Layout 1 (Page 1) - Fentress Courier
Layout 1 (Page 1) - Fentress Courier
VOLUME 66, NUMBER 29 JAMESTOWN, TENNESSEE 38556 2 SECTIONS - 24 PAGES WEDNESDAY, JULY 20, 2011 PROPOSED JAIL/JUSTICE CENTER: This is the front elevation view of the proposed Fentress County Jail/Justice Center preliminary design which was presented to and approved by the Fentress County Commission at their regular meeting on Monday night. The Sheriff’s Office public entrance is at the left and the main public entry into the e courtroom and Clark’s business office is to the center right. Mule Pulling, Draft New Law Sponsored Horse & Mule By Senator Yager Is Step in Right Direction Show Set July 23 One of the oldest and most popular events of the Fentress To Curb “Pill Mills” County Fair is scheduled for An Editorial by Senator Ken Yager (July 15, 2011) -- On June 14, Governor Haslam signed Senate Bill 1258 regulating pain management clinics into law. Public Chapter 340, which took effect July 1, requires the Tennessee Department of Health to establish rules to regulate the operation of “pill mills.” I introduced this new law in response to a growing crisis and in cooperation with the medical professional groups to weed out pill mills that do not adhere to legitimate dispensing practices. It also empowers the medical professional organizations to police its members practicing in a pain management clinic. The Governor’s signature comes not a minute too soon. Prescription drug abuse has become the nation’s fastest growing drug problem. It affects men and women, college grads and high school drop outs, the rich and the poor. The most alarming demographic is that prescription drug addicts are disproportionately young. More than 13 per cent of people ages 18 to 34 seeking substance abuse treatment were taking prescription pain pills. In the South, oxycodone can be more easily obtained than heroin! And keep in mind that Tennessee ranks second in the U.S. in the number of prescriptions dispensed. Many Tennessee pain management clinics operate according to medical protocols and deliver critical services to their patients. Unfortunately, there are also some in this industry who are cash cows for their owners to get rich without any thought of the destroyed lives left behind, as well as, the devastating impact on family members and friends. The new law will require pain clinics – for the first time – to obtain an operating certificate from the Tennessee Department of Health. The Department will establish the rules to oversee clinic operations. Clinics will be required to operate under the supervision of a duly licensed medical director possessing an unrestricted medical degree. No certificate will be issued to an applicant/owner with a felony conviction or a misdemeanor conviction if it is related to the distribution of illegal prescription drugs or a controlled substance. To me one of the most important provision is of the new law is the prohibition of cash transactions. The new law creates a paper trail on all transactions by prohibiting cash payments for services except where a third party payer will be billed. Public Chapter 340 is a step in the right direction. Curbing the abuses in the proliferating prescription abuse will save lives. tnAchieves Coming To Fentress County With the goal of increasing the higher education attainment and retention rate, tnAchieves seeks to provide every public high school senior from Fentress County the opportunity to attend community college with mentor support. tnAchieves is a last-dollar scholarship. This means tuition cost should no longer be an obstacle when a student is deciding to attend college. 51st Annual Rotary Club Horse Show Held July 16 Although the number of entries were down from last year, the 51st Jamestown Rotary Club Horse Show, held Saturday, July 16 at the Fentress County Fairgrounds, was again termed as successful,with 123 horses registered. SEE STORY ON B4-B5 While all public high school seniors are eligible for tnAchieves, the program focuses primarily on students who are the first in their families to go to college. tnAchieves applications will be available to the graduating Class of 2012 the first week of school and are due October 14, 2011. Students should visit their guidance office for more details. Eliminating the funding obstacle is obviously important; however, the heart of tnAchieves is the opportunity for students to work with mentors. tnAchieves has experienced substantial success utilizing volunteers in business and community-based organizations to guide its students through the college access and success processes. Each student is assigned a volunteer mentor who agrees to help the student eliminate the barriers associated with college access. tnAchieves mentors support the student through (CONTINUED TO PAGE A-2) 6:00 p.m. on Saturday, July 23, when the 2011 version of the Open Mule Pulling gets underway. The event features four classes, and will offer premiums of $2,700.00, with first place in each class paying $250, with second place paying $150, third $125, fourth $75, fifth $50, and sixth $25. There will also be a special trophy presented by the LaRue Family in memory of Otis and Clella LaRue. There will be a $20.00 entry fee in each class. Classes are as follows: CLASS 1. Pair of Mules 1801-2000 lbs. CLASS 2. Pair of Mules 2001-2200 lbs. CLASS 3. Pair of Mules 2201-2500 lbs. CLASS 4. Pair of Mules over 2,501 lbs. This year’s committee includes Ricky Leffew, Chairman, Dean Leffew, Chad Leffew, Wayne Beaty, Ronnie Ramsey, Randy Goney and Chris Watson. Dean Leffew and Ricky Leffew will also serve as Judges and Weighmasters. The Master of Ceremonies for the event will be Phil Brannon. Darlene Brannon and Penny Leffew will serve as show secretaries. (CONTINUED TO PAGE A-2) Commission Approves Preliminary Plans for New Jail/Justice Center The Fentress County Commission met in regular monthly session on Monday, July 18, 2011 and took action on a number of items of business, including approval of the preliminary plans for a new Jail/Justice Center. With all members present except Bill Phipps, the meeting was called to order by Executive Frank Smith, and following the pledge to the Flag, led by Leonard Bilbrey and prayer by Ray Buck, approved notaries and the minutes of the previous meeting. Next, they approved an amendment to the 3-Star budget to allow them to accept $40.28 in donations. B. Allen Hill, Associate with Upland Design Group, Architects and Engineers, addressed the commission, giving an update and presenting preliminary plans for the new Jail/Justice Center complex, answering questions by the commission members concerning specific aspects of the facility, stating that once the preliminary plans were approved, they could proceed with design development, which would take about 3 to 4 weeks, after which they could proceed with developing the actual blueprints. Neal Richardson with Upland Design pointed out that the new facility had been developed and designed for efficiency in holding down the long-term operating costs, such as designing it so that three people could watch and monitor the entire cell-block area, and that everyone involved with the planning process had approved the plans which they were presenting. Leonard Bilbrey then made a motion that the preliminary plans be approved, with his motion being seconded by Rodney Jones and passed on a roll-call vote, 8-1-1, with all present voting for except Donal Williams, who passed, and Bill Phipps absent. Next, they approved the appointment of Nolan Hull as Planning Commission Member from the First District and David Shaner as Planning Commission Member for the Second District. Kristin Rosecrants then questioned the commissioners about the 21-acre parcel of property they had purchased for the Jail/Justice Center on Rugby Avenue for $255,000, stating the motion stipulated that it would be “contingent on it being rezoned by the City of Jamestown for commercial purposes.” and asked “when did that happen.” County Attorney Paul Crouch said that after talking with MTAS (Municipal Technical Assistance Services) it was learned that if the county owned the property, it did not have to be rezoned, nor were any city permits required to construct a county facility on the propery. Ms. Rosecrants then said: “Malfeasance is the definition of a wrongdoing or wrongful or illegal act, especially by a public official. Gentlemen, I would seriously contemplate what you’re doing, and the money you’re spending. You’ve already spent $224,000 that’s lost and you’re going to have to repay because of malfeasance, and we’re looking at that all over again.” The meeting then adjourned at 6:50 p.m. on a motion by Leonard Bilbrey. Red Cross Shelter Management Training Session Held July 9 Well Attended The Fentress County American Red Cross Shelter Training Meeting held at the First Baptist Church in Jamestown on Saturday, July 9 was well attended, with some 22 individuals taking the course. PHOTO BY JAMES BILBREY HOME DESTROYED BY FIRE: 3 units from the Fentress County Fire Department responded to a structure fire at the residence of Ellen Bentley, located just off Highway 62 at 590 Clear Creek Lane shortly before 6 p.m. Sunday. According to reports, Ms. Bentley was asleep in a bedroom when a smoke detector awoke her and when she opened the bedroom door, the whole house was full of smoke. She managed to escape without injury through a bedroom window and called 911. When firemen arrived they found the rear portion of the double-wide mobile home engulfed in flames and were able to contain the blaze to the utility room and kitchen area. However, they were called back to the scene shortly after 11 p.m. Sunday night at which time they were unable to save the structure. Fire units from Clarkrange, Grimsley and Jamestown responded to the fire, as well as Fentress County Rescue Squad and Emergency Management personnel. The meeting began at 8:00 a.m. with breakfast being served by the First Baptist Men’s Brotherhood. Instruction began at 8:30 a.m. and continued until noon. Louie Keeling from the Knoxville Chapter, who has overseen many large shelters across the southeast, as instructor for the program. Billy Jennings Sr., who serves as local Red Cross Liaison Officer, spoke with members of the local news media following the session, stating: “It was a good turnout. We had 22 people there, including several from the First Baptist Church who took the training, which deals with all phases of shelter operation. It was very thorough and in-depth. I thought Mr. Keeling did a great job in teaching the class, taking them from the procedures for opening a shelter through the operation and closure.” “Sometimes, shelters only have to be open for a short period of time, such as in the event of a threat of a storm or tornado, and other times, it may have to be opened for an extended period of time in the event of a disaster such as a tornado or other severe situation. The First Baptist Church Shelter has the ability to accommodate either small groups in the fellowship hall or large groups in the gymnasium area. It also has full kitchen facilities, with gas backup in the (CONTINUED TO PAGE A-2) PAGE A-2, WEDNESDAY, JULY 20, 2011, FENTRESS COURIER Prayer Committee Resolution Honors Co. Commissioners Leonard Bilbrey and Ray Buck In keeping with the desire to lift up all our elected officials in prayer and support, the Fentress County Prayer Committee met in regular monthly session on Friday, July 15 at the Fentress County Courthouse for presentation of a resolution and devotion to First District Commissioners Leonard Bilbrey and Ray Buck. The meeting was called to order by Cheri Stephens, Three Star Coordinator, followed by opening prayer by Bro. James Moody. Ms. Stephens then recognized Global Force Church for providing lunch for the meeting, after she read scripture from the book of Ezra, noting the importance of Christian people supporting our elected officials and our elected officials supporting God’s people. stating: “I feel that this is a foundation for growth and for positive things to happen in this community.” She urged everyone to pray for our elected officials at least one minute each day. After announcing that the Prayer Committee will not be meeting in August, the presentation of the resolution honoring Commissioners Bilbrey and Buck was read and approved, and the prayer committee, led by Bro. Jason Kerr, lifted the commissioners up in prayer. After announcing that there will not be a meeting of the Prayer Committee in August, the meeting adjourned, after which both Commissioners Bilbrey and Buck spoke with members of the local news media which were present, CHURCH OF CHRIST BIBLE CORNER Phil Adams, Minister 15 THINGS YOU WILL NEVER BE SORRY FOR For telling the truth; For living a pure life; For your faith in Christ; For acknowledging your sins; For doing your best; For thinking before acting; For hearing before judging; For forgiving your enemies; For helping a fallen brother; For being loyal to the church; For standing by your principles; For being courteous and kind; For money given to the Lord's cause; For being honest in business, For saying I love you more than you do. Jamestown Church of Christ 844 old Hwy 127 S • (931) 879-7815 Commissioner Bilbrey commented: “It means the whole world to me to know that there arepeople supporting me in prayer and backing me in the actions we take in the county commission. In the issues which come before us, it is very important to me and very uplifting to me personally to know that.” Commissioner Buck also expressed his appreciation, stating: “It’s comforting and a blessing to me to know that we have God’s people out there who are concerned about their community, who are concerned about their leaders, and are interested enough to reach out in prayer for our elected officials by calling them by COMMISSIONERS HONORED: name each day and try to find Fentress County First District Commissioners Leonard Bilbrey and Ray Buck were honored ways to work toward the and recognized by members of the Fentress County Prayer Committee at a luncheon on Friday, July 15. betterment our county.” tnAchieves Coming (CONTINUED FROM PAGE A-1) admission and financial aid paperwork, motivate the student to meet deadlines, and perhaps most importantly, encourage the student to reach his/her potential. Without the encouragement of mentors, many of the students would slip through the proverbial cracks associated with the transition from high school to college. It takes only 15 hours annually to positively influence a student’s perception about college. With an emphasis on a more qualified workforce and an understanding of the importance of increased educational attainment, Governor Haslam and former Knox County Mayor Mike Ragsdale, along with business leaders Randy Boyd, Rich Ray, and Tim Williams established knoxAchieves, now tnAchieves, in 2008. In its first two years, knoxAchieves worked with 1,300 applicants and placed 716 of those students into community college. The program currently has 608 students enrolled with a 65 percent fall-to-fall retention rate. With the help of Knox County’s hardworking guidance counselors, knoxAchieves mentors have spent the last six months working with 1,073 seniors from the Class of 2011. More than 90 percent have met all the requirements to enter Pellissippi, Roane or Walters State in the fall. Even more exciting, over 65 percent of the students are the first in their families to attend college. For information on tnAchieves and/or to become a mentor, contact Krissy DeAlejandro, Executive Director, at 865.218.4093 or You can also visit our website, Mule Show (CONTINUED FROM PAGE A-1) Earlier in the day, beginning at 10:00 a.m., the annual Draft Horse & Mule Show will get underway featuring 45 classes with over $4,000 in premiums. For more information contact Lee Little, Chairman at 8633435 or Charles LaRue at 863-8316. Show secretaries are Karen Little, Leann Little, Karen Lowe and Allix Lowe. See pages B-2 and B-3 for more information. FREE PHOTOS FENTRESS COURIER, WEDNESDAY, JULY 20, 2011, PAGE A-3 The Sheriff’s Corner TIPS TO AVOID BEING “DRIVEN TO DISTRACTION” Sheriff Tony Choate is concerned with drivers using cell phones while driving and has therefore asked that this article appear in this week’s SHERIFF’S CORNER. In recent months, there’s been a great deal of attention paid to the issue of texting while driving, and with good reason: keeping your eyes on the tiny keyboard in front of you instead of the highway ahead is a sure way to head down the road to disaster. It’s also an increasing threat in this digital age. Unfortunately, texting is just the latest in a long line of distractions that are having deadly consequences on America’s roadways—with 426,000 lives tragically lost each year. “Distracted driving is increasingly having an impact on lives lost and property damaged,” said Bill Moore, president of MetLife Auto & Home. “Safe driving is really about focus. Every day, our Claim Department receives reports of claims that could have been avoided, had the basic principles of defensive driving and driver attentiveness been observed.” To help avoid being “driven to distraction,” MetLife Auto & Home reminds consumers to ask the following questions, when behind the wheel: • Are you keeping your eye on the prize? With cars more than ever resembling mobile offices and massive entertainment centers, it can be easy to forget the main reason that you’re behind the wheel. Keep in mind: these distractions can cut your reaction time in half, and with most accidents occurring in seconds, you need all the time you can get. • Are you awake enough to drive? Driver fatigue leads to driver inattentiveness, and according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 100,000 crashes are caused each year by drivers literally being asleep at the wheel. Recognize the signs of drowsy driving, which include difficulty focusing, frequent blinking, irritability, and frequent yawning—and then, take action. • Are you more interested in your cell phone conversation than the road ahead? Many states are placing restrictions on the use of cell phones while driving. Even in states where it’s permissible, avoid doing so whenever possible. Talking on a cell phone will increase the likelihood of getting involved in a motor vehicle accident, so if you absolutely need to call, pull off the road to a safe location and dial away. • Do you have a designated deejay? Simple things like changing the radio dial or finding that “perfect song” on your MP3 player may seem harmless, but they can be a big distraction. Whenever possible, let your passengers “take the wheel” when it comes to selecting the musical mood. • Are you being lazy about changing lanes? It’s critical you look briefly over both shoulders before changing lanes, even if you’d rather focus on other things. Even if you have onboard technology installed in the car, such as blind spot and rear view indicators, the basics you learned in driver’s education will always apply: signal your intention, check your mirrors, and then glance back both ways to be certain that no one—or no thing—has found its way into your blind spots. • Are you day-driving or daydreaming? Even without external distractions, it’s easy to get caught up thinking about personal problems or work assignments. If you feel yourself losing your focus, give yourself a wake up call, and set aside your problems. They can wait until the ride is over. Building A Safe Room Saves Lives NASHVILLE, Tenn. - The tornadoes and high winds that have caused so many deaths this year make it all too obvious why a "safe room" is a good idea. Although a home may be built "to code," that does not mean it can withstand the forces from extreme weather events. A safe room is a refuge that can save lives. You can build a safe room in one of several places in your home: • Your basement. • Atop a concrete slab-ongrade foundation or garage floor. • An interior room on the first floor. Safe rooms built below ground level offer the best protection, but a safe room built in a first-floor interior room can also provide the necessary safeguards. Belowground safe rooms must be designed to avoid taking in water during the heavy rains or high water tables that often accompany windstorms. Here are some considerations when building a safe room: • The safe room must be adequately anchored to resist overturning and uplift. • The walls, ceiling, and door of the shelter must withstand wind pressure and resist penetration by windborne objects and falling debris. • The connections between all parts of the safe room must be strong enough to resist the wind. • Sections of either interior or exterior residence walls that are used as walls of the safe room must be separated from the structure of the residence so that damage to the residence will not cause damage to the safe room. For more information on building a safe room, visit the FEMA website at eroom. For FEMA P-320 book "Building a Safe Room for Your Home or Small Business," call 800-480-2520. A safe room may be built into new housing or added inside or outside to existing structures. For more information on safe rooms, go to Disaster recovery assistance is available without regard to race, color, religion, nationality, sex, age, disability, English proficiency or economic status. If you or someone you know has been discriminated against, call FEMA toll-free at 800-621FEMA (3362). For TTY call 800-462-7585. FEMA's mission is to support our citizens and first responders to ensure that as a nation we work together to build, sustain, and improve our capability to prepare for, protect against, respond to, recover from, and mitigate all hazards. FEMA's housing assistance and Other Needs Assistance grants for medical, dental, and funeral expenses do not require Those celebrating birthdays in the month of July 2011 at the Fentress County Senior Center are seated: Bill Patton, Glenn Hembree and Pearl Mason. Standing: David Madewell, Lois Reagan, Elsie Pyle and Minnie McDonald. We want to thank those who make our monthly birthday celebrations at the Senior Center very special due to their donations. Bill and Donna Ramsey of Dairy Queen donated 2 cakes and a free chicken strip basket. Danny and Wanda Hailey of McDonalds donated 2 cakes. Joey and Rayella Vaughn of Med-I-Thrift donated a gift certificate for each birthday person. Bulldog Cheerleaders Annual Cookout/Bake Sale Set For July 30th The Bulldog Cheerleaders will be having their annual cookout and bake sale on Saturday, July 30th from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. in the Wal-Mart parking lot. Please come out and help the Bulldog Cheerleaders raise money for needed uniforms and enjoy some good food. All donations are greatly appreciated. For more information call Amy Stockton at 931-397-5847 or Rebecca Clark at 931-310-9477. individuals to apply for an SBA loan. However, applicants who receive SBA loan applications must submit them to SBA loan officers to be considered for assistance that covers personal property, vehicle repair or replacement, and moving and storage expenses. Applicants who do not qualify for a SBA loan may be eligible to receive Other Needs Assistance grants for these items. PAGE A-4, WEDNESDAY, JULY 20, 2011, FENTRESS COURIER Look Who’s Turning 1 Training session attendees. Riley Alexis Kay Blais will be turning 1 on July 22nd. Riley is the daughter of Rob and Tracy Blais of Jamestown, TN. She is the granddaughter of Brenda and the late Bill Chandler of Jamestown, TN and Don and Ethel Blais of Mississauga, Ontario, Canada. We would like to wish Riley a very Happy Birthday from Momma, Daddy, big brother Skylier, Nana and all your Aunts and Uncles. We love you! PHOTOS BY JAMES BILBREY Red Cross Shelter Management Training Session Well Attended (CONTINUED FROM PAGE A-1) event of a power failure.” he added. Bro. Gale Hartley, pastor of the First Baptist Church, also commented about the Red Cross program, stating: “We had 12 people from our church who took the training. Bill Tant has assumed the duty as lead person, and will help us with any disaster situation. This is a great program -- a matter of being prepared to help our community, and our church is proud to be a part of making sure we are ready in the event of a disaster.” For more information about any Red Cross program, call 879-4060. Instructor Louie Keeling Use Common Sense When Shopping Online Nashville, TN – While online opportunities for consumers are almost endless, there are risks, too. Con artists use the Internet to defraud consumers in a variety of clever ways. Whether buying a product from a company’s website, an online auction or on Craigslist, any time you deal with someone you aren’t meeting faceto-face, you risk getting scammed. One of the most common scams involves getting consumers to wire money. Wiring money is like sending cash; once it’s gone, you can’t get it back. Wire transfers can be useful when you want to send funds to someone you know or trust, but are not appropriate when doing business with a stranger. Be suspicious of sellers who insist on cash wire transfers. Ask to use another method of payment. If the seller insists on a wire transfer, end the transaction. A seller’s insistence on a wire transfer is a sign that you probably are not going to get the item and you will lose your money. Scam artists pretending to be legitimate sellers use a number of tricks to get potential buyers to wire them cash. To protect yourself from falling victim to a scam: Avoid sending money overseas. Con artists often insist people wire money, especially overseas, because it’s nearly impossible to reverse the transaction or trace the money. Know whom you are dealing