2012 MB Wild Directory of Non-Timber Forest Products 1
2012 MB Wild Directory of Non-Timber Forest Products 1
2012 MB Wild Directory of Non-Timber Forest Products 1 Introduction The Buy MB Wild Directory is a listing of Manitoba non-timber forest product companies doing business in Manitoba. The directory is also available on line at www.modelforest.ca This directory and its on line counterpart was made possible by the following organizations; The Manitoba Model Forest Manitoba Model Forest Inc. 3 Walnut Street P.O. Box 6500 Pine Falls, MB, Canada R0E 1M0 Tel: 204-367-4541 Fax 204-367-4768 Eastman Tourism admin@eastmantourism.ca PO Box 768 St Pierre Jolys, MB R0A 1V0 (204) 451-1757 (cellular) www.eastmantourism.ca Culture Heritage and Tourism 2 2012 MB Wild Directory of Non-Timber Forest Products Table of Contents Arts & Culture ................................. 5 Body Mind & Spirit ......................... 9 Education Resources .................. 11 Home & Garden ......................... 15 Holiday/Recreation .................... 21 Wild Foods .................................... 25 Recipes ......................................... 29 Design and Layout: Don Norman, Winnipeg River Echo, 1-204-367-9468 2012 20 2 01 12 2M MB B Wi W Wild ild ild ld D Directory iirre ecctory to orryy o off No N Non-Timber on n--Ti Tim mb be err F Forest orre o essstt Products Pro Pr od duc ucttss 3 Arts & Culture Making wool at Dan Di Alpacas Arts & Culture 4 2012 MB Wild Directory of Non-Timber Forest Products Agnes Frechette Design Agnes Frechette 22 Bernard Bay Winnipeg MB R2C 3Y1 204-663-7585 agnesfrechette@mts.net Business Description: Designer who works with students to develop unique designs in leathercrafts to make moccassins, mukluks, jackets & vests. Annette Bouvier Fine Art Annette Bouvier Box 101 Otterburne MB R0A 1G0 204-433-7583 bouvier02@mts.net Business Description: Acrylic painting on found objects of wood, canvases, furniture, etc….. Bissett Annual Craft Show Shauna Grapentine Box 30 Bissett Community Council recreation Bissett MB R0E 0J0 204-277-50478 Business Description: Community Art & Craft sale held each year in November or December at the Community Hall. Works by artist Shawna Grapentine. Dale Boulette Carvings Dale Boulette Hollow Water MB 204-363-7325 Business Description: Carvings by local artist made with moose antlers and soapstone as well as diamond willow walking sticks. Dan Di Alpacas Arts & Culture Arts & Culture Dan & Diane Girouard Box 628 19 rue Le Rang Rd St-Malo MB R0A 1T0 204-347-5976 204-392-2689 dandialpacas@gmail.com http://www.dandialpacas.net/ Business Description: Discover how to harvest and process fibre and experience hand spinning on a wheel or drop spindle. Make your own woven craft using all natural hand spun alpaca yarn. We provide a mobile workshop where we teach groups how to spin. Fibre Artistry (Formerly Silk Angel) Helga Schulte-Schroeer 1611 Pritchard Aveue Winnipeg MB R2X 0J1 204-283-6182 sangel-life@usa.net http://www.fibreartistry.ca/ Business Description: Helga enjoys experimenting with natural fibres. She explores their limits and applications to broaden the perception beyound the traditional specializing in the nuno & cobweb techniques which allows for extraordinary fine felted materials and fascinating features. her unique and modern applications are exhibited & sold throughout Western Canada. Flo’s Leather Crafts Della Vincent Clark St-Georges MB R0E 1V0 204-367-8635 204-785-0710 Business Description: Custom made collection of leather mitts trimmed in real fur as well as mukluks, headbands, and slippers. 2012 MB Wild Directory of Non-Timber Forest Products 5 Arts & Culture Jenefer’s Pottery Neidermayer Knives Jenefer Cavers Box 266 Pinawa, MB R0E 1L0 204-753-2441 jeneferpots@yahoo.ca Business Description: Hand built pottery with a nature theme. Charlie Niedermayer Box 523 Pine Falls MB R0E 1M0 204-367-2375 cnknives@mts.net Business Description: Well recognized wildlife carver of birds and animals. Sole authorship of knives which includes design, heat treating, leather work and handles which are mostly made from stabilized local and tropical woods and naturally shed antlers. At the age of 84 Charlie can take pride in having entered competitions for over 10 years and always receiving recognition from Prairie Canada Carvers. Knock On Wood Brian Knockaert Box 1128 Pine Falls MB R0E 1M0 http://www.throughthearbour.ca Business Description: Wood Turnings by Brian are showcased in Pine Falls @ Through the Arbour Gift Shop. Lahaie Carvings Robert Lahaie P.O. Box 428 St-Pierre-Jolys MB R0A 1V0 204-433-7227, 204-746-4573 momlahaie@hotmail.com Business Description: Soapstone carver and chainsaw sculptor on various species of wood picturing wildlife. ManyEagles Soapstone Michael ManyEagles Box 1601 Winnipeg MB R3C 2Z6 204-243-2794 manyeagles@hotmail.com Business Description: Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced Soapstone carving workshops for all ages. Contact for further details. Marilyn McNish Marilyn McNish 5 McNish Lane Manigotagan MB R0E 1E0 204-363-7482, 204-801-1812 mmcnish@xplornet.ca www.fineartamerica.com/profiles/marilynmcnish.html Business Description: I am an artist located in Manigotagan and I work with a medium of oil and acrylic on canvas. 