Pittsburgh Chef - (ACF) Pittsburgh Chapter
Pittsburgh Chef - (ACF) Pittsburgh Chapter
1 Pittsburgh Chef Share Your Knowledge 2009 ACF National Chapter of the Year Upcoming Events FALL 2012 AMAPRIML 2011 Welcome to the ACF Pittsburgh Chapter’s electronic Newsletter! Please help us increase our subscribership by sending our website info. to your friends and colleagues: acfpittsburgh.org October 22 nd 7 pm. Edgewood Country Club sponsored by Euclid Fish Presidents Message Cindy Tuite Vegetables are a must on a diet. I suggest carrot cake, zucchini bread, and pumpkin pie. ~Jim Davis CEC, CCE, AAC November 26th 7 pm. Concept Foods sponsored by Combi ovens Members and friends of the ACF Pittsburgh Chapter: I apologize for the hiatus in between my presidents messages. This has been a busy year with changes for the Pittsburgh Chapter. Phil Wurzel has agreed to fill my remaining term as a board member. Robb Coppock a student culinarian is our Communication Liaison. Robb will handle all printing, design work, advertising and the logistics of us having a Facebook and Twitter account. Richard Chene is our member liaison, contact him if you know of a member who is having an operation, hospitalized, has an illness, death of a family member, birth of a child or any type of milestone in their life. Andrea Carros-Schrenk is still overseeing our web site. She is always looking for exciting information about members to post along with photos, articles, and job openings. Continued on page five INSIDE THIS ISSUE Presidents Message Page 1 & 5 Upcoming Events Page 3 Officers and Board Page 2 AWARDS DINNER Page 6, 7 & 8 Member Spotlight Page 11 Pumpkin Butter 3 1/2 cups cooked or canned pumpkin 1 tablespoon pumpkin pie spice 60g powdered fruit pectin 4 1/2 cups sugar Place pumpkin in lstainless pot. Combine pumpkin pie spice and fruit pectin and mix well. Add to pumpkin puree. Stir over high heatuntil mixture comes to a gentle boil, immediately add the sugar and stir well. Bring to a rolling boil and boil hard for one minute, stirring constantly. Remove from heat and fill jar(s)-cool and seal. Store in refrigerator 2-3 weeks. 2 PAGE THE PITTSBURGH CHEF 2 ACFPC • P.O. Box 16305 • Pittsburgh, PA 15242-0305 • 412-921-2570 BOARD OF DIRECTORS ChairAndrea Carros Schrenk CEPC, CCE, AAC Board MembersByron Bardy CMC, AAC Donato Coluccio CEC William Hunt CEC, CCE, AAC Thomas Pepka CEC, AAC William Ward CEC Paul Laesecke Founder, President Emeritus Abel Bomberault Dean of Chefs OFFICERS Cindy Tuite, CEC, CCE, ACE ........................................... President Randy Tozzi CC…. ........................................... First Vice President Ruth Beatty……... ........................................ Second Vice President Scott Burkhart…………………….... .................................. Treasurer John Gault………………. ................................ Recording Secretary Kevin McGuire…………...…….............................. Sergeant-at-Arms COMMITTEE CHAIRPERSONS Advertising — Cindy Tuite CTuite@mcg-btc.org American Academy of Chefs — Richard Chene, CEC, AAC (H 412-828-3846) Certification — William Hunt CEC, CCE, AAC (W 1-800-671-0901 x4505) email:whunt@pittsburgh.chefs.edu Finance — Scott Burkhart Employment Referral — TBA Access our chapter’s historical collection in the Pennsylvania Digital Repository http://www.accesspadigital.com/ For all newsletter inquiries, please contact: Cindy Tuite CTuite@mcg-btc.org Meeting Arrangements — Ruth Beatty (H 412-242-46620) email: pastry@thepittsburghgolfclub.com Membership/Retention — Randy Tozzi (C 412-841-9090) email: rtozzi@gianteagle.com Parliamentarian — Timothy E. Tain CEC, CCE, AAC, ACE 3 UPCOMING EVENTS November Board Meeting October Event November Event Monday November 12th 7:00pm Monday 22th Monday November 26th 7pm December Board Meeting 7 pm. Edgewood Country Club sponsored by Euclid Fish Monday December 3rd 7:00pm Concept Foods sponsored by Sesco/Rational/Concept Food 717 Liberty Avenue 15th Floor Downtown Pittsburgh Note-Board Meeting dates are subject to change-Board members will be notified via email of