Cooling -Grille 71 100 80 Heater Hood Horns Speedometer-Bumper Fender-Hood Lamps-Wiring 184 166 Hose (Radiator) Cooling -Grille 137 80 Ignition Switch Instrument Cluster Generator-Starter-Distributor Generator-Starter-Distributor Ito 106 Jack Lamps Speedometer-Bumper Lamps-Wiring Lever (Gearshift) Linkage (Accelerator) Linkage (Steering) Manifold Mirrors Main Wiring Manual Transmission - Clutch Fuel-Carburetor-Accelerator Front Suspension-Steering-Rear Axle Fuel-Carburetor-Accelerator Speedometer-Bumper Lamps - Wiring Cooling-Grille Fuel-Carburetor-Accelerator Cooling-Grille 170 130 71 Pulley (Water Pump) Pump (Fuel) Pump (Water) Radiator Radio Rear Axle Regulator (Voltage) Shaft (Drive) Shift (Gear) Shock Absorber Shroud (Fan) Spacer (Pulley to Fan) Speed Control Speedometer Springs Stabilizer Steering Gear Steering Linkage Suspension (Front) Tachometer Tank (Fuel) Thermactor May, 1975 SECTION *TABBED DIVIDER TITLE 97 30 94 176 140 85 93 85 Cooling-Grille Speedometer-Bumper Front Suspension-Steering-Rear Axle Generator-Starter-Distributor 80 184 40 100 Front Suspension-Steering-Rear Manual Transmissioh-Clutch Speedometer-Bumper Cooling-Grille Cooling-Grille Fuel-Carburetor-Accelerator Speedometer-Bumper Frame-Muffler-Spring Frame-Muffler-Spring Front Suspension-Steering-Rear Front Suspension-Steering-Rear Front Suspension-Steering-Rear 46 71 180 Axle Axle Axle Axle 80 85 97 170 53 54 35 30 30 Thermostat (Water) Transmission (Automatic) Transmission (Manual) Speedometer-Bumper Fuel-Carburetor-Accelerator Fuel-Carburetor-Accelerator Cooling-Grille Automatic Transmission Manual Transmission-Clutch 173 90 94 85 A70 70 Voltage Regulator Generator-Starter-Distributor 100 COPYRIGHT C 1975- FORD MOTOR COMPANY -DEARBORN, MICHIGAN FINAL ISSUE 6 GENERAL INFORMATION FORD CAR PARTS PART NAME INDEX CHASSIS PARTS INDEX - continued MAJOR GROUP DIVERTL Water Pump Wheels Windshield Washer Windshield Wiper Wiring (Main) Cooling-Grille Paint-Wheel-Brake Speedometer -Bumper Speedometer-Bumper Lamps-Wiring *TABED SECTION 85 10 176 175 140 BODY and SOFT TRIM PARTS INDEX Auxiliary Seat Center Body Pillar Console Cowl Seat Side-Door-Pillar-Quarter Body Front-Floor Body Front-Floor 600 240 042 020 Dash Panel Door (Front) Door (Rear) Body Front-floor Side-Door-Pillar-Quarter Side-Door-Pillar-Quarter 000 200 240 Floor Folding Top Folding Top Mechanism Front Door Front Seat Track Body Front-Floor Soft Trim Back-Luggage Compartment Side-Door-Pillar-Quarter Seat Glove Compartment Instrument Panel Body Front-Floor Body Front-Floor 047 042 Luggage Compartment Package Tray Pillar (Center Body) Quarter Back-Luggage Compartment Back-Luggage Compartment Side-Door-Pillar-Quarter Side-Door-Pillar-Quarter 400 440 240 2 70 Rear Door Rear Seat Roof Side-Door-Pillar-Quarter Seat Back-Luggage Compartment 240 600 500 Seat (Auxiliary) Seat (Rear) Seat Seat 600 600 Tail Gate Top (Folding) Top Mechanism (Folding) Track (Front Seat) Windshield Back-Luggage Compartment Soft Trim Back-Luggage Compartment Seat Body Front-Moor • Applicable to Loose Leaf Catalogs only 100 Soft Trim 520 200 617 400 Soft Trim 520 617 030 GENERAL INFORMATION FORD CAR PARTS 7 GROUP NUMBERS and RELATED CATALOG SECTIONS Following is an index of the basic group numbers and their related catalog section numbers. A more detailed listing of the basic group numbers, their related expansion numbers and functional areas is shown on the next three pages. BASIC GROUP NUMBER Miscellaneous 1000 - 1999 CATALC G SECTION NO Paint 10 CHASSIS PARTS BASIC GROUP CATALOG NUMBER except Linkage 6900 - 7999 Identification and Application Chart Parts Lists 2 .77 - 1965/67 G/4/S-1971/ E/4/S - 1971/ 0/0 - 1965/67 3 .03 - 1965/ D/4/S - 1965/66 F/4/S - 1965/ W /4/S - 1965/66 20 20 .1 3000 - 34119 351)0 - 3599 3600 - 3999 P/S Kits 30 4000 - 4599 4600 - 4999 44 46 5000 - 5199 5200 - 5299 Exhaust Charts 50 52 Automatic trans, 52 .65 thru except Linkage 52 .72 7000 - 7999 53 Identification and 53 .65thru Application Charts 53, 72 Parts List 54 C/M - 1965/ C4 - 1965/ 60 C6 - 1966/ 35 36,37 36 .1 5300 - 5399 Spring Charts 54 DO 5999 6000-8898 Engine [dent . Chart 4 cyl . 98 .122 6 cyl . 170,200 .250 6 cyl . 240 60 .1 60 .2 60,3 8 cyl . 260,289, 289 Spec . 60 .4 8 cyl . 302 ; 302 Spec . 60 .5 60,5A 60 .6 390 Spec . 8 cyl . 400 60 .7 8 cyl . 427 60 .8 8 cyl . 428,429 . 429 Spec . 60 .9 AA-. inn .: 70 .1 70.2 70 .2 70 .3 70 .4 70 .5 70,6 Transfer Case ~/( , tnutil Trans Linkage ,etc . 7000 _ 7299 7300 - 7400 7500 - 7999 71 73 75 Automatic Trans. linkage, etc . 7000 -7199 7200 - 7399 7440 - 7999 8000 - 8499 8500 -8599 8600 - 8999 Carburetor Kit Components 9600 - 9699 9700 - 9999 95A 10000 - 10299 10300 - 10599 Alternator Ident . Chart Alternator Parts Lists 100 103 103 10600 - 10999 11000 - 11999 Starter Ident . - Chart Starter Parts Lists 96 97 A70 A70 .3 A70 .4 A70 .5 A71 A72 A74 Ford Racing Belts Belt Application Charts 86 .2 86 .65 thru 86 .72 9000 - 9299 90 9300 - 9399 9400 - 9499 9500 9599 93 94 95 Carburetor Parts Lists 95 .1 thru 95 .34 COPYRIGHT a 1975- 120 120 13000 - 13399 13400 - 13699 13700 13999 130 134 137 14000 - 14399 14400 - 14499 14500 - 14999 140 344 145 15000 - 15999 150 16000 - 16099 16100 - 16599 160 17000 - 17299 SpeedometerGeart Speedometer Gear 120 .1 thru 120 .5 170 172 172 .85 thru 172. 172 .72 173 17400 - 17599 17600 - 17999 175 176 18000 - 18399 180 18400 - 18999 184 19000 - 19999 190 COMPANY BODY SECTION NO. 7060 - 79!]99 A70 .1 thru A70 .5 00000 - 01999 02000 - 02999 03000 - 04199 04200 - 04699 04700 - 09999 000 020 030 042 047 10000 - 19999 100 20000 - 20999 21000 - 21999 22000 - 22999 23000 23999 24000 - 25999 200 210 220 230 240 26000 - 26999 27000 - 27999 28000 - 28999 29000 - 29499 29500 - 29999 260 270 280 290 295 30000 - 39999 300 40000 - 41999 42000 - 42999 43000 - 43999 44000 - 49999 400 420 430 440 50000 - 50999 51000 - 51999 52000 - 59999 500 510 520 60000 - 60999 61000 - 61999 62000 - 69999 600 610,915 .917 00000 - 69999 SOFTTRIM - By 161 166 Application Charts 17300 - 17399 FORD MOTOR _ 110 .2 thru 110 .4 12000 - 12999 Distributor Ident . Chart Distributor Parts Lists 16600 - 16999 80 85 86 86,1 103 .2, 103,4, 103 .5 106 110 110 BODY PARTS BASIC GROUP NUMBER 70 70 .7 70 .8 Fan Belt Ident . Chart 8 cyl . 351 . 351 Spec . 8 cyl . 352,390 . SECTION NO Manual Trans . - 2000 - 2099 2001 and 2200 Kit Contents 2100 - 2199 2200 2299 2300 - 2399 2400 - 2999 21 22 23 24 r BASIC GROUP ~~ CATALOG NUMBER SECTION NO . -DEARBORN. MICHIGAN 620 MODEL YEAR AS APPLICABLE) ' VENN AI I n • nP,IMP' GENERAL INFORMATION 8 FORD CAR PARTS FORD BASIC PART NUMBERING SYSTEM CHASSIS, ENGINE and ELECTRICAL BASIC NUMBER SERIES 8ASIC PART NO . SERIES 1000-1250 1251-1349 1350-1499 1500-1724 1725-1999 2000-2874 2875-2999 3000-3499 3500-3776 3777-3999 4000-4999 5000-5149 5150-5199 5200-5299 5300-5350 5351-5416 5417-5454 5455-5481 5482-5499 5500-5515 5516-5999 6000-6899 6900-6944 6945-6999 7000-7999 8000-8499 8500-8599 8600-8669 8670-8999 9000-9423 9000-9269 9424-9499 9500-9899 9700-9899 BASIC SERIES EXPANSION PARTS WHICH QUALIFY BY FUNCTIONAL AREA IA000-1A250 Wheels, hubs, and drums 1A251-1A349 Open numbers 1A350-1A499 Spare wheel carrier 1A500-1A724 Tires and tubes 1A725-1A999 Open numbers 2A000-2A874 Brakes 2A875-2A999 Air compressor 3A000-3A499 Front axles and fr ont suspensions 3A500-3A776 Steering gear and steering wheel 3A777-3A999 Open numbers 4A000-4A999 Rear axle and driveshaft and coupling shaft 5A000-5A149 `Frame and brackets 5A150-5A199 1* 5A200-5A299 Muffler, exhaust pipes, and brackets 5A300-5A350 Front springs 5A351-5A416 Sub-frame (for cab mounting) 5A417-5A454 10pen numbers 5A455-5A481 ' Front springs-clips, studs, and bushings 5A482-5A499 Stabilizer and attaching parts 5A500-5A515 Front spring covers 5A516-5A999 (Rear springs and attaching parts 6A000-6A899 Engine and mounts 6A900-BA 944 6A 945-6A 999 Eng . instal'ation & dress-up kits 7A000-7A999 Transmission and clutch 8A000-8A499 Radiator and grille parts ; 8A500-8A591 Water pumps 8A600-8A86c' Fan and brackets 8A670-8A 999 Open numbers BASIC PART NO. SERIES 13000-13299 13000-13399 13400-13699 13700-13799 13800-13949 13950-13999 14000-14689 14690-14724 I4725-14999 15000-15074 15075-15114 15115-15199 BASIC SERIES EXPANSION PARTS WHICH QUALIFY BY FUNCTIDNAL AREA I3A000-I3A299 Headlamps & parking lamps 13A300-13A399 Turn signal 13AI00-t3A699{License, tail, and stop lamps 13A700-13A7991 Courtesty, dome and instrument lamps and switches 13A800-13A949 Horn 13A950-13A999 Open numbers 14A000-14A689 WirinE and circuit breakers. terminals and connectors. window regulator, fuse panel 14A690-14A724 .Seat regulator (electrical) 14A725-14A999 Junction boxes and electric Conduit I5A000-15A074 Clocks & cigar lighter 15A075-15A114 Lamp assy . -cluster 15A115-15A199 15200-15393 15A200-15A399 Road & spotlamps 15400-15489 15A400-15A489 Lamp assy, -marker 15490-15579 15A490-15A579 Lamp assy . bark up & utility 15580-15599 1 15A580-15A599 Lamp assy, -Police flasher 15600-15649 15A600-15A649 15650-15655 15A650-15A655 , Maplamp 15656-I5699 15A656-15A699Top control 15700-15724 115A700-15A724 Engine compartment lamp 15725-15759 15A725-15A750 Commercial pump motors Vote ; not .aSCd Passenger Car, Truck & Industrial Engines 15760-15799 15A760-15A799 Open numbers 15600-15849 15A800-15A849 Lamp assy, -transmission control selector indicator 15850-15874 I15A850-15A874 Parking brake signal 15875-15899 15A875-15A899 Open numbers 9900-9999 10000-10399 10400-10499 10500-1,0649 10650-10837 10838-10999 11000-11529 11530-11568 11569-11619 9A000-9A423 (Fuel tank, gauges, pumps & lines 15900 . 15999 •15A900-15A999 9A000-9A209 Fuel tank, gauges, pumps & lines 16000-16299 16A000-16A299 Front fender, aprons & shields I 9A424-9A499 Manifold,clamps,thermos' .ats etc, 16300-16449 16A300-16A449 Rear fenders 9A500-9A699 Carburetors & air cleaners 16450-16549 16A450-16A549 Running boards and brackets 9A700-9A899 Thermostatic rhoke, arc . spark & 16550-16579 •16A550-16A579Splash shields throttle control rods 16580-16599 16A580-IOA599 Open numbers 9A900-9A 999 16600-16999 16A600-16A999 Hood, brackets and controls 10A000-10A399 Generators & alternators 17000-17149 17A000-17A149 Tools 10A400-10A499 i Open numbers 17150-17249 17A130-17A219 Open numbers I10A500-10A649IGenerator regulator 17250-17384 17A250-17A384 Speedometer and tachometer 10A050-10A837 i Batteries & ammeters 17385-17399 17A385-17A399 Open numbers 10A838-10A999instrument cluster & controls 17A400-17A674 Wipers and washers 11A000-11A529IStarting motor & starter switch 17400-17674 17675-17748 17A675-17A748 Rear view mirrors 11A 530-11A568' Openn numbers 17749-17999 •17A749-17A999 Front and rear bumpers and 11A 569-11A619 : %nit ton switch stone deflectors 11620-11644 11645-11688 11689-11999 12000-12427 12428-12449 12450-12499 12500-12999 11A620-1IA644 Open numbers 11A645-11A688 bighting switch 11A689-11A999 Open numbers 12A000-12A427 Coil, distributor & spark plugs 12A428-12A449 Open numbers 12A450-12A499 Engine governor 12A500-12A999 Open numbers 18000 . 18199 18200-18241 18242-18699 18700-18799 18800-19490 19500-19549 19550-19999 18A000-18A199 Shock absorbers 18A200-18A241 18A242-18AC99 ' Heaters 18A700-18A799 Air brakes 18A800-19A499 Radio 19A500-19A549 Miscellaneous Accessories 19A550-19A999 Air conditioners * This series has become inactive and parts qualifying wilt be identified with part numbers from a more appropriate series. GENERAL INFORMATION FORD CAR PARTS 9 BODY BASIC NUMBERS and CORRESPONDING FUNCTIONS BASIC PART NO. SERIES 00000-00099 00100-00399 01400-01499 01500-01599 01600-01799 01800-01999 02000-02699 02700-02899 02900-02999 03000-03999 04000-04249 04250-04399 04400-04599 04600-04799 BASIC SERIES EXPANSION PARTS WHICH QUALIFY SERIES 1 q OOA00-OOOA99 Beaty assy . & trim sets 001AOO-003A99 Front end assembly 014A00-014A99 Ventilating ducts & valves 015AOO-015A99 13rake pedal support 016AOO-017A99 Dash assembly 018A00-019A99 Ventilating ducts & valves 020A00-026A99 Cowl & front body pillar 027A00-028A99 Open 029AO0-029A99 Body front tae bow braces, etc. 030A00-039A99 Windshield assembly 040A00-042A49 Visor assembly 042A50-043A99' Front belt rail Inst . panel assy, 044A00-045A99 Panel assy . -instr . panel details 046AOO-047A99 Cigar lighter assy . & instr. cluster EXPANSION BY FUNCTIONAL AREA 25900-27999 259AOO-259A99 I Open 26000-26199 260AOO- 261A99 Rear door reinforcement 26200-26399 262AO0-263A99 Rear door glass frame 26400-26699 264AOO-266A90 Rear door lock & handles 26700-26799 262A00-267A99 Open 26800-26899 268AO0-268A99 Rear door hinge 26900-26999 269A00-269A99 Open 27000-27299 270A00-272A99 Rear door check®ulator 27300-27399 273A00-273A99 Rear door regalator vacuum lift 27400-27699 274AO0-276A99 Rear door trim 27700-28099 277A00-280A99 Quarter & quarter panel assy. 28100-28399 281A06-283A99 Quarter lock pillar 28400-28499 284AO0-284A99 Open 28500-28699 285A00-286A 99 quarter header & frame 28700-28799 287A00-287A99 Quarter belt rail 04800-04899 048A00-048A99 Ash receptacle assy. 04900. 05999 049A00-059A99 1 Open 06000-06199 060A00-061A99 j Glove compt . assy. 06200-09999 062AOO-099A99 Open 100A00-109A 99 Floor side & cross members 10000-10999 11000-11099 110AOO-110A99 Underbody assy. 1]100-11499 111A00-114A09 Floor pan assy, silencers & pads 11500-11799 115AOO-117A99 Floor board assy. 11800-11999 118A00-119A99 Open 120A00-120A99 Floor board riser 12000-12099 12160-12299 121A00-122A99 Floor trans . cover dust sealer 12300-12599 123AOO-125A99 Open 12600-12699 126A00-126A99 Floor skid strip 12700-12999 127AO0-129A99 ! Open 13000-13199 ! 130AOO- 13 1A99 Floor mat & carpet 13200-13299 132AO0-132A99iFlo- scuff plate 28800-28999 29000-29199 29200-29599 29600-29999 30000-30199 30200-30299 20300-30699 30700-30799 30800-30999 31000-31499 31500-31599 31600-21899 31900-31999 32000-32199 32200-32399 288A00-289A99 290AO0-291A99 292AO0-295A99 296A00-299A 99 300AOO-301A99 302A00-302A99 303A 00 -306A 99 307A00-307A99 308A00-309A99 310AO6-314A99 315A00-3I5A99 316A06-318A 99 3I9AOO-319A 32OA00-321A09 322AOO-323A99 Open Quarter window garnish mldg. Quarter reinf, braces & brkts. Quarter window, glass & channel Quarter glass run & regulator Quarter vent . window Qtr, window regulator & frame Quarter armrest ash receptacle Open Quarter trim assy . & assist loop Open Qtr .arm rest assy. Quarter panel spare wheel comet. Open Side slats-trim sticks-antisqueaks 13300-13499 133AOO-134A99 Open 13500-13599 135AO0-135A99 Floor tool box 13600-13799 136AO0-137A99 Open 14000-14199 140A 00-141A 99 Member assy, body side frt .& rt . . 14200-14299 142A00-142A991SH1 assy . -floor pan cross front 14300-10999 :143AOO-199A99s . Open 20000-20799 200A00-207A99iBody side and front door 20800-21099 208A00-2IOA99 Front door garnish mldg. 21100-21299 211AOO-212A99 Front door reinforcement 21300-21399 213AO0-213A99 Open 21400-22399 214A00-223A99 Front door glass, lock&frame 22400-22499 .224AOO-224A99 ; Front dour handles 22500-22599 '225AO0-225A99 :Open 22600-22699 226A00-226A09 ' Front door handles-inside 32400-32499 32500-301199 40000-40199 40200-40399 40400-40499 40507-46599 40600-40099 40700-40799 40800-40999 41000-41099 41100-41199 41200-41299 41300-41399 324AOO-324A 9f1 325AOO-399A99 400A00-401A9D 402A00-403A99 404A00-404A 99 405AO0-405A 90 _06A00-406A99 407AOO-407A99 408A 00-409A99 410AOO-410A99 411A00-411A99 412AOO-412A 9P 413AOO-413A09 Quarter folding campt . -pkg. Open Backdoor & luggage compartment Tail gate & back panel assv. I .Ift gate Open Luggage compt, door panel Tall mate panel assy. Bark door & tail gate frame assy. Back door pillar fillers Open Deck pillar group Luggage comet, & lift gate door header 22700-22799 22800-22899 22900-22999 23000-22299 23100-23499 23500-23499 23600-23699 23700-24199 24200-24299 24300-24599 24600-24999 25000-25099 25100-25399 25400-25899 41400-41599 41600-41699 41700-41899 41900-4I999 4200-42299 42300-42499 42500-42599 42600-42699 42700-42899 414A01-415A9PI Open 416AO0-416A90 Tail gate framing 412A00-418A 99 Back belt rail 419A00-4112A90 Bark door glass & framing 420A 00-422A99 Back window glass & frame assy. 423AOO-424A 9P Luck windowgarnish moulding 425A00-425A 99 Backdoor finishstrip-mouldings 426A 00-9 26A 99 Tail gate cross finish strip 422A00-428A09 Luggage compt, hinge assy . lamp assy. 429A00-429A99 Back door hinge & reinf, assy. 430A00-430A99 Tail gate hinge assy. 431AOO-431A99 Back door & tail gate lack 432A00-433A99 Luggage compt . lock assy. May, 1975 227A00-227A99 228AO0-228A99 229AOO-229A99 230A00-233A99 231A 00-234A99 234A00-235A 2 236A00-236A99 237A00-241A99 242A00-242 A99 243AO0-245A99 246A00-249A99 250AO0-250A99 251AOO-253A 92 254A00-258A99 Open Front door hinge Front dolor ventilating windo,. Front door dovetail & regulator Front door & window regulators Front cloor check Open Front door trim & arm rest Hydraulic window operating Center pillar assy. Rear door assy . & panels Rear door frame & pillar assy. Rear door heavier & bottom Rear door glass & garnish tnidg . COPYRIGHT *1975- 42900-42999 43000-43099 43100-43199 43200-43399 FORD MOTOR COMPANY -DEARBORN, MICHIGAN FINAL ISSUE I0 GENERAL INFORMATION FORD CAR PARTS BODY BASIC NUMBERS and CORRESPONDING FUNCTIONS - continued BASIC PART ND SERIES BASIL SERIES EXPANSION PARTS WHICH QUALIFY BY FUNCTIONAL AREA 434A00-434A99 435A00-436A99 437A00-438A99 439A00-439A99 440A00-440A99 441A00-441A99 442A00-442A99 443A00-443A99 444A00-445A99 446A00-446A99 447A00-447A99 448A00-450A99 451AOO-451A99 452A00-453A99 454A00-455A99 456A00-456A90 Back door handle assembly Luggage comp .locking handle Backdoor&lugg . compt . w/strip Tail gate bumper & dowel Back window regulator assy . Back door check assy . Luggage compt .lid support Open Tail gate support Back reinforcement brackets Back door reinf . 1,/compt, opening &tail gate reinf. Luggage compt . drain trough Back trim & curtain Luggage compt . trim Luggage tool compartment 55000-55199 55200-55999 60000-60024 60025-60049 60050-60099 60100-60124 60125-60199 60200-60299 60300-60499 60500-60799 61500-61599 550A00-551A99 Top luggage carrier 552A00-559A99 Open 600A00-600A24 Front seat complete-less trim 600A25-600A49 Rear seat assy . -opera seat assy. 600A50-600A99 Front & rear seat assy. 601A00-601A24 Driver's seat adjustment 601A25-601A99 Rear & deck seat-back assy. 602A00-602A99 Driver's seat back assy . comp. 603A00-604A99 Front seat cushion frame assy. 605A00-607A99 Rear . aux . & opera cushion framing 608A00-612A99 Front seat cushion &back frame 613AO0-613A99, Rear seat back frame 614A00-614A99 Rear seat side pillar-front seat side board 615A00-615A99 Rear seat side panel 45700-45799 457A00-457A99 Luggage comp . partition board 45800-45899 458A00-458A99 Luggage compt . shelf board 45900-45999 459A00-459A99 Luggage compt .lamp assy . 46000-46099 r 460A00-460A99 Compartment pkg. compartment 46100-46199 461A00-461A99 Tool compartment 46200-46299 462A00-462A99 Deck step 46300-46399 463A00-463A99 Back door trim 46400-46499 464A00-464A99 Luggage compartment trim 46500-46999 465A00-469A99 Package tray 47000-47299 470A00-472A99 Spare wheel compartment 47300-47999 473A00-479A99 Open 48000-48099 480A00-480A90 Rear rack assy, 48100-49999 481A00-499A99 Open 50000-50299 500A00-502A99 Roof & top assy . 50300-50799 503A00-507A99 Folding top parts 61600-61699 61700-62099 62100-62499 62500-62599 616A00-616A99 617A00-620A.99 621A00-624A99 625A00-625A99 62600-62799 62800-62899 626A00-627A99 628A00-628A99 62900-63199 629A00-631A99 63100-63199 631A00-631A99 63200-63499 63500-63699 632A00-634A9P 635A00-636A99 50800-51299 51300-51399 51400-51599 63700-63799 63800-63899 64000-64099 64200-64399 64400-64599 64600-64699 64700-64899 64800-64999 637A00-637A99 Front seat side carpet 638A00-638A99 Rear & deck seat cushion cover 640A00-640A99 Driver's seal rear cover 642A00-643A99 Partition window operating mech. 644A00-645A99•Frout seat back cushion cover 646A00-646A99 Seat back, pad & division frame 647A00-647A99 Front & center seat spring & pad 648A00-649A99 Front, renter & opera seat pad, cardboard & cover 650A00-650A99 Front seat back facing 651A00-651A99 Front seat back trim rail 652A00-652A99 Front seat hack cushion welt & moulding 653A00-653A99 Front seat back wadding 654AO0-654A99IIFront seat hack misc . trimhassock assy. !l 655A00-655A99 Front seat back bellows 656A00-659A99 Open. 660A00-660A99 Pedestal seat 661AOO-665A99 Open 666A00-6$8A99Rear &dockseat back cover, pad & spring 669A00-670A99 'Rear seat cardboard & facing 671A00-671A99 Rear seat back arm rest cover 672A00-672A99 Rear seat arm rest 673A00-675A99 'Rear seat silencer heelhoard 43400-43499 43500-43699 43700-43899 43900-43999 44000-44099 44100-44199 44200-44299 44300-44399 44400-44599 44600-44699 44700-44790 44800-45099 45100-45199 45200-45399 45400-45599 45600-45699 51600-51699 51700-51799 51800-51899 51900-52299 52300-52499 52500-52599 52600-52699 52700-52999 53000-53099 53100-53199 508A00-512A90 Roof reinforcement retainers 513A00-513A99 Roof rail assembly 514A00-515A99 Top bow assy, & dome lampbrackets & attaching parts 516A00-516A90 Roof rib & slats 517A00-517A99 Roof drip & finish moulding 518A00-518A99 Roof partition 519A00-522A90 Roof headlining & support 523A00-524A99 Roof binding & cardboard 525A00-525A99 1Top back curtain 526A00-526A99 Open 527A00-529A99 Top deck & slide quarter 530A00-530A99, Top stack-toggle 531A00-531A99Top landau-folding pillar 53200-53399 532A0O-533A99 Top back curtain & hyd . mech . 53400-53499 53500-53699 53700-53799 53800-53899 53900-54299 54300-54399 54400-54499 54500-54599 54600-54799 54800-54899 54900-54999 534A00-534A99 Top curtain container 535A00-536A99tTop side curtain front & rear 537A00-537A99I Top covers, pads and retainers 538A00-538A99 , Quarter curtain 539A00-542A99 Foldingtop & back stay pad 543A00-543A99 Roof pads & wadding-silencers 544A00-544A99 Top dust hood & container 545A00-545A99 Open 546A00-547A99 Folding top compt . & w/strip 548A00-548A99 Top hold down strap 549A00-549A99 Roof ventilator BASIC PART NO . SERIES 60800-61299 61300-61399 61400-61499 65000-65099 65100-65199 65200-65299 65300-65399 65400-65499 65500-65599 65600-65999 66000-66099 66100-66599 66600-66899 66900-67099 67100-67199 67200-67299 67300-67599 BASIC SERIES EXPANSION PARTS 4'iHICH QUALIFY BY FUNCTIDNAL AREA Front seat back panel Front seat adjusting Front & rear seat back reinf. Driver & passenger seat suppt . rear seat legs Front seat floor rest toe guard Front seat back robe cord front seat back ash receptacle Front seat cushion covercenter seat opera seat cushion Front, center, opera & rear scat cushion springs Seat cushion pad, facing & end pipe Cushion button & welt bindin IMPORTANT : AS EACH INDIVIDUAL EXPANSION SERIES BECOMES EXHAUSTED of NUMBERS, ANOTHER SERIES WILL BE ESTABLISHED BY USE of THE NEXT ALPHABETICAL EXPANSION LETTER SUCH AS "8" thru "2". FORD CAR PARTS GENERAL 11 INFORMATION MOTORCRAFT SALES PART NUMBERS To facilitate the stocking and handling of those service parts which are assigned both service part numbers and Motorcraft Sales Part Numbers, the Motorcraft Sales Part Numbers are shown in parenthesis immediately following or below the service part numbers. For example, refer to Section 96, Group 9601 . The service part number for a carburetor air cleaner element used on a 1969 Mustang with a 6 cylinder 250 C .I .D . engine is C9ZZ 9601-A and the Motorcraft Sales Part Number is FA-68 . In the catalog this item will be shown as C9ZZ 9601-A(FA-68). SYMBOL USED REGULARLY IN CATALOG * Symbol Indicates part is not supplied for service due to the following: a. Part is superseded and replaced as indicated in the description column of text. b. Part can be improvised as indicated in the description column of text. c. Due to its function there would be little or no demand. NOTE : ALWAYS REFER TO THE DESCRIPTION COLUMN DE THE TEXT FOR SPECIFICATIONS AND DIMENSIONS WHICH MAY BE HELPFUL POSSIBLE SUBSTITUTION,OR FOR MATERIAL IN OBTAINING THE NoN•SERvlcED PART LOCALLY. FORMATS Various formats are used throughout this catalog to coincide with the normal procedure for selecting the affected part numbers . Most areas of the catalog use a format arranged in the order shown below: Column 1 2 3 4 5 Model year Type of vehicle or equipment within a specific model year Description, size, etc. Quantity required per vehicle Complete part number Formats peculiar to a particular area of the catalog are generally self explanatory . When necessary, instructions are shown at the beginning of the affected group . For instance, the various charts and parts list method of cataloging in the Carburetor Section are explained on Page 1 of Section 95. CATALOG CODES and RELATED VEHICLES VEHICLES and RELATED CATALOG CODES Bronco Falcon Falcon Fairlane/Torino Ford Maverick Mustang Pinto Thunderbird U X(Before 1/70) B(From 1/70) B A P F L S sass_ A B F L P S U X Ford Fairlane/Torino and *Falcon Mustang Pinto Maverick Thunderbird Bronco Falcon (1965/70 - Built before January, 1970 see Code B for units built from January, 1970) For Falcon Club Wagons - refer to Ford Truck Master Parts Catalog (Form AF 7636-A) * May, 1975 Includes Falcon units built from January . 1970 COPYRIGHT C 1975- FORD MOTOR COMPANY -DEARBORN, MICHIGAN FINAL ISSUE 12 GENERAL INFORMATION FORD CAR PARTS MODEL YEAR APPLICATION Model year application is indicated by showing the first year followed by a diagonal line to indicate continued usage in all subsequent years until the insertion of the last year of usage, which :ill then be inserted after the diagonal line . If no diagonal line is shown, the part is applicable only tothe year indicated. Example : Indicates part used 1985 through 1972 as shown in this catalog, for possible application beyond 1972 see 1973/ Ford Parts Catalog, Form FP 8094-A. 66/68 Indicates part used 1966 through 1968 model years. 67 Indicates part used 1967 model year only. 72 Indicates part used 1972 model year, for possible usage beyond 1973/ see Ford Car Parts Catalog, Form FP 8094-A. 65/ BODY TYPE CODES Most body parts and some chassis parts are identified by Body Type Codes . A complete listing of body type codes is shown on pages 31 thru 34 of this General Information Section . Similar body types are identified by the same code number ; the body type suffix is used to identify a particular body type . For instance, in 1968 (Ford) body type code 54 was used as follows: 1968 A(54A) A(54B) A(54C) A(54E) A(54) Galaxie "500" 4 Door Sedan Custom "500" 4 Door Sedan "LTD" 4 Door Sedan Custom 4 Door Sedan 4 Door Sedans Body type codes (less suffix) are shown in the model column of the catalog text or with illustration titles when all body types of a related group are affected . For example, when Body Type Code 54 is shown, it includes 54A, 54B, 54C and 54E . SOFT TRIM Soft Trim parts are arranged in separate sections by model year i .e . 1965, 1966 etc . Each includes facsimile trim swatches and complete trim codes . To determine the complete part number of a trim part, it is necessary to know the "Trim Code" which is shown on the Warranty Plate or Certification Label of the vehicle (refer to Pages 18 thru 22) . Instructions for selecting soft trim parts are contained at the beginning of each Soft Trim Section. ATTACHING PARTS (NUTS, BOLTS ETC .) and LOCATOR CODES Standard and utility hardware, such as bolts, screws, fittings, etc . are listed below the part with which they are used . To facilitate the stocking and handling of standard and utility parts by Ford Dealers, locator codes are preassigned by Ford Motor Company . The locator codes are shown in parentheses immediately following or below the standard and utility part numbers . For an example, refer to Body Section 030, Page 1, Group 03014 . The part number for a 1/4-20 x 1/2" hex . head bolt is 20308-S8 and the locator code is (340) . In the catalog this item will be shown as 20308-SB (B40). LIQUID MEASURE Most liquid measures listed in this catalog are in U .S . sizes and certain other liquid measures (unique to Canada) listed in this catalog are in Canadian sizes . The following chart provides an understanding and a translation of U .S . to Canadian and Canadian to U .S . sizes. 1/2 pt . Pint (capacity in ounces) Canada U .S . Quart Gallon - capacity in ounces) 10 20 40 160 8 16 32 128 Example : 5 U .S . Quarts (160 ounces) equal 4 Canadian Quarts (160 ounces) or 1 Canadian Gallon. FORD CAR PARTS D .S.O., GENERAL INFORMATION 13 I .S .O . or I .P .O . (SPECIAL ORDERS} The District Code Number will appear in the D .S .O . space on the Warranty Plate or Certification Label for all units including regular production . Always furnish appropriate Warranty Plate or Certification Label information and D .S .O . Number, if applicable, when ordering parts not listed in the catalog . If the unit is D .S .O ., F .S .O . or L.P .O . (Special Order), the complete Order Number will appear in the D .S .O. space in addition to the District Code Number. HOW TO ORDER PARTS When ordering parts, always give the complete part number. In the event the part number is not known, the following information should be included. A. Complete description of part. B. Model year and body type. C. Dimension, number of teeth, size, etc . ; if possible rough sketch of part. D. If applicable to engine, transmission, axle, steering, etc . ; specify type; such as 390 C .I .D ., Fordomatic, Power Steering . etc. E. May, 1975 Advise how shipment is to be made - Freight, Express, Air, Parcel Post. COPYRIGHT 0 975- FORD MOTOR COMPANY -DEARBORN, MICHIGAN FINAL ISSUE ' 14 GENERAL INFORMATION FORD CAR PARTS INCHES and MILLIMETERS CONVERSION CHART MILLIMETERS TO DECIMAL [inches) EQUIVALENT MM DECIMAL (Inches) - 1 2 3 . 039 .079 .118 4 .157 5 6 7 8 •197 MM .236 .276 - .315 9 10 - .354 .394 .433 11 12 DECIMAL (Inches) _ = MM DECIMAL (Inches) _ DECIMAL (Inches) 60 2 . 244 2. 283 2 .323 2. 362 85 86 87 88 3 .386 3 .425 3 .465 61 2.402 62 63 64 2 .441 2.480 2 .520 89 90 91 92 3 .504 3 .543 3 .583 3 .622 2 .559 2 .598 2 .638 2 .677 93 94 95 96 3 .661 1 .535 1 .575 65 66 67 88 41 42 43 1 .614 69 1 .654 1 .693 70 71 97 98 99 44 1 .732 72 2.717 2.756 2,795 2.835 3 .819 3,858 3 .898 3 .937 45 46 1 .772 73 2 .874 2.913 2 .953 2.992 125 150 175 200 4 .921 74 3.031 225 250 275 300 8 . 858 9 .843 29 30 31 32 1 .142 1 . 181 1 .220 1 . 260 33 34 35 36 1 .299 1 .339 37 38 39 1 .457 57 58 59 MM - - 1 .378 - 1 .417 - -- - 1 .496 40 3 .346 3 .701 3 .740 3 .'780 .472 13 14 15 16 .512 .551 .591 .630 17 I8 .669 .709 19 .748 20 .787 21 22 23 24 .827 .866 .906 945 25 26 27 28 .984 1 . 024 - 1 . 063 - 47 1 .811 1 .850 48 1 .890 75 76 49 50 51 52 1 .929 1 .969 2 .008 2 .047 77 78 79 53 54 55 2, 087 2.126 2 .165 2 .205 81 82 83 84 56 1 .102 - 3.071 3 .110 3 .150 80 ' 100 5 .906 6 .890 7,874 10.827 11 .811 325 350 375 400 3 .189 3.228 3 . 268 3, 307 12.795 13 .780 14 .764 15 .748 DECIMAL (inches) TO METRIC EQUIVALENT DECIMAL = (Inches) .001 MM DECIMAL = (Inches) MM DECIMAL = (Inches) .025 ,051 .076 ,102 .120 3 .048 .320 .002 .003 ,004 .130 .140 3.302 3.556 .330 .150 .005 .127 .160 .006 .152 .178 .203 .170 3 .810 4 .064 4 .318 .007 .008 .009 .010 .020 030 - 040 I I . 360 .370 . 380 ,390 9 .906 .520 ,530 .540 .550 . 560 .570 .580 .590 11 1 . ill 1 1 1 I 1 1 .190 4 .572 4 . 826 11 1 :1 .254 .508 .762 I .01 % ~'7j11~If: ,a.'. 1 '7111flflflfl><. #•YI~ 4 YII~. I 1 .5 / 1. 080 2 .032 230 i DECIMAL = MM (Inches) 8 .I28 8 .382 8 .636 8 .890 9 . 144 9 .398 9 .652 .180 . MM 5. 4 .340 .350 .1 .610 .. .430 10, : .••1 11 .1 13 .208 13 .462 13 .716 13 .970 14 . 224 14 .478 14 .732 14 . 986 15 . 41 15 .494 15 .748 1% . + I 1 ., .720 .730 .740 .750 .760 .770 .780 .790 : 19 .558 19 . 812 20 .U66 I % . 31 1 1 .0 1:. :TTI 1 45u . s 1 1 '• .110 •' 4 ~C1111~R:Y•(1~ . 1+ .If 1 1 11 to I .960 .970 .980 .990 1 . 000 2.000 3 . 011 1I I 111 1 . III 1 11 20 . 5. I• 1 .920 .930 .940 .950 • 1 1. = MM 23 .368 23 .622 23 . 876 24 .130 24 . 384 24 .638 24 .892 25 .146 :/1 .o 1 DECIMAL (Inches) 18 .288 18 .542 18.796 19 .050 19 . 304 IQI)ifiCEllll~i~dlf["~.•1111~~ :411>"'.i :i/L~R(t11ff :la! 1 .620 . . 31 • •4, DECIMAL = MM (Inches) 1 1 : . I 000 1 11 1 . 11 1 I I, I I I 25 .400 50.800 7 % .200 Il . o o 1 f`I 111 1 508 .000 35 . 000 1. I'I`I 2540, 000 FORD CAR !ARTS 15 GENERAL INFORMATION INCHES and MILLIMETERS CONVERSION CHART - continued FRACTIONS (inches) TO DECIMALS (inches) and METRIC EQUIVALENTS DECIMAL Unc h es ) FRACTION (Inches) 1164 1/32 3164 2/16 5/64 3/32 7164 1/s 9/64 5/32 11/64 3/16 13/64 7/32 15/64 1/4 17164 9/32 19/64 5/16 21/64 11/32 231$4 3/8 25/64 13/32 27/64 7116 29164 15/32 31164 _ 11 2 33/611_ 17/32 35164 9/16 37/64 19132 :9/64_ 016 . 031 .047 .063 078 . 094 MM 518 .109 ,397 . 794 1 . 19I 1, 588 1,984 2 . 381 2,778 . 1 25 .141 I56 172 .188 .203 , 219 , 234 3. 175 3 .572 3 .D69 4 .366 4 . 763 5 .159 5 . 556 5 . 953 3/ .4 250 .266 ,281 297 8 .350 6 .747 7 .144 . 313 . 328 _ ._344 559 , 375 , 391 .406 .422 .438 ,453 .469 . 484 9, 525 9, 922 10. 319 10,716 1I . 113 11 .509 11 .906 12 . 303 750 ,766 .781 .79 813___ ._ , 828 , . , 844 _ .859 19 . 050 19 .447 x9 .844 20 .241 _20 .638 21 .034 21 .431 21 .828 875 , 891 , 906 ,922 .938 .953 . 969 .984 22, 225 22 . 622 23 .019 23 .416 23 .813 24 .209 24 .606 25 . 003 1 1 .000 25 .400 2 2.000 50 .800 3 3 .000 76 .200 4 4 . 000 101 .600 5 5 . 000 127 .000 10 10 .000 254 .000 15 15 .000 381 .000 20 20 .000 508 .000 25 25 .000 635 .000 50. 000 1270 . 000 _41/64 21132 _ 43164 11/16 45164 23132 47164 49164 2502 51164 23116 53164 . 27132 55164 57164 29132 59164 15/16 61164 63164 .500 12 .700 13 .097 516 .53I y 13 .494 .547 13 .891 .563 I4 .288 ,578 14 .684 , 594 15,081 609 .,_15 .478 COPYRIGHT D 1975- FORD MOTOR COMPANY >a p 15 .875 _16, 272 16 .669 17 .066 17 . 463 17 . 859 _18 .256 18 . 653 718 7,54I 7, 938 8, 334 8 .731 9,128 = , 625 , 641 _ ,656 , 672___ _ ._687 .703 .719_ .734 100 May, 1975 DECIMAL (Inches) FRACT10N (Inches) -DEARBORN, MICHIGAN 1OO .O p0_ . 2540 .000 FINAL ISSUE _ 16 GENERAL INFORMATION FORD CAR PARTS ARQIIE V IATI0 %S 2/b or 2/v 3 rI or 3/S/T 3 or 4/5/T 4/b or 4/v 4/T or 4/S/T 6/b or 6/V 8/b or 8/V 2 barrel 3 sp eed trans. 3 or 4 speed trans 4 barrel 4 speed trans. 6 barrel 8 barrel A/C air conditioner AR As Required A/5 air suspension A/T or automatic transmission auto . trans. A .T .C automatic temperature control abs accel adj absorber accelerator adjustment alt alter alum amp alternator alternating aluminum ampere approx - assy attach b1t brg brlcr brkt bus B/W CJ C4 and/or C6 C/CW C . I . D - .approximately assembly attached block col Corr compt con cond corn Ctr cvr . or cov cyl D/4/S def defl dia. or Warn cliff disp (list E .S .C E/H/D elec em/re eng equal ev/em exh ext bearing breaker bracket business Borg Warner F/L Cobra Jet (engine) type of automatic transmission counter clockwise cubic inch displacement F-1 F-2 F-4 carb Chg/L clstr cruise-o-matic candle power California Special (Mustang) clockwise crossmeniber cotter pin crankshaft carburetor Change level cluster control conditioning connecting center cover cylinder Dagenham 4 speed defroster deflector diameter differential displacement distributor Electronic Spark Control Extra Heavy Duty electric emission reduction engine equalizer evaporative emission exhaust external gen g/compt gov generator glove compartment governor gr GTW gear gross tongue weight H-1 H-2 H-4 Halley 1 barrel carb. Holley 2 barrel carb. Holley 4 barrel carb. H/D heavy duty high output norsepower head H/O HP lid h/lamp hex hsg htr hyd headlamp hexagon housing heater hydraulic I. D inside diameter I/P integral power steering ident ign identification ignition Imco Improved Combustion Emission Control System indicator instrument internal intermediate Indic instru int inter Fairlane K .D F/4/S C/M C .P . or cp CS C/W c/member c./pin c/shaft column co Compressor compartment Ford 1 barrel carb. Ford 2 barrel carb. Ford 4 barrel carb. Ford 4 speed fdr fill fender fillister flex fir flexible floor frt ft f/wheel front foot flywheel shipped in disassembled form L . H lb left hand pound 1/compt it . /frame lub 1/washer or 1/w lwr M/I M/5 M/T man med mm m .p .h n11dg mtd mtg mtr luggage compartment light weight frame lubricator lockwasher lower Mainline manual steering --manual transmission manifold :ec :iu m millimeter miles per hour moulting mounted mounting motor FORD CAR PARTS GENERAL INFORMATION 17 ABBREVIATIONS nu m per No q .D outside diameter O/D or o/drive , , , , , , , , ,,,,, overdrive O. H . V over head valve oversize O/s o/all oz overall ounce P/A P/C P/I P/L P/S P. F power assist steering Police Car Police Interceptor Par Mane power stc ring premium fuel pass pea press pt passenger pieces pressure pint qtr qty quarter quantity R/A rib or R/B rocker arm replaced by R/D R/O regular duty ring gear May, 1975 R .F regular fuel right hand R . H R . P.M . or RPM . .revolutions per minute rad rd reg reinf repl req'd ret rr radiator round regulator reinforcement replaced required retainer rear S/C S/CJ standard cooling Super Cobra Jet (engine) s /compt S/Tl S/E S/L S/T S/W s/member s/ring speedo spkrs sprg std strg suppt susp COPYRIGHT 0 1975- T/E T.V Thermactor Emission Control System throttle valve tack tachometer temperature temp t/gate tail gate thd unread trans trans mission Trans/ign . or Trans . ign Transistorized Ignition T,R .S Transmission Regulated Spark Control D/5 u/joint or u/jt, undersize universaljoint storage compartment Sedan Delivery Special Economy carb, Sunliner standard transmission Station Wagon vac vent side member snap ri!i;, w/o speedometer W/4/S speakers w/shield or w/s spring w/strip warn standard wt steering support suspension X/C or x/c FORD MOTOR COMPANY -DEARBORN, MICHEGAN vacuum ventilat .nn without Warner 4 speed windshield weather strip warning weight extra cooling FINAL ISSUE 18 GENERAL INFORMATION FORD CAR PARTS 1965 WARRANTY PLATE - TYPICAL [U . S . built vehicles) Located on the latch face of the left Front Door . The Warranty Plate Includes. 1. 2. Miscellaneous vehicle data (first line) consisting of codes which identify Body Type, Color of Exterior Paint, Trim, Production Date, District (and D .S .O . number where applicable), Rear Axle Ratio and Transmission. Vehicle Warranty Number (second line) consisting of Codes which identify Model Year, Assembly Plant, Series, Engine and Numerical Sequence of Assembly. The page number(s) on which the Codes are listed is shown in parenthesis. MISCELLANEOUS VEHICLE DATA (54A EM 22 17 K 26 1 31 FIRST LINE MONTH CODE (36) (36) PRODUCTION DATE CODE (35) BOOS' COLOR CODE (31 ,hno 34) BODY TYPE CODE (((DISTRICT CODE ) ( } (39) DSO NUMBER ) 1I (35) TRIM CODE REAR AXLE RATIO CODE (37) I TRANSMISSION CODE (36) 54A EM 22 17 K 26 1 3 "54A"---- Galaxie 500 4 Door Sedan "RM"---- Ivy Green lower body, Wimbledon White upper body (For two tone vehicles first digit indicates lower body color and second digit indicates upper body color .) Numerals following the color Code are for Company information. "58"---- Ivy Gold cloth and vinyl Refer to 1965 Soft Trim Section for complete instructions and Trim Code listing. "17"---- Seventeenth Day of Month "K"---- October " 26" ---- Washington District (and DSO number when applicable) Refer to Page 34 for complete explanation " 1" ---- Rear Axle Ratio of 3 .00 to 1 I ' 4" ---- (EX) Dual Range Transmission BODY COLOR TRIM DATE 54A Black Background Plate Identifies a Unit Painted with M30J (Non-Acrylic) Enamel . (Solid Color Unit or the Lower Body Color when Unit is Two-Tone .) RM 58 D.S .O AXLE TRANS 26 1 4 17K Grey Background Plate Identifies a Unit Painted with M32J (Acrylic) Enamel. (Solid Color Unit or the LowerBodyColor when Unit is Two-Tone .) VEHICLE WARRANTY NUMBER 0 '5562X100001 ' HOT FOR TITLE OR REGISTRATION PURPOSES THIS VEHICLE IS MANUFACTURED UNDER ISSUED AND PENDING UNITED STATES AND FOREIGN PATENTS A PRODUCT OF MOTOR COMPANY MADE IN U .S .A P .3941 VEHICLE WARRANTY NUMBER ('5562X100001') SECOND LINE S (24) MODEL YEAR CODE 62 X 101001 Il NUMERICAL SEQUENCE (30) OF ASSEMBLY (24) ASSEMBLY PLANT CODE (25 ( ht . 26) SERIES CODE ENGINE CODE (29,30) Asterisks precede and follow the vehicle Warranty Number to prevent unauthorized addition of numbers or symbols. " 5" ---- 1965 Model " S" ---- Assembled at Pilot Plant "62"---- 4 Door Sedan "X"---- 8 cyl . Engine--352 C .I .D .-- 4 Venturi carburetor "100001"---- First Ford Series vehicle assembled at Pilot Plant during Model Year ---- FORD CAR PARTS GENERAL INFORMATION 19 1965 WARRANTY PLATE - TYPICAL (Canadian built vehicles) Located on the latch face of the left Front Door. The Warranty Plate Includes: 1. Miscellaneous vehicle data (first line) consisting of codes which identify Color of Interior and Exterior Paint, Trim, Engine and Special Order Number (where applicable). 