Annual Report 2005-2006 - Parliament of Western Australia


Annual Report 2005-2006 - Parliament of Western Australia
The Western Australian Institute of
2005/2006 Yearbook and Annual Report
Challenge Stadium, Stephenson Avenue,
Mt Claremont, Western Australia, 6010.
PO Box 139, Claremont, 6910, Western Australia.
Telephone 08 9387 8166 Facsimile 08 9383 7344
Email: Web:
and annual report
Premier’s Foreword
Premier’s Foreword
Chairman’s Report
Executive Director’s Report
WAIS Board
WAIS Structure
WAIS Staff
Hall of Champions
The Hon Alan Carpenter MLA
WAIS Athlete of the Year
Commonwealth Games
Sport Programs
Individual Scholarship Program
Hockey Men’s
Hockey Women’s
Water Polo Men’s
Water Polo Women’s
Having in mind the valued work being undertaken by the Western
Australian Institute of Sport in providing world-class programs for the
development our nation’s sporting talent, I was delighted and privileged
to accept the position of Patron earlier this year.
The high reputation of the elite programs at WAIS was further enhanced
during 2005 when four of its athletes were successful in winning
world championship events in rowing, triathlon, equestrian and slalom
I recognise the success of the WAIS programs in preparing athletes
for the 2006 Commonwealth Games with 30 of Western Australia’s
35 participants in the Games being supported by WAIS. This level
of representation from Western Australia was the highest ever and
congratulations are extended to each athlete that was selected and
particularly those 24 athletes, who were successful in winning medals.
I commend the open and cooperative arrangement that exists between
WAIS and the Western Australian Government, and I look forward to
maintaining and developing this positive and constructive relationship.
Congratulations are extended to the WAIS Board of Directors, Chairman
Grant Boyce, Executive Director, Steven Lawrence and the Institute
staff for their contribution towards another successful year in the
development and support of our elite athletes.
I am mindful of the great work undertaken by those members of the
community, who provide their services in a voluntary capacity, within
the huge number of sporting organisations across the State. Many of
our elite athletes gained their initial opportunities from these grass
roots volunteers, and I acknowledge their significant contribution.
Western Australia is fortunate, in the support it receives from the
corporate sector, and I am appreciative of their generous contribution
towards WAIS programs and the athletes.
The success of our WAIS programs is attributable also to the dedication
and commitment from our elite athletes, who make enormous sacrifices
in their endeavours to compete at the highest level and achieve success
for their State and nation.
This Government recognises the importance and value of sport to the
community, and will continue to provide its support for the excellent
work being undertaken by WAIS.
Athlete and Coach Services
Sport Science
Strength and Conditioning
Clinical Services
Talent Search
Athlete Career and Education
Corporate Services
Marketing and Sponsorship
Finance and Administration
Alan Carpenter MLA
and annual report
Chairman’s Report
Executive Director’s Report
Athlete Success
In the past year there have again been many outstanding performances
from our dedicated athletes and these have been detailed in the various
sport reports. We acknowledge all of the athletes who make so many
sacrifices on a daily basis in their endeavour to achieve personal best
performances and to compete against the best athletes in their sporting
discipline in the world.
University and Edith Cowan adding significant value to the operations
of all partners.
WAIS remains committed to the National Elite Sports Council (NESC) and
its goals to assist in the leadership and coordination of the Australian
elite sport system. NESC remains challenged by the need to ensure its
member institute operations have the appropriate balance between
competition within our national state based structure and maximising
the utilisation of our collective resources through complimentary roles.
There are many people who deserve acknowledgement for the success
in the past year.
The WAIS staff quality and commitment continue to be one of our key
attributes. Surveys of the staff belief in and adherence to our values
of people and excellence demonstrate that as a collective we remain
committed to improving our already positive work environment.
We are most grateful to the State Government and in particular the
Minister for Sport and Recreation, Hon. John Kobelke, who in the
short time he has held the portfolio, has provided valuable guidance
and support to us. The State Government provides the majority of the
funding to WAIS through LotteryWest and the Department of Sport and
Recreation and the Board is very mindful that we are accountable for
the way in which the funds are utilised. I would also like to thank Mr
Ron Alexander, Director of the Department of Sport and Recreation, and
his staff who have been very willing to assist us in any way that they
can do so.
There remain significant pressures on staffing levels in specific areas.
Most notably the level of coaching in Athletics and service provision
in strength and conditioning and performance analysis are influencing
our operations. The WAIS Board has made the decision to employ an
additional Athletics coach, by a reallocation of current funding, to
provide additional support to our track and field athletes in the lead up
to Beijing. We will continue to seek opportunities to resolve the other
identified staffing level issues.
WAIS is accommodated at Challenge Stadium and we are extremely
grateful to Mr Dennis McInnerny, Chairman of the WA Sports Centre
Trust, and Mr Graham Moss, Chief Executive Officer, for their continued
Internal Processes
One of our major goals in this area was to improve the efficiency and
effectiveness of the staff performance management system. While
significant enhancements to this system were made during the past 12
months this area will remain a major priority for further development.
The results that have been achieved this year would not have been
possible without the tireless work of the Board and staff. The composition
of the Board is the same as it was at this time last year and the Minister
has just recently extended the terms of a number of the members. The
current Board represents a wide range of talents and skill sets and I am
personally very grateful for their continued commitment to WAIS. It is
indeed a privilege for me to be the Chairman of this Board.
This year has again seen some outstanding achievements by WAIS
athletes in both World Championship events and at the Commonwealth
Games held in Melbourne in March 2006. Steve Lawrence has mentioned
some of those athlete performances in his report and I reiterate the
Board’s congratulations to all WAIS athletes who competed.
The Commonwealth Games are a significant event in the sporting
calendar and give us a good gauge of our prospects for the 2008 Olympic
Games. We are very confident that our athletes are on track to deliver
some fine performances in Beijing.
Planning for the future
Last year the Board prepared a Strategic Plan which covers the period to
2008. One of the major issues identified in that process was that WAIS
athletes are not able to access adequate strength and conditioning,
recovery and rehabilitation facilities. There is no doubt that without
these facilities West Australian athletes will be disadvantaged in
the future in comparison to their Eastern States counterparts and
competitors from many other countries. I am pleased to report that the
Board is working very hard to resolve this problem and our goal is to
have these facilities in place by the start of the next Olympiad. Most
people will be aware that there are plans for new sporting facilities to
be built at AK Reserve and this and other developments will give rise
to a unique sporting park in the area surrounding Challenge Stadium.
WAIS is ideally located to be a part of these exciting infrastructure
developments for sport in Western Australia.
The successes of WAIS athletes is directly related to the efforts of Mr
Steven Lawrence and his committed and talented team who strive for
excellence in their daily work lives. Steve’s management team comprises
Mr Tim Mahon (Sport Programs Manager), Mr Martin FitzSimons (Athlete
and Coach Services Manager), Ms Stephanie Neesham (Marketing
Manager), and Mr Kaushik Bhowmick (Finance and Administration
Manager).These managers together with all of the staff have made a
significant contribution to the operation of WAIS and the success of
the athletes. I would also like to make special mention of the coaches
who have the most direct impact on the athletes. They make enormous
sacrifices including very early mornings and late evenings and they
are often not recognised for their contribution to the success of the
Grant Boyce
Chairman WAIS
The WAIS purpose is very clear, to support elite and potentially elite
Western Australian athletes achieve sporting excellence, as is our vision,
To Produce Champions. WAIS supported athlete performances over the
past twelve months clearly demonstrate that we continue to meet our
purpose and our vision is in focus.
Athlete Performance
In 2005 four WAIS athletes were named World Champion in their chosen
sport, Robin Bell (Canoeing – C1 slalom), Clayton Fredericks (equestrian
– eventing), Sarah Outhwaite (rowing – women’s eight) and Peter
Robertson (triathlon). This result surpass’ any previous in WAIS history
of supporting athletes to these pinnacle events. In addition WAIS
supported a record contingent of WA athletes to the 2006 Commonwealth
Games who all performed with distinction and of whom 21 returned home
with at least one medal. Detailed summaries of athlete performances
throughout the year are provided within the various program reports.
WAIS is committed to open and honest communication with all
stakeholders. This policy has allowed WAIS to clearly articulate positive
aspects of our operations and that of our partners as well as issues
negatively impacting performance. It is pleasing to note that our partners
have been open to discussion on important issues and where appropriate
and capable have committed to implementing solutions.
The state government remains the major WAIS partner. The change in
minister’s from the Hon. Bob Kucera to the Hon. John Kobelke during the
past year was made relatively smoothly due to our excellent relationship
with the minister’s office. The interest and advice Minister Kobelke has
shown WAIS provides us with confidence that the positive support WAIS
was provided by Minister Kucera will continue. The working relationship
with the Department of Sport and Recreation (DSR) continues to improve
with positive outcomes for our sport programs. I also acknowledge the
specific project support provided by senior DSR staff that has resulted
in WAIS being able to advance several important initiatives. The Western
Australian Sport Centre Trust (WASCT) continues to be a valuable and
active partner supporting our major infrastructure requirements.
Our relationship with the tertiary sector remains strong with staff and
post-graduate students from the University of Western Australia, Curtin
The vast majority of WAIS internal systems have been clearly defined
over the past three years and have inbuilt processes for assisting
their continual improvement. We are therefore now able to commence
development on information technology support systems to improve
their integration and operational efficiency. It is anticipated that with
current resources this project will take at least three years.
WAIS remains in a strong financial position due to detailed planning
and monitoring systems and processes. However, the poor financial
status of several state and national sporting organisations remains of
concern to WAIS. While we have attempted to minimize the impact of
partner financial difficulties the end result is we have been unable to
provide athletes within several sports the level of services anticipated.
On a positive note we are very pleased to acknowledge a significantly
increased financial contribution by Netball Australia to the WAIS.
The state government remains our major financial supporter with 68%
of our operational budget provided by them. Some success was achieved
during the year with corporate sponsorship for two sport programs.
However, the previously identified national trend for declining corporate
support of Institutes of Sport continues to erode our financial capacity.
To achieve its infrastructure strategic goals WAIS has worked with DSR and
WASCT on several planning projects directly related to Challenge Stadium
and the AK reserve/UWA sport park precinct. These projects are nearing
completion and we are very confident that the WAIS requirements have
been appropriately identified within them. However, the opportunity
to secure funding and build the facilities to ensure WAIS remains a
competitive national level sports institute in the next Olympiad and
beyond is reaching a critical stage.
It remains a privilege for me to work with the WAIS Board and staff
members who inspire me as much as does the dedication and commitment
of our athletes.
Steven Lawrence
Executive Director WAIS
and annual report
WAIS Board
Key Result Areas
Mr Grant Boyce (Chairman)
Mr Ron Alexander
Ms Meredith Eddington
Mr Steven Lawrence (Executive Director)
Ms Jennifer Morris
Mr Michael O’Neill (Deputy Chairman)
Mr Andrew Syme
Mrs Fiona Tory
Ms Amanda Wheeler
WAIS has identified five key result areas that are critical to fulfilling
our purpose. These KRA’s therefore provide focus for our strategic
WAIS requires effective and efficient internal processes to ensure
organisational resources are directed and implemented to deliver
maximum output towards its purpose.
To provide opportunities for talented Western Australian athletes
to achieve excellence in elite sport with support from their
home environment.
WAIS requires partnerships with the sporting community, government
and other stake holders in order to access resources and knowledge to
enhance its operations and opportunities for our elite athletes.
Internal Processes
WAIS is dependent upon finances to purchase and deliver the vast
majority of required resources, both human and physical, to achieve
its purpose.
As a service organisation focused on delivering quality services
to athletes, WAIS requires staff who are capable of enabling the
organisation to achieve its objectives.
To enable and deliver services to athletes, WAIS requires access to
suitable infrastructure
WAIS Structure
To Produce Champions
To maximise Western Australian representation on Australian Teams
To enhance the performance of Australian Teams
Organisational culture is core to WAIS achieving long term sustainable
success. Our culture is defined by valuing people and excellence in all
aspects of our operations.
The philosophies guiding WAIS operations are defined by the
following principles.
Performance Enhancement
Athlete and Coach
Sport Programs
WAIS will allocate resources to support the ultimate attainment of elite
athlete performance at the open international level.
Sport Science
Principle 2
Clinical Services
Athlete Career & Education
Principle 1
International Focus
Western Australian Significance
WAIS will focus its efforts on assisting athletes competing in sports
that are culturally significant to the Western Australian community.
WAIS will also be cognizant of local infrastructure and environmental
factors potentially influencing elite and potential elite athlete training
and competition performance.
Principle 3
WAIS recognizes that it is a specialist provider to sport and must act
in partnership with sport. WAIS will allocate resources to enhance
the support provided by sports to their athletes. Partnerships should
reflect an inclusiveness of Western Australia in the national system.
Principle 4
Community Values
WAIS will maintain community values in all aspects of its operation. This
includes the right and responsibility of athletes to train and compete
in a fair, ethical, healthy and safe environment. WAIS also recognizes
that its athletes are role models for the community and therefore must
reflect community values and contribute to the community.
Corporate Services
Finance and
Talent Search
Strength and Conditioning
Public Relations
Performance Analysis
Human Resources
Information Technology
and annual report
WAIS Staff
Carly Brockis, Coach (casual),
Tatiana Lapchina, Choreographer/Coach (part-time)
Heidi Rose, Coach (casual)
Salli Wills, Coach (casual)
Caroline Wright, Coach (casual)
Strength and Conditioning Coaches
Greg Morgan
Geish Hori (Part time)
(Commenced 25/07/2005)
Executive Assistant
Nicki Atkinson (resigned 28/02/2006)
Cindy McIntyre (commenced 12/06/2006)
Hockey (Men)
Jason Duff, Head Coach
Medical Co-ordinator
Dr Carmel Goodman (part-time)
Hockey (Women)
Neil Hawgood, Head Coach
Program Co-ordinator
Carlie Gooden
Deborah Kerr (part-time)
Executive Director
Steven Lawrence
Finance and Administration Manager
Kaushik Bhowmick
Finance and Administration Officer
Honnie Butler
Human Resources Officer
Helen Rice (part-time)
Administration Assistants
Tina Price
Marisa Leddin
Software Developer
Adrian Broughton
Marketing Manager
Stephanie Neesham
Carol Byers, Head Coach
Rebecca Elborough, Development Coach (resigned 11/07/2005)
Michelle Wilkins, Development Coach (part-time) (commenced
Antonio Maurogiovanni, Head Coach
Jason Lane, Senior Coach
Gonzalo Briones, Junior Development Coach (commenced
Belinda Stowell, Head Coach
Kere Johanson, Head Coach
Water Polo (Men)
Andrei Kovalenko, Head Coach
Water Polo (Women)
Simone Hankin
Sport Programs Manager
Tim Mahon
Program Consultants
Helen Baron-Hay (part-time)
Elizabeth Booth (part-time)
Andrew Smith (commenced 29/05/2006)
Brian Glencross (part-time)
Lucy Warhurst
Jay Davies (resigned 24/3/2006)
Lyn Foreman, Head Coach – Track & Field
Alex Parnov, Head Coach – Pole vault
Don Kyle, Head Coach
Ramon Andersson, Head Coach (part-time)
Darryl Benson, Head Coach
Elizabeth Chetkovich, Head of Gymnastics
Nikolai Lapchine, Senior Coach
Martine George, Senior Coach
Vladimir Joura, Coach
Dhana Antulov, Coach
Athlete and Coach Services Manager
Martin FitzSimons
Athlete and Coach Services PhD Student
Frankie Tan
Technical Officer
David Gould
Placement Student
Rebecca l’Anson
Exercise Physiologists
Ted Polglaze
Claire Rechichi (part-time)
Matthew Spencer
Sport Psychologists
Heather McGregor-Bayne
Matthew Burgin
Andrew Lyttle
PhD Biomechanics Student
Matthew Doyle
Head of Strength and Conditioning
Gilman Barnitt (commenced 17/10/2005)
Athlete and Career Education Co-ordinator
Heather McGregor-Bayne
Athlete and Career Education Counsellor
Angelique Wilson
and annual report
Hall of Champions
Hall of Champions
Members 1985-2005
Photos: RAW Image
The Hall of Champions project perpetuates the achievements of Western
Australia’s best athletes.
At the 2005 Annual Dinner three more champions were inducted into
the Hall.
They were:
Rechelle Hawkes
Bernie Naylor
Bruce Reid
Australian Football
Australian Cricket
Rechelle Hawkes, born in Albany on 30th May 1967, became the world’s
most decorated hockey player. In an international career that spanned
16 years, she won three Olympic, two World Cup, five Champions Trophy
and one Commonwealth Games gold medals. A mid fielder, Hawkes was
renowned for her fitness, work ethic and skill. She was a pre-eminent
member of the Hockeyroos during the team’s golden era 1988-2000.
Bernie Naylor, born in Fremantle on 19th April 1923, was a recordbreaking goal-scorer for South Fremantle. He kicked 1034 goals in 195
senior games, at a remarkable average of 5.3 goals per game. He headed
the WAFL’s goal-kicking six times – five with totals of more than 100
– and his 1953 tally of 156 stood as an Australian record for 15 years.
His total of 23 goals against Subiaco in 1953 remains an Australian
record for a single senior game. Bernie passed away on 26th September
Bruce Reid, born in Osborne Park on 14th March 1963, was an outstanding
left arm fast bowler. Despite suffering with a debilitating back injury,
he took 113 wickets, at an average of 24.63 runs per wicket, in a brief
but highly successful Test career. In successive Boxing Day Tests at the
MCG, he took 13 wickets against England and 12 against India.
The selection committee for the Hall of Champions comprises Ken
Casellas, Liz Chetkovich, Alan East, Wally Foreman (chairman),
George Grljusich, David Hatt, Glenn Mitchell and Pam O’Connell. The
members of the committee provide their time and expertise freely and
without recompense and the Board extends its sincere appreciation for
their assistance.
Terry Alderman (Cricket)
Marian Aylmore (Hockey)
Lynne Bates (Swimming)
David Bell (Hockey)
Trevor Bickle (Athletics)
Steele Bishop (Cycling)
Neil Brooks (Swimming)
Sharon Buchanan (Hockey)
Haydn Bunton Jnr (Aust. Football)
Barry Cable (Aust. Football)
Ian Cairns (Surf Riding)
May Campbell (Hockey)
Jack Clarke (Aust. Football)
Ric Charlesworth (Hockey)
Jodie Cooper (Surf Riding)
Elspeth Denning-Clement (Hockey)
Jerry Dolan (Aust. Football)
George Doig (Aust. Football)
Herb Elliott (Athletics)
Peter Evans (Swimming)
Ray Evans (Hockey)
Graham Farmer (Aust. Football)
Brian Glencross (Hockey)
Ross Glendinning (Aust. Football)
Mavis Gray (Hockey)
Brian Griffin (Lacrosse)
Brad Hardie (Aust. Football)
Rechelle Hawkes (Hockey)
Ern Henfry (Aust. Football)
Connie Hicks (Lawn Bowls)
Tom Hoad (Water Polo)
Kim Hughes (Cricket)
Lesley Hunt (Tennis)
Shirley de la Hunty (Athletics)
Dixie Ingram (Athletics)
John Inverarity (Cricket)
Ron Johnson (Speedway)
Jeff Kennedy (Lacrosse)
Frank Kersley (Harness Racing)
Fred Kersley Jnr (Harness Racing)
John Leonard (Aust. Football)
Dennis Lillee (Cricket)
Walter Lindrum (Billiards)
Gary Marocchi (Soccer)
Geoff Marsh (Cricket)
Graham Marsh (Golf)
Rodney Marsh (Cricket)
Steve Marsh (Aust. Football)
Bob Marshall (Billiards)
Bob Massie (Cricket)
Phil Matson (Aust. Football)
Phil May (Athletics)
Elsma Merillo (Netball)
Lorraine McCoulough-Fry (Disabled Swimming)
Jill McIntosh (Netball)
Merv McIntosh (Aust. Football)
Graham McKenzie (Cricket)
Lyn McKenzie (Swimming)
Stephen Michael (Aust. Football)
George Moloney (Aust. Football)
John Miller (Horse Racing)
Frank Moore (Horse Racing)
Don Morrison (Surf Lifesaving)
Graham Moss (Aust. Football)
Bernie Naylor (Aust. Football)
David Neesham (Water Polo)
Decima Hamilton (Athletics)
Kevin O’Halloran (Swimming)
Percy Oliver (Swimming)
George Owens (Aust. Football)
Ernest Parker (Cricket & Tennis)
Brian Peake (Aust. Football)
Eric Pearce (Hockey)
Julian Pearce (Hockey)
Jackie Pereira (Hockey)
Wendy Pritchard (Hockey)
Bruce Reid (Cricket)
Jack Sheedy (Aust. Football)
Barry Shepherd (Cricket)
Annette Simper (Netball)
Don Smart (Hockey)
Christine Stanton (Athletics)
Rolly Tasker (Yachting)
Gaye Teede (Netball)
John Todd (Aust. Football)
Ian Tomlinson (Athletics)
Frank Treen (Horse Racing)
W.J. (Nipper) Truscott (Aust. Football)
Ken Vidler (Surf Lifesaving)
Barbara Wall (Squash)
Bill Walker (Aust. Football)
Terry Walsh (Hockey)
Evelyn Whillier (Swimming)
Clive Wilderspin (Tennis)
Dean Williams (Squash)
John Winter (Athletics)
Graeme Wood (Cricket)
Jean Wynne (Hockey)
Bruce Yardley (Cricket)
Foundation members
and annual report
Athlete of the Year
Don Morrison
17 JULY 1928 TO 25 MARCH 2006
Peter Robertson
Previous Winners
Don Morrison was an outstanding figure on the Australian surf lifesaving
scene for more than four decades.
