2015 Heroes Publication - United Way of Southern Nevada
2015 Heroes Publication - United Way of Southern Nevada
uwsn.org UNIT ED WAY H E R O E S 2 0 1 4 2015 HEROES WELCOME THIS YEAR, UNITED WAY OF SOUTHERN NEVADA WORKED WITH: 316 COMPANIES + 400 AGENCIES + 21,683 DONORS + 6,514 VOLUNTEERS + 197,252 HOURS OF SERVICE = 500,000 CHILDREN AND FAMILIES IMPACTED THROUGH UWSN’S WORK WE L C O M E Dear Friends, We are very proud of the work being done and are deeply grateful for the contributions of so many individuals, corporations, foundations, and organizations that partner with United Way. Without the support of the entire community, it would be all but impossible to fulfill our mission. For nearly a decade, United Ways around the country have been slowly transforming away from serving only as community fundraisers to a more essential role as catalysts for systemic community change. This journey has not taken place in isolation. United Way’s current focus on community impact has taken place alongside parallel developments in the field of community revitalization and advances in collective impact. By bringing people and organizations together around innovative solutions, we change the lives of one in four people in southern Nevada. When you support United Way, you help to provide a solid educational foundation so that children enter school prepared, graduate high school and continue to contribute to their communities. You help to ensure that children and families can live healthy lives and have the tools they need to break the cycle of poverty. Throughout 2015 HEROES you will read the stories of the lives that were changed through the collective action and support of our community. Children have received a quality early education, volunteer hours have been deployed, teachers have received training and families in need have received crucial help. Because of you, United Way is able to provide an umbrella of support services through a host of agencies and organizations impacting our whole community. Sincerely, Bob Morgan President and CEO United Way of Southern Nevada Greg Korte Volunteer Board Chairman United Way of Southern Nevada UNIT ED WAY H E R O E S We thank each of United Way’s many HEROES across the valley who have joined their resources and stepped forward like never before to create a brighter future for southern Nevada. 2 0 1 5 On behalf of the board of directors, we wholeheartedly express our gratitude for all that you do to make a real difference. Whether you join our thousands of community volunteers, give through your workplace campaign, or participate in our community work, you are a part of the change that we are creating in the community. 01 COMMUNITY IMPACT PR O V IDI NG A N UMB R E L L A O F C O MMUNI T Y S UP P ORT providing a solid foundation to break the cycle of poverty United Way of Southern Nevada is part of a worldwide movement to create communities where all children and families can succeed through a quality educational foundation, financial education and healthy lives. United Way helps children and families throughout the Valley succeed. Our strategy is to provide a solid foundation with an early education for children to enter school ready to learn. We provide medical check-ups and vaccinations to start school on-time and parent training and resources to improve graduation rates. We provide cradle-to-career support for children, because the global economy demands education beyond high school. A better educated community leads to enhanced economic development and an expansion of work opportunities resulting in a better quality of life for the entire community. To find out how you can be a part of creating a better community, contact United Way of Southern Nevada at (702) 892-2300. UNIT ED WAY H E R O E S Households that are financially stable create a stronger community and economy. United Way helps families build a firm financial foundation by connecting them with job training, stable housing and financial tools. By bringing together partners from businesses, community organizations and local government, we can help more families in our community break the cycle of poverty and succeed in life. 2 0 1 5 To ensure that today’s students are equipped for 21st century challenges, we provide financial education beginning in elementary school, teaching them how to save, budget and use credit wisely. These life skills, once learned and mastered, contribute to a lifelong cycle of success and financial independence. 03 GOAL: EVERY CHILD WILL HAVE AN OPPORTUNITY TO RECEIVE A QUALITY EARLY EDUCATION. providing a solid early education foundation The beginning years are essential for learning, yet Nevada ranks last in the nation in preschool enrollment. Research shows that capturing a child’s imagination at an early age leads to reading at grade level in the third grade, which contributes to a higher percentage of children graduating from high school. When you give to United Way, you ensure children and families receive the support they need to succeed: Access to a quality early education to provide a solid foundation Medical check-ups and vaccinations to start school on-time Parent training and resources to improve graduation rates 04 C O MMUNI T Y I MPA C T | E A R LY E D UC AT IO N the impact early education makes on the community In order to help children succeed, we are focusing our resources on providing a quality early education during their most formative years so children begin school ready to learn. The impact of early education: Increase in high school graduation rates Increase in skilled employees Reduce the number of those in poverty Attract more businesses and increase job opportunities Studies found those who went to preschool: Had improved school performance with increased math and language abilities Had improved peer interactions Were more likely to graduate high school Were more likely to hold a job Had higher annual earnings 1 in early education saves $7 in future costs INVESTED related to social services and juvenile justice. NOW $ We invite you to join us and BE A CHAMPION FOR CHILDREN Learn more at uwsn.org/champ4children UNIT ED WAY H E R O E S 2 0 1 5 To help more children access an early education, we invite you to join us at uwsn.org/champ4children. 05 L E A D E R NE T WO RK S help children and families succeed through our leader networks Leader Networks step up, share ideas and serve our community. Leader Network members come together to create change while building personal, professional and philanthropic connections. Members are passionate, determined and action-oriented leaders who use their collective strength and financial power to help children and families succeed. Join us! YOUNG PHILANTHROPISTS SOCIETY With a mission to make a difference in children’s lives, Young Philanthropists Society (YPS) members spearheaded the creation of the “Piggy Bank” program to inspire children to save. Membership in YPS is secured by a minimum $2,500 investment for Executive Membership or a minimum $1,500 investment for General Membership annually to United Way of Southern Nevada. To find out how you can become a member of United Way of Southern Nevada’s Leader Networks, call (702) 892-2319. UNIT ED WAY H E R O E S WOMEN’S LEADERSHIP COUNCIL The Women’s Leadership Council (WLC) has raised almost $1.9M in just eight years, investing their dollars in essential projects that help women and children succeed. The members of the Women’s Leadership Council impact lives through their investment of $2,500 or more annually to United Way of Southern Nevada. 2 0 1 5 TOCQUEVILLE SOCIETY This esteemed group of donors serve as the cornerstone of United Way. Tocqueville Society members are recognized for their investment of $10,000 or more annually, designating $2,500 or more to United Way of Southern Nevada’s Children and Families Fund. 07 Tocqueville Society members are philanthropists who demonstrate extraordinary generosity to our community by investing $10,000 or more annually. These individuals and couples make an outstanding commitment to improving the quality of life in our community. Members are recognized locally and nationally for their commitment and for inspiring others to greater philanthropy. Tocqueville Society members Howard Puterman and Sunshine and Joseph P. Micatrotto, Jr. TOCQUEVILLE SOCIETY AMERICA’S LEADING PHILANTHROPISTS Created in 1984, there are more than 26,500 Tocqueville members across the country who collectively gave $538M in the last year. Since 1990, Tocqueville donors have given $7.7B to United Way, making a lasting impact in the communities in which they live. At United Way of Southern Nevada, our Tocqueville donors gave almost $1M in 2014-2015. In a time when the need is so great, the leaders among us rise up with renewed willingness to tackle the biggest challenges—they are United Way’s Tocqueville Society members, the cornerstone of United Way. SIMPLE AND EASY – TOCQUEVILLE SOCIETY COMMUNITY INVESTMENT ACCOUNT Tocqueville Society members also have the option of establishing a Community Investment Account (CIA). After a minimum $2,500 designation to United Way’s Children and Families Fund, your remaining contribution can be designated to the organization(s) of your choice. Benefits include: • The option of a single receipt to provide to the IRS to cover all the charitable gifts made through this program. Please remember United Way of Southern Nevada in your will or estate plans and share with us when you do. To find out how you can become a Tocqueville Society member, contact Lawrel K. Larsen, Senior Director, Major Gifts at LawrelL@uwsn.org or 702-892-2319. • Designations can be made to any IRS certified charity; give to your church, alma mater, family foundation, or any nonprofit you support.* • Personalized correspondence to recipient charities. • Receive recognition and benefits for giving at the Tocqueville Society level. • The ability to give anonymously and give in honor or in memory of someone. *May not be in exchange for goods or services. 08 TOCQUEVILLE SOCIETY As a Tocqueville Society donor, through the “Specialized Funding Opportunities” program you can choose how your contribution is invested. For those who are passionate about dental health, you can help children like Carolina access dental care. Carolina’s mom Maria did not have the resources to take Carolina to the dentist. Through your support, Carolina is now receiving preventative dental care and learning good dental habits early so hopefully she never has to struggle with cavities and painful dental decay. “More than 51 million school attendance hours were lost last year in this nation due to children with oral disease,” said Nancy Dockery, Future Smiles Program Manager. “We can help prevent that.” STEP UP AND BE COUNTED – TOCQUEVILLE SOCIETY STEP-UP PROGRAM Step-up program participants are recognized as members of the Tocqueville Society and they agree to reach the Tocqueville Society giving level of $10,000 at the conclusion of the third year of the program. “SPECIALIZED FUNDING OPPORTUNITIES” PROGRAM Cathy Jones, CPA, CCIM | Owner | Sun Commercial Real Estate, Inc. UNIT ED WAY H E R O E S “I made the decision to become a member of United Way’s Tocqueville Society because it is the right thing to do. I find it rewarding to give back to the community and see the funding results. There are so many lives that are touched by United Way and so many people willing to help make that difference. The experience is very touching.” 