6 North Star Studio Nancy-Lou Ateah P.O. Box 30, 24 Ateah Road Victoria Beach MB R0E 2C0 204-756-3447 nancylouateah@gmail.com http://www.nancylouateah.com Business Description: Original paintings and prints available for sale. Art classes and workshops can be arranged by booking with Nancy. Artwork is also on display at Through the Arbour In Pine Falls. Paintings by Wendy Wach Wendy Wach Box 101 Belair MB R0E 0E0 204-754-2304 204-754-7367 borealforest43@hotmail.com Business Description: Wildlife artist Wendy Wach has turned her creativity to nature’s canvas-birch bark collected from the Belair forest, her home. Each unique piece is brought to life with acrylics & natural lichens & mosses. The piece is then matted & framed in her studio with great care to compliment the work. Wendy’s work can be found in collections throughout the world. 2012 MB Wild Directory of Non-Timber Forest Products Rainbow Stage (1193) Inc. Wilf & Yvette Bouvier Box 413 Boggy Creek Boggy creek MB R0L 0G0 204-937-3349 Fax: 204-937-4848 Business Description: Early traditional crafts with antler carvings and red river carts by Wilf and caribou tufting and birch bark biting artwork by Yvette. Julie Eccles 200-180 Market Avenue Winnipeg MB R3B 0P7 204-989-5261 Fax: 204-989-5266 jeccles@rainbowstage.ca http://www.rainbowstage.ca/ Business Description: Rainbow stage has been producing Broadway musicals LQ.LOGRQDQ3DUNVLQFH7KHQRQSURÀWPXVLFDO theatre production company has nurtured artists front & back of house and has aided groups and families for generations. Pat’s Pottery Etc. Pat Fallis Box 29, BLK 4 Lot 14B on ER77 Rennie Rennie MB R0E 1R0 204-369-5553 psfallis@mymts.net http://www.patspottery.com Business Description: Pat’s Pottery Etc. is a gift shop, gallery and studio featuring one of a kind pottery pieces, art & jewelry, handcrafted onsite overlooking Brereton Lake. Pottery classes available teaching the sprituality of clay and creativity through working with the earth. Open June to Oct.(closed on Wed.)Located on Brereton Lake. Philip’s Magical Paradise Marilyn Hornan Box 633 Giroux MB R0A 0N0 204-326-1219 Fax: 204-326-3182 Business Description: Magically as you travel east on PR # 301 a mysterious force insists you stop and visit Western Canada’s only museum of Magic & Illusion. Open June 1 to end of September. Mon-Fri by appointment or by chance. Sat & Sun 1-6pm. Through Glass Images Gail Penner Box 64 Landmark Landmark MB R0A 0X0 204-355-4808 gail.penner@yahoo.ca http://www.throughglassimages.com Business Description: Art for the home: Award Winning Photography Rural/landscape photography, photography through stained glass (creates colurful, abstract images); available as prints ready for framing, or stretched canvas, ready for hanging; visit me at St.Norbert Farmers Market, Beausejour Farmers Market and Matiowski Farmers Market (Kenora). Wood & Soapstone Carvings Ron Jackson Box 488 Beausejour, MB R0E 0C0 204-268-2212 aspenacr@mymts.net Business Description: I have been woodcarving for 30years and soapstone carving for 60years. I prefer carving miniature wildfowl and mammals in wood and bears in soapstone. I have some carvings for sale and will do commissioned pieces. 2012 MB Wild Directory of Non-Timber Forest Products 7 Arts & Culture Papa Wilf ’s Workshop Body, Mind & Spirit Body, Mind & Spirit 8 2012 MB Wild Directory of Non-Timber Forest Products Balsam Balm Shannon Poppy Box 336 Saskatchewan Christopher Lake SK S0J 0N0 306-982-4854 3036-982-4854 balsambalm@gmail.com facebook Business Description: Handcrafted using 100% locally sourced ingredients with an infusion of balsam poplar( Populus balsamifera) in each container. People have been using the tree’s antiseptic, antibacterial, and antiLQÁDPPDWRU\SURSHUWLHVIRUPLOOHQQLDWRKHDOH[WHUQDO injuries. Not only does it sooth and heal, it smells like WKHÀUVWVLJQRI VSULQJ Beausejour Daylily Gardens Mary Veldman Box 633 Beausejour MB R0E 0C0 204-268-3950 204-266-1311 Fax: 204-268-4077 beaudlg@mts.net http://www.beausejourdaylilygardens.com/ Business Description: Botanical garden conveniently located on First St. directly off PTH # 44 featuring New England Aster & Giant Blue Hyssop plants. Also ornamental shrubs, trees, lilies, day lilies, iris & peonies,….. Phillips Massage Therapy Jon Phillips Box 132 Powerview, MB R0E 1P0 Pine Falls MB R0E 1M0 204-367-2141 phillips-massage@rogers.com http://www.throughthearbour.com/ Business Description: Massage therapy by a licensed massage therapist at the Maskwa Project located on the Maskwa River. Ambience plus ! More info on facebook “ Massage at Maskwa”. Terra Mandala Meditation Irene Friesen Box 159 Pinawa MB R0E 1L0 204-753-2699 wolfston@mts.net www.terramandala.ca/garden2.htm Business Description: 6L[JDUGHQURRPVWKDWKRQRUWKHZRUOG·VJUHDWVSLULWXDO WUDGLWLRQVDQGPL[HGERUHDOIRUHVWDQGSUHFDPEULDQ rock. Garden tours with guide ($25) and tea for small groups, earth centred ceremonies. Uské International Sandra Ross Box 287 Clandeboye Clandeboye MB R0C 0P0 204-785-3868 Fax: 204-738-2851 sandra@uskeinternational.com www.uskeinternational.com Business Description: Products are sustainably harvested in northern MB. Our sacred plants are a gift; the cost refers to labour,harvesting & processing by our harvesters. Wild harvested plants that are available in prepackaged product lines or in bulk; Sweetgrass Braids, Sage, Cedar, Rat Root, Red Willow Bark, Chaga & Labrador Tea Leaf. We practice sustainable harvesting, resulting in limited quantities. Contact for availability. 