As a competitor, he was one of WA’s best-ever performers, winning
the blue ribbon Australian surf belt title four times between 1948
and 1953. In those days, belts were as prestigious as today’s ironman
races. He led WA to four national titles in team events, the rescue and
resuscitation event (1958 and 1963) and the surf belt championship
(1951 and 1958). Don was selected in four Australian teams. He toured
New Zealand, Hawaii and South Africa and represented Australia at the
Royal Surf Carnival at Manly in 1954.
Don dominated surf lifesaving competitions at a state level. He won
ten State surf belt titles, the first eight in succession, and he won five
State surf race titles.
Don started his career at the Cottesloe Surf Life Saving Club as a tenyear-old and was later honoured with a life membership and was an
inaugural WA Hall of Fame inductee. He gave selflessly to all levels of
the sport, as a competitor, coach, judge, examiner and administrator.
In 1985, he was awarded the Order of Australia Medal for his services
to surf lifesaving.
Jenny Byrne
Robert Waller
Christine Stanton
Craig Parry
Craig Davies
Ian Brown
Robyn Lambourne
Sharon Buchanan
Ramon Andersson
Richard Nizielski
Rechelle Hawkes
Darryn Hill
Darryn Hill
Rechelle Hawkes
Stuart Reside
Belinda Stowell
Dmitri Markov
Peter Dawson
Peter Dawson
Ryan Bayley
(Ice Speed Skating)
Don passed away on 25 March 2006 after a long illness. He was 77
years of age.
The winner of the WAIS Athlete of the Year Award for 2004/05 was
World Champion Peter Robertson. Following a post-Olympic break and
a decision to stay in Perth and accept a WAIS individual scholarship,
Peter achieved some top results on the national triathlon scene early in
2005. At the Australian Olympic Distance Championships in Geelong in
March, Peter finished second by a mere 17 seconds. He put on a burst
of speed to clinch the Australian Sprint Championship in St Kilda in
April, winning the title of national sprint champion.
A broken rib hampered Peter’s preparation for World Championship
selection and he was included in the team only a week before the
event after the withdrawal of another competitor. Despite worrying
that he had not had enough time to prepare, he won the ITU World
Championships in a sprint finish. The win, in September in Japan,
was Peter’s third world championships victory and his fifth world
championship medal from five starts.
Peter won from a star-studded field that included two other world
champions in Sarah Outhwaite (rowing - Women’s eight) and Clayton
Fredericks (equestrian - eventing).
Photo: RAW Image
and annual report
Commonwealth Games
Melbourne 2006
Games Review
WAIS had its biggest and most successful contribution to a Commonwealth
Games at this year’s event in Melbourne.
A record 30 (29 current and one former) WAIS athletes were among
the 426-member Australian team, surpassing the previous WAIS
representation of 22 athletes for Kuala Lumpur in 1998 and the 20 who
competed in Manchester in 2002.
The WAIS athletes then produced their best Commonwealth Games
results, with 28 reaching finals in at least one event and 21 bringing
home medals in 22 events across seven sports. This compared very
favourably to 2002, when 13 WAIS athletes won medals in 19 events
across six sports.
Swimmer Jennifer Reilly and pole vaulter Paul Burgess competed in
their third consecutive Commonwealth Games – and Jennifer came
home with a medal for the third time. This year, she won bronze in the
women’s 400m individual medley.
While there were many inspiring performances, highlights included
cyclist Ryan Bayley (WAIS/AIS) following up his two individual gold
medals from the Athens Olympics with wins in the same events – keirin
and sprint. His win in the sprint meant he also successfully defended
his title from the Manchester Commonwealth Games.
Sprinter John Steffensen was another of the team’s multi-gold medal
winners. In winning the 400m, he became WA’s first Commonwealth
Games track gold medallist since Dixie Willis in the 880 yards in 1962.
John and WAIS team-mate Chris Troode were part of the winning 4x400m
relay team.
Pole vaulter Kym Howe set a new Commonwealth record of 4.62m to win
her gold. Other gold medallists were swimmer Eamon Sullivan in the
men’s 4x100m medley relay; the Hockeyroos, with WAIS players Emily
Halliday, Kobie McGurk and Kim Walker and the Kookaburras, with Bevan
George and Aaron Hopkins.
Silver medals were won by heptathlete Kylie Wheeler, cyclist Peter
Dawson (WAIS/AIS), netballers Jess Shynn and Susan Fuhrmann (AIS/
WAIS), shooter Pam McKenzie and swimmers Travis Nederpelt and Eamon
Sullivan. Bronze medals went to javelin thrower Oliver Dziubak, cyclist
Ryan Bayley, shooter Pam McKenzie, swimmers Lara Carroll, Travis
Nederpelt, Jim Piper and Jen Reilly and triathlete Peter Robertson
Medals were just out of reach for javelin thrower Kim Mickle – the
youngest in the women’s final – and badminton player Travis Denney in
the men’s doubles, with their fantastic performances resulting in fourth
placings in their events.
WA’s only Elite Athlete with a Disability representative was Bryan
Stitfall, who finished a very credible 6th in the seated discus.
WAIS staff contributed their skills to the Commonwealth Games. Nine
staff and associates were included in coaching, medical team and
support staff roles.
Photo: Getty Images
Emily Halliday*
Kobie McGurk*
Kim Walker*
Eamon Sullivan
Kylie Wheeler
Peter Dawson*
Susan Fuhrmann**
Jessica Shynn
Pam McKenzie
Travis Nederpelt
Eamon Sullivan
Oliver Dziubak
Ryan Bayley*
Pamela McKenzie
Lara Carroll
Travis Nederpelt
Jim Piper
Jennifer Reilly
Peter Robertson*
Photo: Getty Images
Kym Howe
John Steffensen
Chris Troode
Ryan Bayley*
Bevan George*
Aaron Hopkins*
Athletics – pole vault
Athletics – 400m and 4x400m relay
Athletics – 4x400m relay
Cycling – keirin and sprint
Men’s Hockey
Men’s Hockey
Athletics – heptathlon
Cycling – 4000m team pursuit
Shooting – 25m air pistol pairs
Swimming – 200m butterfly
Swimming – 4x100m relay
Athletics – javelin
Cycling – team sprint
Shooting – 25m air pistol singles
Swimming – 200m individual medley
Swimming – 400m individual medley
Swimming – 200m breastroke
Swimming – 400m individual medley
Other WAIS Performances
Paul Burgess (pole vault)
Kim Mickle (javelin)
Vicky Parnov (pole vault)
Ellen Pettitt (high jump)
Lauren Shelley (marathon)
Bryan Stitfall (T55.55 seated discus)
Photo: Getty Images
Travis Denney
(mixed teams/men’s doubles/mixed doubles) quarter final mixed teams,
4th men’s doubles and quarter final mixed doubles
Romesh Fernando (light flyweight)
first preliminary
Peter Dawson*
(point race/4000m ind. pursuit/road race)
10th, individual pursuit, DNF road race
WAIS Medallists
Women’s Hockey
Women’s Hockey
Women’s Hockey
Swimming – 4x100m medley relay
Lara Carroll (400m individual medley)
Sally Foster** (200m breaststroke)
Travis Nederpelt (1500m freestyle)
Jim Piper (100m breaststroke)
Eamon Sullivan (100m freestyle/50m freestyle)
6th point race,
(heat swim)
5th 100m and 50m
Photo: Getty Images
and annual report
Sport Programs
The 2005/06 year can be categorised as one of consolidation, where
an emphasis was placed on the design and implementation of effective
systems to enable WAIS athletes to maintain a competitive edge.
All WAIS programs consist of a tri-partite agreement between State
and National Sporting Organisations. These relationships ensure that
a daily training environment is created that compliments a sport’s
athlete pathway and allows athletes every opportunity to reach their
Continuous improvement is one theme that the Sport Programs team
continually strives. Initiatives this year included
- the realignment of all sport programs from financial to
competition years,
- an athlete monitoring system evaluating an athlete’s
progress to achieve an expected performance,
- an expansion of the WAIS athlete performance database,
- the enhancement of relationships with key stakeholders
within an athlete pathway and,
- professional development opportunities for coaches through
guest speakers, national duties and leadership & computer
The Sport Programs team continually strived to value-add to ensure
that a sport program’s outcomes are met.
There was an increase of one sport program this year with the
establishment of pole vault as a separate sport program. In total, 20
coaches provided direction and leadership to 15 WAIS sport programs
encompassing 12 sports, these being:
Athletics – Track and Field
Athletics – Pole Vault
Gymnastics (Women)
Hockey (Men)
Hockey (Women)
Water Polo (Men)
Water Polo (Women)
In addition to this, WAIS assisted 39 athletes from another 15 sports or
sport disciplines not directly supported through a WAIS sport program
through its Individual Scholarship Scheme, these being:
Beach Volleyball
Canoe - slalom
Cycling - EAD
Ice skating
Swimming - EAD
Cycling – BMX
Gymnastics – men
Wheelchair Basketball
All up, the total number of elite and development athletes WAIS
assisted during the year totalled 300 through its sport programs and
130 through the individual scholarship scheme.
The success of our programs was evident with the selection of 29
athletes and eight staff to the 2006 Commonwealth Games team. The
total achievements for all sport programs and individual scholarship
holders are detailed within this report.
WAIS fare welled and welcomed a number of staff within the last twelve
months. The netball program was able to regain the services of AIS
and National Development coach Michelle Wilkins when Rebecca
Elborough resigned to take on the new challenge of motherhood.
Rowing development coach Rhett Ayliffe accepted the Head coach
position at Sydney University Boat Club and was replaced by Gonzalo
Briones, whose international coaching experience at the junior level
has been a huge asset within the rowing development program. WAIS
is indeed fortunate of being able to attract quality coaches that bring
exciting different qualities that are able to enhance the Institute.
Program Consultant and Performance Analysist Jay Davies took a break
from high performance sport to undertake further tertiary studies
whilst program administrator Lisa Kempthorn accepted a Marketing
Coordinator position in commerce. The departure of Jay and Lisa allowed
a reallocation of responsibilities within the Sport Programs team to
enable the employment of Andrew Smith as a Program Coordinator.
Andrew has come to WAIS via the English County and Cricket Board. A
welcome addition back to the team was Helen Baron Hay who returned
on a part-time basis from maternity leave.
The continual challenge for the remainder of this Olympiad is to address
the ever present challenges in high performance sport in an efficient
and innovative manner to continue to achieve national representation
and world class results.
Photo: RAW Image
and annual report
Australian Representatives
Individual Scholarship Program
Justin Eveson
(Wheelchair Basketball)
Paralympian Justin Eveson has been a star player for three wheelchair
basketball teams in 2005/2006. At the start of the year, he played
for the Perth Wheelcats when they finished runners-up in the 2005
National Wheelchair Basketball League. The Wheelcats lost narrowly to
the West Sydney Razorbacks in the grand final. Justin averaged 31
points and 20 rebounds during the finals series.
At the end of the National season, Justin moved to Italy to play for
Roma in the Italian League. Roma became the Italian League Champions
after winning the grand final in June.
Photo: Anton Granhus
Clayton Fredericks
Clayton Fredericks had a sensational start to the year, winning the
2005 FEI World Cup (Eventing) in Sweden in August, with horse Ben
Along Time. The top five riders from each nation were invited to the
final and Clayton had qualified as Australia’s fifth-ranked competitor,
having competed in only three of the World Cup qualifying events.
Clayton, a finalist in the 2004-05 WAIS Athlete of the Year, is based
in the United Kingdom and since March, has performed impressively at
a number of European-based events in a bid to defend his World Cup
Results have included a third in the Burnham Market World Cup Qualifier
in April, riding Ben Along Time. He also finished 10th on one of his
other horses, WP in Limbo. In mid-May he won the World Cup Qualifier
at Chatsworth in Great Britain and a week later took first place at
the 2006 Saumur CCI*** for Eventing with Ben Along Time. He placed
fourth at the Saumur CCI*** on his second ride Nullabor.
Clayton’s next major competition is the FEI World Equestrian Games
in Germany in August. The 2006 FEI World Cup Final (Eventing) is in
Pam McKenzie
Pam McKenzie started her 2005/2006 scholarship year in July with all
guns blazing. She won gold in the sport pistol and a silver medal in the
air pistol at the Australian Shooting Games in Queensland.
In September, she achieved impressive results at the 2005 Australia Cup
Final and Sydney Grand Prix at the International Shooting Centre. Pam
finished fourth in the 25m pistol and fifth in the 10m air pistol.
Those early season performances earned her a place in the Australian
team for the 2006 Commonwealth Games.
While based in Italy, Justin has joined the Australian Rollers at
competitions in Europe. In May, he was one of four WAIS scholarshipholders in the team that finished second in the Wheelchair Basketball
World Cup in Manchester. The Rollers’ won all three round robin matches
– against Canada, Sweden and Great Britain – and beat Sweden in the
semi-final. The team played well in the grand final, but lost to Canada
In June, Justin helped Australia to place second behind Italy at the
Guilia Nova International. The Rollers played teams from Italy, France
and South Africa.
Justin will finish the year playing for Australia at the World Gold Cup,
the World Championships for Wheelchair Basketball, in Amsterdam in
July. He will then return to Perth after that competition to play the rest
of the National season for the Wheelcats.
Robin Bell
(Slalom Canoeing)
Dual Olympian Robin Bell had a golden start to the year at the Canoe
Slalom World Championships in Penrith. He won the C1 event, was part
of the winning open men’s C2 crew and was in the second-placed C1
team at the October event. Robin’s gold in the C1 was another step up
from the silver medals he had won in two of three World Cup events
last year.
Known for his technical proficiency, Robin continued his good form in
the first half of 2006, winning the open men’s C1 and C2 races at the
2006 Australian Slalom Canoeing Championships.
He followed that with an impressive result internationally, winning a
C1 silver medal at the World Cup One in Athens in May. It was on the
same course that Robin had finished fourth by less than a second at
the 2004 Athens Olympics.
In tough conditions at the second World Cup in Germany in June, Robin
placed 11th. At the third World Cup in Spain the next week, he missed
the final after being falsely awarded a 50-second penalty.
Robin is looking forward to defending his C1 title at the coming Canoe
Slalom World Championships in August.
Kynan Maley*
Robin Jeffrey*
Clayton Fredericks 2005 World Cup Final, Malmo, Sweden
2005 CIC **** Badminton Horse Trials,
Gloucestershire, England
2005 CCI **** Burghley Horse Trials,
Burghley, England
2006 CIC *** World Cup Qualifier
Burnham Market Horse Trials, England
2006 CIC *** Chatsworth Horse Trials,
Chatsworth, England
Sonja Johnson
2005 Adelaide International Horse Trials,
Adelaide, Australia
Ian Greenwall
Martin Jozwiak
Chris Madeley
Justin Eveson
Shaun Norris
Brad Ness
Brett Nicholson
Pam McKenzie
Robyn Van Nus
Travis Denney
Laura Downing
Natasha Cocker
Martin Suan
Nicole Callisto
James Dixon
Jane Armstrong
Mark Le Flohic
2005 World Junior Championships, Paris, France
2005 World Junior Championships, Paris, France
World Championships, Gamagori, Japan
Hungary World Cup, Tiszaujvaros, Hungary
Germany World Cup, Hamburg, Germany
Commonwealth Games, Melbourne, Australia
Continental Cup, Tongyeong, South Korea
2006 Paralympic World Cup, Manchester, England
2005 IPC European Championships, Alkermaar,
2005 IPC European Championships, Alkermaar,
2005 IPC European Championships, Alkermaar,
Major Title Winners
Deonne Bridger
2006 Commonwealth Games, Melbourne, Australia
2006 ISSF World Cup, Guangzhou, China
2006 ISSF World Cup, Munich, Germany
2006 International Air Gun Competition,
Munich, Germany
2005 Oceania Championships, Brisbane, Australia
Tina Morgan
2006 Commonwealth Games, Melbourne, Australia
2006 Oceania Championships, Auckland, New
2005 China Open, Ghanzhou, China
2005 Chinese Taipei Open, Taiwan, Chinese Taipei
2005 Swiss Open, Basel, Switzerland
2005 German Open, Mulheim an der Ruhr, Germany
2005 Thomas Cup, Auckland, New Zealand
2005 World Tour events
2006 World Tour events
Peter Robertson* 2005
Belgium Open, Herentals, Belgium
Dutch Open, Eindhoven, Netherlands
Asian Championships, Bangkok, Thailand
Belgium Open, Herentals, Belgium
Dutch Open, Eindhoven, Netherlands
Asian Championships, Bangkok, Thailand
Asian Championships, Bangkok, Thailand
2006 FINA Diving Grand Prix, Rostock, Germany
2006 FINA Diving Grand Prix, Electrostal, Russia
2005 World Championship Qualifier, Johannesburg,
South Africa
2005 Chris Handy Cup, Christchurch, New Zealand
2006 Canada Cup, Burnaby, Canada
2005 ISU Four Continents Figure Skating
Championships, Colorado Springs, USA
2005 ISF Junior Grand Prix, Tallinn, Estonia
2005 ISF Junior Grand Prix, Montreal, Canada
2005 Asian Tour, China and Japan
2005 USA Tour
2005 China Tour
Collette McCallum* 2006 U/20 series vs New Zealand, Canberra, Australia
2006 U/20 Women’s World Championships Qualifying
Tournament, Thailand
Photo: Unknown
Lisa de Vanna*
Adam Corrigan
Pam produced some medal-winning shots at the 2006 Commonwealth
Games in Melbourne to take a silver medal in the 25m air pistol pairs
and bronze in the 25m air pistol singles.
Amy Ash
Claire McLean
Paralympic World Cup, Manchester,
Guilia Nova International, Italy
Paralympic World Cup, Manchester,
Guilia Nova International, Italy
Paralympic World Cup, Manchester,
Guilia Nova International, Italy
Paralympic World Cup, Manchester,
China Open, Ghanzhou, China
Chinese Taipei Open, Taiwan, Chinese Taipei
Swiss Open, Basel, Switzerland
German Open, Mulheim an der Ruhr, Germany
Thomas Cup, Auckland, New Zealand
Emmanuel Fernando* 2005 Memorial Boxing Tournament, Debrecen,
2006 Commonwealth Games, Melbourne, Australia
2005 Australia vs Croatia, Melbourne, Australia
2006 FITA World Cup, Porec, Croatia
2006 FITA World Cup, Antalya, Turkey
Grant Boxall
Boyd Cooper
2005 World University Games, Izmir, Turkey
2006 Pacific Alliance Championships, Honolulu, USA
Tina Morgan
She continued her impressive Commonwealth Games lead-up at the
Australia Cup One in Sydney in January, finishing fourth in the 25m
women’s sport final and third in the 10m air final.
2005 World Cup 1, Athens, Greece
2005 World Cup 2, Augsberg, Germany
2005 World Cup 3, La Seu d’Urgell, Spain
2005 World Championships, Penrith, Australia
2006 World Cup 1, Athens, Greece
2006 World Cup 2, Augsberg, Germany
2006 World Cup 3, La Seu d’Urgell, Spain
2005 World Cup 1, Athens, Greece
2005 World Cup 2, Augsberg, Germany
2005 World Cup 3, La Seu d’Urgell, Spain
2005 World Championships, Penrith, Australia
2006 World Cup 1, Athens, Greece
2006 World Cup 2, Augsberg, Germany
2006 World Cup 3, La Seu d’Urgell, Spain
2005 Pre-Junior World Championships,
Solkan, Slovenia
In November, Pam won bronze in the women’s 25m pistol individual and
contributed to Australia’s gold medal in the teams’ event at the Oceania
Championships in Brisbane.
She ended the year with a strong performance at the ISSF World Cup in
Munich in June. Competing in the women’s 25m air pistol, Pam finished
10th in a field of 97, the highest-placed Australian.
