July 2015 - the Buddhist Church of Oakland!
July 2015 - the Buddhist Church of Oakland!
JULY 2015 VO L 58 N U M 7 Freedom BY REV. HARRY GYOKYO BRIDGE BUDDHISM A IS UNIVERSAL was well suited for the United States from the chains of Karma that keep us religion. This means that it is not tied of America because they both address bound to Samsara, from the Three Poi- to any one race, language, nationality, the concept of freedom. In American sons of Desire, Anger and Ignorance. culture, etc. In fact, throughout its his- history it means many things, whether Different schools of Buddhism teach tory, Buddhism has interacted with the the freedom from religious oppression different paths to this freedom – in cultures of the various places it went that the Pilgrims sought, the freedom our Jodo Shinshu school we reflect on to, and was transformed in the process. from taxation without representation ourselves, recognizing our limitations, Sometimes it is hard to tell where the that the Thirteen Colonies wished for, embraced by the Compassionate Light boundaries are between Buddhism and or the “liberty and justice for all” in the of Amida Buddha. Becoming my true, the culture that it exists in. One exam- “Pledge of Allegiance.” And of course, foolish self, I no longer have to try and ple of this can be found in the complex July 4th is “Independence Day” – a na- be something I am not. And yet, within intersection between “Buddhism” and tional holiday where we celebrate free- this process I am also transformed by “Japanese culture” that we find in our dom. the Compassion and Wisdom of the BCA temples. I have always felt that Buddhism Buddhism is also very much about Buddha, with a newfound freedom freedom – freedom from Suffering, CONTINUED ON PAGE 14 President’s Message LIFE IS ONE EXCITING BY ROBERT NOGUCHI ROLLER vice, and heard Sensei Tadao Koyama the Friends of IBS Ministerial Student coaster ride, full of peaks and valleys. deliver a great Dharma Talk. Tadao Fund. Contact Rev. Dr. Seigen Yamao- At press time, we’re quickly approach- is currently a Ministers Assistant at ka at IBS at 510-809-1444 or send your ing our Annual Nikkoland Festival, the Florin Buddhist Temple, graduate gift to: 2140 Durant Ave., #30, Berkeley, followed just six weeks later by our student at the Institute of Buddhist CA 94704. Obon Festival! Studies (IBS) in Berkeley, and minis- This year marked my first experi- After our Gotan-e service, our fam- terial candidate. To support students ence accompanying Rev. Bridge on the ily attended the Ashland Howakai ser- like Tadao, please make a donation to CONTINUED ON PAGE 13 I N TH IS ISSUE Minister’s Message 1 & 14 Message from the 1 & 13 President OBWA News 2 Buddhist Education 2 News In Memoriam 2 Dhama School News Jr. YBA News 2015 Nikkoland Donors HO-ON Service Teams Temple Tid-Bits Busshin Deadline Info 3 4 4 5 5 5 2015 BCO Golf Tournament BCO Picnic Form July Shotsuki Service Nokotsudo on Memorial Day 6 6 7 8 2015 Obon Tribute Lantern Form Infant Presentation 2015 Obon Schedules Calendar 8 9 9-12 13-14 OBWA News BY JUDY KANO unable to attend. Next door to the restaurant, we visited Rosie the Riveter Museum and viewed the film, Blossoms and Thorns, regarding flower growers in Richmond and how internment affected their lives. One of the individuals interviewed for the film was Ruby Hiramoto who shared her experience and perspective during this time and who was also at the luncheon. Not only did we have an opportunity to connect with our OBWA friends, but we were also able to sample and enjoy the menu items we selected and to OBWA Spring Luncheon photo: Patti Hisaoka, Michiyo LaBerge, Carol Thunen acquaint ourselves to the surrounding MANY THANKS TO LYNN CHUNG and is in a building rich in history. The area and its activities. Thanks to Lynn for the unique setting was once the old Ford and her classmate, Terumi Shibata- OBWA Annual Spring/New Members Motor plant where tanks were assem- Mazzera, owner of Assemble Restau- Luncheon which took place on May bled during WW II. Among the giant rant for making this an