2012 MB Wild Directory of Non-Timber Forest Products 9 Body, Mind & Spirit Body Mind & Spirit Education Resources Education Resources 10 2012 MB Wild Directory of Non-Timber Forest Products Binney Nature Preserve Penny Schoonbaert Box 517 Manitou MB R0G 1G0 204-242-0750 204-242-0750 Fax: 204-242-3281 pmcdc@goinet.ca http://townofmanitou.ca Business Description: East & North of La Riviere it is an interpretive park with a boardwalk and trails with a natural DEXQGDQFHRI ZLOGÁRZHUVQDWLYHWUHHVSRQG life. Self guided tours with critter kits avalable @ 0DQLWRX&RQVHUYDWLRQ2IÀFH Boreal Woods Nature Centre Mike James Box 119 Beaconia MB R0E 0B0 204-754-3575 204-293-5526 Fax: 204-663-0408 mkjames@mts.net http://www.theoutdoorclassroom.net/ Business Description: The Boreal Woods Nature Centre located just south of the Grand Beach turnoff on the east side of PTH 59 North provides educational programs related to nature , biology, & sustainable management of the forest. Programs are tailor made & can include NTFP’s and ecotourism activities. A classroom, picnic VKHOWHUÀUHSLWDQG0RGHO)RUHVW'HPRQVWUDWLRQ7UDLO with guided tours by a professional. Creature Comforts Cottage Dianne Fitzmaurice Gimli MB http://www.creaturecomfortscottage.com/ Business Description: %XWWHUÁ\NLWVDQGSUHVHQWDWLRQIRUVFKRROV Forestry Training Services Ken Fosty 590 Rupertsland Winnipeg MB R2V 0H4 204-586-1365 204-963-2209 kfosty@forestrytrainingservices.com Business Description: NTFP instructor in Herbal Teas, Wreath Making, Walking Sticks, Maple & Birch Syrup, and Mushroom Growing. Kelwin Management Consulting Randy Baldwin Box 40 Niverville MB R0A 1E0 204-388-5340 204-781-1737 rbaldwin@kelwin.ca http://www.kelwin.ca/ Business Description: We assist entrepreneurs to analyze & evaluate business opportunities related to the NTFP products (birch sap, tourism). We consider market opportunities as well as the potential for strategic alliances to strengthen the entrepreneur’s ability to create competitive advantage for their proposed business. Creative Spirit Brenda Gaudry GD 200 Morgan Drive Barrows MB R0L 0B0 204-545-6215 gaubl@mts.net http://www.wildernessspirit.ca/ Business Description: Eco Tours & workshops that promote hands on OHDUQLQJH[SHULHQFHVWKDWLQFOXGHVWKHVKDULQJRI WUDGLWLRQDONQRZOHGJHSODQWLGHQWLÀFDWLRQ sustainable harvesting techniques. Craft store features natural products and local artisans. 2012 MB Wild Directory of Non-Timber Forest Products 11 Education Resources Education Resources La Riviere Nature Watch Station Education Resources Penny Schoonbaert Box 517 Manitou MB R0G 1G0 204-242-0750 204-242-0750 pmcdc@goinet.ca http://townofmanitou.ca Business Description: Located at the Pembina La Riviere Campground along the Pembina River featuring and informational board, with brochures, guest book and concrete bench for leisurely nature watching. Contact Ev @ 204242-3272 for more info. Manitoba Forestry Association Robyn Van Iderstine 900 Corydon Avenue Winnipeg MB R3M 0Y4 204-453-3182 ext. 6 Fax: 204-477-5765 info@thinktrees.org http://www.thinktrees.org/ Business Description: 7KH0%)RUHVWU\$VVRFLVDQRQSURÀWRUJDQL]DWLRQ whose mandate is to educate & inform all Manitobans about the wise use of our forest resources. We sell spiles for tapping of Maple & Birch trees, provide workshops on NTFP’s, ad offer a walk n’ talk service for landowners that focuses on sustainable woodlot management, including NTFP’s. Oak Hammock Marsh Gift Shop Cathy Wassernman P.O. Box 1160 Stonewall MB R0C 2Z0 204-467-3320 204-461-1544 Fax: 204-467--3320 c_wasserman@duckl.ca http://www.oakhammockmarsh.ca/ Business Description: We are located 20 min. North of Winnipeg and carry a wide range of educational materials. We have just developed a MB Birds Product Guide. 12 Réseau Communautaire Diane Bazin Box 193 Notre Dame de Lourdes MB R0G 1M0 204-248-7220 Fax: 204-248-7289 dbazin@sfm.mb.ca http://www.sfm.mb.ca/reseau-communautaire Business Description: We are a community development network with a mandate to facilitate development in rural Francophone communities, encourage creation of partnerships, and support measures to promote & normalize the French language & culture. We provide HR to 30 communities including Saint-Georges-PowerviewPine Falls area. Services include the creation & development of action plans, implementation,consultati on,facilitation & research. Rick Hall Rick Hall Box 2376 Hollow Water MB R0E 2E0 204-363-7880 http://www.mbcahainsawcarvers.com/ Business Description: Wood Carving, Furniture Making, Home Building, and saw mill training. 6'DQJHUÀHOG,QWHUSUHWLYH Planning Sherry Dangerfield Box 117 Victoria Beach MB R0E 2C0 204-756-2129 info@interpretiveplanning.com http://www.interpretiveplanning.com/ Business Description: Interpretive trails(design, trail, develop signs or brochure). Interpretive centres (from concept plan to FRPSOHWLRQ([KLELW'HVLJQFRPPXQLW\PXVHXPVWR larger projects). Research, writing, planning and design - we can put together a team to work with you and your needs. Check website for award winning projects. 