Robin Bell*
Robyn Van Nus
Cameron Sutton
2006 Australian Women’s Recurve Target Champion
2006 Australian Women’s Recurve Field Champion
2006 Australian Women’s All-Round Champion
2006 Australian Open Air Rifle Champion
Australian Junior Male <51kg Champion
Australian Male <54kg Champion
Australian Female 63-67kg Champion
Belgium Open Female 59-63kg Champion
Clayton Fredericks 2005 World Cup 3-day Eventing Champion
Martin Jozwiak
Peter Robertson
2006 Australian Gymnastics Championships,
Under 18 Rings, Vault, High Bar, Sydney, Australia
2005 Triathlon Olympic Distance World Champion
Robin Bell
Robin Jeffery
Nicole Callisto
Travis Denney
Boyd Cooper
Jane Armstrong
Claire McLean
2006 C1 World Champion
2006 Australian C1 Champion
2006 22 years Australian C1 Champion
2005 BMX World Junior Champion
2005 New Zealand Open Men’s Doubles Champion
2005 New Zealand Open Mixed Doubles Champion
2005 New Zealand Open Men’s Doubles Champion
2005 European Championship (World Record) LC3
3000m Individual Pursuit
2006 Australian Champion (World Record) LC3 500m
Time Trial
2006 Australian Champion LC3 3000m Individual
2006 Australian Champion LC1 500m Time Trial
2006 Australian Champion LC1 3000m Individual
and annual report
Lyn Foreman
Alex Parnov
It has been a year of “personal bests” for many athletes in the WAIS
Athletics Program.
Their outstanding contribution to Australia’s
Melbourne Commonwealth Games success was a highlight but many
reached new heights – and lengths – at other meets during the year.
The international season started with World Championships events,
where WAIS competitors made their marks in history.
Pole vaulter Vicky Parnov (15) was the youngest ever Australian
representative at the IAAF World Youth Athletics Championships in
Morocco in July 2005. She placed fourth in the final, clearing 4.10m
– the highest vault by an Australian female at any world underage
John Steffensen and Kylie Wheeler performed well at the 2005 World
Championships in Helsinki in August. John, an Athens Olympic silver
medallist, made his mark in Australian Athletics history, becoming
just the second ever Australian to reach the men’s 400m final at a
World Championships where he placed 8th. Kylie placed 15th in the
heptathlon with a score of 5919 points, the fourth best performance by
an Australian at a World Championships. Pole vaulter Paul Burgess was
forced to withdraw from the team because of injury.
Kym Howe
Head Coach
Senior Coach
Individual Scholarship Holders
best performer at the National Under-20 and Under-23 Athletics
Championships in Adelaide in March. The 18-year-old won the long
jump with a personal best jump and finished third in the Under 20
100m hurdles. Wally Meekins finished first in the Under 20 triple jump
and Rachel Birtles was second in the pole vault.
In May, Ebony Cope (Heptathlon) and Warwick Cregan (110 Hurdles)
both toured China as members of the Australia Development Team.
The year culminated with three WAIS athletes qualifying for the
Australian team for the IAAF World Junior Athletics Championships in
China in August. Pole vaulter Vicky Parnov, heptathlete Megan Wheatley
and 400m hurdler Felipe De Castro Cruz have made the team. Pole
vaulter Matei Tzvetanov has also been named but must achieve another
qualifying performance to confirm his selection.
John Steffensen ended his outstanding 2005/2006 season by being
named Athletic Australia’s Emerging Athlete of the Year.
Strong early season performances included Kim Mickle improving on
her previous best javelin throw by 43cm and high jumper Ellen Pettitt’s
personal best of 1.90m at an inter-club competition at Perry Lakes
Stadium. Ellen’s jump was a Commonwealth Games ‘A’ Qualifier and 4cm
higher than her previous best.
Aleisha Anderson
Warwick Cregan
Oliver Dziubak
Steve Hooker
Michael McCagh**
Ben Offereins
Ellen Pettitt
Eric Surjan**
Miranda Tiong
Matei Tzvetanov
Megan Wheatley
Elite Squad Members
Paul Burgess
Felipe De Castro Cruz
Steve Hooker
Kim Mickle
Ben Offereins
Ellen Pettitt
John Steffensen
Matei Tzvetanov
Megan Wheatley
Rachel Birtles
Christopher Johnson
Wally Meekins
Andrew Storer
Miranda Tiong
Matei Tzvetanov
Gilman Barnitt
Martin FitzSimons
Brian Glencross
Carmel Goodman
Andrew Lyttle
Heather McGregor-Bayne
Heather McGregor-Bayne
Greg Morgan
Chris Perkin
Ted Polglaze
Jocelyn Young
Kym Howe had an impressive start to the year with a record-breaking
win in the women’s pole vault at the Telstra A-Series in Canberra. She
cleared 4.61m to set new Commonwealth and meet records.
Other standout performances at the series included javelin thrower
Oliver Dziubak, who threw his season’s best and second-best career
throw of 80.62m to easily clear the rest of the men’s field and Chris
Troode, who placed third in the men’s 400m with a personal best time
of 45.42 seconds.
Major Title Winners
Paul Burgess
The Australian Athletics Championships in Sydney at the start of
February doubled as the Commonwealth Games trials. Ten WAIS athletes
were selected in the Australian team and all achieved at least one
Commonwealth Games ‘A’ qualifier. These athletes were part of WAIS’
most successful contribution to a Commonwealth Games.
Oliver Dziubak
Kym Howe
Kimberley Mickle
At the Games John Steffensen won two gold medals, an individual gold
in the men’s 400m in a personal best time (44.73 s) and as part of the
team with Chris Troode in the 4x400m relay.
Ellen Pettitt
John Steffensen
Kym Howe broke her own Commonwealth record to win gold in the
women’s pole vault, clearing 4.62m. Vicky Parnov cleared 4.25m to
finish sixth. She was the youngest athlete in the Australian team and
the second youngest to compete in athletics at the Games.
Australian Representatives
Photo: Getty Images
Lauren Shelley
John Steffensen
Kylie Wheeler
Coaching Achievements
Lyn Foreman
Alex Parnov
2006 Australian Athletic Championships
Pole Vault, Sydney, Australia
2006 Donesk - Indoor Pole Vault,
Donesk, Ukraine
2006 Osaka GP Pole Vault, Osaka, Japan
2006 Australian Athletic Championships
Javelin, Sydney, Australia
2006 Commonwealth Games
Pole Vault, Melbourne, Australia
2006 Australian Athletic Championships
Javelin, Sydney, Australia
2006 Australian Athletic Championships
High Jump, Sydney, Australia
2006 Australian Athletic Championships
400m, Sydney, Australia
2006 Commonwealth Games 400m,
Melbourne, Australia
2006 Commonwealth Games 4x400 Relay,
Melbourne, Australia
2006 Commonwealth Games 4x400 Relay,
Melbourne, Australia
2006 Australian Athletic Championships
Heptathlon, Sydney, Australia
Oliver Dziubak won bronze in the men’s javelin and Kim Mickle,
competing in her first senior national team just missed a podium finish
in the women’s javelin, throwing 58.18m to take fourth place. Lauren
Shelley placed eighth in the women’s marathon; Ellen Pettit came sixth
in the high jump and pole vaulter Paul Burgess, who had battled a calf
injury in the weeks before the event, managed to compete but did not
clear a height.
WAIS Development Squad athlete Megan Wheatley was the Institute’s
Ebony Cope
Warwick Cregan
Oliver Dziubak
Ellen Pettitt
Strength & Conditioning
Program Consultant
ACE Coordinator
Strength & Conditioning
Chris Troode
Paul Burgess
Vicky Parnov
Ebony Cope
Michael Leask
Brittany Pettitt
Zoe Timmers
Steve Tucker
Megan Wheatley
Kylie Wheeler achieved a personal best 6298 points to win silver in
the heptathlon. It was her second consecutive Commonwealth Games
heptathlon silver. Kylie was also given the honour of being the Athletics
Team’s female captain.
Kylie Wheeler
Kimberley Mickle
Chris Troode
Warwick Cregan
Oliver Dziubak
Kym Howe
Nicole Mladenis
Vicky Parnov
Lauren Shelley
Chris Troode
Luke Vedelago
Kylie Wheeler
Development Squad Members
Service Providers
The count-down for the Commonwealth Games began in earnest in
Paul Burgess
Felipe De Castro Cruz
Pippa Hendon
Kym Howe
Kim Mickle
Vicky Parnov
Lauren Shelley
John Steffensen
Chris Troode
Luke Vedelago
Kylie Wheeler
2006 Commonwealth Games Pole Vault,
Melbourne, Australia
2006 Australian Development Team, China
2006 Australian Development Team, China
2006 Commonwealth Games Javelin,
Melbourne, Australia
Photo: Getty Images
2006 Commonwealth Games Pole Vault,
Melbourne, Australia
2006 Osaka GP Pole Vault, Osaka, Japan
2006 Doha GP Pole Vault, Doha, Qatar
2006 Commonwealth Games Javelin,
Melbourne, Australia
2006 Commonwealth Games Pole Vault,
Melbourne, Australia
2006 Commonwealth Games High Jump,
Melbourne, Australia
2006 Commonwealth Games Marathon,
Melbourne, Australia
2005 IAAF World Championships
400m, Helsinki, Finland
2006 Commonwealth Games 4x400 Relay,
Melbourne, Australia
2006 Commonwealth Games 400m,
Melbourne, Australia
2006 Commonwealth Games 4x400 Relay,
Melbourne, Australia
2005 IAAF World Championships 2005
Heptathalon, Helsinki, Finland
2006 Commonwealth Games
Heptathalon, Melbourne, Australia
Assistant Coach Combined Events,
Hurdles & Relays, 2006 Commonwealth
Games, Australia
Assistant Coach Pole Vault & Jumps,
2006 Commonwealth Games Australia
and annual report
The Perth Heat competed in the Claxton Shield in Sydney in late
January, where it finished fourth after being knocked out by eventual
winners Queensland.
WAIS Baseball Coach Don Kyle was assistant coach of the WA team that
included Kent Dixon, Allan De San Miguel, Lachlan Dale, Luke Hughes,
Dean White, Tim Kennelly, Mitch Graham, Scott Mitchinson, Mark
Kelly, Brendan Wise and Dylan Peacock. Scott and Brendan pitched
the first six innings of the semi-final, conceding only two runs to the
powerful Queensland line-up.
The Perth Heat followed that tournament with matches against the
Chinese Taipei National Team in February. Chinese Taipei then played
the Australian Senior Baseball Team in an eight-match series in Perth
and Victoria.
In an initial three-match series in Perth, the Australians – with Allan de
San Miguel, Luke Hughes, Mark Kelly, Lachlan Dale, Tim Kennelly, Scott
Mitchinson, Dean White and Brendan Wise – defeated Chinese Taipei
2-1. Luke and Dean travelled to Victoria with the team, where Australia
lost the remaining matches 2-3, bringing the overall score to a 4-4
draw. Luke continued with the Australian Team to the World Baseball
Classic in the United States in March.
Back on the local scene, Liam Hendricks, Daniel Schmidt, Liam Baron,
Chris House and Adam Courcha were part of the National Under-19
(AAA) Team that beat New Zealand in a qualification series on the
Gold Coast in April. As the winner of the five-game play-off, Australia
became eligible for the AAA Baseball World Championships in Cuba in
The future of the WAIS Baseball Program is bright, with seven young
WAIS players part of the runner-up WA squad in the Schoolboys National
Baseball Championships in Adelaide in May. WA narrowly lost to NSW
(4-5) in the final. The 17-person WA squad included WAIS players Dean
Brendon, Jason Fisch, Liam Hendriks, Chris House, Cameron Lamb,
Chris Lofthouse and Christian Wise. At the end of each match a “most
valuable player” was chosen for each team and WAIS recipients were
Jason, Cameron, Christian, Liam and Dean (grand final). Dean and Liam
were named in the All Star Team and Liam won the Golden Arm award as
the best pitcher at the tournament.
To finish the outstanding year, WAIS Development Squad members
Christian Wise, Dean Brendon, Corey Adamson and Jake White were
chosen for the 18-man AA Team to play in the World Boy’s Tournament
in Japan in August.
Photo: Getty Images
For the first time since the 2000 Olympics, WAIS players were chosen
for a major national team. Aaron McKenzie, Luke Hughes and Dean
White competed at the World Cup in the Netherlands in September. The
Australian team finished fifth in its pool in the 18-team competition
but the international experience was valuable for the WAIS trio.
During the season, Elite Squad players Matthew Kennelly, Daniel
Schmidt and Chris House signed professional contracts. Matthew
will join the Atlanta Braves, after also receiving an offer from the
Philadelphia Phillies where his brother Tim plays. Daniel, a pitcher, and
Chris, a catcher, signed with the Philadelphia Phillies and the Toronto
Blue Jays respectively.
WAIS now has 14 athletes playing Minor League Baseball with
professional baseball clubs in the United States. They return each year
from around September to March to work within the program and be
available for State and National commitments.
WAIS had a strong representation in national teams this year.
Adam Courcha, Matthew Sibley and Daniel Schmidt were the three
players selected from four eligible for the AAA Under-19 National Team
Head Coach
Lachlan Dale
Kent Dixon
Chris House
Mark Kelly
Tim Kennelly
Scott Mitchinson
Ben Rowe
Dean White
Allan De San Miguel
Mitchell Graham
Luke Hughes
Matthew Kennelly
Aaron MacKenzie
Dylan Peacock
Daniel Schmidt
Brendan Wise
Elite Squad Members
The WAIS Baseball Squad has had an exciting year, with players breaking
a five-year major national team selection drought and others signing
to professional clubs.
Don Kyle
for the Asian Championships in Taiwan in August. The same month,
Chris House, Matthew Kennelly and Jason Smit made the AA Under-17
National Team that won a bronze medal at the AA World Championships
in Mexico. Liam Hendricks was selected but was unable to travel
because of an injury.
In January, WAIS players were among the star performers in WA’s win in
the AAA (Under-18) National Youth Baseball Championships. The team
went through the Championships in Victoria undefeated and became
Australian Champions for only the second time in 52 years. Infielder
Jason Smit led WA offensively, with a batting average of 0.421, with
sixteen hits from 38 bats – three doubles, one triple, one home run and
ten runs batted in. WAIS pitchers Liam Baron and Daniel Schmidt each
threw three winning games, while Liam Hendricks closed out five of the
ten games without conceding an earned run. Adam Courcha, Matthew
Sibley, Allan De San Miguel, Matthew Kennelly and Chris House also
This season, the high profile Perth Heat team was resurrected and 11
of WAIS’s 12 Elite Squad players made the cut. The only omission was
Aaron McKenzie, who is playing in the USA. Four of WAIS’s younger
Development Squad athletes were also named in the initial squad. The
Australian Baseball League, and with it the Heat, had folded about
seven years ago.
Development Squad Members
Corey Adamson
Dean Brendon
Nathan Driessen
Liam Hendriks
Matthew Kennelly
Chris Lofthouse
Daniel Schmidt
Jason Smit
Mitchell Williams
Service Providers
Helen Baron-Hay
Matthew Burgin
Carmel Goodman
Craig Hewson
Greg Morgan
Ted Polglaze
Angelique Wilson
Liam Baron
Adam Courcha
Jason Fisch
Chris House
Cameron Lamb
Warwick Saupold
Matthew Sibley
Jake White
Christian Wise
Program Consultant
Strength & Conditioning
ACE Coordinator
Major Title Winners
Liam Baron
Adam Courcha
Allan De San Miguel
Liam Hendriks
Chris House
Matthew Kennelly
Daniel Schmidt
Matthew Sibley
Jason Smit
2006 U18 AAA National Youth
Championships, Melbourne, Victoria
2006 U18 AAA National Youth
Championships, Melbourne, Victoria
2006 U18 AAA National Youth
Championships, Melbourne, Victoria
2006 U18 AAA National Youth
Championships, Melbourne, Victoria
2006 U18 AAA National Youth
Championships, Melbourne, Victoria
2006 U18 AAA National Youth
Championships, Melbourne, Victoria
2006 U18 AAA National Youth
Championships, Melbourne, Victoria
2006 U18 AAA National Youth
Championships, Melbourne, Victoria
2006 U18 AAA National Youth
Championships, Melbourne, Victoria
Australian Representatives
Adam Courcha
Lachlan Dale
Allan De San Miguel
Chris House
Luke Hughes
Mark Kelly
Matthew Kennelly
Tim Kennelly
Aaron MacKenzie
Scott Mitchinson
Daniel Schmidt
Matthew Sibley
Jason Smit
Dean White
Brendan Wise
2005 U19 AAA World Championships,
2006 Australia v Chinese Taipei,
Perth, Australia
2006 Australia v Chinese Taipei,
Perth, Australia
2005 U17 AA World Championships,
2005 Baseball World Cup, Amsterdam,
2006 Australia v Chinese Taipei,
Perth, Australia
2006 Australia v Chinese Taipei,
Melbourne, Australia
2006 World Baseball Classic,
Florida, USA
2006 Australia v Chinese Taipei,
Perth, Australia
2005 U17 AA World Championships,
2006 Australia v Chinese Taipei,
Perth, Australia
2005 Baseball World Cup, Amsterdam,
2006 Australia v Chinese Taipei,
Perth, Australia
2005 U19 AAA World Championships,
2005 U19 AAA World Championships,
2005 U17 AA World Championships,
2005 Baseball World Cup, Amsterdam,
2006 Australia v Chinese Taipei,
Perth, Australia
2006 Australia v Chinese Taipei,
Melbourne, Australia
2006 Australia v Chinese Taipei,
Perth, Australia
and annual report
Performances by the WAIS Canoe Flatwater Squad exceeded expectations
this year, with Development Squad paddlers joining Elite Squad
representatives in national teams.
Kate Forgione (WAIS/AIS) started her year overseas, competing at the
2005 World Championships in Croatia in August. Her crew finished a
credible sixth in the final of the K4 1000m.
Development Squad paddler Simon Roll was selected in his first
Australian Team for the World Marathon Championships in Perth in
October. Simon finished a respectable 20th in the men’s K1 event, in
what was regarded as one of the most competitive marathon fields ever
Athens Olympian Lisa Oldenhof (WAIS/AIS) created WAIS history with
her exceptional performance at the first Grand Prix of the season in
January. She won the women’s K1 500m race by three seconds, her first
K1 victory at that level. Her result was also a significant achievement
for WAIS. Although WAIS athletes had won races in crew boats and in
non-Olympic K1 events over the years, it was the first time a WAIS
athlete had won a K1 race in an Olympic event at either a Grand Prix or
National Championships. Lisa was also a member of the winning crews
in the K2 1000m and the K4 500m events.
At the WA State Championships in February, Jesse Phillips had a
spectacular, six gold medal-winning performance. Lisa won three gold
medals at the event.
The second National Grand Prix in February featured more outstanding
performances by WAIS paddlers. Lisa paddled in boats that won the
K2 500m, K2 1000m and the K4 500m and she finished fifth in the K1
500m. Kate Forgione paddled an exceptional K2 500m race with her
partner to finish second. Kate was also second, with her crew mates,
in the K2 1000m and third in the K4 500m. Men’s Elite Squad members
produced some personal best results at the event. Lee Davey and Jesse
Phillips finished fifth in the K2 500m – their best result yet. Jesse had
his best K1 result, placing fifth in the K1 500m B Final, and recorded a
personal best time in coming second in the Under-20 K1 500m. Reece
Baker also recorded his best K1 result by finishing third in the B final of
the K1 500m. Michael Baker showed his potential over longer distances
by winning the Under-20 K1 1000m.
There were also encouraging performances in the junior events, with
preparatory squad athletes Tom Herrera and Joe Berry winning the
Under-18 K4 1000m with their crew mates. Tom and Joe then paddled a
great race to finish fourth in the Under-18 K2 500m. Melanie Schorer
and Eleanor Grinceri who are both still eligible for the Under-16
category finished third in the Under-18 K2 500m and fourth in the
Under-18 K2 1000m. In the Under-16 K1 1000m, they blitzed the field
to finish first and second, with Eleanor the victor.
Most WAIS athletes produced personal best times and results at the
2006 National Championships in March. Lisa continued her outstanding
achievements by finishing second in the women’s K1 500m final, her
best K1 result at a national championships and followed up with wins,
with partner/s in the K 2 500m, K2 1000m and K4 500m all in world
class times. This result contributed to her selection for the European
World Cup tour. Kate Forgione and partner won bronze in the K2 500m
and produced her best result in the K1 200m to win bronze. She also
took home silvers in the K4 500m and K2 1000m. Reece Baker achieved
personal best times and his best placings in the K1 1000m and K1
500m, finishing first and second in the respective B finals. With those
results, he effectively had a nationally ranking of 10 in both events
when visiting international paddlers were factored out; ensuring he
qualified for the July selection regatta for the Under-23 team for World
Cup 3. Jesse Phillips and Lee Davey also qualified for the selection
regatta after placing fifth (fourth Australian) in the final of the K2
500m. The pair improved their previous personal best by about two
seconds and beat opposition that included multiple world and Olympic
medallist Daniel Collins (NSW).