any changes. Available Positions Misaki’s 860 Sawmill Run Blvd 412-481-1118 Contact Tera or Matt Baptist Home Society Eric Conti 412-572-8238 Point Park University All positions including management Flexible hours – graduates and current students Bill Ward, Executive Chef – anyone interested can email or call ward-william@aramark.com 724-822-2772 The Colony House at Mountain Lake Lake Wales, Florida Chef’s and Cooks needed for the Winter Season November 1, 2012 – May 1, 2013 Housing Assistants; Uniforms Provided; Free Meals; Season Ending Bonus Contact: Chef Norman Frei, CEC 1-863-679-2425 – direct line chefnormanfrei@yahoo.com October Event Edgewood Country Club sponsored by Euclid Fish "Euclid Fish and Skuna Bay for a Sustainable Future" Edgewood Exec Chef Marcus Blum and Chef Adam Mikka Appetizers by Van Lang Foods NOVEMBER EVENT Monday ,November 26,2012 Concept Foods 294 West Steuben St. Pgh 15205 Sponsored by Sesco/Rational/Concept Foods with Mike Rykaceski of Rational "Have members skip dinner & come hungry" Rational's newest oven will knock your socks off ! Presentation/Demo by local seasoned Chefs 4 A warm welcome to our newest members! Student Members Dana Palmer - Student Christopher Galarza - Student Nicole Moss, CPC - Student Kaitlin Ybarra - Student Jennifer Jones - Student Jacqueline Wardle - Student Nathan Townsley - Student William Kline - Student George Tyler - Student Marlon Jackson, CC - Student Robert Sakal - Student Rachel Geyer - Student Priscilla Nuckolls - Student Damon Ghee - Student Brooke Bytheway - Student Bo Thomas Ost - Student Joanne Scoulos - Student Joshua Miller - Student Jeffery Greene, II - Student Danae Zingaro, CC - Student Jessica Klos - Student Nathan Schoedel - Student Allyson Cifone - Student Tammy Kriedler, CC - Student Lauren Faunce - Student Cecil Holloway - Student Paula Gisell - Student Charlene Polanco Gallardo, CC - Student Robyn Ziegler - - Student Professional Culinarian and Associate Members Jodi Shulick - Professional Paul Bates - Professional Scott Beattie - Professional Michael Cerrie - Professional Anthony Mongell, Jr - Professional Sarah Milarski - Professional Charles Young - Associate Recently Certified Members Tammy Kriedler, CC Nicole Moss, CPC Brian Newell, CC Haylie Santoro, CC, CPC 5 Presidents message continued Andrea Carros-Schrenk is still overseeing our web site. She is always looking for exciting information about members to post along with photos, articles, and job openings.. If you would like to contribute, contact Andrea or me. We have moved our office to the 15th floor in the Clark Building in Le Cordon Bleu old library. This is a temporary move while we look for new location. There is a committee of board members and officers looking for this location. They would be a happy to consider an accessible space at no or low cost from a member or friend of the organization that could accommodate our needs, please contact me if you have space that maybe available. Many members were unable to attend meetings and social events this year. If that includes you here are some of the exciting things you missed. March was a busy month first with our Annual Awards Dinner held at Providence Point in conjunction with Parkhurst Dining. I would like to thank Cheryl Torre- Rastetter, Director of Dining Services, Executive Chef Cameron Clegg and Sous Chef Scott Beattie along with the two co-chairs Chef Ruth Beatty and Chef Scott Burkhart. They all did a fabulous job; the food, location, and atmosphere were wonderful. The William Foust Educational Scholarship fundraiser was a great success this year we raised over $3,000. Thanks to our vendors and members who graciously donated items and the bidders. The 2012 recipient of the William Foust Education Scholarship was Cindy Neisel, she attended Le Cordon Bleu Pittsburgh pastry program. Due to the ACF Northeast Conference in Niagara Falls there was no April meeting. This was the largest attended Northeast conference. The Buffalo Chapter did a great job, it was organized and plenty of delicious food. John V. Heineman’s brought