2. Vehicle Serial Number (second line) consisting of codes which identify Car Line, Body Type, Model year, Drive and Numerical Sequence of Assembly. The page number(s) on which the Codes are listed is shown in parenthesis. MISCELLANEOUS VEHICLE DATA (1RR 631 183 02-001) FIRST LINE ENGIN CODE FOR INTERNAL CONTROL ONLY-DISREGARD (3S) TRIM CODE (53) EXTERIOR PAINT CODE . 1 (35) INTERIOR PAINT CODE RR 631 1 1 i 1-7 B TRANSMI55(ON CODE (36) SPECIAL ORDER NUMBER 3 02 .001 "1"---- Red interior "RR"---- Rangoon Red lower body and Rangoon Red upper body "631"---- Red vinyl and red cloth "J"---- 8 cyl . Engine - 390 C .I .A. "3"---- Automatic Transmission "02-001"---- Special Order Number (when applicable) Refer to Page 13 for complete explanation OAKVILLE ONTARIO ENGINE SERIAL NO, IS LOCATED ON ENGINE BLOCK O PAINT TRIM ENGINE SPECIAL ORDER NO 1RR] 631 JB3 02-001 . `^] v j SERIAL NUMBER 463B 65L 700001 P-8561 SERIAL NUMBER (463B 65L 700001) SECOND LINE 4 63B 65 L 700001 (39) . CAR LINE CODE) (31 •h nu 34) BODY TYPE CODE DRIVE CODE (16) MODEL YEAR CODE NUMERICAL SEQUENCE (30) OF ASSEMBLY (34) "4"---- Ford with 8 cylinder engine "63B"---- Galaxie 500 2 Door Hardtop (Fastback) "65"---- 1965 Model "L"---- Left Hand Drive "700000"---- First Ford Series Vehicle assembled at Oakville during Model Year May, 1975 COPYRIGHT 0 1975- FORD MOTOR COMPANY -DEARBORN, MICHIGAN FINAL ISSUE 20 FORD CAR PARTS GENERAL INFORMATION 1966/69 WARRANTY PLATE - TYPICAL 'ALSO USED ON 1970 MAVERICK BEFORE 8/11/69( Located on the latch face of the left Front Door. The Warranty Plate includes: Warranty Number (first line) consisting of Codes which identify Model Year, Assembly Plant, Series, 1. Engine and Numerical Sequence of Assembly, 2. Miscellaneous Vehicle Data (second line) consisting of Codes which identify Body Type, Color of Exterior Paint, Trim, Production Date, District (and D .S .O . number where applicable), Rear Axle Ratio and Transmission. The page numbers) On which the Codes are listed is shown in parenthesis. WARRANTY NUMBER {25 Ihru 261 SERIES (6562X 1000011 FIRST LINE coin (201 ASSEMBte PLANT CODE ENGINE CODE (79,301 (24) MODEL YEAR CODE NUMERICAL SEQUENCE (30( OF ASSEMBLY 1966 Model "S"--- Assembled at Pilot Plant. " 62" --- 4 Door Sedan "X"--- S CyL. Engine - 352 C .I .D. - 4 Venturi Carburetor "100001"--- First Ford Series vehicle assembled at Pilot Plant during Model Year "S"--- MADE IN INDICATES U .S . BUILT VEHICLES Black Background Plate identifies a Unit Painted with M32J (Acrylic) Enamel. (Solid Color Unit or the Lower BodyColor when Unit 1a Twe-Tune .) ,+y„r CANADA MADE IN WARRANTY NUM6EE 6562X 100001 V4ATL NOT FOR TIRE OR REGISTRATION r } 154A YM 32 17K 33 6 BODY COLOR TRIM DATE D .5 .0 . AXLE TRANS . Crey Background Plate identifies a Unit Painted with M30J (Non-Acrylic) Enamel . (Solid Color Unit or the Lower Body Colorr when Unit is Two-Tone. INDICATES CANADIAN MIT VEHICLES P .521B MISCELLANEOUS VEHICLE DATA 154A YM 32 17 K 33 1 61 SECOND LINE 54A YM 32 17 K 33 (31 ?hr . 34) BODY TYPE CODE (35) BODY COLOR CODE (35( TRIM CODE (36) PRODUCTION DATE CODE 1 6 TRANSMISSION CODE (38) REAR AXLE RATIO CODE ( 371 DISTRICT CODE D .S .o . NUMBER (391 MONTH CODE (36) Galaxie 500 - 4 Door Sedan "YM"--- Silver Blue lower body, Wimbledon White upper body "32"--- Blue cloth and vinyl Refer to appropriate Soft Trim Section for complete instructions and Trim Code listing. "17"--- Seventeenth Day of Month "K"--- October "Sr- Detroit District (and D .S .O . number when applicable) Refer to Page 13 for complete explanation Rear Axle Ratio of 3,00 to 1 C4 Automatic 3 Speed Dual Range Transmission "54A"--- FORD CAR PARTS GENERAL INFORMATION 21 1969/70 SPECIAL PERFORMANCE VEHICLE WARRANTY PLATE - TYPICAL Located on the latch face of the left Front Door . The Warranty Plate includes: 1. Warranty Number (first line) consisting of Codes which identify Model Year, Assembly Plant, Series, Engine and Numerical Sequence of Assembly. 2. Miscellaneous Vehicle Data (second line) consisting of Codes which identify Body Type, Color of Exterior Paint, Trim, Production Date, District Code (and D .S .O . number where applicable), Rear Axle Ratio and Transmission. The page numbers(s) on which the Codes are listed is shown in parenthesis. WARRANTY NUMBER (9F02R 480001) FIRST LINE (25 rhrki 2e) ENGINE CODE (29,30) SERIES CODE NUMERICAL SEQUENCE OF ASSEMBLY (30) ASSEMBLY PLANT CODE (24) (24) MODEL YEAR CODE F 9 " 02 R 480001 480001" ---- 1969 Model Year Assembled at Dearborn Plant 2 Door Hardtop (Fastback) 8 Cyl . Engine - 428 C .I .D . Cobra Jet Ram Air - 4 Venturi Carburetor First Shelby Automotive Mustang assembled at Dearborn during Model Year Grey Background Plate Identifies a Unit Painted with M30J (Non-Acrylic) Enamel . (Solid Color Unit or the Lower Body Color when Unit is Two-Tone .) Black Background Plate Identifies a Unit Painted with M32J(Acrylic)Enamel. (Solid Color Unit or the Lower Body Color when Unit is Two-Tone .) P-6817 MISCELLANEOUS VEHICLE DATA (63A Y 4A 20 J 71 W 6) SECOND LINE 63A Y 4A (31rhra341 (35) BODY TYPE CODE BODY COLOR CODE (3s} (36) 20 W T T TRIM CODE ~ TRANSMISSION CODE DISTRICT CODE D .S .O . NUMBER PRODUCTION DATE CODE (38) REAR AXLE RATIO CODE (37) (39) MONTH CODE (36) "63A" ---- Mustang - 2 Door Hardtop (Fastback) " Y'' ---- Indian Fire (Burnt Orange Metallic) " 4A" ---- Black all vinyl Refer to appropriate Soft Trim Section for complete instructions and Trim Code listing. "20" ---- Twentieth Day of Month "J" ---- September 71" ---- Los Angeles District (and D .S .O . number when applicable) Refer to Page 13 for complete explanation W'' ---- Rear Axle Ratio of 4 .30 to 1 6" ---- 4 Speed Transmission - Close Ratio (2 .32 First Gear) May, 1975 COPYRIGHT O 1925- FORD MOTOR COMPANY -DEARBORN, MICHIGAN FINAL ISSUE 22 FORD CAR PARTS GENERAL INFORMATION 1970/ SAFETY STANDARDS CERTIFICATION LABEL - TYPICAL (REPLACES METAL WARRANTY PLATE) ALL EXCEPT BRONCO - REFER TO PAGES 40 THRU 44 FOR BRONCO WARRANTY PLATE CDDES) (NOT USED ON 1970 MAVERICK BEFORE 8/11/69) Located on the latch face of the left Front Door. The Certification Label includes. 1. Built date (e .g . 9 '69) in upper left hand corner which indicates the month and year in which the unit was built. Vehicle Identification Number (Ieft half of first line) consisting of Codes which identify Model Year, 2. Assembly Plant, Series, Engine and Numerical Sequence of Assembly (also shown in upper right hand corner). 3. Miscellaneous Vehicle Data (right half of first line plus second line) consisting of Codes which identify Body Type, Color of Exterior Paint, Trim, Rear Axle Ratio, Transmission and District (and D .S.O. number where applicable). The page number(s) on which the Codes are listed is shown in parenthesis. VEHICLE IDENTIFICATION NUMBER (OS54H100001) FIRST LINE SERIES CODE ASSEMBLY PLANT CODE (24) MODEL YEAR CODE (25 Rh.u 24) (24) ENGINE CODE (29,33) NUMERICAL SEQUENCE OF ASSEMBLY 0 S 54 I H 100001 (30) "0" -- 1970 Model Year "S" -- Assembled at Pilot Plant "54" -- 4 Door Sedan "H" ---- 8 Cyl . Engine-351 -2 Venturi Carburetor "100001 " -- First Ford Series Vehicle assembled at Pilot Plant during Model Year. "9/69" ---- Built during September,1969 U .S . VEHICLES CANADIAN VEHICLES MANUFACTURED BY 500001 ; FORD MOTOR COMPANY 9/69 THIS VEHICLE CONFORMS TO ALL APPLICABLE U .S . FEDERAL MOTOR VEHICLE SAFETY STANDARDS IN EFFECT ON DATE OF MANUFACTURE SHOWN ABOVE OS54H100001 5A 54A B 6 X 33 NOT FOR TITLE OR REGISTRATION MADE IN U .S.A . , MANUFACTURED BY 500001 FORD MOTOR COMPANY 9/69 THIS VEHICLE CONFORMS TO ALL APPLICABLE FEDERAL MOTOR VEHICLE SAFETY STAN. DARDS IN EFFECT ON DATE OF MANUFACTURE SHOWN ABOVE 055411100001 5A 54A 54A (35) BODY TYPE CODE BODY COLOR CODE (35) TRIM CODE "54A" ---"5A" ---Solid colors ---Two tones -- T B 6 X 33 NOT FOR TITLE OR REGISTRATION MADE IN CANADA MISCELLANEOUS VEHICLE DATA (54A B 5A 6 X 33) SECOND LINE (31 rh,u 34) j -, P-7184 DISTRICT CODE (39) D .S .O . NUMBER l1 TRANSMISSION CODE (3a} REAR AXLE RATIO CODE Galaxie "500" 4 Door Sedan Dark Maroon Black cloth and vinyl 1970/71 Single digit code 1972 Two digit code 1970/71 Two digit code 1972 Four digit code Refer to appropriate Soft Trim Section for complete instructions and Trim Code listing. Rear Axle Ratio of 3 . 00 to 1 FMX - Cruise-O-Matic Transmission Detroit District (and D. S .O. number when applicable) Refer to Page 13 for complete explanation (37) GENERAL INFORMATION FORD CAR PARTS 23 1970/ OWNER CARD - TYPICAL (ALL EXCEPT BRONCO) OW NER t':; A R ,,t,f!r: ,•11'W'.1-...; . . . . . . .. A FORD BUYER 1970 EVERY STREET HOMETOWN U .S .A. 0"12H57864 2 34 57D-5G 2-W - 34345 05-04-70 1N P .8190 Effective dates shown in the catalog, e .g . "Before 12/15/69" and From 12/15/69" may be determined through interpretation of the build date shown on the owner card . This information corresponds to that shown on the warranty plate from 1965 to 1969. The numerical position of the build date represents the day of the month. The alphabetical portion of the build date represents the month in which the unit was built. For example - 29D indicates 29th day of month D - April Refer to page 36 for a complete list of month codes and the corresponding month. May, 1975 COPYRIGHT C 1975- FORD MOTOR COMPANY -DEARBORN, MICHIGAN FINAL ISSUE 24 FORD CAR GENERAL INFORMATION Pars WARRANTY PLATE or CERTIFICATION LABEL (Refer to Pages 40 thru 44 for Bronco Warranty Plate Codes) 1965 U .S . BUILT VEHICLES 1966/ U .S . and CANADIAN BUILT VEHICLES YEAR CODES THE FIRST DIGIT OF THE WARRANTY OR VEHICLE IDENTIFICATION NUMBER IDENTIFIES THE MODEL YEAR OF THE VEHICLE. NOT FOR TITLE THE FOLLOWING CHART LISTS THESE CODES AND THE CORRESPONDING MODEL YEAR. MADE CERTIFICATION LABEL SHOIIN ;ARRANT}' PLATE TYPICAL YEAR CODE I CODE YEAR CODE YEAR 5 1965 7 1967 9 1969 6 1966 8 1968 0 1970 I CODE I YEAR 1 1971 2 1972 . 1965 CANADIAN BUILT VEHICLES YEAR CODES NEE LOCATED 0 THE FIFTH MD SIXTH DIGITS OF THE SERIAL NUMBER INDICATE THE MODEL _ \..- i .T NE YEAR OF THE VEHICLE. E:fll Code 65 - 1965 Model Year . 1965 U .S . BUILT VEHICLES 1966/ U .S . and CANADIAN BUILT VEHICLES ASSEMBLY PLANT CODES 41- 100001 t THE SECOND DIGIT OF THE WARRANTY OR VEHICLE IDENTIFICATION NUMBER IDENTIFIES e a r,2 5A THE PLANT AT WHICH THE VEHICLE WAS ASSEMBLED. 6 I NOT FOR TITLE THE FOLLOWING CHART LISTS THESE CODES AND THE CORRESPONDING ASSEMBLY PLANT. MADE CERTIFICATION LABEL SI/OWN' RARRA,VTY PL ;II6 TYPICAL CODE ASSEMBLY PLANT CODE ASSEMBLY PLANT A B Atlanta Oakville 14 J Lorain Los Angeles D E Dallas Mahwah K i, Kansas City Long Beach (1965) F G Dearborn Chicago N P Norfolk Twin Cities CODE IT S T ASSEMBLY PLANT San Jose Pilot Plant (Allen Park) ASSEMBLY PLANT CODE W X Wayne St . Thomas Y Z Wixom St . Louis Metuchen U Louisville 1 - GENERAL INFORMATION FORD CAR PARTS 25 WARRANTY PLATE or CERTIFICATION LABEL (Refer to Pages 40 thru 44 for Bronco Warranty Plate Codes) 1965 U .S . BUILT VEHICLES 1966/ U .S . and CANADIAN BUILT VEHICLES SERIES CODES THE THIRD AND FOURTH DIGITS OF THE WARRANTY OR VEHICLE IDENTIFICATION NUMBER IDENTIFY THE BODY SERIES. THE FOLLOWING CHART LISTS THESE CODES (IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE 500Y TYPE CODES} AND THE SERIES OR MODEL WHICH THEY REPRESENT . CERTIFICATIOA LARAL Si/OWN CARRA : .TY PLATE. TYPICAL, CODE CODE YEAR1 D E S C R I P T I O N SERIES 1TYPE SERIES) TYPE YEAR DESCRIPTION (A) FORD 1965/ err 51 : 5413 71~ f Custom 4 Door Sedan 54E 1 67/70 j. Custom 4 Door Sedan 51 51 . 6213 ; 65/66 Custom 5C0 2 Dnnr Sedan _ 52 5413 1 65/6G f Custom 500 4 Door Sedan 52 62B 67169 Custom ~0 2 Door Sedan --52 65D 71/ I Custom 500 2 Door Hardtop 64 64 54B . 67/70 : Custom :•00 4 Door Sedan 54D : 71/ " Custom 500 4 Door Sedan 53 53 53 71/ 76A 65/66 66 _66 _ 66 53K 57F 6313 71T LTD Brougham 4 . Door Pillared gar top 67/70 LTD 4 Door Hardtop T 65/66 Galaxie 500 2 Door Hardtop (Fastback) - 54 54F 55 55 63B ' 67 Galaxie 500 2 Door Hardtop 63B 8/70 • Galaxie 5002Door Hardtop (Fastback) I 65 67 67 62E 1 65 /66 1 Custom 2 Door Sedan 1 54 54A 67/70 ]Galaxie 500 4Door Sedan 54 --_ 54F 65/66 C uctnm 4 :7nnr S p cL n 1 { 57B 65/66 GaL3 .xie 500 4 Dorn- Hardt.nn (Factharkl 57H X71/ ' LTD 4 Door Hardtop 57K 71/ LTD Brougham 4 Door Hardtop 1 63F 65/66 LTD 2 Door Fastback 63C - 65/66 Galaxie 500 XL 2 Door Fastback(I3uckct seats ) 68 68 57B _57F 57 76A _ 67/70 Galaxie 500 4 Door Hardtop.---, ____ 71/ Galaxie 500 4 Door Hardto p 67/69 Galaxie 500 Convertible 63C 67 IGalaxie 500XL 2Door Har~itop(Bucket seats] 65C _ :68/7_0 ; Galaxie 500 2Door Hardto p (Fo_rmal Roof) 65F 711 Galaxie 500 2 DoorHardtop _ 59 761 67 Galaxie 500 XL Convertible (L3ucke_t seats 1 59 5M 70 Custom 500 2 Dnnr Hardtop ' 57F :3C 631 61 61 _ 65/66 . I .TD 4 Door Fastback •8/70 2 Door Iar top Fastback) 6 7013 l 7ZiH 62 5 4•J 62 8 5A H 63 63 e n •o ' arc( ►•p as •ac Convertib e _ _ _ oor Hardtop I moor Har .too LTD 2 Door Hardtop 65/66 Galaxie 500 XI . Convertible 7IB 65/66 14 Door Country Sedan (6 p assenger) f 4 Door Country Sedan (13 passenger} 7IC 67 71D 717 ^ 4 Door Custom 500 Ranch Wagon 71J 68/70 4 Boor. Custom 500 Ranch Wagon110 na_s_s . Y 73 73 71B 66/70 4 Door Country Sedanf6 passenger) ' 71E 67 4 Door Country Squire (6 passenger) 74 71A i 67 :4 Door Country Squire (10 p asseneer) 7IC : 65/66, 4 Door Country Sedan (10 passenger) 6817pI f 71F i 7/ 14 Door Country Sedan ! .. . 171E 168/70 4 Daor Country Squire(6 passeneer) rnDVar-ur n 1O]c _ .. - - 76 76 f 71A G /7Q Door Country Squire (I0 passenger) 71E 65/66 - 4 Door Country Squire f6 passen g er) 71H ` 71/ 14 Door Country~aquire __ 78 - 71A ;65/66 . 4 Door Country Squire (10 passenger} -~ - ~- 76 orma Roo ~. ..____ 71/ 4 Door Custom Ranch Wagon 67/70 4 Door Ranch Wagon (6 p assenger] 72 72 72 72 T4 , 53H LTD 4 Dour Pillared Hardtop 76D ~ 7 itre Converts• e xr_ . . , n-rr 7613 7113 67 4 Door Country Sedan (6 passenger) 710 65/66 4 Door Ranch Wagon (6 passenger) 71H 68/7014 Door Custom 500 Ranch Wagon(6 pass . ) 75 D 2 00 4 Door Sedan F - LTD Brougham 2 Door Hardtop 71 71 71 74 LTD Convertible ® 71/ } 71B 70 171D 58 58 58 60 80 65K Galaxie 500 4 Door Sedan 69 56 56 Galaxie 500 Convertible COMPANY . nnnnnn ~( # A . 26 GENERAL INFORMATION FORD CAR PARTS WARRANTY PLATE or CERTIFICATION LABEL (Refer to Pages 40 thru 44 for Bronco Warranty Plate Codes) SERIES CODES - continued CDDE SERIE , TYPE YEAR] D E S C R I P T I O N CODE SERIES [ TYPE YEAR E q E S C R IPTI O k (B) FAIRLANE/TORINO 1965/ 25 25 27 27 28 29 30 30 30 30 30 30 31 31 31 31 31 - 32 32 32 32 33 33 33 i 65A 71 65B 72 MA 71 53B -72 5413 65B 70 62A 67 -6-5A 61789 65C 70 65C 71 65C 71 ' 65D 72 70 41 41 _41 41 54C 62B 7113 76C 68 65/66 70 87 42 63D 68 42 : 42 42 42 42 63F 54B ; 63D 71C 71C 71D 42 GT 2 Door Hardtop (Fastback) G'ir`l TSoor Hardtop (Fastback-Bucket seats) 69 GT 2 Door Hardto p [Fastback) 65166 500 4 Door Sedan 67 500 G T 2 Door Hardtop 4 Door Station Wagon 70 500 4 Door Station Wagon 71 72 Gran Torino 4 Door Station Wagon 67/69 _ 4 Door Sedan 70 4 Door Sedan 43 63B 66 71 500 4 Door Sedan 43 65A 65 62A 53D 65/66 2 Door Sedan 43 71E 70/71 72 Gran Torino 4 Door Pillare3 Hardtop 43 76D 67 . 54 A ' 57C 57C 71D 6/66 70 71 67]69 4Dopr Sedan 4 Door Hardtop 500 4 Door Hardtop 4 Door Station Wagon 43 43 43 76D 76F 171K 44 44 65D 65D 68 69 44 4-4 65F 76D 69 66 45 65E 69 ' 45 65A 69 45 7613 66 46 46 63B 63E 69 69 46 46 66A 76C 70/71 66 47 -47 47 63C 6513 66A 66 500XL 2 Door Hardtop 65 2 Door Hardtop Sport Coupe 67/69 Ranchero 47 47 66B 97D 70/71 __ 1 62B t 67 1. 6513 68/69 65E 68/69 65E 34 - 5413 . 63C 70/71 57E ' 7613 76E 37 37 7113 76F 500 2 boor Sedan 500 2 D or Hardtop (F orma Roo f) 500 2 Door Hardtop (Formal Roof-Bucket seats) Broug ham 2 Door Hardto p (Formal Roof) 87/69 500 4 Door Sedan 71__ -600 2 Door Hardtop (Fastback) 6313 67 6313 66/69 ' 63E 68/69 63F 70/71 63R 1 '?2 36 36 36 70/71 500 2 Door Hardtop 500 2 Door HardtoD - 'astback) 500 . 2 Door Hardto p (Fastback-Bucket seats) GT 2 Door Hardtop (Fastback) Gran Torino 2 Door Hardtop (Fastback] 67/69 68/69 Brougham 4 Door Hardtop 500 Convertible 500 Convertible (Bucket seats) 67/69 500 4 Door Station w axon 70/11 G 1 Convertible 38 . 63H 70/71 : Cobra 2 Door Hardtop d (Fas1-lrack) 48 38 71t . 6-5/66 4 Door Ranch Wagon 38 7IE 67 Squire 4 Door Station Wagon _ 48 48 38 _$ 71E 68/69 Souire 4 Door Station Wagon 48 3a 65R 72 Gran Torino Sport 2 Door Hardtop (Formal 49 Root) 40 40 40 40 TD 4 Door Sedan 500 2 Door Sedan 500 4 Door Station Wagon VA XL Convertible 54A MC 54C 33 35 35 35 35 35 2 Door Hardtop (Formal Roof) 2 Door Hardtop (Formal Roof) Torino 4 Door Sedan 4 Door Pillared Hardtop 500 4 Door Sedan 500 2 Door Hardtop 2 Door Sedan 2 Door Hardtop (Formal R~ 2 Door Hardtop Torino 500 2 Door Hardtop (Formal Roof) 500 2-7:3oardfop (Formal Root) Gran Torino 2 Door Hardtop (Formal Roof) 63C 63D 65C 71D 7113 67 500XL 2 Door Hardtop 66 500GT 2 Door Hardtop 6W69 2 Door Hardtop (Formal Roof) 4 Door Station Wagon 71 72 14 Door Station Wagon ' 49 49 49 49 49 68/69 69 72 66B 67/69 66C 70/71 171B 65 71B { 66 97R 72 500 2 Door Hardtop 500 2 Door Hardtop Squire 4 Door Station Wagon 504GT Convertible GT Convertible (Bucket seats) GT Convertible (Bench seat) Gran Torino Squire 4 Dpar Station Wagon GT 2 Door Hardtop (Formal Roof) GT 2 Door Hardtop {Formal Roof-Bucket seats) UT` 2 Door Hardtop (Formal Roof) 500 GT Convertible Cobra 2 Door Hardtop(Formal Roof-Bucket seats) Cobra 2 Door Hardtop (Formal Roof-Bench seat) 500 Convertible Cobra 2 Door Hardtop Fastback-l3enchseat) Cobra 2 Door Hardtop [Fastback-Bucket seats) Ranchero 500 XL C onver tibl e 500 Ranchero 500 Ranchero 660 Ranchero _- _ GT Ranchero 4 Door Custom Ranch Wagon 500 4 Door Custom Ranch Wagon GT Ranchero , 66C 69 ~ GT Ranchero (Bench seat) 66D [ 67 500XL Ranchero (Bucket seats) 66D 68/69 . GT Ranchero 66E . 70/71 Squire Ranchero 11E 66 Sauire 4 Door Station Wagon wire Ranchero FORD CAR PARTS GENERAL INFORMATION WARRANTY PLATE OR CERTIFICATION LABEL (Refer to Pages 40 thru 44 for Bronco Warranty Plate C(xies) SERIES CODES - continued CODE %RTES! TYPE YEAR I D E SCRI P CODE SERIES I TYPE T I O N YEAR I D E S C R I P T I O N (B) FALCON 1970 - Units Built from 1/1/70 (For Falcon units built prior to 1%1/70 - see Catalog Symbol " X" on the next page) 26 27 1 62A 54A - - 70 b 4~ { 71 Falcon 2 Door Sedan Falcon 4 Door Sedan - - 6 1_ Falcon 4 Door Station Wagon 111 -- -~ (F) MUSTANG 1965/ 03 f 76A 167/701 Convertible 03 76B 68/69Convertible (Luxury trim) 03 76Bt70 1 Flair Con vertible 031 76C167 1Convertible 03 76D 167 Convertible (Luxury trim) 03 ~76D~l 71-/ )Convertible Ol 65A 67/7q 2 Door Hardtop 65B 67/691' 2Door Hardtop (Luxury trim) 01 l~ • 6613 -70 Flair 2 Door Hardtop 01 I65C 67/68 2 Door Hardtop I 2 Door Hardtop 01 65C 169 01 65D L68/6 r~ 2 Door Hardtop (Luxurv trlm)_ 65D 1/ 2 Door Hardtop (6-5E 69 Grande 2 Door Hardtop 02 1 04 65E 170 04 65F ) 05 - 83C.f 70 05 63R 1 167 ; ~ 2 Door Hardtop (Fastback) _ 6P/70 6sT3f67/65 2Door Hardtop (Fastback-Luxury trim) 63B 70 ^ Flair 2 Door Hardtop (Fastback) IGrande 2 Door Hardtop Grande 2 Door Hardtop -_Mach_ 12 Poor Hasdtop (Fastback) Mach I 2 Door HadtopTF- tbc 1 I 65A j 65/66 1' 2 Door Hardtop 6513 1 65/66~ 2 Door Har_c_to LLuxury trim) - fi~C 165/66'-'for dt op 6TA m- 4 71/ 07 07 07 -08 I 76A1 . 65/66 Conierlihle 08 761 65-J66" Convertible (Luxury trim)_ OR 76C 65/661 Convertible 2 Door Hardtop (Fastback) 63C 68 12 63C 66 ,Wah a T£ Doo-rte dtop as ha ck) 02 63D 68 2 Door HardtopTFastback-Luxury Trimj OE_ . 63D 71/ 2 Door Hardtop (Fastback 2 09 03 68A 165/66 2 Door Hardtop (Fastback) 63B 65/66 2 Door Hardtop (Fastback-Luxury -trim) - - I (L) PINTO 1971/ - -_ 10 62Bi T--Moor Sedan `-'`- 1 I-3 -12 73B 1 May, 1975 COPYRIGHT 71/ i 8-Door Sedan (Ruti'05Out) - 72 2 Thor Station Wagon _ _ if O 1975- FORD MOTOR COMPANY f -DEARBORN, MICHIGAN FINAL ISSUE - 28 GENERAL INFORMATION FORD CAR PARTS WARRANTY PLATE OR CERTIFICATION LABEL (Refer to Pages 40 thru 44 for Bronco Warranty Plate Codes) SERIES CODES - continued CODE SERIES TYPE YEAR C OU E SERIES TYPE D E S C R I P T I O N (P) MAVERICK 91 1970/ D , 71, 162A770/. (2Door Sedan- 92 j54A 71/ 81 65A ~67 4 Door Laiidau 54 5713 67 6513 68/71 2 Door Landau (Bucket seats) 84 84 65D BSr71' 2 Door Landau (Bench seat) 2 De%Landau 85 63A •65/66 2 Door Hardtop 1 65A 68T71f2 Door Hardtop (Bucket seats) -AY 65C (68/71 2 Door Hardtop encti seat) 83 it (X) FALCON 1965/70 - (For Falcon Units built from 1/1/70 62A 165 f, 66 62D 65 171A 10 62A fl 11 66 -8-7- 57B 68/69 4 Door Landau (Bucket seats) 0/7I 4 Door Landau (Split A^nch) 571 111 57C 68/71 4 Door Iandau {Bench seat) 87 2 Door-Landau 87 63B 165 2 Door Hardtop 87 i 651C 72 Includes Units built before 1/1/70 see Catalog Symbol " B' on preceding page) 6213 65 Futura 2 -Door Sedan Bach seat) 20 6213 57 Futura 2--Door; Sedan -20 L 62P 68/70 Futura 2 Door Sedan (Bench seat) _ 4 Door Station Wagon 67/70 2 Door Sedan 21 21 22 22 1 54B 61770 l ufura 4ordan 69A 165 2 Dl m Station Wagon 6 -2C T67/69I 2Door Sedan (Buc et eats) 71A 65 ( 4 Door Station Wagon 7113 677 ' 54A 67/70 f-4 Door Sedan 6213 - 66 - 1 2 Door Sedan 24 12 5413 - 66 4Isoor Sedan 12 171A 67/68 4 Door Station Wagon 7IA 169/70 4 Door Standar 12 -Tc Station Wagon -la 76A 65/6 - Convertible 19 --T-2--Door Sedan 2 Door Sedan 2 boor Sedan 02 54A 65/66 ' 4 Dooedan 02 54D 65 4-15oor Se a i 06 1965/ 2 Door Hardtop (Blind Quarter) 12 Door Hardtop 82 T6513-6-7- 01 01 01 Grab er 2 Door Sedan 4 Door Sedan (S) THUNDERBIRD -63C 66 D ESCRIPTION YEAR 62-0 --66---2 Door Sedan TDTfcTet seat3 15 1- 76A 85 i Convertible-(Bench seat T5 ~ - 7B 65 j Convertible 73ucket seats 15 76D 65 I Convertible } . lfi~ 54Ei ) 6 Futura 4 boor Sedan t13ench seat)- -16 -7113 -' 66` -4 Uoor Dluxe Station Wagon 11- + 6-313 65 - rut ura 211oor T~rdtop (B seat) 17 r63C 65 2 Do'o-r-TE-ir-df 17 6365 2--nFor Hardtop (Socket seats) 2-6 f 7113 171C uturaTDoor Station Wagon 65 Futura 4 - Door Station Wagon 65 4 Door Squire -27--I,-6-6-A66A 6 ;76 27 66B 15 66C 65 27 27 1 66H 1 65 StandarcTT~anc ero _ Deluxe-Rancero Standard '1Taiichero - (Bucket seats ) `Deluxe Ranchero - 6'61 166 Custarri t is zero 2T 6616 186 `1 Custom Ranchero 2P~ 6A T5 Standard Sedan DeTe7ry FORD CAR PARTS 29 GENERAL INFORMATION WARRANTY PLATE or CERTIFICATION LABEL (Refer to Pages 40 thru 44 for Bronco Warranty Plate Codes) 1965 U .S . BUILT VEHICLES 1966/ U .S . and CANADIAN BUILT VEHICLES ENGINE CODES THE FIFTH DIGIT OF THE WARRANTY OR VEHICLE IDENTIFICATION NUMBER INDICATES BASIC ENGINE IDENTIFICATION. Li:i :Ebtit THE FOLLOWING CHART LISTS THESE CODES AS WELL AS NUMBER OF CYLINDERS, NOT FOR Td1LE CUBIC INCH DISPLACEMENT AND NUMBER OF CARBURETOR VENTURI. FOR FURTHER ENGINE IDENTIFICATION REFER TO SECTION 60 IN THIS CATALOG. . . . ... .. ... . . ... . . . ... . . .. . . .. .. . .. 5Q%S CERTIFICATION LAREL 511019N Ii ARRAN TY PLATE TYPICAL T CODE A YEAR T -65/6-7--I" 65/10 -- INE CYC .I .D 289 R Ek A RKS CARE - a 8 5 283`- V _~ 42 -9 - 4V Cobra Jet - 65 -69/ 8 8 289 302 --E-"---65/ 6 240-7 -- 1V' Taxi 70771 -_ . ._ D 4V 2V CYL . R Si Taxi C .I .D ~ - - x,`'65/68 Er LINE YEAR -g 4V PJF X46` 1V P/C 6 CODE .. ' GARB 300 REMARK S ~~ 4v -_- P/C - v• 8 351 V 4V GT 8 428 351 Hi-performance Cobra Jet thyd . lifters) 4V Boss 65/67 68 I 71/ 35ff GT -F -- 65 5f . G _ .-$9771 - H J 66/67 69% 68 70/11 IK- 65/67 X9/71 L IiS 69J 8 8 260 302- 8 3I 8 390 51 - $ 302 S :429 $ 6 69/71 4V Boss 2V --• 2V NOTE 1 4V 4V ' 35 1 1V 4V 68/ 8 429 4V - E Mg. Hi-per ormance 1600 cc or 1 .6 Titres 4 71/ Jet •• i/ ~_R -` 4 12_2 I 1 Y - ~~ • 4V -2V 3V V P X50 2v 1t/F .I 4V _ -~ 65/68 ! 8 -- -- •00 cc or E .U litres I . gg .-- - - =_ "~ obra 289 4VFtl-per}brniance 429 - 2V . - 250 r - U _ 2 N •200 T . 65 -1 - - -- Refer to nine IdentlfIcatlon Tag or Label to determine if Cleveland (351C) or Hlndsor (351 W) bu ' . t engine. MOTOR -DEARBORN, MICHIGAN COPYRIGHT O 1975May, 1975 FINAL ISSUE COMPANY FORD _ :30 GENERAL INFORMATION FORD CAR PARTS WARRANTY PLATE OR CERTIFICATION LABEL (Refer to Pages 40 thru 44 for Bronco Warranty Plate Codes) ENGINE CODES THE FIRST DIGIT OF THE "ENGINE" CODE INDICATES BASIC ENGINE IDENTIFICATION. THE FOLLOWING CHART LISTS THESE CODES AS WELL A5 NUMBER OF CYLINDERS, CUBIC INCH DISPLACEMENT MD NUMBER OF CARBURETOR VENTI}R1. FOR FURTHER ENGINE IDENTIFICATION REFER TO SECTION 6D IN THIS CATALOG . co CYL C .I .D . B 6 170 C 6 240 D B 200 F 8 289 REMARKS CODE G M . CYL- CI .D . a 352 g 390 8 260 REMARKS _-. 1965 CANADIAN BUILT VEHICLES NUMERICAL SEQUENCE OF ASSEMBLY r i6 i . ..CAiTOu :.iCLNI• E0I.7C:K -HE LAST SIX DIGITS OF THt SERIAL NUMBER CORRESPOND TO SERIAL HOMERS 1 1 SHOWN IN THE CATALOG . THESE ASSIST IN DETERMINING THE CORRECT PART NUMBER THE CASE OF " BEFORE . . ." MD " FROM . . ." DATES . FORD CAR PARTS 31 GENERAL INFORMATION WARRANTY PLATE or CERTIFICATION LABEL [Refer to Pages 40 thru 44 for T3ronca Warranty Plate Codes) 1965 U .S . BUILT VEHICLES 19661 U .S . and CANADIAN BUILT VEHICLES BODY TYPE CODES -[ .._ ._ ._ ___.__ ._- ...._:__ .,. }( j ~~ THIS CODE APPEARS ABOVE OR BELOW "BODY" AND IDENTIFIES THE BODY TYPE OF THE UNIT . THE FOLLOWING CHART LISTS THESE CODES [IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE SERIES CODES) OR REGISTRATION AND THE BODY TYPE WHICH THEY REPRESENT, CERTIFICATIph LABEL SHOWN I~ U,5 A . WARRANTY PLATE TYPICAL --~ «- j I J 1965 CANADIAN BUILT VEHICLES 1 Eti:NC SE:MAL NO . ;5 LOCATED 0 BODY TYPE CODES THE SECOND, TH1RD AND FOURTH DIGITS OF THE SERIAL NUMER IDENTIFY THE BODY PAINT tFDM 'NC:INE SPEC E E ~~IR3i i t6 JB3 TYPE OF THE UNIT, i _ _db3B 551 CODE TYPE 1SERIES YEAR 53H ' 63 53K 66 54A 54 54A 62 54B 51 54B 52 54B 53 54C 64 54D 53 54-E _ 51 ME 54 54F 54 DESCRIPTION CODE TYPE SERIES• YEAR [A) FORD 1965/ ' 71/ LTD 4---Door Pillared-l-ariitop~ ~ _--`7I/ - LTD Brougham 4 Door Pil red Hardtop 67/ Galaxie 504 4 Door Sedan 65/66 Galaxie 506 4 Door Sedan -Custom 4 Door Sedan 65/66 Custom 500 4 Door Sedan 67170 Custom 500 4 Door Sedan _67/70 LTD 4 Door Sedan .. .. . . .. . . . . _. Custom 500 4 Door Sedan 71/ 67/70 65A 62 65C 58 65D 52 65F 58 MI 162 S5M 59 71A 65/66 Custom 4 Door Sedan 71/ Galaxie 500 4 Door Sedan _ 57B 64 165/66 Gataxie 500 4 Door Hardton (Fastback) 57B '• 56 67/70 'Galaxie 500 4 Door Hardtoo 57F 60 65/66 LTD 4 Door Hardtop 57F 66_ . . . . 67/70 LTD 4 Door Hardton 57F 56 711 Galaxie 500 4 Door Hardtop 57H 64 71/ LTD 4-Door Hardtop 7 . 71/ 57 LTD Brougham 4 Door hardtop _ 65/66 67/69 67 . 69 65/66 Custom 500 2 Door Sedan Custom 500 2 Door Sedan Custom 2 Door Sedan Custom 2 Door Sedan 63D 1 55 67 68170 65/66 ' 67 168/70 65166 166 65/66 67 Galaxie 500 2 Door Hardton _ Galaxie 500 2 Door Hardto p (Fastback) Galaxie 500 2 Door Hardtop [Fastback) Galaxie 500XL 2 Daor Hardto p(Bucketseats), XL 2 Door Hardton (Fastback) Galaxie500Xr .2Door(FastbaA-Bucketseats~ 7 Litre 2 Door Hardto p (Fastback) LTD 2 Door Hardto p (Fastback) LTD 2 Door Hardtop _ 55 63B 63C 63C 63C 63D 65F 63S 66 58 60 68 61 67 62 May, 1975 COPY RIOHT C 1975- 67 74 DESCRIPTIDN I LTD 2 Door Hardton (Formal Roof) Galaxie 500 2 Door Hardtop (Formal Roof) Custom 500 2 Door Hardtop Galaxie 500 2 Boor Hardton LTD 2 Moor Hardtop Sedan I LTD Brougham 2- Door Hardtop Sedan Custom 500 2 Door Hardtop 4 Door Country Snuire (10 passenger) 68/70 14 Door Countrv Snuire il0 nassen gerl 76 65/67 1 4 Door Countrv Saulre (10 passenger] 67 4 Door Country Sedan (6 passenger) 65166 4 Door CDUntrV Sedan (6 DasseWer) 68/'76 4 Door_ Countrv Sedan (6 oasseng er) 4 Door Custom RancFTYagon 7i7 67 4 Door Countrv Sedan (10 passenger) 65/66, 4 Door Country Sedan (10 passenger) 68/70 7177 Ti 70 67/70 4 Door Ranch Wa g on (6 Vassenger) 71D 71 65/66 4 Door Ranch Wa g on (6 Dasseneer) 4 Door Custom 500 Ranch Wagon -7-W) 72 711 4 Door Countrv Squire (6 passenger) 71E 73 67 68170 4 Door Countrv Snuire (6 passenger) 71E 75 __ 65/66 ! 4 Door Countrv Snuire 16 passenger] 71E 76 71F 74 71_1_1 4 Door Country Sedan 71H 71-8/70 _ 4 Door Custom 560 _Ranch Wag on (6 nays .) ure 71H 76 71/ 4 for Countrv 68/70 4 Door Custom 500 Ranch Wa g on (10 mass, 1 715 72 76A 57 67/69 Galaxte 500 2 Door Convertible _ 76A 65 65/68 Galaxie 500 Convertible 67 Galaxie 500 XL Convertible (Bucket seats) 76B 59 68/70 XL Convertible 76B fi 1 65/66 Galaxie 500XL Convertible 76B 69 J 7 Litre Convertible 76D 61_166 LTD Conver g e _ 7H, 71/ 71A 78 7113 71 718 72 _ 73 71B 76 71C 72 71C 74 62B 51 6213 52 62E . 50 621 53 63B 1 7tA Custom 4 Door Sedan 68/70 68/70 71/ ; 71/ .. 71/ 711 ! 70 7.00001 FORD MOTOR COMPANY n - DEARBORN, M ICH IOAN FINAL 32 FORD CAR PARTS GENERAL INFORMATION WARRANTY PLATE or CERTIFICATION LABEL (Refer to Pages 40 thru 44 for Bronco Warranty Plate Codes) BODY TYPE CODES - continued CODE TYPE !SERIES YEAR DESCRI P TION CODE TYPE !SERIES YEAR DESCR! P TION (8} FAIRLANE/TORINO 1963/ 53B 127 72 J-Door Pillared Hardtop D 31 72 Gran Torino 4 Door PillareTHardtop 54A 31 f67/69 4 Door Sedan_ 4 Door Sedan 54A 32 165/66 . - 54A--127-- TT 4 Door Sedan 54B 54B 54B 28 34 4 5 00 4 Door Sedan 70 67/69 500 4 Door Sedan OO ,4 Door .Sedan 65/66 500 54C 41 54C 31 54C 31 68 70 71 57C 32 57C !32 170 71 .7E_ 36 62A 62A 62B 62B 30 31 33 41 63B 35 63B 35 63B 46 63B 43 63C 40 63C '47 6'34 63D 40 63D 42 63D 42 63D 42 63E :35 63E 46 63F 42 63F 35 63H 38 -61T-t 35 65A 130 65A 43 65A 45 4 Door Sedan 4 Door Sedan 500 4Door Sedan 4 Door Hardtop 500 4 Door Hardtop 70/71 Brougham 4 Door Hardtop 67 2 Door Sedan 65/66 2 Door Sedan 500 2 Door Sedan 67 65/66 500 2 Door Sedan 67 500 2 Door Hardtop 68/69 500 2 Door Hardtop (Fastback) 69 Cobra 2 Door Hardton (Fastback-Benchseaq 66 500 2 Door Hardtop 67 500XL 2 Door Hardtop 500XL 2 Door Hardtop 506TDoor~dtot (Fastback) 7i 66 500GT 2 Door Hardtop 67 500 GT 2 Door Hardtop 68 GT 2 Door Hardtop (Fastback) 69 GT 2 Door Hardtop (Fastback-Bucket seats) 68/69 500 2 Door Hardtop (Fastback-Bucket seats) 69 Cobra 2 Door Hardtop(Fastback-Bucket seats ) 69 i GT 2 Door Hardto p (Fastback) 70171 GT 2 Door Hardtop (Fastback) 70/71 Cobra 2 Door Hardtop (Fastback) 72 - Gran Torino Sport 2 Door Harms -(Fastback) 68/69 2 Door Hardtop (Formal Roof) 65 5002Door Hardtop 69 Cobra 2 Door Hardtop (Formal Roof-Bench seat) A -, 25 71 2 Door Har3lop formalRoof) 651 ' 29 70 500 2 Door Hardtop 65B 33 68/69 500 2 Door Hardtop (FormaL .Roof) 65B 47 65 2 Door Hardtop Sport Coupe 65B .25 - 2 2 Door Hardtop Formate Rooms -_65C 30 70 2 Door Hardtop •5C UMW.= 500 2 D6or Hardtop oaT7toof) 65C 40 Q~(] 2Door Hardtop (Formal Roof) 65D 44 . 68 GT 2 Door Hardtop (Formal Roof) 65D 44 65 D 30 65E 33 GT 2 Door Hardto p (Formal Roof-Bucket seats)_ 72 G ran Torino 2 LSoorHardtop (Formal Roof) 68/69 500 2 Door Hardtop (Formal Roof-Bucket seats) 1 70/71 I Brougham 2 Door Hardto p (Formal Roof) 69 65E 33 65E 45 69 65F 44 5SR 38 69 72 Cobra 2 Door Hardtop (Formal Roof-Bucket seats) GT 2 Door Hardtop (Formal Roof) Gran Torino Sport $ Door Hardtop MrmaT Roof) 66A 6 CtA 66B 66B 66C 66C 66D 66D 66E 46 47 47 48 48 49 49 49 49 70/71 67169 , 70/71 67/69 70/71 69 I 67 68/69 70/71 Ranchero Ranchero 500 Ranchero 500 Ranchero GT Ranchero GT Ranchero (Bench seat) 500XL Ranchero (Bucket seats) GT Ranchero Squire Ranchero 71B 71B 71B 71B 71B 71C 71C 71D 71D 73D 71D 71E 71E 71E 71E 71 K 37 41 48 48 40 42 42 32 38 40 42 38 38 43 49 43 67/69 70 65 66 72 70 71 67/69 65/66 71 72 67 6816 70/'T1 66_ 7$ 500 4 Door Station Wagon 500 4 Door Station Wagon 4 Door Custom Ranch Wagon 500 4 Door Custom Ranch Wagon _ 4 Door Station Wagon 4 Door Station Wag on 500 4 Door Station Wagon 4 Door Station Wagon 4 Door Ranch Wa g on 4 Door-Station Wagon Gran Torino 4 roor Station Wagon Squire 4 Door Station Wagon Squire 4 Door Station Wag on Squire 4 Door Station Wagon Squire 4 Door Station Wagon Gran Torino Squire 4 ~ Station Wagon 76B 76B 76C 76C 76D 76D 76D 76E 76F 76F 36 45 41 46 43 43 44 36 37 43 67/69 66 67 66 67 68/69 66 68/69 70/ 69 500 Convertible 500 Convertible 500XL Convertible 500XL Convertible 500 GT Convertible GT Convertible (Bucket seats) 500GT Convertible 500 Convertible (Bucket seats) GT Convertible GT Convertible (Bench seat) T 72 72 500 Ranchero GT Ranchero Squire Ranchero 9 7D 47 97R 48 97K 9 FO►RP CAR PARTS 33 GENERAL INFORMATIO N WARRANTY PLATE or CERTIFICATION LABEL (Refer to Pages 40 thru 44 for Bronco Warranty Plate Codes) BODY TYPE CODES - continued CO q E YEAR TYPE [SERIES q E S C R I P T I q N CODE SERIES YEARI TYPE {B1 FALCON 1970 - DE SC R I P T I O N Units Built From 1/1/70 (For Falcon units built prior to 1/1/70 - see Catalog Symbol " X" on the next page) -54A 62A 2-7 26 71D 1 40 T Falcon 4 Door Sedan Tr - Falcon 2 Door Sew 70 4 Falcon 4 Door Station Wagon (F) MUSTANG 1965/ 63A 102 67, - 12 Door I-Iardtop (Fastback) 69/701 63A 1 0- 65/66 2 Door Hardtop (Fastback)63B 02 67/70 2 Door Hardtop [Fastback-Luxury trim) 6 B 02 70 Flair 2 Door Hardtop (Fastback) 63B '09 65/66 2 Door Hardtop {Fastback-Luxury trim) I 63C 63C 63C 63D 63D 63R 02 02 05 02 02 05 65A 65A 01 07 69 48 70 68 71/ 1711 Mach I 2 Door Hardtop (Fastback) 2 Door Hrardtop (Fastback) Mach I 2 Door Hardtop (Fastback) 2 Door Hardtop (Fastback-Luxury trim) 2 Door Hardtop (Fastback) Mach 12 Door Hardtop (Fastback) 67170 2 Door Hardtop 65166 2 Door Hardtop 65B 01 .67169 65B 01 !70 65B 0765/66 167168 2 Door Hardto p 69 2 Door Hardtop ,65/66 2 Door Hardtop 65C j 01 65C 01 65C 07 65D 6513 01 65E 65E 65F 01 04 04 76A 76A 76B 7613 7613 08 03 03 O1 2 Door Hardtop [Luxury trim) 2 Door Hardton 69 70 Grande 2 Door Hardto p Grande 2 Door Hardtop 71/ : Grande 2 Door Hardtop Convertible 67/70 Convertible 67/69 Convertible (Luxury trim) 70 Flair Convertible .65/661 Convertible (Luxury trim) 65/66 03 08 76C . 03 76C' 08 76D 03 76D 03 2 Door Hardto p (Luxury trim) Flair 2 Door Hardto p 2 Door Hardtop (Luxury trim) 68/63 711 67 65 66 67 711 Convertible Convertible Crave tibia (Luxury trim) Convertible __ [L) PINTO 1971/ 62B 110 711 71/ ; 3 Door Sedan (Runabout) 42 Y 2 Door Station Wagon 64)3 it 2 Door Sedan -7 3BJ 12 (P( MAVERICK 1970/ 54A 92 ` 71/ 62D 93 711 6 4 Door Sedan Grabber 2 Door Sedan 62A 9n 7 2 Door Sedan fH (S) THUNDERBIRD 1965/ 57B 57B 57B 57C 84 87 87 87 67 1 68/69 70171 68/ 71 63A 63B 63C 83 65166 87 65 81 66 May, 1975 4 Door Landau 4 Door Landau (Bucket seats) 4 Door Landau (S p ilt Bench) 4 Door Landau (Bench se____ 2 Door Hardtop 2 Door Landau 2 Door Hardtop (Blind Quarter) COPYRIGHT O 1975 - 65A ' 65A 651 6513 65C 65D 65K . 76A• FORD MOTOR COMPANY 81 83 82 84 83 84 87 85 67 • 681 71 67 6817 1 68/71 681 7 1 72 65/66 2 Door Hardtnn 2 Door Hardtop (Bucket seats) 2 Door Landau 2 Door Landau (Bucket seats) 2 Door Hardton (Bench seat) 2 Door Landau (Bench seat) 2 Door Hardtop Convertible -DEARBORN, MICHIGAN FINAL ISSUE GENERAL INFORMATION 34 FORD CAR PARTS WARRANTY PLATE OR CERTIFICATION LABEL (Refer to Pages 40 thru 44 for Bronco Warranty Plate Codes) BODY TYPE CODES - continued CODE TYPE (SERIES YEAR1 DESCRIPTIO N C O D E YEAR TYPEISERIB DESCR P TO N IX) FALCON 1965/70 - Includes Units built before 1/1/70 (For Falcon Units built from 1/1/70 - see Catalog Symbol " B" on preceding page) 2 Door Sedan Futura 2 Door Sedan (Bench seat) Futura 2 Door Sedan Futura 2 Door Sedan (Bench seat) 2C 13 2C '22 62D 63B 01 66 67/69 2 Door Sedan (Bucket seat 2 Door Sedan (Bucket seats) 65 2D oor Sedan 17 65 Futura 2 Door Hardtop (Bench seat) 83C * 17 65 2 Door Hardtop 6 3D 6 2 Door Hard top Buck et seats 66A 27 65/66 Standard Ranchero 66B 66B 27 29 65 66 Deluxe Ranchero Custom Ranchero 66D 29 66' Custom Ranchero 66G 1 27 65 Standard Ranchero (Bucket seat) 66H 27 65 Deluxe Ranchero 71A 71A 71A 71A 06 12 12 22 66 67/68 69/70 65 4 Door Station Wagon 4 Door Station Wagon 4 Door Standard Station Wagon 4 Door Station Wagon 7113 16 71B 23 71B 24 66 4 Door Deluxe Station Wagon 67/70 Futura 4 Door Station Wagon 65 Futura 4 Door Station Wagon .71C 26 65 4 Door Squire 76A 15 65 Convertible {Bench seat) 65 Convertible (Bucket seats 65 Convertible 65 Standard Sedan b et ivory ___ FORD CAR PAPrs 35 GENERAL INFORMATION WARRANTY PLATE or CERTIFICATION LABEL (Refer to Pages 40 thru 44 for Bronco Warranty Plate codes) 1965 U .S . BUILT VEHICLES 1966/ U .S . and CANADIAN BUILT VEHICLES COLOR CODES (EXTERIOR PAINT) -- 1 -- << - " COLOR" THE CODE ABOVE OR BELOW i - 54A .. l ._ INDICATES THE EXTERIOR PAINT COLOR OF THE VEHICLE. - a 33 ----I REFER TO THE PAINT SECTION FOR A LISTING OF THESE CODES AND THE PART NUMBER 1 OR REGISTRATION OF THE REQUIRED PAINT . CERTIFICATION LABEL SHOWN WARRANTY PLATE TYPICAL IN U .S .A . J 1965 CANADIAN BUILT VEHICLES .d v a, : Wiz•, ~, .z... . ~,.~ COLOR CODES (EXTERIOR PAINT) THE SECOND AID THIRD DIGITS OF THE "PAINT" CODE OAKVILLE GUM E.NGRRE 51E!R : Ai . No IDENTIFY THE EXTERIOR PAINT COLOR OF THE VEHICLE . REFER TO THE PAINT SECTION FOR A LISTING TI%ivS .OCAvED t7 i;PiC;INE. :SPEC 1631 11- ----JB3 :' ------- OF THESE CODES AND THE PART NUMBER OF THE REQUIRED PAINT . 463[ 651700 1 1965 CANADIAN BUILT VEHICLES COLOR CODES (INTERIOR PAINT) THE FIRST DIGIT OF THE OF THE VEHICLE. " PAINT " OAKV€LLE. L1N1•M; ENGiMO SEEi1AL NE,' R.; s CODE IDENTIFIES THE INTERIOR PAINT COLOR `•• PA :NT REFER TO THE PAINT SECTION FOR A LISTING OF THESE CODES AND THE PART NUMBER OF THE REQUIRED PAINT . TR 1 ;Y :R::R: ,TI. IJ ENGINE Y_C- I Er: 46313 6-:5- !L-- -(Q --1965 U .S . BUILT VEHICLES 1966/ U .S . and CANADIAN BUILT VEHICLES _ TRIM CODES . ... -• O S 54 H 1 0 00 W THE CODE SHOWN ABOVE OR BELOW "TRIM INDICATES THE COLOR AND TYPE OF MATERIALS USED IN THE INTERIOR UPHOLSTERY AS WELL AS THE COLOR OF THE INTERIOR PAINT. T.II -_ ------ . ._.~ . . .. NO i FOR TITLE REFER TO THE APPROPRIATE SOFT TRIM SECTION FOR A LISTING OF THESE CODES AND THE COLOR AND TYPE OF MATERIALS USED IN THE INTERIOR UPHOLSTERY. REFER TO THE PAINT SECTION FOR A LISTING OF THESE CODES AND THE PART NUMBER •-•••-• MADE •- CERTIFICATION LABEL SHOWN WARRANTY PLATE TYPICAL FOR THE REQUIRED PAINT . CANADIAN BUILT VEHICLES TRIM CODES LPAKVILLF..' NIA!, ENGINE SERIAL N O . :0 1.0051ED 0 THE CODE UNDER "TRIM" IDENTIFIES THE COLOR AND TYPE OF MATERIALS USED IN rf?I!y? THE INTERIOR UPHOLSTERY . REFER TO THE 1965 SOFT TRIM SECTION FOR A LISTING OE THESE CODES AND THE COLOR AND TYPE DF MATERIALS USED IN THE \. .J PAINT '• I 1 PR1 . r INTERIOR UPHOLSTERY . i. .,IC%I ;11 . EPEE 6311 I ~)B3 I i SINS : ! [ . Ili^l :sI H 4631iY 6s I' 3C1 )Oi May, 1975 COPYRIGHT 0 1975 - FORD MOTOR COMPANY I - DEARBORN. MICHIGAN FINAL ISSUE 36 FORD CAR AARTS GENERAL INFORMATION WARRANTY PLATE OR CERTIFICATION LABEL (Refer to Pages 40 thru 44 for Bronco Warranty Plate Codes) 1965/69 MONTH CODES FROM 1965169 AN ALPHABETICAL CODE ABOVE OR BELOW "DATE" IDENTIFIES THE MONTH IN WHICH THE VEHICLE WAS BUILT .THC NUMERICAL PORTION OF THE DATE CODE IDENTIFIES 01 •_•WARRANTY NUN i T RA'F1ON 32 TRIM w• .-. E D .G .O THE DAY OF THE MONTH . THIS IS SELF EXPLANATORY. THE MONTH CODES ARE LISTED IN THE FOLLOWING CHART TOGETHER WITH THE MONTH WHICH THEY REPRESENT . 1970/ MANUFACTURED BY FORD- R OTOR COME BEGINNING IN 1970 THE MONTH CODE IS SHOWN ON THE CERTIFICATION LABEL IN THE UPPER THIS VEHKC IL APPLICA) MOTOR VEHICLE LEFT HAND CORNER (E .G . 9/69 INDICATES SEPTEMBER, 1969) . ♦ _new r OWNER CARD BEGINNING IN 1970 THE MONTH AND DAY OF MANUFACTURE IS SHOWN ON THE OWNER CARD. THE NUMERICAL PORTION IDENTIFIES THE DAY AND THE ALPHABETICAL PORTION IDENTIFIES THE MONTH. 57D-5G 05-04-70 THE MONTH CODES ARE LISTED IN THE FOLLOWING CHART TOGETHER WITH THE MONTH WHICH THEY REPRESENT . MONTH • FIRST YEAR CODE January A tt CODE i G 1 MONTH - FIRST YEAR July MONTH - SECOND YEAR CODE N 1 January ~ . . ~ . ~ :- ('12H5 • • 2-V' 1N 1970/ f MONTH - SECOND YEAR CODE U July f August P February V August J September Q March W September April - K October R April X October May L November S May Y November June M December T June Z December B February C March D E F i FORD CAR PARTS 37 GENERAL INFORMATION WARRANTY PLATE or CERTIFICATION LABEL (Refer to Pages 40 thru 44 for Bronco Warranty Plate codes) 1965 U .S . BUILT VEHICLES 1966/ U .S . and CANADIAN BUILT VEHICLES 0554HIQOOO1 REAR AXLE RATIO CODES THE CODE SHOWN ABOVE OR BELOW "AXLE" IDENTIFIES THE RATIO OF THE REAR AXLE . I NOT FOR T3TLE THE FOLLOWING CHART LISTS THESE CODES AND THE CORRESPONDING RATIO. MADE FOR FURTHER IDENTIFICATION REFER TO SECTION 4D IN THIS CATALOG . CF.'RTIh'ICATIQ,ti LABF,'1. SHOSLN' ARRA~N'TY PLATE TYPICAL To identify Rear Axle Ratios for 1965 Canadian Built vehicles Refer to Section 40 in this catalog. RATIO CODE { YEAR 111 1 r A 6 B MODEL T3 .06 `•. $5/67_ ord 2 . ..75 68 3 .59 / 2 . 83 65/67 3 . 07 C 65/67 68 ; 69170 2 . 20 2.80 65/67 "68 69 3 .25 2 .8 3 65/87 68 3 . 