2012 MB Wild Directory of Non-Timber Forest Products Heather Hinam Box 501 Riverton, MB R0C 2R0 204-619-4119 heather@discoversecondnature.ca www.discoversecondnature.ca Business Description: Design and creation of customized nature educational materials, kits and interpretive signage to help engage your students and visitors. Nature education and team building workshops available throughout Manitoba. Let us reconnect you to your world. Wilderness Skills Intensives Dwayne Logan Box 65 Gardenton MB R0A 0M0 204-425-3520 Laura 204-824-2706 Dwayne eatwildedibles@gmail.com in development stage Business Description: Connect with nature and learn the basics of wilderness survival and be introduced to the four most important HOHPHQWVRI VKHOWHUZDWHUÀUHIRRGZLWKDGGLWLRQDO skills such as making tools, containers,& primitive KXQWLQJWUDSSLQJDQGÀVKLQJ,QGLYLGXDOJURXS UDWHV0D[DGXOWV<RXWK-XQH 17/12 at Northern Sun Farm near Grunthal. July 27-29/12 at Clearwater MB. Wild Birds Unlimited Jennifer Gobeil Unit 45- 11 Rendeers Dr. Winnipeg MB R2C 5K5 204-667-2161 wildbird@mts.net http://www.wbu.com/winnipeg Business Description: Bringing people and nature together through education. 2012 MB Wild Directory of Non-Timber Forest Products 13 Education Resources Second Nature, Adventures in Discovery Home & Garden Home & Garden 14 2012 MB Wild Directory of Non-Timber Forest Products Beausejour Farmer’s Market Mireille Clark Beausejour MB R0E 0C0 204-268-3499 beausejourmarket@mts.net http://www.beausejourmarket.web.com/ Business Description: Open every Friday from July to mid September from 3 pm to 7 pm @ the Green Oaks Greenhouse 1 Km East of junction of Hwy # 12 and 44. Bent Into Shape Audrey Hiebert Box 22125 Steinbach MB R5G 1B6 204-371-7869 ree@mymts.net Business Description: Willow is harvested from its natural environment to make a variety of pieces including chairs, loveseats, arbors, cribbage tables, mosaic tile tables. Workshops or custom orders by request. Boonstra Farms Murray Boonstra Box 214 Stonewall MB R0C 2Z0 204-467-8480 204-941-0228 murrayb@mts.net http://www.boonstrafarms.com/ Business Description: 35 acres of strawberries and 5 acres of raspberries with a corn maze and forest walk. School tours available. CD Trees Cliff & Dorothy Freund Box 604 11 km south of Steinbach on Hwy#12, 1.6 km east of RD 29N, located on 35East #28141 Watch for signs Steinbach MB R5G 1M5 204-326-6222 dorothy@cdtrees.com http://www.cdtrees.com/ Business Description: Open Last Sat of Nov. Choose & cut or pre-cut Sheared Scots Pine, Fraser Fir & limited supply of %DOVDP:KLWH)LU)UHVKPL[HGJUHHQZUHDWKV and decorative pots. Sat & Sun 9:30 pm to 5pm. Weekdays 1 pm to 8 pm with evening indoor shopping. Sleigh Rides Sat & Sun Noon-4pm. Fire pits coffee, hot chocolate & apple cider. Supplier of jams & jellies to local Farmers’ Markets. Fenez Follies Farm Leanne & Philip Fenez 429 PR 247 La Barriere MB R5A 1E6 204-275-7793 204-791-9319 fenezfollies@gmail.com http://www.fenezfolliesfarm.blogspot.com/ Business Description: For 10 years the Fenez family has been producing high quality meats, eggs and vegetables for a select group of customers. We use sustainable, natural practices to produce food that is pesticide and herbacide free. Grenkow`s U-Pick Debbie Grenkow P.O. Box 177 St-Norbert MB R3V 1L6 204-269-0254 info@grenkowsupick.com http://www.grenkowsupick.com/ Business Description: Strawberry and vegetable u-pick. 2012 MB Wild Directory of Non-Timber Forest Products 15 Home & Garden Home & Garden Hemminger’s Trees & Wreaths La Riviere Framer’s Market Sid & Cathy Hemminger 65 Tyndall Drive Lac du Bonnet l MB 204-268-5024 204-266-2850 cathyhemminger@hotmail.com Business Description: Choose & harvest your Christmas tree from family owned and sheared scots pine and white spruce. Open weekends starting late November @ 10 am until sunset with free hot apple cider. See our sweet smelling decorated balsam wreaths & evergreen swags. Located east of Lac u Bonnet off HWY # 313. Watch for signs. Penny Schoonbaert Box 517 Manitou Manitou MB R0G 1G0 204-242-0750 204-242-0750 Fax: 204-242-0751 pmcdc@goinet.ca http://townofmanitou.ca Business Description: Local vendors selling fresh vegetables, plants, baking, canned goods, crafts, knitting and sewing goods every Thursday 4 - to 6 pm @ La Riviere Rec Centre from June unti September. Vendors welcome contact Ev Janzen @ 204-242-3272 for more info. Home & Garden Integrity Foods Dora Friesen Box 278 Riverton MB R0C 2R0 204-378-2887 integrity-foods@hotmail.com http://www.integrityfoods.ca/ Business Description: 2QIDUPEDNHU\:HEDNHZLWKZRRGÀUHGEULFN ovens. Ancient grains is our specialty. Agro-tourism events held on our farm. 16 2012 MB Wild Directory of Non-Timber Forest Products 0DUFHO+HDWKHU&KHYUHÀOV Angie Arthur Box 1899 Lac du Bonnet Lac du Bonnet MB R0E 1A0 204-345-8060 204-340-6494 aarthur@live.com Business Description: Market is open every Saturday starting May long weekend to late September from 10 am to 1 pm @ the Lac du Bonnet Community Centre lot. Featured