2 0 1 5 United Way of Southern Nevada offers Tocqueville Society members special opportunities to fund essential programs in specific interest areas that help children and families succeed. As a program funder, you can experience the power of your philanthropy first-hand with private program site visits. 09 TOCQUEVILLE SOCIETY 2014-2015 tocqueville society THANKS TO OUR TOCQUEVILLE SOCIETY DONORS LA TABLE RONDE DE MILLIONS DE DOLLARS $1,000,000 + ABBIE G. FRIEDMAN, ESQ. LA SOCIÉTÉ NATIONALE $100,000 - $249,999 SAMUEL S. AND LEXY LIONEL The Lionel Trust JEFF AND MARY EHRET The PENTA Building Group, Inc. ORDRE DE FRATERNITÉ $75,000 - $99,000 THE JAMESON FAMILY SUNSHINE AND JOSEPH P. MICATROTTO, JR. MRG Marketing & Management, Inc. EMILY AND BRAD NEILSON ORDRE D’EGALITÉ $50,000 - $74,999 HOWARD AND KATE PUTERMAN Enterprise Holdings ORDRE DÉ LIBERTÉ $25,000 - $49,999 Summer, a single mom who lives paycheck to paycheck, is challenged with raising her active four-year old son, Daylon and juggling school and a career. Without United Way’s support, Summer would not have been able to send her son to preschool. “I wouldn’t want my son to start school behind,” said Summer. Daylon has now learned his alphabet and can count to 20 without interruption and is ready to succeed in school and life. VICTOR AND WENDY COLOSI Global Cash Access JERRY AND KATHLEEN GRUNDHOFER MYRNA AND JON HAMANN 3M Center MEMBRES DE LA SOCIÉTÉ $10,000 - $24,999 LINDA AND TONY BONNICI AND FAMILY SALIM AND TANYA ABI-KARAM Boyd Gaming Corporation Enterprise Holdings FRED AND KRIS HIPWELL PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP DR. JOSE AND MRS. SORAYA AGUIRRE Holland & Hart LLP JIM AND JUDY KROPID KENT AND MARSHA LARSON KEN L. AND MICHELLE ALBER The PENTA Building Group, Inc. Thrivent RONALD BARBER TIMOTHY BREMER Deloitte BETH CAMPBELL Gensler DIANE M. CARLSON AND WILLIAM FREYD 1-2-1 Philanthropic Services ED SKONICKI Caesars Entertainment CYRUS AND JOANNE SPURLINO JODY AND RYAN BELSICK The Spurlino Foundation Walker Engineering, LLC JOHN AND ROBYN CASPERSEN SANDRA A. STREATOR SUSAN AND WARREN BEST AND FAMILY KIRK AND RHONDA CLAUSEN Wells Fargo 10 BILL AND JUDY BOYD Enterprise Holdings DAVE AND YENNY CARVER Wells Fargo TOCQUEVILLE SOCIETY United Way of Southern Nevada gratefully acknowledges the 2014-15 Tocqueville Society Co-chairs, Laura and Jay Barrett and all of the Steering Committee members. “We have been very fortunate in this community and we feel it’s a responsibility and a privilege to be able to pay back through the Tocqueville Society.” Greg and Susana McCurdy | SLS Las Vegas Hotel and Casino & Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department Bank of Nevada RICK AND KRISTA DARNOLD Boyd Gaming Corporation SALLIE DOEBLER The Korte Company RYDER AND JULIE DONOHUE BNY Mellon/MGM Resorts International SHELLEY M. AND BOB DUBIN UBS Financial Services, Las Vegas Lipson, Neilson, Cole, Seltzer & Garin/Charleston Insurance Group DAN AND EVA GERETY Gerety & Associates, CPAs TAMMY GRABEL Las Vegas Woman Magazine LLC STEVE AND GRACE GREATHOUSE DAVID AND ERIN HOENEMEYER Caesars Entertainment MARK HOPKINS AND MARILYN JENTZEN Deloitte DAVID AND ELIZABETH FERSDAHL USAA Savings Bank GLEN AND DEBORAH HOWARD Wells Fargo JIM AND CAROL FUCHS SHANE JARRELL Enterprise Holdings SAM AND MARIANNE JOHNSON Boyd Gaming Corporation CATHY JONES Sun Commercial Real Estate ANDY KATZ AND BEA KATZ Manpower Inc. EDWARD AND KAREN KOIJANE AND FAMILY 2 0 1 5 RACHELLE AND STEVE CRUPI JOE AND MONICA GARIN Ernst & Young, LLP GREG AND NICOLE KORTE AND FAMILY The Korte Company TOM KOVACH AND MATHEW MCCARTHY Donor Basis/Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department KEN AND DEE LADD Sunrise Children’s Foundation (retired) UNIT ED WAY H E R O E S FRED AND MARI-ANNE COVER 11 TOCQUEVILLE SOCIETY THANK YOU TOCQUEVILLE SOCIETY DONORS “The United Way’s Tocqueville Society has allowed me to merge my personal, professional, and philanthropic lives into one. The society aligns you with socially conscious people in your community and breeds a life line directly to those in need.” Joe Micatrotto Jr. | President & Chief Executive Officer | MRG Marketing & Management, Inc. 12 TOCQUEVILLE SOCIETY MEMBRES DE LA SOCIÉTÉ CONTINUED $10,000 $24,999 AMY MEYER-TERRY AND CURTIS TERRY WHY Ranch JUSTIN AND RENATA MICATROTTO CHRISTOPHER AND LAWREL K. LARSEN PGAL / United Way of Southern Nevada STEVEN AND CARRIE LARSON Thrivent RUTH LAUBER Las Vegas Woman Magazine LLC MRG Marketing & Management, Inc. CLIFF AND DARLENE MILLER MJ Christensen Diamonds SABRI AND TONI OZUN United Way of Southern Nevada JOHN AND COLLEEN PAGE CHUCK AND LIZ LENZIE PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP SKIP AND SALLY LYLES LARRY AND AUDREY PLOTKIN GREG AND SUSANA MCCURDY DON WALL AND DARCI POLONI WALL SLS Las Vegas Hotel and Casino / Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department Poloni & Associates ROBERT AND JOSEPHINE MCPEAK JIM AND GAIL RAFFEL McDonald Carano Wilson LLP DEB MELE-BLANCHARD Wells Fargo ED RICKS Deloitte WILLIAM B. RUSSELL FAMILY Wells Fargo TONY AND ELAINE SANCHEZ NV Energy GEORGE AND ADELA SMITH Bank of America YWS Architects / Klai Juba Wald Architects Ltd. APRIL AND JASON WEXELMAN Enterprise Holdings TERRY L. WRIGHT Nevada Title Company PHILIPPE AND CHRISTELLE ZIADE Appleton Properties, LLC 1 ANONYMOUS THROUGH YOUR SUPPORT: MORE THAN 2,400 SENIOR HOUSEHOLDS RECEIVED ENERGY ASSISTANCE THROUGHOUT 2014-2015. 2 0 1 5 Funded by NV Energy and administered through United Way of Southern Nevada, Project REACH is a year-round program designed to help vulnerable adults 62 years and older, medically fragile or Reserve and National Guard members who meet the income guidelines have access to energy assistance. To learn more, call 702-892-2300. JON SPARER AND JOHN KLAI UNIT ED WAY H E R O E S United Way staff and more than 130 NV Energy employee volunteers spent a Saturday helping low-income seniors during the Senior Energy Assistance Expo. By the time the last customer was served, more than $344,000 in assistance had been given to 1,210 senior households through Project REACH (Relief through Energy Assistance to Prevent Customer Hardships). 13 WOMEN’S LEADERSHIP COUNCIL WOMEN’S LEADERSHIP COUNCIL FORMED TO CHANGE LIVES To become a Women’s Leadership Council member, contact Lawrel K. Larsen, Senior Director, Major Gifts, Major Gifts at LawrelL@uwsn.org or 702-892-2319. United Way of Southern Nevada’s Women’s Leadership Council (WLC) is part of a national network of dedicated women philanthropists who have collectively raised over $1B in supporting United Way’s mission to improve lives and build stronger communities. In southern Nevada, the WLC has raised almost $1.9M in just eight years, investing their dollars in crucial projects which are changing lives. From teaching children through innovative early learning techniques, improving math and reading scores for K-7th students, empowering at-risk students to graduate high school, providing scholarships for young women, helping families become financially self-sufficient and providing medical services for abused and homeless women and children, these dynamic and generous women are truly change agents for the community. Visit uwsn.org/wlc to learn more. The annual WLC Suit Drive brings our community together for the donation of suits and professional items for women in need. These items are donated to agencies serving women in back-to-work programs. While we gathered almost 12,000 items in November 2014, it takes just one suit to enable success and independence. Through this community event, we really are changing lives, one hanger at a time! 14 WOMEN’S LEADERSHIP COUNCIL United Way of Southern Nevada gratefully acknowledges the 2014-15 Women’s Leadership Council Co-chairs, Rhonda Clausen and Angel Williams and all of the committee co-chairs and members. 2014-2015 women’s leadership council TANYA LACOSSE KIMBERLY PLANCHUNAS TINA ANDERSON BARBARA DOBLE DEE LADD AUDREY PLOTKIN ANNE ANIELLO-WAYMAN SALLIE DOEBLER JOYCELYNN LAGULA MICHELLE POLISANO JOY AVEDESIAN JULIE DONOHUE LAWREL K. LARSEN DARCI POLONI-WALL SANDRA J. BAKER SHELLEY DUBIN MARSHA LARSON VIJAYA POLURI SANDRA BATTLES DORETHA EASLER ROSEMARY LATO JILLIAN PRIETO JILL BELL CYNTHIA ENERSON RUTH LAUBER KATE PUTERMAN JODY BELSICK LAURA ERHARDT CYNTHIA LEE MICHELE C. QUINN SUSAN BEST NIKKI ETHERINGTON JANET LINDER PHYLLIS RADACK LINDA BONNICI MELISSA FIELDING DR. EVA LITTMAN INGRID V. REISMAN ELIZABETH BRICKFIELD JILL J. FOURNIER HOLLY LLOYD DONNA RUSSELL CAROL A. BRINK ABBIE G. FRIEDMAN, ESQ. MALINDA MAILE TAMMY L. SEICHI PAULA M. BROWNE LINDA MARVIN KERI SERRANO-LONG BETH CAMPBELL MONICA GARIN PUNAM MATHUR MONTE SMITH CHRIS CAPPAS MARIA JOSE GATTI MJ MAYNARD MARILYN SPIEGEL DIANE CARLSON MARY GIULIANO KRISTIN MCMILLAN LINDA STALEY JENNIFER CARO CAROLYN GOODMAN ROSAMARI MCNULTY JUDITH STOKEY DONNA CASHMAN TAMMY GRABEL JOSEPHINE MCPEAK RIKKI TANENBAUM ROBYN CASPERSEN ROBBIE D. GRAHAM DEB MELE-BLANCHARD JENIFER TAYLOR JANET CHAO KARIE L. HALL DIANNE MERKEY DELLA TILSHER MICHELLE CHATIGNY DANYLLE HITCHEN AMY MEYER-TERRY LORI WARE VIRGINIA S. (GINNY) CHRISTENSON REBECCA HOWELL DARLENE MILLER CAROLYN WHEELER ROSEMARY MISSISIANSERRU ANGEL WILLIAMS RHONDA CLAUSEN DR. FLORENCE JAMESON WENDY COLOSI TERRI JANISON EILEEN MOORE MARILYN JENTZEN RONNA WISEMAN CHERYL A. CONSTANTINO JENNIFER M. MORGAN CATHY JONES EMILY WOFFORD DENETTE CORRALES BEA KATZ MAGALY MUNOZMEJORADO JANICE WOLFENBARGER RACHELLE CRUPI LINDA M. KIRK EMILY NEILSON KRISTA DARNOLD JUDY KROPID JANICE PALIGUTAN RITA DESIMONE DAWN LABONTE JANE ANN PETE-KASICK JACQUELYN WILLIAMS NANCY WONG “I was inspired to join the Women’s Leadership Council by the stories of those who were able to get a stable job to provide for their families or gain skills that provide a sense of possibility and a pathway. When people’s basic needs are met, we are able to transform our community.” Rosamari McNulty | Senior Director of Human Resources, Volunteer Services and Education Nathan Adelson Hospice They come from two different worlds but Alyssa Mayor and Megan Thompson have one distinct commonality, both were in need of help to attend college and received the United Way Women’s Leadership Council Emerging Leadership Award for Women. Alyssa was born in Quezon City, Philippines and moved to Las Vegas in the summer of 2004. There are many career options in Alyssa’s horizon, but she definitely has a bright future. “This award is so important to me because I am surrounded by people who never stop changing the world for the better, and I strive to become like them,” said Alyssa. With aspirations of competing as Miss USA, Megan was appointed to the Nevada Youth Legislature for the 2013-15 session and is actively engaged in the community. “This award helps financially fund my opportunity to acquire a college education so that I can use my degree and my career as the catalyst to do bigger and better things for my community and my country,” explained Megan. 