Quaid Harley-Davidson and HOG Loma Linda Chapter
Quaid Harley-Davidson and HOG Loma Linda Chapter
1 Quaid Harley-Davidson and HOG Loma Linda Chapter Freedom Flyer Page 2 2 Inside this issue: Directors report…………….page 3 treasurers report………….page 4 Minutes……………………….....page 6 BirthDays……………………….page 6 calenDar……………….………..page 7 aDs…………………………….…..page 8 Quaid Harley-Davidson Dealership: 25160 Redlands Boulevard, Loma Linda, CA 92354 Phone: 909-796-8399 Fax: 909-796-8609 Website: www.quaidharleydavidsonlomalinda.com H.O.G. U.S. Phone: 1-800-258-2464 LLHOG Website: www.LomaLindaHOG.com THE EYE IN ATLANTA LLHOG Facebook page: www.Facebook.com/LomaLindaHarleyOwners Loma Linda Harley Owners Group - Where Everyone Is Welcome Freedom Flyer Page 3 3 DIRECTOR Butch Araiza Well HOG members, we ended March with a ride to Death Valley. Thirteen members from the Chapter going two separate ways. Most of us went through Baker to Badwater, the rest up 395 through Olancha and into the park, both groups had a great ride. Also had five bikes from Ridgecrest, my step-son and his friends. On Saturday most did there own thing, some to Scotty’s Castle, some to Pahrump stopping for lunch at the winery in Pahrump, one of four in the State of Nevada, very good lunch. I’m out of town in Atlanta for HOG Training so I’m missing the Autism Ride. Hope it goes well, I’m sure Randy & Scott will do a great job. Atlanta is a neat town, first time being there. They have a great Aquarium that I hope to visit and the Eye (slow Ferris wheel) is just a few blocks from our hotel. I have added a few pictures in the newsletter. I’m trying to set up a lunch ride after the meeting. Next over night trip will be Bishop campout or Solvang, both on Memorial weekend. If you have interest in either ride we will have information at the meeting. Ride Safe Butch Loma Linda Harley Owners Group - Where Everybody Is Welcome Freedom Flyer Page 4 4 TREASURER Randy Quaid Open House & Autism Ride Pictures by Darrel Bedwell & Randy Loma Linda Harley Owners Group - Where Everybody Is Welcome Freedom Flyer Page 5 Minutes of March Meeting 5 March 15, 2015 Meeting called to order at 9:07 am. Flag salute. Guest and new member asked to stand and introduce themselves. Call for approval of minutes from the February meeting, Novins made a motion seconded by Warwick, motion approved. Kim gave a treasurers report, Warwick made a motion to approve, seconded by Warwick, motion carried. Asst Director, no report. Activities absent, Road Captain absent, Membership absent, Safety gave an update on Monica who had open heart surgery. She is doing well. LOH Gina only reported that she got a new bike, Street Glide Special. Death Valley Ride on March 27 thru 29, leave 8:30 am from the Summit, top of Cajon Pass. Autism Ride, we have a sign up sheet for volunteers, it is also Quaid’s Open House, April 11th. There will be a raffle for an 883 Sportster, tickets are $10 each available at Quaid’s, the winner will receive the bike with taxes and license paid in full. ABATE to have their next bike night at Tam’s on April 10th Temecula Harley to have their open house on March 28th Biggs HD in San Marcos, Open House on April 18th Laughlin River Run April 23 thru 26th. Lynn to try to set up a dinner night for LLHOG, we will email you the particulars if you do this ride. Vet Run for LLHOG has be scheduled for Oct 10th. The 50/50 was worth $63. Respectfully submitted, Diana Araiza, Secretary LLHOG AN IRISH PRAYER April Birthdays Steve Aragon Lou Novins Robert Duron Jeff Jackson Bill Stewart Jerry Taylor Barry Valdez 4/1 4/5 4/16 4/16 4/20 4/27 4/27 May those who love us, love us; And those that don’t love us, May God turn their hearts, And if He doesn’t turn their hearts, May He turn their ankles, So we’ll know them by their limping. HOT in Atlanta Georgia This is a reflection of the Restaurant Polaris where we had dinner one evening. The restaurant turned slowly and we were able to see all the tall buildings in Atlanta. Loma Linda Harley Owners Group - Where Everybody Is Welcome Freedom Flyer Page 6 April 2015 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 8 9 10 11 15 16 17 Dan’s ride 5 6 7 12 13 14 19 HOG Meeting 26 20 21 27 28 6 Dan’s ride Dan’s ride 22 Board meeting 23 Dan’s ride Laughlin 29 30 Dan’s ride 24 Laughlin Wednesdays of each month Dan’s Ride April 11, Quaid Open House and Autism Ride April 16, E Board Meeting at El Kiosco 6 pm April 19, Monthly Meeting at Quaid’s 9 am April 23/26, Laughlin River Run Loma Linda HOG Chapter Dinner on Saturday, April 25th at 5;00 pm at the Saltgrass Steak House inside the Golden Nugget. Call Lynn at 909 360-3622 For information or to give a head count. After all what do hogsters do best….. RIDE AND EAT…... Loma Linda Harley Owners Group - Where Everyone Is Welcome Quaid’s Open House, Autism ride 18 25 Laughlin Freedom Flyer Page 7 7 PICTURES FROM THE MEETING LOMA LINDA HOG FREEDOM FLYER QUAID HARLEY-DAVIDSON 25160 REDLANDS BLVD. LOMA LINDA, CA 92354 PHONE: 909-796-8399 8 VISIT US @ WWW.LOMALINDAHOG.COM OR ON FACEBOOK @ LOMA LINDA HARLEY OWNERS 2015 LLHOG Officers Director Butch Araiza 909-644-2417 butch@wvwd.org Treasurer Randy Kim 909-831-9431 hwni@aol.com Road Captain Dan Hirtz 909-961-7427 danslmc@hotmail.com Photographer Darrel Bedwell 909-882-1975 berdoohog@gmail.com Assistant Director Sue B 775-881-8533 sbean333@gmail.com Secretary Diana Araiza 909-518-6682 dmaraiza@gmail.com Activities Officer LOH Officer Barry Valdez Gina Ripley 909-578-2902 909-275-9859 barryvaldez@msn.com ripleygc@outlook.com Safety Officer Bryan Hartnell 951-205-0016 bhartnell@hlmlawyers.com Webmaster: Membership Lynn Hirtz 909-260-3622 danslmc@hotmail.com Editor Diana Araiza 909-518-6682 dmaraiza@gmail.com
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