Mini-basketball in Germany


Mini-basketball in Germany
Minibasketball in Germany
Deutscher Basketball Bund (DBB)
German Basketball Federation
Tim Brentjes
Manager youth and school sports
+49 2331 106-163
Table of contents
Structure of the federation
U 12/11
Official rules
U 10 and younger
Recommended rules
Programs and events, promotion of Minibasketball
Teaching (and) material
Support program for local/regional Mini-Festivals
School programs
The mascot of DBB Minibasketball
The eagle „Siggi“ is the official mascot of the German
national teams. He has become the favored mascot
for all activities in Minibasketball as well - especially
when he appears in life size during events.
Structure of the federation
16 state federations
youth commissions
Minibasketball officer (volunteer)
organization of competitions/rules
education of coaches and referees
projects and events
DBB youth office
youth secretary
managers for youth and Minibasketball
organization of projects and events
communication with state federations and clubs (consulting)
development of strategy, concepts and financial plan
development of proposed resolutions for the youth com.
documentation and statistics of program
publications, teaching material, service
DBB youth commission
elected by state federations
chairman: vice president for youth
Minibasketball officer (volunteer)
annual meeting for Minibasketball
organization of competitions
(nat. championship/cup from U 14)
education of coaches and referees
projects and events (input/decision)
financial plan (input/decision)
Budget and funding
clubs pay for licenses in Minbasketball (U 12) one Euro per year
DBB has committed himself to invest that money in Minibasketball
one half of the money is invested in material/equipment for the state federations
(literature, DVD, balls, gym sacks, jerseys etc.)
 state federations can request material for Minibasketball every year from DBB
The budget is based upon their amount of licenses in Minibasketball (50 %)
(e.g. Lower Saxony 1.600 Minis  1.600 €  material for 800 €)
second half of the money is for the support of events and programs
additional funding from sale of U 12-DVD
DBB-Minifestivals have a separate budget, supported by the Federal
Ministry of Family and Youth
U 12/11 – official rules
philosophy: developing players is more important than winning games
official FIBA rules and DBB score sheet are used
referees are expected to act in an educational way (explain decisions)
violation of rules shall be sanctioned according to the abilities of both
teams (pre-game conference with both coaches is recommended)
every kid on the roster (score sheet) has to play (if not: team loses)
U 12/11 – official rules
scoring from outside the paint is worth three points
the free throw line is one meter closer to the basket (optional)
the game is played with a ball size 5
man-to-man defense is obligatory (three quarters of the field)
any kind of press defense or double teaming is prohibited
help defense is only allowed if the defender on the ball is clearly beaten
any kind of screen/pick incl. hand-off is prohibited
Violations of the “tactical” rules are after one warning sanctioned
with one point and ball possession on the midline for the opponent
U 12/11 – competitions
U 12 boys, U 11 girls, U 12 mixed/open
no national competition
local and regional leagues
alternative forms of competitions like small tournaments
regular state championships
additional state competitions like “3x3 Mini Masters” (state of Bavaria)
additional open tournaments (e.g. Göttingen)
school leagues and tournaments (elementary schools)
U 10 and younger – recommended rules
philosophy: the fun of playing basketball is the most important goal
official FIBA rules and DBB score sheet are used
referees are expected to act in an educational way (explain decisions)
violation of rules shall be sanctioned according to the abilities of both
teams (pre-game conference with both coaches is recommended)
there is no 8-second-rule and no back court violation
the 3- and 5-second rule are only applied in case of clear violations
every kid on the roster (score sheet) has to play (if not: team loses)
U 10 and younger – recommended rules
scoring from outside the paint is worth three points
the free throw line is one meter closer to the basket (optional)
U 8 and younger: kids can go as close to the basket as they want
U 10: ball size 5; U 9 and younger: optional size 3 or soft ball
man-to-man defense is obligatory (three quarters of the field)
any kind of press defense or double teaming is prohibited
help defense is only allowed if the defender on the ball is clearly beaten
any kind of screen/pick incl. hand-off is prohibited
Violations of the “tactical” rules are after one warning sanctioned