interesting and 2nd at Assemble Restaurant in Rich- boilers which gives the restaurant an memorable event, Carol Thunen and mond. The restaurant is located in authentic feel, we welcomed our new Patti Hisaoka for assisting, Jean Kawa- an area that provides one of the best member, Lynne ta for providing the favors, and to views of San Francisco and the Bay Neishi has also joined OBWA, but was everyone who contributed a door prize. planning and organizing Michiyo LaBerge. IN MEMORIAM: Buddhist Education News BY GAYLE NOGUCHI JOIN US ON WEDNESDAY, JULY 8TH last session in the Pure Land Masters from 7:00-8:30 p.m. for our monthly series taught by Rev. Bridge. Evening Dharma Service and Discus- Coming up at the Jodo Shinshu sion with Reverend Harry Gyokyo Center Friday-Sunday, July 3-5, 2015: Bridge. This would be a great follow up Pacific Seminar – Call of the Nembut- experience to learn more about Bud- su. For information about the program dhism for those who attended Rev. and registration, go to www.buddhist- Bridge’s introduction to BCO and Jodo churchesofamerica.org and click on Shinshu during the Nikkoland Festival. Center for Buddhist Education. Free and open to the public, all adults and young adults interested in Buddhism are welcome to attend. Our monthly Dharma Study Class will be held on Saturday, July 25th from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. This will be the 2 JULY 2015 “Realize that silence comes from your heart and not from the absence of talk.” Thich Nhat Hanh Silence – The Power of Quiet in a World Full of Noise The Buddhist Church of Oakland extends its deepest condolences to the families of: Bernice Nakaya April 3, 2015 Sachiko Matsui May 15, 2015 May the family members find comfort and solace in the Nembutsu, Namu amida butsu. Dharma School News BY MAYA LAWRENCE FDSTL Conference Art Contest Winners: Emiko Takemoto and Jordan Kim. May Birthdays: Don Kaneshige, Miku Goh and Cynthia Lee. CORRECTIONS TO LAST MONTH’S article. The BCO Dharma School had two winners of the FDSTL Art Contest whose art was displayed at the da, Glenn Kamita, and Keiko Masamori. Graduating from High School: Christopher MacMaster, Erika Medina, Brittany Nakamura and Casey Yamamura. FDSTL Conference. I apologize for list- Roger and Karla Lee in celebration of Cynthia’s and Bryant’s birthdays Nancy Fish of Parallax Press for 5 books: Handful of Quiet, Mindful Movements, Is Nothing Something?, Peace, ing Emiko Takemoto with a different Congratulations to our former Dharma Steps and Stones last name!! Here are pictures of Emiko School Students who are graduating Don and Clare Kaneshige in apprecia- Takemoto and Jordan Kim accepting from college: tion for Don’s birthday gift their gift certificates. Remy Orans, B.S. Mechanical Engineer- Joni Hiramoto in celebration of Chris- ing, UC Berkeley topher MacMaster’s graduation of Dharma School. On June 7, we will Todd Wong, B.S. Business Administra- Gary and Maya Lawrence in celebra- honor our attendance awardees and tion, Cal Poly – San Luis Obispo tion of Katherine Lawrence’s doctorate. our graduates! We’ll list the attendance Collin Chung, B.A. Sociology, UC Santa awards next month, but here are the Cruz graduates. Kevin Nakaso, B.S. Business Adminis- We are heading into the final weeks tration/Finance, UOP CONGRATULATIONS TO Happy Birthday to our students born in June! Martha Castro, Grant Ikeda, Gar- OUR GRADUATES: Two of our former Dharma School Stu- rett Kamita, Binh Liang, Christopher Graduating from Preschool to kinder- dents are being awarded higher de- MacMaster, Emiko Takemoto and Mika garten: Mason Kim grees: Taga. Rya Inada Chang, Doctorate Physical Graduating to sixth grade and middle school: Tennkou Goh, Colin Kwong, David Medina, Lanae Wong, and Sean Yoshida. Graduating to High School: Grant Ike- We wish you all the best!! Hope Therapy from UCSF you all have a very wonderful summer. Katherine Lawrence, Ph.D., Cell Biol- We’re looking forward to seeing you ogy, UC Davis. at the Nikkoland Festival , the Picnic Thank you to our very generous donors: (July 19), and