December - Burleigh Heads Scout Group


December - Burleigh Heads Scout Group
December 2013
What A Year
What A Year .................................... 1
Trivia Night ....................................... 2
BoardRiders BBQ ............................. 2
Leaders Xmas Dinner ..................... 2
Awards Ceremony ......................... 3
Group Shirts ..................................... 3
Christmas Pool Party ...................... 4
Rovers Xmas Party .......................... 5
Shed Completed! .......................... 6
Camp Kallaroo Upgrade .............. 6
Venturer/Rovers Room .................. 6
Position Vacant .............................. 6
Joeys ................................................. 7
Cubs ................................................. 8
Wednesday Scouts ........................ 8
Thursday Scouts .............................. 9
Venturers ........................................ 10
Straddie Kayak Adventure ......... 11
World Scout Moot ................. 13
Upcoming Events ......................... 14
Contacts ........................................ 14
Well what a busy year 2013 has been. These are some of the highlights:
Australia Jamboree
Boardriders BBQ
Swimming Carnival
Burleigh Community Day
Bunnings BBQs
Anzac Day March
Working Bee
New shed and undercover areas.
Nighthawk (1st place venturers, 3rd place scouts)
Venturers room upgrade
Leaders office cleaned and reorganised.
Den cleaned up.
Trivia Night
Camp Kallaroo upgrade
Awards Ceremony - 1 Queen Scout award, 3 Australian Scout
Medallions, 2 Grey Wolf awards and 1 Joey Promise.
Security system upgrade
Another swimming carnival
Leaders Xmas dinner
Trailer painted
And this is all on top of the week to week running of programs across
Joeys, Cubs, Scouts, Venturers and Rovers by a dedicated group of
This was a jam packed term and it’s great to see what everyone from
Joeys to Rovers are doing. How many organisations provide activities for
youth aged 6-25 in locations from your own backyard to worldwide?
And Burleigh has one of the best groups in Queensland!
This term saw Jay and Sallie end their roles as leaders on Wednesday
night. They have been fantastic Cub and Scout leaders for our group,
with a great combination of discipline and fun. Although they have
finished as leaders (for the time being), they do have some plans which
we will report in a future newsletter.
Burleigh Heads
Scout Group
Have a safe and happy Christmas and New Year!
32 Stephens Street
Burleigh Heads.
PO Box 69
Burleigh Heads Q 4220
07 55 350 744
0416 257 093
Jeff Butterworth (Numbat)
Burleigh Heads Scout Group
Trivia Night
Trivia Night was a great success. It was a family night so those tables that
had a mix of ages fared the best. The tables of scouts only were left
scratching their heads at any question based in the 80s and the table of
adults were a bit unsure of some of the new fangled stuff.
We had a number of tables with young kids and it was a pleasure to see
their faces light up when they knew the answer to a question about their
favourite books and movies.
Someone was surprised by Santa
Amid allegations of ‘rigged’, it was the Butterworth family that won the
night. Mind you they had three generations at the table which covered
the full range of questions.
As well as having a fun night, we raised $388!
We have had two trivia nights now and I always get comments about
how much fun they are. If we hold another one next year, I’d ask that
you consider coming along and join in the fun. Scouts isn’t just about
camping, it’s the chance to enjoy social activities as well!
Leaders Xmas Dinner
The leaders and committee attended a Christmas Dinner at the Burleigh
Heads Surf Club to celebrate a successful year. It’s not often we can get
everyone together at the same time. Even rarer that it’s done for a social
night with no need to talk about scouts!
The evening finished off with a very funny visit from Santa. After attending
the swimming carnival and then the leaders’ dinner, it’s obvious that
Santa loves scouts!
Doesn’t matter how old you are,
everyone is excited to see Santa!
BoardRiders BBQ
The Boardriders BBQ will be held in a short few weeks on Jan 11/12. This is
a major fundraiser for us. This year, the funds will go towards major
activities. If you are attending Cuboree 2014, Venture 2015 or Jamboree
2016, you should come along as it’s a great opportunity to reduce the
cost of the event. Funds will be dispersed based on the hours worked.
We run the Boardriders in five shifts - Prep (Friday evening), Saturday
Breakfast, Saturday Lunch, Sunday Breakfast and Sunday Lunch.
(Breakfast is 7:00-11:00 and lunch is 11:00-3:00.). A lot of people who have
worked this event have said what a lot of fun it is. It's in a great spot
(Burleigh Headland) and you work in a great team of 8-9 people.