products are Home & Garden décor, nursery products, baked goods, crafts and local honey. Marcel Chevrefils Box 1183 Chevrefils Greenhouse Pine Falls MB R0E 1M0 204-367-1492 204-345-4114 mhchevy@xplornet.ca facebook Business Description: May 1-July 1, your one stop gardening shop, featuring annuals,perrenials, vegetables, herbs,& seed. Custom baskets, planters, outdoor décor/gifts, trees & shrubs, DQGODQGVFDSLQJ2SHQLQ'HFHPEHUIRU&KULVWPDV trees, wreaths and unique gifts. Loon Straits Soap Company Sharon Monkman Box 682 Ile des Chenes MB R0A 0T0 204-878-3691 204-781-1069 loonstraitssoapcompany@yahoo.ca http://www.loonstraitssoapcompany.com/ Business Description: Handmade soaps, herbal & medicinal salves, lip balms, bath salts, creams, linen& water sprays, wooden soap dishes, cedar drawer fresheners, laundry VRDSVEHHVZD[FDQGOHV Lorette Farmer`s Market Marché St. Malo Farmer’s Market Diane Girouaurd Box 628 St.Malo St. Malo MB R0A 1T0 204-347-5976 dandialpacas@gmail.com http://www.jadorestmalo.ca/me Business Description: Marketing local products. Open 10 am - 1:30 pm every Saturday end of June to mid September. Located behibd the hotel @ 123 St.Malo St. Debra Mitosinka Box 87 Lorette MB R0A 0Y0 204-878-4650 debm@mymts.net Business Description: Open on Wednesdays from (4 to 7pm) at the Lorette &RPPXQLW\5HFUHDWLRQ&RPSOH[ 2012 MB Wild Directory of Non-Timber Forest Products 17 Home & Garden Lac du Bonnet Farmer’s Market Pioneer Hand Crafted Log Furniture Pine Ridge Hollow Farmer’s Market Pat Herman Box 274 Oakbank MB R0E 1J0 204-444-3280 leepat@highspeedcrow.ca Business Description: Located off Garven Road on Heatherdale Road N adjacent to Bird’s Hill Park. We are in our 8th year with an average of 40 vendors per week. Open June 30th to Sept. 15th every Saturday from 9 am to 1 pm. Daniel FeBox 567 Grunthal MB R0A 0R0 204-434-6789 1-888-305-0259 Fax: 204-434-9431 info@pioneerlogfurniture.com http://www.pioneerlogfurniture.com Business Description: Pioneer Handcrafted Log Furniture builds unique one-of-a-kind furnishings made from trembling aspen, and knotty white pine. Each piece is unique and different. We handcraft tables, beds, chairs, couches, cabinets and much more. With over 25 years of log EOGJH[SHULHQFHZH·OOEHVXUHWRFUHDWHVRPHWKLQJIRU you that will last for generations to come. Prairie Originals Shirley Froehlich Box 25, Grp.310, RR 3 Selkirk MB R1A 2A8 204-785-9799 shirley@prairieoriginals.com http://www.prairieoriginals.com/ Business Description: 6XSSOLHURI 0DQLWREDZLOGÁRZHUVQDWLYHJUDVVHV native shrubs and vines. These perennial plants are available as plants in several sizes and some species are available as seed. Seeds to Bloom Sandra Gowan Box 27, GRP 201, RR2 Winnipeg MB R3C 2E6 204-633-6754 204-771-3562 sgowan@rainyday.ca http://www.seedstobloom.com/ Business Description: %UHZLQJKRSVDQGKRSVUKL]RQHV(GLEOHÁRZHUV available. 18 2012 MB Wild Directory of Non-Timber Forest Products Stonelane Orchard Nursery & Market garden Kim Shukla 36155 Loewen Bvld. Box 1484 Steinbach Steinbach MB R5G 1N2 204-371-8581 Fax: 204-346-1029 kim@stonelaneorchard.com http://www.stonelaneorchard.com/ Business Description: Prairie hardy trees & shrubs, landscaping, pesticide free vegetables over 25 types. Seedlings to caliper WUHHVIUXLWWUHHVÁRZHULQJVKUXEVVSULQJYHJHWDEOHV transplants, heirloom tomatoes. Check out our Garden Fresh CSA weekly vegetable program. Through the Arbour Bernice Phillips Box 132 Powerview, MB R0E 1P0 Pine Falls MB R0E 1M0 204-367-2141 throughthearbour@rodgers.com http://www.throughthearbour.com/ Business Description: A Gallery of Arts & Wellness. Small store containing local and Canadian artwork, herbs, natural & hypoallergenic body care products and essential oils. Fair trade coffees, teas, and hot chocolate. Val Mac Farms Jean Valentine-MacDonald Grand Marais MB R0E 0T0 201-754-3989 valmac2@mymts.net Business Description: Organic vegetables grown under glass, poly, and in WKHÀHOG0XVKURRPVIRUVDOHLQDQGW\SHV of vegetables for sale from farm or @ Grand Marais Farmer’s Market. 2012 MB Wild Directory of Non-Timber Forest Products 19 Holiday/Recreation 4P Festival, Powerview-Pine Falls, & St. Georges, MB Holiday/Recreation 20 2012 MB Wild Directory of Non-Timber Forest Products 4P Festival Bev Dubé Powerview-Pine Falls, St. Georges Box 222 Powerview MB R0E 1P0 Business Description: (YHU\/DERXU'D\ZHHNHQGWKHFRPPXQLWLHVFHOHEUDWH the Paper, Power, Pea & Pickerel Festival in the communities of Powerview, Pine Falls and St-Georges. Traditional music, food, baseball and children’s DFWLYLWLHVLQFOXGLQJWKHIDPRXVÀVKIU\IRUDOOWRHQMR\ Adventure Air Bob Jackson P.O. Box 670 Lac du Bonnet MB R0E 1A0 204-345-8322 Fax: 204-345-6600 info@adventureair.ca Business Description: Charter Air Service Blue Water Aviation Ed Gaffray P.O. Box 20 Pine Falls MB R0E 1M0 204-367-2762 Fax: 204-367-4030 fly@bluewateraviation.ca http://www.bluewateraviation.ca Business Description: Air charter to all points in eastern Manitoba and 1RUWK:HVW2QWDULR7UDYHOIRUFDQRHLQJÀVKLQJDQG eco tourism. Blue Water RV Park & Campground Joyce Thovarldson 204-228-2085 admin@bluewatercampground.ca http://www.bluewatercampground.ca/ Business Description: Located 1 hr north of Winnipeg along PR# 304 in