with one point and ball possession on the midline for the opponent
U 10 and younger – competitions
U 10 boys, U 9 girls, U 10 mixed/open, U 8 mixed/open, bambini
no national competition
no state championships
some city or local leagues
alternative forms of competitions like small tournaments
combination of competition and practice: e.g. festivals
additional open tournaments (e.g. Göttingen)
school leagues and tournaments (elementary schools)
Teaching (and) material
DBB organizes a biennial national U 12 coach clinic
individual skills
learning/teaching in a playful way
organizing practice with young kids
strength and athleticism at young age
psychology of training children
offensive concept
theoretical lessons, presentations
practical demonstration with kids
free of charge for participants
DVD of 2013 clinic
Teaching (and) material
DBB offers brochures, DVD, scripts and posters
drills and games for beginners (illustrated)
help for teachers and coaches
poster with basic rules and history of
basketball in Germany for schools
DVD with little games to teach kids and drills
for strength training with U 12 kids
Promotion of Minibasketball
DBB offers a Basketball Badge
three stages (bronze, silver, gold)
first stage is easy to achieve for young kids
(e.g. points for reaching the rim with the ball)
Dirk Nowitzki is testimonial
free for events to promote basketball
free for school events
giving a feeling of success to the kids
(pass with pin for every kid)
motivation for kids to keep practicing
motivation for kids to ask teachers for the next
stage in p. e. lessons
three days (week end) with practice, games and side events
kids come in groups, every group brings a coach
parents pay only for accommodation (to organizing host club)
DBB gives a basketball package (ball, shirt, gym bag) to every kid
kids get mixed in festival teams, no participation in home teams
kids sleep in gyms, schools or hostels and have meals together
social interaction as important as sports program
side events inside (other sports) and outside the gym (zoo, museum)
visits of German internationals (e.g. Danilo Barthel, U 20)
change of program from 1 national to 4 regional DBB-Minifestivals (2014)
Support for local/regional Minifestivals
corporative events of schools and clubs
opener for school corporations
basketball sets for schools (balls, jerseys, DVD)
basketball badges for kids
financial support for clubs (e.g. for catering)
more than 30 events per year
from 30 to 400 participating kids
from 1 to 12 participating schools
establish school teams or transfer kids
into clubs
reports to DBB office
Support for local/regional Minifestivals
School programs
school leagues
school tournaments
biggest program at Berlin
professional clubs run school programs
school championships “Youth practicing for the
Olympics” (U 16/18 nationwide)
some run by clubs some by communities/cities
combination with clinics for teachers
“ALBA Grundschulliga” – the Berlin program
95 Teams from 62 elementary schools (mixed and girls)
more than 800 games
more than 1.000 kids and teachers involved
130 referees involved
16 preliminary, 17 qualification tournaments
huge final tournament with 90 teams
organized by ALBA Berlin supported by the city council
meeting with professional players of ALBA Berlin
Vision 2015: 130 schools, 200 teams, 40 girls teams
kinder+Sport Academy
open to every kid
project ID-card for every kid
skills contest in six stages
DVD with exercises of the stages
colored jersey for every stage
six (former) German internationals are “faces” of the stages
big set of equipment (mobile sport courts etc.)
organized by an event agency
4 pro clubs involved (Bamberg, Oldenburg, Munich, Berlin)
supported by the BEKO BBL
events in other cities (e.g. as side event at All Star Day)
teacher set
Minibasketball Tournament Goettingen
biggest tournament in Germany
organized by club BG 74 Goettingen
34th tournament in 2013
one week end
138 teams from 60 clubs
guest teams from other European countries
up to 30 courts
supported by BEKO BBL and DBB
“Eurobasket of elementary schools”
first time in the year 2013
organized by students of Giessen University
13 elementary schools representing 14 countries
combination of tournament, skills contest and
presentation of the country (posters, jerseys etc.)
“sport meets European cultures”
more than 300 kids
corporation with two regional pro Teams and DBB
special guest: Myles Hesson (GB/Giessen 46ers)
Other events
camps and festivals of state federations
camps and festivals of clubs or local organizations
support packages for organizers (balls, shirts etc.)
additional financial support by youth commission
contact with professional and German
international players and coaches
Thank you!