Obon. Dharma School resumes on September 13. Q 3 JULY 2015 Jr. YBA News BY KELSEY HIROTA LAST OUR MONTH, WE HAD Parent’s Day Breakfast for those who gym/food tables. Also, thank you to This year’s president and co-presi- everyone who bought raffle tickets! dent, Brittany Nakamura and Kiyomi came to church early. Thank you to all This month, we had the Dharma Nomura respectively, took on a diffi- the parents who helped, and especially School graduation ceremonies. Con- cult task in organizing meetings and Jensen Wong for being head chef and gratulations to our seniors, Brittany events. There will be big shoes to fill head designer of the dishes. It was Nakamura, Erika Medina, and Casey next year, so good luck to all those great! Last month was also the Bay Yamamura. It has been so nice getting who are running for a spot on the District Volleyball Tournament, chaired to know you all and we will miss you cabinet! Remember to stop by for by Brittany Nakamura and her family. very much and hope you will visit all shave ice at our booth at the Nikko- It was a big success, and although Oak- the time! I also want to welcome our land Bazaar, where we will be selling land teams did not win anything, we all incoming freshmen, Keiko Masamori shave ice to everyone who comes. still had a lot of fun and saw all of our and Glenn Kamita (sorry if I missed It is located near the Issei Kaikan friends from both the Bay Area and anyone). Congrats on completing 8th (bingo building) and next to the across California. Thank you to all the grade and welcome to the Jr. YBA! Imagawayaki booth. This will be my parents who helped set up and clean The YBA will soon be announcing our last article for this academic year, so up the Saturday Night Social and the Oakland 2015-2016 Cabinet as well. goodbye and thanks for reading! Q 2015 Nikkoland Festival Donors (to date) Thank you for your generous support! Acme Bread Company 1601 San Pablo Ave, Berkeley, CA 94702 Albany Bowl 540 San Pablo Ave, Albany, CA 94706 Atlantis Casino Resort Spa 3800 S. Virginia St, Reno, NV 89502 Bay Area Discovery Museum Fort Baker-557 McReynolds Rd, Sausalito, CA 94965 Bed, Bath & Beyond-Jack London Square 590 2nd St, Oakland, CA 94607 Berkeley Symphony 1942 University Ave, Suite 207, Berkeley, CA 94704 Blue Waters Kayaking Point Reyes Station, CA 94956 Brushstrokes 745 Page St, Berkeley, CA 94710 Buttercup Grill & Bar Family Restaurant 1000 Cotton St, Oakland, CA 94606 Canyon Swim School 21 Campbell Ln, El Sobrante, CA 94803 Children’s Discovery Museum 180 Woz Way, San Jose, CA 95110 David Martin Art 1109 Oak Street, Oakland, CA 94607 East Ocean Seafood Restaurant 1713 Webster St, Alameda, CA, 94501 4 JULY 2015 Fat Slice of Berkeley 2375 Telegraph Ave, Berkeley, CA 94704 Fine, Lyn Folkmanis Puppets 1219 Park Ave, Emeryville, CA 94608 Grand Lake Theater, Renaissance Rialto Inc. 3500 Grand Ave, Oakland, CA 94610 Happi Babies 900 East 11th St, Oakland, CA 94606 Kirala Japanese Restaurant 2100 Ward St, Berkeley, CA 94705 Las Positas Golf Course 917 Clubhouse Dr, Livermore, CA 94551 Lee’s Florist 1420 University Ave, Berkeley, CA 94702 Lachica, Julia La Mediterranee Restaurant 2936 College Ave, Berkeley, CA 94705 Landmark Theatres Las Positas Golf Shop 917 Club House Dr, Livermore, CA 94551 Lawrence Hall of Science, University of California Berkeley 1 Centennial Dr, Berkeley, CA 94720 Lindsay Wildlife Museum 1931 First Ave, Walnut Creek, CA 94597 Little River Inn 7901 Highway One, Little River, CA 95456 Mountain Valley Paper Company 1800 Buchanan Mall, San Francisco, CA 94115 Oto, Bailey, Fukumoto & Mishima, Inc. 2000 Powell St, Suite 800, Emeryville, CA 94608 Parallax Press Berkeley, CA 94707 Ripley’s Believe It or Not! 175 Jefferson St, San Francisco, CA 94133 Scriptum Fine Japanese Prints 798 Creston Rd, Berkeley, CA 94708 Semfreddi’s Bakery 1980 North Loop Rd, Alameda, CA 94502 Shotgun Players 901 Ashby Ave, Berkeley, CA 94703 Sozai Corner 71 E 4th Ave, San Mateo, CA 94401 Sonoma Raceway Highways 37 & 121, Sonoma, CA 95476 Steve Silver’s Beach Blanket Babylon 470 Columbus