50 3,00 D E -1 3 .80 3 . 36 3 .25 71/ H 65/66 67 M 1 LQCKTNRG A iNN q N0 LACKING I - 2.79 3 .10 2 .50 65/67' 3 .00 i 2 .75 2 - 2 .50 65/67f 68 69/ 8 _ _ -' $~2 .79 - 2 .75 3 .20 2, 80 r n RO / 2 .33 G 65 67 68 K L 67 58/89 3.91 2, 8d 3 . 20 68 69 I ~' 67~ airlane,1 al co n , M List ang - 4 . 30 65/67 1 68 71 65 65 66/67 69 69/ 68 M00EL 69 3 . 08 69 F I YEAR LOCKING I NON LOCKING CODE , 4 r-65787 61~ 60/ 325 -2, 83 2,80 65/671 68 60770 - 5 I 3 .00 2 .83 3 .55 3 .89 2,75 3 .50 65 /67 2 . 80 3 .20 3 .0$T 69/ 3 .82 Falcon Ford, F air lane, Mustang 69 58 69/ 4 .00 4,11 4 .11 2 .50 2 .75 7 3 . 80 3 .3 6 3 .25 3,10 3 .18 3 . 36 2,79 1 3,07 COPYRIGHT O 1975- 89 2 .75 3 .50 3 . 20 67 68 69/70 2 .80 _2,83 3 . 00 3 . 20 3 .25 3 .50 3 .91 4 .30 2 .33 4,11 May, 1975 65 67 58 69 7I F-j - 9 , 55 65 66/67 . - 68 69/ FORD MOTOR COMPANY Falcon Ford,Fait ane Mustang - -DEARBORN, MICHIGAN 3, 25 FINAL ISSUE 38 GENERAL INFORMATION FORD CAR PARTS WARRANTY PLATE or CERTIFICATION LABEL (Refer to Pages 40 thru 44 for Bronco Warranty Plate Codes) 1965 U .S . BUILT VEHICLES 1966/ U .S . and CANADIAN BUILT VEHICLES 54A i TRANSMISSION CODES THE CODE SHOWN ABOVE OR BELOW .... " TRANS" IDENTIFIES THE TYPE OF TRANSMISSION. B 33 .... a; RE OR REGISTRATION THE FOLLOWING CHART LISTS THESE CODES AND THE TRANSMISSION WHICH THEY REPRESENT. DE iN U .S .A. CERTIFICATION LABEL SROWN WARRANTY PLATE TYPICAL CODE 1 2 3 6 COD YEAR TYPE , Sr tit se - 0-Mat lc (FX) 3 Speed Manual Shift 7 66 6667 68/ 8 66 Cruise - 0-Matic (MX) 65167 66167 3 Sneed Manual Shift (2 . 77) . 3 Speed Manual Shift (3 .03) Overdrive __ 3 Sneed Manual Shift (3 .03) "66/67 68/ 65/66 6B/71 Cruise-O-Matic C6 Automatic (XPL) 4 Speed Manual Shift 4 Speed Manual Shift (2 .78 ratio-first gear) C4 Automatic (XP) 4 Sneed Manual Shift (2 .32 ratio-first gear) E T u v W 71I 68 67/ 70 67 68 4 Speed Manual Shift (ot Cruise -O-Matic (FMX-L) C6 Automatic (XPL) C4 Semi-Automatic C4 Automatic (XP) C4 Automatic (XP3) 4 5 TYPE YEAR 65 X Z 67 68/ 67169 / , 67 Cruise-O-Matic (FX) Cruise-O-Matic FMX) _ . Cruise-O-Matic (MX) C6 Automatic Special (XPL) (Police and Trailer Towing) 1965 CANADIAN BUILT VEHICLES „ 7 . .T• ,,' ' Z/ Chi OAKVILtEONTAF TRANSMISSION CODES ENGINE SI11 HA1. NO IS LOCATED C THE THIRD DIGIT OF THE "ENGINE" CODE IDENTIFIES THE TYPE OF TRANSMISSION. THE FOLLOWING CHART LISTS THESE CODES AND THE TRANSMISSIONS WHICH THEY REPRESENT . PAINT TSIM ENGINE SPEC L! 463B 65L 700001 TYPE CODE Spec Mani' COD TYPE Speed Manual Shift TYPE CODE 3 CODE - Automatic (column shift) TYPE Automatic (console shift) 1965 CANADIAN BUILT VEHICLES DRIVE CODES nl ENGINE 5E81AL NO . 15 LOCATED C THE SEVENTH DIGIT OF THE SERIAL HOMER INDICATES WHETHER THE VEHICLE IS LEFT HAND DRIVE (L .H .D .) OR RIGHT HAND DRIVE (R .H .D .), 0 PAINT TRIM ENGINE SPEE r-63"I LIi 1 E :IAL Nl.:4:6EI'i F--'463 B 6: -7-00001 FORD CAR ANTS 39 INFORMATION WARRANTY PLATE or CERTIFICATION LABEL (Refer to Pages 40 thru 44 for Bronco Warranty Plate Codes) 1965 CANADIAN BUILT VEHICLES . .", . .~~ ' ., . CAR LINE CODES ~ THE FIRST DIGIT OF THE SERIAL NUMBER INDICATES THE CAR LINE, 1 .' . E N( :le, 1 : `1 ARIAi . fib . ?ei s' .'Jf'A7f:[7 ~] R A.Iti7 "s F? :N1 THE FOLLOWING DART LISTS THESE CODES AND THE CAR LINES WHICH THEY REPRESENT . + "r.: wE k_ ._.__1 FiiA"-Nf:M .1, i:R L., ry IM_ [s}p :} f33vL 700, 001 _? COVE 0 5 CAR UNE Fairlane DESCRIPTION With cy inder engine Ford With 8 Falcon With 8 cylinder engine _ _ CODE CAR LINE -TJ Ford Ford I CCylinder engine T F'alcon cy in der en7 $ Fairlane CERTIFICATION FA RRA,NTY DESCRIPTION With 6 cylint~er engine With 8 cylinder LABEL SHO TYPICAL N engine 5 .4A PLATE ~:, I i DISTRICT CODES THE CODE SHOWN ABOVE OR BELOW "D .S .O ." IDENTIFIES THE DISTRICT WHICH ORDERED THE UNIT . . f --•-•-•-- 3 3 OP REG ;ST PAflON - i THE FOLLOWING CHART LISTS THESE CODES AND THE DISTRICT WHICH THEY REPRESENT, ' IN U S .A . FOR AN EXPLANATION OF THE DSO PORTION OF THE NUMBER REFER TO PAGE 13 . CODE DISTRICT DISTRICT CODE 11 Boston Indianapolis 53 12 Buffalo Lansing 54 L 71 55 1 ouis New York Buffalo 56 14 Pittsburgh 1972) 438P't tsburg h 15 16 17 21 22 2 24 25 26 27 28 _2 33 Newark Philadelphia Washington Atlanta Charlotte Memphis 1972 Jacksonville Richmond New Orleans 972 Cincinnati Louisville Cleve and Detroit• 1965 71] 41 42 42 43 44 45 45 46 47 48 51 52 52 Chicago Fargo (196577 1) Cleveland (1972) Milwaukee T zi~ n Cities Davenport (1965 71) Lansing 1972 lndianapolis Cincinnati _ Detroit 1972] Denver (1965/71) Des Moines 71 Dallas 1972 _ 57 58 61 62 63 4 5 71 72 73 74 75 76 DISTRICT Kansas City Omaha O Davenport 9eus1on[1972TTwin Cities 1972 Dallas (1965/71) Houston (1965/71) Memphis (1965/71T New Orleans (195/11) s Oklahoma City Los Angeles San Jose Salt Lake City Seattle ^Phoenix Denver (1972) CODE DISTRICT Government 63 84 T Home Office Reserve 85 American Red Crass Body Company 87 Transportation Services 89 90 thru Export 99 12 Bl B2 B3 B4 B6 B7 FORD OF CANADA Export Central Eastern Atlantic Midwestern Western Pacific ENGINE ASSEMBLY FLAN I ILUUtb CODE ENGINE Cleveland lrlay, IYl-1 PLANT CODE ENGINE PLANT CODE nsite - Canada ~ _ .~,~- ENGINE PLANT CODE ENGINE PLANT n sor COMPANY - ..~.,,.a,., .~, ffl-n- FINAL ISSUE 40 GENERAL INFORMATION FORD CAR PARTS 1966/69 BRONCO WARRANTY PLATE - TYPICAL Located on the left hand inner cowl panel. The Warranty Plate includes: 1. Warranty Number (first line) consisting of codes which identify Series, Engine, Assembly Plant and Numerical sequence of Assembly. 2. Miscellaneous Vehicle Data (second line) consisting of codes which identify Wheelbase, Color of Exterior Paint, Model, Trim, Body Type, Transmission and Rear Axle Ratio. 3. District Code (third line) and DSO number where applicable. The page number(s) on which the codes are listed is shown in parenthesis. WARRANTY NUMBER (U1SFL 732001) FIRST LINE ASSEMBLY PLANT CODE (43) (43) ENGINE CODE (43) SERIES CODE NUMERICAL SEQUENCE (43) OF ASSEMBLY U15 F L 732001 0100 Series - Wagon "F"--- 6 cyl . 170 C .I.D. engine - 1 Venturi carburetor "L"--- Assembled at Michigan Truck Plant "732001"--- First unit built at assembly plant "U15"--- Black Background Plate Identifies a Unit Painted with M32J (Acrylic) Enamel. (Solid Color Unit or the Lowery Color when Unit is Two-Tone .) U15FL 732001 WARRANTY NUMBER c~ OPa O MADE IN USA. (W B COLOR MODEL BODY TRANS . AXLE .92 J U150 198 C 05 MAX . G .V .W . LBS CERT . NET H .P . R .P .M . D .S .O. 72 1. WARRANTY VOID IF MAX. GROSS VEHICLE WEIGHT IS EXCEEDED (SEE OPERATOR'S MANUAL OR LOAD CAPACITY CHART) I Grey Background Plate Identifies a Unit Painted with M30J (Non-Acrylic) Enamel . (Solid Color Unit or the Lower Body Color when Unit is Two-Tone .) P-5219 MISCELLANEOUS VEHICLE DATA (92 J U150 1 98 C 05) 92 J WHEELBASE U150 1 98 T (44) BODY COLOR CODE {43) MODEL CODE T T SECOND LINE C 05 REAR AXLE RATIO CODE (44) TRANSMISSION CODE (14) BODY TYPE CODE (43) TRIM CODE "92"--- 92" Wheelbase "J"--- Rangoon Red "U150"--- U100 Unit with necessary equipment to rate given G . V. W. 1"-Silver vinyl "98 " --- 98 Long Roof (Wagon) "C"--- 3 Speed Light Duty-Standard "05"--- 4 . 11 to 1 (Ford 33004) "72 " PART of THIRD LINE )72) DISTRICT CODE --- San Jose District (and D .S.O . number when applicable) Refer to Page 13 for complete explanation 41 FORD CAR PARTS INFORMATION 1970/ BRONCO WARRANTY PLATE - TYPICAL Located on the inside of the glove compartment door. The Warranty Plate includes: 1. Warranty Number (first line) consisting of codes which identify Series, Engine Assembly Plant and Numerical Sequence of Assembly. 2. Miscellaneous Vehicle Data (second line) consisting of codes which identify Wheelbase, Color of Exterior Paint, Model, Trim, Body Type, Transmission and Rear Axle Ratio. 3 . District Code (third line) and DSO number where applicable. The page number(s) on which the codes are listed is shown in parenthesis. FIRST LINE (U15GLG30001) WARRANTY NUMBER (43) (4a) ASSEMBLY PLANT CODE ENGINE CODE N11MER1CAL SEQUENCE OF ASSEMBLY SERIES CODE 1431 (47) "U15" --- UIOO Series - Wagon aG" --- 8 cyl. 302 C .I .D . engine - 2 Venturi carburetor --- Assembled at Michigan Truck Plant "G30001" --- First unit built at assembly plant SEE OPERATORS MANUAL FOR EQUIP- REQ'O FOR MAX . GVW & LOAD CAPACITIES WARRANTY VOID IF LOAD CAPACITY EXCEEDED U15GLG30001 0 : MADE IN " .. WARRANTY NO ./ADEQUATE TIRES REO'D FOR AXLE LOADINGS BODY TRANS . AXLE W .B . COLOR MODEL 92 MT u150 c 9U A3J 72 l MAX- G .V .W . LBS CERT . NET N.P . R .P .M . D.S .Q. P-8188 SECOND LINE {92 MT U150 9U C A3 J} MISCELLANEOUS VEHICLE DATA TRIM CODE f431 FIODEL CODE- (44 ) BODY COLOR CODE- W HEELBASE TRANSMISSION CODE 1 44 1 REAR AXLE RATIO CODE (44) -FRONT AXLE CODE (44) 92 MT U150 9U CA3J "92" --"MT" --"11150" --- .'A3" 92" Wheelbase Wimbledon white (M) lower body and Candy Apple Red (T) - upper body 11100 Unit with necessary equipment to rate given G .V .W. Light Parchment vinyl 3 Speed Manual Transmission Rear axle ratio of 4 .11 to 1 and a capacity of 2'180 lbs. Limited slip front axle (Dana 301. PART of THIRD LINE (72} DISTRICT CODE "72" --- San Jose District (and D .S .O . number when applicable) Meter to Page 13 for complete explanation May, 1975 COPYRIGHT o 1975- FORD MOTOR COMPANY -DEARBORN . MICHIGAN FINAL ISSUE 42 FORD CAR PARTS GENERAL INFORMATION 1970/ BRONCO SAFETY STANDARD CERTIFICATION LABEL - TYPICAL USED IN ADDITION TO WARRANTY PLATE] Located on the quarter pillar opposite the latch face of the left front door. The Certification Label includes; 1, Build Date (e .g. 9/69) in upper left hand corner which indicates the month and year in which the unit was built, 2 . Vehicle Identification Numbers (left half of first line) consisting of codes which will identify Series, Engine, Assembly Plant and Numerical Sequence of Assembly. (also shown in upper right hand corner). VEHICLE IDENTIFICATION NUMBER U14GL30001} FIRST LINE (43) ENGINE CODE (43} SERIES CDDE ASSEMBLY PLANT CODE 1 NUMERICAL SEQUENCE OF ASSEMBLY U14 G L 30001 U14" --- Sport Car (Utility) "G" --- B Cyl . 302 C .I .D . Engine - 2 Venturi Carburetor " L" --- Assembled at Michigan Truck Plant "30001" --- First Unit built at Assembly Plant " (MANUFACTURED BY 30001 I FORD MOTOR COMPANY 9/69 THIS VEHICLE CONFORMS TO ALL APPLICABLE FEDERAL MOTOR VEHICLE SAFETY STANDARDS 1N .EFFECT ON DATE OF MANUFACTURE SHOWN ABOVE VEX M ENI rq we COL MOO Mt ' U14GL30001 OSO TANS I ROD, Illy MAR OVWO METE R T TYPE : (43) MULTIPUR PASS VEH WARRANTY VOID IF LOAD CAPACITY EXCEEDED . SEE OPER MAN. FOR !OME RROO FOR MAX BOW d LOAD CAP . ADEQUATE TRES REOD FOR AXLE LOADING Med. in U.5 A. P-7185 For balance of Warranty Plate information refer to warranty Plate Diagram on Page 30. (13} 43 GENERAL INFORMATION FORD CAR PAWS 1966/ BRONCO WARRANTY PLATE - continued BODY TYPE CODES(1966/69) SERIES CODE BOCODE PET DESCRIP7I0N U13 96 Roadster (Open Body) U14 97 Sport Car (Utility SERIES CODE BODY TYPE CODE U15 98 D E S C R I P T 10 N Wagon (Long Roof) - ENGINE CODES Code : F Engine : 170 Code : N I Engine : 289 Code : 1 Eng i ne : 302 ASSEMBLY PLANT CODES ode : L C Plant : Michig an Truck NUMERICAL SEQUENCE OF ASSEMBLY A production serial number block system is used to identify model years. FROM - TO SERIAL NUMBER SERIAL NUMBER 732,001 CATALOGED AS MODEL YEAR - 114000 1966 A00,1301 B82,000 1927 CUU,0U1 138-2,000 1968 D83,0U1 G30,000 1969 G30,001 J70,000 1970 J70,001 M30,000 1971 M40,001 Q00,000 1972 MODEL CODES (1970/) MODEL CODE 1 DESCRIPTION I CATALOGED AS 'MODEL CODE U140 Sport Car (exc . H/D) (Utility) 97 U150 U142 Sport Car (H/D) 97 U152 .r .n ..e (Utility) COPYRIGHT 0 1975- FORD MOTOR COMPANY 1 DESCRIPTION J ;Wagon (exc . H/b) 98 Wagon (H/D) -DEARBORN. MICHIGAN CATALOGED AS 98 tl&l Al n BQ n 1C 44 GENERAL INFORMATION FORD CAR PARTS 1966/ BRONCO WARRANTY PLATE - continued COLOR CODES (EXTERIOR PAINT) 'Refer to Paint Section] TRIM CODES {Refer to Soft Trim Section] TRANSMISSION CODES CODE YEAR C TYPE 66/ 3 speed manual - CODE YEAR TY P E -- REAR AXLE RATIO CODES RAT -D CODEIYEAR LOCK NLKG . CAP DESCRIPTION CODE A3 166/ 4,11 12780 04 A4 1. 66/68 4 .57 2780 05 4 .11 3304 06 4 .57 - 3300 T6 . - 3 .50 , 2780 is 3 .50 3300 19 AS 66/ A6 66/67 AS 67/ ss 167/ 03 1 6614 .11 2780- 1 RATID LOCK N-LKG. YEAR - 66r 4,57 11 CAP . DESCRIPTION 27TO 33 i FRONT AXLE CODES CODE YEAR 1 1 K _ TYPE 68/ Limited Slip Mama 30) 71/ Dana 44-1 F CODE] YEAR 2 67 TYPE Front Locking - fORD CAR HARTS i ALPHABETICAL INDEX CHASSIS PARTS INDEX PART GROUP NUMBER NAME PART A A Absorber (body bolt upper) Absorber (bumper arm to bumper) Absorber (steering shock) 513098 17A924 3E651 Accelerator assy . Accelerator control kit 9725 9'8843 15540 Actuator (backup lamp switch) - 2'8187 Actuator (brake pedal) 13A786 Actuator (courtesy lamp switch) 10B998 Actuator (instrument cluster warning indicator switch) Actuator (luggage compt . door open limit switch) 13A730-1 3812 Actuator (P/S gear valve) Actuator seat belt warning & ignition interlock) 14A554 9C798 Actuator speed control release switch) 3E715 Actuator (steering column lock lever) 15A694 Actuator (top control switch limit) Actuator-(trans . console shift selector) 7E134 7A770 Actuator (trans . overdrive kickdown switch) 2B002 Actuator assy . (brake skid control) Actuator assy. (door lock control switch) 14022 gage compt . door open limit- 13A792, Actuator assy . 13A796 switch) 9A825 Actuator assy . (speed control) 3E723 Actuator assy . (steering column lock) 3783 Actuator kit (P/S control valve) Actuator & lens assy . (warning lamp indicator 10B998 Dane] emer gency flasher) GROUP NUMBER NAME contd. Adapter (thermostatic choke control - inlet tube) 9C786 Adapter (trans, overdrive housing to trans . case) 7660 _ Adapter (water temperature indicator sender 10911 engine unit) Adapter (windshield defroster outlet) 18A527 Adapter assy . (A/C outlet duct) 18C387 Adapter assy . (eng . crankcase_ vent) 6A665 Adapter assy . (eng . oil filter) 6881 Adapter assy . (fuel tank vent expansion tank) 9A210 Adapter assy . (heater outlet duct) 18C387 Adapter assy . (oil pressure hose) 9279 Mapter assy . (speedo .)17294 Adapter assy . (trans . extension housing) 7C386 Adapter assy . (trans . gearshift interlock rod) 7D425 Adapter assy . (windshield antenna to fender 19A130 mounted) Adapter & gusset (front suspension lower arm) Adapter kit (A/C drive) _ Adapter kif (A/C master) Adapter kit (carb .) Adapter kit (exhaust air supply) Adapter kit (headlamp alignment test) Adapter kit (P/S) Adapter kit (P/S to A/C) Adapter kit {radio antenna) 3A031-2 19B969 19700 9G545 9C432 13B121 3A705, 9103 3A635 .__ 18813 _ Adhesives A 5A717 Adapter (A/C compressor outlet) 19C883 Adjuster (P/S gear control valve spool) Adapter (A/C venturi pressure tube) 3B700 `I1JA336 Adapter (alternator mounting- bracket) Adjuster -Fear axle differential bearing) 4067 5A717 Adapter (automatic air leveler compressor outlet) Adjuster (speed control connector) 9C876 2'8276 Adapter (brake pressure differential valve Adjuster (steering gear worm thrust bearing) 3A670 connector) 9D608 Air conditioner refrigerant A Adapter (carb . air cleaner to intake tube) 9C786 Air horn kit Adapter (carb . choke control tube) 13800 9A520 Air valve kit (carb . spring & cam) Adapter (carb . fuel inlet) 9S512 15063 Adapter (cigar lighter socket) Alternator (mounting) _ 10A313 _ 7B535 Adapter (clutch pedal rod) Alternator assy . 10346 6A868 Adapter (eng . oil filler) Alternator terminal kit (battery insulator) 10A383 Adapter (exhaust air supply vacuum pipe to 9K452 valve) by-pass A mmete 10850 513482 -- strument . nt cluster) __ Adapter (front stabilizer bar mounting) 3375-6 Adapter (front suspension lower arm) Amplifier ass assy . (automatic temperature control 190612 Adapter (fuel vapor purge tube to air cleaner) 9D692 box) Adapter (heater temperature control valve) 18K306T Amplifier assy . (ignition current) 12A027 Adapter (instrument cluster control pod back plate) 10B912 Amplifier assy . (speelc rol) 9D8439K495 - - __ Adapter (intake manifold to deceleration valve) Adapter manifold inlet vacuum pipe to distributor) 9K442 Anchor (rear license plate support) 17A398 _ 5D209 Adapter (muffler inlet pipe) Anchor pin repair kit (brake shoe) 2A423 Adapter (muffler outlet pipe reducer) 526' ----2B014 -fer push rod) Antenna kit (radio) Adapter (power brake~iws 18813 3K505 ~_ -Adapter (P/S pump to mounting) _ _ "- -- Refer to page 1 of Paint Section May, 1975 COPYRIGHT O 1975- FORD MOTOR COMPANY -DEARBORN, MICHIGAN FINAL ISSUE 2 ALPHABETICAL INDEX CHA55IS PARTS FORD C$R P.$Rrs INDEX GROUP NUMBER PART NAME A- PART NAME GROUP NUMBER I conl'd . Anti-freeze & coolant Anti-rattler (fuel tank to bracket) A 9A058 Anti-squeak (front fender moulding to bumper) Anti-squeak (rear spring) 16304 5586 Applique (trans . console shift selector housing) Applique (wheel cover) 7E116 1137 Apron (front fender) 16054-5 Arm (A/C compressor belt adjustment) Arm (alternator belt adjustment) Arm (eng . valve rocker) Arm (exhaust air supply pump belt adjustment) Arm (front axle spindle) Arm (front bumper) 2A942 10145 _ 6564 _ 9B452 3130-1 17754-5, 17766-7, I7A973-6 10145 10040 Arm (generator belt adjustment) Arm (generator brush) Arm (heater air temperature control valve door) Arm (rear bumper) _ Arm (rear view inside mirror) Arm (spare wheel carriei Arm (steering gear sector shaft) Arm (steering idler) Arm (trans . gearshift selector) Arm (windshield wiper motor output) Arm (windshield wiper mounting) Arm (windshield wiper pivot) Arm assy . (carb . metering rod) Arm assy . (distributor timing) 18A553 17787-8, 17795-6 17690 1432 3590 3734, 3A734 7302, 7346 17A436 17540 17526-7 9D819 12273 Arm assy . (eng . timing chain tensioner) _ . 6285_ -3A360 Arm assy . (front axle radius) 17973-4 Arm assy . (front bumper inner) 3078-9 _) Arm assy . (front suspension lower_ 3082 Arm assy . (front suspension upper) 9376 Arm assy . (fuel pump rocker) 5A649 Arai assy, rear suspenston lower) Arm assy . (speed control rod to throttle pivot) -- 9C812 7302-3 Arm assy . (trans . gearshift selector) 7302 . (trans . gearshift) Arm assy 7302 Arm assy . (trans, intermediate & high gearshift control-column mounted) Arm assy . (trans .low & reverse gearshift controlcolumn mounted) Arm & bracket assy . (steering idler) Arm & bushing assy . (rear suspension upper) Arm & bushing kit (steering idler) Arm & link assy . (windshield wiper motor) Arm & pivot shaft assy . (windshield wiper mounting) Arm & support (trans . selector lever) A Refer to page 1 of Paint Section Arm kit (rear suspension) 5A826 Armature (voltage regulator relay) 10A517 Armature (windshield wiper motor) Armature assy . {generato Armature assy . (starter motor) Armature assy. (voltage regulator) 17A485 10005 11005 10551 Arrestor assy . (eng. crankcase vent flame) Automatic timer (car warmer) 6A827 18497 Axle assy . (front driving less wheels) Axle assy . (rear) 3002 4006 Baffle (A/C evaporator core front housing) Baffle (carb . air valve) Baffle (carb . automatic choke plate) Baffle (carb . equalizer passage) Baffle (carb . float bowl) 19A675 98570 9A539 9A517 9A517 9553 Baffle (carb . metering body vent) (eng . cylinder block vent) (eng !, intake manifold oil) (eng . oil pan upper) (eng . push rod crankcase vent) (eng . valve push rod valley) Baffle (eng . valve rocker arm oil) Baffle (eng . valve spring oil) Baffle (front brake grease) 6A630 6A630 6687 6A630 Baffle (heater plenum chamber air) Baffle (instrument cluster lamp) Baffle (trans. input shaft bearing oil] 18C343 10891-2 7040 Baffle (trans . overdrive output shaft bearing oil) Baffle (valve push rod vent) 7668 6A669 Ball (carb, accelerator pump check) Ball (carb . pump discharge check) Ball (carb . secondary throttle check) Ball (carb . throttle lever) all (clutch release equalizer shaft) Ball (clutch release equalizer shaft inner) 9576 9576 9576 9681 Baffle Baffle Baffle Baffle Baffle Ball (transfer case shift assy ,) Ball trans . coasting booster valve shuttle) Ball joint (front suspension lower arm) Ball joint (front suspension upper arm) Ball kit (steering gear worm) Ball iii trailer i ch 6524 6524 6524 2240 7543 7A53 5 7213 7E195 3050 3049 3647 19F503 3A533 7303 Ball stud kit (steering drag link) 3355 5500 3352 Band (A/C blower motor mounting) Band (starter motor cover) Band (trans . intermediate servo) Band rans . reverse clutch) Band assy . (trans . rear) 19A991 11126 71]034 Band assy. (trans . rear servo 7A162 17A464 17566-7 7302 T 7D095 7A176 __ FORD CAR FARTS ALPHABETICAL INDEX 3 CHASSIS PARTS PART INDEX GROUP NUMBER NAME B - contd. B . conl'd. Bar (headlamp cover center) Bar (radiator grille) Bar (rear bumper name plate) Bar rear spring shackle rear) Bar assy . (clutch release equalizer) Bar assy . (front stabilizer) Bar assy . hear stabilizer) Bar assy . (steering front track) Bar & bushing assy . (rear tra -F Bar kit (rear mounting) 13B029 8390 17E847 5627 7528 5482 5A772 3B239 5A639 5E4340 Base (jack) Base plate (carb . air cleaner) 17088 9D600 attery c a Battery {dry charged) Battery mounting parts) 10653-5 10657 10732 Bearing (AIC compressor belt idler pulley) 2873, 2990 2990 10095 10A303 10A304 7600 7580 6261-3, 6267, 6270 6211 6333-7 4621, 4630 3123 10095 10094 10095 3C728 Bearing (A/C compressor clutch) Bearing (alternator) Bearing (alternator front drive end) Bearing (alternator rear) Bearing (clutch pilot) Bearing (clutch release) Bearing (eng . camshaft) Bearing (eng . connecting rod) Bearing (eng . crankshaft main) Bearing (front axle pinion) Bearing (front axle spindle) Bearing (generator) Bearing (generator end plate) Bearing (generator rear) Bearing (moveable steering column to track lower bracket) Bearing (power brake booster lever) Bearing (P/S gear input shaft) Bearing (rear axle driving pinion pilot) Bearing (rear axle pinion) Bearing (rear wheel) Bearing (speed control -servo connector tobellerank) BearingTstarter motor drive housing) Bearing (steering column release cam) Bearing (steering gear rack adjustment) Bearing (steering gear worm thrust) _ Bearing-aransfer case bellcrank) Searing (trans . Column shift selector bellerank) Bearing {trans . control selector tube) Bearing (trans . counter shaft gear) Bearing (trans . gearshift lever opening plate) Bearing (trans . gearshift tube) May, 1975 GROUP NUMBER PART NAME 2 B346 3D525 4625 4621, 4630 1225 9D764 11135 3D581 3F515 3571 7341 7341 7347 7121 7E1440 7347 COPYRPGHI C1975 - Bearing (trans input & output shaft) Hearing trns . input shaft pilot) Bearings . rear clutch brake drum 8& secondary sun gear) Bearing (trans . rear servo lever needle) Bearing (trans . second & third speed gear) Bearing trans . shift bellcrank) Bearing (trans, steering column tube) Bearing (trans . sun gear thrust) Bearing (windshield wiper arm) Bearing assy . (clutch release) Bearing assy . (exhaust air supply pump rear) Bearing assy . (free running hub inner coupling) Bearing assy . (P/S gear input shaft) Bearing assy . (steering column tube) Bearing assy . (trans . rear clutch sun gear front) Bearing kit (eng . camshaft) Bearing kit (P/S gear lower thrust) - Bearing kit (P/S gear upper thrust) Bearing retainer kit (front wheel lock) 7025, 7065 7118 7120 7-7507 7-7406 7120 7341 7347 7D234 17573 7580 9B477 1092 3D525 3517 7D480 6A251 3D730 3D729 1198 Bellcrank (speed control) 9B713 Bellcrank (transfer case control) 7A188 Bellcrank (trans . accelerator) 7A185 7A185 Bellcrank (trans . column shift selector) Bellcrank (trans . kickdown control to accelerator) _ 7A188 Bellerank (trans . shift) 7A185 Bellcrank assy. (carb. accelerator) --' 9732 Bellerank assy. (throttle control) 9A774 Belt (drive) Belt (eng . timing) Belt kit drivvej 8620 6268 8A615 _ Bender (heater hose 90 c ) 18573 Bezel (A/C evaporator) 19C957, 19A995 19C784, 19C871-3, 19C894 18598 13381 ' 15A436 17362 10B928 Bezel (A/C register) Bezel (air horn switch) Bezel (body side reflector) Bezel y si a reflector rear) Bezel (clock) Bezel EonsTanel seat belt warning indicator lamp switch) Bezel (control) - Bezel (emergency warning switch Bezel (front or rear side lamp) Bezel (fuel gauge Bezel. (headlamp dimmer control) Bezel (headlamp inner) FORD MOTOR COMPANY -DEARBORN, M[CHl6AH 18598 15C580 15A440 9A283 13B081 13048 - FINAL ISSUE 4 ma cm pans ALPHABETICAL INDEX CHASSIS PARTS INDEX GROUP NUMBER PART NAME B. contd . contd. Bezel (headlamp outer) Bezel (heated backlite switch) Bezel (heater switch) 13048 18598 Bleed assy . (distributor vacuum air} 18598 Blocheadlamp switch_ junc tion) Block (ierminal) 11580, Bezel ignition switch) 11584 Bezel (instrument cluster) GROUP NUMBER PART NAME ------ 10876 10852 10B903 10853 10B920 Betel (instrument cluster control) Bezel (instrument cluster control housing) Bezel (instrument cluster control outer) Bezel instrument cluster emergency warning indicator lamp) Bezel Tinstrument cluster low fuel level warning lamp) Bezel (instrument panel parking brake warning lamp) Bexe1 T lamp lens Bezel parking lamps) Bezel (radio control) Bezel (radio speaker fader control) 12A168 11A647-8 -10564 - Block assy . (eng . cylinder) Block assy . (heater vacuum hose junction) Block assy ction] 6010 190643 14448 Block assy . [vacuum hose junction] 190643 Blower aSsy . (heater) 18456 Board (alternator printed circuit) 10B301 Bobbin (alternator rotor coil) 10B303 Body (car p , power valve) 9G552 13787 13765 13440 7A094 717220 7B172 T--- 10A838 10A840 1 - 05 _ Bodyme lamp]_ Body (map lamp) Body (rear lamp) Body (trans . front band servo) Body (trans, governor oil collector) - 13210 18842 18A842 lenses exel xear lamp Bezel (rear view outside mirror control) J Bezel (rear window defogger outlet) Bezel (roof console panel door opening warning switch) Bezel (seat regulator control switch) Bezel (selector switch) Bezel (speed control switch) Bezel (stereo tape player) Bezel (tachometer) Bezel (trans . console shift selector dial) Bezel (trans . gearshift lever boot) Bezel (turn indicator lamp) Bezel warning lamp indicator panel door opening lamp) 1348 17530 Body (trans . rear hand servo] Body (windshield wiper aux . drive) 18C573 100R63~ Body assy . (carb . main) 9512 Body assy . (front) Body assy . (map lamp) Body assy . (parking lamp) Body assy . (near lamp) Body assy . (trans . governor) Body assy . (vacuum pump) 8190 13786 13206-7 13434-5 7C063 9354 14B690, 14A706 -9A389 9D782 19A112 17362 7D443 - 17579 Body & plugs assy . (carb . main metering) 9A511, Body & plugs assy . (fuel pump upper) Body & shaft assy . (carb . throttle) Body & socket assy backup lamp) Body & socket assy . anterior lamp) 9A513 9343 9518 15511-2 13A744, 13786 7E391 13349 ^ 10A845 Bezel assy .(clock) 15009-10 _ Bezel assy . (heater register) bezel assy . -(speedo.) 19C894 17A260 Body & socket asay . (rear license lamp) Body & switch assy . (interior lamp) Bezel & lens (instrument panel emergency flasher - 108920 Body stripe )dt comps car) warning lamp) BezeTtlens-ustrument- panel warning lamp) Bezel & lens roof console panel warning indicator) 160876 Liolt (A/C compressor idler pulley mounting) 10C876 7E055 10C876 10A840 Belt (alternator through} Bezel & lens (trans . column shift selector) Bezel & lens (warning indicator panel lamp) Bezel & lens assy . (instrument panel parking brake warning lamp) Bezel & Tate assyTfront fender side lamp) Bezel kit (A/C) Blade (windshield wiper less frame) Blade assy . (windshield wiper) 15A460 19C872 17593 17528 .- Bolt (battery clamp) Bolt (brake piaster cylinder link rod) Bolt (brake pedal assy .) Bolt (bumper) Bolt (differential carrier to rear axle housing) Eor (driveaft universal joint) Bolt (eng . connecting rod) Bolt (eng . crankshaft main bearing cap) 13560 v 13749. 13786 16224 2A934 10120, 10A396 10756 2462 2 B185 17758 4347 - 4529 6214_ 6345 FORD cAR mRrs 5 ALPHABETICAL INDEX CHASSIS PARTS INDEX PART GROUP NUMBER NAME B- 6A340 6A660 6065 6379 6047 6047 6A527 6A527 3057 3B267 9A010 14A187 10120 1A031 5260 3-3698 3601 Bolt (rear axle cover to housing) Bolt (rear axle differential carrier to rear axle housing) Bolt (rear axle differential gear to case) Bolt (rear brake backing plate) Bolt (rear spring tie) Bolt (spare wheel mounting) Bolt (spring seat mounting) Bolt starter motor through) 4346 4347 Bolt (steering column tube flange) Bolt (trans . overrunning clutch to case) Bolt (trans . planetary gears support to case) Bolt (tr ans . rear band servo body to case) Bolt wheel hub) - - 7A291 -7-7420 1107 - Bolt assy . (eng . oil filter adapter mounting) Bolt & valve assy . (eng . oil filter center) Bolt & washer (eng . oil pump attaching) Bond (radio frequency interference suppression) - 19A095 Booster assy . (power brake) Booster installation kit (power brake) Booster repair kit (power brake) Boat (accelerator shaft) Boot (br ke cylinder or c~a iper) Boo t~ake master cylinder) Boot (brace pressure m valve push rod) -Bo -~ Boot-(clutch pedal rod)Boot (collapsible steering column) Boot (courtesy lamp switch) Boot (front disc brake caliper) Boot (parking brake ca~lTe) ` BooTaring brake lever) 2005 2A091 2309 eZng contd. Boot (power brake booster push rod) Boot (P/S cylinder) Boot (trans . column shift selector indicator) Boot (trans . console shift selector linkage) Boot (trans . floor mounted gearshift control linkage lower) Boot (trans . gearshift lever) Boot (wiring connector sleeve) Boot & insulator kit (P/S cylinder) 2A477 3C528 7E054 7277 7E138 Bowl (fuel pump filter) Bowl & plugs assy. (carb . float) 9355 9A507-8 Box assy . (A/C automatic temperature control) _ Brace (A/C compressor 19C730 Brace (headlamp housing) ~_ Brace - (hood latch support) Brace (moveable steering column track) Brace (moveable steering column track inner) Brace (radiator grille center support) Brace (radiator grille outer support extension) Brace (radiator support) Brace (rear bumper end) Brace (rear per mounting bracket to cross member) Brace (rear bumper to cross member) Brace (speed control pulley) ^a_ Brace (trans . case to eng . block) Brace assy . (A/C evaporator) >u 9793 Bracket (accelerator bellcrank stabilizer) - - 2206-7 Bracket (accelerator bellerank stabilizer rear) 2180 Bracket (accelerator pedal lever)-_ 2B445 - .Bracket (accelerator shaft) 7A582 - -- Bracket (accelerator shaft to dash) 3C611 Bracket (accelerator to retracting spring) 13A759 2206-7 Bracket (A/C air damper door motor mounting) 2K650 Bracket (A/C air duct support) _ 2A71.5-- Bracket (A/C blower housing) - COPYRIGHT C 1975- 7277 14490 3C65l 2888, 2889, 2A951 10B315 10741 9663 17B962-3 16D032 16A052-3 1619154-5 16222-3 16A023-4 16B134 16B132-3 17899 Brace (alternator mounting) Brace (battery hold-dwn clamp) Brace (cart, air cleaner) Brace (front bumper inner arm) Brace (front fender apron & radiator support) Brace (front fender apron to dash) Brace (front fender apron upper member) Brace (front fender to apron) _ Brace (front fender to apron & radiator support) Brace (front fender to bumper) _ Brace (front fender to radiator support upper) Brace (front valance panel) 4216 2248 5721 1448 5A322 10120, 11091 3641 7D167 6894 6741 6638 GROUP NUMBER NAME B• contd. Bolt (eng . crankshaft pulley) Bolt (eng . cylinder block oil filter opening cover) Bolt (eng . cylinder head) Bolt (eng . flywheel to crankshaft) Bolt (eng. front support insulator) Bolt (eng. insulator to cross member) Bolt (eng . valve rocker arm shaft support) Bolt (eng . valve rocker arm support) Bolt (front suspension lower arm mounting) Bolt (front suspension lower arm strut) Bolt (fuel tank strap) Bolt (fuse junction panel) Bolt (generator through) Bolt (lockout hub retaining plate) Bolt (manifold to eng .) Bolt (P/S control valve spool) Bolt (WS pump oil filter support or cover retaining) May, 1975 PART FORD MOTOR COMPANY -DEARBORN, MICHIGAN FINAL - 13B123 16747 3C557 3C762 8174 8303 _ 16152-3 17789 17A906 17668 9C875 7E234-5 _ 19C761 9D703 9D709 9C803 9728 9A762 9741 _ 18C607 18C593 18C336 ISSUE 6 FORD CAR PARTS ALPHABETICAL INDEX CHASSIS PARTS INDEX PART GROUP NUMBER NAME B- PART B- contd . Backet (A/C blower motor mounting} Bracket (A/C condenser mounting) Bracket (A/C condenser tube support) Bracket (A/C control motor mounting) Bracket (A/C control mounting) Bracket (A/C control vacuum motor mounting) Bracket (A/C defroster door control motor) Bracket (A/C dehydrator tank mounting) Bracket (A/C evaporator case damper door cable) Bracket (A/C evaporator case mounting) Bracket (A/C evaporator case support) Bracket (A/C evaporator support) Bracket (A/C evaporator to instrument panel) Bracket (A/C evaporator to instrument panel mounting) Bracket (A/C evaporator tube support) Bracket (A/C hose support) Bracket (A/C housing support) Bracket (A/C motor mounting) Bracket (A/C register) Bracket (A/C vacuum hose connector) - -Bracket (air duct support) Bracket7alternator mounting) Bracket (alternator mounting front) Bracket (alternator regulator mounting) Bracket (alternator to cylinder block mounting) Bracket (anti-backfire valve) Bracket (automatic air leveler valve mounting) B Bracket automatic headlamp dimmer sensor mounting) Bracket (aux. fuel tank locating rear) - 19C917 18A699 18531 18B258 1813652 19B937 - 2B389 2B288 2K206, 2A275 9A627 9-A700 9B550 9E520 911546 9A838 9J586 15057 14A066 Bracket (clutch pedal lever assist spring) Bracket clutch pedal retracting spring) Bracket iutch release equalizer) Bracket (clutch release lever) Bracket (clutch release lever retracting spring) Bracket (courtesy lamp) Bracket (cross member radiator support mounting) 19C767 18A456, 19A822, _ 19A865 19A639 19C897, 19C918 19A637 19A993 - Bracket (carb . air cleaner support) Bracket (carb . choke control mounting) Bracket (carb . dashpot mounting) Bracket (carb . float bowl vent) Bracket (carb . float pendulum) Bracket (carb . manual choke mounting) Bracket (carb . throttle emission control solenoid) Bracket (clear lighter) Bracket (circuit breaker mounting) 19B594, 19702, 19735 Bracket emergency warning flasher switch mounting) Bracket (eng, crankcase vent valve hose clip) __ Bracket (eng . front insulator) 19C574 19812 19A623 18A456 19B942 Bracket (eng . front support) Bracket (eng . front support insulator) Bracket {eng . oil cooler lower) Bracket (eng . oil cooler upper) _ ' Bracket (eng, rear support) 19C833 a Bracket (eng . timing pointer mounting) Bracket (eng . to frame mounting bolt inner) I8C593 Bracket (eng . to frame mounting bolt outer) 10A313 Bracket (exhaust air supply pump air cleaner) )0156 Bracket (exhaust air supply pump mounting) 10337 Bracket (exhaust air supply pump rear) - 10151 - Bracket (exhaust air supply tube) 98290 5A688 13A021 -9-K018 Bracket (backup lamp mounting) v Bracket (backup lamp switch mounting) Bracket (back window heat control warnin lamp) Bracket (battery holddown clamp to apron Bracket (battery support) Bracket (battery tray inner) 15A507 15517 Bracket (belt idler pulley) Bracket brakeTine support) Bracket (brake pedal actuator .) . Bracket (brake pressure differential valve) Bracket (brake skid control actuator mounting) 8680 2A051 28189 , 28260 28371 18C623 10A705 10769 10729 GROUP NUMBER contd . Bracket (brake skill control module) Bracket (brake speed control retarder valve mounting) Bracket (brake tube support) - 1913924, 19C924, 19C942 19A992 2883 2882 Bracket (A/C blower motor support) Bracket (A/C compressor adjusting) Bracket (A/C compressor mounting} I NAME Bracket (fan shroud) Bracket (fog lamp switch mounting) Bracket frame no .3 cross member support) Bracket (frame stabilizer rod) Bracket (frame to body) Bracket (front brake hose support) Bracket (front bumper end) Bracket (front bumper guard) Bracket (front bumper mounting end) Bracket (front bumper stop) Brack-it (frontbumper to fender) Bracket (front disc brake caliper) Bracket (front fender apron front) 7535 7535 7A572 7522 7542 13763 5069 15595 6788 X057-8 6028-31 6046 6B634 613633 - 6096, 6M026 6B031 6A047 9B453 9B450 9B463 9$481 8149, 6120 15A2T8 5A000-1 5C027 5077-8, 5080-1 2082 17A820-1 178794-5 17B762 17K754 -- 17A869-70 28134-5 16596-7 FORD CAR PAM 7 ALPHABETICAL INDEX CHASSIS PARTS INDEX PART NAME B- 1 GROUP NUMBER B . cont'd. cont'd. Bracket (front fender apron rear) Bracket (front fender apron rear mounting lower) Bracket (front fender apron to dash) Bracket (front fender apron to frame) Bracket (front fender extension to radiator support) Bracket (front fender mounting rear) Bracket (front fender to headlamp support brace) Bracket (front fender to pillar) Bracket (front license plate mounting) Bracket (front reflector mounting) Bracket (front shock absorber lower) Bracket (front shock absorber mounting) Bracket (heater air damper door control) 16C170 16B204 Bracket (heater air temperature control mounting) 16296-7 _ _Bracket (heater control mounting) B r acket (heater control vacuum motor mounting) 1BA200-1 Bracket (heater hose support) 160048 16C078 - Bracket (heater water control valve mounting) Brace o aux. atch) 16A280 16A005-6, 16C194-5 17A355 13A078 _ Bracket (hood bumper mounting) Bracket (hood hinge mounting on body) Bracket (ignition cable mounting) Bracket ignition current amplifier) Bracket (instrument cluster) Bracket instrument cluster ammeter mounting} _en Bracket (instrument cluster mounting) Bracket instrument cluster warning indicator panel) Bracket (instrument panel control) Bracket (instrument panel seat belt warning lamp mounting) Bracket (instrument panel wiring) Bracket interlvr lamp bulb holder] _ 18126 18183-4 18A017 Bracket (front shock absorber upper) Bracket (front suspension bumper )33' 82-3 3416 Bracket (front suspension lower arm strut mounting) 35095 Bracket (front suspension radium arm mounting) 3B241 Bracket (front track bar mounting) f Bracket (fuel filter) Bracket (fuel gauge mounting) Bracket (fuel line support) Bracket (fuel tank guard lower) Bracket (fuel tank selector valve mounting) 9180 9D336 91)319 9A154 Bracket (generator mounting front) Bracket (generator mounting top) Bracket (generator spTaiFIshield) Bracket (generator to cylinder block mounting) 9A194, 9A225 9B027 Bracket (map 9B026 10039, 10151 10156 10163 - 10180 10151 ' 13B008 Bracket (headlamp dimmer control mounting- 13655 . 13732 Bracket (headlamp door mounting) 13A116-T, 13A118-9 Bracket (headlamp door retaining) 13001 Bracket eadlamp housing mounting) 13A091-2 . Bracket (headlamp mounting) Bracket (headlamp switch) 16A714 _16A614-5 12111-2 12A072 1A919 10847 10845 100894 10C935 10C893 -14536 I3A762 17A139-40 lamp) 13A114-5 13A088 8B322-3 13099-101, 13AO04-5 - 11A668 I7A039-40 17B875 13585 17792-3 13B714 13A'193 13763 Bracket (moveable steering column track supportf Bracket (muffler inlet pipes Bracket (muffler inlet pipe to erg . blocky Bracket (muffler outlet pipe) Bracket (headlamp cover control reservoir) Bracket (headlamp housing support) 18531 18B258 18481 18A635 16C726-7 Bracket (license plate) Bracket (license plate lamp shield rear) Bracket (lower cross support) Bracket (luggage comet . door close limit switch) Bracket luggage comfit . door open limit switch mounting) 9A061 9A004, 9046, 9068 Bracket (fuel tank vent expansion tankfront or rear) 9A188, Bracket (generator mounting) 18A272 18B542 Bracket (jack handle retainer) Bracket {jack stowage) Bracket (fuel tank support) Bracket (fuel tank vent tube shield lower) Bracket (fuel tank vent tube shield upper) ROUP NUMBER PART NAME Bracket (mudffer outlet pipe clamp) 3C557 5277 5291 5A235, 5277 5266 B racket (muffler support) 5277 "'- Bracket (oil pressure sender) 9F313 Bracket (overdrive manual control handle) Bracket (parking brake cable) 7A215 2530-1 2A816 2649 Bracket (parking brake cable equalizer rod) Bracket (parking brake cable support) Bracket (parking brake control mounting) Bracket (parking brake equalizer) Bracket (parking lamp mounting) Bracket (power brake booster mounting) Bracket (P/S cylinder mounting)__ Bracket (P/S hose) Bracket (P/S hose insulator) Bracket (P/S oil cooler) Bracket (WS pump adjusting) COMPANY _en -2795 2631 - 13256 2031-2, 2A248 3A652 3C510 3A611 3D743 3A732 FINAL ISSUE - ALPHABETICAL INDEX CHASSIS PARTS FORD MR PARTS INDEX PART GROUP NUMBER NAME B. I GROUP PART NAME B. contd . 