Page 1 .... A`, :` " `I. " `" ~- , Page 2 I r I ST. PATRICK CATHOLIC
Page 1 .... A`, :` " `I. " `" ~- , Page 2 I r I ST. PATRICK CATHOLIC
.... ', A :' 'I. ~- " " , '" I r I ST. PATRICK CATHOLIC CEMETERY Saint Patrick, the Patron Saint of Ireland, was an obvious name chosen for the cemetery, where one can read from the tombstone inscriptions, the names of Mullen, CostelJo and O'Grady, and the places of Tipperary, Donegal and Galway. Mr. Richard O'Connell, an immigrant from Limerick, Ireland, donated the land for the cemetery. The earliest burials appear to be that of Morgan O'Brien and his wife, Catherine, who both died in 1&&0 according to the tombstone inscription. The Catholics who lived near the cemetery were served by two churches. The St. Bernard Church at White River, now known as O'Brien," existed from August 20, 1&76 until about 1924. Nearby Kent celebrated their first Mass in Redmen's Hall in 1&99. The first St. Anthony Church was built in 1904 and replaced by the present church, dedicated on February 22, 1925. This beautiful English-Gothic style church at 310 South Third Street in Kent continues to serve the needs of the community. The Death Register of St. Anthony Church, in two volumes, contains an additional three loose sheets entitled: "White River, Kent and Auburn Funerals" and dates from 1906 - 1917. The only names copied from those pages for this book were those buried in the White River Cemetery or have tombstones located in the St. Patrick Cemetery. Since those buried at -the White River Cemetery now have tombstones located in the St. Patrick Cemetery, we are assuming it is the same cemetery. The Death Register of St. Anthony Church dates from 1918 to the cut-off date of April 30, 1981. Again, the only names copied from the "Death Register" were those interred at St. Patrick Cemetery. The St. Patrick Catholic Cemetery is located at South 204th Street and Orillia Road South (51st Place South) on Kent's west hill, overlooking the Boeing Space Center. In the 1960s Mr. Ed L. Reitan and his son, Eric, performed the difficult task of platting the cemetery without the use of a previous plot map and burials dating back to the 1880s. The cemetery has 4.60 acres, consists of 281 plots with twelve burials to a plot, and space for many more burials. " Note: The area of O'Brien has a Kent mailing address now, however, not within the city limits of Kent, but in King County, Washington. THE 1960 ST. PATRICK CEMETERY TOMBSTONE INSCRIPTIONS On file at the Seattle Public Library is a nine page tombstone inscription list entitled: "St. Patricks Cemetery, O'Brien, Wash. (near Kent)." Copied October 2; 1960. The author«) i< not gi Yen. The following tombstone inscriptions are taken from the" 1960 List", but were not found or legible after several cemetery recording sessions recently. Celine Gachy Ameny 1881 - 1919 On Plot List 93-A Margaret Spray Oct 6, 1868 - Nov. 27, 1944 Death Register: O'Pray, Margaret Plot List 205-L Infant Blenkusi On Death Register - Blenkush Infant Smith March 16, 1935 Death Register, page 23 Leslie Joseph HirschI born Nov. 10, 1942 Died Mar 2, 1943 On Plot List &. Death Register Patrick Griffin born in Ireland, Co. Donnegaal (sic) Dec. 29, 1841 died 63 yrs. 4 mo. 3 days He lived those years in hardship pain and sickness Till God was pleased His mercy to take Him to His havenly (sic) home at last. *Was unable to decipher verse. The "1960 List" omitted: Died May 2, 1905 Martin Cummings born in Wexford Co, Ireland died Jan. 4, 1903, aged 48 yrs. Be ye also ready for in such an hour as ye think not the son· of man cometh. *The above verse couldn't be deciphered. Our Darling Madaline L. Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Egan Feb. 1, 19 19 April 29,1919 Plot List 92-1 Michael Burns 1824 Born in Ireland Plot List 98-E On Death Register? Age not correct Gerald A., son of J.F. &. B.M. Costello born July 30, 1897 died Oct. 19, 1905 One by one the loved ones leave us Those whom God to us hath given Home he calls them not to grieve us But to bind our heart to Heaven. (Apparently, Gerald Costello'S stone was replaced, see page 2.) THEOPHIEL DeSMET died Oct.6, 1904 aged 68 yrs. Not on the Death Register or Plot List Eliza A., beloved wife of John Howly died July 27, 1895 aged 40 yrs. Gone but not forgotten. Plot List 127-A Mrs. Dell McGie age 66 died Sept. 20, 1932 Death Register: Mrs. Del McGee Baby Boy Younkin died Jan. 13, 1952 Stokes Mortuary Renton Plot List 274 - Walkway Anthony R. Goyke Died June 26, 1956 Aged 7lf yrs, 5 mos. 5 days Ringo Cornwell Funeral Home Woodbury, Oregon (Stone replaced, see page 6.) 22 TOMBSTONE INSCRIPTIONS OF ST. PATRICK CEMETERY Kent, Washington AHERN BARTLE Ahern Daniel 188':1 - 1953 Eileen M. 1898 - 1978 GLENDA FAYE BARTLE 1954 + 1976 Never Lost - Never Alone Patr ick Francis Ahern May 28, 1926 + Mar. 28, 1973 BRIDGE ANDERSON John Harrison Bridge Oct. 1887 - Jan. 1947 1888 1940 Arthur M. Anderson Rest in Peace. BUCHER Infant Bucher + 1966 + ARMSTRONG BURKE ARMSTRONG DENNIS M. June 29, 1872 April 19, 1936 Rest in Peace Brother Michael Gabriel Burke, C. F. C. 1893 - 1966 MOTHER Ellen Armstrong BURNETT FATHER John Armstrong ARMSTRONG John Edward Armstrong 1866 - 1917 Erected by John Armstrong and his sons in memory of His Wife Margaret Died Sept. 23, 1901 Aged 50 years In memory of Mother TEN A C. BURNETT 1877 + 1943 BURNS Owen Burns "Native of Ireland" Died Nov. 25, 1890 CAMPBELL ARMSTRONG MARY Dec. 10, 