If you would like to come along and help, please email me
(, indicating the number of
people and the shift you would like to work.
Even Santa has to be good.
Burleigh Heads Scout Group
Awards Ceremony
On November 16th, Burleigh Heads Scouts held an awards ceremony for
our youth members. We were honoured to have Branch Commissioners
Phil Nicol (representing the Chief Commissioner) , Steve Marshall, Tim
Gibbings and David Cruse attend the ceremony. They were joined by
members from our Gold Coast Region team - Bob Campbell, Neil
Sardeson and Joy Smith. Our local state member Michael Hart MLA
rounded out the impressive guest list.
Ryan Kid receiving his Queens Scout
award from Phil Nicol.
Tim Gibbings speaking about Grey
Wolf Awards
Joey Scouts receiving their Promise
Challenge from David Cruse
Alan Kidd presenting opening prayer.
The purpose of the ceremony was to celebrate the awards earned
during the year. Ryan Kidd was our first Queens Scout Award since 1987.
Morgan Marshall, Karlie Watt and Alan Kidd were awarded the
Australian Scout Medallion; Chloe Watt and Thomas McMillan their Grey
Wolf and Ross MacDonald his Joey Promise. Luke Butterworth (ASM),
Kartier Marjanovic (JP) and Harry Saliba (JP) were also recognised for
achieving their awards which had been presented to them earlier in the
year. We also celebrated leader awards to Sonya Wayne and Anthony
We started the evening with a sausage sizzle where everyone was able
to mingle and introduce themselves. This was a relaxing way to start
proceedings and everyone was in good cheer. After a week of storms,
we checked the weather radar and thought we were in for a fine
afternoon so we hurriedly moved the chairs and microphone from the
den to celebrate in the great outdoors in fine scouting tradition.
Group Leader Roland Franz opened proceedings to a large crowd of
supporters. Phil Nicol gave a speech about the importance of the scout
awards in helping youth members strive to achieve their best. Bob
Campbell spoke about recognising leaders for the efforts they put in
during the year. Each of the branch commissioners discussed the award
relevant to their section before the scouts were presented with their
award. The executive committee was pleased to present each of the
QSA and ASM awardees with an engraved Leatherman multi-tool as a
memento of their achievement.
As the speeches were underway, it became apparent that we weren’t
going to get the fine afternoon we had hoped for! In true scouting
tradition, it looked like we were going to get wet in the great outdoors.
Anxious glances kept checking the impressive storm quickly building
above us! However, we safely finished the awards just in time. We retired
to the den to cut a celebratory cake and enjoy a light supper.
Unfortunately plans for a campfire were well and truly extinguished when
the storm finally unleashed an awesome display of rain and lightning.
Burleigh Heads Scouts would like to thank all our guests. We were
impressed that we were able to have so many special guests make time
out of their busy schedules to celebrate with us. It was certainly
appreciated by the scouts and their parents.Group Shirts
Group Shirts
We will be placing an order in mid-January for shirts. If you would like
one, please send me an email (
by January 15th specifying quantity and size. We will collect payment
when the shirts are ready (which should be towards end of Feb).
The well modelled group shirt...
Burleigh Heads Scout Group
Christmas Pool Party
Following on from a successful Group swimming carnival earlier in the
year, it was decided that a repeat event would become the end-of- on
a beautiful sunny Sunday afternoon, with plenty from all sections in
attendance to enjoy this time of swimming mixed with a few games,
sausage sizzle and a special appearance from Santa.
Master of Ceremonies Jay (Kaa Galah) kept everyone on their toes, and
was a constant threat to those seen to be slacking off from having a
good time, except for a brief interlude where his absence was quite
noticeable during our visit from Santa.
Rover Advisor Bentley proved that all of his years of Scouting haven’t
been wasted either, coming up with the novel idea of converting Rovers
into bubble wrap kayaks, much to the delight of some of our younger
Merry Christmas to everyone and wishing you a happy 2014 full of lots of
Burleigh Heads Scout Group
Rovers Xmas Party
It’s Christmas Already? You Beauty! An excuse for another Rover Party!
Let’s invite the Leaders this time!
For some of us, there have certainly been plenty of opportunities to get
into the spirit of the festive season and wind down after a big year of
Scouting, starting with Jamborees and Board Riders barbecues and
ending with multiple appearances of a certain Mr S. Claus at some of
our parties.