with. Confirm the online seller’s physical address and phone number, in case you have questions or problems. Research online reviews by previous customers. Examine the service's privacy policy and security measures. Never disclose financial or personal information, unless you know why it's being collected, how it will be used and how it will be safeguarded. Check out the online payment or escrow service's Web site. Sites that are of poor quality – say, with misspelled words or that claim to be affiliated with the government – are suspect. Call the customer service line. If there isn't one – or if you call and can't reach someone – don't use the service. Be suspicious of online escrow services that can't process their own transactions but require users to set up accounts with online payment services. Check with the Tennessee Division of Consumer Affairs or the Attorney General’s Office where you live and where the online payment or escrow service is based, to see whether there are unresolved complaints against the service. Be aware that a lack of complaints doesn't necessarily mean that a service has no problems. Consumer Affairs ( HYPERLINK "" is a division of the Department of Commerce and Insurance ( HYPERLINK "", which works to protect consumers while ensuring fair competition for industries and professionals who do business in Tennessee. New Arrivals Ava Marie Posey at 2 lbs. 12 oz. and Ansley Kay Posey at 3 lbs. 2 oz each 15”, arrived on May 28, 2011 at Brookwood Medical Center, in Birmingham, Alabama. They went home with proud parents Jeremy and Audra Posey of Birmingham, Alabama on July 3rd. Very proud grandparents are Guy and Tina Marie Posey of Birmingham, Alabama. Extremely proud greatgrandparents are Joe and Marty Posey of Allardt, Tennessee, Elois Richey of Bessemer and Arzell and Christine Hyche of Sterrett, Alabama. NEW ROTARY PRESIDENT: Nancy Gernt assumed the duties of President of the Jamestown Rotary Club on July 1. She is shown here presenting outgoing Rotary Club President Phil Brannon with a plaque in appreciation and recognition of service to the club during the past year. Check Out The Fentress Courier Online At Color Photo Downloads and More FENTRESS COURIER, WEDNESDAY, JULY 20, 2011, PAGE A-5 Commodity Distribution Set Thursday, July 28th Air Force Airman Devon A. Morgado Completes Basic Training Pictured are Uniform Degree Team members and attending brothers. Featured on the front row Air Force Airman Devon A. are Brother Keith Byrd (second from left) and Brother Dustin Scroggins (third from left). Morgado graduated from basic Presenting the Certificate to Brother David Smith is Worshipful Master Dean Neal (right). military training at Lackland Air Force Base, San Antonio, Texas. The airman completed an intensive, eight-week program they also applaud Brother that included training in During a special ceremony other 911 responders. The following day, at the Smith for his devotion and military discipline and studies, held on July 8, Dean Neal, Worshipful Master of Lodge's Stated Meeting, dedication toward further Air Force core values, physical Jamestown Lodge No. 281, Brother David Brent Smith knowledge of his Craft. fitness, and basic warfare principles and skills. F. & A. M. was pleased to was presented with the Airmen who complete basic congratulate two newly Tennessee Grand Lodge's Planning Commission training earn four credits Certificate of Proficiency in To Meet July 26th made Master Masons. toward an associate in applied Brothers Lonnie Keith the Third Degree by The Jamestown Regional science degree through the Byrd and Dustin Anthony Brother Neal. Brother Planning Commission will College of the Air Scroggins were raised to the Smith received this awards hold its regular meeting on Community Force. Sublime Degree of Master for proving a high degree of Tuesday, July 26, 2011 at He is the son of Gina and Masons by Past Grand competence in his Third 5:00 p.m. at the Jamestown Dale Gay of Valley Ridge Lecture. The City Hall. The public is Road, Jamestown, Tenn. Master Brother K. I. Degree Wright, who heads the Officers and members of the invited to attend. Morgado graduated in 2010 congratulate Uniform Degree Team. This Lodge from York Agricultural Gwenith Duncan Institute, Jamestown. Byrd and team confers Degrees on Brothers Jamestown Masonic Lodge News active and retired members Scroggins for successfully the Three of the Armed Forces, Law completing Enforcement, Fire, and all Degrees of Freemasonry; Brother David Brent Smith and Worshipful Master Dean Neal. Mayor There is no doubt that texting is becoming the way that most teenagers, and even most adults, communicate. Since this is the case, we are all aware that some of us are texting behind the wheel. Most have been informed that Tennessee has a law against texting while driving. Distracted driving is becoming a problem. Even some cell phone companies have put together tip sheets for parents and teens. AT&T published the following safety tips for teens: 1.) No text message is worth being distracted while you drive. Be smart and do NOT text. 2.) If you are tempted to text while driving, turn off your phone or set your phone to silent. 3.) If you know that a friend is driving, do not text him or her. 4.) Encourage your friends to resist the urge to text while driving. As well as posting tips for teens, AT&T has safety tips for adults as well. 1.) Talk with your teens about the consequences of texting and driving. 2.) Be an example to your children and do not text while driving. 3.) If you know that your teen is driving, do not text him or her. 4.) Know that some cell phone companies offer ways to manage your teen’s texting. Know your options. The Fentress County Children’s Center is dedicated to promoting safety for children and teens. For more information or resources about texting and driving please visit the following websites: tracted The Upper Cumberland Human Resource Agency (UCHRA) will hold a commodities distribution for Fentress County on Thursday, July 28, 2011 from 12:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. at the Old Pine Haven Elementary School located at 1019 Pickett Park Highway in Jamestown. Everyone must present a valid UCHRA commodity card in order to receive commodities. Persons may receive commodities for a total of three (3) households if valid cards are presented at the distribution. The U.S.D.A.'s Temporary Emergency Food Assistance Program is available to all eligible recipients regardless of race, color, national origin, age, sex or handicap. PAGE A-6 WEDNESDAY, JULY 20, 2011, FENTRESS COURIER ADVENTIST Meister Memorial Seventh-day Adventist Church 1145 Meister Hills Rd, Deer Lodge Phil Colburn, Pastor 863-4494 (Sat.) Sab. School 9:20, Church 11:00 Prayer Meeting Tues. 7:00 p.m. (ET) Jamestown Seventh-day Adventist Church 865 N York Hwy. Phil Colburn, Pastor 863-4494 (Sat.) Sab. School 10:00, Church 11:30 Prayer Meeting Wed. 6:00 p.m. ASSEMBLY OF GOD Providence Church A/G Phone 879-2399 WS 10:30 a.m., Cross Training 6:00 p.m. Wed. 5:30 p.m. BAPTIST Allardt First Baptist Bro. Daryl Rains SS 10:00 WS 11:00 a.m./6:00 p.m. Wed. 7:00 p.m. Allardt Freewill Baptist Bruce Cravens, Pastor SS 10:00 a.m. WS 11:00 a.m./5:00 p.m. Wed. 7:00 p.m. Banner Springs SS 10:00 WS 11:00 a.m./6:00 p.m. Wed. 7:00 p.m. Banner Springs Bethlehem United Missionary Baptist Church Phone 879-4361 SS 10:00 a.m. WS 11:00 a.m. & 6:00 p.m. Thursday 7:00 p.m. Canaan Independent Baptist Church 1730 Frank Campbell Rd. Jamestown Curtis Cravens, Pastor 931-879-6553 SS: 10:00 WS 11:00 am/6:00 pm Wed. Night 6:30 pm - Last Sun. 5:30 pm Center Belle Sep. Baptist Church Pastor: Anthony Creselious SS 9:30 WS 11:00 a.m./6:00 p.m. Weds. 7:00 p.m. Allardt Central Union Baptist Doran Nance, Pastor SS 10:00 WS 11:00 a.m./6:00 p.m. Weds. 7 p.m. East Jamestown Clarkrange Baptist 6252 S. York Hwy. (US 127) Bro. Dean Patton SS 10 a.m. WS 11 a.m./6 p.m. Weds. Prayer/Bible Study 6 p.m. Clarkrange United Baptist SS 10:00 WS 11:00 a.m./7:00 p.m. Weds. 6:00 p.m. Clarkrange Cornerstone Freewill Baptist Hwy 62 West-Muddy Pond Road Pastor Bro. Randy Bilbrey SS 10 a.m. Worship 11 a.m. Sun.Night 5 p.m. Thurs. Night 7:00 p.m. 4th Saturday Night Singing 6 p.m. Cove Creek United Baptist Church SS 10 a.m., WS 11 a.m./6 p.m. Weds. 7 p.m. Crossroads Baptist Sammie Dunford, Pastor SS 10 a.m. WS 11 a.m./5 p.m. Thursday 7 p.m. Jamestown Faith Baptist Tabernacle Fred Allred 879-7764 SS 10 a.m. WS 11 a.m./6 p.m. Weds. 7 p.m. Jamestown First Baptist, 864-3499 SS 10 WS 11:00 & 6:45, Wed. 6:30 Byrdstown, TN Friends Chapel Baptist Church 5977 Nashville Hwy. (Hwy. 62) 1-423-965-3083 SS 10 a.m. 11 a.m. WS 6 p.m. Training Union Eastern Time 7 p.m. Wednesday Night Jamestown First Baptist Church SS 9:45 WS 8:30 a.m./11 a.m./6 p.m. Weds. 7 p.m. PO Box 417, Jamestown, TN 38556 Prayer Ministry 879-PRAY Lisa Roysdon, Director 340 West Central ¥ P.O. Box 1079 Jamestown, Tennessee 38556 931-879-7290 Jonesville Comm. Baptist Church 4899 Jonesville Rd. Clarkrange, TN 38553 Prayer Line 863-5925 Martha Washington Freewill Baptist Pastor Ray Buck SS 10 a.m. WS 11 a.m. Sun. Night Service 6 p.m. Wed. 6 p.m. Morning Star Independent Baptist Church, Pastor: Marcus Williams SS: 10 a.m. WS: 11 a.m./6 p.m. Wed. 6:30 p.m. Mt. Carmel Freewill Baptist Shane Monday 863-5189 SS 10 a.m. WS 10:45 a.m./6 p.m. Weds. 7 p.m. Hwy 127 Grimsley Mt. Union Missionary Baptist SS 10 a.m. WS 11 a.m./6 p.m. Weds. 7 p.m. Clarkrange Mount Zion Freewill Baptist Church 1445 N. York Hwy. SS 10:00 a.m. WS 11:00 a.m,./5:00 p.m. Wednesday 7:00 p.m. New Hope Baptist Church Pastor Bro. Ray Cooper SS 10 a.m. 6 p.m. WS 11 a.m. Wed. Youth Service 7 p.m. Old Barger Baptist Pastor Leonard Brown Sunday 9:30 & 5 p.m. Weds. 7 p.m. Tinchtown 879-4882 Park Road Baptist Pastor David Luther SS 9:45 WS 11 a.m./6 p.m. Weds. 7 p.m. Pickett Park Road Pine Haven Baptist Phone: 879-5515 SS 10 a.m WS 11 a.m./6 p.m. Weds. 6:30 p.m. Pleasant View United Baptist Doubletop Community Bro. Wheeler Clayborn SS 10 a.m. WS 11 a.m./6 p.m. Wed. 7 p.m. Riverton Baptist Church SS 10 a.m. WS 11 a.m. Sun. Night 6 p.m. Thursday 7 p.m. CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER DAY SAINTS Bishop Bruce York 9:00-10:10 Sac. Service 10:20-11:00 Sunday School 11:10-12:00 Priesthood & Relief Society 516 North Main St., Jamestown COMMUNITY CHURCHES D.O. Beaty Community Church 4505 Standing Rock Rd. Deer Lodge, TN 37726-5013 863-4466 EPISCOPAL Christ Church - Rugby Sunday 10 a.m. CST JEHOVAH’S WITNESSES Hwy 127 S. Jamestown 879-3538 Sun. 10:00 a.m. Tuesday 7 p.m./Thursday 7 p.m. METHODIST & UNITED METHODIST Bible Methodist Church Robert Allen Tarter, Pastor SS 10 a.m. WS 11 a.m. Sun. Night 5 p.m. Wed. Night 7 p.m. Taylor Place Rd. -behind Moody’s Service Center Clarkrange United Methodist Ray Hartman Pastor SS 10 a.m. WS 10:45 a.m. Weds. Bible Study 7:00 p.m. Greers Chapel United Methodist Pastor Alan Dixon WS 10 a.m., 1st Sunday; 11 a.m. 3rd Sunday SS 10 a.m. 2nd, 3rd, 4th & 5th Sundays 11 a.m. 1st Sunday Grimsley United Methodist WS 11 a.m. SS 10 a.m. Bro. Jim Gruber Hwy. 127 S Grimsley 863-3087 Shirley Baptist Church Delmer Keeton 879-6134 SS 10 a.m. WS 11 a.m. Sun. night 6 p.m. Bible Study Weds. 6:30 p.m. Jamestown First United Methodist Church Rev. Thad Collier, Minister Sunday Worship 8:30 & 11:00 a.m. Fellowship Time 9:30; S/S 10:00 a.m. Wednesday Choir Practice 5:00 p.m. Wednesday Meal 5:45 Wed. Adult & Youth Programs 6:30 Office Hours - TWTh 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. N. Main Jamestown 879-7816 South Main Street Baptist Church Pastor Tommy Duncan SS 9:45 WS 11:00 a.m./6 p.m. Weds. 7 p.m. Mt. Gilead Methodist Church Bro. Jim Gruber 863-3087 WS 10 a.m. SS 9 a.m. Banner Springs Rd. Tinchtown United Baptist Church Pastor Doyle Miller Service 10 a.m. & 8 p.m. Sunday 3rd Sat. Night Service 7 p.m. Red Hill United Methodist Church Pastor Alan Dixon WS 11 a.m., 2nd Sunday; 10 a.m. 4th Sunday SS 10 a.m. 1st, 2nd, 3rd & 5th Sun. 11 a.m. 4th Sunday Round Mtn. Baptist-Jamestown TRY-LORD 879-5673 SS 10 a.m. WS 11 a.m./6 p.m. Weds. WS 7 p.m. Unity Missionary Baptist 931-879-4904 Raymond Phillips, Pastor 931-879-4480 SS 10 WS 11 a.m./6 p.m. Weds. 7 p.m. Allardt West Fentress Baptist Pastor Ernest Campbell SS 10 a.m. WS 11 a.m. Sun. Night Training Union 6 p.m. WS 7 p.m. Wed. 7:00 p.m. 879-4251 CATHOLIC St. Christopher Catholic Church 160 Holt Spur Rd. Jim Romer 879-8144 or 879-7822 Rev. Michael Sweeney Sat. Mass 6:30 p.m. Church of Christ 844 Old Hwy. 127 Jamestown 879-7815 Grimsley Church of Christ Grimsley/Clarkrange 863-3705 CHURCH OF GOD Alive in the Spirit Worship and Children’s Ministry 126 Mercy Ln. 879-4971 WS 10:00 a.m. Weds. 7 p.m. Jamestown Pastor Dale Cox Church of God United Assembly 119 Summit Dr. Boyd Jones, Pastor, 879-5952 SW 11 a.m. & 6 p.m. Wed. 7 p.m. Grimsley Church of God of Prophecy Pastor Jerry Payne, Sr. SS 10 a.m. WS 11 a.m. Sun. evening-Prayer group 5:30 Worship 6 p.m. Wed. 6 p.m. 863-5086 Roanoke United Methodist Church SW 9:45 a.m. SS 10:45 a.m. Pastor Thad Collier Spring Chapel Methodist Church Bro. Jim Gruber 863-3087 WS 9 a.m. SS 10 a.m. Banner Roslin Rd. Travisville United Methodist Church Pastor Alan Dixon WS 11 a.m., 1st Sunday 10 a.m., 3rd Sunday SS 10 a.m., 1st, 2nd, 4th & 5th Sundays 11 a.m. 3rd Sunday BS Tuesday 6 p.m. Wolf River United Methodist Church Pastor Bro. Matthew Long WS 10 a.m. 2nd Sunday 11 a.m. 4th Sunday SS 10 a.m. 1st, 3rd, 4th & 5th Sun. 11 a.m. 2nd Sunday NAZARENE First Church of the Nazarene Pastor Todd Craig SS 9:00 a.m. Wed: 7:00 p.m. WS 10 a.m. Traditional Service Holt Spur Drive just off by-pass Pleasant View Nazarene Sam Wood, Pastor 879-5193 SS 9:30 WS 10:30 a.m./6 p.m. Weds. 7 p.m. Hwy. 52 E, Allardt PRESBYTERIAN Allardt Presbyterian Pastor Rev. Tracy Edwards Wed: Choir 6:00 p.m. Sun. Prayer Group 9:00 a.m. SS 10 a.m. WS 11 a.m. Allardt OTHER Akers Chapel Church Bro. Sterlie Dishmon, pastor SS 10:00 WS 11:00 a.m. Sun. Night Bible Study 7:00 p.m. Church Of The Harvest 5212 S. York Hwy. 863-4663 S.M. 8:45 a.m.-2nd Service 11 a.m. SS 10:00 a.m. /Wed. night 7:00 p.m. Crossmember Ministries 948 Buffalo Trail Clarkrange, TN 38553 Mark & Susan Todd 931-200-2300 Cross Tie Church 1155 Roanoke Rd. (931-879-5574) SS 10 a.m. WS 11 a.m. Sunday Night 5 pm Wed. Night 7 pm (Bible Study) Mark Tipton, Pastor Cumberland Wesleyan SS 10 a.m. WS 11 a.m./6:00 p.m. Weds. 7 p.m. Fentress Co. Gideons Camp 7 a.m. Each Saturday Full Gospel Faith Fellowship (931-752-8229) 1139 Pickett Park Hwy. P.O. Box 1438, Jamestown, TN 931-879-1452 / 931-397-1115 SS 10:30 a.m. Thursday 7 p.m. Darlene Shadrick, Pastor email: Jamestown Wesleyan Church 340 N. Main St. Pastor Johnny Smith Ph. 879-6062 SS 10 a.m. WS 11 a.m./6 p.m. Weds. 7 p.m. Lighthouse Ministries, Inc. 1035 Taylor Place Rd. Pastor David L. Walker Messianic Sabbath Service 7 p.m. Ea. Fri. Sunday School 9 a.m. Sunday Fellowship Hour 10 a.m. Sunday Morning Worship 11 a.m. Sunday Evening Worship 6 p.m. Miracle Temple Sun. Morning 10 a.m., WS 11 a.m./6 p.m. Tues. Night Youth Service 7 p.m. Thurs. Night Prayer Meeting 6 p.m. Pastor Leon Baldwin 863-5524 New Life Worship Center Pastor Jermyn Vance Sat. 7:00 p.m./Sun. 6:00 p.m. The Good Shepherd Church 110 Clark Place (Hensley Rd.) Sun. School 10 a.m., WS 11 a.m./5 p.m. Wednesday Evening 6:00 p.m. Pastor: Clint Woodson 931-863-5265 Upper Cumberland Jewish Comm. Friday Evening Sabbath Service 1st & 3rd Fridays of the Month 931-456-9959 Wesleyan Community Chapel Pall Mall, TN (Rotten Fork) Sun. Service 2:30 p.m., Thurs. 7:00 p.m. Bro. Chester Rhoad, Pastor William’s Chapel Church SS 11 a.m. WS 10 a.m. Thurs. 6:00 p.m. Words of Life 6503 S. York Hwy.. Clarkrange Pastor Arthur Hall 863-5726 Wright’s Chapel Church Pastor Bro. Robert Wright Hwy. 52 West SS 10 a.m., WS 11 a.m., SN 5 p.m. York Chapel Church Pastor Rev. David Michael Allen SS 10 a.m. WS 10:45 a.m. Sunday Night 6 p.m. Weds. 7 p.m. rkchapelchurch.html Handfuls of the Harvest Thrift Store 206 Gaudin Ave. - Across From Library 501 C(37-Non-Profit Organization) Spiritual Guidance Serving Him By Serving Other We are an equal opportunity employer & provider Hours: Tues., Thurs., Fri. 9am-4pm Saturday 9am-Noon Donations may be sent to P.O. Box 1028 Jamestown Call 752-8988 For More Information Four Corners Outreach Ministry 1125 Clark-Mont. Hwy. 931-863-4633 Services: Sunday 10:30 am - 7:00 pm Wednesday 7:00 pm FENTRESS COURIER, WEDNESDAY, JULY 20, 2011, PAGE A-7 4-H NEWS 18 USC 707 By: Lynn Pemberton 4-H Communication Project Group Explores TV Media by Gail Dawson WCTE, the public television station of the Upper Cumberland, held the “Great TV Auction” the first 2 weekends in June. WCTE staff arranged for the Fentress County 4-H Communication Project Group to tour the set. The group was given presentations on the different jobs that are performed during the auction. It was arranged for the project group members Bethany Atkins, Hannah Gaddes and Alex Crockett and Leader Gail Dawson to fill needed positions during the auction. One evening during the opening segment of the auction Gail Dawson was given the opportunity to tell the potential 1.3 million viewers about the Fentress County 4-H club and the Communication Project Group. The station raised over $93,000. This money will assist in creating local programming. This was a great opportunity for the group to be part of a live TV program, observe the control center, and practice modeling and telephone skills. Besides meeting the great staff from WCTE, the group also met several Upper Cumberland business persons, a State Representative, radio personalities, and coaches and staff from Tennessee Tech University. This was an experience they truly enjoyed and they plan to volunteer again next year. Bethany Atkins is shown observing some of the equipment used to hold a live TV auction. Hannah Gaddes, Alex Crockett, Bethany Atkins, and Gail Dawson are seen as they prepare for a night of volunteer work at the Great TV auction. This is a yearly auction to raise money for WCTE the Public Television Station of the Upper Cumberland. Ed Wiley IV Memorial Cook-off and BBQ Meal Proceeds to Support 4-H By Lynn A. Pemberton Beat the heat and don’t cook on Saturday, July 23rd. Come on out to the Bruno Gernt Park in Allardt for a delicious BBQ meal. The BBQ Dinner Plate will be served from 3:00 – 5:00 p.m. and will feature samples of BBQ meat from the Ed Wiley IV Memorial BBQ Cook–off. Burgers, hotdogs or pulled pork sandwich meals will also be served beginning at 11:00 a.m. The cost of the BBQ meal is six dollars and the proceeds go to Fentress County 4-H. 4H youth can enter the under 18 years old “open class.” Any food item can be entered that is prepared outdoors. Entry fee is ten dollars. Call UT Extension at 8799117 for more information by July 22. Youth interested in presenting live music at the park should contact Ms. Lynn, too. PAGE A-8, WEDNESDAY, JULY 20, 2011, FENTRESS COURIER Weddings And Social Events Ramsey & Logan To Wed Ronny and Cheryl Ramsey of Banner Springs and Bill and Rita Logan of Byrdstown would like to announce the forthcoming marriage of their children Lee Erin to Brent Alan on Saturday, July 23, 2011 at two o’clock in the afternoon at Mt. Gilead United Methodist Church in Banner Springs, TN. Hamby & Young To Wed Tony & Brenda Hamby, along with Oscar & Susan Young would like to announce the engagement and forthcoming marriage of their children Toni Renee Hamby & Joshua Isaac Young A casual barn wedding will take place at Young Stables on July 23, 2011 at 6:00 p.m. Reception immediately following All family and friends are invited to attend No formal invitations will be sent In case of inclement weather the wedding will take place at Cross Tie Mission Church located on Old 127 South At The Library By: LOWELL NORRIS Game of Thrones Written by George R.R. Martin Reviewed by Lowell Norris Game of Thrones is a masterpiece of the Fantasy genre reminiscent of The Lord of the Rings trilogy. Game of Thrones is actually a tetra logy this being the first volume. In this wonderful book there is mystery, romance, adventure-it has it all. The books were first published in the nineties and I’m sorry to say I am just now getting around to reading them. The book has recently been made into a mini-series by HBO. Trouble is brewing in this land where winters last for a lifetime and summers for decades. To the north of Winterfell beyond the protective wall strange things are happening. The Stark family of Winterfell is caught in the middle of a struggle for the kingdom. King Roberts kingdom is crumbling amid tragedy and betrayal, plots and counterplots. This is a wonderful tale of kings, princes, bastards, sorcerers, lords and ladies, of sword fights an intrigue at court as each family plays at that most deadly of games: the game of thrones. There are many colorful characters in this fast moving and exiting book, that I’m sure you will enjoy it. It reminded me so much of Tolkiens Lord of the Rings I could scarcely put it down, and when I was finished with it I was ready for more. If you like a fast moving adventuress book then come on by the Fentress County Library today and check out Game of Thrones. “Be you writer or reader everyone loves to run away in a book.” Practical Nursing Class To Begin At Tennessee Tech. Center In Livingston Aug. 24th The Tennessee Technology Center at Livingston Fall Practical Nursing Class will start August 24, 2011. An entrance exam (Compass) is required for this program unless you have a 19 in Math and Reading (not a composite) on your ACT, scores are only good if you are under the age of 20. If you need to schedule a Compass exam please come by the Tennessee Technology Center at Livingston the cost is $15 (CASH), dates and times can be found on our website at If you have the ACT scores please bring a copy of them with you and pick up an application packet. If you have questions please contact us at 931-8235525. Pritchett & Gunter To Wed Belinda Pritchett and Robbie Gunter will exchange vows on July 23, 2011 at 2:00 p.m. The ceremony will take place at Clarkrange United Methodist Church. Friends and family are invited. Fair time is here in Overton County. I went over on Sunday afternoon and judged the cakes, pies, breads, cookies, fudge, you get the picture, don't you? They had a lot of good entries and a lot of good cooks over there. Don't forget the Putnam County fair around the first of August. Haley, my 8 years old granddaughter, showed her goat in the goat show at Overton County on Saturday night. She done very well and brought home 2 ribbons and a little prize money. Now she is getting ready for some more fairs. She loves it, especially if it comes with prize money. She named her goat Jewel. Lets do some cooking. Blueberries are here. I have not had a chance to pick any yet but hope to this week. Blueberries are very good for you. I love to eat them fresh or frozen. I have a recipe for a blueberry crisp using fresh berries. You can use frozen but if you do keep them frozen and bake 10 to 15 minutes longer. Thawed berries are too fragile to toss and give off lots of liquid. Blueberry Crisp Cooking spray 4 teaspoons cornstarch, divided 2 tablespoons brown sugar 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract 1 pound fresh blueberries or frozen 1/2 cup all-purpose flour 1/2 cup packed brown sugar 1/4 cup old-fashioned rolled oats 3 tablespoons chopped walnuts 2 tablespoons cornmeal 1/2 teaspoon salt 1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon 1/4 cup chilled butter, cut into small pieces Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Coat an 8-inch square glass or ceramic baking dish with cooking spray. Sprinkle 2 teaspoons cornstarch evenly in dish. Combine remaining 2 teaspoons cornstarch, 2 tablespoons brown sugar, vanilla, and blueberries in a large bowl; toss. Place in prepared baking dish. Lightly spoon flour into a dry measuring cup; level with a knife. Combine flour and next 6 ingredients (through cinnamon) in a bowl of a food processor; pulse twice to combine. Add butter; pulse 5 times or until the mixture resembles coarse meal. Spoon topping evenly over blueberries, packing down lightly. Bake at 375 degrees for 30 minutes or until filling is bubbly and topping is golden. Serves 8. Good served with ice cream. My sister told me about being at a funeral recently and a little 5 year old friend of hers was asking where her dad went. She told her that he was a pallbearer and had to go sit in a special spot. When he walked in to sit with the pall bearers, she asked, "Why don't he have it on?" My sister asked what she was talking about and little Macy said" Where is his 'bear' suit?" Isn't he a polar bear? Thanks for all the prayers and well wishes for George. He had another heart attack last week and had to have a stint put in the artery that was blocked. He is doing well. Now we have a matching pair of stints. Until next week, any questions or recipes to share just call at 931-839-2313 or email me at Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Stephens George Oscar Stephens, Sr. and Gertrude Geraldine (Winningham) Zachary were married July 17 at The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Jamestown by Bishop Bruce E. York. Oscar and Geraldine have been friends for many years. They met while Oscar, a retired home builder, was building a house near her home. He introduced her to the LDS Church, she was baptized, and they developed a lasting friendship that has now resulted in their marriage. Geraldine was given away by her son and daughter-in-law, Ted and Carol Peercy. Carol also served as the maid of honor and Oscar’s brother, Elzy Stephens, was best man. Following the ceremony, friends and family celebrated the marriage with a light luncheon and wedding