1867 Jan. 9, 1937 Rest in Peace Alton C. Campbell 1901 - 1975 Beloved Husband and FAther CARROLL Edmond Carroll Drowned July 7,1916 Aged 17 yrs. 6 mos. TOMBSTONE INSCRIPTIONS OF ST. PATRICK CEMETERY CARROLL (cont'd) CLINE Robert E. Cam pbell Washington Tee 5 U. S. Army Word War II Jan. 14, 1925 - Sept. 8, 1973 CARVER In Memory of Phillip Michael Cline Aug. 8, 1969 - Nov. 13, 1969 COLEMAN CARVER Margaret M. Howa rd C. 1903 - 1952 1902 - 1935 Husband &. Dad James E. Coleman Apr. 3 Oct. 10 1891 1945 Richard Carver 19/i3 - 1951 CONLON Jeanette S. Conlon Mar. 1, 1896 - Mar. Ii, 1975 CASEY John Casey Co. Down N.Ireland 7-23-1896 9-22-1965 COSTELLO Mother Bridget Mary July 12, 1859 July 16, 1922 Born in Limerick County Ireland CASHMAN ihs Rev. Brother W.P. Cashman Die d July 11, 1930 Aged 61 yrs. Son Gerald Augustine July 30, 1897 Oct. 19, 1905 R. I. P. CHRISMAN Father John Francis Nov. 27 , 1860 Nov. 2/i, 1930 Sarah Beloved Wife of J. J. Chrisman Born Aug. 15, 18/i3 Died June 8, 1905 CHRISMAN John Michael June 2/i, 1888 Jan. 31, 1969 Father Lawrence J. 1890 - 1959 CLAEYS Patrick F. 1892 - 1962 World War I Annie Louise Dau of C. and J. Claeys Born Apr. 25, 1905 Died Aug. 10 , 1905 Gone but not forgotten Son Thomas J. Dec. 17, 1899 Apr. 11, [9/i8 Footstone: A. L. C. 4 (Space for Wife) (Space for Wife) TOMBSTONE INSCRIPTIONS OF ST. PATRICK CEMETERY Costcllo (cont'd) CULHANE (cont'd) Son Vi ncent Leo Feb. 17, 1901 Jan. 28, 1919 Patrick F. Culhane 1887 - 1952 CUMMINGS Son William Francis May 17, 1895 July 18, 1957 (four sided marker) 1. Catherine Cummings Born in Clare County Ireland Died Nov. 4, 1935 Aged 79 yrs. "May her soul rest in peace." COUGHLIN (Blank) Joseph M. 1912-1975 2. Martin Cummings Born in Wexford Co. Ireland Jan 4, 1903 Aged 48 yrs. Be ye also ready for - - - - - - Saying too faint to read- - - COURTNEY . Mother Catherine A. 1869 - 1947 3. Mary Cummings Born Jan . 3, 1877 Died June 3, 1882 Father Patrick H. 1858 -1914 4. Catherine Cummings Born May 9, 1878 Died June 3, 1882 "Of Such is the Kingdom of Heaven." Margaret Died June 27, 1898 Age 3 mos. 27 days Sister Mamie C. Courtney 1889 + 1974 William E. Cummings Washington PVT U. S. Army World War I Oct. 29, 1887 - Oct. 29, 1966 Martin T. Courtney 1898 - 1966 Also, in Cummings' plot are footstone s: Mother, Catherine, Father, and Mary. CULHANE CURTIS Juanita H. Culhane 1888 - 1977 IHS Rev. Brother M. S. Curtis Died July 15, 1936 Aged 62 yrs. R. I. P. Erected By Mrs. Mary Culhane In Memory of Her Joving Husband Patrick J. Culhane Born Riddlestown Co. Limerick, Ireland Aug. 28, 1857 Died Nov. ill, 1906 j I 5 TOMBSTONE. INSCRIPTIONS OF ST. PATRICK CEMETERY DOLAN (cont'd) CUSHING Philip Dolan July II, 1869 Apr. 12, 1907 Margaret Cushing Sept. 23, 1910 Died DONLEY THOMAS DONLEY Born at Limer ick Ireland Dec. 22, 1841 ' Died Nov. 14 , 1903 May His Soul Rest in Peace DAVIS In Loving Memory Yera Elizabeth Davis Dec. 6,1918 - Mar. 7,1976 DEBRUYNE Leo DeBruyne Wisconsin PYT 2 TANK BN 9 ARM DIY World War II BSM Jan. 11, 1922 July 12,1960 DOSE Erected by Women of Woodcraft Courage, Hope, Remembrance ANTON IE Wife of H. C. Dose Born Nov. 19, 1867 Died Jan. 10, 1906 Onl y 51 eeping DEGROOTE Louis DE GROOTE l-lusband of Mary Janssens Born June 25, 1873 Died Sept. 8, 1908 Gone But Not Forgotten. DE GROOTE DOWNEY Anna Downey 1888 + 1953 Elizabeth Downey 1850 + 1934 DOLAN Stone with "Father" LENORE NEELY DOLAN 1879 - 1972 "First White Child Born In Auburn, Washington. Granddaughter of David A. Neely First Settler of White River Valley." Michael Ed. Dolan June 16, 1905 Dec. 30, 1908 James Downey 1888 - 1975 John Downey Aug. 4,,1869 + June 19, 1955 Margaret Downey June 24, 1881 Feb. 20, 1965 Born in TUAM, COUNTY GALWAY, IRELAND Patrick Downey Born in Ireland 1826 Died Feb. 26, 1907 Michael Edward Dolan 1875 - 1957 6 , i1\J'\\\\ 't, ~~~\.~~\\~ h~\~\ Draney 190) 1856 - 1942 19ft7 FEDERSPIEL Ellen Jane Draney IS71 Bernard V. Federspiel 1946 1914-1965 DUCATT FLAHERTY (On same stone, -inscribed across) Aloyisus 1923 Son 1942 Catherine Flaherty Mary Ann Flaherty Jule J. 1886 Father 1980 FLAHERTY Father Mother Edward H. Eileen M. 1914-1980 1901 - 1978 Katharine 1891 Mother 1957 DWYER Brother John G. Flaherty (Skinny) 1896 - 1976 JEREMIAH DWYER Born in Tiparri (sic) Ireland 1828 - 1905 and Mary, Wife of Jeremiah Dwyer 1835 - 1926 Thomas Ford Flaherty PVT US Marine Corps World War I Sept. 2, 1894 + Dec. 16 , 1978 Footstones: J. D. and M.D. Margaret Emerson, wife of F. X. Emerson Julia Ford Wife of P. T. Flaherty 187 1 - 1907 Patrick Emerson Died June 30, 1906 Patrick T. Flaherty 1861 - 1925 EMERSON 1870 Francis X. 1875 Edward P. 1887 Mary C. FLINK EMERSON FLINK Clementine Sebastian 1900 - 1942 1892 - 1972 MAY THEY REST IN PEACE 1961 1961 1967 ERICKSON Toucha M. Erickson 1976 7 TOMBSTONE INSCRIPTIONS OF ST. PATRIGK CEMETERY FLOWER GORMAN Leonard Edward FLOWER Died Oc t. 21f, 1970 Laborare Et Orare Francis A. Daughter of Jas. and Mary GORMAN Born Jan. 4, 1906 Died Mar.llt, 1906 FOLEY Born Died Corrick Ireland Kent, Wa. Mar. 20, 1883 Oct.28, 1950 P A TRICK W. FOLEY James P. ' Mary C. 1867-1930 1872-1942 GORMAN "Rest in Peace ll FORO Mike Ford FaRRAN Beloved Mother Margaret Farran October 1851 Sept. 17, 1938 GOYKE Anton A. Goyke 1882 - 1956 Etta B. Goyke 1885 - 1924 GRAFF GAGE Mother Ida M. Gage 1907- 1980 GIBBS ihs Rev Brother P. R. Gibbs Died July 26, 1931 Aged 57 yrs R. I. P. Katie Graff 1859 + 1909 GRANGER Our Mother Elizabeth M. Granger 