The Rovers proved they have picked up a few cooking skills along the
way, putting on a fantastic dinner at the Den, complete with Secret
Santa and party games, enjoyed by all. There is no doubt Rovers is just a
cover for what is essentially just a six year long party as we were joined
by Rovers from far afield, showing that it is possible to form Scouting
friendships beyond our Group and Region.
Craft skills acquired long ago in Joeys and Cubs were on show with all of
the beautiful decorations, and the newly renovated Camp Kallaroo
kitchen was put to good use for the preparation and cooking of a meal
with a definite bias towards meat-lovers. Sweet tooths were also well
The Leaders in attendance saw the night off quietly while the Rovers
adjourned to the local community and its entertainment offerings,
returning at a time to be forever known only to them.
Thank You Rovers for a great night!
Burleigh Heads Scout Group
Shed Completed!
The new shed has been completed. This is a great addition to our
facilities. Trailers and other equipment have been moved in to make
room for the other upgrades detailed below.
Further work will be done over the holidays to arrange the equipment in
a more efficient manner.
New bench and cupboards.
Camp Kallaroo Upgrade
Thanks to grants received from the State Government and the Gold
Coast City Council, we have been able to complete a number of
upgrades to Camp Kallaroo.
A commercial dishwasher – dirty to clean
in 90 seconds!
The kitchen has had a number of upgrades. A commercial dishwasher
sees the dishes washed in 90 seconds. A new stainless bench provides
additional preparation area as well as food storage underneath. New
cupboards and drawers give much easier access to cutlery and
glassware. All these modifications means the kitchen is much more
efficient and work friendly!
It’s not just inside that has had improvements though. A new undercover
eating area ensures a sun safe area to enjoy the BBQ facilities.
These upgrades will help secure major bookings which helps keep up the
facilities for our scouting members.
Great new BBQ shelter area.
Venturer/Rovers Room
Now that the shed is complete, there have been a few rearrangements.
The contents of the Q-Store have been moved to the shed and to the
old Venturers room.
The old Q-Store room is in the process of being upgraded for the
Venturers and Rovers. The room has been lined and new cupboards
installed. This will be a great meeting place for these growing sections.
More storage space!
Thanks to Roland, Anthony and John for the building work and to John’s
father Hans for the plastering. I am sure the Venturers and Rovers look
forward to using the new room in 2014.
Position Vacant
Karen Johnson has been the Committee Sectrary since April 2012.
Unfortunately, she is no longer able to continue in the position due to
changing work arrangements. We thank Karen for her efforts and wish
her the best in her new job.
This means we are now looking for a new secretary. The secretary role
involves participation of committee meetings once a month and the
taking of minutes. If you’d like to make a contribution to Burleigh Scouts,
you can contact Roland 0450 656 093.
Burleigh Heads Scout Group
Another year is over and what a great 2014 it was with an awesome
mob of Joeys and plenty of challenges and adventures for them to
share. This term also included our Group's formal presentation night
where our own Joey Ross was presented his promise challenge badge.
We also got a mention in both the Queensland (Encompass) Newsletter
and the Gold Coast Region newsletter.
Cooling down at Region Camp
Tight rope walking at Region Camp
As usual Burleigh Joeys had some great times with the Nerang Joeys this
term with cross visits where Nerang came to our den for the Sea Turtle
conservation presentation with Maggie Muurmans and we went to
Nerang for the Waterwatch speaker. We also had a great time with
Nerang and the rest of the Gold Coast Region at the Joeys region camp
where the theme was circus performances. Some real effort went into
the tight-rope walking base as that was particularly challenging. The
Canungra creek also provided much entertainment for the joeys to have
a swim.
McHappy day charity collection was well attended and the Joeys were
very successful in collecting for that. The Family Skate also got a few
Joeys and parents onto skates to strut their stuff. This was a first time on
skates for some Joeys and all learned quickly and had a good time. Last
was a visit from Wildcare and a presentation on caring for wild,
sometimes injured animals in our neighbourhood. Possum dreys, made
the previous week by the Joeys were presented to wildcare as
temporary homes for injured animals. Thanks to Natalie, Jasmine, Lily and
Jack Rasmussen for that presentation.
Finally with Christmas approaching we had an awesome day at the
Marymount swimming pool for an all sections swim day. Despite a
relatively cool day the Joeys had a great time in the pool, playing "row
the Rover" and a visit from Santa Clause was much appreciated.