2 0 1 5 SANDRA L. DEWEES UNIT ED WAY H E R O E S SORAYA AGUIRRE 15 WOMEN’S LEADERSHIP COUNCIL 2014-2015 women’s leadership council making a good life possible WLC MISSION: Engage and develop our members to be leaders in creating impactful change in our community through education, health and financial stability. Supporting girls in the lifelong endeavor to increase physical activity and healthy eating, WLC sponsored this fun run and development program for Girls on the Run, which incorporates positive youth development curricula. It’s an amazing progam that includes exercise, mentoring, learning and goal setting. The WLC Family Engagement Resource Centers (FERCs) are located in four local high schools and target underserved teens who are at risk of dropping out. Through their involvement, these teens and their families receive resources to strengthen the home-school connection and assist in keeping students on track to graduate. The FERCs are located at Clark, Sunrise Mountain, Eldorado and Silverado. In 2014, the very first cohort of this project reached graduation eligibility. We proudly watched 434 seniors who had been identified by CCSD as having a 100 percent risk of dropping out, walk the stage to receive their diploma. In partnership with Spread the Word Nevada, the WLC sponsors “Breakfast with Books” once a month. Families are treated to a light breakfast, a book reading, and a free developmentally appropriate and enriching book to build their home libraries. The excitement and smiles on the children’s faces as they choose their new books are truly heartwarming. This important program promotes English literacy and fluency by increasing the number of available tools to promote language acquisition. The participating elementary schools are Jeffers, Paradise, Petersen, Twin Lakes and Whitney. 16 YOUNG PHILANTHROPISTS SOCIETY Lawrel K. Larsen, Senior Director, Major Gifts at LawrelL@uwsn.org or 702-892-2319. This engaged group of contributors has raised over $490,000 in six years and has successfully launched the “Piggy Bank” Program an innovative, real-world solution to teach students the importance of saving. YPS members spearheaded the creation of the “Piggy Bank” program to teach children, grades K-5, to save. A collaboration between YPS, Silver State Schools Credit Union (SSSCU) and Andson Inc., the “Piggy Bank” provides a fun, hands-on interactive program allowing children to save their earnings in a real-life bank at their school. YPS has successfully opened two “Piggy Banks” at Walter Bracken STEAM Academy and Howard E. Hollingsworth Elementary School with the third “Piggy Bank” to be opened at Walter Long Elementary School in the Fall of 2015. 2 0 1 5 To learn more about the Young Philanthropists Society, contact The Young Philanthropists Society (YPS) is a dynamic group of philanthropists with a mission to make a difference in children’s lives through volunteerism, mentorship and events by harnessing the energy, commitment and diverse skills sets of the next generation of leaders. UNIT ED WAY H E R O E S YOUNG PHILANTHROPISTS SOCIETY 17 YOUNG PHILANTHROPISTS SOCIETY 2014-2015 young philanthropists society YPS EXECUTIVE MEMBERS $2,500 JODY BELSICK CECIL BRIDGEWATER CHELSIE CAMPBELL LEROY J. GODFREY TAMMY GRABEL SHANE JARRELL EDWARD A. KOIJANE TIMARA MARQUIS JOSEPH P. MICATROTTO, JR. JUSTIN MICATROTTO JEFFREY D. MITCHELL EUGENE OUTLEY LEAMON RAMSEY MARC REYES MICHAEL SANTOS GEOFF SPATARO JOSH S. SWISSMAN CHRISTOPHER H. WAY MARK A. YINGLING 1 ANONYMOUS YPS GENERAL MEMBERS $1,500 MICHAELAMOS AMBER BEASON KRISTY BLACK MICHAEL BROWN BRIANA L.COURTS LISA DRAKE RACHEL FOX MONICA HABART KIMBERLY HOPPS JAKE A. JOYCE KYLEE KNIGHT MICHELLE A. LINDSAY LAURIE MANN JILL MARADIAGA CHRISTOPHER MAYS TIMOTHY D. MCGOVERN KELLY K. MCNAMARA TIM OLSON MICHAEL PARKS REBECCA RISSE JORDAN SACCA SCOTT M. SAVARDA MICHAEL P. SCHULER DANIEL SHAPIRO RORY VOHWINKEL United Way of Southern Nevada gratefully acknowledges the 2014-15 Young Philanthropists Society Co-chairs, Chelsie Campbell and Christopher H. Way and all of the committee co-chairs and members. “United Way does so much to give back to all facets of the community and it’s a great way to give back to many people who are in need including young children and families throughout the Las Vegas valley.” Michael Parks |First Vice President Investment Properties, Global Gaming Group CBRE | Capital Markets 18 With his sights set on being a professional soccer player, Emmanuel may only be in second grade but he knows it’s going to take a lot of work to accomplish his dream. A creative, imaginative and active boy, Emmanuel likes art and drawing Captain America. If his dreams of becoming a soccer player don’t work out, Emmanuel has a back-up plan. He wants to become an FBI agent, “to make the world a better place.” Through the “Piggy Bank” program at his school, Walter Bracken STEAM Academy, Emmanuel is learning how to save. “When I told my parents I had saved $705 dollars they were really happy because all that I have been saving is going to go for my college,” said Emmanuel. A hard worker, Emmanuel earns money by working around the house and helping his father with projects like fixing the refrigerator. “If you get more money you can save for college,” said Emmanuel. “So you can reach your goal and do whatever you want afterwards.” YOUNG PHILANTHROPISTS SOCIETY 2014-2015 young philanthropists society helping children succeed YPS MISSION: To make a difference in children’s lives through volunteerism, mentorship and events by harnessing the energy, commitment and diverse skills sets of the next generation of leaders. Books and Buddies helps facilitate reading and literacy in the home. YPS’ support of this program allows for expansion of this program to reach an additional 150 at-risk children in partnership with Spread the Word Nevada. Through mentoring, book supplies, and comprehension inquiry, post-test results demonstrate the effectiveness of this important mentoring program. With a commitment to children and their health, YPS helped 2,500 children access Desert Reign’s Sports and Nutrition Camps for children in 2014. UNIT ED WAY H E R O E S YPS expanded their reach into the community by their partnership with the Down Syndrome Organization of Southern Nevada via the Learning Program, designed to deliver evidence based educational support to children, parents and teachers in the areas of literacy and math. Offered throughout the school year, this program provides additional individualized instruction to children and their caregivers, so their needs are met and they have the greatest chances for success. YPS’ partnership allows this valuable program to double their capacity and allows for a second age group, 7-8 year olds, to receive this critical support. 2 0 1 5 Camps provide immersion into physical activity and fitness as well as the ABCs of proper nutrition and healthy eating. These camps aid in helping children succeed cognitively, socially and athletically. 19 LEADERSHIP SOCIETY 2014-2015 leadership society VISIONARIES $5,000 - $9,999 KEVIN AND SHERRY BETHEL NV Energy PAUL CAUDILL AND JANE AMERINE NV Energy ELLIOTT K. CHAMBERS Wells Fargo PAULINE CHUNGLIM Caesars Entertainment GLADYS AND STEVE COMER DENETTE CORRALES Wells Fargo CHRIS AND MEMRIE DEENEY Nonprofit professionals joined to reduce the social costs of poverty, strengthen the workforce and build a more prosperous and sustainable community through the “Bridges Out of Poverty” workshop at United Way. National Security Technologies, LLC JAMES AND CLAUDINE DOUBEK NV Energy DAVID A. FARLIN Boyd Gaming Corporation Bringing together front line staff, counselors, employers and community organization employees, the workshop advanced strategies to improve job retention rates, build resources, improve outcomes and support those who are moving out of poverty. NADINE FAULIS Bank of America STEPHEN AND PAULA FRANCIS 8 NEWS NOW ED GARCIA AND KIRSTIN LAMBRECHT PHYLLIS RADACK Holland & Hart/Gerety & Associates, CPAs National Security Technologies, LLC MICHAEL LEWIS CHANNA M. SEDERE United Parcel Service Wells Fargo Deloitte STEVE AND VANESSA MANIAGO LINDA AND LARRY SEEDIG JULIA HENSEL JENNIFER M. MORGAN KJS FAMILY FOUNDATION National Security Technologies, LLC Boyd Gaming Corporation WILLIAM R. OLSEN PHILIP AND KATHEE SPEIGHT NV Energy Las Vegas Valley Water District JEFF AND SHERRI ORTWEIN AMY ST. CLAIR DON GIBE AND NANCY ERLANSON RICHARD FRAIM CHRISTOPHER S. GRIFFIN Deloitte ROBERT HEWITT KEVIN AND ANNETTE JUDICE NV Energy RAYMOND AND HELEN JUZAITIS National Security Technologies, LLC DAWN LABONTE Wells Fargo 20 Deloitte PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP JARED PRYOR DELLA TILSHER Wells Fargo United Parcel Service 5 ANONYMOUS LEADERSHIP SOCIETY 2014-2015 leadership society TEMPLARS $2,500 - $4,999 Clark County STEVEN L. ANDERSON MICHAEL F. BOLOGNINI Las Vegas Valley Water District Cox Communications TINA ANDERSON ELIZABETH BRICKFIELD SolarCity Dickinson Wright PLLC KEN AND PATTI ANDRIESSEN CAROL A. BRINK National Security Technologies, LLC Ameriprise Financial ANNE ANIELLO-WAYMAN PAULA M. BROWNE Kaercher Campbell & Associates Wells Fargo JOY AVEDESIAN KERRIE, RUDY AND BREANNA BURKE Northwestern Mutual Financial Network Boyd Gaming Corporation SANDRA J. BAKER CHELSIE CAMPBELL Clark County NV Energy SANDRA BATTLES CHRIS CAPPAS United Parcel Service United Way of Southern Nevada JILL BELL JENNIFER CARO Nevada State Bank DONNA CASHMAN KRISTIN AND EDWARD BELMONT Deloitte Enterprise Holdings STEVE AND TIMI CEREGHINO ROBERT A. BERGLIN National Security Technologies, LLC National Security Technologies, LLC JANET CHAO JOHN D. BINIZA East West Bank National Security Technologies, LLC “I’ve supported United Way since 2004 because the organization provides me with a level of comfort that the financial resources are being put to the best use, and I know I’m helping those in my own community.” Andrea Smith |Director, Corporate Communications NV Energy United Way works to eradicate poverty through the Southern Nevada Capacity Building VISTA project. The project’s overall goal is to enrich the lives of southern Nevadans by strengthening UWSN partner agencies. VISTA members like Kiah and Alex help with the operations of local nonprofits and have implemented programs that will have a lasting impact on our community. Kiah developed a strategy to increase access to quality early childhood education. Alex organized and contracted a major media feature on a Spanish news station to help a nonprofit gain increased exposure and support for their community work. Through your support VISTA members have engaged 2,500 volunteers and more than $14,000 in resources in 2014-15. 