1906 f 1981 GRIFFIN Clara E. Griffin Feb. 8, 1872 March 11, 1946 John Griffin July 8, 1871 May It, 1951t GIST Sister Sadie T. Gist 1891 + 1976 Mary Griffin Born in Ireland 1849 Died 1913 GRIFFIN GOKEY Arthur C. Gokey 1915 - 1972 May He Rest In Peace Patrick Griffin Born in County Donegal, Ireland Dec.29, 1841 Died May 2, 1905 Aged 63 yrs. 4 mos. 3 days He lived those years in --(Inscription faint and stone damaged) DAD Patrick Griffin Apr. 29, 1876 Nov. 27, 1960 TOMBSTONE INSCRIPTIONS OF ST. PATRJCK CEMETERY GROGAN HARRINGTON GROGAN Margaret M. Silas L. 6-7-1888 3-14-1892 9- 7-1966 2-11-1973 Husband Wife Rev. Brother J. N. Harrington Died Nov. 14, 1921 Aged: 27 yrs. R. I. P. GROSSMANN HAWORTH Lloyd T. Haworth June 10, 1894 + May 1,1945 Karl J . Grossmann 1887 - 1935 GWERDER HAYES Anastasia Hayes Born Mar. 12, 1877 Died Feb. 15, 1918 May she rest in peace. Baby Gregory Ernest Gwerder June 10, 1964 HAIAR Mother Mary E. Haiar 1893 1972 Bridget Hayes Born County Clare Ireland Died Feb. I, 1881 Aged 34 yrs. 6 M's May she rest in peace. Father Nicklas H. Haiar 1885 - 1943 HALLISSEY Daniel Hallissey 1&&9 - 1966 Margaret J. Hayes Born in Limerick Ireland 1856 Died July 30, 1935 May she rest in peace HANSEN Dad Ervin Hansen 1896 + 1976 May He Rest In Peace Patrick C. Hayes Born in Croagh, County Limerick, Ireland 1832 Died May 24, 1921 May he rest in peace. HARN HEBERT HARN Father ' Mother Carolyne K. Joseph R. 1892 - 1972 1891-1978 Holy Mary Pray For Us Louis A. Hebert 1877 - 1954 Marguerite H. Hebert 1887 - 1972 I I I I I I I I I I ~ II ~ I I I I I I 9 tOMBSTONE INSCRIPTIONS OF ST. PATRICK CEMETERY HOGAN (Cont'd) HENEGHEN John T. Hogan Washington Tee 5 U. S. Army W.W.I! Sept. 27, 1898 - May 25, 1965 J\..ld~th Ann Heneghen Sept. 11, 1959 June 15, 1965 HENRY In Loving Memory of Pearl Christina Hogan Wife of John Dec. 20, 1898 - Sept. 27, 1971 Claude L. Henry Texas PVT Btry E 132 FLD Arty World War I Dec. 24, 1894 Jan 31, 1972 HOGAN James Sr. James, Jr. Side 1846- 1924 1893- 1935 1 Father Son HERRICK HERRICK Edmund W. (Blank) 1905 "Bill" 1971+ John T. Side 1898 - 19 2 Son HIGGINS Mary 1862- 1938 Mother HOGAN Mary J. 1890-1895 Daughter Mother Father Elizabeth C. Edward A. 1890 - 1971 1887 - 1964 HIGGINS HOLLAND Harold Thomas Holland 1920 - 1939 HOBAN HORIUCHI Mary E. Beloved Wife T. P. Hoban Feb. 1875 July 1912 R. I. P. Kiyogi Horiuchi 1917 - 1931 HOWARD Christina Carmody 1893 + 1927 Rest in Peace HOBAN Richard S. 1901 - 1918 R. I. P. HOWARD In Loving Memory Thomas P. Hoban 1901+ + 1968 HOWARD Margaret J. Henry J . 1902 - 1976 1889 - 1960 Father Mother HOGAN HOWELL Mary J . Dau. of Ja's and Mary Hogan Born Nov. 28, 1891 Died Apr. 10, 1895 Infant Mary Howell May 15, 1966 10 TOMBSTONE INSCRIPTIONS OF ST. PATRICK CEMETERY JOSLIN HOWLEY "Here rests a Marianne Joslin Mar. 211 - June 5, 1950 MIANGELITA Woodman of the World." John Howley Born Feb. 10, 1&94 Died Dec. 31, 1907 "May he rest in peace." JUERGENS Joseph M. Hynes Dec. 9, 1921 + Apr. 7, 1934 1922 1973 What A Friend We Have In Jesus THREASA JUERGENS Beloved Wife and Mother JOHNSON JUHASZ Father Mother Alex G. Justeena G. 1890-19-- 1899 - 1960 JOHNSON Miklos Juhasz A MI SZERELMUNK Sept. 11, 1935 + Sept. lit, 1969 HYNES KALB KALB Melania J. + Ernest C. June 15, 1898 Mar. 3, 1888 Oct. 18, 1951 July 26, 1960 Patricia M. Johnson 19110 1975 JONES Howard S. Jones, Sr. 1913+1973 Son Ernest Leon Ka1b 1929 - 19115 JONIENTZ KAMLA Husband JONIENTZ Albert Marie E. 1879 - 1955 1884 - 19116 Mother Father Marie Jonientz 1886 - 1966 Herman Kam1a 1908 - 1967 KARISH Paul Jonientz 1880 - 1928 Joseph Kar ish Died Nov. 15, 1908 Aged 32 yrs. JORDAN KASEL Anna Jordan 18611 - 1933 KASEL Margaret M. Peter P. 1888 - 1968 1890 - 1956 I I I I I I I I I I I I I August L. Jordan 1863 - 19112 I 11 I TOMBSTON~ INSCRIPTIONS or ST. PATRICK CEMETERY KELLY KOHOUT Albertina Kelly 1870 - 19118 Father Frank Paul Kohout 1860 - 1918 Edward Kelly 18611 - 1938 KOPCHINSKI KENNEDY Mary Anna Kopp Kopchinski 1881 Mother 1952 Mother Geraldine B. Kennedy 1891 - 1975 Father Mathew A. Kennedy 1888 - 1963 LARIN Kathleen Larin 1902 - 1951 Robert M. Kennedy 1915 - 1930 LESLIE KENT James P. Kent 1864 - 1942 Frank L. Leslie PVT U. S. Army Feb. lit , 1893 - Jul. 5, 1974 KIRSCHNER Frank Louis Leslie Born Oct. 2, 1851 Died Jan. 31, 1901 KIRSCHNER Robert H. (Space for Wife) 1910-1962 Dad BENEDICTE OMNIA OPERA DOMINI DOMINO KLOPFSTEIN Rosemary A. Klopfstein Dec. 13 Apr. 21 1929 1972 F. L. L. (Footstone of Frank Louis Leslie) LISTON Anna C. Liston May 16, 1900 - May 30, 1969 Mother James G. Liston PVT U. S. Army World War I. Mar. 12, 1896 Apr. 10, 1979 Terence Mary E. 1869 - 1947 1863 - 1957 LISTON (On a separate plaque in front of tombstone) "In memory of Terence J. Liston Born 111, 1869 Died Oct. 6, 191t7" KOCH Father Peter Koch 1872 - 1957 William H. Koch 18&11 - 1972 12 TOMBSTONE INSCRIPTIONS OF ST. PATRICK CEMETERY LISTON (cont'd) MC HUGH Terence A. Liston Washington PVT STU ARMY TNG CORPS World War I Dec.7, 1897 - Aug 27,1963 McHUGH Barb Elizabeth 1904-1967 1908 McHugh James Andrew Barbara 1863 - 1929 1870 - 1943 Father Mother LONCKE John Loncke Oct. 5, 1864 Jan. 19, 1914 Mary Jane McHugh 1900 + 1907 1907 Infant Son 1908 Julius Loncke June 10, 1869 Feb. 7, 1915 Peter Paul McHugh 1906 - 1942 Petrus Loncke Died April 2, 1895 Aged 62 years MC HUGH (Space)(Space) Son Richard Joseph 1958 - 1963 LUMSDEN MC LAUCHEN Beloved Wife and Mother Mary M. Lumsden 1922 - 1972 John McLauchen 1860 - 1924 LYONS MC LAUGHLIN Martin Lyons 1870 - 1954 James McLaughlin Died Feb. 3,1919 Aged 75 yrs. MCCABE KEARIN H. MC CABE Born County Roscommon Ireland April 2, 1832 Died June 8, 1903 Josie McLaughlin July 4, 1873 Feb. I, 1918 MC MANUS BROTHER CHARLES SYLVAN Me MANUS 1896 + 1981 Assistant Superior General 1947 MC ELROY Richard McElroy 1953 - 1959 13 I I I I I ) J TOMBSTONE INSCRIPTIONS OF ST. PATRICK CEMETERY ,I MCMAHON MANNING H. F. McMahon Rose M. Patrick J. 1898-1967 1906-193& 1&69 - 1939 ,1 MANNING 1. 