Possum dreys for injured animals
Please have a safe and Merry Christmas and New Year celebration and
hope to see all our Joeys back next year for more fun, challenges and
Santa visits the swimming carnival
Inquistive joeys!
Joeys are always learning something!
Burleigh Heads Scout Group
Term 4 has gone so fast
We have both packs together this term. We had two new leaders Hathi
& Crow join with Baloo
We have been doing a lot of boomerang and other badge work this
Nathan’s Grey Wolf Walk at Mt Cougal
Thirsty work rock hopping along the creek.
On Saturday the 23rd Nov to Sun 24th Nov, 9 Cubs and 3 Leaders went to
Brisbane on the train for a trip away from the parents. We stayed at
Yeronga Scout Den for the weekend. We caught the train Varsity Lakes
Station to Yeronga Station. We had lunch at the Den and unpack our
bags for the night. We caught the train to Central Station and walk to
the Ferry Prier to catch the ferry to New Farm Park and have a run
around in the Park while Hathi and Baloo went do the shopping, We
caught the back the and walk to south bank bus station, when Baloo
brought them an Icy Pole to cool them down, we catch the bus back to
the scout den. It rain all night. On Sunday we caught the bus to Science
Museum. We caught the train South Brisbane back the Den. We did an
Orienteering next to the den and it started to rain. We stared to pack up
and head back home to the Gold Coast. We all very tired from the
camp, Thanks for Hathi for this Camp.
On the 7th Dec Nathan Butterworth did his Grey Wolf Hike to Mt Cougal
National Park, we walk over rocks and we had a rest by the rock pool.
We walk back on the rocks (Thank you Nathan) back to the starting
point. I would like to thank Jeff and the other parents to attending this
hike for Nathan’s Grey Wolf Hike.
I would like to thank all the parents for helping us on Camps and on our
section meeting night.
Thank you for Nick Owens (Banjo’s Dad) for the hot chips and drinks on
our Xmas break up.
Our first night back for 2014, 3rd Feb 14 @6pm
We would like to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
Yours In Scouting
Baloo, Hathi and Crow
Wednesday Scouts
Fearless leader Baloo!
Another busy term for Wednesday Scouts, which had us participating in
some exciting and fun Scouting activities. The scouts learnt that putting
up a Queenslander Patrol Tent in the dark isn’t as easy as it sounds,
headed to Burleigh Knoll for wide games, learnt how to prepare for a
light weight hike, constructed and knotted our way through a few wet
rainy nights, got really wet at Marymount Pool, where the scouts went a
long way to achieving their Water Activities badges and we had a visit
from the local Lions club, who chatted to the scouts about Hearing
Disability Dogs.
It was a big term for presentations at BH Scouts, and two of our Scouts,
Karly and Alan, were presented with their Australian Scout Medallions at
the Group Presentation evening, and we had Chloe and Thomas, two of
Burleigh Heads Scout Group
our younger scouts who have come to Scouts from Cubs, were
presented with their Grey Wolf Badges. Well done to you all.
Our Scouts attended the Region ‘Wrecked” Camp, which is a camp that
simulates the scouts being marooned without supplies…eg. No tent!! The
scouts gain bonus items throughout activities they participate in during
the camp. Unfortunately (perhaps fortunately!) a large storm front rolled
through the camp in the early evening, and due to the threat of thunder,
lightning and hail, the scouts were moved to a large onsite shed for
shelter for the night…and they all survived to tell the tale.
Scouts helping pack baskets for the
Gold Coast Basket Brigade charity
Our breakup was held last weekend, and we had a large turnout of
more than 20 scouts head to Helensvale for an afternoon of Laser
Skirmish. It was great fun, and everyone had a great time, especially the
Leaders who all participated!
This newsletter marks the last (at least for a while) for us (Quoll and
Galah) as we will resign our positions as Leaders at Burleigh Scouts at the
end of the term.
Everyone helping
We have absolutely loved our time as Leaders at Burleigh, as both Cub
and Scout Leaders, but our family life is heading in a different direction,
and our time as Leaders, has come to an end. We began our scouting
career as Parent Helpers at Cubs, and it has been a great experience,
and I strongly recommend that ALL parents chat to their Leaders,
(especially Joeys and Cubs) to offer their assistance, and get involved.
We have met some amazing people, both Kids and Adults along the
way, and we feel Scouting has grown our family, as we always “run into”
kids we know all over the Gold Coast….and we Love it!
We will still be involved with Burleigh Scouts into the future, but we will talk
about that in future newsletters.