cake. Among those attending the wedding were Oscar’s only two living siblings, Elza Alfred Stephens and Alma (Stephens) Choate; brother-in-law Austin Choate; daughter, Shirley (Stephens) Cravens; Geraldine’s son and daughter-in-law, Ted and Carol Peercy; two granddaughters, Angela (Peercy) and husband Chad Banks and Allison (Peercy) Binswanger; and four great-grandchildren: Jackson Carter Banks, Drew Patrick Banks, Luke Daniel Binswanger and Paisley Jo Binswanger. Oscar and Geraldine will reside in Fentress County. Adult High School Over 18...and without a High School Diploma? You can get a regular High School Diploma. •Classes are free •Work at your own pace •Adjust your own hours •Enjoy the company of others •Get Contact the Fentress County Adult High School at 752-8296. Hours: 8:00 to 3:00, Monday thru Friday Monday - 4:00 to 6:00 p.m. Tuesday - 4:00 to 7:30 p.m. Teacher: David Garrettdays Debra Norrod-evenings Fentress County Solid Waste Dept. Helps KTnB Keep “Streak” Alive KTnB Achieves 100% County Participation for Fifth Straight Year During GAC Jamestown, TN (July 18, 2011) - “The streak is alive.” That was the response from Keep America Beautiful (KAB) when Keep Tennessee Beautiful (KTnB) revealed it had achieved 100-percent participation from all 95 Tennessee counties during the 2011 Great American Cleanup (GAC). KTnB accomplished this unparalled feat for the fifth year in a row. “Keep Tennessee Beautiful’s 100-percent countywide participation in the past five Great American Cleanup campaigns is a phenomenal achievement,” said Matt McKenna, KAB President and CEO. “Great American Cleanup volunteers in Tennessee once again demonstrated great pride of place by creating more sustainable communities through their volunteer work, and through their daily choices and actions.” Keeping “the streak” alive has been one of the primary goals of KTnB since 2007, when KTnB became the first state in the nation to achieve 100-percent county participation during GAC. KTnB Executive Director Sutton Mora Hayes said, “Working on GAC is a yearlong process for our staff, even though the events only happen from March 1st – May 31st. Everyone here works to ensure that each local GAC coordinator has the resources he or she needs to host successful and meaningful GAC events. The staff is tireless during this process, and the proof of their accomplishments is a fifth year of 100-percent success.” The results speak for themselves. A total of 765,560 Tennesseans have contributed over two million volunteer hours to collect 72,352 tons of trash, 26,989.7 tons of recycling, and plant 166,232 trees during the five-year streak. “We’re amazed at the numbers that our volunteers report to us each year. KTnB looks forward to continuing our GAC success in the future,” Mora Hayes said. Here are some of the incredible numbers for just 2011. Statewide, over 143,053 volunteers contributed 358,240 hours to pick up nearly 60,711 tons of trash. This included 8,993 miles of roads, 15,778 acres of parks, and 205 illegal dumps. Recycling has become an increasingly important part of GAC and the KAB value system, and Tennesseans have answered the call. In 2011, participants collected 549,597 pounds of clothes, over one million pounds of PET, 854,782 pounds of glass, over 1.4 million pounds of aluminum, nearly 37 million pounds of paper, and 648,618 pounds of electronics. Recognizing that GAC is not just about picking up what is out of place or recycling old items, volunteers also planted 585 gardens/landscapes, 35,537 trees, and 84,493 flowers in 2011. A total of 519 homes were also renovated or painted, and 263 graffiti sites were abated. Locally, during the 2011 GAC, Fentress County Solid Waste Department, led by Faye Dalton, collected 10,200 pounds of trash in Fentress County. A total of 2,220 volunteers contributed 4,529 hours, helping Dalton achieve these totals. Dalton said, “It is awesome to know that the citizens, businesses, schools, civic groups, and local government have come together for such a worthy cause. Our county shows its true volunteer spirit each time we have an event. I am so blessed to get to work with such a wonderful group of citizens and that’s what makes it so interesting.” The National Sponsors of the 2011 Great American Cleanup were: The Dow Chemical Company; The Glad Products Company; LG Electronics U.S.A., Inc.; Lowe’s Companies, Inc. through the Lowe's Charitable and Educational Foundation; Nestlé® Pure Life® Purified Water; PepsiCo's Pepsi-Cola and Gatorade companies; The Scotts Miracle-Gro Company; Solo Cup Company; TroyBilt® Lawn and Garden Equipment; Waste FENTRESS COURIER, WEDNESDAY, JULY 20, 2011, PAGE A-9 Management, Inc.; and Wm. Wrigley Jr. Co. Promotional Partners are: Crescent Art and Framing Products; Miss America Organization; and Valvoline, a division of Ashland, Inc. Educational Partners are: Owens-Illinois, Inc.; Rubber Manufacturers Association; and WM Recycle America. Retail Promotional Partner is: Colgate-Palmolive Company. For more information on GAC, contact KTnB’s Sutton Mora Hayes at 901-678-4159, or Faye Dalton at 931-8791135. Loudin, Hamby & Thomas Reunion To Happy 60th Birthday to our Pa, Sheldon Cooper! We love you with all our hearts! Love, Drew, Be Held July 31st Makayla, Jorga, Austin, Tucker Brody & Paislee Loudin, Hamby and Thomas reunion will be held on Sunday, July 31st at 1:00 p.m. at Indian Mtn. State Parker, Shelter #2 in Jellico, TN. Bring a covered dish, pictures and a lawn chair. For more information call 7847687 (Jellico). VBS “Gold Rush Discovering Rock of Ages” at Center Belle Baptist Church July 25-29 Center Belle Baptist Church will be having Vacation Bible School “Gold Rush Discovering Rock of Ages” beginning Monday, July 25th through Friday, July 29th from 6:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. each night. If you need a ride call 879-7217. Stowers & Tinch Family Reunion Aug. 13th Family of Dewey Stowers and Addie Mae Tinch ask all family and friends to please come out to Allardt Park on Saturday, August 13th at 11:00 a.m. Please bring a covered dish. Call Reid Stowers at 931-879-9483 for more information. Praise God and Thank Jesus I’m Still on this side of the Grass! Special Thanks to: Jake Bramer Jeff Wright and Clarkrange Baptist Church Jason Kerr and Global Force Church Terry Petersmark and Leeann Asberry Lou Lattanzi and crew at Pit Row Jeremy Roysden and Crew Thad Collier and the Fentress Co. Ministerial Association And to everyone for your prayers and support for me following my recent accident. God Bless You All! Eugene Hensley 1163 Conatser Hollow Road Jamestown, TN 38556 PAGE A-10, WEDNESDAY, JULY 20, 2011, FENTRESS COURIER FSA NEWS USDA Reassures Farmers And Ranchers In States Affected By Extreme Weather By: Don Atkinson, CED The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) reminds farmers and ranchers in states across the country that USDA offers a variety of resources for those affected by recent extreme weather, including floods, drought, fires and tornadoes. USDA also urges producers in need or those with questions to contact their local county or state USDA Service Center or Farm Service Agency office for assistance. In a recent tour of flooding in Iowa and Nebraska, as well as droughts and wildfires in Arizona and New Mexico, Agriculture Secretary Tom Valisack promised farmers, ranchers and others that USDA would continue to work hard to deliver assistance to those in need. “America’s farmers and rural communities are vital important to our nation’s economy and out values, and my heart goes out to all who are facing hardships because of severe weather and natural disasters, “ said Vilsack.. “In the past 2 months alone, I have visited with hundreds of Americans who have had to put their lives and livelihoods on hold to deal with floods, tornadoes, drought and wildfires. Since the beginning, I have instructed USDA staff in the affected states that our main priority must be to work with farmers, ranchers and others to explain the type of aid that is available. We will continue to listen to your concerns and, whenever possible, offer assistance to help you through these difficult times. Heavy rainfall, snowmelt, and flood conditions have caused crop damage and slowed planting in many states. USDA’s Risk Management Agency reminds producers faced with questions on prevented planting, plant, or crop losses to contact their crop insurance company for more information. Other types of USDA assistance available to those affected by flooding include the Emergency Loan Program and the Emergency Watershed Protection Program. USDA reminds producers affected by drought and fires that resources are available to cover losses, including losses to livestock, crop, orchard trees, and private forests. Types of USDA assistance to farm and ranchers may include the Supplemental Revenue assistance Program (SURE), federal crop insurance, and the Noninsured Crop Disaster Assistance Program. Through spring and summer, drought and wildfires have affected millions of acres of cropland, forests and grasslands in the United States. Drought conditions stretch from Arizona to the southern Atlantic States. USDA continues working with state and local officials, as well as our federal partners, to make sure people have the necessary resources to recover from these challenges. To learn more about USDA’s disaster assistance, please visit y _Preparedness_and _Response.html USDA is an equal opportunity provider, employer and lender. To file a complaint of discrimination, write : USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, 1400 Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, DC 20250-9410 or call (800) 795-3272 (voice), or (202) 720-6382 (TDD). VECustomers Share Program Funds $2,550 In Local Grants Volunteer Energy Cooperative’s VECustomers Share program awarded $2,550 in grants to Fentress County organizations in June. The program, founded in October of 2001, has donated more than $3.8 million to various community-service organizations. Fentress County groups garnering grants in June include Cumberland G.A.P. Mission which received a $700 grant; Fentress County Food Bank was awarded a $700 grant; the Jamestown Downtown Revitalization Steering Committee received a $650 grant; Friends of the York Agricultural Institute Cheerleaders garnered a $250 grant; and the York Quarterback Club received a $250 grant. VECustomers Share is a nonprofit, tax-exempt charitable organization covering VEC’s 17-county service area. The foundation’s funds come from VEC members who have opted to allow VEC to round their electric bills up to the next whole dollar. VECustomers Share contributions average 50 cents per month per customer. The extra change is pooled with that of other members and distributed by the foundation’s board of directors, who all serve as volunteers. Grant applications are available at any Volunteer Energy Cooperative Customer Service center, by calling (423) 334-7051, or at Singing At Jamestown Nazarene Church July 30 Set Apart Bluegrass Gospel Band will be singing at the Jamestown Nazarene Church be held on Saturday, July 30th on Saturday, July 30th at 6:00 at the First Church of the p.m. Everyone invited. Nazarene on Holt Spur Drive just off the White Oak by-pass. Lunch will be at 12 noon. Bring Narcotics Anonymous a covered dish. All family and Freedom Group To friends welcome. Attention Anyone Who Has Flowers At Campground Cemetery Meet Each Monday Narcotics Anonymous Freedom Group will meet at 7:00 p.m. each Monday at Allardt First Presbyterian Flowers on headstones in the Church for addicts only or Campground Cemetery can those who think they might remain on the stones. have a drug problem. Hazel Cook Family Loudin, Hamby & Reunion July 23rd Thomas Reunion To Descendents of Hazel Cook family reunion will be held on Saturday, July 23rd from 12:00 Noon to ? at Linda Wright’s in Sparta. Bring a covered dish. For directions call Linda at 931265-6308. Be Held July 31st Loudin, Hamby and Thomas reunion will be held on Sunday, July 31st at 1:00 p.m. at Indian Mtn. State Parker, Shelter #2 in Jellico, TN. Bring a covered dish, pictures and a lawn chair. For more information call 7847687 (Jellico). Hicks Reunion Set July 30th Kitchen Of Hope Is Open! Offering Free Supper The Hicks reunion will be held Saturday, July 30th from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m at the York Mill Park, Shelter #1. Kitchen Of Hope Is Open! Please bring a covered dish. Offering Free Supper each and every Thursday beginning at 5:00 p.m. Everyone welcome. Please come! Located at Unity Baptist Church, 980 Unity Church Road in Allardt. Call if you need directions at 8794904. If no answer leave The Forbus Circuit will have message. a fifth Sunday singing at Red Hill Methodist Church, July Fentress Co. 31st at 10:00 o’clock with the Cross Family and The Webb Rescue Squad Sisters. Bring a covered dish Activities Report with a cumulative impact of and join them for a time of FOR MONTH OF JUNE, 2011 worship, music and fellowship. more than $463 million. Accidents Worked 21 Programs impacted by the Traffic Control 6 latest federal rescission include Lost Persons 3 the Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement The Rescue Squad has 2 Program (CMAQ) and the meetings monthly, the 1st and Transportation Enhancements 3rd Mondays every month. The Program. TDOT plans to next meetings are August 1st and The Fentress County deliver the remaining projects August 15th, 2011 at 7:00 p.m. at Democratic Party will meet now under development in the Jamestown Rescue Squad Thursday, July 21st, 6:00 p.m. at these programs with future Building. the courthouse in the small federal funds. Reported by Frances Kelly courtroom. All Democrats are According to the U.S. Squad Historian welcome. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, Section 2201 of the Full-Year Continuing Appropriations Act, 2011, contains a $2.5 billion rescission of unobligated balances of funds apportioned to the States of which Tennessee’s share is $51,950,327. $51.9 Million In Additional Federal Funds Rescinded From TDOT Nashville, Tenn. – The Tennessee Department of Transportation (TDOT) has been notified by the Federal Highway Administration that $51.9 million in federal funds will be rescinded from the department’s federal allocation of funds for fiscal year 2011. A rescission of funds means that federal dollars promised to Tennessee have now been cancelled and will not be received. The rescission of funds is a separate issue from the debt limit discussions currently underway by federal lawmakers. “Nearly 50% of the department’s budget comes from the federal government, so a reduction in these funds significantly impacts the resources available to TDOT,” said TDOT Commissioner John Schroer. “This shortfall requires the department to make difficult decisions in our core highway programs,” Schroer continued, “We don’t want to make cuts anywhere that would delay the delivery of projects that are ready to go.” TDOT is currently operating under a series of continuing resolutions through “SAFETEA-LU” (Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users), the federal transportation funding bill, which expired September 30, 2009 and funds are being distributed only months at a time. However, authorized funding levels have been significantly reduced by rescissions annually since 2002, Holt Reunion Set July 30th The Holt Family reunion will Singing At Red Hill Methodist Church July 31st Fentress County Democratic Party To Meet July 21st Benefit For Martin Doss July 22nd There will be a big benefit for Martin Doss, who has been diagnosed with cancer to help pay for medical expenses, on Friday, July 22nd at the Pine Haven Community Center beginning at 5:00 p.m. There will be lots of food, an auction and a cake walk. Singing by Roger King Singers. Also donations on a Marlin 22 cal. auto rifle. Auctioneer: Darren Rudd. For more information call Melvin Doss at 879-5055. May God richly bless. Fentress County Schools Requirement For Entering Kindergarten Kindergarten is now a requirement for all school age children. Children must attend a state approved kindergarten program before entering the first grade. The minimum age for entering kindergarten is five (5) years of age by September 30 of the year the child enters school. Students may enter school at this age but do NOT have to enter school at that time. However, if they delay starting school at this time they must start school no later than the year of their sixth (6th) birthday. Following are additional requirements a parent or guardian must have completed for their child in order for the child to enter kindergarten. 1) Present an original copy of the child’s birth certificate. 2) Present an up to date shot record with required immunizations. 3) The child must have had a medical assessment by a qualified person: Doctor, physician’s assistant, nurse practitioner or a properly trained public health nurse. This assessment must have occurred within one year prior to entering school and must be submitted on an approved state form. 4) Social Security number for the child. THERE ARE NO OTHER REQUIREMENTS FOR A CHILD TO ENTER KINDERGARTEN. However, it is recognized that some children begin school better socially and educationally prepared than others. As a result of this the less prepared child may not progress as rapidly as the other child. Regardless, each and every child may begin school at the five year old mark and are welcome in our schools. If there are any questions concerning this information, please contact Randy Clark at the Director of Schools’ office in Jamestown at 879-9218. FENTRESS COURIER, WEDNESDAY, JULY 20, 2011, PAGE A-11 her risk of mammary (breast) cancer. If my cat is pregnant, can she be spayed? Yes, Spaying a cat during pregnancy is slightly more difficult than spaying a nonpregnant cat, but is better than allowing unwanted kittens to be born and to contribute to time! Some cats may go into the cat over population heat and become pregnant problem. **Look** again as soon as one week after having a litter! Can cats be spayed if they are nursing kittens? Yes. A cat who is spayed while she is nursing will continue to produce adequate milk for her kittens. Some NASHVILLE, TN— The veterinarians prefer to wait Tennessee Department of until a cat has weaned her Education announced recently kittens before doing the surgery the launch of because the mammary gland, a website (breast) development present that will help teachers, parents, during nursing can make the and community members surgery slightly more difficult. understand new curriculum If the cat can be kept indoors standards and increased away from any possible expectations for learning. The exposure to intact male cats, it online toolkits provide is okay to wait until the kittens information on promoting are weaned before spaying the early grades reading and mother (in fact, the whole accelerating student family could be spayed or achievement for young students neutered at this time). If the across the state. cat cannot be kept away from “Research has shown that if intact male cats while nursing, children do not read on grade she should be spayed as soon as level by third grade, they may possible. Return her to her never catch up with their kittens as quickly as possible peers,” Tenn. First Lady Crissy after surgery. Haslam said. If the nursing cat is feral and “'s tool kits must be trapped, it is offer resources to parents, recommended that you also teachers and community catch the kittens (if possible), members to help us improve or wait until the kittens are at early childhood literacy least six weeks old, to avoid making our children leaving young kittens without competitive for college and their mother for too long. prepared for a high quality At what age do unspayed workforce." female cats stop giving birth to Read Tennessee provides an kittens? easy to navigate resource for Unlike humans, cats do not teachers, families and go through “menopause.” community members to utilize While fertility may gradually in the classroom and at home. decline over time, there is no Each section compiles age after which a female cat can information, activities, and no longer become pregnant. tools to help inspire young Can cats from the same litter children to engage and develop mate with each other and early grades reading and produce litters? learning skills. These tools will Yes. For this reason, male help teachers create more and female littermates who are challenging lessons, guide housed together must be parents and guardians in better neutered and spayed by four understanding what their child months of age! might be learning and doing at Should I allow my female cat different stages of his/her to have one litter before spaying development, and encourage her? community members to get No! There is absolutely no informed and get involved in benefit to the cat in doing this. motivating our children Spaying a cat before her first towards successful futures. litter, or better yet, before her “We must support first heat, is easier and safer. collaboration and innovation Recent evidence also suggests as drivers of our effort to that spaying a cat before six expand opportunities for months significantly decreases students,” said Education Commissioner Kevin Huffman. “Our reading goals are very ambitious, and we have to continue to maintain focus on producing great student results.” “We encourage you to explore our website and to take advantage of the information provided to help accelerate the learning of Tennessee's children,” said Bobbi Lussier, Assistant Commissioner for School Readiness and Early Learning. is in FAQ: Cat Reproduction Submitted by Best Friends Sanctuary At what age do female cats first go in to heat? Female cats typically reach sexual maturity when they are about 4.5 - 7.0 lb. (2.3-3.2 kg), or between five and nine months of age. However, it is possible for female kittens as young as four months to go into heat and become pregnant! In addition, domestic shorthair and longhair cats may reach sexual maturity earlier than purebred cats, and freeroaming cats may become sexually mature sooner than cats kept indoors. How long do they stay in heat? The duration of estrus (heat) varies in individual cats. Heat lasts an average of seven days, but may be as long as 21 days. If a female cat doesn’t mate and become pregnant, she may go back into heat repeatedly, with only brief periods of nonheat - as little as two days between heats! At what age can they become pregnant? A female cat can become pregnant as soon as she is sexually mature-as early as four months of age. During what times of the year can a female cat get pregnant? While breeding and pregnancy occur most commonly in the spring, female cats can become pregnant at any time during the year, especially in mild climates. What is the gestation period for a pregnant cat? 56 to 71 days. The average length is 67 days. How many litters can a female cat have in a year? Up to five litters in one year! What is the average number of kittens born in a litter? For free-roaming cats, the average number of kittens per litter is probably around three, but it can commonly be up to six or more. Can cats become pregnant while they are nursing kittens? Yes, absolutely! It is typical for cats to go back into heat one to two months after giving birth to kittens, and they can easily become pregnant at this Castle Cinemas If you have a cat that needs “fixing” apply for FREE and/or low cost spay/neuter through Best Friends Sanctuary. Applications are available at Dogwood Animal Hospital, Upchurch Animal Clinic, Department of Human The Bulldog Cheerleaders Services and D&D Auto Parts. For more information call will be having their annual cookout and bake sale on 879-6806. Bulldog Cheerleaders Annual Cookout & Bake Sale Set For July 30th Read Tennessee Encourages Early Grades Reading partnership with the TDOE Division of School Readiness and Early Learning, Center for Literacy Studies at The University of Tennessee, Tennessee First to the Top, Tennessee Head Start, United Ways of Tennessee and the Office of the First Lady. Visit to learn more. For more information, contact Amanda E. Morris at (615) 253-4754 or Holt Reunion July 30th The Holt Family reunion will be held on Saturday, July 30th at the First Church of the Nazarene on Holt Spur Drive just off the White Oak by-pass. Lunch will be at 12 noon. Bring a covered dish. All family and friends welcome. Saturday, July 30th from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. in the Wal-Mart parking lot. Please come out and help the Bulldog Cheerleaders raise money for needed uniforms and enjoy some good food. All donations are greatly appreciated. For more information call Amy Stockton at 931-397-5847 or Rebecca Clark at 931-3109477. PAGE A-12, WEDNESDAY, JULY 20, 2011, FENTRESS COURIER Start school with extra credit. $ Get 100 for each new Smartphone. Switch to U.S. Cellular, activate any of our Smartphones and get a $100 credit per line. It’s another great reason to be with the happiest customers in wireless. ® Learn how to put your Smartphone to smart uses at our Device Workshops. Visit for details. SAMSUNG GEM TM free TM an Android -powered phone ® After $100 mail-in rebate that comes as a MasterCard debit card. Applicable Smartphone Data Plan required. New 2-yr. agmt. and $30 act. fee may apply. • Access your favorite social networks • Browse the Web, access e-mail • Access over 150,000 apps like Gtasks, Dropbox and Pandora® To learn more, visit or call 1-888-BUY-USCC. Things we want you to know: A two-year agreement (subject to early termination fee) required for new customers and current customers not on a