2. 3. (Same stone - three sides) John son of Michael & Nora McMahon Born in Co Clair Ireland Died October 6, 1889 Aged 25 yrs. MEEHAN Bernard L. Meehan Tec 5 U. S. Army Aug. 17, 1915 + Sept. 16, 19711 MEEHAN Michael Virginia 1858-19111 1&7&- 1953 Michael son of Michael & Nora McMahon Died: Feb. 6, 1&91 Aged 2& yrs. MERGENTHAL Katherine A. Mergenthal Sept . 5, 1910 Sept. 5, 1973 Michael McMahon Died July 6, 1&&7 Aged 11& yrs. May his soul rest in peace Meyers Me NEILL MEZERE I Son Father Mother James J. Jr. James J. Katherine 1907- 1918 James C. Mezere 19011 - 1966 ri, MC PHEE MONAHAN Madeline C. McPhee Jan. 20, 1936 Feb. 22, 1911& John Monahan IMII - 19111 Margaret B. McPhee Aug. 1, 1&9& Sept. 3, 1979 MONEN Our Precious Son Damian Anthony Meyers Aug. 9, 1977 - Nov. 9, 1977 Mother Nellie Monen 1&92 - 19110 MADIGAN Emily A. Madigan 187& - 19611 MAKS Sister Anna Maks 1905 - 1938 111 TOMBSTONE INSCRIPTIONS OF ST. PATRICK CEMETERY MOONEY MULLEN (cont'd) George P. Mooney 1887 - 1950 Dennis W. Mullen Dec. 10, 1887 + Mar. 11, 1961 Joseph F. Mooney 1885 - 1910 Edward Mullen Born in County Gal way Ireland Nov. 28, 1886 Died Sept. 17, 1910 Katherine Mooney 1853-1942 John Mullen 1857 - 1928 Patrick J. Husband of Catherine Mooney Died July 16, 1898 Aged 45 years, 8 mos. 22 days "May his soul rest in peace." John B. Mullen 1884 - 1943 John P. Mullen June 22, 1897 Feb. 4, 1914 Erected by Mrs. Dennis Mullen In memory of her nephew. Owen Thomas Mooney Born Mar. 10, 1891 Died April 29, 1899 Aged 8 yrs. 1 mo. 18 ds. Lawrence Mullen Born in County Gal way Ireland Nov. 28, 1886 Died Sept. 18, 1933 MORRIS "Bobby" Robert A. Morris 1951 - 1966 Mother Margaret Mullen County Galway Ire Nov . 5, 1847 - Dec. 13, 1914 MULLEN Albe'rt D. Mullen 1919 - 1940 Martin J. Mullen Oct. 10, 1888 + Aug. 31, 1978 MULLEN Bridget Martin Sr. Died 1931 Born in Ireland Born in Ireland Martin J. Mullen Washington CPL CO C 347-MG BN 91 DIY WORLD WAR I Nov. 11, 1887 - May 16, 1960 Catherine E. Mullen 1880 - 1940 Mullen Mother Mary 1842 1906 Born in Gal way, Ireland Father Dennis Mullen County Galway Ire Mar 25, 1829 - Aug. 2lf, 1911f Dennis P. Mullen Washington ·PYT 9 Inf 2 DIY World War I Nov. 10, 1888 Jan 4, 1948 Mary Jane Mullen Feb. 1, 1882 - Dec. 31, 1963 Mary L. Mullen Mar. 10, 1892 - Feb. 28, 1967 15 TOMBSTONE INSCRIPTIONS OF ST. PATRICK CEMETERY MULLEN (cont'd) O'BRIEN (cont'd) Thomas Mullen 1860 - 1930 Father Morgan P. O'Brien 1858 - 1931 Timothy F. Mullen Sept. 5, 1877 Apr. 26, 1907 Tho Lost to Sight To Memory Dear. Mother Mary O'Brien . 1870 - 1929 John O'Brien Born in County Claire Ireland Died July 15, 1889 Aged 26 yrs. Terence Son of M & M O'Brien Died July 17, 1890 Aged 2 mos. MURPHY Mary K. 1891 - 1968 MURPHY Patrick J. 188~-1956 Son Joseph P. Murphy 1918 - 191)0 Rest in Peace. Timothy John O'Brien WASHINGTON PVT. CO. F. 13 INFANTRY WORLD WAR I July 27,1893 - Se pt. 6,1972 MUSE Kenneth M. Muse Nov. 11, 1931 - Mar. ~, 1979 Brother Wm . E. O'Brien 1900 - 1925 We can't tell you How grateful we are To have a father like you We'd like to take a minute to say We love you so dear and true (Also in O'Brien plot are footstones: Mother, Father, John, and a base of a tombstone only.) So Much .Sorrow - So Much Joy Lies Buried With This Little Boy Richard A. Muse 1936 - 1950 NASH O'CONNELL O'CONNELL Richard Sarah 1839 - 1935 1870 - 1952 O'CONNELL MOM DAD Barbara M. Richard T. 1900 - 1969 1890 - 1965 Timothy Michael Nash July 9, 1950 Age 2 mos. Richard D. O'Connell WASHINGTON CM3 USNR WORLD WAR II July 22, 1920 Aug. 25, 1967 O'BRIEN Morgan O'Brien Born in Tipperary Co, Ireland Died Dec. 18, 1880 Aged 65 yrs. Also His Wife Cather ine, Born in Co. Claire, Ireland Died Dec. 3, 880 Aged 56 yrs. 16 I TOMBSTONE INSCRIPTIONS OF ST. PATRICK CEMETERY O'GRADY PELLAND Eugene A. 0 ' Grady Rest In Peace Raymond A. PeJland 1912 1954 188lf - 19lflf Harriett O'Grady 1868 - 1952 PETERSON Wife and Mother Nina G. Peterson Oct. 31, 1928 - Mar . 26, 1980 James 0' Grady 1862- 1922 Josephine 0' Grady 1886-1914 PLOVIE Lillian P. O'Grady 1892 + 1977 Beloved Wife of Thomas (On same stone) Side Mary, Beloved Wife of J. M. J . 0' Grady Aged 61 yrs. We miss you from our home Mother Side Zeita, beloved dau. of 2. Mr. &. Mrs. M.J. 0' Grady Aged 6 years. Thomas O'Grady 1891 + 1952 Victor Plovie Leotine Plovie Dad Mother 1875 - 1942 1891 - 1980 (On separate stones) PRESCO Thresia O'Grady Wife of James Presco 1886 - 1951 PRESTON Thomas Preston Born Jan. 24, 1927 Died July 4, 1940 Pray for him. PACE Paula Pace 1912 - 1959 PARKER PARKER Lowell W. Betty L. 1927 - 1979 1927 - RAVET Father Mother Henry Gail 1909 1904-1976 Rest in Peace Twin Daughters of Lowell and Betty Parker REGISTER PEARL REGISTER James D. Vivian L. 1919- 1973 1926 - Catheri ne Pearl 1908 - 1963 17 I , TOMBSTONE INSCRIPTIONS OF ST. PATRICK CEMETERY I , I I I I I I I I I I I I SCHLUMPF REID ihs Brother P. V. Reid Died July 2, 1947 Aged 61 yrs. SCHLUMPF Jimmy Infant Son 1934 - 1946 