2 0 1 5 PHILLIP A. BLOUNT Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department UNIT ED WAY H E R O E S DANIEL AND MONICA ALVARADO 21 LEADERSHIP SOCIETY 2014-2015 leadership society TEMPLARS $2,500 - $4,999 MICHELLE CHATIGNY Gaming Compliance Advisors LLC JOSEPH AND CINDY CHEUNG NV Energy VIRGINIA S. (GINNY) CHRISTENSON Wells Fargo EVELYN CHU Desert Springs Hospital CHERYL A. CONSTANTINO The Wealth Consulting Group JACOB (ALLEN) COTHRON National Security Technologies, LLC TOBEY CUMMINGS KRISTI DAVIS Cox Communications ROBERT DESALVIO Wynn Las Vegas RITA DESIMONE First Federal Realty DeSimone SANDRA L. DEWEES NV Energy BARBARA AND MICHAEL DOBLE NV Energy Learning at an early age the power of volunteering and the path to success, 995 NGAGE high school students committed their time to building a better future for our community. In the 2014-2015 school year, United Way recognized 169 students representing 24 high schools for serving a minimum of 100 hours. Participating students gained access to community, business and personal experiences and friendships that will last a lifetime. SHAWN DUNCAN Cox Communications PETER AND DORETHA EASLER LINDA V. FIONDA CHRIS AND FRAN GIBASE NV Energy Wells Fargo Boyd Gaming Corporation PAT AND KAREN EGAN KEVIN P. FISHER MARY GIULIANO NV Energy Las Vegas Valley Water District Vdara CYNTHIA AND TODD ENERSON JILL J. FOURNIER LEROY J. GODFREY Gerety & Associates, CPAs LAURA ERHARDT Genentech NIKKI ETHERINGTON Deloitte MELISSA FIELDING Caesars Entertainment 22 Wells Fargo Fleming’s Prime Steakhouse & Wine Bar MARIA JOSE GATTI FRANCIS P. GONZALES MGM Resorts International KEVIN AND DANIELA GERAGHTY AND FAMILY NV Energy DONALD GIANCURSIO UnitedHealthcare NV Energy CAROLYN AND OSCAR GOODMAN JEANNE GOODRICH LEADERSHIP SOCIETY TEMPLARS $2,500 - $4,999 KARIE L. HALL Caesars Entertainment PAM AND BRET HAYNES National Security Technologies, LLC TERRY HICKS Cox Communications NORMAN TY AND MERCEDES HILBRECHT Hilbrecht and Associates DANYLLE AND STUART HITCHEN A.C. AND EVELYN HOLLINS ROSEMARY LATO Lato, Petrova & Pearson, CPAs DEXTER LEE National Security Technologies, LLC JANET LINDER CRISTINE LINDHOLM Cox Communications DANA C. LINDSAY National Security Technologies, LLC DR. EVA LITTMAN Red Rock Fertility Clinic MARTIN J. LIVINGSTON National Security Technologies, LLC Enterprise Holdings JAMES AND NANCY HOLT HOLLY AND DAVID LLOYD National Security Technologies, LLC Southwest Gas Corporation PHILIP A. HORRELL CHRIS W. MAGNUSSON Wells Fargo REBECCA HOWELL MARY HUMPHREY Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department DERON HUNSBERGER AMY C. HURD Enterprise Holdings MALINDA MAILE UBS Financial Services, Las Vegas JILL MARADIAGA Deloitte TIMARA MARQUIS Deloitte U.S. Bank LINDA MARVIN DR. FLORENCE JAMESON PUNAM MATHUR TERRI JANISON MARK AND CATHY MAURER United Way of Southern Nevada HARRIOTT KELLY The Rainmaker Group LINDA M. KIRK JOSEPH A. KUCIK Nevada State Bank STACEY KUSTERS NV Energy JOYCELYNN LAGULA Gensler Ernst & Young, LLP MJ MAYNARD RTC FRANCINE MAZZA Enterprise Holdings KELLIE MCMASTER NV Energy KRISTIN MCMILLAN Las Vegas Metro Chamber of Commerce Capucine Dean now has the tools she needs to help young preschool learners in her classroom be prepared for kindergarten through United Way’s early education training. “My students have learned to talk to each other and problem solve. They can now look at a problem and figure it out,” said Capucine. Through the training, Capucine learned effective strategies to capture children’s attention so they recognize their numbers, alphabet and begin to learn how to write. “After the training I learned it’s all about the kids. They become better students when I know how to teach them.” THROUGH YOUR SUPPORT: MORE THAN 79,873 HOURS OF TRAINING WERE PROVIDED TO EARLY EDUCATORS SINCE 2010. 2 0 1 5 Nevada Title Company UNIT ED WAY H E R O E S ROBBIE D. GRAHAM 23 LEADERSHIP SOCIETY 2014-2015 leadership society TEMPLARS $2,500 - $4,999 LAFAYETTE MCMORRIS KIMBERLY PLANCHUNAS National Security Technologies, LLC OptumHealth Collaborative Care ANDREW AND BARBARA MCNEIL CHELSEANN POFF NV Energy Nordstrom ROSAMARI MCNULTY MICHELLE POLISANO Nathan Adelson Hospice Sephora BARRY MELLOR VIJAYA POLURI Navarro-Intera CARMEN PRICE DIANNE MERKEY Wells Fargo City National Bank JILLIAN PRIETO Immunizations can save your child’s life. Because of advances in medical science, your child can be protected against more diseases than ever before. Some diseases that once injured or killed thousands of children, have been eliminated completely and others are close to extinction – primarily due to safe and effective vaccines. Polio was once America’s most-feared disease, causing death and paralysis across the country, but today, thanks to vaccinations, there are no reports of polio in the United States. Immunization protects others you care about, can save your family time and money and ensures that your child will be able to attend school. KEVIN M. MILLER Wells Fargo ROSEMARY MISSISIAN-SERRU Weinberg Wheeler Hudgens Gunn and Deal JEFFREY D. MITCHELL Virtus Commercial EILEEN MOORE Caesars Entertainment PATRICK S. AND TAMMY J. MORRIS National Security Technologies, LLC MAGALAY MUNOZ-MEJORADO MGM Resorts International SUSAN L. NELSON Wells Fargo ANTHONY AND AMY NG Arcata Associates COLIN OKADA National Security Technologies, LLC THROUGH YOUR SUPPORT: MORE THAN 308,643 IMMUNIZATIONS HAVE BEEN PROVIDED TO CHILDREN FROM BIRTH TO AGE 10 SINCE 2010. 24 EUGENE OUTLEY AND FAMILY NV Energy Women’s Development Center Inc SHANE AND SHIRLEY PRITCHARD NV Energy MICHELE C. QUINN MCQ Fine Art LEAMON RAMSEY NV Energy ROBERT RASMUSSEN NV Energy INGRID V. REISMAN Las Vegas Monorail Company DAVID AND PATTI RETTKE NV Energy MARC AND TANYA REYES NV Energy THOMAS ROCHE Ernst & Young, LLP SAM RUBENSTEIN Caesars Entertainment SCOTT AND DONNA RUSSELL Las Vegas Convention & Visitors Authority/PGAL JANICE PALIGUTAN Diamond Resorts International G.R. PAPAZIAN National Security Technologies, LLC JANE ANN PETE-KASIK National Security Technologies, LLC ERIC SAMUELSON United Parcel Service MICHAEL SANTOS Tailored Food & Beverage PATRICK SCHREIBER Clark County LEADERSHIP SOCIETY DIANNE WEEKS SWANSON AND HERB SWANSON Wells Fargo CAROLYN WHEELER Caesars Entertainment GREG AND TINA WICHMANN Deloitte JOHN WILCOX City National Bank ANGEL WILLIAMS Boys & Girls Clubs of Las Vegas Southern Nevada JACQUELYN WILLIAMS Nevada State Bank JESSICA WILLIAMS Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department BARRY L. WILLIS National Security Technologies, LLC RONNA WISEMAN Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department Deploying volunteers in the community, UWSN manages the AmeriCorps national service program. Service members like Hector Lizaola help families, students and children live better lives. Hector helps students learn how to save through the YPS “Piggy Bank” Program. Encouraging students to save for their goals, Hector also uses his bilingual skills to help parents and students learn the importance of saving. Helping students with their homework and graduate from high school, serving food to families in need, leading youth leadership camping and hiking trips and teaching students how to apply for college, AmeriCorps members become role models to the students and children they serve. JEFFREY T. WOJCIK National Security Technologies, LLC EMILY WOFFORD Caesars Entertainment JANICE WOLFENBARGER Red Rock Fertility Clinic BRIAN WOLFGRAM AND FAMILY City of Henderson PATRICIA AND RICHARD WRIGHT Wright, Stanish and Winckler MARK A. YINGLING Pinnacle Entertainment TAMMY L. SEICHI GEOFF SPATARO United Way of Southern Nevada TED A. TURNEY II Ernst & Young, LLP National Security Technologies, LLC THROUGH YOUR SUPPORT: KERI SERRANO-LONG MARILYN SPIEGEL SHARI TYRRELL MORE THAN 204,091 HOURS OF AMERICORPS SERVICE HAVE BEEN DEPLOYED IN THE COMMUNITY SINCE 2010. Diamond Resorts International ANDREA SMITH NV Energy MONTE SMITH Brown & Brown Insurance LINDA STALEY Bershire Hathaway JUDITH STOKEY NV Energy Centennial Hills Hospital Medical Center PAUL VANHOFWEGEN Wells Fargo LORI WARE William Hill US JOSH S. SWISSMAN MGM Foundation UNIT ED WAY H E R O E S TEMPLARS $2,500 - $4,999 2 0 1 5 7 ANONYMOUS 25 LEADERSHIP SOCIETY GOLD KNIGHTS $2,000 - $2,499 MATTHEW BEATTY Las Vegas Valley Water District HEATHER BRESSLER KESHA CARTER NV Energy CURTIS CHAMBERS Nevada State Bank CANDACE J. CLEMONS Wells Fargo JOHNNY CONG Wells Fargo ROBERT DANNA Deloitte KELLY FERNANDEZ Macy’s CARL FREDERICKSEN Providing a free service for families across the Valley, United Way has helped more than 26,000 families get their taxes filed since 2010 by IRS-certified volunteers. Kayla described the process of getting her taxes prepared as easy. She didn’t have to wait in a line and in thirty minutes the process was completed. “I did a happy dance when I found out I would be receiving a $1,000 refund,” exclaimed Kayla. “I was overjoyed!” JILL GIBSON Enterprise Holdings PATTI GOIN National Security Technologies, LLC MICHAEL HALASTICK Boyd Gaming Corporation STACY HELBLING NV Energy CHRISTINE HIGGINS MGM Foundation LATRINA HOLMES HERBERT ORRELL ROSEMARY A. VASSILIADIS ANDY ANDERSON Wells Fargo GSA Las Vegas Clark County NV Energy MIKE AND CAROLINE JOHANSEN NATHAN PORTER ELMO VOSE MICHELE R. ANTUNEY ANGELA D. ROSE DEBORAH WALSH Enterprise Holdings MIKE AND JULIE LUBE YMCA of Southern Nevada NAILA MARTINEZ Wells Fargo JOHANNA AND JOSEPH MELARAGONO Wells Fargo NV Energy SYLVIA B. HOOKER STEVEN MOY Nevada State Bank Caesars Entertainment IN MEMORY OF CHARLES JACKSON ROBERT NOLIS NV Energy STEPANIE JACOBS U.S. Bank LEWIS AND NICOLE JENKINS Enterprise Holdings 26 LINDA JEX THOMAS AND LINDA NUNLEY Arcata Associates CHERYL OAR National Security Technologies, LLC NV Energy United Way of Southern Nevada CHARLES AND FREDA RUSSELL PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP JIM SAAVEDRA NV Energy SCOTT M. SAVARDA Enterprise Holdings PETER STEINBRENNER NV Energy MARGARET TAYLOR College of Southern Nevada JAMES THOMAS Wells Fargo BELLE USECHE The Service Companies Caesars Entertainment Gerety & Associates, CPAs BRADFORD WILLIAMS REX AND SANDY WINDOM NV Energy EMILY WOFFORD Caesars Entertainment SILVER KNIGHTS $1,500 - $1,999 JOHN ALBERTSON United Parcel Service CHAD ALDRICH Enterprise Holdings MICHAEL AMOS United Parcel Service National Security Technologies, LLC ADRIENNE ARBITRARIO Boyd Gaming Corporation KEITH BACON NV Energy AMBER BEASON Johnson Advisors RACHAEL K. BEATTY National Security Technologies, LLC TRACY A. BENITES Bank of America CAMERON E. BERG Wells Fargo KRISTY BLACK Holland & Hart LLP MICHAEL F. BOND Boyd Gaming Corporation LEADERSHIP SOCIETY SILVER KNIGHTS $1,500 - $1,999 TONY AND DEBORAH BOURNE ALIZA ELAZAR-HIGOCHI SCHAD AND ERICA KOON NV Energy Enterprise Holdings DEAN ELYACOUBI JERALD BRANDENBURG Merrill Lynch Bank of America STARLA LACY NV Energy IBM Corporation MEGAN L. FARNSWORTH MAX M. FISHER MICHAEL BROWN Caesars Entertainment NV Energy THE FOUNTAIN FAMILY REBECCA BROWN Cox Communications Wells Fargo RACHEL FOX SHAVONNE BURKS JOHN AND LYNNANN LESCENSKI MICHELLE AND SCOTT LINDSAY Snell & Wilmer LLP KELLY GRAHAM United Parcel Service JOSHUA L. CARLOS MONICA HABART United Way of Southern Nevada ANN AND JIM CARTER LARRY HOLMES NV Energy DORIS C. CHARLES MICHAEL E. HOLT Nevada State Bank MEGHAN CLAAR Cox Communications CHARLES AND KIMBERLY HOPPS CHERYL A. COLBUS NV Energy U.S. Bank JENNIFER HOWARD DONALD CONKEY Nevada State Bank ARIC GRAHAM U.S. Bank Wells Fargo CYNTHIA LAWRENCE NV Energy MAREK P. BUTE AND ROCCO GONZALEZ Boyd Gaming Corporation NV Energy Angles on Design Enterprise Holdings Enterprise Holdings JOSH AND ELIZABETH LANGDON CenturyLink NV Energy PAT JANJETOVIC NV Energy ARNOLD AND CARLA LOPEZ NV Energy LAURIE MANN United Way of Southern Nevada JEANETTE L. MATTHEWS National Security Technologies, LLC CHRISTOPHER MAYS Deloitte BRIANNA MCCULLOUGH Nevada State Bank GORDY R. MCDONNELL National Security Technologies, LLC Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department KELLY K. MCNAMARA Enterprise Holdings JENNIFER KELSEY DECKER MATTHEW J. JENSEN WILLIAM F. MONROE RYAN M. COX Nevada State Bank Bank of America TERRI L. DENMAN-WALKER SUZANNE JERMON Wells Fargo Boyd Gaming Corporation ROGER DILLARD JAKE A. JOYCE Caesars Entertainment Palms Casino Resort MR. AND MRS. RYAN DOLAN ROBERT KIM Enterprise Holdings Ballard Spahr Andrews & Ingersoll, LLP Enterprise Holdings Every hour of every day people in Nevada have urgent needs. Nevada 2-1-1 was established to get the right person to the right service, quickly and with kindness and humility. After nine years of service and 522,000 calls, live operators are available seven days a week with translation services in more than 150 languages. To learn more or to get help, dial 2-1-1 or visit nevada211.org. NV Energy READ MORSE Enterprise Holdings NAVEED MUGHAL NV Energy TIM OLSON Waddell & Reed LISA DRAKE PAUL ORLOVE NV Energy United Parcel Service THROUGH YOUR SUPPORT: MORE THAN 522,00 CALLS WERE ANSWERED THROUGH 2-1-1 SINCE 2006. 