in Callebuat Chocolates to do a demonstration for all our members at The Market District, Settlers Ridge in April. SS Kemp/Tri Mark with the help of Carl Fazio sponsored an evening at Haufbrau Haus Pittsburgh at South Side Works in May. It was an evening of food, drinks, and fellowship. We continued with another successful meeting at The Wooden Nickel in Monroeville in June. Joe Bello, General Manager, and Executive Chef hosted the meeting and again there was fabulous food for our members and guests. Frank D’Andrea, Vice President of D’Andrea Wine discussed different wines with a tasting. There was no meeting in July because of the ACF National Conference in Orlando. The event planners must be listening there were practical seminars as well as hands-on workshops again. A member of our chapter Edwin Brown received a lifetime membership to the Canadian Culinary Federation for his dedication to the culinary arts. Chef Robert Irvine spoke about his TV show “Restaurant Impossible” were he mentioned Del’s in Bloomfield and had an interactive demonstration. We will be choosing a new ACF board this year, so watch your mail for more information. August means it is time for our annual picnic, held again at Squaw Run Park in Ohio Township. I would like to thank Richard Chene our committee chair for all his hard work. I think the threat of tornado winds and rain kept many of our members’ away; fear not the date for next year’s annual picnic is Sunday, August 18 , 2013, let us hope for a warm sunny day! September the Market District at Settlers Ridge sponsored another meeting. Caren Weaver chef and owner of Truly Wize Bakery in Greensburg discussed high quality allergy friendly baking as well as gluten, dairy and egg free baking basics. Chef Caren’s products were wonderful, the only problem was they weren’t calorie free!! The Market District also had food for us to nibble on, it was a great evening. I would like to thank all of our meeting sponsors and demonstrators without your continued support; we would be unable to educate our members. Just a reminder we are now taking nominations for 2013 ACFPC Chef of the Year, refer to page eleven for nomination criteria. I hope to see you at one or both of our last meetings for the year, check our Upcoming Events for dates and times. Worth a mention: Chef Randy Tozzi will be involved in the Chefs Move to Schools Program any interested members may contact him. We are currently looking for a member/members to chair our next Awards Dinner. American Academy of Chefs the prestigious honor society of ACF is looking for new candidates. If you would like to apply contact Cindy Tuite. 6 2012American Culinary Federation Awards Dinner & Chef William Foust Educational Scholarship Auction 7 2012 American Culinary Federation Awards Dinner & Chef William Foust Educational Scholarship Auction Recognition of chapter members and friends for their support-below. 8 2012 American Culinary Federation Awards Dinner & Chef William Foust Educational Scholarship Auction Recognition of chapter members and friends for their support-below. ACFPC Student Culinarian Rob Coppock ACFPC Educator of the Year Chef Art Inzinga ACFPC Professionalism Award Chef Hyang Mi Frost 2012 ACFPC Chef of the Year Chef Randy Tozzie Congratulations from last years ACFPC Chef of the Year Maureen Costello Garfolo. 9 Past ACF Pittsburgh Chapter Events 10 2013 ACFPC Chef of the Year Guidelines Nominations for Chef of the Year will be accepted at the September, October and November Meetings. The following guidelines have been established by the American Culinary Federation Pittsburgh Chapter for the nominating and electing of candidates for ACFPC Chef of the Year. 1. When nominating, the person making nomination must be prepared to explain his or her reasons for placing that Chef in nomination. 