Ave, San Francisco, CA 94133 Sunset view Cemetery Association Colusa and Fairmount Ave, El Cerrito, CA 94530 The Natural Grocery Company 1336 Gilman St, Berkeley, CA 94706 Touchstone Climbing & Fitness 520 20th St, Oakland, CA 94608 Utsurogi, Earl Yokoi, Scott, Rockridge Optometry 5321 College Ave, Oakland, CA 94618 HŌ-ON Service Team 5 FIRST AND MOST BY CAROL THUNEN Temple Tid-Bits IMPORTANTLY, from different church groups. We have A HUGE THANK YOU to all the members of the opportunity to work with new peo- following people who provided the HOST 5 who helped accomplish our ple as well as with our familiar family church with a clean/useable/orga- tasks for May. They willingly and cheer- members. It was so nice to see three nized CHURCH KITCHEN PANTRY. fully volunteered for everything that generations working on our tasks to- Cliff Yokomizo Alex Wilson needed to be done from tidying the gether. We were even able to get some Maya Lawrence Al Kanzaki garden to helping with the Wednesday of the younger members of our families Tom Yokomizo Gail Ryujin evening service. When the Fujimatsuri to come out and help. It gave all of us Eric Ikeda John Minamoto Potluck and Shinran’s birthday celebra- a chance to learn from one another and Aki Morimoto Digger Sasaki tion required many helpers from our appreciate the different gifts that each Mark Shimamoto team, they were there from early in the of us had to offer to the team. It is THANK difficult YOU (and TO THE somewhat morning and stayed until the clean-up I know that I have gained an ap- embarrassing) to describe the state was completed. What a great group preciation for the very special people of the pantry before the Mainte- they are! on our team as well as a deeper un- nance Crew spent two days to do the It was very gratifying getting to derstanding of what belonging to our following: remove all items eliminat- know and work with this wonderful church encompasses. I hope that all of ing items that were no longer used group. I think that we developed closer you who will soon be working on a HO- or well beyond their expiration dates; bonds to our church and to each other ON Team will have a most positive and clean, sweep and vacuum; patch and as well. An added benefit of the HOST rewarding experience. paint walls; clean and paint vents, re- system is that each HO-ON Team consists of families as well as individuals And to HOST 5, a very big THANK YOU indeed! Q place filters; clean ceiling tiles near upper vent; mop floor; replace shelf lining. Thank you also to Doris Okano BELOW ARE THE LISTED MEMBERS OF HO-ON SERVICE TEAMS (HOST) 7 and 8. We hope that you will be able to participate with your HOST for your month. Your efforts to assist your HOST ensure that the Buddhist Church of Oakland continues to be a vibrant and welcoming organization dedicated to the teachings of the Buddha. The gift or “dana” of your time is greatly appreciated. for acting as Project Coordinator. Thank you! Thank you Kathy Terusaki for taking inventory and stocking first aid supplies in the BCO office. We appreciate it! Q Gassho, The BCO Board of Directors HO-ON SERVICE TEAM 7: (Responsible for July, 2015) Lawrence, Gary and Maya (Leader) Hiura, Laura Ikeda, Eric & Delia Kano, Judy Kim, Henri & Cindy Sakai Kuga, Roy & Kathy Rueger Lang, Craig & Pamela Kato Lee, Roger & Karla Miyamori, Elaine Morimoto, Ben & Sally Morimoto, Stephanie Okano, Doris Okano, Susan Pendro, Raymond Sakakura, Yukiko Sekigahama, Janet Yanagi, Dorothy HO-ON SERVICE TEAM 8 (Responsible for August, 2015) Yokomizo, Joyce (Leader) Akiyoshi, Yoshi Hayashida, JoAnne Isono, Richard & Gail Isono, Steven & Elizabeth Katayama, Dennis Kido, Marshall Kido, Robert & Teri Kido, Rosalie Laskowski, Yuri Haruki Oniki, Christeen Shimamoto, Mark & Tomita Tanisawa, Craig & Ayano Tanisawa, Ted & Susan Yamato, Alexander Yokomizo, Clifford & Donna Yokomizo, Denise Yokomizo, Tom Yokomizo, Toshi & Alice DEADLINE FOR AUGUST 2015 BUSSHIN ARTICLES: JUNE 26TH Articles submitted after this date may not be printed. SEND ARTICLES TO: Joyce Yokomizo email: joyce@yokomizo.com or fax: (415) 970-0810. You can also send articles to the church office. BUSSHIN COLLATION: Sunday, July 12th, 2015 @ 10am Service Team 7 5 JULY 2015 SAVE THE DATE!!! BUDDHIST CHURCH OF OAKLAND ANNUAL GOLF TOURNAMENT OCT. 19, MONDAY (New Date!) MIRA VISTA GOLF & COUNTRY CLUB (New Venue!) EL CERRITO, CA LOOK FOR MORE DETAILS IN COMING BUSSHIN ISSUES! BCO CHURCH PICNIC /9>.:89< / =<;9 /99; 1 ... 