the picturesque area of Powerview-Pine Falls. Blue Water RV & Campground offers seasonal and nonseasonal camping with a park and walking trails. Calder House Bed & Breakfast Carole Tetreault LaBroquerie MB 204-326-1837 thecalderhousebnb@voyageur.coop http://www.calderhealinghouse.com/ Business Description: Located between Steinbach and LaBroquerie Calder House specializes in wellness, health body mind & spirit. Carole a Reilki Master has also trained in Quantum-Touch@ Hot Stone Massage. The teachings of Feng Shui are found throughout the house & property. Grant a seasoned musician and hockey fan shares his talent and hockey trivia. They have transformed the property into a unique and peaceful retreat. Workshops in Reiki, Yoga and meditation are available as well as a meeting space for retreats. 3DFNDJHVDQGJLIWFHUWLÀFDWHVDYDLODEOHXSRQUHTXHVW Champagne’s RV Park Denis & Irene Champagne Box 782 Lac du Bonnet MB R0E 1A0 204-345-2414 204-345-8584 Business Description: Park like setting on the La Verendrye Trail near JROÀQJÀVKLQJVZLPPLQJERDWODXQFK)XOO\ serviced and open from May to October. Champagne Forest is a fantasy land within a dense forest of pine, spruce, and birch with theme displays built around a series of trails. Debonair Campground Agnes Gosselin Box 68 St. Malo MB R0A 1T0 204-347-5336 204-746-0401 debonair@mts.net http://www.DebonairCampground.com/ Business Description: We are the preferred choice for many families in making their primary camping destination. Family Park located 40 minutes South of Winnipeg near the community of St. Malo. 2012 MB Wild Directory of Non-Timber Forest Products 21 Holiday/Recreation Holiday/Recreation Ember Ranch B & B Maskwa Project Margaret Ogilvie Box 1257 Lac du Bonnet MB R0E 1A0 204-345-8804 emberbandb@yahoo.ca http://www.cottagecountry.com/ listings/180180 Business Description: Ember Ranch Bed & Breakfast offers a comfortable, UHOD[LQJQDWXUDODQGSLFWXUHVTXHSODFHWRVWD\LV situated on the Winnipeg River. For more information, e-mail the owner and information packages can be mailed out to you. Ken Phillips Box 130 Powerview MB R0E 1P0 204-367-4390 maskwa@hotmail.com Business Description: Easy access to low cost cabins and campsite located deep in the woods on the Maskwa River including a yurt and free use of canoes, cross countyr skis, gazebo and kitchen. Great for retreats and workshops. English Brook-WanipigowWallace Lake Campgrounds Mark Wynne Bissett Development Corporation Box 52 Bissett MB R0E 0J0 204-277-5463 Business Description: 7KH%LVVHWW'HYHORSPHQW&RUSRSHUDWHVWKH campgrounds from May - September. Unserviced lots $15/night * subject to change Holiday/Recreation Glass Lake Bed & Breakfast Mireille & Andy Clark 27 Fairway Drive S. Beausejour MB R0E 0C0 204-268-3199 http://www.bbcanada.com/glass Business Description: Two rooms with queen beds with full continental breakfast. Vegetarian or gluten free also available. Moon Gate Bed & Breakfast Jenny & Michel Dupas Box 136 Whitemouth MB R0E 2G0 204-348-2473 moongatebanb@gmail.com http://www.moongatebedandbreakfast.ca/ Business Description: Nestled on the banks of the Whitemouth River, Moon Gate B& B is an all season 5 bedroom facility that offers you a full retreat service for individuals, and groups & organizations. Workshops with dynamic & supportive teachers. An inspiring setting provides DVDQFWXDU\IRU\RXWRUHOD[UHMXYHQDWHDQGUHFKDUJH and connect with our natural world. Northern Wings Bed & Breakfast Barry & Lek Ecklund P.O. Box 59 Bissett MB R0E 0J0 204-277-5215 Fax: 204-277-5062 nwings@xplornet.ca Http://www.bbcanada.com/6147.html Jacksons Lodge & Hunting Marlene Jackson P.O. Box 670 Lac du Bonnet MB R0E 1A0 204-345-8322 Fax: 204-345-6600 info@jacksonslodge.com http://www.jacksonslodge.com/ Business Description: )O\LQÀVKLQJ+XQWLQJZLWKIXOO\HTXLSSHGFDELQV boats & motors. 22 2012 MB Wild Directory of Non-Timber Forest Products Pinawa Motel Dorothy Wilken Box 190 Pinawa MB R0E 1L0 204-753-2357 info@pinawamotel.com http://pinawamotel.com Business Description: Offering clean rooms @ reasonable rates with with 32” TV, microwave, mini fridge, coffee and wireless LQWHUQHW'DLO\ZHHNO\PRQWKO\UDWHVDYDLODEOH Some rooms with view of the marina. Pinawa offers many hiking, snowmobile, & skiing trails, tennis courts, beach and outdoor pool. Riding Mountain Guest Ranch Spruce Sands RV Resort Dave Hammond Box 129 Arnes MB R0C 0C0 204-642-5671 204-642-3295 Fax: 204-642-7734 info@sprucesands.ca http://www.sprucesands.ca/ Business Description: Located 16 km north of Gimli of Hwys 8 or 9. Large fully serviced sites on the shores of the Lake Winnipeg. Close to marinas, golf courses, store bakery DQGZLÀKRWVSRW Wild Harmony Canoe Adventures Adrian Storimans P.O. Box 34 Seven Sisters Falls MB R0E 1Y0 204-348-7122 info@wildharmony http://www.wildharmony.ca/ Business Description: *XLGHGDQGRXWÀWWHGRQHGD\FDQHWULSVRQHDVLO\ accessible waters in S.E. Manitoba. Flat-water, moving-water and white-water adventures; wilderness trips in Manitoba and N.W. Ontario; hiking and snowshoeing. Winding River Bed & Breakfast Dave & Susie Sarrasin P.O. Box 664 St. Malo MB R0A 1T0 204-347-7491 204-712-6284 ssarrasin@xplornet.com http://www.bedandbreakfast.mb.ca/ 2012 MB Wild Directory of