2. The member nominating a candidate for ACFPC Chef of the Year must speak on the candidate’s behalf at the October General Meeting. Candidates for chef of the Year should also be present during the October meeting. Candidate Criteria: The Chef of the Year nominee should have high standards as a chef in his or her particular establishment, upholding the standards set by our colleagues before us and devoting his or her time to the culinary field and the ACFPC. The nominee should be respected by all of the members as a chef that we would be proud to hold as our Chef of the Year. Must be a Professional Culinarian or Senior Professional Culinarian member. Must be a paid member in good standing. Must participate in functions of the organization and lead at least one of those various activities. Must have a good attendance record to General Meetings 2012 Chef William Foust Educational Scholarship Recipient ACFPC Student Culinarian, Cindy Neisel was the recipient of the 2012 Chef William Foust Educational Scholarship. A high honors graduate of Le Cordon Bleu Institute of Culinary Arts with a degree in Baking and Patisserie Cindy is employed at Lydia’s Restaurant, Pittsburgh. Cindy was also a member of the 2010 Le Cordon Bleu Pittsburgh Knowledge Bowl Team. Congratulations to Cindy and much Continued Success! Please remember to keep our service men and women in your thoughts—as they continue to protect our country and our freedom. 11 ACF Pittsburgh Member Spotlight 2012 ACFPC “Chef of the Year” Randy Tozzie-CC . Name: Randy Tozzie Certification: Certified Culinarian Present Employment: Giant Eagle, Inc Special Awards/Recognition: Brillat Savrin / Chef of the Year / Member of Chaine des Rotisseurs Schooling/Training: Pennsylvania Culinary Institute Mentor Chef(s): Garfolo – Inzinga – Panzera How did these Chefs impact your career? Through admiration, respect, and collaboration. Having been taught by them in the classroom, then as a member of the student culinary team, and as a professional in the industry, I have been able to reach out and collaborate on dinner menu’s and competition plates. I feel blessed to have them as friends and that I can all each of them a colleague. Favorite Food/Dish: Braised Lamb Shanks w/ caramelized shallots and root vegetable mash Favorite Cookbook: Culinary Artistry, by Andrew Dornenburg Why did you chose a career in the culinary arts? I had been in a sales position for over 15 years out of college, life was good but not great, and so I decided to make a change and make my hobby my new career. So at age 40, I resigned from my sales position and enrolled in the culinary arts program at Pennsylvania Culinary Institute. It was by far the best career decision I’ve made and I have never looked back with regret on my decision. What advice do you have for new Culinarians? Believe in yourself and your abilities, ask a lot of questions of chefs around you, do not ever personalize mistakes in the kitchen, and mentally sign your name to every dish that you send out to a table, your plate is art to the person you are serving. 12 Longtime ACFPC member L. Edwin Brown “Uncle Ed” receives a lifetime membership to the Canadian Culinary Federation for his dedication to the culinary arts. ACFPC president, Cindy Tuite with Chef Rick Moonen at the ACF Northeastern Regional Conference in Niagara Falls. Congratulations to ACFPC member Chef Shawn Culp –also a member of the ACF Regional Olympic Team for the Regional Teams Silver Medal in Cold Food at the recent Internationale Kochkunst Ausstellun IKA (International Culinary Olympics) held in Erfurt, Germany. Upcoming ACF Regional and National Events: 2013 Northeast Regional Conference to be held in Verona New York at the Turning Stone Resort Casino, March 17th – March 20th. The 2013 National Convention is in Las Vegas, Nevada at the Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas, July 21 st – July 25th. Certification News With the closure of Le Cordon Bleu Institute of Culinary Arts, Pittsburgh-we will be changing the ACFPC chapter ACF Certification Practical testing site. Interested candidates or member needing to re-certify should contact ACF Pittsburgh Chapter Certification Chair, Chef Bill Hunt, at whunt@pittsburgh.chefs.edu /1-800-671-0901 ext. 4505 with any certification questions or contact ACF National .