Belief Plan. Current customers may change to a Belief Plan without a new agreement. Agreement terms apply as long as you are a customer. $30 activation fee and credit approval may apply. Regulatory Cost Recovery Fee applies; this is not a tax or government-required charge. Additional fees, taxes and terms apply and vary by service and equipment. See store or for details. Promotional phone subject to change. U.S. Cellular MasterCard Debit Cards are issued by MetaBank pursuant to a license by MasterCard International Incorporated. Cardholders are subject to terms and conditions of the card as set forth by the issuing bank. Card does not have cash access and can be used at any merchants that accept MasterCard debit cards. Card valid through expiration date shown on front of card. Allow 10–12 weeks for processing. Smartphone Data Plans start at $30 per month or are included with certain Belief Plans. Application and data network usage charges may apply when accessing applications. Service Credit: Requires new account activation, two-year agreement and Smartphone purchase. $100 credit will be applied to your account in $50 increments over two billing periods. Credits will start within 60 days after activation. Account must remain active in order to receive credit. No cash value. Kansas Customers: In areas in which U.S. Cellular receives support from the Federal Universal Service Fund, all reasonable requests for service must be met. Unresolved questions concerning services availability can be directed to the Kansas Corporation Commission Office of Public Affairs and Consumer Protection at 1-800-662-0027. Limited-time offer. Trademarks and trade names are the property of their respective owners. ©2011 U.S. Cellular. FENTRESS COURIER, WEDNESDAY, JULY 20, 2011, PAGE B-1 General Sessions Court Report Activity in General Sessions Court on Tuesday, July 12 before Judge Todd Burnett was described as “rather heavy,” with ten pleas entered, three probation violation hearings conducted, and one case bound over to the Grand Jury. Mary Kendrick of 300 Deer Lodge Hwy., Clarkrange, pled guilty to charges of DUI and Possession of Drug Paraphernalia and was fined $500 plus court costs of $838, was ordered to serve 2 days in jail, had license revoked for one year, and was placed on probation for 2 years. Susan Franklin of 407 Tulip Avenue, Jamestown, entered a guilty plea to charges of Possession of Schedule II and III Controlled Substance and Possession of Drug Paraphernalia and was fined $750 plus court costs of $888, was ordered to complete an inpatient drug rehabilitation program and was placed on probation for 3 years. Michael D. Lewis of 7026 South York Hwy., Clarkrange, pled guilty to the charge of DUI and was fined $350 plus court costs of $855, was ordered to serve 12 days in jail, had his license revoked for one year, and was placed on probation for one year. Kenneth Beaty of 829 Crab Mountain Road, Jamestown, entered a guilty plea to charges of Possession of Drug Paraphernalia, Theft Under $500, and Public Intoxication. He was fined $170 plus court costs of $888, was ordered to make restitution of $115, serve 6 months in jail and complete a long-term drug rehabilitation program, and was placed on probation for 4 years. Timothy Hayes of 734 Caver Lane, Jamestown, pled guilty to charges of Public Intoxication and Violation of Probation and was fined $10 plus court costs of $318, was ordered to serve 60 days in jail, and his probation was extended for 2 years. William Kelly Pullins of 645 Fairgrounds Road, Jamestown, entered a guilty plea to the charge of Assault and was placed on probation for one year. Terry E. Reagan of 125 Spring Chapel Lane, Jamestown and Sylvia R. Rector of 120 Volunteer Road, Monterey, each entered guilty pleas to the charge of Assault and each was ordered to perform 48 hours of community service and was placed on probation for one year. Greg Stephens of 1315 Pine Court, Grimsley, pled guilty to the charge of Public Intoxication and was ordered to serve 30 days in jail. Anna Buck of 573 Reeder Avenue, Jamestown, entered a guilty plea to the charge of Public Intoxication and was fined $10 plus court costs of $318, and a probation hearing was set for October 4. Billy Pullins of 1254 Sloan Avenue, Jamestown pled guilty to the charge of Assault and was placed on probation for one year. In a probation violation hearing, Jared Tyler Anderson of 1198 Shellotte Loop Road, Pall Mall, convicted of Public Intoxication and Possession of Drug Paraphernalia, was ordered to serve 120 days in jail. Jason DeBord of Wilder, who had been convicted of DUI, was ordered to serve 120 days in jail after a probation revocation hearing. In the third probation revocation hearing, Jackie Brown of 665 Richards Cemetery Road, Jamestown, convicted on the charge of driving on a Revoked License, was ordered to serve 30 days in jail. Ricky Guillory of 182 Wilson Road, Grimsley, TN was bound over to the Grand Jury after waiving a preliminary hearing on the charge of Theft Over $1,000. Sheriff’s Dept. Activity Report Week of 07-10 to 07-16 DUI ..................................2 Poss. of Drug Para. ..........3 Theft Over $1,000..............1 Viol. of Probation ............5 Viol. of Implied Consent Law ..................................1 Driving Without DL ........1 Evading Arrest ..................1 Domestic ..........................1 Child Support....................2 Poss. of SCH. II for Resale 2 Poss. of SCH. III for Resale 1 Poss. of SCH. V for Resale 1 Manufacturing of Meth ....2 Poss. of Stolen Property ....2 Forgery..............................1 Altering DL ......................1 Agg. Burglary....................1 Agg. Criminal Trespassing in a Habitation ......................1 Poss. of Hand Gun while Intoxicated ........................1 Total Arrests....................30 Complaints ....................452 Civil Papers ....................18 Wrecks ..............................2 Funerals ............................5 Average Number of Inmates In Fentress Co. ................32 Average Number of Inmates Being Held For Fentress Co. In Other Counties ............74 Planning Commission To Meet July 26th The Jamestown Regional Planning Commission will hold its regular meeting on Tuesday, July 26, 2011 at 5:00 p.m. at the Jamestown City Hall. The public is invited to attend. Gwenith Duncan Mayor PAGE B-2, WEDNESDAY, JULY 20, 2011, FENTRESS COURIER Roane State’s Randy Nesbit Selected For Induction Into The Citadel Athletic Hall Of Fame Those celebrating birthdays in the month of July 2011 at the Fentress County Senior Center are seated: Bill Patton, Glenn Hembree and Pearl Mason. Standing: David Madewell, Lois Reagan, Elsie Pyle and Minnie McDonald. We want to thank those who make our monthly birthday celebrations at the Senior Center very special due to their donations. Bill and Donna Ramsey of Dairy Queen donated 2 cakes and a free chicken strip basket. Danny and Wanda Hailey of McDonalds donated 2 cakes. Joey and Rayella Vaughn of Med-I-Thrift donated a gift certificate for each birthday person. Pickett County Fair Car Show July 30th AA Meeting Jamestown Area AA Meeting Schedule Grimsley AA Group meets on Tuesday from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. at Grimsley Methodist Church. For information call AA 24-hour hot line at 1-800559-2252. The Jamestown Group of Alcoholics Anonymous have announced their 12 Step Meeting Schedule. They will The Pickett County Fair Car meet at 201 Fairgrounds Rd.: Show will be held on Saturday, Friday, 8 p.m., AA July 30th at the Pickett County Fairgrounds and Cordell Hull Museum State Park Grounds, 1300 Cordell Hull Memorial Drive. Registration will be held from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. CDST. Trophies awarded at 3:00 p.m. CDST. Registration fee: $10. Classes include: Best of Show Top 5 Vehicles 1st - 5th Top 15 Vehicles Best Motorcycle Best Rat Rod Best Farm Tractor/Semi Tractor For more information or questions call 931-260-4602. GNT Youth Camp Aug. 1-5 Good Neighbors Theatre is proud to announce our Summer Youth Theater Camp for ages 7-17. The camp will be held at Good Neighbors Theatre in Byrdstown Tn. August 1-5. The cost is $50 and is open to any youth interested in acting, directing, or producing in a theater environment. The instructor for the camp is Kathleen Gilpatrick, a professional actor, director, producer, and owner of Out On a Limb Productions For More Information contact Linda Crouch @ 931-397-1733 Roane State Community College basketball coach Randy Nesbit is among six individuals who will be inducted into The Citadel Athletic Hall of Fame on Oct. 28 at the Holliday Alumni Center in Charleston, S.C. A three-year starting point guard on Les Robinsoncoached basketball teams, Nesbit was a key member of The Citadel’s 1979 team that won 20 games, a first for the college. The captain of the ’80 team, Nesbit was selected to the 1979 and ’80 All-Southern Conference second team and paced the ’78 team with a 54.0 field goal percentage and a 92.5 free throw percentage in 1980, which was the second-best in the NCAA. He tied a school mark with 13 assists in a 1979 game against Marshall, and established the school’s season record of 120 dishes that season. Holding the school’s record for most career assists (324), Nesbit played only three years having transferred from Gulf Coast Community College. He later served as an assistant to Robinson, and coached the Bulldogs from 1986-92. Nesbit is currently the director of athletics and head basketball coach at Roane State. Also entering the Hall as members of the Class of 2011 are track and football speedster Philip Florence ’90, baseball standout Dallas McPherson ’02, baseball and football star Tony Skole ’91, while former football coach Charlie Taaffe and supporter Tom McQueeney ’74 enter as honorary members. The six increases the membership of the Hall of Fame, which originated in 1977, to 161 individuals. The Hall is located in the lobby of McAlister Field House on campus. Philip Florence ’90 (Track & Football) A six-time All-Southern Conference pick in outdoor and indoor track and field, Florence was the 1990 league champion in the 100m dash (10.61; outdoors). Three times he earned all-league honors in the 55m indoors and twice captured all-conference honors in the 200m. He remains among the school’s top 10 in the 55m and 200m (indoors), the 100m and 200m (outdoors) and is also a member of the sprint medley relay, 4x200 relay and 4x100 relay teams. He continues to hold second place in the 55m indoors and 100m outdoors. A Dean’s List student, Florence was a three-year member of the football team as a wide receiver where he twice led the team in receptions and once in kick returns. At one point, he held the single-game school mark for 160 kickoff return yards and two of the college’s 21 times that a receiver caught 100+ yards in a game. Coached by Charlie Taaffe, Florence was drafted by the Minnesota Vikings in 1990. He is currently an attorney in Charleston. Dallas McPherson ’02 (Baseball) RANDY NESBIT A third baseman-pitcher from 1999-01, McPherson earned allleague honors in 2000 and ’01. He was selected by the Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim in the second round (57th overall) of the 2001 First-Year Player Draft, becoming the college’s second-highest draft pick at the time. A career .322 hitter, McPherson was tied for seventh on the school’s charts with 21 home runs and continues to rank among the top-10 in slugging percentage. A wellrounded athlete, he won 17 games on the mound during his three-year career at The Citadel. After garnering several minor league player of the year honors, McPherson was a September (2004) call-up by the Angels and made his Major League debut on September 10 against the Chicago White Sox. McPherson started 11 games down the stretch and was the Angels' starting third baseman in their playoff series against the Boston Red Sox. He has since been a member of the Florida Marlins, San Francisco Giants and Oakland Athletics’ organizations, and is currently playing for the White Sox’s AAA affiliate in Charlotte. Tony Skole ’91 (Baseball & Football) One of the most popular athletes on campus, Skole, who was considered the “ultimate teammate,” was a baseball player who also played defensive back on the football field. A third baseman, Skole was a member of The Citadel’ 1990 World Series team and is remembered for recording the game-winning hit in the 12th inning to score Anthony Jenkins in the Bulldogs’ win over Cal State Fullerton. Skole also slammed a game-clinching home run in The Citadel’s second victory over Miami in Miami during the ’90 NCAA Regionals. He twice earned second team All-Southern Conference honors (1991, ’92) at third base and when he graduated, he held the school record for most career games (206) and at bats (731). On the gridiron, he started 35 consecutive games and helped lead the Bulldogs to the 1988 and ’90 I-AA playoffs. A football team captain, he led the league in interceptions his senior season. Skole is currently the head baseball coach at East Tennessee State. Tom McQueeney ’74 (Honorary) One of six McQueeney brothers to graduate from The Citadel, this native Charlestonian served as chairman of the Johnson Hagood Stadium Revitalization Committee (2003-08) and worked very closely with governmental agencies to secure the college’s partnership with the South Carolina Army National Guard to complete the project. A recipient of the Southern Conference Distinguish Service Award, McQueeney has served as chairman of the Charleston Metro Sports Council and was directly involved with his hometown hosting the Southern Conference Basketball Championships. Selected by the SC General Assembly to serve on The Citadel’s Board of Visitors, McQueeney is a 2009 recipient of the Order of the Palmetto, the highest civilian award presented by the SC governor. A major donor to many, he was the sports editor of The Brigadier, the college’s student newspaper where he was recognized for his journalistic abilities. He continues to live in Charleston and operates a successful State Farm Insurance agency. Charlie Taaffe (Honorary) The Citadel’s winningest football coach in terms of victories (55), Taaffe is credited with resurrecting the football program as he served as coach from 1987-95. Twice named the Southern Conference Coach of the Year (1988, ’92), the Taaffeled Bulldogs captured the 1992 SoCon Championship, only the second in school history. That ’92 team finished with an 11-2 record and tied for No. 1 (with Northeast Louisiana) in the final I-AA national poll. He was named 1992 I-AA National Coach of the Year by The Sports Network and by the American Football Coaches Association while receiving the Eddie Robinson Award (as the I-AA National Coach of the Year). His teams defeated I-A programs a total of six times and include memorable victories over Army (twice), Navy (twice), Arkansas and South Carolina. He currently serves as the offensive coordinator at Central Florida University. Bulldog Cheerleaders Annual Cookout/Bake Sale Set For July 30th The Bulldog Cheerleaders will be having their annual cookout and bake sale on Saturday, July 30th from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. in the Wal-Mart parking lot. Please come out and help the Bulldog Cheerleaders raise money for needed uniforms and enjoy some good food. All donations are greatly appreciated. For more information call Amy Stockton at 931-397-5847 or Rebecca Clark at 931-3109477. FENTRESS COURIER, WEDNESDAY, JULY 20, 2011, PAGE B-3 Local Players Claim AAU National Title TN Nike Flight Select - AAU 6th Grade Div. 1 National Champions The 6th grade AAU National Tournament was held July 3rd8th in Kingsport, Tennessee. 52 elite teams from around the United States participated in the Division 1 6th grade tournament. TN Nike Flight Select went undefeated and claimed the title of National Champions. The team consists of players from East Tennessee, along with two local girls from Jamestown, Lexi Smith and Kara Meadows. Flight worked its way to the championship game by defeating the Virginia Cap City Ballerz, North Carolina Garner Flames, Massachusetts Fencor, Maryland Flames, Kentucky Blast, Dayton Ohio Hoopsters, Indiana Blizzard, and for the championship title the Missouri Valley Magic with a 41-26 win. Congratulations Lexi and Kara on your outstanding achievement. CONGRATULATIONS The Jamestown 8 year old baseball All Star team participated in two (2) tournaments in which they represented Fentress County well. They finished runner-up in the Silver Bracket in the Cookeville Coach Pitch tournament held June 21-25. Then they finished runner-up in the Jamestown Machine Pitch tournament held July 12-16 which consisted of 7 teams. We are very proud of these boys for their hard work and job well done! Pictured front row, left to right: Justin Compton, Adam Owens, Ryan Webb, Isaac Cooper, Zachary Gibson, and Jaelin Hart. Pictured Middle row, left to right: Isaac Clark, Nicolas Smith, Dylan Beaty, Will Helbig, Zachary Lee, and Hunter Harrison. Coaches back row, left to right: Greg Harrison, Donnie Owens, Brandon Smith, Sam Gibson Lamar Alexander Cosponsors “Cut, Cap, & Balance Act” THP a Top Finisher in National Law Enforcement Challenge 2nd Place Honors from International Association of Chiefs of Police NASHVILLE – The Tennessee Highway Patrol (THP) has once again been named a top finisher in a prestigious national law enforcement agency competition. The International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) has named the THP the second place winner of the 2011 National Law Enforcement Challenge. Colonel Tracy Trott will officially accept the award on behalf of the department in October at the IACP Annual Conference in Chicago. “This is a tremendous honor and we could not have earned it without the dedication and hard work by our troopers, dispatchers, and support staff. They are out on the roadways protecting citizens across the state each and every day. They are Tennessee’s Finest, and I will accept this award in their honor,” said Colonel Trott. The National Law Enforcement Challenge is a competition between law enforcement agencies of similar sizes and types. The Highway Patrol competed in the State Police/Highway Patrol category for agencies with 501-1,000 officers. As part of the challenge, the THP submitted an application documenting its efforts and effectiveness in traffic safety enforcement, including officer training, public information and crash reduction. In 2010 and 2009, the THP walked away with a third place finish. It earned first place in 2006. The IACP is the world’s oldest and largest nonprofit organization of police executive with more than 20,000 members in over 200 countries. Overall, more 450 law enforcement agencies competed in the 2011 challenge. The Tennessee Department of Safety & Homeland Security’s (www.TN.Gov/safety) mission is to ensure the safety and general welfare of the public. The department encompasses the Tennessee Highway Patrol, Office of Homeland Security and Driver License Services. General areas of responsibility include law enforcement, safety education, motorist services and terrorism prevention. WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Lamar Alexander (RTenn.) recently released the following statement about his co-sponsorship of the “Cut, Cap, and Balance Act of 2011,” introduced by Senator Mike Lee (R-Utah) to reduce federal spending, impose spending caps over the next decade, and require the passage of a balanced-budget amendment to raise the debt ceiling: “At a time when we’re borrowing 40 cents of every dollar we spend, I will support serious proposals like the ‘Cut, Cap and Balance Act’ to reduce out-of-control Washington spending. The final version of any such legislation should have an appropriate balance between reductions in both entitlement and discretionary spending, but this bill is a good start in the right direction.” PAGE B-4, WEDNESDAY, JULY 20, 2011, FENTRESS COURIER 51st Annual Rotary Club Horse Show Held July 16 Although the number of entries were down from last year, the 51st Jamestown Rotary Club Horse Show, held Saturday, July 16 at the Fentress County Fairgrounds, was again termed as successful,with 123 horses registered. Despite predictions of rain the weather was near perfect for the 34-class event, which got underway about 4:30 p.m. as Amanda Jones Hunt daughter of the late Alfred Jones presented the Colors and Brittany Nicole Jones, daughter of the late Shelley Jones, carried the Rotary Flag; Kelsey Neal sang the National Anthem, followed by invocation by Mark Justice. While the numbers were down from some previous years, the quality was among the best, and Judge Frankie Jo Bradley had her work cut out for her, and commented of the high quality of horses competing. In Class No. 1, Stick Horse, sponsored by Jamestown Rotary Club, there were 7 entries. In Class No. 2, Lead Line, sponsored by State Senator Ken Yager, trophy donated by Rod Williams in memory of Jerry Dale Williams, there were 3 entries. First place went to Scout, ridden and owned by by Chloe Casteel of Clarkrange, TN; second place went to Highway Man, ridden by Will LaRue, owned by Alex Lowe; and third place went to Cloud, ridden by Savannah Hunt, owned by Dr. Paul Martin of Jamestown. In Class No. 3, Youth Trail Pleasure, English/Western, sponsored by Tallent Planing & Lumber and Wright’s Shoes, trophy donated by David and Nancy Gernt, there were 5 entries. First place went to My Red Corvette, ridden by Harley Goad, owned by the Goad Family of Jamestown, TN; second place went to What A Bum, ridden by Annette England, owned by Eryka Friant of Sparta, TN; third place went to She’s Black Ice, ridden and owned by Aaron Tarver of Philadelphia, TN; fourth place went to Oreo, ridden by Cole Brown, owned by Tina Brown of Jamestown, TN; and fifth place went to Jack. ridden and owned by Taner Phillips of Clarkrange, TN. In Class No. 4, Amateur Park Pleasure, sponsored by Fentress County Chamber of Commerce and Hammond Motor Parts, trophy donated by Quality Home Health Agency, there were 3 entries. First place went to America Sovereign Sister, ridden by Bethany Allred, owned by Saddle Brook Stables of Jamestown, TN; second place went to Extra IRS, ridden by Ruth Tudor, owned by Larry and Ruth Tudor of Ten Mile, TN; and third place went to Generators Strong Dollar, ridden by Jerry Swallows, owned by Linda and Jerry Swallows of Baxter, TN. In Class No. 5, Yearling At Halter, sponsored by Jennings Funeral Home and T-N-T Snacks, trophy donated by State Farm Insurance, there were 2 entries. First place went to Jose’ High Voltage Diva, ridden by Larry Tudor, owned by Dr. Fred and Diane Wright of Sweetwater, TN; and second place went to Meet Me At Midnight, ridden by Lauren Davidson, owned by Brenda Young of Cookeville, TN. In Class No. 6, Park Pleasure, English-Western, sponsored by Eye Centes of Tennessee, trophy donated by Burnett’s Fuel Center, there were 2 entries. First place went to Silver Dollar Exclusive, ridden and owned by Jack McCormick of Livingston, TN; and second place went to Un-Armed Delight, ridden and owned by Star Swift of Sparta, TN. In Class No. 7, Amateur Trail Pleasure, sponsored by Henbo’s I & II and Walgreens, trophy donated by Jimtown Florist, there were 5 entries. First place went to Southern Sovenier, ridden by Ginger Arden, owned by Meredith Driskell of Andersonville, TN; second place went to She’s Black Ice, ridden and owned by Aaron Tarver of Philadelphia, TN; third place went to What A Bum, ridden and owned by Eryka Friant of Sparta, TN; fourth place went to Bottom’s Up, ridden and owned by Allix Lowe of Clarkrange, TN; and fifth place went to Jack, ridden and owned by Tyler Phillips of Clarkrange, TN. In Class No. 8, Country Pleasure-Juvenile Rider 17 & Under, sponsored by Dr. Dilip N. Joshi and Jamestown Auto Supply, trophy donated In Memory of Alfred Jones, there were 7 entries. First place went to Generator’s Sun Devil, ridden by Harley Goad, owned by Glenda Levin of Jamestown; second place went to Pushen That Thread, ridden by Rachel Robertson, owned by Jimmy Swift of Sparta, TN; third place went to The Cruiser, ridden by Brittany Rains, owned by Sam Beaty of Jamestown; fourth place went to Copy of Rage, ridden by Aaryn Tarver, owned by Clay Rogers of Rockwood, TN; and fifth place went to He’s Making Waves, ridden by MacKenzie Goad, owned by the Goad family of Jamestown, TN. In Class No. 9, Adult Trail Pleasure, English-Western, sponsored by West End Cafe and Clarkrange Drug Center, trophy donated by Jamestown Rotary Club, there were 7 entries. First place went to I’m Just Jesse, ridden by Ruth Tudor, owned by Larry and Ruth Tudor of Ten Mile, TN; second place went to Prides Dark Fury, ridden and owned by Don Robinson of Cookeville, TN; third place went to What A Bum, ridden and owned by Eryka Friant of Sparta, TN; fourth place went to Delight of Showboat, ridden by Gary Austin of Baxter, TN, owned by Mr. and Mrs. Gary Austin; fifth place went to Sundrops Mr. America, ridden and owned by Allix Lowe of Clarkrange, TN. In Class No. 10, Racking Horse Flat Shod (No Chains), sponsored by Allardt Medical Clinic and Fentress County Clerk Marilyn L. Stephens, trophy donated by Eye Centers of Tennessee, there were 5 entries. First place went to Jubilees First Cut, ridden and owned by Jason Todd of Westmoreland, TN; second place went to A Dangerous Catch by JFK, ridden by Harley Goad, owned by the Goad Family of Jamestown; third place went to Choice Prime Time, ridden and owned by Allix Lane of Clarkrange, TN; and fourth place went to Mountain Spirit, ridden and owned by David Stowers of Crossville, TN. In Class No. 11, Pleasure