2 0 1 5 Wells Fargo Enterprise Holdings UNIT ED WAY H E R O E S JOSEPH A. BRANDHAGEN 27 LEADERSHIP SOCIETY SILVER KNIGHTS $1,500 - $1,999 MARK TOLENTINO CARL ALLEN United Parcel Service UnitedHealthcare BARBARA VLAHAKIS DEAN ALLEN Bank of America Caesars Entertainment RORY AND LIZ VOHWINKEL TIMOTHY ALLISON Vohwinkel and Associates NV Energy Ballard Spahr Andrews & Ingersoll, LLP RYAN M. WELCH MICHAEL ALMBERG Enterprise Holdings NV Energy MARIA PAWELEC TAMMY E. WHITENTON NARCISA ALPRECHT NV Energy NV Energy ANA R. WOOD RUSSELL AMMON United Way of Southern Nevada Enterprise Holdings THOMAS YEE BRIAN ANDERSON Wells Fargo NV Energy 8 ANONYMOUS TIM APEL MARTIN J. PALAGI National Security Technologies, LLC MICHAEL PARKS CB Richard Ellis Inc. STANLEY PARRY NV Energy LLOYD G. REARDON II City of Henderson RICK S. REMINGTON National Security Technologies, LLC REBECCA RISSE For more than eleven years, United Way has been instrumental in ensuring that the needs of hungry and homeless people are met by serving as the secretariat for the Emergency Food and Shelter Program (EFSP). With a goal to ensure a fast response to those who need it most, the program was created in 1983 and has provided $3.3 billion in Federal funds during its 30-year history. In 2014-15, UWSN distributed $1.23 million to the community to ensure that those in the neediest areas receive help. THROUGH YOUR SUPPORT: UNITED WAY DISTRIBUTED $1.23 MILLION TO THE COMMUNITY TO HELP THOSE IN NEED IN 2014-2015. 28 NV Energy Enterprise Holdings DENNIS RUIZ Cox Communications BRONZE KNIGHTS $1,000 - $1,499 JORDAN SACCA WILLIAM ABBATTE Farmers Insurance Cox Communications STEPHEN SCHATTEMAN DALE ABELLA U.S. Bank Enterprise Holdings MICHAEL P. SCHULER JAMES ADAMS Enterprise Holdings Boyd Gaming Corporation ROBERT AND JENELL SCIABICA CHARLES ADKISSON Enterprise Holdings U.S. Bank DANIEL SHAPIRO YVIRIRIA AND LUIS AGUILAR Ernst & Young, LLP Enterprise Holdings JOSEPH V. SINOBIO LANCE AGUIRRE NV Energy NV Energy YUKIO SOARES ALFONSO AGUIRRE United Parcel Service NV Energy NAINOA SPENCER TOMO I. AIHARA Enterprise Holdings Caesars Entertainment CHRIS AND ALLISON STANG DEIDRE ALBRECHT Enterprise Holdings Enterprise Holdings RICHARD A. STOEBNER MICHAEL ALFORD City of Henderson NV Energy THE SUAREZ FAMILY DAVE AND MARLENE ALLAWAY Enterprise Holdings NV Energy MARIA F. ARELLANO NV Energy RICARDO ARIAS Enterprise Holdings AUDREY ARNOLD United Labor Agency of Nevada Inc. RICH AND SHAWNA ARON Boyd Gaming Corporation TIMOTHY ARNDT NV Energy NICHOLAS ARREOLA Enterprise Holdings SANDRA ARRINGTON Wells Fargo DEAN AUSTIN CenturyLink THOMAS AXTELL Southern Nevada Public Television DAVE G. BABBE Boyd Gaming Corporation JULIE A. BAILEY Clark County School District LEADERSHIP SOCIETY BENNIE BREWER NV Energy DOUGLAS BROOKS NV Energy GREG BROWN NV Energy MARY JO BROWN Las Vegas Valley Water District MICHELLE BROWN Cox Communications REGINALD BROWN Caesars Entertainment JAMIE BRUSSELL United Way is leading a collective impact initiative, Mission Achieves, which is focused on improving the educational pipeline between North Las Vegas high schools and postsecondary institutions. The purpose of Mission Achieves is to critically examine this pipeline and develop effective strategies to increase high school graduation, college enrollment and college completion rates. City National Bank Mission Achieves is a Lumina Foundation partner and is working hard to help increase the nation’s postsecondary degree attainment rate from 33% to 60% by the year 2025. The Mission Achieves collaborative is currently discussing barriers to student success, developing strategies to address these barriers and implementing them in our North Las Vegas high schools. LAURI BURKE DOUG BURGESS UnitedHealthcare BRETT BURKE Cox Communications City National Bank MARY ANN BURNS Boyd Gaming Corporation MICHAEL BURROWS Wells Fargo SARGENT BENSON NV Energy BRIAN BARBERO National Security Technologies, LLC GENE L. BAYER Las Vegas Valley Water District ERICA BENSON Nevada State Bank BOB BERGLUND CenturyLink Boyd Gaming Corporation SCOTT A. BECK JEREMY BERKOWITZ Boyd Gaming Corporation ROBERT BECKETT National Security Technologies, LLC ROBIN BEENE NV Energy Caesars Entertainment SARAH BIRCH CenturyLink STEVEN BOBO National Security Technologies, LLC BILLY BURTON BARBARA BOLENDER RAQUEL BUTLER Boyd Gaming Corporation MARILYN BISHOP NV Energy MARK BORINO NV Energy TANISHA BISHOP Wells Fargo SUSAN BOSWELL NV Energy CYNTHIA A. BIXBY Enterprise Holdings National Security Technologies, LLC ROBERT BOUGHNER ADRIAN B. BERNAL RACHEL BLAKE WILLIAM BOYD NV Energy Boyd Gaming Corporation KELLY BLAKESLEE MICHAEL BOYD Bank of Nevada Dr Pepper Snapple Group TODD BLUE LEWIS BREGNI United Parcel Service NV Energy Cox Communications WILLIAM BEST NV Energy BRENDA BESTOR CenturyLink Boyd Gaming Corporation NV Energy CenturyLink PATRICK BYRNE Snell & Wilmer LLP SHAUN CAHLAN Enterprise Holdings DAVID CAIRNS NV Energy JAMI CALHOUN CenturyLink SANDRA AND MORONI CALVO NV Energy JULIE CANTONWINE Cox Communications 2 0 1 5 RODNEY BALDWIN National Security Technologies, LLC MARTINA BINKIER UNIT ED WAY H E R O E S BRONZE KNIGHTS $1,000 - $1,499 CLEMENT BELL 29 LEADERSHIP SOCIETY BRONZE KNIGHTS $1,000 - $1,499 ALFREDO CARDENAS United Parcel Service JOSE COLON KEVIN DAVIS Caesars Entertainment Cox Communications MARC AND MELISSA COLON ART DAVOREN American Pacific Corporation Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department KATHY L. CARRASCO MICHELE COMPTON JOE CARLEONE CenturyLink Cox Communications ALBERT J. CARRILLO LANE AND KIM CONLEY NV Energy ROBERT DAY Costco RICHARD DAY Caesars Entertainment Boyd Gaming Corporation National Security Technologies, LLC CHRIS AND MARTHA CARTER JOANN CONNER ANDRES DE LA CRUZ NV Energy National Security Technologies, LLC Boyd Gaming Corporation MARIA EMERLINDA CASTILLEJO MORGAN COOMBS SUSAN DEBAKER Wells Fargo Enterprise Holdings JOANNA R. CASTILLO LISA CORDOVA AMANDA DECKER Nevada State Bank U.S. Bank ANNA CAVALIERI LISA COURSER Wells Fargo PAUL AND STEPHANIE CHAKMAK Boyd Gaming Corporation JUDY CHAN New York New York Hotel and Casino KAYLENE CHOE United Parcel Service FLOSSIE M. CHRISTENSEN Bank of Nevada JAMES R. AND CYNTHIA L. CHRISTENSEN NV Energy JAMES CLARK NV Energy STEVEN CLAYTON KAY AND STEELE CODDINGTON National Security Technologies, LLC JAMES COLGAN NV Energy LANCELOT B. COLLYMORE NV Energy PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP Clark County School District JILL DEFOREST NV Energy Boyd Gaming Corporation MICHAEL DOMINGOES TAMMI DURHAM Boyd Gaming Corporation United Parcel Service United Parcel Service JOHN DELIKANAKIS MR. AND MRS ERIC DOMINGUEZ JEREMY EAGLEMAN LAURA DE LA CRUZ ELVIRA COZZENS NV Energy RHYAN CULBERTSON National Security Technologies, LLC Snell & Wilmer LLP RYANNE DELOSSANTOS United Parcel Service SHEREE CUNNINGHAM Boyd Gaming Corporation JEFFERY DENNIS Wells Fargo DIANA CUOMO Centennial Hills Hospital Medical Center ROBERT DEUTSCH PATRICIA CURTIS ANTHONY AND DEBBIE DEVITA Snell & Wilmer LLP LORI DADDARIO United Parcel Service ELIZABETH A. DAGGS Enterprise Holdings DAVID DAHL Enterprise Holdings Enterprise Holdings DAVID DIERS Cox Communications CHERIE DIMAGUILA Centennial Hills Hospital Medical Center Kern River Gas Transmission Company DAVID DIMASCIO ERIKA NICOLE DANIELS CYNTHIA DIXON Enterprise Holdings WILLIE DAVIDSON CenturyLink Boyd Gaming Corporation NV Energy JAMES DOCKERY National Security Technologies, LLC CenturyLink NV Energy KELLY M. EAKINS SASHA DOWD Enterprise Holdings Enterprise Holdings MARY EDWARDS WILLIAM D. DRURY College of Southern Nevada NV Energy HARVEY EISNER ANTHONY DUARTE National Security Technologies, LLC KEITH DUFFY Enterprise Holdings WILLIAM DUFFY NV Energy BRIEANNA ELLIS Enterprise Holdings MARILYN ELLIS Caesars Entertainment National Security Technologies, LLC STEPHEN ELLIS STEFAN DUKE THOMAS ELMER National Security Technologies, LLC KERRY AND CECILE DUNLAP Boyd Gaming Corporation LATOYA DUPREE United Parcel Service Caesars Entertainment Nevada State Bank CARLY ELSEA Enterprise Holdings CANDACE ENGLAND Boyd Gaming Corporation ROBERT ERDMAN NV Energy 30 LEADERSHIP SOCIETY NANCY GINES Bringing together companies, volunteers and resources to meet the growing needs of our community, United Way’s Community Engagement Team has led more than 20 projects this year. A trusted resource, for the second year United Way connected the Paris, Bally’s and Planet Hollywood management team volunteers with a volunteer opportunity to make a big difference. Creating an inviting haven for students, teachers and parents of Walter V. Long Elementary School, volunteers saw a marked change in just a couple of hours. National Security Technologies, LLC MARIO GOMEZ NV Energy STEPHANIE GONZALES National Security Technologies, LLC KELLY GOODMAN Wells Fargo MARC GOTTLIEB NV Energy KAMI LYNN GOUDIE Cox Communications JAY AND MISTY GOUGAR Boyd Gaming Corporation BRYAN GOUR City National Bank DEANDRE ESTEEN JERRY FILIPELLI Barclaycard US CHARLES ESTELL Boyd Gaming Corporation PAULA E. EYLAR-LAUZON Boyd Gaming Corporation RICHARD C. FAIRBANKS National Security Technologies, LLC MICHAEL FATH Caesars Entertainment MARIYA FEDORCHENKO NV Energy PETER A. FEENEY NV Energy ANDREW FEIGENSEN NV Energy ED FEIST Enterprise Holdings DAVID S. FIELDS NV Energy NV Energy Boyd Gaming Corporation ANDRE FILOSI Boyd Gaming Corporation JEAN FINK Holland & Hart LLP THOMAS FINNERAN Enterprise Holdings ANJA S. FISCHER Boyd Gaming Corporation MR. KRIS FISHER Enterprise Holdings ANITA M. FOLEY CenturyLink JOHN E. FOLEY CenturyLink MICHELLE FOLLETTE NV Energy RICH AND MARIE FORBUS Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department PAUL GREENBAUM BRUCE A. FORD ALEJANDRO GARCIA City National Bank NV Energy National Security Technologies, LLC DEAN FORE ANTHONY GARCIA CARRIE GRICE National Security Technologies, LLC LINDA FOWLER Enterprise Holdings WOODY FOWLER NV Energy MATT FREITAS Costco JIM AND THOMASINA FREMONT Boyd Gaming Corporation DENNY AND KATHY FREY Boyd Gaming Corporation DEBBIE E. FROST Wells Fargo RON AND DEBBIE FRYE Boyd Gaming Corporation KEVIN M. FUNK CenturyLink STEPHEN AND KELLY GAGNON Caesars Entertainment National Security Technologies, LLC GARY R. GARDNER National Security Technologies, LLC ROBERTA GARDNER Wells Fargo KATHLEEN GATELY Enterprise Holdings KAREN GRIGG Caesars Entertainment AGNA GUDEN Centennial Hills Hospital Medical Center JOHN AND DEBRA GUEDRY Bank of Nevada Zions Bank JEREMY GEHRKE AARON AND EILEEN GUILBEAULT Costco NV Energy SUSAN GEPHART DOUG AND JAN GULBRANSEN NV Energy Boyd Gaming Corporation DIANE GIBES ANDY GUMS AND FAMILY Snell & Wilmer LLP Enterprise Holdings GREGORY GILBERT LUCAS GUMS Holland & Hart LLP LORI GILMORE Enterprise Holdings RICHARD W. GILTNER Las Vegas Valley Water District DAVID GUNDERSON JOSEPH GUY United Parcel Service 2 0 1 5 VICTOR FIGUEREDO UNIT ED WAY H E R O E S BRONZE KNIGHTS $1,000 - $1,499 31 LEADERSHIP SOCIETY BRONZE KNIGHTS $1,000 - $1,499 TIFANI HALL Nordstrom RYAN HAMMER Caesars Entertainment JENNIFER HANCOCK Nevada State Bank ROBERT HANSON United Parcel Service ROBERT J. HANUS NV Energy TYESHA HARDIMAN Wells Fargo TY HARMON Enterprise Holdings DYLAN HARRIS Wells Fargo TAMERA AND HOWARD HARRIS Wells Fargo DONNA HARRISON Nathan Adelson Hospice Inc ANITA AND JEFF HART NV Energy AUDREY S. HASEMANN Engaging families in their children’s early learning is pivotal to ensuring that our future generation can read, write and has the tools they need to succeed in school and in