3E596 Bracket (P/S pump pressure & return tube) Bracket (P/S pump support) Bracket (radiator grille inner) _ Bracket _[radiator grille lower) ~ Bracket (radiator grille mounting upper) Bracket (radiator grille opening panel) Bracket (radiator grille support center} Bracket (radiator mounting) Bracket (radiator support) _ Bracket (radiator support lower) Bracket (radiator support upper) 3562 8A123 _ 8232 8217, 8A278 8B455 8232 8083-4 8A273-4 _ Bracket (radio speaker mounting) 8052 8A193, 8233 18815 Bracket (rear ax e 5784 Bracket (rear axle bumper) Bracket (rear axle driving pinion bearing retainer) Bracket (rear - brake hose suppOi'-f)- 4731 Bracket (rear bumper guard) 17C856, 17.B876-7 Bracket (rear bumper inner arm mounting) Bracket (rear bumper license plate) Bracket (rear bumper stop) Bracket (rear lamp mounting lower) Bracket (rear license lamp) Bracket (rear license plate bottom) Bracket (rear reflector mounting) Bracket (rear shock absorber member mounting) Bracket (rear shock absorber stud) Bracket (rear shock absorber upper) Bracket (rear spring front) Bracket (ream spring rear) 17A750-I 17B891 178965 T 13A418-9 13423 13401 13A527 18A054 18178 18192 3863 5992 5B494 Bracket (rear Ealiliser bar stud shield) Bracket (rear stabilizer link to cross member) Bracket (seat regulator control mounting) Bracket (seat regulator terminafmounting) Bracket (sliding roof panel switch) Bracket (speed control actuator cable) Bracket (speed control amplifier mounting) Bracket (speed control inhibitor switch) Bracket (speed control relay) Bracket (speed control release switch mounting) Bracket (speed control sensor) Bracket (speed control servo) contd. Bracket (speed control solenoid) Bracket (speed sensor mounting) 9C788 9E719 Bracket (speedometer cable support) Bracket (spot lamp inside) Bracket (Sta-bi-lizer bard 17263 15320 5486-1 3E639 38139-40 3676-8 3E552 3350-1 3E652-3 19A079 _ 19A055 17368 9677 9E730 15376 555fi 5546 Bracket (steering column release motor) Bracket (steering column support) Bracket (steering column to instrument panel) Bracket (steering gear mounting) Bracket (steering idler arm mounting) Bracket (steering shock absorber) Bracket (stereo multiplex adapter) Bracket (stereo tape player mounting) Bracket (tachometer mounting) Bracket (throttle control mounting) Bracket (throttle modulator mounting) Bracket (top control limit switch mounting] Bracket (track bar to axle) Bracket (track bar to frame) Bracket (trans . accelerator & kick down rod) Bracket (trans . accelerator bellcrank mounting) Bracket (trans . belle rank mounting) Bracket (trans, column shift selector bellcrank mounting) Bracket (trans . gearshift tube steering column) Bracket (trans . kickdown lever spring) Bracket (trans . manual control lever) Bracket (trans, neutral switch actuating pin) Bracket (trans . overdrive control) Bracket (trans . overdrive manual control handle) Bracket (trans . selector cable) Bracket turn indicator flasher mounting) Bracket (turn indicator lamp mounting) 7E158 7A296 7E280 7C431 7317 7B159 7E081 713212 7A653 • 7A215 7B229 13351 13963 5863 Bracket (rear view inside mirror) Bracket (rear view outside mirror tension) .Bracket (rear window defogger switch mounting) Bracket (rear window regulator control switch mounting) Bracket (relay mounting) 4298 2073 - i NUMBER _. 17698 17C697 _ 18C497, 18C541 14A125 1411301 14E691, 14A70_5_ - 14652 158692 9B736 9D845 9C873 9C788 9A838 9E729 -- 9C736 Bracket (valance panel front) ' Bracket (wheel nut wrench retainer) 17A986 17A139 T 18A348 Bracket (windshield defroster nozzle mounting) Bracket (windshield washer reservoir mounting)_ 17651 Bracket (windshield wiper control mounting) 17C443 _ Bracket (windshield wiper motor & linkage cover) 17C570-1 Bracket (windshield wiper motor mounting) 17496 Bracket (wiring connector) 14A206 Bracket (wiring shield mounting) 14A217 Bracket assy . (accelerator cable) Bracket assy, (A/C control mounting) Bracket assy . (A/C instrument panel register) Bracket assy . (A/C muffler & hose) Bracket assy . au atic om air ' Ie~ - compressor] Bracket assy . (carb, air shroud support) Bracket assy. (carb . choke contrZ) - 9723 Bracket assy . (carb . throttle control) Bracket ass -emergency warning flasher switch mounting) 9764 I5B597 19A884 19C964 190606 5A694 9C670 9595 FORD CAR PARTS ALPHABETICAL INDEX CHASSIS PARTS 9 INDEX GROUP NUMBER PART NAME B. B. cant'd . Bracket assy . (fog lamp mounting) Bracket assy . (front bumper jacking) 15266 Bracket assy . (front radius arm) Bracket assy . (front suspension lower arm mounting) Bracket assy . (front suspension lower arm strut mounting) Bracket ass y . (front track bar mounting) Bracket assy . (headlamp adjusting nut) Bracket assy headlamp cover stop) Bracket assy . (parking brake equalizeilever { PART NAME contd. Bumper (front) Bumper (front shock absorber) 17B839 3B095 3A134 17756-7 18A085 3019-20 Bumper (front suspension) Bumper (hood) 3486-7 38241 13021 - 13A096_ 2A762 GROUP NUMBER 16758, 16763 Bumper (hood latch cam) Bumper (license plate) Bumper (rear) Bumper (rear axle) 16993 17A396 17906 4730, Bumper (spare -Fseel w carrier latch) 5783 1A366 Bracket assy . relay mounting) Bracket assy . (speed control) Bracket assy . (speed control connector pulley guide Bracket assy . (stereo multiplex adapter) Bracket assy . (window regulator wiring) Bracket assy . (wiring) 14A323 9C787 Bumper (steering column lock actuator) Bumper (steering column tube upper flange) 3F529 3D656 9C825 19A100 14A352 14A004 Bus bar (top control relay) Bus bar window regulator switch) Bus bar assy.7accessory feed) 1-aA887 14513 14A033 Bracket & cable assy . (trans . control selector) assy. (muffler inlet plpej Bracket & insulator Bracket insu -Iator assy. iniITTer or omelet pipe) Bracket & insulator ki (muffler outlet pipe) 7E363 5A246 5260-1 5260 Bushing (accelerator pedal hinge) 9873 Bracket & mask assy . (A/C control) Bracket & pad assy . (compass mounting) Bracket & spring (hood hold down fastener) _ bra - ckcet & spring assy. (horn) Bracket & strap assy . (fuel vapor storage canister) 18C540 _ 19A267 16934 1300-- Bushing (accelerator pedal lever pivot) Bushing (accelerator pedal to cable) Bushing (accelerator shaft to bellcrank rod) Bushing (A/C air outlet door control shaft) Bushing (A/C temperature regulator control shaft) Bushing alternator rectifier insulator) Bushing (alternator terminal) Bushing (bra amaser cylinder pus t Frod) 9C805 9D803 9A856 19B985 18C327 10A381 10390 2A309, 2474 2461, 2471 Bracket & switch assy. (top control retract) Brake drum & secondary sun gear (trans . rear clutch) Brake shoe & lining ass (f-roams Brake shoe & lining assy . (rear) Breaker assy, distributor) 9D664 15A695 2018-9 2218-9 Breaker assy . (electrical circuit) Breaker assy . (electrical circuit glass tube) Breaker assy . fusible link wire type fuse) Brush (starter motor) Brush assy . (speed control) Brush & holder (A/ compressor crutch) Brush & insulator kit (horn) Brush & terminal (alternator) Brush -& terminal assy . (windshield wiper motor) Brush set (generator) 12151 14526 14526 14526 11055-6 9C899 _ 2979 Bumper (clutch pedal) May, 1975 pedal) Bushing (carb . accelerator pump overtravel spring) Bushing (carb. accelerator pump rod) Bushing (carb . choke housing) Bushing (carb. choke thermostat lever) Bushing (carb . fast idle cam) Bushing (carb . throttle control lever) Bushing (carb . throttle shaft) Bs~gTclulch pedal) - 9 F569 9F569 _ 9851 9851 9D559 9C781 9B508 24"T~ 7B605 13A821 10347 Bushing (clutch pedal clevis) Bushing (clutch release equalizer shaft) Bushing (clutch release idler lever rod) 17B566 10069 11057 Bushing1distributor base lower) -Bushing (distributor base upper) 12132 12120 Bushing (eng . aux . driveshaft) Bushing (eng . connecting rod) Bushing (eng . to frame mounting bolt) Bushing (eng . valve guide) Bushing (exhaust thermostat control valve) 6A875 _ 6207 Bushing (front shock absorber mounting lower) Bushing front spring 1 ver seat) Bushing (front suspension lower arm mounting bolt) 18A007 5A305 Brush set (starter motor) Bulb (fog lamp) 15220 Bulb (headlamp) 13007 Bulb ( strument panel, rear lamp, turn signals etc .) 13465-6 Bulb (road lamp) 15220 Bulb (spotlight sealed beam) 15330 Bulb assy . (lamp ' 13799 Bumper (brake pedal) t Bushing (brac 7A626 - 2B184, 7583 7583 COPYRIGHT C 1975- 7517 7526 Bushing (front suspension track bar) Bushing (front suspension upper arm inner shaft) FORD MOTOR COMPANY -DEARBORN, MICHIGAN 6A049 _ 6510 9462 3069 3A116 3068 FINAL ISSUE 10 ALPHABETICAL INDEX CHASSIS PARTS FORD CAR PARTS INDEX PART GROUP NUMBER NAME B- PART NAME B . contd. cont'd. Bushing (front suspension upper ball joint adjusting) Bushing (fuel pump rocker arm) Bushing (gearshift tube) $7sFinl,-T-generator frame field terminal screw insulating) Bushing (generator terminal screw insulating) Bushing headlamp cover hinge) Bushing headlamp cover shaft) 3B049 9389 '7335 16206 18C327 Bushing (power brake booster lever) Bushing (power brake boon er piston guide) 2A150 213014 Bushing (power steering control valve spool) Bushing (rear spring) Bushing (rear stabilizeibar mounting} Bushing (spre wheel carifer) '- 3A 519 5781 58486 --2461 11052 11135 11107 . 3C773 3571 3356-8 Bushing (starter motor brush end plate) Bushing (starter motor drive housing) Bushing (starter motor field terminal insulator) Bushing (steering column shaft) Bushing (steering gear housing sector shaft) Bushing (steering idler arm) Bushing (terminal) Bushing (transfer case gearshift lever shaft) Bushing (trans . accelerator rod) Bushing Gran-s . case) - 14603 Bushing (trans . console shift selector shaft Bushing (trans . control selector arm) Bushing trans . converter stator support) Bushing (trans . extension) 7A133 7343 7B261 7025, 7A034 7E059 713258 7B259 7D018, 713261 7A438 7K022 7A133 7335 7343 7K453 7120 7D046 7A440 7C484 7C320 713257 7A133 7A440 7025 Bushing (trans . forward clutch hub) Bushing (trans . front oil pump) Bushing (trans . front oil pump drive gear) Bushings . front pump support) Bushing (trans . gearshift cable adjusting) Bushing (trans . gearshift lever) Bushing (trans . gearshift lever shaft) Bushing (trans . gearshift lever socket) Bushing (trans . gearshift selector arm insulator) Bushing (trans . gearshift shaft) Bushing (trans . input shaft) Bushing (trans . intermediate brake drum) Bushing (trans . kickdown control shaft) Bushing (trans . kickdown lever & control rod) Bushing (trans . low & reverse gearshift interlock) Bushing (trans . planetary gear drum support flange outer) Bushing (trans . planetary gears support) Bushing (trans . sun gear) Bushing (trans . Bushing (trans . Bushing (trans . rear clutch drum & secondary 713262 rear oil pump b(- dy) reverse brake drum) sun gear) 7B260 7DO01 713065 1313301 Bushing (turn indicator control) 10202 13A164 13B104 Bushing (heater temperature regulator control shaft) flange inner) Bushing (trans planetary gear drum support GROUP NUMBER _ 713256 7A132 Bushing assy . (front suspension track bar) Bushing assy . (front suspension upper arm) Bushing & insulator kit (trans . control selector arm) 3A116 Bushing & mounting kit (front suspension lower arm) Bushing & washer kit (front suspension lower arm strut) Bushing kit (P/S cylinder mounting rod end) Bushing kit (trans . gearshift arm) Bushing repair kit (front shock absorber) Bushing repair kit (rear shock absorber) 3048 Button (distributor breaker plate support) Button (instrument cluster clock stem opening hole plug) Button (parking brake handlej Button (transfer ease shift control handle) Button assy . (horn) Button assy . (speed control actuator push) Button assy . (trans . console shift selector lever release) Button assy . (window regulator control switch) Buzzer assy . (warning) Buzzer kit (exterior lamp warning) 3062 7343 3A187 3C590 7343 18198 18198 12072 10C864 -2791 7C488 -13805, 13A805 -- 9C741 7C488 14530 1310 14931 C Cable (baftery booster] -Cable (brake ' sue adjusting lever) 14300 2AI78 Cable (clutch) Cable (paring brake extension) Cable (parking brake intermediate) 71(581 2853 2A8-15 Cable (radio antenna lead in) Cable (relay to starter motor) Cable (spare w carrier check) 18812 14431 1A403 Cable (trans . console shift selector linkage) Cable (trans . kickdown control) Cable (trans . shift) M" Cable assy . (accelerator pedal to carb . throttle) Cable assy . (A/C temperature) Cable assy . (battery) Cable assy . (dash to engine ground) Cable assy . (defroster) Cable assy . (heater air) 7D246 7A187 '7E395 9A758 19988 14300-1 14303 18548 18552,18C592 FORD CAR FARTS 11 ALPHABETICAL INDEX CHASSIS PARTS INDEX PART GROUP NU MBER NAME C fable assy . (speedo .) Cable assy. (throttle control) Cable assy . (trans . overdrive manual control) Cable & conduit (parking brake fr`nt)- Cable & conduit (parking brake rear) Cable & dial assy . (speed control actuator) Cable kit (battery booster) _ale repair kit (parking brake) 18518 16916 9A820 17260, 17262 9C799 7A650 2853 2A635 9A825 Camshaft (eng .) Camshaft kit (eng .) Camshaft & tappets kit (eng .) Cap (water outlet connection) Cap -' (wheel hub) Cap (battery filler) Cap (carb . air cleaner adapter) Cap (deceleration valve adjustment screw) 9C639 9K808 Cap (eng . valve stem exhaust) Cap (front hub grease) 6550 Cap (fuel tank sender outlet tube) Cap (fuel vapor storage canister) Cap (headlamp dimmer foot switch) Cap (P/S control valve spool centering spring) 9G270 9E602 1131 _ 3E518 313279 9C492 8A500, 9486 94861130, 1132 Cap assy . (A/C charging valve) Cap as (brake mas a ylinderTiller 2B120-1 22 21__ 19C772 9526 -1A053 5A637, 5K751 13318 17A461 12210 9597 3B236-7 7282 7280 7282 7280 9597 5K751 6250 6A527 6250 913653 289`F 5A671 10720 Canister assy . (fuel vapor storage) Cap (A/C compressor belt idler pulley) Cap (air 1eveTercylinder protection) 1913702 ` 2162 Cap assy . (eng . oil filler & breather) Cap assy . (fuel tank filler) Cap assy . (P/S pump oil reservoir filler) Cap assortment (eng . oil filler & breather) Cap kit (P/S control valve spool centering spring) Capacitor (alternator) Capacitor (horn switch contact) Capacitor (radio voltage regulator) Carburetor assy . Carburetor repair kit Cargo lamp Carrier-(battery) Carrier (spare wheel) 6766 9030 3A006 6766 3C7'05 --10A38013841 18832 9510 9590 15650 10732 1433 ._ Carrier assy . (rear axle differential) Cartridge kit {stereo (stereo tape) Case (transfer & Case (window regulator switch) Case assy . (A/C evaporator) 4141 18816 7005-6 14A3~ 19A626, 19897 18A484 Case assy . (A/C plenum chamber) 4204 Case assy . (front axle differential gear) Case assy . (heater core) Case assy . (heater plenum chamber) Case assy . (rear axle differential gear) 18A542-3 18A484 4204 Catch (hood aux . latch) Chain (eng . timing) Chain & sprockets kit (eng . timing) Chamber assy . (heater air plenum) Chamber assy . (thermostatic choke heat) Chassis (radio receiver) 16894 6268 6268 18471 9896 Chemical (fire extinguisher recharge) Cigar lighter lit Circuit assy . (instrument cluster printed) 18806, 18810 19C505_ 15A044 I0K843 - 13533 3C705, 3-3705 813530_ 3A745 Cap (P/S cylinder piston) Cap (P/S gear cylinder) Cap (radiator) Cap (radiator overflow container) Cap (rear axle universal joint knuckle dust) Cap (rear window wiper blade end) Cap (water outlet) 2A753 Cam (turn indicator turn off) Cam (windshield wiper motor) Cam assy . (distributor) Cam assy . (fast idle) Cam & bolt (front suspension lower arm) Cam &shaft (trans .first & secondspeed shifter fork) Cam & shaft (trans .high & intermediate shifter fork) Cam & shaft (trans . low & reverse shifter fork) Cam & shaft (trans .third & fourth speed shifter fork) Cam kit (carb . fast idle) Cam kit rear suspension lower arm) contd. Cap (steering column position lock spring) Cap (steering stop) Cap (vacuum outlet manifold) 19233 14300 Caliper assy (frond disc brake) Caliper repair kit (front disc brake) Cam (A/C damper door) Cam (carb . accelerator pump diaphragm operating) Cam (lockout hub actuatiii F Cam (rear suspension arm adjusting) GROUP UMBER NAME C- caned . Cable assy . (heater temperature) Cable assy . (heater temperature regulator control) Cable assy . (hood latch control) Cable assy. (speed control) _y May, 1975 PART 8100 _ 8K103 4710 17A402 COPYRIGHT O 1975- Clamp (accelerator shaft lever) _ Clamp (A/C evaporator expansion valve bulb) Clamp (A/C hose) _Clamp (A/C tube support clip) Clamp (A/C vacuum hose to fender) Clamp attery hold dnw Clamp (carb . air vent push roo Clamp (carb . choke cable bracket) FOR D MOTOR COMPANY -DEARBORN, MICHIGAN 9A712 19A634 19$679 I9C862 19048 10718 9565 9792 FINAL ISSUE - 12 FORD CAR PARTS ALPHABETICAL INDEX CHASSIS PARTS INDEX GROUP NUMBER PART NAME GROUP PART NAME NUMBER 1 C- C- cont'd . Clamp (carb . pump rod) Clamp (carb . thermostatic choke housing) Clamp- distributor terminal housii hold down) -Clamp distributor to cylinder head) 9565 9842 12144_ 122705253 9D444 91}436 Clamp (exhaust) Clamp (exhaust air supply manifold) Clamp (exhaust air supply tube) Clamp (exhaust manifold to cylinder block) Camp (front bumper guard) Clamp (front wheel spindle correcting rod) Clamp (heater door lever) Clamp (heater hose) Clamp (heater hose to thermostatic choke housing) Clamp (hood catch control cable) Clamp (hose) Clamp (intake manifold to cylinder block) Clamp (jack hold down) Clamp (muff er to hanger Clamp (powerbrake boosfer bellows) Clamp (-powerTraTce boost-hose) 9443 17934-5 3287 18K254 18572 18572 _ 16877 8287, 9171 9443 17091 3A272 -RAM3E728 3-3739 3A728 3C755 2344 Clamp (radio antenna hose) Clamp (rear spring) Clamp (rear stabilizer bar mounting) 19048 3487 5476 Clamp (steering column) Clamp (steering column to instrument panel) Clamp (steering gear ball return guide) Clamp (steering shaft lower -coupling) Clamp (trans . oil filler tube) 3506 3668 3544 3D699 7A229 7E460 8556 Clamp assy . (intake manifold heat inlet tube) Clamp assy . (muffler inlF &outlet pipe yake type) Clamp assy . (P/S hose) Clamp assy . (steering column) Clamp & insulator (frame No.3 cross member) Clamp kit near spimg) 9I3437 5A231 3A762 3507 SCO21 5724-- Cleaner assy . (carb . air) Cleaner assy . (exhaust air supply) Cleaners Clear vision aids clevis (transfer case shift rod) 9600 9A492 4 7354 Clip (eng. follower arm spring retaining) Clip (ront dire bra a s anti-rattle) Clip (front disc rake hoe hi ld down springy-- 6K532 2 Bf64 2066 Clip front side lamp bezel) Clip (fuel filter bracket) Clip (fuel line) 15424 9B281 9A317 9031 14A173 - _ v 18B561 19A779 19C949 16828 16607 -- 2860 2814 - Clip (heater vacuum hose connector) Clip (hood support rod retaining) Clip (letters to luggage compt .) CIiarking bra ckbTe) Clip -(parking bra a Table springTo~c~~ Clip power brake booster air filter cover) Clip (power brake booster push rod to operating lever) Clip (P/S hose) Clip (P/S hose retaining) 9825 9825 9825 13067 13088 Clip (heater control cable) _ Clip (heater core case) Clamp (spare wheel) 19C824 19B632 19C949 190969 5A668 2814 2244 28266 CIip (headlamp door retaining) Clip (headlamp spring anchor) Clamp (speed control hose to fender) Clamp stabilizer bar insulator) -" Clamp (stabilizer to suspension lower arm outer) ' 9792 9B776 Clip (A/C vacuum hose connector) Clip (A/C vacuum hose harness) Clip (air leveler hose) Clip (brake hose) Clip (brakeTe) Clip (brake pressure control valve retainer) Clip (carb . accelerator pump link rod) Clip (carb . choke rod end retaining) Clip (carb . screw lock) Clip (fuel tank vent tube) (fuse panel wiring) 18954 5724 5C489 1446 - Clamp (trans . seat belt warning sensor switch) Clamp (water by pass) Clip (accelerator cable) Clip (accelerator shaft to trans . control shaft rod) Cfp (A/C evaporator) Clip (A/C tube support) Clip 2 342 Clamp (P/S control valve ball stud dust cover) Clamp (P/S control valve ball stud sleeve) Clamp (P/S control valve dust cover) Clamp (P/S cylinder piston rod boot) _ Clamp- (P[ return line) contd. - ' 2A485 2525 23 3E506 Clio (radiator grille mouldinel Clip rear lamp door retainer) Clip (rear lamp ground) 8A310-11 13A424 14463 Clip (register retainer) Clip (rod end clevis) 19C824 9825-6 Clip-Ts-park control switch wire retainer) Clip (speed control bellcrank adjusting link) Clip (speedo . cable) Clip (speedo . drive gear retaining) Clip (steering column shaft insulation) Clip (throttle cable) Clip (trans . control selector indicator lamp) Clip trans . column shift selector dial retaining) Clip (trans . oil screen) Clip (trans . overdrive cable) Clip (trans . vacuum tube) Clip (trans . vacuum tube retaining) CIip (turn indicator cover) 4 Refer to page 1 of Paint Section 9E756 9D837 17264 17B336 3E629 9792 -B-A807 7D340 7A096-7 7713 7C072 78085 13377 co FORD ALPHABETICAL INDEX CHASSIS PARTS PARrs 13 INDEX GROUP NUMBER PART NAME C- PART C- contd . Clip (vent air valve damper door stop) Clip7indow regulator housing retainer) Clip (window regulator switch retaining) Clip (windshield defroster nozzle) Clip (windshield wiper adapter & connecting arm) in. Clip Nirin Clock assy . (electric) Clock kiC(electric) Cloth (dusting & polishing) Cluster kit aux. instrument) Cluster kit (eng . gauge) Clutch (disc, plate & cover) 18B409 14570 14559 18C594 17531 14199 15000 10A000 A19517 1013960 10B944 7550, 7563 4A233 Clutch (rear axle driven) Clutch assy . (fan)_ Clutch assy . (trans . planetary gears) Clutch & holdout ring assy . (rear axle differential) .. Clutch & pulley (A/C compressor] Clutch & ring (rear axle) Clutch kit (trans . overrunning) Clutch pressure plate & disc, kit Cobra kit (igniiion parts) 8A616 7A0 89 4A351 2884 4A234 7A089 7A537 - 12050 GROUP NUMBER NAME contd. one & roller (rear axle differential) Cone &roller (rear axle differential bearing) 4221 4221 Cone & roller (rear axle driving pinion) Cone & roller (rear axle pinion bearing rear) Cone & roller (transfer case front wheel outer bearing) 4621 4630 1216 Connection (water outlet) 8592 17615 Connection (windshield washer jar to hose) Connector (accelerator shaft to speed control shaft) 9B705 Connector (A/C refrigerant line) 19C705 Connector (A/C register) 19C692 Connector (A/C vacuum hose) 19B650 Connector automi rTeveler tube) 5A689 Connector (bipedal actuator) - 2B188 Connector (brake-u66) -2074--5 -Connector (carb. air cleaner to thermostatic choke 9C704 control inlet tube) Connector (carb . secondary diaphragm control) 9S569 Connector (carb. to manifold spacer tube) 9C525 Connector (distributor vacuum pipe) 12224 Connector (eng . crankcase vent hose) 6A706 Connector (eng . oil cooler) 6A653 Connector (fuel tank air relief to vent tube) 9A168 Connector (fuel vapor tube male) 9D689 Coil (generator field) Coil (starter motor field) Coil (voltage regulator voltage limiter shunt) Coil assy. (ignition less mounting strap) Coil assy. (starter motor Reid) Coil assy . voltage regulator voltage limiter shunt) Collar distributor shaft) Collar (steering wheel hub) Collar & connector (heater inlet) Compass assy . Compensator assy . (cart, hot idle) 10175 11 82 10517 12029 11082 Compensator spring kit (trans . control oil pressure) 7D245 Connector (idle speed-up valve tube) Connector (muffler in et pipe) . Connector (parking brake cable) Compressor assy . (A/C) Compressor assy . Zvacuum air horn) Compressor~c bra cet assy . (au-toma€air leveler) 19703 13801 5A713 Connector (speed control servo to bellcrank) Connector (starter motor solenoid) Connector (trans . oil cooler tubes) Connector (voltage regulator) 9D763 11072 7D273 1OA730 Compressor gasket kit (A/C) Compressor kit (A/C) Compressor klfiai inatic air leveler)' 19B684 Connector (windshield defroster nozzle) Connector (windshield washer hose) 18A435 Compressor repair kit (automatic air leveler) Condenser (radio) Condenser assy . distributor) Condenser kit (A/C) 5A773 18827 10517 12195 3D687 18A566 19A548 9B532 19703 5A713 Cone & roller (front axle differential) Cone & roller (front axle driving pinion front) Cone & roller (front axle driving pinion rear) Cone & i611r (fronf wheel bearing :ruler) Cone roller rout wheTbe trig ou er 12300 19708 1201, 4221 4630 4621 1201 1218 '- Connector headlamp cover check valve to vacuum hose) Connector (headlamp cover hose) 13B069 Connector (heater inlet hose) Connector (heater plenum chamber to defroster nozzle) Connector (heater vacuum hose) 18A568 18A619-20 13A170 Connector {windshield washer reservoir to hose) Connector (windshield wiper hose) Connector (wire) Connector iwiring) Connector assy . (A/C register) Connector aisy . Tautomatic temperature control box vacuum) Connector assy . (fuel pump outlet) Connector assy . (fuel tank air relief vent tube) Connector assy . (fuel tank vent expansion tank) Connector assy . (fuel valve tube) 18B250, 19B650 9B761 5B286 2A790 17598 17615 17489 14488 14487 I9C626-7 19D616 9B376 9A262 9A195 9A220 a Refer to page 1 of Paint Section May, 1975 COPYRIGHT 0 1975- FORD MOTOR COMPANY -DEARBORN, MICHIGAN FINAL ISSUE 1 ,1 ALPHABETICAL INDEX CHASSIS PARTS caR mRrs FORD INDEX PART GROUP NU MBER NAME C- - PART C- contd. Connector assy. (headlamp cover control hose) Connector assy . (sequential flasher) Connector assy . (vacuum tube) Connector & duct assy . (A/C register) Connector & reducer assy . (speed control vacuum) Connector & sleeve assy . (wiing terminal) Comrector kit (trailer wiring) Contact console glove compt . lamp) Contact (distributor carbon) l.ontactassy . (windshield washer pump to switch) Contact & spring assy . (horn blowing) 13A169-70 13L366 9D430 19C615 90632 14487 14A347 14A324 _ 12011 17A669 - es 13864 18972 '1400 19980 19A522 16C716 _ Control (radio rear seat speaker volume) Control (trans . floor mounted gearshift) Control assy . (A/C) Co Control assy . (A/C air) Control assy . (air scoop) Control assy . (carb . choke) Control assy . (carb, throttle) Control assy . (carb . vacuum brake) Control assy~d 'oor lock vacuum) 9'700 9745 Control assy . (heater) Control assy1a kiibg brake) Control assy. (starter motor relay) Control assy . (trans . main valve body) Control assy . (windshield wiper) Control & bracket assy . (carb . idle speed-up) Control & wiring (headlamp dimmer) Control kit (air level ride dash automatic) 9S514 14028 _ 18549 2780 11A126 7A100 17470 9H567 138 80 5A589 Control switch_ (luggage compt . remote control) 18972 Conversion kit, calibration) 95549 6A044 6600 7902 3D746 6A642 7K177 Conversion kit (eng . high performance) Conversion kit (eng . oil pump) Converter assy . (trans .) Cooler (PIS steering oil) NAME - Cooler assy . (eng . crankcase oil) Cooler kit (trans . aux . oil) - Cooling system aids Core (speedo . drive) Core assy . (A/C charging valve) Core assy . (A condenser) Core assy . (A/C evaporator) Core assy . (heater) Core assy . (speed control sensor coupling) Counter shaft (trans .) Counterweight (eng . crankshaft) Coupling (A/C condenser) Coupling (A/C self-sealing) Coupling (free running hub) Coupling (steering gear input shaft to steering column shaft) Coupling assy . (A/C evaporator outlet tube) Coupling assy. (speed control sensor) 17262 191)701 19712 19860 18476 9E722 7111 6A360 19C890-1 1913595-6 1090-1 3A525 I Cover (A/C compressor suction) Cover (A/C evaporator) 19D655 19B735, 198874 19869 19736 10A340 10A375 13A656-7 14A276 Cover (A/C evaporator drain) Cover (A/C evaporator thermostat) Cover alternator brush spring) Cover (alternator terminal) over (back window stop lamp) Cover Zballast resistor mounting plate transistorized ignition) Cover (artery insulalnrj over (brake adjusting hole) Cover (brake pedal pad) Cover (carb . air cleaner) 14277 t' 487 913600, 9661 9J554 9 .1563 9930 9507 9A705 7B544 6869 198507 12239, 12276 6A659 6017 8737 6677 6519 6A508 , Cover (carb . choke control diaphragm) Cover carb . choke diaphragm) Cover (cam . economizer valve) Cover (carb . secondary throttle diaphragm) Cover (carb . thermostatic choke heat supply) Cover (clutch pedal pad) Cover (crankcase vent) Cover (deck lid luggage carrier) Cover (distributor breaker dust) Cover (eng . cylinder block oil filter opening) Cover (eng_ cylinder timing gear) Cover (eng . oil filter) Cover (eng. starter pinion) Cover (eng . valve push rod) Cover (eng, valve rocker arm front support oil passage) _ _ Cover (front axle housing) Cover (front fender moulding access hole) Cover (fuel pump diaphragm pulsator) Cover (fuel pump valve opening) 4033 160062 9A359 9A362 14A003 Cover fuse panel_ Cover (nerator regulator terminal) Cover (headlamp) Cover (heat evaporator case) Cover (heater motor dash panel opening) Cover (heater outlet duct) Cover (ignition switch) i Cover (instrument cluster heater blower switch opening) Cover (instrument cluster housing) over (instrument cluster opening) Cover tinstrument panel trans, selector) Cover (intake manifold) Cover (map lamp) Cover (parking brake pedal pad) Cover (radiator grille moulding joint) A Refer to page 1 of Paint Section UMBER contd . Cover (P/S control valve ball stud dust) 19C921 9E720 - .. 10A555 13A138 19B735 18A475 18C301 11A604 - 107 10A855 10A862 7B100 9C483 13B718 - 3A729 8221, SA340 15 ALPHABETICAL INDEX CHASSIS PARTS FORD cAR AI$Rrs INDEX GROUP NUMBER PART NAME C- C- conf'd . Cover (radio rear seat spe- aker opening) Cover (rear axle housing) Cover rear track bar stud) 9D822 9D793 11060 3A673 3C525 3D505 3E54-1 Cover repairldt eng . cylinder front) Cover screw (carb . diaphragm adjusting screw) 19B507 Cover (speed control opening) Cover (speed control wiring access) Cover (starter motor plunger) Cover (steering column instrument panel opening) Cover (steering column opening) Cover (steering column position control Cover (steering column position spring} ' 3580 - 3E042 3D752 3491 3L600 19A077 Cover (tissue dispenser) _ _ . .4 over (trans . case access) Cover (trans . column shift con- trol selector socket) Cover (trans, converter housing) Cover (trans . gearshift housing lower) Cover (trans . gearshift lever opening) Cover trans . gearshift sleeve) Cover (trans. governor inspection) Cover(trans, intermediate band servo) Cover (trans . oil pressure regulator body) Co ver (trans . rear oil pump) Co-ver-(toans, reverse band servo piston) Coverfurn indicator switch wiring) 19F538 7222 7E248 7986 7K444 71)362 - 7E405 7-7138 7D027 - 7A141 7A152 7D036 13376 1130 6019 • 95544 Cup (distributor oil) Cup (front axle pinion bearing) as_ Cup (front axle spindle bolt bearing) Cup (front wheTbeaing >nner Cup (front wheel bearing outer) Cover assy . (carb . accelerator pump) Cover assy . (eng . cylinder front) Cover assy . (eng . flywheel housing) Cover assy . (eng . valve rocker arm) Cover assy . (exhaust air supply pump) _ 9528 6019 6366 6582 6A582 9B478 4033 13A136-7 18 B299 185447 13A805 108883 COPYRIGHT Q 1975 - 2201-2 2173 - 2066 9572 - 10141 4222 4616, 4628 3126 1202 1217 Cup7 10141 Cup (rear axle pinion bearing) Cup (steering gear worm bearing) 13A815 4222 4616, 4628 3552-3 Cup (transfer case) Cup (transfer case output shaft) 1202 1202 Cup (transfer case rear output shaft bearing) Cup & magnet assy . (windshield wiper motor) 7169 17B584 Cylinder (air leveler) 5A666 Cylinder (trans . forward clutch) Cylinder assy . (brake maser 7A360 2140 6009 2061-2 3A540 2261-2 nerator rear end plate oil) Cup (horn blowing ring contact) Cup (rear axle differential bearing) 17632 17C569 17A511 170526 14A390 Cover (windshield wiper output arm) Cover (wiring shield) 6303 5035 5019 5025-6 _Cup (front axle differential cone & roller) 1132 Cover (windshield washer reservoir) Cover (windshield wiper motor & linkage) Cover(windshield wiper motor gear) - aft assy . (eng .) Cranksh Cross member (txame rearl ---Cross merl'r' assy . (frame front) Cross member assy .rame No .2 or 3) Cup (brake cyliii-d-ei'piston Cui brake master cylinder primary) Cup brake s ll oe- hold down spring) -Cup (carb . pump piston) Cover ~wheei huT) May, 1975 3A698 3A582 4033 7201 17C541 ' 9524 _ 7950 10A820 9528 3568 Cover (steering gear input shaft & worm) Cover (steering gear sector shaft housing) Cover (steering idler arm bearing) Cover (steering wheel) Cover (steering wheel hub lower) Cover (steering wheel sport grip) Cover (stereo tape player mounting bracket) Cover assy . (front axle housing) Cover assy . (headlamp) Cover assy . (heater core case) Cover assy . (heater housing rear) Cover assy . (horn blowing) Cover assy . (instrument cluster trim) GROUP NUMBER cont'd, Cover assy . (P/S pump housing) Cover assy . (P/S pump oil reservoir) Cover assy . (rear-alai- housing) -Cover assy trans . case) Cover assy . (windshield wiper motor) Cover & plugs assy . (carb . main body) Cover & starter ring gear (trans . converter) Cover kit (battery filler channel) Cover kit (carb . accelerator pump) Cover kit wh~Ffi u )- 19A132 4033 - 5A750 Cover (roof luggage carrier) 1 PART NAME Cylinder assy . (eng .) Cylinder assy . (front- rake) Cylinder assy . (P/S) Cylinder assy . (rearbrake) -C ylinder & keys (ignition switch lock) Cylinder & shaft assy . (A/C compressor) Cy linder head kit (eng .) Cylinder repair kit brake master) Cylinder repair kit (front brake) Cylinder repair kit (rear brake) FORD MOTOR COMPANY -DEARBORN, MICHIGAN 11582 19D654 6049 2004 2221 2128 FINAL ISSUE 16 ALPHABETICAL INDEX CHASSIS PARTS FORD MR PARIS INDEX PART NAME GROUP NUMBER D- D Damper (rear axle drive line vibration) Damper (rear spring) Damper (windshield wiper motor surge) Damper assy . (A/C outside air intake flue) Damper assy. (eng . crankshaft) Damper assy . (eng . timing chain vibration) Dampener kit (front axle king pin) Dashpot assy . (carb .) Decal (hood blackout) Decalcomania (fan warning) Deck assy . (stereo tape player) Deflector (A/C floor air) Deflector (A/C outlet) Deflector (front axle universal joint flange oil seal dust) Deflector (front bumper stone) Deflector (front bumper stone lower) Deflector (heater floor air) Deflector (hood air) Deflector (radiator air upper) Deflector (rear axle drive pinion oil seal) Deflector (rear axle universal joint flange oil seal dust) Deflector (rear bumper stone) Deflector (rear bumper stone end) Deflector assy . (radiator air side) Defogger kit (rear window) Dehydrator & receiver tank assy . (A/C) Detent (Tians, gearshift lever) 4A263 5A669 Differential assy . (front axle) Differential assy . (rear axle) 17C505 Differential kit (rear axle locking) _19878 6316 6284 3B289 913549 Dimmer kit (headlam automatic) Diode (alternator negative) Diode (alternator positive) Diode assy . (alternator light) Diode assy . lamp tail indicator) 4026 4200 4026, 4880 13A016 10378 10374 10374 10C912 6750 3A006 Disc (radio receiver tone control) Discharge line (A/C compressor to condensor) 18830 19C700 17779 17B769 19A771 16613 832627 Distributor (eng . oil cooler) Distributor assy . (less terminal housing _Si rotor) Distributor kit (dual point) Distributor repair kit 6881 12127 12050 12000 4859 4859 Dome (fuel pump air) 9414 Door (A/C air damper) Door (A/C blower) Door (A/C evaporator case damper) Door (fog lamp) Door (headlamp) 18A316 1813254 19469 1b214 Door (heater air damper) 18A361 13788 13210, 13212 13489. 13A537-8 19A771 19C714 4859 17808, 17814 17836-7 8310-1 _18397 19959 7E218 10B966 10887 10960 7A213 7A213 15805 7B033 9C767 Diaphragm (eng . oil filter) Diaphragm (fuel pump pulsator) Diaphragm (power brakebster) Diaphragm (power brake -boos ter control valve) Diaphragm-assy . (carb . accelerator pump) Diaphragm assy . (carb . throttle modulator) Diaphragm assy '. (deceleration valve) 6751 9A358 2A365 2391 Diaphragm assy . (trans . vacuum throttle valve) Diaphragm assy . (vacuum fuel pump) Diaphragm assy . kit (carb . secondary throttle) Diaphragm & retainer assy . (carb . choke control) contd . Dipstick (eng . oil level) Dipstick (P/S pump) Disc (accelerator pump check valve) Disc (A/C switch) Disc (heater switch) Disc power brake booster control valve) 1613906-7 8653 19A237 Dial instrument cluster indicator) Dial (instrument cluster main) Dial (instrument cluster warning lamp) Dial (trans . column shift selector) _ Dial (trans . floor or console shift selector) Dial (trans . gearshift indicator) Dial (trans . selector) Dial assy . (speed control actuator) Diaphragm assy . (distributor vacuum control Diaphragm assy . (fuel pump) GROUP NUMBER PART NAME 913559 9D896 9K799 12370 9398 7A377 9314 9503 93549 Door interior lamp) 'Door parking lamp) Door (rear lamp) 9576 18830 18830 2414 13052-3, 13061, 13064 Door (rear license plate lamp) Door assy . (A/C damper inlet) Door assy . (A/C evaporator case outlet) Door assy . (backup lamp) Door assy . (heater air temperature control) Door assy . (rear lamp) 13566 Door & hinge (heater air vent) Door & seal assy . (A/C air damper) boor & seal assy . (heater air damper) 18A646 18A574 18A574 19C802_ 1913749 15513 1813545 13448-9 _ Dowel (eng . camshaft sprocket to camshaft) _ Dowel (eng . connecting rod to cap) Dowel (eng . crankshaft main bearing cap) Dowel (eng . cylinder block) Dowel (eng . cylinder head to block) Dowel (generator end plate locating) 6253 Dowel (transfer case input bearing cap) Dowel (trans . gearshift housing to trans . case) 713362 7033 6217 6A346 6397 6A008 10088 ALPHABETICAL INDEX CHASSIS PARTS FORD CAR PARTS 17 INDEX PART GROUP NUMBER NAME PART D - contd . E- Drag link (pitman arm & spindle end connecting) Draincock (radiator or cyl . block) Dress-up kit (eng . chrome finish) Drive assy . (starter motor) Drive element assy . (supercharger) Driveshaft Driveshaft assy . 3304 8115 6980 11350 9655 4605 4602 GROUP NUMBER NAME contd. Electric clock kit Electrolyte (battery) Element (autdi iidf c air leveler compressor air filter) 15A000 __ 10656 5A'725 Element (carb air cleaner inner) 9601 Element (eng . crankcase vent oil separator) Element (P/S pump oil reservoir filter) 6A631 3-3538, 3837 Element assy . (carts air cleaner) Element assy . (cigar lighter) 9601 15054 Driveshaft kit (conversion-mechanics to Dana-Spicer) 4602 Drum (front wheeTbrake) Drun i (-rear wheel brake) 1125 1126 Element assy . (eng . oil filter) Element assy . (fuel filter) Drum assy . (trans . intermediate brake) Drum assy . (trans . reverse brake) 7D044 7C498, 7-7165 7A398 Emblem (fuel tank filler cap) Emblem headlamp cover) Emblem (steering wheel hub) Emission control kit (eng . exhaust) 6A 603 1813259, 1813306, 19A618 18633 Enclosure assy . (carb . supercharger) End (carb . throttle synchronizer rod) 9632 9767 End assy . (front wheel spindle connecting _rod) End repair kit (stabilizer bar) Engine assy . Engine compt . kit (A/C) 3A130- 1 5A486 6007 Drum & planetary gears assy . (trans . rear brake) Duct (A/C air inlet) Duct (A/C air outlet) Duct (A/C evaporator outlet) Duct (A/C evaporator to instrument panel register) Duct (A/C instrument panel register) Duct (A/C lower) Du - (Lire e scoopj-- 190633 19926 _ __ 19C850 Engine modification kit (A/C) Engine reconditioning paint 19C620 2259-60 Duct (eng . crankcase vent) Duct (heater air inlet) Duct (heater air outlet) 6A630 18 B2 59 18C297, 18633 Duct (heater inlet) Duct assy . (A/C evaporator instrument panel) Duct assy . (A/C evaporator to register) Duct assy . (A/C recirculating air) Duct assy . (heater evaporator to register) Duct assy . (heater outlet to floor) Duct assy . (heater rear seat outlet) ' Ductonnector assy . (A/C junction) Duct & valve assy . (carb . air cleaner) 18457 _ 19C832 _ 1913680 190590 19B680 18C433 18C420 19C932 9A626 _ Dust cap (driveshaft) Dusting cloth 4818-20 q E 6731 9365 9A031 -13A198 3649 Engine starting fluid Equalizer (parking brake ca e Equalizer assy . (parking brake rear) Escutcheon (instrument cluster control housing) q '-2-A602 2768 1013906 Escutcheon assy . (radio receiver) Exhaust kit (dual systems - 18809 5210 7A504 Extension (clutch release rod) Extension (eng . rear support) Extension (front bumper stone deflector) _ 6120 17C782 17A939 Extension (front bumper stone deflector outer) Extension (front fender apron & radiator support) Extension (front fender apron lower rear) Extension (front fender apron to dash) Extension (front fender front) Extension (front fender headlamp panel support) Extension (front fender rear splash shield upper) Extension (front valance center panel) Extension (hood inner panel front) Extension (intake manifold to cylinder block seal) Extension (muffler outlet pipe) Eccentric (eng . camshaft fuel pump drive) Economizer assy . (carb .) Economizer kit (earb .) 