Horses - County Only, sponsored by Upchurch Horse Shoeing, trophy donated by Signature HeathCARE of Fentress County, there were 5 entries. First place went to Sundrops Mr. America, ridden and owned by Allix Lowe of Clarkange, TN; second place went to He’s Making Waves, ridden by MacKenzie Goad, owned by the Goad Family of Jamestown, TN; third place went to Miss Midnight Special, ridden and owned by Sammy Greer of Clarkrange, TN; fourth place went to Mindy, ridden and owned by Brittany Rains of Jamestown; and fifth place went to Jack, ridden and owned by Tyler Phillips of Clarkrange, TN. In Class No. 12, Racking Horses Juveniles 17 & Under, sponsored by The Rains Agency, trophy donated by Signature HealthCARE of Fentress County, there were 3 entries. First place went to A Dangerous Catch By JFK, ridden by MacKenzie Goad, owned by the Goad Family of Jamestown, TN; second place went to Li’l Man, ridden by Chandler Brown, owned by Tina Brown of Jamestown; and third place went to Pure Image’s Jubilee, ridden by Harley Goad, owned by the Goad Family of Jamestown, TN. In Class No. 13, Youth Lite Shod - Speciality, sponsored by Wal-Mart, trophy donated by The Boutique, there were 4 entries. First place went to Private Treasure, ridden by Garyn Tarver, owned by Dr. Fred and Diane Wright of Sweetwater, TN; second place went to I’m Pusing For Blues, ridden and owned by Brittany Rains of Jamestown, TN; third place went to Prides D Park Fury, ridden by Jake Wright, owned by Don Robinson of Cookeville, TN; and fourth place went to Hanks Sip-NGin, ridden by Annette England, owned by Brenda Young of Cookeville, TN. In Class No 14, Country Pleasure - 18 & Over, sponsored by Smith Stables, trophy donated by Moody’s Used Cars, there were 11 entries. First place went to Generator’s Sun Devil, ridden and owned by Glenda Levin of Jamestown; second place went to Copy of Rage, ridden by Ruth Tudor, owned by Clay Roges of Rockwood, TN; third Tompkins in honor of Otto Bowden, there were 4 entries. First place went to Orient Express, ridden by Justin Robinson, owned by Sandra Robinson of Cookeville, TN; second place went to Tony Montana Scarface, ridden and owned by Jessie Morris of Pikeville, TN; third place went to Ozones Ace, ridden by Haley Voiles, owned by the Smith Family of Jamestown, TN; and fourth place went to Navy Blue, ridden and owned by Tyler Smith of Lenoir City, TN. In Class No. 19, Amateur Speciality, sponsored by Millennium Loan & Thrift, Inc. and Upchurch Animal Clinic, trophy donated by Mountain Farm International, there were 3 entries. First place went to Dangerous Decision, ridden by Bethany Allred, owned by Fred Allred Family of Jamestown, TN; second place went to The Red Bomber, ridden and owned by Donald Robinson of Cookeville, TN; and third place went to Sweepstakes Express, ridden and owned by Timmy Swift of Sparta, TN. In Class No. 20, 2 year old place went to Patterned By Command, ridden and owned by Joel Teeples of Sparta, TN; fourth place went to Yuma Outlaw, ridden by Sheri Combs, owned by Roy Combs Family of Decater, TN; and fifth place went to Pushen That Threat, ridden by Lauren Davidson, owned by Jimmy Swifts of Sparta, TN. In Class No. 15, Ladies Amateur Riders on Walking Horses, sponsored by East Fork Stables and Dave’s Feed & Farm Supply, trophy donated by Mountain Farm International, there were 2 entries. First place went to Keep’s Strike Gold, ridden and owned by Margaret Coy of Richmond, KY; and second place went to George Clooney, ridden by Bethany Allred, owned by Fred Allred Family of Jamestown, TN. In Class No. 16, Walking Horses Juvenile Rider 11 & Under, sponsored by Jordan Motel, Made-Well Construction and Fentress County Trustee Wanda Tompkins, trophy donated by D&D Discount Auto Parts, there were 2 entries. First place went to I’m Sammy Day, ridden and owned by Zachary Swafford of Pikeville, TN; and second place went to Stormin Through Dixie, ridden by Lane Webb, owned by Kaitlyn Beaty of Byrdstown, TN. In Class No. 17, Walking Mares or Geldins, 2 year old, open, sponsored by Wal-Mart and State Representative John Mark Windle, trophy donated by Roy Davis Smith Memorial Trophy presented by the Smith Family, there were 3 entries. First place went to I’m Donna 2, ridden by Michael Burton, owned by Ken and Sue Frye of Gordonsville, TN; second place went to Senorita Sky, ridden by Scott Beaty, owned by Saddle Brook Stables of Jamestown, TN; and third place went to Jazzy Blend, ridden by Joseph King, owned by Saddle Brook Stables of Jamestown, TN. In Class No. 18, Walking Horses - Juvenile Rider 12-17, sponsored by McDonalds and Fentress Courier, trophy donated by Ethan and Evan Stallion-Open, sponsored by Community Bank, trophy donated by Jamestown Oil, LLC, there were 0 entries. In Class No. 21, Show Pleasure, Specialty Pads, sponsored by Ashburn Construction, trophy donated by Mountain Farm International, there were 11 entries. First place went to Cut-ARug, ridden by Michael Burton, owned by Ken and Sue Frye of Gordonsville, TN; second place went to Dangerous At Midnight, ridden by Joseph King, owned by Saddle Brook Stables of Jamestown, TN; third place went to Jazz With Class, ridden by Kevin Gower, owned by Gene Davis of Wadley, GA; fourth place went to Rebel Red, ridden by Ted Melhorn, owned by Jerry Derryberry of Kingston, TN; and fifth place went to My Ferrari, ridden and owned by Bradley Bottoms of Crossville, TN. In Class No. 22, Walking Ponies Youth 17 & UnderSpeciality, sponsored by Dr. Jonathan Allred and Family and Med-Ride, Inc., trophy donated by Rock Mart Pawn Shop, there were 2 entries. First place went to I’m Roger Clemons, ridden by Lane Webb, owned by Jacklyn Ball of LaFollette, TN; and second place went to Man of Fortune, ridden by Annette England, owned by Jessie Huddleston of Cookeville, TN. In Class No. 23, 3 year old Stallion-Open, sponsored by Progressive Savings Bank, trophy donated by Progressive Savings Bank, there were 3 entries. First place went to River Spirit, ridden by Kevin Gower, owned by Gene Davis of Wadley, GA; and second place went to Armed Eliminator, ridden by Michael Burton, owned by Ervin Maxwell Family of Cookeville, TN. In Class No. 24, Plantation Pleasure-Specialty Heavy, sponsored by Med-I-Thrift, trophy donated by Ronnie Choate’s Auto Sales and Body Shop, there was 1 entry. First place went to Silver Dollar Exclusive, ridden by Joseph King, owned by Jack McCormick of Livingston, TN. In Class No. 25, Racking Horse (with Chains), sponsored by Fentress Farmers Co-Op, trophy donated by J. Michael Allred, D.D.S., there was 1 entry. First place went to Portrait of Evil, ridden by Joyce Harwood, owned by Ben Harwood Family of Pikeville, TN. In Class No. 26, 3 year old Walking Mare or GeldingOpen, Sponsored by Sunset Ridge Cattle Company, trophy donated by Jamestown Rotary Club, there was 1 entry. First place went to Out On A Date, ridden by Kevin Gower, owned by Gene Davis of Wadley, GA. In Class No. 27, Style Racking, sponsored by Allardt Land Company, Inc., Handfuls of the Harvest Mission and Anchor Mortgage Associates, Inc., trophy donated by Eye Centers of Tennessee, there were 3 entries. First place went to Diamond Finesse, ridden and owned by Misty Shouse of Westmoreland, TN; second place went to Li’l Man, ridden by Chandler Brown, owned by Tina Brown of Jamestown; and third place went to Bow Tie Pusher, ridden by David Russell, owned by David and Stephanie Russell of Allardt, TN. In Class No. 28, Walking Limited Performance, English or Wstern Tack sponsored by Jamestown Internal Medicine and Eye Centers of Tennessee, trophy donated by Dickson Lawn Care Service, there were 4 entries. First place went to Royal Imprint, ridden by Robbie Casteel, owned by Chloe Casteel of Clarkrange, TN; second place went to Delights Perfect Score, ridden by Randy Young, owned by Jason and Samantha Futrell of Rockwood, TN; third place went to Skywatch Perfect Storm Pending, ridden by Corey Wright, owned by Don Robinson of Cookeville, TN; and fourth place went to Pusher Way-High, ridden and owned by Joel Teeples of Sparta, TN. In Class No. 29, 4 year old Walking Mares, Gelding and Satllions-Open, sponsored by J&J Pro Care Car Wash, ATeam Heating & Cooling and Horseman’s, trophy donated by Owens Furniture Co., there were 3 entries. First place went to Extra’s Sweet Maria, ridden and owned by Kevin Gower of Lewisburg, TN; second place went to Mo Jack, ridden by Randy Young, owned by Jerry & Linda Swallows of Baxter, TN; and third place went to Five Star Gunn, ridden and owned by Erica Lane of Crossville, TN. In Class No. 30, Speed Racking, sponsored by TriCounty Equipment, trophy donated by Tri-County Equipment, there were 3 entries. First place went to Pusher’s All Over, ridden and owned by Kenneth Neely of Clarkrange, TN; second place went to Beams Masquerade, ridden by David Russell, owned by David and Stephanie Russell of Allardt, TN; and third place went to Highway Man, ridden and owned by Allix Lowe of Clarkrange, TN. In Class No. 31, 4 year old Walking Mares, Gelding & Stallions, Amateur, sponsored by Fentress County Farm Bureau and Farm Bureau Insurance Agency, trophy donated by Burden Drug Store, there were 4 entries. First place went to Two Foot Freddie, ridden by Corey Clarke, owned by Clarke Farm of Campbellsville, KY; second place went to A Flashy Hand, ridden and owned by Chris Whittenburg of Crossville, TN; third place went to Some Gold, ridden and owned by Lauren Davidson of Cookeville, TN; and fourth place went to Gen’s Armed & Sparked, ridden and owned by Tommy Rivers of Graysville, TN. In Class No. 32, Walking Horses, 15.2 and UnderAmateur, sponsored by Jay’s Discount Shoes and Clarkrange Medical Clinic, trophy donated by Roger Hall’s Used Cars, there were 4 entries. First place went to Sand Bagger, ridden and owned by Dr. Shana Hughes of Russell Springs, KY; second place went to Jacked Up, ridden by Bethany Allred, owned by Fred Allred Family of Jamestown, TN; third place went to General McArthur, ridden and owned by Debbie Smithson of Crossville, TN; and fourth place went to Bee’s Little General, ridden and owned by Tim Smith of Lenoir City, TN. In Class. No. 33, Racking Stake, sponsored by First Volunteer Bank, trophy donated by First Volunteer Bank, there were 3 entries. First place went to The Royal Flash, ridden and owned by Jason Todd of Westmoreland, TN; second place went to JFK’s Rulebreaker, ridden by Joel “Buck” Williams, owned by Tommy Rivers of Crossville, TN; and third place went to Portrait of Evil, ridden by Mike Morris, owned by Ben Harwood of Pikeville, TN. In Class No. 34, Walking Horse Stake, sponsored by Union Bank, trophy donated by Foy Survey Company, there were 5 entries. First place went to Okey Dokey Jose, ridden by Scott Beaty, owned by Fred Allred Family of Jamestown, TN; second place went to Major Assets, ridden by Michael Burton, owned by Ken and Sue Frye of Gordonsville, TN; third place went to Mister Pushbutton, ridden by Joesph King, owned by Saddle Brook Stables of Jamestown, TN; four place went to My Super Star, ridden by Eric Swafford, owned by Herb Morath of Atlanta, GA. Crystal Tompkins, Show Chairperson, expressed her appreciation to Judge Bradley, Ringmaster Rodney Jones, Master of Ceremonies Todd Burnett, Farrier Randy Choate, Organist Wayne Nabors, and Veterinarian Dr. Jack Upchurch, along with all the show sponsors, who made the event possible. A special thanks goes out to the Rogers Group, for providing gravel for the ring preparation and to Russell, Ethan and Evan Tompkins for all their work in getting the ring ready for the show. Special thanks also were extended to Phillip Horst and Mountain Barn Builders for the beautiful gazebo which was provided for the center ring, and to the Interact students from York and Clarkrange High Schools serving as ribbon and trophy presenters, who included, Chelsea Cook, Reagan Hendricks, Mariah Keyes, Emily Moore, Keli Stephens, Drew Starr, and Keith Yantz. The Fentress County Horse Show is one of the primary fundraisers for the Jamestown Rotary Club, with proceeds going to help fund four $1,500 scholarships given yearly to seniors at Clarkrange High School and York Institute, the Rotary Club Christmas Parade, sponsorship of Minor League, Little League, and Babe Ruth baseball teams, 4-H Congress, Boy Scouts and many other worthwhile local projects and events. The Rotary Club is also involved in humanitarian projects throughout the world, including the “Polio Plus” campaign, which has practically eradicated this dreaded disease from the face of the earth. On behalf of the Jamestown Rotary Club, President Nancy Gernt expressed her appreciation to everyone who participated in any way in helping make this year’s show again so successful, with special thanks going to the businesses and individuals for their sponsorship of the event, to the YAI and CHS Interact Clubs for their assistance, and to all those who participated and attended. FENTRESS COURIER, WEDNESDAY, JULY 20, 2011, PAGE B-5 More Rotary Club Horse Show Pictures PAGE B-6, WEDNESDAY, JULY 20, 2011, FENTRESS COURIER Obituaries JUDY BURTON ALLEN Judy Burton Allen, age 70, passed away Friday, July 15, 2011 at Jamestown Regional Medical Center. Mrs. Allen was born April 22, 1941 in Middletown, Ohio. Mrs. Allen is survived by sisters, Carol Deaton of Allardt and Janet Perry of Jamestown; and two brothers, Dale Spencer and wife Jo Ann of Jamestown and Ernie Spencer and wife Nancy of Vandallia, OH. Mrs. Allen was preceded in death by parents, C.H. and Gladys Mae Burton. Funeral services were held Monday, July 18, 2011 at 1:00 p.m. in the Chapel of Mundy Funeral Home with Linda Paige Montgomery officiating. Burial followed in the Allardt Cemetery. Pallbearers included Toby Deaton, Deno Perry, Kevin Perry, Tolby Spencer, Shane Smith, Zack Spencer, Tyrel Asberry, Greg Asberry, Robbie Owens and R.D. Perry. Mundy Funeral Home of Jamestown, Tennessee was in charge of services. ROY W. BROWN Roy W. Brown, age 69, of Laura, Ill, died at 3:08 a.m. Tuesday, July 5, 2011 at OSF St. Francis Medical Center in Peoria. Mr. Brown was born June 22, 1942 in Jamestown, Tennessee. He had worked as the head galvanizer at Rohn Industries of Peoria, IL and had retired in 1995. He enjoyed cigarettes, Pepsi and bad jokes. Mr. Brown is survived by his wife, Vivian F. Sams of Bellvue, IL (married January 9, 1983 in Bellvue); seven sons, Peter Brown, Bill (Donna) Brown, Randy Brown, and Jackie Brown all of Jamestown, Jason Brown and Darryl Steele of Elmore, IL and Bryan (Marcy) Steele of Dunlap, IL; three daughers, Connie Brown of Jamestown, Jamie (Mark) Armstrong of Creve Coeur, IL and Jody Pierson of Elmore, IL; twenty-four grandchildren; three great-grandchildren; two brothers, Johnny Brown of Atlanta, GA and Steve (Carol) Brown of Miami, IN; five sisters, Jean Layne, Audrey (Kenneth) Copeland, Gloria Abbott, Debbie Owens all of and Rev. Dan Young officiating. Burial followed in Memorial Park South Cemetery. Memorial Park South Funeral Home of Flowery Jamestown, Linda (Clinton) Branch, Georgia was in charge of services. Cooper of Muncie, IN. Mr. Brown was preceded in death by his parents, Gilbert and Jewell Asberry Brown; brother, Jimmy; and one sister, Janie. Cremation has been accorded and a memorial service was held at 3 p.m. Friday, July 8, 2011 at Elmore Methodist Church Community Building in Elmore with Rev. Darlene Reiner officiating. Memorial can be directed to March of Dimes. Rux Funeral Home of Williamsfield, Illinois was in charge of services. MAKENZIE RAE DUNCAN Makenzie Rae Duncan, infant, passed away Thursday, July 14, 2011 at Cumberland Medical Center. Makenzie was born Thursday, July 14, 2011. Makenzie is survived by parents, Jason and Labreeska (Cooper) Duncan of Jamestown; grandparents, Gary and Penny Duncan, Jim and Linda Jackson and Ronnie and Marchita Cooper all of Jamestown; great-grandparents, Doc and Ruth Duncan, Arllie and Ena Cooper and Arthur and Juanita Nance all of Jamestown; and a host of aunts, uncles, and other family and friends. Graveside services were held Saturday, July 16, 2011 at 2:00 p.m. at Allardt Cemetery with Bro. Doyle Nance officiating. Jennings Funeral Home of Jamestown, Tennessee was in charge of services. SAMUEL A. HALL Mr. Samuel A. Hall, age 78, of Gainesville, passed away on Monday, July 11, 2011 following a sudden illness. Mr. Hall was born in BannerRoslin, TN to the late Merida V. Hall and Minnie Smith Hall. He served in the U.S. Army for three years. He was a member of the United Auto Workers Local 499. He retired from General Motors as a machine operator. He was a member of Banner Springs Methodist Church of Banner-Roslin, TN. Mr. Hall is survived by his wife, Peggy Smith Hall; son & his wife, Rick and Vickie Hall of Flowery Branch; daughters & their husbands, Robin & Tom Elliott of Gainesville and Tammie & David Freeman of Maysville; six grandchildren, Zachary Hall, Rebecca Freeman, Jake Elliott, Samantha Freeman, Eric Elliott, and David Freeman. He was precded in death by his sister, Thelma Lee Hall. Funeral services were held Thursday, July 14, 2011 at 11:00 a.m. in the Chapel of Memorial Park South Funeral Home with Rev. Dale Channell TABATHA HOWARD Tabatha Howard, age 26, of Jamestown, passed away Tuesday, July 12, 2011 at Jamestown Regional Medical Center. Mrs. Howard was born April 23, 1985 in Jamestown, Tennessee. She was a factory worker. Mrs. Howard is survived by son, Brycen Daily Howard; mother, Scherry Swafford and husband Gary of Jamestown; father, David Gilbert and wife Deborah; brother, Chris Gilbert; grandparents, Sammy and Blossom Threet, James and Virginia Hoover and Anna Sue Brown; twenty-five cousins; five uncles, Tony Threet and wife Treva, John Threet and wife Pam, Sammy Threet and wife Stacy, Roger Swafford and wife Annie and John Swafford; and aunt, Pam Wright and husband Kenny. Mrs. Howard was preceded in death by grandfather, Billy Swafford; aunt, Shelia Norman; and cousin, Darrell Lee Campbell. Funeral services were held Saturday, July 16, 2011 at 2:00 p.m. in the Chapel of Jennings Funeral Home with Bro. Sam Wood officiating. Burial followed in the Livingston Cemetery. Pallbearers included Darrell Swafford, Bob Duncan, Roger Swafford, Chris Gilbert, Sammy Threet, Sr. and Gary Swafford. Jennings Funeral Home of Jamestown, Tennessee was in charge of services. WILLIAM DAVID HOWELL William David Howell, age 56 of Jamestown, passed away, Thursday July 14, 2011 in the VA Hospital in Nashville. Mr. Howell was a veteran of the U.S. Army. He was a telephone technician. Mr. Howell is survived by wife of 22 years, Judith Potter Howell of Jamestown; son, Dave Howell of Jamestown; daughter, Gina Howell of Jamestown; and three sisters, Alice Little, Jeanne Thompson and Nancy Howell all of Pikeville, KY. Mr. Howell was preceded in death by parents, Percey and Josephine Howell. Memorial services were held Tuesday, July 19, 2011 at 7:00 p.m. in the Chapel of Schubert Funeral Home with Bro. Robert Potter officiating. Schubert Funeral Home of Wartburg, Tennessee was in charge of services. GRACE (OWENS) SMITH Grace (Owens) Smith, age 89, of Jamestown, passed away Sunday, July 10, 2011 at her home. Mrs. Smith was born June 13, 1922 in Fentress County, Tennessee. She was a sale/factory worker. Mrs. Smith is survived by two sons, Jere Smith and wife Valerie and David Smith both of Jamestown; three grandchildren; sister, Leda Roysdon of Jamestown; and several special friends. Mrs. Smith was preceded in death by father, Sam Owens; mother, Disa (Tipton) Owens; son, Larry Smith; sister, Jennie Overstreet; and brother, Harold Owens. Funeral services were held Tuesday, July 12, 2011 at 2:00 p.m. in the Chapel of Jennings Funeral Home with Bro. Randy Smith officiating. Burial followed in the Taylor Place Cemetery. Pallbearers included Dean Leffew; Hank Bow, Jr.; Sam Roysden; and Joey Vaughn. Jennings Funeral Home of Jamestown, Tennessee was in charge of services. MICHAEL LEE KING Michael Lee King, age 39, passed away unexpectedly at his home on Friday, July 15, 2011. Mr. King was born March 23, 1972 in Winchester to S. Luther and Nyoka V. (Ringley) King. A 1990 graduate of Union High School in Modoc, he was a journeyman bricklayer and was employed with the Local #4 Bricklayers Union in Muncie. Mike enjoyed hunting and fishing and was a great handyman. He also enjoyed drawing and had several artistic abilities. Mr. King is survived by wife, Jodi (Taylor) King of New Castle; three children, Kodi King, Kolton King and Makayla King all of New Castle; parents, S. Luther and Nyoka V. King of Losantville; brother, Sam King and wife Tammy of Cowan; niece, Savanna King of Cowan; nephew, Blake Brinker of Cowan; in-laws, David and Twila Taylor of New Castle; two sisters-in-law, Mika Dazell and Jami Stephens both of Lynn; and several aunts, uncles and cousins. Mr. King was preceded in death by his paternal grandparents, Elbert and Hettie King; and maternal grandparents, Casper and Thelma Ringley. Grave side services will be held Thursday, July 21, 2011 at 3:00 p.m. at Andy Smith Cemetery in Jamestown. Memorial contributions may be given to the Michael Lee King Memorial Fund, c/o ZADIE ROBBINS Hinsey-Brown Funeral Service, Zadie Robbins, age 88, passed 3406 S. Memorial Dr., New away Wednesday, July 13, 2011 Castle, IN 47362. at Bethel Pointe Health & Hinsey-Brown Funeral Rehabilitation in Muncie. Service of New Castle, Indiana Mrs. Robbins was born April was in charge of services. 3, 1923 in Jamestown, TN to the late Sarah (Regan) and Joe MILDRED (OWENS) Wright. Zadie at an early age MENGE Mildred (Owens) Menge, age started a career as a ship welder 91, of LaFollette, TN formerly in Alabama then came to of Jamestown, passed away Muncie and worked at Ball Friday, July 8, 2011 at St. Brothers for a short time. She Mary’s Health and Rebab then went to work at Acme Lees as a punch press operator Center. Mrs. Menge was born June until they closed, she, Harry 3, 1920 in Wilder, Tennessee. and Rachele then moved to California in 1961. Zadie kept She was an LPN. Mrs. Menge is survived by a spotless home and had four daughters, Carolyn Cress various jobs until she retired. of LaFollette, Ginny Wisor of She lost Harry in 1972 and Clinton, Janet Menge of Knoxville and Patricia Gardner of Caryville; and son, Michael Menge of Lambertville, MI. Mrs. Menge was preceded in death by father, Alvin Cullum Owens; mother, Parthenia (Smith) Owens; and brother, Ted Owens. Funeral services were held Tuesday, July 12, 2011 at 10:00 a.m. in the Chapel of Jennings Funeral Home with Bro. Sammie Dunford officiating. Burial followed in the Clarkrange Cemetery. Pallbearers included Alen Cress, Randy Cress and Mike Menge. Jennings Funeral Home of Jamestown, Tennessee was in charge of services. years later moved back to Muncie. Zadie was a member of Church of Christ and was the Association President for seven years, where she lived many years, at Gillespie Towers Apartments, until her death. She enjoyed fishing, gardening, playing euchre and in early years square dancing. Zadie was an active, vibrant, involved person and loved helping all people, at the apartments, around the community and her many friends and family. Mrs. Robbins is survived by daughter, Rachelle Robbins, (friend-John Stankiewicz), Muncie; one grandson, Andrew Robbins, Indianapolis; nieces, Ineta Wright, Janie Brady, (husband-Don), and Caroline Slone all of Jamestown, TN, Faye Smith, (husband-Mike), Oklahoma, Magdalene Parsons, (husbandRaymond), Muncie and Cheryl Harper, (husband-DeWayne), Muncie; nephews, Cletus Johnson, (wife-Tina), Crossville, TN, Jimmy Johnson, (wife-Debbie),and Eugene Johnson, (wifeChestelene), both of Jamestown, TN, Lester Wright, Muncie, and George R. Wright, (wife-Margaret), Tampa, FL; one sister-in-law, Lucille Wright, Muncie and several great nieces and nephews. Mrs. Robbins was preceded in death by her parents; her beloved husband of twenty-five years, Harry Bert Robbins, who died in 1972 in California, one sister, Audie Johnson; brothers, Fred, Willis, Homer, Comer, Wheeler, and Walter and two infant brothers. Funeral services were held Monday, July 18, 2011 at 11:30 a.m. at Elm Ridge Funeral Home, Burial followed in Elm Ridge Memorial Park. Elm Ridge Funeral Home of Muncie, Indiana was in chage of services. FENTRESS COURIER, WEDNESDAY, JULY 20, 2011, PAGE B-7 JAMES YOUNG James Young, age 64, of Grimsley, passed away Wednesday, July 13, 2011 at Cookeville Regional Medical Center. Mr. Young was born June 15, 1947 in Fentress County, Tennessee. He was a veteran of the U.S. Army. Mr. Young is survived by son, Chris Young of Clarkrange; four daughters, Angela Taulbert of Jamestown, Kim Mitchell and husband Russell of Graford, TX, April Young of Hughes Springs, TX and Melissa Simpson of Clarkrange; two brothers, Odis Young and wife Hazel of Burkesville, KY and Oscar Young and wife Susan of Allardt; sister, Mary Pullins of Grimsley; ten grandchildren; one great-grandchild; brotherin-law, Brite Cooper; special care givers, Steve Kelly, Maureen Payne, Vickie Wright, Josh Young; and a host of nieces, nephews, friends and family and extended family of Avery Dennison and The Coffee Time Cafe Gang. Mr. Young was preceded in death by parents, Ike and Ova Young; sister, Willene Cooper; and brother-in-law, Norman Duck Pullins. Funeral services were held Friday, July 15, 2011 at 11:00 a.m. in the Chapel of Mundy Funeral Home with Bro. Butch Dodson and Bro. Oney Wright officiating. Burial followed in the Young Cemetery with military services conducted at grave side. Pallbearers included Devon Roysdon, Boo Tinch, Jamie Taylor, Willard Stephens, Steve Kelly, Chris Watson, Jimmy Richards and Truman Pullins. Mundy Funeral Home of Jamestown, Tennessee was in charge of services. In