life. Through United Way’s Family Engagement Resource Centers at local preschools, caregivers and parents like Shelley, Amanda’s mom, receive training and insight on how to help their children learn during the most formative years. “They are awesome because you learn what is going on and how to incorporate what your child is learning in school to help encourage your child to learn,” said Shelley. “Now, Amanda is ready for kindergarten and has the skills to interact with other children and the educational structure she needs to succeed.” Boyd Gaming Corporation LISA D. HEINZMAN RONNIE HIGHSMITH DANIEL HOLE NV Energy NV Energy Boyd Gaming Corporation CenturyLink DENNIS HATCH CINDY K. HELLER DARYLL HILL GLENN HOPKINS Enterprise Holdings Wells Fargo DERRICK HILL RICHARD HOROWITZ Cox Communications CenturyLink PAMELA HILTS JOHN HORTON NV Energy Boyd Gaming Corporation J. MARK HITECHEW MICHAEL HOSHUE TRUDY HASZLAUER United Parcel Service JAY HATFIELD United Parcel Service MARY HAUSMAN NV Energy FORREST AND ANNETTE HAWMAN NV Energy BECCA HEIMANN Enterprise Holdings National Security Technologies, LLC TAMMIE L. HENDERSON NV Energy CHARLES HENRY United Parcel Service DANA G. HENRY National Security Technologies, LLC DAVID HERDELL NV Energy SHARON AND DAVID HEYMAN Clark County School District 32 National Security Technologies, LLC TAMAR HOAPILI Cox Communications GRANT HOLCOMB National Security Technologies, LLC Cox Communications DENNIS HUGGINS Best Buy MICHAEL HULIN NV Energy MELISSA HUNT National Security Technologies, LLC CRAIG HUNTINGTON Bank of Nevada RUTH S. HURST NV Energy KERRIE IANNUCCILLI Summerlin Hospital Medical Center KEITH A JACKSON NV Energy DONALD JACKSON United Parcel Service LEADERSHIP SOCIETY BRONZE KNIGHTS $1,000 - $1,499 DAWN KELTNER RAMONA JACKSON JAMES KETTERLING United Parcel Service RAYMOND A. LAMBERTY, SR. Cox Communications NICOLE LARGENT Wells Fargo NV Energy VICKIE JEFFREY LAURA KEYHANI CenturyLink Kaanapali Beach Club TERRY JENKINS ROMEO KHAZEN Boyd Gaming Corporation Caesars Entertainment JOHN A. JOHNSON DONALD KIDD United Way of Southern Nevada NV Energy KRISTIN JOHNSON SAMUEL KILANOWSKI Cox Communications JT3 MARIANA JOHNSON TONY S. KING City National Bank NV Energy TERISHA JOHNSON RICHARD C. KIRKENDOLL Nordstrom NV Energy CYNTHIA LEE SAMUEL JOHNSON, III TERESA KNAPPER-HARRIS AND KEITH HARRIS JANET LEINEN United Parcel Service BRIAN AND DIANNA LARSON Boyd Gaming Corporation LINDA LAVIOLETTE AT&T LISA LAWATSCH U.S. Bank DAVID AND RACHEL LEBBY Boyd Gaming Corporation CARTER LEE Kaanapali Beach Club NV Energy ROBERT AND STEPHANIE JOSEPH Clark County BRANDI JOVEL Wells Fargo MARIA JUAREZ DAVID KOLBO Desert Springs Hospital MICHAEL LEMLEY Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department United Parcel Service DREW LEONARD SUZANA KOTUR Enterprise Holdings NV Energy AMANDA LEONG DAVID AND CHRISTINE KRASN Wells Fargo Boyd Gaming Corporation ERIC LEVEILLE National Security Technologies, LLC KATHY L. KROLL Wells Fargo Spring Valley Hospital Medical Center DANA L. KADEL DEANNA G. KROYER RAY LEW Bank of America Boyd Gaming Corporation NV Energy DEBRA J. KALMAN ROBERT E. LA ROW ANGELA LIKOURINOU CenturyLink MIKE KAUFMAN Boyd Gaming Corporation JIM KEANE City of Boulder City JENNIFER KELLY NV Energy MICHELLE KELLY-LOPEZ NV Energy National Security Technologies, LLC TANYA LACOSSE CenturyLink CAROLYN P. LIMA Johnson Advisors National Security Technologies, LLC RUSSELL LAHOUD ALAN AND KIM LIVENGOOD National Security Technologies, LLC LARRY O. LAMBERT National Security Technologies, LLC Cox Communications REX M. LIVINGSTON National Security Technologies, LLC “I love to volunteer and give back!” exclaimed Lynn. “It’s that rewarding feeling of being a part of making someone’s life better or sharing our blessings that supersedes the work.” In her position, Lynn has the unique opportunity to work with companies visiting the Valley that are planning engagement opportunities for their employees. “We make their vision a reality,” said Lynn. “I am so moved by large corporations that take time out of their training or conference schedule to leave a positive, progressive mark in Las Vegas.” 2 0 1 5 WILLIAM JONES Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department UNIT ED WAY H E R O E S Boyd Gaming Corporation With a bright spirit and an infectious smile, Lynn Stewart is committed to changing lives through servicing the community. A southern California girl who moved to Vegas during her freshman year of high school, Lynn loves the community that she now calls home and works to make a difference as United Way’s Community Engagement Manager. 33 LEADERSHIP SOCIETY BRONZE KNIGHTS $1,000 - $1,499 BILLY LIYAO Enterprise Holdings RAMON LLANAS NV Energy HENRY LO Enterprise Holdings AARON LOCKHART Spring Valley Hospital Medical Center IBEETH LOPEZ Enterprise Holdings JOHN LOPEZ Cox Communications JOSE LOPEZ Caesars Entertainment RAUL LOZADA NV Energy HALEY M. LUCAS NV Energy NICOLE LUSOMBE United Parcel Service DUNCAN B. MACRAE United Way helps to ensure that donor contributions go to credible agencies that have received a “good housekeeping” seal of approval through its accreditation program. United Way accredited agencies receive formal acknowledgement that their work meets the highest standards of excellence for nonprofits and provides the agency the opportunity to be part of a strong, healthy and positive network of nonprofit organizations serving the needs of our community. To become an accredited agency, organizations complete an application that is reviewed by community volunteers and business leaders. UWSN orchestrates a thorough process that ensures UWSN accredited agencies are those with exemplary fiscal accountability and the capacity to produce outcomes and provide accountability reports. National Security Technologies, LLC RUSSELL MALCHOW National Security Technologies, LLC DANA MALONE NV Energy SAM AND JENN MANKINS National Security Technologies, LLC JOHN MANSFIELD United Parcel Service ADAM C. MARKWELL Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department KAREN MARIN CenturyLink JOHAN MARTENSSON Boyd Gaming Corporation 34 DR. CHARLES R. (CHIP) MARTIN National Security Technologies, LLC COURTNEY MARTIN NV Energy GILBERT E. MARTINEZ Federal Express MARTIN MARTINEZ United Parcel Service DENNIS MARTINSON Boyd Gaming Corporation JAMES V. MAXWELL Enterprise Holdings NICHOLAS MAYHEW Enterprise Holdings NANCY MAYROSE DEBROAH MCKENZIE PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP NV Energy VICKY MAZON-HERRERA SHERRI MCKENZIE Boyd Gaming Corporation CenturyLink MICHAEL MCCLELLAN TIMOTHY MCMANUS NV Energy Caesars Entertainment DENNIS AND JOANNE MCCOMBS ALBERT MCNIEL RICKY MEDINA National Security Technologies, LLC MELISSA MELGOZA Wells Fargo TERRI MERCER Boyd Gaming Corporation Do it Best Corporation JEFFREY MERCIER DANTE MCCOWAN TOM AND ANDREE MCPHERSON GUIDO AND WENDY METZGER Enterprise Holdings Boyd Gaming Corporation Boyd Gaming Corporation CHUCK MCDERMOTT SHARON MCSHEA LINDSAY MEYERS Cox Communications NV Energy William Hill US ANTHONY MCDUFFIE MARISOL MEDEROS MARK MIELCAREK Boyd Gaming Corporation Wells Fargo NV Energy NV Energy CenturyLink LEADERSHIP SOCIETY UWSN ACCREDITED AGENCIES Aid for AIDS of Nevada Gay and Lesbian Community Center of Southern Nevada (The Center) Open Doors Community Services (United Methodist Social Ministries) Alzheimer’s Association Desert Southwest Goodwill of Southern Nevada Planned Parenthood of Southern Nevada American Red Cross, Southern Nevada Chapter HELP of Southern Nevada HopeLink Rainbow Dreams Educational Foundation (Anthony Pollard Foundation) Big Brothers Big Sisters of Nevada Huntridge Teen Clinic Rebuilding Together Southern Nevada Boy Scouts of America, Las Vegas Area Council Jewish Family Services Ronald McDonald House Charities of Greater Las Vegas Boys & Girls Clubs of Southern Nevada (Henderson) Junior Achievement of Southern Nevada Boys & Girls Clubs of Southern Nevada (Las Vegas) Las Vegas Natural History Museum Candlelighters for Childhood Cancer Catholic Charities of Southern Nevada Communities in Schools of Southern Nevada Community Counseling Center Community Medical Outreach Center Community Services of Nevada Easter Seals of Nevada Emergency Aid of Boulder City Family and Child Treatment of Southern Nevada Family Promise of Las Vegas Financial Guidance Center (Consumer Credit Counseling Service of Southern Nevada) FIT for an Independent Tomorrow BRONZE KNIGHTS $1,000 - $1,499 STORMY MITCHELL TINA MILES JORDAN MONGA Centennial Hills Hospital Medical Center BOBBIE MILLER Southern Nevada Center for Independent Living Nathan Adelson Hospice Las Vegas Neighborhood Housing Services of Southern Nevada, Inc. Nevada Child Seekers Nevada H.A.N.D. Inc. Nevada Health Centers Nevada Paralyzed Veterans of America Nevada Partners Nevada PEP Incorporated Nevada Rural Counties RSVP Program Incorporated New Vista Ranch Incorporated Nye Commuities Coalition Olive Crest Cox Communications Southern Nevada Public Television Spread the Word Nevada St. Judes Ranch for Children Sunrise Children’s Foundation Susan G. Komen for the Cure The Public Education Foundation The Rape Crisis Center (Community Action Against Rape DBA ) The Shade Tree United Labor Agency of Nevada Inc. United Way of Southern Nevada Variety Early Learning Center Women’s Development Center YMCA of Southern Nevada JASON, LONDA, ASIA AND CARMEN MOULTRIE RICHARD B. NEWTON Enterprise Holdings Enterprise Holdings Enterprise Holdings DENNIS C. NICHOLS LONNIE NOBLE ROB AND SHANNON NICKELS SYLVIA AND WILLIAM NOONAN Cox Communications Boyd Gaming Corporation COLBY MILLER PRISCILLA AND LUIS MONTOYA Enterprise Holdings NV Energy JOHNNY NELSON PATRICIA J. MILLS RONALD MOORE Cox Communications NV Energy DAVID MITCHELL NICOLE L. MORRIS-BLAZEK SHARI L. MORRISON National Security Technologies, LLC National Security Technologies, LLC National Security Technologies, LLC LLOYD A. MONTOYA Nevada State Bank MICHELLE R. NICOLL Nevada H.A.N.D. Inc. MICHAEL MULLIN MICHAEL MUSICARO NV Energy Salvation Army Clark County Command Lutheran Social Services of Nevada National Security Technologies, LLC SCOTT MITCHELL Safe Nest / TADC Las Vegas Clark County Urban League Enterprise Holdings National Security Technologies, LLC SAFE House, Inc. Boyd Gaming Corporation Nevada State Bank NV Energy NATE NERZ Enterprise Holdings THE NEUTGENS FAMILY NV Energy NANCY NEWELL Centennial Hills Hospital Medical Center THROUGH YOUR SUPPORT: MORE THAN 2,390,591 SERVICES WERE PROVIDED INCLUDING SHELTER, MEALS AND FOOD SINCE 2010. 