Lisa also had a successful international campaign. She won gold and
silver in the first World Cup in Poland in May; comfortably winning the
K2 1000m and placing second in the Olympic-distance K2 500m race.
Lisa paddled competitively in her remaining overseas competitions,
with results including a seventh in the Veolia Champions Cup, a series
of 200m regattas.
Ramon Andersson
Head Coach
Individual Scholarship Holders
Reece Baker
Kate Forgione*
Jesse Phillips
Lee Davey
Lisa Oldenhof*
Reece Baker
Kate Forgione
Jesse Phillips
Lee Davey
Lisa Oldenhof
Elite Squad Members
Development Squad Members
Brody Baker
Michael Baker
Jenni Bateman
Benjamin Mercer
Simon Roll
Tyrel Stedman
Service Providers
Brendyn Appleby
Gilman Barnitt
Matthew Burgin
Carmel Goodman
Andrew Hayden
Andrew Lyttle
Ted Polglaze
Brett Slocombe
Peter Steele
Duncan Sullivan
Lucy Warhurst
Angelique Wilson
Major Title Winners
Lisa Oldenhof
Strength & Conditioning
Strength & Conditioning
Program Consultant
ACE Coordinator
2006 National Flatwater Canoe/Kayak
Championships K4 500, Sydney, Australia
2006 National Flatwater Canoe/Kayak
Championships K2 1000, Sydney,
2006 National Flatwater Canoe/Kayak
Championships K2 500, Sydney, Australia
2006 World Cup 1 K2 1000, Poznan,
Australian Representatives
Kate Forgione
Lisa Oldenhof
Simon Roll
2005 World Championships K2 1000,
Zagreb, Croatia
2006 World Cup 1 K2 1000, Poznan,
2006 World Cup 1 K2 500, Poznan, Poland
2006 World Cup 2 K2 50,0 Duisburg,
2005 World Marathon Championships
K1 Slalom, Perth, Australia
Photo: Getty Images
and annual report
Ryan continued his domination in international cycling, winning
the keirin and the sprint at the Melbourne Commonwealth Games to
successfully defend his titles from the Manchester Commonwealth
Games. Ryan was also part of the bronze medal-winning team sprint.
Peter was also on the 33-member Australian Cycling Team and won
silver in the 4000m team pursuit.
Cameron Meyer
As members of the Cyclones, Peter and Ryan won medals at the 2006
World Track Championships in France in April. Peter won gold in the
team’s pursuit event, while Ryan won bronze in the team sprint. Peter
then travelled to Italy to ride with road team South Australia.comAIS.
The future of the cycling program looks bright, with WAIS achieving
its highest ever representation for junior world championship teams.
Cameron Meyer and Josie Tomic will compete in the World Junior Road
Championships, after qualifying from the two junior road selection
events in Canberra in April and Mooball, NSW in May. Cameron and Josie
both had two time trial wins and two road race wins each. Also at these
high profile selection events, Travis Meyer had two second placings and
Michael Fitzgerald had a third and a fifth road race placing. Cameron,
brother Travis, Josephine Butler and Scott Sunderland will compete
in the World Junior Track Championships. Both competitions are in
Belgium in August. WAIS head cycling coach Darryl Benson has again
been selected as national junior sprint coach.
Darryl Benson
Travis Meyer
Douglas Repacholi
Scott Sunderland
Head Coach
Individual Scholarship Holders
Kristine Bayley
Peter Dawson*
Cameron Meyer
Elite Squad Members
Kristine Bayley
Peter Dawson
Cameron Meyer
WAIS’ gold medal-winning Olympians Ryan Bayley (WAIS/AIS) and
Peter Dawson (WAIS/AIS) returned to top form this year but it was the
achievements of the younger athletes that created excitement for the
future of the WAIS Cycling Program. A record number of WAIS athletes
were chosen for junior world championships teams.
Scott Sunderland and Cameron Meyer achieved outstanding results
at the UCI 2005 Junior World Track Championships in August, winning
four medals between them for Australia. Scott, competing as a first
year junior, won bronze medals in the team sprint, then the 1000m time
trial, improving on his previous best time by more than 1.4 secs. Scott
also achieved a fourth position in the individual sprint. Cameron won
bronze medals in the Madison and the team pursuit.
Cameron then competed in the World Junior Road Championships. He
finished an impressive seventh out of 65 riders in the 23.5km time trial
and 72nd out of 171 riders in the gruelling 126km road race, including
64 who did not finish.
In other overseas competitions, Kristine Bayley finished third in the
2005 Hanover Grand Prix in Germany in August. She followed that with
her first win at the Dudenhofen Grand Prix in the sprint event and third
in the keirin.
Back in Australia, WAIS athletes performed outstandingly at the National
Road Championships in Queensland in September. Peter Dawson won the
senior men’s criterium championship for the third time, while Cameron
Meyer won the junior under-19 men’s time trial championship. Adam
O’Connor finished an unlucky fourth in the junior men’s under-19 road
race, after setting up the winning breakaway of four. His frame broke
with 500m to go, leaving him unable to contest the four-man sprint to
the line. Travis Meyer finished second in the under-17 individual road
time trial. Josie Tomic had a successful event, winning the under-17
women’s time trial and teams time trial, coming second in the criterium
and third in the road race. Rebecca MacPherson came second in the
under-17 teams time trial, with WAIS Talent Search athlete Camille
Ryan Bayley*
Hayley Brown (nee Rutherford)
Scott Sunderland
Josephine Tomic
Ryan Bayley
Hayley Brown (nee Rutherford)
Scott Sunderland
Australian Representatives
Development Squad Members
Photo: Adrian Broughton
Peter Dawson helped Australia win gold in the team pursuit in the
opening round of the UCI 2005 Track World Cup Classic in Moscow in
November. Kristine Bayley was in Australia’s three-member sprint group,
finishing sixth in the women’s sprint and ninth in the keirin.
Travis Meyer created history at the Tasmanian Christmas Carnival,
becoming the first Western Australian to win the prestigious Launceston
Wheelrace. Fellow under-19 cyclists Cameron Meyer, Duane Johansen
and Scott Sunderland also performed well among the international open
WAIS athletes won 23 of WA’s 25 medals at the 2006 Australian Senior,
Junior and Multi-Disability Track Championships in Adelaide in February.
It was WA’s best ever result at these championships. Highlights included
Kristine Bayley winning her first national senior title in the women’s
500m sprint, defeating dual Manchester Commonwealth Games champion
Kerrie Meares. Kristine won bronze in the women’s team sprint with
Preparatory Squad rider Sophie Cape. Ryan Bayley finished third in the
men’s sprint and Peter Dawson won silver in the men’s individual 4km
pursuit. In the junior under-19 division, Cameron Meyer won the four
gold medals and one silver in addition to the Ride of the Series Award
and Scott Sunderland won three gold medals and a bronze. Josephine
Butler won silver in the women’s 500m time trial, the keirin and sprint,
while Josie Tomic won silver in the points score and scratch race and
also bronze in the women’s individual pursuit.
WA won the junior men’s team sprint with Scott Sunderland, Jason
Holloway and Duane Johansen and also won the teams pursuit title
with Cameron Meyer, Travis Meyer, Duane Johansen and Doug Repacholi.
Both titles were won with Australian junior records.
As a member of the Australian Cycling Team the Cyclones, Kristine
came agonisingly close to a medal at World Track Cup 4 in Sydney in
March. She missed a bronze in the 500m time trial by a minuscule twothousandth of a second. However, Kristine has had a remarkable season,
being selected for three of the four world cups; compared with only one
of the four in each of the past three years.
Josephine Butler
Duane Johansen
Travis Meyer
Byron Page
Service Providers
Matthew Burgin
Brian Glencross
Carmel Goodman
Deborah Kerr
Andrew Lyttle
Greg Morgan
Ted Polglaze
Angelique Wilson
Jocelyn Young
Major Title Winners
Kristine Bayley
Ryan Bayley
Peter Dawson
Jason Holloway
Duane Johansen
2005 National U19 Road Championships
Individual Time Trial, Queensland,
2006 Australian U19 Track
Championships Team Pursuit, Adelaide,
2006 Australian U19 Track
Championships Individual Pursuit
3000m, Adelaide, Australia
2006 Australian U19 Track
Championships Madison, Adelaide,
2006 Australian U19 Track
Championships Points Race, Adelaide,
2006 Australian U19 Track
Championships Madison, Adelaide,
2006 Australian U19 Track
Championships Team Pursuit, Adelaide,
2006 Australian U19 Track
Championships Team Pursuit, Adelaide,
2006 Australian U19 Track
Championships Men’s Sprint, Adelaide,
2006 Australian U19 Track
Championships Team Sprint, Adelaide,
2006 Australian U19 Track
Championships 1000m TT, Adelaide,
2005 National U17 Road Championships
Individual Time Trial, Queensland,
2005 National U17 Road Championships
Team Time Trial, Queensland, Australia
Michael Fitzgerald
Rebecca MacPherson
Adam O’Connor
Josephine Tomic
Program Consultant
Strength & Conditioning
ACE Coordinator
2006 Australian Senior Track
Championships Women’s 500m TT,
Adelaide, Australia
2006 Commonwealth Games Men’s Sprint,
Melbourne, Australia
2006 Commonwealth Games Men’s Keirin,
Melbourne, Australia
2005 National Road Championships
Criterium, Queensland, Australia
2006 Track Cycling World Championships
Team Pursuit, Bordeaux, France
2006 Australian U19 Track
Championships Team Sprint, Adelaide,
2006 Australian U19 Track
Championships Team Sprint, Adelaide,
2006 Australian U19 Track
Championships Team Pursuit, Adelaide,
Kristine Bayley
Ryan Bayley
Peter Dawson
Cameron Meyer
Scott Sunderland
Coaching Achievements
Darryl Benson
2006 World Cup - Sydney Women’s
Sprint, Sydney, Australia
2006 World Cup - Sydney Women’s 500m
TT, Sydney, Australia
2006 World Cup - Sydney Women’s
Keirin, Sydney, Australia
2006 Commonwealth Games Men’s Sprint,
Melbourne, Australia
2006 Commonwealth Games Men’s Keirin,
Melbourne, Australia
2006 Commonwealth Games Team Sprint,
Melbourne, Australia
2006 Track Cycling World Championships
Team Sprint, Bordeaux, France
2006 Commonwealth Games Road Race,
Melbourne, Australia
2006 Commonwealth Games Points Race,
Melbourne, Australia
2006 Commonwealth Games Individual
Pursuit 4000m, Melbourne, Australia
2006 Commonwealth Games Team
Pursuit, Melbourne, Australia
2006 Track Cycling World Championships
Team Pursuit, Bordeaux, France
2005 World Junior Road Championships
Road Race, Vienna, Austria
2005 World Junior Road Championships
23.5km Time Trial, Vienna, Austria
2005 World Junior Track Championships
Team Pursuit, Vienna, Austria
2005 World Junior Track Championships
Madison, Vienna, Austria
2005 World Junior Track Championships
Team Sprint, Vienna, Austria
2005 World Junior Track Championships
1000m TT, Vienna, Austria
2005 World Junior Track Championships
Men’s Sprint, Vienna, Austria
Head Coach 2005 World Junior Track
and annual report
In late 2005 WAIS Gymnastics farewelled Allana Slater, who retired
after being a member of the programme for 15 years (1990 to 2005),
becoming the most decorated gymnast ever in Australia during that
time. She competed in a remarkable 43 international events including
two Olympic Games, two Commonwealth Games and four World
Championships, and won more than 40 international medals. Her
career highlights included being captain of the team which won the
bronze medal at the 2003 World Championships and winning three
Commonwealth Games gold, four silver and one bronze.
Despite Allana’s absence, WAIS gymnasts still made some outstanding
achievements in international competition during the year.
In July, at the Australia v China Apparatus Challenge, Daria (Dasha)
Joura (WAIS/AIS) scored 9.750 on Floor to win the gold medal against
Athens Olympic Games finalist, Cheng Fei from China. Dasha also added
a second gold medal to her tally, this time on Beam, as well as taking
the bronze on Uneven Bars. In September, Dasha competed in the Japan
Junior International in Yokohama reaching three apparatus finals.
All Around final in the Senior International division, as well as winning
three gold medals – on the Floor, Beam and Vault – and a silver on the
Uneven Bars in the apparatus finals. Olivia Vivian took the gold medal
on the Uneven Bars, her pet event, making a clean sweep for WAIS.
Competing for the first time in the junior international division, Jade
Martin finished fourth in the All Around final. In the apparatus finals,
she won silver on the Vault.
WAIS newcomer Georgia Simpson had a gold rush in the International
Level 8 division, winning the All Around final, the Vault, Beam and
Floor; with a silver medal on the Uneven Bars. Ashley Cooney, also
competing in international Level 8, won silver on the Vault.
Young WAIS gymnasts performed well under pressure to finish second
in the International Level 6 Team final, only 1.75 points behind
In the individual competition, Jessica Thompson finished with a silver
on the Floor.
Olivia Vivian, in her senior international debut, represented Australia
in November at the 2005 World Championships which were hosted by
Gymnastics Australia in Melbourne. Olivia competed on Uneven Bars,
and with a superb routine in the qualification round, placed 13th with
a score of 9.312 - missing out on the final by only 0.088 points.
Liz Chetkovich
Nikolai Lapchine
Martine George
Vladimir Joura
Dhana Antulov
Carly Brockis
Heidi Rose
Salli Wills
Tatiana Lapchina
Coaching Achievements
Martine George
Individual Scholarship Holders
Daria (Dasha) Joura *
Olivia Vivian
Elite Squad Members
Shannae Brydon
Kiara Isard
Jade Martin
Lauren Mitchell*
Nikolai Lapchine
Joanne Bunney
Emily Little
Tain Molendijk
Development Squad Members
Alisha Abeliotis
Gabrielle Barham
Courtney Barnard
Julia Buri
Nikola Chung
Stephanie-Louise Collins Jul 05 - Oct 05
Ashley Cooney
Samarah Demarsonae
Karina Donatti
Coralee Evitt
Lauren Fane
Rae Gidley
Sally Hackett
Stine Helm
Sian Holtzman
Kate Langton Jul 05 - Mar 06
Serena Martin
Claire Mooney
Claire Newbury
Courtney Peoples
Claudia Perry Jul 05 - Jan 06 Emma Prunty
Rachel Purdy
Jamison Ruscoe
Emily Salotti
Georgia Simpson
Breanna Skinner
Kesley Smith
Jessica Thompson
Daniella Wasserman Jul 05 - Dec 05
Shanae Withers
With a new international judging system being introduced by the
Federation of International Gymnastics in January 2006, all gymnasts
were challenged to upgrade their routines to respond to the open ended
system which was put in place (with scores as high as 15.00 or more
now being possible).
Three WAIS gymnasts – Dasha Joura, Lauren Mitchell (WAIS/AIS)
and Olivia Vivian – were among the final 12 competing for Melbourne
Commonwealth Games selection, with Dasha in particular being highly
fancied to be selected. A disappointing trial left Dasha out of the
team, however the WAIS gymnasts did not let the Commonwealth
Games setbacks stop them from impressing on the world stage at other
Service Providers
Olivia Vivian competed in the Friendship Classic in Pennsylvania USA
in March, a prestigious annual invitational competition. She finished
fourth All Around with a score of 54.050 and third on the Uneven Bars
with a high score of 14.950.
Matthew Burgin
Deborah Kerr
Andrew Lyttle
Ken Maguire
Greg Morgan
Joanne Norcott
Claire Rechichi
Alison Slattery
Angelique Wilson
Dasha Joura also bounced back at the Pacific Alliance Championships in
Hawaii in April. She was part of the Australian Women’s Senior Team that
won a silver medal behind the strong USA team. Lauren Mitchell had
been named in the Junior Team but had to withdraw due to injury.
At the end of the year, Dasha Joura was in final preparation for her first
World Cup event in Shanghai, China
Major Title Winners
Throughout the year, WAIS gymnasts continued to benefit from
attendance at both national and international camps and clinics. The
WAIS Gymnastics Elite Squad spent two weeks in Russia in October
2005 and gained tremendously from training intensively at the famous
Dinamo Club in Moscow. They were also able to visit the national
gymnastics training centre in Krugloye to watch the Russian junior and
senior national teams in action. It was also an opportunity to meet up
with Andrei Rodionenko, who had been the WAIS head gymnastics coach
from 1991 to 1996, and now had returned home to be the Technical
Director for Artistic Gymnastics (Men and Women) for the Russian
Gymnastics Federation.
Olivia Vivian
Daria Joura
Georgia Simpson
As members of the 2005-2006 AIS/GA Olympic Squad, Dasha Joura and
Lauren Mitchell attended numbers of camps held regularly at the AIS.
These continued to be most beneficial. WAIS gymnastics included in
National Invitational camps were Olivia Vivian and Shannae Brydon,
with Kiara Isard, Tain Molendijk and Emily Little being invited to
participate in a camp in Canberra in December for gymnasts preparing
for the 2008 and 2012 Olympic cycles.
WAIS gymnasts performed outstandingly at the National Artistic
Gymnastics Championships in Sydney in May. Seventeen girls competed
with standout performances including Dasha Joura claiming gold in the
Olivia Vivian
Head of Gymnastics
Senior Coach
Senior Coach
Senior Coach
Development Coach
Development Coach
Development Coach
Coach / Choreographer
Strength & Conditioning
ACE Coordinator
2005 International Apparatus Challenge
Beam & Floor, Melbourne, Australia
2006 Australian Gymnastics
Championships Senior International All
Around, Vault Beam, Floor, Sydney,
2006 Australian Gymnastics
Championships Senior International
Uneven Bars, Sydney, Australia
2006 Australian Gymnastics
Championships International Level 8
All Around, Vault Beam, Floor,
Sydney, Australia
Australian Representatives
Daria Joura
Photo: Etsuko Ikeda
2005 Australia v China, Canberra,
2005 International Apparatus Challenge,
Melbourne, Australia
2005 Japan Junior International,
Yokohama, Japan
2006 Pacific Alliance Championships,
Honolulu, USA
Photo: Adrian Broughton
2005 World Championships,
Melbourne, Australia
2006 Friendship Classic, Pottsville, USA
Personal Coach 2005
Personal Coach 2005
Apparatus Challenge
Personal Coach 2005
Personal Coach 2005
Personal Coach 2006
Personal Coach 2006
Australia v China
Japan Junior
Friendship Classic
Pacific Alliance
and annual report
Hockey mens
In Jason Duff’s first full year as head coach of the WAIS Men’s
Hockey Program he continued to implement strategies to develop more
Australian representatives. These included a training and competition
tour to Malaysia for young WAIS players and a series in Perth against
Japan. WAIS hopes to add to its achievements of four players in the
Australian squad, three in the national development squad and three in
the national junior squad.
Jonathon Charlesworth, Ian Burcher and Fergus Kavanagh (WAIS/
AIS) were part of Australia’s Under-21 Men’s Hockey Team (Burras) that
finished second in the Men’s Rabo Junior World Cup in the Netherlands
in July. The Burras lost 2-1 to Argentina in the final. The loss took
the Australian Under-21 World Cup silver medal tally to three, with
similar losses in 1982 and 1989. Australia won its only Under-21 World
Cup in 1997. Jonathon’s future in the sport looks promising, with his
performance at the Cup earning him an invitation to a national senior
squad camp at the end of 2005.
The Australian Senior Men’s Hockey Team (Kookaburras), with
Bevan George (WAIS/AIS), Ben Bishop and Aaron Hopkins (WAIS/
AIS), finished second in the Men’s Rabobank Trophy in August. The
Kookaburras started slowly but improved during the tournament and
were defeated 4-3 by Pakistan in the final. Michael Boyce (WAIS/AIS)
had been selected for the Kookaburras’ European tour but was forced to
withdraw with an ankle injury.
The Kookaburras took on the might of the world in December at the
prestigious Champions Trophy, featuring the top six nations of the
world. Australia has won the tournament on seven occasions but had
not brought the trophy home since 1999 in Brisbane. Bevan George and
Aaron Hopkins were both instrumental in the demolition (3-1) of arch
rival Holland in the final.
Bevan and Aaron continued on the Kookaburras tour, playing in the
World Cup Qualifier in Fiji. The Australians beat New Zealand 5-1 to
qualify for the BDO World Cup in Germany in 2006.
WA won the 2005 Men’s Under-18 National Hockey Championships.
Tristan Clemons, Tom Edwards and Tyler Lovell were part of the WA
team that defeated Victoria 4-2 in the final.
In 2006, Michael Boyce returned to the Australian team. He joined
Bevan and Aaron in the Kookaburras team that won a five-match test
series against Spain in January; then won two games against Malaysia
in March.