0 22222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 #)#*+)"%&,!-&+%&$*&* '!%!/*+(%*&* +( &!&($!# &!&5$!#0&$ $3)4/ 6+#*) 6 !#(%%) 6 JULY 2015 2015 July Shotsuki Memorial Service Service: Service: Sunday, July 12, 2015 at 10:00 a.m. Sermon: Rev. Harry Gyokyo Bridge Family and friends are invited to attend this monthly memorial service for those listed above. If any errors appear in the above listing, please direct them to the church office at (510) 832-5988 at your earliest convenience. For next month’s Shotsuki Service, please see the Busshin Calendar. Mr. Jun Ted Ajari Mrs. Tamae Kawata Mr. Hiroshi Noda Mrs. Umeno Ajari Mrs. Masako Kayatani Mr. Bob Shoichi Nomura Mrs. Akiyoshi Mr. Kiyoshi Kimura Mr. Morris Nomura Mr. Takamichi Akiyoshi Mr. Hakuichi Kinoshita Mr. Hisakusu Ogawa Mr. Carlton Doi Mrs. Kimiko Kobori Mrs. Misao Ohara Mrs. Chieko Endo Mrs. Shina Kobori Mrs. Konoe Ota Miss Taeko Endo Mr. Kent Masao Koizumi Mrs. Hisae Okemoto Mr. Takao Fujii Mrs. Rose Kurotori Mr. Kenji Kamana Rossi Mrs. Yasuko Fujimori Mrs. Hina Maeda Mr. Bill Sakakura Rev. Hogen Fujimoto Dr. Roger Matoi Mrs. Fusa Sato Mr. Hideo Fukuya Mr. Shigeru Matsuda Mr. Genjiro Sato Mr. Chogoro Harada Mr. Chikara Matsui Mr. Masao Sato Mrs. Take Harada Mr. Chosaburo Matsui Mrs. Masako Shibata Mrs. Kiyo Harano Mr. Minoru Matsumoto Mrs. Mineko Shigematsu Mr. Yoshinori Hatakeyama Mr. Gisaburo Matsutani Mr. Juhei Takata Mrs. Konoye Hirota Mr. Isamu Matsutani – 7th year Mr. Ken Takayama – 13th year Mr. Yoshito Hiyama Mrs. Yachiyo Matsutani Mr. Harunori Tamichi Mr. Brian Honda Mrs. Matsuko Minamidani Mrs. Fuji Tamori Mrs. Ei Hori Mr. Arthur Misaki Mr. Shigeoki Tanaka Rev. Satoru Hori Miss Kieko Mitsuda Mr. Hisayoshi Tanizawa Mrs. Kishiko Hoshide Mr. Fred Miyamoto Mr. Yone Terada Mr. Kwando Ikeda Mrs. Yaeno Mizuki – 33rd year Mrs. Billie Takako Watahara – 7th year Mr. Minai Ikeda Mrs. Haruko Mizushina Dr. Hisao Wehara Mrs. Tsukiko Ikeda Mr. Takichi Motomura Mr. Kakutaro Yamabe Mr. Chuichi Inouchi Mrs. Itsu Mukuno Mr. Ichiro Yamamoto – 25th year Mr. Kensuke Inouye – 33rd year Baby Muranishi Mrs. Katsuyo Yamamoto Mr. Sadaichiro Isono Mrs. Mitsuko Nagafuji Mrs. Miharu Yamamoto Mr. Katsumi Kaida Mrs. Ima Nagai Mrs. Misao Yamamoto Mrs. Yasuko Kameyama Mrs. Maki Najima Mr. Shichirouemon Yamamoto Ms. Aki Kanada Mr. Mokichi Nakagawa Mrs. Toyo Yamamoto Ms. Jean Kanesaki Mr. Wakichi Nakai Mrs. Miyuki Yamasaki Mrs. Takeno Kanesaki Mr. Tadashi Nakamura Mrs. Shin Yasuda Mrs. Fusayo Kaneshige Mr. Frank Nakao Mrs. Michie Yokomizo Mrs. Sakae Rose Kaneshige Mr. Tsunetaro Nakaya Mr. Mitsuo Yokomizo Mr. Toshio Kano Mrs. Yoshi Natsuhara – 33rd year Mr. Motoemon Yokomizo Mrs. Mitsuye Kato Mrs. Tora Negi – 13th year Mr. Giichi Yoshioka Mrs. Miyeko Kawabata Mr. Torao Neishi Mrs. Evelyn Yoshisato – 3rd year Mr. Glenn Kawamoto Mr. Leroy Nitta Mr. George Yoshisato 7 JULY 2015 Nokotsudo on Memorial Day BY KAREN HASHIMOTO THE FLOWER FILLED NOKOTSUDO WAS THE RESULT OF THE generous talents of Jean Kawata. Jean made 72 flower arrangements to fill each container in the Nokotsudo. Thank you also to Mika Bridge for preparing and cleaning each flower container so that fresh flowers could be placed in the tubes. On behalf of those who have family in the Church Nokotsudo, I thank Jean and Mika. Q OBON LANTERN MEMORIAL TRIBUTE During our Obon Festival on August 1, 2015, please honor past members of your family through a Memorial Tribute tag to be hung from Obon Lanterns above the Odori area. (Previous tags are on file in the Church office, and will be rehung with your donation.) Name on Tag: Donor Name: Japanese only Japanese and English English only Kanji for Family Member (Japanese) Previous Memorial Tag (at Church office) $20 donation New Memorial Tag to be created $35 donation Contact information: Address: Telephone: E-mail: Please make checks to: Buddhist Church of Oakland; please note Obon Lantern Memorial Tag in the memo line FORMS DUE BY MONDAY, JULY 20, 2015 8 JULY 2015 Infant Presentation 2015 Welcome Baby Shawn Shizuo Tanisawa, son of Craig & Ayano Tanisawa. 