SCHLUMPF Father , Nicklous J. 1887 - 1939 R. I. P. RINK SCHMOLKE RINK Mom DAD Theresa L. William N. 1885 - 1953 1883 - 1957 Charles Schmolke September 17, 1867 March 3, 1954 ROTTER Joseph J. Schmolke WASHINGTON PFC 807 TD BN WORLD WAR II September 15, 1906 December 4, 1944 ROTTER Rudolph W. Mar y Louise 1901 - 1957 1905 RYAN SCHWAHN Mary A. Wife of John J. Ryan Born May 1821 Died Feb. 2, 1892 John K. Schwahn 1890 - 1948 SANDERS SHARKEY SANDERS Edmond C. Mary Kathryn 1922 1923 - 1974 Catherine Sharkey Died Dec. 4, 1899 SCHATZ SHEEHAN Mother Catherine C. Sheehan 1883 + 1938 Eugenia Van De Putte Schatz 1876 - 1949 John P. Sheehan Apr. 2, 1907 Aug. 5, 1970 SCHEET Mother Johanna Scheet 1871 - 1951 J I 19 46 18 , TOMBSTONE INSCRIPTIONS OF ST. PATRICK CEMETERY SLOAN SLOAN (Blank) (Side Father Daniel P. 1900 - 1975 STROOMER 1l STROOMER Joe Neeltje Marinus 1&95-1952 1&92-1972 1907-1953 Father Mother Uncle (Side 2) STROOMER Cornelius 1923 - 1979 Father SMITH IHS John Smith Born in Ireland Died At Briscoe School Dec. 28, 1933 Pray For Him Our Darling Lorene Stroomer Nov. 7, 1956 Nov. 14, 1956 Ronald Lee Stroomer WASHINGTON PFC U. S. ARMY VIETNAM PH June 13, 1945 Jan. 17, 1968 SPANE Elizabeth Spane 1887 - 1962 I I I I I Our Beloved Dad William Stroomer May 4, 1924 Feb. 7, 1962 Joseph Marien Spane, Sr. 1882 - 1938 Joseph Marien Spane, Jr. 1913 - 1936 SULLIVAN Our Sister Elizabeth Sullivan 1930 - 1974 "Thy Will Be Done." STANDAERT THEBERT Freder ick A. Adele R. 1862 + 1918 1866 + 1942 STANDAERT Kathleen E. Thebert 1951 - 1972 "The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. He maketh me to lie down in green pastures; He leadth me beside the still waters. He restoreth my sou!." Psalm 23 Ernest A. Standaert Nov. 20,1892 - Mar. 25,1974 Walter W. Standaert 1904 - 1970 1890 - 1911 ' William F. Standaert TOWNE TOWNE Mothr Father Mary C. Cyrus H. 1877 - 1947 1883 - 1971 "May They Rest in Peace." STORIN James L. Storin PYT U. S. ARMY . WORLD WAR II 1901 + 1978 19 I I I TOMBSTONE INSCRIPTIONS OF ST. PATRICK CEMETERY TURLEY VANZEVEHANT (cant'd) William H. Turley 1860 - 1939 Julius son of Mr. &. Mrs. Ca---- * Van Zevenhant Aged 1 mo. 16 days ULEVICIA * The spei"ling of Camiel/Camille is difficult to decipher on the Vanzevenhant tombstones. 1881 - 1959 Joseph Ulevicia Mother Julia Ulevicia Apr. 15, 1885 - Dec. 4, 1931 WARD ihs Rev. Bro. L. S. Ward Died Mar. 27, 1948 Aged 61 yrs R. I. P. VAN DEPUTTE Celine Vande Putte (no dates) Philip Vande Putte 1899 - 1904 WERNER WERNER Laurence W. Larry Alice J. Jessee May 11, 1925 Aug. 21, 1916 Empire, Minn. Wallowa, Ore. Frank Vande Putte 1896 - 1904 Jeanette Vande Putte 1894 - 1904 Octave Vande Putte 1868 - 1937 WHITE WHITE William M. Nora Ann 1858 - 1935 1870 - 1958 Eugenia Van De Putte Schatz 1876 - 1949 Homer Vande Putte 1904 - 1939 WOLVIN VANZEVENHANT Sarah Neely Wolvin Nov. 2, 1893 + Sept. 6, 191f9 Camiel ? Vanzevenhant (No dates) YAM BRA YAMBRA Felix Julius Son of Mr . &. Mrs. Cam---* Vanzevenhant Died May 22 , 1912 - Aged 8 mo. Clare 20 Father Alexander 1904 - 1948 I TOMBSTONE INSCRIPTIONS OF ST. PATRICK CEMETERY YOUNKIN Clifford Younkin 1904 + 1967 Marian Rose Younkin 1914-1954 ZETTEL I Rest in Peace Kevin Joseph ZETTEL 191+8 B. S. A. 1963 Surname Unknown -All on same stone - same side Margaret Died Sept. 23, 1887 John E. Died July 22, 1890 I I I / Agnes L. Died July 12, 1893 Anna Died Dec. 9, 1896 The above tombstone is located between Catherine Sharkey and Mary Ryan. The tombstone inscriptions were last recorded Sunday, September 6, 1981. /CLS 21 DEATH REGISTER OF ST. ANTHONY CATHOLIC CHURCH BURIAL AT ST. PATRICK CEMETERY KENT, WASHINGTON Note: Place of Death: D Birthplace: B Wife: W Husband: H Name of Deceased McNeill, James J., Jr. Mullen, Edward Denis Date of Death Or Burial October 17, 1918 ~ 10 4 October 18, 1918 Mullen, Timothy Patrick 35 November 25, 1918 Hoban, Richard 18 December 7, 1918 Kohout, Frank Paul 65 December 15, 1918 Costello, Vincent Leo 18 February I, 1919 Ulevicia, Elizabeth 7 days August 27,1919 Keogh, Michael M. 66 January 29, 1920 Hayes, Patrick C. Over 90 May 27, 1921 Van Zevenhant, Camiel 45 September 5, 1921 Culhane, Mary 70 November 25, 1921 Cunningham, WiJliam 69 June 10, 1922 July 19, 1922 Costello, Mrs. Bridget Mary Keogh, Paul Carter Infant July 20, 1922 Schachtel, Elizabeth Infant July 27, 1922 O'Connell,Catherine Marion Infant July 27, 1922 Sandberg, Nathan Ostrem, Katherine Elizabeth Additional Information Orphan at Brisco Scho( B: Croagh,Co.Limerid B: Limerick Co., Irelar Born dead. 50 December 17, 1922 Was a good convert. 4 December 17, 1923 Burned to death. Shank, Leo 62 May 29, 1923 Killed in accident Hogan, James 64 June 13, 1924 Killed by train. Goyke, Etta Bell 46 May 31, 1924 H: Anton. Burns, Michael 85 November 4, 1924 O'Brien, Edward Wm ."Mannie" 26 January 21, 1925 Auto accident April 29, 1925 Father: Thomas O'Brie O'Brien, Margaret C. 2 Ford, Michael 62 May 28, 1925 Flaherty, Patrick T. 65 September 12, 1925 Lash, Dan iel Washington 90 October 27, 1925 Dwyer, Mary Jane 95 January 12, 1926 25 Was a fine woman. 