Bevan and Aaron were then named in their second consecutive
Commonwealth Games team. The Kookaburras defended their perfect
gold record, having won both Commonwealth Games men’s hockey
tournaments in 1998 and 2002. Bevan was also in the team that won
gold at the Athens Olympics.
Jason Duff
Individual Scholarship Holders
Ben Bishop
Michael Boyce*
Ian Burcher
Brent Dancer*
Aaron Hopkins*
Jason Vuletich
Elite Squad Members
Ben Bishop
Michael Boyce
Ian Burcher
Brent Dancer
Richard Gibson
Andrew Jacobs Jul - Sep 05
Dean Pover
At the end of the year, WA finished an unlucky fourth in the Under-18
National Championships. WA had finished the minor rounds unbeaten
but was unable to take its winning form into the finals. Preparatory
Squad player’s Justin Knapp and Justin McDougall were standout
performers in the semi-final match.
Geoffrey Boyce
Steven Boyce
Jonathon Charlesworth
Bevan George, OAM*
Fergus Kavanagh*
Geoffrey Boyce
Steven Boyce
Jonathon Charlesworth
Bevan George, OAM
Aaron Hopkins
Fergus Kavanagh
Jason Vuletich
Development Squad Members
Lloyd Anderson
Tristan Clemons
Judd Dyer
Tom Edwards
Andrew Jacobs Oct 05 - Jun 06 Tyler Lovell
Leon Martin
Alistair Park
Andrew Smith
Cameron Tremayne
Chris Watkins
Daniel White
Service Providers
Martin FitzSimons
Geish Hori
Andrew Lyttle
Heather McGregor-Bayne
Matt Spencer
Peter Steele
Lucy Warhurst
Dean Whittington
Angelique Wilson
Michael Wood
Major Title Winners
Michael Boyce
Ian Burcher
Jonathon Charlesworth
Tom Edwards
Bevan George, OAM
WAIS players were in the Smokefree WA Thundersticks team that finished
fourth in the 2006 Australian Men’s Hockey League season. The team
improved during the season but many of the young players lacked finals
In May, Michael Boyce, Bevan George, Aaron Hopkins and Fergus
Kavanagh were awarded AIS men’s hockey scholarships based on their
strong performances in the first half of the year. Jason Vuletich and
Geoff Boyce were both selected in the Australian senior development
Head Coach
Aaron Hopkins
Fergus Kavanagh
Daniel White
Strength & Conditioning
Program Consultant
ACE Coordinator
2006 Spain Series, Melbourne, Australia
2006 Spain Series, Hobart, Australia
2005 Malaysia Series, Kuala Lumpur,
2005 Malaysia Series, Kuala Lumpur,
2005 U18 Nationals, Woollongong,
2005 World Cup Qualifier Suva, Fiji
2005 Champions Trophy, Chennai, India
2006 Spain Series, Melbourne, Australia
2006 Spain Series, Hobart, Australia
2006 Malaysia Series Perth, Australia
2006 Commonwealth Games
Melbourne, Australia
2005 World Cup Qualifier Suva, Fiji
2005 Champions Trophy, Chennai, India
2006 Spain Series, Melbourne, Australia
2006 Spain Series, Hobart, Australia
2006 Malaysia Series Perth, Australia
2006 Commonwealth Games,
Melbourne, Australia
2005 Malaysia Series, Kuala Lumpur,
2005 U18 Nationals, Woollongong,
Photo: Getty Images
Australian Representatives
Ben Bishop
Michael Boyce
Ian Burcher
Jonathon Charlesworth
Bevan George, OAM
2005 Rabo Bank Trophy, Amsterdam,
2006 Spain Series, Melbourne, Australia
2006 Spain Series, Hobart, Australia
2005 Malaysia Series, Kuala Lumpur,
2005 Junior World Cup 2005, Rotterdam,
2005 Malaysia Series, Kuala Lumpur,
2005 Junior World Cup 2005, Rotterdam,
2005 Rabo Bank Trophy, Amsterdam,
2005 World Cup Qualifier Suva, Fiji
2005 Champions Trophy, Chennai, India
2006 Spain Series, Melbourne, Australia
2006 Spain Series, Hobart, Australia
2006 Malaysia Series, Perth, Australia
2006 18th Commonwealth Games,
Melbourne, Australia
Aaron Hopkins
Fergus Kavanagh
Coaching Achievements
Jason Duff
2005 Rabo Bank Trophy, Amsterdam,
2005 World Cup Qualifier, Suva, Fiji
2005 Champions Trophy, Chennai, India
2006 Spain Series, Melbourne, Australia
2006 Spain Series, Hobart, Australia
2006 Malaysia Series, Perth, Australia
2006 Commonwealth Games, Melbourne,
2005 Malaysia Series, Kuala Lumpur,
2005 Junior World Cup 2005, Rotterdam,
Head Coach 2005 AIS Development Tour
Japan Test Series, Japan
Assistant Coach 2006 Azlan Shah Cup,
and annual report
Major Title Winners
Stephanie Andrews
Hockey womens
Fiona Boyce
Jemma Buckley
The WAIS Women’s Hockey Program has enjoyed a successful year, with
increased representation in national senior and junior teams.
Six of the nine WAIS players who competed in the National Under-21
Women’s Hockey Championships made the Australian team for the Junior
World Cup in Chile in September. Fiona Boyce, Kate Hubble, Rheannin
Kelly, Shelly Liddelow, Kobie McGurk (WAIS/AIS) and Jayde Taylor
(WAIS/AIS) made up an impressive third of the Jillaroos team and WAIS
women’s head hockey coach Neil Hawgood was named as an assistant
coach. WAIS athlete Amy Shaw was selected as an additional squad
member. The Jillaroos finished an unlucky fourth in the World Cup,
losing 2-1 to the Netherlands in the playoff for third and fourth. It
was the first time the Jillaroos have not had a podium placing in four
Junior World Cup attempts.
Chantelle Ciallella
Paige Collins
Hannah Cook
Kate Denning
Emily Halliday
Kim Walker (WAIS/AIS) joined Emily Halliday (WAIS/AIS), Sian
Smithson and Kobie McGurk on the Australian Women’s Senior Team
for the Holiday Inn Women’s Challenge in August. The Hockeyroos
completed a 6-0 clean sweep of Korea in the event.
The Hockeyroos continued their good form to win their second Indira
Gandhi International Gold Cup in India, with a 5-3 win against the
home side in the final. The Australian team, with Emily and Kim, also
qualified for the 2006 World Cup, after defeating New Zealand two
matches to one in November.
Kate Hubble
In October, WAIS’ two youngest female hockey players, Paige Collins
and Holly White, were part of the WA team that became Under-15
National Champions for the first time. Holly was named player of the
Rheannin Kelly
At the end of 2005, Emily, Kobie and Kim were selected for the Samsung
Champions Trophy in Canberra. The Hockeyroos made it to the gold
medal match but lost the penalty stroke shoot-out to The Netherlands
5-4. It was still a successful outing, with Australia’s result moving the
team from fourth to second in the World Rankings.
Early in 2006, the WAIS trio were in the Hockeyroos team that finished
third at an invitational tournament in Argentina then beat Canada in a
test series in Perth.
Emily, Kobie and Kim were part of the gold medal-winning Hockeyroos
team for the Melbourne Commonwealth Games. The Hockeyroos previously
won the gold in 1998 but had been relegated to third in 2002.
Fiona Boyce, Jemma Buckley and Ashleigh Nelson were named in the
16-player National Junior Women’s Squad after the Under-18 and Under21 National Championships finished for the year.
The start of 2006 saw the State Under 18 Team win the National
Championship title in Adelaide in April. WAIS athletes Stephanie
Andrews, Jemma Buckley, Paige Collins, Hannah Cook, Kate Denning
and Holly White were members of the successful team.
The SmokeFree WA Diamonds won the 2006 Australian Hockey League
title in May. Emily Halliday won the player of the grand final award.
Kate Hubble, Fiona Boyce, Kim Walker, Chantelle Ciallella, Paige
Collins, Hope Munro, Shelly Liddelow (WAIS/AIS), Jayde Taylor,
Ashleigh Nelson, Emily Halliday, Sian Smithson, Kobie McGurk, Jemma
Buckley and Amy Shaw were also in the team. It was the Diamonds’
third national title, but their second in three years.
Emily, Kim and Kobie have been selected in the 2006 National Squad
and Shelly Liddelow has made the National Development Squad. The
three national squad athletes are part of the team for the Champions
Trophy in the Netherlands in July.
Seven WAIS athletes were named in the WA Under-21 team preparing for
the Nationals Championships in July. Jayde Taylor, Chantelle Ciallella,
Ashleigh Nelson, Rheannin Kelly, Amy Shaw, Fiona Boyce and Melissa
Luff will contest these championships.
Fiona, Paige Collins, Chantelle Ciallella and Stephanie Andrews were
awarded AIS visiting scholarships to train for a week with other
potential Sydney Youth Olympic athletes.
Shelly Liddelow
Kobie McGurk
Photo: Getty Images
Neil Hawgood
Head Coach
Individual Scholarship Holders
Fiona Boyce
Kate Hubble
Shelly Liddelow*
Sian Smithson
Kim Walker*
Elite Squad Members
Fiona Boyce
Emily Halliday
Rheannin Kelly
Kia Mansell
Hope Munro
Amy Shaw
Jayde Taylor
Emily Halliday*
Rheannin Kelly
Kobie McGurk*
Jayde Taylor*
Service Providers
Liz Booth
Fiona Chromiak
Martin FitzSimons
Carmel Goodman
Geish Hori
Heather McGregor-Bayne
Angelique Wilson
Ashleigh Nelson
Amy Shaw
Sian Smithson
Jemma Buckley
Kate Hubble
Shelly Liddelow
Kobie McGurk
Ashleigh Nelson
Sian Smithson
Kim Walker
Development Squad Members
Stephanie Andrews
Paige Collins
Kate Cumming
Melissa Luff
Jessica Stanley
Holly White
Hope Munro
Jayde Taylor
Kim Walker
Chantelle Ciallella
Hannah Cook
Kate Denning
Melita Morriss
Caitlin Wales
Program Consultant
Strength & Conditioning
ACE Coordinator
Holly White
2006 Australian Women’s Under 18
Championships, Adelaide, Australia
2005 4-Nations U21 Women’s
Tournament, Jiangsu, China
2006 Women’s Australian Hockey League,
Various, Australia
2006 Australian Women’s Under 18
Championships, Adelaide, Australia
2006 Women’s Australian Hockey League,
Various, Australia
2006 Women’s Australian Hockey League,
Various, Australia
2006 Australian Women’s Under 18
Championships, Adelaide, Australia
2006 Women’s Australian Hockey League,
Various, Australia
2006 Australian Women’s Under 18
Championships, Adelaide, Australia
2006 Australian Women’s Under 18
Championships, Adelaide, Australia
2005 The Holiday Inn Women’s
Challenge, Adelaide & Queensland,
2005 Indira Gandhi International
Gold Cup, Delhi, India
2005 Women’s Oceanic Qualifier,
Auckland, New Zealand &
Sydney, Australia
2006 Commonwealth Games,
Melbourne, Australia
2006 Women’s Australian Hockey League,
Various, Australia
2005 4-Nations U21 Women’s
Tournament, Jiangsu, China
2006 Women’s Australian Hockey League,
Various, Australia
2005 4-Nations U21 Women’s
Tournament, Jiangsu, China
2005 4-Nations U21 Women’s
Tournament, Jiangsu, China
2006 Women’s Australian Hockey League,
Various, Australia
2005 4-Nations U21 Women’s
Tournament, Jiangsu, China
2005 The Holiday Inn Women’s
Challenge, Adelaide & Queensland,
2006 Commonwealth Games,
Melbourne, Australia
2006 Women’s Australian Hockey League,
Various, Australia
2006 Women’s Australian Hockey League,
Various, Australia
2006 Women’s Australian Hockey League,
Various, Australia
2006 Women’s Australian Hockey League,
Various, Australia
2005 The Holiday Inn Women’s
Challenge, Adelaide & Queensland,
2006 Women’s Australian Hockey League,
Various, Australia
2005 4-Nations U21 Women’s
Tournament, Jiangsu, China
2006 Women’s Australian Hockey League,
Various, Australia
2005 The Holiday Inn Women’s
Challenge, Adelaide & Queensland,
2005 Indira Gandhi International
Gold Cup, Delhi, India
2005 Women’s Oceanic Qualifier,
Auckland, New Zealand &
Sydney, Australia
2006 Commonwealth Games,
Melbourne, Australia
2006 Women’s Australian Hockey League,
Various, Australia
2006 Australian Women’s Under 18
Championships, Adelaide, Australia
Australian Representatives
Fiona Boyce
Emily Halliday
Kate Hubble
Rheannin Kelly
Shelly Liddelow
Kobie McGurk
Sian Smithson
Jayde Taylor
Kim Walker
Coaching Achievements
Neil Hawgood
2005 4-Nations U21 Women’s
Tournament, Jiangsu, China
2005 Women’s Junior Hockey World
Cup, Santiago, Chile
2005 The Holiday Inn Women’s
Challenge, Adelaide & Queensland,
2005 Indira Gandhi International
Gold Cup, Delhi, India
2005 Women’s Oceanic Qualifier,
Auckland, New Zealand &
Sydney, Australia
2005 Women’s Champions Trophy,
Canberra, Australia
2006 4-Nations Tournament,
Cordoba, Argentina
2006 Commonwealth Games,
Melbourne, Australia
2005 4-Nations U21 Women’s
Tournament, Jiangsu, China
2005 Women’s Junior Hockey World
Cup, Santiago, Chile
2005 4-Nations U21 Women’s
Tournament, Jiangsu, China
2005 Women’s Junior Hockey World
Cup, Santiago, Chile
2005 4-Nations U21 Women’s
Tournament, Jiangsu, China
2005 Women’s Junior Hockey World
Cup, Santiago, Chile
2005 4-Nations U21 Women’s
Tournament, Jiangsu, China
2005 The Holiday Inn Women’s
Challenge, Adelaide & Queensland,
2005 Women’s Junior Hockey World
Cup, Santiago, Chile
2005 Women’s Champions Trophy,
Canberra, Australia
2006 4-Nations Tournament,
Cordoba, Argentina
2006 Commonwealth Games,
Melbourne, Australia
2005 The Holiday Inn Women’s
Challenge, Adelaide & Queensland,
2005 4-Nations U21 Women’s
Tournament, Jiangsu, China
2005 Women’s Junior Hockey World
Cup, Santiago, Chile
2005 The Holiday Inn Women’s
Challenge, Adelaide & Queensland,
2005 Indira Gandhi International
Gold Cup, Delhi, India
2005 Women’s Oceanic Qualifier,
Auckland, New Zealand &
Sydney, Australia
2005 Women’s Champions Trophy,
Canberra, Australia
2006 4-Nations Tournament,
Cordoba, Argentina
2006 Commonwealth Games,
Melbourne, Australia
National Junior Assistant Coach 2005,
Under 21 4-Nations Tournament
Jiangsu, China
National Junior Assistant Coach,
2005, Junior World Cup Santiago, Chile
National Assistant Coach 2006,
Commonwealth Games, Melbourne,
and annual report
State representation was strong throughout the year, a good indication
of the success of the WAIS development programs. Eight WAIS players
were members of the 21-and-under team that won its National Netball
Championships. After the Championships, Jasmine Keene, Josie Janz,
Susan Fuhrmann (AIS/WAIS), Nikala Smith and Janelle Lawson were
named in the 22-player Australian 21-and-Under Netball Squad. Kate
Beveridge**, who was playing with the AIS but returned to WAIS in
2006, was also named. Other WA players for the Championships were
Amber Metcalfe, Kerri-Lee McGranaghan, Karly Hoar, Kyra Neal,
Amber Harvey and Ashleigh Neal.
The WA Open Netball Team finished third in its National Netball
Championships. Helen Aravidis, Emma Beckett, Kodie Blay, Melissa
Johnston, Kate Lazenby, Kym Mitchell, Stacey Rosman and Larrissa
Willcox played for WA.
Centre-court player Jess Shynn and defender Susan Fuhrmann were part
of the silver-medal winning Australian Netball Team in the Melbourne
Commonwealth Games. The team played strongly but was unable to
defend its gold medal from the 2002 Manchester Games. Kate Beveridge
had also attended the final selection camp and just missed the final
WAIS had a strong representation at the 2006 17-and-Under and 19and-Under National Championships in NSW. Jade Carmody, Lauren
Emmens, Kaitlyn Lilly and Briony Carlyon played in the 17-andUnder team that finished equal fourth. The 19-and-Under team also
finished fourth. WAIS athletes representing WA were Jasmine Keene,
Nicole Schaillee, Ashleigh Neal, Paula Markham, Sarah Ebbott, Sarah
Geddes and Andrea Gilmore.
Perth Orioles’ goal shooter Caitlin Bassett has been rewarded for her
outstanding performances in 2006, being added to the Australian 21and-under Squad. The Orioles’ youngest player was also selected in the
U-19 Australian Talent Identification Squad for 2006.
Jess Shynn and Susan Fuhrmann are preparing for Australian team
matches against New Zealand in July.
Photo: Courtesy of WA Netball
The WAIS Netball Program has gone from strength to strength this year,
building on the successes achieved in 2005.
The Perth Orioles (WAIS Elite Netball Squad) finished the 2005
Commonwealth Bank Trophy season in sixth position, their best in
recent years. They continued to improve in the 2006 season and had
their most successful start to a season in their 10-year history in the
competition. At the end of June, the Orioles had won four of their
matches and lost five.
On the State front, WAIS Power (WAIS Development Netball Squad)
finished the 2005 Smokefree State Netball League in fourth but was
ineligible for finals because WAIS players play for the Institute and
their club teams in the same division.
Jessica Shynn retained her spot in the Australian Netball Squad for
2005/2006, when the squad was announced in September. At the end
of 2005 she played international tests against New Zealand and Jamaica
and was named as a standout player in the third and final game against
WAIS athletes dominated the 2005 WA Netball Awards. Nikala Smith,
who scored 316 goals in the 2005 season, was named Perth Orioles
Player of the Year; mid-court player Stacey Rosman won the Perth
Orioles Coaches Award; The Jill McIntosh Medal was awarded to centrecourt player Catherine Devitt; Anna Vidler was named the Division 1
SmokeFree Player of the Year and the WA Players’ Player Award went to
Emma Beckett.
Carol Byers
Michelle Wilkins
Sue Kenny
Head Coach
Development Coach
Orioles Assistant Coach
Individual Scholarship Holders
Kate Beveridge**
Jessica Shynn
Elite Squad Members
Helen Aravidis
Emma Beckett
Kate Beveridge
Catherine Devitt
Melissa Johnston
Kate Lazenby
Kym Mitchell
Jessica Shynn
Larrissa Willcox
Susan Fuhrmann**
Photo: Courtesy of WA Netball
Caitlin Bassett
Kirby Bentley
Kodie Blay
Amber Harvey
Janelle Lawson
Sam Lee (nee Andrews)
Stacey Rosman
Nikala Smith
Development Squad Members
Briony Carlyon
Sarah Ebbott
Sarah Geddes
Amber Harvey
Josephine Janz
Jasmine Keene
Alison Lunt
Kerri Lee McGranaghan
Teena Miller
Kyra Neal
Nicole Schaillee
Jade Carmody
Lauren Emmens
Andrea Gilmore
Karly Hoar
Melissa Johnston
Kaitlyn Lilly
Paula Markham
Amber Metcalfe
Ashleigh Neal
Michelle Schaillee
Service Providers
Helen Baron-Hay
Jacinta Downey
Carmel Goodman
Andrew Lyttle
Heather McGregor-Bayne
Greg Morgan
Claire Rechichi
Angelique Wilson
Major Title Winners
Amber Harvey
Karly Hoar
Josephine Janz
Jasmine Keene
Kerri Lee McGranaghan
Amber Metcalfe
Program Consultant
Strength & Conditioning
ACE Coordinator
Ashleigh Neal
Kyra Neal
Jessica Shynn
Australian Representatives
Jessica Shynn
2005 National
ACT, Australia
2005 National
ACT, Australia
2005 National
ACT, Australia
2005 National
ACT, Australia
2005 National
ACT, Australia
21&U Championships,
21&U Championships,
21&U Championships,
21&U Championships,
21&U Championships,
2005 National 21&U Championships,
ACT, Australia
2005 National 21&U Championships,
ACT, Australia
2005 National 21&U Championships,
ACT, Australia
2005 Jamaica v Australia Test Series,
Kingston, Jamaica
Susan Fuhrmann
2005 New Zealand v Australia Test,
Auckland, New Zealand
2005 Jamaica v Australia Test Series,
Kingston, Jamaica
2006 Commonwealth Games,
Melbourne, Australia
2006 Commonwealth Games,
Melbourne, Australia
and annual report
Morag McCallum
The WAIS Rowing Program continued its successful achievements of
high national representation and international success this year,
culminating in a record number of WAIS rowers being chosen for the
coming World Championships.