6287 9A565 9A565 Elbow (brake differential valve) 213387 Elbow (eng . crankcase vent hose) Elbow (exhaust air supply pump outlet) Elbow (fuel tank vent valve) 6767 9C475 9B002 Extension (radiator grille) Extension (steering column tube flange) Extension (tire -valve) Elbow (heater hose) 18599 Extension (trans . column shift selector lever socket lower) May, 1975 COPYRIGHT C 19B969 19B969 q q Refer to page 1 of Paint Section 1975 FORD MOTOR -DEARBORN. MICHIGAN COMPANY FINAL 17798 _ 16C152-3 16350-1 16A248--9 16018-9 16D002-3 16B572-3 17B948-9 16494 9C495 5202-3, 5232, 5255, 5263 8224-5 3790 3705 7228 ISSUE 18 ALPHABETICAL INDEX CHASSIS PARTS FORD CAR PARTS INDEX GROUP NUMBER PART NAME E - contd . F- Extension (trans . gearshift arm) Extension trans . selector socket cover) Extension (windshield defroster nozzle) Extension assy . (carb . air cleaner air duct) Extension assy . (hood panel front) Extension assy . (radiator side support) Extension assy . (speed control feed wire) _ Extension housing (transmission) Extension repair kit (frame sidemember front) Exterior paint Extra cooling kit (A/C) F, Fan (alternator) Fan assy . (exhaust air supply - pump) Fan blade assy . Felt (distributor cam lubricator) Fender (front) Ferrule (fuel line) Field A/C` compressor clutch) 7F.409 7228 18C371-2 913629 16A 800 8B466-7 9C806 7A039 5B117 A i 19B969 j ''--10A310 9C472 8600 12A055 16005-6 9242 2987 Fitting (fuel pump inlet) Fitting (intake manifold carb . to spacer connection) Fitting (oil pressure sender) Fitting assy . (intake manifold vacuum outlet) Fitting kit (quarter panel wheel opening) 18974 _ Flange (eng . oil pan reinforcement) Flange (fuel tank filler inner) Flange (fuel tank filler outer) -range (muffler inlet pipe) Filter (brake sTI 2B36$ Flywheel ads Filter (eng . oil) Filter (exhaust air supply cleaner) Filter (fuel level indicator light) Filter (fuel pump vent) v Filter (fuel tank sender) 6731, 6734 9A496 9E301 9A411 9A011 Filter (gearshift indicator lamp) Filter (instrument cluster light) Filter (power brake booster ~FIeaner) ai 15811 1013870 2A346 Filter (rear Iamp inner) Filter (turn indicator lamp) 13A562 13B304 Filter assy . (carb . fuel) Filter assy . (crankcase air cleaner) Filter assy . (fuel) Filter assy . (fuel vapor valve tube air) 9155 9D695 9155 9B008 3C602 3-3538 Filter assy . Filter assy . Filler assy . Filter assy . (P/S pump housing oil) (P/S pump reservoir oil) (radiator grille to bumper) (thermostatic choke air) Filter assy . (windshield washer fluid) Filter assy . (windshield wiper motor) Finger (trans . shift control) Fire extinguisher (recharge chemical) Fire extinguisher kit 88469 9C791 17K608 17C600 7C124 19C505 19B540 6823 9109 9039 5269 Flange (starter motor coil retainer) Flange (steering column tube) Flange (steering column tube lower) Flange (transfer case output shaft) Flange assy . (front axle universal joint) Flange assy . (rear axle universal joint) Flare kit (reflector) 16570-1 16D036-7 16114-5 9F565 91)697 12A120 9A520 6882 9B455 9241 9A455 9B339 9A474 Filler (front fender) _ Filler (front fender apron to stone deflector) Filler (front fender upper front) _ _ Filter (carb . accelerator pump cavity) Filter (crankcase emission) Filter (distributor vacuum control valve) contd. Fitting (earls . fuel transfer tube) Fitting (eng . oil filter to adapter) Fitting (exhaust air supply manifold) Flasher emergency warning) Flasher assy . turn indicator) Flasher kit (emergency warningT Float assy . (carb .) Float assy . (fuel tank sender) ontrol actuafor atrj- GROUP NUMBER PART NAME 3511 3D651 7B214 4851 4851 19E500 15B584 13350 15B584 9550 9202 637 .5 (eng .) Foot control kit (rear seat speaker) Fork (transfer case gearshift) Fork (trans . gear shifter) Fork & raillirans . overdrive shift) Frame (A/C heater core) 11106 _ Frame (front license plate) Frame (radiator grille) Frame (rear license plate) Frame assy. Free wheel unit assy . (trans . overdrive) - 18876 7289 17230-1 7680 18A441 17A387 88271-2 17A387 5005 7675 Fuel filter line chart 9156 Fulcrum kit (eng . valve rocker arm) Fuse assy . (cigar lighter) 6A585 14429 Fuse holder Fuse link (wire) Gas line anti-freeze Gasket (A/C blower housing) Gasket (A C compressor charging screw) Gasket (A/C compressor valve plate) Gasket (A/C to dash) Gasket (air cleaner to carb .) Gasket (automatic choke piston housing) Gasket backup lamp lens) A Refer to page 1 of Paint Section - 14417 14526 A 18B488 1913661 19B994 18570 9654 9871 15510 ALPHABETICAL INDEX CHASSIS PARTS FORD CAR PARTS 19 INDEX PART GROUP N UMBER NAME G T' Gasket (carb . air cleaner internal) Gasket (carb, booster venturi support) Gasket carb . economizer cover) Gasket (carb . economizer valve) Gasket (carte float bowl) Gasket (carb . float bowl screw) Gasket (carb . fuel inlet fitting) Gasket (carb . fuel inlet needle seat) Gasket Garb . fuel level check plug) Gasket (caxb, main metering body) Gasket (carb . power valve) Gasket (carb . pump discharge nozzle) Gasket (carte secondary diaphragm housing) Gasket (cart, spark valve) Gasket (carb . thermostatic choke control) Gasket (carb . thermostatic choke cover) Gasket cart thermostatic choke housing} Gasket (carb . throttle body to main body) Gasket (cart, to manifold) Gasket (cart, to spacer) Gasket (carb . valve seat adjusting nut) 26194 2149 2-f-6-7 213355 T ~^ 9673 9A536 9563 9A588 9561 9592 9229, 9827 9569 9569, 9A588, 6020 6051 6435 6A734 6789 6840 6A636 6749 6749 6746 6838 oil filter adapter) oil filter adapter to cylinder block) oil filter center bolt to adapter) oil filter center bolt to cover) oil filter element) oil filter mounting) oil pan) 6710-1 -- 6734 Gasket (eng, oil pan drain plug) 6626 Gasket (eng . oil pump inlet tube) May, 1975 Pail HT C 1975 - Gasket (front axle cover) 4035-6 4671 T444 1193, 2026 2B160 13330 9229 9A588 -9276 9408 ^ 9364 Gasket (fuel pump mounting) Gasket (fuel tank filler to quarter panel) Gasket (fuel tank gauge wiring retainer) Gasket (fuel tank vent expansion tank connection housing) Gasket (fuel tank vent flange) 9853 9853 -Rill 9. 516 9447 9447 9A522 9J694 6659 6521 6584 9C435 9448 9450 Gasket (front turn indicator lamp lens)_ Gasket (fuel filter mounting) Gasket (fuel filter to carte.) Gasket (fuel gauge tank unit) Gasket (fuel pump diaphragm oil seal) Gasket (fuel pump filter bowl) 9853 9A588 19E994 90484 -- 12143 Gasket (distributor base) 12320 Gasket (distributor diaphragm vacuum connector) Gasket (eng . crankcase vent ail separator) 6A632 6870 Gasket (eng, crankcase vent tube) Gasket (eng . crankshaft rear bearing oil seal 6344 (eng . (eng . (eng . (eng . (eng . (eng . (eng . GROUP NUMBER Gasket (eng . oil pump to block) Gasket (eng . valve push rod cover) Gasket (eng . valve rocker arm cover) Gasket (exhaust air supply tube).Gasket (exhaust manifold} Gasket (exhaust manifold to muffler inlet pipe) Gasket (front brake splash shield) 9945 9A518 9A588 9580, 9926 Gasket (compressor valve plate) Gasket (cover intake manifold) retainer) Gasket {eng . cylinder front cover) Gasket (eng . cylinder head) Gasket (eng . flywheel housing) Gasket (eng, oil distributor to oil filter) Gasket (eng . oil filler & breather cap) I Gasket (front axle driving pinion oil slinger) Gasket (front brake backing plati-t pindle) Gasket (front-Brake grease baffl- Gasket (fuel tank vent pipe flange adapter) Gasket (fuel tank vent valve) Gasket (fuel tank vent valve retainer plate) -Gasket choke bleeder valve) NAME G - conf'd, can!'d- Gasket (brake cylinder mounting) Gasket (brake tine connector) Gasket (brake master cylinder filler cap) Gasket (brake master cylinder motnting adapter) Gasket Gasket Gasket Gasket Gasket Gasket Gasket PART _ Crasket headlamp dimmer control) Gasket (headlamp mounting) Gasket (heater blower motor mounting) 18583 18596 18A596 18570 10A948 15A995 ~~9448 911429 9461 9439-41 0' - '' Gasket (main control valve body separator plate) Gasket (manifold) Gasket (rear axle differential carrier) Gasket (rear axle driving pinion shaft oil slinger) FORA MOTOR COMPAM' -DEARBORN, MECNIGAN _ 7D100 5260 - aikdt [parking lamp lens) ` Gasket (power brake booster mounting bracket) , Gasket (P/S control valve body) Gasket (P/S pump cover) Gasket (P/S pump oil reservoir cover) Gasket (P/S pump oil reservoir cover retaining bolt) Gasket (radio antenna base) " 9F299 - 9A253 9A196 9276 13A020 13044 Gasket (heater core tube) Gasket (heater inlet) Gasket (heater to dash) Gasket {instrument cluster] Gasket (instrument cluster warning lamp) Gasket (intake & exhaust manifold) Gasket (intake manifold heat tube) Gasket (intake manifold to cylinder block) . Gasket (intake manifold to cylinder head) Gasket (interior Iamb _' 9417 9076 9E298 9A206 - - 13211 233022 3A74~ 3A760 3A642 3C719 18898 4035 4671 FINAL ISSUE 20 ALPHABETICAL INDEX CHASSIS PARTS FORD CAR PARTS INDEX PART NAME ] GROUP NUMBER PART NAME G- cant'd . Gasket (rear axle housine_to cover) Gasket (rear lamp interior seal) Gasl;e~ rear lamTis} G- cent's!. 4035-6 13433 13401 Gasket set (eng, oil pan} Gasket set {eng . valve grind) Gasket set {manitoldJ 18C471 $B266 9276 Gasket side lamp lens)15A209 17303 Gasket (speedo, case) 15324 Gasket (spotlamp bracket) Gasket (starter motor drive housing) 11003 Gasket (starter motor plunger cover) 11065 3593 Gasket (steering gear housing end plate) 3581 Gasket (steering gear sector shaft housing cover) Gasket {thermostat} Gasket (thermostatic choke heat supply cover) 8590 96500 , Gasket (transfer case) 9903 7181 Gasket (trans, & transfer case cover) Gasket (trans . & transfer case extension housing) Gasket (trans . case access cover) Gasket (trans . extension housing to case) Gasket (trans, front oil pump to case) ~Gasket {trans . gearshift housing} Gasket (trans, input shaft bearing retainer) Gasket. trans, intermediate hand servo cri=er) Gasket (trans, oil pan] Gasket (trans, oil pan screen) Gasket (trans . overdrive adapter to case) Gasket (trails . overdrive housing to adapter) Gasket (trans, rear oil pump to case) 7$23 7086 7223 7086 7A136 7223 6008 6E078 Gasket set (orig . complete overhaul) Gasket set (eng . lower} 13568 Gasket Trear license plate lamp lens} Gasket (rear view outside mirror irror)17724 --)_ 1001Gasket (rear whee T Gasket (rear window defogger blower hous_i_ng) Gasket resonafor inlet pipe) Gasket {separator assy . fuel vapor} NUMBER 6781 6079 ~_ 9433 _ Gasket set {transfer case] Gasket settrans,} 7153 Gate (trans, gearshift] Gauge~a mmeter] Gauge (instrument cluster temperature) Gauge (oil pressure} 7K131 Gauge assy . (ammeter console] Gauge assy. (fuel instrument panel unit] 1 - 1 9280, 9305 7153 108W0 10883 10B921, 10B971 1013850 Gauge assy . (fuel tank unity Gauge assy . (oil pressure eng . unit) Gauge ei valve assy . Womatic air leveler} 9275 9278, 91)290_ 9273, 98308 5A687 Gear (distributor driven) Gear {eng . camshaft} Gear (eng . crankshaft) Gear (eng . flywheel ring) Gear (eng, oil pump drive) Gear (front axle shaft drive) 12290 _ 6256 6306 6384 6552 1245 Gauge assy . (oil pressure instrument panel unit) _ _ 7051 7DO26 7A191 7E062 f Gear {rear axle differential side) Gear (speedo, drive) Gear (speedo . driven) _ Gear (steering column 7086 7661 71)222 78426 Gasket (trans, throttle valve diaphragm) 77]100 Gasket (trans, valve body separator plate) 13A368 Gasket (turn indicator lamp) ' 1 4236 17285 f 17271 3E717 _ - Gear (transfer case input shaft) Gear (transfer ease intermediate) 7C11fi 7113 7100 Gear ~ wider case output shaft) Gear (trans . countershaft clustei Gear (trans . first speed) Gasket [voltage regulator -over to base) Gasket (water outlet connection) Gasket (water pump cover) Gasket (water puriip housing) Gasket (window regulator switch housing) Gasket (windshield wiper control switch) 10623 8255 8513 8307 14A230 17C573 Gasket (windshield wiper motor cover) Gasket (windshield wiper motor seal) 17471 17C430 Gear {trans, output shaft parking) Gear {trans .-output shaft ring] Gear (trans . overdrive governor driven) Gasket assy . (headlamp switch) Gasket & shim kit (steering gear houstng cover) 11A683 3593 Gear (trails, overdrive ring) Gear {trans . overdrive sun] Gasket assortment (water outlet connection) Gasket kit (A7C compressor) Gasket kit (trans,) Gasket set (carte) $255 196684 7153 9502 _ Gear (trans . forward ring) Gear (trans, low & reverse sliding) Gear (trans . low constant mesh) Gear {trans, reverse idler) Gear (trans . reverse idler sliding) Gear (trans . second speedy Gear (trans . third speed) Gear assy . {overdrive planetary} Gear assy . (speedo, driven) _ . 7113 7A029~ 71oa i X)392 7100 71)029 7A233 7AI53 6922 7653 7670 7141 7ri223 i 7102-3 78340 76 73 17271, 17322 v Fon cAR pars 21 ALPHABETICAL INDEX CHASSIS PARTS INDEX GROUP NUMBER PART NAME G- G- cant'd. contd. Gear assy . (steering) Gear assy . (trans . intermediate) Gear assy . (trans, primary sun) Gear assy . -(t sun) 3504 7102 7A399 713063 - Gear &bushing (trans . intermediate) G ear & bushing (trans . reverse idler) Gear & flange assy . (power steering) Gear & pinion (windshield wiper motor) Gear & pinion kit (front axle) 7102 - Gear & pinion kit (rear axle) Gear& pitman kit (front axle differential) Gear & shaft assy . (windshield wiper motor output) Gear & stop assy . (windshield wiper motor output) 7141 3A500 17A479 3222, 4209 4209 4237 17A434 17A556 Gear kit (front axle differential side)_ Gear kit (rear axle differential side) 4237 Generator assy . Glass (instrument cluster) 10002 _ 4236 Glass (radiator coolant level sight) Glass (rear view outside mirror) Governor (windshield wipers) Governor assy .(eng .) Governor assy . (trans. overdrive less gear) Governor &counterweight assy . (trans .) Grille (front bumper) Grille (front fender) Grille (heater air vent outlet) Grille (heater rear seat outlet) Grille (hood air extractor) Grille (hood air scoop) Grille (hood top) Grille (radiator) Grille (radio speaker) Grille assy . (rear window defogger) Grille assy . kit (radiator) Grommet (A/C condenser tubes) Grommet (A/C control cable) Grommet (antenna lead-in seal)_ Grommet (carb . air cleaner) _ Grommet (clutch rod) Grommet (eng . crankcase vent retainer) V Grommet (eng. power steering oil reservoir . cover stud) 10880 8B404 17723 17C476 12450 6919 7C053 17E968 _ 16D168 _ 18A499 18C570 16A626-7 _ I6A624 16B748 8150-1, 8200, 8210 , 8220 18978 18C490 8210 190819 19C898 _ 18912 9697 7621 6A892 COPYRIGHT 6570 _ C 1975 - Grommehower ~a~ booster Ihe -Te cc via v~ -- 2BM'f~-Grommet (speedo . case) 17304 Grommet (speedo . mounting) 1713303 Gromme -starter motor terminal insulator) 11A120 Grommet (steering column opening) 3K680 Grommet (steering column to dash) 3512 Grommet (windshield wiper motor mounting) Grommet (windshield wiper pivot shaft) Grommet (wiring) 17C431 17C582 14603 Guard (A/C evaporator fan) Guard (bumper) 19742 Guard (fan) Guard (fuel tank) Guaf-d- (powerTira~ masfer Guard (speed control servo) 17984-5, 17996-7 8A611 - 9-099 - cYin er pal 2A021 9-D858 Guard (wheel splash) 16A550 Guard kit (front bumper) 17996 Guard kit (rear bumper) 17984 Guide (brake shoe astng lever cale)_ -' 2A179 Guide (eng . disc) i 6K297 6A564 Guide (eng . valve push rod) Guide (front axle shaft inner) 3248 Guide (fuel pump push rod) 9379 Guide (hood latch spring) 16927 Guide parTcing brae row)- cable) 2A69'f, Guide ear axle differential clutch plate] Guide (steering gear ball return) Guide (trans . console shift control selector lever) Guide (trans . front band servo piston) Guide (trans . overdrive shift rail) Guide assy . (front suspension spring) Guide assy . trail lamp monitor) Guide & clamp kit (steering gear ball return) _ 1613198-9 Handle (hood latch control cable) Handle (jack) 16914 17032, 17081 713131 13310 16C896 2760 Handle assy . (trans, reverse gear lockout) Handle kit (heater door & air vent duct) Hanger rear spxmg) Harness assy . (A/C control motor) Harness assy . (A/C vacuum hose) Harness assy . (automatic temperature control box) Harness assy. Theadiamp cover vacuum hose) FORD PA MOTOR COMNY -DEARBORN, MICHIGAN - 2A700 4A323 3523 7E113 7A269 7730 3A197 1OC944 3523 Gusset assy . (front fender apron to radiator support) Handle (trans . overdrive cable) Handle (turn indicator switch) Handle assy . (hood fastener) Handle assy . (parkin brake release) 6570 657_0 9K288 908_0_ _ 9069 16827 2K606 Grommet (eng . rocker arm cover seal)_ Grommet (eng . valve push rod cover stud_)_ Grommet (fuel Iine to side apron) Grommet (fuel tank filler pipe) Grommet (fuel tank vent pipe) Grommet (hood support to hood) Grommet (p kingbirake t ase'rod) - May, 1975 GROUP NUMBER PART NAME 7E231 1813578 5775 18C560 190827 19D615 1313068 FINAL. ISSUE - 22 ALPHABETICAL INDEX CHASSIS PARTS FORD CAR PARTS INDEX PART NAME 1 II - contd. Head (A/C compressor) Head (A/C compressor cylinder) Head (eng . cylinder) Head kit (eng, cylinder) Headlamp assy . (less bulb & wiring) Heat chamber kit (thermostatic) Heat exchanger (eng . oil cooler assy .) Heater assy . (eng . block) Heater & defroster kit Heater kit (eng . block) Hinge (hood) Hinge (spare TiheeTcarrieT Hinge assy . (headlamp cover) 19D646-7 Holder & housing assy . (speed control brush) Horn (carb, air) Horn assy . Horn kit (vacuum air) Hose (A/C control motor vacuum supply) Hose (A/C evaporator drain) Hose (A/C floor air deflector) Hose (air by-pass valve upper) Hose (anti-backfire valve) Hose (eng . to ' trans . vacuum tube connecting) 2995 -- Hose (exhaust air supply check valve inlet) Hose (exhaust air supply pump inlet) 6049 Hose (exhaust air supply pump outlet) 6049 Hose {front Prake) 13008, Hose (front disc brake) 13035 Huse (fuel pump to fuel tank line) 9A761 Hose (fuel return) 6653 Hose (fuel tank emission tube) - 6A051 Hose (fuel tank overflow) 18455 Hose (fuel tank to filler pipe) 61,008 Holder assy . alternator brush] Hood scoop Hook (fuel tank strap) Hook (hood aux . latch) Hook (hood latch) Hook (jack) GROUP NUMBER PART NAME H contd. Holder (distributor housing clamp) Holder & stud assy . 7aiternator brush) Holder & wire assy . (speed control brush) Hood v GROUP NUMBER 16796-7 1478- 13A154 Hose (fuel tank vent expansion tube) Hose (fuel tank vent tube) Hose fuel tube 12144 10320, 10351 90894 Hose (fuel tube intermediate) Hose {fuel cube to fuel fifterj Hose (fuel vapor separator to fuel tank front) Hose (fuel vapor separator to fuel tank intermediate) Hose {fuel vapor separator to fuel tank rear} 10324 9C894 f - ose (headlamp cover control) H Hose (heater control motor vacuum supply) Hose (heater temperature control vacuum inlet) _ Hose (heater temperature control vacuum outlet) 16992 Hose (heater water) -^ 16929 _ Hose (hot water heater) 17A003 9524 Hose (parking-br0se) -13832-3 Hose (parking brake release) 13800 Hose (power -&rake booster reservoir to iriaria-61d) - ose (P/S reservoir to pump) H 18A358 Hose (P/S return line) T 19858 Hose (radiator) 19C753 9H569 Hose (radiator bulk) 911539 Hose (radiator drain) 16612 16C630 9A166 Hose (anti-backfire valve extension) 9H560 Hose (anti-backfire valve inlet) 9H548 9H533 Hose (anti-backfire valve vacuum) Hose (anti-backfire valve vacuum tube to manifold) 9H564 5A684 Hose (automatic air leveler) --227U1 --Hose(Brake lines~~~ 28369 Hose {brake d control aetuaTor Mi-THose {brake skid control actuator vacuum} Hose (brake vacuum motor to -611 5.1te - swita.) 2B370 2A3-95-- Hose (carb, choke bleeder temperature control 95592 valve] 9E736 Hose (carb . choke front) " 9E736 Hose (carb . choke rear) Hose (carbe fuel) 9D281 Hose (carb . idle speed-up control) 9H566 6A664, Hose (eng. crankcase vent) 6853 Hose (radiator overflow) Hose (radiator supply tank) Hose (rear axle) Hose (rear axle housing vent) Hose rear axle vena). Hose (rear brake) Hose (rear window washer) 1los`e re rigeran7 line) Hose (speed control harness) Hose (speed control inhibitor switch) Hose (speed control metering valve to pump) Hose (speed control metering valve to servo) Hose (speed control regulator to vacuum supply) Hose (speed control regulator to valve) Hose (speed control solenoid to metering valve) 7&}86-7 9B466 913458 9E459-60 2078 2A4'2~ 9288 90327 9A227 99129 9047 9A092 9170 9324 9C2 75 9C323 90285 9C288 9C287, 9C289 13A168 18A358 18666 18668 18472 18C572 2A596 2A804 '27047 -3691 3A005 8260, 8286 8333 8081 8A213, 8075 8063 4090 4A001, 4A049 4A058 2282 17652 190708 9C746 90874 9C74 . 9C746 90770 90746 9C747-8 ALPHABETICAL INDEX CHASSIS PARTS FORD cAR PARTS 23 INDEX PART -- - GROUP NAME H PART NUMBER H. -- cant'd . Hose (supercharger discharge) Hose (thermactor air by-pass vacuum) Hose (thermactor air by-pass valve inlet) Hose (trans . oil cooler lines) 30539 3D585 3D537 3D584 9630 9652 9F286 9F287 79093 Hose (vacuum outlet manifold) 7C332 90493 Hose (steering column release motor) Hose (steering column release supply) Hose (steering column release valve & supply) Hose (steering column reservoir) Hose (supercharger air intake) Hose (vacuum pump outlet) Hose (water by-passT Hose (windshield defroster) Hose (windshield washer reservoir to pump) Hose (windshield wiper) - 9A445 8597 _ Hose assy . (A/C compressor to condenser inlet valve) Hose assy . (A/C control motor vacuum) Bose assy . (A/C control vacuum) Hose assy . (A/C temperature regulator control motor vacuum) Hose assy . (A/C vacuum) _ Hose assy . (air Ieveler) Hose assy . (automatic air leveler compressor to valve) Hose assy . (eng . oil cooler) Hose assy . (heater control motor vacuum) Hose assy . (heater vacuum) Hose assy . (oil pressure sending) Hose assy, (P/S control valve to -cylinder head end) Hose assy . (P/S control valve to cylinder rod end) Hose assy . (P/S pressure line) Hose assy, (P/S return line) Hose assy . (windshield wiper motor damper drain) NAME 18556 17580 17543, 17A605, 17K605 I contd Housing (blower motor resistor) Housing (carb . air valve spring) Housing carb . thermostatic choke) 19C796 9H557 9848 Housing (front shock absorber insulator) Housing (fuel tank to expansion tank connector) 18183 9A205 Housing (heater blower motor) Housing (hood front ornament) Housing (hood hinge) Housing (ignition switch Housing instrument cluster) Housing (instrument cluster control) Housing instrument panel rally pac) Housing instrument panel tachometer) 18A584 166783 16C764 10A885 10838 10A858 10B945 1013945 Housing seat belt warning lamp] Housing seat regulator control switch) Housing (tachometer & clock) 14B 100876 17311 7E174 7505 7A306 7976 Housing (transfer case control selector) Housing {trans . clutch) Housing trans . console shift selector) Housing (trans . converter) 19972 18B372 19A946 19A581 Housing (trans, extension) 19C828 -5A687 5A714 6A715 18$372 19C828 14322 3A714 - Housing (trans . gearshift) Housing (water pump) Housing (window regulator switch) Housing (windshield wiper motor) 7222 8505 14527-8 Housing assy . (A/C evaporator core) I9A553, 19A559 10334 10333 9A575 9501 17A431 Housing assy . (headlamp) Hose & connector ass y . (heater) - Hose & grommet assy . (vacuum) Hose & muffler assy . (speed control) Hose & wiring (door latch vacuumcontrol front door) Housing (A/C blower motor) Housing (A/C blower outer_] Housing (A/C blower top) Housing (alternator front) Housing (alternator rear) May, 1975 i o assy,~iea3lmp switch) Housing assy, (PIS pump) Housing assy . (rear axle) 180533, 18C553 12A161 9D860 14A412 18A584, 18592-3, 19693, 19930 Housing assy . (starter motor rear end) Housing assy. (steering gear) Housing assy . (trans . control selector dial? Housing assy . (trans . gearshift) Housing assy . (window regulator switch) Housing & plugs (carb, choke) Housing & spool assy . (P/S hydraulic control valve) Housing kit {carb . thermostatic choke] -ITod, kit ( garter moto"rrear end) 18755 19C975 _ _ Hub (carb, fast idle cam) 10333 10334 Hub (front axle locking differential gear clutch) COPYRIGHT C 1975 7A039, 7A040 Housing assy . (alternator brush end) Housing assy . (alternator drive end) Housing assy . (carb. choke) Housing assy . (carb. secondary throttle diaphragm) Housing assy . (choke thermotat) Housing assy . (distributor terminal) Housing assy . (eng . flywheel) Housing assy . (front driving axle) 3A717 3A719 3A713 17C511 GROUP NUMBER FORD COMPANY -DEARBORN, MICHIGAN 196238194028 6 3010 13099 13AlI0 3A6-43 4010 11130 3548 7D394 7222 14A122 9849 3B731 9848 11130 9D558 4946 FINAL ISSUE 24 ALPHABETICAL INDEX CHASSIS PARTS co FORD PARTS INDEX PART GROUP NUMBER NAME H- guide] I . contd. 10C942 10C 839 -213152 28153 Hub--(r ear axle differential gear clutch) Hub (trans . converter impeller) Hub (trans . converter turbine) Hub (trans . front ring gear) Hub (trans . intermediate & high clutch) Hub (trans . output shaft) Hub (trans . overdrive intermediate & high clutch) Hub (trans . reverse ring gear) Hub (trans . third & fourth speed synchronizer clutch) 4946 ..7915 7926 - 713067 -• 7105 -7D- 164 7105 7B067 7105 -se Hub (water pump pulley) 8553 Hub assy . (clutch release) Hub assy . (front wheel free running) Hub assy . (fuel & temperature indicator) Hub & hearing Tclutch release) Hub & brake d iiniTfront wheel) Hub -E-rotor wont wheel disc bra~tej 7561 1104 10C867 7548 f102 kit (Tree running) Idierlpar1 IngThrake rear Gabler Idler arm & bracket ass . (steering) y_ Idler assy . (w%bracket & pulley supercharger) Ignition cable (high tension) Impeller (water pump) Impeller repair kit (P/S pump) Index (steering column locking) Indicator (eng, oil level) Indicator (trans . control selector) Indicator (trans . oil level) Indicator assy . (emergency warning lamp) Indicator ass . (tail lamp monitor) y Indicator assy . (trans . shift selector} Induction kit (eng . high performance) _ us_ Inflator kit (tire) Input shaft assy . (steering gear) Insert (A/C control name plate) Insert (cart . venturi) _- Insert (eng . oil filter mounting bolt) Insert (eng . valv e seat) Insert (hood side ornament) - Insert (steering column lock) Insert (thermostatic choke control air intake) Insert (trans . console shift selector) Insertltrans . console shift selector lever handle) Insert {trans . console shift selector position) Insert trans . control selector housing) nu_ us_ GROUP NUMBER NAME cant' d. Hub (instrument cluster dial) Huh (instrument cluster lens) Hub (power brake booster 1liapliragm Huh tpower brake booster valve seat) _ PART 1102, 1104 J 2A808 3355 9104 12A024 Insert (window regulator multiple switch) Installation kit Tpower brake boos er) 14A307 2A091 -- Installation kit (P/S) 3A634-5 Insulation (A/C evaporator case cover) Insulation (A/C evaporator core) _ 9B720 10A383 10A361 10329 10C914 10C914 -2AM-5 Insulator (carb . trans . vacuum tube) Insulator (circuit breaker) Insulator (clutch pedal assist spring} Insulator (clutch release idler lever) _ insulator (eng . front support) Insulator (eng . front support rebound) Insulator (fan shroud) 9$547 12289 ' 7A630 ranie to in body bracket) Insulator (fr(--nt shock absorber lower) -- Esulator (front spring Insulator (front stabirfier mar to ower suspension _ _ 19A980 . 9E514 6890 6057 16B870 3E716 9A714 7E133 _nu 7A641--_6038 6039 8B024. 8A644 5A103 17B947 17C760 --2T3299 18A018 5415 5-5490 arm link bolt) Insulator (front suspension radium arm) Insulator (fuel level indicator) Insulator (fuel tank to floor pan) 3B203 9E308 9A068 Insulator (generalor brush holder rivet) 10048 Insulator (hood) Insulator (horn blowing contact spring lower) Insulator (horn blowing ring) Insulator (horn blowing ring index) Insulator7horn blowing ring inner contact plate) 16738 13867 Insulator (horn blowing ring outer contact plate) Insulator (horn blowintirin g pressure) Insulator (horn contact) _ Insulator (horn ring brush) Insulatoi7instrument cluster ammeter) Insulator ion metallic wiring conduit) insulator (PIS control valve spool stop) Insulator (P/S cylinder rod) Insulator (P/S hose mounting) 7E263 7A216 19B666 19A644. 19C749. 19A829 Insulator (accelerator shaft) Insulator (alternator diode plate) Insulator (alternator stator end) Insulator (alternator terminal)_ _ Insulator (ammeter) Insulator (ammeter indicator) Insulator (automatic air leveler compressor mounting) In eTe.tor 7A020 10A934 10C955 7E362 7E133 7A044 1A079 Insulator (front bumper arm) Insulator (front bumper stone deflector) Insulator (front disc brake caliper locating pin) 8512 3A711 3B6586750 7A110 7B053 6B068 19C543 3524 Insert trans, gearshiftlever) Insert (trans . synchronizer hub) Insert (wheel spider trim) 13A816 13A903 13A891, 13A895 13A890 13A813 13883 13A822 10A758 14A240 3C562 3A344 3A609 ALPHABETICAL INDEX CHASSIS PARTS FORD CAR PARTS 25 INDEX GROUP NUMBER PART NAME GROUP NUMBER PART NAME - con$'d. 88325 8124-5 178907 Insulator (radiator grille ornament)_ Insulator (radiator mounting) Insulator (rear bumper guard) InsulatorTar sprtg~ Insulator (rear spring center'mounting) Insulator gear spring lamp plate) Insulator rear s a . zer .ar KIT - refer to appropriate noun name For example Booster repair kit (power brake) --- 5536 - 5741 -5A64-1---SC492 Insulator (spark plug wire) Insulators-tabilizer b ) Insulator starter motor brush end plate) Insulator (starter motor brush holder) _ Insulator (starter motor switch) Insulator (starter motor switch spring) Insulator (steering column) Insulator (steering column bracket) Insulator (steering column lower flange) Insulator (steering column shaft) Insulator (steering gear) Insulator (thermostatic choke control outlet tube) Insulator top control circuit breaker stud) Insulator (trans . console shift selector bezel) Insulator (trans . control selector arm) Insulator trans . gearshift lever) _ 1211 5484 11062 11068 J 11181 3C577 3682 3B564 3E629 3C716 9865 ' 15A691 7E048 7341 3685 7E327 King pin (front axle spindle arm) Klik Pin (hood) Klik pin & -cable (hood) 3147 16892 16A892 Knob (A/C air outlet door control) Knob (clock front reset) knob (door lock vacuum control) Knob (heater control) Knob (light sensor switch) Knob (lockout hub actuating) 198769 15032 15674 _ 18534 11666 W `1A029 Knob (radio rear seat speaker fader control) 18958 178718 Knob (rear view outside mirror remote control) Knob (seat regulator control sb lteh) ' 14711 3F531 Knob (steering column lock actuator) Knob (trans . overdrive manual control) 7D131, 7A650 Knob (trans . shift lever) 7213 7246, Insulator & washer kit (steering shock absorber) Intake kit (ram air) Interior dome/map lamp kit 9C654 13776 Interior paint Interlock (trans . gearshift control lever) 7C318 Insulator assy . (eng . rear sup p ort rebound) Insulator assy . (P/S pump) Insulator & post(voltage regulator voltage limiter) Key (ignition & door blank) Key trans . control selector lock blank) 11431 -- 7341 7D395 7341 7E111 10546 14AO16 17C444 6068 6A061 3-3640 10A519 3F655 Insulator (trans . gearshift relay lever rod pin) Insulator (trans . gearshift selector arm) Insulator (trans . gearshift selector tube) Insulator (voltage regulator terminal) Insulator (window regulator control switch) Insulator (windshield wiper motor water shield) Insulator assy . (eng . rear support) A _ f Knob assy . (A/C blower switch control) Knob assy . (A/C control) Knob assy . (air scoop control) Knob assy . (air vent control) Knob assy . (carb . choke control) . Knob assy . (defroster control) Knob assy . (emergency warning flasher control) Knob assy . (fog lamp switch) Knob assy . (heated backlite switch) Knob assy . (heater blower switch cont_rol)_ Knob assy . (heater control) Knob assy .-(map lamp control) Jack assy . Jet Garb . main metering) Jet assy . (cart, idle) Jet & bracket assy . (windshield washer nozzle) Jewel (high beam indicator) Joint (driveshaft universal) Joint trans . column shift rod ball) Joint assy . (front suspension lower arm ball) Joint assy . (front suspension upper arm ball) Joint kit (front axle shaft} Jumper (alternator brush spring to field terminal) Junction block assy . (accessory terminal) - 17080 9533 9542 17603 13586 4997 7A134 3050 3049 3249 Knob assy . (map lamp switch) Knob assy . (parking lamp switch) Knob assy . Knob assy . Knob assy . Knob assy . Knob assy . (radio antenna control) (radio control) (radio fader control) (radio speaker fader control) (rear window defogger switch) _ switch control) Knob assy . (rear window defogger _or 18513 18519, 18817, 19A962 17513 18519 98739 18519 17513 15259 18519 18513 18519, 18817 13772 18911 13A256 18911 18817 17513 18817 18513, 18519 17513 10A342- 14A725 Refer to page 1 of Paint Section May, 1975 2309 Key (A/C compressor clutch hub) 19D651 Key (eng . camshaft gear to camshaft) 6B31fi-7 Key (eng . crankshaft gear or sprocket to crankshaft) 68316 Key (eng . valve spring retainer) 6518 Key-aront d1 sc brie caliper support) -2E40- COPYRIGHT O 1975 - FORD MOTOR COMPANY -DEARBORN, MICHIGAN FINAL ISSUE 26 ALPHABETICAL INDEX CHASSIS PARTS foe CAR PARTS INDEX GROUP NUMBER PART NAME L- K - contd . Knob assy . (speed control) Knob assy . (speed control actuator) Knob assy . (spotlamp switch control) Knob assy . (stereo tape player control) Knob assy . (tailgate window control) Knob assy . (top control) Knob assy . (windshield washer control) Knob assy . (windshield washer switch) Knob assy . (windshield wiper control) Knob assy . (windshield wiper switch control) Knob & element assy . (cigar lighter) Knob & shaft assy . (headlamp switch) 18519 9AB32 17513 18817 18519 15674 17513 18817 18519 17513 15052 ~~' 11661 L Lace (radiator grille) Lamp (instrument panel parking brake warning) 8A212 10A840 .. 15500 Lamp assy . (backup) Lamp assy . (back window heat control warning) Lamp assy . (back window stop) Lamp assy . (console courtesy) Lamp assy . (eng . compt .) ~_, Lamp ass~fog) 18C622 13A613 13707 15702 15200 10C859 Lamp assy . (instrument panel seat belt warning indicator) Lamp assy . -(interior) Lamp assy (luggage Lamp assy . (map) Lamp assy . (marker) Lamp assy . (open door warning) Lamp assy . (parking) Lamp assy . (rear) Lamp assy . (rear license) Lamp assy . (roof warning) Lamp assy . (seat belt warning) Lamp assy . (sport lamp) Lamp assy. ' trans . control selector) Lamp assy . (turn indicator) Lamp assy . (turning light) Lamp l retainer (front turn indicator) Lamp & wiring assy . (glove comp' .) Lamp Si wiring assy . (instrument panel parking 13776 13A756 15650 15A201 13751 13200-1 13404-5 13550 15594 106925 13200 15A801 13A355-6 15A201 13368 14412 10A841 brake warning) Lamp bulbs & fuse kit Lamp kit (backup) Lamp kit (courtesy Lamp kit (eng . compt.) Lamp kit (luggage compt . Lamp kit map) Lamp kit (parking brake indicator) Lamp kit (parking brake warning) Lamp kit (rear interior) 1 13466 15499 13760 15A700 15A700 13760 15A85215A852 13112 GROUP NUMBER PART NAME contd. Lamp kit (trunk compt . ) Lamp kit (Utility portable) Lamp switch kit (backup) Latch (hood) Latch assy . (spare wheel carrier) Lead (alternator ground) Leaf (rear spring) 15A700 15A700 15A490 16700-1, 16929 1A398 10A374 5564-5 Lens (air control indicator lamp) Lens (backup lamp) Lens (console panel seat belt warning indicator lamp) Lens (dome lamp) Lens (front turn indicator lamp) Lens (fuel level gauge) 13A779 15514 1013927 Lens (glove compt . lamp) Lens (instrument cluster control housing) Lens (instrument cluster main) 18263 1013908 10880. Lens Ti-nstrument cluster warning lamp) Lens instrument panel headlamp switch) Lens (instrument panel turn indicator lamp) Lens (interior lamp) Lens damp fail indicator lamp) Lens (map lamp) Lens (parking lamp) Lens (pillar lamp) 13783 13328 9B315 10887 10A936-7 11A667 13340 13734 10C950 13761 13208-9 13783 Zees 'rear lamp) Lens (rear license plate lamp) 13451) 1 3-34 6 Lens (rear tail lamp) Lens (roof console panel door opening warning lamp) Lens (roof console panel flasher warning lamp) Lens (roof side lamp) Lens (side lamp) Lens (speedo . dial opening) Lens (tail lamp monitor) 15A215 10A 845 10B920 13783 15A215 17259 10C950 Lens (trans . column shift selector dial) 713037 Lens assy . (back window stop lamp) Lens assy . (courtesy lamp) Lens assy . (fog lamp) 1626 13547 15L203 13547 13463 10C867 Lens assy . (map lamp) Lens assy . (rear lamp optic) Lens kit (instrument cluster) Letter (back panel) Letter (hood) Letter (luggage compartment) Letter (radiator grille) Letter (tailgate) 16606 18606 16606 8316-22 16606, 16A606 FORD CAR ALPHABETICAL INDEX CHASSIS PARTS PARTS 27 INDEX GROUP NUMBER PART NAME GROUP NUMBER PART NAME L - contd. L - contd. Lever (accelerator shaft) Lever (A/C control switch actuating) Lever (A/C temperature regulator control) Lever (automatic air leveler valveac tuating) Lever (brake shoe a:djiistingj 19761 19A524 18A367 5B689 Lever (trans . high & intermediate gearshifter) Lever (trans . intermediate & high gearshift) Lever (trans . intermediate band servo) Lever (trans . low & reverse gearshift) Lever (carb . accelerator pump) Lever (carb . accelerator pump operating) Lever carb . accelerator pump overtravel) Lever (carb . air valve dampener) Lever (carb . air valve lockout) Lever (carb . choke bellcrank adjusting) Lever (carb . choke control) __Lever- (car) . choke control diaphragm) Levefcarb . choke shaft) Lever (carb . choke thermostat) Lever (carb . dechoke) Lever (carb . dechoke override) Lever carb . fast idle adjusting) Lever (carb . fast idle cam) Lever (carb . float howl vent actuating) Lever (carb . mechanical vent valve adjusting) Lever (carb . secondary throttle diaphragm) Lever (carb . secondary throttle stop) Lever carb . throttle) Lever (carb . throttle shaft aux .) Lever (console shift control selector lever left hand support) Lever (fuel pump rocker arm return spring) Lever parking brake cable to secondary brake shoe) Lever (parking brake equalizer) Lever (power-b-F ibooster) --Lever-(starter motor drive) Lever (steering column locking) Lever (steering column release) 91)591 , 9919 9A506, 9529 9919 9H582 9583 9A535 9D541 9J553 9A514, 9551 9A754 • 9583 9J598 9538 Lever -(trans . manual control valve detent) Lever trans. parking pawl) Lever (trans . parking pawl toggle) Lever-7iians . rear band servo actuating) Lever(rans . reverse gearshift) Lever (trans . reverse shifter fork cam & shaft) Lever(trans . selector neutral switch) Leverfrans . third & fourth gearshift control) Levie(trans. third & fourth shifter fork cam & shaft) Lever trans, throttle control inner) Lever (windshield wiper motor park switch) May, 1975 7-7263 17B549 Lever assy . (carb . fast idle pickup) 9A535 Lever assy . (carb . throttle control) 9A514 Lever assy . (clutch release) 7515 9D585 Lever assy . (moveable steering column release) 9H585 ^ 31)543 Lever assy . (steering column lock actuator) r 3F527 9583 Lever assy . scans . downshift control) 7A394 9583 Lever assy . (trans . manual control) 7A256 9C 504, Lever assyrn indicator) 13305 9583 L ever & bracket (trans . kickdown control) 7A372 9A537 Lever & bracket assy . (carb, throttle control) 9724 Lever & bushing Tower brake booster)--2A016 1D282 Lever & piston kit (trans . rear servo) 7A169 Lever& reaction rin (power - ake -NoosTer) 213154 9B354 7290 r 2A631---8- Lever & shaft (trans . reverse gearshift) Lever & shaft assy . (carb . secondary throttle plate) 9A592 Lever & shaft assy . (carb . throttle) ! 9581 2A605 Lever & shaft assy . kit (carb . throttle) 9581 2431 -9 A514 Lever & swivel assy. (carb . choke) 11067 3B661 31) 44 Leveler kit (air) 7210 Lever (transfer case shift) 7A394Lever (trans . accelerator kickdown) Lever Ttrans . backup lamp switch actuating) 78097 Lever (trans . column mounted gearshift) 7210 7D382 Lever (trans . console shift selector) 7D261 Lever trans . downshift detent inner) 7210 Le ver (trans . floor mounted gearshift) 7315 Lever (trans . first & .-Second gearshift upper) Lever (trans . first & second shifter fork cam & 7290 shaft) Lever (trans . front band servo actuating) 7330 7210 Lever (trans . gearshift) Lever (trans . gearshift control) 7285, 7302 7285 , 7330 7302 7C173, 7290, 7303 7A115 7A117 -7A121 -7A169 1 7K002 _ . 