Non-Timber Forest Products Holiday/Recreation Jim & Candy Irwin Box 11 Lake Audy MB R0J 0Z0 204-848-7354 ridingmountain@gmail.com http://www.ridingmountain.ca/ Business Description: Wilderness Bed & Breakfast with private trout ÀVKLQJODNH 23 Wild Foods Wild Foods 24 2012 MB Wild Directory of Non-Timber Forest Products Wild Foods A Sense of Manitoba Dallas Liske 642 Parke Avenue Site 420 Comp 14 RR4 Beausejour MB R0E 0C0 204-268-1314 asenseof@mymts.net Business Description: -DPVKRQH\VRXSPL[HVHONELVRQDQGPXFKPRUH Bissett Annual Fish Derby Mark Wynne Bissett Development Corporation Box 52 Bissett MB R0E 0J0 204-277-5463 Business Description: 7KH%'&LVKRVWWRWKHQGDQQXDO)LVK'HUE\HYHU\ August long weekend. Starts @ 6 am Saturday & ends noon on Monday @ Rice Lake in Bissett. Boreal Bounty Bar JoJo Cormier 374 Green St. Flin Flon, MB R8A 0H4 204-687-7717 204-687-7717 info@borealbountybar.com http://BorealBountyBar.com Business Description: Boreal Bounty Bar strives to produce delicious, healthy alternatives to the nutrition bar market using only natural ingredients, most of which can be found in Canada’s own Boreal Forest. Our bar is also gluten and nut free. Clayton U-Pick Orchard Ed Clayton Box 351 Elkhorn MB R0M 0N0 204-845-2584 eclayton@rfnow.com http://www.facebook.com/ ClaytonUPickOrchard Business Description: Cherries, chokecherries, and several varieties of apples sold as U-Pick and at Farmer’s Markets. Also sell several kinds of jams & jellies. Tours of the farm can be arranged by appointment. Frosty’s Maple Syrup Ken Fosty 590 Rupertsland Winnipeg MB R2V 0H4 204-586-1365 204-963-2209 kfosty@icenter.net Business Description: Organic Manitoba Maple Syrup available in two sizes; 1/2 litre and 100ml. Organic product ideal for gifts. Gourmet Mushroom Company Ken Fosty 590 Rupertsland Winnipeg MB R2V 0H4 204-586-1365 204-963-2209 kfosty@gourmetmushrooms.ca Business Description: Specialty Mushroom sales - Shiitake & Oyster Mushroom Grow Kits available - all organic. Boreal Bounty Products 2012 MB Wild Directory of Non-Timber Forest Products Wild Foods Doug Eryou Box 413 Flin Flon Baker’s Narrow MB R8A 1N1 204-687-5625 204-480-8899 doug@borealbounty.com http://www.borealbounty.com/ Business Description: Birch Wine 25 Hawthorne Ridge Ltd Horseshoe Lake Wild Rice Allen Martens Box 623 Grunthal MB R0A 0R0 204-371-7643 cell Business Description: Honey producers Jim Niedermayer Silver Falls Box 768 Pine Falls MB R0E 1M0 204-367-8796 chuck@granite.mb.ca Business Description: Organic wild rice harvested in eastern Manitoba in the pre-cambrian shield. Packaged in lined hand crafted unbleached cotton bags making great gifts. Hometown Sausage Jamie Papineau Box 156 PTH # 11 St-Georges MB R0E 1V0 204-367-8858 Fax: 204-367-2536 Business Description: &XVWRPZLOGFXWWLQJ0RRVH'HHU(ONVDXVDJH pepperettes, garlic sausage and cheese smokies. Honey Garlic Maple Syrup festival Penny Schoonbaert Box 517 Manitou MB R0G 1G0 204-242-0750 204-242-0750 Fax: 204-242-3281 pmcdc@goinet.ca http://townofmanitou.ca Business Description: Friday and Saturday Sept. 7th & 8th with concert, tours, farmer’s market-free food sampling. Savour the Flavour of Pembina Valley Specailties featuring rose hip & wild cranberry jellies, honey garlic relsih and honey garlic sausage and much more. John Boy Farms Jean-Guy Coté Box 39 Ste. Agathe MB R0G 1Y0 204-882-2751 204-794-9465 johnboyfarms@gmail.com http://www.johnboyfarms.com/ Business Description: We sell fesh pressed apple cider made with local Manitoba apples. We also offer custom apple pressing for customers that want juice made from their own apples. Jordan Susanne Jordan Box 306 Eriksdale MB R0C 0W0 204-739-5480 tsjordan@highspeedcrow.ca Business Description: &DQRODRLOJROGHQÁH[RQHJROGHQÁD[VHHGFDQROD seedmeal fertilizer, mustard, raspberry and strawberry jelly, grapapel jelly, wild mint, honey herbblend, ÁRZHUVHHGDQGFRRNLHV Kaskew Forestry Products Wild Foods Bob Ibister Box 330 Saskatchewan Montreal lake SK S0J 1Y0 306-663-5306 306-930-9885 bibister@shaw.ca Business Description: Owned by Montreal Lake Cree Nation in northern Saskatchewan.Kaskew has begun an initiative to develop the NTFP industry in their vast traditional territory in Northern Saskatchewan 26 2012 MB Wild Directory of Non-Timber Forest Products Land of the Little Sticks Boreal Harvesters Association Guntar Hildebrandt P.O. Box 39 Lynn Lake Lynn Lake MB R0B 0W0 204-356-2418 Fax: 204-356-8297 edo@lynnlake.ca http://www.boreallinks.com/ Business Description: We are an association of residents in Northern Manitoba Canada that harvest and sell boreal non timber forest products. Laura’s Wild Adventures (cont.) Business Description: Fun adventure will give you appreciation of nature. With Laura’s guidance you will prepare a full course meal with a variety of wild edibles that you gather yourself. One day workshops where you learn to tell edible from poisonous look-alikes, when to gather, different plant parts to use and how to incorporate into HYHU\GD\PHDOV&ODVVVL]HOLPLWHGWRWRPD[LPL]H \RXUKDQGVRQH[SHULHQFH Laura’s “You can eat that?” Wild Adventures 2012 MB Wild Directory of Non-Timber Forest Products Wild Foods Laura Reeves Box 65 Gardenton Gardenton MB R0A 0M0 204-425-3520 eatwildedibles@gmail.com working on development 27 Miinan Inc. Lena Friesen 250 Rodney Street Headingly MB R0J 1A8 204-888-8839 miinan@shaw.ca Business Description: We make jams and jellies from wild fruit, including blueberries, chokecherry, plums,…….We also sell the fruit @ St.Norberts’s Farmers Market when in season. The Canadian Birch Company Co.Ltd. Rory & Glenda Hart Box 283 Grand Marais MB R0A 0T0 204-754-0164 gnrhart@mymts.net http://www.canadianbirchcompany.ca Business Description: New company producing birch syrup, sap, & birch tree water. 