Memory IN LOVING MEMORY OF EDMOND SMITH 02-18-1944 TO 07-15-2009 ONE DAY AT A TIME You lived your life one day at a time. The words you shared were always kind. You loved us all with your whole heart. It saddens us to be apart, and forever we hold you in our hearts. Today you stand in God's bright light. Watching over us day and night. In our hearts you will remain. Until the day we meet again. Forever Your love will live on in our hearts and the hearts of those you touched. We are so grateful to God for blessing our lives with the beautiful gift of you. We love and miss you more than you can imagine. Della, Keevin, Barbara Jo, Heather and Gage (7-20-1nc) THANK YOU The family of Brynna Bridges would like to thank everyone for their thoughts and prayers during this difficult time. Thank you to those who sent cards and gifts and a special thank you to whoever sent the beautiful Bibles! Also thank you to everyone who helped in anyway with the benefit and thank you to all who came out and helped make the night a success. We love and appreciate you all. The Bridges Family (7-20-1tp) Card Of Thanks CARD OF THANKS The family of Flora Cooper would like to express their appreciation to everyone who showed acts of kindness during the loss of our loved one. Flora will be sadly missed by all of us and her friends. There were so many acts of kindness that the family cannot even start to name them all but perhaps you sent a prayer, food, card, sent flowers, showed up at our homes to comfort us or at the funeral home. The family would like to thank Bro. Chester Rhoad and Bro. James Bilbrey who was at the hospital with us and for preaching the funeral. The staff at Jamestown Regional Medical Emergency Room which not limited to Dr. Oldham and Karen Cooper, RN for their support and taking such wonderful care of her in the emergency room. The staff at Jennings Funeral Home and the singers which included David Huddleston Singers, Libby and Leonard Anderson, Ruth Crockett, Austie Lowe and Roy T. Smith Singers. The staff at Signature Health Services for taking care of Flora. Also, the family would like to thank Pastor Todd Craig of the First Church of the Nazarene, the congregation and friends who supplied the delicious meal after the funeral. Thanks also to Mary Neal and Diana South for being there to help during this difficult time. All these acts of kindness did not go unnoticed to all of us. It gives all of us great joy in knowing that you cared for us and will continue to keep us in your thoughts and prayers in our time of loss. May God Bless you! Robert, Peggy and Heather Cooper, Teresa, Randy, Michael and Brandon Dishmon, Linda and Monique Swafford and Nataliey Swafford (7-20-1tp) Descendants Of William Harrison Byrd & Lucinda Hildreth Zachary Runion July 30th The descendants of William Harrison Byrd and Lucinda Hildreth Zachary will be holding the 32nd annual Byrd~Zachary reunion on Saturday, July 30, 2011 from 3:00 to??? P.M. at the Clinton County Fairgrounds in Albany, Kentucky. PICTURES will be taken at 4:30 P.M., DINNER served approximately 5:00 P.M. CST, an AUCTION at 6:00 P.M., and DOORPRIZE drawing following auction. Please bring your favorite covered dish, family pictures, 2 gifts for the Auction (1 wrapped; 1 unwrapped; no gag gifts), and anything you would like to share. Come early and be prepared to visit and have lots of fun. There will be music, entertainment, etc. For more information contact: Donna Asberry at 904-641-6237 or Kenny Byrd, Jr. at 859-3511347 or “NO PETS ALLOWED” Singing At Jamestown Nazarene Church July 30 Set Apart Bluegrass Gospel Band will be singing at the Jamestown Nazarene Church on Saturday, July 30th at 6:00 p.m. Everyone invited. American Red Cross Blood Shortage Continues Fair time is here in Overton County. I went over on Sunday afternoon and judged the cakes, pies, breads, cookies, fudge, you get the picture, don't you? They had a lot of good entries and a lot of good cooks over there. Don't forget the Putnam County fair around the first of August. Haley, my 8 years old granddaughter, showed her goat in the goat show at Overton County on Saturday night. She done very well and brought home 2 ribbons and a little prize money. Now she is getting ready for some more fairs. She loves it, especially if it comes with prize money. She named her goat Jewel. Lets do some cooking. Blueberries are here. I have not had a chance to pick any yet but hope to this week. Blueberries are very good for you. I love to eat them fresh or frozen. I have a recipe for a blueberry crisp using fresh berries. You can use frozen but if you do keep them frozen and bake 10 to 15 minutes longer. Thawed berries are too fragile to toss and give off lots of liquid. Blueberry Crisp Cooking spray 4 teaspoons cornstarch, divided 2 tablespoons brown sugar 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract 1 pound fresh blueberries or frozen 1/2 cup all-purpose flour 1/2 cup packed brown sugar 1/4 cup old-fashioned rolled oats 3 tablespoons chopped walnuts 2 tablespoons cornmeal 1/2 teaspoon salt 1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon 1/4 cup chilled butter, cut into small pieces Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Coat an 8-inch square glass or ceramic baking dish with cooking spray. Sprinkle 2 teaspoons cornstarch evenly in dish. Combine remaining 2 teaspoons cornstarch, 2 tablespoons brown sugar, vanilla, and blueberries in a large bowl; toss. Place in prepared baking dish. Lightly spoon flour into a dry measuring cup; level with a knife. Combine flour and next 6 ingredients (through cinnamon) in a bowl of a food processor; pulse twice to combine. Add butter; pulse 5 times or until the mixture resembles coarse meal. Spoon topping evenly over blueberries, packing down lightly. Bake at 375 degrees for 30 minutes or until filling is bubbly and topping is golden. Serves 8. Good served with ice cream. My sister told me about being at a funeral recently and a little 5 year old friend of hers was asking where her dad went. She told her that he was a pallbearer and had to go sit in a special spot. When he walked in to sit with the pall bearers, she asked, "Why don't he have it on?" My sister asked what she was talking about and little Macy said" Where is his 'bear' suit?" Isn't he a polar bear? Thanks for all the prayers and well wishes for George. He had another heart attack last week and had to have a stint put in the artery that was blocked. He is doing well. Now we have a matching pair of stints. Until next week, any questions or recipes to share just call at 931-839-2313 or email me at Tennessee Valley Region Blood Supply Remains Critically Low (Nashville, Tenn., July 18, 2011) The critical blood shortage issued by the American Red Cross recently continues to affect the Tennessee Valley Region. Donors of all blood types are needed now. Many donors are busy or traveling, school is out of session and donations in May and June dropped to the lowest levels the Red Cross has seen during this time frame in over a dozen years. Demand for blood remained steady during this same period, which is why the Red Cross needs people—now more than ever—to roll up a sleeve and give as soon as possible. All types are needed, but especially O negative, which can be used to treat any patient. The Red Cross Tennessee Valley Blood Services Region provides life saving blood to 57 hospitals and must have 600 people give blood and platelets each weekday to meet hospital demand. Accident victims, as well as patients with cancer, sickle cell disease, blood disorders and other illnesses receive lifesaving transfusions every day. There is no substitute for blood and volunteer donors are the only source. Locally, you may give blood on Friday, Aug. 12, from 12 noon to 6 p.m. at Jamestown Community Center located on Highway 127 in Jamestown. As an extra incentive this summer, anyone who presents to donate blood with the Red Cross between July 1 and Sept. 5 is automatically entered into a drawing for a $250 gas card. On Labor Day weekend, anyone presenting to donate Friday through Monday is automatically entered into a drawing for a $1,000 gas card. Plus, anyone who presents to donate blood Wednesday, May 25 through Wednesday, Sept. 14 is automatically entered into the Red Cross Racing “Summer Drive Sweepstakes” to win a brand new 2012 red candy metallic Ford Fiesta SE, courtesy of Ford Motor Company. One winner is selected by random drawing on Monday, Sept. 19. For more information, or to schedule your summer blood donation appointment, please visit or call 1800-RED CROSS. How to Donate Blood: Call 1-800 RED CROSS (1800-733-2767) or visit for more information or to make an appointment. All blood types are needed to ensure the Red Cross maintains an adequate blood supply. A blood donor card or driver’s license or two other forms of identification are required at check-in. Donors must be in general good health, weigh at least 110 pounds and be at least 17 years old (16 with completed Parental Consent Form). New height and weight restrictions apply to donors 18 and younger. About the American Red Cross: The American Red Cross shelters, feeds and provides emotional support to victims of disasters; supplies nearly half of the nation's blood; teaches lifesaving skills; provides international humanitarian aid; and supports military members and their families. The Red Cross is a charitable organization — not a government agency — and depends on volunteers and the generosity of the American public to perform its mission. For more information, please visit or join our blog at PAGE B-8, WEDNESDAY, JULY 20, 2011, FENTRESS COURIER FENTRESS COURIER REAL ESTATE FIRST FINANCIAL OF TENNESSEE A name you can trust, 1st and 2nd mortgages, debt consolidation, low competitive rates, approval by phone, no up front fees, locally owned and operated! All credit situations considered. Call 931528-2778 or 1-800-528-2723; (1-15-tfc) FOR SALE Crossville, Deer Run Estates. Lot and park model camper/fully furnished, clean and in excellent condition. In very nice gated park with lake and pond, many other amenities. Ready for summer fun. Best price you’ll find. Only $15,000.00. Call 931-879-1452 or 397-1453. (7-13-20-2tp) FOR SALE FOR SALE Electric stove, refrigerator, washer and dryer. Call 879-1388. (7-9-tfc) FOR SALE Steel Arch Buildings - Spring Overstocks On Sale! Huge Savings Now! Free Shipping! Sizes include 20x30, 30x40, others. Call for availability and more discounts! 1-866-352-0716. (7-20-27-2tp) FOR SALE Gibson range, brown recliner, table and 4 chairs, 1/2 bed mattresses, 6’ dresser w/mirror, 5 drawer chest, throw rugs-new different sizes, colors and prices. Call 7046151. (7-20-1tp) FOR SALE Pontoon boat. For more information call Dale Hicks at 931-397-3532, 931-8799732 or 931-397-3534 and leave message. (7-20-1tp) FOR SALE 2000 Honda Civic Ex. New battery, new tires, timing belt has been replaced. Excellent gas mileage. Runs great. $4,000. Call 261-7232. (7-20-1tp) FOR RENT INSIDE STORAGE AVAILABLE Inside storage available, inexpensive and climate controlled. Old Grimsley Storage. Call 863-4988. (5-4-tfc) TRAILER FOR RENT Trailer for rent on Hwy. 297. 2 bedroom, 2 bath. $400 per month and $200 deposit. Call 879-1467. (7-13-20-27-3tp) FOR RENT 3 bedroom, 1 bath duplex with country setting. 5 minutes from town. No outside pets. Trash dumpster on site. $460.00 deposit and $460.00 a month. Contact Jason at 931-267-0161 and leave message. (7-13-20-2tp) HOUSE FOR RENT House for rent on Leatherwood Ford Rd., close to park. 5 rooms and 1 bath on a large lot. Appliances furnished-no house pets. Maximun of 2 occupants. $300 per month and $150.00 deposit. Must have excellent references. Call 423-842-0202. (7-13-20-2tp) FOR RENT 2 bedroom, 1 bath trailer for rent. $325 a month. Available in August. Call 941-6281804. (7-20-27-2tp) TRAILER FOR RENT Trailer for rent. Call 879-3045, 265-5520 or 239-4652. (7-20-1tp) FOR RENT 2 bedroom trailer for rent in Jamestown. Call 879-2007. (7-20-1tp) FOR RENT 2 bedroom single wide with nice yard and in nice neighborhood, 2 porches and washer and dryer. Call 931-397-0172. (7-20-1tp) FOR RENT 1 bedroom efficiencies. Call 931-3970172. (7-20-1tp) YARD SALE YARD SALE Thursday, Friday and Saturday at the old feed store across from the Allardt Medical Clinic. Children’s clothing, camping gear, bunk bed, stroller, barbies, Carnival glass, canning jars, hand crafted items include furniture outdoor/indoor, jewelry, Native American items, corn hole boards, wind chimes and lots more. (7-13-20-2tp) LITTLE SPROUTS CONSIGNMENT SALE August 2nd -5th 9am-7pm Pickett County High School Gym. Don’t miss this event! A great way to sell your family’s outgrown clothing, shoes, toys, household items, etc. Consignors and volunteers are needed and they get to shop early for the best selection! Drop off is Sunday July 31st 1pm-5pm and Monday August 1st 9am4pm at PCHS gym. For more information search Little Sprouts Consignment Sale on Facebook or contact: Tonya Bernhard 931397-5051, Amy Hammock 931-319-3236 or Denise Key 931-319-7104. **CASH ONLY SALE** (7-20-27-2tc) HUGE YARD SALE Saturday, July 23rd from 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the home of Stuart and Tracy Flowers, 1004 Kennedy Road, just off McGhee Street in Jamestown. McGhee Street is the road behind South Main Street Church. Lots of girls clothing 0-24 months and 1216 youth. Name brand junior girl’s clothes (American Eagle, Aeropostale). Something for everyone, games, toys, CD’s, Home Interior, electronics including 2 home stereos, kerosene heater, infant car seat, baby motorized swing, stroller, shoes, men and women’s clothing, books, Polly Pockets, jewelry, purses. Stop by from 1 to 3 and fill up a bag for $5.00. (7-20-1tp) YARD SALE Friday, July 22nd from 7 to 4 and Saturday, July 23rd from 7 to 12 at 1051 Cherokee Way in Jamestown. (7-20-1tp) HUGE YARD SALE Huge yard sale at 564 Mary Cromwell Rd. at the home of Ann Beaty. Thursday and Friday from 7 to ? Lots of good cheap bargains. (7-20-1tp) YARD SALE Thursday, Friday & Saturday, July 21-23 at 1516 Bicknell Road at the home of Jewell Hall in Banner Roslin from 7 to ? Dining table with chairs, double reclining love seat, crochet kitchen towels, softball items, full size truck tool box, clothes, shoes, kids books, and toys. (7-20-1tp) 3 FAMILY YARD SALE Saturday, July 23rd from 7 to 12 at 5095 Wilder Road. Lots of clothes-ladies and men, household items, tools and more. (7-20-1tp) CLASSIFIEDS HUGE YARD SALE Friday, July 22nd from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. at the home of Ola Mae Phillips on the Martha Washington Road. Lots of good items and priced cheap. (7-20-1tp) 1ST EVER YARD SALE Saturday, July 23rd from 7 to ? at the home of Danny and Brenda Conatser, 155 Mose Beaty Rd. in Tinchtown. Hunting and fishing items, clothing, books, oil lamps, black walnuts, jewelry and lots of misc. (7-20-1tp) BIG YARD SALE Friday, July 22nd from 7 to 1 at the home of Jason and April Cravens, 2905 Martha Washington Rd., 3 miles from Amoco. Name brand adult clothes of all sizes, boys clothes size 12 months to 5T (Gap, Old Navy, Children’s Place), household items, toys, shoes and much more. (7-20-1tp) YARD SALE Saturday, July 23rd from 7 to ? off Old Allardt Rd. Cleaned out closets - all kinds and sizes of clothes (baby girl, boys, ladies plus and mens). Given by Charlotte Reagan, Judith and Maranda York and MaKayla Choate. (7-20-1tp) YARD SALE Thursday and Friday from 6 a.m. to ? at 1205 Ray Brown Rd. Lots of stuff. (7-20-1tp) BIG YARD SALE Friday, July 22nd and Saturday, July 23rd from 7 a.m. to ? at Church of the Harvest, 5512 S. York Hwy. Rain or shine. (7-20-1tp) YARD SALE Yard sale in barn, 2930 S. York Hwy. Friday and Saturday from 8 to 3. (7-20-27-2tp) HUGE YARD SALE Huge yard sale at 1057 McGhee Rd. on Thursday, July 21st and July 23rd. Starts at 7 till ? Stuff for the whole family. (7-20-1tp) YARD SALE Thursday, Friday and Saturday from 7 a.m. to ? at 233 Rugby Ave. Couch, chair, bedroom suite, dinette set, wardrobe, wood stove, refrigerator, electric range, men’s, womens and childrens clothing and two boys bicycles. (7-20-1tp) HUGE 2 FAMILY YARD SALE Saturday, July 23rd from 7:00 a.m. to ? at 165 Hundred Oaks Loop. Given by Debbie Anderson and Amanda King. Lots of everything. (7-20-1tp) TATE FAMILY GARAGE SALE Saturday, July 23rd from 7 a.m. to 1 p.m. at 105 F.W. Tate Lane, 127 N-yellow house on left just past Pine Haven Car Wash. Clothing, toys, household items and Vera Bradley purses. (7-20-1tp) HUGE 3 FAMILY YARD SALE Huge 3 family yard sale on Hwy. 297, first house on left past the Wild-Horse Store, Wednesday through Saturday. Some items include Earnhardt items, antiques, electronics, saddles, bridles, movies and much more. Something for everyone. (7-20-1tp) MULTI-FAMILY YARD SALE Saturday, July 23rd from 7:00 a.m. to 12:00 Noon at 1165 Allardt Tinch Rd. (In Allardt) at the home of Daniel and Stephanie Huling. Childrens toys and clothes, household items and more. (7-20-1tp) YARD SALE Marti Hyder Davis and Amie King Choate at the Old Big John’s next to Jamestown Auto Saturday, July 23rd from 7:00 a.m. to ? Women’s plus size clothing, ladies and men’s clothing, kids clothing, household items, mechanic and tool items and much, much more. (7-20-1tp) MULTI-FAMILY YARD SALE Saturday, July 23rd from 7 a.m. to ? at 220 Colonial Circle in Jamestown across from ambulance service. Baby boy items, knick knacks. Too much to mention. (7-20-1tp) RAIN OUT YARD SALE Rescheduled this Friday, July 22nd from 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. at NAPA Auto Parts. Lots of new items: toys, exercise equipment, girls and boys clothing sizes infant to 12, junior and adult clothing, bedding, lots of household items, laminate floor tiles and much, much more. Come by and check out the great deals! (7-20-1tp) YARD SALE Friday and Saturday, July 22nd and 23rd from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. at 1139 Clarkrange-Monterey Hwy. 7 piece dining set, lawn equipment, computer equipment, tools, clothes, electric stove and refrigerator. Lots of stuff. (7-20-1tp) SERVICES W.J. OLIVER O & R PAINTING INTERIOR & EXTERIOR PAINTING William Oliver, O&R Painting, Interior and exterior and power washing. Free estimates. Senior citizens discount. Now doing concrete work, porches, sidewalks and patios. Call 931-752-8238. (7-20-27; 8-3-10-4tp) LOANS, LOANS, LOANS Good, Bad, Slow Credit, 1st & 2nd Mortgages. Purchase or Refinance. Call 931-528-2778 or 800-528-2723. (6-4-tfc) MASIONGALE ASPHALT SEALING AND STRIPPING Masiongale Asphalt Sealing & Stripping. Free Estimates. Driveways and parking lots. Roger Masiongale. 865-318-7464. (7-6-13-20-27-4tc) WANTED Want someone to do ironing in your home. Call 879-1083. (7-20-27-2tp) SERVICES Let us mow and weed eat your lawn. Honest and dependable. Also do odd jobs. Call 879-1083. (7-20-27; 8-3-10-4tp) YARD SALE ADS HELP WANTED MUST BE IN BY POSITION AVAILABLE The L.B.J.&C. Development Corporation is advertising the following job vacancy: Parent Participation Specialist, Central Office, $16.00 per hour, 8 hours per day in Cookeville, TN. Fringe Benefits: Health, dental, vision and life insurance, retirement program, paid holidays, sick and annual leave. Parent Participation Specialist Requirements: Require proof of Bachelor’s Degree in field(s) related to social, human, or family services, early childhood education or four years experience working with parents in an administrative position. Bilingual (English/Spanish) preferred. Leadership, training, interpersonal and communication skills, record-keeping experience for managing by computer, 18 years of age, have a valid driver’s license and a resume is required. Applications will be accepted through July 29, 2011. Applications received by mail must be postmarked by July 29, 2011. For information contact Linda Neff at (931) 528-3361, ext. 228. Application forms are available at the Central Office, Department of Labor & Workforce Development, or (7-20-1tc) STYLISTS/BARBERS POSITIONS AVAILABLE Great Clips in Crossville has openings for licensed stylists/barbers. Great pay and benefits! No clientele needed! To schedule an interview call Nancy at 931-787-5502 or our main office at 865-470-0951. (7-20-27; 8-3-10-4tc) MONDAY AT 5:00 PM FREE PHOTO DOWNLOADS FENTRESS COURIER, WEDNESDAY, JULY 20, 2011, PAGE B-9 PUBLIC NOTICES NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE WHEREAS, on the 17th day of November, 2009, MELVIN SLAVEN did make, execute and deliver a certain Deed of Trust to Stephen L. Rains, as Trustee, to secure the payment of a certain Promissory Note of even date therewith, with said Note being payable to Progressive Savings Bank. Said Note is more fully described in said Deed of Trust of record in Book 166, Page 164, recorded on November 17, 2009, and to which Deed of Trust reference is hereby made; and WHEREAS, default has been made in the terms, conditions and payments provided for in said certain Note heretofore mentioned, and the holder and owner of said Note has declared the entire unpaid principal balance of said Note, together with all accrued and unpaid interest, due and payable as provided in said Note and Deed of Trust. THEREFORE, in accordance with the terms of the Deed of Trust and by virtue of the power and authority vested in the undersigned by the aforesaid Deed of Trust, the public is hereby notified that the undersigned Trustee, having been requested so to do by the said holder and owner of the Note, will sell the hereinafter described real estate at public auction to the highest and best bidder for cash in hand (or credit upon the indebtedness secured if the holder of the secured indebtedness is the successful bidder) at the front door of the Fentress County Courthouse in Jamestown, Tennessee, at the hour of 10:00 a.m. prevailing time on Tuesday, the 2nd day of August, 2011; said property will be sold in bar of all right and equities of redemption, homestead, dower and all other exemptions of every kind from the borrower which are expressly waived by the terms of said Deed of Trust; said real estate will be sold without any warranties as to liens, existing highway, roadway and utility easements, applicable building and zoning regulations, such state of facts as an accurate survey would disclose, to all encumbrances, Federal Tax Liens, assessments, and mechanics' and materialmen's liens. The Trustee will pay any state, county or municipal taxes due on the property through the year 2010 and the purchaser at this sale shall be responsible for taxes for 2011 and thereafter. The undersigned Trustee will execute a Deed to the purchaser as Trustee only. The proceeds of this sale will be applied as set out in the Deed of Trust. The real estate to be sold is located in Fentress County, Tennessee, and is more particularly described as follows: LEGAL DESCRIPTION TRACT ONE: Lying and being in the Fifth Civil District of Fentress County, State of Tennessee, located 14 miles northeast of Pickett State Park Road, and being Lot No. 4 as depicted on the survey, in Deed Book L-6, Page 516, in the Register’s Office of Fentress County, Tennessee. Being a part of the Lee Slaven Homeplace which is recorded in the Register’s Office of Fentress County, Tennessee in Deed Book I-3, Page 68 and Deed Book S-2, Page 31. Original Grantors reserve the right for and during their natural lives to live on and cut wood from the above land, as retained in the deed recorded in Deed Book F-5, Page 333, in the Register’s Office for Fentress County, Tennessee. If oil is struck on this land the royalty will be shared with Elzadia Slaven, Melvin Slaven, Shirley Slaven, Ridley Slaven and Wilma Louthia Slaven, equally. Being the same property conveyed in a General Warranty Deed from Lee Slaven and wife, Lovell Slaven to Melvin Slaven, dated August 14, 1975, and recorded in Deed Book F-5, Page 333, in the Register’s Office for Fentress County, Tennessee. Previous and last conveyance being a General Warranty Deed from MELVIN SLAVEN to TROY ALLEN SLAVEN, recorded on February 17, 1987, in Deed Book L-6, Page 516, in the Register’s Office of Fentress County, Tennessee. Troy Allen Slaven is now deceased having died intestate leaving his father, Melvin Slaven as his only heir. Map 27, Parcel 8.08 TRACT TWO: Lying and being in the Fifth Civil District of Fentress County, State of Tennessee, located 14 miles northeast of Jamestown on the Alticrest or Rock Creek Road by way of Pickett State Park Road, and being Lot No. 5 as depicted on the survey, in Deed Book L-6, Page 522, in the Register’s Office of Fentress County, Tennessee. Being a part of the Lee Slaven Homeplace which is recorded in the Register’s Office of Fentress County, Tennessee in Deed Book I-3, Page 68 and Deed Book S-2, Page 31. Original grantors reserve the right for and during their natural lives to live on and cut wood from the above land, as retained in the deed recorded in Deed Book F-5, Page 333, in the Register’s Office for Fentress County, Tennessee. If oil is struck on this land, the royalty will be divided between Elzadia Slaven, Melvin Slaven, Shirley Slaven, Ridley Slaven and Wilma Louthia Slaven, equally. Being the same property conveyed in a General Warranty Deed from Melvin Slaven to Gregory Mark Slaven, dated February 17, 1987 and recorded in Deed Book L-6, Page 522, in the Register’s Office for Fentress County, Tennessee. Previous and last conveyance being a General Warranty Deed from GREGORY MARK SLAVEN to MELVIN SLAVEN, recorded on January 3, 1997, in Deed Book U-7, Page 696, in the Register’s Office of Fentress County, Tennessee. Map 27, Parcel 8.09 TRACT THREE: Lying and being in the Fifth Civil District of Fentress County, State of Tennessee, located 