7290 7B097 7C313 7285 - 7C312 COPYRIGHT o 1975- License plate frame (front) License plate frame (rear) License plate (hardware kit) Lifter assy . (eng . valve) Light & bracket kit (snow - plow) Limiting kit (P/S control valve reaction) Liner (eng. cylinder block) Liner gear spring) Liner (rear spring clamp) c7 shoe) Lining (front bra Lining (rear brake Lining kit (brake shy a FORD MOTOR COMPANY - 5A589 17A387 17A387 17A356 6500 15312 3C563 6055 " 56'24, 5983 5334 2021-2 2284--5 - 2007 _a -DEARBORN . MICHIGAN FINAL ISSUE 28 ALPHABETICAL INDEX CHASSIS PARTS FORD CAR PARTS INDEX PART GROUP NAME L NUMBER PART M- -contd . r Link automatic air leer vawe ac-Eating- Link (brakender 1 show Link (carb . accelerator pump) Link Zrb . air valve dampener) Link (Zarb . choke diaphragm) Link (carb . choke thermostat) Link (carb . dashpot) Link (carb . vacuum break) Link-clutch pedal retracting spring) Link distributor breaker plate) Link (fuel pump rocker arm) Link (parking brake cable connecting) Link (parking brake lever to primary brake shoe) Link (rear axle stabilizer) Link (speed control belicrank carb . rod adjusting) Link (steering sector shaft arm to spindle Link (windshield wiper) Link assy . (automatic air leveler valve actuating) Link assy . (stabilizer bar) 9529 914583 9J552 9834 9D593 9S515 7592 12A186 9381 2861 2A642 4A343 9D768 3B163 Masrans . console shift selector indicator dial) Mast (radio antenna replacement) Master kit (A/C) Medallion (A/C register) Medallion (instrument cluster) Medallion (radiator grille) 10890, 10894 7B052 18A886 198969 19A551 10952 8A224 Member (fuel tank support) Member rear axle center drive) 9064 4A347 Member (rear shock absorber mounting) Metering rod holder kit (carb . secondary) 18A000-1 Mirror (vanity) Mirror assy . (rear view inside) Mirror assy . (rear view outside) Mirror & cable (rear view outside) Mirror kit (rear view inside) Mirror kit (rear view outside) 17A679 17700 17682 17A708 17700 17696 7B106 7B108 7-7316 7C495 17B439 5A690 Liquid line (A/C dryer to evaporator) 19D567 Lubricants Lubricator (rear axle differential) Luggage carrier cover kit _ 3A634 A 19D504 19D504 9A447 4143 1386 A 1197 1080 A 4159 1911507 Manifold (intakej Manifold assy . (exhaust air supply) Manifold assy . (vacuum outlet) Manual choke kit - Motor (sliding roof panel) Motor (steering column release) Motor assy . (A/C blower) Motor assy . (A/C vacuum control) Motor assy . (electric seat regulator) Motor assy . headlamp cover control) Motor assy . (heater blower) Motor assy . (heater vacuum control) Motor assy. (gg-lt age compt. door lock) Motor assy . (radio antenna drive) Motor assy . (rear window defogger) Motor assy . Window regulator) Motor assy . (windshield wiper) Motor & tube assy . (radio antenna) Motor oils _ Moulding (front bumper) Moulding (front bumper stone deflector) Moulding (front fender) M Main control assy . (trans .) Manifold (exhaust) - Module -lb ale kid control) Modulator trans . vacuum)' 95513 28373 7-7370 - 5K484 7B108 Loci (rear axle differential bearing adjuster) Lock assy . (spare whee Lock lubricant Lock nut (front wheel bearing) Lock ring (free running hub inner eo iplih) contd. Mask (instrument cluster) Link ass trans . accelerator kickdown shaft adjusting) Linkage kit (P/S installation) Liquid tire chain Litter container Litter container (console) Lock (exhaust manifold to cylinder head bolt tab) NUMBER 5A690 2042 connecting rod) Link (transfer case front & rear shift rod) Link (trans . control shalt adjusting) Link trns . parking pawl toggle) Link (trans . parking pawl toggle operating lever) GROUP NAME 7A100 9426, 9428, 9430-1 9424-5 9B445 9C490 9850 Moulding (front fender front) Moulding (front fender front extension) Moulding (front fender grille opening) Moulding (front fender lower) Moulding (front fender side rear) Moulding (front fender upper rear) Moulding (front fender wheel opening) A Refer to page 1 of Paint Section 15790 3D538 18527, 19805 18A318 14547 13A167 18527, 19805 18A318 15690 19112 18527 14553 17504, 17508 18850 A 17B970 17819 16003-4 16B124-5, 16160-1 16074-5 16D014-5 16C068-9 16A038-9 16C132-3 16038-9 ALPHABETICAL INDEX CHASSIS PARTS FORD C41? PARTS 29 INDEX GROUP NUMBER PART NAME M - contd. r - cont'd. Moulding (headlamp cover) Moulding (hood front) Moulding (hood front center) Moulding (hood rear) Moulding (hood top center) Moulding (muffler outlet pipe opening) 13B088 Moulding (quarter panel) Moulding (radiator grille) Moulding (radiator grille lower) Moulding (diator grille lower opening] Moulding (radiator grille opening) Moulding (radiator grille upper opening) Moulding assy . (headlamp housing) 16003-4 8418-9 8156 8A316 J 8242-3 8A317-20 13B168 Moulding assy . (radiator grille opening panel) Moulding assy . (radiator grille opening panel center) 8A156 8223 Mounting (trans . clutch release equalizer bar) Mounting kit (bumper winch) 7507 19F536 Mounting kit (rear axle stabilizer) Muffler 4A340 5212, 5225, 5230, 5232, 50256, 5C257, 5C258 16856-7 16958 1613918 16958 50299 Muffler assy . (A/C compressor) 9541 6883 18490-1 17A602, 17665-6 Nozzle assy . (carb . pump discharge) Nozzle assy . (rear window defogger) Nozzle repair kit (windshield washer) Nut (heater 617iwcr switch) Nut (hood latch dowel spring retaining) Nut (ignition switch retaining) 18545 16B750 11A578 11662 4 20[ Nut (rear window regulator control switch) Nut seat regulator control switch bezel) Nut (spare wheel mounting bolt) Nut (speed control actuator bezel) Nut (steering column bracket retainer) Nut (steering gear sector shaft adjusting) Nut (steering gear worm thrust bearing) Nut (top control bezel) Nut (top control switch mounting) Nut (trans . gear shift lever ball lock) Nut (w eefhub bolt) 0 18)(30. 7_ _ 2133 2047 _ 6212 6041 6552 6A529 18865 18818 18A985 17B719 1713732 18A508, 18A985 14A124 14695 1462 9C752 3E546 3539 3707 15A670 1513663 7C404 ' -1012 17512 98471 19D667 Nut kit (A/C compressor shalt) 9A857 f 9D564 913503 98527 9618 15A012 13753 _ Nut (windshield wiper control) Nut & ferrule (exhaust air supply) 3A049 13181 1160 2A1796 3D627 Nut (rear view outside mirror remote control) Nut (rear window defogger switch) 9577 Nut (brake shoe adjusting screw) Nut (carb . choke plate adjusting) Nut (carb . power valve adjusting) Nut (carb, throttle lever & choke shaft) Nut (carb . throttle lever r_etaining) Nut (clock reset knob) Nut (courtesy Si fog switch) - Nut (radio antenna) Nut (radio control shaft) Nut (rear seat speaker fader control) Nut (rear view outside mirror control knob) 18C515 17A638 Nut (accelerator shalt to bellcrank rod) Nut (adapter heater temperature control valve) Nut -(Wake master cylinder brake tube) Nut (eng. valve rocker arm stud) 5C491 3AO50 38023 Nut (P/S gear race) N Nipple (eng . oil cooler) Nozzle (windshield defroster hose) Nozzle (windshield washer) Nut (front stabilizer bar link) Nut (front suspension lower ball joint retaining) Nut (front suspension upper arm mounting bolt) Nut (front suspension upper ball joint retaining) Nut headlamp adjusting) Nut (headlamp switch) Nut (instrument panel vent control attaching) Nut (parking brake equa izer) Nut (parking brake equ~lzer rod) 19C836 Needle (carb . idle adjusting) Nut (eng . connecting rod) Nut (eng . rear support insulator) Nut (eng . valve rocker arm adjusting screw) f GROUP NUMBER PART NAME Oil cup (distributor) Oil pump rotor kit (A/C compressor) Oiler (distributor €reusing) Oils 10141 190663 12135 O" ring (A/C seal kit) "O" ring (cart . float bowl tube connector seal) "0" ring {carb . fuel valve seat) 198596 9229 9609 "O" ring (eng. Mock heater) "0" ring (free running hub knOb) 6B080 IA030 "O" ring (P/S gear control valve to housing) "O" ring (P/S pump oil reservoir orifice) "0" ring (P/s pump valve cap) "0' ring kit (A/C compressor) Ornament (front fender) Ornament (hood front) 3756 3-3547 3-3618 190660 16228-9 16606, 16637 q Refer to page 1 of Paint Section May, 1975 COPYRIGHT O1975- FORD MOTOR COMPANY -DEARDORN, MICHIGAN FINAL ISSUE - 30 ALPHABETICAL INDEX CHASSIS PARTS FORD CAR PARTS INDEX PART NAME GROUP NUMBER P. Ornament (hood scoop) Ornament (hood side model identification plate) Ornament (hood top) Ornament (radiator grille) Ornament Trear lamp lens) Orifice (power steering pump tube seat) 16637 16A720 16850 8213, 13616 3A700 GROUP NUMBER PART NAME contd. .. Panel (fan shroud) Panel (front bumper finish) Panel (front fender side finish) Panel (front valance) Panel (fuse junction) Panel (headlamp opening finish) Panel (radiator grille backing) 8147-S 17794 16410-1 17626-7 14A0&8 13B131 8B423-4 8190-1, 8221 14A481 Panel (radiator grille opening) Packing (eng . crankshaft rear) Pad (7C register louver) Pad [ rake pedal) Pad brake pedaTplafe) Pad clutch pedal plate) Pad (front bumper jacking bracket) Pad (front disc brake) Pad (front fender side deflector) Pad (front turn indicator lamp) Pad (headlamp door) Pad (hood) Pad Thorn blowing ring pressure) Pad (horn blowing ring trim) Pad (interior lamp) Pad (ornament) Pad (parkingg lamp body to fender) Pad (radio control bezel mounting) Pad (rear bumper step) Pad (rear lamp mounting) Pad (rear reflector mounting) Pad (rear view inside mirror) Pad (stereo tape player cover) Pad (stop lamp relay mounting) Pad (turn indicator lamp mounting) Pad (window regulator safety relay) Pad assy bumper] Pad assy . (bumper guard) Pad assy . (horn blowing ring trim) Pad assy . (steering wheel hub) Paint Pan (A/C evaporator drain) Pan (trans . oil) Pan assy . (eng . oil) Pan assy . (trans . oil) Pane] (A/C evaporator case) q Refer to page 1 of Paint Section 6701 19C896 2454, 7A624 245'1' --7A624 17C854 2018 13A082 13332 1038 16740 13A813 -DAM 13A739 16675 13217 19A169 17B821 13420 13A493 17A720 _ 19A113 13A595 13A326 L4A403 17 C829, 17C830, 17K331-4 17A807, 17A812, 17988 13A907 3623 19859, 1913859 7A194 6675 7A194 19801, 19803, 19A998 Panel (relay) Panel-op control relay mounting) Panel assy . (A/C control) 15A685 18A651 , 19808 19C874-5 19C866-70 8192-6 18A651 17779 8B477-8 Panel assy . (A/C register) Panel assy . (ATregister trim) Panel assy . (front end) Panel assy . (heater control) Panel assy . (lower radiator_ grille opening) Panel assy .(radiator grille opening side) Pawl (steering column release) Pawl (trans . console shift selector lever) Pawl (trans . gearshift cross over) Pawl (trans . overdrive balk ring & gear sliding) Pawl (trans . parking) Pedal (clutch) Pedal assy . (accelerator) Pedal assy . (brake) Pin (accelerator bellcrank) Pin (A/C compressor head locator) Pin (brake shoe hold down spring) Pin (carb . accelerator pump overtravel spring) Pin Garb . air cleaner retainer) Pin (carb . air valve dampener} Pin (carb . fast idle adjusting lever) Pin (carb . power valve) Pin (eng . crankshaft rear oil seal) Pin (eng . piston) Pin (eng . timing chain tensioner arm) Pin (free running hub drive) Pin (free running hub stop) Pin (front brake shoe anchor) Pin (front disc brake caliper locating) Pin (fuel pump rocker arm) Pin (headlamp cover hinge) Pin (headlamp cover motor mounting) Pin 7headlamp dimmer control pivot) Pin (hood) --~Pin (ignition switch actuating rod) Pin (parking brake handle locking) Pin (parking brake lever) Pin (power brake booster lever pivot) Pin (P/S pump rotor shaft) _ 3E520 7C441-2 7E341 7690 7A441 7519 9735 2455 9H721 19D662 2069 9C711 9C631 9H584 9579 9G558 6A302 6135 6286 1094 1095 2027 2B296 9378 13A165 13A173 13662 16929 11A601 2819 2107 2A020 3-3633 cAR pars Foe 31 ALPHABETICAL INDEX CHASSIS PARTS INDEX PART GROUP NUMBER NAME P- P4241 4A106 - guide) Pin (rear license plate suppart hinge) Pin (seat regulator control Knob pivot) 13432 - 1 $34 1487 Pin (spare wheel carrier hanger) Pin (speed control servo clevis) Pin (steering column lacking lever) Pin (steering column pivot) 98841 3B663 317739 3E683 Pin (steering column release cable) Pin (transfer case gear shift interlock) ' Pin (trans . front band anchor) P1n (trans . front band servo piston guide) (trans . (trans . (trans . (trans . (trans . (trans . 7229 7-7377 v 7A163 7235 _ 7C316 7A111 713439 gearshift interlock) gearshift interlock rod) ' gearshift lever) gearshift lever pilot) gearshift lever socket retaining) GROUP NUMBER NAME canf'd . Pin (rear axle differential & pinion shaft lock) Pin (rear axle differential bearing cap & carrier Pin Pin Pin Pin Pin Pin PART contd . Pipe (resonator inlet) 5218, 5A265, 5A289 Pipe assy . (fuel tank filler) Pipe assy . (fuel tank vent) 9034 95079 - Piston (brake cylinder) Piston (brake master cylinder) Piston (carb . accelerator pump) Piston (carb . power valve) " Piston (front disc brake caliper _ Piston (power brake booster body) Piston (trans . forward clutch) 2395 7A262 73$6 Piston (trans . front kiandservo release) Piston (trans . front clutch) Piston traxus . intermediate servo) Piston (trans . rear band servo) Piston (trans . rear band servo accumulator) Piston t rans. rear clutch) Pin (trans . parking pawl) Pin (trans . parking pawl toggle) Pin (trans . parking pawl toggle lever) 7-7312 7A119 7A 444 7A295 Piston (trans . rear servo accumulator) Piston (trans . reverse clutch) Pin (trans . parking pawl toggle link) 7-7318 7E415 7-7308 7-7356 711024, 71(218 7E454 7235 7A380 Pin (trans . parking pawl torsion spring lever) Pin (trans . rear band actuating lever shaft) Pin (trans . reverse gearshift relay lever) Pin (trans . seat belt switch actuator) Pin (trans . shifter fork cam & shaft lock plunger) Pin (trans . throttle control valve) Pin (trans . throttle pressure booster) Pin (windshield wiper motor) Pin (windshield wiper motor contact operating) _' Pinion (rear axle differential) Pinion gear kit (front axle differential) 4215 4215 Pipe (eng . oil filler) Pipe (muffler inlet) 6763 5218, 5245, Pipe (muffler inlet cross over) 5246 5248, Pipe (muffler inlet extension) 5267-8 5A218-3 , Pipe (muffler outlet) May, 1975 5A216 5230 51)200, 5B202, 5C203, 5C207, 5C227, 711.262 713021-2 7A260 7A266 7A266 7-7514 i 7E216 78402 Piston assy . (carb . automatic choke) Piston assy . (carb . power valve) 9840 9G551, Piston assy . (eng .) Piston assy . (trans. intermediate band servo) Piston assy . (trans . rear clutch) Piston & pin assy . (trans . front band servo) Piston & rod assy . (carb . air valve dampener) 9G553 6108-9 717021 713157 7AI64 9H578 Piston & seal assy . (trans . reverse band servo) Piston & atop kit (trans . rear band) 7D189 7E216 713375 17B563 17B564 2194-7 2169 9B544 9A565 2196 7C402 71(051 gearshift relay lever rod) -- . _ -Pitman arm (steering) Pivot (clutch release equalizer shaft ball inner) Pivot (headlamp cover hinge) Pivot (moveable steering column) Planet (trans, forward) Planet assy . (trans . reverse) -~ Plate (accelerator shaft equalizer bracket) Plate (A/C blower inlet) Plate (A/C blower motor mounting) Plate (A/C compressor valve) Plate (A/C evaporator case mounting) Plate (A7evaporator front housing cover) Plate (A/C motor mounting) Plate (A/C mounting) Plate (A/C register mounting bracket reinforcement) Plate (A/C register trim end) Plate (A/C temperature control sensor mounting) Plate (A/C tube retaining) - 5255, 5-5257, 5C262 COPYREGHT o 1975 FOR D MOTOR COMPAN 3590 7A531 1313019 3B650 7A398 71]006 9A853 19A821 19833 19656 19804 19A586 18581 18679 19B897 19E781 19C737 _ 19C675 _ -dEARBORN. MECJ-IGAH FINAL ISSUE 32 ALPHABETICAL INDEX CHASSIS PARTS FORD CAR PARTS INDEX PART GROUP NU MBER NAME P. PART P. cont'd . Plate (alternator charge indicator mounting)9304 Plate (alternator positive conductor) 1013330 14A274 ballast resistor mounting) Plate (brake shoe anchor pin guide) Plate (bumper guard back) Plate Tcarb . air cleaner bracket reinforcement) Plate (carb . air distribution) Plate (curb, choke) Plate(curb . fast idle cam) Plate (carb . main metering) Plate Teal-b . thermostatic choke housing) Plate (curb . throttle) Plate (clutch equalizer bar mounting) Plate (compass mounting) --- -- 15A598 -6613 6269 613070_ 6D047 6A736 6616 6070 - -- Plate (flywheel reinforcing) -Pate (front brake backing) ZA366 2012-3 Plate (front bumper an m adjusting) Plate (front bumper to front mounting) Plate (front bumper upper) 17B856 1713991 17B984 2B292-3 Plate (front disc brake caliper anchor) Plate (front fender apron access hole cover) Plate (front fender ndapron upper outer reinforcement) Plate (front fender front extension) Plate (front fender front extension reinforcement) Plate (front fender name) Plate (fuel level indicator back) Plate (fuel pump valve retainer) Plate (fuel tank selector valve reinforcement) Plate (fuel tank skid) Plate (fuel tank vent valve retainer upper) - 16D200 16D114 16G556-7 16D204-7 16098 9302 9361 PlatejEeadlamp door) Plate (headlamp mounting) Plate (headlamp opening cover) Plate (heater air damper door seal) Plate (heater housing blower & plenum) Plate (heater housing core) Plate (heater motor mounting) _ Plate (hood aux. catch striker) Plate (hood hinge) _ Plate (hood latch) Plate (hood pin) Plate (hood scoop name) Plate (hood side name) 13A004-5 135041 18A317 18A485 18A488 18581 16918 16795 16N782 16931 16720-1 16720-1 _ Plate (instrument - _ cluster ignition switch mounting) -Plate Tmstrument cluster trim) Plate (instrument panel wiring- connector mounting) Plate (lockout hub retaining) Plate (muffler mounting) 13826 13A808 13A809 13A823 10E978 10848 10A860, 10A885-6. 10A860 10A861 10C897 1A050 613236 Plate (parking brake equalizer lever bracket mounting) 2A748 Plate (power brake booster body end) Plate (power brake booster push rod locating) Plate (P/S control valve cap adapter) Plate (P/S pump pressure) Plate (P,'S pump retainer end) 213275 2A476 3-3712 3D590 3D5- >l9 Plate (quarter panel name) 16098 Plate (radio speaker mounting front) Plate (rear axle differential clutch) 18963 4A235, 4945 Plate yeas' axle differential clutch spring preload) Plate (rear axle differential gear clutch) Plate (rear brake backing) Plate (rear bumper arm adjusting) Plate (rear bumper guard) Plate (rear bumper name) _ Plate (rear spring) Plate (rear spring front hanger anchor) Plate (rear spring rear hanger) Plate (rear stabilizer bar link mounting bracket) Plate (rear stabilizer bar stud mounting) _ 4A326 4947 2211-2 178856 Plate (rear view outside mirror housing) Plate (rear view outside mirror mounting) Plate (rear view outside mirror remote control) 9197 9A147 9A3 07 GROUP NUMBER cont ' d. Plate (horn bracket reinforcement) Plate~rn button or ring contact) Plate (horn button or ring in ex Plate (horn switch brush) Platedicatormounting instrument cluster) Plate (instrument cluster back) Plate (instrument cluster control mounting) 2028 17988 913612 9F553 9545 9838 9e14 9844 9585 7E5 88 19D503 Plate (emergency warning switch mounting) - -Plate (eng . aux . shaft retaining) Plate (eng . camshaft thrust) Plate (eng cylinder front cover) Plate (eng . front support bracket) - -- -Plate (eng . oil inlet tube bolt locking) Plate (eng . oil pump body) Plate (eng . rear support) NAME Plate (spare wheel carrier arm) Plate (spare wheel mounting) Plate (spare wheel retainer) Plate (speedo . mounting) Plate (steering gear housing end) 17982 .. 17E850 5796-9 5A539 5752 513486 5A775 1713675 17A717 1713733 1A404 1424 1402 17289 3568 Plate (tailgate name) Plate (temperature indicator back) 16098 _ 9304 Plate (transfer case intermediate lock) Plate (transfer case shift pawl) Plate (transfer case skid) Plate (trans . clutch external spline) Plate (trans . clutch internal & external spline) 7155 7E071 7E063 78442 7B164 ALPHABETICAL INDEX CHASSIS PARTS FORD CAR PARTS 33 INDEX GROUP NUMBER PART NAME P- PART P. contd. Plate (trans . clutch pressure) 78066 -Plate (trans . column shift mounting) 7E046 P late (trans . console shift selector lever opening 7C309 floor pan cover) -Plate (trans . console shift selector opening cover) 7E169 -P late (trans . control selector lever guide) 7C499 -Plate (trans . countershaft& reverse idler shaftlock) 7155 Plate rans . eng . rear) T T 7007 -P late (trans . floor pan gear shift lever opening 7E233 cover) Plate (trans . front clutch external spline) 7-7573 Plate (trans . gear select interlock) 7K201 Plato {trans . gearshift lever opening console trim) 7D358 Plate (trans . gearshift lever opening trine rear) 713444 _Plate (trails . gearshift patt rn - 7B052 Plate (trans . gearshift tube bracket) 7E417 GROUP NUMBER NAME contd. Plate assy . (trans . floor pan gear shift lever opening cover) Plate assy . (windshield wiper drive link pivot) Plate assy . (windshield wiper motor mounting) Plate & brushes assy (generator rear end) Plate & bushing (P/S pump) Plate & bushing assy . (starter motor front end) Plate & cover assy . (clutch pressure) Plate & diode assy . alternator negative) Plate & diode assy .Talternator positive] Plate assy . (A/C compressor valve) -Plate assy . (A/C mounting) _ Plate assy . (A/C register) Plate assy . (alternator diode) Plate assy . (aux . hood lock) Plate assy . (ballast resistor mounting transistorized ignition) Plate ' assy . (distributor breaker) Plate assy . (generator front end) Plate assy . (heater housing air inlet) Plate assy . (horn blowing ring contact) Plate assy, (instrument panel wire connector) -P late assy . (transfer ease skid) May, 1975 170563 17B518- 16055_ - 313643 11049 7563 " 10377 Plate & seal (power brake booster end) Plate & stud assy . (cart . backup) Plate & switch assy . (windshield wiper motor) 15373 - 28093 9841 17B583 Plate & trough assv . (trans, overdrive balk ring & 7665 gear) Plate kit (istributor) 12A132 Plate kit (front axle locking differential) 4880 Plate (trans . main control cover & lower valve 7734 Plug (carb . air cleaner air intake panel body separating) mounting access hole) Plate (trans . main control lower valve body) 7729 Plug (carb . fuel filter retainer) Plate trails, main control separating)_ 7A008 Plug (cart . fuel level check) . 9 Plate 562, (trans . main control upper valve body front) 7A396 Plate (trans . main control upper valve body rear) 7A393 -Plate (trans . main control valve assy . side) Plug (carb. Idle passage) _ 7-7739 Plug (deceleration valve sealing) Plate (trans, main control valve body separating) - 7A008 Plug (distributor diaphragm) Plate trans . oil pressure regulator body 7A142 separating) Plug (eng .) - --Plate (trans . parking rod guide) Plug (eng . camshaft rear bearing) 713419 Plate (trans . parking rod support) Plug {eng, crankshaft) 71414 Plate7trans . rear clutch pressure) Plug (eng . cylinder block water metering) 7B437 Plate (trans . selector lever opening) Plug (erg . cylinder head exhaust air supply) 78233 Plate (trans . selector lever opening cover finish) Plug (eng, oil filter by-pass valve) 7C3D9 Plate trans . shift control mounting) Plug (eng . oil pan_ drain) ! 7E046 -Plate (trans . throttle pressure booster stop) Plug (eng . oil pump relief valve) 7E336 Plate (water by-pass orifice) Plate win ow regulator switch) PlateIwinaow regulator switch cover) - 9 7C30 913699 i 9A540 9944 9523 9P706 12A022 6026- __ 266 6 1 6307 I 6D039 6052 _ 6666 6730 6666, 6A616 6A580 8K517 14523-4 14A020-1 Plug (eng . valve oil metering) Plug (eng . valve rocker arm shaft) Plug (exhaust air supply pump relief valve) 6572 9C4~ 19D656-7 18677 19A568 . 19111725 , 190876 1oA377-8 Plug (front axle spindle arm) Plug (fuel pump rocker arm pin hole) 3147 Plug (fuel tank vent expansion tank connection access) Plug (heater case) Plug (power brake booster check valve) 180636 2A246 16A931 14A274 Plug (P/S control valve reaction control opening) 3A512-3 Plug (steering gear housing oil filler) Plug (transfer case drain) 3538 7A010 12151 10138-9 Plug (trans . control selector lock) Plug (trans . extension) Plug (trans . parking plate shaft) Plug (trans . seat belt warning switch opening) Plug (trans . shift control adjusting hole) Plug & wiring kit (trailer lamp) 7E328 7K381 6572 18A493 13A586-7 10C928 7E063 COPYRIGHT C 1975- FORD MOTOR COMPANY 9A360 9A207 7E461 7C147 15A416 -DEARBORN, MICHIGAN FINAL ISSUE 34 ALPHABETICAL INDEX CHASSIS PARTS caR FORD P4R1S INDEX PART GROUP NUMBER NAME P. PART P. contd . Plunger (eng . cylinder block main oil galley 9537 6674 relief valve) Plunger (eng . oil pump relief valve) Plunger (power brake booster) Plunger transfer case control selector lever) Plunger (trans . column shift, selector lever) Plunger (trans . manual control valve detent) Plunger (trans . manual valve detent) Plunger trans . reverse gearshift interlock) Plunger assy . (starter motor solenoid) 6674 2A385 7361 7361 7-7607 7D069 7233 11393 Plunger (carb . choke lever) Point (voltage regulator unit fixed contact) Point kit (starter motor Contact) Point set (distributor _ arm & breaker) Pointer (engine timing) Pointer assy . (speedo .) -- 10576 11134 121_71 6423 17268 Polishes Post starter motor contact) Post (voltage regulator voltage limiter contact lower) Post (voltage regulator voltage limiter contact upper) Power steering installation kit Power supply (citizen band transceiver) Pulley (alternator) Pulley (belt idler) Pulley (compressor mounted supercharger) Pulley (crankshaft mounted supercharger) Pulley (exhaust air supply pump) Pulley (exhaust air supply pump drive) enerator) Pulle - 11176 10608 10565 3A634-5 18800 10344 6679 9160 9107 9B447 9B464 10130 Pulley (parking brake cable) Pulley (P/S pump) Pulley (water pump) Pulley assy . (belt idler) Pulley assy . (eng . crankshaft) Pulley assy . (eng . crankshaft outer) Pulley assy . (eng . tensioner) Pulley & bearing assy . (A/C compressor) 2804 3A733 8509 8678 6312 6A312 6E254 19D653 Pump carb . discharge nozzle) 9A574 7A1 o3 7A149 17664 6600 9A486 9350 3A674 9C731 Pump (trans . front oil) Pump (trans . rear oil) Pump (windshield washer) Pump assy . (eng . oil) Pump assy . (exhaust air supply thermactor) ___Pump assy . (fuel) Pump assy . (P/S) Pump assy . (speed control) Pump assy . (water) Pump overhaul kit (trans . front) NAME 8501, 8505 7C222 4 Refer GROUP NUMBER contd. 9349 8591 9400 Pump repair kit (fuel) Pump repair kit (water) Push rod (fuel pump) R Rail (front fender outside finish) Rail (trans . gearshifter fork-low & reverse) Rail (trans . third & fourth speed shifter) .all-ki€moans . intermediate & high shift rail) 7946 7947 7-7549 7A3 87 7D171 713456 7D235-6, 7-7549 7D235-6 3524 8005 18805 18876 16250-1 7240 7241 7241 Recovery kit (radiator coolent) Rectifier assy . (alternator) 8522 10304 Race (trans . converter stator clutch inner) Race (trans . converter stator clutch outer) Race (trans . front clutch sun gear thrust bearing) Race trans . output shaft thrust) Race (trans . overrunning clutch inner) Race (trans . overrunning clutch outer) Race (trans . primary sun gear thrust) Race (trans . sun gear thrust bearing) Rack & worm (steering gear) Radiator Radio kit Radio rear seat speaker foot control kit Reducers Reed (A C compressor valve inlet) Refinishing materials Reflector (flare kit) Reflector (rear tail lamp) Reflector assy . Reflector assy . (rear bumper) Refrigerant compressor oil 4 19D659 19E500 15A215 13380 13A565 4 Register (A/C) 19893 Register (X7C air3 Register (A/C evaporator) Register-(A7 switch to blower motor) Register (air vent) Register (heater) RegisterTheater air) - 18C366_ Register assy . (A/C air distribution) Register assy . (A/C instrument panel) Register assy . (air distribution) Register & connector assy . (A/C instrument panel center) Register & duct assy . (A/C instrument panel center) Regulator (instrument cluster voltage) Regulator (trans . oil pressure) Regulator assy . (alternator) Regulator assy . (generator) Regulator assy . (speed control) 6 page 1 of Paint Section 19A671 18591 19893 19893 180266 18C306 19C696 18C306 19C691 19C680 _ 10804 7A139 10316 10505 9D757, 9A819 FORD CAR PARTS 35 ALPHABETICAL INDEX CHASSIS PARTS INDEX GROUP NUMBER PART NAME R- 1 Reinforcement (battery support bracket) Reinforcement~umper guard outer front ) Reinforcement (cuwl top bracket to front fender apron) Reinforcement (eng . rear support) Reinforcement (front bumper center) Reinforcement (front bumper stone deflector) Reinforcement (front fender apron) Reinforcement (front fender apron & radiator support upper) Reinforcement (front fender apron & radiator support upper outer) Reinforcement (front fender apron lower) Reinforcement front fender apron to radiator support} Reinforcement (front fender mirror mounting) Reinforcement (front fender rear splash shield) Reinforcement (front fender side) T Reinforcement (frant fender top front lower Reinforcement (front stabilizer bar mounting bracket) Reinforcement (front suspension lower arm) Reinforcement (front suspension mounting housing spring seat on body) 1613204-1 10A674, 10A710 17A9S8-9 169240-1 6A042 17A792 17A956 16A052-3 16B048 reservoir orifice) May, 1975 5980 5A770 Reinforcement (spare wheel-carrier Binge) ' iA399, -IA400 Reinforcement spare~teel carrier ock ~tEE --"7A-01bracket} Reinforcement (trans, shift shaft) Reinforcement (upper radiator grille) Reinforcement assy . (front fender .top rear Reinforcement assy . {fuel vapor storage canister bracket} Reinforcement assy . (hood hinge bracket on body) 16060 16142 160122 16256-7 180-80-i 160186-7 5A483, 5A492 3399, 313329 3A072 8A-181 18A954 4A182-3 4A172 4A079 25222 17912, 17A914 1713862-3 18A024 18A108-9 18A114 5920 COPYRIGHT O 1975 - 16A609 14A376 13A025 14512 Relay (ignition current amplifier) Relay (instrument panel seat belt warning indicator lamp) Relay (interior lamp) 12A042 145924 Relay warning lamp indicator] Relay-Faarning lamp indicator panel low fuel level) 8324 8261 7E403 ea. - 8223 1613010-1 -9E600 -Relay (alternator regulator field) Relay automatic headlamp dimmer) Relay (automatic seat back latch) ~Relay (console panel seat belt warning lamp indicator) Relay (cornering lamp) Relay (oil temperature indicator warning lamp) Relay~urning lamp) T 313563 Reinforcement (rear bumper mounting bracket) Reinforcement (rear shock absorber member) Reinforcement (rear shock absorber member inner) Reinforcement (rear shock absorber mounting member) Reinforcement (rear spring front bracket) cont'd . Reinforcement (rear spring rear bracket) Reinforcement (rear suspension mower arm) 1613028-9 Reinforcement (hood center) ry 16~J95 16476 Reinforcement (hood front quarter panel) 16A603 Reinforcement (hood latch on hood) -~ Reinforcement (impact bar)17912-3 Reinforcement {instrument cluster housing) 10C899 Reinforcement (radiator air side deflector) Reinforcement (radiator grille opening panel center) Reinforcement (radiator side support) Reinforcement (dia antenna grounding) Reinforcement (rear axle bumper mounting) Reinforcement (rear axle bumper outer bracket) Reinforcement (rear axle drive line vibration damper) Reinforcement (rear brake hose bracket) Reinforcement (rear bumper center) GROUP NUMBER NAME R. conl'd Reinforcement {apron & radiator support sided Reinforcement (P/S oil PART 1013926 1QI3926 13A777 10B840 15A217 148926 10A968 Relay assy . (A/C automatic temperature control box) 190614 Relay assy . (A/C temperature control) Relay assy . back window heat control) Relay assy . (parking lamp) Relay assy. (seat regulator control) 199592 1$041 Relay assy . (speed control) Relay assy . (speed control release) Relay assy . stop lamp) Relay assy . (top control) Relay assy . trailer light) 90733 9D737 Relay assy. (trans . overdrive) Relay assy . {turn indicator] Relay assy~waraing lamp cator) 7A651 13A366 1OC838 14512 -14677 13853 13482 15 672 13A435 Relay assy- (window & seat regulator control) Relay asSy . (window regulator safety) Relay & bracket assy . (horn) Remote control (outside mirror) Reservoir (windshield washer) Reservoir assy . (-headlamp cover control) Reservoir assy . (power brake booster) Reservoir assy . (Y/S pump oil) FORD MOTOR COMPANY -DEARBORN, MICHIGAN 13A253 14546, 14A707 17B676 17618 13A185 2A038 3A697 FINAL ISSUE GENERAL INFORMATION FORD CAR PARTS CHASSIS PARTS ILLUSTRATION INDEX Following is a general index of the major groups shown in the Chassis and Body Parts Illustration Sections . For more specific information refer to the Index appearing in front of the Section number listed below. MAJOR GROUP •TABBED DIVIDER TITLE INDEX SECTION Accelerator Linkage Accessories 90 Air Cleaner Air Conditioner Alternator Automatic Transmission Axle (rear) Fuel Listed in their appropriate groups as identified in this index Fuel Speedometer, Bumper Generator, Alternator, Starter, Distributor Automatic Transmission Rear Axle, Driveshaft 90 175 100 A70 40 Battery Brake System Bumpers Generator, Alternator, Starter, Distributor Wheels, Brakes Speedometer, Bumper 100 10 175 Carburetor Carrier (Wheel) Clutch Cooling System Fuel Wheels, Brakes Standard Transmission, Clutch Cooling, Grille 90 10 70 80 Distributor Driveshaft Electrical Electrical Engine Exhaust System Generator, Alternator, Starter, Distributor Rear Axle, Driveshaft Generator, Alternator, Starter, Distributor Lamps, Wiring Engine Frames, Mufflers, Springs 100 40 100 130 60 50 Fan Fenders Frame Front Suspension Fuel Pump Fuel System Fuel Tank Cooling, Grille Fender, Hood Frames, Mufflers, Springs Front Suspension, Steering Fuel Fuel Fuel 80 160 50 30 90 90 90 Gearshift Lever Generator Grille Heater Hood Horn Standard Transmission, Clutch Generator, Alternator, Starter, Distributor Cooling, Grille Speedometer, Bumper Fender, Hood Lamps, Wiring 70 100 80 175 160 130 Instrument Cluster Lamps Lever (Gearshift) Generator, Alternator, Starter, Distributor Lamps, Wiring Standard Transmission, Clutch 100 130 70 Manifolds Mirrors Muffler Fuel Speedometer, Bumper Frames, Muffler, Springs 90 175 50 Pump (Fuel) Pump (Water) Radiator Rear Axle Fuel Cooling, Grille Cooling, Grille Rear Axle, Driveshaft 90 80 80 40 plicable to Loose Leaf Catalogs only. FORD CAR PARTS 3 GENERAL INFORMATION CHASSIS PARTS ILLUSTRATION INDEX - contd. MAJOR GROUP • TABBED DIVIDER TITLE INDEX SECTION Speedometer Springs Stabilizer (Front) Stabilizer (Rear) Starter Steering Suspension (Front) Speedometer, Bumper 175 Frames, Mufflers, Springs Front Suspension, Steering Frames, Mufflers, Springs Generator, Alternator, Starter, Distributor Front Suspension, Steering Front Suspension, Steering 50 30 50 Tachometer Tank (Fuel) Transfer Case Generator, Alternator, Starter, Distributor Fuel Standard Transmission Clutch Automatic Transmission Standard Transmission, Clutch 100 90 70 A70 70 Generator, Alternator, Starter, Distributor Cooling, Grille Wheels, Brakes Speedometer, Bumper Lamps, Wiring 100 80 10 175 130 Transmission (Automatic) Transmission (Standard) Voltage Regulator Water Pump Wheels Windshield Wiper Wiring 100 30 30 BODY PARTS ILLUSTRATION INDEX Auxiliary Seat Back Window Body Sheet Metal Console Door (Front) Door (Rear) Exterior Trim Seat Back, Luggage Compartment Body Sheet Metal Body Front, Floor Body Sides, Quarter Body Sides, Quarter Exterior Moulding 600 400 Body Sheet Metal 000 230 Floor Sheet Metal Body Sheet Metal Back, Luggage Compartment Body Sides, Quarter Seat Seat Body Front, Floor Body Front, Floor Body Sheet Metal 400 230 600 600 000 000 Interior Trim Back, Luggage Compartment Back, Luggage Compartment Interior Trim Interior Trim 400 400 Interior Trim Interior Trim Body Sides, Quarter Body Sides, Quarter Seat Back, Luggage Compartment Body Sheet Metal Back, Luggage Compartment Back, Luggage Compartment Seat Body Front, Floor Body Front, Floor Interior Trim Folding Top Front Door Front Seat Front Seat Track Glove Compartment Instrument Panel Interior Trim Liftgate Luggage Compartment Door Mechanism Luggage Compartment Trim Package Tray Quarter Window Rear Door Rear Seat Roof Sheet Metal Tailgate Top (Folding) Track (Front Seat) Vent System Windshield • Applicable to Loose Leaf Catalogs only. COPYRIGHT 0 1975 May, 1975 FORD MOTOR COMPANY -DEARBORN, MICHIGAN 230 Exterior Moulding 230 230 600 400 Body Sheet Metal 400 400 600 000 000 FINAL ISSUE GENERAL INFORMATION FORD CAR PARTS, PROCEDURE FOR 'USING CATALOG There are three ways of finding part numbers 1. By Part Name 2. 3. By Illustration By Identification Should an inquiry be received for a rear brake backing plate for a 1965 Thunderbird BY PART NAME A. B. Refer to the Chassis Parts Alphabetical Index in the Text Catalog, form FP 7635-A. Refer to the alphabetical nomenclature and find the part name "Plate (rear brake backing)". The group number listed is 2211-2. C. Refer to group number 2211-2 and locate 1965 in the "YEAR" column . Find the vehicle catalog code "S" (for Thunderbird) in the "MODEL" column. D. The part numbers shown are C6SZ 2211-A for right hand and C6SZ 2212-A for left hand. BY ILLUSTRATION A. B. Refer to the tabbed divider marked 'WHEELS, BRAKES" in this catalog. Refer to the index immediately behind the divider and find the illustration titles for 1965 S(Thunderbird). C. Under the heading "BRAKES" find the 'Brake details (drum rear)" illustration for the 1965 S(Thunderbird). Refer to the illustration designated (on page 4 of Illustration Section 20 .1) and find the group number for the rear brake backing plate to be 2211-2. D. E. F. Refer to group number 2211-2 in the Text Catalog and locate 1965 in the "YEAR" column. Find the vehicle catalog code "S" (for Thunderbird) in the "MODEL" column. The part numbers shown are C6SZ 2211-A for right hand and C6SZ 2212-A for left hand. BY IDENTIFICATION Certain parts and most major assemblies are identified with a part number shown on an attached tag or plate or on the part itself . Reference to identification numbers is made throughout the catalog and cross reference charts are included in some sections w provide immediate knowledge of the service part number when the identification number is known. All identification information other than charts will be preceded by the symbol (#). IMPORTANT - Identification tags and plates must be retained with the part or assembly with which they are originally supplied. HOW TO ORDER PARTS When ordering parts, always give the complete part number. In the event the part number is not known, the following information should be included. A. B. C. D. Complete description of part. Model year and body type. Dimension, number of teeth, size, etc ., if possible rough sketch of part. If applicable to engine, transmission, axle, steering, etc ., specify type, such as 400 cubic inch, Automatic Transmission, Power Steering, etc. E. Advise how shipment is to be made - Freight, Express, Air, Parcel Post. EXPLANATION OF SYMBOL * * Symbol indicates part is not supplied for service due to the following a. Part is superseded and replaced as indicated in the description column of the text catalog. b. Part can be improvised as indicated in the description column of text catalog. c. Due to its function there would be little or no demand. NOTE - ALWAYS REFER TO THE DESCRIPTION COLUMN OF THE TEXT FOR POSSIBLE SUBSTITUTION, OR FOR MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS AND DIMENSIONS WHICH MAY BE HELPFUL IN OBTAINING THE NON-SERVICED PART LOCALLY . FORD CAR PARTS A ILLUSTRATIO N SECTION 10 INDE X THIS INDEX SECTION INCLUDES BRAKES, WHEELS and RELATED PART S TITLE SECTION~ PAGE ILLUS . NO . 1965 A (FORD ) BRAKE S Brake & clutch pedals Drum brake system Brake booster installation Booster details (Midland - Ross) Brake cylinder details - front & rear Brake details - front & rear Brake master cylinder details Parking brake system 75 20 1 1 P-459 5 P-461 0 23 20 .1 20 .1 20 .1 20 2 2 4 1 1 -P-489 3 P-228 4 P-338 0 P-3098 P-461 0 Front & rear wheel, hub, & bearings Hub cap & wheel cover - refer to text Group 113 0 Spare wheel & jack storage 10 1 P-178 0 175 .2 1 P-482 3 75 20 20 23 20 .1 20 .1 20 .1 20 2 3 3 2 2 5 1 3 P-367 4 P-367 8 P-367 8 P-489 3 P-390 6 P-370 3 P-3098 P-367 8 10 1 P-311 8 175 . 2 175 .2 2 2 P-370 6 P-482 4 75 20 23 23 20 .1 20 .1 20 .1 20 .1 20 23 23 20 .1 20 .1 20 .1 20 5 6 1 3 3 8 5 1 1 3 3 5 1 6 P-4472 P-4470 P-453 3 P-459 0 P-2990 P-4604 P-370 3 P-3098 P-447 0 P-453 3 P-459 0 P-2990 P-370 3 - P-3098 P-4470 Front & rear wheel, hub, & bearings Hub cap 8z -wheel cover - refer to text Group 113 0 10 1 P-311 8 Spare wheel & iaek storage 175 .2 2 P455c - - - B (FAIRLANE/TORINO) BRAKE S Brake & clutch pedals Drum brake system Brake booster installation (Midland - Ross) Booster details (Midland - Ross) Brake cylinder details - front & rear Brake details - front & rear Brake master cylinder details Parking brake system Front & rear wheel, hub, & bearings Hub cap & wheel cover - Refer to text Group 1130 Spare wheel and jack storage - except station wago n - station wagon - - Al I I - F (MUSTANG ) -------- BRAKES _ Brake & clutch pedals Disc brake system Brake booster installation (Bendix) Booster details (Bendix) Brake cylinder details - rear Brake details - disc front Brake details - drum rear Brake master cylinder detail s -- Drum brake system Brake booster installation (Bendix) Booster details (Bendix) Brake cylinder details - front & rea r Brake details - front & rear Brake master cylinder details Parking brake system -- 6 Wheel lug nuts (M Stang GT350/500) -refer to text Group 1012 11.... laic COPYRIGHT 0 1975 - FORD MOTOR COMPANY I I -DEARBORN. MICHIGAN I Mau N! B ILLUSTRATION SECTION 10 FORD CAR PARTS INDEX SECTION TITLE I PAGE ~ ILLUS . NO. 1965 S (THUNDERBIRD ) BRAKES Brake pedal Disc brake system Brake booster installation Booster details (Bendix) Brake cylinder details - rear Brake details - disc front Brake details - drum rear Brake master cylinder details Parking brake system WHEELS Front & rear wheel, hub, & bearings Hub cap & wheel cover - refer to text Group 113 0 Spare wheel & jack storage P-424 0 P-424 0 P-424 0 P-4892 P-390 6 20 20 20 23 20 .1 20 .1 20 .1 20 .1 20 7 7 7 4 2 7 4 1 7 P-4603 P-338 0 P-3098 i P-424 0 10 1 P-178 0 175 .2 3 P-4597 75 75 20 7 7 4 P-3130 P-3131 P-311 9 23 20 .1 20 .1 20 .1 20 3 3 5 1 4 P-459 0 P-299 0 P-370 3 P-3098 P-311 9 10 1 P-311 8 175 .2 4 P-391 6 75 20 20 23 20 .1 20 .1 20 .1 20 .1 20 20 .1 20 .1 20 .1 20 1 2 2 2 2 7 4 1 1 2 4 1 1 P-459 5 P-523 5 P-523 5 P-489 3 P-228 4 P-460 3 P-338 0 P-3098 P-461 0 P-2284 P-3380 P-309 8 P-4610 10 I1 I P-1780 1 P-4823 _ X (FALCON ) BRAKES Brake & clutch pedal - manual gear shift Brake pedal - automatic transmission Drum brake system Brake booster installation Booster details (Bendix) Brake cylinder - front & rear Brake details - front & rear Brake master cylinder details Parking brake system WHEELS Front & rear wheel, hub, & bearings Hub cap & wheel cover - refer to text Group 1130 Spare wheel & jack storage _ 1966 A (FORD ) BRAKES Brake & clutch pedals Disc brake system Brake booster installation Booster details (Midland - Ross) Brake cylinder details - rear Brake details - disc front Brake details - drum rear Brake master cylinder details Drum brake system Brake cylinder details - front & rear Brake details - front & rear Brake master cylinder details Parking brake system WHEELS Front & rear wheel, hub, & bearings Hub cap & wheel cover - refer to text Group 1130 Spare wheel & jack storage 175 .2 _ 4 FORD CAR PARTS ILLUSTRATIO N SECTION 1 0 INDE X TITLE SECTION ~ PAGE ~ ILLUS . NO. 1966 B (FAIRLANE/TORINO ) Brake & clutch pedals Drum brake system Brake booster installation Booster details (Midland - Ross) Brake cylinder details - front & rear Brake details - front & rear Brake master cylinder details Parking brake system WHEEL S Front & rear wheel, hub, & bearings Hub cap & wheel cover - refer to text Group 1130 Spare wheel & jack storage - except station wago n - station wagon _ 75 20 20 23 20 .1 20 .1 20 .1 20 4 5 5 2 2 5 1 5 P-498 3 P-498 5 P-498 5 P-489 3 P-390 6 P-370 3 P-309 8 P-498 5 10 1 P-311 8 175 . 