From all of us at Wednesday Scouts, “Merry Christmas”
Lots of stuff to pack
Thursday Scouts
Term 4 has been big in terms of numbers and activities. For most of the
term we have had the Mudgeeraba scouts join in with our troop putting
our numbers up to 50 on many nights. They were a great bunch and it
was good for our crew to make new friends. We hope to catch up with
them on future camps.
Baskets lined up ready for delivery.
Our Thursday night activities included a trivia night, knotting, box
cooking, Halloween, wide game, navigation, flight night, construction,
pool activities and we are finishing off with a bowling/laser skirmish fun
night at Robina Town Centre. The trivia night was a great way to start the
term and Halloween was also a hit with some awesome costumes and
make-up, thanks to all the scouts who attended for making a big effort.
We had one troop camp this term which was a water based theme with
canoeing at Numinbah Scout camp on the Hinze dam. Good fun
canoeing through the flooded tree area but with lots of strange spiders
falling out of the trees.... not so good for the arachnophobia amongst us.
We also did a hike on the Sunday morning with the scary creatures
theme continuing, a couple of snakes were spotted on the way....lucky
the scouts have good eyes and they were spotted before we walked
Burleigh Heads Scout Group
over them. A Goanna was also spotted in the camp but unfortunately
big Kev the resident monster Goanna didn’t show.
Another significant activity this term was abseiling on Mt Tamborine. The
RAT’s (Regional Activities Team) ran the show and it was a challenging
and fun event. Rosella overcame her fear of heights and did it twice but
even on the second go could only focus on the spots on the rope
indicating the degree to which her whole being was saying “don’t do it”.
It’s not for everyone but I highly recommend it as the RAT’s crew were
brilliant and the Mt Tamborine site is a perfect venue with a sheer rock
wall about 20m high.
Some of our troop are also attending the “basket brigade” which is a
charity event making up Christmas hampers for families in need, I’m sure
they will enjoy it and feel the real Christmas spirit.
Our numbers are sitting at around 30 youth members in the Thursday
Night Troop.
That wraps it up!
Bullant (Allan Gillespie)
It may be the end of 2013 but at Venturer’s we’ve been working right till
the end. We started the term with a room switch. The venturers are now
in the old Q store. This area is much larger and I think everyone in
venturers would agree that we fit better in here. The area is still under
renovation but I’m sure everyone’s looking forward to the space it will
give us once it’s finished and I think everyone who’s contributed to the
move deserves a thanks.
Partway through the term we participated in the Youth Activity Camp, or
YAK for short. As some of you may know this multi-section camp is up
north, in BP Park, Samford, and open to groups from across South East
Queensland. While on this camp we manage to sneak in a round of
paintball which I’m sure everyone appreciated, even if it did hurt.
Our final camp was less than a week ago, on the 14 th and 15th
December. For this camp we kayaked over to South Stradbroke and
stayed at the North Currigee Campsite. After a sandfly ridden night we
paddle back across the Broadwater and played at the beach before
driving back to the den.
As you can see it’s a busy term and even though there’s only 13 days till
the end of the year we still have more planned. See ya.
Burleigh Heads Scout Group
Straddie Kayak Adventure
The Venturers enjoyed their end-of-year party in quite a different way this
year, with a sea kayak trip and overnight camp at North Currigee, on
South Stradbroke Island. The Runaway Bay Water Taxi provided the
means to take some of the adult members and a few luxuries along such
as eskies full of food, and a few dry clothes. The trip was led by our longtime friend and Palm Beach Venturer Leader Syd Mainland who has
been supporting us in this way for quite a few years and amongst other
things making these adventures a reality by dealing with the mountain of
paperwork demanded by Branch.
After loading up 6 of our double kayaks and 2 singles, the Paddle from
Anglers Esplanade in Runaway Bay, north along the west side of Crab
Island then east across a busy channel all went very well, arriving at a
beautiful lagoon well sheltered from the northerlies and right on the
edge of the camp site. All of the Venturers went very well, with no
seasickness or capsizes, just a little bit of sunburn on some. A quick trip
back to the mainland by Syd and Steve allowed Karly to join late, and
show off her prowess with the singles kayak.
Burleigh Heads Scout Group
Following our arrival at the Island, most enjoyed the ambience of life at a
sub-tropical sandy paradise for the rest of the day, with plenty of
swimming and lazing around. Just when you might be thinking it was
probably pretty rough camping on the Island, we have to report “not so”
as we confess many took advantage of the showers and a full diet of
typical Aussie barbecue fair. Later, iPhone weather reports showed
plenty of rain and hail at home, but fortunately most of it missed us, but
with just enough to wash the salt spray off our tents.