1~26 Ennis, John Joseph ? Mary 26, Conway, John G. ? Mary 27, 1926 Lash, Mrs. Lillian Anna 7J March 2, 1927 & Spannie, Martin Lawrence May 4, 1927 A lone Irishman. Killed by auto. Kline, James 74 September 3, 1927 DeCuper, Margaret 61 October 26, 1927 Howard, Christina 35 August 31, 1927 H: Henry J. Mullen, John 64 January 11, 1928 Died suddenly. A fine man. Infant February 7, 1928 52 October 31, 1928 Killed by his truck April 18, 1929 Wife of Morgan O'Brien. Lash, Elizabeth Jane Jomentz, Paul O'Brien, Mary Mullen, Thomas 73 July 5, 1930 Cashman, Rev. Wm. Patricuis 66 July 11, 1930 Superior or Irish Brothers Briscoe Home. Died suddenly coming home from Angle Lake Mullen, Lawrence 44 July 30, 1930 D: Canada in mining accident. Murphy, Ellen Mary 73 October 27, 1930 Costello, John Francis 70 November 28, 1930 O'Br ien, Morgan P. 68 June 25, 1931 Gibbs,Rev.Brother Patrick R. 53 July 29, 1931 Little, Robert Timothy 63 November 9, 1931 Mullen, Martin, Sr. 88 November 19, 1931 Fountain, William ? December 5, 1931 Horiuchi, Koji 14 December 20, 1931 McGee, Mrs. Dell H: Louis E. 66 September 20, 1932 - Died September 22, 1932 - Buried Furham, John 64 May 6, 1932 McLeod, John 95 October 24, 19.32 Fickle, Joe 70 November 4, 1932 Grant, William H. 65 December 22, 1932 Grant, Julia 64 March 14, 1933 Mullen, Lawrence 48 Jorden, Anna 65 B: County Gal way, Ire September 14, 1933 Parents in Ireland. Martin Mullen is his brother in Kent. Killed by train. October 31, 1933 McGarry, Joseph J. 63 December 1&, 1933 26 B: Limerick Co., Ireland Superior of Irish Christian Brothers Briscoe School. Died suddenly. B: Ireland. A very fine man. A Japanese convert of Mary Knoll Died at Harborview. D: Tacoma, Wa. ,suddenly Smith, John SO Rotter, Clara R. December 30, 1933 D: 13riscoe School Born in Ireland. No relat ives. 1 May 25, 1934 Parents: M/M. Wm.Rott Downey, Elizabeth 80 August 7, 1934 Bray, Emil 73 August 20, 1931f White, William M. 75 Febraury 18, 1935 Grossmann, Karl J. 42 March 14, 1935 B: Switzerland Birth March 18, 1935 Parents: M/M Maurice! Smit h Infant No relatives Hynes, Joseph Michael 12 April 9, 1935 Dominick, Angello 51 July 23, 1935 - Died. Burial Catholic July 25, 1935 - Buried. Cemetery? Hayes, Margaret J. 80 July 30, 1935 O'Pray, John 68 August 6, 1935 - Died B: Australia August 8, 1935 - Buried Cummings, Catherine 80 November 4, 1935 - Died. Born in Ireland November 6, 1935 - Buried O'Connell, Richard 95 November 9, 1935 - Died Born in Ireland November 11,1935 - Buried Hogan, James 42 December 12, 1935 - Died B: O'Brien, WA Armstrong, Dennis M. 65 April 19, 1936 B: Ireland Curtis, Brother Michael 60 July 15, 1936 Superior of Irish Christ Brothers January 9, 1937 B: Ireland Armstrong, Mary Carver, Howard Gallant, Infant About 80 B: Limerick Co. Ire. May 26, 1937 35 3 days old Mary 21, 1938 Father: Harry Kaiser, John 70 March 23, 1938 - Died Sheehan, Mrs. Catherine Cecilia 55 March 23, 1938 - Died Manning, Patrick Joseph 32 April 20, 1938 Harrigan, Anna (Mrs. Wm.) 58 May 4, 1938 Forran, Mrs. Margaret 87 September 17, 1938 Hogan, Mary 73 December 1, 1938 Little, Mrs. Aman?a 55 December 21, 1938 Holland, Harold 19 April 12, 1938 Maks, Anna 34 June 3, 1939 B: Michigan Died in Sedro Wooley, Washington McMahon, Henry 71 July 28, 1939 Schlumpf, Nicholas 51 June 9, 1939 B: Switzerland Killed at Placeville, California in woods. ?7 B: Ireland Died suddenly B: Ellensburg, WA Killed at CCC Camp B: Iowa I I I Mullen, Albert 20 February 14, 1940 FathenDennis Mullen Killed in accident Murphy, Joseph Patrick 21 February lit, 19ltO 13: Seattle' Killed Mullen, Mary 76 February 29,1940 B: Ireland Coakley, Dan 65 April 8, 19ltO B: Boston Fixing up Church grounds and dropped dead. Monen, Mrs. Herman Nee: Nellie McLaughlin 48 June 14, 1940 13: Kent, WA Died in sleep Preston, Tommy 11 July 4, 1940 B: Seattle Drowned in Angle Lake McNeill, Catherine Josephine 58 April 29, 1941 Mullen, Catherine 60 May 17, 1941 Meehan, Michael 82 October I, 1941 B: Utica, New York Mazza, Cappa Anthony 67 October 11, 1941 B: Italy.Died suddenly. Kent, James Patrick 77 February 9, 1942 Flink, Sebistan (Mrs.) 41 April 30, 1942 B: Russia Standaert, Adele 76 May 7, 1942 B: Belgium Plovie, Victor 67 May 12, 1942 B: Belgium McGarry, Mrs. Thos. 69 June 9, 1942 B: Red Cloud, Neb. O'Malley, Mary 79 June 18, 1942 B: Boston Enright, John 86 July 17, 1942 B: Chicago Died in Old Folk's Home in West Seattle. McGarry Thomas 74 August 18, 1942 B: Nebraska Jordan, August L. 78 September 1, 1942 B: Canton, Ohio Armstrong, Mrs. John 90 February 2, 1943 B: Quebec, Canada Nelson, Effie Cecilia 50 February 16, 1943 B: Whole Yoke, Mass. March 2, 1943 B: Kent, Washington Hirschi, Leslie J. 1 yr. Courtney, Patrick C. 50 B: O'Brien, Wash. March 25, 1943 Mother: Kate Courtney. Died suddenly. Burnett, Mrs. Lena 66 September 19, 1943 B: Drain, Oregon Welsh, John 6 mo. September 28', 1943 Father &. Mother were war workers. Higgins, Infant Infant November 15, 1943 Parents: M/M Marvin Higgins Died at birth. Mullen, John Bernard 59 O'Grady, Euguene 60 B: Kent, Washington December 23, 1943 April 11, 1944 B: Auburn, Washington Died suddenly in Oakland, California Gallant, Henry Joseph 39 August I, 1944 28 B: Canada Died in Harborview McGraith, Peter 65 November 2, 1944 B: New York State Found dead. O'Pray, Margaret 75 November 28, 1944 B: Melbourne, Australii Kalb, Leon 15 January 28, 1945 B: Auburn, Washington Died suddenly. Gwerder, Infant Coleman, James E. Smith, Ronald Michael Draney, Ellen Infant 54 I y, yr. August 9, 1945 October 10, 19li5 B: Coopers ton , S. Dak. December 22 , 19li5 71 January 20, 19li6 B: Canada D: San Francisco, Cal; Konkade, Pamela Infant February 10, 19li6 Died at birth. Griffin, Clara E. 71i March II, 1946 B: Centralia, Iowa Schlumpf, James W. 11 April Iii, 1946 B: Kent, Washington Smith, Baby I Week June 25, 1946 Schlumpf, Infant Stillborn June 27, 1946 Lally, Winifred Davis 73 August 14, 1946 B: Ireland Jonientz, Albert 63 October 3, 1946 B: Germany Bridge, John Harrison 59 B: Belleville, 111. January 15, 19li7 Survived by Wife, Regina, 5 sons &. 