Six WAIS athletes represented Australia at the first World Under23 Rowing Championships (previously known as the World Under-23
Regatta) in Amsterdam in July. Jessica Huston and partner won bronze
in the women’s lightweight double scull, one of only two Australian
At the 2005 World Rowing Championships in Japan in August, WAIS
rowers won medals in three events. Sarah Outhwaite rowed with
Natalie Bale to win silver in the women’s pair, before winning gold as
a member of the women’s eight. Amber Bradley continued her World
Cup successes to win bronze in the women’s double scull. In his first
time in a senior team, Todd Skipworth was a member of the fourthplaced men’s lightweight four.
Back in Australia, WAIS athletes won most of the open titles at the
State Rowing Championships while young rowers represented WA in the
Youth Cup in Adelaide. At the Youth Cup, Peder Olsen, Jeremy Ellis,
Perrin Franks and Rhys Grant were members of the winning eight,
Peder and Jeremy also won the men’s four while Perrin was third in the
men’s lightweight double scull. Karolina Hayes and Libby Alderman
were second in the women’s eight.
Following the 2005 international season Amber Bradley returned to
Perth and the WAIS program for her preparations for the 2006 season.
WAIS rowers performed well at the 2006 National Championships and
Interstate Regatta in Tasmania in March, which doubled as a national
selection regatta. WAIS athletes contributed to nine open, three Under23 and seven Under-19 medals.
After the final national selection regatta, Morag McCallum, Emily
Rose, Brittany Mann and Georgia Baker were chosen to represent
Australia in the coxless four at the World Junior Rowing Championships
in the Netherlands in August. The crew is preparing in Perth under the
guidance of WAIS Junior Development coach Gonzalo Briones.
Eight WAIS rowers will represent Australia in the World Under-23
Championships in Belgium in July; an improvement from six named last
year. Jayden Edwards, David Kelly, Peder Olsen and Josh Williams will
combine for the men’s heavyweight coxless four, while Perry Ward will
race the lightweight coxless pair. The women’s squad includes former
World Junior Champion Annika Naughton and cox Conor McCombe
in the heavyweight eight crew. Jessica Huston will compete in the
lightweight double sculls. WAIS Senior coach Jason Lane will continue
to coach the Under-23 men’s coxless four crew in Perth.
The national senior representation has also increased. Last year six
WAIS and one AIS/WAIS rowers made the Australian senior squad for
the World Rowing Championships and this year, eight WAIS rowers were
selected. The 2006 World Championships will be in the United Kingdom
in August. Athens Olympians Stefan Szczurowski (bronze medallist) and
David McGowan, with Jeremy Stevenson, are in the men’s heavyweight
sweep squad, James Gatti is in the men’s heavyweight sculling squad
and Todd Skipworth and Athens silver medallist Ben Cureton are in
the men’s lightweight squad. Amber Bradley and former world champion
Jo Lutz will compete in the women’s heavyweight squad. WAIS Head
coach Antonio Maurogiovanni is coaching the men’s lightweight squad
in Perth.
The senior team recently competed in two World Cup events, with WAIS
rowers among the medal-winners. In Germany, WAIS rowers contributed
to five bronze medals and in Poland they helped Australia win one gold
and one silver medal.
Development Squad member Karolina Hayes will compete for Australia
at the World University Games in Lithuania in August. In her first
national representative team, Karolina will contest the women’s quad
scull event.
Antonio Maurogiovanni
Jason Lane
Gonzalo Briones
Head Coach
Senior Coach
Junior Development Coach
Robert Alderman
Amber Bradley
Ben Cureton
Steven Fletcher
James Gatti
Jessica Huston
David Kelly
David McGowan
Sarah Outhwaite
Todd Skipworth
Stefan Szczurowski
Natalie Bale
Ross Brown
Jeremy Ellis
Perrin Franks
Karolina Hayes
Brenton Jenke
Jo Lutz
Annika Naughton
Sally Robbins
Jeremy Stevenson
Perry Ward
Natalie Bale
Ross Brown
Steven Fletcher
Jessica Huston
David Kelly
David McGowan
Sarah Outhwaite
Todd Skipworth
Cade Zulsdorf
Amber Bradley
Ben Cureton
James Gatti
Brenton Jenke
Jo Lutz
Annika Naughton
Sally Robbins
Jeremy Stevenson
Libby (Elizabeth) Alderman
Jayden Edwards
Sian Flynn
Karolina Hayes
Peder Olsen
Joshua Williams
Robert Alderman
Jeremy Ellis
Perrin Franks
Conor McCombe
Perry Ward
Gilman Barnitt
Liz Booth
Matthew Burgin
Matthew Doyle
Carmel Goodman
Andrew Hayden
Brendan Appleby
Geish Hori
Ted Polglaze
Angelique Wilson
Jocelyn Young
Strength & Conditioning
Program Consultant
Strength & Conditioning
Strength & Conditioning
ACE Coordinator
Robert Alderman
2006 Australian Rowing Championships,
U23M8+, Lake Barrington, Australia
2006 Australian Rowing Championships,
U23M4-, Lake Barrington, Australia
2006 Australian Rowing Championships,
U19W8+, Lake Barrington, Australia
2006 Australian Rowing Championships,
U19W4x, Lake Barrington, Australia
2006 Australian Rowing Championships,
U19W4-, Lake Barrington, Australia
2006 Australian Rowing Championships,
OLM2-, Lake Barrington, Australia
2006 Australian Rowing Championships,
U23M8+, Lake Barrington, Australia
2006 Australian Rowing Championships,
U19W8+, Lake Barrington, Australia
2006 Australian Rowing Championships,
U23M8+, Lake Barrington, Australia
2006 Australian Rowing Championships,
U19W8+, Lake Barrington, Australia
2006 Australian Rowing Championships,
OLW4x, Lake Barrington, Australia
2006 Australian Rowing Championships,
U23M8+, Lake Barrington, Australia
2006 Australian Rowing Championships,
U19W8+, Lake Barrington, Australia
2006 Australian Rowing Championships,
U19W4-, Lake Barrington, Australia
2006 Australian Rowing Championships,
U19W4x, Lake Barrington, Australia
David McGowan
Peder Olsen
Individual Scholarship Holders
Elite Squad Members
Sarah Outhwaite
Emily Rose
Todd Skipworth
Jeremy Stevenson
Australian Representatives
Natalie Bale
Amber Bradley
Development Squad Members
Service Providers
Major Title Winners
Georgia Baker
Ben Cureton
Steven Fletcher
Olivia Gardner
James Gatti
Alex Hayes
Jessica Huston
David Kelly
Brittany Mann
2006 Australian Rowing Championships,
U19W4x, Lake Barrington, Australia
2006 Australian Rowing Championships,
U19W4-, Lake Barrington, Australia
2006 Australian Rowing Championships,
U19W2-, Lake Barrington, Australia
2006 Australian Rowing Championships,
U19W8+, Lake Barrington, Australia
2006 Poznan World Cup OM8+,
Poznan, Poland
2006 Australian Rowing Championships,
U23M4-, Lake Barrington, Australia
2006 Australian Rowing Championships,
U23M8+, Lake Barrington, Australia
2005 World Rowing Championships
OW8+, Gifu, Japan
2006 Australian Rowing Championships,
U19W2-, Lake Barrington, Australia
2006 Australian Rowing Championships,
U19W4-, Lake Barrington, Australia
2006 Australian Rowing Championships,
U19W4x, Lake Barrington, Australia
2006 Australian Rowing Championships,
U19W8+, Lake Barrington, Australia
2006 Australian Rowing Championships,
OLM2-, Lake Barrington, Australia
2006 Poznan World Cup, OM8+, Poznan,
Ross Brown
Ben Cureton
Steven Fletcher
James Gatti
2005 World Rowing Championships
OW2-, Gifu, Japan
2005 World Rowing Championships 2005
OW2X, Gifu, Japan
2006 Munich World Cup OW8+,
Munich, Germany
2006 Munich World Cup OW2-,
Munich, Germany
2006 Poznan World Cup OW8+,
Poznan, Poland
2006 Poznan World Cup OW2-,
Poznan, Poland
2005 World Rowing Championships,
OLM2-, Gifu, Japan
2006 Munich World Cup, OLM4-,
Munich, Germany
2006 Poznan World Cup, OLM4-,
Poznan, Poland
2005 Bearing Point Lucerne World Cup,
OM8+, Lucerne, Switzerland
2005 World Under 23 Championships,
U23M8+, 2005 Amsterdam, Netherlands
2005 World Rowing Championships,
OM4-, Gifu, Japan
2006 Munich World Cup, OM4x,
Munich, Germany
2006 Poznan World Cup, OM4x,
Poznan, Poland
2006 Poznan World Cup, OM2x,
Poznan, Poland
Jessica Huston
Brenton Jenke
David Kelly
Jo Lutz
David McGowan
Annika Naughton
Sarah Outhwaite
Todd Skipworth
Jeremy Stevenson
Stefan Szczurowski
Cade Zulsdorf
Coaching Achievements
Jason Lane
2005 Bearing Point Lucerne World
Cup, OLW2x, Lucerne, Switzerland
2005 World Under 23 Championships,
U23LW2x, Amsterdam, Netherlands
2005 Bearing Point Lucerne World Cup,
OM8+, Lucerne, Switzerland
2005 World Under 23 Championships,
U23M8+, Amsterdam, Netherlands
2005 Bearing Point Lucerne World Cup,
OM4x, Lucerne, Switzerland
2005 World Under 23 Championships,
U23M4x, Amsterdam, Netherlands
2006 Munich World Cup, OW8+, Munich,
2006 Munich World Cup, OW2-, Munich,
2006 Poznan World Cup, OW8+, Poznan,
2006 Poznan World Cup, OW2-, Poznan,
2006 Munich World Cup, OM4-, Munich,
2006 Poznan World Cup, OM8+,
Poznan, Poland
2005 Bearing Point Lucerne World Cup,
OW4-, Lucerne, Switzerland
2005 World Under 23 Championships,
U23W4-, Amsterdam, Netherlands
2005 World Rowing Championships,
OW8+, Gifu, Japan
2005 World Rowing Championships,
OW2-, Gifu, Japan
2005 World Rowing Championships,
OLM4-, Gifu, Japan
2006 Munich World Cup, OLM4-, Munich,
2006 Poznan World Cup, OLM4-, Poznan,
2005 World Rowing Championships,
OM4- Gifu, Japan
2006 Munich World Cup, OM8+,
Munich, Germany
2006 Poznan World Cup, OM8+,
Poznan, Poland
2006 Munich World Cup, OM8+,
Munich, Germany
2006 Poznan World Cup, OM4-,
Poznan, Poland
2005 Bearing Point Lucerne World Cup,
OLM4x, Lucerne, Switzerland
2005 World Under 23 Championships,
U23LM4x, Amsterdam, Netherlands
National Under 23 Crew Coach
2005 World Under 23 Championships,
M4x, Amsterdam, Netherlands
and annual report
Photo: Mark Cole
Belinda Stowell
Head Coach
Australian Representatives
Tim Castles
Individual Scholarship Holders
Jamie Dunross
Jeffery Milligan
Elise Rechichi*
Steven Thomas
Photo: Unknown
WAIS sailors are continuing to show the benefits of a dedicated WAIS
Sailing Program under head coach Belinda Stowell, a Sydney Olympic
gold medallist and former world champion. In the first full year of the
program, WAIS sailors performed well on the world stage and locally,
Belinda instigated coaching regattas to ensure development at all
In August, Elite Squad members and Australia’s top women’s 470 sailors
Elise Rechichi (WAIS/AIS) and Tessa Parkinson (WAIS/AIS) achieved
their goal of a top-ten finish in their first senior World Championships.
They finished 10th in the 470 class at the Championships in San
Francisco. They maintained their position in the AIS program for 2006,
which will provide them with additional support for their Beijing
Olympic campaign.
Their highest position on the 2005 ISAF World Rankings was in October,
with Elise and Tessa ranked eighth, up from 22nd.
Other Australian representatives were Tim Rechichi and Steven Thomas
in the 420 class at the ISAF Youth World Championships in Korea. They
achieved excellent results in their first World Championship event,
finishing ninth overall.
In the 2005 Australian Sailors of the Year Awards, Paralympians Jamie
Dunross, Jeff Milligan and Colin Harrison were jointly named as
Sailors of the Year with a Disability. It followed their fifth place in the
three-person Sonar class at the Athens Paralympics and were recognised
for their commitment to coaching other sailors with a disability and
input to the strategic development of the sport.
WA’s Sonar Team qualified for the 2008 Paralympics with its fourthplace at the International Foundation for Disabled Sailing World
Championships at Royal Perth Yacht Club in January. More than 70
sailors from 14 nations contested the first Paralympics qualifying
event. WA’s sonar team was WAIS sailors Jamie Dunross, Colin Harrison
and Graeme Martin. Athens Paralympian Jeff Milligan was forced to
withdraw after revised classification criteria.
In difficult weather conditions at the Australian 420 National
Championships in January, Development Squad sailors Steven Thomas
and Tim Rechichi finished second behind the Victorians in the 420 class,
with Peter Nicholas and Jay Halligan third. In the girls’ event, Belinda
Kerl and Chelsea Hall finished 1 point ahead of the Singaporeans to
take the 420 National and Youth womens title.
Elise and Tessa competed in the Australian Summer Racing Series and
won the women’s title at the Australian 470 National Championships at
Fremantle Sailing Club. The win cemented their position on the 2006
Australian Sailing Team, where they were joined this year by sailing
head coach Belinda Stowell for the RS-X (Windsurfing).
Hard work and dedication paid off for Mathieu Higgins and Tim Lynch,
who finished fourth overall in Nationals and won a place on the 470
men’s national development squad. Tim Castles improved in the laser
class this season, finishing third overall in the Australian rankings and
gaining a national development squad spot. All three WAIS 420-class
teams finished in the top eight nationally.
Belinda and Chelsea were selected for the Youth World Championships,
to be held in Weymouth UK, in July after winning the women’s national
title and women’s national youth title.
Mathieu and Tim joined Elise and Tessa on the European circuit this
year. They gained valuable experience and had respectable finishes
in the three World Cup events, including 28th at the European
Championships and 25th at Kiel Week. Elise and Tessa had their most
successful European season to date, with results including a second at
the ISAF World Sailing Games, sixth at the European Championships and
a win at Kiel Week in Germany.
Three WAIS athletes and coach Belinda Stowell were among awardwinners in the 2006 WA Yachting Awards. Belinda Stowell was named
coach of the year, Tessa won sailor of the year (female) and Belinda
Kerl and Chelsea shared the title of youth sailor’s of the year.
The high performance sailing program in WA, supported by the WAIS
sailing program, is now moving through to the next level and its
momentum looks certain to continue with the strong pool of local
talent. The WAIS sailing program is supported by the Royal Freshwater
Bay Yacht Club as well as the national and state sporting associations.
Elite Squad Members
Jamie Dunross
Jeffery Milligan
Collin Harrison
Colin Harrison
Tessa Parkinson*
Tim Rechichi
Service Providers
Carmel Goodman
Alison Low
Andrew Lyttle
Heather McGregor-Bayne
Greg Morgan
Ted Polglaze
Lucy Warhurst
Angelique Wilson
Major Title Winners
Chelsea Hall
Belinda Kerl
Tessa Parkinson
Elise Rechichi
Chelsea Hall
Colin Harrison
Elise Rechichi
Tessa Parkinson
Development Squad Members
Timothy Castles
Jay Halligan
Mathieu Higgins
Tim Lynch
Tim Rechichi
Luc Tasker
Jamie Dunross
Mathieu Higgins
Chelsea Hall
Ryan Hannan
Belinda Kerl
Peter Nicholas
Brett Sharpe
Steven Thomas
Belinda Kerl
Strength & Conditioning
Program Consultant
ACE Coordinator
Tessa Parkinson
2006 Australian Youth Championships,
420 Girls, Mooloolaba, Australia
2006 Womens Open 420 Australian
Championships, Mooloolaba, Australia
2006 Womens Open 420 Australian
Championships, Mooloolaba, Australia
2006 Australian Youth Championships,
420 Girls, Mooloolaba, Australia
2006 470 National Championships,
Fremantle, Australia
2006 Kiel Week, Hamburg, Germany
2006 470 National Championships,
Fremantle, Australia
2006 Kiel Week 470, Hamburg, Germany
Tim Lynch
Elise Rechichi
Tim Rechichi
Steven Thomas
2006 Asia Pacific Championships, Laser,
2006 Singapore National Championships,
Laser, Singapore
2006 IFDS World Championships,
Perth, Australia
2006 Singapore National Championships,
420, Singapore
2006 IFDS World Championships,
Perth, Australia
2006 Open Nissan Cup 470 European
Championships, Balatonfured, Hungary
2006 Kiel Week 470, Hamburg, Germany
2006 Holland Regatta 470, Medemblik,
2006 Singapore National Championships,
420, Singapore
2006 Open Nissan Cup 470 European
Championships 420, Balatonfured,
2006 Kiel Week 470, Hamburg, Germany
2006 Holland Regatta 470, Medemblik,
2005 470 World Championships
San Francisco, USA
2006 ISAF World Sailing Games
Lake Neudisel, Austria
2006 Open Nissan Cup 470 European
Championships 420, Balatonfured,
2006 Kiel Week 470, Hamburg, Germany
2005 470 World Championships
San Francisco, USA
2006 ISAF World Sailing Games
Lake Neudisel, Austria
2006 Open Nissan Cup 470 European
Championships 420, Balatonfured,
2006 Kiel Week 470, Hamburg, Germany
2005 ISAF Youth World Championships
420, Busan, Korea
2005 ISAF Youth World Championships
420, Busan, Korea
and annual report
At the end of the year, four WAIS softball players were preparing for
the second World University Softball Championships in Chinese Taipei.
Michelle, Leah, Rachael Russell and Verity Long-droppert were selected
for the Australian team. WAIS part-time assistant coach Shane Hughes
will be the team’s assistant coach.
Kere Johanson
Shane Hughes
Peter Koha
Head Coach
Assistant Coach
Assistant Coach
Individual Scholarship Holders
Sharon Bell
Elite Squad Members
Michelle Andrew
Chermai Clews
Chelsea Forkin
Leigh Godfrey
Christy Jones
Verity Long-droppert
Nicole Mizen
Krystle Rivers
Rachael Russell
Jodie Stevenson
Photo: c/o Softball WA
WAIS Softball players Leah Quackenbush* and Sharon Bell had a
triumphant start to the year with the Australian Softball Team Aussie
Spirit winning the Canada Cup. Aussie Spirit beat USA Elite 3-0 in the
final at the July tournament.
The pair then played for Australia in the World Cup, where the Australians
took bronze, behind Japan and USA respectively.
Locally, 10 WAIS players were members of the WA State Women’s Team
the Western Arrows. In the first of three Grand Prix Tournaments in
December, the Western Arrows finished second after being defeated by
NSW 13-9 in the final. It was a fantastic result for WA, which had not
made an open women’s final for many years. Leah Quackenbush was
named top batter of the tournament.
Overseas, Sharon Bell and Michelle Andrew performed outstandingly
for their softball team at St. Gregory’s University in Oklahoma. St.
Gregory’s University Lady Cavaliers finished third in a 24-team
tournament in Georgia, its best ever finish. Michelle was named in the
12-player All Tournament Team, an excellent effort considering there
were more than 360 contenders.
Sharon and Michelle then helped the Lady Cavaliers win the Sooner
Athletic Conference (SAC) Softball Tournament in May. Sharon was
named pitcher of the week and Michelle, the player of the week. Sharon
allowed one unearned run over 18.1 innings. She was 3-0 in the pitchers
circle, with a save in four appearances and struck out 31 batters against
nine walks and seven hits. Sharon notched a single season NAIA record
383 strikeouts, beating the previous record of 352. Michelle played in
the outfield and batted .583 (7-12) for the week, with three RBI, three
runs and two doubles.
Leah Quackenbush*
Sharon Bell
Brooke Cooper
Fiona Fowles
Rebecca Jack
Elly Lambkin
Ashleigh Medwin
Leah Quackenbush
Chantelle Rossier
Claire Sonsee
Development Squad Members
Chermai Clews
Rebecca Jack
Verity Long-droppert
Rachael Russell
Service Providers
Matthew Burgin
Brian Glencross
Andrew Lyttle
Greg Morgan
Matt Spencer
Angelique Wilson
Major Title Winners
Sharon Bell
Leah Quackenbush
More WAIS players joined national teams in 2006. Elite Squad athletes
Verity Long-droppert and Leigh Godfrey made the Under-19 Australian
team for the Grand Prix Three in Sydney over Easter.
After solid performances at Grand Prix Tournaments, the National
Championships and international series against Japan and Chinese
Taipei between December and April, Leah Quackenbush was a strong
contender for selection for next year’s World Championships. However,
she was not included in the Australian Team.