2 0 1 5 Bridge Counseling Associates Jewish Federation of Las Vegas UNIT ED WAY H E R O E S 100 Black Men of Las Vegas 35 LEADERSHIP SOCIETY BRONZE KNIGHTS $1,000 - $1,499 COREY NORTHFIELD United Parcel Service ROBB NORTHRUP Pinnacle Entertainment, Inc. JOSEPH S. ODDO JR. Cox Communications CARLOS OLIVARES Enterprise Holdings ALMA OLIVAREZ Wells Fargo STEVEN OLSON United Parcel Service CHAD ORROCK STEVEN AND KATHY PAGE NV Energy SAMUEL PALMER Clark County MICHAEL PARISI Cox Communications DAMIKA PARKER Enterprise Holdings DESA PARRILLI Kaanapali Beach Club RORY A. PATTON Enterprise Holdings KELLY PAVALKO National Security Technologies, LLC U.S. Bank RYAN PEAKE KYLE ORROCK NV Energy U.S. Bank J. PEEK MARGARET ORTIZ Centennial Hills Hospital Medical Center MARGARET ORTIZ Holland & Hart LLP SALLY A. PEREA National Security Technologies, LLC CenturyLink SHANNON PETERSEN MELINA ORTIZ Sitel Las Vegas “Packed the Bus” and donated 45 boxes of needed school supplies to Jack Dailey Elementary School in August 2015. This included everything from notebooks, pencils and markers to Kleenex ® and boxes of copy paper for the teachers. “Sitel employees are incredibly passionate about meeting community needs and providing these supplies to students who really need them,” said Chris Cappas, Sr. Director of Community Engagement, Human Resources. “We have multiple opportunities for companies to get involved and make a difference.” Nevada State Bank NV Energy CARRIE D. PIERCE MATTHEW ORTWEIN Cox Communications NV Energy KIMBERLY ANN PISCIONE PATRICIA ORTWEIN U.S. Bank NV Energy TAMARA PLATTE JOHN AND CHERYL OSBORN Las Vegas Metro Chamber of Commerce National Security Technologies, LLC SAMANTHA PLINIO JAMES OWENS Enterprise Holdings CalPortland Company KARAL PRESLEY U.S. Bank TOM AND TERRY PRICE NV Energy TINA PRIETO Women’s Development Center Inc. TANNA PRINCE Lockton Companies, LLC PHYLISECEA OWENS NICK AND STEPHANIE POCCHIA Enterprise Holdings Boyd Gaming Corporation Bank of America JEREMY PAESTE EVERETT AND FUJIE POORE RAY AND MARILYN PROVOST Enterprise Holdings BRIAN AND BABETTE PAETZOLD NV Energy National Security Technologies, LLC LETICIA C. POTES Enterprise Holdings PETER PRIOLEAU III W.G. PYZYNA National Security Technologies, LLC PAOLO O. QUINTOS Enterprise Holdings ROBERT RADCLIFF NV Energy NORENE RAJSICH Nevada State Bank MATT AND DEBBIE RANDOLPH AND FAMILY CenturyLink JOSEPH REILLY Best Buy PATRICK REILLY Holland & Hart LLP DARIUSZ REKOWSKI NV Energy JOHN AND ROBIN REPETTI Boyd Gaming Corporation National Security Technologies, LLC D’LAYNE M. REYNOLDS United Way of Southern Nevada EMMANOUIL PYTIKAKIS PRISCILLA RAUDENBUSH PAULA RHODES WALLACE U.S. Bank NV Energy OLLIE REAMY Centennial Hills Hospital Medical Center 36 JODY REGENHARDT Las Vegas Valley Water District CenturyLink LEADERSHIP SOCIETY BRONZE KNIGHTS $1,000 - $1,499 BRANDON SALIBA JAI SHANKAR U.S. Bank NV Energy ALICE RICHARDS MARY ANN SALMON MANDY SHAVINSKY Boyd Gaming Corporation Clark County Snell & Wilmer LLP ERIC M. RICHARDSON KIRBY SALOMONE JOHN SHEAHAN Boyd Gaming Corporation AUTUMN SANCHEZ NV Energy Cox Communications JOSEPH AND JANELL SANCHEZ CARSON RILAND National Security Technologies, LLC FRADE RIVERA Enterprise Holdings JEROME ROBERTS National Security Technologies, LLC C. M. ROBLES NV Energy ANTHONY RODRIGUEZ Enterprise Holdings RANDOLPH ROLLINS National Security Technologies, LLC JANET ROSALES United Parcel Service EDGAR ROSEN CenturyLink AL RUBALCABA National Security Technologies, LLC KAREN RUBEL Nevada State Bank TRACY RUIZ Sprint Nextel LISA RUSH Enterprise Holdings RANDAL RUSSELL United Parcel Service LARRY RUVO Southern Wine and Spirits of Nevada NV Energy ANN SAVIN Desert Springs Hospital SUZANNE SCAFIRE National Security Technologies, LLC ROBERT E. SCHAFFHAUSER KRISTI SHEAHAN Wells Fargo KELSEY SHEEHAN Wells Fargo BOB SHERIDAN Cox Communications DENNIS SIANO Boyd Gaming Corporation RUBEN AND JESSICA SIGALA Caesars Entertainment UWSN’s Family Stability Initiative assists qualified families with schoolage children maintain housing stability with a goal to keep children stable in school. Aliante Casino ROBERT SCHAICH UnitedHealthcare SCOTT SCHENK PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP JACK AND ANGEL SCHIBROWSKY University of Nevada, Las Vegas DAN AND DAWN SCHILLER NV Energy STEVEN SCHUTTE Station Casinos JOHN AND REBECCA SCHWARTZ MR. AND MRS. STEPHEN SCOLARO Enterprise Holdings THOMAS J SEAVER National Security Technologies, LLC GARY R. SELESNER Caesars Entertainment ANGELA SGANGA Spring Valley Hospital edical Center ANGELICA SILVEYRA NV Energy WILLIAM AND BARB SIMKO NV Energy TINA SIMMONS-SOLIDAY CenturyLink DESIRAE SIMMS Enterprise Holdings THOMAS SIZEMORE NV Energy JOSEPH SMITH National Security Technologies, LLC The Family Stability Initiative provides comprehensive services to families which include case management, housing counseling, financial education and coaching. Case Management Specialists work with families to determine eligibility and assist families in developing a budget to ensure housing stability and refer or connect families to benefits and resources that may assist them in maintaining their housing. JEFF AND LYNN SMITH National Security Technologies, LLC THROUGH YOUR SUPPORT: MICHAEL SMITH MORE THAN 33,004 STUDENTS WERE PROVIDED WITH FINANCIAL LITERACY EDUCATION AND SHOWED AN INCREASE IN PRE- AND POST-TEST SCORES BY 24.4% SINCE 2010. NV Energy ROBIN SMITH NV Energy STAN AND SUE SMITH Boyd Gaming Corporation STEVE SMITH Southern Wine and Spirits of Nevada JENNIFER M. SNARR Enterprise Holdings 2 0 1 5 KAREN RIDGES Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department UNIT ED WAY H E R O E S National Security Technologies, LLC 37 LEADERSHIP SOCIETY BRONZE KNIGHTS $1,000 - $1,499 RAELYNN STOCKMAN MICHAEL SOLIS PAUL STOWELL NV Energy City National Bank NANCY SOMERVOLD CASSIE STRATFORD CenturyLink Boyd Gaming Corporation RAHN SORENSEN SHRIRAM SUBRAMANIAN NV Energy NV Energy JOHN SOU JIM SULLIVAN Boyd Gaming Corporation Boyd Gaming Corporation RYAN AND SARA SOULTZ KEVIN AND JUDITH SULLIVAN Boyd Gaming Corporation Boyd Gaming Corporation WALTER SPANSEL MELISSA SULLIVAN NV Energy With more than 500 people in attendance, United Way of Southern Nevada’s “Flip Through Summer,” a free family fun summer kickoff event at Springs Preserve in 2015 was an absolute success. A special day of celebration, imagination and the magic of some of the most beloved books and characters, children got excited about reading and writing and pledged to read 8,211 books throughout the summer. During this family fun-filled event, children lined up to add their own flair to the ‘The World’s Greatest Story” and visited themed book nooks with live characters reading favorite children’s books. The event also featured a book swap, live entertainment, face painting, childfriendly activities, special giveaways, community family resources and complimentary ice cream and Starbucks coffee and tea. The event encourages summer reading, since children can lose as much as three months of reading comprehension during the summer. 38 SANDRA SPIVEY U.S. Bank MICHAEL AND LYNETTE SPOTOFORA NV Energy Wells Fargo Boyd Gaming Corporation STEPHANIE STALLWORTH Cox Communications IDA STATEN Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department PHYLLIS STEAD Centennial Hills Hospital Medical Center LINDA STINAR CenturyLink CHRISTINE STOCKMAN Sandia National Laboratories MICHAEL TOVEY NV Energy Wells Fargo TISH SULLIVAN NV Energy ELLEN J. TRAVER National Security Technologies, LLC JAMES L. TRAYNOR CINDEE SWANSON Enterprise Holdings National Security Technologies, LLC SORINA SWANSON TAMMY TREADWAY Enterprise Holdings Cox Communications JOHN SWENDSEID MARVONIA TROTTER Swendseid & Stern NV Energy SHERRY SWENSK JAMES TRUJILLO 8 NEWS NOW Bank of America CAROL TABRIZI BARRY AND KRISTEN TSCHOPP Caesars Entertainment ANTHONY TAEUBEL NV Energy DANIELLE STEVENS ANTOINE TILMAN NV Energy PATRICIA STEGMAN Bank of Nevada BRENDA TILLISON Boyd Gaming Corporation Boyd Gaming Corporation ANTHONY STELLUTO DANIEL THOMSEN Enterprise Holdings Spring Valley Hospital Medical Center NV Energy STEVEN THOMPSON CenturyLink RAY H. STAHL, JR. Enterprise Holdings STEPHEN AND DEBRA THOMPSON Enterprise Holdings PAUL TURNER NV Energy STEPHEN TAM VERNON AND JENNIFER TAYLOR NV Energy THOMAS F. AND MARY K. TWESME Boyd Gaming Corporation ANNE R. TYLER NV Energy JAMES TEAGARDEN NV Energy ARA TELIAN Boyd Gaming Corporation REYNA TERRERO Cox Communications GARY THOMPSON Caesars Entertainment SANTINO ULIBARRI Cox Communications MARC AND KIM UNDERWOOD Cox Communications GILBERT VALERIO NV Energy DEBORAH VAN DOOREMOLEN Las Vegas Valley Water District LEADERSHIP SOCIETY Through United Way’s Crisis Fund giving options, employees across the Valley are receiving help in their time of need. JUSTIN WALTON CHRISTI-ANNE WILLIAMS YAO XIANG Enterprise Holdings Wells Fargo NV Energy JENNIFER N. VARGAS DARWIN AND DIANA WARD KURTIS WILLIAMS JAMES YAX NV Energy National Security Technologies, LLC Clark County School District National Security Technologies, LLC TAMI VERCHICK DUANE WARD JOHN WILLOUGHBY STEPHEN YOKEN UnitedHealthcare Wells Fargo United Parcel Service Snell & Wilmer LLP JULIET VESTAL MARK WEISS TRACY A. WILSON JANICE YONO Boyd Gaming Corporation NV Energy National Security Technologies, LLC Wells Fargo ANGELA VILLEGAS MR. AND MRS. HAROLD WELCH OLGA WISNICKY CLAY W.YOUNG Wells Fargo National Security Technologies, LLC BRIAN WOHLETZ MIKE ZACCAGNINO NV Energy NV Energy RENEE AND GREG WOOD TINA MARIE ZANGHI NV Energy Wells Fargo ALEX P. WOODFORD DREW ZIDZIK Enterprise Holdings Nevada State Bank KATHERINE M. WRIGHT SUSAN ZIEHM Wells Fargo National Security Technologies, LLC MICHELLE A. WRIGHT STEVEN ZIELINSKI Enterprise Holdings Enterprise Holdings CORNELIUS WRIGHT II JAIME E. ZOVI NV Energy Wells Fargo JEFFREY WU JAMES ZUBAY Boyd Gaming Corporation Pinnacle Entertainment, Inc. MICHAEL WYLIE AND PATTY MILLER EULALIA ZUKAS The Korte Company Enterprise Holdings WILLIAM R. WYMER ROBERTO ZUNIGA National Security Technologies, LLC Nordstrom Enterprise Holdings JOHN AND SUSIE VINSKI NV Energy WINDY VIRGIL Centennial Hills Hospital Medical Center RICHARD WADE Boyd Gaming Corporation STEPHANIE WELCH Enterprise Holdings ADAM WESTWOOD NV Energy WHEELER FAMILY Enterprise Holdings Clark County BENJAMIN WHIPPLE CHRISTINE A. WAGNER 8 NEWS NOW KRIST J. WALICKY Boyd Gaming Corporation CLINTON R. WALKER National Security Technologies, LLC MATTHEW WALKER Enterprise Holdings MELODY WALKER Dillards Boyd Gaming Corporation JESSE J. WHISNAND U.S. Bank BRAD AND NELLIE WHITE Boyd Gaming Corporation ERIC WHITEMAN Enterprise Holdings DANA WHITTINGTON NV Energy TREACY WICKENHISER Cox Communications KIM WALLACE United Parcel Service SHAWN WALSH United Parcel Service ALAN J. WILL National Security Technologies, LLC 18 ANONYMOUS UNIT ED WAY H E R O E S BRONZE KNIGHTS $1,000 - $1,499 2 0 1 5 A crisis fund recipient, Mark had his home burglarized and set on fire. He lost everything and did not have renter’s insurance. Mark received the help he needed through this crisis so he was able to purchase necessities and pay his rent. 39 THANK YOU 2014-15 COMMUNITY CHAMPIONS TOP 10 THE LARGEST CAMPAIGNS WITH THE HIGHEST REVENUE 3. 1. 2. 4. 5. 6. 8. 40 3. 7. 