14 miles northeast of Jamestown on the Alticrest or Rock Creek Road by way of Pickett State Park Road, and being Lot No. 6 as depicted on the survey, recorded in Deed Book U-7, Page 698, in the Register’s Office of Fentress County, Tennessee. Being a part of the Lee Slaven Homeplace which is recorded in the Register’s Office of Fentress County, Tennessee in Deed Book I-3, Page 68 and Deed Book S-2, Page 31. Original grantors reserve the right for and during their natural lives to live on and cut wood from the above land, as retained in the deed recorded in Deed Book F-5, Page 333, in the Register’s Office for Fentress County, Tennessee. If oil is struck on this land, the royalty will be divided between Elzadia Slaven, Melvin Slaven, Shirley Slaven, Ridley Slaven and Wilma Louthia Slaven, equally. Being the same property conveyed in a General Warranty Deed from Melvin Slaven to Cynthia Michelle Slaven, recorded in Deed Book L-6, Page 525, in the Register’s Office for Fentress County, Tennessee. Previous and last conveyance being a General Warranty Deed from CYNTHIA MICHELLE SLAVEN n/k/a CYNTHIA MICHELLE ATKINS to MELVIN SLAVEN, recorded on January 3, 1997, in Deed Book U-7, Page 698, in the Register’s Office of Fentress County, Tennessee. Map 27, Parcel 8.10 The 40 foot right-of-way easement located along the eastern edge of the 3 tracts described above so as to serve all of the Melvin Slaven tracts has been repositioned and is more particularly described in that Amended Easement Agreement filed for recorded on November 4, 2009, in Book 165, Page 633 in the Register’s Office of Fentress County, Tennessee. In the event the highest bidder at the foreclosure sale should fail to comply with the submitted bid, the Trustee shall have the option of accepting the next highest bid with which the bidder is able to comply, or readvertise and sell at a second sale. The right is reserved to adjourn the day of the sale to another date certain without further publication upon announcement at the time and place herein set for the above sale. Dated at Jamestown, Tennessee, on this the 30th day of June, 2011. Other interested parties: Pam Cooper, P.O. Box 1694, Jamestown, TN 38556 Timothy Slaven, 2611 Leatherwood Ford Rd., Jamestown, TN 38556 Cynthia Atkins, 2185 Tinchtown Rd., Jamestown, TN 38556 Jeff Slaven, 2599 Leatherwood Ford Rd., Jamestown, TN 38556 Mark Slaven, P.O. Box 1694, Jamestown, TN 38556 Lynda W. Simmons, Attorney at Law, 209 A. West Main Street, Livingston, TN 38570 Philip A. Kazee, Attorney at Law, P.O. Box 4187, Oneida, TN 37841-4187 STEPHEN L. RAINS, TRUSTEE 500 North Main Street Jamestown, Tennessee 38556 931-752-2112 (7-13-20-27-3tc) NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE WHEREAS, default has occurred in the performance of the covenants, terms, and conditions of a Deed of Trust Note dated October 21, 2008, and the Deed of Trust of even date securing the same, recorded October 24, 2008, at Book 148, Page 639 in Office of the Register of Deeds for Fentress County, Tennessee, executed by Carol L. Shade, conveying certain property therein described to NO TRUSTEE ON DEED OF TRUST as Trustee for JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A.; and the undersigned, Shellie Wallace of Wilson & Associates, P.L.L.C., having been appointed Successor Trustee. NOW, THEREFORE, notice is hereby given that the entire indebtedness has been declared due and payable; and that an agent of Shellie Wallace of Wilson & Associates, P.L.L.C., as Successor Trustee, by virtue of the power, duty, and authority vested in and imposed upon said Successor Trustee will, on August 11, 2011 on or about 3:00 P.M., at the Fentress County Courthouse, Jamestown, Tennessee, offer for sale certain property hereinafter described to the highest bidder FOR CASH, free from the statutory right of redemption, homestead, dower, and all other exemptions which are expressly waived in the Deed of Trust, said property being real estate situated in Fentress County, Tennessee, and being more particularly described as follows: Lying and being in the Fourth Civil District of Fentress County, Tennessee bounded and described as follows: Beginning on a set stone on the north margin of the Tinchtown to Banner Springs Road, being the southeast corner of the Charlie Beaty 7 acre tract; thence with said road south 86 degrees 30 minutes east 263 feet; thence north 79 degrees 20 minutes east 287 feet to a power pole on the east side of a driveway to Ed Conatsers house; thence north 15 degrees West 580 feet to an iron stake; thence south 87 degrees West 450 feet to an iron stake in the Charlie Beaty line; thence with the said Beaty line south 5 degrees 25 minutes east 580 feet to the point of Beginning, and containing 6.95 acres, more or less. However there is excluded from the above tract .42 acre previously conveyed unto Bennie D. Conatser and wife, Sandra F. Conatser, in Deed Book O-7 page 266, as well as 3 acres, more or less, conveyed in Deed from Marge L. Conatser unto Bennie Conatser and wife, Sandra Conatser, recorded in General Record Book 20, page 655, of Register's Office of Fentress County, Tennessee. This conveyance is made subject to any and all zoning regulations, building restrictions, and setback lines, if any, and easements and rights for public utilities applicable to this property. The above description was taken from the prior deed of record with no new boundary survey having been completed at the time of this conveyance. ALSO KNOWN AS: 2638 Banner Springs Road, Jamestown, Tennessee 38556 The HB 3588 letter was mailed to the borrower(s) pursuant to Tennessee Code Annotated 35-5-117. This sale is subject to all matters shown on any applicable recorded plat; any unpaid taxes; any restrictive covenants, easements, or setback lines that may be applicable; any statutory rights of redemption of any governmental agency, state or federal; any prior liens or encumbrances as well as any priority created by a fixture filing; and to any matter that an accurate survey of the premises might disclose. In addition, the following parties may claim an interest in the above-referenced property: Carol L. Shade The sale held pursuant to this Notice may be rescinded at the Successor Trustee’s option at any time. The right is reserved to adjourn the day of the sale to another day, time, and place certain without further publication, upon announcement at the time and place for the sale set forth above. W&A No. 700 182182 DATED July 7, 2011 WILSON & ASSOCIATES, P.L.L.C., Successor Trustee By: Shellie Wallace VA No. 0551742 (7-13-20-27-3tc) INVITATION TO BID The Fentress County Board of Education is seeking bids to provide Occupation Therapy and/or Physical Therapy for students for the 2011-12 school year. The following specs are to be addressed: Services: 1. The designated staff will provide diagnostic evaluations including goals and objectives for the student’s Individual Education Plan (IEP), consultation at the IEP meetings, and direct therapy as deemed appropriate by the IEP team. 2. The designated staff will provide and maintain required paperwork, including but not limited to Initial Evaluation, Reevaluations, Quarterly Progress Reports, and record of service for each treatment session. It will also be the responsibility of the staff to sign a student log at the child’s classroom that includes date of service and duration of service for each treatment session completed. It will be the responsibility of the staff to notify the school, prior to scheduled service, of any change or cancellation in services if need should arise. It will be the responsibility of the agency to be applicable insurances of students as their policy allows and to comply with the insurance regulations of monthly reauthorizations. Bids must be presented at a flat service rate per visit. Any additional mileage will be paid for school to school trips only. Send all bids to Fentress County Finance, P.O. Box 800, 103 A Smith St. South, Jamestown, TN 38556. All bids must be sealed and clearly marked “BOE OT/PT Bid”. Bids will be opened on Wednesday, July 27, 2011 at 10:00 a.m. at Fentress County Finance Department. Fentress County Board of Education reserves the right to reject any or all bids. (7-13-20-2tc) NOTICE TO CREDITORS Docket No. P-11-24 Estate of Tom J. Malone Late of Fentress County, Tennessee. Notice is Hereby Given that on the 8th day of July, 2011, Letters Testamentary, of Administration, in respect to the Estate of Tom J. Malone, deceased, were issued to the undersigned by the Clerk and Master of the Chancery Court of Fentress County, Tennessee. All persons, resident and non-resident, having claims, matured or unmatured against his Estate are required to file the same in triplicate with the Clerk and Master of the above named Court within four (4) months from the date of the first publication of this notice, otherwise their claim will be forever barred. All persons indebted to the above Estate must come forward and make proper settlement with the undersigned at once. This 8th day of July, 2011. Lee Malone Executrix Estate of Deceased Tom J. Malone 1245 Taylor Place Road Jamestown, TN 38556 Kathryn R. Taylor Clerk & Master (7-13-20-2tp) NOTICE OF SALE King’s Mini-Storage, 1208 Old Hwy. 127 South, Jamestown, TN 38556 gives notice of sale of the contents of Dave Todd’s leased space. Said contents shall be sold to satisfy the owner’s lien against Dave Todd for failure to pay rent, which property is located in the rental unit #B64 at the 1208 Old Hwy. 127 South location of King’s Mini-Storage. Said sale shall be held on Saturday, July 23rd at 9:00 a.m. or soon thereafter at rental unit #B64 (7-13-20-2tc) FREE PHOTO DOWNLOADS available at PAGE B-10, WEDNESDAY, JULY 20, 2011, FENTRESS COURIER PUBLIC NOTICES NOTICE OF SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE'S SALE TENNESSEE, FENTRESS COUNTY DEFAULT having been made in the terms, conditions and payments provided in certain Deed of Trust executed by Michael Stinson and Regina Stinson to Michael T. Bates, Trustee dated April 11, 2002 in the amount of $55,500.00, and recorded in the Register's Office of Fentress County, Tennessee in Instrument No. 2002776701-LR, Deed Book 28, Page 336-353, ("Deed of Trust"); and, the beneficial interest of said Deed of Trust having been last transferred to The Bank of New York Mellon Trust Company, National Association fka The Bank of New York Trust Company, N.A. as successor to JPMorgan Chase Bank N.A. as Trustee for RASC 2002KS4 by assignment; and, The Bank of New York Mellon Trust Company, National Association fka The Bank of New York Trust Company, N.A. as successor to JPMorgan Chase Bank N.A. as Trustee for RASC 2002KS4, as the current holder of said Deed of Trust (the "Holder"), has appointed as Substitute Trustee the undersigned, , any of whom may act, by instrument filed for record in the Register's Office of Fentress County, Tennessee with all the rights, powers and privileges of the original Trustee named in said Deed of Trust; therefore, NOTICE is hereby given that the entire amount of said indebtedness has been declared due and payable as provided in said Deed of Trust by the Holder, and the undersigned as Substitute Trustee, or a duly appointed attorney or agents by virtue of the power and authority vested by the Appointment of Substitute Trustee, will on Thursday, July 28, 2011 commencing at 12pm at the front door of Fentress County Courthouse; sell to the highest bidder for cash, immediately at the close of sale, the following property to-wit: Lying and being in the First Civil District of Fentress County, Tennessee, located approximately 4.0 miles East of the Courthouse in Jamestown by way of Highway 52 East to Stinson Road, on the Tax Map as Asberry Road, thence along said road about 1,100 feet, the parcel herein described being on the East side of said road and beginning at a set stone in the Eastern margin of Stinson Road and the Northernmost corner of Noel, Tipton, thence with Eastern right of way of Stinson Road, North 08 degrees 41 minutes 28 seconds East, 303.086 feet to an iron rod, thence with Denise Sells line South 73 degrees 58 minutes 17 seconds East, 166.208 feet to an iron rod; thence South 09 degrees 04 minutes 24 seconds West, 277.125 feet to an iron rod set in the Fence Row; thence with Tiptons North line North 01 degrees 59 minutes 33 seconds West, 182.067 feet to the point of beginning, containing 1.224 acres, more or less. Being the same property conveyed to Michael Stinson and wife, Regina Stinson by Warranty Deed from Grover Boyatt and wife, Shirley Boyatt dated April 12, 2002 and recorded May 1, 2002 in Book 28, Page 332 in the Registers Office for Fentress County, Tennessee. Map & Parcel No.: 075-123.00 PROPERTY ADDRESS: 1135 Stinson Road, Jamestown, Tennessee 38556 CURRENT OWNER(S): Michael Stinson and Regina Stinson SUBORDINATE LEINHOLDERS: JPMorgan Chase Bank as Trustee OTHER INTERESTED PARTIES: N/A All right and equity of redemption, statutory or otherwise, homestead, and dower are expressly waived in said Deed of Trust, and the title is believed to be good, however, the undersigned will sell and convey only as Substitute Trustee. The sale will be held subject to any unpaid taxes, assessments, rights-of-way, easements, protective covenants or restrictions, liens, and other superior matters of record which may affect said property; as well as any prior liens or encumbrances as well as priority created by a fixture filing; and/or any matter that an accurate survey of the premises might disclose. If the U.S. Department of Treasury/IRS, the State of Tennessee Department of Revenue, or the State of Tennessee Department of Labor and Workforce Development are listed as Interested Parties in the advertisement, then the Notice of this foreclosure is being given to them and the sale will be subject to the applicable governmental entities` right to redeem the property, as required by 26 U.S.C § 7425 and T.C.A. § 67-11433. The sale will be conducted subject (1) to confirmation that the sale is not prohibited under the U.S. Bankruptcy Code and (2) to final confirmation and audit of the status of the loan with the holder of the Deed of Trust. The notice requirements of T.C.A. §35-5-117 were satisfied prior to the first publication of the Notice of Substitute Trustee`s Sale. Substitute Trustee reserves the right to adjourn the day of the sale to another day, time and place certain without further publication, upon announcement at the time and place for the sale set forth above. THIS LAW FIRM IS ACTING AS A DEBT COLLECTOR AND IS ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. MCC TN, LCC 3525 Piedmont Road NE, Six Piedmont Center, Suite 700 Atlanta, GA 30305 (404) 373-1612 File No. 09-02159 /CONV Ad # 13445 (7-6-13-20-3tc) NOTICE OF SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE'S SALE TENNESSEE, FENTRESS COUNTY DEFAULT having been made in the terms, conditions and payments provided in certain Deed of Trust executed by Samuel Parker and Chasidie Parker to Mark A. Rosser c/o First American, Trustee dated April 24, 2008 in the amount of $77,140.00, and recorded in the Register's Office of Fentress County, Tennessee in Deed Book 140, Page 837, ("Deed of Trust"); and, the beneficial interest of said Deed of Trust having been last transferred to GMAC Mortgage, LLC by assignment; and, GMAC Mortgage, LLC, as the current holder of said Deed of Trust (the "Holder"), has appointed as Substitute Trustee the undersigned, , any of whom may act, by instrument filed for record in the Register's Office of Fentress County, Tennessee with all the rights, powers and privileges of the original Trustee named in said Deed of Trust; therefore, NOTICE is hereby given that the entire amount of said indebtedness has been declared due and payable as provided in said Deed of Trust by the Holder, and the undersigned as Substitute Trustee, or a duly appointed attorney or agents by virtue of the power and authority vested by the Appointment of Substitute Trustee, will on Thursday, July 28, 2011 commencing at 12pm at the front door of Fentress County Courthouse; sell to the highest bidder for cash, immediately at the close of sale, the following property to-wit: Certain real property located in Jamestown, County of Fentress State of Tennessee, being more particularly described as follows, to-wit: Lying and being in the Fourth Civil District of Fentress County, Tennessee, approximately 5 miles South of the Courthouse in Jamestown by way of U.S. Highway 127 to the Buddy Owens Road, Thence Eastwardly on the Buddy Owens Road a distance of approximately 66/100 mile to a roadway on the North margin known as Trimmer Lane, Thence Northward on said Roadway a distance of approximately 1,000 feet to where the road crosses Owens Spring Branch to Phase I of Airport Estates as filed in Book 3, Page 84 in the Registers Office of Fentress County; Thence continuing Northwardly on Trimmer Lane a distance of Approximately 1,326 feet to the forks of the road; Thence continuing with the left or Westernmost fork of Trimmer Lane a distance of approximately 1,832 feet and beginning at a stake on the North margin of Trimmer Lane the Southeast corner of Lot 26 and running Thence with the East line of Lot 26 North 02 degrees 07 minutes East 54.31 feet; Thence North 46 degrees 20 minutes East 520.48 feet to a stake on the falling Water Branch; Thence continuing on the same bearing North 46 degrees 20 minutes East 10 feet to the center of the branch; Thence with the Branch South 15 degrees 07 minutes East 20.61 feet; South 45 degrees 19 minutes East 123.25 feet; South 01 degrees 55 minutes West 85.75 feet; South 13 degrees 07 minutes East 108.75 feet; South 00 degrees 14 minutes West 56.76 feet; South 09 degrees 18 minutes East 48.94 feet; and South 58 degrees 00 minutes West 51.86 feet to the NOrthesasternmost corner of Lot 24; Thence with the North line of Lot 24, South 81 degrees 13 minutes West 5.00 feet to a stake on the Bank of Falling Water Branch; Thence continuing with the North line of Lot 24; Thence South 81 degrees 13 minutes West 388.36 feet to a stake on the margin of Trimmer Lane Thence with the Margin of Trimmer North 32 degrees 31 minutes West 58.46 feet; North 61 degrees 13 minutes West 32.11 feet, and North 64 degrees 49 minutes West 13.07 feet to the beginning corner and containing 3.34 acres, more or less, and being Lot 25 of Airport Estates, Phase II, as shown in Plat Book 3, Page 87 in the Registers Office of Fentress County, Tennessee and subject to the restrictions pertaining to subsurface sewage Disposal Systems as set out on said plat, the bearing and distances are taken from a copy of said plat, prepared by Fox Survey Company for Allardt Land Company, Drawing No. 3368, dated September 16, 1996. For informational purposes only: the APN is shown by the County Assessor as 095 078.25; Source of title is Book 65, Page 432 (recorded 06/25/04) Above Deed was re-recorded of deed filed on 06/17/2004 in Book 65, Page 61. Map & Parcel No.: 095-078.25 PROPERTY ADDRESS: 546 Trimmer Lane, Jamestown, Tennessee 38556 CURRENT OWNER(S): Samuel Parker SUBORDINATE LEINHOLDERS: N/A OTHER INTERESTED PARTIES: N/A All right and equity of redemption, statutory or otherwise, homestead, and dower are expressly waived in said Deed of Trust, and the title is believed to be good, however, the undersigned will sell and convey only as Substitute Trustee. The sale will be held subject to any unpaid taxes, assessments, rights-of-way, easements, protective covenants or restrictions, liens, and other superior matters of record which may affect said property; as well as any prior liens or encumbrances as well as priority created by a fixture filing; and/or any matter that an accurate survey of the premises might disclose. If the U.S. Department of Treasury/IRS, the State of Tennessee Department of Revenue, or the State of Tennessee Department of Labor and Workforce Development are listed as Interested Parties in the advertisement, then the Notice of this foreclosure is being given to them and the sale will be subject to the applicable governmental entities` right to redeem the property, as required by 26 U.S.C § 7425 and T.C.A. § 67-11433. The sale will be conducted subject (1) to confirmation that the sale is not prohibited under the U.S. Bankruptcy Code and (2) to final confirmation and audit of the status of the loan with the holder of the Deed of Trust. The notice requirements of T.C.A. §35-5-117 were satisfied prior to the first publication of the Notice of Substitute Trustee`s Sale. Substitute Trustee reserves the right to adjourn the day of the sale to another day, time and place certain without further publication, upon announcement at the time and place for the sale set forth above. THIS LAW FIRM IS ACTING AS A DEBT COLLECTOR AND IS ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. MCC TN, LCC 3525 Piedmont Road NE, Six Piedmont Center, Suite 700 Atlanta, GA 30305 (404) 373-1612 File No. 10-22866 /FHA Ad (7-6-13-20-3tc) NOTICE The Fentress County Finance Committee will meet on Thursday, July 28th, 5:00 p.m. at the Reagan Building. (7-20-27-2tc) NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALE OF REAL ESTATE WHEREAS, on the 11th day of June, 2008, Kimberly Nunes and Sam Nunes did make, execute and deliver certain Deed of Trust to Trustee, Leslie Clark Ledbetter of 6890 South York Highway, Clarkrange, Tennessee 38553, to secure the payment of a certain Promissory Note of even date therewith, with said Note being payable to Big South Fork Land Sales, LLC. Said Note is more fully described in said Deed of Trust of record in Book 144, Page 29 recorded on July 16, 2008 in the Register’s Office for Fentress County, Tennessee, and to which Deed of Trust reference is hereby made; and WHEREAS, said Deed of Trust was assigned to Lester Clark, manager of L&R Properties, LLC. More fully described in said Assignment of Deed of Trust of record in Book 159, Page 849 recorded on June 22, 2009 in the Register’s Office for Fentress County, Tennessee, and to which Assignment of Deed of Trust reference is hereby made; and LYING and BEING in the FOURTH CIVIL DISTRICT of Fentress County, Tennessee, bounded and being described more particularly as follows: Phase 6 Lot 12 in Stone Cliff Acres, a subdivision according to the plat thereof of record in Plat Book P5, Page 198, Register’s Office, Fentress County, Tennessee. WHEREAS, on the 29th day of November, 2006, Mima Kasa, LLC., Kina M. Vargas, managing partner and Steve Wyche, managing partner, did make, execute and deliver certain Deed of Trust to Trustee, Leslie Clark Ledbetter of 6890 South York Highway, Clarkrange, Tennessee 38553, to secure the payment of a certain Promissory Note of even date therewith, with said Note being payable to Big South Fork Land Sales, LLC. Said Note is more fully described in said Deed of Trust of record in Book 112, Page 366 recorded on December 18, 2006 in the Register’s Office for Fentress County, Tennessee, and to which Deed of Trust reference is hereby made; and WHEREAS, said Deed of Trust was assigned to Lester Clark, manager of L&R Properties, LLC. More fully described in said Assignment of Deed of Trust of record in Book 130, Page 492 recorded on October 22, 2007 in the Register’s Office for Fentress County, Tennessee, and to which Assignment of Deed of Trust reference is hereby made; and LYING and BEING in the FOURTH CIVIL DISTRICT of Fentress County, Tennessee, bounded and being described more particularly as follows: Phase 1 Lot 55, in Stone Cliff Acres, a subdivision according to the plat thereof of record in Plat Book P5, Page 167, Register’s Office, Fentress County, Tennessee. WHEREAS, on the 2nd day of March, 2007, Evangelina Ongay, did make, execute and deliver certain Deed of Trust to Trustee, Leslie Clark Ledbetter of 6890 South York Highway, Clarkrange, Tennessee 38553, to secure the payment of a certain Promissory Note of even date therewith, with said Note being payable to Big South Fork Land Sales, LLC. Said Note is more fully described in said Deed of Trust of record in Book 116, Page 732 recorded on March 7, 2007 in the Register’s Office for Fentress County, Tennessee, and to which Deed of Trust reference is hereby made; and WHEREAS, said Deed of Trust was assigned to Lester Clark, manager of L&R Properties, LLC. More fully described in said Assignment of Deed of Trust of record in Book 130, Page 507 recorded on October 22, 2007 in the Register’s Office for Fentress County, Tennessee, and to which Assignment of Deed of Trust reference is hereby made; and LYING and BEING in the FOURTH CIVIL DISTRICT of Fentress County, Tennessee, bounded and being described more particularly as follows: Phase 2 Lot 96, in Stone Cliff Acres, a subdivision according to the plat thereof of record in Plat Book P5, Page 133, Register’s Office, Fentress County, Tennessee. WHEREAS, on the 23rd day of January, 2007, Emilio L. Estrada, did make, execute and deliver certain Deed of Trust to Trustee, Leslie Clark Ledbetter of 6890 South York Highway, Clarkrange, Tennessee 38553, to secure the payment of a certain Promissory Note of even date therewith, with said Note being payable to Big South Fork Land Sales, LLC. Said Note is more fully described in said Deed of Trust of record in Book 114, Page 953 recorded on February 1, 2007 in the Register’s Office for Fentress County, Tennessee, and to which Deed of Trust reference is hereby made; and WHEREAS, said Deed of Trust was assigned to Lester Clark, manager of L&R Properties, LLC. More fully described in said Assignment of Deed of Trust of record in Book 130, Page 496 recorded on October 22, 2007 in the Register’s Office for Fentress County, Tennessee, and to which Assignment of Deed of