3 dtrs. Draney, Ellen Collette Iili June 13, 19li7 D: Auto accident near Walla Walla, Wash. Courtney, Catherine A. 80 July 13, 1947 Towne, Cyrus 70 July 22, 19li7 Mullen, Dennis Patrick 59 January 4, 1948 Died suddenly Schwahn, John 57 February II , 1948 B: Dakota Scherm, John 58 February Iii, 19li8 B: Pittsburg, Penn. Donkers, Louis 61i April 3, 19li8 B: Republic, Mich. Killed by train. Costello, Thomas J. 59 April 6, 19li8 B: Kent, Washingtor D: Los Angeles, Cal Jackson, Mrs. Francis 50 August 6, 19lj.8 B: St. Paul, Minn. Yam bra, Alex,\nder Iili December 5, 19li8 B: North Dakota Schlatz, Mrs. Eugenia 73 January 23, 19li9 B: Lafayette, Mich. Johnson, Frank 68 July 2, 19li9 B: Lafayette, Mich. Wolvin, Sarah 56 September 7, 19li9 Mullen, Mrs. Bridget 81i November 20, 1949 B: Ireland Salmon, Joseph 64 December 18, 19li9 B: Manchester, En[ Not married. Ross, Hunter 75 March 28, 1950 B: Ireland Mooney, George 63 May 20, 1950 Joslin, Marianne 3 mos. June 5, 1950 lash, Timothy Michael 2 mos.,3 days B: Ludington, Mich. July 9, 1950 B: Seattle, Wash. Parents: MIM A.A. Nash Muse, Richard Allen 14 July 1&, 1950 B: Minnesota \rnoldey, Michael 81 October 23, 1950 B: Minnesota Drowned Foley, Patrick William October 28, 1950 B: Ireland Dehnert, Baby January 31, 1951 Scheett, Johanna 80 July 6, 1951 B: Russia Larin, Kathleen (Mrs. David) 1t8 July 25, 1951 B: Minnesota Presco, Theresia 65 September 26, 1951 B: Washington State Kalb, Melania (Mrs. Ernest) 50 October 19, 1951 Survived by Husband and five children 61t March 12, 1952 B: Kent, Wash. Killed on the job. O'Grady, Thomas 61 March 26, 1952 B: Nebraska Carver, Margaret M. 1t8 June 15, 1952 Survived by daughter and son. Stroom er, John 58 August 29, 1952 Ahern, Daniel 63 February 10, 1953 B: Co. Cork, Ireland March 4, 1953 Parents: MIM Donald Toman Culhane, Patrick r. Toman, Daniel Rink, Theresa L. Basley, Barry David It hrs. July 2, 1953 Survived by Husband and three children. 68 Baby August 8, 1953 Downey, Anna R. 61t August 15, 1953 B: South Dakota Str_o omer, Marimus Peter 1t6 November 21t, 1953 B: Holland Meehan; Virginia M. 77 December 16, 1953 B: Manitoba Survived by six sons and four daughters. Kostelecky, Diana Frances 29 days January 29, 1951t Parents: William B: Renton, Wash. Pelland, Raymond Albert Itl February 6, 1951t B: Lead, S.Dak. Survived by Wife, Louise and two children. Schmolke, Charles, Sr. 86 March 3, 1954 B: Germany Survived by Frank de Charles, sons and Mrs. Mary Brunett, daughter. Lyons, Martin 83 April 9, 1954 B: Durrow, Ireland Griff in, John 83 May It, 1951t B: Illinois July Ii, 1951i Parents: Rink, Russell Ames Ploegman, Amanda Marie mo. MIMI Marlowe Rink B: Leeds, N.Dak. July 20, 1951i Survived by Husband, Ralph, and one son. 38 30 Hebert, Louis Alfred 77 December,), 195'+ B: 5t.Mary's, l,1ueb/>c Leaves Wife and seven children. Jonientz, MarIe Eva 75 January 7, 1955 B: Breslau, Cermany Widowed and fiye children Muse, Infant Boy January 24, 19.55 I day Parents: M/M Kenneth M Downey, John 85 June 19, 1955 McLelland, Margaret 72 January 24, 1956 B: New Brunswick,Canad Kasel, Peter P. 65 February 24, 1956 B: Hastings, Minn. Muse, Infant March 7, 1956 1 day Goyke, Anthony 74 June 26, 1956 B: Perham, Minn DoDario, Daniel 89 July 4, 1956 B: Italy Murphy, Patrick J. 72 August 14, 1956 B: Co. Cork, Ireland Caldwell, Philip 68 September 12, 1956 B: Scotland week November 14, 1956 B: Auburn, Wash. Stroomer, Lorena Toman, Bernita 31 March 20, 1957 B: Portland, Oregon Rotter, Rudolph W. 55 April 14, 1957 B: Tacoma, Wash. Costello, William Francis 62 July 18, 1957 B: O'Brien, Wash. Dolan, Michael 81 B: Seattle, Wash. July 25, 1957 Died in Seattle, Washington. Muse, Infant Martin, William Blenkush, Infant 1 day October 10, 1957 B: Renton, Wash. December 18, 1957 77 I day January 3, 1958 B: Kent, Wash. B: Council Grove, Kansa Pace, Pauline 46 February 10, 1959 Neumeyer, John 63 B: Hull, England February 14, 1959 Died at Briscoe Memorial School Kringelbach, Infant Meehan, Kathleen 3 weeks May 2, 1959 B: Renton, Wash May27,1959 B: Kent, Wash B: O'Brien, Wash. Costello, Lawrence 69 September 6, 1959 Sullivan, John 63 B: Unknown October 17,1959 Died in Valley View Nursing Home. Howard, Henry Joseph 70 January 16, 1960 Kamesh, Albert 85 January 18, 1960 B: Germany Died in Olympic View Nursing Home, Sea ttle , Washington. Mullen, Martin 73 May 16, 1960 B: Tuam, Ireland DeBruyne, Leo 38 July 12, 1%0 B: Superior, Wise. Presco, Bruno 62 B: Jersey City, N.J. July 15, 1960 Died in State Soldiers Home, Orting, Wash. Kalb, Ernest 72 July 26, 1960 31 B: Dublin, Ireland B: Burlington, Iowa Griffin, Patrick November 27, 1960 84 B: Platt Co., ilL Died in Ketchikan, Alaska Johnson, Justina 61 December 19, 1960 B: Bontry, No. Dak. Mullen, Dennis W. 7J February 11, 1961 B: Kent, Wash. 90 March 25, 1961 B: O'Brien, Wash. Tracy, Ellen 78 August 3, 1961 B: Ireland Died in Valley View Nursing Home. Emerson, Edward P. 86 November 23, 196 J Garcia, Eduardo 81 February 3, 1962 B: Mexico Died in Valley Lodge Nursing Home Stroomer, William 36 February 7, 1962 B: Texel, Holland Died in Orting, Wash. Kirschner, Robert Henrick 51 March 5, 1962 B: Seattle, Wash. Costello, Patrick F. 70 May 29, 