Leigh Godfrey
Elly Lambkin
Ashleigh Medwin
Jodie Stevenson
Program Consultant
Strength & Conditioning
ACE Coordinator
2005 Canada Cup, Vancouver, Canada
2005 Canada Cup, Vancouver, Canada
2006 Australia v Chinese Tapei Test
Series, Sydney, Australia
2006 Trans Tasman Series, Hamilton,
New Zealand
Australian Representatives
Sharon Bell
Leah Quackenbush
2005 Canada Cup, Vancouver, Canada
2005 USA World Cup, Oklahoma, USA
2005 Canada Cup, Vancouver, Canada
2005 USA World Cup, Oklahoma, USA
2006 Australia v Japan Test Series,
Sydney, Australia
2006 Australia v Chinese Tapei Test
Series, Sydney, Australia
2006 Trans Tasman Series, Hamilton,
New Zealand
and annual report
Four WAIS athletes won accolades in Swimming Australia’s 2005 Telstra
Swimmer of the Year Awards. Lara Carroll was named Female Individual
Medley Swimmer of the Year; Adam Lucas won the Male Individual
Medley Swimmer of the Year; Jim Piper won Male Short Course Swimmer
of the Year and Travis Nederpelt won Male Butterfly Swimmer of the
Year. Lara then won the Junior Sports Star of the Year Award at the
2005 ANZ Sports Star of the Year Awards.
Jeremy McClure
Jim Piper
Dion Mepham
Bernie Mulroy
Simon Redmond
Grant Stoelwinder
Individual Scholarship Holders
Lara Carroll
Sally Foster**
Michael Jackson
Matthew Lenton
Amy Lucas
Corey McIntosh
Travis Nederpelt
Jim Piper
Jennifer Reilly
Dianne Saunders (EAD)
Robert Sharp
Lauren Winter
Elite Squad Members
Lara Carroll
Lisande Dingjan
Aaron Holding
Robert Jovanovich
Adam Lucas
Corey McIntosh
Travis Nederpelt
Jim Piper
Mark Riley
Robert Sharp
Lauren Winter
Lisande Dingjan
Matthew Glucina
Garth Kates
Adam Lucas
Jeremy McClure (EAD)
Rachel Mitchell
Steve Neuwert
Katrina Porter (EAD)
Mark Riley
Nicole Seah
Eamon Sullivan
Aryton Dickey
Matthew Glucina
Michael Jackson
Garth Kates
Amy Lucas
Rachel Mitchell
Steve Neuwert
Jennifer Reilly
Nicole Seah
Eamon Sullivan
Stephanie Winter
Travis Nederpelt
Jennifer Reilly
Eamon Sullivan
Australian Representatives
Lara Carroll
Sally Foster
Adam Lucas
Travis Nederpelt
Development Squad Members
Photo: Getty Images
It has been a successful year in the pool for the WAIS Swimming
Program, with athletes making a splash at a number of international
Athens Olympians Lara Carroll and Adam Lucas started the year winning
bronze medals in the 200m individual medley and the 4x200m freestyle
relay respectively at the 2005 FINA World Swimming Championships in
Montreal. Lara swam a personal best time to win her first long-course
international medal. It was a fast final, with the first two place-getters
swimming faster than the gold medal time in Athens. Jim Piper, Mark
Riley and Travis Nederpelt were also in the team.
Amy Lucas won three medals at the 2005 FINA World Cup in Korea. She
took gold in the 200m backstroke and bronze medals in the 50m and
100m backstroke.
Seven WAIS athletes were included in the February release of the AllTime Australian Top 10 Best Swims list. Highlights included Jim Piper
holding nine of the top 10 fastest times for the 200m breaststroke
and Jennifer Reilly holding the first and second, as well as two other
top-ten times, for the 400m individual medley. Travis Nederpelt, Adam
Lucas, Mark Riley, Eamon Sullivan and Lara Carroll also made the list.
Six WAIS swimmers and three coaches made the 45-member Australian
swim team for the Melbourne Commonwealth Games. It beat WAIS’
previous highest representation of five swimmers in the 1990 and 1998
teams. Jennifer Reilly competed in her third consecutive Games and
came home with a medal for the third time. She won bronze in the
women’s 400m individual medley. Jim Piper competed in his second
Games and brought home a bronze in the men’s 200m breastroke. Travis
Nederpelt won silver in the men’s 200m butterfly and bronze in the
men’s 400m individual medley; Eamon Sullivan won gold in the men’s
4x100m medley relay and silver in the men’s 4x100m freestyle relay and
Lara Carroll won bronze in the women’s 200m individual medley. AIS/
WAIS swimmer Sally Foster was also on the team. WAIS coaches Bernie
Mulroy (City of Perth), Simon Redmond (Fremantle Port) and Grant
Stoelwinder (West Coast) helped coach the Australian team.
Lara and Eamon continued their outstanding performances at the 2006
World Short Course Championships in China the following month. They
and WAIS athlete Michael Jackson all returned home with medals. Lara
won bronze in the women’s 200m individual medley, while Michael
and Eamon were in the gold medal-winning men’s 4x100m medley
relay team. Six WAIS staff were part of the team; coaches Simon
Redmond and Grant Stoelwinder, Jay Davies as team manager, sport
psychologist Matt Burgin, sport physiotherapist Brett Slocombe and
massage therapist Jaye Thomas.
Back in Australia, WAIS swimmers won 11 medals at the Telstra Grand
Prix meet in Brisbane in May.
Following the Grand Prix, six of the WAIS Elite Squad competed at the
Mare Nostrum, a three-meet international series in Monte Carlo, France
and Barcelona. Over the three meets, WAIS athletes picked up two
gold, six silver and eight bronze medals, contributing to the Australian
Telstra Dolphins’ most successful Mare Nostrum tour. Eamon Sullivan,
Travis Nederpelt and Sally Foster won medals at all three series, with
Adam Lucas, Jim Piper, Michael Jackson also medal-winners.
Eamon continued to fulfil his promise as a sprinter at meets in the
United States. He caused a major upset in the 50m freestyle final,
beating two-time US Olympic star Jason Lezak on his way to winning
gold. Eamon was also in the winning men’s 4x100m medley relay team.
He almost stole the show in the 100m freestyle but was beaten to
the wall by Michael Phelps (49.57 to Eamon’s 49.65). Also competing
on the West Coast Tour was WAIS athlete Steve Neuwert. Back home,
younger swimmers were competing in the Trans Tasman Series.
Bobby Jovanovich was named Male Swimmer of the Meet after his
excellent results in his fourth-series appearance. Garth Kates and
Rebecca Blevins also swam well.
Rebecca Ashton
Lisa Bates
Jessica Brown
Tegan Hanson
Braydon McIntosh
Carly Stewart
Brock Thompson
Natalie Woolfitt
Service Providers
Bernd Adolph
Brendan Appleby
Gilman Barnitt
Matthew Burgin
Jay Davies
Jay Davies
Randy Hill
Jeremy Hunter
Deborah Kerr
Andrew Lyttle
Heather McGregor-Bayne
Brett Slocombe
Matt Spencer
Peter Steele
Jaye Thomas
Lucy Warhurst
Major Title Winners
Rebecca Blevins
Robert Jovanovich
Garth Kates
Courtney Barr
Rebecca Blevins
Mark Bush
Tait Marston
Matthew Smith
Kris Taylor
Craig Tucker
Jim Piper
Strength & Conditioning (2005)
Strength & Conditioning (2006)
Performance Analyst
Program Consultant (2005)
Physiologist (2005)
ACE Coordinator
Physiologist (2006)
Program Consultant (2006)
2006 National Age Championships,
200M Individual Medley, Sydney,
2006 National Age Championships,
200M Freestyle, Sydney, Australia
2006 National Age Championships,
200M Individual Medley, Sydney,
2006 National Age Championships,
100M Butterfly, Sydney, Australia
2006 Telstra Commonwealth Games
Trials, SWD 10 & Over 50m Breastroke,
Sydney, Australia
2006 Telstra Commonwealth Games
Trials, 400M Individual Medley
Sydney, Australia
2006 Telstra Commonwealth Games
Trials, 200M Butterfly, Sydney, Australia
2006 Telstra Commonwealth Games
Trials, 200M Breaststroke
Sydney, Australia
2006 Telstra Commonwealth Games
Trials, 400M Individual Medley
Sydney, Australia
2006 Commonwealth Games
4x100M Individual Medley Relay - Men,
Melbourne, Australia
Jennifer Reilly
Mark Riley
Eamon Sullivan
Coaching Achievements
Grant Stoelwinder
Bernie Mulroy
Simon Redmond
2005 FINA World Championships
400M Individual Medley, Montreal,
2005 FINA World Championships
200M Individual Medley, Montreal,
2006 Commonwealth Games
400M Individual Medley Melbourne,
2006 Commonwealth Games 200M
Individual Medley, Melbourne, Australia
2006 Commonwealth Games
200M Breaststroke, Melbourne, Australia
2005 FINA World Championships
2005 200M Individual Medley, Montreal,
2005 FINA World Championships 400M
Individual Medley, Montreal, Canada
2005 FINA World Championships
4x200M Freestyle Relay - Men,
Montreal, Canada
2005 FINA World Championships
200M Butterfly, Montreal, Canada
2005 FINA World Championships
400M Individual Medley, Montreal,
2006 Commonwealth Games
1500M Freestyle, Melbourne, Australia
2006 Commonwealth Games
400M Individual Medley, Melbourne,
2006 Commonwealth Games
200M Butterfly, Melbourne, Australia
2005 FINA World Championships
200M Breaststroke, Montreal, Canada
2005 FINA World Championships
100M Breaststroke, Montreal, Canada
2006 Commonwealth Games
200M Breaststroke, Melbourne, Australia
2006 Commonwealth Games
100M Breaststroke, Melbourne, Australia
2006 Commonwealth Games
400M Individual Medley, Melbourne,
2005 FINA World Championships
50M Breaststroke, Montreal, Canada
2006 Commonwealth Games, 4x100M
Freestyle Relay, Melbourne, Australia
2006 Commonwealth Games, 4x100M
Individual Medley Relay, Melbourne,
2006 Commonwealth Games,
50M Freestyle, Melbourne, Australia
2006 Commonwealth Games,
100M Freestyle, Melbourne, Australia
Coach 2006, Commonwealth
Games, Melbourne, Australia
Coach 2006, Melbourne, Australia
Coach 2006, Melbourne, Australia
and annual report
Water Polo mens
The WAIS Water Polo Men’s Program continued to thrive, again increasing
its representation on the Australian Men’s Water Polo Team.
Tim Neesham, James Stanton, Laurie Trettel, and Jamie Beadsworth
played for the Aussie Sharks at the FINA Water Polo World Championships
in Canada. The Sharks had wins against China and Cuba but failed to
make the quarter final.
The 8th FINA Water Polo World Junior Men’s Championships were held
in Argentina in October, John Richards, Nick O’Halloran, Mitchal
Ainwsorth, Brett McGhie and Jamie Beadsworth were members of this
team that finished 7th.
Troy O’Keefe
Edward Slade
Rewi Whaitiri
Aaron Younger
Service Providers
Brian Glencross
Carmel Goodman
Heather McGregor-Bayne
Greg Morgan
Ted Polglaze
Angelique Wilson
In the younger ranks, Maui Whaitiri, Daniel Lawrence, Nick O’Halloran
and Rhys McKinnon were in the Australian Youth Water Polo Team that
won bronze in the Low Tatras Cup in Slovakia, then bronze in a Six
Nation Tournament in Italy.
Major Title Winners
In 2006, those four were named in the Australian Under-20 Men’s Water
Polo squad. Daniel and Nick also made the Australian Junior Men’s Water
Polo Team to tour Europe in July.
Christian Hoad
Tim Cleland, Peter Tresise and Christian Hoad joined the five
WAIS athletes already in the Aussie Sharks for the Commonwealth
Championships in Perth in January. The Sharks defeated Canada 12-3 in
the final, redeeming themselves for the loss to Canada in Manchester
in 2002.
James Stanton
The Fremantle Mariners collected their fourth men’s National Water Polo
League crown in April, beating Sydney University Lions in a final series
that went to three matches. Goalkeeper Laurie Trettel was named most
valuable player of the finals round.
Nine WAIS players have been named in the Australian Men’s Water Polo
Squad for the 2006 World League. Laurie Trettel, James Stanton, Tim
Cleland, Jamie Beadsworth, Tim Neesham, Nick O’Halloran, Christian
Hoad, Peter Tresise and Mitchal Ainsworth are preparing for the World
League, which starts in China in July.
Edward Slade, Chris Cramb and Daniel Lawrence have been selected for
the Australian Youth Boys’ Water Polo Team to tour Europe in August.
Chris Cramb is a reserve.
Andrei Kovalenko
Jamie Beadsworth
Tim Cleland
Tim Neesham
Peter Tresise
Laurie Trettel
Perry Short
Joel Swift
Adam Yeates
Program Consultant
Strength & Conditioning
ACE Coordinator
2006 Water Polo Commonwealth
Championships, Perth, Australia
2006 Water Polo Commonwealth
Championships, Perth, Australia
2006 Water Polo Commonwealth
Championships, Perth, Australia
2006 Water Polo Commonwealth
Championships, Perth, Australia
2006 Water Polo Commonwealth
Championships, Perth, Australia
2006 Water Polo Commonwealth
Championships, Perth, Australia
2006 Water Polo Commonwealth
Championships, Perth, Australia
Australian Representatives
Jamie Beadsworth
Tim Neesham
James Stanton
Laurie Trettel
Coaching Achievements
Andrei Kovalenko
2005 World
2005 World
2005 World
2005 World
Championships, Montreal,
Championships, Montreal,
Championships, Montreal,
Championships, Montreal,
Head Coach 2005 World Junior Water
Polo Championships, Argentina
Head Coach
Individual Scholarship Holders
Mitchal Ainsworth
Christian Hoad
Nicholas O’Halloran
James Stanton
Laurie Trettel
Elite Squad Members
Mitchal Ainsworth
Tim Cleland
Daniel Lawrence
Rhys McKinnon
Nicholas O’Halloran
John Richards
Peter Tresise
Stefan Vahala
Jamie Beadsworth
Tim Neesham
Luke Quinlivan
Peter Tresise
Jamie Beadsworth
Christian Hoad
Brett McGhie
Tim Neesham
Luke Quinlivan
James Stanton
Laurie Trettel
Maui Whaitiri
Development Squad Members
Brenton Bush
Chris Cramb
James Fannon
Jacob Kagi
Daniel Lawrence
Scott Chrystal
Jonathan Dodd
Nicolas Johnson
Alexander Kovalenko
Chad Nicholls
and annual report
Water Polo womens
WAIS continued to have strong national representation across the age
groups throughout the year.
Glencora Ralph and Leah Nielson represented Australia when the
junior team competed in a Four Nation Tournament with Greece, Italy
and Spain in July 2005. Australia did not lose any matches in the
Gemma Beadsworth (WAIS/AIS) competed in the Australian Women’s
Team for the FINA 2005 Women’s World Water Polo Championships in
Montreal in July. The Australians finished sixth after losing to Olympic
silver medallists Greece in a play-off for fifth position. Gemma played
a major contribution throughout the Championships.
A number of athletes were selected in the 16-and-Under national squad,
one being Libby Alcock. She was joined by Preparatory Squad members
Sarah Forrest, Ebony Neesham, Allira Solin, Katheryn Van Kampen
and Zoe Arancini. Zoe had been named highest goal scorer of the
championships after scoring 20 goals for WA. Having recently turned
14, she was one of the youngest competitors.
The WAIS Women’s Water Polo team finished with a bronze in a
National Institute Challenge in Canberra. After the tournament,
Gemma Beadsworth, Gemma Hadley (WAIS/AIS), Jemma Dessauvagie,
Glencora Ralph and Luisa Chaves were named in the national squad for
Commonwealth Championships selection.
Gemma Beadsworth and Gemma Hadley made the cut for the
Commonwealth Championships team. The Australians defeated Canada
12-4 to retain the title they won at the inaugural Commonwealth
Championships in Manchester in 2002.
All WAIS athletes competed in the National Women’s Water Polo League,
in which the Fremantle Marlins won a bronze medal. The minor premiers
and reigning premiers were defeated in the semi-finals by eventual
winners, the Cronulla Sharks.
Following the Women’s National Water Polo League, WAIS players in
national squads focused on training for their respective tours.
Catherine Ainsworth, Gemma Beadsworth, Paige Bowden, Leah Neilsen
and Glencora Ralph are in the Australian 20-and-Under Women’s Water
Polo squad.
Gemma, Leah and Glencora were also selected for the Australian Junior
Women’s Water Polo Team and will head to Europe in July to play the
Netherlands, Germany, Greece and Italy.
Katie Finucane, Gemma and Glencora were later selected in the senior
women’s squad, along with Athens Olympian Emma Knox (WAIS/AIS),
for the 2006 World League and World Cup events that start in China in
Photo: Adrian Broughton
Photo: Adrian Broughton
Simone Hankin
Head Coach
Individual Scholarship Holders
Gemma Beadsworth*
Gemma Hadley*
Glencora Ralph*
Elite Squad Members
Gemma Beadsworth
Jemma-Bonnie Dessauvagie
Gemma Hadley
Leah Neilsen
Service Providers
Carmel Goodman
Andrew Lyttle
Heather McGregor-Bayne
Greg Morgan
Alison Morris
Ted Polglaze
Jane Purdie
Lucy Warhurst
Angelique Wilson
Danielle Woodhouse
Gemma Beadsworth
Gemma Hadley
Luisa Chaves
Emma Knox*
2006 Water Polo Commonwealth
Championships, Perth, Australia
2006 Water Polo Commonwealth
Championships, Perth, Australia
Australian Representatives
Gemma Beadsworth
Luisa Chaves
Katie Finucane
Emma Knox
Glencora Ralph
Development Squad Members
Catherine Ainsworth
Paige Bowden
Jemma-Bonnie Dessauvagie
Zoe Hadley
Jenna Sanders
Elizabeth Alcock
Major Title Winners
Alicia Anderson
Belinda Brooks
Katie Finucane
Jessica Reynolds
Emma Trezise
Strength & Conditioning
Program Consultant
ACE Coordinator
Gemma Hadley
Coaching Achievements
Simone Hankin
2005 11th Fina World Championships,
Montreal, Canada
2006 Water Polo Commonwealth
Championships, Perth, Australia
2006 Water Polo Commonwealth
Championships, Perth, Australia
Assistant National Coach 2005
World League Super Finals, Russia
Assistant National Coach 2006
Commonwealth Championships, Perth,
and annual report
Athlete & Coach Services
Consolidation of the previous work and methods was the underlying
theme throughout the ACS department during the year. One of the
positives was to retain a very stable staff across the disciplines. A
greater experience and familiarity ensured the department progressed
in many areas. The utilisation of key processes in strategic and
operational planning has assisted the staff to maintain an attention to
detail and make the best use of the resources available in meeting the
key needs of the athletes.
The stability and experience of WAIS staff has also been recognised
by national sporting organisations as numerous ACS staff were invited
to assist with national team preparation at various stages throughout
the year.
David Gould continued to provide his valuable technical skills to
operations of the department and Tina Price also served the department
with her efficient and professional administration skills.
Staff from all disciplines attended the 2005 National Elite Sport
Council elite sport forum. This forum brought together over 200 staff
from the various Australian Institutes of Sport to share knowledge
and experiences. WAIS staff not only learnt from this conference but
provided numerous presentation
& Coach
and annual report
Sport Science
Mr Frankie Tan was welcomed into the department in February 2006 as
a new PhD scholar. Frankie will be completing doctoral studies in the
physiology area through an agreement between WAIS, the University of
Western Australia (UWA) and the Singapore Sports Council. In the further
development of state-of-the-art technology, Matt Keys has initiated
his doctoral studies in collaboration with the Human Movement and
Exercise Science and Civil Engineering Departments at UWA. Matt will
be refining his swimming Computational Fluid Dynamics model to assist
with the optimisation of swimming stroke technique.
Strength & Conditioning
Research conducted during the year was presented at several
conferences by physiologists Matt Spencer, Ted Polglaze and Claire
Rechichi and biomechanist Andrew Lyttle. The Department manager,
Martin FitzSimons, also attended the European conference as part of
a study tour to English, Spanish and French sport institutes prior to
commencing long service leave.
Brendyn Appleby after seven years in the Department, the last three
years as Head, left in August to take up the position as assistant
Strength and Conditioning Coach with the Super 14 Rugby franchise
Western Force. The Department is grateful for the positive contribution
he has made particularly the commitment under pressure in the lead up
to the 2004 Athens Olympics.