9. National Security Technologies LLC Vision • Service • Partnership 10. COMMUNITY CHAMPIONS HAVE MADE LIVING UNITED A TOP PRIORITY. LIVE UNITED 20 100% THE KORTE COMPANY 100% DR PEPPER SNAPPLE GROUP 96% UNITED FOOD AND COMMERCIAL WORKERS #711 93% WOMEN’S DEVELOPMENT CENTER INC. 80% DO IT BEST CORPORATION 79% COX COMMUNICATIONS 69% BANK OF NEVADA 65% DELOITTE 56% NV ENERGY 55% NORTHWEST ADMINISTRATORS 53% YMCA OF SOUTHERN NEVADA 53% LAS VEGAS METRO CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 47% SNELL & WILMER LLP 47% ALIANTE CASINO + HOTEL + SPA 44% GERETY & ASSOCIATES, CPAS 44% ERNST & YOUNG, LLP 41% 8 NEWS NOW 40% AMERICAN PACIFIC CORPORATION 36% COSTCO 30% “By partnering with United Way we are able to engage our team members with a dynamic campaign that showcases our Caring Culture and educates them on the positive impact they are making in our community through their support. By walking the walk and leading the way by example we build pride with our team members and the community!” Carolyn Wheeler | Assistant Director of Internal Communications Las Vegas Region Caesars Entertainment UNIT ED WAY H E R O E S TEAM FISHEL 2 0 1 5 COMPANIES WITH THE HIGHEST EMPLOYEE PARTICIPATION RATES (15+ EMPLOYEES) 41 LEADERSHIP SOCIETY Companies 3M CENTER Total Leaders: 1 Total Donors: 1 8 NEWS NOW Total Leaders: 6 Total Donors: 59 ALIANTE CASINO + HOTEL + SPA Total Leaders: 3 Total Donors: 371 AMERICA FIRST CREDIT UNION Total Leaders: 0 Total Donors: 22 AMERICAN PACIFIC CORPORATION Total Leaders: 1 Total Donors: 13 AMERIPRISE FINANCIAL Total Leaders: 1 Total Donors: 20 ARCATA ASSOCIATES Total Leaders: 3 Total Donors: 6 AT&T Total Leaders: 2 Total Donors: 97 BANK OF AMERICA Total Leaders: 17 Total Donors: 83 BANK OF NEVADA Total Leaders: 6 Total Donors: 252 BERRY PLASTICS Total Leaders: 0 Total Donors: 7 BEST BUY Total Leaders: 4 Total Donors: 35 BLACK AND VEATCH Total Leaders: 1 Total Donors: 3 BNY MELLON Total Leaders: 1 Total Donors: 4 BOYD GAMING CORPORATION Total Leaders: 90 Total Donors: 2,741 CAESARS ENTERTAINMENT Total Leaders: 98 Total Donors: 3,789 42 CENEGENICS MEDICAL INSTITUTE Total Leaders: 0 Total Donors: 5 CENTURYLINK Total Leaders: 26 Total Donors: 77 CHEVRON TEXACO Total Leaders: 1 Total Donors: 1 CITIBANK (SOUTH DAKOTA), N.A. Total Leaders: 5 Total Donors: 26 CITY NATIONAL BANK Total Leaders: 11 Total Donors: 47 CITY OF BOULDER CITY Total Leaders: 1 Total Donors: 6 We admire the energy and enthusiasm that UPS brings to their United Way workplace campaign. With an engaging kickoff, carwash and “UPS Idol” event, UPS truly demonstrates their commitment to the community as a TOP 10 Community Champion. Thank you, UPS, for everything you do and your commitment to our community! CITY OF HENDERSON Total Leaders: 4 Total Donors: 91 CITY OF LAS VEGAS Total Leaders: 2 Total Donors: 32 CLARK COUNTY Total Leaders: 10 Total Donors: 105 CLARK COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT Total Leaders: 5 Total Donors: 1,154 CSL PLASMA Total Leaders: 0 Total Donors: 37 ENTERPRISE HOLDINGS Total Leaders: 104 Total Donors: 253 CULINARY WORKERS UNION LOCAL #226 Total Leaders: 0 Total Donors: 4 EQUIFAX Total Leaders: 0 Total Donors: 1 DELOITTE Total Leaders: 20 Total Donors: 48 DERSE EXHIBITS Total Leaders: 0 Total Donors: 1 CLUB FORTUNE CASINO Total Leaders: 0 Total Donors: 10 DIAMOND RESORTS INTERNATIONAL Total Leaders: 9 Total Donors: 64 COCA COLA WORLD Total Leaders: 0 Total Donors: 24 DILLARD’S Total Leaders: 3 Total Donors: 152 COLLEGE OF SOUTHERN NEVADA Total Leaders: 1 Total Donors: 53 DO IT BEST CORPORATION Total Leaders: 1 Total Donors: 45 COSTCO Total Leaders: 2 Total Donors: 272 DR PEPPER SNAPPLE GROUP Total Leaders: 1 Total Donors: 109 COX COMMUNICATIONS Total Leaders: 40 Total Donors: 903 EAST WEST BANK Total Leaders: 1 Total Donors: 11 CREDIT ONE BANK, N.A. Total Leaders: 0 Total Donors: 25 ELI LILLY Total Leaders: 0 Total Donors: 15 ERNST & YOUNG, LLP Total Leaders: 5 Total Donors: 31 FEDERAL EXPRESS Total Leaders: 2 Total Donors: 185 FENNEMORE CRAIG JONES VARGAS Total Leaders: 0 Total Donors: 13 FORD MOTOR COMPANY Total Leaders: 0 Total Donors: 9 GENERAL DYNAMICS Total Leaders: 0 Total Donors: 16 GENERAL ELECTRIC Total Leaders: 0 Total Donors: 5 GEOTECHNICAL & ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES INC. Total Leaders: 0 Total Donors: 4 LEADERSHIP SOCIETY GERETY & ASSOCIATES CPAS Total Leaders: 4 Total Donors: 7 LAS VEGAS METRO CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Total Leaders: 4 Total Donors: 21 GLAXOSMITHKLINE Total Leaders: 0 Total Donors: 5 LAS VEGAS CLARK COUNTY LIBRARY DISTRICT Total Leaders: 1 Total Donors: 5 GUARDSMARK Total Leaders: 0 Total Donors: 7 HARTFORD FINANCIAL SERVICES Total Leaders: 0 Total Donors: 5 HCA HOSPITALS Total Leaders: 0 Total Donors: 7 HOLLAND & HART, LLP Total Leaders: 5 Total Donors: 45 LAS VEGAS METROPOLITAN POLICE DEPARTMENT Total Leaders: 19 Total Donors: 458 LAS VEGAS URBAN LEAGUE Total Leaders: 0 Total Donors: 2 LAS VEGAS VALLEY WATER DISTRICT Total Leaders: 10 Total Donors: 198 LAWRY’S THE PRIME RIB Total Leaders: 0 Total Donors: 7 IBM CORPORATION Total Leaders: 1 Total Donors: 6 LOCKHEED MARTIN TRAINING AND TECHNICAL SERVICES Total Leaders: 0 Total Donors: 7 ILLINOIS TOOL WORKS Total Leaders: 0 Total Donors: 9 LOCKTON COMPANIES, LLC Total Leaders: 0 Total Donors: 2 JBA CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. Total Leaders: 1 Total Donors: 5 MACY’S Total Leaders: 2 Total Donors: 132 JCPENNEY Total Leaders: 1 Total Donors: 78 MANAGED PAY Total Leaders: 0 Total Donors: 17 JOHNSON & JOHNSON CORP. Total Leaders: 0 Total Donors: 4 MARSH & MCLENNAN COMPANIES Total Leaders: 0 Total Donors: 1 JT3 Total Leaders: 0 Total Donors: 6 MEADOWS BANK Total Leaders: 0 Total Donors: 1 KAMER, ZUCKER & ABBOTT Total Leaders: 1 Total Donors: 5 MERCK Total Leaders: 0 Total Donors: 1 KERN RIVER GAS TRANSMISSION CO. Total Leaders: 1 Total Donors: 3 MGM RESORTS INTERNATIONAL Total Leaders: 4 Total Donors: 4 KVVU TV5 Total Leaders: 0 Total Donors: 38 NAPA AUTO PARTS Total Leaders: 0 Total Donors: 3 We provide an umbrella of support for the entire community by managing workplace campaigns at more than 300 companies. Through your support, we deploy strategic campaigns that raise more than $6.1 million for hundreds of nonprofits serving our community. With generous support to organizations like St. Jude’s Ranch for Children, Inc.; Catholic Charities of Southern Nevada; Nathan Adelson Hospice, Inc.; American Red Cross; Safe Nest/TADC; The Shade Tree and Salvation Army Clark County Command, our workplace campaign touches the lives of one in four living in southern Nevada. Through our workplace campaign, we help to ensure that those in need are fed and receive shelter and that no one ends the journey of life alone, afraid or in pain through hospice services. At-risk children, young adults and families are empowered to create a new future in a caring community. We help to provide disaster-related relief assistance and shelter for children, families and women and addiction recovery programs. 2 0 1 5 GOODWILL OF SOUTHERN NEVADA Total Leaders: 0 Total Donors: 31 LAS VEGAS CONVENTION & VISITORS AUTHORITY Total Leaders: 0 Total Donors: 98 UNIT ED WAY H E R O E S GLOBAL PAYMENTS, INC. Total Leaders: 0 Total Donors: 15 43 LEADERSHIP SOCIETY NATHAN ADELSON HOSPICE Total Leaders: 3 Total Donors: 10 NATIONAL SECURITY TECHNOLOGIES, LLC Total Leaders: 109 Total Donors: 594 NATIONWIDE INSURANCE/ GATES MCDONALD OF NEVADA Total Leaders: 0 Total Donors: 9 NEIMAN MARCUS Total Leaders: 0 Total Donors: 2 NEVADA STATE BANK Total Leaders: 20 Total Donors: 122 Erin Peace was not convinced that early childhood education was important until she sent her two children, Jaxon age five and Jaydon age two, to a quality early childcare center. Now she has a different perspective. “I have seen such a significant development in both of them,” explained Erin. “It’s completely changed my mind about early childhood education.” Without United Way’s help, Erin’s children would not be able to attend preschool. “Preschool is important for my children’s educational, social and emotional development,” said Erin. “They are able to grasp and learn a lot more and work in teams. I have seen it made a difference in the lives of my children and others as well.” NEVADA TITLE COMPANY Total Leaders: 2 Total Donors: 3 NORDSTROM Total Leaders: 2 Total Donors: 274 NORTHERN TRUST BANK, FSB Total Leaders: 0 Total Donors: 5 NORTHWEST ADMINISTRATORS Total Leaders: 0 Total Donors: 17 NV ENERGY Total Leaders: 217 Total Donors: 789 NYE COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT Total Leaders: 0 Total Donors: 20 OFFICE MAX/ FURNITURE MAX Total Leaders: 0 Total Donors: 77 ONE NEVADA CREDIT UNION Total Leaders: 0 Total Donors: 8 O’REILLY AUTO PARTS Total Leaders: 0 Total Donors: 2 44 ORGILL-SINGER & ASSOCIATES Total Leaders: 0 Total Donors: 1 PACCAR PARTS Total Leaders: 0 Total Donors: 7 PARSONS CORP. Total Leaders: 1 Total Donors: 2 SPRINT NEXTEL Total Leaders: 2 Total Donors: 21 STATE FARM Total Leaders: 0 Total Donors: 4 STATE OF NEVADA Total Leaders: 1 Total Donors: 5 PAYCHEX INC. Total Leaders: 0 Total Donors: 4 STATION CASINOS INC. Total Leaders: 2 Total Donors: 235 PRA LOCATION SERVICES, LLC Total Leaders: 1 Total Donors: 70 SUNRISE CHILDREN’S FOUNDATION Total Leaders: 1 Total Donors: 6 PRICEWATERHOUSECOOPERS LLC Total Leaders: 7 Total Donors: 34 TARGET Total Leaders: 1 Total Donors: 993 RICOH USA, INC. Total Leaders: 0 Total Donors: 12 SAFE NEST Total Leaders: 0 Total Donors: 6 SANDIA NATIONAL LABORATORIES Total Leaders: 1 Total Donors: 19 SHEPLER’S Total Leaders: 0 Total Donors: 11 SIERRA PACIFIC SECURITIES Total Leaders: 1 Total Donors: 1 SIMPLEXGRINNELL Total Leaders: 0 Total Donors: 3 SNELL & WILMER LLP Total Leaders: 7 Total Donors: 47 SOUTHERN NEVADA HEALTH DISTRICT Total Leaders: 1 Total Donors: 8 SOUTHERN WINE AND SPIRITS OF NEVADA Total Leaders: 3 Total Donors: 81 TEAM FISHEL Total Leaders: 0 Total Donors: 48 THE HERTZ CORP. Total Leaders: 0 Total Donors: 4 THE HOWARD HUGHES CORP. Total Leaders: 0 Total Donors: 4 THE KORTE CO. Total Leaders: 3 Total Donors: 18 THE PENTA BUILDING GROUP INC. Total Leaders: 2 Total Donors: 7 THE TRAVELERS COMPANIES INC. Total Leaders: 2 Total Donors: 4 THRIVENT INVESTMENTS Total Leaders: 1 Total Donors: 2 TIAA-CREF Total Leaders: 0 Total Donors: 3 TITANIUM METALS Total Leaders: 0 Total Donors: 17 LEADERSHIP SOCIETY THANK YOU TO ALL OF THE COMPANIES, DONORS, VOLUNTEERS, ADVOCATES AND CAMPAIGN TEAMS FOR CREATING A BRIGHTER FUTURE FOR SOUTHERN NEVADA. Thank you NV Energy for all you do to LIVE UNITED for United Way of Southern Nevada (UWSN). With a Leadership Breakfast, golf tournament and multiple engaging events, NV Energy employees truly stepped up to support our community. Thank you to Manager, Community Relations Doretha Easler (UWSN Liaison); Manager, Safety and Health Michael Smith (UWSN Campaign Co-chair); Project Manager, Customer Service Shannon Brown (UWSN Campaign Chair) and Senior Community Relations Advisor Susan Boswell (UWSN Campaign Coordinator - not pictured above) and the NV Energy Campaign team. As our leading TOP 10 Community Champion, we appreciate all of your dedication and support. TRONOX Total Leaders: 2 Total Donors: 19 U.S. BANK Total Leaders: 21 Total Donors: 98 UNITED AIRLINES Total Leaders: 0 Total Donors: 13 UNITED FOOD & COMMERCIAL WORKERS Total Leaders: 0 Total Donors: 12 US AIRWAYS GROUP, INC. Total Leaders: 0 Total Donors: 122 UNITED PARCEL SERVICE Total Leaders: 37 Total Donors: 873 USAA SAVINGS BANK Total Leaders: 1 Total Donors: 5 UNITED WAY OF SOUTHERN NEVADA Total Leaders: 24 Total Donors: 48 UNITEDHEALTHCARE Total Leaders: 12 Total Donors: 306 UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, LAS VEGAS Total Leaders: 1 Total Donors: 4 URS Total Leaders: 1 Total Donors: 4 VALLEY HEALTH SYSTEM Total Leaders: 30 Total Donors: 187 WADDELL & REED Total Leaders: 1 Total Donors: 2 WALMART Total Leaders: 0 Total Donors: 193 WASHINGTON FEDERAL SAVINGS Total Leaders: 0 Total Donors: 2 WEINGARTEN REALTY Total Leaders: 0 Total Donors: 6 WELLS FARGO Total Leaders: 74 Total Donors: 430 WILLIAM HILL US Total Leaders: 2 Total Donors: 11 WOMEN’S DEVELOPMENT CENTER INC. Total Leaders: 2 Total Donors: 4 WSI-NEVADA G4S GOVERNMENT SOLUTIONS Total Leaders: 2 Total Donors: 13 WYNN LAS VEGAS Total Leaders: 2 Total Donors: 61 YMCA OF SOUTHERN NEVADA Total Leaders: 1 Total Donors: 63 ZIONS BANK Total Leaders: 2 Total Donors: 9 TOTAL COMPANIES: 153 Total Leaders: 1,115 Total Donors: 18,702 2 0 1 5 TOYOTA MOTOR SALES Total Leaders: 0 Total Donors: 4 UNITED LABOR AGENCY OF NEVADA INC. Total Leaders: 1 Total Donors: 5 UNIT ED WAY H E R O E S TJX Total Leaders: 0 Total Donors: 35 45 5830 W Flamingo Rd, Las Vegas, Nevada 89103 702.892.2300 uwsn.org