2015 Obon Volunteer Schedules FRIDAY, JULY 31ST AND SATURDAY, AUGUST 1, 2015 CONFIRMING AVAILABILITY VOLUNTEERS NEEDED one involved in food preparation. Hair nets In an effort to confirm everyone’s avail- If you have not been included on the and gloves will be provided by the church. ability, please contact your shift captain, schedule and would like to volunteer, Frequent hand-washing is required when as soon as possible to confirm your we apologize for the oversight and moving between food preparation and availability or unavailability to work would be grateful for your assistance. other activities. Shift captains are re- the designated assignment; and, if un- Please contact Jon or Robert directly sponsible for ensuring that everyone is in available at the scheduled time, please by e-mail (see above for e-mail ad- compliance. suggest alternative times of availabil- dresses) or the church office; there are WITH GRATITUDE ity. The shift captain is identified with a multiple areas where help is needed. “*” on each shift. You can also contact Thanks for volunteering! Linda Minamoto. Your early notification BAKED GOODS will help us balance staffing throughout the festival. All shift captains are to proactively contact each volunteer on your schedule not yet heard from and confirm their availability. Please refer to the church membership directory for con- Please bring your that makes our annual Festival a success and a fun event. A very special donations for thank you to everyone in advance! the pastry shop into the kitchen on Linda Minamoto Saturday and Sunday. Please ensure a Obon Festival Chairperson list of ingredients is included with the PLEASE HELP CLEAN-UP AT THE END baked products and identify goods OF THE FESTIVAL ON SATURDAY. ALL that contain nuts and other common BOOTHS MUST BE CLEARED AND THE allergens. TABLES AND CHAIRS IN THE DINING tact information. If you need contact numbers for volunteers on your shift, HEALTH REGULATIONS please contact the Church Office at We will continue to insist on protocols 510-832-5988. that promote adherence to current health When volunteers are unavailable, It is the combined efforts of everyone department regulations. Hair nets, or oth- please inform the Church Office & er forms of head covering (i.e. baseball e-mail: Linda Minamoto caps), and gloves are to be used by every AREAS PUT AWAY. SHIFT CAPTAINS PHONE NUMBERS CAN BE FOUND IN THE CHURCH DIRECTORY OR FROM THE CHURCH OFFICE: 510-832-5988 lminamoto@aol.com 9 JULY 2015 FRIDAY, JULY 31 & SATURDAY, AUGUST 1 Food Preparation Friday and Saturday schedules are for all day. We will start from 7:00 am on Friday and Saturday and continue until finished. Help is especially appreciated during each of the mornings so please come even if you are not assigned to a specific shift. Thank you for helping at our annual fund-raiser! Jean Kawata* Patti Hisaoka* Kathy Terusaki* Isono, Gail Isono, Liz Isono, Terri Isono, Tomi Kaneshige, Clare Kano, Judy Kanzaki, Miharu Kawabata, Joan Kawabata, Yo Kawata, Jean Kido, Rosalie Kido, Teri Kleven, May Koizumi, Jane Kuramoto, Michi Kuritsubo, Ruby LaBerge, Michiyo Lawrence, Maya Laskowski, Yuri Makishima, Joanne Masuyama, June Matsui, Elaine McGhee, Mary Medeiros, Tina Minamoto, Linda Minamoto, Lou Minamoto, Mabel Abrahamson, Susan Aikawa, Etsuko Aochi, Mary Aoki, Margaret Castro, Donna Chung, Lynn Cronin, Masae Endo, Kathy Fujii, Toyoko Fujimoto, Gloria Fujimoto, Kayoko Fukawa, Haruko Furuta, Setsuko Grohl, Renee Hamamoto, Jun Hara, Grace Harada, Grace Hashimoto, Karen Hayashida, JoAnne Hiramoto, Dana Hiramoto, Joni Hiramoto, Ruby Hiromoto, Mary Hisaoka, Patti Hisaoka, Tricia Horii, Thea Inada, Gayle Mitsuda, Hatsuko Miyamoto-Mills, Janis