2 175 .2 5 6 P-521 1 P-521 2 75 20 23 23 20 .1 20 .1 20 .1 20 .1 20 23 23 20 .1 20 .1 20 .1 20 5 6 1 3 2 8 5 1 6 1 3 2 5 1 6 P-447 2 P-447 0 P-453 3 P-4590 P-390 6 P-460 4 P-3703 P-309 8 P-4470 P-453 3 P-4590 P-390 6 P-370 3 P-3098 P-4470 10 1 P-311 8 175 .2 3 P-459 6 20 7 P-4240 20 '7 P-4240 20 23 20 .1 20 .1 20 .1 20 .1 20 7 4 2 7 4 1 7 P-4240 P-4892 P-390 6 P-460 3 P-3380 P-3098 P-4240 10 1 P-178 0 175 .2 3 P-4597 F (MUSTANG) BRAKES Brake & clutch pedals Disc brake system Brake booster installation (Bendix) Booster details (Bendix) Brake cylinder details - rear Brake details - disc front Brake details - drum rear Brake master cylinder details Drum brake system Brake booster installation (Bendix) Booster details (Bendix) Brake cylinder details - front & rear Brake details - front & rear Brake master cylinder details Parking brake system WHEELS Front & rear wheel, hub, & bearings Hub cap & wheel cover - refer to text Group 113 0 Spare wheel & jack storage Wheel lug nuts (Mustang GT350/500) - refer to text Group 101 2 S (THUNDERBIRD) BRAKES Brake pedal Disc brake system Brake booster installation Booster details (Bendix) Brake cylinder details - rear Brake details - disc front Brake details - drum rear Brake master cylinder details Parking brake system WHEELS Front & rear wheel, hub, & bearings Hub cap & wheel cover - refer to text Group 1130 Spare wheel & jack storage May, 1975 COPYRIGHT 0 1975 - FORD MOTOR company -DEARBORN, MICHIGAN FINAL ISSUE C D ILLUSTRATION SECTION 10 FORD CAR PARTS INDE X 'SECTION' PAGE TITLE ILLUS. NO . 1966 U (BRONCO ) BRAKE S Brake & clutch pedals Drum brake system Brake cylinder details - front & rear Brake details - front & rear Brake master cylinder details Parking brake system WHEELS Free running hub - Dana~Spicer~ Front hub & bearings Hub cap & wheel cover - refer to text Group 113 0 Spare wheel & jack storage - Before Ser . 830,001 - From Ser . 830,001 75 20 20 .1 20 .1 20 .1 20 6 8 2 6 1 8 P-497 2 P-497 4 P-390 6 10 30 7 P-7799 P-5312 175 . 2 175 .2 8 9 P-4982 P-659 9 75 20 20 23 20 .1 20 .1 20 .1 20 4 5 5 2 2 5 1 5 P-498 3 P-498 5 P-498 5 P-489 3 P-390 6 P-370 3 P-3098 P-498 5 10 1 P-311 8 175 . 2 175 .2 5 6 P-521 1 P-521 2 75 20 20 20 .1 20 .1 20 .1 20 .1 20 20 .1 20 .1 20 .1 20 1 10 10 2 7 4 1 9 2 4 1 9 P-459 5 P-548 1 P-548 1 P-228 4 P-460 3 P-338 0 P-551 8 P-548 2 P-228 4 P-338 0 P-551 8 P-5482 10 1 P-178 0 175 .2 17 P-5'779 P-6602 P-309 8 P-497 4 _ X (FALCON ) BRAKE S Brake & clutch pedals Drum brake system Brake booster installation Booster details (Midland - Ross) Brake cylinder details - front & rear Brake details - front & rear Brake master cylinder details Parking brake system WHEELS Front & rear wheel, hub, & bearings Hub cap & wheel cover - refer to text Group 113 0 Spare wheel & jack storage - except Ranchero & station wagon - Ranchero & station wagon 1967 A (FORD ) - BRAKES Brake & clutch pedals Disc brake system Brake booster installation Brake cylinder details - rear Brake details - disc front Brake details - drum rear Brake master cylinder details Drum brake system Brake cylinder details - front & rear Brake details - front & rear Brake master cylinder details Parking brake system WHEEL S Front & rear wheel, hub, & bearings Hub cap & wheel cover - refer to text Group 1130 Spare wheel & jack storage _ FORD CAR PARTS E ILLUSTRATIO N SECTION 1 0 INDEX TITLE SECTION PAGE I ILLUS . NO . 1967 B (FAIRLANE/TORINO ) BRAKES Brake & clutch pedals Disc brake system Brake booster installation Brake cylinder details - rear Brake details - disc front Brake details - drum rear Brake master cylinder details Drum brake system Brake booster installation Brake cylinder details - front & rear Brake details - front & rear Brake master cylinder details Parking brake system WHEEL S Front & rear wheel, hub, & bearings Hub cap & wheel cover - refer to text Group 113 0 Spare wheel & jack storage - except Ranchero & station wagon - Ranchero & station wagon 75 20 20 20 .1 20 .1 20 .1 20 .1 20 20 20 .1 20 .1 20 .1 20 9 11 11 2 8 5 1 11 11 2 5 1 11 P-551 4 P-551 5 P-551 5 P-390 6 P-4604 P-370 3 P-551 8 P-551 5 P-551 5 P-3906 P-3703 P-551 8 P-551 5 10 1 P-311 8 175 . 2 5 175 .2 6 P-521 1 P-521 2 75 20 20 20 .1 20 .1 20 .1 20 .1 20 20 .1 20 .1 20 .1 20 11 12 12 2 8 5 1 12 2 5 1 12 P-551 3 P-551 6 P-551 6 P-390 6 P-4604 P-3703 P-551 8 P-551 6 P-390 6 P-3703 P-551 8 P-5518 10 1 P-311 8 175 .2 3 P-4596 20 20 20 .1 20 .1 20 .1 20 .1 20 13 13 2 7 4 1 13 P-5480 P-5480 P-3906 P-4603 P-3380 P-551 8 P-548 0 F (MUSTANG) BRAKES Brake & clutch pedals Disc brake system Brake booster installation Brake cylinder details - rear Brake details - disc front Brake details - drum rear Brake master cylinder details Drum brake system Brake cylinder details - front & rear Brake details - front & rear Brake master cylinder details Parking brake system WHEELS Front & rear wheel, hub, & bearings Hub cap & wheel cover - refer to text Group 113 0 Spare wheel & jack storage WheTlug nuts (Mustang GT350/500) - refer to text Group 101 2 S (THUNDERBIRD ) BRAKES Disc brake system Brake booster installation Brake cylinder details - rear Brake details - disc front Brake details - drum rear Brake master cylinder details Parking brake system Front & rear wheel, hub, & bearings Hub cap & wheel cover - refer to text Group 113 0 Spare wheel & jack storage f 10 175 .2 _ BE 1~S I 1 8 I P-178 0 P-5780 I COPYRIGHT 01975- FORD MOTOR COMPAN Y - DEASSORN. MICHIQAN MAI n MAIM F ILLUSTRATIO N SECTION 10 FORD CAR PARTS INDEX TITI F SECTION ~ PAGE ~ ILLUS. NO. 1967 U (BRONCO ) BRAKES Brake & clutch pedals Drum brake system Brake cylinder details - front & rear Brake details - front & rear Brake master cylinder details Parking brake system WHEELS Free running hub - Dana (picer) Front hub, & bearings Hub cap & wheel cover - refer to text Group 1130 Spare wheel & jack storage 75 20 20 .1 20 .1 20 .1 20 6 8 2 6 1 8 10 30 3 7 P-4972 P-4974 P-390 6 P-660 2 P-551 8 P-497 4 P-779 9 _______ 175 .2 9 P-6599 75 20 20 20 .1 20 .1 20 .1 20 .1 20 20 20 .1 20 .1 20 .1 20 9 11 11 2 8 6 1 11 11 2 5 1 11 P-551 4 P-551 5 P-551 5 P-390 6 P-460 4 P-3703 P-551 8 P-551 5 P-551 5 P-390 6 P-3703 P-551 8 P-551 5 10 1 P-311 8 175 . 2 175 .2 5 6 P-521 1 P-521 2 75 20 20 20 .1 20 .1 20 .1 20 .1 20 20 .1 20 .1 20 .1 20 1 10 10 2 9 4 1 9 2 4 1 9 P-459 5 P-548 1 P-548 1 P-228 4 P-6219 P-3380 P-551 8 P-5482 P-228 4 P-3380 P-551 8 P-5482 X (FALCON ) BRAKE S Brake & clutch pedals Disc brake system Brake booster installation Brake cylinder details - rear Brake details - disc front Brake details - drum rear Brake master cylinder details Drum brake system Brake booster installation Brake cylinder details - front & rear Brake details - front & rear Brake master cylinder details Parking brake system WHEELS Front & rear wheel, hub, & bearings Hub cap & wheel cover - refer to text Group 1130 Spare wheel & jack storage - except station wago n - station wagon 1968 A (FORD ) BRAKES Brake & clutch pedals Disc brake system Brake booster installation Brake cylinder details - rear Brake details - disc front Brake details - drum rear Brake master cylinder details Drum brake system Brake cylinder details - front & rear Brake details - front & rear Brake master cylinder details Parking brake system WHEELS Front & rear wheel, hub . & bearin gs Hub cap & wheel cover - refer to text Group 1130 Spare wheel & jack storage 10 175 .2 -- I1 I P-178 0 7 P-577 9 - ._ . , FORD CAR PARTS G ILLUSTRATIO N SECTION 1 0 INDEX SECTION TITLE PAGE 1 ILLUS . NO. 1968 B (FAIRLANE/TORINO ) BRAKES Brake & clutch pedals Disc brake system Brake booster installation Brake cylinder details - rear Brake details - disc front Brake details - drum rear Brake master cylinder details Drum brake system Brake booster installation Brake cylinder details - front & rear Brake details - front & rear Brake master cylinder details Parking brake system WHF.F.T .S Front & rear wheel, hub, & bearings Hub cap & wheel cover - refer to text Group 1130 Spare wheel & jack storage - except Ranchero & station wagon - Ranchero & station wagon P-654 1 P-551 5 P-551 5 P-390 6 P-621 8 P-370 3 P-551 8 75 20 20 10 11 11 20 .1 20 .1 20 .1 20 .1 20 20 20 .1 20 .1 20 .1 20 2 10 5 1 11 11 2 5 1 11 10 1 P-311 8 175 . 2 175 .2 5 6 P-521 1 P-5212 75 20 20 20 .1 20 .1 20 .1 20 .1 20 20 20 .1 20 .1 20 .1 20 11 12 12 2 10 5 1 12 12 2 5 1 P-551 3 P-551 6 P-551 6 P-390 6 P-621 8 P-3703 P-551 8 P-551 6 P-551 6 P-390 6 P-370 3 P-551 8 12 P-551 6 10 1 P-311 8 175 .2 3 P-459 6 ' 14 14 9 4 1 15 P-639 9 P-639 9 P-390 6 P-621 9 P-338 0 P-551 8 P-640 0 10 1 P-178 0 175 .2 8 P-5780 P-551 5 P-551 5 P-390 6 P-370 3 P-551 8 P-551 5 F (MUSTANG ) BRAKE S Brake & clutch pedals Disc brake system Brake booster installation Brake cylinder details - rear Brake details - disc front Brake details - drum rear Brake master cylinder details Drum brake system Brake booster installation Brake cylinder details - front & rear Brake details - front & rear Brake master cylinder details Parking brake system Front & rear wheel, hub, & bearings Hub cap & wheel cover - refer to text Group 1130 Spare wheel & jack storage Wheel lug nuts (Mustang GT350/500) - refer to text Group 101 2 S (THUNDERBIRD ) BRAKE S Disc brake system Brake booster installation Brake cylinder details - rear Brake details - disc front Brake details - drum rear Brake master cylinder details Parking brake system _ 20 20 20 .1 20 .1 20 .1 20 .1 20 Front & rear wheel, hub, & bearings Hub cap & wheel cover - refer to text Group 113 0 Spare wheel & jack storage ay, GVMYNNY -DEARBORN. MICHIGAN FINAL ISSUE H ILLUSTRATIO N SECTION 10 FORD CAR PARTS INDE X "° SEGT' .-'N I TITLE ILLUS. NO . 1968 U (BRONCO) BRAKES Brake & clutch pedals Drum brake system Brake cylinder details - front & rear Brake details - front & rear Brake master cylinder details Parking brake system WHEEL S Free running hub - Dana Spfcei) Front hub & bearings Hub cap & wheel cover - refer to text Group 1130 Jack parts Spare wheel carrier - swing away 75 20 20 .1 20 .1 20 .1 6 8 2 6 1 P-497 2 P-407 4 P-390 6 20 8 P-660 2 P-551 8 P-497 4 10 30 3 7 P-779 9 P-531 2 175 .2 10 10 2 P-6600 P-6232 75 20 20 20 .1 20 .1 20 .1 20 .1 20 20 20 .1 10 11 11 P-6541 P-551 5 P-551 5 2 10 5 1 11 11 2 20 .1 20 .1 20 5 1 11 P-390 6 P-621 8 P-370 3 P-5518 P-551 5 P-551 5 P-390 6 P-370 3 P-551 8 P-551 5 10 1 P-311 8 175 . 2 175 .2 5 6 P-521 1 P-521 2 75 20 20 20 20 .1 20 .1 20 .1 20 .1 20 20 .1 20 .1 20 .1 20 12 17 18 17 2 9 4 1 P-672 4 P-6718 P-6720 P-671 8 P-2284 P-621 9 P-338 0 P-551 8 P-671 9 P-2284 10 1 P-178 0 175 . 2 175 .2 12 13 P-705 5 P-7056 X (FALCON) BRAKE S Brake & clutch pedals Disc brake system Brake booster installation Brake cylinder details - rear Brake details - disc front Brake details - drum rear Brake master cylinder details Drum brake system Brake booster installation Brake cylinder details - front & rear Brake details - front & rear Brake master cylinder details Parking brake system WHEELS Front & rear wheel, hub, & bearings Hub cap & wheel cover - refer to text Group 113 0 Spare wheel & jack storage - except station wagon - station wagon 1969 A (FORD ) BRAKES Brake & clutch pedals Disc brake system - power - except New York taxi - non-power - New York taxi Brake booster installation Brake cylinder details - rear Brake details - disc front Brake details - drum rear Brake master cylinder details Drum brake system Brake cylinder details - front & rear Brake details - front & rear Brake master cylinder details Parking brake system w nLr :i. s Front & rear wheel, hub, & bearings Hub cap & wheel cover - refer to text Group 113 0 are wheel & jack storage - except model 7 1 - model 71 16 2 4 1 19 P-338 0 P-551 8 P-672 1 _ J FORD CAR !ARTS ILLUSTRATION SECTION 1 0 INDEX TITLE ~SECTION PAGE ILLUS . NO . 1969 B (FAIRLANE/TORINO ) BRAKE S Brake & clutch pedals Disc brake system Brake booster installation Brake cylinder details - rear Brake details - disc front Brake details - drum rear 75 20 20 20 .1 20 .1 10 11 11 2 10 P-654 1 P-551 5 P-551 5 P-390 6 P-621 8 20 .1 5 P-370 3 Brake master cylinder details Drum brake system Brake booster installation Brake cylinder details - front & rear Brake details - front & rear Brake master cylinder details Parking brake system 20 .1 20 20 20 .1 20 .1 20 .1 20 1 11 11 2 5 1 11 P-551 8 P-551 5 P-551 5 P-390 6 P-3703 P-551 8 P-551 5 Front & rear wheel, hub, & bearings Hub cap & wheel cover - refer to text Group 113 0 Spare wheel & jack storage - except Ranchero & station wago n - Ranchero & station wagon 10 1 P-311 8 175 . 2 175 .2 5 6 P-521 1 P-521 2 75 20 13 20 P-6756 P-6754 F (MUSTANG) BRAKE S Brake & clutch details Disc brake system Brake booster installation 20 20 P-6754 Brake cylinder details - rear Brake details - disc front Brake details - drum rear Brake master cylinder details Drum brake system Brake cylinder details - front & rear Brake details - front & rear Brake master cylinder details Parking brake system 20 .1 20 .1 20 .1 20 .1 20 20 .1 20 .1 20 .1 20 2 10 5 1 20 2 5 1 21 P-390 6 P-621 8 P-370 3 P-551 8 P-6754 P-390 6 P-370 3 P-551 8 P-675 5 Front & rear wheel, hub, & bearings Hub cap & wheel cover - refer to text Group 113 0 Spare wheel & jack storage Wheel lug nuts (Mustang GT350/500) - refer to text Group 101 2 1o 1 P-311 8 175 .2 13 P-706 3 20 20 20 20 .1 20 .1 20 .1 20 .1 20 14 22 14 2 9 4 1 15 P-639 9 P-676 6 P-639 9 P-390 6 P-621 9 P-338 0 P-551 8 P-6400 10 1 P-1780 175 .2 8 P-5780 S (THUNDERBIRD ) BRAKE S Disc brake system Anti-skid control system Brake booster installation Brake cylinder details - rear Brake details - disc front Brake details - drum rear Brake master cylinder details Parking brake system Front & rear wheel, hub, & bearings Hub cap & wheel cover - refer to text Group 1130 Spare wheel & jack storage ay, f nUPANV _ -DEARBORN, MICHIGAN FINAL- ISSUE K ILLUSTRATION SECTION 10 FORD CAR PARTS INDEX [SECTION' PAGE 1 TITLE ILLUS . NO . 1969 U (BRONCO ) BRAKE S Brake & clutch pedals Drum brake system Brake cylinder details - front & rear Brake details - front & rear Brake master cylinder details Parking brake system Free running hub - Dana (Spicer) Front hub & bearings Hub cap & wheel cover - refer to text Group 1130 Jack parts Spare wheel carrier - swing away 75 20 20 .1 20 .1 20 .1 20 6 8 2 6 1 8 P-497 2 P-497 4 P-390 6 P-660 2 P-551 8 P-497 4 10 30 3 7 P-7799 P-531 2 175 .2 10 10 2 P-660 0 P-623 2 75 20 20 20 .1 20 .1 20 .1 20 .1 20 10 11 11 2 10 5 1 11 X (FALCON) 20 11 Brake cylinder details - front & rear Brake details - front & rear Brake master cylinder details Parking brake system 20 .1 20 .1 20 .1 20 2 5 1 11 P-6541 P-551 5 P-551 5 P-390 6 P-6218 P-370 3 P-551 8 P-551 5 P-551 5 P-390 6 P-370 3 P-551 8 P-551 5 Front & rear wheel, hub, & bearings Hub cap & wheel cover - refer to text Group 113 0 Spare wheel & jack storage - except station wago n - station wagon 10 1 P-311 8 175 . 2 5 175 .2 6 P-521 1 P-521 2 75 20 20 20 .1 20 .1 20 .1 20 .1 20 20 20 .1 20 .1 20 .1 20 P-672 4 P-7500 P-7500 P-228 4 P-621 9 P-3380 P-551 8 P-750 7 P-750 7 P-2284 P-3380 P-551 8 P-672 1 Brake & clutch pedals Disc brake system Brake booster installation Brake cylinder details - rear Brake details - disc front Brake details - drum rear Brake master cylinder details Drum brake system Brake booster installation 197 0 A (FORD) BRAKES Brake & clutch pedals Disc brake system Brake booster installation Brake cylinder details - rear Brake details - disc front Brake details - drum rear Brake master cylinder details Drum brake system Brake booster installation Brake cylinder details - front & rear Brake details - front & rear Brake master cylinder details Parking brake system WHEEL S Front & rear wheel, hub & bearing Hub cap & wheel cover - refer to text Group 1130 Spare wheel & jack storage - except model 7 1 - model 71 1 10 175 . 2 175 .2 12 28 28 2 9 4 1 27 27 2 4 1 19 I 1 12 13 I P-1780 P-705 5 P-7056 FORD CAR PARTS ILLUSTRATIO N SECTION 1 0 INDEX SECTION PAGE TITLE ~ ILLUS . NO . 197 0 B (FAIRLANE/TORINO) R(FALCON)FROM 1/2/7 0 BRAKE S Brake & clutch pedals Disc brake system Brake booster installation 75 20 20 20 .1 20 .1 20 .1 20 .1 Brake cylinder details - rear Brake details - disc front Brake details - drum rear Brake master cylinder details Drum brake system Brake cylinder details - front & rear Brake details - front & rear Brake master cylinder details Parking brake system WHEEL S Front & rear wheel, hub & bearings Hub cap & wheel cover - refer to text Group 113 0 Spare wheel jack storage - except Ranchero & station wago n - Ranchero & station wagon 20 20 .1 20 .1 20 .1 20 15 25 25 2 10 5 1 25 2 5 1 26 P-730 6 P-730 8 P-7308 P-390 6 P-621 8 P-3703 P-551 8 P-730 8 P-390 6 P-3703 P-551 8 P-730 7 10 1 P-311 8 175 . 2 175 .2 5 6 P-521 1 P-521 2 75 20 20 20 .1 13 20 20 2 P-675 6 P-675 4 P-6754 P-3906 20 .1 20 .1 20 .1 20 20 .1 20 .1 20 .1 20 10 5 1 20 2 5 1 21 P-621 8 P-370 3 P-551 8 P-675 4 P-3906 10 1 P-311 8 175 .2 13 P-706 3 75 20 20 .1 20 .1 20 .1 20 14 23 2 5 1 24 P-688 3 P-688 1 P-390 6 P-370 3 P-551 8 P-688 2 F (MUSTANG) BRAKE S Brake & clutch pedals Disc brake system Brake booster installation Brake cylinder details - rear Brake details - disc front Brake details - drum rear Brake master cylinder details Drum brake system Brake cylinder details - front & rear Brake details - front & rear Brake master cylinder details Parking brake system WHEEL S Front & rear wheel, hub & bearings Hub cap & wheel cover - refer to text Group 113 0 Spare wheel & jack storage P-370 3 P-551 8 P-675 5 P (MAVERICK ) BRAKES Brake & clutch pedals Drum brake system Brake cylinder details - front & rear Brake details - front & rear Brake master cylinder details Parking brake system WHEELS Front & rear wheel, hub, & bearings Hub cap & wheel cover - refer to text Group 113 0 Spare wheel & jack storage 1M[ COPYRIGHT 01975- FORD MOTOR COMPANY I 10 175 .2 -DEARBORN. MICHIGAN I 1 11 I P-311 8 P-692 5 M---_ L M ILLUSTRATIO N SECTION 10 FORD CAR PARTS INDE X I SECTION I TITLE PAGE I ILLUS. NO. 1970 S (THUNDERBIRD ) BRAKE S Disc brake system Anti-skid control system Tsue~sack) ore 171-2-/70 " - "From 1/12/70" Brake booster installation Brake cylinder details - rear Brake details - disc front Brake details - drum rear Brake master cylinder details Parking brake system WHEEL S Front & rear wheel, hub & bearings Hub cap & wheel cover - refer to text Group 1130 Spare wheel & jack storage 20 20 20 20 20 .1 20 .1 20 .1 20 .1 14 29 30 14 2 9 4 1 20 15 P-639 9 P-7679 P-768 0 P-6399 P-390 6 P-821 9 P-338 0 P-551 8 P-640 0 10 1 P-1780 175 .2 8 P-578 0 75 20 20 .1 20 .1 20 .1 20 6 8 2 6 1 8 P-497 2 P-497 4 P-390 6 P-6602 P-551 8 P-497 4 10 30 3 7 P-7799 P-531 2 175 .2 10 10 2 P-660 0 P-623 2 75 20 20 20 .1 20 .1 20 .1 20 .1 20 20 20 .1 20 .1 20 .1 20 10 11 11 2 10 5 1 11 11 2 5 1 11 P-6541 P-551 5 P-551 5 P-390 6 P-621 8 P-370 3 P-551 8 P-551 5 P-551 5 P-3906 P-3703 P-551 8 P-551 5 10 1 P-311 8 175 . 2 175 .2 5 6 P-521 1 P-5212 U (BRONCO ) BRAKE S Brake & clutch pedals Drum brake system Brake cylinder details - front & rear Brake details - front & rear Brake master cylinder details Parking brake system WHEELS Free running hub -Dana (Spicer) Front hub & bearings Hub cap & wheel cover - refer to text Group 113 0 Jack parts Spare wheel carrier - swing away X (FALCON) mono 1/2/7 0 FOR UNITS BUILT FROM 1/2/70, REFER TO $(FALCON ) BRAKE S Brake & clutch pedals Disc brake system Brake booster installation Brake cylinder details - rear Brake details - disc front Brake details - drum rear Brake master cylinder details Drum brake system Brake booster installation Brake cylinder details - front & rear Brake details - front & rear Brake master cylinder details Parking brake system WHEEL S Front & rear wheel, hub & bearings Hub cap & wheel cover - refer to text Group 113 0 Spare wheel & jack storage - except station wago n - station wagon ILLUSTRATIO N SECTION 10 FORD CAR PARTS N INDE X TITLE !SECTIONI °AC° 1971 A (FORD) BRAKES Brake & clutch pedals Disc brake system Brake booster installation Brake cylinder details - rear Brake details - disc front Brake details - drum rear-- Brake master cylinder details Drum brake system Brake booster installation Brake cylinder details - front_& ._-rear _ Brake detail swont-rear Brake master cylinder details Parking brake system - -- - 75 20 20 20 .1 20 .1 30 .1 20 .1 20 20 20 . 1 . I- f P-672 4 P-750 0 P-7500 P-2284 P-6219 P-3380 P-551 8 P=507 27 P-750 7 2 P-228 4 p_3380 20 .1 1 P-5518 20 2 - P-6721 Front & rear wheel -hi-lbw .Tearing - ---- Hub c ap & wheel cover - rd erto text Group - 1T20Spare wheel & jack storage - excel mode3 7I- - model 71 12 28 28 2 9 41 i0 P 37-80--- 175:2 1 2 175 .2 1 3 -7-05 5 P-705 6 _ -- -- -- - -- B (TORINO) BRAKES Brake & clutch p a Disc brake system Brake booster installation Brake cylinder details - rear --'rake details--disc fion£ --Brake details-arum rear - - Brake master cylinder details Drumbrake s yys~exn Brake cylinder details - front & rea r -Siake~etuTs = front~i rear Brake master cylinder details Parking brake system 5 - -f5 - P-7306 20 25 P-730 8 20 25 P-7308 20 .1 2 P-390 6 ~D. 3 -10P-62 8 20. 3-- 5 -- -3703 20 . 1 1 P-551 8 20 P4308 25 20 .1 2 P-390 6 20 T =3'703 20 .1 1 P-551 8 20 26 - P20 7 _ FrontTear eel, hub & bearing s Hub cap & wheel cover - refer to teext-Oronp 1130 Spare wheel jack stora g e - except-Etanc3i ero tation wagon - Ranchero & station wagon 10 --- P-311 8 5 6 P-521 1 P-5212 175 .2 175 .2 _.- F (MUSTANG ) --Maas -~rar~e ~iclues~pe~aTs ► -_ -. ._ Disc brake system - Brake booster fns~alla~ion Brake cylinder details - rear Brake details -disc front Brake details - drumrear -Brake master cylinder details Drum brake system Brake cylinder details - front & rear Brake detail-s = front & rear Brake master cylinder detail s _ Parking brake system WHEELS Front & rear w.eei, hub o°c bearings Hub cap & wheel cover - refer to £Spare wheel & Jack stora ge as_-_ . Me •`^PY!! :C : IT 1. .. O-coup-Ti30 -DRD MOTOR COMPANY - - 73 16 34 -2 0 20 34 20 .1 2 20 .I-i0 20 .1 5 1 20 .1 ' 3b 20 20 .1 2 20 .1 5 20 . 1 1 -20 - P-8-144 P-814 1 P-814 1 P-3906 P-621 8 P-3703 P-5518 P-814 2 P-390 6 P-370 3 P-551 8 _ -P=U43 '- - 10 1 P-311 8 175 .2 13 P4063 - DEAneOnn. MI{a1IMAN AIAI AI - _ Il►NI I! P ILLUSTRATIO N SECTION 10 FORD CAR PARTS INDEX SECTION TITLE I PAGE ~ ILLUS. NO. 1971 L (PINTO ) BRAKES Brake and clutch pedals Disc brake system Brake cylinder details - rear P-793 3 P-793 4 P-390 6 75 17 -20 31 20 .1 2 20 . 1 11 ~0~ -5 1 20 .1 31 20 Brake details - disc front Brake details -drum rear Brake master cylinder details Drum brake system Brake cylinder details - front & rear 20 .1 20 .1 20 .1 20 Brake details - front & rear Brake master cylinder details Parking brake system WHEELS _ - F-r aiif &-f-ear wheel,-- hub C-liearinga Hub cap & wheel cover - Refer to text Group 113 0 Spare *Tel and j k storag e P-7937 P-370 3 P-551 8 P-793 4 P-390 6 P-3703 P-551 8 P-806 4 2 5 1 32 30 - P-3118 _ __ - - 175 .2 -TI--P---8407 -- - P (MAVERICK ) BRAKE S Brake & clutch ped-als Drum brake system Brake cylinder details - front & rear Brake details - front & rear Brake master cylinder details 20 20 .1 20 .1 20 .1 20 Parking brake system HEELS Front & rear wheel, hub, & bearings Hub cap & wheel cover - refer to text Group 1130 23 2 5 1 24 - 8822 - -P-688 1 P-390 6 P-3'70 3 P-551 8 P-688 2 S (THUNDERBIRD) BRAKE S Disc brake system Anti-skid control system (sure traek) Brake booster installation Brake cylinder details - rear • Brake details - disc front Drake details - drum rear Brake master cylinder details Parking brake system WHEELS Front & rear wheel, hub & bearings Hub cap & wheel cover - refer to text Group 1130 Spare wheel & jack storage =11 . -8145 P-768 0 20 .1 20 1 15 P-390 6 P-621 9 P- : e P-551 8 P-6400 10 1 P-1780 175 .2 8 P-5780 75 20 20 .1 20 .1 20 .1 20 6 44 2 6 1 32 P-497 2 P-1047 5 P-3906 P-6602 P-551 8 P-1047 4 10 30 3 7 P-7799 P-5312 175 .2 10 10 2 P-6600 P-623 2 I . I . ~~ U (BRONCO ) BRAKE S Brake & clutch pedals Drum brake system Brake cylinder details - front & rear Brake details - front & rear Brake master cylinder details Parking brake system WHEELS Free running hub - Dana (Spicer) Front hub & bearings Hub cap & wheel cover - refer to text Group 1130 Jack parts Spare wheel carrier - swing away _ - ILLUSTRATION SECTION 10 FORD CAR PARTS INDE X SECTION TITLE I PAGE ILLUS . NO . 1972 A (FORD ) BRAKE S Disc brake system Brake booster installation Brake cylinder details - rear Brake details - disc front Brake details - drum rear Brake master cylinder details Drum brake system Brake booster installation Brake cylinder details - front & rear Brake details - front & rear Brake master cylinder details Parkmg brake sys Front & rear wheel, hub & bearing Hub cap & wheel cover - refer to text Group 13 0 Spare wheel & jack stora g e - except model 7 1 - model 71 20 20 20 .1 20.1 20.1 20 . 1 20 20 20 .1 20 .1 20 .1 20 43 43 2 9 4 1 27 27 P-894 4 P-894 4 P-228 4 P-621 9 P-338 0 P-551 8 P-750 7 P-750 7 2 4 1 19 P-2284 P-338 0 P-551 8 P-6721 10 1 P-178 0 T75 . 2 175 .2 12 13 P-705 5 P-705 6 75 20 20 20 .1 20 .1 20.1 20 .1 20 18 39 39 2 12 5 1 37 P-M1 2 P-8811 P-881 1 P-390 6 P-875 4 P-370 f P-551 8 P-R511 4 10 1 P-311 8 175 .2 175 .2 175 .2 14 15 14 P-997 5 P-9976 P-9974 75 20 20 20 .1 20 .1 20 .1 20 .1 20 20 .1 20 .1 20 .1 20 16 34 34 2 10 5 1 36 2 5 1 35 P-814 4 P-814 1 P-814 1 P-390 6 P-621 8 P-370 3 P-551 8 P-814 2 P-390 6 P-3703 P-551 8 P-814 3 10 1 P-311 8 175 .2 13 P-706 3 _ B (TORINO ) BRAKES Brake & clutch pedals Disc brake system Brake booster installation Brake cylinder details - rear Brake details - disc front Brake details - drum rear Brake master cylinder details Parking brake system Front & rear wheel, hub & bearings Hub cap & wheel cover - refer to text Group 13 0 Spare wheel & jack storage - except Ranchero & Station wagon - Ranchero - Station Wagon F (MUSTANG ) BRAKES Brake &crutch pedals Disc brake system Brake booster installation Brake cylinder details - rear Brake details - disc front Brake details - drum rear Brake master cylinder details Drum brake system Brake cylinder details - front & rear Brake details - front & rear Brake master cylinder details Parking brake system Front & rear Wlleel,hub & bearings Hub cap-& wheel cover - refer to text Group 113 0 Spare 1 eel & jack storage ma . ioic COPYRIGHT O 1975- FORD MOTOR COMPANY -DEARBORN. MICHIGAN w.u- n r.B. ru ~ww nn w ,Jaw s Q R ILLUSTRATION SECTION 10 FORD CAR PARTS INDEX SECTION TITLE . . .._' NC _ 197 2 L (PINTO ) BHAi b Brake and clutch pedals Disc brake system Brake cylinder details - rear Brake details - disc front Brake details - drum rear Brake master cylinder details Drum brake system Brake cylinder details - front & rear Brake details - front & rear Brake master cylinder details Parking brake system WHEELS on rear w ee , arings Hub cap & wheel cover Refer to text Group 113 0 Spare wheel and jack storage 75 20 20 .1 20.1 20.1 20 .1 20 20.1 20 .1 Z0.1 20 17 31 2 11 5 1 31 2 5 1 32 - 10 P-7933 P-7934 P-3906 P-793 7 P-3703 P-551 8 P-793 4 P-390 6 P-3703 P-551 8 P-8064 P-311 8 175 . 2 11 P-8407 75 20 20 .1 20.1 20 .1 20 14 40 2 5 1 24 P-882 2 P-881 3 P-390 6 P-3703 P-551 8 P4882 10 1 P-311 8 175 .2 11 P-6925 20 42 41 42 P-8820 P-881 9 P (MAVERICK) Brake & clutch pedals Drum brake system Brake cylinder details - front & rear Brake details - front & rear Brake master cylinder details Parking brake system WHEEL S Front & rear wheel, hub & bearings Hub cap & wheel cover - refer to text Group 113 0 Spare wheel & jack storage S (THUNDERBIRD ) BRAKE S Disc brake system Anti-skid control system (Sure-track) Brake booster installation Brake cylinder details - rear Brake details - disc front Brake details - drum rear Brake master cylinder detail s Parking brake system WHEELS Front & rear wheel, hub & bearings Hub cap & wheel cover - refer to text G roup 113 0 Spare wheel & jack storage P-881 9 20 20 20 .1 20.1 20.1 20 . 1 20 12 4 1 38 P-390 6 P-875 4 P-3380 P-551 8 P-8682 10 1 P-178 0 175 . 2 15 P-9973 75 20 20 .1 20.1 6 44 2 6 1 32 P-4972 P-10475 P-390 6 P-6602 P-551 8 P-10474 110 30 13 10 IP-779 9 P-831 1 ' 175 .2 t 10 10 12 P-660 0 l P_6232 2 U (BRONCO) S31CAK.hS brake a =ten pedals Drum brake system Brake cylinder details - front & rear Brake details - front & rear Brake master cylinder details Parking brake system WHEELS Free n inning hub - Dana (Spicer) Front hub & bearings Hub cap & wheel cover - refer to text Group 1130 Jack parts blame wheel carrier - awing &way 20 .1 20 FORD CAR PARTS ILLUSTRATION , SECTION 1 0 1012 t FRONT WHEELS ONLY - REFER TO GROUP 110 2 FOR PART NUMBER & MODEL APPLICATIO N • REAR • FRON T FRONT & REAR WHEEL, HUB . & BEARINGS - TYPICAL 1965/72 FORD, THUNDERBIRD 1190 n REAR % FRONT ',REFER TO GROUP 1130 IN TEXT SECTIO N FOR THE DESIRED WHEEL COVER OR HUB CA P 101 2 170 5 t FRONT WHEELS ONLY - REFER TO GROUP 1102 FOR PART NUMBER & MODEL APPLICATION P-311 8 FRONT & REAR WHEEL . HUB, & BEARINGS - TYPICA L 1965 72 FAIRLANE TORINO FA k• N ; •F• •1 May, 1975 COPYRIGHT 0 1975- FORD MOTOR COMPANY DEARBORN, MICHIGAN +, r FINAL ISSUE 1 I_ r r AC yW O. Z. 00 Z h A ALSO SERVICED IN B9TZ 1097- A SEAL and LOCK RING KIT 1A05 1 A378392-S (QQ-81) S •371834- S ♦378391_ ) (KK-52-A) (QQ-40 `\ 1A050 Al A030 1A029 P-7799 r 00 Z r 0; Za nC m 87942-S \ (1-20) (U-269) 40182S 2263 2A040 87942-S \ ( 1-20) 40936-S (4) (U-265) (GG-154-B) 372323-S (4) 2265 87942-S( 33799-S I 20) 2A040 2140 (M-52) 2A021 2474 379897-S (NN-128-A) 381684-S ( 34807-S (X-66) wW-130) 2849 358981-S (XX-364) 74279-S 2471 (R-5) 281 291 00 Z Z~ r. In nC 2B19 es, z-co-. 2814 44722-S (X-19) 34807-S (X-66)--3 3923-S (M-32)- 40182-S (U-269) (GG-154-B) 372323-S--A (GG-207) 373842-5__ . - 207) 87942-S ( I-20) 34807-S r (X-66)~~~~ '2A040 33799-S 24201\ 7945-S( 1-23) *2A040 375787-S (11-1)68) W/AUTO . TRA x`87384-S W/STD . TRA N . 315786-S ( 11116-A) W/AUTO . TRANS. *375784-S W/STD . TRANS. I-23) 87945-5 2420 373842-S (GG air 376234-S (GG-95) J 2814 OR 358883-S 383475-S (NN-128) (RR-4-A) P-3678 AL CO 72004-S 2631 (N-41) 2628 28 2628 2853 76007-S (N-6) (72004-SIN-41) 33923-S 2853 (M-32) 2A651 2A605 02 33923-S (M-32) 2A635 73880-S POWER BRAKE BOOSTER-ALL MODELS EXCEPT 8 CYLINDER 390 ENGINES •FAIRLANE STATION WAGON AND ALL FALCON MODELS *FAIRLANE MODELS 63C & D AND 76C & D . COMET - ALL MODELS EXCEPT STATION WAGON (U-264) 2005 (POWER BRAKE ROOSTER) 2365 40923-S POWER BRAKE BOOSTER-ALL MODELS WITH 8 CYLINER 390 ENGINES 22$2 343 2265. 2814 9 *211091 *37 -- - (G ~~ G360 )S 40182-5 (U•269) Y 4263 14465 2264 379605-5 (GG-234) ~ #1965 ONLY *DISC BRAKE ONLY 1 498-5 * 2A040 ~4075 2140 358165-5(11 . 65) 4A040 i#358165 .5 (II-65) t#13480 s 78112 . 24b5 2265 2853 (U-269-D) 373842-S (GG-207) -207) _~ _ 2261-R .H . 2262-L .H . N -39883-S ' *31491-S (U-254) 31497-5-(U-254) J1 33923-5(M-32) -2A602 Ye 4649 i 2A635 1 ® 265 *379604-S s /2814 !® ~t 1 281 2780 I3 478 B ~_ o 2649 P-4470 i-+t210 2A635 *73880-S /44722-5 ) IX-19) 34443-S M-79) 2853 2804 ~ 4042 34808-S (x-67) - "'~p~-2268 74217-5 1 R6) q 4467 40927-5 (U-262 / y 2853, 2265 74277-S (R-6) (4267-R.H. 2268-L .H . 2A635 2282 2649 oC Z ar AC ♦S I, 0 N r, ON .11 ?.: E,n s• o 20 78 *2B112,1 -0 -2263 87459- i .1,JIL.r•-2B11 3 ( I-51-B) 43112 2264-'2365 28091' v 2005 2140 *2082 8 7942 -S ( 1-20) 2455 *-20386-S ) 2454 1 3 480 372878 .st.o...,3344830962-r-65) (M-93) (XX )6) *REFER TO BODY GROUP NUMBER 2768 S 2814 2853 (BB-572-A) 354538-S 879 2-S 87942-S/ ( 1-20) 76028-S (N-17) 72035-S(N-51)--•28 61 87942-S (I-20) ,r.- 2A709 2267 R .H. 2268 L .H 2261 R .N. 2262 L .H. 2265 P-4240 20310-s (B-48) C.)._ 34806-S (X-64) 2282 I -m 00Z Ow Z>4 10 L L1 g ZH Ov~ oap-3u) Z .-3 ta-ec) 8 t1 (e= . g Ro O OD Z 0 ,5 z~ ~N Nr AC CC ;,,m. o a, ▪ • • • 2263 2A040 87942-S (1-20) 2 2 6 3 4.t2B264 / %% 28112 ; , 2 426387942-S (1-20) 4213253 1 40936-S 48457 (U-265) 2078 s *351736-S 40936-S (U-265) 2B276 375096-S (MM-105-F) 2264 P- 5482 87942-S (I-20; 28276 375096-S (MM-105-F)~ 2263 ♦ FORD TAXI NON-POWER 2264 DISC BRAKES •WITH AUTO. TRANS. ONLY **87384-S-ELBOW A354584-S (II-162) ELBOW 9A474 ELBOW USED WITH ANY COMBINATION OF VACUUM ACCESSORIES & POWER BRAKES F < 40936-5 (U-265) 380086-S (BB-539-F)-- 87942-S .. (I-2D) 2282 j-ALSO SERVICED IN 2B257 VALVE ASSY . 4005 (PART OF BOOSTER ASS". ., 87942-S (I-40) 357444-S (I I-64-A) 1967 DISC BRAKES 2A047 2342 87942-5S (I-20) / „__--2263 t2B264 375096-S 2E1112 (MM-105-F) 4141 87942-S (1-20) 1381684-S 28491 W w-I 30) 2A040 2031-R .H . ♦2472 375096-S 2032-L.H . 2B129 (MM-105_F) 2264 2455 *2E1253 , 375096-S (MM-105-F) *6 CYL . 240 A8 CYL . 390 & 42B, ,c8 CYL . 427 i 8 CYL . 289 / 2140 (MASTER CYL .) 2005 (BOOSTER) 28129 / 13480 ~~=> 2474 87942-S ()-20) 358981-S 380699-S (XX-364) (NN-128-F) 2471 P-5481 `"381877-S (UU-52-AF) 2149 4k 2078 f ALSO SERVICED IN 2B257 VALVE ASSY . e '• 382365-S 1813-817-CS f 26464 1~ a 1968 DISC BRAKES *2A040 *28453 i 1 26118-R .H . 4814 87944-S (L20) ♦ * 26)19-L .H . h q ',- 32 88'35 43 75-S )RR-4-A) • / 87942-S([-20) V ,151766-S25.12082 12078 2264 :BRAKES 358609-5 4 D 4463-R .H . 40943-S (MM 103) 4464-L .H . ( U-464) ' •2265 87944-5 *353390-5 B269 A28112 'STANDARD & POWER DRUM BRAKE (1-20) 87942 S(I-40) ♦POWER DISC BRAKE 2078 40923-S(U-264) *28112 1 °-, *28266-* 40923-SW-264) 2149 2078 ALTERNATE 2A040 28269 POWER BRAKE 48457 358609S 2178 (19671 (MM -103) _2265 358609-S (U-253-B) (MM-103) 2265 *28266 2B091 358609-S 2005 ,140125-S 375819-5 (GG-245) *55802-S P-5515 4482 4465 OZ 0 Z nl 4 r m nC N ,n 0 a0 H 51 cao coLzl -,.2° *2A040 *28253 POWER BRAKE DRUM • DISC 358360-S(GG-143) 2264 l 2149 382365-S (BB- 817-CS) 4078 2263-R .H. 644 .H. 2263-R.H. 2264-L.H. t 48464 DISC BRAKES 44722.5(X-19) 2A790 2261-R .H. 2262-L.H . 2267-R .1-I. 2268-L .H. 2853 379930-S0MM-173-M 31497-S(N-254) 31497-5(U-254) I 2465 40184-XU-469)352358-S (NN27-B) 2078 358609-S(MM-103) 2814 2061-R .H . 2078 4062-L.H. 87944-S(1 .20) ti 40923-S(U-464) \ * 2A040 2780 P-5516 375096-S A474 ''t2B112~ 358609-S s . - / (U-265) 40936-S 2149 ri / 2A8042454 2A481 , 28091- 28255 26120-LR .H .% 26121- .H . 358609 -S(MM-1 03) 40936--(U-265) .2082 75C96-S (MM-1 055-F) ~ t 48264 , (MM-103) OR~ 2471 383475-5 2A188 2853 (RR-4-A) 247\1\ 13480 2455 87945-S(I-23) 2420 / 2-22642264 375096-S (MM-1 05-F) 28257 351 736 (MM-105-H) * 28253 / * 2A04 87942 -S(I-20 *353390-S87942 -S(I -20) 2263 40936-5(U-265) F--2263 2B253 *2A040 2474 26129 358609-S(MM-103) ~(MM-105-F) 5 5768-S `- 3 53574 * -5(XX-355) 359662-S (B8-575-A) /2795 BOLT (B-156) *34941-SL .W 20347-S 2267-R . H. 2A635-R .H . 2073 H 2A635 22624. .H 2282'-46 49 2091 2261-R o Z Om zy - nC m rr N .A, 2442 0 2140 382535-S (MM-173-MX) 2A047 H' 381877-S (UU-52-AF) L .H . SHOWN R .H . SIMILAR 380086-S (BB-539-F) 381877_S---.-4 (UU-52-AF) 373403-S -' *40980-S , -(MM-173-J) 2005 87945-S (1-23) __2471 BRAKE BOOSTER WIT SPEED CONTROL *2A040,« .~ :ods:s_c ~~ 1\ *2A188 *2B253 I/ 48149~> / 2B129353574-S 2474 (CYLINDER) 2005 13480 (BOOSTER) (XX-355) BRAKE BOOSTER WITHOUT SPEED CONTROL 942-S 37 96- S 8 750 381799-S *2A 040 (1.20) (MM-1 05-F) (GG-274) `~~ *213253 375096-SSS (MM-1 05-F) PART OF 2263 26257 ASSY 33797-S (M-50) -~~, 34806-S '' '~,~_ ._~~26091 (X-65) --*28266 381877-5 /34670-5 56120-S g1 */ (UU-52-AF) (M_5 *) 28112 87942-S 358609-S (1-20) (MM-103) 372323-S (GG-154B) 2263 2342 *56151- S t ALSO SERVICED IN 2B257 VALVE ASSY . #8 CYL. 429 AND 460 ENGINES *8 CYL . 390 ENGINE P-6399 379930-S (MM-173-M) 2A815 383475-S IRR-4-A) -40" T _i ONLY AS PART OF 2780 PARKING BRAKE CONTROL ASSY . VACUUM RELEASE CONTROL MOTOR IS SERVICED 2A635-R.H . 2A602 I Z 1N O'0 Z 00 m AC O 00 k oNog l 381877-S (lIU-52-AF) 2263 358609-S , iMM-103) 28257 28264 2455 *382802-S * 28253 381877-S IUU-52-AF) 28129 13480 2474 28363 382967-S (MM-102) ` 2263\ 28266 358609-S (ISM-103) ~ 28091 382802-S (MM-173-JB) 375096-S (MM-1 05-F) k2B113 380699-S (NN-128-F) 28129 *40980-S 2282 55914-S (U-254-F) *REFER TO BODY GROUP NUMBER 7519 7526 7521 2471 381619-S (NN-128-J) 2267 `~• 382967-S (MM-102) OPTIONAL INSTALLATION 2261-R .H . 2262-L.11 . 358360-S (GG-143) P-6718 ? \110P 381877-S (UU-52-AF) 2B57 \ 382967-S (MM-102) 2471 350879-S 380699-S (BB-566-X] (NN-128-F) 2B)29 382967-5 (MM-102 55914-S \382802-S (U-254-F) 358360-S IMM-173-JB) (GG-143) 2471 O 33214-S IGG-163-YD) 382365-S *REFER TO BODY GROUP NUMBER (BB-817-CS) P-6720 381877-5 (UU-52-AF) 2261-R .H . ! 2262-L .H . 1 REAR 2061-R .H /2062-L .H.. FRONT 381877-S (UU-52-AF) 0 O Z N Z C -1 N m Nr co 2A804 *374032-5 15A670 '-3 . 11 2265 f 379930-S (MM-173-M) 358609-S (MM-103) ` 28264 *28253 *2A`\ 37 .5096-S Z 4cn (MM-105-F) 381799-S (GG-274) 37 .5096-S(MM-105-F) 382967-S (MM-102) 1~7 381877-S (UU-52-AF) and 28091 PCI 358609-S (MM-103) o POWER DISC BRAKES g0l 375096-S (MM-105-F) 382967-S (MM-102) ,~. 0 ,22631 381877-5 (UU-52-AF) 382967-S (MM-102) 358360-S (GG-143) 1 382967-S (MM-102) 2474 28257 28269 382967-S 383057-S(I1-61-X) (MM-102) 382967-S (MM-102) 375096-S (MM-105-F) 358609-S (MM-103) 382967-S (MM•102) ~2B253 ' ) tALSO SERVICED IN 2B257 VALVE ASSY . *378526-5 P-6754 381799-S (GG-274) 2B269DRUM 2263 DISC NI. DO K i7 30 2780 2E!n-r " TO REAR BRAKES 2B255 FROM ACTUATOR OUTLET 358609-S 2B387 \ (MM-103) 211385 28386 381877-S --"-G )UU-52-A F) --- t.D IUi C: t/l Pm •ni BODY CROSSMEMBER ( / , //---' 383057-S (II-61-X) UNION 14604 GROMMET 14604 381877-S (UU-52-AF) 382365-S (BB-817-CS) 2149 34976-S (m-89-CA) Z N 00 Z> m r' AC - oREFER TO BODY SECTION 372182-S (GG-213-E) 55981-S (U-254-E) 2 DOOR BODY TYPES 2A808 2853 2780 00 Z m n -OA - -1 0 10 Z FORD caR ILLUSTRATION SECTION 20 PARrs 25 * 2A040 382967-S (MM-102) 382967-5 (MM-102) 358609-S (MM-103) 2264 28264 303057-5 (11-61-X) 2264 382967-S (MM-102) 2078-R .H 2078-L .H. 382365-5 2149 (BB-817-CS) POWERDISC BRAKE 383908-S 381877-5(GG-163-YS) '' 28269 269 (UU-52-AF) 1 358609-S (MM-103) 213257 5' 28269 33770-S (M-89-K) NON-POWER DRUM BRAKE n ! -~ 2R2~so *384028-5 (U-254-E) 55981-S (U-254-E) *383695-S NON-POWER DRUM BRAKE 2005 350879-S (BB-566-X) 2B022 381694-S (WW-)31-A) 372637-S (W W-110-A) t ALSO SERVICED IN 28257 VALVE ASSY. 373403-S (MM-173-J)*USED WITH EMISSION CONTROL FUEL SYSTEM POWER DISC BRAKE BOOSTER INSTALLATION P-7308 DISC & DRUM BRAKE SYSTEM May, 1975 1970/71 FAIRLANE/TORINO COPYRIGHT 01975- FORD MOTOR COMPANY - DEARBORN,MICHIGAN FINAL ISSUE 26 ILLUSTRATION SECTION 20 FORD CAR PARTS 2A635 PARKING BRAKE SYSTEM 1970/71 FAIRLANE/TORINO ILLUSTRATION SECTION 20 358609-S (MM-103) 27 *384029-S c.* 2A040 375096-S (MM-105-F) \ *2E253\ '34.. 351736-S (MM-105-H) 382967-S (MM-102) DRUM BRAKE SYSTEM 1970/72 FORD May, 1975 COPYRIGHT 0 1975 - FORD MOTOR COMPANY -DEARBORN, MICHIGAN FINAL ISSUE 2F ILLUSTRATION SECTION 20 FORD CAR AAR7S 381877-S (UU-52-AF) 380699-S 381877-S (N N-128-F) (UU-52-AF) 2263-R .H. 2264-L.H. 358609-S (MM-103) 2078 O 381877-S (UU-52-AF) 382365-S (BB-817-CS) 2267 DISC BRAKE SYSTEM 1970/71 FORD 2282 FORD caR AaRrs 29 ILLUSTRATION SECTION 20 358609-S (MM-)03) 28386 375096-S (MM-105-F) 381877-5 (UU-52-AF) 55981-S--.{Elj< (U-254-E) lU~ 28375 48002 (ACTUATOR) 382967-S (MM-102) 375096-S (MM-105-F) 20344-S (B-42) 28368 (FILTER) 8287 28370 (TO 9A474) 383121-S (MM-192-UA) 2B384 (ROTOR) PART OF AXLE SHAFT 2B372 (SENSOR) PART OF AXLE HOUSING WHEEL BEARING P-7o79 BRAKE ANTI-SKID CONTROL SYSTEM 1970 THUNDERBIRD - "Before 1/12/70" May, 1975 COPYRIGHT O 7075 _ FORD MOTOR CO MPANY -D,ARDDR , MI„" IGAN FINAL ISSUE 30 ILLUSTRATION SECTION 20 FORD CAR AARTS 381877-S (UU-52-AF) 28162 382967-S (MM-102) *2A040 •55981-S a (U-254-El ♦384275 N. 2B002 (ACTUATOR) 382967-S AM-102) 375096-S (MM-105-F) 28385 28 (TO FILTER) ER) 34392-S (M-93) --AIL PART OF 28002 ACTUATOR ITO CONTROL MODULE) P-7680 BRAKE ANTI-SKID CONTROL SYSTEM (SURE-TRACK) 1970/71 THUNDERBIRD - "From 1/12/70" FORD cAR Pons ILLUSTRATION SECTION 20 31 55981-S 2264 (U-254-E) f 28264 358609-S M-103) 28257 358609-S (MM-103) *28253 2265 (BB-566-X) 55914 .s'---.