Trust reference is hereby made; and LYING and BEING in the FOURTH CIVIL DISTRICT of Fentress County, Tennessee, bounded and being described more particularly as follows: Phase 1 Lot 28, in Stone Cliff Acres, a subdivision according to the plat thereof of record in Plat Book P5, Page 167, Register’s Office, Fentress County, Tennessee. WHEREAS, on the 2nd day of July, 2007, Wayne D. Gray and wife, Hong T. Gray, did make, execute and deliver certain Deed of Trust to Trustee, Leslie Clark Ledbetter of 6890 South York Highway, Clarkrange, Tennessee 38553, to secure the payment of a certain Promissory Note of even date therewith, with said Note being payable to Big South Fork Land Sales, LLC. Said Note is more fully described in said Deed of Trust of record in Book 125, Page 375 recorded on July 31, 2007 in the Register’s Office for Fentress County, Tennessee, and to which Deed of Trust reference is hereby made; and WHEREAS, said Deed of Trust was assigned to Lester Clark. More fully described in said Re-Assignment of Deed of Trust of record in Book 154, Page 52 recorded on February 26, 2009 in the Register’s Office for Fentress County, Tennessee, and to which Re-Assignment of Deed of Trust reference is hereby made; and LYING and BEING in the FOURTH CIVIL DISTRICT of Fentress County, Tennessee, bounded and being described more particularly as follows: Phase 3 Lots 1, 32, & 34, in Stone Cliff Acres, a subdivision according to the plat thereof of record in Plat Book P5, Page 145, Register’s Office, Fentress County, Tennessee. WHEREAS, on the 27th day of November, 2006, Gloria E. Toro, did make, execute and deliver certain Deed of Trust to Trustee, Leslie Clark Ledbetter of 6890 South York Highway, Clarkrange, Tennessee 38553, to secure the payment of a certain Promissory Note of even date therewith, with said Note being payable to Big South Fork Land Sales, LLC. Said Note is more fully described in said Deed of Trust of record in Book 112, Page 660 recorded on December 21, 2006 in the Register’s Office for Fentress County, Tennessee, and to which Deed of Trust reference is hereby made; and WHEREAS, said Deed of Trust was assigned to Lester Clark, manager of L&R Properties, LLC. More fully described in said Assignment of Deed of Trust of record in Book 130, Page 491 recorded on October 22, 2007 in the Register’s Office for Fentress County, Tennessee, and to which Assignment of Deed of Trust reference is hereby made; and LYING and BEING in the FOURTH CIVIL DISTRICT of Fentress County, Tennessee, bounded and being described more particularly as follows: Phase 1 Lot 65, in Stone Cliff Acres, a subdivision according to the plat thereof of record in Plat Book P5, Page 167, Register’s Office, Fentress County, Tennessee. WHEREAS, on the 19th day of June, 2008, Panfilo Tolentino and wife, Mirian Tolentino, did make, execute and deliver certain Deed of Trust to Trustee, Leslie Clark Ledbetter of 6890 South York Highway, Clarkrange, Tennessee 38553, to secure the payment of a certain Promissory Note of even date therewith, with said Note being payable to Big South Fork Land Sales, LLC. Said Note is more fully described in said Deed of Trust of record in Book 144, Page 22 recorded on July 16, 2008 in the Register’s Office for Fentress County, Tennessee, and to which Deed of Trust reference is hereby made; and WHEREAS, said Deed of Trust was assigned to Lester Clark, manager of L&R Properties, LLC. More fully described in said Assignment of Deed of Trust of record in Book 159, Page 845 recorded on June 22, 2009 in the Register’s Office for Fentress County, Tennessee, and to which Assignment of Deed of Trust reference is hereby made; and LYING and BEING in the FOURTH CIVIL DISTRICT of Fentress County, Tennessee, bounded and being described more particularly as follows: Phase 5 Lot 61, in Stone Cliff Acres, a subdivision according to the plat thereof of record in Plat Book P5, Page 176, Register’s Office, Fentress County, Tennessee. WHEREAS, on the 12th day of August, 2008, Linda Ritter and Fred Bergmann, IV, joint tenants with rights of survivorship, did make, execute and deliver certain Deed of Trust to Trustee, Leslie Clark Ledbetter of 6890 South York Highway, Clarkrange, Tennessee 38553, to secure the payment of a certain Promissory Note of even date therewith, with said Note being payable to Big South Fork Land Sales, LLC. Said Note is more fully described in said Deed of Trust of record in Book 145, Page 494 recorded on August 19, 2008 in the Register’s Office for Fentress County, Tennessee, and to which Deed of Trust reference is hereby made; and WHEREAS, said Deed of Trust was assigned to Lester Clark, manager of L&R Properties, LLC. More fully described in said Assignment of Deed of Trust of record in Book 159, Page 850 recorded on June 22, 2009 in the Register’s Office for Fentress County, Tennessee, and to which Assignment of Deed of Trust reference is hereby made; and LYING and BEING in the FOURTH CIVIL DISTRICT of Fentress County, Tennessee, bounded and being described more particularly as follows: Phase 6 Lot 21, in Stone Cliff Acres, a subdivision according to the plat thereof of record in Plat Book P5, Page 198, Register’s Office, Fentress County, Tennessee. WHEREAS, default has been made in the terms, conditions and payments provided for in said certain Note heretofore mentioned, and the holder and owner of said Note has declared the entire unpaid principal balances of said Note, together with all accrued and unpaid interest, due and payable as provided in said Note and Deed of Trust. THEREFORE, in accordance with the terms of the Deed of Trust and by virtue of the power and authority vested in the undersigned Trustee by the aforesaid Deed of Trust, the public is hereby notified that the undersigned Trustee, Leslie Clark Ledbetter, having been requested so to do by the said holder and owner of the Notes, will sell the hereinafter described real estate at public auction to the highest and best bidder for cash in hand (or credit upon the indebtedness secured if the holder of the secured indebtedness is the successful bidder) at the courthouse door of the Fentress County Courthouse in Jamestown, Tennessee, at the hour of 12:00 p.m. prevailing time on Friday, the 12th day of August, 2011; said property will be sold in bar of all right and equities of redemption and statutory right of redemption, homestead, dower and all other exemptions of every kind from the borrower which are expressly waived by the terms of said Deed of Trust; said real estate will be sold without any warranties as to liens, existing highway, roadway and utility easements, applicable building and zoning regulations, such state of facts as an accurate survey would disclose, to all encumbrances, Federal Tax Liens, assessments, and mechanics’ and material men’s liens. The Trustee will pay any state, county or municipal taxes due on the property through the year 2010 and the purchaser at this sale shall be responsible for taxes for 2011 and thereafter. The undersigned Trustee will execute a Deed to the purchaser as Trustee only. The proceeds of this sale will be applied as set out in the Deed of Trust. In the event the highest bidder at the foreclosure sale should fail to comply with the submitted bid, the Trustee shall have the option of accepting the next highest bid with which the bidder is able to comply, or re-advertise and sell at a second sale. The right is reserved to adjourn the day of the sale to another date certain without further publication upon announcement at the time and place herein set for the above sale. Dated at Clarkrange, Tennessee, on this the 15th, day of July, 2011. TRUSTEE: LESLIE CLARK LEDBETTER, 6890 South York Highway Clarkrange, TN 38553 (7-20-27; 83-3tc) FENTRESS COURIER, WEDNESDAY, JULY 20, 2011, PAGE B-11 PUBLIC NOTICES NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE WHEREAS, on the 29th day of November, 2005, JAMES E. COOK did make, execute and deliver a certain Deed of Trust to Stephen L. Rains, as Trustee, to secure the payment of a certain Promissory Note of even date therewith, with said Note being payable to Progressive Savings Bank. Said Note is more fully described in said Deed of Trust of record in Book 90, Page 700, recorded on December 5, 2005, and to which Deed of Trust reference is hereby made; and WHEREAS, on the 18th day of December, 2008, JAMES EDWARD COOK et al did make, execute and deliver a certain Deed of Trust to Stephen L. Rains, as Trustee, to secure the payment of a certain Promissory Note of even date therewith, with said Note being payable to Progressive Savings Bank. Said Note is more fully described in said Deed of Trust of record in Book 151, Page 134, recorded on December 23, 2008, and to which Deed of Trust reference is hereby made; and WHEREAS, default has been made in the terms, conditions and payments provided for in said certain Note heretofore mentioned, and the holder and owner of said Note has declared the entire unpaid principal balance of said Note, together with all accrued and unpaid interest, due and payable as provided in said Note and Deeds of Trust. THEREFORE, in accordance with the terms of the Deeds of Trust and by virtue of the power and authority vested in the undersigned by the aforesaid Deeds of Trust, the public is hereby notified that the undersigned Trustee, having been requested so to do by the said holder and owner of the Note, will sell the hereinafter described real estate at public auction to the highest and best bidder for cash in hand (or credit upon the indebtedness secured if the holder of the secured indebtedness is the successful bidder) at the front door of the Fentress County Courthouse in Jamestown, Tennessee, at the hour of 11:00 a.m. prevailing time on Friday, the 12th day of August, 2011; said property will be sold in bar of all right and equities of redemption, homestead, dower and all other exemptions of every kind from the borrower which are expressly waived by the terms of said Deeds of Trust; said real estate will be sold without any warranties as to liens, existing highway, roadway and utility easements, applicable building and zoning regulations, such state of facts as an accurate survey would disclose, to all encumbrances, Federal Tax Liens, assessments, and mechanics' and materialmen's liens. The Trustee will pay any state, county or municipal taxes due on the property through the year 2010 and the purchaser at this sale shall be responsible for taxes for 2011 and thereafter. The undersigned Trustee will execute a Deed to the purchaser as Trustee only. The proceeds of this sale will be applied as set out in the Deeds of Trust. The real estate to be sold is located in Fentress County, Tennessee, and is more particularly described as follows: LEGAL DESCRIPTION Lying and being in the Fourth Civil District of Fentress County, Tennessee and located approximately 14½ miles from the courthouse at Jamestown by traveling southwardly on Old U.S. Hwy 127 south to its junction with U.S. Hwy 127 bypass; thence continuing southwardly on U.S. Hwy 127 a total of approximately 14 miles to its junction with TN Hwy 85; thence westwardly on TN Hwy 85 approximately ½ mile and beginning more particularly: BEGINNING at an iron pin (old) in the eastern edge of the right of way of TN Hwy 85; thence north 02 degrees 55 minutes east passing a stone (found) at approximately 100 feet which is located in the eastern edge of the right of way of TN Hwy 85 and the western end of a fence and continuing on a total of 698.23 feet to an iron pin (new) in the eastern edge of the right of way of TN Hwy 85 at a point where the road turns generally northwest; thence leaving TN Hwy 85 and more particularly with the southern edge of the spur into a 7.20 acre tract, and more particularly north 37 degrees 15 minutes east 88.10 feet; north 69 degrees 10 minutes east 77.78 feet; south 85 degrees 21 minutes east 157.32 feet; thence south 83 degrees 21 minutes east 74.12 feet; south 35 degrees 24 minutes east 108.80 feet to an iron pin (new); thence south 25 degrees 38 minutes west 15.85 feet; thence south 12 degrees 45 minutes west with the fence line and west boundary line of a 5.02 acre tract severed from the parent tract this date 353.73 feet; south 02 degrees 18 minutes west continuing with the fence line and west boundary line of the 5.02 acre tract 288.32 feet to a wood post in a fence line; thence south 02 degrees 34 minutes west 97.30 feet to an iron pin (old); thence north 80 degrees 24 minutes west 359.06 feet to the beginning corner containing 6.89 acres, more or less, as surveyed by Rodney W. Foy, TRLS #730 on 10/19/05 as shown by Drawing #4596A. Subject to mineral reservations made by prior owners. Being a portion of the same property described in a Deed from James E. Cook unto Fred Stout of record in Book 65, Page 596 of the Register’s Office of Fentress County, Tennessee. SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS which will run with the land and be binding on the grantee, his heirs, successors, and assigns. No part of the property shall be used for junk yards, staging areas, storage areas, or parking areas for junk, wrecked or stripped automobiles, metal equipment or any other type of refuse. No mobile homes or campers shall be located on any tract, either temporarily or permanently. Premises shall be kept neat and clean. Being the same property described in a General Warranty Deed from Fred Stout to James Eddie Cook, recorded on November 29, 2005, in Book 90, Page 323, in the Register’s Office of Fentress County, Tennessee. Map 127, Parcel 17 In the event the highest bidder at the foreclosure sale should fail to comply with the submitted bid, the Trustee shall have the option of accepting the next highest bid with which the bidder is able to comply, or readvertise and sell at a second sale. The right is reserved to adjourn the day of the sale to another date certain without further publication upon announcement at the time and place herein set for the above sale. Other interested parties: Woolf, McClane, Bright, Allen & Carpenter, PLLC, Attn. J. Calvin Ward, Attorney, P.O. Box 900, Knoxville, TN 37901-0900. Dated at Jamestown, Tennessee, on this the 14th day of July, 2011. STEPHEN L. RAINS, TRUSTEE 500 North Main Street Jamestown, Tennessee 38556 931-752-2112 (7-20-27; 8-3-3tc) NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE WHEREAS, default has occurred in the performance of the covenants, terms, and conditions of a Deed of Trust Note dated October 25, 2007, and the Deed of Trust of even date securing the same, recorded November 5, 2007, at Book 131, Page 323 in Office of the Register of Deeds for Fentress County, Tennessee, executed by Howard Vaughn, Jr. a/k/a Tommy Vaughn and Stacy Vaughn, conveying certain property therein described to Title 2 Land as Trustee for Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., solely as nominee for GMFS LLC; and the undersigned, Shellie Wallace of Wilson & Associates, P.L.L.C., having been appointed Successor Trustee. NOW, THEREFORE, notice is hereby given that the entire indebtedness has been declared due and payable; and that an agent of Shellie Wallace of Wilson & Associates, P.L.L.C., as Successor Trustee, by virtue of the power, duty, and authority vested in and imposed upon said Successor Trustee will, on August 11, 2011 on or about 3:00 P.M., at the Fentress County Courthouse, Jamestown, Tennessee, offer for sale certain property hereinafter described to the highest bidder FOR CASH, free from the statutory right of redemption, homestead, dower, and all other exemptions which are expressly waived in the Deed of Trust, said property being real estate situated in Fentress County, Tennessee, and being more particularly described as follows: The following described real estate: Lying and being in the Fourth Civil District of Fentress County, Tennessee, and situated on the Roslin Road, and Beginning on the south margin of a land which is situated approximately 1400 feet south of the Atkinson Road and on the east margin of the Roslin Road, and running thence with the south margin of said lane. South 75 degrees 58 minutes cast 550.72 feet to an iron pin in the west margin of the Richard Smith tract; thence with the west margin of the Richard Smith tract, South 06 degrees 36 minutes east, 505.11 feetto a pvc post; thence South 14 degrees 47 minutes and south 52 degrees 53 feet West, 126.62 feet to an iron post, the northeast comer of a 4 acre tract deeded to Martha L. Thompson in Book 38, Page 810 in Register's Office of Fentress County, Tennessee; thence with the north margin of the iron pin on the east margin of the Gdmsley to Deer Lodge Road; thence with the east margin of the road. North 28 degrees 28 minutes East, 784.04 feet to the beginning comer, and containing 11 acres, more or less. ALSO KNOWN AS: 1935 Roslin Road, Jamestown, Tennessee 38556 The HB 3588 letter was mailed to the borrower(s) pursuant to Tennessee Code Annotated 35-5-117. This sale is subject to all matters shown on any applicable recorded plat; any unpaid taxes; any restrictive covenants, easements, or setback lines that may be applicable; any statutory rights of redemption of any governmental agency, state or federal; any prior liens or encumbrances as well as any priority created by a fixture filing; and to any matter that an accurate survey of the premises might disclose. In addition, the following parties may claim an interest in the above-referenced property: Howard Vaughn a/k/a Tommy Vaughn , Jr.; Stacy Vaughn The sale held pursuant to this Notice may be rescinded at the Successor Trustee’s option at any time. The right is reserved to adjourn the day of the sale to another day, time, and place certain without further publication, upon announcement at the time and place for the sale set forth above. W&A No. 726 151674 DATED July 14, 2011 WILSON & ASSOCIATES, P.L.L.C., Successor Trustee By: Shellie Wallace (7-20-27; 8-3-3tc) TRUSTEE'S NOTICE OF SALE Default having been made in the payment of the debts and obligations secured to be paid by a certain deed of trust executed by Donald Strunk and wife, Michelle Strunk on the 20th day of May, 2008, to Don Calcote, Trustee, as same appears of record in the Register's Office of Fentress County, Tennessee, in Record Book 141, page 553, and Don O. Johnson having been appointed Substitute Trustee; and Community Bank of the Cumberlands being the owner and holder of the debt secured, having requested the undersigned to advertise and sell the property described in and conveyed by the said deed of trust, all of the said indebtedness having matured by default in the payment of a part thereof, this is to give notice that the undersigned will on August 12, 2011 commencing at 11:30 a.m., at the front door of the Fentress County Courthouse, Jamestown, Tennessee, proceed to sell at public outcry to the highest and best bidder for cash, the following described tract of property, lying and being located in the First Civil District of Fentress County, Tennessee, towit: Tract One: Lying and being in the First Civil District of Fentress County, Tennessee and about 2 miles southeastwardly from the Courthouse in Jamestown, Tennessee by way of Tennessee State Highway 52 and being Lots 18, 19, 20, 21, 22 and the south 120.4 feet of Lot 17 the Choate Subdivision, a plat of which is recorded in Deed Book H-4, page 79 of the Register’s Office of Fentress County, Tennessee, being a part of the Buell Tract and beginning at the northeast corner of Lot No. 22; thence south 04° 32’east 125 feet to the southeast corner of Lot No. 18; thence running south 88° 28’ west, along public road 150 feet to southwest corner of Lot No. 18; thence continuing same course 25 feet to the southwest corner of Lot No. 17; thence north 03° 55’ west 120.4 feet with west line of Lot No. 17; thence north 77° 55’ east 175 feet to the point of beginning. Tract Two: Lying and being in the First Civil District of Fentress County, Tennessee, about two (2) miles southeast of Jamestown, Tennessee, beginning on the northeast corner of Lot No. 44; thence south 04° 32’ east 125 feet to the southeast corner of Lot No. 23; thence south 86° 43’ west with the south line of Lot No. 23, 150 feet to its southwest corner; thence continuing on the same course 25 feet to the east line of Lot No. 16; thence north 03° 55’ west with the west line of Lot No. 17, 75 feet and continuing with the west line of Lot No. 39, 50 feet; thence north 77° 55’ east 173.75 feet to the beginning. The previous and last conveyance and/or Grantors’ source of equitable interest for the property hereinabove described is: By a Warranty Deed from Mark Clapp, MD and wife, Sarah Clapp to Donald Strunk and wife, Michelle Strunk, recorded in Record Book 68, page 377, in the Register’s Office of Fentress County, Tennessee. The street address of the property is 1015 Kings Loop Road, Jamestown, Tennessee. This property is owner occupied; Notice of Right to Foreclose has been given to the owner pursuant to T.C.A. 35-5-117. Said sale shall be subject to any unpaid property taxes, to any additional prior, liens, leases, encumbrances, to any rights of redemption not heretofore expressly waived, and to all applicable reservation of minerals, easements, rights-of-way, setback lines and restrictions. All right of homestead, equity of redemption, statutory right of redemption, elective share and all other rights and exemptions of every kind are waived in said deed of trust, and the title is believed to be good, but the undersigned will sell and convey only such title as he may convey as Trustee there being no representations or covenants of warranty of title made hereby. It will be the responsibility of the successful bidder to obtain possession of the property at his expense, and any damage, vandalism, theft, destruction, or other loss or damage to the property occurring subsequent to the date of sale shall be at the risk of the successful bidder. The Trustee reserves the right to postpone or set over the date of sale in the event the Trustee deems it best for any reason at the time of sale to postpone or continue this sale from time to time, with such notice of postponement as deemed reasonable by the Trustee. In the event the highest bidder at such sale fails to complete his purchase of the subject real property within the applicable time allowed, the undersigned Trustee reserves the right to complete the sale of the subject real property, without further notice or advertisement, to the next highest bidder who is able to consummate his purchase of the property within the time permitted by the Trustee. Signed, this 12th day of July, 2011. Don O. Johnson, Substitute Trustee O’Mara & Johnson, PLLC 317 West Spring Street Cookeville TN 38501 (931)526-8812 (7-20-27; 8-3-3tc) PAGE B-12, WEDNESDAY, JULY 20, 2011, FENTRESS COURIER PUBLIC NOTICES NOTICE TO CREDITORS Docket No. P-11-25 Estate of Herbert J. Thompson Late of Fentress County, Tennessee. Notice is Hereby Given that on the 18th day of July, 2011, Letters Testamentary, of Administration, in respect to the Estate of Herbert J. Thompson, deceased, were issued to the undersigned by the Clerk and Master of the Chancery Court of Fentress County, Tennessee. All persons, resident and non-resident, having claims, matured or unmatured against his or her Estate are required to file the same in triplicate with the Clerk and Master of the above named Court within four (4) months from the date of the first publication of this notice, otherwise their claim will be forever barred. All persons indebted to the above Estate must come forward and make proper settlement with the undersigned at once. This 18th day of July, 2011. Nancy Thompson Executrix Estate of Deceased Herbert J. Thompson 100 Holden Hollow Rd. Jamestown, TN 38556 Kathryn R. Taylor Clerk & Master (7-20-27-2tp) PUBLIC NOTICE The Jamestown Regional Planning Commission, meeting as the Board of Zoning Appeals, will hold a public hearing on Tuesday, July 26, 2011 at 5:00 p.m. at Jamestown City Hall. The purpose of this hearing is to solicit public comments regarding a special exception request to place a mobile home on proprety at 409 North Norris Street. The property is in the R-2 High Density Residential District. The application for this request, submitted by Elbert and Martha Davis is on file at Jamestown City Hall. All interested persons are invited to attend this public hearing. Gwenith Duncan Mayor (7-20-1tc) PUBLIC NOTICE The Jamestown Regional Planning Commission, meeting as the Board of Zoning Appeals, will hold a public hearing on Tuesday, July 26, 2011 at 5:00 p.m. at Jamestown City Hall. The purpose of this hearing is to solicit public comments regarding a special exception request to replace a home that burned with a new modular home on property at 402 Briar Avenue. The property is in the R-2 High Density Residential District. The application for this request, submitted by Erlene W. Copeland is on file at Jamestown City Hall. All interested persons are invited to attend this public hearing. Gwenith Duncan Mayor (7-20-1tc) PUBLIC NOTICE The City of Jamestown will be conducting a PUBLIC MEETING on Thursday August 4, 2011 at 6:00 p.m., local time, at the Jamestown City Hall to provide information about the City’s application for a Clean Water State Revolving Fund Loan with Partial Principal Forgiveness in the amount of $1,531,312 to construct a Collection System Expansion and Wastewater Treatment Plant Improvements and the resulting impact on monthly sewer bills. It is noted that 20% of that amount will be in the form of principal forgiveness and will not have to be repaid. Questions prior to the meeting should be directed to Gail Dishmon-City Recorder at (931) 8798815. (7-20-1tc) We’ve Got You Covered!!