Miyasaki, Cathy Mori, Helen Morimoto, Marge Morimoto, Sally Murakawa-Jan, Katsuyo Nagafuji, Kathy Naito, Namie Nakamura, Linda Nakamura, Sachie Nakaso, Lynn Nakatani, Nancy Nakazono, Jean Nasu-Best, Kim Negoro, Dora Neishi, Alice Neishi, Carol Neishi-Wong, Lori Neishi, Lynne Noguchi, Gayle Nomura, Joan Nomura, June Okano, Doris Okano, Susan Orans, Meta Oto-Worrell, Carrie Otsuka, Lorraine Otsuka, Mary Otsuka, Valerie Owoc, Karen Ryujin, Gail Taniwa Sakaki, Judy Samii, Rene Sanbongi, Katie Sasaki, Agnes Sasaki, Kimiko Sato, Laura Seiki, Sandra Shepard, Sabrina Shibata, Alice Shibata, Teru Shigemoto, Miyo Shimamoto, Tomita Shimamura, Sachiko Shohara, Sumi Smith, Valerie Suda, Christina Suda, Pam Suda, Vicki Fukumae Takagaki, Linda Takata, Mine Takayama, Ellen Taniguchi, Marie Tanisawa, Susan Taniwa-Wong, Janie Terusaki, Kathleen Thunen, Carol Tominaga, Anne Toyofuku, Yurika Tsujimoto, Daisy Tsujimoto-Cho, Gail Tsujimoto-Wong, Lianne Tsukahira, Janet Uota, Itsuko Ushijima, Yoshiko Utsurogi, Louise Yamamoto, Nancy Yamaoka, Shigeko Yanagi, Dorothy Yokomizo, Alice Yokomizo, Denise Yokomizo, Donna Yokomizo, Joyce Yoneyama, Mollie Yoshida, Fusae Yoshisato-Cavey, Janis FRIDAY JULY 31, 2015 Egg Preparation Kitchen Help EVENING EVENING (7am - Finish) (7am - Finish) Chicken Preparation Social Hall Decor (7pm - Finish) (7pm - 9pm) Carol Thunen* Kathy Terusaki* Ed Minamoto* Hashimoto, Karen Minamoto, Linda Nakazono, Jean Thunen, Carol* Ozawa, Robert Lawrence, Gary Li, Phil Medina, Jerry Medeiros, Rocky Minamoto, Ed Minamoto, John Terada, Keiju Tominaga, Gary 10 JULY 2015 YOUTH CLUB PARENTS VOLUNTEERS WELCOME Otsuka, Tak Otsuka, Valerie Jr. YBA Members SATURDAY AUGUST 1 2015 Street Closing (7am - 8:30am) Katayama, Dennis Minamoto, John Sasaki, Rik Kathy Terusaki* Chicken BBQ Cooks 5am - Finish (8am - Finish) 5am - 8am Bridge, Rev. Harry Inada, Rick Terusaki, Steve 8am - 12 Noon Yamaoka, Rev. Seigen Chang, Kevin Nakaso, Peter Rice Coolers (5am - Finish) Kawata, Chuck Kitchen Help/ Dishwashing (6am - 10am) Jon Takagaki* Noguchi, Paul Noguchi, Robert Negoro, George Ohagi Preparation (7am - 11am) Signage (10am - 2pm) (9am - Noon) John Minamoto* Rice/Udon Cooks/ Set-up Bridge, Mika Hisaoka, Patti Kawata, Jean Nishimura, Valerie Terusaki, Kathy Constuction: Booths, Yagura Ed Minamoto* Ikeda, Eric Kaneshige, Don Lee, Roger Li, Phil Medeiros, Rocky Minamoto, Ed Neishi, Chris Seiki, Richard Suko, Greg Wilson, Alex Yokoyama, Ed Chicken Bento/ Snack Bar Prep (9am - Noon) Michael Endo* Endo, Clifford Endo, Kay Endo, Lillian Endo, Michael Endo, Sets Makishima, Joanne Nagata, Brian Dick Sasaki* Cliff Yokomizo* Al Kanzaki* Asazawa, Paul Bergland, Harry Best, Jose Chin, Gene Chung, Steve Fujii, Roy Hirota, David Horii, Brian Iriki, Jamie Izuno, Doug Kamita, George Katayama, Dennis Kawaguchi, Scott Lawrence, Gary Medina, Jerry Minamoto, John Morimoto, Aki Nakamura, Dennis Nakaso, Peter Neishi, John Neishi, Ken Nishimura, Keith Nomura, Ron Oto, Steven Suda, Jeff Takemoto, Mark Terada, Jeff Toyofuku, Donald Yokomizo, Tom Yokoyama, Ed Yoshida, Norman Youth Club Members Table Bussing/Clean-up (4pm - Closing) Kitchen Help/ Dishwashing Scott Morgan* Linda Nakamura (10am - Closing) Scott Morgan* Linda Nakamura Staffed by Youth Club Per Youth Club Schedule Yokomizo, Joyce Medina, Jerry Nomura, Ron Ozawa, Robert Finance (1pm - Finish) Norm Abrahamson* Abrahamson, Norm Bergland, Harry Lawrence, Gary Dinner Ticket Booth Jared Miyamoto-Mills* Scott Morgan* 2:30pm - 5pm Aisawa, Ken Miyamoto-Mills, Jared* Takagaki, Linda 5pm - Closing Baker, Peter Kuramoto, Aki Morgan, Scott* Snack Bar BBQ Chefs Ed Minamoto* John Neishi* 2:30pm - 5pm Endo, Clifford Kuramoto, Randall Minamoto, Ed* Nomura, Ron Tanisawa, Craig 5pm - Closing Pam Suda* Kleven, May Nakamura, Sachie Nakazono, Jean Suda, Christina Suda, Pam Staffed by Youth Club Per Youth Club Schedule Endo, Don Kaneshige, Jay Miyamura, Kurt Nakamura, Dennis Neishi, John* Tsuboi, Tom 11 JULY 2015 SATURDAY AUGUST 1 2015 Snack Bar Steak Dinners Snack Bar Rice Cooks George Negoro* Brian Nagata* Kathy Terusaki* (8pm until