With the Broadwater as a foreground, we had a good view of some
unusual cloud formations and a beautiful and colourful sunset across the
The trip back on Sunday was just as much fun, taking a different route
south along the island shoreline to South Currigee then west across the
channel, with just the right amount of boat traffic to make it interesting. A
quick swim, loading up the canoes and fish and chips on the beach saw
the end of a great weekend, and one destined to be repeated. We still
have to do something about all of that sunburn! Maybe a winter paddle
might be the best solution.
Burleigh Heads Scout Group
14th World Scout Moot
Awacamenj Mino Campsite, Low, QC Canada
On the 29th July, the Australian and New Zealand Contingent Pre Tour
group met in the foyer of their New York City hotel, where Sam and Laura
caught up with some familiar faces and met all of the new ones. The pre
tour was a jam packed ten days on a Coach run by Trafalgar Tours.
They visited the Statue of liberty, admired the view of NYC from the top
of the Empire State Building, ate Philly cheese steaks while visiting the
Liberty Bell, played tourists at the white house, walked around Arlington
cemetery, took photos with the Lincoln memorial and strolled around the
Smithsonian Museum.
The ‘beach’
Half way through and countless hours spent on the bus, Sam and Laura
were still sane and enjoying the company of their new and old friends. A
visit to Amish country, a ride on the Maiden of the Mist up to Niagara
Falls, admiring the view of Toronto from the top of the CN tower, going
on every ride at Canada’s wonderland and spending their last night on
pre tour in Ottawa with the rest of the Australian and New Zealand
Contingent who had flown in that day.
The 8th August saw the start of moot with an opening ceremony on
Parliament Hill in Ottawa in which the Governor General of Canada
attended. Laura had the honour of being the flag bearer for Australia
during the ceremony. From there the girls split up and went on to meet
their patrols which were from a mix of countries; Canada, Mexico,
Switzerland, Oman, Germany and Austria.
At world moots, each participant is given the choice of a Path
[expedition] and a city they would like to complete their path in for three
days during the Moot. Sam and Laura both travelled with their patrols to
Montreal to complete the Life Path. They attended talks by the First
Nation people and Messengers of Peace which assisted them in the Path
activities they were asked to complete over two days.
Sam, Calista (ACT) and Laura on
Cultural Day
In patrols they ventured into the city centre of Montreal to remind the
public of the importance of doing something kind. An example: One
patrol member would pretend to fall over and drop their belongings, a
stranger would walk up and help them and the on looking patrol
members would congratulate that member of the public on doing
something kind. Each stranger that helped was given a blue clothes
peg to remind them of what they did and pass the message on when
something kind was done for them.
When the group returned to camp they participated in Cultural day
where every country dressed in their traditional/patriotic dress. As
tradition, Australia and the United Kingdom played a game of Cricket
and Rugby union against each other in the Moot Ashes. Unfortunately
Australia lost this year but the mood was picked up with a BBQ and meat
raffle at the Australian contingent tent.
The last half of moot for Sam and Laura was spent in their patrols at the
“beach” [lake], swapping badges, completing the high ropes course,
sailing and canoeing, rappelling/abseiling, visiting the onsite Global
Village, visiting the Ottawa Art Gallery and attending a haunted tour
through Ottawa.
Sam, Jess (former Burleigh Rover) and
Sam at Statue of Liberty, New York.
Unfortunately not all of moot was good, in fact Sam’s least favourite part
was the freezing showers and Laura really didn’t enjoy saying goodbye
to her new friends but the whole experience was a great one for the
Burleigh Heads Scout Group
both of them and they now have so many more friends from around the
From there, some of the Australian and New Zealand contingent
travelled to Cuba for the post tour instead Sam and Laura stayed in
Montreal for a few days and then travelled around the U.S. Now that
they are home, they have already started organising their trip to the 15th
World Moot in Iceland 2017.
The Australia/New Zealand contingent
Upcoming Events
These are important dates for the Burleigh Heads Scout Group. For dates specific to your section, refer to the
information provided by your section leaders.
Boardriders BBQ
Sat/Sun Jan 11/12
Group Leader
Roland Franz
0450 656 093
Assistant GL
Anthony Watt
0420 980 256
Jeff Butterworth
0411 116 380
Rose Way
0414 166 471