Gil Barnitt took up the position vacated by Brendyn in October. His
previous position was as fitness coach for the Hurricanes (Super 14
Rugby) based in Wellington, New Zealand. Gil is in essence returning
to WA having previously completed his Masters degree in Physical
Education at the University of Western Australia. He has brought to the
position a variety of skills and experiences that have already enabled
him to make a positive contribution to WAIS operations.
The role of sport scientist is well integrated into the functioning of
the Australian Swimming Team. Coaches and athletes welcome the
contributions from various disciplines and are keen to engage with
the sport scientists in their area of expertise. One example is the
increased use of video-assisted technology and computer-driven
programs analysing performance. This innovation has lead to the need
for highly qualified observers of biomechanics to be involved in the
feedback provided to coaches and athletes during competitions. This
requirement saw the inclusion of biomechanist Andrew Lyttle at the
2006 Commonwealth Games, Melbourne, which was a continuation of
Andrews previous appointments with the Australian Swimming Team at
World Championships and National Event Camps.
Other elements of sport science are also keenly sought after by
coaches and athletes during the competition and training cycle. WAIS
physiologist Matt Spencer and sport psychologist Matt Burgin have
also been invited to service the Australian Swimming Team including
events like the 2006 World Short Course, Shanghai, and the upcoming
Pan Pacific Championships to be held in Victoria, Canada. Both roles
have been forged through working in partnership with the National
program over numerous years and developing a rapport and respect
with coaches and athletes alike. Claire Rechichi has also travelled
with the Australian Women’s Hockey Team to competitions in Argentina
and Europe.
Greg Morgan carried out the duties as acting head for six weeks and his
good work ensured a smooth transition.
Geish Hori was appointed part-time Strength and Conditioning officer
in July. He is currently completing his PhD in the area of strength and
power development with Edith Cowan University. As well as his up to
date knowledge in current research, he is an active competitor in the
sport of Weightlifting.
The department continues to service the strength requirements of both
the men’s and women’s AIS and national hockey programs. The gym
during the year was also been used by English, Scottish and Malaysian
cyclists in their build up for the Commonwealth Games.
A continuing challenge is to service the increasing demand by the
different sports for strength and conditioning services within the
current facility and with the current staffing levels.
The Strength and Conditioning staff were very pleased to receive formal
accreditation of the facility and its operations by the National Sport
Science Quality Assurance Program in November 2005.
and annual report
Clinical Services
Elite sport requires athletes to continually push the limits of their
physical abilities. Injuries are inevitable and WAIS is very fortunate to
have a network of excellent medical service providers to meet this need.
Dr Carmel Goodman continues to provide her services not only as a sport
medicine practitioner but also as the coordinator of clinical services
to WAIS. Carmel was also recently appointed as the Primary Medical
Officer for Rowing Australia. These appointments along with her role
as a member of staff at the UWA Department of Human Movement has
ensured WAIS has strong clinical links to many organisations.
Integral to excellence in clinical services to elite athletes is the
willingness to make the extra effort to see athletes out of normal
hours and to make the extra phone calls/contacts etc. The clinical
service providers are also required to spend additional time liaising
with coaches and ACS staff to ensure all providers are working towards
the best outcome for the athlete.
WAIS athletes also continue to be very well served by nutritionist
Deborah Kerr. Deborah’s role with Curtin University’s Department of
Nutrition and her wealth of practical experience ensures our athletes
have access to the very best nutrition advice.
Medical Coordinator
Dr Carmel Goodman
Sports Physicians
Carmel Goodman
Scott Isbel
Ken Maguire
Peter Steele
Duncan Sullivan
Gerard Taylor
Sports Dietitian
Ms Deborah Kerr
Sports Physiotherapists
Andrew Hayden
Jeremy Hunter
Alison Low
Alison Morris
Chris Perkin
Nick Shannahan
Brett Slocombe
Dean Whittington
Jocelyn Young
Fiona Chromiak
Michael Wood
Mark Finucane
Joanne Norcott
Jacinta Downey
Dr Jane Purdie
Andrew Stanford
Peter Gregory
Craig Hewson
Damian Oldmeadow
Laurel Wentworth
Michelle Worland
Mark Oberman
Danielle Woodhouse
Massage Therapists
Jaye Thomas
Bernd Adolph
Malcolm Calcutt
Alison Slattery
Talent Search
Institute of Sports Medicine
During 2005 Healthway confirmed their continued support for the
Smarter than Smoking WAIS Talent Search by sponsoring the program
for a further one year period.
participate, demonstrating the schools commitment to the program. This
result also recognises the excellent work of the program coordinator,
Carlie Gooden
Institute of Sports Medicine
Sports Medicine Subiaco
Perth Orthopaedic & Sports Medicine
Sports Medicine Subiaco
Sports Medicine Glengarry
Sports Medicine Subiaco
During the past twelve months WAIS has worked closely with the
Heart Foundation to develop and implement a number of initiatives
to improve the ways in which the Talent Search promotes the Smarter
than Smoking health message. It is hoped that the new initiatives will
increase the awareness of the dangers associated with smoking among
West Australian teenagers involved in the program.
The primary aim of the talent search program is to identify future sporting
champions. Talent Identification programs have been implemented for
cycling, rowing and canoeing.
Athletes identified via the talent search process have produced some
excellent results during the past twelve months. Former Talent Search
athlete (1999), Natalie Bale with partner Sarah Outhwaite achieved
outstanding results to place first in the Women’s Pair and fourth in the
Women’s Eight at the 2005 World Cup in Eton, England. Natalie also
placed second in the Women’s Pair at the 2005 World Championships
in Japan.
MTM Physiotherapy Glengary
Health on the Move Physiotherapy
Ascend Physiotherapy
Sports Medicine Subiaco
Physiotherapy & Physical Medicine
Swan Park Physiotherapy Centre
Cottesloe Sports Physiotheraphy
Curtin Physiotherapy Centre
Ascend Physiotherapy
Leederville/North Perth Physiotherapy
MTM Physiotherapy
Cottesloe Sports Physiotherapy
Joanne Norcott Physiotherapy
Ascend Physiotherapy
Third Avenue Surgery
MTM Physiotherapy Glengarry
Ascend Physiotherapy
Riverton Physiotherapy Clinic
Physiotherapy Solutions
SportsMed Murdoch
St John of God Physiotherapy
Curtin University
Subiaco Sports Massage Clinic
Subiaco Sports Massage Clinic
Sharon & Malcolm Calcutt Massage Therapy
Alison J Slattery Massage Therapist
In an effort to improve the talent identification and development
process the 2005 program implemented a new initiative that would
increase the retention rate and success of the athletes involved in
rowing. The initiative included a localised talent search centralising
around the WAIS rowing training facility. The 2005 Rowing Talent Search
was deemed a success with 19 athletes remaining at the conclusion of
the nine month program. Of those athletes nine were selected to train
in the WAIS Rowing Preparatory Squad.
Phase one of the 2006 program has been completed and the program
has continued to see an increase in the number of schools registering to
Two former Talent Search athletes have also been selected to represent
Australia on National Teams during 2006. Jesse Phillips (1999) has
been chosen for the National Under 23 Flatwater Team for canoeing.
Jesse will compete in the third World Cup Regatta in China during
September. Josephine Butler, 2003 TID athlete, has also been selected
to represent Australia for cycling. Josephine will compete at the Junior
World Championships in Ghent from the 5th to 8th of August.
Aria May (2002 TID canoeing athlete) was presented with the Raj Award
at the 2006 Australian Flat-water Championships. The prestigious
award is presented to the best all-round junior athlete competing at
the nationals, and is based on attitude, dedication to the sport and
and annual report
Athlete Career & Education
Throughout the past year, the focus has been on not only providing a
quality service, but also on the internal and external promotion of the
ACE program. WAIS has continued to provide a high level of individual
support, counselling, advocacy and personal development opportunities
to over 300 WAIS, AIS and National Sporting Organisation scholarship
holders. WAIS has also continued to enjoy a growing relationship
with key networks within the Perth community. Support for athletes
continues to be positive and opportunities for athletes within the
employment and educational sectors have developed through new or
increased affiliations with the Australian Sports Commission‘s Active
After School Program, Challenge Stadium, Royal Life Saving Society,
WA Department of Sport and Recreation, Central TAFE and the EAFU
universities of Curtin, Murdoch, Edith Cowan and UWA.
Athletes and their significant others have been offered the opportunity
to gain valuable introductory (‘Myths and Misconceptions of Nutrition’)
and advanced (‘Understanding Supplements’) level knowledge via
workshops conducted in collaboration with the WAIS Nutritionist,
Medical Coordinator and Physiologists. Translating knowledge into
practice remains a key objective for the program with skills-based
workshops and seminars offered in ‘Financial Success: Managing My
Money’, ‘Healthy Cooking’ and ‘Media Interviewing for Television and
Print’. Athletes jumped at the opportunity to get ‘off the pitch’ and into
the kitchen or media studio to the extent that the demand exceeded
the supply of places, and future repeat workshops have already been
The 2005 Annual Dinner marked the launch of the WAIS Athlete Career
and Education Excellence Award which recognises and encourages
excellence in both sport and life. To be considered, an athlete must
have excelled either academically or within their chosen career/area
of employment, and have achieved this while also maintaining their
sporting focus, results and commitment. An athlete must also have
contributed significantly to the development of themselves and/or
others through their involvement with WAIS. The inaugural award was
presented to Gemma Hadley for having successfully graduated with an
Advanced Diploma of Performing Arts (Classical Music) Saxophone at
the Western Australian Academy of Performing Arts together with a
Bachelor of Music Education with a minor in Physical Education from
Edith Cowan University. Gemma completed her four year degree full
time and averaged a distinction through-out her studies, while being
promoted to the AIS Water Polo Squad and subsequently selected into
the National Women’s Touring Team to Canada.
October also saw Matthew Burgin, who has worked jointly into both the
ACE and Sport Psychology programs since beginning at WAIS in 2001,
transition into the Sport Psychology role in a full-time capacity. His
contribution to date has been far-reaching and much appreciated, and
will continue to be an asset both on a strategic level for the program
and in terms of integrating ACE and Psychology for WAIS athletes.
In June, WAIS ACE was afforded the opportunity to host the 2006
National Athlete Career and Education Conference. This three-day
event provided staff within the Australia wide network the opportunity
to foster relationships, discuss topics of national significance, and
to attend a variety of professional development sessions aimed at
developing new skills and keeping abreast of industry knowledge. WAIS
sourced specialist presenters within the areas of career development,
career coaching, work experience, welfare and chaplaincy, and ecounseling. The National manager, Mr John Waser, was very appreciative
of the support WAIS ACE staff Heather McGregor-Bayne and Angie Wilson
provided in terms of their organisation and planning.
Marketing &
Photo: RAW Image
and annual report
Marketing & Sponsorship
2005/06. Channel 7 provided valuable footage of WAIS events and
activities. We thank them for their involvement in the 21st Anniversary
promotional videos featured at the WAIS Annual Dinner.
Program Sponsors
The Carbine Club joined WAIS during the year to establish “The
Carbine Club International Scholarship Fund”. This important initiative
allocates funding to WAIS athletes to assist with travel to international
BGC Construction Group joined with WAIS during the year to establish
“WAIS Wellness Seminars”. This initiative involved WAIS program staff
hosting health and nutrition seminars targeted at improving the wellbeing of the BGC Construction staff.
The Western Australian Club (WA Club) has continued it’s alignment
with WAIS and its athletes through WAIS’s employment scheme “Athlete
Advantage”. WA Club members have contributed considerable direct
athlete support throughout the 2005/06 year through fundraising
activities and events hosted at the WA Club.
Bankwest Business and Ross Sales and Auctions sponsored the WAIS
Men’s Water Polo program this year which enabled the team to travel to
Europe to gain valuable match and training experience.
Gloria Jeans sponsored the WAIS Cycling program this year which
assisted with the purchase of new training uniforms for the team.
Bekkers IT, official supplier of IT services, have continued their longterm relationship with WAIS.
Kea Designer Sportswear has continued its long standing relationship
as apparel supplier. Over the past year Kea and WAIS developed a new
range of apparel to suit the demanding requirements of athletes and
Sustagen have provided WAIS with in kind sponsorship once again this
year. Their nutritional supplement powder has been supplied to WAIS
profiles of all 35 Western Australian athletes competing at the Games.
WAIS also operated a daily news alert which generated additional media
interest and traffic to the WAIS website during this period.
in key promotional and advertising campaigns for the Scitech Sporting
Hero Exhibition and 2006 White Pages metropolitan directory cover for
In February 2006 WAIS engaged Marketing and PR consultancy Buzz
Marketing to proactively seek media exposure for the Institute and
athletes. Mr Jason Dover and Ms Sian Delaney from Buzz Marketing
have been working hard to increase the profile of WAIS and the athletes
since the Melbourne 2006 Commonwealth Games.
• WAIS Tours - The established “Behind the Scene” WAIS Tour experience
has been developed to create a memorable experience for visiting
schools and children. WAIS athlete tour guides communicate key
aspects of WAIS operations, provide an understanding of the training
and commitment required at the elite level of sport and share their
experiences of their journey with the group to motivate and inspire
them to achieve their best.
There were key public relations events which occurred during the year
to promote the recognition and awareness of WAIS. Some of these are
highlighted below:
• The Commonwealth Games Regional Tour was a major promotional
initiative conducted this year in partnership with the WA Commonwealth
Games Association. Three tours were completed over May and June
this year in several regional areas of WA. These tours were funded by
the Department of Sport and Recreation’s ‘Champions to the Regions’
Scheme which aims to provide positive role models to regional children,
encourage participation in sport, setting goals and maintaining a
healthy lifestyle. WAIS athletes participated in school visits involving
approximately 6,000 school children and attended many community
activities in the regional areas. The positive response from this activity
has been overwhelming.
• WA Olympic Council and WA Commonwealth Games Association Events
and Functions - WAIS has established a strong partnership with the WA
Olympic Council and WA Commonwealth Games Association to ensure
there were many successful events and functions held throughout the
year focusing upon the Melbourne 2006 Commonwealth Games. These
included media conferences, athlete interviews, athlete media profiles
and co-ordinating the official Welcome Home Ceremony hosted by the
City of Perth on April 5, 2006.
• Athlete appearances - WAIS has developed a strong presence with
the Community Development Program which have been very successful
in promoting WAIS and generating goodwill in the community. The
Melbourne 2006 Commonwealth Games created an increased interest
in WAIS and its athletes. During the year there was significant WAIS
athlete involvement in promotions for Telethon; Starlight Foundation;
Princess Margaret Hospital and primary and secondary school visits in the
metropolitan area. WAIS athletes were in demand as guest speakers at
the many events including the Dennis Lillee Disabled Sports Foundation
Golf Day; Be Active WA Pacing Cup, Western Force function; West Coast
Eagles and Fremantle Football Club functions and Department of Sport
and Recreation Active Achiever Awards. WAIS athletes also participated
Computer Power Institute of Technology contributed to the success
of the ACE (Athlete Career Education) initiative by providing IT
scholarships to athletes.
WAIS is grateful to all its retiring, existing and new partners for their
valuable contribution. The support of our partners plays a vital role in
the journey the athletes follow to international success.
Public Relations
The success of WAIS was actively promoted during the year enhancing
our reputation as a premier sporting institute as well as increasing our
profile in the community.
Sponsorship, public relations and communications have all enjoyed
positive outcomes for the WAIS Marketing department in the past
Website and Corporate Communications
WAIS is committed to working with its sponsors and marketing initiatives
undertaken during the year reflect this commitment. Sponsors and
suppliers for the 2005/2006 period are detailed below.
The WAIS Marketing department has continued to develop key
communication tools including the WAIS News Bulletin (WNB) and WAIS
website. The WNB captures all athlete and sport results and is sent
weekly via email. It is an important communication tool not only for
WAIS but our sport partners, sponsors and the media and continues to
grow with an estimated readership of over 5,000 recipients. The WAIS
website is continually being developed to ensure promotion of WAIS
operations, staff, athletes and partnerships are maximised.
Major Sponsors
Coca-Cola once again supported WAIS both financially and in-kind with
the provision of Powerade and beverages. During the year, Coca Cola
unveiled their Powerade Isotonic product through a major launch and
WAIS was able to assist by presenting the benefits of this product for
athlete recovery. Coca Cola have been a Major Sponsor of WAIS over
the past 21 years and will continue its support of WAIS into 2006/07
as a Supplier level sponsor. We thank them for their significant
contribution to WAIS and look forward to continuing our relationship
into the future.
Healthway is a long term supporter of the Smarter than Smoking WAIS
Talent Search scheme and continued as a Major Sponsor of WAIS in
The WAIS Marketing Department produced many news stories, press
releases and media opportunities for WAIS athletes, coaches, staff and
services throughout the year. Media exposure of WAIS has increased
since the 2004 Athens Olympic Games and during the Melbourne 2006
Commonwealth Games period. There has been regular media coverage
of all WAIS operations in State, community and regional newspapers, in
national magazine features and radio and television features.
During the Melbourne 2006 Commonwealth Games, the WAIS website
was used as a media resource to promote the schedules, results and
Photo: WAIS
• Community Program - WAIS has joined the Active After School Community
Program by registering with the Australian Sports Commission. Selected
WAIS athletes have been trained as deliverers of this program which
encourages children to participate in an active and healthy lifestyle.
WAIS produced two editions of the Without Compromise magazine, an
Annual Report, the 2005 – 2008 Strategic Plan and 48 Editions of the
WAIS News Bulletin (electronic newsletter) over the reporting period.
The WAIS Marketing Department also assisted with the production
of various department and program publications for presentations,
seminars and events.
The Without Compromise Magazine is a bi-annual magazine which
includes a report from the Executive Director on the achievements to
date and highlights athletes, staff, program and services activities. It
provides a comprehensive focus on the WAIS operation and is circulated
to over 2,500 athletes, sport, corporate and government agencies. The
WAIS Annual Report is another important promotional tool distributed
to key stakeholders.
Ms Georgina Walsh, WAIS contracted journalist is a major contributor
to the WAIS publications ‘Without Compromise’ magazine, WAIS Annual
Report and WAIS News Bulletin. Ms Walsh has taken extended leave
from 1 June 2006 and we are pleased that Ms Gabrielle Knowles has
assumed these areas of responsibility and look forward to working with
her in the future.
Ms Stephanie Neesham, Marketing Manager is responsible for sponsorship,
marketing, media and communications initiatives relating to WAIS.
Ms Marisa Leddin provides support to the marketing department by
coordinating WAIS tours, athlete appearances and multimedia activities
including the WAIS News Bulletin (WNB) and website.
and annual report
Finance & Administration
Human Resources
Ms Honnie Butler has continued to provide her enhanced financial
management skills which has proved to be valuable input to the WAIS
Finance and Administration department in particular.
During the year 2005/2006 Mrs Helen Rice has continued to provide
her valuable expertise in co-ordinating various HR projects.
Ms Marisa Leddin has continued to share receptionist duties with Ms
Tina Price. Both Marisa and Tina have provided an enthusiastic and
professional face to our reception.
At 30 June 2006 the number of full time staff was 39 and permanent
part-time staff, numbered 9.
Accommodation and Costs
Various strategies were implemented during the year to reduce the cost
of administering WAIS operations, the outcome has been a positive one
for WAIS with significant savings made.
The Budgeting Model was updated during the year in order to improve
upon the financial management processes in conjunction with the
users. The payroll system was also successfully updated.
WAIS successfully adopted International Financial Reporting Standards
during the financial year 2005-06 with virtually seamless transition
from the previous Australian Standards.
Building Maintenance
As part of the Strategic Plan 2004-2008, a Performance Management
System enhancement project has been further developed and partly
implemented during 2005. Further refinements are planned in future.
Information Technology
Mrs Aine McSweeney has resigned to pursue her career prospects in the
commercial sector. During the year various enhancements were made
to our document management system, website and our proprietary data
management system – DAIS.
DAIS has continued to be developed by our Software engineer, Mr Adrian
Broughton with improvements on the version. Optimisation of internal
process in order to utilise the resources available was one of the key
initiatives that was focused on by the Information Technology.
An audio-visual repository and communications project was initiated
with a proposal for additional funding by the Government. This project
is aimed to provide athletes, coaches and scientific staff an effective
and efficient resource for the storage and management of digital audio
visual records of competition, training and testing from multiple
internal and external locations. This project is also aimed at enhancing
the potential to distribute high performance coaching information to
regional WA.
WAIS staff common room is being built on the mezzanine floor which
was one of the initiatives identified during the WAIS Strategic Planning
2004-2008 process. This is expected to complete by August 2006.
Finance &
and annual report
WAIS would like to thank:
major Sponsors
Program Sponsors
Smarter than Smoking
WAIS Talent Search
Scholarship Fund
Wellness Seminar
Men’s Water Polo
Athlete Advantage
Men’s Water Polo
Official Suppliers
IT Services
Athlete Career & Education
Venue Supporters
An Olympic Training Centre Endorsed by the Australian Olympic Committee
Dietary Supplement