finished) 2:30pm - 5:30pm Snack Bar - Drinks, Hamburgers, Corn Lillian Endo* (c/o Michael Endo) Keiju Terada* 2:30pm - 5pm Chang, Kevin Horii, Brian Isono, Richard Negoro, George* Tominaga, Anne Chung, Steve Kido, Marshall Nagata, Brian* Owoc, Karen Shigemoto, Rob Suda, Pam, Endo, Jessica Endo, Kaitlin Endo, Kelsey Endo, Lillian* Makishima, Joanne Neishi, Lynne Shigemoto, Lisa Udon 5pm - Closing Donna Yokomizo* Susan Tanisawa Hisaoka, Jeffrey Negoro, Nicholas Terada, Keiju* Terusaki, Alan Tsukahira, Janet Tsukahira, Jerry 5:30pm - Closing Terusaki, Kathy Sushi Doris Okano* Maya Lawrence* 2:30pm - 5:30pm Izono, Tomi Okano, Doris* Shohara, Sumi Uota, Itsuko 5:30pm - Closing Hiramoto, Dana Kanzaki, Miharu Kleven, May Lawrence, Maya* 2:30pm - 5:30pm Snack Bar Chicken Dinners Vicki Fukumae Suda* Mark Shimamoto Inada, Gayle Ryujin, Gail Taniwa Yokomizo, Deni Yokomizo, Donna* PASTRY SHOP Yurika Toyofuku* Gayle Noguchi* 5:30pm - Closing Chung, Lynn Morimoto, Marge Murakawa-Jan, Katsuyo Tanisawa, Susan* 2:30pm - 5pm 2:30pm - 5:30pm Abrahamson, Susan Miyamoto-Mills, Janis Toyofuku, Yurika* 5:30pm - Closing Suda, Vicki Fukumae* Suda, Christina Utsurogi, Louise 5pm - Closing Kido, Rob Owoc, Rich Shimamoto, Mark* Curry Judy Kano* Linda Takagaki 2:30pm - 5:30pm Kaneshige, Clare Kano, Judy* Owoc, Karen Yokomizo, Joyce 5:30pm - Closing Fujimoto, Gloria Masuyama, June Matsui, Elaine Takagaki, Linda* 12 JULY 2015 Cliff Yokomizo* Al Kanzaki* Hisaoka, Jeffrey 5pm - Closing 2:30pm - 5pm DE-CONSTRUCTION/ CLEAN-UP Noguchi, Gayle* Tominaga, Anne Refreshments for Obon Dancers Eddie & Terry Yokoyama* 7pm - Closing Tsujimoto, Daisy Shimamoto, Tomita Yokoyama, Eddie* Yokoyama, Terry Abrahamson, Norm Aisawa, Ken Baker, Peter Chung, Steve Chung, Derrick Endo, Don Endo, Michael Hirota, David Hollins, Lyman Inada, Evan Inada, Rick Ikeda, Eric Kanzaki, Al Katayama, Dennis Kuga, Roy Masamori, Eric Mitsuda, Ken Minamoto, John Nakamura, Greg Nakaso, Peter Negoro, Chris Negoro, Nick Neishi, Chris Pendro, Ray Orans, Kai Orans, Ren Owoc, Garrett Owoc, Rich Sasaki, Rik Shepard, Ed Shepard, Justin Shigemoto, Bob Shimamoto, Mark Suda, Curtis Suko, Greg Takagaki, Jon Tellez, Alex Terada, Keiju Terusaki, Alan Terusaki, Steve Tominaga, Gary Yamashita, George Yokomizo, Clifford* Yokomizo, Tom YOUTH CLUB MEMBERS JR. YBA MEMBERS President’s Message YBA Volleyball Tournament at Alam- all our BCO Graduating Class of 2015! CONTINUED FROM FRONT PAGE eda Point. It was fun seeing the BCO Best wishes on the next part of your Memorial Day Cemetery Visitations. At teams playing hard and having fun, life, and I hope you’ll continue to be in- all locations, we were always greeted too. BCO was the venue for the Tour- volved at BCO, or other nearby temple. by friends and members that were nament’s Evening Social, so I was able If you need assistance with this, I’d be grateful for our visit. I’d like to thank to visit with parents and advisors. Con- happy to help you. Chuck and Jean Kawata for accompa- gratulations and many thanks to the nying Sensei on Saturday, and Gayle two “Taiyaki Teams,” their parents and Maya Noguchi for joining us on Sunday. advisors, for all their efforts in putting School teachers, for another terrific on a successful tournament. Dharma School year. Your efforts are Also, over Memorial Day, I was able to take in some of the Bay District Jr. A hearty CONGRATULATIONS to Many thanks to Superintendent, Lawrence and the Dharma greatly appreciated! Q 13 JULY 2015 In this process, do we become truly ness of the Dharma in the midst of our free? Probably not. Shinran Shonin, the everyday lives. I believe that being Bud- founder of our school, thought that we dhist can help us be better Americans, and potential. Thus, I recite the Name, were still stuck with our foolishness un- truly aiming towards liberty and justice Namo Amida Butsu, in gratitude for this til the end of our life. And yet, there is for all. Q change in my life. also a transformation, a growing aware- Freedom CONTINUED FROM FRONT PAGE 14 JULY 2015
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