100% Canadian Brand. Rocky Lake Birchworks Ltd Wild Fungi’s Al & Johanna MacLauchlan Box 4272 The Pas MB R9A 1R2 204-682-7532 info@rockylakebirch.com http://www.rockylakebirch.com/ Wayne Doerkson 516 Ash St. Winnipeg MB R3N 0R2 204-296-6668 204-981-9281 wildfungis@hotmail.com Business Description: Wild mushroom distribution business. Sugaring Off Festival Roland Gagné Box 321 St-Pierre-Jolys MB R0A 1V0 204-433-7002 204-433-2844 museestpierrejolys@live.ca www.museestpierrejolysmuseum.ca Business Description: Every year in mid April come & celebrate a French Canadian tradition with the community of St-PierreJolys. Meals are served in the Sugar Shack and include sugar pie, crepes, or maple candy. The Sugar Shack is available year round for meetings and family celebrations and is located on the museum grounds. Ye Olde Apothecary & Shoppe Roxie Ateah 862 Home Street Winnipeg MB R3E 2C8 204-221-9957 strongtreewoman@hotmail.com http://www.apothecaryshoppe.blogspot.com/ Business Description: Traditional wildcrafter harvesting teas, trees, plants, wild foods & woodcrafts. Provide help to others to learn sustainable harvesting techniques. Buyers Valley Cedar Leaf Oil Wild Foods Gord Stickles 347 Augsburg Road Eganville Eganville OT K0J 1T0 613-628-2892 stickles@bell.net http://www.valleycedarleafoil.ca/ Business Description: Buyesrs of beaver castors and animal furs. 28 2012 MB Wild Directory of Non-Timber Forest Products Recipes Wild Rice with Wild Mushrooms One non timber forest product is wild rice and is the first recipe for our cook book. It is from Helen Norman, it is a favourite with her family - and a must at Christmas and Thanksgiving. Ingredients: 1 cup wild rice 3 cups beef broth ¼ cup butter In a large pot bring rice and broth to a boil then simmer with lid on tight for 45 minutes. Drain off fluid, add ¼ cup butter, stir into rice. Set aside. Filling: 2 cups MB Wild mushrooms 2 large onions ¼ cup butter ½ cup almonds Chop mushrooms into large pieces and fry in butter until golden brown. Remove mushrooms but leave as much butter as possible in the pan. Chop onions into large pieces and place in the pan, add ¼ cup butter and fry until golden brown. Combine mushrooms, onions, and all the butter from the fry pan into the pot of rice and broth. Toss lightly with two forks and replace lid. Keep warm. Wild Foods Place almonds into the fry pan used for the mushrooms and onions and cook until golden brown. Sprinkle almonds into rice mixture and serve immediately. 2012 MB Wild Directory of Non-Timber Forest Products 29 Recipes Highbush Cranberry Sauce Highbush cranberry (Viburnum trilobum) is shrub native to much of Canada. The berries are high in vitamin C and were eaten fresh or made into pemmican. The bright red fruit was also used for ink and a dye for clothing. Winter Berries of Highbush CranberrySettlers used the berries mainly for jelly and juice, each berry has a large, heart shaped seed in the centre, making it more suited for use as a processed fruit rather than fresh. Highbush Cranberry Sauce 1000 mL (4 cups) highbush cranberries 50 mL (1/4 cup) water 15 mL (1 tbsp) gelatin 250 mL (1 cup) sugar Wild Foods Wash and stem the berries and place in a saucepan with the water. Simmer, covered for 10 minutes or until all the berries have burst open. Strain out the juice and return juice to the saucepan. While the juice is hot, add sugar and gelatin and stir until dissolved. Cool and serve as a sauce with meat and wild game. 30 2012 MB Wild Directory of Non-Timber Forest Products Recipes Pickerel Chowder Ingredients: 3 tbsp butter 3 slices bacon, chopped ½ cup celery, chopped 1 large yellow onion, chopped ¼ cup all purpose flour 3 cups cold milk 2 cups cubed red potatoes (Approx 2 potatoes) 2 (8 ounce) walleye fillets, cut in chunks ½ cup whipping cream Salt and pepper to taste 2 tbsp chopped fresh parsley Directions: 1. Heat the butter in a large stock pot over medium-high heat. Add the bacon, and quickly sauté until the bacon begins to crisp. 2. Add the celery and onions, sauté until softened, stir in flour to form a roux. 3. Slowly whisk in the cold milk. 4. Add the fish and potatoes and stir gently. Reduce heat and simmer for 40 minutes, or until potatoes are cooked through. 5. Mix in the whipping cream and season to taste with salt and pepper. Garnish with parsley and serve Yield: 6 servings Wild Foods Fishing for pickerel on the Winnipeg River 2012 MB Wild Directory of Non-Timber Forest Products 31 Non-Timber Forest Products 3 Walnut Street P.O. Box 6500 Pine Falls, MB, Canada R0E 1M0 Tel: 204-367-4541 Fax 204-367-4768 Culture Heritage and Tourism 32 2012 MB Wild Directory of Non-Timber Forest Products