-,/''''''2454 (DISC) 2457 (DRUM) (U-254-F) P-7934 • REFER TO BODY SECTION # ALSO SERVICED IN 2B257 VALVE ASSY. DISC and DRUM BRAKE SYSTEM 1971/72 PINTO May, 1975 COPYRIGHT O 1975- FORD MOTOR COMPANY -DEARBORN, MICHIGAN swami n. r~IMMi IJJVC 32 ILLUSTRATION SECTION 20 FORD CAR HARTS 2A635 P-8064 PARKING BRAKE SYSTEM 1971/72 BRONCO FORD CAR PARTS ILLUSTRATION SECTION 20 33 381877-S (UU-52-AF) 382802-S (MM-173-iB) 381599-S (GG-260) ;4 ' 2268 382967-S (MM-105 .F) (MM-102) 382967-S NI (MM-102) 3 ^ 2A040 2282 ~~~ 3 82967 -S * 28253 -ti I~ (MM -1 02) P 2263-R .H . 358609-S 2264-L .H . ~(MM-103) 382967-S (MM-102) 381877-5 2265 (UU-52-AF) 381877-S 2265 (UU-52-AF) 358609-S (MM-103) 382967-S (MM-102) 381877-S 2149 (UU-52-AF) 382365-S (BB-817-CS) O • REFER TO GROUP NUMBER IN IN BODY SECTION t ALSO SERVICED IN 28257 VALVE ASSY. DISC BRAKE SYSTEM 1971 THUNDERBIRD May, 1975 COPYRIGHT O 1975 - FORD MOTOR COMPANY -DEARBORN, MICHIGAN FINAL ISSUE 34 FORD CAR PARTS ILLUSTRATION SECTION 20 2282 358609-S (MM-103) 8 CYL . 302 .4/B, 35), 429 ENGINES 0 33770-S (M-89-K) 382802-S (MM-173-J B) 56349-S (B-316-X) Lt 4022 r 2455 / *2A188 2471-i 1 134800 2471 L 353574-S (XX-355) 2282 380699-S (NN-128-F) 6 CYL . 250 and 8 CYL . 302-2/B ENGINES i 376219 S (GG-151( 2)40 375096-S (MM-105-F) * 28253 *2A040 52012-S (1.1-202) 382967-S (MM-)02) t ALSO SERVICED IN 2B257 VALVE ASSY . DISC BRAKE SYSTEM 1971/72 MUSTANG J 55981-S (U-254-E) 382802-S (MM-173-JB) 2A487 P-8141 2853 3i ILLUSTRATION SECTION 20 FORD C4R PARTS 4 382836-S 2A651 -id((VC(CM(((((((((((iuufw- ii 2A602 383475-S (RR-4-A) 2A635 P-8143 PARKING BRAKE SYSTEM 1971/72 MUSTANG May, 1975 COPYRIGHT 0 1975- FORD MOTOR COMNY PA -DEARBORN, MICHIGAN FINAL ISSUE 36 ILLUSTRATION SECTION 20 FORD CAR PARTS 2268 ,\ 2282 358609-S (MM-103) 8 CYL. 302- 4/B, 351, 429 ENGINES 358609-5 (MM-103) 6 CYL . 250, 8 CYL . 302- 2 / B ENGINES 55981-S 28180 (U-254-E) O 0 358609-S*2A040 t 28264 (MM-103) 382967-S (MM-102) DRUM BRAKE SYSTEM 1971/72 MUSTANG ILLUSTRATION SECTION 20 FORD caR PARrs 37 2853 2A635 O 383475-S (R-4-A) 2A635 383475-S (R-4-A) O 2A790 2A635 PARKING BRAKE SYSTEM 1972 TORIN • May, 1975 COPYRIGHT 0 1975 - FORD MOTOR COMPANY - DEARBORN, MICHIGAN FINAL ISSUE 38 ILLUSTRATION SECTION 20 FORA CAR PARTS 2A635 2780 PART OF 2780 2853 n PARKING BRAKE SYSTEM 1972 THUNDERBIRD v u P-8682 FORD CAR PARTS ILLUSTRATION SECTION 20 39 2082 . .. . 382802-S 56350-S (8-317) 28129 2)40 t ALSO SERVICED IN 380699-S 28257 (NN-128-F) 2474 33799-5 (M-52) 13480 2B 1 29 'AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION' VALVE ASSY. lvlay, 1975 01508 (mm-173-JB) DISC BRAKE SYSTEM 1972 TORINO cop-thGril 0 Ii- FORD MOTOR COMPANY -DEARBORN, MICHIGAN FINAL ISSUE 40 ILLUSTRATION SECTION 20 FORD co PARTS 7521 383368-S (GG-163-YM)/ 0)508 55981-S (U-254-E) FORD May, 1975 co AARTs ILLUSTRATION SECTION 20 BRAKE ANTI-SKID CONTROL SYSTEM (SURE-TRACK) 1972 THUNDERBIRD COPYRIGHT 0 1975 - FORD MOTOR COMPANY - _nceonnau u '~"~'~ FINAL ISSUE 41 42 FORD CAR PARTS ILLUSTRATION SECTION 20 2082 381877-S (UU-52-AF) *383420-S 2-A040 2078 2267 2814 r. "'""" 358360-S (GG-)43) 381877-S (UU-52-AF) 2282 ® • ALSO SERVICED IN 28257 VALVE ASSY. REFER TO Rom SECTION P-8819 DISC BRAKE SYSTEM 1072 THUNDERBIRD 43 FORD CAR AARrS ILLUSTRATION SECTION 20 f 352605-S 381599-S (GG-260) 1.::::-- 381877-S (UU-52-AF) 381877-S 382479-S )UU-52-AF) (GG-277-A) 381877-5 (GG-149) 2264-L .H. (UU-52-AF) 2263-R .H . 377774-S (GG-270) 381877-S 2149 (UU-52-AF) I 382365-S (BB-817-CS) 2267 2268 O P-8944 • REFER TO BODY SECTION 4ALSO SERVICED IN 28257 VALVE ASSY. DISC BRAKE SYSTEM 1972 FGRD May . 1975 COPYRIGHT O 1975 _ FORD MOTOR COMPANY -DEARBORN, MICHIGAN E:!: A i 'wo_'_ 44 ILLUSTRATION SECTION 20 FORD CAR PARTS 2082 20348-S (B-77( (BOLT) 34807-S (X-66( (WASHER) 370584-S (BB-420) P-10475 DRUM BRAKE SYSTEM 1971/72 BRONCO FORD CAR HARTS ILLUSTRATION SECTION 20 .1 13480 87531-S (I .11) (8 CYL. 87495-S (I-28-D)(6 CYL .( BRAKE MASTER CYLINDER - TYPICAL 1965/66 FORD, FAIRLANE, FALCON, MUSTANG, THUNDERBIRD and 1966 BRONCO t ALSO SERVICED IN 2004 REPAIR KIT A SERVICED ONLY IN 2140 ASSY. 2004 1967/72 BRONCO . FORD, FAIRLANE/ May, 1975 RINO,EFALCON, PINTO, MAVERICK, MUSTANG, THUNDERBIRD COPYRIGHT o 1975- R FORDM T -DEARBORN, MICHIGAN FINAL ISSUE 1 2 FORD ILLUSTRATION SECTION 20 .1 caR pans 2061 - R .H . (FRONT) 2062 - L .H . (FRONT) 2261 - R .H . (REAR) 2262 - L .H . (REAR) P-2264 BRAKE CYLINDER 1965/72 FORD 2061 FRONT REAR 1966/72 BRAKE CYLINDER 1965/72 FAIRLANE/TORINO, THUNDERBIRD BRONCO, FALCON, MUSTANG, MAVERICK,1971/72 PINTO P-3906 c 0 Z 70 Hp m 4 ILLUSTRATION SECTION 20 .1 FORD CAR PARTS • ALSO SERVICED IN 2A094 BRAKE SHOE HOLD DOWN KIT % USE FOR 1965/68 FORD & MERCURY t USE FOR 1969 FORD & MERCURY REFER TO ILLUSTRATION P-2284 IN THIS SECTION FOR DETAIL PARTS FRONT & REAR DRUM BRAKES ( SELF ADJUSTING) - TYPICAL 1965/72 FORD & THUNDERBIRD P 3380 FORD CAR PARTS ILLUSTRATION 5 SECTION 20.1 2042440 375748-S (BB-807-EA) 2026 375381-S 2240 (BB-807. D) *ALSO SUPPLIED IN 2A094 BRAKE SHOE HOLD DOWN KIT • REFER TO ILLUSTRATION P-3906 IN THIS SECTION FOR DETAIL PARTS 1965/72 FAIRLANE/TORINO . May, 1975 •2066 P-3703 FRONT & REAR DRUM BRAKES 1965/70 FATfON, 1065/78 MUSTANG, 1970/72 dA ERICK, 1971/72 PINTO COPYRIGHT 0 1975- FORD MOTOR COMPANY -DEARBORN, MICHIGAN FINAL ISSUE 6 ILLUSTRATION SECTION 20 .1 FORD CAR PARTS •2219 *351647-S (XX-352) t4485 2106 I t 351939-s (SS-13) 2A179 f SERVICED IN 2007 LINING KIT A SERVICED IN 2001 BRAKE SHOE AND LINING KIT • ALSO SERVICED IN 2A094 BRAKE SHOE HOLD DOWN KIT FRONT & REAR DRUM BRAKES 1966/72 BRONCO P-6602 a Li a ,,,,Ia) y 53 w H (B B•199-N) 380436-S (X-69) 34810-S 34956-S (LW .) (X-82) (BOLT) (8-48) 20310S - 1102 REFER TO GROUP 1102 FOR PART NUMBER & MODEL APPLICATION t ALSO SERVICED IN 2221 KIT It SERVICED IN 2001 KIT • 1967 ♦ IF MORE THAN ONE BOLT HAS TO BE REPLACED IN AN ASSEMBLYCOMPLETE HUB AND DRUM MUST BE REPLACED * 1965/66 28116 10-70 P-4603 28126-L .H. *281642K006-R .H. (BB-574-C) 28127 378659-S C ~Z 00 0 ZD m (X-68) 34809-S (BB-815-B) 379027-S IBB-194-M1 OR 378773-S (BB-545M) * 28118-R.H. * 2B119-L .H. N-80) 34445-S 1201 tt 2018 ~,-~- It SERVICED IN 2001 KIT 2B164 (1967)- 28127-1965/66 ONLY cf-.-42741-S (U-2) • ►. 1216 2B120-R .H. 28121-L .H. * (CUT FROM BULK TUBING) A IF MORE THAN ONE BOLT HAS TO BE REPLACED IN AN ASSEMBLYCOMPLETE HUB AND DRUM MUST BE REPLACED f ALSO SERVICED IN 2221 KIT • REFER TO GROUP 1102 FOR PART NUMBER & MODEL APPLICATION OR 382101-S ( BB -429R) (BB-445-R) 378225-S 26135-L.H . _ 1007 10-70 P-4604 1130 00 ~z Z C O-4 rn 1 co t ALSO SERVICED IN 2221 KIT • REFER TO GROUP 1102 FOR PART NUMBER & MODEL APPLICATION P-6219 M W n a w x a5 no w G N ti g?' g O OH REFER TO GROUP 1102 FOR PART NUMBER & MODEL APPLICATION I 134808-S (X-67) f ALSO SERVICED IN 2221 KIT 372520- S (XX-305-A) _ (BB-429-W F) P-6218 0 t ASERVICED ONLY IN 2001 KIT *ALSO SERVICED IN 2001 KIT %SERVICED ONLY IN 2221 KIT ALSO SERVICED IN 2221 KIT 2B160 3106 28120 • 28164 % 28115 2196 t 2207 I- 28164 1705 P-8754 tcl x z ar o m LSS my co ~ W Ca g 16 CYLINDER 354584-S (I 1462) (STD . TRAN .) 18CYLINDER 2420 375787-S ( II-116-B) (WITH AUTO . TRAN .) 375786-S (AUTO . TRAN.) (II-116-A) 7B094 (WITH AUTO . TRAN .) *REFER TO BODY GROUP NUMBER 2140 2B093 2005 2A047 3 - REFER TO STANDARD BRAKE SYSTEM ILLUSTRATION FOR CONTIN UATION 2031 *2032 74279-S (R-5)''"--, 358981-S (XX-364) 2471 L 2457 (STD. IRAN .) R I 7A624 352358-S (NN-127) 2455 (AUTO . TRAN .; 20311 .5 7A630 J (B-153 / & 31498-S 34804-5 (U-253-B) (X-64) 7583 7535 7A630 AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION 7A505 355471-S(8B-651) 2471 ,,,"-0 z z? N ♦N m r AC Nr A A 28152 n 2A365 - n 28014 •2A020 1 n376417-S 2377 ~ (QQ-60) P-4893 REPAIR KIT n ALSO SUPPLIED IN 2309 REPAIR KIT ONLY *SUPPLIED IN 2309 BOOSTER ASSEMBLY ♦ SUPPLIED IN 2005 *ALSO SUPPLIED IN 2005 BRAKE BOOSTER ASSY . 0 Z> N w Z .~1 nc Nr n.D 0 D3 =O A Q 30 2377 72016-S A SUPPLIED IN 2005 BOOSTER ASSEMBLY ONLY n SUPPLIED IN 2005 BOOSTER ASSEMBLY AND 2004 MASTER CYLINDER REPAIR KIT (XX-352) * 2431-~ 351467-S 2A021,~. (XX-352) 351467-S P-4892 4. ILLUSTRATION A SECTION 30 FORD cAR PARTS INDEX THIS INDEX SECTION INCLUDES THE FOLLOWING MAJOR GROUPS: FRONT AXLE FRONT SUSPENSION STEERING 1965 TITLE 1SECTION PAGE ~ ILLUS . NO. A (FORD) FRONT SUSPENSION - arms, shock absorbers, spindles, springs, stabilizer STEERING Manual steering system Steering gear details Steering linkage Power steering system Pump det3.Ils - Ford type - Eaton type Steering gear details - Ford type - Saginaw type Steering linkage Steering column - automatic trans . -column s p lit -fixed - movable - floor shift - manual trans . - column shift - floor shift Steering wheel & horn ring 30 1 P-4545 36 .1 36 36 36 .2 36 .2 36 .1 36 .1 36 A72 A72 35 72 35 138 1 1 1 2 1 P-4607 P-4579 P-4579 P-4574 P-9579 2 3 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 P-4577 P-4723 P-4579 P-4930 P-4931 P-5495 30 2 P-3675 35 32 36 36 .2 36 .2 36.2 36 . 2 35 36 A72 35 72 35 2 1 2 5 6 2 1 2 2 3 2 3 2 P-3724 P-3669 P-3773 P-T454 P-4180 P-4574 P-9579 P-3724 P-3773 --P-3713 P-3724 P-3712 P-3724 30 180 4 1 P-3120 P-3129 36 .1 32 32 36 36 36 36 .2 36 .2 36 . 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 2 1 4 36 36 36 35 138 138 4 5 6 4 2 1 P-3122 P-3121 P-4483 P-4139 P-4606 P-4605 P-4574 P-9579 P-3122 P-4139 P-4606 P-4605 P-6366 P-4514 P-4955 P-4794 P-5495 P-4864 B (FAIRLANE) - FRONT SUSPENSION - arms, shock absorbers, spindles, springs, stabilizer STEERING Manual steering system Steering gear details Steering linkage Power steering system ------------ ---- ---- Control valve details 1i der details Pump details -- ford type -- Eaton type Steering gear details __ Steering linkage Steering column - automatic transmission - column shift - floor shift - manual transmission - column shift - floor shift _ _Steering wheel & horn ring - -_ F (MUSTANG) ay, FRONT SUSPENSION - arms, spindles, springs Shock absorbers STEERING Manual steering system Steering gear details Steering linkage - 6 cyl . - 8 cyl . Power steering system - with Eaton pump - 6 cyl . - with Ford pump - 8 cyl . - with Ford pump Pump details - Ford tvoe - Eaton type Steering gear details Steering linkage - 6 & 8 cyl . - with Eaton pump - 6 cyL - with Ford pump - with Ford pump - 8 cyl . Steering column Steering wheel & horn ring - except GT - (IT COMPANY DEARBORN, MICHIGAN 1 FINAL ISSUE - B Foe ILLUSTRATION SECTION 30 co Pars INDEX 1965 TITLE F (MUSTANG) - ~ SECTION PAGE ~ ILLUS. Nu. continued Control valve details-6 cyl. -8 cyl. Cylinder details 36 .2 5 4 6 P-7454 P-7453 P-4180 30 5 P-4400 36 36 .2 36 . 2 36 .1 36 A72 A72 138 7 2 6 2 P-4578 P-4574 P-9579 P-4577 P-4578 P-3284 P-4224 P-4544 30 180 4 1 P-3120 P-3129 36 .1 32 32 36 36 36 .2 36 .2 P-3122 P-3121 P-4483 P-4606 P-4605 P-7454 P-7453 36 .2 36 .2 36 . 2 36 .1 36 36 A72 35 72 35 138 4 2 3 5 6 5 4 6 2 1 4 5 6 7 4 4 4 1 P-4180 P-4574 P-9579 P-3122 P-4606 P-4605 P-4601 P-6366 P-4600 P-6366 P-4864 30 1 P-4545 -4545 36 .1 36 36 36 .2 36 .1 36 .1 36 A72 A72 35 72 35 138 1 1 1 2 2 3 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 P-4607 P-4579 P-4579 P-4574 P-4577 P-4723 P-4579 P-4930 P-4931 36 .2 36 . 2 S (THUNDERBIRD) FRONT SUSPENSION - arms, shock absorbers, spindles, springs, stabilizer STEERING Power steering system Pump details - Ford type - Eaton type Steering gear details Steering linkage Steering column - automatic trans . - column shift - fixed - movable Steering wheel & horn ring 1 2 7 5 X (FALCON) FRONT SUSPENSION - arms, spindles, springs - shock absorbers STEERING Manual steering system Steering gear details Steering linkage - 6 cyl . - 8 cyl . Power steering system - 6 cyl . - 8 cyl . Control valve details - 6 cyl . - 8 cyl . Cylinder details Pump details - Ford type - Eaton type Steering gear details Steering linkage - 6 cyl . - 8 cyl . Steering column - automatic transmission - column shift - floor shift - manual transmission - column shift - floor shift Steering wheel & horn ring 9 A (FORD) FRONT SUSPENSION - arms, shock absorbers, spindles, springs, stabilizer STEERING steering system Steering gear details Steering linkage Power steering system Pump deta1l Steering gear details - Ford type - Saginaw type Steering linkage Steering column - automatic trans . - column shift - fixed - movable - floor shift - manual trans . - column shift - floor shift Steering wheel & horn ring P-5495 P-4794 P-5495 P-4864 FORD CAR PARTS C ILLUSTRATION SECTION 30 INDEX TITLE SECTION ~ PAGE ~ ILLUS . NO. 1966 B (FAIRLANE) FRONT SUSPENSION - arms, shock absorbers, spindles, springs, stabilizer STEERING Manual steering system Steering gear details Steering linkage Power steering system Control valve details Cylinder details Pump details Steering gear details Steering linkage Steering column - automatic transmission - column shift - floor shift - manual transmission - column shift - floor shift Steering wheel & horn ring - wood grain - 3 spoke - exc . wood grain - 2 spoke 30 3 P-4945 36 . 1 32 36 36 .2 36 .2 36 .2 36 .1 36 A72 35 72 35 138 138 6 1 3 5 6 2 6 3 4 3 5 3 1 3 P-9859 P-3669 P-4986 p-7454 P-4180 P-4574 P-9859 P-4986 P-5001 P-5138 P-5000 P-5138 P-4955 P-5145 30 3 ! P-4945 6 2 3 5 6 5 4 6 2 6 2 3 4 2 1 P-9859 P-3121 P-4483 P-4606 P-4605 p_ 7454 --P-7453 P-4180 P-4574 P-9859 P-3121 P-4483 P-6366 P-4514 P-4955 F (MUSTANG) FRONT SUSPENSION - arms, shock absorbers, spindles, springs STEERING Manual steering system Steering gear details Steering linkage - 6 cyl. - 8 cyl . Power steering system ystem--- 6 cyl. - 8 cyl . Control valve details-6 cyl. -8 cyl. Cylinder details Pump details - Steering gear details -Steering linkage -L-6 cyl. - 8 cyl . Steering column Steering wheel & horn ring - except GT - GT - _ 36 .1 32 32 36 36 36 .2 36 . 2 36 .2 - 36 .2 36 .1 32 32 35 138 138 --_ - S (THUNDERBIRD) FRONT SUSPENSION - arms, shock absorbers, spindles, springs, stabilizer STEERING Power steering system Pump details Steering gear details Steering linkage Steering column - automatic trans . - column shift - fixed - movable Steering wheel & horn ring Mav 1975 COPYRIGHT 0 1975- FORD MOTOR COMPANY 30 5 P-4400 36 36 .2 36 .1 36 A72 A72 138 7 2 2 7 5 6 2 P-4578 P-4574 P-4577 P-4578 P-3284 P-4224 P-4544 -DEARBORN . MICHIGAN - - ~~u a nn• n•N D ILLUSTRATION SECTION 30 FORD caR A4Rrs INDEX TITLE SECTION ~ PAGE ~ ILLUS. NO. 1966 U (BRONCO) FRONT AXLE FRONT SUSPENSION - air spring installation - spindles - springs, arms, shock absorbers STEERING Manual steering system Steering gear details Steering linkage Steering column - manual transmission - column shift Steering wheel & horn ring 30 30 30 30 7 12 7 6 P-5312 P-10676 P-5312 P-4938 36 .1 30 35 138 6 6 7 3 P-9981 P-4938 P-4962 P-4953 FRONT SUSPENSION - arms, shock absorbers, spindles, springs, 30 3 stabilizer STEERING Manual steering system Steering gear details 6 36 .1 Steering linkage 32 1 Power steering system _ __~ 36 . 3 Control valve details 36,2 '5 Cylinder details 36.2 6 ---------- ---- ------- 36 .2 2 Pump details Steering gear details 36 .1 6 Steering linkage 36 3 Steering column - automatic transmission - column shift A72 4 - floor shift 35 3 - manual transmission - column shift 5 72 - floor shift 35 3 Steering wheel & horn ring 138 3 P-4945 X (FALCON) _ A (FORD) P-9859 P-3669 P-4986 P--T454 P-4180 P--45---74 -P-9859 P-4986 P-5001 P-5138 P-5000 P-5138 P-5145 1967 FRONT SUSPENSION - arms, shock absorbers, spindles, springs, 30 stabilizer - STEERING Manual steering system Steering gear details 36 .1 Steering linkage - 6 cyl . 36 - 8 cyl . 36 Power steering system - 6 cyl . 36 - 8cyl . 36 Pump details 36 .2 Steering gear details - Ford type 36 .1 - Saginaw type 36 .1 Steering linkage - 6 cyl. 86 - 8 cyl . 36 Steering column - automatic transmission - column shift A72 - floor shift 35 - manual transmission 72 - column shift Steering wheel & horn ring - except wood grain - 2 spoke 138 - wood grain - 3 spoke 138 floor shift 35 1 - P-4545- - - 1 8 9 8 9 3 2 3 8 9 8 1 7 P-4607 P-5616 P-5617 P-5616 P-5617 P-5615 P-4577 P-4723 P-56-16-P-5617 P-5497 P-5495 P-5496 1 P-5405 4 6 P44 P-5747 - FORD cm pews E ILLUSTRATION SECTION 30 INDEX TITLE SECTION PAGE ILLUS . NO. 1967 B (FAIRLANE) - - FRONT SUSPENSION - arms, A Ca absorbers, spindles , springs, stabilizer _ STEERING Manual steering system Steering gear details Steering linkage Power steering system Control valve details Cylinder details Pump details Steering gear details Steering linkage Steering Column -automatic 30 3 P-4945 __ -- -- 35 72 35 138 138 3 4 3 5 3 5 6 _ _ 1)-9859 P-5959 P-4986 p-7454 P-4180 P-5615 P-9859 P-4 8 8 -----M-6-OT P-5138 P-5000 P-5138 P-5745 P-5747 30 3 P-4945 36 .1 32 36 36 .2 36 .2 36 .2 36 .1 6 4 10 - P-9859 P-5959 P-5714 P-74 54 P-4180 P-5615 P-9859 3 6 f 4 35 35 138 138 6 5 5 6 -5710 P-5622 P-5746 P-5747 3 .1 32 38 36.2 36 .2 36 .2 36 . 1 36 _ - nsmission =caimnshiri - floor shift - manual transmission - column shift - floor shift Steering wheel & horn ring - except wood grain - wood grain --AM 6 4 3 5 6 3 __ F (MUSTANG) FRONT SUSPENSION - arms, shock absorbers, spindles, springs, stabilizer _ STEERING Manual steering system Steering gear details Steering linkage Power steering system Control valve details Cylinder details Pump details Steering gear details Steering linkage Steering column - fixed wheel - tilt wheel Steering wheel & horn ring - except wood grain - wood grain May, 1975 May, COPYRIGHT 0 1975 - FORD MOTOR COMPANY MICHIGAN 6 3 -- - maw s seer a. 1n0•011010 - F ILLUSTRATION SECTION 30 FORD CAR PARTS INDEX SECTION PAGE TITLE I ILLUS . NO. 1967 S (THUNDERBIRD) FRONT SUSPENSION - arms, shock absorbers, spindles, springs, stabilizer STEERING Power steering system Pump details Steering gear details Steering linkage Steering column - automatic transmission - column shift Steering wheel & horn ring 30 1 P-4545 36 36 .2 36 .1 36 A72 138 11 3 2 11 9 4 P-5618 P-5615 P-4577 P-5618 P-5493 P-5743 -_ U (BRONCO) FRONT AXLE FRONT SUSPENSION - air spring installation - arms, shock absorbers, springs - spindles STEERING Manual steering system Steering gear details Steering linkage Steering column - manual transmission - column shift ring Steering wheel- & 7 30 30-- -- 1Z 30 6 30 7 P-5312 -- P-1R678 P-4938 P-5312 _ 36.1 6 30 6 35 . . . 7 138 3 p_gggl P-4938 P 4962 P-4953 30 3 P-4945 6 36 .1 32 -- 4 36 3 5 36 .2 36 .2 6 36 .2 3 6 36 .1 36 3 A72 4 35 3 5 72 35 3 138 5 138 6 P-9859 P-5959 P-4986 p-7454 P-4180 P-5615 P-9859 P-4986 P-5001 P-5138 P-5000 P-5138 P-5745 P-5747 X (FALCON) FRONT FRONT SUSPENSION - arms, shock absorbers, spindles, springs, stabilizer STEERING Manual steering system Steering gear details Steering linkage Power steering system Control valve details Cylinder details Pump details Steering gear details Steering linkage Steering column - automatic transmission - column shift - floor shift - manual transmission - column shift - floor shift Steering wheel & horn ring - except wood grain - wood grain 1968 A (FORD) FRONT SUSPENSION - arms, shock absorbers, spindles, springs, stabilizer STEERING Manual steering system Steering gear details Steering linkage - 6 cyl. - 8 cyl . Power steering system - 6 cyl. - 8 cyl . Pump details Steering gear details -Ford ype _ Saginaw type Steering linkage - 6 cyl. - 8 cvi . 30 1 P-4545 36 .1 36 36 36 36 36 .2 38 .1 36 .1 36 36 1 8 9 8 9 3 2 3 8 9 P-4607 P-5616 P-5617 P-5616 P-5617 P-5615 - -P-4723 P-5616 P-5617 _ -- ----- FORD cAR PARTS ILLUSTRATION SECTION 30 INDEX SECTION PAGE TITLE i ILLUS . NO. 1968 A (FORD) - continued Steering c7umn - au~oinati Trans . column shift - tixedW ieel - tilt wheel - floor shift - fixed wheel - tilt wheel - manual trans . - column shift - fixed wheel - floor shift - tilt wheel Steering wheel & horn ring A'12 A72 1lf 11 P-6017 P-5986 35 35 72 35 35 138 8 9 8 8 9 7 P-5984 P-0016 P-5985 P-5984 P-6016 P-6025 30 8 P-6927 4 6 3 5 6 3 -6 3 14 10 9 10 7 P-5959 P-9859 P-4988 P-7454 P-4180 P-5615 P-9 59 P-4986 P-6020 P-6018 P-6019 P-6018 P-6025 30 8 P-6927 32 98 .1 36 36 .2 36 .2 36 .2 36 .1 36 35 35 138 4 ~ 10 5 6 3 6 30 1 P-4545 38 36 .2 36 .1 36 A42 A72 138 97 .1 11 3 2 11 15 16 7 16 P-5618 P-5615 P-4577 P-5618 r-O02i P-6022 P-6025 P-6211 B (FAIRLANE/TORINO) FRONT SUSPENSION - arms, shock absorbers, s i idIes, springs, stabilizer STEERING Manual steering system Steering linkage Steering gear details Power steering system Control valve details Cylinder details Pump details Steering gear details Steering linkage Steering column - automatic transmission - column shift - floor shift - manual transmission - column shift - floor shift Steering wheel & horn ring 32 36 . 1 36 36 .2 36 .2 36 .2 3& 1 36 A72 35 72 35 138 F (MUSTANG) - FRONT SUSPENSION - arms, shock absorbers, spindles, springs, stabilizer STEERING Manual steering system Steering linkage _ Steering dear details -mower steering system Control valve details Cylinder details Pump details Steering gear details Steering linkage Steering column - floor shift - tilt wheel - fixed wheel Steering wheel & horn ring 10 11 12 7 P-5959 P-98 59 P-5714 P-7454 P-4180 P-5615 P-9859 P-5714 P-5769 P-5770 P-6025 S (THUNDERBIRD) FRONT SUSPENSION - arms, shock absorbers, spindles, springs, stabilizer STEERING Power steering system Pump details Steering gear details Steering linkage Steering column - autnmatir trapffimianion - column shit - fixed - tilt Steering wheel & horn ring - except with speed control - with speed control I May, 1975 COPYRIGHT O 1975 - FORD MOTOR COMPANY -DEARBORN, MICHIGAN I FINAL ISSUE G H FORD CAR PARTS ILLUSTRATION SECTION 30 INDEX TITLE 'SECTION 1 PAGE 1 ILLUS. NO. 1968 U (BRONCO) FRONT AXLE FRONT SUSPENSION - air spring installation - arms, shock absorbers, springs - spindles STEERING Manual steering system Steering gear details Steering linkage Steering column - manual transmission - column shift Steering shock absorber installation Steering wheel & horn ring 30 30 30 30 7 12 6 7 P-5312 P-10676 P-4938 P-5312 36 .1 6 P-9981 30 35 35 138 6 7 7 3 P-4938 P-4962 P-4962 P-4953 30 8 P-6927 36 .1 32 36 36 .2 36 .2 36 .2 36 .1 36 A72 35 72 35 138 6 4 3 5 6 3 6 3 14 10 9 10 7 P-9859 P-5959 P-4986 P-7454 P-4180 P-5615 P-9859 P-4986 P-6020 P-6018 P-6019 P-6018 P-6025 X (FALCON) FRONT SUSPENSION - arms,shock absorbers, spindles, springs, stabilizer STEERING Manual steering system Steering gear details Steering linkage Power steering system Control valve details Cylinder details Pump details Steering gear details Steering linkage Steering column - automatic transmission - column shift - floor shift - column shift - manual transmission - floor shift Steering wheel & horn ring 1969 A (FORD) FRONT SUSPENSION - arms, shock absorbers, spindles, springs - 30 1 P-4545 stabilizer STEERING Manual steering system -- 36 Steering linkage - 6 cyl . 36 - 8 cyl . 36 .1 Steering gear details 36 Power steering system - 6 cyl . 36 - 8 cyl . ---3-6-.-t-Pump details 36 .1 Steering gear details - Ford type 36 .1_ - Saginaw type 36 Steering linkage - 6 cyl . 36 - 8 cyl . A72 Steering column - automatic trans . - column shift - fined wheel - tilt wheel A72 - floor shift - fixed wheel 35 - tilt wheel 35 - column shift 72 - manual trans . - fixed wheel - floor shift 35 - tilt wheel 35 138 Steering wheel & horn ring - 2 spoke - w/o speed control 97 .1 - w/ speed control 1138 - 3 s p oke (rim blow) - 8 9 1 8 9 3 2 3 8 9 12 13 13 14 10 13 14 7 18 17 P-5616 P-5617 P-4607 P-5616 P-5617 _ P-5615 P-4577 P-4723 P-5616 P-5617 P-6783 P-6784 P-6786 P-6787 P-6785 P-6786 P-6787 P-6025 P-6686 I P-6823 - - fares w men J ILLUSTRATION SECTION 30 INDEX 1SECTION PAGE TITLE 1 ILLUS. NO. 1969 B (FAIRLANE/TORINO) _ -- - FRONT SUSPENSION - arms, shock absorbers, spindles, springs, stabilizer _ STEERING Manual steering system Steering gear details Steering linkage Power steering system Control valve details Cylinder details Pump details Pump installation - 6 cyl. - 8 cyl . Steering gear details Steering linkage Steering column - automatic transmission - column shift - floor shift - manual transmission - column shift - floor shift Steering wheel &horn ring - 2 spoke --- 3 spoke (rim blow) 30 8 P-6927 36 .1 32 6 4 P-9859 P-5959 36 .2 36 .2 36 .2 36 .4 36 .4 36 . 1 36 .3 A72 35 72 35 138 138 b 6 3 4 5 6 2 14 10 9 10 7 7 p-7454 _ P-4180 P-5615 P-6946 P-6947 P-9859 P-6906 P-6020 P-6018 P-6019 P-6018 P-6025 P-6823 30 8 P-6927 36 .1 32 6 4 - P-5959 36 .2 36 .2 36 .2 36 .4 36 .4 36 .1 36 .3 35 35 138 138 5 6 3 30 1 P-4545 36 36 .2 36 .1 36 A72 A72 138 97 .1 138 11 3 2 11 15 16 7 16 7 P-5618 P-5615 P-4577 P-5618 P-6021 P-6022 P-6025 P-6211 P-6823 . __ F (MUSTANG) FRONT SUSPENSION - arms, shock absorbers, spindles, springs, stabilizer STEERING Manual steering system Steering gear details Steering linkage Power steering system Control valve details Cylinder details Pump details Pump installation - 6 cyl. - 8 cyl . Steering gear details Steering linkage Steering coTmn - floor shift - fixed - tilt Steering wheel & horn ring - 2 spoke - 3 spoke (rim blow) P-9859 P-7454 P-4180 -- P-5615 -_ P-6946 5 P-6947 6 P-9859 2 P-6906 15 P-6781 16 P-6782 7 P-6025 7 P-6823 S (THUNDERBIRD) FRONT SUSPENSION - arms, shock absorbers, spindles, springs, stabilizer STEERING Power steering system pump deiaiTa - Steering gear details Steering linkage Steering column - automatic transmission - column shift - fixed - tilt Steering wiieeia"c horn ring ---2 esiii~icn = wjo ripeea contro -- w/ speed control - 3 spoke (rim blow) relay, lY%7 WrYRI6M1 U 1975- FORD MOTOR COMPANY -DEARBORN, MICHIGAN FINAL ISSUE _ _ K FORD CAR PAM ILLUSTRATION SECTION 30 INDEX SECTION ~ PAGE TITLE 1 ILLUS. NO. 1969 U (BRONCO) FRONT AXLE FRONT SUSPENSION -air spring installation - arms, shock absorbers, springs - spindles STEERING Manual steering system _ - -- - Steering gear details Steering linkage Steering co lumn - manual transmission-column shift 30 30 30 7 12 6 P-5312 P-10676 P-4938 30 7 P-5312 _ 6 6 7 7 3 P--99-81 P-4938 P-49_62 P-4962 P-4953 30 8 P-6927 36 .1 32 6 4 P-9859 P-5959 36 .2 36 .2 36 .2 36 .4 36 .4 36 .3 36 .1 A72 35 72 35 138 138 5 6 P-7454 P-4180 P-5615 P-6946 2 6 14 10 9 10 7 7 P-6947 P-6906 P-9859 P-6020 P-6018 P-6019 P-6018 P-6025 P-6823 30 1 P-4545 36 . 1 36 .3 1 1 P-4607 P-7362 36 .2 36 .4 36 .4 36 .4 36 .4 36 .1 3o-5 3 1 9 2 3 2 1 P-5615 P- ( .R:04 P-7366 P-7367 P-7369 P-4577 __ __ __ Steering shock absorber installation Steering wheel & horn ring 363' 30-35 35 138 X (FALCON) FRONT SUSPENSION -arms, shock absorbers, spindles, springs, stabilizer STF.F.R1NG Manual steering system _ Steering gear details Steering linkage Power steering system Control valve details Cylinder details Pump details Pump installation - 6 cyl. - 8 cyl . Steering linkage Steering gear details Steering column - automatic transmission - column shift - floor shift - manual transmission - column shift - floor shift Steering wheel & horn ring - 2 spoke - 3 spoke (rim blow) _ 3 4 5 1970 A (FORD) FRONT SUSPENSION - arms, shock absorbers, spindles, springs, stabilizer STEERING Manual steering system Steering gear details Steering linkage _ Power steering system Pump details Pump installation - 6 cyl . - 8 cyl . - 8 cyl . - 8 cyl . Steering gear details Steering linkage 240 302,351 390,428 429 r- Isoc L ILLUSTRATION SECTION 30 FORD CAR -ARTS INDEX TITLE !SECTION PAGE ILLUS. NO. 1970 A (FORD) --- --- STEERING - continued w Steering cOTumn =automatic trans column sIilft =fixed wTeeI - floor shift - tilt wheel - fixed wheel - tilt wheel - manual trans . - column shift - floor shift - fixed wheel - tilt wheel Steering wheel - 2 spoke - w/o speed control - w/speed control - 3 spoke A72 18 P-7220- A72 35 35 72 35 35 138 97 .1 138 19 17 18 12 17 18 8 18 8 P-7241 P . 7243 P-7242 P-7244 P-7243 P-7242 P-7513 P-6686 P-7514 30 8 P-6927 36 .1 32 6 4 36 .2 36 .2 36 .2 36 .4 36 .4 36 .4 5 6 3 4 6 7 ------ B (FAIRLANE/TORINO) B (FALCON) - FROM 1/2/70 FRONT SUSPENSION-arms,shock absorbers, spindles,springs, stabilizer STEERING Manual steering system Steering gear details Steering linkage Power steering system Control valve details Cylinder details Pump details Pump installation - 6 cyl. - 8 cyl . 302,351 - 8 cyl . 429 Steering gear details Steering linkage _ Steering column - automatic transmission - column shift - floor shift - manual transmission - column shift - floor shift Steering wheel -2 spoke - 3 spoke-rim blow-with cover -, 3 spoke-rim blow-w/o cover 36 .1 36 . 3 A72 35 72 35 138 138 138 1 6 2 20 _ P-9859 P-_5959 p-7454 P-4180 P-5615 P-6946 P-7365 P-7368 -P-9859 P-6906 P-7249 19 13 19 8 P-7248 P-7247 P-7248 8 9 P-7514 P-10685 8 P-6927 6 P-9859 P-5959 P-7513 F (MUSTANG) _ FRONT SUSPENSION-arms,shockabsorbers, spindles, springs, stabilizer 30 STEERING Manual steering system Steering gear details 36 .1 Steering linkage 32 Power steering system Control valve details 36 .2 Cylinder details 36 .2 Pump details 36 .2 Pump installation - 6 cyl. 36 .4 - 8 cyl . 302,351 36 .4 - 8 cyl . 428 36 .4 Steering gear details 36 .1 Steering linkage 36 .3 Steering column- floor shift - fixed wheel 35 - tilt wheel 35 138 Steering wheel - 2 spoke 138 - 3 spoke-rim blow-with cover - 3 spoke-rim blow-w/o cover 138 COPYRIGHT o1975- FORD MOTOR COMPANY -DEARBORN. MICHIGAN 4 6 3 4 6 5 6 2 20 21 8 8 9 P-7454 P-4180 P-5615 P-6946 P-7365 P-6947 P-9859 P-6906 P-7245 P-7246 P-7513 P-7514 P-10685 _ !MBAR Neel If M ILLUSTRATION SECTION 30 FORD caR Pars INDEX TITLE SECTION PAGE ILLUS. NO. 1970 P (MAVERICK) FRONT SUSPENSION-arms, shock absorbers, spindles, springs, stabilizer 30 STEERING Manual steering system Steering gear details_ _ 36 . 1 Steering linkage 32 Power steering system Control valve details 36 .2 Cylinder details 36 .2 Pump details 36 .2 Pump installation -6 cyl .170,200 36 .4 -6 cyl .250 36 .4 Steering gear details 36 . 1 Steering linkage 36 .3 Steering column - automatic transmission - non-locking A72 - locking A72 - manual transmission - non-locking 72 -locking 72 Steering wheel & horn ring (without locking steering column) 138 Steering wheel & horn ring (with locking steering column) - 2 spoke - 3 spoke 8 P-6927 1-6 5 ! P-9659 P-6929 5 6 3 8 4 6 3 17 23 11 14 7 P-7454 P-4180 P-5615 P-6957 P-6946 P-9859 P-6958 P-6967 P-7747 P-6968 P-7748 P-6025 138 138 8 8 P-7513 P-7514 30 1 P-4545 _ S (THUNDERBIRD) FRONT SUSPENSION - arms, shock absorbers, spindles, springs, stabilizer Power steering system Pump details Pump installation Steering gear details -Steering linkage Steering column - automatic transmission - fixed - tilt Steering wheel - 2 spoke - 'w/o speed control - w/speed control - 3 spoke - 36 .2 36 .4 36 .1 36 . .i A72 A72 138 97 .1 138 3 3 '2 I 21 22 8 22 8 P-5615 P-7369 P-4577 P-7362 P-7219 P-7218 P-7513 P-7698 P-7514 U (BRONCO) FRONT AXLE FRONT SUSPENSION - air spring installation - arms, shock absorbers, springs - spindles STEERING Manual steering system Steering gear details Steering linkage Steering column - manual transmission - column shift Steering shock absorber installation Steering wheel & horn ring 30 30 30 30 7 12 6 7 36 .1 30 35 35 138 6 6 7 7 3 P-5312 P-10676 P-4938 P-5312 P-9981 P-4938 P-4962 P-4962 P-4953 - ILLUSTRATION SECTION 30 FORD CAR PARTS N INDEX 1 SECTION TITLE PAGE ~ ILLUS . NO. 1970 X (FALCON) - BEFORE 1/2/70 FOR UNITS BUILT FROM 1/2/70 REFER TO B (FALCON) FRONT SUSPENSION - arms, shock absorbers, spindles, springs, stabilizer STEERING Manual steering system Steering gear details Steering linkage Power steering system Control valve details Cylinder details Pump details Pump installation - 6 cyl. - 8 cyl . Steering gear details Steering linkage Steering column - automatic transmission - manual transmission Steering wheel & horn ring - 2 spoke - 3 spoke (rim blow) 30 8 36 .1 32 6 4 36 .2 36.2 36 .2 36 .4 36 .4 36 .1 36 .3 A72 72 138 138 5 6 P-6927 P-9859 P-5959 _ p-7454 P-4180 P-5615 P-6946 P-6947 P-9859 P-6906 P-6020 P-6019 P-6025 P-6823 4 6 6 2 14 9 7 7 971 A (FORD) FRONT SUSPENSION - arms, shock absorbers, spindles, springs, $0 1 P-4545 stabilizer -- ---- --- STEERING . .------ . - Pianos s Bering system --Steering gear details P-4607--- SEeeruig linkage -P-l36l . Power s-teeririg sys em Pump details 36 .2 3 P-5615 Pump installation - 6 cyl . 240 36 . 4 1 P-7364 - 8 cyl . 302 36 .4 9 P-7366 - 8 cyl . 390 36 .4 2 P-7367 - 8 cyl . 351,400,429 36 .4 3 P-7369 _ Steering gear details ---36"-1 P-457T Steering linkage --- - 3 S~ JT . -'g'T36Z- - - _----Steering column - automatic trans . - column shift - fixed wheel A72 18 P-7220 - tilt wheel A72 19 P-7241 - floor shift - fixed wheel 35 17 P-7243 - tilt wheel 35 18 P-7242 - manual trans . - column shift 72 12 P-7244 - floor shift - fixed wheel 35 17 P-7243 - tilt wheel 35 18 P-7242 Steering wheel - 2 spoke - w/o speed control 138 8 P-7513 - w/speed control 97 .1 P-8310 24 - 3 spoke - rim blow 138 8 P-7514 B (TORINO) FRONT N-arms ; -ahnek h~isor}, ers, spinAles, springs, stabilizer - STEERINGarni steering system --` -gtPe ring gear (details ._ . .___ -Steering linkage May, 1975 8 - - F 5327 3o .i__-6 - -32 1 IURU MOTOR COMPANY -DEARBORN, MICHIGAN - ----- ._ .._. ..- GOr,niunT V 1JI - ~D - - r-ya5y gb959 - FINAL ISSUE - P ILLUSTRATION SECTION 30 FORD CAR PARTS INDEX TITLE !SECTION! PAGE ~ ILLUS . NO. 1971 B (TORINO) STEERING - continued Power sTeering system ConEd1 valve deiaiIs Cylinder details Pump 3e~aiIs __ Pump lnst~lahon - 6 cyl: - 8 cyl . 302,351 - 8 cyl . 429 Steering gear details --- -SteeririgWnlcage Steering column - auTomatic transmission - manual transmission - -column siiff - floor shift - column shift - floor shift -Stee ring wheT~sP~e -- -- arc Tilow - 3 spoke - rim blow - with cover - 3 spoke - rim blow - w/o cover -- - P-7454- ~418(T --36 .'L 6 3B -2 ~-5615 364--4--S4Ti 36 .4 6 P-7365 36 .4 7 P-7368 36 - 1 -6 ----P-98b9 ---- 36 .3- ~ P-6906A72 20 -7-7249-35 19 P-7248 P-7247 72 13 35 19 P-7248 -- T3 -_-8_ - _P-'T5T3 8 P-7514 138 138 9 P-10685 - F (MUSTANG) FRONT SUSPENSION - arms, S-ho k absorbers, rin~e etahil izer STEERING -Manual steering system -- - ~~erfng gear details Steering linkage Power steering system Pump details Pump installation - 6 cyl-.-2-50 - 8 cyl . 302,351 - 8 cyl . 429 Steering gear details Steering linkage Steering column - floor shift - fixed wheel - tilt wheel Steering wheel - 2 spoke - pad blow - 2 spoke - button blow - 3 spoke - rim blow - with cover - 3 spoke - rim blow - w/o cover springs, P-892 'T 30 - 36 .1 36 .3 36 .2 36 . 4 36 .4 36 .4 36 .1 36 .3 35 35 138 138 138 138 6 4 P=985 P-8121 3 1 10 11 3 4 20 21 8 9 8 9 P-5615 P-7364 P-8119 P-8120 P-4723 P-8121 P-7245 P-7246 P-7513 P-8307 P-7514 P-10685 L (PINTO) ---FRONT SUSPENSION - arms, shock absorbers, spindles, springs, stabilzer STEERING Manual steering system Steering gear details & linkage steering column Steering wheel - 2 spoke wheel - button blow - 2 spoke wheel - pad blow ------30 9 P -7936 36 .1 35 138 138 5 22 9 8 P-7966 P-7961 P-8309 P-7513 - ------ - FORD CAR PARTS ILLUSTRATION SECTION 30 Q INDEX TITLE ;SECTION! PAGE j ILLUS . NO. 1971 P (MAVERICK) rxvrv r buhr :rvS1ON - arms, shock absorbers, spindles, springs, 30 8 P-6927 stabilizer STEERING Manual steering system Steering gear details-- --~, 1 ~----P-9859- - ower~eef•ing system ~ntioi vZve ce~irs OTind-er details-- - -- - _ Pump details Pump iI 11aTion=6cy1 .170,200 - - -6 cy1 .250 -8 cyl .302 ---Steering Iinkage Steering coTumn - a u to m a ti c transmission - column s h i f t - floor shift - manual transmission Steering wheel - 2 spoke - pad blow - 2 spoke - button blow - 3 spoke - rim blow ~6 . 2 5 P-7454 36 . '~----P-4I8~ X6 .2 P=5615 X6 .4-6 - -- 13 6~5 P-6946 36 .4 4 8 36 .4 P-6957 --X6:3---3P=6958 A72 23 P-7747 35 23 P-8323 P-7748 72 13 138 8 P-7513 138 9 P-8309 138 8 P-7514 -- - "" -- S (THUNDERBIRD) FRONT SUSPENSION - arms, shock absorbers, spindles, springs, stabilizer STEERING - Power steering sys m Pump details -Rump Installation -Steering gear details -- Steering linkage Steering column - automatic transmission - fixed - tilt Steering wheel - 2 sp5ce - w/o speed control - w/ speed control - 3 spoke-rim blow 30 1 36 .2 36 .4 36 .1 36 .3 A72 A72 138 97 .1 138 3 3 2 1 21 22 8 22 8 P-4545 P-5615 -g 7369 P-4577 P-7362 P-7219 P-7218 P-7513 P-7698 P-7514 --- U (BRONCO) FRONT AXLE ("Before Serial No . K20,-ODP') ("From Serial No . K20,001") FRONT SUSPENSION- air spring installation - arms, shock absorbers, springs - spindles ("before Serial No . K20,001") - spindles ("From Serial No . K20,001") STEERING Manual- steering system Steering gear details Steering linkage Steering column - manu i -transmission - column sTi It Steering shock absorber installation Steering wheel & horn ring May, 1975 COPYRIGHT D1975- FORD MOTOR COMPANY 30 30 10 30 30 30 36 .1 30 35 35 138 -DEARBORN, MICHIGAN 7 10 12 6 7 10 6 6 7 7 3 P-5312-P-8317 P-10676 P-4938 P-5312 P-8317 - P-9981 493$ P-4962 P-4962 P-4953 FINAL ISSUE ILLUSTRATION SECTION 30 R FORD CAR PARTS INDEX SECTION PAGE TITLE ILLUS . NO. 1972 A (FORD) - FRONT SUSPENSION - arms, shock absorbers, spindles, springs, stabilizers STEERING _ _ Manual steering system Steering gear details _ Steering linkage Power steering system Steering gear details -- Steerin1imkage Wump details -Pump installation - b cyl . 240- 8 cyl . 302 - 8 cyl . 351,400,429 - - ate€Ting Fn umn - automatic trans - column shift-fixed wheel - tilt wheel Steering wheel - 2 spoke - w/o speed control - 2 spoke - w/speed control - 3 spoke - rim blow 30 11 - P-8639 36.1 36 .3 1 1 P-4607 P-7362 36.1 36.3 36 .2 36 .4 36 .4 36.4 A72 A72 138 97 .1 138 1-3 _ 9 3 1A 19 8 24 8 P-4577 •-7361 -P-5635-P--7364 P-7366 P-7369 P-7241 P-7513 P-8310 P-7514 B (TORINO) FRONT SUSPENSION - arms, shock absorbers, spindles, springs, stabilizers 30 11 P-8639 36 .1 36 .3 1 4 P-4607 P-8121 36 .2 36 .4 36 .4 38 .4 36.1 36 .3 A72 35 72 35 138 138 138 3 1 10 11 2 4 26 24 15 24 8 8 9 P-5615 P-7364 P-8119 P-8120 P-4577 P-8121 P-8623 P-8624 P-8625 P-8624 P-7513 P-7514 P-10685 STEERING - - Manual steering system steering gear details steering linkage Power steering system Pump details - Pump Installation - 6 cyl . - 8 cyl . 302 w/o A/C,351-C - 8 cyl. 302 w/A/C,351-W,400,429 steering gear details steei9ng linkage steering column - automatic trans . - column shift - floor shift - manual trans . - column shift - floor shift Steering wheel - 2 spoke - pad blow - 3 spoke - rim blow - with cover - 3 spoke - rim blow - w/o cover - ILLUSTRATION SECTION 30 FORD CAR P4RTS S INDEX TITLE SECTION 1 PAGE I ILLUS. NO. 1972 F (MUSTANG) FRONT SUSPENSION - arms, shock absorbers, spindles, springs, stabilizers STEERING Mami ng system Steering gear details Steering linkage Power steering system Pump details Pump installation - 6 cyl . 250 - 8 cyl . 302,351 Steering gear details Steering linkage Steering column - floor shift - fixed wheel - tilt wheel Steering wheel - 2 spoke - pad blow - 2 spoke - button blow - 3 spoke - rim blow - with cover - 3 spoke -rim blow - w/o cover 30 8 P-6927 36 .1 36 .3 6 4 P-9859 P-8121 36 .2 36.4 36.4 36 .1 36 .3 35 35 138 138 138 138 3 1 10 3 4 20 21 8 9 8 9 P-5615 P-7364 P-8119 P-4723 P-8121 P-7245 P-7246 P-7513 P-8307 P-7514 P-10685 30 9 P-7936 36 .1 35 35 5 22 25 P-7966 P-7961 P-10303 138 138 9 8 P-8309 P-7513 30 8 P-6927 L (PINTO) FRONT SUSPENSION - arms, shock absorbers, spindles, springs, stabilizers STEERING Manual steering system Steering gear details & linkage Steering column - "Before 1/7/72" - "From 1/7/72" Steering wheel - 2 spoke wheel - button blow 2 spoke wheel - pad blow P (MAVERICK) FRONT SUSPENSION - arms, shock absorbers, spindles, springs, stabilizer STEERING Manual steering system Steering gear details Steering linkage Power steering system Control valve details Cylinder details Pump details Pump installation - 6 cyl . 170,200 - 6 cyl . 250 - 8 cyl . 302 Steering linkage Steering column - automatic trans . - column shill - floor shift - manual trans . Steering wheel - 2 spoke - pad blow - 2 spoke - button blow May, 1975 COPYRIGHT 0 1975 - FORD MOTOR COMPANY - 36,1 32 6 5 P-9859 PPPi929 36 .2 36 .2 36.2 36 .4 36 .4 36,4 36 .3 A72 35 72 138 138 5 6 3 8 4 8 3 23 23 14 8 9 P-7454 P-4180 P-5615 P-6957 P-6946 P-6957 P-6958 P-7747 P-8323 P-7748 P-7513 P-8309 -DEARBORN, MICHIGAN FINAL ISSUE 22 X SHEET ILLUST RATIONS SECTION FORD CAR PARTS co 0 0 1968/70 FALCON - BODY TYPE 71 - UPPER BODY
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