1962 B: O'Brien, Wash. Zettel, Kevin J. 1'1 January 16, 1963 B: Langdon, No. Oak. April 28, 1963 B: Renton, Wash. Emerson, Or. Francis Xavier Boyle, Infant 1 day B: Seattle, Wash. Pearl, Catherine 59 July 16, 1962 Buried: May 13, 1963 B: Ireland 0: Los Angeles, Calif. Kokol, Martin 82 May 27, 1963 B: Austria Died: Ravensdale, Wash. McHugh, Richard Joseph 5 August 19, 1963 B: Renton, Wash. Mullen, Mary J. 81 December 31, 1963 B: Kent, Wash. Holl y, Joseph 71 March 13, 1964 B: Austria 0: Seattle, Wash. Meyers, Thomas Joseph 4 days May 17, 1964 B: Renton, Wash. Gwerder, Gregory 1 day June 10, 1964 B: Enumclaw, Wash. Higgins, Edward A. 77 November 9, 1964 B: Blaine, Kansas O'Connell, Richard T. 74 February 17, 1965 B: Kent, Wash. Downey, Margaret T. 81 February 20, 1965 B: Galway, Ireland Federspiel, Bernard 50 May 12, 1965 B: Seattle, Wash. Hogan, John T. 66 May 25, 1965 B: Seattle, Wash. Armstrong, Denis L. 68 June 5, 1965 B: Buckley, Wash. Heneghen, Judith A. 5 June 15, 1965 B: Tacoma, Wash. McGee, Eugene 82 December 1, 1965 B: Minnesota Mezere, James C. 61 January 6, 1966 B: Seattle, Wash. Stanwood, George E. 88 January 13, 1966 B: Iowa January 27, 1966 B: Auburn, Wash. January 27, 1966 B: Bridgewater, Mass Bucher, Infant Simono, Roy L. 1 day 63 32 I Jonientz, Marie 79 Kringelbach, Infant Courtney, Martin T. 67 January 30, 1966 B: Germany Died: Seattle, Wash. March lJ., 19bb B: Auburn, Wash. May 11, 1966 B: O'Brien, Wash. Howell, Mary 1 day May 15, 1966 Redig, Ruth Ann 1 day May 25, 1966 B: Auburn, Wash. Morris, Robert A. 15 August 18, 1966 B: Norfolk, Virginia Cummings, William E. 79 October 29, 1966 B: O'Brien, Wash. D: Orting, Wash. Hallissey, Daniel 77 December 26, 1966 B: Co. Cork, Ireland Mullen, Mary L. 74 February 28, 1967 B: Kent, Wash. Emerson, Mary 78 June 29, 1967 B: O'Brien, Wash. D: Auburn, Wash. McHugh, Barb 63 December 21, 1967 B: Auburn, Wash. Stroomer, Ronald L. 22 January 17, 1968 B: Auburn, Wash. D: Auburn, Wash. Kasel, Margaret M. 79 June 6, 1968 B: Exeter, N.H. Hoban, Thomas P. 64 December 16, 1968 B: Kent, Wash. Matte, Richard J. 51 January 24, 1969 B: Seattle, Wash D: Seattle, Wash. Costello, John M. 80 January 31, 1969 O'Connell, Barbara M. 69 May 23, 1969 Juhasz, Miklos 34 September 14, 1969 Wimer, Anna M. 81 September 24, 1969 Sandberg, Anna L. 86 November 3, 1969 3 mos. November 13, 1969 Cline, Philip M. White, Jeanne D. 46 February 7, 1970 Sheehan, John P. 63 August 5, 1970 Towne, Mary C. 87 February 20, 1971 Lahti, Steven W. mo. December 7,1971 Higgins, Elizabeth C. 81 December 13, 1971 Kovash, Adolph 66 January 16 , 1972 Henry, Claude L. 77 January 31, 1972 Dolan, Lenore 92 February 14, 1972 Van De Putte, Florent 69 February 26, 1972 Thebert, Kathleen E. 20 March 23, 1972 Klopfstein, Rosemary A. 42 April 21, 1972 Lumsden, .Mary M. 50 May 21, 1972 I I I I I I I • I B: San Francisco, Calif. I B: Mogyorod,· Hungary B: Brooklyn, N.Y. B: Ireland I B: Seattle, Wash B: Superior, Wise. I B: Ontario, Canada B: Mandan, No.Dak. I B: Renton, Wash. B: Lillis, I B: Russia B: Waco, Texas I B: Auburn, Wash. B: Kent, Wash. B: Yakima, Wash. I B: Springfield, Ohio B: Manchester, England I I B: Kent, Wash. Kans~ I I I I I Flink, Sebastian 79 June 17, 1972 B! North Dakota Koch, William H. 88 July 27, 1972 B: Emery, S.Dn!<. Harn. Caro/yne H. 80 August 26, 1972 B: Washington 5ta te Stroomer, Neeltje 80 December 16, 1972 Bo Holland 0: Puyallup, Wash. Register, Vivian 53 October 29, 1973 B: Glenfleld No. Oak. Jones, Howard 60 December 9, 1973 B: Chicago, Illinois Herrick, Edmond W. 68 April 12, 1974 B: South Dakota Leslie, Frank 81 July 5, 1974 B: Seattle, Wash. Sendon, Jorge 49 August 1, 1974 Meehan, Bernard 59 September 16, 1974 B: Canada Courtney, Mary 85 October 14, 1974 B: O'Brien, Wash. Sanders, Mary 51 October 21, 1974 B: Auburn, Wash. ~ Sulli van, Elizabeth 44 October 21, 1974 B: Los Angeles, Calif. Kennedy, Geraldine B. - 83 February 12, 1975 B: Enumclaw, Wash. ~ • Conlon, Jeannette S. 79 March 4, 1975 B: Kent, Wash. Downey, James Herbert 86 March 10, 1975 B: Kent, Wash. Campbell, Alton C. 73 June 17, 1975 B: Kent, Wash. Sloan, Daniel P. 75 September 17, 1975 B: Kingston, Wash • Ravet, Henry S. 71 July 4, 1976 B: Seattle, Wash. Flaherty, John 79 September 7, 1976 (Burial) Died in Dorian Nursing Home, Kent, Wash. Howard, Margaret J. 74 September 10, 1976 B: Hepner, Oregon Gist, Sadie Theresa 85 October 18, 1976 B: O'Brien, Wash. O'Grady, Lillian P. 84 March 10, 1977 B: North Dakota ~ ~ • Klapperich, Jacob Laurence 1 day May 14, 1977 Klapperich, Jason Lee I day May 15, 1977 . B: Chile, South America Schachtel, Elizabeth 93 June 13, 1977 B: Russia Ahern, Eileen M. 79 March 26, 1978 B: Kent, Wash. Harn, Joseph Richard 87 August 13, 1978 B: Orillia, Wash. Storin, James L. 77 August 30, 1978 B: Seattle, Wash. Mullen, Martin J. 89 August 31, 1978 B: Kent, Wash. Flaherty, Thomas Ford 84 December 16, 1978 B: Arizona Liston, James G. Anderson , Kathryn T. 83 90 B: Orillia, Wash. April 10, 1979 B: O'Brien, Wash. April 27, 1979 D: Valley Villa Nursing Home, Renton, Wash. Parker, Lowell William 52 May 28, 1979 34 B: South Dakota Stroomer, Cornelius 56 July 29, 1979 Mc Phee, Margaret B. 80 September 3, 1979 B: Holland B: O'Brien, Washington 87 January 25, 1980 B, Kent, Washington Mulle n, Florence K. Peterson, Lucia (Nina) 51 March 26, 1980 B: Trieste, Italy 89 April It, 1980 B: Knocke,· Belgium Plovie, Leontine
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